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Obama Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense

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  • 7/30/2019 Obama Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense



    In an attempt to seize total control over national security and

    bypass congress, a frightening new step by the Obama

    Administration is coming into play. As noted


    /SB10001424127887323476304578197503933266898.html) in

    Fridays Wall Street Journal in an op-ed by John Bolton and John

    Woo, a State Department advisory group that is run by former

    Secretary of Defense William Perry is advising that the U.S. and

    Russia both reduce nuclear weapons without a treaty, as a treaty

    would require ratification by Congress. This would allow Obama

    and his executive branch to unilaterally cut our nuclear weaponry

    and ignore the treaty clause of the Constitution.

    As Bolton and Woo point out, the US has a greater global responsibility than Russia; Iran

    and North Korea, neither of which is far from Russian interests, can only be countered by

    U.S. military strength. In addition, they note that Russia is not a trustworthy partner in

    weapons reduction; it has violated many arms-control agreements, such as the 1991

    Presidential Nuclear Initiatives.

    Some of the inherent problems in the seizure by this executive branch of decision-making

    power is Barack Obamas desire to deeply cut our nuclear forces. A joint decision with

    Russia would place long-term limits on our cache of arms, thus placing constraints on us

    catching up if Russia decides to go ahead and build and the blurring of the lines

    deliberately drawn by the Constitutions Framers separating the executive and legislative

    branches power.






    355 comments 1 minute ago





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    Sort by newest first

    Obama has made no secret of his desire to dismantle our nuclear capacity; the New Start

    Treaty he championed in 2011 forced the U.S. to observe a ceiling of 700 strategic delivery

    vehicles and 1,550 strategic warheads, and this past March he stated his desire to cut our

    arsenal further:

    a step we have never taken before reducing not only our strategic nuclear

    warheads but also tactical weapons and warheads in reserve.

    It is nave to assume that Obama is simply blind to the results of his actions and trusts the

    world around him to act with generosity. There has been too much evidence of Russiassupport of Irans nuclear weapons program, and Russia has cunningly avoided supporting

    sanctions on North Korea for its rocket launches; in December, Georgy Toloraya, Director

    of Korean Research at the Institute of Economics, simply said (http://english.ruvr.ru


    "In Russia we believe that resolutions must be observed and UN decisions must be

    implemented. We think that North Korea has the right for space explorations but only

    after all the issues linked with the UN sanctions banning rocket launches with the use

    of ballistic technologies are settled. It is necessary to divide two aspects - we support

    the discussion of the rocket launch issue by the UN Security Council but we dont

    think that this must automatically mean tougher sanctions against Pyongyang.

    Obama knows all this. His step-by-step evisceration of the United States is not confined to

    its economic system but its national defense as well.

    REAL-TIME UPDATING IS paused. (Resume)

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    A LIKED REPLY 0 minutes ago F

    I hate the way this guy just tramples our constitution in his quest to fundamentally transform. He and the left

    have big plans.

    And he knows we will just gripe and complain on these blogs while he laughs his azz off.


    A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago 1 Like F

    An agreement made between 0bama and another world leader could probably be considered a treaty, even if

    they don't want the formality of a signed treaty document. I t could be challenged in courts and by the congress,

    as an intentional under the table treaty, and then maybe congress could really pursue treason and charges of

    circumventing the constitution. Go for it Barry, make our day!


    A LIKE REPLY 22 minutes ago 1 Like F

    Tell comrade Putin it will be okay after my re-election. I will have more leeway to do whatever I want to do. And

    he IS doing it - probably behind closed doors. Learn to speak Russian and Chinese folks.


    ma Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Se

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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    This reminds me of a Phil Collins' song:

    "I can feel it coming in the air tonight"

    Something(s) really, really bad are coming

    down in the next 4-years under this regime.


    A LIKE REPLY 0 minutes ago in reply to minnesota1 F

    yeah the stench gets worse by the day doesnt' it? Is there really ANYTHING that could ACTUALLY be

    called Treason, now???? If this is not treason, what is??? IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH - and not

    just Obama but many dozens of lib/dems that have facilitated this, as well as some RINOs as well...


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    So, we've got a dictator, now.

    Time to stop by t he armory. Inspect your snivel gear, too.

    Make sure eveything's good to go.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    That's okay. We can send our enemies DVDs of Skanksta Crap "music" videos, shoot-em-up video games, and

    fast food. That will protect America.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    I was about to be diplomatic in this response, but I'm afraid I have to call a spade a spade. People are so

    desperate to tarnish the intent if this man to the extent they're willing to downright fabricate half truths to make

    him seem like he has some conspiracy to destroy our great nation. Refer to the link below to find a more

    comprehensive summary on the Russian/US disarmament talks. The treaty in question is simply a ratification of

    one initialized in 2001, which recently expired. This said treaty is simply being modified to include decreased

    production and reinforcement of nuclear arms on both fronts. There are two pivotal clauses of the treaty to note;

    both are reserving the rights to rescind in the case of a threat of national security and both are agreeable on

    reducing to the same amount of nuclear arms in congruence with sanctions from the international community.

    Lastly, its a downright LIE that Obama is unilaterally (I guess entertaining a verbal agreement) deciding on this

    change without a treaty. There is a treaty and said treaty has been presented to congress and is slated to be

    finalized and announced by April. People all you have to do is Google these facts. Smh. I'm simply

    flabbergasted by these comments.



    Let's assume, for purposes of discussion, that the Kenyan doesn't want to destroy our nation. Let's also

    assume that this is merely an extension of an existing treaty that has been on the books for years. I

    don't know the answer to either of these points you have raised.

    I assume, however, that you are familiar with Obama's repeated public expressions of frustration with

    the way Congress works and his repeated statements to the effect he would like to do things himself

    without first getting Congressional permission.

    I assume you are also aware of Obama's declaration of a "recess" appointment when Congress was

    not in recess, a simple illegal ruse to avoid Congressional hearings and the Congressional approval


    I also assume you have read the transcript of Obama's aside comments to Medvedev assuring him to

    pass along to "Vladimir" that he would be free to do a lot more things (presumably without

    Congressional interference) during his second term.

    If you're not familiar with these incidents, then I'm simply flabbergasted that you have dared to come to

    this pretender's defense. If you are familiar with them (and they aren't even close to the tip of the

    iceberg) what is your version of what this man who cannot produce legally sufficient proof of his place

    of birth up to???

    To me the obvious answer is, "No good," but I'd be i nterested in whatever innocuous explanation you

    can come up with that belies the motives that many Americans suspect are at work here.


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    55 minutes ago in reply to leamore27 1 Like FA LIKE REPLY

    A LIKE REPLY 56 minutes ago in reply to leamore27 1 Like F


    I ask you a very simple question.

    If what you have just stated was true,

    then why would your liberal MSM not already been on this?

    Are you saying you are the first in the liberal universe to

    discover this blatent misrepresentation?

    Wouldn't you think the MSM would want to make blood sausage

    out of Bolton?


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to leamore27 F

    He's stepping just a wee bit outside the power of his office. It's all gotta go through Congress, first.

    This is just one incident of many like it. Bush was a wannabe, in comparison to these usurpations of


    Personally, I think we need to cut back on everything, including the DoD and The Pentagon, but this

    isn't the way to do it.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

    Isn't it time to detail and demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt the long train of abuses, usurpations and

    reckless endangerments committed by this president and his administration, and start calling for impeachment?


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F

    It is important that we as Americans continue to remember all the MANY violations by Obama against the

    Constitution, against the Law, and against traditions of the President.

    We forget all his many examples of Constitutional malpractice, because he usually does these things things one

    at a time, and most people forget about them one at a time.

    When are the impeachment hearings?


    Heres a review of some of the things that the

    Obama-Democrats accomplished:

    They owned almost all electronic and printed

    media for years. They owned Hollywood.

    They owned Education almost everywhere.

    They owned the fake "women's

    movement", which is now just a cover for promoting abortion.

    They owned the "equal rights"

    movement, although they refused to accept or tolerate any Republican who

    happened to be B l a c k, Hispanic, or


    Democrats owned the unions - and

    their workers who didn't want their tires slashed.

    They owned management at the federal level and

    more than half the management at the local government level.


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    They owned

    management in many companies, such as General Electric, General Motors,

    and Chrysler.

    They set up an infrastructure that they could

    use over and over again to stuff the ballot box and win elections by fraud and

    deceit. A C O R N worked very well in 2008, and Obama tried to

    give them millions of tax-dollars as a reward and encouragement to do more.


    doubly-owned (and still do) millions of workers. Workers employed by the federal governmentreport directly to President Obama as their employer, while at the same time

    they are indirectly accountable to him through their DNC-contaminated AFGE

    union. A federal worker now has

    nowhere to run and nowhere to hide if he personally wants to oppose the

    politics of this Democrat-Socialist Dictatorship. Obama managed to marry the federal

    government and all its powers to its bride, all the unions within the United


    The Obama Administration has been working on

    policy that would allow the United States Military to take action against its

    own American citizens, if that should become necessary. Maybe thats why he invited Russian Troops


    train with American troops in Colorado this past month (August 2012).

    Obama-Snitch Program: f l a g @ w h i t

    e h o u s e . g o v In 2009,

    the White House launched an effort to get people to snitch on those who

    expressed opposition to President Obama through a new official e-mail


    Program, Part 2: A t t a c k W a t c h . c o m is the ObamaCampaign version of f l a

    g @ w h i t e h o u s e . g o v

    The following are some things that Obama and the Democrats/N a z is/Communists

    tried to do, but are now failing to do:

    They wanted to pass "Cap and Trade",

    which was designed purely to create a system in which all energy-producers and

    energy-users would be under the direct control of President Obama and his EPA,

    now known as the Employment Prevention Agency. He couldn't do this legally through law, so

    he's trying to do it by using his magic voice and signature and

    "regulations" within the EPA. Fortunately, Congress is not going to allow

    the EPA to be used as a strong-arm of the dictatorship. Global Warming was

    proven to be a big hoax, but they are still using it as an excuse to shut down

    fossil fuel production in the United States.

    The Employment Prevention Agency, the EPA, is closing as much of the

    American Energy Industry as they can as fast as they can.

    They wanted socialized medicine through the

    passing of ObamaCare. ObamaCare was never

    intended to help those 30,000 people without health insurance - that was just a

    cover. ObamaCare was designed to seize

    control of the very lives of all people within the U.S. It was designed to do things unrelated to

    "health", such as taking control of all Student Loans, which leads to

    control over who goes to college.


    tried to erase the borders of the United States. They did everything they could to open up the

    southern border to anyone in the world that might like to enter the U.S. for

    any reason. They tried to bully

    American citizens into going along. They

    tried to use a lawsuit to tie the hands of all law enforcement near the border,

    so they couldn't stop the illegals from crossing the border. They have done everything possible to

    prevent anyone from even identifying people who are in the United States

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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to OrdinaryAmerican2012 2 Likes F


    They tried to implement the "Fairness

    Doctrine" in order to shut down the only electronic media in the world

    that opposed Barack Obama and the Democrats.

    They didn't get to do it.

    ACORN was exposed, although they are still

    sneaking around trying to use different costumes.

    They tried to destroy millions of good peaceful

    law-abiding citizens (Tea Partiers) because they opposed him, but they now have

    the last laugh. They were always

    innocent, while the democrats are almost always guilty of the offenses

    democrats accused others of.

    They are still working on "net

    neutrality", which would give the President a lot of control over the

    internet. I am sure that the DNC would

    just love to know exactly who is writing criticism about him and where they

    live. I am sure that anyone opposing

    Obama would then be subject to a friendly visit by the IRS.

    Obama's attempt to use the EPA to shut down America is just

    one of many of Obama's Dictator-Deeds.

    All President issue executive orders. Obama issues the most:

    (Liberals: Your freedom allows you to look this stuff up, if you question it or

    disagree with it.)

    Here are some examples:

    Executive Order 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of

    transportation and control of highways and seaports.

    Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the

    communication media.

    Executive Order 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical

    power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.

    Executive Order 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work

    brigades under government supervision.

    Executive Order 11001 allows the government to take over all health

    education and welfare functions.

    Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a

    national registration of all persons.

    Executive Order 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and

    aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

    Executive Order 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate

    and establish new locations for populations.

    Executive Order 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland

    waterways, and public storage facilities.

    Executive Order 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal

    departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative

    Executive Order 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of

    Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into

    effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial



    ma Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Se

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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to OrdinaryAmerican2012 3 Likes F

    Executive Order 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to

    enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support,

    to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to

    operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the


    Executive Order 11921 allows the Federal

    Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the

    mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries,

    credit, and the flow of money in U.S. f inancial institutions in any undefined

    national emergency. It also provides that when the president declares a state

    of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to OrdinaryAmerican2012 1 Like F

    He hasn't issued the most E.O.'s, but those he has issued have been steadily taking more and

    more power from Congress, the Supremes and, ultimately, from The People of America.

    We're one 'national emergency' away from an open tyranny.

    Obama has overstepped his bounds much more than Bush did, and Bush was no piker in that



    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to OrdinaryAmerican2012 1 Like F

    During a press conference today(in November), House Minority leader Nancy

    Pelosi signaled that she supported unilateral control for the President over

    the countrys debt limit.

    Do you support President Obama having the power to unilaterally increase

    the debt limit as Secretary Geithner proposed? asked a reporter.

    Yes. Pelosi answered shortly.

    (Without Congressional approval!)



    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to OrdinaryAmerican2012 1 Like F

    Goal #1 of the Obama Administration and the Obama Democrats is to

    concentrate as much power as possible in Washington D.C. and to then

    concentrate THAT power within the executive branch, putting aside Congress and

    the Supreme Court. That is the trend, and it is just a matter of time

    right now, before the Bill Rights will be used merely as kindling to burn the

    rest of the country down.

    ObamaCare already gave the President too many

    "superpowers". Obama is allowed to tailor any of the

    conditions or exceptions or modifications or exemptions to the way ObamaCare is

    enforced. This allowed Obama to give special privilege to his political supporters

    like unions. This also allowed Obama to go after those he considers to be

    his political enemies, such as the Catholic Church. For example:

    Because of the way ObamaCare was written, Obama exempted many union-controlled

    organizations from ObamaCare. Obama and

    Holder are working very, very hard to force Christian organizations to change

    their beliefs and also working to force business owners to ignore their

    religious beliefs or go bankrupt.


    In a secret government agreement granted without approval or debate

    from lawmakers, the U.S. attorney general recently gave the National

    Counterterrorism Center sweeping new powers to store dossiers on U.S.

    citizens, even if they are not suspected of a crime, according to a news



    ma Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Se

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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to OrdinaryAmerican2012 1 Like F

    Earlier this year, Attorney General Eric Holder g ranted the center the

    ability to copy entire government databases holding information on flight

    records, casino-employee lists, the names of Americans hosting

    foreign-exchange students and other data, and to store it for up to five

    years, even without suspicion that someone in the database has committed a

    crime, according

    to the Wall Street Journal, which broke the story.

    Whereas previously the law prohibited the center from storing data compilations

    on U.S. citizens unless they were suspected of terrorist activity or were

    relevant to an ongoing terrorism investigation, the new powers give the

    center the ability to not only collect and store vast databases of

    information but also to trawl through and analyze it for suspicious patterns

    of behavior in order to uncover activity that could launch an investigation.

    The changes granted by Holder would also allow databases containing

    information about U.S. citizens to be shared with foreign governments for

    their own analysis.

    Htt p : / /ww w . w ire d . c om/threatlevel/2012/12/gov-dossiers-on-us-citizens/


    LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

    Obama wants the United States to become a powerless nothing. That is his plan


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to davidcoxe 1 Like F

    That may be a side effect. We were headed there, anyway. What Obama is after is complete control of

    the U.S., held in his own hands, and in his hands, alone.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F

    It is time for a march on Washinton.

    Another TEA party but this time not dressed as Indians..


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F

    We're gonna need a big tree.....


    A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago in reply to douglasburson 1 Like F

    Lots of smaller ones, mebbe. Lamp posts and telephone poles and such, too. Bridges,

    overpasses... anything more than about seven or eight feet off the ground will do.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    And rule by fiat expands and continues because our elected representatives refuse to do all their duties and

    only collect their pay and pay raises. This is exactly why the French invented the guillotine!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F

    Time to impeach this arrogant SOB, Obama is a clear and present danger to this country , I would dare say



    Why can't someone just arrest this man child already ???? He don't belong in the White House , he belongs

    behind BARS ! Those pansy butt Republicans are of no use , they just sit back and allow this buffoon to

    continue his traitorous agenda. I AM SICK OF IT !


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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F

    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 7 Likes F




    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to TVEXECUTIVE 1 Like F

    See his f riends at www.commieblaster.com


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to TVEXECUTIVE 3 Likes F

    God is where is He always is. The real question is WHERE ARE WE THE PEOPLE? We sit around

    bitching and moaning on websites, but fail to take action. God put us here to be His soldiers and I think

    it is time to march!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Texaslady68 2 Likes F

    You're right! We sit and watch as the Egyptians will gather by the thousands demanding

    change and we post on the internet. A show of our determination and disgust in person is

    what is needed!


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to TVEXECUTIVE 8 Likes F

    God is busy taking care of all those murdered babies.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 5 Likes F

    I just can't understand why pepole can't see what this guy is doing to the country, with all the termoil in the

    world. giving f-16 to the muslim brotherhood and now he wants to disarm the U.S. i n every way he can. Dose

    bombs have to fall before pepole wake up.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 8 Likes F

    Where is Congress as Obama continues his destruction of our country? Why are the American people letting

    this happen?


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 11 Likes F

    Tanking the economy, stripping away 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, and now we're told of a plan to executive

    order a nuclear drawdown. And people love him. What the hell?!? This is really getting scary.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to BumpOdana 2 Likes F

    That's if you believe the polls or votes on anything in this country are actually counted accurately.. The

    alphabet soup of news broadcasters are nothing more than cheerleaders. Do you think that they would

    report honestly if it put the administration in a bad light.. Do you think they would be allowed to air a

    story that wasn't in his favor?

    I watched my States Governor's race go to the conservative, get re-counted, (only specific counties

    that would benefit the liberal) he won again, then re-counted again and again only count the one county

    that would benefit the liberal the most, the conservative then lost by less than 200 votes. That was the

    result they wanted. No more re-counting, no objections from anyone.

    When you think about it, congress may have labels of democrat and republican, but they are almost all

    progressives. None of them will cut spending.



    ma Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Se

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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 10 Likes F

    Somebody in Congress needs to get some balls and stop this crap

    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 11 Likes F

    He is a traitor for openly flaunting and skirting the Constitution, to which he took an oath. Where is the HOUSE

    to bring impeachment charges on this fraud? Come on little boener, do your dang job!


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 10 Likes F

    This third world p.o.s. is going to get a war started as the bad guys realize that we are weak. And it is a war

    that will cost hundreds of millions of lives at least.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    Being CIC has it perks,according to Article II, Section 2, Clause I of the Constitution.Read it.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to EV332 2 Likes F

    Is one of them surrendering the country to it's enemies? Musta missed that in my history course.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 8 Likes F

    Someone is going to need to assassinate him and quickly. He is just asking for it to be done with his unlawful

    and un-Constitutional actions against this country and it' s people.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to OverthrowObamaNow 2 Likes F



    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to bunsonator 1 Like F

    That one is going to the Secret Service.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 19 Likes F

    Love that photo, you know what Putin must be thinking....What an Idiot....I'm sure that's what he's thinking with

    that stupid face he's making. This man is dangerous folks (B.O) he is purposely trying to destroy the U.S and he

    is doing far more damage to this country than any Russian new-clear weapon has or probably will ever do. BHO

    knows exactly what the building blocks are that made the U.S the greatest country in the history of the world,

    and he is systematically disassembleing them overtly in front of the blind masses that are to ignorant to even

    know what is happening. We bought in to this lie that the Russians or the Chineese or North Korea or Saddam

    Hussain were the ones that were going to take our freedom away, when in fact all we needed was a marxist

    Trojan Horse President with the help of a dumbed down population that wouldn't know our constitution from a

    Mc Donald's menu to make it happen.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 9 Likes F

    Broncobama is a clear and present danger to the USA.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to KumBayah 8 Likes F

    And the world.



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    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 10 Likes F

    Is this the "flexibility" he was referring to when he was caught on an open microphone whispering sweet

    nothings in Medvedev's ear?

    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 23 Likes F

    He is the domestic enemy the military is sworn to defend against.


    A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago in reply to plebis 3 Likes F

    Thank God our Founders saw this coming and our troops pledge to up hold the Constitution first.BATCOUNTRY

    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 7 Likes F

    God have mercy on his soul!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to TomM 3 Likes F

    What soul? He is evil.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 24 Likes F

    Sow to the wind and reap the whirlwind!

    Please God watch over us and protect us from this EVIL.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 8 Likes F

    One nuclear missile can buy a lot of Obamaphones.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 22 Likes F

    This is the "f lexibility" Obama promised Medvedev.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 8 Likes F

    BOHICA! Except this time the moral equivalence theory will be put to the test, very dangerous indeed.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 9 Likes F

    He has his "mandate" now... scorched earth or" America"!


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to jcwelsh2000 19 Likes F

    better stop him now...tomorrow may be too late.


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 26 Likes F

    It's time to recall everyone and start over again. Only this time, they have the balls to stop Obama.


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 31 Likes F

    Congress has been abdicating its responsibility for decades.


    ma Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Se

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    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 44 Likes F

    Impeachment is the solution.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to richardsh 11 Likes F

    Impeach, Imprison the Incompetent Imposter. oBUMao is an UN-American



    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to richardsh 31 Likes F

    I'd be ok with a military coup. Much quicker and probably more successful. Its come to this.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 15 Likes F

    "Flexibility" in action.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 108 Likes F

    The Congress is negligent in standing and holding up our Constitution and the branches of government!

    They have allowed this fraud...this enemy of the United States of America to take us down...one piece at a time.

    Remember...when the 'massa' spoke in soft tones to the Russian leader...and said wait until after the election

    and then he would have more of an ability to work with them...and now he is!



    A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 2 Likes F

    Maybe it's time for the military to step in and dismantle what the enemy of the American people is



    A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago in reply to Sandy Carrington F

    Fat chance of that...look at what happened in Benghazi...the lot of military brass...appears not

    to be what it used to be!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 5 Likes F

    He keeps bypassing congress...with the Senate's help. Over and over again. Greenhouse gases.

    Unemployment compensation, no budget. You have to wonder if the guy is working his way to

    dictatorial powers.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to johnnygeneric 1 Like F

    You know the thing we can do...is to light the fire under this Congress before he gives away

    everything from under us.

    Call/email and express yourself. It is almost that we have to call daily...with numerous

    things...the Speakership...the raising of taxes and/or the debt ceiling, taking away of our





    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 8 Likes F

    It didn't just start with him. They've been absent for decades.


    ma Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Se

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    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 25 Likes F

    "Negligent" is right. And the article is right, "...step-by-step evisceration of the United States...".

    Obama repeatedly seizes new powers, almost casually, with scant opposition from other branches of


    They all took an oath to the Constitution. At what point will some of them start living up to it?


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 20 Likes F

    vote either Allen West or Sarah Palin as the new Speaker.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Stormwaves 4 Likes F

    Allen West as Speaker, sheeeit, that would be worth seeing.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 19 Likes F

    Impeach, Imprison the Incompetent Imposter. oBUMao is an UN-American



    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 31 Likes F

    I appreciate your mindset, but systemic corruption isn't curable by personnel changes. And with half

    the citizenry consisting of habituated dependents, with 11 states having more such takers than makers

    (net contributors), the rot is well beyond the governing class. We are simply NOT the ci vilization that

    rose to greatness.

    Let's face reality. We spend like France (42% of GDP), but pay only American sized taxes (24% of

    GDP). Rethink everything and plan for a continued slouch into irrelevancy, punctuated by bouts of

    Fannie Mayhem.

    My New Years wish is for taxpayers to embrace cultural diversity by putting the severed heads of the

    governing class on sticks in their front yards, all across the nation.

    But I'm not holding my breath.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to TylerNull of YouTube F

    Normally...removing one does not always make a difference...but in this case...I believe it will.

    Since this NWO puppet came on the scene...more like him have come forward with their own

    evil...to help him.

    So many times all it takes is one 'charlie manson' to lead others equally as evil astray doing

    their dirty work...and that is what we have here in our White House.

    Remove him...the other cockroaches will crawl back into the woodwork!


    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 66 Likes F




    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Palin ECoalition F

    Yawn! Do right-wing teabagger rethugs ever get tired of screeching and making up

    nonsense?! America has grown so tired of your antics.


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    Show more reactions

    A LIKE 51 minutes ago in reply to what_what_what 4 Likes F

    WWW, You are the one living in your own reality, fool. I crown you King of the Low

    Information Voter. Wear your tiara with pride.


    A LIKE 56 minutes ago in reply to what_what_what 5 Likes F

    "America has grown so tired of your antics".

    I see you have the same narcisstic mind-set of your King. How dare you speak for

    America! You and all the other Obama toe lickers have ensured the destruction of


    This article is "made up"? Wow, I have never seen such a large number of brain

    washed losers.

    It must be nice to live in a Fairytale. Unfortunately for you, the title of your story is

    "Watch out for the Wolf in Sheeps Clothing."


    ma Seizing Sole Authority for US Defense http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Se
