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Nutritional Secrets For Effective Fat Loss LoveSexyAbs Nutritional Secrets For Effective Fat Loss
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Nutritional Secrets For Effective Fat Loss LoveSexyAbs

Nutritional Secrets

For Effective

Fat Loss

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Nutritional Secrets For Effective Fat Loss LoveSexyAbs


I. Introduction

II. Nutrition – carbohydrates & protein

III. The F word

IV. The good, the bad & the killer

V. Saturated fats

VI. Great sources of natural fat

VII. Vegetable, mineral & vitamin table

VIII. Body fat percentage

IX. The amount of calories your body needs

X. Translating your calories into food

Disclaimer: No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever

without written permission except in the case of brief quotations utilized in articles and

reviews. The programs and information expressed within this book are not medical advice,

but rather represent the author’s opinions and are solely for informational and educational

purposes. The author is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury or health

condition that may occur through following the programs and opinions expressed herein.

Dietary information is presented for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate

for all individuals. Consult with your physician before starting any exercise program or

altering your diet.

Author Website: www.lovesexyabs.com

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I hope you enjoy this e-book of six-pack nutrition. It has been compiled to give

you a helpful breakdown of nutrition to help all you six-pack beginners, who

really want to know how to eat and get results. Let’s face it, you just can’t get

ripped abs without paying careful attention to your diet. This book not only

gives you an insight into nutrition, but will also reveal some of the secrets to

six-pack nutrition. Please feel free to email this e-book to any of your friends

and gym-buddies that you decide will benefit from this book.

Inside this e-book, you will not only learn about a good, balanced nutrition

program, but also how to apply this to your six-pack. Nutrition does not have to

be boring either. There is no need to deny yourself tasty, meals or starve

yourself on Spartan meal plans. Instead, I am going to show you how to make

good choices, where to find them and how to manage your meals to help you

get an awesome set of abdominal muscles.

You may well have heard that getting a six-pack is down to 70% nutrition – well

that is true. However that does not mean you don’t have to train hard. In fact it

is the opposite! Good nutrition provides energy, recovery and development from

hard training. It is a symbiotic relationship which is essential to your six-pack

success, long-term health and peak fitness.

Poor nutrition is not only an obstacle to those of us striving for physical

excellence and a beautiful body; it is a national past-time. With great nutritional

information at our disposal, it is time to take responsibility for our eating habits.

Being overweight is a commonplace condition, especially in Western countries,

where food supplies are bountiful and lifestyles are sedentary.

Some 70% of the United States adult population is considered either overweight

or obese, and this percentage has increased over the last four decades. Epidemic

proportions have been reached, globally, with more than a billion adults being

either overweight or obese. Quite concerning is that increases in weight seem to

have been noted across all age groups.

There was a period of time I like to think of as ‘the dark age’, when the public

were misled in all manner of nefarious ways; corporate greed, personal

recognition or poor research. From as far back as the 50’s there have been

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baseless information on the types of fats we could eat, and which foods were

possibly associated to different forms of cancers. There have been pill and diet fads throughout the 70’s and 80’s. The second half

of the twentieth century saw the pursuit of convenience precede the successful

introduction of processed foods and chemicals onto our supermarket shelves. As

food companies realised the financial rewards to be gained, everything, but the

kitchen sink has been used to wage war against healthy, wholesome food


Recent research has uncovered many of the myths and poor nutritional

information and some equilibrium has been restored in recent years.

The opportunity to make healthy choices is now firmly in your hands rather

than unscrupulous food manufacturers. Hey, I am very passionate about

nutrition and health. Our food supply has become a source of heavily processed

foods, filled with chemicals and junk food for too long. It will not help with

your health and you will find it extremely hard to get ripped or toned eating this

kind of stuff!

There is nothing worse than hearing – ‘it can’t be that bad, I am still standing.

‘The truth is that you are exposed to degenerative diseases through poor eating

habits and there has been a sharp rise in type2 diabetes, cardiovascular damage;

and serious illnesses have been on the up and up for some time.

If you have the live fast, die young mentality then there is probably little point

in worrying about the kind of poor health you could face in the coming decades.

However, just pursuing a six-pack or toned body is enough to lead you down the

right path for now. It just so happens that in the pursuit of a six-pack you may

just find that good healthy nutrition has many unexpected long-term health

benefits besides looking good!

Me doing Dumbbell Clean & Shoulder Press

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In my role as a certified personal trainer, nutritionist and author of the

lovesexyabs program I have always been passionate about my clients’ health. I

can’t express enough how important nutrition is to your training program.

However, even if you are not involved in any exercise activities, or are the

juncture of starting out an exercise program you will find the nutritional

information in this e-book of great value and help. That is me above doing one

of my favourite fat-burning, muscle building exercises.

After reading this book, you will know how easy it is to make the right choices,

be able to devise your own meals and hopefully be inspired with fresh ideas on

your nutrition.

If you haven’t already joined the lovesexyabs revolution I really hope you will

be motivated to get a lean and mean physique with my abdominal training

program, which has lots of workouts, nutritional information and video tuition

to help you get the six-pack you have always dreamed of. You can also check

out my blog, which is totally free and great for nutritional tips and information

on getting a six-pack.


Nutrients are the substances found in food, which your body uses to build and

repair tissues, regulate body processes and are converted to and used as energy

for your workouts. You are probably familiar with the organic nutrients;

carbohydrates, fats, proteins (amino acids; proteins building blocks), and

vitamins. Inorganic chemical compounds such as dietary minerals, water, and

oxygen may also be considered nutrients.

Nutrients not found in your food source are said to be ‘essential’ if they must be

obtained from an external source, either because the organism cannot synthesize

it or produces insufficient quantities. Nutrients needed in very small amounts

are micronutrients and those that are needed in larger quantities are called


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The five basic nutrient groups

These basic nutrients should be part of your balanced diet






It is easy for most people to become obsessed with carbs and protein as part of

their dietary requirement and ignore the other food nutrients required as part of

a balanced diet. The importance of each nutrient will become apparent to you as

I reveal the benefits behind some of these less known food groups. In building

an awesome six-pack you should also consider not just the weight loss

properties, but the muscle-building, energy boosting and long-term advantages

to your health and training. Keeping this in mind I will give you a detailed

insight and reveal the less known values which will enhance your six-pack

training and give you the edge in achieving your goals.

Carbohydrates: functions and the hidden dangers.

The primary role of carbohydrates is to fuel your body with energy. Your brain

is dependent on glucose as fuel and your muscles for demanding exercise. The

importance of carbohydrates or carbs as they have become commonly known,

supplying energy to the brain and muscles is the reason why the body is able to

store small amounts of carbohydrates within the liver and muscles.

As the primary source of fuel to your body there really is no substitute nutrient

to gear you up for those intense training sessions and yet there is so much

damage carbs can do to your efforts in getting a toned, sculpted physique. In

recent years, the character of carbohydrates has taken a serious pounding. Carbs

have been hailed as the feared food in so many fad diets and on the other hand

an indispensable fuel source. So are carbs good or bad? The solution to that

dilemma is in understanding the different types of carbs in your food sources

and how your body uses them.

The body (muscles, brain, heart, and liver) require energy to function and

normally burns a mixture of carbs, as glucose and fat, fuel. When the stomach

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digests food, the carbohydrate in the food is broken down into glucose (a type

of sugar). The stomach and intestines absorb the glucose before releasing it into

your bloodstream for immediate use or stored for later use.

One of the important nutritional principles to grasp is that the body can store

approximately half a day’s supply of glycogen. Once you exceed this level it

becomes stored as fat. It takes time and patience to learn how much is too much

for you. How much carbs you eat a day before you start storing fat is something

you can only achieve by tracking the intake of your meals. Sounds complicated?

Well I will show you an easy method used in the lovesexyabs program.

There are no real dangers in gradually reducing your carb intake over a period

of time to find your optimal point, however remember that when you use more

energy than you are getting from you intake of food, your body will burn stored

fat (good news) and then protein (bad news) to fuel your bodily functions.

The body will fuel itself in any way if desperate enough and that includes eating

away at your muscles. The real lesson at this point is to learn how to reduce

your carbs slowly rather than going all out on low-carb diets which will affect

your training and energy levels.

Granted, it would take extreme levels of carb and protein deprivation before the

body began to eat away at your muscles, but eating a healthy balanced diet,

which includes maintaining a reasonable level of slow-burning carbs is the way

to go in six-pack training. It doesn’t really matter if you are eating carbs, fat or

protein - an excess of calories lead to weight gain or fat storage.

If you find long term solutions to your dietary requirements then your

development and changes to your body will be far more stable – which leads me

to the most important principle regarding carbs and must-do strategy in your

six-pack training.

Carbohydrates are divided into two main categories; simple carbs and complex

carbs. Your body uses them in very different ways and they are formed

differently. Different types of Carbohydrate convert at different rates and the

quicker the conversion the quicker and higher your insulin levels reach, which

is bad news if you are trying to maintain a lean physique and six-pack.

Insulin is a vital hormone in your body, which helps store the nutrients from the

food you intake. It is at a higher level after you eat and a lower level when you

are fasting.

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In the presence of high insulin levels your body will store fat rather than dispose

of it or if your energy reserves are full any additional glucose will lead to the

liver converting it to fat for distribution around your legs, thighs and stomach.

However, if the Carbohydrates are converted at a slower, steady rate the

subsequent release of insulin will be far lower and promote fat loss which is the

aim of eating carbs that convert at a slower rate. Your body cannot burn body fat

if your insulin levels are too high.

You can exercise, train and do all the abs workouts you like, but, but if your

insulin levels are high you cannot burn body fat. The best way to insure low

insulin levels is either by eating foods with a low Glycemic Index (G.I), which

will result in muscle loss and yo-yo fat loss.

There is nothing wrong with including simple carbohydrates in your diet; the

key is in choosing the right time to eat them! Simple carbs (fruits such as

nectarines, grapes, cherries, apples and pears) are made up of two to three units

of sugar, called fructose (fruit sugar), and are bound together in a single

molecule, which makes it readily available for use, whilst Complex carbs,

(brown rice, lentils, oatmeal, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, celery) constitute

hundreds of sugar units linked together in single molecules and because of their

‘complexity’ provide energy in a slower, more steady rate as long as they score

low to moderate on the glycemic index.

Complex carbs which score low to moderate take time to be broken down by

the body. At the other end of the spectrum are the simple carbs, which are

broken down very quickly and release short bursts of energy because of their

makeup. Please note that complex carbs with a high GI also behave more like

simple sugars and are digested quickly. Generally avoid white carbs like white

potatoes, pasta and bread - one of the main bad carbs. Remind yourself that

simple carbohydrates cause rapid spikes in blood sugar, as well as promote

additional carb or sugar cravings. Choose from a wide variety of moderate to

low healthy carbs in the glycemic index list.

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Your intake of ‘complete’ proteins is important in repairing and building muscle.

It seems the idea of building muscle can conjure up ideas of muscle-bound mass,

to both, women and men. However, if you are trying to lose fat and get a six

pack you will want to burn away the fat and reveal a toned physique beneath.

Pure weight loss often leaves your muscles underdeveloped and your physique

resembling a marathon runner. The right types of fat-burning, weights resistance

workouts will leave you with a lean, muscled physique. In sculpting your six-

pack physique you need to complement your training with good quality sources

of protein.

Proteins are part of every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. By putting your

body through intense exercise you are raising the levels at which some of the

body proteins are being broken down and replaced. The food protein with which

you ingest is digested into amino acids, which are then used to replace these

body proteins. However, not all proteins are equal.

A complete protein source is one that provides all of the essential amino acids.

Our bodies use 22 amino acids to make the 50,000 different proteins that are

present in the body. Of the 22 amino acids there are 8 that are termed ‘ essential

amino acids’ and can only be found in your diet. It is vital that you include these

complete proteins in your meals.

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Amino Acid






mg. Generates



(Against) Augments

1 Isoleucine* Ile 10 - - muscles

2 Leucine* Leu 14 - - blood, muscle,


3 Lysine Lys 12 - calcium herpes, triglycerides

4 Methionine Met 13 cysteine selenium,

zinc hair, skin, chelator

5 Phenylalani

ne Phe 14 tyrosine B6 depression

6 Threonine Thr 7 glycine, serine - collagen, tooth


7 Tryptophan Trp 3.5 niacin, seratonin - depression

8 Valine* Val 10 - - muscles

Food Sources: Fish - meat - poultry - cottage cheese - peanuts - lentils

The key to making lean muscle gains take three vital ingredients – exercise,

recovery and sufficient quantities of high quality protein. It is well known that

protein contains the essential building blocks for lean muscle called amino acids.

It should come as no surprise how important a role protein provides in the

development of lean muscle. The body is limited to how much protein it can

actually absorb per meal.

The approximate limit is 50grams per meal so your consumption of protein

should be spread out throughout the 5-6 meals you will eat per day in order to

keep your muscles fed with a balanced supply of protein.

Do not imagine that cooking 5-6 meals per day will involve you spending half

your day in the kitchen, but spreading your calorific intake, helps to promote fat

loss and optimal muscle repair. Whether at work or in the car, it is easy enough

to carry a small Tupperware container with a small portion of food - right? Get

into the habit of eating frequently. Consuming high quality proteins from fresh

sources such as; organic lean meat, chicken and turkey breasts, salmon and tuna,

egg whites. Soy beans and milk will not only aid your training, but long-term


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Fat burning foods

A great ally to help you in the battle against stubborn belly fat is to complement

your nutritional requirements with fat-burning foods. Yes there really is such a

thing. Often the effects of some foods are only small, while others have a

greater influence. However, it is certainly better to consume foods that assist

your fat loss rather than pile on the calories with junk and processed food.

Consider the information in this section when you continue through the

nutritional guide and think about how you can put these fat-fighting foods to the

test in a single meal.

Speeding up your digestive process with FIBRE!

‘Eating up all your vegetables – they’re good for you’, seems to be rather more

prophetic than your mother could have ever guessed. When you eat too many

animal-based protein foods, it takes your digestive system longer to break down

than plant-based foods for example. As the meat molecules loiter in the

gastrointestinal tract, you may experience a bloating of your belly or suffer a

build-up of gaseous pressure.

Many factors affect emptying of the stomach, including the amount of muscle

action and the kind of food you eat - carbohydrates, spend the least amount of

time in the stomach, while protein stays in the stomach longer, and fats the

longest. Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods

(especially those rich in fibre such as oatmeal and brown rice) than processed


One method you can employ in order to promote speedy digestion and fat loss

is to reduce meat products after lunch, dinner or a few times a week. Your last

meal, or two, of the day should contain large amounts of dietary fibre; in the

form of plant based foods. Lots of dietary fibre speeds up your digestive system

and vegetables (a source of soluble fibre) aids digestion by creating a viscous

substance as it breaks down. Insoluble fibre can then move more freely through

the colon, clearing it of bulk and waste.

Keep in mind that insoluble fibre is responsible for the full feeling you get after

eating and is hard to digest; subsequently they are passed out of the body rather

than being absorbed as calories! You can think of insoluble fibres as a scrubbing

brush that passes through your digestive system. Great sources of insoluble fibre

are apples, bran flakes, lentils, almonds and root vegetables.

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Additionally, artichoke, lima beans, peas, cabbage and carrots and cucumbers

can be considered great fibre sources. However, remember some vegetables like

sweet potatoes and potatoes are quite heavy in calories. That doesn’t mean you

can’t eat them, just remember they are quite calorie dense. Late evening meals

can typically include some of these vegetables or fruit salads.

Soft berries and thin-skinned pears, raspberries and blackberries contain high

amounts of fibre and vegetables such as Spinach and Broccoli are considered

fibrous and nutritious. There is plenty to choose from if you consider lentils,

soybeans, black or kidney beans also provide great fibrous benefits.

Accompanying all your meals with fibre will aid your digestion and encourage

fat loss.

The real benefit of consuming fat-burning foods is to keep your body steadily in

fat-burning mode. Combining your six-pack and fat loss training with fat-

burning foods is going to keep you lean and doubly reward your efforts in the

gym. Fat burning foods can be considered as having a neutral effect on my

metabolism. After all, I am not actually piling on the weight, but encouraging

my body to slow-burn the calories from food. It is tipping the scales towards

lean muscle and a toned stomach.

Speeding up your metabolism to burn fat

ALL foods have are "thermogenic effect" to some level because your body

must use energy to digest them. Obviously some foods have a higher

thermogenic effect than others and lean protein tops the polls for lean-muscle

growth and thermic qualities. Research has revealed that the thermic effect of

protein is the highest of all the foods in your diet, requiring about 30% of the

calories it contains, just for digestion and absorption. Imagine a 300 calorie

chicken breast takes 90 calories to digest!

By combining lean protein (turkey, chicken breast, game and egg whites) with

essential fats and green vegetables you are going to super boost your

metabolism. Imagine combining this dietary strategy with high intensity training!

You are turning your body into a mean and lean fat-burning machine.

Whilst berries, fruit and beans get all the attention keep in mind that lean

protein is far more effective as a fat burning food and the complex breakdown

of amino-acids in protein is an intensive process for your body; it is one of the

reasons I always encourage my clients to stick to lean protein and vegetables

towards the end of the day.

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Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C and the body is known to use this nutrient in

the process of fat metabolism. Try oranges, grapes, apples, tomatoes,

strawberries, cherries, kiwi fruit, and raspberries. A total fruit breakfast is a

sure-fire way to boost your fat-loss!

Does Green Tea Really Work?

Nutritional researchers have carried out scientific studies to determine the

effect of some of the more popular fat-burning foods such as green tea.

Although it has many beneficial health benefits and cancer-fighting properties,

green tea has been also strongly associated with weight loss. It has been shown

to lower total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL)

cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol. However it is a compound called epigallo-

catechin gallate (EGCG), one of the polyphenols in green tea, which gives a

small increase in the metabolic rate (over 24 hours). It would take 3-4strong

cups of green tea to make up a necessary amount of ECGG (270-300 mg) to

replicate the effect. However, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports

that by drinking four cups of green tea a day you may lose more than six pounds

in eight weeks- a reasonable additional loss of fat you can appreciate.

The F word

The definition of fat, in the dictionary, is described as a natural oily or greasy

substance occurring in animal bodies, esp. when deposited as a layer under the

skin or around certain organs. Little wonder that fat has had a bad rap for so

long given the many ways it has been viewed as something to purge from our


In reality fat can play a vital role in your bodily functions. There are many

different kinds of fats, but each is a variation on the same chemical makeup. All

fats are derivatives of fatty acids and glycerol and are organic compounds that

are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and a source of energy in foods.

Fats belong to a group of substances called lipids, and come in liquid or solid

form and are a combination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The body

NEEDS fat as a source of a healthy diet. In the right proportion, the right kinds

of fats are as essential in your meals as carbohydrates and protein and are

necessary for your bodily functions.

Fat also serves as a kind of shock absorber against a host of diseases. If any

unsafe levels of chemical or biotic substances are to be found in the

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bloodstream the body reduces and manages these hazardous levels by storing it

in new fat tissue.

By natural design your body is protecting the vital organs from disease until

they can be metabolized and/or excreted. If you are trying to get a really great

set of ripped abs, remember it is virtually impossible to rid your body of fat, but

if you could - imagine some of the dangers your health would be exposed to.

Typically, fats form an important part of cell membranes, aid the body to use fat

soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), provide protection for the organs, energy and

a means of energy storage and make up the greater percentage of the brain and

spinal column. Fats are not just a greasy, oily substance to be found idly

hanging around your stomach and yet it is one of the biggest obstacles to

overcome in revealing your abdominal muscles. The real dilemma is consuming

a healthy proportion of the right kinds of fat and understanding where the

source of those fats can be found.

(The chemical makeup of fat)

The molecules are called triglycerides, which are triesters of glycerol (an ester

being the molecule formed from the reaction of the carboxylic acid and an

organic alcohol). As a simple visual illustration, if the kinks and angles of these

chains were straightened out, the molecule would have the shape of a capital

letter E. The fatty acids would each be a horizontal line; the glycerol

"backbone" would be the vertical line that joins the horizontal lines.

In trying to attain a really sculpted six pack it is best to consider two points

concerning fats; the amount you consume and which food source will provide

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you with a good balance of healthy fats. Fundamentally just another nutrient,

like carbs and protein, fats are more energy dense (containing more calories per

gram than carbs). Eating more fat than your body can burn will result in the

storage of fat and it is the same as any other macronutrient (carbs and protein).

It is because fat is so calorie dense that it can easily sabotage your efforts to

lower the levels of fat from your body if you consume too much.

Consider a healthy consumption of fat as part of your daily calorific

requirement. It is one of the main components in all of the cell membranes

throughout your entire body and a balanced intake of healthy natural fats will

aid your cellular processes.

Healthy natural fats also healthy dietary fats are necessary for peak hormone

production and balance within the body and subsequent muscle building and fat

burning processes. Other important functions of healthy dietary fat consumption

are in aiding vitamin and mineral utilization, enzyme regulation, and energy.

The Good, the Bad and the Killer!

So what is all the ‘bad fat’ press about? Well, one of the clear dangers to your

health is in eating man-made, heavily processed and chemically altered fats that

are found in most processed foods; your cellular function is impaired as these

‘damaged fats’ become part of your cell membranes.

Your body is forced to work harder to function properly as well becoming at

risk from the development of degenerative diseases? It was previously thought

to be as simple as unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) -

GOOD and saturated fats-BAD. With this simple notion in mind food packaging

and promotion extol the benefits of unsaturated foods and oils, and in fairness

the principle behind these ideas is not wrong.

The fact is that Monounsaturated fat lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises

good cholesterol (HDL).Food sources for Monounsaturated fats are such foods

as nuts (peanuts, almonds, pistachio, and walnuts), Canola, Avocado and

Sunflower oil are also healthy choices, whilst Polyunsaturated fats and Omega 3

fatty acids, which are grouped together, lower your total cholesterol and LDL’s

and these are found in seafood like mackerel, salmon and fish oil.

However, the sleight of hand performed by food manufacturers and food

processing companies are that you will not benefit from consuming your

sources of polyunsaturated fats if you are getting them from processed sources.

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The latest researches into fat conclude that the real contribution to heart disease

and obesity are not saturated fat, but processed polyunsaturated fats. Under heat

and light, polyunsaturated fats become reactive and subsequently highly toxic

and these damaging, processed polyunsaturated fats are present in nearly all

processed food.

Processed polyunsaturated fat are not the only significant danger contained

within processed food; you should certainly be aware of hydrogenated fat/oils.

Vegetable seeds are cleaned, bleached to remove all smell, colour and taste and

in this purified state heated to high heat temperatures and chemicals are added.

Hydrogen is then added to the liquid and the mixture is then filtered, removing

the chemicals and leaving hydrogenated vegetable oil, salt, whey, vitamins,

flavourings, emulsifiers and colourings.

Partially hydrogenated oil turns into a semi-solid state (trans-fat) and has been

identified as the most damaging fat in our foods. Trans fat is the common name

for unsaturated fat with trans-isomer (E-isomer) fatty acid(s) and are typically

monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, but never saturated .

This ‘killer’ fat is introduced into most processed food to keep it fresher for

longer periods. The consumption of trans- fats increases the risk of coronary

heart disease by raising your levels of bad (LDL cholesterol) and lowering

levels of good (HDL cholesterol). The processing of foods is the single most

contributing factor to obesity and degenerative heart disease and you should try

to avoid all forms of processed food.

Examples of high saturated fat intake in the historical dietary habits of various

cultures have often been used as evidence to support arguments for the health

benefits of saturated fat. However, it is undermined by careless research and that

gives the wrong impression. Eskimos, who are renowned for their unique

dietary habits; whale blubber, seal fat and organ meat have been held up as great

examples of cultures whose high-fat diets have not caused any obesity and


African tribes such as the Masai remain lean and athletic from a diet largely

consisting of whole unprocessed milk, and beef and are also held up as great

examples of lean healthy physiques on a highly saturated diet.

However, when coming across these examples keep in mind that the Masai are

proven to suffer intimal thickening of the arteries and have a life expectancy of

50, while the Eskimo may well consume high quantities of animal fat, but it is

also accompanied by a high consumption of fresh fish and fish oils.

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My point is – that saturated fat is not the demonised nutrient that has often been

claimed, but that doesn’t mean you should take a high fat content as a safe

alternative. Successful dieting often equates to moderation.

I would certainly not say that there is nothing to learn from looking abroad.

Unsaturated fat is a stable feature in the Mediterranean diet and is a testament to

the low statistics attributed to heart disease. The lowest rates of death from

coronary disease are found in countries where Olive oil is virtually the only fat

consumed and it is safe to say that olive oil have been adopted in most kitchens

all over the world. If it is possible to use cold-pressed Olive oil even better.

‘Virgin’ means treated by hand only and no chemicals have been used in the

production. Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is far superior and has been

extracted from the olive without any heat. A couple of tips to keep in mind

when purchasing olive oil is to look for the dark bottles rather than pale; olive

oil degrades in light - so store in a cool dark place.

The latest, popular alternative to hydrogenate oils and fats is Krill oil, which

supplies the essential Omega-3 fatty acids. Delivering Omega-3 in the same

forms that are present in fish and fish oil but without the contamination found in

some fish. Krill oil is a great anti-oxidant and is a natural remedy to high

cholesterol. However it is recommended not to use krill oil if you have allergies

to seafood or are taking blood thinners as they may be some interaction. If in

doubt, check with your physician.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats are derived from animal products; meat, dairy and eggs and in

some plant-based sources - coconut, palm and palm kernel oils. Solid at room

temperature, saturated fats have long been hailed as the fat which raises LDL

(bad) cholesterol levels. There is much controversy on whether saturated fat is

really bad for you and I guess you have to decide which side of the fence to sit.

Saturated fatty acids (SFAs) have been called saturated because all available

carbon bonds are tied up with a hydrogen atom. SFAs are resilient to heat,

shelf-stable, and essential to many bodily functions ( half of our cell membrane

structure is composed of saturated fat), Saturated animal fats, like butter or fatty

organ meats, contain huge amounts of essential fat-soluble vitamins; K2, A, D,

among others.

It is agreed by all alike that LDL, or “bad cholesterol,” is increased by eating

saturated fat. Eating more saturated fat does seem to increase LDL, but it also

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increases HDL (“good” cholesterol), which is often overlooked in the

mainstream media. As far back as 2004 researchers in Rotterdam revealed that

high-saturated-fat fermented cheeses, containing large amounts of Vitamin K2,

reduced coronary heart disease.

[Dietary Intake of Menaquinone Is Associated with a Reduced Risk of

Co...rdam Study -- Geleijnse et al. 134 (11): 3100 -- Journal of Nutrition]

The real reason behind mentioning the Rotterdam Study is because saturated fat

has long been touted as the ‘bad’ fat, which only raises your LDL levels, which

is not entirely accurate.

Saturated fat is a source of energy, and your body also stores excess

carbohydrates as saturated body fat! When the body burns fat for energy, either

through exercise or through dieting, we are consuming huge amounts of

saturated (and monounsaturated) fat. If the human body is quite happy to store

carbs as saturated fat then you have to start to question some of the nutritional

information being presented to you.

Further mud-slinging involves linking saturated fat intake to some cancers. The

idea that saturated fat causes cancer was formed in the 50s, when scientist Ancel

Keys claimed that saturated fat raised cholesterol levels and caused heart


Key’s research was embraced and accepted by many. By the 1960s Keys was

able to convince a significant number of the general public that by replacing

saturated with unsaturated fat would result in a reduction of blood cholesterol

and heart disease.

The resulting changes in the composition of food fats led to a doubling of the

proportion of the unsaturated fatty acid, linoleic acid, in the body fat of

Americans between 1960 and 1975. Mortality rate from coronary heart disease

in the US began to fall from 1968 onwards, and about half of the decline was

ascribed to changes in lifestyle including diet.

In 1977, the US Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs,

chaired by Senator George McGovern, stated categorically that "the

overconsumption of fat, generally, and saturated fat in particular. . . have been

related to six of the ten leading causes of death. . ." in the United States.

However, Key’s research was dismissed as misleading by subsequent studies

into his data. Uffe Ravnskov, amongst others scientists, refuted Keys results

and accused him for having selection bias when supporting his conclusions. On

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examination of Ancel Keys’ data, Ravnskov found no correlation to back up

Keys’ findings.

Ancel Keys

The Hydrogenator

(Used to partially hydrogenate vegetable oils to create trans fats)

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Partially hydrogenated oil turns into a semi-solid state (trans-fat) and has been

identified as the most damaging fat in our foods. It has been dubbed the ‘killer’

fat and is introduced into most processed food to keep it them fresher for longer


Baked goods, such as crackers, cookies and cakes and many fried food contain

trans- fats; it is one of the reasons I avoid commercial fast food outlets. Also

shortenings and some margarine may contain high amounts of trans- fat.

Fortunately its terrible reputation has forced many manufacturers and food

chains to stop producing or stocking products containing trans-fat. I would

suggest keeping an eye on food ingredients; fully hydrogenated oils do not

contain trans-fat, but If the ingredient list includes the words - shortening,

partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or hydrogenated vegetable oil then the

product contains this deadly processed fat.

If the label points to a presence of a 0.5gms of trans-fat per serving, remember

that multiple servings will see you surpass the safe recommended amounts.

Although small amounts of trans- fat occur naturally in some meat and dairy

products, it's the tran- fats in processed foods that seem to be more harmful and

if there is anything you can take away from this section on fats, it is to avoid

processed fats and food at all costs.

It is not just damaging to your physique, but also a real danger to your health.

The processing of foods is the single most contributing factor to obesity and

degenerative heart disease and it has been unfortunate that natural and

unprocessed fats have been tarred with the same brush.

Remember, I am not advocating a super high-fat diet, but letting you know how

important and dangerous fats can be. It is important that you keep a balanced

intake of carbs, protein and fats, but keep in mind that fats are a calorie dense 9

calories per gram, which is why you should stick to moderate amounts.

One gram of protein = 4 calories

One gram of Carbohydrates = 4 calories

One gram of Fat = 9 calories

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Great sources of naturally occurring fat.

Use Olive oil, coconut oil (over 90% saturated fat), or palm oil for baking

and stir-frying.

Coconut oil is delicious and a great cooking oil for stir-frying, baking, since

saturated fats are much more stable and do not oxidize like polyunsaturated oils

when exposed to heat and light, which creates damaging free radicals. Good

sources of nutritious coconut fat are organic coconut milk, virgin coconut oil, or

fresh coconut.

Palm oil (non-hydrogenated) is also another healthy oil that is high in saturated

fat. Coconut fat contains some 65% medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). 50%

of which includes an MCT called lauric acid – which boosts the immune system.

MCT’s are used more easily for immediate energy rather than body fat storage.

Olive oil (71% monounsaturated, 16% saturated, and 13% polyunsaturated) is a

well-known alternative to hydrogenated vegetable oils and can be found in most

kitchens. Choose extra virgin olive oil, which is produced from the first pressing

of the olives and has higher concentrations of antioxidants. Unlike processed

oils, olive oil is not exposed to harmful chemicals or chemically altered.

Avocados (60% monounsaturated, 25% saturated, and 15% polyunsaturated)

are surprisingly not to everyone’s taste; however I find them a perfect

accompaniment to most dishes, especially hot and spicy food. They provide a

great variety of healthy natural fats, nutrients and fibre. Avocados are a very

healthy natural food that provides many nutrients, fibre, and healthful fats.

Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and trout are full of omega-

3 fatty acids. These mega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower triglycerides

(a type of fat in the bloodstream). Omega-3 fatty acids may also slow down the

growth of plaques in the arteries and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Medical research has found that getting daily omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil

could lower triglyceride levels by 25%-30%. The results were published in The

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1997.

High fat fish such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, trout, etc.: Just

about any fish or seafood are good sources of natural omega-3 polyunsaturated

fats, but the higher fat fish listed above are the best sources of omega-3.

The biggest misconception people have with nutrition and making changes to

their eating habits is that they will have to give up their guilty pleasures.

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Healthy nutrition is not about deprivation! It is about healthy choices. For

example, there is nothing wrong with chocolate (you’ll be pleased to hear), if

you choose dark chocolate – 70% cocoa content.

Cocoa beans are a very condensed source of anti-oxidants, healthy saturated

and monounsaturated fat and a small amount of polyunsaturated fat. Many of

the lighter milk chocolate brands are deficient in beneficial amounts of anti-

oxidants and healthy fats that can only be found in dark bittersweet chocolate

with over 70% cocoa content.

These lighter ‘milk chocolates’ contain high amounts of sugar, milk fat and corn

sweeteners. Always choose high cocoa content in your dark chocolate and

remember its health benefits do not give you a free pass on the calorie-dense

fats. A whole bar of chocolate in one sitting is sure to pile on the calories.

Nuts contain a rich source of healthy unprocessed fats, minerals and other

nutrients. Macadamias, almonds, and cashews are great sources of

monounsaturated fats, while walnuts are a good source of unprocessed

polyunsaturated fats; including omega-3.

Keep away from the salted, honey-roasted variety or nuts cooked in processed

oil. Stick to raw and dry-roasted as a healthy alternative. Nearly all nuts can be

said to contain healthy sources of fats, but they vary in their compositions of

carbs, protein-richness and fats.

Generally nuts are high in fat so use sparingly in porridges, shakes and as snacks.

(All nuts shelled, raw and unsalted)

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Peanuts 70g 11.4g 18.3g 35g Walnuts 70g 9.7g 11g 46g

Almond 70g 14g 15g 36g

Cashew 70g 22g 10.4g 31g

Dry Roasted

Pecan 68g 7.5g 5g 39g

Macadamia 65g 9g 5g 49.3g

Brazil 70g 8.7g 10.2g 47g

Seeds, in particular, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and flax

seeds are great sources of natural unprocessed healthy fats. Using seeds and

nuts to flavour porridges are a great way to introduce some of these natural fats

into your diet. However, it is always important to think ‘natural’ or ‘organic’.

In particular, flax seeds have a high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats,

however they are highly reactive to heat and light, and prone to oxidation and

free radical production. Buying fresh whole flax seed and grinding it down in a

coffee grinder is a must. Equally, flax oil is prone to react with heat and light.

Great for light sprinkling on salads, but always avoid using Flax oil to cook


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Meat and dairy products

Meat and dairy products are the one area, where I advise people to take the most

care. Cheap processed meat and dairy products create such pitfalls to your

training. They simply will not provide the quality nutrients you need to repair

and build muscle.

Animal fat is essentially good, however, if you choose fatty meats from animals,

which have been loaded with antibiotics and fattened up with hormones and un-

natural feed, the quality of your dairy products and meats are severely impaired.

I won’t comment on the debate which rages on about how effective organic

food against so-called ‘normal’ food is. I honestly believe the slightly increased

prices of free-range and organic meats and dairy products are a small price to

pay for my health.

Milk and cheese from grain-fed cows is very high in the omega-6 fats that are

already too high in our diets – unsaturated oils (peanut, canola, sunflower seed,

vegetable, wheat germ, grape seed, soybean, sesame seed and safflower), salad

dressings, mayonnaise, margarines and sandwich spreads.

Shortenings, a source of trans-fat, can be processed into commercially baked

goods; cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, pastries, breads, crackers are all high

sources of omega-6.

Omega-3 sources are far healthier and yet deficient from our diets. In

nutritional terms, the meat, milk and cheese from grain-fed cows you find in

most stores and restaurants is contaminated with various hormones and anti-


Although cows are naturally grass-feeding animals, 85-95% of dairy cows are

raised in confinement on a diet of cost-effective grain or corn. Highly unnatural,

these feeds change the ph. in cows and cause the need for the introduction of


Furthermore, a need for speedier production of milk often means that growth-

inducing hormones are introduced into the food chain as a matter of practice.

Subsequently, dairy products end up lacking in such important nutrients as

conjugated linoleic acid," or CLA (a potent cancer fighter). I can only make a

suggestion here – and that is to consider harvesting your source of protein and

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fats from grass-fed animals when possible. It will make a difference to your

health and your six-pack training.


Never mind all the supplements, keep it natural when possible. Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are made by plants, whilst minerals from the soil are drawn into plants. The leafier, more deeper and colorful vegetables contain the greater nutrients, and variety provides a greater range of minerals and vitamins for the body to absorb and benefit your training. High levels of vegetables or greens help to keep you lean because they are low in calories, high in volume and are packed with important nutrients. On a practical level they fill you up, without loading you up with fat and calories. Plant-based foods help to control your food cravings and snacking. New research has revealed the idea that a high vegetable intake can help turn off your cravings for processed foods!

The best vegetables to promote weight loss are typically high in fiber, low calorie and nutrient rich (fresh and green!) Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, sprouts, lettuce, watercress and kale are great examples of vegetables which promote weight loss, rich in vitamins A and C and have very high fiber content.

Vegetables with high water content - tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini and eggplant hydrate your body whilst introducing vitamins and minerals. If your aim is to lose weight and reveal a toned stomach then adding plenty more vegetables to your meals, will aid your efforts. Considering you are trying to keep your stomach toned and lean- vegetables provide a low calorie count and make a small contribution towards your daily protein intake; for that reason I have omitted the calorific and some macro nutrient values from the list I have put together.

I have included their health benefits. Green and leafy vegetables are generally very low in calories, whilst the fleshier vegetables carry more calories. A medium-sized artichoke can contain as much as three and a half grams of

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protein and ten calories and a whole Butternut squash can contribute up to ninety calories to the pot!

Vegetable, Mineral and Vitamin Tables

Vegetable Amount Minerals Vitamins


sprouted Alfalfa

1 Cup/100g

Potassium - 26 mg

Phosphorus - 23 mg

Magnesium - 9 mg

Calcium - 11 mg

Iron - 0.32 mg

Sodium - 2 mg

Zinc - 0.3 mg

Copper - 0.052 mg Manganese - 0.062 mg

Selenium - 0.2 mcg

Vitamin C - 2.7 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.025 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.042 mg

Niacin - 0.159 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.186 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.011 mg

Folic acid - 12 mcg

Vitamin A - 51 IU

Vitamin K - 10.1 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.01 mg


One medium Artichoke.

Potassium - 343 mg

Phosphorus - 88 mg

Magnesium - 50 mg

Calcium - 25 mg

Iron - 0.73 mg

Zinc - 0.48 mg

Copper - 0.152 mg

Manganese - 0.27 mg

Selenium - 0.2 mcg

Sodium - 72 mg

Vitamin C - 8.9 mg

Niacin - 1.332 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.06 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.107 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.097 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.288 mg

Folic acid - 107 mcg

Vitamin A - 16 IU

Vitamin K - 17.8 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.23 mg

Potassium - 202 mg Vitamin A - 905 IU

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Half cup (about 6 spears

Phosphorus - 49 mg

Calcium - 21 mg

Iron - 0.82 mg

Sodium - 13 mg

Magnesium - 13 mg

Zinc - 0.54 mg Copper - 0.149 mg

Manganese - 0.139 mg

Selenium - 5.5 mcg

Vitamin C - 6.9 mg

Niacin - 0.976 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.146 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.125 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.203 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.071 mg

Folic acid - 134 mcg

Vitamin K - 45.5 mcg

Vitamin E - 1.35 mg

Bamboo shoots

One cup of bamboo shoots/100g

Potassium - 640 mg

Phosphorus - 24 mg

Magnesium - 4 mg

Calcium - 14 mg

Iron - 0.29 mg

Sodium - 5 mg

Zinc - 0.56 mg

Copper - 0.098 mg

Manganese - 0.136 mg

Selenium - 0.5 mcg

Niacin - 0.36 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.024 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.06 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.079 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.118 mg

Folic acid - 2 mcg


One half cup of beetroot

Potassium - 259 mg

Phosphorus - 32 mg

Magnesium - 20 mg

Calcium - 14 mg

Iron - 0.67 mg

Sodium - 65 mg

Zinc - 0.3 mg

Copper - 0.063 mg

Manganese - 0.277 mg

Selenium - 0.6 mcg

Vitamin A - 30 iu

Vitamin C - 3.1 mg

Niacin - 0.281 mg

Folic acid - 68 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.023 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.034 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.123 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.057 mg

Vitamin K - 0.2 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.03 mg

Bok Choy

One cup of Bok Choy (Pak Choi),

Potassium - 631 mg

Phosphorus - 49 mg

Magnesium - 19 mg

Vitamin C - 44.2 mg

Niacin - 0.728 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.054 mg

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Calcium - 158 mg

Iron - 1.77 mg

Zinc - 0.29 mg

Copper - 0.032 mg

Manganese - 0.245 mg

Selenium - 0.7 mcg

Sodium - 58 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.107 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.134 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.282 mg

Folic acid - 70 mcg

Vitamin A - 7223 IU

Vitamin E - 0.15 mg

Vitamin K - 57.8 mcg


Half cup of broccoli

Potassium - 229 mg

Phosphorus - 52 mg

Calcium - 31 mg

Sodium - 32 mg

Magnesium - 16 mg

Iron - 0.52 mg

Zinc - 0.35 mg

Copper - 0.048 mg

Manganese - 0.151 mg

Selenium - 1.2 mcg

Vitamin A - 1207 IU

Vitamin C - 50.6 mg

Niacin - 0.431 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.049 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.096 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.156 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.48 mg

Folic acid - 84 mcg

Vitamin K - 110 mcg

Vitamin E - 1.13 mg

Brussels Sprouts

One cup of Brussels Sprouts,

Potassium - 495 mg

Phosphorus - 87 mg

Magnesium - 31 mg

Calcium - 56 mg

Iron - 1.87 mg

Zinc - 0.51 mg

Copper - 0.129 mg

Manganese - 0.354 mg

Selenium - 2.3 mcg

Sodium - 33 mg

Vitamin C - 96.7 mg

Niacin - 0.947 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.167 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.125 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.393 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.278 mg

Folic acid - 94 mcg

Vitamin A - 1209 IU

Vitamin E - 0.67 mg

Vitamin K - 218.9 mcg

Butternut squash

One cup of Butternut squash,

Potassium - 582 mg

Phosphorus - 55 mg

Magnesium - 59 mg

Calcium - 84 mg

Iron - 1.23 mg

Zinc - 0.27 mg

Vitamin C - 31 mg

Niacin - 1.986 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.148 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.035 mg

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Copper - 0.133 mg

Manganese - 0.353 mg

Selenium - 1 mcg

Sodium - 8 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.736 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.254 mg

Folic acid - 39 mcg

Vitamin A - 22868 IU

Vitamin K - 2 mcg

Vitamin E - 2.64 mg


One half cup of cabbage,

Potassium - 147 mg

Phosphorus - 25 mg

Magnesium - 11 mg

Calcium - 36 mg

Iron - 0.13 mg

Sodium - 6 mg

Zinc - 0.15 mg

Copper - 0.013 mg

Manganese - 0.154 mg

Selenium - 0.5 mcg

Vitamin C - 28.1 mg

Niacin - 0.186 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.046 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.029 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.084 mg

Folic acid - 22 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.13 mg

Vitamin A - 60 IU

Vitamin K - 81.5 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.11 mg


½ cup -cooked

Potassium - 183 mg

Calcium - 23 mg

Phosphorus - 23 mg

Magnesium - 8 mg

Iron - 0.27 mg

Sodium - 5 mg

Zinc - 0.3 mg

Copper - 0.052 mg

Manganese - 0.062 mg

Selenium - 0.2 mcg

Vitamin A - 13286 IU

Vitamin C - 2.8 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.051 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.034 mg

Niacin - 0.503 mg

Folic acid - 11 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.181 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.119 mg

Vitamin K - 10.7 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.8 mg


Half cup cooked with no added salt

Potassium - 88 mg

Phosphorus - 20 mg

Calcium - 10 mg

Iron - 0.2 mg

Vitamin C - 27.5 mg

Niacin - 0.254 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.026 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) -

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Magnesium - 6 mg

Sodium - 9 mg

Zinc - 0.11 mg

Copper - 0.011 mg

Manganese - 0.082 mg

Selenium - 0.4 mcg

0.032 mg

Folic acid - 27 mcg

Vitamin B6 - 0.107 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.315 mg

Vitamin A - 7 IU

Vitamin K - 8.6 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.04 mg


One cup of celery- cooked

Potassium - 426 mg

Phosphorus - 38 mg

Magnesium - 18 mg

Calcium - 63 mg

Iron - 0.63 mg

Sodium - 136 mg

Zinc - 0.21 mg

Copper - 0.054 mg

Manganese - 0.159 mg

Selenium - 1.5 mcg

Vitamin C - 9.2 mg

Niacin - 0.479 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.064 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.07 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.129 mg

Folic acid - 33 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.292 mg

Vitamin A - 782 IU

Vitamin K - 56.7 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.53 IU

Chinese cabbage

One cup of Chinese cabbage (pe-tsa)i-boiled

Potassium - 268 mg

Phosphorus - 46 mg

Magnesium - 12 mg

Calcium - 38 mg

Iron - 0.36 mg

Sodium - 11 mg

Zinc - 0.21 mg

Copper - 0.035 mg

Manganese - 0.182 mg

Selenium - 0.5 mcg

Vitamin C - 18.8 mg

Niacin - 0.595 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.052 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.052 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.0211 mg

Folic acid - 63 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.095 mg

Vitamin A - 1151 IU


One large ear of yellow corn, boiled

Potassium - 257 mg

Phosphorus - 91 mg

Magnesium - 31 mg

Calcium - 4 mg

Selenium - 0.2 mg

Iron - 0.53 mg

Zinc - 0.73 mg

Copper - 0.058 mg

Vitamin C - 6.5 mg

Niacin - 1.986 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.11 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.067 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.164 mg

Folic acid - 27 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.935

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Manganese - 0.197 mg


Vitamin A - 310 IU

Vitamin K - 0.5 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.11 mg


Half a cup of sliced cucumber with skins

Potassium - 76 mg

Phosphorus - 12 mg

Magnesium - 7 mg

Sodium - 1 mg

Calcium - 8 mg

Iron - 0.15 mg

Zinc - 0.1 mg

Copper - 0.021 mg

Manganese - 0.041 mg

Selenium - 0.2 mcg

Vitamin C - 1.5 mg

Niacin - 0.051 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.014 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.017 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.021 mg

Folic acid - 4 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.135 mg

Vitamin A - 55 IU

Vitamin K - 8.5 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.02 mg


One cup of cooked eggplant

Potassium - 122 mg

Phosphorus - 15 mg

Magnesium - 11 mg

Calcium - 6 mg

Iron - 0.25 mg

Sodium - 1 mg

Zinc - 0.12 mg

Copper - 0.058 mg

Manganese - 0.112 mg

Selenium - 0.1 mcg

Vitamin C - 1.3 mg

Niacin - 0.594 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.075 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.02 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.085 mg

Folic acid - 14 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.074 mg

Vitamin A - 37 IU

Vitamin K - 2.9 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.41 mg


One cup of raw fennel bulb

Potassium - 360 mg

Phosphorus - 44 mg

Magnesium - 15 mg

Calcium - 43 mg

Iron - 0.64 mg

Sodium - 45 mg

Zinc - 0.17 mg

Copper - 0.057 mg

Manganese - 0.166 mg

Selenium - 0.6 mcg

Vitamin C - 10.4 mg

Niacin - 0.557 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.009 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.028 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.041 mg

Folic acid - 23 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.202 mg

Vitamin A - 117 IU

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French beans

One cup of French beans, boiled

Potassium - 655 mg Phosphorus - 181 mg

Magnesium - 99 mg

Calcium - 112 mg

Iron - 1.91 mg

Sodium - 11 mg

Zinc - 1.13 mg

Copper - 0.204 mg

Manganese - 0.676 mg

Selenium - 2.1 mcg

Vitamin C - 2.1 mg

Niacin - 0.966 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.23 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.11 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.186 mg

Folic acid - 133 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.393 mg

Vitamin A - 5 IU

Green Pepper

One small pepper

Potassium - 130 mg

Phosphorus - 15 mg

Magnesium - 7 mg

Calcium - 7 mg

Iron - 0.25 mg

Sodium - 2 mg

Zinc - 0.1 mg

Copper - 0.049 mg

Manganese - 0.09 mg

Vitamin C - 59.5 mg

Niacin - 0.355 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.042 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.021 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.166 mg

Folic acid - 7 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.073 mg

Vitamin A - 274 IU

Vitamin K - 5.5 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.27 mg

Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


One cooked leek

Potassium - 108 mg

Phosphorus - 21 mg

Magnesium - 17 mg

Calcium - 37 mg

Iron - 1.36 mg

Sodium - 12 mg

Zinc - 0.07 mg

Copper - 0.077 mg

Manganese - 0.306 mg

Selenium - 0.6 mcg

Also contains small amounts of other minerals

Vitamin C - 5.2 mg

Niacin - 0.248 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.032 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.025 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.14 mg

Folic acid - 30 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.089 mg

Vitamin A - 1007 IU

Vitamin K - 31.5 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.62 mg

Contains some other

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vitamins in small amounts.

Lima Beans

One cup of cooked large lima

Potassium - 955 mg

Phosphorus - 209 mg

Magnesium - 81 mg

Calcium - 32 mg

Selenium - 8.5 mg

Iron - 4.49 mg

Sodium - 4 mg

Zinc - 1.79 mg

Manganese - 0.97 mg

Copper - 0.442 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.793 mg

Niacin - 0.791 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.303 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.103 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.303 mg

Folic acid - 156 mcg

Vitamin K - 3.8 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.34 mg



Half a cup of raw mushrooms

Potassium - 111 mg

Phosphorus - 30 mg

Magnesium - 3 mg

Calcium - 1 mg

Iron - 0.17 mg

Sodium - 2 mg

Zinc - 0.18 mg

Copper - 0.111 mg

Manganese - 0.016 mg

Selenium - 3.3 mcg

Vitamin D - 2 IU

Niacin - 1.262 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.028 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.141 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.036 mg

Vitamin C - 0.7 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.524 mg

Folic acid- 6 mcg


One cup of boiled okra,

Potassium - 216 mg

Phosphorus - 51 mg

Magnesium - 58 mg

Calcium - 123 mg

Iron - 0.45 mg

Sodium - 10 mg

Zinc - 0.69 mg

Copper - 0.136 mg

Manganese - 0.47 mg

Selenium - 0.6 mcg

Vitamin C - 26.1 mg

Niacin - 1.394 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.211 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.088 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.299 mg

Folic acid- 74 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.341 mg

Vitamin A - 453 IU

Vitamin K - 64 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.43 mg


One small cooked onion.

Potassium - 100 mg

Phosphorus - 21 mg

Calcium - 13 mg

Iron - 0.14 mg

Vitamin C - 3.1 mg

Niacin - 0.099 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.025 mg

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Magnesium - 7 mg

Sodium - 2 mg

Zinc - 0.13 mg

Copper - 0.04 mg

Manganese - 0.092 mg

Selenium - 0.4 mcg

Also contains small amounts other minerals

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.014 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.077 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.068 mg

Folic acid - 9 mcg

Vitamin A - 1 IU

Vitamin K - 0.3 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.01 mg

Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


One cup of cooked parsnip

Potassium - 573 mg

Phosphorus - 108 mg

Magnesium - 45 mg

Calcium - 58 mg

Iron - 0.9 mg

Sodium - 16 mg

Zinc - 0.41 mg

Copper - 0.215 mg

Manganese - 0.459 mg

Selenium - 2.7 mcg

Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Vitamin C - 20.3 mg

Niacin - 1.129 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.129 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.08 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.145 mg

Folic acid - 90 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.917 mg

Vitamin K - 1.6 mcg

Vitamin E - 1.56 mg

Contains some other vitamins in small amounts


One cup of boiled peas with no salt.

Potassium - 434 mg

Phosphorus - 187 mg

Magnesium - 62 mg

Calcium - 43 mg

Sodium - 5 mg

Selenium - 3.0 mg

Iron - 2.46 mg

Zinc - 1.9 mg

Manganese - 0.84 mg

Copper - 0.277 mg

Vitamin A - 1282 IU

Vitamin C - 22.7 mg

Niacin - 3.234 mg

Folic acid - 101 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.414 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.238 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.346 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.245 mg

Vitamin K - 41.4 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.22 mg


One medium baked potato

Potassium - 926 mg

Phosphorus - 121 mg

Magnesium - 48 mg

Calcium - 26 mg

Vitamin C - 16.6 mg

Niacin - 2.439 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.111 mg

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without salt Iron - 1.87 mg

Sodium - 17 mg

Zinc - 0.62 mg

Copper - 0.204 mg

Manganese - 0.379 mg

Selenium - 0.7 mcg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.083 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.65 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.538 mg

Folic acid - 48 mcg

Vitamin A - 17 IU

Vitamin K - 3.5 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.07 mg


One cup of cooked pumpkin

Potassium - 564 mg

Phosphorus - 74 mg

Magnesium - 22 mg

Calcium - 37 mg

Iron - 1.4 mg

Sodium - 2 mg

Zinc - 0.56 mg

Copper - 0.223 mg

Manganese - 0.218 mg

Selenium - 0.5 mcg

Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Vitamin C - 11.5 mg

Niacin - 1.012 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.076 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.191 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.108 mg

Folic acid - 22 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.492 mg

Vitamin A - 12230 IU

Vitamin K - 2 mcg

Vitamin E - 1.96 mg

Contains some other vitamins in small amounts


One cup of raw Rapini,

Potassium - 78 mg

Phosphorus - 29 mg

Magnesium - 9 mg

Calcium - 43 mg

Iron - 0.86 mg

Sodium - 13 mg

Zinc - 0.31 mg

Copper - 0.017 mg

Manganese - 0.158 mg

Selenium - 0.4 mcg

Also contains small amounts of other minerals

Vitamin C - 8.1 mg

Niacin - 0.488 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.065 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.052 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.068 mg

Folic acid - 33 mcg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.129 mg

Vitamin A - 1049 IU

Vitamin K - 89.6 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.65 mg

Contains some other vitamins in small amounts


One cup of raw


Potassium - 167 mg

Phosphorus - 15 mg

Magnesium - 24 mg

Calcium - 30 mg

Vitamin C - 8.4 mg

Niacin - 0.217 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.023 mg

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Iron - 0.81 mg

Sodium - 24 mg

Zinc - 0.16 mg

Copper - 0.039 mg

Manganese - 0.269 mg

Selenium - 0.3 mcg

Also contains small amounts of other minerals

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.057 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.059 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.02 mg

Folic acid- 58 mcg

Vitamin A - 2813 mg

Vitamin K - 144.9 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.61 mg

Contains some other vitamins in small amounts

Spirulina (seaweed)

One cup of dried spirulina 64.37 grams protein, 325 cal

Potassium - 1527 mg

Phosphorus - 132 mg

Magnesium - 218 mg

Calcium - 134 mg

Iron - 31.92 mg

Zinc - 2.24 mg

Manganese - 2.128 mg

Sodium - 1174 mg

Selenium - 8.1 mg

Copper - 6.832 mg

Also contains small amounts of other minerals

Vitamin C - 11.3 mg

Niacin - 14.358 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 2.666 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 4.11 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.408 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 3.898 mg

Folate - 105 mcg

Vitamin A - 638 mg

Vitamin K - 28.6 mcg

Vitamin E - 5.6 mg

Contains some other vitamins in small amounts

Sweet Potatoes

One medium sweet potato baked

Potassium - 542 mg

Phosphorus - 62 mg

Magnesium - 31 mg

Calcium - 43 mg

Sodium - 41 mg

Iron - 0.79 mg

Selenium - 0.2 mg

Manganese - 0.567 mg

Zinc - 0.36 mg

Copper - 0.184 mg

Vitamin C - 22.3 mg

Niacin - 1.695 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.122 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.121 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.326 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 1.008 mg

Folic acid- 7 mcg

Vitamin A - 21,909 mg

Vitamin K - 2.6 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.81 mg


One cup of boiled turnips

Potassium - 276 mg

Phosphorus - 41 mg

Magnesium - 14 mg

Vitamin C - 18.1 mg

Niacin - 0.466 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) -

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Calcium - 51 mg

Iron - 0.28 mg

Sodium - 25 mg

Zinc - 0.19 mg

Copper - 0.003 mg

Manganese - 0.111 mg

Selenium - 0.3 mcg

0.042 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.036 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.105 mg

Pantothenic Acid - 0.222 mg

Folic acid - 14 mcg

Vitamin K - 0.2 mcg

Vitamin E - 0.03 mg

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin Function Overdose/Toxicity Good Sources RDA –recommended

daily allowance

Vitamin A

Protects eyesight

Promotes healthy

eye function

Keeps skin, hair,

and nails healthy

Helps fight bacterial


Joint and bone pain, Hair

loss Skin changes

Headaches Blurred vision


Green, Yellow, or

Orange vegetables,

Cantaloupe, Apricots,

Sweet potatoes

IU=international Units

900IUl (men)

700 IU


Vitamin B6

Carbohydrates and

protein metabolism

Helps form red

blood cells

Proper nerve


Reduces heart


Regulates blood


Nerve destruction

Bananas Meats,

poultry, fish Potatoes

Broccoli Cereals and



Vitamin B12 Proper nerve


Helps form red

blood cells

Builds genetic


None known

Meats, poultry, fish Milk


Vegans may need



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Vitamin D Boosts Calcium absorption Boosts immunity Fights colon cancer



Weight loss


Fatty fish



200 IU

Ages 31-50

400 IU

Ages 51-70

Folic Acid DNA and RNA


Helps form red

blood cells

Important in growth

and development

Helps prevent birth


None known Orange and grapefruit


Green leafy vegetables



recommended for


Dried beans


Vitamin C Promotes healing

of cuts and wounds

Helps resist


Keeps gums


Strengthens blood

vessel walls


Kidney stones

Citrus fruits (oranges,




Green or red peppers



Vitamin E Helps form red

blood cells,

muscles, and other



Muscle weakness



Seeds and nuts,

Seafood, Eggs, Oils


Calcium Helps build strong

bones and teeth

Involved in muscle

contractions and

nerve function

Transmits nerve


Muscle and abdominal


Calcium kidney stones

Milk and milk products

(yogurt, cheese), Tofu,

Broccoli, Calcium

fortified orange juice,

Some fortified cereals


Chromium Works with insulin

for proper glucose


None known Egg yolks, Meat, Whole

grains, Cheese

35mcg for men

25mcg for women

Red meat, seafood, and

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Helps carry oxygen

to body tissues

including muscle

Liver disease



Dried apricots

Dried beans, Fortified

cereals, Supplement

recommended for


8mg for men

18mg for women


Works with calcium

to build and

maintain bones and


Helps convert food

to energy

Lowers blood calcium

Dairy products, Egg

yolks, Meat, poultry,

fish, Legumes, Soft




Vital for muscle

contractions and

nerve transmission

Important for heart

and kidney function

Helps regulate fluid

balance and blood


Slower heart beat

Kidney failure

Milk and yogurt

Many fruits and

vegetables (especially

oranges, bananas, and




Important in

function of many


Wound healing

Nausea and vomiting

Abdominal pain

Seafood, Meats, Eggs,

Whole grains

11mg for men

8 mg for women


Protects all cells

from free radical


Boosts immunity

Regulates thyroid

gland function

Protects prostrate



Hair loss

White Blotchy nails





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Body-fat percentage

It should be of no great surprise for you to learn that all the sit-ups, crunches

and side bend workouts you can endure will not result in great looking abs if

they are covered by a layer of fat. It really is not that difficult to develop your

abs, however it will take a little discipline for them to appear visible.

Have you ever noticed those people who are naturally lean and hardly work out

their abs and yet they possess an attractive midsection without ever having

trained as hard as you? It can be most frustrating, but it is by nature’s grace they

carry a low distribution of fat around their body.

In all probability you already sport your own set of reasonably developed abs if

you are participating in an active lifestyle - the difference, therefore, is purely

down to the differing body fat percentages. Lowering your body fat level is one

of the key strategies of six-pack nutrition and also very achievable if you take

on board good nutritional advice.

Women and men store fat at different rates and locations of the body;

principally women store fat around the hips and thighs, whereas men store fat

mainly in the abdominal area.

Quite simply men will need to aim to lower their body-fat percentage to under

10-11% a (at a body-fat percentage of 7-8% your abs will be absolutely defined,

lean and sculpted). For the women, your target is set slightly lower and your

aim is to reach 16-19%.

You may even find that once you reach these targets you might want to lower

your body fat composition a little further. It takes a long time to find a happy

medium between how you look and a safe level of body-fat.

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Typical levels of fat


Contest bodybuilder: 3-5%

Extremely lean: 6-9%

Lean: 10-15%

Average Male: 16-20%

Poor: 20-25%

Obese: 25%+


Fitness model/bodybuilder: 8-11%

Extremely lean: 12-15%

Lean: 16-19%

Average female: 20-25%

Poor: 25-29%

Obese: 30%+

Find out your current percentage of body fat and to keep a regular check on

whether it is lowering as you progress through the program. If you are a

member of a gym then just ask the staff to weigh and measure your body fat on

your next session.

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There are usually electronic scales in gym or health clubs that you can stand on

barefooted; a tiny electrical current, which runs through your body, will give

you an accurate reading of your body-fat percentage. Now you are armed with

the specific goal of lowering your body fat percentage to a level which will give

you great results it is time to look at your calorie intake!

The amount of calories your body needs?

There are various methods to find out how many calories you should be consuming per day. I have included a few basic methods for you to use. Some are simpler than others to use, but you will find the more information required, leads to a more accurate estimation of your calorific intake. 1. The first method is the simplest and that is to use your total bodyweight against a multiplier.

FAT LOSS = 12-13lbs X each pound of your bodyweight

WEIGHT MAINTENANCE = 15-16lbs X each pound of your bodyweight

WEIGHT GAIN = 18-1lbs X each pound of your bodyweight

Unfortunately, this method is the most inaccurate method you can use as it does not take into account the ratio of muscle and fat composition in the body, level of daily exercise or activity or gender.

Some factors can greatly affect figures and is the reason why I am urging you to grasp the principles of nutrition in order to tailor effective management of your dietary requirements.

It is not only the nutrition, but your workout routines which you will learn to adjust to suit your body. 2. The second method is the Harris Benedict Formula, which is also based on total bodyweight, but is far more accurate as it takes height, weight, age and gender into account. It only becomes less accurate in the extremely obese

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(overestimate calorific needs) or the very muscular (underestimating calorific needs.) However I would recommend this is a sufficient method for most people and will get you started on the road to managing your weight and dietary requirements. Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 X weight in kg) + (5 X height in cm) - (6.8 X age in years) Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 X weight in kg) + (1.8 X height in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)

Note: 1 inch = 2.54 cm. 1 Kg = 2.2 lbs. 1 stone=14lb

Example: Female Weight Height Age 64kg 165cm 34

BMR = 655 + (9.6 X 64) + (1.8 X 165) - (4.7 X 34) 655 + (614.4 + 297) - (159.8)

655 + (911.4 - 159.8) 655 + 751.6

BMR = 1406.6

Now that you know your BMR you can calculate your total daily expenditure by multiplying by any of the activity formulas below.

Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, couch potato)

Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week)

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Moderate active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week)-


Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week)

Elite Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/elite athlete training or twice a day training)

Your BMR is 1406.6 calories per day

Your activity level is moderately active (work out 3-4 times per week) Your activity factor is 1.55

Your Total Daily expenditure = 1.55 X 1406.6 = 2180 calories/day

You now have all the information required to work out roughly how many calories your body requires each day. Now you can reduce or add those calories to however you see fit.

Translating your calories into food!

You know how many calories to eat a day, but you need to how much carbs you should eat or what proportion of fats are in my daily intake? Well this is where it goes wrong for so many people trying to follow a complicated dietary plan. However it really couldn’t be any simpler than the method I am about to show you. The macronutrient profile is the breakdown of food and its nutrients. Looking at a basic breakdown of carbs, protein and fats in your diet the ratio and range differs with sedentary people to athletes involved in anything from high intensity to low-intensity training.

The most confusing thing is there are dozens of fitness experts, amateur nutritionists and dieting fanatics who will give you conflicting information. Add to the mix, the differing factors of an individual’s - genetics, age, gender or metabolism and you will get an idea of how many variables will lead you down the wrong path!

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The best and simplest method in deciding how much to consume and in what ratio is to follow a range within the recommended daily allowance set by medical and health officials: carbs 60%; protein 25%; Fats 15%. Now for the purpose of flexibility I would suggest you tinker with this figure a little and set a limit. It is generally acknowledged that a high-intensity training plan requires a higher consumption of protein and for this purpose I have set a range as follows:

Percentage of your total calorific intake for the day

CARBS: 40-60%

PROTEIN 20-40%

FATS: 10-20%

So, the consumption of fats remains low, but after using 60% carbs 30%protein, for a month or two you can amend these figures within their ranges to whichever target you feel brings the most benefit. But always give your body some time to react and learn to tailor your diet to your needs. An example; Carbs 40% Carbs 45% Carbs 50% Carbs 50%

Protein 40% Protein 35% Protein 40% Protein 35%

Fats 20% Fats 20% Fats 10% Fats 15 %

The conversion of calories

A man, for example, who is aiming for a daily calorific intake of 2300 calories, consumes the ratio as follows; 2300 calories @ Carbs 40% = 2300 X .40 = 920 calories from carbs

Protein 40% = 2300 X .40 = 920 calories from protein

Fats 20% = 2300 x .20 = 460 calories from fats

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Now for the even easy part: if we agree 920 calories of protein have to be consumed for the day you will have to do a little planning on how you are going to distribute this across the meals.

One gram of protein = 4 calories

So 920 calories divided by four = 230g of protein for the day.

CARBS contain an equal amount One gram of Carbohydrates = 4 calories

920 divided by four = 230gms of carbohydrates for the day

AND One gram of Fat = 9 calories

460 calories divided by nine = 51 g of Fat for the day

If you divide the daily amount of carbs, protein and fat by the amount of meals you will discover how many grams you should consume in a meal: Eg. 230g of protein divided by five meals = 46gms of protein to be consumed at each meal. Now you can plan your meals for the day! Once you decide on your daily calorie requirement and determine the ratio of carbs, protein and fat you must consume to grow a lean physique and stunning abs you can eat the exact amount of grams in your food. A similar nutritional section can be found in the lovesexyabs program; however it is accompanied by a comprehensive list of basic foods, their nutritional value and weight to aid in planning your meals. You are now qualified to feed your own body make good decisions in managing your body-fat percentage and gaining lean muscle. You will however have to be patient as you discover which ratio of carbs, protein and fats work for you. Take time and don’t expect instant results. Remember you are growing muscle and losing fat – so you need to keep an eye on your body fat percentages over intermittent periods of six –eight weeks.

Page 47: Nutritional Secrets For Effective Fat Loss · Nutritional Secrets For Effective Fat Loss LoveSexyAbs Contents: I. Introduction II. Nutrition – carbohydrates & protein III. The F

Nutritional Secrets For Effective Fat Loss LoveSexyAbs

I hope you have enjoyed this guide and take away some valuable lessons in how to achieve that lean, toned muscular physique you are after. If you are interested in learning more about exactly how to get a sculpted six

pack, and get into great shape check out my lovesexyabs program in which you

will find a comprehensively designed course, in nutrition and exercise.

Good luck. Sebastian Turrichi

P.S: Remember feel free to share this guide with friends or family or anyone

you feel may benefit from this information, and also be sure to look out for my

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and exercise.

P.S.S: Don’t forget to check out my blog for more great articles.
