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Oakvale Andes - NYS Historic...

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V W£0NESDAY, NOVEMBEK psrtwWs. UINi JUtf*. •sje* tar 1 Haw-tat, the seveu-yeeur-old d a u b e r of Calvin DavU, of Stefta&c Lobe, fail off a wagon loaded w%th stone the other day sand one of tbe twr w%ea$t passed over the tower portion of her rbdomesu Strange to mi ttoe child wrffewd nt> serious injury and a peedy recovery wae expected. The £<&$son Iron Company, of G Hiveroeirr raxwtry aftfpped one of its scad puaiips *<> Porto BoSvfcr, Kqua- dor. It, will b»«« to be e Tried a loos ddstaace on mi«le back before it ra-ich- its desift&gitioa, ami consequently U*& eastings worn bosod in parcels weighing abotft 100 pomwis «&*& It will to.d abmPt 20 mules "There i» no doubt that poisonous matter is leeiag dumped in o ih<& Rac- ket river a&cwe 6Ms place/' says the Norwood News, ^and wrtrile it wouid be dangerous io lise for dtjm&stic ptrr> tf, it is dangerous to use it to tiie waiter roHns of tfrp village tus it is of a corosedive nature end will in a short time eat away the pipes. Hear* is fc topic for dlscinslnra by our town board."" Ma-ay of lh<e ffaiMaere in Jefferson county have found that they were swindled iu tbe oar deal made hi at fell by an aeetot, who eachlWtefr a new Mad of oats throogfroe* tftat section and took orders from mi ay of the far- mers. The ageaft said the new oats would yield from 75 to SO bushels per acre. The oats when 'hiresfted out did not yield haHf that amount per acre. The formers agreed with the Agemt to give ten bushels of oats rale- p<L for one bushel of seed, yr pay $8 pet bushel far seed. The courts hive decided that Ithe shade trees surrounding a man's gr premises are i-ndlviduai property, even though they srtejnd on public ground. The oase in? wtich the decision wns rendered wue one in/ which a prop- erty owner sued a telephone com- pany for cutting off the limbs of » of his shade trees. Under this decision telephone companies, p*c, who a-> often chop off greojt branches are Hobbe to danujges unless the e»n- ssnt of lh<> property owner \s se- cured. east and west « sate *t JtaTrwk, C. A. raCHO, G«n. FasseagerAjt K. A.. N1WC0XBS. A«t.. ifalOM. ou can buy an 18 pay- policy in the Con- necticut General Life insurance Co., of Hart* ford at a lower annual jirofniutn than most com- panies charge for a 20 payment policy ? This atone la a saving of mote than ten per cent. Call, lenarttail a rft Tlie country will be relfieve-d notw iteal a much discussied quesrion has been settled. Over *n Itbaca at a fair held recently, debate wa» on between two colored orajfc'srs, Jasper Woodsin and William Robiason, on the mo- menluous question of which is the mother of ilhe chfcke^i, the hen that lays the egg or the hen tha<t hatches il? The debate was welt handled aud urnished a great- deol of amusement. Afier onsiderajble deKfeeration, the judge s dfetered that Mr. Woodshi had woai on points, and Chat tihe hick should call the- hen laying the jg its mother Hearst had several detectives In 'rtone, Pittsburgh, Gmivennewr and Wwtertxwa election daj. Just what thalr funeUons vrere-, besides d i bi ^d 4 . H DULLEA, ;ENEBAL AGENT, MALONE, N. Y. PILLSBGRY 0. S. LAWRENCE, B«»t Main Street, flaione, GRINDING ^ECIALTY. osivtA. There are people wte> brae titt* they sever borrow a alckel,- bat Uwy go right on borrowing trouble without Mmit -*— The *aiy of Jamas OahiU who dta- ——^ 1^ |jj^ woewfat near 8a©ia/ wtte&a a«6 aod wae alter- > wvw waftdefiog about wltii his «8»tterad smd only half clothed, &t&K!.&w. 4.h in the FlaJL- iroa Marsh- to the rear of the new yoip mil) there. He had apparently died from "exposure and the coroner i found. €1 ,J Senter, of Potsdam, has said his sewn year oki pacer, Judaon B., sired by Jubltale, to Geo. S. Fell, of hi"t village. Jttdson B. is cuaaiftared otst of the fastest gre^n pacers in r York, having made a mile in 2:17% and the half Io 1:07. This horse & due Do win some money anjAWr year and wiH uodtjfufotedly get i murk of 2:10 next season His sire is Jubilate 2-11%, dam Grace M. Frank WtiUam* narrowly escaped a fauil injury at the Smith & Murray saw mill, Lake Placid, the otiier day. Through a bredk in same p-jr of the n-ar* i nery Mr. Williams was suddenly hr< wn against the curcular B&W, vhfk-h omtgtot his band and the side of his leg, inflicting a deep and pain- tl w^iind before the saw could be oppul Mr. WMHa-ms , suffiered a i*f dieul from loss of blood, but Till recover. While oiHng a n>iclune at i\je plant of th*" Pulton MacMne and Vise Co. Lowville la«t week Albeit Har- ringer had his arm caught on a shaft r j the slipping of a belt. Both bones of tbe arm were fractured and his righit aide-considerably bruised. When oiling machhsery or changing belts ii is always best to stoo the machinery for a mouient to Uo this work. Mi nv have been killed by fail- ing to observe tbis rule. No one will ever succeed at any- thing he has to push htinvaekf to anfl when ? main's performing work that ho hrr u> fight to keep up am in- terest in he had better change it as quickly ass possible. Luck in most taingsJis largely a matter of civ* a/nd >neo»u'io-n. If a- mm V>s the en- thusiastic de.ermination to win he wfll not stop to worry about what he got to Ay to "get there," but will take up the first thing at hand ?md do II -as well as he enn till s*me- htng better comes along. The 75 Italian 1 •borers in the «n- )\oy <>*' W T. Ames & Co on public works in Shmnac Lake weal on strike on/ 1 d>»y recently. Sotn^ 30 of theui m?cte> a big dam motion near tibe post- "flcp bunding Thev wanted their y bui were told»*lKV they would Jir be p»id till my-daj Officer told thfcm to move on and finally most ol~±h em vet u rned to work. But th/pv were ugly, and, to make suiw» that there would be no trouble the officers se>-"rched Ui« concf»i1e-J weapons. A choice assortment of guns and knives was secured and when the F'taaiu-n camp n Gcranerneur the charge is mmde hat onae of them ^as not only argu- iag tor Hearat bwt tisia^ hp WAS usin^ money in addition *to his ai'gmnettts for v^y«s When this w^ diaovered sererad proaHBe»t citiisens had tnn t t t wtth him and he conclud- ed that discrettion w«s We beftter part of valor and Qdetly re 1 red from the In Watertown the detectivee lh« rcniads of the polls several imes. One Wat&rfcown man says hat ft he one they had in his district was asleep IBOE( of th«? morning. As the 16-year-old sntn of William quHh was drinking from a spring in a fieM on ttk f i b e r ' s fa.rm B«ar ^uTayi •™AYfi7""3raire«rson county, week, h« was shot in the arm by some niraawn hdnfter.—H^ iJeit a sharp •low on his left arm, atnd, examining he si**, fmand a sm 11 £m?hly-made wound- fi\>m which' blx>d was oozing and whieh ^a,re Mm muc'i pain. The boy heard no so^ind xrf gun or rifle, hot, atnd tharte wias nobody in sigM. Wfoen taken to a. stirgeow a 22-oilfbre bullet wus f^vad deegvly imbedded in tb arm. It was pn>bal>ly a spieait ball which had §t>ne a loing distance OT nobody «oatd bse found in the whole Tiedghborfrood whtt aiw oa- keii'd a p s •fired on that day. Beiy wus a^otKsed Hm, Thursday to the romantic sid* of ife when word was passed aroo&d bat a quiet jiUQe eJopanteat bttd tak- n plj^e Weteesday evening. t Hh# parties comoerned w«re Joewillie | y ^ t ffee, who has btean ess^loyed tit the Mr#t Natioml BoNc ot Alesandrfe. 0y for fssa y , d Mi Jfey Cornwall, dsi^t^r of the president o# tlte liank. Tfefs ts h zzlement ^w»is bitifoers g iaasfeeed of 1S» a^iit of tnte txaixk. In ordet to escape paareotal in- terffti-enoe the yoimg cotoHie were 'Cek- en to a yacht to Clayton, wlmm tiiey lfl. t^^ $HS» ^a« to , wbjere Mr. N^rtJtrop has m hia. n&w poatUon as cashier of thf> ogw bank neoerebly at&lifod ulrar young people of Al«xmdrk» and they btive the ,l>e^ wishes of f v*^ October l&h, l#96, ^*.~^ h«lf papt tJftu and noon," says the Norwood News, "some person- enter- ed the front door <# tbe re«fefc-nce of David C. Blx on Spring street ftad toqst * gold watch acti chain from ihe dresoeT 4m*m io the bed- rooro. aerewil valaable rin«8 «nd , , _ _ 4 I * * ^ ^ ®* dw^er, bwt ihe woftch end chain w^re tbe only towns wens noUffad «&d ft Cberrybark, Queeo'sroot, BJooAroot, Mandrikeroot. * d 4 there ffr way A ctoirvoy<a»t told % the m& dit her ot trees tn t&e yard end dee- tl^ pereoti VQO had the vmtoh. Tl b View a* bSt£ ^ 1 tun) made «l^*n mfw^irt far next sfcuon. The tifl^Se. 4ttd iwi a ft$* patronage tbis y«a* «** teat w*ek <m» fead left t*n gtr*«j8 f t^&ii« or whorn w«re hunter*. J. Sfeanlej r Neet who shot Ins cons- [n, H-arold Becker, whale they wene In camp ait Pitchfork Pond about two weeks ago, was discharged By n* 5 " / Dodd, UUea, who cond-uob&it the «x^rain"a1aon. At the conol«=»U*tt of theVhenring, Coroner Dodd told njgf N**t he was n/tf goJIn® tx> hold him/ "BiT/* he said, "TUfce a little advice from me. B#ware of ftrearais. And. especially look oa" for unloaded ^uns. Tht? l^idexi weipons <never cause trouble. It is airways the 'nnlarKded gnus' that do the dafftage." "Speiking of crttntoerries—as we all will be m a few d&ys— tine real n %me of the berry is craneberry," i<l a d*»alei in the fruit recently. i- "was so calfed becaoae the bips- ITS YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't rotated* tfc* Cause of Your Troubles.—A Matoae Citfzen Shows How to Cur© them, l Thc only genuine return-flue, base-heat- ing, oak stove is the Oakvale Andes Other oak stoves are simply direct draft, allowing much heat to go wasted up chimney. The Oakvale Andes has a lull return- flue, so that all the heat produced is radiated into the room. Made of cast iron, and so more durable than oak stoves with steel drums. The joints are perfectly fitted and cemented with asbestos; the dampers ground in emery, making a real-ly air-tight stove. All nickeled parts are detachable. This stove will i>e found a more power!ut economical and easily controlled heater. than any ordinary Oak Stove" can possibly be; We will be glad to exhibit this stove and otner Andes Ranges* to you at our store. R L. FELL, Makme, N. Y. _ *jggffi|flfcf>E kidney*, "if suffeifteg from a tame or acbfitKg fek they thtak it is only a t#*ftrll& weaXnoss; when tirtnary .troofeie att^ in they ibink 4t will aeon ^OMieet tteelf. And *o it is w'xh all th» other symp- toms of kidney dt&:CTttt3. Tba-t is ju&t wUere the daagw Utee. Von must ewe ttieoe troafcle* or they The beat rt;naody to use is Boon's Kidney Pills. It egres ail ill* which are caused by weak or diseased kid- neys, ftfeloae people testify to per- majnent cures. Mrs. O. W. Webster, of SS Du.vae met, Maloae, K. Y;, asys: "I was bothered wHth kidney cotopkttat for a long time. I had severe backssches and the kidneys w«rfc out of order, being very weak und art times Ihe socfpetioae would be voo fnee while at otftier times, too scoot. They corvta.ined a brick dust sediment and were highly colored. I was advised io try Down's KWney Pills, so 1 got a box at tbe Hyde Drug Com- jxanv's store ««nd beg«i to use them regularly according to direcions. Af- iw i had taken them a short time, my bvueteache was gone a.nd the kid- ney weakness dtaBfppevired, I hearti- ly endorse *tihe claAms made for your eliable remedy.'* For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Xew York, sole agents for the Unit- ed States. Remember the name—Doan's—and take no other. Constable Heddihg, of Uyan Mt>uait- ain, was shot Jn & peculiar nuennor election nighS; and the 'probl&m was. Who shot him? The railroad sta- tion was crwwied with, men gathered. to tor the^eleciion returns <xRd at a late hour Mr. Redding started ;hx> He was barely outside the station when a piaa>l shot raa§ oat and a ballet struck HeddfrngV side. (The -tpaw-d rusfei§d—o«i--aiod- fd'wad H«d- ding wottaded but it is sufipoaed that the real culiwit got aw.iy. The bul- let siruek Bte&d&ng's rib, glanoed off and lodged in his back. He vm& bl to walk about tbe next morn.- ing and it was not Lrelleved that the won© i would prove*- aeffioos. Mr. Hedding can soyply no sno$lve for tbe a-tk^k. He is a son of M. L. Haddtogr, formerly of BsHioont, this county. f uw plant which at one time grew wild, resembles at a certadn *e#3 the neck, head a*nd bill of tbe r^ne. Of course* the change from sraneterry to crainberry was easy. Rtaidreds. of bushels w4ii be needed or this year's Tbaafcsgirdng aaid we re ge>tt4<n^ ready for the rush. The rowijij*' of eraaifcerrjes has dfevel- petl wonderfully in -th* i)ast tern rears and now the total yield is atoowt OW.OOO bttsa^Is. -TBe old atyle of and pickteg As g^^lng ptexe to the us* •>f the scoop, which is a*n arpamgementt sosnething like a rake with a box Attached. The w^odeai. ps-ongs of the rake, are set dose enough togeth- er to let the Tine go through wMte the berries are puaied off and fall into a "box'*so rapidly that one pick- er e:in gei as miny to a day as fif- teen *or twenty pickers working by aiLious.—Is thart all the work you o&n do in a day? «sk««L the <?iscomfent©d eaiiployer. WseiJ, suh, answered Erastus PinKTegr* I s'piose I ould duf;H*>, but I never was much tl a.teeuuffoh show in' off. What Ails Toal The Pacts.—The One—And you. say* this hewse kasn't an\ feulte? The Other—Not a single uuilt The Qua —Ba. lie aiipaiis i » be blind iu his r%h<t eye. Tne O.hei—Well, that's not his fault; its ilia misfoptuone. It's out"t>o©e.—I underiAajid that you, have ,u€B*feated ajaoOier groat iGven- tiom. Yes, answeied th* setentist, modestly. Is it on one xnaarkat? Oh, it wasn't intended tor the inurlcet. It's fo?L the niaga.zin.ev Bo JGXL f«ei weak, t p , have fr»QUent headaches, coai^l tongue, bitter or bad ta?te in raorums, "heart- burn," beichiag of gas, acid rkstR^ throat after eating, dtomacli gnaw » patent toedtetne or secret nostrtan* * full Jtet of it» ingwdlents b^ng printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested ^^der oat*. Af^nwfttitefcmttul^wiUslisw that It contains no alcoaoJ, or kamful habt t-fona&« drag*. It Is a «« l th tirie A FEW SMILES Haw big was Alexander, jsa, Than people oalied him. gr«al? W^li, not as big as Tafi, my aoa, AH Depends—Thus niuii paid for uis seat. What do you say to High for the Stack Kxeh&ngp; Sow Do you: m.ea<d to remain here long- er than four weeks? HoW%. know. I'm going to sciy untal I earn baeton the bottom button of my vest. Keeping lit Quiet—Which, candidate you going to vote for? I «fett*t tell, anawtuidd ¥)&HOQF Oorn- Lucky—^What day was 1 born oa, otdi^r? Thu-rsday, child. Wasn't thai fortunate for a was your day "at borne." Expense -"How about these fenqmined M>\ Siruckfile. "Am , pwty fixpensive ?' "Two bet they are/' answered Mi. Nuriteto, who $*&, bougbJt one. And yoa waa* "- this Hiram, the ftr«t Wh£& M^-k Twain WAS a boy at tichool i-n Hauuibal, said a ve e ^iSfefe, Vb» ^cluolraaat^r oooe set tfee «.tesa to WI^U'D^ a coaajjojadslon on The Result of L.t-ziuees. f oong CIOBI- a^ ih« end of half an hour, hwd in as his composition a blank An Anieiioan vi^iing Dublin told some elor.Hng atxx-tes atxmt the telsht of some of the New York THiiid lgi An Irl§hmaTi who'was Mf^en- ing Eftosd It as tong as ho ooold end then queried, »Ye hajren't seen* our newest hotel, have ye?" The Amer- fC£t» t i o u ^ t not. -W&ji;' m&A tbe Irishman, " tt'e ao taU that we had to put Uw two top stories om hinges." •W*Qt f b r r i«ked the Aioerican. "So we oonld let 'em down till the moon weot by,"*aald Pat. Be^y lnUon Help, improve It Advertise in Its papers Good odUn-ty tributary Pairowisse tts toewtoants teot $o^d men to office exhibited by good worfts Mx«ke the atmosphwe taolthyr" 1 Btre all ci'ojkers, loafers and 4©Adfee4«. Ijeft your object be Urn welfare, growih and T^romotion *©f yow fcgiwn and its people. Sp«wk well of the public spirited men, and aflso be one of them yourself. Be h(5mest with ^ fellow men. INTERESTING NEWS tTEttft Au action to recover |60,000 for the deutith of Rev. Christopher Jf. londgaiB. the priest who was killed n Hie accident during the foo.ba'll ;aane at New Star P<t>rk, Syi-acisse^ October 2d, will be brougbjt by his "her, Batfcrick Doreiga>n, of Bing- hamton. Harvey S. Lnctew, who in many tiirtes a mfiHSDmjaifcre, gave a dinner recently to for,y giieets at his home Glen Cove, Long Island, in eele- Lion of uie capture by his pondes prizes ast a local horse show. The dining roo*n is lasrgie enough to acr commodate 100 petople, and the tables seshoje. At the sides stalls had been. built, and two of the pooies oc- cupied these stalls, aawl in them par- ieip*ted at the feast, eating oats served in courses in gold-hocxped buckets. D:her pondee were lttl in- to the room wtele thie dinner was in >i-ogress, and were fed with sugar >lutms. Weeltli sometimes makes a »• :od «ck>j-l of an ass of itself. The~~ltoj-al Gorge, in ' ti*e Rocky Mjmnfciaiims, of Colorado, oae of the most scenic poin'ts in this country, is being spanned by a suspension bridge [ram whdeh the pieaei^ers on a troi- iy line otn ltf>k down one-haJf mile. Below, the waters of the Arkhns&s "iTer roar though a channel Jess h>a>n 5o feet WM«, aad so nearly v,«rt.':eul are thte walls of the canon that the bridge is only 230 feet in e-ngtli. A decided novelty of Ihe i ars wMcli will pass over this bridge is tbe glass floor__ through . which ourists can look dawn without danger Hesnetofore the Mghest bridge in rhe world wus the one over the Zanafresi rirer^Jai South Afrfca. Tliis bridge- fs tmry4o0 feet above ihe river-—only IMMe more one-sixth- of the height of the one thafc is to spaa the Royal Gorge. The <triuuiph of the Independence League in bfllnging atooat the elec- tion of the Manrfjy Judges 4a New York city appears to be ^the most sttbetanrtiaA thing that his queer band of reformers is able ftto point to. Syracuse Poa^-StaJttdard. A Frfncthmfim has invent<Ki a- div- r ing swl-t tos- motorfeLs for use when a lo^chlne falls off bridges to^ the water. Anorher usefwl suit can be inflated, so that when a collision is intenritable tbe chmrfteur, w*th great presence of mind, blows himself out, shoots skyward and tigtatts in a tree.— \cmCkm THbn Pri«*35c. and 60c. Sample free. Min ard'8 LAniment Mfg. Co., Soutb for -The Wvmer. WHAT WrbL HBLP A TOWN. Grit l Vim Puslt ajflnoy Oo»nJtality T**k about it Wrtt« aboat it 3tok n at it ol the; urfeiwy passage. It corrects i to hold water and scalding pain in -H.-ort^-fihen^^ fallowing Bif wine or bewr, add overcomes th You may have * j _ wonderful dlscov««y an4 s, book that te»c -""^ more about »t, both senfc - ' T ~' . tbsohitety free by maJt \X~, m Address Dr. Kilmer. & - "• urtnfi Sai Co., Binffhaimon, N. Y. WimS^Sm* tton reading this jreneroufeffer la thtspmper. Don't make anyrctsfttfa*.l«t remember the name, Swamp-Roo^v Dr. KUmer'k Swamp-Root, and the addwuw, "*-- J N.Y., on every bottle. One of the significant things atoi the recent election was that the la- bor crimpaign instHwt&d by Mr, Gom- S" against oertaan congtrg9sm«n did not crave a success. Not a single mrtobter pat on Mr. Gatnpers' black He: WJS defeated for re-eleCMon. The trni'ed Mine Workers, however, elect- ed seven;'. 1 men of 'their own in Penn- sylvania to various offices. A«k your neighbor to subscribe for the Farmer. DR. KENNEDYS FAVORITE REIIEOY 00 You Drive? Know where to «et a ri? Try <mr First-Class Turnouto. We are sure we can please you. If you want a driver, say so, and wVB furnish one. If you Itare a borte «T your own let us beard him and wtnm the* bother. When you wish to m anywhere, ring us up on the mmw phone. B. JOY & SON. Livery and Sale Stable. Catbarln* tt. Prompt Hack Service when desire*. KIDNEY Dr. David Kennedy's Fm wm OK to alt ages and both sexes, affording: peraaBsaf bet m all cases caused by i m p u r i t y , stich as Kidney, BliUder andT 3 plaints; cures L'ossUpation<amf peculiar to women. It proves successful in v—»^, „..»..„ fuvwriuinir- cines have totally failed. No snfferersliouid despair M long as Otis remedy Is tmtried;. It Has »n iuibro- Want ads. brjng big returns. If you like.coffee but dare not drink It, try Dr. Sloop's H«alth Coff««. It is true that real Coffee does disturb tbe Stomach, Heart and Kidneys. But D*. Shoop's Health Coffee has not a grain Of true coffee tit it. Beings ma4e from parcued grains, malt, etc.. It forms wholesome, food-15ke drink, yet havg the true flavor of old Java and Mocha. the Hyde t>ru# Co. The JEKIL Trade-mark is your surety for stove satisfaction and is for your protection. It is found only on Jewel Stoves and Ranges 1 and is a guarantee of JEWEL Quality, material and workmanship. It signifies dependability and re- liability. See that this Trade-mark aad the k name Detroit Stove Works, is oa the stove you buy. You will be certain A of getting the best. Wrn J. Goff, Malonc, N. Y. have generally been so asfranned oC To save your money for a little Bank aeec you have a lot for UM tat deposit, for we _ Btarte with fl.00»e gracefully aa we *o one tfea**fcurtBw1thtl<».00. Ton wfll never regret that yon took onr advioeaBd we^li always back up oar advice by giving yotir a<Jt»nnt and your intereeto the best attention we know how. u Rainy Days " «mw to « all; so a"Dark, * Kow To Fiad O«t. Fill a bottle or common gkss with teratt^4«it atttMil * J f diofttoSaa unhealthy condi- tion of the fcf*' neys; tf KjH^fios your hnen.^tt ia evidence of kid- My trouWer; too frequent de»re to pass ft or pain f» There *rh*t to J>o. comfort In the knowledge •• ^ ^ Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- idney remedy fulfills em rl >e«niatlsm, pain In tte many cases. % 1 »OIM'T GET oar roasts of beef, lamb, mat- ton, and other meats. No reason wiiy l. Careful in buying, hand- ling! and keeping meats, we are in » to eeil yon the choicest cute to- be had anywhere, and we staacl neady to serve you promptly [and prop- erly a* all times. IHsk said Oysters. -E^OTTTSTH-' A T"Nr>f=* UP-TOJ>ATB Wss* Mats St., Mafeme, N Y . WANTED. Pfcople to t -fe have one of the latest im- proved carpet cleaners, a ma- ebfne that thoroughly disin- fects the carpets at the same time they are being cleaned. Your carpets will last longer and look better. NEW PHONE 284 Taylor's American Lanndrj, 11 Academy Street, MALONE, N. Y. HEW YORK & OTTAWA T,TTSTB. m $rsferabte way to Cornwall. Ottawa aad s& points la Ontario and Western Canada. Time TaMeJnxw atfa, l»s. HOBTH BOUITO, XZ7KBSS KIXBSt ex.8tm. ax. Sas. 8^8 M best attenton e k prepare for them, and instead of ilmp^bea "FaUingoftkeDUE." Damp Day," it w81 -:- To Remind You. -> By tli* Either Phoua. MALONE, If. V Don't allow your snbecription to r n _at any more than yon weald allow tit* familyfloorsupply. V Subscribe f&r The Farmer:
Page 1: Oakvale Andes - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1906-11-14/ed...lenarttail a rft Tlie country will be relfieve-d notw iteal a much discussied quesrion





•sje* tar 1

Haw-tat, the seveu-yeeur-old dauberof Calvin DavU, of Stefta&c Lobe, failoff a wagon loaded w%th stone theother day sand one of tbe twr w%ea$tpassed over the tower portion of herrbdomesu Strange to mi ttoe childwrffewd nt> serious injury and apeedy recovery wae expected.The £<&$son Iron Company, of

G Hiveroeirr raxwtry aftfpped one of itsscad puaiips *<> Porto BoSvfcr, Kqua-dor. It, will b»«« to be e Tried a loosddstaace on mi«le back before it ra-ich-

its desift&gitioa, ami consequentlyU*& eastings worn bosod in parcelsweighing abotft 100 pomwis «&*& Itwill to.d abmPt 20 mules

"There i» no doubt that poisonousmatter is leeiag dumped in o ih<& Rac-ket river a&cwe 6Ms place/' says theNorwood News, ^and wrtrile it wouidbe dangerous io lise for dtjm&stic ptrr>

tf, it is dangerous to use it to tiiewaiter roHns of tfrp village tus it is ofa corosedive nature end will in a shorttime eat away the pipes. Hear* is fctopic for dlscinslnra by our townboard.""

Ma-ay of lh<e ffaiMaere in Jeffersoncounty have found that they wereswindled iu tbe oar deal made hi atfell by an aeetot, who eachlWtefr a newMad of oats throogfroe* tftat sectionand took orders from mi ay of the far-mers. The ageaft said the new oatswould yield from 75 to SO bushels peracre. The oats when 'hiresfted outdid not yield haHf that amount peracre. The formers agreed with theAgemt to give ten bushels of oats rale-p<L for one bushel of seed, yr pay $8pet bushel far seed.

The courts hive decided that Itheshade trees surrounding a man's

gr premises are i-ndlviduai property, eventhough they srtejnd on public ground.The oase in? wtich the decision wnsrendered wue one in/ which a prop-erty owner sued a telephone com-pany for cutting off the limbs of

» of his shade trees. Under thisdecision telephone companies, p*c,who a-> often chop off greojt branchesare Hobbe to danujges unless the e»n-ssnt of lh<> property owner \s se-cured.

east and west « sate *t

JtaTrwk,C. A. raCHO, G«n. FasseagerAjt

K. A.. N1WC0XBS. A«t.. ifalOM.

ou can buy an 18 pay-

policy in the Con-

necticut General Life

insurance Co., of Hart*

ford at a lower annual

jirofniutn than most com-

panies charge for a 20

payment policy ? This

atone la a saving of mote

than ten per cent. Call ,

lenar t ta i l a rft

Tlie country will be relfieve-d notwiteal a much discussied quesrion hasbeen settled. Over *n Itbaca at a fairheld recently, debate wa» on betweentwo colored orajfc'srs, Jasper Woodsinand William Robiason, on the mo-menluous question of which is themother of ilhe chfcke^i, the hen thatlays the egg or the hen tha<t hatchesil? The debate was welt handled audurnished a great- deol of amusement.

Afier onsiderajble deKfeeration, thejudge s dfetered that Mr. Woodshihad woai on points, and Chat tihehick should call the- hen laying thejg its motherHearst had several detectives In'rtone, Pittsburgh, Gmivennewr and

Wwtertxwa election daj. Just whatthalr funeUons vrere-, besides d ib i ^ d 4




0 . S. LAWRENCE,B«»t Main Street,




osivtA.There are people wte> brae titt*

they sever borrow a alckel,- batUwy go right on borrowing troublewithout Mmit -*—

The *aiy of Jamas OahiU who dta-— — ^ 1^ | j j^ woewfat near 8a©ia/

wtte&a a«6 aod wae alter-> wvw waftdefiog about wltii his«8»tterad smd only half clothed,

&t&K!.&w. 4.h in the FlaJL-iroa Marsh- to the rear of the newyoip mil) there. He had apparentlydied from "exposure and the coroner

i found.

€1 ,J Senter, of Potsdam, has saidhis sewn year oki pacer, Judaon B.,sired by Jubltale, to Geo. S. Fell, ofhi"t village. Jttdson B. is cuaaiftared

otst of the fastest gre^n pacers inr York, having made a

mile in 2:17% and the half Io 1:07.This horse & due Do win some moneyanjAWr year and wiH uodtjfufotedly geti murk of 2:10 next season His sireis Jubilate 2-11%, dam Grace M.

Frank WtiUam* narrowly escaped afauil injury at the Smith & Murraysaw mill, Lake Placid, the otiier day.Through a bredk in same p-jr of then-ar* i nery Mr. Williams was suddenlyhr< wn against the curcular B&W,vhfk-h omtgtot his band and the sideof his leg, inflicting a deep and pain-

tl w^iind before the saw could beoppul Mr. WMHa-ms , suffiered ai*f dieul from loss of blood, but

Till recover.

While oiHng a n>iclune at i\je plantof th*" Pulton MacMne and Vise Co.

Lowville la«t week Albeit Har-ringer had his arm caught on a shaftrj the slipping of a belt. Both

bones of tbe arm were fractured andhis righit aide-considerably bruised.When oiling machhsery or changingbelts ii is always best to stoo themachinery for a mouient to Uo thiswork. Mi nv have been killed by fail-ing to observe tbis rule.

No one will ever succeed at any-thing he has to push htinvaekf to anflwhen ? main's performing work thatho hrr u> fight to keep up am in-terest in he had better change it asquickly ass possible. Luck in mosttaingsJis largely a matter of civ* a/nd>neo»u'io-n. If a- mm V>s the en-thusiastic de.ermination to win hewfll not stop to worry about what he

got to Ay to "get there," butwill take up the first thing at hand?md do II -as well as he enn till s*me-htng better comes along.

The 75 Italian 1 •borers in the «n-)\oy <>*' W T. Ames & Co on publicworks in Shmnac Lake weal on strikeon/1 d>»y recently. Sotn^ 30 of theuim?cte> a big dam motion near tibe post-

"flcp bunding Thev wanted theiry bui were told»*lKV they would

Jir be p»id till my-daj Officertold thfcm to move on and

finally most ol~±h em vet u rned towork. But th/pv were ugly, and, tomake suiw» that there would be notrouble the officers se>-"rched Ui«

concf»i1e-J weapons. A choiceassortment of guns and knives wassecured and when the F'taaiu-n camp

n Gcranerneur the charge is mmdehat onae of them ^ a s not only argu-

iag tor Hearat bwt tisia hp WAS usin^money in addition *to his ai'gmnetttsfor v^y«s When this w ^ diaoveredsererad proaHBe»t citiisens had tnnt t t wtth him and he conclud-ed that discrettion w«s We beftter partof valor and Qdetly re 1 red from the

In Watertown the detectiveelh« rcniads of the polls several

imes. One Wat&rfcown man sayshat ft he one they had in his district

was asleep IBOE( of th«? morning.

As the 16-year-old sntn of WilliamquHh was drinking from a spring

in a fieM on ttk fiber 's fa.rm B«aruTayi •™AYfi7""3raire«rson county,week, h« was shot in the arm by someniraawn hdnfter.—H^ iJeit a sharp•low on his left arm, atnd, examininghe si**, fmand a sm 11 £m?hly-made

wound- fi\>m which' blx>d was oozingand whieh ^a,re Mm muc'i pain. Theboy heard no so^ind xrf gun or rifle,hot, atnd tharte wias nobody in sigM.

Wfoen taken to a. stirgeow a 22-oilfbrebullet wus f^vad deegvly imbedded intb arm. It was pn>bal>ly a spieaitball which had §t>ne a loing distanceOT nobody «oatd bse found in the

whole Tiedghborfrood whtt aiw oa- keii'da p s •fired on that day.

Beiy wus a otKsed Hm,Thursday to the romantic sid* ofife when word was passed aroo&dbat a quiet jiUQe eJopanteat bttd tak-n plj^e Weteesday evening. tHh#

parties comoerned w«re Joewillie| y ^

t f fee , who has btean ess^loyed titthe Mr#t Natioml BoNc ot Alesandrfe.0 y for fssa y , d Mi JfeyCornwall, d s i ^ t ^ r of the presidento# tlte liank. Tfefs ts h

zzlement w»is d » bitifoersg iaasfeeed of 1S» a^iit of tnte

txaixk. In ordet to escape paareotal in-terffti-enoe the yoimg cotoHie were 'Cek-en to a yacht to Clayton, wlmm tiiey

lfl. t ^ ^ $HS» ^ a « to, wbjere Mr. N^rtJtrop has

m hia. n&w poatUon as cashierof thf> ogw bank neoerebly at&lifod

ulrar young people of Al«xmdrk»and they btive the ,l>e^ wishes of

fv*^ October l&h, l#96, ^*.~^

h«lf papt tJftu and noon," says theNorwood News, "some person- enter-ed the front door <# tbe re«fefc-nceof David C. Blx on Spring streetftad toqst * gold watch acti chainfrom ihe dresoeT 4m*m io the bed-rooro. aerewil valaable rin«8 «nd, , _ _ 4 I * * ^ ^ ®* dw^er, bwtihe woftch end chain w^re tbe only

towns wens noUffad «&dft Cberrybark, Queeo'sroot, BJooAroot,

Mandrikeroot. *d 4 there ffr wayA ctoirvoy<a»t told %

the m& d i ther ot trees tn t&e yard end dee-

t l ^ pereoti VQO had the vmtoh.T l b

View a* bSt£^ 1 tun) made «l^*n

m f w ^ i r t far next sfcuon. Thetifl Se. 4ttd iwi a ft$* patronage tbisy«a* «** teat w*ek <m» fead left t*ngtr*«j8ft &ii« or whorn w«re hunter*.

J. Sfeanlejr Neet who shot Ins cons-[n, H-arold Becker, whale they weneIn camp ait Pitchfork Pond abouttwo weeks ago, was discharged By

n*5" /Dodd, UUea, who cond-uob&itthe «x^rain"a1aon. At the conol«=»U*ttof theVhenring, Coroner Dodd told

njgf N**t he was n/tf goJIn® tx> holdhim/ "BiT/* he said, "TUfce a littleadvice from me. B#ware of ftrearais.And. especially look oa" for unloaded^uns. Tht? l^idexi weipons <never causetrouble. It is airways the 'nnlarKdedgnus' that do the dafftage."

"Speiking of crttntoerries—as weall will be m a few d&ys— tine realn %me of the berry is craneberry,"

i<l a d*»alei in the fruit recently.i- "was so calfed becaoae the bips-


Don't rotated* tfc* Cause of YourTroubles.—A Matoae CitfzenShows How to Cur© them,


Thc only genuinereturn-flue, base-heat-ing, oak stove is the


Other oak stoves a resimply direct draft, allowingmuch heat to go wasted upchimney. The OakvaleAndes has a lull return-flue, so that all the heatproduced is radiated into theroom.

Made of cast iron, and somore durable than oak stoveswith steel drums. The jointsare perfectly fitted andcemented with asbestos; thedampers ground in emery,making a real-ly air-tightstove. All nickeled partsare detachable.

This stove will i>e found amore power!ut economicaland easily controlled heater.than any ordinary Oak Stove"can possibly be;

We will be glad to exhibitthis stove and otner AndesRanges* to you at our store.

R L. FELL,Makme, N. Y.

_ *jggffi|flfcf>E

kidney*, "if suffeifteg from a tameor acbfitKg fek they thtak

it is only a t#*ftrll& weaXnoss;when tirtnary .troofeie att^ in theyibink 4t will aeon ^OMieet tteelf. And*o it is w'xh all th» other symp-toms of kidney dt&:CTttt3. Tba-t isju&t wUere the daagw Utee. Vonmust ewe ttieoe troafcle* or they

The beat rt;naody to use is Boon'sKidney Pills. It egres ail ill* whichare caused by weak or diseased kid-neys, ftfeloae people testify to per-majnent cures.

Mrs. O. W. Webster, of SS Du.vaemet, Maloae, K. Y;, asys: "I was

bothered wHth kidney cotopkttat for along time. I had severe backsschesand the kidneys w«rfc out of order,being very weak und art times Ihesocfpetioae would be voo fnee whileat otftier times, too scoot. Theycorvta.ined a brick dust sediment andwere highly colored. I was advisedio try Down's KWney Pills, so 1got a box at tbe Hyde Drug Com-jxanv's store ««nd beg«i to use themregularly according to direcions. Af-iw i had taken them a short time,my bvueteache was gone a.nd the kid-ney weakness dtaBfppevired, I hearti-ly endorse *tihe claAms made for youreliable remedy.'*

For sale by all dealers. Price 60cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,Xew York, sole agents for the Unit-ed States.

Remember the name—Doan's—andtake no other.

Constable Heddihg, of Uyan Mt>uait-ain, was shot Jn & peculiar nuennorelection nighS; and the 'probl&m was.Who shot him? The railroad sta-tion was crwwied with, men gathered.to tor the^eleciion returns <xRd ata late hour Mr. Redding started ;hx>He was barely outside the stationwhen a piaa>l shot raa§ oat and aballet struck HeddfrngV side. (The-tpaw-d rusfei§d—o«i--aiod- fd'wad H«d-ding wottaded but it is sufipoaed thatthe real culiwit got aw.iy. The bul-let siruek Bte&d&ng's rib, glanoed offand lodged in his back. He vm&

bl to walk about tbe next morn.-ing and it was not Lrelleved thatthe won© i would prove*- aeffioos. Mr.Hedding can soyply no sno$lve fortbe a-tk^k. He is a son of M. L.Haddtogr, formerly of BsHioont, thiscounty.

f uw plant which at one timegrew wild, resembles at a certadn*e#3 the neck, head a*nd bill of tber^ne. Of course* the change from

sraneterry to crainberry was easy.Rtaidreds. of bushels w4ii be neededor this year's Tbaafcsgirdng aaid were ge>tt4<n ready for the rush. Therowijij*' of eraaifcerrjes has dfevel-petl wonderfully in -th* i)ast tern

rears and now the total yield is atoowtOW.OOO bttsa^Is. -TBe old atyle ofand pickteg As g^^lng ptexe to the us*

•>f the scoop, which is a*n arpamgementtsosnething like a rake with a boxAttached. The w^odeai. ps-ongs of therake, are set dose enough togeth-er to let the Tine go through wMtethe berries are puaied off and fallinto a "box'*so rapidly that one pick-er e:in gei as miny to a day as fif-teen *or twenty pickers working by

aiLious.—Is thart all thework you o&n do in a day? «sk««L the<?iscomfent©d eaiiployer. WseiJ, suh,answered Erastus PinKTegr* I s'piose Iould duf;H*>, but I never was muchtl a.teeuuffoh show in' off.

What Ails Toal

The Pacts.—The One—And you. say*this hewse kasn't an\ feulte? TheOther—Not a single uuilt The Qua—Ba. lie aiipaiis i » be blind iu hisr%h<t eye. Tne O.hei— Well, that'snot his fault; its ilia misfoptuone.

It's out"t>o©e.—I underiAajid that you,have ,u€B*feated ajaoOier groat iGven-tiom. Yes, answeied th* setentist,modestly. Is it on one xnaarkat? Oh,it wasn't intended tor the inurlcet.It's fo?L the niaga.zin.ev

Bo JGXL f«ei weak, t p ,have fr»QUent headaches, coai^l tongue,bitter or bad ta?te in raorums, "heart-burn," beichiag of gas, acid rkstR^throat after eating, dtomacli gnaw

» patent toedtetne or secret nostrtan* *full Jtet of it» ingwdlents b^ng printedon its bottle-wrapper and attested ^^deroat*. Af^nwfttitefcmttul^wiUsliswthat It contains no alcoaoJ, or kamfulhabt t-fona&« drag*. It Is a « «

l t h t i r i e


Haw big was Alexander, jsa,Than people oalied him. gr«al?

W^li, not as big as Tafi, my aoa,

AH Depends—Thus niuii paidfor uis seat. What do you say to

High for the Stack Kxeh&ngp;Sow

Do you: m.ea<d to remain here long-er than four weeks? HoW%. know.I'm going to sciy untal I earn baetonthe bottom button of my vest.

Keeping lit Quiet—Which, candidateyou going to vote for? I «fett*t

tell, anawtuidd ¥)&HOQF Oorn-

Lucky—^What day was 1 born oa,otdi^r? Thu-rsday, child. Wasn't

thai fortunate for a was your day"at borne."

Expense -"How about thesefenqmined M>\ Siruckfile. "Am

, pwty fixpensive ?' "Two betthey are/' answered Mi. Nuriteto, who$*&, bougbJt one. And yoa waa* "-

this Hiram, the ftr«t

Wh£& M^-k Twain WAS a boy attichool i-n Hauuibal, said a ve e^ i S f e f e , Vb» ^cluolraaat^r oooe settfee «.tesa to WI^U'D^ a coaajjojadslon onThe Result of L.t-ziuees. f oong CIOBI-

a^ ih« end of half an hour, hwdin as his composition a blank

An Anieiioan vi^iing Dublin toldsome elor.Hng atxx-tes atxmt thetelsht of some of the New York THiiidl g i An Irl§hmaTi who'was Mf en-ing Eftosd It as tong as ho ooold endthen queried, »Ye hajren't seen* ournewest hotel, have ye?" The Amer-fC£t» t i o u ^ t not. -W&ji;' m&A tbeIrishman, " tt'e ao taU that we hadto put Uw two top stories om hinges."•W*Qt fb r r i«ked the Aioerican."So we oonld let 'em down till themoon weot by,"*aald Pat.

B e ^ y l n U o nHelp, improve It

Advertise in Its papersGood odUn-ty tributaryPairowisse tts toewtoantsteot $o^d men to office

exhibited by good worftsMx«ke the atmosphwe taolthyr"1Btreall ci'ojkers, loafers and 4©Adfee4«.Ijeft your object be Urn welfare,growih and T^romotion *©f yow fcgiwnand its people. Sp«wk well of thepublic spirited men, and aflso be oneof them yourself. Be h(5mest with

^ fellow men.


Au action to recover |60,000 forthe deutith of Rev. Christopher Jf.londgaiB. the priest who was killedn Hie accident during the foo.ba'll;aane at New Star P<t>rk, Syi-acisse^

October 2d, will be brougbjt by his"her, Batfcrick Doreiga>n, of Bing-

hamton.Harvey S. Lnctew, who in many

tiirtes a mfiHSDmjaifcre, gave a dinnerrecently to for,y giieets at his home

Glen Cove, Long Island, in eele-Lion of uie capture by his pondesprizes ast a local horse show. The

dining roo*n is lasrgie enough to acrcommodate 100 petople, and the tables

seshoje. At the sides stalls hadbeen. built, and two of the pooies oc-cupied these stalls, aawl in them par-ieip*ted at the feast, eating oats

served in courses in gold-hocxpedbuckets. D:her pondee were lttl in-to the room wtele thie dinner was in>i-ogress, and were fed with sugar>lutms. Weeltli sometimes makes a»•• :od «ck>j-l of an ass of itself.

The~~ltoj-al Gorge, in ' ti*e RockyMjmnfciaiims, of Colorado, oae of themost scenic poin'ts in this country, isbeing spanned by a suspension bridge[ram whdeh the pieaei^ers on a troi-iy line otn ltf>k down one-haJf mile.Below, the waters of the Arkhns&s"iTer roar though a channel Jessh>a>n 5o feet WM«, aad so nearly

v,«rt.':eul are thte walls of the canonthat the bridge is only 230 feet ine-ngtli. A decided novelty of Iheiars wMcli will pass over this bridgeis tbe glass floor__ through . whichourists can look dawn without

danger Hesnetofore the Mghestbridge in rhe world wus the one overthe Zanafresi rirer^Jai South Afrfca.Tliis bridge- fs tmry4o0 feet aboveihe river-—only e» IMMe moreone-sixth- of the height of the onethafc is to spaa the Royal Gorge.

The <triuuiph of the IndependenceLeague in bfllnging atooat the elec-tion of the Manrfjy Judges 4aNew York city appears to be ^themost sttbetanrtiaA thing that his queerband of reformers is able ftto point to.Syracuse Poa^-StaJttdard.

A Frfncthmfim has invent<Ki a- div-r

ing swl-t tos- motorfeLs for use when alo^chlne falls off bridges to^ thewater. Anorher usefwl suit can beinflated, so that when a collision isintenritable tbe chmrfteur, w*th greatpresence of mind, blows himself out,shoots skyward and tigtatts in a tree.—\cmCkm THbn

Pri«*35c. and 60c. Sample free. Minard'8 LAniment Mfg. Co., Soutb

for -The Wvmer.


Grit l



T**k about itWrtt« aboat it

3tok n at it

ol the; urfeiwy passage. It corrects ito hold water and scalding pain in

-H.-ort^-fihen^^ fallowing B i fwine or bewr, add overcomes th

You may have * j _wonderful dlscov««yan4 s, book that te»c -""^more about »t, both senfc - ' T ~' .tbsohitety free by maJt \X~, mAddress Dr. Kilmer. & - "•• urtnfi Sai •Co., Binffhaimon, N. Y. WimS^Sm*tton reading this jreneroufeffer la thtspmper.

Don't make any rctsfttfa*. l«t rememberthe name, Swamp-Roo^v Dr. KUmer'kSwamp-Root, and the addwuw, "*-- J

N.Y., on every bottle.

One of the significant things atoithe recent election was that the la-bor crimpaign instHwt&d by Mr, Gom-

S" against oertaan congtrg9sm«n didnot crave a success. Not a singlemrtobter pat on Mr. Gatnpers' blackHe: WJS defeated for re-eleCMon. Thetrni'ed Mine Workers, however, elect-ed seven;'. 1 men of 'their own in Penn-sylvania to various offices.

A«k your neighbor to subscribe forthe Farmer.


00 You Drive?Know where to «et a r i ?

Try <mr

First-Class Turnouto.We are sure we can please you. If

you want a driver, say so, and wVBfurnish one. If you Itare a borte «Tyour own let us beard him and wtnmthe* bother. When you wish to manywhere, ring us up on the mmwphone.

B. JOY & SON.Livery and Sale Stable. Catbarln* tt.Prompt Hack Service when desire*.

KIDNEYDr. David Kennedy's Fm wm OK

to alt ages and both sexes, affording: peraaBsafbet m all cases caused by impuri ty ,stich as Kidney, BliUder andT 3plaints; cures L'ossUpation<amfpeculiar to women.• It proves successful in v—» , „..»..„ fuvwriuinir-cines have totally failed. No snfferersliouid despairM long as Otis remedy Is tmtried;. It Has »n iuibro-

Want ads. brjng big returns.

If you like.coffee but dare not drinkIt, try Dr. Sloop's H«alth Coff««. I tis true that real Coffee does disturb tbeStomach, Heart and Kidneys. But D*.Shoop's Health Coffee has not a grainOf true coffee tit it. Beings ma4e fromparcued grains, malt, etc.. It formswholesome, food-15ke drink, yet h a v gthe true flavor of old Java and Mocha.

the Hyde t>ru# Co.

The JEKIL Trade-mark is your surety forstove satisfaction and is for your protection.It is found only on

Jewel Stoves and Ranges1

and is a guarantee of JEWEL Quality, material andworkmanship. It signifies dependability and re-liability. See that this Trade-mark aad the

k name Detroit Stove Works, is oa the stoveyou buy. You will be certain • Aof getting the best.

Wrn J. Goff, Malonc, N. Y.have generally been so asfranned oC

To save your money for a little Bank aeecyou have a lot for UM tat deposit, for we _Btarte with fl.00»e gracefully aa we *o one tfea**fcurtBw1thtl<».00.Ton wfll never regret that yon took onr advioeaBd we li alwaysback up oar advice by giving yotir a<Jt»nnt and your intereeto thebest attention we know how. u Rainy Days " «mw to « all; so

a"Dark, *

Kow To Fiad O«t.Fill a bottle or common gkss with

teratt^4«it atttMil * J

f diofttoSaaunhealthy condi-tion of the fcf*'neys; tf KjH fiosyour hnen.^tt iaevidence of kid-My trouWer; toofrequent de»re topass ft or pain f»

There*rh*t to J>o.

comfort In the knowledge • •^ ^ Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-

idney remedy fulfills e mrl>e«niatlsm, pain In t te



% 1

W « »OIM'T GEToar roasts of beef, lamb, mat-

ton, and other meats. No reason wiiyl. Careful in buying, hand-

ling! and keeping meats, we are in »to eeil yon the choicest cute

to- be had anywhere, and we staaclneady to serve you promptly [and prop-erly a* all times.

IHsk said Oysters.


Wss* Mats St., Mafeme, N Y .


Pfcople to t -fehave one of the latest im-proved carpet cleaners, a ma-ebfne that thoroughly disin-fects the carpets at the sametime they are being cleaned.Your carpets will last longerand look better.


Taylor'sAmerican Lanndrj,11 Academy Street,



m $rsferabte way to Cornwall. Ottawa aads& points la Ontario and Western Canada.

Time TaMeJnxw atfa, l»s.HOBTH BOUITO,


ex.8tm. ax. Sas.

8 8 M 4 «

best attenton e kprepare for them, and instead ofi lmp^bea "FaUingoftkeDUE."

Damp Day," it w81

- : - To Remind You. ->By tli*

Either Phoua. MALONE, If. V

Don't allow your snbecription to r n_at any more than yon weald allow tit*family floor supply. V

Subscribe f&r The Farmer:
