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October 2015 Monthly Newsletter

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Wilmington NC, October 2015 Monthly Newsletter.
608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28403 (910) 392-4444 FAX (910) 392-4905 www.stnicholaswilmington.org October 2015 Our Righteous Father Christodoulus, the Wonderworker of Patmos October 21
Page 1: October 2015 Monthly Newsletter

608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28403 (910) 392-4444 FAX (910) 392-4905


October 2015

Our Righteous Father Christodoulus,

the Wonderworker of Patmos

October 21

Page 2: October 2015 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Fr. Jon Emanuelson

Parish Priest

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9AM – 2PM

Office Phone: 910-392-4444 Office Fax: 910-392-4905

Fr. Jon’s Mobile Number: 910-685-0080

Office Email: [email protected]

Fr. Jon’s Email: [email protected]

Church Website: www.stnicholaswilmington.org

Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/StNicholasWilmington



Angelique Skandalakis, Parish Office Administrator


Officers Members

Barbara Reynolds, President John Burgee Debra Rallis

Evangelos Fragos, Vice President Peter Manolukas Nick Saffo

Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis, Secretary Peter Malahias Maria Stasios

Tina Bostic, Treasurer Emanuel Miliotis

Religious Education…Richard Reynolds, Ministry Chair Communications - Technology Ministries…

Adult Education…Richard Reynolds Alexandros Theodoropolos, Ministry Group Leader

Youth Catechism…Courtney Malahias, Director Webmaster… Alexandros Theodoropolos

Bookstore/Library…Mary Ann Wall Publications…Angelique Skandalakis, Stella McTaggart

Oratorical Festival…Courtney Malahias Technology… Alexandros Theodoropolos

Media/Community Relations…Beth Burgee, Debra

Hellenic Culture…Kitsa Wiersteiner, Ministry Chair Rallis, Alexandros Theodoropolos

Hellenic School…Anestis Logothetis, Acting Director

Romiosini Dance Group… Zaharoula Katsikis Parish Family Life…**Volunteer Needed**

Zoyra Dance Group… Benjalee Pittman Parish Family Night…**Volunteer Needed**

Choral…Dr. Michael Rallis Men’s Group…Richard Reynolds

Special Activities… Kitsa Wiersteiner Women’s Group…**Volunteer Needed**

Forever Young…Stella Vallianos

Youth Diakonia…Koula Katsikis, Ministry Chair LOVE…Angelique Skandalakis, Kay Skandalakis

GOYA…Alexia Porzio, Doug Brown, Benjalee Pittman,

Koula Katsikis, Courtney Malahias Outreach & Evangelism…Diane McGowan, Ministry Chair

HOPE/JOY… Joyce Patsalos, Sophia Brewer, OCF…Fr. Jon, Alexandros Theodoropolos

Jaime Saffo, Renée Karonis Psilos & Connie Ronner Hospitality…Ed Mayorga, Kathleen Mayorga

Community Service…Christina Mount

Liturgical Life… Dr. Michael Rallis, Ministry Chair Parish Care…Pat Poulos, Tina Stamatakis,

Liturgical Music… Dr. Michael Rallis Kay Skandalakis , Dr. Mary Frankos

Acolytes…Doug Brown

Neokoros/Sexton…**Volunteer Needed** Philoptochos…Thalia Kefalas, Chapter President

Stewardship…Debra Rallis

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


From the Desk of Father Jon

The Morning Prayer of St. Philaret of Moscow

O Lord, grant me to the greet the coming day in peace.

In all things help me to rely upon Your holy will.

In every hour of the day, reveal Your will to me.

Bless my dealings with all who surround me.

Teach me to treat all that comes to me throughout this day,

With peace of soul and firm conviction that Your will governs all.

In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings.

In unforeseen events, let me not forget that all are sent by You.

Teach me to act firmly and wisely without embittering and embarrassing others.

Give me strength to bear the fatigue of the day with all that it shall bring.

Direct my will, teach me to pray.

Pray You Yourself in me.


Please cut this prayer out of your newsletter and place it in your prayer corner. May the Spirit filled words of

St. Philaret fill your mind and heart as you begin your day. Embodied in this prayer is a great measure of our

Orthodox ethos, ephos and phronima!

The words of the prayer above I try to say every day as I walk and say my prayers. They remind me to put

the Lord’s will above my own. This prayer sets me on a good path for the day. It is a light to my eyes and a

lamp to my feet.

Yet, seeing the hand of God in everything that happens in our lives is a tall order! We often question why we

have had to endure certain hardships? We want to see the purpose of these struggles, but often times do not

understand – at least not at first. So why does God make us wait for this understanding? In part, it is all part

of God’s plan for us. Wisdom is a most precious pearl! It does make sense that we would need a measure of

time to see it’s value.

When we look at the world today, it is easy to become despondent about the wars, tumults, refugees, econom-

ics, etc. Our faith tells us that we must place this in our prayers to God and act upon our faith so we do not

fall into the devil’s trap. Better than all my words are the stories from the lives of the saints and the geron-

tikon. Please read the story below and see the wisdom!


There once was a man who became very frustrated and cried out to God – Why? Why Lord do I have to bear

this burden? An angel then appeared to him and said, “Come with me.” The angel lead the man to a nearby

road in the countryside that had a stream next to it that flowed from west to east between two towns. At this

location on the road there was a large tree whose trunk was hollowed out across from the stream. The angel

instructed the man, “Stand inside the trunk of the tree and you will see the providence of God.” The man did

as he was told.

Not long after there came a man on horseback traveling from west to east. He was finely dressed and saw the

stream next to the road. He got off the horse and removed his money sack from his belt and placed it next to

the stream as he knelt down to take a drink. He got back on the horse leaving the sack behind and continued

on his way.

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


A little while later, a second traveller walking from east to west, the opposite direction from the first, came to

the spot in the road. He was poorly dressed and very thirsty from his journey. As he knelt down to drink from

the stream, he saw the sack by the stream. Upon opening it, he rejoiced with great joy and placed it in his bag

that he was carrying and went on his way.

Lastly, a third traveller came walking from west to east. Upon seeing the stream next to the road, he bent

down to take a drink and rest his weary feet. As he rested, the first traveller returned to the site. He thought

the third traveller had stolen his money an hid it. He grabbed the third man and demanded he return his mon-

ey. He denied taking the money, so the first traveller killed him and buried him on the other side of the stream.

The man watching all that took place from the tree trunk said, “Why this is outrageous, this is a terrible crime.

The third traveller did nothing wrong and yet he was murdered! How does this show the providence of God?”

The angel responded, “You do not know what you have seen. To your eyes, this is a grave injustice, but listen

well and you may understand.”

The angel explained, “The first traveller received the large some of money he carried by dishonest means. He

had cheated many clients out of their money. The second traveller was one of the men he had cheated many

years ago. The amount of money in the rich man’s sack was the exact amount the second traveller was cheated

out of. The third traveller had taken someone’s life without reason when he was young. As a way of com-

pletely repenting of his sin, he asked God that he might die in the same way. And lastly, the rich man who

came back and killed the man, he had such remorse over the murder, he gave away all his wealth to the poor

and lived out the rest of his life in repentance at a monastery.”

The angel then asked the man, “Now do you understand the providence of God?” The man responded,

“Nothing was as it seemed, what appeared to happen was not what really transpired. God is truly great!”


Perhaps after reading this story you can think of a time in your life when you do not see God’s hand in the cir-

cumstance but now you do. It is a great blessing to trust in Him!


Fr. Jon

November 2 - 6: National Clergy Retreat, Fr. Jon out of town

November 7: Hellenic Culture Special Activities’ Asia Minor Catastrophe Event

November 8: General Assembly Meeting

November 14 - 15: Philoptochos Bake Sale

November 15 - December 25: Advent Fast

November 21: Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple; Book

Launch for "Mariah's Song" written by Pres. Barbara

December 5: Stop Hunger Now

Save the Dates

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


From the Parish Council President

Barbara Reynolds New to our Parish:

I hope you have noticed the pretty new plantation shutters in the Hellenic Center that were donated by Kay

Skandalakis to the Hellenic Center beautification project.

The Parish Council is continuing to look for ideas to improve the beauty of the Hellenic Center. Please see any

Parish Council member to give your input to this project as well as donations.

New Women’s Bible study on St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians meets Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM at

the church. Contact Rick Reynolds ([email protected]) or Irene Voneiff ([email protected]) if inter-



One of the ways that St. Nicholas demonstrates our belief in stewardship is to give back a portion of our profit

from our Greek Festival each year. If we look at the definition of stewardship we see that it is:

…learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church; it is learning how to enjoy

Church life and be happy in Church work for in Her dwells the fullness of the Spirit of God.

…our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful ac-

knowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.

…caring for the needs of others.

…offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us.

…what a person does after saying “I believe…”, as proof of that belief.

…devotion and service to God and His Church as persons, as families, as diocese/metropolis, as national

Church and as Church universal.

Each year at the time of the festival our church family comes together to give of our time, talents and hard labor

to make the festival a success. Then after the festival we give back to our community and church to care for

those in need and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This year we donated to:

St. Nicholas Shrine at Ground Zero in New York City.

Diakonia Center Church - We are donating a window to

the Panagia Chapel being built at the Diakonia Center.

St. Nicholas Benevolent Fund - The Benevolent Fund is

used to help our own parishioners in times of need.

Good Shepherd Center of Wilmington. Their mission is

to plan, develop, and maintain an ecumenical and social

ministry to meet the needs of the hungry, homeless, and

jobless in our community.

Presentation of Good Shepherd Donation, 2015

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Outreach & Evangelism Diane McGowan

A Perspective for Our New Liturgical Year

“For … I was a stranger,” Christ says, “and you

took me in.”

Matthew 25:35

As we move forward through the new church calen-

dar year, the Outreach and Evangelism Ministry asks

that you reflect on how difficult it must be to be the

new face in church or school.

If each of us were to make it a goal to be the FIRST

to welcome unfamiliar persons, we will fulfill our

Orthodox Christian mission of “Receive one another,

just as Christ also received us, to the Glory of God.”

Romans 15:7. Remember, we are all responsible for

Outreach and Evangelism. Starting today, if you see

a new or unfamiliar face, think about inviting that

person to join your table at Coffee Hour.

October 1st at 6:30PM our Welcome & Kickoff Meet-

ing will be held at the Hellenic Center!! Please call

the church office to RSVP and for details. All are

invited to participate. Through the year we need

many volunteers to do our work, which includes par-

ish care, welcoming and greeting parishioners, and

embracing our ever growing community. The Com-

munity Service group will have a meeting at the same


Stewardship Debra Rallis

Those that Seek the Lord Shall Never be in Want of

any Good Thing

Stewardship Sermon 2016

Psalm 34:10 and the Closing Hymn of the Service of


Do Your Best

A traditional American proverb says, “God makes

this request of his children: Do the best you can –

where you are, with what you have, now.” The story

of Jesus Christ feeding the 5,000 illustrates this

through the boy’s offering of all that he had – five

loaves and two fish. This boy did his best with what

he had, and Jesus used it to perform an incredible


The Economy of Heaven

The disciples had wanted to send the people away to

get something to eat, but Jesus responds, “There is no

need for them to go away; give them food your-

selves.” The disciples approached the issue from the

point of view of earthly economics. To buy food for

the people assembled would be too expensive – 200

days’ wages.

Jesus’ response is simple. He asks, “What do you

have?” But the disciples don’t realize that they are

being called to participate in a miracle by simply giv-

ing what they have.

Bring Them to Me

Jesus Is concerned about the 5,000 men plus women

and children that are with him in the wilderness. His

disciples tell him that all they have are five loaves

and two small fish that a boy has offered. Jesus’ re-

sponse is the phrase, “Bring them to me.” Jesus then

takes the loaves, blesses and breaks them, and feeds

5,000 men plus women and children.

We also bring what we have to Jesus. We offer bread

and wine. He returns it to us as His body and blood in

Holy Communion. We offer ourselves and we be-

come the Church, His body on earth. No matter how

much we give, He cannot be outdone. Just like the

boy who offered the loaves and the fish, if we offer

what we have – however great or small our gift –

with prayer and humility, God will receive our gifts

and multiply them to feed His people.

Stewardship is about Joy

We don’t give out of fear of judgment in the afterlife.

We give with joy as part of our spiritual growth, put-

ting the emphasis on experiencing heaven now. Stew-

ardship of our gifts can help shape our world and our-

selves in such a way that we can experience God’s

grace, love and communion in the present. This per-

spective on Christian Stewardship emphasizes that

which is possible for us as humans – now rather than

later. It shifts our focus from fear to the potential for

experiencing joy.

Hard work may bring power and success. Only God

can bring us joy, peace and love. American writer,

Frederick Buechner has written, “Greed is the mathe-

matical truism that the more you get, the more you

have. The opposite of greed – the selfless love of God

and neighbor – is based on the truth that the more you

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


give away in love, the more you are.”

Put away the Pie Chart

Stewardship is not about calculations, portions or per-

centages. It cannot be reduced to a number of hours of

service or dollars offered. We can’t reduce our respon-

sibilities as members of the Body of Christ to paying

the bills. Christian Stewardship is a mindset – a way

of life. In true stewardship, we do not give to the

Church for any specific purpose. We are giving back

to God with joy in thanksgiving for what He has done

for us. God is never outdone in generosity.


The true motivation for giving is grace. Giving is an

act of worship is response to the generosity of God.

“You are to give,” says Saint Paul, “as God has pros-

pered you.” His Second Letter to the Corinthians (9 &

10) teaches us clearly, “He who sows bountifully will

also reap bountifully.” God blesses those who give

with generosity.

Thanking God

The question is not, “How much do I give to stay in

the club?” or “What are the dues?” The real question

we need to ask ourselves is “How do I thank God for

my many blessings?”

As Orthodox Christians, we are called to a new way of

seeing things – a new way of life. Stewardship is obe-

dience to the greatest commandment to “love the Lord

with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” We are

called to bring ourselves and others to commit their

lives to Jesus Christ in such a way that leads to the joy

of knowing him personally and profoundly.

God’s Generosity

Saint Gregory the Theologian writes, “You will never

overcome God’s generosity, even if you give away all

that you have. …. And however much you bring to

him, always more remains. Nor will you give anything

that is your own; for all things flow from God (Or


Leave the Rest to God

You cannot do everything, but you can do something.

God wants you to do your best and leave the rest to

him. Saint Theofan said, “Exert all your strength, but

rest your concern for success on God.”

The Lord doesn’t expect any more from us than what

we have to offer. But He does expect us to be faithful

and that we do our very best for Him.

We do our best and leave the rest to Him.

Source: http://www.goarch.org/archdiocese/departments/


Philoptochos Thalia Kefalas


Please join our Philoptochos Chapter as we host this

year’s Agape Celebration Luncheon on SATURDAY

OCTOBER 10TH at 11am at the COUNTRY CLUB


Our guest speaker will be Presbytera Mary Christy

from Raleigh. She will talk to us about our life and

service to the Church.

Our Metropolis President, Dee Nicholau will also be

in attendance!

There will be a Silent Auction with lots of good prizes

including a week at Wrightsville Beach, a week in the

North Carolina Mountains, a piece of jewelry and a

cashmere wrap with fur trim!

This event is being held to raise funds to support the

Youth Ministries in our Metropolis. Several of our

Goyans will be providing the entertainment and


We encourage all our parishioners to be a sponsor.

Registration and sponsorship form are available on

our church website:www.stnicholaswilmington.org

Zoyra Benjalee Pittman

Our Romiosini and Zoyra dancers are thrilled to hear

the Hellenic Dance Festival will be held again in

sunny Orlando, FL during the Martin Luther King

Weekend. Our dancers are busy practicing so they

can do their best in representing St Nicholas at this

year's competition.

All persons interested in participating (even specta-

tors) please book your hotel rooms now.



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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Youth Catechism Courtney Malahias

This article is dedicated to our wonderful group of

Sunday School teachers! Thank you for giving us

your wonderful selves!

Welcome to a new ecclesiastical year! We started our

classes on September 13th and I am happy to an-

nounce that all classrooms were full! I am so grateful

for our teachers and the time and commitment they

have spent preparing for their lessons.

Please try to be at church each Sunday on time so that

your child hears the epistle and gospel readings. It is

us who sets the example – not with our words but si-

lently, with LOVE and by action. Children learn by

watching us and they notice the details of our lives

more than we do. Encourage and uplift your friends

to join you at church. Sit together, pray together.

Your Sunday will change! My motto is - Your are

strong, You are Wise, You are a shining example of

God. My inspiration is the movie The Help. I say this

every morning on my drive to work. We are all Shin-

ing examples of God. Let your light shine!

Grateful to be in His service,

Courtney Malahias

P.S. – Don’t forget – I need Altoid boxes!!!!!!

Hellenic Culture Kitsa Wiersteiner

OXI Day is coming! Please join us on Sunday,

October 25th, after Divine Liturgy for the OXI Day

celebration in the Hellenic Center. Our speaker will

be Despina Saffo. This program will also include po-

ems, songs, dances, and lunch. This will be a fund-

raising luncheon for all of the dance groups.

This OXI Day program is sponsored by the Hellenic

Culture special activities, Hellenic School, and the

Romiosini and Zoyra dancers.

There will be practice for those reciting OXI Day

poems on Sunday, October 11th and Sunday October

18th during the Fellowship hour. Anyone who needs

help with their poems please come and we will have

someone there to help you.

Hellenic Culture - Special Activities

On Saturday, November 7 at 7PM, there will be a lec-

ture by Angela Dentiste on the topic “The Asia Minor

Catastrophy.” Please, do not miss this important

event. Refreshments will be served.

HOPE/JOY Joyce Patsalos, Sophia Brewer, Jaime Saffo,

Renée Karonis Psilos & Connie Ronner

I want to first start out by thanking all of you that

were able to participate in our KICK OFF WITH A

CAUSE event that we held September 27th for the

Make A Wish Foundation fundraiser walk. We all

had a great time and it was so nice to see so many of

you participate and donate to such a wonderful cause!

Our next event will be October 4th when Hope/Joy

will be hosting coffee hour. Please make an attempt

to bring in something to share with our parishioners

during this fundraising event for Hope/Joy.

Our next event will be an outing to Old McFaye's

farm on October 11th from 2-4pm. Come on out for

horseback riding, hayrides, and visiting all of the

farm animals that live on the farm! This is such an

incredibly fun event for the children and should not

be missed! Please mark your calendars now!

If you have any questions about any of these upcom-

ing events, please feel free to contact one of our

Hope/Joy advisors.

LOVE Angelique Skandalakis and Kay Skandalakis

Our wonderful LOVE group met at the home of Kay

and Angelique Skandalakis for the August event, and

it was perfect weather to break out the sprinkler for

the kids. The kids had a blast in the water.

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


In September LOVE met at Chick-Fil-A so the kids

could eat some delicious food and play while the

moms got to chat. The fellowship aspect of LOVE is

great for parents and kids! We would love to see more

dads and even grandparents attend our LOVE events.

On October 25th we will be meeting at the home of

Kay and Angelique Skandalakis to paint some pump-

kins for Halloween. Please RSVP to Angelique at

[email protected] if you are able to attend.

We want to get a count for the pumpkins. Kids and

parents are welcome to wear Halloween costumes!

Community News


Hellenic Center Beautification Fund

Words of Gratitude: We would like to thank Kay

Skandalakis for donating the Plantation Shutters in our

Hellenic Center! What a beautiful addition to our hall!

May God bless her and her beautiful family!

We are accepting donations as we continue to improve

our Hellenic Center. We have a donor for our granite

countertops and we will be getting new flooring in the

new future!

Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Other

items needed include new banquet chairs!

**NEW If you have any new/used shoes that you

would like to donate, please see Kay Skandalakis. She

is doing a project for military families. Thank you.

**NEW Please donate all weekly coupons from

newspapers & ads to the Hellenic Center. This will be

a new ministry that will help our parishioners save

money on products. For more information, please see

Benjalee Pittman.

We are looking for volunteers to host coffee hour. If

you are interested, please sign up in the kitchen or let

Angelique know. For the weeks when we do not have

a volunteer we will still have coffee and juice.


On August 20th, Vasilios (Bill) Vogiatzis received a

living donor kidney from Maria Hicks from Holy

Trinity in Raleigh. Surgery went well for both and

they are recovering well. The Vogiatzis Family would

like to thank the community for all their prayers, cards

and well-wishes. We pray Jesus Christ blesses Maria

and her family for the sacrifices they made. Perastika

to Vasili and Maria!


For all the people celebrating their birthday,

anniversary, and name day in the month of October,

may you have many happy years! Many Happy Years!

On September 13 there was a blessing of the Waters

with a blessing of our faithful Ministry Leaders.

Sympathies and Memorials

On August 30 we held a memorial for Louie Tripodes.

May his memory be eternal!

We extend our deepest sympathy to Ifygenia

Diakogiannis and family on the falling asleep in the

Lord of her brother, Iordanis, on September 3rd in

Greece. ΑIΩΝΙΑ ΤΟΥ Η ΜΝΗΜΗ! May his

memory be eternal!

On September 20 we held a memorial for all of the

victims of the Asia Minor genocide. May their

memories be eternal!

With the Saints, give rest to the souls of Your servants, where there is no pain, sorrow, or suffering,

but life eternal.

Vasilios with his donor Maria

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Treasurer’s Report Tina Bostic

Anagnost, Dr. John & Dr. Kathleen Jewel

Anagnost, John Alexander

Anderson, Renee

Angeledes, Angelo & Evelyn

Andrews, Chris

Batis, John & Emily

Batounis, John & Nancy

Batuyios, Bill

Batuyios, Michael and Katherine

Berrehamn, Meleshaw & Gebremskal

Boardman, Frank and Demetra

Bostic, Michael & Tina

Brilakis, Antony & Shirley

Brown, Doug & Argie

Calhoun, Cameron & Pam

Clark, Ryan P.Emily Andrae

Cranidiotis, Chris & Joy Faulk

Dandulakis, Gregory & Kimberly

Demas, Ronald & Sharon

Dentiste, Angela

Diakogiannis, Ifigenia

Diakogiannis, Yianni

Dimopoulos, Pete & Katherine

Dimopoulos, George

Dimopoulos, Maria

Dimopoulos, Vasilios

Dimov, Stanislav & Diana

Dodge, Nicholas & Kristina

Dukas, Nota

Emanuelson, Fr. Jon & Presbytera Barbara

Flowers, Larry & Helen

Fokakis, George

Fragakis, John & Sophia

Fragos, Evangelos & Olympia

Franck, John Argie

Frankos, Dr. Mary

Gallaher, Pat & Marisa

Gerry, Despina

Gueorguiev, Manol & Anagnost, Adrian

Habash, Nick & Elizabeth

Hale, Pamela Mavros

Haralambous, Irene

Harrell, Stephanie

Heggler, Charles & Copes, Sophie

Jefferies, Phil & Irene

Kaprantzas, Christos & Eleni

Karonis, Yianni & Evyenia

Katris, Gus

Katsikis, Basile & Koula

Kefalas, Thalia

King, Lee & Doris

Kirkby, Matthew & Melissa

Koklanaris, Emmanuel & Lambra

Koumparakis-Botbol, Elaine

Kratsa, Perry Caleb & Anita Nagy

Kruczko, Serge Mark & Ashlee

Lawler, Samuel & Susan

Lazaridis, Nick & Nena

Lionikis, Emmanuel & Athanasia

Logothetis, Anestis & Constance

Loizides, Michael & Theodora

Maggio, Evelyn

Malahais, Peter & Courtney

Manolukas, John

Manolukas, Dr. Peter & Joan

Markatos, Aristea

2015 Stewards as of September 15, 2015

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Marmaras, Mary

Maroudis, Xenophon

Mayorga, Ed & Kathleen

Mayorga, Sia

McGowan, Calvin & Diane

McHugh, Jon & Eleni

McTaggart, Micaiah & Stella

Miliotis, Emanuel & Mary Beth

Nashed, Neemat

Panagapoulos, Jessica

Papakidis, Maria

Papanicolaou, Lambros & Niki

Papanikolau, Efstratios & Sandra

Pappamihiel, Ruth

Parrett, Bette

Patsalos, Nick & Joyce

Pekatos, Spero & Lucy

Pinkston, Anne Bakalis

Pittman, Brian & Benjalee

Porzio, Andrew & Alexia

Poulos, Jack & Danielle

Poulos, John & Athena

Poulos, Patricia

Rallis, Michael & Debra Bakalis Rallis

Reynolds, Rick & Barbara

Roeske, Michael and Ekaterina

Ronner, Tom & Connie

Saffo, Doky & Despina

Saffo, Marian & Marika

Saffo, Nick & Tia

Saffo, Peter & Kimberly

Saffo, Tony & Jamie

Schaefer, Robert & Rena

Skandalakis, Angelique

Skandalakis, Kay

Skinner-Darby, Patricia

Sljaka, Sophia

Snow, David & Daphne

Souflas, Thomas & Linda

Spyropoulos, Maria

Staks, Marianna

Stasios, James & Maria

Theophilos, Plato & Renee

Triantafillopoulas, Konstantinos & Debbie

Tsangarides, Arthur & Wanda

Tsingelis, Chris & Angie

Tsingelis, Konstandinos

Vallianos, Stella

Vavalette, Mary Ann

Vogiatzis, Ioannis & Barbara

Vogiatzis, Vasilios & Sotirou, Irene

Voneiff, George & Irene

Wall, Mary Ann

Whitley, John & Helen

Wickersham, Donald Ross

Wiersteiner, Sam & Kyriaki

Zezefellis, Effie

Zondos, Angela










Total $ Pledged 2015 Budget (goal) Total Giving todate

124 Stewards

as of Setember 15, 2015


We are glad to announce that we now have an

online giving system in place on our website

that can be used for conveniently making

donations towards stewardship pledges.

The donation buttons are located on the left

pane of the homepage at

www.stnicholaswilmington.org as well as on

the Stewardship page of our website at


Stewardship.html .

*Correction: The September 2015 Monthly Newsletter

had the incorrect listing of Stewards' Names. The current

listing in this month's issue is correct as of September 15,

2015. Please accept our apologies.

Page 12: October 2015 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Page 13: October 2015 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Page 14: October 2015 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church October 2015


Page 15: October 2015 Monthly Newsletter


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Page 16: October 2015 Monthly Newsletter




608 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403


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