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Oerri briefing dec11

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Slides for online briefing on the OER Rapid Innovation Call released in November 2011: http://bit.ly/rNQsW3 Bid deadline 27th January 2012. Amber Thomas, JISC.
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Online Briefing Call for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation Digital infrastructure for open content Amber Thomas JISC Programme Manager Friday 9 th December 2011 Online Briefing
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Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid InnovationDigital infrastructure for open contentAmber ThomasJISC Programme Manager

Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

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Key Links

This presentation


Key blog post about this Call


The Joint HEA/JISC OER Programme


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Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

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Amber Thomas

Programme Manager

Digital Infrastructure Team

OER Rapid Innovation Strand

Twitter: @ambrouk

Skype: amber_thomas

Full Contact Details:



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I am joined by ...

Leah Kennett, JISC Programme Office

Nigel Calvin, JISC Policy

David Kernohan, JISC Innovation eLearning Team, OER Strand 4 Themes Projects

Phil Barker, JISC Cetis (SPEAKING)


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1) Have you been involved in an OER project? Y/N

2) Have you been involved in a rapid innovation type project? Y/N

3) Have you written a bid to JISC before? Y/N

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Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

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OER Programme

Funded by HEFCE (note this determines who can bid)

Run jointly by JISC and HE Academy

This is the third year: Oct 2011 – Oct 2012.

Working also with the OU SCORE Project

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UKOER phase 1

UKOER phase 2

UKOER phase 3

How can institutions, individuals, consortia best release OER?What do creatorscreators want to do with it?Is it sustainable?

How can we best encourage discovery and use of OER?How can we extend and grow existing approaches to OER?What do usersusers want to do with it?Is this sustainable?How can we use OER and related practices to meet identified strategic and cultural needs? How can technology support these practices and use cases?What does everyoneeveryone want to do with it?Is this sustainable?

E&S reportOER infokitOER use case studiesOER use reportStudent use of OER lit. review

E&S reportOER infokit

E&S reportOER infokitOpen Practice StudyOER and Online LearningTechnical studiesCase studies of activity

OER Programme Phases 1,2,3

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UKOER 3: Structure

supporting & synthesising


l & S





embedding and sustaining

Widening engagement

Understanding OER Practice

Learning from OERInstitutional embedding

OMAC Phase 2

OER themes

key collaborations

Digitisation for OEROU SCORE

Digital Literacies

Digital Infrastructure

JISC Open work











technical approaches


Rapid Innovation













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Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

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OER RI Strand: Technical Landscape

Programme Management (JISC):

Amber Thomas

OER Technology Project:

(JISC CETIS)Lorna Campbell

Phil BarkerJohn Robertson

technical approaches


Rapid Innovation


UKOER VizMartin Hawksey

UKOER ShowcaseMimas

Learning RegistryMimas


Broad JISC Context:Discovery

Activity DataDistributed VLE


Course DataJorum

JISC CollectionsSCA

OERembedding and

sustaining projects

eContent Digitisation for OER

And that’s just in UK HE JISC world ...

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UKOER 3: Technical Synthesis

supporting & synthesising


l & S





embedding and sustaining

Widening engagement

Understanding OER Practice

Learning from OERInstitutional embedding

OMAC Phase 2

OER themes

key collaborations

Digitisation for OEROU SCORE

Digital Literacies

Digital Infrastructure

JISC Open work











technical approaches


Rapid Innovation











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The Role of JISC CETIS


JISC Innovation Support Centre for Educational Technology and Interoperability Standards

Provide strategic technical advice to JISC supporting its development programmes

Represent UK F&HE on various international standards and specification bodies (and related initiatives)

Support various JISC programmes

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The Role of JISC CETIS

Innovation Support

Innovation does not lend itself to “how-to” guides

There is an element of risk to innovation (less than the risk of not innovating)

Engagement with specific initiatives should be informed with respect to risk and potential of that initiative (we can help)

Information arising from this engagement should be shared (we can help)

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The Role of JISC CETIS

OER Support

Technical guidelines, ongoing reflection and synthesis Technical discussions with projects and other initiatives




OER Technical Interest Group #OERTIG Twitter #ukoer #oertig, email <[email protected]>

Promote informed engagement with new initiatives (e.g. schema.org / Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, Learning Registry)

Events, workshops, hackdays

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Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

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The Call Document

Key Sections:


scope (also blogged)

project requirements


bid form



App D



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Intended benefits of these projects

Intended benefits of these projects are:

A clearly identified use case will be met by the solution provided;

Increased understanding about how to identify and implement digital infrastructure solutions to support open content for education

An informed developer community, more aware of the target groups they are developing for;

Enhanced capacity, knowledge and skills to enable positive and informed change in the sector (through piloting new technologies and approaches)

Ideas for new or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications that may be used at departmental, institutional, regional or national levels.


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Key Facts

Details: http://infteam.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2011/11/29/oerri/

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is 12:00 noon UK time on Friday 27th January 2012.

Projects should run between Monday 19th March 2012 and Friday 19th October 2012 at the latest. 4-6 months. Earlier finish dates are very welcome.

HEFCE-funded institutions may bid (including FE 400+)

Bidders may request between £10,000 and £25,000.

There is not a matched funding requirement for this Call.

You do not need to submit a full budget, but you should be clear about what staff and costs the funds will be spent on.

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OER RI Strand: Call Scope

OER RI Strand: Call Scope

www.wordle.net of OER RI Call

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OER RI Strand: Call Scope

Image used under CC license by: seanmcgrath, via OER Infokit

The landscape is complex and changing fast

The scope of this Call is deliberately broad

Cross-pollination is very welcome


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OER RI Strand: Call Scope

Is your idea in scope?

Ask yourself ...

Is it a technical solution to support digital infrastructure for open content in education?

Can it deliver in max 6 months max 25k?

Is the technical solution transferable to other people/institutions/developers?

OER RI Strand: Call Scope25-42

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Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

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Rapid Innovation and Open Innovation

“These are Rapid Innovation projects. The benefits of this approach are described in “Why Rapid Innovation?”2 In keeping with the size of the grants and short duration of the projects, the bidding process is lightweight (see the Bid Form) and the reporting process will be blog-based “

What does this mean for you?


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Rapid Innovation and Open Innovation

“Central to the success of the rapid innovation model is the idea that constraints can be liberating. Because of the strict limits on their resources, developers find themselves adapting and building on existing technology and ideas, instead of feeling obliged to reinvent the wheel with each new functionality. After all, two or three developers working for just a few months don’t have time to consider every type of user and every possible user situation”


be realistic in your time and costs

use what already exists

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Rapid Innovation and Open Innovation

“The JISC Rapid Innovation (JISCRI) programme helps to kick-start the process, guide the projects as they develop, and communicate their progress to the rest of the sector. As the central point of contact for all projects, JISC’s role is to see which projects are working well, and to share the successes and failures. This supports learning across the sector and helps avoid any possible duplication of effort, and it also encourages knowledge sharing between project teams.”


“fail often, fail first, fail fast”

learn openly, learn together, learn fast

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The Blogging Requirement

“46. Because of the nature of these projects, the primary reporting mechanism will be blog posts”

Minimum blog posts required Project plan

Use case documentation

Project in a nutshell post: 140char description, paragraph description, image

At least 2 interim updates

Lessons learnt post

List of outputs

Descriptive post per output


2 minute video describing your output

The outputs themselves





Page 29: Oerri briefing dec11

Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

Page 30: Oerri briefing dec11

Use Case Requirement

24. Bidders should note the requirement detailed in the Bid Form to produce a Use Case to accompany the proposal. These use cases must be made available as Creative Commons BY SA. Please see examples of Use Cases”

Please see blog post with additional guidance:


There is no suggested template. Just tell us clearly:

What is it that users want to be able to do and currently can’t?

What will you change to make it possible for them to do it?

How will you know if you have succeeded?

This is NOT a job to be done AFTER you have written your proposal: this is a key task in scoping your project


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Use Case Requirement

The use case should be made available as Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY). This is to ensure that the thinking done by bidders does not go to waste. It is possible that bidders may identify a crucial use case but not have the technical or skills requirements to solve it. I therefore want to be able to share the use cases and make them available to others who may be able to create the technical solutions. Digital infrastructure for open content is global and distributed, there are experts all around the world that we could collaborate on solutions with.

(from the supplementary blog post)


Page 32: Oerri briefing dec11

Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

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Evaluation Criteria

EVALUATION CRITERIA (and weighting):

Extent to which bid meets the scope of the Call

(Strong / Weak / Out of Scope)

Value for money (10%)

Robust project plan (30%)

Clear and compelling use case (20%)

Potential benefits/impact (20%)

Engagement with users and stakeholders (10%)

Risk assessment (10%)


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Guidance on Bidding

Checklist at paragraph 100

and ...

State your objectives very clearly and concisely. Don’t just describe the problem, show us what you’re going to do about it. Map what you want to do against the requirements of the bid.

Include the Use Case.

Make an honest assessment of the risks around the project. We find bids can underestimate risks and challenges. For example: If you need more technical expertise or senior management buy-in, show us you recognise that. Provide an initial project plan, think about how it will run. Make sure your costings are clear. Name all the staff who will be involved.


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Guidance on Bidding

Think about sustainability: where will you be when the project ends, what will have changed because of your project. What will the value of the project be? What will have been achieved and how will you know you have got there?

Don’t wait until the end to “engage users and stakeholders”. Identify names and channels. Build them in to your plan. Think about how you are going to share and disseminate your work through the year (note blogging requirement).

Line up someone who will have a fresh read through the proposal a few days before, they may notice things that you have not made clear or that are confusing.

Submit it by the deadline!

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Bid Form aka Bid Cover Sheet

Outline Project Description

– Max 500 words

Use Case

– Max 1 page / 500 words, diagrams welcome

– attached or as a URL. Licensed CC BY


– Max 6 pages / 3,000 words including diagrams/charts

– This should include intended benefits/impact of the work, a schedule and structure for the work, risk assessment and a commitment to engaging with users and stakeholders

Page 37: Oerri briefing dec11

Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing

IntroductionsOER ProgrammeOER Programme Digital Infrastructure WorkOER Rapid Innovation StrandRapid Innovation and Open InnovationUse Case RequirementGuidance on BiddingReminder of Key Facts

Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid Innovation: Digital infrastructure for open content

Page 38: Oerri briefing dec11

Key Facts

Details: http://infteam.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2011/11/29/oerri/

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is 12:00 noon UK time on Friday 27th January 2012.

Projects should run between Monday 19th March 2012 and Friday 19th October 2012 at the latest. Earlier finish dates are very welcome.

HEFCE-funded institutions may bid (including FE 400+)

Bidders may request between £10,000 and £25,000.

There is not a matched funding requirement for this Call.

You do not need to submit a full budget, but you should be clear about what staff and costs the funds will be spent on.

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Online BriefingCall for Proposals: OER Rapid InnovationDigital infrastructure for open contentAmber ThomasJISC Programme Manager

Friday 9th December 2011

Online Briefing
