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October 2014 Messenger

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  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    My friends,

    Ive reviewed the Revised Common Lectionary

    selections for October. The Gospel portion ofthis listing is mostly located in the book ofMatthew, chapter twenty two; I immediatelyopened my copy of The Message to see whatwas in store. Sub-titles within include:

    The Story of the Wedding Banquet

    Paying Taxes

    Marriage and Resurrection

    The Most Important Command

    Davids Son and Master

    Each of these poses special challenges forreflection and I know Ill be struggling to find myway through them.

    Heres a thought: if you would like to hearsomething from the pulpit about any one of theseselections in particular, send me a message ordrop me a line to let me know. I will take yourthought into consideration as I approach worshipeach Sunday. It may not make it easier, but Iknow it will be more enjoyable knowing your

    interest in the Good News.

    And how about this: if these Gospel readingsdont appeal check out Pauls letters, includingPhilippians 3:4-14, 4:1-9, or 1 Thessalonians1:1-10 or 2:1-8. These are all part of thelectionary cycle this month, too.

    Work with me on this, folks. Struggling withscripture is an essential part of our faith tradition,and working on it together is what we do inworship. In the spirit of the Appreciative Way,here is my invitation to take what you have andwant, and get more of it.

    Send me a [email protected];give me a call804 304 6374; stop me in thehalls of the church.

    I just gotta get a message from you!

    Peace be with you, now and always.

    Tom G

    October 2014Volume 28.10

    St. JohnsUnited Church of Christ

    St. Johns is a community of faithcentered in Jesus Christ, seeking

    guidance and direction through the

    Holy Spirit, and demonstratingGods love to all people in words

    and deeds.

    An Open and AffirmingCongregation

    503 Stuart CircleRichmond, Virginia 23220

    Telephone: 804.358.9291

    Email:[email protected]

    Web Site:stjohnsrichmond.org

    Published monthly

    2014 St Johns UCC

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  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    2 The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014





    ESharing your Light in the World!!Thanks to all who contributed items, funds, or service on Launch Sunday!

    How we servedWe assembled two tables ( to be donated to the CARITAS furniture bank)We assembled 8 chairs ( to be donated to the CARITAS furniture bank)

    We assembled one chest of drawers ( to be donated to the CARITAS furniture bank)We assembled 10 Baby Kits (to be donated to Church World Services)

    We made sandwiches,We decorated bags

    We stuffed 40 bagged lunches daily (for our CARITAS guests)We put together 40 toiletry bags (for our CARITAS guests)

    More than 40 different people from St. Johns supported this ministry during the week doing a variety of tasksOur volunteers set up special seating areas and brought in fresh flowers

    We played Bingo with our guests and gave out gift cardsWe brought in videos, books, puzzles, and games for entertainment,

    We helped our guests organize and present a talent show in the Sanctuary on Thursday evening.Our volunteers made connections with our guests listening to their stories and offering words of comfort and prayers

    Our volunteers gave over 541 hours of service during the week

    Many thanks to all who volunteered for our week of hosting CARITAS!!A special thank-you and recognition to several key volunteers who logged in more than 40 hours during the week -

    Bill Watson,Karen-Marie Yust,Bryan Anderegg,Julia Eliades, and

    Don Warren.

    Take a moment to talk to Bill Watson who chairs the Mission and Outreach committee and learn how we might continue to grow ourpartnership with CARITAS and support their mission to transform the lives of those in need of shelter and a helping hand.

    Two work weeks in one. 45 hours at my day job and 50+ in the evenings. The 45 hour week- my day job that pays my bills. The 50

    hour weeknights and weekendsfed my soul. I could go for hours talking about our week extending hospitality to our CARITASguests. Meals, laundry, shuttles to the YMCA for showers all the necessities. The conversations and shared smiles and hugsandlaughter and tears the things all humans need and dont necessarily get on a regular basis. Its hard to describe the enormous andsometimes complicated task of caring for 40 women for one week. But its nowhere near the struggle of their lives, living outof onesuitcase and changing residence every week. Sleeping on a mat on a cold tile floor with ragged blanketsgrateful for a warm, dry

    place to sleep. It gave me perspective and made me thank God for small thingsmy bed, clean sheets, and the ability to take a hotshower any time I want. These women are working their way back to that; and. I am glad that we could help them even if only briefly.It was such a blessing to me. We are all children of the same God. Ive always thought it our duty to extend hospitality tothose inneed. I now realize it is our joy and a huge blessing to us to be able to do that. Don Warren, Volunteer

    We would LOVE to have you all host again in the future. Tom Bannard, Shelter Operations Manager

  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    Neighbors In Need Offering October 51. What is Neighbors in Need?

    NIN is a special mission offering, that is uniquely UCC and

    focuses on ministries of justice and compassion. Through theNeighbors in Need offering, the church expresses a commoncommitment to justice and compassion throughout the UnitedStates and Puerto Rico. One-third of the offering undergirdsthe work of the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM),including much-needed financial support for 20 AmericanIndian congregations in the UCC. Two-thirds of the offeringsupports justice advocacy and direct service projects such as

    just-peace programs and community grants.

    2. How are Neighbors in Need funds shared with others?Two-thirds of Neighbors in Need supports program initiativesand direct grants offered by the UCC's Justice and Witness

    Ministries. Small but essential grants are made throughout theyear to congregations and organizations engaged incommunity organizing, public policy advocacy, and directservice. Although grants are made to address a wide range of

    justice priorities, a significant portion of these grants are madeto address issues of hunger and poverty.

    On October 5th St. Johns will receive a special offering forNeighbors in Need (NIN). Watch for information in yourbulletins on how these funds have been used in the past and inwhat ways they are needed today, as we imagine a worldwhere a quality education is accessible to all, literacy is no

    longer a concern, educating women and girls is a priority andthe school to prison pipeline is eliminated.

    Please consider a gift thisyear that will enableUCC's Justice and

    Witness Ministries tocontinue these grants in

    support of justiceinitiatives, advocacy

    efforts, and direct serviceprojects.

    3The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    About 150 people, representing 15 churches will be comingto St. Johns in a month! Thats right, every year churchesfrom all over Richmond use our facility to kick-off theRichmond CROP Hunger Walk, a 3.5 mile walk that loopsthrough the city. St. Johns team raised over $1,300 in2013 and with your helpwe hope to hit $1,500this year.

    25% of the funds will goto local organizationsthat provide hungerrelief; CARITAS, VAFood Bank, MARCHand 31stSt. BaptistChurch. The other 75%will go to Church WorldServices to be used to

    stop hunger within theU.S. and around the world.

    Please come walk with us on November 2nd. Sign-ups willbe in the parlor or you can join the team/donate online byvisiting www.tinyurl.com/sjucc. Registration will be at1:15pm and the walk will begin at 2pm.

    We will need volunteers forsetup and cleanup; if you are

    able to help, please contactBill Watson at 873.2837 or

    [email protected].


  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    4 The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    STEWARDSHIP 2015Blessed to be a Blessing!

    As Barbara Brown Taylor says, Blessing is the recognition that even when all the odds seem stacked against you, theuniverse is still for you in some inexplicable, mysterious way. If youre a person of faith, you may want to substitute Godforthe universe. The point is that you dont get up every morning with your meter set at zero. If you wake up at all, youre aheadof the game. If youre alive, youre blessed simply by virtue of being here with another day to live, another choice to make,another opportunity to make the world a better place than it was when you went to bed.

    We hope that you have receive an invitation from our church to pledge such time, talents and treasure as your circumstances permit insupport of St. Johns programs and ministries for 2015. A copy of the pledge card is found on page 10 of this Newsletter.

    All pledge cards should be returned to the church office, dropped in the Sunday collection plate, or brought to the church service on orbefore Sunday, October 26th.

    On October 26 we will start the day with breakfast, a discussion of the proposed Ministry Plan (budget) for 2015 and have a blessing othe pledges during worship.

    Please feel free to contact Stewardship Chair Jeff Jacobs ([email protected] (804) 355-1115;Finance Chair Jeff Hetze(804-550-3928 ); or any member of Church Council with any questions you may have about church stewardship or finances.

    t the risk of oversimplicaon,Blessed to be a Blessing describes Gods intent and Gods

    methodology: that God chooses to repair the brokenness of the world one person at a me;

    that love heals and blessing mulplies. If youve ever traveled to places of need in this town

    or in another country or in your own or anothers heart; if youve ever loved another so much

    that it hurts, you know the amazing, truth of Jesus

    life and words:

    The more you give, the more you get.

    Generosity begets generosity.

    Give away your life, and youll nd life given backwith bonus and with blessing.

    We are blessed. nd we are called to be a blessing.

    This is Gods economy.

    It is not eitheror. It is bothand.

    So let us give thanks. nd let us give.

    That the world might be healed.

    That Gods kingdom might come.

    That God

    s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    nd that we might be blessed and blessed againto be an ever greater blessing.

    Rev. Vicki KemperFirst Congregational UCCAmherst, MD

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  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    Worship and Music Committee

    World Communion SundayWorship Service October 5On Sunday October 5th,St. Johns will join other

    churches around theworld to observe WorldCommunion Sunday.On this day, Christiansremember their unitywith one another bygathering around thecommunion table andacknowledging that we are all part of one body broken andscattered to do Gods work in the world. St. Johns willcelebrate with many different kinds of bread at the table andsongs and words about bread throughout the worship service.

    Come, let us worship and break bread together!

    Church Library New AdditionsEveryone is encouraged to stop by the St. Johns ChurchLibrary soon. We are so pleased to announce that in the pastseveral months there have been many new additions of books,CDs, and DVDs. We hope that you will take a moment andcheck out all that is available for you to borrow. Each newadditions is meant to be fun, entertaining, educational andspiritually uplifting!

    5The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    Wedding Committee

    Kenn Shirley officiated weddings as needed, while St.John's looks for a permanent pastor. Joe McGregor providedhis sound and facilities expertise. Sal Anselmo, Abby Wardand Sharon Machrone are part of the wedding team helpingto get everyone to the right place at the right time whilesolving problems along the way. Ulyssessets up and cleans

    up for every wedding; officer Ron May oversees the safety ofour church. Diane Semachtakes care of inquiries and keepsthe St. John's calendar up-to-date. Fritz Will works behind thescene with payments and bookkeeping.

    Since parts of our sanctuary have been painted and recon-structed and the breezeway ceiling has been painted - morepeople are interested in weddings than ever before. We havebeen thanked by many families for allowing them to use ourholy space for their families' wedding.

    Thank you to everyone involved in making St. John's a perfect

    place to have their wedding and making so many people feelwelcome!

    Worship & MusicCommittee

    Welcome TeamCoordinator

    Requires commitmentto keeping calendar,coordinating teamleaders, and attending

    monthly W&M commit-tee meetings.

    Please call contactGinna Dalton to learnmore:[email protected],or 703-869-0191

    Worship is central to the life of our faith community,and extravagant welcome is at its core.

    A wedding at St. John's isa time of witness before familiesand friends with the exchangeof vows and rings, as a couple

    receives the blessings andpronouncements of God.

    In 2014 St. John's hosted 9weddings and 1,500 people

    visited our church

    Weddings would not be possible

    without the help of adedicated team.

    We will host the following wedding in October:

    Richardson and Wang WeddingWedding: Saturday, October 11 at 5 pm

    Rehearsal: Friday, October 10 at 5:30 pm

    150 guests

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  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    ...from the Council PresidentWelcome to Fall The summer of 2014 is behind us andwe enter a busy time for our Congregation. September

    was a busy and a heartwarming month for all of us. Thehousing and warm welcome to 41 women for a week wascertainly an extravagant welcome. Our thanks to all whogave of their time, talents, and support to this wonderfuloutreach in our community. Bill Watson was the chair ofthis event and what a great job he did with the help ofRev. Tom, Julia, Bryan Anderegg, Karen Marie Yust,Don Warrenand many other members. Thank you!

    Launch Sunday was exciting and the packing of babybags, building of furniture and all of us supporting thepeople of Caritas was meaningful. Thank you to the staff

    and our committees involved in this activity. You arespecial.

    Your council has been working of hard on the update ofour Constitution and Bylaws and will be bringing thatdocument to the Congregation sometime during the firstpart of 2015. The Search committee is working diligentlyon the search for our new Pastor. A very hardworking anddedicated group has spent many hours. We appreciatetheir work so very much.

    St Johns Players opened last weekend with their fall

    production of Some Enchanted Evening and what adelightful production. We thank these performers of whichthree are St. Johns members and the crews who workmany hours to make this all happen. I hope you will allattend one of the remaining performances and supportthis activity at St. Johns. There are many people from thecommunity who enter our doors thru the beautifulsanctuary and see these performances.

    Our German Fest and Dinner is coming. Please purchaseyour tickets and invite a group to join you. If you arewilling to help in any way, please see Jeff Jacobs. Lookin the messenger for more details.

    We are all doing Gods work and as we continue this work

    for St. Johns lets keep our theme of this years

    Stewardship Drive in our hearts. BLESSED TO BE A


    Betsy J. Bighinatti, Council President

    6 The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    Members of Church CouncilBetsy Bighinatti, President

    Desiree McNeice, Vice PresidentMarjorie Barbour, Secretary

    Bryan Anderegg Laura TottyJeff Hetzer Arthur DeweyVivian White Helena DeLigtBill Watson Karen-Marie Yust

    Ginna Minasian Dalton

    Rev. Tom Gerstenlauer - [email protected]

    Julia Eliades - [email protected]

    Church Council Chair:Betsy Bighinatti - [email protected]

    Facilities Chair:Richard Bighinatti - [email protected]

    Finance Chair:Jeff Hetzer - [email protected]

    Mission and Outreach Chair:Bill Watson - [email protected]

    Christian Formation Chair:Bryan Anderegg - [email protected]

    Worship and Music Chair:Ginna Dalton - [email protected]

    Congregational Life and Care Co-Chairs:Helena DeLigt - [email protected] Vann - 323-9086

    [email protected]

    Congregational Breakfast Oct. 26Mark your calendar nowand plan on attending our

    monthly congregationalbreakfast on Sunday,October 26 at 9:00 am inthe Fellowship Hall. Wewill enjoy the food andfellowship and updateyou on all the happeningsat St. Johns. Our special

    emphasis that morning will be our Stewardship Campaignand the turning in of our 2015 pledge cards. Hope to see youthere!

  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014 7

    Adult Education Resource AreaDo you have a burning question about the Bible?

    Want resources to help you find an answer?

    Check out the new Adult Resource area in Room B2 on the lower level.

    Christian Formation has set up this area for all adults to use and have supplied new study bibles, commentaries, and a computer. Wewill be introducing ways to use these resources in our class on Sunday morning and in the Monday evening class that meets once amonth. Or, contact Julia Eliades for assistance.

    Study BiblesWe have purchased hard covered study bibles in the New Revised Standard Version for our resource area. Study bibles contain

    introductions to each book of the bible and comments on the scriptures to help the reader understand the text. If you are interested inpurchasing one of these bibles for your personal use contact Julia Eliades or Bryan Anderegg. The cost of the bible is $35.

    @ St. Johns

    How should a study Bible be used?1. Read the text of the Bible first. Meditate upon the text and read it with care. Apply your own knowledge of the Bible in

    order to understand the particular text within its context and place in the biblical story-line. Consider and note other textsthat come to your mind as directly related to this text. Read the text with full attention and conviction.

    2. Look carefully at the cross-references that the study Bible links to the text you are reading. Do not look only to thecitations, but read the actual passages. This assistance is still the main contribution of a study Bible making relatedand parallel passages more accessible. A first principle of interpreting the Bible is to interpret the Bible by the Bible. Inother words, to allow the Bible to interpret itself text by text.

    3. As a third step, take full advantage of the notes, articles, and other helps printed alongside the text. In some cases,

    short articles will help in understanding contested issues or matters that might otherwise require a Bible dictionary orencyclopedia. Where appropriate, maps can be very useful, along with tables of measurement and similar points ofreference. The very best of the study Bibles will also offer some level of commentary within the notes.

    4. Judge the notes by the biblical text, and never the other way around. Where possible, use more than one study Bible inorder to maximize this learning process.


    But he answered, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

    Matthew 4:4

  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    8 The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    St. Johns Financial Picture YTD as of August 31, 2014

    October 5

    Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

    Isaiah 5:1-7

    Psalm 80:7-15

    Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33-46

    October 12Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

    Isaiah 25:1-9Psalm 23

    Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14

    October 19Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

    Isaiah 45:1-7Psalm 96:1-9

    1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22

    October 26Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

    Leviticus 19:1-2Psalm 1

    1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46

    2014 Budget

    Budget YTD

    Actual YTD


    Pledge Payments* $127,000



    Cash Offerings




    Other Income (Endowment Contributions




    Parking Lot Rental, Wedding Income, etc.)

    Total Income





    Personnel 166,549 112,859 111,106


    22,191 14,794 12,901


    122,390 84,016 76,721Local Benevolences 7,300 6,233 5,572

    Other 9,600 4,950 4,950

    Total Expenses

    328,030 222,852 211,250

    Income/Expenses Total




    surplus (deficit)


    1. Income includes a total of $85,000 annual contribution from Endowment Fund ($7083 monthly)

    2. Annual Deficit to be covered by Endowment Fund and General Reserve Fund

    3. 2014 Pledge Budget is $126,000. To date, 56 pledges for $118,000 have been received.

    Have you turned in your pledge card?Pledge Sunday is October26

  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    9The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    GermanFest October 17-18

    Start airing out your lederhosen and dirndl skirts for theannual St. Johns GermanFest, to be held this year onOctober 17thand 18th. Festivities kick off on Friday evening,

    with a Biergarten (5-8 pm) happy hour with grilled bratwurstand live music on the church lawn. The traditional Germandinner, featuring sauerbraten and all the sides, with anoom-pah band and opportunities for dancing, will be held onSaturday, October 18 (seatings at 5:30pm and 7:00 pm). Ifyou are able to help with set-up, with cooking in the kitchen,with serving, and/or with making apple cake, please contactJeff Jacobs at (202) [email protected].


    If youd like to help bake apple cakes for the GermanFestdinner, please contact Jeff Jacobs at the number listed

    above. Kits containing instructions, apples and all of the dryingredients will be distributed after church on October 5th,with finished cakes to be brought back to the church kitchenon October 12th.


    One of the highlights of the GermanFest dinner will be thehome-made applesauce. Ginna and Sam Dalton will beleading a team of applesauce makers on Saturday, October11th, starting at 9 am. Peelers, choppers and stirrers areneeded. If you can help, please contact Ginna at703-869-0191 or [email protected]


    The Fellowship will be sponsoring their annual Book andBake Sale during the Saturday GermanFest event (from 3 till8:00 pm) WE NEED EVERYONE to donate bake goods,books, home made jellys, jams and any home made crafts.Speak with Dorothy Cook for more information.


    To purchase German Fest Dinner tickets please go towww.stjohnsrichmond.org or call the church office at


    THE FELLOWSHIPThe Fellowship will be sponsoring the Book and Bake Sale atthe German Fest on October 18. In November, we will be go-ing to :

    (Charlottesville) on November 13. Mark your calendars! Wewill meet in the church parking lot at 10:00 am. Speak withLynda Merry for more information.

    October 18


    (during the German Fest!)

    St Johns Fellowship

    Donations of books, homemade jellies, jams and any

    home made crafts or

    baked goods needed.

    Speak with Dorothy Cook

    for more information!

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  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    10 The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    St Johns Players presents

    Concept by JEFFREY B. MOSSFor Jerry Kravat Entertainment Services, Inc

    SOME ENCHANTED EVENING is presented throughspecial arrangement with R & H Theatricals:


    Directed by: Tony Sharpenstein

    Musical Direction by: Shirley Townsend

    Starring:Pamela Bradley

    David Craig

    Suzanne Nicar

    Anita Sharpenstein

    Brian Vaughan

    October 3, 4, 10, 11 at 8 pmOctober 5 & 12 at 3 pm

    $10.00 Adults

    $8.00 Students and Groups of 10 or more

    Special $20.00 for Dinner Theater @ 6:30 pm for

    the October 4thshow*Advanced Tickets Required!*

    Reserve Your Tickets by phone or online:


    The Mu-sic of

    Art & Spirituality:Collage Workshop

    Saturday October 11,

    9:00 am3:00 pm

    Richmond Hill

    Awaken your spirit and be trans-formed. Spend a day immersed inthe beautiful grounds and inspiringart space at Richmond Hill whileyou have fun creating your owncolorful collage. You are welcomed

    to bring your own supplies if youprefer or you can use our art paper,colored paper, paper with designs,markers, glue, and possibly someobjects you find outside. We canalso provide you with some naturalbeauty and spiritual inspirationwhile you are here with time forindividual meditation on the groundsand community prayer at noon.

    Brenda Giannini, facilitator.

    Suggested donation $30.includeslunch and art materials.

    Sign-up: Deborah Cannady at804-783-7903or [email protected]



    Please contact me about planned givingI / We pledge the following amount for the St. Johns Endowment:$________ per week $________ per month $________ per year

    I PLAN TO GIVE BY: check automatic bill pay (bank debit)credit card cash

    I would like more information about automatic bill pay or paying by credit c

    NAME (s) ______________________________________ PHONE __________________________________________________________ EMAIL ___________________________


    I / We pledge to participate in the following Ministries of St. Johns:___________________________________________MY SUPPORT OF THE ANNUAL MINISTRY PLAN:I / We pledge the following amount: $________ per week $________ per month $________ for the year

    http://www.rnh.com/http://www.rnh.com/mailto:[email protected]%22mailto:[email protected]%22mailto:[email protected]%22http://www.rnh.com/
  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    11The Messenger | OCTOBER 2014

    St Johns

    hurch alendar

    October1 5:00 pm Card Ministry

    6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study3 8:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening SJP4 6:00 pm Dinner SJP

    8:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening SJP5 9:30 am Intergenerational Breakfast and World

    Communion Day Program11:00 am Worship - CommunionNeighbors In Need Special Mission Offering

    3:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening SJP8 5:00 pm Card Ministry

    6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study

    10 8:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening SJP11 Wedding

    8:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening SJP12 9:45 am Christian Formation

    11:00 am Worship - Communion3:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening SJP

    15 5:00 pm Card Ministry6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study


    18 GERMAN DINNER19 9:45 am Christian Formation

    11:00 am Worship20 7:00 pm Faith Conversations22 5:00 pm Card Ministry

    6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study

    26 PLEDGE SUNDAY9:00 am Breakfast9:45 am Christian Formation11:00 am Worship

    29 5:00 pm Card Ministry6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study

    NOVEMBER2 All Saints Day

    9:45 am Christian Formation11:00 am Worship - CommunionNoon - 5:00 pm Crop Walk

    5 5:00 pm Card Ministry6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study

    8 Wedding9 9:45 am Christian Formation

    11:00 am Worship - Communion12 5:00 pm Card Ministry

    6:00 pm Centering Prayer

    7:00 pm Adult Book Study16 9:00 am Breakfast - Ministry Plan presentation9:45 am Christian Formation11:00 am Worship

    17 7:00 pm Faith Formations19 5:00 pm Card Ministry

    6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study

    23 9:45 am Faith Formations11:00 am Worship11:00 am Congregational meeting tovote on Ministry Plan for 2015NOON Lunch1:00 pm Greening of the Church

    26 5:00 pm Card Ministry6:00 pm Centering Prayer7:00 pm Adult Book Study

  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger


    Please find a substitute if you are unable to perform your ministry andcontact your team coordinator AND the office to let them know who will be

    filling in for you. Thank you for making our church ministries run smoothl




    Acolytes LayReaders



    Tellers Facilities


    Doug Waldrop Jeff Michel Bryan EtterJames Cook

    Trey LylePetter Effertz


    Bud Higgin


    Doug Waldrop Jeff Michel Bryan Etter

    James Cook

    Sal Anselmo

    Helena DeLigt



    Abby Ward

    Chris Ward

    Bud Higgin


    Justin Barbour David Pittman Josh Lyle Ashley QuickFlorence Cross


    Laura Totty Justin Barbo


    Justin Barbour David Pittman Josh Lyle Sarah AllenKathy Freise

    Dorothy CookLynda Merry

    Marjorie andJustin Barbour

    Justin Barbo

    October 5 October12 October 19 October 26

    Mark Souza Vivian WhiteElisabethBurnette

    Don Warren

    To order fresh flowers to be placed on the altar in honor of a special occasion or person orin remembrance of someone, please sign-up on the flower chart on the bulletin board in

    the hallway near the nursery or contact Sonny Darnell at 743-7528 [email protected]

    $45.00 for two beautiful bouquets.

    Fellowship Coordinator: Sal Anselmo 358-1696Tellers Coordinator: Bud Higgins 301-5059Lay Readers Coordinator: Sal Anselmo 358-1696

  • 8/11/2019 October 2014 Messenger



    5 pm Card Ministry

    6 pm Centering Prayer

    7 pm Book Study


    11:30 am NA Meeting

    6 pm Staff Relations

    7 pm Choir Rehearsal


    8 pm SomeEnchanted



    6:30 pm SJP Dinner

    8 pm SomeEnchanted



    9:45 am Faith Formations

    10 am Choir rehearsal

    11 am Worship/World Communion

    3 pm SomeEnchanted


    6 7

    10 am Staff Mtg.

    11:30 am NA Meeting

    5:30 Search Com


    5 pm Card Ministry

    6 pm Centering Prayer

    7 pm Book Study


    11:30 am NA Meeting

    5:30pm Worship/Music

    7 pm Choir Rehearsal


    5:30 pm WeddingRehearsal

    8 pm SomeEnchanted



    8:30 am Indian OrthodoxChurch

    9 am Apple Sauce making5 pm Wedding

    8 pm SomeEnchanted



    9:45 am Faith Formations

    10 am Choir rehearsal

    11 am Worship

    3 pm SomeEnchanted



    7 pm Church Council


    10 am Staff Mtg.

    11:30 am NA Meeting


    5 pm Card Ministry

    6 pm Centering Prayer

    7 pm Book Study


    11:30 am NA Meeting

    7 pm Choir Rehearsal


    5 - 8 pmBratwurst Dinner


    3-8 pm Book & Bake Sale

    5:30 German Dinner

    7:00 pm German Dinner


    9:45 am Faith Formations

    10 am Choir rehearsal

    11 am Worship


    7 pm FaithConversations


    10 am Staff Mtg.

    11:30 am NA Meeting

    5:30 Search Com


    5 pm Card Ministry

    6 pm Centering Prayer

    7 pm Book Study


    11:30 am NA Meeting

    7 pm Choir Rehearsal

    24 25


    9 am Breakfast

    9:45 am Faith Formations

    10 am Choir rehearsal

    PLEDGE SUNDAY11 am Worship

    27 28

    10 am Staff Mtg.

    11:30 am NA Meeting


    5 pm Card Ministry

    6 pm Centering Prayer

    7 pm Book Study


    11:30 am NA Meeting

    7 pm Choir Rehearsal


    Birthdays This Month


    Rob Osborn


    JoAnn Jellison


    Sabrina Woods

    6 Martha Cook7 Mary Will8

    Stuart Eliades


    Paul Hagenmueller

    11 Anna Oxenham14 Brooke Fortier15 Brian Jacobs18

    Helen Karnap

    20 Maddie Barbour22 Judy Brown22

    Sarah Allen


    Bridget Amrhein


    Andy Trent

    24 Fritz Will, III24 Brittany Totty26

    Laura Viergever


    Karen Oxenham

    28 Sarah (Catie) Davis30 Maria Roberts30 Billy Poarch

    Sumer worship time begins June 1
