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October 4, 2011 issue

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  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    Daily Herald B

    Since 1891vol. cxlvi, no. 79

    67 / 43


    65 / 52


    CITY & sTaTe............5




    HgH D, 3

    Hghe Eg sun numbsop nonw

    Fmn n Somqus on

    OPNONS, 7 weather

    F C

    B Tony BaksHi

    News editor

    wo undergraduates and a mem-ber o the Undergraduate Coun-

    cil o Students Executive Boardw b std b Ot. 20 t thCampus Advisory Committee toadvise the Corporations searchprss r th Ursts thpresident, said Samuel Gilman5, a spksma r UCS.

    UCS President Ralanda Nelson2 rasd th studt appa-tion to the Brown community inan email Monday morning. Anemail sent earlier that morningby Chancellor homas isch 76outlined the Corporations initialplans or the search. Simmonsannounced her decision to stepdw at th d th aadm

    ar Spt. 5.In his email, isch announced

    the ormation o two separatecommittees the PresidentialSearch Committee o the Corpo-ration, which he will chair, andthe Campus Advisory Commit-t. h ampus mmtt wb mpsd aut ad stu-dents rom the College and theGraduat Sh, as w as rp-resentatives rom Alpert MedicalSh.

    A member o the UCS Execu-tive Board will also be appointedto the campus committee, though

    Gilman did not comment on thest prss wth UCS.

    he deadline or the under-graduat appat s Ot. 6 at:5 p.m. Gma sad h udnot anticipate how many applica-ts UCS wud r r thpsts.

    We will get this process doneairly and switly by Oct. 20 sothat the committee can move or-ward with its work, Gilman said.

    h sarh r a w Ur-sity president will emulate inma rspts that whh d tRuths appointment 11 years ago,sh wrt. h Crprat saiming to name members o bothmmtts b md-Otbr.

    I 2000, th ampus mmt-t that utmat std Sm-mons consisted o 13 members,including three undergraduatestudents. he Corporation com-mtt sstd mmbrs.

    B Mark rayMond

    seNior staffwriter

    Te University raised a total o$162.8 million in cash gis lastyear, exceeding its goal o $140million but alling short o the$167 million raised in the previoussa ar.

    Nw gs ad pdgs rs babout 24 percent to $167.5 millionor scal year 2011, up rom $135.3m rasd sa ar 200.

    In a slowing economy the sec-ond hal o the year, cash giving o$162.8 million was something we

    had to eel pretty good about, saidSteven King 91, senior vice presi-dent or University advancement.Te University collected gis romjust udr 33,000 drs.

    Te Annual Fund, which raisesunds that contribute to around 6percent o the Universitys operat-ing budget, raised $35.4 millionrom 31,793 donors, according to

    Samuel Mencof 78 P11 P15, co-har th Aua Fud.

    Bpp Hudkpr, utvice president or nance and ad-ministration, wrote in an emailt T Hrad that th Urstessentially reached all o its goalsr th ast sa ar.

    he most recent iscal yearwas the rst opportunity or theUniversity to test its undraisingmght ar th mpt thCampag r Aadm Erh-ment Dec. 31, 2010. Te undrais-

    Cash gifts exceeded goal last year

    Glenn Lutzky / Heal

    The enovatons to the Cae Towe clock an stacase coul cost $500,000,accong to Stephen Maos, vce pesent o Facltes Management.

    No, the ccus s not comng

    to town. The tent cuently

    occupyng the lowe hal o

    Lncoln Fel wll house an event

    o Povence Equty Patnes,

    a pvate equty nvestment m

    base owntown, accong to

    Masa Qunn, vce pesent

    o publc aas an Unvesty


    A epesentatve o the

    m eee to the event as a

    pvate uncton but eclne

    to comment uthe.

    Povence Equty Patnes,oune an le by Jonathan

    Nelson 77 P07 P09, a ellow

    o the Copoaton, Glenn

    Ceame 84 an Paul Salem 85,

    equeste a space on campus

    eale ths yea o the event.

    They wante to have the event

    at Bown because they cet

    much o the success as cvc

    an busness leaes to the

    Bown expeence, Qunn wote.

    Nelson onate $10 mllon

    to the Unvesty n 2004 o the

    new Nelson Ftness Cente.

    The Unvesty oten allows

    oganzatons to hol events

    on campus space s avalable

    an the event oes not nteee

    wth campus le, Qunn wote.

    The Unvesty s not spenng

    money on the event.

    The tent wll be emove

    Wenesay atenoon.

    dvi Chug

    Providence Equitysets up on Lincoln

    B daniEl saCk


    Te Rhode Island Senate votedMonday night to conrm Gov.Lincoln Chaees 75 P14 nomi-nees to the I-195 RedevelopmentDistrict Commission. Real estatedeveloper Colin Kane will serve aschair o the committee, which willinclude Barrett Bready 99 MD03,

    Barbara Hunger, Diana Johnson

    MA71, John Kelly, Mark Ryan andMha Va Lst.

    T mmtt s hargd wth

    the task o allocating the land madeavailable by the relocation o I-195.Te University has expressed inter-st dpg th ad.

    Brad, a adjut prssr atAlpert Medical School and presi-dent and CEO o the biotechnol-ogy company NABsys Inc., stressedthe commissions potential. Its not

    what we are, he told state senators.Its what w a b.

    he new land could put thestate on the verge o technologicalboom, he added, suggesting thatthe development ocus on encour-agg rsarh th ss.Te states political leaders haveptd t th ad mr tha40 acres in Providences JewelryDstrt as a g r muh-dd m grwth.

    Senate approves I-195 commission

    ctiu g 2

    B CaiTlin Trujillo

    seNior staffwriter

    Wh th Carr wr rst rsabove campus in 1904, it stood asone o the Universitys tallest andmost striking buildings, a symbolo devotion and love rom a griev-ing husband. But over 100 yearsatr, th twr stads st adin disrepair as a much-neededrstrat prs sw-mg.

    Renovations to the limestonebase o Carrie ower, which isstd th Qut Gr, wwrap up Oct. 14, but the tower stillds urthr strut t bmpt rstrd.

    Tough the towers clock needsreurbishing and the staircase isdeteriorating, making the towerinaccessible, a large-scale projectwould be too expensive or theUniversity to undertake, said Ste-ph Mars, prsdt rFacilities Management. Instead,the Department o Facilities Man-

    agmt s brakg up th -essary renovations into multiple

    prjts, h sad.Eorts to repair, replace and

    clean the towers deterioratingbas bga at Ju, ad -strut that bga abut thryears ago included the replace-ment o the stone at the top o thetwr, Mars sad.

    Te renovations to the tow-ers limestone base cost about$200,000, Maiorisi said. Fixingthe clock and staircase was last es-timated to cost $500,000, but thatstmat s ars d, h sad.

    Te Carrie ower was con-structed in 1904 as a memorial toCaroline Brown, the great-grand-daughter o one o Browns ound-ers, Nicholas Brown Sr. WhenCarrie Brown died in 1892, herhusband an Italian diplomatad dustrast amd Pau Ba-jtt datd m t ud

    Symbol of love stands silent after 107 years

    ctiu g 4

    Kyle McNamaa / Heal

    S ss snfnns n pov

    ct&Stt, 5

    H Tme


    undergradsto serve on




    N E W S i N B r i E F

  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    B Shrkgr, Prsdt

    Sd Embr, V Prsdt

    Matthw Burrws, rasurr

    Isha Guat, Srtar

    T Brw Da Hrad (USPS 06.40) s a dpdt wspapr srg thBrw Urst mmut da s . It s pubshd Mda thrugh Frdadurg th aadm ar, udg aats, durg Cmmmt, dur-g Ortat ad Ju b T Brw Da Hrad, I. Sg p r rah mmbr th mmut.POSMASER pas sd rrts t P.O. B 253, Prd, RI 0206.Prdas pstag pad at Prd, R.I.Subsrpt prs: $20 ar da, $40 smstr da.Cprght 20 b T Brw Da Hrad, I. A rghts rsrd.


    95 Ag S., Pvi, R.I.

    Daily Herald B


    (40) [email protected]


    (40) [email protected]

    Campus ews2 he Brown Daily eralduesday, ctober 4, 2011

    3 P.m.

    Hyoynamcs o Manta ray

    Swmmng, Baus an Holley 190

    8 P.m.The Cuent Economy,

    Kassa House Foxboo Autoum

    5 P.m.

    Fench Captalsm Une Stess,

    Waston insttute

    8 P.m.Fee Cookes an Mlk,

    Caswell Hall




    Vegan Chow Men an Tou wth

    Chow Men Nooles, Sesame

    Chcken Stps, Magc Bas

    roast Pok Ouvet, Pastto, Bake

    Potatoes wth Sou Ceam, Bussel

    Spouts, Magc Bas

    Spnach Quche, Meteanean

    Ozo, Glle Tuna Sanwch wth

    Cheese, Chocolate Chp Cookes

    Shave Steak Sanwch, Falael n

    Pta, Manan Blen Vegetables,

    Chocolate Chp Cookes


    C r O S S W O r d

    S U d O K U

    M E N U

    C A L E N d A r

    On Oct. 4, 1991:

    The Unvesty hel an naugu aton ceemony oNew dom, whch ha been compl ete ove the summe.Alums an Copoaton membes who attene theevent wee gven a tou o the new aclty. Alva Way 51,

    a membe o the Copoaton, sa, We ha electcty, asi ecall, n 51, bu t nothng lke ths. An ocal name othe om ha not been announce at the tme.

    On Oct. 4, 1981:

    John Lennon lthogaphs wee on splay at SaylesHall, a ay ate they wee shown n Alumnae Hall,as musc by Lennon an the Beatles lle the space.The lthogaphs ha pevously been splaye at thePovence Cvc Cente beoe beng pulle becausecty ocals wee concene about the sexually explctnatue o the wok an the centes accessblty tochlen. The atwok was eeme acceptable o theBown communty, an the two-ay event ew moethan 200 people on the st ay. Chs Ganaa 83 sa,

    Compae to moen at stanas, t wasnt at allobscene. John Lennon ha been klle the yea beoe,on dec. 8, 1980.

    On Oct. 4, 1951:

    Alexane Meklejohn 1893 MA1895, ome eano the College an poesso o phlosophy, hel a talkenttle Fee Speech at Mannng Hall. A poponento ee speech an ts mpotance n a emocacy,Meklejohn sa, Those who goven the county toaytalk eeom but peach epesson. Callng the stuatoneploable, he ague that, by pescbng cetan easas angeous, the Justce depa tment ha volatethe eeoms o speech an o peaceable assemblyguaantee by the Consttuton. Whateve the angesnvolve, the mns o men must be ee, he sa.

    TO dAY i N U N i VE rS i T Y Hi S TO rY

    S a f e t y f i r S t

    Glenn Lutzky / Heal

    Stuents nab conoms on the Man Geen as pat o Consent day.

    ing eort, ofcially launched byPresident Ruth Simmons in 2005,rasd a tta $.6 b.

    It was always the plan to raiseth bar ad rat a w undraising success and sustainthat gg rward, Kg sad.

    Ts was th sd mst su-cessul year or the annual und

    s ts pt, M sad.Te amount was slightly below

    ur ga, but at Brw w awasst ur asprats r hgh, hsad. T ga r sa ar 20was $36 million, which is equalto the record total raised in theprus sa ar.

    M sad th mst mpr-tant conclusion to be drawn romthe Annual Funds latest year is thetrend toward increased participa-t th rt.

    Te annual und raised $15million in 2001, he said, mean-ing it has increased 236 percents Smms am t th U-

    versity. She has joked that the An-nual Fund is the rst thing peopleshud thk abut th mr-ing, the thing they should thinkabout when they brush their teeth,M sad.

    King said Simmons leadershiphas enhanced the Universitys abil-ity to raise large sums o money.Shes obviously done an incredible job as our leader, he said. Her

    Plan or Academic Enrichmenthas resulted in Brown believingt a d mr.

    King said he does not expecta majr dp udrasg du t

    the completion o the campaign orth trast t a w prsdt.

    here are external actorsbeyond our control, but I thinkin terms o our engagement andrts r ths ars, wr p-sitioned to be in a strong positiongg rward, h sad.

    Te last thing we want to do ishave a big drop-of in undraisingand have that impact the transi-tion that will take place, he added.Wr gg t sta usd adcontinue to do business as usual insupprt Urst prrts.

    wit additional rporting by erinK


    Fund sees

    second most

    successfulyear ever

    ctiu fmg 1

    Read Post



    The Heal

  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    3he Brown Daily eralduesday, ctober 4, 2011

    Graduate schools see decrease inenrollent

    Enollment n gauate schools oppe 1.1 pecent n 2010,accong to a epot ssue by the Councl o Gauate Schools.

    Accong to the epot, the last tme enollment oppe was

    n 2003. The epot also states that the aveage annual gowth

    n new gauate school enollments has been 3.3 pecent snce


    Accong to an atcle om the Choncle o Hghe Eucaton,

    ths op oes not ollow the hstocal ten o ncease ga

    school enollment ung cult economc clmates.

    The bottom l ne s, ts about money, deboah Stewat,

    pesent o the councl, tol the Choncle. She sa the

    unwllngness o employe nvuals to leave a job an cutbacks

    by companes that pevously une employee eucaton wee

    majo contbutos to the enollment op.

    Christie approves Rutgers edical

    school ergerNew Jesey Gov. Chs Chste has gven pelmnay appoval

    to a commttee nng that calls o the mege o rutges

    Unvesty wth potons o the Unvesty o Mecne an

    dentsty o New Jesey, accong the Choncle o Hghe E.

    The am o the measue s to mege the robet Woo Johnson

    Mecal School, the School o Publc Health an the Cance

    insttute o the Unvesty o Mecne an dentsty wth rutges

    to make o a compettve eseach nsttuton, accong to a

    pess elease ssue by rutges ate the commttee ssue ts


    The poposal to mege the schools, whch has been ejecte

    seveal tmes n the past, was pase by rutges amnstatos n

    the pess elease.

    The unon epesentng employees o the Unvesty o

    Mecne an dentsty o New Jesey expesse concen ove

    the lack o etal suounng the nancal mpact o the mege,

    accong to an atcle on nothjesey.com.

    Cause o URI adinistratorsdeparture reains unclear

    Anew Wntes, who seve as the assstant to the vce

    pesent o stuent aas at the Unvesty o rhoe islan,

    esgne at the en o June, pomptng questons about the

    ccumstances leang to hs epatue.

    Wntes was known o hs avocacy o LGBT ssues an was

    the avse to a goup o gay an lesban stuents who oganze

    a st-n wth unvesty chaplans n Febuay, accong to an

    atcle n the Povence Jounal.

    Shotly ate the st-n, Kathyn Feman, the newly apponte

    ntem assocate vce pesent o equty an vesty, sent

    Wntes a ctcal lette that pompte Wntes esgnaton,accong to the atcle.

    The exact cc umstances suounng Wntes esgnaton

    eman unknown, though Uri Pesent dav dooley sa

    Wntes smply ete, accong to the atcle.

    A goup o Uri aculty membes ae equestng an

    nvestgaton nto the matte.

    Seton Hall to ofer early actionstudents discount on tuition

    Seton Hall Unvesty wll begn oeng top-te ealy acton

    canates a scounte tuton next yea.

    Stuents who meet a set o acaemc qualcatons an

    ae accepte though the ealy acton amsson pocess wll

    be elgble o a $21,000 scount o the $31,440 tuton ee,

    accong to the New Yok Tmes.

    The Tmes epote that the scounte tuton wll make

    tuton at Seton Hall compettve wth rutges Unvesty, New

    Jeseys fagshp publc unvesty.

    Alyssa McClou, vce pesent o enollment management,

    tol the Tmes that 16 pecent o cuent Seton Hall eshmen

    woul have met the acaemc equements to eceve the

    scounte tuton an suggeste that the tuton ncentve coul

    encouage moe hghly quale stuents to apply next yea.

    B Y M Ar K r AY M ON d

    SEN i Or STAF F Wr i TEr

    H i G H E r E d

    N E W S r O U N d U P

    t h e M a g i c t o u c h

    Lya Yamaguch / Heal

    Olva Lnen 12 tests out the Unvestys new touch sceen platom n the Blue room yesteay.

    t h e g a M e o f l o v e

    rachel Kaplan / Heal

    Stuents participate in a ilo ring-toss on the Main Green as part of the nationally celebrate Consent day to raiseawaeness about sexual assault.

    Get The Heal elvee aly to you nboxrowndailyherald.co/register

  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    Campus ews4 he Brown Daily eralduesday, ctober 4, 2011

    Geg Joan-detamoe / Heal

    The senate appove all the govenos appontees to the commttee that wll allocate i-195 lan o evelopment.See ull coverage on page 1.

    Copper toilet valves,laptops stolenT g c slction of major incidnts rportd

    to t Dpartmnt of Public Safty Sp. 8 Sp. 16. Is cu g svc m cs. T PvcPc Dpm s sps

    c ccg c.DPS vg css cu u

    vsg pm,PPD h c S L.DPS ms g sf cv g svcc, hch c b v g

    b h hq 75 Chf S.


    Facilities reported that all o thecopper toilet valves located in awomens restroom had been stolen.


    A student reported that be-tw 2:30 a.m. ad 0 a.m., hrlaptop was taken while she wasasp hr usurd rm.

    Sp. 3

    Brw p wr dspathdt mt wth a Prd P

    ofcer. Te ofcer explained hewas on patrol when he observeda bicycle leaning against an ironence in a park. He then entered

    the park to see who the bicyclebelonged to. He observed two sets

    gs hagg r th dg amonument overlooking the city.He instructed the two parties tomeet him at the ence. Te subjectswere identied as Brown studentsand were cited or the city ordi-a rgardg th park urw.Te park has signs posted that statet s sd rm p.m. t a.m.


    A student stated between thehours o 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Sept. 13sm had tak a ph,bicycle light and a bicycle repairkit rom a pouch on her bicycle

    that was locked to the bike rack.Wh spakg wth th studt,a Strg Surt mp whworks at 222 Richmond St. report-ed his cellular phone was takenas well. He stated he locked hisbicycle to the bike rack, and whenh wt t rtr hs ph, hnoticed his bicycle pouch was openad th ph was mssg.

    Sp. 5

    A student reported his laptopwas stolen rom his backpackwh h wt t bu d.

    Sp. 5

    Te reporting party stated hesecured his bike to the rack andwt t wrk. Wh h rturdat 3 p.m., t was g.

    the project in her name, said JaneLancaster, a University historian,wh s wrkg a w hstr

    o Brown that will be publishedt d wth th Urstssestercentennial. Te memorials srbd wth a ddat tCarrie Brown and the sentence,L s strg as dath.

    Bajtt as mmssd auta that stads BursdPark, next to Kennedy Plaza, Lan-

    astr sad.A presidential report to the

    Corporation during the 1903-04 aadm ar sad th Carrower serves no useul purpose.

    Instead, the monument was meantto serve as a dedication to undy-ing memory and show the in-ternational attachment, whichutasts th ars.

    But th twrs b whh,like the clock, no longer chimes usd t sr as th ma bat a time when the Quiet Green

    was the center o campus, saidUniversity Curator Robert Em-len. Te bell likely ell into dis-use during the middle o the 20thtur as th ampus padd

    beyond University Hall, he said.Now, a bell atop University Hallannounces the beginning and end ass prds.

    Te tower also houses a tunnelthat leads into the basement o theJohn Hay Library and to ManningHall, Emlen said. A slab o rockw sas th tu.

    Carrie Tower undergoes renovationsctiu fmg 1



  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    City& State 5he Brown Daily eralduesday, ctober 4, 2011

    Chester Crason | Tess Caoll

    Carernet Voltaire | Abe Pessman

    Fraternity o Evil | Eshan Mta, Benan Hanlne an Hecto ramez

    C O M i C S

    State legislators to denounce Chaee75

    Yesteay, ou state epesentatves an two state senatoselease a jont statement announcng a pess coneence

    Wenesay whee they wll ecy Gov. Lncoln Chaee 75 P14

    o suppotng a measue that wll allow unocumente stuents

    n rhoe islan to pay n-state tuton at publc colleges an

    unvestes. The rhoe islan Boa o Govenos o Hghe

    Eucaton vote to appove the measue last week. Chaee s

    attemptng to ceate law though hs own system o Obama-lke

    czas an has gnoe the wll o the people, the statement eas.

    Speccally, the legslatos ctcze the govenos peceve

    magnalzaton o the Geneal Assemblys authoty. Chaees

    oce e back yesteay atenoon, eleasng a statement that

    ea, Any stuent o rhoe islan state govenment knows that

    consttutonally we have a stong legslatue. Compae wth othe

    states, the executve banch has less authoty.

    Federal grant to aid pulic schoolstudents in college process

    rhoe islan publc school stuents who, accong to

    epots last week, ae now takng the SAT n geate numbes

    than eve wll eceve a boost n the college pocess n the om

    o a $3 mllon eeal gant. The Ganng Ealy Awaeness an

    reaness o Unegauate Pogams wll pove up to $18

    mllon ove the next seveal yeas n the om o avsoy sevces,

    scholashp suppot an college eaness pogams. The College

    Cusae, an oganzaton that as stuents om low-ncome

    amles wth the college pepaaton pocess, wll sen a team

    o 24 ull-tme avses to mle an hgh schools acoss the

    state. Thee yeas ago, the state also eceve a $2.7 mllon awa

    though GEAr UP.

    Providence Hispanic uneployentrate aong highest nationwidePovence an Hato, Conn., have two o the hghest

    unemployment ates o Hspancs, an Economc Polcy insttute

    stuy oun. in 2010, Hspancs n Povence wee moe than

    twce as lkely as whtes to be unemploye, whle Hspancs n

    Hato wee ove thee tmes as lkely to be unemploye. The two

    stcts also anke hghest n Hspanc unemployment nceases

    om 2009 to 2010. Though the nsttutes eseach oes not cove

    n any etal the actos behn the unemployment numbes, ts

    be suggeste that constucton a el that employs a hgh

    popoton o Hspancs natonwe s pobably less mpotant

    n Povence an Hato.

    Gas prices pluet

    At $3.589 pe gallon, the pce o gasolne n rhoe islan ht tslowest mak snce Mach yesteay, oppng anothe nne cents

    pe gallon, accong to AAA Southen New Englan. Though the

    pce has allen by 14 cents n the last t wo weeks, ves n the

    state stll pay 17 cents moe pe gallon than the natonal aveage.

    Anea Temblay, an employee at Au Bon Pan on Thaye Steet,

    sa she oes not waste he tme on rhoe islan gas pces. i

    ve to Massachusetts to get my gas. its 30 pecent cheape thee,

    she sa, callng rhoe islans pces way too expensve. The

    pce o a gallon o gas n rhoe islan n Octobe 2010 was $2.699,

    89 cents cheape than the cuent aveage.

    New taxes on drugs, sartphoneapps to start Saturday

    A new batch o sales taxes s slate to go nto eect n rhoe

    islan Satuay, asng the pce on non-pescpton ugs,

    sghtseeng tous, smatphone applcatons an ownloaable

    sotwae. The taxes wll pove the state whch ace a $331

    mllon buget shotall ths spng wth an estmate $22

    mllon n annual evenue. Legslatos sa the atonal taxes ae

    on pa wth polces n Massachusetts an Connectcut.


    Ci TY & STATE Edi TOr

    CiTY & STATE

    N E W S r O U N d U PB HannaH loEwEnTHEil


    New census gures indicate poverty

    in Rhode Island increased sharplyrom 2009 to 2010. Statistics romthe American Community Surveyreleased late last month revealedthat the poverty rate in RhodeIsland rose rom 11.5 percent to4 prt, ad th prtag hdr udr prt rsrm 6. prt t prt.

    John Logan, proessor o sociol-ogy, who has studied neighborhoodchange and individual mobility inAmerican cities, said though thegures show a dramatic increasein poverty in Rhode Island, it isimportant to view this change in

    th tt ata ad tr-ata trds. Ardg t thU.S Census Bureau, the nationalpoverty rate rose rom 14.3 percent 200 t 5. 200. Btw2009 and 2010, the poverty rate orchildren under age 18 increasedrm 20. t 22 prt.

    People usually use the term Re-naissance to describe Providence,

    Logan said, adding that downtownProvidence is a ar cry rom therundown urban landscape it was20 years ago. But while downtown

    has rta prd a rsur-gence, sizeable wealth disparitiesprsst, h sad.

    Providence has been indus-trializing over the past decades.But today, much o the industrys sg dw, Lga sad, t-ing Rhode Islands old role as a sil-ver manuacturing state. He saidhe oten compares Providenceto Washington, D.C. Both citieshave suered rom high povertyrates or decades and have largeminority populations, but they arew gtrg ad ha s aincrease in the cost o living. At the

    same time, an increasing degree oinequality exacerbates the increas-g prt. Irasg wath sin the hands o relatively ew, Lo-ga sad.

    T mst bus paatr th surg prt s um-ployment, said Austin Nichols, asenior research associate at the Ur-ban Institute, a Washington, D.C.,

    think tank that examines social andeconomic issues. He explained thatchild poverty in particular used tob assatd wth hags th

    amily structure, such as the break-down o the two-parent household.da, prt s mst assatdwith job loss, he said. Rhode Is-land has historically lagged behindneighboring Massachusetts andCtut trms pst-s-ondary educational attainmentamong its residents, a disadvantagethat Nichols said is responsible orts hghr umpmt rat.

    Logan linked Rhode Islandspoverty rate to deindustrializa-tion. Low-wage jobs uel economicgrowth, and Logan explained thatthe United States competes with

    low-cost production in othercountries. A smaller part o theU.S. economy is technologicallyadvanced and reliant on skilled,educated labor. Te labor orce ispolarizing, Logan said. Te high-est earners are becoming wealthier,and unskilled workers have seentheir economic security deterio-rat, h sad.

    Poverty on the rise in R.I.

  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    ditorial & Letter6 he Brown Daily eralduesday, ctober 4, 2011

    L E T T E r TO T H E E d i T O r

    C O R R E C I O N S P O L I C y

    T Brw Da Hrad s mmttd t prdg th Brw Urst mmut wth th mst aurat rmat pssb. Crrts ma b

    submttd up t s adar das ar pubat.

    C O M M E N A R y P O L I C y

    T dtra s th majrt p th dtra pag bard T Brw Da Hrad. T dtra wpt ds t ssar rft th ws

    T Brw Da Hrad, I. Cums, ttrs ad ms rft th ps thr authrs .

    L E E R S O H E E D I O R P O L I C y

    Sd ttrs t [email protected]. Iud a tph umbr wth a ttrs. T Hrad rsrs th rght t dt a ttrs r gth ad art

    ad at assur th pubat a ttr. Pas mt ttrs t 250 wrds. Udr spa rumstas wrtrs ma rqust amt, but ttr w

    b prtd th authrs dtt s u kw t th dtrs. Aumts ts w t b prtd.

    A D V E R I S I N G P O L I C y

    T Brw Da Hrad, I. rsrs th rght t apt r d a adrtsmt at ts dsrt.

    A solution for expensive textbooksTo the Editor:

    A column in Wednesdays Herald (Calculusand pirates, Sept. 28) on the exorbitant price ocalculus books, especially James Stewarts book,is excellent. In act the author is, i anything, toogenerous about this very widely used book. Calculusstrutrs ud us th wg prt gaprdur t grat wr th st t th studtad dta hs thr art tt ad au-thor: Find an edition which is out o print, perhaps prght-prd, ad ask ur bkstr t

    get the publishers permission to make copies o justthe chapters and sections needed, rather than o thewh gargatua tt. I ha d ths umrustimes with good results and so have a ew colleaguesin math. Costs have been more like $25 than the cur-rt $0, ad th pags ha b muh asr tcarry around. Authors such as homas or Flanderswrt muh bttr bks tha Stwarts, but ut prt Stwart dts ud b usd wshs.

    bruno Harris

    Poesso Emetus o Mathematcs

    E d i TOr i A L CA r TOON by loren fulton

    People usually use the tem renassanceto escbe Povence.

    John Logan, poesso o socology

    see poverty pge 5.

    E d i T O r i A L

    Last Monday, the Rhode Island Board o Governors or HigherEducation voted unanimously to approve a measure that allows undocu-mtd studts t pa -stat tut at Rhd Isad pub gsand universities. Te discounted rates will only apply or individualswh attdd a stat hgh sh r at ast thr ars ad graduatdwth a hgh sh r quat GED dgr. T ds, whh wasdrsd b G. L Cha 5 P4, has rgtd th statwddbat th tratmt udumtd mmgrats.

    We applaud the board and its chair, Lorne Adrain, or helping to makehghr duat assb r a hgh sh graduats, rgardss citizenship status. In a phone interview with the editorial page board anda p-d Sudas Prd Jura, Adra pad th bardsds ad addrssd th mpats th ppst.

    It is imperative to respect and care or undocumented residents, manyo whom did not willingly choose to immigrate to the United States

    th rst pa. Ts p s a mprtat stp , as Adra wrts,pursuing a policy o openness and equal opportunity or an increasinglymarginalized group o people. Rhode Island institutions will undoubtedlybenet rom exposing its students, aculty and administrators to peoplerm drt uturs, bakgruds ad, as Adra puts t, drtstruggles than their own. Tis is ultimately a test o our compassion andur wgss t prmt udumtd rsdts th abt t bthah thr ddua gas ad pa a pst ad mpatu r th gratr Rhd Isad ad ata mmut.

    Opponents decried the decision-making process, saying that noother state has adopted the same policy without its passing the statelegislature. But Adrain notes that the board has the explicit authorityto make decisions with respect to tuition. Even though this is a high-prole decision, and even though it has implications or the status oundocumented immigrants, it is ultimately a tuition decision. Adrainalso noted the 1982 Supreme Court case Plyler v. Doe, in which the courttd th Fh Amdmt ad th qua prtt aus th 4th

    Amendment to strike down a exas law that allowed districts to withholda udg t duat ga mmgrats. Trr, Adra assrts,stats ar rqurd t tah udumtd studts, rgardss st.

    T bard s as th rght sd th m argumt. Whcritics believe that decreased tuition will decrease revenue or RhodeIsad pub ursts ad gs, th bards tra prjtsare cautiously optimistic. With cheaper tuition, the schools are likely tos a ras dmad, whh shud subsqut bst ass szand thereore increase revenue. Further, Adrain points to an obvioussstm pt that hs rts wu gr duatg mr statresidents will invariably increase the human capital and earning powero these individuals. Even i the system sees a small economic loss atth utst whh s uk t bg wth Rhd Isad s sur tbt ma rm duatg mr ts rsdts.

    We are heartened and inspired by the boards decision. We hope thatmakg duata pprtuts mr razab r udumtd

    rsdts w b a b r bth studts ad th stat ad that t wst a amp strut p r thr parts th utr.

    editorials ar rittn by T hralds ditorial pag board. Snd commnts @bh.c.


    Making room in R.I. forundocumented students

    t he b r o w n d a i ly her a ld

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    Letters, please!

    [email protected]

  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    pinions 7he Brown Daily eralduesday, ctober 4, 2011

    Cg s sstt ad, qut rak ,t rqut hradd as th tm urs. W ar stat rmdd t ap-prat ths ur ars br w st utt th ra wrd. It s th gd ag ur w tm. I d ths atd ds-tt ar t dsrtg. Wh wgraduat, w ar arud th ag 22. Its prptua mpd b ur drs thatt s a dwh rm thr whh Id t b. hs phm a b

    bttr udrstd thrugh mdr-damda.

    hr ar w Jwsh m wh kwhw t tru sats, r at ast that swhat m rds sa. hr ar rta- pts, mr s tha WdA. Fw ha hs pwr r dadpawt. Fw pssss hs mrauus abtt prtra th ambgut ad tr-t what w a . Athugh ma that hs stadards ha dd, thssummrs Mdght Pars wud hamad hs bggst rts stag.akg athr stta pt, Astmuats th wrs tt ad ph-spha dsrs, makg thm qustwhr th hst wat t b .

    St urs, Pars, th m -ws th G Pdr (Ow W-

    s), a s-dsrbd Hwd hakwh r ga ra tratur a sht, as

    h struggs t wrt hs rst whhadg hs trg a. As db hs pmpus, raat-warg adr-sar Pau (Mha Sh), G sursrm gd ag thkg th tthat a drt tm prd s bttr thath w ar g .

    Ma arud m ha hd thsstmt rt das. Brws h-m prd s quk adg as thswk marks th start mdtrms rma studts. h Whsk Rpubad Fgas Drat Hus ar startgt s thr rwds as rst-ars startt prmatur up up. h Gradu-at Ctr bar sms k aabs,ad Jsahs has stppd p ag FRda rpat.

    Wth th muta wrk awatg,

    t s hard t t qust what th pt assgmts ar, dg s s

    smp a prrastat t. W swz ut ad tt ur hads up ad t th

    rght as ur mds gt d wth a srs dradd what-s. W ah ha urrmatzd mags ad tm prds. I,k Pdr, am a a Pars th 20sas I ptur ms a a th LatQuartr, smkg a pp, wth a MarCtard-k mpa b m sd.

    Mab th mda tru s t bam. AsHBO ad AMC thr, th dr qua-t hstra basd trtamt. h rasab us as t wh Imust ha a sth rda atr uhs Mad M, wh m d t mataa mstrss a b hakd up t th sam.

    h apprat th prst s r-ta muh asr sad tha d. hsrs I kw ar a harrd b th prs-surs th jb sarh, spdg hurs bth sbrt ad brat ratg

    abut th markt th ar s t tr.M w jurs, br hag

    sttd t a ass rut, ar usg rmat ssss abut st-

    mt baks ad sutg rms. Brws sad t b th ptm bra dua-t, gg us th pprtut t hur sks ad kwdg a ara whs. But I at hp but w arprrtzg surt r satsat.

    As I mtd arr, I ha had apartuar rbust ratshp wth thwhat-s m . I spt m rshmaar at Grgtw, ad I d t rgrtt baus sm th rds I mad.Fr th mst part, I was sr hap-p. yt thr wr sra what-s thatpagud m ad tua pushd m ttrasr t Brw, whr I assumd ma ths dubts wud b sd. It r-

    turs t th t whthr happsss at th mr rmt.

    Our apabt t b tt wthwhat w ha s th bas hu-ma atur. As mmpa as t mab, th grass s grr th thr sd.W ha ur ar shar ptmsts adrmats hr at Brw, ad I prd m-s r bg amg thr raks. yt t spausb that Pdr had t rght whh sad, Mab th prst s a tt u-satsg baus s a tt usats-g.

    Nkhl Kalyanpu 13 s a envonmentalstues an economcs concentato

    om duba. He can be eache [email protected].

    The golden age?

    It s ar summr th ar 20, t ts k 2 t th dst rsdts Smaa. Fr th sd tm 20 ars,a suss das wthut ra hasdrad th s ad thr hps. T ut-k s as bak as r. Fam mmbrsar rd t pak thr w bggsad abad th pa th adhm. T suthward jur s g adrp wth urtats, but s thr rm r h? Etrm wathr d-ts ad phsa hardshps ar strr ths wg t rsk th tt th har a sd ha at . Sm ammmbrs w r mak t. Ad th wthat ar st stadg ma t b ab td s r muh gr. Wth a uk, thm w mak t sa arss th br-dr ad t a prttd ara.

    Ts s th amar str ma m-mgrats wh ha fd thr hm u-trs sarh brghtr pprtutsad th prms a bttr . Wthuta dubt, ths arrat st hds tru rutss mmgrats arud th gb.yt wh ths harrwg prtrat aqursth a th ,500 huma bgs whrss th Sma brdr r t Ka -r da t sap a dad am, th rst th wrd ds t at. Ad start at-g w.

    T ast Ara at Smaa

    s g th wrst haptrs ts

    rt hstr. T Utd Nats st-mats that mr tha ha th Smappuat s w rss as a rsut a wdsprad am ausd b a pr-gd drught th wrst 60 ars.Currt, 2 m pp ar rta

    dt, 50,000 whm w b udrmmdat thrat dath b am rth t ur mths. Wm ad h-dr ar b ar durg th wrst thtragd. It s surprs that th tra-

    g dath has w bm th wrk-g mtm r th ggrapha ara Smaa, Ethpa ad rthr Kakw as th Hr Ara.

    Fr turs, Ara has b th th-atr mutp wars ad pta ups,t t mt stas urstad huma rghts abus. yt hr w haa humatara rss a uprdt-d magtud. Ts tm, t s t th S-ma prats wh ar makg hads Wstr wspaprs, but th ms starg Sma tzs wh dsprat

    f rm msr. As tda, Dadaab, th

    thrd-argst t Ka, s t arug amp ppuatd b thusads Smas, but t s as th argst rugamp th wrd.

    It ma sm k th sut t a am- s t pur ad th rm d

    supps ad mds. Tat s a start ad w a mbra wth dg.yt w must as kp md th brad-r parama that s at stak. A am st just a shrtag r a mpt ak

    d t s a dpr prbm that amtastasz ad tar dw th rastru-tur a at. Smaa has aradbgu t s ths happ th pr-t-strk aras that ar bmg prr, th mass dus Smasthat ttas th ms ad th sk-rktg rats rm ad thaturthr arbat th stg tssag th S ma-Ka brdr.

    S ar, th UNs Wrd Fd Pr-gramm, Oam, th Rd Crss, UNICEFad sra thr humatara rga-

    zats ha tak th rst stps tward

    hpg th Sma rugs Ka adths wh ar st Smaa. But thr sawas mr that a b d. Ad hrat Brw, w a d ur part.

    Athugh th Ursts atst Par Aadm Erhmt rprt at-

    pats th rat a utura ar wtha Fus Ara th ar utur,sm at has t b tak w. W dt d ad, at, w at a-rd t wat ut th stuat rah-s rrd-brakg s am addath ( th umbrs ar st t aarm-g ugh) t mbz ad rah ut tth Sma ppuat. Just as th Brwmmuts rsps t th atura d-sastrs Hat ad Japa was spdad t, ur rsps t Smaamust rft ur g-trm mmtmtt ths aus. Fd drs ad ud-ras-g ts, suh as bt rts adutura wrkshps, ar assb was whh Brw studts a trbutthr part ad mtat w studtst gt d. Ltur srs ad pasa r w ras awarss th s-rt th Sma tragd ad ur-ag dagu amg prssrs, studtsad thr mmbrs th Brw m-mut.

    I th d, rt, hwr sma,s wh ggb. S t us t r-gt abut Smaa. W ar tzs thpat, ad t wud b a trrb justt d s.

    Luca Sea 12 uges you to cae aboutSomala now. She can be eache at

    [email protected].

    Lets not forget about Somalia

    We o not nee an, n act, we cannot ao to

    wat untl the stuaton eaches eco-beakng levels o

    amne an eath to moblze ouselves an each out to

    the Somal populaton.

    We ae constantly emne to appecate these

    ou yeas beoe we set out nto the eal wol. it s

    the golen age o ou own tme. i n ths exalte

    stncton a too sconcetng.

    BY LUCiA SEdAopinions Columnist

    BY NiKHiL KALYANPUropinions Columnist

  • 8/4/2019 October 4, 2011 issue


    DailyHerald B

    Sports uesdayuesday, ctober 4, 2011

    B MadElEinE wEnsTruP

    sports staffwriter

    he ield hockey team ell toHarvard, 4-0, Saturday in Cam-bridge, extending their winlessstreak in Ivy League play to three.he Bears (1-8, 0-3 Ivy) stayedclose to their opponents in theirst hal, but three second-halgoals by the Crimson (6-3, 2-1)sad athr dat.

    he irst period was domi-nated by Bruno as they outshotHarvard 10-5 and earned ourcorners to Harvards one. Butth Crms dd t d ma

    chances to capitalize. At 15:20,with Harvards second shot ongoal, Katelin Wahl ound the backo the net on a backhand to putHarard up, -0.

    he irst goal gave Harvardugh mmtum t dmatthe next 10 minutes o play. heyput up thr shts ga whth Bars struggd t rr.

    But in the last ive minutes,Brown went back on attack, takingha thr rst prd shts the inal minutes. Forward Haley

    Aarz 5 amst put Bru

    the scoreboard with a penaltystroke, but a save by Harvardgoalie Cynthia assopoulos en-sured that Brown would be downat th ha.

    W startd wth th ba adwanted to immediately attack,said ri-captain Leslie Spring-mr 2.

    But Harvard had the same idea.Just 18 seconds into the secondhal, Noel Painter scored on a passrom Catriona McDonald that hadslipped through Brunos deense.

    We were depleted, Spring-meyer said. We had wanted to do

    that, and they were able to stealth ba ad d t stad.

    Te Bears were never able torecover rom the Crimsons quickstrk ad had just tw attmpts ga th a ha.

    W pad prtt w thrst hal, so I think that whenHarvard scored at the very be-ginning o the second hal, it washard or us to keep our composuread thgs gt a tt dsjtdand rantic, said ri-captainBrdgt MNamara 2.

    Fr th t muts, Har-

    vard dominated on ofense, takingshot aer shot until their seventhattmpt put thm at a thr-gaadatag.

    T attak Brus dscontinued, and the Crimson man-agd t put mr past gaShannon McSweeney 15 beorethe whistle blew, putting the nalsr at 4-0.

    Te Bears will take on Quin-nipiac University (6-4) at home ina -r gam at 4 p.m.today. According to McNamara,their hope is to take their experi-ence with Harvard into todays

    gam.W d t wrk hw w

    react to setbacks within games,McNamara said. hats dei-t th umbr tak awarom Harvard and heading intoQuinnipiac. Because were stilldeveloping, mistakes will happen,ad thats . Its hw w arrourselves aerwards and respondto adversity within games thatwill make the dierence againstQupa ad th rst thsas.

    Bruno bled dry by Crimson for third straight loss

    Jesse Schwmme / Heal

    Clayton Chstus 15 has mae a lage mpact ung he st season esptethe teams losng eco.

    Emly Glbet / Heal

    John Spooney 14 an o a caee hgh 97 yas n the Beas wn ove Uri Satuay nght.

    Emly Glbet / Heal

    Geneatons unte to talgate beoe the Beas secon-eve nght game atBown Staum Satuay.

    Jesse Schwmme / Heal

    Pesent ruth Smmons jone the Womens Cew Team on the el o Bown Staum at haltme ung Satuays Govenos Cup game aganst Uri as the team was honoe o the 2011

    NCAA champonshp wn.


    S at u r d a y n i g h t l i g h t S
