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Page 1: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 2: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 3: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many



Page 4: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many

Природа Узбекистана

Узбекистан расположен в центре Средней Азии, его площадь 448 844 км2. Это самая густонаселенная страна из всех государств Центральной Азии. Но, несмотря на это, природа Узбекистана богата и разнообразна. На севере страны расположено уникальное плоское поднятие - плато Устюрт, обрывы (чинки) которого служат берегами Араль-ского моря. Расположенная в центре Узбекистана обшир-ная пустыня Кызылкум соседствует с пойменными (тугай-ными) лесами двух крупнейших среднеазиатских рек Сыр-дарьи и Амударьи. На юге и востоке возвышаются отроги горных хребтов Памиро-Алая и Тянь-Шаня, снег на верши-нах которых лежит круглый год. На территории страны бо-лее 500 озер и водохранилищ.

Наряду с культурным и историческим наследием, Узбе-кистан представляет большой интерес и для любителей жи-вой природы. В разнообразных ландшафтах страны встре-чается около 4500 видов растений, 14900 видов беспозво-ночных и 702 вида позвоночных животных. Среди них око-ло 400 растений и 40 позвоночных животных нигде за пре-делами Средней Азии не встречаются, то есть являются эн-демиками. Неповторимость природы Узбекистана во все времена привлекала внимание ученых, путешественников и просто ценителей красоты.

Биологическое разнообразие Узбекистана имеет гло-бальное значение и строго охраняется государством. Охраняемые природные территории страны включают в себя 8 заповедников, 2 национальных парка, 1 биосфер-ный резерват, 10 заказников, 5 памятников природы и 1 центр по разведению редких видов животных. 2 водно-болотных угодья имеют международные сертификаты Ramsar, 51 участок включен в мировую сеть Imortant Bird Area (IBA).

Большим разнообразием характеризуется фауна птиц страны. Узбекистан находится на пересечении пролет-ных путей из Западной Сибири и Казахстана на ирано-каспийские и индо-пакистанские зимовки. Благодаря это-му здесь встречается более 460 видов птиц, из них более 265 видов гнездятся.

The nature of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is situated in the center of Central Asia. The area of Uzbekistan is 448,844 sq. km. It is the most densely populated state of all Central Asian states. Despite this, nature in Uzbekistan is rich and diverse. A unique elevation is Plateau Ustyurt, the escarpments of which form the shores of the Aral Sea, is situated in the north of Uzbekistan. A vast desert Kyzylkum neighbors the

flood-land tugai forests fringing two largest Central Asian rivers, the Syrdarya and the Amudarya. The spurs of the mountain ranges of Pamyrs-Alai and Tien-Shan with snow caps all the year round rise in the south and east. There are more than 500 lakes and reservoirs in Uzbekistan.

Together with the cultural and historic heritage, Uzbekistan is of interest for the lovers of wild life. About 4500 plant, 14,900 invertebrate and 702 vertebrate animal species are recorded across diverse landscapes of Uzbekistan. Of these, about 400 plant and 40 vertebrate animals species are not recorded outside Central Asia, i.e. they are endemics. The unique nature of Uzbekistan has always attracted scientists, travelers and nature-lovers.

The biological diversity of Uzbekistan is of global importance and is strictly protected by the state. Protected natural areas of Uzbekistan include 8 nature reserves, 2 national parks, 1 biosphere reserve, 10 preserves, 5 nature monuments, and 1 center for rare animal breeding. Two wetlands have Ramsar international certificates, while 51 sites are included into the world net of Important Bird Area (IBA). Uzbekistan boasts a high diversity of avian fauna as it lies on the crossing of migratory routs from western Siberia and Kazakhstan to Iran-Caspian and Indo-Pakistani wintering grounds. More than 460 avian species are encountered in Uzbekistan owing to this fact; of these, more than 265 species are nesting.

Page 5: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many

Briefly about bird watching

The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many places for bird watching are situated not far from large cities, which are most visited by tourists. It is easy to reach these places independently.

Visitors to Tashkent can visit picturesque tracts of western Tien Shan – Chimgan and Berldersai, which are only two hours' drive from Tashkent. Within only one day it is possible record more than 40 avian species, namely the Egyptian Vulture, the Booted eagle, the Saker falcon, the Chuckar, the Tawny Owl, the Crag Martin, the Red-billed Chough and the Yellow-billed Chough, the Blue Whistling-thrush, the Yellow-breasted Tit, the Rock Sparrow, the White-winged Grosbeak, the White-capped Bunting and the Red-headed Bunting.

The site of a floodplain forest, Dalverzinsky tugai, is preserved 120 km to the south of Tashkent on the right bank of the Syrdarya River. The shrieks of lekking Turkestan Pheasant males can be heard throughout the forest. These birds with their fantastically bright plumage can be easily seen, too. Other species characteristic of this landscape, namely, the Black-crowned Night-heron, the Shikra, the Pallid Scops-owl, the White-winged Woodpecker, the Turkestan Tit, and the White-crowned Penduline-tit, can be recorded there, too. The Eurasian Stone-curlew, the Eurasian Oystercatcher, Sandpipers, and Plovers, Gulls and Terns can be seen in the shallow parts of the river.

An interesting excursion can be made without leaving Tashkent. In the city botanical garden, the area of which is about 70 ha, one can record more than thirty avian species. Together with common urban avian species, it is possible to observe the Little Grebe, the Pygmy Cormorant, the Common Moorhen, the Common Wood-pigeon, the Common Scops-owl), the Common Kingfisher, the Turkestan Tit, the White-winged Woodpecker, the Bohemian Waxwing, the Winter Wren, the Black-throated Thrush and the Hawfinch.

Only 40 km to the south of the City of Samarkand, there is a picturesque mountain tracts, the pass Takhtakaracha (Alexander pass) on the Zerafshan Ridge. More than 40 avian species can be encountered there, including the Lammergeier, the Himalayan Vulture, the Short-toed Snake-eagle, the Hume’s Lark, the Persian Robin, the Asian Paradise-flycatcher, the Dark-grey Tit, the Eastern Rock-nuthatch and the Grey-headed Goldfinch.

A site of clay-sandy desert with saxaul growth, takyr soils and saline lakes is situated 42 km to the south-east of ancient Bukhara. There is the Ecocenter «Jeyran» («Goitered gazelle») with the area of 16350 ha, in which a unique natural complex is preserved owing to a strict protection regime. Only during one field trip, up to fifty wetland and desert avian species can be recorded there, including the Dalmatian Pelican and the Great White Pelican, the Cattle Egret, the Ferruginous Duck, the Houbara Bustard, the Greater Sand Plover, the Sociable Lapwing, the Pallas’s Sandgrouse, the Pallid Scops-owl, the Egyptian Nightjar, the Desert Warbler, the Streaked Scrub-warbler and the Desert Finch.

We wish you exciting observations!

Немного о бёдвочинге

Самое удобное время года для орнитологических экс-курсий (бёдвочинга) в Узбекистане – начало мая. Многие места для наблюдений за птицами расположены недале-ко от крупных городов, наиболее часто посещаемых ту-ристами. До всех этих мест нетрудно добраться самосто-ятельно.

Гости Ташкента могут посетить живописные горные урочища Западного Тянь-Шаня - Чимган и Бельдерсай, на-ходящиеся в 2 часах езды о города. Всего лишь за один день здесь можно встретить более 40 видов птиц, в том числе – стервятника, орла-карлика, балобана, кеклика, се-рую неясыть, скалистую ласточку, клушицу и альпийскую галку, синюю птицу, желтогрудую лазоревку, каменного воробья, арчевого дубоноса, овсянку Стюарта и желчную овсянку.

В 120 км южнее Ташкента, на правом берегу Сырдарьи, сохранился участок пойменного леса – Дальверзинский тугай. Весной здесь повсюду слышны пронзительные кри-ки токующих самцов сырдарьинского фазана (Turkestan Pheasant). Нетрудно увидеть и самих фазанов - фантасти-чески ярких птиц. В тугае можно встретить и другие харак-терные для этого ландшафта виды – квакву, туркестанско-го тювика, буланую совку, белокрылого дятла, бухарскую синицу, черноголового ремеза. На песчаных отмелях реки можно увидеть авдотку, кулика-сороку, мелких куликов, зуйков, чаек и крачек.

Интересную экскурсию можно совершить и не по-кидая Ташкента. В городском ботаническом саду, пло-щадь которого около 70 га, весной можно встретить бо-лее 30 видов птиц. Наряду с обычными «городски-ми» птицами, тут можно наблюдать малую поганку, ма-лого баклана, камышницу, вяхиря, сплюшку, зимород-ка, бухарскую синицу, белокрылого дятла, свиристе-ля, крапивника, чернозобого дрозда, обыкновенного дубоноса.

Всего лишь в 40 км южнее города Самарканд, на Зерав-шанском хребте, находится живописное горное урочище - перевал Тахтакарача. Здесь можно встретить более 40 ви-дов птиц, в том числе – бородача, кумая, змееяда, тонко-клювого жаворонка, соловья-белошейку, райскую мухо-ловку, рыжешейную синицу, большого скалистого пополз-ня, седоголового щегла.

В 42 км юго-восточнее древней Бухары расположен участок глинисто-песчаной пустыни с зарослями саксау-ла, такырами и солеными озерами. Это Экоцентр «Джей-ран», площадью 16350 га, на котором, благодаря стро-гой охране, сохраняется уникальный природный ком-плекс. За одну орнитологическую экскурсию здесь мож-но встретить до 50 водно-болотных и пустынных видов птиц, в том числе кудрявого и розового пеликанов, еги-петскую цаплю, белоглазую чернеть, дрофу-красотку, тол-стоклювого зуйка, кречетку, саджу, буланую совку, була-ного козодоя, пустынную славку, скотоцерку, буланого вьюрка…

Интересных вам наблюдений!

Page 6: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 7: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many

2000 г.

Page 8: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 9: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 10: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 11: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 12: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 13: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 14: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 15: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 16: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 17: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 18: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 19: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 20: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 21: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 22: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 23: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 24: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 25: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 26: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 27: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 28: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 29: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 30: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 31: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 32: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 33: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 34: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 35: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 36: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 37: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 38: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 39: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 40: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 41: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 42: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 43: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 44: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 45: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 46: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 47: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 48: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 49: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 50: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 51: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 52: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 53: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 54: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 55: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 56: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 57: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 58: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 59: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 60: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 61: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 62: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 63: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 64: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 65: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 66: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 67: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 68: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 69: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 70: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 71: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 72: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 73: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 74: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 75: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 76: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 77: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 78: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 79: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 80: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 81: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 82: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 83: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 84: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 85: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 86: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 87: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 88: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 89: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 90: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 91: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 92: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 93: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 94: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 95: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 96: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 97: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 98: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 99: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 100: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many

Список представленных видов птиц(в алфавитном порядке)

List of species(alphabetically)

Latin Pages English Pages Русский Страницы

Accipiter badius 23Accipiter nisus 86Acridotheres tristis 8Alectoris chukar 81Anas clypeata 42Anas crecca 41Anser anser 41Anthus trivialis 11Aquila chrysaetos 87Aquila nipalensis 30Ardea cinerea 48,49Athene noctua 34Bubo bubo 35, 94Buteo rufinus 30, 36, 37Calidris alba 61Calidris minuta 45Caprimulgus aegyptius 14Caprimulgus europaeus 92Casmerodius albus 90Charadrius alexandrinus 46Charadrius dubius 60Charadrius leschenaultia 13Chlamydotis undulata 27Chlidonias hybrida 49Ciconoa ciconia 90, 91, 95Circus aeruginosus 62, 63Circus macrourus 31Circus pygargus 32Coccothraustes coccothraustes 79Columba livia 27Columba palumbus 77Coracias garrulus 28, 29Corvus cornix 97Corvus corone 75Corvus frugilegus 9Corvus monedula 26Cuculus canorus 23Cygnus olor 40, 96Delichon urbica 96Dendrocopos leucopterus ssp. leptorhynchus 77Egretta garzetta 67Emberiza bruniceps 76Emberiza buchanani 76Erithacus rubecula 15Falco subbuteo 33Falco tinnunculus 87Fringilla coelebs 8Fringilla montifringilla 12Galerida cristata 15Gallinula chloropus 56Garrulax lineatus 82Glareola pratincola 43Grus virgo 70, 71Gyps fulvus 85, 86Himantopus himantopus 47, 48Hippolais pallida 97Hirundo daurica 10Hirundo rustica 10Lanius schach 12

Asian Paradise-flycatcher 83Barn Swallow 10Black Kite 33Black-bellied Sandgrouse 24Black-crowned Night-heron 58,60Black-headed Gull 50Black-headed Wagtail 17Black-tailed Godwit 45Black-winged Stilt 47, 48Blue Rock-thrush 80Blue Whistling-thrush 81Blue-cheeked Bee-eater 22Bluethroat 12, 93Brambling 12Carrion Crow 75Caspian Tern 53Chukar 81Collared Pratincole 43Commom Redshank 57Commom Wood-pigeon 77Common Chelduck 40Common Chiffchaff 20Common Cuckoo 23Common Kestrel 87Common Moorhen 56Common Myna 8Common Scops-owl 80, 97Common Starling 13Common Stonechat 9Common Tern 50, 53Corn Bunting 79Crested Lark 15Dalmatian Pelican 67, 93Demoiselle Crane 70, 71Desert Finch 13Desert Wheatear 21Eastern Olivaceous Warbler 97Egyptian Nigthjar 14Egyptian Vulture 32, 33Eurasian Chaffinch 8Eurasian Curlew 56Eurasian Eagle-owl 35, 94Eurasian Hobby 33Eurasian Hoopoe 12Eurasian Jackdaw 26Eurasian Nigthjar 92Eurasian Sparrowhawk 86Eurasian Teal 41Eurasian Tree Sparrow 18European Bee-eater 22European Robin 15European Roller 28, 29European Turtle-dove 11Eversmann's Redstart 84Glossy Ibis 57, 58Golden Eagle 87Great Cormorant 44Great Egret 90Great White Pelican 68, 69Greater Flamingo 59, 70, 71

Белая трясогузка 16Белобрюхий рябок 24Белоголовый сип 85, 86Белокрылый дятел 77Белохвостая пигалица 66Белощекая крачка 49Белый аист 90, 91, 95Береговая ласточка 55Беркут 87Бледная бормотушка 97Болотный лунь 62, 63Большая белая цапля 90Большой баклан 44Большой веретенник 45Большой кроншнеп 56Буланый вьюрок 13Буланый козодой 14Бухарская синица 17, 37Варакушка 12, 93Воронок 96Вяхирь 77Галка 26Горная трясогузка 84Грач 9Деревенская ласточка 10Деряба 74Длиннохвостый сорокопут 12Домовый сыч 34Дрофа-красотка 27Желтая трясогузка 16Желтогрудая лазоревка 82Желчная овсянка 76Зарафшанский фазан 21Зарянка 15Зеленая щурка 22Золотистая щурка 22Зяблик 8Индийский воробей 18Камышница 56Каравайка 57, 58Кваква 58, 60Кеклик 81Клушица 75Красавка 70, 71Красноносый нырок 59, 70Красноспинная горихвостка 84Кречетка 64, 65Круглоносый плавунчик 25, 46Кудрявый пеликан 67, 93Кулик-воробей 45Курганник 30, 36, 37Лебедь-шипун 40, 96Лесной конек 11Луговая тиркушка 43Луговой лунь 32Майна 8Малая белая цапля 67Малая горлица 94Малая крачка 54Малая чайка 51

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Larus cachinnans 51, 52Larus minutus 51Larus ridibundus 50Limosa limosa 45Luscinia svecica 12, 93Merops apiaster 22Merops persicus 22Miliaria calandra 79Milvus migrans 33Monticola saxatilis 85Monticola solitarius 80Motacilla (flava) feldegg 17Motacilla alba 16Motacilla cinerea 84Motacilla flava 16Muscicapa striata 74Myophonus caeruleus 81Neophron percnopterus 32, 33Netta rufina 59, 70Numenius arquata 56Nycticorax nycticorax 58, 60Oenanthe deserti 21Oenanthe picata 83Otus scops 80, 97Pandion haliaetus 61Parus bokharensis 17, 37Parus flavipectus 82Passer ammodendri 19Passer hispaniolensis 19Passer indicus 18Passer montanus 18Pelecanus crispus 67, 93Pelecanus onocrotalus 68, 69Phalacrocorax carbo 44Phalacrocorax pygmeus 44Phalaropus lobatus 25, 46Phasianus colchicus turcestanicus 26Phasianus colchicus zerafshanicus 21Phoenicopterus roseus 59, 70, 71Phoenicurus erythronotus 84Phylloscopus collybita 20Plegadis falcinellus 57, 58Podoces panderi 21Prunella montanella 14Pteroclas alchata 24Pterocles orientalis 24Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax 75Recurvirostra avosetta 70, 71Rhodospiza obsoleta 13Riparia riparia 55Saxicola torquata 9Sterna albifrons 54Sterna caspia 53Sterna hirundo 50, 53Streptopelia senegalensis 94Streptopelia turtur 11Strix aluco 94Sturnus vulgaris 78Sturnus vulgaris 13Syrrhaptes paradoxus 25Tadorna tadorna 40Terpsiphone paradisi 83Tichodroma muraria 83Tringa glareola 43Tringa ochropus 42Tringa totanus 57Turdus viscivorus 74Upupa epops 12Vanellus gregarius 64, 65Vanellus leucurus 66

Greater Sand Plover 13Green Sandpiper 42Grey Heron 48,49Grey Wagtail 84Greylag Goose 41Grey-necked Bunting 76Griffon Vulture 85, 86Hawfinch 79Hooded Crow 97Houbara Bustard 27Indian Sparrow 18Kentish Plover 46Laughing Dove 94Little Egret 67Little Gull 51Little Owl 34Little Stint 45Little Tern 54Little-Ringed Plover 60Long-legged Buzzard 30, 36, 37Long-tailed Shrike 12Mistle Thrush 74Montagu’s Harrier 32Mute Swan 40, 96Northern House-martin 96Northern Shoveler 42Osprey 61Pallas’s Sandgrouse 25Pallid Harrier 31Pied Avocet 70, 71Pin-Tailed Sandgrouse 24Pygmy Cormorant 44Red-billed Ghough 75Red-crested Pochard 59, 70Red-headed Bunting 76Red-necked Phalarope 25, 46Red-rumped Swallow 10Rock Pigeon 27Rook 9Rosy Starling 78Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush 85Sand Martin 55Sanderling 61Saxaul Sparrow 19Shikra 23Siberian Accentor 14Sociable Lapwing 64, 65Spanish Sparrow 19Spotted Flycatcher 74Steppe Eagle 30Streaked Laughing-thrush 82Tawny Owl 94Tre Pipit 11Turkestan Ground-jay 21Turkestan Pheasant 26Turkestan Tit 17, 37Variable Wheatear 83Wallcreeper 83Western Marsh-harrier 62, 63Whiskered Tern 49White Stork 90, 91, 95White Wagtail 16White-tailed Lapwing 66White-wingen Woodpecker 77Wood Sandpiper 43Yellow Wagtail 16Yellow-breasted Tit 82Yellow-legged Gull 51, 52Zeravshan Pheasant 21

Малый баклан 44Малый зуек 60Морской зуек 46Обыкновенная горлица 11Обыкновенная кукушка 23Обыкновенная пустельга 87Обыкновенный дубонос 79Обыкновенный козодой 92Обыкновенный скворец 13Озерная чайка 50Пеганка 40Пеночка-теньковка 20Перепелятник 86Пестрый каменный дрозд 85Песчанка 61Полевой воробей 18Полосатая тимелия 82Просянка 79Пустынная каменка 21Райская мухоловка 83Речная крачка 50, 53Розовый пеликан 68, 69Розовый скворец 78Розовый фламинго 59, 70, 71Рыжепоясничная ласточка 10Саджа 25Саксаульная сойка 21Саксаульный воробей 19Серая ворона 97Серая мухоловка 74Серая неясыть 94Серая цапля 48,49Серый гусь 41Сибирская завирушка 14Сизоворонка 28, 29Сизый голубь 27Синий каменный дрозд 80Синяя птица 81Скальная овсянка 76Скопа 61Сплюшка 80, 97Стенолаз 83Степной лунь 31Степной орел 30Стервятник 32, 33Сырдарьинский фазан 26Толстоклювый зуек 13Травник 57Туркестанский тювик 23Удод 12Филин 35, 94Фифи 43Ходулочник 47, 48Хохлатый жаворонок 15Хохотунья 51, 52Чеглок 33Чеграва 53Черная ворона 75Черная каменка 83Чернобрюхий рябок 24Черноголовая трясогузка 17Черноголовый чекан 9Черногрудый воробей 19Черный коршун 33Черныш 42Чирок-свистунок 41Шилоклювка 70, 71Широконоска 42Юрок 12

Page 102: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many

Авторы: Идея – Тураходжаев Д.М.;Руководитель проекта, дизайн, верстка – Недосеков Б.В.;Структура, тексты и научная редакция – Кашкаров Р.Д., кандидат биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Национально-го Университета Узбекистана;Карта Узбекистана – А.Г. Тен, старший научный сотрудник Эко-центра «Джейран»Авторы фотографий: Аметов Я. И. – стр. 34; Атаходжаев А.А.– стр. 1, 3, 7-9, 15, 17, 22, 26, 33, 35, 38, 40-43, 50, 51, 58, 59, 62, 72, 79, 86-89, 97; Грицина М. – стр. 37; Кайсаров Т. – стр. 20, 35; Кашкаров О.Р. – стр. 23, 42, 60, 94; Мармазинская Н.В. – стр. 13, 21, 27, 31, 33, 34, 37, 70, 85, 97; Митропольский М.Г. – стр. 12, 15, 21, 25, 36, 76, 92, 93 ; Недосеков Б.В. – стр. 1-3, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 31-33, 44, 46-50, 52-56, 58, 60-67, 70, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 91, 92, 94-96; Нуриджанов А.С. – стр. 24; Нурид-жанов Д.А. – стр. 9, 11, 13, 21, 30, 36, 41, 44, 67, 77, 81-83, 85, 86; Сол-датов В.А. – стр. 14, 18, 19, 32, 34, 40, 43, 45, 51, 56, 57, 59, 61, 68; Схи-нас Л.В. – стр. 10, 22, 81, 83, 87, 90, 94; Хан А.Р. – стр. 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 76; Ходжаев Ж.Т. – стр. 12, 84, 97; Ходжаниязов А. – стр. 91; Чикин Ю.А. – стр. 90; Шамшидов М.А. – стр. 11, 17, 75, 77, 80, 82, 84.

Аннотация: По популярности и количеству наблюдений птицы занимают одно из «призовых» мест среди объектов живой при-роды - наряду с цветами и бабочками. Птицы встречаются повсю-ду и хорошо заметны, многие из них живут рядом с человеком. Внешний вид и поведение птиц очень разнообразны. В мире нет ни одной страны, где бы ни наблюдали за птицами. Этот фотоальбом - первая попытка объединить фотографии, сде-ланные членами Республиканского ННО «Общество охраны птиц Узбекистана». Их авторы не профессиональные фотографы – это ученые-орнитологи, преподаватели, студенты и просто любители природы. В альбоме представлена лишь часть (129 видов) птиц, обитающих в нашей стране. Фотографии сделаны в разных угол-ках Узбекистана, которые можно найти на карте.Авторы надеются, что, просмотрев этот альбом, многие заинте-ресуются наблюдениями за птицами. Присоединяйтесь, наблю-дайте и фотографируйте птиц! Вы получите большое эстетиче-ское наслаждение, а возможно, войдете в число авторов следу-ющего фотоальбома.

Благодарности: Составители альбома благодарят всех, кто откликнулся на пред-ложение поделиться своими фотографиями и не пожалел на это времени. Общество охраны птиц Узбекистана благодарит Тураходжаева Дильшода Мурадбековича, без чьей поддержки публикация фо-тоальбома была бы невозможна.

© - wildlife.uz© - www.uzspb.uz (Общество охраны птиц Узбекистана)

«Птицы Узбекистана» Birds of UzbekistanAuthors: Concept – Turakhodjaev D.M.Project director, design, layout – Nedosekov B.V.;Contents, structure, texts and scientific editing – Kashkarov R.D., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Leading Research Worker at the National University of Uzbekistan;The map of Uzbekistan – A.G. Ten, Senior Research Worker of the Ecocenter Djeyran Authors of photographs: Ametov Y.I. – p. 34; Atakhodjaev A.A. – pp. 1, 3, 7-9, 15, 17, 22, 26, 33, 35, 38, 40-43, 50, 51, 58, 59, 62, 72, 79, 86-89, 97; Chikin Y.A. – p. 90; Gritsina M. – p. 37; Kashkarov O.R. – pp. 23, 42, 60, 94; Kaysarov T. – pp. 20, 35; Khan A.R. – pp. 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 76; Khodjaev J.T. – pp. 12, 84, 97; Khodzhaniyazov A. - p. 91; Marmazinskaya N.V. – pp. 13, 21, 27, 31, 33, 34, 37, 70, 85, 97; Mitropolskiy M.G. – pp. 12, 15, 21, 25, 36, 76, 92, 93; Nedosekov B.V. – pp. 1-3, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 31-33, 44, 46-50, 52-56, 58, 60-67, 70, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 91, 92, 94-96; Nuridjanov A.S. – p. 24; Nuridjanov D.A. – pp. 9, 11, 13, 21, 30, 36, 41, 44, 67, 77, 81-83, 85, 86; Shamshidov M.A. – pp. 11, 17, 75, 77, 80, 82, 84; Skhinas L.V. – pp. 10, 22, 81, 83, 87, 90, 94; Soldatov V.A. – pp. 14, 18, 19, 32, 34, 40, 43, 45, 51, 56, 57, 59, 61, 68

Summary: by popularity and number of observations, the birds occupy one of the "prize" places amongst wild life objects, sharing this place with flowers and butterflies. Birds are encountered everywhere and well visible, many of them inhabiting human-populated areas. The external look and behavior of birds are very diverse. People observe birds in all states of the world. This photographic album is the first attempt to unite photographs made by the members of the Republican NGO «Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds». Their authors are not professional photographers; rather, they are scientists-ornithologists, teachers, students and just nature lovers. The album included only part (129 species) of birds inhabiting our state. The photographs have been made in different parts of Uzbekistan, which can be found on the map. The authors hope that many people will become interested in bird watching after viewing this album. Join, watch and take pictures of birds! You will esthetically enjoy it and, perhaps, be included into the list of authors of the next photo album.

Acknowledgements: The album compilers are indebted to those who responded to our suggestion to share their photographs, and did not spare time for that. Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds is thankful to Turakhojaev Dilshod, without whose support the publication of this photo album would be impossible.

© - wildlife.uz© - www.uzspb.uz (Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds)

First published in 2012by Hertfordshire Press

Suite 125, 43 Bedford StreetCovent Garden, WC2R 9HA, United Kingdom

E-mail: [email protected]

Series editor: Anastacia LeeAll rights received. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now

known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission

in writing from the publishers. British Library Catalogue in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress in Publication Data

ISBN 978-0-9574807-2-8

Printed in Turkey by IMAK OFSET

Издательский дом Hertfordshire Press

Адрес: Suite 125, 43 Bedford StreetCovent Garden, WC2R 9HA, United Kingdom

E-mail: [email protected]© 2012 Hertfordshire Press

Технический редактор: Анастасия ЛиДизайнер: Борис Недосеков, Виктория Родионова

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производится с издателем.British Library Catalogue in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress in Publication Data

ISBN 978-0-9574807-1-1

Отпечатано IMAK OFSET, Турция

Page 103: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
Page 104: Фотоальбом · Briefly about bird watching The early May is the most convenient time of year for ornithological excursions (bird watching) in Uzbekistan. Many
