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Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-04-27 [p...

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> jv v jf I i r + OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY APRIL 27 190t L f V- X X c V t I t > Ll T t Vef ar- I f t Strgon t Office opposite f Ttifpkins Livery Stable k L- r ED uUMnAIll Y o- MAcKAY < o- fJlcIYER I > FUNERAL DIRECTORS r t Uiiertakers arid Embalmers D E MclVER ALFRED OWEN Undertakers r r t line Caskets and Burial Robes All Work Don by tlcensedEtno i IM4 4 I airrc ncJ Fully Guaranteed jI l f I r Ii + J h jB st Qua1itvo- f kh PtoDt9t Services t 1 Lowest Price 1 I I Bay from th- eWAGONS 1 BLUE 1t ° 5 OCAU ICE AND PACKING CO r rr f MEFFErtTA TAYLOR w L I Phone i4o- f 1 OCALA PRESSIKB CLUB iJ t- f 1 4OHN F WILLIAMSON Proprietor n Rates reasonable All goods- Y fcv pressed and Cleaned on Short o t lce and Delivered Promptly All Ir transient work not called for within thirty days will be solid for- M chas- t f- J 1 of t I VTt H i O4 PHILLIPS J t Contractor and BUIkieti it t < 1 i i Wk and Scincatrons Furnished llo a Upon Request I I t- J29 > South rfeirdSieet- Ocula t 41 t Fla I VYC r30 S 4 o- tHi r 1 t J t- lll 7 t i iJ11 1 Yot5 J t t f A J Y a F r 4- tt J rI 2 l t fl t S lt J jIf- t i p- A 1 v V- FIpND N p t ± 1 FBIENIT The personal recMhmiBnddtions of peo- ple 2 who have been cured of coughs and t colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy i kave donemrethan all else to make it r- etaplc article of trade and commerce oref e11 of tb cavil zed world fo > I f lJ- t 44 r i 1- w tir t s- 3r 4 4 KIDNEY CURE 7 WILL PURE YOU S O ljfl case ofKidney oi1 g er isecse thkt is not ft beyond ereachof mcdi r cine Take it atones Do tt y not risklii ng Bf1ghisDi t ease or Diabetes There ii- iu + tttthBlgkincdbvy delay f ifJ r 1 and 9100rBottlv > a- t r I t y trQ r t Y ALL DEALS t J 4- 4S r I i J N i J- f i > Si 1 4 it Iitt l 1 iI r yJi i Pi ifeMlM Lo 1 > to v r O IdC I th- E s- h + S Original 0 I am the hardest substance known- I have a green tinge about me though- my mates are usually colorless It Is the rarity of this tinge and my size that makes me very valuable Though no larger than a hickory nut I am worth many thousand dollars I was born In Brazil The first of this world- at least of daylight for me was rolling out with stones sand earth and other r minerals following the stroke of a pick I lay on the ground before a workman He looked about him and seeing his fpremans back turned pick ¬ ed me up and put me in his mouth When he went from work he was searched but I was not discovered The next scene in my life of notion i so to speak was in a wood The work mn who had found me sold me to a man of better grade The price paid was 100 In United States bills The man who bought me took me to a room locked the door and examined me carefully I could see by his expres- sion ¬ that he was very much pleased with me Efe got a box of sewing utensils from a closet and ripping pocke in the Un gofhiscoat put me In and sewed me fast I didnt suppose that I would stay long in this place but I did One day a policeman came to my owners room and arrested him He was not Wearing the coat in which he had sewed me It hung in a closet A month later it was taken down and with other clothing taken to Villa de Principe where it was sold to a Jew A young man uall tattered and torn came into the Jews shop tried on sev- eral ¬ I coats and the one I was in fitting him he bought it I think the price paid was 2 The young man walked all the way to Rio doing work here and there for a meal Had he known that he had me with him he might have ridden In a coach and four When lie got tR Rio he shipped on a vessel bound for New Haven Conn I was rolled with other clothing in a small bundle and put under his bunk he donning sailor togs When we reach- ed ¬ New Haven my owner put on his shore clothes left the vessel and walk- ed ¬ t up Into the city He met a number- of young men he knew and by his con- versation ¬ with them I learned that he had been l- and It student in the college there his father had died insolvent dur- ing ¬ the sons second year From a student he I had become a sailor had V sought employment in South America and had got stranded in Brazil One of his old chums loaned him some l money with w lch to buy ticket to hiSvhome in + a distant city b This home was in a shabby little cot tag in the suburbs It was both a melancholy al da happy meeting be- tween ¬ the young mien and his mother sand his two sisters < They were evi dently people refinement living in poverty Their returned boy was hun- gry ¬ but there was nothiijg save a- piece of corri bread in the house to give hlmv They begged him to stay with them try for a position and help them To this he consented and they were happy That night after he had gone to bed one of his sisters took his clothes and sat up late patching and darning them that he might appear the better in looking for employment After the sewing she took them downstairs into the kitchen heated an iron and pressed them While running the iron over the coat its nose hit an obstacle in me She felt of ine took me to the light to examine the place where I was then taking a knife she ripped the sewing and took me out Seeing nothing but a brownish stone she threw me into a coal scuttle but on second thoughts took me up again and put meona table Then finishing tier ironing she took he clothes to her brothers room The next morning she showed me to her brother sand told him where she had found me He looked me over very carefully thinking all the chile and asked his sister to show himHhe place where she had found me Then he put me in his pocket and later on started out to look for a situation About nOQn he went home He met his mother in the hall He was pale and trembling Oh mother he exclaimed My boy what has happened If it shouldnt be true it would kill me I- wii i t The stone Fannie found sewed In my coati Thinking might be a jewel in the rough I took it to a jeweler He says its a diamond A diamond of that size is worth miny thousands of dollars He took me out of his r- and pocket and the mother her daughter gathered round each trembling with excitement i Pont count on too much dear boy said jtbetf theItit Itf a diamond It hai a oWn iI youm tt AA him but he will doubtless give you a fixdf ac eta return t Jk 1 i If PIIAt r alu Q Te x- t fQw1dThe 4- f r f 11 O r J ti J u J 1 mTJO SEP HS ACADEMY > > f X1 S LOIETf0 Near Mandarin FLORIDA < 1 > FJ Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph f Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physics Intellectual Moraland Social Line Healthy Location Magnificent wl mm nP- ool i Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms I T ITP t Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR i 5 1 V < i ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LOREtTQt FLA > I young man vPrt to omcers or ni the diamond mines in Brazil and all replied that they had no record of any such diamond though I hail doubtless been taken from some of them when dug from the earth Since none of them could proye ownership none of them claimed me I was polished cut and sold for a fortune The young man went back to college and the story of his return getting out among the students they gave him the sobriquet of Old Clothes CHARLOTTE BOND HALL i NEIGHBORHOOD FAVORITE I j Mrs E D Ch s of Harbor Me speaking of ElectrfojBitters says It is a neighborhood favo te here with us s be a fayorite every where It jfives slick raief in dys livircom Taint cidney de- rangement malniltritipn lervoushess- pepsia weakness and gerieral debility Its action op Ithe blood iasa thorough purifier maKe s it espe lly useful as- a spring mednehis grand alter ¬ ative tonic is sold under guarantee at all drugstores 50c- KNIGHTS 0 OF PYTHIAS r Conventions held every Mon day evening in Castle Hall over Pey ¬ sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬ iting knights H Mr Hampton C C Chas K Sage K of R and S P J t I O OlT- uIulaLo9geNo22 IO O F1 meets erylTuesday even- ing ¬ in Yonge Hall t Visiting brothers always welcome J t J P Thompson NVG M < M Little Secretary l Vi i BP 0 E I Notice of Sessions of Ocala Lodge No 851 Benevolent and Pro- tective ¬ Order of Elks I Regular sessions pn the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially invited S A Rawls Exalted Ruler JTioseph Bell Acting Secretary- Marion F A M I Dunn Lodge No 19 meets In the I temple on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially invited W D Graham W M Jake Brown Secretarv I I FORT KING CAMP WOFW No liv Next regular monthly meeting will be held Friday evening May 8th at 8 oclock in Yo ges Hall Visiting sovereigns are alwayswelcome- G W Martin C C Chas K Sage Clerk r CONCORDIA LODGE F U OF A Concordia Lodge No 181 Fraternal Union of America meets fourth Wed- nesday ¬ of every month 730 p m at Yonges Hall RE Yonge PM Chas K Sage Secretary- A WOMAN TELLS HOW TO RE ¬ LIEVE RHEUMATIC PAINS- I have been a very great sufferer from the dreadful disease rheuma ¬ tism fora number of years I have tried many medCfs but never got much relief ffom any of them until two years agowhenI bought a bot- tle ¬ of C mbe alns Pain Balm I fcund relief before Lfhad used all of one bottlfc bu keot on applying it and soon felt like ft different woman Through mjtjjMl Ice many of my friends have tried it and pan tell you how wonderfully it has workedMrs I SarahA Cole 140 S New St Dover Del Chamberlains Pain Balm is a liniment The relief from pain which- it affords is alone worth many times- its cost It makes rest and sleep pos- sible ¬ For sale by all druggist FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FROMTHE FIFTH DISTRICT I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of county commissioner for the fifth district and promise if elected a faithful per- formance ¬ of theduties of the office Respectfully Ix B Marsh I 4- yy r M i- ItJv W Af KNIGH1 LOUIS E L- ANGKriight t < t l i i Zf at1rn j l- s CARRY A FOIiL Ltip OF ° 4 S I 1 Farm wagons one and two horse heavy turpentine- nd i lumber wagons carriages arid buggies of Styles saddles and harness for all piirpcifies lap robes whips collars and padsjn all sizes A com- plete ¬ line of alKthe odd parts of harness harnes oils etc Our stockus the largest and most J com- plete pt t T in the country lit is the bestgodds from the best known factories and everything that wel send out is fully guaranteed both by us and the manu- facturers ¬ J We buy all our vehicles in carp lilts and f f get the lowest price and lowest freight r tea and 1 are prepared to save you money any purchase I j Call on or write us Respectfully I v f I f I KNIGHTJ NGNo- rthSide I of Square OCALA FLORIDA J FRESH MfA IS ANU VEGt T BIy t I I Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef t- I + Mutton Armours Star Ham Armonr7s Pork 1 i Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets > Sweep Irish Potatoes SpanishQni- onsW V f p ED W A R MQ r t Phone 108 Gitv Market I I T t i i i JAMES R MOORHEAD B POTTER DAVID WOODROW President General Manager Secretary 1 l Woodmir Sand sail Stbac Company BUILDERS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS Dealers in- S i I I Lake l Wcii Saudi i S Manufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence Posts Etc Estimates and Plans Furnished and Contracts Xakeny f t DAVID S WOODROW J r W AKINGEORGE I H FORD i OCALA PLUMBING I I t AND ELECTRIC CO DEALERS IN Standard Makes of Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Pimps Irrigating Plqnts Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimates promptly submitted on any Work in our line I P 0 Box No 944 6CALA FLORIDA Phone No 371 I SEABDiARD AIRLINE RY SAVANNAH COLUMBIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PINES RICHMOND RALEIGH WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK f- S I I Three Elegant Trains Dally SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED SEABOARD EXPRESS SEABOARD MAIL i i- Mtdcrn < i I J t Pullman Equipment t- I t The Seaboard Limited Solid PiIlman Vestibuled train St Au- gustine and Jacksonville to New Y rk via Richmond and Washingt- on < Dining Car a la carte semrice Double Drawing Room i Sleeping cars Stateroom and Observation car Leave St AugustineV 150 arr and Jacksonville 1255 p gin daily including Sundays- For full information and sleeping car reservations call en any agent SeaBparjl ors write- S r C BOYLSTptf JP V M V t W B- Ass WILSON Gen Pall Arent Jacksonville j Paand Ticket 4t > OpUt ro 1- I p y I
Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-04-27 [p TWO].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00832/0192.pdf · + OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY APRIL 27 190t L f V-X c V t X I t Ll

> jv v jf I ir + OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY APRIL 27 190t L fV-


t I t>

Ll Tt

Vef ar-I

ft Strgont

Office oppositef Ttifpkins Livery Stable

k L-


ED uUMnAIll Y o-






t Uiiertakers arid EmbalmersD E MclVER ALFRED OWEN

Undertakers rr


line Caskets and Burial Robes

All Work Don by tlcensedEtnoi IM4 4

I airrc ncJ Fully GuaranteedjI





Ii +



jB st Qua1itvo-f

kh PtoDt9t Servicest 1 Lowest Price

1 I I Bay from th-






Phone i4o-




4OHN F WILLIAMSON Proprietorn Rates reasonable All goods-


fcv pressed and Cleaned on Short otlce and Delivered Promptly

AllIr transient work not called forwithin thirty days will be solid for-

M chas-t f-

J 1


t IVTt


Jt Contractor and BUIkietiit t


1 ii Wk and Scincatrons Furnishedllo a

Upon RequestI I t-

J29> South rfeirdSieet-


41t Fla I VYC r30 S

4 o-

tHi r

1t J t-


t i



Yot5 J


AJ Y a







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jIf-t i p-


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± 1

FBIENITThe personal recMhmiBnddtions of peo-

ple2 who have been cured of coughs and

t colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy

i kave donemrethan all else to make it r-

etaplc article of trade and commerce orefe11 of tbcavil zed world

fo > I f


r i 1-

w tir t s-




O ljfl case ofKidney oi1g er isecse thkt is notft beyond ereachof mcdir cine Take it atones Dott y not risklii ng Bf1ghisDit ease or Diabetes There ii-

iu+ tttthBlgkincdbvy delay

f ifJr1

and 9100rBottlv>a-


r I ty trQ r t Y ALL DEALS t

J 4-


r Ii J

N iJ-

f i> Si 1 4

it Iitt l1 iI r yJi iPi ifeMlM Lo

1 > to

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OIdC I th-E

s-h +

S Original0

I am the hardest substance known-I have a green tinge about me though-my mates are usually colorless It Isthe rarity of this tinge and my sizethat makes me very valuable Thoughno larger than a hickory nut I amworth many thousand dollars I wasborn In Brazil The first of this world-at least of daylight for me was rollingout with stones sand earth and otherrminerals following the stroke of apick I lay on the ground before aworkman He looked about him andseeing his fpremans back turned pick ¬

ed me up and put me in his mouthWhen he went from work he wassearched but I was not discovered

The next scene in my life of notioni

so to speak was in a wood The workmn who had found me sold me to aman of better grade The price paidwas 100 In United States bills Theman who bought me took me to aroom locked the door and examined mecarefully I could see by his expres-sion


that he was very much pleasedwith me Efe got a box of sewingutensils from a closet and rippingpocke in the Un gofhiscoat putme In and sewed me fast I didntsuppose that I would stay long in thisplace but I did

One day a policeman came to myowners room and arrested him Hewas not Wearing the coat in which hehad sewed me It hung in a closet Amonth later it was taken down andwith other clothing taken to Villa dePrincipe where it was sold to a JewA young man uall tattered and torncame into the Jews shop tried on sev-



coats and the one I was in fittinghim he bought it I think the pricepaid was 2 The young man walkedall the way to Rio doing work hereand there for a meal Had he knownthat he had me with him he mighthave ridden In a coach and four

When lie got tR Rio he shipped on avessel bound for New Haven Conn Iwas rolled with other clothing in asmall bundle and put under his bunkhe donning sailor togs When we reach-ed


New Haven my owner put on hisshore clothes left the vessel and walk-ed


up Into the city He met a number-of young men he knew and by his con-


with them I learned that hehad been


andIt student in the college there

his father had died insolvent dur-ing


the sons second year From astudent he I had become a sailor had


sought employment in South Americaand had got stranded in Brazil Oneof his old chums loaned him some

lmoney with w lch to buy ticket tohiSvhome in


a distant cityb

This home was in a shabby little cottag in the suburbs It was both amelancholy al da happy meeting be-


the young mien and his mothersand his two sisters

<They were evi

dently people refinement living inpoverty Their returned boy was hun-gry


but there was nothiijg save a-

piece of corri bread in the house to givehlmv They begged him to stay withthem try for a position and help themTo this he consented and they werehappy

That night after he had gone to bedone of his sisters took his clothes andsat up late patching and darning themthat he might appear the better inlooking for employment After thesewing she took them downstairs intothe kitchen heated an iron and pressedthem While running the iron over thecoat its nose hit an obstacle in meShe felt of ine took me to the light toexamine the place where I was thentaking a knife she ripped the sewingand took me out Seeing nothing but abrownish stone she threw me into acoal scuttle but on second thoughtstook me up again and put meonatable Then finishing tier ironing shetook he clothes to her brothers room

The next morning she showed me toher brother sand told him where shehad found me He looked me over verycarefully thinking all the chile andasked his sister to show himHhe placewhere she had found me Then he putme in his pocket and later on startedout to look for a situation About nOQnhe went home He met his mother inthe hall He was pale and trembling

Oh mother he exclaimedMy boy what has happenedIf it shouldnt be true it would kill

me I-


tThe stone Fannie found sewed In my

coati Thinking might be a jewel inthe rough I took it to a jeweler He saysits a diamond A diamond of that sizeis worth miny thousands of dollars

He took me out of hisr-

andpocket and

the mother her daughter gatheredround each trembling with excitement

i Pont count on too much dear boysaid jtbetftheItit Itf a diamond Ithaia oWn iI youmtt AAhim but he will doubtless give you afixdfac eta return t

Jk 1 iIf PIIAtraluQTex-





f 11

O r J ti Ju J 1



X1S LOIETf0 Near Mandarin FLORIDA <

1 >FJ

Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph fYoung Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physics

Intellectual Moraland Social Line Healthy Location Magnificent wlmm nP-ooli Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall andRecreation Rooms I


Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIORi 5 1


i ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LOREtTQt FLA > Iyoung man vPrt to omcers or nithe diamond mines in Brazil and allreplied that they had no record of anysuch diamond though I hail doubtlessbeen taken from some of them whendug from the earth Since none ofthem could proye ownership none ofthem claimed me

I was polished cut and sold for afortune The young man went back tocollege and the story of his returngetting out among the students theygave him the sobriquet of OldClothes




Mrs E D Ch s of Harbor Mespeaking of ElectrfojBitters says Itis a neighborhood favo te here withus s be a fayorite everywhere It jfives slick raief in dys

livircom Taint cidney de-rangement malniltritipn lervoushess-pepsia

weakness and gerieral debility Itsaction op Ithe blood iasa thoroughpurifier maKe s it espe lly useful as-

a spring mednehis grand alter ¬

ative tonic is sold under guarantee atall drugstores 50c-


rConventions held every Mon

day evening in Castle Hall over Pey¬

sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬

iting knights H Mr Hampton C CChas K Sage K of R and S



tI O OlT-

uIulaLo9geNo22IO O F1 meets erylTuesday even-ing


in Yonge Hall t Visiting brothersalways welcome J t

J P Thompson NVGM


M Little Secretaryl Vi



Notice of Sessions ofOcala Lodge No 851Benevolent and Pro-tective


Order of ElksI

Regular sessions pn the second andfourth Tuesday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallyinvited S A Rawls Exalted Ruler

JTioseph Bell Acting Secretary-



Dunn LodgeNo 19 meets In theI temple on the first

and third Thursday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallyinvited W D Graham W M

Jake Brown Secretarv


FORT KING CAMPWOFW No livNext regular monthly meeting will

be held Friday evening May 8th at8 oclock in Yo ges Hall Visitingsovereigns are alwayswelcome-

G W Martin C CChas K Sage Clerk r


Concordia Lodge No 181 FraternalUnion of America meets fourth Wed-nesday


of every month 730 p m atYonges Hall RE Yonge PM

Chas K Sage Secretary-



I have been a very great suffererfrom the dreadful disease rheuma ¬

tism fora number of years I havetried many medCfs but never gotmuch relief ffom any of them untiltwo years agowhenI bought a bot-tle


of C mbe alns Pain Balm Ifcund relief before Lfhad used all ofone bottlfc bu keot on applying itand soon felt like ft different womanThrough mjtjjMl Ice many of myfriends have tried it and pan tell youhow wonderfully it has workedMrs


SarahA Cole 140 S New St DoverDel Chamberlains Pain Balm is aliniment The relief from pain which-it affords is alone worth many times-its cost It makes rest and sleep pos-sible


For sale by all druggist


I hereby announce that I will be acandidate for the office of county

commissioner for the fifth districtand promise if elected a faithful per-formance


of theduties of the officeRespectfully Ix B Marsh



r M i-ItJvW Af KNIGH1 LOUIS E L-ANGKriight

t <

t li i






1 Farm wagons one and two horse heavy turpentine-nd


lumber wagons carriages arid buggies ofStyles saddles and harness for all piirpcifies laprobes whips collars and padsjn all sizes A com-plete


line of alKthe odd parts of harness harnesoils etc Our stockus the largest and most


com-plete pt t T

in the country lit is the bestgodds from thebest known factories and everything that wel sendout is fully guaranteed both by us and the manu-facturers


We buy all our vehicles in carp lilts and f f

get the lowest price and lowest freight r tea and 1

are prepared to save you money any purchase I

j Call on or write us Respectfully I

v fI

f I







Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef t-



Mutton Armours Star Ham Armonr7s Pork 1 i

Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets >Sweep Irish Potatoes SpanishQni-



fp EDW A R MQ r

t Phone 108 Gitv MarketI I T t i



JAMES R MOORHEAD B POTTER DAVID WOODROWPresident General Manager Secretary1


Woodmir Sand sail Stbac CompanyBUILDERS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS

Dealers in-




Lake l Wcii Saudi i


Manufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence PostsEtc Estimates and Plans Furnished and Contracts Xakenyf










Standard Makes of Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Pimps IrrigatingPlqnts Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimatespromptly submitted on any Work in our line I

P 0 Box No 944 6CALA FLORIDA Phone No 371






Three Elegant Trains Dally







Pullman Equipment t-

I tThe Seaboard Limited Solid PiIlman Vestibuled train St Au-

gustine and Jacksonville to New Y rk via Richmond and Washingt-on


Dining Car a la carte semrice Double Drawing Room iSleeping cars Stateroom and Observation car Leave St AugustineV150 arr and Jacksonville 1255 p gin daily including Sundays-For full information and sleeping car reservations call en any

agent SeaBparjl ors write-S

rC BOYLSTptf JP V M V t W B-


Gen Pall Arent Jacksonville j Paand Ticket 4t> OpUtro



p yI
