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Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Ульяновский государственный технический университет» СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОГО И ГРАЖДАНСКОГО СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА НА ЗАНЯТИЯХ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Учебное пособие для студентов 2 курса дневного отделения по специальности 270102.65 «Промышленное и гражданское строительство» Составитель Е. В. Кузьмина Ульяновск 2010
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Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Ульяновский государственный технический университет»




Учебное пособие

для студентов 2 курса дневного отделения

по специальности 270102.65

«Промышленное и гражданское строительство»

Составитель Е. В. Кузьмина



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УДК 626/627(075) ББК 38.5я7 С56

Рецензенты: Кафедра иностранного языка Ульяновского высшего военно-технического училища (Военный институт); Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка Ульяновского государственного педагогического университета Лобина Ю.А.

Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве учебного пособия. Современные проблемы промышленного и гражданского строительства на занятиях английского языка : учебное пособие / сост. Е. В. Кузьмина. – Ульяновск УлГТУ, 2010. – 63 с. ISBN 978-5-9795-0555-8

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2 курса дневного отделения по специальности 270102.65 «Промышленное и гражданское строительство», составленное в соответствии с программой курса английского языка для технических вузов ГОС ВПО (ГСЭ.Ф. 01).

Цель пособия – развитие навыков чтения и перевода специальной научно-технической литературы для извлечения информации, ознакомление с узкоспециализированной строительной терминологией на английском языке, а также развитие навыков устной речи по специальности.

Работа подготовлена на кафедре иностранных языков УлГТУ. Печатается в авторской редакции.

УДК 626/627 (075) ББК 38.5я7

© Кузьмина Е. В., составление, 2010. ISBN 978-5-9795-0555-8 © Оформление. УлГТУ, 2010.


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Введение…………………………………………………………………….. 4

UNIT 1……………………………………………………………………….. 5

UNIT 2……………………………………………………………………….. 13

UNIT 3……………………………………………………………………….. 19

UNIT 4……………………………………………………………………….. 24

UNIT 5……………………………………………………………………….. 28

UNIT 6……………………………………………………………………….. 34

UNIT 7……………………………………………………………………….. 40

UNIT 8……………………………………………………………………….. 46

GLOSSARY………………………………………………………………….. 53

SUPPLYMENTARY READING……………………………………………. 55

Заключение. Библиографический список… …….………………………... 63

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Введение Учебное пособие «Современные проблемы промышленного и гражданского строительства на занятиях английского языка» предназначено для студентов 2 курса дневного отделения по специальности 270102.65 «Промышленное и гражданское строительство», составлено в соответствии с программой курса английского языка для технических вузов ГОС ВПО (ГСЭ.Ф.01).

Цель пособия – развитие навыков чтения и перевода специальной научно-технической литературы для извлечения информации, ознакомление с узкоспециализированной строительной терминологией на английском языке, а также развитие навыков устной речи по специальности.

Учебное пособие состоит из уроков-тем, каждый из которых содержит тексты, объединенные общей тематикой, предназначенные для обучения различным видам чтения. Подобные тексты будут способствовать формированию у студентов технического вуза умений и навыков так называемого «гибкого» чтения, при котором стратегия чтения изменяется в соответствии с изменениями задач чтения. В словаре поурочно представлена активная лексика на английском языке. После текстов предложены разнообразные упражнения для проверки понимания текстов, а так же для закрепления пройденной лексики. Во второй части пособия подобраны тексты по домашнему чтению, при подборе которых учитывались их познавательная ценность, последовательность и логичность изложения.

Данное учебное пособие позволит студентам изучить и обобщить специализированную лексику, необходимую для профессионального общения на английском языке. Тематика и сложность текстов определяется объемом общетехнических знаний, которыми владеют студенты после одного года обучения в техническом вузе. Тексты пособия отобраны с учетом их информативности и соответствия научно-техническим достижениям.

Учебное пособие «Современные проблемы промышленного и гражданского строительства на занятиях английского языка» поможет в решении одной из основных задач преподавания иностранного языка в технических университетах – развитие у студентов навыков понимания и перевода технического текста, что возможно осуществить как под руководством преподавателя, так и при самостоятельной работе студентов.

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Table 1. Building materials.

Material Availability Use Properties Problems/ Durability

Came, leaves vine, bamboo, palm-fronds

Warm-humid zones

Roofs Light; does not store heat; allows free passage of air

Relatively short life span; deteriorates rapidly due to termite attack; highly combustible

Grass Intermediate and subtropical zones

Roofs Light; does not store heat; allows free passage of air

Relatively short life span; deteriorates rapidly due to termite attack; highly combustible

Hardwoods and softwoods

Tropical and subtropical zones (not hot-dry zones)

External woodwork

Extremes of climatic conditions cause dimensional changes, producing cracks, splits and warping; wind-blown sand and grit gradually erode timber; liable to wet and dry rot; attacked by termites and beetles

Earth Hot-dry lands Walls; roofs

Low thermal conductivity; brittle; does not withstand tension well

Termite damage may require frequent repair work

Concrete Hot-temperate Structure; foundation; floor slabs

Low resistance to passage of heat

Salts cause corrosion of reinforcement and spelling of cover; rapid evaporation and shortage of water can result in low strength cracking and high permeability

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Materials that are used for structural purposes should meet several

requirements. In most cases it is important that they should be hard, durable,

fire-resistant and easily fastened together.

The most commonly used materials are steel, concrete, stone, wood and

brick. They differ in hardness, durability and fire-resistance.

Wood is the most ancient structural material. It is light, cheap and easy to

work. But wood has certain disadvantages: it burns and decays.

Stone belongs to one of the oldest building materials used by man. It is

characteristic of many properties. They are mechanical strength, compactness,

porosity, sound and heat insulation and fire-resistance.

Bricks were known many thousands of years ago. They are the examples

of artificial building materials.

Concrete is referred to as one of the most important building materials.

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, crushed stone and water.

Steel has come into general use with the development of industry. Its

manufacture requires special equipment and skilled labor.

Plastics combine all the fine characteristics of a building material with

good insulating properties. It is no wondered that the architects and engineers

have turned to them to add beauty to modern homes and offices.

All building materials are divided into three main groups: 1) Main

building materials such as rocks and artificial stones, timber and metals. 2)

Binding materials such as lime, gypsum and cement. 3) Secondary or auxiliary

materials which are used for the interior parts of the building.

We use main building materials for bearing structures. Binding materials

are used for making artificial stone and for joining different planes. For the

interior finish of the building we use secondary materials.

Natural building materials are: stone, sand, lime and timber. Cement, clay

products and concrete are examples of artificial building materials.

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1. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the properties of the building materials? 2. What are the most

commonly used building materials? 3. Do building materials differ from each

other? 4. What can you say about the most ancient building materials? 5. What

can you say about bricks? 6. Is concrete an artificial or natural building

material? 7. Into what groups do we divide building materials? 8. Can you give

an example of a building material? 9. What artificial building materials do you

know? 10. What natural building materials do you know?

2. Find the meaning of the following words and give the translation:

1. reinforced concrete

2. aggregate

3. raw materials

4. precast concrete

5. timber

6. crushed stone

7. equipment

8. binding materials

9. masonry

10. durability

1. оборудование

2. сырье

3. лесоматериал

4. каменная кладка

5. щебень

6. связывающие вещества

7. железобетон

8. заполнитель

9. долговечность, прочность

10. сборный бетон

Here are some examples of basic forms:

a cube a hemisphere a triangular prism

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a pyramid a rectangular prism a cone a cylinder

Now look at these drawings of buildings and building components:

a hotel a minaret an Egyptian house a mosque

a brick an Arabic arch a Roman arch the structure of a factory

a church a power station building a steel beam a steel channel


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3. Look at these examples:

A man can easily lift a large roll of glass wool but not a concrete beam

Glass wool is light but concrete is heavy.

A man can bend a rubber tile but not a concrete tile.

Rubber is flexible but concrete is rigid.

Wood is combustible but concrete is non-combustible.

Water vapor can pass through stone but not through bitumen.

Stone is permeable but bitumen is impermeable.

You can see through glass but not through wood.

Glass is transparent but wood is opaque.

Stainless steel can resist corrosion but mild steel cannot.

Stainless steel is corrosion resistant but mild steel is not corrosion resistant.

Heat can be easily transferred through copper but not through wood.

Copper is a good conductor of heat but wood is a poor conductor of heat.

Rubber can be stretched or compressed and will then return to its original shape

but clay cannot.

Rubber is elastic but clay is plastic.

Bitumen can be dented or scratched easily but glass cannot.

Bitumen is soft but glass is hard.

Now complete these sentences with properties:

a) The polythene membrane can prevent moisture from rising into the concrete

floor. This means that polythene is ____________.

b) The T-shaped aluminium section can resist chemical action, i.e. aluminium


c) The stone block cannot be lifted without using a crane. This means that

stone is ____________.

d) The corrugated iron roof cannot prevent the sun from heating up the house,

i.e. iron is ____________.

e) Glass wool can help to keep a house warm in the winter and cool in the

summer, i.e. glass wool is ____________.

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f) The ceramic tiles on the floor cannot be scratched easily by people walking

on them. This means that ceramic tiles are ____________.

g) Asbestos sheeting can be used to fireproof doors. In other words asbestos is


h) Black cloth blinds can be used to keep the light out of a room, i.e. cloth is


4. Now look at this table:

Materials Density,


Melting point 0є


Typical tensile



Relative cost



Softwood (pine)


Mild steel




































Identify these materials form the table:

a) This material has a slightly lower density than aluminum.

b) This material has a much higher melting point than glass.

c) This material has a tensile strength much higher than concrete, but

slightly lower than zinc.

d) This material is slightly lighter than oak but is much stronger in tension.

e) This material has a considerably higher melting point than copper, but a

much lower tensile strength.

f) This material has a tensile strength approximately twice that of pine.

g) The melting point of this material is approximately 1 Ѕ times as high as

that of copper.

h) The density of this material is approximately half that of pine.

i) This material is ten times as strong as concrete in tension.

j) These two materials have very nearly the same tensile strength.

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5. Look at these sentences:

The tensile strength of copper is approximately three times that of zinc.

Copper has a much higher tensile strength than zinc.

Now make similar sentences to compare the following:

a) Copper and aluminum with regard to their densities.

b) Zinc and oak with regard to their tensile strength.

c) Mild steel and aluminum with regard to their tensile strength.

d) Glass and concrete with regard to their densities.

e) Mild steel and copper with regard to their melting points.

Read this:

Oak is considerably heavier that pine, has a much higher tensile strength and

costs 2 Ѕ times more per kilogram.

Now compare the following in a similar way:

a) glass and concrete

b) aluminum and mild steel

c) copper and zinc

d) pine and mild steel

6. Read and learn the dialog:

Instructor: Right. Today, I’d like you to answer some questions about the

different types of components used in buildings. Now then, who can tell me the

names of the three different types of components?

Student 1: Umm… I think they are units, compound units and tubes.

Instructor: No, that’s not quite right – who can tell me which one of those

three is not correct?

Student 2: Er… Well, a tube is only an example of sectional component. The

three types of components are sections, units and compound units.

Instructor: Yes, that’s right. Now can you describe a section for me?

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Student 2: Yes, umm… A section is a component with a cross-section of a

definite shape – for example I-shaped of square-shaped. Sections are made in

long pieces and then cut to the required lengths.

Instructor: Good. Now who can describe a unit and a compound unit?

Student 1: Umm… I know this. A unit is formed as a simple three-dimensional

shape – such as, for example, a rectangular prism – whereas a compound unit is

made from combinations of sections and units.

Instructor: Very good. Now to make this clear, could you describe an example

of a compound unit please?

Student 1: Umm… Let me think. Well, a timber wall panel is made from solid

rectangular-shaped sections and flat boards. The rectangular sections support

the wooden boards and the boards act as space dividers. Because it is made

from a combination of sectional components, it is an example of a compound


Instructor: Yes. That’s very good. Thank you.

7. Discussion: Your ideas about the material.

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In technically developed countries the building industry, comprising

skilled and unskilled workers in many trades building engineers and architects,

managerial staff and designers employs a considerable proportion, of the

available labour force.

Building industry including residential (public) and industrial

constructiones holds a considerable place in the National Economy and is being

carried on a large scale. It is the largest single industry in the country. The

problems of construction have grown into major, political issues in most


Housing is prominent, among the factors affecting the level of living. The

improvement of the housing represents a concrete and visible rise in the general

level of living. In many countries residential construction has constituted at

least 12 percent and frequently more than 25 per cent of all capital formation.

The ever growing housing demands have brought to life new methods of

construction with great emphasis upon standardization, new levels of

technological advance utilizing such techniques as offsite prefabrication,

precutting, use of reinforced concrete panels and large-scale site planning. At

present, prefabricated structures and precast elements may be classified into

two principal groups – for residential houses and industrial buildings.

Present-day designs for residential constructions envisage all modern

amenities for a dwelling, they advocate larger, better built and better equipped

flats and houses. There is a marked improvement in the heating and ventilating

systems as well as in hot-water supply, kitchen and sanitary fittings. Many

tenants now can afford better furnishings, refrigerators, washing, machines, etc.

A house which is a physical environment where a family develops is acquiring

a new and modern look.

Industrial buildings comprise another significant type of construction.

This type of construction involves factories, laboratories, food processing

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plants, mines, office buildings, stores, garages, hangars and other storage

facilities exhibitions halls, etc.

Each of these functions demands its own structural solution and

techniques. But in general they may be divided into classes according to

whether the plan must give greater attention to the size and movement of

machinery or of persons. The building techniques (by techniques we mean

building materials and methods) depend upon the types of buildings.

Modern industrial buildings have demonstrated the advantages of

reinforced concrete arches, metal frames, glass walls and prefabricated

standardized mass produce parts. Steel was gradually substituted for iron and

permitted wider rooms and larger windows. Windows can be enlarged to the

extent that they constitute a large fraction of the wall area.

1. Complete the sentences:

1. Modern industrial buildings have demonstrated the advantage of…

a) hot-water supply and panel heating

b) reinforced concrete arches, metal frame, glass walls and prefabricated


c) all modern conveniences for a dwelling

d) heating and ventilation systems

2. Industrial type of construction involves…

a) better built and equipped flats and houses.

b) theatres, cinemas, museums, etc.

c) factories, mines, office buildings, etc.

d) housing.

3. Present-day designs for residential construction envisage…

a) movement of machinery and persons.

b) application of metal frames and glass walls.

c) all modern conveniences.

d) windows as large as the wall area.

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2. Укажите, какие из данных предложений относятся к описанию

жилых зданий и какие – к промышленным. Сгруппируйте

предложения по этим темам.

1. In many countries residential construction has constituted at least 12 per cent

of all capital formation. 2. The problem of housing has grown into a major,

political issue in most countries. 3. Industrial buildings comprise another

significant type of construction. 4. Modern buildings have demonstrated the

advantages of reinforced concrete arches, metal frames, glass walls. 5. The

differing functions of industrial buildings require their own structural solutions

and techniques. 6. Present-day designs for housing envisage all modern

conveniences and sanitary fittings. 7. Buildings may be divided into two classes

according to whether the plan must give greater attention to the size and

movement of machinery or of persons. 8. Windows can be enlarged to the

extent that they constitute a large fraction of the wall area. 9. A house which is

a physical environment where a family develops is acquiring a new and modern


3. Look and read:

When designing a building for a group of people, an architect considers

the maximum, minimum and average dimensions of their bodies. For each

design situation shown below say which dimension an architect should base his

calculations on:

Design situation: Dimension

Example: floor-to-ceiling height maximum height in the group (tallest


a) width of doorway …

b) height of seat above floor …

c) height of notices …

d) length of seat surface from backrest to …

front edge

e) width of sink unit …

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4. Complete the paragraph:

When deciding on the floor-to-ceiling height of a building, an architect

should base his calculations on the tallest person in a group of people. The

tallest person in our group us _____ mm. Therefore the floor-to-ceiling height

of our building should be greater than ____ mm.

Explain the following facts:

a) The tables used in infant schools are lower than the ones used in


b) More people can be carried on a train during rush hour in summer than in


c) An African will be uncomfortable sitting in a chair designed for a


d) The doorway height in Britain is usually 2 100 mm although some

Britons are taller than 2 100 mm.

5. Look and read:

A room has three spatial dimensions: length, height and width. These

dimensions are measured in millimeters or metres. The volume of a room

equals length times height times width. Volume is measured in cubic metres

(m3). The area of a surface in the room is measured in square metres (m2).

Estimate the internal measurements of your classroom and make a table

like this:

Name Dimension Quantity Unit









square metres

Now from your table sentences like the following:

The classroom has a width of approximately 4 metres.

The classroom is approximately 4 metres wide.

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The window has an area of approximately 2 square metres.

The window is approximately 2 square metres in area.

6. Translate the text with a dictionary:

The single-store structure consists of three frames which are made up of

steel stanchions and beams. The frames are placed between and walls and

spaced at 3 meter centers. The stanchions carry the beams which support the

roof. The roof beams cantilever a short distance beyond the stanchions. This

means that they extend over the profiled sheet steel cladding which can then be

placed outside the line of the stanchions.

The beams are bolted to steel stanchions caps which are welded to the top

of each stanchion. The load on each beam is transmitted through these plates to

the stanchions.

The upper face of the steel base plates and the ends of the stanchions are

machined flat. The bottom of each stanchion is welded to a base plate which is

fixed to a concrete column base by two holding-down bolts.

Steel angles are fixed across the ends of the beams and built into the brick

walls. These angles tie the frames together and also provide a place to fix the

top of the cladding.

7. Translate the text without a dictionary:

When an architect receives a commission for a building, he meets the

client and discusses his requirements. After visiting the site, the architect draws

up preliminary plans and, together with a rough estimate of the cost, submits

them to the client for his approval. If the client suggests changes, the architect

incorporates them into the final design which shows the exact dimension of

every part of the building. At this stage, several building contractors are invited

to bid for the job of constructing the building. When they submit their tenders

or prices, the architect assists his client in selecting the best one and helps him

to draw up a contract between the client and the contractor.

Work now starts on the building. As construction proceeds, the architect

makes periodic inspections to make sure that the building is being constructed

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according to his plans and that the materials specified in the contract are being

used. During the building period, the client pays the bills from the contractor.

Subsequently, the contractor completes the building and the client occupies it.

For six months after completion there is a period known as the ‘defects liability

period’. During this period, the contractor must correct any defects that appear

in the fabric of the building. Finally, when all the defects have been corrected,

the client takes full possession of the building.

Now find a word or an expression in the passage which means:

a) to be given the job of designing a building

b) to offer to a client for his consideration

c) to combine into a whole

d) to offer to do some work at a certain price

e) to look at the building work in detail at regular intervals

f) named or described exactly

g) an interval of time after the building has been finished during which the

contractor is responsible for correcting any faults in it

h) to have complete ownership of the building

8. Discussion: Your ideas about the material.

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Cementations materials include the many products that are mixed with

either water or some other liquid or both to form a cementing paste that may be

formed or molded while plastic but will set into a rigid shape. When sand is

added to the paste, mortar is formed. A combination of coarse and fine

aggregate (sand) added to the paste forms concrete.


There are many varieties of cements and numerous ways of classification.

One of the simplest classifications is by the chemical constituent that is

responsible for the setting or hardening of the cement. On this basis, the silicate

and aluminate cements, wherein the setting agents are calcium silicates and

aluminates, constitute the most important group of modern cements. Included in

this group are the portland, aluminous, and natural cements. Limes, wherein the

hardening is due to the conversion of hydroxides to carbonates, were formerly

widely used as the sole cementitious material, but their slow setting and

hardening are not compatible with modern requirements. Hence, their principal

function today is to plasticize the otherwise harsh cements and add resilience to

mortars and stuccoes. Use of limes is beneficial in that their slow setting

promotes healing, the recementing of hairline cracks. Another class of cements

is composed of calcined gypsum and its related products. The gypsum cements

are widely used in interior plaster and for fabrication of boards and blocks; but

the solubility of gypsum prevents its use in construction exposed to any but

extremely dry climates. Oxychloride cements constitute a class of specialty

cements of unusual properties. Their cost prohibits their general use in

competition with the cheaper cements; but for special uses, such as the

production of spark proof floors, they cannot be equaled. Masonry cements or

mortar cements are widely used because of their convenience. While they are,

in general, mixtures of one of more of the above-mentioned cements with some

admixtures, they deserve special consideration because of their economies.

Other cementitious materials, such as polymers, fly ash, and silica fume, may

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be used as a cement replacement in concrete. Polymers are plastics with long-

chain molecules. Concretes made with them have many qualities much superior

to those of ordinary concrete. Silica fume, also known as microsilica, is a waste

product of electric-arc furnaces. The silica reacts with limes in concrete to form

a cementitious material. A fume particle has a diameter only 1% of that of a

cement particle.

Properties of cement.

All types of cement shrink during setting. In a normal concrete the

amount of this shrinkage will depend both on the proportion of cement in the

mix and the quantity of mixing water employed. Provided enough water is

present to enable the chemical action of setting to take place, then the smaller t

amount of water the less shrinkage there will be. The type of aggregate used has

an appreciable effect upon both the amount of water and the amount off

aggregate that can be mixed with given quantity of cement. Strength and

durability of concrete are linked properties in that they are both associated with

the low water-cement ration. In addition to the proportion of cement and the

water cement ratio of a cement product, the method of curing will also affect

the amount of shrinkage. Normally, the slower the drying the less shrinkage

there will be. All cement products are able to a considerable shrinkage during

setting and hardening.


Portland cement, the most common of the modern cements, is made by

carefully blending selected raw materials to produce a finished material meeting

the requirements of ASTM C150 for one of eight specific cement types. Four

major compounds and two minor compounds constitute the raw materials. The

calcareous materials typically come from limestone, calcite, marl, or shale. The

argillaceous materials are derived from clay, shale, and sand. The materials

used for the manufacture of any specific cement are dependent on the

manufacturing plant’s location and availability of raw materials. Portland

cement can be made of a wide variety of industrial by-products. In the

manufacture of cement, the raw materials are first mined and then ground to a

powder before blending in predetermined proportions. The blend is fed into the

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upper end of a rotary kiln heated to 2600 to 3000F by burning oil, gas, or

powdered coal. Because cement production is an energy-intensive process,

reheaters and the use of alternative fuel sources, such as old tires, are used to

reduce the fuel cost. (Burning tires provide heat to produce the clinker and the

steel belts provide the iron constituent.) Exposure to the elevated temperature

chemically fuses the raw materials together into hard nodules called cement

clinker. After cooling, the clinker is passed through a ball mill and ground to a

fineness where essentially all of it will pass a No. 200 sieve (75 m). During the

grinding, gypsum is added in small amounts to control the temperature and

regulate the cement setting time. The material that exits the ball mill is portland

cement. It is normally sold in bags containing 94 lb of cement. Concrete, the

most common use for Portland cement, is a complex material consisting of

Portland cement, aggregates, water, and possibly chemical and mineral

admixtures. Only rarely is Portland cement used alone, such as for a cement

slurry for filling well holes or for a fine grout. Therefore, it is important to

examine the relationship between the various Portland cement properties and

their potential effect upon the finished concrete. Portland cement concrete is

generally selected for structural use because of its strength and durability.

Strength is easily measured and can be used as a general directly proportional

indicator of overall durability. Specific durability cannot be easily measured but

can be specified by controlling the cement chemistry and aggregate properties.


These are prepared by fusing a mixture of aluminous and calcareous

materials (usually bauxite and limestone) and grinding the resultant product to a

fine powder. These cements are characterized by their rapid-hardening

properties and the high strength developed at early ages. Table 4.3 shows the

relative strengths of 4-in cubes of 1:2:4 concrete made with normal Portland,

high-early-strength Portland, and aluminous cements. Since a large amount of

heat is liberated with rapidly by aluminous cement during hydration, care must

be taken not to use the cement in places where this heat cannot be dissipated. It

is usually not desirable to place aluminous-cement concretes in lifts of over 12

in; otherwise the temperature rise may cause serious weakening of the concrete.

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Aluminous cements are much more resistant to the action of sulfate waters than

are Portland cements. They also appear to be much more resistant to attack by

water containing aggressive carbon dioxide or weak mineral acids than the

silicate cements. Their principal use is in concretes where advantage may be

taken of their very high early strength or of their sulfate resistance, and where

the extra cost of the cement is not an important factor. Another use of

aluminous cements is in combination with firebrick to make refractory

concrete. As temperatures are increased, dehydration of the hydration products

occurs. Ultimately, these compounds create a ceramic bond with the aggregates.


Natural cements are formed by calcining a naturally occurring mixture of

calcareous and argillaceous substances at a temperature below that at which

sintering takes place. The ‘‘Specification for Natural Cement’’ requires that the

temperature be no higher than necessary to drive off the carbonic acid gas.

Since natural cements are derived from naturally occurring materials and no

particular effort is made to adjust the composition, both the composition and

properties vary rather widely. Some natural cement may be almost the

equivalent of Portland cement in properties; others are much weaker. Natural

cements are principally used in masonry mortars and as an admixture in

Portland-cement concretes.


These are made principally of calcium oxide (CaO), occurring naturally in

limestone, marble, chalk, coral, and shell. For building purposes, they are used

chiefly in mortars.

Hydraulic Limes

These are made by calcining a limestone containing silica and alumina to

a temperature short of incipient fusion so as to form sufficient free lime to

permit hydration and at the same time leave unhydrated sufficient calcium

silicates to give the dry powder its hydraulic properties.

Because of the low silicate and high lime contents, hydraulic limes are

relatively weak. They find their principal use in masonry mortars. A hydraulic

lime with more than 10% silica will set under water.

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1. Put questions the words given on bold type

1. The water used for mixing cements, limes and plasters must be reasonably

clean.2. Pond, river and canal waters often contain vegetable and other organic

impurities and should not be used without examination. 3. Water fit for drinking

can be assumed to be free from harmful ingredients. 4. Only sufficient water

should be used to enable the hydration to take place and to make the mixture

easily workable; any access is detrimental to the ultimate strength of the


2. Ask and answer the questions about building materials used:

The sand should be clean and free from clay and vegetable matter because

when it is mixed with water and cement a chemical action takes place.

Therefore, if impurities are present, the binding or adhesion is affected.

3. Give a written translation of the following:

1.Портландцемент в основном употребляется для изготовления наземных

и подземных бетонных и железобетонных конструкций. 2. Бетон

применяется в строительстве с глубокой древности. 3. В качестве

вяжущих в древности использовали известь, глину, гипс и асфальт. 4. Егор

Челиев впервые приготовил цемент в начале XIX в. 5. Изготовление

цементов в Англии и Германии началось на несколько лет позже.

4. Insert the needed words and groups of words:

Portland cement is a … product. It is made of …, … or … . They are … and …

with water to form a paste. The mixture is then … in a kiln. The clinker is

ground to … .

5. Discussion: Your ideas about the material.

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Mortars are composed of a cementitious material, fine aggregate, sand,

and water. They are used for bedding unit masonry, for plasters and stuccoes,

and with the addition of coarse aggregate, for concrete. Here consideration is

given primarily to those mortars used for unit masonry and plasters. Properties

of mortars vary greatly, being dependent on the properties of the cementitious

material used, ratio of cementitious material to sand, characteristics and grading

of the sand, and ratio of water to solids.

Mortar is the matrix used in the beds and side joints of brickwork and for

plastering walls and floors. Its functions are as follows:

1) to distribute the pressure throughout the brickwork,

2) to adhere and bind together the bricks,

3) to act as a non-conductor and prevent the transmission of heat, sound, and

moisture from one side of wall to the other. The factors governing the choice of

mortars for various purposes are:

a) strength as being a main factor determining the strength of the wall

b) porosity and capillary characteristics as affecting the rain-excluding

properties and durability of the wall,

c) content of soluble safts which determines the possibility to destruction

of the masonry or brickwork.

Mortar consists of an inert aggregate bound by a cementing material. The

cementing material is most important in determining the characteristics of the

mortar. The usual cementing materials used for constructional work are

hydraulic limes or Portland cement.

Clean, sharp pit sand is the best aggregate. Old bricks, burnt ballast or

stories ground in a mortar mill may be used as substitutes for sand.

Mortars may be classified as follows:

1. Cement mortars

2. Cement-lime mortars

3. Lime mortars

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Lime Mortar – This is a mixture of quick lime and sand, in the proportion

of a part lime to 2 or 3 parts sand in addition to water. It is the principal

material used for bedding and jointing bricks, stones, etc. The slaked lime is

mixed with the sand and water either by hand or in a mortar mill. The period of

slaking, composition and strength of mortar depends upon the class of lime


Non-hydraulic Lime Mortars must be well slaked before use. This type

can be stored in a heap for several days after mixing, provided the surface is

smoothed over with a shovel to, minimize carbonation by the exclusion of as

much air as possible. As such mortars can only harden when exposed to the

atmosphere, a relatively large proportion of sand must be added to the lime to

assist in the penetration of air for this reason the proportion of sand may be as

high as 4 parts by volume of sand to 1 part lime. These mortars are not suitable

for work below ground level, especially if the ground is water-logged.

Hydraulic Lime Mortars should be used within an hour after being mixed.

Any mortar which has stiffened and cannot be knocked up by means of a trowel

to a sufficiently plastic condition should never be used. The proportion of lime

to aggregate ranges from 1 part lime to from 2 to 3.5 parts sand, and common

mixture being 1:3. These are excellent mortars for all purposes and are

particularly suited for work below the ground level and in exposed positions.

Magnesian and Dolomitic Lime Mortars have a slow-setting an action and

should therefore be slaked for several hours before use. Their properties and

uses are somewhat similar those of hydraulic lime mortars.

Black Mortars. - Ashes or clinkers from furnaces are crushed finely and

ground with the lime in a mortar mill to produce a cheap and strong mortar,

known as black mortar. The ashes should be free from unburnt coal and dust. A

common proportion is 1 part lime to 3 parts ashes or clinker. They are hard-

setting mortars and are suitable for internal walls and for brickwork and

masonry where the color is not objected to.

Cement Mortars. - It is stronger than lime mortar and is used in the

construction for external walls. Cement mortar is now extensively used during

winter, owing to as relatively quick-setting property. It must be used

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immediately after mixing. The usual, composition is 1 part cement to 3 parts

sand. A dense cement mortar should not be used for bedding and jointing low-

strength bricks.

Lime-Cement or Compo Mortars. - Compo is a mixture of lime, cement

and sand. It is usual to mix the lime mortar and then to gauge this mixture with

the necessary proportion of Portland cement immediately before the mortar is

required for use. Only non-hydraulic lime should be used for this class of

mortar. The addition of cement increases the hydraulicity of the mortar, besides,

increasing its strength and the rate of hardening is therefore accelerated. The

gauging also increases the workability of the mortars. The proportions vary

from 1 part cement: 2 to 3 part lime: 9 to 12 parts sand. Eminently hydraulicand

magnesian limes should not be ganged with cement.

Strength of Mortar. - Cement mortar produces the strongest brickwork,

non-hydraulic lime mortar is approximately half the strength of that in cement

mortar, and the strength of eminently hydraulic mortars is intermediate between

that of cement and non-hydraulic lime mortars. The strength of compo mortars

depends upon the cement content and may be very little less than that of cement


Properties of Mortars

Workability is an important property of mortars, particularly of those

used in conjunction with unit masonry of high absorption. Workability is

controlled by the character of the cement and amount of sand. For example, a

mortar made from 3 parts sand and 1 part slaked lime putty will be more

workable than one made from 2 parts sand and 1 part Portland cement. But the

3:1 mortar has lower strength. By proper selection or mixing of cementitious

materials, a satisfactory compromise may usually be obtained, producing a

mortar of adequate strength and workability.

Water retention — the ratio of the flow after 1-min standard suction to

the flow before suction — is used as an index of the workability of mortars. A

high value of water retention is considered desirable for most purposes. There

is, however, a wide variation in water retention of mortars made with varying

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proportions of cement and lime and with varying limes. The ‘‘Standard

Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry’’ requires mortar mixed to an initial

flow of 100 to 115, as determined by the test method, to have a flow after

suction of at least 75%.

Strength of mortar is frequently used as a specification requirement, even

though it has little relation to the strength of masonry. The strength of mortar is

affected primarily by the amount of cement in the matrix. Other factors of

importance are the ratio of sand to cementing material, curing conditions, and

age when tested.

Volume change of mortars constitutes another important property.

Normal volume change (as distinguished from unsoundness) may be considered

as the shrinkage during early hardening, shrinkage on drying, expansion on

wetting, and changes due to temperature. After drying, mortars expand again

when wetted. Alternate wetting and drying produces alternate expansion and

contraction, which apparently continues indefinitely with Portland-cement



Portland-cement concrete is a mixture of Portland cement, water, coarse

and fine aggregates, and admixtures proportioned to form a plastic mass

capable of being cast, placed, or molded into forms that will harden to a solid

mass. The desirable properties of plastic concrete are that it is workable,

placeable and no segregating, and that it set in the desired time. The hardened

concrete should provide the desired service properties:

1. Strength (compressive and flexural)

2. Durability (lack of cracks, resistance to freezing and thawing and to chemical

attacks, abrasion resistance, and air content)

3. Appearance (color, lack of surface imperfections)

Each of these properties affects the final cost of the mix design and the

cost of the in-place concrete. These properties are available from normal-

weight, lightweight, and heavyweight concretes.

1. Discussion: Your ideas about the material.

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Mass or plain concrete dates from very early days. It was employed by

the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks in the construction of aqueducts and

bridges, in the construction of roads and town walls. Romans used it even in

under-water structures some of which have survived till our time. A large part

of the Great Chinese Wall (the 3rd century before our era) was also built of


The concrete remains of the foundations of buildings built several

thousand years ago have been found in Mexico. As cement was not known in

those times, concrete was made of clay and later of gypsum and lime.

Nowadays concrete is made, in up-to date machinery with very careful

regulation of the proportion of the mix.

The idea of strengthening concrete by a network of small iron rods was

developed on the 19th century, and ferro-concrete was introduced into

engineering practice.

Text B. Concrete.

It is difficult to imagine modern structure without concrete. Concrete is

the very building material which led to great structural innovations. The most

important quality of concrete is its property to be formed into large and strong

monolithic units. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, aggregate

and water. Cement is the most essential material and the most important one for

making concrete of high quality. Cement is made of limestone and clay. It is

burnt (calcined) at high temperature and ground up into powder. Depending on

the kind and composition of the raw materials different types of cement are

obtained. Portland cement, blast furnace cement is suitable for putting up

marine structures.

Concrete is made by mixing cement, water, sand and gravel in the right

amount. As soon as it is thoroughly mixed it is poured into forms that hold it in

place until it hardens. The crystals forming in the process of making concrete

stick together in a very hard artificial stone. Cement starts hardening one hour

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after the water has been added and the process of hardening lasts for about

twenty-eight days. The process is called concrete curing. The characteristics of

concrete depend upon the quality of the materials used, grading of the

aggregates, proportioning and amount of water. The most important

requirements for concrete are: it should be hard, strong, durable, fire-resistant

and economical. Concrete can be divided into two classes: mass or plain

concrete and reinforced concrete (ferro-concrete) where it is necessary to

introduce steel. Plain of mass concrete can be used for almost all building

purposes. Ferro-concrete us used in buildings bridges and arches, dams and

dock-walls, for structured under water, for foundations, columns, girders,

beams. The use of concrete and ferro-concrete is almost universal.

Builders now produce two types of new building materials: alkali-slag

concrete and silica concrete. In alkali-slag concrete cement is replaced by a

mixture of granulated blast-furnace slags and sodium and potassium

compounds. The fillers can be sand or sandy loams containing various amounts

of clay, which usually cannot be used with conventional cement. The new

material has been tested successfully and is now being used for irrigation

systems, roads, pavements and other structures. Silica concrete is light, fire-

resistant and acid-proof. It contains no cement whatever. Silica concrete is

widely used in aviation and in under water constructions.

The term “Concrete” is used to describe a dense material composed of

cement and aggregate mixed with water.

The density of the aggregate. Therefore there is a broad division of

concrete types into:

a) Dense concretes – composed of heavy aggregates.

b) Light-weight concretes – composed of light aggregates.

The aggregates are graded in size from fine to coarse in order to reduce

the amount of void space to be filled by cement. There are “cellular” concretes

made by using materials which foam of form gas during the mixing of the

concrete. These give a product of very light weight, because after setting it

contains a large number of small voids.

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The reduction in weight is accompanied by a considerable decrease in

strength. Another type of light weight concrete is made by “entraining” air

bubbles in the mix to which a substance has been added to keep the bubbles

stable during setting.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. How is concrete made? 2. What takes place when water is added to the

cement? 3. Does the whole mixture set and harden when hydration takes place?

4. A solid mass is formed, right? 5. Do you know what is termed “aggregate”?

6. Is sand known as “fine aggregate”? 7. And what is meant by “coarse

aggregate”? 8. Can concrete be made on a building site and poured into position

as a wet mix? 9. Are you able to explain what is meant by “in-situ” concrete?

2. Read the following and then describe the behavior of concrete:

1. Curing. Concrete becomes hard by the chemical combination of cement and

water, during which process it is necessary to prevent as far as possible

evaporation of the water from the surface of the concrete; this is called

“curing”, and is accomplished by covering the concrete, as soon as it can be

done without damaging the surface, with damp cloths, wet straw, wet sand, etc.,

kept wet by sprinkling, or by immersing in water.

2. Hardening. The strength of concrete under favorable curing conditions

increases with age. Hardening is very rapid in the early stages, but continues

more slowly for an indefinite period amounting to years.

3. Insert the needed words and groups of words:

Portland cement is a … product. It is made of …, … or … . They are … and …

with water to form a paste. The mixture is then … in a kiln. The clinker is

ground to … .

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4. Study the following text and then give it a title:

Concrete – unlike many buildings materials – is equally a framing and an

enclosing material. It can be used to construct a skeleton; it can also be used to

construct a complete weather tight shell of floor, walls and roof. In this respect

it is one of the few total building materials.

It is hardly surprising that for a long time reinforced concrete was treated

in a similar manner to a steel frame, clad in some other material.

Steel needs protection from the external elements and from internal fire;

concrete need neither of these. Steel was a construction material of parts

connected together; concrete could be handled to produce a monolithic structure

including enclosing surfaces.

The present stage of evolution shows and appreciation of concrete as a

total material.

5. Render the text in Russian:

Concrete. Concrete is and artificial stone. It is made by mixing a paste of

cement and water with sand and crushed stone, gravel, or other inert material.

After this plastic mixture is placed in forms, a chemical action takes place and

the mass hardens. Concrete, although strong in compression, is relatively weak

in resisting tensile and shearing stress which develop in structural members. To

overcome this lack of resistance, steel bars are placed in the concrete at the

proper positions, and the result is reinforced concrete. In beams and slabs the

principal function of the concrete is to resist compressive stresses, whereas the

steel bars resist tensile stresses.

6. Render the following in English:

1. Лёгкие бетоны изготовляют на пористых естественных или

искусственных заполнителях. 2. Лёгкие бетоны на пористых заполнителях

применяют для изготовления панелей для стен, плит перекрытий и

конструкций каркаса. 3. Конструкции из легких бетонов следует

применять при отсутствии агрессивных воздействий. 4. Когда

конструкции находятся в агрессивной среде (наличие агрессивных газов,

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паров, кислот и т. д.), мелкие трещины растянутой зоны бетона

способствуют активному развитию коррозии арматуры. 5. Это приводит к

снижению несущей способности конструкций. 6. Для борьбы с коррозией

бетонных и железобетонных конструкций применяют плотные бетоны,

кислотостойкие бетоны, полимербетоны.

7. Complete the sentences:

1. Prefabrication means...

a) … reinforcement of brickwork with steel. b) … preassembly in a workshop,

so that the building can be more quickly erected on the site. c)... craft operation

at the building site.

2. Reinforced concrete is a building material in which...

a) ...such properties as small volume weight and high thermal conductivity are

combined. b) ...physical and mechanical properties at a normal temperature of

20°C make it semi-rigid and soft. c)...the joint functions of concrete and steel

are advantageously utilized.

3. Like any other stone material, concrete offers...

a) …the ability of binding together masonry units such as stone, brick and

plaster. b) … a good resistance to compressive loads. c) ...a lower volume

weight and it is manufactured from a mixture of unslaked lime and quartz sand.

8. Read this passage:

Concrete is made from cement, coarse aggregate (stones), fine aggregate

(sand or crushed stone) and water. Coarse aggregate ranging from 5 mm to 4

mm may be used for normal work. The maximum size of the aggregate should

not be greater than one quarter of the minimum thickness of the finished

concrete. The normal maximum sizes are 20 mm and 40 mm (20 mm being

more common. The maximum size of aggregate which should be used in small

concrete sections, or where reinforcement is close together, is 10 mm.

In concrete with widely spaced reinforcement, such as solid slabs, the size

of the coarse aggregate should not be greater than the minimum cover to the

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reinforcement otherwise spalling will occur, i.e. the breaking off of pieces of

concrete below the reinforcement. For heavily reinforced sections, e.g. the ribs

of main beams, the maximum size of the coarse aggregate should be either:

(I) 5 mm less than the minimum horizontal distance between the reinforcing

rods, or,

(II) 5 mm less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement, whichever is

the smaller.

Now say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

a) Concrete is made from three different materials.

b) Coarse aggregate ranges in size from 20 mm to 40 mm.

c) Then the minimum thickness of the finished concrete is 100 mm, the

maximum size of aggregate should not be greater than 25 mm.

d) When the reinforcing rods are close together, the maximum size of aggregate

used should be 10 mm.

e) Cover is the thickness of concrete between the reinforcing rods.

f) The reinforcing rods are placed near the bottom of the rib of a concrete beam.

g) Spalling can occur in a solid concrete slab when the cover to the

reinforcement is greater than the maximum size of the coarse aggregate.

h) Then the minimum horizontal distance between reinforcing rods is 15 mm,

the maximum size of aggregate should be less than 12 mm.

9. Discussion: Your ideas about the material.

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TEXT A. Gas concrete.

Lime and silica are ground together to very fine limits. The siliceous

material can vary considerably in its composition. Much use is made of such

waste materials as fly ash from power-stations, blast furnace slag, as well as

natural pozzolanas, pumice, etc. The degree of foaming in the gas concrete, and

thus its specific gravity, is determined by the amount of aluminium powder or

other agent added. The practical limits of the final density are between 13 and

90 Ib. Per cu. ft. If he gas concrete is allowed to harden on its own, it usually

takes about three weeks before, the final strength is achieved. It is more

customary to accelerate the setting of the gas concrete by steam hardening it in

autoclaves with superheated steam at about 140 Ib. per sq. in. The steam

hardening process takes about 15-20 hr. Air-cured gas concrete can be used for

the manufacture of special components for the refrigeration industry. Such

blocks are cast to special dimensions.

Gas concrete can be cast horizontally to form roomsized outer wall units.

It is possible to incorporate electric conduit pipes, piping for the cold and

hot water systems and also drainage pipes. The units usually include windows

and doors, and are reinforced by embedding steel mesh in the mix.

Gas concrete can be used as thermally insulating floor screeds or as an

additional thermally insulating layer a top of concrete roof.

Cast gas concrete is often used as the thermally insulating layer in

“sandwich wall” units.

Gas concrete is often used as a thermally insulating layer when casting

buildings by a continuous easting technique.

Text B. Steam treatment process to produce thermoplastic materials and

hydraulic cements

This invention relates to the manufacture of thermoplastic materials and

hydraulic cements from certain glass compositions. More particularly, this

invention relates to the manufacture of such products through the steam

treatment of glass powders in the alkali metal silicate composition field.

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A thermoplastic material is one having the property of softening when

heated and of hardening and becoming rigid again when cooled. Hence, such a

material is normally hard at room temperature but will soften and become

moldable, adhesive, and cohesive when heated to some higher temperature.

This property of thermoplasticity is well-recognized in such organic materials

as cellulose acetate, polyethylene, and vinyl polymers and in glasses at

temperatures around and somewhat above the softening points thereof. The

value of this property is apparent in the forming of articles through molding,

pressing, extrusion, rolling, etc., and in forming composite structures,

laminates, and the like.

Hydraulic cement is one that is capable of hardening under the influence

of water. Hence, such a material, when mixed with water and allowed to stand,

gradually sets up as a hard, massive solid structure. Portland cement is probably

the best known material commercially of this type.

Text C. New types of concrete

Not long ago a new building material was born. Called alkali-slag

concrete, most of its components come literally from under foot. Cement is

replaced by a mixture of granulated blast-furnace slags and sodium and

potassium compounds. The filler can be sand or sandy loams containing various

amounts of clay, which usually cannot be used with conventional cement.

The new material has been tested successfully and is now being used for

roads, pavements, irrigation systems and other structured. Specialists estimate

that the use of alkali-slag concrete will help save hundreds of millions of rubles

on the country's construction projects.

Chemically resistant concrete (кислотоупорный) may be sometimes used

in the construction of structures attacked by chemically active media (среда),

i.e. industrial, hydraulic and underground structures. It has been proposed to

prepare a chemically resistant concrete using a binder (вяжущее), a vitreous

sodium silicate (стекловидный силикат натрия). Then such a vitreous silicate

is dissolved in water, liquid (жидкий) glass is obtained. In order to assist in the

solidification (затвердение) of a liquid glass and increase its water resistance

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certain elements are added to the concrete composition. They serve to neutralize

the alkali (щелочь) in the liquid glass and convert it into a water-insoluble

(нерастворимый) compound. Thus, during the course of the neutralization of

the alkali, free silica is evolved (выделяется кварц) from the liquid glass in the

form of a gel which serves as a binder.

Chemically resistant concrete has not found wide application because it is

completely permeable to aggressive, corrosive solutions. The Soviet scientist

V. P. Kirilishin decided to provide and improved alkali-metal-silicate based

concrete. In accordance with his invention high-silica-alkaline glasses are

practically insoluble in water even at elevated temperatures and are not suitable

for the production of liquid glass. However, when subjected to heat in the

presence of finely divided quartz sand, the high silica alkaline glass on the

finely divided particles of the quartz sand.

In the present invention the silica binding agent is not present in the form

of a gel that has the more thermodynamically and chemically stable crystalline

form of free silica, namely quartz. This leads to good chemical, physical,

thermal and mechanical characteristics for the binder and the chemically

resistant concrete.

Text D. Concrete structures

The world has suddenly become aware of the great resources of ocean

and their potential for providing many of man's most pressing needs: energy,

food, transport, minerals and waste-disposal. However the seas present an

extremely hostile environment, requiring cooperative efforts by many

engineering disciplines in order to achieve the necessary structures.

These structures must be strong, save, durable and economical.

Reinforced prestressed concrete meets these criteria extremely well for many of

the proposed structures, both fixed and floating. These include drilling,

breakwaters, ocean pipelines, offshore nuclear power plants; ocean bridges and

tunnels; offshore airports and terminals; Arctic Ocean structures; Barges, ships

and floating stable platforms; offshore expositions and even cities; sea floor

chambers etc.

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The first reinforced concrete skyscraper in the world was built in 1902-03

in Cincinatti, Ohio. The 16-storey structure demonstrated for the first time the

safety and economy of reinforced concrete frames for high-rise construction,

and was a vital stimulus for using reinforced concrete in fireproof construction.

Concrete was chosen as the structural material chiefly for economics; it

offered the equivalent of steel frames in load bearing capacity and other

physical properties, yet was somewhat lower in cost. Engineers all over the

world watched with great interest as construction proceeded smoothly along its

16-storey route. Today this building is recognized by engineers as having

revolutionized the building industry.

Text E. Sand concrete

For many, many years nature has been destroying stone, changing it into

sand. Now man is learning to do the opposite: he is using sand and cement to

create materials which could compete with stone in strength and beauty.

At first the idea of making concrete by using sand was completely

rejected. It is common knowledge that concrete is made from gravel and

cement, while a mixture of sand and cement is considered useful only to bind

bricks. This idea has gripped the attention and minds of scientists and engineers

to such an extent that it is no easy task to cast doubt upon this universally

accepted truth.

“Sand” concrete is made by putting the matrix under vibration which

almost completely eliminates its weak points. Sand concrete has now become

almost twice as strong as ordinary concrete with a course aggregate, and much

cheaper as well. At present several varieties of sand concrete have been


1. Render it in Russian:

Gas concrete containing fly ash and blast furnace slag is often used as

structural. The method of substituting heavy aggregates by light ones is a rather

common practice today. There are several chemical reactions taking place

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during the air entrainment. Portland cement is widely used in building. Various

concrete and reinforced concrete constructions are made from it. White

Portland cement is used in exterior and interior architectural and decorative

finishing ornamental works.

2. Fill up the blanks with English equivalents:

1. (Самым важным качеством) of concrete is its property to be formed into

large and strong monolithic units. 2. Concrete is made by mixing cement, sand,

gravel and water (в нужных количествах). 3. The characteristics of concrete

depend (от качества используемых материалов). 4. (Бетон применялся

египтянами, римлянами) in the construction of aqueducts and bridges. 5. (Так

как цемент не был известен в то время) concrete was made of clay and later

of gypsum and lime.

3. Read and translate the following word-combinations:

To put in position, to pour concrete, to lose strength, to come into

practical application, to cause tensile strength, to undergo shrinkage, at the turn

of the century.

4. What is the English for:

1. применять термин; 2. заливать бетон; 3. набирать прочность; 4. быть

опубликованным; 5. увеличивать, уменьшать прочность; 6. подвергаться

усадке; 7. вызывать растягивающие усилия; 8. использовать железобетон.

5. Complete the sentences using the English equivalents for the

Russian words in brackets.

1. The resulting material gains great strength when (он затвердевает). 2. At the

turn of the 19th century new structural concrete (стал применяться). 3. Steel

has great tensional, compressive and elastic properties but (со временем она

теряет прочность). 4. Steel does not undergo shrinkage and therefore it acts

(как сдерживающая среда). 5. Shrinkage causes tensile stresses in concrete

which are balanced (сжимающими усилиями в стали).

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6.Translate into English:

1. Железобетон - это вид бетона, полученного в результате сочетания

бетона и стали. 2.Стальные стержни и стальная арматура укладываются в

нужном положении и заливаются бетоном. 3. Бетон затвердевает,

схватывается и приобретает большую прочность. 4. Сталь не подвергается

усадке, она действует как сдерживающая среда в железобетонном


6. Render the following in English:

Проблема снабжения строительными материалами в пустыне

чрезвычайно остра. Даже обычный гравий приходится везти сюда за сотни


Ячеистый бетон представляет собой разновидность легкого бетона с

равномерно распределенными по всей массе материала замкнутыми

воздушными порами (85%).

Пористая структура ячеистых бетонов достигается применением

пено- или газообразователей.

По способу образования пористой структуры ячеистые бетоны

подразделяются на пенобетоны и газобетоны.

Газобетон почти в два раза легче железобетона, из него удобно

монтировать дома. Технология изготовления различных деталей проста и

хорошо освоена. Уже действует первый завод по выпуску газобетона

7. Discussion: Your ideas about the material.

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The durability of a structure depends on how the foundation is built and

on the property of the ground.

Prior to the beginning of the last century buildings were put up mostly on

stable ground. Bands of stone and baked bricks bound together by lime mortar

served as foundations.

Our ancestors could not even imagine on what kind of ground we would

build. Towns and cities have appeared in places where there had recently been

swamps, on the permafrost ground of the northern regions of the country. Pile

foundations are widely used there. They cut through the unstable thickness of

the ground and rest upon firm layers.

Piles were also used in ancient times. Peter I widely used piles in building

the city. Interestingly, Ivan the Great’s bell tower in the Kremlin (about 500

years old) also stands on a peculiar pile foundation. The base is comprised of

round, closely bound upright logs from 120 to 180 cm high. In those days there

were no mechanisms to drive in piles – that accounts for their being so short.

Upon the piles rests a massive stone slab. The piles are submerged in water to

protect the wood from destruction.

Ferro-concrete was discovered about 200 years ago. Wooden piles

gradually became a thing of the past. The have been replaced by ferro-concrete

and metal piles.

During the last few decades pile boring has found wide application. A

bore hole is first filled with steel framework, then with concrete, and the pile is


A group of specialists has developed piles without using building

materials for the purpose. At the depth of 16-18 m a hole is drilled. A special

burner is then inserted. At 1,400 o C the earth fuses. It then hardens and

becomes a bearing pillar. Several buildings have already been erected on such


The foundation of the Alma-Ata TV tower is quite original. The tower

was built on a small site in the mountains, where force 10 earthquakes can

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occur. The foundation is a reinforced casing. On it there stands a three-storey

building together with a metal tower 360 m high.


Pyramidal piles are a progressive design of piles used in building. These

piles have the shape of an enlarged pyramid; they are rammed into the ground,

acute end first. Unlike prismatic piles, pyramidal piles pack the soil along the

sides while sinking into it, thus enhancing the mechanical quality of the soil,

and subsequently conveying the load of the whole side surface upon the packed


Such distinctive feature of the work of prismatic and pyramidal piles in

the basis soils ensures the possibility to enhance the bearing capacity of

pyramidal piles with respect to prismatic piles by 1.5-2 times.

Pyramidal piles are used in the basis of buildings and constructions for

various purposes and designs. They are especially effective when packed soil

lies on the upper part of the basis from 3 to 5 deep, while loose soil can lie


In this case pyramidal piles must work as single piles. When pyramidal

piles are arranged in groups and joined by a low foundation raft, the depth of

the loose soil should be taken into consideration as well as the number of piles

in the group. If the basis is made up of cocked soil along the whole depth, the

number of piles in the group is not limited.

The structural design of pyramidal piles is carried out in accordance with

the deformations, proceeding from the equality of the work of external and

internal forces with due regard for obligatory requirements. The volume of the

stabilization zone should not exceed the volume of the consolidation zone while

conveying the load to the pile.


Grillage, foundation bed, reinforced concrete footing, as a means of

protection, tier, to be encased, to resist, bending, shearing, bond, stress.

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In order to distribute a column load over the foundation bed, steel grillage

is occasionally used instead of a reinforced concrete footing. This usually

consists of two layers of beams. The beams are encased in concrete not less

than 4 in thick as a means of protection, and the lower tier rests upon a bed of

concrete to distribute the column load to the foundation bed. Since the grillage

beams must be completely encased in concrete, the bearing areas of the grillage

foundation and a reinforced concrete footing are practically the same.

Therefore, it is usually expedient to use the reinforced concrete footing. In this

case the concrete resists lending, shearing, and bond stresses instead of merely

being a protecting material for the steel grillage beams.


The reinforced concrete tower of the TV center in Moscow was built

latter the design of Nokolai Nikitin. The tower is 535 m high. The 32-thousand-

ton tower rests upon a monolithic hoped reinforced concrete foundation 9.5 m

wide, 3 m high and 74 m in diameter. In the 10-angled reinforced concrete band

of the foundation prestressing was created by means of a system of stressed


The depth of the foundation is 4.65. It is assumed that it will settle from 3

to 3.5 cm. The stability of the tower has a six fold margin of safety.

The 8th International Soil Mechanics and Foundations Congress

recognized N. Nikitin’s idea of building the foundation at the depth of 4.65

m to be a brilliant one.

While the foundation was being built, specialists expressed their concern

that the depth was insufficient for such a high tower. Relying on the experience

of putting up high-rise structures, specialists suggested a hypothesis stressing

the necessity to plant the base of the TV tower on supports resting upon a rock.

Scientists were of the opinion that because of the insignificant depth of

the foundation, ground work in its vicinity (the building of collectors, tunnels,

metro lines etc.) could result in the loss of earth from under the foundation. The

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specialists who shared this opinion recommended a 40-metre foundation. But

N. Nikitin turned down that opinion and proved that his designed tower could

stand even without having a foundation. Nikitin’s calculations have been

confirmed by life.

The reinforced concrete support of the whole structure is a conical casing

which rests upon bankets of the foundation with 10 reinforced concrete “legs”.

The diameter of the lower base of the casing is 60.0 m, being 18 m at the

height of 63 m. The upper part of the reinforced concrete bole, beginning at the

height of 321 m, is made in the form of a cylinder with an exterior diameter of

8.1 m. The base walls of the tower are 500 mm thick.

In the center of the conical base, resting upon an independent foundation

(a round reinforced concrete slab 12 m in diameter and 1 m thick), a reinforced

concrete “pocket” 63 m high and 7.5 m in diameter was erected through which

run means of communication”. The beam ends of 15 interstorey floors rest upon

the “pockets”. The construction (a separate foundations for the two independent

structures – the tower and the “pockets” – allows to exert upon the ground

different pressure when uneven setting occurs.


1. monolithic hooped reinforced concrete foundation – монолитный

кольцевой железобетонный фундамент.

2. a 10-angled reinforced concrete band of the foundation – десятиугольная

железобетонная лента фундамента.

3. a system of stressed hooping – система кольцевой напряженной


4. a sixfold margin of safety – шестикратный запас на опрокидывание.

5. to rest upon a rock – опираться на скалу.

6. to result in the loss of earth from under the foundation – приводить к

выводу грунта из-под фундамента.

7. to turn down an opinion – отвергать мнение.

8. to be confirmed by life – быть подтвержденным жизнью.

9. a conical casing – коническая оболочка

10. banket (banquette) – насыпь, берма

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11. a leg – опора, стойка

12. a reinforced concrete bole – железобетонный ствол

13. pocket – гнездо, «стакан»

14. to run – зд.: проходить

15. means of communication – средства коммуникации

16. interstorey floors – междуэтажные перекрытия

17. uneven settling – неравномерная осадка

18. to occur – происходить, иметь место

1. Find answers in the text to the following questions:

1. What does the durability of a structure depend on? 2. How were foundations

built prior to the beginning of the last century? 3. Can you tell us what kind of

foundations is used in the northern regions of our country? 4. Were piles used

in ancient times? 5. Do you know anything about the foundation on which Ivan

the Great’s bell tower in the Kremlin stands? 6. When was ferro-concrete

discovered? 7. Pile boring has found wide application, right? 8. Can piles be

made without using building materials? 9. Why is the foundation of the Alma-

Ata TV tower considered to be quite original?

2. Find in the text nouns corresponding to the following words and

translate them into Russian:

to apply, to destroy, durable , to burn, wooden, to begin, to bake, stability,

firmness, peculiarity, to shorten, widely, dependent, service, appearance, useful,

binding, protection, discovery, filling, development, drill, hard, erection.

3. a) Find in the text the antonyms of the following words and translate

them into Russian: the end, to disappear, stable, young, long, the present,


b) Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and


прочность сооружения; до начала прошлого века; устойчивый грунт;

ленты из камня и обожженного кирпича; известковый раствор; наши

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предки; топи; свайные фундаменты; в давние времена; круглые бревна;

забивать сваи; огромная каменная плита; погружать; оберегать от

разрушения; уйти в прошлое; без применения строительных материалов;

горелка; затвердевать; землетрясение; железобетонная коробка;

буронабивная свая.

4. Render the following sentences in English:

1. Пирамидальные сваи имеют форму усеченной пирамиды, забиваемые в

грунт острым концом. 2. Пирамидальные сваи при погружении в грунт

производят уплотнение грунта вдоль боковой поверхности, повышая тем

самым механические свойства грунта. 3. Отличительные особенности

работы пирамидальных свай в грунтах основания обеспечивают

возможность повышения несущей способности пирамидальных свай по

отношению к призматическим в 1,5-2 раза. 4. Пирамидальные сваи

применяются в основании зданий и сооружений различного назначения и

конструкции. 5. Особенно эффективно их применять в том случае, когда в

верхней части основания на глубине 3-5 м залегают плотные грунты.

6. При кустовом расположении пирамидальных свай, объединенных

низким ростверком, учитывается глубина расположения слабого слоя и

количество свай в кусте. 7. Если же основание сложено на всю глубину

плотными грунтами, то количество свай в кусте не ограничивается.

5. Discussion: Your ideas about the material.

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Water is power not only in the hydraulic sense, but in relation to progress

and culture; campaigns as well as fortresses have been lost, projects rendered

impracticable and communities have decayed for want of water.

Nature has provided prototypes for most of man’s devices and, just as the

streams and rivers anticipated water distribution systems, so tanks, cisterns and

reservoirs have their natural counterparts in water-holes and natural pools.

Long after man had found ways and means to organize water supplies,

find them where they were hidden and lead them to where he wanted them,

streams and pools in their natural state have served as communal water

supplies, even in more or less civilized Europe.

Many of the so-called “wells” of medieval Britain, for example, were

untouched pools or gushing springs. The same applies of course to a great many

“wells of the East” and in old writings the term “well” may not mean a dug well

at all but a surface pool adopted as a communal or regular water supply.

The history of conduits or public fountains as communal water supplies

starts at least as far back as the 13th century. In the “conduit age” – the centuries

immediately following the Middle Ages a water carrier was a common sight.

The 17th century marks the beginning of the new order in communal

organization and in relation to water supply, the beginning of large-scale


All through London’s history until modem times, the question of water

supply continued to be a problem. In the 18th century even with the appearance

of larger water companies the water supply was far from being satisfactory. It

was a usual practice at the time to lay on water for two hours every second day.

At York, before the formation of the present water company in 1846 one

half of the city was supplied for 2 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

and the other half on Tuesdays, Thursday s and Saturday s, no supply being

given on Sundays.

Water drawn from the river Thames was in a state that was offensive to

the sight as the intake was found to be only three yards from the outlet of a

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great sewer. As a matter of fact it took 2 outbreaks of cholera to pass a Bill for

an improved water supply in the middle of the 19th century.

In spite of the progress made in the field of water supply in many

countries, there is much to be done yet. In Asia, Africa, Central and South

America outside the great cities, methods are primitive as ever they were;

village ponds are still used in Africa and Asia for drinking, washing and bathing

and as watering places for cattle, in Madagascar in recent years people have had

to carry their water bottles several miles and, as some of them can only do the

journey twice a week, they have trained themselves to do with the minimum of

water, drinking only on alternate days and never washing during a drought.

In Japan, running water is still a luxury, even in the great cities: the

average household has to carry water from a central source, while the villages

rely on springs and streams.

The speedy industrialization of our country has also made the problem of

water very acute.


Water taken from its natural source – the ground lakes of rivers – contains

many objectionable elements. It may possess gases of an obnoxious nature,

bacteria, mineral elements, mud, and suspended vegetable growths which

render it unpalatable. Some of these objectionable materials may be eliminated

readily, others require complex treatment.

The obnoxious gases are removed by aerating the water. Some of the

mineral elements, such as certain forms of iron, also are removed by this means.

The suspended materials require coagulation and settling process, and bacteria

are eliminated with the addition of chemicals and sand filtration. The mineral

elements which render the water hard must be separated by a chemical process

in which the objectionable element is replaced by one that is favorable. A

filtration plant may use one or a combination of all of these processes, the water

undergoing a complete change as it passes through the plant.

The processes generally employed in making water safe for water supply

include coagulation, filtration, and disinfection. Water from some sources must

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be treated also for the removal of color, taste, and odor. Coagulation is

commonly effected by adding to the water a salt of aluminum (usually

aluminum sulphate) or ferric iron. A precipitate forms and causes a clumping of

the bacteria and other foreign particles which then settle out during the several

hours of sedimentation; in this way 85% or more of the bacteria and suspended

particles can be removed. Activated carbon is sometimes added before

sedimentation to remove tastes and odors. In the process of filtration the water

is allowed to pass through layers of fine sand to remove remaining germs and

particles. Chlorine is commonly used to destroy harmful bacteria persisting in a

municipal water supply after the other treatments? Chlorine dioxide has more

recently been found effective as a destroyer of bacteria as well as means of

removing unwanted tastes and odors. Other means of destroying germs include

the use of ozone and of ultraviolet light. Some water supplies are aerated, i.e.,

exposed to the action of air and sunlight either through sprays or by running

over coarse gravel; taste and odor are improved and some germs are destroyed.


Water is an important part of nature which surrounds us and of those

natural conditions we are changing constantly and ever more intensively: the

flora, the soil, the mountains, mineral resources, the deserts, the marshes, the

steppes and the taiga.

Water passes through a very interesting natural cycle. The atmosphere

which surrounds the earth’s surface contains water which varies in amount in

direct proportion to the temperature of its gases.. Water is also evaporated into

atmosphere. Atmosphere which has become saturated with water precipitates its

moisture when the temperature lowers. This phenomenon is termed rainfall.

The moisture falls to the earth and finds its way into a number of reservoirs

provided by nature.

Vast depressions in the earth are filled with water through the medium of

natural water sources such as rivers, lakes, etc. over the earth’s surface. These

bodies of water are classified as inland lakes and are excellent sources of water.

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Sometimes the rainfall finds its way into the soil and forms water bodies

at various levels because of the impervious nature of the under soil. Often a

water body deep in the soil consists of a sand or gravel stratum which connects

or empties into the basin of an inland lake and provides a splendid source of

water supply through the medium of a drilled well.

Man uses water for domestic and sanitary purposes and returns it to the

source through sewage disposal system. Industry likewise replaces water

diverted to its use. Hence the cycle is completed but it is of prime importance

that the supply be protected against pollution, for if it fouls no one can predict

how disastrous may be the results.

An adequate supply of pure, wholesome and palatable water is essential

to the maintenance of high standards of health and to provide the convenience

modern society demands. In some localities water is available in unlimited

quantities and converting it to use is not a difficult problem. This is especially

true of towns situated on large inland lakes or rivers. On the other hand there

are cities where geographical location requires elaborate systems of water

supply, and to provide a satisfactory supply of water in these localities becomes

a large engineering task.

The importance of a sufficient supply of water for domestic and industrial

purpose has long been a deciding factor in the location cities. The earliest

settlers realized this need and took advantage of natural water sources by

establishing colonies in close proximity to them

Water may be taken from any sources of water for human consumption

after it has undergone a preliminary treatment to assure its purity. As man’s

communities grew in population, the demand for water increased and the need

for protection of the source of water supply against the possibility of

contamination became evident. Progress and civilization have called for

elaborate and various systems and methods of water treatment.

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The continuous countercurrent filtration system includes chemical

precipitation and coagulation directly followed by filtration through a filter bed.

The basic principle involved is continuous countercurrent filtration through a

moving sand bed.

Chemicals are added directly to the influent wastewater line. Precipitation

and coagulation occur in the head tank. The dosage of chemicals can be varied

depending on the nature of the waste to be treated and the quality of effluent


The filter medium, which could be other than sand, is contained in a

tubular shell (called a bed) and is driven in one direction while the wastewater

being treated passes through the filter bed in the opposite direction. The

filtering action occurs through the depth of the bed as well as at its face.

Filtered water flows out of the bed through discharge screens located on the

side of the bed. The sand and solids filtered out of the water are pushed by a

hydraulic diaphragm toward the head tank countercurrent to the flow of water.

The solids are removed from the face of the filter bed by a mechanical face

cutter. After the diaphragm pushes the bed forward, it relaxes, thus allowing

clean sand to fall into the space vacated by the relaxing diaphragm. The

frequency with which the sand push-face cutting cycle occurs is varied to

optimize flow rate and effluent quality and is controlled automatically by the

level in the head tank.

The sludge-sand mixture mechanically removed from the filtering face

falls down into the hopper bottom of the head tank. This mixture is transferred

to a washing column for cleaning. The clean sand is then returned by gravity to

the hopper. The removal and washing of the sand may be intermittent or

continuous. Final washing of the sand is accomplished by means of filtered

effluent. Because the sand is removed, cleaned, and then returned to the system,

the filtration process is not interrupted for backwashing as it is in conventional

practice. The waste wash water flows into a settling tank where the sludge is

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concentrated before dewatering. The settler overflow, or supernatant, is

recycled to the influent line of the filtration process.


The problem of protecting natural water resources has grown very

pressing for many countries since the beginning of the second half of the 20th

century. The development of human society, the growth of civilization and

social and technical progress has resulted in the changing of the composition of

natural water resources. The rivers, lakes and groundwaters contain today a

considerable amount of the products of mechanical, chemical and biological


The waste products that result from the daily activities in a community

are of two general types: namely, the liquid waste, known as sewage and the

solid wastes, known as refuse. The different wastes of which sewage is

composed are the following: the wastes from lavatories, baths, sinks, and

laundry tanks in residences, institutions, and business buildings; certain liquid

wastes from various types of manufacturing or industrial plants, and, in many

communities, the surface run-off that results from storms or street-flushing


Sewage may also be divided according to its source into the following

three classes. The sewage from residences, institutions and business buildings is

called domestic sewage, sanitary sewage or house sewage; that resulting from

manufacturing or industrial processes is known as industrial waste; and that

from run-off during or immediately following storms is called storm sewage. A

combination of domestic sewage, industrial waste and storm water is called

combined sewage.

Both sewage and refuse must be removed promptly in order to avoid

endangering the health of the community and also prevent decomposition of the

materials of animal or vegetable origin and the subsequent production of

nuisances and odours.

The removal of all kinds of sewage is usually accomplished by means of

sewers. The sewers are placed in the streets at several feet below the ground

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surface. The general process of removing sewage is designated as sewerage and

the entire systems of sewers including a sewage treatment plant is known as a

sewerage system.

The method of sewage treatment to be adopted in a particular case will

depend almost entirely on local conditions. It may consist only of the discharge

of the raw sewage into a stream or a large body of water. The usual methods of

sewage treatment consist either of preliminary treatment alone or of primary

treatment followed by secondary treatment.

During primary treatment the larger and heavier solid particles settle out

from the liquid. These solid particles that settle out form a slimy paste which is

known as sludge.

The partly clarified sewage that has been given primary treatment

generally contains much decomposable materials. Therefore, further treatment

which is known as secondary treatment is usually required.

An auxiliary treatment which may be used with either primary or

secondary treatment is disinfection or the killing of the most of the bacteria in

the sewage by means of chemicals.

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Unit 1

to meet requirements


structural material

to burn

to decay



stone wood


sound and heat insulation


bearing structures

Unit 2

skilled and unskilled workers

managerial staff

labour force

considerable proportion

on a large scale

level of living

offsite prefabrication


modern amenities


heating and ventilating systems

sanitary fitting

Unit 3

cementations materials



rigid shape

coarse and fine aggregate

chemical constituent


portland cement

aluminous cement

natural cement


fly ash

silica fume


raw materials

Unit 4



ratio of water to solid


prevent the transmission of moisture

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Unit 5


plain concrete

mass concrete


iron rod

blast cement

to pour into forms

alkali-slag concrete

silica concrete

dense material

void space

Unit 6




drainage pipes

floor screed

sandwich wall









chemically resistant

corrosive solutions

Unit 7


bands of stone

to be submerged

to protect wood from destruction

to find wide application

a bore hole


bearing pillar

pyramidal piles

to be rammed into the ground


grillage foundation

Unit 8

communal water supply


obnoxious nature





to be evaporated into atmosphere


sewage disposal system



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Foundation design could be thought of as analogous to a beam design.

The designer of the beam will need to know the load to be carried, the load-

carrying capacity of the beam, how much it will deflect and whether there are

any long-term effects such as creep, moisture movement, etc. If the calculated

beam section is, for some reason, not strong enough to support the load or is

likely to deflect unduly, then the beam section is changed. Alternatively, the

beam can either be substituted for another type of structural element or a

stronger material be chosen for the beam.

Similarly the soil supporting the structure must have adequate load-

carrying capacity (bearing capacity) and not deflect (settle) unduly. The long-

term effect of the soil’s bearing capacity and settlement must be considered. If

the ground is not strong enough to bear the proposed initial design load then the

structural contact load (bearing pressure) can be reduced by spreading the load

over a greater area – by increasing the foundation size or other means – or by

transferring the load to a lower stratum. For example, rafts could replace

isolated pad bases – or the load can be transferred to stronger soil at a lower

depth beneath the surface by means of piles. Alternatively, the ground can be

strengthened by compaction, stabilization, preconsolidation or other means. The

structural materials in the superstructure are subject to stress, strain, movement,

etc., and it can be helpful to consider the soil supporting the superstructure as a

structural material, also subject to stress, strain and movement.

Structural design has been described as using materials not fully

understood, to make frames which cannot be accurately analyzed, to resist

forces which can only be estimated. Foundation design is, at best, no better.

‘Accuracy’ is a chimera and the designer must exercise judgment.

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Foundation safety criteria

It is a statement of the obvious that the function of a foundation is to

transfer the load from the structure to the ground (i.e. soil) supporting it – and it

must do this safely, for if it does not then the foundation will fail in bearing

and/or settlement, and seriously affect the structure which may also fail. The

history of foundation failure is as old as the history of building itself and our

language abounds in such idioms as ‘the god with feet of clay’, ‘build not thy

house on sand’, ‘and build on a firm foundation ’,‘ the bedrock of our policy’.

The foundation must also be economical in construction costs, materials

and time. There are a number of reasons for foundation failure, the two major

causes being:

(1) Bearing capacity. When the shear stress within the soil, due to the

structure’s loading, exceeds the shear strength of the soil, catastrophic collapse

of the supporting soil can occur. Before ultimate collapse of the soil occurs

there can be large deformations within it which may lead to unacceptable

differential movement or settlement of, and damage to, the structure. (In some

situations however, collapse can occur with little or no advance warning!)

(2) Settlement. Practically all materials contract under compressive

loading and distort under shear loading – soils are no exception. Provided that

the settlement is either acceptable (i.e. will not cause structural damage or

undue cracking, will not damage services, and will be visually acceptable and

free from practical problems of door sticking, etc.) or can be catered for in the

structural design (e.g. by using three-pinned arches which can accommodate

settlement, in lieu of fixed portal frames), there is not necessarily a foundation

design problem.

Problems will occur when the settlement is significantly excessive or


Settlement is the combination of two phenomena:

(i) Contraction of the soil due to compressive and shear stresses resulting

from the structure’s loading. This contraction, partly elastic and partly plastic, is

relatively rapid. Since soils exhibit non-linear stress/strain behavior and the soil

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under stress is of complex geometry, it is not possible to predict accurately the

magnitude of settlement.

(ii) Consolidation of the soil due to volume changes. Under applied load

the moisture is ‘squeezed’ from the soil and the soil compacts to partly fill the

voids left by the retreating moisture. In soils of low permeability, such as clays,

the consolidation process is slow and can even continue throughout the life of

the structure (for example, the leaning tower of Pisa). Clays of relatively high

moisture content will consolidate by greater amounts than clays with lower

moisture contents. (Clays are susceptible to volume change with change in

moisture content – they can shrink on drying out and heave, i.e. expand, with

increase in moisture content.) Sands tend to have higher permeability and lower

moisture content than clays. Therefore the consolidation of sand is faster but

less than that of clay.

City Architecture

Any community consists of examples of architecture but in another sense

the community itself is the form of architectural planning. A true community

grows and changes, and its change is a symptom of its life.

In Europe and in the original settlements of North and South America the

modern city grew up around an older core, and down to our days these cores

have continued to have a powerful influence on new plans. Certain urban lay-

outs which have been repeated automatically are still looked upon as standard


The medieval town was a combination of camp, market, and sanctuary.

The necessity for protection colored all its institutions, dictated the use of a

defensive site on hillside or waterside. It led to the erection of walls separating

the town from the country and allowing access only through guarded gates. The

social functions of the medieval town were concentrated in a square. Medieval

builders, in their handling of space and their bold contrasting of horizontal

and vertical, still have something to teach the twentieth-century architect who

knows no way of achieving height except by erecting skyscrapers.

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The Baroque (or so-called Renaissance) city was formulated in the

fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and was actually built in the seventeenth and

eighteenth centuries. In the Baroque plan the old medieval market square is

transformed into the traffic circle which the pedestrian crosses at a great risk.

The focus of this plan is no longer the church but the palace, the seat of a one-

sided, despotic power. In contrast with the medieval town, the Baroque city

demands flat sites, straight continuous streets, and uniform building and roof

lines. It was built for armies and wheeled vehicles. The typical Baroque form

might be called the parade city: not only its soldiers but also its citizens and its

buildings are on parade. Whatever is visible must submit to this geometry; the

city is organized for show.

The Baroque plan, unlike the medieval, left a deep imprint on later

generations; it became standard throughout Western civilization. This style

preferred straight streets to curved ones ignoring the topography.

Building Construction

The construction of the homes and buildings in which people live and

work has been a major industry ever since early human beings first made huts

of sticks, mud, or rocks. Methods of building construction have been constantly

improved since those first crude structures. Modern skyscrapers can be built

within a year or two. Prefabricated buildings, with their various parts made in

factories by assembly-line methods, can be built in a day or two, but are rarely

as durable as traditionally made buildings.

A building has two main parts, the substructure (the part below ground)

and the superstructure (the part above ground). The substructure is usually

called the foundation. It includes the basement walls, even though these may

extend above the ground.

Both the substructure and the superstructure help to support the load

(weight) of the building. The dead load of a building is the total weight of all

its parts. The live load is the weight of the furniture, equipment, stored

material, and occupants of a building. In some regions, the wind load of a

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building is important if the structure is to withstand storms. The snow load may

also be an important factor. In some areas, buildings have to be constructed to

withstand earthquake shocks.

Foundations are the chief means of supporting a building. They carry

both the dead and live loads. There are three main types of foundations: spread,

pier, and pile.

Spread foundations are long slabs of reinforced concrete that extend

beyond the outer edges of the building. Such foundations are not as firm as

those based on solid rock. The footing areas in contact with the soil must be of

sufficient size to spread the load safely over the soil and to avoid excessive or

uneven settlement. Any such settlement would cause walls to crack or doors to


Pier foundations are heavy columns of concrete that go down through

the loose topsoil to a bed of firm rock. This bed may also be sand, gravel, or

firm clay. If the bed consists of firm clay, the pier is usually enlarged at the

base, to increase the bearing area.

Pile foundations are long, slender columns of steel, concrete, or wood.

Machines, called pile drivers hammer them down as deep as 60 meters to a

layer of solid soil or rock. Workers can tell when the columns reach their proper

depth by the number of blows the pile driver needs to drive the columns a few

centimeters deeper. These columns transmit the building load to the supporting

soil. Most skyscrapers are supported by rock foundations.

Types of construction

In load-bearing-wall construction. The walls transmit the load to the

foundation. In skeleton construction, all loads are transmitted to the

foundation by a rigidly constructed framework made up of beans, girders and

columns. This skeleton carries the roof, walls, and floors, together with their

loads. Load-bearing-wall construction is usually most economical for buildings

less than four storeys high, but skeleton construction is better for taller

buildings. All buildings in the skyscraper class are of skeleton construction.

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The first building to have skeleton construction was the 10-storey Home

Insurance Building in Chicago. Completed in 1885, this building was the

world's first skyscraper.

Many parts of a building have no structural function. Partition walls and

curtain walls carry only their own weight and serve to divide the interior of a

building or to keep out the elements. Other nonload-bearing parts include

windows, doors, stairs, and lifts.

In one method of construction, called tilt-up construction, concrete wall

panels are formed at ground level. Cranes or derricks then lift them into

position. Lift-slab construction may be used for positioning roof and floor

slabs. These slabs are formed with concrete at ground level, within the

framework of the building. They are then lifted into place using hydraulic jacks.

Beams, girders, and columns support a building much like bones

support the body. They form the skeleton of the superstructure, and bear the

weight of the walls and each floor of the building. Beams and girders run

horizontally. Girders are usually larger than beams. Closely spaced beams are

called joists, especially in wooden buildings. Purlins are small beams that

brace rafters or girders and help provide the structure to support roofs. Beams

above window and door openings are called lintels. Slabs are beams whose

width is greater than their depth.

Columns are heavy vertical supports that carry the load of beams and

girders. Trusses consist of many wood or steel supports that are connected in

triangular patterns. They provide the strength and rigidity to span large

distances with relatively small amounts of material. Arches are curved supports

that usually extend over openings.

Prefabricated Construction

Prefabrication has become an important part of most types of building

construction. Prefabricated sections of a building are produced in large

quantities in a factory and then shipped to various construction sites. This

procedure may allow work to continue despite poor weather conditions and

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should reduce any waste in time and material at the site. As a result, costs are

lowered and construction time decreases.

Many types of building sections can be prefabricated. For example, entire

walls may be prefabricated for a wooden-frame house. Huge wooden arches are

prefabricated for use as supports in churches, gymnasiums, and other buildings.

Concrete beams, floors, roofs, and wall panels may be precast for many types

of structures. Entire buildings may be constructed in a factory and then

transported to the desired location.

Prefabricated structures are sometimes made by a process called modular

construction, first used in Japan. Modular construction refers to the use of a

standard measurement as the basis for all building materials. The size of the

module may vary considerably from country to country. In the United States,

the basic module is 10 centimeters. All building parts are designed so that each

dimension equals this measurement. Modular parts are also used in buildings

that are not prefabricated.

Site Improvement Methods

If the expected settlement for a proposed structure is too large, then

different foundation support or soil stabilization options must be evaluated. One

alternative is a deep foundation system that can transfer structural loads to

adequate bearing material in order to bypass a compressible soil layer. Another

option is to construct a floating foundation, which is a special type of deep

foundation where the weight of the structure is balanced by the removal of soil

and construction of an underground basement. Other alternatives include site

improvement methods, such as the following:

Soil Replacement. There are basically two types of soil replacement

methods: removal and replacement, and displacement.

The first is the most common approach and consists of the removal of the

compressible soil layer and replacement with structural fill during the grading


Usually the remove and replace grading option is economical only if the

compressible soil layer is near the ground surface and the groundwater table is

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below the compressible soil layer or the groundwater table can be economically


Water Removal. If the site contains an underlying compressible cohesive

soil layer, the site can be surcharged with a fill layer placed at ground surface.

Vertical drains (such as wick drains or sand drains) can be installed in the

compressible soil layer to reduce the drainage path and speed up the

consolidation process. Once the compressible cohesive soil layer has had

sufficient consolidation, the fill surcharge layer is removed and the building is


Site Strengthening. Many different methods can be used to strengthen the

onsite soil. For example, deep vibratory techniques are often used to increase

the density of loose sand deposits.

Grouting. In order to stabilize the ground, fluid grout can be injected into

the ground to fill in joints, fractures, or underground voids. For the releveling of

existing structures, one option is mudjacking, which has been defined as a

process whereby a water and soil-cement or soil-lime cement grout is pumped

beneath the slab, under pressure, to produce a lifting force that literally floats

the slab to the desired position. Another commonly used site improvement

technique is compaction grouting, which consists of intruding a mass of very

thick consistency grout into the soil, which both displaces and compacts the

loose soil. Compaction grouting has proved successful in increasing the density

of poorly compacted fill, alluvium, and compressible or collapsible soil. The

advantages of compaction grouting are less expense and disturbance to the

structure than foundation underpinning, and it can be used to relevel the

structure. The disadvantages are that analyzing the results is difficult; it is

usually ineffective near slopes or for near-surface soils because of the lack of

confining pressure, and the danger exists of filling underground pipes with


Thermal. The thermal site improvement method consists of either heating

or freezing the soil in order to improve its shear strength and reduce its


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Библиографический список

1. Агабекян, И. П. Английский для инженеров / И. П. Агабекян,

П. И. Коваленко. – Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс, 2004.

2. Английский язык для студентов архитектурных и строительных

специальностей / Дж. Камминг ; предисл. к рус. изданию и англо-

рус. словарь проф. В. Н. Бгашева. – М. Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 270 с.

3. Английский язык методические указания для студентов II курса

дневного отделения строительных специальностей вузов / сост.:

Н. В. Трубникова, О. Г. Гусева. – Ульяновск УлГТУ, 2003. – 120 с.

4. Дубровская, С. Г. Английский для технических вузов /

С. Г. Дубровская, Д. Б. Дубина. – М. : АСВ, 2007.

5. Building design and construction handbook / Frederick S. Merritt,

editor, Jonathan T. Ricketts, editor.—6th ed. http://www.knovel.com/web/portal/browse/display?_EXT_KNOVEL_DISPLAY_booki

d=608 Дата обращения 20.02.2010 

6. The architects’ handbook I edited by Quentin Pickard.

http://books.google.ru/books?id=6QAKfIFPhLYC Дата обращения 20.02.2010 

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Составитель КУЗЬМИНА Елена Валерьевна

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