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0 Table of Contents Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes Oceanwide Bridge 2.3.0 Release Notes Version 2.3.0

0Table of Contents

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes

Oceanwide Bridge

2.3.0 Release Notes

Version 2.3.0

iTable of Contents

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................I

PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT........................................................................1

2.3.0 CORE ENHANCEMENTS............................................................................2

Multiple Quote Options per Submission..................................................................2Master Cover Configuration...............................................................................................2Selecting and Managing Quotes in the Workflow...............................................................3Changes to the Quote Report............................................................................................4

New Transaction Type: Adjustment........................................................................7Access............................................................................................................................... 7Configuration...................................................................................................................... 7Creating Adjustments.........................................................................................................8

New Transaction Type: Declaration......................................................................10Access............................................................................................................................. 10Configuration....................................................................................................................10Creating Declarations.......................................................................................................11

Lost Status Re-Enabled...........................................................................................12

Integrated Billing System........................................................................................13Configuration....................................................................................................................13Workflow Changes...........................................................................................................14Billing Features................................................................................................................14

New Functions to Identify the Next Adjustment Number or Endorsement Number......................................................................................................................16

New Functions to Retrieve the Created By and Modified By Names..................17

Copying Values From a Selected Field When Creating a New Transaction.......18

Defaulting Effective Dates and Valid Until Dates to Field Values.......................19

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes

iiTable of Contents

New $Replace Function Replaces $ConcatenateColumnItems Function..........20

New Function to Calculate Exponents...................................................................21

New Function to Interpolate or Extrapolate Values..............................................22

New Setting to Revert to Incomplete Status on Changes....................................23

Rating Basis Values.................................................................................................24

Integrating Bridge With External Systems............................................................25

Enhancements to Data Import Feature..................................................................26

Parent and Child Grids............................................................................................27

Saving Grid Configurations for All Users..............................................................29

Adding Multiple Fields to a Panel at Once............................................................30

Importing Grid Data.................................................................................................31

Responsive Disclosure: Showing or Hiding Panels Immediately Based on Driver Fields.............................................................................................................32

Adding Workflow-Specific Columns to the Submission / Policy List.................33

New Report Detailing Workflow Components: Workflow Report.......................34

Changing the Distributor Owner of a Client Record.............................................35



Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Purpose of This Document

The release notes detail new features, enhancements, and fixes to be found in each release of the Bridge platform.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


2.3.0 Core Enhancements

Multiple Quote Options per Submission

Bridge is now capable of calculating multiple distinct quotes for a single submission, and presenting them to the user for them to review and select the coverage that suits them. The quote options may represent different levels of coverage, or even quotes from different insurers.

If only a single quote option is defined, the system functions in the classic Bridge single-quote workflow.

Note: At this stage, quote options cannot be deleted or disabled, and any Master Cover with more than one quote option will function as a multi-quote workflow. Do not add quote options to any Master Cover that should remain as single-quote.

Master Cover Configuration

Two new pages, Quote Groups and Quote Options, have been added to the master cover, between Automatic Processing and Insurers in the Screens widget.

The Quote Groups option is used to define groups, for when multiple quote options are related to each other. Individual quote options can be assigned to a group, and the grouped options can be shown together or filtered to only show the quote with the lowest premium within the group.

Selecting Quote Options opens the Quote Options list. With this release, the Default Quote Option has automatically been added to the Quote Options list for all existing master covers. Any new master covers must have at least one option defined as part of the process of creating the master cover.

From the Quote Options list, a new quote option can be created, with a Name, Description, Quote Group, and Sequence Number. A unique Code is generated automatically on saving.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


An image file can be attached to the quote option to identify it.

Once the options have been defined, they can be selected when configuring other features in the master cover.The Insurers, Rates, Insuring Conditions, Limits, and Deductibles pages have a new panel, Select Quote Option.

Selecting an option displays all settings for that option, which can be managed exactly as they were in the single-quote version. If only one quote option exists, it is selected by default and the field is disabled. The field can be ignored and the master cover is configured exactly as it was as single-quote.

For more information on configuring quote options, please see the Quote Groups and Quote Options sections of the Bridge 2.3.0 User Guide - Master Covers.

Selecting and Managing Quotes in the Workflow

Transactions no longer change status as a direct result of actions. Instead, individual quote options will change status according to the quote and validation rules, and the transaction status will change according to the quote options.

If even a single quote option is successfully quoted and ready to bind, the transaction will go to Quoted status. When all quote options are in a status other than quoted, the transaction will match the status of the quotes.

Once the quote options have been generated, click Quote Summary in the Premium Widget to open the Quote Summary window. The available options will be displayed in the order and groupings defined in the Master Cover settings.

The available quote options depends on the type of user and their security roles and rights. Any quoted option can be selected and bound. Quote options in other statuses, such as referred, will only be visible to users with the necessary rights to view and manage those quotes.

Hiding Quotes

Users with the HideShowQuote security right can hide one or more quotes in order to restrict the available options. Quote options can also be hidden automatically if the quote group is set to hide certain options. The Show All button will return all hidden options to the list.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Hidden quote options will remain hidden for all users, although another user with the necessary right can use the Show All button.


Referred quote options can still be handled by users with the appropriate rights.

When a transaction goes into Referred status, each quote option will have the Approve action. This accepts the referral conditions. Once the quote is issued, all approved quote options become available for selection and binding.

When a transaction goes into Underwriting Required status, each quote will have the Process action. This enables the Approve action for that quote option without the transaction having to be in Referred status.

The Decline action is still available for the entire transaction, and will reject all quote options. The transaction then goes into Declined status.

Quote Option Overrides

The rates and premiums can be customized for each individual quote option.

Clicking the Edit action for a quote option opens the Quote Premium Override window. A table provides a full breakdown of each premium type in the quote.

Each premium type can have one customization, as a Rate Override, Rate Multiplier, Premium Override, or Premium Adjustment.

Each customization can be set to carry over on Endorsement and/or Renewal. Although premium overrides and adjustments are converted to rate overrides to allow scaling to the new values.

Changes to the Quote Report

The changes to the quoting process required adjustments to the Quote Report layout and content. The report is still available in New Business, Endorsement, Renewal, and Cancellation transactions, for all statuses except Incomplete, but now a quote option must be selected.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


When available, the View Quote Calculations link is shown in the Common Screens widget. Clicking the link opens the Quote Report in a new tab or new window, depending on the browser settings.

In the Quote Report Header panel, the Transaction Status line has been removed and three new lines have been added.

Quote Option The name of the selected quote option.

Quote Calculated On The date and time the quote was calculated.

Time to Calculate Quote The length of time, in milliseconds, required to calculate the quote. This can be used for performance tracking.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


The Rates grid has been enhanced, grouping and dividing the premium types into separate, collapsible, trees. The available information is the same, with additional fields available through the column-header action menu.

The Last Transaction's Premiums Divided by Current Transaction's Effective Period, Endorsements, Limits, Deductibles, and Insuring Conditions grids have been removed.

The Calculated Fields and Trigger Report sections have not been changed.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Transaction Type: Adjustment

To support a greater variety of business types, adjustments have been added as a new type of transaction.

A Policy Adjustment, also called a Premium Adjustment, is generally used to make minor adjustments to the premium or values that affect the calculated premium. The transaction is not limited to small changes, however, and can be used to significantly change a policy. The adjustment functions the same as Endorsements for these purposes.


To enable adjustments, a new checkbox has been added to the Policy Settings page in the master cover. In the Miscellaneous Settings panel, check the Allow Adjustments checkbox.

New security rights have been created to control access to this feature. To create adjustments, users require the CreateAdjustment right. To bind adjustments, the BindAdjustment right is required. Both of these rights have been added to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor security roles by default.

The Adjustment option is available in the Actions widget for most bound transactions, except for Cancellation transactions. In fact, if a Cancellation transaction exists for the policy in Incomplete or Quoted status, an adjustment cannot be initiated.


Adjustments have been fully integrated into all parts of the Bridge system. The Adjustment option has been added to any settings where transaction types can be selected.

Field/Panel/Screen Behavior Overrides Integration Configurations Hide Effective Coverage Period settings Document Configurations Manual E-mail Configurations

Automatic e-mails are activated by Workflow Event Types. Some existing event types were updated to include adjustments, while others are new to the system. For a complete list, please see Appendix A - Workflow Event Types in the Bridge User Guide - Master Covers.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


The Field Initial Value Settings panel in the Field Management page has been updated to include Initial Value on Adjustment. On creating an adjustment, this configuration causes fields to either retain their values from the source transaction, or reset to their default values.

The Policy Settings panel in the Panel Management page has been updated to include Copy Row on Adjustment. On creating an adjustment, this configuration causes each row in a grid to evaluate against a trigger. If the trigger fails, that row is not copied into the adjustment.

The Effective Coverage Period Settings panel in the Policy Settings page of the Master Cover has two new settings.

Default Adjustments to 1st of Next Month

When a new adjustment is created, the Effective Date is set to the 1st day of the next month, and cannot be changed.

Default Adjustments to Term Effective Date

When a new adjustment is created, the Effective Date is set to the Effective Date of the term, but can be changed.

The Automatic Quote Expiry panel in the Automatic Processing page of the Master Cover has one new setting. The Adjustment Quote Validity Period determines how long quoted adjustments remain valid. Once the time period has elapsed, the adjustment is set to Lost status.

Creating Adjustments

As mentioned above, an adjustment can be created from any bound transaction as long as the policy is active and there are no cancellation transactions in Incomplete or Quoted status.

Once created, the functionality of an adjustment is very similar to an endorsement. Any necessary changes are made and the quote is calculated. All suitable validations are applied, with full support for referrals, manual bind, and other statuses. The quote is calculated according to the quote option selected for the term.

Adjustments differ from endorsements in a few key areas. The Status is always prefixed by Adjustment, as in Adjustment - Quoted. An adjustment is restricted to the current term, and cannot extend the term. A cancellation cannot be initiated from an adjustment. The Policy Transactions list should be used to open a different

transaction type in order to begin cancellation.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Behavior overrides and copy controls may also be used to change or restrict adjustments in ways that do not apply to endorsements. Please contact your Insurance Representative for additional information on customized adjustments.On binding an adjustment, the Adjustment Number is assigned sequentially after all other bound adjustments in the term. This Adjustment Number is shown in the Policy Information window as well as the Policy Transactions list (in the Number column). The number is also available for generated documents and emails, as follows. A function has been created to identify the next adjustment number in line, see below for details.

Word Ribbon Policy Information / Adjustment Number E-mail [[AdjustmentNumber]]


In order to avoid conflicts between endorsements and adjustments, whenever either type of transaction is bound, all endorsements and adjustments within the term that are in Quoted, Underwriting Required, or Referred status are reset to Incomplete status. These transactions must be re-quoted, ensuring that they have the most recent details.

When mixing endorsements and adjustments within a term, caution should be used when selecting the effective period. Either transaction type overrides all policy details within its effective period. If a new transaction overlaps the period of an existing transaction, it may override details that should not be changed.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Transaction Type: Declaration

To enable "Open" policies, where the full insured value is not known until specific periods have ended, declarations have been added as a new type of transaction.

While the purpose and usage of Declarations can vary, the more common purpose is to declare official values for a period when the base policy was bound with estimated values or no values at all. The values may be the total insured value or any individual values used to calculate premium. The official values in the declaration may result in a partial refund of pre-paid premiums, or additional charges if the official values exceed estimates.

The system does not enforce this usage. A declaration can modify almost any aspect of the policy, similar to an endorsement. The implementation is left in the hands of the product administrators.


To enable declarations, a new checkbox has been added to the Policy Settings page in the master cover. In the Miscellaneous Settings panel, check the Allow Declarations checkbox.

New security rights have been created to control access to this feature. To create declarations, users require the CreateDeclaration right. To bind declarations, the BindDeclaration right is required. Both of these rights have been added to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor security roles by default.


Declarations have been fully integrated into all parts of the Bridge system. The Declaration option has been added to any settings where transaction types can be selected.

Field/Panel/Screen Behavior Overrides Integration Configurations Hide Effective Coverage Period settings Document Configurations Manual E-mail Configurations

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Automatic e-mails are activated by Workflow Event Types. Some existing event types were updated to include declarations, while others are new to the system. For a complete list, please see Appendix A - Workflow Event Types in the Bridge User Guide - Master Covers.

The Field Initial Value Settings panel in the Field Management page has been updated to include Initial Value on Declaration. On creating a declaration, this configuration causes fields to either retain their values from the source transaction, or reset to their default values.

The Policy Settings panel in the Panel Management page has been updated to include Copy Row on Declaration. On creating a declaration, this configuration causes each row in a grid to evaluate against a trigger. If the trigger fails, that row is not copied into the declaration.

Creating Declarations

When viewing a transaction, the Declarations option has been added to the Common Screens widget. This option opens a list of declaration periods that are defined on binding a New Business or Renewal transaction, or an endorsement that extends the term by enough to create additional periods. The periods are created according to the settings in the product.

The Declarations list identifies the status of each period, as well as the status of any declaration transaction created for each period. Existing transactions can be accessed to either review the information or take further action, or a new transaction can be created for the next available period.

Note: New declarations can only be created from a Bound source transaction. Some or all data will be copied from the source transaction, according to configuration.

Once created, the functionality of a declaration is very similar to an endorsement. Any necessary changes are made and the quote is calculated. All suitable validations are applied, with full support for referrals, manual bind, and other statuses. The quote is calculated according to the quote option selected for the term.

Declarations differ from endorsements in a few key areas. Instead of the Effective Date and Valid Until fields, the declaration represents the Declaration Period under which it was

created. The Declaration Period and Period Status are shown in the Declaration Information panel in the Policy Information window. The Declaration Period is also shown in the Policy Information widget.

Declarations are not included in the Policy Transactions list.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


The Client is copied from the source policy and cannot be changed.

Behavior overrides and copy controls may also be used to change or restrict declarations in ways that do not apply to endorsements. Please contact your Insurance Representative for additional information on customized declarations.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Lost Status Re-Enabled

The Lost status has been restored to the system. This status is used to mark a quoted transaction as lost when it appears that the transaction will not be accepted.

To enable this option, the user must have the MarkQuoteAsLost right, and a list of Lost Quotes reasons must be defined and selected in the Types panel on the Policy Settings page of the master cover.

The Mark as Lost action is available in Quoted status for New Business, Endorsement, Adjustment, and Renewal transactions. This option opens a window where the Mark as Lost Reason can be selected. The transaction is then set to lost.

A lost transaction can be restored to Quoted status by clicking Calculate Quote. However, if any quote or data validations are triggered, the status will return to Incomplete status instead until the validations are resolved.

Note: This option is currently only available for single-quote workflows. Multi-quote support will be added in a future release.

Lost status has been included in lists where transaction types are selected, and the Mark As Lost action can be selected to trigger integrations..

For more information on using transaction statuses, please see the Bridge User Guide - Workflow.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Integrated Billing System

A full-scale Billing system has been added to the Bridge system.

Features: Allows users to select payment plans when creating submissions. Charges are tracked and available for automated or manual invoicing. Receipts can be entered and matched to invoices. Accounts are tracked per Bill To Party, and can be integrated with external accounting systems.


Most configuration options are found under the new Billing menu, while others have been incorporated into existing areas of the Bridge system.

Bank Accounts can be set up under the Billing, Configuration, Bank Accounts menu option. These are used as reference data for account numbers and currency types when working with receipts.

Access to this feature is controlled by the ViewBankAccount, CreateBankAccount, and EditBankAccount security rights.

Document Configurations Existing Client and Distributor companies can be defined as Bill To Parties, while new clients created with a new submission

are automatically added. Bill To Parties can be viewed and edited under the Billing, Configuration, Bill To Parties menu option. This page provides an account summary and transaction history, and allows custom billing options to be applied to just the selected bill to party.

Access to this feature is controlled by the ViewBillToParty and EditBillToParty security rights.

General settings for the Billing system are access under the Billing, Configuration, General Settings menu option. This page is used to configure options throughout the billing system, including receipt matching, default billing settings, and invoice numbering.

Access to this feature is controlled by the EditGeneralSettings security right.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Payment Plans can be set up under the Billing, Configuration, Payment Plans menu option. Payment plans define the distribution, frequency, and scheduling of payments. Multiple payment plans can be attached to each Quote Option defined in the Master Covers, with optional triggers to control availability.Access to manage payment plans is controlled by the ViewPaymentPlan, CreatePaymentPlan, and EditPaymentPlan security rights.

Assigning payment plans to quote options is controlled by the ViewMasterCoverPaymentPlans and EditMasterCoverPaymentPlans security rights.

For each Distributor, billing can be set to either invoice the client directly (the default option) or can be set as agency billing so that invoices go to the distributor instead.

A range of billing information is available for use in generated documents, e-mails, and calculated fields.

General Ledger Accounts can be set up under the Billing, Configuration, General Ledger Accounts menu option. This feature allows internal accounts to be created and mapped to external accounting systems.

Access to manage general ledger accounts is controlled by the ViewGeneralLedgerAccount, CreateGeneralLedgerAccount, and EditGeneralLedgerAccount security rights.

Workflow Changes

Once Payment Plans have been configured and attached to Quote Options in the Master Cover, they become available within the workflow. When users select a quote option within a transaction, they can select one of the available payment plans immediately, or defer the selection until later. The SelectPaymentPlan security right is required to view and select payment plans.

Users with the EditPaymentSchedule security right can alter the details and scheduling of the selected payment plan.

Once a payment plan has been selected, it is displayed in the Policy Information detail page.

Billing Features

As transactions are bound, charges are generated in the system according to the selected Payment Plan. The billing process can be configured to run automatically, using the default settings in the General Settings page or the custom

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


settings defined in individual Bill To Parties, or invoices can be generated manually using the On Demand Invoicing feature.

Access to On Demand Invoicing is controlled by the CreateInvoice security right.

As payments are received and deposited, the bank receipts can be entered into the system and matched with recorded invoices. This is done through the Billing, Receipts, Batch Receipts menu option. Receipts can be entered manually, or uploaded in Excel files. Receipts for known bill to parties can be matched to invoices or put on account, while amounts for unknown bill to parties are recorded in a suspense account. All assignments can be edited until the batch is posted.

Access to view and manage receipt batches is controlled by the ViewBatchReceipt, CreateBatchReceipt, EditBatchReceipt, DeleteBatchReceipt, and PostBatchReceipt security rights.

Access to view and manage receipts within a batch also requires the ViewReceipt, CreateReceipt, EditReceipt, and DeleteReceipt security rights.

The Reports menu provides access to detailed information on Account History, Aged Receivables, Charges, and Invoices.

Access to the reports is controlled by the ViewAccountHistoryReport, ViewAgedReceivablesReport, ViewChargesReport, and ViewInvoicesReport security rights.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Functions to Identify the Next Adjustment Number or Endorsement Number

Two new functions have been introduced to determine the next adjustment or endorsement number for the current term.

$NextAdjustmentNumber([[SubPolSystemID]])Returns the next adjustment number in line for the term.

[[SubPolSystemID]]: This is a placeholder that automatically inserts the transaction ID for the current transaction. This parameter should not be changed.Returns (numeric): Returns the number that will be assigned to the next bound adjustment in the current term.

eg. In a newly created term with no adjustments, this function returns 1. If 3 adjustments have been bound in the current term, this function returns 4.

$NextEndorsementNumber([[SubPolSystemID]])Returns the next endorsement number in line for the term.

[[SubPolSystemID]]: This is a placeholder that automatically inserts the transaction ID for the current transaction. This parameter should not be changed.Returns (numeric): Returns the number that will be assigned to the next bound endorsement in the current term.

eg. In a newly created term with no endorsements, this function returns 1. If 3 endorsements have been bound in the current term, this function returns 4.

The results of these functions can be used in reports, documents, and e-mails, or used to evaluate a minimum or maximum number of adjustments in a term.

For more information on using functions, please see the Functions section of the Bridge User Guide - Calculated Fields.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Functions to Retrieve the Created By and Modified By Names

Previously, the names of users who created or modified a transaction could only be retrieved for use in documents and emails. Four new functions have been added to retrieve these names for use in calculated fields.


[[SubPolSystemID]] is a placeholder that automatically inserts the transaction ID for the current transaction. This parameter should not be changed.

Each function returns either the first or last name of the user who either created the transaction or was the last person to make changes.

For more information on using functions, please see the Functions section of the Bridge User Guide - Calculated Fields.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Copying Values From a Selected Field When Creating a New Transaction

The Policy Settings panel in the Field Management page, introduced in version 2.2.3, allowed fields to be set to either copy the value from the source transaction or return to the default value. This panel has been renamed Field Initial Value Settings, and a new option has been added, allowing the value to be copied from a selected field in the source transaction.

For each method of creating a new transaction, Copy, Endorsement, Adjustment, Declaration, or Renewal, the Field option can now be selected. Selecting Field causes the Select Field drop down to appear, allowing the selection of a field from the workflow. On creating the new transaction, the value of the selected field is copied into the target field. In the case of a calculated field being selected as the source, the value is copied, and not the formula.

For more information on setting up these options, please see the Managing Fields section of the Bridge 2.3.0 User Guide - Product Design.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Defaulting Effective Dates and Valid Until Dates to Field Values

Previously, the master cover Policy Settings page included checkboxes for defaulting the Effective Date of New Business and Endorsement transactions. Those settings have now been merged into one setting for each of the two transaction types with a third added for the new Adjustment transaction introduced in this release. A new option has been added to each of these settings, where the defaulted date can be taken from a field within the transaction itself.

The following checkboxes have been removed from the Effective Coverage Period Settings panel in the Master Cover - Policy Settings page:

Default New Business to 1st of Next Month Default Endorsements to 1st of Next Month Default Endorsements to Term Effective Date

The new settings are Set New Business Effective Date to, Set Endorsement Effective Date to, and Set Adjustment Effective Date to (Adjustments are a new transaction type detailed Here). The following options are available:

Default: This option will not affect the Effective Date. Field Value: This new option allows a field from the workflow to be selected as the source of the date. The Effective Date

field is set to the date in the selected field and locked. Changes to the source field will update the Effective Date when the quote calculation is performed again.

First of Next Month: Sets the Effective Date to the first day of the following month. Term Effective Date: Not available for New Business. Sets the Effective Date to the same date as the beginning of the

current term.

Similar settings have been introduced for the Valid Until date of New Business, Endorsement, Adjustment, and Renewal transactions. The Set ... Valid Until Date to settings have the following options:

Default: This option will not affect the Valid Until date. Field Value: This option allows a field from the workflow to be selected as the source of the date. The Valid Until date field

is set to the date in the selected field and locked. Changes to the source field will update the Valid Until date when the quote calculation is performed again.

For more details on configuring these settings, please see the Policy Settings section of the Bridge User Guide - Master Covers.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New $Replace Function Replaces $ConcatenateColumnItems Function

The $ConcatenateColumnItems function, introduced in version 2.2.3, has been replaced with an enhanced function called $Replace.

The :Label modifier can be used to return the labels of option list items instead of the codes.

The basic function will still replace pipe characters with a comma and space, but two new optional parameters can be used to specify the text to be replaced and the replacement text itself.

$Replace(p0:Label,p1,p2)When pulling data from a grid, field, or function that returns multiple values, the results are received in a delimited format where the values are separated by the pipe ( | ) character. This function removes the pipe characters and replaces them with characters defined in the parameters. This allows the results to be displayed on-screen, or in generated e-mails and documents, in a clean and legible format. Missing values are skipped without adding an extra separator.

P0 (source): Field or function that returns multiple values.:Label (optional): When pulling data from a field that uses an option list (drop downs, multi selects, and radio buttons), the default

[[Placeholder]] format will return the codes for the selected options. Using [[Placeholder:Label]] will return the labels for the selected options instead of the codes.

P1 (text, optional): The text to be replaced. Note that P1 and P2 must both be used, or neither should be used. If both P1 and P2 are left out, the function defaults to just replacing the pipe character.

P2 (text, optional): The text that will replace the P1 text. Note that P1 and P2 must both be used, or neither should be used. If both P1 and P2 are left out, the function defaults to a comma followed by a space. The comma, round brackets ( ), and double-square brackets [[ ]] should not be used.

Returns (text): Text string with all pipe characters or P1 text replaced by a comma and a space or the P2 text.eg. $Replace([[StatesField]])

If the [[StatesField]] column has three states, the results would be "New York, Florida, California" (without the quotes).$Replace([[OptionsList:Label]],R-,Region )

If the [[OptionsList]] field is a multi-select with "Canada R-1", "US R-1", "Europe R-2", and "China R-6" selected, the results would be "Canada Region 1|US Region 1|Europe Region 2|China Region 6". Note the space after "Region " in the parameters.

$Replace($Replace([[OptionsList:Label]],R-,Region ))With the previous function included in a standard replace without P1 and P2, the results can then have the pipes replaced. The results of this function would be "Canada Region 1, US Region 1, Europe Region 2, China Region 6".

Notes: This function changes the data to a single string of text. Even if the source was a grid column, the results of this function cannot be used in a repeater to build a table in a document or e-mail.If the P2 parameter includes any mathematical symbols, such as +, -, and /, the String: prefix should be used to return the results as text and prevent the system from trying to resolve the results as a mathematical equation.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


For more information on using functions, please see the Functions section of the Bridge User Guide - Calculated Fields.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Function to Calculate Exponents

Formulas can now resolve exponential calculations using the new $Exp function.

$Exp(p0,p1)Calculates exponential values.

P0 (numeric): Base value P1 (numeric): Exponential value.Returns (numeric): Returns the value of p1 to the power of p2.

Exceptions: 0 or any positive base number to the power of 0 will return 1.0 base to the power of any negative number will return 0.Any negative base number to the power of any decimal value will return 0.

eg. $Exp(2,3) will return 8. $Exp(2,0) will return 1. $Exp(0,-3) will return 0. $Exp(-2,3.5) will return 0.

For more information on using functions, please see the Functions section of the Bridge User Guide - Calculated Fields.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Function to Interpolate or Extrapolate Values

A new function has been added to evaluate data in a lookup table and interpolate or extrapolate a new value from that data.

$InterpolatedLookup(p0,p1,p2)Calculates interpolated or extrapolated information. When provided with a range of known values in an (x, y) grid, this function will take a specific x-value and determine its y-value using the existing data.

P0 (text): The Code of the table containing the data. The first column of the table must be a numeric column to be used as the y-values.P1 (text): The name of the column containing the x-values. This must be a numeric column with unique values.P2 (numeric): The x-value for which to calculate the y-value.Returns (numeric): The interpolated or extrapolated value of y.

Process: The function compares the P2 value to the range of values in the P1 column to determine the two nearest values. If the P2 value is within the range of P1 values (interpolation), the nearest value before and the nearest value after will be used. If the P2 value is outside of the range of P1 values (extrapolation), the two nearest values before (if P2 is greater than the range) or after (if P2 is smaller than the range) will be used.

Once the two nearest points have been determined using the nearest x-values and their associated y-values from the first column, the function creates a theoretical line through those points. It finds the P2 value of x along that line, and calculates the value of y at that point. The following formula is used:

Where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the two nearest points.

y= y1+(x−x1 ) y2− y1


Exceptions: If the P2 value exactly matches an x-value in the P1 column, the function returns the associated y-value.If the table only contains one row of data, interpolation/extrapolation is not possible. The function will return the single y-value.If the P0 lookup table is empty, the function will return 0.

For more information on using functions, please see the Functions section of the Bridge User Guide - Calculated Fields.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Setting to Revert to Incomplete Status on Changes

By default, when a transaction is in Quoted or Underwriting Required status, users with the appropriate rights could edit the submission details and save the transaction. This would automatically cause a quote recalculation.

A new setting has been added to the Master Cover - Policy Settings page, in the Miscellaneous Settings panel. The Set Transaction Status to Incomplete if Quoted Submission is Modified checkbox will cause Quoted and Underwriting Required transactions to revert to Incomplete status if any changes are saved, instead of recalculating the quote.

The Incomplete transaction can then be re-quoted normally, either through manual action or by automated configuration.

For more details, please see the Policy Settings section of the Bridge User Guide - Master Covers.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Rating Basis Values

Rating Basis values are defined using new settings in the master cover, and appear in the Quote Premium Override page described above. The values are used to calculate the Technical Rate.

The values are configured in the Master Cover, in the Policy Settings page. The new panel, Premium Type - Rating Basis, has been added near the bottom of the page.

For each premium type, any Rate Driver field from the current workflow may be selected.

For more details, please see the Policy Settings section of the Bridge User Guide - Master Covers.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Integrating Bridge With External Systems

The External Services feature in the master cover, used to integrate Bridge with external systems, has been replaced with a detailed configuration feature used to create and maintain links between the systems. The new option is powerful and expandable, ready for new integration types as they become available.

The Integration Configurations feature is available in the Workflow Configurations menu under the Product Design menu.

Access to this feature is controlled by four new security rights, ViewIntegrationConfigurations, CreateIntegrationConfigurations, EditIntegrationConfigurations, and DeleteIntegrationConfigurations. These rights have been added to the Product Designer role by default.

Each configuration must be attached to one or more workflows in the Workflow Management page, and can then be set to activate on a workflow event, such as save, bind, calculate quote, or mark as lost, or can be triggered by the user with a custom button in the Actions or Common Screens widgets. The availability of the integration, either automatic or manual, can be set by transaction types and statuses, the current screen, the security roles of the user, and finally a trigger.

The integration can be set to Asynchronous, simply sending information to a system, or Synchronous, allowing Bridge to send and receive data.

When using a Bridge integration service, the service itself must be configured by Oceanwide before creating the configuring the integration within Bridge. Please contact your Oceanwide Representative to request the service and obtain the necessary settings.

For more information on setting up these options, please see the Integration Configuration section of the Bridge 2.3.0 User Guide - Product Design.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Enhancements to Data Import Feature

The Data Import feature has been enhanced to support new features and greater functionality.

Renewals are now supported. By providing the original policy number and the appropriate term dates, a renewal can be imported and properly associated to the original policy. The renewal can keep the original policy number, or a new policy number can be assigned.

When updating a transaction, all data in a grid can be cleared before importing new data. This is achieved using the new Action="Overwrite" option when identifying the grid.

When importing transactions into a multi-quote workflow, a specific quote option should be defined.

For more information on importing transactions, please see the Data Import section of the Bridge 2.3.0 User Guide - Reference and Administration.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Parent and Child Grids

Grids in the submission form have been enhanced to allow multiple layers of data to be stored. A new setting called Parent Grid has been added in the Panel Management page, allowing a grid to be set as a child of the chosen Parent Grid. Child grids do not appear in the screen, but are merged into the parent grid where the data is accessible through links. Note: All child grids must be included in the same screen as the parent grid.

When viewing the parent grid, new columns are added with the names of each child grid. Each column contains Manage links for each row in the table. These links open a window with a full instance of the child grid for data associated to the selected row in the parent grid.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


The child grid window lists the data for its corresponding entry in the parent grid, with the link in the top field leading to the detail page for that entry. The grid in the child window is a fully functional grid, using the Add button to add entries, and can even be a parent grid itself. The Close button closes the child window, returning to the submission form.

The parent/child functionality is also available for Premium Grids. Each child premium grid also has the extra columns for Transaction Premium and Term Premium. When a parent premium grid has one or more child premium grids, another two columns are added for the Transaction Premium Rollup and Term Premium Rollup, summing the value for the current row and all child entries associated to that row, even through multiple branches and levels of child premium grids. These extra columns are also included in the detail window, breaking down the values by premium type.

A standard grid as a child can have either a standard grid or a premium grid for a parent, but a premium grid child can only have a premium grid for a parent.

For more information on using grids, please see the Grids in the Submission Form section of the Bridge User Guide - Introduction.

Two new functions have been introduced for calculated fields within parent and child grids. These allow a child field to find a specific correlated value from a column in its parent grids using the $Parent function, and allow a parent field to find all correlated values from a column in its child grids using the $Child function.


Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


For use with multi-level parent and child grids. This function is used within a child grid to search all parent grids for the specified column, then returns the value from that column correlated to each entry in the child grid.

P0 (text): The field (column) Code to be found among the parent grids. This condition is literal and must contain the Code of the field, no placeholders or functions can be used here.Returns (any): The correlated value from the selected field in the parent grid.

$Child(p0)For use with multi-level parent and child grids. This function is used within a parent grid to search all child grids for the specified column, then returns all values from that column correlated to each entry in the parent grid.

P0 (text): The field (column) Code to be found among the child grids. This condition is literal and must contain the Code of the field, no placeholders or functions can be used here.Returns (any): The correlated values from the selected field in the child grid. Multiple values are returned separated by pipe characters ( | ). The results can be displayed directly using a text field, but this function is primarily intended for use within other grid related functions such as $Sum, $Count, and $Avg. Since this function can return multiple values, it cannot be used in calculations or as a condition in functions that expect a single input value.

For more information on using functions, please see the Functions section of the Bridge User Guide - Calculated Fields.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Saving Grid Configurations for All Users

Previously, a user could change the configuration of a grid and then save those changes for their own use. Even if the changes were not saved, the changes would remain in place until the browser session was closed.

A grid configuration can now be saved for all users. The Save Site Custom View option has been added to the context menu accessed by right-clicking the column header on some grids. All users will see the site custom view, except those who have a custom view or session view. The Delete Site Custom View option will remove the saved site custom view settings.

These options are controlled by a new security right, ManageSiteConfigurations, which has been added to the Product Designer and System Administrator roles by default.

For more information on managing grid configurations, please see the Saving Custom Grid Configurations section of the Bridge User Guide - Introduction.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Adding Multiple Fields to a Panel at Once

Previously, fields were added to a panel configuration one at a time. This enhancement allows multiple fields to be added to a panel in rapid succession from the same window.

On the Panel Management page, the Fields grid remains the same. However, clicking Add Fields now opens a window with two grids.

The Available Fields panel lists all fields that are available for use in the panel. The columns can be sorted and filtered to locate the necessary fields, then click Add for each one in the order they should appear in the panel. Clicking the Bulk Add button then adds all selected fields to the Included Fields panel.

As each field is added, default sequence numbers are assigned in increments of ten and the configuration is saved.

Once the fields have been added, each individual field can still be modified by clicking the link in the Name column of the Fields grid.

For more information on configuring panels, please see the Managing Panels section of the Bridge User Guide - Product Design.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Importing Grid Data

In order to facilitate the entry of large quantities of data into grids, the data can now be collected in spreadsheet format and imported into a grid.

A new setting, Enable Data Import, has been added to the Panel Management page. This setting is available when the Control Type is set to Grid or Premium Grid, and enables the upload feature.

Once the feature is enabled for a specific grid, the user must also have the necessary security right. The ImportGridData right has been added to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

The user first downloads a template from the grid. This template includes any records already in the grid (not counting hidden data or other data that cannot be updated). The second sheet of the spreadsheet details the rules for data and formatting

Existing records can be updated and new records can be added. The spreadsheet is then uploaded back into the grid, where any changes and additions are processed.

For more information on configuring panels, please see the Managing Panels section of the Bridge User Guide - Product Design.

For more information on using the import feature, please see the Importing Grid Data section of the Bridge User Guide - Introduction.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Responsive Disclosure: Showing or Hiding Panels Immediately Based on Driver Fields

Previously, panels could be displayed or hidden by default, then override settings could change the visibility based on triggers. Calculating the quote would evaluate the triggers and change the visibility if necessary.

A new feature called Responsive Disclosure allows panels to be hidden or displayed immediately, based on a checkbox or specific options in a radio button group.

These options are set when adding panels to a screen. In the Screen Management page, the old Panels grid has been replaced with a new standard grid with a Create button that opens the Panel window. This window includes the original Name and Sequence fields, as well as the new Responsive Disclosure options.

Responsive Disclosure Driver Field

This dropdown list controls whether the panel is visible or hidden based on a checkbox or radio buttons.If a checkbox control is selected, the panel will be displayed when the box is checked. If a radio button group is selected, the panel will be displayed on selection of specific options defined in the field below.

Responsive Disclosure Driver Options

This include/exclude list is only displayed when a radio button group is selected in the Responsive Disclosure Driver Field list. This causes the panel to be shown when certain options are selected.

This option works well with the enhancement to hide panel headers. This allows the panel to appear directly below the driver field without interrupting the flow of the screen.

For more information on configuring screens, please see the Managing Screens section of the Bridge 2.3.0 User Guide - Product Design.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Adding Workflow-Specific Columns to the Submission / Policy List

To assist with locating transactions in the Submission / Policy List, fields from the attached workflow can now be made available as optional columns.

The Custom Columns in Submission/Policy Grid panel has been added to the Policy Settings page in the master cover. The panel includes dropdowns for each of the twelve optional columns, and one field from the attached workflow can be selected for each column. Three columns are available for text content, three columns are available for dates, three columns are available for integer values, and one column each are available for decimal values with 2, 4, and 8 decimal points.

The extra columns are hidden by default, but can be added to the list grid using the Select Columns option in the context menu accessed by right-clicking a column header. The configuration can be used once, or saved for regular use.

For more information on configuring master covers, please see the Policy Settings section of the Bridge User Guide - Master Covers.

For more information on configuring grids, please see the Configuring Grids section of the Bridge User Guide - Introduction.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


New Report Detailing Workflow Components: Workflow Report

Advanced workflows can be a complex hierarchy of fields, panels, and screens. A new report is available listing the screens, panels, fields, and option lists used within a specific workflow, as well as some details about the settings.

A new button, Workflow Report, has been added to the Workflow Management page. This button downloads the report in Excel format for easy sorting and filtering of data.

For more information on configuring workflows and generating the new report, please see the Managing Workflows section of the Bridge User Guide - Product Design.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


Changing the Distributor Owner of a Client Record

This new feature makes it possible to transfer a client and all related transactions and policies from one distributor company to another. Such a transfer may become necessary if the client chooses to do business with another distributor, or if a distributor company is purchased or merged with another company.

All transactions and policies related to a client remain with that client during a change of ownership. Distributor access to those transactions and policies changes as follows.

The former owner: retains access to all transactions and policies created while they owned the client. can edit any transaction or policy they have access to, and perform policy actions. does not have access to any new transactions or policies created after the transfer, even if they create the transaction

themselves. can view the client details within a transaction or policy, but cannot edit the information. The client record can no longer be

accessed through the Client menu.

The new owner: gains access to all transactions and policies related to the client, with full control to edit and perform policy actions. can edit the client information, through the Clients menu or through a transaction or policy.

The Distributor Change History grid has been added to the client management page, listing all owner changes with the date and the user who made the changes.

The ability to edit the Distributor Owner requires the new ManageAssuredOwnerRight security right, which has automatically been added to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role.

For more information on managing clients, please see the Clients section of the Bridge User Guide - Reference and Administration.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


2.3.0 Minor Enhancements and Functionality Fixes


In order to support rate calculations based on the calculated results of other premium types, the sequence of calculations has been adjusted to complete all calculations for a single premium type before continuing to the next premium type.

The premium type with the lowest initial sequence number is processed first. Once all calculations are complete, the premium type with the next-lowest initial sequence number is processed.

In order to save time when building workflows, fields can now be copied with almost all settings duplicated. A Copy button has been added to the Field Management page. On clicking Copy, a window opens where a new field name must be provided. This new name will produce a new Code.

Note that the Correlated and Parent Field settings will not be copied, and must be recreated.

In the Panel Management page, if the Label Text and Help Text fields are both blank, the panel header will be hidden in the workflow. This can be used to arrange panels so that they appear to be a single panel, while each panel maintains distinct display and override rules.

Hiding the header removes the control to collapse or expand the panel. For this reason, any settings or overrides to collapse the panel will not be applied if the header is hidden.

In various places throughout the system, lengthy checkbox lists have been replaced with Include/Exclude controls to make it easier to select multiple options. This has been applied to lists of Transaction Types, Transaction Statuses, and Security Roles. No changes have been made to any user-defined fields or workflows.

The list grids for fields, panels, and screens have been enhanced to provide better search and filter options. Many of the settings are now included in the grid by default, with additional new columns identifying what fields, panels, screens, and workflows are associated to the resource. These new columns can be hidden using the Select Columns option available when right-clicking the header.

When working with Validation & Workflow Actions in the master cover, all entries in the Trigger column have been converted to links. Clicking a link opens the selected trigger page in a new tab or new window, depending on your browser settings.

A new Workflow Event Type has been added. Get Quote / Recalculate Quote - Incomplete or Quoted to Incomplete can now be selected when configuring automatic emails. This will activate when a quote is calculated and triggers a quote validation, whether the quote calculation was performed manually or activated by navigating through the workflow.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


When selecting a distributor during the creation of a New Business transaction, the Select Distributor grid now includes the Code for each distributor.


Corrected issue where correlated field values would not display properly in grids.

Corrected issue where the $Sum function could only find the first premium entry.

Corrected issue where updating a distributor record would detach the distributor from any master covers.

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes



22.3.0 Core Enhancements 22.3.0 Minor Enhancements and Functionality Fixes 36AAccess 7, 10Adding Multiple Fields to a Panel at Once 30Adding Workflow-Specific Columns to the Submission / Policy List 33BBilling Features 14CChanges to the Quote Report 4Changing the Distributor Owner of a Client Record 35Configuration 7, 10, 13Copying Values From a Selected Field When Creating a New Transaction 18Creating Adjustments 8Creating Declarations 11DDefaulting Effective Dates and Valid Until Dates to Field Values 19EEnhancements 36Enhancements to Data Import Feature 26FFixes 37IImporting Grid Data 31Integrated Billing System 13Integrating Bridge With External Systems 25LLost Status Re-Enabled 12MMaster Cover Configuration 2Multiple Quote Options per Submission 2

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes


NNew $Replace Function Replaces $ConcatenateColumnItems Function 20New Function to Calculate Exponents 21New Function to Interpolate or Extrapolate Values 22New Functions to Identify the Next Adjustment Number or Endorsement Number 16New Functions to Retrieve the Created By and Modified By Names 17New Report Detailing Workflow Components: Workflow Report 34New Setting to Revert to Incomplete Status on Changes 23New Transaction Type: Adjustment 7New Transaction Type: Declaration 10PParent and Child Grids 27Purpose of This Document 1RRating Basis Values 24Release Notes History 37Responsive Disclosure: Showing or Hiding Panels Immediately Based on Driver Fields 32SSaving Grid Configurations for All Users 29Selecting and Managing Quotes in the Workflow 3WWorkflow Changes 14

Version 2.3.0 Bridge User Guide 2.3.0 Release Notes

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