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Nursing Theory Analysis

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Nursing Theory Analysis

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Florence Nightingale


Theorist’s Background

Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820, in Italy. Her parents were very affluent

and lived in circles where they used to speak several languages. She had a calling to be a nurse

while she was still young. Florence Nightingale maintained the right hygiene and displayed the

ability to care for the sick in society. “Infection control- cleaning the hospital top to bottom,

cleaning sheets, and requiring proper hygiene” (Davis, Bass & Whitt, 2020, Pg 8). The major

concerns of Florence Nightingale were the effects of the environment on the mental stimulation

and health status of patients. The name Nightingale comes from her desire to serve and minister

until nights. At the age of 90, Florence Nightingale died on August 13, 1990.

Phenomena of Concern

She was serving injured patients in the war when still in her childhood stage. After the

war, she was rewarded $250,000 by the British Government as a prize. This money was used to

fund the startup efforts of St. Thomas Hospital and Nightingale Training School for Nursing. She

was able to improve her status of being a nurse until she got the nobles profession now.

“Nightingale was the catalyst who not only secured nursing as a profession but also gave it the

respectability it deserved” (Gilbert, 2020, Paragraph 1)She helped the hospital in the programs

and activities to improve its environment.

Environmental Theory

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Nightingale’s environmental theory had a great impact on the general practices of nurses.

The theorist was able to create a good association between the patient's healing process and the

environment. Nightingale argued that the recovery process of the patient is influenced by a good



Nightingale's concept indicates that a cleaner environment facilitates better care for the

whole body for better patient outcomes.


The overall healing process and would caring requires pure water and refreshing proper

oxygenation since they help in sufficiently hydrating patients. Proper healing is necessitated by

maintaining an environment that is free from contamination and elimination of body fluids,

which can bring germs. Sunlight is also recommended for patients. The process of healing is

enhanced by a good rest wake cycle. Such areas help the patient to recover in a very short time,

according to environmental theory concepts. “It implicates the effect of illness on the body,

mind, emotions, and soul” (Hussian & Karim, 2020, Paragraph 2)The environmental theory

diagram is still applied today in the primary care of the patient. Many healthcare organizations

today tend to introduce a discussion on disinfecting hands and general cleanliness to reduce


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There are seven assumptions associated with Nightingale’s environmental theory.

Nursing is separate and distinct from medicine, a specific education base is required in nursing,

environmental alteration helps in supporting nursing, nursing is a science and art, nursing is

calling, perfection can be achieved by humanity, and natural laws.


Nightingale’s theory has addressed all metaparadigm of nursing. She displayed care to

patients on emotional, personal, spiritual, and physical multidimensional being. Her nurse made

a contract with the patient to provide the best care they could. “Nightingale was devoted to the

provision of holistic patient-centred care, a body, mind and spirit approach to healing, which she

saw as the ‘essence of nursing” (Gilbert, 2020, Paragraph 17). The well-being of a person

involves a lack of disease. She was able to assess patients in terms of spiritual wellbeing,

physical, and mental aspect. The environmental theory is integrated with medicine to ensure the

well-being of a person, thus facilitating healing. The implementation of Florence Nightingale’s

theory is based on four metaparadigms of nursing.

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Nightingale’s Canons are ten major concepts that would promote healing to patients

when they are considered.


Patients should be put at a comfortable temperature for healing and resting. The

environment should be well ventilated, warm, with less noise and light to ensure that the patient

has the right stimulation. Cleaning the environment will reduce bacteria growth, thus promoting

the overall healing process. The bedding condition of the patient should be comfortable and dry

with clean linens to promote physical healing of patients. Mental stimulations can be initiated

through conversations and book reading. “The subsequent development and practice of her

Environmental Theory, now thought to be individual ideals or philosophies initially presented as

fundamental elements to promote good health” (Gilbert, 2020, Paragraph 23) It is also important

to advise on nutritious food, best practices for patient care, and monitoring patients on the

recovery process. It is possible to identify the specific needs of the patient by observing the

patient’s behaviors. This will help in knowing the right environments, which could necessitate

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healing to the patient. Therefore, peace, security, and cleanliness are a major aspect of Florence

Nightingale’s theory.


The plan of care used in many healthcare organizations is congruent with the Nightingale

Environmental Theory. “A neat, clean appearance helps nurses establish rapport with patients”

(Davis, Bass & Whitt, 2020, Pg 5). The healing of the patient on every level is improved by the



Florence Nightingales' theories have been largely considered in the delivery of care to

many healthcare organizations. It was evident from the past that Florence Nightingales' theories

have been applied in the healing process of patients. “It tends to make nurses work effectively by

using their intuition at patient care with modification in the environment” (Hussian & Karim,

2020, Paragraph 2). The well-being of patients is influenced by the provision and importance of

environmental theory. Florence Nightingales' theories are centered on environmental cleanliness.


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It is possible to use Florence Nightingales' theories in the emergency and critical care

unit. For instance, when a patient is brought into the operating room area, I will ensure that

patient has warm blankets, appropriate light intensity, and provide the right padding to ensure

they are safe in the process of surgery. “Apart from the high rate of infection, overcrowded

conditions allowed disease to run rampant, with cholera, typhoid, typhus, respiratory infections

and dysentery ever present, the latter accounting for at least 50% of deaths” (Gilbert, 2020,

Paragraph 12). Another important aspect considers there is ventilation to ensure there is adequate

circulation of oxygen. In the process of recovery, the patient will be provided with pain

measures, elimination of drain fluids, and to remain warm. Mental comfort is achieved through

the reduction of noise to ensure there is a comfortable reclamation. It is important to measure the

severity of pain to the patient to create an environment that helps them in quick recovery. Mental

stimulation can increase the level of discomfort when environmental factors are not assessed.


To understand the patient’s needs, there is a need to give the patient full attention in the

recovery area and operation room. Supplemental oxygen and hypothermic of the patient is

maintained by warm air blankets, adjustable beds, adequate ventilation, and reducing stress to the

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patient as they woke up. A calm environment is important to ensure that patients recover safely

and comfortably. There is a need to increase padding for hospitalized patients to reduce the risk

of getting pressure sores or even destroy tissues. Pillows and boney prominences provide good

gel pads. As a nurse, I have the responsibility of draining the urinary bag if the patient has a

foley. The padded bag should be put in a simple way to control the liquid count. I will have to

ensure that the drainage bag for the patient is securely placed for gentle thigh and to make sure

that it is not pulled away.

I have a responsibility to keep the entire environment clean, organized, and in check to

regulate the room temperature of the patient. The surgical team is supposed to maintain

instrument counts to ensure the patient is not left with surgical instruments after the surgical

process. I must make sure that the doctor has the right dressing equipment and devices when

needed for sterilization. The surgical environment is supposed to have the right fluids to support

the healing process of the patient. “She primarily transformed the role of nurses caring for the

patients in the hospital” (Hussian & Karim, 2020, Paragraph 2). These fluids include liquids,

which are used to rinse the patient's body in the process of surgery. For example, liquids can

have adverse effects on patients when liquids are too hot for the patient. I believe that I have the

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responsibility to check whether the patient is allergic and update the doctor on my findings.

Equally important, it is my responsibility to provide emotional, mental, and social support to

patients to recover holistically. Experience of mental and emotional stress is indeed associated

with agitation and feelings of pain.


The major weakness associated with Florence Nightingale’s theory involves applying its

concepts in different clinical settings. There are growing trends in the provision of care across

the world. Healthcare providers may seem overwhelming as they apply the concepts of Florence

Nightingale’s theory with hurry. The current perspective of the world today is different from the

initial concepts of the theory. The central focus of Florence Nightingale’s theory was to make

use of every opportunity to ensure that care environments are cleaner and more healing and

nurturing to patients. In other words, the theory was focusing more on patients forgetting nurses

who are health providers. “Allowing a patient to retain vital powers and energy required for self-

healing" (Sher & Akhtar, 2018, Pg. 1). For example, Florence Nightingale was involved in a war

with 35 nurses to provide care to the wounded soldiers. This shows that Florence Nightingale

was risking her life to get infections and serious injury in the process of care. She was doing this

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to promote nursing care, which was her line of calling right from school. At the age of 38 years,

Florence Nightingale was bedbound. This condition was setting up a new direction to the

operations of the healthcare organization. This shows that Florence Nightingale’s theory shows

how nurses are committed to improving healthcare conditions among patients. As a caregiver, it

is necessary to provide a necessary healing environment for patients, but God is in charge of



The provision of Florence Nightingale’s theory does not have concepts for the nursing

engagement to improve patient’s care. This means that nurses are at high risks of infections

while implementing the environmental theory of Florence Nightingale. With the increasing

population growth trends, the role of healthcare providers is overwhelming. In the future

engagement of nurses to implement the environmental theory, there is a need to consider

everyone in the healing, nurturing, and environmental cleanliness. “Nightingale in notes of

nursing mentions that many of the issues faced by the patients are not directly associated with the

disease itself, but the environment in which they are living” (Hussian & Karim, 2020, Paragraph

3). This means that all medical staff should be involved in maintaining a clean environment for

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patients in the hospital. Florence Nightingale’s theory should be implemented even in-home

based care by educating and training family members on how to maintain an appropriate

environment of healing. As a nurse, I must ensure that the operating room is well sterile to

ensure a high level of patient safety. A team effort can help in improving the healing process of

the patient based on the different metaparadigm of the patient.


Davis, M., Bass, J., & Whitt, J. (2020). NURS 230 Effectiveness of Florence Nightingale's

Environmental Theory. Retrieved from



Gilbert, H. A. (2020). Florence Nightingale's Theory and its influence on contemporary infection

control. Collegian. Retrieved from;


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Hussian, A., & Karim, K. (2020). ENHANCING PATIENT'S SURROUNDING:


NURSING PRACTICE. i-Manager's Journal on Nursing, 10(1), 45. Retrieved from;



Sher, A. N. A., & Akhtar, A. (2018). Clinical application of Nightingale's theory. Journal of

Clinical Research and Bioethics, 9(329), 2.
