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7/27/2019 objective_125ok.doc http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/objective125okdoc 1/27 1. How many pins is a IDE/EIDE connector? a. 20-pin b. 25-pin c. 40-pin d. 50-pin ans. c 2. Which of the below is related to memory? a. PS b. DSP c. Flops d. ache ans. d 3. Which of the following is not related to computer video. a. Direct! b. "-# c.$eForce d. %pen$& ans- b 4. How many eys are there on the ma!ority of the standard "# ey$oard today? a. '00 b. '02 c. '04 d. '0( ans- c %. Which of the following is not related to chat? a. )* b. )+ c. %p d. ",toPlay ans -d &. Which of the following is not considered a super user? a. "dmin b. "ent c. %p d. *oot ans - b '. Which of the $elow commands displays the time on most (inu) and "ni) computers? a. time b. date c. time d. now ans- b *. How many $its are in a mega$it? a. '/000/000 b. '/024 c. 25( d. ans - a +. Which of the following file systems or file allocation ta$les did Windows +% not provide? a. 1FS b. F"#2 c. 3PFS d. "ll of the aboe ans - d 1,. Which of the following is not related to a computer hard dis drive? a. Platter b. Pwrite c. "ccess "rm d. +F+ ans- b 11. I- is an a$$reviation for which of the following? a. )nternet Printer b. )nternet Pin c. )nternet Person d. ) ternet Protocol he correct answer for this months ,i6 is n,mber fo,r. See o,r )P dictionary definition here for additional information abo,t this term. 1. Which of the following was the first Intel processor introduced? a. #00 b. 4004 c. 00 d. 0( ans - b '#. Which of the following is not a search engine? a. $oole b. 7eal c. "ma6on d. 3otbot ans- c 1. How many $its in a $yte? a. ' b. 2 c. 4 d. ans- d 1%. Which (inu) command sets a files permission? a. attrib b. chmod c. properties d. rihts ans- b 1&. Which of the following is not related to programming? a. S,bro,tine b. ompile c. 1,ll pointer d. )nterleae ans- d 1'. Which of the following is not a ey$oard layout? a. 8W9*: b. hiclet c. Sholes d. Dora; ans- c 1*. Which of the following is the directory commonly used to store a we$site? a. <home b. <p,blic c. <home=html d. <p,blic=html ans- d 1+. Which of the $elow formulas add cells a1 through a% in 0icrosoft E)cel? a. >s,m"'@"5A b. >s,m"'B"5A c. >add"'@"5A d. >total"'B"5A ans- b ,. Which of the following is not a networ protocol? a. 3P b. *)P c. P)+ d. PS) ams- d 1. Which video resolution is not correct? a. (4040 b. 00(0 c. '024C( d. '52(4 ans- b. 1
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1. How many pins is a IDE/EIDE connector?

a. 20-pin b. 25-pinc. 40-pin d. 50-pin

ans. c

2. Which of the below is related to memory?a. PS b. DSPc. Flops d. ache

ans. d

3. Which of the following is not related to computer video.

a. Direct! b. "-#c.$eForce d. %pen$&

ans- b

4. How many eys are there on the ma!ority of the standard "# ey$oard today?a. '00 b. '02c. '04 d. '0(

ans- c

%. Which of the following is not related to chat?a. )* b. )+c. %p d. ",toPlay

ans -d

&. Which of the following is not considered a super user?a. "dmin b. "ent

c. %p d. *ootans - b

'. Which of the $elow commands displays the time on most (inu) and "ni)computers?a. time b. datec. time d. now

ans- b

*. How many $its are in a mega$it?a. '/000/000 b. '/024c. 25( d.

ans - a

+. Which of the following file systems or file allocation ta$les did Windows +% notprovide?

a. 1FS b. F"#2c. 3PFS d. "ll of the aboe

ans - d

1,. Which of the following is not related to a computer hard dis drive?a. Platter b. Pwritec. "ccess "rm d. +F+

ans- b

11. I- is an a$$reviation for which of the following?a. )nternet Printer b. )nternet Pinc. )nternet Person d. ) ternet Protocol

he correct answer for this months ,i6 is n,mber fo,r. See o,r  )P dictionary definition herefor additional information abo,t this term.

1. Which of the following was the first Intel processor introduced?a. #00 b. 4004c. 00 d. 0(

ans - b

'#. Which of the following is not a search engine?a. $oole b. 7ealc. "ma6on d. 3otbot

ans- c

1. How many $its in a $yte?a. ' b. 2c. 4 d.

ans- d

1%. Which (inu) command sets a files permission?a. attrib b. chmodc. properties d. rihts

ans- b

1&. Which of the following is not related to programming?a. S,bro,tine b. ompilec. 1,ll pointer d. )nterleae

ans- d

1'. Which of the following is not a ey$oard layout?a. 8W9*: b. hicletc. Sholes d. Dora;

ans- c

1*. Which of the following is the directory commonly used to store a we$site?a. <home b. <p,blicc. <home=html d. <p,blic=html

ans- d

1+. Which of the $elow formulas add cells a1 through a% in 0icrosoft E)cel?a. >s,m"'@"5A b. >s,m"'B"5Ac. >add"'@"5A d. >total"'B"5A

ans- b

,. Which of the following is not a networ protocol?a. 3P b. *)Pc. P)+ d. PS)

ams- d

1. Which video resolution is not correct?a. (4040 b. 00(0c. '024C( d. '52(4

ans- b.


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. Which of the following is currently a hard dis drive manufacturer?a. Dell b. +icrosoftc. onner d. Seaate

ans- d

3. Which of the following is an e)ample of inary?a. '2# b. ''' '0''c. C d. "ll of the aboe

ans- b

. Which of the following will not help your computers security?a. Firewall b. E&"1c. $ood Password d. pdated software

ans- b

%. What is I2?a. )nternet *elay hannel b. )nternet *espond hannelc. )nternet *elay hat d. )nternet *esponse ache

ans- c

&. What was the latest stand alone version of 0#4D5#?a. +S-D%S (.0 b. +S-D%S (.22c. +S-D%S G5 d. +S-D%S (.2

ans- b

'. Which of the following is not a mouse technology?a. +echanical b. %pticalc. +otori6ed d. %ptical-+echanical

ans- c

*. Which of the following is not a programming language?a. &isp b. Seec. Haa d. Perl

ans- b

+. Which of the following is not related to e4mail?a. b. SP"+c. Pen d. Pine

ans- c

3,. Which of the following is part of a hard dis drive?a. +other oard b. Platter  c. &aser d. *iser oard

ans- b

31. Which of the following is not a networ device?a. ore b. Switchc. 3,b d. *o,ter  

ans- a

3. Which of the following is not a "6I7 or (inu) varianta. S,n%S b. *ed3atc. D%S d. Debian

ans- c

33. Which of the following is a - video file e)tension?a. +E9 b. +P#c. "E) d. ED%

ans- c

3. Which of the following file e)tensions is not a audio file format?a. +P# b. ")Fc. W"E d. %+

ans- d

3%. Which of the following is not a 5perating #ystema. S,S9 b. 1)!c. %SD d. D%S

ans- c

3&. Which of the following is a $road$and Internet connection?a. 2.; b. 5(;c. able d. +odem

ans- c

3'. Which of the following is not a Internet $rowsers?a. )nternet 9plorer b. "%&c. 1etscape d. %pera

ans- b

3*. Which of the following is not a networ command?

a. Pin b. Winipcfc. 1etcf d. racert

ans- c

3+. 8ypically9 hard dis drives employ what technology as a storage mechanism?a. &aser b. +aneticc. &iht d. hemical

ans- b

,. 0icrosoft Windows 7- is an upcoming 5perating #ystem9 what is 7- short for?a. Whistler b. e!tra Powerf,lc. e!Perienced d. )t is not an acronym.


odenamed Whistler/ +icrosoft Windows !P is sort for Windows 9perienced. Windows !Pis c,rrently in eta and will be released the second half of 200'.

1. "6I7 is short for what?a. 1)t e!chane b. 1)form e!chanec. 1)t ! d. )t is not an acronym.

ans- d

. 8he windows registry consists of which two files?a. a,toeec.bat/ confi.sys d. ,ser.dat/ win.inic. ,ser.dat/ system.dat d. win.re/ ,ser.dat

ans- c


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3. Why was the first Intel eleron processor not as popular as e)pected?a. 3ad errors b. 1o leel 2 cachec. a,sed errors d. a,sed 9cess heat

ans - b

. Which of the following is not an image file?a. HP9$ b. $)Fc. +P d. +P

ans- c

%. Which command lists files in 0#4D5#?a. cd b. lsc. dir d. list

ans- c

&. What is the capacity of a standard - floppy?a. 2+ b. '.44Ic. '.44+ d. '20+

ans- c

'. What is downloading?a. Sendin a file on the internet.b. *etriein a file on the internet.c. +oin a file from a floppy.d. Scannin a pict,re.

ans- b

*. What is a cooie?a. oo;in software b. Web sitec. )nternet information file d. 3ac;er file

ans- c

+. What is degauss?a. "ttachment for P. b. reatin manetic media.c. 9rasin manetic media. d. +edical software.

ans- c

%,. : omputer ;irus cannot $e contracted $y.a. Floppy dis;ette b. 9-mail

c. Scanner d. )nternet Downloads

ans- c

%1. : -" stands for what?a. entral Power nit b. ertified P,blic nitc. entral Processin nit d. ertified Power nit

ans- c

%. : athode 2ay 8u$e is found in what?a. P b. Printer  c. +onitor d. Scanner  

ans- c

%3. What does the term I2< stand for?a. )np,t *e,est 8,e. b. )nterr,pt *e,est 8,e.c. )nterr,pt *e,est d. )np,t *e,est.

ans- c

%. 8he Intel -entium $ug/flaw was an issue with the=a. ache b. FPc. Soc;et d. here was no b,<flaw

ans- b

%%. What does the term 0I0E stand for? a. +ail )nternet +ail 9chaneb. +ail )nterleae +ethod 9chanec. +,ltip,rpose )nternet +ail 9tensionsd. +,ltip,rpose )nterleae +ail 9chane

ans- c

%&. hoices

a. eit b. boot

c. options d. folder 

%'. :nything written on the screen

a. c,rsor b. tet

c. folder d. boot

%*. (ets you leave a screen or program

a. boot b. prorams

c. eit d. tet

%+. 8he position of fingers on the ey$oard asdf !l>

a. test b. home row ;eys

c. anywhere d. friendly ;eys

&,. Instructions that tell the computer what to do. :nother name for software.

a. prorams b. P

c. options d. folder 

&1. : program which helps create written documents and lets you go $ac and maecorrections as necessary.

a. home row ;eys d. tool bar  

c. folder d. word processor  

&. -" stands for 

a. D-r,n on memory b. call powers ,p

c. create prorams ,ser d. central processin ,nit

&3. Easy to use

a. ,ser friendly b. select

c. boot d. options

&. : place that a user can create to store files

a. c,rsor b. tet

c. boot d. folder  

&%. #tart or restart the computer 

a. eit b. tet

c. boot d. prorams


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&&. : $lining indicator that shows you where your ne)t action will happen.

a. P b. c,rsor  

c. tool bar d. boot

&'. ommands at the top of a screen such as =I(E 4 EDI845684855(# to operateand change things within programs

a. ,ser friendly b. word processor  

c. tool bar d. men, bar  

&*. : dis on which you store information=

a. plate b. data dis;

c.paper dis; d. E dis;

&+. :llows you to print=

a. +r. *oers b. ribbon

c. ontrol - P d. o now

',. When your computer stops woring suddenly=

a. die b. down

c. helpJ d. crash

'1. 8he smallest item of useful information a computer can handle=

a. bite b. byte

c. bit d. baie

'. Devices that let the computer communicate with you=

a. inp,t b. o,tp,t

c. type d. print

'3. Devices that allow you to put information into the computer=

a. inp,t b. o,tp,t

c. type d. print

'. Eight $its of data=

a. cl,e b. ribbon

c. control d. byte

C5. )nformation

a. data b. ossip

c. r,mor d. font

'&. 8he secret code that gives you access to some programs=

a. cl,e b. c,e

c. helpJ d. password

''. 8he different styles of lettering in a word processing program=

a. c,rsie b. man,scrip

c. font d. calliraphy

'*. :ny letter9 num$er9 or sym$ol found on the ey$oard that you can type into thecomputer=

a. character b. o,tp,t

c. type d. print

'+. : sym$ol or @uestion on the screen that Aprompts you to tae action and tell thecomputer what to do ne)t=

a. scanner b. prompt and dialo bo

c. hierolyphic d. +orse code

*,. What is the name given to the wor area of a spreadsheet application? 

a. Wor;sheet b. Wor;roomc. Des;top d. abletop

ans- a

*1. How are rows designated? 

a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. Stars d. ircles

ans- a

*. Which one of the following is a spreedsheet application? a. +icrosoft Word b. 8,ic;enc. &ot,s '2# d. +icrosoft Power Point

ans- c

*3. Which direction do columns run in a spreadsheet? a. o,nter-cloc;wise b. Diaonalc. 3ori6ontal d. Eertical

ans- d

*. What is the name given to $uilt4in calculations?a. F,nctions b. 9ents

c. tilities d. 9ninesans- a

*%. How are columns designated? a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. rianles d. ircles

ans- b

*&. What is the name given to the $ar that allows you to enter values and performcalculations in a spreadsheet? a. 1,mbers bar b. +ath bar  c. alc,lation bar d. Form,la bar

ans- d

*'. Which direction do rows run in a spreadsheet? a. loc;wise b. Diaonalc. 3ori6ontal d. Eerticalans- c

**. What is the name given to the intersection of a row and a column in aspreadsheet? a. ,be b. S,arec. ell d. loc;ans- c

1. What is the name given to the $ar that allows you to enter values and performcalculations in a spreadsheet?


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a. 1,mbers bar b. +ath bar  c. alc,lation bar d. Form,la bar

ans- d. What is the name given to the wor area of a spreadsheet application? a. Wor;sheet b. Wor;roomc. Des;top d. abletop

ans- a

3. Which direction do columns run in a spreadsheet? a. o,nter-cloc;wise b. Diaonalc. 3ori6ontal d. Eertical

ans- d. What is the name given to the intersection of a row and a column in aspreadsheet? a. ,be b. S,arec. ell d. loc;

ans -c%. Which one of the following is a spreedsheet application? a. +icrosoft Word b. 8,ic;enc. &ot,s '2# d. +icrosoft Power Pointans- c

&. How are columns designated? a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. rianles d. ircles

ans- b'. Which direction do rows run in a spreadsheet? a. loc;wise b. Diaonalc. 3ori6ontal d. Eerticalans- c

*. How are rows designated? a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. Stars d. irclesans- a

+. What is the name given to $uilt4in calculations? a. F,nctions b. 9entsc. tilities d. 9ninesans- a

1,. Which one of the following is a spreedsheet application? 

a. +icrosoft Word b. 8,ic;enc. &ot,s '2# d. +icrosoft Power Pointans- c

11. Which direction do rows run in a spreadsheet? a. loc;wise b. Diaonalc. 3ori6ontal d. Eerticalans- c

1. Which direction do columns run in a spreadsheet? a. o,nter-cloc;wise b. Diaonal

c. 3ori6ontal d. Eerticalans- d

13. How are rows designated? a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. Stars d. irclesans- a

1. What is the name given to $uilt4in calculations? a. F,nctions b. 9entsc. tilities d. 9ninesans- a

1%. What is the name given to the $ar that allows you to enter values and performcalculations in a spreadsheet? a. 1,mbers bar b. +ath bar  c. alc,lation bar d. Form,la bar  ans- d

1&. How are columns designated? a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. rianles d. irclesans- b

1'. What is the name given to the wor area of a spreadsheet application? a. Wor;sheet b. Wor;roomc. Des;top d. abletopans- a

1*. What is the name given to the intersection of a row and a column in aspreadsheet? a. ,be b. S,arec. ell d. loc;ans- c

1+. What is the name given to $uilt4in calculations? 

a. F,nctions b. 9entsc. tilities d. 9ninesans- a

,. How are columns designated? a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. rianles d. irclesans- b

1. How are rows designated? 

a. 1,mbers b. &ettersc. Stars d. irclesans- a

. Which direction do rows run in a spreadsheet? a. loc;wise b. Diaonalc. 3ori6ontal d. Eertical

ans- c3. Which one of the following is a spreedsheet application?a. +icrosoft Word b. 8,ic;en


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c. &ot,s '2# d. +icrosoft Power Pointans- c

. What is the name given to the wor area of a spreadsheet application? a. Wor;sheet b. Wor;roomc. Des;top d. abletopans- a

%. What is the name given to the intersection of a row and a column in aspreadsheet? a. ,be b. S,arec. ell d. loc;

ans- c&. Which direction do columns run in a spreadsheet? a. o,nter-cloc;wise b. Diaonalc. 3ori6ontal d. Eerticalans- d

'. What is the name given to the $ar that allows you to enter values and performcalculations in spreadsheet? a. 1,mbers bar b. +ath bar  c. alc,lation bar d. Form,la barans- d

*. What is (ine #pacing?

a. he amo,nt of space from the bottom of one line of tet to the top of the

net line of tet

b. he heiht of the larest tet.c. he amo,nt of space from the bottom of one line of tet to the bottom of

the net line of tet.

d. he space between the letters of the line.

+. How many spaces is each paragraph Indented?

a. # Spaces b. 5 Spaces

c. # abs d. 5 abs

3,. What ey do you press to mae a paragraph $rea?

a. Space ar b. ab

c. Shift d. 9nter  

31. 8he height of letter and num$ers is calledB

a. Point si6e b. Font heiht

c. &etter si6e d. Space heiht3. What is the default te)t font setting for 0# Word?

a. imes 1ew *oman b. omic Sans +S

c. 3aettenschweiler d. )mpact

33. Which is the #pell chec icon?

a. b.

c. d.

3. What is the te)t siCe of the fourth paragraph?

a. '0pt b. '2pt

c. '4pt d. '.5pt

3%. What is the te)t siCe of the first paragraph?

a. '0pt b. '2pt

c. '4pt d. '.5pt

3&. 8o set 8riple spacing you need to do which steps?

a. Klic;K on the able p,ll down. Klic;K on ,stomi6e.

Klic;K on the oolbars tab. nder the Ieyboard section/ Kclic;K on

the &ine spacin p,ll down bo. hoose ol,mnsL enter the n,mber of

lines in the Format bo.

b. Klic;K on the )nsert p,ll down. Klic;K on Symbol.

Klic;K on the haracter tab. nder the ",to orrect section/ Kclic;K on

the Font p,ll down bo. hoose +,ltiple/ enter the n,mber of lines

in the Print bo.

c. Klic;K on the Format p,ll down. Klic;K on Pararaph.

Klic;K on the )ndents and Spacin tab. nder the Spacin section/ Kclic;K on

the &ine spacin p,ll down bo. hoose +,ltiple/ enter the n,mber of lines

  in the "t bo.

d. Klic;K on the 9dit p,ll down. Klic;K on Find. Klic;K on the *eplace tab.

nder the +ore section/ Kclic;K on the Search p,ll down bo. hoose +atch ase/

enter the n,mber of lines in the Format bo.

3'. Which sentence groups of te)t will $e typed?

a. "ll si sentence ro,ps b. he last three sentence ro,ps

c. he first three sentence ro,ps d. he first sentence ro,p

3*. Which set of icons are used to opy and -aste?

a. b.

c. d.

3+. What point siCe are the si) sentence groups set at?

a. '0 b. '2

c. '4 d. 20

,. Which group of sentences is enter :ligned?

a. Fie b. hree

c. Si d. Fo,r  

1. In order to highlight te)t you mustB

a. opy and Paste b. Klic;K the hihliht icon

c. se a Mclic; and draN techni,e d. Place the c,rsor in the center of the tet

. Which icon is the :lign 2ight tool?


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a. b.

c. d.

3. In the last group of sentences9 line one and line three areB

a. "lin &eft b. "lin enter  

c. "lin *iht d. "lin F,ll

. In the last group of sentences9 line four and line five areB

a. "lin &eft b. "lin enter  

c. "lin *iht d. "lin F,ll

%. What is an outline?

a. " border b. " type of list

c. " col,mn d. " list of directions

&. 8he $ullet headings can $e=

a. 1,mbers b. &etters

c. $raphics d. "ll of the aboe

'. 8o move the su$headings in and out use the B

a. 1,mbered o,tl ine tool. b. )ncrease indent tool .

c. Decrease indent tool. d. oth O.

*. 8o deactivate the outline you must B

a. "s; it to stop. b. Press the 9nter ;ey twice.

c. hane the font si6e. d. Press the Shift ;ey.

+. or this E)ercise the font siCe of the outline is=

a. he same as the title. b. Whateer si6e yo, choose.

c. he defa,lt for +S %ffice !P Word. d. he same as 9ercise two.

%,. 8o start the outline go to the pull down and then choose .

a. FormatL ,llets O 1,mberin b. FileL Pae Set,p

c. )nsertL %bect d. FormatL orders and Shadin

%1. What tools will $e used for the title?

a. enter "lin b. old

c. nderline d. "ll of the aboe

%. 8he following Icon does what? 

a. Sae b. opy

c. Print d. %pen

%3. 8he following Icon does what? 

a. ndo b. ,t

c. Print d. Sae

%. 8he following Icon does what? 

a. 1ew b. %pen

c. Sae d. Print

%%. efore changing from one type of column to the ne)t what must you

first put in place?

a. " Pae rea; b. " ol,mn rea;

c. " Pararaph rea; d. " ontin,o,s rea;

%&. 8he third section is set for how many columns?

a. ' b. 2

c. # d. 4

%'. 8he font siCe for section one and two is B

a. '2 pt. b. '4 pt.

c. '0 pt. d. 20 pt.

%*. What must $e put at the end of each column to $e a$le to go to the ne)t column?

a. " Pae rea; b. " ol,mn rea;

c. " Pararaph rea; d. ontin,o,s rea;

%+. How many spaces should each paragraph $e indented?

a. # b. 5

c. C d. G

&,. 8he following pull down is used to do what?  a. hanes tet color b. hanes tet si6e

c. hanes tet alinment d. hanes tet font

&1. reas are found under which pull down?

a. File b. )nsert

c. Format d. able

&. 8o change from one type of column to another the cursor must $eB

a. "t the top of the pae. b. "t the bottom of the last col,mn.

c. "t the bottom of the lonest col,mn. d. "t the top of the first col,mn.

&3. 8he following Icon is used to do what?  

a. ndo b. ,t

c. Paste d. Sae&. When te)t moves from one line to the ne)t9 automatically9 it in nown as=

a. et Wrappin b. ",to &ine Spacin

c. +arin loc;in d. Pae Set,p

(5. efore starting this e)ercise you must firstB

a. Set the col,mn width b. hane the marin si6e

c. Set ,p a spreadsheet d. Set ,p a table

&&. What sills will you $e using that you have used in other e)ercises?


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a. 1,mbered o,tline and opy< paste

b. opy< paste and Wordart

c. ol,mns and 1,mbered o,tline

d. rop and addin imaes

&'. What te)t alignment tool will $e used during this e)ercise?

a. H,stify b. *iht

c. enter d. oth " and

&*. rom the I(E pull down9 what will you select to change the margin settings?

a. Search b. Pae Set,p

c. Properties d. Eersions

&+. What font and te)t siCe will $e used for this e)ercise?

a. imes 1ew *omanL '4pt. b. oo;man %ld StyleL '0pt.

c. imes 1ew *omanL '0pt d. oo;man %ld StyleL '4pt

',. 8he 8a$le function is found in which pull down?

a. ools b. Window

c. able d. Format

'1. Each $loc in a ta$le is called a what?

a. loc; b. ell

c. S,are d. Sector  

'. What te)t styling will $e used during this e)ercise?

a. old< )talics b. )talics< nderline

c. nderline< old d. old< )talics< nderline

'3. Which ey on the ey$oard is used to move across a 8a$le?

a. ac;space b. Shift

c. 9nter d. ab

'. What is another name for a 8a$le?

a. &ist b. hart

c. loc;in d. col,mns

'%. What previous sills will you $e using to complete this e)ercise?

a. opy and pasteL settin col,mnsL n,mbered o,tlines

b. reatin chartsL centerin tetL addin imaes

c. hanin font si6eL formattin pararaphsL insertin brea;s

d. )nsertin tableL addin style to tetL increasin indents

'&. When you 2ight4lic on the Word:rt o$!ect what appears?

a. " drop down window to animate the tet.

b. " drop down window to format the tet.

c. " drop down window to hihliht the tet.

d. " drop down window to insert the tet.

''. 8he num$ered outline and the columns will $e written in what font siCe.

a. '2 pt. b. '4 pt.

c. '0 pt. d. 20 pt.

'*. What must $e put at the end of each column to $e a$le to go to the ne)t column?

a. " Pae rea; b. " ol,mn rea;

c. " Pararaph rea; d. ontin,o,s rea;

'+. Which pull down is Word :rt found in?

a. Eiew b. )nsert

c. Format d. ools

*,. 8he following pull down is used to do what?  

a. hanes the rade. b. 7ooms o,t from the pae.

c. 7ooms in on the pae. d. oth and .

*1. 8he following icon does what? 

a. Preiew pae. b. %pen doc,ment.

c. opy tet. d. 1ew doc,ment.

*. olumns are always and rows are always .

a. 3ori6ontalL ertical b. 3ori6ontalL across

c. EerticalL ,p and down d. EerticalL hori6ontal

*3. 8he arrow is pointing at a what?

a. "n icon b. " b,tton

c. " tab d. " tet effect

*. What fill color and outline color will $e used for Word:rt o$!ect one?

a. FillA *edL %,tlineA it does not say so it will be P,rple

b. FillA *edL %,tlineA it does not say so ) can choose

c. FillA *edL %,tlineA it does not say so leae it alone

d. FillA *edL %,tlineA it does not say so )Qll as; 9lis

*%. What previous sills will you $e using to complete this e)ercise?

a. opy and paste. b. "ddin style to tet.c. "pplyin tet effects. d. "ll of the aboe.

*&. When you 2ight4lic on the Drawing 5$!ect what appears?

a. " drop down window to animate the tet.

b. " drop down window to format the tet.

c. " drop down window to hihliht the tet.

d. " drop down window to insert the tet.

*'. 8he te)t for this e)ercise9 e)cept for the title9 will $e written in


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  what font siCe?

a. '2 pt. b. '4 pt.

c. '0 pt. d. 20 pt.

**. How large is 5$!ect four?

a. 3eiht > 'NL Width > 'N b. 3eiht > 'NL Width > '.25N

c. 3eiht > 'NL Width > '.5N d. 3eiht > 'NL Width > 2N

*+. Which pull down is (ines found in?

a. ",toShapes b. )nsert

c. Format d. Draw

+,. What is the line weight and color for o$!ect si)? 

a. Weiht > 5pt.L olor > *,by b. Weiht > 4pt.L olor > *oyal

c. Weiht > #pt.L olor > *ed d. Weiht > #pt.L olor > *ose

+1. 8he following icon does what? 

a. Preiew pae. b. %pen doc,ment.

c. opy tet. d. 1ew pae.

+. 8ype the in the same way you did for .

a. PararaphL 9ercise # b. ol,mnL 9ercise '

c. etL 9ercise 2 d. ellsL 9ercise 5

+3. Which tool in the drawing tool $ar would allow you to create Word:rt?

a. b.

c. d.

+. How can you complete this e)ercise faster?

a. Write all the linesL add the tet stylinL repeat for the net obect

b. Write all of the headinsL insert all other tetL apply tet stylin

c. Write one ro,p of lines first pl,s stylinL copy and paste the linesL

  edit the tet

d. Write in all tetL ,se a Mclic;N and dra techni,e to bold the tet

+%. What previous sills will you $e using to complete this e)ercise?

a. "ddin style to tet. b. reatin col,mns.

c. "pplyin tet effects. d. "ll of the aboe.

+&. When you 2ight4lic on the clip art image what appears?

a. " drop down window to animate the imae.

b. " drop down window to format the imae.

c. " drop down window to hihliht the imae.

d. " drop down window to insert the imae.

+'. 8he te)t for the three columns at the $ottom of the e)ercise will $e in what

font siCe?

a. '0 pt. b. '4 pt.

c. '2 pt. d. 20 pt.

+*. Which te)t alignment will the $ody te)t $e set for?

a. "lin &eft b. "lin enter  

c. "lin *iht d. "lin H,stify

++. efore writing the paragraphs in the $ody te)t what must you do?

a. Format two col,mns/ insert col,mn brea;/ Mclic;N on the alinment tool.

b. )nsert col,mn brea;/ format two col,mns/ Mclic;N on the alinin tool.

c. )nsert contin,o,s brea;/ format two col,mns/ and Mclic;N on the alinment tool.

d. )nsert contin,o,s brea;/ format three col,mns/ and Mclic;N on the alinment tool.

1,,. What is the line weight and color for image one? 

a. Weiht > 2pt.L olor > lac; b. Weiht > 4pt.L olor > l,e

c. Weiht > #pt.L olor > rown d. Weiht > #pt.L olor > eie

1,1. 8he clip art gallery can $e found in which pull down? 

a. File. b. Format.

c. Eiew. d. )nsert.

1,. 8he te)t alignment for the three columns will $e set for?

a. "lin &eft b. "lin enter  

c. "lin *iht d. "lin ",tomatic 

1,3. : column $rea will not $e inserted at the $ottom of the first column.

 ou will allow the computer to your wor to the top of the second

column.:t the end of the second column a will $e inserted.

8hen there will then $e room for the three columns at the $ottom of the page.

a. et wrapL contin,o,s brea; b. oldL col,mn brea;

c. *iht "linL contin,o,s brea; d. arryL pae brea;

1,. :nother word for the -" is

a. eec,te b. microprocessor  

c. micro chip d. decode

1,%. Fraphics for a word processor 

a. peripheral b. clip art

c. hihliht d. eec,te

1,&. Designate where the ne)t action occurs

a. decode b. hihliht

c. select d. mother board

1,'. 8he main computer that stores the files that can $e sent to computers that arenetwored ogether 

a. clip art b. mother board

c. peripheral d. file serer  

1,*. :nother name for a computer chip

a. eec,te b. micro chip


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c. microprocessor d. select

1,+. 8o carry out an instruction

a. decode b. select

c. hihliht d. eec,te

11,. Hardware devices that are not part of the main computer system and are oftenadded later to the system.

a. peripheral b. clip art

c. hihliht d. eec,te

111. 0ain circuit $oard in a computer 

a. decoder b. hihlihtc. select d. mother board

11. hanging computer language of 1Gs and ,Gs to characters that a person canunderstand.

a. clip art b. hihliht

c. decode d. select

113. 8he AdestopA of a computer refers to=

a. the isible screen b. the area aro,nd the monitor  

c. the top of the mo,se pad d. the inside of a folder 

11. 8o Ama)imiCeA a window means to

a. epand it to fit the des;top b. fill it to capacity

c. p,t only li;e files inside d. dra it to the trash

11%. 2educing a window until it $ecomes a $utton on the tas$ar is called9a. diminish b. b,ttonslip

c. minimi6e d. collapse

11&. 8o shut down a Windows +% machine9 you first must clic on

a. File b. Start

c. Window d. 9dit

11'. 8he letters9 AD5#A stand for 

a. Data %,t System b. Dis; %,t System

c. Dis; %peratin System d. Data %perat in System

11*. 8he Internet is a system of 

a. )nterconnected 1etwor;s b. Software b,ndles

c. Web pae d. Web site

11+. : We$ site can contain one or morea. spiders b. Web paes

c. networ;s d. systems

1,. 8he Ahome pageA of a we$ site is

a. the larest pae. b. the last pae.

c. the first pae. d. the most colorf,l pae.

11. :nother word for the -" is

a. eec,te b. microprocessor  

c. micro chip d. decode

1. Fraphics for a word processor 

a. peripheral b. clip art

c. hihliht d. eec,te

13. Designate where the ne)t action occurs

a. decode b. hihliht

c. select d. mother board

1. 8o select te)t $y shading as you drag the mouse arrow over the te)t.

a. clip art b. hihliht

c. fetch d. decode

1%. 8he main computer that stores the files that can $e sent to computers that arenetwored together 

a. clip art b. mother board

c. peripheral d. file serer  

1&. :nother name for a computer chip

a. eec,te b. micro chip

c. microprocessor d. select

1'. 8o carry out an instruction

a. decode b. select

c. hihliht d. eec,te

1*. Hardware devices that are not part of the main computer system and are often

added later to the system.a. peripheral b. clip art

c. hihliht d. eec,te

1+. 0ain circuit $oard in a computer 

a. decoder b. hihliht

c. select d. mother board

13,. hanging computer language of 1Gs and ,Gs to characters that a person canunderstand.

a. clip art b. hihliht

c. decode d. select

131. 8he AdestopA of a computer refers to=

a. the isible screen b. the area aro,nd the monitor  

c. the top of the mo,se pad d. the inside of a folder 13. 8o Ama)imiCeA a window means to

a. epand it to fit the des;top b. fill it to capacity

c. p,t only li;e files inside d. dra it to the trash

133. 2educing a window until it $ecomes a $utton on the tas$ar is called9

a. diminish b. b,ttonslip

c. minimi6e d. collapse

13. 8o shut down a Windows +% machine9 you first must clic on


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a. File b. Start

c. Window d. 9dit

13%. 8he letters9 AD5#A stand for 

a. Data %,t System b. Dis; %,t System

c. Dis; %peratin System d. Data %perat in System

13&. 8he Internet is a system of 

a. )nterconnected 1etwor;s b. Software b,ndles

c. Web pae d. Web site

13'. : We$ site can contain one or more

a. spidersb. b. Web paes

c. networ;s d. systems

13*. 8he Ahome pageA of a we$ site is

a. the larest pae. b. the last pae.

c. the first pae. d. the most colorf,l pae.

13+. What are some ways we AtalA to the computer? 

a. mo,se b. ;eyboardc. microphone d. "ll the aboe

1,. What drive is the floppy dis? 

a. b. "

c. d. De. 1one of the aboe

11. Which one holds the most information? a. boo; b. floppy dis;

c. compact dis; d. 1one of the aboer 

1. Where is your computer destop? 

a. the P b. the internet

c. the screen d. the ;eyboard

13. What is a "2(? 

a. ;eyboard b. hard drie

c. internet address d. *"+

1. Where do your pointer fingers rest on the home row? 

a. f and b. a and ;

c. d and ; d. r and ,1%. When do you tae out the floppy dis? 

a. before closin the proram b. before sain the file

c. after closin the proram d. after t,rnin off the comp,ter

1&. 8o spea into the microphone you must= 

a. p,t it in yo,r mo,th b. spea; ,ietly

c. p,t it on yo,r mo,th d. 1one of the aboe

1'. When typing9 your feet should $e= 

a. in the chair b. ,p in the air

c. down in front of yo, d. restin on the des;

1*. 5ne of the rules in a computer la$ is= 

a. follow all for instructions b. Be nice to one another

c. Talk quietly d. All the above

1+. How many $its is a $yte?

a. 4 b. c. '(


1%,. omputers calculate num$ers in what mode?

a. Decimal b. %ctalc. inary

ans- c

1%1. 2:0 stands for=a. *andom "ccess +emory b. *eally "nnoyin +achinec. *ead " +an,al

ans- a

1%. 250 stands for=

a. *oyal %ntario +,se,m b. *ead %nly +emoryc. *ead on +onday

ans- b

1%3. Which of the following is not a programming language?

a. asic b. Haac. ,rin

ans- c

1%. What does WWW stand for?

a. World Wide Web b. World Wide Wrestinc. Wac;y/ Wild/ Wonderf,l

ans- a

1%%. Which is not an internet protocol?

a. 3P b. FPc. SP

ans- c

1%&. Which was not an early mainframe computer?


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a. 91)" b. 1)E"c. *")1)"

ans - c

1%'. What does -" stand for?

a. ,te People nited b. entral Processin nit

ans- b

1%*. Which of these is not a computer?

a. "ptia b. +acintoshc. "corn d. Paseo

ans- d1%+. is the set of rules that two computers use to e)change information. 

a. modem b. protocol

c. lin;

1&,. is a computer that fulfills re@uests for data9 and other services fromother computers. 

a. serer b. drier

c. client

1&1. : measure of digital information e@ual to a$out 1,,, ilo$ytes is= 

a. &"1 b. modem

c. iabyte d. meabyte

1&. 8he electronic memory chipsintegrated circuits that a computer uses to

process information...  a. meabyte b. hard drie

c. *"+ *andom "ccess +emoryA d. pl,-ins

1&3. : piece of e@uipment that connects a computer to an analog telecommunicationline is= 

a. terminal b. so,nd card

c. peripheral connect interface d. modem

1&. What is a $rowser? 

a. a software proram to show the tet and pict,res aailable on the World Wide Web

b. a search enine li;e "ltaista/ :ahoo or 9cite

c. a comp,ter lan,ae

d. a software prod,ct for ma;in yo,r own web site

1&%. What is a cooie? 

a. comp,ter code ,sed to show animations and play so,nd

b. information sent to yo,r comp,ter that is ,sed later to ie info bac; to a isted web site

c. comp,ter code that a,tomatically records all p,rchases and payments yo, ma;e fromyo,r comp,ter

d. an adertisement that will at some time be displayed on yo,r comp,ter screen

1&&. 8he a$$reviation "2( stands for= 

a. niform *eso,rce &ocator b. ser *eceie &an,ae

c. tility *"+ &ibrary d. ndo *ecent &in;

1&'. 8he language of We$ pages is  

a. &"1 b. W")S

c. 3+& d. Serer

1&*. 8he organiCation whose purpose is to help the growth and health of the Internetis the 

a. "danced *esearch Proects "ency b. )nternet 9nineerin as;Force

c. )nternet Society d. 1ational enter for S,percomp,tin "pplications

1&+. efore sending a @uestion to a "senet newsgroup9 one should read the 

a. 1ewsro,p &aw oo; b. F"8c. &ist of *eso,rces d. ro,p manaer files

1',. Who owns and controls the Internet? 

a. he Federal omm,nications ommission b. he S oernment

c. Federal rade ommission d. he nited 1ations

e. 1o partic,lar ro,p

1'1. ou are looing for information on vacations. ou use :ltavista to do a searchand are shown a list of hundreds of sites. What could you do to refine your search? 

a. @acation trael b. @acation @Knited StatesK

c. acation nited States

1'. :ll we$ addresses start with which of the following? 

a. www b. htpB<<

c. httpB<< d. ,rl1'3. : word that is underlined on a we$ page is usually... 

a. ,nderlined to show emphasis b. recenttly added to the pae

c. a Klin;K to another web pae d. the title of somethin

1'. Which of these is not a search engine? 

a. )nternet 9plorer b. :ahoo

c. "ltaEista

1'%. Email means... 

a. empowered mail b. electronic mail

c. easy mail d. epress mail

1'&. :pplets are 

a. prorams which do thins that 1etscape and )nternet 9plorer canRt

b. smaller ersions of 1etscape and )nternet 9plorer that do some of the same thinsc. prorams which protect yo,r comp,ter from ir,ses

1''. What is a home page? 

a. a web site for a real estate aent

b. the main pae of a web site

c. a web doc,ment describin a personRs home or a companyRs location

1'*. What does H80( stand for? 

a. hih technoloy method lan,ae


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b. hyper-tet mar;-,p lan,ae

c. hyper technoloy m,ltiple list

d. help term messener loo;,p

1'+. What percentage of pu$lic li$raries do not offer Internet access 

a. 5 percent b. '5 percent

c. 25 percent.

1*,. How many of :mericaGs classrooms have use of the Internet? 

a. abo,t 25 percent b. abo,t 50 percent

c. abo,t C5 percent

1*1. Which one is not an output device?

a. Printer b. +onitor  c. Ieyboard d. +odem

1*. Which one wors as an output and input device?

a. +odem b. Scanner  c. +o,se d. +onitor  

1*3. :ll computers must have=

a. Word processin software b. "n operatin systemc. " printer attached d. " ir,s chec;in proram

1*. 8he $rain of the computer is called=

a. *andom "ccess +emory or *"+b. entral Processin nit or Pc. *ead %nly +emory or *%+ d. )%S

1*%. :n operating system is=a. )nterated software b. D-*%+ softwarec. "pplication software d. System software

1*&. #oftware is=

a. " comp,ter proram b. " set of instr,ctionsc. "ll of the aboe d. %nly in operatin systems

1*'. 5ne 0 is e@ual to=

a. he amo,nt of *"+ in eery comp,ter b. ' billion bytesc. '024I d. ' tho,sand bytes

1**. 8he resolution of a printer is measured in=

a. +eabits b. 36c. Dots per inch DP)A d. )nches diaonalA

1*+. Windows and 0acintosh computers=

a. "re both man,fact,red by +otorola b. oth ,se )ntel microprocessorsc. se the same operatin system d. "re not compatible

1+,. : computer port is used to=

a. omm,nicate with other comp,ter peripheralsb. Download files from the web c. omm,nicate with all hard driesd. onnect comp,ters toether 

1+1. Which one is not an output device?

a. Printer b. +onitor  c. Ieyboard d. +odem

1+. Which one wors as an output and input device?

a. +odem b. Scanner c. +o,se d. +onitor  

1+3. :ll computers must have=

a. Word processin software b. "n operatin systemc. " printer attached d. " ir,s chec;in proram

1+. 8he $rain of the computer is called=

a. *andom "ccess +emory or *"+b. entral Processin nit or Pc. *ead %nly +emory or *%+ d. )%S

1+%. :n operating system is=a. )nterated software b. D-*%+ softwarec. "pplication software d. System software

1+&. #oftware is=

a. " comp,ter proram b. " set of instr,ctionsc. "ll of the aboe d. %nly in operatin systems

1+'. 5ne 0 is e@ual to=

a. he amo,nt of *"+ in eery comp,ter b. ' billion bytesc. '024I d. ' tho,sand bytes

1+*. 8he resolution of a printer is measured in=

a. +eabits b. 36c. Dots per inch DP)A d. )nches diaonalA

1++. Windows and 0acintosh computers=

a. "re both man,fact,red by +otorola b. oth ,se )ntel microprocessorsc. se the same operatin system d. "re not compatible

,,. : computer port is used to=

a. omm,nicate with other comp,ter peripheralsb. Download files from the webc. omm,nicate with all hard driesd. onnect comp,ters toether 

,1. Which computer is the fastest?

a. P)) (00+36 b. P))) (00+36c. Penti,m (00+36 d. 4( ,rbo

,. Which hard dis will $e a$le to store more information?

a. 24+ b. 2400Ic. 24$i d. 240+

,3. In order for your computer to play music you need=

a. " networ; card and spea;ersb. " so,nd card and spea;ersc. 1othin more than the internal spea;er d. " D-*%+ drie

,. In order to access the World Wide We$ you need=

a. "n )nternet connection/ an )nternet Serice Proider and browser softwareb. %nly )nternet 9plorer or 1etscape 1aiator 


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c. " modem and a browser d. 1othin. "ll comp,ters can access the )nternet

,%. If you have two different printers attached to your computer=

a. )t is not possible to hae two printers attached to a sinle comp,ter b. :o, need to install a sinle printer drier c. :o, need to ,se application software that can reconi6e both printersd. :o, need to install two different printer driers in order to be able to print to either printer 

,&. Which file e)tensions indicate only graphics files?

a. +P and D% b. HP9$ and !c. ! and SI d. +P and $)F

,'. Which Windows program do you use to manage folders and files?

a. Windows 9plorer b. Windows "ccessoriesc. +icrosoft %ffice d. Windows ontrol Panel

,*. What is a "2(=

a. "n email address b. he title of a web sitec. he address of a pae on the World Wide Webd. " comm,nication method between comp,ters and printers

,+. Which media holds more information?

a. Floppy dis;ette b. DEDc. D-*%+ d. 7ip drie

1,. Which one is an email address=

a. httpB<<ianet.com<inde.htm b. DB9mailStandard

c. oesmartTbillme.com d. haminade.or<teachers<mailaddresses11. 8he siCe of a disette is measured in units of J 44 for e)ample9 3&,J or ',J.What does J stand for? 


kilometers b. kilograms

c. kilobytes d. kilowatts

1. 8iny computers etched onto thin slivers of silicon called silicon chips arecalled= 


comp,ter prorams b. microprocessorsc. minicomp,ters d. personal comp,ters

13. 8he device that can transform digital data into analog data is called a 

a. transformer b. networ;

c. carrier d. modem1. 8he $aud rate of a transmission line refers to

a. the speed at which data is carried b. the cost of data transmissionc. the n,mber of machines connected to the networ;d. the parity of the line1%. 8he part of the -" that performs all mathematical calculations is the 

a. arithmetic and loic ,nit b. calc,lator  c. control ,nit d. instr,ction set

1&. -unched cards9 terminals9 magnetic tape9 hard diss9 floppy diss are all usedfor

a. networ;in b. compilin

c. inp,t d. main memory1'. 8o allow a computer to communicate with another computer9 we use

a. a dis; drie b. a networ;c. a processor d. timesharin1*. : connects computers over long distances via telephone lines orsatellite lins.

a. &"1 b. W"1

c. W")S

1+. : is the standard or set of rules that two computers use tocommunicate with each other. 

a. +odem b. Protocolc. &in;

,. 81 (ine is a high4speed digital connection capa$le of transmitting data at a rateof appro)imately . 

a. '.5 million bits per second b.c. 5( ;bps d. '.5 million ba,d

1. is a communications protocol that allows you to connect yourcomputer to the Internet using a standard telephone line. 

a. )SD1 b. S&)Pc. P<)P

. : is a connector on the computer to which peripheral devices areattached. 

a. $ateway b. 1odec. Port

3. : is a computer that handles re@uests for data9 electronic mail9 filetransfers9 and other networ services from other computers. 

a. Server b. Host

c. Client

. What can you do with the Internet?

a. 9chane information with friends and collea,es

b. "ccess pict,res/ so,nds/ ideo clips and other media elements

c. Find dierse perspectie on iss,es from a lobal a,dience

d. Post and respond to in,iries on a ariety of s,bectse. "ll of the aboe

%. 8he Internet was developed in the...

a. early 'GG0s b. late 'G0s

c. early 'GC0s d. late 'G(0s

&. :ccording to 669 how much did Internet traffic increase $etween 1++ and1++&?

a. wo times b. Fie times

c. en times d. wenty-fie times


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'. "#E6E8 is...

a. " set of tools resered ecl,siely for )nternet administrators

b. Short for nited States 9lectronic 1etwor;

c. " b,lletin board system that allows for postin and respondin to messaes on the)nternet

d. " prec,rsor to the )nternet that is now obsolete

*. What is a spider?

a. " comp,ter ir,s b. " proram that catalos Web sites

c. " hac;er who brea;s into corporate comp,ter systems

d. "n application for iewin Web sites+. What is not always necessary for accessing the We$?

a. " Web browser b. " connection to an )nternet "ccess Proider

c. " comp,ter d. " modem

3,. If someone has sent you spam9 they...

a. Sined yo, ,p for the +eat of the +onth l,b

b. Sent yo, an ins,ltin/ obscenity-laden e-mail messae

c. )nfected yo,r comp,ter with a ir,s

d. Sent yo, ,nsolicited e-mail

31. Which of the following is the name of a code used to represent characters?

a. P b. "&c. )S1 d. "S))

3. 8he ma!or parts of the hardware of a computer system are the processor or-"9 the I/5 devices and the=

a. word processor b. operatin systemc. memory d. compilerottom of Form

33. 8o select te)t $y shading as you drag the mouse arrow over the te)t.

a. clip art b. hihliht

c. fetch d. decode

3. What line spacing is the third paragraph set for?

a. Sinle spacin b. Do,ble spacin

c. riple Spacin d. '.5 spacin

1. 5n a high technology ro$ot the controller is what device?

a. +icrocomp,ter b. %ptoelectronic sensor  

c. imetallic sensor d. )nterface adapter  

ans- a

. What is the name of the largest of the three types of computers?

a. +ai-comp,ter b. +icrocomp,ter  

c. +ini-comp,ter d. +ain-frame comp,ter  

ans- d

3. What device is the $rain of the microcomputer?

a. +icroprocessor b. +iniprocessor  

c. +acro6oom d. rain stem

ans- a

. What is the device within the microcomputer that eeps timing for themicrocomputer?

a. ic;er b. imer  

c. loc; d. 9lectrodiital timer  

ans- c

%. What is the memory that cannot $e changed $y the computer operator?

a. *ead only memory b. *andom access memory

c. *"+ d. *+

ans- a

&. Which memory can $e changed $y the computer user9 allowing for temporarystorage of information?

a. *ead only memory b. *andom "ccess +emory

c. *%+ d. *)+

ans- b

'. What are computer chips made from?

a. Plastic b. *,bber  

c. Silicon d. &ead

ans- c

*. What are I/5 devices?

a. )ndependent o,tp,t deices b. )ndependently oscillatin deices

c. )np,t %scillators d. )np,t<o,tp,t deices

ans- d

+. Which of the following is 658 an e)ample of an input/output device?

a. emperat,re sensor b. &iht sensor  

c. So,nd sensor d. +icroprocessor  

ans- d

1,. What is the name of the part that connects all of the other parts of the

computer to the -"?

a. hip b. ,s

c. )<% d. +P


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ans- b

11. Which one is an I6-"8 device?a. Floppy Dis; b. Ieyboard

c. +onitor d. Spea;ers

1. Which one is the device that is the A$rainA of a computer system?

a. P b. D-*%+

c. +o,se d. Scanner  

13. Which one is an 5"8-"8 device?

a. Hoystic; b. +icrophone

c. +onitor d. 3ard Dis;

1. Which part is 658 an I6-"8 device?

a. Hoystic; b. +)D) Ieyboard

c. +o,se d. Printer  

1%. Which part is 658 an 5"8-"8 device?

a. Diital amera b. +onitor  

c. Printer d. Spea;ers

1&. Which one is a #852:FE device?

a. P b. 3eadphones

c. Floppy Dis; d. +odem1'. Which part is 658 a #852:FE device?

a. D-*%+ b. 3ard Dis;

c. Printer d. 7ip Dis;

1*. ou tae care of your computer $y= 

a. waterin it often b. beatin it re,larlyc. lettin it snort heroin d. not lettin it smo;ee. sinin to it

1+. 8he higher your modem speed9 the faster . . . 

a. yo,r eyeballs will fry b. yo, will et cancer  c. scary men will find yo, d. yo,r phone will rine. information arries at yo,r doorstep

,. omputers mae fine= 

a. weapons b. chewin ,mc. se,al toys d. ewelrye. p,nchin bas

1. 2espiration is= 

a. somethin only the new Power+acs can perform

b. oerrated c. the co,plin of two $reat ,rtles

d. 1ewt $inrichRs colonee. why plants are reen

. 8he Internet is also nown as=

a. brea;fast b. the )nformation S,perhihwayc. my mother d. the West oastRs )-G5e. home

3. D-I refers to= 

a. Data Process )nformation b. Data Protocol )nterationc. DennyRs Por; )ce-cream d. Dots Per )nch

e. Diptheria

. : typical thing that your $oyfriend/girlfriend would say to you is= having said$oy/girl4friend my $e considered hypothetically if necessary 

a. who are yo,?

b. remember that thin with the +arachino herries? Well ) can do it ,pside-down now. So/whatRs with the comp,ter?c. hae yo, eaten all of yo,r broccoli today?d. start r,nninR/ or )Rm oin to fireJe. ) ,st loe what yo, do with yo,r PJ

%. 8he easiest way to !umpstart a computer is= 

a. with caffeine b. with my breathc. a ood pic;-,p line d. by ,sin the power b,tton

e. thro,h he Force&. D550 is $est descri$ed as= 

a. ((( b. a bloodthirsty P sla,hterfestc. the militia-manRs bible b. a waste of timed. the nic;name of my hey 1oa

'. Ethically9 I find recent la$oratory e)periments com$ining ill Fates D6: withsilicon microchips to $e= 

a. hobbleyobbleyoo; b. dispicableL $od wil l p,nish the offsprin by ma;inthem in the imae of eais and ,tthead/ and yo, can ,ote me on thatJc. 3,h? d. 1o problem at all. 3ell/ ) want oneJe. on par with the %prah Windrey Show

*. 8his survey=

a. was not as ecitin as my comp,ter labb. is the worst thin since processed cheesec. has allowed me to et in to,ch with my feminine nat,re.d. was written by a twisted little frea;e. held my attention as lon as my last s.o

+. What is any hardware device that is attached to the computer9 usually with aca$le?

a. %,tp,t deice b. Peripheral

c. S,re Protector d. )np,t deice


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e. Piel

3,. What word means to copy or move files from another computer system to yourlocal computer system over a networ?

a. pload b. Format

c. Defa,lt d. F,nction

e. Download

31. What is the name for an input device used to read te)t9 images9 and $ar codes andtranslate them into digital code?

a. +icroprocessor b. Scanner  c. Ieyboard d. Processor  

e. Piel

3. What do we call two or more computers physically connected $y ca$les to shareinformation or hardware?

a. +odem b. Serer  

c. )nternet d. 1etwor;

e. *&

33. What is the name of the device that lins your computer with other computers andinformation services through telephone lines?

a. W"1 b. &"1

c. Serer d. *&e. +odem

3. What is an on4screen display listing availa$le options or functions?

a. ool b. +en,

c. Doc,ment d. Format

e. Eiew

3%. What is a representation on a computer screen that allows the user to organiCeaccess to applications and stored information?

a. oolbar b. Doc,ment

c. *eport d. Des;top

e. Window

3&. What is the glo$al networ of millions of computers lined $y telephone9 ca$le9and fi$er4optic lins that can share information?

a. )nternet b. 1etwor;

c. Serer d. &"1

e. Search enine

3'. What is an on4screen function in a software program that allows the user toperform a specific tass?

a. File b. +en,

c. ool d. 3it

e. Doc,ment

3*. What do we call preparing and organiCing a dis $efore information can $e storedon it? 8his creates the AtemplateA $y which data can $e stored and retrieved.

a. Sae b. Format

c. pload d. )np,t

e. oot

3+. What is the name of the flashing sym$ol on the computer screen that showswhere the information you enter will appear?

a. hip b. irc,it

c. ,rsor d. it

e. +o,se

,. What is the name for any computer program that performs a specific tasseparate from the computer operating system that runs programs?

a. Dis; b. Software

c. Format d. omp,ter system

e. %peratin system

1. What is the area inside the computer that allows the computer to store and/or act

on information coded in $inary code?a. +icroprocessor b. irc,it

c. yte d. +emory

e. Defa,lt

. What is the mechanism that holds9 spins9 and reads the information on a dis?

a. Dis; drie b. )np,t deice

c. D *%+ d. %,tp,t deice

e. P

3. What is the permanently installed mechanism inside the computer that stores alldata that is put into the computer9 even after the computer is turned off?

a. %,tp,t deice b. Peripheral

c. 3ardware d. 3ard drie

e. *"+

. What is an information storage unit that maes use of digitally coded signals on acoated plastic dis?

a. Floppy dis; b. Dis; drie

c. +emory d. irc,it

e. D *%+


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%. What is the primary input device used to enter information and instructions intothe computer?

a. +o,se b. Ieyboard

c. Scanner d. Printer  

e. Dis; drie

&. What is the hand4held device used as a pointing and/or drawing instrument? It isan input device that allows you to move the cursor around the screen.

a. yte b. +o,se

c. haracter d. Ieyboarde. Scanner 

'. What is the front part of a monitor where information is displayed?

a. Scanner b. +onitor  

c. Screen d. omp,ter  

e. +emory

*. What is a reusa$le information storage device made of a floppy piece of plasticinside a hard plastic protector?

a. 3ardware b. Floppy dis;

c. )np,t deice d. Printo,t

e. +icroprocessor 

+. What is an electronic machine that is sometimes used as a tool to do wor?

a. %,tp,t deice b. S,re Portector  

c. +icroprocessor d. omp,ter  

e. irc,it

%,. What is the command given which stores information on a dis9 tape9 or otherdevice?

a. Print b. opy

c. 9dit d. Format

e. Sae

%1. What is an output device that produces a paper copy of information from acomputer?

a. Printer b. Scanner  

c. 3ardware d. Piel

e. irc,it

%. What term means to modify or change a document or file?

a. rop b. )mport

c. 9dit d. H,stify

e. )nsert

%3. What word means to recall a previously saved document9 file9 or folder?

a. Print b. )nsert

c. Format d. opy

e. %pen

%. What is the output device that uses a display screen to present processedinformation?

a. Piel b. 8,ery

c. +onitor d. Windows

e. Word Processor 

%%. What term means to erase data from a computer or computer media?

a. H,stify b. Delete

c. Format d. Paste

e. Scroll

%&. What are the parts of a computer that you can physically touch?

a. omp,ter System b. 3ardware

c. %,tp,t deices d. Peripherals

e. irc,its

%'. What is a hard copy printed copy of information on the computer?

a. Prompt b. haracter  c. )nformation Processin d. Printo,t

e. inary code

%*. What is a message on the screen that re@uests the operator to enter informationor a command?

a. Window b. )np,t deice

c. haracter d. Prompt

e. yte

%+. What type of software is used for the creation of letters9 papers9 and otherdocuments?

a. Database b. Word Processor  

c. Spreadsheet d. %peratin Prorame. Windows

&,. What is any piece of computer hardware that displays output after the computerhas processed the data or information that has $een input?

a. +icroprocessor b. +otherboard

c. irc,it d. %,tp,t deice

e. Search enine


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&1. What is a large collection of data stored in a computer? ou might use this typeof program to eep a record of all the friends in your address $oo.

a. )nformation Processin b. Spreadsheet

c. %peratin system d. Database

e. Doc,ment

&. What is a single $inary digit9 , or 1? It is the smallest unit of data that a computercan process.

a. it b. yte

c. , d. oote. hip

&3. What do we call a computer program that organiCes data in rows and columns ofcells. ou might use this type of program to eep a record of the money you earnedmowing lawns over the summer.

a. Spreadsheet proram b. Database proram

c. Word Processor proram d. Des;top P,blisher proram

e. %peratin System proram

&. What are the num$ers made up of ,Gs and 1Gs? 8hey are used in computers torepresent information.

a. +eabytes b. Iilobytes

c. inary n,mbers d. $iabytese. %peratin system

&%. What is the $asic software that a computer needs to interpret input from inputdevices9 run programs9 and read from or write to hard drives and diss?

a. %peratin system b. 3ardward system

c. )nformation processin d. +odem

e. +icroprocessor 

&&. What is a tool that finds We$ pages in online data$ases $ased on terms andcriteria specified $y the user?

a. Serer b. 1etwor;

c. )nternet d. Search enine

e. World Wide Web&'. What is a set of eight $inary digits $its that are either , or 1 that represent aletter9 num$er9 or sym$ol? ,1,,,,11

a. +eabyte b. it

c. $iabyte d. Iilobyte

e. yte

&*. What is part of a data$ase that holds only one type of information?

a. *eport b. Field

c. 8,ery d. *ecord

e. File

&+. What is another name for the microprocessor9 the main processing unit of thecomputer? It carries out retrieve9 decode9 and e)ecute steps of the computer system.

a. irc,it b . hip

c. F,nction d. Windows

e. entral Processin nit PA

',. What do we call a collection of two or more computers that are located within a

limited distance of each other and that are connected to each other directly orindirectly?

a. 1etwor; b. )nternet

c. &"1 &ocal "rea 1etwor;A d. World Wide Web

e. W"1 Wide "rea 1etwor;A

'1. What is part of a data$ase that holds all of the information a$out one item orsu$!ect?

a. *ecord b. File

c. 8,ery d. hart

e. *eport

C2. What is a networ;ed comp,ter that is shared by m,ltiple ,sers?

a. W"1 Wide "rea 1etwor;A b. +odemc. World Wide Web d. 1etwor;

e Serer 

'3. What do we call anything created with a software program that is stored in acomputer?

a. Doc,ment b. *ecord

c. Field d. *eport

e. et

'. What word means to copy or send a file from a local computer to anothercomputer on the Internet?

a. *& niersal *eso,rce &ocatorA

b. &oin c. pload

d. Download e. Serer  

'%. What is the personal computer operating system that organiCes files within acomputer and uses a graphic destop environment?

a. D%S Dis; %peratin SystemAb. *"+

c. F,nctions d. P entral Processin nitA

e. Windows


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'&. What is the temporary storage memory chips that form the computerGs primarywor space? 8he contents are lost if power is disrupted.

a. *%+ *ead-only memoryA b. Windows

c. %,tp,t d. *"+ *andom-access memoryA

e. 3ard drie memory

''. What is the term for a computer program9 usually produced and used maliciously9that can destroy or damage computer information? It is transmitted $y floppy dis or$y downloading an infected file from an online source.

a. , b. it

c. yte d. Eir,s

e. hip

'*. What is a stored @uestion a$out information in a data$ase?

a. *ecord b. Field

c. *eport d. 8,ery

e. Sort

'+. What do we call a networ whose elements may $e separated $y some distance?It usually involves two or more small networs and dedicated high4speed telephonelines.

a. *& niersal *eso,rce &ocatorA b. &"1 &ocal "rea 1etwor;A

c. Serer d. W"1 Wide "rea 1etwor;Ae. World Wide Web

*,. What is the term to as the computer to put information in order numerically oralpha$etically?

a. rop b. *eport

c. *ecord d. %rani6e

e. Sort

*1. What is an e)pression that tells how the num$ers in a determined set of cells areto $e calculated?

a. Form,la b. Field

c. Data d. 8,ery

e. *eport*. What is the main circuit $oard in the computer?

a. Da,hterboard b. Sisterboard

c. +otherboard d. rotherboard

e. Fatherboard

*3. What is the unit used for measuring a computerGs memory or dis capacity that ise@ual to appro)imately one $illion $ytes or 19, mega$ytes?

a. +eabyte b. Iilobyte

c. yte d. 3eabyte

e. $iabyte

*. What are the storage memory chips that are a$le to maintain their contents if thepower is disrupted.

a. Windows b. *%+ *ead-%nly +emoryA

c. emporary +emory d. *"+ *andom-"ccess +emoryA

e. Software

*%. What is the name for an address and a method of locating a specifi c piece of

information on the Internet?a. 9-+ail "ddress b. *& niersal *eso,rce &ocatorA

c. %nline d. W"1 Wide area networ;A

e. &oin

*&. What is the spider4lie interconnection of millions of pieces of information locatedon computers around the world?

a. &"1 &ocal area networ;A b. W"1 Wide area networ;A

c. WW World Wide WebA d. %nline

e. 9-+ail

*'. What is the name for a match $etween the words or phrases $eing searched andthe items found in an electronic data$ase?

a. , b. 3itc. it d. Defa,lt

e. oot

**. : mouse is

a. an inp,t deice b. an o,tp,t deice

c. an inp,t and o,tp,t deice

*+. : modem is 

a. an inp,t deice b. an o,tp,t deice

c. an inp,t and o,tp,t deice

+,. : ey$oard is 

a. a hardware deice b. a software deice

c. shareware

+1. -" means

a. entral Processin nit b. ontrol Proram ti li6ation

c. omp,ter Prorammin nit d. omp,teri6ed Processin nit

ans- a

+. omputers use a special code for representing letters and num$ers9 nown as the


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a. processin code b. binary code

c. *! code d. interated code

 ans- b

+3. : computer chip is

a. added to other chips to form one electrical circ,it.

b. a complete interated circ,it on a thin wafer.

c. a ;ind of liht emittin diode. d. an electrical switch.

ans- b

+. 8he $asic su$stance in all integrated circuits is the element

a. silicon b. copper

c. ceramic d. old

 ans- a

+%. 8he main circuit $oard in the computer that connects the parts of the computer isthe

a. hard drie b. motherboard

c. fatherboard d. main board

 ans- b

+&. 8he part of the computer that processes the information is the

a. floppy dis; b. D-*%+ driec. monitor d. microprocessor  

 ans- d

+'. Which of these is not an e)ample of an input device?

a. ;eyboard b. mo,se

c. hard drie d. scanner 

 ans- c

+*. : semiconductor 

a. is a ood cond,ctor of electricity.

b. is a material that when imp,rities are added/ can act as

c. an ins,lator or a cond,ctor.

d. contains the element copper/ al,min,m/ or old.

e. cannot cond,ct electricity.

ans- b

++. -rocessing speed in computers is measured in

a. milliolts mEA b. meahert6 +36A

c. hert6 36A d. rpmQs

ans- b

1,,. Integrated circuits contain millions of transistors that

a. allow ,ninterr,pted flow of electric c,rrent.

b. chane the oltae of the electric c,rrent.

c. act as electric switches.

d. drain the electric load.

 ans - c

1,1. E)ternal devices such as printers and scanners plug into . in the $ac of thecomputer .

a. *!5Qs b. epansion slots

c. o,tlets d. ports

ans- d

1,. 8he I5

a. are permanent instr,ctions for the comp,ter.

b. is what starts yo,r comp,ter. c. are on *%+ chips.

d. all of the aboe.

 ans -d

1,3. #I00#9 DI00#9 or D2:0#

a. are raphic chips. b. add memory to the comp,ter.

c. add so,nd to the memory. d. enhance the ideo display.ans - b

1,. Windows is

a. a ;ind of operatin system. b. a raphics display deice.

c. add so,nd to the comp,ter. d. enhance the ideo display.

ans- a

1,%. 8o K$oot a computerL means to

a. add etra dries. b. t,rn it on.

c. t,rn on the so,nd. d. throw it o,tU itQs o,tdated.

ans - b

1,&. 8he hard drive in the computer is

a. Drie " b. Drie

c. Drie d. Drie F

 ans- c

1,'. : K$yteL is

a. fo,nd in the ,pper riht corner of a window screen.

b. a ro,p of bits. c. capacity of a so,nd card.

d. the part that moes on a dis; drie.


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 ans - b

1,*. When you clic #:;E on the monitor9 and there is no floppy dis in a drive9 thedocument or application youMre using is stored

a. on the *"+ chips. b. in *%+ memory.

c. on the D-*%+ drie. d. on the hard drie.

 ans- d

1,+. -ictures on the display screen monitor are made up of 

a. piels. b. layers of color.

c. bits. d. ideo Mpac;etsN.

 ans - a

11,. -athways for moving data from one part of the computer to another are called

a. trains. b. lines

c. b,ses d. trac;s.

 ans- c

111. 8emporary memory is called

a. *"+ b. "D

c. D%S d. *%+

 ans- a

11. 8o prevent contamination from dust9 chips area. coated with silicon. b. t reated with MStatic $,ardN.

c. sprayed with a decontaminate. d. made in a Mclean roomN.

 ans- d

113. 0ooreMs (aw says that the comple)ity of memory chips $eing produced dou$lesevery years.

a. '0 b. 5

c. # d. 2

 ans- d

11. Which of these is not one of the three main functions of a microprocessor?

a. fetch b. store

c. decode d. eec,te

 ans- b

11%. Which of these is not an e)ample of computer hardware?

a. Eideo card b. +o,se

c. D-*%+ drie d. Windows MG

 ans- d

11&. 8o Kde$ugL the system means to  

a. clean it. b. find and correct errors.

c. decode it. d. set ,p icons.

 ans- b

11'. : mega$yte is 

a. '/000 bytes b. ' byte

c. ' million bytes d. ' trillion bytes

ans- c

11*. ormatting a dis means

a. installin an operatin system on it.

b. settin ,p sections on the dis; to store the files in.

c. cleanin it from any d,st contaminates.

d. prorammin it so data on it canQt be erased.

ans- b

11+. : system that connects computers together is a 

a. operatin system. b. networ;.

c. tape drie system. d. partnered path.

ans- b

1,. When you use a -9 you are using a

a. prorammable console. b. powered calc,latin deice.

c. personal comp,ter. d. processin contraption.

ans- c

11. 8his type of hardware consists of devices that translate data into a form thecomputer can process.

a. application b.



system d.

1one of the aboe is correct.

ans- b

1. Which ey is used in com$ination with another ey to perform a specific tas?

a. f,nction b.



arrow d.

space bar 

ans- b


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13. 8he study of physical relationships $etween people and their wor 

a. enironment is referred to as

b. eronomics. c.



safety analysis. e.

1one of the aboe is correct.

ans - a

1. Which of the following is not a true statement?

a. Some newer mo,se types are wireless.

b. he ball located on the bottom side of the mo,se is what translates the mo,se moementintro diital sinals.

c. +any commands that can be eec,ted with a mo,se can also be performed thro,h the;eyboard/ dependin on the software that is bein ,sed.

d. "ll of the aboe are tr,e statements.

ans -d

1%. a) machines and imaging systems are e)amples of 

a. bar-code readers. b.

imain systems.

c. scannin deices. d.

pen-based systems.

ans- c

1&. "sing this type of character set and scanner can $e five times faster than retyping a document into the computer.

a. +)* b.


c. %+* d.


ans - b

1'. : microphone9 sound $oard9 and a fast processor are !ust some of there@uirements of a microcomputer 

a. oice-distinction system.


oice-reconition system.

c. oice-monitorin system.

d. oice-recordin system.

ans - b

1*. 8he num$er of times per second that analog sound is turned into a $inarynum$er $y the computer is referred to as

a. diiti6in. b.


c. decodin. d.


ans - d

1+. -rinters are categoriCed according to

a. whether the imae prod,ced is formed by physical contact of the print mechanism withpaper.

b. the n,mber of characters printed in a min,te.

c. the si6e of comp,ter that the printer is lin;ed to.

d. the applications software needs of the ,ser.

ans - a

13,. 8o store documents output from the computer9 laser printers have

a. b,ilt-in *"+ chips. b.

a larer memory ban; that in;-et printers.

c. b,ilt-in photocopy capabilities. d.

oth b and c are correct.

ans - a

131. What must $e used to tell the computer what peripheral device is attached to thesystem?

a. sensor b.

 a,dio-inp,t deice

c. drier d.

so,rce-data entry deice

ans -c

13. Which of the following controls the resolution of images displayed on themonitor9 as well as the num$er of colors and the speed at which the images aredisplayed?

a. *"+ b.


c. *%+ d.


ans -b

133. 8he smallest unit on the screen that can $e turned on or off or made differentshades is an


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a. piel. b.


c. imae. d.


ans - a

13. 2esolution9 dot pitch9 and refresh rate all affect

a. screen si6e. b.

 screen clarity.

c. screen shape. d.

screen color.

ans - b13%. 8his type of display screen permits the computer to manipulate pi)els on thescreen individually9 ena$ling the software to create a greater variety of images.

a. bit-mapped b.


c. * d.


ans - a

13&. 8his method of voice output does not re@uire any human voices to mae up a

data$ase of words> instead9 the computer converts stored te)t into voices.

a. speech codin b.

speech analysis

c. speech synthesis d.

speech interpretation

ans - c

13'. What is the difference $etween hardware and software? 

a. 3ardware is tanible/ b,t software is intanible.

b. 3ardware is metal/ software is plastic.

c. 3ardware is permanent/ software is temporary.

d. 3ardware is reliable/ software is ,nreliable.ans- a

13*. What hardware components of a typical destop computer are usually foundinside of the systems unit? 

a. he processor/ main memory/ and monitor.

b. he processor/ main memory/ and secondary memory

c. First/ second/ and third memory.

d. he ;eyboard/ the dis;s/ and the a,dio blaster.

ans- b

13+. Which component is the A$rainsA of a computer system? 

a. he main memory. b. he secondary memory.

c. he processor chip. d. he power s,pply.

ans- c

1,. Which type of memory is most closely connected to the processor? 

a. +ain memory. b. Secondary memory.

c. Dis; memory. d. ape memory.

ans- a

11. Where are programs and data ept while the processor is using them? 

a. +ain memory b. Secondary memory

c. Dis; memory d. Proram memory

ans- a

1. What is an embedded system?  

a. " proram that comes shin;-wrapped in a bo.

b. " proram that is permanently part of a comp,ter.

c. " comp,ter that is part of a larer comp,ter.

d. " comp,ter and software system that controls a machine or appliance.

ans- d

13. How is it possi$le that $oth programs and data can $e stored on the same floppydis? 

a. " floppy dis; has two sides/ one for data and one for prorams.

b. Prorams and data are both software/ and both can be stored on any memory deice.

c. " floppy dis; has to be formatted for one or for the other.

d. Floppy dis;s can only store data/ not prorams.

ans- b

1. What are the two general types of programs? 

a. 9ntertainment and Prod,ctiity.

b. Wordprocessors and Databases.

c. +icrosoft and )+. d. System software and "pplication sof tware.

ans- d

1%. What is an operating system? 

a. he part of the hardware that operates inp,t and o,tp,t deices.

b. he part of the hardware that operates the mo,se and the windows on the monitor.

c. Systems software that manaes comp,ter system reso,rces.


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d. " section of software that m,st be part of eery proram.

ans- c

1&. What is a computer network ? 

a. wo or more comp,ters connected toether to echane data and prorams.

b. " comp,ter that can r,n many prorams from its hard dis;.

c. " ro,p of comp,ters that share the same power s,pply.

d. " comp,ter that is ,sed by many ,sers to maintain a b,lletin board.

ans- a

1'. Which sense is 658 usually associated with Human4omputer Interaction?

a. Seein b. astin

c. 3earin d. o,chin

1*. Which of the following is 658 a computer input device?

a. Hoystic; b. +o,se

c. Ieyboard d. Printer  

1+. Which of the following is 658 a computer output device?

a. Hoystic; b. +onitor  

c. 3ead-+o,nted Display d. Spea;ers

1%,. What is the difference $etween hardware and software? 

a. 3ardware is tanible/ b,t software is intanible.b. 3ardware is metal/ software is plastic.

c. 3ardware is permanent/ software is temporary.

d. 3ardware is reliable/ software is ,nreliable.

ans- a

1%1. What hardware components of a typical destop computer are usually foundinside of the systems unit? 

a. he processor/ main memory/ and monitor.

b. he processor/ main memory/ and secondary memory

c. First/ second/ and third memory.

d. he ;eyboard/ the dis;s/ and the a,dio blaster.

ans- b

1%. Which component is the A$rainsA of a computer system? 

a. he main memory. b. he secondary memory.

c. he processor chip. d. he power s,pply.

ans- c

1%3. Which type of memory is most closely connected to the processor? 

a. +ain memory. b. Secondary memory.

c. Dis; memory. d. ape memory.

ans- a

1%. Where are programs and data ept while the processor is using them? 

a. +ain memory b. Secondary memory

c. Dis; memory d. Proram memory

ans- a

1%%. What is an embedded system?  

a. " proram that comes shin;-wrapped in a bo.

b. " proram that is permanently part of a comp,ter.

c. " comp,ter that is part of a larer comp,ter.

d. " comp,ter and software system that controls a machine or appliance.

ans- d

1%&. How is it possi$le that $oth programs and data can $e stored on the same floppydis?

a. " floppy dis; has two sides/ one for data and one for prorams.

b. Prorams and data are both software/ and both can be stored on any memory deice.

c. " floppy dis; has to be formatted for one or for the other.

d. Floppy dis;s can only store data/ not prorams.

ans- b1%'. What are the two general types of programs? 

a. 9ntertainment and Prod,ctiity.

b. Wordprocessors and Databases.

c. +icrosoft and )+.

d. System software and "pplication software.

ans- d

1%*. What is an operating system? 

a. he part of the hardware that operates inp,t and o,tp,t deices.

b. he part of the hardware that operates the mo,se and the windows on the monitor.

c. Systems software that coordinates the hardware and software components of a comp,ter


d. " section of software that m,st be part of eery proram.

ans- c

1%+. What is a computer network ? 

a. wo or more comp,ters connected toether to echane data and prorams.

b. " comp,ter that can r,n many prorams from its hard dis;.

c. " ro,p of comp,ters that share the same power s,pply.


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d. " comp,ter that is ,sed by many different h,man ,sers.

ans- a

1&,. What does the word binary  mean? 

a. Binary  means Kcontainin a comp,ter.K

b. Binary  means Khain only two states.K

c. Binary  means Khain a discrete n,mber of al,es.K

d. Binary  means K,sin electronics to do arithmetic.K

ans- b

1&1. What is a bit ? 

a. " bit  is a sinle binary al,e.

b. " bit  is a sinle character stored in main memory.

c. " bit  is a collection of seeral bytes.

d. " bit  is a small ,nit of comp,ter time.

ans- a

1&. Which of the following is 658 an advantage of $uilding computers out of $inarydevices? 

a. inary deices are simple and easy to b,ild.

b. inary sinals are ,nambi,o,s.

c. inary deices are m,ch faster than decimal deices.d. Patterns of bits can be ,sed to represent anythin symbolic.

ans- c

1&3. What is true of an analog  signal?

a. "n analo sinal has a discrete n,mber of states.

b. "n analo sinal is the only way that m,sic can be recorded.

c. "n analo sinal can neer be conerted into a binary sinal.

d. "n analo sinal is ,s,ally contin,o,sly chanin in al,e.

ans- d

1&. If an analog signal pics up some noise9 has information $een lost?

a. :es---the noise hides the eact al,es of the oriinal sinal.

b. 1o---electronics can ,st inore the noise.

c. 1o---information has been added to the sinal.

d. +aybe---it depends on how lo,d the noise is.

ans- a

1&%. If a $inary signal pics up some noise9 has information $een lost?

a. :es---the eact al,e of the bits cannot be determined.

b. 1o---the eact al,e of the bits can be determined/ as lon as the noise is not too reat.

c. 1o---binary sinals canRt pic; ,p any noise.

d. :es---the sinal will hae etra bits in it beca,se of the noise.

ans - b

1&&. Why does a computer have a cloc?

a. he state of binary sinals is meas,red only at specific instants in time.

b. " cloc; is needed to chec; how fast sinals are chanin.

c. " cloc; is needed to chec; that oltae leels are correct.

d. " cloc; is ,sed only with application prorams that need to ;now the c,rrent time.

ans- a

1&'. an Napanese writing $e represented in a computer?

a. 1o--only 9nlish can be represented.

b. 1o--only lan,aes with an alphabet can be represented.

c. :es--b,t a special processor chip is needed.

d. :es--since it is symbolic/ and anythin symbolic can be represented.

ans- d

1&*. an English writing $e represented with analog signals?

a. 1o---only binary sinals can represent symbolic data.

b. 1o---it is not symbolic.

c. 1o---analo sinals donRt represent anythin.d. :es---,st read o,t lo,d into a microphone.

ans- d

1&+. Why is it important that unlimited perfect copies can $e made of datarepresented in $inary?

a. eca,se data are copied bac; and forth between parts of a comp,ter system many timesper second.

b. ransmittin data oer the )nternet inoles ma;in many copies of the data.

c. "pplication prorams s,ch as wordprocessors and comp,ter ames m,st be perfectcopies of the oriinal in order to r,n.

d. "ll of the aboe.

ans- d1',. What is a $it? 

a. " sinle on/off  al,e. b. " al,e of Kone.K

c. " lare section of comp,ter memory.

d. 9no,h memory to store a character.

ans- a

1'1. Which one of the following statements is :(#E? 


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a. he method ,sed to implement a bit does not affect the information it represents.

b. " bit may be implemented as a small part of a manetic dis;.

c. opyin a bit from one medi,m to another does not affect the infromation it represents.

d. " bit is always implemented as somethin electrical.

ans- d

1'. What is a group of * $its usually called? 

a. " bite. b. " biht.

c. " byte. d. " bliht.

ans- c

1'3. How much memory is in one megabyte? 

a. "bo,t '00 bytes. b. "bo,t '000 bytes.

c. "bo,t one million bytes. d. "bo,t one billion bytes.


1'. What is % O 3 ?

a. 2 b. 2'0

c. 4 d. '0(

ans- a

1'%. Which of the following statements is :(#E. 

a. 9ach byte of main memory has a ,ni,e address.b. +ain memory consists of a ery lon list of bytes.

c. 9ach memory location can store any n,mber of bits.

d. +emory addresses are positie inteers startin at 6ero.

ans- c

1'&. What are the two fundamental things the processor can do to a $yte of mainmemory? 

a. )t can write bits to a byte in memory/ and it can read bits from a byte in memory.

b. )t can erase a byte in main memory/ and it can read a byte of main memory.

c. )t can add the al,e from main memory to a s,m/ and it can print the al,e on themonitor.

d. )t can write the byte to secondary storae and it can read the byte from secondarystorae.

ans- a

1''. What is a file? 

a. " file is a section of main storae ,sed to store data.

b. " file is a collection of information that has been ien a name and is stored in secondarymemory.

c. " file is the part of a proram that is ,sed to describe what the proram sho,ld do.

d. " file is another name for floppy dis;.

ans- b

1'+. How are $ytes written onto a hard dis? 

a. iny holes in the dis; represent bits.

b. he dis; is coated with wa which records bits as tiny impressions.

c. its are printed on the dis; with an in;-et spray.

d. its are manetically recorded on the dis;.

ans- d

1*,. What is the role of the operating system in managing files?

a. he operatin system is not inoled with filesL it ,st ;eeps the hardware r,nnin.

b. he operatin system is only conderned with the files it needs for itself.

c. 9erythin done to or with files on a comp,ter system inoles the operatin system.

d. he operatin system will access files that contain application prorams and start theapplication r,nnin/ b,t the applications totally manae their own files.

ans- c

1*1. H80( is . . . 

a. comp,ter software pac;ae b. a prorammin lan,aec. the ritish )" in )ndonesia d. a s,rly mied ,aa coc;tail

e. what ) et from my motherRs coo;in

1*. What means to capture9 store9 update9 and retrieve data and information? :computer is this type of machine.

a. +icroprocessor b. Spreadsheet

c. %peratin System d. Windows

e. )nformation Processin