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Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka...

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This Document was written with support from : Land and Equity Movement in Uganda - LEMU and her development partners - Alistair Berkley Trust, CORDAID, DANIDA, DFID and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Land and Equity Movement in Uganda (LEMU) Making land work for us all E M U Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1 st Omaruk 2009 Ateso and English Version

This Document was written with support from :

Land and Equity Movement in Uganda - LEMU and her development partners -Alistair Berkley Trust, CORDAID, DANIDA, DFID and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

Land andEquity Movementin Uganda (LEMU)

Making land work for us all


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka atekerka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Ateso and English Version

PB ��

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, �st Omaruk 2009

Nu Ingarenitos

Koteso alupok nu edeparitos 90% idario kopiten, kitwasamaete kotupitete nutupitono,nuiswama, kapedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok.Karaida ejenasi nutupitono, nuiswama, kapedorosio nu ikulepek alupok ko Teso, mam aturio nuitetiak ejatatar kaijen na kanu aijulujuleta nu alomununutu.Emunaara konye do ejautene katutubena acie koteso, ne adaunia elongilong ikaru lu adepasi 20, ka da anyoun na itunga alosit aiboi ko ogaason.Keja ngun da, mam ikootin lu apugan ka icie itunga lumam erasi Iteso konye koja Uganda emisiikitos kodoco, nutupitono, nuiswama, ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok ko Teso, kada epone lo eyaitere alupok nu epiten koTeso.

Kosodi konye emameete aiwadikaeta nu ti itodunitos eyaitene loka alupok kopiten, erai do aikopanakin anyoun katur adiope toni nace aturi: kopone kalo iswamatatar iboro kiteete aturio ngun, ka nu elimonokinio kes kada awaragasia nuitatamio.Kwape do ejaari ationis na iyatar itiyai itunga, kojaasi aibong oreria, ka itetenar ka ainakin ngul lu imorikikina akiro nu amisiikin nutupitono, nuiswama, kapedorosio kikulepek alupok kwape ejaatatar aibunget na ikisila.Adau do atukot na Iteso Cultural Union (ICU) kitwasamai atenut ke na ikamanara ka akiro nu isuban edeke, aiwadikaun nutupitono, nuiswama, kapedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, kitwasamaete agangat nak apomora wok kotoma apolo, kacut atukot naka “Land and Equity Movement in Uganda-LEMU, kangul luigangitos kesi da.Kicamunit sio cut ebe ebuni aiwadikaet na aijaikin/Aitacaikin itunga wok akiro nupe ipu nu itacaikinate kes nuitupitono kanu ikamanara ka eyaitene loka alupok wok, ido ebuni aigang ikootin/ Adieketa nuapugan, ka icie da lu ikamanara aswamisinei kec ka alupok wok.Kimuno da cut ebe ebuni awadikaet na aingongar ingungeta lu etapit aitorunun alupok kwape nat:


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

i. Ingungeta kanu ikorwonii. Ademio na alupok kama ejaas: Apesur nu mam edukokina, isap lu euritai okale, angor nu adaun edukone kosodete abongun oreria auriak kec, ngul lu alwakiata koreria kec. Konye nukican apolok atekerin lupeti ebeit ayuarit apedorosio nupenu kesi bobo edemete itunga alupok.iii. Agwelanaro na alupok taitai komam apolok ateker ecamunitos, komam da iwomoomoi nuka aturio kanu ko ingaren, konye kanu ajon, akusia aijar, ainomia epiki,, komam aberu , kiduwe da ejenete. iv. Aitwegel itunga luipu alupok ngupengun kanu eranga lo apiyai. Kacepak eyauni eyarit v. Akokoanakin agwelanar alupok nu icie tunga, arai nu opiten, arai nu apugan kwape nat isama. vi. Ingungeta lu eyaunete itunga ngul ebwosete kosodete adaun apak na eoja emameete kanen do konye abongun kanu amariaun alupok agwelar. vii. Ingungeta lu eyauni atamit aiyakun bobo alupok nu kolo akorasi lu apaa wok ne eja itunga icie , arai adekisia, isomeroi, isokonin,ne eboliare, kane ilipere.viii. Arengianaro na apuser, ikokiok, ka iduwe alupok kec. ix. Engarenok icie abuyonor alupok kepali kec ebe kanu apolo konye komam etacakinete idio bore nepe cep da. x. Eiguri lo emina alomun ketub ekooti emusago komam emisiikit eyaitene loka alupok kopiten.

Ainingosit do na ejai kingaren nes epone lo isiriamikinet eitabo lo itunga lu itebeikitai, kosodi aitam atupakin nu eja toma aiwadikaet na, ka epone lo kijenunia epone lo ingarakitor aiwadikaet na, arai bonat atiokisio nu ejaas toma tetere kipedori aitojokaar.

Aitolomunio naka aiwadikaet kana, elomunit ko gurupu lo itunga ikany ka aare lu asekunio kairiamun naka aisisia na ajaikina itunga da icie luikamanara ka eidare loka alupok kopiten, kojasi LEMU da toma. Abu do egurupu lo kitolomu aiwadikaet Na sodit kitwasamai aomisio nu alemunete imeeban lu atukuno toma aisisia na. Aiwidikaet do na


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

i. Ingungeta kanu ikorwonii. Ademio na alupok kama ejaas: Apesur nu mam edukokina, isap lu euritai okale, angor nu adaun edukone kosodete abongun oreria auriak kec, ngul lu alwakiata koreria kec. Konye nukican apolok atekerin lupeti ebeit ayuarit apedorosio nupenu kesi bobo edemete itunga alupok.iii. Agwelanaro na alupok taitai komam apolok ateker ecamunitos, komam da iwomoomoi nuka aturio kanu ko ingaren, konye kanu ajon, akusia aijar, ainomia epiki,, komam aberu , kiduwe da ejenete. iv. Aitwegel itunga luipu alupok ngupengun kanu eranga lo apiyai. Kacepak eyauni eyarit v. Akokoanakin agwelanar alupok nu icie tunga, arai nu opiten, arai nu apugan kwape nat isama. vi. Ingungeta lu eyaunete itunga ngul ebwosete kosodete adaun apak na eoja emameete kanen do konye abongun kanu amariaun alupok agwelar. vii. Ingungeta lu eyauni atamit aiyakun bobo alupok nu kolo akorasi lu apaa wok ne eja itunga icie , arai adekisia, isomeroi, isokonin,ne eboliare, kane ilipere.viii. Arengianaro na apuser, ikokiok, ka iduwe alupok kec. ix. Engarenok icie abuyonor alupok kepali kec ebe kanu apolo konye komam etacakinete idio bore nepe cep da. x. Eiguri lo emina alomun ketub ekooti emusago komam emisiikit eyaitene loka alupok kopiten.

Ainingosit do na ejai kingaren nes epone lo isiriamikinet eitabo lo itunga lu itebeikitai, kosodi aitam atupakin nu eja toma aiwadikaet na, ka epone lo kijenunia epone lo ingarakitor aiwadikaet na, arai bonat atiokisio nu ejaas toma tetere kipedori aitojokaar.

Aitolomunio naka aiwadikaet kana, elomunit ko gurupu lo itunga ikany ka aare lu asekunio kairiamun naka aisisia na ajaikina itunga da icie luikamanara ka eidare loka alupok kopiten, kojasi LEMU da toma. Abu do egurupu lo kitolomu aiwadikaet Na sodit kitwasamai aomisio nu alemunete imeeban lu atukuno toma aisisia na. Aiwidikaet do na

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

angeset nes aponi kopesikinai ne ejaasi imeeban luka ekansulo loka ICU lu adeparitos Akwatat(100) ka ikansilan luko idistriktan luko Teso (104), kanu kesi aitogogongoor aiwadikaet ngin.

Akoto do eong ayangaar na kwape ekapelu aisukuyuun Iteso kere lu etereikina aswam kec ka alupok, apugan naka okiding, apugan na okwap, imeeban wok lu airabet, k’apolok atekerin,ipolok, apolokinitok idiinin, ikagwelanarak, lukojokotau, ka itunga kere lu k’oteso aimorikin, kosodete aswam nepepe kanu anyun ebe kitogogongoori oni nutupitono, nuiswama, ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok ko’twasamae loka alupok nu epiten kotupitos nu ejaasi aibunget na apolon na ikisila luka akwap wok. Aisisianakin ngul kere lu ikamanara aswam kec ka alupok. Kitolomunit aiwadikaet na kotoma Ateso ka Amusugun tetere epedorete akiro nu airiam itunga luipu.Ageyari kama ejaasi apolok atekerin kotoma adoketa nu egelegela kitoni neja lukojokotau, kilipit sio yesi aingarakin sio aisarar/ akorar ka aitolomikin aijen nutupitono, nuiswama ka apedorosio ikulepek alupok otunga, ka da aitup nuiswamaunos akaulo na ateker adumun aiwadikaet na, ka aijukun nu esisiaunete kesi ne ejai ICU kitoritotor asaduk na eposita P. O. BOX 705, SOROTI. Arai bonat ofisi loka LEMU lo ejai SOCADIDO, C/O P.O. BOX 641, SOROTI.

Augustine Lemukol OsubanEmorimor Papa Iteso

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009





ATUTUBET NAKIUNIET - APEDOROSIO NUKA AJAUT KEDE ALUPOK. 3 - Apedorosio nuka itunga kere lu okale. 4 - Apedorosio nuka kalu epolokitos ikalia 5 - Apedorosio nuka eruman 6 - Apedorosio nuka isap ka apesur nu mam edukokina 7 - Apedorosio nuka apuser 8 - Apedorosio nuka ikoki

ATUTUBET NAIWONGONET-EIDARE LOKA ALUPOK 9 - Ateker 10 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo 11 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo 12 - Aurianeta 13 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela 14 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela

15 - Aurianeta 16 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo otem 17 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo otem 18 - Aurianeta 19 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo oDistrikt 20 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo oDistrikt 21 - Aurianeta 22 - ICU 23 - Imeeban luka ekansulo loka ICU 24 - Ipeluik luka imeeban luka ekansulo lo ICU 25 - Aurianeta

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009





ATUTUBET NAKIUNIET - APEDOROSIO NUKA AJAUT KEDE ALUPOK. 3 - Apedorosio nuka itunga kere lu okale. 4 - Apedorosio nuka kalu epolokitos ikalia 5 - Apedorosio nuka eruman 6 - Apedorosio nuka isap ka apesur nu mam edukokina 7 - Apedorosio nuka apuser 8 - Apedorosio nuka ikoki

ATUTUBET NAIWONGONET-EIDARE LOKA ALUPOK 9 - Ateker 10 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo 11 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo 12 - Aurianeta 13 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela 14 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela 15 - Aurianeta

16 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo otem 17 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo otem 18 - Aurianeta 19 - Ekomiti loka ateker lo oDistrikt 20 - Ipeluik luka ekomiti loka ateker lo oDistrikt 21 - Aurianeta 22 - ICU 23 - Imeeban luka ekansulo loka ICU 24 - Ipeluik luka imeeban luka ekansulo lo ICU 25 - Aurianeta

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

ATUTUBET NAIKANYET-IPONE LO ITOLOSERE AGWELANARIO NAKA ALUPOK 26 - Nutupitono ecamakinio agwelaro naka alupok 27 - Nutupitono igiruno eikor lo alupok nu ebeit

agwelar. 28 - Aigirun aitutuket na egwelet. 29 - Ne ijukara aimony ace. 30 - Aitisilanareta.






Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Atutubet na sodit: Aitacaunet:


Kotoma nutupitono, nuiswama ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok arai diat ejai abuonokin –

Ateker koTeso nges itunga luk’ediope etale.

“Eruman” ngesi itunganan yen esekuni ateker ayait ere kalokatwan.

“ Iboro kalo atwan” kes imoriaritos alupok nu inyeikinit nesi komam etyakanakit itunga luk’okale ke ido koraas alupok ngun nu etoswamai lo atwan.

“Akiro nu arokok” nu ititingarere alupok kesi imoriaritos amasia, airimio taai, agwelia iboro lu ebeeyi kwape nat eredio lo ebolia akaset, kanu amanyia angor ace kede agwelia igoen lu etiai.

“Alupok nu Ateker ” kes alupok nu irumununio ko Teso konye komam iwadikauna kotoma Registration of Titles Act arai komam eraasi nuka apugan nako kwap arai bo nat nak’okiding.

“Iboro lu Emori Ateker” kesi iboro lu ejaas alupok nu ejaatatar ateker kapedorosio, kwape nat alupok nu icokio ibaren ka nu emejaere ityang kais, mere lu ejaasi akanin k’itunga idiopediopen, arai lu ekal.

“Ekingol” ngesi egelit lo itelemunio etunganan lo epotikini apese kokale, tetere ikoku yen idounio eraun yenike, mere asalakin okale.

“Akiro nu ajokak” nu ititingarere alupok kesi nuta: adumunia isirigin lu amukian, esomero, emanyit, atacia apesen kwape icorakinitor ekooti kede aiyatakin edumune ,konye kocamunitos itunga luka okale kere ka ateker.

“Apolon loka ekale”ngesi imoriarit eruman, etunganan lo edukokina lo atiakaki papake alupok , apuserut, ikoki yen epol adepar luce kokale kangol, apese na mam edukokina kosalakinite aiboi orekec kede aberu na alacakinos kede k’okilenike kosodi abongun orekec.

“Akiro nu epolok edolit ajenun ititingaario alupok” kesi imoriaritos, ibore ekotor ituan aititingaar alupok, alalau na alupok kangun, ka nu esalakinete,

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

kede etiai k’itunga lu ejarete kalupok kangun, arai ititingaaritor nges alupok pac, irwan imwaasi ai ido etia bo aii, kacie da.

Erai Iteso Cultural Union atukot naka epiten loka iteso, na adukunio otupitete aibunget na ikisila luka Uganda, luka 1995, nada esipedori aseunio naka Emorimor Papa Iteso.

E “Recorder” ngesi egirigiran kwape ejaar kotoma okisil lo alupok luko Uganda 1998, kwape iteteunitere.

“Aititingaar alupok” ngesi imoriarit , akorar kwape ainakinet.

“Teso” ngesi imoriarit idistriktan luka Soroti, Kaberamaido, Bukedea, Kumi, Katakwi, Amuria, arai idistriktan ice lu etyakunio ko Teso ka aibosio ace nuka Uganda nu imorikikina Teso.

Ateker naka “ekale” nesi ateker ka apolon ekale ka ngol .

“LC” ngesi ekaasulo lo eseunitai kotupitete ekisil loka Local Government ido kimoriarite ngul lueburokinete kes.

“Edukone” arai “emanyit” erai aimorikikin naka ekilokit kede aberu kotupitete ikisila luko Uganda.

“Ikoki” ngesi ikoku yen atwakata auriak ke koroko edolo ikaru 18 lu apolou.

Ikomitin luka Ateker” kesi Ikomitin luk’ocaalo lu Ateker, Ikomitin luk’oitela lu Ateker, Ikomitin luk’otem lu Ateker, Ikomitin luko distrikt lu Ateker, Ekaasulo loka ICU lo edukunitai kotupitete aibunget naka ikisila luka ICU.

Atutubet Naiyareit–Nutupitono kanuswama koyaitene loka alupok nu ateker.

2. Ejaasi alupok nukoTeso akanin nu atekerin nuka Iteso kanuka ajokis kec, ka idwe lu eringa euruna.

a)Emamei idio tunganan,arai da lo epolokit ekale, yen ecamakitai agwelar alupok nu ateker nu idari ngesi, kanu ajokis na ekale ka aturio nu epote koingaren.

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Atutubet na sodit: Aitacaunet:


Kotoma nutupitono, nuiswama ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok arai diat ejai abuonokin –

Ateker koTeso nges itunga luk’ediope etale.

“Eruman” ngesi itunganan yen esekuni ateker ayait ere kalokatwan.

“ Iboro kalo atwan” kes imoriaritos alupok nu inyeikinit nesi komam etyakanakit itunga luk’okale ke ido koraas alupok ngun nu etoswamai lo atwan.

“Akiro nu arokok” nu ititingarere alupok kesi imoriaritos amasia, airimio taai, agwelia iboro lu ebeeyi kwape nat eredio lo ebolia akaset, kanu amanyia angor ace kede agwelia igoen lu etiai.

“Alupok nu Ateker ” kes alupok nu irumununio ko Teso konye komam iwadikauna kotoma Registration of Titles Act arai komam eraasi nuka apugan nako kwap arai bo nat nak’okiding.

“Iboro lu Emori Ateker” kesi iboro lu ejaas alupok nu ejaatatar ateker kapedorosio, kwape nat alupok nu icokio ibaren ka nu emejaere ityang kais, mere lu ejaasi akanin k’itunga idiopediopen, arai lu ekal.

“Ekingol” ngesi egelit lo itelemunio etunganan lo epotikini apese kokale, tetere ikoku yen idounio eraun yenike, mere asalakin okale.

“Akiro nu ajokak” nu ititingarere alupok kesi nuta: adumunia isirigin lu amukian, esomero, emanyit, atacia apesen kwape icorakinitor ekooti kede aiyatakin edumune ,konye kocamunitos itunga luka okale kere ka ateker.

“Apolon loka ekale”ngesi imoriarit eruman, etunganan lo edukokina lo atiakaki papake alupok , apuserut, ikoki yen epol adepar luce kokale kangol, apese na mam edukokina kosalakinite aiboi orekec kede aberu na alacakinos kede k’okilenike kosodi abongun orekec.

“Akiro nu epolok edolit ajenun ititingaario alupok” kesi imoriaritos, ibore ekotor ituan aititingaar alupok, alalau na alupok kangun, ka nu esalakinete,

Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

kede etiai k’itunga lu ejarete kalupok kangun, arai ititingaaritor nges alupok pac, irwan imwaasi ai ido etia bo aii, kacie da.

Erai Iteso Cultural Union atukot naka epiten loka iteso, na adukunio otupitete aibunget na ikisila luka Uganda, luka 1995, nada esipedori aseunio naka Emorimor Papa Iteso.

E “Recorder” ngesi egirigiran kwape ejaar kotoma okisil lo alupok luko Uganda 1998, kwape iteteunitere.

“Aititingaar alupok” ngesi imoriarit , akorar kwape ainakinet.

“Teso” ngesi imoriarit idistriktan luka Soroti, Kaberamaido, Bukedea, Kumi, Katakwi, Amuria, arai idistriktan ice lu etyakunio ko Teso ka aibosio ace nuka Uganda nu imorikikina Teso.

Ateker naka “ekale” nesi ateker ka apolon ekale ka ngol .

“LC” ngesi ekaasulo lo eseunitai kotupitete ekisil loka Local Government ido kimoriarite ngul lueburokinete kes.

“Edukone” arai “emanyit” erai aimorikikin naka ekilokit kede aberu kotupitete ikisila luko Uganda.

“Ikoki” ngesi ikoku yen atwakata auriak ke koroko edolo ikaru 18 lu apolou.

Ikomitin luka Ateker” kesi Ikomitin luk’ocaalo lu Ateker, Ikomitin luk’oitela lu Ateker, Ikomitin luk’otem lu Ateker, Ikomitin luko distrikt lu Ateker, Ekaasulo loka ICU lo edukunitai kotupitete aibunget naka ikisila luka ICU.

Atutubet Naiyareit–Nutupitono kanuswama koyaitene loka alupok nu ateker.

2. Ejaasi alupok nukoTeso akanin nu atekerin nuka Iteso kanuka ajokis kec, ka idwe lu eringa euruna.

a)Emamei idio tunganan,arai da lo epolokit ekale, yen ecamakitai agwelar alupok nu ateker nu idari ngesi, kanu ajokis na ekale ka aturio nu epote koingaren.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

b) Epedorio aititingaar alupok kanu bon ajokis naka ekale konye kojai apedor naka itunga kere luka ekale kangol, arai ejasi arai emameete, ekomiti loka ateker kede acamunet naka aberu arai angor nuka okale kangol.

c) Mam ekomiti lo ateker acamakin nepe cep da agwelaro naka alupok kanu “akiro nu arokok”.

d) Alupok nu idari ikoki mam ititingaro karai mam apedor naka ekomiti loka eitela lo ateker.

e) Arai kegir aberu arai angor nu ejaasi kede apedorosio toma alupok ngun nepepe ka iduwe luipu luepolok, eyangario ebe amamuun acamanar.

f) Mam alupok nu ebeitos ikoki ecamakitai idio tunganan agwelar.

Atutubet nakiuniet – Apedorosio nuka ajaut ka alupok.

3. Itunga kere lu ewurikitai arai emanyunitai toma okale, kilema idwe luka aberu lu awurit nesi eroko emanyuna okale lo, ejaasi kede apedorosio nuka ajaut kede alupok.

4. Apedorosio nuka kalu epolokinitos ikalia.Itunga lu epolokitos ikalia kesi ejaasi kede apedorosio nu ayait alupok ngun, kede apedor na aikor alupok ngun ne ejaasi imeeban luka ekal kec kede ayuarit da apedorosio nuka alupok nu angor kede nu idwe kane ejaasi ademak.

5. Apedorosio nuka erumanErumak kere luka alupok nu ikalia, ejaasi ka apedorosio ka ipelueik lu aidar alupok nu okalia kec, ka alupok nu alo atwan, kede alupok kere nu mam etiakatiakatai ko kale ka ngol.

6. Apedorosio nuka isap kede apesur nu mam edukokinaa) Idwe kere, isap ka apesur lu eurikitai okale ngol ejaasi kede apedor

na airum alupok ka papa kec kede apedor aitoswam alupok nu ekorakitai kesi.

b) Idwe lu euruni apese na emanyaritai okale ecie,kes emameete kede apedor airum alupok k’okale ka toto kec.konye epedorio ainakin alupok aitwasam.

c) Idwe lu eurio k’okale lu mam nuka toto kec edukokina ,ejaasi ka apedorosio kwape ngul lu ewurikitai nen, arai ca nat ketacata luka papa kec Ekingol.

d) Ejaasi idwe kere luk’okale kede apedorosio agirokin agwelaro naka alupok nu idarete lu epolokitos ikalia.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

e) Eriakasi apedorosio nu ka apesur nu mam edukokina ka nu isap,aitoswam alupok toni kesi adukokin.

f) Apesur nu alacakin odukone,kosodete abongun aiboi ore ka papakec kesi ejaasi ka apedorosio kere, kwape luce idwe, isap ka apesur, epedorete idwe kec aitosom alupok konye mere airum.

g) Isap kere lu adukokinos kesi eraunos lu epolokitos ikalia ojas ka apedor na akorokor alupok k’okalia kec, ayuarit apedorosio nu alupok nuka angor kede idwe kama ejaas ademak.

h) Isap kede apesur lu apolooros konye komam edukonokina kes ejaasi ka apedorosio nu aitoswam alupok okal konye edumutu idwe eraunos kesi da apolokinitok ikalia.

7. Apedorosio nuka Apusera) Ejaasi apuserut ka apedori aseun airumakin arai aigir airumakin ka

idio ko opajan luka alo atwan,arai anyoun kotoma okale abongor orekec. .

b) Apuseru kere, arai irumasi kede etunganan loka ateker kangin arai mam, eraunos apolokitok ikalia kec, ne etwakiata ikilok kec ido kojaas kede apedorosio kere kotoma alupok aidar kede aitoswam kanu idwe kec lu eroko edisiak.

c) Eseun ateker naka kalo atwan etunganan ediope kama kec ayuarit alupok ngun tetere mam ademak elomarete toma, konye esalete apuserut ka apedorosio nuka alupok kangun .

d) Apuserut na enyouni ateker, etwaniari nuk’aingarenikit ekale lo anyounio ngesi kosodete apedorosio nu okale kalo anyounia ngesi ikopakin ne ejai itunganan yen eseuni ateker airum ere ngol.

8. Apedorosio nuka Ikoki Ejaas ikoki kede apedorosio araut yen epolokinit ekal. icorakitai ekomiti lo alupok loka ateker lo Oitela anyun ebe mam alupok nuka ikokiok edemario.

Atutubet Naiwongonet – Eidare loka alupok.

9. Ateker.a) Erai apedori ateker aseun eruman ere kalo atwan kwape apolokiton

ekal arai mam lo atwan eseunit eroko ngesi etwana b) Akaulo na idaio naka alo atwan, icorakitai ateker airiamun aseun

edaran apuserut ka aseun eruman da.c) Icorakitai kitolomunai aiwadikaet na aurianet kana aseunere aidaran

ka eruman, ka ikiroria lu itunga alu ajaasi aurianet, amaapu naka alupok kalo atwan, kosodete aingada ikopin ne ejai ecommittee lo


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

b) Epedorio aititingaar alupok kanu bon ajokis naka ekale konye kojai apedor naka itunga kere luka ekale kangol, arai ejasi arai emameete, ekomiti loka ateker kede acamunet naka aberu arai angor nuka okale kangol.

c) Mam ekomiti lo ateker acamakin nepe cep da agwelaro naka alupok kanu “akiro nu arokok”.

d) Alupok nu idari ikoki mam ititingaro karai mam apedor naka ekomiti loka eitela lo ateker.

e) Arai kegir aberu arai angor nu ejaasi kede apedorosio toma alupok ngun nepepe ka iduwe luipu luepolok, eyangario ebe amamuun acamanar.

f) Mam alupok nu ebeitos ikoki ecamakitai idio tunganan agwelar.

Atutubet nakiuniet – Apedorosio nuka ajaut ka alupok.

3. Itunga kere lu ewurikitai arai emanyunitai toma okale, kilema idwe luka aberu lu awurit nesi eroko emanyuna okale lo, ejaasi kede apedorosio nuka ajaut kede alupok.

4. Apedorosio nuka kalu epolokinitos ikalia.Itunga lu epolokitos ikalia kesi ejaasi kede apedorosio nu ayait alupok ngun, kede apedor na aikor alupok ngun ne ejaasi imeeban luka ekal kec kede ayuarit da apedorosio nuka alupok nu angor kede nu idwe kane ejaasi ademak.

5. Apedorosio nuka erumanErumak kere luka alupok nu ikalia, ejaasi ka apedorosio ka ipelueik lu aidar alupok nu okalia kec, ka alupok nu alo atwan, kede alupok kere nu mam etiakatiakatai ko kale ka ngol.

6. Apedorosio nuka isap kede apesur nu mam edukokinaa) Idwe kere, isap ka apesur lu eurikitai okale ngol ejaasi kede apedor

na airum alupok ka papa kec kede apedor aitoswam alupok nu ekorakitai kesi.

b) Idwe lu euruni apese na emanyaritai okale ecie,kes emameete kede apedor airum alupok k’okale ka toto kec.konye epedorio ainakin alupok aitwasam.

c) Idwe lu eurio k’okale lu mam nuka toto kec edukokina ,ejaasi ka apedorosio kwape ngul lu ewurikitai nen, arai ca nat ketacata luka papa kec Ekingol.

d) Ejaasi idwe kere luk’okale kede apedorosio agirokin agwelaro naka alupok nu idarete lu epolokitos ikalia.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

e) Eriakasi apedorosio nu ka apesur nu mam edukokina ka nu isap,aitoswam alupok toni kesi adukokin.

f) Apesur nu alacakin odukone,kosodete abongun aiboi ore ka papakec kesi ejaasi ka apedorosio kere, kwape luce idwe, isap ka apesur, epedorete idwe kec aitosom alupok konye mere airum.

g) Isap kere lu adukokinos kesi eraunos lu epolokitos ikalia ojas ka apedor na akorokor alupok k’okalia kec, ayuarit apedorosio nu alupok nuka angor kede idwe kama ejaas ademak.

h) Isap kede apesur lu apolooros konye komam edukonokina kes ejaasi ka apedorosio nu aitoswam alupok okal konye edumutu idwe eraunos kesi da apolokinitok ikalia.

7. Apedorosio nuka Apusera) Ejaasi apuserut ka apedori aseun airumakin arai aigir airumakin ka

idio ko opajan luka alo atwan,arai anyoun kotoma okale abongor orekec. .

b) Apuseru kere, arai irumasi kede etunganan loka ateker kangin arai mam, eraunos apolokitok ikalia kec, ne etwakiata ikilok kec ido kojaas kede apedorosio kere kotoma alupok aidar kede aitoswam kanu idwe kec lu eroko edisiak.

c) Eseun ateker naka kalo atwan etunganan ediope kama kec ayuarit alupok ngun tetere mam ademak elomarete toma, konye esalete apuserut ka apedorosio nuka alupok kangun .

d) Apuserut na enyouni ateker, etwaniari nuk’aingarenikit ekale lo anyounio ngesi kosodete apedorosio nu okale kalo anyounia ngesi ikopakin ne ejai itunganan yen eseuni ateker airum ere ngol.

8. Apedorosio nuka Ikoki Ejaas ikoki kede apedorosio araut yen epolokinit ekal. icorakitai ekomiti lo alupok loka ateker lo Oitela anyun ebe mam alupok nuka ikokiok edemario.

Atutubet Naiwongonet – Eidare loka alupok.

9. Ateker.a) Erai apedori ateker aseun eruman ere kalo atwan kwape apolokiton

ekal arai mam lo atwan eseunit eroko ngesi etwana b) Akaulo na idaio naka alo atwan, icorakitai ateker airiamun aseun

edaran apuserut ka aseun eruman da.c) Icorakitai kitolomunai aiwadikaet na aurianet kana aseunere aidaran

ka eruman, ka ikiroria lu itunga alu ajaasi aurianet, amaapu naka alupok kalo atwan, kosodete aingada ikopin ne ejai ecommittee lo


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

ateker lo Oitela kede ne ijai e Minista lo airabet naka ICU lo eyait akiro nu alupok.

d) Itosomai eruman aiwadikaita nu ailipia kane ejai apugan abaluwan nu itogogongorete ngesi kwape eruman.

10. Ekomiti loka Ateker lo ocaaloa) Ejaunos ikomitin lu enyaritai Ikomitin luka atekerin lu Ocaalo .b) Eraun ngin idiopet kalu erionget loka ateker lo esipo bon komamei

esange, ojaasi ka aikunget ido opedori awosan arai aiwosao kokiror kalo esipor.

c) Ejaunos itunga 9 toma okomiti lo ojaasi kede aiboisio nuka apolon eicolong kede atupiton lu erasi aberu kede ekilokit, eigirigiran, eengadan, atumunan, ingwalas, ayuara kede angor aarei.ke

d) Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka ateker ka ngin, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc ocaalo ngol .

e) Karai ikidioko itunga luka ateker kana komam epedorete aitolot aseo, epedorete kesi aseun, kwape ateker, kotoma airiamun na ecamunatar kesi alomar okomiti lo ateker acie lo ocaalo,lo eseunitos kesi.

f) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopiten

11. Ipelueik luka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Ocaalo Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka Ateker lo Ocaalo kesi nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok, aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama,aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara, ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Acamakin ikalia agwelar alupok kec otupakinitos alosikineta nuka eiswamae kwape ejaatar okisila, luka ane.

c) Aijukar kingaren, angurian kanu ikamunitos etube lo agwelaro na alupok nu ekale, nejai ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela.

d) Aijukar ailipa naka idwe lu ekotosi agwelar alupok,nejai ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela.

e) Aisisianakin itunga atiokisio nu amamus kede alupok, tetere esacete agwelanar alupok.

f) Aiwadik orejesita ikiroria luka erumak kede itunga lu epolokitos ikalia kocaaloi kec.

g) Ayuarit alupok nuka ikokiok kama ejaas ademak.h) Adumun abaluwan nu araut ikulepek kopitene, kanu aiboisio nu icokio


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

ateker lo Oitela kede ne ijai e Minista lo airabet naka ICU lo eyait akiro nu alupok.

d) Itosomai eruman aiwadikaita nu ailipia kane ejai apugan abaluwan nu itogogongorete ngesi kwape eruman.

10. Ekomiti loka Ateker lo ocaaloa) Ejaunos ikomitin lu enyaritai Ikomitin luka atekerin lu Ocaalo .b) Eraun ngin idiopet kalu erionget loka ateker lo esipo bon komamei

esange, ojaasi ka aikunget ido opedori awosan arai aiwosao kokiror kalo esipor.

c) Ejaunos itunga 9 toma okomiti lo ojaasi kede aiboisio nuka apolon eicolong kede atupiton lu erasi aberu kede ekilokit, eigirigiran, eengadan, atumunan, ingwalas, ayuara kede angor aarei.ke

d) Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka ateker ka ngin, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc ocaalo ngol .

e) Karai ikidioko itunga luka ateker kana komam epedorete aitolot aseo, epedorete kesi aseun, kwape ateker, kotoma airiamun na ecamunatar kesi alomar okomiti lo ateker acie lo ocaalo,lo eseunitos kesi.

f) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopiten

11. Ipelueik luka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Ocaalo Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka Ateker lo Ocaalo kesi nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok, aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama,aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara, ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Acamakin ikalia agwelar alupok kec otupakinitos alosikineta nuka eiswamae kwape ejaatar okisila, luka ane.

c) Aijukar kingaren, angurian kanu ikamunitos etube lo agwelaro na alupok nu ekale, nejai ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela.

d) Aijukar ailipa naka idwe lu ekotosi agwelar alupok,nejai ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela.

e) Aisisianakin itunga atiokisio nu amamus kede alupok, tetere esacete agwelanar alupok.

f) Aiwadik orejesita ikiroria luka erumak kede itunga lu epolokitos ikalia kocaaloi kec.

g) Ayuarit alupok nuka ikokiok kama ejaas ademak.h) Adumun abaluwan nu araut ikulepek kopitene, kanu aiboisio nu icokio


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

akituk, isama, aboliasio ka ailajaanar, ne itolosere asubanasia nuka epitene, ne emejaere, amagoron kede isuban lu ecicing,kanu ateker, kama ejai e District Land Board, erionget loko Distrikt Loepolokit Alupok kanu ayuarit kesi kama ejaas ademak, kanu ikulepek kotoma atekerin.

i) Aijukar akiro nu imusaagon luka alupok nu mam kesi epedoritos aipur nukec mama ejai ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo.

j) Awanyun ebe itijenikitai itunga alosikineta ka ikisila luikamunitos alupok kere nu ejaasi akanin ka apugan kidarakite itunga kwape isama, amagoron, kiceda.

k) Aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos alupok kere kotoma ocaalo kede ayuarit ka aimaniman isama, iwaitin nu ideikitai irootin, amagoron, kice da kanuka ajokis naka itunga kere.

l) Aisinyikokin aira Ejumula/Eligoi kwape eikoru ka ainomun amaapu naka alupok eroko iceleta elomuna.

m) Aipup ka aitub imusaagon luka alupok nuka ateker kwape ejaar kotoma Okisil loka Alupok 1998 kwape iteteunitere.

12. Aurianetaa) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekomiti

loka ateker lo ocaalo ido ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong, ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong, k’atupiton ke da keseunete ngul lu ejasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti lo ateker lo ocaalo ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi,ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

d) Icorakinitai imeeban 5 airiamun korasi apolon eicolong, atupiton apolon eicolong, ingwalas, aberu kede eigirigiran, kidimi arai, ne itupucere itunga lu eseunitai.

13. Ekomiti loka ateker lo Oitela a) Ejaun ekomiti lo enyaritai ekomiti loka ateker loka oitela.b) Erai lo erionget loka ateker lo oitela lo esipo bon komamei esange,

kojaasi ka aikunges ido epedori awosan arai aiwosao kokiror kalo esipor.

c) Ejaunos itunga 9 toma okomiti lo ojaasi kede aiboisio nuka apolon eicolong kede atupiton lu erasi aberu kede ekilokit, eigirigiran, eengadan, atumunan, ingwalas, ayuara kede angor aarei.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

d) Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka ateker ka ngin, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc ocaalo ngol.

Karai ikidioko itunga luka ateker kana komam epedorete aitolot aseo, epedorete kesi aseun, kwape ateker, kotoma airiamun na ecamunatar kesi alomar okomiti lo ateker acie lo ocaalo,lo eseunitos kesi.

e) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopitene

14. Ipelueik luka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Oitela Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Oitela kesi nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok, aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama,aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Aipup imusaagon luijukununete ikomitin lu atekerin lu ocaaloi.c) Aisisianakin itunga atiokisio nu amamus kede alupok, tetere esacete

agwelanar alupok.d) Aijukar akiro nu imusaagon luka alupok nu mam kesi epedoritos

aipur nukec mama ejai ekomiti loka ateker lo Otem.e) Awanyun ebe itijenikitai itunga alosikineta ka ikisila luikamunitos

alupok kere nu ejaasi akanin ka apugan kidarakite itunga kwape isama, amagoron, kiceda.

f) Aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos alupok kere kotoma ocaalo kede ayuarit ka aimaniman isama, iwaitin nu ideikitai irootin, amagoron, kice da kanuka ajokis naka itunga kere.

15. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekomiti

loka ateker lo oitela ido ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong, ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong,k’atupiton ke da keseunete ngul lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi,ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

d) Icorakitai imeeban 5 airiamun korasi apolon eicolong, atupiton apolon eicolong, ingwalas, aberu kede eigirigiran, kidimi arai, ne itupucere itunga lu eseunitai.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

16. Ekomiti loka Ateker lo Otema) Ejaun ekomiti lo enyaritai ekomiti loka ateker lo Otemb) Erai lo erionget loka ateker lo Otem lo esipo bon komamei esange,

kojaasi ka aikunges ido epedori awosan arai aiwosao kokiror kalo esipor.

c) Ejaunos itunga 9 toma okomiti lo ojaasi kede aiboisio nuka apolon eicolong kede atupiton lu erasi aberu kede ekilokit, eigirigiran, eengadan, atumunan, ingwalas, ayuara kede angor aarei.ke

d) Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo Otem kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka oitela kangol, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc oitela ngul.

e) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila luka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopiten

17. Ipelueik luka ekomiti loka Ateker lo Otem Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Otem kesi nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama,aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara, ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Aipup imusaagon luijukununete ikomitin lu atekerin lu oitela. .c) Aijukar akiro nu imusaagon luka alupok nu mam kesi epedoritos

aipur nukec mama ejai ekomiti loka ateker lo o Distrikt.d) Awanyun ebe itijenikitai itunga alosikineta ka ikisila luikamunitos

alupok kere nu ejaasi akanin ka apugan kidarakite itunga kwape isama, amagoron, kiceda.

e) Aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos alupok kere kotoma otem.f) Ayuarit ka aimaniman isama, iwaitin lu ideikitai irootin, amagoron,

kice da kanuka ajokis naka itunga kere.

18. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekomiti

loka ateker lo otem ido ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong, ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong,k’atupiton ke da keseunete lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti loka ateker lo otem ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi,ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

d) Icorakinitai imeeban 5 airiamun korasi apolon eicolong, atupiton apolon eicolong, ingwalas, aberu kede eigirigiran, kidimi arai, ne itupucere itunga lu eseunitai.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

d) Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka ateker ka ngin, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc ocaalo ngol.

Karai ikidioko itunga luka ateker kana komam epedorete aitolot aseo, epedorete kesi aseun, kwape ateker, kotoma airiamun na ecamunatar kesi alomar okomiti lo ateker acie lo ocaalo,lo eseunitos kesi.

e) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopitene

14. Ipelueik luka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Oitela Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Oitela kesi nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok, aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama,aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Aipup imusaagon luijukununete ikomitin lu atekerin lu ocaaloi.c) Aisisianakin itunga atiokisio nu amamus kede alupok, tetere esacete

agwelanar alupok.d) Aijukar akiro nu imusaagon luka alupok nu mam kesi epedoritos

aipur nukec mama ejai ekomiti loka ateker lo Otem.e) Awanyun ebe itijenikitai itunga alosikineta ka ikisila luikamunitos

alupok kere nu ejaasi akanin ka apugan kidarakite itunga kwape isama, amagoron, kiceda.

f) Aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos alupok kere kotoma ocaalo kede ayuarit ka aimaniman isama, iwaitin nu ideikitai irootin, amagoron, kice da kanuka ajokis naka itunga kere.

15. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekomiti

loka ateker lo oitela ido ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong, ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong,k’atupiton ke da keseunete ngul lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti loka ateker lo oitela ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi,ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

d) Icorakitai imeeban 5 airiamun korasi apolon eicolong, atupiton apolon eicolong, ingwalas, aberu kede eigirigiran, kidimi arai, ne itupucere itunga lu eseunitai.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

16. Ekomiti loka Ateker lo Otema) Ejaun ekomiti lo enyaritai ekomiti loka ateker lo Otemb) Erai lo erionget loka ateker lo Otem lo esipo bon komamei esange,

kojaasi ka aikunges ido epedori awosan arai aiwosao kokiror kalo esipor.

c) Ejaunos itunga 9 toma okomiti lo ojaasi kede aiboisio nuka apolon eicolong kede atupiton lu erasi aberu kede ekilokit, eigirigiran, eengadan, atumunan, ingwalas, ayuara kede angor aarei.ke

d) Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo Otem kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka oitela kangol, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc oitela ngul.

e) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila luka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopiten

17. Ipelueik luka ekomiti loka Ateker lo Otem Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka ateker lo Otem kesi nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama,aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara, ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Aipup imusaagon luijukununete ikomitin lu atekerin lu oitela. .c) Aijukar akiro nu imusaagon luka alupok nu mam kesi epedoritos

aipur nukec mama ejai ekomiti loka ateker lo o Distrikt.d) Awanyun ebe itijenikitai itunga alosikineta ka ikisila luikamunitos

alupok kere nu ejaasi akanin ka apugan kidarakite itunga kwape isama, amagoron, kiceda.

e) Aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos alupok kere kotoma otem.f) Ayuarit ka aimaniman isama, iwaitin lu ideikitai irootin, amagoron,

kice da kanuka ajokis naka itunga kere.

18. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekomiti

loka ateker lo otem ido ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong, ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong,k’atupiton ke da keseunete lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti loka ateker lo otem ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi,ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

d) Icorakinitai imeeban 5 airiamun korasi apolon eicolong, atupiton apolon eicolong, ingwalas, aberu kede eigirigiran, kidimi arai, ne itupucere itunga lu eseunitai.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

19. Ekomiti loka Ateker lo oDistrikta) Ejaun ekomiti lo enyaritai ekomiti loka ateker lo o Distriktb) Erai lo erionget loka ateker lo oDistrikt lo esipo bon komamei esange,

kojaasi ka aikunges ido epedori awosan arai aiwosao kokiror kalo esipor.

c) Ejaunos itunga 9 toma okomiti lo ojaasi kede aiboisio nuka apolon eicolong kede atupiton lu erasi aberu kede ekilokit, eigirigiran, eengadan, atumunan, ingwalas, ayuara kede angor aarei.ke

Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo o Distrikt kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka ikomitin lu Otemuan d)kangun, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc otemuan ngul .

e) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopitene

20. Ipelueik luka ekomiti loka Ateker lo o Distrikt. Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka lo o District nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok, aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama, aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara, ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Aipup imusaagon luijukununete ikomitin lu ateker lu otemuan.c) Aijukar akiro nu imusaagon luka alupok nu mam kesi epedoritos

aipur nukec mama ejai Ekaasulo loka ICU.d) Awanyun ebe itijenikitai itunga alosikineta ka ikisila luikamunitos

alupok kere nu ejaasi akanin ka apugan kidarakite itunga kwape isama, amagoron, kiceda.

e) Aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos alupok kere kotoma ocaalo.f) Ayuarit ka aimaniman isama, iwaitin lu ideikitai irootin,

amagoron, kice da kanuka ajokis naka itunga kere.

21. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekomiti loka

ateker lo odistrikt ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong, ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong,k’atupiton ke da keseunete ngul lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti lo ateker lo distrikt ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

19. Ekomiti loka Ateker lo oDistrikta) Ejaun ekomiti lo enyaritai ekomiti loka ateker lo o Distriktb) Erai lo erionget loka ateker lo oDistrikt lo esipo bon komamei esange,

kojaasi ka aikunges ido epedori awosan arai aiwosao kokiror kalo esipor.

c) Ejaunos itunga 9 toma okomiti lo ojaasi kede aiboisio nuka apolon eicolong kede atupiton lu erasi aberu kede ekilokit, eigirigiran, eengadan, atumunan, ingwalas, ayuara kede angor aarei.ke

Imeeban luka ekomiti loka ateker lo o Distrikt kesi eseuno ko tunga kere luka ikomitin lu Otemuan d)kangun, kojaasi kede ireria lu duc otemuan ngul .

e) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopitene

20. Ipelueik luka ekomiti loka Ateker lo o Distrikt. Aswamisinei nuka Ekomiti loka lo o District nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar ejok, aiboisio nu edakasi ityang/ibaren, isama, aboisio nuka aboliasio ka ailajara, ne emejao, amagoron ka acie aiboisio nu ejaasi isuban lu ecicing kanuka ateker.

b) Aipup imusaagon luijukununete ikomitin lu ateker lu otemuan.c) Aijukar akiro nu imusaagon luka alupok nu mam kesi epedoritos

aipur nukec mama ejai Ekaasulo loka ICU.d) Awanyun ebe itijenikitai itunga alosikineta ka ikisila luikamunitos

alupok kere nu ejaasi akanin ka apugan kidarakite itunga kwape isama, amagoron, kiceda.

e) Aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos alupok kere kotoma ocaalo.f) Ayuarit ka aimaniman isama, iwaitin lu ideikitai irootin,

amagoron, kice da kanuka ajokis naka itunga kere.

21. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekomiti loka

ateker lo odistrikt ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong, ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong,k’atupiton ke da keseunete ngul lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti lo ateker lo distrikt ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

d) Icorakinitai imeeban 5 airiamun korasi apolon eicolong, atupiton apolon eicolong, ingwalas, aberu kede eigirigiran, kidimi arai, ne itupucere itunga lu eseunitai.

22. ICUa) Erai ICU aitutuket na erionget lo einono loka Ateker na epoloi, k’okiror

ke ido kojai apedor kotoma okisila aiwosa arai aiwosao k’okikor ke.b) Ejai ICU adumun aiwadikaeta nu itogogongoritos ajakus kede

aiboisio nu epitene kosodi ayuarit kesi kama ejaasi ademak k’okiror loka Iteso lu ejaas ikulepek alupok ko Teso.

23. Imeeban luka Ekaasulo loka ICUa) Imeeban lu kwana edukunitos Ekaasulo loka ICU kesi luta:

I. Abwoikinitok iiarei, ekilokit kede aberu lu eseunitos ikomitin lu otem.

II. Aberu adiope kede atumunan idiope kotoma ngol distrikt.III. Apolon eicolong ekomiti loka ateker lo Distrikt.IV. Abwoikinan ka ingwalasik, koseunitete kotoma okomiti loka

ateker lo Distrikt.V. Ageunak atukot na ICU.

b) Nutupitono, apak na edauni itunganan koyapesi ka adoketa nu ekotoi kesi kere ekotoi koraasi kwape ejatatari kotoma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU, Einos Iteso Kopitene

24. Ipelueik luka Ekaasulo loka Einos Iteso Kopitene (ICU) Aswamisinei nuka Ekaasulo loka Einos Iteso Kopitene kes nuta:

a) Atiakun, ayuar, aidar kede aingarakit aiboisio nuka epitene ko Teso.

b) Aimaniman kanu aanyun nu tupitono ka eiswamae lo aidar alupo nuk’ o Teso.

c) Aibwokit epelu lo asesen eipone lo idarere alupok kere nu ateker na Iteso.

d) Ajaut kede apedorosio aidar aiwadikaeta nuikamunitos nuka alupok ko Teso.

e) Aanyun ebe imusagon kede eitutube loka imusaagon ka ikomitin luka ateker iriamara kede alosikineta kede eiswamae loka okisila luka apugan kede ayangaun eiswamae lo eirian.

f) Aingic akiro nu etapit ayangaunun eigur kanu alupok tetere aitolomun eiswamae lo itidisiari ingwingweta lu eyangaunete ibakor kede amamus kede alupok.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

25. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekaasulo

loka ICU ido ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong, k’atupitok keda eseunete ngul lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti lo ateker lo ekaasulo loka ICU ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi,ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

d) Etiai lo imeeban lu ebeit ajaun kanu aitolot airabet naka ICU ngesi ejai toma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU .

Atutubet naikanyet – Eipone lo itolosere Agwelanari naka Alupok ko Teso.

26. Nutupitono ecamakinio agwelario naka alupoka) Apolokiton ekale lo ekoto agwelar alupok nesi ebeit ber ainerun

kede itunga luka okale ke, arai iboyete ka ngesi arai mam, ibore ekotor ngesi agwelar alupok.

b) Ejai do apolokiton loka ekale kalo alimokin apolon eicolong loka ateker lo ocaalo ‘akiro nu apolok’ nu ikamunitos alosikinet ke,agwelar alupok.

c) Ejaun do apolon eicolong loka ateker lo ocaalo airiamun kede itunga lu okale kangol, aitigogongor arai ecamunitos kesi agwelar alupok. Igiruno do aiwadikaet na acamun, na idokokinete apolon k’eicolong kede emeeba ediope lo okomiti akanin kwape ajenak.

27. Nutupitono igiruno eikor lo alupok nu ebeit agwelara) Epote imeeban luka ekal kalo ekoto agwelar alupok alimokin ikalia

ice lu ateker kec,arai ejai kama kec yen ekoto agwela alupok ngun, arai ke mam yen epedori arai bo nat kelemu lu ikidioko adepar etiai lo ti egwelarere kapakio kangun, epedori do apolon k’ekale kalo awear akiro nenice ebe tetere do egwelaro alupok ngun kinga naka ateker.

b) Yen ekot agwel, lo agwelaran, iidunyeta kere lu alupok kanu, ka apolon k’eicolong lo Okomiti loka Ateker lo ocaalo, ka LC1 loka atutubet kangin, na ejaas alupok nu, kesi kere icorakitai alosit ne ejaas alupok ngun kosodete aitogogong ka acamanar ne itorit eikor arai ikoruo, kosodete aira Ejumula/Eligoi lo erai ejenunet.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

25. Aurianeta a) Apolon eicolong ngesi ebeit apolokit aurianeta kere nuka ekaasulo

loka ICU ido ejasi ka aseetait na duc kana itutubi, ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

b) Ne emamiar apolon eicolong ebuni atupiton ke alomar akeje ke kede ajaut ka apedor na aseunet na itutubi akiro nu ikaruna.

c) Arai emamei apolon eicolong, k’atupitok keda eseunete ngul lu ejaasi ediope kakesi apolokin aurianet na ekomiti lo ateker lo ekaasulo loka ICU ido ejaunos kede aseetait na duc kana itutubi,ne ikarunotor iwaitin kotoma aise.

d) Etiai lo imeeban lu ebeit ajaun kanu aitolot airabet naka ICU ngesi ejai toma aibunget na ikisila naka ICU .

Atutubet naikanyet – Eipone lo itolosere Agwelanari naka Alupok ko Teso.

26. Nutupitono ecamakinio agwelario naka alupoka) Apolokiton ekale lo ekoto agwelar alupok nesi ebeit ber ainerun

kede itunga luka okale ke, arai iboyete ka ngesi arai mam, ibore ekotor ngesi agwelar alupok.

b) Ejai do apolokiton loka ekale kalo alimokin apolon eicolong loka ateker lo ocaalo ‘akiro nu apolok’ nu ikamunitos alosikinet ke,agwelar alupok.

c) Ejaun do apolon eicolong loka ateker lo ocaalo airiamun kede itunga lu okale kangol, aitigogongor arai ecamunitos kesi agwelar alupok. Igiruno do aiwadikaet na acamun, na idokokinete apolon k’eicolong kede emeeba ediope lo okomiti akanin kwape ajenak.

27. Nutupitono igiruno eikor lo alupok nu ebeit agwelara) Epote imeeban luka ekal kalo ekoto agwelar alupok alimokin ikalia

ice lu ateker kec,arai ejai kama kec yen ekoto agwela alupok ngun, arai ke mam yen epedori arai bo nat kelemu lu ikidioko adepar etiai lo ti egwelarere kapakio kangun, epedori do apolon k’ekale kalo awear akiro nenice ebe tetere do egwelaro alupok ngun kinga naka ateker.

b) Yen ekot agwel, lo agwelaran, iidunyeta kere lu alupok kanu, ka apolon k’eicolong lo Okomiti loka Ateker lo ocaalo, ka LC1 loka atutubet kangin, na ejaas alupok nu, kesi kere icorakitai alosit ne ejaas alupok ngun kosodete aitogogong ka acamanar ne itorit eikor arai ikoruo, kosodete aira Ejumula/Eligoi lo erai ejenunet.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

c) Icorakitai LC1 aanyun ebe igirunio amaapu naka alupok nu ebeit agwelar, itoduunite alalau ka awojau na alupok, ariino, ikiroria luka idunyeta, icie lu etakanete kalu.

d) Icorakitai itunga luta aidokokin akanin kec toma amaapu: Agwelan, Agwelaran, LC1, Iidunyeta, Ajenak lu ecamunitai kede apolon k’eicolong ekomiti loka ateker lo Ocaalo.

28. Aigirun aitutuket na Egwelet a) Icorakitai do LC1 aigirun aitutuket, itwasamai kwape na ingarenikit,

ainapeta nuka ekisil loka alupok 2002, kwape iteteunitere, icorakitai do kimorikikite ebalua loka ekale lo ecamunitotor kesi agwelario na alupok, ka acamunet naka angor nu okale kangon.

b) Kedau agwelan aitac iboro kwape acamanarotor kotoma ogwelet kec, icorakitai luta aidokokin akanin kec aitutuket:agwelan, lo agwelaran, , aberu arai angor ka agwelaran kosodi LC1 ka apolon eicolong k’ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo arai atupiton ke.

c) Icorakitai LC1 aitolomun ikopin ikany(5) luka aitutuket na egwelet na idokokitai akanin nepepe ka amaapu na alupok nu agwelar kosodi aijaikin nginidiope kalu ekopi ke: agwelaran, apolon eicolong ekomiti loka ateker lo ocaalo, e recorder/ eiwadikan, airabet, na ICU, afailo naka LC1 kosodi na agei( original), ijaikino lo agwelan alupok.

29. Ne ijukara Aimony AceIdio tunganan kere yen enguriani eipone lo etubitere akiro ngesi epedori aijukar aimony ke adoketa nuk’okuju, ageun ko ocaalo,oitela, otem, Odistrikt kitoni airabet na ICU, katupanikineta.

30. Aitisilanareta a) Alupok kere nu egwelaro komam etupitai nutupitono kanu iswam

kokisil kalo kesi mam egwelara.b) Idio itunganan kere yen egwelari alupok komam edumunit

acamanaret na iwadikatai kane ejaasi itunga luk’okale, angor, kede ekomiti lo ateker lo ocaalo loka alupok nesi icorakinitai ainyakakin yen agweli alupok ngun iboro ke kere lu atacit.Erai epelu kalo egwelari aitoduun ebe ecamakitai ngesi agwelar alupok ngun. Ejai do ekomiti lo ateker aingarakin yen agwelan ainyakun iboro ke kere kane ejai lo ti agwelarit.

c) Inyakari do ekomiti lo ateker lo ocaalo alupok nuagwelaritai komam ecamakitai, kane ejai lo egwelit kosodi ainyakakin ekale lo agwelitere.


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

d) Idio itunganan kere yen egwelari alupok komam ekomiti lo ateker lo ocaalo, itunga luk’okale kede angor ecamakitos ngesi ebeit aitac igaraman kere lu itutubi ekomiti lo Ateker lo ocaalo ka ikomitin ice da luiyekakino akiro.

e) Idio itunganan kere yen ejepari Ejumula/Eligoi arai ejenunet lo eikor loecamunitai nesi edyakari ido itisilaaro kotoma Okisila luko Uganda.

Atutubet naikanyet kape – Ikisila

31. Ikisila:1) Einos Iteso kopitene (ICU) ebeit aitodolikin nutupitono

kanuiswama.2) Komam aimen nu elimoro kanu ekokoro (1) ido kotupitete ikisila

luko Uganda, epedori ICU: a) Aitatac itunga ikapun kanu aitolomuun aiwadikaeta nuka

alupok. b) Aitutub etiai lo ikapun lu elosete ikomitin luka ateker aitwsam kanu aitolot alosikineta.

c) Aitutub isirigin lu etacio kanu adumun aikunget kanuka alupok nu egwelaro ka aitogogongor eipone lo ekorokoroere.

d) Aitutub adio kiro kere nuerucokina kanu nutupitono nu ejaasi ne


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

d) Idio itunganan kere yen egwelari alupok komam ekomiti lo ateker lo ocaalo, itunga luk’okale kede angor ecamakitos ngesi ebeit aitac igaraman kere lu itutubi ekomiti lo Ateker lo ocaalo ka ikomitin ice da luiyekakino akiro.

e) Idio itunganan kere yen ejepari Ejumula/Eligoi arai ejenunet lo eikor loecamunitai nesi edyakari ido itisilaaro kotoma Okisila luko Uganda.

Atutubet naikanyet kape – Ikisila

31. Ikisila:1) Einos Iteso kopitene (ICU) ebeit aitodolikin nutupitono

kanuiswama.2) Komam aimen nu elimoro kanu ekokoro (1) ido kotupitete ikisila

luko Uganda, epedori ICU: a) Aitatac itunga ikapun kanu aitolomuun aiwadikaeta nuka

alupok. b) Aitutub etiai lo ikapun lu elosete ikomitin luka ateker aitwsam kanu aitolot alosikineta.

c) Aitutub isirigin lu etacio kanu adumun aikunget kanuka alupok nu egwelaro ka aitogogongor eipone lo ekorokoroere.

d) Aitutub adio kiro kere nuerucokina kanu nutupitono nu ejaasi ne


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Itutuket na iboi alupok nu epitene

ITUTUKET NA ISWAMATAI aparasia ……. nuka olap…… Okaru…….KIDING

Ikulupek alupok (kes itunga lue ejaasi kede apedorosio alupok ie apolon loka ekale, kede itunga luce kokale kangol)

Epagisan nges itunganan yen ipuda aipagis alupok adaun apak na ecamanar kesi.

ipagisaritai alupok kama ejasi itunga lu ibwaikitos akanin kec alupok nu epitene ejaasi:-

ELOPE ALUPOK KEDE EPAGISAN ALUPOK Ekiror EkirorEronyi EronyiEitela EitelaEtem EtemEdistrikt Edistrikt

Eronyi/EzoneEitela/ewardEtem/edivisionEbukuEdistriktAlupok nu edolete bala Imitai ............ awojau ka Imitai ............ alalau (kowanyu amaapu na inamakitai)

Ikirorai lu apolok Ikalia kede angor Kec lu idunyasi ka alupok nu



Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Acamanarai kwanata:-

Epote iwaitin lu iyarei alomari aitutuket na ipagisaikina elope alupok ne ejai epagisan alupok nu elimoro ko kuju:-

Ejaun etacit koipone kalo:


a) Atacanar etiai lo ecamunitai tiritir kwape ejari acamanara.b) Aitwasam alupok kanu ibore yen ecamakitere.c) Acamakin elope alupok arai ituan yen ijukunit elope alupok

aimaniman ko sawan lu eecaiya akwap kanu ajenun epone lo itwasamar alupok.

d) Mam Aititingar adio alupok arai mam elope alupok iwadikakit ijo ebaluwa acamakin ititingaro nu alupok.

e) Araut duc eidunyet lo ajokan ido mam acamakin idio tunganan aswam ibore yen itakadikin idunyeta.

f) Kenang Aitutuket, aiyakakin alupok ne ejai elope komamete lu eboyororok kotoma.

Adaun apak na: (Aparisia / ilapio / ikaru)

Agear: (Aparan ne egeara aitutuket)

K’otiai lo: (Isirigin lu ouganda)

Apak ne etacit: (Aparan ne ebwaikinere akan)

Enange lo aitutuket: (Aparit ne enangia aitutuket)

Kanu (Inyo ebunio itosomia alupok Nu - akoru, iduk, ere)

Atutubena nuetacianario Etiai Aparan na etacit

alupok Akan elope

Atacario na soditAtacario na iyaretAtacario na iuniet Atacario na iwongonet


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

g) Mam aswam idio boore yen itidisiari alupok agogon, arai nat aitidisiari ajokis na alupok kwape nat itwasam idaiya itungan, arai ajepanar ikito lu apolok.


a) Ejai acamakin epagisan ailajara komam elope alupok arai lu ijuki ngesi itolitol iboi ke kalupok.

b) Arai ke kotokin elope alupok agwelar alupok ngun ejai ber ngesi aijaikin epagisan arereng naka agwel alupok ngun eroko ngesi itwegela idio tunganan.

c) Ekoto ber itigenikin epagisan eroko elope alupok eloto awanyanar.


a) Kedaun apak ne ejai aitutuket. b) Karai kiswamaun idio bore yen ebili idio tutubet arai kere na aitutuket

ecamakino yen enomorete akiro aitanang aitutuket na.c) Edaun apak na aipagisao , ido okoto elope alupok apigisar alupok ke

bobo ocamunite epagisan aitutuket ngin, epedoro iyatakin aitutuket ngin kwape ajari acamanar, arai aiteteun acamanar.


Kejaun edio nugget lo ikamunit alupok ngun erai ayangar akiro ne ejasi apedorosio nu epitene nu iwaitin ngun iyarei kwape acamunitor aitutuket: arai mam kes. ecamanara eyangaro do akiro ocooti loka alupok lo apugan lo kwana erai ber lo LCII lo ejasi alupok ngul.

Aitutuket na iswamatai aparasia …….. nuka olap …… okaru……….

Akan elope alupok Akan epagisanLu ejasi kede apedorosio(ikulepek)

Ekiror Akan Epagisan Ekiror Akan

Elope alupok EpagisanElope alupok EpagisanElope alupok EpagisanElope alupok EpagisanAparasia Aparasia


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Acamanarai kwanata:-

Epote iwaitin lu iyarei alomari aitutuket na ipagisaikina elope alupok ne ejai epagisan alupok nu elimoro ko kuju:-

Ejaun etacit koipone kalo:


a) Atacanar etiai lo ecamunitai tiritir kwape ejari acamanara.b) Aitwasam alupok kanu ibore yen ecamakitere.c) Acamakin elope alupok arai ituan yen ijukunit elope alupok

aimaniman ko sawan lu eecaiya akwap kanu ajenun epone lo itwasamar alupok.

d) Mam Aititingar adio alupok arai mam elope alupok iwadikakit ijo ebaluwa acamakin ititingaro nu alupok.

e) Araut duc eidunyet lo ajokan ido mam acamakin idio tunganan aswam ibore yen itakadikin idunyeta.

f) Kenang Aitutuket, aiyakakin alupok ne ejai elope komamete lu eboyororok kotoma.

Adaun apak na: (Aparisia / ilapio / ikaru)

Agear: (Aparan ne egeara aitutuket)

K’otiai lo: (Isirigin lu ouganda)

Apak ne etacit: (Aparan ne ebwaikinere akan)

Enange lo aitutuket: (Aparit ne enangia aitutuket)

Kanu (Inyo ebunio itosomia alupok Nu - akoru, iduk, ere)

Atutubena nuetacianario Etiai Aparan na etacit

alupok Akan elope

Atacario na soditAtacario na iyaretAtacario na iuniet Atacario na iwongonet


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

g) Mam aswam idio boore yen itidisiari alupok agogon, arai nat aitidisiari ajokis na alupok kwape nat itwasam idaiya itungan, arai ajepanar ikito lu apolok.


a) Ejai acamakin epagisan ailajara komam elope alupok arai lu ijuki ngesi itolitol iboi ke kalupok.

b) Arai ke kotokin elope alupok agwelar alupok ngun ejai ber ngesi aijaikin epagisan arereng naka agwel alupok ngun eroko ngesi itwegela idio tunganan.

c) Ekoto ber itigenikin epagisan eroko elope alupok eloto awanyanar.


a) Kedaun apak ne ejai aitutuket. b) Karai kiswamaun idio bore yen ebili idio tutubet arai kere na aitutuket

ecamakino yen enomorete akiro aitanang aitutuket na.c) Edaun apak na aipagisao , ido okoto elope alupok apigisar alupok ke

bobo ocamunite epagisan aitutuket ngin, epedoro iyatakin aitutuket ngin kwape ajari acamanar, arai aiteteun acamanar.


Kejaun edio nugget lo ikamunit alupok ngun erai ayangar akiro ne ejasi apedorosio nu epitene nu iwaitin ngun iyarei kwape acamunitor aitutuket: arai mam kes. ecamanara eyangaro do akiro ocooti loka alupok lo apugan lo kwana erai ber lo LCII lo ejasi alupok ngul.

Aitutuket na iswamatai aparasia …….. nuka olap …… okaru……….

Akan elope alupok Akan epagisanLu ejasi kede apedorosio(ikulepek)

Ekiror Akan Epagisan Ekiror Akan

Elope alupok EpagisanElope alupok EpagisanElope alupok EpagisanElope alupok EpagisanAparasia Aparasia


Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Lue ejatatar ka apedorosio ko pitene acamun aitutuket na (kwape aberu/Angor, idwe)

Kinomu amaapu na alupok kanu ipagisaro ido kitodunite iboro luta:-Nyakoi, Engalakimak, Kide, Too, kojasi itoduneta, Aojau ka Alalau na alupok kotoma metres, icie boro lu ejasi alupok ngul kwape Ikito, Atanin,Icileta etc.Kidokokisi elope alupok, lo epagisan, LC, angor,ipolok atekerin akanin kec kau na amaapu.Kiswamauni icopies 5 lu amaapu kana kosodete akorakinelope alupok, epagisan, LCI, atekeri kosodi edope ibwaikin oregister lo aplon etem teteri atupitor.

Ekiror Akan Aparasia Ajena

Aberu na sodit na elope alupok:

Aberu na iyareit na elope alupok:

Aberu na sodit na epagisan:

Aberu na iyareit na epagisan:

Apolon ateker lo itogongori ebe acamutu Itunga lu ejasi ka epedorosio alupok nu Aitutuket na ipagis.Ikoku yen apolon yen elope alupokIkoku yen apolon yen epagisan

Ajenak lu elope alupok Ajenak epagisanApolon ateker lo elope Alupok Ekiror Akan Apolon ateker

lo epagisan Ekiror Akan

Apolon ateker lo aiboisit Ekiror Akan Apolon ateker

lo aiboisit Ekiror Akan

LC 1 lo atutubet Ekiror Akan LC 1 lo aibosit Ekiror AkanIkirorai apolok ikalia Ka angor kec lu idunyasi ka a alupok nu.



Nutupitono ka nuiswama koidare loka alupok nuka ateker ka apedorosio nuka ikulepek alupok, 1st Omaruk 2009

Lue ejatatar ka apedorosio ko pitene acamun aitutuket na (kwape aberu/Angor, idwe)

Kinomu amaapu na alupok kanu ipagisaro ido kitodunite iboro luta:-Nyakoi, Engalakimak, Kide, Too, kojasi itoduneta, Aojau ka Alalau na alupok kotoma metres, icie boro lu ejasi alupok ngul kwape Ikito, Atanin,Icileta etc.Kidokokisi elope alupok, lo epagisan, LC, angor,ipolok atekerin akanin kec kau na amaapu.Kiswamauni icopies 5 lu amaapu kana kosodete akorakinelope alupok, epagisan, LCI, atekeri kosodi edope ibwaikin oregister lo aplon etem teteri atupitor.

Ekiror Akan Aparasia Ajena

Aberu na sodit na elope alupok:

Aberu na iyareit na elope alupok:

Aberu na sodit na epagisan:

Aberu na iyareit na epagisan:

Apolon ateker lo itogongori ebe acamutu Itunga lu ejasi ka epedorosio alupok nu Aitutuket na ipagis.Ikoku yen apolon yen elope alupokIkoku yen apolon yen epagisan

Ajenak lu elope alupok Ajenak epagisanApolon ateker lo elope Alupok Ekiror Akan Apolon ateker

lo epagisan Ekiror Akan

Apolon ateker lo aiboisit Ekiror Akan Apolon ateker

lo aiboisit Ekiror Akan

LC 1 lo atutubet Ekiror Akan LC 1 lo aibosit Ekiror AkanIkirorai apolok ikalia Ka angor kec lu idunyasi ka a alupok nu.


Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management as of June 2009

English Version

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009


Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009


Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009


Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009



In Teso, over 90% of the land is under the customary land tenure system, to be managed in accordance with Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR). While Teso PPRR in land tenure management is well known amongst the Iteso; its understanding and clarity within the new Iteso generation is not as clear as it is with the earlier generations due to the effect of time and change. For some parts of Teso, the situation has been made worse by the 20 years of insecurity and the effects of displacement. In addition, the courts of law and other non Iteso within Uganda and beyond do not understand with adequate clarity the Teso PPRR in land tenure management. Furthermore, there is lack of written Teso PPRR in land tenure management, leaving it to be passed from one generation to another through actual practices, verbal and folklore.

In the face of the challenges of population increase, people returning home from displacement and harmonisation of all stakeholders understanding of the Teso PPRR in the Constitutional provided customary land tenure system, Iteso Cultural Union (ICU) through its Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Physical Planning has documented the Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities of customary tenure in Teso, with support from our development partners, particularly Land and Equity Movement in Uganda – LEMU and those who support them. We believe that it will provide a lot of useful guidance to our people, those involved in land management in Teso, courts of law, and other stakeholders. We also believe this PPRR will help to reduce the many problems currently faced by people with land rights under customary tenure in Teso such as:

i. Boundary disputesii. Land grabbing from unmarried daughters, sons born out of

marriage, divorced women who return to parents and people who are away from home. The land grabbing is sometimes unfortunately done by the very clan members who have the responsibility to protect these land rights.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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iii. Irresponsible sale of land without knowledge and consent of the clan leaders; without considering future generations; for money for alcohol, luxuries and gambling; without knowledge and consent of the spouse, children and other family members;

iv. Sale of the same land more than once due to greed for money with resultant consequences that sometimes cause death.

v. Secret sale of land belonging to others, the community or public land such as wetlands.

vi. Conflictcausedbypeoplewhomigratedandresettledinsomeother place a long time ago but return to home of origin for land to sell.

vii.Conflictcausedbytheretractionoflandgiftsgivenbydeceasedrelatives from other people and institutions such as health units, markets, forests, play grounds and worship places.

viii. The chasing from land of widows, orphans and children by some clan leaders, family members and neighbours

ix. Some leaders taking land by force in the name of development but without giving the legally required compensation – purchase price, disturbance allowance and payments for improvements on the land.

x. Conflict brought about by court rulings made withoutunderstanding customary land tenure.

The challenge lying ahead is adequate dissemination to all key stakeholders; adherence to the PPRR and receiving necessary feedback for continuous improvement.

The process of documenting and ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the PPRR of customary tenure in Teso was through a Working Group nominated at the stakeholders’ workshop and it consisted of 7 people. The Working Group drafted the PPRR based oninformationfromthestakeholders’workshops.ThefinaldraftoftheWorking Group document was laid before more than 100 ICU council membersand104DistrictCouncilorsfromTesoforratification.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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I am hereby duty-bound to call upon all the Iteso, Land key stakeholders, actors, Uganda Government, Local Governments, Members of Parliament, clans and community leaders, elders, faith based organisations, business people, investors and all the people of Teso to join hands and work together in order to ensure that we formalise Teso PPRR in land tenure management in adherence to the Constitutional provisions. To reach all stakeholders, we have produced it in both Ateso and the English languages. From the clan leaders at various levels, Civil Society Organisations and our development partners, we appeal for support for dissemination, entrenching the PPRR and gathering and giving feedback to ICU at our address P.O.Box705SorotiorthroughLEMUattheirofficewithinSOCADIDOSorotioffice,C/OP.O.Box641,Soroti.

Augustine Lemukol OsubanEmorimor Papa Iteso

The Paramount Chief of Teso.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Part 1 - PRELIMINARY 1.Interpretation.

Part 2 - LAND RIGHTS AND LAND HOLDING 2.Restrictions on land transactions.

PART 3 - RIGHTS TO LAND. 3. Rights to all for all family members. 4. Rights of heads of families and heir 5. Rights of an heir. 6.Rightsofunmarriedgirlsandboys. 7. Rights of widows. 8. Rights of an orphaned minor

PART 4 - LAND MANAGEMENT. 9. The clan. 10. Village Clan Committees. 11. Functions of the Village Clan Committees. 12. Meetings. 13. Parish Clan Committees 14. Functions of the Parish Clan Committees. 15. Meetings. 16.SubCountyClanCommittees. 17. The functions of the Sub County clan committees. 18. Meetings. 19. District Clan Committees. 20. Functions of the District Clan Committees. 21. Meetings. 22. ICU 23. Membership of ICU. 24. Functions of the Iteso Cultural Union Council. 25 Meetings.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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PART 5 - PROCEDURE FOR LAND TRANSACTIONS IN TESO REGION. 26.Procedureforconsenttosellland 27. Process for marking boundaries for land to be sold. 28. Drawing of Sales Agreement and Sketch sites. 29. Referral. 30. Penalties.

PART 6 - REGULATIONS. 31. Regulations


Iteso Cultural Union (ICU) Government as of December 2008.

Teso Land Working Group Members

Process followed in the writing of the TESO PPRR.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Part 1 – Preliminary

1. Interpretation.

In these Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) unless the context otherwise requires :-

A‘Clan’is‘Ateker’recognizedinTesoandregisteredwiththeofficeofItesoCultural Union [ICU]

“An heir” is a person appointed by the clan members after the death and burialofhis/herheadoffamilytotakeovermanagementofthe‘’estateofthe deceased.’’

“Estate of the deceased” is the land that was left in the pool undivided amongst Individual members of the family and the land that had remained to personal use of the deceased.

”Bad reasons’’ for selling land may include selling land for liquor, for touring places, purchasing luxurious goods such as radio cassettes, for marrying anotherwifeafterthefirstonewhennotyetdivorcedandforbuyingfancyclothes.

‘‘Customary land’’ means inherited land in Teso region that is not registered with the Registration of Tittles Act or owned by or vested in the local or central government of Uganda.

‘‘Common property’’ is property where land rights are with the clan (s) members as Opposed to rights with family or individual, for example grazing and hunting land.

”Ekingol” is the penalty paid to the clan of the daughter by the man responsible for impregnating her so that the child born may take on the lineage of the biological father and not that of the mother.

“Good reasons” for selling land may include selling land for medical treatment, school fees, dowry, and payment in execution of a court order and for viable economic business.

“Head of family” includes an heir, a married man whose father has allocated land for use and management, a widow, an orphan who is the oldest member of that family and named as so because there is no relative to manage the

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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land on his/her behalf, a single and unmarriedwoman born in the samefamily and a divorced woman who returns to her birth place.

“Important informationconcerning landsale”may includewhys/hewantstoselllandandhowmuchlands/hewantstosellandhowmuchthefamilywillremainwith,thenumberofdependantsontheland,ifs/hehassoldlandbeforeandhowmuch lands/hehassold in totalandanyother importantrevealing information.

“Iteso Cultural Union” is a traditional institution as described in the 1995 Constitution, as amended under which His Highness; The Emorimor Papa Iteso is elected.

“Recorder” is as per the 1998 Land Act, as amended.

“Selling” land includes renting, mortgaging, gifting of land

“Start date for the PPRR” is 1st June, 2009.

“Teso region” means the districts of Soroti, Kaberamaido, Bukedea, Kumi, Katakwi, Amuria or any other districts or parts of the country curved out of or incorporated with the existing Teso region.

“The clan” of a family is the clan of the head of the family household.

LC is the local council established by the Local Government Act and includes its replacement or equivalent.

“Marriage” isdefinedas thatmarriageorunionofmanandwomanmadeunder the laws of Uganda.

“Orphaned minor” is a child whose parents are dead and is under the age of 18 years.

“Clan committees” are Village Clan Committees, Parish Clan Committees, Sub County Clan Committees, District Clan committees, ICU council established under these Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities following rules ofofficeforelections,durationasestablishedbytheconstitution installingHis Highness ,The Emorimor Papa Iteso.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Part 2 - Restrictions to land transactions.

2. Customary land in Teso region is vested in the respective clans of Teso to hold and manage in trust for the past, present and future people of Teso.

a) Customary land in Teso is not for sale by any individual or head of thefamilyentrustedwiththemanagementoflandforthebenefitofthe members of the family and future generation.

b) Land can only be sold if it’s for “good reason” and with the permission of the majority of family members, whether present or absent, permission of clan committee and consent of the wife or wives.

c) The clan committee must not allow the sale of land for “bad reason”.

d) The land where the head of family is an orphaned minor must not be sold without the permission of the parish clan committee.

e) Consent will be assumed not to have been given if any of the wife or wives with rights to land refuses to grant consent and if the majority of the adult children refuse to grant consent.

f) Consent will be assumed not to have been given if the majority of the members attending the parish clan committee meeting vote against the sale of land of an orphaned minor.

Part 3 - Rights to land.

3. All persons born in or married into a family have rights to customary land.

4. Rights of heads of families.

Heads of families hold land in trust for the family and have the rights to allocate land to members of their family and to protect land rights of women and children from trespassers.

5. Rights of an heir.

All heirs to family land have rights and responsibilities of heads of families over their own allocated land, over the land of previous deceased head of family, and over land left unallocated in a pool for the use of the whole family.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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6. Rights of unmarried girls and boys.

a) All children, boys and girls born to a family have the right to inherit their fathers land and right to use land allocated to them.

b) Children born in marriage to a daughter married in another clan have no right to inherit land but may be allocated land to use.

c) Children born by daughters out of marriage have full rights to land same as children born in the family, unless their biological fathers pay penalty or “Ekingol”

d) All children have the right to agree or refuse to the sale of land managed by heads of their families.

e) Daughters have full rights to use land same as boys until they marry. They retain the right to give consent should the head of the family want to sell the land.

f) Divorced daughters of a family who return to their fathers’ homes have full rights, the same as other male and female children. Their children have the right to use land but not own it.

g) On marrying, all boys become heads of their families with the right to allocate land to their families, protect women and children’s land rights and to protect land from trespassers.

h) Adult boys and girls who do not marry remain with the right only to use land within the family unless they have children in which case they then become heads of their families.

7. Rights of widows.

a) A widow has the right to choose to take or not to take a relative of her deceased husband as her partner (or to be inherited); to live in her marital home or to return to her father’s home.

b) All widows whether living alone or with a male partner from within the clan become heads of their families upon the death of their husbands with full rights to manage her land and the land of her children who are minors.

c) The clan of the deceased husband shall appoint a man to protect the land rights of a widow from trespassers but the land rights of thewidowshallnotpassontotheofficerappointedtoprotectthewidow.

d) A widow who remarries in to another clan loses her rights as head of the family of her deceased husband and this right passes to the heir of the family as appointed by the clan. This right may be regained on the widows’ return.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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8. Rights of an orphaned minor

An orphan has the right to be the head of the family .The parish clancommittee must ensure that the land of orphans is not grabbed by.

Part 4 - Land Management.

9. The clan.

a) The responsibility to elect an heir to a deceased head of family is that of the clan from which the deceased head of family belongs if the deceased did not name an heir. The widow becomes head of family after the death of her husband.

b) Upon the death and burial of the head of the family, the clan must meettoelectorconfirmanheirtoreplacethedeceasedasheirandto appoint the protector of the widow.

c) Minutes of the meeting in which an heir and widow‘s protector are elected must be written, with a list of all the names of people who attended and site sketch of the land the deceased was managing drawnandfiledwiththeParishClanCommitteeandtheministerforEnvironment and Natural Resources in ICU council.

d) The heir may use the minutes of the meeting electing him in his application for letters of administration for managing the estate of the deceased.

10. Village Clan Committees.

a) There shall be a committee called village clan committee.b) The committee shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession

and a common seal and may sue or be sued in its corporate name.c) The committee shall consist of nine people with one of the positions

of chairperson and vice chairperson held by a woman and a man. Other posts shall be for secretary, treasurer, youth, disabled person, security and two female members.

d) Members of the clan committee will be elected from all the members of the same clan with permanent homes in the village.

e) If the numbers of the members of the clan are too few for election, they may choose, as a clan, in a meeting and a decision in writing, to belong to one village clan committee of their choice.

f) Theprocedure,tenureofofficeandqualificationforelectionareasper the constitution of the Iteso Cultural Union.

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11. Functions of the Village Clan Committees.

The functions of the village clan committee shall be to:

a) Identify, protect, hold and manage grazing lands, picnic sites, recreation sites hunting lands and woodlands for the clan.

b) Give consent to family households to sell land, following procedure laid down in these Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities.

c) Refer any appeals against the decisions on the land sales of a family to the parish clan committee.

d) Refer applications for land sales by minors to the parish clan committee.

e) Ensure and run awareness programmes on the dangers of landlessness to discourage irresponsible land sales.

f) Register the names of the heirs and heads of families in their village.

g) Protect the land of orphaned minors from trespassers and would be land grabbers.

h) Procurecertificatesofcustomaryownershipcommunity landsuchas for grazing lands, picnic sites, traditional sites for ceremonies, hunting lands and woodlands for the clan from the District Land Board to protect it from outside trespassers on behalf of the owners in the clans.

i) Referanycasesrelatedtolandsalesandlandconflictthattheyarenot able to solve to the parish clan committee.

j) Ensure that communities are informed of policies and laws on all lands vested in government of Uganda in trust for the people, such as wetlands, forests and other fragile ecosystem.

k) Keep records of all lands in the village and protect and inspect wetlands, road reserves, forests, etc for public good.

l) Promote the planting of Ejumula/Eligoi boundary tree and drawings ofthesitesketchbeforeboundaryconflictsarise.

m) Determine and mediate on land cases from customary land as authorized by the 1998 land Act, as amended.

12. Meetings.a) The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the village clan

committee and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

b) Where the Chairperson is absent, the vice chairperson shall preside at the meeting and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

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c) Where both the chairperson and vice chairperson are not present, those in attendance will elect a chairperson from amongst them.

d) The quorum for meeting and hearing of land cases of the village clan committee is 5 and shall be composed of the chairperson, vice chairperson, disabled person, a woman and secretary, unless it is for mediation in which case the quorum will be 5 people chosen by the partiestothelandconflict.

13. Parish Clan Committees.

a) There shall be a committee to be known as parish clan committee.b) The committee shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession

and a common seal and may sue or be sued in its corporate name.c) The committee shall consist of 9 people with the positions of

chairperson and vice chairperson held by a woman and a man. Other posts shall be secretary, treasurer, youth, disabled person, security and two female members.

d) Members of the parish clan committee will be elected from all the village clan committees in the parish.

e) Theprocedure,tenureofofficeandqualificationfortheelectionareas per the constitution of the Iteso Cultural Union.

14. Functions of the Parish Clan Committees.

The functions of the parish clan committee shall be to:a) Identify, protect, hold and manage community land such as grazing

lands, picnic sites, recreation sites, hunting lands and wood lands that is in more than a village for the clans.

b) Hear appeals on decisions on land sales and land conflict fromvillage clan committees.

c) Refercasesrelatedtolandsalesandlandconflictthattheyarenotable to solve to the Sub County clan committee.

d) Ensure that committees and village clan committees are informed of policies and laws on all lands vested in government of Uganda in trust for the peoples, laws such as on wet lands, forests, wildlife and environment.

e) Keep records of all lands, land sales and land conflicts in theparish.

f) Protect and inspect wetlands, road reserves, forests and other fragile ecosystem for public good.

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15. Meetings.

a) The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the parish clan committee and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

b) Where the chairperson is absent, the vice chairperson shall preside at the meeting and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

c) Where both the chairperson and vice chairperson are not present, those in attendance will elect a person from amongst themselves.

d) The quorum for meeting and hearing land cases of the parish clan committee is 5 and shall be composed of the chairperson, vice chairperson, disabled person, a woman and secretary, unless it’s for mediation in which case the quorum will be 5 people chosen by the partiestothelandconflict.

16.Sub County Clan Committees.

a) There shall be a committee known as Sub County clan committee.b) The Sub County committee shall be a body corporate with perpetual

succession and a common seal and may sue or be sued in its corporate name.

c) The committee shall consist of 9 people with the positions of chairperson and vice chairperson held by a woman and a man. Other posts shall be secretary, treasurer, youth, disabled persons, security and two female members.

d) Members of the Sub County clan committee will be elected from the elected parish clan committees.

e) Theprocedure,tenureofofficeandqualificationforelectionareasper the constitution of the Iteso Cultural Union.

17. The functions of the Sub County clan committees shall be to:

a) Identify, protect, hold and manage community land such as grazing land, picnic sites, recreation sites, hunting lands and woodlands that is in more than one parish for the clans.

b) Hear appeals on decisions on land sales and land conflict fromparish clan committees.

c) Referanylandsalesrelatedandlandconflictcasesthattheyarenotable to solve to the District Clan Committee.

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d) Ensure that communities and parish clan committees are informed of policies and laws on lands vested in government of Uganda in trust for the people, such as wet lands and forests etc.

e) Keep recordsofall lands, landsalesand landconflict in theSubCounty.

f) Protect and inspect wetlands, road reserves, forests, wild life, environment and other fragile ecosystem for public good.

18. Meetings. a) The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the committee and

shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.b) Where the chairperson is absent, the vice chairperson shall preside

at the meeting and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

c) Where both the chairperson and the vice chair person are not present, those in attendance will elect a chairperson from amongst them.

d) The quorum for meeting and for hearing cases of the Sub County clan committee is 5 and shall be composed of the chairperson, vice chair person, disabled person, a woman and secretary, unless it is for mediation in which case the quorum will be 5 people chosen by thepartiestothelandconflict.

19. District Clan Committees.

a) There shall be a committee to be known as District Clan Committee.

b) The district clan committee shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and may sue or be sued in its corporate name.

c) The committee shall consist of 9 people with the positions of Chair person, vice chairperson, held by a woman and a man. Other posts shall be secretary, treasurer, youth, disabled person, security and two female members.

d) Members of the District Clan committees will be elected from the elected Sub County clan committees.

e) Theprocedure,tenureofofficeandqualificationforelectionareasper the constitution of the Iteso Cultural Union.

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20. Functions of the District Clan Committees.

The functions of the District clan committees shall be to:

a) Identify, protect, hold and manage community land such as grazing lands, picnic sites, recreation sites, hunting lands and woodlands that is in more than one Sub County for the clans.

b) Hearappealsondecisionsonlandsalesandlandconflictsreferredfrom the Sub County clan committees.

c) Referlandsalesandlandconflictrelatedcaseswhichtheyarenotable to solve to Iteso Cultural Union.

d) Ensure that communities and Sub County clan committees are informed of policies and laws on all lands vested in government of Uganda in trust for the people, such as wetlands, forests. etc

e) Keep records of all lands, land sales and land conflict in theDistrict.

f) Protect and inspect wetlands, road reserves, forests, environment and other fragile ecosystem for public good.

21. Meetings.

a) The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the committee and shall, in addition to his or her vote, have a casting vote.

b) Where the chairperson is absent, the vice chairperson shall preside at the meeting and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

c) Where both the chairperson and the vice chairperson are not present, those in attendance will elect a chairperson from amongst them.

d) The quorum for meeting of the district clan committee is 5 and shall be composed of chairperson, vice chairperson, disabled person, a woman and secretary, unless it is for mediation in which case the quorumshallbe5peoplechosenbythepartiestothelandconflict.

22. ICU

a) The ICU shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and may sue or be sued in its corporate name.

b) Procurecertificatesofcustomaryownershipfortheculturalsites,toprotect it from outside trespassers on behalf of the people of Teso who have land rights to the land in Teso Region.

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23. Membership of ICU.a) The membership of the current ICU council shall be as follows:

I. Two representatives, a man and a woman from each of the Sub Counties, elected by and from the Sub County Committees,

II. One woman and youth from each of the districts,III.A chairperson of the district clan committees, andIV.A representative of people with disability, elected from the

district clan committee.b) Theprocedure,tenureofofficeandqualificationforelectionareas

per the Constitution of the Iteso Cultural Union.

24. Functions of the Iteso Cultural Union Council.

The functions of the Iteso cultural Union shall be to:a) Identify, protect and hold ceremonial cultural sites in Teso region.b) Monitor the implementation of these Principles, Practices, Rights

and Responsibilities concerning customary land management in Teso Region.

c) Be responsible for the overall management of all customary land in Teso Region.

d) Be responsible for keeping records of land in Teso region.e) Ensure that the cases decided upon by clan committees are not

contradictory to the Principles Practices, Rights and responsibilities, to state laws, and principles of natural justice.

f) Study the common reasons given for selling of land and analyse causes of land conflict and find solutions to the causes so as toreduce irresponsible land sales, landlessness and poverty.

25. Meetings.

a) The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the council and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

b) Where the chairperson is absent, the vice chairperson shall preside at the meeting and shall, in addition to his or her deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

c) Where both the chairperson and the vice chairperson are not present, those in attendance will elect a chairperson from amongst them.

d) The quorum for meeting of the ICU council is as provided for by ICU constitution.

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Part 5 - Procedure for Land Transactions in Teso Region.

26.Procedure for consent to sell land

a) Theheadofthefamilywhowantstoselllandmustfirstdiscusswithmembers of the family household, whether they live with the head of family or not, the intention to sell.

b) The head of family should then give’’ important information’’ to the chairperson of the village clan committee concerning the sale of the land.

c) The chairperson of the village clan committee will convene a meeting ofallmembersofthefamilyhouseholdwantingtoselllandtofindoutif the members consent to the sale. The consent, if agreed should be in writing and signed by all the members of the family household, indicating whether they agree or disagree with the sales, witnessed by the chairperson of the village clan committee and another member of the committee.

27.Process for marking boundaries for land to be sold.

a) The members of the family wanting to sell land and members of the village clan committees will inform other clan members of the land being sold and if none of them is able or interested to purchase it, or is offering a price below the market price, the head of the family selling land may then advertise to sell land outside the clan.

b) The buyer, seller, all neighbors to the land to be sold, chairperson of the village clan committee and LC1 of the area where the land is situated, must then visit the land to be sold and verify and agree on boundaries and plant Ejumula/ Eligoi tree or any other approved ICU boundary mark on the boundaries.

c) TheLC1and/orthetheChairpersonoftheVillageclanCommitteemust cause to be drawn a sketch site of the land to be sold with details and measurements, campus direction, names of neighbours, description of any visible land marks.

d) The site sketch must be signed by the buyer, seller, LC1, neighbours, agreed witnesses and chairperson of the village clan committee.

28. Drawing of Sales Agreement and Sketch sites.

a) LC1 must then draft a sales agreement using, as a guideline the format in Schedule 1 and must include the family consent letter and the wives consent clause as integral parts of the sales agreement

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b) After payment of all the agreed purchase price of the land by the buyer to the seller, the sales agreement must be signed by the buyer, seller, wife or wives of the seller(if any) and witnessed by the LC1 and the chairperson of the village clan committee or the vice chairperson.

c) The LC1 must ensure that 5 copies of the signed sales agreement and signed site sketch of the land sold are made and a copy each given to the seller, chairperson of the village clan committee, the recorder, theICUCouncil,acopykept in theLC1chairpersonfileand the original copy to the buyer.

29. Referral.

Any person aggrieved by the decision of the clan committee at a lower levelmay refer the matter for consideration to a clan committee at a higher level.Referrals will lie from village clan committee to parish clan committee, fromparish clan committee to sub-county clan committee, from sub-county clancommitteetodistrictclancommitteeandfinallyfromdistrictclancommitteeto ICU council.

30. Penalties.

a) Any sale of land carried out without a written consent as required by this Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities is null and void.

b) Anyone who sells land without written consent from the family members, wives and village clan committee must return the purchase price of land given to him or her by the buyer. The burden of proof of getting consent is on the seller. In this case, the village clan committee should assist the buyer to recover his money from the seller.

c) The village clan committee should repossess land that is purportedly sold without consent from the buyer and return this to the family from which it is purported to have been bought.

d) Any person who sells land without the consent of the village clan committee, family member and wives is liable to pay costs incurred by all parties as determined by the village clan committee or committee of referral.

e) Anyone who cuts Ejumula/ Eligoi or approved boundary tree commits an offence and is punishable under the penal code of Uganda.

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Part 6 - Regulations.

31. Regulations

1) Iteso Cultural Union will be responsible for the implementation of these Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities.

2) Without prejudice to the general effect of sub-section (1) and within the laws of Uganda, ICU may:

a) Inform the people of fees to be charged for the preparation of any documents for or in connection with any disposition of dealing in land.

b) Inform the people of charges to be made by the clan committees in respect of their function under these Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities.

c) Inform the people of fees to be paid as stamp duty when land is sold and inform on how it’s to be distributed.

d) Prescribe anything under these Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities that relate to managing land under customary tenure.

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ScheduleFormat for Land Rental/Agreement.


THIS AGREEMENT is made this ……… day of ……… 200….... BETWEEN

The landlords (are people with rights to the land, i.e. head of family and family members) The tenant refers to the person or the people wanting to use the land for an agreed period of time. The Landlords are renting to the people who have signed below the land held under customary tenure situated at:

THE LANDLORD AND THE TENANT Name NameVillage VillageParish ParishSub - County Sub - CountyDistrict District

Village/ZoneParish/WardSub-county/TownCounty/DivisionDistrictApproximate area of land measuring ……... meters in length by and …….. meters in width). (also see map attached)

Names of heads of families and their wives who are in the adjacent land.


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IT IS AGREED as follows:

The Parties shall enter into a rental agreement where by the Landlord shall rent to the Tenant the above described land:

Rent will be payable as follows:

1. THE TENANT AGREES: a. To pay the rent at all times in the manner agreed. b. To use the property only for the purpose for which it was leased. c. To permit the Landlord or people who he sends to enter the Land at reasonable times to examine the condition of the land. d. Not to sublet any of the land without the written consent of the Landlord in advance

For a term of : (Days / Months / Years)

With effect from : (Date agreement begins)

At a rent of : (Uganda Shillings)

Rent to be paid : (Weekly/Monthly/Yearly)

Date rent is payable : (upon signing / X day of each term)

Expiry date : (Date agreement ends)

For the purposes of : (What will the land be used for – e.g. Farming, building a home, etc)

Rental installments Amount Date of payment Signatures of landlords

1st installment2nd installment3rd installment4th installment

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e. To behave at all times as a good neighbour, and not to allow anyone to do something which would be a nuisance to those living around the land. f. To return the land with no squatters when this agreement ends g. Not to do anything to the land that will permanently degrade or reduce the value of the land. E.g. use the land for burial, or cut down big trees.


a. That the Tenant shall enjoy the Land until the end of the agreement without any interruption from the Landlord or people he sends. b. If at any time during the agreement the Landlord wishes to sell the Land, he shall give priority to the tenant. c. To provide the Tenant with reasonable notice before any inspection of the Land.


a. The agreement shall end at the expiry of the Tenancy. b. Any breach (doing anything that is not allowed) of part or the whole of this agreement shall entitle the aggrieved party to terminate the agreement. c. At the end of the tenancy, if the landlord wants to rent the land again and the tenant had obeyed the terms of the agreement, the tenancy agreement will be extended on the same terms or new terms.


If the parties have any dispute pertaining to the Land, the matter should be directed to the customary authorities of both parties as agreed. If there is no agreement the matter should be taken to the state court for land, currently

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the LC’s executive committee of the area where the rented land is situated.

This agreement is made on the ............ day of …… .(month) of 200…….

Name Signature Date Relationship

1st wife to landlord

2nd wife to landlord

1st wife to tenant

2nd wife to tenant

Clan leader verifying that the people with rights to land being rented have agreed.

Eldest child , if any

Signed by the LANDLORD Signed by the TENANTPeople with rights to the land rented (LANDLORD)

Name Signature TENANT Name Signature

Landlord TenantLandlord TenantLandlord TenantLandlord, etc TenantDate Date

The following holders of customary rights consent to this agreement (e.g. wife/wives, elders)

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WITNESS FOR LANDLORD WITNESS FOR TENANTHead of clan of Landlord Names Signature Name Head of clan

of TenantHead of clan of area Signature Sign Head of clan

of the area.LC1 chair of the area Signature Date LC1 for the

TenantName of heads of family and their wives adjacent to land

Signature Name Head of clan of Tenant

Names of heads of family and their wives adjacent to land

Signature Sign Head of clan of the area

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Task :Draw map of the land being rented and include the following: north, south, east and west arrow signs; the length and width in meters of the “stick” used in measurement; any features on land of a permanent nature such as trees, rivers. Map should then be signed at the back landlord, tenants, LC, wives, clan leaders. 5 copies of the map should be made and one each given to landlord, tenant, LC1, clan and 1 registered with the sub county chief (recorder) for records.

Annex 1 : Sketch Map of Land

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Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.

Iteso Cultural Union (ICU) Government as of December, 2008.





Mr. Gabriel ItelaMr. Evans Esau Teso - Kenya


Mr. Phillip AdomeMr. Tom Etaru Ekisa Busia


The Bishop Rt. Rev Dr. N. E. OkilleMr. Sedekiya Etyang Tororo

1. His Grace The Archbishop James Odongo Mbale


Mr. Charles OdereMr. Asanasio Arikodi Pallisa


The Bishop Rt. Rev. Gereshom Ilukor (RTD)Mr. Stephen Besweri Akabwai Kumi


The Bishop Rt. Rev. Charles B. ObaikolMr. John Peter Aliau Soroti


Mr. Cuthbert J. ObwangorMrs. Agiripina Amuge Akol Katakwi


Prof. Francis OmaswaProf. Michael Andrew OtimProf. Jethro Ariko Opolot


Rev. John Levi Ekanyu Kaberamaido1.2.

Mr. Paul Otebba OrisaiMr. Valentine Ekiring Bugiri

No. NAMES DISTRICT1. The Rt. Hon. Robert A. Irigiei Pallisa

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The Rt. Hon. George W. OchokoloThe Rt. Hon. Mesulam O. E. OlupotThe Rt. Hon. John Dewit Oriokot

Southern RegionCentral RegionNorthern Region


H.E. Eliphaz Amujal Odeke

Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extra Ordinary in the office of His Highness Emorimor Papa Iteso


1. Works, Transport, Communication and Housing

Hon. John Okou Opolot [Ilogin clan]


2. Finance, Planning and Economic Development

Hon. Martin Owako Pallisa

3. Education and Sports Hon. Valerian Ejalu Soroti

4. Environment and Natural Resources

Hon. Stephen Enokokin Soroti

5. Iteso in Diaspora and International Relations

Hon. Leonard Otekat Ekapu Soroti

6. Health Hon. Dr. John Opolot (Erarakit) Kumi

7. Information and Documentation Hon. Source Opak Kumi

8. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Hon. Peter Etyang Busia

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

52 53

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.


9. Trade, Industry, Tourism and Technology

Hon. Paul Sande Emolot Tororo

10. Culture, Research and Documentation

Hon. Elizabeth Laini Etyang Teso - Kenya

11. Community Development Hon. Vance Omone Amuria

12. Legal, Constitutional Affairs and Human Rights

Hon. William Ikilleng Ikapel ( Teso - Kenya


1. Public Relations AffairsHon. Tom Enabu – Office of Premier


2. Works, Transport, Communication and Housing

Hon. Alfred Laini Delewa Teso-Kenya

3. Planning and Economic Development

Hon. Noah Omusolo Teso-Kenya

4. Budgeting Hon. Andrew Ocole Katakwi

5. Basic, Secondary and Higher Education

Hon. Pancras Otwani Teso-Kenya

6. Teacher, Adult and Special Needs Education

Hon. Rose Mary Ariko Katakwi

7. Sports and Games ( (Amunyalec)Hon. Peter Osele (Enyakoi etem)


8. Agro-forestry and Environment Protection

Hon. Ignatious Ojakol (ideko Ipotor)


9. Land and Water Hon. Moses Ariong Amuria

10. External Diaspora and International Relations

Hon. Dan Paul Etyang Bugiri

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

52 53

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.


9. Trade, Industry, Tourism and Technology

Hon. Paul Sande Emolot Tororo

10. Culture, Research and Documentation

Hon. Elizabeth Laini Etyang Teso - Kenya

11. Community Development Hon. Vance Omone Amuria

12. Legal, Constitutional Affairs and Human Rights

Hon. William Ikilleng Ikapel ( Teso - Kenya


1. Public Relations AffairsHon. Tom Enabu – Office of Premier


2. Works, Transport, Communication and Housing

Hon. Alfred Laini Delewa Teso-Kenya

3. Planning and Economic Development

Hon. Noah Omusolo Teso-Kenya

4. Budgeting Hon. Andrew Ocole Katakwi

5. Basic, Secondary and Higher Education

Hon. Pancras Otwani Teso-Kenya

6. Teacher, Adult and Special Needs Education

Hon. Rose Mary Ariko Katakwi

7. Sports and Games ( (Amunyalec)Hon. Peter Osele (Enyakoi etem)


8. Agro-forestry and Environment Protection

Hon. Ignatious Ojakol (ideko Ipotor)


9. Land and Water Hon. Moses Ariong Amuria

10. External Diaspora and International Relations

Hon. Dan Paul Etyang Bugiri

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.

11. Internal DiasporaHon. Martin Etyang (Etikit - Itqaok)

Teso - Kenya

12. Preventive Health Care Hon. Sister Joyce Aedeke Kumi

13. Curative Health Care Hon. Dr. Patrick Okello (Elogiroit) Tororo

14. Traditional Health Care Hon. Simon Opio Kumi

15. Animal Production, Fisheries and Apiary

Hon. Venansio Edeket Katakwi

16. Horticulture Hon. Jonathan Emeturu Okemo Teso - Kenya

17. Trade and Commerce Hon. Lee Echakara Teso - Kenya

18. Labour and Industrial Relations Hon. Anatoli Lucas Etyang Busia

19. Technology Hon. Dominic Kirabu Iluku Teso - Kenya

20. Tourism Hon. Martin Etoor Tororo

21. Clans and Cultural Rites

Hon. Aloysius OnyangaHon. Abisagi Epaja – Culture rites



22. Language and Literature Hon. Mackay Elesu Soroti

23. Research and Documentation Hon. Mathias Omalut Tororo

24. Cultural Activities and Antiquities Hon. Okisoli Akeba Pallisa

25. Finance and Administration Hon. Frances Akello Katakwi

26. Women, Youth and Child Affairs

Hon. Jane Akoi EmokolHon. Norbert Emotu



Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.

27. Elderly and Disability Affairs Hon. Adolu Otojoka Soroti

28. Disaster Preparedness Hon. Christine Amaso Amuria

29. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Hon. Joseph M. E. Okadapao Tororo

30. Human Rights and Freedom Hon. Raphael Opede Mbale

31. Speaker of Council Hon. Otiba .P.Loyce Pallisa

32. Human Rights and Freedom Hon. Dokoria Nicholas Tororo

Teso Land Working Group Members

Robert Irigiei Ekirigi

Mr. Obwangor ICU Advisor

Frances Akello Deputy Minister for Finance

Joseph Okadapao Deputy Minister for Legal and Constitutional Affairs

PhillipAdonga LandOfficerforKaberamaido

Stephen Enokokin Minister for Environment and Natural Resources

Judy Adoko Facilitator from LEMU.

P . Loyce

, an NGO

and Administration

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

54 55

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

54 55

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.

27. Elderly and Disability Affairs Hon. Adolu Otojoka Soroti

28. Disaster Preparedness Hon. Christine Amaso Amuria

29. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Hon. Joseph M. E. Okadapao Tororo

30. Human Rights and Freedom Hon. Raphael Opede Mbale

31. Speaker of Council Hon. Otiba .P.Loyce Pallisa

32. Human Rights and Freedom Hon. Dokoria Nicholas Tororo

Teso Land Working Group Members

Robert Irigiei Ekirigi

Mr. Obwangor ICU Advisor

Frances Akello Deputy Minister for Finance

Joseph Okadapao Deputy Minister for Legal and Constitutional Affairs

PhillipAdonga LandOfficerforKaberamaido

Stephen Enokokin Minister for Environment and Natural Resources

Judy Adoko Facilitator from LEMU.

P . Loyce

, an NGO

and Administration

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.

Date Activity No. of people attending Outcome

10-13.1. 05

Met with District leaders, NGOs, governmentland officials, churches and other stakeholders to hold workshop.

Agreed to have a workshop

21 - 24.3.05

Met with Papa Emorimor(Paramount Chief of Teso).

Workshop agreed for 9 -12.6.05

9 - 12.6.05

3 days workshop to understand customary tenure in Teso

24 people attendedfrom clans, government. Out of 24 people 5 were women.

7 people selected as members of Teso Land Working Group to write the Principles,Practices,Rights and Responsibilities(PPRR) for Teso customary tenure.

3. Process followed to write the PPRR.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.

Aug – Sept, Oct 05

Teso Land Working Group met 3 times and drafted the PPRR.

Groupcomprisedof ICU prime minister, ICU Minister for environment,ICU advisor for Katakwi, land officer for Kaberamaido,ICU deputy minister for Constitutionalaffairs, ICU deputy Minister for finance and LEMU staff.

The PPRR 1st draft produced.

Aug – Sept 05

The PPRR draft and circulated for comments.

PPRR sent to 43 ICU advisors, Soroti RDC and LC5.

The PPRR used to fund raise from 5 donors but no good results.Also proposed a research to understand land issues

Aug – Sept 05

The land working group went on radio twice to talk about Teso land transaction research.

5 people. Mixed sentiments.

Nov 05

Research on customary land in Teso to verify PPRR.

In six sites in the whole of Teso.

Report exists in ICU/LEMU office.

19 - 23.1.061st presentation of PPRR to ICU cabinet.

25 men and 1 woman.

All accepted the PPRR except 2 people who later on accepted the PPRR as correct.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

56 57

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.


2nd presentation of PPRR and research findings to ICU cabinet.

17 people (13 men and 4 women)

PPRR approved. Kenyan ICU members said Teso is lucky to start this work before it is too late, as it is in Kenya.

17.6.06Presented the PPRR to ICU council members.

50 people (45 men and 5 women).

They accepted the PPRR as correct and proposed to present it to all Teso district councilors and MPs.

12.7.06Presented the PPRR to Teso district councilors.

104 people (77 councilors and 27 ICU members)

They accepted the PPRR as correct but wanted time to read it if they were to pass it as ordinances in their districts.


A trip by LEMU, ICU prime minister and minister for environment to all districts in Teso to follow up with councilors on the PPRR being passed as ordinances.

Met with LC5 chairpersons,district speakers and councilors, except Bukedea as leaders not yet elected.

Not much progress reported on passing PPRR as ordinances.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

58 59

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

58 59

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.


On their invitation, the PPRR was presented to Katakwi district council.

Got feedback from Amuria LC5 on the PPRR.

16 people.

Katakwi accepted the PPRR as correct analysis of land rights.

Amuria had questions they wanted answered.

30.9.06PPRR was presented to KUMI ICU elders.

22 people.

They accepted the PPRR as correct analysis of land rights.

3 - 5.2.07

Teso Land working group met to propose a change in tactics – from passing the PPRR as an ordinance (Govt laws) or producing the PPRR as a book for dissemination.

6 people Change of tactics agreed.


Met with the same stakeholders as in the first meeting of 2005 to propose a change – to move away from ordinances to producing the PPRR.

30 people Change accepted.


Met Teso District Councilors to propose change from passing ordinances to producing this book

23 people attended so not all councilors.

Change accepted. Advised to call a second meeting of district councilors


Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

58 59

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

58 59

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.


On their invitation, the PPRR was presented to Katakwi district council.

Got feedback from Amuria LC5 on the PPRR.

16 people.

Katakwi accepted the PPRR as correct analysis of land rights.

Amuria had questions they wanted answered.

30.9.06PPRR was presented to KUMI ICU elders.

22 people.

They accepted the PPRR as correct analysis of land rights.

3 - 5.2.07

Teso Land working group met to propose a change in tactics – from passing the PPRR as an ordinance (Govt laws) or producing the PPRR as a book for dissemination.

6 people Change of tactics agreed.


Met with the same stakeholders as in the first meeting of 2005 to propose a change – to move away from ordinances to producing the PPRR.

30 people Change accepted.


Met Teso District Councilors to propose change from passing ordinances to producing this book

23 people attended so not all councilors.

Change accepted. Advised to call a second meeting of district councilors

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.


Met District Councilors for the 2nd time to propose dropping the idea of ordinances in favour of producing this book

6 people attended.

Accepted the proposed change.


Met ICU to discuss structures for ICU and to strategise election of clan committeesas a means to disseminate the PPRR.

12 people attended.

A strategy of election of clan committees and contact persons agreed for Kumi, Bukedea, Soroti and Katakwi.

March 08 Translation of PPRR to Ateso.

Participants 42 in total of ALC, district land board and sub county chiefs from Katakwi.

Proposed to the participants to start proactively to promote Ejumulaborder planting.


PPRR used for training Area Land Committees (ALC) in Katakwi

July 08

Land justice/land grabbing research, using land rights knowledge from PPRR to agree questions to ask.

Research done in Kaberamaido, Soroti and Katakwi.

Research findings will be used to campaign against land grabbing at family and community levels.

4 - 8.8.08 Proof reading of the translated PPRR 5 ICU people

Corrections made and passed to LEMU.

October 08

List of clan committees for Kumi/Bukedea and Soroti produced.

None from Katakwi so far.

Participants 42 in total of ALC district land board and sub county chiefs from Katakwi.

Proposed to the participants to start proactively,promoting Ejumula border tree planting.

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

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Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for Customary Tenure Management in Teso Region as of June, 2009

60 6�

Teso Principles, Practices, Rights and Responsibilities (PPRR) for customary tenure.


Reading of PPRR twice on Radio Veritas and again to respond to questions asked.

3 ICU members

20 questions asked were about land cases which the PPRR can help to solve.

April 09 PPRR book produced.

responded to

May 09
