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O p,ormsmh.lt The U0utdo~ l,ostre~s0ns that it~:iii ’i i,’ : , was easier for its OWli belayer[...

Date post: 07-Jul-2020
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’.. . , .:,~ - .. % . .... :; ¯ ,... - . -,, .., , ": ,, L - - .... .’" ; ....... COUN’FY T:IC ’"" MAY’S ~I~G, N. ft., SA~AV, SEPTEMBER 16, 1916. ATLANTIC CITN HOTE’LMJ~N RE:CORD, WHOLE HUMBER ~039. REAL [STATE ACTiViTY MISCEL NEOUS R-EOORDS I AND REAL ESTATE NEWS SHOWN DY B[GOROSlo..o.,,., ;.,... ¯nd OthePI Ente~d at Clerk’s Office, c~i~,t= ef zortp~, ,unuo cttT. HtLUUUm LamberCa. tO Nonb8ubnmxby, Irreg. North aide Oe~Ln Ave. and F Lmtsldeof Ma~ &laare, f/,~00. Puk Land & DevelopmentOo. to $.Beeeher Ak~rn, 10.9xi15 ft. Ihg Cde OhloAve. ]81).2 R. North oCAfJ~ntl0 Ave. $2.000. William C. KetTtetter tO Jo~ph P~dawarla. Md01L Eut elde 8late~Av~ if/ft’Bo~th of Atlal~tlc Ave. IB/~00. ~’N. Forfeit to JamM 1~. l~iley, ~x l~0 ft. North aide Beach Ave. 100 fit. F~ of Rhodm IdamdAve. $1.ffa0. Jennie r. Bogere.to Adolph W.Rolnhoid, fi0x 82.5 ft. Wvt’lide #,amherst PltK.e 250 ft. ~Youth of AUimtto Ave. t~fl0. Homo Blllldl~g Co. tO Beery J. auk&, 153x 75 ft. FA¢ lide ~tllfornta Ave. 843 ft. North of Falrmonnt Ave. $1.001L Charms I:I~rdware O( to G~a~tntse Trnxt C~. ~xlF/~ North Cde Allxntle Ave. )00 fit. We~t of (~]llorl~l." Ave. I~fl00. John IL Bogaa to ~I~ M. N. 8p~i-ke, irrq~ "WmtIdde New ihmpeMre Ave. 460 ft. NorthofAtlmatle Ave.ilt,i~ ¯ Anal T. Miller to Gusamuten Trnst Oo. ~x tt Fa~t side M~qPte Park 82 ft. North of At. tsnth Aw. ~ff, O00. Ixena Am.on to Ol~ Uk Iu~ursmce 0o. 8h gO IL 8onth m~ Paeide Ave. ~4 rL ...We~t of lqmlda Ave. IJ0~ Ploon| bdluidenfrei" tO 8. OJlerkia Oo. ~X 00fL ~mtl~ xl~ Pndfle Ate.’M ft. Wed M’ l~orida Ave. ~,Z~. FAwln H. Uonmt toC~trlea EL ~hlvent ~x g~0 ft; ~outh.ol,u Ptu/fle Ave. 22~ fit. Eut of in. dl=m Ave.gu~.. Wllllmn ill MnF~ to F~mk J. ~bom, tffalll fl~ ~¢JrUl dale Athtatk Ave. 41~ft. Ksult of Bd~t~n Av~ I~a00. Win. M~d~r~m~t to ~wt~ ~ WLiker, ~x II~ ft. North ~ AtlanUe &vL ~ fL ~t of B fiabton Arm.It,~ Antoolo 81rlmtm~ to lknfliton CorponMkm. Irreg. West dale 8urreyAve. ~6fL6ooth of Atl~mtl~ Ave. 14,tiff0. Nldmllm W. Yonnato~dlla C, ook, 17.~d0 ft. W~ ~ New Ihz-pebtre Ave. ~ ft. Bonth of PenMa Ave. AJ~totdo~ to timmmt~Tnat ~n. 1750.. Be¯OhmS oat I~Ltmcmmt m~t ~ &ntoldo BI~ to kdolf Behledt4 I~A. Wmt tide ~ An. ti0 ft. Nm’t~ of Arede Ave. Ptmmttd~. Lak~ &’~O~ to ~Itth~F~ Aiex~m~.. htl laml2 In bloek 19 shown on map of OMt- huret, PleMutvUle. items. ITmn Im4ptm. A~ I~ ~t’ to Mm7 ]~ Jaeken~ t~l. ~t a stot~ ~ by tlmt~nth dd~of Ma~ ~ runnt~ Umm~h M~ee t~nd~u~ de. tl. tlLmul B. Ik~blm to Mary M. JaeUon, do- erthed u above, gt. EL ~L ~um*oa to live O. ¢,-:lark,mi my wlona tmalvid~ batl" ~tsra~ ~ Iom~ etc. meatim~l bamkdak ma< ~o~ In dr~ldoro¯t ~Ab A~t, Atlmatm City, Bobert PhBipp to Rcen Gotld~ pod~ ere- in eh~hde ,u~ ~owbi0B~t/e lndeO uitoly it them wUi be a ahoda4[e of fond= munlelpdtUa: ISENATOR JOE GIVEN HOUSiNg OVATION DY HgME CITY VOTEH$ "I~HOUSANDS ATTEND MASS MEETING AFTER BIG STREET PARADE. EXPLAINS HIS BUSINESS PRO6RAM SAYS STATE SHOULD HAVE MORE ECONOMICAL ¯GOVERNMENT 60VERNOR TO BE REAL MAHA6H SPEAKERS PREDICT HE;WILL SECURE NOMINATION BY 30,000. PJ~X~tor Walter E. Edge, eaodldats foe tho RepobBea~ nomthatloo for OovecJ~e, t~ emlved a trtm~etdous ovation W~y tn~ tent In/ttkntte City, when, ILft~ a iliad@ by the~,e Matohlt~g Clut~ he .l~l~lga tmma ~ In the Morris .Otm~ Arnm~. The big ~ wtm surfed |o Ionll~ round of oln~re, enthusiastic ap]p4m~mpbpT 8os~tor Thames F. MeCrao, of Psm~ Ommtyo who praised EdFOerecord and d~dar~l he Ia dmtloed to become the next Governor of New. .*ler~ey. Hon. J. J, Whila wM CmLITman of the bil ~Ltbertng, dlreeUng hb~ heareTW a~ to the need eta man In the Execotlve o~oe who nnderetood the tmed~ of Atlantis C’lly mxl ¯ U the other mm~hore ruort~, lmytog a hlah tribute ’to Oemtor Kdle and ~ing ¯ united vote In Atlantis County In hht imPl~rk OongTmlman Isaac Baehameh made a brief addrua, d~lllng ou "Scooter ~l~’e tmoep lionel abUlty for the (kvernor~lp ~ pre. dlctlng that be wUl win th~ nomitm, tlan by 80,~0 majority. ~tor Edgt, when he an~e to almsk, re- salved one of the hea.lrtleat L?ReUnp~ ean- didate ever enjoyed In Atlantis Oty. T4e qm4re In imTt U a)liowe ’~I wleh to ~.rryMCmr ae Ixl~l~D toa@O.~-. du¢on thO phum for ¯ business ffo~rm=mt to which Ihave been Iot~uanmmm~e of the 14P~ature. ¯ The neat Oovmmor will have ¯ ~ .opportunity to eo~dt~t ¯ bialLul mzmmtt, tmsmm with the ~ of fiat Bill. the Brats P~i~ Bill. ~l~s Ee~momy .tad E~de~l Steak&nOr ttmo~bere lure t~rnna nip elmmt the 8laSt Hams, and a bt~lnel ~o~la expected. " Whatdo I meau by eondnct~n~& b~ g~’erntmmt? I mean. briefly, that ¯ nor shall make the bnelneu of tho 8late of New Jenmy hk Job : daldi ¯trend tO ~ blm~ neeaol the Slate, pmateaaly every wodda~ In the yaar. That he sludl have tdme working ennla~t with the head~ of Lil ~ ~e- imrtn~t~ en that the beada of the Bh~ will rno ¯king io smtnoth ~ or ~n~tedty: that .mpo~ of ~ putmem’a =tlfltl~ eballeome totheaUm~. t~m~ t~t~erno¢ m propeWIm~e~t6e. emeeaymr. That tam govemoe.t~all hl~ with ency ~ of.tiN Hlate aovernment, mthat he etmld Ilmemmatly tmadt depml.ment If he [e, ltit lu~umlMid IM. to do m. The Budget BIB ~ tM= I~oe~ar~. tf a governor Ia to be mm e~¢~at exe~nUqm aod that wtm one of the ~ I had In prel[mring thia act and emllr~ Its pMen~. In oth~ woedt a governor ~m’t menllmaend to the Lqialatnre tbeappjmlxt~- for the year, wlthoot beln~ perUm~ly ImmLU¯r with 1be l’at~dton~ ~blnt~ trod iotlvltaa of each deportment of tim State ./= % ,he. Ia = Ave., AUantk City, $4g~ have gtme before, but 1 am crtticndog the --~ Ill’flaiL Ptril¯Pl ten YB’hl i1° |t w°ltid not . hate ~ pomdble to tsve aw¯kemm4 th~ HiM.ry 8~nt~ro ~j. ~od~la, dl Mntno 8o~oBr~ l~tbli~l t~i’nd to th~ pod/bill t/4E~4 of "k ~ eBenlnteaumIla~ Cmn~ma Ptmw Oonrt ~onrmmmt, but ~- It t. sl~t~m~r do-- 120 k~d~ ~¢m. ~ t. MUlm’, Atty. mmmded and I have spent many monism, and WlUkm&j~vt C. te l~ldmalm. Ctttmit ~ yeas endeavoring to imeoretl~tlp~iqle Otmrt. gI~042LL Wm F. 8oOy, Atq. of lame imia whkh weald enoo~rale slur- LewkDImlhady v¯ hmmC, Bias. Dbdrkt ernor to teJ~ atmolute bold of tbht Id~aaad ~rt. $~B.~L Albm~t ~ Abl~tt, Atty. devdop and ~ It to oompletlo~ " . ¯ __ "I want the l~ople of ~ew Jerey to that they a4"e ~lone the dockh~ldere In t~le ’ J~’t~l~e. " a~t big’ thirty mdllton dollar and4mfl btmloea~ John J~m~ ~m. Rdlm~d~r z Lane. CLreutt that the l~dmture I= thelr Bo~rd of DlnetoT~ Ooort. E~ogt & Emlkot~ Attys. ¯rid tbe aovemor jthelr btaln~ manager, aod Hommwty Proee~ FTnlt CO. r~. Ores.Penis. that they realize that It Is their btminem, and ~lTeoit Otmrt..De~o EL R~nwtck Atty. that whether it I~ conduewd eeonomLeally or Matte Roe lake v~ Atlantic City Railroad otherwise |~ a mailer of momeutto them. /3o. Ulreall Court. ElwoodC. Weelu, Atty¯ "’ I believe hz thr~e y~n 1 coo emphtlleally AlioeC.Weekl re. Atla~Uc City R¯lll~ad Co. demonstrate wtml a btlsi[te~ government Clreult Court Elwood C.Wedte, Atty. . l~Llly meatm and thal the p~ple of tBe t4late \ " " LLI a smelt thereby will be brought nearer thP Flnvt For Sale, , Ioverument and tbe toverument nearer to Ulem, and that they will rtm]lz~ L~Lt their For late, small chlckcm, fruit and duek.f~’m bnainem i~ i,aylng dlvldontb annually IolheTn of two aeR~ I-4 mile May’e J~ndtlq Station. In the fi~rto of good ~erviee and b~neflelal Medina oooel~et~andnln~ ~ wlth~ttTa leLr~iaUon, and [ am furthercoovtl|ex~2 thai eonereia ¯~d gldvt~ltmd ITOEL .bulidlN[, addl- the political party which ftme~ the pmbk’ma tkmal chicken kotme. Borders I~ty where ~agtadl~laLIM¢~.abetmJoyt~L ~ from t||ht ingle, ar-d urn* pulltle~lor1~$1~* tl~3n aa i m~mol to thP end to give ~rvi~, will rhubarb. Idl berrlea t~ lamazlng, l-~ ~ In remalu.ln’power for many y~r~ to eo~z~" g~ throe to~; bu~t year; pear, peach, apple , _ , tree= Ill In be~rtng. J mt the pl~e for a nice little bom~ For l~fo~ addrum Emery " Electric Railroad Schedule, Marvel, l~t P=lac At,,.., Atltnt~ City, arC. Omrt Hams Platform E. Jezuten. MakV’e Landlag. N.J.--Adv. For Atlantic (.qly--l~.lS, 6.?~..s£q, 10.15It. m., September Electi~ Schedula. ~ 2.L~. 4.15, L~’~, 7,15~ 9.15. 10.L~ p. m. For Philadelphia--7.21, 8.14. L2~, II.72 ~ m, tat, ’-".-2. ~.m, &it ¢cr~ 7.~, tm..10.~ lt.~ p.m. [ 8opt Id--Poir Ol~TU dmU imm =mere of 8tmd~y tame am weekday*, except there w prinllr~ ~ ~ li¯t~ ’to be ~ no 7.~L m. North and an 8:52 IX ILl. Norlh I~ for ItmlmOtJo~ . added. (Hint mocalng train up ~.I£~ t~pL l~----Mltn~dlm~ clerks to foraida ~ ’. M£n Bt~non " ¯ with eampio10mltota. For Atlantic Clty- ~.~, k21 ~. m. "~1. Sept. ~0--Boa~t to ms- prtnutry bgllott ~]I p.m. ~pL~5--£’q~zrk to ddlv~(at hix ot~) li~l- Fat Phiiadolph~t~a.rn,l.lCLb.lt p. m. k$~.ama I~llot box~t " 8a~da,y =tame ItS wt~ekdays. 8~pL I-~-PTImlLry eleeUon sod mooed reg2a- On Tne~bLynext the roliowiog ~chcdule will try day. take eft’set : Oonrt [lou~ Platform, ¯ Post-Offic. Houri. ~’ For AthnBe Oty--¢~ 8.~, |0.15 im. ~1. . ?htmMts~attiWll~m.o#lot ea tflleVl: 2J~¢k~’CL~s’nlp’m-’l~l"Lm’ North--&e0Lm.,l.~m~ &~p. m. atmth-- For Phlkdelphla--7.dl~, 9.*-.2. IL’" K.m~ l,l~. ~.~e. m.. 12A0tad Ll~p. In. . &2~ &l~ 7J~9.~<IL~ p.m. ¯ ~1 t.~ ~Om ~ .mdl bOX it thl 8un~t’y eame a. weekdayt Ooort Hot~ 8tlLtlO~ at L00 It. In. ~ fd0 p. m Main HtaUtm Athmtle Oty--6.26, L21 t’rn. 12.£, g.21 l~ m. P~mzhqg. For Fhlhdelphla--731 am., t.16~k|{~ p. m Newmmptmo~ l~l|on land. (~ll or write ~unday~meuw~ekday~ tO ee iJmm, ~ ebenrtMlty gl~qm. H~¢r~ mann Mu~a’, M&y’e l~ndln~--Adv. ¯ Septambe¢ Tidel at Atlantic City tnlat. .............. li~h l.ow-~ ¯ Men WantS. a.m. ~. ¯. ~, m. 1.. ~. ii’t4at~rday ~-.,~..: 10j’0 ~ - 10.;H " t0tl" "~41~ Twenty-ave or thlrt,y men t~ bd~0~hq,amrk. 17 .~n=lay ........... i I OS ll.3~ t5¢ ¯ t ar~ w~ ~ti~ak Sriek Mt 0o.. mq,’a tS mm~ ......... ti~e ....... &l tat. t~ndtq, N. J.. ~ J. ~ mqm~,m~tt, ~ ~ .... am J~ am tad m L~t=~ed~4r__ tJe ~ 74t ,I.~ ¯ ....... = ¯ .. E=_: .’-" u~ma, et~. ~ozm.Mar.Lotmu¢-~. _~-~ k= u0 tL~..._ II ~’"’;’r" IL~ ~ 311 JI I~ ~tm~.t, I~ ~a! JI t~li’ ’ F~ F~ lk~. \ mX"au~2. ..... T.~ ~ l.a Lm, u~u~ ~A~mt~¢= ~LatS~#_--=-._tM .,tu] I# .Ul’ m~ t~**. Um at UMehlII’L--~IV, \.;,
Page 1: O p,ormsmh.lt The U0utdo~ l,ostre~s0ns that it~:iii ’i i,’ : , was easier for its OWli belayer[ Demob ¯ .; . ----- " racy to.indorse’ the presidents Mexican ...



The U0utdo~ l,ostre~s0ns that it

~:iii ’i i,’ : , was easier for its OWli belayer[ Demob

¯ .; . --------- " racy to.indorse’ the presidents Mexican

ouSinesSnag e,,.,. ,o oe,,,o ,,. .- .

~" ..... ’ "~ : ’ : : Whli~ he w~ts, about it Senator James Tnl A’rl~t~to l~Alqt VlroBIT &~.ii:: ’ ,Built Panama.~r Out of Cur,, nat EdP; o.,. a.:!’,i! ;! i rent ¯Roven~!i htri0Uoaily naiad With Se or .m,ltOaplninedthatLe’vtsthe .isOliomomightthat watthave"tooex’

, _ ?a~’noo.,, .AtlanUe Olty, NJi "

~ ’ ’~H0ardingWhich DemobratseOildS In Trea’surYFilch’ WlttD,. enn Trailedln, =o ,ght" ,,ed ..,,*her ,,,o.-- ¯ .-.-= :.M"" ’-n*., ..,,. =.,,==’ ’. ".=

..’ to I~,de! a Deficit. ’

, S LOGIGA.L GANI[I)iT[’ "in ‘t’ fa’-’’’ "‘ th’"’°"’ - ’ ’

O p,Zrensertpt, ,’,houldl~’t .the expenso Of NoUe+l~ hereby glnn that theueonnts~

’ : -’, G financing Carranu b0 borne by the the sub~erib¢’, ms l~xeCutor of the Estate at

i * ’ Democratle campaign ¢ommitt~?" i Abraham KlinordlI~eudlt~[t and stilted¯ CARNIVAL :OF DEBAUCHERY rspo.~ for ,tUem~

Democrats rally haven’t troy abide, or Atlantic Oo~nty, onUte .tenth¯

day of O0tober, next.lt’PUBLIC EXPENDITURE Now’th,t petitions have l~een filed tkn to blg approprlatZons for army an~ ~.u.~.,.. ~.~o~,],~u,.¯ tn the secretary of state’s o~ee by all navy and internhl improvements. They l~teeutor,¯ Pittsburgh, Pa.~.:,:-" ~ .’ candidates whose names will go on expect the Republicans to rugtlo the Dated Septemb~r O, K,D.,lgl6. .’

8eerier Pet;rose Belisvei the Looted: the party b~dlots t~t the primary eleoA~UO Olty, N~. J.

Cmdltlon of ’the Treasury Will Uon, September 26, the gnbernRtorlalrevenue to foot the bllis for the next Tuo=nos ~ 8xA~nn~ Pro~lom.

.~--4~l~maihte the Withholding of line-up, both "as to the contestants ~ndfour years. ~ . . ¯ Pr’a fee, 0¢a0

"-- ’ -- NOTEte OF B~LI~M’EI~T..Cantraota For Oattlsahlpo and De-

~he campalg~ Issues, may be forecast. . Hughes says he would Hke s It No~ ~* horeby~vokthat the m~oonnt~ of’ ed. " ’ months to hvestlgate the adminlstra- t~o sUimerlber, M K¯eoutor of the ~tate~ of

Mary KmmuRothenbeqtert d L~m~d..will be.!.’. lay the Whole Scheme of Prepared- The.Democratic party will nomlnttto tion, but theadministratlon figures he’s audited and Coted by me nil ~li~to ann~- non--Natio#s Money Frltt~ed Away ]1. Otto WIttpent~, or Hudson county--

to Finance Hare Brained and ill Ad- he has no opposition. ~-le has alrea~ly doing very well ae it is. ofn~p°rtedAtlantlcr°r County,’mttlementont° theH Or t Peas Courttenmd,my of Oetotmr, next. .

~:. vised PreJeete, .,,’,town his card~; he will nsk the vot-c:s to support him as one "possessing Yes, and the same policies that have

DxsaL A. ItXC~M~,filled Judge Hughes and others with ~:xecutor.

e:;:clent business anti pol|tlcal experl. "a deep sense of shame" have kent Dated 8eplemberL A. D., 1916. Re~lng,. Pa.’. " ’ W~tlllam R. Wllkox, chairman Of the ellce." .

’ , Republican National committee, has re-The ’ltepnbllcans therefore know many other Americans~ to their grdves. S..Cx~]gRONAtlanueHlt;xtat,Clty.Proetor,N. J, "

" calved from Senator Penroso 6. .briefwhat they have to meet--the m~n v.nd The president has changed his mind


about sending more troops to the beti.’. ;*:" but positive summing up of the ex-the i~ue¯ They have on their aide NOTICE OF Blg~hEMENT. "

- tra,’apmces of the Wilson admtntstra-th.ree eaadldates for the nomination: der, thus r~mnlng true tu form.

theN°UCesutmerll~rs,is hereby glvenaa Executor~thatofthethofl~c°nnt~°ft~late ofSenatnr Walter Evans F~lge, of At. .loire Bott,,rhof0 d~, will be audit~ti0u dUt~g the ~esslou of congress Just¯ . , lantlc county; Colonel Austen Colgate,

~" and dat~t by the f~trrog~tc ¯rid rape

about to close. The senator says: ’ of Essex. and ¯ George 12. Record, ¯ of When r£om Taggart talks economy to foreettlemeottotheOrPhans CourtofAthntlc

"When the country realizes what this ]-Iud~¢~n. The last named may as wellthem it is time the Democrats stopped dayC°untY’orSeptember,°n Wednem~y,next. the twdnty-seventh

coagr~a has done in the way of ap- be eliminated, as It ts unlikely thattheir extravagance. II¯ns~Rn Wassv~an;¯ FR~||Kn|CK SpKYIgaKI~

proprllttions it will be dumfounded, he will get any considerable number Executes.F, gg Harbor City, N, J.

:. Already it has been shown that over of votes outshle o~ his own countY.The lhghes smile is beginning to at~

¯ " tract favorable attention. ISled At|goxt 211, A.D.,1916. -

, a billion, seven or eight hundred all- Edge Created the Business luue. ~ BovRoxo,s & Cou~;o~n, l’n~tor~lion dollars have been appropriated~

The Repnblican choice therefore lies President Entertains Five ’Progre~-Atlantic City, N. J.

¯ I’r’. fee, |632--more money than was ever approprt- between Edge and Colgate, and the styes. -- HeMline. Others he simply

ated in any one year in the history of Bdge stLpporter8 point to the fact that amuses.

the American government. The total the Issue which the Democratic can-~ +++4"~4.4"4.4.+4"4.:I-+++÷4.¯ +

will reach nearly $2.00o,0o0,000 before dldate tries to appropriate to his own Demecratle papers chide Hughes be- 4-

¯ the end of th~ carnival of debauch- advantage h the very issue which’ cause lie says ha Is "100 per cent a 4- VIt’LA AIDED BY WILSON’S 4.

i~, cry :in pubite expenditures is re~chcd,Senator Edge originated, ’~nd that candidate." The Wilson paper~ natut~ 4. FAVOR AND BACKINO. +

/- because no account has been taken ofEdge Is the logical candidate to put ally prefer a fifty-fifty candidate. - 4.


::~ the ~,000.000 for the Danish islands,against \Vlttpenn. ~ d- In March last Villa made a 4-

the ~0,000,000 which the governmentSenator E,l.~e w~s t1|o first In either The president says he has no interest 4- raid Into American territory, He -l-

party to announce his candidacy. He in any political party "except as an in-+ was a bandit leader who, 4"

will probably have to refund aft a re- made this announ,’ement in January strument of achievement." If that’sq- earner of aueceesfol Infamy had 4.

suit of the 5 per cent rebate allowed last, and said he believed in applying It then how did he happen to select 4. bun gently aided by Mr. WiI* 4-

oDbzpoRatlons brought across theseas business principles to state m~nsge- such ¯ poor Instrt|ment aa the Demo- 4- Ben’s favor and backing. He +

in American bottoms, and other mat. ment. A successtltl business man him. cratle party? 4- was nt the head of Mexican eat d-

ter~ which are likely to come up. self, lie him In hh seven years service ~ 4- diet’s, who. arms and munitions 4.

¯ "R Is. only too evident that this’bill as a member of the ,le~[.~laturo and asCarrnnza IsVtn candidate for presi- "t" had been supplied to them tn 4-

x which Is expected to bring In some party leader In both ho~x~e~ led the dent of the United Stntes, but ha did 4" consequence of ~tr. Wtlson’s re- +

" $200,000,000 .will abs01utely hit to movement For o$ciency a~nd economy more for American preparedness in + vera4ng Mr. Taft’s policy and +

meet even the requirements for the in ~tate administration, three wt,eks than Woad’row Wilson did 4" ltfting the embargo against arms 4-

ill aflvbed and certainly not urgent Hc Introduced the bill~, now laws, tn three years, d- andmt|nitlonstntoMexlco. They 4.

proJt~ct~ atlthorized by the present.con- to stop wa_~tc of the taxpayerf money4" attacked Columbus, New Mexico, 4.

greelL . by vonsolhlatlng overlapping depart- Another filing you never hear of 4. and killed a number of civilians 4.

?’It is now claimed tlmt these pro- monte and abolishing unnecessary po- since the Democrats reduced the east 4" and n nnmber of United States 4-

JeeU are to be flnnnced by the issu- slttons, while extending the state sere. of )lying Is the "baker’s dozen." d- troops. On the next day the 4.

anc~ of Panama canal bonds. The ice.*4" president issued nn announ’ee- 4.

~kmeflean people will regard such a . Reform in the state financial systemprocR~ing as: a very queer one Ira- was accompllshed by hh state budget

’eautm the Ixning of bonds by the mea,~¥e.Cleveland administration largely help- The ~tat¢~ pur,’ha.~htg a~ency bill,ed to. bring about the downfall of the ’whle h he intr.du<’,’,l and pressed to

party .tn 1890. A bond final i)a~ago, apt,hlng h,~lne-q~ meth-ever since been ~’tewed with ads tn the pure’ha:-" of’ all state sup- lramilie~ llvlng in the rural districts

by the Democracy; now,l>l|~, wtll effect an e~tlmated saving where mall service hns beeh curtailed

party leaders compelledof their extrav¯gance and

of from $’_’,~o,.¢~. to $:1’~ o,) a year. will he |n’tcrested in knowing that

The Edge hill al,oLtshi|~ the state ’ostmaster Geoernl Bnrleson hns sentto resort to IL’ .the expenses of a nitrate

censt~ c,ffee~ a savlnl~ of $11 000 ! Secr[;tary 3h’Adoo a chPek for $5,200,-

ittd of n altipplng board nnddecenzl~lly ]t)O0, rPl~resc,tlnt: surplns postal reve-

,:other needless projects by the is. . Servtce to Wage Earners. nae~.

,l~qPanama bonds.wlll be in the The great’ value of the worlcmen’s .~Ir. ~;;,rd~,r ~hould not quota what:~illllyais equhalent to paying for componsatkn nr:t Is so well known ,%lr. Wlls-n said while president of"l~l~,~l:~nd issues. These bonds are that several ctmdi(lates claim credit Prlncl,t,,u. I[1~ utlera|tce~J nre outlaw-~il~ the treasury unissued ns the for some connection with this leglsla- ed by l,ln~self ht ~evon days.:iTiil~i~:the thrift and economy and tlon. l~ut Senator F~Ige’s supporters

¯ .~ :fan of the Republican polnt to thp t~n,li~I)utod fact that he Thai |n.n lh~ghes Is causing thelntrodured thc hill and levi the fight

;s ’ qibout $1:10,000,000 of bonds for It. a~ul that Colnnel Colgate was


5Jr. IIughes Is critlcised for his ire- 4" meat that ndeqnate forces would ÷

quent nse of the word "now." Eel- + be sent in pnrsnlt of Villa "with ÷

dently his immodlatcncss is worrying + the single object of eaptuflng 4-

the watchful waiters, who put things "+ him." On April 8th, the an- +--- : - =" ::: =

off until tomorrow. 4" nouncement was made from the 4.White IIotlse that the troops .’e,+

4" would remain, in .~lefleo until d.

4" Villa ¯ was enp{ured. It was 4-4" furthermore announced I’h the +4" press dlspntches from ~,’nshing-4-+ ton that ha wns to bo taken -l"4" "dead or alive." I,’lne words!’4.+ Only--they mednt nothing. Ha 4-

+ is not dead. tic has not been +

The Democrats who sought ¯ erlt~leism from l)r. Charle~ W. Eliot ofMr. Ihghes’ acceptance ~ tho preal-dentlal nominntlon got one, but notthe kind they wanted. Dr. Eltot washeartleas, Instead of helping the Dem.ocrats k~op the supreme court bubbletn the air he prloked it wtth a pinwhen tn his letter he ~atd of Mr.

÷ taken alive,- From Speech of 4" Rughes’ action:

.4- Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, De- 4- "Most Americans will think that,

4" 1leered nt T.ewlston, Me., in Be. ÷having tiled the life Of a governor and

]4" half of Ch¯rles E. HugheS. ÷ the life of n Justice of the supreme

4. . ÷ court, ha had a right to give effect to

.t.+.++++++++4"4.+++,+4. his preference for political service."

’.. . , .:,~ - ..%

. . - "~ . . .... :;¯ ,... - . -,, .., , ": ,, L - - ’ ....

.’" ;

....... COUN’FYT:IC’"" MAY’S ~I~G, N. ft., SA~AV, SEPTEMBER 16, 1916.

Paid for hy W. K FAgs Marching Ohb




SHOWN DY B[GOROSlo..o.,,., ;.,... ¯ndOthePI Ente~d at Clerk’s Office,

c~i~,t= ef zortp~, ,unuo cttT.HtLUUUm LamberCa. tO Nonb8ubnmxby,

Irreg. North aide Oe~Ln Ave. and F LmtsldeofMa~ &laare, f/,~00.

Puk Land & DevelopmentOo. to $.BeeeherAk~rn, 10.9xi15 ft. Ihg Cde OhloAve. ]81).2 R.North oCAfJ~ntl0 Ave. $2.000.

William C. KetTtetter tO Jo~ph P~dawarla.Md01L Eut elde 8late~Av~ if/ft’Bo~th ofAtlal~tlc Ave. IB/~00.

~’N. Forfeit to JamM 1~. l~iley, ~xl~0 ft. North aide Beach Ave. 100 fit. F~ ofRhodm Idamd Ave. $1.ffa0.

Jennie r. Bogere.to Adolph W.Rolnhoid, fi0x82.5 ft. Wvt’lide #,amherst PltK.e 250 ft. ~Youth ofAUimtto Ave. t~fl0.

Homo Blllldl~g Co. tO Beery J. auk&, 153x75 ft. FA¢ lide ~tllfornta Ave. 843 ft. North ofFalrmonnt Ave. $1.001L

Charms I:I~rdware O( to G~a~tntse Trnxt C~.~xlF/~ North Cde Allxntle Ave. )00 fit. We~tof (~]llorl~l." Ave. I~fl00.

John IL Bogaa to ~I~ M. N. 8p~i-ke,irrq~ "Wmt Idde New ihmpeMre Ave. 460 ft.NorthofAtlmatle Ave.ilt,i~ ¯

Anal T. Miller to Gusamuten Trnst Oo. ~xtt Fa~t side M~qPte Park 82 ft. North of At.

tsnth Aw. ~ff, O00.Ixena Am.on to Ol~ Uk Iu~ursmce 0o. 8h

gO IL 8onth m~ Paeide Ave. ~4 rL ...We~t oflqmlda Ave. IJ0~

Ploon| bdluidenfrei" tO 8. OJlerkia Oo. ~X00fL ~mtl~ xl~ Pndfle Ate.’M ft. Wed M’l~orida Ave. ~,Z~.

FAwln H. Uonmt toC~trlea EL ~hlvent ~xg~0 ft; ~outh.ol,u Ptu/fle Ave. 22~ fit. Eut of in.dl=m Ave.gu~.. ’

Wllllmn ill MnF~ to F~mk J. ~bom,tffalll fl~ ~¢JrUl dale Athtatk Ave. 41~ ft. Ksult ofBd~t~n Av~ I~a00.

Win. M~d~r~m~t to ~wt~ ~ WLiker, ~xII~ ft. North ~ AtlanUe &vL ~ fL ~t ofB fiabton Arm. It,~

Antoolo 81rlmtm~ to lknfliton CorponMkm.Irreg. West dale 8urreyAve. ~6fL6ooth ofAtl~mtl~ Ave. 14,tiff0.

Nldmllm W. Yonnato~dlla C, ook, 17.~d0 ft.W~ ~ New Ihz-pebtre Ave. ~ ft. Bonthof PenMa Ave.

AJ~totdo~ to timmmt~Tnat ~n.1750.. Be¯OhmS oat I~Ltmcmmt m~t ~

&ntoldo BI~ to kdolf Behledt4I~A. Wmt tide ~ An. ti0 ft. Nm’t~of Arede Ave.

Ptmmttd~.Lak~ &’~O~ to ~Itth~F~ Aiex~m~..

htl laml2 In bloek 19 shown on map of OMt-huret, PleMutvUle.

items. ITmn Im4ptm.A~ I~ ~t’ to Mm7 ]~ Jaeken~

t~l. ~t a stot~ ~ by tlmt~nth dd~ofMa~ ~ runnt~ Umm~h M~ee t~nd~u~de. tl.

tlLmul B. Ik~blm to Mary M. JaeUon, do-erthed u above, gt.

EL ~L ~um*oa to live O. ¢,-:lark,mi my wlonatmalvid~ batl" ~tsra~ ~ Iom~ etc. meatim~lbamkdak ma< ~o~ In dr~ldoro¯t ~Ab

A~t, Atlmatm City,Bobert PhBipp to Rcen Gotld~ pod~ ere-

in eh~hde ,u~ ~owbi0B~t/eOUt in the construction of the not a masher of tlie le~hture at that

’canal. The balance of the time, alti~ough at lat~r sessions hestupendous undertaking voted for some amen(lm(~nls to the

ant of current revenues; nnd law. which had l~enator Edge’s sup-advance the novel doctrine port.

bonds which represent the in the same ,~’ay, a~t,)ntohlle reel-years shall be is- pro(’lty wa.~ first prnpose(l In the legls-

questionable projects is, lature hv Assemblyman Edge. thenpreposterous, hi fact It " "

provided In "the Spoon-Rcpub]h’an leader, in fact, he lnltlat-

¯ ed SO mtwh ¢)f the progressive leglsla-~||ama cnnal bonds 8houhl

Seerctnry Baker is developing an

for nny other p||rposetlon of recent year~ that to recite it ¯gillty In cltanglng hls m|nd thnt must

.of the constrncllon of theall wou.~.d ’ 1~o to record Republican endear him to his |lls(’ovcrl~r.

the ingetflo|ts theo~ry that1),)1h’le.~ In New Jersey during thh

’:be Issued now to rel,ty therind that then the money cnn

by the party In powerdonbtful proJeels and to

a deficit will not nlter the~|ttch a deficit exists.

l,erlod.8onator F~lg(,’s supporters do not tle-

ny that Colonel Cnlgate has p crddlt-ah]~ IPg’l~lallve recprd, hut they as-sort thai It II~)~’s n~)L i’onipare with

their of .~,nator I,;d~e In Initiative. In

..... Of

DcmO(.l:atlc nPwupnpor~ an endless[/~T ~: : :: ................

~ .......

~-omount of worry. .~pparently they ~ ...............will never |,, .~tltl~lh,d until he turnsthe It|.;t):lffpmcnt of his campnlgn overto them. ....

rMr. llogh,,,< ’l,,.,,,,he.¯re givingpoOr

0 the Hear~ of Leusuegand

sntisfn,’tlou to th,, I|ezooeratle press, where, woods are cool, streams a|lur[ng,which proves ’they are very goodel)caches h(d(,’d,

vacations ideal, Between New York City(Vlth Albany and Troy the gateway) and

.Mr. "~VI]son’R ndmhti~tratlon mustconfess Itself lnc,~nq~elent in one re-sped or the .flH,r. It cllher has ap-propriated for an utH~eeded nnvy or tthas i,eglected u n~,edcd |lavy. It canselect Its fault to suit |t~elf. In one re-

of. contracts for I~ttth.shlt~sthe ,wtlolo scheme of pro-

a~ w.,ll In the responsible posttlon ¯ First they satd that IIughes was an

Liras of the secretary of thea~sl~n~’d to ~,~ator Edge by his col- lcel~erg: now they are.saying that he

may be Juggled as they may,lca~o,~. It Is chdmed flint the fact |s a mud slinger. IIe cannot poutbty

the eecretary is up ~lgninst that he was in the forefront and "tn~’.e be both nnd., as a n|atier of fact, is

of not having money togood," enllth, s him to the recognition neither. The Democrats must feel in

these projects he will then findnow asked of the Repuhlican.~ of New a mlghty l~nd way when they cry out

l~l~res will not make a surplusJersey. "mttd aml treason."

in g]~ f.reasury."+++++++++++++++4"+4" ~]i ........

31r. Wll~-n during the past few days 4"4" _ :- . . =_-=_ __.~__ --:::-7. - - . _

.Ikd..+.lP+-pd.+4.+++++++++has 1)roans,, such a’|lfe long opponent +’THE NEUTRALITY 4"

@+ or thc pork hnrrei that he Is almost + OF PONTIUS PILATE + ~][1"

I~ [r------’--’q]

¯ 4. ~orry row lie didn’t veto some of tho~e 4"~ 4"

4" ~ACRIFICED COUNTRY’S + BIlt as soon ns the need for" 4. V. HONOR AND INTEREST +

I,ill.~.4" deed.~ nrose Mr. Wilson forgot +

+ Mr. Wilann’s def~dore lly hi 4"Secretary M,,.!d,.) warns Treasury + all al~)ut "’ti|e prhlclple he held 4-

d" qt¯s kept ua out of war." Ae a +emplnyees agu(nst too Uluch political

4" dear." lie promptly nnf~ounced 4"

.+. mntbr of fact, hie polioy in Max- +sctlvlty nnd If they doe’S disobey the

+ that we shonhl l~e "’neutral In +

¯ ,4, i¢~ has combined all th* ovile of +order they life llh!ly to I)e bounced.

-I- fact as Well ns |n name, in 4.

4. qLmblo paaco With all the evils of ++ thnught .as welt as h action," 41"

.4" feebl* war. Ha hae a#cured non. -I- 4"+4".Io+.Io.I-4"4"++++++4"4"+4" Is, tWet,n the stnnll, weak, ansi- 4.

4’ Of the benefits of war, but h. h¯s 4. 4"4" + fending n;lflon and the large, 4-+ + stron~l natiolt which was rob- +

not avoided war. He hll lacrl- 4" 4" A HEARTLEss~¢a~l tha honor and the Interaste 4- 4" ADMINISTRATION 4’ 4" Ing It of Its sovereignty and in- 4.

"l~’@f tho country, but he has not 4" 4" + dcl~en(h’t~,’e. Su,:h|lctztrnllty, has 4. FrtmeLumbsr WhitsPlae

:4" IP~mtved th* thirty pieces of 8i1- +4" ~ ~J~reIs

.~n..---From the 8peauh of Colonal + 4" Thie adminietratlon hal d|s- 4"+ bceu ’c,ntpnred to the neutrality 4. Shsnttng

’IP "Tlhecdoro Roosevelt,D*livered at +4" played no more foeling of’ re- + 4" nf I’ontlus l’llatt,. Thle is un- 4. Flooring R~wo~l

it, Lt~iston, Me., in Behalf of ++ sponaibility for the American + 4" Just t~) l’ontlus I’llute, who at Cs~Ing Cdlr

4" ~hlrlot E= Hughll.4- 4" women who have ’been rlpld 4" 4" ]i,nst gen|ly ,nr~.’cd moderation + Waina~otlag Doors

¯ l"4. and for the Amerloan man, we- 4" 4" ou~ ilw wrnl,gd,,er.- From the +

Trim 10uldings

4.4,4.+++4.4-+4.4.+4"+++4"-tp4" man and children who have 4" + speeds ,,r I’,)lonel Theodore d"

+ been killed in Mexico than It 4" 4" ]roosevelt. dellve|’etl at Lewis- 4.Aq)h£tR0dng

¯ Lake 0eorgeThe AdirondacksLake ChaplainThe North and West

The I~gical route is "The Luxurious Way"

" Largest and .most magnificent’riversteamships in the world

Daily Service

Send lot tree copy of Beautiful -"Searchlight Magazine"

Navfigat on CompanyPier 31, North River New York

"The Searchlight Route"

4" farmer shows for the rate killed + 4" t,)u..Xh’,, lu I~,,half of Charles |~. 4.

4" by him dog8 whon tho hay ]1 4" 4" l[ughe:-’. :" +MT~ Wilson nOW vtrtual]y admtts 4" taken from a barn. And now the + 4" 4.

.tbltdlhisownidenswerewr°ngf°ur + Amarican people are askod to + 4"++4".|.++++++++4"+4"++yQnrg riga. He has changed his mlnd 4" sanction thie policy in the sam* + :

ct ’every’ publle queetion. O|z Some 4" of pete, pIghteousneu and hu- +

be lifts ehnnged twice or even 4" mSn[tyI--From the Speech of 4" The presldel,t ~et~ up Parly

If hla friends coMId 4" Colonel Do- + the hot spell, llll~ lli,.re are some who

the at time he h + liversd at Lewlet0n Me., in Be- 4" think he ntl|y lisve Io continue the

What anurance co’uld be + half of Charles E. Hughes. + pra(’tice nntll "N,)vcu|her tf that mnn

he would "be rlgllt a year @ 4" Hughes atle,~ to be so undignt-

÷÷÷ ~÷÷+÷÷÷÷ ,÷÷+@*


We are In" a position to serve you with all kinds oflumber and millwork; lumber that has quallty delivered.to you where and when you want it.

)NrSoft Yallow Pine8uhscr.ullot-bed 8uk

8cTesn Doors£I ~s of Mallwork

Harbor Gity, N. J.,

Don’t forget that opr Free Delivery ~rvl~ em-brue~ your town and vicinity, and that all pm~ummmade by you wiil be delivered directly to youl door,without any nddi.tiousl ©o~L

Our MAIL ORDERDEPARTMENT, with itsforce of’trained Ifltospem, Is at your service at alltimes. We pride ourtseive~ upon our promptness andreliability. We will gladly send sampler or, where:that is not feasible, detailed information of any mot’-chandi~e desired. If a monthly Charge ttctm~would add to your eonvettienee, just eommtmimt~with our. Credit Department. . ,

Look for the Philadelphia ~.Suellenbnrg’¯ Fameu Annual Fall Sale of Houx. hrahddaJp,

Cider, Glt.ware, Lamps, etc., ts now on. W0 hart ouu prqpar~g.¯

for this ule for months past, and lave crowded into It m0re r,mar~ ,:able vahtes than have ever been shower ia any ~ Nde. Camhl ."

service ud prompt deliveries atsurd on *" tuff 0d~n. . . ..

Mr. Frank Tomkinmo, Hammontoo, N. 3., .t£t~ ~re of atl mtrDdlvery t~rvien in BammOutOn, ~le, Wlmlow, WItmfow JEmethm,Elm, Antes, Blue Anchor, Braddock, Oedar Brook, WatergZT~ ~ ¯buret, Fisher, Dunharton,-At=& FLI~ Hotel, l~lhol~ Bl~g~borough, Berlin, Albion, Wmt BOTtle, Be(tin Hqhia, .Mlllord, MILril~nt ..

¯ Medford, lndlan MIll~, Atebn, B~rmtrd, l~oeala~ Ellwoo~, ~ ~$’1~" .., ,Llty, M¯~’e LandlnK, (3otcffoe, ~hN Port Repub~l~ Now OtO~,TuckertOu, Wading Klver0 Lower B~nk. G tt, en ii~tlr~’ Upper Blmk~ i~ ~

Whits Hare’Pike.Ple~S.nt Mtlllg Noose, andk . " " ’ " ’ " "’

$ 00’. ..The a ve amount will be paid for ln!ormaUon:

that wtll ]ea to the arrest and convicUon o! the-vandalor vandals wl~o destroyed our Yellow Disk Mile.Post

Signs on the May:s Landing Road,ithe Whlt~ HomePike and Boulevard. ’ ’ ": ’

INo gMPANY..::,.¯’ OULF RERN ..... ’’

lndeO uitoly it them wUi be a ahoda4[e of fond= munlelpdtUa:









BY 30,000.

PJ~X~tor Walter E. Edge, eaodldats foe thoRepobBea~ nomthatloo for OovecJ~e, t~emlved a trtm~etdous ovation W~ytn~ tent In/ttkntte City, when, ILft~ a iliad@by the~,e Matohlt~g Clut~ he .l~l~lgatmma ~ In the Morris .Otm~ Arnm~.The big ~ wtm surfed |o Ionll~round of oln~re, enthusiastic ap]p4m~mp bpT8os~tor Thames F. MeCrao, of Psm~ Ommtyowho praised EdFOe record and d~dar~l he Iadmtloed to become the next Governor of New..*ler~ey.

Hon. J. J, Whila wM CmLITman of the bil~Ltbertng, dlreeUng hb~ heareTW a~ tothe need eta man In the Execotlve o~oe whonnderetood the tmed~ of Atlantis C’lly mxl¯ U the other mm~hore ruort~, lmytog a hlahtribute ’to Oemtor Kdle and ~ing ¯united vote In Atlantis County In hht imPl~rkOongTmlman Isaac Baehameh made a briefaddrua, d~lllng ou "Scooter ~l~’e tmoeplionel abUlty for the (kvernor~lp ~ pre.dlctlng that be wUl win th~ nomitm, tlan by80,~0 majority.

~tor Edgt, when he an~e to almsk, re-salved one of the hea.lrtleat L?ReUnp ~ ean-didate ever enjoyed In Atlantis Oty. T4eqm4re In imTt U a)liowe

’~I wleh to ~.rryMCmr ae Ixl~l~D toa@O.~-.du¢on thO phum for ¯ business ffo~rm=mt towhich Ihave been Iot~uanmmm~e ofthe 14P~ature. ¯ The neat Oovmmor will have¯ ~ .opportunity to eo~dt~t ¯ bialLulmzmmtt, tmsmm with the ~ of fiat

Bill. the Brats P~i~ Bill. ~l~sEe~momy .tad E~de~l

Steak&nOr ttmo~bere lure t~rnna nip elmmtthe 8laSt Hams, and a bt~lnel ~o~laexpected.

" Whatdo I meau by eondnct~n~& b~g~’erntmmt? I mean. briefly, that ¯nor shall make the bnelneu of tho 8late ofNew Jenmy hk Job : daldi ¯trend tO ~ blm~neeaol the Slate, pmateaaly every wodda~

In the yaar. That he sludl have tdmeworking ennla~t with the head~ of Lil ~ ~e-imrtn~t~ en that the beada of the Bh~will rno ¯king io smtnoth ~or ~n~tedty: that .mpo~ of ~putmem’a =tlfltl~ eballeome totheaUm~.t~m~ t~t~erno¢ m propeWIm~e~t6e.

emeeaymr. That tam govemoe.t~allhl~ with ency ~ of.tiN

Hlate aovernment, m that he etmld Ilmemmatlytmadt depml.ment If he [e, ltit lu~umlMid IM.

to do m. The Budget BIB ~ tM=I~oe~ar~. tf a governor Ia to be mm e~¢~atexe~nUqm aod that wtm one of the ~ Ihad In prel[mring thia act and emllr~ ItspMen~. In oth~ woedt a governor ~m’tmenllmaend to the Lqialatnre tbeappjmlxt~-

for the year, wlthoot beln~ perUm~lyImmLU¯r with 1be l’at~dton~ ~blnt~trod iotlvltaa of each deportment of tim State

./=% ,he. Ia =Ave., AUantk City, $4g~ have gtme before, but 1 am crtticndog the

--~Ill’flaiL Ptril¯Pl ten YB’hl i1° |t w°ltid not

. hate ~ pomdble to tsve aw¯kemm4 th~HiM.ry 8~nt~ro ~j. ~od~la, dl Mntno 8o~oBr~ l~tbli~l t~i’nd to th~ pod/bill t/4E~4 of "k ~

eBenlnteaumIla~ Cmn~ma Ptmw Oonrt ~onrmmmt, but ~- It t. sl~t~m~r do--120 k~d~ ~¢m. ~ t. MUlm’, Atty. mmmded and I have spent many monism, and

WlUkm&j~vt C. te l~ldmalm. Ctttmit ~ yeas endeavoring to imeoretl~tlp~iqleOtmrt. gI~042LL Wm F. 8oOy, Atq. of lame imia whkh weald enoo~rale slur-

LewkDImlhady v¯ hmmC, Bias. Dbdrkt ernor to teJ~ atmolute bold of tbht Id~aaad~rt. $~B.~L Albm~t ~ Abl~tt, Atty. devdop and ~ It to oompletlo~ " .

¯ __ "I want the l~ople of ~ew Jerey tothat they a4"e ~lone the dockh~ldere In t~le ’

J~’t~l~e. "a~t big’ thirty mdllton dollar and4mfl btmloea~

John J~m~ ~m. Rdlm~d~r z Lane. CLreutt that the l~dmture I= thelr Bo~rd of DlnetoT~ ’Ooort. E~ogt & Emlkot~ Attys. ¯rid tbe aovemor jthelr btaln~ manager, aod

Hommwty Proee~ FTnlt CO. r~. Ores.Penis. that they realize that It Is their btminem, and~lTeoit Otmrt..De~o EL R~nwtck Atty. that whether it I~ conduewd eeonomLeally or

Matte Roe lake v~ Atlantic City Railroad otherwise |~ a mailer of momeut to them./3o. Ulreall Court. Elwood C. Weelu, Atty¯ "’ I believe hz thr~e y~n 1 coo emphtlleally

AlioeC.Weekl re. Atla~Uc City R¯lll~ad Co. demonstrate wtml a btlsi[te~ governmentClreult Court Elwood C.Wedte, Atty. . l~Llly meatm and thal the p~ple of tBe t4late \

" " LLI a smelt thereby will be brought nearer thP

Flnvt For Sale, , Ioverument and tbe toverument nearer toUlem, and that they will rtm]lz~ L~Lt their

For late, small chlckcm, fruit and duek.f~’m bnainem i~ i,aylng dlvldontb annually IolheTnof two aeR~ I-4 mile May’e J~ndtlq Station.

In the fi~rto of good ~erviee and b~neflelalMedina oooel~et~andnln~ ~ wlth~ttTa

leLr~iaUon, and [ am furthercoovtl|ex~2 thaieonereia ~d gldvt~ltmd ITOEL .bulidlN[, addl-the political party which ftme~ the pmbk’ma

tkmal chicken kotme. Borders I~ty where~agtadl~laLIM¢~.abetmJoyt~L ~ from t||ht ingle, ar-d urn* pulltle~lor1~$1~*

tl~3n aa i m~mol to thP end to give ~rvi~, willrhubarb. Idl berrlea t~ lamazlng, l-~ ~ In

remalu.ln’power for many y~r~ to eo~z~"g~ throe to~; bu~t year; pear, peach, apple , _ ,tree= Ill In be~rtng. J mt the pl~e for a nicelittle bom~ For l~fo~ addrum Emery " Electric Railroad Schedule,Marvel, l~t P=lac At,,.., Atltnt~ City, arC. Omrt Hams PlatformE. Jezuten. MakV’e Landlag. N.J.--Adv. For Atlantic (.qly--l~.lS, 6.?~..s£q, 10.15 It. m.,

September Electi~ Schedula. ~ 2.L~. 4.15, L~’~, 7,15~ 9.15. 10.L~ p. m.For Philadelphia--7.21, 8.14. L2~, II.72 ~ m,tat, ’-".-2. ~.m, &it ¢cr~ 7.~, tm..10.~ lt.~ p.m.

[ 8opt Id--Poir Ol~TU dmU imm =mere of 8tmd~y tame am weekday*, except there wprinllr~ ~ ~ li¯t~ ’to be ~ no 7.~L m. North and an 8:52 IX ILl. Norlh I~

for ItmlmOtJo~ . added. (Hint mocalng train up ~.I£~

t~pL l~----Mltn~dlm~ clerks to foraida ~ ’. M£n Bt~non " ¯with eampio10mltota. For Atlantic Clty- ~.~, k21 ~. m. "~1.

Sept. ~0--Boa~t to ms- prtnutry bgllott ~]I p.m.~pL~5--£’q~zrk to ddlv~(at hix ot~) li~l- Fat Phiiadolph~t~a.rn,l.lCLb.lt p. m.

k$~.ama I~llot box~t " 8a~da,y =tame ItS wt~ekdays.8~pL I-~-PTImlLry eleeUon sod mooed reg2a- On Tne~bLy next the roliowiog ~chcdule will

try day. take eft’set : Oonrt [lou~ Platform,

¯ Post-Offic. Houri. ~’ For AthnBe Oty--¢~ 8.~, |0.15 im. ~1.

. ?htmMts~attiWll~m.o#lot ea tflleVl:2J~¢k~’CL~s’nlp’m-’l~l"Lm’

North--&e0Lm.,l.~m~ &~p. m. atmth-- For Phlkdelphla--7.dl~, 9.*-.2. IL’" K.m~ l,l~.

~.~e. m.. 12A0tad Ll~p. In. .&2~ &l~ 7J~9.~<IL~ p.m. ’

¯ ~1 t.~ ~Om ~ .mdl bOX it thl 8un~t’y eame a. weekdaytOoort Hot~ 8tlLtlO~ at L00 It. In. ~ fd0 p. m Main HtaUtm

Athmtle Oty--6.26, L21 t’rn. 12.£,g.21 l~ m.

P~mzhqg. For Fhlhdelphla--731 am., t.16~k|{~ p. mNewmmptmo~ l~l|on land. (~ll or write ~unday~meuw~ekday~

tO ee iJmm, ~ ebenrtMlty gl~qm. H~¢r~mann Mu~a’, M&y’e l~ndln~--Adv. ¯ Septambe¢ Tidel at Atlantic City tnlat.

.............. li~h l.ow- ~¯ Men WantS. a.m. ~. ¯. ~, m. 1.. ~.

ii’t4at~rday ~-.,~..: 10j’0~ - 10.;H " t0tl" "~41~Twenty-ave or thlrt,y men t~ bd~0~hq,amrk. 17 .~n=lay ........... i I OS ll.3~ t5¢¯ t ar~ w~ ~ti~ak Sriek Mt 0o.. mq,’a tS mm~ ......... ti~e ....... &l tat.t~ndtq, N. J.. ~ J. ~ mqm~,m~tt, ~ ~ .... am J~ am tad

m L~t=~ed~4r__ tJe ~ 74t ,I.~¯ ....... =¯ .. E=_: .’-"u~ma, et~. ~ozm.Mar.Lotmu¢-~. _~-~ k= u0 tL~..._

II ~’"’;’r" IL~ ~ 311 JII~ ~tm~.t, I~ ~a! JI t~li’ ’

F~ F~ lk~. \ ’ mX"au~2. ..... T.~ ’ ~ l.a Lm,u~u~ ~A~mt~¢= ~LatS~#_--=-._tM .,tu] I# .Ul’

m~ t~**.Um at UMehlII’L--~IV,


Page 2: O p,ormsmh.lt The U0utdo~ l,ostre~s0ns that it~:iii ’i i,’ : , was easier for its OWli belayer[ Demob ¯ .; . ----- " racy to.indorse’ the presidents Mexican ...

:.,, .

L’, ¯

. .+



rio COUN .Y R£tORO

:i’nb,ili~i!z.,, ~~,.l.~ at i+;+, ;+ ::. lm, ndlnll.N.J. " "

¯ =I ..’;: ’" ’~era of ,,’I’nal Rleonn, maq, hnve their,+! ",?.::,., !!mira. r, mll~f i~ Lny liddi~ lntno Unlt~i’+; ] :... :. llltee and ,l’omeldoei, (Imlll, M~xle~ a~i

!.i: :, : 0ab~ ~ pnmeld, mr $1.~ per ,maam,r:; L . .itrk~ly In 14vall, ’

" ...-.....:. ~ Inli~llllor who n~li-. ~i i’e~tve -TiulKig~gn, .i~llil~ am ba’~i Ill o~Lili~n

. di~m~ mrnkmi4 b~" ei~i~rinlr~mpll;atthe ol~ol ’

/Idli~dlnl+ rail will be flirniehltl uponappUtlilm, " ¯,

.Chili eent through .the mall will be st the.NII~PI rllk; ill mmtti~n~ should he mideby ~red letter, pelt oflmee or expl~nmoney ord.r orohlmk. Add~m~! ~mlt~neman,l oommduhm~lons to Lie only.

C. 8it %N¢~ i~ldl~ and/~u~lil#~q’.IRA T. II. 8~IlTH, Auoollsle li~lttor.

Knlm’i~l ut the M~’e i~ndlng l*o~o~lee aaBecond-climl Matter.

M&Y’B l~kNDi~O, 8EPTF~MBI~It 1~ 1916,


@ Paeh Brol




of New York

i~)r I "ire llrr#lde~ll


of I ndl.t+a

"l’behandwrlthlg oo thr wall -Mahle’meh~


~ittb ¯le~y’~ rrsolmrrle~i will d~o~tte lhe

Cllrlstmli~ 1~lllie~ of tile i+llllhln,

"Tqe ~Ipl,’ of MIIII+P will lillmm Jtldglnent on

VVIIm,n’s lidalililMl~tt|o.," li~lett~l tile l),.m~

erat~. They dhl. Now tile ]~elnim ai~P htlay’

IliVcothlg exr,mm G,r tin0 way tlll.y did it.

Theft+re road officials ore i’~.l~*rtPd to lie

li~,kl.g With fltvor on a eromm-Htate hotlievard

from] C~uldell to Atlanlle City by way of Wey-

IIIOUill fllld the County blent, the ~trulghtemt

pomdOle rill+to, lu fic~ their advocacy of an

hnpmvcd i~lad thi~)ugb thl~ municipality Is

liamml on their el)nfldonee llmt UllllU.t~|y Rueb

s nmd will lle hull*... Ily hrldglDg the Ceatml

r~llr~md st F’ol,om. tills highway wnuhl he

free of grad, ¯ er,w-alng~, a blg fealu~, Ill It.

filvor. The lloit rlmd acre thl. part of the

Htal~ WeOI tlil~ way sad It la qolle po~llile tl+e

li~i~r ftlture holy ~N’ II.|~ trilver~h|i¢ Its. rollte

of tile old stage c&mit’ll.

...... --4k- .....

NoW thai the m,li~,ll Ix Oli~ll for poilthmil

I~II~PIi~. k(~+l ) r(m)l, l{Pep yotlr (tirol

l~m’t l<mi, your is.roPer, l~enlelnher llmt If

tber~ werl, rill (lltrereu~ of o])lnh)n, IlleX~

would be no pollll,’x¯ Yo.r nclgllh¢ir .~u~ Justllll IlIUch rhtlit to Ill:: I~)lltlcal oplnlon~l tim |)~

llaJl to him rPIIgi,+u~l Iuellonth)t)~ A man rail%

I’. a dyt~’-lu-tii,-w~md Itepublleaa, l+++moeml,

h~)elallst, l’nililbltlonl+t or even i,IIC (d+ tlmt

tore ~pecles, a Ihlll M~l~,, and +till t~. agenll¢~

nlall. Tiler*. I~ Ill) IN~aHI)B Oil earlll wh}" all~b¢,.Id liilt l)l’ g(~Ht frle.d~, Ilia)hit ItS l.)llth’Jtl

(tllrePPucl~ ari, 4.1ulcerate. ’rbe IIr~t IIIJUncIiOD

ill flu+ l~mlk ¢)f rtih,lt G+r l~dlth’aI ~’flt|~t~

~Ii(illhl I)1% -’ lhui*t gPt nlltd.’"

The fuodaJliellhtl putty prhlclph, of the hirllf

i~ the real lmmtJe of tlle pn’m!llt pollth’al (’&llO-

[lalg+l and It Is +hi. I.-~ue oil whh’h Charles

~+’VUlIN IIuKIu¯N. ix ~oul)d pr+)tP<.tl+)tll~t, will be

,,l~’Ii~l PrcM<i*,itI. All hl~ ptlldl,~ tittcr)t~cc,~

not tally r,n~i:litly l~tlt Iml’k Ill the dn)~ whPll

be W(|14 ll,)vPrllor ,)f .~qi’W York, erilphll~IZ,, the

~iUlIdIII~N I)l" Illl~ view on tlil~ <b~trllie.

Ill all ill tli(~e llttent~cl~<, .~lr. llugh(’~ llli~

InadP It cleilr that the l~epubllcao |+arty Malidi

for the principle of J’n+tectlon. lodecq~, It I. :t+

thrill" Wlirdi, I that Ill* tllll IIICIII frl~liueatly Intnl-

dacPd hll dlM’tDl+qil)ll of the tllple. To tbl. party

principle lie llliS iilWiyl ilveu Ule nioillcord-

lai words of approval alid iupp~}rt. TllrotigbPriitPclloll lie wotihl provide for’*K~f~Kuardlog

Of oar i~liUi)inl(, itJdPpPlldPoPe, for the dev~lop-

IIIPIII lif Allll’rh~lla holullry, for Iht. lOllhlll~

IIi~l’P (if AnlerlcUn tlalldardi of IIvhlg."

The liPXI war will tie eomlnerl!lal¯ It+yen tile

n ilh lit al war lirP luaklng planll for li llghl

for IradP¯ Tbe ~truggle of huslml in ]?.tlrril~.

II Io I)4+ aldt~l hy lhe g(ivernnienl~+. Our

g,lveri~lll~.lll liOl lllily n.+ful!~s Iil prllllit Ihe

AmerlPAta w0rknluli lip InlplIHIii I ii Jtllll doly

+gel+ill file goodl+-produeed 1’Sy chesp hllsir

ahro~d, hill It priN’l~l.lll Ill nli.ddh, wIIll II+-

dultFy wllhlll lair llol+derN hi It ill+inner to

luerell~e Ihe i’o.I <if gOlldl+. All lllell tinder-

Iltind It+at Ihe prll,qll’lly liOW enJil)’t!d Ii due’

to the [u(!t Ihllt lly I*tltthig.oll I~Ul*Op~*an COlll-

petition Uie war I~ gl viii I Ill toe lilgileit Is~ulltlh.

tlr(llt~lltul, a proleclha+ wlileli In Ilu. lilngutIKe

of’rarltr makerl I~l pl+oblblUve. ’The tir.t rrl+ull

llfpeace will I,e Io llweep +wily Ihl~* p-rbh.rt;ve

hilrfler Slid ~!t fret. a Itl’eanl llrclllyiiply u+adc

. ilOililllill!lured p~lducta to eolne lilt(+ direct

i.llnils:llllOll ill I,OP (iWll bOllle llilirkt, l with

A merh’all inan. fii0Iurell,

I~1 |)eullll;rat|e edliorM lod or.+ors ilf~

, the lllluathal Ill+ lh,,)’ iul~ b)" liiyllil~ iIIPllll

evilly> c’oor~l vllbl# +liver lUiiCU lai fUll(~llo, o.t-

sldeof tile larlll, u~ll Ihal l~ue will shluld oul

elell~rlillheluliOUalillrdii)~. Itll llisrllll

ilal lielwteu Ilic two dllnlloant pllrtltm~ Ihellllle the Lleniocnlbl would |Ige to mlnlnilzeo

It i the lue on Which the’itepubllcaa I arly

will be reetored hi power I u the c, lmllig eh~+’Llon.


ii0TiCE i:0 ;IK01SlltY" AID, ILlPnrmua.t to Idw, notice In hereby given’

that the Board of lteglntry an4 IIl|eetlomlIn and for Hamllt0n T0wnehlp, "County 0f Atlentl0, 6tOt+ of New Jerley,

. will meet on . ¯ .Tueidny, 6epiembqr 12, 1910, ’

to mak0¯ houe0 to ho~o ~nvas~.... .,. and’on ’. ’

at the hour of one (1) o’clock In the after-noon and r0maln In eesslon until nl~e (0)0’el0¢k in the evenln¢ for th~ purpoee ofrevlslnR alld correcting the reglRterS andof adding thereto the names of all ~i~oneentltlod to the right of suffrages in the re-npectWo election dletrtct at’the next eloo-’tion who shall apDear In por~o~ beforethem nml establish to the satlefaction ofthe majority of tho board that they areentitled to vote In that eleotlon dletrlet atthe next, election ther01n, or whq shall beshown by rthe written nffldavlt of a yoterresldln’g In the,lame eleotlon district to beso l~ntltled to vote therein, and i~leo .forthe purpose of erasing therefrom thenames of any persons Who are shown notto be entitled to vote therein by reason ofnon-residence nr otherwise.

And ale0 that’s Primary Election for allpolitical parties will he held In each elec-tion district on the 26th day of September.)916, second, reglstIT day between theholirs of seven (7) o’clock A. M. and nine(9) o’clock 13. M. for the purpose of ask-InK nominations of candidates for the fol-lowlngoffices:


Page 3: O p,ormsmh.lt The U0utdo~ l,ostre~s0ns that it~:iii ’i i,’ : , was easier for its OWli belayer[ Demob ¯ .; . ----- " racy to.indorse’ the presidents Mexican ...

/~ :t


i~:’: ....... 5_ , . ¯ ,

I[iA~¯,’~~;~’ ’° ". ¯- . ~* .: .~" \ ~ d~’. ¢/rurl RNDi IflRI IUN.HUGHES


9/A/C uu~nNL~All Rrghta Found Ju,t After ÷ mends of Labor Which Are

i"vC0neidsretion. ÷ :, Proved to Ba Just,, 4¢~- .÷ ~ ÷In his Maine sl~eches Mr. HIIEhu ÷ Ul am ympathetlo with every 4I,.---:-----.- made It plain that he was not bttaek-

÷ demand to improv¯ the sonde- ÷Sonal0r Wall0r E Edge, Once "In= labor or the eqttlty of the pro-÷ tlone of labor, to se©uee r¯eeon- ÷

the’ i posed iuerea~e of wages for the rill- ÷ ebit ©ompenutlon’ "for false, I ÷ mbme

Prlntor’$ Devil," Aims t0 ,De, ett. ,,0 ,,’aa oo, ton ’-, ÷ ¯m lit ay,pathy ’wfth ,T~ei-y ¯if. q. ATtuuqt’rk,.ll¢o.:

- " :el ~ for the ell impart[tilt principle of arbi-÷ fort to better human oonditi¯m, +

menttraU°nofnSenehthequestlons,r’lght’ means of nettle- ÷ and pert|©ufarly the condition of÷ ,x: := .Ath~l~l~wr~bf~iJ.Serve People G0v, Sp.k ; .t ÷ ,h...h. ,0,, ,. in,.ot.,., o.r-*as dlfterent places it] Maine Mr¯ lq’ughee÷ suite, in rallro¯d puroulte~ In all ÷ Tno=rnm~"& 8MAv~m~.:Proetm~. ¯

0fHew Jersey +dwelt ripen this question, saying:÷ those or¯ok sotivltiao that mr* ..... -. Pr’sft~$1028e~flor 0 ,,i dcel)tV deplore, in the nemo of÷ ez.ntlel to our prosperity. But

N(Yi’i:Oi~ TO CltEDITOILq¯" ’¯ labor, in the haUlS of Jnstlee, In, the÷ when you havana propositi0n to ÷-- name of American iddnls, the.surren-

I~tal~ Of Rnroh ]~ ~lob)r t dl~oa.q4~.

BETTERRESULTS. chang, the ecol. of wag,. you + H/u.unnttoth.ot~loroflenmnuelC.Xbm)er,

PROMISESder.of the I,~xtq:t, tlve and of Congress + have . vile, proposition whioh ÷ mode o¯’lrr~tat~ t’,e appllentkmnf the L~tmty ofof the u,,~lomlgned.Athultl°" this day

¯’tote l~lgn.f°ree’ JnMead of permlttlil¢ reason ÷ requires ex¯mlnat;on. You must ÷ Hul)stltuled ^drhSnletrntnr e.t.n, of the todd

¯"Tbe me.ante fo which I bare aUud- 4. at least know whether the do- ÷ Itt~deutt notle~ b4 hereby alvt~t~oU)eertqllt.

or~ ef the ~tld decedent to exhibit to theed was n.:¯ - i)roperly .~peakhtg,. an ÷ mend ie ¯ just one. ÷ Itob~’rlber, ander oftth or ~fllrmatton, theireight-hour meamzre. It wag a wage ÷ ’?Labor, of course, should n¯t ÷l eh~ldm.~ and demand= against thre~tte~ttho

¯ nzea~uz’e It wa.~ n plnln proposition ÷ desire anything but What ie just. q.--II mtdate,(le~ient,or tl.,y withlnwill beeluer,)reverm°nthSimv,rodfr°mfnmlthl~_for a elzaz]ge lu’lhe wage m’nle. I do ÷ I do not believe labor intends to j. Jl~q~uttng or re(~)vering tile ~tvne.alraln~t

-- I the Rtlb~t!l’ll~r,not ~peak of the eqalty of that. That ÷ ask fop anything but what is ÷l ¯ TUgATLA~TICHAIelCI)I~I,usrr~tIs q marter to 1to tat’Iv considered, I ÷ just¯. What ie just can boex- ÷ m T.f,sT ~,¯

." f Hul~tlltuted Admh h4tn, h~r e, 1. x .wflat wllat I.q lost sad rlgllt with re- ÷ -,mined and will lurvive Inveoti- _ i L d ’ ’ Aflaulle ¢Itv. N ,Ispe(’t h} wa£(.~. [ nnl for lhe nrbltra- .[- get;on, Nothing ie lost by haw- ÷| M)tv’. I~uldlng, N.J.,R~pt~.l,¢’r~, 1918.

lh)l aa,1 flu, lu,arefnl ~(,Itlement ÷ ins the proooee of reason applied 4./Tllo~l~o.N & KMAI’N~a.% Pr, wlor~ "-- -- Atlantic City, N..I

thane hnltlsfrial (’-¢ltroversles. ~,Ve ÷ if only thlt which’ ie just is ÷ l’r’.0,e, l1480,’,in sellh. ~,ve’vt a g in thl~ eotintry ÷ requlred,"--..Mr. Hughes in Him Jr " "If we ~U)l)l’oaeit tho,~t’ matters with ÷ 8peeoh at Portland. Maine, + N*)’I’ICig TU CREL)ITUIt.~,,

#,~tab, .! llNrrlst MeF~rrea, dts.(.a~o.l.f:tlr and ol)eu mh’n] nlnl an examlaa- ÷4. l’nr"mu,ttotheordorofl,.’mtuxuelL’.Hhaner,t lea of f bE. flt(’t~ . 4. ÷ ÷ ÷ 4. .4- ÷ ÷ ÷ -!- 4. 4.¯’t* ÷ ÷ -!. 4. ÷ 8u,’~NOll,, ..f the ~lunty of AtJ mile, I lie dgy

ntattt, eli lho &Pl)lle¯tb]b t,r tile lltlde ~gl]ed,"Ttll~ l!nrf ,’1 ]¢r lllOltRnl’e ~4llowR OnAdn.llIHtd,~ttl’lx of the ~Id dT~’(~10nt, noth~ Islt~ Paeo thut It wus le~.q~latlon in nd¯

÷4.÷÷÷’1-.÷÷÷+4.+÷÷÷4.4.4. heneby glx.,n t,i the cvt~tltora ,fft.h,~,~lld de-vnDee ~tf The IllVeqt|~fltlnxt, lnntead of ÷ ÷

e~le¯th,~.~llil)itU) tile suU~;l’tlu.°r,.anderoltihor zktnl¯litl~tloll~ their f2ht[lnd tl t~ delllUnd=

Inve~tl,:stlon lit" ntlvlzne’# Of legls]a- -t- DEMAND WA6. NOT FOR ÷ I~ln~t ti,,, ’*hth~ofthe~t|d tleeed,!ltt, withinulna n|(at|llR fronl this dltie~ or riley will betlou. It ts salt] that there was ~ Its + ’ AN EIGHT HOUR DAY. ÷ forever I,,*rn~l files pnw~nli lug or recovering

favor the _[ll(1~nlcut ¢~f ~oelHy. The ÷ __ 4"tlle~tlllt.,t,~itltlplt themlllttel-lber. .

Ju¢lgmeut c,f ~o,’h,ly lu this eountry ÷ "It iS maid that the judgment + N^N~I~¢ M. t:UNNII~nlI&M.Adnll IIINI ralor.heR never basil l)O,qS(,d In favor of leg-

÷ of society ham made the demand+I 151r) I%trk I~)w


Wt*~hlngtc¯ D. t),lslatlou without klloWl~ll~e of 1he equl-Jr for the eight-hour day, This woe May’a l,,*mllmtg, N, J.. Augnnt : l, 1916ty and regardless.of the facts of the÷ not an eight-hour day, ¯nd the FaKN¢’. A’ ItLCIIARDR. I’r(~etor~ease The,re wn~ no lade’sent of so-~1"judgment of society had nothing ~’amden. N. J.

(’Iety’lu favor of the rna(l~ wheels were÷ to do with the propoeitlon laid -

Pr’.r,.P.$15fi4exeept0d from Its I)nvl~lon~ if there

÷ before congres= and peeled by N,)TII’E TO (.~’ItKI)IT¢)IL.~.WaS a .’udgroent of ~-,’h.ly..,v i~, - not np-Jr Don=real. Tho prOof- of thll |1 P~,tnh.,,f I.oul. Enmnn.l.de,.,qw~.dpit the rlllP tn ole,’trh’ or ,,ther Iclnd~ | ~a 1~4o1! II [ ~) file or(ler~lf |%lllltll ti,,I (). ~ilaiIPIJr found in the bill itself, wh;©h ÷ Htlrr~tt,,~)f Lhet~)untyo/ AlhtnUc. tl a dayof r.ad~ -r r.ad~ h’~s ttlsn 1¢~ all]e8q- proposal an investigation to find "P InJtde o1| the npplleathln of the undersigned,

¯ I°;x(~’llhtr ,~f the sltld[ dt~¯~t~|eatt ¯otis. I~!11 |eti~fh "~ I fiaT. n,.v/iv v,’llh ~lleh ere-÷ out whether. Congress had Day ÷ lu.rPby glv,,w to the erPdltor~ of the mddd~teu~e’. It was n surrender f,~ f.ree In-÷ business to do the thing whloh ÷ eedentb,exhlblttothemnb~erll~!r, neder~thstead ,f a clenr, candid, falfhfnl tram-÷ it was asked to do. end whloh ÷

or aUlrm.tion, their clnhna and demnndsed ¢’xamhmtion of lho fn,’ts, alnl thell It.KitllIM th,* ~btte or ihe el, Ill dt~dt’ll4 wltllhlaetlon In accordnm,e wIlh Amerlenn

÷ it did do.’~Mr. Hughes in Hie ÷ nhiP mouth, from UH~ dah~,or they wll| b*,!?rev,,r I,,trr~. frmn pn~utlug or re~vertnl~

prlnelplo~. -P Speech at Portland, Maine. ÷ Hw ~t~wn,.,,g:uost the mutmcrtber.BENATOR WALTER E. EDGE.

"Anhr-raey rel)eesPnt s fores; tyran- -t. Jr I)0NHNtCK (’ORSI(~LCA.]’~XO(’U tar,What kind of ~n execuIh¯e will th0 nv rPlwe~(,ntq f.ree. Denu.,rncy rap- ++@++@@÷’[’’]*+@’[’@@+@Jr ILF. D, No. 2, Vlneland. N,.I.

Deople (ff New .Iors~,y hRVp ~ su(’¢’eBR¯ re.qelif.,.a fhl. I¯llh , of the (’()n|Inon lads- May’m I~,.dlog, N.J.. Ailau~tt ~11. 19111,or to (h~vorlor F’lel l,,r" The answer mout fit.tar qllscll~sloll, after an oppor- Jr-l--F÷++.F÷4.+÷÷÷4.4.÷4.Jr I’HAIt¢,K~ I’. IIItaWll@t l’r,’etor¯ ’dep~nd.~ very much on the ch-Ife ex-

tunlty h) ]~now t}w facts." Jr.~ Vtneinnd. ~[. J.

ercised ny I{e ~tllh,aa voter~ at the _ PPn foe. $14.80party l)rlmarv. It. Otto \Vlttpenn hosa 8" PUBLIC OFFICER SHOULD "~of the 1),,n]Drrati. machine in Hud It All Depends. ÷ STAND LIKE A ROCK. Jr NOTICK TO CItRD[TOI~,SOnnomlnee.Collll [y,~\.hoWlllts bethethestrongestDemocraUCman"Tf I] U~ho~ ’,VIll~ all ( )l’elzo u 1own "~

÷ l~Utte nf Itobert It.’Hmsther~ dee~!l~htlr~ultnt US the order of ElIlll¯llel C. Hhaner,

the Iteln,blh’an~ can nanle? Of the w|ll L~’t n m’w ~llitt~:h, Inl]] snip]eying ÷ "Government ¯ under pressure Jr Hurruggte of the Couuty ot AtlgnUe, tlltathtym~de ob the appllc~tUou of the uoder~ =ned,three POtl~,~lallts for tile nonllnatlon fitly nH’Tl." ~11’~ ~ I’,[(’ ()iylo]da Iteeorder. Jr IS not American government. -~. Adn, el.leaSt nfthe t~tld decedent, nonce tntho on(, filing the most numerously-

"aeeordln¢ t~, an nnnouncemenl of the + Whenever pressure |e applied to ÷ hereby siren to theeredlU)r~ of the ~ld do-

n¯xnes--wasSlgned petitlon---~oat¯inlnKwalter E. Edge,OVerof26’0UOAt¯tndlvldoal ~-ho foo]~ nn opt|n n OTI tim- q. lay public o~cor ho ought to ~ t~|e~tor al~rnmnon.toexhlblt U)thclrthe elalnmmtbe~rll~er’amlUnderdemmndn°~thlal]L~c cot~nly, leers are a taw facLa bared land It" Wilsox~ wh]s the OpLlOn Jr stand like a rock end soy: ’Here 4- a4~*ln~t tlw *~tat~ or the ~ld dtx~dent.wltblnabout ]Cdgo will bq, .Ih,w~.l Io lapse. That’a the ÷ I stand until we substitute roa- -I"

nlnP In¢)lll|lN fn)nl tlll~ ¢lat*,, or they will

fcl)r~ver b~rn~l frxaa ptv~,~,utlng or rt~mverlnl[lie was I}4~[ bl)rn w~th as|lver spoonwnF v,’llh :l Ihqols;ind Ii11(I one enter. ÷ Ion for forco. Itlenot¯nAmerl. Jc t-’mtnw~l~ttL~ttbe~ub~rlLwr.lu hLq nn~ufh, hat I~ nn exnmph, ot

what nnlIv,, ability and industry, aided l)rls,,~..11 walttn~ t,i ~e¢, which way Jr Can dootrinato Iogleloteflret and q- Ou~aaa~Tut~t~rr(’oxPA~v.by a poblh’ ’.~¢’I,.~’d education can do tlu, wlml 1)low~. "t’lw nnHnellt It tR as. ÷ investigate afterward." -- Mr. ~"

AdnlhU.tnitor,Atlantic City, N. J.In devPIoplu~; the pc,or Inly Ix to the

,~ured th;It (’h¢ir]e~ ~. ][ll~lies Is elect. Jr Hughao In Him Speech at Port- -~ May’. lacndtnlh N.J, Atlgtl~| ]9, 1910.8u(’eossl’al I)ll.~l[le.~s nliLa alhl U~to[ulpublic sorvl|llt, ell¯ JUxt wut(¯h tlw wheels of Industry ÷ I¯nd, Melne. q. ~VII,I, IAM H. RMATIlaI~, PaR’for.

Walter Evan~ Edge Is near|rig 43 splnnudll~tentothehumoflnminess.,, ÷4.÷+++÷+÷÷++-I-÷÷÷4..4. Atlantlct’lty, N.J.)’ears or ago tile time of life when t’r’.n,~,,|14.1q)

4.÷+÷’bd-÷+÷+-~..[.÷’++4.4.4. N()TI(’P: TO CR],:I)ITOn~.uponeXperlml"ey, ,IhhaSandlmpr¢~’~’~"dl/., strong,its maturele’s*nsOR. HARVEY W, WILEY + ÷ v.~u,te,,r Jo,,. ~o,,a~l,~ ~-~,,.l’ur~nnnt to the order of tcltlltn ¢lel C Stlaner,

nlan Cal| p~zt forth hi~ best energies."’- THERE SHOULD BE NO AC- ÷ HurroKnt~’of the t’knloty of Ath~lltlc thin day0Forjorsey.I1 andY~’ar~Ior hetlrella~pastIIvedtwo lnlleradesNew TO V0TE_FOR HUGHES.+

TION UNDER PRESSURE ÷ mt~d(, ou the appl|oe, t! ..... f ti~e un(ter~tgePd,’ Admlni~t mtrlx e.t.Lof the mild ¢lect~1~ nl~n¢)tle~+has been more (~r le~s prolnLa,,llt lu

~ Saye Wiloon H¯e Failed to Enforce ÷ UNDER DICTATION. ÷ I. hereby given TO the eredlUSm of the mtldpahlle affalr~_ The hey altended pub-lie ache.l, lhen. -fol’h)w[ng Banjo- Pu~- F’~od Law. 4. 4. d(~tent. TO exhibit to Lhe mU)~rlber, under

ta~q=mxre.knov7contentraent of a:.friendly

with Pnnce ~. I~rttobac~l , . . ."


Mr. LnnMJ~g 1,4 eredI(ed with the be.Ih’f that th,, c.as,, aA/’lJll.~t (:reat lh’ltah~ ervathms t~ the lnzbllt, p]edges of ad-Cal ae(.Ollllf of [he blacklist Is ~¢~ Weak ministrath’e reform ~lven by Charleetha~ It o.ght I.,t t,, b(+ IS’ ’~s(,d 1%’ al E, llugh(’.~: LIIu reeerd .s governorfhe.. dhl Mr. folk mean when he of New Yor~ g~ara.tt~a the fulfill-railed the alleullltm of the Ih’ltish gov-

ment of every pruxulse.ern~ex~I, "lu the’gravt,st lerms,4~ to

*’the nlaIly ~;t’J’|lHIs Ci)lJl~e¢|llellO(,H,, t()D¢)Iz.l(K’ra1~ are IIlIW collvinced thatlie apprehended it It wer~ not wlLh

Charles Ev¯ns Hugheg 1| ¯ warm prop.dr0 wu ?neition.

-.-. ¯" L:

.... , [¯ ,.." ,’d

,~,’. ~. -.

2:’.,?: , ,,’,"

.. . ::~, j

¯ .,..¯ r .

. ¯

P,A: .to yo. with a ....a patentea~. ~. that removes bite and~p~l¯¯i~a~de-Jm .smoi~_ R:lot~_/ei!~d.~ .Wt~tla~, ~ .:.i " ~’ " ’Prince Albert has alw~y~ beeii~ld witho~coupom or premiums. We.p~feiFto gi~.e ~::...

l~r~" .,c,e AM_l~rt affO~-~., theft pipe =d"~~ ’ -Uvymenu ~,ma. that flavor and fi’agran~ and

coolness is ,,as ~ as that"sounds. ;P’-~L jttst’ " ’ -’~answera the universal ddhzand [or. t~o/m¢:co : .::,]nfft~out bite, parch or lu’ck-back!


~.~.,dt~,.~..~,.~,,.~.,. Introduction to Prince Albert isn’t any harder,o~,.~,~r..~.,t~,,.~ than to walk into the "nearest place that Sells ,,.~..e,,:t...,,n_~,,.,.t.~..^..~#.,._..~_.~.~tobacco and. ask for."a supply of P,-A," You pay ..... ’~’~"-."~-"** .,,=~--~,/,~ out a little change, to be sure, bdt it’s the cheer-=.=~ ~ ~,..--- = ..e~ - ’’fullest lnvesl~ent you ever m~del ;~m

the it

-:’-o, A Ijoy : "L i¯ILJ. R,.y.old= Toixu~ Co.,Wh~toa-hahm, N.C. Copyrlsht 1916bylLJ. ReyaoMsTdmceeCe,

..... % ............ _ .......... -

fNtlll or amrtnallon their ehllnnl gild ~rain I"ranl.]hz’~ e~anlple--went to ÷ "We hava one priceless troae- 4. u,mnct~ alb.’alnat the e~te of the aatd doet.dPnt,work as a "pr nter’~ d-vi’,." .At sly "T favor the eleetloa of Mr. Hughes 4. uro in thlm country, end that i0÷Im forever barred from p~ntlng or reeover~teen he n~s,-:ia1.(l himself with It Io-

wlthlennmm0nth~fromthlndat~,orU~oywlllcal advel’ttshx~ agency, wltl’lln two to the i’r¢,sh]en¢.y for entirely different 4. thi reign of good judgment otter

"t" Ingthe~alea~lhl.tthe subscriber,

Iproprietnr. ÷ public discussion¯ In the long

÷ MAaGAKJrr A¯ DONXKLLY,ears I)eramP its and ha~ re.stats than tizose hoidl)v most of his

÷ history of the people, victory÷

" Adminl.trtttrlx e~ L mtlonslltlt UPnowLhereprr~ent)ll,slne.~.~ severalUntil Its lnllllon°pera supporters. It Is not heCallRe Of the4. after victory hee been won over

÷ May’e latndlng, N.J.. Angu.t22,AtlantlcCItY’1916. N. J.dollars annually (’~Iotlel Edge I~ Mexlcau policy ,lor the foreign policy÷ tyranny and force¯ WO hevo ¯

÷ WIIololAM M. ¢;I.KVKN(;Kit. l’rOetor.credited with brlnt: one t)f t)l¢’ famousof the adl~LLIL~t£atlon uut b3 ¯ reason 0t ÷ free pres&, we have a free form

÷seaahore re,,-ort’~ most eupeo,~qfor I)nsl¯ At]autleA.’lty, N.J.

Pr’s fee, |lt,~0ness men. ,~,Inn)" a "’s(’!r-made" man Its domestic poUcles. It Is because of + of publio discussion, to the end÷ - " ............

........ I -teresthas done!s aS|hatWeIIhts bUtreeordthP polntshow~Oflustln-the ePl)arent indlffereaee of the admln. ÷ th=t there may be a general un~ ÷ ’" lteeord" advertisements brt¯g regular.Asuch quaHth,s :as t’.lo stah, needs In lsLrnth,n of I’resh]ent Wllsou to the + dorstandlng of our activities and ÷ trhtlwllleovlvlntaoyou,Its exeeutl’, ,, .~"sat(~r I.’.d~p ha~ tory- rOUse of pure food~ sad drugs. Prac- ÷ a general apprecletlon of what ie÷ed his owa wa) to ~u,.,.es~. tt was no1 th’olly all of the abuse~" which were ÷ necemssry to the improvement of ÷ ÷4.4.÷÷÷+++~÷4.+÷4.÷÷4.

permlt|.dd°reSm°°thedlh’°’;" v., h ’st,,r’r ’" w;~ll~hh’"xnrla""rth,.’s~i°nt"s ,"tUSewasTh°°’e’"I,r0,’ediugt’lJr"led Int,,admhll.the pure fo~l !aw by tbe ÷’I"our condition.. W. may dieegrse

’!’++].[ 4"

’ ,.up a¢ es tratlons nre still In about thi= measura or that, but ..~ ÷ WHY HUGHEs IB NEEDED IN ~I~.

(’l)lonol I.;,1~,,’ rl~,, Ls ,¢)litir~ force Ilenzoate of soda Is Rtlll reg- + wa have confidence’in the pub- + THIS TREMENDOU8 CRI818.÷dt].e to Lh¢. ~:laz,, ~t,,rlin~ quail IPs that

~alnea h,r hhu ~u,,,,,~ In bu~lnp~r neat. Tht;fnnz¢.~ of burning snlphur ÷ lic judgment in the tong run. ÷ 4.~efore hr, wa.~ able to vote he wa~. are marching aloug undlsturl)ed. T.here +Henca there i= one thing which + Against Mr. Wllson’. combine- 4-workln~ f.r Fb, ml)llea~ ~ " I ’as 1.~ evh]eu|l.v tt lull Ixl the activities of ÷ we mumt alwa/= maintain, and ÷ ÷tlon of grace hi elocution with ÷}[Is t~,¢) , a v nvv,~’~;ipPrg ffa;’o Vahlthe a(]lll[llJatratl,~ll ,,f fhl, ];iw. .~ we]lo ÷ that i= that there shah be no ÷ ÷ futl#1fy lu action, against his r~- ÷able ehi ~,~ fhp party. Itls first . fllcia] \kuoxvl] beverage, dedared by the su-

÷ action on tha part of cur e/ectitd ÷ ÷ ord of words unbacked by deeds ÷ 4.CO~Ile(’|Ir[l tt’lflj ~l;l[(’ a~lIF , was }t~

Servhl~l’mlrnal ~ h,rl~f,,r ’! rr,i ~;t¢,., s,’naTe Io lX97. I)rexn(" c,)urt mlshra|Med and amenable+ representatives, taken under + + or betroved, by deeds, we set Mr. ÷÷~h~a.~ in that ;,o- to tbe fo.d law her not heen molested. ÷ ~ressure. under dictetlon. Wo ÷ ÷ t/ashes’ rnggerl and unc0mpro- 4. +senateSlth)n’ h,h ""l’* ;~n,ll’ .,:]hp]~,cr,,t,lrytlm ollio,I)f t]leforNo attelul)t ha’~ I..ol. ms,h. t,) enfureo + muet know what the fact= ero ÷ ÷ mlMng stt:alghtforw¯rdnesa Of ÷÷fo~lr h+rn] In ,,t ,) l~,, w;is ~l’nt |n |he law ]I1 ret~artl to the blearh[ng of ÷ and what justice requires."~Mr. 4. ÷ ell, racier .lid aclloa In every of- ~ +the as~,’m’,iy h~ ’],,’ lar=,,~l tnaJorlLy 1blur. "I’1],. rel.’.l .f the mlzed flour ÷ Hughes in His Speach at Port-

÷÷ flee lie bas held. ~re put the

÷ 8-ever gi~* en ;1 I anili,lah, In

,\tlantle¢’oonty. Ili L~ ,’:n’r~:.. hI-~ biIlty to

law. thut sl’h’nqlhl snfo~:uard tel the ÷ land, Melna,÷

+ man who t|llIiks ¯and speaks dl-÷ +p!an and ,I,,. w,,r,, [Tnnle,lia~e]v reeog, purlty ¢)f ()ur bread, hns I~on tacitly ÷nlze~n, a¢, w’~ mat,, th. ’eador nr ÷

+ rectlv and wlm~e won]s have al-4. 4.+ ways been lna¢le ~oo(l ogatnst ÷

÷approved hr. the trenrury department.

++÷-I-*F-I--l-++++++.!.+÷4.+÷ the’n].n wttpse adn)lt and facllo 4. ÷

the maJ.rl~.~, an unl,recedentc 1 hon-"Mr. F[u~zhPs |n his setlvltles on thoor For ;I lir~ ~ y,’~lr InHil -\|’ fhe t]~X[

÷ elocution I~ u~ed t9 conceal his ÷ +election I., wa~ s,.IJt |o th(, sena|o Sul,re.H.r.ur| h.s sh..I Ilk,. ¯ stone÷÷÷+÷++÷+-l--l-+.l-÷.[.÷÷÷ ÷ Idall~t or his waat or plans. Tbe÷ ÷and is n,,w tlnlM,In/z his .~r(’on,l wall r,u- the l,r, .,r tldu]iulstratlou of

÷+ ÷ nexl four i’e r~ Inny well be + 4.

term. Senat,)r I’:dt~e h;l~ h-on nlnJorlthe f,.,,I laW. I believe hLs election

÷ NO ONE WAS AFRAID OF 4. ÷ yenrs of Iremel~dous nationalJr


presfdeuttY h, ader lns,,rw,d|~l,~ :lppt,r;lq a¢’ti.t:hnus" amlt~overnorWhll~wcmhl ~,’e n radh*al rhange in the attl-÷ ’ HAITI¯ "t" ÷ strahl. Which of t]lo two men

÷ Jr4.[or ~ve wi,t,lt~ durtn_. (;,)v,,rn,)r Held. tude ,,f |he, ~a);Prlliilel f tnwar¢l~ pure

÷ 4. ÷ do yuu. the American People,÷ 4.yoon~er’sTl~eahspnr~¯s"nl,’d ~,;~’;:r:’mnx t)~rl~th"lgd~l ~ta:e.¢,r,.dwar l:u~Tf~rV,,~,:ran.V.arthpWelfa r¢,f’~"l and.f pnrpm]r I,e-ph..¢ "~ ~ SOForVltalthls reasont° the ÷ llnlt [ (lhl ilO t hehnvo ua badly 4’ ÷ wish. at the helm during these÷ 4.~paaish ’,m r! an w,~r I I so, ’,’P,] aq I sin, vu,,l, h,,p. |hat .Mr l[¢lRhes~ may ÷ too~a.,~ 3[exh.,~ behaved: but Mr. -~ Jr four year~the man wbo has÷ ÷s,~r~lnd lieun,nant ,. (’,mJp,my I,’, 4th I.. eh,,sen as uur next. prestdent. " ÷ VCi],~,)II I.terv, ~,1 ¢,,ught the

÷ ÷ been actuary tried and found ÷ 4.New Y,,rs,," \’,,hmt,,~r Infantry ro-’ I ~h,,uid pxl..’t .Xlr. l[,z~he~ as l,¢’,’s-" + IIal|iens.. ~heddln~ their bl¢)~}d ÷ + wanting or the man whosewhole

÷ 4.nlalaed ill ..... I1 :’ ’Zl li Lrll;irt af’t~,r tile÷ snd the hb..l of our troops, took

÷ ÷ career In publle office is fl guar-÷

war :l~ld w h,r. Tn,, ratlk ,,f I.tPuten- ldelll I~ ha;e thP ~lL[lll, |l|[|tll(Ip t-wnr¢l4" i)oR’;e~;qbq] ;lud llOW has oor arnl- 4. ÷ antee of his power and good

÷ant (’,)h),l,q ! ",~ -orv.d ,=p~ n the the ],Ilr*, l,,,,,I nvl,I ,Iru~z laa lh~|t he laid

÷ ed f.r¢.os In r-ntr,)l of lIalti aud÷ ÷ faith? But one answer Is possl-

÷ ÷ warm¯ They coat millions of dol-personal ,~ta " , ! I.~:,,- =,,~,,r;mr~. ll*~

.~ a ~nd~o oh |he bench Dud to appoint÷ dlr*’rtln,.. Its ff¢~verlHuP11t. YIIs 4. Jr ble. and It rullst be given by the ÷ 4. lar= and hundreds of liveD, .~

was a pr~’quentl’t ,’h,er.r In l’.m4 anda serrt,tarv ,)f u~rh’ulture with .ubor-

+ (’oul-se q~f ;Irlloll Ill IlallL (’an lie÷ ÷ Amerlenn peoplo through United ÷ ÷ Squandered to no purpose, They Jr

an at¢ rna|e d, h t tfP’ ~ , - ’, ’~: at large to the

19i)8.ReIlal)]h’ansenator ICll/~p’qnati’~t’:¢Ialn] ha.~’ ,mw*v]tl,~n,,,n serTlee°tnstl.’dlnat~’and’)fll"er~earllestWh°h~WUuldthe enforcemeutbe eathusl-

4-4. defel~de¢lti.t~ I=. Mexiro°xflv" Jf hlSls ollqualltledly(’¢)urse ofne-÷÷÷ Slates. - Frum the SPecch of .[.

÷÷ were°CC°mplish°dwore.--Frcmn°thing’the Speechbut theYof÷ ÷of the pure f,,,.1 law f.r the beueflt of

÷enn, h,znned; for ~u(’h aetluzl was ÷ Ilvered nt I.ewi~ton, Me. In Be- ÷ J- , __ . T . o.ro Ro.o.=~vs!t, De- ÷

wori~nmn’st° the people.¢,(m]pm~satitmTl)rou~, i~l~ elTt~rtSlaw wasthe" the physh,ai, me|Hal and moral wet-÷ far lu,H.p needed In 31exh,o thaa + 4.÷ Colonelhnlf of (’harle~The°d°rei~ RoosovelL[lu~h~ De- ÷.LI ÷T CO~,ve.r~aOnSl athe°dl.eweston, Me., In B¯- ÷enarT.ed. Ills ~)’mp lr y with th- fare of our pe,,Ide ""

_ " " - ..... T i ~ no.f of Ch¯rlos I= Hughesworl¢ln~ -,,,pb, h is b~,(,n s town ’ + In If:till Hut there wa~ a differ- 4. q"÷ ~

’ ¯ ÷thelrtn t,¢.l,,mefl[ntr,,h,,,tillnntheOfr,,pr,rt.,many hl’.l~madefor,

.-F÷ ........÷ ease. In Ih,, tw¢,¢’a.es Dad loMr 4. Jr÷÷÷÷÷4.÷÷÷÷4.4.÷÷’~_4.dk] .4.-’~"~÷4.÷-1-÷÷÷4.4.4."1"

the SLate l"ederatl~m ot" I.ahor Henator ÷÷’b+-I- ÷+÷÷÷+÷+÷÷+ + WII<.u It wa~ a vital difference. ÷ ------=~-- ------=-~=.-~-----:=---=:--~---;_7-:=~_l"d=e was invariably ~(omtnended for ÷ 4 + II.i|l w:t~ weaker fluHi Mexico. 4. --1,

He was the author nf the eermomy + WHAT IS RIGHT. - .[. + F/’¢~X;n Ihe Speech of colonel +

al work )~as been ~l’mpllfi.d and ÷ - ÷ ÷ M4ZhH’ ~z~ Jl(.half of (~harles E, ÷tstrengthened. He h]tro,h~ee[ the state -+ "Our government im bassd on -~ + IIu~he~ +budxet and state pur~’ha~lng aetstpro. + the idea that we have Leglele- .[. ÷÷+’I’’I’÷’I’’;’+÷.[’÷÷+÷+÷-Friding for I)etter business mothods.The unnec ,,~ary state (’ennus. whlc)! -~- tufa= to investigate, to consider .[-cost $10(Lqno ]asl year, was cut off al

÷ what is right ehd to do what il -]. Tins l’reshh,nr say# th,lt he is above WC are in a position to serve you with all kinds ofvaluat[onhlS nugg~stlon.o~ rallroadlle InsMtedproperty,UpOUtoa re.in. ÷ right¯ It is baud on the idea that 4 .ll things else "an American eitlT.en."

lumber and mlllwork" lumber that has quality deliverederease the state’s revenue., lie has+ public opinion is formed from "F Forlunately for hhu, nothlng has tak-fathered road and waterway Improve ÷ discus=ion of questlonm, and that .[- Pu him to Eur, q,e or Mexico during to you where and when you want It.ment bills, e an ploned nlea~ures o!÷ we can come possibly to right .~ Ihe Imst few years.benefit to the lara]ex.8 aurl steadfasLiy

favored a llheral policy ill education + solutlons. It ie not based on the ~ .....l~’allns Lumber Wldte Pine Firaffairs. ÷ Idea that the Government mu=t .~


Sh~tting CypressSenator ]C(ige’s friends say that he

÷ect wlthout knowlng ’tho Ju~rtico .I~ Papers that nRe, l to call McKinley ¯ Soft Yellow Pineconsiders all thl~ varied exp¯erleneeF10orlagand va]ual/le service as merely an ap. .[" and merits of the cause in which 4

crook nn¢l Ito.sevelt a tyrant ere Redwood 8aoh,pPenticeshlp. qualifying him to give":better and broader s.rvlce If lie shall

÷ Speech ot Portland, Mnlns. .f’be e ntrurted with the executive o~ce

+ it acts."~Mr. Hughes in Hie ,~ lenndalized u,,w that anybl,Kly should ~ Ceiling Cedar 8creenabreatlu, a whisper against our hlch Illl Watn~c0tlng Door= H0t-bad Sash

÷.’G÷’I’4.4.’t’’I’4.’b÷-I-4.÷4.÷÷.F and I|oly’~V,,o,]roW: Illl Trim Mouldings 8creenDO0rs

IIJ[Asphalt Roofing AI/Idads of MUlw0rk ¯It Is t~rnflfvtng, Ilu|eed. to field tl~tt ._

"~ere are |")str1’|~s °* |ne|llnl res°~l||~| l,a i|~el [|l|1’’~1[’llll,h|ladelllhla’~’r’ "lls’}|J’ [l I ~lalllls ’)|| t’|e e~’’o

[i ii

~ ~ ~ ~~~ hi." l "r"¢o| 1,~,.en! |l ~n d’h’ist rull°~¯ o b(,u~la’ stl,¢,(levaryti, in , f.e~ ~e r,l’t the~.e|.o_begin-~l

~ .~-- ~--~~t~,

Egg bo ,.Mr. IIu,I1es saya there ,hould be lUUU \fir= de.,,,~., .Ue~k,a,, e~.~.. =.-~ Har r City .

firm of Wl leon. C~rransa & Co.


N()TICb~ TO CitEUiTOH~.l~l~t¯t~ of A lies Conn(~r. deee=~ed.P¯l~Ultnt to Iheorder Of l~nllllltlel (). Hhltnor,

Hurrolotte of tile County of Athletic, thla daym~le on the application of tho Ithdel~tLKU~d,Admlnl~lnttHx of the snhl docPdent, he)Lice. Ishereby glvel| t’) tbe eredltor~ fK t110 ~ld (h~e~lent b ) ex b I bl t to tim mn Imeril~r. O Ilder ~tlhor at]lrmatlol~, thelf~ chtllnR ILIn| dPnllll](t[4l~l~st the t~U&|e Of the m~Id de~tq]t~ll4 wllhll|tiles Ioonthl~ In*n| this dat~, or LI ey will tN,forever I)arrl~d rain i)l~lt~,llUllg or I~tq overll|gthe ~vn,. alodn~t the sLIIm~rlber¯ ¯

HO I’1{ T A. LII~& 14t,Admhll.lrat rlx.

IAnw¢.~d, N..l.May’a Im, ndlug, N, J...luly 6, liilfl.

F~ A. IIICIIII~K. l’rt)etor.Athk¯t|e City~ N. J.

- _ -- " Pr’a fee¯ I[1 I.$)

NOTICE TO ()ItEDIToIM;.l~t~tc of i~mderlck T. Moore. dt~,~c(I.Pol~naot k~ the order of b~manuel C Hheuer

bhlrroeale or the Oounty of Atlautle ’thl~ daymade on the ni)ldleatton or t le l|nder’xign(q|Admlnlstr=tor~ or t e mild (l,NN~lenl. noth,,,hq herehy =teed to the eft-tilters of tl e mthl dt-e~de0t 1~exhlblt Ioi eRtlb~crll,er~, l|l~dercHHhor a~|rlllllL’J¢)rl tlu’lr -el~llllR llll(J (teT/llLn(IH

n~elnSt the eMtJtte or the mild decedent w[thhl ,m~mth, trOll this date or th¢¯y will ly~lforever hnrred from pr~mefut’l;lg or rec*rvur ~g Ithe I~lnt. aKntlnst the mubsertber~ I¯ .|ANg Monna:. [

FRANK 1. Mcmnt~: IAd |nln[~l rfl¢or~t. }

At t:~th’¢’lty, N..J IMtt}". [~lndlng .’~l.J. AUKUSt 4, 1916, I¯’ l’r’a Xe~,. $14.~


4.4.÷÷÷÷+÷4.+4.+4.÷÷+÷÷÷ " 44. WILSON’8 IGNOBLE, UNSUC- -F4. CE$~;FUL LITTLE WAR8. -’r4. __÷ PrekTdont Wileon took Veto +÷ Cruz in 1914, II WO wore o~oiol- *~4. ly informed at the time, to got "t’÷ ¯ salute for ths flog and to#re- q.

vent the shipment of arms Into61.

Mexico. He did not get hie aa-Jr

lute. Ho did not pr*vsnt the÷

shlpmsnt of arms. But sov0rai Jrhundred mort wore killed or ÷wounded, end then hs brought ÷the army home without aohie¢~. ÷.|ng either object. Prelident

÷Wilso~ sent en army into Msx- ÷ice in 1916, oe we were informed +et the time, to get Villa "dsad JrOr alive." They did not get him Jrdead¯ They did not got him +alive¯ Ag¯in sevoral hundred +men wore killed and wounded. 4.Again President Wil=on ie bring-ing the army home without ÷

achieving his object, Of course ÷it ill a mere" play .upon wordo

÷to say that these were not 4."wars." They wore wars endnothing else--ignoble, pointless, ÷unsuccessful little war=, but "I"

Judge Him by His.Record of Service

As Governor of the StateFrankflin blurphy Securedthe" Passage Of--

First Enforcible Child Labor Law.Law Creating State L~bor Department.

Tenement House Commission Act.First Direct Primary Law.Act Establishing State Hospital for


And many other Statutes which have_been of direct benefit to the peopleof the State.

MR. MURPHY knows th~ people and is

qualified by practical experience to representthem propcrly in the United States, Senate.

Republican Primaries September 26

Paid for hy Joim I,. Andertm*l, Newark

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