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NSA Affirmative - DDI 2015 ST (Aditi Srinivasan's Conflicted Copy 2015-09-30)

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NSA Afrmative NSA Afrmative................... ........................................................................................................ 1 1AC – NSA 702 Reorm.................................................................................................................... 3 1AC – Inherency....................................................................................................................... 4 Privacy......................................................................................................................................... 6 conomy............... ..................................................................................................................... 11 Internet !r ee"om....................................................................................................................... 16 1AC – P#an.............................................................................................................................. 20 So#vency.................................................................................................................................... 21 2AC – $n Ca%e............................................................................................................................... 2& Privacy A"vanta'e (ten%ion%................................................................................................... 26 Privacy i% a )ate*ay Ri'ht..................................................................................................... 2+ An%*er% to Sec,rity Come% !ir%t ................... ........................................................................ 2- Privacy i% ey to A,tonomy.................................................................................................... 31 S,rvei##ance /e%troy% ierty ................................................................................................ 32 conomy A"vanta'e (ten%ion%................................................................................................ 34 NSA S yin' ca,%e% /ata oca#iation..................................................................................... 37 An%*er% to /ec#ine /oe%nt Ca,%e 5ar.................................................................................. 3+ An%*er% to Cyer%ec,rity Sector ,rn.................................................................................... 3- An%*er% to S A !r ee"om Act So#ve%...................................................................................... 40 S,rvei##ance ca,%e% a Chi##in' 8ect .....................................................................................41 !ear 9a'ni:e% Privacy o%%.................................................................................................... 42 An%*er% to 9a%% S,rvei##ance So#ve% /i%crimination ............................................................43 An%*er to ;Nothin' to <i"e=..................................................................................................44 An%*er% to ;Po%ner – >a#ancin' )oo"=.................................... ............................................... 4& An%*er% to ;cororate rivacy vio#ation% are *or%e = ?1@3...................................................46 An%*er to Privacy Inva%ion% Inevita#e................................................................................... 4+ Internet !ree"om A"vanta'e (ten%ion% ................................................................................... 4- An%*er% to Internet !ree"om i% ao,t Pro:t%......................................................................... &1 An%*er% to Internet !ree"om /oe%nt So#ve .......................................................................... &2 An%*er% to /emocracy "oe%nt %o#ve *ar..............................................................................&3 An%*er% to S not mo"e##e" ................................................................................................... &4 So#vency.................................................................................................................................... && P#an So#ve% PRIS9.................................................................................................................. &7 An%*er% to /ome%tic a#one "oe%nt %o#ve..............................................................................&+ An%*er% to /ome%tic Co##ection i% S ma## ............................................................................... 61 1

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AfrmativeNSA Afrmative........................................................................................................................... 1

1AC – NSA 702 Reorm.................................................................................................................... 31AC – Inherency....................................................................................................................... 4

Privacy......................................................................................................................................... 6

conomy.................................................................................................................................... 11

Internet !ree"om....................................................................................................................... 16

1AC – P#an.............................................................................................................................. 20

So#vency.................................................................................................................................... 21

2AC – $n Ca%e............................................................................................................................... 2&

Privacy A"vanta'e (ten%ion%...................................................................................................26

Privacy i% a )ate*ay Ri'ht..................................................................................................... 2+An%*er% to Sec,rity Come% !ir%t ........................................................................................... 2-

Privacy i% ey to A,tonomy.................................................................................................... 31

S,rvei##ance /e%troy% ierty ................................................................................................ 32

conomy A"vanta'e (ten%ion%................................................................................................34

NSA Syin' ca,%e% /ata oca#iation.....................................................................................37

An%*er% to /ec#ine /oe%nt Ca,%e 5ar..................................................................................3+

An%*er% to Cyer%ec,rity Sector ,rn.................................................................................... 3-

An%*er% to SA !ree"om Act So#ve%...................................................................................... 40

S,rvei##ance ca,%e% a Chi##in' 8ect .....................................................................................41

!ear 9a'ni:e% Privacy o%%....................................................................................................42

An%*er% to 9a%% S,rvei##ance So#ve% /i%crimination ............................................................43

An%*er to ;Nothin' to <i"e=..................................................................................................44

An%*er% to ;Po%ner – >a#ancin' )oo"=...................................................................................4&

An%*er% to ;cororate rivacy vio#ation% are *or%e = [email protected]

An%*er to Privacy Inva%ion% Inevita#e...................................................................................4+

Internet !ree"om A"vanta'e (ten%ion%................................................................................... 4-

An%*er% to Internet !ree"om i% ao,t Pro:t%.........................................................................&1An%*er% to Internet !ree"om /oe%nt So#ve ..........................................................................&2

An%*er% to /emocracy "oe%nt %o#ve *ar..............................................................................&3

An%*er% to S not mo"e##e"...................................................................................................&4

So#vency.................................................................................................................................... &&

P#an So#ve% PRIS9.................................................................................................................. &7

An%*er% to /ome%tic a#one "oe%nt %o#ve..............................................................................&+

An%*er% to /ome%tic Co##ection i% Sma## ...............................................................................61


8/18/2019 NSA Affirmative - DDI 2015 ST (Aditi Srinivasan's Conflicted Copy 2015-09-30)

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An%*er% to SA !ree"om Act So#ve% .....................................................................................63

An%*er% to Circ,mvention...................................................................................................... 6&

2AC – $8 Ca%e............................................................................................................................... 67

 oica#ity.................................................................................................................................... 6+

NSA Can e /ome%tic.............................................................................................................70

An%*er% to – oica#ity /ome%tic............................................................................................71

2AC – error /A.......................................................................................................................... 729a%% S,rvei##ance !ai#% – errori%m......................................................................................... 77

An%*er toB *o,#" have %o#ve" -@11........................................................................................ 7+

9a%% S,rvei##ance create% !a#%e o%itive%..............................................................................7-

2AC – $ther $8ca%e...................................................................................................................+0

2AC An%*er to the Co,rt% Co,nter#an..................................................................................+2

An%*er% to Po#itic% – P#an i% o,#ar.......................................................................................+3

An%*er% to #ection% – P#an i% o,#ar....................................................................................+4


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1AC – NSA 702 Reorm


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1AC – Inherency

The recent USA Freedom Act, did not reorm the NSA! the ma!!co""ection o dome!tic comm#nication #nder Section 702 o the FISAAmendment! Act$

%oitein 1&, #iaeth CoD/irector o the >rennan Center or E,%tice% ierty an" Nationa# Sec,rity Pro'ram6D&D201& F5ho rea##y *in% rom NSA reormGF 9SN>C httB@@***.m%nc.com@m%nc@ree"omDactD*hoDrea##yD*in%Dn%aDreorm

 he SA !ree"om Act *i## en" the ,# co##ection o hone meta"ata an" rohiit %imi#ar ro'ram% orany tye o ,%ine%% recor"% ,n"er orei'n inte##i'ence co##ection a,thoritie%. !or hone recor"% the'overnment may otain meta"ata on an on'oin' a%i% on#y or %,%ecte" terrori%t% an" tho%e in contact *ith them. !or other tye% orecor"% the 'overnment m,%t tie it% reH,e%t or recor"% to a ;%eci:c %e#ection term= %,ch a% a er%on a""re%% or acco,nt. )iventhe %,r'e in %,rvei##ance %ince -@11 the SA !ree"om Act% imo%ition o con%traint% on co##ection i% hi%toric. In"ee" the SA!ree"om Act i% the mo%t %i'ni:cant #imitation on orei'n inte##i'ence %,rvei##ance %ince the 1-70%. I aith,##y im#emente" – a critica#

caveat to e %,re – the #a* *i## meanin',##y c,rtai# the overroa" co##ection o ,%ine%% recor"%. ven ,n"e r SA !ree"om

ho*ever the 'overnment i% %ti##  a#e to ,##%J in a 'reat "ea# o inormation ao,t innocentAmerican%. Nee"#e%% to %ay not everyone in contact *ith a %,%ecte" terrori%t i% ',i#ty o a crimeK even terrori%t% ca## or ia"e#ivery. Inte##i'ence ofcia#% a#%o may nee" to otain recor"% – #ie Li'ht manie%t% – that inc#,"e inormation ao,t m,#ti#e eo#emo%t o *hom have nothin' to "o *ith terrori%m. Some o thi% ;overco##ection= may e inevita#e ,t it% e8ect% co,#" e miti'ate".!or in%tance a'encie% co,#" e 'iven a %hort erio" o time to i"entiy inormation re#evant to act,a# %,%ect% ater *hich they *o,#"have to "e%troy any remainin' inormation. SA !ree"om ai#% to imo%e %,ch #imit%. 9ore ,n"amenta##y ,# co##ection o ,%ine%%

recor"% i% on#y one o the many inte##i'ence activitie% that aan"one" the in"ivi",a#ie" %,%icion aroach ater -@11. nti# a e*year% a'o i the NSA actin' *ithin the nite" State% *i%he" to otain comm,nication% et*eenAmerican% an" orei'ner% it ha" to convince the !ISA Co,rt that the in"ivi",a# tar'et *a% aorei'n o*er or it% a'ent. o"ay ,n"er Section 702 o the !ISA Amen"ment% Act the NSA maytar'et any orei'ner over%ea% an" co##ect hi% or her comm,nication% *ith American% *itho,totainin' any in"ivi",a#ie" co,rt or"er . n"er (ec,tive $r"er 12333 *hich 'overn% the NSA% activitie% *hen it

con",ct% %,rvei##ance over%ea% the %tan"ar"% are even more #a(. he re%,# t i% ma%% %,rvei##ance ro'ram% thatmae the hone meta"ata ro'ram %eem "ainty in comari%on. ven tho,'h the%e ro'ram% arenomina##y tar'et e" at orei'ner% they ;inci"enta##y= %*ee in ma%%ive amo,nt% o American%"ata inc#,"in' the content o ca##% eDmai#% te(t me%%a'e% an" vi"eo chat%. imit% on eein' an" ,%in'

%,ch inormation are *ea an" ri""#e" *ith e(cetion%. 9oreover orei'n tar'et% are not #imite" to %,%ecte"terrori%t% or even a'ent% o orei'n o*er%. A% the $ama a"mini%tration recent#y acno*#e"'e"orei'ner% have rivacy ri'ht% too an" the ai#ity to eave%"ro on any orei'ner over%ea% i% an in"een%i#e vio#ation otho%e ri'ht%. Inte##i'ence ofcia#% a#mo%t certain#y %,orte" SA !ree"om eca,%e they hoe" it *o,#" re#ieve the o%tDSno*"enre%%,re or reorm. heir #ie#y #on'Dterm 'oa# i% to avoi" chan'e% to Section 702 (ec,tive $r"er 12333 an" the many other

a,thoritie% that ermit inte##i'ence co##ection *itho,t any in"ivi",a#ie" %ho*in' o *ron'"oin'. Privacy a"vocate% *ho%,orte" SA !ree"om "i" %o eca,%e they %a* it a% the :r%t %irmi%h in a #on' att#e to rein in%,rvei##ance a,thoritie%. heir eye i% on the rieB a ret,rn to the rinci#e o in"ivi",a#ie"%,%icion a% the a%i% or %,rvei##ance. I inte##i'ence ofcia#% are correct in their ca#c,#,% SA !ree"om may rove toe a Pyrrhic victory. >,t i the #a* c#ear% the *ay or ,rther reorm% acro%% the ,## ran'e o %,rvei##ance ro'ram% hi%tory *i##

vin"icate the rivacy a"vocate% *ho %,orte" it. he an%*er to *hat SA !ree"om mean% or o,r #iertie%

#ie% not in the te(t o the #a* ,t in the ,n*ritten %tory o *hat haen% ne(t.

And, the NSA ha! ma!!ive"y e'(anded it! !#rvei""ance !ince 200),American internet comm#nication have *een interce(ted *y NSA!#rvei""ance o(eration! ar more oten than the intended !#rvei""ancetar+et!$

%e""man, 201>arton )e##man 5a%hin'ton Po%t nationa# %ta8. Contri,te" to three P,#iter Prie% or he5a%hin'ton Po%t 7D&D2014 FIn NSADintercete" "ata tho%e not tar'ete" ar o,tn,mer theorei'ner% *ho areF 5a%hin'ton Po%t htt%B@@***.*a%hin'tono%t.com@*or#"@nationa#D


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$r"inary Internet ,%er% American an" nonDAmerican a#ie ar o,tn,mer #e'a##y tar'ete"orei'ner% in the comm,nication% intercete" y the Nationa# Sec,rity A'ency rom .S. "i'ita#net*or% accor"in' to a o,rDmonth inve%ti'ation y he 5a%hin'ton Po%t. Nine o 10 acco,nt ho#"er% o,n" in a #ar'ecache o intercete" conver%ation% *hich ormer NSA contractor "*ar" Sno*"en rovi"e" in ,## to he Po%t *ere not theinten"e" %,rvei##ance tar'et% ,t *ere ca,'ht in a net the a'ency ha" ca%t or %omeo"y e#%e.9any o them *ere American%. Near#y ha# o the %,rvei##ance :#e% a %triin'#y hi'h roortion containe"name% eDmai# a""re%%e% or other "etai#% that the NSA mare" a% e#on'in' to .S. citien% orre%i"ent%. NSA ana#y%t% ma%e" or ;minimie"= more than 6&000 %,ch reerence% to rotect American% rivacy ,t he Po%t o,n" near#y -00

a""itiona# eDmai# a""re%%e% ,nma%e" in the :#e% that co,#" e %tron'#y #ine" to .S. citien% or .S.re%i"ent%. he %,rvei##ance :#e%hi'h#i'ht a o#icy "i#emma that ha% een aire" on#y a%tract#y in ,#ic. here are "i%coverie% ocon%i"era#e inte##i'ence va#,e in the intercete" me%%a'e% M an" co##atera# harm to rivacy on a %ca#e thatthe $ama a"mini%tration ha% not een *i##in' to a""re%%. Amon' the mo%t va#,a#e content% M *hich he Po%t *i##not "e%crie in "etai# to avoi" intererin' *ith on'oin' oeration% M are re%h reve#ation% ao,t a %ecret over%ea% n,c#ear roect "o,#eD"ea#in' y ano%ten%i#e a##y a mi#itary ca#amity that ee## an ,nrien"#y o*er an" the i"entitie% o a''re%%ive intr,"er% into .S. com,ter net*or%. 9onth% otracin' comm,nication% acro%% more than &0 a#ia% acco,nt% the :#e% %ho* #e" "irect#y to the 2011 cat,re in Aottaa" o 9,hamma" ahirShaha" a Pai%tanDa%e" om ,i#"er an" mar Pate a %,%ect in a 2002 terrori%t omin' on the In"one%ian i%#an" o >a#i. At the reH,e%t o CIA

ofcia#% he Po%t i% *ithho#"in' other e(am#e% that ofcia#% %ai" *o,#" comromi%e on'oin' oeration%. 9any other :#e% "e%crie" a%,%e#e%% y the ana#y%t% ,t nonethe#e%% retaine" have a %tart#in'#y intimate even voye,ri%ticH,a#ity. hey te## %torie% o #ove an" heartrea i##icit %e(,a# #iai%on% menta#Dhea#th cri%e% o#itica# an" re#i'io,% conver%ion% :nancia# an(ietie% an"

"i%aointe" hoe%. he "ai#y #ive% o more than 10000 acco,nt ho#"er% *ho *ere not tar'ete" are cata#o',e" an" recor"e" neverthe#e%%. In or"er toa##o* time or ana#y%i% an" o,t%i"e reortin' neither Sno*"en nor he Po%t ha% "i%c#o%e" ,nti# no* that he otaine" an" %hare" the content o

intercete" comm,nication%. he cache Sno*"en rovi"e" came rom "ome%tic NSA oeration% ,n"er theroa" a,thority 'rante" y Con're%% in 200+ *ith amen"ment% to the !orei'n Inte##i'enceS,rvei##ance Act. !ISA content i% 'enera##y %tore" in c#o%e#y contro##e" "ata reo%itorie% an" or more than a year %enior 'overnment ofcia#%have "eicte" it a% eyon" Sno*"en% reach.he Po%t revie*e" ro,'h#y 160000 intercete" eDmai# an" in%tantDme%%a'e conver%ation% %ome o themh,n"re"% o a'e% #on' an" 7-00 "oc,ment% taen rom more than 11000 on#ine acco,nt%. he materia# %an% Pre%i"ent $ama% :r%t term rom

200- to 2012 a erio" o e(onentia# 'ro*th or the NSA% "ome%tic co##ection. aen to'ether the :#e% o8er an ,nrece"ente"vanta'e oint on the chan'e% *ro,'ht y Section 702 o the !ISA amen"ment% *hich ena#e"the NSA to mae reer ,%e o metho"% that or 30 year% ha" reH,ire" roa#e ca,%e an" a*arrant rom a ,"'e. $ne ro'ram co"eDname" PRIS9 e(tract% content %tore" in ,%er acco,nt%  

at Oahoo 9icro%ot !aceoo )oo'#e an" :ve other #ea"in' Internet comanie% . Another no*n in%i"e the NSA a% %treamintercet% "ata on the move a% it cro%%e% the .S. ,nction% o '#oa# voice an" "ata net*or% . No

'overnment over%i'ht o"y inc#,"in' the E,%tice /eartment the !orei'n Inte##i'ence S,rvei##ance Co,rt inte##i'ence committee% inCon're%% or the re%i"ent% Privacy an" Civi# iertie% $ver%i'ht >oar" ha% "e#ve" into a comara#y #ar'e %am#e o *hatthe NSA act,a##y co##ect% M not on#y rom it% tar'et% ,t a#%o rom eo#e *ho may cro%% atar'et% ath.


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1AC – -"an

-"an. The United State! edera" +overnment !ho#"d "imit the !co(e o it!dome!tic !#rvei""ance #nder Section 702 o the Forei+n Inte""i+ence

S#rvei""ance Act to comm#nication! /ho!e !ender or reci(ient i! a va"idinte""i+ence tar+et and /ho!e tar+et! (o!e a tan+i*"e threat to nationa"!ec#rity$


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1AC – -rivacy Ri+ht!

Advanta+e ne i! -rivacy

Fir!t, !#rvei""ance #nder Section 702 i! a !#*!tantia" inva!ive o (rivacy*eca#!e o the *road tar+ettin+ +#ide"ine! in the FISA Amendment! Act$

a(err##e, 201 Eae Center or /emocracy an" ehcno#o'y !e##o* on Privacy S,rvei##ance an" Sec,rity.Previo,%#y %erve" a% a #a* c#er or Senator A# !ranen on the S,committee on Privacy

 echno#o'y an" the a* an" a% a o#icy e##o* or Senator Roert 9enen"e. F5hy Avera'eInternet %er% Sho,#" /eman" Si'ni:cant Section 702 ReormF Center !or /emocracy amK

 echno#o'y. 7D22D2014 htt%B@@c"t.or'@#o'@*hyDavera'eDinternetD,%er%D%ho,#"D"eman"D%i'ni:cantD%ectionD702Dreorm@

Section 702 S,rvei##ance I% !,n"amenta##y 9ore Inva%ive5hi#e inci"enta# co##ection o the comm,nication% o a er%on *ho comm,nicate% *ith a tar'et i% an inevita#e eat,re ocomm,nication% %,rvei##ance it i% to#erate" *hen the rea%on or the %,rvei##ance i% come##in' an" a"eH,ate roce",ra# chec% are in

#ace. In other in%tance% o comm,nication% %,rvei##ance con",cte" in the S %,rvei##ancereH,ire% co,rt arova#  o a tar'et an" that tar'et m,%t e a %,%ecte" *ron'"oer or %y aterrori%t or another a'ent o a orei'n o*er . Section 702 reH,ire% neither o the%e e#ement%.n"er Section 702 tar'etin' can occ,r or the ,ro%e o co##ectin' orei'n inte##i'enceinormation even tho,'h there i% no co,rt revie* o any artic,#ar tar'et . In%tea" the %,er %ecret !ISAco,rt mere#y "etermine% *hether the ',i"e#ine% ,n"er *hich the %,rvei##ance i% con",cte" are rea%ona#y "e%i'ne" to re%,#t in the

tar'etin' o nonDAmerican% aroa" an" that ;minimiation ',i"e#ine%= are rea%ona#e.  hi% mean% inci"enta#%,rvei##ance may occ,r ,re#y eca,%e %omeone comm,nicate" *ith an in"ivi",a# en'a'e" inactivitie% that may have roa"#y "e:ne" ;orei'n inte##i'ence= va#,e. !or e(am#e thecomm,nication% o %omeone *ho comm,nicate% *ith a er%on aroa" *ho%e activitie% mi'htre#ate to the con",ct o .S. orei'n a8air% can e co##ecte" a%ent any in"een"ent a%%e%%mento nece%%ity or acc,racy.A% another e(am#e ,n"er tra"itiona# !ISA – or inte##i'ence %,rvei##ance in the .S. o eo#e in the .S. – yo,r comm,nication%

co,#" e inci"enta##y co##ecte" on#y i yo, *ere in "irect contact *ith a %,%ecte" a'ent o a orei'n o*er an" a""itiona##y i the!orei'n Inte##i'ence S,rvei##ance Co,rt ha" afrme" thi% %,%icion a%e" on roa#e ca,%e. n"er Section 702 yo,rer%ona# inormation co,#" e %cooe" , y the NSA %im#y eca,%e yo,r attorney "octor#over or acco,ntant *a% a er%on aroa" *ho en'a'e" in eace,# o#itica# activity %,ch a%rote%tin' a )+ %,mmit.

And, indi!criminate /ide3!ca"e NSA S#rvei""ance erode! (rivacy ri+ht!and vio"ate! the con!tit#tion

Sinha, 201). A#e( Sinha i% an Aryeh Neier e##o* *ith the S Pro'ram at <,man Ri'ht% 5atch an" the

<,man Ri'ht% Pro'ram at the American Civi# iertie% nion E,#y 2014 ;5ith ierty to 9onitorA## <o* ar'eDSca#e S S,rvei##ance i% <armin' Eo,rna#i%m a* an" American /emocracy=<,man Ri'ht% 5atch httB@@***.hr*.or'@no"e@127364

 he nite" State% 'overnment to"ay i% im#ementin' a *i"e variety o %,rvei##ance ro'ram% that than% to "eve#oment% in it% techno#o'ica# caacity a##o* it to %coo , er%ona# inormation an" the contento er%ona# comm,nication% on an ,nrece"ente" %ca#e . 9e"ia reort% a%e" on reve#ation% y 

ormer Nationa# Sec,rity A'ency NSAJ contractor "*ar" Sno*"en have recent#y %he" #i'ht on many o the%ero'ram%. hey have revea#e" or e(am#e that the S co##ect% va%t H,antitie% o inormationMno*n a% ;meta"ata=Mao,t

hone ca##% ma"e to rom an" *ithin the S. It a#%o ro,tine#y co##ect% the content o internationa# chat%emai#% an" voice ca##%. It ha% en'a'e" in the #ar'eD%ca#e co##ection o ma%%ive amo,nt% o ce## hone #ocation "ata. Reort%have a#%o revea#e" a %inceD"i%contin,e" e8ort to trac internet ,%a'e an" emai# attern% in the SK the comrehen%ive intercetion o


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a## o hone ca##% ma"e *ithin into an" o,t o A'hani%tan an" the >ahama%K the "ai#y co##ection o mi##ion% o ima'e% %o the NSA canr,n acia# reco'nition ro'ram%K the acH,i%ition o h,n"re"% o mi##ion% o emai# an" chat contact #i%t% aro,n" the *or#"K an" the

NSA% "e#ierate *eaenin' o '#oa# encrytion %tan"ar"%. In re%on%e to ,#ic concern over the ro'ram%intr,%ion on the rivacy o mi##ion% o eo#e in the S an" aro,n" the *or#" the S 'overnment ha% attime% acno*#e"'e" the nee" or reorm. <o*ever it ha% taen e* meanin',# %te% in that"irection. $n the contrary the SMartic,#ar#y the inte##i'ence comm,nityMha% orce,##y "een"e" the %,rvei##ance ro'ram% a%e%%entia# to rotectin' S nationa# %ec,rity. In a *or#" o con%tant#y %hitin' '#oa# threat% ofcia#% ar',e that the S %im#y cannotno* in a"vance *hich '#oa# comm,nication% may e re#evant to it% inte##i'ence activitie% an" that a% a re%,#t it nee"% thea,thority to co##ect an" monitor a roa" %*ath o comm,nication%. In o,r intervie*% *ith them S ofcia#% ar',e" that the ro'ram%are e8ective #,''in' oerationa# 'a% that ,%e" to e(i%t an" rovi"in' the S *ith va#,a#e inte##i'ence. hey a#%o in%i%te" thero'ram% are #a*,# an" %,ect to ri'oro,% an" m,#tiD#ayere" over%i'ht a% *e## a% r,#e% ao,t ho* the inormation otaine" thro,'hthem i% ,%e". he 'overnment ha% emha%ie" that it "oe% not ,%e the inormation '#eane" rom the%e ro'ram% or i##e'itimate

,ro%e% %,ch a% er%ec,tin' o#itica# oonent%. he H,e%tion% rai%e" y %,rvei##ance are com#e(. he'overnment ha% an o#i'ation to rotect nationa# %ec,rity an" in %ome ca%e% it i% #e'itimate or'overnment to re%trict certain ri'ht% to that en". At the %ame time internationa# h,man ri'ht% an"

con%tit,tiona# #a* %et #imit% on the %tate% a,thority to en'a'e in activitie% #ie %,rvei##ance*hich have the otentia# to ,n"ermine %o many other ri'ht% . he c,rrent #ar'eD%ca#e otenin"i%criminate S aroach to %,rvei##ance carrie% enormo,% co%t%. It ero"e% '#oa# "i'ita#rivacy an" %et% a terri#e e(am#e or other co,ntrie% #ie In"ia Pai%tan thioia an" other%that are in the roce%% o e(an"in' their %,rvei##ance caai#itie%. It a#%o "ama'e% S cre"ii#ity in a"vocatin' internationa##y or

internet ree"om *hich the S ha% #i%te" a% an imortant orei'n o#icy oective %ince at #ea%t 2010.A% thi% reort "oc,ment% S%,rvei##ance ro'ram% are a#%o "oin' "ama'e to %ome o the va#,e% the nite" State% c#aim% toho#" mo%t "ear. he%e inc#,"e ree"om% o e(re%%ion an" a%%ociation re%% ree"om an" the

ri'ht to co,n%e# *hich are a## rotecte" y oth internationa# h,man ri'ht% #a* an" the SCon%tit,tion.

And, the!e (rivacy vio"ation! are more dan+ero#! than any ri!4 oterrori!m, /hich i! ma+ni5ed *y the act that !#rvei""ance ai"! to(revent attac4!$

Schneier, 201>r,ce Schneier a e##o* at the >erman Center or Internet an" Society at <arvar" a* Schoo# aoar" memer o the #ectronic !rontier !o,n"ation an A"vi%ory >oar" 9emer o the #ectronicPrivacy Inormation Center an" the C$ at Re%i#ient Sy%tem% Inc.1D6D2014 F%%ay%B <o* theNSA hreaten% Nationa# Sec,rityF Schneier $n Sec,rityhtt%B@@***.%chneier.com@e%%ay%@archive%@2014@01@ho*QtheQn%aQthreaten.htm#

5e have no evi"ence that any o thi% %,rvei##ance mae% ,% %aer. NSA /irector )enera# eith A#e(an"erre%on"e" to the%e %torie% in E,ne y c#aimin' that he "i%r,te" &4 terrori%t #ot%. In $ctoer he revi%e" that n,mer "o*n*ar" to

13 an" then to Fone or t*o.F At thi% oint the on#y F#otF revente" *a% that o a San /ie'o man%en"in' +&00 to %,ort a Soma#i mi#itant 'ro,. 5e have een reeate"#y to#" that the%e %,rvei##ance

ro'ram% *o,#" have een a#e to %to -@11 yet the NSA "i"nTt "etect the >o%ton omin'%Meven tho,'h one o

the t*o terrori%t% *a% on the *atch #i%t an" the other ha" a %#oy %ocia# me"ia trai#. >,# co##ection o "ata an" meta"ata i%an ine8ective co,nterterrori%m too#. Not on#y i% ,iH,ito,% %,rvei##ance ine8ective it i%

e(traor"inari#y co%t#y. I "onTt mean ,%t the ,"'et% *hich *i## contin,e to %yrocet. $r the "i#omatic co%t% a% co,ntry ater

co,ntry #earn% o o,r %,rvei##ance ro'ram% a'ain%t their citien%. ITm a#%o ta#in' ao,t the co%t to o,r %ociety. It rea% %om,ch o *hat o,r %ociety ha% ,i#t. It rea% o,r o#itica# %y%tem% a% Con're%% i% ,na#e to rovi"e anymeanin',# over%i'ht an" citien% are et in the "ar ao,t *hat 'overnment "oe%. It rea% o,r #e'a# %y%tem% a% #a*% are i'nore"

or reinterrete" an" eo#e are ,na#e to cha##en'e 'overnment action% in co,rt . It rea% o,r commercia#%y%tem% a% .S. com,ter ro",ct% an" %ervice% are no #on'er tr,%te" *or#"*i"e. It rea% o,r technica# %y%tem% a% the very

rotoco#% o the Internet ecome ,ntr,%te". An" it rea% o,r %ocia# %y%tem%K the #o%% o rivacy ree"oman" #ierty i% m,ch more "ama'in' to o,r %ociety than the occa%iona# act o ran"om vio#ence. An"

:na##y the%e %y%tem% are %,%ceti#e to a,%e.  hi% i% not ,%t a hyothetica# ro#em. Recent hi%tory i##,%trate% manyei%o"e% *here thi% inormation *a% or *o,#" have een a,%e"B <oover an" hi% !>I %yin' 9cCarthy 9artin ,ther in' Er. an"the civi# ri'ht% movement antiD*ar Uietnam rote%ter% an"Mmore recent#yMthe $cc,y movement. $,t%i"e the .S. there are even


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more e(treme e(am#e%. >,i#"in' the %,rvei##ance %tate mae% it too ea%y or eo#e an" or'aniation%to %#i over the #ine into a,%e .

The Fir!t im(act i! the "o!! o (er!ona" a#tonomy and a+ency$ -rivacy i!a +ate/ay ri+ht, it ena*"e! a"" o o#r other reedom!$

-o6em(ne 201, /inah )enera# Co,n%e# at <,man Ri'ht% 5atch ;he Ri'ht 5ho%e ime <a% Come A'ainJBPrivacy in the A'e o S,rvei##ance= 1@21@14 httB@@***.hr*.or'@*or#"Dreort@2014@e%%ay%@rivacyDinDa'eDoD%,rvei##ance

 echno#o'y ha% inva"e" the %acre" recinct% o rivate #ie an" ,n*arrante" e(o%,re ha%imeri#e" o,r %ec,rity "i'nity an" mo%t a%ic va#,e%. he #a* m,%t ri%e to the occa%ion an"rotect o,r ri'ht%.  /oe% thi% %o,n" ami#iarG So ar',e" Sam,e# 5arren an" o,i% >ran"ei% in their 1+-0<arvar" a* Revie* artic#e anno,ncin' ;he Ri'ht to Privacy .= 5e are a'ain at %,ch a ,nct,re. he techno#o'ica# "eve#oment% they %a* a% menacin'Mhoto'rahy an" the ri%e o the ma%% circ,#ation re%%Maear ratherH,aint to ,% no*. >,t the harm% to emotiona# %ycho#o'ica# an" even hy%ica# %ec,rity rom ,n*ante" e(o%,re %eem ,%t a% vivi"

in o,r "i'ita# a'e.$,r rene*e" %en%e o v,#nerai#ity come% a% a#mo%t a## a%ect% o "ai#y %ocia# #iemi'rate on#ine. At the %ame time cororation% an" 'overnment% have acH,ire" ri'htenin' ai#itie% to ama%% an" %earch the%e

en"#e%% "i'ita# recor"% 'ivin' them the o*er to ;no*= ,% in e(traor"inary "etai#.In a *or#" *here *e %hare o,r #ive% on %ocia# me"ia  an" tra"e immen%e amo,nt% o er%ona# inormation or the

ea%e an" convenience o on#ine #ivin' %ome have H,e%tione" *hether rivacy i% a re#evant concet. It i%not ,%t re#evant ,t cr,cia# .In"ee" rivacy i% a 'ate*ay ri'ht that a8ect% o,r ai#ity to e(erci%e a#mo%t every other ri'ht not#ea%t o,r ree"om to %ea an" a%%ociate *ith tho%e *e choo%e mae o#itica# choice% racticeo,r re#i'io,% e#ie% %ee me"ica# he# acce%% e",cation :',re o,t *hom *e #ove an" createo,r ami#y #ie.  It i% nothin' #e%% than the %he#ter in *hich *e *or o,t *hat *e thin an" *ho *eareK a ,#cr,m o o,r a,tonomy a% in"ivi",a#% .

 he imortance o rivacy a ri'ht *e oten tae or 'rante" *a% thro*n into %har re#ie  in 2013 y the %tea"y

%tream o reve#ation% rom nite" State% 'overnment :#e% re#ea%e" y ormer Nationa# Sec,rity A'ency NSAJ contractor

"*ar" Sno*"en an" ,#i%he" in the ),ar"ian an" other maor ne*%aer% aro,n" the *or#". he%e reve#ation%

%,orte" y hi'h#y c#a%%i:e" "oc,ment% %ho*e" the S  the an" other 'overnment% en'a'e" in '#oa#in"i%criminate "ata intercetion #ar'e#y ,nchece" y any meanin',# #e'a# con%traint orover%i'ht *itho,t re'ar" or the ri'ht% o mi##ion% o eo#e *ho *ere not %,%ecte" o*ron'"oin'.

The Second im(act i! Tota"itariani!m, the "o!! o a#tonomy d#e to!#rvei""ance ena*"e! t#rn4ey tota"itariani!m,8 de!troyin+ democracy$

9a++erty, 201&evin /. Proe%%or o Crimino#o'y an" Socio#o'y at the niver%ity o A#erta ;5hat% 5ron' *ithPrivacy Protection%G= in A 5or#" 5itho,t PrivacyB 5hat a* Can an" Sho,#" /oG "ite" y A,%tinSarat . 230

Sti## other% *i## %ay I am ein' a#armi%t. 9y emha%i% on the threat o a,thoritarian orm% o  r,#e inherent ino,#ation% oen to "etai#e" in%tit,tiona# %cr,tiny *i## e ortraye" a% over#o*n an" over "ramatic %,''e%tin' I

veer to*ar"% the #,natic rin'e o ,nhin'e" con%iracy theori%t%.66 >,t one "oe% not have to e#ieve %ecret orce%are oeratin' ehin" the %cene% to reco'nie that o,r "ec#inin' rivate rea#m re%ent% a#armin'"an'er%. Someone a% con%ervative an" "ee#y eme""e" in the %ec,rity e%ta#i%hment a% 5i##iam >inney – a ormerNSA %enior e(ec,tive – %ay% the %ec,rity %,rvei##ance inra%tr,ct,re he he#e" ,i#" no* ,t% ,%on the ver'e o ;t,rney tota#itariani%m.=67 he contemorary e(an%ion o %,rvei##ance *here


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monitorin' ecome% an everDmore ro,tine art o o,r #ive% rere%ent% a tremen"o,% %hit in the a#ance o o*eret*een citien% an" or'aniation%. Perha% the 'reate%t "an'er o thi% %it,ation i% ho* o,r e(i%tin'

%,rvei##ance ractice% can e t,rne" to ore%%ive ,%e% . !rom thi% oint or*ar" o,r e(an"in'%,rvei##ance inra%tr,ct,re %tan"% a% a re%o,rce to e inherite" y ,t,re 'eneration% o o#itician%

cororate actor% or even me%%ianic #ea"er%. )iven %,fcient o#itica# *i## thi% %,rvei##ance inra%tr,ct,re cane reD,ro%e" to monitor – in ,nara##e#e" "etai# – eo#e *ho %ome mi'ht %ee a% ,n"e%ira#e ",e to theiro#itica# oinion% re#i'ion %in co#or 'en"er irth#ace hy%ica# ai#itie% me"ica# hi%tory orany n,mer o  an a#mo%t #imit#e%% #i%t o actor% ,%e" to it eo#e a'ain%t one another. he t*entiethcent,ry rovi"e% notorio,% e(am#e% o %,ch rere%%ive ,%e% o %,rvei##ance . Cr,cia##y tho%etyrannica# %tate% e(erci%e" :neD'raine" o#itica# contro# y re#yin' on %,rvei##ance inra%tr,ct,re%that to"ay %eem #a,'ha#y r,"imentary comri%e" a% they *ere o aer :#e% in"e( car"% an" e#ementary te#ehone

tain'.6+ It i% no more a#armi%t to acno*#e"'e %,ch ri%% are 'ermane to o,r o*n %ocietie% than it i% toreco'nie the ,t,re *i## %ee *ar% terrori%t attac% or environmenta# "i%a%ter% – event% that co,#"them%e#ve% romt %,rvei##ance %tr,ct,re% to e reDca#irate" to*ar"% more coercive en"%.   ho%e *hothin thi% ma%%ive %,rvei##ance inra%tr,ct,re *i##  not in the ,##ne%% o time e t,rne" to rere%%ive,ro%e% are either innocent a% to the rea#itie% o o*er or *hi%t#in' a%t a 'raveyar". >,t one "oe% not have to "*e#on the mo%t e(treme o%%ii#itie% to e ,nnerve" y ho* enhance" %,rvei##ance caai#itie% inve%t tremen"o,% o*er% in

or'aniation%. S,rvei##ance caacity 'ive% or'aniation% ,nrece"ente" ai#itie% to mani,#ateh,man ehavior% "e%ire% an" %,ectivitie% to*ar"% or'aniationa# en"% – en"% that are too oten

oc,%e" on ro:t er%ona# a''ran"iement an" in%tit,tiona# %e#Dintere%t rather than h,manetterment.

Freedom and di+nity are ethica""y (rior to !ec#rity$

Cohen, 201##iot /. Ph./. ethici%t an" o#itica# ana#y%t. <e i% the e"itor in chie o the Internationa# Eo,rna# o A#ie" Phi#o%ohy echno#o'y o $re%%ionB Pre%ervin' !ree"om an" /i'nity in an A'e o9a%% 5arrant#e%% S,rvei##ance.. /$IB 10.10&7@-7+113740+211.0011.

 he threat o%e" y ma%% *arrant#e%% %,rvei##ance techno#o'ie%Pre%ent#y %,ch a threat to h,man ree"om an" "i'nity #ie% in the techno#o'ica# ero%ion o h,manrivacy thro,'h the everDevo#vin' "eve#oment an" "e#oyment o a '#oa# 'overnment %y%temo ma%% *arrant#e%% %,rvei##ance. aen to it% #o'ica# conc#,%ion thi% i% a %y%tematic mean% o %yin' on

an" ,#timate#y mani,#atin' an" contro##in' virt,a##y every a%ect o everyo"yT% rivate #ieMathoro,'h'oin' '#oa# "i%%o#,tion o er%ona# %ace *hich i% %,o%e" to e #e'a##y rotecte". In %,ch a 'overnmenta#%tate o Ftota# or virt,a##y tota#J inormation a*arene%%F the otentia# or 'overnment contro# an"

mani,#ation o the eo#eT% "eee%t an" mo%t er%ona# e#ie% ee#in'% an" va#,e% can tran%orm into an$r*e##ian rea#ity Man" ni'htmare. A% *i## e "i%c,%%e" in Chater 6 the techno#o'y that ha% the otentia# to remove %,ch%cenario% rom the rea#m o %cience :ction to that o tr,e %cience i% c,rrent#y ein' "eve#oe". hi% i% not to "eny the #e'itimate

'overnment intere%t in Fnationa# %ec,rityFK ho*ever the e(cetiona# "i%r,tion o rivacy or #e'itimate %taterea%on% cannot an" %ho,#" not e mi%taen or a ,%,a# an" c,%tomary r,#e o ma%% inva%ion oeo#eT% rivate #ive% *itho,t their inorme" con%ent. >enamin !ran#in *i%e#y an" %,ccinct#ye(re%%e" the ointB Fho%e *ho %,rren"er ree"om or %ec,rity *i## not have nor "o they"e%erve either one.F In re#inH,i%hin' o,r rivacy to 'overnment *e a#%o #o%e the ree"om tocontro#  an" act on o,r er%ona# inormation *hich i% *hat "e:ne% ,% in"ivi",a##y an"

co##ective#y a% ree a'ent% an" a ree nation. In a *or#" "evoi" o ree"om to contro# *ho *e areroc#aimin' that *e are F%ec,reF i% an emty #atit,"e.


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1AC – :conomy Advanta+e

Advanta+e T/o i! the :conomy$

NSA !#rvei""ance ha! (#t the US ecomony and com(etive advanta+e atri!4 *eca#!e o "o!!e! in the techno"o+y !ector$ The USA reedom act

/ont !o"ve the (ro*"em$

;indoc4 201&C#ar 9in"oc D Reortin' !e##o* at Internationa# >,%ine%% ime% – Interna##y H,otin' heInormation echno#o'y an" Innovation !o,n"ation. II! i% a nonDarti%an re%earch an"e",cationa# in%tit,te – a thin tan ;NSA S,rvei##ance Co,#" Co%t >i##ion% !or S InternetComanie% Ater "*ar" Sno*"en Reve#ation%= D Internationa# >,%ine%% ime% D E,ne 10 201&httB@@***.itime%.com@n%aD%,rvei##anceDco,#"Dco%tDi##ion%D,%DinternetDcomanie%DaterDe"*ar"D%no*"enD1-&-737!ai#,re to reorm N ationa# S ec,rity A "mini%tration %yin' ro'ram% revea#e" y "*ar" Sno*"en co,#"e more economica##y ta(in' than revio,%#y tho,'ht %ay% a ne* %t,"y ,#i%he" y the Inormation echno#o'y

an" Innovation !o,n"ation ,e%"ay. he %t,"y %,''e%t% the ro'ram% co,#" e a8ectin' the techno#o'y

%ector a% a *ho#e not ,%t the c#o,"Dcom,tin' %ector an" that the co%t% co,#" %oar m,ch hi'herthan revio,%#y e(ecte".  ven mo"e%t "ec#ine% in c#o," com,tin' reven,e% rom the revea#e"

%,rvei##ance ro'ram% accor"in' to a revio,% reort *o,#" co%t et*een 21.& i##ion an" 3& i##ion y 2016. Ne*

e%timate% %ho* that the to## ;*i## #ie#y ar e(cee" II!% initia# 3& i##ion e%timate.= ;he .S. 'overnment% ai#,reto reorm many o the NSA% %,rvei##ance ro'ram% ha% "ama'e" the cometitivene%% o the .S.tech %ector an" co%t it a ortion o the '#oa# maret %hare= a %,mmary o the reort %ai". Reve#ation% y"een%e contractor Sno*"en in E,ne 2013 e(o%e" ma%%ive .S. 'overnment %,rvei##ance caai#itie% an" %ho*e" the NSA co##ecte"

American hone recor"% in ,# an" *itho,t a *arrant. he ,# honeDrecor" reve#ation% an" many other% in the %ame

vein inc#,"in' the reH,ire" com#acency o American te#ecom an" Internet comanie% in rovi"in' the "ata rai%e"H,e%tion% ao,t the tran%arency o American %,rvei##ance ro'ram% an" romte" o,tra'e rom

rivacy a"vocate%. he %t,"y ,#i%he" thi% *ee ar',e% that ,n#e%% the American 'overnment can vi'oro,%#yreorm ho* NSA %,rvei##ance i% re',#ate" an" over%een .S. comanie% *i## #o%e contract% an"

,#timate#y their cometitive e"'e in a '#oa# maret a% con%,mer% aro,n" the *or#" choo%ec#o," com,tin' an" techno#o'y otion% that "o not have otentia# tie% to American %,rvei##ancero'ram%. he reort come% ami" a "eate in Con're%% on *hat to "o *ith the Patriot Act the #a* that

rovi"e% m,ch o the a,thority or the %,rvei##ance ro'ram%. A% o E,ne 1 a,thority to co##ect American hone"ata en ma%%e e(ire" tho,'h H,e%tion% remain a% to *hether #ettin' that a,thority e(ire i% eno,'h torotect rivacy. S,orter% o the ro'ram% ar',e that they rovi"e the co,ntry *ith nece%%ary caai#itie% to :'ht terrori%m

aroa". A ,rther reorm ma"e the hone recor"% co##ection roce%% i##e'a# or the 'overnment an"in%tea" 'ave that re%on%ii#ity to the te#ecom comanie%.

Reorm i! nece!!ary to re+ain US "eader!hi( in the +"o*a" mar4et("ace$

Ca!tro and ;c#inn 201&Daniel Castro i% the Uice Pre%i"ent o the Inormation echno#o'y an" Innovation !o,n"ation an"/irector o the Center or /ata InnovationK Alan McQuinn i% a Re%earch A%%i%tant *ith heInormation echno#o'y an" Innovation !o,n"ation. Prior to oinin' II! he *a% ate#ecomm,nication% e##o* or Con're%%*oman Anna %hoo an <onorary CoDChair o II! 6@-@1&;>eyon" the SA !ree"om ActB <o* .S. S,rvei##ance Sti## S,vert% .S. Cometitivene%%=;Inormation echno#o'y Innovation !o,n"ation=httB@@***.iti.or'@,#ication%@201&@06@0-@eyon"D,%aDree"omDactDho*D,%D%,rvei##anceD%ti##D%,vert%D,%Dcometitivene%%


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5hen hi%torian% *rite ao,t thi% erio" in .S. hi%tory it co,#" very *e## e that one o the theme% *i## e ho*the nite" State% #o%t it% '#oa# tech no#o'y #ea"er%hi to other nation%. An" c#ear#y one o theactor% they *o,#" oint to i% the #on'D%tan"in' rivi#e'in' o .S. nationa# %ec,rity intere%t% over.S. in",%tria#  an" commercia# intere%t% *hen it come% to .S. orei'n o#icy. hi% ha% occ,rre" over the #a%t e* year%

a% the .S. 'overnment ha% "one re#ative#y #itt#e to a""re%% the ri%in' commercia# cha##en'e to .S. techno#o'y comanie% a## the *hi#e ,ttin' inte##i'ence 'atherin' :r%t an" oremo%t. In"ee" o#icy"eci%ion% y the .S. inte##i'ence comm,nity have revererate" thro,'ho,t the '#oa# economy . I the .S. tech in",%try i% to remain the #ea"er in the '#oa# maret#ace then the .S.'overnment *i## nee" to %et a ne* co,r%e that a#ance % economic intere%t% *ith nationa#%ec,rity intere%t%.  he co%t o inaction i% not on#y %hortDterm economic #o%%e% or .S. comanie%,t a *ave o rotectioni%t o#icie% that *i##  %y%tematica##y *eaen .S. tech no#o'ycometivene%% in year% to come *ith imact% on economic 'ro*th o% tra"e a#ance an" nationa#%ec,rity thro,'h a *eaene" in",%tria# a%e. $n#y y tain' "eci%ive %te% to reorm it% "i'ita#%,rvei##ance activitie% the .S. 'overnment *i## ena#e it% tech in",%try to e8ective#y comete inthe '#oa# maret.

The US i! the drivin+ orce *ehind +"o*a" economic recovery

:conomi!t 201&;American %hoer= 2D14 httB@@***.economi%t.com@ne*%@#ea"er%@216431++D*or#"DonceDa'ainDre#yin'DtooDm,chDamericanDcon%,mer%Do*erD'ro*thDamericanD%hoer

A )#oa# economy r,nnin' on a %in'#e en'ine i% etter than one that nee"% ,m #ea"%. heAmerican economy i% motorin' a'ain to the re#ie o e(orter% rom <am,r' to <an'ho,. !irm%a""e" more than 1m net ne* o% in the a%t three month% the e%t %ho*in' %ince 1--7 %ee artic#eJ. >,oye" , y chea etro#

American% are %en"in'K in Ean,ary con%,mer %entiment ,me" to it% hi'he%t in more than a "eca"e. he I9! recon% thatAmerican 'ro*th *i## hit 3.6V in 201& a%ter than the *or#" economy a% a *ho#e . A## thi% i% 'oo". >,t'ro*in' "een"ence on the American economyMan" on con%,mer% in artic,#arMha% ,n*e#come echoe%. A "eca"e a'o Americancon%,mer% orro*e" heavi#y an" rec#e%%#y. hey :##e" their everD#ar'er ho,%e% *ith 'oo"% rom ChinaK they ,e##e" 'a%D',#in' car%*ith imorte" oi#. >i' e(orter% recyc#e" their earnin'% ac to America ,%hin' "o*n intere%t rate% *hich in t,rn he#e" to ee",rther orro*in'. ,roe *a% not that "i8erent. here r,'a# )erman% :nance" "et in'e% aro,n" the e,ro area% erihery.Aterthe :nancia# cri%i% the hoe *a% o an en" to the%e ima#ance%. /etDa""icte" American% an" Saniar"% *o,#" chi a*ay at theiro#i'ation%K thrity )erman an" Chine%e con%,mer% *o,#" %tart to enoy #ie or once. At :r%t thi% %eeme" to e haenin'. America%

tra"e "e:cit *hich *a% ao,t 6V o )/P in 2006 ha" more than ha#ve" y 200-. >,t no* the *or#" i% %#iin' acinto %ome na%ty hait%. <air 'ro*% a%ter than the e,ro one an" *hat 'ro*th there i% "een"%heavi#y on e(ort%. he co,ntrie% o the %in'#e c,rrency are r,nnin' a c,rrentDacco,nt %,r#,% oao,t 2.6V o )/P than% #ar'e#y to e(ort% to America.  At 7.4V o )/P )ermany% tra"e%,r#,% i% a% #ar'e a% it ha% ever een. China% 'ro*th  mean*hi#e i% %#o*in'Man" once a'ainre#yin' heavi#y on %en"in' e#%e*here. It notche" , it% o*n recor" tra"e %,r#,% in Ean,ary. China% e(ort% haveact,a##y e',n to "ro ,t imort% are "o*n y more. An" over the a%t year the renmini *hich ro%e y more than 10V a'ain%t

the "o##ar in 2010D13 ha% e',n %#iin' a'ain to the annoyance o American o#itician%. A merica% economy i% *arin'a% a re%,#t. Con%,mtion% contri,tion to 'ro*th in the o,rth H,arter o 2014 *a% the #ar'e%t%ince 2006.  he tra"e "e:cit i% *i"enin'. Stri o,t oi# an" America% tra"e "e:cit 're* to more than 3V o )/P in 2014 an" i%

aroachin' it% reDrece%%ion ea o ao,t 4V. he *or#"% re#iance on America i% #ie#y to "eeen. )erman% aremore intere%te" in %hiin' %avin'% aroa" than inve%tin' at home %ee artic#eJ. <o,%eho#"% an" :rm% in ,roe% erihery are

over,r"ene" *ith "et *orer% *a'e% %H,eee" an" an% in no moo" to #en". ie )ermany ,roe a% a *ho#e i% re#yin' one(ort%. China i% rea#ancin' ,t not a%t eno,'hB %ervice% have yet to acco,nt or more than ha# o ann,a# Chine%e o,t,t.

Additiona""y, NSA !#rvei""ance ha! created a +"o*a" move to/ard! datanationa"i!ation8 /hich threaten! to ra+ment the internet$

mt<i+t 1&Pieter <erman $mti't i% a /,tch o#itician. A% a memer o the Chri%tian /emocratic Aea# he*a% an 9P rom E,ne 3 2003 to E,ne 17 2010 an" i% c,rrent#y an 9P %ince $ctoer 26 2010. <eoc,%e% on matter% o ta(e% en%ion% an" a""ition%. ;(#anatory memoran",m y 9r Pieter


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$mti't raorte,r= Committee on e'a# A8air% an" <,man Ri'ht% 9a%% %,rvei##ance Reort1@26@201& httB@@*e%iteDace.net@"oc,ment%@1-+3+@10+&720@201&0126D9a%%S,rvei##anceDN." 

10+. In re%on%e to 'ro*in' "i%content *ith S %,rvei##ance one o#itica# re%on%e ha% een to ,%h ormore ;techno#o'ica# %overei'nty= an" ;"ata nationa#i%ation=. he Sno*"en "i%c#o%,re% havethereore ha" %erio,% im#ication% on the "eve#oment o the Internet an" ha%tene" tren"% to;a#anie= the Internet to the "etriment o the "eve#oment o a *i"e va%t an" ea%i#yacce%%i#e on#ine net*or. he Internet a% *e ne* it or e#ieve" *e ne* it i% a '#oa# #atorm ore(chan'e o inormation oen an" ree "eate an" commerce. >,t >rai# an" the ,roean nion or e(am#e anno,nce" #an% to #ay a 1+& mi##ion ,n"er%ea :reDotic ca#e et*een themto th*art S %,rvei##ance. )erman o#itician% a#%o ca##e" or the "eve#oment o a ;)erman internet= or )erman c,%tomer%"ata to circ,mvent orei'n %erver% an" the inormation to %tay on net*or% that *o,#" ,##y e ,n"er )ermany% contro#. 1&-

R,%%ia a%%e" a #a* o#i'in' internet comanie% to %tore the "ata o R,%%ian ,%er% on %erver% inR,%%ia.160 Ater a %i(Dmonth inH,iry o##o*in' the Sno*"en "i%c#o%,re% the ,roean Par#iament a"ote" a reort on the NSA%,rvei##ance ro'ramme in !er,ary 2014 161 *hich ar',e% that the %ho,#" %,%en" an "ata an" WSae <aro,r a'reement%on "ata rivacy vo#,ntary "ata rotection %tan"ar"% or nonD comanie% tran%errin' citien% er%ona# "ata to the SJ *ith thenite" State%. 9P% a""e" that the ,roean Par#iament %ho,#" on#y 'ive it% con%ent to the DS ree tra"e "ea# IPJ that i% ein'

ne'otiate" i the S ,##y re%ect% citien% ,n"amenta# ri'ht%. he ,roean Par#iament %ee% to,'h ne* "atarotection r,#e% that *o,#" #ace S comanie% in the "ifc,#t %it,ation o havin' to chec *ith a,thoritie% eore com#yin' *ith man"atory reH,e%t% ma"e y S a,thoritie%. he ,roeanPar#iament% I> Committee a#%o a"vocate" the creation o a ;,roean "ata c#o,"= that *o,#" reH,ire a## "ata rom ,roean

con%,mer% to e %tore" or roce%%e" *ithin ,roe or even *ithin the in"ivi",a# co,ntry o the con%,mer concerne" . Somenation% %,ch a% A,%tra#ia !rance So,th orea an" In"ia have a#rea"y im#emente" aatch*or o "ataD#oca#i%ation reH,irement% accor"in' to t*o #e'a# %cho#ar%.162

Thi! re+iona" ra+mentation o the internet /o#"d co""a(!e the +"o*a"economy and create the nece!!ary condition! or +"o*a" in!ta*i"ity$

 =ardine, 201ric CI)I Re%earch !e##o* )#oa# Sec,rity Po#itic% -D1-D2014 FSho,#" the Avera'e Internet%er in a iera# /emocracy Care Ao,t Internet !ra'mentationG F Ci'ihtt%B@@***.ci'ion#ine.or'@#o'%@reima'inin'Dinternet@%ho,#"Davera'eDinternetD,%erD#iera#D

"emocracyDcareDao,tDinternetDra'meven tho,'h yo,r avera'e #iera# "emocratic Internet ,%er *o,#"nt %ee it at #ea%t at the content #eve# the ra'mentation o the

Internet *o,#" matter a 'reat "ea#. I the Internet *a% to rea aart into re'iona# or even nationa# #oc%there *o,#" e #ar'e economic co%t% in term% o #o%t ,t,re otentia# or '#oa# )/P 'ro*th . A% a

recent 9cin%ey Comany reort i##,%trate% ,*ar"% o 1& to 2& ercent o )#oa# )/P i% c,rrent#y"etermine" y the movement o 'oo"% money eo#e an" "ata.  he%e '#oa# Lo*% *hich a"mitte"#y

inc#,"e more than ,%t "ata Lo*%J contri,te year#y et*een 2&0 to 400 i##ion "o##ar% to '#oa# )/P 'ro*th. he contri,tiono '#oa# Lo*% to '#oa# )/P 'ro*th i% on#y #ie#y to 'ro* in the ,t,re rovi"e" that the Internetremain% a ,nctiona##y ,niver%a# %y%tem that *or% e(traor"inari#y *e## a% a #atorm or eDcommerce. 9i%%in' o,t on#o%t )/P 'ro*th harm% eo#e economica##y in #iera# "emocratic co,ntrie% an" e#%e*here. Avera'e ,%er% in the #iera# "emocracie%%ho,#" care thereore ao,t the ra'mentation o the roa"er Internet eca,%e it *i## co%t them "o##ar% an" cent% even i thera'mentation o the Internet *o,#" not rea##y a8ect the content that they them%e#ve% acce%%.A""itiona##y the %ame 9cin%ey Comany reort note% that co,ntrie% that are *e## connecte" to the '#oa# %y%tem have )/P 'ro*th that i% , to 40 ercent hi'her

than tho%e co,ntrie% that have e*er connection% to the *i"er *or#". ie intere%t rate% ann,a# )/P 'ro*th como,n"% it%e#meanin' that ear#y 'ain% 'ro* e(onentia##y. I the nonD5e%tern ortion% o the Internet *a## them%e#ve% o8rom the re%t or even i art% o *hat *e co,#" ca## the #iera# "emocratic Internet "o the %ameJ the re%,#t over the#on' term *i## e %#o*er 'ro*th an" a %ma##er )/P er caita in #e%% *e##Dconnecte" nation%.  Someeo#e mi'ht #oo at thi% %it,ation an" e convince" that e(c#,"in' eo#e in nonD#iera# "emocracie% rom the economic otentia# othe Internet i% not ri'ht. In normative term% the%e eo#e mi'ht "e%erve to e connecte" at the very #ea%t %o that they can ene:trom the %ame economic oon a% tho%e in more *e## connecte" a"vance" #iera# "emocracie%. In other *or"% avera'e Internet ,%er%in #iera# "emocracie% %ho,#" care ao,t Internet ra'mentation eca,%e it i% e%%entia##y an i%%,e o eH,a#ity o oort,nity.$ther

eo#e mi'ht on#y e convince" y the i"ea that overty ineH,a#ity an" re#ative "erivation *hi#e y nomean% %,fcient ca,%e% o terrori%m in%,r'ency a''re%%ion an" ,nre%t are #ie#y to contri,teto the otentia# or an increa%in'#y conLict,a# *or#" . 9o%t avera'e Internet ,%er% in iera# "emocracie% *o,#"#ie#y a'ree that reventin' La%he% o ,nre%t #ie the c,rrent ISI conLict in IraH an" SyriaJ i% etter than havin' to e(en" #oo" an"

trea%,re to try an" :( them ater they have roen o,t. Preventive mea%,re% can inc#,"e en%,rin' %o#i" )/P


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'ro*th thro,'h '#oa# interconnection in every co,ntry even i thi% i% not a% I mentione" eore 'oin' to e

eno,'h to :( every ro#em every time. $vera## the "an'er% o a ra'mente" Internet are rea# an" the avera'e ,%erin #iera# "emocracie% %ho,#" care. 5ith tr,#y '#oa# orce% at #ay it i% "a,ntin' to thin o *hat the avera'e ,%er mi'ht "o tocomat ra'mentation. Rea##y on#y one %te i% rea#i%tic. %er% nee" to reco'nie that the %y%tem *or% e%t an" contri,te% mo%t tothe content an" materia# *e##Dein' o a## Internet ,%er% *hen it aroache% it% i"ea# technica# "e%i'n o ,niver%a# interoerai#ity.Societie% *i## ri'ht#y "etermine that %ome thin'% nee" to e *a##e" o8 #oce" or :#tere" eca,%e thi% "i'ita# content ha% hy%ica#*or#" im#ication% that are not acceta#e chi#" orno'rahy vitrio#ic hate %eech "eath threat% ,n"era'e ,##yin' on %ocia# me"ia

etc.J. <o*ever in 'enera# citien% %ho,#" re%i%t Internet ra'mentation e8ort% in any orm y ,t tin're%%,re on their nationa# o#itician%  Internet Service Provi"er% an" content interme"iarie% #ie )oo'#e to re%ectthe ,n"amenta# an" ,n"amenta##y ene:cia#J ,niver%a##y interoera#e %tr,ct,re o the

Internet. o "o other*i%e i% to accet the #o%% o otentia# ,t,re '#oa# ro%erity an" toenco,ra'e a *or#" that i% ,neH,a# an" rone to conLict an" har"%hi .

The im(act o economic dec"ine i! +reat (o/er /ar$

 =ame!, 201<aro#" Princeton hi%tory roe%%or;/eateB I% 2014 #ie 1-14 a re#,"e to *or#" *arG= 7D2httB@@***.the'#oean"mai#.com@'#oeD"eate@rea"Dan"DvoteDi%D2014D#ieD1-14DaDre#,"eDtoD*or#"D*ar@artic#e1-32&&04@

Some o the "ynamic% o the reD1-14 :nancia# *or#" are no* reDemer'in'. hen an

economica##y "ec#inin' o*er >ritain *ante" to ,%e :nance a% a *eaon a'ain%t it% #ar'er an"a%ter 'ro*in' cometitor% )ermany an" the nite" State%. No* America i% in t,rn o%e%%e" y ein'overtaen y China – accor"in' to %ome ca#c,#ation% %et to ecome the *or#"% #ar'e%t economy in 2014. In theatermath o the 200+ :nancia# cri%i% :nancia# in%tit,tion% aear oth a% "an'ero,% *eaon% o ma%% "e%tr,ction ,t a#%o a% otentia# in%tr,ment% or the a#ication o nationa# o*er. In mana'in' the 200+ cri%i% the"een"ence o orei'n an% on .S. "o##ar ,n"in' con%tit,te" a maor *eane%% an" reH,ire" the rovi%ion o #ar'e %*a #ine% ythe !e"era# Re%erve. he nite" State% rovi"e" that %,ort to %ome co,ntrie% ,t not other% on the a%i% o an e(#icit#y o#itica#

#o'ic a% %*ar Pra%a" "emon%trate% in hi% ne* oo on the ;/o##ar ra.= )eoDo#itic% i% intr,"in' into anin'ractice e#%e*here. >eore the raine cri%i% R,%%ian an% *ere tryin' to acH,ire a%%et% in Centra# an" a%tern ,roe.,roean an" .S. an% are #ayin' a m,ch re",ce" ro#e in A%ian tra"e :nance. Chine%e an% are ein' ,%he" to e(an" theirro#e in '#oa# commerce. Ater the :nancia# cri%i% China %tarte" to ,i#" , the renmini a% a maor internationa# c,rrency. R,%%ia an"China have ,%t roo%e" to create a ne* cre"it ratin' a'ency to avoi" *hat they re'ar" a% the o#itica# ia% o the e(i%tin'

AmericanDa%e"J a'encie%. he ne(t %ta'e in thi% #o'ic i% to thin ao,t ho* :nancia# o*er can e

"irecte" to nationa# a"vanta'e in the ca%e o a "i#omatic  t,%%#e. Sanction% are a ro,tine an" not terri#y%,cce%%,#J art o the re%%,re a#ie" to ro',e %tate% %,ch a% Iran an" North orea. >,t :nancia# re%%,re can e m,ch moreo*er,##y a#ie" to co,ntrie% that are "ee#y eme""e" in the *or#" economy. he te%t i% in the 5e%tern imo%ition o %anction%ater the R,%%ian anne(ation o Crimea. Pre%i"ent U#a"imir P,tin% ca#c,#ation in re%on%e i% that the ,roean nion an" the nite"State% cannot o%%i#y e %erio,% ao,t the :nancia# *ar. It *o,#" t,rn into a oomeran'B R,%%ia *o,#" e #e%% a8ecte" than the

more "eve#oe" an" com#e( :nancia# maret% o ,roe an" America. he threat o %y%temic "i%r,tion 'enerate%a ne* %ort o ,ncertainty one that mirror% the "eci%ive eat,re o the cri%i% o the %,mmer o1-14 . At that time no one co,#" rea##y no* *hether c#a%he% *o,#" e%ca#ate or not. hat eat,recontra%t% remara#y *ith a#mo%t the entirety o the Co#" 5ar e%ecia##y %ince the 1-60% *hen the %trate'ic "octrine o 9,t,a##y

A%%,re" /e%tr,ction #et no "o,t that any %,ero*er conLict *o,#" inevita#y e%ca#ate. he i"ea o net*or "i%r,tionre#ie% on the ai#ity to achieve a"vanta'e y %,rri%e an" to *in at no or #o* co%t.  >,t it i%inevita#y a 'am#e an" rai%e% ro%ect that other% mi'ht ,t a#%o mi'ht not e a#e to mo,ntthe %ame %ort o oeration. E,%t a% in 1-14 there i% an enhance" temtation to ro## the "ice eventho,'h the 'ame may e ata#.


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1AC – So"vency

The ("an !o"ve!, "imitin+ the (#r(o!e! o 702 co""ection to a tan+i*"ethreat to nationa" !ec#rity8 i! critica" to !o"ve overco""ection$

Sinha, 201). A#e( Sinha i% an Aryeh Neier e##o* *ith the S Pro'ram at <,man Ri'ht% 5atch an" the<,man Ri'ht% Pro'ram at the American Civi# iertie% nion E,#y 2014 ;5ith ierty to 9onitorA## <o* ar'eDSca#e S S,rvei##ance i% <armin' Eo,rna#i%m a* an" American /emocracy=<,man Ri'ht% 5atch httB@@***.hr*.or'@no"e@127364Narro* the ,ro%e% or *hich a## orei'n inte##i'ence %,rvei##ance may e con",cte" an" #imit%,ch %,rvei##ance to in"ivi",a#% 'ro,% or entitie% *ho o%e a tan'i#e threat to nationa#%ec,rity or a comara#e %tate intere%t. o Amon' other %te% Con're%% %ho,#" a%% #e'i%#ation amen"in'Section 702 o !ISA an" re#ate" %,rvei##ance a,thoritie% to narro* the %coe o *hat can e acH,ire" a%;orei'n inte##i'ence inormation = *hich i% no* "e:ne" roa"#y to encoma%% amon' other thin'%

inormation re#ate" to ;the con",ct o the orei'n a8air% o the nite" State%.= It %ho,#" e re%tricte" to

*hat i% nece%%ary an" roortionate to rotect #e'itimate aim% i"enti:e" in the ICCPR %,ch a% nationa# %ec,rity. In ractice thi%%ho,#" mean that the 'overnment may acH,ire inormation on#y rom in"ivi",a#% 'ro,% orentitie% *ho o%e a tan'i#e threat to nationa# %ec,rity narro*#y "e:ne" or a comara#ecome##in' %tate intere%t.

And, thi! "imit !o"ve! /itho#t dama+in+ co#nterterrori!m$

a(err##e 201 Eae C/% !e##o* on Privacy S,rvei##ance an" Sec,rity. Previo,%#y %erve" a% a #a* c#er orSenator A# !ranen on the S,committee on Privacy echno#o'y an" the a* an" a% a o#icye##o* or Senator Roert 9enen"e. F5hy Avera'e Internet %er% Sho,#" /eman" Si'ni:cantSection 702 ReormF Center !or /emocracy amK echno#o'y. 7D22D2014htt%B@@c"t.or'@#o'@*hyDavera'eDinternetD,%er%D%ho,#"D"eman"D%i'ni:cantD%ectionD702Dreorm@

5here /o 5e )o !rom <ereG here are %en%i#e reorm% that can %i'ni:cant #imit the co##atera# "ama'eto rivacy ca,%e" y Section 702 *itho,t ime"in' nationa# %ec,rity. imitin' the ,ro%e% or*hich Section 702 can e con",cte" *i## narro* the "e'ree to *hich comm,nication% aremonitore" et*een in"ivi",a#% not %,%ecte" o *ron'"oin' or connecte" to nationa# %ec,ritythreat%. C#o%in' retention #ooho#e% re%ent in the 9inimiation ),i"e#ine% 'overnin' that %,rvei##ance *i## en%,rethat *hen American% comm,nication% are inci"enta##y co##ecte" they are not et a%entnationa# %ec,rity nee"%. An" c#o%in' the ac"oor %earch #ooho#e *o,#" en%,re that *henAmerican% comm,nication% are retaine" eca,%e they comm,nicate" *ith a tar'et o Section702 %,rvei##ance they co,#"nt e %earche" ,n#e%% the %tan"ar"% or "ome%tic %,rvei##ance o theAmerican are met.

And, the ("an e"iminate! the co""ection o comm#nication a*o#t8tar+et! 3that !o"ve! #(!tream co""ection$

No>eim, 201)re' /irector Proect on !ree"om Sec,rity echno#o'y Comment% o he Privacy An" Civi#iertie% $ver%i'ht >oar" Re'ar"in' Reorm% o S,rvei##ance Con",cte" P,r%,ant o Section 702$ !i%a Ari# 11 2014 htt%B@@"1ovv0c-t*0h0c.c#o,"ront.net@:#e%@2014@04@C/QPC$>D702DComment%Q4.11.13." 


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C. Co##ection o comm,nication% ;ao,t= tar'et% that are neither to nor rom tar'et% %ho,#" erohiite". he )overnment tae% the o%ition that Section 702 ermit% it to co##ect not on#y comm,nication% that are to or rom aorei'n inte##i'ence tar'et ,t a#%o comm,nication% that are ;ao,t= the tar'et eca,%e they mention an i"enti:er a%%ociate" *iththe tar'et.17 he ractice "irect% the oc,% o %,rvei##ance a*ay rom %,%ecte" *ron'"oer% an" ermit% the NSA to tar'et

comm,nication% et*een in"ivi",a#% *ith no #in to nationa# %ec,rity inve%ti'ation%. >eca,%e thi% i% incon%i%tent *iththe #e'i%#ative hi%tory o the %tat,te an" rai%e% roo,n" con%tit,tiona# an" oerationa#ro#em% PC$> %ho,#" recommen" that ;ao,t= co##ection e en"e" an" that Section 702%,rvei##ance e #imite" to comm,nication% to an" rom tar'et% . Section 702 a,thorie% the 'overnment totar'et the comm,nication% o er%on% rea%ona#y e#ieve" to e aroa" ,t it never "e:ne% the term ;tar'et.= <o*ever thro,'ho,tSection 702 the term i% ,%e" to reer to the tar'etin' o an in"ivi",a# rather content o a comm,nication.1+ !,rther the entire

con're%%iona# "eate on Section 702 inc#,"e% no reerence to co##ectin' comm,nication% ;ao,t= a orei'n tar'et an" %i'ni:cant

"eate ao,t co##ectin' comm,nication% to or rom a tar'et.1- o co##ect ;ao,t= comm,nication% the NSAen'a'e% in ;,%tream= %,rvei##ance on the Internet acone 20 meanin' ;on :er ca#e% an" inra%tr,ct,re

a% "ata Lo*% a%t=21 temorari#y coyin' the content o the entire "ata %tream %o it can e %earche"or the %ame ;%e#ector%= ,%e" or the "o*n%tream or ;PRIS9= %,rvei##ance . A% a re%,#t the NSA ha% thecaai#ity to %earch any Internet comm,nication 'oin' into or o,t o the .S.22 *itho,t artic,#arie" intervention y a rovi"er.

/irect acce%% create% "irect oort,nity or a,%e an" %ho,#" not e ermitte" to a mi#itaryinte##i'ence a'ency. hi% "ra'net %cannin' a#%o re%,#t% in the co##ection o ;m,#tiDcomm,nication tran%action%= 9C%J *hichinc#,"e ten% o tho,%an"% *ho##y "ome%tic comm,nication% each year.23 he !ISC reH,ire" creation o ne* minimiation r,#e% or9C% in 2011 ,t "i" not #imit their co##ection.24 he ma%% %earchin' o comm,nication% content in%i"e the nite" State% no*in'that it the comm,nication% %earche" inc#,"e ten% o tho,%an"% o *ho##y "ome%tic comm,nication% each year rai%e% roo,n"

con%tit,tiona# H,e%tion%. Aan"onin' co##ection o comm,nication% ;ao,t= tar'et% *o,#" remove any ,%ti:cation or ,%tream co##ection e#iminate the %erio,% ro#em% o%e" y "irect 'overnment

acce%% to the Internet inra%tr,ct,re e#iminate the co##ection o ten% o tho,%an"% o *ho##y"ome%tic comm,nication% in contravention o the %tat,te an mae %,rvei##ance ,n"er Section702 con%i%tent *ith the con're%%iona# intent.

And, the!e "imit! re!tore US "eader!hi($

:d+ar, 201&  imothy <. "'ar i% a vi%itin' %cho#ar at the >ro*n niver%ity% 5at%on In%tit,te or Internationa#St,"ie%. <e *a% the :r%tDever "irector o rivacy an" civi# #iertie% or the 5hite <o,%e Nationa#Sec,rity Sta8. n"er )eor'e 5. >,%h he *a% the :r%t "e,ty or civi# #iertie% or the "irector onationa# inte##i'ence rom 2006 to 200-. <e *a% the nationa# %ec,rity co,n%e# or the American

Civi# iertie% nion rom 2001 to 2006. <e i% a 'ra",ate o <arvar" a* Schoo# an" /artmo,thCo##e'e 4D13D201& Fhe )oo" Ne*% Ao,t Syin'F !orei'n A8air%htt%B@@***.orei'na8air%.com@artic#e%@,nite"D%tate%@201&D04D13@'oo"Dne*%Dao,tD%yin'

 he nite" State% %ho,#" a#%o ivot rom it% "een%ive o%ition an" tae the #ea" on '#oa#rivacy. he nite" State% ha% an imre%%ive array o rivacy %ae',ar"% an" it ha% even imo%e" ne* one% that rotect citien%

o every co,ntry. /e%ite their *eane%%e% the%e %ae',ar"% are %ti## the %tron'e%t in the *or#".  he.S. 'overnment %ho,#" not e %hy ao,t tr,metin' them an" %ho,#" ,r'e other co,ntrie% too##o* it% #ea". It co,#" e'in y en'a'in' *ith c#o%e a##ie% #ie the nite" in'"om )ermanyan" other ,roean co,ntrie% ,r'in' them to increa%e tran%arency an" ,"icia# %,ervi%ion otheir o*n comm,nication% %,rvei##ance activitie%.

Fina""y, the ("an i! a critica" !te( to 5+ht the (o"itic! o ear and re+ain(rivacy ri+ht!$

Sno/den, 201&, "*ar" E. Sno*"en a ormer Centra# Inte##i'ence A'ency ofcer an" Nationa# Sec,rity A'encycontractor i% a "irector o the !ree"om o the Pre%% !o,n"ation. 6D4D201& F"*ar" Sno*"enB

 he 5or#" Say% No to S,rvei##anceF Ne* Oor ime%httB@@***.nytime%.com@201&@06@0&@oinion@e"*ar"D%no*"enDtheD*or#"D%ay%DnoDtoD%,rvei##ance.htm#

 ho,'h *e have come a #on' *ay the ri'ht to rivacy M the o,n"ation o the ree"om% en%hrine" in the nite"

State% >i## o Ri'ht% M remain% ,n"er threat. Some o the *or#"% mo%t o,#ar on#ine %ervice% have


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een en#i%te" a% artner% in the N.S.A.% ma%% %,rvei##ance ro'ram% an" techno#o'y comanie% are ein'

re%%,re" y 'overnment% aro,n" the *or#" to *or a'ain%t their c,%tomer% rather than or them . >i##ion% o ce##hone#ocation recor"% are %ti## ein' intercete" *itho,t re'ar" or the ',i#t or innocence o tho%ea8ecte". 5e have #earne" that o,r 'overnment intentiona##y *eaen% the ,n"amenta# %ec,rity o the Internet *ith ;ac "oor%=

that tran%orm rivate #ive% into oen oo%. 9eta"ata revea#in' the er%ona# a%%ociation% an" intere%t% oor"inary Internet ,%er% i% %ti## ein' intercete" an" monitore" on a %ca#e ,nrece"ente" inhi%toryB A% yo, rea" thi% on#ine the nite" State% 'overnment mae% a note . Syma%ter% in A,%tra#iaCana"a an" !rance have e(#oite" recent tra'e"ie% to %ee intr,%ive ne* o*er% "e%ite evi"ence %,ch ro'ram% *o,#" not haverevente" attac%. Prime 9ini%ter /avi" Cameron o >ritain recent#y m,%e" ;/o *e *ant to a##o* a mean% o comm,nication

et*een eo#e *hich *e cannot rea"G= <e %oon o,n" hi% an%*er roc#aimin' that ;or too #on' *e have een a a%%ive#y to#erant%ociety %ayin' to o,r citien%B A% #on' a% yo, oey the #a* *e *i## #eave yo, a#one.= At the t,rnin' o the mi##enni,me* ima'ine" that citien% o "eve#oe" "emocracie% *o,#" %oon e reH,ire" to "een" theconcet o an oen %ociety a'ain%t their o*n #ea"er%. Oet the a#ance o o*er i% e'innin' to%hit. 5e are *itne%%in' the emer'ence o a o%tDterror 'eneration one that reect% a *or#"vie*"e:ne" y a %in',#ar tra'e"y. !or the :r%t time %ince the attac% o Set. 11 2001 *e %ee the o,t#ine o ao#itic% that t,rn% a*ay rom reaction an" ear in avor o re%i#ience an" rea%on. 5ith each co,rt victory

*ith every chan'e in the #a* *e "emon%trate act% are more convincin' than ear. A% a %ociety*e re"i%cover that the va#,e o a ri'ht i% not in *hat it hi"e% ,t in *hat it rotect%.


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2AC – n Ca!e


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An!/er! to NSA not Inva!ive

Section 702 i! a #ni#e inva!ion o (rivacy, incidenta" co""ection i!e'treme"y *road and (oor"y de5ned$

a(err##e, 201 Eae Center or /emocracy an" ehcno#o'y !e##o* on Privacy S,rvei##ance an" Sec,rity.

Previo,%#y %erve" a% a #a* c#er or Senator A# !ranen on the S,committee on Privacy echno#o'y an" the a* an" a% a o#icy e##o* or Senator Roert 9enen"e. F5hy Avera'eInternet %er% Sho,#" /eman" Si'ni:cant Section 702 ReormF Center !or /emocracy amK

 echno#o'y. 7D22D2014 htt%B@@c"t.or'@#o'@*hyDavera'eDinternetD,%er%D%ho,#"D"eman"D%i'ni:cantD%ectionD702Dreorm@

Section 702 S,rvei##ance I% !,n"amenta##y 9ore Inva%ive 5hi#e inci"enta# co##ection o the comm,nication% o aer%on *ho comm,nicate% *ith a tar'et i% an inevita#e eat,re o comm,nication% %,rvei##ance it i% to#erate" *hen the rea%on or

the %,rvei##ance i% come##in' an" a"eH,ate roce",ra# chec% are in #ace. In other in%tance% o comm,nication%%,rvei##ance con",cte" in the S %,rvei##ance reH,ire% co,rt arova# o a tar'et an" that tar'etm,%t e a %,%ecte" *ron'"oer or %y a terrori%t or another a'ent o a orei'n o*er. Section702 reH,ire% neither o the%e e#ement%. n"er Section 702 tar'etin' can occ,r or the ,ro%e

o co##ectin' orei'n inte##i'ence inormation even tho,'h there i% no co,rt revie* o anyartic,#ar tar'et. In%tea" the %,er %ecret !ISA co,rt mere#y "etermine% *hether the ',i"e#ine% ,n"er *hich the %,rvei##ance i%con",cte" are rea%ona#y "e%i'ne" to re%,#t in the tar'etin' o nonDAmerican% aroa" an" that ;minimiation ',i"e#ine%= are

rea%ona#e. hi% mean% inci"enta# %,rvei##ance may occ,r ,re#y eca,%e %omeone comm,nicate"*ith an in"ivi",a# en'a'e" in activitie% that may have roa"#y "e:ne" ;orei'n inte##i'ence=va#,e. !or e(am#e the comm,nication% o %omeone *ho comm,nicate% *ith a er%on aroa" *ho%eactivitie% mi'ht re#ate to the con",ct o .S. orei'n a8air% can e co##ecte" a%ent anyin"een"ent a%%e%%ment o nece%%ity or acc,racy. A% another e(am#e ,n"er tra"itiona# !ISA – or inte##i'ence%,rvei##ance in the .S. o eo#e in the .S. – yo,r comm,nication% co,#" e inci"enta##y co##ecte" on#y i yo, *ere in "irect contact*ith a %,%ecte" a'ent o a orei'n o*er an" a""itiona##y i the !orei'n Inte##i'ence S,rvei##ance Co,rt ha" afrme" thi% %,%icion

a%e" on roa#e ca,%e. n"er Section 702 yo,r er%ona# inormation co,#" e %cooe" , y the NSA%im#y eca,%e yo,r attorney "octor #over or acco,ntant *a% a er%on aroa" *ho en'a'e" ineace,# o#itica# activity %,ch a% rote%tin' a )+ %,mmit.


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-rivacy i! a %ate/ay Ri+ht

 -rivacy i! a +ate/ay ri+ht$ S#rvei""ance threaten! it$

-o6em(ne 1, /inah )enera# Co,n%e# at <,man Ri'ht% 5atch ;he Ri'ht 5ho%e ime <a% Come A'ainJBPrivacy in the A'e o S,rvei##ance= 1@21@14 httB@@***.hr*.or'@*or#"Dreort@2014@e%%ay%@rivacyD

inDa'eDoD%,rvei##anceTechno"o+y ha! invaded the !acred (recinct! o (rivate "ie, and #n/arrantede'(o!#re ha! im(eri"ed o#r !ec#rity, di+nity, and mo!t *a!ic va"#e!$ The "a/ m#!t ri!eto the occa!ion and (rotect o#r ri+ht!$ /oe% thi% %o,n" ami#iarG So ar',e" Sam,e# 5arren an"o,i% >ran"ei% in their 1+-0 <arvar" a* Revie* artic#e anno,ncin' ;he Ri'ht to Privacy.= 5eare a'ain at %,ch a ,nct,re. he techno#o'ica# "eve#oment% they %a* a% menacin'Mhoto'rahy an" the ri%e o thema%% circ,#ation re%%Maear rather H,aint to ,% no*. >,t the harm% to emotiona# %ycho#o'ica# an" even hy%ica# %ec,rity rom

,n*ante" e(o%,re %eem ,%t a% vivi" in o,r "i'ita# a'e. $,r rene*e" %en%e o v,#nerai#ity come% a% a#mo%t a##a%ect% o "ai#y %ocia# #ie mi'rate on#ine . At the %ame time cororation% an" 'overnment% have acH,ire" ri'htenin'ai#itie% to ama%% an" %earch the%e en"#e%% "i'ita# recor"% 'ivin' them the o*er to ;no*= ,% in e(traor"inary "etai#. In a *or#"*here *e %hare o,r #ive% on %ocia# me"ia an" tra"e immen%e amo,nt% o er%ona# inormation or the ea%e an" convenience o on#ine

#ivin' %ome have H,e%tione" *hether rivacy i% a re#evant concet. It i% not ,%t re#evant ,t cr,cia#. In"ee" , (rivacy i! a+ate/ay ri+ht  that a8ect% o,r ai#ity to e(erci%e a#mo%t every other ri'ht not #ea%t o,r ree"om

to %ea an" a%%ociate *ith tho%e *e choo%e mae o#itica# choice% ractice o,r re#i'io,%e#ie% %ee me"ica# he# acce%% e",cation :',re o,t *hom *e #ove an" create o,r ami#y #ie.It i! nothin+ "e!! than the !he"ter in /hich /e /or4 o#t /hat /e thin4 and /ho /eare? a #"cr#m o o#r a#tonomy a! individ#a"!$ he imortance o rivacy a ri'ht *e oten tae or

'rante" *a% thro*n into %har re#ie  in 2013 y the %tea"y %tream o reve#ation% rom nite" State% 'overnment

:#e% re#ea%e" y ormer Nationa# Sec,rity A'ency NSAJ contractor "*ar" Sno*"en an" ,#i%he" in the ),ar"ian an" other

maor ne*%aer% aro,n" the *or#". he%e reve#ation% %,orte" y hi'h#y c#a%%i:e" "oc,ment% %ho*e" the S the

an" other 'overnment% en'a'e" in '#oa# in"i%criminate "ata intercetion #ar'e#y ,nchece"y any meanin',# #e'a# con%traint or over%i'ht *itho,t re'ar" or the ri'ht% o mi##ion% o eo#e*ho *ere not %,%ecte" o *ron'"oin'.  he romi%e o the "i'ita# a'e i% the e8ort#e%% or"er#e%% ai#ity to %hare

inormation. hat i% it% threat a% *e##. A% the *or#"% inormation move% into cyer%ace %,rvei##ancecaai#itie% have 'ro*n commen%,rate#y. he S no* #ea"% in ai#ity or '#oa# "ata cat,re ,t

other nation% an" actor% are #ie#y to catch , an" %ome a#rea"y in%i%t that more "ata e et *ithin their reach. In the en" there*i## e no %ae haven i rivacy i% %een a% a %trict#y "ome%tic i%%,e %,ect to many carveDo,t% an" #a( or nonDe(i%tent over%i'ht.<,man Ri'ht% 5atch *ei'he" in reeate"#y thro,'ho,t 2013 on the h,man ri'ht% im#ication% o Sno*"en% reve#ation% o ma%%%,rvei##ance an" the nee" to rotect *hi%t#e#o*er%. hi% e%%ay #oo% at ho* the #a* o rivacy "eve#oe" an" *here it nee"% to

reach to"ay %o that rivacy i% '#oa##y re%ecte" y a## 'overnment% or a## eo#e. )#oa# ma%% %,rvei##ance o%e% athreat to h,man ri'ht% an" "emocracy an" once a'ain the #a* m,%t ri%e to the cha##en'e.


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An!/er! to Sec#rity Come! Fir!t

Cant trade (rivacy or !ec#rity, ri+ht! are (re!#m(tive"y moreim(ortant$

;oore, 2011 A"am /. FPrivacy %ec,rity an" 'overnment %,rvei##anceB 5iiea% an" the ne* acco,ntai#ity.F

P,#ic A8air% X,arter#y 2011JB 141D1&6.A co,nterart to the F,%t tr,%t ,%F vie* i% the Fnothin' to hi"eF ar',ment.23 Accor"in' to thi% ar',ment *e are to a#ance theotentia# or harm o "ata minin' an" the #ie *ith the %ec,rity intere%t% o "etectin' an" reventin' terrori%t attac%. I %,o%e *eco,#" *eaen thi% ,rther y mere#y reerencin' F%ec,rity intere%t%F *hich *o,#" inc#,"e ,t not e #imite" to Fterrori%t attac%.F

 he i"ea i% that o,r %ec,rity intere%t% are a#mo%t a#*ay% more *ei'hty than the minima# co%t% o%,rvei##anceMrivacy intr,%ion% are a mere n,i%ance an" are ea%i#y tra"e" or increa%e% in%ec,rity. A orma# ver%ion o the ar',ment mi'ht 'o %omethin' #ie thi%B P1 5hen t*o ,n"amenta# intere%t% conLict *e %ho,#"a"ot a a#ancin' %trate'y "etermine *hich intere%t i% more come##in' an" then %acri:ce the #e%%er intere%t or the 'reater. I it i%'enera##y tr,e that one %ort o intere%t i% more ,n"amenta# than another then *e are *arrante" in a"otin' %eci:c o#icie% that%ee to tra"e the #e%%er intere%t or the 'reater intere%t. P2. In the conLict et*een rivacy an" %ec,rity it i% a#mo%t a#*ay% the ca%e

that %ec,rity intere%t% are *ei'htier than rivacy intere%t%. he rivacy intr,%ion% re#ate" to "ata minin' orNationa# Sec,rity A'ency NSAJ %,rvei##ance are not a% *ei'hty a% o,r %ec,rity intere%t% in%toin' terrori%m an" %o onMthe%e %ort% o rivacy intr,%ion% are more o a n,i%ance than a harm. C3. So it o##o*% that*e %ho,#" %acri:ce rivacy in the%e ca%e% an" erha% a"ot o#icie% that a##o* rivacy intr,%ion% or %ec,rity rea%on%. $ne co,#"ea%i#y cha##en'e Premi%e 2Mthere are n,mero,% harm% a%%ociate" *ith a##o*in' %,rvei##ance that are convenient#y minimie" or

or'otten y the Fnothin' to hi"eF cro*". /anie# So#ove note% that Frivacy i% threatene" not y %in',#are're'io,% act% ,t y a %#o* %erie% o %ma## re#ative#y minor act% *hich 'ra",a##y e'in to a""  

,.F24 So#ove a#%o oint% o,t a% I have a#rea"y hi'h#i'hte" that 'ivin' 'overnment% too m,ch o*er ,n"ermine%the mi%%ion o rovi"in' or %ec,rityMthe 'overnment it%e# ecome% the threat to %ec,rity. heoint *a% ,t nice#y y Eohn oceB Fhi% i% to thin that 9en are %o oo#i%h that they tae care to avoi" *hat 9i%chie% may e "onethem y Po#eDCat% or !o(e% ,t are content nay thin it Saety to e "evo,re" y ion%.F2& It i% a#%o imortant to note the ri% omi%chie a%%ociate" *ith crimina#% an" terrori%t% comare" to the in"% o mi%chie eretrate" y 'overnment%Meven o,r

'overnment. In ca%e% *here there i% a #ac o acco,ntai#ity rovi%ion% an" in"een"ent over%i'ht'overnment% may o%e the 'reater %ec,rity ri%. 9oreover there i% %en%itive er%ona# inormation that *e each ,%ti:a#y *ithho#" rom other% not eca,%e it oint% to*ar" crimina# activity ,t eca,%e other% %im#y have no ri'ht to acce%% thi%inormation. Con%i"er %omeoneT% %e(,a# or me"ica# hi%tory. Ima'ine %omeone vi%itin' a #irary to #earn ao,t a#ternative #ie%ty#e% notaccete" y the maority. <i"in' oneT% c,rio%ity ao,t or e(am#e a 'ay #ie%ty#e may e imortant in certain conte(t%. hi% i% tr,eo a## %ort% o er%ona# inormation #ie re#i'io,% reerence% or o#itica# arty af#iation%. Con%i"er a %#i'ht variation o a Fnothin' to

hi"eF ar',ment re#ate" to *hat mi'ht e ca##e" hy%ica# rivacy. S,o%e there *a% a *ay to com#ete o"y cavity %earche% *itho,tharmin' the tar'et or ein' more than a mere n,i%ance. Perha% *e %earch the tar'et% ater they have a%%e" o,t "r,n. 5o,#"anyone :n" it #a,%i#e to maintain a Fnothin' to hi"eF vie* in thi% ca%eG I thin notMan" the rea%on mi'ht e that *e are morecon:"ent in ,ho#"in' the%e ri'ht% an" o#icie% that rotect the%e ri'ht% than *e are o a#mo%t any co%tDene:t ana#y%i% re#ate" to

%ec,rity. 5hether ri'ht% are vie*e" a% %trate'ic r,#e% that ',i"e ,% to the e%t con%eH,ence% a% 9i##

*o,#" ar',e or ,n"er%too" a% "eontic con%traint% on con%eH,entia#i%t %ort% o rea%onin' *e aremore con:"ent in them than in a#mo%t any F%ocia# 'oo"F ca#c,#ation. I am not %ayin' that ri'ht%are a%o#,teMthey are ,%t re%,mtive#y *ei'hty. hi% #ine o ar',ment i% an attac on the :r%t remi%e o the

Fnothin' to hi"eF o%ition. Ri'ht% are re%i%tant to %trai'htor*ar" co%tDene:t or con%eH,entia#i%t %ort oar',ment%. <ere *e are reectin' the vie* that rivacy intere%t% are the %ort% o thin'% that cane tra"e" or %ec,rity.

Sec#rity doe! not tr#m( (rivacy$

;oore, 2011 A"am /. FPrivacy %ec,rity an" 'overnment %,rvei##anceB 5iiea% an" the ne* acco,ntai#ity.FP,#ic A8air% X,arter#y 2011JB 141D1&6.

 he FNothin' to <i"eF Ar',mentAccor"in' to *hat mi'ht e ca##e" the ;%ec,rity tr,m%= vie* *henever rivacy an" %ec,rityconLict %ec,rity *in%Mthat i% %ec,rity i% more ,n"amenta# an" va#,a#e than rivacy . !ir%t *itho,t

ar',ment% it i% not c#ear *hy a ;%ec,rity tr,m%= vie* %ho,#" e a"ote" over a ;rivacy tr,m%= vie*. Privacy or erha% %e#D

o*ner%hi %eem% at #ea%t a% ,n"amenta# or int,itive#y *ei'hty a% %ec,rity. !ore%ha"o*in' thin'% to come iti% not at a## c#earMat #ea%t in %ome ca%e%Mthat rivacy "oe% not enhance %ec,rity an" vice ver%a. S,o%ethat ri'ht% a8or"e" their ho#"er% %eci:c %ort% o o*er%. !or e(am#e !re"% rivacy ri'ht% 'enerate in him a 'o"D#ie o*er to


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com#ete#y contro# acce%% to hi% o"y an" to inormation ao,t him. I *e ha" %,ch o*er% *e *o,#" a#%o have increa%e" %ec,rity.!,rthermore i *e ha" com#ete %ec,rity in o,r o"ie% an" roerty inc#,"in' inormationa# %ec,rity *e *o,#" have %ec,re" rivacy

a% *e##. he ten%ion et*een rivacy an" %ec,rity ari%e% eca,%e the%e va#,e% cannot e rotecte"y in"ivi",a#% actin' a#one. Neverthe#e%% it i% imortant to note that a% the%e %ervice% arecontracte" o,t to other a'ent% #ie 'overnment% *e 'rant the%e artie% o*er over ,%Mo*erthat may ,n"ermine %ec,rity an" rivacy . Contin,in' *ith the ;%ec,rity tr,m%= ar',ment it *o,#" %eem o""to maintain that any increa%e in %ec,rity %ho,#" e reerre" to any increa%e in rivacy or any"ecrea%e in rivacy i% to e reerre" to any "ecrea%e in %ec,rity. S,ch a vie* *o,#" %anctionma%%ive vio#ation% o rivacy or mere incrementa# an" erha% momentary 'ain% in %ec,rity. A#%o

'iven that other% *i## rovi"e %ec,rity an" o*er i% #ie#y a nece%%ary art o rovi"in' %ec,rity *e have %tron' r,"entia# rea%on% toreect the ;%ec,rity tr,m%= vie*. I tho%e *ho rovi"e %ec,rity *ere %aint% then erha% there *o,#" e#itt#e to *orry ao,t. he ca%e% a#rea"y re%ente" are %,fcient to %ho* that *e are not "ea#in'*ith %aint%.


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-rivacy i! 4ey to A#tonomy

 -rivacy "in4! rationa" a+ency and mora" a#tonomy$

;a+i, 2011 rina E. irarian niver%ity o Uermont >,r#in'ton. F!o,rteen Rea%on% Privacy 9atter%B A9,#ti"i%ci#inary Revie* o Scho#ar#y iterat,re1.F he irary +1.2 2011J.

)avi%on a"mit% that there have a#*ay% een %ome a,tonomo,% in"ivi",a#% in tota#itarian %ocietie% an" thereore rivacy may not enece%%ary or a,tonomy. >,t %he %ay% the act that mo%t eo#e reH,ire rivacy i% eno,'h to ,%tiy it a% a va#,e eca,%e ;*e are not

a## 'iant% an" %ocietie% %ho,#" ena#e a## not on#y the e(cetiona# to %ee mora# a,tonomy= ?16 . 4&0. Char#e% !rie""e%crie% a ;mo%t a%ic= orm o com#ete rivacy in *hich rivacy %erve% not to rotect thin'%*e *i## %hare on#y *ith rien"% ,t to rotect certain tho,'ht% rom the *ho#e *or#" . A#tho,'h the%harin' o certain tho,'ht% *ith a #over or rien" he %ay% *o,#" e a ;ho%ti#e act= the thinin' o tho%e tho,'ht% i% com#ete#ycon%i%tent *ith rien"%hi an" #ove eca,%e ;the%e tho,'ht% rior to ein' 'iven e(re%%ion are mere ,nrati:e" o%%ii#itie% or

action= ?2- . 4+&. $n#y *hen *e e(re%% tho,'ht% "o *e a"ot them an" choo%e to mae them arto o,r%e#ve% he %ay% an" thi% i% *hy rivacy i% e%%entia# to the ree"om to "e:ne o,r%e#ve% . E,#ieInne%% a#%o ta#% ao,t rivacy rovi"in' a %here o a,tonomy in *hich a er%on can "eve#o a %e#Dconcet a% an ori'inator o #ove

#iin' an" care ?30 . 107. In their theory o rivacy a% a ,n"amenta# mora# ri'ht A#:no an" 9aye%conten" that a er%on reH,ire% er%ona# %ace in or"er to rea%on ao,t hi%@her choice% thatrea%onin' activity i% *hat #in% rationa# a'ency an" mora# a,tonomy an" that to "erive a

er%on o her ai#ity to rea%on i% to ,n"amenta##y interere *ith a er%on% caacity or %e#D'overnment. Accor"in' to thi% rame*or rivacy i% ;the con"ition o havin' %ec,re" one%er%ona# %ace y *hich *e mean the ri'ht to e(erci%e o,r ractica# rea%on *itho,t ,n",eintererence rom other%= ?1+

-rivacy i! critica" to (er!ona" mora" a#tonomy$

Cor"ett, 2002 E. An'e#o. Proe%%or Cor#ett i% a hi#o%oher %ecia#iin' in ethic% an" ei%temo#o'y at San /ie'oState niver%ity Fhe nat,re an" va#,e o the mora# ri'ht to rivacy.F P,#ic A8air% X,arter#y2002JB 32-D3&0.Privacy moreover can in%,#ate one rom ein' treate" a% a mere mean% to the en" o  %ay %ocia#

,ti#ity *here rivate oective% ten" to e "eva#,e" . It i% a%e" on the antian rinci#e ore%ect or er%on%.4& Privacy ena#e% ,% to ,r%,e o,r roect% eca,%e they are o,r% eca,%e they have va#,e or ,%.

Con%tr,e" in thi% *ay the mora# ri'ht to rivacy may e %een a% a concern or mora# a,tonomy.46

!,rthermore, (rivacy i! nece!!ary or (er!on! to create, deve"o(, and !#!tain intimacy/ith other!.47 It i% connecte" to a%ic en"% an" re#ation% %,ch a% re%ect #ove rien"%hi an" tr,%t.4+ A% homa% Na'e#ar',e% F The *o#ndary *et/een /hat /e revea" and /hat /e do not, and !ome contro"over that *o#ndary, are amon+ the mo!t im(ortant attri*#te! o o#r h#manity.F4- An" a%!re"eric Scha,er ar',e% not even ,#ic :',re% e#ecte" or other*i%e o,'ht to e e(ecte" to or'o their e%%entia# rivacy.&0 oar',e th,%#y i% to in%i%t on the e%%entia# mora# tho,'h nonDa%o#,teJ ri'ht to rivacy a ri'ht *hich i% on#y the mora# a'entT% to *aive

a% %he %ee% :t. o the e(tent that the a#ance o rea%on %ec,re% the imortance o the%e actor% orh,man #ie the%e actor% %erve a% mora# 'ro,n"% or the nee" to re%ect rivacy y mora# ri'ht .

In"ee" amon' other thin'% a *e##Dor"ere" %ociety o,'ht to o%ter a rea%ona#e c,#t,re orivacy. >,t thi% i% o%%i#e on#y *here there i% a c#ear i"ea not on#y o the nat,re an" va#,e o

rivacy a% a mora# ri'ht ,t a#%o o the %coe o that ri'ht.


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S#rvei""ance @e!troy! i*erty

%overnment S#rvei""ance ri!4! tota" inva!ion o "i*erty$

Schneier 201& >r,ce Schneier a e##o* at the >erman Center or Internet an" Society at <arvar" a* Schoo# aoar" memer o the #ectronic !rontier !o,n"ation an A"vi%ory >oar" 9emer o the #ectronic

Privacy Inormation Center an" the C$ at Re%i#ient Sy%tem% 3@2@1& Data and Goliath: TheHidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World  -0)overnment %,rvei##ance i% co%t#y. 9o%t ovio,%#y itT% e(traor"inari#y e(en%iveB 72 i##ion a year inthe S. >,t itT% a#%o co%t#y to o,r %ociety oth "ome%tica##y an" internationa##y. <arvar" #a* roe%%or Oochai>en#er #ien% NSA %,rvei##ance to an a,toimm,ne "i%ea%e eca,%e it attac% a## o o,r other%y%tem%. ItT% a 'oo" ana#o'y. The *i++e!t co!t i! "i*erty  an" the ri% i% rea# eno,'h that eo#eacro%% o#itica# i"eo#o'ie% are oectin' to the %heer inva%ivene%% an" erva%ivene%% o the%,rvei##ance %y%tem. ven the o#itica##y con%ervative an" ro,%ine%% conomi%t ma'aine ar',e" in a 2013 e"itoria# ao,tvi"eo %,rvei##ance that it ha" 'one too arB Fhi% i% *here one o thi% ne*%aerT% %tron'#y he#" e#ie% that techno#o'ica# ro're%%%ho,#" 'enera##y e *e#come" not eare" r,n% , a'ain%t an even "eeer im,#%e in avo,r o #ierty. !ree"om ha% to inc#,"e %omeri'ht to rivacyB i every move yo, mae i% ein' chronic#e" #ierty i% c,rtai#e".T ACCSAI$N >O /AA In the 17th cent,ry the !rench%tate%man Car"ina# Riche#ie, amo,%#y %ai" FSho* me %i( #ine% *ritten y the mo%t hone%t man in the *or#" an" I *i## :n" eno,'h

therein to han' him. avrentiy >eria hea" o  Eo%eh Sta#inT% %ecret o#ice in the o#" Soviet nion "ec#are" FSho*

me the man an" IT## %ho* yo, the crime.F  >oth *ere %ayin' the %ame thin'B i yo, have eno,'h "ataao,t %omeone yo, can :n" %,fcient evi"ence to :n" him ',i#ty o %omethin'. ItT% the rea%on  

many co,ntrie%T co,rt% rohiit the o#ice rom en'a'in' in F:%hin' e(e"ition%.F ItT% the rea%on the S Con%tit,tion%eci:ca##y rohiit% 'enera# *arrant% "oc,ment% that a%ica##y a##o* the o#ice to %earch oranythin'. )enera# *arrant% can e e(treme#y a,%iveK they *ere ,%e" y the >riti%h in co#onia# America a% a orm o %ocia# contro#.

iH,ito,% %,rvei##ance mean% that anyone co,#" e convicte" o #a*reain' once the o#ice%et their min"% to it. It i% incre"i#y "an'ero,% to #ive in a *or#" *here everythin' yo, "o can e %tore" an" ro,'ht or*ar" a%

evi"ence a'ain%t yo, at %ome #ater "ate. here i% %i'ni:cant "an'er in a##o*in' the o#ice to "i' into the%e#ar'e "ata %et% an" :n" Fevi"enceF o *ron'"oin' e%ecia##y  in a co,ntry #ie the S *ith %o manyva',e an" ,nitive #a*% *hich 'ive ro%ec,tor% "i%cretion over *hom to char'e *ith *hat an"

*ith over#y roa" materia# *itne%% #a*%. hi% i% e%ecia##y tr,e 'iven the e(an%ion o the #e'a##y #oa"e"term% Fterrori%mF to inc#,"e conventiona# crimina#% an" F*eaon% o ma%% "e%tr,ctionF to inc#,"e a#mo%t

anythin' inc#,"in' a %a*e"Do8 %hot',n. he S termino#o'y i% %o roa" that %omeone *ho "onate% 10 to<ama%T% h,manitarian arm co,#" e con%i"ere" a terrori%t. S,rvei##ance ,t% ,% at ri% o a,%e%y tho%e in o*er even i *eTre "oin' nothin' *ron' at the time o %,rvei##ance. he "e:nition o F*ron'F i% oten aritrary an" can H,ic#y chan'e . !or e(am#e in the S in the 1-30% ein' a Comm,ni%t orSocia#i%t *a% a it o an inte##ect,a# a" an" not con%i"ere" *ron' amon' the e",cate" c#a%%e%. In the 1-&0% that chan'e""ramatica##y *ith the *itchDh,nt% o Senator Eo%eh 9cCarthy *hen many inte##i'ent rinci#e" American citien% o,n" their career%

"e%troye" once their o#itica# hi%tory *a% ,#ic#y "i%c#o%e". I% %omeoneT% rea"in' o $cc,y ea Party anima#ri'ht% or ',n ri'ht% *e%ite% 'oin' to ecome evi"ence o %,ver%ion in :ve to ten year%G

S#rvei""ance threaten! h#man reedom and di+nity$

Cohen, 201##iot /. Ph./. ethici%t an" o#itica# ana#y%t. <e i% the e"itor in chie o the Internationa# Eo,rna# o A#ie" Phi#o%ohy echno#o'y o $re%%ionB Pre%ervin' !ree"om an" /i'nity in an A'e o9a%% 5arrant#e%% S,rvei##ance.. /$IB 10.10&7@-7+113740+211.0011.

 he threat o%e" y ma%% *arrant#e%% %,rvei##ance techno#o'ie%Pre%ent#y %,ch a threat to h,man ree"om an" "i'nity #ie% in the techno#o'ica# ero%ion o h,manrivacy thro,'h the everDevo#vin' "eve#oment an" "e#oyment o a '#oa# 'overnment %y%temo ma%% *arrant#e%% %,rvei##ance. aen to it% #o'ica# conc#,%ion thi% i% a %y%tematic mean% o %yin' onan" ,#timate#y mani,#atin' an" contro##in' virt,a##y every a%ect o everyo"yT% rivate #ieMa

thoro,'h'oin' '#oa# "i%%o#,tion o er%ona# %ace *hich i% %,o%e" to e #e'a##y rotecte". In %,ch a 'overnmenta#%tate o Ftota# or virt,a##y tota#J inormation a*arene%%F the otentia# or 'overnment contro# an"


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mani,#ation o the eo#eT% "eee%t an" mo%t er%ona# e#ie% ee#in'% an" va#,e% can tran!orm intoan r/e""ian rea"ityand ni+htmare$ A% *i## e "i%c,%%e" in Chater 6 the techno#o'y that ha% the otentia# toremove %,ch %cenario% rom the rea#m o %cience :ction to that o tr,e %cience i% c,rrent#y ein' "eve#oe". hi% i% not to "eny the

#e'itimate 'overnment intere%t in Fnationa# %ec,rityFK ho*ever the e(cetiona# "i%r,tion o rivacy or #e'itimate%tate rea%on% cannot an" %ho,#" not e mi%taen or a ,%,a# an" c,%tomary r,#e o ma%%inva%ion o eo#eT% rivate #ive% *itho,t their inorme" con%ent. >enamin !ran#in *i%e#y an"%,ccinct#y e(re%%e" the ointB Fho%e *ho %,rren"er ree"om or %ec,rity *i## not have nor "othey "e%erve either one.F In re#inH,i%hin' o,r rivacy to 'overnment *e a#%o #o%e the ree"omto contro# an" act on o,r er%ona# inormation *hich i% *hat "e:ne% ,% in"ivi",a##y an"

co##ective#y a% ree a'ent% an" a ree nation. In a *or#" "evoi" o ree"om to contro# *ho *e areroc#aimin' that *e are F%ec,reF i% an emty #atit,"e.


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:conomy Advanta+e :'ten!ion!


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An!/er! to No o!!e! rom NSA S(yin+

NSA !(yin+ ha! co!t American com(anie! *i""ion! o do""ar!$

@onoh#e, 201& a,ra Proe%%or at )eor'eto*n a* Center ;<i'h echno#o'y Con%,mer Privacy an" .S.

Nationa# Sec,rity.= 201&J. >,%ine%% a* Revie* !orthcomin'. Avai#a#e at SSRNBhttB@@%%rn.com@a%tractY2&63&73

 he NSA ro'ram% an" ,#ic a*arene%% o them have ha" an imme"iate an" "etrimenta# imact on the.S. economy.  hey have co%t .S. comanie% i##ion% o "o##ar% in #o%t %a#e% even a% comanie%have %een their maret %hare% "ec#ine. American m,#tinationa# cororation% have ha" to "eve#o ne*ro",ct% an" ro'ram% to o8%et the reve#ation% an" to ,i#" con%,mer con:"ence . At the %ame time orei'n

entitie% have %een reven,e% increa%e. >eyon" the imme"iate imact the reve#ation o the ro'ram% an" the e(tentto *hich the NSA ha% enetrate" orei'n "ata Lo*% ha% ,n"ermine" .S. tra"e a'reementne'otiation%. It ha% %,rre" "ata #oca#iation e8ort% aro,n" the *or#" an" it ha% rai%e" the%ectre o the ,t,re ro#e o the nite" State% in Internet 'overnance . ven i oort,ni%tic the%e %hit%%i'na# an imme"iate an" #on'Dterm imact o the NSA ro'ram% an" ,#ic no*#e"'e ao,t them on the .S. economy.

The "ate!t evidence indicate! that the tech ind#!try i! "o!in+ *i""ion!$And it ha! !(i""ed over to other area! o the economy$

Ca!tro and ;c#inn =#ne 201&Daniel Castro i% the Uice Pre%i"ent o the Inormation echno#o'y an" Innovation !o,n"ation an"/irector o the Center or /ata InnovationK Alan McQuinn i% a Re%earch A%%i%tant *ith heInormation echno#o'y an" Innovation !o,n"ation. Prior to oinin' II! he *a% ate#ecomm,nication% e##o* or Con're%%*oman Anna %hoo an <onorary CoDChair o II! 6@-@1&;>eyon" the SA !ree"om ActB <o* .S. S,rvei##ance Sti## S,vert% .S. Cometitivene%%=;Inormation echno#o'y Innovation !o,n"ation=


A#mo%t t*o year% a'o II! "e%crie" ho* reve#ation% ao,t erva%ive "i'ita# %,rvei##ance y the.S. inte##i'ence comm,nity co,#" %evere#y harm the cometitivene%% o the nite" State% iorei'n c,%tomer% t,rne" a*ay rom .S.Dma"e techno#o'y an" %ervice%.1 Since then .S.o#icymaer% have ai#e" to tae %,fcient action to a""re%% the%e %,rvei##ance concern%K in %omeca%e% they have even anne" the Lame% o "i%content y chamionin' *ea inormation%ec,rity ractice%.2 In a""ition other co,ntrie% have ,%e" an'er over .S. 'overnment%,rvei##ance a% a cover or im#ementin' a ne* *ave o rotectioni%t o#icie% %eci:ca##ytar'etin' inormation techno#o'y. he comine" re%,#t i% a %et o o#icie% oth at home an"aroa" that %acri:ce% ro,%t cometitivene%% o the .S. tech %ector or va',e an" ,nconvincin'

romi%e% o imrove" nationa# %ec,rity.II! e%timate" in 2013 that even a mo"e%t "ro in the e(ecte" orei'n maret %hare or c#o,"com,tin' %temmin' rom concern% ao,t .S. %,rvei##ance co,#" co%t the nite" State%et*een 21.& i##ion an" 3& i##ion y 2016.3 Since then it ha% ecome c#ear that the .S.tech in",%try a% a *ho#e not ,%t the c#o," com,tin' %ector ha% ,n"erDerorme" a% a re%,#t othe Sno*"en reve#ation%. hereore the economic imact o .S. %,rvei##ance ractice% *i## #ie#yar e(cee" II!% initia# 3& i##ion e%timate. hi% reort cata#o',e% a *i"e ran'e o %eci:ce(am#e% o the economic harm that ha% een "one to .S. ,%ine%%e%. In %hort orei'nc,%tomer% are %h,nnin' .S. comanie%. he o#icy im#ication o thi% i% c#earB No* thatCon're%% ha% reorme" ho* the Nationa# Sec,rity A'ency NSAJ co##ect% ,# "ome%tic honerecor"% an" a##o*e" rivate :rm%Mrather than the 'overnmentMto co##ect an" %tore arove"


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"ata it i% time to a""re%% other controver%ia# "i'ita# %,rvei##ance activitie% y the .S.inte##i'ence comm,nity.The U$S$ +overnment! ai"#re to reorm many o the NSA! !#rvei""ance (ro+ram! ha!dama+ed the com(etitivene!! o the U$S$ tech !ector and co!t it a (ortion o the+"o*a" mar4et !hare.& hi% inc#,"e% ro'ram% %,ch a% PRIS9Mthe controver%ia# ro'rama,thorie" y the !ISA Amen"ment% Act *hich a##o*% or *arrant#e%% acce%% to rivateD,%er"ata on o,#ar on#ine %ervice% oth in the nite" State% an" aroa"Man" >,##r,nMthe NSA%ro'ram to ,n"ermine encrytion %tan"ar"% oth at home an" aroa". !orei'n comanie% have%eie" on the%e controver%ia# o#icie% to convince their c,%tomer% that eein' "ata at home i%%aer than %en"in' it aroa" an" orei'n 'overnment% have ointe" to .S. %,rvei##ance a%

 ,%ti:cation or rotectioni%t o#icie% that reH,ire "ata to e et *ithin their nationa# or"er%. Inthe mo%t e(treme ca%e% %,ch a% in China orei'n 'overnment% are ,%in' ear o "i'ita#%,rvei##ance to orce comanie% to %,rren"er va#,a#e inte##ect,a# roerty %,ch a% %o,rceco"e.6


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NSA S(yin+ ca#!e! @ata oca"i<ation

 NSA dome!tic !#rvei""ance +ave ne/ "ie +"o*a" data "oca"i<ationmovement! /hich threaten to #ndermine the internet economy

6eh" et a" 1 /anie##e eh# i% a Po#icy Ana#y%t at Ne* America% $en echno#o'y In%tit,te

$IJ. evin >an%ton i% the Po#icy /irector at $I Royn )reene i% a Po#icy Co,n%e# at $I an"Roert 9or',% i% a Re%earch A%%ociate at $IJ Ne* America% $en echno#o'y In%tit,te Po#icyPaer S,rvei##ance Co%t%B he NSA% Imact on the conomy Internet !ree"om Cyer%ec,rity

 E,#y 2014J

Internet ,ri%"iction an" or"er% *ere conD tentio,% i%%,e% #on' eore the Sno*"en #ea% ,tthe "eate ha% ecome %i'ni:cant#y more com#e( in the a%t year. !or "eca"e% the or"erD #e%%nat,re o cyer%ace103 ha% rai%e" concern% ao,t %overei'nty an" ho* 'overnment% canre',#ate an" acce%% their citien% er%ona# inorD mation or %eech *hen it i% %tore" on %erver%that may e #ocate" a## over the *or#".104 Uario,% "ata #oca#iation an" nationa# ro,tin'roo%a#% have een ,t orth y 'overnment% that %ee 'reatD er contro# o the inormation thatLo*% *ithin their or"er% oten in or"er to mae cen%or%hi an" %,rvei##ance over the #oca#

o,#ation ea%D ier.10& $n the other %i"e ree %eech a"vocate% techno#o'i%t% an" civi# %ocietyor'aniation% 'enera##y a"vocate or a or"er#e%% cyer%ace 'overne" y it% o*n %et ointernationa##yDa'ree" ,on r,#e% that romote the rotection o h,man ri'ht% in"ivi",a# rivacyan" ree e(re%%ion.106 he reve#ation% ao,t NSA %,rvei##ance have hei'htene" concern% onoth %i"e% o thi% "eate. >,t the "i%c#o%,re% aear to have 'iven ne* amm,nition toroonent% o 'reater 'overnmenta# contro# over trafc an" net*or inra%tr,ct,re acce#eratin'the n,mer an" %coe o nationa# contro# roo%a#% rom oth #on'Dtime a"vocate% a% *e## a%'overnment% *ith re#ative#y %o#i" trac recor"% on h,man ri'ht%.

 here are no* more than a "oen co,ntrie% that have intro",ce" or are active#y "i%c,%%in' "ata#oca#iation #a*%.10+ >roa"#y %eain' "ata #oca#iation can e "e:ne" a% any mea%,re% that;%eci:ca##y enc,mer the tran%er o "ata acro%% nationa# or"er%= thro,'h r,#e% that reventor #imit the%e inormation Lo*%.10- he "ata #oca#iaD tion roo%a#% ein' con%i"ere" o%tDSno*"en 'enera##y reH,ire that orei'n IC comanie% maintain inra%tr,ct,re #ocate" *ithin aco,nD try an" %tore %ome or a## o their "ata on that co,ntry% ,%er% on #oca# %erver%.110 >rai#or e(am#e ha% roo%e" that Internet comanie% #ie !aceoo an" )oo'#e m,%t %et , #oca#"ata center% %o that they are o,n" y >rai#ian rivacy #a*%.111 he In"ian 'overnment% "rato#icy *o,#" orce comanie% to maintain art o their I inra%tr,ct,re inDco,ntry 'ive #oca#a,thoritie% acce%% to the encryte" "ata on their %erver% or crimina# inve%ti'ation% an" revent#oca# "ata rom ein' move" o,t o co,ntry.112 )ermany )reece >r,nei an" Uietnam have a#%o,t orth their o*n "ata %overei'nty roo%a#%. Proonent% ar',e that the%e o#icie% *o,#"rovi"e 'reater %ec,rity an" rivacy rotection eca,%e #oca# %erver% an" inra%tr,ct,re can 'ive'overnment% oth hy%ica# contro# an" #e'a# ,ri%"iction over the "ata ein' %tore" on themMa#tho,'h the o#icie% may come *ith a""e" o#itica# an" economic ene:t% or tho%e co,ntrie% a%*e##. ;<ome 'ro*n an" ',arantee" %ec,rity in "ata %tora'e har"*are man,act,re c#o,"com,tin' %ervice% an" ro,tin' are a## art o a ne* "i%c,%%ion ao,t Wtechno#o'ica#%overei'nty= *rite 9a%co#o an" Scott. ;It i% oth a o#itica# re%on%e an" a maretin' oDort,nity.= 113 At the %ame time "ata #oca#iation can a#%o aci#itate #oca# cen%or%hi an" %,rvei#D#ance main' it ea%ier or 'overnment% to e(ert contro# over the Internet inra%tr,ct,re.


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An!/er! to @ec"ine @oe!nt Ca#!e Bar

  Stati!tic! (rove dec"ine doe! ca#!e /ar

"om*er, 2002>roc >#omer' Proe%%or o conomic% at 5e##e%#ey Co##e'e )re'ory <e%% Proe%%or o

conomic% at $er#in Co##e'e !er,ary 2002 ;he emora# in% et*een ConLict an"conomic Activity= Eo,rna# o ConLict Re%o#,tion

 o e'in thi% temora# ;ca,%a#= inve%ti'ation *e :r%t nee" to "eve#o a %tati%tica# rame*or toe%timate the oint "ynamic "etermination o the occ,rrence o interna# conLict e(terna# conLictan" 'ro*th. >eca,%e conLict i% mea%,re" a% a "i%crete varia#e re%earcher% tyica##y e%timatethe occ,rrence a% a roai#ity or i *e con%i"er oth interna# an" e(terna# conLict *e cana#*ay% e%timate the oint roai#ity "i%tri,tion. >,t are there %imi#ar interretation% oeconomic activity a% a "i%crete %tateG In"ee" a roa" #iterat,re con%i"er% the evo#,tion o %tate%in the economy a% the nat,ra# ro're%%ion o ha%e%. In act one o the ey hi%torica# %t,"ie% o.S. an" internationa# ,%ine%% cyc#e% ,n"ertaen y >,rn% an" 9itche## 1-44J treate" the%tate o the economy a% either an e(an%ion or contraction on *hich the Nationa# >,rea, o

conomic Re%earch% "atin' roce",re or rece%%ion% *a% o,n"e". 4 he re#evance or o,r %t,"yi% that reaoint% in the %tate o the economy either e(an%ion or rece%%ion are ana#o'o,% torea oint% in eaceMinterna# or e(terna# conLict%.& %in' an ,na#ance" ane# o "atacoverin' 1&2 co,ntrie% rom 1-&0 to 1--2 *e thereore con%i"er the oint "etermination ointerna# conLict e(terna# conLict an" the %tate o the economy a% mea%,re" y theaorementione" "i%crete varia#e%. 5e :n" that the re#ation%hi et*een the varia#e% i% not a%im#e one. ConLict "oe% aear to e hi'h#y re#ate" to the economy or the entire %am#e.<o*ever it %eem% to e mo%t hi'h#y re#ate" *hen con%i"erin' certain nationD'ro,%. !ornon"emocracie% or in re'ion% hi'h#y o,#ate" y non"emocracie% there %eem% to e anintimate #in et*een a oor economy an" the "eci%ion to 'o to *arMoth interna##y an"e(terna##y. he%e re%,#t% con:rm m,ch o the ori'ina# hyothe%e% ,t orth in >#omer' <e%%an" hacer 2001JMname#y that there i% come##in' evi"ence o a con"itiona# overtyDconLict



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An!/er! to Cy*er!ec#rity Sector T#rn

 The ma!! !#rvei""ance mode" h#rt! cy*er!ec#rity and +"o*a" Internetreedom$

6eh" et a" 1, /anie##e eh# Senior Po#icy Ana#y%t $en echno#o'y In%tit,te evin >an%ton /irector $en

 echno#o'y In%tit,te Roert 9or',% Pro'ram A%%ociate Internationa# Sec,rity Pro'ram an"Royn )reene Po#icy Co,n%e# $en echno#o'y In%tit,te ;SRUIANC C$SSB < NSATSI9PAC $N < C$N$9O INRN !R/$9 CO>RSCRIO= $en echno#o'y In%tit,te

 EO 2- 2014 htt%B@@***.ne*america.or'@oti@%,rvei##anceDco%t%DtheDn%a%DimactDonDtheDeconomyDinternetDree"omDcyer%ec,rity@J

Co%t% to Cyer%ec,rityB he NSA ha% "one %erio,% "ama'e to Internet %ec,rity thro,'h it%*eaenin' o ey encrytion %tan"ar"% in%ertion o %,rvei##ance ac"oor% into *i"e#yD,%e"har"*are an" %ot*are ro",ct% %toci#in' rather than re%on%i#y "i%c#o%in' inormation ao,t%ot*are %ec,rity v,#nerai#itie% an" a variety o o8en%ive hacin' oeration% ,n"erminin' theovera## %ec,rity o the '#oa# Internet. he .S. 'overnment ha% a#rea"y taen %ome #imite" %te%

to miti'ate thi% "ama'e an" e'in the %#o* "ifc,#t roce%% o re,i#"in' tr,%t in the nite"State% a% a re%on%i#e %te*ar" o the Internet. >,t the reorm e8ort% to "ate have eenre#ative#y narro* oc,%in' rimari#y on the %,rvei##ance ro'ram% imact on the ri'ht% o .S.citien%. >a%e" on o,r :n"in'% *e recommen" that the .S. 'overnment tae the o##o*in' %te%to a""re%% the roa"er concern that the NSA% ro'ram% are imactin' o,r economy o,r orei'nre#ation% an" o,r cyer%ec,rityB Stren'then rivacy rotection% or oth American% an" nonDAmerican% *ithin the nite" State% an" e(traterritoria##y. Provi"e or increa%e" tran%arencyaro,n" 'overnment %,rvei##ance oth rom the 'overnment an" comanie%. Recommit to theInternet !ree"om a'en"a in a *ay that "irect#y a""re%%e% i%%,e% rai%e" y NSA %,rvei##anceinc#,"in' movin' to*ar" internationa# h,manDri'ht% a%e" %tan"ar"% on %,rvei##ance. >e'in theroce%% o re%torin' tr,%t in cryto'rahy %tan"ar"% thro,'h the Nationa# In%tit,te o Stan"ar"%an" echno#o'y. n%,re that the .S. 'overnment "oe% not ,n"ermine cyer%ec,rity y in%ertin'%,rvei##ance ac"oor% into har"*are or %ot*are ro",ct%. <e# to e#iminate %ec,rityv,#nerai#itie% in %ot*are rather than %toci#e them. /eve#o c#ear o#icie% ao,t *hether*hen an" ,n"er *hat #e'a# %tan"ar"% it i% ermi%%i#e or the 'overnment to %ecret#y in%ta##ma#*are on a com,ter or in a net*or. Searate the o8en%ive an" "een%ive ,nction% o theNSA in or"er to minimie conLict% o intere%t.


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An!/er! to USA Freedom Act So"ve!

 Freedom Act in!#fcient to re!o"ve US tech re(#tation

The Nation 1&  E,ne 11 201& httB@@***.cr.or'@#atinDamericaDan"DtheDcariean@%no*"enDcomeDet*eenD,%D#atinDamerica@3110- ;Z</ Ne* <ea" 36 #i'htKSt,"y %ho*% co%t o *hi%t#eD#o*er Sno*"enT%

reve#ation% to S tech :rm%=

S techno#o'y comanie% are 'ettin' hit har"er than anticiate" y reve#ation% ao,t%,rvei##ance ro'ramme% #e" y the Nationa# Sec,rity A'ency a %t,"y %ho*e" ye%ter"ay. he%t,"y y the Inormation echno#o'y an" Innovation !o,n"ation a 5a%hin'ton thinDtan %ai"the imact *o,#" e 'reater than it% e%timate near#y t*o year% a'o o #o%%e% or the c#o,"Dcom,tin' %ector. In 2013 the thinDtan e%timate" that S c#o," com,tin' :rm% co,#" #o%eet*een 22 i##ion an" 3& i##ion >t73-.+ i##ion an" >t1.1 tri##ionJ in over%ea% ,%ine%% overthree year%. It no* aear% imo%%i#e to H,antiy the economic "ama'e eca,%e the entire%ector ha% een tarni%he" y the %can"a# rom reve#ation% in "oc,ment% #eae" y ormer NSAcontractor "*ar" Sno*"en the reort %ai". FThe!e reve"ation! have ,n"amenta##y !ha4eninternationa" tr#!t in US tech com(anie! an" h,rt S ,%ine%% ro%ect% a## over the *or#"F

the reort %ai". St,"y coDa,thor /anie# Ca%tro %ai" the imact i% no* oenDen"e" *ith the NSA%can"a# havin' tarni%he" a *i"e ran'e o S tech :rm%. Since 2013 he %ai" F*e havenTt t,rne"thi% aro,n"K itT% not ,%t c#o," comanie%. ItT% a## tech :rm% im#icate" y thi%F he %ai". FIt"oe%nTt %ho* any %i'n% o %toin'.F ZNe* S,hea"KNe* #a* in%,fcient Z> Ne* Screen@rie%

 e(t D no in"entKhe reort %ai" orei'n c,%tomer% are increa%in'#y %h,nnin' S comanie% an"'overnment% aro,n" the *or#" Fare ,%in' S %,rvei##ance a% an e(c,%e to enact a ne* *ave orotectioni%t o#icie%F. $ne %,rvey cite" y the re%earcher% o,n" 2& er cent o ,%ine%%e% in>ritain an" Cana"a #anne" to ,## comany "ata o,t o the nite" State% a% a re%,#t o the NSAreve#ation%. Some comanie% in ,roe "o not *ant their "ata ho%te" in North America ",e tothe%e concern% the re%earcher% %ai". 9ean*hi#e orei+n com(anie! have #!ed thereve"ation! a! a mar4etin+ o((ort#nity. Fhere i% a#%o an increa%in'#y "i%tre%%in' tren" oco,ntrie% %,ch a% A,%tra#ia China R,%%ia an" In"ia a%%in' #a*% that revent their citien%T

er%ona# inormation rom #eavin' the co,ntryT% or"er% e8ective#y man"atin' that c# o,"com,tin' :rm% ,i#" "ata centre% in tho%e co,ntrie% or ri% #o%in' acce%% to their maret%.F hereort %ai" %evera# S tech :rm% inc#,"in' A#e an" Sa#e%orce have a#rea"y %tarte" to ,i#""ata centre% aroa" Fto aea%e orei'n *atch"o'% an" rivacy a"vocate%F. 5hi#e thi% F"atanationa#i%mF may create %ome o% in the %hort term Ca%tro %ai" that co,ntrie% enactin' the%eo#icie% Fare h,rtin' them%e#ve% in the #on' term y c,ttin' them%e#ve% o8 rom the e%ttechno#o'yF. Ca%tro %ai" the a%%a'e o a reorm mea%,re #a%t *ee ca##e" the USA FreedomAct i! not !#fcient to re(air the re(#tation o US tech 5rm!. he reort recommen"%,rther reorm% inc#,"in' oo%tin' tran%arency o %,rvei##ance ractice% oo%in' 'overnmente8ort% to *eaen encrytion an" %tren'thenin' it% m,t,a# #e'a# a%%i%tance treatie% *ith othernation%. F$ver the #a%t e* year% the S 'overnmentT% ai#,re to meanin',##y reorm it%%,rvei##ance ractice% ha% taen a %erio,% economic to## on the S tech %ector an" the tota# co%t

contin,e% to 'ro* each "ayF Ca%tro %ai". Ca%tro %ai" the SA !ree"om Act *hich c,r% ,#"ata co##ection amon' it% reorm% i% F'oo" #e'i%#ation an" a %te in the ri'ht "irection. 5e havei'nore" the economic imact o S %,rvei##anceF.


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S#rvei""ance ca#!e! a Chi""in+ :Dect

S#rvei""ance create! conormity, that chi""! di!!ent$

@e!ai, 201/even R. A%%ociate Proe%%or o a* an" thic% )eor'ia In%tit,te o echno#o'y Sche##er Co##e'eo >,%ine%%K E./. Oa#e a* Schoo#K FCon%tit,tiona# imit% on S,rvei##anceB A%%ociationa# !ree"om in

the A'e o /ata <oar"in'.F Notre /ame . Rev. -0 2014JB &7-.

A% %cho#ar% o a%%ociation mi'ht %ay *ith %,rvei##ance the room to "i%a'ree ao,t *hat the common 'oo"i% "imini%he%. n261 ?[623 $ne *ay to thin o the ro#em i% a% the nee" or anonymity. Chri%toher S#oo'in ha%e(#aine" that er%ectiveB FAnonymity in ,#ic romote% ree"om o action an" an oen %ociety.ac o ,#ic anonymity romote% conormity an" an ore%%ive %ociety.F n262 <e ca##% thi% ro#em

F,#ic rivacy.F n263 hat %eemin' o(ymoron cat,re% the nee" to e ,#ic yet rivate rom 'overnment over%i'ht. It i%anonymity to the 'overnment that matter%.  hat anonymity may e a%e" on rotection% rom "irect %,rvei##ance orrotection% rom the 'overnment acce%%in' thir" arty rivate %ector recor"% o recent an" a%t comm,nication% an" act%. E,#ie

Cohen ha% %ho*n *hy that i% %o. n264 S,rvei##ance chan'e% ehavior% eca,%e Fthe e(erience o ein'*atche" *i## con%train e( ante the acceta#e %ectr,m o e#ie an" ehavior.F n26& In!tead oro*#!t, diver!e, and cha""en+in+ idea!, /e /i"" avor the Ethe *"and and the

main!tream.F n266 5e en" , *ith a "imini%he" Fcaacity to act an" to "eci"eF *hich #ea"% toFthe hi'he%t o%%i#e "e'ree o com#iance *ith ?*hat the %tate "etermine% i% the mo"e# ...citien.F n267 hi% ro#em i% a tye o chi##in' e8ect. n26+

S#rvei""ance de!troy! democracy *eca#!e it chi""! ree e'(re!!ion anddi!!ent$

Schneier 201& >r,ce Schneier a e##o* at the >erman Center or Internet an" Society at <arvar" a* Schoo# aoar" memer o the #ectronic !rontier !o,n"ation an A"vi%ory >oar" 9emer o the #ectronicPrivacy Inormation Center an" the C$ at Re%i#ient Sy%tem% 3@2@1& Data and Goliath: The

Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World  -0

S,rvei##ance ha% a otentia##y enormo,% chi##in' e8ect on %ociety . S S,reme Co,rt E,%tice Sonia

Sotomayor reco'nie" thi% in her conc,rrin' oinion in a 2012 ca%e ao,t the !>IT% in%ta##in' a )PS tracer in %omeoneT%

car. <er comment% *ere m,ch roa"erB FA*arene%% that the )overnment may e *atchin' chi##%a%%ociationa# an" e(re%%ive ree"om%. An" the )overnmentT% ,nre%traine" o*er to a%%em#e"ata that revea# rivate a%ect% o i"entity i% %,%ceti#e to a,%e . he net re%,#t i% that )PS monitorin'My

main' avai#a#e at a re#ative#y #o* co%t %,ch a %,%tantia# H,antity o intimate inormation ao,t any er%on *hom the 

)overnment in it% ,nettere" "i%cretion choo%e% to tracMmay Ta#ter the re#ation%hi et*een citien an"'overnment in a *ay that i% inimica# to "emocratic %ociety. ; Co#,mia  niver%ity #a* roe%%oren 9o'#en *rote that Fomnire%ent inva%ive #i%tenin' create% ear. An" that ear i% the enemyo rea%one" or"ere" #ierty.F S,rvei##ance i% a tactic o intimi"ation. In the S *e a#rea"y %ee

the e'innin'% o thi% chi##in' e8ect. Accor"in' to a <,man Ri'ht% 5atch reort o,rna#i%t% coverin' %torie%on the inte##i'ence comm,nity nationa# %ec,rity an" #a* enorcement have een %i'ni:cant#yhamere" y 'overnment %,rvei##ance. So,rce% are #e%% #ie#y to contact them an" they them%e#ve% are *orrie" ao,t

ein' ro%ec,te". <,man Ri'ht% 5atch conc#,"e% that %torie% in the nationa# intere%t that nee" to ereorte" "onTt 'et reorte" an" that the ,#ic i% #e%% inorme" a% a re%,#t . hatT% the chi##in' e8ect ri'htthere. a*yer% *orin' on ca%e% *here there i% %ome inte##i'ence intere%tMorei'n 'overnment c#ient% "r,'% terrori%mMare a#%oa8ecte". ie o,rna#i%t% they *orry that their conver%ation% are monitore" an" that "i%c,%%ion% *ith their c#ient% *i## :n" their *ay

into the ro%ec,tionT% han"%. Po%tD-@11 %,rvei##ance ha% ca,%e" *riter% to %e#Dcen%or. hey avoi" *ritin' ao,tan" re%earchin' certain %,ect%K theyre care,# ao,t comm,nicatin' *ith %o,rce% co##ea',e% or rien"% aroa". A Pe* Re%earchCenter %t,"y con",cte" ,%t ater the :r%t Sno*"en artic#e% *ere ,#i%he" o,n" that eo#e "i"nTt *ant to ta# ao,t the NSA

on#ine. A roa"er <arri% o## o,n" that near#y ha# o American% have chan'e" *hat they re%earchta# ao,t an" *rite ao,t eca,%e o NSA %,rvei##ance.  S,rvei##ance ha% chi##e" Internet ,%e y 9,%#imAmerican% an" y 'ro,% #ie environmenta#i%t% ',nDri'ht% activi%t% "r,' o#icy a"vocate% an" h,man ri'ht% *orer%. Ater the


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Sno*"en reve#ation% o 2013 eo#e acro%% the *or#" *ere #e%% #ie#y to %earch er%ona##y %en%itive term% on )oo'#e. A 2014reort rom the N <i'h Commi%%ioner on <,man Ri'ht% note" Fven the mere o%%ii#ity ocomm,nication% inormation ein' cat,re" create% an intererence *ith rivacy *ith aotentia# chi##in' e8ect on ri'ht% inc#,"in' tho%e to ree e(re%%ion an" a%%ociation.  hi% i%nTtaranoia. In 2012 !rench re%i"ent Nico#a% Saroy %ai" in a camai'n %eech FAnyone *ho re',#ar#y con%,#t% internet %ite% *hichromote terror or hatre" or vio#ence *i## e %entence" to ri%on.T hi% ear o %cr,tiny i%nTt ,%t ao,t the re%entK itT% ao,t the a%ta% *e##. Po#itician% a#rea"y #ive in a *or#" *here the oo%ition o##o*% them aro,n" con%tant#y *ith camera% hoin' to recor"%omethin' that can e taen o,t o conte(t. verythin' theyve %ai" an" "one in the a%t i% ore" thro,'h an" ,"'e" in the re%ent*ith an e(actit,"e ar 'reater than *a% ima'ina#e on#y a e* year% a'o. Ima'ine thi% ein' norma# or every o a#icant.


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Fear ;a+ni5e! -rivacy o!!

 Fear and (erce(tion ma+niy (rivacy "o!!$

9eymann 201&Phi#i > Proe%%or o a* <arvar" a* Schoo# ;An %%ay $n /ome%tic S,rvei##ance= a*areRe%earch Paer Serie% Uo# 3.2 httB@@***.#a*are#o'.com@*Dcontent@,#oa"%@2013@0+@a*areD


 he In"een"ent Si'ni:cance $ !ear $ o%% $ Privacy o Secret )overnmenta# S,rvei##anceB he caacity to co##ectroce%% an" ,%e ma%%ive amo,nt% o inormation on 'reat n,mer% o citien% "oe% notnece%%ari#y mean that the inormation i% act,a##y ,%e" in a *ay threatenin' to a citien% rivacy.Phone meta"ata ima'e% rom %treet camera% an" the ro",ct o a %ecret#y #ace" '#oa# o%itionin' "evice co,#" %im#y e %tore",nti# %ome orm o re"icate %,ch a% roa#e ca,%e 'ave rea%on to ,## it o,t o the inventory or vie* an" %t,"y. An" erha% Inee" not *orry ao,t camera% or '#oa# o%itionin' "evice% or ce## hone% co##ectin' inormation on *here I have een an" *hat Ihave "one %o #on' a% there m,%t e roa#e ca,%e or %ome #e%%er re"icate e.'. ;rea%ona#e %,%icion=J or the 'overnment toacce%% *hat it ha% co##ecte". In act on thi% theory a h,'e inventory o 'overnment meta"ata on hone ,%e i% %tore" y the NSA*here it i% rea"i#y avai#a#e to e %earche" – ,t on#y on an interna# 'overnmenta# "etermination o ;rea%ona#e %,%icion= that itinvo#ve% a terrori%t #an. he inventory may not e %earche" *itho,t that interna# "etermination. So in oth e(am#e% I have cho%enconcern ao,t a"ver%e e8ect% o #o%t rivacy t,rn% on the e8ect on citien% attit,"e% an" ehavior o no*in' that recor"% o *hatthey are "oin' *i## e he#" y the 'overnment an" co,#" erha% imroer#y e vie*e" at a #ater "ate *itho,t a ,"icia# *arrant DD

*ith no more than a ,rea,cratic "etermination o ;rea%ona#e %,%icion= that the recor" ear% on a nationa# %ec,rity threat. here%ence o ear even ,nrea%ona#e ear ha% imortant e8ect% on the con:"ent an" ree %ocia# an"o#itica# #ie on *hich "emocracy "een"%. !ear o "i%covery a#one co,#" ea%i#y a8ect *ith *homI a%%ociate or e(am#e or *hat ,%e I mae o %ychiatri%t% or "r,'%. The ear i! ar dee(er and more"a!tin+ i a /arrant rom a >#d+e i! not re#ired$ Interna# a'ency roce%%e% are not an a"eH,ate %,%tit,te. he "ee %,%icion% that are va#,a#e in an a'ency char'e" *ith reventin' terrori%m or reventin' crime have a "ar %i"eK they *i##

inect it% ,"'ment o *hen there i% a 'en,ine nee" to %ee the reH,ire" inormation. Imortant con%eH,ence% t,rn onthe citien% tr,%t that "ata the 'overnment ha% acH,ire" *i## not e ,%e" *itho,t there ein' a;rea#= nee" or it% ,%e. 9,ch o the o,#ation *o,#" not tr,%t any %,ch a%%,rance y the NSA or the !>I a#one.

Percetion% o 'overnment ryin' "o matter. 5hether a "ramatic 'ro*th in the caacity or an"r,it% o 'overnment %,rvei##ance *o,#" e e(erience" a% harm,# to in"ivi",a# ree"om civi#%ociety an" "emocratic in%tit,tion% "een" on more than ho* the inormation *o,#" in act e,%e". !ear a#%o "een"% on *hat other otentia# ,%e% citien% *o,#" %,%ectK the e(erci%e oin"ivi",a# #ierty an" a,tonomy a""itiona##y "een" on *hat citien% %,%ect mi'ht haen *iththat inormation an" the reca,tionary %te% – c,rtai#ment o entire#y #a*,# activitie% ore(am#e – citien% mi'ht tae. Attit,"e% to*ar" 'overnment an" one% ree"om% a#%o "een" ,on a n,mer o roa"erconte(t,a# actor%B the e(tent o the erceive" "an'er %o,'ht to e revente"K the c,rrent #eve# o %,%icion or tr,%t in the

'overnmentK the hi%tory an" c,#t,re o rivacy in the %ocietyK an" m,ch e#%e. Some e* *o,#" ar',e that the #o%% orivacy mi'ht not e a concern at a##. Ater a## mo%t eo#e "o not haror a crime or a %can"a#that they m,%t hi"e ehin" c#aim% to rivacyK their #ive% are too roer or that . >,t tho%e voice% are a%ma## minorityK or mo%t eo#e the va#,e o rivacy i% to rotect the o%%ii#ity o a%%ociation an" artic,#ar#y intimacy *ith other%

irre%ective o *hether one ha% anythin' to hi"e in the *ay o crime or %can"a#. $ne act i% c#ear. he ear an" thero%ect o rai"#y e(an"in' 'overnment %,rvei##ance in the nite" State% are #ain#y there onthe near horion. he chi#"ren o the Sno*"en a'e tae it or 'rante" that they are ein'monitore" an" they ear the %ocia# e8ect% o that monitorin'.


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An!/er! to ;a!! S#rvei""ance So"ve! @i!crimination

No, ;a!! S#rvei""ance i! di!criminatory – (rivacy i! critica" to !to( thi!$

Richard!, 201&,Nei# 9. Proe%%or o a* 5a%hin'ton niver%ity. ;!o,r Privacy 9yth%= Revi%e" orm FA 5or#"5itho,t PrivacyGF Camri"'e Pre%% A,%tin Sarat e". 201&J !orthcomin'. Avai#a#e at SSRNB

httB@@%%rn.com@a%tractY2427+0+ he %e'mentin' o*er o "ata ana#ytic% %,''e%t% a thir" o*er e8ect that er%ona# "ata canena#e – the o*er to %ort. In an inL,entia# 1--3 oo %ocio#o'i%t $%car )an"y "e%crie" the "i'ita# rivacyrevo#,tion a% ,%herin' in %omethin' he ca##e" ;he Panotic Sort.=7& )an"y ,%e" thi% term to mean the,%e o #ar'e "ata%et% y 'overnment an" rivate ,rea,cracie% to c#a%%iy a%%e%% an" %ortin"ivi",a#% or ana#y%i% an" contro# – a %y%tem o o*er a%e" ,on er%ona# inormation.  9orerecent#y Eo%eh ,ro* ha% i##,%trate" the even more o*er,# %ortin' ai#ity that t*o "eca"e% o com,ter an" "ata %cience haveena#e". o"ay er%ona# "ata i% ,%e" to c#a%%iy an" %ort ,% a##. 76 $n the one han" the increa%e" efciency o %ortin' ena#e" ythe inormation revo#,tion ha% many ,%e,# a#ication%. ar'e"ata%et ana#ytic% ha% many o*er,# a#ication% that "ont even ,%eer%ona# "ata %,ch a% *eather an" trafc oreca%tin' the "e%i'n o etter a,tomotive comonent% %e##Dchecer% an" %earchen'ine%.77 Ana#ytic% a%e" on er%ona# "ata are ,%e,# too ena#in' etter "eci%ion% in the me"ica# cre"it an" in%,rance conte(t%

a% *e## a% the revention o terrori%m an" other crime%.7+ >,t thi% increa%e" o*er to %ort can e ,%e" or a"or mora##y ami',o,% ,ro%e% a% *e##. a*yer% have another *or" or thi% in" o %ortin' *hich

i% ;"i%crimination.= Con%i"er the ,%e o con%,mer ro:#e% to "etermine the #ie#ihoo" *e *o,#" ,y ro",ct% at a 'iven rice.S,ch re#ative#y %im#e ana#ytic techniH,e% co,#" ena#e a *e%ite %ay #ie Amaon.comJ in *hich a## rice% *ere otimie" to the

hi'he%t va#,e *e mi'ht e *i##in' to ay. Sohi%ticate" ana#ytic% co,#" a#%o rai%e the %ectre o a ne* in"o ;re"#inin'= – the "enia# or "i%crimination o %ervice% to eo#e on the a%i% o race or other%,%ect criteria. $ co,r%e re"ictive ana#ytic% nee" not ,%e race "irect#yK they co,#" e "e%i'ne" to i'nore race an" ,%e othervaria#e% that corre#ate *ith race. $r erha% %,ch a#'orithm% mi'ht not ,%e race in"irect#y ,t imo%e a r,ta# in"ivi",a#ie"economic rationa#i%m ,on ,% a## a% con%,mer% an" citien%. han,##y the %tron' orm o that %ociety i% not ,on ,% yet ,t %ome

o it% *eaer co,%in% are. An" i *e "i%mi%% the ro#em% ca,%e" y rivacy or er%ona# "ata a% nothin'more than a" eo#e hi"in' a" "ee"% *e *i## mi%% the tran%ormative o*er e8ect% o the"i'ita# revo#,tion entire#y. !or etter or *or%e *e ,%e the term ;rivacy= a% a %horthan" to cat,re a##o the i%%,e% rai%e" y er%ona# "ata. A% a re%,#t rivacy i% not ,%t or tho%e o ,% *ith%omethin' to hi"e. $ co,r%e *e a## have %omethin' to hi"e. >,t more ,n"amenta##y H,e%tion% o rivacy inc#,"emany o the mo%t ,n"amenta# H,e%tion% o civi# #iertie% economic an" o#itica# o*er in a

"i'ita# %ociety. !rom that er%ective rivacy i% or everyone.

S#rvei""ance e'acer*ate! e'i!itin+ ine#a"ity$

;a+i, 2011 rina E. irarian niver%ity o Uermont >,r#in'ton. F!o,rteen Rea%on% Privacy 9atter%B A9,#ti"i%ci#inary Revie* o Scho#ar#y iterat,re1.F he irary +1.2 2011J.

-rivacy he"(! (revent !ortin+ o (eo("e into cate+orie! that can "ead to "o!to((ort#nitie! and dee(er ine#a"itie!.M9any %cho#ar% are concerne" that the 'atherin' o "ata ao,t

in"ivi",a#% an" the %ortin' o eo#e into cate'orie% can #ea" to #o%t oort,nitie% "eeer ineH,a#itie% "e%tai#ie" o#itica# actionan" victimiation y error over%im#i:cation an" "econte(t,a#iation. %in' the anoticon metahor )an"y "i%c,%%e%*hat he ca##% the ;anotic %ort= a ;"i%criminatory roce%% that %ort% in"ivi",a#% on the a%i% otheir e%timate" va#,e or *orth= an" ;reache% into every a%ect o in"ivi",a#% #ive% in their ro#e% a% citien% em#oyee%an" con%,mer%= ?33 . 1. )an"y c#aim% the anotic %ort i% a "een%ive techno#o'y more concerne" *ith avoi"in' ri% an" #o%% than*ith rea#iin' a 'ain ?33 . 17. S,ch %ortin' ha% een aci#itate" y com,ter techno#o'y that ha% ma"e it co%tDe8ective to co##ect%tore an" ana#ye "ata an" match it *ith other "ata %et%. )an"y i% tro,#e" y the act that tho%e in o*er ,%e thi% inormation tore"ict ,t,re ehavior o an in"ivi",a# not on the a%i% o the ehavior o that artic,#ar in"ivi",a# ,t rather on the more 'enera#a%i% o the a%t ehavior o other in"ivi",a#% in the 'ro, or c#a%% to *hich the er%on ha% een a%%i'ne" a%e" on %ome attri,te%

?33 . 144. >a%e" on thi% %ortin' in"ivi",a#% *i## e re%ente" *ith #imite" otion% rom *hich tochoo%e #ea"in' to an increa%e" no*#e"'e 'a et*een the have% an" the haveDnot% an" a'enera#ie" #o*erin' o the avera'e #eve# o ,#ic ,n"er%tan"in' ?33 . 2. Reiman a'ree% that theanoticon i% a more :ttin' metahor than the :%ho*# or thi% ne* threat to rivacy eca,%e the mo"ern mean% o co##ectin'inormation 'ather% vario,% ,#ic#y o%erva#e activitie% that are "i%er%e" over %ace an" time an" mae% them vi%i#e rom a


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%in'#e oint ?27 . 1-6. 9any *riter% e(re%% concern ao,t the *ay a"mini%trative %y%tem% or co##ectin' "ata ao,t eo#e m,%t

nece%%ari#y over%im#iy the nat,re o in"ivi",a#% an" comm,nitie%. Eame% Scott %ay% ;a h,man comm,nity i% %,re#yar too com#icate" an" varia#e to ea%i#y yie#" it% %ecret% to ,rea,cratic orm,#ae=  ?3& . 23 yet*hen 'overnment% co##ect %tan"ar"ie" recor"% an" "oc,ment% the inormation in the%e recor"%ea%i#y ecome% the on#y inormation to e con%i"ere" y the %tate . ;An error in %,ch a "oc,mentcan have ar more o*erMan" or ar #on'erMthan can an ,nreorte" tr,th= he %ay% ?3& . +3.


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An!/er to Nothin+ to 9ide8

-rivacy i! not a*o#t hidin+ *ad deed!, *#t i! e!!entia" or individ#a"ityand !e"3determination,

Richard!, 201&,Nei# 9. Proe%%or o a* 5a%hin'ton niver%ity. ;!o,r Privacy 9yth%= Revi%e" orm FA 5or#"

5itho,t PrivacyGF Camri"'e Pre%% A,%tin Sarat e". 201&J !orthcomin'. Avai#a#e at SSRNBhttB@@%%rn.com@a%tractY2427+0+A %econ" rea%on *hy the ;Nothin' to <i"e= ar',ment i% mi%#ea"in' i% that it re",ce% rivacy to an in"ivi",a#% ri'ht to hi"e i'%ecret%. S,ch a cr,"e re",ction o the i%%,e i'nore% oth the com#e(ity o rivacy a% *e## a% the %ocia# va#,e that come% rom #ivin'in a %ociety that not everythin' ao,t ,% i% ,#ic#y avai#a#e a## o the time. hi% i% the in%i'ht o #e'a# %cho#ar /anie# So#ove in hi%

oo ;Nothin' to <i"e.= So#ove %ho*% ho* thinin' o rivacy a% the hi"in' o "i%cre"ita#e %ecret% yin"ivi",a#% i% a mi%tae eca,%e rivacy i% ao,t more than hi"in' %ecret% an" can mean a *i"e varietyo thin'%. 9oreover he note% that ;rivacy i% ;oten ero"e" over time #itt#e it% "i%%o#vin' a#mo%t imerceti#y ,nti# *e :na##y e'in

to notice ho* m,ch i% 'one.=64 Privacy in thi% vie* i% a %ocia# va#,e rather than mere#y an in"ivi",a# one. Rather thanthinin' ao,t rivacy a% mere#y the in"ivi",a# ri'ht to hi"e a" "ee"% *e %ho,#" thin moreroa"#y ao,t the in" o %ociety *e *ant to #ive in.  A %ociety in *hich everyone ne* everythin'ao,t everyone e#%e *o,#" e ore%%ive eca,%e it *o,#" #ace ,% a## ,n"er the '#are o,#icity a## the timeK there *o,#" e no ;ree one% or in"ivi",a#% to Lo,ri%h .=6& e'a# %cho#ar =#"ie

Cohen +oe! #rther, ar+#in+ that (rivacy i! nece!!ary or h#man! to *e a*"e to decide/ho they are. In Cohen% acco,nt o,r %e#ve% are L,i" con%tant#y ein' ,i#t an" chan'e" y o,r activitie% tho,'ht% an"

interaction% *ith other eo#e. -rivacy in her vie* !he"ter! the deve"o(ment o o#r dynamic !e"ve!rom the eDort! o commercia" and +overnment actor! to render individ#a"! andcomm#nitie! 5'ed, tran!(arent, and (redicta*"e$8 Privacy rotect% o,r ai#ity to mana'e o,n"arie%

et*een o,r%e#ve% an" other% %o that %e#D"etermination i% o%%i#e.66 It he"(! #! avoid the ca"c#"atin+,#antiyin+ tyranny o the ma>ority$ -rivacy i! th#! e!!entia" or individ#a"ity and !e"3determination, /ith !#*!tantia" *ene5t! or !ociety$


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An!/er! to -o!ner – a"ancin+ %ood8

The Con!tit#tion en!hrine! #ndamenta" (rinci("e! a! !ide con!traint!that +#ide co!t3*ene5t (o"icy ana"y!i!$ It! not  >#!t a #e!tion o*a"ancin+ -o!ner i! /ron+$

Co"e 7 M /avi" Co#e Proe%%or at )eor'eto*n niver%ity a* Center ha% #iti'ate" many%i'ni:cant con%tit,tiona# ca%e% in the S,reme Co,rt ho#"% a E./. rom Oa#e a* Schoo# 2007;W<o* to Si the Con%tit,tionB An (chan'e= New York Review o Books Ean,ary 11thAvai#a#e $n#ine at httB@@***.nyoo%.com@artic#e%@archive%@2007@an@11@ho*DtoD%iDtheDcon%tit,tionDanDe(chan'e@ Acce%%e" 06D2+D201&J9ore 'enera##y E,"'e Po%ner %hie% a*ay rom hi% o*n con%tit,tiona# theory *hen he %ay% that to "ec#are a ractice con%tit,tiona# i%not the %ame a% %ayin' that it i% "e%ira#e a% a o#icy matter. hat i% certain#y tr,e a% a theoretica# matter at #ea%t *here one%

con%tit,tiona# theory i% not re",ci#e to one% o#icy reerence%. >,t a% my revie* oint% o,t Po%ner vie*% H,e%tion% ocon%tit,tiona#ity a% %im#y a matter o *ei'hin' a## the co%t% an" ene:t% *hich i% %,re#y the %ame,ti#itarian ca#c,#,% the o#icymaer *o,#" ,%e to "etermine *hether a ractice i% "e%ira#e.n"er Po%ner% aroach then it% har" to %ee *hy there *o,#" e any room et*een *hat i%"e%ira#e an" *hat i% con%tit,tiona#. E,"'e Po%ner acc,%e% me in e8ect o %,%criin' to the %amecon%tit,tiona#i%mDa%Do#icy aroach that he ,%e% y a%%ertin' *itho,t evi"entiary %,ort that

my con%tit,tiona# vie*% %im#y trac my o*n o#icy reerence% K ;the re%t i% rhetoric.= >,t I e#ieve thatthere i% a critica# "i%tinction et*een con%tit,tiona#i%m an" mere o#icy reerence% . In act o,rCon%tit,tion 'ive% ,"'e% the a,thority to "ec#are act% o "emocratica##y e#ecte" ofcia#%,ncon%tit,tiona# on the ,n"er%tan"in' that they "o not %im#y en'a'e in the %ame co%tDene:tana#y%e% that o#itician% an" economi%t% ,n"ertae. 9y o*n vie* i% that the very %o,rce% E,"'e Po%ner"i%mi%%e%Mte(t rece"ent tra"ition an" rea%onMare a%o#,te#y e%%entia# to rinci#e"con%tit,tiona# "eci%ionDmain'. Po%ner %,''e%t% that eca,%e none o the%e e#ement% nece%%ari#yrovi"e% a "eterminate an%*er to "ifc,#t H,e%tion% *e may a% *e## aan"on them or hi% %eatDoDtheDant% co%tDene:t aroach. It i% tr,e that te(t rece"ent tra"ition an" rea%on "o not"etermine re%,#t% in %ome mechani%tic *ay. hat i% *hy *e a% ,"'e% not machine% to "eci"econ%tit,tiona# ca%e%. >,t the%e %o,rce% are nonethe#e%% critica##y imortant con%traint% on an"',i"e% to con%tit,tiona# "eci%ionDmain'. hey are *hat i"entiy tho%e rinci#e% that have een

"eeme" ,n"amenta#Man" thereore con%tit,tiona#Mover o,r co##ective hi%tory. hat there are"i8erence% over rinci#e in no *ay e(c#,"e% the nee" or rea%one" ar',ment ao,t them . herei% a rea%on the ramer% o the Con%tit,tion "i" not %im#y %ay ;the 'overnment may en'a'e inany ractice *ho%e ene:t% o,t*ei'h it% co%t%= a%  E,"'e Po%ner *o,#" have it ,t in%tea"%tr,''#e" to artic,#ate a #imite" n,mer o ,n"amenta# rinci#e% an" en%hrine them aove theevery"ay ra'matic ,"'ment% o o#itician%. hey ore%a* *hat mo"ern hi%tory ha% %ho*n to ea## too tr,eMthat *hi#e "emocracy i% an imortant anti"ote to tyranny it can a#%o aci#itate aartic,#ar in" o tyrannyMthe tyranny o the maority. Con%tit,tiona# rinci#e% rotect tho%e*ho are #ie#y to e the tar'et% o %,ch tyranny %,ch a% terror %,%ect% re#i'io,% an" racia#minoritie% crimina# "een"ant% enemy comatant% orei'n nationa#% an" e%ecia##y in thi% "ayan" a'e Ara% an" 9,%#im%. Re#e'atin' %,ch in"ivi",a#% to the mercy o the #e'i%#at,re M*hether it

e Re,#ican or /emocraticM"enie% that threat. he Con%tit,tion i% ao,t more than efciency an"

more than "emocracyK it i% a co##ective commitment to the eH,a# *orth an" "i'nity o a## h,manein'%. o ca## that mere ;rhetoric= i% to mi%% the very oint o con%tit,tiona# #a* .


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An!/er! to cor(orate (rivacy vio"ation! are /or!e 8 1GH

%overnment !#rvei""ance i! m#ch more im(ortant than (rivate!#rvei""ance – it ha! a +reater reach and ar more (o/er#" con!e#ence!attached$

9eymann 201&Phi#i >. Eame% >arr Ame% Proe%%or o a* <arvar" a* Schoo#. Proe%%or <eymann %erve" a%/e,ty Attorney )enera# in the :r%t C#inton A"mini%tration. ;An %%ay $n /ome%tic S,rvei##ance=a*are Re%earch Paer Serie% Uo# 3.2 httB@@***.#a*are#o'.com@*Dcontent@,#oa"%@2013@0+@a*areDPhi#iD<eymannDSRUIANCDorD,#D10D9ayD201&." 

I% )overnment S,rvei##ance Partic,#ar#y ImortantG 5hy %ho,#" *e care artic,#ar#y ao,t'overnment %,rvei##ance in a *or#" *here rivate %,rvei##ance on the internet an" theinormation an" re"iction% that can e "erive" rom a ma%% o %,ch inormation are "rivin'm,ch o the economy o the internet a% comanie% %ee no*#e"'e ,%e,# or "eve#oin' an" %e##in' ne* ro",ct%G)overnment %,rvei##ance ha% ar 'reater reach. !>I an" other #a* enorcement a'ent% can – *itho,t any

nee" o a re"icate or ,"icia# *arrant – "o *hatever rivate in"ivi",a#% are a##o*e" to "o to "i%cover inormation

,%in' one o the ;notDaD%earch= e(cetion%. >,t they can "o m,ch more. hey can "eman" *ith the a%%i%tance o a e"era#ro%ec,tor any recor"% that ;mi'ht= e ,%e,# to a 'ran" ,ry – a %tan"ar" m,ch more arDreachin' than roa#e ca,%e or

rea%ona#e %,%icion. he 'overnment can e an" i% emo*ere" to "eman" acce%% to any recor"%et y thir" artie% inc#,"in' the va%t array o e#ectronic recor"% no* et y ,%ine%%e% ao,ttheir c,%tomer%. 5hat rivate ,%ine%%e% can otain y reH,irin' a *aiver o rivacy ri'ht% a% acon"ition o acce%% to their 'oo"% or %ervice% the 'overnment can a#%o otain *itho,t even that%traine" orm o con%ent an" *itho,t the a#ertin' no*#e"'e that con%ent 'ive% to the in"ivi",a# ein' monitore". he'overnment i% a##o*e" to ,%e inormant% an" ,n"ercover a'ent% in a *ay that i% not avai#a#e to,%ine%%e%. he 'overnment can an" "oe% "eve#o techno#o'y %,ch a% "rone%  *hich can'reat#y increa%e it% o*er% to o%erve the activitie% o in"ivi",a#%. A##  o thi% can e "one *itho,t any

%ecia# %ho*in' o nee" an" *itho,t 'ettin' a ,"'e% certi:cate that a reH,ire" re"icate %,ch a% ;roa#e ca,%e= i% met. 5ith are"icate an" a ,"icia# *arrant the 'overnment can %earch #ace% or activitie% %,ch a%

e#ectronic comm,nication% that no rivate in"ivi",a# can %earch *itho,t con%ent. he 'overnment a#%o ha%caacitie% to ,%e inormation it acH,ire% in *ay% ar more ri'htenin' an" more #ie#y to eho%ti#e than tho%e o a comany %eein' to mae yo, a #oya# c,%tomer. It can t,rn %,%icion% into

inve%ti'ation% arre%t an" %earch *ith roa#e ca,%eK it can "eny aointment% or other "i%cretionary ene:t%in%i%t on c,mer%ome orma#itie% *hen yo, cro%% .S. or"er% an" inL,ence the action% o other% y main'ovio,% it% %,%icion o or attention to artic,#ar in"ivi",a#%. It can %tore "ata to e ,%e" or any o the%e

,ro%e% or or noncrimina# orm% o re',#ation. he %ecia# o*er% o the 'overnment to otain inormationan" the %ecia# "an'er% to in"ivi",a#% a%%ociate" *ith "i%cretionary ,%e% o that inormation 'oar to e(#ain *hy *e have a 4th an" a &th Amen"ment in the >i## o Ri'ht% . he hi%tory o the 4th an"&th Amen"ment% i% a hi%tory o en",rin' ear% o 'overnmenta# %,rvei##ance.

 %overnment !#rvei""ance i! /or!e – there! no o(t3o#t and +overnment

orce carrie! +reater /ei+ht$

F#n+ J1H>rian !,n' cover% techno#o'y or he 5a%hin'ton Po%t oc,%in' on te#ecom roa"an" an""i'ita# o#itic%. >eore oinin' the Po%t he *a% the techno#o'y corre%on"ent or Nationa# Eo,rna#an" an a%%ociate e"itor at the At#antic. ;Oe% there act,a##y i% a h,'e "i8erence et*een'overnment an" cororate %,rvei##ance= – 5a%hin'ton Po%t D Novemer 4 2013 DhttB@@***.*a%hin'tono%t.com@#o'%@theD%*itch@*@2013@11@04@ye%DthereDact,a##yDi%DaDh,'eD"i8erenceDet*eenD'overnmentDan"DcororateD%,rvei##ance@


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 Oe% there act,a##y i% a h,'e "i8erence et*een 'overnment an" cororate %,rvei##ance  5hen itcome% to yo,r on#ine rivacy M or *hat #itt#e i% #et o it M ,%ine%%e% an" 'overnment% act in %ome retty

%imi#ar *ay%. hey trac yo,r cre"it car" ,rcha%e%. hey mine yo,r eDmai# or inormation ao,t yo,. hey may even

monitor yo,r movement% in the rea# *or#". Cororate an" 'overnment %,rvei##ance a#%o "iver'e in imortant*ay%. Comanie% are #ooin' to mae money o8 o yo, *hi#e the 'overnment aim% to revent attac% that *o,#" ha#t that

commercia# activity a#on' *ith %ome other thin'%J. >,t the i''e%t "i8erence et*een the t*o ha% a#mo%t no re#ation to

*hoT% "oin' the %,rvei##ance an" everythin' to "o *ith yo,r otion% in re%on%e.  a%t *ee *e a%e" yo, *hetheryo,T" chan'e" yo,r on#ine ehavior a% a re%,#t o thi% yearT% e(ten"e" nationa# conver%ation ao,t rivacy M an" i %o *hich orm o%nooin' annoye" yo, more. ooin' thro,'h the re%on%e% %o ar thi% one ca,'ht my eyeB he 'overnment eca,%e I canTt

[choo%e[ not to e %ie" on y them. he 'overnment a#%o ha% the o*er to i## or imri%on  me *hich norivate comany ha%. I am a :rm e#iever that o,r o,n"in' ather% create" a %y%tem that re%ecte" in"ivi",a# rivacy an" to%ee it ero"e" y the e"era# 'overnment concern% me "ee#y. I am a %tron' e#iever in the 1%t 2n" 4th an" &th amen"ment%. P,ttin'

a%i"e the 'overnmentT% o*er to cat,re or i## yo,r inai#ity to re,%e the 'overnment i% *hat "i%tin',i%he%the NSA rom even the no%ie%t comanie% on arth. In a ,nctionin' maret#ace oycottin' a comany that yo,"i%#ie M or *hatever rea%on M i% air#y ea%y. /iner% *ho oect to eatin' ae meat can %to reH,entin' aco >e##.

Internet ,%er% that "onTt #ie )oo'#e co##ectin' their %earch term% can try ",c",c'o an anonymo,%%earch en'ine. >y contra%t itT% near#y imo%%i#e to %im#y ic , yo,r e#on'in'% an" H,it thenite" State%. !or mo%t eo#e that *o,#" carry %ome %i'ni:cant co%t% M H,ittin' yo,r o or in%tance or "i%r,tin' yo,rchi#"renT% e",cation or #eavin' rien"% an" ami#y. ho%e co%t% can e hi'h eno,'h to o,t*ei'h the ene:t% o recoverin' %ome har"DtoDmea%,re mo"ic,m o rivacy. >e%i"e% #eavin' the co,ntry *o,#" ironica##y e(o%e yo, to even 'reater ri% o %,rvei##ance %inceyo,T" no #on'er e covere" y the #e'a# rotection% 'rante" to eo#e even orei'n terror %,%ect%J that arrive to .S. %hore%. hereare %ti## %ome *ay% to %hie#" yo,r%e# rom the NSA. o the e%t o o,r no*#e"'e the 'overnment ha% yet to crac the encrytionrotoco#% ehin" or the on#ine trafc anonymiin' %ervice. >,t orT% ,%er% are a#%o inherent#y the oect o 'reater %,%icion

reci%e#y eca,%e theyTre main' e8ort% to cover their trac%. In the ,%ine%% *or#" no %in'#e comany o*n% amonoo#y over yo,r rivacy. he %ame canTt rea##y e %ai" ao,t the 'overnment.

 %overnment vio"ation! are /or!e$ :ven i theyre no/ 3 cor(orate(rivacy vio"ation! !ho#"dnt condone +overnment vio"ation!$

S4"an!4y J2/avi" A. S#an%y i% an A%%ociate /ean an" Proe%%or o a*. CA Schoo# o a*. ;>AC $ <!RB O$ A\ AN/ C$99$N A5= D niver%ity o Ca#iornia o% An'e#e% Schoo# o a*Re%earch Paer Serie%. 9i%%i%%ii a* Eo,rna# !orthcomin' Re%earch Paer No. 02D17 D E,#y 27.2002 D ***.i%rc#.or'@Paer%@%#an%y."  here are t*o re#ative#y %trai'htor*ar" *ay% o,t o thi% "i#emma ,t oth *o,#" reH,ire the S,reme Co,rt to rethin certain

a%ect% o !o,rth Amen"ment #a*.2&2 he :r%t an" %im#e%t *ay o,t *o,#" e to reco'nie that 'overnment %,rvei##ance"i8er% rom rivate %nooin' an" thereore that the #atter no matter ho* common %ho,#" note#iminate rotection a'ain%t the ormer.  hi% *a% the aroach one #o*er co,rt too *hen it o,n" that 'overnmenta'ent% intr,"e" on a rea%ona#e e(ectation o rivacy y ,%in' a te#e%coe to eer into a %,%ectT% aartment. he co,rt e(re%%#yreecte" the 'overnmentT% c#aim that any e(ectation o rivacy *a% ren"ere" ,nrea%ona#e y the *i"e%rea" ,%e o te#e%coe% y

rivate citien% to %y on eo#e #ivin' in hi'hDri%e%. Private %nooin' the co,rt rea%one" ha" Fno earin'F on the#e'a#ity o 'overnment %,rvei##ance eca,%e the 'overnment %ie% For "i8erent ,ro%e% thanrivate citien%.F an" %ometime% F*ith more ea#.F  Accor"in'#y a er%onT% F#ac o concern ao,tintr,%ion% rom rivate %o,rce% ha% #itt#e to "o *ith an e(ectation o ree"om rom %y%tematic'overnmenta# %,rvei##anceF an" F?the act that Peein' om% ao,n" "oe% not #icen%e the'overnment to o##o* %,it.F2&3


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An!/er to -rivacy Inva!ion! Inevita*"e

 -rivacy i! not dead, it! >#!t com("e' – /e need to 5+#re o#t the *a"ance$

Richard!, 201&,Nei# 9. Proe%%or o a* 5a%hin'ton niver%ity. ;!o,r Privacy 9yth%= Revi%e" orm FA 5or#"

5itho,t PrivacyGF Camri"'e Pre%% A,%tin Sarat e". 201&J !orthcomin'. Avai#a#e at SSRNBhttB@@%%rn.com@a%tractY2427+0+

9y ,ro%e in the%e e(am#e% i% not to ic on the%e or'aniation%. $n the contrary *hen ,%e" aroriate#y rivacy r,#e%#ie tra"e an" 'overnment %ecret rotection can a"vance imortant %ocia# intere%t%. I am tryin'

in%tea" to mae a oint that i% ea%y to over#ooB 5hen the very entitie% that are ,%e" a% e(am#ar% o the;/eath o Privacy= ,%e %,ite% o ro,%t #e'a# too#% to re%erve their o*n rivacy it mae% no%en%e to c#aim that rivacy i% "ea".  $n the contrary the%e e(am#e% %ho* that rivacy i% a com#e(henomenon an" that *e %ho,#" e ta#in' ao,t the a#ance et*een "i8erent in"% orivacie% an" "i8erent r,#e% or mana'in' Lo*% o inormation rather than rivacy% "emi%e.  5hen

vie*e" rom thi% er%ective neither !aceoo nor the NSA reect rivacyK on the contrary they have acom#icate" re#ation%hi to rivacy emracin' #ie to many other eo#e an" in%tit,tion%J rivacy or

them%e#ve% ,t %ome*hat #e%% rivacy or other% e%ecia##y *here they have in%tit,tiona#incentive% to mae money or rotect 'overnment intere%t%.


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Internet Freedom Advanta+e :'ten!ion!


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US Credi*i"ity 4ey to Internet Freedom

Beve "o!t the mora" hi+h +ro#nd and a*i"ity to /or4 /ith civi"!ociety +ro#(! aro#nd the /or"d to en!#re democratic (ro+re!!$

@ei*ert 201&,Ron /eiert "irector o the Citien a at the 9,n Schoo# o )#oa# A8air% niver%ity o oronto<e *a% a coDo,n"er an" rincia# inve%ti'ator o the $enNet Initiative 7D1D201& FCyer%acen"er Sie'eF Eo,rna# $ /emocracyhttB@@m,%e.h,.e",@o,rna#%@o,rna#QoQ"emocracy@[email protected]."eiert.htm#]ac

Since E,ne 2013 are#y a month ha% 'one y *itho,t ne* reve#ation% concernin' .S. an" a##ie"%yin'Mreve#ation% that Lo* rom the "i%c#o%,re% ma"e y ormer NSA contractor "*ar"Sno*"en. he "i%c#o%,re% :## in the ict,re o a remara#e e8ort to mar%ha# e(traor"inarycaacitie% or inormation contro# acro%% the entire %ectr,m o cyer%ace. he Sno*"enreve#ation% *i## contin,e to ,e# an imortant ,#ic "eate ao,t the roer a#ance to e %tr,cet*een #ierty an" %ec,rity.5hi#e the va#,e o o*"en% "i%c#o%,re% in he#in' to %tart a #on'Dnee"e" "i%c,%%ion i% ,n"enia#ethe reve#ation% have a#%o ha" ,ninten"e" ?n" Pa'e 74 con%eH,ence% or re%,r'en ta,thoritariani%m an" cyer%ace. !ir%t they have %erve" to "eLect attention a*ay roma,thoritarianDre'ime cyere%iona'e camai'n% %,ch a% China%. >eore Sno*"en Le" to <on'on' .S. "i#omacy *a% tain' an a''re%%ive %tan" a'ain%t cyere%iona'e. In"ivi",a#% in theay o the Chine%e mi#itary an" a##e'e"#y #ine" to Chine%e cyere%iona'e *ere :n"in'them%e#ve% ,n"er in"ictment. Since Sno*"en the re%%,re on China ha% ea%e". >eiin' 9o%co*an" other% have o,n" it ea%y to com#ain #o,"#y ao,t a "o,#e %tan"ar" %,o%e"#y avorin'the nite" State% *hi#e they rationa#ie their o*n action% a% ;norma#= 'reatDo*er ehavior an"con'rat,#ate them%e#ve% or correctin' the ima#ance that they %ay ha% e%et cyer%ace or too#on'.Secon" the "i%c#o%,re% have create" an atmo%here o %,%icion aro,n" 5e%tern 'overnment%intention% an" rai%e" H,e%tion% ao,t the #e'itimacy o the ;Internet !ree"om= a'en"a ace"y the nite" State% an" it% a##ie%. Since the Sno*"en "i%c#o%,re%Mrevea#in' toD%ecrete(#oitation an" "i%r,tion ro'ram% that in %ome re%ect% are in"i%tin',i%ha#e rom tho%e that5a%hin'ton an" it% a##ie% have ro,tine#y con"emne"Mthe rhetoric o the Internet !ree"omcoa#ition ha% r,n' rather ho##o*. In !er,ary 201& it even came o,t that >riti%h Cana"ian an".S. %i'na#%Dinte##i'ence a'encie% ha" een ;i''yacin'= on ChinaDa%e" cyere%iona'ecamai'n%M%tea#in' "ata rom Chine%e hacer% *ho ha" not roer#y %ec,re" their o*ncomman"Dan"Dcontro# net*or%.2+

 hir" the "i%c#o%,re% have oene" , orei'n inve%tment oort,nitie% or I comanie% that,%e" to r,n ao,# o nationa#D%ec,rity concern%. >eore Sno*"en r,mor% o hi""en ;ac"oor%=in Chine%eDma"e techno#o'y %,ch a% <,a*ei ro,ter% ,t a "amer on that comany% %a#e%.

 hen it came o,t that the nite" State% an" a##ie" 'overnment% ha" een come##in' #e'a##y orother*i%eJ .S.Da%e" tech comanie% to "o reci%e#y *hat many ha" eare" China *a% "oin'Mname#y in%ta##in' %ecret ac"oor%. So no* 5e%tern comanie% have a ;<,a*ei= ro#em otheir o*n an" <,a*ei no #on'er #oo% %o a".In the #on'er term the Sno*"en "i%c#o%,re% may have the %a#,tary e8ect o e",catin' a #ar'en,mer o citien% ao,t ma%% %,rvei##ance. In the nearer term ho*ever the reve#ation% havehan"e" co,ntrie% other than the nite" State% an" it% a##ie% an oort,nity or the %e#Dintere%te"romotion o #oca# I *are% ,n"er the convenient rhetorica# ',i%e o %triin' a #o* or;techno#o'ica# %overei'nty= an" ya%%in' .S. inormation contro#%.


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An!/er! to Internet Freedom i! a*o#t -ro5t!

 The US internet reedom a+enda i! a*o#t (romotin+ h#man ri+ht! andreedom o e'(re!!ion$

Sinha J1&). A#e( Sinha Aryeh Neier e##o* *ith the S Pro'ram at <,man Ri'ht% 5atch an" the <,manRi'ht% Pro'ram at the American Civi# iertie% nion.. !rom the artic#e ;>etter PrivacyProtection% ey to S !orei'n Po#icy Coherence= – /een%e $ne – 9arch 2& th DhttB@@***."een%eone.com@i"ea%@201&@03@etterDrivacyDrotection%DeyD,%Dorei'nDo#icyDcoherence@10+46-@!or a## it% intere%t in romotin' h,man ri'ht% aro,n" the *or#" yo," thin the nite" State%*o,#" e more %en%itive to the *ay% it% o*n %,rvei##ance o#icie% ,n"ermine tho%e very ri'ht%.$ver the #a%t e* year% .S. ofcia#% %ay they have %ent more than 12& mi##ion to a"vanceInternet ree"om *hich the State /eartment "e%crie% a% a ;orei'n o#icy riority.= he .S.ri'ht#y #in% Internet ree"om *ith the ree"om% o e'(re!!ion eace,# a!!em*"y, an"a!!ociation  a% *e## a% *ith the *or o h,man ri'ht% "een"er%. It mae% %en%e thereore thatthe .S. a#%o active#y ,n"% h,man ri'ht% "een"er% an" ca""! o#t other +overnment! or

mi!treatin+ them$ Oet !#rvei""ance cond#cted *y the U$S$ +overnmentM%ome o it,ncon%tit,tiona# an" contrary to internationa# h,man ri'ht% #a*Mcomromi%e% Internet ree"om#ndermine! the ri+ht! the +overnment !ee4! to (romote an" "irect#y harm% h,manri'ht% "een"er%.


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An!/er! to Internet Freedom @oe!nt So"ve

 US norm! on internet reedom can chan+e +"o*a" *ehavior$ Not a""nation! are ho"do#t! and ("an !ti"" move! the need"e every/here$

Fontaine J119emer o the Co,nci# on !orei'n Re#ation% an" a",nct roe%%or in the Sec,rity St,"ie%Pro'ram at )eor'eto*n niver%ity% Schoo# o !orei'n Service. Pre%i"ent o the Center or a Ne*American Sec,rity CNASJ. ;Internet !ree"om A !orei'n Po#icy Imerative in the /i'ita# A'e= –

 E,ne 2011 DhttB@@***.cna%.or'@:#e%@"oc,ment%@,#ication%@CNASQInternet!ree"omQ!ontaineRo'er%Q0." 

 he >,%h an" $ama a"mini%tration% have oth %o,'ht to romote Internet ree"om y %hain'internationa# norm%. /eve#oin' internationa# norm% i% a #on'Dterm '#oa# oective. Someco,ntrie% that c,rrent#y rere%% that Internet acce%% – #ie China Iran an" #rma – are ,n #ie#yto e move" y normative tren"% in the near term ? %tatement% at the nite" Nation% an"o#icy "ec#aration% %,ortin' Internet ree"om are hi'h#y ,n#ie#y to chan'e their c,rrento#icie%. >,t romotin' Internet ree"om i% not on#y a nearDterm e8ort an" c,rrent e8ort% may

ay o8 in the #on' r,n. 9any co,ntrie% have not yet ,##y "eve#oe" their o*n Internet o#icie% ortho,'ht thro,'h a## o the im#ication% o Internet ree"om an" rere%%ion even in the !hort r#n– inc#,"in' %tate% in Centra" A!ia the ;idd"e :a!t an" Arica. Shain' the ehavior o tho%e%tate% %ho,#" e an imortant 'oa# o the nite" State% an" #iemin"e" artner%.

 Internet reedom !o"ve!$ It i! 4ey to +"o*a" democracy$

T4acheva et a"$ 1H $#e%ya an" o*e## <. Sch*art 9artin C. iici E,#ie . ay#or Ee8rey 9artini an" Caro#ine>a(ter RAN/ Cororation Internet !ree"om an" Po#itica# Sace Reort reare" or S/$SJ

$n#ine inormation can ,n"ermine the %tai#ity o nonD "emocratic re'ime% y tri''erin' aninormation ca%ca"e. he imact o rote%t% i% reH,ent#y roortiona# to the n,mer orote%ter% *ho aear on the %treet%. he Internet can aci#itate %ocia# rote%t% y ena#in'citien% to anonymo,%#y e(re%% their tr,e oinion% an" coor"inate co##ective action *hich cancreate a "omino e8ect. $n#ine moi#iation in oth 'yt an" R,%%ia tri''ere" a *ave o rote%t%*ith #on'Dterm con%eH,ence%Mmo%t nota#y the %t,nnin'#y %*it co##a%e o the 9,ara re'ime.A#tho,'h %ocia# me"ia in 'yt "i" not ca,%e the o,#ar ,ri%D in' that came to center in ahrirSH,are it %,%tantia##y increa%e" the n,mer o eo#e *ho articiate" in the :r%t"emon%tration. he %ie o the cro*" in the SH,are ca,'ht 'ytian a,thoriD tie% y %,rri%e an"tri''ere" the "eection o %ome hi'hDranin' army ofcia#%. In R,%%ia the inormation ao,te#ectora# ra," tri''ere" a *ave o on#ine moi#iation that manie%te" it%e# in a %erie% o ma%%

"emon%tration%. Syria% activi%t% ,%e" the Internet to ,#icie e#ite "eection rom the re'imea#eit *ith more #imite" %,cce%% a'ain%t a r,ta# an" "etermine" oe. ^ he Internet can maeo#itica# coa#ition% more inc#,%ive y oenin' , "e#ieration% that c,t acro%% %ocioeconomicc#eavD a'e% therey %rea"in' inormation to eo#e *ho "o not norma##y interact on a "ai#ya%i%. hi% conc#,%ion emer'e% riD mari#y rom the revie* o theoretica# #iterat,re on the"i8,%ion o inormation on#ine an" the #iterat,re on %ocia# movement%. 5hi#e *ea tie% aci#itatethe "i8,%ion o inormation on#ine %tron' tie% create eer re%%,re that contri,te% to o_ine%ocia# moi#iation.


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An!/er! to @emocracy doe!nt !o"ve /ar

  @emocracy incrementa""y red#ce! the ri!4 o /ar and !y!temic harm!

R#mme", (ro o (o" !ci, 7>A rom <a*aii an" Ph/ in o# %ci rom N. !ormer ro Oa#e an" In"iana . Pro o o# %ci

<a*aii R.E. -@7 5hy !ree"omG et 9e Co,nt the Rea%on%httB@@ree"om%eace.#o'%ot.com@2007@0-@*hyDree"omD#etDmeDco,ntDrea%on%.htm#J

/emocratica##y ree eo#e "o not mae *ar on each other 5hyG he "iver%e 'ro,% cro%%Dnationa# on"% %ocia# #in% an" %hare" va#,e% o "emocratic eo#e% %e* them to'etherK an"%hare" #iera# va#,e% "i%o%e them to*ar" eace,# ne'otiation an" comromi%e *ith each other.It i% a% tho,'h the eo#e o "emocratic nation% *ere one %ociety hi% tr,th that "emocracie% "onot mae *ar on each other rovi"e% a %o#,tion or e#iminatin' *ar rom the *or#"B '#oa#ie"emocratic ree"om Secon"B he #e%% ree the eo#e *ithin any t*o nation% are the #oo"ieran" more "e%tr,ctive the *ar% et*een themK the 'reater their ree"om the #e%% #ie#y %,ch*ar% ecome An" thir"B he more ree"om the eo#e o a nation have the #e%% #oo"y an""e%tr,ctive their *ar% 5hat thi% mean% i% that *e "o not have to *ait or a## or a#mo%t a##

nation% to ecome #iera# "emocracie% to re",ce the %everity o *ar. A% *e romote ree"om a%the eo#e o more an" more nation% 'ain 'reater h,man ri'ht% an" o#itica# #iertie% a% tho%eeo#e *itho,t any ree"om ecome art#y ree *e *i## "ecrea%e the #oo"ine%% o the *or#"%*ar% . 5e have a#rea"y %een thi% in the %har "ecrea%e in *or#" vio#ence *ith the 'reat increa%ein the n,mer o "emocracie%. In %hortB Increa%in' ree"om in the *or#" "ecrea%e% the "eath to##o it% *ar%. S,re#y *hatever re",ce% an" then :na##y en"% the %co,r'e o *ar in o,r hi%tory*itho,t ca,%in' a 'reater evi# m,%t e a mora# 'oo". An" thi% i% ree"om In conc#,%ion then*e have *on"ro,% h,man ree"om a% a mora# orce or the 'oo". !ree"om ro",ce% %ocia#

 ,%tice create% *ea#th an" ro%erity minimie% vio#ence %ave% h,man #ive% an" i% a %o#,tionto *ar. In t*o *or"% it create% h,man %ec,rity. 9oreover an" mo%t imortantB Peo#e %ho,#"not e ree on#y eca,%e it i% 'oo" or them. hey %ho,#" e ree eca,%e it i% their ri'ht a%h,man ein'% In oo%ition to ree"om i% o*er it% anta'oni%t. 5hi#e ree"om i% a ri'ht the

o*er to 'overn i% a rivi#e'e 'rante" y a eo#e to tho%e they e#ect an" ho#" re%on%i#e or it%,%e. oo oten ho*ever th,'% %eie contro# o a eo#e *ith their ',n% an" ,%e them to maetheir o*er tota# an" a%o#,te. 5here ree"om ro",ce% *ea#th an" ro%erity %,ch a%o#,teo*er ca,%e% imoveri%hment an" amine. 5here ree"om minimie% interna# vio#encee#iminate% 'enoci"e an" ma%% m,r"er an" %o#ve% the ro#em o *ar %,ch a%o#,te o*er,n#ea%he% interna# vio#ence m,r"er% mi##ion% an" ro",ce% the #oo"ie%t *ar%. In %hort o*eri##%K a%o#,te o*er i##% a%o#,te#y.


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An!/er! to US not mode""ed

 @ome!tic !#rvei""ance "imit! are mode""ed$

@ee4!, 201&A%h#ey. A%%ociate Proe%%or niver%ity o Uir'inia a* Schoo#. FAn Internationa# e'a# !rame*or

or S,rvei##ance.F Uir'inia Eo,rna# o Internationa# a* && 201&JB 2014D&3.

In con%i"erin' the in%iration or the norm% that %ho,#" emer'e the Artic#e ar',e% that the mo%tromi%in' %o,rce o ne* internationa# norm% i% "ome%tic #a*. /ome%tic #a*% can an" "o %erve a%the a%i% or internationa# #e'a# "eve#oment% artic,#ar#y in the ace o hi'h#y o#iticie" i%%,e%nonDreciroca# incentive %tr,ct,re% i%%,e com#e(ity an" "i8erent concetion% o the roer#e'a# rame*or M a## o *hich are re%ent in the %,rvei##ance "eate.& !,rther "ome%tic%,rvei##ance #a*% have een te%tD"riven in the rea# *or#" an" reLect concerte" e8ort% yartic,#ar o#itie% to a#ance #ierty an" %ec,rity. A% a re%,#t the Artic#e "ra*% rom the "ome%tic%,rvei##ance #a*% o vario,% %tate% to e(tract %i( roce",ra# rinci#e% that %tate% %ho,#" a"ot onthe internationa# #ane. he norm% that :r%t emer'e *i## not imme"iate#y con%tit,te c,%tomaryinternationa# #a* ;CI=J ,t *i## %erve a% the 'rain o %an" aro,n" *hich the ear# o CI can

orm.In e8ect thi% Artic#e reect% oth an a''re%%ive#y cynica# aroach to orei'n %,rvei##ance an" an,n",#y otimi%tic vie* that %tate% *i## conver'e aro,n" ro,%t internationa# rivacy rotection%in the %hort term. he cynic% a%%,me that *hatever re%%,re% c,rrent#y e(i%t to mo"iy the %tat,%H,o *i## "imini%h in %hort or"er overtaen y %,%eH,ent 'eoo#itica# cri%e%.6 he otimi%t% ar',e that %tate% %ho,#" "eve#o the %,%tantive rinci#e o rivacy containe"in the Internationa# Covenant on Civi# an" Po#itica# Ri'ht% ;ICCPR=J an" have ro,%t a%iration%or *hat that rinci#e %ho,#" contain.7 >oth o the%e aroache% are La*e" normative#y an"re"ictive#y. he cynic% ,n"ere%timate oth the en",rin' nat,re o h,man ri'ht% re%%,re% on%tate% an" the ene:t% to %tate% o creatin' ne* internationa# #e'a# r,#e% in thi% area. heotimi%t% ,n"ere%timate the "ifc,#ty o a'reein' on concrete %,%tantive norm% in am,#ti#atera# %ettin' amon' %tate% *ith varie" incentive%. !or thi% rea%on %tate% %ho,#" oc,% :r%t

on e%ta#i%hin' roce",ra# #imitation% that re",ce tho,'h not e#iminateJ "i8erence% et*eentheir treatment o citien% an" orei'ner%.


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imitin+ Section 702 So"ve!

 The ("an !o"ve!$

9#man Ri+ht! Batch, 201Fetter to Pre%i"ent $ama r'in' S,rvei##ance Reorm%F 1D16D2014


A"ot the revie* 'ro,% recommen"ation to #imit the %coe o co##ection ,n"er 702 an" anyother a,thority that a,thorie% %,rvei##ance aroa" to *hat i% ;"irecte" e(c#,%ive#y at thenationa# %ec,rity o the nite" State% or ?it% a##ie%= an" en%,re that %,rvei##ance i% not ,%e" ori##e'itimate en"% %,ch a% commercia# 'ain.?4 n"er Section 702 the S can co##ect ;orei'ninte##i'ence inormation.= >,t thi% term i% "e:ne" e(treme#y roa"#y to inc#,"e thin'% that nee"on#y ;re#ate to= terrori%m inte##i'ence activitie% o another 'overnment the nationa# "een%e orthe orei'n a8air% o the nite" State%. he content o comm,nication% can e otaine" not ,%tmeta"ata a% can comm,nication% ;ao,t= the tar'et%. In"ee" accor"in' to me"ia reort% a%e"on "oc,ment% #eae" y ormer NSA contractor "*ar" Sno*"en the NSA ta% into maincomm,nication #in% o "ata center% aro,n" the *or#" an" co##ect% mi##ion% o recor"% every "ay

inc#,"in' meta"ata te(t a,"io an" vi"eo.?& hi% tye o overDco##ection cannot o%%i#y eroortionate or nece%%ary to S nationa# %ec,rity 'oa#%.

 The ("an! !o"ve! *y re!trictin+ co""ection$

No>eim, 201)re' /irector Proect on !ree"om Sec,rity echno#o'y Comment% o he Privacy An" Civi#iertie% $ver%i'ht >oar" Re'ar"in' Reorm% o S,rvei##ance Con",cte" P,r%,ant o Section 702$ !i%a Ari# 11 2014 htt%B@@"1ovv0c-t*0h0c.c#o,"ront.net@:#e%@2014@04@C/QPC$>D702DComment%Q4.11.13." 

 o a""re%% the ro#em o overrea"th in Section 702 co##ection PC$> %ho,#" recommen" thatSection 702 %,rvei##ance e con",cte" on#y or care,##y "e:ne" nationa# %ec,rity ,ro%e%.5hi#e there are "i8erent *ay% to "o thi% the e%t *ay *o,#" e to t,rn the ;,%e re%triction%= inPP/D2+ that 'overn ,# co##ection into the ermi%%i#e ,ro%e% or Section 702 %,rvei##ance.

 hi% *o,#" reH,ire that co##ection ,r%,ant to Section 702 on#y occ,r or ,ro%e% o "etectin'an" co,nterin'B 1J e%iona'e an" other threat% an" activitie% "irecte" y orei'n o*er% or theirinte##i'ence %ervice% a'ain%t the nite" State% an" it% intere%t% 2J threat% to the nite" State%an" it% intere%t% rom terrori%m 3J threat% to the nite" State% an" it% intere%t% rom the"eve#oment o%%e%%ion ro#ieration or ,%e o *eaon% o ma%% "e%tr,ction 4J cyer%ec,ritythreat% &J threat% to .S. or a##ie" Arme" !orce% or other .S or a##ie" er%onne# an" 6Jtran%nationa# crimina# threat% inc#,"in' i##icit :nance an" %anction% eva%ion re#ate" to the other

,ro%e% name" aove. hi% chan'e *o,#" rovi"e %i'ni:cant comort to nonD.S. er%on%aroa" *ho are concerne" ao,t the imact on their h,man ri'ht% that Section 702 %,rvei##ance*o,#" other*i%e have. In"ee" it *o,#" increa%e the #ie#ihoo" that Section 702 %,rvei##ance*o,#" meet h,man ri'ht% %tan"ar"%.


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-"an So"ve! -RIS;

 The ("an /o#"d e"iminate ma>or (art! o -RIS; and U(!tream co""ection$

i#, No"an K Thom(!on, 201&,"*ar" C. i, e'i%#ative AttorneyK An"re* No#an e'i%#ative AttorneyK Richar" 9. hom%on IIe'i%#ative AttorneyK ;$vervie* o Con%tit,tiona# Cha##en'e% to NSA Co##ection Activitie%=

Con're%%iona# Re%earch Service 9ay 21 201& httB@@a%.or'B+0+0@%'@cr%@inte#@R434&-." 

PRIS9 an" %tream AcH,i%ition o Internet Comm,nication%Contemoraneo,%#y *ith the ori'ination o the te#ehony meta"ata ro'ram in 2001 the NSAa#%o e'an acH,irin' InternetDa%e" comm,nication% o over%ea% tar'et% *itho,t the ,%e o atra"itiona# #a* enorcement *arrant or an e#ectronic %,rvei##ance or"er ,n"er it#e I o !ISA.-0#timate#y ne* %tat,tory a,thority or thi% tye o acH,i%ition *a% rovi"e" at :r%t temorari#y,n"er the Protect America Act PAAJ o 2007K-1 an" on a #on'er term a%i% y the !AA.-2Accor"in' to a artia##y "ec#a%%i:e" 2011 oinion rom the !ISC NSA co##ecte" 2&0 mi##ionInternet comm,nication% er year ,n"er thi% ro'ram.-3 $ the%e comm,nication% -1V *ereacH,ire" ;"irect#y rom Internet Service Provi"er%= reerre" to a% ;PRIS9 co##ection.=-4 he other-V *ere acH,ire" thro,'h *hat NSA ca##% ;,%tream co##ection= meanin' acH,i%ition *hi#e

Internet trafc i% in tran%it rom one ,n%eci:e" #ocation to another.-& NSA a#%o ha% t*o metho"%or co##ectin' inormation ao,t a %eci:c tar'etB ;to@rom= comm,nication% co##ection in *hichthe tar'et i% the %en"er or receiver o the Internet comm,nication%K an" ;ao,t= comm,nication%co##ection in *hich the tar'et i% on#y mentione" in comm,nication% et*een nonDtar'et%.-6 he$ama A"mini%tration a#%o acno*#e"'e" to the !ISC that technica# #imitation% in the ;,%tream=co##ection re%,#t in the co##ection o %ome comm,nication% that are ,nre#ate" to the tar'et or thatmay tae #ace entire#y et*een er%on% #ocate" in the nite" State%.-7

 he PRIS9 an" ,%tream co##ection% "i8er rom the te#ehony meta"ata ro'ram in t*o eyre%ect%. !ir%t the PRIS9 an" ,%tream co##ection% acH,ire the content% o tho%ecomm,nication%. Secon" a% thi% ro'ram tar'et% the ;to@rom= an" ;ao,t= comm,nication% oorei'ner% *ho are aroa" the co##ection o InternetDa%e" comm,nication% may e con%i"ere"y %ome to e more "i%criminatin' than the ,# co##ection o te#ehony meta"ata.



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An!/er! to @ome!tic a"one doe!nt !o"ve

 @ome!tic !#rvei""ance and orei+n !#rvei""ance !tandard! !ho#"dnt *ee'act"y the !ame, innovation in dome!tic (rotection! create *roader(rivacy ri+ht!$

;ar+#"ie!, 201&Peter 9ar',#ie% 7D4D201& FS*eein' C#aim% an" Ca%,a# e'a# Ana#y%i% in the ate%t .N. 9a%%S,rvei##ance ReortF a*are httB@@***.#a*are#o'.com@%*eein'Dc#aim%Dan"Dca%,a#D#e'a#Dana#y%i%D#ate%tD,nDma%%D%,rvei##anceDreort

Ironica##y the mmer%on reortT% in%i%tence on i"entica# %tan"ar"% or "ome%tic an" internationa#%,rvei##ance act,a##y %aota'e% e8ort% to rotect rivacy. State% are mo%t #ie#y to try innovativemea%,re% to rotect rivacy *hen the%e mea%,re% rotect %tate nationa#% *ithin the %tate%territory. I tho%e mea%,re% a#%o ee the home#an" %ae a %tate may *e## e(an" them toinc#,"e a%ect% o internationa# %,rvei##ance. norcin' a #oc%te aroach to "ome%tic an"internationa# %,rvei##ance chi##% that e(erimentation.

 *ama ha! a"ready e'tended e#a" (rivacy to non3US (er!on!, that!o"ve! orei+n (rivacy inva!ion!$

Ratnam, 201&,)oa# Ratnam 2D3D201& F$ama% S,rvei##ance Reorm (ten"% nmatche" Privacy to!orei'ner%F !orei'n Po#icy httB@@orei'no#icy.com@201&@02@03@oama%D%,rvei##anceDreormDe(ten"%D,nmatche"DrivacyDtoDorei'ner%@

 ho,'h criticie" y a"vocate% or not 'oin' ar eno,'h an $ama a"mini%tration reort ,e%"ay on %te% to rotect rivacy an" civi# #iertie% ha% neverthe#e%% achieve" at #ea%t onethin'B e(ten"in' to orei'ner% the %ame rotection% avai#a#e to American%. he reort on%,rvei##ance reorm i%%,e" y the $fce o the /irector o Nationa# Inte##i'ence $/NIJ anne".S. %y a'encie% rom "i%%eminatin' inormation ao,t orei'ner% to other co,ntrie%inte##i'ence a'encie% *itho,t con%i"erin' their rivacy. ;Inte##i'ence comm,nity er%onne# areno* %eci:ca##y reH,ire" to con%i"er the rivacy intere%t% o nonD.S. er%on% *hen "ratin' an""i%%eminatin' inte##i'ence= the reort %ai". he reort on %,rvei##ance reorm a#%o %ai" that .S.inte##i'ence a'encie% #a%t year otaine" %ecret co,rt ermi%%ion% to %eie hone recor"% in 164ca%e% *here they ha" %,fcient %,%icion to %ee %,ch arova#%. he n,mer o tar'et% trace"#a%t year e## rom the 423 H,erie" y inte##i'ence a'encie% in 2013 accor"in' to "ata re#ea%e"y the inte##i'ence. !o##o*in' ormer 'overnment contractor "*ar" Sno*"en% reve#ation% in2013 that .S. %y a'encie% *ere %nooin' in on emai#% an" hone ca##% o orei'ner% inc#,"in'%evera# hea"% o %tate Pre%i"ent >arac $ama in Ean,ary 2014 %ai" .S. inte##i'ence a'encie%

m,%t rotect the rivacy o orei'ner% on ar *ith that o American%. ;Oo, cant %im#y %ay W$hthi% i% not a .S. er%on an" "i%%eminate hi% or her er%ona# inormation= the $/NI% to #a*yer>o itt to#" reorter%. In%tea" itt %ai" ofcia#% m,%t e(amine a nonDcitien% inormation an""etermine i re#ea%in' it i% e%%entia# or orei'n inte##i'ence ,ro%e%. he "eci%ion to 'ive eH,a#rivacy rotection% to orei'ner% i% ,nrece"ente" in the anna#% o '#oa# %yin' %ai" /avi"9e"ine chairman o the Privacy an" Civi# iertie% $ver%i'ht >oar" an in"een"ent .S. a'encychar'e" *ith rotectin' %,ch ri'ht%. ;here% no co,ntry on the #anet that ha% 'one thi% ar toimrove the treatment o nonDcitien% in 'overnment %,rvei##ance= 9e"ine %ai". ;hat a#one i%remara#e ater the event% o the #a%t year an" ha# eca,%e in mo%t co,ntrie% nonDcitien% areair 'ame= or %yin'.


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  @ome!tic !#rvei""ance "imit! are mode""ed, that !o"ve! orei+n!#rvei""ance$

@ee4!, 201&A%h#ey. A%%ociate Proe%%or niver%ity o Uir'inia a* Schoo#. FAn Internationa# e'a# !rame*oror S,rvei##ance.F Uir'inia Eo,rna# o Internationa# a* && 201&JB 2014D&3.

In con%i"erin' the in%iration or the norm% that %ho,#" emer'e the Artic#e ar',e% that the mo%t

romi%in' %o,rce o ne* internationa# norm% i% "ome%tic #a*. /ome%tic #a*% can an" "o %erve a%the a%i% or internationa# #e'a# "eve#oment% artic,#ar#y in the ace o hi'h#y o#iticie" i%%,e%nonDreciroca# incentive %tr,ct,re% i%%,e com#e(ity an" "i8erent concetion% o the roer#e'a# rame*or M a## o *hich are re%ent in the %,rvei##ance "eate.& !,rther "ome%tic%,rvei##ance #a*% have een te%tD"riven in the rea# *or#" an" reLect concerte" e8ort% yartic,#ar o#itie% to a#ance #ierty an" %ec,rity. A% a re%,#t the Artic#e "ra*% rom the "ome%tic%,rvei##ance #a*% o vario,% %tate% to e(tract %i( roce",ra# rinci#e% that %tate% %ho,#" a"ot onthe internationa# #ane. he norm% that :r%t emer'e *i## not imme"iate#y con%tit,te c,%tomaryinternationa# #a* ;CI=J ,t *i## %erve a% the 'rain o %an" aro,n" *hich the ear# o CI canorm.In e8ect thi% Artic#e reect% oth an a''re%%ive#y cynica# aroach to orei'n %,rvei##ance an" an,n",#y otimi%tic vie* that %tate% *i## conver'e aro,n" ro,%t internationa# rivacy rotection%

in the %hort term. he cynic% a%%,me that *hatever re%%,re% c,rrent#y e(i%t to mo"iy the %tat,%H,o *i## "imini%h in %hort or"er overtaen y %,%eH,ent 'eoo#itica# cri%e%.6 he otimi%t% ar',e that %tate% %ho,#" "eve#o the %,%tantive rinci#e o rivacy containe"in the Internationa# Covenant on Civi# an" Po#itica# Ri'ht% ;ICCPR=J an" have ro,%t a%iration%or *hat that rinci#e %ho,#" contain.7 >oth o the%e aroache% are La*e" normative#y an"re"ictive#y. he cynic% ,n"ere%timate oth the en",rin' nat,re o h,man ri'ht% re%%,re% on%tate% an" the ene:t% to %tate% o creatin' ne* internationa# #e'a# r,#e% in thi% area. heotimi%t% ,n"ere%timate the "ifc,#ty o a'reein' on concrete %,%tantive norm% in am,#ti#atera# %ettin' amon' %tate% *ith varie" incentive%. !or thi% rea%on %tate% %ho,#" oc,% :r%ton e%ta#i%hin' roce",ra# #imitation% that re",ce tho,'h not e#iminateJ "i8erence% et*eentheir treatment o citien% an" orei'ner%.

 Str#ct#ra" diDerence! ma4e dome!tic !#rvei""ance diDerent$

-o!ner, 201,ric A. Po%ner Proe%%or o a* niver%ity o Chica'o Statement to the Privacy Civi# iertie%$ver%i'ht >oar" 9arch 14 2014 httB@@#a*are.%3D,%D*e%tD2.amaona*%.com@%ta'in'@%3%D,#ic@,#oa"%@2014@[email protected]%ner." 

<o*ever the%e con%i"eration% "o not %eem %tron'. !ir%t a% note" in Part I other co,ntrie%a#rea"y en'a'e in %,rvei##ance o American%. I *e oect to thi% ractice then *e %ho,#"ne'otiate *ith other co,ntrie% an" come to a'reement% ,n"er *hich *e #imit %,rvei##ance otheir citien% an" they #imit %,rvei##ance o o,r citien%. It may *e## e that %,ch a'reement% are

in the nationa# intere%t ,t ,nti# %,ch a'reement% are ne'otiate" there i% no rea%on or thenite" State% to e(ten" rotection% ,ni#atera##y. I it "i" other co,ntrie% *o,#" 'ain nothin' yre%trictin' their o*n ehavior.9oreover the nite" State% very #ie#y ha% m,ch %tron'er e%iona'e caacitie% than otherco,ntrie% an" %o it i% not c#ear that the ene:t% or the nite" State% rom the%e hyothetica#a'reement% e(cee" the%e co%t%. 9o%t other co,ntrie% cannot a8or" to rea o8 inte##i'encecooeration *ith the nite" State% eca,%e they re#y on .S. inte##i'ence a%%i%tance to rotectthem%e#ve% rom nationa# %ec,rity threat%.Secon" *hi#e the Sno*"en reve#ation% rovoe" ,#ic o,tra'e in orei'n co,ntrie% it "oe% not%eem that concrete e(am#e% o %i'ni:cant reta#iation have taen #ace or that #on'term harm tore#ation%hi% *ith orei'n co,ntrie% have occ,rre". >,t even i they have the reme"y i% to a8or"rivacy rotection% on#y to citien% in co,ntrie% *ith *hich the nite" State% ha% 'oo" re#ation%


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)ermany !ranceJ or other co,ntrie% *here o,#ar oinion i% imortant or .S. intere%t%. herei% no rea%on to e(ten" rivacy rotection% to North orean% or Iranian%. h,% con%i"eration% onationa# intere%t %,''e%t that the nite" State% %ho,#" not a8or" a## er%on% re'ar"#e%% onationa#ity a a%e#ine #eve# o rivacy rotection.A :na# ar',ment in avor o %,ch rotection% i% that the nite" State% %ho,#" %et '#oa# %tan"ar"%or o#itica# mora#ity an" %yin' on orei'n citien% vio#ate% o#itica# mora#ity. 9any hi#o%oher%ar',e that 'overnment% are o#i'ate" to rotect h,man "i'nity an" that thi% o#i'ationtran%cen"% or"er%. Syin' on eo#e vio#ate% their "i'nityK thereore it %ho,#" e rohiite".>,t it i% ar rom c#ear that e%iona'e harm% eo#e% "i'nityK everythin' "een"% on conte(t.S,o%e that the NSA co##ect% the emai#% o orei'ner% an" con",ct% %earche% o them orey*or"%. $cca%iona##y a a#%e o%itive t,rn% , an" an ana#y%t rea"% %omeone% emai# to hi%#over therai%t or "octor a%certain% that the emai# contain% no inormation that i"enti:e%terrori%t% or other %ec,rity threat% an" "e#ete% it. he *riter o the emai# never :n"% o,t an" theana#y%t o co,r%e ha% no i"ea *ho thi% er%on i%. <a% a h,man ri'ht een vio#ate"G It i% har" toi"entiy an a8ront to h,man "i'nity or even a harm any more than i a o#ice ofcer overhear% a%natch o er%ona# conver%ation on the ,%.

 he ca%e or reH,irin' the .S. 'overnment to re%ect the rivacy o American% i% 'reater thanthe ca%e or reH,irin' it to re%ect the rivacy o orei'ner% eca,%e the .S. 'overnment ha%coercive o*er over American% *hi#e it a#mo%t never "oe% over orei'ner%. Th#!, the U$S$+overnment co#"d mi!#!e (rivate inormation in order to inLict harm a+ain!tAmerican!, *#t not a+ain!t orei+ner!, /ho *ene5t rom the (rotection o their o/n+overnment!.


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An!/er! to @ome!tic Co""ection i! Sma""

 Section 702 !#rvei""ance i! very *i+ and i! more inva!ive$

%oitein 1&, #iaeth CoD/irector o the >rennan Center or E,%tice% ierty an" Nationa# Sec,rity Pro'ram.6D&D201& F5ho rea##y *in% rom NSA reormGF 9SN>C httB@@***.m%nc.com@m%nc@ree"omD


ven ,n"er SA !ree"om ho*ever the 'overnment i% %ti## a#e to ,## in a 'reat "ea# oinormation ao,t innocent American%. Nee"#e%% to %ay not everyone in contact *ith a%,%ecte" terrori%t i% ',i#ty o a crimeK even terrori%t% ca## or ia "e#ivery. Inte##i'ence ofcia#%a#%o may nee" to otain recor"% – #ie Li'ht manie%t% – that inc#,"e inormation ao,t m,#ti#eeo#e mo%t o *hom have nothin' to "o *ith terrori%m.Some o thi% ;overco##ection= may e inevita#e ,t it% e8ect% co,#" e miti'ate". !or in%tancea'encie% co,#" e 'iven a %hort erio" o time to i"entiy inormation re#evant to act,a# %,%ect%ater *hich they *o,#" have to "e%troy any remainin' inormation. SA !ree"om ai#% to imo%e%,ch #imit%.9ore ,n"amenta##y ,# co##ection o ,%ine%% recor"% i% on#y one o the many inte##i'ence

activitie% that aan"one" the in"ivi",a#ie" %,%icion aroach ater -@11. nti# a e* year% a'oi the NSA actin' *ithin the nite" State% *i%he" to otain comm,nication% et*een American%an" orei'ner% it ha" to convince the !ISA Co,rt that the in"ivi",a# tar'et *a% a orei'n o*er orit% a'ent. o"ay ,n"er Section 702 o the !ISA Amen"ment% Act the NSA may tar'et anyorei'ner over%ea% an" co##ect hi% or her comm,nication% *ith American% *itho,t otainin' anyin"ivi",a#ie" co,rt or"er. n"er (ec,tive $r"er 12333 *hich 'overn% the NSA% activitie%*hen it con",ct% %,rvei##ance over%ea% the %tan"ar"% are even more #a(.

 he re%,#t i% ma%% %,rvei##ance ro'ram% that mae the hone meta"ata ro'ram %eem "ainty incomari%on. ven tho,'h the%e ro'ram% are nomina##y tar'ete" at orei'ner% they;inci"enta##y= %*ee in ma%%ive amo,nt% o American% "ata inc#,"in' the content o ca##% eDmai#% te(t me%%a'e% an" vi"eo chat%. imit% on eein' an" ,%in' %,ch inormation are *eaan" ri""#e" *ith e(cetion%. 9oreover orei'n tar'et% are not #imite" to %,%ecte" terrori%t% or

even a'ent% o orei'n o*er%. A% the $ama a"mini%tration recent#y acno*#e"'e" orei'ner%have rivacy ri'ht% too an" the ai#ity to eave%"ro on any orei'ner over%ea% i% an in"een%i#evio#ation o tho%e ri'ht%.Inte##i'ence ofcia#% a#mo%t certain#y %,orte" SA !ree"om eca,%e they hoe" it *o,#"re#ieve the o%tDSno*"en re%%,re or reorm. heir #ie#y #on'Dterm 'oa# i% to avoi" chan'e% toSection 702 (ec,tive $r"er 12333 an" the many other a,thoritie% that ermit inte##i'enceco##ection *itho,t any in"ivi",a#ie" %ho*in' o *ron'"oin'. Privacy a"vocate% *ho %,orte"SA !ree"om "i" %o eca,%e they %a* it a% the :r%t %irmi%h in a #on' att#e to rein in%,rvei##ance a,thoritie%. heir eye i% on the rieB a ret,rn to the rinci#e o in"ivi",a#ie"%,%icion a% the a%i% or %,rvei##ance.I inte##i'ence ofcia#% are correct in their ca#c,#,% SA !ree"om may rove to e a Pyrrhicvictory. >,t i the #a* c#ear% the *ay or ,rther reorm% acro%% the ,## ran'e o %,rvei##ancero'ram% hi%tory *i## vin"icate the rivacy a"vocate% *ho %,orte" it. he an%*er to *hat SA!ree"om mean% or o,r #iertie% #ie% not in the te(t o the #a* ,t in the ,n*ritten %tory o *hathaen% ne(t.

Section 702 aDect! mi""ion! o internet #!er!$

a(err##e 201 Eae C/% !e##o* on Privacy S,rvei##ance an" Sec,rity. Previo,%#y %erve" a% a #a* c#er orSenator A# !ranen on the S,committee on Privacy echno#o'y an" the a* an" a% a o#icye##o* or Senator Roert 9enen"e. F5hy Avera'e Internet %er% Sho,#" /eman" Si'ni:cant


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Section 702 ReormF Center !or /emocracy amK echno#o'y. 7D22D2014htt%B@@c"t.or'@#o'@*hyDavera'eDinternetD,%er%D%ho,#"D"eman"D%i'ni:cantD%ectionD702Dreorm@

 he 5a%hin'ton Po%t recent#y re#ea%e" *hat may e the mo%t comrehen%ive revie* o theimact o Section 702 o !ISA – *hich a,thorie% the NSA% PRIS9 an" ,%tream ro'ram% – onavera'e Internet ,%er%. he %ca#e an" %en%itive nat,re o comm,nication% ein' co##ecte"%ho,#" 'enerate *i"e%rea" concern re'ar"in' the #a*% ,%e an" create "eman" or reorm.!ort,nate#y Con're%% can enact mea%,re% that #imit the co##atera# "ama'e to rivacy nee"#e%%#yca,%e" y thi% overDroa" %,rvei##ance #a*.

Section 702 Pro'ram% A8ect 9i##ion% o Avera'e Internet %er%

5hi#e the 'overnment ha% rame" Section 702 a% a ;tar'ete"= ro'ram that rimari#y a8ect%%,%ecte" terrori%t% rather than norma# in"ivi",a#% – a %entiment echoe" y the Privacy an" Civi#iertie% $ver%i'ht >oar" in a reort *hich C/ an" other% ro,n"#y criticie" – the 5a%hin'tonPo%t reort te##% a tro,#in'#y "i8erent %toryB >a%e" on a %t,"y o the #ar'e%t %am#e o Section702 "ata ana#ye" to "ate aro(imate#y -0V o the te(t me%%a'e% emai#% in%tant me%%a'e%an" other comm,nication% retaine" y NSA even ater the a#ication o minimiationroce",re% are to or rom acco,nt% *ho are not %,rvei##ance tar'et%.

It i% not %,rri%in' that a #ar'e ortion o the%e acco,nt% e#on' to nonDtar'et%K e#ectronic%,rvei##ance o a tar'et inevita#y co##ect% the comm,nication% o eo#e *ho ta# to the tar'etao,t matter% ,nre#ate" to the ,ro%e o the %,rvei##ance. Con%i"erin' the #ar'e n,mer oin"ivi",a#% one re',#ar#y emai#% te(t% an" ca##% a -B1 ratio "oe% not %eem that e(treme.<o*ever *hi#e thi% inevita#e inci"enta# co##ection mi'ht e to#era#e in %ma## #eve#% *hen the%,rvei##ance tar'et i% %,%ecte" o *ron'"oin' an" comm,nication% monitorin' i% arove" y a

 ,"'e it i% "ifc,#t to ,%tiy *hen the ,ro%e o the %,rvei##ance i% a% roa" a% i% a,thorie" inSection 702 an" the re%,#tin' %coe i% %o enormo,%.

!,rther eca,%e the -B1 ratio i% a%e" on ;acco,nt%= it mi'ht %i'ni:cant#y ,n"er%core then,mer o nonDtar'ete" in"ivi",a#% a8ecte". A% +-13+ ;er%on%= *ere tar'et% #a%t year thePo%t conc#,"e" comm,nication% rom over +00000 nonDtar'ete" acco,nt% *ere retaine". heact,a# n,mer i% #ie#y m,ch #ar'er. A% E,#ian Sanche note% *hi#e there are +-13+ er%on%tar'ete" mo%t tar'ete" er%on% a term that can inc#,"e cororation% an" or'aniation%J havemany e#ectronic comm,nication% acco,nt% meanin' the n,mer o acco,nt% tar'ete" i% #ie#ym,ch hi'her. hi% *o,#" #ace the n,mer o nonDtar'ete" acco,nt% to or rom *hichcomm,nication% *ere retaine" in the mi##ion%.


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An!/er! to USA Freedom Act So"ve!

 -RIS; i! more im(ortant than metadata and the USA Freedom Act$

6a("an, 201&!re" a#an American a,thor an" P,#iter PrieD*innin' o,rna#i%t. <i% *ee#y F5ar Storie%F

co#,mn or S#ate ma'aine cover% internationa# re#ation% an" .S. orei'n o#icy 6D+D201& F$ne hin' Ao,t the NSA hat Sho,#" Sti## 5orry %F S#ate 9a'ainehttB@@***.%#ate.com@artic#e%@ne*%Qan"Qo#itic%@*arQ%torie%@201&@06@theQnationa#Q%ec,rityQa'encyQ%Q%,rvei##anceQan"QtheQ,%aQree"omQactQthe.htm#

!or no* %,rvei##ance thro,'h te#ehone meta"ata i% retty %ar%e. In 2012 the NSA H,erie" the"ataa%e or 2++ .S. te#ehone n,mer%. A% a re%,#t o tho%e H,erie% the a'ency a%%e" ,%t12 ti% to the !>I. None o tho%e ti% #e" to the cat,re o a %in'#e terrori%t or the ha#tin' o aterrori%t #ot. In act accor"in' to Pre%i"ent $ama% in"een"ent commi%%ion on NSA reormthe te#ehone meta"ata ro'ram ha% never ha" any imact on co,nterin' terrori%m.A %earate ro'ram ca##e" PRIS9Ma,thorie" ,n"er Section 702 o the !orei'n Inte##i'enceS,rvei##ance ActM#et% the NSA trac orei'n terrori%t% an" a"ver%arie% y intercetin' their

Internet trafc a% it i% thro,'h .S.–a%e" %erver%. >eca,%e o the nat,re o the techno#o'yao,t +0 ercent o the *or#"% Internet trafc a%%e% thro,'h .S. %erver% at %ome oint.J PRIS9*a% another hi'h#y c#a%%i:e" NSA ro'ram that Sno*"en ,ncovere". he 5a%hin'ton Po%t an"the ),ar"ian ma"e it the %,ect o their /ay 2 Sno*"en %torie% ri'ht ater the reve#ation%ao,t te#ehone meta"ataJ. Oet PRIS9 i%nt to,che" at a## y the SA !ree"om Act nor "oe% any%erio,% o#itician roo%e overha,#in' it. hi% i% the ca%e even tho,'h PRIS9 "ataDminin' i% am,ch i''er ro'ram than te#ehone meta"ata ever *a% an" it% otentia##y more intr,%ive%ince it% har" to no* *hether at :r%t '#ance an IP a""re%% e#on'% to an American or aorei'ner.

 Section 702 i! ar more im(ortant$

M"adec4 1&, Stehen coDe"itorDinDchie o E,%t Sec,rity. Steve i% a roe%%or o #a* at American niver%ity5a%hin'ton Co##e'e o a* 6D1D201& F!or'et the Patriot Act – <ere Are the Privacy Uio#ation% Oo,Sho,#" >e 5orrie" Ao,tF !orei'n Po#icy htt%B@@orei'no#icy.com@201&@06@01@%ectionD21&DatriotDactDe(ire%D%,rvei##anceDcontin,e%D:%aDco,rtDmeta"ata@

 o ,t the matter #,nt#y *herea% the Section 21& "eate ha% a""re%%e" *hether the'overnment can co##ect o,r hone recor"% (ec,tive $r"er 12333 an" the 200+ !ISAAmen"ment% Act a##o* the 'overnment to co##ect a #ot o *hat *ere act,a##y %ayin' *hether onthe hone in o,r emai#% or even to o,r %earch en'ine%.

 here i% no H,e%tion that rom a rivacy er%ective the%e ro'ram% are ar more ernicio,%than *hat% een e''e" to Section 21&. here i% a#%o no H,e%tion that %,ch co##ection rai%e%even 'raver con%tit,tiona# H,e%tion% than the hone recor"% ro'ram. 5herea% there i% an oen"eate over o,r e(ectation o rivacy in the meta"ata *e vo#,ntari#y rovi"e to o,r honecomanie% there% no "o,t that *e have an e(ectation o rivacy in the content o o,r rivatecomm,nication%.5hy then ha% a## the ,%% een aro,n" Section 21& an" the hone recor"%ro'ram *hi#e the ar more tro,#in' %,rvei##ance a,thoritie% rovi"e" y (ec,tive $r"er 12333an" the 200+ !ISA Amen"ment% Act have Lo*n ,n"er the ra"arG Part o it may e eca,%e o thecom#e(itie% "e%crie" aove. Ater a## it% ea%y or eo#e on the %treet to ,n"er%tan" *hat itmean% *hen the 'overnment i% co##ectin' o,r hone recor"%K it% not near#y a% ovio,% *hy *e%ho,#" e othere" y vio#ation% o minimiation reH,irement%. Part o it may a#%o have to "o


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*ith the 'overnment% erceive" intent. 9aye it %eem% more tro,#in' *hen the 'overnment i%intentiona##y co##ectin' o,r hone recor"% a% oo%e" to ;inci"enta##y= a#eit no*in'#yJco##ectin' the content% o o,r comm,nication%. An" techno#o'y may #ay a ro#e tooK ho* many%en"er% o emai#% no* *here the %erver i% #ocate" on *hich the me%%a'e i% ,#timate#y %tore"G I *e "ont rea#ie ho* ea%i#y o,r comm,nication% mi'ht 'et ,n"#e" *ith tho%e o nonDcitien%o,t%i"e the nite" State% *e mi'ht not e *orrie" ao,t %,rvei##ance tar'ete" at them. >,t*hatever the rea%on or o,r myoic oc,% on Section 21& it ha% not on#y o%c,re" the #ar'errivacy concern% rai%e" y the%e other a,thoritie% ,t a#%o the "eeer #e%%on% *e %ho,#" havetaen a*ay rom Sno*"en% reve#ation%. <o*ever m,ch *e mi'ht to#erate or even emrace thenee" or %ecret 'overnment %,rvei##ance ro'ram% it i% a##D,tDinevita#e that tho%e ro'ram%*i## e %tretche" to M an" eyon" M their #e'a# #imit%. hat% *hy it% imortant not on#y to #ace%,%tantive #imit% ,on the 'overnment% %,rvei##ance a,thoritie% ,t a#%o to en%,re that theyare %,ect to meanin',# e(terna# over%i'ht an" acco,ntai#ity a% *e##. An" that% *hy the"eno,ement o Section 21& "eate ha% een %o "i%aointin'. hi% %ho,#" have een aconver%ation not ,%t ao,t the ,## ran'e o 'overnment %,rvei##ance o*er% inc#,"in'(ec,tive $r"er 12333 an" the 200+ !ISA Amen"ment% Act ,t a#%o ao,t the ro#e o the !ISACo,rt an" o con're%%iona# over%i'ht in %,ervi%in' tho%e a,thoritie%. In%tea" it "evo#ve" into anoverDheate" "eate over an overDemha%ie" ro'ram. Con're%% ha% ten"e" to a aer c,t*hi#e it i'nore" the interna# #ee"in'. Not on#y "oe% the e(iration o Section 21& have no e8ecton the %,%tance o other %,rvei##ance a,thoritie% it a#%o ha% no e8ect on their over%i'ht an"acco,ntai#ity.


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An!/er! to Circ#mvention

-"an re!tore! !tron+ "an+#a+e – that! !#fcient to end circ#mvention$

%ranic4 J1 Eennier )ranic i% the /irector o Civi# iertie% at the Stanor" Center or Internet an" Society.

 Eennier *a% the Civi# iertie% /irector at the #ectronic !rontier !o,n"ation. ;SA !ree"om ActB$h 5e##. 5hatever. Nevermin".= – E,%t Sec,rity D 9ay 21 2014 httB@@,%t%ec,rity.or'@1067&@,%aDree"omDactDohD*e##D*hateverDnevermin"@

The initia""y (romi!in+ SA !ree"om Act co,#" have ended the revio,%#y %ecret 'overnmentractice% o co##ectin' American% ca##in' recor"% internet tran%actiona# inormation an" *hono*% *hat e#%e in ,#. Today! ver!ion o the USA Freedom Act *o,#" a##o* roa"co##ection to contin,e ,n"er the ',i%e o reorm. he initia" ver!ion o the *i"" *o,#" havereinorce" e(i%tin' %tat,tory #an',a'e reH,irin' a %ho*in' o ;re#evance to an a,thorie"inve%ti'ation= eore a'ent% can 'et an or"er reH,irin' ro",ction o ,%ine%% recor"% "ia#in'an" ro,tin' inormation an" other "ata an" *o,#" have a""e" other #imit% to en!#re ma%%iveco""ection /o#"d !to(. It a#%o *o,#" have im#emente" mi#" reorm% to content %,rvei##ance

,n"er %ection 702 o the FISA Amen"ment% Act %toin' ;ac "oor= %earche% or American%comm,nication%. a%t *ee a 9ana'er% Amen"ment *atere" tho%e rovi%ion% "o*n%,%tit,tin' ne* #an',a'e that *o,#" a##o* a'ent% to ,%e a ;%eci:c %e#ection term= a% the;a%i% or ro",ction=. he i## "e:ne" ;%eci:c %e#ection term= a% %omethin' that ;,niH,e#y"e%crie?% a er%on entity or acco,nt .= )iven the inte##i'ence comm,nity% %,cce%% at 'ettin'!ISA ,"'e% to reinterret ovio,% #an',a'eMe.'. ;re#evance=Min co,nterDint,itive *ay% eo#e*on"ere" *hat thi% ne* #an',a'e mi'ht mean. here% "ee ,#ic mi%tr,%t or the inte##i'encecomm,nity an" or the !ISA co,rt *hich con%ire" to a##o* ,# co##ection ,n"er %,rio,% #e'a#

 ,%ti:cation% or year%. 5or%e there% "ee ,#ic mi%tr,%t or the #a* it%e# %ince theinte##i'ence comm,nity% ;n,ance"= "e:nition% o norma# *or"% have ma"e the ,#ic rea#iethat they "o not ,n"er%tan" the meanin' o *or"% #ie ;re#evance= ;co##ection= ;,#= or;tar'et=.

 Non3com("iance i! #n"i4e"y$

@ee4!, 201&A%h#ey. A%%ociate Proe%%or niver%ity o Uir'inia a* Schoo#. FAn Internationa# e'a# !rame*oror S,rvei##ance.F Uir'inia Eo,rna# o Internationa# a* && 201&JB 2014D&3.

 here i% a "an'er i% that %tate% *i## a"ot the%e norm% ,#ic#y ,t contin,e to con",ct orei'n%,rvei##ance m,ch a% they "o to"ay. >eca,%e it may e re#ative#y "ifc,#t to a%certain *hether%tate% act,a##y are com#yin' *ith %ome o the %i( norm% there i% am#e room or a hyocritica#emrace o the norm% *itho,t a corre%on"in' chan'e in ehavior. *o actor% otentia##y

miti'ate thi% concern. he :r%t i% that many 5e%tern an" %ome nonD5e%ternJ %tate% re,%e toa"ot internationa# norm% ,#ic#y ,n#e%% they 'en,ine#y #an to com#y *ith them.2++ In thi%vie* orma##y accetin' internationa# r,#e% *itho,t the intention or ai#ity to com#y *ith them%erve% to *eaen not %tren'then the internationa# re'ime. 5here the%e %tate% vie* theinternationa# r,#e% at i%%,e a% ene:cia# they vie* their ai#ity to com#y *ith tho%e r,#e% a% a%ine H,a non or orma##y a"otin' them in the :r%t #ace. he %econ" miti'atin' actor i% that,#ic reve#ation% ao,t %,rvei##ance ro'ram% are on the ri%e. A% a re%,#t nonDcom#iance *ith%tate" norm% i% more #ie#y to come to #i'ht $ In democracie!, non3com("iance /ith (#*"ic"yacce(ted norm! i! more co!t"y to !tate!, *ho%e ,#ic% are acc,%tome" to ho#"in' their'overnment% to the #a*% they have a"ote". Citien% are more #ie#y to ca## or com#iance *ith


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"ome%tic #a*% than internationa# #a*% yet mo%t %tate% have a contin'ent o e#ite% *ho %ee toho#" their 'overnment% acco,nta#e or internationa# #e'a# com#iance a% *e##.

 The NSA ha! no intere!t in !#*vertin+ the "a/, circ#mvention doe!ntma4e !en!e$

Ac4erman 1&Sencer 6D1D201& F!ear% NSA *i## %ee to ,n"ermine %,rvei##ance reormF ),ar"ianhttB@@***.the',ar"ian.com@,%Dne*%@201&@,n@01@n%aD%,rvei##anceDatriotDactDcon're%%D%ecretD#a*

/e%ite that recent hi%tory veteran inte##i'ence attorney% reacte" *ith %corn to the i"ea thatNSA #a*yer% *i## ,n"ermine %,rvei##ance reorm. Roert itt the %enior #a*yer or "irector onationa# inte##i'ence Eame% C#aer %ai" ",rin' a ,#ic aearance #a%t month that creatin' aanne" ,# %,rvei##ance ro'ram *a% ;not 'oin' to haen=.;he *ho#e notion that NSA i% ,%t evi##y "etermine" to rea" the #a* in a a%hion contrary to it%intent i% ,##%hit o the %ort that the ),ar"ian an" the #et – ,t I reeat my%e# – have a##en in#ove *ith. he interretation o 21& that %,orte" the ,# co##ection ro'ram *a% creative ,tnot eyon" rea%on an" it *a% ,he#" y many ,"'e%= %ai" the ormer NSA 'enera# co,n%e#Ste*art >aer reerrin' to Section 21& o the Patriot Act.

 hi% i% the %ection that ermit% S #a* enorcement an" %,rvei##ance a'encie% to co##ect ,%ine%%recor"% an" e(ire" at mi"ni'ht a#mo%t t*o year% ater the *hi%t#e#o*er "*ar" Sno*"enrevea#e" to the ),ar"ian that the Patriot Act *a% %ecret#y ein' ,%e" to ,%tiy the co##ection ohone recor"% rom mi##ion% o American%.5ith one e(cetion the ,"'e% that ,he#" the interretation %at on the nonDa"ver%aria# !i%aco,rt a o"y that arove% near#y a## 'overnment %,rvei##ance reH,e%t% an" mo"i:e% ao,t aH,arter o them %,%tantia##y. he e(cetion *a% rever%e" y the %econ" circ,it co,rt o aea#%.>aer %eain' eore the Senate vote" re"icte"B ;I "ont thin anyone at NSA i% 'oin' toinve%t in #ooin' or *ay% to "ey con're%%iona# intent i SA !ree"om i% a"ote".=

 Noncom("iance i!nt a rea!on not to do the ("an the rea" (ro*"em! arethe "a/! that a#thori<e the !#rvei""ance$

 =aDer 1H M Eamee# Ea8er AC /e,ty e'a# /irector an" /irector o AC Center or/emocracy 2013 ;Fhere <ave >een Some Com#iance Inci"ent%FB NSA Uio#ate% S,rvei##anceR,#e% 9,#ti#e ime% a /ay= AC >#o' A,',%t 16th Avai#a#e $n#ine athtt%B@@***.ac#,.or'@#o'@thereDhaveDeenD%omeDcom#ianceDinci"ent%Dn%aDvio#ate%D%,rvei##anceDr,#e%Dm,#ti#eDtime%D"ayGre"irectY#o'@nationa#D%ec,rity@n%aDrivacyDvio#ation%DevenDmoreDreH,entD*eDima'ine" Acce%%e" 06D0&D201&J$ne :na# noteB he NSAT% noncom#iance inci"ent% are a i' "ea# ,t *e !ho#"dnt "et them*ecome a di!traction . he ar *i++er (ro*"em  i% *ith the #a* it%e# *hich 'ive% the NSAa#mo%t ,nchece" a,thority to monitor American%T internationa# ca##% an" emai#%. he ro#emari%e% in other *or"% not ,%t rom the NSAT% nonDcom#iance *ith the #a* *#t rom it!com("iance /ith it$

 The NSA doe!nt try to circ#mvent$

;cC#tcheon, 201H Ch,c 9cC,tcheon i% a ree#ance *riter in 5a%hin'ton /.C. <e ha% een a reorter an" e"itoror Con're%%iona# X,arter#y an" Ne*ho,%e Ne*% Service 2013 A,',%t 30J. )overnment%,rvei##ance. CX Re%earcher 23 717D740. Retrieve" rom httB@@#irary.cHre%%.com@


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/e,ty Attorney )enera# Eame% Co#e note" that the !ISA co,rt arove% on#y reH,e%t% that meetthe %tan"ar" o a ;rea%ona#e artic,#a#e %,%icion= o otentia# terrori%t activity. ;n#e%% yo,'et that %te ma"e yo, cannot enter that "ataa%e an" mae a H,ery o any o thi% "ata= he%ai" . !ootnote 33

 imothy "'ar a ormer American Civi# iertie% nion ACJ attorney *ho #ater *ore" or the"irector o Nationa# Inte##i'ence a% it% :r%t "e,ty or civi# #iertie% %ay% he *a% %,rri%e" M an"that American% *o,#" e a% *e## M y ho* ca,tio,% %y a'encie% are ao,t ,%in' their%,rvei##ance o*er%.5hen he *a% at the AC ;I tho,'ht that the 'overnment *o,#" tae *hatever o*er yo, ha"'iven them an" a#*ay% interret it in the roa"e%t o%%i#e *ay= %ay% "'ar *ho no* teache%nationa# %ec,rity an" techno#o'y #a* at >ro*n niver%ity. >,t he %ai" he came to vie*'overnment ofcia#% a% ;con%cientio,%= an" rea#ie" they "i" not hait,a##y interret theiro*er% a% roa"#y a% civi# #iertie% 'ro,% ear.


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2AC – D Ca!e


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2AC – To(ica"ity @ome!tic

1$ Be ;eet the ("an "imit! the !#rvei""ance o dome!tic comm#nication/hich the NSA ha! *een co""ectin+ incidenta""y8 via Section 702$

T#!hnet 1&

9ar roe%%or o #a* at <arvar" a* Schoo#. 201& Fhe Pre%i"entia# mireF /i%%ent 9a'ainehttB@@***."i%%entma'aine.or'@artic#e@theDre%i"entia#Demire

"*ar" Sno*"en% reve#ation% ro,'ht home the act that one o the main ta%% o the Nationa#S,rvei##ance State i% in"ee" %,rvei##ance. 9,ch o *hat Sno*"en ro,'ht to ,#ic attention*ere mo"ernie" ver%ion% o c#a%%ica# e%iona'e con",cte" y .S. %ie% o,t%i"e the nite"State%. hat %ort o e%iona'e *a% com#ete#y con%i%tent *ith .S. #a*. echno#o'y meanttho,'h that %,rvei##ance o,t%i"e the nite" State% inevita#y inc#,"e" inormation ao,tactivitie% y .S. citien% oth o,t%i"e the nation% or"er% an" *ithin them. he %tat,te%creatin' the rame*or or thi% %,rvei##ance have rovi%ion% aime" at #imitin' it% "ome%tic ,%e to

ca%e% *ith a %,%tantia# connection to internationa# terrori%m. >,t, Sno/den !ho/ed #!,

tho!e (rovi!ion! /ere not #""y eDective, and the !ca"e o modern!#rvei""ance meant that even rea!ona*"y eDective (rotection! a+ain!tdome!tic !#rvei""ance !ti"" "et "ar+e n#m*er! o innocent (eo("e !#*>ectto it$

2$ Co#nter3Inter(retation – @ome!tic !#rvei""ance dea"! /ith inormationtran!mitted /ithin a co#ntry

9RC 1 <,man Ri'ht% Co,nci# 2014 I9NC2014 htt%B@@im,nc.:#e%.*or"re%%.com@2014@0&@hrcD%t,"yD

',i"e." /ome%tic %,rvei##anceB Invo#ve% the monitorin' intercetion co##ection ana#y%i% ,%ere%ervation retention o intererence *ith or acce%% to inormation that inc#,"e% reLect% orari%e% rom or a er%on% comm,nication% in the a%t re%ent or ,t,re *ith or *itho,t theircon%ent or choice e(i%tin' or occ,rrin' in%i"e a artic,#ar co,ntry.

H$ -reer o#r inter(retation

a$ AD +ro#ndthey over "imit *eca#!e they ta4e o#t a"" NSA and !#rvei""ancea+ency aD!, /hich are core o the to(ic

*$ They over"imitvery e/ aD! that meet their inter(retation /o#"d a"!o have!o"vency advocate!$

$ @ea#"t to rea!ona*i"ity/e dont have to /in oDen!e on t, *#tcom(etin+ inter(retation! ca#!e! a race to the *ottom


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NSA Can *e @ome!tic

 :ven i the "a/ tried to "imit the NSA! dome!tic !#rvei""ance, it didnt/or4$

M"adec4 1&, Stehen coDe"itorDinDchie o E,%t Sec,rity. Steve i% a roe%%or o #a* at American niver%ity5a%hin'ton Co##e'e o a* 6D1D201& F!or'et the Patriot Act – <ere Are the Privacy Uio#ation% Oo,Sho,#" >e 5orrie" Ao,tF !orei'n Po#icy htt%B@@orei'no#icy.com@201&@06@01@%ectionD21&DatriotDactDe(ire%D%,rvei##anceDcontin,e%D:%aDco,rtDmeta"ata@

 he an%*er *e no* no* ha% everythin' to "o *ith techno#o'y. A#tho,'h the 'overnment i%on#y a##o*e" to ;tar'et= nonDcitien% o,t%i"e the nite" State% it i% inevita#e 'iven ho* itco##ect% inormation ,n"er oth o the%e re'ime% that the comm,nication% o .S. citien% an"nonDcitien% #a*,##y re%ent in the nite" State% *i## a#%o e co##ecte" a#eit ;inci"enta##y= a%the 'overnment ,t% it. Ater a## *hen tho,%an"% o ,nre#ate" emai#% an" other e#ectroniccomm,nication% are ,n"#e" to'ether in a acet that trave#% thro,'h an Internet %*itch that%hy%ica##y #ocate" in the nite" State% or the 200+ %tat,teJ or over%ea% or (ec,tive $r"er

12333J it% %im#y not o%%i#e or the 'overnment to on#y co##ect the comm,nication% et*eennonD.S. citien% an" #eave the other% ,nto,che" any more %o than it% o%%i#e or a vac,,m to%e're'ate artic#e% o "irt.

 o e %,re the .S. 'overnment "oe%nt "i%,te that it ro,tine#y co##ect% the comm,nication% o.S. citien%. In%tea" it ha% ar',e" that any otentia# or a,%e i% miti'ate" y %oDca##e";minimiation reH,irement%= M roce",ra# r,#e% that reH,ire the re#evant inte##i'ence a'ency totae %te% to avoi" the imroer retention an" ,%e o comm,nication% co##ecte" ,n"er the%ea,thoritie%. he 'overnment% "een%e a% *eve come to #earn i% La*e" in t*o vita# re%ect%B!ir%t a% %evera# %inceD"i%c#o%e" oinion% rom the !ISA Co,rt have ma"e c#ear the 'overnment%minimiation reH,irement% ,n"er the 200+ %tat,te *ere oten too %imy a##o*in' the retentionan" ,%e o inormation that oth the %tat,te an" the !o,rth Amen"ment rohiit. Secon" M an"erha% more imortant#y M even *here the minimiation r,#e% *ere #e'a##y %,fcient therehave een n,mero,% in%tance% in *hich 'overnment ofcia#% vio#ate" them *ith the !ISA Co,rton#y "i%coverin' the a,%e% ater they *ere vo#,ntari#y reorte" y E,%tice /eartment #a*yer%.A% a re%,#t the 'overnment co##ecte" an" retaine" a #ar'e vo#,me o comm,nication% y .S.citien% that neither Con're%% nor the Con%tit,tion a##o*e" it to acH,ire


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An!/er! to – To(ica"ity @ome!tic

 ;odern comm#nication *"#r! the "ine *et/een Forei+n and @ome!tic$

Sanche<, 201 E,#ian Sanche Senior !e##o* at the Cato In%tit,te 6D&D2014 FSno*"enB Oear $neF Cato

no,n" httB@@***.catoD,no,n".or'@2014@06@0&@,#ianD%anche@%no*"enDyearDone

 he %econ" a%ic act i% that mo"ern comm,nication% net*or% o#iterate many o thea%%,mtion% ao,t the imortance o 'eo'rahy that ha" #on' %tr,ct,re" %,rvei##ance #a* $ Adome!tic8 Internet comm#nication *et/een a #!er in ;anhattan and a !erver in -a"oA"to mi+ht, at midday in the United State!, *e ro#ted thro#+h noct#rna" A!ia! "e!!con+e!ted (i(e!, or to a mirror in Ire"and, /hi"e a orei+n8 e3mai" !ervice o(eratedrom :+y(t may *e ho!ted in San Antonio$ ;5hat *e rea##y nee" to "o i% a## the a" ',y%nee" to e on thi% %ection o the Internet= ormer NSA "irector eith A#e(an"er #ie% to oe.;An" they on#y oerate over here. A## 'oo" eo#e oerate over here. A## a" ',y% over here.= It%never een H,ite that ea%yM,t )enera# A#e(an"er% "ream %cenario ,%e" to e c#o%er to thetr,th. State a"ver%arie% comm,nicate" rimari#y over "e"icate" circ,it% that co,#" e

intercete" *ho#e%a#e *itho,t m,ch *orry ao,t ,min' into innocent American% *herea% acomm,nication enterin' the nite" State% co,#" 'enera##y e re%,me" to e *ith %omeone inthe nite" State%$ The traditiona" divi!ion o inte""i+ence (o/er! *y (hy!ica" +eo+ra(hyMartic,#arie" *arrant% on thi% %i"e o the or"er an intercetion reeDorDa## on the otherMno"on+er trac4! the rea"ity o +"o*a" inormation Lo/!$

  @ome!tic8 ha! no "imitin+ va"#e the NSA ha! a c"a!!i5ed de5nitiono US (er!on$8

Sch#"*er+ and Rei""y 1& M Ee%%ica Sch,#er' reorter coverin' orei'n o#icy an"

nationa# %ec,rity or he <,fn'ton Po%t ormer reorterDre%earcher at he Ne* Re,#ic 9A ininternationa# o#itic% rom American niver%ity an" Ryan E. Rei##y reorter *ho cover% the E,%tice/eartment an" the S,reme Co,rt or he <,fn'ton Po%t 201& ;5atch"o' !in"% <,'e !ai#,reIn S,rvei##ance $ver%i'ht Ahea" $ Patriot Act /ea"#ine= <,fn'ton Po%t 9ay 21%t Avai#a#e$n#ine at httB@@***.h,fn'tono%t.com@201&@0&@21@%ectionD21&Dover%i'htQnQ73+3-++.htm#interna# *eet R htt%B@@t*itter.com@A#e(an"erA"o@%tat,%@6013-&6371+42+6720 Acce%%e"06D0&D201&J

 he 'overnmentT% reH,e%t% *ere a#%o not #imite" to materia# ao,t in"ivi",a#% invo#ve" in an !>Iinve%ti'ation. An" *hi#e "een"ant% o the ro'ram in%i%t that inormation on American% i%'athere" a% an inci"enta# yro",ct rather than a tar'ete" e8ort A"o note" that the "e:nitiono a ;.S. er%on= i% %ti## c#a%%i:e" in the recent#y re#ea%e" reortB

A#e( A"o ZA#e(an"erA"o he !>I ha% a c#a%%i:e" ,n"er%tan"in' o F.S. er%on%F . . .

7B34 A9 D 21 9ay 201&


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2AC – Terror @A


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2AC Front"ine – Terror @A

1$ The @i!ad i! a a""acy$ S#rvei""ance doe!nt /or4, ha!nt !to((edterrori!m and their evidence i! (ro(a+anda$

Man #ren 1Peter Uan >,ren #e* the *hi%t#e on State /eartment *a%te an" mi%mana'ement ",rin' IraHirecon%tr,ction in hi% :r%t oo 5e 9eant 5e##B <o* I <e#e" o%e the >att#e or the <eart% an"9in"% o the IraHi Peo#e. 1D14D2014 FPeter Uan >,renB 5e <ave to /e%troy $,r Con%tit,tion toSave ItF ),ernica @ A 9a'aine o Art amK Po#itic% htt%B@@***.',ernicama'.com@"ai#y@eterDvanD,renD*eDhaveDtoD"e%troyDo,rDcon%tit,tionDtoD%aveDit@-J 5eve %taye" %ae. /oe%nt that ,%t rove a## the 'overnment e8ort% have *ore"G No that% ca##e" a#%e ca,%a#ity. here %im#y i% no evi"ence that it% tr,e an" m,ch to thecontrary. It% the %ame a% e#ievin' 'overnment e8ort% have revente" 9artian attac% or *i#"#ion% in o,r e"room%. !or one thin' *e a#rea"y no* that more NSA %yin' *o,#" not have%toe" -@11K mo%t o the nee"e" inormation *a% a#rea"y he#" y the .S. 'overnment an" *a%%im#y not roer#y %hare" or acte" ,on. OG11 /a! a (o"icy ai"#re, not a matter o too3

"itt"e !noo(in+$ o"ay ho*ever it remain% a %tra*Dman

 ,%ti:cation or *hatever the NSA *ant%to "o a *ay o %carin' yo, into accetin' anythin' rom the "e%ecration o the !o,rthAmen"ment to tain' o8 o,r %hoe% at airort %ec,rity. >,t the 'overnment ,%e% thi% ar',menten"#e%%#y to romote *hat it *ant% to "o. ven the NSA% ta#in' oint% recommen" their o*neo#e %ayB ;I m,ch reer to e here to"ay e(#ainin' the%e ro'ram% than e(#ainin' another-@11 event that *e *ere not a#e to revent.= At the %ame time "e%ite a## thi% intr,%ion into o,r#ive% an" the ovio,% vio#ation% o the !o,rth Amen"ment the !y!tem com("ete"y mi!!ed theo!ton *om*er!, t/o o the d#m*e!t, "ea!t !o(hi!ticated *ro terrori!t! on the ("anet .Since -@11 *e have %een %ome 364000 "eath% in o,r %choo#% *or#ace% an" home% ca,%e"y rivate#y o*ne" :rearm% an" none o the %yin' or %,rvei##ance i"enti:e" any o the i##er% ina"vance. 9aye *e %ho,#" %im#y %to thinin' ao,t a## thi% %,rvei##ance a% a matter o%toin' terrori%t% an" %tart thinin' more ao,t *hat it mean% to have a meta%ta%ie" '#oa#

%,rvei##ance %y%tem aime" at %yin' on ,% a## ,%in' a ae ar',ment ao,t the nee" or 100V%ec,rity in ret,rn or ever more minima# rivacy. So m,ch ha% een ,%ti:e" in the%e year%Mtort,re in"e:nite "etention the ),antanamo ena# co#ony "rone i##in'% *ar% an" the ,%e oSecia# $eration% orce% a% '#oa# a%%a%%ination team%My %ome ver%ion o the %oDca##e" ticin'time om %cenario. It! /orth +ettin+ it thro#+h o#r head!. there ha! never *een anact#a" tic4in+ time *om* !cenario$ The *o+ey man i!nt rea"$ There! no mon!terhidin+ #nder yo#r *ed$

2$ ;a!! !#rvei""ance ai"! – a"!e (o!itive! over/he"m$

Schneier 1& 

>r,ce Schneier i% a e##o* at the >erman Center or Internet an" Society at <arvar" a* Schoo#a ro'ram e##o* at the Ne* America !o,n"ationT% $en echno#o'y In%tit,te a oar" memer othe #ectronic !rontier !o,n"ation an A"vi%ory >oar" 9emer o the #ectronic PrivacyInormation Center an" the Chie echno#o'y $fcer at Re%i#ient Sy%tem% Inc. 3@2@1& Data and

Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World!

 he S inte##i'ence comm,nity a#%o #ien% :n"in' a terrori%t #ot to #ooin' or a nee"#e in ahay%tac. An" a% ormer NSA "irector )enera# eith A#e(an"er %ai" ;yo, nee" the hay%tac to:n" the nee"#e.= hat %tatement erect#y i##,%trate% the ro#em *ith ma%% %,rvei##ance an",# co##ection. 5hen yo,re #ooin' or the nee"#e the #a%t thin' yo, *ant to "o i% i#e #ot% morehay on it. 9ore %eci:ca##y there i% no %cienti:c rationa#e or e#ievin' that a""in' irre#evant"ata ao,t innocent eo#e mae% it ea%ier to :n" a terrori%t attac an" #ot% o evi"ence that it


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"oe% not. Oo, mi'ht e a""in' %#i'ht#y more %i'na# ,t yo,re a#%o a""in' m,ch more noi%e. An""e%ite the NSA% ;co##ect it a##= menta#ity it% o*n "oc,ment% ear thi% o,t. he mi#itaryinte##i'ence comm,nity even ta#% ao,t the ro#em o ;"rinin' rom a :re ho%e=B havin' %om,ch irre#evant "ata that it% imo%%i#e to :n" the imortant it%. 5e %a* thi% ro#em *ith theNSA% eave%"roin' ro'ramB the a#%e o%itive% over*he#me" the %y%tem. In the year% ater-@11 the NSA a%%e" to the !>I tho,%an"% o ti% er monthK every one o them t,rne" o,t to ea a#%e a#arm. he co%t *a% enormo,% an" en"e" , r,%tratin' the !>I a'ent% *ho *ereo#i'ate" to inve%ti'ate a## the ti%. 5e a#%o %a* thi% *ith the S,%icio,% Activity Reort% MorSAR M "ataa%eB ten% o tho,%an"% o reort% an" no act,a# re%,#t%. An" a## the te#ehonemeta"ata the NSA co##ecte" #e" to ,%t one %,cce%%B the conviction o a ta(i "river *ho %ent+&00 to a Soma#i 'ro, that o%e" no "irect threat to the S M an" that *a% roa#y tr,me", %o the NSA *o,#" have etter ta#in' oint% in ront o Con're%%.

H$ Terror threat! are e'a++erated ISIS and A"Paeda dont (o!e area" threat$

Strator, 201& ;/onTt ae errori%m hreat% at !ace Ua#,e= Sec,rity 5ee#y &@14@201&.***.%trator.com@*ee#y@"ontDtaeDterrori%mDthreat%DaceDva#,e.

 he I%#amic State ha% "emon%trate" in the a%t year that it i% H,ite a"et in it% ,%e o %ocia#me"ia a% a too# to rai%e money recr,it :'hter% an" in%ire 'ra%%root% iha"i%t% to con",ctattac%. hi% *ee ho*ever it% %ocia# me"ia net*or *a% heavi#y oc,%e" on main' threat%. $n9ay 11 *itter ,%er% a%%ociate" *ith the I%#amic State ,n#ea%he" t*o %eemin'#y ,nre#ate"threat camai'n%. $ne ,%in' the ha%hta' ]on"onAttac "i%#aye" hoto% o on"on an"*eaon% inc#,"in' AD47 riLe% an" *hat aeare" to e %,ici"e om%J an" ,r'e" 9,%#im% inthe nite" in'"om not to vi%it %hoin' ma##%. he %econ" camai'n threatene" to #a,nch acyer *ar a'ain%t the nite" State% an" ,roe. he I%#amic State too cre"it or the otche" 9ay 3

attac in )ar#an" e(a% %ayin' it *o,#" carry o,t har"er an" Fmore itterF attac% in%i"e the nite"State%. Coinci"in' *ith the I%#amic StateT% threat% !>I /irector Eame% Comey *arne" that hi%a'ency "oe% not have a han"#e on the 'ra%%root% terrori%m ro#em in the nite" State%./eartment o <ome#an" Sec,rity Secretary Eeh Eohn%on note" that the nite" State% ha%

entere" Fa ne* ha%e in the '#oa# terrori%t threat *here the %oDca##e" #one *o# co,#" %trie atany moment.F 9ichae# 9ore## the ormer /e,ty /irector o the CIA a""e" hi% voice y c#aimin'that the I%#amic State ha% the ai#ity to con",ct a -@11D%ty#e attac to"ay. 5hi#e the%e%tatement% an" *arnin'% aint a #ea ict,re a threat %ho,#" never e taen at ace va#,e M*hen #ace" into conte(t the%e c#aim% arenTt a% "ire a% they %eem. Ana#yin' hreat% 5henana#yin' a "irect threat rom a er%on or or'aniation it i% imortant to ,n"er%tan" that in mo%tca%e% they come rom a o%ition o *eane%% rather than o*er. he o#" %ayin' Fa## ar an" noiteF i% a%e" on thi% rea#ity. hi% a#ie% to er%ona# threat% a% *e## a% terrorDre#ate" threat%.

 errori%m i% reH,ent#y ,%e" y *ea actor% a% a *ay o tain' a%ymmetrica# mi#itary actiona'ain%t a %,erior oonent. /e%ite it% att#e:e#" %,cce%%e% a'ain%t the IraHi an" Syrian'overnment% an" mi#itant 'ro,% the I%#amic State i% certain#y ar *eaer mi#itari#y than thenite" State% an" ,roe. An imortant art o threat eva#,ation i% a%%e%%in' i the arty main'

the threat o%%e%%e% oth the intention to con",ct %,ch an action an" the caai#ity to carry o,tthat intent. In"ee" many threat% are ma"e y 'ro,% or in"ivi",a#% *ho have neither intent norcaai#ity. hey are ma"e %im#y to create ear an" anic or to inL,ence the con",ct or ehavioro the tar'et a% in the ca%e% o a er%on *ho %en"% a F*hite o*"erF #etter to a 'overnmentofce or a %t,"ent *ho hone% in a om threat to hi% %choo# to 'et o,t o tain' a te%t.)enera##y i a er%on or 'ro, o%%e%%e% oth the intent an" caai#ity to con",ct an act ovio#ence they ,%t "o it. here i% #itt#e nee" to *a%te the time an" e8ort to threaten *hat theyare ao,t to "o. In act y te#e'rahin' their intent they mi'ht rovi"e their tar'et *ith theoort,nity to avoi" the attac. Proe%%iona# terrori%t% oten inve%t a #ot o time an" re%o,rce% ina #ot e%ecia##y a %ectac,#ar tran%nationa# attac. >eca,%e o thi% they tae 'reat ain% tohi"e their oerationa# activity %o that the tar'et or a,thoritie% "o not catch *in" o it an" em#oyco,ntermea%,re% that *o,#" revent the %,cce%%,# e(ec,tion o the %cheme. In%tea" o


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te#e'rahin' their attac terrori%t 'ro,% reer to con",ct the attac an" e(#oit it ater theact %omethin' %ometime% ca##e" the roa'an"a o the "ee". Certain#y eo#e *ho o%%e%% thecaai#ity to ,#:## the threat %ometime% mae threat%. >,t norma##y in %,ch ca%e% the threat i%ma"e in a con"itiona# manner. !or e(am#e the nite" State% threatene" to inva"e A'hani%tan,n#e%% the a#ian 'overnment han"e" over $%ama in a"en. he I%#amic State ho*ever i% notin that tye o "ominatin' o%ition. I it "i%atche" a team or team% o roe%%iona# terrori%toerative% to the nite" State% an" ,roe to con",ct terrori%t attac% the very #a%t thin' it*o,#" *ant to "o i% a#ert %ai" co,ntrie% to the re%ence o tho%e team% an" have them 'et ro##e",. raine" terrori%t oerative% *ho have the ai#ity to trave# in the nite" State% or ,roe arear too va#,a#e to eoar"ie *ith a *itter threat. Rather than revea# a net*or o %ohi%ticate"I%#amic State oerative% oi%e" to con",ct "eva%tatin' attac% on the nite" State% an" ,roethe%e threat% are meant to in%ti## ear an" %trie terror into the heart% o one o their inten"e"a,"ience%B the ,#ic at #ar'e. I %ay one o their a,"ience% eca,%e the%e threat% are not on#yaime" at the American an" ,roean ,#ic. hey are a#%o meant to %en" a me%%a'e tora"ica#ie an" ener'ie 'ra%%root% iha"i%t% #ie tho%e *ho have con",cte" I%#amic StateDre#ate"attac% in the 5e%t.

$ ;a!! !#rvei""ance create! a T!#nami o data, #nderminin+

co#nterterror eDort!$;aa!! 201&Peter 9aa%% 1& &D2+D201& FIn%i"e NSA $fcia#% Private#y Criticie FCo##ect It A##F S,rvei##anceFIntercet htt%B@@:r%t#oo.or'@theintercet@201&@0&@2+@n%aDofcia#%Drivate#yDcriticieDco##ectDitDa##D%,rvei##ance@AS 99>RS $! C$N)RSS %tr,''#e to a'ree on *hich %,rvei##ance ro'ram% to reDa,thorieeore the Patriot Act e(ire% they mi'ht con%i"er the ,n,%,a# a"vice o an inte##i'ence ana#y%tat the Nationa# Sec,rity A'ency *ho *arne" ao,t the "an'er o co##ectin' too m,ch "ata.Ima'ine the ana#y%t *rote in a #eae" "oc,ment that yo, are %tan"in' in a %hoin' ai%#e tryin'to "eci"e et*een am e##y or r,it %rea" *hich %ie %,'arDree or not 'eneric or Sm,cer%. Itcan e ara#yin'. ;5e in the a'ency are at ri% o a %imi#ar co##ective ara#y%i% in the ace o a"iyin' array o choice% every %in'#e "ay= the ana#y%t *rote in 2011. ;Ana#y%i% ara#y%i% i%nton#y a c,te rhyme. It% the term or *hat haen% *hen yo, %en" %o m,ch time ana#yin' a%it,ation that yo, ,#timate#y %tymie any o,tcome `. It% *hat haen% in SI)IN ?%i'na#%inte##i'ence *hen *e have acce%% to en"#e%% o%%ii#itie% ,t *e %tr,''#e to rioritie narro*an" e(#oit the e%t one%.= he "oc,ment i% one o ao,t a "oen in *hich NSA inte##i'encee(ert% e(re%% concern% ,%,a##y hear" rom the a'ency% critic%B that the .S. 'overnment%;co##ect it a##= %trate'y can ,n"ermine the e8ort to :'ht terrori%m. he "oc,ment% rovi"e" to

 he Intercet y NSA *hi%t#e#o*er "*ar" Sno*"en aear to contra"ict year% o %tatement%rom %enior ofcia#% *ho have c#aime" that erva%ive %,rvei##ance o '#oa# comm,nication%he#% the 'overnment i"entiy terrori%t% eore they %trie or H,ic#y :n" them ater an attac.

 he Patriot Act ortion% o *hich e(ire on S,n"ay ha% een ,%e" %ince 2001 to con",ct an,mer o "ra'net %,rvei##ance ro'ram% inc#,"in' the ,# co##ection o hone meta"ata rom

American comanie%. #t the doc#ment! !#++e!t that ana"y!t! at the NSA havedro/ned in data !ince OG11, ma4in+ it more difc#"t or them to 5nd the rea" threat!$  he tit#e% o the "oc,ment% cat,re their overa## me%%a'eB ;/ata I% Not Inte##i'ence= ;he!a##acie% >ehin" the Scene%= ;Co'nitive $verLo*G= ;S,mmit !ever= an" ;In Prai%e o Notno*in'.= $ther tit#e% inc#,"e ;/ea#in' 5ith a W%,nami o Intercet= an" ;$vercome y$ver#oa"G=


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&$ There! a very "o/ ri!4 o terrori!m$ Qo#re >#!t a! "i4e"y to *e 4i""ed *ya !har4$

a"4o, 201&Ra"#ey >a#o Ra"#ey >a#o #o'% ao,t crimina# ,%tice the "r,' *ar an" civi# #iertie% or he5a%hin'ton Po%t. 7D6D201& Fhe 'oo" ne*% ao,t e(tremi%t vio#ence in the nite" State%B It%vani%hin'#y rareF 5a%hin'ton Po%t httB@@***.*a%hin'tono%t.com@ne*%@theD*atch@*@201&@07@06@theD'oo"Dne*%Dao,tDe(tremi%tDvio#enceDinDtheD,nite"D%tate%Dit%D


 hi% i% #ie#y *hy retty m,ch everyone mi%%e" the rea# %tory ao,t the Ne* America %t,"y that*a% re#ea%e" #a%t month M ,%t ho* #itt#e e(tremi%t vio#ence there i% in the nite" State% o anyin". Accor"in' to the %t,"y e(tremi%t attac% have i##e" 74 eo#e in the nite" State% %ince2001. hat come% o,t to ,%t over :ve er year. In a co,ntry o 320 mi##ion eo#ethat% an incre"i#y %ma## n,mer. Accor"in' to !>I %tati%tic% there *ere an avera'e o 1&+6&homici"e% et*een 2002 an" 2013. hat mean% on avera'e o#itica# e(tremi%m motivate" thei##er% in .003 ercent o .S. homici"e% %ince 2001. hat% %tati%tica# noi%e. It% ao,t the %amen,mer o eo#e i##e" each year y %har%. NoteB Im not c#aimin' here that there i% no moreraci%m in America or that vio#ent I%#ami%t% "ont e(i%t. $n#y that neither i% re%on%i#e or a%tati%tica##y %i'ni:cant n,mer o homici"e% in the nite" State%.J

$ The 9ay!tac4 theory o Co#nterTerror ai"! – it! *a!ed on the a#"ty(re!#m(tion that there i! a need"e in the hay!tac4$

9#, 201&9ar'aret A%%i%tant Proe%%or o a* 5a%hin'ton an" ee Schoo# o a*. FSma## /ataS,rvei##ance v. >i' /ata Cyer%,rvei##ance.F Pe. . Rev. 42 201&JB 773D++3.

A% "i%c,%%e" aove i' "ata cyer%,rvei##ance an" ma%% "atavei##ance "een" ,on a ;co##ectDitDa##= aroach or a ;connectDtheD"ot%= theory o ma%% %,rvei##ance.271 hi% ne* aroach tointe##i'ence 'atherin' i% hi'h#y controver%ia#.272 evin%onD5a#"man ha% e(#aine" that it i% a,tDtheD =hay%tacDeoreDtheDnee"#e aroach to inormation 'atherin'.=273 Stehen U#a"ecrame" the controver%y in thi% *ayB there i% a re%,mtion that there i% in act a nee"#e in thehay%tac.274 U#a"ec% oint aear% to e that re%,min' there i% a nee"#e in the hay%taccreate% a ,%ti:cation or the vie* that a## er%on% are %,%ect%.A#%o *orthy o ca,tion i% the act that thi% re%,mtion re%ent% the otentia# or m,#ti#echa##en'e%27& inc#,"in' inte'ratin' ia%e% into "ata"riven %y%tem% e.'. con:rmation ia%im#icit ia% co'nitive ia%JK ath "een"ency e.'. ,i#"in' %y%tem% to ',arantee a corre#ative;hit= or ;mi%%= that i% inten"e" to in"icate "ata i% %,%icio,%K an" a%%,min' %tati%tica# certaintythat %,%icio,% "ata rove% ',i#t o terrori%tic or crimina# threatJK overre#iance on a,tomation an"

ri% o ,n"ertraine" ana#y%t%K an" e(aceration o erver%e incentive% e.'. metric% o %,cce%%"e%i'ne" to trac n,mer o %,%ect% i"enti:e" rather than a%%e%% *hether inte##i'ence canin"een"ent#y veriy %,%ect c#a%%i:cationJ. In other *or"% re%,min' that there i% a "i'ita##ycon%tr,cte" nee"#e e.'. %,%ect or terrori%t tar'et or recrimeDreterrori%t threat that can e"i'ita##y i"enti:e" thro,'h i' "ata too#%J in the 'overnment% "i'ita##y con%tr,cte" hay%tac276e.'. 'overnment% attemt to %tore an" ana#ye a## "i'ita##y ro",ce" "ata in or"er to,rorte"#y reemt crime an" terrori%mJ277 can create incentive% to con%tr,ct ima'inarynee"#e%.


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;a!! S#rvei""ance Fai"! – Terrori!m

 ;a!! S#rvei""ance i! "e!! eDective than traditiona" "a/ enorcement$

Schneier 1& >r,ce Schneier i% an internationa##y reno*ne" %ec,rity techno#o'i%t ca##e" aF%ec,rity ',r,F y he conomi%t. <e ha% te%ti:e" eore Con're%% i% a reH,ent ',e%t onte#evi%ion an" ra"io ha% %erve" on %evera# 'overnment committee% an" i% re',#ar#y H,ote" in

the re%%. Schneier i% a e##o* at the >erman Center or Internet an" Society at <arvar" a*Schoo# a ro'ram e##o* at the Ne* America !o,n"ationT% $en echno#o'y In%tit,te a oar"memer o the #ectronic !rontier !o,n"ation an A"vi%ory >oar" 9emer o the #ectronicPrivacy Inormation Center an" the Chie echno#o'y $fcer at Re%i#ient Sy%tem% Inc. 3@2@1&/ata an" )o#iathB he <i""en >att#e% to Co##ect Oo,r /ata an" Contro# Oo,r 5or#".

9a%% %,rvei##ance "i"nt catch ,n"er*ear omer mar !aro, A",#m,ta##a in 2006 eventho,'h hi% ather ha" reeate"#y *arne" the .S. 'overnment that he *a% "an'ero,%. An" the#iH,i" omer% theyre the rea%on 'overnment% rohiit a%%en'er% rom rin'in' #ar'e ott#e%o #iH,i"% cream% an" 'e#% on air#ane% in their carryDon #,''a'eJ *ere cat,re" in 2006 in theiron"on aartment not ",e to ma%% %,rvei##ance ,t thro,'h tra"itiona# inve%ti'ative o#ice *or.Bhenever /e "earn a*o#t an NSA !#cce!!, it invaria*"y come! rom tar+eted

!#rvei""ance rather than rom ma!! !#rvei""ance. $ne ana#y%i% %ho*e" that the !>Ii"enti:e% otentia# terrori%t #ot% rom reort% o %,%icio,% activity reort% o #ot% an"inve%ti'ation% o other ,nre#ate" crime%.

 hi% i% a critica# oint. iH,ito,% %,rvei##ance an" "ata minin' are not %,ita#e too#% or :n"in'"e"icate" crimina#% or terrori%t%. 5e ta(ayer% are *a%tin' i##ion% on ma%%D%,rvei##ancero'ram% an" not 'ettin' the %ec,rity *eve een romi%e". 9ore imortant#y the money/ere /a!tin+ on the!e ineDective !#rvei""ance (ro+ram! i! not *ein+ !(ent oninve!ti+ation, inte""i+ence, and emer+ency re!(on!e. tactic% that have een roven to*or. he NSAT% %,rvei##ance e8ort% have act,a##y ma"e ,% #e%% %ec,re.9a%% %,rvei##ance an" "ata minin' are m,ch more %,ita#e or ta%% o o,#ation "i%criminationB:n"in' eo#e *ith certain o#itica# e#ie% eo#e *ho are rien"% *ith certain in"ivi",a#%eo#e *ho are memer% o %ecret %ocietie% an" eo#e *ho atten" certain meetin'% an" ra##ie%.

 ho%e are a## in"ivi",a#% o intere%t to a 'overnment intent on %ocia# contro# #ie China. herea%on "ata minin' *or% to :n" them i% that #ie cre"it car" ra,"%ter% o#itica# "i%%i"ent% are#ie#y to %hare a *e##D"e:ne" ro:#e. A""itiona##y ,n"er a,thoritarian r,#e the inevita#e a#%ea#arm% are #e%% o a ro#emK char'in' innocent eo#e *ith %e"ition in%ti##% ear in the o,#ace.


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An!/er to. /o#"d have !o"ved OG11

 Bo#"d not have !o"ved OG11$

<ar#ey %ei+er 1& A"vocacy /irector an" Senior Co,n%e# at the Center or /emocracy amK echno#o'y C/J. <e *or% on i%%,e% re#ate" to civi# #iertie% an" 'overnment %,rvei##ance

com,ter crime an" cyer%ec,rity. !rom 2012D2014 <ar#ey %erve" a% Senior e'i%#ative Co,n%e#or .S. Rere%entative \oe o'ren o Ca#iornia. &D11D201& FSenator% X,e%tiona#e C#aim%ao,t NSA >,# Co##ectionF a*are httB@@***.#a*are#o'.com@201&@0&@%enator%DH,e%tiona#eDc#aim%Dao,tDn%aD,#Dco##ection@C#aim 2B he ,# co##ection ro'ram co,#" have %toe" -@11. ;<ere i% the tr,th. I thi% ro'ramha" e(i%te" eore -@11 it i% H,ite o%%i#e *e *o,#" have no*n that -@11 hiacer ha#i" A#9ih"har *a% #ivin' in San /ie'o an" *a% main' hone ca##% to an A# Xae"a %ae ho,%e in

 Oemen.= – Senator 9arco R,ioA ,# co##ection ro'ram *a% not nece%%ary to :n" A# 9ih"har rior to -@11. A% the PC$> reort"etai#% the NSA ha" a#rea"y e',n intercetin' ca##% to an" rom the %ae ho,%e in Oemen in the#ate 1--0%. Since the 'overnment ne* the n,mer o the %ae ho,%e an" A# 9ih"har *a%ca##in' that n,mer it *o,#" on#y e nece%%ary to co##ect the hone recor"% o the %ae ho,%e to

"i%cover A# 9ih"har in San /ie'o. hi% i% in act an e(am#e o ho* tar'ete" %,rvei##ance *o,#"have een more e8ective than ,# co##ection. he -@11 Commi%%ion Reort an" other %o,rce%note that the CIA *a% a*are o 9ih"har *e## eore the attac an" mi%%e" m,#ti#e oort,nitie%to "eny him entry to the .S. or inten%iy their %,rvei##ance o him.

 Cant connect a"" the dot!, OG11 (rove!$

9ir!h 201H9ichae# <ir%h i% the nationa# e"itor or Po#itico 9a'aine 6D6D2013 Fhe S,rvei##ance StateB <o*5e )ot <ere an" 5hat Con're%% ne*F nationa#o,rna#httB@@***.nationa#o,rna#.com@nationa#%ec,rity@theD%,rvei##anceD%tateDho*D*eD'otDhereDan"D

*hatDcon're%%Dne*D20130607 he cha##en'e i% that even no* in %ite o the%e ro'ram% the inte##i'ence comm,nity remain%over*he#me" y "ata an" a% the >o%ton 9arathon omin'% in Ari# %ho*e" it i% very "ifc,#tto iece to'ether c#,e% in time to %to an attac. Fhere are ma%%ive 'a% in o,r ai#ity toact,a##y ana#ye "ata. 9,ch o the "ata ,%t %it% there an" noo"y #oo% at itF %ay% one ormerNSA ofcia# *ho *o,#" "i%c,%% c#a%%i:e" ro'ram% on#y on con"ition o anonymity. FPeo#e can"o retty horri:c thin'% on their o*n. 5hether *ith e(#o%ive "evice% or chemica#% or io#o'ica#a'ent%. veryo"yT% *a#in' aro,n" *ith the%e "eva%tatin' *eaon%. <o* are yo, 'oin' to %tothatGF Inte##i'ence roe%%iona#% %ay that it i% on#y *ith ma%% "ata co##ection that they can :n"the ey Finter%ection%F o "ata that a##o* them to iece to'ether the ri'ht c#,e%. !or e(am#e ian in"ivi",a# or"er% a a%%ort an" %,#ie% an a""re%% *here %ome %,%icio,% eo#e areno*n to e that mi'ht rai%e %ome concern% – *itho,t ho*ever #ea"in' to a "e:nite c#,e to a

#ot. Oet i the %ame er%on *ho or"ere" the a%%ort a#%o ,y% a #ot o erti#ier at anothera""re%% then on#y the inter%ection o tho%e t*o "ata oint% *i## mae the c#,e% a"" , to athreat that a,thoritie% can act on. In a Ean. 30 2006 oDe" in he Ne* Oor ime% hea"#ine"F5hy 5e i%tenF ormer NSA %enior "irector Phi#i >oitt rovi"e" a vivi" e(am#e o ho* thi%Fthreat matri(F *or%. $n Set. 10 2001 he *rote the NSA intercete" t*o me%%a'e%B TThematch e'in% tomorro*TT an" TTomorro* i% ero ho,r.TT hey *ere ice" , rom ran"ommonitorin' o ay hone% in area% o A'hani%tan *here A# Xae"a *a% active. No one in the inte#comm,nity ne* *hat to mae o them an" in any ca%e they *ere not tran%#ate" or"i%%eminate" ,nti# Set. 12. >,t >oitt *rote Fha" *e at the time cro%%Dreerence" cre"it car"acco,nt% reH,entDLyer ro'ram% an" a ce##hone n,mer %hare" y tho%e t*o men "ata


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minin' mi'ht ea%i#y have ice" , on the 17 other men #ine" to them an" Lyin' on the %ame"ay at the %ame time on o,r Li'ht%.F


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;a!! S#rvei""ance create! Fa"!e (o!itive!

 S#rvei""ance ca#!e! a"!e (o!itive! that over/he"m "a/ enorcement$

-arra3Arna# and Ca!te""#ccia, 201&/atavei##ance an" the !a#%eDPo%itive Para"o(. 201&. ha#D011&7-21b Eavier ParraDArna, an"C#a,"e Ca%te##,ccia an" are *ith the Privatic% re%earch team INRIA )reno#e D RhneDA#e%

!ranceJ htt%B@@ha#.archive%Do,verte%.r@ha#D011&7-21@"oc,ment

5e o%erve an e(treme#y #ar'e n,mer o a#%e o%itive% e(cet in the %cenario *here the"i%tri,tion% o terrori%t% an" innocent% are ortho'ona# a% e8ective#y cat,re" y the co%ine"i%tance. In or"er to e ortho'ona# the terrori%t ro:#e% an" eat,re% have to e ,niH,e an" very"i%tinctive rom other eo#e ro:#e%. /e:nin' %,ch ro:#e% i% cha##en'in' %ince %cienti%t% "o nothave acce%% to the "ata o many terrori%t%. >e%i"e% c,rrent re%,#t% ten" to %ho* that terrori%t%have er%ona#ity trait% that are in"i%tin',i%ha#e rom trait% o the 'enera# o,#ation ?11. A#%oit i% very #ie#y that terrori%t% *i## ,%e too#% %,ch a% encrytion too#% or ro(ie% in or"er to ert,rtheir ro:#e%.^ $,r re%,#t% %ho* that the tota# co%t increa%e% #inear#y *ith the ratio o terrori%t% ,t the rate oincrea%e i% re#ative#y #o* in the %i( %cenario% con%i"ere". A% "eicte" in !i'. 7 the tota# co%t i%

%imi#ar re'ar"#e%% o the ercenta'e o terrori%t%. hi% i% a H,ite intere%tin' o%ervation eca,%ethi% mean% that *hen the %ec,rity a'ency ha% to "eci"e the - ,"'et it *i## not nee" to e veryacc,rate in e%timatin' the ercenta'e o terrori%t% *ithin the o,#ation. $n the other han" thi%:',re a#%o %ho*% that the efciency o the %y%tem increa%e% *ith the n,mer o %,%ect% ,t i%very #o* *hen the n,mer o terrori%t i% %ma## comare" to the o,#ation %ie *hich i%ort,nate#y the ca%e. 9a%% %,rvei##ance o the entire o,#ation i% #o'ica##y %en%i#e on#y i then,mer o er%on% to i"enti:e" i% hi'h *hich haen% in 9cCarthyDtye nationa# aranoia oro#itica# e%iona'e ?12.In c#o%in' thi% aer "emon%trate% that "atavei##ance i% not a very economica# %o#,tion to :'hta'ain%t terrori%m. 9ore a#%e o%itive *i## on#y over%tre%% techno#o'ie% th,% ca,%in' even more*or or %i'na#%Dinte##i'ence a'ent% *ho are a#rea"y over#oa"e" ?13. In act the Char#ie <e"oterrori%t% *ere no*n y the !rench %ec,rity a'ency rior to their attac. hey *ere not o##o*e"

an" trace" anymore or ,"'et an" re%o,rce rea%on%. $ne mi'ht *on"er ho* a "atavei##ance%y%tem that 'enerate% %o many a#%e o%itive an" i% %o ea%y to circ,mvent *i## he# imrovin'the %it,ation.


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2AC – ther Dca!e


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2AC An!/er to the :'ec#tive Co#nter("an

1$ The e'ec#tive cant "imit it! o/n (o/er$ n"y the afrmative !o"ve!$

@onoh#e 200)a,ra /onoh,e i% Proe%%or o a* )eor'eto*n niver%ity a* Center he co%t o

co,nterterrori%mB o*er o#itic% an" #ierty. Camri"'e niver%ity Pre%%. he%e are ,%t e(am#e% o chec% that co,#" e in%tit,te" *ithin the e(ec,tive M an immen%e#ycom#e( ro#em that "e%erve% ,rther %cr,tiny. Oet I am !4e(tica" a*o#t the a*i"ity o thee'ec#tive a% an or'an , to "imit it! #e!t or more (o/er. Ater a## *eca#!e it a""!direct"y to thi! *ranch to ta4e re!(on!i*i"ity or crime and threat! to nationa" !ec#rity,it i! to *e e'(ected that it /o#"d !ee4 the *roade!t ran+e o (o/er! avai"a*"e $

 he ,"iciary a#%o ha% an imortant ro#e to #ay in %ettin' the #imit% o %tate a,thority. It *a%>ran"en,r' v. $hio that e%ta#i%he" rotection% or o#itica# %eech in the nite" State% %eeChater *herea% <am"an v. R,m%e#" re%tricte" e(ec,tive e(an%ion in the conte(t o haea%c#aim% %ee Chater 2J. 10 $n the other %i"e o the At#antic A an" other% v. Secretary o State orthe <ome /eartment #e" to the reea# o in"e:nite "etention %ee Chater 2J.11 he co,rt%Tro#e tho,'h o,'ht not to e overemha%ie" a% their ai#ity to chec the e(ec,tive i% a% I have

%ho*n #imite". An" mo%t o the reme"ie% avai#a#e to the co,rt% are ina"eH,ate or %temmin'e(an%ion% in co,nterterrori%t #a*. In other *or"% *e %ho,#" care ao,t *hat the ,"iciary "oe%an" %ay% ,t not a%%,me that it i% the mo%t imortant #ayer or even the :na# *or" in re%ectto co,nterterrori%m.In%tea" I %ee the #e'i%#at,re a% the cr,cia# #ayer. hi% o"y act% a% an ena#er rovi"in' thee(ec,tive *ith #e'a# #e'itimacy. It i% the mo%t rere%entative o the eo#e. It can #ea" an"re%on" to them. An" it ha% the a,thority to ho#" the 'overnment to acco,nt or the imme"iatean" on'oin' nee" or e(traor"inary rovi%ion%. he #e'i%#at,re can "eman" that the e(ec,tive%ho* that the o*er% are ein' ,%e" aroriate#y an" "emon%trate the e8ort% ein' ma"e tomiti'ate the roa"er co%t%$ In!i!tin+ that the +overnment ma4e! it! ca!e, re"ea!in+ intothe (#*"ic domain /hatever it can o re"evant inormation, rever!e! the #!#a" co#r!eo co#nterterrori!mD *here the e(ec,tive i% a#e to ,t thro,'h many o it% "eman"%

imme"iate#y o##o*in' a terrori%t attac #eavin' to tho%e *ho :n" the rovi%ion% e(ce%%ive an"*ant to reea# them the imo%%i#e ta% o rovin' either that no vio#ence *i## o##o* reea# orthat %ome vio#ence i% acceta#e. The "e+i!"at#re ha! the (o/er to rever!e theco#nterterrori!t !(ira"$ 

2$ *ama doe!nt thin4 that he can #ni"atera""y end *#"4 co""ection$

evine, 201&Sam evine 1& &D26D201& FRan" Pa,#B $ama Starte" NSA >,# Co##ection An" Can n" It >y<im%e#F <,fn'ton Po%t httB@@***.h,fn'tono%t.com@201&@0&@26@ran"Da,#D

n%aQnQ744244+.htm#Seain' 'enera##y ao,t Pa,#T% comment% Bhite 9o#!e (re!! !ecretary =o!h :arne!t !aidT#e!day that *ama co#"d not #ni"atera""y end *#"4 data co""ection$ Fhe a,thoritie% thatare ,%e" y o,r nationa# %ec,rity roe%%iona#% to ee ,% %ae are a,thoritie% that are 'iven totho%e nationa# %ec,rity roe%%iona#% y the Con're%% an" tho%e a#thoritie! can on"y *erene/ed *y the United State! Con+re!! thro#+h an act o Con+re!!F arne%t %ai".


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2AC An!/er to the Co#rt! Co#nter("an

  Con+re!! i! (reera*"e to the Co#rt to "imit !#rvei""ance – they canantici(ate #t#re (ro*"em! and arent *o#nd *y !tare dece!i!$

Sch"a*ach, 201&)arie# R. a* C#er to the <onora#e Eoe# >o#'er A#a%a S,reme Co,rtK E./. Stanor" a*Schoo# 2014 FPrivacy in the C#o,"B he 9o%aic heory an" the Store" Comm,nication% Act.FStan. . Rev. 67 201&JB 677.

In thi% a%tDchan'in' conte(t it i% oten etter to orm,#ate rivacy #a* thro,'h #e'i%#ation thany ,"icia# ho#"in' a% err ha% convincin'#y ar',e". n1&0 5hi#e hi#o%ohica# ,%ti:cation%%,ort thi% conc#,%ion thi% NoteT% rimary intere%t i% ractica#B ,n#ie the co,rt% Con're%% cana%% %*eein' ,t intricate o#icy %cheme% to a""re%% re%ent an" ,t,re concern% an"#e'i%#ation i% not o,n" y %tare "eci%i%.Co,rt% m,%t r,#e on a ca%eDyDca%e a%i% *herea% Con're%% may anticiate a *i"e ran'e ocirc,m%tance% an" enact care,##y tai#ore" #e'i%#ation. he 9aynar" oinion an" E,%tice A#itoT%conc,rrence in Eone% rovi"e 'oo" e(am#e% o co,rt%T "ifc,#tie% cratin' a##Dencoma%%in'

re',#atory %cheme%. he /.C. Circ,it r,#e" that Eone%T% rivacy ha" een vio#ate" at %ome oint",rin' the t*entyDei'ht "ay% o )PS %,rvei##ance. n1&1 E,%tice A#ito a'ree". n1&2 Neitheroinion ho*ever attemte" to "etermine *ith reci%ion ho* #on' *a% too #on'. An" neitheroinion "e:ne" *ith any c#arity the tye% an" techniH,e% o %,rvei##ance to *hich the mo%aictheory a#ie". Con're%% on the other han" can a""re%% many or a## o the%e H,e%tion% in a%in'#e act.

 hen too co,rt% 'enera##y a","icate a%t "i%,te% *herea% Con're%% #e'i%#ate% ,t,re o#icy.A% a re%,#t ,"icia# ho#"in'% re'ar"in' a%tDchan'in' %,ect% ten" to e o,t"ate" on arriva#*hi#e #e'i%#ation can a""re%% re%ent an" ?[6-- ,t,re concern%. he initia# a%%a'e o the#ectronic Comm,nication% Privacy Act o 1-+6 *hich or a## it% a,#t%J #ar'e#y rotecte" eDmai#comm,nication% an" other on#ine interaction% at a time *hen e* American% o*ne" or ,%e"er%ona# com,ter% i% a te%tament to the #a%tin' o*er o #e'i%#ation.!ina##y co,rt% are 'enera##y o,n" y rece"ent *hi#e Con're%% i% not. 5ith the e(cetion o theS,reme Co,rt mo%t co,rt% cannot mae %*eein' o#icy chan'e%. e'i%#at,re% on the otherhan" can reea# mo"iy or a%% ne* o#icie%K in"ee" that i% their rimary ,ro%e. 5hi#ein%tit,tiona# an" o#itica# orce% oten ca,%e #e'i%#at,re% to %,ort or y not actin' re%ort toJthe %tat,% H,o n1&3 Con're%% remain% etter eH,ie" than co,rt% to #ot o,t ne* o#icy"irection%.


8/18/2019 NSA Affirmative - DDI 2015 ST (Aditi Srinivasan's Conflicted Copy 2015-09-30)

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An!/er! to -o"itic! – -"an i! (o(#"ar

 Sno/den t#rned the tide, !#rvei""ance i! #n(o(#"ar$

The 9i"" 1& 6D3D201& FSy critic% eye ne(t tar'et%F httB@@thehi##.com@o#icy@nationa#D%ec,rity@243-+3D%yDcritic%DeyeDne(tDtar'et%Perha% no %in'#e event he#e" roe# reorm more than the #ea% rom Sno*"en *hich e(o%e"

the %*eein' nat,re o the NSA% revio,%#y %ecret *arrant#e%% co##ection o "ata ao,t mi##ion%o hone ca##% ma"e in the .S. >,t the action *a% a#%o %,rre" y a ne* o#itica# c#imatee%ecia##y the increa%in' inL,ence o the #iertarian *in' o the Re,#ican Party. No one e#t thatne* o#itica# rea#ity more than Senate 9aority ea"er 9itch 9cConne## RDy.J *ho aeare"",mo,n"e" at hi% reeate" inai#ity to ,%h thro,'h an ,nchan'e" rea,thoriation o thePatriot Act #a*% even *ith Re,#ican% in comman" o oth chamer% o Con're%%. $ne o thei''e%t o%tac#e% in 9cConne##% ath *a% Sen. Ran" Pa,# RDy.J *ho ha% ma"e hi% oo%ition toe"era# %,rvei##ance one o the i##ar% o hi% camai'n or the 5hite <o,%e. Pa,# re,%e" to voteor the SA !ree"om Act ar',in' the reorm% "i"nt 'o ar eno,'h an" he he#" , the #e'i%#ation#on' eno,'h to orce a temorary #a%e in the %,rvei##ance o*er%.

  The ("an i! (o(#"ar

-o"itico 1&FPro%ect% "im or 11thDho,r PARI$ Act "ea#F P$IIC$ &D26D201&httB@@***.o#itico.com@%tory@201&@0&@ro%ect%D"imDorD11thDho,rDatriotDactD"ea#D11+300.htm#GhYt3Qr

 he PARI$ Act ,%e" to have over*he#min' %,ort in Con're%% M rea,thoriation a%%e" in2010 y a voice vote. >,t minima# "i%%ent 'ra",a##y t,rne" into a :re%torm o oo%ition atercontractor "*ar" Sno*"en e(o%e" the rea"th o the ,# "ata co##ection ro'ram in 2013.!or the :r%t time a c#ean e(ten%ion o the i## co,#"nt 'arner a maority on the Senate Loor onSat,r"ay an" attracte" ,%t t*o /emocratic %,orter% an ,nrece"ente" #eve# o oo%ition.


8/18/2019 NSA Affirmative - DDI 2015 ST (Aditi Srinivasan's Conflicted Copy 2015-09-30)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/nsa-affirmative-ddi-2015-st-aditi-srinivasans-conflicted-copy-2015-09-30 87/87

An!/er! to :"ection! – -"an i! (o(#"ar

 Moter! hate !#rvei""ance$

Sencer Ac4erman &31)D201& FNSA %,rvei##ance oo%e" y American voter% rom a##artie% o## :n"%F ),ar"ian httB@@***.the',ar"ian.com@,%Dne*%@201&@may@1+@,%Dvoter%Droa"#yDoo%e"Dn%aD%,rvei##ance

;ore than three3#arter! o "i4e"y voter! the (o"" intervie/ed o((o!ed re"ateda!(ect! o c#rrent !#rvei""ance a#thoritie! and o(eration!. i'htyDt*o ercent are;concerne"= ao,t 'overnment co##ection an" retention o their er%ona# "ata. i'htyDthreeercent are concerne" ao,t 'overnment acce%% to "ata %tore" y ,%ine%%e% *itho,t ,"icia#or"er% an" +4V *ant the %ame ,"icia# rotection% on their virt,a# "ata a% e(i%t or hy%ica#recor"% on their roerty. he %ame ercenta'e i% concerne" ao,t 'overnment ,%e o that "ataor nonDco,nterDterrori%m ,ro%e%. Con!en!#! on thi! i!!#e i! *i(arti!an,8 %ai" Strim#e.There! rea" concern a*o#t /hat the +overnment! acce!!in+ a*o#t yo#r (er!ona""ie$8

 Moter! !#((ort NSA reorm$

Sencer Ac4erman &31)D201& FNSA %,rvei##ance oo%e" y American voter% rom a##artie% o## :n"%F ),ar"ian httB@@***.the',ar"ian.com@,%Dne*%@201&@may@1+@,%Dvoter%Droa"#yDoo%e"Dn%aD%,rvei##anceNeema Sin'h )i,#iani o the AC %ai" the (o"" re!#"t! !ho/ a di!connection8 *et/eenanti3!#rvei""ance ervor *y voter! and a con+re!!iona" de*ate *o#nded *y retained!#rvei""ance (o/er! at one (o"e and /hat !he de!cri*ed a! the mode!t reorm8 othe USA Freedom Act on the other$

;he act that a #ot o memer% o Con're%% are %ti## ,%hin' or*ar" to try to rea,thorierovi%ion% o the #a* that many eo#e :n" concernin' i% not reLective o the vie* o the va%tmaority o the ,#ic o oth artie%= %he %ai".
