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October TRENZA Times

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Enjoy this issue of TRENZA Times
INSIDE this Issue: Guerra de los Sexons w Gammas........................1 Fall Retreat....................2 TRENZA’s 17th.............3 Sake Bombing w/ HU...4 October Inner Social.....5 Breast Cancer Walk w HaU..............................6 Senior Section..........7-14 Shout-Out....................15 SpookyTimes...............16 ‘Cus it’s Your Month...17 Contact your editors at: [email protected] OCTOBER 2011 TRENZA TIMES Guerra de los Sexos with the Gammas Hello my name is Nora Gallegos a second year TRENZUDA ! This social included some fun people both in Gammas and TRENZA. Girls in TRENZA are not just regular working college students they like to have fun and enjoy themselves as a club and with other organizations such as the Gammas. This was actually my first social that I ever went to and hands down It was very enjoyable. I thought I was going to be a loner on the side but it was just the opposite. The event was facilitated in a way that everyone could bond easily with one another. The great thing is that even though I did not know many of the girls or boys their it didn’t take long for me to form close relationships with them at the event. The boys in Gamma where really outgoing and fun as well but they didn’t take losing to the girls very lightly! The highlights of the night included the most unique introductions, naming hypothetical illegal occupations, playing the guessing game, popping balloons on one another and more activities fading into the night. In the end TRENZUDAS defeated the Gammas. Until next year boys! I am glad to have been a part of this social. Jackie Caro I really enjoyed the TRENZA social with the Gammas especially because we kicked ass without breaking a sweat. The only drop of sweat I had was because it was so hot in that place! Idk how i felt about that. Anywho, I didn't participate in the balloon popping mainly because I was scared, those boys were aggressive!! I remember they almost broke my tocaya in half. 0_0. One thing I learned was that those boys cannot accept a fair loss. (I think they thought we were being competitive, but honestly, we weren't even playing at our best!) I played that one guessing game, I can't remember the name of it, but I actually played mainly because some Trenzudas were pressuring me to. I don't want to mention names *cough* *cough* Rocio, Alma, Betty!. I felt even more pressured to win because Jackie, my tocaya, threatened me. She warned me of loosing and giving our names a bad reputation. but guess what!? I won! I guessed my word because Alma was such a good actor and described a G-String (guess she has a lot of experience with those things) That's why I gave her some pairs of G's for her Birthday. Shoutout to Alma btw!!! I want to send her Happy Birthday wishes for her last teen year of her life!!! ahhh!!! I want to thank her for everything she has done for me and for being that person who wipes tears from my eyes, makes me smile and for just being there to listen. I LOVE YOU!
Page 1: October TRENZA Times

INSIDE this Issue:

Guerra de los Sexons w Gammas........................1

Fall Retreat....................2

TRENZA’s 17th.............3

Sake Bombing w/ HU...4

October Inner Social.....5

Breast Cancer Walk wHaU..............................6Senior Section..........7-14Shout-Out....................15SpookyTimes...............16‘Cus it’s Your Month...17

Contact your editors at:[email protected]


TRENZA TIMESGuerra de los Sexos with the Gammas

Hello my name is Nora Gallegos a second year TRENZUDA ! This social included some fun people both in Gammas and TRENZA. Girls in TRENZA are not just regular working college students they like to have fun and enjoy themselves as a club and with other organizations such as the Gammas. This was actually my first social that I ever went to and hands down It was very enjoyable. I thought I was going to be a loner on the side but it was just the opposite. The event was facilitated in a way that everyone could bond easily

with one another. The great thing is that even though I did not know many of the girls or boys their it didn’t take long for me to form close relationships with them at the event. The boys in Gamma where really outgoing and fun as well but they didn’t take losing to the girls very lightly! The highlights of the night included the most unique introductions, naming hypothetical illegal occupations, playing the guessing game, popping balloons on one another and more activities fading into the night. In the end TRENZUDAS defeated the Gammas. Until next year boys! I am glad to have been a part of this social.

Jackie Caro I really enjoyed the TRENZA social with the Gammas especially because we kicked ass without breaking a sweat. The only drop of sweat I had was because it was so hot in that place! Idk how i felt about that. Anywho, I didn't participate in the balloon popping mainly because I was scared, those boys were aggressive!! I remember they almost broke my tocaya in half. 0_0. One thing I learned was that those boys cannot accept a fair loss. (I think they thought we were being competitive, but honestly, we weren't even playing at our best!) I played that one guessing game, I can't remember the name of it, but I actually played mainly because some Trenzudas were pressuring me to. I don't want to mention names *cough* *cough* Rocio, Alma, Betty!. I felt even more pressured to win because Jackie, my tocaya, threatened me. She warned me of loosing and giving our names a bad reputation. but guess what!? I won! I guessed my word because Alma was such a good actor and described a G-String (guess she has a lot of experience with those things) That's why I gave her some pairs of G's for her Birthday. Shoutout to Alma btw!!! I want to send her Happy Birthday wishes for her last teen year of her life!!! ahhh!!! I want to thank her for everything she has done for me and for being that person who wipes tears from my eyes, makes me smile and for just being there to listen. I LOVE YOU!

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Ashley LopezWhat can I say about the TRENZA Retreat? I’ll tell you what I can say, it was SUPER-DOOPER fun bonding

with EVERYbuddy and eating ton ‘n’ ton of hot cheetos. Aside from this though, I think my favorite part was getting to be DJ to and from the Del Valle Campground. Oh no! Wait, I think my favorite part was actually seeing the little bunnies. They were so cute, it was ridiculous! Or no, I think I loved how the weather made us all insanely confused, which in turn made us that much crazier. And, well, I don’t know ‘bout you, but I know I was going cray-cray up over there. From forgetting that I was a third year to eating like 5 hamburger

patties by themselves. No bun, no nuthin’. And I know I wasn’t the only crazy girl over there. With Raquel, Rocio, and Steph going for a swim and Jackie using her pimpin’ skills to get us a fire and a lantern. I loved it allllllll! Lastly, I will always remember listening to Tony Toni Toné as our car pulled into the parking lot after a successful retreat, Tony Toni Toné was reminding us, “Come on let's get down, let's get down, let's get down .” And I knew didn’t have to worry about not getting down, cause I knew that we had GOTTEN DOWN at the TRENZA retreat.


Stephany MartinezOhhh…TRENZA retreat. How can words ever come close to the wonderful adventure it was?

As a freshman I saw this retreat as a chance to bond with my fellow TRENZUDAS and boy did we bond; the retreat activities ranged from me being named the leader (duh) to learning some dirty details about dating ;). It was the first time I had ever been camping and I must say that I did not expect to be freezing at night with my only source of heat coming from Jessica Rodriguez. But before the dreaded cold hit me I had spent the day laughing

with all of the girls over building the tents, watching people going over imaginary rocks during the trust walk, Rocio’s dip in the lake, and of course the pendejadas that we put up with in the name of love during relationships. I had never witnessed so much candidness or experienced so much inclusion from a group of girls before. This retreat really proved to me that TRENZA was my home away from home at Berkeley and that I could trust any TRENZUDA with anything.

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“Birthday, shh, Birthday, shh!”Jissel Poblete

Being that I'm still really new to TRENZA, I didn't know how big of a deal this actually was. I remember telling Alejandra

(Reynoso) that I think its just like

a regular meeting with

food bahah Getting there

and seeing those

beautiful and successful alumni and

hearing their stories made me feel so happy that I chose to get involved in an org that

is so strong with the friendships and connections

that are made. I'm still really new to all of this, but I can't get over how welcoming and nice everyone is. Happy 17th Birthday TRENZA!

Mariela Cisneros

TRENZA’s birthday was a memorable experience for me. It was the first time I attended a

birthday celebration, it helped enforce my sense of belonging in this organization. Some girls shared the experience they had in TRENZA that made them really feel like Trenzudas. For me, it was dancing in Fiesta’s Pastrias and being able to share my Mexican heritage with these girls. Yet, hearing that all these other girls had also had a moment that made them say, “I’m so glad I started

coming,” made me feel understood.

Having the alumni panel helped me see the real tie created between the

girls. The bonds I’m making now will last for the rest of my life, just like

Trenzuda’s from almost two decades ago still keep in touch and support each other. Hearing them talk

about the successful careers they’ve had eased the worries I have about my future.

I am looking forward to attending other birthdays, especially next year’s 18th--TRENZA will finally be legal!


Page 4: October TRENZA Times

Yazmin ZavalaThis event was awesome! I got

to meet so many new

people like my S.B.P. (Sake Bombing

Partner) Jerry and drank saki

for the first time. It was no my favorite . I loved seeing everyone’s

pretty faces and drinking the

delicious Japanese beer while having a great time with all my fellow Trenzudas. I would love to

do it again in the near future with a lot more dancing and



, sak



Maira HinojosaIn the days leading

up to sake bombing, all of the trenzudas

seemed very excited. I, on the other hand, had never been sake

bombing before so I wasn’t too sure of

what to expect. Other girls tried to

explain it to me, but the whole concept of the shot falling into the beer and then chugging it

seemed confusing to me. Now, after having experienced sake bombing for myself, I can see why everyone was so excited. The combination of the high

energy in the room along with chugging the alcohol gives you an adrenaline rush.

All I can say is that I can’t wait to go back next year!

“Ichi, ni, san, sake, sake, bomb!”


Page 5: October TRENZA Times


ERTania Funes


I had a blast at the TRENZA social last Thursday. I was thankful for Alma and all the other girls in TRENZA who encouraged me to go to the social. I enjoyed learning how to make paper flowers, and then eating pizza with yummy cupcakes. I loved how much food there was at the social and I was glad I burned off calories because of all the good laughs I had that night. I could not stop laughing when Norma kept saying inappropriate comments when we were making paper flowers; but I laughed even harder when I heard her reaction about the reject dance. She said, “What? Who wants to be rejected?” Hahaha that mess was too funny! I also could not stop laughing when Alexis danced with her pinkies out

when she was learning how to dougie. Woooh! I can go on and on talking about all the other girls at the TRENZA social that made me laugh and have

a blast. They are all so friendly and wonderful. I really look up to them and

how inspiring they are to me. I was also fortunate to hear from Jackie about her experience as a senior. She made me realize that within my four years of college I can accomplish a lot of great things at Cal, even it’s hard being away from home. Also, as a senior you recognize the many great

things you have accomplished at a young age, and that you can continue to achieve even more great things after 4 years of college. Jackie has not been the only person who has inspired me but so many other Trenzudas have inspired me to do better. I am really thankful and look forward to the other conversations I will have with my TRENZA girls. The last two things I would like to mention are that I enjoyed Alma braiding my hair, and that I would like to thank Diana for hosting the social at her place. I love you girls and thank you for making my Thursday night.


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Laura RobledoI was so excited to hear that Trenza was participating in

the Breast Cancer Walk in San Francisco that I

immediately signed up for it. For one thing, fighting

breast cancer has been a very important

issue for me because my mom

and aunt were both diagnosed

with breast cancer.

Furthermore, I was very excited to finally spend quality time

with all of the girls in TRENZA to get to know them even more. For the past three years, I have been looking for a club that I would make me feel that I belonged at Berkeley. Walking over to spend the night with the girls, I was a little nervous

because I didn’t really know them very well and felt that I would be the oddball out. Luckily, everyone was so

welcoming and friendly that those fears were pointless. With painting our nails, snacking on food, music,

watching Paranormal Activity and of course the facials, I had a fantastic time that reminded me of spending time

with my group of close friends at home. Like every sleepover, I had very little sleep so it was a bit of a

struggle to wake up in the morning but it was completely worth it once we arrived in the beautiful city of San Francisco. The entire experience was amazing since

everyone was filled with energy walking around, laughing at random jokes and taking tons of pictures. As soon as I got home, I fell asleep with the feeling that I had finally found a group of girls I loved to spend time

with at Berkeley.

Breast Cancer Walk

Christina OlivaresThe breast cancer walk was a great way to get to meet

more of the girls.Even though it was

ridiculously early on a Saturday everyone was so

energized and cracking jokes. Maybe its because I

was half asleep theentire time but we got to

golden gate park really fast. It was amazing to

see how many people where out and walking to save the

TATAS. If it wasn’tfor the sleep over the night before I probably wouldn’t

have made it tobart on time. Thank you to Mariana and Raquel for

opening up their home tome and the other girls who went to the sleep

over. There’s nothing likeyour trenzudas to cheer you up and make you

laugh after a terrible

midterm. It was fun to get my nails did and learn some new dance moves.

Even after the walk when everyone was dead tired we were able to eat

together while the girls were cracking jokes. I'm hoping to spend more

time with the girls and if you didn’t get a chance to attend the walk you

should definitely try to make it out to the next community service.


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1) Best memory: My favorite memory had to have been any (if all) of the roadtrips down to Los

Angeles for either the USC or UCLA game. They are always so much fun! We always have the

best flip-cup team, ever. We have been undefeated for years!!! I think I play the most rounds of flip

-fup during roadtrip. And so much once that I passed out somewhere at the Rosebowl and got lost

from the group in 2009. Haha. This is how Gaby+I met. (: At the time, Gabriela Chavez was the

Alumni Coordinator and she was doing a fantastic group organizing the event and making sure

everything went smoothly! Until some pendeja strayed away from the group with a dead phone and

no map and passed out from the scorching heat of Los Angeles in October. Haha. Then we became

Co-Chairs in 2010 and lived happily-ever-after. (: I love you Gaby!!!!!! <3 We laugh about this

moment pretty much always.

2) Something to do over: I do not regret anything, ever. But if I had the chance, I would want to

relive my freshman year over and over again. I had a lot of fun my freshman year and I wish I had

the same exhilaration as I did as an eenie-weenie 18 year old from San Diego stepping onto the Cal campus for the first time.

I think sometimes we lose the inner-kid that each of us have, especially when it comes to excitement and adventures. And so,

I wish I could relive those moments over and over again because they make me laugh+smile whenever I think of how I once

did not know what was meant by acronyms like: FSM; GBC; UoA; ASUC; GSI; or VLSB.

3) Advice: My advice to the womyn in Trenza is to go beyond your borders. By this I mean, of course, beyond physical bor-

ders in the sense of leaving California to study abroad or enroll in a semester at NYU or make arrangements for summer in-

ternship programs. There is so much of the world to see! Do not set limits to where you can go with what you want to do. Al-

so, by this I mean social borders in the sense of leaving your comfort-zone to meet new people and involve yourself in new

spaces outside of the Raza community. Do not confuse comfort with permanence. I highly recommend getting connected with

other communities on campus!! It will be a beautiful and enduring experience, I promise.

4) Now What: You all sound like my family! "What now?" ..."What are you going to do?"...."Where are you going to

go?"...."Do you have a job lined up?"... And the truth is, I do not know what I am going to do or where I am going to go. And

I am 110% okay with that. Plans do not leave room for flexibility, and I always like having some kind of ambiguity in my life.

This doesn't mean I am going to be a bum, okay. I will have you know that I am applying to numerous fellowship and intern-

ship programs for Summer 2012. I am not married or engaged or have kids so I have the privilege of being able to go wherev-

er whenever however. (: It's barely October. Ask me again in April and I am sure to have a better answer.

By: Salina Juliana Villegas

Hello TRENZUDAS! for those who don't know me my name is Ana Hurtado and I'm a 5th year, Inter-

disciplinary Studies Field Major and intended Political Economy and City & Regional planning double

minor. I was Activities Coordinator of TRENZA my sophomore year ('08-'09) and have been a trenzuda

since my first week at Cal! :) TRENZA has given me countless memorable moments over the years, but

one of the events that I remember the most was Candlelit Memories my sophomore year. Of all the

events I think this is one of the ultimate bonding events and that after that event I felt like I got to know

all the girls on a completely different level. The fact that we were all willing to listen to each other and

open up to each other and share our struggles was to me very symbolic of the sisterhood and support

group that TRENZA is to all of us "> If there is anything I could go back and do again it would have to

be reliving all of the Roadtrips! Every single roadtrip has been epic in its own way and what better way

to bond with your fellow trenzudas than over a 6-hr drive to LA? Nothing better! I loved coming back

to Berkeley at the end of the weekend with a ton of stories about the tailgates and the after-parties and

the new friendships we made with USC/UCLA folks. Gotta take advantage of networking opportunities, right!? ;-)

This leads to my advice for all current Trenzudas. Use those networking skills as an undergrad!! If you already know what

you want to pursue as a career in the future, make sure to go out there and talk to folks already doing it! Try to get as much

experience(internships, apprenticeships, research & volunteer experience, etc) as an undergrad as you can to increase your

chances of reaching your academic/career goals. On a lighter note, please don't forget to ENJOY each and every second as an

undergrad because the time runs out quick! Our schedules are so packed that sometimes we get caught up in the stress but at

times we gotta slow down and see the beauty of our accomplishments "> So this is officially my last year as an undergrad

(tear) and I know people are asking: what next? After completing my bachelor's degree I'm planning to take some time off to

get some experience in City Planning and to take some classes to strengthen my application for grad school. It's all in the

works! :) By: Ana Hurtado - Aldana

Page 9: October TRENZA Times

1) Best memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA

I would say one of the best memories I have had with TRENZA so far has been last year's road trip.

The things that stand out to me most were the hospitality provided by Marilyn's gracious mother, us

primping for different kick backs together, borrowing each other's hair straighteners and curling

irons, driving across LA just to find places to have a good time. We told the USC Trojan to suck it;

we mounted that Trojan horse and told it to go suck it too! I remember Maria Jimenez and I almost

fell off of it but Miss Wendy Hernandez came to our rescue in the nick of time lol. WE TOOK


we don't play around! Basically that weekend we were hella down and that's what makes TRENZA,

TRENZA to me.

2) if there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be? If there was something I could do over, it would be getting involved with the community earlier

than I did. I got involved my sophomore year and my freshman year I only had the spring semester at Cal because I was a

spring admit. I never tried hard enough my first semester here to seek out the Latino community and I was never able to dis-

cover organizations like TRENZA because I was too comfortable in my little bubble of people and places that i knew.

3) Advice - Something that I think has been keeping me going this year, which is something that I would like to pass on to whoever

would like to listen..... is know who your friends are and take care of them. When you have to deal with all the bullshit that

the "Berkeley Bubble" throws at you, you will know who your real friends are, because no matter what, they are the ones that

have your best interests at heart. I can honestly say that i have made the most amazing friends and connections in and through

TRENZA. These are people that I appreciate and cherish greatly and I would bend over backwards again and again for them.

I can only thank TRENZA for allowing me the opportunity to grow in and live this crazy college life with them <3.

4) your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?!

- I have decided to take an extra 5th year to double major in Chicano Studies. I realized a while ago that I had all of UC

Berkeley at my disposal and I wasn't content with leaving with just one degree. This might complicate my graduation/

commencement plans but in the end I know I'm doing the right thing for myself. After my undergrad, I want to work in educa-

tion as a college counselor before I go on to graduate school. From there my plans get a little hazy but I figure there's nothing

wrong with taking things one step at a time =] By: Renee Torrez

1) Best memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA? There are too

many memories to count! Definitely one of my favorite memories has to be from road trip my

freshman year :) That year we played against USC and the car ride down there was a memory of its

own! That whole weekend made me realize that TRENZA was the organization for me. It was a

weekend in which I had the opportunity to bond not only with my chiclets, but with other girls that I

didn't know. I not only gained a future roommate and mentor but I also created lifetime friendships.

2) if there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be? Nothing at all! De-

spite many ups and downs I had throughout my undergraduate years everything has been a learning

experience. It's important to take such experiences and grow from them rather than regret or wish

we could change certain outcomes. I can definitely say my many struggles and accomplishments

have shaped the person I am today.

3) Advice? There's so much I can say! Well one of my most important advice to anybody is DON'T

BE AFRAID of anything. Coming into such a big university it's very easy to get lost in the crowd or be intimidated by both

your peers and professors. Don't be afraid to speak up in class or discussions, you have a voice USE IT! Don't be afraid to at-

tend office hours, often times we are so intimidated by our professors that we forget that they are normal people just like us.

So go in and talk to them! Even if you don't have anything to say, try to get to know them and vice versa. Another thing I have

learned is when looking for opportunities, we have to go out and GET THEM OURSELVES, they're never handed to us on a

silver platter. And when you do find things, always take chances! Even if you feel like you're not qualified enough or don't

stand a chance, JUST DO IT. It never hurts to take a chance because you would rather give yourself options than none at all.

4) your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?! My long term goals are to apply to graduate school for my Master's in Public

Health however most programs require at least two years of experience. So, I'm planning on staying an extra semester and

hopefully it will be in DC through the UC Berkeley Washington Program. After that I'm hoping to come back to California

and either finding a job at a community clinic or continuing research with a professor I've worked since my junior year. After

getting all the experience I need I'll finally apply to graduate school!

By: Monica Beas

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SENIOR YEAR!!! It’s going by way

faster than I expected it to. These last

four years have flown by like nobody’s

business, but before I go off into the real

world, let me just say this…when I look

back at my time at CAL, I can’t help but

smile. A lot has changed since I first

stepped onto campus; I am most defiant-

ly not the same person I was then, and I

can honestly say that TRENZA has been

a big part of that change. My best

TRENZA memory would have to be last

year’s candle-lit memories. Every candle

-lit memories is special but last’s years particularly struck me.

Here was an amazing group of mujeres sharing some of their

most intimate stories with me. In their words, I heard their pain,

their strength, and their passion. I felt like our friendship had

come full circle: we had shared many Thursdays together, many

laughs, a couple drinks, a dance or two, and now we sharing

Kleenex! The best part had to be when we set off the Roachdale

fire alarm with the smoke of our candles. It was hilarious! We got

out off there so fast J.

I have no regrets, but if I could go back and change one thing I

would tell myself take advantage of every opportunity surround-

ing me.

My words of advice for TRENZUDAS are: never give another

agency over your happiness. Surround yourself with positive peo-

ple who empower you to do better, to be better.

GRADUATION!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh, DO I HAVE TO?! I

refuse. Lol! Although I plan to walk this May, as of now, I think I

will stay an extra semester with the hopes of participating in

UCDC. Wherever life takes me, I know my TRENZUDAS will

be my side ♥.

Much TRENZA LOVE, Norma Pizano

1) Best memory you have from

the past year(s) you have been


The best memory has to be all the

events that TRENZA has done

because they are fun and amaz-

ing. I remember those times of

laughers, support, and spending a

good time with your fellow


2) If there is something you could go back and do

again, what would it be?

If I could go back in time I would have went on the road

trip because this will be the first time I go. I would have

like to go on the road trip since freshman year because a

lot of Trenzudas have great stories to tell.

3) Advice?

Take a day by day and see where it takes you. It’s okay to

not know what you will do next especially after you grad-

uate. But remember always follow your heart and mind by

following your passion. You can do anything because

TRENZUDAS are always there to help and support you.

When you are going through something difficult lean on a

TRENZUDA who will listen to you like the song “Lean

on Me” or the song “Toma mi Mano” by Belanova .

4) your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?!

I’m a senior and my expected graduation is May 2012, but

don’t worry I’ll stay an extra year because I want to do

study abroad and do the UCDC program. -

By: Amairani Juarez

1. Best memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA.

Last year’s Candlelit Memories is definitely on the top for best memories. Not only did I get to

know the girls on a deeper level, but it was the time that realized I should have been a TRENZUDA

since my first year. And of course how to forget the way it ended…with the fire alarm ringing right

after blowing out our candles. Who knew that we were not the ones to blame for the sound? Ask

Dora maybe she knows lol.

2. If there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be?

I would simply be a freshman all over again…just to become a TRENZUDA all over again.

3. Advice: Live every single day like it is your last and do what makes you happy ☺

4. Your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?!

I will be going back home to LA after the end of the semester in hopes of finding a job. But I also plan on taking the classes

necessary to earn the credentials to be a Pre-K school teacher and plan to do both while studying for the GREs. Sounds like a

lot…well maybe it will be but we can achieve anything we propose ourselves too right? Como diria Cheli …TRENZUDAS

taking over the world!

By: Gissela Jimenez Ruvalcaba

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1. Best memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA?

My favorite memory from TRENZA would have to be the ROAD TRIP!!! I had so much

fun and it really gave me the opportunity to meet many amazing and fun women!! I also

would have to say that I really enjoyed our retreats and of course Candle Lit Memories ♥

2. If there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be? I think that if I could go back and re-do my time at Berkeley what I would do is take ad-

vantage of all the resources we have as students.

3. Advice: Advice I would like to give to my fellow TRENZUDAS is to stay happy and

not to stress over things too much. Your work, your reading, your homework, it will all get done! So don't stress about it, just

keep looking forward and do your task and duties with a smile! Because if you smile the world will smile back! And plus

stressing causes wrinkles!!!

4. Your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?! So now that I'm graduating I'm really looking forward to working with my community back home, Los Angeles, and go into

the non-profit sector. I really think working with at-risk youth is really important and giving back to our communities and de-

veloping leaders in our communities is really one of the most important things we can ever do and really something everyone

should dedicate time to because a lot of our communities are under served and need people like us, with lots of heart and pas-

sion to encourage and inspire our youth to pursue higher education! And after I do a little work in the "real world" I plan on

going on to Graduate School, but not until I really figure out what I want to study, because as of now my interest are still all

over the place!! By: Cindy Alvarenga

1) Best memory you have from the past

year(s) you have been in TRENZA ?

My best memory of the past years are too

many!! But one of my favorite moments

was the first time I got my first sweater in

TRENZA I was like dang I’m officially in

lol. One of my favorite events was my

TRENZA Cooks my second year it just

made TRENZA come together for me, at

that event I knew I would be here for a

long time. I think that the welcoming en-

vironment and the way that the girls got us involved during

that event really stood out to me.

2) If there is something you could go back and do again,

what would it be?

If I could go back I would try to be more involved. This may

be jobs, volunteer work or other spaces on campus. I think that

by doing you become aware of different opportunities and

meet new influential people. I would also apply to things and

not be scared! I wish that I had someone to tell me to just ap-

ply to things regardless of my grades and my doubts. SO AP-


3) Advice: Find a mentor somehow, somewhere! .. And its ok

to cry at times, it makes you feel better. So do it fast and get

back and keep going because no one or nothing is going to

wait for you.

4) your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?!

As of right now I am planning to work in a non-profit as a

scholarship coordinator as well as help put on events and offer

services to the diverse communities in Oakland. At the same

time I want to volunteer with political agencies (we will see

how that goes). I would like back to school in about 2-3 years

and do a program in education and public policy.

By: Liset Esqueda - Durante

1) best memory you have from the past

year(s) you have been in TRENZA?

TRENZA brings many great memories to

mind. The one I can most think of would

have to be this year’s Fiestas Patrias. The

meeting was incredible with the alumnae

panel providing us enriching information.

Everyone was dressed with lively colors

and ready to celebrate. Many trenzudas

filled sproul plaza and busted out their

best Latin moves. I rrreaallly enjoyed this event!!

2) if there is something you could go back and do again,

what would it be? Humm... Hard question! My life is per-

fect. Jk. I missed out on TRENZA my first semester. As a

Transfer student I did not know UCB had student clubs. If I

would have been more involved on campus I would have fig-

ured this out. But, now I know better.

3) Advice: Get to know your trenzudas more!! They are both

super smart and know how to have fun! Balance your life at

cal. Study super hard, but party harder! Also, find out the

schedule of events in advance. Plan your schedules accord-

ingly so you won’t miss out!

4) your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?!

I’m graduating Cal before I’m 21!!! Crazzy, but yay. After

graduating I plan to take a year off. I am planning to help de-

velop a nonprofit for at risk youth in the city of Richmond. I

hope to gain more experience in this field and then apply to

grad school. Big tip- Even if you have to take time off to gain

experience in your field, go back to school!!! Don’t settle for

less than a Masters!!

By: Johanna Garcia

Page 12: October TRENZA Times

1) best memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA? Dang, its like picking

little numbers out of the bingo basket, too many to pick from yet all combinations win! I think I’d have

to go with the USC Roadtrip my Junior year! It was filled with unforgettable memories, laughs and

bonds that till this day make me smile! However another event where I felt I really bonded with a lot of

the girls was during my sophomore year. It was our Spring Retreat, where we had the Bay Area Scaven-

ger Hunt here in Berkeley and San Francisco. It was really fun running around the cities with everyone,

doing “out of the norm” things like dressing up at Forever 21 with the funkiest outfit, or getting a make-

over at Sephora.

2) if there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be? I want to put my entire

undergrad years on repeat, forever! Jk, but at least till I’m ready to grow up! ^_^

3) Advice: The advice I would give to younger Trenzudas is to live life one moment at a time! It may sound cliché but I feel

that a lot of times we get ahead of ourselves and forget to appreciate the little things in life or what we are blessed to have.

Just being here at Cal makes us some of the most privileged people in the world (for reals). Don’t be afraid to get out of your

comfort zone and meet new people. Finding time for random adventures is crucial to our sanity hehe…One thing I wish I had

done, was visit a new place in the bay area every weekend! Undergrad years fly by, and next thing you know it, you’re gonna

be in my shoes, writing to all the younger Trenzudas (damn that’s hard to admit, but I’m old lol). I'm gonna share a quote that

I have always loved: “What is life without the courage to try new things?” In the end you’re most fond memories in college

won’t be getting that A (unless its that one econ class you thought you’d never pass hehe), but it’ll be those spontaneous

weekends with your friends. So just remember to have fun and enjoy your college years! Take it from someone who is going

to miss it, a lot a lot! =)

4) Your Graduating… Now WHAT?! That is a GREAT question! More like the question of the year hehe…it is really tough

to say where my life is headed after I graduate, but ideally I would like to stay up here in the Bay Area and begin working

with a non-profit organization focused in public advocacy and education. Then go back to graduate school with a better focus

on what I would like to do with the rest of my life. Pero honestamente, solo Dios sabe ^_^

Thank you TRENZA for giving me a home away from home, and friendships I will cherish for the rest of my life! ♥

By: Maria - Isaura Jimenez

1) My best memory?

It has to be the Thanksgiving dinner a year ago. There was so much food and the place where we had

our dinner was so nice. Although I got lost trying to find it. It's a memory that whenever I think back

on it, it makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy. eewww.

2) if there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be?

If there is something that I could go back and do again, it would most definitely be to go to my fresh-

man year Newbie Night! I felt so welcomed by each and ever single girl. I still remember taking pic-

tures with my mentor, Carla, and having a blast in that crowded Rochdale common room. It makes

me so happy to see that every year that room gets even more crowded, because more beautiful wom-

en are joining Trenza. I recall getting to know the know the upperclass girls, whom are now graduat-

ed and doing amazing things. That day I decided to join Trenza and never have I regretted it. Wow, it's been 4 years already?

3) advice:

Advice..uhm..Family first! and believe me, Trenza becomes family.

Just to enjoy each and every moment you spend with a fellow trenzuda! Cherish and treasure these moments. Remember that

you are a Trenzuda for life and That makes you Beautiful for life.

4) you're GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?!

Well I'm not going to be done with school just yet! Todavia no me chuten! I will be staying an extra year finishing my English

degree and teaching English in Brasil...hopefully within a year after. Then doing a post-bach on Veterinary Science, if I'm not

tired of school.

By: Sara Briones

Page 13: October TRENZA Times

1. Best Memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA?

I have too many “best memories” but one of my absolute favorites from last year was the Breast Cancer

Walk. I was so inspirational and a great bonding experience and happy times fighting for someone else’s

struggle. And even on two and a half hours of sleep [remember Maria?] I felt like I put everything I

could into those short 5miles. This year my favorite memory definitely has to be Fall Retreat. I got to

spend time and bond with some of our new members and created even stronger ties to already existing


2. Go back to: If there’s anything I could go back and do again it would be candle lit memories. I loved

and appreciated everyone’s shared stories. I wish I could go back and give hugs to the girls that I realized

I might be sharing a similar story with. I wish more girls would have gone BUT I’m excited we have

tons of new lovely and AMAZING members to continue sharing these memories with.

3. Advice: The advice I’d give to my fellow Trenzudas is that it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. Sometimes people don’t un-

derstand why we are choosing to take the career path that we are, but do something that is right for YOU. Something YOU

want for yourself because ultimately this is what you will carry with you for the rest of your life. It is okay to not make others

happy, make sure that in whatever you do you make yourself happy in return.

4. Graduating…Now what?! uuuuuuuugh what do you mean now what? I don’t want this to end. I just freaking got here.

Haha but I know I must face reality. I want to work for non-profit right after school whether it’d be here or in the city or back

at home. Soon after that I want to apply to Grad school. I’m thinking of going somewhere in Southern California just to get

away from here for a while, but if I have good ties with a job here in the Bay Area I will be staying here. Oh and Ill get mar-

ried and have 10 million kids? JK! By: Diana Ochoa

1) best memory: Its hard to narrow down to one event so lets’ take it back to my very first meeting, where I did not know anyone but Cynthia Espinoza and she was leading the meeting. I felt a little

awkward, I was that strange little shy freshmen (yes hard to believe) but then Rosa and a few other

girls came to talk to me and I just felt so welcomed and noticed. Haha I also enjoyed TRENZA’s 15th

birthday party, it was the first time I got to hear alumni’s story and it was just very nice seeing differ-

ent generations of TRENZA-what it was and what it is, and how we are still all tied in together. Being

cochair this recent year has made EVERY event so much more memorable, and being a SENIOR.

Realizing that everything will end soon makes every meeting the best meeting, I SWEAR! I LOVE

LOVE LOVE breast cancer walk though, so much bonding and walking for my great aunt. Basically

TRENZA is my best memory in college. Gosh im tearing up- ladies, I love you all!

2) Go Back to: If I could go back and redo college, I think I would change a few things, although i do believe things happen

for a reason. I would definitely be more involved on and outside campus. Look for internships and what not. Spend less time

on facebook and more in the books, haha. I would also have reprioritize- put Jackie above all, seriously. I would actually

show up to my classes and put in more effort. Lesson learned, I love college and every bump it has given me. As mentioned in

“A walk to remember” you can’t have compassion without suffering, or something like that. I WOULD love to go back and

do ERR THANG again; college was TOO much fun, from being at moffit till 2 am to of course the partying, and having my

lovely TRENZUDAS beside me.

3) Advice: Are you sure you want me to answer this? Haha! Girrllllsss let me tell you be YOURSELF, do what makes YOU

and ONLY you HAPPY. ENJOY every second of college, because it FLIES with the blink of an eye. Seriously, be selfish and

do whatever will make you happy NOW and on the long run. Boys are fun to have, but DON’T let any one of them put you

down or hinder your dreams- you are here for YOURSELF (and family) and that is what matters. PLEASE take study breaks

and PAAARTAAAY! Don’t be afraid to explore outside of your boundaries, take a random trip, travel abroad, and challenge

yourself! Trust in those who trust you, and stay beautiful, you all are! Don’t be afraid to fall because Alicia Keys says “falling

down aint falling down unless you cry when you hit the floor,” we learn from all falls there is ALWAYS a light at the end of

the tunnel. Also SMILE, always SMILE and when you do think of me cause that’s what I love cheesy, happy SMILES.

4) Your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?! I have yet to accept the fact that I will soon be graduating so this question is very difficult to answer. I am currently debating whether I should stay an extra semester or not, should i go study abroad, or should

i do something like Peace Corps? Once i figure that out, I will be doing a postbacch program aannddd then eventually apply-

ing to med school. However before i get that deep into my life i want to make sure, you know double/triple/quadruple check,

that it is what i want. Truth is more than likely I will stay an extra semester in Berkeley or outside of the country, oh heee-

yyyy! When I come back I will be applying to postbacchs and then MED SCHOOL!!! Ladies hit me up 10 years from now I

will either deliver your babies or take care of them. By: Jacqueline Dafne Mercado

Page 14: October TRENZA Times

1) best memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA?

I’ve been in TRENZA since fall 2007, there are sooo many memories I don’t think I have just one

best one. I think my entire first year in TRENZA is one of my best memories in TRENZA, just be-

cause it was when I first joined. I think back to that time and I can still remember what I felt when I

first joined and what it was that kept me in TRENZA. I remember walking into every meeting and

feeling so welcomed, everyone greeted each other and immediately I felt like I belonged. It’s been

4.5 years since I’ve been in TRENZA and through these years I’ve developed some wonderful

friendships and memories. TRENZA continues to be my home away from home and I honestly

don’t know how I would have gotten through these last 4.5 years without TRENZA.♥

2) if there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be?

If I could go back and do something again I would go back and learn to find my balance, early on,

between my academics, being involved and life in general. My second year my mom became very

ill and instead of talking to others I tried to deal with it all on my own and I lost complete focus. I also had waaay too much on

my plate, I was on steering, I had a job and I had an internship. It was all too much for me to handle. As a result, my academ-

ics greatly suffered and it took me a while to regain my focus and pick myself up. So I would definitely go back and just tell

myself to really focus and what’s important and only do as much as I could handle.

3) Advice: Going off of my previous answer I would say really focus on your academics! Your social life is always going to

be there, that party at the Roch will be there the following weekend, so take the time to focus on your academics!!! Also, don’t

be too hard on yourself. This is something I really struggle with, but it’s true. We all have our ups and downs but you just got

to learn how to be strong and keep on going! Don’t let things get to you just focus on what’s important in life. If you ever

need anyone to talk to always remember your Trenzudas will be there!(: There are two quotes I read just yesterday that I want

to share with you ladies because I think they’re very true! First, “The things that seem so important right now will not matter

in five years. Hell, it may not matter in one. Don’t be overwhelmed by the disappointment of rejection or the confusion of dis-

appointment. Everything truly happens for a reason.” AND “Don’t settle. Life is full of choices; don’t ever let anyone talk you

out of having standards. You are not picky, or greedy, or unrealistic. You are worth it!” Once last thing, always remember to

love yourself more than anything because if you can’t love yourself how do you expect anyone else to? ♥

4) your GRADUATING...Now, WHAT?! YES, I’m graduating

(officially) in December! How SCARY! I just applied to a Post-Bacc Program at Cal State East Bay for the spring and I’m

still waiting to hear back from them still. If that doesn’t work out I plan on moving back to LA, taking some classes at a Com-

munity College and applying to other Post-Bacc programs for the fall. After I complete my Post Bacc I plan to apply to Medi-

cal School. As of right now those are my plans, but who knows things might change. (:

By: Stephanie Pitones – Cabada

1) best memory you have from the past year(s) you have been in TRENZA?


2) if there is something you could go back and do again, what would it be?

Being able to stand up together in what we womyn stand for, not being afraid to speak our minds around each other or our


3) Advice: GO to VEGAS with ur Trenzudas... Prioritize yourself NO matter who comes in or out of your life.


PURO PINCH PE...pursue higher education when you feel ready to, just

how WE bout to do JUST WATCH!

Love forever,

Martha E. Barajas and Dora Luz Barboza

Page 15: October TRENZA Times

To all of those people who have heard of the illusive

Trenzudoz, it is true… or so I’ve heard. I never joined

Trenza officially, but I did attend two meetings. All I got-

ta say is that it’s been interesting. Do I consider myself a

Trenzudo? Yeah of course but I have not shown up at all

after the rumors of a Trenzudo went viral, I heard its bad

for my political campaign. Haha jk. I did get a lot crap

from my Hermanos but that didn’t stop me from taking up

‘Trenza Boy” as one of my many nicknames. It surprised

them actually; they were kidding the whole time—when

they called me Trenza Boy— but enough of that. I wanted to share with you

girls (and guys?) a couple thoughts;

Hypocrisy and the limelight seem to be very much correlated...

with great power comes great responsibility...but great power also leads to

corruption and/or hypocrisy. What are you fighting for? The limelight or the

people? I bring this up because of certain individuals at the demonstration

for the bake sale. I ask you this; why is it that a select few were wearing some

fancy clothes and did not lie on the ground next to all of us (well those that

did it)? I am not trying to instigate anything; I just want you girls/guys to be


Think about it… these people knew that the media (news people)

were gonna be there soooooo of course they had to look good for their time

on air. I repeat, I AM NOT TRYING TO INSTIGATE I just want you girls/

guys to look around and ask yourself; why are these things happening the way

they are happening? Why are they dressed like that? Just ask! Don’t sit

around and accept things for how they are if you aren’t happy with them. You

have the choice to say, FUCK THIS SHIT!

But don’t just walk away from stuff either, have some constructive

criticism (by constructive criticism I don’t mean sarcastic remarks). Offer

suggestions and let your voice be heard! Question stuff and make it better;

perfection is our goal (even if that goal can never be attained you can always

strive for it). I’ll leave you girls/guys with this quote by Pinarello Bikes “All

things get better, even that which does not seem capable of improvement.” -

Everto (AKA Pollito/ Pollo/ Chicken Little/ Pollo Asado/ Trenza Boy)


To all of the beautiful ladies in

TRENZA: I feel utterly blessed to

have strong women like you all in

my life! And I can't wait to

strengthen that special bond with

each and every one of you!

-Arcy Ma-

“Some come and leave, fulfilling a single purpose; oth-

ers, for a time or a season to teach us by sharing their

experiences; and last, a select few who participate forev-

er with relationships that endure through eternity.”

~Jaren L. Davis (Arcy Magana)

To my roommate Alejandra Ramirez

for always being there to listen to me at

the end of a long day.

To Patty Avila and Mariela Cisneros I

love seeing your beautiful faces!!!!!

And last but certainly not least to Da-

nia Maldonado for being my buddy to

love Glee with!!!!

-Leslie Hernandez

To my Co-Cos:

i love you both.

keep both your

heads up. you

are both beauti-

ful, intelligent,

To my little ones well more

specifically steering '10-'11: i

miss you all! keep doing what

you all are doing.. beyond

proud of each and everyone

of you. <3 –Melissa O.

To TRENZA: thanks for giv-

ing me the greatest friends and

memories. every Thursday on

my way to work i get jealous

knowing im not on campus for

TRENZA Thursday -Melissa

Brady Bunch: thanks for being

one of my greatest support sys-

tems in life right now. this

weekend is going to be lots of

fun and full of memories :)

- Melissa Ochoa

"Trenza yeeahhh! Oh yeeeahh! haha

Thank you girls for a great time at the

social I had fun even though it was hard

to keep track with the points. By the

way I consider myself a TRENZUDO

now! Babe if you are reading this thank

you for a great weekend, I had a lot of

fun with you even though time went by

so quick. I hope you like your presents.

I can’t wait to see you on Friday. I love you!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Have a safe trip girls and thank you for giving Al-

ma her present." - Mario Lopez

"shout out to my mustang

for be-






To Laura Robledos: Thank

you for coming out to the

Breast Cancer Walk, I

loved getting to know you

better! I really wish you

were going on the road


To Almita: I love you so much Stay strong

and USE me whenever you need a friend or

a hug. You're so sweet and amazing.

To Diana and Alexis: Waaaa waaaa waaaa


To Christina: happy 21st Birthday love!

gahhhhhhh you're part of the big girls club

now!!! Anyway I love always talking to

you and finding out more about you! I

know you're stressed with midterms but

just keep going! It will be worth .

- Stephanie Pena

To Tania. you're such an

amazing dancer! Even

though the road gets

tough don't give up cuz

there's always someone

next to u to go through it

together - anonymous

“If you aint first, you’re last!” - Talladega Nights

Page 16: October TRENZA Times

“The Hook Man”

A teenage boy drove his date to a dark and deserted

Lovers' Lane for a make-out session. After turning on

the radio for mood music, he leaned over and began

kissing the girl.

A short while later, the music suddenly stopped and an

announcer's voice came on, warning in an urgent tone

that a convicted murderer had just escaped from the

state insane asylum — which happened to be located

not far from Lovers' Lane — and that anyone who no-

ticed a strange man lurking about with a hook in place

of his right hand should immediately report his wherea-

bouts to the police.

The girl became frightened and asked to be taken home.

The boy, feeling bold, locked all the doors instead and,

assuring his date they would be safe, attempted to kiss

her again. She became frantic and pushed him away,

insisting that they leave. Relenting, the boy peevishly

jerked the car into gear and

spun its wheels as he pulled

out of the parking space.

When they arrived at the

girl's house she got out of the

car, and, reaching to close the

door, began to scream uncon-

trollably. The boy ran to her

side to see what was wrong and there, dangling from the

door handle, was a bloody hook.

“Buried Alive!”

My great-great grandmother, ill for quite

some time, finally passed away after lying

in a coma for several days. My great-great

grandfather was devastated beyond belief,

as she was his one true love and they had

been married over 50 years. They were

married so long it seemed as if they knew

each other's innermost thoughts.

After the doctor pronounced her dead, my great-great grandfather

insisted that she was not. They had to literally pry him away from his

wife's body so they could ready her for burial.

Now, back in those days they had backyard burial plots and did not

drain the body of its fluids. They simply prepared a proper coffin and

committed the body (in its coffin) to its permanent resting place.

Throughout this process, my great-great grandfather protested so

fiercely that he had to be sedated and put to bed. His wife was buried

and that was that.

That night he woke to a horrific vision of his wife hysterically trying

to scratch her way out of the coffin. He phoned the doctor immediate-

ly and begged to have his wife's body exhumed. The doctor refused,

but my great-great grandfather had this nightmare every night for a

week, each time frantically begging to have his wife removed from

the grave.

Finally the doctor gave in and, together with local authorities, ex-

humed the body. The coffin was pried open and to everyone's horror

and amazement, my great-great grandmother's nails were bent back

and there were obvious scratches on the inside of the coffin.

A. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

B. What do skeletons say before they begin din-


C. Why do witches fly on brooms?

D. What do you call a fat Jack-O-Lantern?

E. Where do baby ghosts go during the day?

F. Why don't skeletons like parties?

A. He didn’t have guts B. Bone appetite C. Vaccuum cleaner cords aren’t long enough! D. A Plumkin E.Day-scare centeres F. they

have no-body to dance with!

Page 17: October TRENZA Times

TRENZUDA of the MonthLeslie Hernandez

‘Cus it’s Your Month

October Babies!Olivia de la O

Consuelo VelazquezWendy HernandezAlma Velazquez

Patty GomezMarilyn CabreraJiessela Jimenez

Sara BrionesWendy PachecoJasmine BaezaFritzi Lopez

Stephanie Pitones-Cabada

Zelida Solorio

Martha BarajasNancy ValdiviaXiomaraRamosAbigail CarlosJackie Mercado

Perla Ortiz



81 hrs & 30 mins!New RECORD!

Study QueenStephanie Pitones-

