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nts countryside quiz - National Trust for Scotland · The National Trust for Scotland for Places of...

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The Countryside Quiz For more information, visit www.nts.org.uk/Learn The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty is a charity registered in Scotland, Charity Number SC 007410 and depends for its support on the subscriptions of its members, donations and legacies. Copyright © 2011 the National Trust for Scotland. 1 1. The Trust is the 3 rd largest landowner in Scotland. Who are 1 st and 2 nd ? The Queen RSPB Duke of Buccleuch Scottish Wildlife Trust Earl of Wemyss & March Forestry Commission --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. 45% of all seabirds in the European Union breed in Scotland. What percentage of these seabirds nest on Trust islands or coastal sites? 5% 10% 15% 25% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Which Trust place is Scotland’s first Bat Reserve? Threave Inverewe Pitmedden --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Which Trust island has the largest puffin colony in Europe? St Kilda Staffa Fair Isle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. A fish which normally likes deep Arctic waters also lives in the shallow waters of St Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Reserve. What is this fish called? Lion fish Wolf fish Tiger fish ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Countryside Quiz

For more information, visit www.nts.org.uk/Learn The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty is a charity registered in Scotland, Charity Number SC 007410 and depends for its support on the subscriptions of its members, donations and legacies. Copyright © 2011 the National Trust for Scotland.


1. The Trust is the 3rd largest landowner in Scotland. Who are 1st and 2nd? The Queen RSPB Duke of Buccleuch Scottish Wildlife Trust

Earl of Wemyss & March Forestry Commission


2. 45% of all seabirds in the European Union breed in Scotland. What percentage of these seabirds nest on Trust islands or coastal sites?

5% 10% 15% 25%


3. Which Trust place is Scotland’s first Bat Reserve?

Threave Inverewe Pitmedden


4. Which Trust island has the largest puffin colony in Europe?

St Kilda Staffa Fair Isle


5. A fish which normally likes deep Arctic waters also lives in the shallow waters of St Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Reserve. What is this fish called?

Lion fish Wolf fish Tiger fish


The Countryside Quiz

For more information, visit www.nts.org.uk/Learn The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty is a charity registered in Scotland, Charity Number SC 007410 and depends for its support on the subscriptions of its members, donations and legacies. Copyright © 2011 the National Trust for Scotland.


6. These mammals live on at least 6 Trust sites. They are wild - but usually they are domesticated and produce very rich milk. What are they?


7. Where is the largest razorbill colony in Europe?

Mingulay & Berneray Canna St Kilda


8. On which Trust site was Scotland’s first country park created (in 1969)? Brodick Culzean Crathes


9. Red squirrels are disappearing from the British Isles, but they still live on several Trust sites. How many sites (roughly)?

Over 10 Over 20 Over 30


10. The Slender Scotch Burnet is one of the rarest moths in Britain. Around 90% of the population live on which Trust site? Goatfell Kintail Burg (Mull)

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐11. Name one of the richest sites for mountain plants in southern Scotland. It is a Trust place with

initials GMT.


The Countryside Quiz

For more information, visit www.nts.org.uk/Learn The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty is a charity registered in Scotland, Charity Number SC 007410 and depends for its support on the subscriptions of its members, donations and legacies. Copyright © 2011 the National Trust for Scotland.


12. How many miles of countryside footpaths are under the Trust’s care?

200 300 400


13. The most primitive breed of sheep in Europe (almost unchanged since the Iron Age) lives on St Kilda. What is this breed called?

Jacob’s sheep Soay sheep Black-faced sheep


14. These ancient mountains have such distinctive features, they have their own geological name. Where are they? Torridon Glencoe Mar Lodge


15. Name a Trust place (along the west coast) beginning with B that is very popular with otters.


16. The Trust looks after 5 National Nature Reserves (and 2 Trust places have land within a National Nature Reserve). There are 3 NNRs in the list below. Which are they?

Ben Lawers Ben Lomond Killiecrankie St Abb’s Head Kintail Corrieshalloch Glen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Countryside Quiz

For more information, visit www.nts.org.uk/Learn The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty is a charity registered in Scotland, Charity Number SC 007410 and depends for its support on the subscriptions of its members, donations and legacies. Copyright © 2011 the National Trust for Scotland.


17. Which Trust place has several types of lichen found only there, and nowhere else in Britain?

Ben Lomond Ben Lawers Ben Eigghe


18. Where is one of the most famous caves in Britain?

Canna Fair Isle Staffa


19. Where does the very rare, narrow-headed wood ant like to live?

Mar Lodge Killiecrankie Dollar Glen


20. Match the collective name to these creatures below (e.g. flock of sheep).

Hedgehogs Mischief Crows Wake Ferrets Sneak Jays Down Jellyfish Prickle Rats Business Buzzards Murmuration Hares Smack Starlings Murder Weasels Scold


The Countryside Quiz

For more information, visit www.nts.org.uk/Learn The National Trust for Scotland for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty is a charity registered in Scotland, Charity Number SC 007410 and depends for its support on the subscriptions of its members, donations and legacies. Copyright © 2011 the National Trust for Scotland.



1. Forestry Commission; Duke of Buccleuch 2. 25% (equivalent to 8% of seabirds in Europe) 3. Threave 4. St Kilda 5. Wolf fish 6. Wild goats 7. Mingulay & Berneray 8. Culzean 9. Over 20

10. Burg (Mull) 11. Grey Mare’s Tail 12. 400 miles 13. Soay sheep 14. Torridon (Torridonian Sandstone) 15. Balmacara 16. Ben Lawers, Corrieshalloch Gorge, St Abb’s Head 17. Ben Lawers 18. Staffa (Fingal’s cave) 19. Mar Lodge 20. Prickle of hedgehogs; murder of crows; business of ferrets; scold of jays; smack of jellyfish; mischief of

rats; wake of buzzards; down of hares; murmuration of starlings; sneak of weasels
