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NSPC Connections 2017 NSPC...3 6 0 0 g o s h e n r o a d newtown square presbyterian church nspc...

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NEWTOWN SQUARE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NSPC Connections 3600 GOSHEN ROAD NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA 19073 OFFICE: 610.356.8063 WWW.NEWTOWNSQUAREPRES.ORG REV. DR. JEANNE THOMAS—PASTOR JULY/AUGUST 2017 SUPPLEMENT Dear Family of Faith, The end of another program year is now behind us, and what a year it has been! A flourishing children and youth program, a Vacation Bible School that was bursting at the seams, and a new young adult group were just a few of the highlights. And we expanded our ministries in other ways, too: our Stop Hunger Now mission event surpassed last years event in dollars raised, and we hosted a youth group from Ohio who spent hours of their time cleaning up the community garden and decorating the Social Hall for VBS. Neither of these outcomes was expected, but what a gift each was! It always amazes me the way God works in our midst, providing for us when we need those extra hands, and showing us ways to be model hosts. But, of course, none of it would be possible without YOU. From Allen Corle and Jim Shea and our Building and Grounds Commission, who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure our church building and grounds remain in order; to John Wellington, who oversees our community garden; to all of our wonderful Vacation Bible School staff; to our committed Session and its Clerk: Buff Biddle, and our wonderful Deacons moderated by Sue Bechtold, we are truly blessed. But of course, that is only a part of what happens at NSPC. Our Christian Ed Commission, chaired by Meghan Kazanjian (including our Sunday School Superintendent, Nancy Gingras) ensures the smooth running of our year-round Sunday school program and plans Rally Day and Cocoa, Cookies, and Carols. Our Children & Youth Commission, co-chaired by Lynne Corle and Dan Schultz, supports Sara Boninu in organizing children and youth programs, events, and retreats. Our Fellowship Commission, chaired by Lois Peck, coordinates Trunk r Treat, the Church Picnic, and the Progressive Dinner. Our Worship Commission, chaired by Lindy Rustam, supports and advises the worship and music ministries of the church. And our Membership Commission, chaired by Joe Falcon, coordinates opportunities to reach out to our community and new members. Several committees also augment the work of the Session: the Finance Committee, chaired by Rick Weiss; the Mission Committee, headed by Sue Bechtold; the Nominating Committee, moderated by Micki Digby; the Collumbarium Committee, led by Bob Bechtold; the Growing Our Future Committee, chaired by James Kucera; the Personnel Committee, co-chaired by Buff Biddle and Jim Hitchens; and the Sacristy Guild of St. Martha, moderated by Pam Lounsbury. (Continued on page 2) From Your Pastor:
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NSPC Connections 3 6 0 0 G O S H E N R O A D

N E W T O W N S Q U A R E , P A 1 9 0 7 3

O F F I C E : 6 1 0 . 3 5 6 . 8 0 6 3

W W W . N E W T O W N S Q U A R E P R E S . O R G

R E V . D R . J E A N N E T H O M A S — P A S T O R

J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 S U P P L E M E N T

Dear Family of Faith,

The end of another program year is now behind us, and what a year it has been! A flourishing children and youth program, a Vacation Bible School that was bursting at the seams, and a new young adult group were just a few of the highlights.

And we expanded our ministries in other ways, too: our Stop Hunger Now mission event surpassed last year’s event in dollars raised, and we hosted a youth group from Ohio who spent hours of their time cleaning up the community garden and decorating the Social Hall for VBS. Neither of these outcomes was expected, but what a gift each was!

It always amazes me the way God works in our midst, providing for us when we need those extra hands, and showing us ways to be model hosts. But, of course, none of it would be possible without YOU. From Allen Corle and Jim Shea and our Building and Grounds Commission, who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure our church building and grounds remain in order; to John Wellington, who oversees our community garden; to all of our wonderful Vacation Bible School staff; to our committed Session and its Clerk: Buff Biddle, and our wonderful Deacons moderated by Sue Bechtold, we are truly blessed.

But of course, that is only a part of what happens at NSPC. Our Christian Ed Commission, chaired by Meghan Kazanjian (including our Sunday School Superintendent, Nancy Gingras) ensures the smooth running of our year-round Sunday school program and plans Rally Day and Cocoa, Cookies, and Carols. Our Children & Youth Commission, co-chaired by Lynne Corle and Dan Schultz, supports Sara Boninu in organizing children and youth programs, events, and retreats. Our Fellowship Commission, chaired by Lois Peck, coordinates Trunk ‘r Treat, the Church Picnic, and the Progressive Dinner. Our Worship Commission, chaired by Lindy Rustam, supports and advises the worship and music ministries of the church. And our Membership Commission, chaired by Joe Falcon, coordinates opportunities to reach out to our community and new members.

Several committees also augment the work of the Session: the Finance Committee, chaired by Rick Weiss; the Mission Committee, headed by Sue Bechtold; the Nominating Committee, moderated by Micki Digby; the Collumbarium Committee, led by Bob Bechtold; the Growing Our Future Committee, chaired by James Kucera; the Personnel Committee, co-chaired by Buff Biddle and Jim Hitchens; and the Sacristy Guild of St. Martha, moderated by Pam Lounsbury. (Continued on page 2)

From Your Pastor:

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Last but not least, the Presbyterian Women of NSPC, moderated by Ginny Berman, meet monthly for prayer, study, and fellowship, and support various missions and programs throughout the year.

It truly does “take a village” to do all that we do here at NSPC. And there are many more plans on the horizon: A new ¾-time Director of Music, Ting Ting Wong, will begin on August 21 (there will be a meet-and-greet in the Lounge on July 17 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM); a family camping trip will take place the second weekend of August; two student interns from Princeton Seminary will assist with worship and programming from September through next May; a men’s group that will start in the fall; and there will be an opportunity to invest in the future of the church as the Growing Our Future Committee unveils plans during the upcoming year. Stay tuned!

As I reflected on these past twelve months, I thought of this scripture from Jeremiah: “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.”

Surely God is in this place!!! Thank you for your faithfulness in fulfilling our calling as a family of faith here at NSPC!!!

In Christ,


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“All Hands on Deck”

Tuesday, July 11 at 9 a.m.

The PW needs help cleaning & rejuvenating our

church’s kitchen and the P.W. closet

Please come with cleaning rags, gloves, mops, & buckets.

All Presbyterian Women

Fall Potluck Lunch and Combined Circle Meetings

September 11, 2017 at 12 p.m.

in the Church Social Hall


Presbyterians are connected in many ways, including our church government. The per capita offering makes it possible for Presbyterian churches to govern themselves the way we do, with shared power and mutual accountability as together we find and represent the will of Christ. The offering makes our bi-annual national General Assembly meeting possible, as well as preserves and shares Presbyterian history in the Presbyterian Historical Society. The suggested donation is $25/member. Envelopes are in the pew for this purpose, and checks may be made payable to NSPC, with "per capita" written in the memo section. Thank you for your donation!

with Ting Ting Wong

Please plan to join us July 17th from 6:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m. in the Lounge

to meet our new Director of Music, Ting Ting Wong.

Light refreshments will be served and there will be an opportunity to hear Ting Ting play!

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Summer Youth and Family Events

Mission Mondays and Wacky Wednesdays begin July 10th and run through August

30th. All children and youth are invited to participate. Check your e-mail for more


Want to go camping? A Family Ministry camping trip is taking place August 11th-13th. Contact Sara Boninu for more information.


Thank you to every individual who volunteered, donated items, or prayed for Vacation Bible School 2017! VBS saw 80 children and over 40 volunteers during the week of June 26-29th. This would not have been a success without the support of our NSPC congregants!

The social hall, stairwells, hallways, and classrooms were transformed into

the Maker Fun Factory. Students learned all week that we are created by God

and built for a purpose! Crafts, games, songs, and snacks taught the children

that we are all uniquely designed by our Creator, and we were each made for

a reason. Sound Wave Sing & Play, Bible Discovery, Imagination Station, Game Makers, Snack Factory,

and Funshop Finale brought out the children’s creativity all week long.

Students wrote the following messages during Imagination Station:

“I will miss VBS! Thank you for everything. ” –Emily Kucera

“Thank you! It was a great week.” –Avery DeCecco

“I want to come back next year.” –Conner Callahan

Thank you to all of the volunteers who gave generously of their time to make this week a great success!

Allison Adgate, Brooke Andrewson, Flossie Barnes, Sue Bechtold, Betsy Bender, Buff Biddle, Kim Biddle, Morgan Boninu, Ginny Condo, Margie Conway, Lynne Corle, Kristy Ebersole, Lane Ebersole, Lily Ebersole, Olivia Ebersole, Laurie Falcon, Lillie Falcon, Shawn Gamble, Nancy Gingras, Natalie Giosa, Anna Gries, Jennifer Gries, Jessica Gries, Sarah Gries, Meghan Kazanjian, Jennifer Kelly, Janet Kopack, Abby Kucera, Stacey Kucera, Paula Landrum, Anna Lemaster, Kaitlyn McGoldrick, Lois Peck, Lindy Rustam, Karen Shea, Sarah Smitheman, Beth Snyder, Lauren Snyder, Lindsay Sokorai, Camryn Villano, Debbie Villano, Debbie Weiss.

Thanks also to those who generously donated snacks or props for our program!

Jenna Bergstrom, Julie Bergstrom, Ginny Berman, Mary Burgess, Rebecca DiPersia, Bernice Eder, Jane Fioravanti, June Giosa, Meg Hess, Beth McCarry, Marg MacDonald, Kristina Schultz, Dawn Smitheman, Jeff White, and the Miriam Circle.

Thank you again for all of your support and encouragement throughout this VBS season. We couldn’t

have done it without you! ~Sara Boninu, Director of Youth and Family Ministry

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Backpack Donations for the Village

It is time to be thinking of school supplies for the 2017-2018 school year. The Village, one of our church charities, sponsor a backpack collection every summer.

There are backpacks in the coatroom area for you to fill with school supplies. In the event you cannot fill a backpack PLEASE just donate school supplies. The supplies will be delivered on August 1 to the Village who in turn will distribute them to the children.

The children love receiving these gifts so hopefully, the box will be full and overflowing by August 1. Please help out again this year. (If you cannot shop--I will be happy to shop for you. Call me and we can settle on a shopping plan. Sue 610-353-2682)

NSPC is represented at the Village by Ginny Berman & Sue Bechtold. We are happy to answer all questions.

Outreach Opportunities for N.S.P.C.

Mostardi’s Farmers Market:

On Wednesday, July 19th, Newtown Square Presbyterian Church will have a

brand new, brilliant red tent at the Mostardi's Farmers Market, from 2 to

6pm! Our goal is connect with our community in a friendly, supportive way and

spread the word about our amazing church, youth programs, and phenomenal

new music director! We are looking for congregants who would like to spend an

hour or two with us, enjoy the afternoon surrounded by flowers, freshly made

bread, and friends. We also have coupons for you to shop!

Please contact Terri McCarthy (610) 742.5359/[email protected] or

Ginny Berman, [email protected] to join us!

4H Summer Fair at Garrett Williamson:

Calling all Gardeners! On Saturday, August 12th, Newtown Square Presbyterian Church is invited to have a table at the 4H Summer Fair at the Garrett Williamson Farm!! This is a growing event which includes Livestock like sheep, alpacas, cattle, and horses and Garden Produce. Both Church members and Community Garden members are welcome to display their home grown produce at the NSPC Table, and enter a fun judging competition for mixed baskets, one large vegetable, flower arrangements, and more!

This is a wonderful way to spread the word about Newtown Square Presbyterian Church at a well-attended, family-oriented event! Please contact Terri McCarthy for

further information to participate and/or volunteer to help at the table.

[email protected] or 610.742.5359

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7/02 —Audrey Mahler

7/04—Kim Biddle

7/06—Jeffrey White

7/06—Ally Snyder

7/06—Bing Bortle

7/07—Maren Falcon

7/07—Lauren Gries

7/09—Bob Bechtold

7/11—Luke Hill

7/11—Karen Shea

7/11—Lindsay Burch

7/12—Nancy Roney

7/13 —Sarah Hitchens

7/15—Debbie Weiss

7/16—Jeanne Newton

7/17—Ellen Jackson

7/22—Andy Bross

7/23—Micki Digby

7/24—Georgia Kelly

7/24—Carmen Arraya

7/25—Anna Lemaster

7/26—Jordan Noecker

7/26—Janie Fioravanti

7/27—Sean Sampson

7/27—Nancy Fischer

7/30—Laurie Falcon

7/30 -Susan O’Donnell

8/02—Jean Bowen

8/03—Dolly Dulaney

8/03—Lou Raven

8/03—Rick Weiss

8/04—Jake Bross

8/08—Chris Snyder

8/10—Linda Allen

8/10—Brad Villano

8/11—Peter Burgess

8/12—Marge DeYoung

8/13—Gini Lappe

8/15—Paula Miller

8/17—Barb Peters

8/17—Chase Eckert

8/17—Catherine Bennett

8/18—Jim Hitchens

8/20—Brad Impriano

8/28—Ginni Condo

8/29—Madilyn Impriano

8/30—Carol McNeil

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In Ministry Together at Newtown Square Presbyterian Church:

Pastor ................................................................................................... The Rev. Dr. Jeanne Thomas Director of Youth and Family Ministry .............................................................................. Sara Boninu Church Office Associate ....................................................................................... Brooke Andrewson Accountant ................................................................................................................. Julie Bergstrom Director, Newtown Square Presbyterian Church Nursery School .............................. .Jane Fioravanti Clerk of Session ................................................................................................................ Buff Biddle President, Board of Trustees ............................................................................................... Jim Shea Treasurer .................................................................................................................... Dave Sampson Head Usher ................................................................................................................... Grant Snyder The Sacristy Guild of St. Martha ................................................................................ Pam Lounsbury Presbyterian Women .................................................................................................... Ginny Berman

Plus...all the members of NSPC

Church Officers:

SESSION/BOARD OF TRUSTEES Moderator: The Rev. Dr. Jeanne Thomas

Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019

Micki Digby Buff Biddle Jim Hitchens

Dot Gauntlett Jim Shea Meghan Kazanjian

Lois Peck Rick Weiss James Kucera

Lindy Rustam Joe Falcon Dan Schultz

BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Sue Bechtold

Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019

Rich Digby Lynne Corle Mary Burgess

Sue Bechtold Karen Shea Marg MacDonald

Betsy Bender Beth Snyder Jerry Schauer

Diane Dowlin Debbie Weiss Jim Thomas

Church Contact Information: Church Phone: ........................................................................................................... 610-356-8063 Rev. Thomas (cell): ................................................................................................. 610-368-1637 Rev. Thomas (home): ................................................................................................ 610-565-9788 Sara Boninu (cell): ..................................................................................................... 757-814-5097 Rev. Thomas e-mail:........................................................................... [email protected] Sara Boninu e-mail: .................................................................................. [email protected]
