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October 2011

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Dr. Mark T. Jones

Apostle & Founder

Manifestations Worldwide Inc

God has promised so many great things in and for the lives of the believers.

Sometimes being able to bridge the gap between what is prophesied, and what is present

can seem to be an arduous task. What seems to overwhelm many believers is trying to

manage future details in the present, and frankly this does not work.

Your present needs your ―presence‖ and full attention!

As a habit, we must learn to vest ourselves fully in the present context, and utilize

the strength for today, solely and exclusively on today. Jesus said, ―tomorrow has its own

issues‖. What I have found is that God gives us grace for tomorrow, on tomorrow. Be-

lievers, the best way to get ahead is to get started. Start today to vest yourself fully in the

present moment, and work in today‘s light. Lean into the difficulties that present them-

selves. Don‘t run from them. Look for God who promised to reveal all of your necessary

resources to master this day.

Mt 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.

Just Get Started

The Voice of Manifestation

(VOM) Newsletter is to inform partners and

the community of the various events. It is also

a way to evangelize, encourage, build & lift

up. Our prayer is that God is touching some-

one's life through this newsletter. Our desire

is to be obedient to the commission God gave

us; to go and spread the gospel. All we need is

an audience; someone interested, a listener, a

heart ready to receive. Many go door to door;

but VOM goes email to email across the

country and around the world seeking the

heart that is in need of a word.

As you flip through these pages; we desire

to minister to you, your friend, and families. It

is also our desire to continue to reach the

community and our partners in Africa, Asia &


For the month of October, VOM is featur-

ing Breast Cancer Awareness. Lady Lisa is

asking CFM partners to wear ―pink‖ on Sun-

day, October 9th.

Additionally, do not miss Dr. Jones‘

Words of Reflection. The spotlight article

highlights Bro. Felton, our own ―CFM Papa-


Also, this month‘s newsletter highlights

the answers to ―Where in the World Is….‖;

the page whereby Teacher Eva Johnson chal-

lenges us with bible questions.

Dr. Wendell Norton share with us family

cooking through ―The Art of Cooking ― page.

Get involved this month by completing

the puzzle. You can be a winner of one of

Dr. Jones‘ DVD , if you email the correct re-

sponses of the puzzle, to ylne-

[email protected] This month‘s theme is

―Missions‘ Initiative‖. We only have one

DVD, so send your answers ASAP!

Lastly, we invite you to visit page 10,

―Redemption‖, where a simple prayer accept-

ing Christ as your Lord and Savior will lead

you to receive eternal life. Also, you can rec-

oncile your life with Him. God desires inti-

macy with the saints.

We, The Voice, encourage you to take a

moment and allow the Spirit of the Lord to

minister to you as you flip through the pages.

Remember, share with your friends and fam-

ily; knowing that some plant, some water and

God will give the increase.

Join Dr. Jones every Wednesday @

2:30am, hosting the ―You and Me‖

program on CTN!


Yesmin Negron VOM Newsletter Dept Leader

In my time of darkness

I barely saw the light

But here I am to worship

While standing in HIS sight

My God said "I will carry you

While you keep your eyes on me

Whatever you are going through

In it you will get the victory"

I have been wounded by my lost

The pain is great that I feel

But my Lord has paid the cost

So that I can shout in jubilee

While I walk through my distress

You are my strong tower

I thank you Lord for the process

Trusting in you Lord is a given power

There is no darkness in God's light

There is no fear when I shed a tear

There is a purpose for my wound

To testify that with God's unchanging love I am surround

In My Time of Darkness

PARTNERS: If you’ve noticed a part-

ner that’s been missing, please email

Pastor Antonio Miranda his/her infor-

mation. Pastor Miranda will contact

this partner.

[email protected]

We are living in an exciting time in history

when the heavens are open for us to receive all that the

Holy Spirit is pouring out. As we are advancing into a

new era, it is imperative that we forget our past and not

go back to the things that we have been delivered from.

Christians are always talking about going to the next

level (spiritually) but, we cannot go to the next level if

we are continually living in the past. By doing this, we

are delaying the process. We may have been delivered

from rape, molestation, abuse, alcohol, drugs, pornogra-

phy, or whatever it was; once you have been set free

don‘t go back. We cannot continue repeating the same

behavior and expect a different outcome. The Bible

states that when you go back, it is like a dog returning to

its vomit and a cleansed pig returning to the mud.

2 Peter 2:22

According to Proverbs, it has happened to

them. A dog returns to his own vomit, and a sow, hav-

ing washed, to wallowing in the mire. For example, let‘s

take this lesson about a cat. After a cat does its duty, it

kicks the dirt over it to bury it and walk away. The cat

will never look back or return to it. The reason for this is

a cat buries their waste to hide their scent from preda-

tors, and by doing this their enemies will not be able to

find them. It is the same way when we are delivered

from the dung of the world; we must bury it and not

return. Isaiah 43: 18 - 19

Forget the former things, and don‘t dwell on

the past. See I ‗m doing a new thing! Now it springs up;

do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert

and streams and in the wasteland.

Someone once said ―a stronghold is a mindset

resistant to change‖. We are hanging on to old mindsets

and ways of thinking. The Lord is trying to advance, but

he can‘t if we are still waddling in old memories. We

must change the patterns of our thoughts in life, if we

want to progress in our spiritual growth and develop-

ment. Philippians 3: 13 – 14

Brethren, I do not count myself to have appre-

hended; but one thing I do know, forgetting those things

which are behind and reaching forward to those things

which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of

the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. As always…

thanks for reading, until next time be EM-

POWERED to be ALL that God created YOU

to be!

Gail Boles

We are rapidly approaching the beginning of Au-

tumn. The temperature is averaging in the low 90s,

the leaves are changing and the air is crisper. Expec-

tancy fills the atmosphere; the stifling heat is finally

ending! Many will start to make preparations: fall

cleaning of the home, storage of summer clothing

and unpacking of sweaters and jackets.

Similar to this scenario, as believers, we are transi-

tioning into a new season. We sense exhilaration

and anticipation in the environment. Yet, some have

not recognized the necessity of preparation. This

shift requires more of us than ever before; in fact, it

requires ALL of us! The entire self must be cruci-


Some believers have been content with the status

quo. However, this shift demands everything!

No longer will half-hearted commitment stand!

No longer will pretense be tolerated. No longer will

deception and offense be hidden. No longer will

unfeigned love preside. No longer will false doctrine

withstand. No longer will emotionalism swell the

head. The matters of the heart will be readily ex-


Therefore, believers, I implore you to search

deeply within the core of your hearts. Ensure there

is no

unforgiveness, bitterness or evil within. Allow the

blood of Christ Jesus to wash you clean again. Re-

turn to your ―first love‖. Be found among those who

are faithful. Be diligent and deliberate in His design

for your life. Hold fast to that which He has depos-

ited within you. Prepare for the way of the Lord.

This generation is seeking and crying out for hope.

Oppression, depression and self-obsession abounds.

The lost continually fill their souls with medication,

sex, drugs and money; all to no avail. Confusion,

turmoil, fear and doubt cloud the air. Mental an-

guish and suicidal attempts ravage the soul.

Believers, won‘t you stand to represent Jesus?

Won‘t you be the agent of Glory He intended you to

be? With clean hands and pure hearts, won‘t you

allow the light to illuminate darkness? Will you be

the arrow that penetrate the fiery darts of the enemy;

thus causing an explosion? Will you allow the en-

dowment of Holy Spirit to infiltrate your entire be-

ing; that upon gazing at you, Jesus will be mani-

fested? Will you be bold and courageous in the

proclamation of our Lord and Savior? Will you be

hope? Will you touch; with the love of

God emanating through and from you?

Prepare your hearts! Reclaim your

minds! For the Kingdom of God is at


Wilma Weems

What About the Baptism of Young Children?

JR Emerge …….

We are taking OVER!!! October 2011

Our children should be taught the word of God from their very ear-

liest days. However, they must be allowed to mature sufficiently so

that any commitment they make to Christ will be solely theirs, …..

As God leads Pastor

Mapps and Sister

Mapps... they are teach-

ing our Children every-

one who believes that

Jesus is the Christ has

been born of God, and

everyone who loves the

Father loves whoever has

been born of him. By this

we know that we love the

children of God, when we

love God and obey his

commandments. For this

is the love of God, that

we keep his command-

ments. And his com-

mandments are not bur-

densome. For everyone

who has been born of

God overcomes the

world. And this is the

victory that has overcome

the world—our


Who is it that over-

comes the world ex-

cept the one who be-

lieves that Jesus is the

Son of God? 1John 5:1-5 ESV

This Month Teaching Se-


What Are You Think-

ing About?

What Is On Your


There are many more

scriptures in the Bible

that tell us what God

thinks of us, and what

He can do in and

through us. He sees

our children as people

with worth, a people

who will go far in life

and accomplish much

for Him. He has a plan

and a destiny for all of

our children. It is a

plan for good, and not

for evil. Yes, He has

given gifts to each of

them. He has given

them a gift and has

entrusted us as par-

ents to assist in the

development and use of

them for His glory.

Zephaniah 3:17 says "The Lord your God is in

the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Saviour

[Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with

joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and

in His love He will be silent and make no

mention [of past sins, or even recall them];

He will exult over you with singing..."

In my journey of

this life, I‘ve had times

when I‘ve felt extremely driven; whether it‘s deal-

ing with projects that I took on to earn money, to

learn new things, or simply to be a better man.

While looking back on it all, I can now see how the

world‘s way of looking at and engaging life is so

totally opposite of how the kingdom of God oper-

ates. The world‘s system values drive, but from

whose direction is the world‘s drive originating


I took so much pride in being driven, in

simply becoming that all acclaimed ―go-getter‖. I

really adapted to the Purpose Driven Life move-

ment. As I am becoming more mature, I see that it

is so much better to be Holy Spirit led, rather than

to simply be driven. What‘s the use of having zeal

if it is not according to knowledge? What‘s the use

of gaining the whole world and through that pursuit

lose your soul? Life starts to become so much eas-

ier when we let go of the helm and take orders from

our Captain, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I recently saw a pastor on television talking

about the ―Rose of Sharon‖ in the book of Solo-

mon, Ch. 2 v. 1 – 2. In verse 1, he explains, many

commentators say that Jesus was referring to Him-

self saying, ―I am the rose of Sharon‖. Then in

verse 2, it switches to Jesus is talking about his

people saying, ―like a lily among the thorns, so is

my darling among the maidens.‖ As the pastor con-

tinued teaching, he described how the thorns are

the cares of this life that seek to choke out the word

of God (God and His word being our life source).

But the lilies remain unaffected. They don‘t wrestle

to grow nor do they ―toil or spin.‖ Without effort

and with much grace, they just… are.

Taking the time to ―smell the roses‖ in this

life, is so very important. The person who can do

this regularly is a person at peace with God, him-

self, and the world. I admit that it can be a struggle

to just let go, to humble ourselves and let God

―drive‖, but when we do, life will once again seem

so fresh and anew. Let‘s pray for one another that

the peace of God will rule and reign in our hearts

and mind through Christ Jesus.

Finding ME Time !!!

“He has made everything beautiful in its

time!”(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

We all value our time and it is normally something

that most of us never get! Let‘s face it; we have

families, children, significant others, households,

jobs etc. totally taking up our lives.

So…when do we make time for us? My response is

what I feel most women would say…whenever you


I recently met a young sister in Christ at my son‘s

school. While we both dropped off our kids and

literally duck walked to our cars, we looked at one

another and laughed. She then stated ― You know

we rush so much that we never get time in this

world to breathe!‖. I had to meditate on that a min-

ute, as it was a thought provoking statement. We

don‘t have enough hours in a day to work full time,

come home to take care of the home much less

spending time with God.

Spending quality time when you get a chance is

important , however, it doesn‘t have to involve any

laborious activities. Having ―me‖ time is good for

your spirit, mind and body.

Here are some great ways to enjoy during your mo-

ments of solitude:

Pray Spa Exercise Sleep Visit favorite restaurant

Hair Salon Journal Read the good book Bubble

Bath Manicure/Pedicure Movies Window Shop

Call a pal Write a letter Watch a good movie

Dr. Jones teaches that the assessment

that Christ made of the Seven

Churches of Revelation is in actual-

ity, a pre-evaluation of the believers

before the judgment seat."

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the

LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

God has a plan for your life, He anoint you, and appoint you. Therefore

you have to make a choice to be in His will and plan for your life.

Many of us go around the globe seeking to fulfilled the void that is in-

side, through friends, money, alcohol, drug & success. At one point of that jour-

ney we realized where we at and question our self, What am I doing here?, or

how do I got here?. God is calling us to a higher place, to an eternal life and be-

cause we are so busy with the things of the world we can not hear Him. The

Word of God says ―My sheep hear my voice‖ the question is why you are not

hearing Him. Stay still, listen. Can you hear Him, know?

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any

man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater

than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand

Can you hear Him? He is offering you eternal life and promise that no

man can plug you out of His hand. No only that but He also give you peace that

pass all understanding, He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Come on and choose to step in faith, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord

and Savior.

Repeat this prayer out loud with all your heart: Father, I acknowledge

that I am a sinner, so today I come humble before you asking you to forgive me

for all my sins, known & unknown. Come into my heart, I want to be like you.

Clean me, show me your ways, teach me your status & fill me with your Spirit;

In Jesus name, Amen!

If you need prayer or would like more information on how to study the

Word of God. call 813-325-5730. You can also visit our web site:


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my

He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and

said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said

unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it

unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art

Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail

against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatso-

ever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt

loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:15-19


Psalm 119:105

Jesus asks His disciples a simple question as to who He was as opposed to what

people have said about Him and who He was. The significance of this scripture

to me is that when Peter told Jesus "thou art the Christ, the son of the living

God," everything shifted in his life. He was no longer tossed to and fro, but the

revelation of who Jesus was brought forth stability, hence his name Peter. Not

only did it cause identity to be realized, but he was also given authority. Peter

was granted keys to the Kingdom which symbolically represents authority not

only in the earth realm, but in the heavenlies. Even us as believers, when we

have a true revelation of who Christ is, identity and authority is birthed. We

didn't choose God, God chose us and lead us to the door which is His son Je-

Devan Williams

When you attend Center for Mani-

festation at any given time, don‘t be sur-

prised if you get your picture taken by

Brother Felton, as you partake of the cere-

mony. As a self-taught photographer born

and raised in Tampa Florida, Brother Fel-

ton is a happily married father of five chil-


Felton‘s parents kept a Christian

home so, from a child, he knew who God

was. He constantly got in trouble. As a

young boy and in his late teens, he ran

around with the wrong crowd. To keep a

long story short, Brother Felton ended up

going to prison. In his desire to be accepted

while incarcerated, Brother Felton forgot

who was important, God.

While incarcerated, he spoke for-

givingly of how he rejected Christ and be-

lieved Christianity was a slave religion. He

eventually followed the Muslim religion

and beliefs. He realized that most religions

looked at Christ, but Christianity didn‘t

mention other religions. For example, Mo-

hammed isn‘t mentioned in the Bible, but

Jesus is mentioned in the Koran. His curi-

osity grew!

In prison, there were groups of

Muslims with different ideologies. Therein

was his quest to answer his question, ―Why

do all religions point to Jesus? Who can

this important man be?‖ One day in visita-

tion, an older lady grabbed him and said,

―You don‘t know me, but God told me to

tell you to quit running. You are going to

meet a man and he will show you the right

way to go.‖ In his rebellion, he admitted,

that he said boldly to her, ―I don‘t do

Christianity.‖ It surprised me when he

stated, that in prison they studied both the

Bible and the Koran. Due to this, there

were some contrasts and comparisons that

arose, but no real direction.

When Felton got out of prison, he went

to various churches and his god brother

took him under his wing. He decided to go

back to the beliefs and religion that his par-

ents taught him. He found that he had be-

come discontented with churches and con-

scientious of being led by a man.

Felton‘s wife, then girlfriend, stated

that she wanted to go somewhere else. He

remembered the church where he heard

Apostle Mark T. Jones speak and they de-

cided to give it a try. The moment he heard

Apostle speak, he knew this was a true man

of God. His prophecy from the lady in the

prison came true when he came to Center

for Manifestation.

Once he rededicated his life, he

knew he would not backslide to where he

was spiritually in prison. He was in it all

the way!! Eventually, his god brother in-

quired as to why he wasn‘t coming to his

church, and he told him about Center for Mani-

festation. He convinced his god brother that

once he visits CFM that he will really get into

the message. His god brother ended up leaving

his church and now attends CFM today.

Brother Felton eventually realized that

his gifts could be used and he started taking

pictures around church for his personal inter-

est. He had a face book page and wanted to put

the pictures on it to share. He still uses it as a

vehicle to let people know what is going on at

the church. He was approached to take pictures

for the church magazine one day. This was the

start of his passion for engaging people in what

he effortlessly found peace in. ―Pictures to

show church history‖, he stated with compas-

sion. When people are praying, he takes their

picture and makes sure that no one goes unno-

ticed. He stated in case the church needs

something specific in regards to pictures, he

will have it for any occasion. ―The pictures are

not only for advertisement, the pictures speak

about our church, our family!‖ If you watch

him while he roams through the congregation,

it is almost as if he wants a story to be told

through his photos. This man of God really

puts his heart into his work.

Brother Felton states, that Apostle and

his family have made a complete turn around

in him and his family. He feels blessed that

they are members of the CFM family. Apos-

tle‘s ability to communicate is extraordinary

and he is an awesome example of love and for-

giveness when it comes to his family and the

church. We have been impacted in a large way

and plan to stay.

When asked about his future plans at

CFM he said , ―I plan to make an album to

show our church history and display it at the

visitors desk for all to see and bring them into

our world!‖ He is blessed with many talents.

Even though he loves what he is doing,

Brother Felton wants to move into greater

things and other ministries with the church. He

also made this statement ―if you don‘t partici-

pate how can it grow‖? Taking his self out of

the equation and doing his work strictly for

God only exemplifies what Brother Felton is

doing. The church members are so diverse; but

that is what makes us special and gives us that

extra something.

He thanks God for his wife as she has

assisted in molding and reshaping him. God

shows him his imperfections through her. His

family taught him to be a forgiving person. He

is able to help other brothers as they go

through what has experienced. Pastor Gerald

Wilkes has also been a tremendous guide in his

spiritual life. He studies him as they relate on

many deep levels.

His final message to his church family, is

that he and his family truly appreciate the love

they receive from everyone. ―We are all one

family and we can face anything together with

God.‖ They feel truly loved here and are at


If anyone wants to get in touch with

Brother Felton or have any questions you can

reach Brother Felton at [email protected]

We are truly blessed to have you and your

family, Brother Felton, with us. Whatever you

set your heart to do at CFM, we are sure you

will do great!

Interviewed by: Denise Griffith

I choose this recipe because

it is easy, and know all of the work-

ing Moms and Dads could use

something quick to prepare for the

family in the evening. This is one

of my Granddaughter‘s recipes, and

our family loves it, even the chil-



Chicken Breast, Skinless and bone-

less- Three/four tablespoons of To-

mato paste

One can of diced tomatoes- One

onion, red and green peppers diced

One cup of olive all- Salt, pepper,

and Italian seasoning, and Garlic


One can of chicken broth- One

box of Mostaccioli Rigati

Clean your chicken breast, season

lightly with salt and pepper. Put

your oil in a deep pot. When the oil

is heated, place your chicken breast

in the pot and braise on both sides.

When you have braised the

chicken, place in a dish and set

aside. Take your cut-up onion, red

and green peppers and place in pot.

Stir until lightly soft. Put in the to-

mato paste, diced tomatoes in the

pot, and began to cook the ingredi-

ents. Put in the chicken breast and

the chicken broth. Season to taste

with salt, pepper, Italian seasoning

and garlic power. When all ingredi-

ents are tender, turn your heat

down low, and take your chicken

out or you may shred your chicken

in the pot. Place the shredded

chicken back in the pot and sim-

mer. Cook your pasta as usual and

cook your garlic bread. Serve over

the pasta. This recipe is for four to

five people. You may increase the

ingredients for more people.

I hope that you will enjoy this dish.

Sister Wendell

of Bashan are in II Kings 10:32-33; 13:24-25; Eze-

kiel 39:18; Psalm 22:18; Isaiah 2:13; and Jeremiah




Og was an Amorite King who ruled very fertile

land called Bashan. The Amorite Kings of that day

had full beards with a shaved upper lip and wore

very colorful tunics. King Og came out against the

Israelites to destroy them, and was destroyed him-

self by Moses. Thus, his land was given to the

tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manas-

seh (Numbers 21:32-35 and Deuteronomy 3:1-13).

Also, read Psalm 135:11 and Psalm 136:20 to hear

the ballad of the destruction of King Og. In Amos

2:9, King Og is described with the height of cedar

trees and strength of Oak trees. King Og was the

last of the giants “Rephaim”- is a Hebrew word

for giants. Deuteronomy 3:11, mentions that his bed

or sarcophagus was made of iron and was 13 ½ feet

long (9 cubits) and 6 feet wide (4 cubits). It is said

that his bedstead could be seen in the capital city of

Rabbah of the Ammonites in those days after his


Note about BASHAN: It is said to be the proposed

location of Uz and actually an Israelite author and

translator was the first to translate “The Wizard of

Oz” into Hebrew using the land of Uz as the He-

brew translation of Land of Oz.

Using a Bible dictionary, Bible concordance, and

index as well as additional supplemental study ma-

terials, is very useful in finding background infor-

mation on any person, place or thing in the Bible.

Make sure you utilize these resources every time

you study God‘s word. The internet can be very

useful as well, but make sure it is from a reliable

source. This can easily get confusing with incorrect

information on the same subject.


Uggggggggggghhhhhhh – Have you ever heard


“The race is not given to the swift or the battle to

the strong but he that endureth to the end.”

Both Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Matthew 24:13 have

part of this quote but it is not one scripture. I Co-

rinthians 9:24 also ― mentions …..they which run in

a race….‖








…………….. “


King Og ruled Bashan. It is a region that

extends east from the Sea of Galilee, running

from Gilead to Mt. Hermon. Today, it is

known as the ―Golan Heights‖ in Israel. The

Golan Heights was also designated as one of

the Cities of Refuge. (Joshua 21:27) Bashan

contained ―sixty walled cities", with great

bars and gates that contained many unwalled

towns as well. The capitals were Ashteroth ,

(named after their fertility goddess idol as

well as their worship center), and Edrei in the

region of Argob. After King Og was killed

by Moses, the land was given to Reuben,

Gad and ½ tribe of Manasseh (Numbers

32:31-33). Bashan was known for the prized

cattle, oak groves and very fertile lands.

Also, Lions once roamed the area. Bashan is

also mentioned in I Kings 4:7-13 as one of

Solomon‘s supply districts. Other mentions

Spring City, Pennsylvania

October 6, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Restoration Deliverance Church

Orlando, FL

October 14 & 16, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Leadership Training

Your Place Health Inc.

Thonotosassa, Fl

October 13, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

16th Pastoral Anniversary

People for Christ Ministries

Brandon, Fl

October 19, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Pastor’s Appreciation

Shiloh Restoration Tabernacle


Tampa, FL

October 7, 2011

Dr. Mark & Lisa Jones

“Marriage Mixer”

Tampa Club (Bank of America)

Community Bible Church

October 24, 26, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Santa Cruz, California

November 4-6, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Astounding Love Fellowship

Upcoming Crusades

March, 2012 Haiti Crusade

April, 2012 Missions to India

Missions’ Initiative


2. The Missions' Team just returned from:

5. The "p" in PKAA stands for:

8. One of key initiatives of KNEU was to

_________ the Church from its slumber.

9. Proverbs 29:18 states, "Where there is no

_______, the people perish."

10. John 10:10 states, I have come that they may

have _____.

11. One purpose of A.I.M. is to ________ & de-

velop church leaders.

12. $30 is the average monthly ________ of pastors

in Africa.

13. "Spread the Word" is an initiative in partnership

with a group based in ___________.

14. $300 is the cost for a student to attend a 2-yr

Bible _______.

1. KNEU means:

3. A.I.M. stands for:

4. One central goal is __________ of the Word of

God in different languages.

5. Spread the Word also assist in the _________ of


6. Another purpose of A.I.M. is to identify

___________ needs and seek to fulfill them.

7. The partners for the initiative to "Spread the

Word" is the _____ ______ Biblical Group.

Our Vision

Proverbs 29: 18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish”

Our vision is to teach the end-time church of the essence of Kingdom life, and

to communicate deep, spiritual truth in a simplified manner.

The Center for Manifestation was released from the heart of God to be a

refreshing force to the body of Christ. While the central theme and essence of

this ministry is to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus

Christ, in part, this purpose is accomplished by retraining the saints as to what their

God-given roles and responsibilities in the church are. It is also the vision of this

ministry to bring healing and deliverance to those who have been hindered

from moving into position for the latter rains.

This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!

3102 E. Lake Ave, Tampa, FL 33610, Ph: 813-241-6919, Fax: 813-217-5460

