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the international association for the exchange of students for technical experience iaeste annual report 2001
Page 1: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

the international association for the exchangeof students for technical experience

iaeste annual report 2001

Page 2: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,


IAESTE Annual Report 2001 1

The performance in 2000 was satisfactory andshowed the Association as one that is growing anddeveloping in the service of students, employersand educational institutions.

The IAESTE exchange continues to grow and in2000 the IAESTE members were responsible for theplacement of 6042 students and new graduates. Theexchange between members was 5515, an overallincrease of just over 7%. Contributing to thisincrease are the new members. Since the lastAnnual Report, IAESTE has accepted intomembership, as Co-operating Institutions,representatives from Belarus (2), Bulgaria,Dominican Republic, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,New Zealand, Oman, Perú and theUnited Arab Emirates.

The growth of the IAESTE exchange over thecoming years depends on the development of theexchange in our new member countries. The newmembers bring to IAESTE a further expansion ofour cultural diversity. As well as contributingdirectly to the exchange, the new members offer agreater choice of opportunity to the students fromestablished members and this in turn contributes to

invigorating the exchange.The exchange could not succeed without the

continued support from employers throughout theworld. The increased exchange is due to thisemployer support. In 2000, 3549 employers workedwith IAESTE members and our thanks go to theemployers that work with IAESTE each year and tothose who worked with us for the first time in 2000.

A notable trend in recent years is the increasingtendency for international employers to offer permanent positions to IAESTE graduates after thecompletion of the placements. This has proven particularly successful for many companies andespecially those that adapt their recruitment procedures to take into account the existing, successful and long established IAESTE selectionand nomination process.

Employers continue to feature in our AnnualReport and in this issue you will find comment andopinion on the benefits of the IAESTE exchange provided by employers from Argentina, Denmark,Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Sweden,Switzerland and the UK.

Our sincere thanks go to all that have contributedto the 2001 IAESTE Annual Report. In line withIAESTE practice, the Annual Report every otheryear lists the employers and educational institutions that have contributed to the exchangein the previous two years. It is an impressive list andone we are proud to publish. IAESTE looks forwardto being your partner for many years to come in thepreparation, through relevant work experience, ofthe young engineers, scientists and other professionals for your industries and for your countries.

James E. Reid

General Secretary

[email protected]

Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Dear Friends and Supporters,The Annual Report is the IAESTE ‘shop window’ of our performance,and aims to focus the reader on the work and achievements of theAssociation during 2000.


An independent non-governmental organisation (NGO)with 81 members in 77 countries in operational relations with UNESCO

Founded in 1948 on the initiative of James Newby (1893 – 1978)


Published by IAESTEEdited by James E Reid, General Secretary of IAESTE

Designed and produced in August 2001 by European Quality Publications LtdCover illustration by Chris Reid with contributions from IAESTE members in Argentina, Armenia, Belgium,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany,Ghana, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands,

New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Peru, Portugal, Sierra Leone, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, Thailand, Uruguay, USA

Distributed for circulation to all member countriesCopies available from IAESTE National Secretariat in member countries or from the

General Secretary, IAESTE, PO Box 6104, Swords, Co. Dublin, Irelandwww.iaeste.org

IAESTE acknowledges with thanks the support of Ericsson, ETHZ, UBS and all interviewees and contributors

CONTENTS1 welcome

2 our organisation4 report of the general secretary

9 annual conference report13 Argentina – the role of INTI

14 Denmark – a student’s experience14 Kazakhstan honour

16 Mongolia – IAESTE’s newest member16 Mexico – an employer’s perspective

18 Sweden – connecting countries19 Switzerland – JUMP! for training and motivation

20 United Kingdom – trainee of the year award21-44 Employees and institutions participating in the IAESTE exchange

Page 3: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 3

IAESTE structure

General ConferenceThe General Conference has full power to take formaldecisions for the fulfilment of the aims and regulations of the Association. It is composed of onedelegate from each member country. It meets everyyear in January.

Advisory CommitteeAn elected body that prepares the work of the GeneralConference and advises the General Secretary on allmatters of interest to the Association. It is composed ofthree elected members and the General Secretary.

General SecretaryThe General Secretary is elected by the members to co-ordinate the daily administration of theAssociation and is responsible to the GeneralConference for all financial matters.

National CommitteeNational Committees represent the member countriesand are composed of persons representing academic,industrial and student interests.

HeadquartersJames E. ReidGeneral SecretaryP.O. Box 6104SwordsCo. DublinIreland

Advisory Committee1999-2002Mr. Javier YarzaIAESTE MexicoP. O. Box 41-65411001 Mexico D. F.

2000-2003Ms Mirielle SuterIAESTE SwitzerlandETH ZürichRämistrasse 101CH - 8092 ZürichSwitzerland

2001-2004Dr. Adam RylskiIAESTE Polandc/o StowarzyszenieAlmaturul. Kopernika 15, 00 359 Warszawa, Poland

2001Reserve MemberMr. Jeff LangeIAESTE-United States10400 Little PatuxentParkwaySuite 250Columbia, MD 21044-3510USA

Representatives of theGeneral Secretary tothe UN and itsagenciesNew York (ECOSOC)Ms. Ginny ArnoldIAESTE CanadaP. O. Box 1473KingstonOntario K7l 5C7 Canada

New York (DPI)Mr. Jeff LangeIAESTE-United States10400 Little PatuxentParkwaySuite 250ColumbiaMD 21044-3510USA

GenevaMs Mirielle SuterIAESTE SwitzerlandETH ZürichRämistrasse 101CH - 8092 ZürichSwitzerland

Vienna (UNIDO)Univ. Professor Dr.Peter SkalickyTechnische UniversitätWienKarlsplatz 13A-1040 WienAustria

Paris (UNESCO)Mr. Jean MichelAlaverdovIAESTE FranceCampus JarlardF-81013 Albi Cedex 09France

General Conference

National Committees




2 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

The Association was founded in January

1948 at Imperial College, London, on the

initiative of the Imperial College

Vacation Work Committee. National

organisations of ten European countries

represented at this meeting became

members and Mr. James Newby was

elected General Secretary. The

geographical coverage was soon to

spread to most of Europe and beyond, as

new countries were admitted to


The international body of IAESTE is a

non-political, independent, non-govern-

mental organisation, in operational

relationship with the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organisation (UNESCO) and

maintaining consultative relationships

with the UN Economic and Social

Council (ECOSOC), the United Nations

Industrial Development Organisation

(UNIDO) and the International Labour

Office (ILO).

IAESTE is also in contact with the

United Nations Economic Council for

Africa (ECA), the Food and Agriculture

Organisation (FAO), the Organisation of

American States (OAS) and the European

Union (EU), as well as with other

educational non-governmental


National secretariats and committees

make up the membership of the

Association. Each year the Annual

Conference brings together the

representatives of these bodies to decide

issues of general policy and to carry out

the exchange of offers for training. Prior

to the conference, each member country

collects offers from employers willing to

receive students from abroad for a

temporary training period relevant to the

students’ area of study, as a supplement

to their university or college education.

The offering companies or organisations

are expected to pay students a wage

sufficient to cover their cost of living

during the actual training period.

The offers of training are exchanged

with other members on a reciprocal

basis. Through their affiliated

The International Association for the Exchange of Students for TechnicalExperience (IAESTE) is a confederation of National Committees representingacademic, industrial and student interests. Each National Committee is responsible for theadministration of the exchange in its own country.

Our organisation

universities and colleges, national

secretariats select qualified students to

meet employers’ requirements as out-

lined on the training offer. Details of the

selected candidates are sent to the

companies for approval.

Participation in the IAESTE

exchange is open to bona fide students

attending courses at universities,

institutes of technology and similar

institutions of high education.

Readers are invited to learn more

about IAESTE and the IAESTE members

by visiting our website at


The aims of IAESTE

The Association is an organisationfor the exchange of students atinstitutions of higher educationwishing to obtain technicalexperience abroad relative to theirstudies in the broadest sense.

It shall promote internationalunderstanding and good willamongst the students of all nationsirrespective of race, colour, sex orcreed.

The Association operates anexchange programme for thebenefit of students, academicinstitutions, industrial and otherorganisations offering traineeships.

Page 4: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 5

30% of the total and makes a significant

contribution to long-term placements.

During 2000, 1058 students received

placements of 3-6 months duration, 302

placements of between 6-12 months and

138 placements 12-18 months. The com-

parative figures for 1999 are 1001, 259 and

9. Long-term placements in South

America, North and Central America,

Africa and Asia/Australia are more

common and are attractive to students,

particularly when travel costs are a


IAESTE continues to be focused on

expansion, increasing the number of

member countries and also the number

of training places available. Expanding

the exchange in new member countries is

in itself is not sufficient and the

requirement must be to have a

corresponding increase in the number of

training places in established members’

countries. This internal and external

expansion is necessary to meet the

aspirations of new members and to

ensure the maintenance of the existing

exchange relationships. Since the last

Annual Report, IAESTE welcomed

co-operating institutions from Belarus

(2), Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, India,

Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, New Zealand,

Oman, Perú and United Arab Emirates to

the Association. The IAESTE

membership in January 2001 was 81

members in 77 Countries.

Examining the spread of current

IAESTE membership shows that for the

first time since its foundation in 1948,

IAESTE now has more members outside

Europe. The expansion of the IAESTE

exchange programme in Africa and Asia

still requires attention and additional

members in South and Central America

would also benefit the exchange. An

increased intercontinental exchange

depends on increasing the membership

of the Association in these continents

and remains a priority for IAESTE.

Reciprocity of the ExchangeThe IAESTE exchange programme is

based on a bilateral balanced exchange

between members. Most member

countries attempt to maintain a balance

between outgoing and incoming

students but an exact bilateral balance is

rarely possible within any given year.

Only long-term balance is sought and

this is often worked out on a

trainee-month basis. This flexibility is

needed to support the proper allocation

of training places and the selection of the

appropriate students.

In 2000 a total of 15 countries received

more students than they send abroad.

This benefited 45 members who sent

more students than they received. 1038

training places were involved, 19% of the

total exchange.

In this context, it has been established

and is within the tradition of IAESTE

that members with higher GNP receive

more trainees than they send. In general

the newer members, members in

developing countries and members from

the smaller countries benefit. Countries

in this GNP bracket provided almost all

of these places (99%) in 2000.

Profile of the student traineeAge and gender balance: Average age and

gender balance of trainees varies little

from year to year but differs appreciably

from country to country. In 2000, 34% of the

trainees were women, the same percentage

The number oftrainees to benefitfrom long-termplacements nowrepresents almost30% of totalplacements. 29member countriesincreased theirnumber of trainingplaces in 2000,based on thenumber oftrainees received.


Table 2 Trainees sent and received by continent 2000

North/Central America

404 7.3%

349 6.3%

2230 40.4%

2726 49.4%

1617 29.3%

1172 21.3%

510 9.2%

414 7.5%

546 9.9%

700 12.7%

208 3.8%

154 2.8%

South America


Rest of Europe



4 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

The 2000 IAESTE Activity Report

contains the detail on the bilateral

exchanges, study fields of trainees sent

and received by each member, the

number of participating employers and

institutions, training periods, age,

nationality and gender of the trainees

and other useful comparative

information. It includes detail on the

exchange with non-member countries.

The report also contains a summary of

the administrative procedures, reports

from each member on activity as well as

the names of the staff handling the

exchange and the addresses of the

national secretariats. Readers interested

in this report may order a copy from the

IAESTE national secretariat in their own

country or from the General Secretary.

Exchange Development in 2000The total number of trainees exchanged

shows a modest increase in numbers

and continues the upward trend estab-

lished in the mid-1990s. The increase

reverses the drop in the exchange

reported in the 2000 Annual Report. The

total number of trainees exchanged in

2000 was 6042 of which 5515 were nation-

als of, or studying in, a member country.

527 trainees were exchanged with non-

member countries. This resulted in an

overall increase in the exchange figures

of 7.1%. This increase when compared

with the exchange for 1998 is 2.7%. The

average increase over the last five years

remains positive at 2.6% per annum.

This reflects the continued good work

being done by members – in spite of

some economic difficulties and conflicts

– and also the early contributions of the

new members who have joined IAESTE

in recent years. The European member

countries continue to be the major con-

tributors to IAESTE.

Table 1 shows the number of trainees

sent in 2000 and compares this with place-

ments for the previous five years and the

total average trainee months. The total

average trainee month’s figures were

measured in 1999 using trainee placement

times from less than 4 weeks to greater

than 52 weeks and are not exactly compa-

rable to the earlier figures. This more

accurate reporting requirement for train-

ing periods was introduced in 1999(*).

The number of trainees to benefit

from long-term placements now repre-

sents almost 30% of total placements. 29

member countries increased their num-

ber of training places in 2000, based on

the number of trainees received.

Excluded from these figures are the

new members exchanging for the first

time in 2000.

This report is a summary of the exchange activities between membersof the Association during 2000. The details of these exchanges are presented in the2000 IAESTE Activity Report published in November 2000. The exchange took placebetween 69 member organisations from 67 countries and 18 non-membercountries.

Report of the General Secretary

Regional Exchange Some 71% of participants receive their

placements in Europe, with 2726 (49%) of

the work opportunities provided within

European Union countries and 1172

(21%) in other European countries. The

European Union (EU) countries continue

to be the preferred destination for

trainees from the other regions and

receives between 30% and 69% of the

participants from the all continents.

The EU provides one quarter of its

places to students from EU member

states. This internal exchange with the

rest of Europe is 37% and with Asia/

Australia the exchange is just under 12%.

The internal exchange figure for the

other continents is between 24% and 0%.

The open international exchange is

clearly illustrated by the number of

countries that exchange with each

member. In 2000 each member

exchanged, on average, with 19 other

members. Some 22-member countries

exchanged with 25 or more members

and, of these, 10 exchanged with 35 or

more member countries. Five members

exchanged with more than 45 countries.

The number of traineeship exchanges

outside Europe now accounts for almost

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000


Table 1 2001 Annual Report

Trainees Sent 5515

Total Average Trainee Months 16825*

1999 Trainees Sent 5213

Total Average Trainee Months 14335*

Trainees Sent 5417

Total Average Trainee Months 15057

Trainees Sent 5106

Total Average Trainee Months 13328

Trainees Sent 5060

Total Average Trainee Months 13190

Trainees Sent 4669

Total Average Trainee Months 12218





Page 5: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 7

Participating InstitutionsEmployers: In 2000 a total of 3549 employers

participated in the exchange programme.

This is an increase of 347 over 1999 and

probably reflects the growth in IAESTE

membership. We are grateful for this

essential level of support from those

employers who continue to work with the

IAESTE national secretariats in their

countries each year. We welcome the new

employers who have joined our exchange

programme in 2000. On average

employers offer 2 training opportunities

to students. Some take more than 10

trainees but in most cases the figure is

between 1 and 3.

Educational Institutions: The number of

participating institutions in member

countries increased by 166 to 1158. This

increase is also to be expected considering

the membership growth. The average

number of students from each institution

is a measure of the spread of IAESTE

activity within a country. The 2000 figures

indicate about 5 students per institution.

Individual countries report figures in the

range 1 to 60. This large scatter relates to

structural differences from country to

country. Some have a small number of

institutions, for example technological

Universities with a large enrollment while

other a greater number of engineering

schools with limited enrollment. IAESTE

is pleased to acknowledge the continued

support of these institutions.

Training offersTraining periods: Based on members’ returns,

a small number of IAESTE placements,

5.5%, were for less than 4 weeks. 65.2% of

students exchanged between member

countries received placements for up to 12

weeks, 20.7% received 3-6 month

placements and 8.6% placements for

periods of 6-12 months or longer.

Most of the training takes place in the

period May to September and coincides

with the Northern Hemisphere vacation

period. In the Southern Hemisphere,

opportunities are available between

October and April. More than 42 of the

member countries are now in a position

to offer long term training opportunities

and 18 members offer training through-

out the year. The growth in long term and

year round training in recent years

demonstrates that IAESTE is in position

to accommodate year-round training.

The development of an exchange facility

through the IAESTE Intra web ensures

that the members can accommodate

placement opportunities as they arise.

In 2000 a total of3549 employersparticipated in theexchangeprogramme. Thisis an increase of347. We aregrateful for thisessential level ofsupport fromemployers.

Categories of offers: Traditionally

IAESTE classifies placements as scientific

(S), professional (P) or manual (M) and

these classifications refers generally to the

type of work on offer. The category S refers

to work of a scientific nature such as

research. Category P is used for

professional activities, practical design

work, site work and similar. M, in general,

indicates manual work in the industrial

area relevant for the student, for example,

mechanical assembly work for

engineering students. In 2000, a total of 7748

training places were reported to be

available with the following breakdown:

Scientific (S) 3084 (40%), Professional (P)

4303 (55%), Manual (M) 361 (5%). The

percentage of offers used, reported by the

members by category, were S 1992 (38%), P

2974 (56%), M 245 (6%).

Table 4 Training Specialties (%), based on trainees received 1995-2000

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Engineering 64 70 61 65 67 67

Sciences 15 15 16 15 15 16

Applied Arts 5 5 6 6 7 8

Agriculture 4 5 4 4 5 4

Others 12 5 13 10 6 6

Report of the General Secretary


6 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

as in 1999. The figure for 1998 was 33%. The

percentage of women trainees appears to

have stabilised in recent years having

risen steadily from 26% in 1992. This

percentage for individual members varies

from 4% to 72%. The gender balance

relates to the cultural and educational

traditions in the member countries. In

Europe and North America the figures

reflect the available information on the

enrollment of women in engineering and

technical studies.

The age of trainees in 2000 ranged

from 20 to 27 years with the majority

being 21 to 23 years old. This detail is

indicative of the educational systems and

the study level at which practical

training is usually required.

Study fields: As usual, the majority of

trainees (67%) are students in

engineering and related technologies. The

remaining 33% are divided between the

sciences, 16%; applied arts, 8%;

agriculture, 4% and other fields of study,

6%. These figures are quite stable and

change only by a few percentage points

from one year to the next.

Sub-division of the engineering group

shows mechanical engineers accounting

for 20% of the trainees, 14% are civil

engineers, 15% are from computer disci-

plines, 14% are electrical engineers, 8%

chemical engineers and 10% from

electronics and telecommunications. The

remaining 20% represent other

engineering disciplines. (See Tables 5)

The demand for computer students in

2000 showed a drop to 15% from 16%

reported in 1999 and compares with 14%

in 1998 and 12% in 1997. Electronic and

telecommunications shows a 3%

increase while mechanical engineering

has dropped 2% and chemical

engineering almost 3%.

These proportions vary from country

to country. In the developed areas,

computer, electronics, telecommunica-

tion, electrical, mechanical engineering

represent a good proportion of the

traineeships while in the less industrial

countries disciplines such as civil

engineering are important. These

different requirements bring an

additional difficulty to the exchange. The

offer and demand between countries of

different industrialisation levels may be

difficult to match. Student training needs

may often not be matched by the

availability of offers in the desired


Nationality: The majority of students

participating in the IAESTE exchange

programme are citizens of the member

countries. Some are from non-member

countries and are studying abroad at

educational institutions co-operating

with IAESTE.

In 2000, a total of 281 students with

different nationalities to the sending

member received places on the

programme. Of these, 59 were from the

following non-member countries:

Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bahrain,

Barbados, Bolivia, India, Indonesia, Iran,

Latvia, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria,

Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi

Arabia, Singapore, Trinidad, Zimbabwe.

Eight IAESTE member countries

exchanged 527 trainees directly from the

following non-members countries: Cuba,

India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica,

Kuwait, Latvia, Lesotho, Morocco, New

Zealand, Palestine, Peru, Qatar, Saudi

Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Venezuela.

In the developedareas, computer,electronics,telecommunication,electrical,mechanicalengineeringrepresent a goodproportion of thetraineeships whilein the lessindustrial countriesdisciplines such ascivil engineeringare important.

Table 3 Receiving Continent, % Received



South America


Rest of Europe

EU 24.8 51.2 53.9 65.9 67.8 58.5

EU Rest of Europe North/CentralAmerica South America Africa Asia/Australia

37.2 23.7 14.0 23.5 23.0 25.9

11.2 4.5 23.4 3.2 0.7 2.9

9.7 7.9 3.3 4.6 1.3 1.7

5.2 3.9 0.9 0.3 0.0 2.9

11.8 8.7 4.6 2.6 7.2 8.2

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IAESTE Annual Report 2001 9

Annual Conference 2001

The 53rd IAESTE Annual Conference was held in Durban, South Africa, between19 and 25 January 2001. Some 200 delegates, observers, accompanying persons and guestsrepresenting a total of 65 countries attended the event.

Mr. Douglas Robert Kennaugh, Director

of WSP IT, was designated Honorary

President of the conference. Professor

Bernard Baeyens, National Secretary,

IAESTE Colombia, chaired the confer-

ence working sessions, having been

elected to this position at the Washington

DC Conference in January 2000.

The conference hotel, The Holiday

Inn – Elangeni, was the venue for the

opening ceremony on Saturday, 20

January. Mr. Jürgen Prange, National

Secretary, IAESTE South Africa, acted as

master of ceremonies.

In his opening address the Honorary

President, on behalf of all the members of

IAESTE South Africa, greeted the

IAESTE members and their friends and

wished them a warm, friendly welcome

to their wonderful rainbow nation.

“Our country has been through major

changes in the last seven years, as you

are all aware. I have always been positive

about the prospects for South Africa, but

even I was surprised about how quickly

and peacefully the changes took place in

South Africa. We still have a long way to

go with many hardships and attitudes

that need to be changed. The road ahead

looks positive though.”

As a past IAESTE activist, he

explained that “IAESTE has a special

place in my heart. My introduction to

IAESTE was an exchange to Germany in

December 1986 to February 1987. It was

certainly a life changing experience for

me, getting to see and live a new culture

as well as the invaluable knowledge

gained in the working environment. On

arrival back home I started working as a

volunteer with IAESTE SA. My first con-

ference as National Secretary was in

Sweden and because of South Africa’s

apartheid policy, these were very trying

times for us. But the friendships that I

made showed that despite the political

stances taken by governments, individu-

als could still put aside their prejudice

and see people for what they really are.”

He concluded by telling the assembled

members of the encouraging work being

done in South Africa by the local IAESTE

committees, many of them run by stu-

dents and volunteers. They put in many

hundreds of hours of work keeping the

organisation running and this reflects

the importance students, employers and

past trainees put on the service provided


In conclusion, he thanked the mem-

bers for the extra effort they made to

come to South Africa and expressed his

confidence that they would have a very

successful conference.

A highlight of this conference was the

presentation by the keynote speaker,

Professor Friedrich Wilhelm Leuschner,

Head of the Department of Electrical,

Electronic and Computer Engineering at

the University of Pretoria. Professor

Leuschner has been a supporter of

IAESTE for many years. He spoke to the

members about the recent changes taking

place in education in South Africa and the

role programmes such as the IAESTE

exchange play in these developments.

The General Secretary presented his

annual report on the performance of the

organisation and developments during

2000. The opening ceremony was com-

pleted by Jürgen Prange, National

Secretary, IAESTE South Africa, who

offered his own words of welcome to the

visitors and wished them every success

in the conference sessions and with the


The conference was excellently

organised by IAESTE South Africa. The

facilities provided allowed for comfort-

able and uncluttered exchange sessions

where the delegates worked on the

exchange of the 7790 traineeships that

were brought to the conference. The

conference sessions were effective and

time was provided for the introductory

administrative seminar for new

members, an administrative session and

an extended half-day was allocated forDouglas Robert Kennaugh

Conference Honorary President

disciplines for which the training places

are available. In other cases, students in a

given field are able to qualify for offers in

another field. This matching across

disciplines occurs most often between

engineering and physics, and between

engineering and computer disciplines.

Returned offers and cancellationsThis continues to be one of our major

problems. Despite the efforts made to

date, to minimize losses, the number of

training places lost or unused remains

uncomfortably high. Lost and unused

training offers in 2000 amounted to 2071,

about 27% of all offers available at the

time of the exchange conference. Under

half of the offers, 816 (11% of total offers)

were withdrawn by the employers.

Student withdrawals accounted for 518

(7% of total offers) and the balance were

unaccounted for or unused. Individual

figures show that 12 member countries

manage to maintain their overall losses

below 20%.

IAESTE members must continue to

make every effort to minimize these

losses, particularly the offers that

remain unused. Improvements here

would result in the release of additional

available places and this should

encourage members to seek improve-

ments to their existing practices and to

examine their communication

arrangements. Accurate and timely

communications should help reduce stu-

dent and employer withdrawals and

accurate matching of the student skills

with those required by the employer

would further contribute to minimising

the withdrawal of offers. The IAESTE

Intranet site is now providing a platform

for the quick and accurate exchange of

information between members on new

and unused offers and facilitates

nominations for these places. This

should contribute to the effective use of

all offers, new and unused, as they

become available at any time during

the year.

Most students favour the Scientific

and Professional training places which

are more in line with academic

requirements. In many instances such

training is a required part of the

curriculum. The Manual offers are

valued for higher pay and the

opportunities they provide to experience

working conditions in industry in other


Technical speciality: Traditionally, most

training places exchanged through

IAESTE are in the fields of engineering

and technology and in 2000 this

represented 67% of the places available,

unchanged from the previous year (see

Table 5 above).

The average breakdown of training by

speciality follows closely, but not exactly,

the breakdown of students by study field.

Whereas IAESTE national secretariats

generally attempt to find training places

to fit student requests, the present

difficulty in raising offers often results in

a reverse process. This results in

students being selected from those

8 IAESTE Annual Report 2001


Reportof the General Secretary


Table 5 ● Training specialties (%) based on trainees received 2000 (below, top) Engineering

trainees received 2000 (below, bottom)










E Engineering 66.6%

Science 16.2%

Applied Arts 7.7%

Agriculture 3.7%

Others 5.8%

1. Mechanical 20.01%

2. Computers 14.70%

3. Civil 13.52%

4. Electrical 13.89%

5. Electronic & Telecoms 9.77%

6. Chemical 7.57%

7. Others 20.53%


Page 7: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Conference President, the National

Secretary of IAESTE South Africa,

Ms. Ina Strijdom, the Exchange Co-ordi-

nator and the IAESTE South Africa con-

ference team.

AC member and National Secretary

IAESTE Switzerland, Mirielle Suter

thanked the outgoing AC member,

Riitta Uotila, IAESTE Finland, for her

contribution to the work of the AC during

her term of office. She also thanked Mario

Kauzlaric, former National Secretary,

IAESTE Croatia and Reserve AC

member, for his support and for his con-

tributions to the AC meetings in Iceland

and France during 2000. She welcomed

the new AC member, Mr. Adam Rylski,

IAESTE Poland, to the Advisory

Committee. Elsa van der Kooi, National

Secretary, IAESTE Netherlands,

reserved a special thanks for

Ina Strijdom, IAESTE South Africa, for

the help she offered members with their

visa applications and their many other

questions during their preparation for

the Durban Annual Conference.

All of the members remarked on the

courtesy, friendliness and quiet effective-

ness of the hotel staff. This in no small

way contributed to the success of the

conference. The hotel management

should be proud to have such agreeable

people working for them. The GC pro-

posed a vote of thanks to the staff and

asked IAESTE South Africa to pass their

comments to the management of the

Holiday Inn – Elangeni.

The 54th Annual Conference ofIAESTE will be hosted by IAESTENorway and held in Trondheim,Norway, from 19-25 January 2002.

10 IAESTE Annual Report 2001


Annual Conference 2001Durban, South Africa

United States, was elected as reserve

member for 2001.

Professor Jacki O’Connor, National

Secretary, IAESTE Australia, was

elected as chairperson of the 54th Annual

Conference to be held in Trondheim,

Norway, 19-25 January 2002. Carola

Barhammar, National Secretary,

IAESTE Sweden, was elected as reserve


The conference accepted the proposal

of IAESTE Thailand to host the 55th

Annual Conference in Bangkok, from

18-24 January 2003.

The organising committee choose an

African theme for the farewell dinner

and dance. The hall decoration was par-

ticularly impressive and the entertain-

ment, provided by the African dance

troupe, appropriately supported the

theme for the evening. The conference

Honorary President, Douglas Kennaugh,

thanked the members for their co-opera-

tion and congratulated them on the excel-

lent work done during the conference

week. National Secretary Jürgen Prange

thanked the Conference President for his

support throughout the week and also

expressed his gratitude to the IAESTE

South Africa team for their dedication

and hard work.

The General Secretary expressed the

members’ gratitude to IAESTE South

Africa for the arrangements and for pro-

viding such excellent facilities for the

members. Features of the conference

were the facilities provided by the

Holiday Inn – Elangeni. All the

conference meetings and associated

activities were on the same floor and this

facilitated the members greatly by

allowing easy access to the conference

sessions, the exchange sessions and the

smaller meetings and the training

arrangements. The IAESTE members

warmly appreciated the individual and

group contributions from the Honorary

members discussions on policy and

development. The members discussed

the proposed new by-laws and the

General Conference approved in

principle the by-laws as submitted by

the IAESTE Advisory Committee. The

members agreed that any minor

adjustments could be made during the

period when the by-laws are being

checked for conformity with the new

Statutes. Apart from the paragraph on

membership of the Advisory

Committee, which will be voted to come

into affect at the beginning of the 54th

Annual Conference in January 2001, the

new Statutes and By-laws will replace

the existing Statutes on the 1 February


An innovation at this conference was

the training provided by the web services

group to members on the development

and use of the IAESTE Intranet. The

training sessions were well supported by

the members and a similar opportunity

will be provided at the Trondheim confer-

ence in January 2002. The conference

also approved the appointment of an

IAESTE Ombudsman to investigate and

resolve problems of unfair treatment of

students and other exchange problems.

Nominations are to be sought during 2001

for this new position and members will

vote on the appointment of an

appropriate person at the January 2002

conference. The appointment will be for

an initial three-year trial period.

The General Conference voted in

favour of accepting IAESTE Australia

and IAESTE Colombia as Full Members

of the Association and Armenia and

Kazakhstan as Associate Members.

The SID Co-ordinator, Ms Christina

Vakomies reported on the work of the

Seminar of IAESTE Development (SID)

at the 15th SID held in Reykjavik, Iceland

in April 2000. The status of the existing

work groups was discussed. Christina

Vakomies, the outgoing Co-ordinator,

was re-elected to the position for 2001.The

General Conference agreed that Mr.

Tobias Wittmann should continue as

co-ordinator of the ‘Friends of IAESTE’

network for the time being. A replace-

ment Co-ordinator may take over the

position in 2001 under the supervision of

the General Secretary.

As required under the IAESTE

statutes, Ms. Riitta Uotila, National

Secretary, IAESTE Finland, retires from

the Advisory Committee. The

conference elected Dr Adam Rylski,

President, IAESTE Poland, to the vacant

position for the period 2001-2004. Mr. Jeff

Lange, National Secretary, IAESTE

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 11

In 2000 a total of3549 employersparticipated in theexchangeprogramme. Thisis an increase of347. We aregrateful for thisessential level ofsupport fromemployers.

The 2001IAESTE Annual


Page 8: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

13 ArgentinaMarina Combis outlines the role of the NationalInstitute of Industrial Technology of Argentina(INTI) – an active participant in the IAESTEexchange for the past 40 years.

14 DenmarkPeter Merrild reports on the experience ofEllen Nagato Watanabe, a Brazilian exchangestudent in Denmark.

14 KazakhstanZhumagulov Bakhitzhan Tursinovitch, NationalSecretary of IAESTE Kazakhstan, became the firstDeputy(Vice) Minister of Education and Scienceof the Republic of Kazakhstan in February 2001.

16 MongoliaProfessor Dendev Badarch, President of theMongolian Technical University, Ulaanbaatar,introduces IAESTE’s latest member.

16 MexicoMr Eckart Miessner, General Director of HellaAutomotive Mexico, explains how IAESTE hashelped create the right internationalenvironment in his company.

18 SwitzerlandThe organisers of JUMP!2000 – the 6th Trainingand Motivation Seminar, hosted by IAESTESwitzerland – offer an invitation to the 2001event, to be held in Barcelona.

19 SwedenTryggve Gustafsson outlines the uniqueexperience awaiting trainees in Sweden.

20 United KingdomThe third annual IAESTE UK Trainee of the YearAward was held on 8 December 2000 at theInstitution of Civil Engineers in London.

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 13

Exchange profiles

Professor Rafael Steinberg, INTI’s Adviser, represented INTI

at the “General Conference of IAESTE” held in Rome.

According to his own words, this meeting marked the formal

opening of Argentina to international labour markets.

So far, hundreds of talented students have been hosted.

These students are outstanding for their capacity to learn,

and fully meet the criteria of being keen on teamwork

with an ability to face new challenges and establish

multicultural links.

During the last 40 years, INTI has equally appreciated

the experience of Argentine students travelling abroad and

that of foreign students that have worked in its

laboratories. Every new project requires new tasks from

those involved. For this reason, training its own young

personnel in a different environment, as well as hiring tem-

porary trainees with a different background, facilitates the

group’s disposition to change.

Dr. Héctor Laiz, Manager of the Reference Laboratories,

considers that “the trainee programme is a very useful tool

to complement their professional training and towards the

development of Argentine students. Our people can come in

contact with other working methods, new technologies and

establish new personal links. At the same time, to host

students from other parts of the world adds value. A useful

cultural exchange and long lasting friendships

are developed.”

“Our experience with IAESTE is very good,”

says Lic. Roberto Castañeda, Head of the Milk

Technology Center. “The trainees perform specific

jobs according to a programme. They adapt very

quickly because the team makes them feel at home

from the very first moment. The group, in turn, is

motivated by their presence and makes efforts to

show them our way of living and our reality, as well

as the actual technical knowledge. I think that the

fact of hosting foreign trainees contributes to

improving the actual working environment.”

Ing. Patricia Marino, Director of the Textile

Investigation and Development Center, states:

“IAESTE is an important association which allows

the student to become a professional by placing him

in contact with industry. It is also beneficial to the

rest of the group which becomes motivated by the

exchange and transfer of knowledge. A space is

generated where different views of life and work are

shared. The feedback is always positive.”

In times of permanent change, transforming an

organization requires new teaching and learning

processes. That is why IAESTE is dedicated to

training students in technical skills and to bringing

about a permanent improvement of business con-

cerns – by introducing new competences, new

challenges and new horizons which are sought by

those individuals with a vocation for change.

The National Institute of Industrial Technology of Argentina (INTI) wasfounded in 1957. A few years later, in 1961, it started playing an active part in the IAESTEexchange programme. Ever since Argentina became a full member in 1963, INTI hashosted the local headquarters of the National Office and has been the only IAESTE sponsorin the country. By Marina Combis, INTI public relations.

Argentina: the role of INTI

(Left to right): Héctor Laiz, Manager of the ReferenceLaboratories; Patricia Marino, Director of the TextileCenter; Professor Rafael Steinberg, INTI adviser;Isabel Algañaras, National Secretary, IAESTE Argentina;Alicia Lagomarsino, Director of the Chemical andPetrochemical Center; Roberto Castañeda, Head of theMilk Technology Center.

INTI President,Julio GarciaVelazco (right)pictured withIsabel Algañaras,NationalSecretary, IAESTEArgentina.He was appointedby Argentina´sPresident,Fernando de laRua.Julio GarciaVelazco was theCorporate Directorof Quality,Environment andTechnology of theTECHINT GROUPbefore beingappointed to INTI.

The profiles on the following pages offer a sample of the exchange experience fromthe points of view of existing and new national members, students and employers.While these articles can only scratch the surface of the wealth of experience andactivity represented by the exchange, we hope they will give a flavour of the IAESTEnetwork and help show the Association in a warmer light than is possible through thepresentation of facts and figures alone.

Exchange profiles

Page 9: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

the language.

Apart from the working experience, the social life for an

IAESTE trainee is also very exciting. The advantage of being

in Denmark is that there are quite a lot of exchange students,

and they are all concentrated in Copenhagen. The IAESTE

committee takes care of the trainees, providing them accom-

modation and organizing social events during the whole year,

such as parties, gatherings, trips and visits to different places.

There is also an informal weekly meeting for international

students, where they can get all kind of information and meet

people from all over the world. It is very interesting to be in an

international environment! Everybody is opened for

discussions or only for a chat and you have the opportunity to

meet people who are in the same situation, to share experi-

ences and to feel that you are not alone in a strange country.

When you are exposed to an environment where you have

to deal with their different cultures, you learn to respect

people’s differences, you become more flexible and in the

same time more critical. You evaluate your own values and

you see clearer the good and bad points of different societies

because you have something to compare with.

The opportunity IAESTE offers to students from all over

the world is unique! There is not only a professional

experience to be gained, but also a life experience, maturity,

culture and it opens doors for career plans.

“When I applied for the position as an IAESTE exchange

trainee in Denmark, my expectations were mainly to gain

some professional experience in a pharmaceutical industry

and to know a different culture. Denmark sounded too far

from my home country, Brazil, and my original plan was to

return after four months.

I arrived in the department ‘Solid Dosage Forms Product

Support’ at Novo Nordisk A/S in 1999. It was strange but also

interesting to be in a new world. The weather, the landscape,

the food, the architecture, the society and its values, the way

people live, think and behave – everything was so different

from Brazil! But, contrary to what people might think or expe-

rience, I did not have adaptation problems in my first months

in Denmark. Everything was so exciting! The people from the

company nicely welcomed me, my project was interesting and

I met a lot of other exchange trainees with whom I explored

Exchange profiles

Ellen Nagato Watanabe arrived in Denmark from Brazil in the spring of 1999for a four-month traineeship at Novo Nordisk A/S. In 2001, she is still here, now in a permanentposition. Interview and article by Peter Merrild.

Denmark: a student’s experience

Ellen Nagato Watanabe

Copenhagen and enjoyed my free time. After the four months

period, the training was extended and I finally got a job in the

same department, where I still work. It was more difficult to

integrate in the society as a normal resident than the initial

short-term experience as an IAESTE trainee, which gave me a

picture of the country and the system, but did not expose me to

the real difficulties that all societies have.

Being an IAESTE trainee at Novo Nordisk A/S was more

than being just an exchange student. I was considered an

employee and my opinions were always respected. It was

exciting to work for an international company, to see that I

was applying the knowledge I had gained during my studies

and that I had responsibilities and goals to be reached. The

cultural differences and the language problem were not big

issues in terms of being hired as a pharmacist after the

training period. I would say that being an IAESTE trainee

played an important role for getting the job opportunity. It

would be difficult for the department to hire a new foreign

professional with little working experience and not knowing

if I would be able to adapt to the country, to the culture and to

Zhumagulov Bakhitzhan Tursinovitch, NationalSecretary of IAESTE Kazakhstan, became the firstDeputy (Vice) Minister of Education and Science of theRepublic of Kazakhstan in February 2001. This is thelatest honour in a highly distinguished career for thedoctor of technical sciences. A member of InternationalEngineering Academy (IEA) and Engineering Academyof the Republic of Kazakhstan and a member of theSupreme Attestation Commission, Dr Zhumagulov isalso a professor and is a member of a number offoreign academies and international engineeringsocieties.

Kazakhstan IAESTE National Secretaryappointed to government education post

He is a founder member of Kazak EngineeringAcademy, Kazak Engineers Union and a pioneer of thenew information technologies in the oil and gasindustry. He is currently running a nation-wideprogram on oil transport monitoring via industrialpipelines. The results are being used on someKazakstan oil-fields and have ensured a substantialincrease in oil-field output. Dr Zhumagulov is Presidentof the Kazak Association of Scientific and TechnologicalOrganizations and Laureate of the Kazakhstan StateAward for Science, Engineering and Education.

In his new government role, Dr Zhumagulov’sresponsibilities include, inter alia, problems ofmanagement and reformation of Higher andSecondary education, attestation of different statuscolleges, and budget monitoring. In the field ofscience, he is in charge of state expertise certification,of different targeted programs and projects, moderntechnologies and materials.

Zhumagulov Bakhitzhan Tursinovitch

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 1514 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Page 10: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Employees in our firm gain hands-on managerial and opera-

tional experience at international level, broadening the

vision and scope of their own position. The IAESTE training

scheme has helped participants to develop management

relations with multicultural professionals with very

favourable results in their project assignments. The IAESTE

trainees have acquired abilities that prepare them as highly

efficient employment candidates for our company branches

in other countries. The trainees also broaden the abilities of

supervisors in charge and quite often take multidisciplinary

and challenging positions in the process. IAESTE has helped

to create the right international environment where

participants can develop human resources evaluations and

programmes for our employees as well as our trainees.

Special featuresThe principle supporting the philosophy of the program

establishes as crucial for management development the offer

Mr Eckart Miessner, General Director of Hella Automotive Mexico, explains how IAESTE has helpedcreate the right international environment in his company.

Mexico: an employer’s perspective

Eckart Miessner

Exchange profiles

I am very proud to introduce my country and Institution as

the new member of the International Association for the

Exchange of Students for Technical Experience - IAESTE.

The Mongolian Technical University (MTU) was accepted as

a member at the Annual Conference in Durban, South Africa

in January 2001.

Mongolia has come a long way since the establishment of

the first state-funded university – The Mongolian State

University – in 1942, and the 1990 democratic revolution, that

would force Mongolia to reform its entire political and

economic system, including the education sector.

Over the last decade, the Mongolian Government has

been making all the necessary efforts to reform the

Mongolian educational system, including the higher

education sector. International cooperation has played a

major role in Mongolia’s desire to strengthen higher educa-

tion and develop the intellectual capacity and technological

capabilities of its universities and colleges, as well as raise

its achievements to international standards. In February

2000, the Mongolian Government endorsed the 2000-2005

Mongolia: introducing IAESTE’s newest member

Professor Dendev Badarch, President of the Mongolian Technical University, Ulaanbaatarintroduces IAESTE’s latest member.

Education Sector Strategy to serve as a guideline for the

development of all education sectors, as well as science and

technology, including the main issues concerning a long-

term strategy for higher education.

I am proud to say that education is certainly one of

Mongolia’s biggest successes in terms of reforms. The

revolution has brought to the younger generation a great

opportunity to learn and open its mind to a new world. Higher

education is today the fastest growing segment of the educa-

tion sector. Student enrollment has tripled over the last ten

years. The Mongolian Technical University is a leader in the

higher education reform process and is dedicated to elevating

the country’s standards to an international level by sharing

knowledge and experiences with the international


The main problem engineering universities of develop-

ing countries are facing is the important lack of modern

laboratory facilities and therefore limited practical

experience. The establishment of an IAESTE office at MTU

will bring unlimited opportunities for our students to be

involved in valuable international exchanges focused on

technical development. At the same time, local Mongolian

companies are more than interested in supporting MTU and

accepting international students wanting to come to our

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 17

16 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

ProfessorBendev Badarch

country for technical and practical work. In addition to the

academic experience, the exchange students will have the

opportunity to discover and become familiar with the

unique Mongolian culture and history. During their stay,

MTU will provide the students with the necessary tools to

fully enjoy their new environment and understand

Mongolian customs and traditions.

As the world becomes smaller and the technology devel-

ops faster, competition is drastically increasing. Therefore,

the new generation is forced to acquire the meaningful

experience employers are demanding and have a good

understanding of the developments occurring in their field

at an international level. The IAESTE will give Mongolian

students an incredible opportunity to have international

exposure while developing new skills, indispensable for

their future career and for the development of Mongolia.

I strongly believe international cooperation is the best way

to bring prosperity to developing countries, by adapting the

achievements of developed countries and sharing the

knowledge and determination of our younger generation.

Considering the recent involvement of MTU in the

Association, we have a lot of work to do in building a strong

foundation for a sustainable and valuable partnership

program. We are now concentrating all our efforts on send-

ing ten of our elite students abroad this summer, in different

fields, such as software engineering, agriculture, electrical

engineering and oil engineering. We are also expecting to

receive one or two foreign students to work with Mongolian

companies over the same period.

Mongolia is ready to be a part of this wonderful experi-

ence and hopes to benefit as many students as possible in the

country and abroad. I would like to express my sincere

gratitude to Mr. James Reid, General Secretary of IAESTE,

and to friends from Germany, Sweden, Japan, Thailand,

Yugoslavia, Britain, Austria, Macedonia, Kazakhstan and

Syria for their generous support and trust in sharing their

experiences and valuable advice on this new adventure.

of challenging job opportunities. Analysing and working

with challenging situations is the basis for bringing a

broader vision to the co-ordination of a larger number of

people, larger budgets, broader markets and operations.

On a personal basis, the training encourages our people to

challenge themselves to acquire leadership skills.

International training helps to catalyse abilities and strength-

ens attitude for those in charge of the exchange program

within the company. It is a key element in attracting and

retaining highly qualified personnel. In this way, participants

under training provide a great opportunity for our employees

to develop human resource management skills which truly

represents a challenge, and provide leadership to those in

charge of supervision of the specifics in the training project. In

addition, the input of international participants becomes a

natural element and takes these programmes to World-Class


IAESTE creates these benefits in our company and this,

in fact, has helped us to refine specific strategic programs

such as the standardisation of training for new recruits for a

strategically placed career. Highly capable people

throughout the organization will reduce our costs. It has

helped us to constantly update our human resource

evaluation systems towards providing an ever more efficient

World-Class career building plan.

Page 11: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Switzerland: JUMP! for training and motivation

Since 1948, IAESTE Sweden has offered engineering and science students a challengingtraineeship varying from 8 weeks up to 18 months. It has a well established network all overthe world. IAESTE Sweden works closely with Swedish universities and university colleges thatoffer a wide range of courses and nearly 90 Master’s level programmes in English in a widerange of subjects, have a tradition of encouraging independent thinking, and offer goodinfrastructural and communication facilities. By Tryggve Gustafsson.

“Every year some 150 students from all parts of the world get

the chance of a traineeship in Sweden by IAESTE Sweden.

Overall Sweden exchanges trainees with some fifty

countries,” says Carola Barhammar, National Secretary of

IAESTE Sweden.

Sweden hosting SIDFrom April 27th to May 1st, 2001, Sweden hosted the 16th

Seminar on IAESTE Development (SID) conference, taking

place in Malmö, the 3rd city in Sweden. The SID is a meeting

for IAESTE member countries on how to improve the

IAESTE exchange. IAESTE Denmark invited to a Post

Conference tour in Denmark. Malmö is situated at the strait

which always separated Sweden from Denmark and its

capital, Copenhagen. Since the summer of 2000 the Öresund

Bridge connects the two countries.

The Öresund regionThe Öresund region is already one of the most dynamic

regions in Europe, with a range of leading international com-

panies in the fields of medical science, biotechnology, food

technology, information technology and the media. 110,000

students attend higher education there, with four

universities – Copenhagen, Roskilde (Denmark) and Lund,

Malmö in Sweden – as the dominating centres in a large

academic network , “the Öresund University,” comprising

11 universities and colleges in the Öresund region.

Training in SwedenSwedish enterprises are almost without exception

very satisfied with their IAESTE trainees.

And what do trainees think about their

traineeship period in Sweden? Very often they

point to the informal and democratic way of work

practised by many Swedish enterprises. They are

also very satisfied with the reception, and the information

given at the workplace, as well as the fact that they are

usually allowed to work rather independently and taking on

a responsibility of their own.

Says Daniel E. Wang, from Canada, trainee at Volvo Car

Corporation in Gothenburg for half a year in 2000:

“After being given my first set of assignments, I was a little

worried that I would not be too challenged. As it turned out,

there were many challenges and my tasks changed as I

became familiar with the department and Volvo. I was also

glad that I gradually acquired more responsibility over given

tasks…However, when I needed it, my colleagues and

supervisors were always there to provide help.”

Finally, most trainees have found that visiting a Nordic

country may be quite exotic and fun. And remember!

Swedish summers can be sunny and warm, and nature is

never very far away!

Daniel E. Wang

18 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Last year, the 6th Training and Motivation SeminarJUMP!2000 was hosted by IAESTE Switzerland. It tookplace during 25th-29th of October 2000 in Richterswil,nicely located at the edge of the Zurich lake. More than80 participants from 22 countries gathered together toshare their experience.

JUMP! has already been existing for seven years and isbecoming a "must" for IAESTE members, particularlynewer ones. The goal of this international meeting is toshare IAESTE knowledge, to broaden the IAESTEnetwork, and to make friends from all over the world.

See you at the JUMP!2001 in Barcelona.Keep on JUMPing!

The Swiss JUMP Organising Committee

“Big, Great, Motivating, Funny JUMP !Thanks to IAESTE Switzerland.”

Dieter, Austria

“The official JUMP song is all the time in my mind...”

Nestor, Macedonia

Sweden: connecting countries

Exchange profiles

Page 12: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

SegemarSiemens S.A.Solar Servicios On-Line Argentina S.A.Tensar S.R.L.Tulsa Oilfield EquipmentsUNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES:- Facultad de IngenieríaUNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PAMPA:- Facultad de AgronomíaUNIVERSIDAD TECNOLOGICA NACIONAL:- Regional Avellaneda- Regional Delta- Regional Haedo- Regional Mendoza


Participating Institutions and EmployersArminco, LTD Institute of CardiologyInfocom Alfa, LTDMshak, JSCAreximbank, JSCState Engineering University of ArmeniaInstitute of Energetic, CJSCYerevan State Medical UniversityYerevan State University


Participating InstitutionsAustralian National UniversityDeakin UniversityJames Cook UniversityMonash UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyRoyal Melbourne University of TechnologySwinburne University of TechnologyUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of MelbourneUniversity of New EnglandUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of QueenslandUniversity of SydneyUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of Western AustraliaUniversity of WollongongVictoria University of Technology

Participating EmployersAcumen MultimediaAgriculture VictoriaAustralian National UniversityBoeing Hawker de HavilandBritish American Tobacco AustraliaCSIRO Manufacturing Science and TechnologyCSIRO Molecular ScienceDeakin UniversityEnvironmental and Earth SciencesFord AustraliaGippsland AeronauticalLurgi Australia) Pty LtdNormalair GarrettSouthern Health CareSwinburne University of TechnologyUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of South AustraliaUniversity of Technology, SydneyURS AustraliaVictoria University of TechnologyVISYWMC


Participating Institutions and EmployersAllg. Bauges. Porr AGAlois Scheuch GmbHArs Electronica Center LinzAVL List GmbHBEKO Ing. P. Kotauczek GmbHBMG Metall u. Recycling GmbHBanner GmbH Barthenbach LichtlaborBurgenländische Elektrizitätswirtschafts AGBundesanstalt für alpenländische MilchwirtschaftCreditanstalt-Bankverein D.I.Otto Beurle Ingenieurkonsulent f. BauwesenD.I.Georg Pendl ArchitektEBG Transformatoren GmbH & CoEbner IndustrieofenbauEFKO Frischfrucht und Delikatessen GmbHEisenwerk Sulzau-WerfenESGForschungsinstitut LeobenForschungszentrum Seibersdorf GmbHGeorg Fischer Automobilguß GmbHGerberit Produktions GmbHGeoconsult ZT GmbHGetzner Werkstoffe GmbHGFM GmbHGohm & HessbergerHaas & Durstmüller ArchitektenHitradio Ö3Honda Austria GmbHHOT Engineering GesmbHIng.Johann DornIngenieurbüro A. Pauser (Ziviltechniker für Bauwesen)IndustrieinformatikIBM AustriaInstitut für......Konstruktiven Ingenieursbau (UNI BoKu)...Allg. Maschinenlehre und Fördertechnik (TU Graz)...Baustatik (TU Graz)...Techn. Geologie und Angew. Mineralogie (TU Graz)...Verbrennungskraftmaschinen u. Thermodyn. (TUGraz)...Verfahrenstechnik (TU Graz) ...Werkstoffkunde und Schweißtechnik (TU Graz)...Analytische Chemie und Radiochemie (UNI Innsbruck)...Hygiene (UNI Innsbruck)...Mikrobiologie (UNI Innsbruck)...Experimentalphysik (UNI Linz)...Nachrichtentechnik (UNI Linz)...Systemwissenschaften (UNI Linz)...Technische Informatik und Telematik (UNI Linz)...Verfahrenstechnik (UNI Linz)...Allg.und Analytische Chemie (Montan-Uni

Leoben)Institut für......Physik (Montanuniversität Leoben)...Allg. Mechanik (TU Wien)...Kommunikationsnetze (TU Wien)Joanneum Research - Inst. f. KunststofftechnikKarl Sailer GartengestaltungKnapp LogistikautomationKrems Chemie AG Leitl Spannton GmbHMagistrat Graz PersonalamtMagistrat Linz Magistrat SteyrObermoser-Fendrich GmbHÖkoconsult GesmbHOMV AG ORF Teletext & OnlineÖsterreichische Elektrizitätswirtschaft Öst. Akad. d. Wiss. (Erich-Schmid-Inst. f.Festkörperphysik)Palfinger AGPCD Polymere GmbH


Participating InstitutionsCNEA – Universidad Nacional de San MartínEST – Escuela Superior Técnica del EjércitoITBA – Instituto Tecnológico Buenos AiresUCA – Universidad Católica ArgentinaUniversidad de BelgranoUniversidad de Buenos AiresUniversidad Nacional del Centro de la

Pcia de Bs.As.Universidad Nacional de CórdobaUniversidad Nacional de CuyoUniversidad Nacional de La PampaUniversidad Nacional de La PlataUniversidad Nacional del NordesteUniversidad Nacional de QuilmesUniversidad Nacional de RosarioUniversidad Nacional del SurUniversidad Tecnológica Nacional:- Regional Bahía Blanca- Regional Buenos Aires- Regional Chaco- Regional Haedo- Regional Mendoza

Participating EmployersAcindar S.A.Alas IngenieriaBergomi S.C.A.Bodegas Michel TorinoBodegas NortonBorax Argentina S.A.Canteras Cerro Negro S.A.Ceramica SalteñaCeride – SecegrinCnea – UnsamConsul Steel S.R.L.Cosalta Ltda.Diario La Nueva ProvinciaEmege CalefactoresEnargasEsso S.A.P.A.Escuela Superior Tecnica Del EjercitoFerrosur Roca S.A.Intemin – SegemarINTI:- CECON – Construction Technology- CEMCUYO – Cuyo Regional Center- CEMEC – Metalmechanics- CEMSUR - South Regional Center- CEQUIPE – Chemistry and Petrochemistry- CIEPS – Superficial coats and paintings- CISCOE – Contamination with ethilene oxide- CIT – Textile and garments- CITECA – Meat Technology- CITEI – Electronics and Informatics- CITEMA – Wood and subproducts Technology- CITIL – Dairy Products Technology- CITIL – Rafaela. - CITIP – R&D for the Plastic Industry- INTI - Gerencia de Desarrollo- PNM – National Standards Patterns- Delegación Regional del Noreste ArgentinoHarengusIRAM – Materials StandardsJuan Carlos Lopez Y AsociadosLaboratorios Kampel Martian S.A.Latin TradeLiade S.A.Michel Torino Hnos.Microbioticos S.R.L.Montaldo Construcciones S.A.Municipalidad De Bahia BlancaPlapiquiPoliequiposQuimifina – R&DRobert Bosh

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 21

Institutions and employersparticipating in the exchange 1999/00

before. I have been to Africa, America, and numerous

countries in Europe but only ever for two weeks and cer-

tainly never on my own. Never before have I been thrust into

a situation where so much was new and unknown to me. The

unknowns on this particular trip were numerous. They

concerned my job, my accommodation, food, language,

culture and my general life for the next ten weeks. All of

these ingredients filled me with their own particular flavour

of apprehension. However my worst fear lay closer to home:

how would I cope personally? Would I be able to manage the

engineering work, could I communicate with people in a

foreign language, would I be able to cope with the focus on

my own abilities with no friends to turn to – no outside help?

The deepest unknowns were internal and these were more

frightening than a question of where I would be laying my

head at night, even if the location was in South America.”

Chris McKinven, 2nd prize winner, on lessons learnt as a trainee with

Ove Arup in Hong Kong:

“You can be the best theoretical and technical engineer in

the country but if you don’t have good communication skills

you are not going to go far. The ability to communicate

effectively your ideas to another person is essential in the

engineering world. During my placement I was having to

communicate with colleagues in this way and I also learnt

the importance of being a good listener – a skill I hadn’t

really considered before. As these busy engineers informed

me of my weekly responsibilities, understanding exactly

what they wanted was of great importance – or I may have

become the dreaded trainee showing up at his supervisor’s

desk every two hours to seek assistance. Showing initiative

and giving things a go on my own were two things I tried to

do as much as possible.”

Jeng Leng Neo on his experience as an IAESTE trainee in Osaka:

“In a sense the training has also shown me the many

challenges that await the young civil engineer in his role in

shaping the urban landscape, and the amazing engineering

feats that can be accomplished through expertise and

teamwork that not even the steepest mountain, the swiftest

river nor the fiercest wind can deter (problems which are

especially prevalent in Japan). My placement with Hanshin

Expressway Public Corporation was indeed an educational

and inspirational one and it has given me renewed strength

and confidence to face the long road of training to become a

full-fledged civil engineer.”

20 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Exchange profiles


The finalists represented universities in England, Wales,

Scotland and Northern Ireland. First prize was a cheque for

£1000 and was won by Robert Johnston, a product design

engineering student from University of Strathclyde. His

presentation focused on the benefits of his placement with a

small design consultancy in Brazil. Second and third prizes

were won by Chris McKinven, an architectural engineering

student from Queen’s University who worked with Ove Arup

in Hong Kong, and Jeng Leng Neo, a civil engineer from

Imperial College who spent his summer working in Japan.

The IAESTE UK Award was set up in 1998 to mark the

50th anniversary of the association and is designed to test in

two stages the students' key skills in oral and written

communications. All applicants were initially required to

submit a written report on their experiences abroad as

trainees on the IAESTE programme. The prospect of partici-

pating in the IAESTE UK award encourages the students to

take a proactive role in managing their placements overseas

in order to gain the maximum benefit. Their IAESTE place-

ments constitute a first step towards employment in the

global economy and their feedback at the award final focused

on their impressions, their accounts of what they had learnt

and what they had achieved, and how their experiences

abroad had affected their chosen career paths. Guests at the

event included representatives from industry, universities,

professional institutions and government bodies which sup-

port the IAESTE exchange in the UK.

Excerpts from the Essays of the three winners:First prize winner Robert Johnston’s account of his fears as he travelled to

Brazil for his placement:

“I can never remember feeling so small. I have travelled

United Kingdom: trainee of the year award

Finalists in the IAESTE UK Trainee of the Year Award 2000.Robert Johnston, winner, is pictured centre(fifth from right) standing next to second-placed Chris McKinven (fourth from right) and third-placedJeng Leng Neo (fifth from left).

The third annual IAESTE UK Trainee of the Year Award was held on 8 December 2000 at theInstitution of Civil Engineers in London. Undergraduates who had spent the summer abroad oncourse-related placements were given the opportunity to showcase their experiences by givingfive-minute presentations before a panel of judges chaired by Professor Igor Aleksander,Pro Rector of Imperial College.

Page 13: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Indústrias Facchini LtdaINPE - Inst. Nacional de Pesquisas EspaciaisINQUIBRA Indústria Química Brasileira LtdaInstaladora GasparenseInstituto Agronômico de CampinasInstituto de Olhos de Belo HorizonteInstituto de Pesquisas e Estudos IndustriaisInstituto EcoplanInstituto Latino Americano de LínguasIntarco Projetos e Consultoria S/C LtdaIntegral Engenharia LtdaIntegration Tecnologia LtdaINTERAGE - Engenharia de Gerenciamento Ltda.Inter-Continental Hoteleira LtdaINTERLINK Cabeamento EstruturadoInternational Hosts Serviços Informática LtdaIPPUB - Inst Pesq e Plan Urbano de BlumenauIrmãos Thonnigs LtdaIrmãos Zen S/AIsa MacedoIST Inst Pesq e Desenv da Segurança no TrânsitoITAL - Instituto Tecnológico de AlimentosItograss Agrícola LtdaIt's Cool! Language SchoolJ2R Arquitetos AssociadosJapur Arquitetura e Engenharia LtdaJC Pagnuolo Arquitetura e PlanejamentoKabel Ind. Com. Chicotes Elétricos LtdaKamarika Hotel PousadaKL Serviços e Engenharia LtdaKlabin Fabricadora de Papel e Celulose S.A.Kuttner do Brasil Equipamentos Siderúrgicos Ltda.Laboratoiro Clínico Santa Rita Ltda.Laboratório Bioclínico São José LtdaLaboratório Médico Santa LuziaLaboratório Químico Cosméticos do Brasil LtdaLeuco do Brasil Com.e Serviços Técnicos LtdaLins Arquitetura e Construção LtdaLogística Integrada Imp. Com. Exportação LtdaLopo Calçados Ltda.Lourenço & Sarmento ArquitetosLPC Arquitetura S/AM.I. Montreal Informática LtdaM.P. - Centro de Ensino de Computação LtdaMacchina - Desenho de Imagem & Som LtdaMacisa Comércio e Indústria S/AMacroinvest LtdaMacroplast Ind. e Com. de Plásticos Ltda.Magno Martins Engenharia LtdaMaia e Borba LtdaMalisoft Consultoria e Informática LtdaMannesmann S.AMárcio de Almeida Machado-Arqu. AssociadosMarka Ind. e Com. Pré Fabricados de Concreto LtdaMaylin Ling Escritório de ArquiteturaMBR - Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas S/AMCL Brasil Agência de Viagens e Turismo LtdaMedral Engenharia LtdaMercedes Benz do Brasil S/AMeta EngenhariaMeta Sistemas e Assessoria LtdaMetisa - Metalúrgica Timboense S.A.Micronal S.A.Mineração Curimbaba LtdaMNM - Metalúrgica Norte de Minas S.A.Moller Indústria Metalúrgica LtdaMoretzsohn FerramentasMulti Marketing LtdaMultibras S.A EletrodomésticosMultinet Sistemas LtdaNedeff Arquitetos Projetos e Construções Ltda.Nelson & Campelo Arquitetos Associados LtdaNet Londrina - TV Cabo Resistencia S/C LtdaNF Engenharia de Automação LtdaNorconsil - Construções InteligentesNordberg Industrial LtdaNotan Confecções LtdaNovo Nordisk Bioindustrial do Brasil LtdaNPC Representações Comerciais LtdaN-TEC Projetos e Instalações LtdaOásis de Admer Ind. Com. de Confecções LtdaOICOS - Arquitetos AssociadosOPEN-Organização Privada de Estudos NemotécnicosOrion Construções Civis LtdaPadaria e Confeitaria da FamíliaPalma & Silvestri LtdaParmalat Brasil S/A Indústria de AlimentosParthenon St. Thomas Residence ServicePaulo Guariza Empreendimentos Ltda

Wetzel S/AWhite House English SchoolYatech Informática LtdaZaeli Alimentos Sul Ltda


Participating InstitutionsAcadia UniversityBrock UniversityBritish Columbia Institute of TechnologyCarleton UniversityConcordia UniversityCollege of the North AtlanticDalhousie - DalTechEcole Polytechnique de MontréalFanshawe CollegeHumber CollegeLakehead UniversityLaurentian UniversityMcGill UniversityMcMaster UniversityMemorial University of NFNiagara CollegeNorthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyQueen’s UniversityRyerson Polytechnical InstituteSeneca CollegeSimon Fraser UniversitySir Sandford Fleming CollegeSouthern Alberta Institute of TechnologyTrent UniversityUniversité LavalUniversité de MontréalUniversité de SherbrookeUniversité du QuébecUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of British ColumbiaUniversity of CalgaryUniversity of GuelphUniversity of ManitobaUniversity of New BrunswickUniversity of OttawaUniversity of ReginaUniversity of SaskatchewanUniversity of TorontoUniversity of VictoriaUniversity of WaterlooUniversity of Western OntarioUniversity of WindsorUniversity of WinnipegYork University

Participating EmployersABB – MontréalAgriculture CanadaAlberta Land & Forest ServiceAlberta Research CouncilAlcan InternationalAlcatel Canada IncAndor Robotic SolutionsAventis Pasteur CanadaBallard Advanced Materials LtdBallard Power SystemsBayer IncBC 303 OrchardsBJ Pipeline Inspection ServicesBMW Canada IncBowater IncBushwakker Brewing CoCanadian Microelectronics CorpCerticom CorpCogema Resources IncConsulate General of FinlandDe Havilland IncDiescan Tool IncDPS IncEBA Engineering Consultants LtdEcole Polytechnique de Montréal- Dept. of Chemical Engineering- Dept. of Electrical EngineeringElkview Coal CorpEnvironment CanadaErnst & YoungForintek Canada CorpGretag Cymbolic SciencesGuelph Food Technology CentreH. H. Angus & Associates LtdHospital for Sick Children Research InstituteHusky Injection Molding Systems

PBF - Pink and Blue Freedom School AssisPedro Ricardo Arquitetos S/C LtdaPepilon - Indústria de CosméticosPerdigão Agroindustrial S/APhilips do Brasil LtdaPhilips Eletrônica do Nordeste S/APlus Prestadora de Servs em Geral S/C LtdaPolesso Matrizes e PlásticosPomifrai Fruticultura S/APortobello S/APositive IdiomasPousada Currupira d'ArarasPousada do Rio MutumPPAU - Projetos e Pesq em Arquitetura e UrbanismoPraxis Projetos e Consultoria LtdaPrefeitura Municipal de CaçapavaPrefeitura Municipal de Nova Santa RosaPró Recursos Humanos LtdaProcessor Informática LtdaProminas Brasil Equipamentos LtdaPró-Recursos Humanos S/C Ltda.Pusas Scaranelo &Lopes Ltda.Qualipro Sistemas de Automação LtdaQualityfoods Int.Rasip Agro Patoril S/AReal English Center LtdaReason Tecnologia LtdaRede L&C de Mídia e Rádio Musical FMRegis Freire - Arquitetura e PlanejamentoRheldec S/C LtdaRhodia Brasil LtdaRicardo Marinho Paisagismo LtdaRipasa S/A Celulose PapelRobert Bosch LtdaRoberto Candusso Arq. Associados SC LtdaRoberto Pamplona Jr. Projetos e ExecuçõesRudolph - Usinados de Precisão LtdaS & V Consultoria e TecnologiaS & V IdiomasSAAE - Serviço Autônomo de Água e EsgotoSaneamento de Goiás S.A.Santini & Rocha Arquitetos S/C LtdaSão Paulo Alpagartas S.A.Sargel LtdaSeahawk Mineração LtdaSecretaria dos Transportes e Obras São José S/CSENAC - Serviço Nacional de Aprend. ComercialSendi-Serviços, Eng. e Desen. Industrial LtdaSERPRO-Serviço Federal de Processamento de DadosSidersul LtdaSiemens LtdaSilvio Todeschi.Natacha Rena Arquit e DesignSIMEPAR - Sistema Meteorológico do ParanáSincroniza EngenhariaSLC - John Deere S.A.Smarapd Informática LtdaSociedade Brasileira de Cultura InglesaST&C Serviços, Tecnologia e Consultoria LtdaSteviafarma Industrial S/ASul Brasil Ind. Com. de Acessórios Plásticos LtdaSupermercado FluminenseSwift Armour S/ASylvio E. de Podesta Arquitetos Assoc. LtdaTafarello Produções DigitaisTapetes São Carlos LtdaTarget Engenharia e Consultoria S/C LtdaTBA InformáticaTecbraf-Tecnologia de Produtos para FundiçãoTECBUS - Consultoria e Projetos LtdaTECISAN - Técnica de Eng Civil e Sanitária LtdaTECLAN - Engenharia de Software LtdaTECNICORP Computação Gráfica LtdaTECNISA - Tecnologia em Informática LtdaTECTRAN-Técnicos em Transportes LtdaTeksid do Brasil LtdaTendência Arquitetura LtdaTERRA - Tecnologia da Agricultura de TerraTesc - Consultoria e Projetos Estruturais LtdaTH - Engenharia e Comércio LtdaTranstainer Serv. de Limpeza e Conservação LtdaTrês Dimensões Arquitetura Construção Repres LtdaTuper S.A.Upper English - Instituto de Idiomas São CarlosUsina Nova AméricaV. Rocha Arquitetura e Computação LtdaVama Industrial LtdaVan Zanten Schoenmaker AgrifloriculturaVBA Consultores LtdaVillares Metals S.A.WEG S/A

PHILIPS Industrie GmbHPlansee AGPlaspack Kunstoff GmbHPost und Telekom AustriaReform-Werke Bauer & CoRiS GmbHRosenbauer International AG Robert Bosch AGSADBKS AtelierSGP Waagner Biro, Austrian Energie & EnviromentSTEWEAGSalzburger Aktiengesellschaft für EnergiewirtschaftSiemens Austria AG Sparkassen Datendienst AG Stadtbetriebe Linz GmbHSchmalbach-Lubeca Austria GmbHSiemens Bauelemente OHGSOLA Meßwerkzeuge GesmbHSONY DADC Austria AGSteyr Daimler Puch AGStrabag ÖsterreichTakefive Software Tech Consult GmbH Technische Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt (TU Wien)Unisys Österreich GmbHVAI GmbHVoest Alpine Stahl Linz GmbHVolkskreditbankWiener Linien Wiener Stadtwerke


Participating InstitutionsGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Technical University of Baku Alumni Association of former DAAD scholars

Participating EmployersTotal Fina ElfRoheGeoservicesHyatt HotelABB Power Genration Ltd. DEUTAG Drilling Baku Wintershall


Participating Employers BAYERBESIXDREDGING INTERNATIONALGhent University: Department forInformationtechnologyGhent University: Department of Electronics andInformation SystemsGhent University: Laboratory for Electrical Machines andPower ElectronicsGhent University: Laboratory for Heat Transfer and FuelTechnologyGhent University: Laboratory for HydraulicsJanssen PharmaceuticaLETLMSNMBSNV Baggerwerken DECLOEDT en ZoonSCK-CENUnité de Génie RuralVon Karman Institute


Participating Institutions CEFET-Centro Federal de Educação Tecn. do ParanáEFEI-Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá.FEI - Faculdade de Engenharia IndustrialFEMA-Fundação Educacional do Município de AssisFESP - Fundação de Estudos Sociais do ParanáFIPE-Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas EconômicasFundação de Educação e Cultura Santa Fé do SulFundação Paulista de Tecnologia e Educação de LinsFURB - Fundação Univ. Regional de BlumenauIMT - Escola de Engenharia MauáInst. Euro-Americano de Educ. Ciência e TecnologiaPUC - Pontífica Universidade Católica do Rio de JaneiroPUC - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

Cia. Siderúrgica Belgo-Mineira PiracicabaCITS-Centro Internacional de Tecnologia SoftwareCOBAS-Consul. Brasil Alemanha de Saneamento Ltda.Companhia Textil KarstenCompuletra LtdaConcrebras S/AConect Informática LtdaConflora Cons. Planejamento Assess. Florestal LtdaCONSPLAN - Constr. Proj. e Planejamento Ltda.Constroltec Engenharia Comércio Ltda.Construções e Comércio Camargo Corrêa S/AConstrutora Gouvêa Franco LtdaConstrutora Hidros LtdaConstrutora Patamar LtdaConstrutora Sercel LtdaCorneta LtdaCPQD-Centro Pesq.e Desenv. em TelecomunicaçõesCPU Ind. e Com. de Máquinas e Equipamentos LtdaCrillon Palace Hotel LtdaCristalia Prod. Químicos e Farmacêuticos LtdaCVRD - Cia Vale do Rio DoceDabi Atlante S/ADana Indústrias LtdaDe Lucca Revestimento Cerâmicos Ltda.De Paula Amoroso Projetos e Construções LtdaDelta Construções S.A.Deu House TechnologyDigitel S/A Industria Eletronica EBS Empresa Brasileira de Sistemas LtdaEcossitesmas Consultoria AmbientalEdex Engenharia de Minas LtdaEditora Moderna Ltda.Editora Segmento Ltda.Edra Helicentro Peças e Manutenção Ltda.Eliane Cerâmica e AzulejosEMBRAPA - Mandioca e FruticulturaEmpresa Sul Americana de Transp. em Ônibus LtdaEmpresa Weg S.A.ENEFER - Consultoria, Projetos Ltda.Engenharia e Construção Mectal Ltda.Engetech Service Painéis Elétricos Ind. Com. LtdaEngine-Eng. Industrial e Energética S/C LtdaEngisa Insp. e Pesquisa Aplicação a Indústria LtdaEOS - Escola Oficina de SalvadorEricsson Telecomunicações S/AEscola América de Belo HorizonteEscritório Arq. Interiores Rita Ramos RuellasEscritório de Arquitetura Fernando GraçaEsquadro Construções e Comércio LtdaEucatex Indústria e Comércio S/AExportadora Princesa do SulFábrica de Móveis Leopoldo S.A.FacelFaculdade CotemigFast Forward IdiomasFaville Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos LtdaFernanda Rocha ArquiteturaFibracem - Montagem e Instalação Elétrica LtdaFIPAI-Fund.Incremento da Pesq.e Aperf.IndustrialFloresta Amazônica Hotel e Turismo LtdaFortecryl S/AFreitas Melo Construções LtdaFuad Rassi Engenharia Ind. Com. LtdaFujinor S/AFun Languages / The Kids ClubGabarito Consultoria e SistemasGBS Informática LtdaGD. Express Worldwide Br Ltda.Gevi Gamma Eletrônica Ltda.GIBBS - Brasil Die Casting Ltda.Goethe Center BrasíliaGrafcon Engenharia LtdaGrupo Eberle MundialHalo Design - Arquitetura e Engenharia LtdaHeads Propaganda LtdaHerbarium Laboratório Botânico LtdaHospitais ProntoclínicaHospital Sociedade Beneficente LtdaHotel GlóriaHTS - Sistemas de Alta TecnologiaIBI- Tecnologia AlternativaIBRAMEM-Ins.Brasileiro da Madeira e Estr. MadeiraICEC - Indústria de Construção LtdaIdec Treinamento em InformáticaImaginariumIndústria de Embalagens Santa Inês LtdaIndústria e Comércio de Carnes Minerva LtdaIndustrial de Alimentos Massita Ltda

PUCRS- Pontífica UniversidadeCatólica do Rio Grande doSulUEM - Universidade Estadual de MaringáUEPG - Universidade Estadual de Ponta GrossaUERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de JaneiroUFAL - Universidade Federal de AlagoasUFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro PretoUFPB - Universidade Federal da ParaíbaUFPR - Universidade Federal do ParanáUFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulUFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroUFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaUFSCar - Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFV - Universidade Federal de ViçosaUNC - Univerisadade do ContestadoUNEB - União Educacional de BrasíliaUNESP - Universidade Estadual PaulistaUNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de CampinasUNIMEP-Universidade Metodista de PiracicabaUNISA - Universidade de Santo AmaroUNOESC - Univ do Oeste de Santa CatarinaUNOESTE - Universidade do Oeste PaulistaUPE - Universidade de PernambucoUSF - Universidade de São FranciscoUSP - Universidade de São PauloUSP - Universidade de São Paulo-ESALQ

Participating Employers4 Side EstruturasABINFO-Associação Brasileira de InformáticaABN Amro BankAcearia Frederico Missner S/AAcesita S.AAços Villares S/AAçúcar Guarani S.AAdolfo Sakaguti Arquitetos AssociadosAdvocacia Wanderlei de Paula Barreto S/CAedificata Mônica Lima - Projetos de ArquiteturaAES - Uruguaiana Empreendimentos Ltda.Aflalo & Gasperini Arquitetos S/C Ltda.Akzo Nobel LtdaAlcan Alumínio do Brasil Ltda.Alto QI - Tecnologia em InformáticaAndré Luiz Sell - ArquiteturaAntonio Carvalho Neto Arq. e Consul. Assoc. S/CAracruz Celulose S.AAraújo & Madrona S/C LtdaARBOLL Assoc Informática e Consultoria LtdaArqtech Computação Gráfica SCArqueometro S/C LtdaArquitetos Associados Delberg & Leon LtdaArquitetura Oscar Ferreira LtdaASBACE - Assoc Brasileira de Bancos Estad e RegAsea Brown Boveri LtdaAssoc de Proteção à Maternidade e InfânciaAssoc. Equoterapia e Equitação de UberlândiaAssociação Brasileira de Normas TécnicasATH - Albarus Transmissões Homocinéticas LtdaAuto Viação Santo Agostinho Ltda.AVIPAL S/A - Avicultura e AgropecuáriaBaby Brink Ind. e Com. de Brinquedos LtdaBAI & SANTOS Arquitetura e Construção AssociadosBanco Banque Nationale de Paris Brasil S/ABanco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.ABANKBOSTON Banco Multiplo S.ABase 4 - Comunicação IntegradaBASF S/ABelgo Mineira Sistemas LtdaBermatech Ind. Com. Equip. Eletrônicos S.ABluepoint Viagens e Turismo LtdaBonet Madeiras e Papéis LtdaBrascabos Componentes Elétricos e EletrônicosBruni Construção Civil LtdaBSI Informática LtdaC. A. Viagens LtdaCâmara de Comércio Sueco-BrasileiraCambuhy Agrícola LtdaCCI - Cirvale Circuitos Impressos Ltda.Cecrisa Revestimentos Cerâmicos S.ACEEL-Centro Europeu de Ensino de LínguasCerpolo Indústria e Comércio LtdaCERPRO - Coop Eletrif Rural Região PromissãoCETEC-Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Minas GeraisCHR Hansen Indústria e Comércio Ltda.CI - Central de Intercâmbio - BrasíliaCI&T InformáticaCia. Agropecuária Monte Alegre

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 2322 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Page 14: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Czech Republic

Participating InstitutionsAeronautical Research and Test Institute, Plc. PrahaBrno University of Technology BrnoBrno University of Technology ZlinCzech Technical University in Prague PrahaFood Research Institute PrahaFuel Research Institute PrahaInstitute of Agricultural and Food Information LiberecInstitute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy ofSciences of the Czech Republic PrahaInstitute of Geonics of the Academy of Sciences of theCzech Republic Ostrava Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of theAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic PrahaInstitute of Chemical Technology PrahaInstitute of Information Theory and Automation of theAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic PrahaInstitute of Landscape Ecology of the Czech Academy ofSciences of the Czech Republic BrnoInstitute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of theAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic PrahaInstitute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of theAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic PrahaInstitute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of theCzech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic PrahaNuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences ofthe Czech Republic RezStrojirensky zkusebni ustav, sp Jablonec nad NisouTechnical University of Liberec LiberecUniversity of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical SciencesBrnoVSB - Technical University of Ostrava OstravaVULHM - Forestry and Game Management ResearchInstitute KunoviceVUVeL Brno - Veterinary Research Institute Brno

Participating Employers3DTECH spol. s r.o. PrahaABB Energeticke systemy s.r.o. BrnoABB EJF, a.s. BrnoAdvanced Computer Research Praha s.r.o. PrahaAHK architekti, s.r.o. PrahaALIACHEM, a.s., odstepny zavod FATRA NapajedlaAQUATIS, a.s. BrnoARCH. DESIGN, s.r.o. BrnoArchitektonick_ atelier OMICRON PrahaAssi Doman Sepap, a.s. Stetiatx technicka kancelar pro komplexni automatizaci, s.r.o.Zdar nad Sazavou AZ GEO, s.r.o. OstravaBohemia Flowers spol. s r.o. PrahaBovis Czech Republic, a.s. BrnoBrain Systems, s.r.o. BrnoBUZULUK Komarov, a.s. KomarovCAD programs OstravaD - Inspekt Servis, a.s. Praha DEZA, a.s. Valasske MeziriciDr. Radoslav Kinsky, Sprava lesniho hospodarstvi Zdarnad Sazavou Et netera s.r.o. PrahaFranek & Fiala - Architektonicka a projekcni kancelar BrnoGE Transportation Systems PrahaGeodezie Krkonose s.r.o. HarrachovGEODIS BRNO, spol. s r.o. BrnoGRESHAM & CLARK, s.r.o. Praha GUMOTEX , a.s BreclavHAME, a.s. BabiceHYDROINFORM, spol.s r.o. PrahaIPS a. s. PrahaIRISA, vyrobni druzstvo VsetinKvetoslav Horak - okrasne skolky Bystrice pod HostynemLaboratory Imaging, s.r.o. Praha - HajeLesni spolecnost Ledec nad Sazavou, a.s. Ledec nadSazavouMETALL GROUP, a.s. Uherske HradisteMETRA BLANSKO a.s. BlanskoMinerva Boskovice, a.s. BoskoviceMORAVAN - AEROPLANES a.s. OtrokovicePrabos, a.s. SlavicinPRAXIS s.r.o PrahaSeveromoravske vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s.OstravaSeznam.cz, a.s. PrahaSilicon & Software Systems, Philips Czech Republic PrahaSKODA AUTO, a.s. Mlada BoleslavSprava lesniho hospodarstvi Zdar nad SazavouSPUR a.s. Zlin

SUDOP GROUP a.s. PrahaTechnoplast, a. s. ChropyneTechnoprojekt, a.s. OstravaTERMINAL CZ, s.r.o. PrahaThermo King Czech Republic, s.r.o. KolínVINAKO KourimVS PLASTIK, s.r.o. VsetinWEST BROKERS, s.r.o. PlzenZahradnictvi Korner OstravaZapadoceska energetika, a.s. Plzen


Participating InstitutionsAalborg Universitet EsbjergAalborg UniversitetAarhus UniversitetAarhus TeknikumDanmarks Farmaceutiske HoejskoleDanmarks Tekniske UniversitetDen Kgl. Veterinaer og LandbohoejskoleHorsens TeknikumKoebenhavns TeknikumKoebenhavns UniversitetKunstakademiets ArkitektskoleRoskilde County Nursery School

Participating EmployersAarhus Kommune, MiljoekontoretAarhus Kommune, VejkontoretAalborg Industries A/SABB Energi & Industri A/SAlcatel Danmark A/SAlfa Laval LKM A/SAlfa Laval Separation A/SAPV Nordic, Anhydro A/SARLA Foods ambaAugrin Software ApSBanestyrelsenBarco A/SB-K Medical A/SCatalog International A/SChembo Overfladeteknik A/SCheminova Agro A/SChr. Hansen A/SCocom A/SCONSULTECHCopenhagen AirportsCopenhagen Pectin A/SCOWI Raadgivende Ingenioerer A/SCRIMP A/SDanfoss A/SDANISCO Sugar Development CenterDanish Gas Technology Centre A/SDanish Institute of Fundamental MetrologyDanish Maritime InstituteDanmarks FiskeriundersoegelseDansk Hydraulisk InstitutDansk RumforskningsinstitutDANTOP Electric ApSDDC International A/SDEFUDelta, Dansk Elektronik, Lys & AkustikDet Danske Staalvalsevaerk A/SDSC Communication A/SEcco-let Sko A/SElectroluxEricsson Diax A/SFLS Automation A/SGentofte KommuneGeorg Fischer Disa A/SGeoteknisk InstitutGetronics A/SGN Danavox A/SGN Netcom A/SGN ReSound A/SHaldor Topsoe A/SHNG, Hovedstadsregionens Naturgas I/SHoejgaard & Schultz A/SHOH Vand & Miljoe A/SHouse of PrinceHove & Olsen I/SI/S NordjyllandsvaerketIBM Danmark A/SICCC A/SI-data International A/SINFOCOM Systems A/SIngenioerfirmaet VestergaardInnovative Business Software A/S

Interactive Television Entertainment ApSInternational Data Post A/SIntertec Contracting A/SKampsax Technology A/SKommunedata A/SLandsverkfroedingurinLEGO System A/SLeo Pharmaceutial ProductsLICENERGY A/SMaersk Data A/SMAN B&W Diesel A/SMatrikulstovanMD Foods R&DMicroelectronikcentretMiljoe-Kemi A/SMogens Balslev A/SMonberg og Thorsen A/SNavision Software A/SNCC Rasmussen&Schioetz A/SNETMAN A/SNetplan ApSNIRAS Consulting Engineers and Planners A/SNKT Research Center A/SNMR Research Center, Aarhus Universitets HospitalNokia Mobile PhonesNovo Nordisk A/SNST Nordic Superconductor Technologies A/SNVE, Nordvestsjaellands Energiforsyning A.m.b.a.OTICON A/SPer Aarsleff A/SPuritek A/SRAMBOELLRedan A/SRockwool International A/SScandinavian Airlines SystemS. Dyrup & Co. A/SScandlines A/SShipTech A/SSjaellandske Kraftvaerker, SK-energiSoeren LehmannSpadille ApSTab Danmark A/STeknologisk InstitutTele Danmark A/STelestyrelsenTextware A/SThrane & Thrane A/SUNI-CVejdirektoratetVelux A/SVindmoelleindustriencg/iaeste denmark


Participating InstitutionsUniversidad San Francisco de Quito

Participating EmployersUniversidad San Francisco de QuitoALCATEL ECUADOR (telecomunications)YAMBAL (cosmetics)School William ShakespeareHotel San Francisco De Quito


Participating InstitutionsAin Shams UniversityAl Azhar UniverityAmerican University in CairoEl Mansoura UniversityEl Menoufia UniversityEl Minia UniversitySuez Canal UniversityUniversity of AlexandriaUniversity of AssiutUniversity of CairoUniversity of HelwanUniversity of TantaUniversity of Zagazig

Participating EmployersAbu Air Fertillizers ans Chemical Industries Co. AlexandriaAlexandria Portland Cement Co., AlexandriaArab German Office, CairoAtlas General Contracting Co., CairoDella Industrial Co., Cairo

IBM CanadaKarabus Management IncLallemand IncManitoba Dept. of the EnvironmentMaple Engineering & Construction CanadaMatrox Electronic Systems LtdMcGill University- Dept. of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering- Dept. of Natural Resource SciencesMcMaster University-McMasterManufacturing Research Institute- Dept. of Mechanical EngineeringMemorial University- Ocean Engineering Research CentreMillennium Biologix LtdMinistry of Transportation – OntarioMolson CanadaMontreal Neurological InstituteNanisivik MinesNational Research Council- Institute for Aerospace Research- Institute for Marine DynamicsNiagara Parks CommissionNortel NetworksOntario Cancer InstitutePhilips Lighting CoPipetronix LimitedPiroche Plants IncPowerland Computers LtdPratt & Whitney CanadaPressure Pipe Inspection Co.Queen’s University- Applied Magnetics Group- Centre for Automotive Materials & Mfg.- Clinical Mechanics Group- Dept. of Chemical Engineering- Dept. of Chemistry- Dept. of Civil Engineering- Dept. of Materials & Metallurgical Eng.- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering- Dept. of PhysicsRand WorldwideRESMAT MontrealSanlii Developments IncShawwood IndustriesSiemens CanadaT. Harris Environmental ManagementTec-Saw International LtdThermodyne Engineering LtdThyssen Mining LtdTrantek Power IncUniversity of Alberta- Dept. of Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Science- Dept. of Biochemistry- Dept of Biological Sciences- Dept. of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering- Dept. of Rural EconomyUniversity of British Columbia- Biomedical Research Centre- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering- Dept. of Metals & Materials EngineeringUniversity of Calgary- Dept. of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Guelph- Dept. of Plant AgricultureUniversité Laval- Dept. of Civil EngineeringUniversity of Manitoba- Dept. of Electrical & Computer EngineeringUniversité Montréal- Dept. of PhysicsUniversity of New Brunswick- Dept. of Geodesy & Geomatics Eng.University of Ottawa- Dept. of Chemical Engineering

University of Saskatchewan- Dept. of Crop Science

University of Toronto- Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng.- Dept. of Materials Science and EngineeringTrent University- Environmental & Resource StudiesUniversity of Victoria- Dept. of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Waterloo- Dept. of Earth SciencesUniversity of Western Ontario- Applied Electrostatics Research Centre- Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Lab

University of Windsor- Dept. of Mechanical & Materials EngineeringVancouver Hospital & Health Sciences CentreVelcro Canada IncVrp Web Technology IncWestern Forest Products LtdWindfields Farm LtdXcellsis-Fuel Cell Engines


Participating InstitutionsHangzhou Institute of Applied EngineeringHangzhou Institute of Electronic EngineeringEast China University of Science and TechnologyHangzhou University of CommerceZhejiang UniversityZhejiang University of TechnologyZhejiang Yuying College

Participating EmployersDongguan Elcoteq Electronics Co., LtdZhejiang Energy Research Institute


Participating InstitutionsICETEX, Santa Fæ de Bogot´Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y AmbientalesU.D.C.A.(UDCA), Santafæ de Bogot´Universidad PedagŸgica Nacional, Santa Fæ de Bogot´Escuela de Administracin de Negocios (EAN), Santafæ deBogot´Universidad Javeriana, Santafæ de Bogot´Fundacin Universitaria San Martin, Santafæ de Bogot´Universidad Nacional, Santafæ de Bogot´Universidad de la Salle, Santafæ de Bogot´Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, MedellinUniversidad EAFIT, MedellinCoruniversitaria, IbaguæUniversidad del Tolima, IbaguæUniversidad del Quindio, ArmeniaUniversidad de Caldas, ManizalesPontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali, CaliUniversidad del Valle, CaliUniversidad del Cauca, Popayan

Participating EmployersElectrificadora del Tolima S.A.-ESP, IbaguæElectrificadora de Santander S.A.-ESP, BucaramangaTexpinal S.A., EspinalCamara de Comercio de Ibaghu, IbaguæFatextol S.A., IbaguæProfilacticos del Tolima S.A., IbaguæArq.Arbelaez y Co., IbaguæCultivos el Rio, ManizalesFarmabio LTDA, Santafæ de Bogot´Praxedis de Artunduaga S.A., IbaguæAbogados Quintero u Quintero, Santafæ de Bogot´Central Pecuaria Ltda, IbaguæALFAPLAS S.A., Ibaguæ


Participating InstitutionsUniversity Of OsijekUniversity Of RijekaUniversity Of SplitUniversity Of Zagreb

Participating Employers"Arhitekt" d. o. o., Osijek"Cesting" d. o. o., Osijek"Djuro Djakovic" d. d., Slavonski BrodAdriastroj d. o. o. SplitAgricultural Institute, OsijekArhitekton d. o. o., ZagrebAsea Brown Bovery, ZagrebBeer Factory Zagreb d. d ZagrebBrana d. o. o. Virovitica Brodosplit – Shipyard d. o. o., SplitCarnet - Croatian Academic and Research Network,ZagrebCivil Engineering Institute Of Croatia, ZagrebConstruction Material Industry D. D., VinkovciCroatia Airlines d..d., ZagrebCroatian Institute for Civil Engineering d. o. o., Osijek

Croatian Telecom, SplitDalekovod d. d., ZagrebDepartment for Urbanism and Construction d. d., OsijekDepartment Of Geodesy, SplitElektra, RijekaElektra, Slavonski BrodElektra, VinkovciElektromodul d. o. o., OsijekElektroslavonija, OsijekEnconet International d. o. o., ZagrebEnergy Institute " Hrvoje Pozar", ZagrebEricsson Nikola Tesla d. d., ZagrebExport Drvo, ZagrebFaculty for Food Science and Biotechnology, ZagrebFaculty of Agriculture, OsijekFaculty of Civil Engineering, ZagrebFaculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, SplitFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, ZagrebFaculty of Electrical Engineering, OsijekFaculty of Geodesy, ZagrebFaculty of Mecanical Engineering, ZagrebFaculty of Natural Science and Mathematic, ZagrebFaculty of Traffic Science, ZagrebGeofoto d. o. o., ZagrebGradnja d. d, OsijekGradska Plinara - Gas Distribution d. o. o., ZagrebGravia d. o. o., OsijekHep d. d. SplitHep d. d., OsijekHep, SplitHep, ZagrebHidroelektra d. d., ZagrebHidroing d. o. o., OsijekHimk-Croatian Institute For Construction, ZagrebHotel Esplanade, ZagrebHrvatske Sume, ZagrebHrvatske Vode, OsijekHrvatske Vode, ZagrebIna- Oil Company d. d., ZagrebIng-Plan D. O. O., RijekaInker d. d., ZagrebInstitute " Rudjer Boskovic", ZagrebInstitute for Quality Control, ZagrebIpk "Ljetina" d. o .o.-Ireks Aroma, ZagrebKoncar- Power Plants - and Electric Traction -Engineering, ZagrebKvarner Cad d. o. o., RijekaM Com d. o. o., ZagrebMaj-Shipyard d .d., RijekaMesser Mg Croatiaplin d. d., ZapresicMio Metal L Ndustry d. d., OsijekMontmontaza d. d., ZagrebOpatija Projekt- Atelier d. o. o.Parkovi I Nasadi, SplitPastor - Tva d. d, ZagrebPK d. o. o., RijekaPliva- Farmaceutical Company, ZagrebPodravka d. d. - Food Industry, ZagrebPolar d. o. o. SplitRecro d. d., ZagrebRencon d. o. o., OsijekRijeka Projekt- Onstructions, RijekaRiz - Transmitters Co., ZagrebRna Studio d. o. o., ZagrebSeeds, OsijekShipyard "Viktor Lenac", RijekaSpan d. o. o., ZagrebSpin Valis D. D., PozegaState Meteorological Department, ZagrebStudio R, SplitStudio Remik, RijekaSweets and Bread Industry "Sloboda", OsijekTehnika d. d., ZagrebTehnika d. d., ZagrebTpr-International d. o. o., RijekaUniversity and City Library, OsijekUniversity of Osijek- Biology Department, OsijekViadukt d. d., ZagrebVipnet Gsm d. o. o. SplitVip-Net Gsm d. o. o., ZagrebVirzinija d. o. o. ViroviticaVodoopskrba I Odvodnja, ZagrebVodovod, OsijekZagrebacka Banka, ZagrebZanatlija d. d., RijekaZgos d. o. o., ZagrebZrinjevac, ZagrebZupanijske Ceste d. o. o., Split

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 2524 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Page 15: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Institut für Chemische VerfahrenstechnikInstitut für Geologie und PaläontologieInstitut für MaschinenwesenInstitut für Thermische VerfahrenstechnikInstitut für Aufbereitung und DeponietechnikInstitut für Elektrische EnergietechnikInstitut für Elektrische InformationstechnikInstitut für Erdöl- und ErdgastechnikInstitut für Geologie und PaläontologieInstitut für Maschinelle Anlagentechnik und BetriebsfestigkeitInstitut für Materialprüfung & WerkstofftechnikInstitut für MetallurgieInstitut für Mineralogie und Mineralische RohstoffeInstitut für Nichtmetallische WerkstoffeInstitut für Prozess- und ProduktionsleittechnikInstitut für Technische ChemieInstitut für Thermische VerfahrenstechnikPhysikalisches InstitutProfessur für Ingenieurkeramik

TU Cottbus:Forschungs- und MaterialprüfanstanltIndustrielle InformationstechnikLehrstuhl Allgemeine ÖkologieLehrstuhl Allgemeine WerkstofftechnikLehrstuhl BauinformatikLehrstuhl Bauwerkserhaltung/HolzbauLehrstuhl für allgemeine BetriebswirtschaftslehreLehrstuhl für Bodenmechanik und Grundbau/GeotechnikLehrstuhl für Massivbau/FMPALehrstuhl für StahlbauLehrstuhl für TragkonstruktionLehrstuhl Metallkunde Lehrstuhl RegelungstechnikLehrstuhl StahlbauMaschinenbau, Elektrotechnik und WirtschaftsingenieurwesenProgrammiersprachen und Compilerbau

TU Darmstadt:FG Graphisch - Interaktive Systeme

Universität Dortmund:Fachbereich ChemietechnikInstitut für Spanende Fertigung

HTW Dresden:Fachbereich Elektrotechnik

TU Dresden:Department of MathematicsInst.f.EnergietechnikInstitut für BauklimatikInstitut für ElektroenergieversorgungInstitut für EnergietechnikInstitut für FeinwerktechnikInstitut für Hochspannungs- und HochstromtechnikInstitut für KartographieInstitut für Lebensmittel- und BioverfahrenstechnikInstitut für Leichtbau und KunststofftechnikInstitut für MathematikInstitut für Textil- und BekleidungstechnikInstitut für Verfahrenstechnik und UmwelttechnikInstitut für ZoologieLehrstuhl Abtrenntechn./Lasertechn.Lehrstuhl für Kernenergietechnik Lehrstuhl Mobile NachrichtensystemeProfessur für Dampf- und GasturbinenProfessur Telekommunikation

Universität Düsseldorf:Institut für Genetik

Universität Erlangen:Institut für klassische ArchäologieLehrstuhl für FertigungstechnologieLehrstuhl für KonstruktionstechnikLehrstuhl für KunststofftechnikLehrstuhl für MikrobiologieLehrstuhl für Umweltverfahrenstechnik und RecyclingLehrstuhl KonstruktionstechnikZoologisches Institut I

Universität Essen:Arbeitsgebiet DünnschichttechnologieInstitut für Experimentelle MathematikInstitut für Laser- und PlasmaphysikInstitut für UmweltanalytikSiedlungswasserwirtschaft

TU Bergakademie Freiberg:Institut für AufbereitungsmaschinenInstitut für AutomatisierungstechnikInstitut für Energieverfahrenstechnik und ChemieingenieurwesenInstitut für InformatikInstitut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und

Spie TrindelStériaSydel S.A.T.D.F. C.2.R.Tarkett SommerTibco S.A.W.C.I. Ecoconcept S.A.


Participating InstitutionsRWTH Aachen:

Gemein Gemeinschaftslabor fürElektronenmikroskopieInstitut für Elektrische MaschinenInstitut für HalbleitertechnikInstitut für TextiltechnikLehrstuhl für FlugdynamikWasserbaulabor und Institut

Universität Bamberg:Akademisches Auslandsamt

Universität Bayreuth:Botanisches Institut

Institut für Internationale Kommunikation undAuswärtige Kulturarbeit

Lehrstuhl für BodenkundeLehrstuhl für Hydrologie

Humboldt-Universität Berlin:Institut für Gartenbauwissenschaften

TU Berlin:FB /Institut für ÖkologieArbeitsschwerpunkt Frauen in der ländlichen EntwicklungInstitut für Elektrische EnergietechnikInstitut für Entwerfen, BaukonstruktionInstitut für Metallische WerkstoffeInstitut für PflanzenbauwissenschaftenInstitut für Straßen- und SchienenverkehrInstitut für Verfahrenstechnik

Universität Bielefeld:Akademisches AuslandsamtFakultät für Physik

Universität Bochum:Institut für HochfrequenztechnikInstitut für Werkstoffe/Lehrgebiet WerkstoffprüfungInstitut zur Erforschung der europäischen ArbeiterbewegungLehrstuhl f. Maschinenelemente u. KonstruktionslehreLehrstuhl f. Maschinenelemente/GetriebeLehrstuhl für Erzeugung undLehrstuhl für HydrologieLehrstuhl für SignaltheorieLehrstuhl für Statik und DynamikLehrstuhl für Dampf- und Gasturbinen

Universität Bonn:Agrikulturchem.InstitutAbt. Tropischer PflanzenbauAgrikulturchemisches InstitutInst.f.Obst- u. GemüsebauInstitut für Kartographie und GeoinformationInstitut für LandtechnikInstitut für Landwirtschaftliche BetriebslehreInstitut für Landwirtschaftliche BotanikInstitut für LebensmitteltechnologieInstitut für Obstbau und GemüsebauInstitut für Pflanzenbau und Angewandte BodenphysikInstitut für PflanzenkrankheitenInstitut für TierernährungInstitut für Unternehmensführung, Organisation und InformationsmanagementLehrstuhl für landwirtschaftlichen Wasserbau und Kulturtechnik

TU Braunschweig:Institut für DatenverarbeitungsanlagenInstitut für Nachrichtentechnik

Universität Bremen:Fachbereich ProduktionstechnikFG Keramische Werkstoffe und BauteileInstitut für Experimentelle Physik

TU Chemnitz:Institut für Fügetechnik /Schweißtechnik i.G.Institut für PhysikProfessur "Analytik an Festkörperoberflächen"Professur Elektrische Maschinen und AntriebeProfessur für HalbleiterphysikProfessur Oberflächen- und GrenzflächenphysikZentrum für Mikrotechnologien

TU Clausthal:

INSA ToulouseINSEAD FontainebleauINSEECInstitut de Physique du Globe de ParisInstitut de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur auxTechniques de l’ElectroniqueInstitut des Sciences de la Matière et du RayonnementInstitut Supérieur d’électronique de BretagneInstitut Supérieur d’Electronique du NordInstitut Textile et chimique de LyonInstitut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques IndustrielsINT EvryIUT NANCY BRADOISIUT NICE COTE D’AZURUniversité des sciences et technologies de LILLEUniversité Evry Val d’EssonneUniversité Joseph FOURIERUniversité Louis PasteurUniversité Technologique de Compiègne

Participating EmployersAbzacAdarwebAeroport Nimes-Ales-CamargueAlstom TransportArcamieAubert & DuvalAvalancheAventis PasteurB.B.A.Bayer S.ABeugnet LanguedocBiotope SarlC.S.C. Peat MarwickCabinet Bosch - GuillemotCap GeminiCentre National d’Etudes SpacialesChambre d’AgricultureCiel et LogisCogedeCoralisCrédit Agricole Sud AllianceDassault AT Delta Industrie ServiceDoralaineDow FranceE.D.F.E.D.F. C.N.P.E. PaluelE.T.P.M.Electricité de FranceEnergie CitésEquipements ScientifiquesFisher RosemountFonderie de Précision d’AlsaceFrance TélecomGroupe LépineHerberts BichonI.M.G. ModelsI.S.I.S. MPPIngénicoIngénico Data SystemsInstitut MontéclairInterlecomJ. Richard & DucrosKappa EngineeringKrupp MavilorL.P.M.D.I.L.P.T.M. C.N.R.S.Le Chêne VertMorse ControlsOpac Vosges P.P.B. InternationalParrotPhilip's ComposantsPioch S.A.Pointersoft FrancePrologueR.A.G.T.S.G.S. Laboratoire CrepinS.N.R. Cevennes / AlesS.R.C.Sateco S.A.Schlumberger Industries Schlumberger Tests & TransactionsScierie Siat BraunSerimer DasaSocatraSogaplast S.A.Sogerem Somaro

Development and Popular Housing Co., CairoDyesfuffs and Chemical Co., Kafr DawarEastern Tobacco Co., GlzaEdfina Co. for Preserved Foods, AlexandriaEgyptian Co. for Refactroies, CairoEl-Ameraya Petroleum Refining Co., AlexandriaEl-Nasr Automotive Manufacturing Co., CairoEl-Nasr Boilers and Pressure Vessels Manufacturing Co.,GizaEl-Nasr Building and Construction Co. (EGYCO), CairoEl-Nasr Casllng Co., AlexandriaEl-Nasr Co. for Manufacturing Coke and Chemicals,HelwanE-Nasr for TV and Electronics, CairoE-Nasr Electrical and Electronics Apparatus Co. (PHILIPS),AlexandraE-Nasr Engineering and Refrigeration Co, (KOLDAIR),GizaEl-Nasr Forging Industrial Co., HelwanE-Nasr General Contracting Co., CairoE-Nasr Glass and Crystal Co., CairoE-Nasr Steel Pipes and Fittings Co., CairoE-Nasr Wool and Selected Textiles Co., AlexandriaEl-Shams Co. for Housing and Urban Development,CairoEstabissements Industriels pour la Soio et ie Colon(ESCO), CairoGeneral Egyptian Co. for Railway Equipment (SEMAF),HelwanGeneral Metals Co., CairoGeneral Petroleum Co., CairoHelwan Portland Cement Co., HelwanMisr Belda Dyers, AlexandriaMisr Chemical Industries Co., AlexandriaMisr Concrete Development Co., CairoMisr El-Gedida Co. for Housing and Development, CairoMisr Fine Spinning and Weaving Co. Kafr El DawarMisr Oils and Soap Co., CairoMisr Petroleum Co., CairoMisr City Co. for Housing and Development, CairoNational Plastics Co., CairoPaints and Chemical Industries Co., CairoPaper Converting Co. (VERTA), AlexandriaPrivate Office of Prof. Aly Fafal, CairoPrivate Office of Prof. Ibrahim El Darwish, AlexandriaPrivate Office of Prof. Mohamed Helmy El Khaly,AlexandriaPrivate Office of Mostafa Ahmed Swelem, AlexandriaSociete des Sucrerles el de Distillierie d’Egypte, CairoSociete Generale de Industrie dv Papier (RAKTA),AlexandriaSociete Misr pour la Rayonne, Kafr El DawarThe Alexandria Metal Products Co., AlexandriaThe Arab Bureau for Design and Technical Consultation,CairoThe Arab Contractors Co., CairoThe Arab Co. for Transistor Radios and ElectronicEquipment, GizaThe Egyptian Copper Works, AlexandriaThe Egyptian Co. for Pipes and Cement Products(SIEGWART), HelwanThe Egyptian Oil and Steel Co., HelwanThe Egyptian Mecanical Presision Industries Co. (SABI),Cairo


Participating InstitutionsSemicoductors Institute in Tallinn Technical UniversityInternational Relation Office of Tallinn Tecnical UniversityInstitute of ChemistryInstitute of Chemistry, Physics and BiophysicsInstitute of Materjals in Tallinn Technical UniversityInnovation Centre of Tallinn Technical University

Participating EmployersDeltaprint OÜRagn-Sells Eesti ASPoniard ASFazer Eesti ASKinex Infosüsteemid OÜTallinna Teede ASEstonian Broadcasting Transmission Centre LtdHades ASVia Pont ASSystem Test OÜPindi Kinnisvara ASKivivill Isolatsion OÜKemalab OÜ

Elektroskandia ASFilter ASTeede REV-2 ASBim Kemi Eesti BioEkspert LtdInterplus OÜEstonian Geologic CenterJoint Stock Corporation Tallinn District HeatingRotosplast ASMecro LtdTallinna Botanical gardenMarinecom


Participating Institutions Åbo Akademi UniversityÅland PolythecnicHelsingin UniversityHelsinki PolytechnicHelsinki University of TechnologyKannus College of AgricultureKuru College of ForestryLappeenranta University of TechnologyTampere University of TechnologyTampereen UniversityUniversity of OuluVaasa Polytechnic

Participating EmployersA. Ahlström CorporationAaro Kohonen OyABB Fläkt OyABB InstallaatiotAbloy OyADDTEK Research & DevelopmentBorealis Polymers OyBuscom OyCity of HelsinkiCity of ImatraCity of KuopioCity of Lappeenranta/Technical DivisionCity of Tampere/Traffic DivisionCity of TurkuDeltamarin LtDEIRI OYElektrobit Oy Oulu ServicesElektrobit Raahe ServicesElomatic Jyplan OyEneris Solutions OyErkko TeerimaaEspoon Sähkö OYJFastems Oy AbFelix Abba OyFinnairFinnish Forest and Park ServiceFinnish National Road Admin.Finnpipe OyFoster Wheeler Energia OyHackman Designer Oy AbHantro Products OyHeatmasters OyHelsingin EnergiaIncap Electronics OyIngenjörsbyrå Conny SjölundInsinööritoimisto Enmac OyIntelCitel Communications LtdIrma-Asta SeppäläIVO Tuotantopalvelut OyJ.W Suominen OyKalmar Industries Oy AbKeraplast OyKeski-Suomen tiepiiriKoskisen OyKuopion EnergiaLeiras OyLemminkäinen Construction LtdMetsähallitus/KainuuMetsärannan PuutarhaMittatekniikan keskusMunicipality of LappeenrantaNeles Automation OyNeste OyNeste Oyj/EngineeringNK CommunicationsNordberg - Lokomo OyNoviant CMC OyOutokumpu Chrome OyOutokumpu Harjavalta Metals Oy

Outokumpu Mining OyOutokumpu Polarit OyOutokumpu Poricopper OyOy KeskuslaboratorioPakenso OyPI-Consulting LTDPlenware OyPori EnergiaPVO GroupRaitasaumaus OyRautaruukki OyRemix LtdSaimatec Engineering OySalcomp Oy/KajaaniSanoma CorporationSicpa OySoftbit LtdSonera Solutions LtdTekma OyThe Works Finland Oy /Tielaitos UusimaaTietoEnator OyjTietovalta LtdTurku Energia OyUPM-Kymmene OyjVaisala OyValmet Hydraulics OyVammalan Konepaja OyVertex Systems OyVTT AutomationVTT ElectronicsYIT-Yhtymä OyYrjö Kerkola


Participating InstitutionsCompagnon du devoirEcole Centrale de LyonEcole Centrale de ParisEcole des Mines d’AlèsEcole des Mines de DouaiEcole des Mines de NantesEcole des Mines de ParisEcole Européenne Chimie Polymères Matériaux deStrasbourgEcole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’AdministrationEconomiqueEcole Nationale des Télécommunications de BretagneEcole Nationale du Génie de l’Eau et de l’Environnementde StrasbourgEcole Nationale Supérieur des TélécommunicationsEcole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique et deRadioélectricité de BordeauxEcole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique,d’Electronique, d’Informatique et d’Hydraulique deToulouseEcole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de GénieChimiqueEcole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Electroniciensde GrenobleEcole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de MontpellierEcole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de MulhouseEcole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de ToulouseEcole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de NancyEcole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et del’EspaceEcole Nationale Supérieure de l’Electronique et de sesApplicationsEcole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques AvancéesEcole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers de ParisEcole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de NancyEcole nationale supérieure des Mines de Saint EtienneEcole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques et Industriesdes Mines d’Albi CarmauxEcole Supérieure d’Ingénieur de LuminyEcole Supérieure d’Ingénieur en Informatique et Géniedes TelecommunicationsEcole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Génie ElectriqueEcole Supérieure de Chimie Organique et MinéraleEcole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique deLyonEcole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et deConstruction AutomobileENSAT ToulouseESC LE HAVREESC ReimsGroupe ISAIP - ESAIPINSA Lyon

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 2726 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Page 16: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Akademisches AuslandsamtInstitut A für MechanikInstitut für Automatisierungs- und SoftwaretechnikLehrstuhl 6, Angew. Mathematik

Universität Trier:FB IV - MathematikFB IV- Theoretische Informatik

Universität Weimar:Professur Abfallwirtschaft

Universität Würzburg:Institut für Organische ChemieHochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Zittau/Görlitz:Akademisches AuslandsamtFachbereich BauwesenInstitut für Ökolgie und UmweltschutzInstitut für Prozeßtechnik, Prozeßautomatisierung,

und MeßtechnikFachhochschule Zwickau:

FB MaschinenbauFB Physikalische Technik / InformatikZentrum für neue Studienformen

Participating Employers3M Laboratories NeussABB Automation Systems GmbH CottbusABB Calor Emag RatingenABB Turbinen Nürnberg GmbH NürnbergABNOBA Heilmittel GmbH PforzheimAbwasserverband Ampergruppe EichenauADAM OPEL AG RüsselsheimAEA Technology GmbH OtterfingAfinion AG SäckingenAFT Atlas Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH WerdohlAGAMUS Consult GmbH StarnbergAgilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH BöblingenAKO Werke GmbH & Co KG WangenimAllgäuAlcatel SEL AG StuttgartALDEKO Alexander Luttermann GmbH BielefeldAlstom Anlagen & Antriebssysteme GmbH BerlinALSTOM Anlagen und Antriebssysteme GmbH BerlinAndreas Stihl AG & Co WaiblingenApollo BerlinAral AG BochumArchitekturbüro Prof. Alfred Grazioli BerlinARCUS Planung + Beratung CottbusAsea Brown Boveri Aktiengesellschaft MannheimATZ-EVUS Sulzbach-RosenbergAudi AG IngolstadtAuer+Weber+Partner StuttgartAUTOLIV GmbH ElmshornAxel Springer Verlag AG Hamburgb&s unternehmensberatung und schulung für denländlichen raum gmbh Böhlitz-EhrenbergBackhaus Siemer SchauenBADER GmbH & Co. GöppingenBASF AG LudwigshafenBaugesellschaft Claus Alpen mbH NeustadtinHolsteinBaumschulen Oberdorla OberdorlaBaumüller Nürnberg GmbH NürnbergBayer AG WuppertalBayerische Flaschen-Glashüttenwerke Wiegand & SöhneGmbH & Co. KG SteinbachamWaldBayerische Landesanstalt für Bodenkultur undPflanzenbau FreisingBayerisches Landesvermessungsamt MünchenBayernwerk Konventionelle Wärmekraftwerke GmbHErlangenBCT Technology AG WillstädtBeehive Elektronische Medien GmbH BerlinBehnisch, Behnisch & Partner Architekten StuttgartBehr Labor-Technik GmbH DüsseldorfBeiersdorf AG HamburgBenteler AG PaderbornBertelsmann mediaSystems GüterslohBertrand Faure Sitztechnik GmbH & Co. KG StadthagenBertrandt AG TammBerufsfortbildungswerk GemeinnützigeBildungseinrichtung des DGB GmbH (Bfw) LübeckBFGoodrich Diamalt GmbH RaublingBIAS Bremer Institut für angewandte StrahlentechnikGmbH BremenBielefelder Damenkleiderfabrik Hermann Lange GmbH &Co KG. BielefeldBio Tissue Technologies GmbH FreiburgBiologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft,Institut für biologischen PflanzenschutzDarmstadtBIUS GmbH FreibergBjörnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH Koblenz

BLZ Bayerisches Laserzentrum, Laser Engineering GmbHErlangenBMW AG MünchenBochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik GmbH BochumBochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen AG BochumBoge Kompressoren GmbH BielefeldBoizenburger Fliesenwerke GmbH BoizenburgBOOZ-ALLEN & HAMILTON GmbH DüsseldorfBovis Fläming GmbH für Milch- undRindfleischproduktion ReetzBRECON GmbH KölnBremen Briteline Projekte GmbH BremenBrökelmann, Jaeger & Busse Gmbh & CoArnsberg(Neheim)Brose & Partner Unternehmensberatung GmbHOsnabrückBrose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG CoburgBruno Horrichs Monschau-MützenichBSH-Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH MünchenBundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeHannoverBundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung(BAM) BerlinBundesanstalt für Straßenwesen BergischGladbachBundesanstalt für Wasserbau HannoverBundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Institut fürPflanzenbau BraunschweigBundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Institut fürTierzucht BraunschweigBurger Söhne GmbH + Co SindelfingenBüro für Industrieplanung Brandenburgbüro lfs Tragwerksplanung und –begutachtung CottbusBVO Verkehrsbetriebe Erzgebirge GmbH AnnabergCaatoosee GmbH StuttgartCampina AG HeilbronnCePLuS MagdeburgChem. Untersuchungsamt SpeyerCIM GmbH Informations- und ProduktionsmanagementAachenCoCoNet Global Interchange GmbH ErkrathCoCreate Software GmbH SindelfingenCompaq DornachConcord Consulting Services GmbH Frankfurt/MainContinental AG HannoverCosmologic GmbH&Co KG LeverkusenCREAVIS MarlCryptovision GmbH GelsenkirchenDachser GmbH & Co. KaufbeurenDaimler Benz AG Werk Gaggenau GaggenauDaimler-Benz Aerospace AG Verteidigung und ZivileSysteme UlmDaimler-Benz AG Abt. VEC HPC E 306 StuttgartDaimler-Benz AG Forschungszentrum Ulm UlmDaimler-Benz-Aerospace Airbus GmbH BremenDaimlerChrysler Abteilung FT1/MP StuttgartDaimlerChrysler Aerospace Dornier FriedrichshafenDaimlerChrysler AG Abt. Fertigungstechnik 3 UlmDaimlerChrysler AG Abt. FTK/A StuttgartDaimlerChrysler AG Personalentwicklung BerlinDaimlerChrysler AG Werk Untertürkheim StuttgartDaimlerChrysler PZ/PW Personalmarketing StuttgartDaimlerChrysler Services (debis) AG BerlinDanet GmbH WeiterstadtDanone GmbH MünchenDB Netz Deutsche Bahn Gruppe MindenDeere & Company MannheimDegussa-Hüls AG Hanau-WolfgangDemag Ergotech GmbH Jünkerath/EifelDENTEL MünchenDEPRAG Schulz GmbH & Co. AugsburgDeutsche Bank AG Frankfurt/MainDeutsche Binnenreederei GmbH BerlinDeutsche Flugsicherung GmbH OffenbachDeutsche Post AG BonnDeutsche Telekom AG Außenstelle Berlin BerlinDeutsche Telekom AG Kundenniederlassung DüsseldorfDüsseldorfDeutsche Telekom AG ZentralbereichPersonalentwicklung BonnDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Referat 411BonnDeutscher Bundestag BerlinDeutscher Wetterdienst OffenbachDeutscher Wetterdienst Geschäftsfeld LandwirtschaftBraunschweigDeutsches Institut fuer Ernährungsforschung Bergholz-RehbrückeDeutsches Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institutfür Flugführung BraunschweigDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut

für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin KölnDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institutfür Strömungsmechanik GöttingenDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institutfür Verbrennungstechnik StuttgartDFS OffenbachDIAS Angewandte Sensorik GmbH DresdenDiehl AKO Stiftung & Co KG WangenimAllgäuDMT-Gesellschaft für Forschung EssenDornier GmbH FriedrichshafenDow Deutschland Inc. StadeDr. Ettemeyer GmbH & Co. Neu-UlmDräger Medizintechnik GmbH LübeckDresdner Bank AG in Berlin BerlinDüchting Pumpen WittenDWS Investment GmbH Frankfurt/Maine.on Energie AG MünchenEckerle Gruppe OttersweierECRC Network Services GmbH MünchenECT Ökotoxikologie GmbH FlörsheimEd. Züblin AG StuttgartEdelstahl Witten-Krefeld GmbH WittenEdition Gauglitz BerlinEDV-Lösungen Dr. Damaschke HagenEifeler Werkzeuge GmbH DüsseldorfEisenwerk Theodor Loos GmbH GunzenhausenElmar Hertzog u. Partner PotsdamELMOS DortmundElring Klinger GmbH DettingenEmbedded Systems GmbH IlmenauEMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH Hof/SaaleEnBW Servi ce GmbH KarlsruheEnron Energie GmbH Frankfurt/MainEnsinger GmbH NufringenEnvel GmbH MünchenEnvel Informationssysteme GmbH MünchenEPCOS AG MünchenErdöl-Erdgas Gommern GmbH GommernErich Neumayer GmbH & CO KG HausachEricsson Eurolab GmbH HerzogenrathERLAS Erlanger Lasertechnik GmbH ErlangenESAG DresdenESG MünchenESM Quality Control FlintsbachETAS GmbH & Co KG StuttgartEuro Handelsinstitut E.V. KölnEuropäisches Laboratorium HeidelbergEurotec Automation GmbH MerzigEvangelische FH Rheinland-Westfalen-LippeGelsenkirchenEvoBus GmbH StuttgartExper Team AG KölnF&S Prozessautomation GmbH Dohna/DresdenF.A.Z.-Institut Frankfurt/MainFAG Personaldienste und Service GmbH SchweinfurtFAM MagdeburgFAN Fischer Analysen Instrumente GmbH LeipzigFaurecia Autositze StadthagenFederal-Mogul Wiesbaden GmbH WiesbadenFG Keramische Werkstoffe und Bauteile BremenFH Münster SteinfurtFichtelgebirgs-Grundschule Berlinfink++ NürnbergFLABEG GmbH FurthimWaldfleiwa Fleisch- und Wurstwaren Produktion GmbHSaarbrückenFlughafen München GmbH MünchenFocke & Co Verden/AllerFörderverein für Sensorik e.V. JenaFord-Werke AG KölnForschungsanstalt Geisenheim GeisenheimForschungsinstitut für angewandteNaturwissenschaften e.V. Wachtberg-WerthhovenForschungsinstitut für die Biologie DummerstorfForschungsinstitut für die Biologie landwirtschaftlicherNutztiere DummerstorfForschungsinstitut für Funk und Mathematik (FFM)Wachtberg-WerthhovenForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH JülichForschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Eggenstein-LeopoldshafenForschungszentrum Mittweida e.V. MittweidaForstdirektion Freiburg FreiburgForstdirektion Oberfranken BayreuthForstdirektion Stuttgart StuttgartForstdirektion Tübingen Tübingen-BebenhausenFRABA AG KölnFraunhofer Anwendungszentrum,Logistiksystemplanung und InformationssystemeCottbus

AufbereitungstechnikInstitut für Metallformung Institut für SilikattechnikInstitut für Wärmetechnik und ThermodynamikLehrstuhl Agglomerationstechnik und LuftreinhaltungLehrstuhl für Experimentelle MechanikLehrstuhl für Umweltverfahrenstechnik

Universität Gießen:Akademisches AuslandsamtBakteriologie und Hygiene der MilchBiometrie und PopulationsgenetikFachgebiet für NutztierökologieFB Agrarwissenschaften und UmweltsicherungGrünlandwirtschaft und FutterbauInstitut für Angewandte MikrobiologieInstitut für Bodenkunde und BodenerhaltungInstitut für ErnährungswissenschaftInstitut für LandeskulturInstitut für LandtechnikInstitut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung IInstitut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung IIInstitut für PflanzenernährungInstitut für Phytopatologie und Angewandte ZoologieInstitut für Tierernährung und ErnährungsphysiologieInstitut für Tierzucht und HaustiergenetikLehr- und Forschungsstation Oberer HardthofProfessur für Landschaftsökologie und LandschaftsplanungProfessur für organischen Landbau

Universität Göttingen:Institut für AgrikulturchemieInstitut für Forstgenetik und ForstpflanzenzüchtungInstitut für HumangenetikInstitut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung, Abteilung Futterbau und GraslandwirtschaftInstitut für Tierzucht und HaustiergenetikMedizinische Informatik

Universität Greifswald:Institut für anorganische ChemieInstitut für Chemie und BiochemieInstitut für Mikro- und Molekularbiologie Institut für Niedertemperatur-PlasmaphysikInstitut für PharmazieInstitut für PhysikFernuniversität Hagen:Lehrgebiet Allgemeine und Theoretische ElektrotechnikLehrgebiet Bauelemente der Elektrotechnik

Universität Halle-Wittenberg:Fachbereich Pharmazie, Institut für Arzneimittelepidemiologie und ArzeimittelökonomieFB ChemieInst. f. Bodenkunde und PflanzenernährungInstitut für Anorganische ChemieInstitut für Organische ChemieInstitut für Physikalische ChemieInstitut für ZoologieTechnische Mechanik

Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche FakultätTU Hamburg-Harburg:

Arbeitsbereich HalbleitertechnologieBioprozeß- und BioverfahrenstechnikForschungsschwerpunkt Stadt, Umwelt und TechnikThermische Verfahrenstechnik

Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg:Institut für Konstruktions- und Fertigungstechnik

Universität Hamburg:FB ChemieInstitut für Laser-PhysikTierärztliche Hochschule Hannover:Institut für Physiologische ChemieInstitut für Tierökologie und ZellbiologieInstitut für Tierzucht Zentrumsabteilung für Lebensmitteltoxikologie

Universität Hannover:Institut für Kerntechnik und Zerstörungsfreie PrüfverfahrenInstitut für PflanzenernährungInstitut für VerfahrenstechnikInstitut für Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und WasserbauInstitut für Werkstoffkunde, Unterwassertechnikum

TU Ilmenau:FG MikrowellentechnikFakultät für Maschinenbau, Fachgebiet LichttechnikFG Elektronische Anlagen und NetzeInstitut für rechnerunterstützte Produktion, FG FabrikbetriebInstitut für rechnerunterstützte Produktion,

Fachgebiet FabrikbetriebFachhochschule Jena:FB Elektrotechnik

Universität Jena:Lehrgebiet WerkstoffprüfungLehrstuhl ErnährungsphysiologieOtto-Schott-Institut für Glaschemie

Universität Kaiserslautern:Fachgebiet BodenmechanikLehr- und Forschungsgebiet Baugeschichte, DenkmalpflegeLehrstuhl für NachrichtentechnikLehrstuhl für Technische ThermodynamikProjekt Hochschulcontrolling

Universität Karlsruhe:Akademisches Auslandsamtsta Aussen-Co-ReferatInsitut für LebensmittelverfahrenstechnikInstitut für Bodenmechanik und FelsmechanikInstitut für HydromechanicsInstitut für HydromechanikInstitut für Maschinenwesen im BaubetriebInstitut für Mechanische VerfahrenstechnikInstitut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik (MVM)Institut für Prozeßrechentechnik u. RobotikLehrbereich Bauphysik und Tech. AusbauRechenzentrum

Universität Kassel:FG Internationale Nutztierzucht und -haltungFachgebiet Bauphysik

Universität Kiel:Agrarwissenschaftliche FakultätLehrstuhl für leistungselektronikLehrstuhl für Nachrichten- und ÜbertragungstechnikLehrstuhl für Netzwerk- und SystemtheorieZentrale Verwaltung

Universität Köln:Presse- und InformationsstelleUniversität Konstanz:Allgemeine PsychologieFakultät für BiologieFakultät für Chemie, Fach M 20Fakultät für Chemie, Fach M 31Fakultät für Physik, Fach M 695Immunologie (Fach M 660)Lehrstuhl für Physiologie und Biochemie der Pflanzen

Universität Leipzig:Abteilung Endokrinologie und DiabetesAbteilung PolymerphysikAbteilung Supraleitung und MagnetismusAkademisches AuslandsamtBereich Histologie/EmbryologieChirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik IDiagnostische RadiologieFakultät für Physik und GeowissenschaftenGraduiertenkolleg QuantenfeldtheorieInstitut für Analytische ChemieInstitut für Anorganische ChemieInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IIInstitut für Organische ChemieInstitut für Physikalische und Theoretische ChemieInstitut für Technische ChemieInstitut für Tierernährung, Ernährungsschäden und DiätetikInterdisziplinäre AG "Zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie"Medizinische Tierklinik

Fachhochschule Magdeburg:Institut für Wasserwirtschaft

Universität Magdeburg:Abt. BiophysikChemisches Institut/Abt.Techn Chemie/VerbrennungComputerorientierte Theoretische PhysikFakultät für MaschinenbauInstitut für Informations- und KommunikationssystemeInstitut für Fertigungstechnik und QualitätssicherungInstitut für MechanikInstitut für Simulation und GraphikInstitut für Verteilte SystemeInstitut für Wissens- und SprachverarbeitungLehrstuhl für Hochfrequenz- und Kommunikationstechnik, FET-IPE

Universität Mainz:Akademisches AuslandsamtInstitut für Physik

Universität Mannheim:Akademisches Auslandsamt

Universität Marburg:Fachbereich Chemie

Institut für PhysikTU München:

BaustoffinstitutFachgebiet RaumfahrttechnikGeodätisches InstitutInst. für InformatikInstitut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften IWBLehrstuhl A für ThermodynamikLehrstuhl B für VerfahrenstechnikLehrstuhl für Elektrische MeßtechnikLehrstuhl für Feingerätebau und MikrotechnikLehrstuhl für Feststoff- und GrenzflächenverfahrenstechnikLehrstuhl für FluidverfahrenstechnikLehrstuhl für Messsystem- und SensortechnikLehrstuhl für Technische ElektrophysikLehrstuhl für Thermische Kraftanlagen mit HKWLehrstuhl für Wassergüte und AbfallwirtschaftProduktentwicklung

TU München-Weihenstephan:Forschungszentrum für Milch und LebensmittelInstitut für LandtechnikInstitut für PhysiologieLehrgebiet BromatologieLehrstuhl für Allg. LebensmitteltechnologieLehrstuhl für Energie- und Umwelttechnik der LebensmittelindustrieLehrstuhl für Fluidmechanik und ProzeßautomationLehrstuhl für GemüsebauLehrstuhl für GrünlandlehreLehrstuhl für LandschaftsarchitekturLehrstuhl für Landschaftsarchitektur und PlanungLehrstuhl für Maschinen- und ApparatekundeLehrstuhl für PflanzenernährungLehrstuhl für Technische MikrobiologieLehrstuhl für Wirtschaftslehre des LandbausAngewandte Zoologie

Universität der Bundeswehr München:Fakultät für ElektrotechnikInstitut für Geodäsie

Universität München:Department ChemieInstitut für Anorganische Chemie

Universität Münster:Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik

Universität Osnabrück:Akademisches AuslandsamtFachbereich Biologie/ChemieFachbereich PhysikFachhochschule Ostfriesland:FB Prozeßautomatisierung

Universität Paderborn:Akademisches AuslandsamtFB AgrarwirtschaftHEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUT, Mechatronik und DynamikHeinz Nixdorf Institut, Rechnerintegrierte ProduktionLehrstuhl für Datentechnik (DATE)

Universität Potsdam:Institut für Ernährungswissenschaft

Universität PotsdamNichtlineare Dynamik

Universität Rostock:Fachbereich ChemieFachbereich Elektrotechnik und InformationstechnikFachbereich Maschinenbau und SchiffstechnikFachgebiet Grünland und FutterbauFB Informatik, Theor. Informatik

Institut für Fabriksysteme und LogistikInstitut für Geodäsie und GeoinformatikInstitut für marine Systeme und StrömungstechnikInstitut für Praktische InfomatikInstitut für WerkstoffkundeLehrstuhl für Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste

Universität des Saarlandes:Lehrstuhl für MikroelektronikPhysische Geographie und Umweltforschung

Universität Siegen:Fachbereich 12 ElektrotechnikHochschulrechenzentrumInstitut für NachrichtenübermittlungZentrum für Sensorsysteme

Universität Hohenheim:Akademisches AuslandsamtInstitut für Bodenkunde und StandortslehreInstitut für Pflanzenernährung (330)Sprachenzentrum, Mediothek

Universität Stuttgart::

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NIS Rheinsberg GmbH Ingenieurservice RheinsbergNord-Apotheke DormagenNORDSAAT Saatzuchtgesellschaft mbH BöhnshausenNothelfer GmbH WadernNOVEDIA GmbH BerlinNuklearmedizinische Klinik, Klinikum Rechts der IsarMünchenO.tel.O KölnOberfinanzdirektion Stuttgart StuttgartOkay Tours GmbH BerlinOn 2 Trade AG i.G. KarlsruheOranienburger Pharmawerk GmbH OranienburgOTIS-GmbH BerlinOtto Christ AG BenningenOtto Krist Immobilien EichenauOtto Wolff Handelsgesellschaft mbH DüsseldorfOZ München Büro für Städtebau, Architektur & DesignMünchenPaul Meyer Gerolstein-OosPepperl & Fuchs GmbH MannheimPESAG AG PaderbornPhilip Morris GmbH BerlinPhilips GmbH, Forschungslaboratorien AachenPhoenix AG HamburgPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt BerlinPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt BraunschweigPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Labor Härte- undSchichtdicke BerlinPILKINGTON-FLABEG GmbH FurthimWaldPLATO GmbH LübeckPLM Glashütte Münder GmbH Bad MünderPolarcup GmbH Alf/MoselPorsche AG StuttgartPoschmann Industrie-Plastic LüdenscheidPrimus-Online KölnProbus GmbH DarmstadtproDERM Institut für Angewandte DermatologischeForschung SchenefeldProf. Pfeifer und Partner, Ingenieurbüro fürTragwerksplanung CottbusProjektmanagement Krug SäckingenPumpenfabrik Wangen GmbH WangenimAllgäuPurschke + Purschke Architekten BerlinR. Wirth CNC-Präzisionsfertigungstechnik ErlangenRacke International MainzRainhard Walberer + Partner NürnbergRasselstein Hoesch GmbH AndernachReis Robotics ObernburgRheinische Bahngesellschaft AG DüsseldorfRheinkalk GmbH & Co.KG SalzhemmendorfRhodia Engineering Plastics GmbH Freiburgriese electronic gmbh HorbRILE Management und Vertriebs GmbH DeggendorfRKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky GmbH+Co KGDüsseldorfRLE International KölnRLS Jakobsmeyer GmbH PaderbornRobert Bosch GmbH Abt. EW/VUB2 LeinfeldenRobert Bosch GmbH Corporate Research StuttgartRobert Bosch GmbH FV/FLI StuttgartRobert Bosch GmbH Geschäftsbereich ElektrowerkzeugeLeinfelden-EchterdingenRobert Bosch GmbH Personalabteilung FeuerbachStuttgartRobert Bosch GmbH Werk Homburg Homburg/SaarRobert-Bosch-GmbH Abt. FV/FLD StuttgartRohrwerke Muldenstein GmbH MuldensteinRolf + Hotz Freie Architekten BDA FreiburgRücker GmbH WiesbadenRütgers Kunststofftechnik GmbH KöngenRWE Energie AG, Zentralbereich FossilgefeuerteKraftwerke EssenSächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und GeologieDresdenSanierungsgesellschaft Schwarze Pumpe mbHSprembergSAP AG WalldorfSCC Special Communication Cables GmbH & Co. KGNeustadtSchaefer Kalk DiezSchering AG BerlinScherr + Klimke UlmSchlesische 27 Jugend Kunst Kultur International BerlinSchlumberger GmbH KarlsruheSchmachtenhagener AGRA-GmbH SchmachtenhagenSCHMALBACH-LUBECA AG BonnSchöck Bauteile GmbH Baden-BadenScholze & Partner Beratende Ingenieure fürWasserversorgung FreitalSchweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Duisburg

Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt SLVMünchen GmbH MünchenSDN Bau GmbH Frankfurt/MainSeeburger AG BrettensenTec Elektronik GmbH IlmenauSGL Technik GmbH MeitingenSICAN BraunschweigSICK AG WaldkirchSIEGENIA-FRANK KG SiegenSiemens AG Turbinen- u. GeneratorenwerkMülheim/RuhrSiemens AG A&D Persa K KarlsruheSiemens AG Bereich Energieerzeugung (KWU) ErlangenSiemens AG Bereich Medizinische Technik ErlangenSiemens AG Bereich Verkehrstechnik BraunschweigSiemens AG Elektronikwerk RegensburgSiemens AG Energieübertragung und –verteilungNürnbergSiemens AG Energieübertragung und –verteilung WittenSiemens AG Information and CommunicationsNetworks BerlinSiemens AG Personalabteilung ErlangenSiemens AG PL EA 1 V PM MünchenSiemens AG ZP IME MünchenSiemens AG ZP NWS ErlangenSiemens AG ZT IK 6 MünchenSiemens Design & Messe GmbH MünchenSmartRing GmbH ErfurtSOHOsolutions Münchensolid gemeinnütziges SolarenergieInformationsgesellschaft FürthSolvay Automotive GmbH BadHarzburgSopp GmbH + Co.KG RemscheidSPD-Bundestagsfraktion BonnSRB Schlamm-Recycling Bayreuth GmbH BayreuthStaatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt (MPA) StuttgartStaatliche Molkerei Weihenstephan AG FreisingStaatliches Forstamt Nagold NagoldStaats- und Universitätsbibliothek Carl von OssietzkyHamburgStefan Tischer Landschaftsarchitekt BerlinSTM Todorovic Kraftfahrzeughandel und -service GmbHMünchenSTN Atlas Elektronik GmbH BremenStreit GmbH BensheimStudiengruppe für Sozialforschung E.V.MarquartsteinamChiemseeStuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG StuttgartSWITCH Transit Consulting GmbH StuttgartSwyx Communications AG DortmundSynthopol Chemie BuxtehudeTABA Elektroniksysteme und Service GmbH MünchenTakenaka Europe GmbH DüsseldorfTAKENAKA EUROPE GmbH DüsseldorfTCS TürControlSysteme GmbH GenthinTechnikzentrum Lübeck LübeckTelem GmbH WittenTheodor Fahnenbrauck VredenTheysohn Maschinenbau GmbH SalzgitterThink Tank Corporate GmbH MünchenThyssen Altwert Umweltservice GmbH EssenThyssen Fahrtreppen GmbH HamburgThyssen Haniel Logistic GmbH DuisburgThyssen Hünnebeck GmbH RatingenTierärztliche Klinik Birkenfeld BirkenfeldTierklinik an der Rennbahn IffezheimTobias Baeuerle & Söhne Feinwerktechnik GmbHVillingen-SchwenningenTraDaV LübeckTrainingspunkt LudwigsburgTREMA Verfahrenstechnik GmbH BayreuthTrend Communications GmbHUnterschleißheimbeiMünchenTRUMPF GmbH + Co. DitzingenTÜV Technische Überwachung Hessen GmbH DarmstadtUMS GmbH United Monolithic Semiconductors UlmUmweltbundesamt, Institut für Wasser-, Boden undLufthygiene BerlinUmweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH LeipzigUmweltschutz Nord GmbH Wörtha.Rheinumwelttechnik & ingenieure GmbH HannoverUNCLE SALLY'S MAGAZINE BerlinUnger Jungpflanzen GbR Rheinfelden-AdelhausenUNIPLAN International GmbH & Co.KG KerpenUniversitätsbauamt Erlangen ErlangenUniversitätsbauamt Freiburg FreiburgUNTERSCHÜTZ, Sondermaschinen GmbHWalbeck/HettstedtUrban System Consult GmbH BerlinVA TECH WABAG GmbH Kulmbach

VCE Verkehrslogistik GmbH DortmundVCS Nachrichtentechnik GmbH BochumVentis Energy AG BraunschweigVereinte Versicherungen AG MünchenVerlag Norman Rentrop BonnVermessungsbüro Dipl.-Ing Jürgen Müller DresdenVersuchsgut Frankenforst KönigswinterVETTER Fördertechnik GmbH SiegenVilleroy & Boch MettlachVirbus AG LeipzigVirtual identity GmbH FreiburgViscom Industrielle Bildverarbeitung GmbH HannoverVoith Sulzer Stoffaufbereitung GmbH & Co.KGRavensburgVolkswagen AG Personaleinsatzbetrieb WolfsburgVolkswagen AG Werk Salzgitter SalzgitterVolkswagen Coaching Gesellschaft mbH HannoverVorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co. KG WuppertalWABAG Wassertechnische Anlagen GmbH KulmbachWalther Elektrotechnische Systeme EisenbergWangner Finckh GmbH ReutlingenWasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Koblenz KoblenzWeber GmbH & Co. KG BreidenbachWebservice Leidloff + Löne GbR Halle/SaaleWeißhuhn&Weißhuhn BerlinWerkzeugmaschinenfabrik VOGTLAND GmbH PlauenWeser-Champignon Dohme GmbH&Co. Hessisch-OldendorfWestfalia Landtechnik GmbH OeldeWESUMAT Fahrzeugwaschanlagen GmbH AugsburgWieland-Werke AG UlmWilkhahn, Wilkening & Hahne GmbH&Co Bad MünderWismarer Maschinenbau GmbH WismarWismut GmbH ChemnitzWIV Wein International Weingüter- undKellereiverwaltung GmbH BurgLayenWolf & Müller GmbH&Co.KG DresdenYahoo! Deutschland GmbH MünchenYour Internet Company GmbH BraunschweigZANDERS Feinpapiere AG BergischGladbachZDF MainzZeuna Stärker GmbH AugsburgZEWU (Zentrum f. Energie-, Wasser-, Umwelttechnik),Handwerkskammer Hamburg HamburgZF Friedrichshafen AG FriedrichshafenZF Getriebe GmbH Brandenburg Zinser Textilmaschinen GmbH EbersbachZKM Zentrum für Kunst und MedientechnolgieKarlsruheZwick GmbH & Co. Ulm-Einsingen


Participating Institutions and EmployersHP Communication Engineering LtdSilver Star Co. Ltd.Absc LtdAdansi Technical InstituteAdom Medical Laboratory LtdAdwinsa Publications (Gh) LtdAkapulio RestaurantAll Saints AcademyAll Needs LtdAmazing Love Int SchoolAmedume CephasAstra SolutionsBaptist Preparatory/ JssBeking Enterprises LimitedBell Computer Systems Ltd.Betescan Computers LtdBosbel Vegetable Oil MillsBravant Mission Int SchoolCapecoast Intermediate Technology Transfer UnitCee-Consult LtdCob-A IndustriesCocoa Research Institute Of GhanaCristal Radio Vision NetworkDita-Dang Micro Systems LtdDumakwae LimitedEastern Fm Radio StationEmofa ProductionEmos ConsultancyEngineering And Tech Services Ltd (Entesel)Expandable Polystyrene Products LtdFaith and Trust Ghana LtdFat and Sat LtdFestus IndustriesFestus HotelFirst Champions Health Care Ltd

Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnik undAutomatisierung RostockFraunhofer Institut für Siliziumtechnologie ItzehoeFraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik undInnovationsforschung KarlsruheFraunhofer Institut für Verfahrenstechnik undVerpackung FreisingFraunhofer Institut, Angewandte FestkörperphysikFreiburgFraunhofer Institut, Experimentelles SoftwareEngineering KaiserslauternFraunhofer Institut, Produktionsanlagen- u.Konstruktionstechnik (FhG) BerlinFraunhofer IOF JenaFraunhofer Technologie-Entwicklungsgruppe"Technologiemanagement & Patente" StuttgartFraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft undOrganisation StuttgartFraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen ErlangenFraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme FreiburgFraunhofer-Institut für Umweltchemie undÖkotoxikologie SchmallenbergFraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen undUmformtechnik ChemnitzFraunhofer-Institut für Zerstörungsfreie PrüfverfahrenSaarbrückenFraunhofer-Institut Produktionstechnik undAutomatisierung StuttgartFraunhofer-Institut, Physikalische Meßtechnik, IPMFreiburgFreiherrl v. Waldhausen´sches Rentamt BassenheimFriedrich Biefang NürnbergG.C. Hahn & Co. LübeckGARDENA UlmGarten- und Landschaftsbau BerlinGartenbaubetrieb Martin Müller BerlinGartenbauunternehmen BerlinGastro-Gerätebau GmbH CossebaudeGauff Engineering GmbH & Co. NürnbergGeBE Elektronik + Feinwerktechnik GmbHGermering/MünchenGebr. Pfeiffer AG KaiserslauternGeorgsmarienhütte GmbH GeorgsmarienhütteGermanischer Lloyd HamburgGesamtverband des deutschen SteinkohlenbergbausEssenGesellschaft für Bild- und Signalverarbeitung (GBS) mbHIlmenauGesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH DarmstadtGESIPA Blindniettechnik GmbH Mörfelden-WalldorfGETRAG LudwigsburgGhSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbHGeesthachtGillette Deutschland GmbH & Co. oHG BerlinGKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbHGeesthachtGlaxo Wellcome GmbH & Co. HamburgGoldbeck Bau GmbH BielefeldGOSSEN-METRAWATT GmbH NürnbergGRAINsoft GmbH FreibergGraphikon GmbH BerlinGrüne Liga Berlin e.V. BerlinGSF Forschungszentrum Oberschleißheim-NeuherbergGünther & Co. GmbH Frankfurt/MainGymnasium/Realschule der Jüdischen Gemeinde zuBerlin BerlinH&S Distribution Systems GmbH Frankfurt/MainHahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH BerlinHans-Knöll-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung e.V. JenaHartmut Haidacher OberaudorfHartmut Sonntag SchönwaldHC Haman Consult DresdenHEAD Acoustics GmbH HerzogenrathHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG WieslochHEIN GAS HamburgHeinz Fehring Golf EglingRiedhofHenkel KgaA DüsseldorfHenninger-Bräu AG Frankfurt/MainHerrmann Wöhler FuhrbergHessischer Landtag WiesbadenHessisches Landesmuseum DarmstadtHessisches Landesvermessungsamt WiesbadenHeusch/Boesefeldt BerlinHewlett-Packard GmbH BöblingenHille & Müller GmbH DüsseldorfHKR Sensorsysteme GmbH MünchenHochtief CottbusHochtief Building BerlinHochwald ThalfangHolzer GmbH & Co Zell am Harmersbach

HOMAG SchopflochHottinger Baldwin Messtechnik DarmstadtHowaldtswerke KielHWS Control Systems ErfurtIAESTE-LC Berlin BerlinIAESTE-LC Dresden DresdenIAESTE-LC Erlangen ErlangenIAESTE-LC Freising FreisingIAESTE-LC München MünchenIAESTE-LC Rostock RostockIAESTE-LC Stuttgart StuttgartIAESTE-LC Ulm UlmIAM F & E GmbH BraunschweigIbeco Betonit Technologie GmbH MannheimIBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH BöblingenIBM Deutschland Informationssysteme GmbH StuttgartIDAT GmbH Darmstadtifo Institut MünchenIFU GmbH OttendorfINA Wälzlager Schaeffler OHG HerzogenaurachIndustrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH OttobrunnInfineon Technologies AG MünchenIngenieurbüro Behrendt BuxtehudeIngenieurbüro Dr. Kretzschmar NürnbergIngenieurbüro für Bauwerkserhaltung Weimar GmbHWeimarIngenieurgemeinschaft für Umweltanalytik GmbH LorchIngenieurgesellschaft für Informationsverarbeitung mbHDarmstadtIngenieursozietät Professor Katzenbach und QuickDarmstadtINOVAN GmbH & Co. KG BirkenfeldInstitut für Agrartechnik Bornim e.V. PotsdamInstitut für Auslandsbeziehungen StuttgartInstitut für Designforschung Stuttgart StuttgartInstitut für deutsche Musikkultur im östlichen Europa(IME) e.V. BonnInstitut für Distributions- und Handelslogistik DortmundInstitut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung DresdenInstitut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbHJenaInstitut für Mikroelektronik und MechatroniksystemegGmbH IlmenauInstitut für neuropsychologische Forschung (MPG)LeipzigInstitut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. DresdenInstitut für Umwelttechnologie und Umweltanalytik(IUTA) DuisburgInstitut für Vogelforschung, Vogelwarte HelgolandWilhelmshavenIntel GmbH Feldkirch/MünchenInterflex Datensysteme GmbH StuttgartIntermetric StuttgartINVERS SiegenIPH - Institut für Integrierte Produktion gGmbHHannoverIPROPLAN Chemnitz Planungsgesellschaft mbHChemnitzIPSOS Deutschland HamburgIrmscher Automobilbau GmbH & Co. KG Remshalden-GrunbachISD Software und Systems GmbH DortmundISIS Multimedia Net GmbH DüsseldorfITB Ing. GmbH Mindeniwis ketten Johann Winklhofer & Söhne GmbH & Co.KGMünchenIWT-Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik BremeniXOS Software AG MünchenJoh. Vaillant GmbH u. Co. RemscheidJohnson & Johnson GmbH WuppertalJopp GmbH Bad NeustadtKemapack GmbH. Packmittelwerke Landsberg/LechKendrion Binder Magnete GmbH Villingen-SchwenningenKeramchemie GmbH SiersheimKetchum GmbH MünchenKlinge Pharma GmbH MünchenKlöckner-Möller GmbH BonnKomSa HartmannsdorfKonieczny, Architekten und Stadtplaner StuttgartKoopmann KG WitzhaveKoordinierungsstelle für die Praktischen StudiensemesterKarlsruheKPMG Consulting GmbH DüsseldorfKPMG Consulting GmbH MünchenKraft Jacobs Suchard R&D, Inc. MünchenKRANTZ-TKT GmbH BergischGladbachKROHNE Meßtechnik GmbH & Co.KG DuisburgKU-BA Bau GmbH Frankfurt/MainKUKA Schweissanlagen GmbH Augsburg

Kuttenkeuler Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH Hennef/SiegL. & C. Steinmüller GmbH GummersbachL.E. Vision Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH LeipzigLafarge Braas GmbH OberurselLandesamt für Flurneuordnung und LandesentwicklungBaden-Württemberg KornwestheimLandesanstalt für Großschutzgebiete (LAGS)Biosphärenreservat EberswaldeLandesanstalt für Pflanzenbau Forchheim RheinstettenLandesbank Rheinland-Pfalz MainzLandeshauptstadt Saarbrücken, UmweltamtSaarbrückenLandesvermessungsamt Baden-Württemberg StuttgartLandschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe MünsterLandwirtschaftsbetrieb H. u. W. Korn GbR NeugaulLaser- und Medizin-Technologie gGmbH Berlin BerlinLaser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) HannoverLausitzer Braunkohle AG SenftenbergLawson Mardon Singen GmbH SingenLeuze electronic GmbH + Co. Owen-TeckLever Faberge Deutschland GmbH HamburgLGA-Materialprüfungsamt NürnbergLiebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH Ehingen/DonauLITEF GmbH FreiburgLivingston Calibration GmbH WolfsburgLMS Durability Technologies GmbH KaiserslauternLodenfrey MünchenLoher AG RuhstorfLUC Landeskultur und Umweltschutz Consulting GmbHRostockLufthansa Systems GmbH Frankfurt/MainLufthansa Technik AG HamburgLUK GmbH BühlM+W Zander Facility Management GmbH NürnbergMAHLE GmbH StuttgartManfred Laske Institut für Berufsbildung LeipzigMannesmann Datenverarbeitung GmbH RatingenMannesmann Dematic AG WetterMannesmann Sachs AG SchweinfurtMannesmann VDO AG BabenhausenMärkische Oberflächenanlagen und Behälterbau GmbHLuckenwaldeMarta Doehler, Iris Reuther Büro für Urbane ProjekteLeipzigMaschinenfabrik Köppern GmbH & Co KG HattingenMaterialforschungs- und prüfanstalt Weimar JenaMax-Delbrück-Centrum für molekulare Medizin BerlinMax-Planck-Institut für Biophysik Frankfurt/MainMax-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbHDüsseldorfMax-Planck-Institut für PlasmaphysikGarchingbeiMünchenMax-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie Mülheim/RuhrM-Base GmbH Engineering + Software AachenMcKinsey&Company, Inc. MünchenMechatronik Systeme GmbH Ulmmedis Medizinische Meßtechnik GmbH IlmenauMercedes-Benz AG StuttgartMERCK KG aA DarmstadtMetalTradeNet AG StuttgartMey&Westphal HamburgMHB Filtration GmbH+Co. KG ErkrathMichelin Reifenwerke KgaA KarlsruheMiele & Cie GmbH & Co GüterslohMIKOM GmbH BuchdorfMinisterium des Innern und für Sport des LandesRheinland-Pfalz MainzMöller Plast GmbH BielefeldMolnar-Institut BerlinMondi Textil GmbH MünchenMoog-GmbH BöblingenMörchen GmbH&Co.KG SchmallenbergMorton International GmbH OsnabrückMotorola MünchenMSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH HaarMTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union FriedrichshafenMühlbauer AG RodingMünchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft MünchenNanotec Electronic GmbH Landshamb.MünchenNational Instruments Germany GmbH MünchenNational Semiconductor GmbH Design SystemsProducts Group FürstenfeldbruckNEC Europe Ltd. MannheimNetWerk Internet Intranet Services GmbH BalingenNetzsch Belimed GmbH WaldkraiburgNeumeister Design MünchenNickerson GmbH Lehrte-ArpkeNico Fahrzeugteile GmbH Bad RappenauNiedersächsische Forstliche VersuchsanstaltStaufenberg-Escherode

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 3130 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

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Ascon LtdBerlitz GlobalNETCarlow County CouncilCavan County CouncilClare County CouncilCODEMACork City Energy AgencyCork CorporationCork County CouncilCork County Energy CentreDonegal County CouncilDublin CorporationEast Connacht EnergyAgencyEircom IrelandEricsson ExpertiseFÁSGalway Energy Agency Ltd.Galway County CouncilIrish DistillersIrish Cement LtdIrish Glass BottleIrish National Petroleum CorporationKerry County CouncilKilkenny CountyLimerick County CouncilMayo County CouncilMayo Energy AgencyMeath County CouncilMurphy Brewery IrelandMcCaul & Assoc.National Food Biotechnology CentreNorth West ShellfishOutokumpu Tara MinesOve Arup & PartnersRenewable Energy Info.Office, BandonRoscommon County CouncilSilicon and Software SystemsSligo County CouncilSligo Energy AgencySun MicrosystemsTipperary (SR) County CouncilUdarás na GaeltachtaUniversity College Cork:- Chemistry Dept.- Electrical Eng. Dept.- Food Eng. Dept.Waterford County CouncilWexford County Council


Participating EmployersCanon IncCD-adapco Japan Co. LtdCemtral Japan Railway CompanyChubu Electric Power Co. IncCTI Engineering Co. LtdDainippon Ink & Chemicals, IncGaiax.Co. LtdGeo-Reserch InstituteHanshin Expressway Public CorporationHewlet-Packard Japan, LtdHitachi LtdHoriba LtdJapan Bridge Co., LtdJGC CorporationKDD R&D Laboratories IncKozoSystem, IncMarusun IncMastushita Communication Industrial Co., LtdMastushita Electric Industrial Co., LtdNagoya Road Engineer Co., LtdNihon Doro KodanNippon Sharyo LTDNishimatsu Construction Co., LtdNitto Denko Corporation NTTOdex Co.LtdOlumpus Optical Co., LtdOmron CorporationOriental Constructoin Co., LtdRicoh Company, LtdSakura Internet IncSakurada Co., LtdSanyo Chemical Industries Ltd

Sanyo Special Steel Co. LtdSekisui Hose, LtdSoken Chemical & Engineering Co., LtdSony CorporationSumitomo Heavy IndustriesSumitomoBakelite CompanySuncall CorporationTaiyo Kagaku Co., LtdTakadakiko Co., LtdTDK Corporation The Takigami Steel Construction Co., LtdToen Corporation LimitedTokyo Electric Power CompanyTokyu CorporationToyoda Automatic Loom Works LtdYasukawa Electric Corporation


Participating EmployersAL Jafar Contracting CoArab Postash Company LtdArabtech Jordaneh Consulting EngineeringARAMEXBeta Industries for Rotary Screw CompressorsCentral Electricity Generation CoConsalidated ConsultantsDar Al-Handasah ConsDepartment of Engineering the University of JordanDr. Zain TahboubElectricity Distribution CoGeneral Investment Company LtdHabib AssociatesJafar Tukan and PartnersJALAL ENGG. CONS. OfficeJordan Cement FactoriesJordan Cermanic IndustryJordan Electric Power CompanyJordan Petroleum RefineryJordan Phosphate Mines CompanyJordan Pipes Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Jordan Steel PLCJouzy and PartnersMiddle East Complex for Eng. Electronics & HeavyIndustries PLCInternational Company for Optical and Hearing AidIndustriesMinistry of EducationMonah Fackhory Technology IntegrationMunicipality of Greater AmmanNational Cable and Wire Manufacturing CompanyNational Electric Power CompanyNational Paints Factories CompanyRum Metal ManufacturingShubeilat Badran AssociatesSigma-Consulting Eng.Special Systems CompanySupreme Cons. EngineersUnited Flavours and Frarances Co. LTD.University of Jordan Dept. of Engineering VAPCO


Participating EmployersAlmaty University of Technology and BusinessKazakh National Technical University, AlmatyAl Faraby Kazakh State National University, AlmatyNorth-Kazakh University, PetropavlovskZhezkazgan University named in honor of BaikonurovCorporation ‘Kazakhmys’, ZhezkazganKazakhstan Science Research Institute of Non-ferrousMetals, Ust-KamenogorskCorporation "Vasilokovsky GOK "(Kokshetau)Alatau Children Clinical Sanatorium, AlmatySatpaev Geological Institute (Almaty)National Nuclear Center and Institute of Nuclear Physic(Almaty)Center of Information Technology of EngineeringAcademy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, AlmatyScience Research Institute of Physics and Fire, AlmatyKazak State Academy of Construction and Architecture,AlmatyState University "Semey", SemipalatinskAtyrau Oil and Gas Institute, AtyrauAktau Esenov University, AktauResearch Center of Prognosis of Machine-Building underKaraganda State Technical UniversityPavlodar Toraigirov State University, Pavlodar


Participating InstitutionsKaunas University of TechnologyKaunas Vytautas Magnus UniversityLithuanian Academy of AgricultureVilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityVilnius University

Participating EmployersAchema JSCAukstaitijos Pienas JSCBirzai Milk JSCBeer factory "Ragutis"Chitinas, LtdIngman Vega JSCInstitute of BotanyKatra JSCKaunas University of TechnologyKauno Audiniai JSCKauno Pienas JSCKelprojektas, State CompanyKlaipedos Baldai JSCKlaipedos Pienas JSCLietuvos Telekomas JSCLiftu servisas JSCLintel JSCLithuanian Energy, State CompanyLivesta Service CentreMazeikiu Pienine JSCNafta Mazeikiai, State RefineryNetimpex, LtdPizza Jazz, LtdRokiskio Suris JSCSalda, LtdSilkas JSCSilutes Rambynas SCStumbras, State CompanyStruktura, LtdVilnius Gediminas Technical University


Participating InstitutionsInstitut Supérieur de Technologie Luxembourg

Participating EmployersArbed, S.A., LuxembourgARES, S.A., RodangeCegedel, S.A., StrassenCLT-UFA, S.A., LuxembourgHusky Injection Molding Systems, S.A., DudelangeInfeurope, S.A., LuxembourgPaul Wurth, S.A., LuxembourgSNCFL – Société Nationale des Chemins de FerLuxembourgeois, TrefilArbed Bissen, S.A.Reichert Feinmechanik S.A. et Cie, S.e.c.s, Holzem.

Macedonia (FYR)

Participating InstitutionsArhitektonski FakultetASUC Boro PetrusevskiCarinska UpravaElektrotehnicki fakultetFakultet za farmacijaFakultetsko Zemjodelsko stopanstvo TrubarevoGrad Skopje - Kom za UrbanizamGradezen FakultetGradezen institut "Makedonija" Institut za stocarstvoInstitut za zavaruvanje JUGJNU Institut za ZIISJNU Zemjodelski institutMasinski fakultetMinisterstvo za obrazovaniePrirodnomatematicki fakultetRepublicka geodetska upravaRudarski institut EnergetikaUniverzitet "Sv.Kiril i Metodij"Zavod za ispituvanje na materijaliZavod za statistika na RMZemjodelski fakultet

Participating Employers" ALP - Inzenering "" Bauart Inzenering"

First Alied Savings and Loans LtdFirst Choice Computer Training SchoolFormer Timbers LtdFremcy Emterprice LimitedGenesys Solution LtdGeorgeland VenturesGhihoc Distilleries Co. LtdGia/Nabio Agroforestry Development OrganisationGlobal Compuers LtdGold Coast Motors LtdGreenspan FarmsHarvard Schools (Gh)Hecta International SchoolHecta International SchoolHoly Ghost Int SchoolHouse Of VisionHp Communications Engineering LtdInstitute Of Industrial ResearchIntercom Data NetworksJajul Medical Laboratory Service LtdKay Micro Services LtdKingsburg PharmacyKo’blay Memorial Preparatory And JssKojach LtdKumasi Logging and Lumber Co. LtdKwaku Nyama ConstructionKwaku Nuama Construction WorksKwalitech Computers LtdKwaltech Computer’s Ltd. Kwartsons ImpexKwesi KesseLegha Constrution Works.Lidra LtdMarles LtdMedilab Diagnostic ServicesMerica Investment LtdMinistry of HealthMinistry of Food and AgricultureMorny Eyecare CentreNana Apaa Refrigeration and Air Condition ServicesNarhderko Business Systems (Nbs)News Times CoorperationNogins LtdNorth Ridge HotelNotre Dame Senior Secondary SchoolNulux Plantation LimitedOda Plywood and Veneer Company LtdOgyefo Yena Ent. LtdOppon Fn And Company LtdOur Lady of Fatima ClinicPaamuz and Amuanyi Company LtdPambros Salt Industries LtdPeejay Engineering and Construction LtdPhyto-Riker (Ghihoc) Pharmaceuticals LtdPunch CommunicationQuink Arhitectural ConsultancyRadiantway SchoolsRestdaco LtdRoad Runners Co. Ltd.Rotek LimitedRudan LimitedSag Systems LimitedSag Food JointSaint Margerets Educational ComplexSolomon AttobraSotas Company Limited St Abed's Int Jss/SssStopping Paint HotelSunstex Company Limited Sunyani PreparatorySupercare LtdSupercare LtdTarget Saatachi and SaatachiTempo ElectronicsTexstar Computer SystemsTom's Computer CenterTrio CourageUniversity College Of EducationVbs Information Technology CenterVent SystemsVilla CisnerosVillage Asneros Resort LtdVision Network Communication LtdWilhelm LtdGuiness Ghana LtdKumas PolytechnicUniversity Of Cape CoastUniversity Of GhanaUniversity Of Science and TechnologyUniversity Of Science and Technology School Of Mines


Participating InstitutionsNational Technical University of AthensAgricultural University of AthensAristotle University of ThessalonikiDemocritus University of Thrace

Participating EmployersPublic Power CorporationAthens Water and Sewage CompanyGeneral Army StaffMinistry of Culture –Archaelogical DivisionHellenic Telecommunication OrganisationOTENET SAAttiki Gas Distribution Company SAPublic Gas Corporation of Greece SAHellenic Broadcasting TelevisionSilver and Baryte ores mining Co.GMC SAHellenic Petroleum SAUnilever Hellas SaMotor Oil Corinth RefineriesDelphi-Distomon Mining CoCorinth Pipeworks SaElsa SaHERCULES –General Cement Company SATITAN – Cement Company SAMetka SaTechnika Plastika SaHellenic Saltworks saNational Cadastre SAHellenic Aerospace Industry SAElais SaNikas SaAluminium of Greece SAHellenic Arms IndustryGreek Powder and Cartridge Company SAHellenic Cables SaElval SaFage SaAthenian Brewery SAInterklima SAJacobs Suchard/Pavlides SACommercial Bank of GreeceOTM SAMeletitiki-A.N. Tombazis & Associates /Architects LtdAeter "Harry C. Bougadelis & Associates Architects"M & S Hourdakis SaNAMA Consulting Engineers & Planners SAS.Asproudas & Associates DECATHLON SA – Protect Planning & Engin. ConsultantsExodus SaJoannou & Paraskevaides (Hellas) SaHelleniki Meletitiki LtdThymio Papayannis & Associates IncIris I.S.COi PliroforikiAtti-Kat SaTriedros Meletitiki LtdC.I Sarantopoulos SaOrizon OeArchimedia SATurbomed SaRamnet SaPouliadis Associates Corp.New Athens International Airport SADatamedia SaStructural Design SAEdrasis C. Psalidas SaSika HellasAsprofos Engineering SaG-Systems SaCastor LtdHydrodomiki – Consulting Eng.Eurofarma SaPRISMA PartershipGeomechaniki LtdGeoconsultants LtdAEGEK SA Construction CompanySchneider Electric SAAntonakakis Architectural Design OfficeP. Spiliotakos & AssociatesTechnical Olympic SAInfocad SaTRITON Consulting Engineers LtdLikodimos SaErgodata Sa

Metropolis Worknet SaThrace Papermills SaGeognosis SaGleoudis Nikos Kavex SaMesohoritis BrosEgnatia Odos SaThemeliodomi SA ContractorsYdromeletitiki LtdXifias SaPhilkeram-Johnson SaCrepiTranseuropean Cons. Unit Of ThessalonikiTosoh Hellas A.I.CAr Group SaHellenic Sugar CompanyThessaloniki Water Supply & Sewage Co. saHellenic Institute of TransportTRD International SAMacedonian Papermills SA (MEL)Phosphoric Fertilizers Industry LtdEpirus Foundries SaHellenic Fabrics SaColora SaM.I. Maillis SaIntracom SaAlstom HellasIfs Hellas SaThrace Plastics

Hong Kong

Participating EmployersBrilliant Technology Development LtdEnvior Technology International LtdERM(HK) Environmental Consultanti4Net LtdICONMannars Chan & AssociatesNext Synthesis LtdOve Arup & Partners HK LtdScott Wilson (HK) LtdSun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd Systek Information Technology LtdTed Chan & Associates LtdTetra Business Solutions Ltd The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Trane Hong KongVSL Hong Kong Ltd


Participating InstutionsMarine Research InstituteThe Icelandic Building Research Institute

Participating EmployersAir traffic controlCity EngineerDeCode GeneticsDirectorate of fisheriesEJS hfIceland state electricityIceland Telecom Ltd.Istak hfLinuhönnun hfNervusNyherjiPublic Roads AdministrationReykjavík EnergyThe Icelandic meteorological office


Participating InstitutionsAthlone Institute of TechnologyNational University of Ireland at GalwayQueens University of BelfastNational University of Ireland at MaynoothTrinity College DublinUniversity College CorkUniversity College DublinUniversity of LimerickUniversity of UlsterDublin City UniversityDublin Institute of Technology

Participating EmployersAnalog Devices BV

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 3332 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

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Participating InstitutionsIPN - Instituto Politécnico NacionalIEST - Instituto de Estudios Superiores de TamaulipasInstituto Tecnológico de Ciudad MaderoInstituto Tecnológico de DurangoInstituto Tecnológico de LeónInstituto Tecnológico de PueblaInstituto Tecnológico de ReynosaInstituto Tecnológico de SaltilloInstituto Tecnológico de SonoraInstituto Tecnológico de VeracruzInstituto Tecnológico de CajemeITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus Ciudad de MéxicoITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus Estado de MéxicoITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus GuadalajaraITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus LagunaITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus LeónITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus MonterreyITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus San Luis PotosíITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus QuerétaroITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus TampicoITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey - Campus TolucaITESO - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deOccidenteUANL - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónUNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoUniversidad Autónoma de AguascalientesUniversidad Autónoma MetropolitanaUniversidad Autónoma de San Luis PotosíUniversidad AnáhuacUniversidad de las Américas - Campus PueblaUniversidad Cristóbal ColónUniversidad De La Salle BajíoUniversidad Tecnológica de MéxicoUniversidad Iberoamericana - Campus Golfo CentroUniversidad Iberoamericana - Campus LeónUniversidad Iberoamericana - Campus Santa FéUniversidad de MonterreyUniversidad MaderoUniversidad Panamericana - Campus GuadalajaraUniversidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Participating EmployersAcabados Automotrices, S.A. de C.V.Agros, S.A. de C.V.Aire Proyectos del Golfo, S.A. de C.V.Almacenes Miramar, S.A. de C.V.ARS Habitat, S.A. de C.V.Asesoría y Sistemas de Protección Ambiental, S.A. deC.V.Aura Arquitectos y Urbanistas AsociadosBrique, S.A. de C.V.BU Kuen Construcción, S.A. de C.V.Calzado Grismar, S.A. de C.V.Cámara de la Industria de Calzado del Estado deGuanajuatoCampbells’ de México, S.A. de C.V.Centro de Control Total de Calidades, S.A. de C.V.Centro de Vinculación Empresarial de GuanajuatoCervecería Cuauhtémoc, S.A. de C.V.Chiapas Euromotriz, S.A. de C.V.Cía Periodística Meridiano, S.A. de C.V.Constructora Sicar, S.A. de C.V.Contro-Tec, S.A. de C.V.Cryoinfra, S.A. de C.V.CUINBA - Cueros Industrializados del Bajío, S.A. de C.V.Ddemesis - Ingenieros Programadores AsociadosDesarrrollo Iberoamericano, S.A. de C.V.Dirona, S.A. de C.V.Embotelladora La Isleta, S.A. de C.V. - (Pepsi Cola)Embotelladora Poza Rica, S.A. de C.V. - (Coca Cola)Embotelladora Tampico, S.A. de C.V. - (Coca Cola)Empresa Contratista en Obras Mineras Jomargo, S.A. deC.V.Escuela de Bachilleres "Lic. Luis Echeverría Alvarez"Excelencia Fervic, S.A. de C.V.Federal Mogul, S.A. de C.V.

Flova Industrial, S.A. de C.V.Fondo para el Desarrollo Popular Banco Bilbao VizcayaGeneral Electric Company - Corporate Research &DevelopmentGe Manufacturing & Services, S. de R. L. de C. VGemelitos de Sándalo, S.A. de C.V.Getronics CP México, S.A. de C.V.Genética y Sistemas de Ingeniería Solar, S.A. de C.V.GP Electromecánica, S.A. de C.V.Grupo Constructora Navarro, S.A. de C.V.Grupo Cyrsa, S.A. de C.V.Grupo Flexi, S.A. de C.V.Grupo Industrial Ital Moda, S.A.Grupo LBC, S.C.Grupo Roche Syntex de México, S.A. de C.V.Grupo Warner Lambert México, S.A. de C.V. Hella- Equipo Automotriz Hemex, S.A. de C.V.Higuera y Sánchez ArquitectosHilasal, S.A. de C.V.Hydrill, S.A. de C.V.Industria Envasadora de Querétaro, S.A. de C.V. (CocaCola)Industrial Exportadora Famián, S.A. de C.V.Industrial Minera Hermont, S.A. de C.V.Industrias Piero de León, S.A. de C.V.Instituto Tecnológico de Cd. MaderoInstituto Tecnológico de VeracruzIntacero, S.A. de C.V.ITESM - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey – Campus LeónJC Name Arquitectos, S.C.Johnson Controls Automotive México, S.A. de C.V.Kemix de México, S.A. de C.V.KMACC Construcciones, S.A. de C.V.Lala Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.Líder Control y Automatización, S.A. de C.V.Link Arquitectura, S.A. de C.V.Llanteras Contreras, S.A. de C.V.Mabe de México, S.A. de C.V.MBM Impresora, S.A. de C.V.MCMS de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.Metalsa, S. de R.L.Millenninun Green Houses, S.A. de C.V.Micro, S.A. de C.V.Navarrete Navarro Construcciones, S.A. de C.V.Nuño, Mac Gregor y De Buen ArquitectosOperadora Canpesa, S.A. de C.V.Pavimentaciones y Voladuras, S.A. de C.V.Pensiones del Estado de JaliscoPesca Azteca, S.A. de C.V.Plamac- Proyectos Laubach de Alfabetización en México,A.C.Plásticos Fuentes, S.A. de C.V.Plata Panamericana, S.A. de C.V.Pre-Fabricadora de Losa, S.A. de C.V.Presidencia Municipal de Guanacevi del Estado deDurangoProducciones Plásticas, S.A. de C.V.Productora Los Girasoles, S.A. de C.V.Productos Gerber, S.A. de C.V.Quirelli, S. A.Rancho Picachos,S.A. de C.V.Rassini Frenos, S.A. de C.V.Rayse, S.A. de C.V.Recuperadora Textil, S.A. de C.V.Risoul & Cía, S.A. de C.V.SECOPE - Srta. de Comunicaciones y Obras Públicas delEstado de DurangoServicios Especializados del Carmen, S.A. de C.V.Serviacero Comercial, S.A. de C.V.Serviacero Especiales, S.A. de C.V.Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de MonterreyServicios Integrales en Automatización, S.A. de C.V.SKF de México, S.A. de C.V.Sterling Fluid Systems México, S.A. de C.V.Suelas Alkin, S.A. de C.V.UPIBI – IPN - Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria deBiotecnología del Instituto Politécnico NacionalUANL - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónUANL - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León -Facultad de Ing. Mecánica y Eléctrica - DivisiónDoctoradoTalento Ejecutivo, S.A. de C.V.Taller Arquitectónico , S.A. de C.V..Taller AS Arquitectura, S.A. de C.V.TAMSA - Tubos Acero de México, S.A.Textiles Marie Lou, S.A. de C.V.Transmisiones Automáticas de la Peña, S.A. de C.V.Tebofren, S.A. de C.V.Tenería Cruz

Textiles León, S.A. de C.V.TGC Geotecnia, S.A. de C.V.Utilerías Telemarketing, S.A. de C.V.Vaqueras, S.A. de C.V.Watlow de México, S.A. de C.V.York International, S.A. de C.V.


Participating InstitutionsDelft University of TechnologyEindhoven University of TechnologyTwente University

Participating EmployersAlumax Extrusions B.V.Architectenbureau De Steunbeer B.V.Architectenbureau Ellerman, Lucas, van VugtArchitectenbureau irs. Vegter b.i.Architectenbureau Van den Broek en BakemaArchitectenburo Ir. Kees LauArchitektenburo Piet Onderwater B.V.Archivolt Architecten bvArn. Meijs Architekten B.V.Atelier Pro architekten B.V.Baggermaatschappij Boskalis B.V.Baneke Van der Hoeven ArchitektenBesin - Kartonnagefabriek B.V.BNA Architektenburo Roeleveld-Sikkes B.V.Bodycote Materials Testing B.V.Broomchemie B.V.BTG Biomass Technology Group BV University of TwenteBullhorst Architecten & Stedenbouwers BVCees Dam & Partners ArchitectenConstructiewerkplaats Grünbauer BVCorus (Hoogovens Staal, R&D)De Architekten Cie.De Beer/Van Helmond ArchitectenDGMR Raadgevende Ingenieurs B.V.Diederen Dirrix Van Wylick ArchitektenDiversey LeverDow Benelux NVDynaf Spruyt GroupEnthone-OMIFaro Architecten BNAFlex Development B.V.FOM - Instituut voor Plasmafysica RijnhuizenGrasso ProducsHalmos B.V.Hercules European Research Center BVHollandse Signaalapparaten B.V.Ingenieursbureau Oranjewoud BVIntron B.V.IV-Consult bvJHK ArchitectenJoris Deur ArchitektenKAW Architekten BVKlawer ArchitectenKlokkenfabriek van KanKPN ResearchKuiper Compagnons, Bureau voor Ruimt. Ordening enArchitectuur B.V.Kuiper-Oosterheert-Wubben Stedenbouw enArchitectuurKvaerner Process (Netherlands)LIAG Architekten en BouwadviseursLucent Technologies WCND BVM3HMIN 2Molenaar & van WindenMTD Buys & Van der Vliet LandschapsarchitectenN.V. Waterleidingmaatschappij Drenthe (WMD)Naco BVNationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlab./NLRNational Starch & Chemical B.V.Nelcon B.V.NFRA NIKHEF NOVEM B.V.Océ Technologies bvOntwerpbureau Teun Koolhaas Assoc. BV (TKA)Oving Architekten B.V.Packard Bell NEC Europe B.V.Peteri BV (Quooker)Philips Business CommunicationsPhilips Electronics Nederland BVPhilips ResearchPraktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Research Station

11 Oktomvri3Dx Computer SchoolAD " Kosta Abras "AD "30-ti Juli"-KumanovoAD "Ruen"ADG " Pelagonija "ADG Pelagonija 6-to Gradiliste DOOELAding ADAgencija za privtizacijaAGRO KUMANOVOAgroplod ResenAleks internacionalAleksovskiAlgreta ADAlkaloidAlkatelAluminaASIST TRADEAtelje AjvarBADEL DOOBetonBibi kompaniBILJANA ADBiromaterijalBortag inzeneeringBulsCAJTNACarinska UpravaCementarnica UsjeCO KoninkonCO Valavnica za lentiDirekcija za kultura i umetnostDizajn Studio BauhausDOEL " Brilijantin"DOO EurotekDr.Rozi Gavocanova Arsoski DOOELEIN-SOFEksimaElektromaterijalElektrovodomontEMI ProdukcijaEMOE-storeEuro biznis centarEurografikaEuroksFA i FAFabrika za kvasec i alkohol ADFakom –InzeneringFarmahemFAS "11 Oktomvri"Ferijalen sojuzFersped ADFloraskopFOD JP ESM DOO EL - NovaciFond za komunalen razvojFonko DOOFoto - centar SkopjeFoto ApolonijaFriderGAMA DOOGeingGodel - Kozarski kombinatGP Beton AD SkopjeGP Granit AD OE MehanizacijaGrad Skopje - Kom za UrbanizamGTP Prilepec ADHaj - Te~ KorporacijaHemteks OP G.LisiceHIB DRESKOHidrobioloski zavodHotel Aleksandar Palas HIT Fersped DOOELHotel GranitIlinden AGDInfo ProektIno-SpektarInterlumeksInternetIzvozna i kreditna banka A.D. SkopjeJasen SkopjeJP ESMJP ESM - pogon Elektro SkopjeJP ESM - Strucni sluzbiJP ESM Lec KozjakJP ESM Podruznica ElektroprenosJP ESM Podruznica EnergetikaJP ESM Sektor proizvodstvo na el.energijaJP Ga-MaJP Makedonski ZelezniciJP Vodovod i kanalizacija

JSPJugomontaza - Blagoj DavkovJugooprema A.D. SkopjeJugotonJVP Hidrosistem StrezevoJZO Medicinski centarJZO Specijalna Bolnica Za Ortopedija i TraumatologijaJZO Zavod za zdravstvena zastitaKiro DandaroKJP NiskogradbaKlasikKomercijalna bankaKom-soft DOOELKopeks-MilkaKozjak ADLantanaLeonardoLihnida ADLink TelekomLozarMakedonija Aerodrom JPAUMakedonija PatMakedonija proektMakedonija SoobrakjajMakedonija Tabak ADMakedonska Radio TelevizijaMakedonski Biznis SistemiMakedonski TelekomunikaciiMakpetrolMakpetrol – TEASMakpetrol direkcija za gasifikacijaMakprintMarkoni DOOMavrovo EE Mavrovoproekt ADGMDCMedis InformatikaMegaronMegasoftMepringMinel CerMlecen restoran Kaj PaskalMosa Korp InformatikaMotor Koac IndustrijaMRTVMRTV "Predavateli i vrski"MultipromMZT - FOPMZT CEOPMZT Energomont investMZT FAM ADMZT Hepos ADMZT Learnica ADMZT MontingMZT oprema za vozila ADMZT Pumpi d.o.o.MZT-HeposNBMNeokom ADNeuromedika - PZO MedikaNIK "Mikena" - BitolaNIP MOgnomakOhis ADOkta AD -SkopjeOrgansko hemiska industija "Naum Naumovski-Borce"P.P.S.T Angelov SpiroPanafaksPapen-Forma dizajnPecatnica Goce Delcev ADPecatnica GrafostilPeksim kompjuteriPelagonijaPelagonija Proekt ADG Pelagonija DOOELPicerija Dal-FufoPostenska StedilnicaPovardarie NegotinoPP DastoPPP SirmaPPTU MMProstor DOOPTP Carli DOOPTT Soobrakjaj "Makedonija"PZRG BiserRade Koncar - aparatna tehnika ADRade Koncar - Servis i popravki na elektricni proizvodiRade Koncar Kontaktori i relei DOORafinerijaREK BitolaReluktansa DOORudarski institut Energetika

Rudnici i Zelezarnica Skopje DOORudproekt DOORZ "Skopje-MRTT" DOO, CORZ Ladna valavnica ADRZ Skopje-CerRZ Tehnicka kontrola ADRZ Valavnica za lentiRZS Fakord ADSD " IntersoftSemos kompjuteriSemos Multimedia DOOSimpleks P.P. SkopjeSIMT Kompjuteri DOOSiskonSkopski saemSpisanie ModaStobaStopanska banka ADStopanska komoraStudio Pro Foto MarketingStudio VenciSvetlina KumanovoTD Zam InzeneringTehnika SkopjeTehno LionTelevizija TelmaTermoskopje ADTimes AdvertisingTineksTipo PO ADTop AvtoToplifikacija ADTP PO Putnik DOOTrudbenik ADGUltranet DOOU-netUNIMAG kompjuteriUSA MAK KompjutersVanaksVardar ADVeso korporacijaVodostopanstvo - VardarZavarZelezarnica MakstilZito BitolaZito Luks ADZito SkopjeZito SkopjeZito VardarZivinarska farma "Belimbegovo"ZOIL MakedonijaZTP - Pogon za vleca na vozoviZTP Skopje


Participating InstitutionsThe University of Malta

Participating EmployersArchitects StudioArchitecture ProjectBuilding Consultancy ServicesCarlo GavazziCentral CigarettesDatastream LtdDedicated Micros (Malta)Demicoli & AssociatesDept. of Biomedical Scieces, University of MaltaDesign SolutionsElesolarEnemaltaHetronic MaltaMalta DrydocksMalta International AirportMalta Planning & Design ConsultantsMicro Propagation CentreMITTSPhilip ToledoPlaymobil Malta LtdST Micro ElectronicsSimonds Farsons Cisk plcTerranetTelecom ElectronicsTerranetWETWorks Division

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 3534 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Page 20: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

MACSPED - SzczecinMAWOS sp z o.o. – LodzM.G. System - SzczecinMIKROTECH Sp.c. – SzczecinMostostal - Export S.A. – WarszawaNaftowo-Gazowe Przedsiebiorstwo BudowlanoMontazowe ‘Karpaty’ S.A. - WarszawaNOW -Biuro Architektoniczne – LodzOnet.pl S.A. - KrakowOPTIMUS ATS Sp. z o.o. – SzczecinPracownia Architektoniczna Pawlik i Partnerzy sp. z o.o. -WarszawaPracownia Architektoniczno-Urbanistyczna Lipski iWujek -LodzPracownia Projektowa PION – LodzPracownia Projektowa ‘ Studio’ Zbigniew Sasiadek–GliwicePrzedsiebiorstwo Przemyslu Cukierniczego GRYF S.A. –SzczecinPrzedsiebiorstwo Uzytecznosci Publicznej TRANS-NETS.A., PolicePIAP Przemyslowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarow -WarszawaRadio ABC Sp. z o.o. – SzczecinRADUNIX – A.K. GROMNIAK - SzczecinRegionalna Izba Obrachunkowa - SzczecinREINVEST sp z o.o. Przedsiebiorstwo Projektowania iRealizacji Inwestycji – LodzSKK Systemy Kodów Kreskowych - KrakowSOCHOR - Zaklad Elektroniki i Mechaniki Precyzyjnej –LodzSolaris Laser S.A. – WarszawaSoletanche Polska sp. z o.o. – WarszawaTechnokabel S.A. - WarszawaTIKKURILA BALTCOLOR Sp. z o.o. - SzczecinUNIZETO Ltd. – SzczecinZaklad Ubezpieczen Spolecznych - SzczecinZPBE Energopomiar-Elektryka Sp z o.o. - Gliwice


Participating InstitutionsUniversidade dos AcoresUniversidade do AlgarveUniversidade de AveiroUniversidade de Beira InteriorUniversidade de Coimbra: - Faculdade de Ciencias e TecnologiaUniversidade de Lisboa:- Faculdade de CienciasUniversidade Lusiada: - ArquitecturaUniversidade Nova de Lisboa: - Faculdade de Ciencias e TecnologiaUniversidade do Porto: - Faculdade de EngenhariaUniversidade Tecnica de Lisboa: - Faculdade de Arquitectura- Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria- Instituto Superior Tecnico

Participating EmployersADP-Adubos de Portugal, SAALCANTARA Refinarias de Acucares, SABeralt Tin & Wolfram (Portugal), SABPI-Banco Portugues de InvestimentoBRISA-Auto-Estradas de Portugal, SAC.G.D.CIMPOR-Cimentos de Portugal, SACPPE-Direccao de Producao Hidraulica, SA Ind. CUNHA BARROS, SAEFACEC-Empresa Fabril de Maquinas Electricas, SAEN-Electricidade do Norte, SAEUROCIBERHOVIONE-Sociedade Química, SAINESCLNEC-Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia CivilLTE-Electricidade de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, SAPT-Portugal Telecom, SAPROET-Projectos, Engenharia e Desenvolvimento, SAQUIMIGAL-Quimica de Portugal, SARAR-Refinarias de Acucar Reunidas, SAREN-Rede Electrica Nacional, SASECIL-Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, SASIEMENS, SASLE-Electricidade do Sul, SASOMAGUE Engenharia, SASOMINCOR-Sociedade Mineira Neves-Corvo, SASOPOL-Soc. Geral de Obras Publicas, SA


Participating InstitutionsSlovenská Technická UniverzitaTechnická Univerzita v KosiciachZilinská UniverzitaSlovenská akadémia viedSlovenská Metrologicky Ústav

Participating EmployersStrojnícka fakulta STUFakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky STUChemickotechnologická fakulta STUFakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky TU KosiceHutnícka fakulta TU KosiceStrojnícka fakulta TU KosiceFakulta baníctva, ekológie, riadenia a geotechnológií TUKosiceStavebná fakulta ZUElektrotechnická fakulta ZUStrojnícka fakulta ZUABAX s.r.o.ARMAT spol. s.r.o.Ateliér EurópaAUREX s.r.o.Bowne Global Solutions s.r.o.Datatherm s.r.o.Davex-SK s.r.o.Dopravoprojekt, a.s.ELTECO a.s.EMtestForte s.r.o.Frequentis, spol s.r.o.Globium s.r.o.Globtel GSM a.s.HPSoftIdos projekt s.r.o.Istrometal a.s.Jacobs Suchard Figaro a.s.Küster - automobilová technika s.r.o.Mestsky úrad ZvolenMonarex, a.s.Nemetschek Slovensko s.r.o.OKD, Tatransky Permon, a.s.Procesná automatizácia a.s.RAJO a.s.SCHRAMKO, spol. s.r.o.Slovalco, a.s.Slovenská akadémia viedSlovensky metrologicky ústavStatika stavebnych konstrukciíSWH Siemens Business ServicesTIP-TIF SlovakiaVbrokers o.c.p., a.s.VSE, s.p. KosiceVychodoslovenské energetické závody s.p. KosiceWUSAM, a.s.


Participating InstitutionsAGENDA d.o.o.ARCONT d.o.o.Asyst ElectronicBiotechnical FacultyCenter for Experimental MechanicsCGS d.o.o.DRAVSKE ELEKTRARNE MARIBOREdico Application Solution Provider d.o.o.ELEKTRO Maribor d.d.Elma TT d.d.ELTI d.o.o.ESOTECH d.o.o.Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringFaculty for Civil EngineeringFaculty for Computer and Information ScienceFaculty for Electrotechnical Eng. and Computer Sc.Faculty for Mechanical EngineeringFaculty of Chemistry and Chemichal TechnologyFaculty of Civil and Geodetic EngineeringFaculty of Electrical EngineeringFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringGRAPLAST d.o.o.HELIOSHydro meteorological Institute of SloveniaIBE d.d.IMPOL-INOTECHNA d.o.o.INOKS d.o.o.

Institute of metals and technologyInstitute of Transport and Traffic LjubljanaIskra Sysen d.d.Iskratel d.o.o.Jozef Stefan InstituteKomuna Projekt d.d.Korona Power EngineeringMASCOM d.o.o.National Institute of Chemistry, SloveniaNova KBM d.d.Sava d.d.SKB Banka d.d.Slovenian Nat. Building and Civil Eng. Inst.TALUM d.d. KidricevoTurboinstitut d.d.Ultra d.o.o.Urban Planning Institute of the Rep. of SloveniaVelenje Mines d.d.Zaslon d.o.o.


Participating InstitutionsAsociación-Colegio Ingenieros IcaiCentro Politécnico Superior ZaragozaE.P.S.AlcoyE.T.S.Arquitectura BarcelonaE.T.S.Arquitectura U.Internacional BarcelonaE.T.S.Arquitectura El VallésE.T.S.Arquitectura ValenciaE.T.S.I.Aeronáuticos MadridE.T.S.I.Agrónomos ValenciaE.T.S.I.Caminos BarcelonaE.T.S.I.Caminos GranadaE.T.S.I.Caminos MadridE.T.S.I.Caminos SantanderE.T.S.I.Caminos ValenciaE.T.S.I.Industriales Y Minas VigoE.T.S.I.Industriales Y Telecomunicación SantanderE.T.S.I.Industriales BarcelonaE.T.S.I.Industriales BilbaoE.T.S.I.Industriales MadridE.T.S.I.Industriales MálagaE.T.S.I.Industriales TarrasaE.T.S.I.Industriales ValenciaE.T.S.I.Industriales ValladolidE.T.S.I.Informática ValenciaE.T.S.I.Minas MadridE.T.S.I.Minas OviedoE.T.S.I.Telcomunicaciones BarcelonaE.T.S.I.Telecomunicaciones BilbaoE.T.S.I.Telecomunicaciones La SalleE.T.S.I.Telecomunicaciones MadridE.T.S.I.Telecomunicaciones ValenciaE.U.Arquitectura Técnica ValenciaE.U.I.T.Industriales Y Topografía VitoriaE.U.I.T.Industrial ValenciaE.U.I.T.Obras Públicas MadridE.U.I.T.T.G.Y.Cartográfica ValenciaE.U.Politécnica GandíaE.U.Politécnica LleidaE.U.Politécnica MataróFacultad Ciencias AlicanteFacultad Ciencias U.Autónoma MadridFacultad Físicas BarcelonaFacultad Físicas U.Complutense MadridFacultad Informática BarcelonaFacultad Informática ValenciaFacultad Químicas BarcelonaFacultad Químicas MálagaFacultad Químicas Santiago De CompostelaFacultad Químicas VigoUniversidad Carlos Iii-LeganésUniversidad De BarcelonaUniversidad De CantabriaUniversidad Politécnica De ValenciaUniversidad Pontificia Comillas-IcaiForum Unesco (Aedp)Fundación Leonardo Torres QuevedoInstituto De Física CorpuscularInstituto De Biología Molecular Y Celular De Plantas

Participating Employers9 Espai S.L.Abad Industrial S.A.Acs, Proyectos, Obras Y Cons. S.A.Acsa- Auxiliar De Canalizaciones S.A.Adegas Galegas S.AAena

for Nursery Stock)Procede Twente BVPURAC NetherlandsResearch Station for Floriculture and GlasshouseVegetables(Proefstation voor Bloemisterij en Glasgroente)RijkswaterstaatRIKZ/National Institute for Coastal and MarineManagementRIZA (RWS)Rotterdam United Shipyards BVSara Lee, Douwe EgbertsDepartment of EngineeringSKF Engineering & Research Centre B.VStrukton Systems bv (io)SVP - Architektuur en stedebouwTEAM 4 ArchitectenThermphos International BVThole B.V.TNO Institute of Industrial TechnologyMaterials Technology DivisionTNO, WegtransportmiddelenTU Delft DIMES - DDTCTU Eindhoven Unilever Research VlaardingenCorporate MAST GroupUniversity of AmsterdamUniversity of TwenteVan den Oever, Zaaijer, Roodbeen & Partners architectenVan der Giessen-De NoordVerenfabriek Roveron bvVoets ArchitectenVPInstruments(at Kramers Laboratory for Applied Physics, TU Delft)Witteveen & Bos - Raadgevende Ingenieurs BVXX ArchitectenYamanouchi Europe B.V.


Participating InstitutionsThe Norwegian University of AgricultureThe Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyStavanger University CollegeUniversity of BergenUniversity of OsloUniversity of Tromsoe

Participating EmployersAkvaforskAutosimAanderaa Instruments Bergersen arkitekterBodoe CollegeBorregaard Hellefos Brekke IndustrierDresser-RandDuplo DataAS EDBEDB MaxWareFast Search & TransferFellesdataFjellanger WideroeFlexIm InfowizFuncomGeoGruppenHalliburtonHägglunds MoelvHIASHydro Aluminium SunndalInterConsult GroupBroedrene JohnsenKongsberg GruppenKongsberg OffshoreLarvik og Lardal E-verkLMG MarinLuK NorgeMacks OelbryggeriMarine Aluminium AanesenMarintekMaritime Information TechnologyMatforskMetronNarud-Stokke-WiigNational Centre of TelemedicineNeraNordmoere EnergiverkNorges Handelshoeyskole

Norsk HydroNorske SkogNorwegian Herring Oil & Meal IndustryNorutNycomedOceanorPoseidon SimulationSandnes kommuneSAS DataSebySiemensSintefSjoeberg & Stenberg ArkitekterSkattedirektoratetStatens VegvesenStatkraftStatoilStavanger kommuneSoer-Norge AluminiumTandberg DataTelenorTelesafeTiedemanns TobaksfabrikkTine Nord NorgeTromsoe kommuneTrondheim kommuneUlsteinVadtvedt Mekaniske Verksted


Participating Institutions and EmployersSultan Qaboos UniversityOmanTelecommunication CoPetroleum Development Oman LLCMuscat MunicipalityBahwan Engineering Company LLCOman Cement Company (SAOG)


Participating InstitutionsAl-Khair UniversityAllama Iqbal Open UniversityGIK Institute of Sciences, TopiKarachi UniversityNational College of Arts, LahoreNED University of Engineering & TechnologyUniversity of Arid Agriculture, RawalpindiUniversity of Engineering & Technology, PeshawarUniversity of Engineering & Technology, LahoreUniversity of Engineering & Technology, Taxila

Participating EmployersAL – GHAZI Tractors, D.G.KhanA.R.Pharmaceuticals, HyderabadBeacon House Informatics, Lahore.Brains Degree College, Peshawar.Digitware Systems, PeshawarEngineering Consultants International, Karachi.Farsh-e-Afghan Carpet, KohatGlobal Villages Technologies, QuettaHorizon, QuettaMicro-Systems, PeshawarNational Construction, IslamabadNew Era Textiles, LahorePearl Institute of Management and InformationTechnology, QuettaPreston University, HyderabadQadri Associates, QuettaQushang, LahoreSiddique Leather Works, Lahore.Wadood Wollen Mills, LahoreZeal-Pak Public Housing, Hyderabad


Participating InstitutionsUniversidad de Piura

Participating EmployersTelefónica del Perú


Participating InstitutionsAkademia Gorniczo Hutnicza w Krakowie

Wydzial GorniczyWydzial Metalurgii i Inzynierii MaterialowejWydzial Inzynierii Mechanicznej i RobotykiWydzial Paliw i Energii, Wydzial Metali NiezelaznychWydzial OdlewnictwaWydzial Geodezji Gorniczej i Inzynierii SrodowiskaWydzial Inzynierii Materialowej i CeramikiWydzial ZarzadzaniaWydzial Paliw i EnergiiWydzial Fizyki i Techniki Jadrowej

Politechnika LodzkaInstytut Architektury i UrbanistykiInstytut Chemii OrganicznejInstytut Inzynierii Materialowej i Technik BezwiorowychInstytut Obrabiarek i Budowy MaszynInstytut Podstaw Chemii ZywnosciInstytut PojazdowKatedra Mikroelektroniki i Technik Informatycznych

Politechnika Slaska w GliwicachInstytut TransportuInstytut Automatyki

Politechnika SzczecinskaInstytut Inzynierii MaterialowejInstytut Automatyki PrzemyslowejWydzial Technologii i Inzynierii Chemicznej, Zaklad Chemii Fizycznej

Politechnika WarszawskaLaboratorium Procesow Technologicznych, Wydzial Chemiczny (LPT PW)Polska Akademia NaukCentrum Badan Molekularnych i Makromolekularnych, Lodz

Participating EmployersABB - LodzABC System – GliwiceAdrem Software – KrakowAMG:net-Interactive Media Agency – LodzAIUT Sp z o.o. – GliwiceArchitektoniczne Biuro Projektowo - Badawcze ‘Arhead’sp. z o.o. - WarszawaATLAS - Wytwornia Klejow i Zapraw Budowlanych - LodzAutorska Pracownia Architektoniczna Markowski,Wojciechowski sp. z o.o.- WarszawaBiuro Architektoniczne - Gorgul Wisniewski - LodzBiuro Budownictwa sp. z o.o. - Lutomski – LodzBiuro Projektow Budownictwa Ogolnego ‘Budpol’ S.A. -WarszawaBiuro Studiów i Projektów Energetycznych‘Energoprojekt’ S.A. - GliwiceBiuro Urbanistyczno Architektoniczne WMW Projekt S.C.– LodzBulanda Mucha Architekci sp. z o.o. - WarszawaCentrum Diagnostyki i Terapii Laserowej - LodzCentrum Komputerowe ZETO S.A. LodzCENTUR - Przedsiebiorstwo Uslug KomputerowychCENTURCOMMON sp. z o.o – LodzCopy-Partners Sp. z o.o. – SzczecinData Telekommunication Systems sp. z o.o. - WarszawaDiehl Architekci - LodzENERGOMONTAZ-REM Zaklad Doswiadczalny, InstytutuTechniki Cieplnej – LodzFabryka Okladzin Ciernych Fomar - Roulunds S.A. –WarszawaFM Polska sp. z o.o. - WarszawaGliwickie Biuro Projektow Budownictwa Przemyslowego– GliwiceGrodziskie Zaklady Farmaceutyczne ‘Polfa’ S.A. –Grodzisk MazowieckiHochtief Polska SA - Warszawa‘INARKO’ Przedsiebiorstwo Projektowania i ObslugiInwestycji Sp z o.o. – GliwiceIChP Instytut Chemii Przemys_owej - WarszawaInstytut Spawalnictwa – GliwiceInstytut Lacznosci - WarszawaINTOP Ltd. - SzczecinINWAT Zaklad Badawczo-Projektowy - LodzInwest-Complex Sp z o.o. – GliwiceKEMIPOL Ltd. - PoliceKOMFORT Sp. z o.o. - SzczecinLozamet sp. z o.o. – Lodz

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 3736 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

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University College of KalmarUniversity College of MälardalenUniversity College of SkövdeUniversity College of Trollhättan/UddevallaUppsala UniversityVäxjö University

Participating Employers ABB Automation Products AB, VästeråsABB Control AB, VästeråsABB Power Systems AB, LudvikaABB Power Systems AB, VästeråsAlfa Laval Thermal AB, LundAssiDomän AB, Corporate R&D, SkärblackaAutoflator AB, VårgårdaAutoliv Development AB, VårgårdaAvesta Sandvik Tube AB, TorshällaBT Industries AB, MjölbyCarlsberg Sverige, BrommaCementa AB, SliteChalmers tekniska högskola, GöteborgComnet Sys AB, HuddingeDuni Paper Mills, KisaEka Chemicals AB, BohusElektroSandberg AB, MalmöEricsson Cables AB, SundbybergEHPT Sweden AB, StockholmEricsson Microwave Systems AB, BoråsEricsson Mobile Data Design AB, GöteborgEricsson Radio Access AB, StockholmFindus R & D, BjuvFlextronics International Sweden AB, VisbyGlycorex AB, LundGyllensvaans Möbler, AB, KättilstorpGöteborgs Stadsbyggnadskontor, GöteborgHesselby Västergård, MotalaHolmen Paper AB, HallstavikIBM Svenska AB, KistaIggesunds Bruk, IggesundInstitutet för Metallforskning, StockholmInternationella Programkontoret förutbildningsområdet, StockholmITT Flygt AB, EmmabodaKungl Tekniska Högskolan, StockholmLear Corporation Sweden Gnosjöplast AB, GnosjöLKAB, KirunaLKAB, MalmbergetLULEÅ TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, LuleåLänsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, LuleåMEFOS, LuleåMetsä Tissue AB, Katrinefors Bruk, MariestadMiljö- och hälsoskyddsförvaltningen, VästeråsMiljö- och Stadsbyggnad, Uddevalla KommunMilko, Grådö Mejeri, HedemoraMoDo Skog AB, ÖrnsköldsvikMälarenergi AB, VästeråsNCC AB/Hus, JönköpingNimbus Produktion i Visby AB, VisbyNokia Svenska AB, KistaNordvästra Skånes Renhållning AB, HelsingborgNynäs AB, NynäshamnOvako Steel AB, HorforsPermascand AB, LjungaverkRexam Fosie AB, MalmöSaab Ericsson Space AB, GöteborgSaft Nife, OskarshamnSandvik Steel, AB, SandvikenSCA Forest & Timber AB, LyckseleScania CV AB, SödertäljeScania CV AB, FalunSiemens Building Technologies AB, Landis & SteafaDivision, HuddingeSiemens-Elema AB, SolnaSkanska Anläggning AB, LundSkanska Teknik AB, MalmöSKF Nova AB, GöteborgSKF Sverige, GöteborgSt. Jude Medical; CRMD, JärfällaSTFI, StockholmSwep International AB, LandskronaSydkraft Elförsäljning AB, KalmarSödra Cell AB, VäröbackaTelelogic AB, MalmöTelia Prosoft AB, MalmöValmet Screen Plates AB, GrästorpVattenfall Elnätservice AB, MotalaVolvo Aero Corporation, TrollhättanVolvo Car Components Corporation, Olof-strömVolvo Car Corporation, GöteborgVolvo Construction Equipment, Eskilstuna

Volvo Lastvagnar AB, GöteborgVolvo Personvagnar AB, SkövdeVägverket Region Mitt, HärnösandVägverket Region Norr, LuleåVägverket Region Skåne, KristianstadVägverket Region Sydöst, JönköpingVänersborgs Kommun, VänersborgVästerås Stad, Fastighetskontoret, VästeråsWestinghouse Atom AB, VästeråsÅF-Elteknik AB, StockholmÅF Process Design AB, Helsingborg


Participating InstitutionsCantonal UniversitiesSwiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPF Lausanne)University of BaselUniversity of BerneUniversity of FribourgUniversity of GenevaUniversity of LausanneUniversity of NeuchâtelUniversity of St. GallenUniversity of ZurichThe Universities of Applied SciencesUniversities of Applied Sciences of Berne:

Berner Fachhochschule BernHochschule für Technik und Architektur (HTA) BernHochschule für Technik und Architektur (HTA) BielHochschule für Technik und Architektur (HTA) BurgdorfSchweizerische Hochschule für die Holzwirtschaft (SH-Holz) BielSchweizerische Hochschule für die Landwirtschaft (SHL) Zollikofen

University of Applied Sciences of Central Switzerland:FHZ Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz LuzernHochschule für Technik und Architektur Luzern Horw

University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland:Fachhochschule Ostschweiz St. GallenHochschule RapperswilHochschule für Technik ChurFachhochschule für Technik St. Gallen

University of Applied Sciences of Northern Switzerland:Fachhochschule Aargau für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung: Direktionsbereich WindischFachhochschule beider Basel, MuttenzFachhochschule Solothurn Nordwestschweiz: Hochschule für Technik, Oensingen

University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland:Scuola Universitario professionale della Svizzera Italiana SUPSI

University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland:Ecole d’Ingénieurs de FribourgEcole d’Ingénieurs de GenèveEcole d’Ingénieurs de l’Etat de VaudEcole d’Ingénieurs du Canton de NeuchâtelEcole d’Ingénieurs du Valais

University of Applied Sciences of Zurich:Hochschule WädenswilHochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Zürich

Participating EmployersABB Corporate Research Ltd., Baden-DättwilABB Daimler-Benz Transportation (Schweiz) AG,PrattelnABB Industrie AG, BirrABB Kraftwerke AG, BadenABB Sécheron SA, GenèveABB Turbo Systems AG, BadenAlpha Real AG, ZürichAlusuisse Aluminium Suisse SA, ChippisAPI Portescap SA , La Chaux-de-FondsAscom Infrasys AG, Solothurnat rete corporate networking AG, ZürichATUS AG, NeerachBaudepartement Basel-Stadt, BaselBaumschule Zulauf AG, Schinznach-DorfBBR Systems Ltd., SchwerzenbachBKW FMB Energie AG, BernBrändle, Missura & Partner Informatik AG, ZürichBruker AG, FällandenBSI Bureau de Service et d’Ingénierie, LausanneBurckhardt + Partner AG Architekten Generalplaner, BaselCentralschweizerische Kraftwerke, Luzern

Charles Steiner, Reb- und Weinbau, LigerzChristian Haller, Ingénieur-Géomètre, GenèveCiba Vision AG, HettlingenClariant (Schweiz) AG, MuttenzClaridenbank, ZürichCMC Carl Maier + Cie AG, SchaffhausenCU Chemie Uetikon AG, Uetikon a.S.EG Tel AG, ZürichEidg. Forschungsanstalt Reckenholz FAL, ZürichEidg. Vermessungsdirektion, BernElektrobit AG, BubikonElektrowatt Engineering AG, ZürichEMPA, St. GallenEndress + Hauser Flowtec AG, ReinachEnter AG, ZürichEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, LausanneEstavayer Lait SA, EstavayerETH Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, LindauETH Versuchsgüter, HünenbergEurospider Information Technology AG, ZürichFachhochschule Solothurn, OensingenF. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, BaselFKH - Fachkommission für Hochspannungsfragen, ZürichFluka Chemie AG, BuchsForbo-CTU AG, SchönenwerdFriedrich Miescher-Institut, BaselGredinger Weinbau und Weinhandel, LigerzGretag Imaging AG, RegensdorfHans K. Schibli AG, ZürichHCB Ciments et Bétons "Holderbank", EclépensHilti AG, SchaanHuber + Suhner AG, Herisauibw ag software, TurgiISTAG AG, EgliswilITEC Ingenieur AG, BernKantonales Labor, ZürichKantonsspital St. Gallen, St. GallenKarton Deisswil AG, StettlenKernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG, LeibstadtKF Ingenieurbüro für Haus- und Verfahrens-Technik, VolketswilKistler Instrumente AG, WinterthurKnorr Nährmittel AG, ThayngenKonservenfabrik Bischofszell AG, BischofszellKristal Instrumente AG, WinterthurLandert-Motoren AG, BülachLeica Geosystems AG, HeerbruggLosinger SA, BussignyMeliorations- und Vermessungsamt GR, ChurM.E. Müller-Institut für Biomechanik, BernMettler-Toledo GmbH, GreifenseeNagra, WettingenNestlé Product Technology Centre, KonolfingenNestlé Suisse SA, La Tour-de-PeilzNovartis Crop Protection AG, BaselNovartis Pharma AG, BaselObrist und Partner, St. MoritzOpen Text AG, St. GallenPaul Scherrer Institut PSI, VilligenPhilips Semiconductors AG, ZürichPhonak AG, StäfaRoche AG, SisselnRockwell Automation, DierikonRohner AG, PrattelnRothpletz, Lienhard + Cie. AG, AarauSchiffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees,Luzern Schindler Aufzüge AG, EbikonSchweizerische Bundesbahnen, BernScintilla AG, SolothurnSiemens Building Technologies AG, ZugSigrist + Meyer, Freilandrosen, WilSIKA AG, ZürichSMAT Engineering S.à.r.l., GenèveSSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG, HorgenStuder Professional Audio AG, RegensdorfSulzer AG Technologiekonzern, WinterthurSulzer Orthopedics AG, WinterthurSulzer Turbo AG, ZürichSulzer Wintec AG, WinterthurSwiss Federal Institute of Technology, ZürichTerra Vermessungen AG, ZürichTiefbauamt des Kantons Bern, BernToni AG, OstermundigenVermessungsamt des Kantons Luzern, LuzernWaldhauser Haustechnik AG, MünchensteinWandfluh AG, FrutigenWanner AG, Aathal-SeegräbenWanner AG, St. Gallen

Albert Pla Gisbert ArchitectAlcatel Cable Ibérica S.L.Alcon Cusi S.A.Aldesa Construcciones S.A.Alimatic S.L.Al-Ko EspañaAllibert Manutención S.A.AmenaAmerican National Can Iberica S.A.Amylum IbéricaAntonio Soriano, Ingeniería Del Suelo S.A.AquagestArgus Serveis TelematicsArquitectos Y AparejadoresArtesania CerdaAsociación Instituto De BiomecánicaAsuer S.A.Atil-Cobra S.A.Audiotec S.A.Autopista Vasco-Aragonesa CesaAutoridad Portuaria De BilbaoAutoridad Portuaria De CastellónAutoridad Portuaria De Gijón-AvilésAutoridad Portuaria De TarragonaAvp ArquitectosAyuntamiento De AlaquasAyuntamiento De AlcoyAyuntamiento De AldaiaAyuntamiento De AlmenaraAyuntamiento De BarcelonaAyuntamiento De BéteraAyuntamiento De Caravaca De La CruzAyuntamiento De ChirivellaAyuntamiento De CocentainaAyuntamiento De ElcheAyuntamiento De FrigilianaAyuntamiento De GironaAyuntamiento De La Vall D’uxoAyuntamiento De LleidaAyuntamiento De ManisesAyuntamiento De MinglanillaAyuntamiento De PuçolAyuntamiento De SabadellAyuntamiento De San Cugat Del VallésAyuntamiento De TarragonaAyuntamiento De Tavernes De ValldignaAyuntamiento De TorreblancaAyuntamiento De TorremolinosAyuntamiento De ViladecansBayer Hispania S.A.Bbr Ingeniería De Servicios S.L.Bioibérica Bultzaki S.L.C.E.D.I.E.Cable I Televisió De CatalunyaCarlos Domínguez De PradosCartifCarugil S.L.Centro De Tecnologías Aeronáuticas-CtaCerberus ProteccionCitega S.L.Colebega S.A.Colorobbia España S.A.Comsa S.A.Comunicaciones Y Sonido S.A.Confederación Hidrográfica Del JúcarConfemaderaConstrucciones Y Estudios Boix-Andres Construcciones Y Obras LlorenteConstructora San José S.A.Convex Supercomputer S.A.E.Copcisa- Cons. Y Obr. Públicas Y CivilesCoto Minero Del Narcea S.A.Cotyastor S.A.Cristian Cirici & Associats S.A.Crivillé I Arquitectes Associats S.L.Cspt ArquitectosDalibos S.L.Derivados Fitoterapeúticos S.A.Desarrollos Informaticos Rigel S.L.Diari Segre S.L.Diputación De BarcelonaDiputación Provincial De AlicanteDiputación Provincial De CastellónDragados Y Construcciones S.A.Eldu S.A.Endesa S.A.Ente Asturias De La EnergiaEstudio De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo Angel Asenjo Ass.Eurocontratas S.A.

Euskal Telebista S.A.FabisaFarmacia Forcada GarijoFarmacia M.Paz Uriol BatuecasFata Automation S.A.Federico Giner S.A.Feliciano Aranzábal S.A.Ferrocarrils De La Generalitat De CatalunyaFida-Fomento De Iniciativas Y DesarrolloFundación CetemmsaFundación I.P.E.C.Gabarró S.A.GalolGeplasmetal Ss.Cc.SaGote S.A.Grupo De Ingenieria Y Arquitectura S.L.Grupo Empresarial EnceGrupo Hepresan S.L.Gtd Ingenieria De Sistemas Guillermo Maluenda Colomer ArquitecteH.P. Ingenieros S.R.G.Hernández Zamora S.A.Hewlett-Packard EspañolaHidráulica Aragon S.L.Hormigones El OliveralIberdrola S.A.Iberica De Estudios E Ingenieria S.A.Id Grup Servicios S.L.Idus Ingenieria Y Arquitectura S.A.Ieasa Y FeslInad S.L.Inbarpe S.L.Industrial Brinco S.A.Industrias Iter S.A.Industrias Rios S.L.Infraestructuras Y Urbanismo S.A.Ingecosur S.A.Ingeniería De Tráfico S.L.Ingeniería Y Economía Del Transporte S.A.Instituto Nacional De SilicosisIntegral S.A.Integralis Retail S.A.Ipb S.A.Irametal Stadco S.A. Iul S.A.Jet Enlaces InformaticosJordi Sutrias FigueresJose Macias LagruJuan Manuel Navarro BastidorKnorr-Bremse GmbhKostal Electrica S.A.L.M.78 S.L.La Seda De Barcelona S.A.La Vajilla Enériz S.A.Labiana Life Science S.A.Larzep S.A.Lemona Industrial S.A.Llum I Color S.A.Logoscript S.L.Luis Salsas BorrasMª Teresa Gurí I MasvidalMancomunidad De Municipis De La SaforManuel Roger Echevarria ArquitecteManuel Ruisanchez ArquitecteManufacturas Antonio Gassol S.A.Manufacturas Aracil S.A.Manufacturas Del Caucho S.A.Mapfre Seguros GeneralesMarco Mariño BlancoMarti Cabestany Puertolas ArquitecteMartínez Segovia, Fdez. Pallas Y Asoc. S.A.Mazel Ingenieros S.A.Mercedes Benz VitoriaMeted SoftwareMiguel Carrera Y Cia S.A.Milacron Iberica S.L.Millet Biosca I Associats S.L.Miquel Vera ArquitecteModelos Gabord S.L.Mondragón Corp. Cooperativa- M.C.C.Movimientos Y Voladuras S.L.Nacional Motor S.A.Necso S.A.Neumac S.A.Nova Recyd S.A.Nte S.A.Obrascon Huarte Lain S.A.Octavio Mestre Y Asociados ArquitecteOmb, Sistemas Electrónicos S.A.On Line1 S.A.

Pich-Aguilera ArchitectesPoliclínico De Vigo S.A.- PovisaPrecisgalPremo S.A.Prensa Malagueña S.A.Proas Ingeniería S.L.ProcinsaPromocion Economica De Moncada S.A.Promotora De Informaciones S.A.R.Coll Arquitectos E Ingenieros S.L.Revlon S.L.Robert Brufau & AsociadosS.G.Telecomunicaciones Y ServiciosSaitec S.A.Sánchez Molina AbogadosSánchez Y Lago S.L.Santos Cocina Y Baño S.L.Sbs SeidorSedesa Obras Y Servicios S.A.Sener Ingenieria Y Sistemas S.A.Sgo Software S.A.Shitauke Corp.S.L.Siemens Elasa S.A.Siemens S.A.Sintel S.A.Smc España S.A.Socieda Gral. De Aguas De Barcelona S.A.Socintec S.A.Socueva ConstruccionesSoftware Grupo V S.L.TabasaTacore S.L.TafisaTaim-TfgTaller Mec. Vega Lopez Hnos S.A.Team- Tecn. Europea Aplicada Al MovimientoTecno Design S.L.TecnocontrolTecplan S.A.Telefónica S.A.Televisión De Catalunya S.A.Termicas CaseymoTeza Ingeniería S.A.Torraspapel S.A.Torrescamara Y Cia. De Obras S.A.Tubos Reunidos S.A.Urbanistas Ingenieros S.A.Utillaje Y MatriceriaVall CompanysVdo Instrumentos España S.A.Ventura Valcarcel Magdalena ArquitectoVitri Electro-Metalurgica S.A.Yudigar S.A.Ziv, Aplicaciones Y Tecnología S.A

Sri Lanka

Participating Institutions University of Moratuwa

Participating Employers Lanka Transformers Ltd.Ceylon Tobacco Company Ltd.e-Runway (Pvt) Ltd.Millennium IT Software,Clipsal Lanka (Pvt) Ltd,


Participating Institutions Blekinge Institute of TechnologyChalmers University of TechnologyDalarna University CollegeGöteborg UniversityKarlstad UniversityLinköping UniversityLuleå University of TechnologyLund UniversityMid-Sweden University CollegeRoyal Institute of TechnologySLU, The Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesStockholm UniversitySödertörns Högskola University CollegeUmeå UniversityUniversity College of BoråsUniversity College of GotlandUniversity College of GävleUniversity College of HalmstadUniversity College of Jönköping

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Participating InstitutionsAdnan Menderes ÜniversitesiAnkara ÜniversitesiAtatürk ÜniversitesiBalıkesir ÜniversitesiBilkent ÜniversitesiBogaziçi ÜniversitesiÇukurova ÜniversitesiDokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiEge ÜniversitesiErciyes ÜniversitesiFırat ÜniversitesiGazi ÜniversitesiGaziantep ÜniversitesiGaziosmanpasa ÜniversitesiHacettepe ÜniversitesiIstanbul ÜniversitesiIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiKaradeniz Teknik ÜniversitesiKaraelmas ÜniversitesiKocaeli ÜniversitesiMarmara ÜniversitesiMimar Sinan ÜniversitesiMustafa Kemal ÜniversitesiOndokuz Mayıs ÜniversitesiOsmangazi ÜniversitesiOrta Dogu Teknik ÜniversitesiSakarya ÜniversitesiSelçuk ÜniversitesiSüleyman Demirel ÜniversitesiTrakya ÜniversitesiUludag ÜniversitesiYıldız Teknik Üniversitesi

Participating EmployersALCATEL KABLO ENDÜSTRI ve TIC.A.S.AGE Insaat ve Tic. A.S.BASER Kimya Sanayii ve Ticaret A.S.BAYINDIRLIK VE ISKN BAKANLIGIKarayolları Genel Müdürlügü

D.S.I. (Devlet Su Isleri ) Genel MüdürlügüBEKTAS Mimarlık Mühendislik A.S.DÖKTAS Dükömcülük Sanayii ve Ticaret A.S.DELPHI PACKARD Elektrik SistemleriENERJI VE TABII KAYNAKLAR BAKANLIGIE.I.E.I. Genel MüdürlügüT.E.K. Genel MüdürlügüTEK Çatalagzı termik Santralı isletme MüdürlügüTEK Orhaneli termik Santralı isletme MüdürlügüTEK Soma-B Termik Santralı isletme MüdürlügüTEK Yatagan Termik santralı isletme MüdürlügüTEK Yeniköy Termik Santralı isletme Müdürlügü

ETIBANK GENEL MÜDÜRLÜGÜEtibank Antalya Elektrometalurji sanayi isletmesi

MüessesesiEtibank Küre Bakırlı Prit isletmesi MüessesesiEtibank Keçiborlu Kükürtleri isletmesi MüessesesiEtibank Seydisehir Alüminyum isletmesi MüessesesiEtibank Sarkkromları Ferrokrom isletmesi Müessesesi

ERBOSAN Erciyas Boru Sanayii ve Ticaret A.S.ENTE Endüstri ve Tesisat A.S.HAS Mimarlık Ltd. Sti.ILLER BANKASI GENEL MÜDÜRLÜGÜ

- Bölge Müdürlügü Adapazarı Kanalizasyon Insaatı-Bölge Müdürlügü Izmir Kanalizasyon Insaatı-Bölge Müdürlügü Antalya Kanalizasyon Insaatı-Bölge Müdürlügü Karıkkale içmesuyu Arıtma Tesisi

Insaatı-Bölge Müdürlügü Trabzon içmesuyu Arıtma Tesisi

InsaatıIstanbul Sanayii OdasıIstanbul Teknik ÜniversiteiLUCAS DIZEL A.S.Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel MüdürlügüMannesmann-Sümerbank Boru Edüstrisi T.A.S.Maret A.S.MATU Mimarlık A.S.Mercedes-Benz Türk A.S.NETAS Northern Electric Telekomünikasyon A.S.NURSAN Polimer Kimya San. A.S.PROJE Mimarlık Müsavirlik Ltd. Sti.PIRAMIT MimarlıkPRO-PLAN Project.Eng. Ltd. Sti.TÜRK TELEKOMÜNIKASYON A.S. Istanbul TelefonBasmüdürlügü

Izmir Telefon BasmüdürlügüAnkara Telefon Basmüdürlügü

STFA Mühendislik A.S.SANAYI VE TICARET BAKANLIGITürkiye Seker Fabrikaları A.S.

Ankara Elektromekanik Aygıtlar Fabrikası EskisehirMakina FabrikasıSANKO Iplik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.SETAS Kimya Sanayi A.S.SEYAS Insaat A.S.TAPU ve KADASTRO GENEL MÜDÜRLÜGÜT.GEMI SANAYII T.A.S.TÜRKIYE KÖMÜR ISLETMELERI KURUMU GENELMÜDÜRLÜGÜTKI Ege Linyitleri Asletmesi müessesesi MüdürlügüTKI Garp Linyitleri Isletmesi Müessesesi MüdürlügüTKI Orta Anadolu Linyitleri Isletmesi MüessesesiMüdürlügüTKI Seyitömer Linyitleri Isletmesi Müessesesi MüdürlügüTKI Afsin Elbistan Linyitleri Isletmesi müessesesiMüdürlügüTARIM VE KÖYISLERI BAKANLIGIAnkara Veteriner Kontrol ve Arastırma EnstitüsüHayvan Hastalıkları Merkez Arastırma EnstitüsüAtatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Arastırma EnstitüsüBursa Gıda Teknolojisi Arastırma EnstitüsüTarımsal Üretim ve Gelistirme Genel MüdürlügüMeyvecilik Üretme Istasyonu MüdürlügüBeydere Zirai Üretim Isletmesi MüdürlügüSöke zirai Üretim Isletmesi Müdürlügü

OTOSAN Otomobil Sanayii A.S.ORAN Mimarlık Ltd.Orta Dogu Teknik ÜniversitesiORMAN BAKANLIGI

Batı Akdeniz Ormancılık Arastırma EnstitüsüMüdürlügü

Dogu Akdeniz Ormancılık Arastırma EnstitüsüMüdürlügü

Batı Karadeniz Ormancılık Arastırma EnstitüsüMüdürlügü

Dogu Karadeniz Ormancılık Arastırma EnstitüsüMüdürlügü

Hızlı Gelisen Orman Agaçları Arastırma EnstitüsüMüdürlügüÖDÜL Ilaç Aeresol Kimya San. Tic.A.S.TÜRKIYE DEMIR ve ÇELIK ISLETMELERI GENELMÜDÜRLÜGÜ

Iskenderun Demir Çelik FabrikalarıTÜRKIYE SELÜLOZ ve KAGIT FABR. ISLT. GENELMÜDÜRLÜGÜ (SEKA)TÜRK HAVA YOLLARI A.O. GENEL MÜDÜRLÜGÜTÜRKIYE TASKÖMÜRÜ KURUMU GENEL MÜDÜRLÜGÜTÜRKIYE ÇIMENTO ve TOPRAK SANAYI T.A.S.Denizli Çimento FabrikasıErgani Çimento FabrikasıSöke Çimento FabrikasıLalapasa Çimento FabrikasıBozöyük Seramik Sanayii Müessesesi

TÜRKIYE GÜBRE SANAYI A.S. GENEL MÜDÜRLÜGÜGemlik FabrikalarıKütahya FabrikalarıSamsun Fabrikaları

Yeraltı Aramacılık Arst.Yıldız Teknik ÜniversitesiZetas Zemin Teknolojisi A.S.

United Kingdom

Participating InstitutionsAberdeen UniversityAbertay Dundee UniversityBirmingham UniversityBristol UniversityBrunel UniversityCambridge UniversityCardiff UniversityDurham UniversityEdinburgh UniversityGlasgow UniversityGreenwich UniversityHull UniversityImperial College, University of LondonKing’s College, University of LondonKingston UniversityLeeds UniversityLeicester UniversityLiverpool UniversityLoughborough UniversityManchester UniversityNapier UniversityNewcastle UniversityNottingham UniversityQueen Mary & Westfield College, University of LondonQueen’s University of BelfastRobert Gordon UniversitySheffield UniversitySouthampton UniversitySt Andrew’s UniversityStrathclyde UniversitySurrey UniversityUniversity College LondonUniversity of Manchester Institute of Science andTechnology (UMIST)Warwick UniversityYork UniversityUlster UniversityUniversity of Wales, AberystwythUniversity of Wales, Swansea

Participating Employers4th Wave TechnologiesAberdeenshire CouncilAberdeen UniversityAmerican ExpressAnalysys LtdAndor TechnologyAndrews Kalik AssociatesAston UniversityAveciaBalfour Beatty Major ProjectsBarclays Bank PlcBass Ireland LtdBear Stearns InternationalBoyd PartnershipBristol UniversityBritish Telecommunications PlcBuilding Design PartnershipBulrush Peat CompanyByrom Clark RobertsCaerphilly Countryside ServiceCardiff UniversityCellbond Composites LtdCIBC World MarketsCitibankCollett – ZarzyckiConoco (UK) LtdConsarc Design GroupCorus InternationalCosworth TechnologyCray Valley LtdCredit LyonnaisCredit Suisse First Boston (Europe) LtdCubic Transportation Systems LtdDB Group Services (UK) LtdD Hyndman & Son LtdDept. of the Environment (Northern Ireland)Dept. of Agricultural Research & Development (NorthernIreland)Deutsche Bank, AGDonaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette InternationalDu Pont (UK) LtdDurham UniversityEdinburgh Parallel Computing CentreEdinburgh UniversityEmerging Markets Economics

Warburg Dillon Read (UBS), OpfikonWavetek Wandel L. Goltermann, ZürichZweifel Pomy Chips AG, SpreitenbachZwimpfer Partner Architekten, Basel


Participating InstitutionsUniversity of AleppoFaculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering &Electronics University of DamascusFaculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Civil Engineering,Faculty of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Faculty ofPharmacy, Faculty of Science, Chemistry, GeologyPublic Establishment for Generation and Transmission ofElectrical Energy, DamascusUniversity of AleppoFaculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of MechanicalEngineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty ofArchitectural Engineering,

Participating EmployersUniversity of DamascusFaculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of MechanicalEngineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty ofArchitecture Engineering, Faculty of AgriculturalEngineering, Public Establishment for Generation and Transmission ofElectrical Energy, AleppoArabian Cement & Building Materials, AleppoAL Shark Spinning & Weaving Co. AleppoIndustrial Company for Garments, AleppoUniversity of AL Baath, Homs, Faculty of VeterinaryBanias Refinery Company


Participating InstitutionsTajik Institute of ManagementTajik State University of Law, Business and PoliticsTajik Agriculture CollegeModern Humanitarian UniversityTajik Fine Art InstituteTajik Commercial InstituteTechnological College of IsfaraKhujand Technological UniversityKhujand Technical UniversityOpen University in PanjakentTajik State Language Institute

Participating EmployersJoint Stock Company "Bodom"Joint Venture "VT-Silk"Khujand-PEPSI Ltd"Saykhun Ltd.""Parviz Ltd."Joint Stock Company MMKGMH Asia Ltd"Bahadur"Collective Enterprise "Kanibadam"Joint Stock Company "Resmon"Telecomm TechnologyResearch Institute of AgricultureInformation Agency "ASIA-Plus"Tajik Aluminium PlantJoint Venture "Somoncom"-Khujand Canned Factory-Khujandtorgmash-Private Company "S.Isomaddinov"- Regional Committee for Environmental Protection-Tajik-geologyCollective Enterprise "Z.Hasanov"Joint Venture "Zarafshon"Joint Venture "Obi Zulol"


Participating Institutions and EmployersArtith Machinery Co., LtdBang Po EngineeringBangkok Broadcasting & Television (Channel 7) Bangpo Engineering Co., LtdBosco Machinery Co., LtdCharoen Chai Transformer Co., LtdCharoenchai Transformer Co., LtdChiang Mai University

Commgate Solution Co., LtdConveyor Technology Co., LtdData Engineering Ltd., PartsElectricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)Famous Group Co., LtdInformation Systems Education Center (NIDA)Kasetsart University (RDIPT)Kasetsart University (Research and Development Instituteof Industrial Production Technology (RDIPT) )Khon Kean UniversityKing Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang(KMITL)King Mongkut's Institute Technology of North Bangkok(KMITNB)King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi(KMUTT)M.I. High Tech Co., LtdMae Jo UniversityMagpie Blazetech Co. LtdMetro Systems Corporation Public Company LimitedNaresuan UniversityNovem Engineering Co., LtdP.P.Packaging Co., LtdPacific E.N.G (1996) Co., LtdPan Drives Co., LtdPatharamethakij Co., LtdPatkol Public Company Limited.Plango Co., LtdPrachongkij Karnchang Co., LtdPrince of Songkla UniversityPullthana Technology & Supply Ltd., PartsRajabhat Institute MahasarakhamRajabhat Institute Nakhon RatchasimaRajabhat Institute PhetchaburiRajabhat Institute PhranakornRajabhat Institute Suan DusitRajabhat Institute UdonthaniRajamangala Institute of TechnologyRajamangala Institute of Technology Wang Klai KangWor CampusRajamangala Institute of Technology, Chiang RaiCampusRangsit UniversityRayal Thai Army Radio and Television (Channel 5)S.W. Polyester Fiber (Thailand) Co., LtdSamruay Engineering Co., LtdSiam Business Administration College (SBAC)Siam GS Battery Co., LtdSiam Senater Co., LtdSiam UniversitySilpakorn UniversitySirindhorn International Institute of TechnologyThammasat UniversitySripatum UniversitySun Filter Co., LtdSyndome Electronics Industry Co., LtdTBK Krungthep Co., LtdTechnology Support Co., LtdThai - Asia P.E.PIPE Co., LtdThai Central Mechanics Co., LtdThai Development Machinery Ltd., PartThai Suzuki Motor Co., LtdThe Mass Communication of Thailand (MCOT)The Mass Communication Organization of Thailand(Channel 9)Tri Petch ISUZU Sales Co., LtdUbon Ratchathani UniversityVachira Group Co., LtdVanachai Group Co., LtdVanachai Group Public Company Limited


Participating Institutions and EmployersABCADWYAAESAFRICA PRODUCTIONAgence Amira NOUIRAAgence ATEB SamyAgence Ben Jannet MustaphaAgence d'architecture BEN AYEDAgence de Protection et d'Aménagement du Littoral(APAL)Agence Foued EL EUCHAgence Mohamed BOUZEIANEAgence NASFI SabriAgence Saloua MILIAgence Taoufik BOUSSLEMAAgence ZAYATI Mongi

ARCHIArt et ConceptionARTCADAtelier d'architecture Azza Bel Hadj Amor HamzaAtelier de Recherches et d'Etudes Architecturales (AREA)BACOTIMBCEC.A.R.ECabinet Jamel EllouzeCabinet d'architecture BELKHIRE Mohamed SémyCabinet d'architecture EL EUCH TaoufikCabinet d'architecture KLAA SamiCabinet d'architecture KRID NajibCabinet d'architecture Messaouda TAIEBCabinet d'architecture Mohamed SGHAIERCabinet d'architecture MRABET HendCabinet d'architecture Mustapha BEN JENNETCabinet EL EUCH wadiCabinet ENNAIFER MohamedCAMI (Compagnie d'Assistance et de MaintenanceIndustrielle)CARACTERECERAPECHETOUI AliCOMETE ENGINEERINGCOMPAGNIE AFRICAINE DE PEINTURECONCEPT IngénierieCYNEX SoftwareDIRASSETDISCOVERY INFORMATIQUEEcole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de TunisELBMENNAKLEntreprises des Traveaux ElectriquesEXPOSIGNEFPEED Info TelecomGénérale Tunisienne de l'InformatiqueGerman Computer Group ServiceGETCAUGLC TUNISIEGoupe Chimique TunisienICARE(Ingenierie,Conseil,Architecture,Réamenagment,Etudes)Industrie du Metal DéployéINDUSTRIE DU METAL DEPLOYE SAINDUSTRIES CHIMIQUES DU FLUORInstitut de l'OlivierInstitut de Recherche pour le DéveloppementInstitution de Recherches en Sciences Informatiques etTélécomINTELLIXXINTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT TUNISIEKHRYSTAL ENGINEERINGKRAFT SERVICESLa Société Tunisienne Des Peintures "ASTRAL"Les Ateliers de la Rive SudLes Grandes Carrieres du Nord "GCN"LEXSYSL-SAT (NOKIA Tunisia)M2A INGENIERIEMaghrebia Technology Transfer (MTT)MEDIANETMEDIANOVAMEDIATELMEDISEA Hotel clubMEGEXMGH (Mohamed Ghali)MICROPROMulti Services IndustrielsNEXT softwareOPTIMA INGENIERIEPoint CarréPrécision TopographiquePYRA TUNISIERESOCOM INFORMATIQUES.I. TUNISIE LAITSADIRASELECT AGRICOLE SERVICESSIPASlim BEN NESSIBSOBEATSociété AUDASociéte de Fonderies et de MécaniqueSociété ELGAMRASociété Industielle de Pesage et AutomationSociété Industrielle De Maroquinerie et PlastiqueSociété Les Ciments Artificiels Tunisiens-COLACEMGRUPPOFINANCOSociété Tunisienne d'AvicultureSociété Tunisienne d'Equipement Collectif et Ménager

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 4140 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Page 23: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

Albany International Research CoAllan Greenberg Architect, LLCAlliance for International Educational and CulturalExchangeAlltech, IncALSTOM ESCA CorpAltech CorpAM LawnscapingAmazon.ComAnalog Devices, IncArchitectural Resources Collaborative, IncArzoon ComASC TechnologiesAseptico, IncAtofina Chemicals, IncAuSim, IncAUTECS, IncAvision Labs, Inc.Ballinger CoBarbara Thayer, PCBardon Trimount, IncBaxter HealthcareBD BiosciencesBedford, Freeman and Worth Publishing GroupBeumer CorpBingham Dana LLPBlack & Decker, IncBoeing CompanyBOPSBOSE CorporationBouvet U.S.A., IncBowstreet.comBP AmocoBristol Myers Squibb Beauty Care GroupBristol Myers Squibb CompanyBromley Caldari Architects PCBruker Daltonics, IncBusch Manufacturing CompanyButler Manufacturing CompanyC. J. Coakley Co., IncCadence Design Systems, IncCambridge Seven AssociatesCargill Citro America, IncCargill, IncCase CorporationCatapulse, IncCGC, Inc.Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.Chevron Overseas Petroleum, IncCisco SystemsCity of PortervilleCleary, Gottlieb, Steen & HamiltonClifford ChanceClimax Research ServicesCNH GLOBAL N.VCoca-Cola CoCompaq Computer CorpConners Crawley Architects, P.CContinuity Solutions, IncCorman Construction CompanyCortex Pharmaceuticals, IncCredit Lyonnais SecuritiesCypress SemiconductorDavey Tree Expert CompanyDecalog IncDecalog IncDeere & CompanyDegussaDEGW North America LLCDelta Products CorpDELTA RescueDevelopment Design GroupDevereux Foundation-MassachusettsDevonshire at PGA NationalDigital Harmony Technologies, IncDigital ImpactDuda/Paine Architects, L.L.PDuPont Pharmaceuticals CompanyE-Restaurant Supply, IncEF Institute for Cultural ExchangeEGC CorpEI DuPontEka Chemicals, IncEldim Applied Technologies, IncElmed, IncEmbers RestaurantEnter Software, Inc.Enzymatic Deinking TechnologiesEricsson, IncEricsson, Inc. - San Diego

Ericsson, Inc.- Research TriangleF.L. Smidth IncFaultless Caster DivisionFickewirth & AssociatesFood ProjectFour Seasons-AtlantaFreyer Collaborative ArchitectsFuel RTMFx Palo Alto Laboratory, IncG7 Systems LLCGE Transportation SystemsGeneral Electric CoGeneral Motors CorpGlaucoma Research & Education GroupGlobal Technology GroupGolder Associates, IncGreenbelt Community CenterGrinnell Fire Protection SystemsGulfstream Aerospace CorporationHand 'n Hand Child Enrichment CenterHeineken USA IncHilton-GuamHitachi America LtdHowmet Research CorporationHuntingdon Life ScienceHybinette, Inc.Hydromat Inc.IBM-Almaden Research CenterIBM-T.J. Watson Research CenterIcon NicholsonIDEO Product DevelopmentINA USA CorporationInfusion Development CorporationInprise CorpINTALIO, IncIntegrated ArchitectureInterap, IncInterbetonIntertrust Technologies CorporationIrvine Ranch Water DistrictIrving Forest Products IncIsland Packet YachtsJFKIATJohn M Reimnitz, Architect P.C.Karl Hausner FarmsKelco BiopolymersKentucky Equine Research IncKimberly-Clark Corp.-NeenahKrones, IncLandmark Graphics CorpLea + Elliott, Inc.Leach InternationalLeake & Watts Services IncLexmark International-LexingtonLifeScan IncLigand Pharmaceuticals, IncLincoln National CorpLipstream Networks, IncLounge Lizard Graphics Inc.LSC Transportation Consultants Inc.Lunar CorpM. Bohlke Veneer CorpMagna Automotive TestingMannesmann Rexroth CorporationMaritime Direct.comMarriott-Griffin Gate ResortMarubeni America CorpMaryland Aquatic Nurseries,Inc.Maryland Port AdministrationMaryland State Highway AdminMassachusetts General HospitalMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMBARIMeasurement Specialties, IncMerrill Lynch Europe, LtdMetricomMetrowerks CorpMicroFab Technologies, Inc.Microsoft CorpMid-America Overseas IncMiller Freeman, IncMitsubishi Electric Research LaboratoryMobilink Telecom IncMonitor Co.Morris Switzer & AssociatesMotorola, IncMulti-Arc IncMunters CorporationMurray State UniversityMyefski Cook Architects Inc

Nalco Chemical CompanyNational InstrumentsNetscape Communications CorpNew England Machinery, IncNokiaNortel Networks, IncNovartis Consumer Health, IncNTH Consultants, LtdNuvation Labs CorpNvidiaOce USA, IncOlive SystemsOpticom Inc.Orbital Technologies Corp.ORR Design OfficeOtherwise, IncPagoo.com, IncParke-Davis Pharmaceutical ResearchPatriot Communications LLCPEM TechnologiesPfizer, Inc.Philips Electronics North AmericaPhilips ResearchPhilips SemiconductorsPhoton Vision System LLCPlan It WashingtonPMC-Sierra, IncPonsse USA, Inc.Praecis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLPProdigenePurdue UniversityQuantum CorpR.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research InstituteR2 Technology, IncRational Software CorpRedback NetworksRegeneronReneson Hotel GroupRexroth CorpRifocs CorpRiggs BankRNL DesignRobert Bosch CorpRockwell Science CenterRohm & Haas CoRonnette Riley ArchitectsRoofing Construction SpecialistRutgers UniversitySarnoff CorpSchenker International, IncSchlumbergerSchlumberger-Doll ResearchSeanet CorpSemio CorpSepracor IncSHG Architects IncShipley CoSimpson Thacher & BartlettSkyva InternationalSMI-TexasSmith & Nephew, IncSOFEC, IncSorenson Engineering, IncSouth Seas ResortSpink CoSt. Onge CompanySTMicroelectronics IncStone FarmStream Technology GroupSun Microsystems, Inc.Sverdrup Facilities, Inc.Synopsys, Inc.Synthes USASystran SoftwareTaisho Pharmaceutical California, IncTechnology House IncTecmag, IncTele Tech Company, IncTeragram CorpTesta, Hurwitz & Thibeault, LLPTexas A&M UniversityTexas Instruments, IncThe BroadmoorTICTom Wilson Media Group, IncToyota Motor ManufacturingTRANSMAP CorpTrilogy International, IncTXI Chaparrel Steel

Enron Europe LtdFerguson & McIlveen F G Wilson Engineering LtdFirmenich UK LtdFord Motor CompanyForestry Commission, ScotlandFreshfieldsGallaher LtdGetty ConnectionsGilbert-Ash Northern Ireland LtdGlasgow UniversityGoldman Sachs InternationalGrant ThorntonHalcrow FoxHarris & SutherlandHewlett Packard LaboratoriesHilti (Great Britain) LtdHobart & Heron ArchitectsHTA Architects LtdIBM United Kingdom LtdICI PlcImperial College of Science, Technology & MedicineInternational Paper (UK) LtdIrish Fertilizer Industries LtdJenkins & PotterJohn Innes CentreJ P MorganKainos Software LtdKames Fish FarmingKids KlubKing’s College LondonKirk McClure MortonLadies Own (UK) LtdLeading Edge ResearchLehman BrothersLinklaters & AllianceManchester UniversityMarconi CommunicationsMerrill Lynch Group UKMivan LtdMontupet (UK) LtdMott MacDonaldMoy Park Foods LtdMuddy FoxNacco Materials Handling (N.I.) LtdNational Power PlcNestle Research & Development CentreNewcastle UniversityNicoll Russell StudiosNorthern Ireland Electricity PlcNorthern Ireland Housing ExecutiveNortel NetworksNottingham UniversityNTA Monitor LtdNycomed Amersham LtdOIS International PlcOmicron Surface Science LtdOne 2 OneOve Arup & PartnersPercy Thomas PartnershipPollard Thomas & Edwards ArchitectsPhoenix Natural GasPT Print & Display LtdParametric Technology (UK) LtdProgressive Computer RecruitmentProperty Intelligence PlcQueen Mary & Westfield CollegeQueen’s University of BelfastReading UniversityRenishaw PlcRevlon Manufacturing UK LtdRhone Poulenc RorerRobert Gordon UniversityReltecRoland Berger & PartnersSalomon Smith BarneySanders Polyfilms LtdSatama UK LtdSatchwell Control Systems LtdSchlumberger Cambridge Research LtdSeagate TechnologySergison Bates ArchitectsSir Harold Hillier Gardens & ArboretumSmithKline BeechamSolomon HareSpeech Works International Holdings LtdSt Brendan’s LiqueursStaffordshire General HospitalStandard Bank London LtdStrathclyde University

Sullivan & CromwellSurrey UniversitySynergy Centres LtdTate & Lyle PlcTaylor & BoydT B S Engineering LtdTurner Broadcasting System Europe LtdTK – European Components (TK-ECC)UBS WarburgUlster Carpet Mills LtdUlster UniversityUnilever ResearchUniversity College LondonUniversity of Wales, AberystwythUniversity of Wales, SwanseaVolkswagon Group UK LtdWarburg Dillon ReadWinterthur InternationalWhitby & BirdWhite Mountain Surfacing LtdWilliam Clements (Chemicals) LtdWood Group Management Services


Participating Institutions Universidad de la Republica

Participating EmployersA.B.B.AgroforestalArtechI.C.A.Lanas TrinidadLiepsi S.A.Quanam GroupSACEEMTenilor S.A.


Participating InstitutionsArizona State University EastBinghamton UniversityBoston College Law SchoolBoston UniversityBrandeis UniversityBrigham Young UniversityBucknell UniversityCalifornia Institute of TechnologyCalifornia State Polytechnic UniversityCalifornia State Polytechnic University PomonaCalifornia State UniversityCarleton CollegeCarnegie Mellon UniversityCase Western Reserve Univ.Central Michigan UniversityCollege of Notre DameColorado State UniversityColumbia Law SchoolColumbia UniversityCornell UniversityDartmouth CollegeDartmouth UniversityDePaul UniversityDuke UniversityGeorgetown UniversityGeorgia Institute of TechnologyHarding UniversityHartwick CollegeHarvard Law SchoolHarvard UniversityHarvey Mudd CollegeHawaii Pacific UniversityHoward UniversityHumboldt State UniversityIndian Hills Community CollegeIndiana UniversityIowa State UniversityLafayette CollegeLouisiana State UniversityLoyola Marymount UniversityMassachusetts Inst of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMichigan State UniversityMichigan Technological UniversityMITNew Mexico State UniversityNew York University

North Carolina State UniversityNorth Carolina UniversityNorth Dakota State UniversityNorthwestern UniversityOhio State UniversityOregon State UniversityPenn State UniversityPennsylvania State UniversityPrinceton UniversityPurdue UniversityRamapo CollegeRice UniversityRochester Institute of TechnologyRowan UniversityRutgers UniversitySanta Clara UniversitySouthern Methodist UniversitySouthern Oregon UniversitySt. Louis UniversityStanford UniversityStonehill CollegeSUNY at BuffaloTexas A & M UniversityTufts UniversityTulane UniversityUniversity of Akron, OhioUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of California IrvineUniversity of California Los AngelesUniversity of California Los Angeles School of LawUniversity of California Santa BarbaraUniversity of California, IrvineUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of FloridaUniversity of GeorgiaUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of KansasUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of MarylandUniversity of Maryland - College ParkUniversity of Maryland, College ParkUniversity of MassachusettsUniversity of MiamiUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Michigan-Ann ArborUniversity of MinnesotaUniversity of Minnesota- Twin CitiesUniversity of Missouri- RollaUniversity of Missouri-RollaUniversity of New OrleansUniversity of North CarolinaUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel HillUniversity of Notre DameUniversity of OklahomaUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of RochesterUniversity of South CarolinaUniversity of TennesseeUniversity of TexasUniversity of Texas AustinUniversity of the PacificUniversity of ToledoUniversity of VirginiaUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of Wisconsin MadisonUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens PointUniversity of Wisconsin, MadisonUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonVanderbilt UniversityVillanova UniversityVirginia Polytechnic InstituteVirginia Polytechnic UniversityWake Forest UniversityWashington UniversityWayne State UniversityWellesely College

Participating Employers A.T. Kearney, IncAB IncABB Power T&D Company IncABN AMROACE Design Inc.Agilent TechnologiesAIPTAker Engineering, Inc

IAESTE Annual Report 2001 4342 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

Page 24: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

TyCom (US) IncUnited Technologies Research CenterUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of MarylandUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Missouri-RollaUniversity of Texas- AustinUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonUOPVelocity Networks, IncVersity.comVinson & Elkins L.L.PVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityVolkswagen of AmericaWeatherford International, IncWebmind, IncWeil, Gotshal & Manges, LLPWeill Medical College of Cornell UniversityWestern Pacific Data SystemsWeyerhaeuser CoWild Tangent, IncWilliam O Neill ArchitectureWinter Street ArchitectsWinthrop, Stimson, Putnam & RobertsXilinx, IncYale UniversityZero G SoftwareZymoGenetics, Inc


Participating Institutionsand EmployersTashkent State Technical UniversityTashkent National UniversityTashkent Automobile and Road InstituteTashkent Chemist -Technological InstituteTashkent Architectural-Building InstituteSamarkand State UniversitySamarkand State Architectural-Building InstituteInstitute of Genetics and plant experimental biologyResearch Institute of BiochemistryTashkent Motor FactoryCorporation "UzAutosanoat"Corporation "Uzbekneftgas"Joint-Stock association of Meat and Dairy IndustryUzmevasabzavotuzumsanoat - "Holding"Association "Egmoytamakisanoat" CompanyState Joint-Stock Corporation "Uzdonmahsulot"MELIOSTROYMASH AG"Uzuylloyha" project institute"Uzavtosozlash" joint-stock company"Metrostroy" trust


Participating Institutions University of Belgrade – Univerzitet u BeograduUniversity of Novi Sad– Univerzitet u Novom SaduUniversity of Nis – Univerzitet u NisuUniversity of Montenegro – Univerzitet Crne Gore, PodgoricaUniversity of Kragujevac – Univerzitet u KragujevcuUniversity of Pristina – Univerzitet u PristiniFaculty of technical sciences in Bor – Fakultet tehnickih nauka u BoruFaculty of civil engineering in Subotica – Gradjevinski fakultet u SuboticiFaculty of agriculture in Cacak – Poljoprivredni fakultet u Cacku

Participating EmployersGRAFIX, BeogradUNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE:Matematicki fakultetGradjevinski fakultetElektrotehnicki fakultetHemijski fakultetRudarsko-geoloski fakultetTehnolosko-metalurski fakultet- Katedra za OHT- Katedra za organsku hemiju- Katedra za OTN- Katedra za biohemijsko inzenjerstvo

Masinski fakultet- CENT- Centar za molekularne masineIHTM, BeogradInstitut za molekularnu genetiku I genetsko inzenjerstvo,BeogradInstitut "Nikola Tesla", BeogradInstitut "Mihajlo Pupin", BeogradEkonomski institut, BeogradLola institut, BeogradSANU – Institut tehnickih nauka, BeogradInstitut Gosa, BeogradInstitut za nuklearne nauke "Vinca", BeogradInstitut za fiziku, ZemunRudarski institut, ZemunINEP, ZemunInstitut za puteve, BeogradInstitut za ispitivanje materijala, BeogradGeoloski zavod "GEMINI", Beograd"Janko Lisjak" – Ekoloski inzenjering, BeogradHIP – Petrohemija, PancevoHIP – Azotara, PancevoMINEL – ELVO, Novi BeogradMINEL – ELIP, Novi BeogradEstetika Interprojekt, BeogradGP "Napred", Novi BeogradSigmaprojekt, BeogradGP "Rad", BeogradMontaza, BeogradIndustrija spirita inkvasca "Vrenje", BeogradRafinerija nafte "Beograd", BeogradBIP Holding, BeogradEPS – Elektroistok, BeogradIndustrija boja i lakova "Duga", BeogradRepublicki geodetski zavod, BeogradENERGOPROJEKT, Novi Beograd- Arhitektura i urbanizam- HidroinzenjeringJP Termoelektrana "Nikola Tesla", ObrenovacBEOGRAD-PUT, BeogradArhitrav, BeogradEkonomski biro, Beograd- Zavod za inzenjeringUrbanisticki zavod, BeogradGalenika ICN Yugoslavia, BeogradZavod za DDD, BeogradFACULTY OF TECHNICAL SCIENCE, Novi Sad- Institut za industrijsku gradnju- Institut za industrijske sisteme- Institut za RAM- Institut za proizvodno inzenjerstvo- Institut za inzenjerstvoFACULTY OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS, Novi Sad- Institut za fiziku- Institut za matematikuEPS – Elektrovojvodina projektni biro, Novi SadEPS – Elektroistok, Novi SadNIS – Rafinerija nafte, Novi SadNIS – Gas, Novi SadJP Informatika, Novi SadVojvodina Pro-Ing "46", Novi SadDD Plan, Novi SadGP "Neimar" – EPJ " Inzenjering", Novi SadJP "Urbanizam", Novi SadJugoinspekt, Novi SadGumins, Novi SadAgrovojvodina Export-Import, Novi SadAgrovojvodina – Metalurgija, Novi SadPobeda Holding, Novi SadSNN Gradnja – Susek, Novi SadVojvodina Put, Novi SadNovosadska mlekara, Novi SadAlbus, Novi SadUrbisprojekt, Novi SadMotins, Novi SadDanubijus, Novi SadMB Projekt, Novi SadElektronski fakultet, Nis- Laboratorija za TV- Laboratorija za MT- Laboratorija za robotikuMasinski fakultet, NisArhitektonsko-Gradjevinski fakultet, NisFilozofski fakultet, NisFakultet zastite na radu, NisTehnoloski fakultet, LeskovacZavod za zastitu spomenika kulture, NisZavod za urbanizam, NisELEKTRONSKA INDUSTRIJA, Nis- Profesionalna elektronika

- Sastavni delovi- Elektromedicina- Televizija dd- Irin ddJP PTT "Srbija", NisDuvanska industrija, NisNisprojekt, NisEkolinea, NisDP Jastrebac, NisPivara "Nis", NisMIN Holding, NisInstitut "1. Maj", NisPTT Crna Gora, PodgoricaPromonte, PodgoricaValjaonica aluminijuma, PodgoricaMI "Radoje Dakic", PodgoricaNiksicka pivara, NiksicInstitut za biologiju mora, Kotor



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44 IAESTE Annual Report 2001

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Page 25: of students for technical experience€¦ · Welcome to IAESTE Annual Report 2001 ... Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries ... India, Kyrgyzstan,

IAESTE world-wideFull Members

1. Argentina

Comite Argentino del IAESTE (1961)

2. Australia

IAESTE Australia (1996)

3. Austria

IAESTE Austria (1949)

4. Belgium

IAESTE Belgium (1948, Founding Member)

5. Brazil

CI-Central de Intercambio, IAESTE Brasil (1982)

6. Canada

IAESTE Canada (1953)

7. Colombia

IAESTE Colombia (1995)

8. Croatia

IAESTE Croatia (1993)

9. Cyprus

IAESTE Cyprus (1980)

10. Czech Republic

Czech National Committee of IAESTE (1965)

11. Denmark

IAESTE Denmark, Polyteknisk Forening (1948,

Founding Member)

12. Egypt

Egypt’s IAESTE Committee (1961)

13. F.Y.R. Macedonia

IAESTE (FYR) Macedonia – Makedonisi Odbor Za

Razmena Na Studenti Od Tehenickite Fakulteti


14. Finland

IAESTE Finland (1948, Founding Member)

15. France

IAESTE France (1948, Founding Member)

16. Germany

Deutsches Komitee der IAESTE im Deutschen

Akademischer Austauschdienst (1950)

17. Ghana

IAESTE Ghana (1970)

18. Greece

Greek National Committee, Athens Technical

University (1958)

19. Hungary

National Committee of IAESTE Hungary (1983)

20. Iceland

IAESTE Iceland (1951)

21. Ireland

IAESTE Ireland (1962)

22. Israel

Israel IAESTE Committee (1951)

23. Japan

IAESTE Japan (1964)

24. Jordan

IAESTE Jordan (1978)

25. Korea (Republic)

IAESTE Korea (1970)

26. Lebanon

IAESTE Lebanon (1966)

27. Lithuania

IAESTE Lithuania (1990)

28. Luxembourg

Comité Luxembourgeois pour l’Organisation de

Stages Industriels CLOSI (1961)

29. Malta

IAESTE Malta (1984)

30. Mexico

AMIPP, AC / IAESTE Mexico (1985)

31. Netherlands

IAESTE Nederland (1948 Founding Member)

32. Norway

IAESTE Norway (1948 Founding Member)

33. Pakistan

IAESTE Pakistan (1990)

34. Poland

IAESTE Polski Komitet (1959)

35. Portugal

Comissao Portuguesa da IAESTE (1954)

36. Russia

Russian Association for the Exchange of Students

for Technical Experience – IAESTE Russia(1991)

37. Slovakia

National Committee of IAESTE Slovakia (1965)

38. Slovenia

IAESTE Slovenia – Slovenski Nacionalni Odbor

IAESTE (1993)

39. South Africa

The National IAESTE Committee of South Africa


40. Spain

Comité Espanol para Intercambio de Estudiantes

Técnicos (1951)

41. Sweden

Svenska IAESTE Komittén (1948, Founding


42. Switzerland

Schweizerisches Nationalkomitee der IAESTE

(1948, Founding Member)

43. Syria

Syrian IAESTE National Committee (1965)

44. Tajikistan

Tajik IAESTE National Committee (1992)

45. Thailand

IAESTE Thailand, King Mongkut’s Institute of

Technology, North Bangkok (1978)

46. Tunisia

The Tunisian Committee of IAESTE (1959)

47. Turkey

IAESTE Türkiye (1955)

48. United Kingdom

IAESTE UK (1948, Founding Member)

49. Uruguay

IAESTE Uruguay (1988)

50. USA

IAESTE / United States of America (1950)

51. Yugoslavia

Jugoslovenski odbor za medjunarodnu ramenu

studenata za strucnu praksu IAESTE (1952)

Associate Members1. Armenia

IAESTE Armenia (1998)

2. Estonia

Tallin Technical University (1993)

3. Kazakhstan

IAESTE Kazakhstan (1995)

4. Sierra Leone

IAESTE Sierra Leone (1991)

5. Ukraine

IAESTE Ukraine (1994)

6. Uzbekistan

IAESTE Uzbekistan (1997)

Co-operating Institutions1. Azerbaijan

DAAD Alumni of Azerbaijan (1999)

2. Belarus

Belarussian State University

BSU (2001)

3. Belarussian State Polytechnical Academy

BSPA (2001)

4. Bosnia and Herzegovina


5. Bulgaria

‘Dynamic Market, Plovdiv (2001)

6. China

Council for Practical Training and Exchange –


7. Dominican Republic

Idiomas y Campamentos-ICAMP (2000)

8. Ecuador

Universidad San Francisco (1999)

9. Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (1997)

10. India

Kayunya Institute of Technology (2001)

11. Kyrgyzstan

Kyzyl-Kiva Institute of Technology, Economy and

Law (2000)

12. Kyrgyz Technical University (2001)

13. Moldova

The Technical University of Moldova (2000)

14. Mongolia

Mongolian Technical University (2001)

15. New Zealand

UNITEC Institute of Technology (2001)

16. Oman

Sultan Qaboos University


17. Peru

Universidad de Piura (2001)

18. Romania

‘Gh. Asachi’ Technical University of Iasi (1998)

19. ‘Politehnica’ University of Bucharest (1999)

20. Institute of Architecture, ‘Ion Mincu’,

Bucharest (1999)

21. Sri Lanka

University of Moratuwa (2000)

22. Sudan

Newton Educational Centre, Khartoum (1999)

23. United Arab Emirates

University of Sharjah (2001)

24. Vietnam

Hanoi University of Technology (1999)

The International Association for the Exchange of

Students for Technical Experience

P. O. Box 6104

Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland

