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Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-06-24 [p...

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S- 3ir r t v 1 j If < qti < S > > l l 1 1 J H > > 4 I v 7 t t xx- a r tZ 4 c q 10 4f 4 j r T > OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY JUNE 24 1908 J JiFt l f- L j 4 ii FLrn- J I I t 1 t I For ti theSummers j k f Cooking vr No kitchen appliance gives p t inch actual satisfaction and ial home comfort as the New f C Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil CookStove Kitchen work this coming summer will be better and quicker done with greater personal comfort for the worker if instead of the stifling beat of SL coil fire you cook by the concentrated flame of the x NEW PERFECTION k wick Blue Flame 00 CookStove Delivers heat where you want itnever where you dont h a ti want itthus it keeps the kitchen cool Bums for hours on one filling Instantly regulated for low medium or intense heat Has sufficient capacity for all household needs Three sizesif not at your dealers write our nearest agency The never diS3pp ints- safeeconom1c1land Ryo IsSMJ JT ° a wonderful light giver Solidly made beautifully nickeled Your livingroom will be with a Rayo Lamp If not with your dealer write our nearest agency STANDARD OIL COMPANY iBcer- perfttedSuffering x Ladies w are urged to follow the example of thousands of their sisters and take Cardui Cardui is a non mineral nonintoxicating medicine for women It is for sick weak ladies with sick female organs i t V J J27 It Will Help You It is a genuine curative medicine that builds up the female system and relieves female pain Mrs M A St Clair of Eskdale W Va writes Before taking Cardui I had given up all hope of lasting well I had suffered for 3 years with my and was confined to my bed so I took Cardui R I and now Cardui has about cured my female trouble AT ALL DRUG STORES PURE WHITE SAND For Cement Sidewalk Construc- tion ¬ and Building Purposes s- eHSFYMOUR y z B i HOTEL VVINDLE ° 151719 East Forsytti Street Jacksonville Fla- N t CW and FirstClass in All r M1ti r > H Appointments American Plan 2 and 250 t per day European Plan F Q Rooms one person 75 cents 4 r ° l E t per day and up Special week- ly ¬ 4 rates Center of City Near t l t all Car Lines Open all tin Year Rooms with Bath Ex- tra ¬ H i Charge Bus from Depot and Steamships Lt C B SMITH prop- rietorEXCURSION r VIA IDE aT SiBOARD AIRLINE RY JULY 3rd 6 To Savannah Ga AND RETURN L K To Columbia S C AND RETURN Tickets sold for the day and night trains of July 2nd only Tickets are good on sleeper and are good to return up to and including July 17th r For further pariculars call on or write to E C RA L City Ticket and Passenger Agent Ocala Fla r J > V t 1 l 4 > r r d r a < S I BRITISH NAVAL SUPREMACY GOING TO THE BAD- Is the Opinion of a French Critic who Probably Hopes that His Words are True Paris June 24 That the gradual decline of British nasal supremacy is endangering the peace of the world and that an armed conflict between Great Brit ¬ ain and Germany is inevitable are the opinions put forward in a remarkable article in the Temps which recently played the part of candi friend in regard to the British army The writer says The British naval authorities have allowed themselves to be sur- prised ¬ by the rapidity of naval evo- lution ¬ and hypnotized by the prog- ress ¬ of the next largest navy Ever haunted by the fear of invasion they did not foresee the conse- quences ¬ of the RussoJapanese war any more than they foresaw- the consequences of the invention- of the Dreadnaught- Now that the naval supremacy of Britain is no longer absolute the naval ambitions of other na ¬ tions are being openly asserted America in a few years has con- structed a navy which is now the second in the world but which wily c soDii be surpassed by that of Ge many America asserts her naval rank by a piece of bluffthe naval voyage around the world It has been said that the American peo- ple ¬ speak little and strike hard hilt I in connection with this naval vov age Americans are really too- t astful Nevertheless the naval parade- has a peculiar significance of its own For instance the Australian Premiers invitation to visit Au- stralian ¬ ports is accepted with en- thusiasm ¬ but when the British government invites the same fleet to visit England the invitation is refused on the ground that it would delay the journey of the fleet Yet to visit Australia the fleet is obliged to steam 4000 to 5000 miles out of its course Yet while England has re ¬ ceived this little affront from America another young naval power has just set itself to the avowed task of supplanting its naval ancestor England This power is Germany Germany is l now following Lord Cawdors pol- icy ¬ of laying down four firstclass battleships every year while at the present time Britain is only laying down three The gradual diminu ¬ tion of British naval supremacy whichever way we look at it is bound to diminish the chances of the maintenance of peace in the Pacific where Britain has waived her supremacy A conflict of in ¬ terests has arisen between the United States and Japan and is not yet completely settled The British merchant flag is gradually disappearing from the far Eastern- seas Even in the Indian Ocean British merchant navigation is af ¬ fected Though in the Atlantic and her dependent seas Great Britain maintains her position she is di ¬ rectly threatened by the everin creasing German naval power Armed conflict is inevitable sooner- or later The two countries inter- ests ¬ are too much opposed for an entente to be possible When this conflict will come and how it will arise none can tell but the conflict- is inevitable APECULIAR CURE James Cantillion Regained his Sight During a Fit of Weeping New York June 24 James Cantillion of Marionette Vis I who was totally blind regained- his sight at Bellevue hospital yes- terday ¬ during a fit of hysterics vd1ich followed the surgeons an- nouncement ¬ I to him that his case was considered hopeless and that he would probably remain blind for the remainder of his life Cantillion who is a professional ball player member of the Des Monies Iowa team had had to have his left eye removed as the result of an accident in Chicago several months ago The sight ot the other eye failed from sympa- thetic ¬ affection He came to the Cornwell University Medical Col ¬ lege here for treatment and was preparing to enter Bellevue for an operation Today the surgeons decided that an operation would- be useless and so informed Can ¬ tillion who thereupon became hys- terical ¬ Suddenly he cried out that he would see and tests showed that the sight of the right eye had been almost completely restored The specialists now hope to complete- the cure The hospital surgeons say that Cantillions loss of sight was un ¬ doubtedly due to an affection of tie nervous system and that the hvsterical attack he underwent is responsible for the restoration- YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS Foleys Kidney Remedy will cur any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medl tine No medicine can do more Sold by all druggists Executors Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given to all cred ¬ itors legatees distributes and all t other persons having claims or de- mands ¬ against the state of Wiliamina Owen deceased to present the same to the undersigned executor within two years Thcs J Owen As Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Wilamina Owen Ocala Fla April 11th 1908 0 JUNE BUGS LONG JUMP Successful Flight of an Aerodrome at Hammondsport New York Hammonds Port N Y Jun- e2Three successful flights one of which is said to be the longest ever made in public by a flying machine in America was accom- plished ¬ yesterday by the new aero- drome ¬ No 3 known as the Curtiss June Bug which made its mai- den ¬ ascent here yesterday under the auspices of the Aerial Experi- ment ¬ Association- The aerodrome in its last flight of the day rose smartly from the ground and flew a distance of 1266 feet at the rate of 36 12 miles an hour The flight was re- garded ¬ as a particularly successful feat The initial performance of tile latest flying machine designed bv G H Curtiss was witnessed by Dr Graham Bell and other mem- bers ¬ of the association Words of Praise For the several Ingredients of which Dt Pierces medicines aracomposed as given by leaders in all tue several schools of medicine should have far more weight than any amount of nonprofessional tes- timonials Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip- tion ¬ has THE BADGE OF HONESTY on every bottlewrapper in a full list of all Its in- gredients ¬ printed in plain English- If you are an invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache backache gnaw dlstr in stomach periodical pains dlsagreoble catarrhal pelvic drain draggl down distress In lower abdomen- or pelvjs perhaps dark spots or specks dancl g before the eyes faint spells and kindled sym toms caused by female weak- ness ¬ o thor derangement of the feminine organs yW can not do better than take Dr Piertfes Favorite Prescription- The hs ital surgeons knife and opera- ting ¬ tablemay be avoided by the timely- use of vFavorite Prescription In such cases Thereby the obnoxious examin atIonsarnaiocaiJre2itmpni of the family physician can be avoided and a It i l coiirse of sl1ccessfuTtreatmellt carried ou I 1 overlie Prescription Is compose ot the very best native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure of womans peculiar ailments contains no alcohol and no harmful or habitforming drugs Do not expect too much from Favorite Prescription It will not perform mira ¬ cles It will not disolve or cure tumors No medicine will It will do as much to establish vigorous health In most weak- nesses ¬ and ailments peculiarly incident to women as an medicine can It must be given a fair chance by perseverance in ita use for a reasonable length of time Yn- trum tnt dIprn tn 11 1 CPptnqs us a substitute for thfc- piinwn rpmc > ny ot composition Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free All correspond ¬ ence is as sacredly secret and womanly confidences are protected by professional privacy Address Dr E V Pierce Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets the best laxative and regulator of the bowels They invigorate stomach liver and bowels One a laxative two or three I cathartic Easy to take as catadv FOR RENTTo gentleman and wife without children two completely furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping Apply to Gillen No1 r South Fifth street PEOPLE SLEEPING IN PARKS Terrible Suffering from Heat in the Big Northern Cities New York June 24A severe neat wave which enveloped the eastern states for three days pros ¬ trated over a score of persons in and about New York yesterday Xo relief is promised for two lays by the Weather Bureau All Xew York and its environs sweltered- and last night there was little re ¬ duction in the temperature which reached a minimum of 88 degrees at the Weather Bureau at I oclock today Should the heat continue tbe parks will be hrown open to all who wish to sleep on the lawns PILES PILES PILES Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure blind bleeding R7d itching piles- It absorbs the tumors allays the itch ¬ ing at once acts as a poultice gives instant relief Williams Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for piles and Itching of the private parts Sold by druggists mail 50c and 1 Williams Manufacturing Co Props Cleveland Ohio Sold by the AntiMopololy Drugstore FAT MEN ARE HAPPY- All Over 300 Pounds Will Vote for Taft Says Sullivan This Is a happy day for us ejacu ¬ lated Big Tom Sullivan the stoutest officeholder in the city administration who tips the scales at 360 pounds How is that Tom Why dont you see Tafts been nominated- But whats that to a Tammany Hall democrat- Gee you aint fly Taft is a heavy- weight ¬ and the guys over three hun- dred ¬ pounds throughout the country will vote for him to a man and dont yoi gforget it We fat men are proud tonight Come boys lets celebrate New York World ROGERS LIVERWORT- TAR AND CANCHALAGUA- For the complete cure of coughs colds asthma and bronchitis and all lung complaints tending to consump ¬ tion Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherry have for ages maintained an estab ¬ lished reputation as a standard cough remedy It contains no opium or harmful drug Can be given with safety to children Price Et Sold by druggists Williams Manufacturing Co Props Cleveland O Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore NOTICE- Of Application for Permit to Sell Liquors Wines and Beer Whereas Mason Tion has filed with the board of county commissio- jeis 4 for Marion county Florida his ap i t ion for permit to sell liquors nines and beer in election district No 1 of said county and state any citizen of said election district may show cause if any there be at the meeting- of the board to be held on Tuesday the seventh day of July next why such permit should not be granted S T Sistrunk Clerk Board of Count Commissioner I Marion County Florida j By H B Foy Jr D C- I A- I i i r df Y Ocala a u- Ii C- i S 5t fh 3 T H E F ty i i K A r r s The Fourth of July Committee has ar ¬ ranged for the Grandest Largest MostSK Novel Celebration city has ever known > ry k J > 500 IN CASH PRIZES sy People from far and near will flock to Ocala on that day and participate in the biggest cele- bration ¬ in the history of the city AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS AND ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE PROVIDED FUR ALL i Amusements will be provided for both colors Among the long list of attractions the will be baseball games between the best while and colored teams of the state Everyone get ready to come to Ocala on the Glorious Fourth The committee has invited Hon Albert W Gilchrist governorelect to address the people on this occasion The railroads have granted a rate of one and a fourth fare for the round trip tickets good to return up to and including the 8th CLOSE MESH AMERICAN FENCE SEE HOW CLOSE THESE MESHES ARE THEY HIlL L TURN LITTLE PIGS k Heavy Wire Close Mesh Pig S8 Tight 6 52 IN 6 48 W J Top and Bottom Barr No TO 6 a- sa galvanized wire Intermediate bars 6 N No i galvanized wire Stays No t 28 2a t 12 galvanized wire 12 inches 4 2c zt = apart y I < We are Also Exclusive 4gc tits for ELLWCOD FENCE J LARGE STOCK Q UICK SHIPMENTS < The largest stock of heavy and light hardware sash doors and l blinds farm mill and miners supplies paints oils etc etc carried a in Central Florida BONDS PORTABLE FIREPLACE- is i especially adapted for turpentine men sawmill men or anyone K < i i where a temporary fireplace is needed The cut herewith gives a front view of this invention and shows how same can be attached to any frame building either where fi replace would be built or can be set in window F1 It is made of the acct galvanized steel is light strong and dura ¬ ble This portable fireplace can be moved from place to place and taken down or set up in a very few minutes thereby saving an ex ¬ pense which would incur in making a chimney of sticks and mortar or brick cC Marion Hardware Co HARRY B CLARKSON General Manager ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA Boarding School for Boys Contacted by the Sisters of SI Joseph Young Y s from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intellectual1- 3o Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimming Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR- ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LORETTO FLA FOIITS MDNFIY CIJPE Cures Irregularities Corrects Backachf Do not risk having Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Brights Drsea beyond the reach of medicine No medicine can do more oTDiabetey FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS J y r F- iI i
Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-06-24 [p FOUR].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00879/0576.pdf · f C Perfection Wick Blue Flame ... of laying down four firstclass



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ii FLrn-JI I

t1 t I For

ti theSummersj

kf Cooking

vr No kitchen appliance givesp t inch actual satisfaction and

ial home comfort as the Newf

C Perfection Wick Blue FlameOil CookStove

Kitchen work this comingsummer will be better and quicker done with greaterpersonal comfort for the worker if instead of the stiflingbeat of SL coil fire you cook by the concentrated flame of the

x NEW PERFECTIONk wick Blue Flame 00 CookStove

Delivers heat where you want itnever where you donth a ti want itthus it keeps the kitchen cool Bums for

hours on one filling Instantly regulated for lowmedium or intense heat Has sufficient capacity forall household needs

Three sizesif not at your dealers write ournearest agency

The never diS3pp ints-safeeconom1c1landRyo IsSMJ JT

° a wonderful light giver Solidlymade beautifully nickeled Your livingroom will be

with a Rayo LampIf not with your dealer write our nearest agency





are urged to follow the example of thousands oftheir sisters and take Cardui Cardui is a nonmineral nonintoxicating medicine for women Itis for sick weak ladies with sick female organs





It Will Help YouIt is a genuine curative medicine that builds

up the female system and relieves female painMrs M A St Clair of Eskdale W Va writes

Before taking Cardui I had given up all hope oflasting well I had suffered for 3 years with my

and was confined to my bed so I took CarduiR

I and now Cardui has about cured my female troubleAT ALL DRUG STORES

PURE WHITE SANDFor Cement Sidewalk Construc-tion


and Building Purposes s-


z Bi

HOTEL VVINDLE° 151719 East Forsytti Street Jacksonville Fla-

Nt CW and FirstClass in Allr M1ti r> H Appointments

American Plan 2 and 250t per day European Plan

FQ Rooms one person 75 cents

4 r

°l E t per day and up Special week-


4 rates Center of City Neart l

tall Car Lines Open all tinYear Rooms with Bath Ex-tra


Hi Charge Bus from Depot

and SteamshipsLt

C B SMITH prop-




JULY 3rd

6 To Savannah GaAND RETURN


Tickets sold for the day and night trains of July 2ndonly

Tickets are good on sleeper and are good to return upto and including July 17th

r For further pariculars call on or write to E CRA L City Ticket and Passenger Agent Ocala Fla



> V t1 l 4 > r r d r a< S



Is the Opinion of a French Critic whoProbably Hopes that His

Words are True

Paris June 24 That thegradual decline of British nasalsupremacy is endangering thepeace of the world and that anarmed conflict between Great Brit ¬

ain and Germany is inevitable arethe opinions put forward in aremarkable article in the Tempswhich recently played the part ofcandi friend in regard to theBritish army The writer says

The British naval authoritieshave allowed themselves to be sur-prised


by the rapidity of naval evo-lution


and hypnotized by the prog-ress


of the next largest navy Everhaunted by the fear of invasionthey did not foresee the conse-quences


of the RussoJapanesewar any more than they foresaw-the consequences of the invention-of the Dreadnaught-

Now that the naval supremacyof Britain is no longer absolutethe naval ambitions of other na ¬

tions are being openly assertedAmerica in a few years has con-structed a navy which is now thesecond in the world but which wily c

soDii be surpassed by that of Gemany America asserts her navalrank by a piece of bluffthe navalvoyage around the world It hasbeen said that the American peo-ple


speak little and strike hard hiltI in connection with this naval vovage Americans are really too-t astful

Nevertheless the naval parade-has a peculiar significance of itsown For instance the AustralianPremiers invitation to visit Au-stralian


ports is accepted with en-


but when the Britishgovernment invites the same fleetto visit England the invitation isrefused on the ground that itwould delay the journey of thefleet Yet to visit Australia thefleet is obliged to steam 4000 to5000 miles out of its course

Yet while England has re¬

ceived this little affront fromAmerica another young navalpower has just set itself to theavowed task of supplanting itsnaval ancestor England Thispower is Germany Germany is l

now following Lord Cawdors pol-icy


of laying down four firstclassbattleships every year while at thepresent time Britain is only layingdown three The gradual diminu ¬

tion of British naval supremacywhichever way we look at it isbound to diminish the chances ofthe maintenance of peace in thePacific where Britain has waivedher supremacy A conflict of in ¬

terests has arisen between theUnited States and Japan and isnot yet completely settled TheBritish merchant flag is graduallydisappearing from the far Eastern-seas Even in the Indian OceanBritish merchant navigation is af¬

fectedThough in the Atlantic and

her dependent seas Great Britainmaintains her position she is di ¬

rectly threatened by the everincreasing German naval powerArmed conflict is inevitable sooner-or later The two countries inter-ests


are too much opposed for anentente to be possible When thisconflict will come and how it willarise none can tell but the conflict-is inevitable


James Cantillion Regained his SightDuring a Fit of Weeping

New York June 24 JamesCantillion of Marionette Vis Iwho was totally blind regained-his sight at Bellevue hospital yes-terday


during a fit of hystericsvd1ich followed the surgeons an-


I to him that his casewas considered hopeless and thathe would probably remain blindfor the remainder of his life

Cantillion who is a professionalball player member of the DesMonies Iowa team had had tohave his left eye removed as theresult of an accident in Chicagoseveral months ago The sight otthe other eye failed from sympa-thetic


affection He came to theCornwell University Medical Col¬

lege here for treatment and waspreparing to enter Bellevue for anoperation Today the surgeonsdecided that an operation would-be useless and so informed Can ¬

tillion who thereupon became hys-terical


Suddenly he cried out that hewould see and tests showed thatthe sight of the right eye had beenalmost completely restored Thespecialists now hope to complete-the cure

The hospital surgeons say thatCantillions loss of sight was un ¬

doubtedly due to an affection oftie nervous system and that thehvsterical attack he underwent isresponsible for the restoration-


Foleys Kidney Remedy will curany case of kidney or bladder troublethat is not beyond the reach of medltine No medicine can do more Soldby all druggists

Executors Notice to CreditorsNotice Is hereby given to all cred ¬

itors legatees distributes and all t

other persons having claims or de-mands


against the state of WiliaminaOwen deceased to present the sameto the undersigned executor withintwo years Thcs J OwenAs Executor of the Last Will and

Testament of Wilamina OwenOcala Fla April 11th 1908



Successful Flight of an Aerodrome atHammondsport New York

Hammonds Port N Y Jun-e2Three successful flights oneof which is said to be the longestever made in public by a flyingmachine in America was accom-plished


yesterday by the new aero-drome


No 3 known as the CurtissJune Bug which made its mai-


ascent here yesterday underthe auspices of the Aerial Experi-ment


Association-The aerodrome in its last flight

of the day rose smartly from theground and flew a distance of1266 feet at the rate of 36 12miles an hour The flight was re-


as a particularly successfulfeat The initial performance oftile latest flying machine designedbv G H Curtiss was witnessed byDr Graham Bell and other mem-bers


of the association

Words of PraiseFor the several Ingredients of which DtPierces medicines aracomposed as givenby leaders in all tue several schools ofmedicine should have far more weightthan any amount of nonprofessional tes-timonials Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip-tion


has THE BADGE OF HONESTY on everybottlewrapper in a full list of all Its in-


printed in plain English-If you are an invalid woman and suffer

from frequent headache backache gnawdlstr in stomach periodical pains

dlsagreoble catarrhal pelvic draindraggl down distress In lower abdomen-or pelvjs perhaps dark spots or specksdancl g before the eyes faint spells andkindled sym toms caused by female weak-ness


o thor derangement of the feminineorgans yW can not do better than takeDr Piertfes Favorite Prescription-

The hs ital surgeons knife and opera-ting


tablemay be avoided by the timely-use of vFavorite Prescription In suchcases Thereby the obnoxious examinatIonsarnaiocaiJre2itmpni of the familyphysician can beavoided and a It i lcoiirse of sl1ccessfuTtreatmellt carried ouI 1 overliePrescription Is compose ot the very bestnative medicinal roots known to medicalscience for the cure of womans peculiarailments contains no alcohol and noharmful or habitforming drugs

Do not expect too much from FavoritePrescription It will not perform mira ¬

cles It will not disolve or cure tumorsNo medicine will It will do as much toestablish vigorous health In most weak-nesses


and ailments peculiarly incident towomen as an medicine can It must begiven a fair chance by perseverance in itause for a reasonable length of time


tnt dIprn tn 11 1 CPptnqsus a substitute for thfc-

piinwnrpmc >ny ot

compositionSick women are invited to consult Dr

Pierce by letter free All correspond ¬

ence is as sacredly secret andwomanly confidences are protected byprofessional privacy Address Dr E VPierce

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets the bestlaxative and regulator of the bowelsThey invigorate stomach liver andbowels One a laxative two or three Icathartic Easy to take as catadv

FOR RENTTo gentleman andwife without children two completelyfurnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping Apply to Gillen No1 r

South Fifth street


Terrible Suffering from Heat in theBig Northern Cities

New York June 24A severeneat wave which enveloped theeastern states for three days pros ¬

trated over a score of persons inand about New York yesterdayXo relief is promised for two laysby the Weather Bureau All XewYork and its environs sweltered-and last night there was little re ¬

duction in the temperature whichreached a minimum of 88 degreesat the Weather Bureau at I

oclock todayShould the heat continue tbe

parks will be hrown open to allwho wish to sleep on the lawns

PILES PILES PILESWilliams Indian Pile Ointment will

cure blind bleeding R7d itching piles-It absorbs the tumors allays the itch ¬

ing at once acts as a poultice givesinstant relief Williams Indian PileOintment is prepared for piles andItching of the private parts Sold bydruggists mail 50c and 1 WilliamsManufacturing Co Props ClevelandOhio Sold by the AntiMopololyDrugstore


All Over 300 Pounds Will Vote forTaft Says Sullivan

This Is a happy day for us ejacu ¬

lated Big Tom Sullivan the stoutestofficeholder in the city administrationwho tips the scales at 360 pounds

How is that TomWhy dont you see Tafts been

nominated-But whats that to a Tammany

Hall democrat-Gee you aint fly Taft is a heavy-


and the guys over three hun-dred


pounds throughout the countrywill vote for him to a man and dontyoi gforget it We fat men are proudtonight Come boys lets celebrate

New York World


For the complete cure of coughscolds asthma and bronchitis and alllung complaints tending to consump ¬

tion Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherryhave for ages maintained an estab ¬

lished reputation as a standard coughremedy It contains no opium orharmful drug Can be given withsafety to children Price Et Sold bydruggists Williams ManufacturingCo Props Cleveland O Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore


Of Application for Permit to SellLiquors Wines and Beer

Whereas Mason Tion has filedwith the board of county commissio-

jeis 4

for Marion county Florida his api t ion for permit to sell liquorsnines and beer in election district No1 of said county and state any citizenof said election district may showcause if any there be at the meeting-of the board to be held on Tuesdaythe seventh day of July next whysuch permit should not be granted

S T SistrunkClerk Board of Count CommissionerI Marion County Floridaj By H B Foy Jr D C-





r df Y

Ocala a u-





5tfh 3 THE Fty

ii KA




The Fourth of July Committee has ar¬

ranged for the Grandest Largest MostSKNovel Celebration city has ever known

> ry

kJ >


People from far and near willflock to Ocala on that day andparticipate in the biggest cele-bration




Amusements will be provided for both colors Among the longlist of attractions the will be baseball games between the best while andcolored teams of the state Everyone get ready to come to Ocala on theGlorious Fourth

The committee has invited Hon Albert W Gilchrist governorelectto address the people on this occasion The railroads have granted arate of one and a fourth fare for the round trip tickets good to returnup to and including the 8th



Heavy Wire Close Mesh Pig S8

Tight 6 52 IN

6 48 W JTop and Bottom Barr No TO 6 a-

sagalvanized wire Intermediate bars 6 N

No i galvanized wire Stays No t 282a


12 galvanized wire 12 inches 4 2c zt =apart

y I< We are Also Exclusive 4gc tits for ELLWCOD FENCE J

LARGE STOCK Q UICK SHIPMENTS< The largest stock of heavy and light hardware sash doors and

l blinds farm mill and miners supplies paints oils etc etc carrieda in Central Florida


iespecially adapted for turpentine men sawmill men or anyone

K< i

i where a temporary fireplace is needed The cut herewith gives afront view of this invention and shows how same can be attached to

any frame building either where fi replace would be built or can be

set in windowF1

It is made of the acct galvanized steel is light strong and dura¬

ble This portable fireplace can be moved from place to place andtaken down or set up in a very few minutes thereby saving an ex¬

pense which would incur in making a chimney of sticks and mortaror brick

cC Marion Hardware CoHARRY B CLARKSON General Manager


Boarding School for Boys Contacted by the Sisters of SI Joseph

Young Y s from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along PhysicalIntellectual1-

3oMoral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimming

Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall andRecreation Rooms

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR-





Do not risk havingWill cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Brights Drseabeyond the reach of medicine No medicine can do more oTDiabetey



r F-

iI i
