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NUMERICAL DATA ANALYSIS - Universiti Sains …medic.usm.my/biostat/files/documents/basic...

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1 NUMERICAL DATA ANALYSIS Univariable Univariate Analysis of Numerical Data (Parametric) Introduction Numerical data the outcome is numerical Univariable analysis concern with only 1 independent variable Univariate analysis concern with only 1 dependent variable Parametric normal distribution of the outcome variable



Univariable Univariate Analysis of Numerical Data (Parametric)


• Numerical data the outcome is numerical

• Univariable analysis concern with only 1 independent variable

• Univariate analysis concern with only 1 dependent variable

• Parametric normal distribution of the outcome variable



• Three most commonly used statistical test in this group;

– Independent t-test

– Paired t-test

– One way ANOVA

Outline for each test

• Introduction

• Assumptions

• Steps

• Procedures in SPSS

• Interpretation and results



Independent sample t-test

• Also known as a Student’s t-test or a two-sample t-test

• A parametric test

• Used

– to compare mean of two independent samples

– when the outcome is continuous and the explanatory (independent) variable is binary

• Compares the actual difference between the two means in relation to the variation in the data


Independent sample t-test

• Example in observational studies:

A cross sectional study to compare weight between students sitting in the first and second row.

A case control study to compare HbA1c level between male and female patients

Independent sample t-test

• Example:

Study participants

Male Female

Mean HbA1c Mean HbA1c



Independent sample t-test

Example in experimental studies:

Comparing baseline characteristics between patients in treatment and control groups

Study participants

Intervention group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12

Control group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12



Independent sample t-test

Steps in analysis

• Step 1: state hypothesis

• Step 2: set the significant level

• Step 3: check the assumptions

• Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

• Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Step 6: Presentation of results.


Independent sample t-test

Step 1: state hypothesis

• Null hypothesis

– There is no difference of weight between students sitting in the front row and the second row

• Alternative hypothesis

– There is a difference of weight between students sitting in the front row and the second row

Independent sample t-test

Step 2: set the significant level

• =0.05

• The acceptable level in medical and health sciences


Independent sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions1. Random samples (samples are representative of

the population)2. The groups and measurements are independent

of each other3. The outcome (dependent) variable is numerical

data (interval or ratio)4. The outcome variable is normally distributed in

each group5. The variance between groups is approximately

equal (Homogeneity of variances)

Independent sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

Study participants

Male FemaleMean HbA1c Mean HbA1c



Independent sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

• The first three assumptions are determined by the study design

• The fourth must be checked before analysis. If violated, a non parametric test or data transformation will be needed.

• If the fifth assumption is violated, adjustment to the t-value will be made.

Independent sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

• Check normality : statistically and graphically

SPSS analyse Descriptive Explore


Independent sample t-test

Independent sample t-test


Independent sample t-test

Independent sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

• Check homogeneity of variance Levene’stest


Independent sample t-test

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

Independent sample t-test

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

Assumption 5: Homogeneity of variance Test statistics. If equal variance assumed, read the upper row.


Independent sample t-test

Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Mean (SD) wound healing among non-smoker = 31.29 (7.15)

• Mean (SD) wound healing among smoker = 35.82 (7.13)

• t-statistics=-3.00, df=88, P=0.004

• Mean difference = -4.53

• 95% CI of difference =-7.52, -1.53

Independent sample t-test

Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Since the 95% CI does not cross 0, the P-value must be significant

• In this case, P=0.004

• Conclusion: Reject null hypothesis


Independent sample t-test

Step 6: Presentation of results.

• In text:

– The difference between mean (SD) of wound healing between non-smokers and smokers was statistically significant [31.29 (7.15) vs. 35.82 (7.13), P=0.004]

Independent sample t-test

Step 6: Presentation of results.

• In table:

Table 1: Comparison of wound healing time (days) between non-smokers and smokers

Variable Mean (SD) Mean diff. (95% CI) t-statistics (df)


Smoker (n=42)

Non-smoker (n=48)

Wound healing (days)

31.29 (7.15)

35.82 (7.13)

-4.53 (-7.52, -1.53)

-3.00 (88)


*Independent sample t-test



Paired sample t-test

• Also known as a dependent sample t-test

• A parametric test

• Used to compare two dependent or related samples

– Same subject, measure twice or repeatedly

– Matched study design

– Closely related subjects (e.g. twin studies)


Paired sample t-test

Same subject, measure twice

Study participants

Intervention group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12

Control group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12


Paired sample t-test

Matched study design

Study participants

Intervention group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12

Control group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12


Matched for age


Paired sample t-test

Twin studies

Study participants

Intervention group: twin 1

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12

Control group: twin 2

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12



Paired sample t-test

Steps in analysis

• Step 1: state hypothesis

• Step 2: set the significant level

• Step 3: check the assumptions

• Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

• Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Step 6: Presentation of results.


Paired sample t-test

Step 1: state hypothesis

• Null hypothesis

– Satisfaction pre = Satisfaction post

– µpre = µpost

• Alternative hypothesis

– Satisfaction pre Satisfaction post

– µpre µpost

Paired sample t-test

Step 2: set the significant level

• =0.05

• The acceptable level in medical and health sciences


Paired sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions1. Random samples (samples are

representative of the population)

2. The groups or measurements are dependent of each other

3. The outcome (dependent) variable is numerical data (interval or ratio)

4. The difference of outcome variable is normally distributed

Paired sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

Study participants

Intervention group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12

Control group

HbA1c at baseline

HbA1c at 3/12


Paired sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

• To check normality of the difference, must compute the difference between pre and post

Paired sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

• Then check histogram of the difference


Paired sample t-test

Step 3: check the assumptions

• Then check histogram of the difference

Paired sample t-test

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis


Paired sample t-test

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

Paired sample t-test

Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Mean (SD) of customer satisfaction pre = 37.46 (11.89)

• Mean (SD) of customer satisfaction post = 75.25 (16.36)

• Mean difference = 37.79

• 95% CI of difference = 33.59, 41.98

• t-statistics=17.93, df=79, P<0.001


Paired sample t-test

Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Since the 95% CI does not cross 0, the P-value must be significant

• In this case, P<0.001

• Conclusion: Reject null hypothesis

Paired sample t-test

Step 6: Presentation of results.

• In text:

– The difference between mean (SD) of customer satisfaction before and after campaign started was statistically significant [37.46 (11.89) vs. 75.25 (16.36), P<0.001]


Paired sample t-test

Step 6: Presentation of results.

• In table:

Table 1: Comparison of customer satisfaction before and after campaign started

Variables measurement, Mean (SD) mean difference

(95% CI)




Pre Post

Customer Satisfaction

Score 37.46 (11.89) 75.25 (16.36) 37.79 (33.59 ,41.98) 17.93 (79) <0.001

*Paired sample t-test



One way ANOVA

• Analysis of variance

• Compare mean of > two group

Study participants

Group A


Group B


Group C


One way ANOVA

• Comparison using multiple independent t-test inflates type I error

Study participants

Group A


Group B


Group C



One way ANOVA

• Commonly used to;

– Compare baseline characteristics among patients randomized into different treatment groups

– Compare post treatment differences between treatment groups

One way ANOVA

• Types of data:

1 independent variable (factor),• categorical • > two groups.Example: group A, B, C

1 dependent (outcome) variable• NumericalExample: BMI, SBP

One Way


One way ANOVA

Steps in analysis

• Step 1: state hypothesis

• Step 2: set the significant level

• Step 3: check the assumptions

• Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

• Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Step 6: Presentation of results.

One way ANOVA

Step 1: state hypothesis

• Null hypothesis

– There is no difference in mean recovery time between patients in three different treatment groups

– µa = µb = µc

• Alternative hypothesis

– At least one treatment group has a mean recovery time differ to another treatment group

– µa ≠ µb ≠ µc


One way ANOVA

Step 2: set the significant level

• =0.05

• The acceptable level in medical and health sciences

One way ANOVA

Step 3: check the assumptions1. Random samples (samples are representative of

the population)2. The groups and measurements are independent

of each other3. The outcome (dependent) variable is numerical

data (interval or ratio)4. The outcome variable is normally distributed

within each groups5. The variance between groups is approximately

equal (Homogeneity of variances)


One way ANOVA

Step 3: check the assumptions

Study participants

Group A


Group B


Group C


One way ANOVA

Step 3: check the assumptions

• The first three assumptions are determined by the study design

• The fourth must be checked before analysis. If violated, a non parametric test or data transformation will be needed.

• If the fifth assumption is violated, adjustment to the test must be made


One way ANOVA

Step 3: check the assumptions

• Check normality : statistically and graphically

SPSS analyse Descriptive Explore

One way ANOVA


One way ANOVA

One way ANOVA


One way ANOVA

Step 3: check the assumptions

• Check homogeneity of variance Levene’stest

One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis


One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis


One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

Levene’s test is not significant (P > .05). Equal variance is assumed

One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

• Overall ANOVA test. If significant (P < 0.05), indicates at least one of the mean is different to one another

• To determine which pair has a different mean, must do post hoc test.


One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

• Post hoc test– A procedure to determine which pair show

different in means

– Involves multiple pairwise comparisons to test the mean differences between each pair

– If equal variance assumed Bonferroni, Scheffe, Tukey tests

– If equal variance not assumed Dunnett’s C, Games-Howell

One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

• Post hoc test


One way ANOVA

Step 4: perform the SPSS analysis

• Post hoc test

One way ANOVA

Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Drug A: M=62.55, SD=27.02

• Drug B: M=68.16, SD=21.58

• Drug C: M=45.10, SD=27.92

• One way ANOVA test is significant (P = 0.018) suggesting that at least one pair of mean recovery time between patients in different treatment groups was significantly different.

• Conclusion: reject null hypothesis


One way ANOVA

Step 5: Interpret and make conclusion

• Post hoc analysis using Bonferroni’sprocedure;

– Drug A vs drug B: MD=-5.61, 95% CI include 0, P > 0.95

– Drug A vs. drug C: MD=17.45, 95% CI include 0, P=0.109

– Drug B vs. drug C: MD=23.06, 95% CI does not include 0, P=0.021

One way ANOVA

Step 6: Presentation of results.

• In text:– One way ANOVA analysis suggest that recovery time

differ significantly across the three drugs [f(2,58)=4.30, P=0.018]

– Post hoc analysis using Bonferroni’s procedure suggest that the mean of recovery time between patients given drug B and C differ significantly

– Mean recovery time of patients given drug C was significantly faster compared to patients given drug B (M=45.10, SD=27.92 vs. M=68.16, SD=21.58, P=0.021)


One way ANOVA

Step 6: Presentation of results.

• In table:

Table 1: Mean recovery time between patients give different type of drug

Type of drugs N Recovery time,

Mean (SD)

F-statistics (df) P-value*

Drug A 20 62.55 (27.02) 4.30 (2, 58) 0.018

Drug B 19 68.16 (21.58)

Drug C 20 45.10 (27.92)

*One way ANOVA test Post-hoc analysis using Bonferroni’s procedure indicates that only mean recovery time between patients given drug B and C differ significantly (P=0.021)


• Compare numerical outcome variable between groups

2 independent groups independent t-test

2 dependent groups paired t-test

>2 independent groups one way ANOVA
