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Version 4 - 28 January 2021


28 January 2021

Dear media representatives and rightsholders,

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure your wellbeing, the Organizing

Committee Pokljuka prepared the following document which includes measures,

regulations and recommendations, published by Slovenian Government (GOV),

Slovenian National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) and International Biathlon Union


In addition to guidelines regarding COVID-19 situation the information below has the sole

purpose to present other important specifications and solutions regarding media areas

(including journalists, photographers, broadcasters’ areas) at the IBU World Championships

Biathlon 2021 Pokljuka.

Final rules, paths and accesses were defined in coordination between IBU, EBU and OC

as a combination of measures from the leading organizations and the current situations

in Slovenia.

Please consider this document as a working document as in the current situation changes can

be applied. The updated version and changes will be communicated to the interested groups


Additional information will be also known in the separate TV Accreditation Guide that has been

released by Eurovision Sport back in October 2020, for the 2020/2021 season.


28 January 2021


1 GENERAL - NATIONAL REGULATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................. 4

1.1 Prevention is key ........................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Wear a face mask and sanitise ................................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Are you worried that you have been infected? ................................................................................. 5

1.4 Travelling to Slovenia .................................................................................................................................. 6

1.5 Government of the Republic of Slovenia - ordinances .................................................................. 7

2 IBU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS BIATHLON 2021 POKLJUKA ................................................................ 9

2.1 Accreditation .................................................................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Accommodation and transport ............................................................................................................... 9

2.3 Masks ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

2.4 COVID-19 tests ............................................................................................................................................ 10

2.5 Reporting and isolation ............................................................................................................................ 10

2.6 Access areas and flow of the movement ........................................................................................... 11

2.6.1 Access to the venue: .......................................................................................................................... 12

2.6.2 TV Compound: ..................................................................................................................................... 12

2.6.3 Media Centre: ....................................................................................................................................... 12

2.6.4 Commentary Positions: ..................................................................................................................... 13

2.6.5 Shooting Range: .................................................................................................................................. 13

2.6.6 Course/Track for Photographers:.................................................................................................. 14

2.6.7 Mixed Zone ........................................................................................................................................... 14

2.6.8 TV Studio area: ..................................................................................................................................... 15

2.6.9 Start/Finish area: ................................................................................................................................. 15

2.6.10 Tribunes: .............................................................................................................................................. 16

2.6.11 Ceremonies ......................................................................................................................................... 16

2.7 Other important documents and links ............................................................................................... 16


28 January 2021


1.1 Prevention is key

If we want to contain the spread of this disease, we all must act responsibly – to oneself as well

as others. To do so, we must consistently implement the following preventive measures:

• Wear a face mask and sanitise hands in closed public spaces and on public transport.

• Maintain a safe distance by staying at least two metres away from others.

• Regularly and properly wash hands with soap and water. If water and soap are not available,

use a hand sanitiser to disinfect your hands.

• Practice good respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette.

• Download #OstaniZdrav, a mobile app designed to protect health and human lives. It is a

tool that informs you if you have been in contact with an infected person. The app is

intended for use in Slovenia and is available in Slovenian and English language. To find out

more about the app click here.

Be mindful of cough hygiene and regular hand washing:

• Stay home if you are taken ill.

• Avoid staying in enclosed spaces, provide for regular ventilation.

• Avoid close contact with people who show signs of infectious disease.

• Observe the rules of cough and hand hygiene (wash hands with soap and warm water.

• If soap and water are not available, use hand disinfectant intended for that purpose. Use

hand disinfectant that contains at least 60% alcohol. Hand disinfectant is intended for

external use only. Surface cleaners or disinfectants are not intended for cleaning or

disinfecting your skin.

• It is important to first rinse your hands under warm running water.

• Scrub both hands with soap, which should be applied to the entire surface of your hands

(the palms and the backs of your hands, between the fingers and around the thumbs, under

fingernails), for one minute.

• Thoroughly rinse the soap off your hands with warm water.

• Pat your hands dry with a single-use paper towel. Use the paper towel to turn off the tap;

do not touch the tap with your freshly washed hands.

• Hand disinfection is mandatory in enclosed public spaces.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

• When you feel like coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a paper

tissue. If you do not have one, cough or sneeze into the upper part of your sleeve.

• Dispose of the tissue in a waste bin after every use.

• After coughing or sneezing, wash your hands with soap and water every time.


28 January 2021

• The most effective measures:


At least 2 m Regular hand washing

and disinfection

#OstaniZdrav app

always on

Wearing a proper

face mask

1.2 Wear a face mask and sanitise

Masks and disinfection are mandatory:

• in all closed public spaces,

• on public transport,

• in open public spaces where it is not possible to stay two metres from other people,

• if there is more than one person in the vehicle and they are not from the same household.

Masks are not compulsory for:

• those carrying out organised sports activities with at least 3 meters of distance.

Apartment buildings must be equipped with hand sanitiser dispensers. Sanitiser must have at

least 60% alcohol content.

Masks are the only form of face covering protection allowed.

Ingesting food or drinks in public places is not allowed and is subjected to a fine.

1.3 Are you worried that you have been infected?

If you are ill (coughing, have a fever or difficulty breathing)

• Stay at home and avoid contact with other people.

• Call your doctor or, if he or she is not available, the emergency medical service. After

talking to you, the doctor will assess whether suspicion of infection with the novel

coronavirus is justified or not. If he or she decides that the suspicion is justified, you will

receive instructions what to do by phone.

Note: Do not visit your doctor, the emergency medical service or a hospital in person. When

in need of emergency medical care, please call first.

Please refer to the chapter 2.4 on page 10 and follow the protocol described there.

The most frequent symptoms:

− feeling unwell or fatigued,


28 January 2021

− having cold symptoms,

− fever,

− coughing,

− shortness of breath (in more severe cases),

− pneumonia (in more severe cases).

Novel coronavirus infections cannot be distinguished from other acute respiratory infections,

including pneumonia, based solely on the progress of the disease and the patient’s

difficulties. Microbiological testing is required to confirm or exclude an infection.

The novel coronavirus is transmitted between humans via droplets of saliva that people sneeze

or cough. This means that close contact with an infected person at a distance of less than 1.5

metres is required for transmission.

Infected persons must isolate:

Those who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus are ordered to isolate by their doctor.

They are not allowed to leave their homes, must limit their contacts and strictly follow the

recommendations for preventing the spread of the Covid-19 disease.

Social distancing and quarantine:

Social distancing is recommended for those who have been in contact with a Covid-19 positive

and infectious person. Contacts between family members pose the highest risk of the

transmission of the novel coronavirus. It is recommended that they do not have any contacts

outside their household, and consistently maintain a safe distance of two metres from other

people in public spaces.

A person who has been in close contact with a Covid-19 positive and infectious person is

ordered to quarantine. A healthy person’s freedom of movement is hence temporarily

restricted and he or she is advised to follow the instructions.

1.4 Travelling to Slovenia

Slovenia is trying to contain the spread of new coronavirus infections by the use of entry

restrictions and other measures at the border.

• Green list of countries: Arriving to Slovenia without restrictions or quarantine.

• Orange list of countries: Entry without restrictions or quarantine.

• Red list of countries: Quarantine for a period of ten days. The quarantine shall not be

ordered if a person, when crossing the border, submits a medical certificate proving that

they have tested negative for SARS-CoV-2, which is not older than 48 hours and was

performed in an EU member state, in a member of the Schengen Area, i.e., with an

organisation or individual recognised by the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology


28 January 2021

and the National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food. Tests made by the

mentioned institutions in third countries will therefore be recognised.

The testing may also be performed by a rapid antigen test in an EU Member State or

Schengen Area country, and may not be older than 24 hours after taking the swab.

If a person who is put under home quarantine upon entry into Slovenia provides a negative

PCR or rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2, carried out during the quarantine, it is considered

that the quarantine is withdrawn. The person does not have to inform anyone about this,

but in the event of a control (by the Police, ZIRS or NIJZ), they must carry as proof both a

certificate (from which the date of referral to quarantine is evident) and a notice of a negative

test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 (from which the date of the test and the result must be


To find out more information regarding travelling to Slovenia and border crossing click here.

1.5 Government of the Republic of Slovenia - ordinances

Summary of the articles from Ordinance on temporary restrictions in sport activities

(published 20 October 2020) that regard the organization of the IBU World Championships

Biathlon 2021 Pokljuka:

• Article 3, 2nd paragraph: In individual sports it is allowed to hold large national or

international sports competitions - World and European Championship, as well as World


• Article 3, 3rd paragraph: Athletes participating in the competitions from 1st and 2nd

paragraph of Article 3 are allowed to practice sports training.

• Article 3, 4th paragraph: The presence of spectators at sports competitions is not allowed.

Organising committee must ensure that only people who are necessary for the organisation

are present.

• Article 4: For holding competitions mentioned in this ordinance sport facilities and areas

for outdoor sports are allowed to use.

• Article 5, 1st paragraph: Restrictions regarding COVID-19 do not apply to athletes or sports

professionals who participate in sports activities mentioned in this ordinance.

• Article 5, 2nd paragraph: Athletes, sports professionals and individuals must follow the

instructions regarding prevention of infections with SARS-CoV-2 virus, published by

Ministry, responsible for health and the National Institute of Public Health.

Note: Ordinances are subject to change.


28 January 2021

An epidemic was declared again on 19 October 2020 and prolonged for at least 60 more days

on 17. January. Current measures in Slovenia:

• Gatherings of people are prohibited, unless those involved are members of the same

household or immediate family members.

• It is forbidden to move outside the residence between 9 pm and 6 am. Transition

between municipalities is prohibited, except in cases in which certain exemptions apply.

• In enclosed public spaces, such as shops, banks, post offices and other offices, restricted

access applies as per the size of the premises.

• Group and organized sports activities are prohibited (exception: professional, top athletes).

• Sports competitions take place without spectators.

• Catering establishments are closed (exception: delivery is allowed, personal collection is

allowed between 6 am and 9 pm).

• Public transport is limited.

• Hotels are closed (exceptions: official delegations, business delegations, sports teams and

support groups).

• Shopping centres and non-essential stores are closed. Only food stores, stores with

personal hygiene items, pharmacies, banks and post offices remain open.

• Hairdressing salons and salons that offer medical grade pedicures and manicures are open.

• Fitness centres and sports facilities are closed for recreational activities.

• Discos, nightclubs and cinemas are closed (open cultural institutions: libraries for

contactless book pick-ups only, cultural heritage sites on open, public sites).

Note: These measures are subject to change.


28 January 2021


2.1 Accreditation


Accreditation will only be handed out with proof of valid negative PCR COVID-19 test and

signage of IBU’s COVID-19 declaration (see IBU Annex 1). Those tests may not be older than

72 hours.

Note: You may enter Slovenia, if you provide a valid negative COVID-19 test, which is not older

than 48 hours. The testing may also be performed by a rapid antigen test in an EU Member

State or Schengen Area country, and may not be older than 24 hours after taking the swab

(see 1.4 Travelling to Slovenia). You should then pick up your accreditation in the next 24 hours.

2.2 Accommodation and transport

All accommodation bookings must be approved by OC Pokljuka.

Contact person: Ms Meta Vidic

E-mail: [email protected]

In the time of the event free transportation for media representatives will be arranged from

Bled to the competition venue at Pokljuka and back. Media Shuttle service will be operating

according to the timetable. During the transport minimum social distance of 1 meter and

wearing of mask is mandatory for all passengers. It is still recommended to use your own

transport. For more information see 2.7.1 Access to the venue.

Wearing of masks is mandatory in vehicles, where two or more passengers are present.

2.3 Masks

Source: Annex 6, GENERAL UPDATE FOR ALL GROUPS, Version 2 - 03 October 2020

Wearing of masks is mandatory in all areas.

Additional exception: When alone in closed rooms/offices or in shared offices when a

minimum distance of 3 metres can be kept. Regular ventilation is highly recommended.

Media representatives must provide their own masks which needs to be either high

quality manufactured masks, surgical masks or of higher standard (FFP2 etc.) without

valves. Buffs/scarves etc. are not considered as masks.


28 January 2021

2.4 COVID-19 tests


A valid negative PCR test (not older than 48 hours) is required to enter Slovenia. To enter the

event venue at arrival an On-Boarding test (not older than 72 hours) is to be provided in the

own responsibility of each participant or by using the IBU service on site, which must be

booked in advance and covered at own costs. Afterwards the regular test schedule begins.

• After arrival at the venue, you have to take the first internal ‘on-boarding’ test

within 24 hours. In case if you do not do the first internal on-boarding test during 24

hours after receiving the accreditation as required by the rules - your accreditation

can be withdrawn! (Even if you come just for a weekend, you still have to do the on-

site test!)

• To use the IBU testing infrastructure, you will be asked to fill in a form, indicating your

name + time and date of arrival on site (not entering the country, but the arrival in

the host town).

• An IBU test laboratory for sampling the probes will be located in Bled.

• You cannot pay for your test on site! You will be invoiced later, for this, please

include your invoice details for the Covid tests to your email (no VAT can be

declared, since the IBU is a non-profit organisation). The cost of each test is 70 €.

IBU will provide test possibilities at the end of each event-block to secure a valid test for travel

issues (travel home) if required. Such tests will be charged for all participants.

2.5 Reporting and isolation


IBU designated contact person:

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +43 664 1922870

OC designated contact person:

Lilijana Gantar Žura

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +386 4 20 60 506

Note: Regular communication only via mail. Call only in acute/suspected cases.

In case of feeling sick:

• Contact OC and IBU designated COVID-19 persons immediately.

• Isolation at the venue/in the hotel.

• Test will be conducted.


28 January 2021

• Isolation until test result.

• In case of a positive test result further measures and test will be coordinated by IBU

and local health authorities.

Positive COVID-19 test-result:

• Contact OC and IBU designated COVID-19 persons immediately.

• Isolation apart from other event participants (to be coordinated with OC/IBU

designated COVID-19 persons).

Isolation at the venue:

There will be an isolation room installed at the venue.

2.6 Access areas and flow of the movement

The communication paths at the Pokljuka venue will change due to the fact the various groups

cannot mix on their ways to certain zones and we already inform you that some will take longer

than in the past.

Please take this in regard when you will plan your timelines and activities.

Please note that the HB (Host broadcaster) has priority access to ensure that the World feed

can be provided in the usual quality.


• 1 – Waxing and Team cabins

• 4a – Warming up area before the start

• 4b – Finish exit area

• 5 – Start/Finish area

Note: Regulations and access for MEDIA areas are subject to change.

Areas under the control of the organiser will be disinfected regularly.

Note: The following information presents protocols for separate media areas and were

confirmed by EBU, IBU and OC Pokljuka.


28 January 2021

2.6.1 Access to the venue:

a. The access to the venue has the same procedure.

b. The MEDIA with the accreditation will access to the venue via organised transportation,

provided by OC or via personal transportation. The MEDIA parking zone at the venue is

strictly designated and security officials will check the MEDIA PARKING ACCESS

accreditations. MEDIA PARKING AREA consists of a limited space for 90 vehicles. MEDIA

PARKING ACCREDITATION will be handled in co-ordination between IBU Media and the

Eurovision TV Delegate.

c. At the MEDIA ENTRANCE all representatives will be scanned and their arrival time and date

will be marked in the system for safety measures.

d. After the security check-in the MEDIA access to various strategic and important areas of

the venue according to their accreditation colour (YELLOW) and standard IBU access areas.

e. All walking paths for the MEDIA will be marked in yellow signs and special MEDIA corridors

will be implemented where the cross-over of different groups can or will appear.

2.6.2 TV Compound:

a. The TV Compound is located at the venue entrance, on the left side.

b. There will be only one entrance/exit for vehicles and people (see appendix 1, 2, 3).

c. Only staff members who work in the designated area will be granted access to the TV

Compound (9E), meaning no visitors allowed.

d. The layout plan of the TV Compound will be released by HB in regard to all final bookings,

arrival times and safety measures.

e. The layout plan of the IBC is available on broadcasters services webpage.

f. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for the TV compound and the

productions teams.

2.6.3 Media Centre:

a. The access to the Media Centre has the same procedure.

b. The Media Centre is located beside the Hotel Center in a two-story tent with working

spaces in each level. Additionally, opposite to it, Tent 2 offers extra working spaces.

c. The Media Centre will be accessed through a walking corridor specially designated for the

MEDIA group from the venue entrance to the hotel.

d. Only staff members who work in the designated area will be granted access to the Media

Centre (9A).

e. The Media Centre has a special corridor with stairs that will enable representatives to

access the stadium area without going through the hotel which is strictly forbidden for all


f. All press conferences will be available via video.


28 January 2021

g. Services: The services in the media centre will be reduced (including catering, printing,

information desk) and mostly digitalized. Journalists attending the events will need to

prepare in a way that they are self-reliant.

h. Working space for ENG crews had to be booked in advance (contact: TV delegate) and are

subject to availability and confirmation.

i. Booking: IBU World Championships Biathlon 2021 Pokljuka is handled separately.

j. Desk assignment will be handled in co-ordination between IBU Media and the Eurovision

TV Delegate.

k. Masks are mandatory all the time. Mouth and nasal coverings are not allowed.

l. If space is limited, requested number of working spaces may be reduced respectively.

m. The Eurovision Sport TV Delegate will inform you accordingly on the assigned number of

working spaces in the Media Centre.

n. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for the Media Centre.

2.6.4 Commentary Positions:

a. The access to the Commentary Positions is possible via one way:

i. Passing the Media Centre through a special corridor with stairs to the hotel terrace

(only outside access) and via a special platform to the location of additional

Commentary positions.

b. Only staff members who work in the designated area will be granted access to the

Commentary Positions area (9E).

c. The commentary cabin measures 2.25 m in length, 2.50 m in width and 2.12 m in height.

Wearing of mask is mandatory in commentary cabins. If requested by the broadcaster a

special plexiglass barrier whose cost is carried by the broadcaster can be put in each cabin

on the cabin counter in order to separate the working positions of the commentators. If

the proposed solution is not in the regulation restrictions according to the broadcaster,

the implementation of different solutions is in the responsibility of the broadcaster. The

OC and the broadcaster can arrange custom-made solutions if needed. More detailed

information regarding plexiglass barrier is available in Rate Card.

d. Distancing regulations shall be considered and are the responsibility of the broadcaster.

e. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for Commentary Positions.

2.6.5 Shooting Range:

a. The access to the Shooting Range for the MEDIA is strictly forbidden.

b. In principle there is no media corridor at the shooting range. However, depending on

space availability at the relevant venue, bookable positions, i.e., ENG crews for unilateral

productions, may be available for TV organisations.


28 January 2021

c. The Eurovision TV Delegate will inform the broadcasters accordingly and inform on next

steps and guidelines.

d. The Shooting Range will be accessible via the special corridor with stairs from the Media

Centre area through the underground corridor separated by a barrier in a bi-directional


e. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for the Shooting Range.

2.6.6 Course/Track for Photographers:

a. The access to the Course/Track is possible via two ways:

i. Via the Media Centre corridor with stairs through the underground corridor

separated by a barrier in a bi-directional way and the access door on the other side

of the venue (beside the grandstands) and from there to the course.

ii. Via a special fenced corridor marked in yellow from the Hotel to the TV Compound

over the bridge following the competition course to the Mixed Zone Area and from

there to the course.

b. Upon arrival the photo manager will hold a briefing to determine the locations for


c. Decision about designated TV areas/camera platforms on the course will be made closer

to the event.

d. Broadcasters interested in such positions shall place their bookings as usual via the HB.

e. TV Experts have limited access to the course. Please consider:

i. 1 TV Expert bib per TV Organisation only.

ii. Must be pre-announced/booked in advance via the Eurovision Sport TV Delegate

iii. Time-slots need to be respected. Relevant schedules will be made available prior to

the event via the Eurovision Sport TV Delegate.

f. Interviews with Athletes and any team members (including technicians) on the course are

not allowed.

g. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for the Course/Track.

2.6.7 Mixed Zone

a. The access to the Mixed Zone is possible via two ways:

i. Via the Media Centre corridor with stairs through the underground corridor

separated by a barrier in a bi-directional way and the access door on the other side

of the venue (beside the grandstands).

ii. Via a special fenced corridor marked in yellow from the Hotel to the TV Compound

over the bridge following the competition course to the Mixed Zone Area.

b. Only staff members who work in the designated area will be granted access to the Mixed

Zone Area (9B).


28 January 2021

c. The Mixed Zone is positioned on the current grand stand area. It is 70 m in length and 6

m in width where singular corridors go as follows:

iii. 1.5 m corridor for Athletes

iv. 1.5 m corridor for buffer zone

v. 2 m x 2 m TV box or 1 m x 2 m RA box with a 1 m buffer zone in between each box.

vi. No plexiglass barriers will be positioned in the Mixed Area as the safety

measurements are taken care via distancing, mandatory wearing of mask and

buffer zones.

d. The Mixed Zone will be reserved for booked positions as usual (via HB) and positions will

be assigned accordingly.

e. Each box is meant for 1 media only. OC Pokljuka permits that a max of 2 people per 2 m x

2 m box and a max of 1 person per 1 m x 2 m box.

f. Hygiene masks must be worn by all crew members. It is best the masks are higher standard

(FFP2/KN95/N95 or FFP3 variety).

g. Security corridor of 1.5 m will be in place between mixed zone position and the


h. Journalists are required to use boom poles.

i. Journalist are required to use microphone covers, that must be replaced after every


j. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for the Mixed Zone Area.

2.6.8 TV Studio area:

a. The access to the TV STUDIO AREA is possible via two ways:

i. Via the Media Centre corridor with stairs through the underground corridor

separated by a barrier in a bi-directional way and the access door on the other side

of the venue (beside the grandstands).

ii. Via a special fenced corridor marked in yellow from the TV Compound over the

bridge following the competition course to the TV STUDIO AREA.

b. Only staff members who work in the designated area will be granted access to the TV


c. Distancing regulations shall be considered and are the responsibility of the broadcaster.

d. Team representatives, athletes and officials cannot be requested as studio guests.

e. Other studio guests are allowed, as long as they are accredited.

f. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for the TV Studio area.

2.6.9 Start/Finish area:

a. The access to the Start/Finish area for the MEDIA is strictly forbidden.

b. Special measurements and access regulations apply in regard to the HB.


28 January 2021

c. If needed the Finish area will be accessible via the Media Centre corridor with stairs

through the underground corridor separated by a barrier in a bi-directional way and the

access door on the Finish area. A special fenced corridor will be positioned if needed for

photographers to access the Photo Finish area.

d. If needed the Start area will be accessible via the Media Centre corridor with stairs through

the underground corridor separated by a barrier in a bi-directional way and the access

door to the Mixed Zone area and from there to the Start area.

e. Please follow all regulations of behaviour and sanitary rules for the Start/Finish area.

2.6.10 Tribunes:

a. In the case that spectators and guests are not allowed into the venue/stadium, empty

tribunes can be used by the broadcasters for presenter/stand-up positions.

b. The Eurovision TV Delegate will keep the broadcasters informed on possible opportunities.

c. These positions are be subject to booking in advance. Relevant procedure and timeline

will be communicated by the Eurovision TV Delegate.

2.6.11 Ceremonies

a. Due to the current COVID-19 situation all ceremonies will take place at the venue right after

the competitions.

2.7 Other important documents and links

Click here for other important documents that should be carefully read and followed:



• Annex 4: MEDIA


• Annex 6: GENERAL UPDATE FOR ALL GROUPS, Version 1 -15 October 2020

• Annex 6: GENERAL UPDATE FOR ALL GROUPS, Version 2 - 03 October 2020

• Annex 6: GENERAL UPDATE FOR ALL GROUPS Version 3 - 20 November 2020


Check current situation in Slovenia:

• National Institute for Public Health

• Coronavirus disease COVID-19, Slovenian government website
