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Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 ^ !*•,.___ WATES g^SERVAf !ON B0AB0 ^ ^ Water Resources Survey Legal Land Owner ^.tf 1 *^,,™^^*!^^.,^^,^,^^^^,^,..,^,^^^..,.. :v Adtesa.,...^™™^.^.™^^.^^^- . . WatS* is delivered by:= L f » » i l System; 2. Bitch Oompanjfj 3, S.We FjrPJS**! ' A fsdsrgl Project; B Irngauon District L^ ic 'MLMI- I. MAS &£mMi»^ A\^ r ^^4^~4^^T-&&•/&*&~k?&S.3EI^^^ ^_-______ -_!__, .— } I I!/__ _ ___ _,;__ j ,_..^ „___ ~ '" \_ == '" " __"| " ; ~" _L-" ^_ , " i = r; ^ -.__ === _Z3 ^2^_ ; ^ ^_.l-ZrLl_-JZZ.lXr** ~ - -— " J..,-..—.. ..."•': ' •'I—I ". I NOTE: R—Denotes Regular- Irrigation. F—Flood Irrigation. I i Adequate Supply Yes No Explain » " *» ™. ^ 5 * Remarks i ""•"- ' • River Basm /%>*««/& 6*# . .*. I Also m pTatN'o T^p" R^e^ jj Plat No Twp^ Rge^ | Plat No TVp^ Rge^ j In'orrhatiefn ttom | Pla^No_ Twp Rgg 'Plat No Twp _ jjge J Plat No T w p Rge j
Page 1: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^1 * . 0 ^ ! * • , . _ _ _ WATES g^SERVAf !ON B0AB0 ^ ^

Water Resources Survey

Legal Land Owner ^ . t f 1 * ^ , , ™ ^ ^ * ! ^ ^ . , ^ ^ , ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ , . . , ^ , ^ ^ ^ . . , . . : v Ad tesa . , . . . ^™™^.^ .™^^ .^^^- . .

WatS* is delivered by:= L f » » i l System; 2. Bitch Oompanjfj 3, S.We FjrPJS**! ' A fsdsrgl Project; B Irngauon District

L ic'MLMI-I. MAS &£mMi»^ A\^r^^4^~4^^T-&&•/&*&~k?&S.3EI^^^ _-______ -_!__, .—

} I I!/__ _ ___ _,;__ j ,_..^ „___

~ '" \_== '" " __"| " ; ~" _ L - " _ , " i = r ; ^ -.__= = = _ Z 3 2 _ ; ^ ^_.l-ZrLl_-JZZ.lXr** ~ - -— " J..,-..—.. ..."•': ' •'I—I ".

I NOTE: R—Denotes Regular- Irrigation. F—Flood Irrigation.

I i Adequate Supply Yes No Explain » " *» ™.^5* Remarks

i — ""•"- ' •

River Basm /%>*««/& 6*# . .*.

I Also m pTatN'o T p" R e jj P lat N o Twp^ Rge^ | Plat N o TVp^ Rge^ j In'orrhatiefn ttom| P l a^No_ Twp Rgg 'Plat No Twp _ j j g e J Plat No Twp Rge j

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Page 3: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

Township 10 Harfekj top* 14 last• |


• No. . . Naae MJSBESE^iaiSS- Sama>f a t o m , SiliJM* °ate Filed £ 4 i - j |

M « Stoang, AtiBftl, totolope Gmoak lS=i-©@ 6^7rf l 160 |

M v Buffalo Or- StofiS|J §6* (Mttte) Antelape Sir,. ! |t&g! 7-23-28 100

45 k Jsaiass, Stmaal {k4ttlej Antelope Gr. A^ai^g. i-H-02 100

276, **• M e p ^ J t a S'^HwflivJtaiak 545*94 5-1S-16 16Q

279 a*1 Severanee. ©hasles = ' Hoplejr Graffite S-l-?l 9-2^91 300TjU _ JA *7=! £ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J J , r . > * n a m n / ' i ? 3 m JI."' - JTltH*"^!! ~ if-/-^8"-"" - l l |>w

" ^ 6 . * ^ fra«ae,Pj l , n s ' , : Unnamea Sf3?i»g : 1-1-33 5^31f33 20. V

Page 4: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

• f 1


sapsroHs-, .yum....,,.,.., STATI OF MONTANA


Township,., -.-.,, ,.lOSE*k : Range...... M:Eag$,„„„„,„ County, ;:j:=Wfe§Sll8l|Is^I!=ts=!S i

• - I — I — - —I—I—I— f+T "-ft r •- I - i "1 * f::-:"I I I T i 1 1 1 "f i I T ! i

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1.1 1 1 L_i—.. i 1 L— -J—l—L- -U—i—i— — i i II • I i l l i l l ! ! ! ! ! !

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TewraMp IS.SeFth...... Jt-atitre M.lMiL ,. :. :

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Page 5: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

. • •' • • .' . • • ; " *" . - . , - . ...... .'.- - - • -. - *. . . . ••"-.. f ^ _ ^ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P H _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ B 9 _ _ P * * 3 =: • ' '''• ' : : : ™ ^ P ^ _ _ _ _ B _ | _ » ^ : r ^ ? * £ * f ^ S M ^ 5 ^ > ! ' V

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i3i™t« ira. IM :M» ^ 7 STATE O F MONTMIA V "*"»*•-- ~ =

!i::"^^ mi«eESS!W J 3 S _ J » I 2 2 I 1 2 L _ . | /WATM BJGM M I * !

Nsms sf Umd Smsiw™,. ,ii,,,lJs.ISftaflffl?,.,,OT,..,!=,!,.™=,=.™,™..™.... Addcess. itaifiw.Lsaj.^tolaaa,,^^^^,,^^,,,,,,,,^,,,.. !

Nsms sf qjsratefe*^.. J S L » . ™ » » ~ ^ - » ^ « ^ . » ^ « « ^ ^ =,:••• ,=;^I!S!^^SB!«S!:«=I!=TO^raOT,_ '

1, C»*r nssstds show that the following water rights were -filed on the above d g K r i b s n i S ; ^ • S a t t W f K ' J S B f S s s , 3 M |

—, . | - — - MBe/a 7 !Code Name of Apgrogriator Stream Land Ctescrjpjtjon BateApp- Bate filed Injjfies ;

"' J^_ __" ._,.-,.,_-, I ppjjfe^ •373 Herbert Hgllow&y itopl«y 0?t j i f f j l j l ' f ^ l L i i §^ iPffl &«3«=03 §00 !

'£l& Mat Kayap _J.anlsy j g . MwA paa^.6 la ig^A; ^ j ^ - f e gnlftglft ; 160 j

TfWJTpjawriSri" ' T , ,sr~r" o _ „,": o ^ " .-

_____^_^_^^____ L jjjj^_. ' ZI .fe_."__....• -^"§rf?- _ .?¥? !

______l*_"__!~^i*'-j*^* JJ" ^ " ^ j _r ^f ?. 4__ /y " I _fB JTp^^£jJ2J£_. •'2, Aw thesa filtoss in use:., Yss. , No. £^gta.. .«u a . ._. . . , . . .a ._. t v ,a_= :__- ! !_s =__^T O =___,«_, r a , . _ v , ,

3, R<or« ony af fee abovs filings arony port of tb,em been soldi Y«s. ,••-No. H yes, give omojinS pf inches sold and to whore trgn»-

fmmi sari £mm stert mteM ftUng.™,,^™™,.™™,,.™™™™.™ • • • • • • • : •—==» — . — _ ., , .

4, 1 tee the Mowing .water rights that the State Engineer's Offks hawe not shown in thg gfeoye. lists

" 1 •""" f = Mmer's^Maine of ADompitator SLnsR! Iffltul RfflfififSfen ®9te Agp. Dote Flted Inches

'. t . ' . . , .... , _^__ _ Filed On

5, in orfditfcn, I haw OH irrfgaiibfi sysferil OH whfcfi m recotafea fiiirig »8S e¥e? HTaae'v

Nemo of First Use? DSte of First Use Stream Plan of Ule

•8, Bo wo buy suppfsfrJSHtBi WatSr? Q 'Vte. • No.- If ym, imm wfiofri an3 Row many inSfiis, C.F,'S^ few Pset, as the case may be?

7, Give any ofher Information ifeif yoa ftlnfe stotsM be Wel_lBa fef fc pTSt«5«6n of ^atir Water Hgfifi. „„ „_,. „ , , ,... _,.„I

'l " ' ' " ' » * - » • » - • • T . * > rif t * * • > • • — • • • . ^ 7 _ ! _ . _ ^ ! t ^ . ? " . T ? ^ r f ^ - " .

l l- ^ ™ * * * . * . " " " . ' ^

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; / ij £* I U S r m1 Sir 11 •« , i ,' \ v. >

Page 7: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

: :.! '•'•" :•• . '•• • . : \ : ' • • : '' '':'• ' " ' '• • ' ' ' ' I f t ^

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' . " . ' • • " " ~ i ' ^ . \ \ : S i ; .

r^ilastjs, £&f£f €k§fa&'A Office god.jfeJjjZJti;*!.,Imu^-Jai „ WAOTt jiBOOHCES flOBTCT " 1 ^ 4 1 1 * ^ 1 ^ - 1 1 ^ ^ ' ' 'Ty»e, R98-.-^=.-^.— FABM MRP - TaT, •- ' - ^ - - • - • ^ r r • : . -., -••••,

tk^ rt Gpmltanvv^nJIi!!!^^ ™,, ,Mfes.», . -™m™-.,«=, , , , , . , , .» ,^T O . ,™,™»w ,^m .1 •• • , , . :

i iuJjlJil^^ -I• H irrigated Land ' I hfen^nta&d bend ItotentioJ l^nd Under £x(s«og Focitttles See . 3?

* ^ " " - i": N I


/T ?"•&&'•M'-f^g ^ &t My***? &* "• I

<gm mj'-/&,JM;-MlMA£mmiX System rts**^ &<tr*t&J>u!4j:- —Source of Wofef *3^&k#t%jSL^ ,...-..

em m<Ji-g&.M.i3^J*-?^,,M& System ^r^S£^.£/uijil£~a.'i££dit£ - _ Source of Wotw. -&•/. tUus&ta.S o s ! n . . . . i f e i J ^ i r a « L = ^ ^ » , , Present !J4*£> . ..PotenHol (S> . Jto4num./>'&.JS - R-— F^^JP,. _J5JBELJL_—

•eri*nuj?g4.£m,*a.f>g,.£&g--::..:. system, teraew ft&idJwebA,!*. _soor« ofwa» ^ * u ^ ^ s a f e i & =..: , • "

Code No,-,,,.,,,™,. ::•.•.-.-.=•.;•.:-.*,**=***-*» System — — - - - . . Source or Woter . - _ _ _ - - = . - _ - * (

Bosiriiv^sia^msmm.™,,,,.,,,,,. Present Potential. Maxtrmim. ^ i y — R . f « t>_ _ -S^_ v3t.,,...

If uftfef DTtcT! ESmpanft irfipSHJih Dratrtct or Government Project, stote the number of shares or Inches, Sere f«et, as the «s»»'Wio*; fc*

NSferEiBer io tm KeStilof IfHoSiion F—Flood Irrlgotton P—Woter diverted by meora o? pumpina S—Wafer dKeftSa 6 * s S p ^ - . ^S^=iStored Woter. ' / f f

Ififorrnonon frSm -.-.s^s^&oJ&aa^La * _ . . - - . Dote J ^ V " / j / # 0 ^ • •- • — -"-"• a ' ?

Page 8: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

•''•-'-.' i • ' ' , - " ' • ' . ' - : ' • ' - ' ' ' : : : _ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ F T 1 S — F ""iafifT^^I | ^ « l j

• ' s , : - ' . ' ' • • . . • ; ' . " - . ; . • • " " " " ' * H

ItenSsssfced i f 'I^W":- :-,• ,5 S T A T S @F MSl i fAJ i lA " t f - " - •*•*«•. •*&* a g g '**'» •&*-» i

* ~ ^ T ^ ^ ,, WATI ENGINEERS OFFICE « . J £ i ^ ^ | ^ | • :

Km^Am,M&£jEit£-M WATER RESO.UR0ES SURVE!? %.JlMM.,.4$!^p^Mg* \

U&X l*mA Qaam. ^JtASM£.I^ jd±A,i - . ^ ^ ^ • , _ . ^ .Adito^ MlS..A ?£&&> : ~jQ—^fJ|tQf . ^ / / ^ ^ /^^yf»S<f __ __ j ! '

Water is .deliysBesl te

SJtA goeeans? _ , = J s a g = =_- ; g : . -g :-—Ewa.^_ : . .=s--—=agj4-. .__

fe^gatiflaBMste.^ - - — - „ ^..i _,-^ u.^ v.-i—SKs^^.....,,,..,^ •_._.Jtei...-,... .— .

Private System-^- „„ .Pres—„ Pot.—__—,


HOPA .fl L ^. B»BB.. ,.I._U - L— Sssaiyafe....- Gravity. rrrr^, r-, _ ^^ T=r^.

Si?e and gapacity, Eurnfj etc . . _ ,—_______ —-—— •

Cfrigtaal AREERB?!Ster» 6°S9PMg^.^-— _ » _ - . _ _ _ . . _.__-_-_ __.,—=. _. - _App. No ____—_,__ ____

Original Appropriatojr, KrfsMts~-____._, ,_. —-- - . „ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ , . _ - _ _ _ • _._— = ,^-App, N o , — ' i Z A : -"-__-^-__

% fes Py?feO! SB *¥^n?io5 9? anotji?!1 system? Yea _ No _ /^~= _ (1 IJ-

Is all land ifflgaied from one SysieHi? Y « _ .. .___No ' _ " ' ' _ _ —

(If Nof sliow break do^vii on map) j

Sb'-rce- _ T%^<-^0£^~M^Aj?/ii. ...JES^^MOMA^. .- V • : !

ftan lirigatea i9-_-==v ._gs«g_sgas=s_B==ssgsmgs-==:-s ^ -._---——--—.—- _^ ^ j |

iPotenHai Acres... - •- = - S e ^ » a — ._.:___.__ ,_ .. j S ' !

sM-fo --—-—— -—— ------ ; j " ^ 1 I.. „ 5 ^ _ 5W ??£ *3*_ _ / • • — • ' • - ' I * 1 - '•• - v " ^ - ^ - . n _ . c J. *• ~ - _ >-S^A__SIW j

GonaitioiS _ Spt__---t-^^-^JV--,^f^ j ^ ^ . / . . . - , - , ^ - , , ^ , ___.. , jj i ; r

Adequate Supply • •—•= Y _ f e _ _ = , = -.,=-.•= ., = . ^ .= N o _ = _____- - t [ ~> ; i J !

a^_i___£_i-_-/ •-__/-JL^L&J^ _-__, „ i [ ^ * J_, _,.;.„[,_^^^^MM-f^.. M^n,.-.,^ ^ ____ _, ; I J. _ j _IMormWioS Pforo------W-l-$-'--£jUUM,L --•• _ j j j ;

^.-„-.,- . -^ 1 ! 1. i L I, L-LJ § p

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I H^^Ht lit? & .J,_ iiJLjnfi:j?£ 4%£Si&jLi-£e'*' ,€£<t r&_ j^_*f. =«=•-•=*: -i_ • ••-'-^

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Page 11: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

1 ^^H iaMaama»^^ag ,>a , =».;*»— — " • ni'iiiiii ••• ' HS

| ^ H form Cheeked roiv r-\ REPOBTEB IM J-M iiano . ^ ^

• " STAK ©F MONTANA ,..„. kl. ^ r , / ^ , />*_*

'^m Afea==— - WATEB Risosmegss SMMM •\-/aar_A.£?<£<*^ f^J?. j• s~ ... . . : ^ K u ^ - ^ t ^/3/W?v|

' ^ H Wsiwte .«««<* by.:

' ^ ^ H F«HAmlPm[^f : ,Pre5 .^_Pot.__. .jg

<^H nitrfjp/^pnny Ul,. ..u ._ . .,. _.L^Prw ^^^. ^Pot— =—,- ' "\

^ B Irrtooften Ristrtefc^— , —,—._ .,_„ _ . .. Pres._ ^-^-P°t

f>^H --', - - - —- .... T°tol*. ^ .j^^H fJ9~i_ PUTT : .R_<l. ;."'?lr. <;n"lty _ . ^^ ;_ i .

^ H Size and SopasltV; .PHmp, ffe.^_,._.^s,.._... ^ ~- , . . . ...... , —_ „ ^___

^ H Pilfttos! AaB"?fi!iotor< Compony ___,_ _, , „ , __ ^ ^ p p . No. _ _ - — ™=^^

^ H Original ARp.tap.f!9.tHr. Pflyat.'5_.J_ J.. — ... ...,,_. _.__,. Agp. No. !?&« ~<& ?& •

J^^B i.Sth?Sy5.*fffl°!>«feB»tonof ooather tystsm? Y s t _ _ _ JSo—. _ . ,

j^H Isall.lorrf.teteolsdfBfflp.nsfflsJejnJ yw,....,. No __

^ ^ H (If No, show Weak down on mop) |

^^M Sou™ Of Wnffiit . ——. . - . —- •- — L - - . ,_^ ^_ '

| ^ H fcna TfHoatea 19- - ^ — . .v.-=r.=.-L»-.». „ . ». .........L..=J-.= ...=..~-.i....^. I

j^H PofSTfloi *i»»-^— '—- *H»K —-_ J ___J _^ |

| , ^ H BijiiaW rcr- ,,---.-,-., - • -r, - — <~r-r~ , | j ' j

I ^ B th«*m* At SyiWnV - - •"-•-'"' '- I — ==*.-~-i«^.—|-

H *****ftfitff- y** - «•» —— ^ 4 - $*f **dr~1-~Jhzz

; B e^iw -••••- --- — — [ <d£.%£.~. ' J*'^?^-I '^m TapBomphy- : n,-_-_..^,-.- _ _ ___ J j _ ' ! '

I ^ ^ B InfomioJIon Fftffin . . — '• ~ ! . i ' j '

' ^^K - I I : i ' '-^^^^E Ramo?k^ i-rj,,^f~\ 1r— •- -—— r—=s=; - ' -^t .w«....i.......... ^ . . . - . . . . .,..„..&.~i—^ .w...c^U......_.. l f

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" ; '» "X I I B

"^M ' ' g^Bss!-! •'«<!« UB-M.!* : STATE § f MONTANA : :" :: ": i


' ^ H To»nshijp..,,.,,,sifi|'i!!dsL: ,„,,, RftBfs..^^^^.".-"....™.... Gssiaty^i^^aia-i^fea^,,,,.,

^ H < 6 i < 6 ' 4 ' 3 ' 2 r: ,...m.j.,.,.,J:,T,.,CT,

rH i i , ' ! i , >

f ^ ^ l ~! i I f ! i i l l ! 1 1 I ! i •i ^ H ' ' ' ' i

I ^ B I 16 1 17 16 ' i IS 14 . t 1« .j ^ ^ B ! I \ \ \ i l l ! i ! ' • ' . ' • ' ; ' < ' !

^ H 1 9 ^ 1 2|) | 21 1 1 28 ' • ' 2JS i • 24- * ^

[ ^ H ^" ' ' ' ' , | ! I ' i ;

«H ; 30 ' 2 1 9 ! ', 2!g I Uf •", - 2 6 ' ' • ' "t 2 5 •; •

| ^ _ , ' ' I ' ' ' ! j i i I j \JI^^B i l l ' j : { ' '

^ B 3 1 ' 1 3 8 1 ; 3b i • 8 4 I 3?J5 8 6 - —

1 r ^ H I i . . . _ . _ . 1 j , _ 1 1 _ •[ _ I i • _ J _ ,__ . . _ I

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Water Resources Survey

Notice of Appropriation

8, Mama of. i^ iKSKiat9rMVT-ii^^.^^s^L>»»<»»>^>t 3» Aairg^Btoris i i^ .^a!U™™™ i™ r avm a»«« ' ;'

3 : ©ate A K « ^ a f e ^ O T = ! ^ S ! S f e ! a M , : ! ! ^ ^ . Rate fileL»...™,lBBSS5^»^SL,,!!!!!J!!.v,!:..v-vvr ™- ; :;

Anjount Appropriated, Wasm feshe3«==u,,«JSS«I . Cubic Feet per s e c o n ^ m ^ * ^ , * , . * ^ ^ ' |

4. mm&eimdm^:B$£i,., = .„.„„,„„ Tributary . ...Basin „ „ _ ,

5. Point ot piv.ersiofl,,Jjyffi®Jk.._v.a£=JajlagE.lwia. by jto»Bjn«>ic,.aa..BB4Sl^ .ITO!!,!MS=u,,==i:s:v:,!:,:!:..., j

1See «.!!«„,». Tm^^M .,-. Bge.. ,ja™.,_B8Bls 9* gtream,^,,^^,,....., „ , .„_ I

6. Purpose, . . . . ^^ l^ iM^i fe f* , , , . . , , , . . . . . : .,.,...,,..,,.,™ra.^,M,r.,TO,,,5.OT

7,, Description of Sptem, , , = 1 l i . l^ , ; fe= 3 ,^ l*^ , : : § |«vat5^jS. .d!gjp .« ,-, !i '

.„.,,,„,„„...,., , I

§. Land©eaeripttoatIntenjlei.Place.ofUse=,: ,„.„„„,...„„,_,,.»,,,. , = I,TOM!=^: ,..,..mjm*~&M&a&*B^„,„,„„,„ ....™™_JMrfiiyWU-»-...»..UB!!---Ba|&'--»------- —•- l«?3a«»*sa*.. :;_ , „ 3$?rmi4,sJ3I^J-*I*^ I

9. Seniaifta (j?srMSHlgto'Crse!etc,),.,. ,,.,.,,,,^,*m^m^,^^,*va^^! - • « •

Decree10, Case N6.».. ..-: B»te=.sm==JI!.=t,!!,.,^«,!«,ml-Aint. BscT«ief? M.- fc»mm C. F. S -.. \

M. Te WHom Secreea „„„ , .::,;::.,,!B=OT=s^OT,.,=.,^,.,w.™...», ladrcss .-. -.-. -,....,........,....

12; Nasne of ICHbfc.^.,™^^..™....,.^^™.,,,,.,.,........^. fflaadmara GapSify (C. F. S.)

13. mia&$^W..-:<-----------<---r---™ "•— —•" "

I 14-. LandDeseriptionofHaeeoftfgeSSliSBfeT^L-^^^v^^-™,—v«,™» ———

I IB. K@a5Srfcs (K*««Rt Use Stetas, ete)=«».,......==™......., i.;;=;==-.-.==:««™«-»«. ...»».» ,. I

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WK-i ; " • •V l " } : : ••••••• r ; ; ~ C - ^

- : : . ;;,|

gee. 2^40431 « X g m « . & a g f e < 4 ^ - : ^ H ! ^ : v':.'.^. F i s w m i Saan^BSi S s S s ^ l * f » M - » 3^5 *. ' :I: : . : i:-;:

: - - l |Normn 0, Busbaittl, Harlowton - 40 *• . , : ; ; -: :

. . f - : . Qi I* telws«Si"fMs i a i : - * i 9 4* : ! ^:=i : 1: "V ?|

• • • : . t f ' o - ' • • • • • & ; • • • - ' ^

1 . ' ' : X : : "'. : .';' ". " < { \ ' $ •• '''' • '..

r : : : - , ; [ : 1 L ''K=-. :\ Ti'iT,! " .'. "". ,•'

. .' !", •, . .. .!;.-1,,V^.,.^vv^'.1";':-^P

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. - ° " = = ' - = . " 1 " I

'i__ i „ 1•dSggv 1 Form Ap. l ^ U M S*45

Water Resources Surrey

Ifafe® ©i Appapiiiion1, e O T f e J J M l ^ ^ Record ^ , , , , £<%

2. Name of Approjriator,,.,™J«&& Jaffl^»^ra,,,,,™nm»«»»^ A e f e ^ ^ J M i ^ L r>ap . . .

8. Sate ABpepJate4^JiS;:AS«--A^...--.-- Kate pae8™J^K,,li«,,1^6

Amount. AppiapMaiei, Miners MJm^,^M£L^^m,^^---i Cubic Feet per second... .

4 Name of Streag,....las*,fRr3f.iasSatteBilt™,™ T r 4 t a t e ^ = = = ^ = « ^ Basin

B, FoM af SMyasil&k^^MaUiiffisis..^^ and. runs. ir>^SH di^aotio?;

| s .,m,TOTO^,,I^ tI,,,^I,mtra,,^,,.,ra^^msia^™_.^..... :....................

igsJ==,!J!J=,==,,==« Trop-., 10.,,,.,. Bge,.....,.34™,.,,,,,laak pi &team.,*Jte&t- I

fi. furpose ,8!S,I=,,!Ste;M»MSJ.,...gi.aJ ,.,,..,,.,,,,..™,ra»,,™,J,TO.,,,,,,,ral,=,.ra,,c,!

7. l^c j^ff l f f lCayatf f i e ^ I = S ! ».S^h,^i t . .M? I Ja : ja i . f ia „«.„,„.„„„

ft, lianil fi&l@cip£iSSl of totended Place of Use, „.„,„„,„„„,„,„„,_..„_,,„,„„„„„,, , i

„ ,„ , „__„„__„ __=!!!^ ! :==__ ! I I ! I^, : ! ! : ! ,...:!,TT.....Im?ft,,Ii..,lihieSl* * Jft?ieg,?reea«p, %rjo?irt<»,. |...-,..,.,,..^M-»TT..T-t;> a s r s M M , B R ? » S M , . . . . . . . . . .™^. . , .w. . .^« 3 . ^ ^ , r * \

..........»,..*-«*.JW..-W-**.w..HT.M*....«r.TS3_ ^ _ j

9» Remarks (Pertaining to Use, eto.) ,,,,ra,,...r..J,..,.,OT.«!=::s!.::,^:..J^..

DecreeW, Qase Wv**.™..™,...,* Date,-.,,,,.,,..,,....,,.,,.,,,,,..^^ &Sc«r#ii i& L«mra=»—»: C. F. S »,

iL f s Whotfl Efesreed ! .,=«»!»=ra..™»™,=..,»..a»...»m.»»™»,.«™.».™.... A<Mfess..;.

m Name of SiteL,,,, ;.:,,:. =::,:„, :,.,,,m===,mra l lw^um Capacity (6. F; S.) . , .

m S^e M P H M ^ «-„»»»»- =».™m.,.. fwwm>~^~^™™^

14 Ifflift Tm&Ap&tm of Flace of Use as becreea.... .™™.- . ......™..

. , , , . , . , , . . i , ; ; ;^iisS™ii«sss!SKisstssK ' • " * "

IS, EeraarJss (Mesent Use Sfetoi gfe) .:...... .:^,^^m^^^^^^^^^ .. .....

i ;,

Page 16: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

o«SE>» 1 Form Ap, l==10MUS=!t5 : I- - - - - - - - - - r STATE ENGtMBEBS OJPFICK E. . .

Wakf Resfiurces §iir?sy

Notice of Appropriation

2. Name of Ap|>ropriatoy.....Jg|l^.,^fe«ififtwtj9,,..,,,....m.,,..,,.... Address jfifcfc™™^ ^™^ ™™™™™™ ,™™™,'

t . Bate A^p^piatecU= ;^ sJgs e : ;1^4i& : :^ l ; ; = : J ! : : ! Date MeL*£a$il*MgM!&^ - ^ -•-^:=^---

Amount. ApprapMaM, Mfesm lmJim,,,,,,,^,,,,SM,,,,,,m,,,,,,^^,,. Unhk WeM ws ggcond,,.™,,,^,^,..,.,,,,^^,,,

4 Name of Stream....M^aaf..CE3e&. „„ Mhutaxgp. „. ,,,,,,,.™ Basin...™, ,.,, „,„

Sefc^^Ja , , , ^ : Twp ;^: . I S : . HgeV:!V . . .^ EankQf Stream -jm^"—-—•—> •••-

7. EteaorapMon of Sp1to^J^tail«3l»Ss^f^!ra=»sae»»ra».=e^.™=»»==- ••= j

& JbaMfiggsppfeBel fistendedlTaceof UseMIIM;l;:,:,,...m.s:.ia!..~!S5=1!...ls,

MnJgjii&i^*^^*^^^ j ^e*» : '•...,,..$$^-T..mkm»-9^9^ aea«*r..Cali€^

9> Remarks (Pertaining to Use, <i^)I«ranrimran^m«nMmn».u.r.n........»u»« .

Decree» , iGase H o « » ^ » s ^ . ^ . : Safe»,=s,...=K,,,»ra!,,=,^=.,Jtait. Becfeea: S L L C. F . S...

1 ^ NaiSe of Ditcn,,^,,,,.,,,,,.,,..,,,,..,,.,.,.,,,.,™,.,™...,,,,, MaximaM Opacity (C. P. S.)

18, Bate^ of I*rferity »ra,ra,m»»,.,.,,.^..OTra,ro,..«OT™™« HMTPOSS™™™™. , . .

iitastisxiia;wi.-v*»in«iirifi«»*i.-:!!in'ii*aiiinii : " i i i « i n « v i . ; i ii , . , .J;;:;T;;;::;;;;T;;:;;....;. .

I S J Semairks (Present Use Status, et&ji.™™ . ^™ . , ,.™,,,.,..™. ..™™,.,


Page 17: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

:f ''

^ ^ " '. §TAfI ENfilNlERS OFFICEWater Resour«es Srowey

Notice of Appropriation

1,. Gf f i f f i f c J&mSeKSiMi^ fe&#~

i S, fi«te ABproBriated... .£gfc,.JLLrM3L^,,*,,^ Rale. Faed^.Ji£Esii :J., : :18i6. .......„..,„ .™,«™ra™, : •;

! AajMMit ABRSSps^L SOsers Inches MQ »,.,,,.,,,,,,™,, Cubic f §e| per s g s e ^ . ^ ^ , , ^ ^ , . . . .

: 4 Name of Stamm^ J l s a i l ^ S 4 l r a = r a ^ ^ ^

Sec.,,,,.... -1%fi,™,«,ra,..=M=,»., lge,^!S==«,!!K=!,.==::l,.!Banfc .of Stoeara..,Ji igii&«,.,^= ,m , , , ,m .= .TO , .^mra« ; r a ,^,

_ _ ..__ :.„ „„ I

g. Purpose IiSlgaSJ£a,ijad,3£ffla«!==^=,==^=^^,KSM:=I=«=,:----:,-!--.----..... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ . ^ ^ . . ^ . ^ ^ j"

?. JMesJBtion<^ Sys r t^^^J iM! . , . , , , . , ^ ,^™, , , , , , , ^^^™, , , , ^ , , , , , ^^^^ ,^^ . , . . , ; ..,._,,..,,..,,.,, ,.,,.,.™

ft, LaniDfiscripMan of^^lutendedHaseaf Ug§=™»«====^-»^.v.,!«,«^I:!!I«:!:-: ,ra»,™«,,,,«.«»,,«,,».=,,«,=OT,,,,., : ,


10. GaSeN'e.,,. „...,.... TBste..ii;:=!I,!I!I==m!SS!!S«».JaBe, IJecfeediM. I.™.... G. F . S-. _ . _ . - . - j

11. fb WMm Decreed „„,„.,„,„,„,, , •,.,,-.,,-.,,,,^.,^.^^.^ms^mm. Af ldrcss . . . . . j .

12 . Hsffie^of rafeb^^^,^,,^..^,,,...^^^^^ . . .w. - _ . I

I S . D a t e 6 f P r i o t t % . . . . . . . . . . : ; i m l I , , , I l : l= ! S=^««= !^. . , ,^ t i i ip6se»--™™.^m . . I ,

"14 l a n d U e s c n p i o n o i P l a c e of USS S313«ireei :=IJ, i l ; ; l.= i : :.,«-.«. is=IS=!Sr«^CT™.. ...

_ . . .^... _.„_, ^ n t _ ^ k i , i

15. EgiBaffe (Fre"S"®nt Cse S t a t e , ei&).»««mn»»n^«»«^»n»n»n, - - =«-= •" -'• -•

Page 18: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

. ' • • ' ' • • • • / • • • : • " • • • • • • • • : . . ' ! H

r t>:^" • " • " • " T

««&.! PsirmA.p., 1=1981 MS^ ^ " i; STATE EMGI-KJIEKS smim. '•.

Wstm Ummm §»*•?«?Notice of Appropriation

I. ©gjiifcJMfli*!^ Saak. « Ifc — , .%n» . ASffeia „. Becoi^Jff i_ ! C T ^=, ! »^jC^i r a

g; Bate Aspwpr i J r t^^^J^^^J I I^^ , :™^. Pate KledU^li^lfelSll,™.^^^^^^. —

AaQ«st Appeprmtea, Minm 3keh ,,ra».,,J!L ,«,. =-^=-!,=::••! Cubic Peet p^ mmL^^^^^^,,,,

See la..,,,,™ T»IU,M,======,«S IK?- U..,,,™Jtak oj Ste^SU^^.^^^ .,..™»™^ra ji

^_ „..«_. , • i

T, B^firiBMonof.%gtem,.,,,!lefi,,^l^,L.,!ra,,I,.™ira^«I,,-:--:. i,,S!™,OT,,.,=,.CT.™,ro.i»ra!I,sraOT=,S!!S^=,I,i:., ,

% ReiHaife Cl^YMfiing to Use, etc.)B.^»,,v:.,..,: 3 . . . i . ^ ; ^ : ^ : W B ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ -~ .**-

Decree10. Case H&.. — ©ate^...,,^......™=™-v,.,AMt; Deefgsds Jd< I«..^.«»««s». C. F. S --.

I I , TaWfiom Vemm..... ; = = = = - - . - = — —-• Adircss » .-...

12s Weme of 33itokia,=,,=...,.™,==.. ^.^!,,,s,,,!.^ ffiimmum Gtpicity ((>. F. S.) =..—

13, Dale 6f Ffiori^ i:s:s:^:n»,..«.n..,n.^»..».:........» Fa^»as=.==««,».«~ »-

14, L^.DMeaPQ^i^HiRi6ti:C}>BeaSiEteaKBSmnmnn<,.«n..« ::: = -.-.^^:,-.a^: <-.....

i5 ; Rgffisrte ifrmnt Use Statai, ete^ ;,„,==»»-»«.«»—.- ..» .-..--

. = ••#4

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M W I ^ W ^ ^ ^ ^ " ""•""• "T"' r — -.--•.•..- <'i ^^wof**"< • .. .'Mi, ^ B ,; •

1 ^^^^^H ' • 1

I / t e to ** c'gBI g®ter?Ms-i-».«HiM!M .\M! STATE OF MONTANA r ;


^ H Township / 4 ' / , Range / ¥ - . Countv „ 0/ <- P( >- J m ' I ) ;

•. m H - ft ' — A 1 ^ ' • - . " ; ' - , y . 1 1 "\ ^ B yA4— 'J—-8— . 9—.—»( | —tt/i!— », J xi lfe^) :••

s^H ' . ! i . * ij' [_ I I

• i V i1,! ' * • ' |r i H"; -i f "• Jj ^ B i lfc1 # I—M—i lie f~ttr~ l~ 1- .BTTU. ifr'it »

! ' • • , . ; / . , i j-i. . ^ . ^ - ; I

^ B *•< , j'pXi J L i 20' ' 2 1 ' ^ 28—'—, i as"1 I zf- ' » ;! I

H ZjLjssiL^ ^—^-r- '' ' -n-r- I 1 I ~J-^ 1 IH J4-^C—A_ j . (' •*' ' -T - ' I

^ ^ B I t s ! i 1 L—1 J * ' ! /«. I , ! i ! ! ! ! j

l ^ H I -I—.t ! UsJ- - . — t . . - I . >• ; - _ X - I . . ! . 4 - . , , I . . ...I ..... - i - U ;

^^^^^B' - I • • }

! | ^ B ¥e'«sship,.!=.«!«,,,»,,s===!!!I=:iII!I=B«Hsi! .,„„,„„„„..,...,.... j '

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II//A///// • J T ^ ^ -Sii3• ///V/ / / >r '"••• '•'•X£ft::

m '' / / / / / / : -;/ :i

MB "% p- W - STATE ENBINliM «PFJQE iflfi ! : Wotcr Kesourccs Survey j| H | ; . ©ssH^aSB s i fcsftaasfl SMS* . -:,<j

iHB *ms^-.2^^J^Jl.^^^^^^j!hsKi====^-=jM£. .„^_iSi!!!!a.JjjJ^*^a^agL.. . 'ij

^ ^ • B g 8 SIUB« ,«* iaxmie .C»»WRr'» A*Ite*s ' js||ra j

i H IJk. M/4^i , , ,^<^ , , /^&rt I ^ .w= ! ! , f , _• •«.. -.—•« ' . :

^ | ^ ^ B J J ^ t t ^ l i'i •* / [

' - • 14 i -1111 1 - - " • I III Mfl-ft S3ST5S——SSIS™—ISSJSt J« 1-jaXllSZii " » — • • — • — '

•B dA,, Jd;LL4£,hV,MMi,*i,iM,», =,=,=. . ...•.=.-,* ~«= »....„ i^a^i^SgJ,,. .: ,„:: ,„,„,.:-. :-,•I ^ H iffeM^iii^JiSiJite*. Mm,uL:-~£.*. : ifeff)» = » -••=.• . . . . ™ -

j H it 113-dA M^u^,.ni£^°kJMd^ ,'iM4 Ahtd^Jm^A^dA-k • ;,jS ^ H $ Q»• / $ , I ii i . f ,• ' ' ! i = s_ : il]l!l!: ,. , : .„„„„«„,„,„„„ l,!Ki,».«.,i,,».,.,!i,^,,.,u.,,,.TO.ra,,,», ' , ••']

j ^ ^ H /=A =/Qi^/JA,,i.^J^LJDir]k.5,lisfjjMi!..j*L =£sT.. ...••..•kd.-tiL ufc.i6U!,,,^Uttis4...5j?^=!i.i«.«..,,.™-,s,ira«o!aSS!= ^ J K ^ - ^ J

• • lfc/::a.,,, iinrtfki^jiu^A . -<^ini^H. ..„..-..„».._ •••..• I: B 2 ^ 8 5 * ^ 4 ^ ^ . ^ ^ , JiuA&.-bv&A,? .__, „„:„,,, — — » _ ™ - _ . """'J

: ^ B d2JkM£kMi{£,^dQ,F,,,.jM;u%^, Oi,,,.™.....^..»=Jk,:^as&at.«=»— — ^-^^i , .,,„—,: ;?j ^ H t; j£iS».«.~«,u.,».»».u.,,..,u,»,!L,.«.,.«»«...«..» ™.T»»« .k,,,a «,.,.,:,,,,,.,..ram.^,==,...,.,..,,,,.^.=ra.,!ra«,m....™..- -„. '"','•;]1 - ^ B thj^t^J&JL.iL£U~..,M,i,,{&,~~~*....~ »»=»... iKfesIaafei™...™—..—. ...„..„.„...„«.„».„ .._. , ;, '

I ;^B »ifcjB&jl*,i ^»,,»jy(S:K,™,, i=, ,,,, - ;-, -.lii&s«fc<& ..^^^^.^^^^^...^^^^^^^ .- '«. j^ l B •^z,3u&£&i%i\^,..Mu1&^ ''•• .3

^ ^ B -HL-M&'JflJLX} J,J£U^mJ,lvJilt£L&l,,,i~.,>,m-.,^^^ -,..„..„.„:„ ....„.,.. ,-....K „ ,V|j !:: H ^\r,^:lMJ^Zit/i4^JL.»^^iiJ& —.=. ;i |

i • • • 3A-= Wf8,.. -•*!• < 4 . y ^ » « ••;:'j •.: . ' !

J ^ ^ M llgjll 1 fefitSM I M N S : ; - ' ^ • '. : , I"': ;': :': /:: ' ^ f ' i ^ i ' l J S H j i ' '' "'. '

• • ' . . • ' • ' r ^ - ^ S I B : . • ••'••• , ; ••:' : V- ' ' ' :^ ' : . s- ? . .? © l i l i ^ B

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j H gguj«f.M«.^ff^-™.™—.«-..» gxATI RF MQHKHI4. f i l C j t ^ ^ Hat

• tac«teii;j£ , WATER ^ S E R V A T i Q N SQARB m* *JM*£.i : \ : ^ H : , . ^ Water Resources Survey

! ''^M ' SyM «.J I;.,,=,,=........ ,*„„=„ : <£P>>I: : " „,„...,.,„„ .-..: : :

i H > Leg i LaM Qtim:;.m.^A,.,S^'6. : „,„„,„„_____„_„„„__ A<Mrgss,,fefife,Sfe,s6lf:...&^ ,,,,,

' ^ B Qpfirator,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , „,„„„„„„,„,„„=„„,„=„„:, „ , , . Addressr ^ ^ l Water ia delivered b y f e J, Puiwte System; 2 Ditch Company, 3 State Project, 4 Federal Project, 5 Irrigation^^M I App. No, | NAME OK ABPBOJP|tlSTfiR VAMB OF STREAM ~ D>te App Miner's I . „ I NAME Of DITCH I ~ " Ptht&ti^ ^ B JSBOriiS Wfel f g WMfiM BE.C«Bap " " " O F S T R E A M Date Priority Inchct ™ VK , (Water Dtllvtrca By) . NT B / p Irr Acr

^m />$&?' 'ir-jfTSaM^ S%%.6a?& S^v4 *,/i-/i'tg 3J0 'f?S "&'/&_~0.%A.C*<r *?&*) ,

\ ^ H ' <{ ^£zA -CJl?"^hetjmt/^iJkt* °i J&&1&L sit"- -»>-r ? ?±. w? 2s? _ tfa . cpft r^^——, ...

: , ^ B - _ _ - ^ m = ^ = . - • — • - • ^ — _ — _ ^ _ . . - - — — — •

! I ^ ^ B NOTE: R—Denotes Regular Irrigation. F- FIopd Irrigation l

i ^ ^ B i. Adequate Supply Yes No Explain , , , , , ," t^^H **= Remarks •»• i » ' ' •• '5 ^ B ' " ^ ^>V/^ ^-^ o ^ X s -V /e/Vir' ^ ^ ^ , - /^y^-u /K.1V i , . ,

; ^ B ,V/ W iiv. 7 /3V4 P ' ^ fr>*r &/-'& <3>* „, , ,

j ^ B River Basin Ali/Jtr/i k*//, , „„

^ B I Also in Plat No twpi Rgi jl Plat No Twjj Rge || Plat No , , Twp Rge I Information From; ^ 1 I Plat No Twp Rge jlpiat No Twp Rge |lPlat_No_,.. Twp> Rge | ^//,, ^~?//£

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| i > >'%JB fl^B* • |; " '" • S * " : : ' ! I ' • A

I ' ' V 1 f ^ H ? : : :;! ' !:" l : ": * ' ' ' ' l''

#•, Piat MO. / / . B - • D " i r n ' X i L J X I \ ,u. 11 i i j . i i • i

i ^ ^ ^ ^ H j i i ! E l 1 '

""" ""\ B | _i _ j j L wwi. L^ L I j

: jH ~TT~ *°! ~ " f + T " : m OT ra °"a"" I " r 1 ' ! ' ! ' * ! " " • [ " •5, Irrigation District i I ^ H • " " ° ' T I r ' " •

f { ^ H i [ i i j i l i • ' lB/g 1rr.lkq»« Acre. J ^ H • ! ^ J 1 I 1 ! { i j ' ' . j '

__[ ~~ " , j ^ H ; I _ i _ ! i I ;• ' „ . ' , , „ J . ' L ' - -> ~— '-- -' C »-=-——--—-,M 1 I |" 1 ,L i ^jj ,* f [ ,« I *k-i . i

zi^srB __i x , 1 u j, ',,,!,,., ; i [ I J.JL ;_ . „ .—_^ I ^ H [ 1 j j [ ) 1 1 1 1 j j 1 ' j_

— " = = = — - | H ——..- - ^^,.^.|«SJ ^ - j „ - r-^~ ^,, , p - . ~-+~ Ij^W . ,,.TO.,!.^.fl,m,,,.jmg, » . ^ - ^20 r " " f» "a -watajsfll-—' "•••" '•• 22 i 2B |- 2 | 1 I

—• - - — ~ I B : - •• I • -! '• ! I ; M - • - • • • '•-• J l 4 - , -^ ~ T ~ . ^ Z T I B ' . . j _1 •_ i j "jT I . I j j } ! P , !- H — I — ! • , : z.xxjiu™|'xr 1"]"'. i i j I i i i yjr «

^ V ! I ! ! i i I • i " ! ' ] r I j "'<•" i " ' V * ~^ H - —ap i "•-!••*ft™-f=*-==•-• .==88—4==»" , a i f - 4 ' ~ » | •26-= •• >• r 26- f

... ..... S _j_j [__ 1 j LJ__J_J__^ [_, ' _j__J_. i_L 1 1|'tn' '

^ ^ ^ ^ B ' ' i i • i i l ' ' i l 1

. ^ H ! > t ! ' ' i ! i 1 • " " • ] • ' ' ' i f " '— i ~ ? i • '1

I^^^H 01 I u£ I 00 O < OD SO

> ^'AAW^M - •• • • ':' • ' , • ' ' ' ' ' « " » " '

'|L"V* ' »-.'l^B : : : ••• ••-•'••• • •-•'" ": v - i i : ' V : ' ' . _ , i t ' V ' { - 7 . I . M 1 " . 1 ^ 1

1 • -^BB •'•••1 : ^^ •^v 'L^ 1 - : v ; r ^ ;V ; (S^- ; ^S '"' V1'^1' 4 ^ P i

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' ' SSJ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B: ' ' " ' " • ' - - , =

:' ' ' ". " - - .

: ' , ' •"

:: ' • ' • '

; :: • " ' ; ' • : ' !•

wm, ''» | H B : . • ' = • : • ' ' '•'•''- •••••••• •• ' '. • "•••' ^ ; . ' \ . . ^ t

I ''"' flB = " • "• :--'":"-^m' ••'••'•• ;>" ••• : ..'•''. ::;:•" . ^ K

** ^ f l ^ ^ B ' " ' : : <"*• • ; : i ;: '••:•• I*-i., "

• | H CMIB^.fe^/I^MMLu™,»«.-.,™-. 8T*TE OF MONTANA T /^4< R ATf pi8t

H • F a r a J fltaM, B r t ^ f c a a f l ^ W A T E R CONSERVATION BOARD p h o t o H ^ y ^ ^ ^•H: / - J Water Resources Survey *

^ H y^Ala^Q^t^^M^C^^0^M^^i^^L^MSM/^A <$T- Address ^Jfo/iTn ,$~f/?-»,,.

I ^ ^ B OBgratpy,.,..,,,,.,,,......, : ,„„„„„„„,„„ , , , , , . , , Address-' ^ l ^ ^ B Water is. delivered by:= 1. Frigate System; h §W?h Comgany, 3 State Project, i Federal PfOjeqt, 5 toigatio

' • j r • • * &$.'&!? \i4%z? M ' ^??:i*-~ - - S g - J ^ /fM^t/Si^ / / / ftvf MaJ_ A/a ___Jj._ ' _

\^m ty£=M=JJ&A£# MmtukMJL,^...&£%=&&£thJL-^ --£&7gv._^^LjL=-&&—== — - .,„ _.j ^ H «* ^ • ^ t I jfo$*.*_Jt''!jg#<i*&*/2& . _ tj^a&ydjs&f's**^ /t>4S_*l7p0 ./&&, ftp . - !

. !^H' **" g^4fe_JffBt^y/U/g.yT^5<aw«^' "^/•^»»L .-•?,^^« _ ?-/* nff^ ^P&_/YJL. JL'&L —— .i ^ ^ B __ | _ ~ * .£ _ __ _^_ _

jflH NOTE: ft—Denotes Regular Irrigation. F—Flood Irrigation.| ! | ^ H [ \ Adequate Supply Yes No Explain .- ,-,.„., . , .,,.,t ^ ^ H *= Remarks „ , „ , » - •» . . »n «• r

==• • = • . ^ B *" . . . . . . . River Basin J%J<Z»?/&%'/?

•' ' ^ H I Also in Plat No~ ~Twp/W Rge >'^ II PUt"No -V Twp *W Rge ^ 1 Plat No fwp Rge ~ | Infoirohtiai Frorfi'i ' 'i ^ H I Plat N o / TwpA'-V Rge-'^ |1 Plat jgo_ _Twp__ _Rge__ Plat No Twp Rge \ /*jk,igA1tf§f

' h ^ |J 4,r rt '^ j ^ ^ ^ B

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jr-'JhLJ|H-j -| I I . . . I j |J I J ,|". I"! ifi.J -

-M "Hj" * it Mi 11 H T ''V:1 i ' ' • 1 i I • ; S

—•—!-• • — r ~ •*•*""•: ^n—TT"1—t |j i-"" •••• i x . v .« + ™ U « ^ . I ! '. i . .4- 1- ! i ! \- } i

I I I I I ' ' i i ! ' ! l i t i! !f!'••••••- - 7 »|—-—A™* , i 9 |= j -IP | i I * j" " — r " *£ | •• :,-,VM

•"'••" •• - • ~ j — = - 1 ~ - . i~i ,;-,- ^ - - { - - -; - - | -j -| - - T = T " t ~ : K | |

-4—I—H"» i ^ * p i 4 I" h'- j-- i-»H • ?:';|f

1 ] J 1 L . • _ - - , - - i * ; ! I • i - . . . ^

—t+*=i I |- H-i i"i h i I"!""!" :;/m; — - t B - « | — • — f - H 8 j J j • • " • ' • • " •81 , 2 2 j ^ - - 1 2 B ; - |- U - "rjill

.- I j — -T"T- | - [ !• j 1 "T 1 ' j j j j =;S1—f\ - • -p™--p|~- -j ; i --, fj-.-tt™",, 'fiii="=--3p—| -»™-f-i|> t=- grt ;- j rf"r-j--r «"•" «--pj —r-- .-!r«j;

i ! i i ! ' i i I > I I - '".'S-iiK

T\ r""irhr T . r I ;LLs"j^r"p ,^es: I i f J 4 _ l i l l r,,,Li ' j. H. i-i-U fV£

-H-gji j — « " \ $% ••{ gp i I a t - 1 [ " • « " ""•'' " " 7 Sj&- ' j - ' : : • •:

L..I. j. LLJ I I |X. j ,,|.._|r 1,1 ! 1 .L I M_L_i_iJ •• ••;

batifl OWn^rStii'p1 :;::~~~:::~^ ..............::::;^^=S:^— ^ - ~ - - — J - J - -W_. .- -*=.*u^^= ** . . - '-


. • '••:• •.• im0

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! • ' • • • i •

t i.r ' ' •

' f • ' Tcnmahip IS Bestfe, Range 1? i s s * j

/ 3fi **" Moo^, M ^ l a y 1 . Anfeelaps &mk • i M 3 - M 2 " ^ " ^ l 6 °

409.jjp» lower,, fradericfe I . Roberts Qrssk S-^^i 8-24^6 500

: m%^ *MKBt feHtb ?e" Roberts Sraefc li-1-99 10^7^03 160

1 404*^ eelMasj f, i s Sebspfes feesk 1=43=80 4-7-40 2gp

407 fe« Saassa, 1@]L fistefflfta i?s§fe fslCfeCfi? ip-21-07 IW

m <*? Ssmmxm., gfefti* %r-iBf: @Ȥ^ M f s ? 4 6-30-84 160. i

4f9»e* S.«TOranp.e, EelcB I , Stoa»Bsl Gxmk 5-15-86 3.r-29rS7 ; 16J ,

! 4 ^ fe SsiffitBM. Heist. Unnamed Brack 7-1-91 9-1- 97 1«)

P2*?1 IJ41S» H. L. Msfarland Spring 5-28^28 5-28-28 ?QP

^ i f ^ ' H r a M H i t H m S S B H*o?to* Spriai 7-20-19 7^31'-19 ' *>0

ftf MP* M#'aflMia,-Ivseten 0lg Spfitsg 7=20-19 7-33.-19 20^ • !

: §5fi^ KfipHtei^fcs *BfeH nffinaHet Sp'iai 10^15-04 8-31-S5 vXTJ \

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;::: ' ;•, • • . =;•. ;. • * • • ft ^P~3B9Ws ^ P ? • -it'rT*' M

-•^ iTiim°-A '"^=' -:'Sa''tfi' ill t. — , -i i » _ j .^i:i's;^;.^ ii::ii^irX! ii;s:lr^!5^^?-'i'a-!':ila-'^:T-;~:-"'^-'^ =

' . • f f i iwiB ••-M-UTO nH.Mtii--'.; STA^K OF MONTANA


^ u ; i • ; I 5 i , f : , , : r ; ! ! |\ i i ; 4 • , 4 i , » i ; ? i • -.* i -. ! j . : ! j j i • i : : i ] 1

^rti—n^gz^—"—'—iH—I—|—|— ^ j j ^ . j _

,: ^iv-^^RMIMKt^JSK": " J fr f I J J • 15 * 14 *" ="=-•- ^ ^ k^ f H i ;

—-*-" "S! :;"'i ' : : ! * ' ' . . . . """ "m""i"mmfp"'

1 I i i i i i i - ! I i 1 1 1 1 j U- i- 1 1 < - • — ' - L ' ' - - ' - - -|"--W~:

! L j . 1 t ,„ ,.,..L,..:.,I ! 19 • ! 2 0 , I 21 «2 i 28 - M ..,••••••••-...-.r. •

i 1 i : ' ! j ' i—L~«-r"i:""' i ' . „ » . . .

L , 1 . — > - i - r ; -_ J | ; • , , , - — i - 4 - f ^ ,•• , ,;"! i . ] 9 t " • i : i ! " •

• SO I , 2> \— ! 2(5 l i «7 - • "26 r - ["2f- - •

; i i ; • j - ' I , - , " : i j 1 - | - i •;:.

: ••••. - : . .:• ••" "•; IP-

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: • ' • • : ' ^ • ' > S ' D - ' - ' •', • ' ' • ; ' • " • ' ^ ^: - • " • ' • " ''••''••• . ' I, , . \

i • :

': :

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' • .' • ' • ' , : • . . . . . . S

'.- . V .' •••'' '•.-.. i j " 1 . 1 - : ! ' ' • M , ^ A ^ s y i ' 4 t ' h ' •••''' . ' • • - , , . , . " ' < \ .

«'*8»» ^ • <5TATF OF MONTANA feftCoujty^.Jfteajlfigg I

.iMlffiiSu . , , ,«*. SmiE. QF MONTANA g g ^ ^ XA^A.M,^ f

-»t;s:>S% iT&f i f ChaiHeer'j OM'm i ,ii?*.j.'3»..3.9jL.2ot."gu.f-'* H"i«slt WAfm HESOORCES SURVEY !=—it. — - — - , . — — I


Nans sf LSPS! Owner3l,h~ ?:L.mm.^m..m..^m*,.,..~,,mn^ Mia,,^ffiU=,&ffia*a ,Name sf Qsmm*J!Br,,,, ,,,,.,,,,^^,^^^^^^,-^M^ „.„.„„,„,„„„,.„„_ ,., ,„ ,„....

LSSS! B«si«™,Jlp.^a wyLiSlliiLteaSiL.-...,,-,:,, .,,,,,™.,,,,__ ,

L Qsix tsssdi sbsw ttsa! *8 following »« '« r^his wsre, filed m tbs afeavs dejsrlbsd ianS; ,: rr—. - — ' . — - — . — ^ : - r "•""• "• ~ = = " Miner 's "

.Code Home, 9f ARPI9B.r!9jor Stream Ucmd P.esst)f*jo.(i Bate .ABBS Date Filed Indies 1" " ' • ; " ' _ " __ I "^"' Filed On 1

(§se attaa-h§a fhgg'fe? j

2. Ars tese. flllnas in yfeu^^.^.Yes. ...Ma. B^i!},,^,^^^,^,,^^^^.^^^^^^^^.^......,,..,:, '1 1

I . Hfl>» fflSY sf thg ofeo*? f!!!P9? a n n n port of t tnm bssn 5SLd;.-.!,.=js.=I=!YS8i,i!i!!"!!is!s=Mo: If yes, g|xe amount of inches sold ond to whom trans- ,

bmmk Sfsl ftSffl whot origlnd ( f t j ^ - . ^ . . ^ . ^ ™ , . ™ , » = = « = = - = ,..„..,„.„ .,., .,..,..... J

..^.^^...^....^ , ~m.™™_»»-™™-.,,..,TO..,,,.,^s» ^ u „„_,„„„„,....., , . ..., ..„ I4. I have the following water rights that tne State Engineer's Office Have riot shown in the above list!

Minor's i

Ndme of Appropriotor . Stream Land Sessriptlort Bate App. Dote Piled inches„_.„ „_ , „_., , HviOn

^ __ . _ 1

_ . _ _ j _ r ^ ' „ _____ __________^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I

5. , (n addition,- I hove on I'rriSotiori system Sfi «Meh no recorded fllina wot ever mo3e; I

Heme of FlrS User Dote of First Us* Sworn Ploce of Use !

6. Bt> you buy supplemental water? • Y& O NB. if y*s( from whom and how many Inches, C F S Acre Feet, as the cose moy be? .-. I ,

7. Give ohy other Informollon thaf you thlhk shoaM b» Sncfuded for ffi* proBcHbn of your woter right _ .- -. I

>'»*4««>> 1Z - Z -11 S SlrZ^r? TTTTrJiJ^*p"?pT^t^Vi14'iHIT'jyini"i' ^VJ'»rtf •'ifiTfJiVa'il^iWa'i'iy* i1i~a'i'B>TJVbTJ" ' tV^I^'aVJ^fr '^' iViViiBBiBBiit" i j ^ " • • • i i JBST t* • * • * • >** •« twt •*« — »» *- .^ f r » 3^^S

IhfwfnSffbri fS^.^iW*wa^Wi»M;j:sMrai^-«^.v«u^v^.i .MWJffi-.\^avnwim'uawiiiH'S« DOt^i.;.i- „ „ ;;?. .1—. . . . . . . J.—... @| '

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: V,:':-: : : ' • . :'--;i\.T18i|

r 1 I 3

Data Date Minersfiodo Warn, S t rega w _ .__ jl»am«5t p.es r 3;p ±cga AT""* 0 0* Ellgd iBofaqe

400 Fredr ick I . Howor Roberts Greek Se.o. 36 i n il-04-J 3eo, 31 i n— — - 11-lfj Sao,;? &6telfe-15 8^1J?6, Sr24-9& 500

402 Mary 1, :liMR» . tifeSPti 6m«Js fflit Wfi&t, M^mk See.. ? In

~ ~ ' IMS "" 7-0fi%96 7-32r«S 200

4(J4 f.. »* MMm. SfifeMFbi feeek: leg. .7 & g ja ig,4|: 3-13*80 4 - ! ^ e ^

4|0 OtaMU Ssmmmm, Sp^sf t?8alc | » l » « ? Ja 1S4I 5M-5-84- &- =84 16^

m i9len I* iswffiisme, ? §»&!&. SSP^n Pf^P1* a * . ^ . . ,— • : • • ^ to ajyi§ - 5-3,5-36 B^9-S7 160m EAH Sarorame 7 MlB^w I ^ f ® i ^ fi*p.

^fel^il 9-1-97 7^1-31 16Q512 H. L. Bil ls MoFarland SpgB- ^S^iiSMi, W SEi Sep* 9, KBi

^ Eerihsa McfsPisM MjfM?!^. ipgiu I | Sss* U te l®Af 7^0-19 7i-31^.9 200

51? 8eufee» Mefffiplsffid Ska Sgffitag* I | isa« 1§ IA 1S€5 7-K5-1? -7-31-1? 20Q

• J

Page 29: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

Ttuf>,[b,H* (fye IS&

• i ' K '. • • : . ' . •• ' " I ' ' '

. ._ -, j J J . j --4. )

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" S i A f f c v ^ ' v v ^ > r " \ , V : : ' : - < : •••' ' '•••"• '• 7-. -:'\:-' : : • :.:- :• " :;: •'•;';i;, ; ' v : r ' - ^ , - v J

. ^*SS3?ft«««i|i| SMSE ©F MON?£NR ^ ^ MiaMMUi __

T™.-MLRgS_ia, "' State ChfiHeet'^ Office "' <^HOihJMhBx-

N^rfu^tto^-^s^i^a----"""- j ^.~.<w*»- j!BiaiLi!BiJ«BBlirt-.---

Nome of I^Bra^.,.........,M§M.m,^..~^.m,m.mm^^ ••••••-• -• •• ' ; -•


' H H Irrinqted Land . I J Nonrlrrigoted Lprri ^ H RmmtisJ U.t!u( Unsfef. .EgMnfl P<»Mlt|f5. . ' — i North "-":"

- ^

Code No -Tri?, SystemJViW" £jkxae!iJl}l&& Source of Wofer .&?.&&Glt.&lZe.<StS&~Bam . <*fjr4f - P«»ent (0 - PotenHol &7 4 Maximum 6 / 6 -ft-,.—F_<^J'L__..!fi..«£s_.=

Gode No ^ s'» 4' . , System^<6A^ry«-^»Jl»ry,?^K-F - Source of Water jOZje^SieSU^S—.Basin /&£&** Present/2£,0 Potential a Maxlmum./S'«£ tf _ .R. .F. S.J>..—:G..ir<S..~..

Gbde No ^ / a " , System.^'fi^0'^rf«*^^«<^^^'»^4j Source of W a t e r . . . ^ ^ S / S ^ ^ f i e A . . .Bonn /%'#£/ _ Present £ . Potential PCk £_ J«\oxlmorrLAiff« O .R F.;« ..P=-. G.-»dls....

Code No . System - .Source of Woter _ ~

Bo In . . Present . Potential _ .Maximum. .R F=i._=..P.. G.-.-......S....

If under Ditch Company, Irrigation District or Government Project, state the number of snores or inches, ocre feet, as the coje^rnby'

rn sold ysem _ . «^ —,~~'~: r"?"f"~";~"?'5'"iAiNOTE R—Denotes Regular Irrigation F—Flood Irrigation P —Water diverted by meens of pumping G-=Woter diverted by »rovl

S—Stored Water , - ^ | .

Information from S^K &£?, *& , > * Dote _ tyY'/??!? - •• ,-••• ••••

} • r y-'^^kh.'.'^Mii - . . . • : ?.^

Page 31: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

". • ' . ' : ' : • [ | f I '

' ' ' , ' . : . : . 1 - •• '

=•••••• i : 1 i - ;

E » S B Gfessk"! iS T A T E O F M O N T A N A God* No _ - _ _ ^

* « , * & _ „ _ _ i lWfl ENGINEERS OFFICE a**,-*4w^^ . Ikm=d*Jj't&-S**£ . ^ WATER RESOURCES SMR¥M¥ 5U£g.ftL-8. /yT7* .SecjLjjthl?

fiflg;' T ng f w » MjSi j!ii^g .- •;•••--—:r^— - - Address., i/t/o/i / i f e - i Z y ,.=—, . j |

Operator. - .Vfl,,vr?,e — 4 ,--... L.-JU.-^I*—1 ^i.,^..-.—.... .— ^Mte fep^—=,—=-. =—=—

Wste te l * e f ? , 4 . fey; : , 1

Federal Project™™ , „ ., ^ . ^ 4.. _ . . .^^^~^....^Mm,—-_- - ^ . P o t . , — .

Ditch Company — _-- : . ——— Pres. Pot,

feigaMaa afetejfi.L^-^.,_^._,^u „ . - J,_4J....4.,CT '^Sm. —=•?<>«

Private System-^L, , - , ,^ .^: , _, _ ....u-^,.... ^:.,._, ^ ^.^m.m^J^£—, Pot-—= r^-

. . _ _ ,__-T;otala_ ^ _

jBsak^j^™,*™™ fffiBB—— = a H K w f e = K i = = = = @ayte-Jl! - „— .

Size and Cajac i^ , Pump, .etc - . 4 . . . . _ —...-• 4^—.., ._„._,„... . . . . . .4 ,.....,J......U_. ^ *., n r = ~ . — ^ — * - * , * — r ^ -

SriStasl Apittopriator, Gomsgi®, ^ - , . . r - ^ =^- —-—•. ~—AfiP; No—L=-—

Original ABRfflBSktor, ^XyMiP.^^.^kjm^M±S?JLUL^.)^MA,AjMu 3L- ~3-±.Jm, ncLZsC!&£d.f,J)t? . ^

is tfe system aa extensioh o£ SHsStef isystewf ^g». . — ^ . S ^ g ^ - . -^ ^ ^ « i/ W/O

Is all tefiij ifflpfea frci'm one syaem? Yefe—»<- —:t<tS-m— — tf S

(If No, show break down on Map) >

Source of WffPf- • --W* F*-Am*A *? Ul-&.fcix-3&!imj -flood (YOK A A af .^Jeris^r^k.^iio/,/^ •

_ _ _ "~" •';"_ ~ " — |-="j= r=—1 I ~" "| ~ j IAsas Krieated i§,;45U.- —?7<C——,,,-,,,—,—^ —I.-,~T .,.,.,,.1,, ^ _ ^j_ a _ - ^ . . ^ - . - . . j . . |

ColtfliiHon of gysiemE,.3g>t,gi>-i — = , m . , , g ,^ . ,, , - - „ , - { t -j\,- '

. ^ppiaa RfiypVy -..^.... vbg Wn-,.i£.—.....,m i ! p = ±=£i. i_^S:- ,

- , . . . . . . . . |. — (

topography„• Q-E tkj, )tkJkiL JsJJeHf Aftt/ „ „ J ^ _ j _ _! _

Wswition fttimrJ^A ?3>Vf/-jg— ....,• , „,-„•,.•„. i . " H ' ' ' ' ]

RefiaHa^ . ^ , ^ ^ , { • _ i ^ - ^ v ^

1 , i - ' '

' ' •* (

I -f

Page 32: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

4 | t e K » 5-i - SMSR! .«•»•**« • = = S T A T E ffl M Q f f T A N A : : : : ! • •:••'.-•


Township £<£tt,..«,,,,,,™,.,.,, E»lftgS..,,..,.-,^P='^=' • County t&A**££&fi-**l.

— r — , _ _ . , , , . f—H-_ |—T 1 : = 1=—i r^=

f H - H H H : : ! : ' : : • • ! •.-4...-1— - J » - 4 - 4 4 - - A » - . 4 - " • i • ' • • ; - i

i I _ 1 j_ _ 1 _ i I 1 . . : : , • _ ' _ ' _

I—|—4J4^ 1..=--4.- - ] fAj— . lp • ', n , : & -i.....I .1 i_j«,,,4.-»»U.». .4.~,i—=- • . r - »-- '

_j_l | H \ i _ M j | : : ; : ;i A ' ' ! i i ', I . : V A '' ' r T * i1 i ! ; i rI IB » 1*7 • f 1£—* - I S • W i • - 4 * - -i ••

I I ' , I . ' I II 1 1 1 ' ] l

, I I » I I -I . , . ." _ -j> , ,! , I t

l ; I l l 1 ; J l , J _ _ _ , j..,,L,,m,J,M..i.' I....KM ;;,.»... m s j c e nmaa i - - L j ^ j I ! ! i ! I I i i

ra..j.i a . . A _ - j - JLJ— . 1 : 1 ; ! : ' . ; -,i_i i I _ L J _ I . . . _ _ • _ . • ! , :

I I I ! I i I ' i ' ' '• 'i ! [ ! i '' ' •. :. j ; • i. . i i ' ' i ; ' T :

3D - 29 '>L-^- ' 2J8 , & , 2€ I i £&' '= ' -

i • I " I , • ! 1 I ' •i i--.—-= i 1 , i , ; - ;— --T—i -

, ' • i '• I ' ! ! 1

i ' ; : i ! ! ' i i ! i ! ; * f T1 r\ l ' ' '

81 • 32 i i SS ' ' ! 34 ' 8j5 '' ; 36 -

! L J '-• : J • ' ' I • : : 1 ' J 7 I L J T i

IIII'ZM- Z.."&£L. 1.7' . '.77 .......'777township . ./..A , / V . . Range . / iT. ^T. ,. 1



I 'r .f,i» : : l , ' l i J l

Page 33: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

^ B ! :^ H __, M&~J^Ml.--^Mn,.,.<yL9lm.!*.S',/j,f.u!A!f,!.-.,.f>.*>J'ji'^ nA«i*jf~JitsfZ.'»^. d(£.r<:. fci^^g.^ _, i

<9^B J2*££*—^±f*z* h^--?...\t~jJ~2.^?-—jf^'i^^-'y''?l^'L's-i':-L AT- ^"-B fS^oJ_£± f i

J^^L c:-;—Ary.nf -u. ./?•?- g... tT./!.£_. e / j i - ^ y ^ - ^ y t . ! : ^/!***_. __/ti_ /j//*»p_/i. -,&**?/ _

^^H j/<k e/'jfejt. €ggjr»_?jj!^*gjj ^ - ^0**p?»"f_6*j/-*"*•*?! V*'**, .

^ B „ ^^jdcL*MU&S=JM^MJL^ „

t | ^ ^ B ' "=-"—-——-- •- — - ^ - J - ^ - - — - : - - - . : ; ...r->-..„ »•• * - — •-•- — » ~ ~ - ~ — ~ - — - . • L

: ^B •-—^--—' —-'-—— : — =• - ~ —a.xa.,*^^—.—™ ~ - — - •™^-,--i^. 7" - ( J :

i ^ ^ ^ B ^ , ^ _ _ _ T__r_ii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ' _ _ _ _ i J f

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/ ' • ' ' • • • • • ' ? *

• r _ _ _ __ „ ijflffTfr 1 F o r m A p . 1*-B1GM= ?>.4G


Notice of Appropriation

' 2, Jfame of Appropriate™,™j£gfeifik!:3L..&sua» ,..,.,.„,„ M4r^=..J3»t-JfeRfcaK .w™.v™=-.M . «,r,v-- :: : •:

8, D.ate. A E ! » 9 B t i a t e d : 5 j ^ J I J J M , ^ ™ ^ Date pied..,,A^,,IAfc JJ3L.,:::. .: . ^ . ^ = ^ ' '':•:;

Amount Appj?apiJaJs4 Miners Inches.,.,.»,.iiSa^,c,«,M,,,«,.ra..«!!!!;::, Cubic f a s t pel? SSMBS™^,,^,^.-^ —-

4. MSffig flf Stream MSS^J^^L:-,,,:-,,-,,, «... T r i t e t e^^^^ . . I8sto^,^^=^:,- : , : -

5. PoM fflS Biy^te,..^a--s^B*.*^^^

Sg^^li^,,^^.. TsSFp,,,, itL===., age!v..:l^. Bank sf gteeaniL^ai.^ ,,,.m ,_TO ,OTtraB ,^^.

6. fMBeie M!!!!!^^i^dti£^j!s^sito^-^^A^aaiia»p3EB@as§:---T • •,.,,-•»».,.,-_•

U!!S.4S-las.»*fl.».iJs..iAs8=.»=-««-.: .»........,...,,u,»M,«:a»»»:»n:-: ™™™^=™.,.,w™»,===^!^

8. L a M Dffifcriptta of IntendM Pfe.ce of Use«»M-«^u..!!:!!!.aMl*..afialLpW.5. -.AW A- JEEU,,_,_ra==;=:===,»^_:,:::.! S I B U I J - S — . ^3a.ss =...,.,,!,=ra,,s,,ra^^!^I^......M.0jri5?;..^.4i3..iQ .= ;^s:fi.

^,,.,..^erae,!>!S!,,M,,,!=!=:!Vi.^QriasB..-. £o :s .

§,, Eemarte (fe.rtAMag te Use, etc.) ,..,.,

Decree10.- Base No.....,,.,, Bate^,~....... Anit. Decreed: M. I C. P. S... ...-....

ii: To Whom Deefeea=,„=,,,., Address »=..*

12. Naffig of Wkh-.*-.-.-.,™,*.^,™™™... Maximum Capacity (C. F . S.) .--.-• •

l g . Date of Prlefi ty :.,-.:^,.,~^:,.m Purpose = -

14= Land Description of PlSc'e of We as Decreed.. =-.-— ---'•"

15. Eeinafte (Ffesgni Use Status, etc.) = » ••-•

^ ^ _ _ , . . . * J . , » .4 .V* . - . - - - * • - • • • - • " e ^

Page 35: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

i ^ B §,« *._ii^u i- fflm§! i".' Mmmms, fm Bafc8 i tot . - I6n A.

^M :: ;.' : : UhgatJaRa fin., 15i»7?'4;

^ ^ B e ! ^ i'j-l1? - VJ!*aatlafld Ha. If.44 4» ,

: H ' " nspte-uia H. Bsagf* fe*»> Hsisna, treat) ^ / a i s t > ^ 359 A,H | Usiiffll Bank ft fwiat 5s, , l!»lfi»j Amli, ] '; ^ B tuogo !?a^RB toft & Lifes*.aak '-O-, -Judith u*p, 23%- .

j^^^^B • ' • • ' ' ' ' i '

Page 36: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

, • -1"' • * # ' > I H ^ " :'•" • >•••' •••" ; : : • • : *'**?&:•&

^m ""-- Waifif Resjujrete Swwfty

fl ^u^^^rt Mjn tehes...«m,,, —aato^s****^--- —

< • • s^is=y«ai.ffisasflia,.fiBM JsfeK^^«j& -,

H § e s „.„„,_ Twp _ » » Bank of Stream-lsf t

| ; H | g PujBoae ,...,MJsiRa^taa,,a»£...aii&s£,,P«--?"--"-

'] I^H Decree

! - B „. e e »*_-»... B*« — ^ &ecreed: M-x ' ° ' F ' S"""~„ I^H »t. - j Address...^. -~- •"• •'

I ^ B . . „„ ^Tvfefc . . . . Maximum Capacity (G. F. S.) -

] | H 13. Bate Bf frioHty - .—» Purpose

i j ^ B jjj, land Beseripton of Mace 61IJSS S3 Decreed - """ . . ' . .

'„ ^ H 15. lemarlts (Preset* IJse Status,,&Si).r.:~. ••> •

Page 37: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

«aB». 1 Form Ap. l ^ l O M r-46!.. ' STATE IMHdEBS OFFICE L

Water Resources Survey

Notice of Appropriation

! S. Bate AppropriaM-^^&S^Jlfe-J is!^-™,, , , , , , Bale Ffled....AwAl-?-!..5J8fi „„....,„-»,-.

Anssftnt; AppegpMaM, Misses Iaeli»!a...2lB ...V:!!.,:!=M:=!,S.TOOT,,!,, 0»Ms Feet. V0S asmoA,

4 Ktame of Steeam....... I&SS&hMMlL*,^...*^*... TmbMtem,,,,,...,,, .,r,._ mato^^^^^

^,j^m,jims..SM^m^M..f^mssM,M,Mmi^^KMmJs^^ ..:...,t...:.:,!!v:.See t :._,.:., Twp.::;=:M=!,lr=!IMral lgg !,8,»»«^,,,.m,^«S8nk srf Stream ,

6; Purpose MliMl,^.^^,.,,™.™^.^™.™,™ ^

7, D^MBM.Q.nQiSsatem™,,S.ltok™,,™,™,,™...,, -.:-:,:!!,, ,. „

8. Iwid'P^atsHon^Iblgi^i^esg^Uge^,,^^,,,^^^, ,..,

; e ^ m ^ s r a . T O O , T O ! ^ ^ . ™ ^ M M J L a ^ M 9 . X «..H-,X...BiJ.l&, £udd±h..Oa^.itant^< ."..

j; 9: ReHMfe t?S^9&^^lii^«t&>«s^mu««<^.<.«I«,s^:smns^:3.

; Decree;! 1& GSSg Ne ,,..»,,,,,,..==,,. Me^.=II»=s^^==ra==i«sAitfe Sasreed? I t 1 0. F. S »

11, To Whom BeBireed;SOTnl! =::::::=::;;.:.. ,„„,„„„„„=„., Address .-..,.., .-....,.....-. i

m Kameef Bifelt. m.^,..,,.«m.,,^m,,,^,*,,™ Mwarauat Capacity (&F.S . ) .....

13i Dgte Ot PlioK%"i.!.,«,.,,,!.,.!I==!,linJ^=,1=BSiI=1!,=Si!!B!;ra=:si FafJWSg:;;.; , , , ., !

14, Land DesonpiioM of Plaee of Wise m tSeerse! .«,.,,.,,.OT^,... j

IS: Sem'Sffe (PreseHt Use Status, e f c ) v , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . , , r a : : i r a ; i ; n ; j

Page 38: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

l ' 1 ^ " ; - ' 1 . ^ - • . • • • " • " , . " • : . : • • • • • • ' • ; • • • v . ; , t . F i ^ M ? l; •' ':'• : \ ' < : . ' " ^ •,-':'':•':"!;,^f^i

(s SJATB ENSINBEBS OFFICE > 'Water 8,Mi9urces i t rvey

Notice of Appropriation

3. Bate Asp?priat^...J«ffi..2ii*..i3Mv..._..:.:.,!..!:,!.:!: Kate Iffl^!:!!iUM:j@*,Mik!=I..=,««!!!!!!=..!!!,=!.-=!!!=U!!!!!=!,5!

Amount ApEropriated, Minera Mo^v-^^iiS^,^-.-.,,™,,™,..-^,,^^, GaMc Feet PJ8? sg«SB<L,OT«,=,, ,ra™ «™™™

4, Miame a« Steam,TO,.,,»Jalr;tfeaak..,.,«,,....,.,..,..,.,, Tritalajf,.,, Basin...

5, Point of Di»e^M. , . . f l s l4 , ; f f iS^ .Jy i&^saJ l i f*§

Se6.1...,J,,..,,..,.,..,t Twp,,,™XQ,,,.,,™. Ege. ,3.p..,,,.,,.Ban.fe of Stream , „.,..,,..:.,,....

6. Purpose te.teM»™,,,,m».™», ...„.,..

f. BcacripMon of Sygtem......Jl*|^Mi...:.....M.....!.........,......,.........,.......t,.!..... „ .„...

8. Land Description of Intended Plaae of Td&e

.................^.....?a.^....#aa....?=an^f..«.ato.A,..«4L"S.r"S4^§r-5Mii-y> -0**- % « % .

^ Betssite 5PerWningte'GHetei):=;i.;:: ^.^.....^...^. ..,....„

Wi <3as~e Ho.~... Dam.. Affife BeweMs M= L C. F . S

it To WlSom Becreea ,.,-,=,,„ ,^.^m^^.^,^™™^.«™™™™™^ Mdress-w.. = ,.

IZ, Name 61 Bitch .== s==I=ss=«=i,=si=;s==!«s.ss==.-«==:=nJra=sral:=« Haximura Gaparoity (C. F. S.)...-.

13s Bate of Jftrlofiiy;. .....;:. Fffifesg „

14. Lafid BeScfiption «f Place 6t Use as BGffiBSL™™*™™*™™*,*.™™™™* -., ....~....™...~...,...,

IS.- SeWiariSi tFFea^yraSMaB;^}^^.::;::^^:::^:^::-.^^:::^^:^^.^^:,-:.-..-

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• v / f ;;\: •-'•••,; v." •, •• • ; _ . , " ; ; ; ; | j

. . • . > ' „ " l •

a ^ 1 Form An. H « M -- 5-45"— ~ "" I "' STATE ENGINEERS OFFICE \,

Wfdftr- Besftursea ^n.wey

Notice of Appropriation

2. Name of Apprp^riator... JMs%IL...fe-f«?:saes.... Address....OM. , „..„,„ .„,..,....

& Hate App^s tgdL^^SS=AI*=ag4 , . ,«= .^^ Dale M I e d _ : = S g l - a = = M t t . ^ : ^ ; ! . : = : : ; : ^ ^ ; : ^ ^

Amount Appropriated, Minem Ineh.e8,,,.,,I,l6fl™,,,,»,,,,,J,»,,..,..,»x,.m,. 8uW.e Feet pej? semad™,-..,.,,,™™^™,-,.-.--- ,

4 N^ne of Steam^^jMlL^MiS^lQsl'iytlAv:-:^•••• IWbutaiy.. ,....„ Bas|n........?....:...

g. BoM of ffi¥eMoAI,.I.™,I^kSllt,te^M.jJiiMLfl4^Mti>=JIS=Jit-Jiii.^^^.^™^^^.

geg«=MS^=,,»=^ fwp^^^^AA.,,,.,:.,, Rge.;:;T=IM:,,=,:::,::,IBank of Steeam:..:....i®fi ,..T....!.:::,i=!=!:!:M....

•a, RBP» .^^fetottes.^^™-™™-^^^^.--^-.^^-^.-.--.^^.^

T. BeseripMoB. of §«stgm,^,MMkJI^,MMf,J&^§!m^^^^^^^^^ „

& liaMfiga^BfenoflnteiideiPlaceof UgeKi:=I!!:u:s=,M==s,!!ra:ls^ra=:=:!i;::M!:u;,

mra._ra»ra.™,.»,,,^^a5i*»^tei.=Jea!reJMMI.a,lia,Aj!!;B,AJ.. ..Biiln,..Jui3ifr...C^^ Man*.

_'""3- "- " - ""9* RemarKs {Pei^nmgWVUi^^ymmmmmm^nm^.^mm^m^^mm..m^.^^.^. I

10. Case No«....n.s..n...... Sat& n . . . m »«« n , . r a n Ast , Deseed: M. !„„.„..,,„.„. G. F. S

llv fa Wfeom Beer&d ^,,m^^,,m^,:^m:,^^,m^^,^,^^,^^^^ Address » .-. *.—.-....•..*.-..

iS. Name of BiteB,,, , Msimlffl Safasfty (G. P. S.)

18. Dale 61 Priority «,nn:.,,..nm..,.,n...,..,...,In..,..mra»:.n^ Purpose,m==».«.-.»..,.™,™ ,.

14 taifd BesBripiion of Place of Use as BeeTe6d=,«!,«».^.-.ras-.,TOraivi«rai=!ra==i-.«i=s... ,.=•.

15. KemarKs (Pfeseni Use Stetiiis, etc.) „.„,„„,„»„„„...„ „

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s • ":

. I1

- ' .1

. : : - == - } '

•", •';•/. \ - ' / ' . I '''':• :. X

f':W\ • _ 1 :^ ^ STATE ENGiNEERS QfFICE

Water- Resources SurreyNotice of Appropriation

2. Mm of ^?fflSfete=.-ltes^&=M^P«#»«==="=====!-.!!=,!vv.:,r Address SM,,.,,.,,,,.™..,,.,.«™,.»m™.™rai,.I= :

3, Date A^m^iB^,,,,,,^^^liJMl^^am!, Bate BledL^JMJLii t . l i f l^^.^^^ „

JjnQunt Appropriated, Miners Inches MO,.,,,, „„,„,„, Gubifi Ffifit p.!? 8£S!H!&»»»..tt»<g» »«»;»

4 Jtofi at Sja^^SMlliaJSlimJilii^IlS^^MS...: ^ -- Basin _ , _B. Mnt of Btesion S^^fe^^touSiljfil^jaSS&^ii^^^^^ :

See JL,™,™, Tw!fe,«M=ra.=,,==!; Eggst!1,3|!s!!!!;=:ss!!!=Baijfc of Steaniv..l!»?*..= ..,„„,„«,.„„«

6. Purpose ^...-JKEi^y-as,.^,,.,,,.,..,^^,^.,

f. Descriptipn oJ System ,„„«„

8. Land OescripMon at Menied SMe pi Use„„„., : , l M H i , . J ! M , , J k £ * . 7;,TJ.OT4.; -. J.20 ^ - E. L. Milla^ J^ditJi Gap, Sant.!!!!!i!!!!::::::....r M S I i ^ S s S A . ^ - W - T S - , 40 A, - H I . Bii la^ rtj&ifck Sap, Stont.

9: fiigtnaafte (FerlaSniMg lo Use, efe)^^.. , ,

Decree10i OaSe !!•&:;=::::,„„„::„= ^ a t e » , « » ^ » s . » » » , A m t . Decreed: M. I. . C. F . S.

1 1 . To WBorn D m w m „ Address- «, -

12-.- Mame o£ Ditch.^^....^.^.,.,,,,^,,,.™™,,,,,,, Max imum Gapacity (C. F> S.) . . . . ., ..^

13; B s t e s f Pr ior i ty !I!.i====™===«,=i!=..™.... . . . . . P u r p o s e , . . . .

l i Land DgsfflpMoli of Pfere of t Jse 'as Becreed

15. Sematfcs (Present U s e S t a t u s , etc.)**, . . . . . . -

Page 41: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

i" [ , :=: -- : ' ; :. a f

;rr ' 1 ••;<«©>» 1 B'flJTO A p , l r ^XOM °=,45.

Wlter Resource Surroy

1, County,, J l a i t t S a L ^ ^ ^ Book . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . J ^ ^ ^ ^ S M l ^ ^ ^ , , IeTOrd,:.^..S:....:..:..........rv,^^";

3. Date Apfropriated Xii,%,Mf..!9M Date Hlirf...Jto^a,..19^.,.m,.ra™,»m^»»»™«»«m™™

Jijiiftunt AEpsprialed, Ifeera InchesTOS=,!l:!!!|QQ=!^!S!!tS!!:s:s=!:;:;=^, Cubic geet per seeorA™.,,,.,,..,,,,..,..^..^.,.,

5. Point of ^v«n^.v,.,,.fiiiafe..ii,ias.ta..u».t£B£..l^ia..fip!iBgQ..ej.t.4ffilai..^^

oft luiid

Seo..a tl.,H T»rp,J.,.,3,a,,,,,,,,,,., Ig^,,,,,!!.,,,™,,,^,^!)^ sf gtes«HU,jBi!^iS#. , , .,„..: .-

6, Purpose i f e d S f f i t t i f t u J S f f i J ^ i . ™ ™ . - ™ . - , ™ ™ . ™ ™ ™ ™ , ,

f, DescriBtion of System...,.,...ai^Eh,..|6.as.4il?-aiae

8. Land DesoripMon of Intended Pl8.ee ef IJae,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,..™,,,™,,,.,..™.,^,,,,,.,.,,,,,,.,,,^,,, , .,,.,., ,

^,._,,.,_s._._..,.^^^^^^^ ,

! S U S ! J « M S . ! ! ! M ! M M ! ! ! : J ! : : vvv Wi S«40<J,|..«,,.?..... .'<„„..„, 4,,,,,,.«,,.-.'.'. JI !!

!MS!==a!=!:; :M:_ :==,J:_, : :., :.. :, : :.. :...... :.....M.. ify.niaTii..^...?.....!! .'!.,., „..'.• ?. !i ,

9i Igffiaife {fertaKiiiHtr to tJse? istec)-^.- .-^^^^^^:^."^^^^. '^^^^^.- .^. .^^.^^. . =.= »,

DecreeI k OSSS HOi DafcS=Si = ::::: .•.-.-.:::-.-.::^-.-.: = !-.::AaA> &<&¥&& ! 3S. I s ^ ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ ^ C. F. S. . =.* ..+..

11. To WHoffi Secreed „,„.„„,„„„„.„„.„„„„„ = A&fcss.

IE Name of -Bitoh^ ,...™.™..,..™..™™.....,™.™™.™. Msamum Gapadif (0. P. S.) ,..

18; Date of Priority ...^.^^^^^:,^^=,^,^,,^,,^r^ I ^ r p o s e ^ ^ ^ ^ v , ^ ^ .....=..- _

14. LaM Description efPia'c i 5f tfeffi as DecfWd

i5i Befnarta CPrssgHt XSm iStatus, ifo$^^,^^,^**^,,^w™"*™™™=™™'<™'**> <-

1 •• • . . £ • >

Page 42: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

'• ; : '•' • • "cV• . ; ' ' : ' : ' . • : ' l >

• ' " " " ! ' * aun BHBOBB emotWater Begoujsces Sumst

If«tice of AppropriatiQn

i, <Jm,n^.™.5£«asis ,=„. J???k_ ..li,™...,™Jfeps , l k l l _«*... Eeearfl M J ^ -

a, Ems PI Approprktelttffli.a.l^aste»i:!,-, ™~~ AMsm»JM:;-,,r.

3. Bate ^ECOTriate3Ms;,^Q*.-l^.§™.~»»»~.»««.-,.« Bate filed .M,X,ll.*,iSi-9

Amount AppopMsM, ffi&m laches- ..8Q&~™», «-^*=,,» ©ubic Feet per second ,.

4 Name sf Streain: M g l ^ l M l J s i i i i , - , ^ ^ - , - . TMtotAJf »..„„,.,.,==,.»„=,,=.,== Basin

6. Point. M« mye j^n , ! , . J i t ak .dL*^^« toU*Em«Ja .e i^ -^ JBPW«fi..J8«&». SXlA

Se^JA,,,*, . , , , , , Twj> M,ia.™,™, ms&^M-,,,,,-,: Bank; sf Stessi^,. ,^^,,

6, Wimms, ^^,M?$MM$&~~.m,^~^^--- .»^™.™.,,,.™,,,..,,.«=!I« »•

f, GescripttOJi fii j§ptem:!::!!::..Sa±ali,.a£us»4gL=™..-«=.-,==«=!!r: ,.,™™™,,-=,

8. liaM Pescnption of Intended Place of Use!==:..,:.: „„„„,„„„,„,„„.,„.„.,..

..„„„„, E^ uos.. l o - i Q - ^ 5 . - ta^^2 = ! i i ,^J! . .X. . , l ia i6 , , . ,^a44*fe . ! : Ga2i , .Mont-

9s SeinafKs (Pertaining telffsev etc.) „,,-.«„.,.,„„.„, ^^a, .^ . , -™.. . ™..'


10, Case N6.w,,,a,,=,»» B8te=i!===r«v.-ra==,!=.»..m...»«&iafe Beeteai!? SL I v . , ^ ^ . ^ . ^ . . . C. F . S ,.

Xi. To Whom BeGieed „,...„„»„.„ ;.-!...!!i=™««.,™.«....ro........ ; M d r e s s « ^ ....

m Name of WxOi^^,^™™™™,™, -...::-.-.,-.* IttaKiniuin' Gapei^f {,«3= F» S.)....=

lg ; Bate of iPMoritf •.. ...-.-.-.-.^•.=,^^mnmmm^. futpsm^.^,^-.,^,,,==.„,.,... ^ ,.

14. Laad Descripiion of Plage of i[J§g as BeBreed .,== .,«.v.. ^»»»,«»,«.»

15, Kemarfes fftssent Use Status, etc.)... ::-.=«*•.*> ••••= -

"'"""•"""•" . - - - — — - . . . . — . •-• , j

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, • q | ^ B ' : : ! " y . . r; < . ' • • • : : . ' " • • : . ' ; ' * * i

- .! H •'•••w--::•:':•':> • " " ^ 1

% ^^m' '' -' • ' ' * : I '

^^^H ^rifibb 1 Form Ap l«n>10Af ^-45


^ H Nattcft of ApRropriation

^ B 1. .County..,.,,mo«i3affla,^™^ . ^ k ^ ^ ^ f c ^ ^ ^ t a g a . ^ ^ ^ , , . ^ ^ * . , , Record., J^.,.,.,.,,,,..m,.,,,,,.,.,j£,''.4^H 2 . N a m e of AppropriatoSaa^j,.M<^aj;lai!d.-- , . , , . - . ,-- . , . . , . . . - . . . . , . . . Add.ress,:...C(isa,.,.,•,,•:•••:•::••.•••••:::•.=::••-•:-••"•-•---••••

• j j ^ B 3, iRajte ARp^RriiM^ft^--IMr,imt-,!-•• = = - - Pate Filed a j r .^JSl l . ,^^^^^ ;

' H ; Amount ApfDoptiaM, Minsra Iro!iiea»=>«,™^SL^=«« I.-,-«,s,«:=!!!=i §ubic Feet per second

^ H 4 Naine. of Stream^^fkJhyMf^--' .,.,.„„,.,.„„. Trifeuter,,,,^-.,.,.,,^.,, Basin

^ B 5. Point of 0iv£^ioi^,,,B|4isS).,.4^^l^.':s^ii^

>^M „,,,,,3?y*ift.sp^•^i!&M•iaM••»•••™=.••'•"""™»-••"•»"•« i

' ^ H S98»™J&. =-™ fTO^-^M Rge ig,m,.».,.,,,Jtafflk. fiiE SteasHi»»

; ^ B 6, Pamass ^^^feAfgMaa- . - » .,.•.„,,,..,,„.„,.,„,„,„„„,,.,,„,„.„,,„,„..,! ^ H 7. BeacrijiitM oj Spteffi^^=Bifioh.g6:^^«v-:«,,«...•..::-- ...™- = -,-

^ B S, X^^figg^MgnQf&teMedHa^pf'a^,,,.,,..^.,,,^,^.,^,^^^^^^^ s

^ H 9s Remarks (Pef ta in inf toUge* et&J-..-^-:.====i=!=======«B==ss=-.ss=0.ra=^«=...»o».«. -

^ R : Deieree • \

. • • iOs Oase N o . ^ , ^ ^ , , , Date.,, ..^.^^Aiafe Etecreed-M I , C. F. S

' ^ H I i , fo Whom Beereed ===„„„„,..,==„-..,=.„=„,„„„„-, Address — ~. '

^ H 12. Nairig of Difeh ^.^^1,^m,,=,^^^^mm^,^^ Maximum Gapafijly (0. F. S.)

' ' ^ B 18, Date of K i o a ^ ...,.„...„,„ ...^:^m,«,,m furpisse .

^ H 14 Land Desonpion of JPlace of Use as Decrega ' .-.

' ^ H 16, Remarks (PFeSgnt tJse gfetliij 6te.-)™^«=».--««==-»=c. ---' '%

1 ' ** '< '' ^^B ^J| '

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' i ( t ( |

" ^ ^ mmrmi nt&i* I " ' SESSR OF MONTANA • ,-? : i" ^ « * J. f . >, SiJJ* ^ County qftfiATLMTO

itap_«H .«g...=.a!L- Jtf*f« ZHf/neerJ Office ^ ^Tw&I=fflj?B»-MI™ =• WATER BESOUBCK SURVEY = ™ - = . =

N9B»sfUwd6ww..J^B !BJL !Si^af taJ««nd 1. LiVssiaa*<-Cj**i! i»*. •• ,

Nome of Gfeemto.™....™,™,,,,.,, v,..,....r™SS!!SS,,K!«_ira,m7itr,,,,.TO.,..Addres , , „

; t.69fll R^SCXipttoOt......."-;:;:::.v.K;::.-.;^j;itrii^j.r.WaW^vwt,.i;.«fM..Mi ,.....:.; i;:-S;W.- ;. . . , , _..

I I !rr!9Jt«( tsns! | j NonrIrrigated band Potentlol Lond Under Existing Focilltles

' • " " ' " ' Mwth

l e e HiiR+,f«« Map a ^ im-omatieB in

Fc4d§r- llo.S, f-,,p. I T " , SRO. 1-y .

Giias N8.1j^j^,f&^=.!...._.=rai,,!,ross=!=mi;i.-..i; System.^d^*a^^ i ^^/ jW/ fo . / . ( Mi( J Eaouree of W<ft>i.../£ig&&afaF..d!'.C!g.<e/&....

Ma^tb,JM^^sd^^M^i^&^emi^&^. Poterttiol..^<'4;,«JIS.Mmlmurrt.-i?S^.^^..ft..,.....F.^.P...-.-..G....,.-.S.......

G o * NS,,.:, ™,,»Kra^,,,U»===vTO,n=Sy5Sm. ^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ , ^ . ,._ ..Source of Water

Bdsln^ra,!»..»ra,=s,.-=ra=sssis==;i:i:: 1Praseniw»,aBsl!;TOi.;;;;iPoSer*iol .Maximum^ _...R. F P. .G_....=.S..*..~

&ife Wtl....**..^:,::,;:.: ,.,,,,.,m,ri,mmma,S^'mrL~.-.,,-.,,,. ..,m,,TO,^g^ .;. .-..:.. SOUIW Of Wot«.. ^ _ -. .,mm- ~^ra..»~-=^=^=^ i:=:..:«winJ»M™™»«sramrefinHal _ .Maximum..-. R.. F..._ . P. .6. S..«....

C o d 8 N o System _ _ «. ...Source of Water.. .«...-. '.-^.,^'.i..t

^ s ' " « Present , • Potential _ .Maximum....,...* .. .R.... .-.F..._.-.iP. G. SJ-..-&

If under Ditch Company, Irrigation District, or Government Project, stote the number of shores of Inches, acre feet, .os'theicci&njay'fDl

in sold Sysem _ _ _ _ ^ . . - i™* - * - - '-'.-'«}*••»•* ^

NOTE R—Denotes Reoulor Irnoation F—Flood lmBo«on P—Water diverted by t r l ^ * i r i i ^ n p i n 7 ~ b ! ^ * ^ » i S i ' S 4 w ^ JS—Stored Water t • '•^<*"«'"T'i.kntfsfet

information from . _ JY, f, 4? . XXte....1?/£/39?. .'. ' ., .„..'....-._-.!.'

Page 45: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

i fHSiliifif' IBBP ^t^ • ,,L "^lvapSsii&flHH w^BBBBkl

Mm1 ' • '*•! I B ' - n

"1 I ' r r / • : r j

- _ '' / ^ H sSgtefSMMtssaHTuwifcj-a ° STATE OF MONTANA : : :;i : ' '


'~ ', WM Township iil.ll ,:::T!!:!T!:.... Range. AiZj. :::..5!!! County...M'fVs?^^?.?^ 1

•>, ^ m \s"fkvi 'i>r i ^ +^"i <i i ~, J „ I ji ' I r j r ~ ui

• ;i f M , f - / L j i 4—n~fr 4! • • *% ' - T j l t i t - —" ' * « * ] * i '—"I " I I , T'™"T

J ^ H i i ' ^^ K I ^ , A I

^m i J , 8- f —?>• ~ -m- • '4, h it r-"™T~1 H ' ?s N _L. 4 H I

^ H . . . . 1 , , • « g j . 1 » i ^ . ,. 1 , II.——t-i , , . 1 Mil , I {

• L.I--4—H-I , » ' t * -i i—i* ' '--4-4^ H I 18 f.; j IT" ' v ' ^ = ] Iff* ' ijl I < Iff" t

, i • ' " * - ,;e/• • ~ & \ : !IjN f^^^^^l S S l £ 3 ^ H l £ S S H S S S I • il I i I i ii t p M R M U . W L — M H H ^ , | I • i i il i i j I £•

j , | H ~ • 7. "| i ," ** ~ n . j j ~ IIj ' ' , ^^V ! " ' i * ^™~s ' I ' -. ' H• ' ^ H i i x i J 1 i i i '* M B *• 4~~" i T • ! : :

i ' j ^ H p 80^ y2$ - - ' 28 £ 2 ^ i 2«^ i I 1—2 5— -1 -' ; \• . ^ B ! f * j—J — I n i ^ . I

' p ' * ^ B ' ' ' \j i - ^ I ( r r ^ *• ' ! ' -:r * ^ H A s L ' < i , r A ,-.1 '•«*<?,

. ' . ! ^ B L _ ._ . ' j * i ^ L ^ . t-S , f - , ^ * l , J > t - l - L - l - _ _

;;4 t'if;" 9 „.,...-... .»..™-_ •_ .~ ,,,„-,,,„_.„„.,„„

.• ''t&W?l^E fowifigbip,.....,..,....,™.,.....-,... BBiSp..,,,,,,r.m,.™,m,,,,,m.,..,,,,,, : |$j _ '. "vpI'l^B , ; <

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1 'BYI ; &40^^

"1 B a t '•': / " I

! • i

i I ' v l t*'• • STATE ENGINEERS OFFICEBV Water Resonrcos Survey|^^B: Q.¥?BGrshlj» of Irrigated Lands^ H 'HZZgH* JAlL- ^——SSSE. j-JHif flA-nty lU^,Aan,/9M^[_ _

BB 1| Name of Owner Owner's Andrews jjjjjjjj

^ ^ H - 1 ^ / i i y . " 5 U s i u . ^ J&taui '•> {•• it hLuu jtirwCk JUfrj ,±~,n , «... ,^- - „

^m UA < " ^ , .„ „ ' A ii

• • Aii&j^/^-CZSfiti JLuiT^L. L.<kL~£a, x. p3tfd>nf* tfaft

• „')£ M&.i£&-J>/c 4?&-l'~z ^ ,- - v -

B V ! _ ( '-'•'

' I ^ ^ B Tonnddp— .,,..,,— Baugc = ==———-—--- :, !:: :; : : < ^ H -^S»l PurmD-2 1M S-45 ' " •; K

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B ^ R F->-A , : 'S • effl^V^i/«rf^L--.-™-».™ STATE OF MONTANA * / ^ R /*£

I : • farm Checked, D ^ A a B W t t L W M E M CONSERVATION BOARD p h o t o NQ ^i • • ? i A f Water Resources Survey

V | H v$jJ&&»,.,tJ&*$R ,,.,„,,=.,...,. < » >•: ; :^K. fcgpl Land Owner, k.,^fSjsk^a,^m^^,,,^._ ^.....- ,,, Address KJ^'M „£?<»/?

-| HB OpeMts»,=! ,™,,«,»,,«a=,,!!,i!, =„„„,„,„„„,„„„„„„„„,„„„„„. , Address! ^ H Watgr is dejiygrgd. by:™ 1, Pmate gj-stemi ?• Ditch Q3iiip9ny 3 State Project, 4 federal Project, 5 In

; ;• i • • ' '._ J J - _ ' ~_ . j.: ' ^^^^B App, No. j &AM£i QM APt*lV0PI{i7iTOR I MAMV nv uiinwAivt 1 X>*te A&p Mlft*ts *_ *TaA 1 NAME 01s DITCH "|~~ I - •--

t B J H mfe'Ms.. I TO wnpW C g c t y , I SAMM OF S™«*M pafi pSoftty inch«» In "»" ofttcr oSlvcrca By) T^" R/F

^r ^ B : " ~~^'triii,.._izizzrzzrr~~~7ir°zi.=r"'^7 IT*zn__^ " ^r-~ ZL^*""^^"J ~Z~. =".'~Z

:.••;/,] ^ ^ H : ^ . . .r

:':f! V ^ H *— ' ~ — -. --.. — ~- — ^ - - ~~ ^ ^ ^

1; ^H zzn~i :-i~z!L-Z--"' -ZZTZ ~ r"7 ~ r " ~~.~ =^°=~~... 1 • — - ] - • - - = " -~

:g i ^ H NOTE: R—nenoCSs Regular irrigation. F^Flood Irrigation. ,

»' BBf ' i Adequate Supply Yes No Explain . ,, , ., , . ,. ,3BH ^ ^ Remarks _ , . , » „

, • • ; (?/;..//»r #*e-J2 &•.***."# a

^ B , River Basin '/Vi'J^c/^^j^

^ B I Also in Plat No Twfj Rge || Plat No TWfi Rge j Plat No Twp 7&ge Information Fro'1,1 B M Plat No Twp _Rge_ _ !'Plat No Twp Rge_ J Plat No Twp j Rge /7r^ -„

^BBB» ' '

'"'• i ' ^ B : : '

I BM ' : • ; '•-'••• •• '•'

J BB "' - ' : :. f . - : ' ' - : ; •'. •• < ,' I 1 '

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LJ-4^^r4--f-4-*| * —|—t* 1 |"'T"' | 'Ti 1 I r^"l

^ ^ ^ ^ w^.sw«»w». » - ™ - 3 1 * - t



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e.SHRty,M«gi<4^' :...,.,,,,,,.,,,,„ sxKm OF MONTANA T ^ E ^ , Plat No <&•

nm a * * D a t e . ^ . ^ , ^ , , . WATER"00N8BBVAT.ON BOARD p h o t o N Q ^ ^Water Resources Survey -^

Legal LmdQwner /?&*'#* //• *&#f ,„„„„,, , , Address 'A'A'M &&J? . „, . , ,

Operate , , , , M,,,:-::T- ,. , Address , , , ,

W%ter is de'fcerfid .byi— !• Private SYSlSffl! ?• Ditch 0omp.ajiyi 3 S»ate Project, 4 Federal Project; 5 Irrigation District

"TSwTT&Srl NAME OK APEROiBSlA«i>K ! ««uu TTo «Toil"M" [~W>W~*PP MlMt'l CT~",," ~ NAMF OF DITCH "~ ~,~ I Presnnt | IrrtsBlp « c t e e m | *—^ar gBBK'SISIggft SJAMg OB STREAM piijC'prloftty . IlKhw i '•• "'" (Yfatv Dfllvifta B > I No B^p Irr Acttt "Acre

-""• ^~^^mIM€MimmSy\Z'4^m^Z^u .T_ £*&&Z- fp\ /&. _ _, ~~ ~.~ ~^—„ 1- ZZSL I_^^f f l r . i f£ l T v & / S g 7 ~»j?fe^---?.gg<i. t5>f*i'Arp*>H_ &i*Ji>?*&/? Ja'f' fVo _ = „

_' | '" _'___ !__Zl-..,_flT_I^I'" ' _!_' 1 "~-" " • =-

" " " i - rrj_T" = m —-—•—j^------~=-^- >• r — — ^ - — — • =—• - - ^ -^-j^-i-—•—-: - - - .

^ _ _ T " _' "S" ' ~ " " _ • — - . . - _ " _ ' ... II - - = ~ . " "

p; ^ " .!{_".'„„ J M , J ""~. ..'.. 1. -^ J ... , ^ ]_!„ . _ ^ , |

NOTE: iMSenoies Regular ifrigation. F~F16od Irrigation.

I Adequate Suppl> Yes No Explain * . . .Remarks •.. . .. , . . * , , . .

,= , River Basin Ali/&}f/a4erf - ~

Also in Plat No i. Twp7/^ Rge,-^ I Plat No T ^ Rge Plat No T^p Kge 71 Information From:PlatNo Twp Rge 'PIat_No _ Twp Rge PlatNo,_ Twp ^li'^. J\>S/G/

• 1 . i n 1 ri M J W * * • " " ' • ' ) ' "

Page 50: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

^•' ^ ., . . • • . ' ' _ i i i | | J M 1 1 ^ [ I

• s o , t ff 2^ 2? | - _ 28^T~ •maynriiiipasuj " ' H

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H Lanci Ownership . 1S1 I B^,B a B™M«M E P J ,M« 8a 3 5 S S 5 5 ; : ! ! ! - : , : : . . . ; . . ,: :.,.„,„„-«•-__ ».«—!«*«_* (•

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. ^ i f f i , ^ - . • . ' . • • • • • ! " • • • : ; ; V ; i - ^ v ^ •••-,.. ; ' ; ' • ' • " ' . • ••••• : . ' : ; ' : r ^ ; i : ' 7 : / / ^ - : . ^ 0 ^ i


. Gflun|y,fe»;^^^..==M,,.,..,=!^,™,, g M f e 0 J F MONTANA T ^ R ^ / = Plat No.

W o r m O V l o ^ ^ . n , WATER eONSEBVATION BOARD

farm Ghegkgd.: Dalg,,,,,,,,^,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . _ - . , . . . . . - - Photo No

f By..........,.,,,..,..,,,,..,,.,...,. .„..„,„„... 4^^»i '

JLjggal hmA Qwmv,,M:MW,,xJ,i3ge£?. „„...,„„„„„„ „ „ _ Address, ^ a - / 4 d&^P• « ' • " ~ ~ " / ~

0{«ratep : ...:.;!^.!::SI!,!,„„„„„„„„,„,„,„„„„„„„„„,,„„„„„„„„,„„ ,„„„„ Address •,,„.««,„ , , , „ , » «.Water is delivered by:==^ J, Privale System: 2, Ditch eomBanjf; 3 State; Project, i. Federal Project, 5 Irrigation DjsJn * S R ^ i > ^ ^ - „ I Present I It,

Wj^as W».. !Tfi WHOM MttiBgBn | «A»Ig OE STREAM BSSTfflBWy Inches ''" °W (Water Peltvcred By) T i F B ^ Irr, Acre; ~j

•:• «• SIM",K^J5"'?~^<i^ZII-"T'^*&h&>-•^STIZ.itMzL&t7SL.ZH_^^ZJ — J*.. ZZ^ITTTT"*""

zzziijr^r7z~^"i T i n 2ZZZ: ' T""' IT r~zz^zzzr "~ ~" ~ "_ZIL^ _IZZ ._ i~^r -I "~izzzi_r"°""'''*ii_...- ZJT""" ,""!!" ~"^~—_z!zz"_ " „ ^^rzzzrr""^' r^^r__ _"j .r...,'_: ' . "si _ m Z-Z. _.*--'°^_7- rz~. ~r _ .~~ ztzz, . . _ -__ _ - j - ^ " ^ - ^ - ^ ^ ^ j ^ - " ; ; " " ^ ' ^ ! . ; I'lZZlZlZ.7T 1 ^ "-"^ ~ ^IZl __J.'..."'.ZTT

NOTTI: K^Denoies Regular irrigafenv F—flBBa ifflffffisa:

Adequate Supplj Yes No Explain „ , „ , , ,,^,t,,^.j ., -. - - -*~ Remarks ,LU ., „, •- * . . • > , >

River B a s i n . ^ K t l * ^ ' ^ ^ '

Also m Plat No Twp Ige^ j Plat"No Twp Rge |j Plat No 5wp Igij 1 In&tmation FroYn

Plat No Twp Rge | Piat No ^ Twp Rge || Plat Ng Twp Rge

; i

j !

: ." ' , ' > ' \

•' • 1 , ' ?

Page 52: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

, . . . _ , ,

" " " " ~ " " T T T " " ^ t - " v " '" :~-"pt—-7 • — p j 1 | " f ~

TTt 'TJ* "TI-IT""- j j " r i L-!"Tr"•" T T " " T \ 1 ." " 1 p_ I I I ; I T~

~~}\ *~t T7 '' ""]"*" nrinr ='• 1 i n" r' •rt i i r* .. ,. 11 1 n 1 , L,,., iA ,4, ' S I . 10 »-*. -

j ! ! l ' i l l ! I "*!" !' I l l '1/1 • •••••-••••• -• =. . - f x , _ ' - l " l f " k - , J • j i < • • • • • . ! . ; • ! j j Q J

• r ' "' i \ \ f i " i r"i'~vT i "J r*] i r1 I i I I I I ! ! . j • I i I I !

—+=^f- i - "-"-f—*»»~i—- - + • * " • • i • •" -' H s W — ™h—*ii -1 •• ! - 3 * ~ + - --J-4-J- I J-1 1— —I—I—L -4.-.L1 U-i L. ^.l-,.!^!.-

i l l i l l i 1 i i j 1. , I ,! •- i ; i !

1 i& i 20 I 21 ; a i ' 2 8 - I if ! i

•..-... «=„„„,,..! . L ^ I ^ U . .k^i-J^^^J,:^! I ,| k , . . L-^U-4-«-1 1 i I i l l i ! " i i i ! 1 ""•* '

I i ! I I I I I " I ! I t M { " •

—f-"i • i -I—^—rn—l r r ~\ • - r -TT^ . w .

i i ; ] i—nn—TTT—rn—l i i1 ! ; S ^ I - i I i i ' 1 ' [

rtiiu ri^iTjiTtzrnzjziii.i'ii r 11 r nLand 0wn«fsliip, ! ! ! ! ! ! ! = = ! I J S , s ! „ „ , „ „ „ „ „ :„ != = »!= , =„===„„,„„„„,,„,„== t - ^ »_

• . • ' . • = . ' -. . . . "'.''•- v'Mfts

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I : P ' I

BV1.-A - I t , • ;

ceunfekfciM=, „„.„. , auammmw*. x^x/iW mVo./Zmm « * * n u a _ . . . , WATER eoiysiRVAT.ON # OARD ^ N Q

Water MaamxgM Survey^r , . ,™;™.- .™^^- .^ . . . . „„„.. * ^ - " ^ . . . „ , . .

Legal LaM 9wBW,,,,J!^.^.^&ai.tg,*',,,,,...,-,,,,,,.. ..,™.,,,», ,„ ,,.. Address -%'"&'{„££„ $**/$„ , ..„„

QpSa tQP • ; ;,I!!!!S!!= = . ««M = ...,,=,,. = ,,.,, ::---:!!!!a = !=mS = ... . . . ,«,U ,^... . . . : :: AddrgSg, ,v, , , . , , • • » • .^ «

Watel? ia del ivered by;*— 1. Private Systgjjj 2, Ditch GomBinji 3., State Project; 4 Federal ProjeQti 5 Irrigation District

App/'No. | ttABSrSffl^f0fOBiii"AitOK j <*iiM~nirvnnrAKi D»t« App. MlnerSt~i^"i^T"" iSAME OF DITCH _ ^ l~^7i~IT'rSMnt I IrrijabSmiWSk. I MWHOtg PECREEP-" I HMW PF STREAM ffiBaTFitEffite 1w»M "* "'" (W»t<i.f DcUvcrcd By> 1)0. " ^ Ir" Acre. A%<

G? . I " . " , _" _'. _; _ .j~ ;_. i. ..... ,-- ::rzziizi_.^.,.zr""'"—z'niZ— -i~~—"""Z_"!IZI— ^7°! !3

-^n3~H"L _; Hlzn T^T"^!'!-'-"".! _ """i"" ~ ."..'°"~H.C^Z.-'".'T° - —- - - - '\__~~'*^~~Z~^"~Ji" _ i "" ~ z --J" - - ' ' ""^^J" _,";:' 2 i ^ _i_" „. ~'_ * » ^" '___ I '_. ". '...^'_ .._'-I._"_ I - Z-Hl ..,•.. L -.-I -.-" ^ ,

NOTE: E—Denotes Regular Irrigation; F^Flood Irrigation.

( Adequate Supply Yes No Explain ,. ,.r,-. - , -a.Remarks , ., u u „ , * » - „ „ , „ ,

River BSsin $&4W&<&#//. . » ^ ,

Also in Plat No Twp Rge II Plat No TV{> Rgi Jj Plat No T*p^ BtiiT 1 Information From:

Plat No _Twp_ _ Rge II Plat No Twp Rge j | Plat No Twp __jt§P<J^l_


^ *

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§• " " " " « ' . ..: :: ; I 1[ !<

• : ; " " ; • ; ' • • - . " . ! f t i

r i ; ' n i j—i-—j~--j i j=~-i | j i-- • _,—j | ~ , — r -

- , j .J .l_ 1 _ I - r. I J . i i ! 1 .! _!_!' , | [. I ._ j \ _ _\ \ } , j j :

' ~ i ' ' ! ~ ~ ~ , i . _ ! i '| i I j ' i • . ' ' . { "I * « f I » ' » ' , | I? , ~"*P — •

I j :?y;y } • i i • i j t i t j i " I

; - ; , , i ' { ~' I . " ["T '

: 1 i \ 1 i i J f ! i Jf i i J f ! r + - -• |_.J_J___L L..N X-!__L —.Li-, i-- -' !_U,J - L ; '

-" n"" i i (""• " h r ""1 r i •M7"~i"" j"" ?• •; • • f• ;

• l i ! ; i- l-TTT-i [ f : X £ F f-JrJ- -.JI 3j) , " 2P , , 2ff T * «? ~ - -28 4 = = r - - l B6 i—>. ' _ i i ! I • _ J _ L i . i ; _,, • (

^_ i ; | i ij_™ i-r | ] J t I T "• v-

31 3^ ; 33 34 ' 85 i-S6 •;

J , - . . .

• i ' [__

Land Ownership ,:=,=„.===..=«»«=====.!=:.. „,=,„,„„„,.-;„„.„„„::.; , . _

Page 55: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

f ' , ' V " . ' • • ' ! • ' " • ' - ':\i'i

QsamS^Mme/MMd.,,, , S SAS« fit MffiMSASA : f/^tR./i^ P

»« «•**,«*_,.. mmmnmmmm mmn «*,__%.,.,.,==.,.,,,, = ,.„„,,,„=,„„,,„,,,,=„„„„,„=„,„„:••:•: «€^°' „ ,.

Lsgal I^M Qwnfty.,!J^,d^I!:Ae?l^#a;:: . <. .. Address ^ f / ' , / / r £ W; Operator.. ,=»........„„...•!....„,„==.=.=«„„„=„«,„ ... Add ess , , v

Water is delivered b y i = L Private System; % Djtoh Coaipany, 3 State Proaect, 4 federal P oject S Irrtas

'TfSWN~ o7 I ~ NAMP Oi": APPBQRRiATfSft I "" v^lCi« n n i u Dlit* App Miner's ,_"^,.. I NAME OF DITCH L V. Payp "'firI«WMU'T8&| ° -»a «MiaB"»BBBBEB NAME P F STREAM p^te gtiSrity i M t o '" " " iwfier p l i f ted B ) ' wo K/r at

^ 1 _ _ . » , - „ , • • - - - . . — ^ - ^ ,rrz — j";r~r_ " r ~. '~ - -" = ._.__ „ .Z~^~ -°——=———-- _•—• —- - -_ - - __:__;__^__ ~ ~ z ^ _ _ _

.__, —---f — "=^ ——- "•" - = ^ ~"~ ~~ ~zi~~Z. \ ", ..~" ' TH"l ~ T " ' I J""l"l J Z T J : = " 1 ^=~"~ ~~.ll " •-••--- -—- ^ZZZZIUZ.

i ' ~_2 1 T V T , ...==___ i " I _ _ „',_- .

" i ^ ~ "~ _. _ "* f

i _ ___ _____________ ' _I j _ * . '_1_..~ ~"~7. L_"" 1 a = " ™ * "^ _ f

NOTE R=benoies Regular Irrigation. F—Flood Irrigation.( Adequate Supply Ves No Explain „ . , . -.«..-.•»™ . ,«..^ = Remarks ,„ .,, .. .».<... .. ...» -

RiveY Basm /%>^j>^/ji^'//. , ,

^Al7o w, PlarNo,^" Twp 'M Rge * ^ "flat No ~ , Twp. Rge jj Plat No Twp ,.,, Rge . 1 informaUon Fi'Bm'

Plat No Twp" Rge Plat No Twp Rge | Plat No, Twp, ,„ Rge^ _ m 11



', ,

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i l l l i l P C T : : : ; : : \ / ' •'•• •• •. • ' ! ; ' ' " , ' '•' . , , ; • ; . ; «

' ..' M': r'.: " W •; >: - ' : m "" , *

• • IX... l ,, QnTTTZl-J ISQ^

ixttzntt! I r M i l l ! * I ! f

±r i — f \ • j ^ ! I I i T ^ i . j ,

I M i l i ' l

"^,'"'^"1 J _!"" ! " " T ! ^ I i_2- 1 !___F '

i , 10 i t 80 ' { 21 ' - . 28 ' I 2B ;- 24 l

; ., I . ' ' . ! i . ; '!

33 . . ! . : • i ! , I , • , ; • ; « j... J— 30 i : i ' : : W 28 2 * ' 2 8 - 2 6 —--

- . - J . . . 1 M .. I _ " •"."[_ j [ ' _ < , i i ' I • _ l

. , . , I : ; i I : , ! , iSi T S? 33 ' 3 4 S5 8 8 "

i if •i ,

I _ _| _ _ _ 1 i i _ | _ _|

l a n d OwB«rsHlp,,=!!=!=C!«!=,,, .. s^Ls-sraammara,™,, - - ,.^, , r -.

. : • • • ' . • . ; . : , . : ; : • : ' • ; • ' • ' < i ' > ' ,

• ' • . • : • • • • ' • • ¥ : . ' E ^ . ' ' . ' . f f

Page 57: of %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/fieldnotes/wheatland/T10N_R14E...Esunty.li^AlZ..^,^.,^^ STATE of SIONTANA %M&L*S¥*' Plat No ^ 1*. 0 !*•,.__^ _ WATES g^SERVAf

i ' i f ' ' < l '

' , ' ' . t • ' ' • ' /

| V 1 . A . < . : • • •

esaHa^Jew^a^. ; tam-a*win»fc> iM&/M~ piata m O k e * * . State , _ WATER eQN8ifiVATl#N SfiARO photo No

•• 'fespl fcand Qmm::M:^^.M,,,MmA,a,mA£^^^^^- :...,,,»,,,,m^,,m,,,,,,^ Address ^ / Y ^ / r f f v ^ „ „ _

• ! DfKrat95™.,,,,.,,,,,,,,t,ra>K,u,,,,!K!!M=!iI!!:,!:!: : , .„„„,«,„„ „„„„,„„„,:==,„„,::. .,.„„.„.„,=,„„ Arfdregs . , „ „ , „ , , ,

Water is Mivefgd, by:™ 1. Pri«ate gygtsmi 2, Biteh Campuwi 3. State Project, «, Feggral Proj^gj, 5 Imga tw

.„. / &?*£§&_ IS^i/^.^r^LA^iA^J^M}~JlK/WjiML.^'^^L^l. ' "#zf*^4^-gg»L."'jdjj^^! - ._.. . <„ _ _ - -_ ^ '__ JZZJ-I'*"""" -'' ~ -J'____2 1 ^_ ^ — .—•- ! _ ' : 2._^_^ ._

rz'~i—~~~~~rTiii,' -i zrr """"-z zrizi ; 2ZJP~~ ~z~. ^ ____j,z—~zz _._

-'••"——"]'--'-•• •-- -•:—- - - "^^zT""" ~izi-~zi~~"\zj"2.\ ~ _ z z n m ~ r1 ""zzirm~^7~ —

WSn%\ R—Denotes Ref ( Irrigation. F--F]o6a Irrigation.

I Adequate Supply Yes No Explain . , u , u n ,^=* Remarks . . . • <• .^

River Basin Mff$?/j4*//^Also in Plat No t w p RRe |l Plat No T ^ Rge II Plat No Twp- , , R p . j tnlo^Miion Froffi-

Plat No Tvtp Rfe |! Plat No t w p _ Rge _ Jl Plat No TwP'".ri-_J?.gl „_

„ ;i \ J . ; : : : : . . ' . - I s : , : , : : .. . • , - . = , / ; : , _ ! > >«.J>.4*, ^ jJjfaBifMMidailUM

••• -' ••'••••-' ' 'VirJ

" '• ' : ' " -' , "i ' ". •'••.• : '• .« '•• 1 I ' ' V

. •. • • : . V : : - : ^ . v . ^ . ! , - . . , ; a : - ^ ; A • , A

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%rT:;: : ; ' ' ' ' 1";

" • & • ' •• • • ' s f %&&J&Bd&UtSf£BM

IBS p - j . .-. ._.,_. , -.- -. _ j ...... , — j .... p_^.___ j _j .-—.

-™ ,™,i» «4 •-». ™— «#»H—^ -»• H —*^.« — »»#•»=J~« *:•=• : 4—" ~ —3 •»«»=» ' ? ' ' '

• : T . " " T ^ : ~ L J :.:: I"LT:~LLL.:ILL• " " • " • • ' I ••" ~ " T " " i r « \""> r ~ r i ~ ;•""!"" ' • - •

•:•.• •..-, r r i j i M i l ! i 1 '' - • r :t

(- |— •—i—j • i i — r •-> ^ r ~- = e " j™-4~-= •— '— f ^ p = - I " t ; +~- rp^ - i i •- — j » — - i

i I ' I I ! I j f ' 1 *_; _, 1 i j j ' i ; i ' ..'._.J ' [_' !i -44- -i - i P" -! -M " "TLL i

::: t + : : " r T i M l I f " ' T , ' i f I ;. . . _a L_LJ-.. ' ! ; ,.i. . . I i u !

1 • • • • ; ' ; : ; ' ' • " ; i • i i ' _ ji . i I | r • i . i ' . , r •<

SO * » ' I 2 ? 2? 28 - gp- -i-~~

I i . L ' "' J

^ | i _; TAZ~-~~ ' > • J "' ;~" "". ' I F ^

i - i i • i • . f r31 3& 38 3ft 8 5 < SjB •;

i i ! i ' '

Land Ownersf i i j> i ! ! ! ! t ! ! : ! m = , I r a = ! , , , , . ===«====!=:!.==,=!i======!,==,=I=.ra,M,ara,!«m,a»=,,,,,!,,,!...,, , =u=

• • = ' • ' ' ' . . » *

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1 / ' " ' . : •'••': ' • •"• ' / :-^ ; ; r" ' ;pi^

' ' ' ' , ' : • ' / : . 's '^Wr'^'SW

r ' : ' . • • : . : : V : . " - ^ v ^ ' i *

i ' '

Hn^^Mrtrta lMniM,.,, " - :.^:-.-1^r^r^ ^•iB.fwimiiLir i- IMdnMlflftWliri

Qm^.-Mmwd^^,^,^ ' mAm PF MONTANA T / ^ ^ R / ^ ^

Farm Checked- S . t , #"&-¥/ W f t T i l * C^MSERVATION BOARD p h o t o N o ^ / ^ . ,PaBS Ghecked, Dato^&^&^C^ WRter s ? s o u r c e s Survey -^

feegal Land Q v ^ . . . . . . . , , , , A ^ , = J & . J ^ ;_„__„„.. Address S'93 * > f e ^ , J&J/

Ogmtaf^^.... .&G#A...l/a^de&Lu..~ „„.„,,,,, Address „>£«<**'# &<*-/?.. ,•Watffl J8 MiYgred by t e 1. Private System; .?, Biish SaCTany; 3 Stute Project, 4 Federal Project, 5 Im;

•"!^^y''^^iyra^^te''''12f"^r^lm^ 1 j^pftgilr I tea;?* * »« I w&SS&JSKJn -ST W ,i

\ °°"" :'\ °~7~ ~ "ZZ ~2_^ > •• -= - = • — — i-

NOTE: %— BswottB Rcsulaf Irrigation, F^-Fioo-a 'frrigaadn.

( , /adequate Suppl> Yes No Explain . • •Remarks

Y?£, ffltyit . ' V '"

lliver Basin ^•f^'A'^'ff . .

I Also m Pl.t~No T w p « * Rge-*> Plat No T ^ Rgd " "| Plat No f ^ &£ I I ^ a t K s n Fronfro._ P>atNo _ Twp_ Rge Plat No fwp RPe \\ Plat No , _. Twp _ Rge \ />>?/</ otysV*

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