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nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jb85s/data/0222.pdf · 20, 1853. 9. THE 'l"T SIB BT IIKUKttO. a...

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20, 1853. 9. THE 'l"T SIB BT IIKUKttO. a 00RKI, weiSS aVBBWV, BBV W BK ramcOB eeasB I low hwn In AlrTaWOW .tUI. 1.- -! .. '. Weekly 44; Kuii-t- ,.,f ' - iv a nr a; i copter! 'ri sower. cow, ti ecM; II mim or over 1H ! "U by rrail an payable ia ed vaaee. l.'tmaiix Ktni -- Inuuut n A ova ana. II klj ' ch a.uarc i line, of h.) ir.fi a T"T - : . jki at rGMUHUHW..., .. - T"ThUt elmrred hr the rest MuaeHv,o- -. saily. 1J, m a sartor: T" Vxuiy, n rer S warbsr; ''lr.! cents pur quarter: T ar' Mnffw to mi. State; aad 90 pruts a Danr ptw qcarter; ataixoa per quartanr; . H niu Weekly p quarter; - out or In lAtxi. AC CMS. it 4. II Chandler, Campbella- - fhas jr. o. Ir i W,'. ieel. Vadisoavt. J. il. t .rllios. sootu-riti- 4. M. I. rev. Kuxxcilviile. II IWtio. v L. SIX a. liuchberu. "vv. Ito; illtr ooanit-- 'Txvirr , T. rt .M Winn. Glxsenw. K. II Havers ft, Ulzahrth. R. S Harder. mrfa)aad. intra. A. a. s.tarktai'. MoadvUre. T. Lxvatbdia. Ilopkiaun ill. T. mIi t. l i. Tni .1 W White. Wc 'T. Marr. Nashville. Ji Ci Nmmoa4a.erueph3rx- - viite li, smith. Itellattn. A .loses. Jaoieetcwii. 'o. c. AthiueoB. Memphis. reel Krsiik'oct .1 tl. W.ltsr. Kh"llt-rnl- Travis, t lreerce. avian. i.riu-bar- ; K. 1. V iia. ritiBtxville. I' llne..ri. - MiHxixairrt. II KWcv. HI. Vecaow 'ml r. i.pkt. KiHff. It tMHoaar. toatuag 4. Jl. liana Abrrdeea. rmllf4. lorlXIAXa. ;Knwett, Int. C0.N0.7e Vainarv vill". TctMMipltrwtlaext., X . l. J. A. Vwtt. 1 aTUr. 4 lu--k- . . ,J. B. Knt. .alvrto A X If i. HaHifaaa. 'ft T tinker. TnoKa. M aia-T- -. !. 4at'a watwiv.kKbwaW. a.a 4 Mrpdlnr4.A"aa.K. 4. aWto. MailaM. 1 - a 4V. aoaU, Lavaiaac-- i iil. . M'rnr. ka UrllW, Ark. T. i'.U4ma. .mmwu. t. G. riOiiaa. lyloana. VAw Rirurw. Aacana. tr!iiKw rTtu-nt- i arf .nrtvrie-- 4 to rwel pi far aa-- y for fn n imit parcr. tlf a aaataocra by nail, wfaa rc"itaii, ataar iria . Joitf Vax Pi ren in ri:i . or the pBrai-lFvr- " KaxvU 1'ulilV. JvAa Van JUro' late ia TaamaBT 1111 tu lr the IIrel4 a tbm ttiac a tlx ailrat moi imarl mcccw-fu- l rMidcatiaai tA the lrawieait'a Kaaaai polir t4l ka4 a p pea rr d in or out of Oy?tys. And. st otliia of any n fpam i that aula of tin aj aMli.io hat appeared : i:u e llii delivery of Jubn't aT;erch. a upK U w ua jost at aupc rUlivf a. aiiner. Ail Uii Iwios true, aa J Jolia'i alilittea bring of t firat mr4t, t Hporaapg ararth wliia to abuar aw radr ba this fvorod, tractopadrnt rindi-oA- ik. t, acoof linlv, tj'UX iu baU as Now, 1 hare mi j ll. U ike nnlf (aatiua that a M ia Ui TerriUiry f kna ara alarer'. I hat ii audic'td.r true. Yim and I vould aever tbiua. of buUieriu; oaraelvea aloat ibe terai of the ijeroof" oJjr ir tb q iliticatri for tUe oliior nf (roreraur. kit kiua of a juuicial rMeai lhe ad, or aal kiud of a Lank tytAem tirr kwd in Cieorria, ia NMJLh Carulioa, ia kealioir.or in Kaaj. aa, Out Uro il ciKuea o Uia nLoai rf alavery, roB oue to ijnidr ueuun aiurhafletU Ube nlauve iiuforvaore of itie aiHerrfit Biemlrs oi ' the cvalcderi v, a i a (ue(iw of nmpariy. Voa are am are that lUrn are rrprewatd ia tbif rnnfedera-t- ; a ad mo or leva of Iheia fhjlt lie re praatoxed. i a quotioa tin coootnu all the othri blataa. Tbat i. (Utrefura, the wlr one that d la- ta ni. the other S'a'o; and ahaa that in aitbdraaa froai be cwm Jerntiai M I Ik Lokiu whatever wtay he the result ia a ik Hurt one euaUog 4ute are lfl ia the oooduioa of trexjuillrty aad peace, ht k Mr. laibjnaa ieVed hi mar If to aad a kuch u ao eeatial to the fir4ierUy i f the whole ouuulrr. (AfKUitr, Sow we should like to know how many ruch vli dicatxrat a thi. U would take to ditma lite Preti-aV- or any other aaan. Look at it. Mr. Cwchaaaa, hawing lieea etevatrd to tbe P.eaideiter ia eoaue-ew- e of bin profr8ed devotion to pnpuUr aover-V- tn the Uriitat iei, it arravatd by a Urge and astiaeaiial aectioa of hi oaa party ia the North fcr aooniTin(r at tbe violation o thir prinriple, lr proving tbe actioa of the Leoumptoa ronrentioa ia eatnaitUft; to the poojJe of Kauaaa ot.1 tbe Uatc rr dee of the cvaatitatioa it fraated, aad a Xortheni defenier, one of the tallest spiriUof ttt party, Nor:1! or souJi, riaea t viadirata hioa, and await, hearea aava the aurk! by declaring that the alarery jwerioa is rV only one that coiKxrnc tte pvopU of the Xjrth, amltbit, if tluU it aeUkd to aaii tktm, they hv aw farther ioiefatA ia the out-ta- Not a word u aaid ahoal the people of Kanr. ?ot one. N.etiirg is of then right ta tjnaaaJ reulaie their iosluMuioua ia their ia a way aianr "nW riht," at II r. Borhaaaa called it be wa eletd. tiut wrtirh he bow ander ircamsLaiK-e- of aucb anesampied euoraiity. Not "' the e aj4eiicc of the poofJe of b niua. at eaoag iaed, whilst the great qaeetioac ia which they have conrflu are nieotioorf only to show that all thii ciaaa of ueaUoa i. a aul'ject of perfect to the peptc of C Sorik. Owe weaid think, from'thia 'viulKiim," that the Preaidert Lad pled-r- hiinatlf to tee to it that the peoile of Kaaaaa ioraaed acd rulated ioalitatioaa ia their o a way aa regmrda araUera of caarera ta tor paople of tbe North, and at kit on tnry at repardf U vlhcr luauera. If (lug an the Preaidaat's pledge w hea be aw 'f eteraal da votioa to popular aorerei y ia tha Terriloriea, the defease we hare quoted it a tolerM ooe, hnt othnTiw it it the moat w retched attempt at aophin'-r- that we ever read or beard. Ii at aa sophistry, ia lord, as atach at logical aaya It beara e'it the tame rrlitioa to a dexrroat fal- lacy thai ruMiery dnea to theft. We are wot prepared to aay, however, that it tbe mK vindiratina of tbe Ktnsw policy that baa ret ten made, Thr II tcald m ij- - very poaulr lie jatt ia iu praise. All bare as say aa thu aoant ia, if thia ia the aaost etfidiration, what nia some of the coaa. ptratue failures lie? "TiVaidenl Clb"UQ would out open the vote oa the rMMbutUoa wuul afwv the elwUoa of tla 4th at January. Toua- - ii r;arj4 ia pjluical circlet a highly fvortile to a aueudy aeulemeol of the kaaa. jae.--ti m by a"U u of the pwple of Ktaaar UaiKiiei Tr.' ymj.hic iKspatck. We 4n trot see ia this new atiythrnr t warrant special Kralalalioa.' l. Import ia hot very dear, twV aa rrwMdeat C Jlieun ia tbe lealeraf tbe fricacL law may be aeeaawaed tftWiere its the ron''lairtnen M well t the legHj. na'-- of iu atjot, it i. not prulmlile that hie refusal to ofea the votea oa the CuMttuUaa ax til after the the 4ih of Jaaaary waa prawipted by (be tligbte misgiving at to the validity of that It ia altother aalikely that be iaiea--4 4 by aaeh sefaoal an r or .jane the blading force rf the elm inn of the 4 th, ff Wie reeuft ahotild prove d.ff jevit fmoi that of the e lectins bald aador the Meaaof Dm Oavaatisa. It i ,uie iacradiltta. Aad ff be dida't, the fact appean bt of little What he aVa1 iotead U ava at all plaia. IU au; have kept tbe rate arrret aatit after taa edectioa at the 4th ia order to sufUy manufacture a triumphant reuU; Ut the Leoumptooitea are, like the liaiDaa-cr- af oar owa 'aweat t)eo," aliht to overmav-- any oppoaing rote, V tby only know what it la. They ace raady to d.vedewa to any depth or aaeuai ta aay height of fraad, if tbe lioa at clearly chalked. P.eaidewt tatlbowa any Terr powi'de have deatpaed ta play irto tleir band.. To t sure, the thiuf would be inCaaaMta, bat iafasiy seeau to poesete ktle tecrer fur tbe ara who hare the Laeoaiptoa Oostitatioo Iu charge, lie may have wbhed tc allow the results of both alecUooa to reach Waah- - ingtoa aioiultaoeooolr, aa aear'.y aa poaaibU, thai tbe whole qtwwtioo, ia it final expect, might come ai ta CoofrreM aqutrtly, and at oace. IU ayia have intoadad ' i i . but, jadint; fruot his past ooadact. It ta extreto :lr lmprobaid. We doabt exeeelingly af tba IV m Itnt of lbs Ieoaaiptoa CoareatiiM fetk at sM aaxioat to give the dnedly ooemiea af that l ! aa rj ul start. It in't Lecompton hoaiaa na ture. I'ulcts Preoidrut Calhoun, acting oa behab of the Iveneap'iia t' xiveoUoa, has reonirad taouv ai ler the vote of the 4th and the preceding one a eq tiT.y ItiutUite, and to reconizt the tutal vote larolvmg aa itnmeate adverae atajurity aa it aauat, vrtboat tbe moat iptcd-ivi- i fraada aa a fair and autbo'itative exres6i'n of the will of the people, sua oseaaiead at tu Cenjrew aa such tiniest bit siTiiti i thia. we caofesa we caa see ao partka- - lar ainlfii inc ia tbe despatch we bt oted. Aid we carta'uly iu not believe that it aiitkath Hat. sap pose that it aWef a'pae that, wad si such cireaiutraaoaa. a few daya or weckt hence the two ote, tbe lklle vote fw the slavery clnane of the Lwoonntna Cjnatitutia, caat at one time, ander the sa(hrity of the Coaveatiiat, and the big rota earlireeowcerriaat at another tioae, wader Ibe aethdriiy of fhc legislature, reach Ongreta to- - prlber. What then? Would thia amount to "a speedy "Htkaaertt of tat K ansae oaartioa lr actiott af the pople of Kanwu tbcmijre"? Hardly. On the the chincr are, that, even after all thir, the Southern IeaiKrau would plaut themselvea ra the previnaa decuioa of tue Coov?ntm, repudiate the avliog of Preiident Calbonn as aoaathorizod aad id, oa the rroaad that the r.wera of the Omvea-tm- a ae a djlilitra'ivs hody had erpired. or soroe oth- er pretert, and battle f. t trie adoiiio of Kansas tbe Lecomptoa Constitution with tb energy aid fary of We lelieve they are foul ail a enough to do it. il jt it bt scarcely worth while ta eptcalate. A wery brief will determine the tnttt?r. Ia tbe mao'irae. we ctuti a all b j'al Democrat. t groaing iruatt dnrt'cly jauilaut. rMTAh. how deeply, txiir bitterly the Democracy af our country now regret that they ever psssed the Kaxaa-Xiara- biU tavolvitig Uw rwpaal of the Missouri ennipmaniae! Mraestly they do wish, fro a the oeutrc to th cir nnifcnnce of their hearts and aauls, that tiie gton.ias old ernnjeoausa were aww ta force, aa that Kansas might noma iota the I'oioe w ithout involving the danger of their whole party being blown iaXv fragmrnu by aa imertioe xploaion! THE EOXJI SWLEE W EEKLY JOURNAL. VOLUME XXVIII. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY JANUARY NU3IBER WEEKLY JOURNAL Iaeoiap'mOwveaaiaa.wad jTMany of the newrptperi ridicule the propos- iti", which some aay ia tola brought firaard ia CoDgreti, that the U. S. Government h.iH rcttors Oea. Walker and hi fiiends to the place w liencs, as is claimed, he was illegally takea by tbe t". S. au- thorities. Tbe Al'iany SUretaaa reminds a', thut there is aa iacideot ia Walker's life, which may be regarded aa, to some extent, a precedent for this proposition. Ia hi yoath, Walker was a bitter a etcta conservative and nuiaUiuer tf internal ioaal Uw and ti e faith of treaties. Some revrn or tiht years ago aa iaipriwred cinvic of the name cf liey, acarM from the priaon of lUvana and reach- ed New Orleans. Here be was watched by certain e of the Spanish consul; wat at lart f.ircildy seized, put upon a vesfel chartered fur the purpose, and sent back to Cnla. When the facta !ccjme knowa, there was a tremendous excitement in New The Spanish eonuil and his employees were arrexttd, sad an exciting trial, during whuh the corrMil bed to t pr aected br a Ure police fjrec from the wrath of the populace, was held. During this afftir (Jeneral Walker, then editing a piper ia New Orleans, btronly defended the Spaa-i- h C'loaul, sad devoted bit en specially to the denunciation of the lawless spirit of filliUustehsm, then ra rampant in the South. Ilul the consul was committed for trial, and his exequatur mas aitb- draaa by the Federal aotboritiea. Nor did it end bera. Gemral CamplwU wan instructed by onr Government to demand the return of Ilcy to tbe t ailed States, and the American squadron appeared lief are Uoro Caalle to enforce the dtnund. It was arged thst Key was a ftlon, scd thai hit return to Ca'ia w as of bis owa free wilL IJnt lieneral Camp-11- without bring very warmly backed by our Uorernment, inustcd thut il wax a case of kidnap ping, and that Key mast lie sent to New I rln. i a tpaabh ship. It was done. Here ix a rale set br onr own Government which appears to justify the propuxitioa to which we have alluded as likely to I iatrodootd inta Conrc. THrrtor the hilWinr f'" the Ihwirn'fr eonwnflnrij. hv mr ."Tx.-Tm-a- t w the ttw io thr !M vees1.nriilHri4-a- a iw nfnl t he a if loi4 aar 4 t'limili f wxai. A a bw nxnio t. nan. wnipwi itM- tr f txh:Iand xt4'ntirixa a..-- l ta.t lac inwniiw niernlw-f- . M Ihf lecia mw ar lv thf ntnwii1n tvmov the wal of rmMKH trtna r nxtfiifl imi Hatv witrr mux- -- HiM nii..ii ruii IM'I ith'Mil u u in"i m- -, thr tinrtakpa. th liio'tnn frith HH frw rfiwrntinc vnirtt. fotlorl tv thr V.lcif. nMTf an raraioup atnaaaae. 'nfrrunn kvt Uh. Ererybndy that baa beoa mtch in apartments lighted with gas knows how frequently the lights, from a variety of csgaes, go eaddenly out. The idea nf lb Deroorracy's aniertaking to rcmovx the seat of government from 1'rsnknirt becau-- e the gas hapnened to go out ia the Capitol w bile the Iemo-- cratic coavemijo wat ia seaskia, is one of lbs mm t laughable things we ever heard of. And yet the Oemoi-rati- coaTcalun, it feemx, was very neiaiiy OBanimout f"r that summary procrcding, and the Democratic Iegidature atardt instrui led to remove (be seat of government. We suppose thst the Le- - isliture, before making the removal, will appoint i eommiltee of investigation to bant ont aaaie locality in tbe Slate where ga caa never, from ny cause whatever, go out except Just when the Democracy preaue. If there i any I rath ia the d'rriae of tbe rrxns- - migratioa of souls, a jackass ma have died jat at each of the snemlarrs that voted for the aforer aid Trotioa w as horn. f The times caa scarcely be as hard in I'lah as thev are ia the coofederacv that is at war with her. Rribam Young hat just increased the numUr of his wives to sevenly-five- , while our rreaident can"! IT rd to keep even one; aud indeed we don'i know who among as could afford seventy-five- . We are decidedly of opinion however, that, if Rrigbam loung object ta increasing the numtwr of bis wives is to raise up young soldiers as rapidly as pos- sible to the Cniled Stales, he could letter ac- - omplish tlie object by letting the setcnly-ilv- e wo men have a husband apiece than by taking the whole himself. The ri,;ht way to multiply children in hit territory is not to multiply Lis wive;. Il is said thst tbe new wives llrigham has married are fifteen eery pretty young squaws. The children, if the wives are true, a ill lie but we have no idea ther will Ire hlf I red. A DEMCX BATH- Se'KNai AT IIH AS The (eaaocracy of Indian!, a onr leaders have already caa iufunued, held a iStata coaventioa at latliaa-pol- on Friday. We have as yet ao full account of the doings of that - No donbt there was a con flict aa to w bether the AdauiUtratin and Lecompton resolutions or Du-lo- a and on re sol should le endorsed. Senator Itright was on h ground though not ia tlie ooaventiaa, and be was o coarse the guiding spirit of the Adininhtra- - uWw aad Lecompton sectioa of tbe racing Democra cy. It it very psaible that tbe two section , fajve as wax their exasperation against each other, may havo twacluded to try to avoid an open rupture and An open war by simply endorsing the old Cin- - Hnnati platform and liestow ing mine general praise aposi the Adaamtstratioa, wrhully "pretermitting" (do our Deusocrats reraemlarr that wmd?) any S expressing an opinion as between Lecompton aad antaLecampUHi. " Tbe public may be able ta form some opinion as to the sort of agony that rages in the bowels of the Indiaaa Detajocracy from the following vivid sketch, pvea by the Indianapolis Jonrnal, of tbe doings of ta immense Democratic meeting in the Capitol a the night before the convention. The account is rich indeed: !iri;t. t vn Tl"call for a niwrtne at lap Hall af tire HMtar ha nu'M af tn l.v eraara aa we twr aaar ia the Hall. rme fun an4 saore avnl than exret-- t" le ertitied. W. I'saioiama. e7 one ef lr. nW . araa ..iiiih( (Miairtiian. Wffl B. Hearh. of thi Sf.aaa) oST ia a atiaxt eita4i. and ara fnUoarea) hr ,?lni rvitit. lmiB he tii'anan nrtenl th- - haiioaa ..wnn na tor a tun ure rurrt-u- aeetued t run in ibeir laTor roitenri lat-- e ia Ihe ewiunr. We nerd not I MrtKrr w tliaar a the faatuceaof the taremxi'it. ilia the latnnucaul uiniratioiw arere ttie mib-- netit erU-a- . lieiiri of rnTnam. canu- anH in a f aa N.ar ae anore areeenteal tlie i eonip;ief anl Im- - arraraaMtt anmaa'Bt an tlar laMirtai payle nt tlrr iq rtf hat at- Uavi- iieara or rusUaliva B:rc It a ax the nft.'tmat t a well ara in. and if Mr. llrihl caa taatarre h - rleTvea to h ren1or. He chaticd Ibe Stauinr at tiie aaeetuir ooiuakaelr. ail everv 4aal imtretrau-- the Lrrfatnn aV teiaa- a aa rorrrr I ailb a ot rtirt.. r uf UfrO an efl.Tt Ulat conimand- - f4 aaeh tntant an ariar(nitl.c niiaiiiinoii-- ' whi-- i oe wcaereal Joha t't l i T on In. former of the Roarer it t'oasl over the TumlurMa. Uar ilaiia of the Ita h 'airir quak-- l aith Uw aaMtultiia. Wlieu be 4iiaral that avii a.raoul.l l.llow I Be l Hi.- itouikuiu rraaxt the relt tf a .tbi ar dafintOtr. Ani whes be uiiiaamlea tiiai If Mr. Hrlrht ravn'4 MM re. .tort the artii ef the o4e at ti niet he ahoaaa trirht mti:)il hav- heard Uie anewia-irti- ; rheerr e'ear Ir.tia he fahmT Hcu-a- The reat d1 tat.T r reci-- ed atoar aafairti a t'e fare lMfire. and artrWe no aa UBS cr saw tee- h.4 onnre a uh Miea aaliHaralee4 dee. KMtzlaa reiTlird lurl at lire aaeeiiiixiit" floia Uia ime fill Ibe rhe of tire . 'Xo enlo-- i- l. ll or, in.t. enlivr earn. KTv oral tliat totieh-i- l linn kin1lv war arr.-- t rar tval. There wax aa haitartan ar bikeararin-- la liieat''a4a ar here he ar4 coaowraed. Sir. 1'nhett ioarr . of lkharl. a ho luLioa-t-- rweri.t, vae luorv ! and anetintroiiii-4n- than tliat tmt be aerer xaM a are,1 aaniax. A" that arae I lonclae fell oa tlie matnl aroaaaH lurth an akaaoatit aad railaareaiaau--"arui4- rear of attou. ' tia- - Uerirlta la?liai; lor Ur "IJUJe Ciiilit" nianifeeta-- even hiorv l.rl dlini p he iieeerh of Mr. Hut lie- -, arho oPla- him. Mr. ara. eahoa oat hv a (aarthHi af tlie auatieur. anil Mr. Hiirhes b- - aama.T aaeiwa. T.ar aptajaranor of lluthcr a the alaud aaa lite rintal lor a Veil lor "M aUaoe" lr..ni be men. aad h arw n.( until Mr. Wallace 4aa Harhaa ml. hi le aearrl thai Ihe tare .id. of tle laui.a anuiat ar aaraajl r rear tliat the ItnucUr aea voal4 htal alL Anal UHl Li.Urt ut. kiu- -. queeUrrna. and "luirralii. for Is.npla. eri mUA a. hi Ii eol.lu. on lhat "e areaker eharrl the lenililirTt arith it, and thf bad aoanae la allat tb diarhaneo. Tt'-- ara aa aimarl I lie e.n erf the enrrent aoar. ait tluthi!-- . who dun t lak flu A nor talent, niei ii Ilrlalrored arith ercxt in i nuin- - and y to diaar that tlte ermmt'iHl rornalliiiioa war af wreh an " rutin art aaawrMV ar the at.,,,e had an Ktlil lorxiwcl. iHil lliere aae bllia a)4ltah. IhckiUaU-- K .nil- eifk.-- iu a about, but lie oouM not hre anrhodr rw. Krea the aittieiie rdtiirv of tlie amded ITratnVat.ahtMiatn hie ehatr. a ara arith rare., and taai'ra aalr t.hT the aood ad tire raanitrr, aud a haiao-- i Mr. lln.hr. tried bi aiulir aei u, Ju Ire tor? a fe Mr ehont from the andieno., and it di. d out ax aTniek liar tt fov'ht have hern a rroan for alt the rar aud Irai ta shreoBirarr. And araen ha saoat brili .V hut railaaUv deeiar-- tiai Die roiil.ia now xtUiuc in i d afTxir.ht ih... of Hie bank aud nfliov Writ-h- t aad Ihert the Kaoaaa uaaartoa oajli aaee thrrii a noa. tlarre were aweral lua r h.mra an tue enter rter-- xf Uar erowd. Jle raniaMl lb- - rlimai of how. Ter. wh-- n be ra -- th Gov. Wriri t wan t.ot vet Mnaiaiear n Pertraj. aad rf hi- - fneod- - did not idiow Better leeOnc to n her I In trill not iirroa areird aJ all." The aaooa . ao oin a. an laultusc.aad ao John O and lie to. ny the threat held erer Wruhl i trieada hr llatHraa. at oaree, and hriNwbt Iowa tlar iloaae be a w. II e ...oin rebuke ad liar iiaati. iuenoe of lutrodncior uauir itiut tlie eouurt It war welt done, well d'nre.l. ad well lece.ived. It evade Hiarhee aore. for he arrraHeao a sniraaent after. das aJ! ut.n So the nut otriet af ejonmeaaii a with State I i. utae a h retort. A art of rnnutac rht then to.-- Iv thear centle- - men. wttb h left Hurtl'1 di.edtv Wenrveraaw axaa, araat hodr. io wat.rrtnanitelr wtneod ia aav eontm-rvra- IU ImkI aaaiUid IKmjdar lor with iair retorl-- ':bil IhrucUrwa'a rrutlriuan, and treated oilier rraiee!BTple lorn ae rntrnien xliould, aard il wae stark Io he rerretted that th.-- e who renenrrd him raoald aaa iaiiialc aw." TIB- - trraiead'Mir ndt knax-- e4 liui.-l- mara hie fwc hoilinc wiib rave., "lie. wanted t .know if Mr liao. m. t, a Ii. war uo "tliat he Would Unfile a aalielaetori- aoaax at hat oaantona Irefore he war doare." Iliirhea h.d Uiai Iwvb waid Bt aauik frtn hi' derUralioa wh-- a tlie tune eame. I ui my Uii. "ttiiMol od rotte." I lie elie.Tiui; for lav.r ira- - furiiu'. Hurl - met lit- tle faror. and mod evidnlh- f4l thai he wa- - in trw- wrimt: erowd. l.m be had a--I M the word of thr norm t tlarla. ia allodllir to lire iMilui'Mtien of HurHariaji.Mlul "he wa,ati l Iturbanaii man, and bi- - f a ho bad hoen bint an niu'-f- t Hurlieel a a Dorriaa man Tba- raierd a veil of cifaatie dianeneisna. llarliex, ant iare. laii i thai "lie war uot a dtiiyaU Uaere woekirnr fi I rHirhu "I war at home when the ""'"M war ., Hurler. Vea au.1 Iiavi. hat w. yrti wo for aaiuet IkM ' lle.i talm-j- aa4 dread e. Hurtio aduiilter thai br- "ira a llonrlar mta ar AH the vH line before war a w linoer Io i followed tl.ta roatnanoa. ranwoa sniidtt hava red IU the and nobody hare beard it. Tlo- ni a 'id etf.irl to a din-- aower war ho I idw roii-- l rwrur Hunr done, unit Hie nrnvl ownma ai antra linndnd time aiore eanialnr man H won id hara otherwise heea aad afur llntfliea e attai ke an IsmL-la- A w.utid have i had enourli anilii-w- It ei.di d bi. durini the time we remained In tlie nieeiinr. He ariit-- int. hi eraemt aara MBaa. T hie anew, wax rnoa b for ua. We left at. Ml n'etork. af. rr threr uoarr of nreeotue rtanditig hut rtifrrhitir fun. frtrvirnor Willxrd followed Mr. I i on h, halt oi Ijr enmpi'ia. hat we did aof bear hiat, aad wa am set jr aorrr we aad aou KerrtcKr Lttisi-ATLB- In the Senate, Saturday, Mr. Mallory, from tbe Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, reported a bill to amend the charter of tbe Loaixville an I One Kun PUnkroad Company, and o a bill to barter the Ouie Agricultural, Mexhaaical, and lknuestic Socie ty, both bills were passed lare was grantrd to bring in the following bills. which were sppromsttlv referred, viz: Mr. Hayeraft a bill to amend the charter of the LMiisvibe aad Kaahville Kail road Co. Mr. kipleyoBered the following rexoIuUor, which lias one day on the table under tbe rule: lit It rail mi fcy the (,meral Anteutbli) of the Cum- - mimweolih nf Aenrjca, I bat our .senator-- , ana t;ei reaentativea in Corifrress, le re'ite.ted to e their efloru for the rauMEe of a law for tbe holding the Waited htates cin ait roart for the Kentucky liixtm-- t in tba citv of Loutxville. In the Hours, leave was granted to bring In the following lulls: Mr. Dancan, a bill to protect wild gam in certain connties. Mr. Ihllaveo a bill to amend tbe 1st section, artii le 1. cbaoter 67. of tbe revised statutes, Mr. 1. S. Caldwell, a bill Io extend the limitation on merchant's accounts, and a bill ta provide for taking depoaiuraas. of intcrroalones. TllK PuKMUKXt's UtJiSAUE ox tiik AValkkm An ai tt. We publish a telegraphic abstract of tlie uiefac of President lluchansn on the affiirand ilie deliate upoa its reference in tba I r.iud States Senate. Tbe mesaage is singularly i.;cuQfiteut in ilsclC J!r. Duchanaa condemn the c nduct of Commodore Paulding as a "very grave error," and proceeds immediately to find excaaes fur it lis admits that the instructions to Ibe naval commander were exceeded, but treats the actioa as one worthy of commendation. He declares hi i de-- I urmin-itio- to execute the neutrality laws with most iitlexilde rigidity, but assigns no reaxon for allow, i ig tte-- to lie infringed by Walker and his follow- er'; and, finally, be intimates his desire to establish AmTican institutions in Central America, bat to be more inclined to do it himself than to allow Walker to do it. Tbe dehtte upon the messsga will be found very interesting. Ws shall find room for cunihients upon it C7"Tbe Wsshington correspondent of the Phila--d lpb'ta Pres says: 'It is stated that Ihe recent in-- arrnrtions of the President to Commodore Paulding were tent out w irh the consent of Senor Trixsari, tbe Minister of Nicaragua; and that tbe party in tbe pending T which hss the right to complain of tbe action of I'nitcd States officers m arresting General Wslker and his men at Punts Arenas does not complain, lint, on the contrary, desired and now approves of the conduct of that officer. This being sn, tr.e qncstioii reaches a sudden adjustment, great ly In tlie satisfaction of men, I am sine, of all sections of Ihe connlrv." CiTWe are told by an exchange that the editor of the Southern Democrat carries water oa both sboul- - d rt. We suspect however thst be makes ap for it y never carrying sny on bis stomach. llr-n- rnnvx ok tiik DKMcn nATti- CosvrTior, The are the resolutions adopted by the St.ite convention of the Itemocrsry of Kentucky on Pic Sth inst. They were reported on Friday night list by Hon. Lynn Botd, chairman of the Commit t " on Kesolntions, after a long and stormy session of tlie committee: Tirxo'red, 1f. Thai we reaffirm the platform of e iinaniinonelr adopted h- Ihe National I lomoerarr in t ir (Jonrrnliun at inriinati. held in June. a fully of our vi. wr and xinn in all matterr to whka Uie- - relate, and wr hold that wbau-ve- r unaatioa of a doubtful or nature, rakulaiedln in'erriipt the hannenrrrf Ihe ls-- irratie partr, are pnamtrd to a, a r.cnrrrrreto lh hr't luiurifU of that party andean, tunlnn nf firm accirdtns to tlteir ebvi ma meanine and import. t ihe waly aafe rule br whirh wa wtay aaida aar eouunn apj'rreiate llie aerrlnaol llioee we truet ia ail mat- ter, nf Huieand lroiation. S(. That we avail oure Ivre of thia, the find onportunitr whiHi bar I'rri-n'e- to the IVmoerxry of kenltrrkr, ta e mcratnlate toe t"Te of our tm nion. apna the e'lTti f Jxiuit I'.iti hanan and John J. B rrkinridc.-- . In the I'ri idewv and Vice I'reiddenrr of the Tailed Water; and r lake tn rxpreaa nur deliberatr rnavinr-t- i m. that a Im e for the t'viioo. and xppoeal of th" pla'. form of the I emnerarv. wemt he rbief ranarx to whirh the eou'itn- a ill attribute our can en iu the of lriit. .nf. That we hare undiminished ronfideiM-- r ia the pa. triolix.n and uf our t;birf MaxiHratr: and Iwlirvr that the virwr rxprr aeed hv him. in hie aaoauurr tn the f onrrem of the I oited Slater, in refer-en-c to the ad million of Ihe stale Kansas iiUo the Federal t'ntin. are wi. pntriotie and taxt. 4'A. Airrinc aa th I iciHorTar.r do, the principle em-I- i idled in hum the Territoruw of Kania and Nehrarka. ax ha. nereeaari-- , and iroper we ae.ui..e in lite doeiriiira xutrd aud a aintained bvihr Stiinne i inirt of th I idled Slate, in their n of tiie Scott care; wherehjr (he Itramrralie wriociph of i...n by onrrrax wi h domrxtir xlarrr in the Trtmloriee. baa been aulliorllallri - en ordered and ronlirnid by Hit- eonrt of biclicxt reeort; Ihe riirht of tlie popir of all the S rater plaeed on an riinsi footinr; aid riHTTratiiiral line, eoinridioa with a aaarked priaeipla, or praeti.al. prunoim-- i d to be at rariancx with the letter a ad spirit of the tnihii4on nf tbe (nited States. And we hod Innhi-r- , thai all effort, of ahotirioaixu. or oth.T person'. weaken tlie force af that opinion, or de- feat the andr itbaeia lew, are aawietanU-na-wbilca- and Mk lmindrd br the axanriatinns ennnerted with the dayonw liieh ibix ronveniion meetx, we vonld acarn rr. preax onr hiirh aiMirv. iation of Ihe character and public m trir of that liluelriotis triot, soldier, aud etateaiuaa, treniTal Andrew .lackauu. Hon. C. A. tben offered the following re solution, whicbwas ananirnoasly adopted: iteaotrad. That are acknowledge with pknewre and Bride tliear.rier-- and of the sialienal S hia. who have aided the Peinocratic parly in tlie ritiport of thoee ciiertelM-- priorii dra. i a whirh Dm xtabuttrof Ihe tsars d. iTidr, aud tbe niual ri.ltie uf iu eiuaene are baeod. AFFAIRS IS WASHINGTON. preeial Coerexaraadeaos of the LouixvUle 4oamal Commndnrt o"oiaioVy Tie t'UlluMrr Tilt 't I'mttttm (jeneral Intdiigatct. Snttomil ymbuslrritn etc. WAsmscTox, Jan. 6, 1858. It was supposed last week that Commodore would be recalled from his command ol the boms squadror, fur overstepping tbe bounds ef his instructions, going ashore st Punts Arenas and makin? General Wslker prisoner: but there hss been a turn in his favor at h adqaarters. The Adminis tration adtnrts that be exceeded bis orders, bat doe not condemn Litn for doing so. It has committed iestlf to the keeiiinir open of the transit route, and. by tbe recent treaty with Nicaragua, it will have pvwer, ben that tnxtrument snail be ratified, to ae id troops tl i her for ibat parpose. B are Io asume the rmeerfimfe of Nicarscna. and, incidentally, tbe ixtbmus of Panama. Addi tha.al treaties for similar purrroses, it was hinted vexierday in the Ilou-e- , were to I made with other weak governments on this coatinent : and, after awhie, in the progres of thinpa, Mexico will till under oar control. Mr. Haxkio, ia the debate, a man who declared be was "a Hani-shel- l Democrat." while condemning indiridnal filtbuxterinir exnrdi- - Uor.s, utiblusliingly proclsiined that be was rife for viziiiir Cuba, in accordance with the Ortend Mani festo! He said in addition that Walker's move- - neat was in Ihe nature of nettr but. for himself, he was ia fawor of national grand larceav. jeneral vtalker has andresxerl a rettrr to the President, through the columns of tbs National In- - ellijencer. Us purport msv be guessed, lie coa-- i lers himself a tnnch aliured eenueman, and claima reparatioa. But be has got sll that be will from the Administration. He base good many sympathizers in t 'ongrew, but not enough fur practical purposes-Kans- is permitted to sleep for the present, and little or Both'tHr is said about tbe operations m that te rrtory. tbe Gentral Amencaa question, u the jreat, engrossing topic which occupies tbe mind. of the statesmen tr.d politicians. Amid all tbe excitement, high Executive officers. and bera w boars rluah of funds, give large parties, railing in tiie aid ot mush-urn- for the dancing ope rations. Hackmen, confectioners, tailors, mantua- - makers, and other tradespeople always find tbe Con- - season protitalile. Idsrd A spier seems nnre fond of entertaining tlie notables than any of his diplomatic coliVaenea, and he bss acquired a rep. utataun lor Uixsrality, or wbich he as worthy. Al- though the uncharitable think tbey see in his social. itr th feature of policy, be is popular w ith those wbneninv his acnuaintance. Tbe Frewch Minister is the reverse of "my Ird Napier." He is exceed ingly peevish, acd solicitous of more favor than Americans ire disposed to I etow on fiweign or any cber kind of miniatera. Little is generally known regarding the I hitch end (rermaa dialomats; but tbe Uiiasun hnvoy is deservedly popular. i s have a number of ministers and charges d'affaires of petty rrovtrnmenlx ; thev, however, are scarcely known hevond the limits of their boarding bowses. These are not the only kind of small great men hereaboBt! 1 be Senate have had, f.ir alout a month, tbe of Theodore Sedeewjck fir United States At torney for the district of New Tork before them, in aecret session. Air. dona alckeon, st appears, ac- tively entered into tbe contest acainst Mayor Wood, and vigyrousiy opposed uis ror this be was rcinovvd." Some of the Democratic Senators are I pleased with the President for removing him, nd thev no not hesitate to avow tneir displeasure. Hut Mr. Sedgwick wilL it is snppoxed, b confirmed aa Mr. McKeoo'x succesaor. That the President baa right to remove snch officers is not aow seriously questioned, but the reasons for doing so is another matter, for tlie appointments are msde "by and with tbe advice and consent of the Senate." Tbe nomination of Nathan Cliffotd, of Maine, to supply tbe vacancy on tbe iiencu ot the supreme Court of the V nited States, hangs fire. A month ass elapsed since it wss sent ia. The Senate ought to act upon the subject without annecesaary delay, and, if thev are not w illing to confirm Mr. Clifford, they should ssy so at once. SIDNKY. AFFAIRS AT FRANKFORT, ttpsltl Correspondence af tlie lrutxviile Jearnal. Tie Ittmocmtic ConrenUnm Ho tt Slati'hivrrd CoL Jl'M 'tig t.JUirt tn Remort the Slate Capital in both HotfrtPrtjnntloa tn Remnre. the V. 8. Orrm-- t Cow to IjnuUnll Tke AormnJ .Scfcxr fxrnf of WMam Chrnault, etc. r KASKniRT, Jan. 9, 3 P. M. Owing ta the ha sly manner ia which I was com- pelled to write mv last letter, my oliservstions in reference to the Piemocratic Stale Convention, in session at that time, were neceaaarily general and amsatiafactory. As I have made it a study to divest myself uf political and I prejudice, and, as I have no enemies to puiiii-- and nothing wherewithal Io res aril my friend ,I ftel that it w ill not be con- sidered indecorous or incompatibie with truth for me 10 claim tha ability to sneak of thst political event with some appreciation of ita merits and some knowl- edge of its faults. Tbe rventioo was exceedingly well atteoded; indeed I regarded it altogether too popnUr, and can well under stand now bow that, if some ef the elements had been excluded, tbe results of its di birr rataxjs bad lieen far more satisfactory fo the party not only in Kentucky, but tbrongboat tbe country. 1 happen to be aware of some of tbe ap- pliances resrrted to to bring alrout this immenaely potrular coflvercatron of the Iemocr.icy. Delegates from vsrioas parts or the Stale who were unable or unwilling to pay their own expenses to the conven- tion were furnished with necessary means, and thou- sands of dollars were Ihns dist ibuted among the sovereigns by various candidates. Aa interest was also created in the minds of the masses by tbe can- didates, many of whom made it their business to promiae, in the event of their election, lucrative clerk-hip- s to such of their friends as desired tbetn. It is estimated that the aumber ef ambitious patriot s doomed to disapotiituieot iii that particular would form i ule a respectable little armv. It is but natural that so lanre a (rody, composed of so many incongruities, should be guilty of many things outrageous to the sense of persons of proprie- ty aud of even common decency. For example, I refer you to aa episode in tbe proceedings in which a treat uitous assault was made upon such Old-Li- Whigs aa affiliated with the modern Democracy. I do not t are Io incorporate in my letter tbe terms in w hich tlie assault was made, deeming them alto- gether too ciaree aad shocking for the refined ear. Tlie number ef candidates placed in nomination lef ire tlie convention waa twelve, as follows: k. K. Kevell, K. K. Hulling, Junius Caldwell, E. F. Nut-tal- l. Georire T. Wood, K. Coleman, A. 8. Dabney, James Gnnstead. John 8. ltoyd. Brent Hopkins, J. P. Metcalfe, acd L. U. Dicker-on- . All tba counties iu the Stale were represented in some manner with the exrrptij of Casey, Russell, Bracken, and Lo gaa. After the Beoocd balloting the names of Messrs. liopkma, Gnn stead, Coleman, and Boyd were withdraws from the contest; and, under a rule ad ipted to drop the weakest candidate after each bulbdinf, five id hers were dropped, in the fallowing Messrs. Metcalfe, Kuttall, Caldwell, Dabney, and Wood. Upon tha reventh and last ballot Mr. Kevell received votes snd Mr. Boiling 214, and Mr. Kevell was declared the nominee. In the priuiarv meetiru; of the Louisville delega-liu- s Mr. Caldwell received nineteen, or about lf the votes present, including that of his brother. Mr. Boiling received four, Mr. Bullock two or three, Mr. Wood three or four, Mr. Hopkias one, snd ooe or two other sspirants a like number. It was under- stood thst, in a certain contingency, Mr. Bullock rbould be nominated in convention, in which event tlie eutire vote of Louisville would have been thrown to bun upon one ballot. Hut, as bis name was not sprung upon the convention, I presume the con- - 11 teener ia que Mioa did Bot arise. it was mortifying, doubtless, to the friend t of Mr. Hulling that very many delegates, not only from your city, but from other parts of the State, who "er.t up to the convention bound by personal pledges, positive instructions, snd other honorable considers-linn- s to vote for Mr. Boiling, utterly disregarded tlme pledges and mstrui-tion- and considerations and voted for other aspirants. One w be understands the facts connected with the nomination and the means whereby the result was brought alrout, is f irced to admit that Mr. Boiling and his friend hava lasen, without thani, thrown off by an un grain ui party, ana me wishes or the masses of tha tiartv Btterlv defied. Af a time when hia n.irtv wa. in s hopeless minority, and, without s question as to bis fitness or sdberence to the principles and nieax-- rr.!S neia uy nis party, the race was conceded to him with remarkable unaoiruily, and it is known to all that be shsped his course with a view to that race. After having devoted his time, tolent, and money even to the interest of that party for years, after more tnan tony counties Dad declared Tor mm as t ieir choice, and it waa known that a majnrity of the connties of the State preferred hi in as iheif candi- date, his hopes are crushed in a tingle day by one who waa even pledged to his support, wboiie claims are questional le, and whose axpir lions were un known to the delegates one week liefore the conven tion assembled. It is perhsps profitable that we should consider the means whereby this remarkable result was brought alMHit. It will possibly be tiattrrinir to the vanitv of the Vice President, but shacking to his senre of proprietT, to learn that the friends of Kevi II claim ed hi nomination ss a favor to Major Breckitirid re. and heralded his success as a triumph of the Breck inridge influence. Indeed, an enthn-iasti- e thouuh indiscreet friend of the nominee excbiimed to Mr. Kevell, immediately after the nomination, that " lirachnrldrje. should lie telegraphed at once the result would so delith: him! and a message was sent upon the instant to Ihe Vice President announ cing the nominee. I conirratulate the sovereign people of Owen" upon the success of their iiongt, but comtnisserate the forlorn condition of tbe Mountaineers and Ihe "unterritied" of the First dis trict and other portions of the State in their realiaa ion ot the mortifications of a crushing defeat, which is said to be "en delighting" to one for whom Ihev ha'e fought so nobly in past political battles. The committee on the "platf.Tm," of which Hun. Linn Povd was chairman, had a lone- - and heated session. Tbe convened in the Senate chamber alrout 1 o'clock and were not prepared to report until 8 o ciock. i ne propnuiion to endorse the Atlnunistra-tio- was sternlv resist d. bat Mr. Botd. who favor ed the poliryi finally triumphed, ami a vague resolu tion to that effect was reported to tbe meeting, and pasred by a mere majority. I regretted that your neighlmr, Colonel Harney, of the lh?mncra',"was xiaugmereri on tne occasion, hut I anticipated such a result waea i ascertained that bis talent and ex perienre had ln.en perhaps designedly overlooked ii the appointment of the committee on resolutions. A gentleman from Henry county took advantage of an unavoidable accident to spring a movement upon the convention which hss long been a frvotite policy in certain quarters. ben the gas was first lighted in the hall, owing to an obstruction in the meter, tbe lights went out suddenly, and lift the Democracy ia Fgyptian darkness. While affairs were in that condition the gentleman from Henry introduced a verbal resolution to Ihe effect tost onr senators and Kepresentativct lie in struct ed to consider the policy of taking legil mear- - wrc. io remove low capuni io some point at wiucn iremocratrc txmrentajns could be held without an- noyance. The fact is known to vour correspondent that a similar accident t crurred a few evenings ago uuruia; tun ueiinrraiions ih an .vmencan caucus in tbe same ball. It should lie satisfactory to the De- mocracy to know that the gasometer through whicb the State House is supplied is under the immediate supervision af the Democratic Sergeant-at-Arm- s of tbe Honse, and that he bad the kev to the same in his possession on thst very occasion thus renil-rin- ir it impossible for their dreaded enemies, the to play annoying tricks upon the unterritied through that channel. The rei.lutKin passed by ac clamation, snd the presentation of a rerolution in the Senate y by Col Read, instructing the Pmpositions and Grievances to inquire into the expediency of the pawage of a bill to take Ihe sense of the peoiJe as to the propriety of removing tiieseatoi government, may lc repsrdidxsa prompt recognition of tbe instiurtii ns of the Convention. A warm delia'e ensued upon the Dmnosition to take measures to remove the capital, in which Messrs. Kesd snd Porter participated.- Mr. Porter did not feel bound to olrtv Ihe instructions of the Convention, but, if a movement of the kind should lie made, he would enforce a proposition to remove the capital to Mortonsvillee, in Woodford county. Mr. Read had been instructed upon the point of re moval by his constituents, a ho had len ia favor of the policy for years. Oa motion of Mr. Andrews, of Fleming, the resolut ion was tabled by a vofe of 21 to 6 Mr. Bruner, from Ihe Kducational Committee in the Senate, reported a bill t day repealing the act establishing the State Normal School at Lexington, and Mr. Burns introduced a resolution in the House with a similar view, which was sub.eauentlv with. draw a. Several amendments were proposed to the Senate bill one, by Mr. Fik, to recommit the bill snd provide for tbe school out of the general reve nue, instead of out of tbe school fund for a period of two years, and to submit the question of its continu- ance to a vote of the people, wbich wss lost; another, by tbe same gentleman, to repeal ao much of tbe act as makes the appropriation out of the school fund; snd another, by Mr. Bruner, that the "appropriation tie not made out of tbe Treasury either," both of ni n were met, ana I lie bill then passed to a third reading on Thursday next. The subiect will come liefore the House on ilondav, and I am clearly of opinion that tbe Normal Sciool will be sacrificed. Ibe following bills were passed by the Senate A hill, reported by Mr. Mallow, to amend the charter of the Louisville and Cane Run Plank Road Company; a lull for the benefit of common school districts; a bill to amend section 312 of the Criminal Code, granting appeals on finable rases for misds- - neanors, where the tine la 50 or more; a bill to i mend section 241 of tbe Civil Code: a bill defininc the duties of tbe trustees of the jury fund and attorneys; a bill to charter the Ohio uaty Ac kultural, Mechanical, and Domestic So- ciety; a llou-- e bill to amend tbe charter of the I'nion Agricultural and Improvement As ociation: and a House bill extending further time to consta- bles for tbe settlement of I heir business af.er their terms expire. A bill to prevent the loss of public xjoks was rejected by the same body. Senator Kipley offered a resolution y to tbe ffect "that onr Senators and Repre entatives in Congress I requested louse their efforts for tbe pas- sage of a Uw for the holding of tbe I'nited States Circuit Court for the district (4 Kentnckp in the city if LourBville." The resolution lieing a joint one, it lies over one day, and will therefore come up regn- - tariy on atonoay. Senators had leave to bring in tbe following bills oday: A bill to amend tbe charter of tlie Louisville and Nashville Railroad Connpany; a bill to amend tne rvrta Chapter ot tne iteviaed rvatutes; a bill to amend Ibe common school laws; a bill to amend chapter 32 of the Kerired Statutes; a bill to amend he charter of the Jerfersontown and Brownslioro Turnpike Road Company; a bill for the benefit of he Judge and Commonwealth s attorneys in tbe ninth judicial district; a bill to amend chapter 4 ot 'be Civil Code; and bills to amend the charters ot three or four turnpike mad companies. 1 nu naving ireen tne regular day for the call of ha counties in tbe House, nothimr of ireneral im portance was done in that body. A bill to change a voting place in Larue connty, bills lo incorporate several turnpike road companies, a bill to charter he Highland l.oal fjompany, a lull to incorpnratt he Martin Institute, and one" or two other measures if insignificant Ureal reference were possrd. Leave was oiitained to report the following bills, imong others: A bill to amend the 21th section oi rticla 7, of chapter 28 of the Revised Statute; a ill to repeal the law which reo iires horses, iacks. ;., lo las licensed; a bill ia reference to tbe "new Kentucky justice;" a lull to amend the Civil Code; t trill regulatiog tbe holding nf certain ci.urts in tbe fhird Judicial District; a lull to charter the Boston turnpike Componv; a bi'l to charter the Fulton County Agricultural a bill to charter the Masonic I'uldlcatKrn As eel tiop; a bill to incorpor-tt- e a railroad from Cum' eilaiid Gap to Lexington; t bill to establish a State ro.ul from Kddyville to Paducab; a bill for the benefit of Dhotoorsnhic ar tists; by Mr. Lyon, a bill for the lienelit of John Kapp, of loniisviile; liv Mr. Duncan, a bill to pro tect wild game in certain counties; a bill lo charter tbe Ncrth Kentucky Agricultural Association; vari- ous bills to amend tbe Revised Statute; a bill to require magistrates' records lo lie lodrrcd in the others of the connty courts; a bill to amend the :narter of the Barren county railroad, and to allow tbe county conrt to subscribe stork in said road; a nil lo amend section 1, article 1, cbaptvr 67 of tbe Revised Statute; a till toe Mend the limitation on merchants' accounts; a bill to provide for taking de- positions on interrogatories; and a bill to allow towns to impose a tax on ale snd Ireer shops. After toe close of the rvirnlar business of the day, Mr. Curtis Field, Jr., the Representative from Mad ison conntv, announced Ibe death of his colleague, the late William Chensult, accomptnying the an- nouncement with one of Ihe chastest and mod; touching eulogies npen the life and character nf his late colleague to w hich I have ever l s'oned. Mr. Field is a gentleman of fins accomplishments snd brilliant genius, and is the idol alike of his acquaint ances and constituents. It was but natural, there- fore, that bis rare observation sbnuld enable him to appreciate tbe merits of his lite colleague, and that his great powers and glowing f inry should invest tba touching theme with a beauty and thrilling in- terest unknown, perhaps, to Ihe experience of those ry ef the best and purest of men. Messrs Huston and Trarmali also passed clowini; eulocies anon the character of the dVcensed, and then the House ELLVE. t'orreapondt nee of the Iialtiiuore Suu.l Wasuisotom, Jan. 7. It is no longer a matter of doubt that the Presi- dent will le sustained in his general views aud poli- cy apon tbe subject of illegal expeditions. It is also sufficiently well ascertained that Ibe President will not recall Com. Paulding, though he disavows this act. Tha South is generally in favor of the expansion of their institutions and influence in the direction of Central America, and tbit feeling has obtained the greater intensity since they found themselves cut off from tbe extension of slavery in the northwest. Giving up Kansas, they are tbe mote disposed to take whatever chances tbey may have of expansion in the southwest. It is not tilliiiusierism per ao that tbey favor, but the spread of their institutions, wbich may Ire the consequences of pains bsve leu taken, in the pending de- liate in tbe House, to show a hat is undoubtedly true that the President it lient upon the adoption of means that will secure the Americanization of Central America. He had every prospect of success, if be be not thwarted in hit policy by the I'nited States Senate when tba New Granada and Nicara- gua treaties shall come before it for ratification. Should they be concluded, they may Ire followed by treaties of the same character and tendency. Tbe President will, it is said, go ao far 'toward a compliance with the demand for indemnity to Gen. Wslker aa to order the restoration to h'un of the property taken from biro at Punta Arenas. Karma has it that the Senate will oppose the ad- mission of Minnesota and 4 Iregon unless Kansas come id with the Irecompton constitution, in the form in which it will be presented that is with Ihe slavery article. ION. (Special Dixoatch to the Madixou Courier. I.tiUAMAPoi.is, Jan. 9. The Democratic Convention indorsed tbe admin- istration of Buchanan in general terms, approved of the election of Bright and Filch, reaffirmed the Cincinnati platform and State platform of lx5ti, and finally passed a resolution that hereafter no Territory should be admitted into the Union as a State with- out a fair expression of the will of the people being first bad oa the constitution accompanying the appli- cation. There is intense excitement. Senator Bright is entteH openly called a btxjut much after the manner of the Republicans. Tne nominations are as toUoara: Secretary of State, McClure; Auditor, lKxl(l; Treas- urer, Jones; Attorney General, McDonald; Super- intendent Public Instruction, Kugg; Judges Su- preme Court, Perkins, Davidson, llanna, Woodia. Hamilton, N. V., Jan. 11. A mo t atrocious murder was committed at e, fonr miles from here last night. Jured k and wife, aged over 70 years, w ere tbe victims and their son was tbe murderer. He has Ireen for some time insane. About eight o'clock last night he killed his father by knocking him down with an ax, he then killed his mother with a skillet. He cut their hearts out and cut one of the bodies in pieces and roasted the other on a stove, eating a portion i f it. He intended to have killed his sister, but she escaped. The murlerer is iu custody and has con- fessed the set. Nkv Or.i.rtxs, Jan. 1?. Dr. Anson Jones, of Texas, commit- ted suicide at Houston, on the elh inst., by blowing out his brains. MKSSAUK FIMM TIIK pl'.r.-s- fiFST IN AXSWKII IU A CALL. tltllM TIIK :ATK. Waxiiiti-- , Jan. T, In subiiiittbiir ta tlie senate the psia-r- fur which y hue called, 1 decui U proper to o..k a few obstrra- - toii.t. In rnpUirin-- ; Oen. Walker and his command, after they laooeii on ma rem in nicarainia, t'eointr-dor- imt has, ia Btf epbiiou, eomuiiued a error. It k unite eynlent. however, from tlie rorumnlil-alion- a hen w.lli that this waa done from pure and patr.-vt- nKitirex. and in tlie sincere conviction that he wax pn a curt i n(t ibe Interestx and vindicating the ha nor f htscoui - In reeird tn Nlrarainia. she bax no Inlnrr hr th net of Common-r- fauldine. Thia bax en n red to her and reiievea ncr irnin a dreadi-- invasion. slofl" wnul I bare any nthi ta eoiui.laiuof tlie v olatinn nf b"f li'rri.ury; aad il ix (nilr rerun u she will never exercise tins rl"hl. it nnulicrttiinshly doe. not lie In the ker invaders hi complain in her name that the has Iks a rrsriit-- I'atU'itnst emir of ibis a illant ofne-- r eon. boa In bix iu. Uuduifr hu xailorxand mannea ia Nic rtia, whether with or without her ennxrnt, for the imrj ot innUnt; war anna aav niUitary force wtuuever whirh mitlil tin. I in the country, no malter lmm whence th exme. Thin power certainly did not betone to him. Irlre- - d.euce to law and eoulorMiitr to tnstriirtiotia are Die tort and safest (Til ides for all utile- - rx. civil and mil tart : and alien they tranxcenil Ihexe limits, aad act npoa tlteir own rwiwitl'imiltr. evil rOuxtsiueorr'a alinol in rvitahtv follow, t'ndi r lhce rirruin.Uiarr., when Kyndera presented himself at tlie S ale Iveirartinenlon the &"tlt ultimo, with lien, ml Walker In the Se. crtrlsi-- informed hint tliat ihe fieiaiiment of the Lover did not lien. WaJkrr as a nriro- - rii nxn no ntrprtioiM io civr ronrrmins n if only throusli the actioa of tha ndi iary that he x laaiiiiiy n.tu in rusnsir to surcharge tiTiit mil lit be brtiufiitai-aiua- t him. In thus far disapprovin-- r the conduct of Commodore Paulding, no iiitereaee must ire drawn tliat 1 ai trriiuucd than 1 hava ever been to luurule the neutrality l.iwx ot the I'nited Stales. This is mv iiwireralive dut and I ahall continue, to Brrforra it by ail tha means whirh the Constitution aud the laws bave placed la in r isrwer. M opinion nf the rahie and iiniarrtanee of these Ihwx eor-- n s'Miudx entirely with that rxpreeaed by Mr. Monroe ia in. to fritim ill lieeemls-- r 7, lsl!l. Tost wise. prniieni. ana earn 'lt is of the highest importance tn our national lo Ihe morality of onr eiiixenx that all tiolationa of our neutrality should be yrr.vrnted. No oe tell oien lor tliaevsrliinofoiiriawr.no opportunity alforded lo any who may ha disposed to txkn advantage oi ii to eompruuut the luteredt or tue honor ol the nation" The rrinie of xrttinf- - on foot ar providing tha mean, for a military expedition wiinin tne i inusi Mates, io war asainxt a fiirenaa rdaie with whirh we ara at lai one ol in acrasearu. aud character, and rally enrseed the. atrrunon or i.onsnx. lieiner tire rjiern live GoTeruiiH-u- possesses aay, or what paver, aades- - the i .on-- t itiition, inde.nnenriy oi i onrrrem, in prevent or puutsh this and similar etlensr. acainxt tbe law of aalioaa. a snittert wuicn curs god me attention of ear most e inenl statesmen in the liuie of the ailininldra'ion of i VVaehitirton.and an tlie nrrarioaot toe e rem h rsrvolaiion. The art of r'oncroxs of tbe 61 h June, 17m. fortunately re moved all thr dilnralftea on litis whieh had there- to!. ire existed. The ath and ;t)i Mictions ot this act, which relate to the present question, are the same in with the Stn and elh arnlona of thr art of April 2il, Isls, sua nave now Deen in lorce lora Periun oi more than years. The military espediliun rendered criminal by the art must have nxoriein. rau-- t Dnrtu ar Ire act ou Pan in the I'uiutl stales; hut tlie great object of the law wato save forvicn State, with whom we were st peace from the ravairraof t Irene lawless expedilinna proneatding from nnr stinrra. Tlie. ta xrciion alone, therefore, wnx-l- xunply defines the eriine and Its pnnixhiuent, wonld hare been in. was oenesxarv to prevent tha earring on" of siarh ditions to tlieir coneumniatioB after they bad snerreded ia IcaiiniTonr xhurex. This has been done etfecinally, and in clear aud explicit laurnagr, by the authvrity given to Hie President iiuiirrlhe mb strtion of the act to emptor tiie land and navnl ton eg of the t sited States "for the pnrisrxe of ireveiittng the carrying on of any xtteh exited - tion or enterprise from the territories nr iurixdirtion of the i'uited elites somiuxt the terruorira or domaia of any for eign prince or state, or of an v culouy, district, or people with wlioui the t'nited States are at laaara." . For these reasons, bad couimodarr Paulding intercept- ed the st aim rFahiou" with tien. Walker and hisrom-mxn- d oa Iroard, at any parkid Bel ere lhay catered the port t San Juan ne irarx!:ua. and conducted them bark to Mobile, rtits would have p revisited I hem from rarr ing i the and have been but only a Justifiable it a praisewo-th- act. TheeriwM well dearer ex the severe- puutxhaieBt inflicted nponit bv our laws, Jt violiite. the Chiisliaui. ty, morality, and IliHtranlly. hetd sarred by all cirihu-- nxtiiinx, awd by none mors thahby theireopleot the t nued htates. I lisgmse it as we mar, such a military expedition invitation to reek less and La w ear mew u enlist ander the banner ot atty adventurer to rob, plunder, and murder tha nnolfrnding rittseua of neighboring Statea who have never done tbeoi liariu. It ia a ot the power, which belongs alone to aud the ernment itself, st leaxt in the extluiation of tint world. became an acerrmpHee iu Ibr mnnnisxirm of this crime. ss it adopts all tlie means necessary to prevent and to piinhib It. It would be far better, and more la accordance with the bold and manly character of our eoiiuuyincn4 fur tiovenum-n- itself to get up such exiiediiionx than to a. low them te proceed ander thr eommaud of Irrespoaaible adventurer.. We could tlien at least exercise some control overour own agents, and prevent them from burning down ettioaand committing other acts of enormity of wukii we have read. I lie avowed principle which lies at the Inundation of the law of nauon-- is eoutaincd ia the IHviue command that "ail tbiui:x whatrvH-Te- e would that men should do to ou. do ye even an to them " TTted br tms nnerrtng rule, braevrndy emidemned if we ahall not use our beat exeriioax to arrest xucb exis:dU"ns aajnat our feenle sister Kepublic of Nicaiai:ua. tine thiug ix very certain, that people sever existed who waold call any other Batkm to a strbru-- acroniil itian we sliotilit ourselves for tolerat- ing lawns expedition from theiretKires to nuke war upoa ny iioruon of our territories, iiy tolerating xueh exia-di- iions, we shall soon lose the high ehnraeier w hich ws have ujoyed ever si ore the days of Washington far the faithful irerliirmance ot our international obligations and duties. aud inspire tisaaaoBf tha members of the great tmuily ol civilised Hut if motives ot duly were not sufficient td restrain Iu from engscing tn such lawless enterprises, our evident in- - tereelooglit lo dictate Ibis policy. Then expedilionx are tie mo.-- t elleetuat mode of retarding Amertran progress; Ithonch to Promote Ibis is thr avowed Ohio. of the lead- - era and contributors in such undertakings. It ix bsyoad piesiion me destiny oi our race to spread meiiiseives over at North America, aud this at ao distant day, should events be permitted to take their natural xe. 1 be tide or emirrants will now to the tioiith. aud uolhiug can eventually arrest iu progress. If permitted to go there peacefully. Central America will soon eoutaiu an Americaa Kui!atton, which wilt confer biearlncs and benetits as well uHrn the natives as their respective liov- - irats. Liberty, under the restraint of Uw. will pre serve domestic peace; whilst tha different transit routes across the Isthmus in which wears so deeply interested will have assured protection. Nolhtng has retarded this happy condition of affairs so much as the uulawtil exjic- - ns whieb have been trtled ont ia the I nited htates to make war upon the Central Amencaa ritau-s- llarl of tha number af Aaiericaa citizens who have miserably perished iuthe Brstdisastrousexpedition of a. W slker settled iu as lieareftil etuigrsntx. the obirrt wbich we all dtvare would ere this have been, m a great dtsgrou, accomidi-ihed- These expeditioax have caused the the Central Amrrirsn t XaWt to r gard with dread and aaxpicara. Jtuiaair true u liey to re move tltis appreheDsinu, and lo convince them tliat we in- tend to do them good, and not evil. tVe desire, aa tbe l'uwer ou this contineul, to nien, and. i4 need be, t ) protect every transit route arroxx the Isthmus, not only fjr oar own but that of the world, aud thtat open a frre access to Ccutrsl America, and through it to our Pacific possess io tie. Tills isrlicy was eommenced nndrr favoralde auspic a. wlien the expoditkra, under the eom- maud of lien. Walker, escied from our Territories, aud proceeded to Pnnta Arena.. Should another exfieiliiion ol a similar character again evade the rigilanee of our omcers snd proceed to Nicaragua, this woold lie fatal, at leaat for SHrn, lo the ficaceiui settle Tient of these rmialriea. aad tie of American progress. The truth ix. that ao Administration can aucresafullv ronduet t he foreign ajfairv ie eouutry In teutral Amrnca. or auywhere elxo. u It is So be interfered with at every t"p by law ler military irxissditious "set on loot" in the United Stst.-a- , KLCtlAM A.t. Aecompaniing the doenmentx. many of which are al ready published, sr a letter trom Ihe Hecrrtarvof the Mavy to Lieut. Altny, of the steamer Kulton, dated October 12, list, in whieli he tells him that his Instruetions do not au- - horts. btai to act arbitrarily or apoa Biero aaxptcroB. hut i here he found an Ameriean vessel manifestly engaged iu carrytng on an etrpeihtion or etrtertirixef rom the b rntories ivdietion of the U nited Stales agninxt Mexico, Nlcar. , or Co4ta ltira, he wi'l the lorce undvr his coiu-- to if. aud not permtr tin men or arms en gaged in it or destined for it to be landed in any part uf Ceatral or Mvxlco. Similar itistruclionB were Mnl to Commodore Psnlding, bo, in a letter fmm Aspinwali, dated Ootonar 3h. a.n,i- - p'aiued to the Hecr.itary of Ihe Nsvy of hut having ro usted Lieut. Almy with the execution of the orders Inde. iH'ndeutlv of himself, adding that he felt that his preroga- - as omiusiider-in-Cbiii- f ot the madron wax turned xsdde with but little consideration, end thai hat presence at Aspniwxtt rottiii nave nut a suirm appreciation. .ecreTary Tditcec rcpntii tiint he had a nstit. under tlie Instrnetionn of the !'rcMlont, to order the Knlwm oa busi- - less of m hirh t'nmmodore lanldiog could not have the lightest knowledge. Mr. Mason moved the reference of the message to the 'otnmitiee on Foreign Ketnirnnx. and that it be printed to gether with the accompanying documents. Mr. I lavis dixseittrsl from thr area men t contained la the message. The President had assumed tiiai the neutrality laws which reuttired lhat atteh expedtriona axthix should ifess them. Ttix xeemed the key to the liollcv ilre part of the AdinitiLtralion, which xent tbe navy down to the coast of Central America inste id of xtatiouing the vessels where they rhnuld huve been xt tioned, namely: at mouth or the Mississippi and on the coast of Alabama. Were-thi-x expedition all that it is dexrrihed lo be, it ix only misdemeanor Instead of a violation or the nentrality w. The susiiieton that there was an inteut to make war ngairst s nation with which wr are at piwcs would have rten the detention of (rener.il walker and lux men within tlie Courts of the I'nited states, but not their arrest utd our own IiiuiU. As we have so extraditioa with Niearartis, thry could not have lawfully hern Ukeu lion her soil, even had they bera fugitives from iostice- - The President has no more power to make such arrests ban any member of Congress. If nnr nriahborx are too weak to urotcel tbcmsrlvi ., we xhoitld use all lawf nl mean. 0 prevent our ettl.ens Iront Invading their lerntory, but it not within thn theory of onr trovemnient to fit out to catch half a dosen or a doaen, or one or two itindred men, who may ehooxe to lesve the Cnltrd States nd laud upon thatr shorex. in this respect he thonghi we rere making a great departure from those princitd s which guWed tharoodtict of oar tiovernment. If it Ire the plesxure of trngresx to give the Pn ridrnt police rowers over the high seax, and authorize him to nse the army and nsvy as a couxt.bulary forea, let k be dona by ne liassxgeol laws wnn liiai view. Mr. Maxno doubted tha expediency of discussing the xnh-- jeet w ithotit more mature drliherauon. Tbe Prerident was. .ytbe Constitution, the head of the amtyandthenavy,and Ihe laws of the land direct how these aie to Irs axrd. He contented himself with the remark it was clearly incum-le-- on the President lo see that tbe neutrality law. were faithfully executed. Mr. CrittcB-lr- referred to tha President's admisdon that Conimodore Panlding committed a grave error. According o his own premises, such a canelurion was altogether l, and the coiidtiet of Pnulding was as conformable to law sa rf be had received exirrasa iastrwetions to do what be did. M r. Brown regarded it ss a liltte singular thst, while the Prexiient disapproved of lite arrest ot bra. Walker, he at ilia mme tune excused that act. Thearrestof Walkerwaa in violation nf law, fur if Com. Paul line had the right in make the arrest, bis conduct ia not only tu be excused, bat lo Ire applauded. If he had no legal right to do that act. rtien the ITexidor t owe. it tr the iicaple of the country to i .in.le.mn iu If Wslker was guilty of any violation ef Uw. s.nd had been arrested s ad brought bask to our shores as a Itmitive from justice- - why ia he not put into the clutche of 'helawr Win was betaken to New York and placed in the hands of the Marshal there, then brought bare and detiv. red to the Kxerutive, aud Ineo set at liberty? Why was he nut carried back to IirlsUna by the same authority ihat arrested hint, and there put upoa bis trial oa this haTe of violating the law? This was a farce lreiiie played out befare tbe Amencaa people whirh waa dtsrrputahW to all eog:iged in it. There had been lnimied up this charge against Walker when it wax known there hvd been no vio- lation of Uw. Jl they brln've that he bax violated thr Uw, liey have been guilty of derelirtinn of duty in not him for it. The fitting out of an expedition in vio- - I. itioo of Ihe neutrality Uws waa one thing, but the volun- tary expsirist:on of a citizen was an altogether thine. If Walker went to Nicaragua avowing thst it was bis purpose t endeavor to regain the rixhu of whicb he had been distioasexsed. he did no more than he had a right to do. lie Ittrown) had aright to take his mnxket uton hix shoulder and go aud lell the President, nccretary of War. and liistrlct Attorneys and Marshall every where that he meant to wage war against Nicaragua or any other natron, snd they would lisve uo In molest htm. If one man hnxtlmt richt, two men or tire hundred have it. The wax that Ihe Adiuinbtration were intending hi auui-- h hat Ihe Uw never meant should be punished, naim-lr- the intent while in Ibe Tailed states to fit out an expedition the limits with horll'c purpose toward a nation with irltirh we srest peace. He had a hiidi regard for the navy as anv other citizen, but it anvil. ii g cnnld bring reproach nnd eternal disgrace upon the Davy, It waa this piecue e rurse of actioa. e'irsf. Commander Chatard allowed Gen. Walker to ass him, and then, seeming to haves glimmering idea that he mistook his duly, he undertook to cover bis uealect by resirtingtonteail and dirty attempts to insult W alker, Iris camp, evidently with the intention of provoking him to some act ro that he l have au excuse to tire upon him. .s'econdlie Coni'mrdore Paulding apiicared, a man of riie years, doing hstevery one knew he has done, and ahii h il waa unnecessary lo recapituUte, and writing just such adt tter as ought to affix the seal of eternal disgrace upon him. It wax a disgraiai hi tlie very epnnh-tte- on los rhouldera. it was high time that our naval olticcJB should be confined to Ihe discharge of their duties amirdiiiz to Uw, fur tlie re was too much to exceed Ilia law y one and all of them. He could not forbear saving that Ibe President would better have discharged bix duty lo tlie Inws and the best interests of the country bv pointedly r the Uwles act of Com. panldine. than by ex- cusing it. It would not do for tba Preaideut lo aay lhat Com. Paulding's act wss a violation of Uw, and tben wink at it. No mailer if Mearaxua doe. Bot complain. It was not for us to violate our Uws even though Nicaragua does not complain, and exreiite tlreiu when she does complain, our duty is to go according to Uw. If l om. Paulding has conformed to Uw. let him be applauded. If vert, let him lie condemned. He admired the spunk of the Senator from IllinuuiltroiigUr) in boldly exprereing his views beretofere, although be differed from every ti-- uttered by that Sena- tor on tlie Kansas question. Mr. Seward of New York made tome earnest re- marks in favor of the coarse of Com. Paulding and of tbe Preeiilent'a message. !r pngh wax of opinion that the principle, laid down tu the mtwage were neither warranted by the Coaatitution, anr by auy statute law of Ilia I'uited States, nor by any principle of the Uw of tuitions. The question wax not w he! her Walker was committing s crime airainxt Nicaragua. Let her uuish him if she isable. Who made us the avenger of her wrouiw.' Was Walker committing any oriuie apon th high sear What has hedoos; The Senator trom New York sara he hss made war upon a foreign nation, but that ir ao crime hv any law of tha I'nitod htates. It fa a crime to ret on font within tlie I'uited elates aa expedition against a foreign nation with whom we are at peace, but to go out. side of nnr luuita and make war is no otTeure either by lha neutrality laws or anything else. He did not want to punish any ma a for aa error of Judgment. If Paulding did right he ought lo be rewarded with a medal just as was for violating the nentrality laws in Turkey lor a praiseworthy oinecf- - Tba proposition wax ia aubstanrn thai the end the means, llrdeua d Ibe right of the tfiivrritnit'iit to srrest persona npon the lib-- aeas and ask them where tlo'y were going, and what their buxineas, and arm! altera home if Uiey wore not satisfied ahont litem. Tbe iik'htot an American cilixen to expatiUte, hiinreif wax a s rieht. and we should be careful how ws trench upon II. While the Administration are talking ahout the iniqui- ty of Walker', proceeding, in f ntral Amrriea, they go on drlitreraloly in violation uf the faith of treaties and honor of nations to Inva.Ve the soil af a foreign country for the purtoseiu arresting htm. Mr. To mibs thought Ihe fmmi eo"taIncd grave lmiertaitt rrrorx. andenter-- d hi. from them. The ITemdent dared ad defend while he endeavored to pal. lisle tins outrage to an Amcric a Senate. A'ter rxaniiB-- Ine some of the grounds npou whirh that palpation was tempted he said ihe t axrnmed a itninrn aow be. fur Ihe tribunals ot l ha roiiutrv. tte aaMtmed last tlte m utralily laws bad a. en yloiafid. anC tt wax hir enforce them. Mr. Toomrrs deitierl t wt I hare was sny proof thatsii h wax tlte ewSot admitting, lortt sake of arrnment, thst this were itite, wi at right haxilie lreiiSflellt to use lite armr ad narv all over tbe face of tue rami 1 lux was asnrpatlow ol aiil'tor'tv ant oul lerogation of law, but in derogation of ix oath ol ufliee, lie must ret anthoritr of law to use extra territorial in dtclioB whatever. Ie eonid command no eM.ular resoivr as a vindieainr of tlie Uws of his country an less ha himself should obey ihe laws, lint m Ibis ease oito Uw has been violated lor the purpose of vindicating anoiher. Crov. koxsoth ea:ne into the Senate chamber to show himself yeamaro. hat rentleinan was driven from power by A rut ina aud Kusria. and rania bent alter "laaU-na- aid to rr place litni.silf. That wax just tbe eass with Walker, and while one wa gtorifie.l. the other was villifted Aa to the letter of Paulding, tlie course brnUlitr of that errrrosprm. lencemin no adiuillcd bv every hnmaa Beiug. It lolally niilitird bim tu be the commander of a ship, evca to be iu e uii:i-n- . Mr. lroodttle nnderstnni) lhat It wonld be a ra nse af wai by Niciirngna against this country if an expedition waa iniawtuiiv- - art u:i lool wtuiin our lurisrltctlon afalust The President was a mire hotind to mainUia tbe faith of t dies as any uwol the country. Mr. Mxllorr vindicated Ihe character of Commodore faiildllig, and allnded lo his revolutionary aarmary, but did But pretend to palliate thisaet. If snch arts were n.m.itir.1 tolvcomniltted by naval onVrrs, In a very hort time thia eoiiairy aoiiiu or involved la s wrta fotvirn tions. If yon send naval captains fn xtnir HILao.terim.-- Loose Inrti actions, ther will iiiKicrs-ari- the max seamen. as jurists. He understood that the Administratioa had de. tarhed Chatard because he did not arrest Walker. If he ia imnishrd for not doing that act, wa ought to applaud Paulding for doing It. Mr. Ironglax returned the compliment of Mr. Prowa, who had aaid he admired his f Ironrtai'urtnck for express. mgnis opinion, fie (irou:l.rl!nimil he waa getting into moo company and up r emits raster than Walker. He (Hondas) thonghi itwonld bo found after awhile that thev were all in lha party aud were bot to he accused of lariion necsiise ihey happen lo differ from the President in xome nr their views. Some rtraaew th.aaw Banwrw mi- Kven Ihe Senator lmm New York wax supiorttiig me aumiiiisiinuoB anu ar leaning it iruai attacks by Ilrm- - ocrata. Mr. ftewarrf sail the PreridVnt had annnnnrrrl that 'alker had HOI only viOUted tlie Uara raf tha. land hot rlu nigner law. and he (Seward) won d he recreant lo kis dot as an sdvoeate ol the higher law If he did not support tbe Mr. Hondas thowrhl the kirher law varv well l place, Iml not in executing tlie uewtralitv Uws. He woald rather look at Ihe statutes of th I'uited States and see wBers sua aiirnorttv was t..r loa emussat ta aw tWe n.e aad nsvy. Tha Uw of 'righiern defined tlie JunsdicUoa to extend one marine lea rue from the mast and the sow. ernmenl had ao anfhority to make an arrest beyond that distance, ne ws. in lavor or giving the neutrality Uws a fail, faithful, and vigoratra rxcrntsin. Thia la a govrra. or law. and let u stand by Ihe Uws and execute them bether we like them or dislike them, so lone ax thev stand on lh? statute-boo- He had ao sympathy for Iblraxteg. in. i'e trnararr at io aeteat wie eery ootect wa have im w. nanielr exnaneion of t he area of freedom lie in favor of the expansion nf this eonntry. hot in a lawful and regular manner. He was not wilting tn arnd out naval officers with vagna tnxtractrorrs, tillilmrtering all aver the nigu seas tinner tne p etc nee of pntliac down Bllibostering. He had opposed the treaty because he did not a irh to bind this country not lo do thst whicb it might br necessary for ttx safety tt do that la to awnev tkrwe only half tbe distance to Californui and oa the direct road. CiTThe N. V. Journal of Commerce has rrn piled a summary showing the quantity and value of tha tibacco exported ia 1807. Previous to l&io, tbe qaantily was all reckoned in bogiheada: ). Bales. Cases. Ilogsheada Value. I4.txi t7,4nxl9 Hv.'SH .x.;x J7II -- Lti.ThJ ;.;.ixal l:W,rio ..Ml.f4 i li.&!l l.min . I7--- ; .nM,iea l.lljfrr? llMtn'.JI'tt ....... 1's.al - ' II xij at . lll.li.lM 13.1t 13.si l.ijl:l 14.;Uf I7."7i a.jnd lix.srij r;.ji,i;i m.ij .i;;i a,mx,m lm.. liu., tl. 1;.. Mu. Fitch or Ivwa'a. Tbe otlrtor of tbe Wash ington City New Era, the ablest and most respecta ble abolitionist paper in tha United States, says: W'a well recollect tlie time whoa tha Doctor waa a aaoat valorous snd devotad niaa, with a zeal almost Qniintie. When a candidate the flrd time in hix district lr Coagraax, bo wrote a letter, which waa printed ta Ihe in which he went so far as to pledge himself that, if elected lo Comrrexs, should no sue bring ra a bill to abolifh sUvery in the District of Columbia, ha would. AFFAIRS AT FRANKFORT; Special Correspondence af the Louisville l J ' Fkawbtobt, Jaa. 11, 1808. , When the question to repeal the act establishing the State Normal Fchool at faxmgtoa "as before the Senate on S iturday, aa iiiterestirrg debate Col. ICead, the Senator from Larne, fTpread himself in favor of the repeal of the measure, and, during tbe course of hi argument, was mrticnlarly severe npon the pretensions of literary men and wo men, lie slso deprecated tbe sirs aaenmed by fash- ionable churches, and related an experience m at- tending church recently in Louisville. He seemed to lie quite disgusted with the Instrumental music whicb saluted bis earn, and dirnartged the claims of the artists. But the most nniralUnt allusion was m reference to the ministry, which h; characterized as the most ignorant of all the professions. Of course Senator Mallory could not tamsly snlimit to he odium thus cast upon our most sacred trrtit- - tions and npon one of onr most revered and enlight- ened classes. He imagined that the unsophisticated S mator from Larue had wandered into the German 1 heater in his search for the house of God in Louis ville, ami that he bad never beard the sweet and sacred tones of a Loaisrille choir. His remarks as fo the ignorance of the ministry might apply with force to those who felt themselves "called" in his peculiar locality, but he could assure tha centleman from Lime that, so far as his experience enabled it i in ro pass upon tne literary merits or ministers of llieGosnei, he had found them eminently learned and pious, and ornaments not only to their calling, but to society in general. Mr. Slallory also wished to I understood as annlvinir the remark to tha ac complished clergymen of" the city and county which he nan me honor to represent. 1 he resotutioa d in the Senate on Saturday instructing our Senators and Representatives io Coo press to inquire into tbe expediency of an act to remove the United States Circuit Court for the dis- trict of Kentucky to Louisville, waa rnformaJly nasa ed over y by that body, owing to the absence of certain Senators who wished to be heard oa tlie merits of the tcommenilation. Tbe bill te prevent negro preaching in the Com monwealth, presented, I believe, by Mr. Silver-toot- was considered in the Senate' to day. Tbe measure met with considerable opposition, and wax linally recommitted to a select committee comrnrseil of Messrs. Mallory, Silvertooth, and Walton. Air. J la vera ft ottered s preamble and resolatioa lo the following effect: W hereas. The people of the I nited JUatea, ander the treeing uf Heaven, are in possession of a Territory mora extentive and diversified than anv other country now known. Her lofty mountains. tVrtiU pie in., noble rfeero. abundant product ions of all tliat is Btraaaary lo ataa. aisiunding ia tn iruiuioi nearly every riinia, and enjoy- ing almost every temperature, from the frk'id to the torrid gone, rendering it the most appropriate abode on earth tor freemen. la addition to all I his. we en ror s arateaa of xwv.Tament nnequaled in iu wisdom and htnexs to render man free. tiie, and nappy and remenincnng mar mis grand Trne-r- was fonnded not only in the wisdom hot ia the btViod of oar anreslorr boaetinc at once of a country east aw. ernmcut without a parallii in history, ancient or mode, st hould alxrund in cratitude.and at tha same titnewatrh well, with a jealous eye, any infringement upon onr riehv. ind rvmeni her me saying or mo utiaiortxi jrorTson, mat the price of liberty kt etornai vigilance ' The iieople are ihe source of sovercuin power, and the will and behesta of this great nation are through he ballot box, sad irons which there a) no appeaa. There for., in order to preserve oar form of goveramoal and the latrmaoeney of our L'nion.thc elective franchise shoaid be .tnctiy guardti and raithiuiiy p roue ted. i mr form of government, in all lis workings, ha the nice and delicate dLstinrtiocw betweew the Irerreral and StaSr governmeata. are xa complrte as ta sliow tlia haadx of the able aud fiuixhed workman in its construction. But it is a science too devrr to Ire at ouce understood by the novice, or to he seen throngh by an nn practised era to understand it welt, aad raappnw-mteia- bea art v, strength, and wisdom, a maa should grow with iu growth, and bo- - familiar with all its eomplicaicJ. yet perfect maehin-an- d exiierirnoe having shown That the period of pro bation now nxed by the Uws of the ( nited Suva, U too slorrt for a foreignor riglrtiy ta aaderstand. id proiny appreciate our sjsleiuoJ goverumcot and iwx. Therefon, m reaoipxot hv fax IVmera A aaewi V r nf 'Ax ITVm- - iif Kentucky 1st. That oar ncnators in Cow. grexs be iustructeii, and our noprsxenutivea o sues ted to nieavnr to extend rne rime rcquimi Dy uie present uw r tbe natiiralizatnrn of foreirnera. id. Also that our Senatwr in I saunm be Insti Bated, aad our Reprvxisitativre poiiuexlrd to urge upon Congress to haul to me several etxlex, SB amendmcnl to- ine tonn. tiouof the I'nited SUtc. by whieb the several States hall : prohibited from allowing any iahabtiant thereof, axt a el the l niled stale, to vote for Vice presUe&tof the I'nitod States or memberx of Congrexx. They were refemd to tba Committee on Federal I itions and ordered to be printed. The bill increasing tbe salaries of certain officers. viz: the Governor's to !,0X, Judges of the Conrt of Appeals to $2,500, Judges of tbe Circuit Courts to 42,000. Auditor to (3,000, Chancellor of Louis ville Chancery Court to f '4,600, Chancellor of equi- ty and Criminal Courts in First circuit to 2,000, and tbe Treasurer's to ,3,000, was tba first thing in the regular orders of the day in tbe Senates, The measure was referred to the Committee on the Court of Appeals, with mstructioua to inquire into that ex- pediency of lengthening tbe terms of tbe Court of Appeals and further lucrcasing the sslariea of tbe Judges. '1 ue vote by which tha bill ta prevent tha of public books was reiectei) by the Sweat on Saturday, waa reconsidered to day, and tbe measure was referred to tba Cexnmittee oa tba Statues. . ......... The bill passed the Senate y to mofease tbe jurisdiction of the Conrt of Appeals in oivil caf e, which grants appeals from final judgments of chan- cery and circuit courts for 00 and upwaid, exclu- ding costs only. Senators bad leave to bring m tha following bills: A bill to provide for Quarterly Courts in Covington; a bill in rebuioa to the "new Kentucky Jostiur;" a bill to incorporata the American Marine Insurance Company; a bill to charter the Kentucky Loco Works; a bill to establish tha Merchants' De- posit Bank; aud a bill to furninh the various conn-lie- s not aire aily provided with tba Revised Statntea, Codes, and Imports of Deciikms of the Court of Appeals. The bill to make parties liable for false represen- tations upon contracts was under discussion ia tbe when tbat body adjoarneil. There was a long debate in the House this morB- ring upon the proposition to form a new connty from prrttons of Kix licastle, Madison, &c., during the course of wbich Mr. Neweuru, this talented Repre- sentative from Rockcastle, sustained the proposition by some eloquent remarks. The new coenty ia to l called "Jackson," and the priponition passed tbe House. Tbe House spent considerable time ia Committee of the Whole this morning ia the discasasoa of the conventional interest bill, emlrracing aa amenduient to the usury laws-- I have given voa tbe material points in the case heretofore, and do not deem it ne- cessary to recapitulate. Mr. Macben, from Lyon county, made a powerful speech ia support af the measure, in which he favored the repeal of the usa-r- y law. The question pending was to strike out the enacting clauaa, which, if carried, will of course kill tbe measure. Tba bill ia right! v considered oaa of vast importance to our Statu. Tbe committee final- ly rose, reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. Tbe joint resolution which originated ia tba Sen ate, providing for tha election of public officers on the 20th inot., pissed the House unanimously to- day. JELEVE. AwWirEBSAKT OT THI BatTLB OT New ORLKAxav iVew 1'ara, Jan. 9. Tha forty-thi- anniversary of the battle of New Orleans was celebrated by a ball and supper at Tammany Hall last night. There was a large atteadanca af Fader, at, Slate, and city Speeches were made by John Van Baren, Card. Evaders, General Ward, B. Burnett. W. C. Wright, ao4 others. Among the letters read was one front Gov. Wise of Virginia, tha following extract from which ia "Ita CcngTesd of tha United States ought not to ruject tha legitimata and Republican Conatitutieo, but Qiight to adopt it, subiect to a fair legal vote of tba people of Kansas. If they adopt it, to admit her into the Union 'nse factot if they reject it, to leave the people of Kansas ia their own way to or- ganize another conatitutron, aad to submit another constitution to Congress for approval, aad for aay difference of opinion aa to tha mare aaode of submit- ting or solving this question by protest, thai do earnest iMmocrat shall be ptxscrirad. "No Northerner ought to denounce tha President for recocniziog the fact of tha legitimacy of the La- - compron constitution, or ought ta denounce Senator Douglas for contending manful Iv for tha right of the sovereign people tu adopt ot irject UteirT own (oim 04 pi'll government. , . - WKD5ESDAT, JAN. 13, 1168 ' " ' ". Crrbe Loutsvnie Imocrat says with a sih, tnaii taa ivenwicraiie cosniusi as uis state raa p laaerd a rasointioa eadorsing the Kaasas policy the President, and that tha IHrnocralk coovertioa of Indiana has done the same thing. We thick, ihat, so fir as Indiana is concerned, our neighlror makes the matter rather worse than It really is. Unquestionably Bright achieved a virtual tri- umph over Douglas in tbe Indiana convention by 'King present acd exercising that great control over tha Indiana Democracy for which he bt remarkable. Yet Ihe eonventioa, even while acting under his eye, did not venture to gate Ihe length of endorsing tba Kansas poliey of lha President. Tba President himstlf and his Adminiatratioa were encSorard in gneral terms just as the editor of the Louisville Democrat would no doubt endorse both if compelled either to endorse or repudiate, but the direct isae of tbe President's Kanaaa policy waa ugloriooalj evaded. Ws give the only resolutions of tbe ccn-- Tentina that hava any bearing trpcru the subject That the rk.--t of Ike people of aav txtata ta this rsden lo mould their Uws and In- - iluu-.u- Ui sort tkerosrtrea. and not others, bring an ntein. .thmnhV rleht. il follows lhat thr manaer ia wha-- they perforin this ah-- dntr to ia wot a pror oahjeet far the dieiauon of aay dstar State or of all llie States of I lie lonfe.leracy ia Cooareex arawmbred, rave only thai tire Cornultasioa and Ihe Uws of ae I "new riaieo Mia. I aol Ira VBtaterl. Tliat 4as. blichanan was the first choice of the Tlemoera. ey of Indiana lor the Chief MagUtraev of thi. Republic at tlie Nominating Coaventinn in J one, A, and of the pro- - - as roe oaieir-ne- m tne rasnlng Nowember, and BOtlung whH-- he has done since hL. r high poanioa whirh ha aow serupiea aax abated or dimiav. ie,,re in tils am Py, liilirntr, patriotism, and rrateemanlikeqmhiea,aud we cordially approve and etiilorse lus .inHnuti ariua. ILatw-.r- e still in favor of the great doctrine of bill, and thai by a practical .Bultrati.a of thai dirctnua the ne.il.lr of m Stale tiU a Teero.... - lieeesfed with the richfa of rarif vi. g or re serine, at tbe tat" ol box, aav ronetititttoa lhat may hr formed for IhraT governmont, and thai hereafter no Territory shoaid be ad. .too m c BkiB aa a Slate wiUimu a fan-- axprvrartoa of tne will of the ueoirlo beina liu S.X nM. ik. ttoa aecomiw tt) ing the appheatioa for mlmixrioa. These very resolutions show the moral cowardice of the eonventioa. That body bad not the courage to dec! ire for or against either the Lecompton policy or the policy. The lirst resolution spirited almve might be construed to mean that Congress, by the theory of our jrovera- - rtient, has no right to decline receiving Kanaaa into the Union as a State whether the in her behalf is submitted to tha vote of her people or not, bat the laM seems to preclmle such a exMxtroctiirn by deciding nnsq'ii vocally that hereaf- ter no Territory ouBht to be admitted into the Union by Ctmgreas except after a full submission of her conatitutioa to the popular veto. If it fa the doty ef Congress m sll rutnra eases to refuse admission to Territories until their constitutions shall hava been fairly voted aa by the people, surely Coau;reas may properly, by tba theory of ear genrarament, keep Kansas ont until her constitution shall have beea thus roted on. What U proper to be dona ia all future cases caa certainly, witboat any yiolaiion of the genius of oar irbliution, bt dose in the prvrut case. Hitherto the Democracy of lha nation hare given ten thousand pledgaa that tha w atria poo pes af Kanjas should have a free vote in tbe fixing of their own institutions, and now ws find that the Dens or racy, though unwilling to say that tha pro,4e af Kansas shall have, this privilege, ara vary ready with their resolutions that the people of every Territory shall have it ktrtafUr. They will not say that the right shall he enjoyed by tha people of Kansas, to whom they have promiterl it and solemnly pledged h a myriad times, but satisfy their Locofoco consciences by empty re wives thai it (hall be enjoyed hi fiat are by people to whoa they have pledged it at all. Those, lowborn they hive vehem ently promised, it in every possible focus of atroag langnage, are, if their rl reselvaa asa at all to be nVramrUd on, the very rav-- s aad tba rmlj ones to whom they will consent to deny It. WaanissTow, Jaa, 9. The I'nlon baa a leader ta which tha aeuoisHiaw of Cea tral America ix duru-ed- . It repudiates the urea as adopted trv teca. Walker, bat evidently favors the object by ss. athcr Broewsa If WO must liUnl Our anaitilattiikM in rwinai anaitlk mi by the strong arm, let it be done by open and houorabio hostility, conducted nnderthe ausnteeaand aathoetlr of tha trovernmenl. Nothmg eaai be easier titan tar and ranees for a aatwaal asavrrrd with Um Ceatral A tier tea a uoarw and Um Spaaish trovnromeal, if wa art about aarkuut it. li, contrary io our nauoual isutry, we mtl-- l needa extrad our hvoitutionx pnalhward be forexr. Pel ft. he dotto br ao Baraurairio warfare, bos ay a psraOcai facay. This is part of a telegraphic dispatch pubhsherd by us yeiterday. The signiflcance of tbe article pat forth by the orgm 0f the Administration cannot be uaistaksn. J That article ia another added to tbe thousand evidences of the President's miserable cowardice, instability, aad imbecility. lie ahrinks from oppcraition, let it arise where it may. Tba Administration's conrse toward treat. Walker having excited the wrath of the Son' bera and calldd forth load and general condemaation aad execiaiio ia that aeetion, Mr. Buchaaan, half frigbtenedl ant of his small wrta, seek i to mollify sad pacify by givinjj them to understand that he can d for them not only what Walker wvoaM have done if let alone bat a great deal otore. He eaaves it to be understood through tbe columns of his or- gan, that, although he prevented Walker front tak ing possession of Nicaragua and having; it annexed to the United States as slave fjeTrvtory, ha ran, at any moment it may be thought necesaary, set alrout finding eanaea for a BstUoaal qBarrel with the Ceatral American States and tbe Spanish tjovernineut and seize not only the whole of Central Ararerica bat Cuba likewise. If Walker, aa the President aecUrad ia his mars sage, was acting the part of a pirate and a robber in going to Nicaragua to assert and, vindicate his right to an official position lo whkh he was elected by a portal r vote a year or so ago, what leas than a pirate and a robber would the President of the Uni- ted States make himself ia hunting ap or tramping ap a pretended causa of qaarrel with Spain and the Soath American States as a pretext Ibr killing- their people and seizing and annexing their territory. Pnenxt ar the AcusMasTanoa-M- r. Eacban- - ao'i acsonnts, sa far as the dealing of his admmi- - tration rs concerned, has been posted op to the present time by tbe New Tork Evening Peatr and does not make a. very good show, we maa aay. If tha re mainder of his term ef ofBce does not exhibit a bet ter babince sheet, in prorrortion, the bus ina ss is likely to be a losing one all around; aad it would be as well for him to "snspend" at once. We give soma ef the Items- - For instance, he began his administration with an tffrrt to "pacify Kanaaa,'' aad iaduced hia particubu- friend, Kahert J. Walker, to aavdertska the task. When the latter thought be was sncceed- - ing, the President deserted him, and alienated auay af bis best fricmla. Then hia message an tha Brat day ef the first Congress areused the opposition ef Ihe ablest Democrat ia the Senate, and lost the con- fidence of three quarters af tha Northern Democra- cy. Then his Mormon expedition, tailed ant at tbe expense of r,oi)n,C0O, announced itself aaaMe to do anything until next spring, and aothing then, with- out expensive rcjnuiroeuieots. Then, by bunglingly allowing a tilliboster to escape, who was subsequent- ly caught by a naval officer under wstxuctkaa, be has drawn npoa himself the ire ef tha entire Sooth, witboat whining the cordial sappert of any aaction. Then, from being extTemely rolicitoas to redhrce an overflgiwing treasury, he baa been obliged to run the face of the government for funds to meet its current expenses. Finally, after going ont ef hia way to denounce sll possible United States Banks, and all issues of paper currency not based an one third specie, be has reevrmaneaded the ixsws of twenty millions of treasury notes, wit hoot a dollar In tba treasury as a basis of value, thus axtemrrorizuigasortof National Bank apon the goverasaeot credit, without a specie basis. Such are some ef tbe items which tba Post says most be taken into account. It specil'ies anoth- er, indeed, viz: that Mr. Buchanan has shown bias-se- weaker statesman (tun Gen. Fierce; but tbat is something for tbe conatry to think of. The Presi- dent has enough wit howl it, Thi Uscrt Laws. Money is now just as mack an article of trade and commerce as cotton or Avar. The flaetaati wM in ita market price acetwding to the commercial laws of demand and supply furnish the moat delicate and reliable testa of the condition of trade and credit. In public sentiment and public action tbe usury laws have beea for a long time utterly Inoperative, because they are In direct oppa-titi- to tbe essential laws of trade aad to the healthy actiou of eomrncreial rwinciplea. Urnry laws therefore produce but two effects. They fnr-n- occasion to a few country capitalists to exact a higher wremiam apea their loans by way of compen- sation for their risk ef violating the) law, bat their principal effect is to aid In the a.rnoralization ef tba whole community by forcing that csjmmuojty to tba constant and habit ami violation ef law. The ground upon which asury laws were for me fly defended,' that money ia aa extraordinary power monopolized by a few, it an fooger tenable oa of tha covrditioa of civilized coasiaunities. Money capital in all commercial State ia so en- larges! and so diffused thai it would be) much easier to monopolize eotten, flowr, or aay of tha great staples of trade, than to effect a rncajenpoty of thia universal medtam. A monopoly of soma of thr a staples has been eftea attempted by reckkaa specu- lators, bat no sack attempt haa been ntaaw or would be thought of In regard to money. On the contrary, aa we have scan, thia article ia so completely tbe subject of the legitimate laws ef trade, is so delicate- ly sensitive to its minutest anctaaticma, that the daily market prke of money is the very beat and saoat reliable test by which to ascertain the tree ceoditiea ef tbe cemntercial world. Such being the known facts of the case, we earn- estly hope that oar kgiabttors will not adjourn with-a- reocaing this ComaaMwtaltk from tha reproach of keeping upon the Statute book a coda ef laws tha reason of which baa long since paaned away a code that ia at war with tba priociplea and tha sa- te rerou of modern society, and utterly subversive af thaf salutary roverence for Uw whkh bt tha sanc- tion ssd support of all our institutions. tnrA good many of tha are eaters, an called, when brought to the lest, ara net suck tevTible fal- lows ia their diet after alL Whenever they masti- cate a bnnauvg anal, they ara sura to make haste to wash it down with Somerset ( Ky.) DeBwetai aiinrruocra that Us sext issue will take place nana) tinte in the spring. Till then ft means to hiberante, like a bear or a snake. crib. Imorratic Suf. Coaventio. of w Hampshire, whkh a.aeml lad a fiw davsir, af firmed by ie.ol.tioa that tbe people ef aUtues Taava- - the rght af formln hrir 4omMi tostatiituaraa. and declared it as "tha epraton ef the Derasscracy of New Hampshire, that aa constitation oar, fit to be imposed apoa Ih-- or the Beopls of anv ether Tsr-- ritory nitd it hss received thear expyeaa' approval. " Tha of Saw lUmastMra neaalva ewe way, the Keatoclty Democracy ressslve aawcher war, aad tha lailiaaa Isaocracy are afraid to saaulv. say way in partknlar. r?-I- f the lionr. tiirer.. el-- int, eatamo.ra, w. booam, saaaea, aa l all tha etbar aaiauU i in tlte ark ' el0ilirg5oah sal bis wife sad hi iron italhieton wivem. kail eat into a 6i- ta bea tha delu.-- was aver tha aaaa'aiox, ,h? cc.faoa and rage, tba . . .nr i c: i. tiiuoa- - ssu iar acTascoana:, cvaia airs aliem. greater lha. wa hive everj aardeirg in the ranks of Jrcrary in the prcrgrese of the Kiaaa quarrrL ! Caw't Staso Tun PkATronvi-Aquil- U Jrmtn, tha present State Treasurer af I a liana, waa aaaai. monsly Borainatad by the Desaornslic Cenventina nf tha 8ik for to the xasaa. Ha addreased a letter to tbe president ef tha crnwv station sesaaret full y declining tbe howor, not brisu-- willing to stand an the pBBtforni laid dawn. rJaTWa andersiand tbat Mr. Pngh, of Ohio, site. ia that aebedy was pleased with hia aisn af exeept himself, ia aa longer pleased with it himself. Ax LNrotrtrw tra AnwusTa tnox. It seems to be generally d that tha prirxewt Adasinr-tca-tio- ia by tar tha sawst anf ataaate ef aay whkh hava pcaoadad it, neteven evceptinar that sfptsf Pwsera. At the very outsat it coram war a 1 bmaslraywur, and ha beea hlartdrrriog worm anf Worse ever sinew. onlil ii has almost fsIUn into arrnferapt with tbe whole country. Kanaa Utah Nxarsk-w- a wht and follies has it not committed in refereace to all these! Indeed, nothing that tha present Adminiitra'ka haa touched but k haa signally aad shamefully failed in. And ai it will be, we fear, to the end ef the chapter. AUud- - ing to the continued misf irunei aai errors of the Buchanan Admiaiatratina, the roterabwrg Intelligea- - eer has the fik iag artklc: "It Is extraci-dioa- how unfortnarfe the Admin- istration ia in of srTirs and sspresUl-l- y in iu lBstructaraa to ortKiala. One ef ita irrsl acta waa tha appointment of that chosen man, R. i. Wal- ker, Governor of Kaasas. with spec! tic ioetraciionj to kins and hk Lknteaaat, Staatoe), how the Kaaaaa difncnlty shoaid ha eoexlucted to a ate rk t. Theae worth lea entered apoa their task and followed their mxJrwcioaa to tha Utter. Th result is civil war, hiWlahed, swat "eowfurvk wors raa ftmnded' in Kansas. Next, an expedition amjt rrcan-n- and governors, commaaslers, truops, sic,, faraiaheai with ixtatrwcuoaa how and when ttwv should to I'tah, and educe th rehellio Brigham to subjection. Io following their instmr-tkn- s the expesluion k bow shot ap in the ky fast- - aeaaei of tbe ntowntains, a pray to the Mornson ranis ana tbe here busts or winter with no pexnwhle chance ta accompliah, of theaiaelves, th duty as- - srwned tnean by tha t?veramarat. La-d-i y th gov. eminent umlertook, with its wfyove aav if, milittew. and rxmaxahnlary power, to prevent the little "gruT eyen man irosn v rotating; our axsttraiitv laws, Irons were scattered far aad aaar, "to ail whesn these presents shall come," and the effort k maxre to execute them. The result k a grave ami breach ef tha law ef aatiorai waatexa nf the srrvereigiMy ef iraricia a repo ef a grrxt national and human riirht for which wa once foaght, the rucht af tiyalriauss aa anpardonable and irretrkralde wrong to Iran. Walks- eraad his followers and treuhle, wi'srhief. and! generally. A gun wa say the Adimnistration are amst aofortaaaia ia their iaxtrocuoax. Ws bo- - gin to think tbey need srrme ana to ioatrnct them. Urnotn is rna lsirsaxt ICMOi'BArc Cowva.v. Trciw. We coptrrl yeaterd ty a very graphic artkk from the Indianapolk J rwmat, giving aa account nf the terrific aproar in the Dtutucratk mass aaeetihg at Indianapolis oa the aight before the aaae nbling of tha Demotratk State Coavsntisw. Wa as Lroca tbe was aapertha th aproar in the Coawsatian itself was occasionally qnite aa wild and fierce as that ia the osaaa meetiog. Here k a passage from a long and evidently faithful daaet iptkn sf tha Ctaa- - vention's proceed'n e. Head and jwd-- o a to lha prospect of Democratk harmony in Indiana: Mario a eoanty waa aallod, aad Mr. Kraa ti aurwd bar row "mi. ' W. II. Tallrott. otaadioa hoswla him. srrrsjurd ')ox.n Rraa contradieterl hiux. Taiboit reverted the vote eleven aoeeaad mar area" Kvaa veheaaenllr die lard that "tea Israaorearrg a if arrow apataxd tax isiaaorsai aovrw. l oea tha yeiliaa hi laiai. Burly aafat. Hurrah for fhek.' "Go it. P.r ao. ' lu.i willl Ilia .1 4 "trry bp. aad a rhaor of aotses tbat wmtia have deafeard aa aortioB oner la Bohot. ftdlowed. ta a ctllad aoaily. aad ia a rileaco tiiai in ion 1 amioaat of a r!'wlIiarwaWTtb laflrlas a rionlatWro in hixbaaxj. Aa-- t Ibea aoseo a rad ibaa hatnVaail desrrurwow. Arnvnari f haaarv liawrxaBd enaivd asrrswoold howa Bmow wo bsside it than a "lu's whtsyer lo the ataarmiB of A roiling Are of yetlx for Wailaee was riept up wry fatly Sf een msauasa, duxlna wlurst W illara a in I a btbM, aad did bo re. He oomd Bo Bawo brow Board, aay more I haa if bs had beea bunrd amler a conuneal of fea'her bods. He gestirn at"d, aad aniiled. aud les.ksd armtsrd. and kept at it. Yells for " tvti" from the Hrwal B sarelmd lha infawral raw. Prtrrl arose aad .Band ao. sofsi Wallace, aad Urwre his rgsrrt aadod. Tbs waur boared. mixed to oacfl othrr. looked eh asaal, turned omttd and round to their frtrvsJx, aaarie in. eitorr. Sa get a snows ra uws a that wax aos rowded am vwlax sad fcroaad varv like a oaapia of awarreo oa a Uutaar naia Hot that wax ad. At last ITtlt Irw-- to vroax. gciieuar-tln- a ftirlonsly. Wallace, wttliont apea kin.-- , moralod bar and went ntitl vara baraoaae wislt bv anas rb yetliaa grew worm. Taw storm at tha oasaxt Baal iaiar a ttra.lv anint. mimaa burrieaaa. hoahiax bo beard but a eonfusod aad deoieaiaa uproar lawt would have shamed a fill growa eanaqiiaaa. We aever beard aarb a aoaso bsaore, and) wo aever wxort tar aawria. Wo ipn with is Sowar's tars ww aar it Warn. ahiut ra- - trrmrssarn, (ear m,aica,aod it srentetl aa hour. AI lael Wtlrard arlsrnroed the eonventioa in tbe midd of the row till half aaM asvwa. aad a prats of tba arord whadrew. ault lha aoasa wax brut aav AFFAIRS AT FKA5KF0RT ipeeiaj CorrrsaoB-lear- af tha L.wirviTW Jovnai. Fs Jan. li, 3 P. M. Tha prorect for tbe erewtWra ef a new eawndv aal of portroux of Noissm, Manon, Laraa. and I lard us t aw mends itaslf ta the Ltvoealria eaniBkialtasa af A bill aaseed tba Uoaaa vaxoarrtay foraaaac a new eeainty in to BBoaataina, whkh had net halt the merit a.aaati u 4 bv the en mfrrrvsl t abaxra; yog I waa irratiaed that the free paopto af th BroesaerJ ' castnry as Jackxow warn fan laaata aaxraK: to get their favorite mraswrw threngh the krarar ilxxase Hwithataaslmg tha new rassntv Brasui Sar a wall eome into the State system as a "pauper' eaiagiy. Tha arojaet to axake a aew eewncy by tioaiaiiar en a poruoa ef Xe ixon, Marie), Larwa, anat iUaviut, to be eailed 1) Beau oaa, of whack th ploasxrroaa litik villaew ef New llavaa) will ha the ssaaty seat, I Sa- rard as Qendextfy errmmeadahW. The aiotnck ef cowntry poaaeasoa all th ilsmsntg af n separate erxsBty eriraaMaafaoa), aard th m bairttaatta w btab will bobb it favoy the projerct vaJl mmarkaak waxutt- mity. llavaa at mlnurabiy ktwaarl in the mislet af a fertik regkn apoa tha ionctionaf lha Loatarvilte and ItaahyUk Bailrnad, and th maa a a af arrsaa to casta ty asa by raiiroaa, tnarirptka, aard ssharwiaa are very eaavenieBt. The asrw anaaty will aiBlaiBte aharrtt on t4oaaaiid rstoia, and th mbarrtltarta aro mtelligent, pwapersraa, aad weaithy. t trwat she ealerBrise will had favor with the pre semldv. The noorardiacs in tha Seaste elkited I toiwat. 1 a Boet lmaiinaat mtanars for a tion was th Senate bill, wha-- had aaaatd Ihe Huast with aa amoalaBiat-- proculratina: tha carcwi- a- Ikn af foreign haak mrasaof a lena deasiBiaaliiin thaai five dVaUra. Lhrruag th dUaeasaisn. which I hat oa ed to with ecaantkralik mtereaa, i ftoaatd It hwpooaibae to Mtarnuaa whether th Aaaaraan ar tha Dsn craak members eartrrUuwBd th gasabea biat.Uty to haaks. Aa amaadrwxat waa finally sarreed apon a hst h provxles that tha act thai! take elfoct from antl after lb 1st ef Jaa. 1 do aast doaba that the bail will receive th sanction af th House in its peasant form, bat 1 donbt that it will aver b rrgially en- forced. The antondnaent to the eommen school law. whkh Suarrri to arnd in which napsl oaay Bttaait the Batxa Bcnool rraaa ax to ticntoera yaara to fram at a to twenty saa yaara. waa als roaaiifaifaa nt the Senate, and passe 4 to a tcira raaxiiag. Th biiia to amaad tha caartar af tha BfwmAom aad Jefferson TnrntMke Road Company and to a nasa. d th charter ef tha Lonkviila and TaykrswiU Tarn-pik- e iioad Company, bath aaaaod th cienaaa la avexjonnat to tha hsutotaon act teserrmat to tba period ia watch artaaaa atay b broaarhl for the fweovery ef real estate, which paawau tha xioaas oaa day last wvek, waa prmctod by th Senqie. 1 ha eusn mat loea of the Sears at. to wboaa ther hast bean referrwii. were from th farther eoav xideratioa of leaves to brvna; m btlla tor atwesai tha kws af diwre aad tha Uw iwutuiig to pedlars. Leave waa etttamea m tha Janata far bnaa in a bill to charter aa Aaserkaa PnatanaT Carranaay fit tbe Blind, and to sstabiisk the Ptaatars' Baah af kvaoturky. The Hoaea spent asoot af tha tita in eawa utters ef tht wbwk ia the eaacaaaaoa) af tart bail pre valing for a renvenOoaai ratoef mterestand anssnd atory of tha asury kws. j4r. Etwee, af Mahlen- - barg, Basxta a hmg aast azceaarlingly diguuiad swaech sainat tha practicatalrt y f tha maasare, and txeav Combe followed apoa tba same awla ef tha aneaaioa). sntortaiuiBg aa attentive Hoax aad arewrkd lobhy with a very pieaamg aad btghly argwenlsti-v- agaiant th aaaaage af tte sail. The osaaan rtlas moa, reported proyisea, and had haswe to sat atrua. The qtassfuraa now peniliag ansa tin bill au Shall I be asuM Uag claaaa be strickaa) ewt aad. ahaawd the proptraiiroa carry, of asarss tha (ate af the nanaa-Br- e m sealed. I hava th rraUficatraa to iqaiaaii that tha caea- - mittee apon Agrkartara and Comsnerc haw hewn vtmcbsaed at least a atosety af taswr ifghaa. The Senato bill to amend tbe chat-ta- r af tha State Agrv cattaral Society passrd tbat Mease this sane at as; m aa amendetl form. Th Senet bill arov Ktet for a sarraiBsat anrjreoruUai ef go. at si aar anatrm to the Society, and t ha bill which passed th Heaae ay at as ameaded aa to extend the aaaaal appsvrra-iai-ia- anttl the neat saatwea af tha IsSirauatara, by which tiowl trawt aBemlasrs will htrcaia an lahteaed to aprxracmaa th impaeanc af a - a Sent apotvrpriatiott. The atlempa to aatatilish a atirassasal stoaidard fur tha weight and msaewrement of coal fatkd ua the Hoose toxlay, aad tha old kw in referenc thereto will therefore continue ia (urea. This reault waa brought about, I think, by the failure of many mam-tm- rs to ass tenia Bd the anrpowtioa rmfora tbe Houaa, altikagh tha aeeation was stated time after time. aad the ayes and noes were called when th rots waa takea. As I mfbrwatd yon before, the Democratic mens-- bers of tha LeguUtara will hold a caucus this evea-in- e for tha nomination of candidate for th Keener of the Penitentiary, Stato Printer, aad Sum Libra rian. Ihe election for pub lie officers will take place on tbe 20th hast. Toa will be surrartsed to learn that, frorn some cans, Messrs. Slaps and Crockett have retired from the race for tha avmiraatioa to the Keepsrship of tbe Peaitrntiary. Tbm movement a ill astonish yon tha more when ten are matla aware that tbey have beea regarded as tha must pouular aspirants on the track tha nomination of wtuch wax reirarded aa a fofregoo cooc iuatotL. 1 ha pulriau t eccentric frssod, A. r itlkersrsa, Jr., t.mci., haa been ut toe city fug- several daw Ilia lit erary character aad pkaaing sccial iatliuea rac ier mm aa object of I'ltarasl iir. faikersons I xt pubiicatioa is in the form of sa essay, entitled "The Uiunaa Soul and Us Imavortal AtUilxitaa." I hava Bsrt been abk to etimraand tiro to criticize the Bter-i- ts and demerits of the essay. Tha character of the author as a maa of letters, however, would ssem to tvniier the task unnrctasarv. Tbe kading topic diacwosed y k the arproacV kg grand tincv. dress hail af the Assembly Vsenria-Ut- whi. h will take place at tha Capitol Hotel to- morrow evening. I jaiige by the numtier af straagrirx prearnt ia the city, and by the note ot pre- - purauoa wnicrt has been avade. that lae eutertaia-Bie- will frove a great succaea, f LXVE. THCBSDAT, JAN. 14, 1I. Twr Swiv.rtei or ae Awpbm'sw CavrrfsraTS r ia f'Lrita nr tisk Corar or Arr tn. Wa havo, ra wived cnrnniunV rtiVrn. vtroo-l- weswmeadiBg to 'ht Sa'e C overflow of the Ainrricaa party tia ra new of W. B. Aifen of ha M. S. McCorkle, lite ek-i- vf Ihe 1! w-- of It ptemnti. Urea, M.jor K. B. BrrtWt ef C wiogtess, aas) W. T. Saoswels iaf Kbzssretbtcrwa for the sramnatioe for C -- rk of the Can of Apramla. Wa teoh ocra.ew tlv darw is, e aav that it is oar itwarbtble ruU ' " T"iH "T press low teadiog to avftueaee lha emvntions of the Arneriran earty in tba T"'nn af rvodiiLitrv W eaa ykM to no re JT j""ri ,M.T "T(t V tba n Bcaninsa of rverv petruUr eoavwatkai - tTm.ZJ'l" " " ' 7, 1 T" v lvor,t,n I I af aay atambrr of I tr- - P ,rtT to a a rmtnation. Oa." rrirwd who dew, ' " M ""awne ef tha Joaunal, tba claima " tn" Prtu olar favaritrs, win readily saa th proprifT of thk posfctexa aad wiU anderatond th oecesairy firy the exclnxkn ef th eweaaaaakataMto afTotlei tn and sfl other of similar Import, far, if one sbonbl be admitted, jasrric to th ethers would require the pablkatioa of all rack eat aef for weeks before th asseaaMme; of any t tiros af the party our eolumaa woaja be axclaaivaly tilled with Ihe eoenrnwankatkaa ef partial frknd at ef the ax vera I earKlrdaters, Maar af thee kturs tare ad Ireasesl to as by arrases for whom ww entertain tha highest parsnntl reirard, and wboes w would ajKl gladly oblig. bat wa must be jnst w w eaa afford to be araswaa, aad afrtrt bwpar-tiaJl-ty requires tb sxclasao uf all. W h ive abundant rvmtideae ia th ability of tha eonruatk to select a candid at s bins an alias tion wiU Ue creuitabk to th party, t the State, and in the pince, and who will bear tha owauaar of Uiumphantly in the arxrawmcbine; eiattat. All of tbe 'entlesaau whasa aaosea havo beea sinusal til in cwanerfiova with th neminarka for Clerk ef th Court of Appeals ara worthy aad well qamlitkd. In electing th caadldats flosn among them th dale rates cannot rail to choose a propar candidate aard oaa who will mala an abk and raecottaful canvas anil aa etfickni aad Caithfut State ettkar. Ta their good jaxlgmenu and kv of Araanrkaa ariarripka w Buheaiutingly commit the matter, assured that thek select aa will be anaoirnesasJy approved aad wpported by tha whole party ia th State. Tba thai hea already bean aaaalfesasd ia regard to tha actioa of tbk convention k a ehatr iag sign of th Wrpefalaase aad gtowing of the party ia battling for th rextorslion ef sto proud njeemia)enc ia ear Commonwealth, k k aa augary of victory aa evkkacg that the Aasriraai of Keatacky have slept with thek armor aa and only awaited tha artfroaated bcxav of raoeesa to rise, lawsly sad "wager for the fray.. They hay hostsed to tha storm thtt swept ever them, but thek watcb-or- et have not been qavnebed nor their spirits br4es; ibary n.--e refraooed for saw ttartka and for greater sdvancameat. Thy have beea aesthsr diakfaaTtan I aor disroursral, but wiU eater into th to Meat with renewed aoalaaxl itaaJial ef victory, aad d tennined that they wQI Tea aaaas taasr worta absii wta.'' rfJThe Iwavvilk DsTsocrart, speakiavr ef th ef th Prsaadest't Kan polky by the rVmorTwtic ervnwenttexa at Tnakrcsrt, say: knowa.'li Vad vet rsartatuiv Bxaaa aaarwal far warn aav-- Uie Adiiit&ssrrattoa's aolicy kauwa. Ws are certaioly aa admirer xf tba tore Diimsi ratio coveut'roa, yet we do sot thiak that th reooltstion In reTtioa 1 Ktasu k justly Kahk to th ebjectioa her aaaoV to it- - The aHrvowtiexa, ia BBruVrrwing th Birajiirm tken by the President rxlatrre to IT inta i ia kit annual at wtacw. envlorsed) only what waa "certainly known.'' The President's prrwUoa had nothing eqmvocal about it. He adyrjrated the r eefvin; tf Kansas into the Urtinn with tb Lareeaptoa ceoatitu-tpwi- , flavery bring permitted sr andi : irxf- -d ia the Brw State as the majority ef the vote east an tb rtst of sbourj drrid. And thk waa the preciae policy that the convratlon enrisjrsed. The TVnvirtrat thinks H bad beea qeita aa well to wait antit the .Vtaioistratiorj's polky k koeww. We presame the editor aseaas, sot that ther eaa b aay dou'it alwut the polky advocated in th Execn-ti- message, bat tbat the Adminktration may shift its ground, and that th coaventka. If it had beans smart, would have determined, before sndksi dng what the Ailminisfkratioa had mid, to wail aad nr if it would not talk very dirrervratly hereafter. Our neighlarr, with a strange and aaaccoantabk of that spirit of mdVreieac which he ha recently been makine a show of. weald bar hia party careful act to commit itaslf to what tba Frwsi-lo- has ckarry decUrwd) UTt after waiting a mataoa-ab- le time to see alt tba swtisqaal twisting aed tnrning of rhat very facile M Trr.-n-a- n I'wAwnarrT. The I'sinucrax-- y ef Kentucky have great faith In blowing loudly their wa trunifrxca. Ia the Densocratk report af th proceedings of their Stat coaventka ea th .k af .Jaanary, great streaa is laid apoa tb fa lora ewt that all except four couuUoa ia tbxi Stato were but th following report f a speech ef oca of the delegated from Fayette diackeee tba man ner in which thk alleged fall was at tained: Robert Tt. W roller, SO . attarxstrasad a roaalaUxrvt W pear. aew oarso eartaroto "a shrt Jlasd rwtaw aw ind he rhmieril that waa rottta it tie sooaitaa whach bd dew a rad war a aorta wlar raw-- It l.Oat. wae had oosra-- Be aaid. fog a fear reaolutiorta eaiioNnaj a ravortlo aortdi'laar. whoa uttar creel ntoxa of th voters tnrar sothtng rf ao Wroxtlaa. sad arrttaaa earod is woid oarmiaiy b to mlow r arouuir BMetiag lo eroaa mto taw aoarvaaaara by aaaral or Broxy, So it seems that arrreraj reantiea war sot repra- - arnted by citisenr of them bnt by In thk way rt would aav been easy to hav all tha eoara- - tka rerrrraeaitxst In looking rver the Jl- -t of tb we find that twentyight cwaatiss wwrw rack rspreaented by a tdngk atember ef th la-1a- - lature, antt hi Bxanry instance), tww esrantk wer rr psxtenlexl by the sasn bislividuaj, and hi ana tav tattce Ma Koacb-- , a aseasber, "ksgry and akxas reieaeuied hk own eexaary, Trigg, and alas Chiia. tkn county, whkh k ia aard her ktrbktrv dktrict. In thk way waa tb boantsit fall trtmsantatka aaaaufacturwl. tftTlt k pevhaae warthyef nsto that Hr. 'tow aid. th great Sew Turk aired.tke-kt- , waa th ariacipal ehautrnarrn ef tb Ashainkti at tea ha tha dixreaxasoa of the f wiuoViat'e nufscs at mbstka to Oa. Walker, Commridste PwoWWig, ne., tad that bs eafemled tb rseavuVnt paeky ea th graand ef Ma keuaw hi areonhtma wtU th "asrjW W aoetrwas. Mr. wcxaW sot saw that th swaVre kewad by th r"rexoat wstr aarb as Ik Csnstitntiiia and Stolat Law ee th Uattod 9tam aajtsovvsa, bat he taSamgtvt thesn aaithoriaa by tba higher mw aiasisr whirhr ajawa, . whether ia er eat ef ssBc, clahn th reght to fWlarws ta dictotes of tdaaar m eeasckaeas or jwdgaaeatowithartUbokgasarn That feats rwiaatioa f Mr. nwrbaaaa aad Mr. Seward apea th higher law pUbfatm k eae ef tha ariose esenta ef ear swiuae day. CiT Tha editor of a Sag Nkht organ nrafussea as to th ateuniog ef the very eprrrocrvowa word watch Vs. R. Lae-a- Wlckli-re- , aatid coauuVlee- - abk appwuse, applied ia th Darnocmk Coavaatioa at Fraokort to sack Obl-L- Wkura aa have tarsjsd rVmocrata. Iaaamarch as that editor k one of th lra-Lxt- Wbige wh haw las sod lamiiinata, asr-- b tpa be bad better haire as to tb mesning ef lb WTord applied hi th CcxjyBntion to hioaash awl bk bvetkroa, as than ha stay know to what sort af aati. Bate they ara held by tba party they belong to. It wxirme a pity that ntrea, from not kuswuig th drdrna- - i of s weed, sosald eswaain la pmfonnd ksjsraas ef tb spiaka eaterfsiaeil af thesn by thek swrn pa Itxkal (oTTha r root dent raaaowed rrod. Staaaras frova th orhca ef Secretary of Ktnses beg saa that fiimtka ary called aa-- extra mseka of tha aUaisaa Legto. later. Aad bow tt turns eat that Geaaral Dearer, ap ia Stat. ton's place, eaidoreea sll tha official acta ef both Stoate and Walker, even to th caHr-i- n ef tb extaastiaiiinW th IxtarieaMa-r- . Long seriee ef stapwl sad wieltbed bmader by the Admmistratioa la rwtrard as TiTt sfT airs avotre, to say authiag ef Jtsrrsga and Utah, would seem to besasugh to awake sny Almhtktraika the jsxd aad soa--a and contempt af aiankiod. 'oV Ing like k was ewer before board of hi tile hiaenry sf politkal or personal Imbecility and folly. JTSerjatof Douglas k ne doubt n pretty threw. calculator of chaise, but wo appreheutl that kk op- - to the A Immigration's coursa toward Gea. Walker will only widea tb breach betwwea hira snd tha Ailminiatratkra'i Northern friaosk, withoa la the tiighiwst dgTe making hk pamce wrth tb tx is pera ted Democracy of the outh. The outhere Derosxracv will not ragard hk ee-- operatioa with them in favor of ens Walker aa stnemls for hia refuxal to g with them against t'oTher Wtlker. If ha wanU to have aay staasdiaa; with them, Ve mttsi go aids by side with them for and against all pnasibk Walkers aad tolkera, Tim C'rwrvrrrriw or m TaaasiraT. Tba Wssh- - Ingtvsji rorre.atsas.Vant nf the Ilaxklphia 5ortt Atnsrfc haa tb W towing la isreteece to tha of th FsdersJ and lha fkihu of Mr. Cvht' etatimatess Trtoai adiil or tam Txraatrw tor rha aaet ek an hii.te,l bv lint odVuti atoxentxas as bo dewaxtw. a nv fittia. xt no uinr..veneat r see uo srar oe :ih owe. ta.t, sf aatrthiita. a aaal faiuag -- it o aMten.1 r - era. T r from asl apttrr.t. only aotoaot ao i II, .f Keiow oa averaao of awl aitts a e e Toax ar tta, lard lay oi lha asrood nartrr. aad Mr. I' i irtss, tuas havo Svut.. r I'arsarl vwr.aeo-ieo- , wi.:!.- ilt.w :u .he twrt aato. wnoottt ' Sat - of taa orSriai iora. bava as i.r, rte. .ua HI. . ar acc'tracv. Ha wo:d ao w--i. t rritath tlrat rtsS.irtl ttere!er. la reparlag tglieaa whrr bs v t oasler oa en atx wani'ior, aad ara a-- w oa.to u rtaa u r.t.jioeiit asai:! lira. T'rere ara oomrrtaji. Sew aad a belt atdlaano vol siroera to drwrt, bat from lhat warn aw mil. ions m.t he e iiicted 'or lrafa trwwa tut aol aoei. vrsv seattr hot Sa milld'a. ad wtreeet ta tha or- der oi ihe Vrretarv m asi sane of aba I miad Staiaa. Fnawaroarr, Jaauarr li Is tba Uriwxarnuk eases the foitowu-t- euiwiciiiarrr made: K Kocpey of lha I '"mite "..gtb. of Brealh-'- t: for tlate Prinier, J..OO It. bltnr. mi llstrhoxi A I treat ha, LoattsvHUa; or L Wwsaxar, D. VaitomliaKSaaa. M Fraahior 1 y-- N i
Page 1: nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jb85s/data/0222.pdf · 20, 1853. 9. THE 'l"T SIB BT IIKUKttO. a 00RKI, weiSS aVBBWV, BBV W BK ramcOB eeasB I low hwn In AlrTaWOW .tUI. 1.--!.. '.

20, 1853. 9.


IIKUKttO. a 00RKI,weiSS aVBBWV, BBV W BK ramcOB eeasB

I low hwn In AlrTaWOW .tUI. 1.- -!.. '. Weekly 44;Kuii-t- ,.,f

' - iv a nr a; i copter!'ri sower. cow, ti ecM; II mim or over 1H! "U by rrail an payable ia edvaaee.

l.'tmaiix Ktni --Inuuut n A ova ana.II klj ' ch a.uarc i line, of h.) ir.fi aT"T - : . jki atrGMUHUHW..., .. -

T"ThUt elmrred hr the restMuaeHv,o- -.

saily. 1J, m a sartor:T"Vxuiy, n rer S warbsr;''lr.! cents pur quarter:T ar' Mnffw to mi. State; aad

90 pruts a Danr ptw qcarter;ataixoa per quartanr;

. H niu Weekly p quarter;- out or In lAtxi.

AC CMS.it 4. II Chandler, Campbella- -

fhasjr. o. Ir i W,'. ieel. Vadisoavt.

J. il. t .rllios. sootu-riti-

4. M. I. rev. Kuxxcilviile.II IWtio.

v L. SIX a. liuchberu."vv. Ito; illtr ooanit--'Txvirr , T. rt .M Winn. Glxsenw.

K. II Havers ft, Ulzahrth.R. S Harder. mrfa)aad. intra.A. a. s.tarktai'. MoadvUre. T. Lxvatbdia. Ilopkiaun ill.T. mIi t. l i. Tni.1 W White. Wc 'T. Marr. Nashville.Ji Ci Nmmoa4a.erueph3rx- -

viite li, smith. Itellattn.A .loses. Jaoieetcwii. 'o. c. AthiueoB. Memphis.

reel Krsiik'oct.1 tl. W.ltsr. Kh"llt-rnl- Travis, t lreerce.

avian. i.riu-bar- ; K. 1. V iia. ritiBtxville.I' llne..ri. - MiHxixairrt.II KWcv. HI. Vecaow 'ml r. i.pkt. KiHff.It tMHoaar. toatuag 4. Jl. liana Abrrdeea.

rmllf4. lorlXIAXa.;Knwett, Int. C0.N0.7e

Vainarv vill". TctMMipltrwtlaext., X . l.J. A. Vwtt. 1 aTUr.4 lu--k- . . ,J. B. Knt. .alvrtoA X If i. HaHifaaa. 'ft T tinker. TnoKa.

M aia-T- -. !. 4at'a watwiv.kKbwaW.

a.a 4 Mrpdlnr4.A"aa.K. 4. aWto. MailaM.1 - a 4V. aoaU, Lavaiaac-- i

iil. . M'rnr. ka UrllW, Ark.T. i'.U4ma. .mmwu.

t. G. riOiiaa. lyloana. VAw Rirurw. Aacana.tr!iiKw rTtu-nt- i arf .nrtvrie-- 4 to rwel pi far

aa-- y for fn n imit parcr.

tlf a aaataocra by nail, wfaa rc"itaii, ataariria .

Joitf Vax Pi ren in ri:i . or the pBrai-lFvr- "

KaxvU 1'ulilV. JvAa Van JUro' lateia TaamaBT 1111 tu lr the

IIrel4 a tbm ttiac a tlx ailrat moi imarl mcccw-fu- l

rMidcatiaai tA the lrawieait'a Kaaaai polirt4l ka4 a p pea rr d in or out of Oy?tys. And. st

otliia of any n fpam i that aula of tinaj aMli.io hat appeared : i:u e llii delivery of Jubn'taT;erch. a upK U w ua jost at aupc rUlivf a.aiiner. Ail Uii Iwios true, aa J Jolia'i alilittea bringof t firat mr4t, t Hporaapg ararth wliia to abuar

aw radr ba this fvorod, tractopadrnt rindi-oA-

ik. t, acoof linlv, tj'UX iu baU as

Now, 1 hare mi j ll. U ike nnlf (aatiua that a

M ia Ui TerriUiry f kna ara alarer'.I hat ii audic'td.r true. Yim and I vould aevertbiua. of buUieriu; oaraelvea aloat ibe terai of theijeroof" oJjr ir tb q iliticatri for tUe oliior

nf (roreraur. kit kiua of a juuicial rMeai lhead, or aal kiud of a Lank tytAem tirr kwd in

Cieorria, ia NMJLh Carulioa, ia kealioir.or in Kaaj.aa, Out Uro il ciKuea o Uia nLoai rf alavery,roB oue to ijnidr ueuun aiurhafletUUbe nlauve iiuforvaore of itie aiHerrfit Biemlrs oi

' the cvalcderi v, a i a (ue(iw of nmpariy. Voa aream are that lUrn are rrprewatd ia tbif rnnfedera-t- ;

a ad mo or leva of Iheia fhjlt lie repraatoxed. i a quotioa tin coootnu all the othriblataa. Tbat i. (Utrefura, the wlr one that d la-

tani. the other S'a'o; and ahaa that in aitbdraaafroai be cwm Jerntiai M I Ik Lokiu whatever wtayhe the result ia a ik Hurt one euaUog4ute are lfl ia the oooduioa of trexjuillrty aadpeace, ht k Mr. laibjnaa ieVed hi mar If to

aad a kuch u ao eeatial to the fir4ierUy i fthe whole ouuulrr. (AfKUitr,

Sow we should like to know how many ruch vli

dicatxrat a thi. U would take to ditma lite Preti-aV-

or any other aaan. Look at it. Mr. Cwchaaaa,hawing lieea etevatrd to tbe P.eaideiter ia eoaue-ew- e

of bin profr8ed devotion to pnpuUr aover-V-

tn the Uriitat iei, it arravatd by a Urge andastiaeaiial aectioa of hi oaa party ia the North fcraooniTin(r at tbe violation o thir prinriple, lrproving tbe actioa of the Leoumptoa ronrentioa iaeatnaitUft; to the poojJe of Kauaaa ot.1 tbe Uatcrr dee of the cvaatitatioa it fraated, aad aXortheni defenier, one of the tallest spiriUof tttparty, Nor:1! or souJi, riaea t viadirata hioa, and

await, hearea aava the aurk! by declaring that thealarery jwerioa is rV only one that coiKxrnc ttepvopU of the Xjrth, amltbit, if tluU it aeUkd toaaii tktm, they hv aw farther ioiefatA ia the out-ta-

Not a word u aaid ahoal the people of Kanr.?ot one. N.etiirg is of then right ta

tjnaaaJ reulaie their iosluMuioua ia their ia a wayaianr "nW riht," at II r. Borhaaaa called it

be wa eletd. tiut wrtirh he bow anderircamsLaiK-e- of aucb anesampied euoraiity. Not"' the e aj4eiicc of the poofJe of b niua. at eaoagiaed, whilst the great qaeetioac ia which they have

conrflu are nieotioorf only to show thatall thii ciaaa of ueaUoa i. a aul'ject of perfect

to the peptc of C Sorik. Owe weaidthink, from'thia 'viulKiim," that the PreaidertLad pled-r- hiinatlf to tee to it that the peoile ofKaaaaa ioraaed acd rulated ioalitatioaa iatheir o a way aa regmrda araUera of caarera ta torpaople of tbe North, and at kit on tnry at repardf

U vlhcr luauera. If (lug an the Preaidaat's pledgew hea be aw 'f eteraal davotioa to popular aorereiy ia tha Terriloriea, the defease we hare quoted it

a tolerM ooe, hnt othnTiw it it the moat w retchedattempt at aophin'-r- that we ever read or beard. Iiat aa sophistry, ia lord, as atach at logical aayaIt beara e'it the tame rrlitioa to a dexrroat fal-

lacy thai ruMiery dnea to theft.We are wot prepared to aay, however, that it

tbe mK vindiratina of tbeKtnsw policy that baa ret ten made, Thr

II tcald m ij-- very poaulr lie jatt ia iu praise. Allbare as say aa thu aoant ia, if thia ia the aaost

etfidiration, what nia some of the coaa.ptratue failures lie?

"TiVaidenl Clb"UQ would out open the vote oa therMMbutUoa wuul afwv the elwUoa of tla 4th atJanuary. Toua- - ii r;arj4 ia pjluical circleta highly fvortile to a aueudy aeulemeol of thekaaa. jae.--ti m by a"U u of the pwple of KtaaarUaiKiiei Tr.' ymj.hic iKspatck.

We 4n trot see ia this new atiythrnr t warrantspecial Kralalalioa.' l. Import ia hot very dear,

twV aa rrwMdeat C Jlieun ia tbe lealeraf tbe fricacLlaw may be aeeaawaed

tftWiere its the ron''lairtnen M well t the legHj.na'-- of iu atjot, it i. not prulmlile that hie refusal

to ofea the votea oa the CuMttuUaa ax til after thethe 4ih of Jaaaary waa prawipted by

(be tligbte misgiving at to the validity of thatIt ia altother aalikely that be iaiea--4

4 by aaeh sefaoal an ror .jane the blading force

rf the elm inn of the 4 th, ff Wie reeuft ahotild proved.ff jevit fmoi that of the e lectins bald aador the

Meaaof Dm Oavaatisa. It i ,uie iacradiltta.Aad ff be dida't, the fact appean bt of little

What he aVa1 iotead U ava at all plaia. IU au;have kept tbe rate arrret aatit after taa edectioa atthe 4th ia order to sufUy manufacture a triumphantreuU; Ut the Leoumptooitea are, like the liaiDaa-cr-

af oar owa 'aweat t)eo," aliht to overmav--any oppoaing rote, V tby only know what it la.

They ace raady to d.vedewa to any depth or aaeuaita aay height of fraad, if tbe lioa at clearly chalked.P.eaidewt tatlbowa any Terr powi'de have deatpaed

ta play irto tleir band.. To t sure, the thiufwould be inCaaaMta, bat iafasiy seeau to poesetektle tecrer fur tbe ara who hare the LaeoaiptoaOostitatioo Iu charge, lie may have wbhed tcallow the results of both alecUooa to reach Waah- -ingtoa aioiultaoeooolr, aa aear'.y aa poaaibU, thaitbe whole qtwwtioo, ia it final expect, might come aita CoofrreM aqutrtly, and at oace. IU ayia haveintoadad ' i i . but, jadint; fruot his past ooadact.It ta extreto :lr lmprobaid. We doabt exeeelinglyaf tba IV m Itnt of lbs Ieoaaiptoa CoareatiiM fetkat sM aaxioat to give the dnedly ooemiea af thatl ! aa rj ul start. It in't Lecompton hoaiaa nature. I'ulcts Preoidrut Calhoun, acting oa behabof the Iveneap'iia t' xiveoUoa, has reonirad taouvai ler the vote of the 4th and the preceding one aeq tiT.y ItiutUite, and to reconizt the tutal votelarolvmg aa itnmeate adverae atajurity aa it aauat,vrtboat tbe moat iptcd-ivi- i fraada aa a fair andautbo'itative exres6i'n of the will of the people,

sua oseaaiead at tu Cenjrew aa such tiniest bitsiTiiti i thia. we caofesa we caa see ao partka- -

lar ainlfii inc ia tbe despatch we bt oted.Aid we carta'uly iu not believe that it aiitkath

Hat. sap pose that it aWef a'pae that, wad sisuch cireaiutraaoaa. a few daya or weckt hence thetwo ote, tbe lklle vote fw the slavery clnane ofthe Lwoonntna Cjnatitutia, caat at one time, anderthe sa(hrity of the Coaveatiiat, and the big rota

earlireeowcerriaat at another tioae, waderIbe aethdriiy of fhc legislature, reach Ongreta to--prlber. What then? Would thia amount to "a speedy"Htkaaertt of tat K ansae oaartioa lr actiott af thepople of Kanwu tbcmijre"? Hardly. On the

the chincr are, that, even after all thir,the Southern IeaiKrau would plaut themselvea rathe previnaa decuioa of tue Coov?ntm, repudiatethe avliog of Preiident Calbonn as aoaathorizod aad

id, oa the rroaad that the r.wera of the Omvea-tm- a

ae a djlilitra'ivs hody had erpired. or soroe oth-er pretert, and battle f.t trie adoiiio of Kansas

tbe Lecomptoa Constitution with tb energyaid fary of We lelieve they are foul

ail a enough to do it.il jt it bt scarcely worth while ta eptcalate. A

wery brief will determine the tnttt?r. Ia tbemao'irae. we ctuti a all b j'al Democrat. t

groaing iruatt dnrt'cly jauilaut.

rMTAh. how deeply, txiir bitterly the Democracyaf our country now regret that they ever psssed theKaxaa-Xiara- biU tavolvitig Uw rwpaal of theMissouri ennipmaniae! Mraestly they do wish,fro a the oeutrc to th cir nnifcnnce of their heartsand aauls, that tiie gton.ias old ernnjeoausa wereaww ta force, aa that Kansas might noma iota theI'oioe w ithout involving the danger of their wholeparty being blown iaXv fragmrnu by aa imertioexploaion!




jTMany of the newrptperi ridicule the propos-iti", which some aay ia tola brought firaard iaCoDgreti, that the U. S. Government h.iH rcttorsOea. Walker and hi fiiends to the place w liencs, asis claimed, he was illegally takea by tbe t". S. au-

thorities.Tbe Al'iany SUretaaa reminds a', thut there is

aa iacideot ia Walker's life, which may be regardedaa, to some extent, a precedent for this proposition.Ia hi yoath, Walker was a bitter aetcta conservative and nuiaUiuer tf internal ioaalUw and ti e faith of treaties. Some revrn or tihtyears ago aa iaipriwred cinvic of the name cfliey, acarM from the priaon of lUvana and reach-ed New Orleans. Here be was watched by certain

e of the Spanish consul; wat at lart f.ircildyseized, put upon a vesfel chartered fur the purpose,and sent back to Cnla. When the facta !ccjmeknowa, there was a tremendous excitement in New

The Spanish eonuil and his employeeswere arrexttd, sad an exciting trial, during whuhthe corrMil bed to t pr aected br a Ure policefjrec from the wrath of the populace, was held.During this afftir (Jeneral Walker, then editing a

piper ia New Orleans, btronly defended the Spaa-i- h

C'loaul, sad devoted bit en specially to thedenunciation of the lawless spirit of filliUustehsm,then ra rampant in the South. Ilul the consul wascommitted for trial, and his exequatur mas aitb-draaa by the Federal aotboritiea. Nor did it endbera. Gemral CamplwU wan instructed by onrGovernment to demand the return of Ilcy to tbet ailed States, and the American squadron appearedlief are Uoro Caalle to enforce the dtnund. It wasarged thst Key was a ftlon, scd thai hit return toCa'ia w as of bis owa free wilL IJnt lieneral Camp-11-

without bring very warmly backed by ourUorernment, inustcd thut il wax a case of kidnapping, and that Key mast lie sent to New I rln. i

a tpaabh ship. It was done. Here ix a rale set bronr own Government which appears to justify thepropuxitioa to which we have alluded as likely to I

iatrodootd inta Conrc.THrrtor the hilWinr f'" the Ihwirn'fr eonwnflnrij. hvmr ."Tx.-Tm-a- t w the ttw io thr !Mvees1.nriilHri4-a- a iw nfnl t he a if loi4 aar4 t'limili f wxai. A a bw nxnio t.

nan. wnipwi itM- tr f txh:Iand xt4'ntirixaa..-- l ta.t lac inwniiw niernlw-f- . M Ihf leciamw ar lv thf ntnwii1n tvmov the wal of

rmMKH trtna r nxtfiifl imi Hatv witrrmux- -- HiM nii..ii ruii IM'I ith'Mil u u in"i m- -,

thr tinrtakpa. th liio'tnn frith HHfrw rfiwrntinc vnirtt. fotlorl tv thr V.lcif. nMTf anraraioup atnaaaae. 'nfrrunn kvt Uh.

Ererybndy that baa beoa mtch in apartmentslighted with gas knows how frequently the lights,from a variety of csgaes, go eaddenly out. Theidea nf lb Deroorracy's aniertaking to rcmovx theseat of government from 1'rsnknirt becau-- e the gashapnened to go out ia the Capitol w bile the Iemo--cratic coavemijo wat ia seaskia, is one of lbs mm tlaughable things we ever heard of. And yet theOemoi-rati- coaTcalun, it feemx, was very neiaiiyOBanimout f"r that summary procrcding, and theDemocratic Iegidature atardt instrui led to remove(be seat of government. We suppose thst the Le- -

isliture, before making the removal, will appointi eommiltee of investigation to bant ont

aaaie locality in tbe Slate where ga caa never, fromny cause whatever, go out except Just when the

Democracy preaue.

If there i any I rath ia the d'rriae of tbe rrxns- -

migratioa of souls, a jackass ma have died jat ateach of the snemlarrs that voted for the aforer aidTrotioa w as horn.

fThe times caa scarcely be as hard in I'lah as

thev are ia the coofederacv that is at war with her.Rribam Young hat just increased the numUr ofhis wives to sevenly-five- , while our rreaident can"!

IT rd to keep even one; aud indeed we don'i knowwho among as could afford seventy-five- . We aredecidedly of opinion however, that, if Rrigbamloung object ta increasing the numtwr of biswives is to raise up young soldiers as rapidly as pos-

sible to the Cniled Stales, he could letter ac- -omplish tlie object by letting the setcnly-ilv- e wo

men have a husband apiece than by taking thewhole himself. The ri,;ht way to multiply childrenin hit territory is not to multiply Lis wive;.

Il is said thst tbe new wives llrigham has marriedare fifteen eery pretty young squaws. The children,if the wives are true, a ill lie but we

have no idea ther will Ire hlf I red.

A DEMCX BATH- Se'KNai AT IIH AS The(eaaocracy of Indian!, a onr leaders have alreadycaa iufunued, held a iStata coaventioa at latliaa-pol-

on Friday. We have as yet ao full account ofthe doings of that - No donbt there was a conflict aa to w bether the AdauiUtratin and Lecomptonresolutions or Du-lo- a and on re sol

should le endorsed. Senator Itright was onh ground though not ia tlie ooaventiaa, and be

was o coarse the guiding spirit of the Adininhtra- -uWw aad Lecompton sectioa of tbe racing Democracy. It it very psaible that tbe two section , fajveas wax their exasperation against each other, mayhavo twacluded to try to avoid an open ruptureand An open war by simply endorsing the old Cin- -Hnnati platform and liestow ing mine general praiseaposi the Adaamtstratioa, wrhully "pretermitting"(do our Deusocrats reraemlarr that wmd?) any S

expressing an opinion as between Lecomptonaad antaLecampUHi. "

Tbe public may be able ta form some opinion asto the sort of agony that rages in the bowels of theIndiaaa Detajocracy from the following vivid sketch,pvea by the Indianapolis Jonrnal, of tbe doings of

ta immense Democratic meeting in the Capitola the night before the convention. The account is

rich indeed:!iri;t. t vn Tl"call for a niwrtne at

lap Hall af tire HMtar ha nu'M af tn l.veraara aa we twr aaar ia the Hall. rme fun

an4 saore avnl than exret-- t" le ertitied.W. I'saioiama. e7 one ef lr. nW. araa ..iiiih( (Miairtiian. Wffl B. Hearh. of thi

Sf.aaa) oST ia a atiaxt eita4i. and ara fnUoarea) hr ,?lnirvitit. lmiB he tii'anan nrtenl th- - haiioaa ..wnnna tor a tun ure rurrt-u- aeetued t run in ibeir laTor

roitenri lat-- e ia Ihe ewiunr. We nerd notI MrtKrr w tliaar a the faatuceaof the taremxi'it.

ilia the latnnucaul uiniratioiw arere ttie mib-- netit erU-a- .lieiiri of rnTnam. canu- anH in a

f aa N.ar ae anore areeenteal tlie i eonip;ief anl Im- -arraraaMtt anmaa'Bt an tlar laMirtai payle nt tlrr iq rtfhat at- Uavi- iieara or rusUaliva B:rc It a ax the nft.'tmatt a well ara in. and if Mr. llrihl caa

taatarre h - rleTvea to h ren1or. He chaticd IbeStauinr at tiie aaeetuir ooiuakaelr. ail everv

4aal imtretrau-- the Lrrfatnn aV teiaa- a aa rorrrr I ailb aot rtirt.. r uf UfrO an efl.Tt Ulat conimand- -

f4 aaeh tntant an ariar(nitl.c niiaiiiinoii-- ' whi-- ioe wcaereal Joha t't l i T on In. former of the Roarerit t'oasl over the TumlurMa. Uar ilaiia of the Ita h'airir quak-- l aith Uw aaMtultiia. Wlieu be 4iiaral thatavii a.raoul.l l.llow I Be l Hi.- itouikuiurraaxt the relt tf a .tbi ar dafintOtr.

Ani whes be uiiiaamlea tiiai If Mr. Hrlrht ravn'4 MM re..tort the artii ef the o4e at ti niet he ahoaaatrirht mti:)il hav- heard Uie anewia-irti- ; rheerr e'ear Ir.tiahe fahmT Hcu-a- The reat d1 tat.T r reci-- edatoar aafairti a t'e fare lMfire. and artrWe no

aa UBS cr saw tee- h.4 onnre a uh Miea aaliHaralee4dee. KMtzlaa reiTlird lurl at lire aaeeiiiixiit" floia Uiaime fill Ibe rhe of tire . 'Xo enlo-- i- l. ll or, in.t.enlivr earn. KTv oral tliat totieh-i- l linn kin1lv wararr.-- t rar tval. There wax aa haitartan ar bikeararin--

la liieat''a4a ar here he ar4 coaowraed. Sir. 1'nhettioarr . of lkharl. a ho luLioa-t-- rweri.t, vae luorv !

and anetintroiiii-4n- than tliat tmt beaerer xaM a are,1 aaniax. A" that arae I lonclae fell oa tliematnl aroaaaH lurth an akaaoatit aad railaareaiaau--"arui4-

rear of attou. ' tia- - Uerirlta la?liai; lor Ur"IJUJe Ciiilit" nianifeeta-- even hiorv l.rl dlini phe iieeerh of Mr. Hut lie- -, arho oPla- him. Mr.

ara. eahoa oat hv a (aarthHi af tlie auatieur. anil Mr.Hiirhes b- - aama.T aaeiwa. T.ar aptajaranor of lluthcra the alaud aaa lite rintal lor a Veil lor "M aUaoe" lr..nibe men. aad h arw n.( until Mr. Wallace4aa Harhaa ml. hi le aearrl thai Ihe tare .id. of tlelaui.a anuiat ar aaraajl r rear tliat the ItnucUraea voal4 htal alL Anal UHl Li.Urt ut. kiu- -. queeUrrna.and "luirralii. for Is.npla. eri mUA a. hi Ii eol.lu. on lhat"e areaker eharrl the lenililirTt arith it, and thf

bad aoanae la allat tb diarhaneo.Tt'-- ara aa aimarl I lie e.n erf the enrrent aoar.

ait tluthi!-- . who dun t lak flu A nor talent, niei iiIlrlalrored arith ercxt in i nuin- - and y to

diaar that tlte ermmt'iHl rornalliiiioa war af wreh an "rutin art aaawrMV ar the at.,,,e had an

Ktlil lorxiwcl. iHil lliere aae bllia a)4ltah. IhckiUaU--K .nil- eifk.-- iu a about, but lie oouM not hreanrhodr rw. Krea the aittieiie rdtiirv of tlie

amded ITratnVat.ahtMiatn hie ehatr. a ara arith rare., andtaai'ra aalr t.hT the aood ad tire raanitrr, aud a haiao--

i Mr. lln.hr. tried bi aiulir aei u, JuIre tor? a fe Mr ehont from the andieno., and it di. d outax aTniek liar tt fov'ht have hern a rroan for alt the rar

aud Irai ta shreoBirarr. And araen ha saoat brili.V hut railaaUv deeiar-- tiai Die roiil.ia now xtUiuc in

i d afTxir.ht ih...of Hie bank aud nfliov Writ-h- t

aad Ihert the Kaoaaa uaaartoa oajli aaee thrrii anoa. tlarre were aweral lua r h.mra an tue enter rter--

xf Uar erowd. Jle raniaMl lb- - rlimai of how.Ter. wh-- n be ra -- th Gov. Wriri t wan t.ot vet

Mnaiaiear n Pertraj. aad rf hi- - fneod- - did not idiowBetter leeOnc to n her I In trill not iirroa

areird aJ all." The aaooa . ao oin a. an laultusc.aad ao

John O and lie to. ny the threat helderer Wruhl i trieada hr llatHraa. at oaree, and hriNwbtIowa tlar iloaae be a w. II e ...oin rebuke ad liar iiaati.iuenoe of lutrodncior uauir itiut tlie eouurtIt war welt done, well d'nre.l. ad well lece.ived. Itevade Hiarhee aore. for he arrraHeao a sniraaent after.das aJ! ut.n So the nut otriet af ejonmeaaii a

with State I i. utae a h retort. Aart of rnnutac rht then to.-- Iv thear centle- -men. wttb h left Hurtl'1 di.edtv Wenrveraawaxaa, araat hodr. io wat.rrtnanitelr wtneod ia aav eontm-rvra-

IU ImkI aaaiUid IKmjdar lor withiair retorl-- ':bil IhrucUrwa'a rrutlriuan,

and treated oilier rraiee!BTple lorn ae rntrnien xliould,aard il wae stark Io he rerretted that th.-- e who renenrrdhim raoald aaa iaiiialc aw." TIB- - trraiead'Mir ndt knax--

e4 liui.-l- mara hie fwc hoilinc wiib rave., "lie. wantedt .know if Mr liao. m. t, a Ii. war uo

"tliat he Would Unfile a aalielaetori-aoaax at hat oaantona Irefore he war doare." Iliirheah.d Uiai Iwvb waid Bt aauik frtn hi' derUralioa

wh-- a tlie tune eame. I ui my Uii. "ttiiMol od rotte."I lie elie.Tiui; for lav.r ira- - furiiu'. Hurl - met lit-

tle faror. and mod evidnlh- f4l thai he wa- - in trw- wrimt:erowd. l.m be had a-- I M the word of thr norm t

tlarla. ia allodllir to lire iMilui'Mtien of HurHariaji.Mlul "hewa,ati l Iturbanaii man, and bi- - f a ho badhoen bint an niu'-f- t Hurlieel a a Dorriaa man

Tba- raierd a veil of cifaatie dianeneisna. llarliex,ant iare. laii i thai "lie war uot a dtiiyaU

Uaere woekirnr fi I rHirhu "I war at home when the""'"M war ., Hurler. Vea au.1 Iiavi.hat w. yrti wo for aaiuet IkM ' lle.italm-j- aa4 dread e. Hurtio aduiilter

thai br- "ira a llonrlar mta ar AH the vHline before war a w linoer Io i followed tl.ta roatnanoa.

ranwoa sniidtt hava red IU theand nobody hare beard it. Tlo- ni a 'id etf.irl to

a din-- aower war ho I idw roii-- lrwrur Hunr done, unit Hie nrnvl ownma ai antra linndndtime aiore eanialnr man H won id hara otherwise heeaaad afur llntfliea e attai ke an IsmL-la- A w.utid have ihad enourli anilii-w- It ei.di d bi. durinithe time we remained In tlie nieeiinr. He ariit-- int. hieraemt aara MBaa.

T hie anew, wax rnoa b for ua. We left at. Ml n'etork. af.rr threr uoarr of nreeotue rtanditig hut rtifrrhitir fun.frtrvirnor Willxrd followed Mr. I i on h, halt oi Ijr

enmpi'ia. hat we did aof bear hiat, aad wa am set jr aorrrwe aad aou

KerrtcKr Lttisi-ATLB- In the Senate,Saturday, Mr. Mallory, from tbe Committee on

Agriculture and Manufactures, reported a bill toamend the charter of tbe Loaixville an I One Kun

PUnkroad Company, and o a bill to barter theOuie Agricultural, Mexhaaical, and lknuestic Socie

ty, both bills were passed

lare was grantrd to bring in the following bills.which were sppromsttlv referred, viz:

Mr. Hayeraft a bill to amend the charter of theLMiisvibe aad Kaahville Kail road Co.

Mr. kipleyoBered the following rexoIuUor, whichlias one day on the table under tbe rule:

lit It railmi fcy the (,meral Anteutbli) of the Cum- -mimweolih nf Aenrjca, I bat our .senator-- , ana t;eireaentativea in Corifrress, le re'ite.ted to e theirefloru for the rauMEe of a law for tbe holding theWaited htates cin ait roart for the Kentucky liixtm-- t

in tba citv of Loutxville.In the Hours, leave was granted to bring In the

following lulls:Mr. Dancan, a bill to protect wild gam in certain

connties.Mr. Ihllaveo a bill to amend tbe 1st section,

artii le 1. cbaoter 67. of tbe revised statutes,Mr. 1. S. Caldwell, a bill Io extend the limitation

on merchant's accounts, and a bill ta provide fortaking depoaiuraas. of intcrroalones.

TllK PuKMUKXt's UtJiSAUE ox tiik AValkkm

An ai tt. We publish a telegraphic abstractof tlie uiefac of President lluchansn on the

affiirand ilie deliate upoa its reference in tbaI r.iud States Senate. Tbe mesaage is singularlyi.;cuQfiteut in ilsclC J!r. Duchanaa condemn thec nduct of Commodore Paulding as a "very graveerror," and proceeds immediately to find excaaes furit lis admits that the instructions to Ibe navalcommander were exceeded, but treats the actioa asone worthy of commendation. He declares hi i de-- I

urmin-itio- to execute the neutrality laws with mostiitlexilde rigidity, but assigns no reaxon for allow,i ig tte-- to lie infringed by Walker and his follow-

er'; and, finally, be intimates his desire to establishAmTican institutions in Central America, bat

to be more inclined to do it himself than toallow Walker to do it. Tbe dehtte upon the messsgawill be found very interesting. Ws shall find roomfor cunihients upon it

C7"Tbe Wsshington correspondent of the Phila--d

lpb'ta Pres says: 'It is stated that Ihe recent in--arrnrtions of the President to Commodore Pauldingwere tent out w irh the consent of Senor Trixsari, tbeMinister of Nicaragua; and that tbe party in tbepending T which hss the right to complainof tbe action of I'nitcd States officers m arrestingGeneral Wslker and his men at Punts Arenas doesnot complain, lint, on the contrary, desired and nowapproves of the conduct of that officer. This beingsn, tr.e qncstioii reaches a sudden adjustment, greatly In tlie satisfaction of men, I am sine,of all sections of Ihe connlrv."

CiTWe are told by an exchange that the editor ofthe Southern Democrat carries water oa both sboul- -d rt. We suspect however thst be makes ap for it

y never carrying sny on bis stomach.

llr-n- rnnvx ok tiik DKMcn nATti- CosvrTior,The are the resolutions adopted by theSt.ite convention of the Itemocrsry of Kentucky onPic Sth inst. They were reported on Friday nightlist by Hon. Lynn Botd, chairman of the Committ " on Kesolntions, after a long and stormy sessionof tlie committee:

Tirxo'red, 1f. Thai we reaffirm the platform of eiinaniinonelr adopted h- Ihe National I lomoerarr in

t ir (Jonrrnliun at inriinati. held in June. a fullyof our vi. wr and xinn in all matterr to whka

Uie- - relate, and wr hold that wbau-ve- r unaatioa of adoubtful or nature, rakulaiedln in'erriipt thehannenrrrf Ihe ls-- irratie partr, are pnamtrd to a, ar.cnrrrrreto lh hr't luiurifU of that party andean,tunlnn nf firm accirdtns to tlteir ebvi ma meanine and

import. t ihe waly aafe rule br whirh wa wtay aaida aareouunn apj'rreiate llie aerrlnaol llioee we truet ia ail mat-ter, nf Huieand lroiation.

S(. That we avail oure Ivre of thia, the find onportunitrwhiHi bar I'rri-n'e- to the IVmoerxry of kenltrrkr,ta e mcratnlate toe t"Te of our tm nion. apna thee'lTti f Jxiuit I'.iti hanan and John J. B rrkinridc.--. Inthe I'ri idewv and Vice I'reiddenrr of the Tailed Water;and r lake tn rxpreaa nur deliberatr rnavinr-t- i

m. that a Im e for the t'viioo. and xppoeal of th" pla'.form of the I emnerarv. wemt he rbief ranarx to whirh theeou'itn- a ill attribute our can en iu the of lriit.

.nf. That we hare undiminished ronfideiM-- r ia the pa.triolix.n and uf our t;birf MaxiHratr:and Iwlirvr that the virwr rxprr aeed hv him. in hie

aaoauurr tn the f onrrem of the I oited Slater, in refer-en-c

to the ad million of Ihe stale Kansas iiUo the Federalt'ntin. are wi. pntriotie and taxt.

4'A. Airrinc aa th I iciHorTar.r do, the principle em-I- iidled in hum the Territoruw ofKania and Nehrarka. ax ha. nereeaari-- , and iroper we

ae.ui..e in lite doeiriiira xutrd aud a aintainedbvihr Stiinne i inirt of th I idled Slate, in their nof tiie Scott care; wherehjr (he Itramrralie wriociphof i...n by onrrrax wi h domrxtir xlarrr inthe Trtmloriee. baa been aulliorllallri - en ordered andronlirnid by Hit- eonrt of biclicxt reeort; Ihe riirht of tliepopir of all the S rater plaeed on an riinsi footinr; aidriHTTratiiiral line, eoinridioa with a aaarked priaeipla,

or praeti.al. prunoim-- i d to be at rariancx with theletter a ad spirit of the tnihii4on nf tbe (nited States.And we hod Innhi-r-, thai all effort, of ahotirioaixu. oroth.T person'. weaken tlie force af that opinion, or de-feat the andr itbaeia lew, are aawietanU-na-wbilca- and

Mk lmindrd br the axanriatinns ennnerted with thedayonw liieh ibix ronveniion meetx, we vonld acarn rr.preax onr hiirh aiMirv. iation of Ihe character and publicm trir of that liluelriotis triot, soldier, aud etateaiuaa,treniTal Andrew .lackauu.

Hon. C. A. tben offered the followingre solution, whicbwas ananirnoasly adopted:

iteaotrad. That are acknowledge with pknewre and Bridetliear.rier-- and of the sialienal S hia. whohave aided the Peinocratic parly in tlie ritiport of thoeeciiertelM-- priorii dra. i a whirh Dm xtabuttrof Ihe tsarsd. iTidr, aud tbe niual ri.ltie uf iu eiuaene are baeod.

AFFAIRS IS WASHINGTON.preeial Coerexaraadeaos of the LouixvUle 4oamal

Commndnrt o"oiaioVy Tie t'UlluMrr Tilt 't

I'mttttm (jeneral Intdiigatct. Snttomilymbuslrritn etc.

WAsmscTox, Jan. 6, 1858.It was supposed last week that Commodore

would be recalled from his command olthe boms squadror, fur overstepping tbe bounds efhis instructions, going ashore st Punts Arenas andmakin? General Wslker prisoner: but there hss beena turn in his favor at h adqaarters. The Administration adtnrts that be exceeded bis orders, bat doenot condemn Litn for doing so. It has committediestlf to the keeiiinir open of the transit route, and.by tbe recent treaty with Nicaragua, it will havepvwer, ben that tnxtrument snail be ratified, toae id troops tl i her for ibat parpose.

B are Io asume the rmeerfimfe of Nicarscna.and, incidentally, tbe ixtbmus of Panama. Additha.al treaties for similar purrroses, it was hintedvexierday in the Ilou-e- , were to I made with otherweak governments on this coatinent : and, afterawhie, in the progres of thinpa, Mexico will tillunder oar control. Mr. Haxkio, ia the debate, aman who declared be was "a Hani-shel- l Democrat."while condemning indiridnal filtbuxterinir exnrdi- -Uor.s, utiblusliingly proclsiined that be was rife forviziiiir Cuba, in accordance with the Ortend Manifesto! He said in addition that Walker's move--neat was in Ihe nature of nettr but. for

himself, he was ia fawor of national grand larceav.jeneral vtalker has andresxerl a rettrr to the

President, through the columns of tbs National In- -ellijencer. Us purport msv be guessed, lie coa--i

lers himself a tnnch aliured eenueman, and claimareparatioa. But be has got sll that be will from theAdministration. He base good many sympathizersin t 'ongrew, but not enough fur practical purposes-Kans-

is permitted to sleep for the present, andlittle or Both'tHr is said about tbe operations m thatte rrtory. tbe Gentral Amencaa question, u thejreat, engrossing topic which occupies tbe mind.of the statesmen tr.d politicians.

Amid all tbe excitement, high Executive officers.and bera w boars rluah of funds, give large parties,railing in tiie aid ot mush-urn- for the dancing operations. Hackmen, confectioners, tailors, mantua- -makers, and other tradespeople always find tbe Con- -

season protitalile. Idsrd A spier seemsnnre fond of entertaining tlie notables than any of

his diplomatic coliVaenea, and he bss acquired a rep.utataun lor Uixsrality, or wbich he as worthy. Al-though the uncharitable think tbey see in his social.itr th feature of policy, be is popular w ith thosewbneninv his acnuaintance. Tbe Frewch Ministeris the reverse of "my Ird Napier." He is exceedingly peevish, acd solicitous of more favor thanAmericans ire disposed to I etow on fiweign or anycber kind of miniatera. Little is generally known

regarding the I hitch end (rermaa dialomats; but tbeUiiasun hnvoy is deservedly popular. i s have anumber of ministers and charges d'affaires of pettyrrovtrnmenlx ; thev, however, are scarcely knownhevond the limits of their boarding bowses. Theseare not the only kind of small great men hereaboBt!

1 be Senate have had, f.ir alout a month, tbeof Theodore Sedeewjck fir United States At

torney for the district of New Tork before them, inaecret session. Air. dona alckeon, st appears, ac-

tively entered into tbe contest acainst Mayor Wood,and vigyrousiy opposed uis ror this bewas rcinovvd." Some of the Democratic Senators are

I pleased with the President for removing him,nd thev no not hesitate to avow tneir displeasure.

Hut Mr. Sedgwick wilL it is snppoxed, b confirmedaa Mr. McKeoo'x succesaor. That the President baa

right to remove snch officers is not aow seriouslyquestioned, but the reasons for doing so is anothermatter, for tlie appointments are msde "by and withtbe advice and consent of the Senate."

Tbe nomination of Nathan Cliffotd, of Maine, tosupply tbe vacancy on tbe iiencu ot the supremeCourt of the V nited States, hangs fire. A monthass elapsed since it wss sent ia. The Senate oughtto act upon the subject without annecesaary delay,and, if thev are not w illing to confirm Mr. Clifford,they should ssy so at once. SIDNKY.

AFFAIRS AT FRANKFORT,ttpsltl Correspondence af tlie lrutxviile Jearnal.

Tie Ittmocmtic ConrenUnm Ho tt Slati'hivrrd CoLJl'M 'tig t.JUirt tn Remort the Slate Capital

in both HotfrtPrtjnntloa tn Remnre. theV. 8. Orrm-- t Cow to IjnuUnll Tke AormnJ.Scfcxr fxrnf of WMam Chrnault, etc.

r KASKniRT, Jan. 9, 3 P. M.Owing ta the ha sly manner ia which I was com-

pelled to write m v last letter, my oliservstions inreference to the Piemocratic Stale Convention, insession at that time, were neceaaarily general andamsatiafactory. As I have made it a study to divestmyself uf political and I prejudice, and, as I

have no enemies to puiiii-- and nothing wherewithalIo res aril my friend , I ftel that it w ill not be con-sidered indecorous or incompatibie with truth for me10 claim tha ability to sneak of thst political eventwith some appreciation of ita merits and some knowl-edge of its faults.

Tbe rventioo was exceedingly well atteoded;indeed I regarded it altogether too popnUr, and canwell under stand now bow that, if some ef the

elements had been excluded, tbe results ofits di birr rataxjs bad lieen far more satisfactory fothe party not only in Kentucky, but tbrongboat tbecountry. 1 happen to be aware of some of tbe ap-pliances resrrted to to bring alrout this immenaelypotrular coflvercatron of the Iemocr.icy. Delegatesfrom vsrioas parts or the Stale who were unable orunwilling to pay their own expenses to the conven-tion were furnished with necessary means, and thou-sands of dollars were Ihns dist ibuted among thesovereigns by various candidates. Aa interest wasalso created in the minds of the masses by tbe can-didates, many of whom made it their business topromiae, in the event of their election, lucrativeclerk-hip- s to such of their friends as desired tbetn.It is estimated that the aumber ef ambitious patriot sdoomed to disapotiituieot iii that particular wouldform i ule a respectable little armv.

It is but natural that so lanre a (rody, composed ofso many incongruities, should be guilty of manythings outrageous to the sense of persons of proprie-ty aud of even common decency. For example, Irefer you to aa episode in tbe proceedings in which atreat uitous assault was made upon such Old-Li-

Whigs aa affiliated with the modern Democracy. Ido not t are Io incorporate in my letter tbe terms inw hich tlie assault was made, deeming them alto-gether too ciaree aad shocking for the refined ear.

Tlie number ef candidates placed in nominationlef ire tlie convention waa twelve, as follows: k. K.Kevell, K. K. Hulling, Junius Caldwell, E. F. Nut-tal- l.

Georire T. Wood, K. Coleman, A. 8. Dabney,James Gnnstead. John 8. ltoyd. Brent Hopkins, J.P. Metcalfe, acd L. U. Dicker-on- . All tba countiesiu the Stale were represented in some manner withthe exrrptij of Casey, Russell, Bracken, and Logaa. After the Beoocd balloting the names ofMessrs. liopkma, Gnn stead, Coleman, and Boydwere withdraws from the contest; and, under a rulead ipted to drop the weakest candidate after eachbulbdinf, five id hers were dropped, in the fallowing

Messrs. Metcalfe, Kuttall, Caldwell, Dabney,and Wood. Upon tha reventh and last ballot Mr.Kevell received votes snd Mr. Boiling 214,and Mr. Kevell was declared the nominee.

In the priuiarv meetiru; of the Louisville delega-liu- sMr. Caldwell received nineteen, or about lfthe votes present, including that of his brother.

Mr. Boiling received four, Mr. Bullock two or three,Mr. Wood three or four, Mr. Hopkias one, snd ooeor two other sspirants a like number. It was under-stood thst, in a certain contingency, Mr. Bullockrbould be nominated in convention, in which eventtlie eutire vote of Louisville would have been thrownto bun upon one ballot. Hut, as bis name wasnot sprung upon the convention, I presume the con- -11 teener ia que Mioa did Bot arise.

it was mortifying, doubtless, to the friend t of Mr.Hulling that very many delegates, not only fromyour city, but from other parts of the State, who"er.t up to the convention bound by personal pledges,positive instructions, snd other honorable considers-linn- s

to vote for Mr. Boiling, utterly disregardedtlme pledges and mstrui-tion- and considerationsand voted for other aspirants. One w be understandsthe facts connected with the nomination and themeans whereby the result was brought alrout, is

f irced to admit that Mr. Boiling and his friendhava lasen, without thani, thrown off by an ungrain ui party, ana me wishes or the masses of thatiartv Btterlv defied. Af a time when hia n.irtv wa.in s hopeless minority, and, without s question as tobis fitness or sdberence to the principles and nieax--rr.!S neia uy nis party, the race was conceded to himwith remarkable unaoiruily, and it is known to allthat be shsped his course with a view to that race.After having devoted his time, tolent, and moneyeven to the interest of that party for years, aftermore tnan tony counties Dad declared Tor mm ast ieir choice, and it waa known that a majnrity of theconnties of the State preferred hi in as iheif candi-date, his hopes are crushed in a tingle day by onewho waa even pledged to his support, wboiie claimsare questional le, and whose axpir lions were unknown to the delegates one week liefore the convention assembled.

It is perhsps profitable that we should consider themeans whereby this remarkable result was broughtalMHit. It will possibly be tiattrrinir to the vanitvof the Vice President, but shacking to his senre ofproprietT, to learn that the friends of Kevi II claimed hi nomination ss a favor to Major Breckitirid re.and heralded his success as a triumph of the Breckinridge influence. Indeed, an enthn-iasti- e thouuhindiscreet friend of the nominee excbiimed to Mr.Kevell, immediately after the nomination, that" lirachnrldrje. should lie telegraphed at once theresult would so delith: him! and a message wassent upon the instant to Ihe Vice President announcing the nominee. I conirratulate the sovereignpeople of Owen" upon the success of theiriiongt, but comtnisserate the forlorn condition of tbeMountaineers and Ihe "unterritied" of the First district and other portions of the State in their realiaaion ot the mortifications of a crushing defeat, which

is said to be "en delighting" to one for whom Ihevha'e fought so nobly in past political battles.

The committee on the "platf.Tm," of which Hun.Linn Povd was chairman, had a lone-- and heatedsession. Tbe convened in the Senate chamber alrout1 o'clock and were not prepared to report until 8o ciock. i ne propnuiion to endorse the Atlnunistra-tio-

was sternlv resist d. bat Mr. Botd. who favored the poliryi finally triumphed, ami a vague resolution to that effect was reported to tbe meeting, andpasred by a mere majority. I regretted that yourneighlmr, Colonel Harney, of the lh?mncra',"wasxiaugmereri on tne occasion, hut I anticipated sucha result waea i ascertained that bis talent and experienre had ln.en perhaps designedly overlooked iithe appointment of the committee on resolutions.

A gentleman from Henry county took advantageof an unavoidable accident to spring a movementupon the convention which hss long been a frvotitepolicy in certain quarters. ben the gas was firstlighted in the hall, owing to an obstruction in themeter, tbe lights went out suddenly, and lift theDemocracy ia Fgyptian darkness.

While affairs were in that condition the gentlemanfrom Henry introduced a verbal resolution to Iheeffect tost onr senators and Kepresentativct lie instruct ed to consider the policy of taking legil mear- -wrc. io remove low capuni io some point at wiucniremocratrc txmrentajns could be held without an-noyance. The fact is known to vour correspondentthat a similar accident t crurred a few evenings agouuruia; tun ueiinrraiions ih an .vmencan caucus intbe same ball. It should lie satisfactory to the De-mocracy to know that the gasometer through whicbthe State House is supplied is under the immediatesupervision af the Democratic Sergeant-at-Arm- s oftbe Honse, and that he bad the kev to the same inhis possession on thst very occasion thus renil-rin- ir

it impossible for their dreaded enemies, theto play annoying tricks upon the unterritied

through that channel. The rei.lutKin passed by acclamation, snd the presentation of a rerolution inthe Senate y by Col Read, instructing the

Pmpositions and Grievances to inquire intothe expediency of the pawage of a bill to take Ihesense of the peoiJe as to the propriety of removingtiieseatoi government, may lc repsrdidxsa promptrecognition of tbe instiurtii ns of the Convention.

A warm delia'e ensued upon the Dmnosition totake measures to remove the capital, in whichMessrs. Kesd snd Porter participated.- Mr. Porterdid not feel bound to olrtv Ihe instructions of theConvention, but, if a movement of the kind shouldlie made, he would enforce a proposition to removethe capital to Mortonsvillee, in Woodford county.Mr. Read had been instructed upon the point of removal by his constituents, a ho had len ia favor ofthe policy for years. Oa motion of Mr. Andrews, ofFleming, the resolut ion was tabled by a vofe of 21 to 6

Mr. Bruner, from Ihe Kducational Committee inthe Senate, reported a bill t day repealing the actestablishing the State Normal School at Lexington,and Mr. Burns introduced a resolution in the Housewith a similar view, which was sub.eauentlv with.draw a. Several amendments were proposed to theSenate bill one, by Mr. Fik, to recommit the billsnd provide for tbe school out of the general revenue, instead of out of tbe school fund for a period oftwo years, and to submit the question of its continu-ance to a vote of the people, wbich wss lost; another,by tbe same gentleman, to repeal ao much of tbe actas makes the appropriation out of the school fund;snd another, by Mr. Bruner, that the "appropriationtie not made out of tbe Treasury either," both of

ni n were met, ana I lie bill then passed to a thirdreading on Thursday next. The subiect will comeliefore the House on ilondav, and I am clearly ofopinion that tbe Normal Sciool will be sacrificed.

Ibe following bills were passed by the SenateA hill, reported by Mr. Mallow, to amend the

charter of the Louisville and Cane Run Plank RoadCompany; a lull for the benefit of common schooldistricts; a bill to amend section 312 of the CriminalCode, granting appeals on finable rases for misds- -

neanors, where the tine la 50 or more; a bill toimend section 241 of tbe Civil Code: a bill definincthe duties of tbe trustees of the jury fund and

attorneys; a bill to charter the Ohiouaty Ac kultural, Mechanical, and Domestic So-

ciety; a llou-- e bill to amend tbe charter of theI'nion Agricultural and Improvement As ociation:and a House bill extending further time to consta-bles for tbe settlement of I heir business af.er theirterms expire. A bill to prevent the loss of publicxjoks was rejected by the same body.

Senator Kipley offered a resolution y to tbeffect "that onr Senators and Repre entatives in

Congress I requested louse their efforts for tbe pas-sage of a Uw for the holding of tbe I'nited StatesCircuit Court for the district (4 Kentnckp in the cityif LourBville." The resolution lieing a joint one, itlies over one day, and will therefore come up regn- -tariy on atonoay.

Senators had leave to bring in tbe following billsoday: A bill to amend tbe charter of tlie Louisville

and Nashville Railroad Connpany; a bill to amendtne rvrta Chapter ot tne iteviaed rvatutes; a bill toamend Ibe common school laws; a bill to amendchapter 32 of the Kerired Statutes; a bill to amendhe charter of the Jerfersontown and Brownslioro

Turnpike Road Company; a bill for the benefit ofhe Judge and Commonwealth s attorneys in tbe

ninth judicial district; a bill to amend chapter 4 ot'be Civil Code; and bills to amend the charters otthree or four turnpike mad companies.

1 nu naving ireen tne regular day for the call ofha counties in tbe House, nothimr of ireneral im

portance was done in that body. A bill to change avoting place in Larue connty, bills lo incorporateseveral turnpike road companies, a bill to charterhe Highland l.oal fjompany, a lull to incorpnratthe Martin Institute, and one" or two other measuresif insignificant Ureal reference were possrd.

Leave was oiitained to report the following bills,imong others: A bill to amend the 21th section oirticla 7, of chapter 28 of the Revised Statute; aill to repeal the law which reo iires horses, iacks.;., lo las licensed; a bill ia reference to tbe "new

Kentucky justice;" a lull to amend the Civil Code;t trill regulatiog tbe holding nf certain ci.urts in tbefhird Judicial District; a lull to charter the Bostonturnpike Componv; a bi'l to charter the FultonCounty Agricultural a bill to charter theMasonic I'uldlcatKrn As eel tiop; a bill to incorpor-tt- e

a railroad from Cum' eilaiid Gap to Lexington;t bill to establish a State ro.ul from Kddyville toPaducab; a bill for the benefit of Dhotoorsnhic artists; by Mr. Lyon, a bill for the lienelit of JohnKapp, of loniisviile; liv Mr. Duncan, a bill to protect wild game in certain counties; a bill lo chartertbe Ncrth Kentucky Agricultural Association; vari-ous bills to amend tbe Revised Statute; a bill torequire magistrates' records lo lie lodrrcd in theothers of the connty courts; a bill to amend the:narter of the Barren county railroad, and to allowtbe county conrt to subscribe stork in said road; anil lo amend section 1, article 1, cbaptvr 67 of tbeRevised Statute; a till toe Mend the limitation onmerchants' accounts; a bill to provide for taking de-positions on interrogatories; and a bill to allowtowns to impose a tax on ale snd Ireer shops.

After toe close of the rvirnlar business of the day,Mr. Curtis Field, Jr., the Representative from Madison conntv, announced Ibe death of his colleague,the late William Chensult, accomptnying the an-

nouncement with one of Ihe chastest and mod;touching eulogies npen the life and character nf hislate colleague to w hich I have ever l s'oned. Mr.Field is a gentleman of fins accomplishments sndbrilliant genius, and is the idol alike of his acquaintances and constituents. It was but natural, there-fore, that bis rare observation sbnuld enable him toappreciate tbe merits of his lite colleague, and thathis great powers and glowing f inry should investtba touching theme with a beauty and thrilling in-

terest unknown, perhaps, to Ihe experience of those

ry ef the best and purest of men. Messrs Hustonand Trarmali also passed clowini; eulocies anon thecharacter of the dVcensed, and then the House

ELLVE.t'orreapondt nee of the Iialtiiuore Suu.l

Wasuisotom, Jan. 7.

It is no longer a matter of doubt that the Presi-dent will le sustained in his general views aud poli-cy apon tbe subject of illegal expeditions. It isalso sufficiently well ascertained that Ibe Presidentwill not recall Com. Paulding, though he disavowsthis act.

Tha South is generally in favor of the expansionof their institutions and influence in the direction ofCentral America, and tbit feeling has obtained thegreater intensity since they found themselves cut offfrom tbe extension of slavery in the northwest.Giving up Kansas, they are tbe mote disposed totake whatever chances tbey may have of expansionin the southwest. It is not tilliiiusierism per ao thattbey favor, but the spread of their institutions,wbich may Ire the consequences of

pains bsve leu taken, in the pending de-

liate in tbe House, to show a hat is undoubtedlytrue that the President it lient upon the adoptionof means that will secure the Americanization ofCentral America. He had every prospect of success,if be be not thwarted in hit policy by the I'nitedStates Senate when tba New Granada and Nicara-gua treaties shall come before it for ratification.Should they be concluded, they may Ire followed bytreaties of the same character and tendency.

Tbe President will, it is said, go ao far 'toward acompliance with the demand for indemnity to Gen.Wslker aa to order the restoration to h'un of theproperty taken from biro at Punta Arenas.

Karma has it that the Senate will oppose the ad-

mission of Minnesota and 4 Iregon unless Kansascome id with the Irecompton constitution, in theform in which it will be presented that is with Iheslavery article. ION.

(Special Dixoatch to the Madixou Courier.I.tiUAMAPoi.is, Jan. 9.

The Democratic Convention indorsed tbe admin-istration of Buchanan in general terms, approved ofthe election of Bright and Filch, reaffirmed theCincinnati platform and State platform of lx5ti, andfinally passed a resolution that hereafter no Territoryshould be admitted into the Union as a State with-out a fair expression of the will of the people beingfirst bad oa the constitution accompanying the appli-cation.

There is intense excitement. Senator Bright isentteH openly called a btxjut much after the mannerof the Republicans. Tne nominations are as toUoara:Secretary of State, McClure; Auditor, lKxl(l; Treas-urer, Jones; Attorney General, McDonald; Super-intendent Public Instruction, Kugg; Judges Su-

preme Court, Perkins, Davidson, llanna, Woodia.

Hamilton, N. V., Jan. 11.A mo t atrocious murder was committed at e,

fonr miles from here last night. Jured k

and wife, aged over 70 years, w ere tbe victimsand their son was tbe murderer. He has Ireen forsome time insane. About eight o'clock last night hekilled his father by knocking him down with an ax,he then killed his mother with a skillet. He cuttheir hearts out and cut one of the bodies in piecesand roasted the other on a stove, eating a portion i fit. He intended to have killed his sister, but sheescaped. The murlerer is iu custody and has con-fessed the set.

Nkv Or.i.rtxs, Jan. 1?.Dr. Anson Jones, of Texas, commit-

ted suicide at Houston, on the elh inst., by blowingout his brains.


Waxiiiti-- , Jan. T,

In subiiiittbiir ta tlie senate the psia-r- fur which yhue called, 1 decui U proper to o..k a few obstrra- -toii.t.

In rnpUirin-- ; Oen. Walker and his command, after theylaooeii on ma rem in nicarainia, t'eointr-dor-

imt has, ia Btf epbiiou, eomuiiued a error. It kunite eynlent. however, from tlie rorumnlil-alion- a henw.lli that this waa done from pure and patr.-vt-

nKitirex. and in tlie sincere conviction that he wax pn acurt i n(t ibe Interestx and vindicating the ha nor f htscoui -

In reeird tn Nlrarainia. she bax no Inlnrr hrth net of Common-r- fauldine. Thia bax en n red to her

and reiievea ncr irnin a dreadi-- invasion.slofl" wnul I bare any nthi ta eoiui.laiuof tlie v olatinn nfb"f li'rri.ury; aad il ix (nilr rerun u she will never exercisetins rl"hl. it nnulicrttiinshly doe. not lie In theker invaders hi complain in her name that the has Iks arrsriit-- I'atU'itnstemir of ibis a illant ofne-- r eon. boa In bix iu.

Uuduifr hu xailorxand mannea ia Nicrtia, whether with or without her ennxrnt, for the imrjot innUnt; war anna aav niUitary force wtuuever whirhmitlil tin. I in the country, no malter lmm whence thexme. Thin power certainly did not betone to him. Irlre- -d.euce to law and eoulorMiitr to tnstriirtiotia are Die tortand safest (Til ides for all utile- - rx. civil and mil tart : andalien they tranxcenil Ihexe limits, aad act npoa tlteirown rwiwitl'imiltr. evil rOuxtsiueorr'a alinol inrvitahtv follow, t'ndi r lhce rirruin.Uiarr., when

Kyndera presented himself at tlie S ale Iveirartinenlonthe &"tlt ultimo, with lien, ml Walker In the Se.crtrlsi-- informed hint tliat ihe fieiaiiment ofthe Lover did not lien. WaJkrr as a nriro- -

rii nxn no ntrprtioiM io civr ronrrmins nif only throusli the actioa of tha ndi iary that hex laaiiiiiy n.tu in rusnsir to surcharge

tiTiit mil lit be brtiufiitai-aiua- t him.In thus far disapprovin-- r the conduct of Commodore

Paulding, no iiitereaee must ire drawn tliat 1 aitrriiuucd than 1 hava ever been to luurule the neutralityl.iwx ot the I'nited Stales. This is mv iiwireralive dutand I ahall continue, to Brrforra it by ail tha means whirhthe Constitution aud the laws bave placed la in r isrwer.M opinion nf the rahie and iiniarrtanee of these Ihwx eor-- n

s'Miudx entirely with that rxpreeaed by Mr. Monroe iain. to fritim ill lieeemls-- r 7, lsl!l. Tost wise.prniieni. ana earn

'lt is of the highest importance tn our nationallo Ihe morality of onr eiiixenx that

all tiolationa of our neutrality should be yrr.vrnted. Nooe tell oien lor tliaevsrliinofoiiriawr.no

opportunity alforded lo any who may ha disposed to txknadvantage oi ii to eompruuut the luteredt or tue honor olthe nation"

The rrinie of xrttinf- - on foot ar providing tha mean, fora military expedition wiinin tne i inusi Mates, iowar asainxt a fiirenaa rdaie with whirh we ara at laione ol in acrasearu. aud character, and rallyenrseed the. atrrunon or i.onsnx. lieiner tire rjiernlive GoTeruiiH-u- possesses aay, or what paver, aades- - thei .on-- t itiition, inde.nnenriy oi i onrrrem, in prevent orpuutsh this and similar etlensr. acainxt tbe law of aalioaa.

a snittert wuicn curs god me attention of ear most einenl statesmen in the liuie of the ailininldra'ion of iVVaehitirton.and an tlie nrrarioaot toe e rem h rsrvolaiion.The art of r'oncroxs of tbe 61 h June, 17m. fortunately removed all thr dilnralftea on litis whieh had there-to!. ire existed. The ath and ;t)i Mictions ot this act, whichrelate to the present question, are the same inwith the Stn and elh arnlona of thr art of April 2il, Isls,sua nave now Deen in lorce lora Periun oi more thanyears. The military espediliun rendered criminal by theart must have nxoriein. rau-- t Dnrtu ar Ire act ou Panin the I'uiutl stales; hut tlie great object of the law watosave forvicn State, with whom we were st peace from theravairraof t Irene lawless expedilinna proneatding from nnrstinrra. Tlie. ta xrciion alone, therefore, wnx-l- xunplydefines the eriine and Its pnnixhiuent, wonld hare been in.

was oenesxarv to prevent tha earring on" of siarhditions to tlieir coneumniatioB after they bad snerreded iaIcaiiniTonr xhurex. This has been done etfecinally, andin clear aud explicit laurnagr, by the authvrity given toHie President iiuiirrlhe mb strtion of the act to emptortiie land and navnl ton eg of the t sited States "for thepnrisrxe of ireveiittng the carrying on of any xtteh exited -tion or enterprise from the territories nr iurixdirtion of thei'uited elites somiuxt the terruorira or domaia of any foreign prince or state, or of an v culouy, district, or people withwlioui the t'nited States are at laaara." .

For these reasons, bad couimodarr Paulding intercept-ed the st aim rFahiou" with tien. Walker and hisrom-mxn- d

oa Iroard, at any parkid Bel ere lhay catered the portt San Juan ne irarx!:ua. and conducted them bark to

Mobile, rtits would have p revisited I hem from rarr ingi the and have been but only a Justifiableit a praisewo-th- act.TheeriwM well dearer ex the severe- puutxhaieBt inflicted

nponit bv our laws, Jt violiite. the Chiisliaui.ty, morality, and IliHtranlly. hetd sarred by all cirihu--nxtiiinx, awd by none mors thahby theireopleot the t nuedhtates. I lisgmse it as we mar, such a military expedition

invitation to reek less and La w ear mew u enlist anderthe banner ot atty adventurer to rob, plunder, and murdertha nnolfrnding rittseua of neighboring Statea who havenever done tbeoi liariu. It ia a ot the

power, which belongs alone to aud theernment itself, st leaxt in the extluiation of tint world.

became an acerrmpHee iu Ibr mnnnisxirm of this crime.ss it adopts all tlie means necessary to prevent and to

piinhib It. It would be far better, and more la accordancewith the bold and manly character of our eoiiuuyincn4 fur

tiovenum-n- itself to get up such exiiediiionx than toa. low them te proceed ander thr eommaud of Irrespoaaibleadventurer.. We could tlien at least exercise some controloverour own agents, and prevent them from burning downettioaand committing other acts of enormity of wukii wehave read.

I lie avowed principle which lies at the Inundation of thelaw of nauon-- is eoutaincd ia the IHviue command that"ail tbiui:x whatrvH-Te- e would that men should do to

ou. do ye even an to them " TTted br tms nnerrtng rule,braevrndy emidemned if we ahall not use our

beat exeriioax to arrest xucb exis:dU"ns aajnat our feenlesister Kepublic of Nicaiai:ua. tine thiug ix very certain,that people sever existed who waold call any other Batkmto a strbru-- acroniil itian we sliotilit ourselves for tolerat-ing lawns expedition from theiretKires to nuke war upoa

ny iioruon of our territories, iiy tolerating xueh exia-di-

iions, we shall soon lose the high ehnraeier w hich ws haveujoyed ever si ore the days of Washington far the faithful

irerliirmance ot our international obligations and duties.aud inspire tisaaaoBf tha members of thegreat tmuily ol civilised

Hut if motives ot duly were not sufficient td restrain Iufrom engscing tn such lawless enterprises, our evident in- -tereelooglit lo dictate Ibis policy. Then expedilionx are

tie mo.-- t elleetuat mode of retarding Amertran progress;Ithonch to Promote Ibis is thr avowed Ohio. of the lead- -

era and contributors in such undertakings. It ix bsyoadpiesiion me destiny oi our race to spread meiiiseives over

at North America, aud this at ao distantday, should events be permitted to take their natural

xe. 1 be tide or emirrants will now to the tioiith. auduolhiug can eventually arrest iu progress. If permittedto go there peacefully. Central America will soon eoutaiuan Americaa Kui!atton, which wilt confer biearlncs andbenetits as well uHrn the natives as their respective liov- -

irats. Liberty, under the restraint of Uw. will preserve domestic peace; whilst tha different transit routesacross the Isthmus in which wears so deeply interestedwill have assured protection. Nolhtng has retarded thishappy condition of affairs so much as the uulawtil exjic- -

ns whieb have been trtled ont ia the I nited htates tomake war upon the Central Amencaa ritau-s-

llarl of tha number af Aaiericaa citizens whohave miserably perished iuthe Brstdisastrousexpedition of

a. W slker settled iu as lieareftil etuigrsntx.the obirrt wbich we all dtvare would ere this have been, ma great dtsgrou, accomidi-ihed- These expeditioax havecaused the the Central Amrrirsn t XaWt to r gard

with dread and aaxpicara. Jtuiaair true u liey to remove tltis appreheDsinu, and lo convince them tliat we in-

tend to do them good, and not evil. tVe desire, aa tbel'uwer ou this contineul, to nien, and. i4 need be,

t ) protect every transit route arroxx the Isthmus, not onlyfjr oar own but that of the world, aud thtat opena frre access to Ccutrsl America, and through it to ourPacific possess io tie. Tills isrlicy was eommenced nndrrfavoralde auspic a. wlien the expoditkra, under the eom-maud of lien. Walker, escied from our Territories, audproceeded to Pnnta Arena.. Should another exfieiliiion ola similar character again evade the rigilanee of our omcerssnd proceed to Nicaragua, this woold lie fatal, at leaat for

SHrn, lo the ficaceiui settle Tient of these rmialriea. aadtie of American progress. The truth ix. that ao

Administration can aucresafullv ronduet t he foreign ajfairvie eouutry In teutral Amrnca. or auywhere elxo. u It

is So be interfered with at every t"p by law ler militaryirxissditious "set on loot" in the United Stst.-a- ,

KLCtlAM A.t.Aecompaniing the doenmentx. many of which are al

ready published, sr a letter trom Ihe Hecrrtarvof the Mavyto Lieut. Altny, of the steamer Kulton, dated October 12,list, in whieli he tells him that his Instruetions do not au- -horts. btai to act arbitrarily or apoa Biero aaxptcroB. huti here he found an Ameriean vessel manifestly engaged iu

carrytng on an etrpeihtion or etrtertirixef rom the b rntoriesivdietion of the U nited Stales agninxt Mexico, Nlcar., or Co4ta ltira, he wi'l the lorce undvr his coiu--

to if. aud not permtr tin men or arms engaged in it or destined for it to be landed in any part ufCeatral or Mvxlco.

Similar itistruclionB were Mnl to Commodore Psnlding,bo, in a letter fmm Aspinwali, dated Ootonar 3h. a.n,i- -

p'aiued to the Hecr.itary of Ihe Nsvy of hut having rousted Lieut. Almy with the execution of the orders Inde.

iH'ndeutlv of himself, adding that he felt that his preroga- -

as omiusiider-in-Cbiii- f ot the madron wax turnedxsdde with but little consideration, end thai hat presence atAspniwxtt rottiii nave nut a suirm appreciation.

.ecreTary Tditcec rcpntii tiint he had a nstit. under tlieInstrnetionn of the !'rcMlont, to order the Knlwm oa busi- -less of m hirh t'nmmodore lanldiog could not have thelightest knowledge.

Mr. Mason moved the reference of the message to the'otnmitiee on Foreign Ketnirnnx. and that it be printed together with the accompanying documents.

Mr. I lavis dixseittrsl from thr area men t contained la themessage. The President had assumed tiiai the neutralitylaws which reuttired lhat atteh expedtriona axthix should

ifess them. Ttix xeemed the key to the liollcvilre part of the AdinitiLtralion, which xent tbe navy downto the coast of Central America inste id of xtatiouing thevessels where they rhnuld huve been xt tioned, namely: at

mouth or the Mississippi and on the coast of Alabama.Were-thi-x expedition all that it is dexrrihed lo be, it ix only

misdemeanor Instead of a violation or the nentralityw. The susiiieton that there was an inteut to make war

ngairst s nation with which wr are at piwcs would haverten the detention of (rener.il walker and lux men

within tlie Courts of the I'nited states, but not their arrestutd our own IiiuiU. As we have so extraditioa

with Niearartis, thry could not have lawfully hern Ukeulion her soil, even had they bera fugitives from iostice- -

The President has no more power to make such arrestsban any member of Congress. If nnr nriahborx are too

weak to urotcel tbcmsrlvi ., we xhoitld use all lawf nl mean.0 prevent our ettl.ens Iront Invading their lerntory, but it

not within thn theory of onr trovemnient to fit outto catch half a dosen or a doaen, or one or two

itindred men, who may ehooxe to lesve the Cnltrd Statesnd laud upon thatr shorex. in this respect he thonghi werere making a great departure from those princitd s which

guWed tharoodtict of oar tiovernment. If itIre the plesxure of trngresx to give the Pn ridrnt policerowers over the high seax, and authorize him to nse the

army and nsvy as a couxt.bulary forea, let k be dona byne liassxgeol laws wnn liiai view.Mr. Maxno doubted tha expediency of discussing the xnh--

jeet w ithotit more mature drliherauon. Tbe Prerident was..ytbe Constitution, the head of the amtyandthenavy,and

Ihe laws of the land direct how these aie to Irs axrd. Hecontented himself with the remark it was clearly incum-le--

on the President lo see that tbe neutrality law. werefaithfully executed.

Mr. CrittcB-lr- referred to tha President's admisdon thatConimodore Panlding committed a grave error. Accordingo his own premises, such a canelurion was altogether l,

and the coiidtiet of Pnulding was as conformable tolaw sa rf be had received exirrasa iastrwetions to do whatbe did.

M r. Brown regarded it ss a liltte singular thst, while thePrexiient disapproved of lite arrest ot bra. Walker, he atilia mme tune excused that act. Thearrestof Walkerwaain violation nf law, fur if Com. Paul line had the right inmake the arrest, bis conduct ia not only tu be excused, batlo Ire applauded. If he had no legal right to do that act.rtien the ITexidor t owe. it tr the iicaple of the country toi .in.le.mn iu If Wslker was guilty of any violation ef Uw.s.nd had been arrested s ad brought bask to our shores as aItmitive from justice- - why ia he not put into the clutche of'helawr Win was betaken to New York and placed in thehands of the Marshal there, then brought bare and detiv.red to the Kxerutive, aud Ineo set at liberty? Why was

he nut carried back to IirlsUna by the same authorityihat arrested hint, and there put upoa bis trial oa thishaTe of violating the law? This was a farce lreiiie played

out befare tbe Amencaa people whirh waa dtsrrputahW toall eog:iged in it. There had been lnimied up this chargeagainst Walker when it wax known there hvd been no vio-lation of Uw. Jl they brln've that he bax violated thr Uw,liey have been guilty of derelirtinn of duty in not

him for it. The fitting out of an expedition in vio- -I. itioo of Ihe neutrality Uws waa one thing, but the volun-tary expsirist:on of a citizen was an altogetherthine. If Walker went to Nicaragua avowing thst it wasbis purpose t endeavor to regain the rixhu of whicb hehad been distioasexsed. he did no more than he had a rightto do. lie Ittrown) had aright to take his mnxket uton hixshoulder and go aud lell the President, nccretary of War.and liistrlct Attorneys and Marshall every where that hemeant to wage war against Nicaragua or any other natron,snd they would lisve uo In molest htm. If one manhnxtlmt richt, two men or tire hundred have it. The

wax that Ihe Adiuinbtration were intending hi auui-- h

hat Ihe Uw never meant should be punished, naim-lr- theintent while in Ibe Tailed states to fit out an expedition

the limits with horll'c purpose toward a nation withirltirh we srest peace. He had a hiidi regard for the navyas anv other citizen, but it anvil. ii g cnnld bring reproachnnd eternal disgrace upon the Davy, It waa this piecuee rurse of actioa.

e'irsf. Commander Chatard allowed Gen. Walker toass him, and then, seeming to haves glimmering idea that

he mistook his duly, he undertook to cover bis uealect byresirtingtonteail and dirty attempts to insult W alker,Iris camp, evidently with the intention of provoking himto some act ro that he l have au excuse to tire uponhim.

.s'econdlie Coni'mrdore Paulding apiicared, a man ofriie years, doing hstevery one knew he has done, andahii h il waa unnecessary lo recapituUte, and writing justsuch adt tter as ought to affix the seal of eternal disgraceupon him. It wax a disgraiai hi tlie very epnnh-tte- on losrhouldera. it was high time that our naval olticcJB shouldbe confined to Ihe discharge of their duties amirdiiiz toUw, fur tlie re was too much to exceed Ilia law

y one and all of them. He could not forbear saving thatIbe President would better have discharged bix duty lotlie Inws and the best interests of the country bv pointedlyr the Uwles act of Com. panldine. than by ex-

cusing it. It would not do for tba Preaideut lo aay lhatCom. Paulding's act wss a violation of Uw, and tben winkat it. No mailer if Mearaxua doe. Bot complain. It wasnot for us to violate our Uws even though Nicaragua doesnot complain, and exreiite tlreiu when she does complain,our duty is to go according to Uw. If l om. Paulding hasconformed to Uw. let him be applauded. If vert, let himlie condemned. He admired the spunk of the Senator fromIllinuuiltroiigUr) in boldly exprereing his views beretofere,although be differed from every ti-- uttered by that Sena-tor on tlie Kansas question.

Mr. Seward of New York made tome earnest re-

marks in favor of the coarse of Com. Paulding andof tbe Preeiilent'a message.

!r pngh wax of opinion that the principle, laid down tuthe mtwage were neither warranted by the Coaatitution,anr by auy statute law of Ilia I'uited States, nor by anyprinciple of the Uw of tuitions. The question wax notw he! her Walker was committing s crime airainxt Nicaragua.Let her uuish him if she isable. Who made us the avengerof her wrouiw.' Was Walker committing any oriuie aponth high sear What has hedoos; The Senator trom NewYork sara he hss made war upon a foreign nation, but thatir ao crime hv any law of tha I'nitod htates. It fa a crimeto ret on font within tlie I'uited elates aa expedition againsta foreign nation with whom we are at peace, but to go out.side of nnr luuita and make war is no otTeure either by lhaneutrality laws or anything else. He did not want topunish any ma a for aa error of Judgment. If Pauldingdid right he ought lo be rewarded with a medal just as

was for violating the nentrality laws in Turkey lora praiseworthy oinecf- - Tba proposition wax ia aubstanrnthai the end the means, llrdeua d Ibe right of thetfiivrritnit'iit to srrest persona npon the lib-- aeas and askthem where tlo'y were going, and what their buxineas, andarm! altera home if Uiey wore not satisfied ahont litem. Tbeiik'htot an American cilixen to expatiUte, hiinreif wax as rieht. and we should be careful how ws trench uponII. While the Administration are talking ahout the iniqui-ty of Walker', proceeding, in f ntral Amrriea, they go ondrlitreraloly in violation uf the faith of treaties and honor

of nations to Inva.Ve the soil af a foreign country for thepurtoseiu arresting htm.

Mr. To mibs thought Ihe fmmi eo"taIncd gravelmiertaitt rrrorx. andenter-- d hi. from them. TheITemdent dared ad defend while he endeavored to pal.lisle tins outrage to an Amcric a Senate. A'ter rxaniiB--Ine some of the grounds npou whirh that palpation wastempted he said ihe t axrnmed a itninrn aow be.fur Ihe tribunals ot l ha roiiutrv. tte aaMtmed lasttlte m utralily laws bad a. en yloiafid. anC tt wax hir

enforce them. Mr. Toomrrs deitierl t wt I hare wassny proof thatsii h wax tlte ewSot admitting, lorttsake of arrnment, thst this were itite, wi at right haxilielreiiSflellt to use lite armr ad narv all over tbe face oftue rami 1 lux was asnrpatlow ol aiil'tor'tv ant oullerogation of law, but in derogation of ix oath ol ufliee,lie must ret anthoritr of law to use extra territorial indtclioB whatever. Ie eonid command no eM.ular resoivras a vindieainr of tlie Uws of his country an less ha himselfshould obey ihe laws, lint m Ibis ease oito Uw has beenviolated lor the purpose of vindicating anoiher. Crov.koxsoth ea:ne into the Senate chamber to show himselfyeamaro. hat rentleinan was driven from power by A rutina aud Kusria. and rania bent alter "laaU-na- aid to rrplace litni.silf. That wax just tbe eass with Walker, andwhile one wa gtorifie.l. the other was villifted Aa to theletter of Paulding, tlie course brnUlitr of that errrrosprm.lencemin no adiuillcd bv every hnmaa Beiug. It lolallyniilitird bim tu be the commander of a ship, evca to be iue uii:i-n- .

Mr. lroodttle nnderstnni) lhat It wonld be a ra nse af waiby Niciirngna against this country if an expedition waainiawtuiiv-- art u:i lool wtuiin our lurisrltctlon afalustThe President was a mire hotind to mainUia tbe faith oft dies as any uwol the country.

Mr. Mxllorr vindicated Ihe character of Commodorefaiildllig, and allnded lo his revolutionary aarmary, but didBut pretend to palliate thisaet. If snch arts were n.m.itir.1tolvcomniltted by naval onVrrs, In a very hort time thiaeoiiairy aoiiiu or involved la s wrta fotvirntions. If yon send naval captains fn xtnir HILao.terim.--Loose Inrti actions, ther will iiiKicrs-ari- the max seamen.as jurists. He understood that the Administratioa had de.tarhed Chatard because he did not arrest Walker. If heia imnishrd for not doing that act, wa ought to applaudPaulding for doing It.

Mr. Ironglax returned the compliment of Mr. Prowa,who had aaid he admired his f Ironrtai'urtnck for express.mgnis opinion, fie (irou:l.rl!nimil he waa getting intomoo company and up r emits raster than Walker.He (Hondas) thonghi itwonld bo found after awhile thatthev were all in lha party aud were bot to he accused oflariion necsiise ihey happen lo differ from the Presidentin xome nr their views. Some rtraaew th.aaw Banwrw mi-

Kven Ihe Senator lmm New York wax supiorttiigme aumiiiisiinuoB anu ar leaning it iruai attacks by Ilrm- -ocrata.

Mr. ftewarrf sail the PreridVnt had annnnnrrrl that'alker had HOI only viOUted tlie Uara raf tha. land hot rlu

nigner law. and he (Seward) won d he recreant lo kis dotas an sdvoeate ol the higher law If he did not support tbe

Mr. Hondas thowrhl the kirher law varv well lplace, Iml not in executing tlie uewtralitv Uws. He woaldrather look at Ihe statutes of th I'uited States and seewBers sua aiirnorttv was t..r loa emussat ta aw tWe n.eaad nsvy. Tha Uw of 'righiern defined tlie JunsdicUoato extend one marine lea rue from the mast and the sow.ernmenl had ao anfhority to make an arrest beyond thatdistance, ne ws. in lavor or giving the neutrality Uws afail, faithful, and vigoratra rxcrntsin. Thia la a govrra.

or law. and let u stand by Ihe Uws and execute thembether we like them or dislike them, so lone ax thev stand

on lh? statute-boo- He had ao sympathy for Iblraxteg.in. i'e trnararr at io aeteat wie eery ootect wa have im

w. nanielr exnaneion of t he area of freedom liein favor of the expansion nf this eonntry. hot in a lawfuland regular manner. He was not wilting tn arnd out navalofficers with vagna tnxtractrorrs, tillilmrtering all aver thenigu seas tinner tne p etc nee of pntliac down Bllibostering.He had opposed the treaty because he didnot a irh to bind this country not lo do thst whicb it mightbr necessary for ttx safety tt do that la to awnev tkrwe

only half tbe distance to Californui and oa thedirect road.

CiTThe N. V. Journal of Commerce has rrn pileda summary showing the quantity and value of thatibacco exported ia 1807. Previous to l&io, tbeqaantily was all reckoned in bogiheada:

). Bales. Cases. Ilogsheada Value.I4.txi t7,4nxl9Hv.'SH .x.;x J7II

-- Lti.ThJ ;.;.ixall:W,rio ..Ml.f4

i li.&!l l.min. I7--- ; .nM,iea

l.lljfrr? llMtn'.JI'tt....... 1's.al - ' II xij at

. lll.li.lM13.1t 13.si l.ijl:l 14.;UfI7."7i a.jnd lix.srij r;.ji,i;im.ij .i;;i a,mx,m


1;..Mu. Fitch or Ivwa'a. Tbe otlrtor of tbe Wash

ington City New Era, the ablest and most respectable abolitionist paper in tha United States, says:

W'a well recollect tlie time whoa tha Doctor waa a aaoatvalorous snd devotad niaa, with a zeal almostQniintie. When a candidate the flrd time in hix districtlr Coagraax, bo wrote a letter, which waa printed ta Ihe

in which he went so far as to pledge himselfthat, if elected lo Comrrexs, should no sue bring ra a billto abolifh sUvery in the District of Columbia, ha would.

AFFAIRS AT FRANKFORT;Special Correspondence af the Louisville l J '

Fkawbtobt, Jaa. 11, 1808. ,

When the question to repeal the act establishingthe State Normal Fchool at faxmgtoa "as beforethe Senate on S iturday, aa iiiterestirrg debate

Col. ICead, the Senator from Larne, fTpreadhimself in favor of the repeal of the measure, and,during tbe course of hi argument, was mrticnlarlysevere npon the pretensions of literary men and women, lie slso deprecated tbe sirs aaenmed by fash-ionable churches, and related an experience m at-tending church recently in Louisville. He seemedto lie quite disgusted with the Instrumental musicwhicb saluted bis earn, and dirnartged the claimsof the artists. But the most nniralUnt allusion wasm reference to the ministry, which h; characterizedas the most ignorant of all the professions. Ofcourse Senator Mallory could not tamsly snlimit tohe odium thus cast upon our most sacred trrtit- -

tions and npon one of onr most revered and enlight-ened classes. He imagined that the unsophisticatedS mator from Larue had wandered into the German1 heater in his search for the house of God in Louisville, ami that he bad never beard the sweet andsacred tones of a Loaisrille choir. His remarks asfo the ignorance of the ministry might apply withforce to those who felt themselves "called" in hispeculiar locality, but he could assure tha centlemanfrom Lime that, so far as his experience enabledit i in ro pass upon tne literary merits or ministers ofllieGosnei, he had found them eminently learnedand pious, and ornaments not only to their calling,but to society in general. Mr. Slallory also wishedto I understood as annlvinir the remark to tha accomplished clergymen of" the city and county whichhe nan me honor to represent.

1 he resotutioa d in the Senate on Saturdayinstructing our Senators and Representatives ioCoo press to inquire into tbe expediency of an act toremove the United States Circuit Court for the dis-

trict of Kentucky to Louisville, waa rnformaJly nasaed over y by that body, owing to the absenceof certain Senators who wished to be heard oa tliemerits of the tcommenilation.

Tbe bill te prevent negro preaching in the Commonwealth, presented, I believe, by Mr. Silver-toot-

was considered in the Senate' to day. Tbemeasure met with considerable opposition, and waxlinally recommitted to a select committee comrnrseilof Messrs. Mallory, Silvertooth, and Walton.

Air. J la vera ft ottered s preamble and resolatioalo the following effect:

W hereas. The people of the I nited JUatea, ander thetreeing uf Heaven, are in possession of a Territory mora

extentive and diversified than anv other country nowknown. Her lofty mountains. tVrtiU pie in., noble rfeero.abundant product ions of all tliat is Btraaaary lo ataa.aisiunding ia tn iruiuioi nearly every riinia, and enjoy-ing almost every temperature, from the frk'id to the torridgone, rendering it the most appropriate abode on earth torfreemen.

la addition to all I his. we en ror s arateaa of xwv.Tamentnnequaled in iu wisdom and htnexs to render man free.

tiie, and nappy and remenincnng mar mis grand Trne-r-

was fonnded not only in the wisdom hot ia the btViodof oar anreslorr boaetinc at once of a country east aw.ernmcut without a parallii in history, ancient or mode, st

hould alxrund in cratitude.and at tha same titnewatrhwell, with a jealous eye, any infringement upon onr riehv.ind rvmeni her me saying or mo utiaiortxi jrorTson, matthe price of liberty kt etornai vigilance '

The iieople are ihe source of sovercuin power, and thewill and behesta of this great nation are throughhe ballot box, sad irons which there a) no appeaa. There

for., in order to preserve oar form of goveramoal and thelatrmaoeney of our L'nion.thc elective franchise shoaid be.tnctiy guardti and raithiuiiy p roue ted.

i mr form of government, in all lis workings, ha the niceand delicate dLstinrtiocw betweew the Irerreral and StaSrgovernmeata. are xa complrte as ta sliow tlia haadx of theable aud fiuixhed workman in its construction.

But it is a science too devrr to Ire at ouce understood bythe novice, or to he seen throngh by an nn practised erato understand it welt, aad raappnw-mteia- beaart v, strength,and wisdom, a maa should grow with iu growth, and bo- -

familiar with all its eomplicaicJ. yet perfect maehin-an- dexiierirnoe having shown That the period of pro

bation now nxed by the Uws of the ( nited Suva,U too slorrt for a foreignor riglrtiy ta aaderstand.

id proiny appreciate our sjsleiuoJ goverumcot andiwx. Therefon,

m reaoipxot hv fax IVmera A aaewi V r nf 'Ax ITVm- -iif Kentucky 1st. That oar ncnators in Cow.

grexs be iustructeii, and our noprsxenutivea o sues ted tonieavnr to extend rne rime rcquimi Dy uie present uwr tbe natiiralizatnrn of foreirnera.id. Also that our Senatwr in I saunm be Insti Bated, aad

our Reprvxisitativre poiiuexlrd to urge upon Congress tohaul to me several etxlex, SB amendmcnl to- ine tonn.tiouof the I'nited SUtc. by whieb the several States hall: prohibited from allowing any iahabtiant thereof, axt a

el the l niled stale, to vote for VicepresUe&tof the I'nitod States or memberx of Congrexx.

They were refemd to tba Committee on FederalI itions and ordered to be printed.The bill increasing tbe salaries of certain officers.

viz: the Governor's to !,0X, Judges of the Conrtof Appeals to $2,500, Judges of tbe Circuit Courtsto 42,000. Auditor to (3,000, Chancellor of Louisville Chancery Court to f '4,600, Chancellor of equi-ty and Criminal Courts in First circuit to 2,000,and tbe Treasurer's to ,3,000, was tba first thing inthe regular orders of the day in tbe Senates, Themeasure was referred to the Committee on the Courtof Appeals, with mstructioua to inquire into that ex-

pediency of lengthening tbe terms of tbe Court ofAppeals and further lucrcasing the sslariea of tbeJudges.

'1 ue vote by which tha bill ta prevent thaof public books was reiectei) by the Sweat

on Saturday, waa reconsidered to day, and tbemeasure was referred to tba Cexnmittee oa tba

Statues. . .........The bill passed the Senate y to mofease tbe

jurisdiction of the Conrt of Appeals in oivil caf e,which grants appeals from final judgments of chan-cery and circuit courts for 00 and upwaid, exclu-ding costs only.

Senators bad leave to bring m tha following bills:A bill to provide for Quarterly Courts in Covington;a bill in rebuioa to the "new Kentucky Jostiur;" abill to incorporata the American Marine InsuranceCompany; a bill to charter the Kentucky Loco

Works; a bill to establish tha Merchants' De-

posit Bank; aud a bill to furninh the various conn-lie- snot aireaily provided with tba Revised Statntea,

Codes, and Imports of Deciikms of the Court ofAppeals.

The bill to make parties liable for false represen-tations upon contracts was under discussion ia tbe

when tbat body adjoarneil.There was a long debate in the House this morB-

ring upon the proposition to form a new connty fromprrttons of Kix licastle, Madison, &c., during thecourse of wbich Mr. Neweuru, this talented Repre-sentative from Rockcastle, sustained the propositionby some eloquent remarks. The new coenty ia tol called "Jackson," and the priponition passed tbeHouse.

Tbe House spent considerable time ia Committeeof the Whole this morning ia the discasasoa of theconventional interest bill, emlrracing aa amenduientto the usury laws-- I have given voa tbe materialpoints in the case heretofore, and do not deem it ne-

cessary to recapitulate. Mr. Macben, from Lyoncounty, made a powerful speech ia support af themeasure, in which he favored the repeal of the usa-r- y

law. The question pending was to strike out theenacting clauaa, which, if carried, will of course killtbe measure. Tba bill ia right! v considered oaa ofvast importance to our Statu. Tbe committee final-

ly rose, reported progress, and obtained leave to sitagain.

Tbe joint resolution which originated ia tba Senate, providing for tha election of public officers onthe 20th inot., pissed the House unanimously to-

day. JELEVE.


New ORLKAxav iVew 1'ara, Jan. 9. Tha forty-thi-

anniversary of the battle of New Orleans wascelebrated by a ball and supper at Tammany Halllast night. There was a large atteadanca af Fader,at, Slate, and city Speeches weremade by John Van Baren, Card. Evaders, GeneralWard, B. Burnett. W. C. Wright, ao4 others.Among the letters read was one front Gov. Wise ofVirginia, tha following extract from which ia

"Ita CcngTesd of tha United States ought not toruject tha legitimata and Republican Conatitutieo,but Qiight to adopt it, subiect to a fair legal vote oftba people of Kansas. If they adopt it, to admither into the Union 'nse factot if they reject it, toleave the people of Kansas ia their own way to or-ganize another conatitutron, aad to submit anotherconstitution to Congress for approval, aad for aaydifference of opinion aa to tha mare aaode of submit-ting or solving this question by protest, thai do

earnest iMmocrat shall be ptxscrirad."No Northerner ought to denounce tha President

for recocniziog the fact of tha legitimacy of the La- -compron constitution, or ought ta denounce SenatorDouglas for contending manful Iv for tha right of thesovereign people tu adopt ot irject UteirT own (oim04 pi'll government. , . -

WKD5ESDAT, JAN. 13, 1168

' " ' ".Crrbe Loutsvnie Imocrat says with a sih,

tnaii taa ivenwicraiie cosniusi as uis state raap laaerd a rasointioa eadorsing the Kaasas policythe President, and that tha IHrnocralk coovertioaof Indiana has done the same thing. We thick,ihat, so fir as Indiana is concerned, ourneighlror makes the matter rather worse than It reallyis. Unquestionably Bright achieved a virtual tri-

umph over Douglas in tbe Indiana convention by'King present acd exercising that great control overtha Indiana Democracy for which he bt remarkable.Yet Ihe eonventioa, even while acting under his eye,did not venture to gate Ihe length of endorsing tbaKansas poliey of lha President. Tba Presidenthimstlf and his Adminiatratioa were encSorard ingneral terms just as the editor of the LouisvilleDemocrat would no doubt endorse both if compelledeither to endorse or repudiate, but the direct isaeof tbe President's Kanaaa policy waa ugloriooaljevaded. Ws give the only resolutions of tbe ccn--Tentina that hava any bearing trpcru the subject

That the rk.--t of Ike people of aav txtata ta this rsdenlo mould their Uws and In- - iluu-.u- Ui sort tkerosrtrea. andnot others, bring an ntein. .thmnhV rleht. il follows lhatthr manaer ia wha-- they perforin this ah-- dntr toia wot a pror oahjeet far the dieiauon of aay dstar

State or of all llie States of I lie lonfe.leracy ia Cooareexarawmbred, rave only thai tire Cornultasioa and Ihe Uws ofae I "new riaieo Mia. I aol Ira VBtaterl.

Tliat 4as. blichanan was the first choice of the Tlemoera.ey of Indiana lor the Chief MagUtraev of thi. Republic attlie Nominating Coaventinn in J one, A, and of the pro- -- as roe oaieir-ne- m tne rasnlng Nowember,and BOtlung whH-- he has done since hL. rhigh poanioa whirh ha aow serupiea aax abated or dimiav.

ie,,re in tils am Py, liilirntr, patriotism,and rrateemanlikeqmhiea,aud we cordially approve andetiilorse lus .inHnuti ariua.

ILatw-.r- e still in favor of the great doctrine ofbill, and thai by a practical .Bultrati.aof thai dirctnua the ne.il.lr of m Stale tiU a Teero.... -

lieeesfed with the richfa of rarif vi. g or re serine, at tbetat" ol box, aav ronetititttoa lhat may hr formed for IhraTgovernmont, and thai hereafter no Territory shoaid be ad.

.too m c BkiB aa a Slate wiUimu a fan-- axprvrartoaof tne will of the ueoirlo beina liu S.X nM. ik.ttoa aecomiw tt) ing the appheatioa for mlmixrioa.

These very resolutions show themoral cowardice of the eonventioa. That body badnot the courage to dec! ire for or against either theLecompton policy or the policy. Thelirst resolution spirited almve might be construed tomean that Congress, by the theory of our jrovera- -rtient, has no right to decline receiving Kanaaa intothe Union as a State whether the

in her behalf is submitted to tha vote of herpeople or not, bat the laM seems to preclmle such aexMxtroctiirn by deciding nnsq'ii vocally that hereaf-ter no Territory ouBht to be admitted into the Unionby Ctmgreas except after a full submission of herconatitutioa to the popular veto. If it fa the doty efCongress m sll rutnra eases to refuse admission toTerritories until their constitutions shall hava beenfairly voted aa by the people, surely Coau;reas mayproperly, by tba theory of ear genrarament, keepKansas ont until her constitution shall have beeathus roted on. What U proper to be dona ia allfuture cases caa certainly, witboat any yiolaiion ofthe genius of oar irbliution, bt dose in the prvrutcase.

Hitherto the Democracy of lha nation hare giventen thousand pledgaa that tha w atria poo pes afKanjas should have a free vote in tbe fixing of theirown institutions, and now ws find that the Dens orracy, though unwilling to say that tha pro,4e afKansas shall have, this privilege, ara vary readywith their resolutions that the people of everyTerritory shall have it ktrtafUr. They will not saythat the right shall he enjoyed by tha people ofKansas, to whom they have promiterl it and solemnlypledged h a myriad times, but satisfy their Locofococonsciences by empty rewives thai it (hall beenjoyed hi fiat are by people to whoa they havepledged it at all. Those, lowborn they hive vehemently promised, it in every possible focus of atroaglangnage, are, if their rl reselvaa asaat all to be nVramrUd on, the very rav-- s aad tba rmljones to whom they will consent to deny It.

WaanissTow, Jaa, 9.

The I'nlon baa a leader ta which tha aeuoisHiaw of Ceatral America ix duru-ed- . It repudiates the urea as adoptedtrv teca. Walker, bat evidently favors the object by ss.athcr Broewsa

I f WO must liUnl Our anaitilattiikM in rwinai anaitlk miby the strong arm, let it be done by open and houorabiohostility, conducted nnderthe ausnteeaand aathoetlr of thatrovernmenl. Nothmg eaai be easier titan tar and raneesfor a aatwaal asavrrrd with Um Ceatral A tier tea a uoarwand Um Spaaish trovnromeal, if wa art about aarkuut it.li, contrary io our nauoual isutry, we mtl-- l needa extradour hvoitutionx pnalhward be forexr. Pel ft. he dotto br aoBaraurairio warfare, bos ay a psraOcai facay.

This is part of a telegraphic dispatch pubhsherdby us yeiterday. The signiflcance of tbe articlepat forth by the orgm 0f the Administration cannotbe uaistaksn. J That article ia another added to tbethousand evidences of the President's miserablecowardice, instability, aad imbecility. lie ahrinksfrom oppcraition, let it arise where it may.

Tba Administration's conrse toward treat. Walkerhaving excited the wrath of the Son' beraand calldd forth load and general condemaation aadexeciaiio ia that aeetion, Mr. Buchaaan, halffrigbtenedl ant of his small wrta, seek i to mollifysad pacify by givinjj them to understand that he

can d for them not only what Walker wvoaM havedone if let alone bat a great deal otore. He eaavesit to be understood through tbe columns of his or-

gan, that, although he prevented Walker front taking possession of Nicaragua and having; it annexedto the United States as slave fjeTrvtory, ha ran, atany moment it may be thought necesaary, set alroutfinding eanaea for a BstUoaal qBarrel with the CeatralAmerican States and tbe Spanish tjovernineut andseize not only the whole of Central Ararerica batCuba likewise.

If Walker, aa the President aecUrad ia his marssage, was acting the part of a pirate and a robberin going to Nicaragua to assert and, vindicate hisright to an official position lo whkh he was electedby a portal r vote a year or so ago, what leas than apirate and a robber would the President of the Uni-ted States make himself ia hunting ap or trampingap a pretended causa of qaarrel with Spain and theSoath American States as a pretext Ibr killing- theirpeople and seizing and annexing their territory.

Pnenxt ar the AcusMasTanoa-M- r. Eacban- -ao'i acsonnts, sa far as the dealing of his admmi- -

tration rs concerned, has been posted op to the presenttime by tbe New Tork Evening Peatr and does notmake a. very good show, we maa aay. If tha remainder of his term ef ofBce does not exhibit a better babince sheet, in prorrortion, the bus ina ss is likelyto be a losing one all around; aad it would be as wellfor him to "snspend" at once. We give soma ef theItems- - For instance, he began his administrationwith an tffrrt to "pacify Kanaaa,'' aad iaduced hia

particubu- friend, Kahert J. Walker, to aavdertska

the task. When the latter thought be was sncceed- -

ing, the President deserted him, and alienated auayaf bis best fricmla. Then hia message an tha Bratday ef the first Congress areused the opposition efIhe ablest Democrat ia the Senate, and lost the con-

fidence of three quarters af tha Northern Democra-

cy. Then his Mormon expedition, tailed ant at tbeexpense of r,oi)n,C0O, announced itself aaaMe to doanything until next spring, and aothing then, with-

out expensive rcjnuiroeuieots. Then, by bunglinglyallowing a tilliboster to escape, who was subsequent-

ly caught by a naval officer under wstxuctkaa, be

has drawn npoa himself the ire ef tha entire Sooth,witboat whining the cordial sappert of any aaction.

Then, from being extTemely rolicitoas to redhrce anoverflgiwing treasury, he baa been obliged to run theface of the government for funds to meet its currentexpenses. Finally, after going ont ef hia way todenounce sll possible United States Banks, and allissues of paper currency not based an one third specie,

be has reevrmaneaded the ixsws of twenty millions oftreasury notes, wit hoot a dollar In tba treasury as a

basis of value, thus axtemrrorizuigasortof NationalBank apon the goverasaeot credit, without a specie

basis. Such are some ef tbe items which tba Postsays most be taken into account. It specil'ies anoth-

er, indeed, viz: that Mr. Buchanan has shown bias-se-

weaker statesman (tun Gen. Fierce; but tbatis something for tbe conatry to think of. The Presi-

dent has enough wit howl it,

Thi Uscrt Laws. Money is now just as mackan article of trade and commerce as cotton or Avar.

The flaetaati wM in ita market price acetwding to thecommercial laws of demand and supply furnish themoat delicate and reliable testa of the condition oftrade and credit. In public sentiment and publicaction tbe usury laws have beea for a long timeutterly Inoperative, because they are In direct oppa-titi-

to tbe essential laws of trade aad to thehealthy actiou of eomrncreial rwinciplea. Urnrylaws therefore produce but two effects. They fnr-n-

occasion to a few country capitalists to exact ahigher wremiam apea their loans by way of compen-

sation for their risk ef violating the) law, bat theirprincipal effect is to aid In the a.rnoralization ef tbawhole community by forcing that csjmmuojty to tbaconstant and habit ami violation ef law.

The ground upon which asury laws were for me fly

defended,' that money ia aa extraordinary powermonopolized by a few, it an fooger tenable oa

of tha covrditioa of civilized coasiaunities.Money capital in all commercial State ia so en-

larges! and so diffused thai it would be) much easierto monopolize eotten, flowr, or aay of tha greatstaples of trade, than to effect a rncajenpoty of thiauniversal medtam. A monopoly of soma of thr astaples has been eftea attempted by reckkaa specu-

lators, bat no sack attempt haa been ntaaw or wouldbe thought of In regard to money. On the contrary,aa we have scan, thia article ia so completely tbesubject of the legitimate laws ef trade, is so delicate-

ly sensitive to its minutest anctaaticma, that thedaily market prke of money is the very beat andsaoat reliable test by which to ascertain the treeceoditiea ef tbe cemntercial world.

Such being the known facts of the case, we earn-

estly hope that oar kgiabttors will not adjourn with-a-

reocaing this ComaaMwtaltk from tha reproachof keeping upon the Statute book a coda ef laws thareason of which baa long since paaned away acode that ia at war with tba priociplea and tha sa-

tererou of modern society, and utterly subversive afthaf salutary roverence for Uw whkh bt tha sanc-

tion ssd support of all our institutions.

tnrA good many of tha are eaters, an called,when brought to the lest, ara net suck tevTible fal-

lows ia their diet after alL Whenever they masti-

cate a bnnauvg anal, they ara sura to make haste towash it down with

Somerset ( Ky.) DeBwetai aiinrruocra thatUs sext issue will take place nana) tinte in thespring. Till then ft means to hiberante, like a bearor a snake.

crib. Imorratic Suf. Coaventio. of wHampshire, whkh a.aeml lad a fiw davsir, affirmed by ie.ol.tioa that tbe people ef aUtues Taava--the rght af formln hrir 4omMi tostatiituaraa.and declared it as "tha epraton ef the Derasscracyof New Hampshire, that aa constitation oar, fit to beimposed apoa Ih-- or the Beopls of anv ether Tsr--ritory nitd it hss received thear expyeaa' approval. "

Tha of Saw lUmastMra neaalva eweway, the Keatoclty Democracy ressslve aawcher war,aad tha lailiaaa Isaocracy are afraid to saaulv.say way in partknlar.

r?-I- f the lionr. tiirer.. el-- int, eatamo.ra, w.

booam, saaaea, aa l all tha etbar aaiauU iin tlte ark '

el0ilirg5oah sal bis wife sad hi iron italhietonwivem. kail eat into a 6i- t a bea tha delu.--

was aver tha aaaa'aiox, ,h? cc.faoa and rage, tba. ..nr i c: i.tiiuoa- - ssu iar acTascoana:, cvaia airs

aliem. greater lha. wa hive everjaardeirg in the ranks of Jrcrary

in the prcrgrese of the Kiaaa quarrrL!

Caw't Staso Tun PkATronvi-Aquil- U Jrmtn,tha present State Treasurer af Ia liana, waa aaaai.monsly Borainatad by the Desaornslic Cenventina nftha 8ik for to the xasaa. Ha addreased aletter to tbe president ef tha crnwv station sesaaret full y

declining tbe howor, not brisu-- willing to stand anthe pBBtforni laid dawn.

rJaTWa andersiand tbat Mr. Pngh, of Ohio, site.ia that aebedy was pleased with hia aisn af

exeept himself, ia aa longer pleased with ithimself.

Ax LNrotrtrw tra AnwusTa tnox. It seems tobe generally d that tha prirxewt Adasinr-tca-tio-

ia by tar tha sawst anf ataaate ef aay whkh havapcaoadad it, neteven evceptinar that sfptsf Pwsera.At the very outsat it coram war a 1 bmaslraywur, andha beea hlartdrrriog worm anf Worse ever sinew.onlil ii has almost fsIUn into arrnferapt withtbe whole country. Kanaa Utah Nxarsk-w- a

wht and follies has it not committedin refereace to all these! Indeed, nothing thattha present Adminiitra'ka haa touched but khaa signally aad shamefully failed in. And ai itwill be, we fear, to the end ef the chapter. AUud--ing to the continued misf irunei aai errors of theBuchanan Admiaiatratina, the roterabwrg Intelligea- -

eer has the fik iag artklc:"It Is extraci-dioa- how unfortnarfe the Admin-

istration ia in of srTirs and sspresUl-l- y

in iu lBstructaraa to ortKiala. One ef ita irrsl actawaa tha appointment of that chosen man, R. i. Wal-

ker, Governor of Kaasas. with spec! tic ioetraciionj tokins and hk Lknteaaat, Staatoe), how the Kaaaaadifncnlty shoaid ha eoexlucted to a ate rk t.

Theae worth lea entered apoa their task andfollowed their mxJrwcioaa to tha Utter. Th resultis civil war, hiWlahed, swat "eowfurvk wors raaftmnded' in Kansas. Next, an expedition amjt rrcan-n-

and governors, commaaslers, truops,sic,, faraiaheai with ixtatrwcuoaa how and when ttwvshould to I'tah, and educe th rehellioBrigham to subjection. Io following their instmr-tkn- s

the expesluion k bow shot ap in the ky fast--aeaaei of tbe ntowntains, a pray to the Mornson ranisana tbe here busts or winter with no pexnwhle

chance ta accompliah, of theaiaelves, th duty as--srwned tnean by tha t?veramarat. La-d-i y th gov.eminent umlertook, with its wfyove aav if, milittew.and rxmaxahnlary power, to prevent the little "gruTeyen man irosn v rotating; our axsttraiitv laws,

Irons were scattered far aad aaar, "to ail whesnthese presents shall come," and the effort k maxreto execute them. The result k a grave ami

breach ef tha law ef aatiorai waatexanf the srrvereigiMy ef iraricia a repo

ef a grrxt national and human riirht forwhich wa once foaght, the rucht af tiyalriauss aaanpardonable and irretrkralde wrong to Iran. Walks-eraad his followers and treuhle, wi'srhief. and!

generally. A gun wa say the Adimnistrationare amst aofortaaaia ia their iaxtrocuoax. Ws bo- -gin to think tbey need srrme ana to ioatrnct them.

Urnotn is rna lsirsaxt ICMOi'BArc Cowva.v.Trciw. We coptrrl yeaterd ty a very graphic artkkfrom the Indianapolk J rwmat, giving aa account nfthe terrific aproar in the Dtutucratk mass aaeetihgat Indianapolis oa the aight before the aaae nbling oftha Demotratk State Coavsntisw. Wa as Lrocatbe was aapertha th aproar in the Coawsatianitself was occasionally qnite aa wild and fierce asthat ia the osaaa meetiog. Here k a passage froma long and evidently faithful daaet iptkn sf tha Ctaa- -vention's proceed'n e. Head and jwd-- o a to lhaprospect of Democratk harmony in Indiana:

Mario a eoanty waa aallod, aad Mr. Kraa ti aurwd barrow "mi. ' W. II. Tallrott. otaadioa hoswla him. srrrsjurd')ox.n Rraa contradieterl hiux. Taiboit reverted the voteeleven aoeeaad mar area" Kvaa veheaaenllr die lard

that "tea Israaorearrg a ifarrow apataxd tax isiaaorsaiaovrw. l oea tha yeiliaa hi laiai. Burly aafat.

Hurrah for fhek.' "Go it. P.r ao. ' lu.i willl Ilia .1 4"trry bp. aad a rhaor of aotses tbat wmtia

have deafeard aa aortioB oner la Bohot. ftdlowed. ta a

ctllad aoaily. aad ia a rileaco tiiai in ion 1 amioaat of a

r!'wlIiarwaWTtb laflrlasa rionlatWro in hixbaaxj.Aa-- t Ibea aoseo a rad ibaa hatnVaail desrrurwow. Arnvnarif haaarv liawrxaBd enaivd asrrswoold howa Bmow wo

bsside it than a "lu's whtsyer lo the ataarmiB ofA roiling Are of yetlx for Wailaee was riept up wry

fatly Sf een msauasa, duxlna wlurst W illara a in I abtbM, aad did bo re. He oomd Bo Bawo brow Board,aay more Ihaa if bs had beea bunrd amler a conuneal offea'her bods. He gestirn at"d, aad aniiled. aud les.ksdarmtsrd. and kept at it. Yells for " tvti" from the Hrwal

B sarelmd lha infawral raw. Prtrrl arose aad .Band ao.sofsi Wallace, aad Urwre his rgsrrt aadod. Tbs waur boared.mixed to oacfl othrr. looked eh asaal, turnedomttd and round to their frtrvsJx, aaarie in. eitorr.Sa get a snows ra uws a that wax aos rowded am vwlaxsad fcroaad varv like a oaapia of awarreo oa a Uutaar naiaHot that wax ad. At last ITtlt Irw-- to vroax. gciieuar-tln- a

ftirlonsly. Wallace, wttliont apea kin.--, moralod barand went ntitl vara baraoaae wislt bv anas

rb yetliaa grew worm. Taw storm at tha oasaxt Baaliaiar a ttra.lv anint. mimaa burrieaaa. hoahiax

bo beard but a eonfusod aad deoieaiaa uproar lawtwould have shamed a fill growa eanaqiiaaa. We aeverbeard aarb a aoaso bsaore, and) wo aever wxort tar aawria.Wo ipn with is Sowar's tars ww aar it Warn. ahiut ra- -trrmrssarn, (ear m,aica,aod it srentetl aa hour. AI laelWtlrard arlsrnroed the eonventioa in tbe midd of the rowtill half aaM asvwa. aad a prats of tba arord whadrew.

ault lha aoasa wax brut aav

AFFAIRS AT FKA5KF0RTipeeiaj CorrrsaoB-lear- af tha L.wirviTW Jovnai.

Fs Jan. li, 3 P. M.Tha prorect for tbe erewtWra ef a new eawndv aal of

portroux of Noissm, Manon, Laraa. and Ilard us t awmends itaslf ta the Ltvoealria eaniBkialtasa af

A bill aaseed tba Uoaaa vaxoarrtay foraaaaca new eeainty in to BBoaataina, whkh had net haltthe merit a.aaati u 4 bv the en mfrrrvsl t abaxra; yogI waa irratiaed that the free paopto af th BroesaerJ

' castnry as Jackxow warn fan laaata aaxraK: toget their favorite mraswrw threngh the krarar ilxxase

Hwithataaslmg tha new rassntv Brasui Sar a walleome into the State system as a "pauper' eaiagiy.Tha arojaet to axake a aew eewncy by tioaiaiiar ena poruoa ef Xe ixon, Marie), Larwa, anat iUaviut, tobe eailed 1) Beau oaa, of whack th ploasxrroaa litikvillaew ef New llavaa) will ha the ssaaty seat, I Sa-

rard as Qendextfy errmmeadahW. The aiotnck efcowntry poaaeasoa all th ilsmsntg af n separateerxsBty eriraaMaafaoa), aard th m bairttaatta w btab will

bobb it favoy the projerct vaJl mmarkaak waxutt-

mity. llavaa at mlnurabiy ktwaarl in the misletaf a fertik regkn apoa tha ionctionaf lha Loatarvilteand ItaahyUk Bailrnad, and th maa aa af arrsaa to

casta ty asa by raiiroaa, tnarirptka, aard ssharwiaaare very eaavenieBt. The asrw anaaty will aiBlaiBteaharrtt on t4oaaaiid rstoia, and th mbarrtltarta aromtelligent, pwapersraa, aad weaithy. t trwat sheealerBrise will had favor with the pre

semldv.The noorardiacs in tha Seaste elkited

I toiwat. 1 a Boet lmaiinaat mtanars fora tion was th Senate bill, wha-- had aaaatd IheHuast with aa amoalaBiat-- proculratina: tha carcwi- a-

Ikn af foreign haak mrasaof a lena deasiBiaaliiin thaaifive dVaUra. Lhrruag th dUaeasaisn. which I hat oaed to with ecaantkralik mtereaa, i ftoaatd It hwpooaibaeto Mtarnuaa whether th Aaaaraan ar tha Dsncraak members eartrrUuwBd th gasabea biat.Uty tohaaks. Aa amaadrwxat waa finally sarreed apona hst h provxles that tha act thai! take elfoct from antlafter lb 1st ef Jaa. 1 do aast doaba that the bailwill receive th sanction af th House in its peasantform, bat 1 donbt that it will aver b rrgially en-

forced.The antondnaent to the eommen school law. whkh

Suarrri to arnd in which napsl oaay Bttaait theBatxa Bcnool rraaa ax to ticntoera yaara to fram

at a to twenty saa yaara. waa als roaaiifaifaa nt theSenate, and passe 4 to a tcira raaxiiag.

Th biiia to amaad tha caartar af tha BfwmAomaad Jefferson TnrntMke Road Company and to a nasa. d

th charter ef tha Lonkviila and TaykrswiU Tarn-pik- eiioad Company, bath aaaaod th cienaaa

la avexjonnat to tha hsutotaon act teserrmat totba period ia watch artaaaa atay b broaarhl for thefweovery ef real estate, which paawau tha xioaas oaaday last wvek, waa prmctod by th Senqie.

1 ha eusn mat loea of the Sears at. to wboaa ther hastbean referrwii. were from th farther eoavxideratioa of leaves to brvna; m btlla tor atwesai thakws af diwre aad tha Uw iwutuiig to pedlars.

Leave waa etttamea m tha Janata far bnaain a bill to charter aa Aaserkaa PnatanaT Carranaayfit tbe Blind, and to sstabiisk the Ptaatars' Baah afkvaoturky.

The Hoaea spent asoot af tha tita in eawa

utters ef tht wbwk ia the eaacaaaaoa) af tart bail prevaling for a renvenOoaai ratoef mterestand anssndatory of tha asury kws. j4r. Etwee, af Mahlen- -barg, Basxta a hmg aast azceaarlingly diguuiad swaechsainat tha practicatalrt y f tha maasare, and txeavCombe followed apoa tba same aw la ef tha aneaaioa).sntortaiuiBg aa attentive Hoax aad arewrkd lobhywith a very pieaamg aad btghly argwenlsti-v-

agaiant th aaaaage af tte sail. The osaaan rtlasmoa, reported proyisea, and had haswe to sat atrua.The qtassfuraa now peniliag ansa tin bill au ShallI be asuM Uag claaaa be strickaa) ewt aad. ahaawdthe proptraiiroa carry, of asarss tha (ate af the nanaa-Br- e

m sealed.I hava th rraUficatraa to iqaiaaii that tha caea- -

mittee apon Agrkartara and Comsnerc haw hewnvtmcbsaed at least a atosety af taswr ifghaa. TheSenato bill to amend tbe chat-ta- r af tha State Agrvcattaral Society passrd tbat Mease this sane at as; maa amendetl form. Th Senet bill arov Ktet for asarraiBsat anrjreoruUai ef go. atsi aar anatrm to theSociety, and t ha bill which passed th Heaae ay

at as ameaded aa to extend the aaaaal appsvrra-iai-ia-

anttl the neat saatwea af tha IsSirauatara, by whichtiowl trawt aBemlasrs will htrcaia anlahteaed to aprxracmaa th impaeanc af a - aSent apotvrpriatiott.

The atlempa to aatatilish a atirassasal stoaidardfur tha weight and msaewrement of coal fatkd ua theHoose toxlay, aad tha old kw in referenc theretowill therefore continue ia (urea. This reault waabrought about, I think, by the failure of many mam-tm- rs

to ass tenia Bd the anrpowtioa rmfora tbe Houaa,altikagh tha aeeation was stated time after time.aad the ayes and noes were called when th rotswaa takea.

As I mfbrwatd yon before, the Democratic mens--

bers of tha LeguUtara will hold a caucus this evea-in- efor tha nomination of candidate for th Keener

of the Penitentiary, Stato Printer, aad Sum Librarian. Ihe election for pub lie officers will take placeon tbe 20th hast. Toa will be surrartsed to learnthat, frorn some cans, Messrs. Slaps and Crocketthave retired from the race for tha avmiraatioa to theKeepsrship of tbe Peaitrntiary. Tbm movementa ill astonish yon tha more when ten are matla awarethat tbey have beea regarded as tha must pouularaspirants on the track tha nomination of wtuch waxreirarded aa a fofregoo cooc iuatotL.

1 ha pulriau t eccentric frssod, A. r itlkersrsa, Jr.,t.mci., haa been ut toe city fug- several daw Ilia literary character aad pkaaing sccial iatliuea rac iermm aa object of I'ltarasl iir. faikersons I xtpubiicatioa is in the form of sa essay, entitled "TheUiunaa Soul and Us Imavortal AtUilxitaa." I havaBsrt been abk to etimraand tiro to criticize the Bter-i- ts

and demerits of the essay. Tha character of theauthor as a maa of letters, however, would ssem totvniier the task unnrctasarv.

Tbe kading topic diacwosed y k the arproacVkg grand tincv. dress hail af the Assembly Vsenria-Ut-

whi. h will take place at tha Capitol Hotel to-morrow evening. I jaiige by the numtier af straagrirx

prearnt ia the city, and by the note ot pre- -purauoa wnicrt has been avade. that lae eutertaia-Bie-

will frove a great succaea, fLXVE.

THCBSDAT, JAN. 14, 1I.Twr Swiv.rtei or ae Awpbm'sw CavrrfsraTS

r ia f'Lrita nr tisk Corar or Arr tn. Wa havo,

ra wived cnrnniunV rtiVrn. vtroo-l- weswmeadiBg to'ht Sa'e Coverflow of the Ainrricaa party tiara new of W. B. Aifen of ha M. S.McCorkle, lite ek-i- vf Ihe 1! w-- of It ptemnti.Urea, M.jor K. B. BrrtWt ef C wiogtess, aas) W.T. Saoswels iaf Kbzssretbtcrwa for the sramnatioe forC --rk of the Can of Apramla. Wa teoh ocra.ew

tlv darw is, e aav that it is oar itwarbtble ruU' " T"iH "T press low teadiog to avftueaee lha

emvntions of the Arneriran earty in tbaT"'nn af rvodiiLitrv W eaa ykM to no re

JT j""ri ,M.T "T(t V tban Bcaninsa of rverv petruUr eoavwatkai-

tTm.ZJ'l" " "' 7, 1 T"v lvor,t,nII af aay atambrr ofI tr- - P ,rtT to a a rmtnation. Oa." rrirwd who dew,' " M ""awne ef tha Joaunal, tba claima

" tn" Prtu olar favaritrs, win readily saa thproprifT of thk posfctexa aad wiU anderatond thoecesairy firy the exclnxkn ef th eweaaaaakataMtoafTotlei tn and sfl other of similar Import, far, ifone sbonbl be admitted, jasrric to th ethers wouldrequire the pablkatioa of all rack eataef for weeks before th asseaaMme; of any t

tiros af the party our eolumaa woaja be axclaaivalytilled with Ihe eoenrnwankatkaa ef partial frknd at

ef the axvera I earKlrdaters, Maar af thee

kturs tare ad Ireasesl to as by arrases for whom ww

entertain tha highest parsnntl reirard, and wboes w

would ajKl gladly oblig. bat wa must be jnst w

w eaa afford to be araswaa, aad afrtrt bwpar-tiaJl-ty

requires tb sxclasao uf all.W h ive abundant rvmtideae ia th ability of

tha eonruatk to select a candid at s bins an aliastion wiU Ue creuitabk to th party, t the State, andin the pince, and who will bear tha owauaar of

Uiumphantly in the arxrawmcbine; eiattat. Allof tbe 'entlesaau whasa aaosea havo beea sinusal tilin cwanerfiova with th neminarka for Clerk ef thCourt of Appeals ara worthy aad well qamlitkd. Inelecting th caadldats flosn among them th dalerates cannot rail to choose a propar candidate aard

oaa who will mala an abk and raecottaful canvasanil aa etfickni aad Caithfut State ettkar. Ta theirgood jaxlgmenu and kv of Araanrkaa ariarripka w

Buheaiutingly commit the matter, assured that thekselect aa will be anaoirnesasJy approved aad

wpported by tha whole party ia thState.

Tba thai hea already bean aaaalfesasd

ia regard to tha actioa of tbk convention k a ehatriag sign of th Wrpefalaase aad gtowingof the party ia battling for th rextorslion ef sto

proud njeemia)enc ia ear Commonwealth, k k aaaugary of victory aa evkkacg that the Aasriraaiof Keatacky have slept with thek armor aa andonly awaited tha artfroaated bcxav of raoeesa to rise,lawsly sad "wager for the fray.. They hay hostsedto tha storm thtt swept ever them, but thek watcb-or- et

have not been qavnebed nor their spirits br4es;ibary n.--e refraooed for saw ttartka and for greatersdvancameat. Thy have beea aesthsr diakfaaTtan

I aor disroursral, but wiU eater into th to Meatwith renewed aoalaaxl itaaJial ef victory, aad dtennined that they wQI

Tea aaaas taasr worta absii wta.''

rfJThe Iwavvilk DsTsocrart, speakiavr ef thef th Prsaadest't Kan polky by the

rVmorTwtic ervnwenttexa at Tnakrcsrt, say:knowa.'li Vadvet rsartatuiv Bxaaa aaarwal far warn aav--

Uie Adiiit&ssrrattoa's aolicy kauwa.Ws are certaioly aa admirer xf tba tore Diimsi ratio

coveut'roa, yet we do sot thiak that th reooltstionIn reTtioa 1 Ktasu k justly Kahk to th ebjectioaher aaaoV to it-- The aHrvowtiexa, ia BBruVrrwing thBirajiirm tken by the President rxlatrre to IT inta iia kit annual at wtacw. envlorsed) only what waa"certainly known.'' The President's prrwUoa hadnothing eqmvocal about it. He adyrjrated the reefvin; tf Kansas into the Urtinn with tb Lareeaptoaceoatitu-tpwi- , flavery bring permitted sr andi : irxf- -d

ia the Brw State as the majority ef the vote east antb rtst of sbourj drrid. And thk waathe preciae policy that the convratlon enrisjrsed.

The TVnvirtrat thinks H bad beea qeita aa well towait antit the .Vtaioistratiorj's polky k koeww.We presame the editor aseaas, sot that ther eaa baay dou'it alwut the polky advocated in th Execn-ti-

message, bat tbat the Adminktration may shiftits ground, and that th coaventka. If it had beans

smart, would have determined, before sndksi dngwhat the Ailminisfkratioa had mid, to wail aad nr ifit would not talk very dirrervratly hereafter. Ourneighlarr, with a strange and aaaccoantabk

of that spirit of mdVreieac which he harecently been makine a show of. weald bar hiaparty careful act to commit itaslf to what tba Frwsi-lo-

has ckarry decUrwd) UTt after waiting a mataoa-ab- le

time to see alt tba swtisqaal twisting aedtnrning of rhat very facile

M Trr.-n-a- n I'wAwnarrT. The I'sinucrax--y efKentucky have great faith In blowing loudly theirwa trunifrxca. Ia the Densocratk report af th

proceedings of their Stat coaventka ea th .k af.Jaanary, great streaa is laid apoa tb fa lora ewt

that all except four couuUoa ia tbxi Stato werebut th following report f a speech ef

oca of the delegated from Fayette diackeee tba manner in which thk alleged fall was attained:

Robert Tt. W roller, SO . attarxstrasad a roaalaUxrvt W pear.aew oarso eartaroto "ashrt Jlasd rwtaw aw

ind he rhmieril that waa rottta it tiesooaitaa whach bd dew a rad war a aorta wlar raw-- It

l.Oat. wae had oosra-- Be aaid. fog a fear

reaolutiorta eaiioNnaj a ravortlo aortdi'laar. whoa uttar

creel ntoxa of th voters tnrar sothtng rf ao Wroxtlaa. sadarrttaaa earod is woid oarmiaiy b to mlow

r arouuir BMetiag lo eroaa mto taw aoarvaaaara byaaaral or Broxy,

So it seems that arrreraj reantiea war sot repra- -arnted by citisenr of them bnt by In thkway rt would aav been easy to hav all tha eoara- -tka rerrrraeaitxst In looking rver the Jl- -t of tb

we find that twentyight cwaatiss wwrw

rack rspreaented by a tdngk atember ef th la-1a- -

lature, antt hi Bxanry instance), tww esrantk werrr psxtenlexl by the sasn bislividuaj, and hi ana tavtattce Ma Koacb-- , a aseasber, "ksgry and akxas

reieaeuied hk own eexaary, Trigg, and alas Chiia.tkn county, whkh k ia aard her ktrbktrv dktrict.In thk way waa tb boantsit fall trtmsantatkaaaaaufacturwl.

tftTlt k pevhaae warthyef nsto that Hr. 'tow aid.th great Sew Turk aired.tke-kt- , waa th ariacipalehautrnarrn ef tb Ashainkti at tea ha tha dixreaxasoa ofthe fwiuoViat'e nufscs at mbstka to Oa. Walker,Commridste PwoWWig, ne., tad that bs eafemled tbrseavuVnt paeky ea th graand ef Ma keuaw hiareonhtma wtU th "asrjW W aoetrwas. Mr.

wcxaW sot saw that th swaVre kewad by thr"rexoat wstr aarb as Ik Csnstitntiiia and StolatLaw ee th Uattod 9tam aajtsovvsa, bat hetaSamgtvt thesn aaithoriaa by tba higher mw aiasisrwhirhr ajawa, . whether ia er eat ef ssBc, clahn threght to fWlarws ta dictotes of tdaaar m eeasckaeasor jwdgaaeatowithartUbokgasarn

That feats rwiaatioa f Mr. nwrbaaaa aad Mr.Seward apea th higher law pUbfatm k eae ef thaariose esenta ef ear swiuae day.

CiT Tha editor of a Sag Nkht organ nrafussea asto th ateuniog ef the very eprrrocrvowaword watch Vs. R. Lae-a- Wlckli-re- , aatid coauuVlee- -abk appwuse, applied ia th Darnocmk Coavaatioaat Fraokort to sack Obl-L- Wkura aa have tarsjsdrVmocrata. Iaaamarch as that editor k one of thlra-Lxt- Wbige wh haw las sod lamiiinata, asr--b

tpa be bad better haire as to tb mesning ef lbWTord applied hi th CcxjyBntion to hioaash awl bkbvetkroa, as than ha stay know to what sort af aati.Bate they ara held by tba party they belong to. It

wxirme a pity that ntrea, from not kuswuig th drdrna- -i of s weed, sosald eswaain la pmfonnd ksjsraas

ef tb spiaka eaterfsiaeil af thesn by thek swrn paItxkal

(oTTha r rootdent raaaowed rrod. Staaaras frova thorhca ef Secretary of Ktnses beg saa that fiimtkaary called aa-- extra mseka of tha aUaisaa Legto.later. Aad bow tt turns eat that Geaaral Dearer,ap ia Stat. ton's place, eaidoreea sll tha officialacta ef both Stoate and Walker, even to th caHr-i- n

ef tb extaastiaiiinW th IxtarieaMa-r- .

Long seriee ef stapwl sad wieltbed bmaderby the Admmistratioa la rwtrard as TiTt

sfT airs avotre, to say authiag ef Jtsrrsga and Utah,would seem to besasugh to awake sny Almhtktraikathe jsxd aad soa--a and contempt af aiankiod. 'oVIng like k was ewer before board of hi tile hiaenry sfpolitkal or personal Imbecility and folly.

JTSerjatof Douglas k ne doubt n pretty threw.calculator of chaise, but wo appreheutl that kk op--

to the A Immigration's coursa toward Gea.Walker will only widea tb breach betwwea hirasnd tha Ailminiatratkra'i Northern friaosk, withoala the tiighiwst dgTe making hk pamce wrth tbtx is pera ted Democracy of the outh.

The outhere Derosxracv will not ragard hk ee--operatioa with them in favor of ens Walker aastnemls for hia refuxal to g with them againstt'oTher Wtlker. If ha wanU to have aay staasdiaa;with them, Ve mttsi go aids by side with them forand against all pnasibk Walkers aad tolkera,

Tim C'rwrvrrrriw or m TaaasiraT. Tba Wssh- -Ingtvsji rorre.atsas.Vant nf the Ilaxklphia 5orttAtnsrfc haa tb W towing la isreteece to tha

of th FsdersJ and lha fkihu ofMr. Cvht' etatimatess

Trtoai adiil or tam Txraatrw tor rha aaet ek anhii.te,l bv lint odVuti atoxentxas as bo dewaxtw. anv fittia. xt no uinr..veneat r see uo sraroe :ih owe. ta.t, sf aatrthiita. a aaal faiuag -- it o aMten.1r - era. T r from asl apttrr.t. only aotoaot ao

i II, .f Keiow oa averaao of awl aitts ae e Toax ar tta, lard lay oi lha asrood nartrr. aad Mr.I' i irtss, tuas havo Svut.. r I'arsarl vwr.aeo-ieo- ,

wi.:!.- ilt.w :u .he twrtaato. wnoottt ' Sat - of taa orSriai iora. bava as

i.r, rte. .ua HI. . ar acc'tracv. Ha wo:d ao w--i. trritath tlrat rtsS.irtl ttere!er. la reparlag tglieaa whrrbs v t oasler oa en atx wani'ior, aad ara a-- w oa.to u rtaau r.t.jioeiit asai:! lira. T'rere ara oomrrtaji. Sew aad a

belt atdlaano vol siroera to drwrt, bat from lhat warn aw

mil. ions m.t he e iiicted 'or lrafa trwwa tut aol aoei.vrsv seattr hot Sa milld'a. ad wtreeet ta tha or-

der oi ihe Vrretarv m asi sane of aba I miad Staiaa.

Fnawaroarr, Jaauarr liIs tba Uriwxarnuk eases the foitowu-t-

euiwiciiiarrr made: K Kocpey of lha I '"mite"..gtb. of Brealh-'- t: for tlate Prinier,

J..OO It. bltnr. mi llstrhoxi A I treatha, LoattsvHUa;

or L Wwsaxar, D. VaitomliaKSaaa. M Fraahior




