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Officer bias in stop and search is exacerbated by deployment decisions Lara Vomfell 1,* and Neil Stewart 1 1 Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK * Corresponding author: ([email protected] July 9, 2020 Abstract Black and Asian people are more likely to be stopped and searched by police than White people. Following a panel of 36,000 searches by 1,100 police officers at a major English police force, we provide officer-specific measures of over-searching relative to two baselines: the ethnic composition of crime suspects officers interact with and the ethnic composition of the areas they patrol. We show that the vast majority of officers over-search ethnic minorities against both baselines. But we also find that the over-searching by individual officers cannot account for all of over- representation of ethnic minorities in stop and search: Over-patrolling of minority areas is also a key factor. Decomposing the overall search bias we find that the over-representation of Asian people is primarily due to over-patrolling while the over-representation of Black people is a combination of officer and patrol effects, with the larger contribution coming from officers’ biases. 1 Introduction Ethnic minorities are over-represented in police searches compared to White people. In England, Black and Asian people make up 11% of the population, yet they account for 30% of all English police searches, called stop and search [1]. Search decisions come with considerable consequences: searches can create feedback loops where an individual is repeatedly searched because they were searched in the past [2, 3] which increases their likelihood of being arrested, thereby creating further feed- back loops in the criminal justice system [4, 5]. High levels of searches further result in diminished citizen engagement with police, diminished political engagement, reduced 1
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Officer bias in stop and search is exacerbated by

deployment decisions

Lara Vomfell1,* and Neil Stewart1

1Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK*Corresponding author: ([email protected]

July 9, 2020


Black and Asian people are more likely to be stopped and searched by police

than White people. Following a panel of 36,000 searches by 1,100 police officers at

a major English police force, we provide officer-specific measures of over-searching

relative to two baselines: the ethnic composition of crime suspects officers interact

with and the ethnic composition of the areas they patrol. We show that the vast

majority of officers over-search ethnic minorities against both baselines. But we

also find that the over-searching by individual officers cannot account for all of over-

representation of ethnic minorities in stop and search: Over-patrolling of minority

areas is also a key factor. Decomposing the overall search bias we find that the

over-representation of Asian people is primarily due to over-patrolling while the

over-representation of Black people is a combination of officer and patrol effects,

with the larger contribution coming from officers’ biases.

1 Introduction

Ethnic minorities are over-represented in police searches compared to White people. In

England, Black and Asian people make up 11% of the population, yet they account for

30% of all English police searches, called stop and search [1].

Search decisions come with considerable consequences: searches can create feedback

loops where an individual is repeatedly searched because they were searched in the past

[2, 3] which increases their likelihood of being arrested, thereby creating further feed-

back loops in the criminal justice system [4, 5]. High levels of searches further result

in diminished citizen engagement with police, diminished political engagement, reduced


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perceptions of police legitimacy and trust in police [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. In addition, inva-

sive search encounters can result in psychological harm to searched individuals, leading

to increased symptoms of stress, anxiety and trauma [12, 13, 14].

It is therefore crucial to understand the reasons for the over-searching of ethnic mi-

norities. Here we explore ethnic bias in search decisions at the officer level by focusing

on individual officers’ levels of bias and factors shaping these biases. Our approach is

two-fold. First, we investigate officers’ search biases against an ethnic group relative to

two officer-specific baselines: the ethnic composition of crime suspects and of the areas

they patrol. Second, we then examine the contributions of officers’ search biases and of

biases in deployment decisions to the over-representation of ethnic minorities in stop and


We demonstrate that the majority of officers over-search Asian and Black people,

whichever baseline we compare their searches against. Our results show that officers per-

form more searches of ethnic minorities than can be explained by the ethnic composition

of officers’ interactions with crime suspects or with the population they patrol. However,

over-searching by individual officers cannot account for all of the over-representation of

ethnic minorities in stop and search. Over-patrolling is part of it: The median officer in

our sample patrols areas which are 1.16 times more Asian and 1.37 times more Black than

the West Midlands police force area. In other words, police officers are deployed to more

ethnically diverse areas. Such deployment decisions contribute to the over-searching of

ethnic minorities [15, 16]. We find that these deployment decisions exacerbate the effects

of individual officers’ biases. Both together are responsible for the overall bias against

ethnic minorities in stop and search.

Our approach and results connect to a rich literature on stop and search, and on eth-

nic bias in policing more generally. Stop and search in the United Kingdom is a widely

used policing power characterised by police forces as a crucial tool to prevent and inves-

tigate crime [17, 18, 19]. If achieving these aims justifies persistent ethnic disparities is a

long-standing debate—for example in the landmark Scarman and MacPherson reports—

especially as the evidence on the effectiveness of stop and search is mixed [20, 21, 22, 23,

14, 24].

Police frequently attribute the over-representation of ethnic minorities in stop and

search to their over-representation in crime, implying that ethnic minorities perpetrate

more crime than White people [18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 17, 28]. This argument can result in

a self-fulfilling prophecy because the process of observing and recording crime already

depends on the wider social context of policing. In this context, deployment decisions

[15, 29, 30, 31, 32], arrest probabilities [5, 33] and the accurate recording of crime [34, 35]

are not independent of ethnic group. As a consequence, crime data are not an objective

benchmark of true criminal behaviour. In our work we do not take this into account for


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a simple reason: We are interested whether police officers’ actions match the benchmarks

they assemble themselves. Thus we compare officers’ stop and search decisions to their

own encounters with crime suspects.

In light of police’s potential to criminalise minorities, the role of ethnic bias in police

decision-making deserves further inquiry. Police officers operate within the tension be-

tween their roles as individual decision-makers and agents of the institution of the police,

influenced by the organizational protocols and structures [36, 37, 17]. At the individual

level, there is ample evidence of biased attitudes held by police officers [38, 39, 40, 41, 42,

43] as well as of racially or ethnically motivated behaviour [44, 45, 46, 47]. Ethnic bias at

the institutional level is equally important. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry in 1999 with

its emphasis on institutional racism has sparked a varied discussion on the role of police

forces in creating ethnic disparities in the United Kingdom [48, 49, 50]. Two factors have

been highlighted in particular: First, structures within the police force perpetuate and

broadcast biased beliefs through various hierarchies [17, 23, 48, 50]. Second, deployment

decisions by the police force—that is, decisions about which areas to prioritise and deploy

officers to—are under scrutiny, given that these decisions can create disparities at the

population-level, independently of how individual officers behave [22, 23].

Officer teams are intermediaries between officers and the police force, often with their

own norms and cultures [36, 49]. A recent study noted remarkable differences between

different teams within the same police force in England: Teams tasked with proactive

policing not only performed the highest number of searches within the force but were

also over-searching Black people at higher rates than other teams [51]. In our analysis we

explore the relevance of officer teams by accounting for differences between teams and by

including the ethnic composition of officers’ teams into our model.

The tension between individual and institutional behaviour also applies to other polic-

ing activities such as drug enforcement [5, 16], arrests [52] and use of force [53]. The

literature on use of force in particular is currently debating an important consequence of

this tension: What is the appropriate level of analysis of use of force data? We will briefly

outline this debate since the analysis of stop and search data is characterised by the same

tension and because our results can directly speak to an ongoing discussion within the

use of force literature. In the United States, Black people are subject to higher rates of

police use of force, particularly lethal use of force, than White people relative to their

shares in the population [53, 54]. Some studies have argued that the general population

in an area is not the appropriate comparison: Instead one should compare rates of use

of force to how often Black and White people come into contact with police [55, 56, 57].

After conditioning on the rate with which police encounter Black individuals, [57] finds

a reversal of ethnic disparities: Police are apparently less likely to employ lethal force on

Black people than White people.


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An issue with this approach is pooling: [57]’s analyses are at the police department

level, pooling all officers together. In response, [58] develop a generative model in which

officers are biased against Black people but differ in how often they encounter them. Small

groups of officers which encounter Black people at high rates are sufficient to confound

the pooled analysis and point toward a reversal of disparities in use of force. In other

words, pooled analyses of use of force can fail to detect ethnic bias under heterogeneity

[58]. Their finding calls back to Simpson’s paradox where the pooling of heterogeneous

groups, differing in their anti-Black bias for example, at the aggregate police force-level

can reverse group-level patterns [58, 59, 60].

The pooling problem directly applies to pooled analyses of police searches. If offi-

cers differ in how often they encounter criminals of different ethnicities, then a police

department level analysis of searches conditioned on crime can be confounded and fail to

identify the direction of the disparity. Generally, analyses of searches tend to find over-

representation of ethnic minorities even after conditioning on crime. For example, [61] find

over-representation of Black and Hispanic people in pedestrians stops-and-frisks in New

York City after adjusting for race-specific representations in crime, a pattern substanti-

ated in other analyses [31, 62]. In addition to pedestrian searches, traffic stops (where

similar ethnic biases persist [63]) are often compared to benchmarks of criminal behaviour

[64, 65, 66, 67, 68]. All of these analyses are performed at the police department level

meaning that they could be potentially confounded.

Internal benchmarking is an officer-specific approach which matches each police officer

to similarly-situated officers [69]. The officer’s behaviour is possibly problematic if it

deviates substantially from their peers’. A drawback of this method is that it can only

reveal individual officers’ biases relative to their peers. For example, only 15 out of 2,756

officers of the New York Police Department are flagged as potentially biased [69], far too

few to explain the overall level of over-representation of ethnic minorities in stop and


In our study, we explore stop and search behaviour at the level of the individual officer,

following a panel of officers over time. We compare an officer’s searches of an ethnic group

to the officer’s direct experiences of the crime involvement of this group. By not pooling

our data we thereby circumvent the issue of Simpson’s paradox.

Our analysis is focused on so-called suspicion searches. In the United Kingdom, police

officers routinely stop and question members of the public. During these unrecorded

conversations, officers can ask individuals to account for themselves. If at any point the

officers believe that the person has committed a crime, is about to commit a crime or is

carrying illegal items such as weapons, drugs or burglary tools, the officers can initiate

a search of the person’s clothing and belongings. At this point, the encounter must be

recorded in the form of a stop and search record detailing information about the searched


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person and the officer’s justification for the search. At the end of the search encounter, the

searched person has to be supplied with a reference number to the record. A search may

be initiated only under powers requiring “reasonable grounds for suspicion” as detailed or

with prior authorisation. In our analysis we restrict our attention to suspicion searches,

which account for 99.4% of all searches, because only these searches are initiated at the

discretion of the searching officer.

Our data consists of records of searches between 01/04/2014 and 30/09/2018 provided

by West Midlands Police in England as well as all recorded crime in the same period. In

our analysis we use self-defined ethnicity, which is someone’s response to the question

“What is your ethnic group?”. We focus our analysis on Asian, Black and White people

because sample sizes are too small for the remaining ethnic groups.

In our analysis we rely on two officer-specific baselines: the crime suspects an officer

encounters and the residents in the officer’s patrolling area. We obtain the crime suspect

information by linking officers to the reported crime cases they responded to and then

counting the person(s) suspected by police of having committed the offense. For the

patrolling information, we calculate how often an officer visits a given geographical census

unit using additional data and obtain an officer-specific patrol intensity share for the area.

We use the smallest geographical unit provided by the 2011 ONS census, 2011 Output

Areas [70]. We then multiply the number of residents in each census unit with the intensity

share and sum them to obtain patrolling intensity-weighted counts of the residents in an

officer’s patrolling area.

Together our data form a panel of search counts, crime suspect counts and patrol

counts for each officer over 9 half-year (6 month) intervals. Using a Bayesian Softmax

regression model (sometimes also called Multinomial logit model) we then infer search

shares p, crime suspect shares ζ and patrol population shares ρ for each officer i in time

period t. They represent the share of each ethnic group e in the officer’s searches, crime

suspect encounters and patrol counts, respectively.

These shares form the basis for our two measures of search disparities:

1. DS, the disparity of search relative to crime suspects. For each officer we obtain

DSite by dividing the officer’s search share p of ethnic group e in time period t by the

officer’s suspect share ζ of e in t. If DS is larger than 1 then the officer over-searches

an ethnicity relative to how often they encounter the ethnic group as crime suspects.

If DS is smaller than 1 then the officer under-searches an ethnic group relative to

suspects and if DS is exactly 1 then the officer searches that ethnicity at the same

rate as they appear in the officer’s crime suspects.

2. DP , the disparity of search relative to patrol. For each officer we obtain DPite by

dividing the officer’s search share p of ethnic group e in time period t by the officer’s


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patrol share ρ of e in t. DP has the same interpretation as DS: If DP is larger

(smaller) than 1 then the officer over-searches (under-searches) that ethnic group

relative to the ethnic composition of the area they patrol.

For example, for the median officer Asian people make up 23% of their searches, 15% of the

crime suspects they interact with and 23% of the areas the officer patrols. The disparity

of search relative to crime for Asian people by this officer is DS = 0.23/0.15 ≈ 1.53 which

means that the officer over-searches Asian people relative to crime suspects by a factor

of 1.53. The disparity of search relative to patrol by this officer is DP = 0.23/0.23 = 1,

meaning that this officer searches Asian people about as much as they encounter Asian

people on patrol.

Such disparities or biases are not equivalent to discrimination. Conclusively attribut-

ing empirical patterns of disparities to ethnic or racial discrimination is challenging [60, 71,

72]. We believe it is nonetheless important to uncover, document and dissect ethnic dis-

parities because differential rates of contact with police entail far-reaching consequences,

not least the legitimacy of the institution of police. In our study we make two important

contributions to the literature on ethnic bias in policing: First, we provide officer-specific

measures of search bias relative to the crimes suspects an officer encounters and relative

to the population in the area the officer patrols. Second, we find that officers’ search

biases are smaller than search bias on the police-force level, suggesting that deployment

decisions contribute to the overall search bias against ethnic minorities in stop and search.

2 Data & Methods

2.1 Data

Our data covers the period between 01/04/2014 and 30/09/2018 which we split into nine

periods of 6 months each, beginning from 01/04/2014. We chose this time resolution

because periods shorter than 6 months result in sparse officer-level information. Officers

which performed searches in fewer than 50% of the half-year periods, i.e., in fewer than

five half-year periods out of the nine in our study period were excluded to avoid data

sparsity issues. The final file covers 1,194 officers observed in 29 teams, 203,176 reported

crimes and 36,028 searches.

In our model, we use the following variables: counts of officers’ searches; counts of

officers’ crime suspect encounters; counts of residents in officers’ patrolling areas, all bro-

ken down by ethnic group; officer gender (dummy encoded); officer age; officer experience

and two dummy variables indicating whether officer i is Asian or Black. We standardise

officer age and officer experience to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. We summarise

these variables in Table 1.


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Officers transfer between teams during our study period. We account for this in our

model with the team-specific intercept αj. All officers are assigned to the team j they

were part of for the majority of the time in each 6-month period.

Table 1: Means, standard deviations (SD), minima and maxima of the variables in thefinal data file.

Variable Mean SD Min Max

Time-varying variables per half-year

Search countsAsian 2.41 4.55 0.00 76.00Black 1.72 4.13 0.00 94.00White 5.39 9.18 0.00 125.00

Suspect countsAsian 10.61 12.30 0.00 80.00Black 8.29 8.87 0.00 97.00White 43.41 40.71 0.00 212.00

Patrolling countsAsian 85.56 46.95 0.00 349.00Black 32.30 19.45 1.00 145.00White 200.84 49.62 37.00 343.00

Officer age in years 37.78 7.34 19.08 62.00Standardized officer age 0.00 1.00 -2.55 3.30Officer experience 10.81 5.25 0.17 30.42Standardized officer experience 0.00 1.00 -2.02 3.73

Fixed variables

Female officer 0.12 0.32 0.00 1.00Asian officer 0.06 0.25 0.00 1.00Black officer 0.01 0.10 0.00 1.00Number of observed half-years per officer 8.46 1.14 5.00a 9.00Share of White officers in team 0.93 0.06 0.81 1.00

Total number of observations (officers × half-years) N = 10,103Number of officers N = 1,194Number of teams N = 29a We exclude officers with fewer than 5 half-years’ worth of observations (see Data section)

2.2 Multinomial model

Our data are counts of searches of ethnic group e by officer i in time period t. For each

officer we thus have a vector Yit ∈ NE0 where E = 3 are the three ethnic groups we

consider: Asian, Black and White, which we abbreviate to A,B,W for ease of notation.

We are then interested in the proportions of each ethnic group in the total number of

searches by officer i in t as a function of covariates. Formally, we model the allocation


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of total number of searches by i in t,∑

e∈{A,B,W} Yite (shortened to∑

e Yite for ease of

notation), into E = 3 ethnic groups as follows:

Yit ∼ Multinomial


Yite, p

), p = Softmax(θit). (1)

In words, Equation (1) states that each observation vector Yit is modeled by the the

vector θit ∈ RE where θit gives an officer’s propensity to search ethnic group e as a

function of some covariates. To obtain valid proportions, we use the Softmax(·) function

which normalises a vector of real numbers into a vector of proportions that sum to 1.

This means that p = Softmax(θit) gives the proportion of each ethnic group e in∑

e Yite,

the quantity of interest.

However, θit is not yet identifiable because the same values of p = Softmax(θit) can be

induced by different θit. This is easily resolved by setting θitWhite = 0. In doing so, θitAsian

and θitBlack then represent an officer’s propensity to search Asian or Black individuals

compared to searching White people and θit is uniquely identified.

We model θit as a function of the demographic covariates listed in Table 1. The coef-

ficients of these covariates represent their relative contribution to an officer’s propensity

to search Asian or Black people over White people. In modelling θit we are particularly

interested in the contribution of an ethnic group’s proportion in the officer’s crime suspect

population and the contribution of an ethnic group’s proportion in the officer’s residential

population in the patrolling area.

We observe a vector of counts of crime suspects and a vector of counts of residents

encountered on patrol. We then infer the proportions of each group in those vectors.

To this end, we introduce four additional terms: Sit, ζit, Pit and ρit. Similarly to Yit,

Sit ∈ NE0 is a vector holding counts of crime suspect encounters by officer i in t for E = 3

ethnic groups. Because we do not use any covariates to model the allocation of Sit, we

can directly model the proportions rather than using the Softmax(·) transformation from

before. ζit is the vector directly giving the suspect shares, that is the proportions of each

ethnic group e in Sit. The remaining two terms follow the same logic: Pit gives counts

of residents encountered on patrol by officer i in time period t. ρit directly models the

patrol shares—the proportions of each ethnic group in Pit. More formally,

Sit ∼ Multinomial


Site, ζit


Pit ∼ Multinomial


Pite, ρit



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Taken together, this corresponds to the following model:

θitAsian = αj[it]A + βA x′it A + γA ζitA + δA ρitA + ωAwj[it]

θitBlack = αj[it]B + βB x′itA + γB ζitB + δB ρitB + ωBwj[it]

θitWhite = 0,

where αj[it]e is an ethnicity-specific group-level intercept corresponding to the team officer

i was part of in time period t. x′ite is a vector holding i’s covariate information at t specific

to ethnic group e. wj[it] gives the share of White officers in the team officer i was in in

time period t.

Modeling suspect and patrol shares as the allocation of suspect and patrolling counts

allows us to account for measurement error. For example, if an officer encounters only

few crime suspects, then the uncertainty in the suspect shares will be large because the

estimates are based on few data points. The uncertainty in the shares will then be

propagated forward to the inference on γ and δ such that noisier, less certain shares

receive less weight than shares inferred from sufficient amounts of data.

We specify prior distributions on model parameters as follows: The group-level in-

tercepts αj ∼ N(µα, σα) where µα ∼ N(0, 1) and σα ∼ N+(0, 1) (half-normal) and all

regression coefficients β, γ, δ, w ∼ N(0, 2). For ζ we use weakly informative Dirichlet pri-

ors parametrised with the respective share of each ethnic group in all arrests in England in

the year 2016/17. (The Home Office does not publish crime by ethnicity.) This yields the

prior ζ ∼ Dirichlet(0.43, 0.61, 5.00) corresponding to country-wide shares of (0.07, 0.10,

0.82). Similarly, for ρ we use the share of each ethnic group in England in the 2011 ONS

census: ρ ∼ Dirichlet(0.39, 0.21, 5.00) which corresponds to shares of (0.07, 0.04, 0.89)[73,


We fit the full model with Stan in R version 3.6.3 using rstan version 2.19.3 [75,

76]. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling was performed on four chains with each 1,000

warm-up draws and 1,000 sampling draws, resulting in 4,000 draws from the posterior

distribution in total.

3 Results

We perform Bayesian inference. Before seeing the data, we have prior information about

likely values of the parameters which are updated with the likelihood of the data to obtain

the posterior distribution. A sample from the posterior is a plausible parameter value

consistent with the prior information and observed data. We provide 90% uncertainty

intervals for the parameters, sometimes also called credible intervals [77]. 90% of our

posterior distribution over the parameter lies within the 90% uncertainty interval.


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Figure 1: Posterior densities of search shares pite over all 1,194 officers and 9 time periodsfrom the full model. Search shares are the proportion of each ethnic group in the officer’ssearches. The black dot represents the medians of the distributions aggregated over eand t and represent search shares for the median officer. Black lines show 50% and 90%uncertainty intervals which represent the spread of beahviour by 50% and 90% of thepolice officer workforce. There are multiple modes in the posteriors which simply meansthat there are different clusters of officers with similar search shares. (For a versiondisaggregated by time see Figure A.1.)

We present our results in three parts: (i) estimation of search shares, (ii) measures of

disparity DS and DP and (iii) the discrepancy between officer-level and force-level search


3.1 Inference of search shares

We infer pite, the share of each ethnic group e in officer i’s searches in time period t, as

a function of the officer’s suspect shares and patrol shares in time period t, and their

gender, age, experience, ethnic group and the share of White officers in their team. The

model is described more formally in the Data & Methods section.

Figure 1 shows the posteriors of pite for each ethnic group over all officers and time

periods based on the full model. Due to the aggregation over officer-specific posteriors

they represent the (posterior) behaviour of the entire workforce of searching officers and

show that searches by the median police officer are 23% Asian, 15% Black and 60% White.

As explained above, we infer the search shares as a function of officer and team char-

acteristics and the officer’s suspect and patrol shares. To do this, we infer each officer’s

propensity to search Asian and Black people, called θAsian and θBlack, and then transform

these propensities into search shares. In Figure 2, we show the posteriors of these co-

efficients. We find no credible evidence that officer age and ethnicity have an effect on

search shares. There are minor effects of officer gender and experience where female or

experienced officers search fewer ethnic minorities. Relative to the other effects, they are

scarcely meaningful.


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Figure 2: Posterior densities of the coefficients used to infer search shares p. A positiveeffect on θAsian means a larger Asian search share. Similarly, a positive effect on θBlack

implies a larger Black search share. Black dots show the median of the posteriors whileblack lines show 50% and 90% uncertainty intervals which contain 50% and 90% of theposterior distribution. For visual clarity we show the effects of officer gender, age, expe-rience and ethnicity on a zoomed in scale of [-0.25, 0.25] compared to the other effects. Atable of the medians and 90% uncertainty intervals is available (Table A.1).


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Instead, we find associations of search shares with officer-level suspect and patrol

shares. The effect of Asian suspect shares is positive, meaning that officers with a higher

share of Asian crime suspects also have a higher Asian search share. Interestingly, the

effect of Black suspect shares is negative, meaning that officers who encounter more Black

crime suspects search fewer Black people. The effect of patrol shares is more intuitive:

the ethnic composition of searches reflects that of the areas officers patrol. In principle,

this admits two competing hypotheses: Either, officers are searching at random or they

explicitly adjust for the population in their patrol areas. As we demonstrate in the next

section however, officers over-search ethnic minorities relative to their patrolling areas

which suggests that officers do not search at random.

Last, we comment on our team-level results. In predominantly White teams, Asian

and Black people make up a lower share of searches than in more ethnically diverse teams.

While it would be preferable to differentiate between Black and Asian officers, we have to

treat them as a single group in the analysis as there are at most 4 Black police officers in

a team. Our Bayesian model includes team-specific intercepts to account for differences

in search shares between teams. The results show that the ethnic composition of searches

varies considerably between teams as evidenced by the intercepts’ standard deviations.

Specifically, they are 0.35 (90% UI [0.27, 0.46]) for Asian searches and 0.43 (90% UI [0.34,

0.57]) for Black searches. Presumably, these differences are due to team specialisation, as

officers’ routines are determined by their responsibilities.

3.2 Measures of Disparity

Next, we discuss disparity of search relative to crime suspects (DS) and disparity of search

relative to patrol (DP ). We first show the posteriors of DS and DP in Figure 3. Again,

the distributions represent the aggregate over officer-specific posteriors and, as such, the

behaviour of the entire workforce of searching officers in our sample. The median officer

over-searches Asian people by a factor of 1.56 (90% UI [0.80, 6.92]), Black people by

a factor of 1.41 (90% UI [0.41, 12.37]) and under-searches White people by a factor of

0.84 (90% UI [0.51, 1.23]) relative to suspects. The uncertainty intervals for Asian and

Black disparities are wide on the aggregate because they also are wide on the officer-level.

The interpretation is that we are uncertain about the precise level of officers’ search bias

against ethnic minorities relative to suspects, but officers are more likely to over- than

under-search Asian and Black people. In contrast, the results for White disparities are

clear: More than half of officers under-search White people relative to suspects.

We can be more confident about the actual levels of disparity of search relative to

patrol. The right-hand side of Figure 3 shows that the median officer over-searches Asian

people by a factor of 1.03 (90% UI [0.58, 2.24]), Black people by a factor of 1.78 (90%

UI [1.06, 4.40]) and under-searches White people by a factor of 0.88 (90% UI [0.64, 1.25])


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relative to patrol.

The summaries of DS and DP presented so far are coarse: They only allow us to make

statements about the aggregate of all officers. To refine the resolution, we compute the

posterior probability that an individual officer over-searches a particular ethnic group,

both relative to suspects and patrol from the posteriors of the officer-specific disparities.

For example, if this probability is 1, then the officer always over-searches. Similarly, if

this probability is 0.5, the officer’s search shares perfectly match the suspect or patrol


Figure 4 shows histograms of these probabilities for all officers. The left-hand side

is in line with what we have already seen on the aggregate in Figure 3: Most officers

over-search Asian and Black people while virtually all officers under-search White people

relative to suspects. However, the right-hand side of Figure 4 reveals a pattern that

would be left obscured by only studying the aggregate. Particularly, we observe a split

between officers: Some officers under-search Asian people, while others consistently over-

search them relative to patrol. Since these officer groups are of roughly the same size, the

aggregate incorrectly suggests that officers do not over-search Asian people. In contrast,

the officer-level results for Black and White people match the aggregate: Virtually all

officers over-search Black people relative to patrol. In fact, 86% of the officers have a

posterior probability of over-searching Black people that exceeds 0.95. Similarly, the vast

majority of officers under-search White people relative to patrol. There is no change and

no discernible dependence in DS and DP over time, a point we explore in more detail in

the appendix.

3.3 Officer- compared to force-level bias

Last, we discuss the implications of our officer-level results on the overall over-representation

of ethnic minorities in stop and search. The median officer patrols more ethnically diverse

areas than are representative for the police force’s area of operation. For the remainder of

the analysis, we only consider over- and under-searching relative to the patrolling baseline.

This is because while police forces have direct control over patrolling decisions, the same

cannot be said for the ethnic composition of suspects they encounter. Thus, analysing

patrolling decisions allows us to decompose over-searching into officer- and force-level

decision making.

Our analysis so far treats the officer patrolling areas as given. However, patrolling

areas are not allocated at random. Rather, police departments’ deployment decisions

are the consequence of prioritising certain areas. Similarly to how we constructed an

officer-specific measure of over-searching relative to patrol, we can construct a force-level

measure of over-searching relative to population share. This allows us to multiplicatively

decompose force-level over-searching into three factors: officer bias, over-patrolling and


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Figure 3: Posterior densities of DSite and DP

ite aggregated over all officers and time periods.The distributions represent the behaviour of the entire workforce of searching officers.The black dots represent the median officers and the black lines represent 50% and 90%uncertainty intervals. For visual clarity, we only show values between [0.3, 13]. 1.65% ofall posterior probability is excluded by this choice. (For a version disaggregated by timesee Figure A.2.)

Figure 4: Histograms of the posterior probabilities of DSite and DP

ite above 1 for each officer.If the posterior probability above 1 for an officer is 1, the the officer always over-searchesan ethnic group. If the posterior probability above 1 for an officer is 0.5 then the officer’ssearch shares perfectly match the suspect or patrol baselines.


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the aggregation discrepancy between officer- and force-level.

Over-searching = Officer bias × Over-patrolling × Aggregation discrepancy

Force search share

Population share=

Officer search share

Officer patrol share× Officer patrol share

Population share× Force search share

Officer search share

Officer bias is just DP—our measure of officer over-searching by an officer relative

to patrol. Over-patrolling is the disparity between the individual officer’s patrol share

and the population share in the police force area. Last, the aggregation discrepancy

is the disparity between the force-level search share and the officer’s individual search

share. The aggregation discrepancy just gives how different this officer is from the force-

level search share of Asian people due to how force-level searches are the aggregation of

officers’ searches.

For example, we can decompose the over-searching of Asian people based on the

medians of these three terms. Relative to population, Asian people are over-searched

by a factor of 0.2506/0.1982 ≈ 1.26, which is their share in all searches by the police

force divided by their population share. Median officer over-searching is 0.2335/0.2304 ≈1.01, median over-patrolling is 0.2304/0.1982 ≈ 1.16 and the aggregation discrepancy is

0.2506/0.2335 ≈ 1.07.

Of course, any summary based on medians alone would be unsatisfactory. We therefore

study the distributions over these three terms as induced by the officer-specific posteriors.

On a practical level, this entails calculating them for every draw from each officer-specific

posterior, the result of which is shown in Figure 5. Note that the distributions of officer

over-searching shown in Figure 5 are the same as in Figure 3. At this point, it is important

to recall that aggregated officer over-searching of Asian people obscures that some officers

over- and some officers under-search Asian people relative to patrol which “cancels out” on

the aggregate, resulting in a median of 1.01. This is only a concern for Asian over-searching

since only there did the officer-level patterns differ from the aggregate. Taken together,

over-searching of Asian people is driven by a combination of officers over-searching and

over-patrolling Asian people but over-patrolling has a larger overall impact.

Black over-searching decomposes differently: Relative to the population Black people

are over-searched by a factor of 2.79 which is primarily due to officer over-searching. Still,

over-patrolling also contributes to the overall over-searching of Black people relative to

population. Last, we find that White people are under-searched relative to population.

This is primarily due to officers under-searching White people but also due to under-

patrolling of White areas.


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Figure 5: Decomposition of over-searching into officer over-searching, over-patrolling andaggregation discrepancy. Grey areas show posterior densities of terms calculated based onofficers’ entire posterior distributions. The text at the bottom are results for the medianofficer.

4 Discussion

Ethnic minorities are over-represented in stop and search compared to both their repre-

sentation in the population and in crime. Our analysis exploits a panel of officers’ searches

from a major police force in England. We investigate the role of individual officers and

police structures in the over-searching of ethnic minorities in stop and search.

For each officer, we first infer officer-specific search shares—the share of an ethnic group

in an officer’s searches. The ethnic composition of officers’ searches is not meaningfully

explained by officer characteristics. For example, the ethnicity of the officer has almost

no effect on their searches, which matches some the mixed literature on the effect of

officer ethnicity on policing outcomes [78, 79, 80, 81] and differs from some of it [82, 83].

Instead, the ethnic composition of officers’ crime suspect encounters (suspect share) and

of the officers’ patrolling areas (patrol share) are associated with the ethnic composition

of searches.

In exploring team compositions, we uncover a nuanced effect of officer ethnicity. We

find evidence that teams’ ethnic compositions influence officers’ search behaviour: Teams

that are more homogeneously White search fewer ethnic minorities. Officers preferring

to interact (or being tasked with interacting) with members of their own ethnicity alone

cannot explain this effect because more diverse teams search more Black people, yet most

of this diversity is due to Asian officers and not Black officers, of whom there are very


In a second step, we infer an officer’s bias of over-searching an ethnic group relative

to crime suspects or to patrol. Almost all officers over-search Black people both relative

to how they encounter them as crime suspects and relative to the areas officers patrol.

Similarly, almost all officers under-search White people relative to crime suspects or to


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patrol. For Asian people, we find that almost all officers search Asian people more than

they encounter them as crime suspects. Relative to their patrol areas however, the picture

shifts and officers are split into two groups, one that over-searches and another that under-

searches Asian people which cancels out on the aggregate.

Such disproportionate contact with police relates back to use of force. [58] demonstrate

that pooled analyses of use of force conditioned on the rates with which police encounter

civilians can be confounded if officers differ in how often they encounter minorities. We

find that officers indeed differ in how often they come into contact with ethnic minorities

(for example, by searching them) and this cannot be explained by differential crime rates.

Furthermore, even if officers were to use force on ethnic groups equally conditional on

coming into contact with them, the fact that they have more contact with ethnic minorities

means that these groups are subjected to higher levels of police use of force [84]. Of course,

this not only applies to use of force but also other policing activities such as misdemeanour

enforcement or arrests and emphasises the importance of documenting these disparities.

Regarding our findings of over-searching minorities relative to patrol, it is important

to note that the patrol share is based on residential data from the 2011 ONS Census. The

population available on the street, the ‘available population’, can be markedly different

from the residential population [85]. In particular, the ethnic make up of the available

population can be different from the residential population and potentially account for

the bias against ethnic minorities [86, 87]. On the other hand, the available population

explanation can be another self-fulfilling prophecy similar to the crime explanation [88,

89]: If officers are deployed to areas with ethnically diverse available populations then the

available population will predictably ‘explain away’ the bias compared to the residential

population. That does not make the deployment decision bias-free. Additionally, search

decisions have to be based on sufficient grounds that a specific person is suspicious, not

general availability of an ethnic group [22, 23].

Deployment decisions are relevant to our analysis. Minority communities are over-

patrolled: The median officer patrols an area which is 1.16 times more Asian and 1.37

times more Black than all of West Midlands. The overall over-representation of ethnic

minorities in stop and search decomposes into officer bias and over-patrolling. With

officers over-searching minorities and command deploying officers to more diverse areas,

the effects of officer biases are exacerbated by these deployment decisions. This results in

more over-searching of minorities than can be attributed to officer biases alone.

The over-policing of minority communities documented in our study is supported by

a wide range of other studies finding the same phenomenon [15, 31, 32, 90]. Addressing

the common question if these deployment biases can be explained by crime patterns is

difficult. By their presence in an area, police are more likely to observe and record crime

there. The observation of crime then is not independent from patrolling and searching


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patterns (and the ethnic biases therein). With the data available to us we cannot make

any statement as to the mechanism that causes minority areas to be over-patrolled or the

role of crime in that. Here, we only note that over-patrolling accounts for a considerable

part of the overall over-searching of ethnic minorities.

There are clear limitations to our analysis, especially related to the generality of our

findings. The policing context in the United Kingdom is particular, due to public and

political scrutiny of police forces and the specific nature of the relationship between mi-

nority communities and the police. More officer-level analyses are needed and we hope

that more police forces make officer-level data available to researchers. Furthermore, we

hope that future work can clarify the process of deployment decisions.

For policy-makers, police forces and advocates looking to address the over-representation

of ethnic minorities in stop and search, our results are both concerning and promising.

Concerning, because our results show that 1. officer bias is a key factor in the over-

representation of ethnic minorities in stop and search and 2. this officer bias is exacer-

bated by where police officers are deployed to. Promising, because our results could mean

a multiplier effect of institutional change. Clearly, police forces should carefully examine

their deployment policies as an amplifier in the over-representation of ethnic minorities

in stop and search. Additionally though, we find that teams’ ethnic compositions impact

the composition of officers’ searches. Addressing the norms and environment of officer

teams could then change officers’ behaviour rather than just reduce its effect [51]. Our

work shows that police forces need to reconcile the tension between officer behaviour and

department-level decisions in creating ethnic disparities in stop and search.


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[85] N. Malleson and M. A. Andresen. “The impact of using social media data in crime

rate calculations: Shifting hot spots and changing spatial patterns”. In: Cartography

and Geographic Information Science 42.2 (2015), pp. 112–121.

[86] J. Miller, P. Le Masurier, and J. Wicks. Profiling populations available for stops and

searches. London: Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, Home Office,



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[87] P. A. Waddington, K. Stenson, and D. Don. “In Proportion: Race, and Police Stop

and Search”. In: British Journal of Criminology 44.6 (2004), pp. 889–914.

[88] Equality and Human Rights Commission. Stop and think: A critical review of the

use of stop and search powers in England and Wales. London: EHRC, 2010.

[89] M. Shiner and R. Delsol. “The politics of the powers”. In: Stop and Search: The

Anatomy of a Police Power. Ed. by R. Delsol and M. Shiner. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Macmillan, 2015, pp. 31–56.

[90] J. Whitfield. Unhappy dialogue. The Metropolitan Police and Black Londoners in

postwar Britain. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, 2004.

[91] Office for National Statistics. Ethnic group statistics–A guide for the collection and

classification of ethnicity data. London: Office for National Statistics, 2003.

[92] K. Bowsher. The code systems used within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)

to formally record ethnicity. Tech. rep. 03/07. Metropolitan Police Service, 2007.

[93] Office for National Statistics. Final recommended questions for the 2011 Census in

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Support for this research was provided by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust (L.V.),

the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner and Economic and Social Research

Council grants ES/P008976/1 and ES/N018192/1 (N.S.). Special thanks goes to Jeremias

Knoblauch for invaluable discussions. We also thank Philip Newall, Jenny Richards,

Jennifer Trueblood, Gillian Wall, Dave Whordley, and the West Midlands Police Stop

and Search Commission for comments.

Author contributions

L.V. analysed data, designed and executed the research. L.V. and N.S. wrote the paper.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

Code and data availability

This research is based on data resources provided by West Midlands Police. Data were

originally collected as part of routine police record keeping. The data are not available

publicly and were provided to the authors under an Information Sharing Agreement with

West Midlands Police. Under the terms of this agreement, the authors are not at liberty

to share the data. Other researchers can contact West Midlands Police to obtain a data

sharing agreement.

All code used to produce the results is available online on Github at https://github.

com/laravomfell/ethnic_bias_stop_and_search. Since the original data from West

Midlands Police may not be shared publicly, we generate synthetic data to demonstrate

our code. The repository includes a folder /data which contains the synthetic data

as well as the file code/generate synthetic data.R used to generate the data. The

distributions of the variables in the synthetic data match the distributions in our data.

Appendix A Additional results

In this section we provide some additional results which do not currently have a place in

the main text but may be of interest to the reader.


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A.1 provides the coefficients from Equation (2) in table form.

A.2 shows Figure 1 and Figure 3 disaggregated by time.

A.3 shows the model fit of p = Softmax(θit)e by comparing predicted search counts

based on p to observed search counts.

A.4 presents our analysis on the stability of DS and DP over time.

A.5 includes an area-specific plot of stop and search activity relative to crime against

the non-White population share.

A.1 Coefficients

The summarised posterior distributions of the coefficients in the estimation of θ are already

visualised in Figure 2. Additionally, they are provided in table format in Table A.1.

Table A.1: Estimates and 90% uncertainty intervals (UI) for model parameters in Equa-tion (2). The estimates are also displayed graphically in Figure 2. Officer age and expe-rience are standardised.

Asian Black

Parameter Median 90% UI Median 90% UI

Global intercept -0.11 [-1.30, 1.12] -0.24 [-1.46, 0.96]Female officer -0.15 [-0.20, -0.11] -0.10 [-0.16, -0.04]Officer age 0.02 [-0.00, 0.04] 0.01 [-0.01, 0.04]Officer experience -0.03 [-0.05, -0.01] -0.06 [-0.09, -0.04]Officer of same ethnicity -0.03 [-0.08, 0.03] 0.02 [-0.20, 0.24]White share in team -1.73 [-3.09, -0.44] -2.10 [-3.42, -0.78]Officer-level suspect share 1.94 [ 1.53, 2.31] -1.18 [-1.64, -0.72]Officer-level patrol share 1.89 [ 1.59, 2.21] 9.35 [ 8.69, 10.01]SD of team-specific intercept (σα) 0.35 [ 0.27, 0.46] 0.43 [ 0.34, 0.57]

A.2 Time disaggregation

As mentioned in the main part of the paper, there are essentially no time dynamics across

the nine 6-month periods in our study. We therefore aggregated our results in Figure 1

and Figure 3 by time. For the interested reader we provide the disaggregated results in

Figure A.1 and Figure A.2.

A.3 Model fit

Next, we comment on the model fit visualised in Figure A.3.


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Figure A.1: Densities of posterior distributions of search shares over all officers for each6-month time period. Each grey pixel represents one sample of the posterior distributionsof search share pite for each officer i, ethnic group e and time t. The black dot representsthe median of the distributions aggregated over officers and the black lines show 50% and90% uncertainty intervals.

Figure A.2: Posterior distributions of DS and DP . For visual clarity, we only show valuesbetween [−5, 7.5] which includes the minimum of all distributions. Note that the y-axisis on the log scale. 1.8% of all posterior draws are excluded by this choice. Each greypixel represents a posterior draw. The black dots represent the medians; the black linesrepresent 50% and 90% uncertainty intervals.


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Figure A.3: Comparison of observed search counts to predicted search counts based oninferred search shares p. Each grey dot is the observed search count by an officer in timeperiod t and ethnic group e against the prediction error (observed − predicted). Theblack dots are show the observed data against the error from the median prediction forthat observation. The plot shows that key features of the data are captured in the model.

A.4 AR(1) model

We comment on the autocorrelation or serial correlation of DS and DP over time. If an

officer exhibited a similar degree of bias against an ethnic group at all times, then we

would observe a high degree of autocorrelation. Equally, if an officer’s bias at a previous

period does not give us any information about the officer’s bias now then the bias is not

stable and we would observe no autocorrelation.

We infer the officers’ degree of autocorrelation using a autoregressive time series model

of order 1, an AR(1) model. Briefly, an AR(1) model is a linear model that predicts the

value of the time series at time t using the previous value of the series at t − 1. The

coefficient bie on the previous value gives us the degree of autocorrelation. For each officer

and ethnicity we infer a separate coefficient such that we account for different degrees of

autocorrelation between ethnic groups within the same officer.

In a second step, we model the stability of our disparity measures D because it allows

us to draw conclusions about the stability of officer bias. For each officer we obtain a

posterior distribution over Dite which is officer i’s log disparity of searching ethnicity e

in time period t relative to ethnicity e’s prevalence in the officer’s baseline. We then

fit an autoregressive time series process of order 1, an AR(1) process to the time series

of summarised Dite over t. Since we cannot fit a time series to every single posterior

draw we instead fit the time series at three summary points of the posterior distributions

of DSite and DP

ite: The median and the lower and upper 90% uncertainty intervals. We

consider two measures, DS and DP and we fit AR(1) models to both time series at three

summary points. This results in 1,194 officers × 3 ethnic groups × 2 disparity measures

× 3 summary points = 14, 316 AR(1) coefficients. For ease of notation, we describe our


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model with respect to a generic disparity measure D:

Dite = aie + bieDi(t−1)e + εite, t > 1 (A.1)

εite ∼ N(0, σDie)

where bie gives the degree of autocorrelation. If bie > 0, i.e., the autocorrelation is positive,

then the Dite move in the same direction over time. Negative autocorrelation indicates

that the terms move in opposite directions over time. If bie is zero then the process is

driven entirely by aie and the error term.

Our time series is very short with only nine time periods. Additionally, some officers

are not observed in the entire study period so we have even fewer observations for these

officers. Altogether, the data sparsity makes the estimation of the officer-specific terms

aie, bie and σDiechallenging. We therefore introduce a hierarchical prior structure where

all officer- and ethnicity-specific intercept and slope a and b have an ethnicity-specific

hyper-prior Ae or Be on their mean. Additionally, the standard deviation σDiealso has

an ethnicity-specific hyper-prior σe. More formally:

aie ∼ N(Ae, 0.25) Ae∼ N(0, 1)

bie ∼ N(Be, 0.25) Be∼N(0, 0.25)

σDie∼ N+(0, σe) σe∼N+(0, 1),

where N+ denotes a half-normal distribution.

Unfortunately, our time series of only nine half-years is too short to allow strong

conclusions about the stability of bias. Figure A.4 shows the distributions of AR(1)

coefficients aggregated by officers at the different summary points. The 90% uncertainty

intervals around the AR(1) coefficients are simply too wide: the average range between

the lower end of the 90% UI and the upper end of the 90% is 0.66 which is considerable

given that the coefficient lies between -1 and 1.

Evidence of autocorrelation is particularly weak for DS, where the 90% UI for only

56 of the 3579 coefficients excluded zero. In contrast, 1,355 out of 3579 90% UI for the

coefficients estimating the stability of DP excluded zero. All coefficients are positive. In

other words, we have weak evidence that approximately one third of officers are consistent

in their search bias against ethnic groups relative to their patrol baseline. We cannot com-

ment on the strength of this consistency because of the aforementioned poor estimation

of the coefficients. We simply do not have enough data to make conclusive statements

about the stability of bias for the majority of officers.


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Figure A.4: Densities of AR(1) coefficients for time series of DS and DP at differentsummary points of the posterior distributions of DS

ite and DPite.

A.5 Stop and search activity

A recent evaluation of stop and search behaviour in England noted that some officer teams

focused their attention to specific areas “with a large proportion of minority residents”

[51]. Given our findings of over-patrolling a natural question arises: Are there areas—

ethnically diverse areas in particular—which are subject to high numbers of stop and

search that cannot be ed by the incidence of crime?

We note here that this is a purely descriptive figure. The very presence of police in an

area can drive the observation of crime. Therefore, the above result does not mean that

police do not over-search minority areas after adjusting for crime.

Appendix B Supplementary material

B.1 Ethnic classification

In our analysis, we compare stop and searches between ethnic groups. During any interac-

tion with police, individuals are asked to define their ethnicity into five broad categories:

White, Mixed, Asian/Asian British, Black/Black British and Other. The White cate-

gory encompasses encompasses British White, Irish and any other White background; the

Asian/Asian British category encompasses Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and any other

Asian background and the Black/Black British category encompasses Caribbean, African

and any other Black background. This classification system used by the police is based

on the ONS 2001 Census [91, 92].


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Figure A.5: Scatterplot of search activity relative to crime against the non-White popu-lation share for 1,666 Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOA). Dot size indicates howmuch the searches in this area contribute to the overall search volume by West Midlandspolice. This figure shows that while some areas do see higher volumes of stop and searchrelative to crime incidence, these searches do not disproportionately contribute to overallsearches.

In the ONS 2011 Census, the Office for National Statistics changed the classification

system to include Chinese people in the Asian/Asian British category rather than in the

Other code as they did in 2001 [93]. To harmonise the ONS and the police’s classification

system, we follow the police’s classification and exclude Chinese people from the census

counts of Asian people.

B.2 Sample selection

The final dataset is compiled from four data files provided by West Midlands Police:

crimes, incidents, searches and officers. The searches data are based on search

forms which each officer has to fill out at the time of search. The searched person is then

provided with a receipt and serial number of this record. We assign search decisions to

all officers who jointly made the decision on patrol together, independently of who logged

the search.

We link officers to crime suspects using the incidents and crimes data. Officers at-

tend incidents throughout their work day. Some of these incidents will be logged as crimes

and the crimes data holds information on the person suspected of having committed the

crime. If an incident with officers A and B present is logged as a crime with suspect C

present, we say that both officers A and B interacted with suspect C. We cannot ascertain

whether suspect C was identified at the time of the crime incident or later on following an


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Dataset Number of cases

incidents and crimes

total incidents between 01/04/2014–30/09/2018 2,315,348resulting in crime report 598,837

with any crime suspect information 341,297with Asian, Black or White suspect 313,365

excluding old cases 312,651by qualifying officers 203,176


total stops and searches between 01/04/2014–30/09/2018 62,804with stopped person’s ethnicity 59,739

with Asian, Black or White stopped person 56,021requiring reasonable grounds of suspicion 55,740

by qualifying officers officers 36,028


total active police officers in West Midlands 5,081were active in the police force in at least 5 our of 9 half-years 3,916

performed searches 1,194

Table B.1: Description of matching and exclusion criteria applied to incidents, crimes,stops and officers. Indented conditions are chained: the last row of this table are allofficers who were active in at least 5 out of 9 half-years AND performed at searches inthat time.

investigation. We exclude all crimes with more than five years between the crime incident

and the crime report since it is unlikely that the officers encountered C as part of their

investigation. All exclusions and matches between the data files are reported in Table B.1.

Our reliance on the incidents data to match officers to crime cases means that our final

data does not contain any crimes which were reported at police stations. Our analysis

also excludes all crimes which were recorded as a consequence of stop and search. This

means that our measure of the criminal population is not confounded by the process of

stop and search.

