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MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 629: 179–191, 2019 https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13120 Published October 24 1. INTRODUCTION Habitat selection is an important aspect of foraging behaviour influencing many life-history traits, such as growth and maturation schedules as well as fecundity (Sutherland 1996, Stamps 2009, Morris 2011). Use of poor-quality habitats leads to reduced condition and fitness due to low food intake, whereas surplus energy storages obtained in high-quality habitats can enhance reproductive potential (Sutherland 1996, Lloret et al. 2013, Mcbride et al. 2015). The amount of energy that individuals can acquire in a habitat mainly depends on resource richness, number of con- sumers and their competitive abilities (Sutherland 1996, Munday 2001, Morris 2011). Ultimately energy intake reflects an individual’s ability to respond to en- vironmental heterogeneity in space and time (Suther- land 1996, Munday 2001, Casini et al. 2016b). A successful model of habitat choice predicting con- sumer distribution in relation to resource availability *Corresponding author: [email protected] Evidence for limited adaptive responsiveness to large-scale spatial variation of habitat quality Karl-Michael Werner 1, *, Marc H. Taylor 1 , Rabea Diekmann 2 , Josep Lloret 3 , Christian Möllmann 4 , Raul Primicerio 5 , Heino O. Fock 1 1 Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Herwigstraße 31, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany 2 Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Herwigstraße 31, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany 3 University of Girona, Faculty of Sciences, 17003 Girona, Spain 4 Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), University of Hamburg, Grosse Elbstrasse 133, 22767 Hamburg, Germany 5 The Arctic University of Norway, 9037 Tromsø, Norway ABSTRACT: The ability of organisms to adapt their foraging behaviour to spatial variations in food availability and habitat quality is crucial to maximize energy intake and hence fitness. Under ideal conditions, habitat selection should result in a spatial distribution of individuals such that their fit- ness (energy reserves or condition) is roughly equal across habitats of varying quality. Using 11 yr of field data on Atlantic cod Gadus morhua distribution along the Greenland shelf, we investi- gated the foraging behaviour and life history of cod in heterogeneous environments. We com- bined information on energy reserves of cod with spatially resolved diet composition data to de- rive a measure of habitat quality and heterogeneity. Energy reserves in individual fish were best explained by the particular area they inhabited, whereas growth, population density, food quan- tity and interannual effects were of minor importance. Condition differed on relatively small spa- tial scales, at which cod would be capable of redistributing in favour of high-quality habitats. Our results indicate that particular areas may persistently allow higher fitness by sustaining high- conditioned individuals but suggest that replenishment of well-conditioned individuals in these high-quality habitats may take longer than expected. We conclude that cod exhibited limited scope in its behavioural response to spatial variation of habitat quality, leading to persistent spatio- temporal differences in energy reserves. Current climate change and fishing activities alter eco- systems and affect habitat heterogeneity, and the adaptive responsiveness of species to such changes in habitat quality is important in natural resource management. KEY WORDS: Atlantic cod · Habitat choice · Behaviour · Fitness · Diet OPEN PEN ACCESS CCESS © The authors 2019. Open Access under Creative Commons by Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un- restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited. Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com


Vol. 629: 179–191, 2019https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13120

Published October 24


Habitat selection is an important aspect of foragingbehaviour influencing many life-history traits, such asgrowth and maturation schedules as well as fecundity(Sutherland 1996, Stamps 2009, Morris 2011). Use ofpoor-quality habitats leads to reduced condition andfitness due to low food intake, whereas surplusenergy storages obtained in high-quality habitats canenhance reproductive potential (Sutherland 1996,

Lloret et al. 2013, Mcbride et al. 2015). The amount ofenergy that individuals can acquire in a habitatmainly depends on resource richness, number of con-sumers and their competitive abilities (Suther land1996, Munday 2001, Morris 2011). Ultimately energyintake reflects an individual’s ability to respond to en-vironmental heterogeneity in space and time (Suther-land 1996, Munday 2001, Casini et al. 2016b).

A successful model of habitat choice predicting con-sumer distribution in relation to resource availability

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Evidence for limited adaptive responsiveness tolarge-scale spatial variation of habitat quality

Karl-Michael Werner1,*, Marc H. Taylor1, Rabea Diekmann2, Josep Lloret3, Christian Möllmann4, Raul Primicerio5, Heino O. Fock1

1Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Herwigstraße 31, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany2Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Herwigstraße 31, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany

3University of Girona, Faculty of Sciences, 17003 Girona, Spain4Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN),

University of Hamburg, Grosse Elbstrasse 133, 22767 Hamburg, Germany5The Arctic University of Norway, 9037 Tromsø, Norway

ABSTRACT: The ability of organisms to adapt their foraging behaviour to spatial variations in foodavailability and habitat quality is crucial to maximize energy intake and hence fitness. Under idealconditions, habitat selection should result in a spatial distribution of individuals such that their fit-ness (energy reserves or condition) is roughly equal across habitats of varying quality. Using 11 yrof field data on Atlantic cod Gadus morhua distribution along the Greenland shelf, we investi-gated the foraging behaviour and life history of cod in heterogeneous environments. We com-bined information on energy reserves of cod with spatially resolved diet composition data to de -rive a measure of habitat quality and heterogeneity. Energy reserves in individual fish were bestexplained by the particular area they inhabited, whereas growth, population density, food quan-tity and interannual effects were of minor importance. Condition differed on relatively small spa-tial scales, at which cod would be capable of redistributing in favour of high-quality habitats. Ourresults indicate that particular areas may persistently allow higher fitness by sustaining high- conditioned individuals but suggest that replenishment of well-conditioned individuals in thesehigh-quality habitats may take longer than expected. We conclude that cod exhibited limitedscope in its behavioural response to spatial variation of habitat quality, leading to persistent spatio-temporal differences in energy reserves. Current climate change and fishing activities alter eco-systems and affect habitat heterogeneity, and the adaptive responsiveness of species to suchchanges in habitat quality is important in natural resource management.

KEY WORDS: Atlantic cod · Habitat choice · Behaviour · Fitness · Diet


© The authors 2019. Open Access under Creative Commons byAttribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un -restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited.

Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 629: 179–191, 2019

is called ‘ideal free distribution’ (IFD) (Fret well & Lu-cas 1969, Sutherland 1996, Stamps 2009). IFD is a con-ceptual model, which predicts that all individuals inparticular areas and populations should have approx-imately the same realized fitness because they distrib-ute themselves according to the available food re-sources (Fretwell & Lucas 1969, Kacelnik et al. 1992,Sutherland 1996). The model assumes that all individ-uals are equal in their competitive abilities, can freelymove in the environment, have perfect knowledge ofresource distribution, always choose the best habitatand that traveling be tween habitats has no costs(Fretwell & Lucas 1969, Kennedy & Gray 1993,Suther land 1996). As a result, individuals shouldmove to areas with the highest resource availabilityfirst, until increasing density causes a reduction of fit-ness, whereby individuals start to utilize less-suitablehabitats (Fretwell & Lucas 1969, Kacelnik et al. 1992,Sutherland 1996). However, the assumptions of idealbehaviour and equal competitive abilities are simplifi-cations, and while studies conducted on smallerscales, such as tank experiments or field studies fromfreshwater lakes, often show similar fitness acrossfood patches, distribution patterns on large scales of-ten show discrepancies compared to IFD predictions(Tregenza 1995, Suther land 1996, Stamps 2009). Rea-sons for these discrepancies are mainly imperfectknowledge of resource distribution, interference, un-equal competitive abilities and varying travel cost, allof which violate the assumptions behind IFD (Abra-hams 1986, Kennedy & Gray 1993, Tregenza 1995).Especially on larger scales, animals are often not ca-pable of correctly perceiving the true distribution ofresources, because searching behaviour and extensivescreening of the environment is too costly and may in-crease the risk of mortality (Sutherland 1996, Stamps2009). This often implies that individuals would ratheraccept lower-quality habitats, and the resulting rela-tive density in each particular habitat or food patchdoes not correctly reflect its intrinsic resource quality(Stamps 2009). It appears that the optimization pro-cesses necessary to obtain equal fitness in a heteroge-neous environment require high degrees of be -havioural plasticity and responsiveness. Consideringthe rapidity and magnitude of expected environmen-tal changes under global warming, it is important toinvestigate whether animals can quickly re spond tospatial variation of habitat quality (Suther land 1996,Morris 2011, Fossheim et al. 2015).

We investigated the large-scale habitat selection,adaptive behaviour and the influence of habitat qual-ity on food intake and energy acquisition of Atlanticcod Gadus morhua, a widely distributed marine pre -

dator and an ecologically and economically iconicspecies (Kurlansky 2011). Cod is an ideal study spe-cies for this purpose because it is considered to be anopportunistic feeder, wherein stomach contentsreflect the species composition in the environmentand individuals can be used as environmental sam-plers (Lilly & Parsons 1991, Fahrig et al. 1993, Link &Garrison 2002). The study was carried out on thepopulations located on the subarctic Greenland shelf(Fig. 1a), which is one of the northernmost areasof cod distribution. The environment is consideredquite heterogeneous, resulting in a relatively patchydistribution of mature cod among the banks of thearea. Here, the cod populations respond rapidly andextensively to environmental fluctuations, and cli-mate change will likely alter ecosystem structure andhabitats (Rätz & Lloret 2003, Drinkwater 2005, Fos-sheim et al. 2015). Throughout the study area, energyreserves (i.e. liver condition) and growth of cod varyspatially, indicating that the populations might not beideally distributed and that fitness might vary amongareas (Fig. 1; for methodology, see Section 2). Weused cod diet to draw direct conclusions about thesurrounding habitat structure (Lilly & Parsons 1991,Fahrig et al. 1993, Link & Garrison 2002).

In this study, we used 8 yr of data collected over11 yr, allowing for the investigation of spatio-tempo-ral patterns of energy reserves and their relationshipwith food quality, fish density and growth. By com-bining spatially resolved data of food compositionand energy reserves, which was used to infer habitatquality and resource distribution, we investigatedwhether energy reserves and distribution patternsrespond to environmental conditions.


2.1. Data collection and sampling strategy

We based all analyses on samples collected during8 groundfish surveys with FRV ‘Walther Herwig III’in Greenland waters during the periods of 2006−2011and 2015−2016 (Fig. 1a). Each year, the survey startedeast off Greenland in mid-October from where sam-pling was carried out in offshore areas southwardstowards the southern tip and northwards to WestGreenland during an approximate total samplingduration of 4 wk. Samples were collected using afisheries survey bottom trawl net. The survey areawas pre-stratified into 7 subareas with a maximumdepth of 400 m (Fig. 1a), of which each subarea wassubdivided into a shallow (<200 m) and a deep (200−


Werner et al.: Influence of diet on cod condition

400 m) part. At least five 30 min hauls in each of the14 subareas at fixed locations were planned for eachsurvey. Because poor weather conditions often re -stricted sampling effort in November, sample cover-age was generally better in East and South Green-land (Subareas 4 to 7) than in West Greenland(Subareas 1 to 3) (see Table S1 in the Supplement atwww. int-res. com/ articles/ suppl/ m629 p179 _ supp.pdf). If catches allowed, at least 30 cod were sampledto obtain a representative length distribution of thetotal catch. When catches were >30 fish, 30 fish wererandomly sampled to cover the complete size rangeof the catch including minimum and maximumlengths and not more than 5 individuals per 1 cm sizeclass. Total length was measured to the nearest 1 cmand eviscerated weight and liver weight to the near-est 1 decigram. Only fish whose stomachs were noteverted were used for the study. Stomachs wereremoved from the abdominal cavity and individuallyfrozen at −30°C for later analysis. Age was deter-

mined by reading annual rings in the ear stones (i.e.otoliths) and used to compute the mean length at agefor each age class. When weather and time restric-tions allowed, in situ bottom temperature data werecollected using a CTD.

2.2. Diet composition and habitat heterogeneity

To gain insight into the spatial habitat heterogene-ity of the area inhabited by cod Gadus morhua alongthe Greenland shelf, diet composition was deter-mined by analysing stomach contents, which wereassumed to roughly represent the prey compositionin the environment (Lilly & Parsons 1991, Fahrig et al.1993, Link & Garrison 2002). Stomach contents areassumed to represent recent local feeding activitybased on estimated evacuation rates and homeranges for cod. In particular, 50% of the stomach con-tents are usually evacuated within 24 h (dos Santos &


55°W 50° 45° 40° 35° 30°





Davis Strait



er Sea







30–200 m (s)200–400 m (d)

a) Study area

1s 1d 2s 2d 3s 3d 4s 4d 5s 5d 6s 6d 7s 7d







8b) Energy reserves

1s 1d 2s 2d 3s 3d 4s 4d 5s 5d 6s 6d 7s 7d






c) Length (cm)1s 1d 2s 2d 3s 3d 4s 4d 5s 5d 6s 6d 7s 7d





d) Density (no per station)

1s 1d 2s 2d 3s 3d 4s 4d 5s 5d 6s 6d 7s 7d







1.3e) Growth

Fig. 1. (a) Study area as divided into 7 subareas (1−7). Each subarea was further subdivided into a shallow (s; 0−200 m) anda deep (d; 200−400 ) zone. (b) Spatial variation of energy reserves, (c) length distribution over the 14 different subareas,(d) spatial variation of cod density, (e) spatial variation of growth (residual length at age). For all box-whisker plots, boxlimits are the 25% and 75% quantiles, with the median denoted by the bold line. Whiskers show the 90% quantiles (5%

and 95%)

Jobling 1991), and home ranges of cod are consid-ered to be relatively small, on average <10 ha forjuveniles and sub-adults in coastal Newfoundland(Bradbury et al. 2008). Even over time periods of>2 yr, tagged cod (38−81 cm) were observed to havehome ranges < 15 km (Neat et al. 2006). Diet compo-sition is one of the strongest predictors of energy stor-age levels in cod and influences vitality, fertility, eggquality and mortality (Kjesbu et al. 1991, Morais et al.2001, Mcbride et al. 2015). Identification of fish spe-cies in the stomachs was conducted either visually orby examining the species-specific shape of the earstone, which was compared with the available litera-ture (Whitfield & Blaber 1978, Whitehead et al. 1984,Härkönen 1986, Scott & Scott 1988, Campana 2004)and a reference collection available at the ThünenInstitute of Sea Fisheries. Wet weight of each preyitem was measured to the nearest 1 mg. Statisticalanalyses and the comparison of feeding habitsrequired the grouping of some taxa into taxonomi-cally or functionally distinct categories. Rarely occur-ring species or groups were grouped based on theirposition in the water column, i.e. pelagic or benthic.If this could not be distinguished (mainly for deca -poda and cephalopoda), taxa were assigned to one ofthe 3 groups ‘crustacea others’, ‘fish others’ or ‘oth-ers’. Due to its relative importance and ease in iden-tification, capelin Mallotus villosus represented aseparate taxonomic category. Diet items were identi-fied as ‘benthic remains’, when they could not beclearly identified but related to benthic feeding (i.e.stones or sponges). Altogether, 14 prey categorieswere used in the statistical analyses (Table S2). Insome cases, the degree of digestion prevented iden-tification, and stomachs which contained >70% ofunidentified prey material were excluded from theanalysis. All other samples deemed acceptable forthe analysis (N = 3315) were standardised throughconversion to proportional data (sum equal to 1.0). Toindicate if diet quantity was important to predictenergy reserves, we calculated the total fullness index(TFI) for each individual (Daan 1973, Lilly & Parsons1991), relating stomach content weight to fish length,using:

TFI = (full stomach weight–empty stomach weight)

fish length3 × 1000 (1)

2.3. Energy reserves and growth performance

To indicate individual growth performance andlong-term feeding success, we calculated a growth

index by dividing each individual’s length at age ofcapture by the mean length at age for the correspon-ding age class:

Growth index = individual length at age

(2) mean length of that age group

In cod, the amount of energy acquired is reflectedin the liver size because cod store energy in theliver, which increases in weight during the feedingseason and from where energy is transferred to thegonads prior to reproduction (Bogucki & Trzesinski1950, Røjbek et al. 2012, Lloret et al. 2013). Largeenergy storages indicate high-quality food supplyand a lipid-rich diet, which is advantageous duringreproduction and leads to increased fecundity ofcod (Lie et al. 1988, Marteinsdottir & Steinarsson1998, Marshall et al. 1999). However, while energyreserves as represented in the liver index provideone of the most important parental effects on fitness(Kjesbu et al. 1991, Lambert & Dutil 1997, Marshallet al. 1999), using this index has limitations becauseit cannot capture all factors driving the reproductivesuccess of an individual. The liver index reacts tochanging diets within 8 to 12 wk, which makes it aseasonally and spatially dynamic index, but it can-not reflect long-term patterns and might have spa-tially differed because of fish movements severalmonths before our field sampling (Lie et al. 1988,Morais et al. 2001, Pardoe et al. 2008). Fatty acidcomposition in the gonads can vary with differingdiets and influence reproductive success but remainundetected through liver size (Røjbek et al. 2012,Stoltenberg 2019).

The liver index was used as proxy for the size ofenergy reserves and calculated using:

Liver index = liver weight

(3) eviscerated weight ×100

Because the mean and the variance of liver indexincreased with fish length and hence varying liverindices could be an artefact of fish lengths, we fitteda generalized additive model with log link (p <0.001):

Li = exp [β0i + s(Ti) + β1i Ai] + εi (4)

where liver index L is the dependent variable, theindependent variable T is total fish length, A is theyear for each sample i, s is a penalized spline, and ε isthe gamma-distributed error. Year was used as a fac-tor to consider interannual differences, e.g. due tofluctuations in population size or feeding conditions.Model residuals were subsequently used to visualizethe spatial variation of energy reserves (Fig. 1b).

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 629: 179–191, 2019182

Werner et al.: Influence of diet on cod condition

2.4. Statistical analysis

To test the validity of ideal free distribution andrelate energy reserves to fish density, individualgrowth and temporal and spatial patterns of diet, wedivided our statistical approach into a univariate anda multivariate part. All statistical analyses were con-ducted using R software v.3.5.1 (R Development CoreTeam 2016) using the packages vegan (Oksanen etal. 2018), MuMIn (Barto? 2012) and mgcv (Wood2011). Figures were created using ggplot2 (Wickham2016).

To test if individuals have the same conditionacross different areas, univariate multiple regressionmodels were used to explore variables influencingthe liver index. A generalized linear model with s loglink and a gamma-distributed error term was usedwith liver index as the response and fish length, sub-area, year, density (number of cod per station), totalfullness index and growth as explanatory variables.Subarea and year were used as factors, and addition-ally 2-way interactions were tested between lengthand subarea respectively by year as well as betweenyear and subarea. All possible term combinationswere fit using the ‘dredge’ function of the MuMlnpackage (Barto? 2012). Marginality constraints wererespected such that a given interaction term wasincluded with their respective main effects and alllower-order terms. The potential role of bottom tem-perature was investigated in a separate modelbecause temperature data were only available for2850 of 3315 samples. The most parsimonious modelwas selected (Crawley 2005) using the Bayesianinformation criterion (BIC) (Schwarz 1978). BIC waschosen over Akaike’s information criterion (AIC)(Akaike 1974) because BIC adapts better to the num-ber of samples and punishes complex models basedon high sample sizes (3315 in our study) (Aho et al.2014). The most parsimonious model (without tem-perature) was:

Li = exp (β0i + β1i × Ti + β2iSi) + εi (5)

where L is the dependent variable liver index, T isthe total fish length, and S is the subarea for eachsample i. The error term ε was assumed to begamma-distributed.

Patterns in diet composition were explored usingcanonical correspondence analysis (CCA), a multi-variate approach, which uses gradients in an inde-pendent set of explanatory variables to explain vari-ability in a multivariate response data matrix (Green -acre & Primicerio 2013). The response matrix was theindividual diet composition according to the 14 main

prey categories. Explanatory variables included fishlength (numeric), energy reserves (numeric), subarea(factor) and year (factor). In accordance with theabove-described generalized linear model, the modelincluded all single-effect terms, all 2-way interactionterms between fish length, energy reserves and sub-area, and an additional 2-way interaction betweensubarea and year in order to account for potentialinter-annual spatial differences of environmentalconditions. The significance of the variables wastested with PERMANOVA (Anderson 2001). In addi-tion to the CCA model itself, we used the model’s re -sults to predict diet composition based on the explana-tory variables and to visualize trends in dietarychanges as related to fish length and energy reserves.Results from the CCA model are presented as pseudo-F values, the ratio of constrained and un constrainedtotal inertia, which indicates the ex plained varianceby each explanatory term. Predicted diet composi-tions were aggregated ac cording to 5 length class(20−40, 40−60, 60−80, 80−100 and >100 cm) and 4liver index class (0−4, 4−8, 8−12 and >12) combina-tions. These aggregated values were rescaled to bewithin a positive range of 0 to 1, followed by conver-sion into percentage contribution for visualization instacked bar plots. A biplot of the 2 leading CCAdimensions further demonstrated the relationshipbe tween feeding strategies and the 4 explanatoryvariables fish length, energy reserves, subarea andyear.


3.1. Comparing cod Gadus morhua distribution toideal free distribution

The model revealed a strong spatial gradient ofenergy reserves with increasing values from west toeast (Fig. 1b). The most parsimonious model ex -plaining energy storages included subarea and fishlength as single terms (lowest BIC) (Table 1), provid-ing evidence against an ideal and free distribution.Subarea (F = 151.4) had greater explanatory powerthan fish length (F = 86.4), although both were highlysignificant (p < 0.001) (Fig. 1a,b, Table S3 in the Sup-plement). Deep stations in Subarea 7, an area in EastGreenland bordering on the northern slope of theIrminger Sea, showed highest energy storages for 3out of 5 length classes (Fig. S1). Year and stomachfullness were included in the second-best model. Inthe alternative model considering bottom tempera-ture as an additional explanatory variable, the most


Mar Ecol Prog Ser 629: 179–191, 2019

parsimonious model included subarea, fish length,bottom temperature and year, indicating strongerinterannual effects and an influence of temperatureon energy re serves, with higher energy reservesbeing negatively associated with lower water tem-peratures (Table S4). The growth index combined forall age classes showed an increasing trend from westto east, indicating that faster-growing fish were moreeasterly distributed. Although the west-east gradientwas prevalent for both energy reserves and growth,these factors strongly differed on smaller scales(Fig. 1b,e). For example, individuals in Subareas 6and 7 showed similar individual long-term growthbut differed strikingly in terms of energy reserves(Fig. 1b,e). Energy reserves were generally larger indeeper than in shallower subareas, whereas faster-growing fish tended to be distributed in shallowerareas, especially in Subareas 4, 5 and 6 (Figs. 1b & 3).

3.2. Habitat heterogeneity, diet quality and theirinfluence on energy reserves

Energy reserves in different subareas showed dis-tinct relationships to particular diet compositions,which we used to infer habitat heterogeneity (Figs. 2−4). CCA was used to explore the influence of severalbiotic and abiotic factors on diet composition. Theprediction revealed that at a given size, fish diet com-position is related to energy reserves. All predictorsexcept for the interaction term of length and energyreserves were highly significant (Table S5). Singleterms were most significant, as re vealed by pseudo-Fvalues, with fish length and energy re serves being ofgreatest significance in explaining diet composition

(Table S5). Fish above 60 cm with highliver weights and large amounts of en-ergy stored were associated with a dietof mesopelagic fish, hyperiids (pelagicamphipods) and other crustaceans,which were found in the deep areas offnorth-eastern Greenland (deep Sub-area 7) (Fig. 3). Low energy reserve(i.e. negative CCA1 coordinates; Fig.3) values were associated with increas-ing proportions of benthic remains,gamma rids (benthic amphi pods), eu-phausiids, gadoids and related to shal-low parts of Subareas 3, 4, 5 and 6. Pis-civory independent of the main preyspecies was related to larger energyvalues for the 2 smallest length groups,20− 40 and 40−60 cm, with especially

capelin showing a positive correlation (Fig. 4). At alllength groups, the proportion of euphausiids, gam-marids and benthic remains in the diet were particu-larly high when energy reserves were low (Figs. 3 &4). Cod longer than 80 cm showed stronger piscivo-rous feeding behavior, and the proportion of euphau-siids in the diet decreased accordingly (Fig. 4). Con-sumption of gadoids, which in cludes cannibalism,was related to lower average energy values in all butthe smallest length group (Fig. 4). Overall, euphausi-ids, especially Mega nycti phanes norvegica, were themost abundant food item over all samples, being thedominant prey in one-third of all stomachs across alllength classes (Fig. 1, Table S2).


We showed that significant spatial differences inenergy reserves in cod Gadus morhua populationsfrom the Greenland shelf were likely caused by vari-able food quality as a result of pronounced habitatheterogeneity. Growth indices, which we assume tobe related to competitive abilities, did not predict theamount of energy stored. Even on smaller scales of<100 km difference between sites, where cod ap -pears to be physiologically able to switch betweenfood patches, energy reserves differed betweenhabitats. We conclude that cod individuals often re -mained in suboptimal habitats, leading to persistentspatio-temporal patterns of fish with differentamounts of energy reserves. These observations arenot consistent with an ideal free distribution (IFD),not even at the smaller spatial scales for which theIFD model is more readily applicable.


Rank Year Fish Density Subarea Stomach Growth Length: df BIC length fullness Subarea

1 + + 16 154562 + + + + + 37 154563 + + + + 24 154574 + + + 29 154585 + + + + 36 154586 + + + 17 154597 + + + 23 154608 + + + + + + 38 154619 + + + + 30 1546210 + + + 17 15462

Table 1. Generalized linear models testing the effects of year, fish length, densityand subarea on energy reserves (liver index) of Greenland cod. Ranked fromlowest to highest Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Term inclusion in a givenmodel is indicated by a plus symbol (+). The interactions Year:Fish length,Year:Subarea, Fish length:Density and Subarea:Density were not included in

the top 10 models

Werner et al.: Influence of diet on cod condition

4.1. Different diet compositions cause fluctuationsin energy reserves

Spatial differences in the observed energy reserveswere likely influenced by food quality, indicated bydiet composition. Mesopelagic fish are often veryrich in lipids (Falk-Petersen et al. 1986, Lea et al.

2002, Spitz et al. 2010), which probably had a posi-tive influence on energy levels in Subareas 5 and 7because these areas are rich in this type of fish. Ourresults showed that here cod had access to food fromthe mesopelagic realm from the deep scattering layerin the Irminger Sea. The largest energy reservesmight be partially explained by bottom trapping



0 cm


0 cm


0 cm


00 c


00 c


































Benthic remains






Mesopelagic fish

Crustacea others

Fish others

Other remains

Pandalus sp.

Benthic fish


1s 1d 2s 2d 3s 3d 4s 4d 5s 5d 6s 6d 7s 7d

1s 1d 2s 2d 3s 3d 4s 4d 5s 5d 6s 6d 7s 7d

Fig. 2. Spatial and size-dependent variation of Atlantic cod diet composition off Greenland. Letters ‘s’ and ‘d’ indicate shallow (0−200 m) and deep (200−400 m) zones, respectively, of the given subarea

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 629: 179–191, 2019

mechanisms, whereby vertically migrating organ-isms are trapped above physical obstacles, such asseamounts or slopes, which prevent migration togreater depths (Genin & Dower 2007). We speculatethat this mechanism results in the retention of high-quality food that is easily accessible for feeding. Thisadvantage might have contributed to the differencesin energy reserves between deep Subarea 7 andSubareas 4 and 5, where considerable amounts ofmesopelagic fish were also found in the diet. Benthicfeeding on, e.g., brittle stars, polychaetes, sea cu -cumbers or gammarids, typically for cod inhabitingshallower banks, resulted in lower energy gains,which is likely driven by the low levels of organicmatters and caloric content in many benthic inverte-brates (Tyler 1973, Atkinson & Wacasey 1976, Nor-rbin & Båmstedt 1984). It must be further consideredthat Mega nycti phanes norvegica, which is generallya lipid-rich organism, has its annual peak in lipidcontent in January and its minimum in July (Falk-Petersen et al. 2000), which means that cod caughtduring the autumn season covered by the surveyswere feeding on krill with comparatively low lipidcontent. However, general assumptions about lipidcontents and energy levels of food organisms couldnot be made because caloric content of differentzooplankton and fish species can vary betweenregions, seasons, habitats, sexes and maturity stages

(Henderson et al. 1984, Falk-Petersen et al. 1986, Leeet al. 2006).

4.2. Causes of large-scale deviations from idealhabitat selection theory

IFD as a conceptual ecological model and frame-work to predict consumer distributions related toresource availability has been tested for a variety ofareas, scales and taxa (Kennedy & Gray 1993,Suther land 1996, Morris 2011). Because it is not un -usual that ob servations in ecology contradict the IFDmodel assumptions, our results of large-scale un -equal patterns of energy reserves are not surprising,considering the spatial extent and heterogeneousenvironments of our study area (Stamps 2009). Itappears that a lack of knowledge of the spatial distri-bution of resources combined with limited capacitiesto risk potentially fitness-costly searching behaviourlikely cause large- scale deviations from an ideal andfree habitat selection. Because large, mature cod dis-play a patchy distribution on underwater banks inEast Greenland, we hypothesize that traveling be -tween these banks through ‘food valleys’, i.e. areas oflow food availability and quality, would be energeti-cally costly and impose substantial risks of starvation,which probably precludes extensive screening of the


Fig. 3. Ordination diagrambased on canonical corre-spondence analysis showingordination axes 1 (CCA1) and2 (CCA2), relating cod feed-ing patterns to energy re-serves, length, subarea andyear. All explanatory vari-ables were used as singlepredictors for diet composi-tion. Diet item biplot scoresare shown by the silhouettesymbols. Arrows indicate bi-plot scores of con tin uous ex-planatory variables, whilescores of factor variablesyear (blue) and sub area(green) are indicated by text.Letters ‘s’ and ‘d’ indicateshallow (0− 200 m) and deep(200−400 m) zones, respec-tively, of the given subarea.Silhouette image credits, see


Werner et al.: Influence of diet on cod condition

environment. Fish from areas with poor habitat qual-ity, such as southern Greenland, might exhibit in -creasingly restricted explorative behaviour be causeof low energy reserves, which can amplify poor con-dition because weak fish have a lower probability ofdiscovering high-quality habitats (Stamps 2009). Itseems that active habitat selection in the sense of

choosing the ideal environment to maximize fitnessbased on perfect knowledge of the environment didnot take place, because cod individuals did not ex -tensively screen the environment for food availabil-ity. The ob served length-stratification of cod aroundGreenland shows that the main areas of distributionof juvenile and adult fish do not overlap because of



0 cm


0 cm


0 cm


00 c


00 c

































Benthic remains






Mesopelagic fish

Crustacea others

Fish others

Other remains

Pandalus sp.

Benthic fish


Low energy reserves High energy reserves

0−4 4−8 8−12 >12

Fig. 4. The influence of fish length and energy reserves on diet composition of Atlantic cod off Greenland predicted by canon-ical correspondence analysis for different length (20−40, 40−60, 60−80, 80−100 and >100 cm) and energy reserves (liver index)

(0−4, 4−8, 8−12 and >12) categories

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 629: 179–191, 2019

the migration of maturing individuals with increasingage (Hovgård & Wieland 2008). The timing of themigration from west to east Greenland seems to berelated to higher growth rates, because mean lengthat age was higher in east Greenland. These resultsindicate that individuals start to migrate eastwards assoon as they reach a certain size, independent of age,be cause faster-growing fish tend to be more easterlydistributed than conspecifics of the same age butwith slower growth. Especially in West Greenland,individuals from inshore and fjord areas are moresedentary than from coastal and offshore areas,resulting in spatial differences of migratory behav-iour and stationarity (Storr-Paulsen et al. 2004). How-ever, our samples were all taken in offshore areas,and we assume that differences in stationarity do notplay a major role. It remains speculative as to whyparticular individuals migrate to and occupy high-quality habitats, such as deep banks in Subarea 7,and others to low-quality habitats, such as shallowareas in subarea 6, which are seperated by a distanceadult cod would be physiologically capable of over-coming. A possible explanation is that these distribu-tion patterns were caused by natal homing, which isa common behaviour and driver of migration patternsin cod, where individuals migrate to areas for repro-duction that correspond to their own natal spawninggrounds (Svedäng et al. 2007, Bonanomi et al. 2016).Once an individual has ended up in that particularspawning area, it might be not only the lack of behav-ioural plasticity leading to the acceptance of low-quality habitats but simply the impossibility to behaveideally because of increasing risks of death. It seemsthat once an individual finds a suitable habitat for sur-viving and reproducing, even if fitness is not maxi-mized, it accepts imperfect conditions rather thanrisking costly travel to potentially better habitats. Al -though the alternative model (see Table S4 in the Sup-plement) indicated that bottom temperature is corre-lated with energy reserves, we as sume that this is anindirect relationship. Bottom temperatures were low-est in deep Subarea 7, where cod with higher energyre serves were found. Similar to the results from ourstudy, cod individuals with good condition are fre-quently found in deeper waters around Iceland (Par-doe et al. 2008). However, lower temperatures maybe linked to better cod condition through trophiceffects: In Iceland, greater energy reserves in deepareas were associated with high abundance ofcapelin (Pardoe et al. 2008). Similarly, in the BarentsSea, food availability had a stronger effect on codcondition than temperature (Yara gina & Marshall2000). These results are supported by experimental

studies, where energy re serves (liver condition) ofcod were not significantly related to different tem-perature regimes (Yoneda & Wright 2005a,b), whilefood quality and quantity are known to directly influ-ence liver condition (Lie et al. 1988, Morais et al.2001, Yoneda & Wright 2005a). Although the resultsof our study and previous ones conducted in Green-land waters (Lloret & Rätz 2000, Rätz & Lloret 2003)indicate that condition and productivity of cod stocksare linked to water temperatures, we suggest that theeffect of water temperature on the energy reserves ofcod is an indirect (trophic) effect that needs to be fur-ther investigated.

4.3. Implications for ecosystem-based management

Although our observed violations of ideal habitatselection were not unexpected, we identified 2 im -portant aspects that may have far-reaching implica-tions for eco-evolutionary processes and natural re-source management. First, the observed spatialdifferences in energy reserves were temporally stableover our study period, and second, spatial differenceswere only influenced to a minor degree by density,food quantity or growth. Hence, density-dependenceand individual competitive abilities seemed to be ofminor importance in restricting energy gain. Greenlandcod did not show increased density in high-qualityhabitats, which would have been the expected be -havioural response to spatial variations in resourcequality. These results confirm that important life-his-tory traits, such as growth, reproduction, conditionand survival, may depend on habitat type and qualityand the ability to adapt to heterogeneous environ-ments. They furthermore add to the eco-evolutionaryperspective that missing capabilities to balance thesespatial differences may lead to persistent differencesin fitness between individuals, which have occupiedand fed in different environments. Hence, our resultsindicate that the observed patterns are not an evolu-tionarily stable strategy (ESS), where all competitorswould have been found in the environment with thehighest resource rewards (Smith & Slatkin 1973,Parker & Sutherland 1986, Cressman & Krivan 2010).Because condition affects reproduction, growth andnatural mortality of fish (Kjesbu et al. 1991, Lambert &Dutil 2000, Lloret et al. 2013), we hypothesize thatdeep areas off north-eastern Greenland may con-tribute significantly to the productivity of the Green-land cod stock and may therefore be potential ‘essen-tial fish habitats’ (Benaka 1999). Deep rocky bottoms,as are often found in eastern Greenland, are known to


Werner et al.: Influence of diet on cod condition

represent a high-quality habitat for other species suchas rockfish Sebastes spp. (Yoklavich et al. 2000) andtherefore should deserve particular managementmeasures for protection, including the establishmentof marine protected areas (Rosenberg et al. 2000). Itmust be noted that the physical health of exploitedstocks is an essential element of sustainable and prof-itable fisheries (Lloret et al. 2012, Casini et al. 2016a),and therefore, the results of this study can be of im-portance for an ecosystem-based ap proach of fisheriesmanagement in Greenlandic waters. In the face of cli-mate change and fishing impacts, ecosystems are ex-pected to alter dramatically, which will impact energycontent and the distribution of forage species of codin Greenland and thereby change habitat suitability(Hansen 1949, Pedersen & Rice 2002, McBride et al.2014). Because of the lack of a correlation betweenhabitat quality and density, it appears that cod popu-lations were not able to adapt to habitat changes andpersistently inhabited areas with suboptimal foodavailability. To conclude, our study results support theidea that particular areas in Greenland should receiveincreased attention and protection in natural resourcemanagement because these areas might dispropor-tionally contribute to population stability by sustaininghigh-conditioned fish, which, once removed, mightnot be replenished immediately.

Acknowledgements. A. Fernø, F. C. Mark and N. Probst arethanked for their constructive criticism and valuable input,and M. Green acre and I. Núñez-Riboni are thanked for statis-tical advice. I. Stoltenberg, C. Schendel, J. Chladek and S.Koch alski are thanked for their support in the lab and I. Wil-helms and J. Appel for technical support. Two anonymousreviewers are thanked for their constructive comments.K.M.W. received financial support from the CLIMA project,reference RER 15/0008, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway.The authors have no conflict of interests. Fig. 2 silhouettecredits: Benthic fish: Birgit Lang, CC-BY-3.0; Benthic re -mains: Noah Schlottman, photo from Casey Dunn, CC-BY-SA-3.0; Capelin: Tony Ayling (vectorized by T. MichaelKeesey), CC-BY-SA-3.0; Crustacea others: Almandine (vec-torized by T. Michael Keesey), CC-BY-SA-3.0; Euphausiids:Steven Haddock, Public Domain Mark 1.0; Fish others: M.Kolmann, Public Domain Dedication 1.0; Gadoids: MiltonTan, Public Domain Dedication 1.0; Gammarids: Hans Hille-waert, CC-BY-SA-3.0; Hyperiids: Jason R Eckberg, CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0; Mesopelagic fish: Emma Kissling, PublicDomain Mark 1.0; Other remains: Becky Barnes, PublicDomain Dedication 1.0; Pandalus sp: Maija Karala, CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0; Redfish: uncredited, Public Domain Mark 1.0;Sandeel: uncredited, Public Domain Mark 1.0


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Editorial responsibility: Stylianos Somarakis, Heraklion, Greece

Submitted: June 26, 2019; Accepted: August 27, 2019Proofs received from author(s): October 10, 2019
