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O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m...

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Oromia Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authority Oromia REDD+ Coordination Unit Kellem Wollega Zone ,Sayyo Cluster Training Report on nursery and plantation Establishment and management for Development Agent in deforestation hot spot woredas of Sayyo Cluster (Anfillo,Sayyo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawa Galan) Trainin g Title ToT Training on nursery and plantation Establishment and management for Development Agent in deforestation hot spot woredas Brief overview Present the executive summary: FDRE government planned to implement GTP2 &CRGE which will contribute to sustainable development of country. REDD+ (Reducing emission for deforestation & forest degradation plus sustainable forest management , carbon stock enhancement ) is among the strategies identify to bring carbon neutral development in the country OFLP currently completed its REDD+ readiness phase, started its implementation phase by assigning OFLP woreda, safeguards & Facilitators in different woredas& zones of the region. From the very natural REDD+ is multi-sectoral &need the participation of different sectors. It is obvious that during readiness phase different level stockholder consultation & awareness creation were held. Also it isnecessary to create awareness effective consultation continuously to identified stake holders to successful implement the program. Fore effective implementation of Oromia REDD+ program clustered in the three, among that west Oromia cluster centered at Nekemte which includes: Kellem Wollega Zone clustered in to two cluster namely sayyoo which includes,Anfillo,Gidami ,Hawwa Galaan,yemalogi walal & Sayyo woredas ,centered at Muggi,gidami,Gaba Robi,Tajjo,& D/Dollo town respectively . From sayyo cluster, Sayyo ,Anfillo,Gidami,Y/Walal & H/Galan woreda was selected for Da training of of NRM field from each 124 Rural kebeles found in each Woreda. Hence, this TOR prepared to train DA’s in the field of NRM from five woredas peasant association kebeles
Page 1: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

Oromia Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authority Oromia REDD+ Coordination Unit

Kellem Wollega Zone ,Sayyo Cluster

Training Report on nursery and plantation Establishment and management for Development Agent in deforestation hot spot woredas of Sayyo Cluster (Anfillo,Sayyo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawa Galan) Trainin g Title

ToT Training on nursery and plantation Establishment and management for Development Agent in deforestation hot spot woredas

Brief overview

Present the executive summary: FDRE government planned to implement GTP2 &CRGE which will contribute to

sustainable development of country. REDD+ (Reducing emission for

deforestation & forest degradation plus sustainable forest management ,

carbon stock enhancement ) is among the strategies identify to bring carbon

neutral development in the country

OFLP currently completed its REDD+ readiness phase, started its

implementation phase by assigning OFLP woreda, safeguards & Facilitators in

different woredas& zones of the region. From the very natural REDD+ is

multi-sectoral &need the participation of different sectors. It is obvious that

during readiness phase different level stockholder consultation & awareness

creation were held. Also it isnecessary to create awareness effective

consultation continuously to identified stake holders to successful implement

the program.

Fore effective implementation of Oromia REDD+ program clustered in the three,

among that west Oromia cluster centered at Nekemte which includes: Kellem

Wollega Zone clustered in to two cluster namely sayyoo which

includes,Anfillo,Gidami ,Hawwa Galaan,yemalogi walal & Sayyo woredas

,centered at Muggi,gidami,Gaba Robi,Tajjo,& D/Dollo town respectively .

From sayyo cluster, Sayyo ,Anfillo,Gidami,Y/Walal & H/Galan woreda was selected for Da training of of NRM field from each 124 Rural kebeles found in each Woreda. Hence, this TOR prepared to train DA’s in the field of NRM from five woredas peasant association kebeles

Page 2: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office


The overall objective of this training is to enhance the The training comprises the

following specific objectives.

● To enhance awareness of DA & experts of Woredas on REDD+ Program.

● To build the capacity of DA and Nursery Forman in the field of forest

nursery management &plantation establishment &awareness on


● to aware &assess social & environmental concerns of the identified A/R


● To facilitate the implementation OFLP per the plan.

To equip trainers with Safeguard overview and implementation procedures

Training/consultation process/methods

Scope of the Training

The training includes Development Agents of Sayyoo clustered, namely

Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from

Agricultural and natural Resource office with the field of Natural Resource

management working at rural kebele level and the staff of Woreada EFCCA

,Focal person of Concerned woreda state sectors and concerned woreda office


Training process

In order to successfully implement the training, the following major activity

were performed by Wored EFCCA. And OFLP-Woreda coordinator

❖ Preparing training TOR for approval by Woreda coordinator and

summiting ToR document to West Oromia Lead facilitator for further

comment and approval.

❖ Soon the TOR was commented and approved by West Wollega Lead

facilitator, the copy was delivered to Sayyo Woreda Finance

&Economic Corporation office and to Sayyo,Anfillo,Yemelogi

Walal,Hawa Galan and Gidam Woreda EFCCA.

❖ Preparing training documents and program

Page 3: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

❖ Identifying trainees &trainers.

❖ Selecting training site & hall.

❖ Conducting the presentation on overview of REDD+, forest & climate

change, specially focusing on Environmental & social safeguards &

forest nursery Establishment & plantation management as well as

safeguard principles, rules and procedures.

❖ Discussion with the trainers on each presented topics

❖ Identifying challenges and opportunities in implementing A/R in

selected kebeles

❖ Preparing refreshment for participants.


Woreda coordinator of sayyo cluster, woreda EFCCA office focal person

safeguard coordinator of Wollega Area will deliver present on different issues

specifically on forest &climate change, Environmental and social safeguards,

Sayyo cluster OFLP annual work plan of 201/2019 over view of REDD+ discussion

will be held on each presentation &at the end discussion experiences & different

views will be documented.


The training was given in the period –Scheduled through the discussion of

Woreda EFCCA as follows

Woreda Anfillo Sayyo Gidami Yemalogi


Hawa Galan

Date 21/04/2018















Location (where the trainee come from)

Deforestation Hotspot areas of Soyyo Cluster from Anfillo,Sayyo,Hawa galan ,Yemalogi Walal and Gidami Woredas

Page 4: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

Name of woredas: Gidami, Anfillo, Hawa Gelan, Yama Logi

Number of Rural kebeleskebeles:

Anfillo Sayyo

Gidami Hawa Galan

Yemalogi walal


23 26 28 32 15 124

Planed NRM DA participant

23 26 28 32 15 124

Responsible body

Responsible person/group:

Sayyoo cluster Coordinator and Each Woreda’s EFCCA staff and trained focal person of concerned Woreda state sectors

Number of Participants

Woreda Anfillo Sayy

o Gidami

Hawa Galan

Yemalogi walal


Planned 23 26 28 32 15 124


DA & Superviso


M 16 26 23 24 14

F 10 4 4 4 2

Concerned Woreda


M 13 21 15 16 14

F 1 4 2 2 3

Present the number of male participants: 34

No Institution/ Organization the participants came from

Development Agent from Rural Kebeles Development Agent supervisor from an area of A/R and PFM Woreda administration office Woreda Agriculture & NR head, vice head and focal person Woreda Finance & Economic Corporation Head, vice head and ,Focal

person Woreda Water,mine & Energy- focal person WEFCCA head ,vice head, Focal person , climate change & Environmental

Protection team leader, (in some case the whole staff)

Page 5: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

Woreda Rural land Use plan head and focal person Total . Training/ consultati on costs

Present training/consultation costs: The training cost approved was 78875 ETB,.

Expenditure for the DA Participated on Forest Nursery Establishment and management training-

Training cost/Expended

Actual Expenditure by Woredas

Anfillo Sayyo Gidami H G Y W

17961 21600 21625 25700 12120


After the training was given for Development Agents of Natural Resource management at woreda level in sight perception of the the community towards the concern of climate change, natural resource management and specially the interest of the rural community to engage in A/R activity was highly increased


Result Contribution

● In some rural kebeles A/R were identified ● Community awareness were increased up on Da training at rural

kebeles ● In Areas of 2018A/R sites ,mainly in Anfillo Woreda trained DA’a

were fully participated in overall activities of A/R

Challenges and the way Foreword

Challenges: ● Lack of willingness of DA in full participating in overall activity at

all level ● Comparing perdium payment with other WB activity

The way forward:

● All three Das existing in rural kebeles should be trained for effective implementation of REDD+ activity

Conclusion and Recommendation

Conclusion As a matter of the fact, training program held at each woreda’s of Sayyoo clustered preformed under a serious condition of peace instability and the

Page 6: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

time training time accommodated with other activity given through Woreda Agricultural and natural Resource office. So that it is better to accomplish training program of DA at a time of off-set season the physics year Recommendation Development Agents are our main actors for the implementation of REDD+ on the ground therefore safeguard training important for them. DAs training on safeguard started from hotspot area where investment activities implemented. For effective and successful implementation of A/R activityat rural kebele level in the coming physical year it is beeter to consider the following point 1. The training of DA should accommodate Plant science and animal husbandry field of species and identified A/R sites (all the three DA assigned at each kebele should involve in training session) 2. The Training of DA should be from kebeles where A/R sites were identified and approved for the physical activity of a given year 3. Including the supervisor of DA in training session has its own value while follow up the overall activity of REDD+ activity in its working cluster and helping in implementation the scheduled activity

6 Some Training Photographs Some Pictures from Nekemte Cluster MRV: GPS and GIS training

1. Photo of DA Training on Forest nursery and plantation establishment and management 1.1.Anfillo Woreda

1.2.Hawa Galan Woreda

Page 7: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

1.3 Sayyoo Woreda

1.4 Yemalogi Walal Woreda

Page 8: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

1.5.Gidami Woreda

2.Attendance of DA trining on Forest nersury and plantation establishment and management 2.1. Gidami Woreda

Page 9: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 10: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 11: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

2.2.Hawa Galan

Page 12: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

2.3. Sayyo Woreda

Page 13: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 14: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 15: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 16: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 17: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 18: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 19: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 20: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 21: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 22: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
Page 23: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office

1.5.Yemalogi Walal

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Page 25: O r o m i a E n v i r o n m e n t, F o r e s t a n d C l i m …...Woredas,Sayyo,Anfillo,Gidami,Yemalogi Walal and Hawwa Galan Woreda from Agricultural and natural Resource office
