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Nursing Research Community Annual Progress report … Research Community 2011-2012… · Nursing...

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Carol Haigh Professor in Nursing Faculty of Health & Social Care Nursing Research Community Annual Progress report 2011/2012
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Carol Haigh

Professor in Nursing

Faculty of Health &

Social Care

Nursing Research Community Annual Progress report 2011/2012

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The photographs on the front of this report shows Cambridge and Baltimore – two of the venues that NRC members present at this year

Contents INTRODUCTION. ....................................................................................................... 3

1.0 Research Bidding ............................................................................................. 3

2.0 Publications ...................................................................................................... 4

3.0 Public Profile ..................................................................................................... 6

4.0 PhD & Doctoral Students .................................................................................. 9

5.0 International Collaborations ............................................................................ 10

6.0 Other news ..................................................................................................... 10

7.0 Future developments ...................................................................................... 10

8.0 In Conclusion .................................................................................................. 11

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Nursing Research Community Progress report

Academic year 2011-2012


The Department of Nursing appointed a Professor of Nursing in 2008 and this is the fourth annual report, which outlines the activities of the Nursing Research Community (NRC). It is presented in four key

Research Bidding


Public profile

PhD Students The Nursing Research Community at MMU is situated in the School of Nursing and allied to

The Research Institute for Health and Social Care (RIHSC). The Research Institute brings

together an impressive array of research activity from across the University, in partnership

with field-based colleagues and organisations. RIHSC spans developments in health and

social care, professional practice development and evaluation, processes and experiences of

social inclusion, policy development and social change, and critical theoretical social

research. It is able to call upon a wide range of expertise and so provides a critical mass of

academics who will participate in the work. Current partners include national, regional and

local government, the health service at local and regional level, charities, professional

bodies and regional networks.

Research activity within the Department of Nursing is supported via regular NRC meetings,

which are open to all academic staff with an interest in nursing research. The format and

timing of these meeting was decided by the staff of the department. Meetings are held

monthly and the agenda consists of updates in research activities, discussions around

potential bidding, conference and publication activity. These meetings have an average

attendance of around 11 to 15 regular participants.

1.0 Research Bidding

Table 1.1 below shows the bidding activity for 2011-2012

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Table 1.1 – Bidding Activity 2009/10

Funding Body Project Title Project team Amount £


NIHR National Inpatient Pain Service Study

(NIPPS) – understanding the impact of the

variation in service provision on pain and

harm in older patients undergoing major

general and orthopaedic surgery

Dr Fiona Duncan (PI) Professor Carol Haigh

~ £296,000 Shortlisted –



ESRC Peoples experience of NF-1 Dr Carol Jim Professor Carol Haigh (PI) Health online (external collaborators)

~ £278,000 Shortlisted –



BUPA how access to behaviour modification

therapy impacts upon the mental well

being and educational chances of 'at risk'


Professor Carol Haigh (PI) Eula Miller Ian Duncan (external collaborator)

~ £ 45,000 Successful at

Stage 1 –

stage 2



Mindfulness and People with Learning


Dr Mel Chapman (PI) Professor Duncan Mitchell



NIHR Secondary health care Professor Duncan Mitchell ~£300,000 Unsuccessful

NIHR Professor Duncan Mitchell ~£300,000 Unsuccessful

In total the NRC has submitted or been associated with 5 bids. It must be noted that, as with

last year, the economic and strategic uncertainty that characterised health and social care

have impacted upon the sources of funding that the NRC have had such success accessing in

the past. However it should also be emphasised how much of this bidding activity has been

in collaboration with other universities and external clinicians. This indicates a growth in the

external profile of the NRC. Furthermore, the NRC team are going for fewer but larger bids.

It can take up to 12 months to construct a satisfactory NIHR or ESRC bid and this is reflected

in the activity levels in this area

The current projects fit broadly within themes ‘Work force education and development’ and

‘Service delivery evaluation’ and ‘clinical and patient experience ‘ and the research activity

of the NRC continues to be promulgated under those themes in the future.

2.0 Publications

There have been a total of 26 publications Table 2.1. (Below) summarises them:

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2.1 Papers

Howarth, M, Haigh, C Warne, T ‘Lets Stick Together’ A Grounded Theory Exploration of Interprofessional

Working used to Provide Person Centred Chronic Back Pain Services. Journal of Interprofessional Care.

Haigh, C, Costa, C Information About Assisted Dying: An Evaluation of Web Based Information Resources

Journal of Research in Nursing – In Press

Haigh, C Duncan F Measuring and improving the quality of postoperative epidural analgesia for major

abdominal surgery using statistical process control charts. - the development of an Acute Pain Service quality

improvement programme Journal of Clinical Nursing – In press

Yarwood-Ross, L. Haigh, C (2012) Manageing a venous leg ulcer in the 21st century, by improving self-care.

British Journal of Community Nursing 7:10

Haigh, C Costa, C (2012) Reconsidering the Role of Participatory Media in Nursing Research and Knowledge

Dissemination. Journal of Research in Nursing

Haigh, C (2012) Exploring the case for assisted dying in the UK. Nursing Standard Vol 26 No 18

Jack K (2012) ‘Putting the words “I am sad” just doesn’t cut it sometimes’: The use of collage to explore

emotional awareness amongst pre registration nursing students Nurse Education Today 32, 811 – 816

Chadwick, A., Street, C., McAndrew, S., and Deacon, M (2012) ‘Minding our own bodies: Minding our own

bodies: Reviewing the literature regarding the perceptions of service users diagnosis with serious mental

illness on barriers to accessing physical health care International Journal of Mental Health Nursing Vol., 21 pp


Caton, C. Chadwick,D. Chapman,C. Turnbull, S. Mitchell, D & Stansfield, J (2012) Healthy Lifestyles for Adults

with Intellectual Disability: Knowledge, Barriers and Facilitators. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental

Disability. 37,3, 248-259.

Wilson N (2011) Changes to community health – an opportunity to be embraced? British Journal of Community

Nursing Nutrition Supplement November

Best C, Wilson N (2011) Advice on safe administration of medications via enteral feeding tubes British Journal

of Community Nursing Nutrition Supplement November

Best C, Wilson N (2011) Nasogastric Tube Feeding Is it time for nutrition teams to strategically influence policy

and practice in the community? Complete Nutrition Vol 3 No 4 pp 23-25

Wilson N, Best C (2012) Is nasogastric tube intubation an alternative method to intravenous fluid replacement

for dehydration? Complete Nutrition Vol 11 No 6 pp21-23

Wilson N, (2012) Systems such as red trays erode essential nursing skills (Practice Comment) Nursing Times Vol

108 No 8 pp17

Wilson N, (2012) Editorial - Looking forward removing barriers British Journal of Community Nursing Nutrition

Supplement May

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Wilson N, Blackett B (2012) Parenteral Nutrition – Considerations for practice British Journal of Community

Nursing Nutrition Supplement pp16-19

Wilson N, Best C (2012) Feeding patients – A common sense multi professional approach Nursing Times IN


Witham, G (2012) Health Professionals perceptions of vulnerability in relation to patients living with cancer,

Journal of Advanced Nursing (under review)

Witham G (2012) Reflections on access: Too vulnerable to research Journal of Research in Nursing (Under


Gladwin. J (2012) Patient Access to Electronic Health Records, Primary Health Care, V22, n5, 10

Marsden J Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome IJOP 3,3 109-113

Book Chapters

Smith A and Jack K ‘Developments in community nursing in the context of changing times’ in Chilton S et al

(Eds) (2012) A Textbook of Community Nursing London Arnold

Street, C (2012) Promoting Physical Wellbeing In The physical care of people with mental health problems: a

guide for best practice. In press

Marsden, J. Ophthalmic Emergencies in Accident and Emergency Theory into Practice 3rd edition Dolan B Holt

L (eds.) in press

Marsden, J., Triage in Accident and Emergency Theory into Practice 3rd edition Dolan B Holt L (eds.) Balliere

Tindall, Edinburgh. in press

Research Reports

Haigh, C Holt, M (2012) Brief Intervention training in the pre-registration curriculum

3.0 Public Profile

Whilst ‘presence’ is difficult to define with any precision, it is generally considered to reflect

the profile of an individual or institution in the wider academic community. One of the most

impressive developments within the NRC over the last year has been the enhanced profile

of the nursing research community at MMU. Table 3.1 lists the ‘conference activities that

the NRC have undertaken in the last academic year

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3.1 Conferences

Name Location NRC member NETworking for Healthcare Education

Cambridge UK Carol Haigh, Maxine Holt, Kirsten Jack, Eula Miller, Clare Street, Guy Nambiar-Greenwood

SPARC Manchester, UK Carol Haigh (Keynote address)

Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference

London, UK Carol Haigh (Invited debate)

NET/NEP Balitmore USA Gary Witham, Carol Haigh

FINE/ RCN Education forum Cardiff, Wales Carol Haigh, Maxine Holt

Social History of Learning Disability Annual Conference

UK Duncan Mitchell

BILD Annual Conference UK Duncan Mitchell (Keynote address)

ICN International Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference London

London, UK Janet Marsden

1st Philippines Ophthalmic Nursing Conference,

Manila Janet Marsden

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists,

Auckland Janet Marsden

Royal College of Ophthalmologists

London Janet Marsden (Invited paper)

RCN Congress Liverpool Fiona Duncan

The members of the Nursing Research Community have also been raising the profile of the

department and the university at National level by acting as;

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3.2 - Profile

Journal Reviewers Anne-Marie Bornuef ( Nurse Researcher & Nurse Education in Practice) Carol Haigh (Journal of Clinical Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, NET, IJNS) Maxine Holt (JCN, Journal for the Royal Society of Public Health) Eula Miller (JCN) Gary Witham ( Journal of Clinical Nursing) Neil Wilson (Journal of Clinical Nursing, British Journal of Community Nursing ) Donna Davenport (Nursing in Practice) Caroline Ridley (JCN) Garry Diack (British Journal of Learning

Disabilities) Clare Street (Primary Health Care Research and

Development journal) Editors/editorial board members Carol Haigh ( Editor JCN, Editorial board Nursing

Research Reports) Duncan Mitchell (Editor British Journal of Learning Disabilities) Eula Miller (Editorial Board Journal of Mental Health Training, Education & Practice) Donna Davenport (Editorial Advisory Board for

Nursing in Practice (NIP) )

External Examiners Anne-Marie Bornuef – University of Sterling & University for the West of Scotland Eula Miller – Buckinghamshire New University Kirsten Jack - External Examiner at the University of Reading Caroline Ridley - • External examiner University of Northampton

Members of National Bodies Carol Haigh – NICE, Dignity in Dying Eula Miller - NMC Reviewer Fiona Duncan – NICE, Vice-Chair National Steering Committee RCN Pain Forum Neil Wilson – National Nurses Nutrition Group

Ethical Committee Members ship Carol Haigh ( Chair – Faculty ethics committee) Gary Witham Gayatri Nambiar Greenwood Eula Miller Clare Street

Invited lectures/Visiting scholarships Carol Haigh ; Cyber-space ethics. University of Brighton

Board Membership Caroline Ridley – Education Business Solutions

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In addition, Carol Haigh was invited to contribute to an education podcast, which was

developed as part of an online training programme for health care professionals by the

National Institute for Clinical Excellence

Dr Duncan has become Vice- Chair of the steering committee of the RCN Pain Forum.

An NRC member won 1st poster prize at the NETworking for Healthcare Education

conference in Cambridge. Guy Nambiar-Greenwood won first prize for her poster. This is the

second time in two years that the prize has been won by MMU. The MMU contingent were

also notable for their contributions to the conference twitter feed

4.0 PhD & Doctoral Students

As the Department of Nursing evolves, the recruitment of doctoral students must be a

priority. Table 4.1 shows the numbers of new and transferred students for the year

2011/2012 however this information must be treated with caution as post graduate data

has not previously been kept at departmental level. It must also be noted that these figures

include students on the Professional Doctorate route who are supervised by members of

the Nursing Department

4.1 PhD & Doctoral Students New 2

Transfers 1

Existing 16

Completed 3

Our Doctoral students for 2011/2012 are;

Neil Wilson

Anne-Marie Bornuef

Deborah Davys

Margarita Gavrilidou

Manju Luckson

Gayatri Nambiar-Greenwood

Gary Witham

Lee Yarwood-Ross

Pip Hardy

Maxine Holt

Mona Fareh

Joann Kiernan

Dalliah Al Khouli

Eman Alshawish

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Fhaeid Almobarak

Mohammed El-Fallah The NRC was fortunate enough to secure two PhD studentships this year. Lee-Yarwood Ross whose full time PhD is on wound healing experiences of seldom heard group groups and Pip Hardy whose part time PhD around the effect of digital stories on health care both join the NRC in October.

5.0 International Collaborations

Professor Haigh is working with the University of Technology at Sydney, Australia to

undertake some collaborative doctoral supervision and publications

6.0 Other news

Two members of the NRC successfully defended their doctoral theses. Dr Kirsten Jack and Dr

Nigel Cox are congratulated.

Last year the NRC piloted a voluntary Research Internship Programme. We appointed two

interns, Beth Renwick and Ian Duncan to work with Dr Duncan and Professor Haigh. The

interns assisted in literature reviewing, research data tool validation, questionnaire design

and submitted an abstract for an international conference. The pilot programme evaluated

extremely well and both Interns identified the experience as being useful to their career

development. At the end of the internship, Ian obtained a job as a clinical trials manager and

Beth became a research assistant at Kings College London.

As part of a strategy to support Doctoral students, the NRC is beginning a series of regular

Google hangouts with all nursing PhD student. These hangouts will enable everyone to meet

online to share their success and challenges as they go through the doctoral process. It is

anticipated that this approach will help to counter some of the isolation that typifies

doctoral study

7.0 Future developments

Professor Haigh will continue to cross faculty collaboration (with, for example Dr Abebaw

Yohannes) cross university collaboration with Dr Angel Salazar, Business School Manchester

Metropolitan University and links with external collaborators including The University of

Technology, Sydney, The University of Abertay and La Trobe University, Melbourne

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Dr Duncan is leading on a national project in collaboration with members of the Royal

College of Anaesthetists and The Pain Society.

Maxine Holt has ben invited to join a working party focusing upon public health issues.

The next twelve months are likely to be a challenge in light of the on-going political and

economic environment, however the Nursing Research Community has shown itself to be

evolving and dynamic and willing to meet such challenges.

Goals for the next 12 months include –

Increase high impact publications by 15 %

To further develop our international collaborations profile

Repeat writing retreat

8.0 In Conclusion

The fourth year of the nursing Research Community’s life has seen significant increase in the

research related activities of nurse researchers at MMU. The staff of the department of

nursing is, as always, to be commended for the enthusiasm and commitment they have

shown to enhancing the research profile and academic presence of the discipline of Nursing

at Manchester Metropolitan University. They have consistently worked hard to meet the,

often very short, deadlines that are required by funding bodies; they have encouraged links

with research minded clinicians and have continued to promote nursing research at MMU

on the wider academic and international stage. We have seen a fall in small bidding activity

and a rise in the submission of large-scale bids to national funding bodies and this

emphasises the continued evolution and development of the NRC at MMU

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This report was based upon feed back from the following NRC members –

Fiona Duncan

Jacqui Gladwin

Carol Haigh

Kirsten Jack

Janet Marsden

Duncan Mitchell

Gayatri Nambiar-Greenwood

Clare Street

Neil Wilson

Gary Witham
