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Obama' Executive Orders

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  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Executive Orders

    April 14, 2010

    Executive Order--Interagency Group on Insular Areas

    April 13, 2010

    Executive Order concerning Somalia

    March 24, 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Executive Order -- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's

    Consistency with Longstanding Restrictions on the Use of Federal

    Funds for Abortion

    March 11, 2010

    Executive Order - National Export Initiative

    March 01, 2010

    Executive Order-- Providing an Order of Succession within the

    Department of Defense

    February 26, 2010

    Promoting Excellence, Innovation, and Sustainability at Historically

    Black Colleges and Universities

    February 26, 2010

    Executive Order-- Historically Black Colleges and Universities

    February 18, 2010

    Executive Order -- National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility

    and Reform

    January 29, 2010

    Executive Order -- President's Advisory Council on Financial


    January 17, 2010

    Executive Order and Letter Regarding Haiti

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Executive Orders

    January 11, 2010

    President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council ofGovernors

    December 30, 2009

    Executive Order -- Medical Countermeasures Following a Biological


    December 29, 2009

    Executive Order - Original Classification Authority

    December 29, 2009

    Executive Order - Classified National Security Information

    December 23, 2009

    Executive Order -- Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay

    December 17, 2009

    Executive Order -- Amending Executive Order 12425

    December 11, 2009

    Executive Order -- Half-Day Closing of Executive Departments and

    Agencies on Thursday, December 24, 2009

    December 09, 2009

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Executive Order: Creating Labor-Management Forums To Improve

    Delivery of Government Services

    November 23, 2009

    Executive Order-- Reducing Improper Payments and Eliminating

    Waste in Federal Programs

    November 17, 2009

    Executive Order - Establishment of the Financial Fraud

    Enforcement Task Force

    Executive Orders November 09, 2009

    Executive Order - Veterans Employment Initiative

    November 02, 2009

    Executive Order Amending Executive Orders 13183 and 13494.

    October 29, 2009

    President Obama Signs Executive Order to Amend Executive Order


    October 14, 2009

    Executive Order - Asian American and Pacific Islander Community

    October 05, 2009

    President Obama signs an Executive Order Focused on Federal

    Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance

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    October 01, 2009

    Executive Order-Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging

    while Driving

    September 29, 2009

    Executive Order Federal Advisory Committees

    June 23, 2009

    Establishing a White House Council on automotive communities and


    May 12, 2009

    Executive Order Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration

    April 08, 2009

    Executive Order Establishing The White House Office Of Health


    Executive Orders

    March 11, 2009

    Executive Order Creating the White House Council on Women and


    March 09, 2009

    Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving

    Human Stem Cells

    February 20, 2009

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Amending Executive Order 13390

    February 19, 2009

    Executive Order: Establishment of the White House Office of UrbanAffairs

    February 06, 2009

    Executive Order: Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal

    Construction Projects

    February 06, 2009

    Presidential Executive Order Establishing the President's Economic

    Recovery Advisory Board

    February 05, 2009

    Executive Order - Further Amendments To Executive Order

    12859,Establishment Of The Domestic Policy Council

    February 05, 2009

    Executive Order: Further Amendments to Executive Order 12835,

    Establishment of the National Economic Council

    February 05, 2009

    Amendments to Executive Order 13199 and Establishment of the

    President's Advisory Council for Faith-Based and NeighborhoodPartnerships

    January 30, 2009

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Revocation Of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Regulatory

    Planning And Review

    Executive Orders

    January 30, 2009

    Executive Order -- Economy in Government Contracting

    January 30, 2009

    Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts

    January 30, 2009

    Executive Order -- Notificiation of Employee Rights Under Federal

    Labor Laws

    January 22, 2009

    Ensuring Lawful Interrogations

    January 22, 2009

    Review of Detention Policy Options

    January 22, 2009

    Closure Of Guantanamo Detention Facilities

    January 21, 2009

    Ethics Commitments By Executive Branch Personnel

    January 21, 2009

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Presidential Records





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    Obama Gets His Trotsky, Takes

    The *High Road* To Union


    Posted by Dave Poff (haystack) (Profile)

    Thursday, April 15th at 8:52PM EDT


  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Much has been written about President Obamas far-leftproclivities, the radical foundations beneath the friends andassociates who helped shape his views throughout the

    formative years of his political development, and the tinfoilhat-wearing suspicion that his Presidency is nothing morethan a years-in-the-making conspiracy against all thatAmerica has ever stood for. As one most likely to be thefirst to mock the black helicopter crowd, I have alwaysbeen hard-pressed to buy into that meme; Ive neverbelieved that a secret conspiracy of greater than onecould successfully be pulled offespecially amongst self-

    aggrandizing and back-stabbing Politicians and theirsmoke-filled backroom croniesuntil now.

    But President Obama suffers no fools over where his newNLRB Chairstands in regard to employees and theirrelationship with management and the business owners forwhom they work:

    Just as U.S. Citizens cannot opt against having acongressman, workers should not be able to choose againsthaving a union as their monopoly-bargaining agent.

    Its just taken Obama this long to get all the pieces lined upin order to, by Presidential fiat, force Americas middleclass and working families to join the Union and besubservient to the whims of Union bosses.

    Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. The verynext day he issued 2 Executive Orders (scroll to the bottomof page if you care to click through). The first was in regardto Presidential Records and the other on Ethics

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    Commitments By Executive Branch Personnel. All formaland standard stuff I presume. He issued three more on the22nd of January 2009 related to closing Guantanimo,

    calling for a detention policy review, and seeking to ensurelawful interrogationsagain-no surprise there. Its what hedid 10 days into his Presidency (on the 30th of January)that appears to have laid the groundwork for his apparentconspiracy to incrementally socialize the Americanworkforce; his payback if you will to the Unions for the400 million dollars they spent to buy him that house onPennsylvania Avenue, and the over-arching goal of getting

    taxpayers and non-union workers (92.8% of the non-Government workforce in 2009) to pay for years ofmismanagement of Union Pension funds, ultimately forcingthe restof us to make them solvent.

    Executive Order 13496 (Notification of Employee rightsunder Federal labor laws), Executive Order 13495

    (Nondisplacement of qualified workers under servicecontracts), Executive Order 13494 (Economy inGovernment contracting), and his Memorandum on theWhite House Task Force on Middle-Class WorkingFamilies, coupled with his remarks on these documents,bundle nicely together to indicate that President Obamameans to fix the middle class by getting us all to join theUnion.

    By using the Executive Order President Obama has bowedto Big labor, flipped off Congress and the non-unionAmerican worker, and has successfully put a modern-dayversion ofLeon Trotsky in charge of deciding the future

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    relationship between Business owners and their employees.And, the favor Obamapaidto Big Laborwith hisExecutive Order on Project Labor Agreements is no small

    thing. He has, in essence, made it almost impossible for aunionized construction firm to NOT get awarded the bigprize. Further, by enriching Unions he helps assureDemocrats, in general, of a greater chance of beingenriched themselves:

    By eliminating the vast majority of potential bidders onfederal construction projects, Obama guarantees two things.

    First, the projects will cost taxpayers more because unionlabor is always more expensive. And with mandated PLAs,the cost premium for union contractors will be even greaterbecause fewer bidders always means less competition andhigher prices. Second, by guaranteeing unions a biggerstream of federal contracts, Obama is making sure that BigLabor, already among the Democrats biggest sources of

    campaign cash, will have even more money to hand out forthe 2010 and 2012 elections. You scratch our back withtaxpayers dollars gleaned through PLA-based federalconstruction jobs, and well scratch your back withcampaign contributions. Thats the way it works inObamas business-as-usual Washington. Its also known insome quarters as the Chicago Way.[snip]

    Another factor helps explain Obamas willingness to signan executive order that will put millions more tax dollars inunion coffers. Mix points out that unions under PLAstypically exact agreements that include requiringcontractors to make payments to union pension funds. This

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    is an increasingly urgent issue, as the WashingtonExaminers Mark Hemingway has recently detailed in thesepages. According to Labor Department filings, the average

    union pension has only enough money on hand to cover 62percent of the benefits it has promised to union members.Pension plans with 80 percent funding are consideredendangered by federal auditors, while those with lessthan 65 percent funding are put on the critical list. Withthis latest executive order, its clear that Obama intends togive unions on the critical list a massive dose of federal taxdollars to cure what ails them.

    And, even more than the repayment of favors the Presidenthas embarked on for bigger bucks from Big Labor, loominglarger still are the realdetails in this devil: Union pensions.Considerthis:

    Nonunion workers and private companies could be forcedinto absorbing the financial liabilities of underfunded union

    pension plans, thanks to pending health care mandates andan executive order that could be finalized this year, policyanalysts and trade group representatives have concluded.

    Even as unions continue to market themselves to newmembers on the basis of generous pension programs,government figures show these plans are performing poorlyin comparison with retirement packages that operatebeyond the orbit of organized labor.

    In addition, unions are pushing the Obama administrationon project labor agreements (PLAs), which, among otherthings, will give their pension plans new sources of outside

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    funding - nonunion workers on government contracts worthmore than $25 million.

    The average union pension has resources to cover only 62

    percent of what is owed to participants, according to thePension Benefit Guarantee Corp. Pensions with less than80 percent of the assets needed to cover present andprojected liabilities are considered endangered, whilethose that fall below a 65 percent threshold are classified ascritical under the Pension Protection Act of 2006.

    Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp. figures also state that lessthan one in every 160 workers is covered by a unionpension with required assets.

    Michelle Ringuette, a spokeswoman for the ServiceEmployees International Union (SEIU), acknowledged thatpension funds for her union and for others were facingdifficulties but said the fault lies with businesses, not the


    Ahh, yesthe SEIU. The very same SEIU from whenceCraig Becker originated, and the very same SEIU that hasbeen known to beat up a Tea Party protester or two. Andthe very same SEIU that, in this same article, sees hugegains in their membership numbers with Obama at thehelm.

    The issuance, 17 days into his Presidency, ofExecutiveOrder 13502 (Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federalconstruction projects) which heavily favors Unionizedconstruction firms in the bidding and procurement of

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    services process for being awarded said constructionprojects by the Federal Government was strike one againstthe middle class worker. The recess appointment a year

    laterof the wildly radical and socialist-minded CraigBeckerto the NLRB (despite strong bipartisan oppositionin Congress) was strike 2. The likely issuance of anExecutive order by years end relating to the so-calledHigh Road contracting policy, described in some scarydetail here, will be strike 3.

    On Christmas Eve 2009, Brett McMahon (VP of Business

    Development at Miller and Long Concrete ConstructionCompany) detailed the dirty little secrets about what wecan expect with PLAs and high road contracting with theFederal Government. In my 15 minute interview with Brettfor73Wire that lasted an hour and 15 minutes, I came tounderstand more than I cared to about Obamas impact onnon-union workers and the companies they work for. In

    part II of this topic, Ill share more about what wediscussed and what he sees coming for the average middleclass worker. For now, a passage to consider at length fromhis Examiner Op-Ed:

    [T]he order (EO 13502) discourages competition fromnonunion contractors by requiring that the jobs be awardedonly to contractors agreeing to recognize unions as

    representatives of their employees for the life of aconstruction project.

    Even if a nonunion contractor like mine successfullycompetes for a federal construction project and is willing tohave employees represented by a union without a vote by

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    employees, the contractor would be forced to pay healthand pension benefits twice once to its employees underexisting benefit programs and once to the unions

    programs. A contractors nonunion employees would beforced to pay union dues and would not benefit from eitheremployee or employer contributions to the union unlessthey decide to join the local union and become vested inunion programs.

    So why should nonunion shops pay twice the benefit costsjust to work on federal construction projects that are

    already paid for with their own tax dollars? The costlyprovisions in PLAs prevent nonunion contractors fromsubmitting their most competitive price and puts them at adisadvantage when bidding against union competitors. Youcan see why the order kills any incentive for nonunionshops to compete.

    In essence, then, Obamas new way of doing business is to

    allow you to be a non-union contractor and build stuff forhimbut youll have topretendto be a union member andactually pay them money to do so.

    In part II well take a closer look at the Pensions BenefitGuarantee Corp., Multiple Employer Pension Plans,proposed Pension Bailout bills in Congress, and a host ofother ways in which the Oabama Administration means tounionize you and make you fix the pension plans of all hisbuddies running Big labor.

    [haystack's note: this post originates at73Wire. It's here because I think this needs thewidest exposure possible]

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders






    Senate Cap and Trade Bill SkippingCommittee Process-Will Be

    Drafted Behind Closed Doors

    Posted byjeffdunetz

    Thursday, April 15th at 11:00AM EDT

    If you enjoyed the lack of transparency shown by theSenate when crafting their version of Obamacare,you will love the way they plan on crafting the Capand Trade legislation. Instead of introducing the billand sending it to committee, future Nevada SenatorEmeritus, Harry Reid is taking over the process. Justas he did during the Obamacare process, Reid will betaking the bill drafting process behind his closedoffice doors for the deal making.

  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders


    Next week, Reid will be handed the reins of the bill

    to cap greenhouse gas emissions while expanding

    domestic oil, gas and nuclear power production. His

    challenge could not be tougher

    In an effort to keep the bill in Reids hands, the

    sponsors Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey

    Graham (R-S.C.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) wont

    officially introduce the bill in the Senate when they

    unveil it to the public next week.

    If we introduce it, itll get referred to committees,

    Lieberman said. We want him to be able to work

    with it and bring it out onto the floor as a leader

    whenever hes ready.

    There are those who hope that Joe Lieberman

    switches parties when he has to run for reelection in2012. His cooperation with this secrecy effort is agood indication of why the country would be betteroff if Joe stayed in his own (Democratic) party andwas defeated by a Republican.

    Already, some senators also are raising red flags

    about the committee process, which they warn may

    be circumvented if the Kerry-Graham-Lieberman

    proposal moves directly into Reids office.

    These bills need to go through committee, said

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    Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.). If youre talking

    about making major deals on energy policy, it needs

    to go through the Energy Committee. If youre

    making major deals on tax policy, it needs to gothrough the Finance Committee. I mean, if you want

    to get it done.

    What Senator Cantwell is forgetting is a committeeprocess would make it much harder to insertprovisions like the Corn Husker Kickback inserted

    into the Obamacare bill.

    Budget Committee ranking member Judd Gregg (R-

    N.H.), a possible swing vote, said he would prefer the

    committee process remain intact for the energy and

    climate bill rather than shifting the debate into

    Reids office. This concept of going through the

    leaders office is a new concept in the legislative flowchart, Gregg said.

    Speaking on the Senate floor yesterday, Sen. Byron

    Dorgan (D-N.D.) repeated his call to move to floor

    debate on S. 1462, the energy only approach

    There are not a lot of weeks left in this legislative

    session, and my fervent hope is, I would say to thosewho have been working on climate change and

    blocking our ability to bring an energy bill to the

    floor of the Senate, I hope perhaps we could find a

    way to work together to bring the energy bill to the

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    floor, Dorgan said. Thats the way the Senate

    works. The Senate works by running things through a


    Senate progressives are looking for every opportunityto circumvent dissent and to do an end-around theCommittee process. It certainly is not the opennessand transparency we were promised in 2008.Transparency is no longer important to the

    progressives, now its all about checking off more

    items from their agenda before the 2010 electionswhen they will once again be forced to negotiatecompromises with the GOP. Until then, they wereable to cut deals behind closed doors in the case ofObamacare, and while they caught some hell, in theend they were still able to shove health care downour throats. Now they are following the same roadmap for cap and tax legislation.

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    That old stereotype of politicians working in smoke-filled backrooms are becoming the new normal(without the smoke). Just as it was during theObamacare process, this is an affront to the promisesof transparency promised by the President during thecampaign. It is a corruption of the way ourgovernment was outlined by our Founding Fathers.Power, they said, was to be in the hands of theAmerican People, not in the back rooms of the SenateMajority Leaders office.

    If you want to read more from Jeff Dunetz go to his BlogThe Lid


  • 8/9/2019 Obama' Executive Orders



    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    Congressman Eric Cantor Whips

    Obama on Israel, Democrats Sell-

    out Their Souls

    This morning the New York Times ran a story aboutthe dramatic change in the relationship between theUnited States and Israel. It seemed to point out howthe people who are advising the President on MiddleEast issues, most of whom have long histories ofanti-Israel leanings (Jim Jones, Samantha Powers,

    Robert Mally, Zbigniew Brzezinski, among others),have succeeded in getting the United States to step

    back from its vital alliance with the Jewish State. Notthat the President needed much convincing as histrack record against Israel is problematic also.

    When Mr. Obama declared that resolving the long-

    running Middle East dispute was a vital nationalsecurity interest of the United States, he was

    highlighting a change that has resulted from a

    lengthy debate among his top officials over how best

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    to balance support for Israel against other American


    Those other interests are his desire to cuddle up to the

    Muslim states while abandoning long term allies, notjust Israel, but Britain, France, Germany, andIndia,etc. Israel is the most problematic for Obama asshe is a specific target of the dictatorships he wants toappease.This shift, described by administration officials who

    did not want to be quoted by name when discussing

    internal discussions, is driving the White Houses

    urgency to help broker a Middle East peace deal. It

    increases the likelihood that Mr. Obama, frustrated

    by the inability of the Israelis and the Palestinians to

    come to terms, will offer his own proposed

    parameters for an eventual Palestinian state. Mr.

    Obama said conflicts like the one in the Middle Eastended up costing us significantly in terms of both

    blood and treasure drawing an explicit link

    between the Israeli-Palestinian strife and the safety

    of American soldiers as they battle Islamic extremism

    and terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

    Obama and his crew of Arabists are subscribers to the

    invalid theory that everything in the Middle Eaststems from the Israel/Palestinian conflict. What thattheory is really attempting is to shift the blame for theArab-Muslim dysfunction and placing it on theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict and on Israeli in

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    particular. This theory plays into the hands of all theMuslim dictators, autocrats and mullahs who use theterm "Zionist" as a scapegoat to justify their refusal

    to embrace modernization, democratization andeconomic reform.

    As soon as the time article spread its way throughCongress, Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va) let thePresident have it right between the eyes:

    Israel is a democracy that has always made the

    sacrifices necessary for peace despite living under

    constant threats to their very existence. The true

    barrier to ending the Mideast conflict is the

    widespread Palestinian refusal to accept and to live

    alongside Israel as a Jewish state. While Israel

    continues its search for a reliable partner in peace,

    Palestinian terrorism is still celebrated in the WestBank and Gaza. Despite this reality, since day one

    the White House has applied a severe double

    standard that refuses to hold the Palestinians

    accountable for their many provocations. It makes

    one wonder where the responsible adults are in the


    The administrations troubling policy ofmanufacturing fights with Israel to ingratiate itself

    with some in the Arab world is no way to advance

    the cause of Mideast peace. What kind of message

    is sent to the world when our country appears to

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    turn its back on key strategic allies who share our


    The list of grievances supposedly stoking the hatred

    of Islamic terrorists is endless and evolving. BeforeAl Qaeda used our support for Israel against us, Bin

    Ladens main grievance was the presence of U.S.

    troops in Saudi Arabia and sanctions against

    Saddams Iraq both of which no longer exist. The

    suggestion that terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan

    will lay down their weapons if we distance ourselves

    from Israel is blindingly nave. We know this because

    its been tried before. For example, Russia has sided

    with Israels Arab enemies since the days of the Cold

    War, and today it condemns Israel at the U.N., sells

    arms to Israels arch-enemies Syria and Iran, and is

    attempting to block meaningful international

    sanctions against Irans nuclear program. Did thisstop Islamist suicide bombers from murdering 38 in

    an attack on two Moscow subway stations last


    With each passing day, more Americans are

    becoming increasingly concerned about the

    deteriorating state of U.S.-Israel relations. Thisconcern was expressed succinctly by a letter today

    from World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder

    to President Obama, who wrote, Our great country

    and the tiny State of Israel have long shared the core

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    values of freedom and democracy. It is a bond much

    treasured by the Jewish people. In that spirit I

    submit, most respectfully, that it is time to end our

    public feud with Israel and to confront the realchallenges that we face together. I couldnt agree


    "The American people understand that Israel is a key

    strategic ally in the Middle East, one that we should

    stand with in our mutual struggle to prevent the

    spread of Islamic extremism and a nuclear Iran."

    After receiving this press release in the earlyafternoon, it was held in order to include possiblestatements coming from the Democratic side. I wassure that Chuck Schumer would say something justas powerful as Cantor, or Congressman Gary

    Ackerman, both of whom have been supportive ofIsrael their entire careers. If not those Reps, maybeJerrold Nadler, or one of the other pro-Israelmembers of the Democratic Party. The strange partwas there was no voice coming out of the Democratsin Congress disagreeing with the President'smisdirected policy on Israel. Instead of doing the

    right thing, Members of Congress decided to selltheir souls to advance their political careers bykeeping quiet about the Anti-Israel policies of aPresident from their own party. Shame, Shame onthem.

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    Some people will point to the AIPAC-directed lettersigned by over 360 congressman admonishing the

    President over the one sided pressure on Israel andthe lack of pressure on Iran. Its easy to be one of360+ names on a letter (Congressman Cantor signedthe letter also) its another thing to stand up and becounted. Unlike Cantor, the Democrats in Congressdon't have the guts to stand up and be counted.



