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OAKPARK, lVk§3@g® EnDVMder A CAPAY COLONY. CheSp^f ... · FARM AND ORCHARD. Small Fruits Should...

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FARM AND ORCHARD. Small Fruits Should Not Be Planted Among Trees. Moulting lions—The Manure Ilcap- Bisoaso From Pipeons Poor Hatches in Summer—Clean Brood- ing:— General Fnrm Notes. It is not unusual to hear complaints of small fruits not doing well when planted in orchards of fruit trees. To those who have given the subject any attention tho wonder is that they grow to produce any fruit at all, instead of doing fairly, as they sometimes do. But few persons have any id. a how much food a growing tree takes from the soil. It is taken up, of course, in a liquid state. Ifanyone will but observe a lawn near where some laige tree is growing it willbedemon- strated to him very soon. The grass will droop and wither up for a distance as great as the spread ofthe branches, while the rest of tho lawn is still in a fresh state. When this is observed a great many per- sons surmise? that the soil is poor, causing a thin and poor sod. It is not that, but it is on account of the great absorption of moisture by the numerous roots of the .. They are spreading in every direc- tion, searching tor moisture and food, ami in this way they do make the soil poorer than before. vVin n small fruits are planted within the radius ofthe 1 there must be starvation for oneorthe other. As in allother cases, the \v< 1 iic has to suffer, and in this case ii is the raspberry, blackberry, strawberry> "\u25a0' -.v hatever fruit it may be that is plant; d. 1 :veii when not near enough to be 1 by the largo tree, the sunlight tn from them is detrimental to them. It may occur that no clear place offers for these plants, in which case th plan is to fe d liberally \* ith manure.and if tho season be a moi ere will be tolerable success, but in a dry - there is no easy way of ke, ping int n in the soil to Bupplyall thai tho roots demand. The soil, situation and many other causes but the right one are often blamed forthe ill-luck usually at- tending experimentsof this kind, in all gardening operations these facts are worthy of being kept in mind, it occurs that flower borders are formed along the skirt of a wood, and, of course, with the worst possible success. The stronger growth robs the weaker, which is that of the shrubs and plants set in tho border. Flower beds are met with under . . where it is impossible for them to thrive. In woods underbrush and flow- ers thrive, but it is because of tho food and moisture which decaying leaves and twigs afford them, and on sloping hills there is always some moisture descend- ing from the higher ground. The place to plant small fruits where they will do their very b< si is in an open place, « hen what food is in the soil is their own, and they can li ' cultivated and for without having to consider anything else, it is a pit rdenys - small fruit in such unsuitable places as they often do. it is a popular delusion that under a tree isadamp place, and it •ionee to Bon that the opposite of this is correct; which is the explanation wh; failures to grow small fruits in 01 are mcl with. MOCK riXG -ii ENS. for moulting hens is loan To have hens lay in winter the early moulting I be fed on foi d i hat wil to renew I . rs. Fat arable, as no heating ele- an- necessary in summer. Foods rich in nitrogen and the phosphates are : by moulting hens, and of the grain toed-, bran is the I est. The bran should be scalded, and to a pint oi bran should be added naif a pint of cornmeal and a gill oflinseed meal, mixed to a stiff dough with milk. Such a mixture, with a Little lean meat occasionally and an al- lowance oi gr< en food, should enable the to moult quickly and easily, and without becoming debilitated at any time during the process of moulting. Twice a day is it to feed them, and they should be given all that they will eat. [tis best to remove all hens thai begin to moult from the oth rs, as bonld be ted in a different manner. The quarters should be dry, as tbe hens may not have any feathers on their D stages of the moulting ] ss.—Farm and Fireside. POOR HATCHES IN SUMMER. will hatch better from April to -; than will eggs laid after that This is due to the fact tiiat the nol in as full vigor as in the spring, and because they ai close on the ing period. The chicks batched \u25a0. ong and .._\u25a0•. . when hatch . -season as earlier, but they willhave the au\ . «. warmei weather. Lace, however, de- stroy more late chicks than disease, and ks are pi imical not to allow hens hatch broods so late. d on stony ground the hens may, bydaily foraging over the same space, ; all the available material I serviceable as grit. Smooth, round gravel is not suitable. Ileus require y mething sharp and cutting, or Will be unable to properly masticab : The broken china and cr< may be utilized with advantage for grit I : Hiding it into small pieces (about I seed and scattering it t r the he - they will . and find every pie DISI a - E FROM PIGEONS. The pigeon, as is well known, willfeed f all the poultry-yards in a owners. A and will y are liable from one uother, even on their foot, and, as thoy arc sub- I jed to many of tho diseases thai affect fowls, and particularly roup, thoy are a nuisance in any community. They will also introduce lice from a distance, if ono wishes to keep pigeonshesfaOnlddosoby keeping them confined in wire yards. covered! and not at tho expense of his neighbor's feed, with the risk of causing disease in all the docks. There should be some protection for those who do not wish pigeons in tlnir yards. 11l X MAM XX Ji LAO. Let the hens work in the manure heap all they wish. They will And a Large amount of valuable food, and they will work the manure up into a fine condi- tion, by scratching over it, that will render it tho best that can be used for the garden or flowers. There is a large pro- portion of food in the manure of animals that will be of service to the hens, and they should have the privilege of securing it as a matter of economy. CLEAN BEDDING. Good bedding is as necessary for the cows in summer as in winter, it serves to protect against filth and permits of more rest. But in the summer th< ding will become the harboring place of insect posts unless it is removed daily. The practice of drying the bedding in the sun for the purpose <>i' using it again should be condemned, as bedding once saturated with liquid manure becomes disagreeable, giving the stable an am- moniacal odor, which is sure to affect the milk to a certain extent. Tiie best place for bedding tiiat has been used is in the manure heap. GENERAL FARM NOTES. '\u25a0 is said tiiat the castor bean has been .-..cm Lvely to protect grape vines iron: moles. When seeds are planted in moist, fresh soil they are more certain to sprout than when planted in dr.- Washing the pig with strong soap snds will make Lum grow, a Li i Leans ins skin and rids him of ins ... thickly clustered on a branch, Looks very nice, hul ii _.-.. iici h< r to the tree nor to the owner. high price of all kinds of -rain has - of the tanners to the im- portance of rais ing more and buy:!' _ peach, plnni and cherr3' an baiiio t<. injury from the arsenites than the ;.• ar an I a- .... , but this d< . much on tho variel ies It is claimed thai see ; s left in I '\u25a0 ers till \u25a0•. anti '; for plantin much m >re certainty than those irons which the hulls have b< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 no\ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. Thin the young fruitwhere it is grow- ing too thiekiy. A crowded c moans a dwarf growth. Remember that inds of large fruit is more mar- ketable than the like weight ofsma : fruit. To use corn, wheat bran and oats for inner mix as follows by weight: Two partscorn meal, two or bran and one of oats. Always feed clover bay for butter and cornstalks if you can. Silage is the st form for ;k< rnfo Lder. instead of depending wholly on hay, turnip, or silage, as omc do, th< ci his and experienced ttockmasters a.'bl to that cabbage, kohl-rabi, thousand- headed kale, rape, vetches or whatever is suited to the climate and locati n. [f you wish to have :ii, .. g and ;\u25a0!. tty of them, cutback all the leading shoots from three to six inches and re- move all sprouts from the base of the plants. There will be an important gain - . productiveness and size of plants. 1 uring the warm season r< a graiu fir anuthi rti Stock m \u25a0 ;rain in summer. ..... is for all animals during the '\u25a0\u25a0 arm than any other v od, and they v ill ition on such . v. ben f lon grain. rraelon, though com >osed al- most entirely of water, thrives best on a light, dry, sandy soil, too much rain be- an obstacle to its growth and produc- I >m that a heavy crop is se- cured when the season h with frequent rains. It is doubtful it'it pays to sell bay, even at ali . B< iter prices can \u25a0 for it whin it is converted into \u25a0\u0084 at or milk, as the manure will then be an item in tho profit, ihe Lai or iii», hauling and shipping of hay should also be add* .1 to its cost. Instead oi allowing the unsightly pile of night soil under privies it is better to ha\ c iron buckets, with com enient han- dles, which should be emptied on the manure heap as often as occasion de- mands. In this manner a nuisance will be prevented and a waste of night soil avoided. I eras and gentian together form an excellent tonic for horses. The Ameri- . man say-: Mix four ounces of each thoroughly in the powdered state; keep the mixture tightly shut up in a box or id give a tablespoonful of it in the horse's feed at night.' To cobs a Bmalh r quantity i . •. en. Canada thistles have been destroyed by sbi ep. I ut to secure the ; is the thistles should be slightly sprinkled with above ground which will induce the sheep to eat them closi into the roots. As Cast as they sp- rinkle more salt. They will grad- \u25a0 ' in numl tally disap- roots cannot live iftop growth is prevented. Twosteers exhibited al Kansas Cjtv weigh over 4,000 pounds each, and fifty - \u25a0 pound \u25a0-\u25a0 . for them but declined, as the o\\ ncr will exhibil .11 the World's Fair. They are of the Shorthoi n bi ec 1. and show whi I mi done with animals of good breedingin o - -rubs. They were also well fed, as feed and breed are i to se- cure the best result . ;. s num. revs in g stable ss cleanliness is resorted to. Screens should be us< I i i tbe win- dows and doors ofthe stables and tbe doors sprinkled daily with a i p solution "i' carbolic acid. 'I he- ; should not onlj inkfed, Van also covered on th< •\u25a0. itii a daily application of an inch of dry dirt. To k ep \u25a0 on the farm tea prob- lem und< r m. i >ne m< thou is to . ._\u25a0:.' inter, -tine to them. tl .<\u25a0 ones by gi\ ing th ta a few Ban- tam chicks to raise, and as they become advanced allow a pig or lamb, or even a colt. But always allow them the pro- Children appreciate ownership of stock, and tho early lessons lead to a deeper interest later on. < trass lauds need heavy manuring as well as corn or wheat land. Grass de- prives the soil of its elements in propor- tion to the degree of cropping given the land. When grass has been mowed Bei era! times the land has been made to do more than its duty, and the same effect occurs when cattle graze the grass closely. An excellent timo to apply ma- nure is in the fall, after the grass begins to fail. One peculiarity of the Emerald Gem cantaloupe is that as soon as it becomes ripe it loosens its hold on the vine and roils aw ay. Until this happens it is not ripe. It does not indicate the degree of ri ]>eness by the color of the outer nml, as j it is dark, but as it loosens its hold when ripe, no difficulty is met with in deter- | mining the ripe ones from those that are g:i n. It is also one of the best varieties grown. Special fertilizers for potatoes have given wonderful yields on potatoes this - >n. Sandy soils have been found capable of giving large yields when the I is properly em and special potato fertilizers used, ii has also been noticed that by tiie use of fertilizers there is less rot or disease compared with potatoes grown whe-.-e barnyard manure has been I applied. V. hen you find your barn has become | too full, and your grain and hay crops are heavy, ii will be better to procure ! more stock. The farmer who sells his raw material in the shape of some pro- duce, such as uu at. milk or butter, re- ceives a profit from two sources. Me is, ertain extent, a manufacturer, his being the agents for chaugi : >ods into m< re liable articles, while pi odu -:s (manures ml 3he _on. [>uekwheat keeps down most annual weeds, and i; ripens so quickly after Isowingthat those which grov, among it nol p< ;fs •; tho : . 1. it als - has' an mtage o\ or cops in not I furnishing desirable food for v\ I re-worms and white grubs. One >r two seasons th it will clear insect enemies out and i : ye the land richer than before, as if \u25a0vi' yeai after ; ear its scattered seed furnish gr» n manure to keep n. the : supply oi v 1 . \u25a0 matter in tho soil. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Health Officer C. B. Nichols is back in again. Mrs. li. A. Lindlcy has returned from t!:>' seae< •<•.:\u25a0:. ay Frawlcyis in Folsom visit- .- father. County ( lork W. W. Rhoads is back from tho mountains. .Mrs. William Johnston and Miss John- arc in Monti rev. Mrs. Fred. Biowener and family aro home from Monterey. Dr. W. Wood h:;s returned from his trip to tin- mountains. Editor Campbell of the Gait GazetU was iv the city yesterday. Felix Tracy is ....... > from his camping trip in Strawberry Valley. Charles F. Gardm rand family have re- turne i from Pacific l trove. - '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'••ni and family have re- turned from P:tcific IJrove. Mr.and Mrs. Martin Devine returned last evening from Santa Cruz. .Mrs. J. W. Armstrong has gone to San Francisco for an extended visit. F. W. Fratt has returned from his sum- mer vacation at Harbin Springs. Thomas L. Enright returned yesterday two-weeks'trip to the Shasta re- gion. Schroth, [da May. Clara . ;; and Miss Echart have gone to Lilt :... y. Captain ;:. .F. Murphy and family of Folsom have been enjoying a sojourn ai il:- lakes. Misa Jo-io ami Miss Matilda Fuchs were last week the guests of Charles Zimmerman and wile of Folsom. Mr.and Mrs. Matt Johnson and chil- dren have returned fro;- their sojourn gar-Loaf, El Dorado < 'ounty. Miss Nettie Nelson arrived yesterday morning from Ogden, Utah, on a vi-ii to hersister, Mrs. >•. 11. Step] ..- a. Miss May Donley and Miss Louisa Mey. rs have returned to Folsom from their visit to friends m Placer County. >irs. .J. A. Woodson has gone to San Francisco, to remain a month ertwo with a view by change to re wvering health. Mrs. Charles Anil and her sister, Mrs. P. A. Humbert of Folsom, have visiting in San Francisco for the past week. J. s'. Counts will leave for tin- East to- day. 11. as a representative to the •rand Council of the Improved Order of fen of the United States, which md on the Bth inst. Then 11 visit tin- Southern Slates, and will b<> absent some two months or more. Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yes- terday: T. T. Halley, Gaiesburg, 111; Mrs. M. i). Atwater, Miss Atwater, Merced; Virginia Harrison, Wheeling. v.". Va.; Mrs. Etta Durfee, Chico; Mr. -. M. A. Krueger, C. W. Crith n- ton, Now York; <;. VV. Hill and wife, Napa; L. C. Morehouse, San Lea Mi - Clara Brooks, Miss .Maud Cann, Sacramento; E. W. Noyes, W. E. Dunn, 0. A. Durfee, <i:i<-o; .;. n. : -on < law, <;. A. Pen- p.iman, E. C. Horst, R. A. Cole, .1. s. Mr. and Airs. F. W.Titus, Fred Swan, C. C. McMaban, Charles P. Hall :'. E. C. A Mi-. \-\ j;' Stranahan, E. C. Davis and wife, San SCO. Arrivals at the Capita] Hotel yesterday: W. A. Runyon, wife and child, Court- land; J. J. Crawford, Plaoerville; «'. W. .1. Murray and wife. New York; Alois <;. Hunt, J., c. Collins, George 15. Green, Courtland; William <-. Hondley .v Co., Santa Rosa; Thad. .1. McFarland, Miss Hazel McFarland, Rpnicia; L. 1). Wick- ers, Willows; Mrs. <'. Yon Soching, San Erancisco; Miss T. Lilsev, Anderson; C. Daily, Walnnl Grov< ; 1.. G.Towle,Towle; Bob Prior, Denver, Col.; W. Nichols, J"ruck< c; C. .i. Jones, wife and two chil- Red Bluff; Charles S. Riley, Van- viiie; R. ii. Beamer, C. F. Prentis , Hand; M. E. Clowe, Knights Land- ing; S. B. Hibber, Los Angeles; R. N. Day, Florin; MissJuliane Swetzer, .). N. Brin, .Jr.. wife and child, Suisun; Sol. Runyon, Mrs. G< »rge Carty, Courtland; Miss Lindley, Miss iiolen Lindley, Addie Lindley, Miss Edith Lindley, city. Charged With Grand Larceny. \u25a0 . - McLaughlin and Eld reel last nighi arrested Henry Welch, who is charged with grand larceny. The cir- cnm stance out of which the charge origi- nated could not be Learned at iho Police Station. Postal Matters. Washington, Aug. 81.—The .Post- al st. Louis, Mo., will hereafter teh the through registered pouches made up at his office for San Francisco, Cal., via st. Louis and Council Bluffs 15. P. <>.. af 8:25 p. m. Star s trvice changes: Orovillo to Clip- per Mills, from September ith, change service so as to supply I Mills at the new site. CapkMay, Aug. 31.—Postmasters ap- ]• in ed: Levi R. Davis. Newcastle, Wy- oming; James i. Driscoll, Eureka, Utah. Crop Failure in Europe. New Yci;:;. Aug. 31.—<k>lonel Mont- gomery of Oregon, just returned from German;, said to-day: '.The err.}) failure in Europe is g< neral, and distress is sure to folio-,-.-. 1 was all over Germany and aw that rain had ruined wheat and rye. The people will have to look to thiscoun- u> forrelief. Thepotatocrop in Conti- nental Europe has been more or less a failure, nnd people will look with long- ing eyes toward America," General Rosecrans a Grandfather. Washington, Aug. 81. General Rose- crans was reet tying numerous congratu- lations at his Milieu in the Treasury to- day over the following telegram just re- I from his son-in-law, Governor Toole: "Your Montana grandson sends his compliments. Lily is doing well. J. K. Toole." LIQUOR MEN. Tboy Will Pay the JAecnsc for This Quarter. Tho Liquor Dealers' Association held a secret meeting last evening at the Capital Tiotei, for the purpose of determining what course to pursue with referencoto tbe raised liquor licenses. Attorney V\*. A. Anderson, who, with Grove L. Johnson, has been retained by the Liquor men, advised hN clients to pay the pr. sent quarter's license quietly, and thus save the heavy court costs that would be otherwise incurred, lb said he was as confident as ever of the legal standing of the Liquor men's side of the . lit thought 'it won!.: be bcttcrto have the contest on om ortwoofthe . Tho liquor men r-^ a rule agreed that the advice wa.good, aud said they would act upon it.. THE WHEELMEN. New* Uniforms for the Capital Citys-* Tho Club Ltaptdly Growing. Tho statement having been published t: :;. K. Bernard and Robert Brown had eon chosen respectively President and Cai tain of the West Side Bicycle Club, an officer of the Capital City' Wheelmen's Club, desires it stated that I h re is no Vi ( st Side club, and tiiat both th < entlemen named are membs v• of tho al Citys. ': ii Latter club, be says, was never in i as uishing condition as at present, eighteen now members wen admitted. The club has v comlOrtable headquarters in the * kid Fellows' build- ing. The ,11 imbers have lately procured new unilorms, and will cake a hand-! some appearance iv their future outings. BRIEF NOTES. Howard May last evening picked up a murderous-looking slung-shot on X sir et, near Pom th. i rank Koyer, a railroad employe, has caused the arrest of Thomas lloheim and j Wm. Sweeney, fellow-eniployea, for an 1 alleged assault upon him, which ho says was committed without cause. In the vicinity of Twentieth and Q. streets a number of dogs have Lately I a poisoned, and now each Ijereaved owner has loaded his shotgun in ant;-; pat ion of a \ isil from the burglarious sojourners in our midst. At the meeting of the Board of City Truste -s yesterday, Chief Engineer Judd ofthe v, Titer Works reported that during ] the past week 43,558,000 gallons of ivater were >>umped. The Holly engine was run ihir:y-..ve hours and the Stevens ll 1 1,-airs. A man named Ming is in the County j Jail charged v.'ih felony, having been; brought from Polsom. He is charged i with stealing a pair of horses and wagon \u25a0 and a Load of watermelons. The former wi re taken from here, and the m lons from Studarus, at Boutici's Station. SUPERIOR COURT. Department One—Catlin. Jndsce. MOITOAY, August SlSt. Pi oplevs. Inn Fay and )a; Paj . ear ..-rv ]>• 1 ndants ari Igneu and allowed one hay to plead. W. H. Devl|p appointed to defend. To-day's Auction Sale. At 10 o'clock this forenoon Bell & Co. will sell at auction at the Fourteenth and I) street stock yards, by order of Ileil- bron Brothers,block No. '27, Washington, Yolo County, with all the improvements; also lots I, _'. '!, 4, 5 and 6 in block 16, in the same town. 'there will also be sold < 'ocoa, a bay stallion, four years old, by i'aliis; also Sycamore, a four-year-old bay stallion, ;by Prompter. Also some fixtures, for- merly used at the Washington meat \u25a0 market. Room Burglar Captured. Police Officer McLaughlin and Special Officer Eldred last evening succeeded in capturing the individual who on Sunday morning entered barber Rogers' room and stole a quantity ofthe tatter's cloth, s. The man gave the name of George Haas. The officers had been looking for him for two days and a night, and were about to give up the search when they captured him. The man is believed to have com- mitted several other room burglaries. Officers Elected. The Directors of the Sacramento Mexi- can Mining Company met last night, or- ganized and elected officers. J. W. Arm- strong was unanimously chosen Presi- dent; John P. ('..(.per, Vice-President; B. C. Irvine, Treasurer, and B. S. Nourse, Secretary. <>n Wednesday evening there will be a general meeting of all stock- holders to adopt by-laws, and transact other business. Funeral of J. A. Laufkotter. The funeral of the late J. A. Lanfkotter took place yesterday from the Cathedral and was largely attended. Tiie services lucted by Rev, Father Grace. '! he church choir sang several pie most prominent being the" "Lord's Prayer?' Tho pall-bearers were Mayor Comstock, George Ritchie, James Mc- Gnire, W. Hook, N. Ewers and Jacob Griesel. Guns and Hardware at Auction. On Thursday, the insL, Bell <v. Co. will sell at 10 a. tt. sharp, on ihe preini- B -. 8!- X street, by order of J. H. Mer- rall, all the stock of guns, hardware and tools contained in said store. The entire stock wiii i)e sold in lots—a good chance SACKAMEXTO DAILY RECOKD-tXIOy, TUESDAY, SEPTEMUET? 1, 1691.—51 X PAGES. 6 Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard. __*% v^®w - *!£* *s \X %^ f a < \ % +<fc&<^ V\ BUT Vl+V 4*:* REFUSE V,/> &¥>l*_l V^ SOBSTITUTEi \ '•;> .; . ;v :. v CEMUIWE KAS BU?F wrappe» M,OU"° BOTTLE. O 4 <V* PONDS EXTRACT CO., * *S FIFTH AYE.. MEW YORK* !*c»tjal $TotuJ>cr. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, lVk§3@g® EnDVMder ABSOWfEgy PURE £$te*Httg) |t£*ttcc». \ (.). 11.--IH-:« iILAK MONTHLY x\. Ing 01 Division No. i will be held at Pioneer Hall THlS(Tuesdayl EVENINGat 8 oclock. JOHN WJ2sT,President, Da» Riqrpak. Sec pro tern. It- DARBERS' EARLY-GLOSINa ASSOCIA- JJt'on will meet at :is .1 streel :i'is i.\ 1 M.\'<;at s:l5 o'clock, [mportanl bus- *s time of cosing during ioxt weeks, etc Everj barber should attend. ABE W'.i. SON. President. t h j >;:'-. Secretary. 11* j NDUSTRIAL LODGE, NO. 157, _i. L 1 ).<-.!•'. The tnemhers wili >*? nieel at their hall at :: v. 1. TUi -- ** Jr' <>"\: DAY, September Ist, to attend the lunenii« f oar late brother, T. .1. BALLOU. _ , W. !.. BRUNSON, N. xi. J. '.. R iniXETTK, iSecretary. it QTATED MEETIN \.CRA- __ lA mento Chapter, So. :;. R; a. M. : UESDAY, s- ptember l^t. al t.^ .:..;) p. it. Sojourning companions »..•"'\u25a0' ; R. P. BURR, li. P. 4 tONFIDENCE LODGE, Nc». 7- X -«t :- fleet THIS (Tuesday) EVEN-^Jat -. 1 0 toi k; Unil inn Rank, No.'^VV ..will jiayan official visit. All mem- \u25a0^'^ bev.s are in\ Red to atu ml. 11 C. E. LEIMBERGER, * NNUAL Ml ETING-THE ANNI \, IX met>tin» ot Sacramento Building and L ••\u25a0• 1 Association for tiie election of three Dire*"! r- md the transaction of such other b isine \u25a0 as may <-.»m. before It, will be h -Id a; u:-o i, 1. :-,,). toi ! Koarth street, on MLON- \u25a0 VEXlNG,Soptember 7, lWOl.at 7-:>0 °<"}<» P* I lit BOHL, President. v v \u25a0 '- '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:?/. au2»-td General s.!ottc?e. '• ! . ,m. v. \u25a0, •-, r ... .1 _____] .; mo; ey ivritiuj! at your own I "r"- •[I Sin; Mam;). KILMER & I ', •.. _ >_ita B. . d. Ind. a029-10t* rpHE i INEST LUNCH HOUSE -CAPII M X Ale Vaults. NAGEEE <S SVENSSON Lun.-h from I 1 a. m. to 2 p. n. Clam Chowder and Mas>, ISouneveryev< niug,6to t2o'clock. 1 Inest lues, Liquors and (ligars. aulo-1 [ -inxn-ci*. VXT ANTED - A GENTLEMAN \\ \\ business atiUtles will command at least 91.500 per > ear, &. office manager of on en- tirety new business euterpris . Nothing like ii ever introduced. Must be a shrewd, quiet pusher, competent t 1 handle men and control territory. .1. F. RITTER, 131 Wabash ave- nue. Chicago, 111. x_ \^ANTED-A POSITION BY A \> , \ man as bookkeeper or clerk, lia^ baa ace. Wages no object. Address .1. this office. \x VITANTED-A Gin] •. ;o; T 10 OR ll X} years old 1 take care of a baby. Apply al LS2OM itreet. l-ift " ITTANTED 0 DININ >> Experience- not necessary. Call on MRS MAS( IN, SOO twelfth street. :.i 117 ANTED A . EXPERIENCED CLoTil- >> ing salesman. Applj to CHAS. >.:. riiip.'r;, m:\u25a0.:.!:• udant w'einstock, Lubin iv Co., Fourtli and X streets. >.-l-:2. \J_T ANTED - A GIRL TO DO LIGHT >> housework and cooking. Apply at 1309 I Btreet, * "s. : \l7 ANTED \ SITUATION, Bi A Mli"- v> die-aged French lady who understands sewing, cooking una general house« Inquire at l 020 \u25a0.. . 1 reet. sel-21 VTTANTED : 1 EtENT, A COTTAGE OF >V ttveor six looms, both hot and cold water. Must be in lirst-clas -ondition. Rent piotnptly. Addre-s A. P., this office. a3l-tl \T_T ANTED - k DELIVERY HORSE. 17- W pli at FABIAN BROS, Ninth and .1 streets. an29-tf VTTANTED-TEN SANDSTONE C ITERy >> forth Hall of Records, Yuba City, But- ter Co. ALBERT MaGOR, Yuba City. aJ*J-lt« \i r ANTED—A LOCAL AGENT FOU. SAC- >> ramento and vicinity to seU, wholesale and retail, the great.-;, remedy lor chronic s ever placed upon the market, 'roue energetic agent we otter very liberal Induce- m< nl •. Audn ss for particulars TJEMPLE OF HEALTH MED. CO., Market and Third streets, San Francisco. au2B-2w «T ANTED A DESIRABLE TENANT >\ wants a furnished house of trom Beven to twelve rooms. Address "B," Box 308, Sac- ramento P. 1.. au2.'-tf yjrr as via l -13 men and boys to ', > make up a club for bicycles; §1 50 to .- .• 30 per \\i ek; cash prices on installments. Inquire at MELVIN'S, 718 X street, aulj-tf TI7ANTED—HORSES TO PASTURE. NO. >V l pasture Inquire for TODHUNTER, at Yolo end of bridge. aul!-tt VirANTED—FIVE GENTLEMEN, WIDE >V awake, with good address; salary or commission. Apply to THE SINGER MAN- UFACTURING OA. 703 .1 strej t. ja n n-: I>-m en Ft >R t a rms, vine- V\ yard-, d iries and ail kinds o:' labor: women and girls for cooking and general housework; pl< ntyol work tor desirable help. Apply at EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Fourth street, X and L. $o»t—iOiUtt*. LOST— SECOND AN J) J. i (^LECTION nook. Return to It. W. MELVIN, 71S X Btreet, ami i><- reward.' I. sel-tf IOST— A BLAci SPANISH SLUT, LONG J ears. Tin finder will please lave . at ;.:. TRIPE FACTORY.Twenty-seventnsi eel between Q and R and receive reward. s< l-3t* LOST— BETWEEN THE BALL GROUNDS and the Capital Hotel on Friday a scat 1 pin set with small diamond and blue stone, ttctnrn to Reco.uDtU.sios office and be liber- ally rewarded. au2 1-. I gov _[____ IT9 R SALE- A GOOD YOUNG HORSE; 1 wiil work single or double. Inquire at. IOJ 1 J street sel-21 I.tOR SALE, OB TO KENT ON LEASj . Thirteen acres of rich bottom land, adjoin- ing city, suitable for gardening or dairy; will grow alfalui; baa gooa barn and tenoes, small cabin; if sold will take small paymeni down, balance on time to vast purchaser. Apply 10 JAMES HOLLAND, 1711 Q St., city. rpOR BALE—A TEN-ACRE, WELL-IM- X proved suburban farm ior 5>.',80U. Also, seven lots In block Fourteenth and Fifteenth, X and s streets, tor s .\.'Oo. Factory sue. :>^o teel railroad Itomage. STROBEL, ;;17 J suxet. au .:•-• iSzlxw I -nil SALE—COMBINATION BILLIARD I' table, almost aew; costs37s; wiliseillor ijiioo. Apply al 1023 Thlro itreet. au2a-tf I\u25a0> »R SALE A le VDSI : ... 1 SIRT AND A harnoss. Apply to 22? Kst. au2u-tf IJtOR SAi.E— IN GOOD CONDITION, LAN- ' uau bacs: and team,complete. Apply to \u25a0i.F. 1) REMAN. 422 1 street (all \u25a0y.i.au.'d-'l \v* t^OR SALE OK TO RENT—I6O ACRES OF good land, well improved, tour tuned 1 om udvisville (John Mooneya old place); new bhuse ami barn, good outbuildings. Inquire of CATHERINE BURNS, Slaters Addition, below Pioneer Mill-. au22-lm» 1,-^OR SALE—A FARM CONTAINING 67 . acres,situated 2% milesirom county scat and 1 mile from railroad station; 50 acres under cultivation, planted in trees, vines, etc.: ;>7 acres In timber; 140011 buildings; good well and spring, 2 horses and harness, :.' wagons, 7 head siock ami all necessary farming utensils; the above land is nearly all under a large canal. Reason for sale, old age Inquire ol WM.A. KRAMP, Diamond Springs, Cal. jylo-em IMd. SALE—I4O ACRES oF RECLAIMED hind on Grand Island. Sacramento county, trontingon Old River, between Walnut Grove and i.-ietoa; orchard of pears, plums and quinces; will be sold at a Bargain. For terms and particular.- Inquire at this office or at the U. s. Land j ÜBce, Ban Francisco. IjTORSALECH] E OF THE OLIK 1 est hotels in the city. Apply at this ot- ttce. :tui:-tt' C<tH SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST AND 1 largest saloons in the city; extra family 1 atfance; best location; stock"and lease. In- quire at this office. 11OR SALE OK TO RENT ON LEASE— 1 leu acres of bottom land, one mile below Washington, Yolo county; if sold will take small payment down. Apply to EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 1015 Fourth street. v"0 cet ov _A____ mo RENT—A ROUSE OF 7 ROOMS, BATH j. and closets, 728 Eighth Btn t, corner H; - 12 per month, water includi ft. Inquire at 730 Eighth street. Rel-ot* FOR RENT—THE PACIFK ',': 2. .1 STREET, newly furnished rooms. A.35. PR AlT.sl-lm rp> LET—HOUSE ON THIRD STREET, .1 between if and R; six nice rooms; large yard with fruit trees and stable. Lnquin at 304 J street. S. ROSENFELD. sel-lw mO RENT —A NIC...V FURNISHED 1 bay-window room; also huge room. I oard optional. 1223 H street. an3l-3t* : .-. Ip- XSTREET—TO LET, \ DESIRABLE 1»> J») and dm v- upper (lat, 6 rooms, newly papered, all modern improvements and base- ment; wilt be vacant September Ist. Apply at 719 L street. ' au2?-tf mO RENT —THREE LARGE UNFUR- i alshed rooms tor housekeeping, with wardrobe, china-closet and pantry. 152.* v . __* cond and Psta au2s-tit - mO LET—THE BRUCE HOUSE, ON J i si eel, between Tenth and Eleventh. In- qulreat til THRIE BROS.', l__ .ht. aulJ-tf rpo RENT—CITX HOTEL, SACRAMENTO; 1 SO"rooms, ali lurnished; doing good Dusi- ii. ss; rare chance for tMKclman; no others i.i, a apply. !''<-;• particulars Inquire of P. CONLAN, 311 Kstr.it. auß-tl (..),)— Ki:XT of NINE ROOMS, BATH, 3>0.4 4*8,a1l In good repair, at ?ls E.ghth street. Inquire at 722 Ja.lj.rxtb street. HOTEL x>F 100 ROOMss! ALL FT 11- -nislud. full of boarder^ und roomers, to lease; best location. Inquire al loo; Fourth. FURNISHED ROOMS AT CENTRAL House trom §5 per month upward; also lamily rooms at low prices. HORNLSIN [ BROS?., Proprietors. _<©a^rtii $tallru grtn>o. ' " r ~T7~i7_T-,-~: —r_r-tjli—:_ —___=^3 A CAPAY COLONY. Busy Fruit-Growers iv a Pretty Yolo Valley—Tancred and Its Adjoining Farms. JN TTTR SPRIWG OP LASI YEAB Rob-rt A. and Neal D. Barker associated themselves wit.h William McKay, all of Oak- land, v.ifha view of scarchins: out a suitable location in which to engage in the pp occupation of fruitgrowing. After vlstOng many localities, they decided on the Capay Valley, Yolo County, and the Rhodes tract at lanered. Negotiations were opened with the Capay Land Company, owning the trad in question. With W. 11. ____\u0084 the General Ageat of that company, they arranged for the purchase of about 220 acres of foothill land This being more than they had thought of taking for their own use, they spoke to a number of friends about it. with the result that the tract was divided anion-the follow- ing people: B. L. Ilickok, 40 acres; XV. T. Barnett,2o acres; N.T.Greathead, 20 acres; Mrs. L. Greathead, 2u acres; v>\ McKay, 20 acres; N. D. Barker, 20 acres; R. A. Barker, 20acres; J. P. Brownlee, 20acres; !\u25a0'. n. Has- lett. 10 acres: Joseph Barker, 10 acres; A. \V. Kelly 10 acres, and Frederick Kelly, 10 acres. So far th-s had been merely a private ven- ture of the gentlemen above named, but in talkingup the question of dividing the land already purchased, it was found that so many more would like to join it than the area of the purchase would admit of, that, it was sup. gested on all hands, "Why not get some more land and divide it up in the same way?" Then followed the idea of a stock company to take hold of a larger tract and arrange for the cultivation ofthe whole of it, after subdividing Itaccording to the requirements of the sub" ocrlbers. a provisional board was formed, a prospectus Lssued,and finaily.on the sth oJ June, 1890, the Western Co-operative Col- onization and Improvement Company was duly registered and pro* ded to business, with the following officers: President, Will- iam McKay; Vice-President, M. p. Brown; Directors-H. c. Ellis, Charles Brooke and R. A. Barker; Secretary and General Manager, Neal 1). Barker; Solicitor, C. E. Snook; Treas- urer, First National Bank of Oakland The balance ofthe tract, 373 acres, was par- chased. Aeontract was entered into for the purchase ot a large number of fruit trees, vine-, etc. This early purchase of trees was the means of saving between $3,000 and 94,000 to the company, the prices in some taving more than doubled since then. The ideas which ihe prospectus set forth have been but slightly modified and tho progress of the company has been uninter- rupted. Those who went Into it doubtingly have become enthusiastic, and almost all tho members arranged to set out all their lands In frail trees, etc., the first year. Consequently In this, the first season, some 40,000 trees and between 20.000 and 30,000 vines will bo prantcn. The satisfactory working of this scheme has had the efffect of attracting considerable at- tention to the work of the Colony Company, and a number of people are now desirous of Joining in with them. An additional 200 acres have been added to the sixty acres originally purchased. For the company is predicted a very bright future, as well as forthe beautiful valley in which their operations are conducted. How this marvelous little garden has come to be ao long neglected is a puzzle to every one who has visited it, but. one thing is very sure, and that is that this neglect will never again bo felt in the valley. The fruits set out are mostly ofthe standard varieties-peaches, apricots, Part lett prunes, figs, raisin grapes, etc., while along both sides of the avenues, throughout the tract,walnuts will throw their graceful shade, A considembtejnumber ot citrus trees are also being set out; quiti a sufficient number to demonstrate that these fruits can bo success- fully grown in ihe valley, about which th" colonists appear to have no doubt, provided proper care is given to the young trees. Neal D. Barker, General Manager of tho company, resides on the tract, and to his cue I 1 to be as- cribed much of the success of the venture. Mention should be made of the town-site, about which there Is a pleasant innovation which might with profit bo followed by mora ambitious places. A small park of some three acres has been laid out right in the center ol the town. This park it is proposed to beautify by planting in it from time to time as many ofthe beauties and curiosities of tree and shrub life as may he obtained by diligent search and a wise expenditure of money, it is not expected that Tancred will ever'he a large and busy city, but it is thought that it can be made a very pleasant little place to dwell In. A petition has been circulated recently and very largely signed, asking the county to- se- ccpt Island avenue, on the colony tract, as a county road, and to build a bridge aero is Cache Creek at this point, In order to give the settlers on the ra.-il side of the creek access to fancred Station. The Tancred colonists are quite willing to give the necessary right of way. and are very desirous of having a bridge there, as the colony lands extend along both sides of the stream. It is thought that it would be a very wise expenditure ol public money to grant them thK very necei sary im- provement, as the operations o; such com- panies are of widespread benefit to -the whole county and state. The attractions and com- for b of the cities aro wed known, but to those who are willingto settle on the land and show that the country also affords attractions ami comforts and ways of making monej antiy, every inducement should be held forth. The following is a list of the principal mem- bers of the Tancred Colony, with the number of acres owned by each, and a (act worthy ol mention is that iv each contract or deed is- sued by the Colony Company there is a pro- vision that no intoxicating liquor shall evei be manufactured or «olu on the. land. The ap- parent success ofthe enterprise shows that the ideas and plans of the colony, as set forth inthe prospectus some time ago, are not im- practicable: ('. T. Hull. Berkeley, 5 acres; XV. P. Hammon, Oakland, 14 acres; C.S. X San Francisco, 11 acres; Jos.Barker, 10 acres; A. \V. Kelly. Kincardine, Ont., 5 acres; N.T. Greathead, 5 acres; R. G. Gre ikland lo acres; R. A. Barker, San Francisco, "10 acres; N. I>. Barker, Tancred. 10 acres; Dr. K. Favor, ban Francisco, 27 acres; J. P. Brownleo. Kincardine, Ont., 0 acres; XV. T. Barnett, Berkeley, 6 acres; M. P. Brown, 10 acres; Chas. Brook, Sr., Oakland, 10 acres; W. C. Boutelle, Berkeley, 20 ace-: Mrs. T. A.Crclin, Oakland, 5 acres; C. H. Peach, Tancred, b acres: 11. C. Ellis, Oakland, 10 acre-,; J. Van- stone. Winnipeg. 10 acres; E. A. Vanstone, Tancred, 5 acre;; E. Wad.-worth, Sacral 5 acres; M, A. Thomas, Oakland, G ares: James Graham, San Franclsco.il :\u25a0•- Stark, 12 acres; J, Stark. 10 acres; Mrs. M. Vrooman, 5 acres; C. E. Snook, 10 acres; C. T. Greathead, 12 acres: Wm. McKay, » acres; Mrs. Wm. McKay, Oakland, .""> acn s Mrs. E. C. Woolcy, Brooklyn, N. V., 10 acres; Mrs. li. Beck ley, Oakland, 5 acres; T. A. Marriett, 5 acres; J. C Harrison, Tancred, 5 acres. The land reserved by tho Colony Company, in- dingclu townsite, consists of bl acres. I fels-UdiiW Wettl CBetatc, 05tc. ANOTHER RUSH FOX OAKPARK, A^w^s££ D TR^CIS ***** ** CheSp^f 88 UliS °M>°««*tJ to secure a sutosonT hartman, Seal U'state and insurance Agents, 1°°7' F-ourth Street. AIiFVIX % v?,e^.' tosrarano©Co.-Ufc AUUmOaad Accident; s-.mi Fire Office 01 bondoii; Pacific Coast s_»v. W. P. COLEMAN, Real Estate Salesroom, 3:5 j St. $50 PER ACRE. _f r ' . Twelve ,".;; ', imily orel /::\u25a0.,;•;.'•'•'"\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 tch. Partofthe .;'» bo, |and . a awening of six rooms. Good barn. 7jw $1,600. acres near Brighton station. Good $G,OQO. - SSf^iSS?- '';J s: of Twelfih-street Road. .\u25a0O.l ol Holland's ranch. Dwelling ol vnC-o"v"\ S,N :l""'s in Barttou pears, wants .-mouth. MONEY TO LOAN. ,MI" . ' v. CROUCH A Desirable and Eligibly Located RESIDENCE rliii M rnwo stories, vyrra mm: large 1 rooms, double parlor, bathroom, hot \. connection etc.; [ol ••• i t o the sraoe; nas largi cesspool with sewer connec- "on; plumbing on premises in Al condil sticel improvements all eon ton sidewalk, etc. Situate 01 twecu Eleventh and Twollth streets in i low ol fine r.sbl, ;„•, 1 to allN |. tion m the city. 4 : \u25a0 - oflored 30 days. Apply to EDWIN K. ALSI!' & CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 1018 Fourth St., S:« ito. $2.606—FOR SALE. X MODERN-BUILT BRICK KOTJSE. HOL- . I .o\\ walls, eight rooms, bay window marb] mantel,closets. Itc Also.g and yard. Loi 10.X160, with an 1. T»\:0 |JxOoocan stand on,, moi t Ifteentb street,between Pand x}. MILLS JhAWK, :;oi .1 street, Sacramento. AGKMV IN!Q\ ixstRAXCK COMPASY. TAKE THE HINT! All Whiskies ire Not Alike. JUDGES SAY fFS(K^_ZrJf,1 mlßmitTni **** ~? W BOX )N Is Absolutely the Best. Fric:^, $Sa Gallon. Geo. E, Biemen k Co., Solo Pro] . mWJm-I-W-T-mg/Flff m£M-?iS'--WBtYS--*-_\ KHMifESGOLBEK SPECIFIC Itcan be given incoffee, tea, or in articles of fc? Zx\ P»««t it ntcessan tt fe absolutely harmless aas will effect a eorini nenl |y care, whether th* Datieatia moderate \u25a0! -10keror a a alcoholic wreck 'TI" ____ i-'ai La. it operatesyo quietly and*with - complete reforn - effected, -fes puj:i>book t.a-. Tobehadaf " JOSKPII HAHI & CO.. Fifth end j Strctta ICEOF STREErWORK—No. 105. "PUBLIC NOTICE is HEREB'S GIVEN I that the Board of Trustees of the City ol Sacramento, on the 24 tn day of August. 1 ' adopt* da resolution of its intention to, the followingstn l work tobodone, \ 1/.: ' venue. 110111 the* a I gutterlin < l to the wesl gutter one of Eighth si be improved by grading and pavi granite blocks, constructing granil and relaying stone tig . For further particulars reference is hei made to said resolution on die In th the Streel Commas: ion< r. Kacrameato, Angi si :>;. 1 391. Mclaughlin, btreet Commissioner of the City of a mcnto. NOTICE OF STREETWOEK—NoJ PC NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN thai the Board of T imento, on the 24th daj of August, lh9l, adopted a resolution of its intention to ord- r tlte following street work to be done, viz.: Tlml Dstn t, from the easi lino of Eleventh stree; to tho west line of Tweirthi t from the easi line of Twi ifth 1 line \u25a0 Thirteenth street, be Imoroved by gra, and graveling to the official _\u25a0 _ and diliii!;- behind the wine torn width nol to exceed eight [81 feel r<>r fn . . rs relerehce la madcl is:et. resolution on tile in the oiHce of the street Commissioner. Sacramenio, Auj a I ;. i \u25a0 1 W , I LAUGHLIN Street Commissioner ot ihe City of Sacra- ;'. 1 X<> sV';' ' IRRIGATION onds.—The Board of Dn \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0-.•' Belt frrigatii '\u25a0 ; !\u25a0> offic < jjtyof Po- mona, County of i., is .-.:. ,' a ._ (brnia,at 10 o'clock .. \u25a0 -,j)Xy tll( . ' saiddiatrict, ul :;; par value of fi x , dollars each. Sealed proposals will b.. : received bj the I oard, al their s.d.i o tic the purchase oi said bonds, till the day and ; hour above named. By order of the Board of I Directors. !\u25a0 EIANK P. FIREY, Secretary. I au2l-20l I mm: WEEKLY UNION is TIIE PAPEIt I X to send to lneuds iv the East.
Page 1: OAKPARK, lVk§3@g® EnDVMder A CAPAY COLONY. CheSp^f ... · FARM AND ORCHARD. Small Fruits Should Not Be Planted Among Trees. Moulting lions—The Manure Ilcap- Bisoaso From Pipeons


Small Fruits Should Not BePlanted Among Trees.

Moulting lions—The Manure Ilcap-

Bisoaso From Pipeons — Poor

Hatches in Summer—Clean Brood-

ing:—General Fnrm Notes.

It is not unusual to hear complaints ofsmall fruits not doing well when plantedin orchards of fruit trees. To those who

have given the subject any attention thowonder is that they grow to produce any

fruit at all, instead of doing fairly, as

they sometimes do. But few persons

have any id. a how much food a growingtree takes from the soil. It is taken up,

of course, in a liquid state. Ifanyone

will but observe a lawn near where some

laige tree is growing it willbedemon-strated to him very soon. The grass willdroop and wither up for a distance as

great as the spread ofthe branches, whilethe rest oftho lawn is stillin a fresh state.When this is observed a great many per-sons surmise? that the soil is poor, causing

a thin and poor sod. It is not that, but itis on account of the great absorption ofmoisture by the numerous roots of the.. They are spreading in every direc-tion, searching tor moisture and food,ami in this way they do make the soilpoorer than before. vVin n small fruitsare planted within the radius ofthe 1there must be starvation for oneortheother. As in allother cases, the \v<

1 iic has to suffer, and in this case ii is theraspberry, blackberry, strawberry> "\u25a0'

-.v hatever fruit it may be that is plant; d.1 :veii when not near enough to be 1

by the largo tree, the sunlight tn •

from them is detrimental to them.Itmay occur that no clear place offers

for these plants, in which case thplan is to fe d liberally \* ith manure.andiftho season be a moi ere will betolerable success, but in a dry -there is no easy way of ke, ping int

n in the soil to Bupplyall thai thoroots demand. The soil, situation andmany other causes but the right one areoften blamed forthe ill-luck usually at-tending experimentsof this kind, in allgardening operations these facts areworthy of being kept in mind, itoccurs that flower borders are formedalong the skirt ofa wood, and, of course,with the worst possible success. Thestronger growth robs the weaker, whichis that of the shrubs and plants set in thoborder. Flower beds are met with under. . where it is impossible for them tothrive. In woods underbrush and flow-ers thrive, but it is because of tho foodand moisture which decaying leaves andtwigs afford them, and on sloping hillsthere is always some moisture descend-ing from the higher ground. The placetoplant small fruits where they willdotheir very b< si is in an open place, « henwhat food is in the soil is their own, and

they can li ' cultivated andfor without having to consider anythingelse, it is a pit rdenys -small fruit in such unsuitable places asthey often do. it is a popular delusionthat under a tree isadamp place, and it

•ionee toBon that the opposite of this is correct;which is the explanation wh;failures to grow small fruits in 01are mcl with.

MOCK riXG -iiENS.for moulting hens is loan

To have hens lay in winter theearly moulting I be fed on foi di hat wil to renew I . rs. Fat

arable, as no heating ele-• an- necessary in summer. Foods

rich in nitrogen and the phosphates are: by moulting hens, and of the

grain toed-, bran is the I est. The branshould be scalded, and to a pint oi branshould be added naif a pint of cornmealand a gill oflinseed meal, mixed to a stiffdough with milk. Such a mixture, witha Little lean meat occasionally and an al-lowance oi gr< en food, should enable the

to moult quickly and easily, andwithout becoming debilitated at anytime during the process of moulting.Twice a day is it to feed them,and they should be given all that theywilleat. [tis best to remove all hensthai begin to moult from the oth rs, as

bonld be ted in a different manner.The quarters should be dry, as tbe hensmay not have any feathers on their

D stages of the moulting] ss.—Farm and Fireside.

POOR HATCHES IN SUMMER.will hatch better from April to

-; than will eggs laid after thatThis is due to the fact tiiat the

• nol in as full vigor as in thespring, and because they ai close on the

ing period. The chicks batched\u25a0. ong and .._\u25a0•. . when

hatch . -season asearlier, but they willhave the au\ .«. warmei weather. Lace, however, de-stroy more late chicks than disease, and

ks are piimical not to allow

hens hatch broods so late.

d on stony ground the hens may,bydaily foraging over the same space,

; all the available material Iserviceable as grit. Smooth, roundgravel is not suitable. Ileus requirey mething sharp and cutting, orWill be unable to properly masticab: The broken china and cr<may be utilized with advantage for gritI : Hiding it into small pieces (about

I seed and scattering itt r the he - they will. and find every pie

DISI a - E FROM PIGEONS.The pigeon, as is well known, willfeed

f all the poultry-yards in aowners. A

and willy are liable

from one uother,

even on their foot, and, as thoy arc sub- Ijed to many of tho diseases thai affectfowls, and particularly roup, thoy are anuisance inany community. They willalso introduce licefroma distance, ifonowishes to keep pigeonshesfaOnlddosobykeeping them confined in wire yards.covered! and not at tho expense of hisneighbor's feed, with the risk of causingdisease in all the docks. There should besome protection for those who do notwish pigeons in tlnir yards.

11l X MAM XX Ji LAO.

Let the hens work in the manure heapall they wish. They will And a Largeamount of valuable food, and they willwork the manure up into a fine condi-tion, by scratching over it, that willrender it tho best that can be used for thegarden or flowers. There is a large pro-portion of food in the manure of animalsthat will be of service to the hens, andthey should have the privilege ofsecuringit as a matter of economy.

CLEAN BEDDING.Good bedding is as necessary for the

cows in summer as in winter, it servesto protect against filth and permits ofmore rest. But in the summer th<ding will become the harboring place ofinsect posts unless it is removed daily.The practice of drying the bedding in thesun for the purpose <>i' using it againshould be condemned, as bedding oncesaturated with liquid manure becomesdisagreeable, giving the stable an am-moniacal odor, which is sure to affect themilk to a certain extent. Tiie best placefor bedding tiiat has been used is in themanure heap.

GENERAL FARM NOTES.'\u25a0 is said tiiat the castor bean has been

.-..cm Lvely to protect grape vinesiron: moles.

When seeds are planted in moist, freshsoil they are more certain to sprout thanwhen planted in dr.-

Washing the pig with strong soap sndswill make Lum grow, a Li i Leans insskin and rids him of ins... thickly clustered on a branch,Looks very nice, hul ii _.-.. iici h< rto the tree nor to the owner.

high price of all kinds of -rain has- of the tanners to the im-

portance of rais ing more and buy:!' _peach, plnni and cherr3' an

baiiio t<. injury from the arsenites thanthe ;.• ar an I a- .... , but this d< .much on tho variel ies

It is claimed thai see ; s left in I'\u25a0 ers till \u25a0•. anti '; for plantinmuch m >re certainty than those

irons which the hulls have b< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 no\ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.

Thin the young fruitwhere it is grow-ing too thiekiy. A crowded cmoans a dwarf growth. Remember that

inds of large fruit is more mar-ketable than the like weight ofsma :fruit.

To use corn, wheat bran and oats forinner mix as follows by weight: Twopartscorn meal, two or bran and one ofoats. Always feed clover bay for butterand cornstalks if you can. Silage is thei« st form for ;k< rnfo Lder.

instead of depending whollyon hay,turnip, or silage, as omc do, th<ci his and experienced ttockmasters a.'blto that cabbage, kohl-rabi, thousand-headed kale, rape, vetches or whatever issuited to the climate and locati n.

[fyou wish to have :ii, .. g and;\u25a0!. tty ofthem, cutback all the leadingshoots from three to six inches and re-move all sprouts from the base of theplants. There will be an important gain- . productiveness and size ofplants.

1 uring the warm season r< agraiu fir anuthi rti Stock m

\u25a0 ;rain in summer. ..... isfor all animals during the '\u25a0\u25a0 armthan any other v od, and they v ill

ition on such .v. ben f lon grain.

rraelon, though com >osed al-most entirely of water, thrives best on alight, dry, sandy soil, too much rain be-

an obstacle to its growth and produc-I >m that a heavy crop is se-

cured when the season hwith frequent rains.

It is doubtful it'it pays to sell bay, evenat ali . B< iter prices can

\u25a0 for it whin it is converted into\u25a0\u0084 at or milk, as the manure will then bean item in tho profit, ihe Lai oriii», hauling and shipping of hay shouldalso be add* .1 to its cost.

Instead oi allowing the unsightly pileof night soil under privies it is better toha\ c iron buckets, with com enient han-dles, which should be emptied on themanure heap as often as occasion de-mands. In this manner a nuisance willbe prevented and a waste of night soilavoided.

I eras and gentian together form anexcellent tonic for horses. The Ameri-

. man say-: Mix four ouncesofeach thoroughly in the powdered state;keep the mixture tightly shut up in abox or id give a tablespoonful ofit in the horse's feed at night.' To cobsa Bmalh r quantity i . •. en.

Canada thistles have been destroyed bysbi ep. I ut to secure the ;

is thethistles should be slightly sprinkled with

above groundwhich willinduce the sheep to eat themclosi into the roots. As Cast as they sp-

rinkle more salt. They will grad-\u25a0 ' in numl tally disap-roots cannot live iftop growth

is prevented.Twosteers exhibited al Kansas Cjtv

weigh over 4,000 pounds each, and fifty- \u25a0 pound \u25a0-\u25a0 . for them butdeclined, as the o\\ ncr will exhibil.11 the World's Fair. They are of theShorthoi n bi ec 1. and show whi I midone with animals of good breedingin

o - -rubs. They were also wellfed, as feed and breed are i to se-cure the best result .

;. s num. revs in g stabless cleanliness is resorted

to. Screens should be us< I i i tbe win-dows and doors ofthe stables and tbedoors sprinkled daily with a i psolution "i' carbolic acid. 'I he- ;should not onlj inkfed,Van also covered on th< •\u25a0. itii adaily application ofan inch ofdry dirt.

To k ep \u25a0 on the farm tea prob-lem und< r m. i >ne m< thou is to. ._\u25a0:.' inter, -tine to them.

tl .<\u25a0 ones by gi\ ing th ta a few Ban-tam chicks to raise, and as they becomeadvanced allow a pig or lamb, or even acolt. But always allow them the pro-

Children appreciate

ownership of stock, and tho early lessonslead to a deeper interest later on.

< trass lauds need heavy manuring aswell as corn or wheat land. Grass de-prives the soil of its elements in propor-tion to the degree of cropping given theland. When grass has been mowedBei era! times the land has been made todo more than its duty, and the same effectoccurs when cattle graze the grassclosely. An excellent timo to apply ma-nure is in the fall, after the grass beginsto fail.

One peculiarity of the Emerald Gemcantaloupe is that as soon as itbecomesripe it loosens its hold on the vine androils aw ay. Until this happens itis notripe. It does not indicate the degree ofri ]>eness by the color of the outer nml, asjit is dark, but as it loosens its hold whenripe, no difficultyis met with in deter-

| mining the ripe ones from those that areg:i n. Itis also one of the best varietiesgrown.

Special fertilizers for potatoes havegiven wonderful yields on potatoes this

- >n. Sandy soils have been foundcapable of giving large yields when the

I is properly em and special potatofertilizers used, ii has also been noticedthat by tiie use of fertilizers there is lessrot or disease compared with potatoesgrown whe-.-e barnyard manure has been

Iapplied.V. hen you find your barn has become

| too full, and your grain and hay cropsare heavy, ii will be better to procure

! more stock. The farmer who sells hisraw material in the shape of some pro-duce, such as uu at. milk or butter, re-ceives a profitfrom two sources. Me is,

ertain extent, a manufacturer, hisbeing the agents for chaugi

: >ods into m< re liable articles, whilepi odu -:s (manures ml 3he

_on.[>uekwheat keeps down most annual

weeds, and i; ripens so quickly afterIsowingthat those which grov, among it

nol p< ;fs •; tho : . 1. it als - has' anmtage o\ or cops in not

I furnishing desirable food for v\ Ire-wormsand white grubs. One >r two seasons

th it will clear insect enemies out andi : ye the land richer than before, as if

\u25a0vi' yeai after ; ear its scattered seedfurnish gr» n manure to keep n. the

: supply oi v 1 . \u25a0 matter in tho soil.

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL.Health Officer C. B. Nichols is back in

• again.Mrs. li. A. Lindlcy has returned from

t!:>' seae< •<•.:\u25a0:.

ay Frawlcyis in Folsom visit-.- father.County ( lork W. W. Rhoads is back

from tho mountains..Mrs. William Johnston and Miss John-

arc in Monti rev.Mrs. Fred. Biowener and family aro

home from Monterey.Dr. W. Wood h:;s returned from his

trip to tin- mountains.Editor Campbell of the Gait GazetU

was iv the city yesterday.Felix Tracy is ....... > from his camping

trip in Strawberry Valley.Charles F. Gardm rand family have re-

turne i from Pacific l trove.- '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'••ni and family have re-turned from P:tcific IJrove.

Mr.andMrs. Martin Devine returnedlast evening from Santa Cruz..Mrs. J. W. Armstrong has gone to San

Francisco for an extended visit.F. W. Fratt has returned from his sum-

mer vacation at Harbin Springs.Thomas L. Enright returned yesterday

two-weeks'trip to the Shasta re-gion.

Schroth, [da May. Clara. ;; and Miss Echart have gone toLilt :... y.

Captain ;:. .F. Murphy and family ofFolsom have been enjoying a sojourn aiil:- lakes.

Misa Jo-io ami Miss Matilda Fuchswere last week the guests of CharlesZimmerman and wile of Folsom.

Mr.andMrs. Matt Johnson and chil-dren have returned fro;- their sojourn

gar-Loaf, El Dorado < 'ounty.Miss Nettie Nelson arrived yesterday

morning from Ogden, Utah, on a vi-ii tohersister, Mrs. >•. 11. Step] • ..- a.

Miss May Donley and Miss LouisaMey. rs have returned to Folsom fromtheir visit to friends m Placer County.

>irs. .J. A. Woodson has gone to SanFrancisco, to remain a month ertwo witha view by change to re wvering health.

Mrs. Charles Aniland her sister, Mrs.P. A. Humbert of Folsom, havevisiting in San Francisco for the pastweek.

J. s'. Counts will leave for tin- East to-day. 11. • as a representative to the••rand Council of the Improved Order of

fen of the United States, whichmd on the Bth inst. Then11 visit tin- Southern Slates, and

will b<> absent some two months or more.Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yes-

terday: T. T. Halley, Gaiesburg, 111;Mrs. M. i). Atwater, Miss Atwater,Merced; Virginia Harrison, Wheeling.v.". Va.; Mrs. Etta Durfee, Chico; Mr.-. M. A. Krueger, C. W. Crith n-ton, Now York; <;. VV. Hill and wife,Napa; L. C. Morehouse, San LeaMi - Clara Brooks, Miss .Maud Cann,Sacramento; E. W. Noyes, W. E. Dunn,

0. A. Durfee, <i:i<-o; .;. n.: -on < law, <;. A. Pen-

p.iman, E. C. Horst, R. A. Cole, .1. s.Mr. and Airs. F. W.Titus, FredSwan, C. C. McMaban, Charles P. Hall

:'. E. C. A Mi-. \-\ j;'Stranahan, E. C. Davis and wife, San


Arrivals at the Capita] Hotel yesterday:W. A. Runyon, wife and child, Court-land; J. J. Crawford, Plaoerville; «'. W..1. Murray and wife. New York; Alois <;.Hunt, J., c. Collins, George 15. Green,Courtland; William <-. Hondley .v Co.,Santa Rosa; Thad. .1. McFarland, MissHazel McFarland, Rpnicia; L. 1). Wick-ers, Willows; Mrs. <'. Yon Soching, SanErancisco; Miss T. Lilsev, Anderson; C.Daily, Walnnl Grov< ; 1.. G.Towle,Towle;Bob Prior, Denver, Col.; W. Nichols,J"ruck< c; C. .i. Jones, wife and two chil-

Red Bluff; Charles S. Riley, Van-viiie; R. ii. Beamer, C. F. Prentis ,

Hand; M. E. Clowe, Knights Land-ing; S. B. Hibber, Los Angeles; R. N.Day, Florin; MissJuliane Swetzer, .). N.Brin, .Jr.. wife and child, Suisun; Sol.Runyon, Mrs. G< »rge Carty, Courtland;Miss Lindley, Miss iiolen Lindley,Addie Lindley, Miss Edith Lindley, city.

Charged With Grand Larceny.\u25a0 . - McLaughlin and Eld reel last

nighi arrested Henry Welch, who ischarged with grand larceny. The cir-cnm stance out of which the charge origi-nated could not be Learned at iho PoliceStation.

Postal Matters.Washington, Aug. 81.—The .Post-

al st. Louis, Mo., will hereafterteh the through registered pouches

made up at his office for San Francisco,Cal., via st. Louis and Council Bluffs15. P. <>.. af 8:25 p. m.

Star s trvice changes: Orovillo to Clip-per Mills, from September ith, changeservice so as to supply I Mills atthe new site.

CapkMay, Aug. 31.—Postmasters ap-]• in ed: Levi R. Davis. Newcastle, Wy-oming; James i. Driscoll, Eureka, Utah.

Crop Failure in Europe.New Yci;:;. Aug. 31.—<k>lonel Mont-

gomery of Oregon, just returned fromGerman;, said to-day: '.The err.}) failurein Europe is g< neral, and distress is sureto folio-,-.-. 1 was all over Germany andaw that rain had ruined wheat and rye.

The people will have to look to thiscoun-u> forrelief. Thepotatocrop in Conti-nental Europe has been more or less afailure, nnd people will look with long-ing eyes toward America,"

General Rosecrans a Grandfather.Washington, Aug. 81. General Rose-

crans was reet tying numerous congratu-lations at his Milieu in the Treasury to-day over the following telegram just re-

I from his son-in-law, GovernorToole: "Your Montana grandson sendshis compliments. Lily is doing well. J.K. Toole."

LIQUOR MEN.Tboy Will Pay the JAecnsc for This

Quarter.Tho Liquor Dealers' Association held a

secret meeting last evening at the CapitalTiotei, for the purpose of determiningwhat course to pursue with referencototbe raised liquor licenses.

Attorney V\*. A. Anderson, who, withGrove L. Johnson, has been retained bythe Liquor men, advised hN clients to paythe pr. sent quarter's license quietly, andthus save the heavy court costs thatwould be otherwise incurred, lb saidhe was as confident as ever of the legalstanding of the Liquor men's side ofthe

• . lit thought 'it won!.: be bcttcrtohave the contest on om ortwoofthe.

Tho liquormen r-^ a rule agreed thatthe advice wa.good, aud said they wouldact upon it..


New*Uniforms for the Capital Citys-*Tho Club Ltaptdly Growing.

Tho statement having been publishedt: :;. K. Bernard and Robert Brownhad eon chosen respectively Presidentand Cai tain of the West Side BicycleClub, an officer of the Capital City'Wheelmen's Club, desires it stated thatI h re is no Vi ( st Side club, and tiiat bothth < entlemen named are membs v• of tho

al Citys.': ii • Latter club, be says, was never in i

as uishing condition as at present,eighteen now members wenadmitted. The club has v comlOrtableheadquarters in the *kid Fellows' build-ing. The ,11 imbers have lately procurednew unilorms, and will cake a hand-!some appearance iv their future outings.


Howard May last evening picked up amurderous-looking slung-shot on Xsir et, near Pom th.

i rank Koyer, a railroad employe, hascaused the arrest ofThomas lloheim and jWm. Sweeney, fellow-eniployea, for an 1

alleged assault upon him, which ho sayswas committed without cause.

In the vicinity of Twentieth and Q.streets a number ofdogs have Lately I apoisoned, and now each Ijereaved ownerhas loaded his shotgun in ant;-; pat ion ofa \ isil from the burglarious sojourners inour midst.

At the meeting of the Board of CityTruste -s yesterday, Chief Engineer Juddofthe v, Titer Works reported that during ]the past week 43,558,000 gallons of ivaterwere >>umped. The Holly engine was •run ihir:y-..ve hours and the Stevensll 1 1,-airs.

A man named Ming is in the County jJail charged v.'ih felony, having been;brought from Polsom. He is charged iwith stealing a pair of horses and wagon \u25a0

and a Load of watermelons. The formerwi re taken from here, and the m lonsfrom Studarus, at Boutici's Station.


Department One—Catlin. Jndsce.MOITOAY, August SlSt.

Pi oplevs. Inn Fay and )a; Paj . ear ..-rv —]>• 1 ndants ari Igneu and allowed one hay toplead. W. H. Devl|p appointed to defend.

To-day's Auction Sale.

At 10 o'clock this forenoon Bell & Co.will sell at auction at the Fourteenth andI) street stock yards, by order of Ileil-bron Brothers,block No. '27, Washington,Yolo County, with all the improvements;also lots I, _'. '!, 4, 5 and 6 in block 16, inthe same town.

'there will also be sold < 'ocoa, a baystallion, four years old, by i'aliis; alsoSycamore, a four-year-old bay stallion,

;by Prompter. Also some fixtures, for-merly used at the Washington meat

\u25a0 market.

Room Burglar Captured.

Police Officer McLaughlin and SpecialOfficer Eldred last evening succeeded incapturing the individual who on Sundaymorning entered barber Rogers' roomand stole a quantity ofthe tatter's cloth, s.The man gave the name of George Haas.The officers had been looking for him fortwo days and a night, and were about togive up the search when they capturedhim. The man is believed to have com-mitted several other room burglaries.

Officers Elected.The Directors of the Sacramento Mexi-

can Mining Company met last night, or-ganized and elected officers. J. W. Arm-strong was unanimously chosen Presi-dent; John P. ('..(.per, Vice-President; B.C. Irvine, Treasurer, and B. S. Nourse,Secretary. <>n Wednesday evening therewill be a general meeting of all stock-holders to adopt by-laws, and transactother business.

Funeral of J. A. Laufkotter.The funeral of the late J. A. Lanfkotter

took place yesterday from the Cathedraland was largely attended. Tiie services

lucted by Rev, Father Grace.'! he church choir sang several piemost prominent being the" "Lord'sPrayer?' Tho pall-bearers were MayorComstock, George Ritchie, James Mc-Gnire, W. Hook, N. Ewers and JacobGriesel.

Guns and Hardware at Auction.On Thursday, the insL, Bell <v. Co.

willsell at 10 a. tt. sharp, on ihe preini-B -. 8!- X street, by order of J. H. Mer-rall, allthe stock ofguns, hardware andtools contained in said store. The entirestock wiii i)e sold in lots—a good chance


Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard.

__*% v^®w - *!£* *s <® \X %^ fa

< \ % +<fc&<^ V\ BUT


V,/> &¥>l*_l V^ SOBSTITUTEi\ '•;> .; . ;v :. v CEMUIWE KAS

BU?F wrappe»M,OU"° BOTTLE.



!*c»tjal $TotuJ>cr.

Highest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,

lVk§3@g® EnDVMderABSOWfEgy PURE

£$te*Httg) |t£*ttcc».

\ (.). 11.--IH-:« iILAK MONTHLYx\. Ing 01 Division No. i will be held atPioneer Hall THlS(Tuesdayl EVENINGat 8oclock. JOHN WJ2sT,President,Da» Riqrpak. Sec pro tern. It-DARBERS' EARLY-GLOSINa ASSOCIA-JJt'on will meet at :is .1 streel :i'isi.\ 1 M.\'<;at s:l5 o'clock, [mportanl bus-

*s time of cosing during ioxtweeks, etcEverj barber should attend.

ABE W'.i. SON. President.th j >;:'-. Secretary. 11*

j NDUSTRIAL LODGE, NO. 157,_i. L 1 ).<-.!•'. The tnemhers wili >*?nieel at their hall at :: v. 1. TUi -- ** Jr' <>"\:DAY,September Ist, to attend thelunenii« f oar late brother, T. .1. BALLOU._ , W. !.. BRUNSON, N. xi.

J. '.. R iniXETTK, iSecretary. itQTATED MEETIN \.CRA- __lA mento Chapter, So. :;. R; a. M.: UESDAY, s- ptember l^t. al t.^.:..;) p. it. Sojourning companions

»..•"'\u25a0' ; R. P. BURR, li. P.4 tONFIDENCE LODGE, Nc». 7- X -«t:- fleet THIS (Tuesday) EVEN-^Jat -.1 0 • toi k; Unil inn Rank, No.'^VV..will jiayan officialvisit. All mem- \u25a0^'^bev.s are in\ Red to atu ml.



IX met>tin» ot Sacramento Building andL ••\u25a0• 1 Association for tiie election of threeDire*"! r- md the transaction of such otherb isine \u25a0 as may <-.»m. before It, will be h -Ida; u:-o i, 1. :-,,). toi ! Koarth street, on MLON-

\u25a0 VEXlNG,Soptember 7, lWOl.at 7-:>0°<"}<» P* I lit BOHL, President.v v

\u25a0 '- '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:?/. au2»-td

General s.!ottc?e.'• ! . ,m. v. \u25a0, •-, r ... .1 _____]

.« .; mo; ey ivritiuj! at your own I"r"- •[I Sin; Mam;). KILMER & I ', •.._ >_ita B. . d. Ind. a029-10t*rpHE i INEST LUNCH HOUSE -CAPII MX Ale Vaults. NAGEEE <S SVENSSONLun.-h from I 1 a. m. to 2 p. n. Clam Chowderand Mas>, ISouneveryev< niug,6to t2o'clock.1 Inest \» lues, Liquors and (ligars. aulo-1 [


VXTANTED - A GENTLEMAN \\\\ business atiUtles will command at least91.500 per > ear, &. office manager of on en-

tirety new business euterpris . Nothing likeii ever introduced. Must be a shrewd, quietpusher, competent t 1 handle men and controlterritory. .1. F. RITTER, 131 Wabash ave-nue. Chicago, 111. x_

\^ANTED-A POSITION BY A \>, \ man as bookkeeper or clerk, lia^ baaace. Wages no object. Address .1.

this office. \xVITANTED-A Gin] •. ;o; T 10 OR llX} years old 1 • take care of a baby. Apply

al LS2OM itreet. l-ift "

ITTANTED T« 0 DININ> > Experience- not necessary. Call on MRS

MAS( IN, SOO twelfth street. :.i

117ANTED A . EXPERIENCED CLoTil->> ing salesman. Applj to CHAS. >.:.riiip.'r;, m:\u25a0.:.!:• udant w'einstock, LubinivCo., Fourtli and X streets. >.-l-:2.\J_T ANTED - A GIRL TO DO LIGHT>> housework and cooking. Applyat 1309I Btreet, * "s. :

\l7ANTED \ SITUATION, Bi A Mli"-v> die-aged French lady who understands

sewing, cooking una general house«Inquire at l020 \u25a0.. . 1 reet. sel-21VTTANTED : 1 EtENT, A COTTAGE OF>V ttveor six looms, both hot and cold

water. Must be in lirst-clas -ondition. Rentpiotnptly. Addre-s A. P., this office. a3l-tl\T_TANTED - k DELIVERY HORSE. 17-W pli at FABIAN BROS, Ninth and .1

streets. an29-tfVTTANTED-TEN SANDSTONE C ITERy>> forth Hall of Records, Yuba City, But-

ter Co. ALBERT MaGOR, Yuba City. aJ*J-lt«\irANTED—A LOCAL AGENT FOU. SAC->> ramento and vicinity to seU, wholesale

and retail, the great.-;, remedy lor chronics ever placed upon the market, 'roue

energetic agent we otter very liberal Induce-m< nl •. Audn ss for particulars TJEMPLE OFHEALTH MED. CO., Market and Thirdstreets, San Francisco. au2B-2w«TANTED A DESIRABLE TENANT>\ wants a furnished house of trom Beven

to twelve rooms. Address "B," Box 308, Sac-ramento P. 1.. au2.'-tfyjrr as via l -13 men and boys to

', > make up a club for bicycles; §1 50 to.- .• 30 per \\i ek; cash prices on installments.Inquire at MELVIN'S, 718 X street, aulj-tf


at Yolo end of bridge. aul!-ttVirANTED—FIVE GENTLEMEN, WIDE>V awake, with good address; salary or

commission. Apply to THE SINGER MAN-UFACTURING OA. 703 .1 strej t.

y» jan n-:I>-m en Ft >R t a rms, vine-V\ yard-, d iries and ail kinds o:' labor:women and girls for cooking and generalhousework; pl< ntyol work tor desirable help.Apply at EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Fourthstreet, X and L.


LOST— SECOND ANJ) J. i (^LECTIONnook. Return to It. W. MELVIN, 71S X

Btreet, ami i><- reward.' I. sel-tf

IOST—A BLAci SPANISH SLUT, LONGJ ears. Tin finder will please lave . at

;.:. TRIPE FACTORY.Twenty-seventnsi eelbetween Q and R and receive reward. s< l-3t*

LOST— BETWEEN THE BALL GROUNDSand the Capital Hotel on Friday a scat 1

pin set with small diamond and blue stone,ttctnrn to Reco.uDtU.sios officeand be liber-ally rewarded. au2 1-. I

gov _[____

IT9 R SALE- A GOOD YOUNG HORSE;1 wiil work single or double. Inquire at.

IOJ 1 J street sel-21

I.tOR SALE, OB TO KENT ON LEASj. Thirteen acres of rich bottom land, adjoin-

ing city, suitable for gardening or dairy; willgrowalfalui; baa gooa barn and tenoes, smallcabin; if sold will take small paymeni down,balance on time to vast purchaser. Apply 10JAMES HOLLAND, 1711 Q St., city.rpOR BALE—A TEN-ACRE, WELL-IM-X proved suburban farm ior 5>.',80U. Also,seven lots In block Fourteenth and Fifteenth,Xand s streets, tor s .\.'Oo. Factory sue. :>^oteel railroad Itomage. STROBEL, ;;17 Jsuxet. au .:•-• iSzlxw

I -nil SALE—COMBINATION BILLIARDI' table, almost aew; costs37s; wiliseillorijiioo. Applyal 1023 Thlro itreet. au2a-tf

I\u25a0> »R SALE A le • VDSI : ... 1 SIRT ANDA harnoss. Apply to 22? Kst. au2u-tf

IJtOR SAi.E— IN GOOD CONDITION, LAN-' uau bacs: and team,complete. Apply to

\u25a0i.F. 1)REMAN. 422 1 street (all \u25a0y.i.au.'d-'l \v*

t^OR SALE OK TO RENT—I6O ACRES OFgood land, well improved, tour tuned 1 om

udvisville (John Mooneya old place); newbhuse ami barn, good outbuildings. InquireofCATHERINE BURNS, Slaters Addition,below Pioneer Mill-. au22-lm»

1,-^OR SALE—A FARM CONTAINING 67. acres,situated 2% milesirom county scatand 1 mile from railroad station; 50 acresunder cultivation, planted in trees, vines, etc.:;>7 acres In timber; 140011 buildings; good welland spring, 2 horses and harness, :.' wagons, 7head siock ami all necessary farming utensils;the above land is nearly all under alarge canal.Reason forsale, old age Inquire ol WM.A.KRAMP, Diamond Springs, Cal. jylo-em

IMd. SALE—I4O ACRES oF RECLAIMEDhind on Grand Island. Sacramento county,

trontingon Old River, between Walnut Groveand i.-ietoa; orchard of pears, plums andquinces; will be sold at a Bargain. For termsand particular.- Inquire at this office or at theU. s. Land j ÜBce, Ban Francisco.IjTORSALECH] E OF THE OLIK1 est hotels in the city. Applyat this ot-ttce. :tui:-tt'C<tH SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST AND1 largest saloons in the city; extra family

1 atfance; best location; stock"and lease. In-quire at this office.

11OR SALE OK TO RENT ON LEASE—1 leu acres of bottom land, one mile below

Washington, Yolo county; if sold will takesmall payment down. Apply to EDWIN K.ALSIP & CO., Real Estate and InsuranceAgents, 1015 Fourth street.

v"0 cet ov _A____mo RENT—A ROUSE OF 7 ROOMS, BATHj. and closets, 728 Eighth Btn t, corner H;- 12 per month, water includi ft. Inquireat 730 Eighth street. Rel-ot*

FOR RENT—THE PACIFK ',': 2. .1 STREET,newlyfurnished rooms. A.35.PR AlT.sl-lm

rp> LET—HOUSE ON THIRD STREET,.1 between if and R; six nice rooms; largeyard with fruit trees and stable. Lnquin at304 J street. S. ROSENFELD. sel-lw

mO RENT —A NIC...V FURNISHED1 bay-window room; also huge room. I oard

optional. 1223 H street. an3l-3t*: .-. Ip- XSTREET—TO LET, \ DESIRABLE1»> J») and dm v- upper (lat, 6 rooms, newly

papered, all modern improvements and base-ment; wilt be vacant September Ist. Applyat 719 L street. ' au2?-tfmO RENT —THREE LARGE UNFUR-i alshed rooms tor housekeeping, with

wardrobe, china-closet and pantry. 152.* v. __* cond and Psta au2s-tit -mO LET—THE BRUCE HOUSE, ON Ji si eel, between Tenth and Eleventh. In-

qulreat til THRIE BROS.', l__ .ht. aulJ-tf

rpo RENT—CITX HOTEL, SACRAMENTO;1 SO"rooms, ali lurnished; doing good Dusi-ii. ss; rare chance for tMKclman; no othersi.i, a apply. !''<-;• particulars Inquire of P.CONLAN, 311 Kstr.it. auß-tl(..),)—Ki:XT of NINE ROOMS, BATH,3>0.4 4*8,a1l In good repair, at ?ls E.ghthstreet. Inquire at 722 Ja.lj.rxtb street.

HOTEL x>F 100 ROOMss! ALL FT 11--nislud. full of boarder^ und roomers, to

lease; best location. Inquire al loo; Fourth.

FURNISHED ROOMS AT CENTRALHouse trom §5 per month upward; also

lamily rooms at low prices. HORNLSIN[ BROS?., Proprietors.

_<©a^rtii $tallru grtn>o.' " r ~T7~i7_T-,-~:—r_r-tjli—:_—___=^3


Busy Fruit-Growers iv a Pretty

Yolo Valley—Tancred and ItsAdjoining Farms.

JN TTTR SPRIWG OP LASI YEABRob-rt A. and Neal D. Barker associated

themselves wit.h William McKay, all of Oak-land, v.ifha view of scarchins: out a suitablelocation in which to engage in the ppoccupation of fruitgrowing. After vlstOngmany localities, they decided on the CapayValley, Yolo County, and the Rhodes tract atlanered.

Negotiations were opened with the CapayLand Company, owning the trad in

question. With W. 11. ____\u0084 the GeneralAgeat of that company, they arranged for thepurchase of about 220 acres of foothill landThis being more than they had thought oftaking for their own use, they spoke to anumber of friends about it. with the resultthat the tract was divided anion-the follow-ing people: B. L. Ilickok, 40 acres; XV. T.Barnett,2o acres; N.T.Greathead, 20 acres;Mrs. L. Greathead, 2u acres; v>\ McKay, 20acres; N. D. Barker, 20 acres; R. A. Barker,20acres; J. P. Brownlee, 20acres; !\u25a0'. n. Has-lett. 10 acres: Joseph Barker, 10 acres; A. \V.Kelly 10 acres, and Frederick Kelly, 10 acres.

So far th-s had been merely a private ven-ture of the gentlemen above named, but intalkingup the question of dividing the landalready purchased, it was found that so manymore would like to join it than the area of thepurchase would admit of, that, it was sup.gested on all hands, "Why not get some moreland and divide it up in the same way?"Then followed the idea of a stock company totake hold of a larger tract and arrange for thecultivation ofthe whole ofit,after subdividingItaccording to the requirements of the sub"ocrlbers. a provisional board was formed, aprospectus Lssued,and finaily.on the sth oJJune, 1890, the Western Co-operative Col-onization and Improvement Company wasduly registered and pro* ded to business,with the following officers: President, Will-iam McKay; Vice-President, M. p. Brown;Directors-H. c. Ellis, Charles Brooke andR. A. Barker; Secretary and General Manager,Neal 1). Barker; Solicitor, C. E. Snook; Treas-urer, First National Bank of Oakland

The balance ofthe tract, 373 acres, was par-chased. Aeontract was entered into for thepurchase ot a large number of fruit trees,vine-, etc. This early purchase oftrees wasthe means of saving between $3,000 and94,000 to the company, the prices in some

taving more than doubled since then.The ideas which ihe prospectus set forthhave been but slightly modified and thoprogress of the company has been uninter-rupted. Those who went Into itdoubtinglyhave become enthusiastic, and almost all thomembers arranged to set out all their lands Infrail trees, etc., the first year. ConsequentlyIn this, the firstseason, some 40,000 trees andbetween 20.000 and 30,000 vines will boprantcn.

The satisfactory working of this scheme hashad the efffect of attracting considerable at-tention to the work of the Colony Company,and a number of people are now desirous ofJoining in with them. An additional 200acres have been added to the sixty acresoriginally purchased.

For the company is predicted a verybrightfuture, as well as forthe beautiful valley inwhich their operations are conducted. Howthis marvelous little garden has come to be aolong neglected is a puzzle to every one whohas visited it, but. one thing is very sure, andthat is that this neglect will never again bofelt in the valley.

The fruits set out are mostly ofthe standardvarieties-peaches, apricots, Part lettprunes, figs, raisin grapes, etc., while alongboth sides of the avenues, throughout thetract,walnuts will throw their graceful shade,A considembtejnumber ot citrus trees are alsobeing set out; quiti a sufficient number todemonstrate that these fruits can bo success-fully grown in ihe valley, about which th"colonists appear to have no doubt, providedproper care is given to the young trees. NealD. Barker, General Manager of tho company,resides on the tract, and to his cue I 1 to be as-cribed much of the success of the venture.

Mention should be made of the town-site,about which there Is a pleasant innovationwhich might with profit bo followed by moraambitious places. A small park ofsome threeacres has been laid out right in the center olthe town. This park it is proposed to beautifyby planting in it from time to time as manyofthe beauties and curiosities of tree andshrub life as may he obtained by diligentsearch and a wise expenditure of money, itis not expected that Tancred will ever'he alarge and busy city, but it is thought that itcan be made a very pleasant little place todwell In.

A petition has been circulated recently andvery largely signed, asking the county to- se-ccpt Island avenue, on the colony tract, as acounty road, and to build a bridge aero isCache Creek at this point, Inorder to give thesettlers on the ra.-il side of the creek access tofancred Station. The Tancred colonists arequite willing to give the necessary right ofway. and are very desirous of having a bridgethere, as the colony lands extend along bothsides of the stream. It is thought that itwould be a very wise expenditure ol publicmoney to grant them thK very necei sary im-provement, as the operations o; such com-panies are of widespread benefit to -the wholecounty and state. The attractions and com-for b of the cities aro wed known, but to thosewho are willingto settle on the land and showthat the country also affords attractions amicomforts and ways of making monejantiy, every inducement should be held forth.

The following is a list of the principal mem-bers of the Tancred Colony, with the numberofacres owned by each, and a (act worthy olmention is that iv each contract or deed is-sued by the Colony Company there is a pro-vision that no intoxicating liquor shall eveibe manufactured or «olu on the. land. The ap-parent success ofthe enterprise shows thatthe ideas and plans of the colony, as set forthinthe prospectus some time ago, are not im-practicable: ('. T. Hull. Berkeley, 5 acres; XV.P. Hammon, Oakland, 14 acres; C.S. XSan Francisco, 11 acres; Jos.Barker, 10 acres;A. \V.Kelly. Kincardine, Ont., 5 acres; N.T.Greathead, 5 acres; R. G. Gre iklandlo acres; R. A. Barker, San Francisco, "10acres; N. I>. Barker, Tancred. 10 acres; Dr. K.Favor, ban Francisco, 27 acres; J. P. Brownleo.Kincardine, Ont., 0 acres; XV. T. Barnett,Berkeley, 6 acres; M. P. Brown, 10 acres;Chas. Brook, Sr., Oakland, 10 acres; W. C.Boutelle, Berkeley, 20 ace-: Mrs. T.A.Crclin,Oakland, 5 acres; C. H. Peach, Tancred, bacres: 11. C. Ellis, Oakland, 10 acre-,; J. Van-stone. Winnipeg. 10 acres; E. A. Vanstone,Tancred, 5 acre;; E. Wad.-worth, Sacral5 acres; M, A. Thomas, Oakland, G ares:James Graham, San Franclsco.il :\u25a0•-Stark, 12 acres; J, Stark. 10 acres; Mrs. M.Vrooman, 5 acres; C. E. Snook, 10 acres; C.T. Greathead, 12 acres: Wm. McKay, » acres;Mrs. Wm. McKay, Oakland, .""> acn s Mrs. E.C. Woolcy, Brooklyn, N. V., 10 acres; Mrs. li.Beck ley, Oakland, 5 acres; T. A. Marriett, 5acres; J. C Harrison, Tancred, 5 acres. Theland reserved by tho Colony Company, in-dingclu townsite, consists of bl acres.

I fels-UdiiW

Wettl CBetatc, 05tc.


OAKPARK,A^w^s££ D TR^CIS *******CheSp^f 88 UliS °M>°««*tJ to secure a

sutosonT hartman,Seal U'state and insurance Agents,

1°°7' F-ourth Street.

AIiFVIX%v?,e^.' tosrarano©Co.-UfcAUUmOaad Accident; s-.mi Fire Office01 bondoii; Pacific Coast s_»v.

W. P. COLEMAN,Real Estate Salesroom, 3:5 j St.


_fr' . Twelve,".;; ', imily orel

/::\u25a0.,;•;.'•'•'"\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 tch. Partofthe.;'» bo, |and „ .aawening ofsix rooms. Good barn. 7jw

$1,600.acres near Brighton station. Good


- SSf^iSS?- '';J s: of Twelfih-street Road..\u25a0O.l ol Holland's ranch. Dwelling olvnC-o"v"\ S,N :l""'s in Barttou pears,wants .-mouth.


A Desirable and Eligibly Located

RESIDENCE rliii Mrnwo stories, vyrra mm: large

1 rooms, double parlor, bathroom, hot \.connection etc.; [ol ••• i t o thesraoe; nas largi cesspool with sewer connec-"on; plumbing on premises in Al condilsticel improvements all eon ton •sidewalk, etc. Situate 01twecu Eleventh and Twollth streets in ilow ol fine r.sbl, ;„•, 1 to allN |.tion m the city. 4 : \u25a0 - oflored30 days. Apply to

EDWIN K. ALSI!' & CO.,Real Estate and Insurance Agents,

1018 Fourth St., S:« ito.

$2.606—FOR SALE.X MODERN-BUILT BRICK KOTJSE. HOL-. I .o\\ walls, eight rooms, bay windowmarb] mantel,closets. Itc Also.g •and yard. Loi 10.X160, with an 1. T»\:0

|JxOoocan stand on,, moit Ifteentb street,between Pand x}.

MILLS JhAWK,:;oi .1 street, Sacramento.


TAKE THE HINT!All Whiskies ire Not Alike.


fFS(K^_ZrJf,1 mlßmitTni ****~?W

BOX )NIs Absolutely the Best.

Fric:^, $Sa Gallon.

Geo. E, Biemen k Co., Solo Pro] .

mWJm-I-W-T-mg/Flff m£M-?iS'--WBtYS--*-_\KHMifESGOLBEK SPECIFICItcan be given incoffee, tea, or inarticles offc?Zx\ P»««t it ntcessantt fe absolutely harmless aas will effect a eorininenl |y care, whether th* Datieatiamoderate \u25a0! -10keror a a alcoholic wreck 'TI"____ i-'ai La. it operatesyo quietly and*with -

complete reforn -effected, -fes puj:i>book t.a-. Tobehadaf "

JOSKPII HAHI & CO.. Fifth end j Strctta

ICEOF STREErWORK—No. 105."PUBLIC NOTICE is HEREB'S GIVENI that the Board of Trustees of the City olSacramento, on the 24 tn day of August. 1 '

adopt* da resolution of its intention to,the followingstn l work tobodone, \ 1/.: '

venue. 110111 the* a I gutterlin <

l to the wesl gutter one of Eighth sibe improved by grading and pavigranite blocks, constructing graniland relaying stone

tig .For further particulars reference is hei

made to said resolution on die In th •the Streel Commas: ion< r.

Kacrameato, Angi si :>;. 1 391.Mclaughlin,btreet Commissioner of the City of a



thai the Board of Timento, on the 24th daj ofAugust, lh9l,

adopted a resolution of its intention to ord- rtlte following street work to be done, viz.: TlmlDstn t, from the easi lino of Eleventh stree;to tho west lineofTweirthi tfrom theeasi line of Twi ifth 1 line \u25a0

Thirteenth street, be Imoroved by gra,and graveling to the official _\u25a0_

and diliii!;- behind thewine torn width nol to exceed eight [81 feelr<>r fn . . rs relerehce lamadcl is:et. resolution on tile in the oiHce ofthe street Commissioner.

Sacramenio, Auja I ;. i \u25a0 1W , I LAUGHLIN

Street Commissioner ot ihe City of Sacra-;'. 1


onds.—The Board of Dn \u25a0

'\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0-.•' Belt frrigatii'\u25a0 ; !\u25a0> offic < jjtyofPo-mona, County of i., is .-.:. ,' a ._

(brnia,at 10 o'clock .. \u25a0 -,j)Xy tll(.'saiddiatrict, ul :;; par value of fix,

dollars each. Sealed proposals will b..: received bj the I oard, al their s.d.i o ticthe purchase oi said bonds, till the day and

; hour above named. By order of the Board ofI Directors. !\u25a0 EIANK P. FIREY, Secretary.I au2l-20lI mm: WEEKLY UNION is TIIE PAPEItI X to send to lneuds iv the East.
