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ntegrated project

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Integrated project between pro/devl English adn Spanish
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Productivity and Development

Are you a new teacher in the world of productivity and development?

Are you suffering with the meaning, and contents of this new subject

in education?

Don’t worry here we have the best tips for you!


“Most people have no idea of the giant

capacity we can immediately command

when we focus all our resources on

mastering a single area of our lives” (Tony


If you are a teacher, and you have to

teach productivity and develpment,

congratulations and welcome to this

wonderful experience!

Productivity and development is a new

concept in education, so you need to know

first what it is. Productivity and

development is based on how to use

correctly all the resources a country has in

favor of the development of the


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And maybe now, you are asking yourself how to do it?

Don’t be afraid because productivity and development

has a support aid called CNB for each grade

since forth to sixth.

The CNB is the base of the education process in

Guatemala. Productivity and development

has five different components that you have to

take into account when you are going to teach

this amazing class: management of the

information, quality, technology,

community and work, and also


Each one of these branches is

really important in a productivity and

Development class because it helps

the students to be aware of all kind of

resources that we have, and what we

can do to promote positive

projects with one common

objective: to make the community improve not

only economically, but also socially, culturally.


Can Do it!

Take this experience as the most wonderful opportunity in your life! Enjoy this

class as much as you can because you will learn with your students, and that’s the

purpose and goal of being a teacher.

Feel good of saying “I am a productivity and development teacher”. It’s an honor to

be part of how little children will change the world with new ideas, and new


You can be part of this change, but you need to feel good about it, and start

researching about contents and activities that you can do. You will be an expert!

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Moday March 4, 2013

An Edutate Cityzenry

Human beings are the most influential people in a society, many of them act according to

their environment, according how they had been reared, according to the diversity of

education which they have had in their life. There are many humans who have proven to be

good citizens, who have contributed to improve their country even better, the world. One of

them was Dr. Mahatma Gandhi who fought for equal man’s rights.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India. He became one of the most respected spiritual and political leaders of the 1900's. Gandhi helped free the Indian people from British rule through non-violent resistance, and is honoured by Indians as the father of the Indian Nation

The Indian people called Gandhiji 'Mahatma', meaning

Great Soul. At the age of 13 Gandhi married Kasturba, a

girl the same age. Their parents arranged the marriage.

The Gandhis had four children. Gandhi studied law in

London and returned to India in 1891 to practice. In

1893 he took on a one-year contract to do legal work in

South Africa.

At the time the British controlled South Africa. When he

attempted to claim his rights as a British subject he was

abused, and soon saw that all Indians suffered similar

treatment. Gandhi stayed in South Africa for 21 years

working to secure rights for Indian people.

He developed a method of action based upon the

principles of courage, non-violence and truth called

Satyagraha. He believed that the way people behave is

more important than what they achieve.

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Satyagraha promoted non-violence and civil

disobedience as the most appropriate methods for

obtaining political and social goals. In 1915 Gandhi

returned India. Within 15 years he became the leader of

the Indian nationalist movement.

Using the principles of Satyagraha he led the campaign

for Indian independence from Britain. Gandhi was

arrested many times by the British for his activities in

South Africa and India. He believed it was honorable to

go to jail for a just cause. Altogether he spent seven

years in prison for his political activities.

More than once Gandhi used fasting to impress upon

others the need to be non-violent. India was granted

independence in 1947, and partitioned into India and

Pakistan. Rioting between Hindus and Muslims

followed. Gandhi had been an advocate for a united

India where Hindus and Muslims lived together in


On January 13, 1948, at the age of 78, he began a fast

with the purpose of stopping the bloodshed. After 5

days the opposing leaders pledged to stop the fighting

and Gandhi broke his fast. Twelve days later a Hindu

fanatic, Nathuram Godse who opposed his program of

tolerance for all creeds and religion assassinated him.

He was one of the few citizens who fight for equal rights of human beings. He had

been only person, motivated many people to defend their rights, to defend their

homeland, to defend their society. He showed that the strength of teamwork could

change many things. Mahatma being a literate person could use the law to fight for

equality, to attaining his objective and also with success lend a hand to those who

needed help.

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Decision Makers

Would you dare?

Helping the planet is not the decision of a person, is to help as team, being

people of change that help to improve the environment in which we live, it can be

challenging, but it is not impossible, we must cooperate and be good decision

makers to help our ecosystems and also to help our lives.

With his 13 years, Felix Finkbeiner has realized a

project whose overall impact dazzle the most

idealistic of adults. This young German is the

founder of Plant for the Planet; an organization that

has already planted more than three and a half

million trees in different corners of the world.

It all started when Felix was nine and his teacher

asked a work on climate change. "Preparing this

task I learned about the existence of Wangari

Maathai, the Kenyan woman in 30 years planted 30

million trees and won the Nobel Peace Prize in

2004," Felix told the BBC.

"When I was doing my presentation I had the

spontaneous idea that we children could plant one

million trees in every country in the world."The idea

was met with enthusiasm and began to gain

currency in other schools.

Four years later, they have planted over one million

trees in Germany alone and organization involving

children and adolescents in 90 countries.

Felix proves to be a decision maker, at his young age, he is helping to preserve

the environment, he shows many human beings the purpose of working together

anything is possible, be educated, trained people to work improving our

environment. Felix also inspires many children, teens and adults; it shows the

intention of a good citizen.

So, would you dare?

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Quality of life

All human beings can have better opportunities, they can live in a better place

and can help people in need; even though it is a difficult task, good deeds

open opportunities and opportunities improve quality life.

If you want to

help with this

yourng asociation,

you can buy a

beable with a

value of 30

quetzales. With

this purchase you

will be able to

help many young

people who want

to improve their

quality of life and

be good citizens.

With each

purchase you

realizes, you are

helping to


equipment and

improve facilities

that will help

these young


Contact us at

01900-849 or

[email protected]

Do not hesitate!

And help to help.

Improving quality of life could happen opportunities to grow people as

real human beings, opportunities to find better job, equal education, food

and health to make our planet a planet united working every single day in

a better change.

International Labour Organization (ILO) is an

association made up of young people

suffering from any mistreatment, either, family,

economic and cultural, or teenagers who have

vices such as drugs alcohol etc.

They are young to help other young people

to improve their quality of life and education.

Attending these youth training programs, they

can increase their chances of being good

CITIZENS, they can opt to get a job, to reduce

poverty, and improve their nutrition. They are

guided by moral values that teach them to

work in community and help others. Other

youth serving youth, is an admirable quality of

life, because the world needs help, help is on

the actions of each person.

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Made by teachers for real teachers

Do you know


technology is?

technology refers to the making,

modification, usage, and knowledge

of tools, machines, techniques, crafts,

systems, and methods of

organization, in order to solve a

problem, improve a preexisting

solution to a problem, achieve a goal,

handle an applied input/output

relation or perform a specific


Dear master technology opens you and your

students many door that you never have imaged,

but is important know that internet, which is a

clear example of that, nowadays it is used for lots

people. Internet is a tool that can help us to

expand our knowledge, to work with our students

but we as a teachers have to be careful regarding

this because internet can be amazing but also it

can be inappropriate information. So... Select the

information that you want to use”


gives you




your skills



option you

can be an


ary teacher. TECHNOLOGY?

Use it but not overuse it.




Be creative.

Be enthusiastic.

Be innovative.

Be a role


Be respectful.

Be happy.

Be all of these

things because

you are a


Tired of the

same and


ways of



With just a

click it can


Visit us:


Page 12: ntegrated project

Internet Access

Nowadays Internet is the most useful tool

for everybody but what means everybody?

The reality is that not everybody has

internet access because of different factors:

where they live, economics status, beliefs,

poverty, needs, etc. Is important that a

teacher know who has access and who not

to assign appropriate projects according to

the resources they have.


Who has and who



teacher use

Made by teachers for real teachers

Open English is the best option you can choose to take

online courses or to keep practicing your English because

as teachers we should try to be the best we can in all the


Open English provides you reliability and language

teachers specialized 24 hours. LET’S DO IT! DO NOT MISS



Page 14: ntegrated project

International Organizations There exist different organizations that help our world

in different ways to make it a better place for the

people, animals and nature. You may be thinking like;

and why it is important to know about this organization

for my class? Well, I think that we as teacher should

know about this because our students would like to be

participating in these organizations that help in our

country for help those people who are in problems like

violation, physical abuse, bad or any education,

problems of nutrition, child exploitation and also they

have a bad quality of life.

Maybe our little ones will not go in the moment you

teach it, but they will know it by the time they can go

and help others. When we teach this type of

organizations we also have to take in consideration that

our children would like to help, and they will like to ask

to their parents if they can help those organizations.

Action against hunger

When we teach the organizations we should take in consideration the highest problem that we can found in

our country, and here in Guatemala one of the highest problem is nutrition’s problems, so an international

organization that help to extinguish is the Action against Hunger. This organization has a program in which

they combat the bad nutrition, health, and food security.

They also have programs that provide an emergency plan for any disaster they can have in any country, so

they can prevent humanitarian crises.

Most of the cases they focus in children because they are our future and they deserve r the best quality of life

we can give them, but also they can help the family no matter the age of the persons.

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Made by teachers for real teachers

Save the children

As a person, and teacher I really love the children and I want that they have the best

things, they are little angels that we the adults have to take care of them, and yes, it

doesn’t matter if we are the parents or not, we have to take care of them.

There exist an organization that help those children who are having problems in their

life, because a lot of things that affect them. Save the children is an organization that

help children around the world, they help in different areas like: natural disasters,

malnutrition, poverty, illiteracy, disease and a bad education, these are problem that

world’s children are having, and the organization help giving them food, medical care

and education.

They are working in the 2013-2015 plan that will change the life of some children, they

also practice different values that all the persons of the organization has to have so they

can be an unique organization that make their best and also bring a good example for

those children they are helping in.

They are an independent organization without political or religion orientation, so we

can help them donating some money that will support the organization to make a good

job for our children.

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Manejo de la Información

Uno de los componentes principales en la

formación de nuestros estudiantes es la

búsqueda de la información y que uso de

la darán, ya que nuestros alumnos estarán

realizando diversas búsquedas para la

realización de tareas o especificas

investigaciones, nosotros los maestros

debemos de enseñarles cómo hacer uso

de la información y como llegar a verificar

si dicha información es verdadera o no,

enseñarles a clasificar diferentes fuentes

de información que brinden información

verídica, y útil para nuestros trabajos.

A la vez también debemos enseñarles a

los estudiantes como podemos compartir

esa información a los demás compañeros

de clase, así como la redacción de cada

información encontrada, evitando así el

famoso “Copy-Paste”, el cual no brinda un

buen trabajo en nuestros estudiantes.

Ten cuidado con este tipo de

herramientas que sirven de apoyo pero

también, pueden llegar a perjudicar el

proceso de aprendizaje.

Hecho por maestros para maestros

¿Crees que la

formación en

productividad y

desarrollo es


para el


integral de



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Calidad y tecnología

Pasa mucho tiempo hablando con los clientes cara a cara. Te sorprenderás cómo muchas empresas no escuchan a sus clientes. Ross


La calidad es una de las condiciones físicas, intelectuales y emocionales

que favorecen y contribuyen al desarrollo integral del individuo. Para un

maestro de productividad y desarrollo es muy importante tomar este

aspecto en cada proyecto que se lleve a cabo dentro del aula ya que,

permitirá a los alumnos conocer sobre qué tipo de características debe de

poseer un producto, proyecto a realizar, hasta incluso metodologías para

la realización de diversos productos y su evaluación.

En la calidad también se encuentra el área tecnológica.

La tecnología son los medios que facilitan todas las actividades del

ser humano; pero tomando en cuenta que estos son solo herra-


UTILIZAR SU PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO ante diversas situaciones.

La calidad y la tecnología se ven contemplados en el currículo

Nacional Base (CNB) pues busca que los niños y niñas tengan

una formación integral para que en un futuro no lejano, sean

personas activas dentro de la economía guatemalteca.

¡Maestro de productividad y desarrollo! Fomente en sus

estudiantes la capacidad de ser creativos, de producir y crear

instrumentos o incluso elementos que desarrollen a nuestra comunidad y

a nuestro país. Nuestra meta es llevar a nuestro país más allá de las

fronteras Maestro debes de ser innovador y nuevo.

Hecho por maestros para maestros

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Trabajo en comunidad

Niñas de la Escuela de Venezuela No. 1 de la Ciudad capital

de Guatemala, realizaron un proyecto titulado: “Mejorando mi

Escuela”; en dicho proyecto participaron las niñas, padres y

maestro; el proyecto consistía en mejorar las instalaciones

educativas en donde se encontraban las niñas, tanto padres

como maestros, se encargaron de pintar las paredes de la

escuela; niñas con ayuda de sus padres lijaron y pintaron

escritorios. Los fondos que se utilizaron para realizar dicho

proyecto, se obtuvo de la venta de comida que realizaron las

madres de las niñas durante el transcurso del año pasado.

Este artículo nos incita a nosotros como ciudadanos

guatemaltecos, a trabajar en equipo y ser solidarios para la

mejora de instalaciones educativas que son esenciales para la

educación de los futuros ciudadanos guatemaltecos. Por otro

lado, estos proyectos colaborativos, dan ejemplo a muchas

comunidades, sobre la importancia y satisfacción común que

se obtiene por medio del trabajo en equipo y así contribuir

con la comunidad.

Hecho por maestros para maestros

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Desarrollo Sustentable

“El componente de Desarrollo Sustentable permite

verificar que toda actividad humana genera un

impacto, esto significa hacer uso de la tecnología,

para que las actividades que se realizan no sean

lesivas al medio y representen beneficio para las

personas de ésta y de futuras generaciones. Se

centra en la armonía del qué hacer de la

comunidad con la naturaleza y con las formas

deseables de ser, de actuar y de enfrentar desafíos

que garanticen acciones dirigidas a un mejor

cuidado y uso racional de los recursos.” CNB


ingresos que



n una mejor

calidad de

vida sin

moverte de

tu casa.

Calidad y


solo lo


con AVON.

¿Cansado de

respirar aire


¿Cansado de

tener que ir al


o al mercado a

comprar frutas?

Sabemos que

estas cansado,


nosotros te




Planta tu propio árbol

fructífero y recibe a cambio

aire fresco y comodidad. Ya

no tendrás que salir a

comprar por que lo tendrás

en tu hogar.

¡Ayúdanos a ayudar al

medio ambiente!

Desarrollo sostenible o sustentable, término aplicado al

desarrollo económico y social que permite hacer frente a las

necesidades del presente sin poner en peligro la capacidad de

las futuras generaciones para satisfacer sus propias


¡Promueve el desarrollo sostenible!

¡Se un agente de cambio!

Universal Teachers

Page 22: ntegrated project

To learn the English language for many people can be challenging, especially

because it is different to Spanish or another native language which is used by many

people. Although, the English language is bit tricky to acquire, it doesn’t mean that

it can’t be learned. On the other hand, as well as the language or any other

language has grammatical rules which must be followed to be used on proper

writing, reading even for use in a conversation; the English language also has a

sequence of rules that people should follow. This agrees about learn and use

English grammar rules must be followed. All people want to communicate occurs in

a set amount of time; like Spanish, the English also performed at different times as

the present, past and future.

In this article we will mention the importance of the use of the present perfect; the

present perfect is used to say that someone has done something or that something

has happened. The exact time is not important (or is unknown) and is not

mentioned. The action or event often has direct consequences for the present or

the future. Present Perfect is formed with have/has + the past participle. Some

common phrases of time are just, already, always, never, rarely, seldom, before,

ever, lately, recently, often, still not, so far, up to now, not yet; also, yet?. The

present perfect is used to express the idea that a state began in the past and is still

continuing. Some common phrases are always, all week, since and for. The present

perfect is used to express a finished action in an unfinished period of time. The

present perfect is one of the grammatical rules of the English language, must not

be forgotten that it can’t be used with expressions such as yesterday, one year ago,

last week, etc. Those expressions refer to and specific point of time in past.

Having the knowledge of the grammatical rules of use of the present perfect, you

can check what you learned in this article.

Let’s see how it works.

Universal Teachers

Grammar reticule

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