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O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith...

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Page 1: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

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Page 2: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the


'· Presicient: R.R. Head

Principal: C.C.W. Harrison

Dean of Theology: F .A. Lane ester

Dean oi' Men: D.V. Smith

C. M. Neville

Mr's D.J. Lanco.ster

YI!KA~~· ST Ji!i'F

D.V. Smith EJito:i.·-i1~-Chlef

P. TippettJ R .• Evans, Go-Edit.ors

G. Paton, Promotion G. ~Carte, Typist R. Wilson, Layout

S. Fedyszyn_, Photography

G. Muller, Art work J. Henry, Sec./Treas.

TUl4N4 Vol. 1 No. 1 1969,

Offieial Organ of the


15 Verney Road, Graceville, Brisbane, Queensland



Page 3: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation

to man.

Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the few denominational Bible Colleges left in our CoI!lm)n.­wealth still believing in the unerring accuracy of the Holy Scriptures.

Coupled with this conviction j_s our ea.rneBt endeavour to inspire the youth of our Fellovshjp to live and serve theix generation in a Christ-like dedication to this great task.

our graduating students ~6 the best expressions

of this endeavour.

To our dedicated Fe.cul~y, Staff and loyal band of College supporters we. e;Kpress our heart-felt

• . !-~ ~·


The year of our Lord: . 1970, looms lar~ i.tith challenge, need and opportunity.

OUr prayer is that C 'B.G~ gradutttes will deoon­strate a Living Christ :tn a dy·ing world.

We will all be well "'" satisfied with such s.


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Ralph R. Rea.di President.

Faculty, staff and student

College President· Pastor R. R. Read

s, Commonwealth Bible Coll ege, 1969

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Page 4: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

Pastor D. V. Smith, Dean of Men

From the Principals Pen ...


Note carefully the '2lirec'...ives in the order in which they are J.ist eel in 1 Th es s. ~ -~ 19-23. 11 Re j o ic,e evermore. " "Pray without ·:;ea,'.:'ing." "In everything .give thFtnks. ""Quench not the Spirit. 11 "Abstain· from all aPTi(~arance of evil. And the very Goci of peace sanctify you wholly, 11

Of neeessity~ we are al l c ·up 'e :.l aolr!Bl1ha. ~Jit.h t-<.,Tllporal E1ffair,s • ! tt10 Very J'lat . m,~ f l.he ~ JTIU~~. be O o rt may o bat. om· oc: t on i.akr~:s us to 11 offi~e r;1, r=. o , a sahool or- a. farm. But veJ: ~a. ·acit,v we may t.-~c~ .rour.:d the ide<.i h r e e 1m .. "C ja ..,d 's w a:re to E', .wavs Christ !:tl'lS ,,

Sund ..... • Cln· istiani~ 011l_y- nd t he i · s· 01 t.hA week t .hrcw off our 1?l .1.g1ou.:? II' Itossio:a . s H!'"J m esi.ra l " v1o k? not CJ:ir · s h1 ·1 i y . Th ' Ghr;!.~tiE1.ni y Of dwells in ow hero-t..a ana . 1 ves 1 i'n] n · s s a axer ise i · s ~x tensi ve mos pot em. r inc J,Jle

Let me illustrate. True Christian godliness in our lives is a sun that never sets. It i:rrc:tdia!.es every step, illumines every path, and guilds every !:;rk cloud OJ om· orrow. The pa.th of the just is as the shining l ight . th&t shinei...h more and more unto the per.feet day. It is a tree of life. It never fades and is ever productive. It is life in .its high­est, noblest and l~iche~t s l e . I i<! he Jii.S.iilspring 111' icl regulates every movement :.:r ugh our r evolving hours l:l.ntt

minutes of time. The truth that Paul has in mind is that the Lord Jesus Christ wants to have ALL of US, and to be the supreme Ruler of our lives.

Now to you who are the friends of Christ, of His Gospel and of His .,Church, I close by entreatine you kindly to pray for us and for yourselves that we may tugether be found daily and hourly in that devotional frame of mind which Paulis directives irrevocably demand.

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Page 5: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

"Whoso offereth praise glorif ieth men _ this :ls che aim of our mP..ga­zine. "Yuka!'.'1,11• is the students' thi.u:Jrngiving offering to God ln recognition of His sovereignty over their 11 ves.

ca.n we embr.~ce the Living Christ without praise t0 t,he Gocihead for a perfect. redemptive plan? Should. our praises ".sp:-:1..smo:'iically recede to a standstill as the x1ewr:.ess of our ''born-ae"ail,11 experienee E':1. :ttles into an m1-Christlike complacer;cy? This is at variance with both the Old and the !·lew Testament exhort­ation:;;. David declares that "daHy He shall be pru:i.sed 11 • Paul

t . !1-'-'·<>rkc encourages us Jo give '.·llu...c· .,

always for· ull things."

As you read these pa~es.,. may you 1:e gripped by this realization ••.••. "old yet ever new". Yukana!

*llYukana" is an Aboriginal word for 11 Praise 11 •


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He was a lonely man - Jes.us, me.ek and st:ron ~ J who sllffei-·ed JJ1Ucb~ yet did no wrong; and lie was Goa -- but they c ouldnl t see their blfodm:iss led Him t o the sha.:meful. tree , t.heil• sj n .sh d His loo -- forsaken end~ but God's love reato:i: e Him to .life again, tha l!la:n repent e.nt ruight come to Hi.m

1 and rec,eil'e by faith new life "W'ithin ... Ee l i \Tes tod y - - now glorified man, Tut er ess o.r, at God r s r i ght hand; ~- it plea ""d the Father to encr the e.iL ,fl'ai:;Na Him:J Hell ta gates cannot prevtdl!


Rl sen Christ! 0 Savi.our .mine! Te.och me mor e of' this T:rut.h divine ..

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Page 6: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the



College has been for me a time of learning to rest :in God, for He said "Be still and know that I am God." Not only should we see Godts Hand in everything , but we should have every­thing in God•s Hand.

Bev. Mitchell.

The King's business de­mands dedication, consec­ration, self-discipline; these principles have been deeply irnplanted within me during nzy- College years.

Selwyn Morgan.

ti! do not ask to see the way :m;y feet will have to tread, but only ask that nzy­soul might feed upon the Living Bread. •Tis better far, that I should wall: by faith, close to His side. I may not know the way I go, but.,, oh, I know :nw guide." Anon.

Beth. "Pete,..son.

I thank God t hat I could go through His "Treadmill'~ and am grateful that He taught me three principal characteristics; patience, self-discipline, and sub-mission.

Diethard Gutzart.

In this idolatrous age in which we live, it is only the Word of Gqd that will endure forever. I have now learnt that every blessing we receive is a result of our obedience to it.

Kevin Bradford

I once said, 11 Lord, what. do you require of me? 11 • I ex­pected a demanding request but my Heavenly Father simply said:s "MY Son, that 'YOU do justly, love mercy, and walk hv.mbly with your God. 11

Robert Evans.

When the beautifying grace of Christ is operative in our lives,the result is an integrity of . character that will be recognized by others.

Brian Frost.

At C.B.C., I have gained a greater knowledge of God's Love, faith to trust Him at ALL times,and an assurance that I am in His Will.

Nario Auciello.



Page 7: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

Dean of Theology Wtite~ In a day when biblicalism, evangelism antl denom.inationalism are viewed as largely out-moded, this College is dedicated to teach the central doctrines of the Protestant faith, along with our distinctive Pentecostal tenet. Such emphasis instil.S in students certainty and conviction and undis­puted preference for 11the Book" in a world which · is fast becoming inundated with 11 books 11 •

Though loyalty to our Fellowship is stressed,sectarianiem is shU!U1ed and a spirit of New Testament fellowship is foster­ed - _worshipping, working, praying and learning together.

Our College, wilst ascribing to no encrusted dogmatism has little time for JlX)dern theological and philosophical views such as nee-orthodoxy, nee-supernaturalism and unanchored liberalism,yet retains a freedom to think within the limits laid down.in Scripture.

Our central objective is to count aLl things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord, thus requiring total, not token,coIIIlllitment.

C.B.C. is not a hot-house where the faith is protected from the winds and temperatures of modern society, nor does it treasure a fossilized evangelism preserved from the 11 good old days", but rather the CoIIIlllission of Ghrist as the Miss­ion of the Church.

The Faculty seeks not only to be qualified in their partic­ular field, but as brothers and sisters in the Faith, are always ready to listen, talk and pray with the students, so that through the doors of this training centre will march an ever-increasing company of men and women, qualified elll­powered and committed to the Divine Mission.



Pastor Lancaster was on the original Committee in 1948.


By BEG. PETERSON, Head Student 1969.

The Assemblies of God have a declaration of faith, which,sad to say, members read once, and put away; never to look at it again. Were they asked their beliefs on certain subjects - what would be their answer?

A train has two rails on which to run. The basic doctrines of the Bible are just as important to a Christian as the rails are t.o a train.

Doctrines ·are not everything, but neither are the rails. A train is lUlable to reach its destinat­ion if the rails are not true - so we too, can be ru1ned by false doctrines. 'fhe object I am pursuing is the necessity for the people of the Assemblies of God to know the BOOK and what it teaches. Letts face it • • • a little heresy can create a large stir all because people don1 t recognize the difference between Truth and persuasive argument. There is one body, one spirH, one Lord, one faith one baptism, one God and Father of us all. Eph. ·4: 6

We are exhorted to compare scripture with script­ure, plus anything which is said or done within a church. Prophecies and interpretations are also to be measured against the scriptures. As a student of C.B.C., I thank and praise God for directing ray footsteps to the College. I have found that llllder the direction of the Holy Spirit, the rails of ray spiritual life have been laid. As the Spirit of God quickens His Word to me, I weigh ray words according to the Scripture, then I remain stable, firmly rooted ;n the Word of God. For God is not the author of conrusion, but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14 : 33.


Page 8: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

Chapel Time at Jesus' feet must have pre~eminence it is then that we reach the heart of God.

Chris. Peterson.

Root downwards in humil­ity, so you will bear fruit upwards. The more majestic and noble a building, the deeper :its foundation.

Be ate Gutzart. '·

The Lord is daily talcing a.way all our earthly sup -ports until we find .. our need fully supplied in Him. Heather Horder.

"Beloved, I wish above aJ.l things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosper­eth. 11 3 John 2

Reg. Peterson

To find real happiness in this life, we must place our whole trust in the Lord. Our part - depend on Him; His part - peace that passeth understand­ing. Josephine Sydo.

Gleaningg John 15:5 We are not asked to struggle and to strive; merely to rest and abide in Him.

Jen At t e Heru~y.

Christ was cons1.U!l0d with a burning zeal to do God's Will - may we burn with similar zeal.

Anton Hochwald.

Song Sol.2:34 Only under the shadow of the Al­mighty is there true satisfaction and joy.The result - lives fruitful from feasting upon God's riches. Lois Marshall.

Complete consecration c&­mands a sincere desire to please God, determin­ation to do His will,and submission to the Holy submission to the Holy Spirit's leading.

Richard Ward.

We are not only respon­sible for what we do for the -Lord, but also ._ for what we don•t do.

Robert Haschek.


Page 9: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

Ex-CBC Stitdent


I have always felt that for t ,he development of a life of meaningful Christian service, some form of a concentrated, Christ-oriented community training is essential. The twenty odd years of technical training and practical service foll­owing nzy- own rich enjoyment of experience as one of the first class of C. B. C. and on the original "Yukana" has only served to confirm these convictions.

Many are the memories I recall, so valued that they are now an essential part of the very warp and woof of onets own personality. The wise philosophical sayings of our beloved principal, Bro. Sturgeon, sharpened by his d:tp spiritual insight, have been bulwarks of guidance in a. life of practical service. "Students, never take e.6.vantage of advantage"; "Avoid issues"; "Recognize a thing for what it is 11

- these are Sorril of the Gems I can never forget.

Periods of fellowship in soul-searching at the altart too, have left their indelible mark on one's history. Sacred moments of eternal consecration, fresh yet to the spirit, issue forth in deep dedication even now as I write this, flying two miles above a trackless, white-capped ocean in a single-engined aircraft. Hopping from oneto another of the beautiful Solomon Islands over a treacherous sea, re­turning after delivering Mission Executives from their An-l'.l.ual Conference this is part of one's routine day - to. day service for the Master. It has roots firmly planted in a College experi.ence where the so,ul was taught its true re-lationship to the Lord; YUKANAl

Harold Morton Buka.


<1 ~o:_ GOD'S WILL?




Page 10: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

COLLEGE OPENING The College Year began on 11th February, opening with a special meeting, with Pastors· from severaJ ·churches attending. Sixtecu. firc;t year students .introduced tbem­sel ves to the congrege.tion.

STUDENT LEAVES FOR MISSION FIELD Miss Valmai Muller, a second year stude:rct,left the College to undertake a teacher train­ing course in New Guinea.

5000 MILES ON TREK During the May Vacation Pastor Lancaster and six students toured N.S.W. pl'e­senting the College acd its needs to various Assemblies. There have been week-end treks through the second term.

These have been very much blessed by God. A trek to

:Sydney in the August holidays wa.s successfully led by ~)astor Smith.

ur · .. ~.

OVEl~SEAS SPEAKERS AMONG COLLEGE GUESTS The College was privileged to be m;Lni.stered to by various Holy Ghost-anointed preacbers. Visitors from· overseas in­cluded Rev.Hal Herman and Dr. W. Beuttler who conducted a week of special meetings. Convened each morning and evening, these inspiring ser­viceJ:J l\ere- enr .i,c liin'Y to bot.h the s:t~dent body and the many visitors~ Several missionary ~rganizations were re pre..;. sented - including Wye liff e Bible Translators (Mr anj Mrs G •. Wihdn} and Andes Ev&n­

ge~i-c~l M.issio~.'1 (Rsv. 1 .~1 ~~wl Rev • Paul "'h w~ g ( t. he ,J.r g ing Ambassacior) cume co Dpeak m Christian lfational Evan­gelistic Crusade_, an~; to min­ister in ::~ong.From Neu Guinef;I,, we met Pastor Farr_, and Lhe nation,:tl Pastors_, Ganba and Sil .n~in . Las out not lea"'t .• we received inspiration and encouragement fr·om several cf oli.r Austra.lian·ministers, in­cluding Pastors R. R. Read, A.T. Davidsoi:_, P.B. Duncan, and I. Hewitt.

WttO RANG THE LIBERTY BELL? This was the student.st an~mal picnic. The day when students, fa,.culty und staff were able to enjcy a day of complete rela.xat:ion .aiw.y from College a .. J j \•lties.

c B c Faculty: From left to right: Mr. C. M. Neville, Mrs. I. Rix, · · Pastor C. C. W. Harrison, Pastor an<J. Mrs. F. A. Lancaster,

Pastor D. V. Smith

Yukana Staff: From left to right: Ron Wison;.. Pastor D V Smith Robert Evans, Stephen Fedyszyn, 1.rwyneth Mull~r, Jen'ny Henry, Perone Tippett, Gail McCarte,

Gaye Paton.

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Page 11: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

That I may know Him W By BETH PETERSON, 2nd Year. John 17:3 11And this is life Thee, the oncy true God,

eternal that they might know and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast

sent." Knowing God is life eternal. This is why knowledge is stressed in scripture. All scripture centres around the idea of knowing God and of conforming to His eternal Will. Ignorance of Him and refusal to know Him a.re condenmed many times. To know God eternally is eternal life. It J.s not merely prolOnged existence or eternal contir.:ulince of beh1g, for the wicked have this and will be punished in conscious existence forever. This is quite clearly shown in Me.tthew 25:46 "And these shall go away into everlastin~ punishment; but the righteous into life eterna1.11 It is not mr3rely eternal existence, but is eternal perfect knowing of God, in harmony with Him and the eternal environment. This life is only found in His Son. 1 Joh.."1 5: 11, 12 indicates this... "And this is the re,::m:·d that God hat.11 given to us. eternal life, and this life is i;n His Son. He l.hat hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God _.hath not life. 11

Therefore everlasting life is· not merely everlasting exis'...­ence but a progressive knowledge of God. It .is agreed that the iru.."llaterial part of man is immortal or eternally existent. However, the quality of that exist­ence, now and in the future, is determined by what w0 do with Christ, God ts Son. Acts 16:31 gives the key, 11 •••• bel­ieve on the Lord jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." John 10:10 refers to an "abundant life", thi.s is the treasure made available to us for our possession. Are we continual recipients of Divine Grace? Are there no conditions? Salvation is a gift, un-earned, un-deserved; but once received, one•s life immediately becomes the property of another, even Jesus Christ. Therefore let us forget the ground we've covered in the past, wasting no time over it. And let us press. on to win the Christian race to receive His "well done'' at oilr Home Call.,,· · ·


Page 12: O~ COMMONWEALTH BIBLE COLLEGE€¦ · Our Commonwealth Bible College is an expression of our faith in the Bible as God's Revelation to man. Thia training C~ntre stands as one of the

"1fow the C.J3. C. is ':T;ncrnceJ . .

FEES for board and tuition are more than two dollars weekly per student less than the cost involved in maintaining the College to train them.

BY OFFERINGS and donations ·from Interested Assemblies and friends of the C.B.C. who realise that an investment in the life of a student is an investment for eternity.

BY SUBSCRIBERS to the College Building fund Plan of ten dollars annually for five years, to liquidate the debt on land and buildings. (Amounts of two dollars and over are income tax deductible.)

BY SUBSCR1BERS to the College living Endowment who give two dollars annually toward operating costs.

THE "SPONSOR A STUDENT" pian of two dollars weekly ($100 annually), if suffici­ently taken up by Assemblies, Christ's Ambassadors groups and individuals, would meet the difference between cost and fees.

BY PRAYER. The needs of the College are kept before the Lord who has revealed Himself as "Jehovah Jireh".

B'( ITINERARIES. Personal contact In lhts wa.y by Prine pa , Facul'ty and Students has been a g e,tit t1ssista,11c.a in me ,t!nr1 needs.

