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Oct. 2008 - Hawaiian South Shore Surf News

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- Calender of Events - Customer Profile - 2nd Annual Blood Drive - Surfers' Ear Conditions - Matuse Wetsuits - Shorboard News - FCS Fins - Kookbox Surfboards by Joel Tudor
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CALENDAR OF EVENTS pg 2 CUSTOMER PROFILE pg 2 Dale Okumura SURFING INJURIES pg 2 Surfers Neck PRODUCT FEATURE pg 3 Board Racks SHARK SIGHTINGS pg 4 lorem ispom dolar con MOVIE REVIEW Stranger Than Fiction pg 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE “The Hawaiian South Shore Experience” the most fun and exciting place for surf October 2008 Volume 17, Issue 9 26 People donate Blood that potentially saves 104 Lives according to the Blood Bank of Hawaii. Super stoked for the guys that came out, we have pics on our website. I couldn’t donate because I was on antibiotics but Keith was able to give blood. Saresa wanted to but here Iron level was a little to low at the time, maybe next year… She was totally excited to give blood and it would have been here first time. Kaz Sano of www.kazsano.com came by and donated. He said it’s been a long time since he donated blood – he was kind of nervous at first but after it was all done he was happy he did it. Check out his site…he is always at events and in the water taking pics. If you want to get some photos of yourself surfing let him know, he is very on top of it and takes great pictures. 2nd Annual Blood Drive by David Current rating for Hawaiians on the ASP WCT 14 Andy Irons 15 Fred Patacchia 17 Bruce Irons 24 Roy Powers 36 Pancho Sullivan Current ratings for Hawaiians on the ASP WQS 20 Sunny Garcia 34 Joel Centeio 35 Dustin Quizon 36 Dustin Barca 40 Kekoa Bacalso HAWAIIAN’S ON TOUR .....................

Calendar of events pg 2

Customer profile pg 2 Dale Okumura

surfing injuries pg 2Surfers Neck produCt feature pg 3Board Racks

shark sightings pg 4lorem ispom dolar con

movie reviewStranger Than Fiction pg 4

inside this issue

“the hawaiian south shore experience” the most fun and exciting place for surf October 2008Volume 17, issue 9

26 People donate Blood that potentially saves 104 Lives according to the Blood Bank of Hawaii. Super stoked for the guys that came out, we have pics on our website. I couldn’t donate because I was on antibiotics but Keith was able to give blood. Saresa wanted to but here Iron level was a little to low at the time, maybe next year… She was totally excited to give blood and it would have been here first time. Kaz Sano of www.kazsano.com came by and donated. He said it’s been a long time since he donated blood – he was kind of nervous at first but after it was all done he was happy he did it. Check out his site…he is always at events and in the water taking pics. If you want to get some photos of yourself surfing let him know, he is very on top of it and takes great pictures.

2nd Annual Blood Drive

by David

Current rating for Hawaiians on the ASP WCT 14 Andy Irons15 Fred Patacchia17 Bruce Irons24 Roy Powers36 Pancho Sullivan Current ratings for Hawaiians on the ASP WQS 20 Sunny Garcia34 Joel Centeio35 Dustin Quizon36 Dustin Barca40 Kekoa Bacalso

Hawaiian’s On TOur

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This is an article Dr Howard Tamashiro wrote for us in the past and I thought I would send this out again, since the cold days for surfing are just right around the corner. If you are looking for an Audiologist I Highly recommend Dr Howard Tamashiro. My Father started losing his hearing about two years ago and when he was in town I ask Howard to test his hearing out. My father was very impressed with the testing that was preformed on him.

“Surfa’s Ear Conditions”Submitted by Dr. Howard Tamashiro, Audiologist

There are several ear problems common to surfers. These include ear infections, exostosis or narrowing of the ear canals, and trauma to the eardrum resulting with a tear or rupture.

External ear infections (referred to as otitis externa) is a bacterial infection to the outer and ear canal. This is usually the result of surfing/swimming in dirty unsanitary or polluted water. Symptoms can be a rash, itching of the ear and ear canal, pain or earache, swelling and inflammation, ear drainage, and infection from scratching irritated areas. Prevention is to stay away from known contaminated conditions such as sewage spill/drainage following heavy rain and storms.

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I started surfing at a young age like every other kid that grew up here in Hawaii. After high school I joined the

military and didn’t step on a surfboard again for 20 years until I was lucky enough to get stationed back home a

few years ago.

Getting back into surfing wasn’t easy. Surfboards are not what they were when I left in the 80’s and neither was

my body but with a little research and advice from the crew at HSS I was able to get my act together and get

back in the water.

I have owned everything from a Bing single fin to a 6’0”Quad, hand shaped to EPS “pop outs”. Surprisingly my

favorites are 2 EPS surfboards a 9’4” Tadashi Suzuki Comp and recently a 5’8”Xanadu fish and when the waves

get good a hand shaped 9’0” Tommy Tanaka. The bottom line for me is to surf on whatever I am going to catch

waves and have fun with.

Sometimes it seems like I am trying to make up for those 20 years that I was gone because I surf so much, so

luckily I have a really understanding wife and I am able to surf at least 4-5 times a week. In any case surfing has

been a great pastime for me. It’s a mental release, keeps me physically fit and the most rewarding thing is I have

made many great friends thru it. Every day that I am out in the line up is a great session and hopefully I still have

many more left in me so Ill see you in the water. Aloha and remember to take care of our lands and ocean.

Surfing: This time around 3 years

What do you ride now?

Today I am riding a 5’8” Xanadu fish.


In the past two years what boards

have you had?

Too many to mention mostly long

boards with a few eggs and fish type

boards in the mix.

What is your job # of Years etc?

I am a Chief Warrant Officer in the

United States Army working as an

Aviation Equipment and Logistics

Specialist at Ft. Shafter, and have been

serving for 23 years.

Calendar Of eVents

OCtOBer 18th surf mOVie night

Place: Hawaiian South Shore

Mauka parking lot

WHen: Oct 18th 7pm

WHat: DVD Release “Fiji Pro”

Sponsored by Globe.

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nOVemBer 2nd fall swap meet

Place: Hawaiian South Shore

Mauka parking lot

WHen: november 2nd

WHat: annual Swap Meet.

Sell anything you want in the

Mauka parking lot. Fee $15.

everY 2nd SaTurdaYsurf mOVie night

Place: HSS Mauka parking lot

WHen: 7pm



• Bring you own chair

* not all events will have prizes

and new product display

nOV 26th - 29thThankSgIvIng 4 daY SaLe

Place: Hawaiian South Shore

WHen: november 26th - 29th

WHat: Special gift from us if

you come in during the 4 day

sale. Only for folks that are on

our mailing list.

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surfa’s ear Conditions”

02 : Customer Profile


Exostosis of the external ear canal is sometimes called “surfer’s ear”. It is a serious condition that usually de-velops over years of exposure to the cold ocean water and wind. The cold exposure of the ear canal appears to stimulate bone growth that narrows the canal and blocks the eardrum. This narrowing traps water and earwax that can result in a painful ear infection and hearing loss. This condition was thought to be mostly common to surfers exposed to the colder water climates of California and Australia. However, some local physicians report frequent occurrences even here in our tropical climate. How to avoid surfer’s ear? Prevention can be aided by wearing earplugs and/or a neoprene hood when exposed for long periods to cold ocean conditions. Trauma to the eardrum can cause a hole or rupture (perforation) to the eardrum. A simple wipe-out or even a small wave can easily cause a trauma to the eardrum. If the water hits your head squarely, that small mount of concentrated force and pressure to the ear can cause enough trauma to physically damage the eardrum. The medical term for eardrum is tympanic membrane (a thin membrane that separates the ear canal from the middle ear). The middle ear is connected to the nose by the eustachian tube, which equalizes pressure in the middle ear. A perforated eardrum is often accompanied by decreased hearing and bloody discharge or drainage. Pain is usually not necessarily persistent. Custom earplugs can be both prevention and protection of a perforated eardrum.

All these conditions require the immediate attention of a physician (preferably an otolarymgologist, an M.D. specializing in the ear, nose and throat) to relieve the symptoms and control of infection from spreading and worsening.

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MaDE FrOM YaMaMOTO ruBBEr available at Hawaiian South Shore

MoRe FlexIBIlITy.Matuse’s strategic panels and Yamamoto Geoprene combine to enable flexibility that’s even superior to that of the human body. MoRe PReMIuM PeRFoRMAnCe.More endurance: energy is conserved since the body’s thermostatic line remains at a balanced level. This means longer and more fulfilling sessions. MoRe WARMTH; leSS WeIGHT.yamamoto’s technology means thinner rubber is warmer rubber. It not only weighs less, it also allows athletes to focus on the right issues (like better surfing), and fuss less over the wrong ones (like being cold, uncomfortable—and performing like a wet noodle). yamamoto Geoprene is the Ichiban Standard, old-fashioned neoprene is petroleum-based: It’s messy; it’s hazardous-it goops up sea otters. yamamoto Geoprene is derived from limestone that’s 99.7% pure. And the purity of its limestone source - an ancient misty Mesozoic mountain - is also why Geoprene is so top notch.

Sept 27th Demo day we had

was a hit, we had every sup from

Surftech on the beach. During the

whole time from 10 - 3 all boards

were in the water. Over 120

people showed up and most had

the chance to ride several boards,

Some left because their were too

many people. I wish they would of

stayed because most were very

considerate and only stayed on the

boards for only 10 - 15 mins and

headed back in.

I had a great time meeting every-

one and John from Surftech was

out in the hot sun just about the

whole time helping everyone out...

Much Mahalo John!!!

hawaiian sOuth shOreand surfteCh team up

320 ward ave 112honolulu, hi, 96814

• Boards with a lot of rocker may require fins with greater area and with more sweep and depth than with boards with less rocker• Boards with a longer rail like a gun or long short board require less fin area• Boards with wider tails require fins with more area • Changing fins will change the way your board feels and can freshen and im prove your surfing

aLL nEw TEsT CEnTEr aVaiLaBLE aT THE sTOrE nOw

Kelly Slater, 36, has won a record ninth ASP World Title after advancing out of Round 3 of the Billabong Pro

Mundaka – the ninth event of 11 on the 2008 ASP World Tour. Slater came into the event needing an equal ninth

finish to clinch the title, he secured that by beating local wildcard Eneko Acero (EUK) in four foot waves at


“It’s going to take a little while to sink in,” Slater said when

mobbed at the water’s edge. “I’m probably going to have to call home and talk to family for it to really hit me.”

Slater’s 2008 crowning comes 16 years after securing his first ASP World Title at age 20. He is the oldest and

youngest surfer in ASP history to win a world title. The now nine-time ASP World Champion joined the tour in

1991 and won his first ASP World Title in 1992.

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04 : shortboard news

• Generally a heavier person requires more fin area to provide enough hold in a wave • A strong or powerful surfer should choose a fin with more area• A smaller fin or one with less sweep or more flex will loosen a stiff board• To give a loose board more drive a bigger, more swept back or stiffer fin will work• To make a board more forgiving choose a softer fin with more flex, for a more responsive feel choose a stiffer fin

By Keith


Joel Tudor has started a new line of surfboards called Kook Box. He will continue to produce his Tudor Surfboards label but will put more time and effort into his new label Kook Box. According to Joel the Kook Box boards will be exact replicas of boards made in the 60’s, unlike his Tudor boards that are based off of older designs but modernized. The Kook Box boards will be sold in Hawaii exclusively at Hawaiian South Shore and will be limited edition models which Joel himself help build. look for these boards to be on the rack by the end of oct. Check www.hawaiiansouthshore.com to find out more and arrival dates.

By Keith

Kook Box Surf-boards by Joel Tudor

05 : longboard news
