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winter 2006 2 0 0 6 Y E A R I N R E V I E W Nueva Vida! New Life for Latinos at New Birth :: Conversations with Patti Labelle PLUS: This Christmas…Sentiments for the Season by Bishop Eddie L. Long 1835_Voice 11/14/06 1:45 PM Page 1
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2 0 0 6 Y E A R I N R E V I E W

Nueva Vida! New Life for Latinos at New Birth :: Conversations with Patti LabelleP L U S : This Christmas…Sentiments for the Season by Bishop Eddie L. Long

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featuresTHIS CHRISTMAS...Sentiments for the Season from Bishop Eddie L. Long.

2006Months of highlights, features, milestones and more.

departmentsBISHOP SPEAKSOne of the most eye-opening messages of 2006.


New life for Latinos at New Birth.

>Conversations with Patti LabelleAn R&B phenomenon brings her first-ever gospel church tour to New Birth.

>An Affair to RememberNew Birth couples emerge anew after this honeymoon.

>Bishop Tudor BismarkAn apostolic voice to the nations returns to New Birthin January.

>A Hiatus for Heart to HeartPlan to attend the women’s conference in 2008.

>Brand New Youth Development has a new identity.


ents 1910




27“No more fightingin the family. Thecity will have astrong example ofwhat it means tobe one.”A local-area pastor inattendance at the UnityPrayer, Philips Arena September 2006

“There’s a mantle that has fallen, andwe’re going to wait and see what Goddoes through the seed of Martin andCoretta.”Elder Bernice King at the homegoing of her mother

Coretta Scott King, February 2006

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Here’s a quick look back atone of the most eye-openingmessages of 2006. This series,“Walking in the Kingdom,” isavailable in its entirety atCalled to Conquer Bookstores.

Where are we now? In Egypt. Isaiah 31: 1, 3 warns, “Woe to thosewho go down to Egypt for help, andrely on horses, who trust in chariotsbecause they are many, and in horse-men because they are very strong, butwho do not look to the Holy One ofIsrael, nor seek the Lord! Now theEgyptians are men, and not God; andtheir horses are flesh, and not spirit.When the Lord stretches out Hishand, both he who helps will fall, andhe who is helped will fall down; theyall will perish together.”

What does “Egypt” mean? InHebrew and Arabic, the word isderived from a verb, which means tobind; to enclose within a bundle; asense of squeezing; to limit; to dis-tress; to cramp; It also means to fash-ion and to mold. Its root speaks ofland confinement, a place of intensepressure—so intense that whoeverlives in Egypt is fashioned and mold-ed into the ways of Egypt, the spiritof the age, and above all, the mindsetof Egypt.

Where we live, the systems of theworld rule. We are prawns beingmanipulated, and we’ve become con-tent with the results of the pressure.Why? Because pharaoh—the systemof this world—always” takes care ofus.” He feeds us; clothes us; provides

medicine for us; shelters us and givesus an illusion of financial provision.We are accustomed to this fantasy.Just like Joseph, we have fallen intothe pit. But most of us are comfort-able there and don’t want to find ourway out. We’re in a mindless cyclewhere our work for pharaoh becomesperpetual and we’re stuck in it; we areconstantly under the pressure and thestress of this Egypt system.

We live this way and we think wehave no other choice. Instead of buy-ing into the Kingdom, we’ve boughtinto the American Dream—by anymeans necessary, within the very sys-tem that binds us. I ask this question:If Jesus came to destroy the works ofthe devil, and He hung on the crossand said, “It is finished,” then werethe works of Christ complete? DidHe destroy the works of the devil? Ibelieve He did. Then what are wereally battling? A mentality.

You and I have built nations in ourminds that need to be pulled downthrough the Word of God. But welove to blame someone else for ourown thoughts and actions. We say,“The devil made me do it”when the reality of it trulybegins and ends in the heart ofman. Everything I lost, I lost itout of abuse and ignorance. Iam not going to give the devilcredit for my ignorance.

The Bible says be not con-formed to this world. Worldmeans “age.” We are now in theelectronic age. All the technologyand advancements—400 cable sta-tions, cell phones, ipods, sitcoms

that show us that any kind oflifestyle is right—are all program-ming us to the pharaoh Egyptiansystem that is killing and destroyingus. We think because we just stoppedby worship service that God is sup-posed to fix it, when He says, “Ihave already empowered you andgiven you My spirit; I dwell in you.Did you not know you are a son ofthe King? Did you not know thatyou are supposed to rule and reignwith Me? Did you not know thatyou cannot spend only 30 minuteswith Me and 23 and a half hourswith the world and think you’ll walkspiritual, talk spiritual, act spiritual?”We’re still stuck with the first Adam.When do we begin to rule instead ofbeing ruled?

b i s h o p s p e a k s | V

get out of egypt!

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V | n e w s w o r t h y

In 2007, an extension of thevision God has given Bishop

Eddie L. Long to build His Churchaccording to Matthew 16:18 will come topass. ELDER eDDie VELEZ talks with theNew Birth VOICE about his new journeyas pastor and this new ministry calledNew Birth Latino!

VOICE: How did the idea for New Birth Latinocome about?Elder eDDie Velez: God gave Bishop Long a bur-den to reach the Latino people and wanted me tohelp him. Though I am Puerto Rican, I have to behonest with you—I resisted, only because I soloved ministering to the youth. In the end of it all Irealized that this was a plan God formed long agoaccording to Isaiah 25:1.

V: What is the core purpose of this ministry?EV: To preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christto the Latino community according to Matthew28:18-20 and 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. We will dothis by mirroring what is already being done atNew Birth—serving, loving, evangelizing and

making disciples who will impact oursociety to God’s glory!

V: What can people expect from NewBirth Latino? What will be the min-istry’s format? EV: Initially the format of the ministry

will be a Sunday worship service catered to theLatino culture. ¡Música de alabanza y adoraciónpara traer la congregación en la presencias de Dios!

New Life for Latinos

at New Birth

>¡Nueva Vida! >Conversations—Patti Labelle >An Affair to Remember >Bishop Tudor Bismark >A Hiatus for Heart to Heart >Brand New: Youth Development

6 T H E N E W B I R T H V O I C E W I N T E R 2 0 0 6

“I want God to use meto help them see—theway God used BishopLong to help me see.”PA S T O R e D D i e V E L E Z ,N E W B I R T H L AT I N O

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Translation—praise and worshipmusic that will bring the congrega-tion into the presence of the Lord!That combined with prayer and theteaching of God’s Word will providean atmosphere that will equip God’speople to Take Authority in all areasof their lives. Again, initially we willbegin with the worship service. Asthe Lord wills, we will add a Biblestudy, English and Spanish as a sec-ond language classes, and more.

V: When will the Spanish Ministrymeet for worship service?EV: Service will be on Sunday after-noons at 3 p.m. in the chapel. Wewill remain there until we grow outof it. The tentative date for the firstservice is Sunday, January 28th.

V: Who will the ministry cater toexactly—Latinos who only speakSpanish? New Birth members only?Non-New Birth members?EV: The primary objective is toexpand what God is already doinghere at New Birth into the Latinoculture. We will embrace all whowould like to come. However, theemphasis will be Latino. We current-ly have more than 50 New Birthmembers who have answered the callto support this effort. Non-NewBirth members are who we are seek-ing the most. The purpose of thisservice is not to provide existingNew Birth members a later service tocome to, but again to minister Christto the Latino culture that we arecurrently not reaching.

V: So the ministry is open to thosewho are not Latino, but simply feelled to serve in the Spanish Ministry(and may desire to learn more of thelanguage and culture)?EV: Absolutely! Many of our existingservant leaders are African-Americans

who are bilingual and have a God-authored burden for the Latinocommunity.

V: Will Sunday worship service bespoken only in Spanish?EV: No. The delivery of God’s Wordwill be bilingual as well as the praiseand worship.

V: As Pastor of this ministry, whowill assist you in building the foun-dation? EV: Let me say that my wife and chil-dren have been an incredible bridgeof support! When fear had me say-ing, “I don't know about this,” mywife Anna was telling me that Godgot it! The Lord has also blessed mewith some initial servant leaders thatwere already at New Birth. ¡Quebueno es el Señor! The Lord is sogood! Surprisingly, our Director ofMusic, Jose Gonzalez, is a giftedmusician who has been here foralmost two years now. However, Iknow that besides pastoring a peo-ple, I have been working and prayingdiligently for the Lord to send outleaders into His harvest according toMatthew 9:35-38.

V: What role will our Bishop play inthis ministry? EV: Our Bishop has and will contin-ue to play a major role in New BirthLatino. It’s such a blessing to havehis wisdom available to guide mepastorally. There are so many roadsthat lead to failure that I won’t evenhave to go down because of Pop’swisdom. I will make some mistakes,but as a father he will use those mis-takes to build me as a son, and as apastor who can shepherd the Lord’sflock. I’m so blessed to not have tobuild this from the ground up; andparticularly not to have to build italone. Bishop will be coming in and

min-istering tothe people regularly. We will be pro-viding interpreters in New Birth’smorning services for Latinos whowant to sit in the main congregation.This is one church, with one vision,with one faith, with one agenda: toreveal Christ in them the hope ofglory (Colossians 1:27)!

V: What is your vision for NewBirth Latino?EV: I remember several months ago Isaw an upscale sub-division beingbuilt. All of the workers were Latino.What hurt my heart is that they pos-sess the ability to build these homes,but don’t live in them. Not that liv-ing in a home of that stature bringsfulfillment, but at that time I said tomyself—and this was before the ideafor New Birth Latino had even cometo light—“these people need some-one like Bishop Long to help themsee far bigger than their current situ-ation.” I want God to use me tohelp them see—the way God usedBishop Long to help me see. I sin-cerely believe that once we get themto see who they are in Christ, thatGod will grant them a liberty thatcan only come by His hand (John8:32, 36). I want their familieswhole! I want marriages healed! Iwant husbands and wives to honorone another! I want to see childrendream dreams! I want them to notonly see America as a platform foremployment, but to see it as a plat-form to be new creatures in Christ!Old mindsets passed away—all madenew (2 Corinthians 5:17).


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V | n e w s w o r t h y

w o r d s b y L I S A B I R C H

I first think “power” when I hear the name “PattiLabelle.” There’s no way you can deny the strength in thesinging gifts of this legendary vocalist. When it comes todelivering from the soul, she’s a world-class phenomenon.After years of being an inspiration to many in and outsidemusical arenas, the lady affectionately known as “Patti Patti”will bring her song and spirit to the New Birth sanctuary inher first ever church gospel tour. The 12-city tour, whichhits New Birth Dec. 6, is in celebration of her latest CD,“The Gospel According to Patti.” Both the CD and thetour are new ventures that bring obvious excitement forsomeone who is no stranger to New Birth.

VOICE: What was the inspiration for the gospel CD?PATTI LABELLE: After so many years and so many promises,just to be able to put out this gospel CD…. Everyoneknows gospel music is very near and dear to my heart. Thisproject is something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time.I was raised in the church and heard and experienced thepower of prayer and the effect that God has had on manylives. This new album will hopefully not just be viewed as analbum of uplifting material, but an album that will drawthose who listen nearer to God.

V: What inspired the church tour? PL: I want to experience firsthand those who are striving tolive a life that is dedicated to God; and in turn, I want toshare the gift of music that God has given to me.

V: What do you want people to take away from your per-formance at New Birth in December?PL: I hope people leave the church knowing just howblessed they really are. I just feel blessed to be someone thatpeople are looking forward to seeing. The proceeds go tocancer research, which is a cause that’s near and dear to myheart, and has touched millions more. So not only will Ideliver the best show I can, the audience will know that theyare helping others fight this dreadful disease. Chrysler andAmerican Airlines have been right there with me too. They,along with the fans, are really making this tour possible.

V: We enjoyed your presence earlier this yearduring Resurrection Sunday at the GeorgiaDome. Describe your personal experience with usthat day. PL: I enjoyed the Easter Service more than youknow, and I am very excited about coming back tothe New Birth audience. Bishop Long’s messageabout renewing our spirit, renewing our heart,renewing our focus and really caring about oneanother touched me in a way that has made a posi-tive difference in mylife.

V: What have beensome of your mostmemorable momentsin 2006?PL: My musical direc-tor died of prostatecancer. He kepttelling me that Ineeded to do agospel album. Hesaid I should havedone it years ago,and he was right.... At the Easter service, hearingBishop Long talk about how we must carry thecross for other people to help them get to theplace that He ordained for them to be and to havethe quality of life they were meant to have. Hismessage of reaching back and making sacrifices tobless other people really touched me and helped toput that loss into perspective.

New Birth, prepare to experience Patti Labelle ather finest, with a few added sparkles for the holi-days—she will be filming a 2-hour Christmas spe-cial for BET with some of the artists who collabo-rated with her on the CD, such as Mary Mary,Yolanda Adams and many others.

P a t t i L a b e l l e

c o n v e r s a t i o n s

brings church tour to new birth

CD in stores now: “The Gospel According to Patti.”

SAVE THE DATE:> Patti Labelle, “The Gospel

According to Patti”> Wednesday, Dec 6, 7:00 p.m.> New Birth Sanctuary> Purchase tickets at Called to

Conquer Bookstores and at pattilabellegospel.com.

> “The Gospel According to Patti” CD on sale now at Called to Conquer Bookstores

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In December a small group of New

Birth couples will emerge anew after

experiencing Winshape—

“a sacred place built for

the distinct purpose of

marriage transformation.”


Marriage vow




tions, great


and a Christ-


ambiance are

what each couple can expect from

this three-day encounter of oneness

with God and each other. Bishop

Eddie L. Long and First Lady Vanessa

Long implemented the Marriage

Retreat in 2005 as one tool to help

fortify relationships in the church.

“This is something

extra special

just for the




Long told the congregation last year.

He and Elder Long take part in the

small group settings along with other

New Birth couples—all of whom are

present for the same divine purpose:

to celebrate and uplift their union.

The Winshape Retreat Center is a

part of the


Foundation, a

non-profit organi-

zation and chari-

table foundation

designed to

“shape winners.”

Truett Cathy—

widely known for

the successful Chick-fil-A restaurant

chain—started the Winshape

Foundation with his wife Jeanette in


Couples are still talking about last

year’s retreat on what has been

described as a breathtakingly beauti-

ful property on 40 acres of mountain-

ous land near Rome, Georgia.

“I remember driving into the

entrance of the property and seeing

literally more deer than you could

possibly count, just standing around

gazing at us,” says Gail Graham of

New Birth’s Membership Department.

“The deer knew that this was a safe

haven for them and they did not

fear man.” Gail and her husband

Robert Graham Jr. say the

Christmas holidays must be

the most enchanting time of

year to visit Winshape.

She recalls, “The lodge

was decorated for the holi-

days… fireplace glowing;

meeting people; cuddling

up by the fire and making

Samoas; waking up in the

morning and going to the

top of the retreat area where you

could look in one direction of the

sky and see the sun beginning to

rise while the moon was still visible

at the same time. It was definitely a

time of renewal.”

Space is limited to a first-come, firstserved basis. Open to New Birthmembers only. There are currently afew spots available. To register, visitthe Marriage Retreat booth in thevestibule before and after worshipservices.

an affair to remember

a honeymoon awaits...

what: 2006 MarriageRetreat

when: December 15-17where: Winshape Retreat

Center, Rome, GAcost: $350.00 per couple

visit: winshapemarriage.orginfo: Call 770.696.9603

T H E 2 0 0 6 M A R R I A G E R E T R E A T

“Stronghearts will be

refreshed. Coldhearts will be rekin-dled. Broken heartswill be restored.”W I N S H A P E R E T R E A T


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m a r k y o u r c a l e n d a r s

Bishop Tudor BismarkHeralded as “an apostolic voice to the nations,”Bishop Tudor Bismark will venture across thewaters, yet again, from his homeland of Zimbabweto minister to his New Birth family in a special

January address. He andhis wife Chi Chi arefounders of Jabula-NewLife MinistriesInternational, whichstarted as an extensionof New Life CovenantChurch in Harare,Zimbabwe. BishopBismark serves as anapostolic overseer tomore than 900 churchesin 12 African nations,

the United Kingdom, New Zealand, SouthAmerica, the West Indies and the United States.For more information, visit newbirth.org.

Brand New!re|present

student ministriesyouth development at NewBirth is brand new!Introducing…Re|Present StudentMinistries (RSM), under the leader-ship of Minister Milan Ford. Here’sa schedule and description ofSunday and Wednesday gatherings:

RSM Sunday Worship ServicesUnique and interactive worshipgatherings for all RSM students.> Angels of Praise Nursery (every


> Next Generation Children’s Ministry (every Sunday on assigned rotational basis)*

> Chosen—Junior High (1st & 3rd)*

> G4—Senior High (2nd & 4th)* *during 2nd service only

advize sundaysConsists of empowerment classessuch as finance, entrepreneurship,purity, etc. Fees may apply.> Next Generation Children’s

Ministry (assigned non-worship Sundays)

> G4—Senior High (1st & 3rd Sundays)

> Chosen—Junior High (2nd & 4th Sundays)

iRE|P sundaysAn opportunity, held on 5thSundays, for all RSM departmentsand students to gather and sittogether in the main sanctuary(balcony).

advize wednesdaysConsists of academic advisementand tutorial assistance for all RSMdepartments and students (1st &3rd Wednesdays).

center courtSmall group Bible studies for allRSM departments and students;discussions of four to five studentsled by a RSM leader (2nd & 4thWednesdays).

Look for the next Heart toHeart women’s conferenceto be held in 2008. First Lady Vanessa Long

and the ministry are planning to implement some changesto the women’s assembly, which traditionally has beenheld during the month of October for about the pasteight years. First Lady announced to the congregation inSeptember that this year would be the last time thewomen would come together for a conference in October.

Changing the month will ease the workload and finan-cial challenges presented by having the Heart to Heartconference on the heels of Spirit & Truth, which is held inSeptember every year. Look for more information on the2008 Heart to Heart women’s conference throughout thecoming months.

A Hiatus for Heart to Heart

V | n e w s w o r t h y

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I challenge each member of New Birth totake part in the Prison Ministry’s Gift Tree pro-

gram this year. We need 100 percent participationfrom the congregation, so stop by Kiosk No. 4 in thevestibule now through Dec. 10 and make at least one

selection, which includes specifics on buying a gift for aboy or a girl. Unwrapped gifts are due back to kiosk No. 4

by Wednesday, Dec. 13, and will be distributed to chil-dren of prison families during the Christmas programheld in the Family Life Center Saturday, Dec. 16. No

prison family will be left out if each member ofour congregation commits to purchasing one

gift for a child. Will you take up thischallenge on giving?

sentiments for the season


12 T H E N E W B I R T H V O I C E W I N T E R 2 0 0 6

Bishop Long sends a special “Thank you” to all who contributed toHosea Williams Feed the Hungry & Homeless this holiday season.

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Remember the Acts of Kindnessyou’ve been reporting this year to help

New Birth reach its goal of 100,000? I dareyou to keep it going, (and keep record) evenafter we corporately meet our mark. Make it a

yearlong objective for 2007 to perform random,loving acts of kindness for others. Log your

deeds by date, which will be written confirma-tion of your commitment to extend God’s

love well beyond the holidays. Make ita priority to live and give God’s

love, all year long.


Sow something today that willchange generations. It’s time out for one-generation thinkers. Everything is genera-

tional in God’s Kingdom. He wants us to thinkabout more than ourselves when we do things,plan things and pray. Children are like God’s

arrows in our hands, and it is our responsibility andprivilege to launch them into the future. But weneed to examine how we are launching them. We

need to prepare and equip them with all theaccumulated knowledge, wisdom, wealth and

power that we have gained and that ourforefathers left us. Add an intangible

generational gift to your child’sChristmas list.


STEPBefore the end of this year, move

a notch closer to one of your God-given aspirations. Write a list, seal a

deal, make a telephone call—anythingconcrete that will further unfold the

journey in front of you. We arecharged to advance His Kingdom,

but we can’t accomplish thejob standing still.

Do it!


“How much is enough?”In everything you do, keep

Christ at the center and you’llknow just when to scale backand when to do more. Stay

tuned in to that still,quiet voice.

L . L O N G

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A 21-day Fast andMidnight MiraclesJan. 8 marked the beginning of thethree-week corporate fast for 2006. Asrecorded in the spring issue of theVOICE…

“Throughout the time of consecra-tion, there was something indescrib-able in the air. People lingered in thesanctuary for alone time with God.Men and women sanctified themselves,turned off televisions and radios, andgave up food and other pleasures.People sacrificed sleep. The scriptureswere searched more deeply. Peoplecould hear God better. Potential waspushed. There was clarity in the Spirit.Bishop Long even stated, ‘I’m preach-ing better.’ ”

“Later, on the night of Jan. 29 at10 p.m., 8,000 saints returned to NewBirth for a Midnight Miracle service—a first in the church’s history. NewBirth was joined by six busloads fromMt. Zion Baptist Church in Nashville,TN, along with their Pastor, BishopJoseph Walker. New Birth and Mt.Zion thought they were just comingtogether to culminate this fast.”

The Midnight Miracle servicemoved into the early morning hoursof Jan. 30. On that evening, an inter-national icon, Mother Coretta ScottKing, would take her last four breaths,which, as clarified eight days later byher baby girl Elder Bernice King, was asymbolic Kingdom call for the nationsand the world to undergo a new birth!

2006 FactoidThrough the Missions Department, New Birth

has supported more than 40 missionaries

and organizations in over 30 different coun-

tries. The ministries supported are involved in

Bible translation, literacy, education, orphan-

age ministry, well-digging, feeding pro-

grams, missionary recruiting, shipping

Christian literature, evangelism, church plant-

ing, leadership training, medical outreaches,

and many other forms of ministry. As of

October, New Birth members had participat-

ed in at least nine short-term missions trips to

more than 10 countries.

in the beginning...“Building the House—Advancing the

Kingdom” was the common thread for

all endeavors in 2006. In the year’s

first 30 days, this theme would birth

21 days of corporate fasting; miracles

at midnight; “Six Steps to Significance”;

and a series of high-powered youth

rallies, among other highlights.
















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i t ’ s t h e i r t i m e


w o r d s b y L Y N E T T EB R A S H E A R

Young people from NewBirth and the surround-ing areas rallied togetherfor five consecutiveSundays in January andFebruary to gird them-selves up in Christ for thestellar year ahead of them. Former Youth Director

Elder eDDie Velez says through their efforts they hopedthe attendees would receive a word of encouragement andguidance from a man of Bishop Long’s caliber.

“The consistency of the kids coming out was particularlypleasing,” said Elder Velez. “They were very muchengaged and appeared to come with great expectation. Wehad fun, formed relationships andwrapped it all up in God’s life-changing Word.”

Transformation showed up forarea students Bruce Patterson—who accepted Christ as his Saviorduring the first rally he attend-ed—and for Kimberly Lewis—who attended all five rallies andreceived a powerful revelationthat youth need not be ashamed

of being “all for God.” The youth rallies offered a few sur-

prises and performances from KirkFranklin, Halas and Canton Jones,among others.

MY SAY…“In 2006, I learned that paradise is not a physical place but a spir-itual place that you can go to anytime you desire. All you have todo is take time to reflect on all the blessings that God has givenyou and within seconds you will be transported to Paradise. This

year I found Paradise, and it is all good!”

W I L L I A M T U R N E R[i




2006 jan> 21-day corporate fast

> Youth Rallies

> Midnight Miracles Service

Youth in song...

...and dance.

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february“A New Order is

Emerging...” C o r e t t a S c o t t K i n g

1 9 2 7 - 2 0 0 6

The world came to New Birth on Feb. 7 for the home-going of Mother Coretta Scott King—an internationalicon of greatness. On this day of transformation for somany, the voice of God spoke through the youngest ofthe King children, Elder Bernice King, as she delivered acritical message from the pulpit of New Birth MissionaryBaptist Church to the nations in the presence of fourUnited States Presidents; Bishop Eddie L. Long andFirst Lady Vanessa Long; the King family; forerunners ofthe Civil Rights Movement; senators and congressmen;celebrities and a host of others.

Elder Bernice King speaks:

“God’s been waiting on us a long time to get it together.And if we miss this one, we’re gonna miss one of thegreatest opportunities to demonstrate God in the earth.We gotta cease from our divisions; we gotta cease from ourpoliticking; from the exploitation and the insecurities,because God is not looking for another Martin LutherKing or Coretta Scott King. The old has passed away.There is a new order that is emerging, and in this newbirth, God is going to raise up a remnant of people whoare determined to position themselves that the kingdoms ofthis world might become the Kingdom of our Lord andour Savior.”

“It’s time for us to birth out righteousness, equality,true justice, true freedom and true holiness—which at theend of the day, when you think about holy, it just simplymeans what (Coretta) demonstrated and lived every dayof her life. It’s why she could build the Martin LutherKing Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change…an epi-center for this Kingdom of God (nonviolence,) and shedid it because she was holy. Holy means ‘having our livesyielded to God.’ She didn’t do it for fame; she didn’t do itfor fortune…she did it because it was the will of God andshe yielded to it. And that’s why she could lay aside hermusic career; that’s why she could push back her firstdesires. And if we would just begin to do that, this whole

world would be transformed as my father said intoan oasis of freedom and justice.”

“There’s a mantle that has fallen, and we’re goingto wait and see what God does through the seed ofMartin and Coretta.”

Living legends, including four U.S. Presidents, attended the homegoing ofMother Coretta Scott King here at New Birth in February. From l. to r.:First Lady Vanessa Long and Bishop Eddie L. Long; President William J.Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton; President George H. W. Bush;Martin Luther King, III and Elder Bernice King; President George W. Bushand First Lady Laura Bush; Dexter King and Yolanda King; First LadyRosalynn Carter and President Jimmy Carter.

MY SAY…“Watching the entire homegoing services for Coretta ScottKing on television triggered numerous emotions for me. Itfelt as if I was watching my own mother being laid to rest.My most memorable moment was seeing the multitudes ofmany come from near and far to pay homage and their

last respects to the mother of racial equality. The mandatefor ‘KINGdom business’ has been established; the call hasbeen initiated. The question is: Will we stand as a people

of God and answer that call?”

A N T H O N Y L . C O R L E Y

[i n r e v i e w y e a r i n r e v i e w y e a r i n r e v i e w

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The Single Adult Ministry became “TheOnes” this year, and both the ministry and the confer-ence, held March 16-18, welcomed all facets of singlemen and women.“A variety of people with differentsituations comprise the single population,” saysCoordinator Tangela Gray. “And one goal of TheOnes ministry is to truly reflect that.”


Hardcore and directwith Bishop NoelJones.

Elder Bernice King talks relationship boundarieswith an audience participant.

Singles listen closely to theProphet of the house.

Pastor Paula White deliv-ers a word in season.

Nutrition do’sand don’ts withDr. Ted Broer.

Ministeringin the key

of jazz—NewBirth’s Ron

James & theTruth.

march|april|may Smooth crooning duoChante Moore and Kenny Lattimore.

Praise is what we do! Byron Cage and J Moss.

mar> Singles Conference

> Seat Dedication Celebration

> Homegoing service for Mother Coretta Scott King feb

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walkin’ allover prostate

cancerHundreds of participants showedup under cloudy skies on April 1 for thefourth annual 5K Run/Walk, which raisedmoney to fight prostate cancer, the secondmost common type of cancer found inAmerican men. The annual fundraiser,founded by Elder Vanessa Long and theHeart to Heart women’s ministry, will beheld in Charlotte, N.C. next year onMarch 31.


Bishop Longand First Ladykeep the fungoing in spiteof rain.

“We came prepared!”

Participantsshowcase the

5K banner.

On a grandscale, New Birthdrew nearly 40,000into the GeorgiaDome in Atlanta onApril 16 for what hasbeen slated the coun-try’s largest Easterservice. Patti Labellejoined Israel Houghton,the New Birth TotalPraise Choir, the BornAgain Dancers andother stellar performers for a first-ratecelebration of the resurrection of JesusChrist.

The Associated Press reports thatsince 1994, New Birth has given morethan a half million dollars in goods and

services toAtlanta-areahomeless as apart of itsEasterSunday out-reach. “Wetreat themlike kings andqueens,” saysBishop Long.“A lot oftimes, manyof them

become members of our church, orsome church. We get some of ourgreatest testimonies from Easterweekend.”

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him…”(Psalm 145:18)

Governor Sonny Perdueand First Lady MaryPerdue.

A legend performs.

Atlanta Mayor ShirleyFranklin.

Israel Houghton: “I am notforgotten…”

the largest in the country!


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no kind act is too small

Good deed reports began to swell

the New Birth e-mail inbox after Bishop

Long announced in April the goal to

achieve 100,000 Acts of Kindness by the

end of the year. The numbers are up, but

we’re still reaching for the goal. So keep

them coming. Every effort goes a long

way in helping to change the world.

Here are just a few examples of what

New Birth family members have been up

to lately…

“I met this young single mother who washaving her labor induced and she statedthat she did not have anyone to go to thehospital with her while she was givingbirth—not even her mother. So I offeredto go with her. I was there to support hertoday while her labor was induced andshe had a healthy 7lb 2oz baby girl.”

“I sowed $600 to the MissionsDepartment to enable one of the mis-sionaries to go to the DominicanRepublic.”

“On Aug. 18, I ran into a woman in

Atlanta who was in need of transportation to her job. Shehad a cast on her foot and was trying to get to the MARTAstation. I was in a hurry and already late for work. Shestopped me in the lobby of the building where we were atthe time and asked me which direction I was heading. Withsomewhat of an attitude I told her ‘north on 75.’ She askedme if I could take her to the train station and before Icould tell her no, the Holy Spirit convicted me. I agreed totake her, and instead of dropping her off at MARTA, I tookher to her job in Marietta.”















MY SAY…“In 2006, I realized through

Bishop Long that I do nothave to be bound to an Egypt

system; that God has trulygiven me everything I need to

get wisdom, health andwealth. As I attended the

Edmondson’s class forentrepreneurs, I was able toget the nuts and bolts of how

to accomplish my dream.I thank God for our Pastorand his calling to liberate

a people.”


2006 FactoidTabernacle offerings

kept flowing in months

after the April 9 collec-

tion date. In June, more

than $1.3 million was

raised. Funds collected

made a significant dent

in the church debt. may> Nation of Jesus Men’s Conference

> Bishop Long’s Birthday

> 20th Church Anniversary

> 5K Run/Walk

> Tabernacle Offering

> Resurrection Weekend

> 100,000 Acts of Kindness apr

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w o r d s b y L I S A L O V E W H I T T I N G T O N

The City of Atlantahistory books willrecord the day of May17, 2006 when WandaDunham was appointedthe first woman andfirst African-Americanto be Chief of Police forthe MetropolitanAtlanta Rapid TransitAuthority (MARTA).

Dunham has servedwith the MARTA PoliceDepartment since 1987and was appointedinterim Police Chiefafter the former Chief

resigned in 2005. She wasalso the first female mem-

ber of the Department to achieve the ranks of Captain,Major and Assistant Chief.

Thirty percent of police officers in the United Statesare female. Only one percent of female officers are Chiefsof Police. The numbers of African-American Police Chiefsare less than that. Chief Dunham is shaking history.

She never dreamed about being police chief. “When Iwent to work as a Marta police officer, I thought I wouldwork there for a couple of years and move on to some-thing more interesting,” says Chief Dunham. “Twentyyears later, I’m the chief of the department.”

She adds, “It was not a goal I went in with, but as timewent on, things started lining up. The more I prayed and

asked for guidance, I knew my footsteps wereordered by the Lord and that He had a planfor my life.” On being a history maker,Dunham says, “I still find it hard to believe. Iam humbled by the fact that people recog-nize me for what I love to do.”

The Police Chief faces enormous challengesbecause she is a black woman working in anenvironment that is dominated by men andwhites. She keeps her late grandfather’sfavorite saying at the forefront of her mind:“Stay Prayed Up.” She has a strong prayerlife, stays connected with Christians at work,and surrounds herself with prayer partnersthat know how to intercede for her.

Chief Dunham has a vision: “I want theMarta Police Department to be one of thefinest agencies in the country. I want peopleto know us not just for buses and trains, butfor our training and well qualified police offi-cers.” The three goals she has set for thedepartment are integrity, accountability andprofessionalism. In 2007, she will implementseveral new initiatives that will benefit the rid-ing public and surrounding communities.

One of Dunham’s most memorablemoments in 2006 was being featured in theAugust issue of Ebony magazine, and then onAug. 12, receiving a national communityservice award from the National Associationof Black Law Enforcement Officers.

Wanda Dunham’s husband of 18 years,Dwight Dunham, is also a police officer andhas directed New Birth traffic for more than10 years. They have one son, Jordan.

When it comes to making history, ChiefDunham follows in the footsteps of hermother, Minnie Gresham, who has made hermark as an esteemed charter member of NewBirth Missionary Baptist Church.

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MARTA’s Chief of Police Wanda Dunham


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i“Reclaim your territory for the Kingdom”was the mandate issued to the Body of Christ onJuly 11 with the release of Bishop Eddie L. Long’slatest book titled, “It’s Your Time.” Months follow-ing publication, Elder Bernice King prophesied,“Bishop couldn’t write this book before now. Godtold me to tell Bishop, ‘This book is a propheticutterance—when people buy it, it is literally goingto be their time and they are going to be blessedabove what they can ask or think.’”

The author and hisbook: “It’s Your Time”

june|july“It’s Your Time”

ISH Men ISH Graduation, June 3

The Re|MixWord circulated quickly that atten-

dance for this year’s youth conference, held

June 19-22, was one of the most diverse

and largest crowds of young people ever to

come together for a Re|Present experience!

Joining forces with our very own Bishop

Eddie L. Long were a host of special guests

who made it a priority to show up and

speak into the lives of the next generation,

including Deron Cloud, Ron Luce, Blake

Wilson and Paul Helbeig; recording artists

Mary Mary, Canton Jones, Israel Houghton,

JoAnn Rosario; and entertainers John Gray,

Tia and Tamara Mowry, Chris Tucker and


jul> July 4th Celebration

> “It’s Your Time” book release

On a serious journey…ISH men embrace Bishop Long atgraduation.

junDr. William Hinn ministers to the men ina session leading up to graduation.

“Give unto the Lord the glory dueto His name…”(Psalm 29:2)

> ISH Men’s Graduation

> Re|Present Conference

> Longfellow Induction Ceremony

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i n r e v i e w y e a r i n r e v i e w y e a r i n r e v i e w

proud to be alongfellowLongfellow Induction 2006, June 25

Locking arms whilehearing a wordfrom Bishop Long.

Longfellows stand out in a


fourth of julycelebration, july 4

Fun for all ages.

Families blanket the New Birth campus.

Entertainer and comedian John Gray performs.

Kids on a dragon ride.

Fireworks light up therainy skies of Lithonia.

family, fun & fireworks

]MY SAY…“The most transforming moment of 2006 for me would be the 4th of July celebration, which featured the win-ners of the Gift in Me talent show, sponsored by the Children’s Ministry. It serves as a constant reminder of myresponsibility to use the gifts God has deposited in me to help cultivate the gifts of the Next Generation. Too

much time and confusion is spent in our adulthood trying to locate our own God-given gifts. It makes me won-der… ‘How many lives would be changed if this generation were already operating and walking in their call-

ing by the time each child was 10 years old?’ ” C H R I S T I N E B E L L F I E L D


2006 FactoidIn the July issue of the Church Report,New Birth Missionary Baptist Church waslisted as one of the 50 most influentialchurches in the country. Church GrowthToday, a mega church research center,issued the report and votes came in frommore than 2,000 of the largest non-Catholic congregations in the nation.


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b u i l d i n g t h e h o u s e a d v a n c i n g t h e k i n g d o mA U G U S T S P O T L I G H T

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w o r d s b y V A N E S S A B U R K E

They immediately began packing once theyheard Mayor Ray Nagin announce the mandatory evacua-tion for New Orleans residents because of HurricaneKatrina. With no gas available in their area, Kalvin andJeanette Henry jumped in their truck, only _ full of gas,and headed to Atlanta where Mrs. Henry had a sister,Sharon Franklin.

The drive that normally took 6.5 hours took 18. Theordeal was harrowing in the Ford 150 truck with no airconditioning…bumper to bumper cars, many of whichhad run out of gas, sitting hopelessly on the side of theroad; rain pelting down on suitcases tied down with plasticin the back of the truck; darkness settling in eerily withstrong wind, getting stronger and stronger. With no gas insight, they dared not stop; Jeanette tried to focus on theBible in her lap instead of what she could see…

Now Atlanta residents, the Henrys look back on whatGod has done in their livesthrough HurricaneKatrina—a disaster thatseemed only to bringdread, fear and dead ends,

or did it?One year after Hurricane Katrina, Kalvin

Henry reflects on the thoughts he had immedi-ately after this drastic event. Sitting in his sister-in-law’s home in Atlanta, he thought, “Maybein about a month we could go back home.” Butafter seeing the devastation, ruin and shockinglevel of flooding in their neighborhood on thenews, he says they no longer saw hope in goinghome anytime soon.

After surviving Katrina’s initial waves of painand struggle, the Henry’s began to look atAtlanta as a possible home. During the firstweek after Katrina, Jeanette and her husbandwent to a movie. While waiting on her sister anddaughter after the movie, her husband began tosing a song with the words, “…He did notbring me out this far to take me back again…”

“That was also in my heart,” Jeanette says.“Not until a couple of weeks ago when we


Moving forward in Atlanta: Kalvin and Jeanette Henry

sept> Spirit & Truth Conference

> Unity Prayer at Philip’s Arena

> Bishop Long’s 19th Pastoral Anniversary


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decided to buy a house did it hit us—that was whatGod was speaking to us, to bring us to something bet-ter.” Furthermore, she realized, “We weren’t living thatgood in New Orleans; we were not living our best. Myeyes are opened; black people can live better.”

Jeanette admits that it’s hard for one to get accus-tomed to a lifestyle and then go backwards. “That’snot God, and that’s not me. Even Jesus came on theearth and stayed for 32 years, but guess what? Hecame for a reason, as an example, and there is better.He’s back in glory where He came from and is tryingto get us there.”

As far as their home in New Orleans, the Henrysare leaning towards rebuilding and selling. They alsohave to rebuild their lives here in Atlanta. In NewOrleans, Kalvin owned a lawn care business, of whichevery piece of equipment was destroyed.

With many years of active Christian experience inNew Orleans, the Henrys naturally wanted to find achurch home after realizing that they would be inAtlanta for quite a while. As a church leader and headusher in New Orleans, Kalvin also preached in thechurch. “We had Bible studies on Thursdays for five tosix years in our home.” Jeanette recalls. “My husbandloves to teach, and I would counsel and minister.”

They tried several churches in Atlanta but felt as ifthey were not growing spiritually. Kalvin says thingschanged when they hit the campus of New Birth. “Assoon as we got on the property I felt the anointing ofGod [and thought] this is where we belong,” he says.Jeanette’s thoughts were similar: “When we walkedon the grounds, it was like we were in heaven, in adifferent world. We just loved it.”

that settles it Today, Henry and his wife Jeannette are peacefullysettled in Atlanta, having recently purchased a house.After discovering that FEMA would no longer footthe bill for their Stone Mountain apartment, theHenry’s decided that their money would be betterinvested in something they could call their own. Aftera 10-month process, they found a Lithonia home theyare really pleased with near New Birth.

The Katrina evacuation experience has not onlygiven the Henrys a new place to call home, but it hasforever changed their perspective on life. They walk in

a new wisdom and a new way. Here are someof their thoughts today:

Kalvin Henry: “Everything is not in con-crete. Everything you own—it really doesn’tbelong to you—it belongs to God. And thatwill help you depend more upon Him andnot on the things that you have. I had tothink on this a while and say, “Man, we had anice house, nice furniture, nice clothes andshoes. I had to think that, ‘Hey, God hasgiven it to me, but it didn’t belong to me.’It’s a joy [to not have to] worry about it. Forme, it’s a new type of freedom.”

Jeanette Henry: “The storm changed mylife. I was so busy working in my ministry; Ididn’t have time to really enjoy my home.My husband wanted to go to Wal-Mart; Ihated Wal-Mart. Now I love Wal-Mart! Iused to dress up really well; now I go in jeansand flip-flops. I don’t have all the jewelry; allthat stuff is gone. I am not looking to replaceit. Those things just don’t matter anymore.I’m free!”

An employee in New Birth’s ChristianEducation Department, Jeannette Henry stillattends New Birth along with her husband.They are settling in for a long stay—maybefor good—in Atlanta.

MY SAY…“My most memorable moment this year wouldhave to be when Bishop Neil Ellis came in lateAugust and declared that 2006 would be the

year of reference. He also spoke into theatmosphere that it would be impossible to fail

for the remainder of the year. My spiritimmediately received this prophetic utteranceand since then I have truly walked by faith

and not by sight.”S T E P H A N I E W A S H I N G T O N

[ ]t

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A GRATEFUL PARENT…“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I dropped my son off at schooltoday at Lithonia High and I saw Elder Powell with other men (repre-senting New Birth very well and with authority) standing on post at theschool as guards protecting precious valuables and priceless cargo.The presence of God is awesome. There was a peace within me that isunexplainable. I am thankful for the prayer and the covering goingforth under Bishop Long. My son has been discouraged, confused,afraid and hopeless. I keep telling him to stay focused, have faith, trustand believe and God will come through. Seeing the men today wasconfirmation for me.”




“Bless God for the Men”Bishop Eddie L. Long and the New Birth men took a stand to makeGod’s presence known throughout the halls of three area high schoolsbeginning in September. On Fridays, men arrived at Lithonia, MillerGrove and Stephenson high schools bright and early to cover thegrounds in prayer and to be at school before kids even arrived on theschool buses. “We want our young people to be able to get an educa-tion in a safe and pleasant environment,” Bishop Long told the congre-gation. “Our presence will help the overall conduct in the schools, andit shows that the men care and the community cares.”

Bishop Long issued a summons in October for more men to join theranks and make a difference in the lives of the next generation. Oncethe program started, parents and educators couldn’t get enough!“We’re in three schools now, but 15 more want us,” Bishop Longexplained. “Women, you’re next, so get ready!”

Advanc ing the K ingdom…

in Spirit & in TruthSPIRIT & TRUTH CONFERENCE 2006, SEPT 10-12

An exchange of great minds: BishopEddie L. Long and Dr. Robert Schuler.

Bishop Gary Hawkins Dr. Tony Evans

Booksigning with Chick-Fil-Afounder Truett Cathy

Bishop I.V. Hilliard

Inspired by–TheBible Experience.

> Holiday Outreach

> Heart to Heart Women’s Conference in Chattanooga

[ ]MY SAY…“My most memorable time in 2006 was theUnity Prayer Service with 30-plus churchesrepresented at Philips Arena. For more than

40 years I’ve had concerns with the segregationof Christians and to witness and be part of this

change was quite significant for me.”B R E N D A R A S M U E

oct dec>Marriage Retreat

> Women on the Path Graduation

> Watchnight 2007


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On Sept. 17, Christians from about 40 Atlanta-areacongregations joined spiritual forces and turned the home ofthe Atlanta Hawks into a 21st century upper-room.

Fierce competition rules on the hardwood during basket-ball season. But on this day, one united team showed up,with one game plan, and no reason to keep score or watchthe clock. Racial and denominational rivalry was checked atthe gate. A cheering, jubilant crowd of 10,000 strong praisedand prayed on one accord.

“Surely God’s presence was in the building,” recountedReona Thomas. The elder from New Birth was among thosewho witnessed the supernatural release, as God honored theprayers of the righteous. “To see the pastors of differentdenominations gather to pray against what was dividingthem was awesome.” She said it reminded her of the day ofPentecost described in the book of Acts. “…especially whenthe Word was read in Spanish, in my mind I was going wow,this is how the people must have felt from the differentnationalities, when they could hear the teachings of Godbeing spoken in their own language.” That mighty spiritualmove 2,000 years ago laid the cornerstone for Christianity,destroyed racial and culture barriers, and united Jews andGentiles under one faith.

Fast forward to 2006, and Laura Douglas sees the PhilipsArena prayer service as potentially another major turningpoint and an opportunity for the body of Christ in Atlanta toachieve lasting unity.

“One Lord, one faith, one baptism,” she said with excite-ment. “We are baptized into one body. If we come togetherin the city of Atlanta and join hands and hearts, God willbring change.”

Laura and her husband William are members of TrinityChapel Church of God. Their pastor, Bishop Jim Bolin, wasamong the group of Black, White and Hispanic pastors whopublicly cried out to God. Some repented on behalf of thepeople for harboring division and resentment. Othersdeclared victory over “the giant of racism” and prejudice in

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the church. They vowed to lay down their egos and speakwith one voice. All rallied around the words Jesus Christuttered as He prayed for believers in John 17: 11, 22: “thatthey may be one, even as we are one.”

William Douglas says he expects breakthrough to takeplace, and for Christians to “get together, not just in a bigconference center, but from house to house, like they did inthe book of Acts.” His wife says for that to happen, whiteChristians must be more willing to step out of their comfortzone and help bridge theracial divide. As a whitewoman, she said she wasa bit disappointed thecrowd did not have astronger racial mix.“Where are the whitepeople?” she asked outloud. “It breaks my heart,because Bishop (EddieLong) gave a call for thepeople of God to comeand where are they?”

Yes, the crowd waspredominantly African-American. But manypeople saw signs of a new season. “There is no way thatthis could be considered just another prayer meeting,”Elder Thomas declared. “I actually met people of differentraces and denominations and everyone’s heart was so opento being together in this one place worshiping the one trueand living God. There was so much love and it was asthough we all forgot who our pastors were and the church-es we belonged to, and focused on who our Savior is.”

Atlanta pastors who joined their hearts in September’sUnity Prayer vow to make sure this new movement doesn’tstop. As a show of solidarity, they publicly broke bread andtook communion together. The Blood sealed a new com-mitment to submit to each other. “No more fighting in thefamily,” one pastor said. “The city will have a strong exampleof what it means to be one.”

This citywide prayer service might prove to be a water-shed moment in “a year of reference” for the body ofChrist in Atlanta. Bishop Eddie L. Long declared it a newday of divine favor, generational blessings and Kingdomauthority.

The spiritual atmosphere had shifted over the city, hesaid. And this “force of one” has no limits nor boundaries.

Two Lithonia pastors; one God—Pastor Woodrow Walker ofAbundant Life Church and BishopEddie L. Long of New BirthMissionary Baptist Church representjust two of the many pastors whocame together for Unity Prayer atPhilips Arena.


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i t ’ s h i s t i m e



w o r d s b y L I S A B I R C H

The entire month of October presented a whirlwind of

ministry opportunities for one of God’s youngest generals who

has feverishly pursued his mission of taking the Gospel of Jesus

Christ to the streets. You probably first encountered Tony Betton, Jr. in August

2005, spittin’ arap to ClintBrown’s “Get Inor Sell Out” withthe NextGenerationChildren’s Choir.Today you mayknow him asYoung Prayzr(YP), a young,powerful exampleof God’s favor infull effect!

With an undeni-able talent and aclearly visibleanointing, this 10-year-old recordingartist and emcee isdedicated toreaching the mass-es of all ages andraces. Since he first

stepped into the world of hip-hop just one year ago, YP hasblessed audiences with his ministry on at least 90 occasions,including an impromptu performance requested by KirkFranklin himself. He has shared the stage as opening artist forsuch performers as Charles & Taylor, D-Class, Canton Jones,Platinum Souls, Nova 4 Jehovah, comedian Johnathan Slocumand many others. “God has done so much so fast,” says the YP.

“My resume is crazy and my booking scheduleis crazier. It’s a lot, but I love it and I have somuch fun doing it.”

Like an arrow shot from its bow, YoungPrayzr’s gifts have been quickly propelled onto anational platform. His debut single “Hittin’Dem Streets!” was selected for the Grammynominated Holy Hip-Hop Compilation CDSeries Vol. 4, which was distributed in Octoberby EMI Gospel. His independent debut CDtitled “HereComes TheYoungPrayzr!” isready forrelease. Hewas recentlyfeatured during a worldwide online interviewand song feature on the Brother Tee Show(Trinity Radio Network) and has garnered thespotlight in six newspaper articles.

These days, YP is commanding the attentionof everybody, even major music industry execu-tives. Dominque Mitchell, chairman and CEOof Music Business Associates, Inc., was soimpressed with Young Prayzr’s performance inthe Crowe’s Nest Megaplex talent competitionthat he invited the young emcee to be the open-ing artist for his private birthday party. Mitchellalso invited YP to have a cameo appearance inthe filming of the video for rap duo 20 East fea-turing the group 112 and R&B artist Ciara.

And for the YP, it doesn’t stop at music. He isthe winner of a freelance modeling/acting con-tract with the National Board’s ModelProductions Atlanta and has appeared on fourepisodes of Cartoon Network with NickCannon, Sammie, DaBack Wudz and JessieMcCartney. In the midst of it all, Young Prayzrstays focused on his soul-winning mission. “Heis very bold and confident, yet humble with achildlike innocence,” says mom and managerSheryl Brown. “People always comment on hischarisma and anointing.”


“Get crunk for Christ; that’s wassup!”

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Young Prayzr attends school everyday and is verypopular among the children, teachers and parents.In the spirit of excellence, he is committed to main-taining his A/B-grade status and has been a part ofthe gifted program since Kindergarten. He thriveson keeping a record of no absences and no tardies.

So very humble and grateful for what God hasaccomplished through him thus far, YP and hismom Sheryl express sincere appreciation to BishopLong, First Lady and the entire New Birth family,The Next Generation Children’s Choir and ChoirDirector Christine Bellfield. A hearty “thank you”also goes to YP’s voice trainer and producer Robert“RAab” Stevenson and to his rhyming partner,William “M.A.J.O.R.S.” Brown, both of whoSheryl says “have sown their time and talents in atrue and spirit-led desire to assist ‘a 9-year-old kid’with his artist development and his dream to do hisfirst musical project.”

So brace yourself, because “Here Comes TheYoung Prayzr!”—shattering the world’s perception

I am Woman!Elder Vanessa Long and theHeart to Heart Women’s Ministryjourneyed to Chattanooga,Tenn., Oct. 12-14 in the spiritof Psalm 139:14. Bishop EddieL. Long joined the First Lady inministering to women whotraveled from near and far tomake a public proclamation: “I am Woman,Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!” Pastor Chi ChiBismark, Pastor Paula White, Bishop VashtiMcKenzie, Psalmist Latrice Pace-Speights, BishopKevin Adams and First Lady Cynthia Adams ofOlivet Baptist Church were just a few of the guestswho spoke into the lives of conference attendees.The talk show format—which covered the topicsof finance, spiritual growth, relationships, parent-ing and health—featured many of New Birth’sown, including Elder Bernice King; CherylWeems, Director of Counseling; Minister LisaEdwards, Director of Children’s Ministry; MinisterSheila Aldridge, fitness expert; and Robin May,author, teacher and entrepreneur.

of what God can accomplish with a child.Find out more about Young Prayzr at

youngprayzr.com or myspace.com/youngprayzr.

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News Every Woman Can Use… “I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!”

How awesome to know that God’s grace and mercy is brand new every single day! First Lady Vanessa Long desires for every woman to be reminded of her newness in Christ on a daily basis. One way to walk in it is to speak out loud that which you believe. The following confession from the 2006 Heart to Heart Conference is a creed Elder Long hopes all women of New Birth will embrace through the rest of the year and into 2007.



PSALM 139:1)




DO NOT KNOW. (PSALM 139:2-4)




YOU. (PSALM 139:6-8, ROM. 11:33)










HIDDEN FROM YOU. (PSALM 139:13, 15-16)







WELL! (PSALM 139:14)


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As scripture teaches us,

The Lord will perfect

everything which

concerns you!

(Psalm 138:8)


Our family wishes you

and your family

a bounty of

God's richest blessings,

His exceeding joy

and His comforting peace

as we celebrate

our Savior,

Jesus the Christ

throughout this season

and the coming

New Year.


We love you.

The First Family

Bishop Eddie L. Long

First Lady Vanessa Long,

Eric, Edward, Jared and


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Leadership MeetingsJanuary 5, 2007 7:00 p.m. January 6, 2007 9:00 a.m.March 13, 2007 7:00 p.m.May 8, 2007 7:00 p.m.September 11, 2007 7:00 p.m.

Nation of Jesus MeetingsJanuary 23, 2007 7:00 p.m.February 27, 2007 7:00 p.m.March 20, 2007 7:00 p.m.April 17, 2007 7:00 p.m.August 10, 2007 7:00 p.m.August 11, 2007 10:00 a.m.October 23, 2007 7:00 p.m.

Heart to Heart MeetingFebruary 13, 2007 7:00 p.m.April 10, 2007 7:00 p.m.August 14, 2007 7:00 p.m.

Marriage SeminarMay 18, 2007 7:00 p.m.August 3, 2007 7:00 p.m.

Holiday Schedule 2006

Conferences & EventsHeart to Heart 5K Run/Walk – Charlotte, NC March 31, 2007Resurrection Sunday (Georgia Dome) April 8, 2007Nation of Jesus Conference April 26 – 28, 2007RE|PRESENT June 18 – 21, 2007Spirit & Truth Conference September 16 – 19, 2007

WATCHNIGHT SERVICE 2008 - Monday, December 31, 2007 9:30 p.m.Doors Open at 8:30 p.m.

BISHOP TUDOR BISMARK January 14 - 16, 2007

Calendar of Events 2007

New Birth Missionary Baptist Church6400 Woodrow RoadLithonia, GA 30038770.696.9600 • www.newbirth.org

New Members ClassSaturday, November 11 (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)

Baptismal Service - Sunday, November 12 (2nd Service)Baby Dedication - Sunday, November 12 (after 1st Service in the Chapel)

Thanksgiving Bible Study ServiceTuesday, November 21, 2006

No Bible Study - Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Administrative Offices Closed For Thanksgiving HolidayWednesday, November 22 @ 12 noon thru Monday, November 27, 2006

The Gospel According to Patti LaBelleWednesday, December 6, 7:00 p.m. (ticket required)

New Members ClassSaturday, December 9 & 16 (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)

Early Morning Corporate PrayerDecember 11-15 (5:30 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.)In the Sanctuary or Live on www.streamingfaith.com

Baptismal Service - Sunday, December 10 (2nd Service)Baby Dedication - Sunday, December 10 (after 1st Service in the Chapel)

Christmas Holiday Bible StudyWednesday, December 20, 2006

Administrative Offices Closed For Christmas HolidayFriday, December 22 thru Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Eve ServiceSunday, December 24, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

No Bible Study - Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Year’s Eve Worship ServiceSunday, December 31 - 7:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

WATCHNIGHT SERVICE 2007 -Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:30 p.m.Doors Open at 8:30 p.m.Special Musical GuestTONEXJMOSS

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