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Date post: 03-Jul-2020
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ITALIANS TELL OF STARVATION JON PRISON FARE ú - Escape from Austrian ? Campe to Relate Pathetic Tales of Hardship. f -Maw Tork. Aug. : .Many Ital- toe prisoners hav· recently neaped from Austrian prison campa accord¬ ing to cable dtspatehss made public recently by Dr. Felice Ferrerò, di¬ rector of the Italian bureau ot in¬ formation. Three hundred prisoners bav« recently reached Rumania, *her« they were enthusiastically re- ceived. There was one priest among tfcem. They all made the trip safe¬ ly la slpte of great privations and dangers. Aa Italian corporal ha· reached tb« Piave, following his escap« from aa Austrian camp. Tbe corporal wa· suffering from a »evere fever which be had contracted in camp. He re¬ ported that although hi· tempera- tore waa more than 100 degrees he bad been beatsa and forced to work. He said tbat other prisoners were frequently beaten because they were ¦nable to work. Tbelr food consisted chiefly of beet roots. Work In the Austrian prison camps begins at 4 a. m. and ends at S p. m The prisoners were spurred to greater exertions by guards, who beat them with heavy elnba Tried Twice te ¦·«·»«. j Caldo Ferdiendo Reggio, of Cala¬ bria, a member of the Bersagliere, who ovas captured last November. tried twice to escape, succeeding on bis third attempt He wandered from houae to house through the invaded provinces of northern Italy and the Inhabitants intrusted to him letters for tbelr relatlvea These lettera picture a most deplorable situation, especially,In Friuli. They all report pitiful privatone and great banger. One of tbe letter· «aid tbat th· Austrian·, ate all the food them could and drank all the wine posalo!» and then destroyed every¬ thing that remained that they could put their hands on. Wine rsn In tbe gutters and the casks were uaed for kindling. Another letter states that If the people are not quickly delivered starvation is certain. Still another begs for food for the children and describes the situation as desperate The Austrians impose almost daily requisition.« on civilians who live like hermits in sn endeavor to avoid c-antact with the invaders. The Aus- trtons have frequently burned whole forests, forcing the Inhabitants to abandon their houses. AH the prisoners report that the Italians in the invaded provinces tftlll maintain their faith In an early deliverance and all of them are willing to risk even the greatest danger· to help escaped prisoners ma. reach Italy. »Quido Friso, a prisoner captured »ty the Austrians at Caporetto, es¬ caped from the Kolzsvar camp, reaching Zagabria. He swam the Danube to Trouzo, where gendarmes captured him. On his way back to camp in the custody of the officers, F***so Jumped from the moving train and succeeded in concealing himself. Later he met an escsped Italian captain and a lieutenant, and the tlztee reached Marano Lagunare, where they bought a boat. 1 .ut -1 "-.eszani. of Tavernola. saw the three drowning, their boat having cap- sised. ahd succeeded in rescuing all of them. Later they landed Cavasuccherina. Store-competition haa taken a new direction. The effort is now devoted ·.· rendering better and better service ta you. not In trying to persuade you te buy something with which you might easily dispense. Merchants want you to economise. The Washington Herald ONE CENT DAILY TWO CENTS SUNDAY I women's news TELEGRAPH "«.VICE The Family Newspaper The Herald is the home newspaper . father's news- - paper, mother's, sister's and brother's. It is the newspaper that gets the news and gives it to you straight. Its arrival is eagerly awaited each day. The Herald is a well proportioned newspaper.every taste and need is considered and met. There is food for thought in its columns, as well as entertainment for all. Make The Herald your newspaper. Have it deliv- . ered to your home and office. Call Main 3300 and enter your subscription. \The Washington Herald IT GOES INTO THE HOME Y. M. C Al. DUGOUT 150 YARDS FROM HUN UNES Oen. Pershlng'« casualty list yeater¬ day, one of the largest thus far re¬ ported, contained _* names, divided aa follows: 13 killed in action. « died of wounds, 13. severely wounded. 7 died of disease, 7 died of accident and other causes. S missing in action, and 2 wounded, degree undetermined. Fifteen of the casualltee are from one city. Pottsvllle. Pa. The list, together with the addresses of the next of kin. follows; Killed lai Action. Walter McCauley Oearty, captain. Philadelphia, Pa. Merrltt Dunbar. lieutenant, Walnut. 1*. C.; Charle« W. W. Field, lieutenant North Windham, Me«; Herbert K. Jones, lieutenant, Meade, Kan.: Jamea Aaron Ptgue, lieutenant, Nashville, Tenn.: Joseph Clovis Smith, lieutenant, Rochester, N. T.: Robert H. Turner, lieutenant, Statesville, N. Ci Jerry J. Driacoll. »ergeant, Clifton Spring«, N. 1.¡ Henry H. Klerman, sergeant. Brook¬ lyn. N. Y. Henry T. Newman, aer- geant. Manchester. Conn.: Angel G. Pappa», sergeant, Ipswich. Mass.; Edward K. Stofflet, sergeant. Albur¬ ns, Pa.; Harrison Garfield Hayes, corporal, Flint. Mich.; Jamea Müller. corporal. Andalusia. Pa.: Robert Por¬ celli, bugler. Fayetteville, N. C. Walter P. Atkins, private. New Brighton, Pa.: Bartholomeo Aulto, private. Detroit. Mich.; Ernest D. Bannister, private, Cummlng, Ga. William J. Bauhof, private. Philadel¬ phia; John C. Bolton, private, Schuyl- kill Haven. Pa.; Everett J. Bush- welier. private. Dunmore, Pa.; Samuel W. Forman, private, Brooklyn; Mil¬ ton D. Fulghum. private. Watertown. 3. Dak.: Jamea E. Kane, jr., private. New Tork; Richard Kopplln, jr.. pri¬ vate, Webster Grove. Mo.; Frank Kutch. private. Pottsvllle. Pa.; John H. Leach, private, Charles Town, W. Va.: Joseph Levanovitch, private. «Hvphant. Pa.; Carl Link, private. Tho-nasville, N. C: Floyd D. McGee. private, Lincoln, Neb.: George Max- field, prívete, Rochester. N. H. : Elle C. Monger, private. Caney, Kan». Amos W. Morris, private, Mineraville. Pe. : Albert M. Mullenschoen. private, Philadelphia. Pa.: Francis E. O'Neill. ti s prívate, Philadelphia, Pa.; Heseku S. Porter, private, Higganum, Conn John E. Rabineau, private, Richmond. Va.; Rus· R. Richardson, private, San Francisco. Cal.; William H. Ro¬ tan, private. Baltimore, Md.: Harvey C. Wayne, private. Cuater, III.; Clar¬ ence Wohlfeld, privste, Frankfort. Ind.; Oeorge Tounglnger, private, Belleville, N. 3. Oled ef Waaala. Louis Farrell. major, Fort Snelling, Minn. Rosclus Back, captain, Vancouver. Wash.; James D. Basey. captain, Tyron, N. C. Herman E. Bonsai!, lieutenant, Par¬ nassus. Pa.; Elliott B. Clark, lieuten¬ ant. Weldon. N. C; Alfred P. Con- over, lieutenant. Keyport, N. J.· Charlea A. Lewis, lieutenant, Bir¬ mingham, Ala. John Suba, sergeant, Indian Har¬ bor, Ind. Borden J. Kenlson. corporal, Sebago Lake. Me.; Carl McOlothen, corporal. Sheldon. Iowa; Edward I.. Mann, cor¬ poral, Holyoke, Mass.; Chsrles J. Re¬ gan, corporal, Chariestown. Mess.; Harry H. Sherman. corporaL Calais, Me.; Clarence Sowersby, corporal. New Troy, Mich. William B. Acklea, private. Red Oak, Iowa: Franc's Allie, private. Duluth, Minn.; Antonio Anoefristx, private, Lawrence, Mass.: Clark W. Ash, private. Montborne. Wash.; Rus¬ sell Benjamin, private. Derry Village. N. H. ; Samuel Benson, private, I/on« Island City. N. T.; Frank Berkofskl. private, Eynon. Pa.: Warren Black, private. Ottawa. Kan.«.: Arthur Brooks, private, Adams, Mass.; Clar¬ ence Emett Brown, private, Lebanon, Ind.; William J. Callahan, private, Woburn, Mass.; Lee Coleman, private, Petersburg. Ind.; Willie H. Collins, private, Cairo, Ga.; Stuart Logan Cummings. private, Carnegie. Pa; Ary A. Duke, private. Dosier. Ala.; John M. Fltspatrick, private, Somer- ville Mass.; John M. Flanagan, pri¬ vate. Bristol, Conn.; Emil F. Oeliske. private. Kingston, Mich.; Charles Lanzner. private. Asbury Park, N. J.; Herbert H. Mllllken. private, Free¬ dom, N. H. : Elmer Nlckerson, private. Provlncetown, Maas.; Paul E. Noel, private. Oakalooaa. Iowa; WIUlamfA. Peterson, private, Manchester. N.'H. ; Lester D. Purcell, private. Red Oak. Iowa; Stanley Rekowskl. private. Naugatuck. Conn.; Fred J. Rentach- ler, private, New Haven, Conn.: Jam« H. Scott, private. Alexia, 111 nwight Slmpeon, private. Chllllcotbe, Ohio; John Ulan, private. Norwich. ~onn.; Amoa E. Walker, private, Co¬ lumbia City. Ind.; Jeaae L. Walrod, private. Fulton. Kan«.; John M. War- ren. private. Ballyghmln, County Oal- way. Ireland: Clarence O. White, pri¬ vate. Mountain Home, Ark.; Arnold L. Wright, private, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Died ef Dlaeeae. Sidney L. Splegleberg. lieutenant. New York; Joseph O'Brien, civilian. DeRldder, La.; Leon Ollder, private. Beaumont. Tex.; William H. Grant. private. Blond, Ark.; Jamea Arthur Hill, private. Newborn. N. C; Claud« Murphy, private. Comfort. N. C. : Buriey Smith, private, Palestine. Ark. ? Die« Fres« AeeMea« and Other Paul E. Betowski, captain. Wa¬ verly. N. Y. ; Gud»t«ln Borgford, pri¬ vate, Callam Bay, Waah.; George I'romn, private, Pittsburgh; Karl Gardner, private, St. Charles, Mo.; William G. Greene, private, Boaton. Masa.; Pedro Lucero, private. El Paso, Tex.: Henry E. Wadsworth, private, Portland, Ore. Severely Wetuded. Jerome F. Langer, 'captain, Brook¬ lyn: Reginald B. Delacour. lieuten¬ ant. Stratford, Conn.; Deloa A. Towle, Jr.. lieutenant. New York; Clyde Hamilton Waaaan. lieutenant, Topeka, Kan«.; Charle« H«nry Belsr- »chmitt, sergeant, Erie, Pa.; Roy Brown, sergeant, Pottsvllle, Pa.; Eu¬ gene A. Heesee, «ergeant, Durham, IT. C; Jule M. Jones, sergeant. Osark, Ms.: Georg« W. Keetner. sergeant, Reading. Pa Edward A. Long, ser¬ geant. Pottsvills. Pa.; Bade S. Par- I ker, sergeant. Roberta, Ala.; Daniel T. Scully, »ergeant. Stapleton, Sta- ten Island. N. Y.; Fredrick W. von Der Heiden, sergeant, Pottsvllle, Pa.; Harold J. Worrell, sergeant, Min¬ neapolis. George Beyer, corporal. Lo» Angele« Cal. G Frederick F. Eakln, corporal, ? Elisabeth. ?. J.; Lee A. Frye, cor¬ poral, Reading, Pa.: Frank M. Gore. corporal, Philadelphia, Pa.; James E. Healy. corporal. New York, ?. Y-; Charlea E. Hoffman, corporal. Potta- ville. Pa.; Edward J. Kearin. corporal, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Letter Lang, oor- poial. Mankato, Mlnn.; Daniel J. McCIoakey, corporal. New York; Don¬ ald E. Malcolm, corporal. Nappanee, Ind.: Stephen D. Mitchell, corporal, Pottsvllle, Pa.; Leiter Mooneyham. corporal, Clio, Ala.; Roy H. Beam, corporal, Ellxabethtown, Pa.; Fred Scanlan, corporal. River Fall«, Minn.; Floyd J. Simon«, corporal, Bethlehem, Pa. : Philip A. Sterner, corporal, Potts¬ vills, Pa.; George H. Krlck, cook, Frankfort. N. Y.; Frank A. Smith, wagoner. Glenburn. Pa.; William R Woolrldge. aaddlef. RichOeld, Pa.: Arthur Ackroyd, private, Cleveland, Ohio; Cheater V. Armstrong, private. Jerry, N. C; Ralph Ballou, private, Norwich, N. Y.; Beryl M. Barker, private, Minneapolis. Mlnn.; Charlie Roe» Bell, privat«. Rector, W. Va.; Charles R. Berger, private, Potteville, Pa.; John J. Brady, private. Hew York; Charlea J. Buechner, private. Corona. N. Y.: Clyde J. Burns, pri¬ vate, Pottsvllle. Pa.: Jamea J. Burns, privat*, New York: Forest Butler, private. Kettle Island, Ky.; John I». Byers, private, Spencer. Iowa: Christopher J. Cahill. Jr., pri¬ vate, Hohoken. NV J. : Charle« R Cain, private. Shelton. Waah.; Walter T. Collins, private, Brooklyn, N. T.; Vincent J. Condon, private. New York, N. Y.; Peter P. Dal Porto, pri¬ vate, San Francisco. Cal.; Charlea J. Dowett, Jr., private. New Haven, Conn.: William E Dubuc, private. Le wis ton. Ida.; Andrew Dudxik, pri. vate, Philadelphia, Pa.; Harry C. Dull, private, Pottsvllle, Pa,; Fred Eller, private, Pottsville. Pa.: Ken¬ neth Eller, private, Pottsville, Pa.: William A. Evan«, private, Potta- fille, Pa.: Henry William* Fild·«, private, Moline, Kans.: Joseph P. French, private, Scranton, Pa.; Jo¬ seph Geanelli, private, Bridgeport, Conn.; Walter Oents. private, Min¬ neapolis. Mlnn.; Walter Gets, pri¬ vate. White House, Ohio; Dewey E. Glaser, private, Buechel, Ky.: Will¬ iam H. Gore, private, Pottsville, Pa.; John Grewcock, private, Elkhorn. Nebr.: Paul C. Haertlng, pfIvate. New York: Charlea ?. Height, pri¬ vate, Newark, N, J. ; John Ham¬ mond, private, Brooklyn. N. T.; Christopher J. Harris, private, Elisabeth, N. J·. ; Henry F. Herman, private, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Amoa H. Hubler, private, Crcaeona, pa.; Robert Linvllle Hunsworth, privat··. Philadelphia, Pa.; Joseph Kaplan, private, Long Branch, N. J. ; Thom¬ aa W. Kearns, private, Lawrence, Kin·.: Horace Keramerer, private. Philadelphia, Pa.; Andrew J. Kll- murray, private, Pottsville, Pa.; Jo¬ seph 8. Ktsior. private, Chicago, 111.: Harry F. Koenlg, private, Mlneravlll«, Pa.; James M. Kurts, private, Huntingdon, Pa.; Philip l_ LaBate, private, Hartford, Conn.; Guataf E. Llndatead, private. New York City; James p. McCon- non, private, Pottsville, Pa.: Albert Mansfield. privata. New York; Martin E. Martinson, private, Prior Lake, Minn.; Asaad Maeood. private, Boston, Maas.; Frank Mo- garero, private, Plttafleld, Maas.; William E. Montelth, private. Natie Mass.: Frederick W. Moss, private. Maspath, N. T.; Edward Mullen, pri' vate, Pottstown, Pa.; Raymond V. Nevile, private, Forestville, Pa ; Matthew J. Pfeiffer, private. Potts¬ vllle,-Pa.; EU D. Pokrlot, private, Mayvllle, Wit.: George Powell, 'pri¬ vate, Romeo, Mich.; Daniel W, Pur· call privato. Park Place, Pa. : William F. Rail, private, McEIhatten. Pa.;1 William R. Richard·, privat·. Miners-1 ville. Pa.: statbew J. R«tUy, privat·. New Tork; Daniel J. Roth, private,, Maryd. Pa.; Orady E. Rushing, pri¬ vets. Fort Hsnry, Tenn.! Carl Bal- monson. privato. P«Hcan Rapida Mian.; Jobn R- Bavlco. privets, Mon- roeville, Ind.: Cornelius Scanlan. private. Contralla, Wash.; Hermati C. Schenck. privat·, Minars villa. Pa Thomas B. Beholato. private. Mlners- vllle Pa: George D. Schüler, pri¬ vate. Pettoruto. Pa.: Arthur ? Shaw, private. Parts. Ma; Raymond Shorten, private, Minersvllle. Pa.: Howard M. "»tell, private, Elizabeth. tt. J.i Joseph Bpene·. privato, Mana- yunk. Philadelphia. Pa.: Tony Syra- cu«·. private, Minneapolis : Charles jj Taylor, private. Salisbury, N. C: Robt. F. Telford. private, MlnersvUle, Pa.· Cleo F. Thomas, privato. Darby, Pa.; Roland F. Thompson, private. War·. Mass Wayne A Troutman. private, Olrardsvllle. Pa.: John Ed ward Tucholka, private, Buffalo-. Charts· W. Vincent, private, Brook¬ lyn, N. T.; Outoepp» Volpe, private. Marano, Roma, Italy; Arthur E. Walter, privato, Shamakll Dam. Pa. ; John C. Ward, private, Roxborough. Philadelphia. Pa.; Wayne Mack Wil¬ lie, private. Vlncennes. Ind.; Thomas A. Wltberington, prieate. Brooklyn, H. T.¡ Charla« Witt privat·. Nar¬ ria, ß. Dak.; Janea W. Wood, pri¬ vate, Raven Run. Pa. I Harold Holly Tot*, prto-eto, N»w Tork. m.aaiei In Aettoa <l>eg.» r-aale- toratlaea·.) Carl C. Rie·. lieutenant, Rolla. Mo.: Ewald Trelchel, private, Oshkosh. WIs. mmme *¦¦«¦·¦ William W. Chalmers, lieutenant, Fltchburg. Mass.; Stuart Ellison Mc- Keown. lieutenant. Fort Collins. Col.; Maxwell O. Parry, lieutenant, In¬ dianapolis, Ind.; Lloyd E. Long, cor¬ poral. Apollo, Pa: John F. Becker, private, Philadelphia, Pa.; Oil-more Brown, private, Brookville, Pa. lreola.rn.lr Ms>Ssted MImI«,. tie Bsp.tod rilltet la Aettoa Osbura Bell, privato, Picton. Nova Scotta: Ray O. Reto·, private. White- field. N. H*. George Franklin, privato, Pekín, 111.; Theodor· Grim··, private. Springfield. Ohio: Henry L. Miller, private, Plttsford. N. T.: Jack Röchln, Privata, Paratach. Russia. Hyman Wolfe, private, Chelsea. Maas. wootemm mmeses ???«·?·«. ?·«· Merari ed w »mairi. Joaepb V. McGinn, private, Phila¬ delphia. Pierta.Ir ¦«mated M laalme la Ae¬ ttoa, Maw Hfaart-4 Severely WOSASSOe «a Aettoa. George W. Braham. privat«, Spring¬ field. III.; Carl Raymond Burg··, pri¬ vate, Arnold, Kane; Vernon R Davis, private. Ekslaka. Mont.; Cornelius I'auley. private. McCorkle. W. Va. ALEXANDRIA TBE HgBALD Bt'BCAr. A R. Dooiphan. I* Kiss atmet. Alexandria, Va, Aug. 2. . "Lian.. trade· unions her« and In Waahington, all having large membership·, have indorsed the candidacy ot Representa¬ tive C. C. Carlin, who will be up for renomination ia the Dmocratlc primary next Tuesday. The polls will open at 4:1» a. m. and close at S.M p. m. Aa tbe time aproacbee for the pri¬ mary the Interest becomes more snd more pronounced. Among the organizations that have Indorsed Mr. CarluVs candidacy are the Carpenters' Union No. 1*», with l.tOO members; Branch No. «tt, ?. ? ?. ?.. and Painters' Local ?a Kilt, both of this city; tbe workers at the plant of · tbe Virginia Shipbuilding Corporation have adopted the same resolutions: Columbia Lodge No. 174, International Association of Machin¬ ists^ whose members are employed et the Bureau of Engraving and Print¬ ing and the Bureau of Standard·, and 1-ocsl No. 4M, ?. ?. M.. and the rat¬ tern Makers* Association of Washing¬ ton. / Twenty drafted men from this dty snd Alexandria County, all of whom hut one are of th· IMS claaa. will en¬ train at 2:17 o'clock tomorrow after¬ noon for tb· University at Char- lottesvllle, Va. A total ot S men have been summoned as follows: Arthur Ladd. Guy U. Cogswell, William L. Allmine. Charles L. Baynes. Willie UladweU, John B. Henderson. Robert E. Van Every. James E. Freeman, Charles Prohaska. Jr., Graham L. Simpson, Charles W. Walker. William H. Morris. Campbeil Aliport. George Dube, Eugene C. Mateer, Francis A. Von Schon, E. E. Simmons. Robert. A. Baker, Clarence Beach. Raymond Oliver. Joseph D. Mackey. Jamea O'Neal, George W. Humphries. A handsome service flag of 41 stars tonight was unfurled by Mount Ver¬ non Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, at the Masonic Temple. Addresses were mad· by J. E. W. Timberman. past high prteet: J. H. Trlmyer. district deputy high priest; the Rev. J. M. Nourse and the Rev. E. V. Regester. D. D. Charlea Smoot Perry died at S:» o'clock last nlzht at the residence of hia cousin, T. Calvert Perry. S2t South Washington atreet His death fol¬ lowed a stroke of paralysis last Tues¬ day. The deceased waa here on a visit. He was a son of the lato John Perry, for many years a prominent lumber merchant of thi· dty. His trinerai will take pl»ce at 4 o'clock Saturday sfternoon. v Mrs. Pe»rl Rudd. wife of Harry W. Rudd. died at 1:30 o'clock thia morn¬ ing at her residence, 12S South Fair¬ fax street. In addition to ber bus- band she la survived by several child¬ ren. Her funeral will take place at 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon from tbe Second Presbyterian Church. Dr. W. L. Wood, in charge of the sanitary unit of the Rad Cros· here, stated today that he expects thst the prohibltiing of soldiers from Camp Humphreys, Vs., from purchasing food or drink here will be lifted early next week. It baa been in operation, four week· tomorrow. Contractor Samuel D. Devaughnn Is erecting a store building, and. two flato for T. J. Fan non on the wet sida of Fayette street, between King and Cameron streets. Everything Is fat readiness for the regatta of tbe Old Dominion Boat Club oft Its clubhouse at l.X o'clock Saturday afternoon. If Yon Don't Bay W. S.S. Look Twice at the Scene In Saks & Co.'i Window "Over there," the scene being featured In tbe display window of Saks and Company, has been ar¬ ranged by the company to influence the purchase of war savings stamp·. The scene represents an old couple reading a letter from tbelr soldier son In the service. of Uncle Sam abroad. Tbey are bending eagerly over tha scrap of paper, the symbol of what they hav· *fiven In tb« csuse of democracy. The placard displayed In tke win¬ dow reads: "What thay »have given their boy. yon can give' by baying war savings stamps and belp make big safe return possible." 3fVom tt>e Jpulpits aitò tt>e iJews Cbareh ef the Ceveaaat. Dr. Wood wui preach at both eervlcea tomorrow at tha Church of the Covenant. Hla evening aubject will be "Satanic Devices.·· Christian Endeavor Vespers at S:» Sunday afternoon will be led br Mies Carolyn Smith, the president. Ml»» Smith win be assisted by Mrs. Hin· naford. Following thia »ervlce the "Miniature Supper" win be served «a u«u»l. This supper Is fres to all "men In uniform. The Sunday evening 7:15 war speaker »ill be Rev. Howard Hannaford, J_t returned from Japan. These meet¬ ings have been devoted to talk» by person» wbo have recently visited tbe warring countries of tbe world. Last Sunday we had an Inspiring talk con¬ cerning Russia. Mr. Hannaford will »peak on "Japan and tha War." The mualcal «ervlce at the evening tervlce begin« at 7:45. Come and en- Joy It Too will be helped and strengthened by th« music spd by your meditation in the House of God. The aubject of Mlaa Thurston'« lee- àure tomorrow st 9:45 will be "Two Bible Friendship«." The course will continue two weeka longer. The sub¬ ject for next Sunday will be "Tha Place of Friendship In Christianity." All young women, and especially new¬ comers, are Invited to attend «hla elaaa. U. 8. Senator Lawrence Y. Sher¬ man, of Illinois, will be the apeaker tomorrow morning at the meeting of the All-Comers' Bible Class This class, Instead of diabandlng for the summer, haa been Inviting men of ability and note to addreaa It on »elect¬ ed topica. Tomorrow morning Sen¬ ator Sherman's subject will be "The Statesmanship and Diplomacy of the Bible." The BiMe Is the book you ¦hould know best. Come and get bet¬ tor acquainted with It next Sunday. A beginning French claaa for men waa organised last Wednesday. Miss Cut Is teaching the elisa A very good number were present st the first meeting, but we can accommodate a few more. Petworth Baptlat. The Rev. F. Paul Langhorne will preach a short sermon on Sunday morning, August 4, after which com¬ munion servio« will be celebrated. Sev¬ eral new member« will. It ia expected, be present to be received Into the church. The Young Ladles' Clasa. with Mr«. F. Paul Langhorne teacher, recently visited Mrs. Ralph Homer st Bon Air. Va., apending the afternoon and en- Joying a picnic «upper. Several pic¬ tures were taken for use of the -Bey»' Mei »enger Club In their annual «ter« optfcon entertainment in the fall. Tb« pastor and hi« family will start on Monday for their vacation. The flrat week will be spent with the young boys of the Sunday school at Colonial Beach. Fetwerth Ceatmulty F.sValaig Servies». The three Petworth churches, the Methodtat. the Presbyterian and the Baptlat. will hold usual the even¬ ing service Jointly thia week at the fnited Presbyterian Church. New Hampshire avenue and Randolph ¦treet. with the Rev. Clyde Armitage preaching the »raion Calvary M. K. Bible ria». Judge Joseph W. Thompson, of the Bureau of Mine«, the associate teach¬ er, will deliver the addreaa to the Men'a Bible Claaa of Calvary Meih- odlat Episcopal Church tomorrow morning. The meetirga of the clae» are held In the guild hall of the church. Columbia road, near Fifteenth street, at 9:90 Sunday morninga. The class extends a cordial welcome to strangers In Waahington. Christian Endeavor. The regular monthly bucine*» «nd social meeting of the Christian En¬ deavor TL'ntpn of the Dlatrlct, for the month of August, will be held at the Immanuel Baptist Church, Sixteenth street snd Columbia road, on Monday evening. August 5. The meeting will be opened with a song «ervlce at ":45. At 8 p m.. Dr. A. F. Ander»on. aaaUtant pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, will deliver the charge to the recently elected officers of the union. At the eonclualon of the inatallation of the new officers, about 9:30. the endeavorers will walk from the church to a point In Rock Creek Park, where several Interesting talks «nd »acred and patriotic «ongs will be en- Joyed. In eaa* of Inclement weather, th· entire meeting will be held in tb« church. Rev. Floyd T. Holland. G??ßμ?» evauigellstlc superintendent ef the local Christian Endeavor Union, aad later evangelistic superintendent of tbe Chicago union, will ba installed aa pastor of the Rändle Highlands Baptist »Church about the middle of September. Tbe Christian Endeavor áoctoty. af the Bethany Baptist Church, has elected the following officer· to take office In SeptemberT Prealdent, Mia· Ethel Henger; «rice prealdent. MM* Pearl Hicks: secretary. Miss Ruth Musson; and treasurer. Miss Lena Fox. ? Robert G. Corel, who has recently been appointed press superintendent of tbe »Chriatlan Endeavor Unie·. after holding the position sbout three weeks, has been drafted Into tbe army and left last Wednesday night to re¬ port for duty. Mr. Covel belongs te the Christian Endeavor Society of tbe First Presbyterian Church, of which he has been a very active and enthu¬ siastic member. rtrat Bas'l.t Rev. George N. McDanlel. D. D. of Richmond. Va., will preach at th· First Baptist Church. Sixteeatb and O streets, tomorrow, and next Sun¬ day at 11 a. m. and t p. m. This .distinguished divine is well known »and beloved throughout the entire Southland as one of the brightest and strongest preacher· of tb· Bap¬ tist denomination, and we bespeak for Mm a large and appreciative audience on these occasions of bis visit to onr city. Our boys in uni¬ form are especially invited. < ewteaaaatal Basti.I. During tbe »vacation of Paator E Hes Swem. of Centennial Baptist Church, Seventh and I streets north¬ east th· pulpit will be occupied by Pastor Charles J. Sheets, of Maryland. Subject·: 11 a. tn. "Ablders:" 1:11 p. m.. "Punishing a Sulking New Jersey Man.** Cool house; comfortable setto. \mm On tomorrow afternoon Ra*. Dr. Waldron will administer tbe Lord a Supper at Shi loh Baptist Church ("Strangers' Home") and give the "hand of fellowship" to a large number of members: at the morning service be will preach on "Helping Others." and at night on "The Bible Doctrine of Sanctification." The junior choir will take charge of the music of the church tomorrow and every Sunday thereafter during the nezt two months. Tessale BatotUt. Dr. J. J. Muir is spendtag bis va¬ cation at Atlantic City and other New Jejrsey points. Tbe Rev. Thomas D. D. Clark, of Msassaai. >'a. will preach Sunday morning and evening. Good congregational singing. A hearty greeting to all who come, especially étrangère. It. T. Avraae Preabyterta»·. At the New Tork Avenue Church at 11 a. m. the Rev. Henry C. Mlntoi·., D. D., LL. D.. formerly of Uae First Preabyterlan Church ot Tremon. New Jersey, ex-moderator ot tba General Assembly, will preaoh. In the ab- senee of the choir, special instru- mental music haa been provided. The Christian Endeavor Vesper service will be led by Harry O. ? Fisher, who is leaving the city for T. M. C. A. service overseas. A vocal ] solo will be a feature of the program | Accommodations for one hundred ? newcomers upon a boat trip to Great Falla on the evening of August IS will be available to attendanti» at tbe Bible School at »:4?. This outing «kill give the members of the liberty and Newcomers' classes an opportunlfy to get acquainted. Methodist Prartestaa«. Rev. J. Fraklin Bryan, pastor of North Carolina Avenue^ Methodist Protestant Church. North Carolina avenue. Eighth and R atreets soutb- east, has been spending the week I attending the summer conference for ministers at Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md. ( He returns home today and will fill his pulpit tomorrow. He will ' preach at 11 a. m aad administer tha ordlnence of th« Lord's .ppa«. ua* st « :te T- m-, be win conduct the «ummer twilight «erviee. preaching s short »«rail« A «octal for stran¬ ger« and men la uniform will foliow Ihe twilight «ei.lee. Refreshment« wlU he serre«. The Rev. Dr. Harry Farmer, ef Ses» York, will speak st the Waah¬ ington Grove camp mooting tonight on the new mlo«.«n«ry «eavtHe» ef the Methodlet Epastt.«I Centenary Cnatailailu« la the (oral·· Hell». RiereopUcoa view« win Mnstrate lb« addreaa CHURCHES PROVIDING SUMMER RECREATION Rt»pre*enUöve MoBtiell to Assist at All-Stotos Club Barbecue. The problem of recreation and amusement haa beet) ime of the s.ey Difficult ooea, not only for the thou, ¦and» who h»ve come to Waahkigto. for war work, but for all tbe social and religious agenti««, g»».·..tatti that hav« beea trytn» It la one of tb» be ta a lane solved by the war worker» Some haste entered upon real endeavor In thia line. Tbe A.l- Statea Club, which la the name give« to aa organisation of neweomers rep- reaentlng all tbe States, la going to hold a barbee«!« on Saturday after¬ noon, August I. at 1.3* p. m. at Great Fall», on the Virginia aide. Reprreentatlve M ondeII, of Mon¬ tana, la to he the orator of tbe oc¬ casion. A Jaas bead «mi he oa hand to stir up the crowd with patriotic air« «nd real Jass music. This Is but one of the many ·??t._» that thia patriotic group of war wotk- era haa planned for the summer. ?a« Government Recreation League, whose offices are In the Hendr ea« Building, corner Fifteenth and New York avenue, are handling the tickets at their main office« and also through their blanch«« In the different int¬ ernment bureaus The ticket« are ti each. Tbe heedqtiarter« of the rj.b may be reached by caWang Franklin 457». All war workera are urged to get la touch with thia organisation. A series of present-day subject« Il¬ lustrated with ateraapticaa «lade« and appropriate Illustrated sonta haa been arranged by Secretary G. H. Wln«lo«. for railroad and ettlteted men. Hun- day afternena during Attuti. Sep¬ tember and October, at the Terminal R. R. T. M. C. ?.. Uni«» St»:*··,, »? 4 o'clock, aa follows: Sunday, August 4: "God in Ameri¬ can History." Sunday. August 11: "Words «nd Deed« of Christ- ** Sunday, Auguet 19 "The Man Who Never Heard." Sunday, Auguet 39: "China.** Sunday. September 1 "The Deliv¬ erance of Jeruaalem." Sunday, September 9 "The G:e»t Dee troyer.** Sunday. September 19: "A.erte*. God » Melting Pot." Sunday, September _*v 'Japan and Korea." Sunday. September 3S«: "The Euro¬ pean War." Sunday. October S: "The Flag nt Freedom." Sondar. fVtober 13: '*eouth Amerio» and Mexico." Sunday, October 3»· "Maker· of America.** Va.gba Claaa. The Vaughn Claa« Rain or Shin« Club, of Calvary Baptist «"»bur;·*.. an organisation, the object of which to make call» and keep trork e*t »lek. abeent and prospective mem¬ bers of the elea«. The city divided into dlatrtcta, with a captain over each district, assisted by lieutenant» and privates The club meeta every Thursday evening st ? o'clock in the basement of the Sunday «chool house, and ntakea reporta In writing Last week lit call« were made if a member of the club absent without an excuee. he pay« a fine of ::> rent« which goe« Into ¦ fund for the inmatea of Blue Plain«. Th« club Is under the direction of "Colonel" R A. Boyd. who slsc conducts the meeting«. PRESBYTERIAN. Church of the Covenant 18th aad ? «treeta Rev. CHARLES WOOD. D. D. Minister. Rev. HOWARD D. TALBOTT, Mtatoter*· Assistant. 81'????. AÜGCST i. I* Ew-ljtlir« Bible Ossa Utas Thvnton. teach«. Six week»' errane. Subie« "The Bible and Kneodahip." Om-mmWasmmt Bible Claaa. Senator L. T. Shea.an, apeak«« Meets Stndio Ball. IB· Conn. ava. 11 O0 Rratilar «eroioa. Dr. Wand presche«. ? SS-O. B. Taapaa atlas Carolm Sselth. T:B-"At Bora·." War «re»«.T. Bvr. Howard Baanatotd. thablert: "Japan and the Wer.'* .w-f-teiiminarr Muaaeai Sortice Mrs Asnea Bode, soprano; MX. Bakemann, oiotln- iat: Mr. Larlebenj. «ioloocellist. ?**-Bagolar aeroice. Dr. Wood pceaclua: RuluVrt "Satanic Dvooeea." --*|"*a«Lincoln l'eoi." N. T. Ave. Presbyterian Church ?. Y. Ave, lLkh and H SU. DB. WALL.CO RADCUFFX. Pastor. RE"*". MC01NALD BOWUM», M A. Assistant to tee pastar. Hutte ltd by Qoartet Choir. US» a. sa.-Beo. Henry C. Mint., D. P.. I.I. DM orili preach. No Koeoins Berries. t-O a «a.-hibl· School. Saamer sersioa. tM a. m.-idalt Bible Classes. ? ? p. m-Chriatlan Bhdeaoor Society. Lad br Mr. Barry O. Fletar Tbe Cta·.* of the I*».id.ta " »FIRST IUPT1ST CHURCH. SIXTKKNTH AND ? 8???G?». Rev. W. W. Mr-Master. Mtatater. Serinons it 11 t. a ana I ? ex. AUGUST 4 AND 11. 1918 REV. GEORGE W. McDANlEL, D.D. Pastor First Baptist t~h>«rch, Richmond. Virginia. Subte«, tl a a. : "Bow Do Toe Know Tou Ar* a Christian *" Subject I a "Chriat's Attitude Toward the Werkt ** Ones· aad bsar thia dietlnsiii'hi * Soother· duine. He has s mesaos· for yo»i. Our bora In uniform especial]» weitem!. 8. 8. ·:· a aa.. Dtia Saaith. Basa at ? o'clock. Mrs. Fior.ee Howard, soloist; «tra Baser. Organist cmUBT-lAH »CDCBCK. rir.t rhere-k ef Chrtet. »rlew-tst. ot Wasklastaa. Colasakaa re. en* Ewcl*l ¦» Seeemd < harrb et CTSri.t. »rlrwt 1st. Ot . ill r ti. ?. Mawa.it Tame-'. SO am r sta M. M Third rksrok af tklill. »rivalisi. Of WasUacMa. II Jacks. ssaaa. armiBc-Ti **???.· S UtVICES Same**«. 11 ?. M. aad ( F M I SUNDAY 8CaoOL-ist asd M Cksrckav G A. M. M Chorra. ?. M WBDXEBDAT IV IM NO. M1XT1NG IP" BEADIXG BOOM·: Cclorad* bide, lttk ard G eta.. Bra » to t (Wad., M to 4. and tbaa.. tJS to 4M MS Adasae MiU rd. K. W. Bra II I »vim« Wad nw, BaBdara sad hwhtteial. Iti Satt Cantisi at. Bra. ? «o 4 let.«? Saada·« -at C. B.' (OSCBEGATIO-ltL MAFTUT. RfaLB batwawo «di * tth sts sa. Boats* . U«as«taool 4M a. m. Preachlas 11 a. aa. br Dr. Westoo Bruow. B. T. F. C. TU m. Praachinf I ? br Dr. Bnaner, orbo will preach a apctsal sermon to sal««««««». "Ita Boec¬ io Berlin." All aaaa la imita-. are r-roaciall? iafttad to remala ta tho social boot at tho c-em et the aerrl. at which lia-bt leflaesaatila will eer'ed ? IB a¿_ iah a ? sta aw. Baw. ? empie Mptm t?». d. d ossa. ¦'ipc.1t l'rrachint 11 a. sa. asd I p m Reboot I-Jt» a. m. Osases lor all. Ohrk tVasne T p. m A cordial (reetias ? ?. Has etnea· pnlpiV Cmt.alai Bats Seoenth end Ere ata ne Osarle» J. 8b pnachiet U a. ta. "Aia-asr»:·· 13» p. funkthlnf a Sulkies l-ea latam Man." EPISCOPAL·. St. JORH t Chmck attend (>Uoa amata. D. t> He« bdwatd Stater Dwnlap. M A: Bee. Ge.? WilUamw. Baaatk, D. D. I a. BL-Hole CommaMsa. ? a m -Mornins Pranr tati Samoa. Thuraday-Holy Common«. at asas«, Other dare-Infreni». st ana ALL WIELCOMB. ??GG?????. [HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS AL- WATS BRING RESULTS, ' AD Sodi' Orará ^??G UlTSSBS G, B PI-OCX. D. D.. MIsMar. U a sa, moruros asaltea, sumas as tba «sinister, Cbarck ef Ow Fsthw First ComfrefttmuJ Church Catmtt Trata sad G Sts ? » Be«. Jameo, U Geeooa. O. D.. «»»'" Baw. WUaeer P. Jrkstlai. A.Hi »*- U a m. ¦¦!¦«¦ to, Bkw. Wikaw ? Butsert: "A M AM. ? AMBITION tM a a-ta4n Btsmat. Cteaeas Ta» p. m.-C*arb«.a social as insmiLiiB. daily is km atadla»* m tbe hall TKNT MKKTIH0.S. Kmth st aad MatvlaaS aea aa Mawt at Pothma To.si« UM MMk «a. i IIMSSI at i pm er> N A OamAM mm» mt* A m. AB Una I
Page 1: OF STARVATION Y. M.CAl. YARDS FROM 3fVom …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1918-08-03/ed...ITALIANSTELL OFSTARVATION JONPRISONFARE Escape fromú-Austrian Campe to Relate


ú -

Escape from Austrian? Campe to Relate Pathetic

Tales of Hardship.f -Maw Tork. Aug. : .Many Ital-toe prisoners hav· recently neapedfrom Austrian prison campa accord¬ing to cable dtspatehss made publicrecently by Dr. Felice Ferrerò, di¬rector of the Italian bureau ot in¬formation. Three hundred prisonersbav« recently reached Rumania,*her« they were enthusiastically re-ceived. There was one priest amongtfcem. They all made the trip safe¬ly la slpte of great privations anddangers.Aa Italian corporal ha· reached

tb« Piave, following his escap« fromaa Austrian camp. Tbe corporal wa·suffering from a »evere fever whichbe had contracted in camp. He re¬

ported that although hi· tempera-tore waa more than 100 degrees hebad been beatsa and forced to work.He said tbat other prisoners were

frequently beaten because they were¦nable to work.Tbelr food consisted chiefly of

beet roots. Work In the Austrianprison camps begins at 4 a. m. andends at S p. m The prisoners werespurred to greater exertions byguards, who beat them with heavyelnba

Tried Twice te ¦·«·»«. jCaldo Ferdiendo Reggio, of Cala¬bria, a member of the Bersagliere,who ovas captured last November.tried twice to escape, succeeding onbis third attempt He wanderedfrom houae to house through theinvaded provinces of northern Italyand the Inhabitants intrusted to himletters for tbelr relatlvea Theselettera picture a most deplorablesituation, especially,In Friuli. Theyall report pitiful privatone and greatbanger. One of tbe letter· «aidtbat th· Austrian·, ate all the foodthem could and drank all the wineposalo!» and then destroyed every¬thing that remained that they couldput their hands on. Wine rsn Intbe gutters and the casks wereuaed for kindling.

Another letter states that If thepeople are not quickly deliveredstarvation is certain. Still anotherbegs for food for the children anddescribes the situation as desperateThe Austrians impose almost dailyrequisition.« on civilians who livelike hermits in sn endeavor to avoidc-antact with the invaders. The Aus-trtons have frequently burned wholeforests, forcing the Inhabitants toabandon their houses.AH the prisoners report that the

Italians in the invaded provincestftlll maintain their faith In an earlydeliverance and all of them arewilling to risk even the greatestdanger· to help escaped prisonersma. reach Italy.»Quido Friso, a prisoner captured»ty the Austrians at Caporetto, es¬caped from the Kolzsvar camp,reaching Zagabria. He swam theDanube to Trouzo, where gendarmescaptured him. On his way back tocamp in the custody of the officers,F***so Jumped from the moving trainand succeeded in concealing himself.Later he met an escsped Italiancaptain and a lieutenant, and thetlztee reached Marano Lagunare,where they bought a boat. 1 .ut -1

"-.eszani. of Tavernola. saw the threedrowning, their boat having cap-sised. ahd succeeded in rescuing allof them. Later they landedCavasuccherina.

Store-competition haa taken a newdirection. The effort is now devoted·.· rendering better and better serviceta you. not In trying to persuade youte buy something with which youmight easily dispense. Merchantswant you to economise.

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Oen. Pershlng'« casualty list yeater¬day, one of the largest thus far re¬

ported, contained _* names, dividedaa follows: 13 killed in action. « diedof wounds, 13. severely wounded. 7died of disease, 7 died of accidentand other causes. S missing in action,and 2 wounded, degree undetermined.Fifteen of the casualltee are from onecity. Pottsvllle. Pa.The list, together with the addresses

of the next of kin. follows;Killed lai Action.

Walter McCauley Oearty, captain.Philadelphia, Pa. Merrltt Dunbar.lieutenant, Walnut. 1*. C.; Charle« W.W. Field, lieutenant North Windham,Me«; Herbert K. Jones, lieutenant,Meade, Kan.: Jamea Aaron Ptgue,lieutenant, Nashville, Tenn.: JosephClovis Smith, lieutenant, Rochester,N. T.: Robert H. Turner, lieutenant,Statesville, N. Ci Jerry J. Driacoll.»ergeant, Clifton Spring«, N. 1.¡Henry H. Klerman, sergeant. Brook¬lyn. N. Y. Henry T. Newman, aer-geant. Manchester. Conn.: Angel G.Pappa», sergeant, Ipswich. Mass.;Edward K. Stofflet, sergeant. Albur¬ns, Pa.; Harrison Garfield Hayes,corporal, Flint. Mich.; Jamea Müller.corporal. Andalusia. Pa.: Robert Por¬celli, bugler. Fayetteville, N. C.Walter P. Atkins, private. NewBrighton, Pa.: Bartholomeo Aulto,private. Detroit. Mich.; Ernest D.Bannister, private, Cummlng, Ga.William J. Bauhof, private. Philadel¬phia; John C. Bolton, private, Schuyl-kill Haven. Pa.; Everett J. Bush-welier. private. Dunmore, Pa.; SamuelW. Forman, private, Brooklyn; Mil¬ton D. Fulghum. private. Watertown.3. Dak.: Jamea E. Kane, jr., private.New Tork; Richard Kopplln, jr.. pri¬vate, Webster Grove. Mo.; FrankKutch. private. Pottsvllle. Pa.; JohnH. Leach, private, Charles Town, W.Va.: Joseph Levanovitch, private.«Hvphant. Pa.; Carl Link, private.Tho-nasville, N. C: Floyd D. McGee.private, Lincoln, Neb.: George Max-field, prívete, Rochester. N. H. : ElleC. Monger, private. Caney, Kan».Amos W. Morris, private, Mineraville.Pe. : Albert M. Mullenschoen. private,Philadelphia. Pa.: Francis E. O'Neill.

ti s

prívate, Philadelphia, Pa.; HesekuS. Porter, private, Higganum, ConnJohn E. Rabineau, private, Richmond.Va.; Rus· R. Richardson, private,San Francisco. Cal.; William H. Ro¬tan, private. Baltimore, Md.: HarveyC. Wayne, private. Cuater, III.; Clar¬ence Wohlfeld, privste, Frankfort.Ind.; Oeorge Tounglnger, private,Belleville, N. 3.

Oled ef Waaala.Louis Farrell. major, Fort Snelling,

Minn.Rosclus Back, captain, Vancouver.

Wash.; James D. Basey. captain,Tyron, N. C.Herman E. Bonsai!, lieutenant, Par¬

nassus. Pa.; Elliott B. Clark, lieuten¬ant. Weldon. N. C; Alfred P. Con-over, lieutenant. Keyport, N. J.·Charlea A. Lewis, lieutenant, Bir¬mingham, Ala.John Suba, sergeant, Indian Har¬

bor, Ind.Borden J. Kenlson. corporal, Sebago

Lake. Me.; Carl McOlothen, corporal.Sheldon. Iowa; Edward I.. Mann, cor¬poral, Holyoke, Mass.; Chsrles J. Re¬gan, corporal, Chariestown. Mess.;Harry H. Sherman. corporaL Calais,Me.; Clarence Sowersby, corporal.New Troy, Mich.William B. Acklea, private. Red

Oak, Iowa: Franc's Allie, private.Duluth, Minn.; Antonio Anoefristx,private, Lawrence, Mass.: Clark W.Ash, private. Montborne. Wash.; Rus¬sell Benjamin, private. Derry Village.N. H. ; Samuel Benson, private, I/on«Island City. N. T.; Frank Berkofskl.private, Eynon. Pa.: Warren Black,private. Ottawa. Kan.«.: ArthurBrooks, private, Adams, Mass.; Clar¬ence Emett Brown, private, Lebanon,Ind.; William J. Callahan, private,Woburn, Mass.; Lee Coleman, private,Petersburg. Ind.; Willie H. Collins,private, Cairo, Ga.; Stuart LoganCummings. private, Carnegie. Pa;Ary A. Duke, private. Dosier. Ala.;John M. Fltspatrick, private, Somer-ville Mass.; John M. Flanagan, pri¬vate. Bristol, Conn.; Emil F. Oeliske.private. Kingston, Mich.; CharlesLanzner. private. Asbury Park, N. J.;Herbert H. Mllllken. private, Free¬dom, N. H. : Elmer Nlckerson, private.

Provlncetown, Maas.; Paul E. Noel,private. Oakalooaa. Iowa; WIUlamfA.Peterson, private, Manchester. N.'H. ;Lester D. Purcell, private. Red Oak.Iowa; Stanley Rekowskl. private.Naugatuck. Conn.; Fred J. Rentach-ler, private, New Haven, Conn.:Jam« H. Scott, private. Alexia, 111nwight Slmpeon, private. Chllllcotbe,Ohio; John Ulan, private. Norwich.~onn.; Amoa E. Walker, private, Co¬lumbia City. Ind.; Jeaae L. Walrod,private. Fulton. Kan«.; John M. War-ren. private. Ballyghmln, County Oal-way. Ireland: Clarence O. White, pri¬vate. Mountain Home, Ark.; ArnoldL. Wright, private, Fort Dodge,Iowa.

Died ef Dlaeeae.Sidney L. Splegleberg. lieutenant.

New York; Joseph O'Brien, civilian.DeRldder, La.; Leon Ollder, private.Beaumont. Tex.; William H. Grant.private. Blond, Ark.; Jamea ArthurHill, private. Newborn. N. C; Claud«Murphy, private. Comfort. N. C. :Buriey Smith, private, Palestine.Ark. ?

Die« Fres« AeeMea« and Other

Paul E. Betowski, captain. Wa¬verly. N. Y. ; Gud»t«ln Borgford, pri¬vate, Callam Bay, Waah.; GeorgeI'romn, private, Pittsburgh; KarlGardner, private, St. Charles, Mo.;William G. Greene, private, Boaton.Masa.; Pedro Lucero, private. ElPaso, Tex.: Henry E. Wadsworth,private, Portland, Ore.

Severely Wetuded.Jerome F. Langer, 'captain, Brook¬

lyn: Reginald B. Delacour. lieuten¬ant. Stratford, Conn.; Deloa A.Towle, Jr.. lieutenant. New York;Clyde Hamilton Waaaan. lieutenant,Topeka, Kan«.; Charle« H«nry Belsr-»chmitt, sergeant, Erie, Pa.; RoyBrown, sergeant, Pottsvllle, Pa.; Eu¬gene A. Heesee, «ergeant, Durham,IT. C; Jule M. Jones, sergeant. Osark,Ms.: Georg« W. Keetner. sergeant,Reading. Pa Edward A. Long, ser¬geant. Pottsvills. Pa.; Bade S. Par-

I ker, sergeant. Roberta, Ala.; DanielT. Scully, »ergeant. Stapleton, Sta-ten Island. N. Y.; Fredrick W. vonDer Heiden, sergeant, Pottsvllle, Pa.;Harold J. Worrell, sergeant, Min¬neapolis.George Beyer, corporal. Lo» Angele«Cal. G Frederick F. Eakln, corporal,

? Elisabeth. ?. J.; Lee A. Frye, cor¬poral, Reading, Pa.: Frank M. Gore.corporal, Philadelphia, Pa.; James E.Healy. corporal. New York, ?. Y-;Charlea E. Hoffman, corporal. Potta-ville. Pa.; Edward J. Kearin. corporal,Brooklyn, N. Y.; Letter Lang, oor-poial. Mankato, Mlnn.; Daniel J.McCIoakey, corporal. New York; Don¬ald E. Malcolm, corporal. Nappanee,Ind.: Stephen D. Mitchell, corporal,Pottsvllle, Pa.; Leiter Mooneyham.corporal, Clio, Ala.; Roy H. Beam,corporal, Ellxabethtown, Pa.; FredScanlan, corporal. River Fall«, Minn.;Floyd J. Simon«, corporal, Bethlehem,Pa. : Philip A. Sterner, corporal, Potts¬vills, Pa.; George H. Krlck, cook,Frankfort. N. Y.; Frank A. Smith,wagoner. Glenburn. Pa.; William RWoolrldge. aaddlef. RichOeld, Pa.:Arthur Ackroyd, private, Cleveland,Ohio; Cheater V. Armstrong, private.Jerry, N. C; Ralph Ballou, private,Norwich, N. Y.; Beryl M. Barker,private, Minneapolis. Mlnn.; CharlieRoe» Bell, privat«. Rector, W. Va.;Charles R. Berger, private, Potteville,Pa.; John J. Brady, private. HewYork; Charlea J. Buechner, private.Corona. N. Y.: Clyde J. Burns, pri¬vate, Pottsvllle. Pa.: Jamea J. Burns,privat*, New York: Forest Butler,private. Kettle Island, Ky.; JohnI». Byers, private, Spencer. Iowa:Christopher J. Cahill. Jr., pri¬vate, Hohoken. NV J. : Charle« R Cain,private. Shelton. Waah.; Walter T.Collins, private, Brooklyn, N. T.;Vincent J. Condon, private. NewYork, N. Y.; Peter P. Dal Porto, pri¬vate, San Francisco. Cal.; CharleaJ. Dowett, Jr., private. New Haven,Conn.: William E Dubuc, private.Lewis ton. Ida.; Andrew Dudxik, pri.vate, Philadelphia, Pa.; Harry C.Dull, private, Pottsvllle, Pa,; FredEller, private, Pottsville. Pa.: Ken¬neth Eller, private, Pottsville, Pa.:William A. Evan«, private, Potta-fille, Pa.: Henry William* Fild·«,private, Moline, Kans.: Joseph P.French, private, Scranton, Pa.; Jo¬seph Geanelli, private, Bridgeport,Conn.; Walter Oents. private, Min¬neapolis. Mlnn.; Walter Gets, pri¬vate. White House, Ohio; Dewey E.Glaser, private, Buechel, Ky.: Will¬iam H. Gore, private, Pottsville, Pa.;John Grewcock, private, Elkhorn.Nebr.: Paul C. Haertlng, pfIvate.New York: Charlea ?. Height, pri¬vate, Newark, N, J. ; John Ham¬mond, private, Brooklyn. N. T.;Christopher J. Harris, private,Elisabeth, N. J·. ; Henry F. Herman,private, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Amoa H.Hubler, private, Crcaeona, pa.;Robert Linvllle Hunsworth, privat··.Philadelphia, Pa.; Joseph Kaplan,private, Long Branch, N. J. ; Thom¬aa W. Kearns, private, Lawrence,Kin·.: Horace Keramerer, private.Philadelphia, Pa.; Andrew J. Kll-murray, private, Pottsville, Pa.; Jo¬seph 8. Ktsior. private, Chicago,111.: Harry F. Koenlg, private,Mlneravlll«, Pa.; James M. Kurts,private, Huntingdon, Pa.; Philip l_LaBate, private, Hartford, Conn.;Guataf E. Llndatead, private. NewYork City; James p. McCon-non, private, Pottsville, Pa.:Albert Mansfield. privata. NewYork; Martin E. Martinson, private,Prior Lake, Minn.; Asaad Maeood.private, Boston, Maas.; Frank Mo-garero, private, Plttafleld, Maas.;William E. Montelth, private. NatieMass.: Frederick W. Moss, private.Maspath, N. T.; Edward Mullen, pri'vate, Pottstown, Pa.; Raymond V.Nevile, private, Forestville, Pa ;Matthew J. Pfeiffer, private. Potts¬vllle,-Pa.; EU D. Pokrlot, private,Mayvllle, Wit.: George Powell, 'pri¬vate, Romeo, Mich.; Daniel W, Pur·

call privato. Park Place, Pa. : WilliamF. Rail, private, McEIhatten. Pa.;1William R. Richard·, privat·. Miners-1ville. Pa.: statbew J. R«tUy, privat·.New Tork; Daniel J. Roth, private,,Maryd. Pa.; Orady E. Rushing, pri¬vets. Fort Hsnry, Tenn.! Carl Bal-monson. privato. P«Hcan RapidaMian.; Jobn R- Bavlco. privets, Mon-roeville, Ind.: Cornelius Scanlan.private. Contralla, Wash.; HermatiC. Schenck. privat·, Minarsvilla. PaThomas B. Beholato. private. Mlners-vllle Pa: George D. Schüler, pri¬vate. Pettoruto. Pa.: Arthur ?Shaw, private. Parts. Ma; RaymondShorten, private, Minersvllle. Pa.:Howard M. "»tell, private, Elizabeth.tt. J.i Joseph Bpene·. privato, Mana-yunk. Philadelphia. Pa.: Tony Syra-cu«·. private, Minneapolis : Charlesjj Taylor, private. Salisbury, N. C:Robt. F. Telford. private, MlnersvUle,Pa.· Cleo F. Thomas, privato. Darby,Pa.; Roland F. Thompson, private.War·. Mass Wayne A Troutman.private, Olrardsvllle. Pa.: John Edward Tucholka, private, Buffalo-.Charts· W. Vincent, private, Brook¬lyn, N. T.; Outoepp» Volpe, private.Marano, Roma, Italy; Arthur E.Walter, privato, Shamakll Dam. Pa. ;John C. Ward, private, Roxborough.Philadelphia. Pa.; Wayne Mack Wil¬lie, private. Vlncennes. Ind.; ThomasA. Wltberington, prieate. Brooklyn,H. T.¡ Charla« Witt privat·. Nar¬ria, ß. Dak.; Janea W. Wood, pri¬vate, Raven Run. Pa. I Harold HollyTot*, prto-eto, N»w Tork.m.aaiei In Aettoa <l>eg.» r-aale-

toratlaea·.)Carl C. Rie·. lieutenant, Rolla. Mo.:

Ewald Trelchel, private, Oshkosh.WIs.

mmme '¦ *¦¦«¦·¦William W. Chalmers, lieutenant,

Fltchburg. Mass.; Stuart Ellison Mc-Keown. lieutenant. Fort Collins. Col.;Maxwell O. Parry, lieutenant, In¬dianapolis, Ind.; Lloyd E. Long, cor¬poral. Apollo, Pa: John F. Becker,private, Philadelphia, Pa.; Oil-moreBrown, private, Brookville, Pa.lreola.rn.lr Ms>Ssted MImI«,. tie

Bsp.tod rilltet la AettoaOsbura Bell, privato, Picton. Nova

Scotta: Ray O. Reto·, private. White-field. N. H*. George Franklin, privato,Pekín, 111.; Theodor· Grim··, private.Springfield. Ohio: Henry L. Miller,private, Plttsford. N. T.: Jack Röchln,Privata, Paratach. Russia. HymanWolfe, private, Chelsea. Maas.

wootemm mmeses ???«·?·«. ?·«·Meraried w »mairi.

Joaepb V. McGinn, private, Phila¬delphia.Pierta.Ir ¦«mated Mlaalme la Ae¬

ttoa, Maw Hfaart-4 SeverelyWOSASSOe «a Aettoa.

George W. Braham. privat«, Spring¬field. III.; Carl Raymond Burg··, pri¬vate, Arnold, Kane; Vernon R Davis,private. Ekslaka. Mont.; CorneliusI'auley. private. McCorkle. W. Va.


A R. Dooiphan.I* Kiss atmet.

Alexandria, Va, Aug. 2. . "Lian..trade· unions her« and In Waahington,all having large membership·, haveindorsed the candidacy ot Representa¬tive C. C. Carlin, who will be upfor renomination ia the Dmocratlcprimary next Tuesday. The polls willopen at 4:1» a. m. and close at S.Mp. m.Aa tbe time aproacbee for the pri¬

mary the Interest becomes more sndmore pronounced.Among the organizations that have

Indorsed Mr. CarluVs candidacy arethe Carpenters' Union No. 1*», withl.tOO members; Branch No. «tt, ?. ??. ?.. and Painters' Local ?a Kilt,both of this city; tbe workers at theplant of · tbe Virginia ShipbuildingCorporation have adopted the sameresolutions: Columbia Lodge No. 174,International Association of Machin¬ists^ whose members are employed etthe Bureau of Engraving and Print¬ing and the Bureau of Standard·, and1-ocsl No. 4M, ?. ?. M.. and the rat¬tern Makers* Association of Washing¬ton. /

Twenty drafted men from this dtysnd Alexandria County, all of whomhut one are of th· IMS claaa. will en¬train at 2:17 o'clock tomorrow after¬noon for tb· University at Char-lottesvllle, Va. A total ot S men havebeen summoned as follows: ArthurLadd. Guy U. Cogswell, William L.Allmine. Charles L. Baynes. WillieUladweU, John B. Henderson. RobertE. Van Every. James E. Freeman,Charles Prohaska. Jr., Graham L.Simpson, Charles W. Walker. WilliamH. Morris. Campbeil Aliport. GeorgeDube, Eugene C. Mateer, Francis A.Von Schon, E. E. Simmons. Robert.A. Baker, Clarence Beach. RaymondI» Oliver. Joseph D. Mackey. JameaO'Neal, George W. Humphries.A handsome service flag of 41 stars

tonight was unfurled by Mount Ver¬non Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, atthe Masonic Temple. Addresses weremad· by J. E. W. Timberman. pasthigh prteet: J. H. Trlmyer. districtdeputy high priest; the Rev. J. M.Nourse and the Rev. E. V. Regester.D. D.

Charlea Smoot Perry died at S:»o'clock last nlzht at the residence ofhia cousin, T. Calvert Perry. S2t SouthWashington atreet His death fol¬lowed a stroke of paralysis last Tues¬day. The deceased waa here on avisit. He was a son of the lato JohnPerry, for many years a prominentlumber merchant of thi· dty. Histrinerai will take pl»ce at 4 o'clockSaturday sfternoon. v

Mrs. Pe»rl Rudd. wife of Harry W.Rudd. died at 1:30 o'clock thia morn¬ing at her residence, 12S South Fair¬fax street. In addition to ber bus-band she la survived by several child¬ren. Her funeral will take place at1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon fromtbe Second Presbyterian Church.

Dr. W. L. Wood, in charge of thesanitary unit of the Rad Cros· here,stated today that he expects thstthe prohibltiing of soldiers from CampHumphreys, Vs., from purchasingfood or drink here will be liftedearly next week. It baa been inoperation, four week· tomorrow.

Contractor Samuel D. DevaughnnIs erecting a store building, and. twoflato for T. J. Fan non on the wetsida of Fayette street, between Kingand Cameron streets.

Everything Is fat readiness for theregatta of tbe Old Dominion BoatClub oft Its clubhouse at l.X o'clockSaturday afternoon.

If Yon Don't Bay W. S.S.Look Twice at the SceneIn Saks & Co.'i Window"Over there," the scene being

featured In tbe display window ofSaks and Company, has been ar¬ranged by the company to influencethe purchase of war savings stamp·.The scene represents an old couple

reading a letter from tbelr soldierson In the service. of Uncle Samabroad. Tbey are bending eagerlyover tha scrap of paper, the symbolof what they hav· *fiven In tb«csuse of democracy.The placard displayed In tke win¬

dow reads: "What thay »have giventheir boy. yon can give' by bayingwar savings stamps and belp makebig safe return possible."

3fVom tt>e Jpulpitsaitò tt>e iJews

Cbareh ef the Ceveaaat.Dr. Wood wui preach at both

eervlcea tomorrow at tha Church ofthe Covenant. Hla evening aubjectwill be "Satanic Devices.··Christian Endeavor Vespers at S:»

Sunday afternoon will be led br MiesCarolyn Smith, the president. Ml»»Smith win be assisted by Mrs. Hin·naford. Following thia »ervlce the"Miniature Supper" win be served «au«u»l. This supper Is fres to all "menIn uniform.The Sunday evening 7:15 war speaker

»ill be Rev. Howard Hannaford, J_treturned from Japan. These meet¬ings have been devoted to talk» byperson» wbo have recently visited tbewarring countries of tbe world. LastSunday we had an Inspiring talk con¬cerning Russia. Mr. Hannaford will»peak on "Japan and tha War."The mualcal «ervlce at the evening

tervlce begin« at 7:45. Come and en-Joy It Too will be helped andstrengthened by th« music spd byyour meditation in the House of God.The aubject of Mlaa Thurston'« lee-

àure tomorrow st 9:45 will be "TwoBible Friendship«." The course willcontinue two weeka longer. The sub¬ject for next Sunday will be "ThaPlace of Friendship In Christianity."All young women, and especially new¬comers, are Invited to attend «hlaelaaa.U. 8. Senator Lawrence Y. Sher¬

man, of Illinois, will be the apeakertomorrow morning at the meeting ofthe All-Comers' Bible Class Thisclass, Instead of diabandlng for thesummer, haa been Inviting men ofability and note to addreaa It on »elect¬ed topica. Tomorrow morning Sen¬ator Sherman's subject will be "TheStatesmanship and Diplomacy of theBible." The BiMe Is the book you¦hould know best. Come and get bet¬tor acquainted with It next Sunday.A beginning French claaa for men

waa organised last Wednesday. MissCut Is teaching the elisa A verygood number were present st the firstmeeting, but we can accommodatea few more.

Petworth Baptlat.The Rev. F. Paul Langhorne will

preach a short sermon on Sundaymorning, August 4, after which com¬

munion servio« will be celebrated. Sev¬eral new member« will. It ia expected,be present to be received Into thechurch.The Young Ladles' Clasa. with Mr«.

F. Paul Langhorne teacher, recentlyvisited Mrs. Ralph Homer st Bon Air.Va., apending the afternoon and en-

Joying a picnic «upper. Several pic¬tures were taken for use of the -Bey»'Mei »enger Club In their annual «ter«

optfcon entertainment in the fall.Tb« pastor and hi« family will

start on Monday for their vacation.The flrat week will be spent with theyoung boys of the Sunday school atColonial Beach.

Fetwerth Ceatmulty F.sValaigServies».

The three Petworth churches, theMethodtat. the Presbyterian and theBaptlat. will hold a« usual the even¬

ing service Jointly thia week at thefnited Presbyterian Church. NewHampshire avenue and Randolph¦treet. with the Rev. Clyde Armitagepreaching the »raion

Calvary M. K. Bible ria».

Judge Joseph W. Thompson, of theBureau of Mine«, the associate teach¬er, will deliver the addreaa to theMen'a Bible Claaa of Calvary Meih-odlat Episcopal Church tomorrowmorning. The meetirga of the clae»are held In the guild hall of thechurch. Columbia road, near Fifteenthstreet, at 9:90 Sunday morninga. Theclass extends a cordial welcome tostrangers In Waahington.

Christian Endeavor.The regular monthly bucine*» «nd

social meeting of the Christian En¬deavor TL'ntpn of the Dlatrlct, for themonth of August, will be held at theImmanuel Baptist Church, Sixteenthstreet snd Columbia road, on Mondayevening. August 5. The meeting willbe opened with a song «ervlce at ":45.At 8 p m.. Dr. A. F. Ander»on.aaaUtant pastor of Calvary BaptistChurch, will deliver the charge to therecently elected officers of the union.At the eonclualon of the inatallationof the new officers, about 9:30. theendeavorers will walk from thechurch to a point In Rock Creek Park,where several Interesting talks «nd»acred and patriotic «ongs will be en-

Joyed. In eaa* of Inclement weather,th· entire meeting will be held in tb«church.Rev. Floyd T. Holland. G??ßµ?»

evauigellstlc superintendent ef thelocal Christian Endeavor Union, aadlater evangelistic superintendent oftbe Chicago union, will ba installedaa pastor of the Rändle HighlandsBaptist »Church about the middle ofSeptember.Tbe Christian Endeavor áoctoty. af

the Bethany Baptist Church, haselected the following officer· to takeoffice In SeptemberT Prealdent, Mia·Ethel Henger; «rice prealdent. MM*Pearl Hicks: secretary. Miss RuthMusson; and treasurer. Miss LenaFox. ?

Robert G. Corel, who has recentlybeen appointed press superintendentof tbe »Chriatlan Endeavor Unie·.after holding the position sbout threeweeks, has been drafted Into tbe armyand left last Wednesday night to re¬

port for duty. Mr. Covel belongs tethe Christian Endeavor Society of tbeFirst Presbyterian Church, of whichhe has been a very active and enthu¬siastic member.

rtrat Bas'l.tRev. George N. McDanlel. D. D.

of Richmond. Va., will preach at th·First Baptist Church. Sixteeatb andO streets, tomorrow, and next Sun¬day at 11 a. m. and t p. m. This.distinguished divine is well known»and beloved throughout the entireSouthland as one of the brightestand strongest preacher· of tb· Bap¬tist denomination, and we bespeakfor Mm a large and appreciativeaudience on these occasions of bisvisit to onr city. Our boys in uni¬form are especially invited.

< ewteaaaatal Basti.I.During tbe »vacation of Paator E

Hes Swem. of Centennial BaptistChurch, Seventh and I streets north¬east th· pulpit will be occupiedby Pastor Charles J. Sheets, ofMaryland. Subject·: 11 a. tn."Ablders:" 1:11 p. m.. "Punishinga Sulking New Jersey Man.** Coolhouse; comfortable setto.

\mmOn tomorrow afternoon Ra*. Dr.

Waldron will administer tbe Lord a

Supper at Shi loh Baptist Church("Strangers' Home") and give the"hand of fellowship" to a largenumber of members: at the morningservice be will preach on "HelpingOthers." and at night on "The BibleDoctrine of Sanctification." Thejunior choir will take charge of themusic of the church tomorrow andevery Sunday thereafter during thenezt two months.

Tessale BatotUt.Dr. J. J. Muir is spendtag bis va¬

cation at Atlantic City and otherNew Jejrsey points. Tbe Rev.Thomas D. D. Clark, of Msassaai.>'a. will preach Sunday morningand evening. Good congregationalsinging. A hearty greeting to allwho come, especially étrangère.

It. T. Avraae Preabyterta»·.At the New Tork Avenue Church

at 11 a. m. the Rev. Henry C. Mlntoi·.,D. D., LL. D.. formerly of Uae FirstPreabyterlan Church ot Tremon. NewJersey, ex-moderator ot tba GeneralAssembly, will preaoh. In the ab-senee of the choir, special instru-mental music haa been provided.The Christian Endeavor Vesper

service will be led by Harry O.? Fisher, who is leaving the city forT. M. C. A. service overseas. A vocal

] solo will be a feature of the program| Accommodations for one hundred? newcomers upon a boat trip to GreatFalla on the evening of August ISwill be available to attendanti» at tbeBible School at »:4?. This outing «killgive the members of the liberty andNewcomers' classes an opportunlfyto get acquainted.

Methodist Prartestaa«.Rev. J. Fraklin Bryan, pastor of

North Carolina Avenue^ MethodistProtestant Church. North Carolinaavenue. Eighth and R atreets soutb-east, has been spending the week Iattending the summer conferencefor ministers at Western MarylandCollege, Westminster. Md.

( He returns home today and willfill his pulpit tomorrow. He will '

preach at 11 a. m aad administertha ordlnence of th« Lord's .ppa«.ua* st « :te T- m-, be win conduct the«ummer twilight «erviee. preachings short »«rail« A «octal for stran¬ger« and men la uniform will foliowIhe twilight «ei.lee. Refreshment«wlU he serre«.

The Rev. Dr. Harry Farmer, efSes» York, will speak st the Waah¬ington Grove camp mooting tonighton the new mlo«.«n«ry «eavtHe» efthe Methodlet Epastt.«I CentenaryCnatailailu« la the (oral·· Hell».RiereopUcoa view« win Mnstrate lb«addreaa


Rt»pre*enUöve MoBtiell to Assist atAll-Stotos Club Barbecue.

The problem of recreation andamusement haa beet) ime of the s.eyDifficult ooea, not only for the thou,¦and» who h»ve come to Waahkigto.for war work, but for all tbe socialand religious agenti««, g»».·..tatti

that hav« beea trytn»It la one of tb»be ta a lane

solved by the war worker»Some haste entered upon

real endeavor In thia line. Tbe A.l-Statea Club, which la the name give«to aa organisation of neweomers rep-reaentlng all tbe States, la going tohold a barbee«!« on Saturday after¬noon, August I. at 1.3* p. m. at GreatFall», on the Virginia aide.Reprreentatlve MondeII, of Mon¬

tana, la to he the orator of tbe oc¬casion.A Jaas bead «mi he oa hand to stir

up the crowd with patriotic air« «ndreal Jass music.This Is but one of the many ·??t._»

that thia patriotic group of war wotk-era haa planned for the summer. ?a«Government Recreation League,whose offices are In the Hendr ea«Building, corner Fifteenth and NewYork avenue, are handling the ticketsat their main office« and also throughtheir blanch«« In the different int¬ernment bureaus The ticket« are tieach. Tbe heedqtiarter« of the rj.bmay be reached by caWang Franklin457». All war workera are urged to

get la touch with thia organisation.

A series of present-day subject« Il¬lustrated with ateraapticaa «lade« andappropriate Illustrated sonta haa beenarranged by Secretary G. H. Wln«lo«.for railroad and ettlteted men. Hun-day afternena during Attuti. Sep¬tember and October, at the TerminalR. R. T. M. C. ?.. Uni«» St»:*··,, »?4 o'clock, aa follows:Sunday, August 4: "God in Ameri¬

can History."Sunday. August 11: "Words «nd

Deed« of Christ- **

Sunday, Auguet 19 "The Man WhoNever Heard."Sunday, Auguet 39: "China.**Sunday. September 1 "The Deliv¬

erance of Jeruaalem."Sunday, September 9 "The G:e»t

Deetroyer.**Sunday. September 19: "A.erte*.

God » Melting Pot."Sunday, September _*v 'Japan and

Korea."Sunday. September 3S«: "The Euro¬

pean War."Sunday. October S: "The Flag nt

Freedom."Sondar. fVtober 13: '*eouth Amerio»

and Mexico."Sunday, October 3»· "Maker· of

America.**Va.gba Claaa.

The Vaughn Claa« Rain or Shin«Club, of Calvary Baptist «"»bur;·*.. I»an organisation, the object of whichi» to make call» and keep trork e*t»lek. abeent and prospective mem¬bers of the elea«. The city 1« dividedinto dlatrtcta, with a captain over

each district, assisted by lieutenant»and privates The club meeta everyThursday evening st ? o'clock inthe basement of the Sunday «choolhouse, and ntakea reporta In writingLast week lit call« were made ifa member of the club 1« absentwithout an excuee. he pay« a fine of::> rent« which goe« Into ¦ fund forthe inmatea of Blue Plain«.Th« club Is under the direction

of "Colonel" R A. Boyd. who slscconducts the meeting«.


Church of the Covenant18th aad ? «treeta

Rev. CHARLES WOOD. D. D.Minister.

Rev. HOWARD D. TALBOTT,Mtatoter*· Assistant.81'????. AÜGCST i.

I* Ew-ljtlir« Bible Ossa Utas Thvnton.teach«. Six week»' errane. Subie«"The Bible and Kneodahip."

Om-mmWasmmt Bible Claaa. Senator L. T.Shea.an, apeak«« Meets Stndio Ball.IB· Conn. ava.

11 O0 Rratilar «eroioa. Dr. Wand presche«.? SS-O. B. Taapaa atlas Carolm Sselth.

T:B-"At Bora·." War «re»«.T. Bvr. HowardBaanatotd. thablert: "Japan and theWer.'*

.w-f-teiiminarr Muaaeai Sortice Mrs AsneaBode, soprano; MX. Bakemann, oiotln-iat: Mr. Larlebenj. «ioloocellist.

?**-Bagolar aeroice. Dr. Wood pceaclua:RuluVrt "Satanic Dvooeea."

--*|"*a«Lincoln l'eoi."

N. T. Ave. Presbyterian Church?. Y. Ave, lLkh and H SU.DB. WALL.CO RADCUFFX. Pastor.RE"*". MC01NALD BOWUM», M A.

Assistant to tee pastar.Hutte ltd by Qoartet Choir.

US» a. sa.-Beo. Henry C. Mint., D. P.. I.I.DM orili preach.

No Koeoins Berries.t-O a «a.-hibl· School. Saamer sersioa.tM a. m.-idalt Bible Classes.?? p. m-Chriatlan Bhdeaoor Society. Lad

br Mr. Barry O. FletarTbe Cta·.* of the I*».id.ta "

»FIRST IUPT1ST CHURCH.SIXTKKNTH AND ? 8???G?».Rev. W. W. Mr-Master. Mtatater.

Serinons it 11 t. a ana I ? ex.

AUGUST 4 AND 11. 1918


Pastor First Baptist t~h>«rch,Richmond. Virginia.Subte«, tl a a. :

"Bow Do Toe Know Tou Ar* a Christian *"

Subject I i» a

"Chriat's Attitude Toward the Werkt **

Ones· aad bsar thia dietlnsiii'hi * Soother·duine. He has s mesaos· for yo»i.

Our bora In uniform especial]» weitem!.

8. 8. ·:· a aa.. Dtia Saaith. Basaat ? o'clock.Mrs. Fior.ee Howard, soloist; «tra

Baser. Organist


rir.t rhere-k ef Chrtet. »rlew-tst.ot Wasklastaa. Colasakaa re. en* Ewcl*l ¦»

Seeemd < harrb et CTSri.t. »rlrwt 1st.

Ot . ill r ti. ?. Mawa.it Tame-'.SO am r sta M. M

Third rksrok af tklill. »rivalisi.Of WasUacMa. II Jacks. ssaaa.

armiBc-Ti **???.·SUtVICES Same**«. 11 ?. M. aad ( F M

I SUNDAY 8CaoOL-ist asd M Cksrckav GA. M. M Chorra. ?« ?. M


Cclorad* bide, lttk ard G eta.. Bra » to t(Wad., M to 4. and tbaa.. tJS to 4M MSAdasae MiU rd. K. W. Bra II ?« I »vim«Wad nw, BaBdara sad hwhtteial. Iti SattCantisi at. Bra. ? «o 4 let.«? Saada·« -at



RfaLB batwawo «di * tth sts sa. Boats*. U«as«taool 4M a. m. Preachlas 11 a. aa. brDr. Westoo Bruow. B. T. F. C. TU u· m.

Praachinf I ? br Dr. Bnaner, orbo willpreach a apctsal sermon to sal««««««». "Ita Boec¬io Berlin." All aaaa la imita-. are r-roaciall?iafttad to remala ta tho social boot at tho c-emet the aerrl. at which lia-bt leflaesaatila will


? IB a¿_ iah a ? sta aw. Baw.? empie Mptm t?». d. d ossa.

¦'ipc.1t l'rrachint 11 a. sa. asd I p m

Reboot I-Jt» a. m. Osases lor all. OhrktVasne T p. m A cordial (reetias t» ?

?. Has etnea· pnlpiV Cmt.alai BatsSeoenth end Ere ata ne Osarle» J. 8bpnachiet U a. ta. "Aia-asr»:·· 13» p.funkthlnf a Sulkies l-ea latam Man."


St. JORH t Chmck attend (>Uoa amata.D. t> He« bdwatd Stater Dwnlap. M A:Bee. Ge.? WilUamw. Baaatk, D. D.I a. BL-Hole CommaMsa.? a m -Mornins Pranr tati Samoa.Thuraday-Holy Common«. at asas«,Other dare-Infreni». st ana




AD Sodi' Orará ^??GUlTSSBS G, B PI-OCX. D. D.. MIsMar.U a sa, moruros asaltea, sumas as tba

«sinister,Cbarck ef Ow Fsthw

First ComfrefttmuJ ChurchCatmtt mí Trata sad G Sts ? »

Be«. Jameo, U Geeooa. O. D.. «»»'"

Baw. WUaeer P. Jrkstlai. A.Hi »*-

U a m. ¦¦!¦«¦ to, Bkw. Wikaw ?Butsert: "A MAM.? AMBITIONtM a a-ta4n Btsmat. CteaeasTa» p. m.-C*arb«.a

social as


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