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Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-06-11 [p...

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3 atazywr r F + R r yY Yb + n 4 r P smm iifisi n- N vjT X k X- T xvi r OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY JUNE 11 190 1 r When He Courted You fA e He didnt complain if you were a little despond ¬ p ent or irritable at times Now he does Hes the same man He didnt understand then He doesnt now Then he thought it was ca ¬ 1 price and liked it Now he thinks it is caprice a and doesnt like it But now hes busy getting money c If he realized the full truth he would be more than uixious to have the wife he loves take the right remedy- to restore her to true womanly health Most men dont know that when a woman is weak nervous irritable and despondent there is invariably something radically wrong with the delicate feminine organs with which her entire physique is in sensitive sympathy 1 Ther M one and just one remedy tried tad prom that V t will pat things right when the femloin orU1 aID k weak or- diiaed It is Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription This Bedielae restores perfect health to the weakened or gCM cad makes them strong It makes wifehood happy and moiftcrhood easy It makes childbirth short and almost painless It helps to make real new women An honest druggist wont urge a upon you a substitute This Favorite Prescription is a pure glyceric extract of native medicinal roots and contains no al ¬ cohol injurious or habitforming drugs A full list of its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper and attested as full and correct under oath L Dr Pierres Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stom ¬ ach Liver and Bowels Easy to take as candy t GOING AWAY FOR THE SUMMER I COTTAGES FOR RENT1 I CA At Daytona Beach and Seabreeze Hotel r H 73S = === = Accomodations Secured = == = A CO I cr d a We Sell Them on Easy Terms is- o i w BUY YOURSELF A NICE HOME r r 2e = We Sell Them on Easy Terms a C3- B 90- V r Let Me Look After Your e H 2- a Properly While Yon are Away This Summer a 3 A FRANK MANAGER MARION REALTY COMPANY = t + < > X eeo H XH c x- f + xix x +x t ROWE LITTLE BONANZA 3 fr I ij So E ROWE PROPRIETOR 0 0 < OCALA FLORIDA Il i > ALL KINDS OF il 1 Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both s- t v J Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com- plete j Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right s X UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class t I 9 Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers s s i f Scrap Iron and Metals AIo Green Hides Bought I anti Sold f I r i Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652 i 100 and 102 North Magnolia Street X > + + +x SCRAP METAL AND JUNK- I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels leather Etc old Engines Boilers Rails Etc whether as secondhand or scrap and pay the highest price in cash for same Write or call on me and let me know what you have and wane it is located E T 3D IE C KER- i PHONE 341 BETWEEN MARKET AND LAUNDRY OCALA FLA I I z rj- COPYRf v = = NT THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES iJ and taste as sweet Thats why Schles ingers and Lowneys Candies in half and pound boxes are so popular Pure confections these flavor delicious Our confectionery Is free from adultera- tion ¬ It Is wholesome and healthful i Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and Nears 48i BALLARDS sJ Belle Meade Sweets Sql Fruit and Chocolate THATS All f > These delkiois candies can be had oily al- f J Court Pharmacy A t EA Messrs Scott and Taylor deny the soft impeachment that they are mil- lionaires ¬ therefore they have riot pur- chased an auto apiece but only one awl that one they are now using- Mr George Chambers of the Ocaln Fire Department returned today from- a visit to Jacksonville and while there went to Camp Bryan and made the Ocala Rifles a pleasant visit He said the camp grounds are beautifully lo- cated ¬ on the St Johns river eight miles from Jacksonville and the boys are enjoying their outing Everybody attend the baby show at the armory tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6 The show promises a big suc- cess ¬ Miss Agnes Scblatre of Boardman who took the teachers examination returned home today While here she was the guest of Miss Bottolaccio Miss X K Smith one of Ocala mist efficient trained nurses went to Inverness the other day to take charge of a patient Major and Mrs L T Izlar left this afternoon for Blackvilie S CThe major will return in about two weeks Mrs Izlar will remain all summer and I later will visit the mountains of North i Carolina- Mr M Haughton representing the Holmes R Baker Co of Jacksonville came in today to spend Sunday with Mrs Haughton at the Ocala House Mr Z C Chambliss is agreeably surprised at the fine yield of some late cantaloupe vines from which he will load one or two exceptionally fine cars in a few days at which time the market will be in fine shape for them Dr A R Toph has gone from Jack- sonville ¬ to White Springs where he will remain for a few days to enjoy the fine waters of the spring a Y OCALA OCCURRENCES r Woodmen meet this evening- M L Conoly of P rry is at the Montezuma- Mr J H Parker of Gainesville is I at the Montezuma Mr Frank II i a gut f the Ocala Hutsr Mr B S Branch of Suminrrfield is at the Montezuma- Mr George Chambers returned from Jacksonville this morning Mr Ed Bennett returned this morn ¬ I ing from a business trip to Gainesville- Mr I OBannon of DtinnMIon was In town today I Mr J S McAllister of Reldlrk i < at the Montezuma I 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price 25c I I L W Jackson of Gainesville was in town today on his way home I Alfred Ayer and family went up to their farm at McIntosh this afternoon- Mr I Fort of Lynne a brother of Commissioner Fort was in town today I I Capt J B Martin was up from Moss Blurt yesterday I I Anthony has a new doctor F E Miller of Georgia I Charles Gates came up from the I lake this afternoon I Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed to cure chills and fever 25 cents- J S McAllister of Reddick was a guest of the Montezuma yesterday REXALL Miss Alta Pearson returned last night from Gainesville Ga where she has been attending college- Mr Ifcirry Leavongood will leave Saturdnf for Tampa where lie has ac ¬ cepted a position- Mr Mala Haughton returned home last night from Jacksonville and is at the Ocala House with his parents Mr J R Martin returned today from Seabreeze where he went to lo- cate ¬ I his family for the summer REXALL Messrs Rowland Blitch Will Jeff coat and Ed Tucker went down to the lake this afternoon to spend the night I Mrs Henry Gordon and little daugh- ter ¬ went down to Plant City to visit friends this afternoon- Mr I and Mrs Roy Reagan and children returned to Brooksville this afternoon after a star of several I weeks In Ocala I l Mrs J E Stevens and son came up this afternoon and wont down to the lake to visit Mr and Mrs Griggs REXALL Mr P J Theus is at Holder and Dunnellon attending to business Ho will return tomorrow Mrs Charles Rogers of Lynne and Mrs C A Fort left today for Rock ledge and Daytona to spend some time with friends The city court disposed of two cases this morning one white plain I drunk and one colored disorderly Fishelville is growing Six new houses an going up and all are rent- ed ¬ but two i I i 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any vas of Chills and Fever Price 25c William Gist the farther trucker and cattleman of McIntosh has been spending several days on his stock farm near Santos He returned home today- Dr Lawrence Scott of Birmingham Alabama is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs G S Scott for a few days I Mr Robert Munroe of Anthony was in town today Mr Munroo was ask- rd if he came up in his auto No replied the gentleman I used the hay burner- Dr W McMullen of Monthrook is in town today having come down in his auto Wilbur Smith one of till Ocala Gas Engine garage boys will accompany him home- D O and L V Cash of Jackson- ville representing a scales company- are guests of the Montezuma A man by the name ot Steele from Zuber is in the hospital from injuries received from a scald He is a Wood- man ¬ and the choppers are looking af- ter ¬ him Allen W Bridges manager of the J B Martin Hardware Co believes in the motto God bless our home and with that idea in view has orna- mented ¬ his show windows with a lot of attractive pictures all neatly fram- ed ¬ for the small sum of 49 cents each They are so cheap they will go quick Mrs Kallenberger and children went down to the lake yesterday afternoon to spend some time on its delightful shores- A fine subject at the Air Dome last night was the romance of the Middle I Ages in Italy the Duchess of Brac ciano The Great Marathon Race was most interesting and Spring Cleaning brought a succession of vociferous smiles The quality of moving pictures seems to have great ly improved in the last few months- Mr L J Brumb editor of the Florida Fruit and Truck Grower has been In Atlanta since the adjourning of the legislature taking a short re = t- He will be at home again in a frw days Mr and Mrs W M Cooper of Sor ¬ rento are visiting their daughter Mrs R M Cook The families of Messrs Jack and Clarence Camp are enjoying them- selves ¬ on the Camps huge and pala- tial ¬ houseboat on Crystal River and the nearby Gulf water The trip will be prolonged as long as the ladle o and children are enjoying themselves FENOLEInse- ct Destroyer and Disinfectant Instant Death to Bed Bugs Fleas Reaches Mosquitoes and Flies De- stroys Germs and Sterilizes the Eggs- of Insects Foul Odors are Purified by Its Use In Quarts HalfGallon and Gallon Cans SPRAYERS FOR USE OF SAME TAr T GROCERY- Mr I J A Hamilton an industrious farm r awl trucker of Anthony was in town this morning and said on some of his shipments of tomatoes and cantaloupes he did well but just now thf market is off Jim Pylep now in Ocala but who lived here for a long time is in South Carolina on a vacation If he doesnt stop over in Inverness on his way home and visit his friends he is liable to get shottedCitrus County Chron ¬ icle M H Baum of Crystal River sub ¬ scribed 100 to the contingent fund of till Orange Growers Association of the state This was a generous gift especially as Citrus county is not en- rolled ¬ in the association Citrus County Chronicle I I Mr W A Baxley of Croom late of this city has been in town for several days Mr Bailer says spirits of tur ¬ pentine are not soarIng very high but he has one of the finest gardens you ever saw and is raising lots to eat be- sides ¬ some good staple crops Dr Mciinno has now straightened- out his handsome apartments in the Holder block and has entered upon his future career as an Ocala practitioner The doctor is much pleased with our city and is being kept comfortably- busy t Mr Will Marlowe and family are moving into the Rheinauer cottage which has boon made ready for him by the addition of an extension to the dining room Workmen are now en- gaged ¬ in the same work on the cot ¬ tage on the other corner of the block occupied by Mr Blaine Mr A M Lansrord the successful piano salesman repairer and tuner says he made a sale yesterday that Is a most unusual one He sold a piano- a very fine one to a man at Williston who paid him a deposit of 100 on tho instrument when he signed the con ¬ tract before the instrument was ship- ped ¬ from the factory Mr Lansford- is kept very busy and is doing well in both branches of his business The prizes for the baby show are now on exhibition in Mr Burnetts window The contributors were Mrs Clarence Camp handsome solid silver knife fork spoon Marcus Frank baby cap Tydings Co tray toilet I set powders and soap Rheinauer Co silver spoon G S Scott Son pretty ring A E Huruett two gold pins Kings Daughters two fine silver spoons Let everybody remember the show begins at 4 and lasts until 6 oclock at the armory Entries free and will be received until the show opens Admission 10 cents Cake and lemonade on sale Ice water free Lots of nice fat hens at Rowes Lit ¬ tle Bonanza I WHAT EVERY An KNOWS a r a That every woman fcaows that y CANDIES I Are the Best In the World Her first choiceher last choiceand her choice- at all times MY FAVORITES MTITO oiooouim oat make an exceptional gill package For Sale b- yTWTROXLER ROt R- T t j1 1 r 1 lE z I + 196 The Proof is in tie BREAD I If you are not using it now its a good time to begin We set it exclusively in Ocala iMARTIN CAR THE GLOBES ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN- The Globe the Underselling Store has entered Into a contract with the Star for 40 Inches two full columns- of space each day In the dally and weekly for one year In this spac- er Goldman the wide awake partner and manager of the Globe will tell the people of this vicinity something- new and to their intertst each week This week the ad is about shoes The store has too many having bought- a large stock in Gainesville In addi- tion ¬ to an already complete stock and will offer great bargains for a short time Few merchants In Ocala have ever made a better success than Mr Gold ¬ man of the Globe He has original and sound ideas about conducting the business is a liberal advertiser and- is doing well He finds that the store must have more room more than I twice what he now occupies and Is looking ahead for it There Is not a house in Ocala with the exception of some of the man order liquor houses that has spent the money for adver ¬ tising and printing that the Globe has during the past three years The Globe would no more think of trying to do business in the open air than to- ry t to get along without advertising Other houses would do well to spend- a little more for advertising They I will find as Mr Goldman has that it I pays I NEW CEMENT AND PAVING COMPANY FOR OCALA Elsewhere in our columns will be seen the announcement of a new busi- ness ¬ for Ocala and while new in some respects it is old in others as Mr J R Moorhead who is its manager has constantly resided in Ocala for 25 years and Is known to every person- in Marion county Jim has Ideas just how concrete and cement work should- be done in order to obtain the best results and with his experience along I ths Ine we bespeak success for hn and satisfaction to those who trust their work to his skill and judgment- A NEW LIME COMPANY Messrs A G Gates Stephen Jewett and John Graham of Ocala and C M Corn of Reddick are forming an in ¬I corporation that will start a new lime industry in Marion county The plant 1 will be established on a tract of land owned by Mr Carn about half a mile I southeast of Reddick said to contain- a very line deposit of lime rock The- A C L railway has built a switch to I the property EXCURSION TO ST PETERSBURG- On i June 14th the Atlantic Coast Line will sell tickets from Ocala to St Petersburg and return for 255 for the round trip The tickets will be good to return to and including- the 19th Some excursions on the bay will be arranged by the people of St Petersburg and a good time can be had by all who go For other infor- mation ¬ I call on F J Huber ticket agent Ocala Fla Messrs George and Herbert Martin went to Eastlake this afternoon with their tent and camping outfit where they will enjoy a weeks stay The Crom boys and other friends will he with them part of the time Capt T H Johnson has loaded the twentieth car of melons from his 160 acre field at the northeast corner of the city limits He will probably load ten more cars from this field Knight Lang have received a number of dump carts from the fac- tory ¬ at Wilson N C The McKean Lumber Co bought on as soon as they were placed on exhibition Jack McCully one of the prosperous farmers and truckers of the Fellow- ship ¬ I section anil one of the fojthful trustees of the Fellowship school was a visitor to the city today calling on I Supt J H Brinson I Mr Mellon the MIcanopy sawmill man and Dr Montgomery the noted I physician of the same place were in town today In the formers auto I Mr Albritton Sr of Daisy was in town today and said his crops were In fine condition Mr A has just passed through a severe spell of sick- ness ¬ Mrs R E Brigance the estimable proprietress of the Palmetto House has been confined to her bed for a week or so with erysipelas Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery I Mr Whitfield of Jacksonville has I arrived in Ocala and taken Mr A O Lucius chair in the Arcade Barber- shop ¬ Mr Lucius being confined to the hospital with appendicitis j Mr D T Jeffcoat brother of Will I has graduated from the Tampa Busi- ness ¬ College He has arrived in Ocala and taken a position in rM J M Mef ferfs office I Miss Lorena Freeman of Belleview and Miss Wendel of Belle Plain X Y who has been spending some time- at i Belleview left for the north yester- day ¬ Miss Freeman went to Pittsburg- to spend the summer with friends Mr Dudley Youngblood came down from Dutton in the Mutual Mininig companys new Reo auto yesterday I and spent the day and night with his family Mr Youngblood is very eulo ¬ gistic in his praise of Ocala Meet me at the drug store on the square- Dr Charles Walkup of McIntosh has received his diploma from a Baltimore medical college and will practice his profession at home I We do not know of any other pi that is as good as DeWitts Littl- Early Risers the famous little lit pillssmall gentle pleasant and su pills with a reputation Sold by all druggists Have you seen the new visible Fay Slioles typewriter R C Davis Co general agents Foleys Honey and Tar is especially recommended for chronic throat anJj lung troubles and many sufferers from bronchitis asthma and consumption have found comfort and relief by us- ing ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar Sold by I all druggists IMPOUNDED STOCK FOR SALE j Two hogs marked swallow fork un- der and upper bit in each ear three hogs marked under square and upper bit in each ear three unmarked hogs These animals will be sold on Monday noon at the city poun- dREXALL T 7 I if 2500 SU- ITFREE o I I In order to get my tailored garments more introduced I will give absolutely free a 25 suit of clothes <t With every order for any kind of tailored garment I take the balance of this June month I will give a chance- to win a suit which will go to the lucky one on July 1 During the period of this introductory offer T will make to order an all wool t blue serge suit in any style that you can name color fit and workmanship guaran ¬ teed for 1375- I y dont think that you can get this suit in a readymade one for less than 1750 t c MY STANDING GUARANTEE IS That you will have a per ¬ fect fit- That 0 you will get your J moneys worth That the garments are It handtailored- That the garments are made for you 1 Dont be a readymade man Let me i fit G make your clothes and you will be well l dressed Dont forget that with every order y you get a chance on the suit to be given away July 1 Come and feel of the piece of serge Pants X335 to 1200 Suits 100f to 5000 1I MARCUS FRANK The man that treats you right 3 UTOM OBI LE V tf- J TO FIT ANY RIMS J OLTEDOH CLINCHER QDGLINCHER I WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRES AS > WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO f REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE j PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA FLA aL pL + KNIGHT LANG Leading Vehicle Dealers- of Central Florida 1 inBeise stock of Reliable W afMU taffies Cirfc r11I and Carriages carried at all Uses Haraess Saddles Lap Rites Wkifs aM al kit carried by a firstclass Hue tf ftis IM btifht V enti- ties ¬ from the factories ail always ia stock at lie very 1 west prices f We can save yti Btiey M ytr pvduies be ftey f- larf a snail j Afeits lear most tf tit teaiiif ail best Mites of- waf z is aid buU- lesKNIGHT ioJ L LANG < i I
Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-06-11 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03190/00068.pdf · OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY JUNE 11 190 1 r When He Courted You fA e

3 atazywr r F + Rr yY Yb + n


P smm iifisi n-N vjT X

k X-T



When He Courted YoufA e He didnt complain if you were a little despond ¬

p ent or irritable at times Now he does Hesthe same man He didnt understand thenHe doesnt now Then he thought it was ca¬

1 price and liked it Now he thinks it is capricea and doesnt like it But now hes busy getting

moneyc If he realized the full truth he would be more than

uixious to have the wife he loves take the right remedy-to restore her to true womanly health Most men dontknow that when a woman is weak nervous irritable anddespondent there is invariably something radically wrongwith the delicate feminine organs with which her entire

physique is in sensitive sympathy

1 Ther M one and just one remedy tried tad prom thatV t will pat things right when the femloin orU1 aID k weak or-

diiaed It is

Dr Pierces Favorite PrescriptionThis Bedielae restores perfect health to the weakened orgCM cad makes them strong

It makes wifehood happy and moiftcrhood easy It makeschildbirth short and almost painless It helps to makereal new women An honest druggist wont urge

aupon you a substitute

This Favorite Prescription is a pure glycericextract of native medicinal roots and contains no al¬

cohol injurious or habitforming drugs A full list ofits ingredients printed on its outside wrapper andattested as full and correct under oath

L Dr Pierres Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stom ¬

ach Liver and Bowels Easy to take as candytGOING AWAY FOR THE SUMMER


CAAt Daytona Beach and Seabreeze Hotel rH

73S ===== Accomodations Secured === = ACO


cr da We Sell Them on Easy Terms is-

o i w

BUY YOURSELF A NICE HOMErr 2e= We Sell Them on Easy Terms aC3-


Vr Let Me Look After YoureH2-


Properly While Yon are Away This Summer a3



= t+ < > XeeoH XH c x-

f+ xix x+x


fr Iij


i > ALL KINDS OF il1 Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both


t vJ Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com-



Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right sX UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class t I

9 Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers ss


f Scrap Iron and Metals AIo Green Hides Bought Ianti Sold


ri Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652 i

100 and 102 North Magnolia Street

X > + + +x

SCRAP METAL AND JUNK-I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc

Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels leather Etc old EnginesBoilers Rails Etc whether as secondhand or scrap and pay thehighest price in cash for same Write or call on me and let me knowwhat you have and wane it is located









THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSESiJ and taste as sweet Thats why Schles

ingers and Lowneys Candies in halfand pound boxes are so popular Pureconfections these flavor delicious Ourconfectionery Is free from adultera-tion


It Is wholesome and healthful

i Every kind of confectionery hereFruits Cold Drinks Cigars and Nears


sJ Belle Meade Sweets

Sql Fruit and ChocolateTHATS All

f > These delkiois candies can behad oily al-



Court PharmacyA



Messrs Scott and Taylor deny thesoft impeachment that they are mil-lionaires


therefore they have riot pur-chased an auto apiece but only oneawl that one they are now using-

Mr George Chambers of the OcalnFire Department returned today from-a visit to Jacksonville and while therewent to Camp Bryan and made theOcala Rifles a pleasant visit He saidthe camp grounds are beautifully lo-


on the St Johns river eightmiles from Jacksonville and the boysare enjoying their outing

Everybody attend the baby show atthe armory tomorrow afternoon from4 to 6 The show promises a big suc-cess


Miss Agnes Scblatre of Boardmanwho took the teachers examinationreturned home today While here shewas the guest of Miss Bottolaccio

Miss X K Smith one of Ocalamist efficient trained nurses went toInverness the other day to takecharge of a patient

Major and Mrs L T Izlar left thisafternoon for Blackvilie S CThemajor will return in about two weeksMrs Izlar will remain all summer and

I later will visit the mountains of Northi Carolina-

Mr M Haughton representing theHolmes R Baker Co of Jacksonvillecame in today to spend Sunday withMrs Haughton at the Ocala House

Mr Z C Chambliss is agreeablysurprised at the fine yield of somelate cantaloupe vines from which hewill load one or two exceptionally finecars in a few days at which time themarket will be in fine shape for them

Dr A R Toph has gone from Jack-sonville


to White Springs where hewill remain for a few days to enjoythe fine waters of the spring

a Y


Woodmen meet this evening-

M L Conoly of P rry is at theMontezuma-

Mr J H Parker of Gainesville is I

at the Montezuma

Mr Frank II i a gut f theOcala Hutsr

Mr B S Branch of Suminrrfield isat the Montezuma-

Mr George Chambers returned fromJacksonville this morning

Mr Ed Bennett returned this morn ¬ I

ing from a business trip to Gainesville-


OBannon of DtinnMIon was Intown today


Mr J S McAllister of Reldlrk i <

at the MontezumaI

5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any caseof Chills and Fever Price 25c I

IL W Jackson of Gainesville was

in town today on his way homeI

Alfred Ayer and family went up totheir farm at McIntosh this afternoon-



Fort of Lynne a brother ofCommissioner Fort was in town today I


Capt J B Martin was up from MossBlurt yesterday I


Anthony has a new doctor F EMiller of Georgia


Charles Gates came up from the I

lake this afternoonI

Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed tocure chills and fever 25 cents-

J S McAllister of Reddick was aguest of the Montezuma yesterday


Miss Alta Pearson returned lastnight from Gainesville Ga where shehas been attending college-

Mr Ifcirry Leavongood will leaveSaturdnf for Tampa where lie has ac ¬

cepted a position-

Mr Mala Haughton returned homelast night from Jacksonville and is atthe Ocala House with his parents

Mr J R Martin returned todayfrom Seabreeze where he went to lo-

cate¬ I

his family for the summer


Messrs Rowland Blitch Will Jeffcoat and Ed Tucker went down to thelake this afternoon to spend the night


Mrs Henry Gordon and little daugh-ter


went down to Plant City to visitfriends this afternoon-



and Mrs Roy Reagan andchildren returned to Brooksville thisafternoon after a star of several I

weeks In OcalaI

lMrs J E Stevens and son came upthis afternoon and wont down to thelake to visit Mr and Mrs Griggs


Mr P J Theus is at Holder andDunnellon attending to business Howill return tomorrow

Mrs Charles Rogers of Lynne andMrs C A Fort left today for Rockledge and Daytona to spend some timewith friends

The city court disposed of twocases this morning one white plain I

drunk and one colored disorderly

Fishelville is growing Six newhouses an going up and all are rent-ed


but twoi

I i5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any vas

of Chills and Fever Price 25c

William Gist the farther truckerand cattleman of McIntosh has beenspending several days on his stockfarm near Santos He returned hometoday-

Dr Lawrence Scott of BirminghamAlabama is visiting his parents Mrand Mrs G S Scott for a few days


Mr Robert Munroe of Anthony wasin town today Mr Munroo was ask-rd if he came up in his auto Noreplied the gentleman I used the hayburner-

Dr W McMullen of Monthrook isin town today having come down inhis auto Wilbur Smith one of tillOcala Gas Engine garage boys willaccompany him home-

D O and L V Cash of Jackson-ville representing a scales company-are guests of the Montezuma

A man by the name ot Steele fromZuber is in the hospital from injuriesreceived from a scald He is a Wood-man


and the choppers are looking af-ter



Allen W Bridges manager of theJ B Martin Hardware Co believesin the motto God bless our homeand with that idea in view has orna-mented


his show windows with a lotof attractive pictures all neatly fram-ed


for the small sum of 49 cents eachThey are so cheap they will go quick

Mrs Kallenberger and children wentdown to the lake yesterday afternoonto spend some time on its delightfulshores-

A fine subject at the Air Dome lastnight was the romance of the Middle

I Ages in Italy the Duchess of Bracciano The Great Marathon Racewas most interesting and SpringCleaning brought a succession ofvociferous smiles The quality ofmoving pictures seems to have greatly improved in the last few months-

Mr L J Brumb editor of theFlorida Fruit and Truck Grower hasbeen In Atlanta since the adjourningof the legislature taking a short re = t-

He will be at home again in a frwdays

Mr and Mrs W M Cooper of Sor ¬

rento are visiting their daughter MrsR M Cook

The families of Messrs Jack andClarence Camp are enjoying them-selves


on the Camps huge and pala-tial


houseboat on Crystal River andthe nearby Gulf water The trip willbe prolonged as long as the ladle o andchildren are enjoying themselves


ct Destroyer and Disinfectant

Instant Death to Bed Bugs Fleas

Reaches Mosquitoes and Flies De-

stroys Germs and Sterilizes the Eggs-

of Insects Foul Odors are Purified by

Its Use

In Quarts HalfGallon and Gallon






J A Hamilton an industriousfarm r awl trucker of Anthony wasin town this morning and said onsome of his shipments of tomatoes andcantaloupes he did well but just nowthf market is off

Jim Pylep now in Ocala but wholived here for a long time is in SouthCarolina on a vacation If he doesntstop over in Inverness on his wayhome and visit his friends he is liableto get shottedCitrus County Chron ¬


M H Baum of Crystal River sub ¬

scribed 100 to the contingent fund oftill Orange Growers Association ofthe state This was a generous giftespecially as Citrus county is not en-


in the association CitrusCounty Chronicle I


Mr W A Baxley of Croom late ofthis city has been in town for severaldays Mr Bailer says spirits of tur ¬

pentine are not soarIng very high buthe has one of the finest gardens youever saw and is raising lots to eat be-


some good staple crops

Dr Mciinno has now straightened-out his handsome apartments in theHolder block and has entered upon hisfuture career as an Ocala practitionerThe doctor is much pleased with ourcity and is being kept comfortably-busy

tMr Will Marlowe and family are

moving into the Rheinauer cottagewhich has boon made ready for himby the addition of an extension to thedining room Workmen are now en-


in the same work on the cot ¬

tage on the other corner of the blockoccupied by Mr Blaine

Mr A M Lansrord the successfulpiano salesman repairer and tunersays he made a sale yesterday that Isa most unusual one He sold a piano-a very fine one to a man at Willistonwho paid him a deposit of 100 on thoinstrument when he signed the con ¬

tract before the instrument was ship-ped


from the factory Mr Lansford-is kept very busy and is doing well inboth branches of his business

The prizes for the baby show arenow on exhibition in Mr Burnettswindow The contributors were MrsClarence Camp handsome solid silverknife fork spoon Marcus Frankbaby cap Tydings Co tray toilet I

set powders and soap RheinauerCo silver spoon G S Scott Sonpretty ring A E Huruett two goldpins Kings Daughters two fine silverspoons Let everybody remember theshow begins at 4 and lasts until 6

oclock at the armory Entries freeand will be received until the showopens Admission 10 cents Cakeand lemonade on sale Ice water free

Lots of nice fat hens at Rowes Lit ¬

tle BonanzaI



r a

That every woman fcaows that


Are the Best In the World

Her first choiceher lastchoiceand her choice-

at all timesMY FAVORITES

MTITO oiooouim oatmake an exceptional gill package

For Sale b-


ROt R-

Ttj1 1



lE zI + 196

The Proof is in tieBREAD

I If you are not usingit now its a good

time to begin Weset it exclusively inOcala



The Globe the Underselling Storehas entered Into a contract with theStar for 40 Inches two full columns-of space each day In the dally andweekly for one year In this spac-

er Goldman the wide awake partnerand manager of the Globe will tellthe people of this vicinity something-new and to their intertst each week

This week the ad is about shoesThe store has too many having bought-a large stock in Gainesville In addi-tion


to an already complete stock andwill offer great bargains for a shorttime

Few merchants In Ocala have evermade a better success than Mr Gold¬man of the Globe He has originaland sound ideas about conducting thebusiness is a liberal advertiser and-is doing well He finds that the storemust have more room more than I

twice what he now occupies and Islooking ahead for it There Is not ahouse in Ocala with the exception ofsome of the man order liquor housesthat has spent the money for adver ¬

tising and printing that the Globe hasduring the past three years TheGlobe would no more think of tryingto do business in the open air than to-ryt to get along without advertising

Other houses would do well to spend-a little more for advertising They I

will find as Mr Goldman has that it I



Elsewhere in our columns will beseen the announcement of a new busi-ness


for Ocala and while new in somerespects it is old in others as Mr JR Moorhead who is its manager hasconstantly resided in Ocala for 25years and Is known to every person-in Marion county Jim has Ideas justhow concrete and cement work should-be done in order to obtain the bestresults and with his experience along I

ths Ine we bespeak success for hnand satisfaction to those who trusttheir work to his skill and judgment-


Messrs A G Gates Stephen Jewettand John Graham of Ocala and C MCorn of Reddick are forming an in ¬ I

corporation that will start a new limeindustry in Marion county The plant 1

will be established on a tract of landowned by Mr Carn about half a mile I

southeast of Reddick said to contain-a very line deposit of lime rock The-A C L railway has built a switch to I

the property



June 14th the Atlantic CoastLine will sell tickets from Ocala toSt Petersburg and return for 255for the round trip The tickets willbe good to return to and including-the 19th Some excursions on the baywill be arranged by the people of StPetersburg and a good time can behad by all who go For other infor-mation


call on F J Huber ticketagent Ocala Fla

Messrs George and Herbert Martinwent to Eastlake this afternoon withtheir tent and camping outfit wherethey will enjoy a weeks stay TheCrom boys and other friends will hewith them part of the time

Capt T H Johnson has loaded thetwentieth car of melons from his 160acre field at the northeast corner ofthe city limits He will probably loadten more cars from this field

Knight Lang have received anumber of dump carts from the fac-tory


at Wilson N C The McKeanLumber Co bought on as soon asthey were placed on exhibition

Jack McCully one of the prosperousfarmers and truckers of the Fellow-ship


section anil one of the fojthfultrustees of the Fellowship school wasa visitor to the city today calling on I

Supt J H BrinsonI

Mr Mellon the MIcanopy sawmillman and Dr Montgomery the noted


physician of the same place were intown today In the formers auto

IMr Albritton Sr of Daisy was in

town today and said his crops wereIn fine condition Mr A has justpassed through a severe spell of sick-ness


Mrs R E Brigance the estimableproprietress of the Palmetto Househas been confined to her bed for aweek or so with erysipelas Her manyfriends wish her a speedy recovery


Mr Whitfield of Jacksonville has I

arrived in Ocala and taken Mr A OLucius chair in the Arcade Barber-shop


Mr Lucius being confined to thehospital with appendicitis j

Mr D T Jeffcoat brother of Will I

has graduated from the Tampa Busi-ness


College He has arrived in Ocalaand taken a position in rM J M Mefferfs office


Miss Lorena Freeman of Belleviewand Miss Wendel of Belle Plain XY who has been spending some time-at


Belleview left for the north yester-day


Miss Freeman went to Pittsburg-to spend the summer with friends

Mr Dudley Youngblood came downfrom Dutton in the Mutual Mininigcompanys new Reo auto yesterday I

and spent the day and night with hisfamily Mr Youngblood is very eulo ¬

gistic in his praise of Ocala

Meet me at the drug store on thesquare-

Dr Charles Walkup of McIntosh hasreceived his diploma from a Baltimoremedical college and will practice hisprofession at home I

We do not know of any other pithat is as good as DeWitts Littl-Early Risers the famous little litpillssmall gentle pleasant and supills with a reputation Sold by alldruggists

Have you seen the new visible FaySlioles typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

Foleys Honey and Tar is especiallyrecommended for chronic throat anJjlung troubles and many sufferers frombronchitis asthma and consumptionhave found comfort and relief by us-


Foleys Honey and Tar Sold by I

all druggists


Two hogs marked swallow fork un-

der and upper bit in each ear threehogs marked under square and upperbit in each ear three unmarked hogsThese animals will be sold on Mondaynoon at the city poun-


T 7I






In order to get my tailoredgarments more introduced Iwill give absolutely free a

25 suit of clothes <t

With every order for anykind of tailored garment Itake the balance ofthis Junemonth I will give a chance-to win a suit which will goto the lucky one on July 1

During the period of thisintroductory offer T willmake to order an all wool t

blue serge suit in any stylethat you can name color fitand workmanship guaran¬

teed for 1375-I


dont think that you canget this suit in a readymadeone for less than 1750

t c


That you will have a per¬

fect fit-That


you will get your J

moneys worthThat the garments are


handtailored-That the garments are

made for you1

Dont be a readymade man Let me ifit G

make your clothes and you will be well ldressed

Dont forget that with every order y

you get a chance on the suit to be givenaway July 1

Come and feel of the piece of serge

Pants X335 to 1200Suits 100f to 5000


MARCUS FRANKThe man that treats you right 3










KNIGHT LANGLeading Vehicle Dealers-

of Central Florida 1inBeise stock of Reliable WafMU taffies Cirfc


and Carriages carried at all UsesHaraess Saddles Lap Rites Wkifs aM al kit

carried by a firstclass Hue tf ftis IM btifht V enti-ties


from the factories ail always ia stock at lie very 1west prices


We can save yti Btiey M ytr pvduies be ftey f-

larf a snail j

Afeits lear most tf tit teaiiif ail best Mites of-


is aid buU-lesKNIGHT


