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.OFFICIAL PROCE·ED·INGS OF THE SpRING MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ·OF PORTAGE COUNTY, WIS. FIRST DAY Stevr.ns Point, Wis., April lfi, 1924, 10 o'clock a. m. l\feeting called to order hy Bon. J. 0. Foxen, vice chnirman. Clerk called the roll, nnd the following members answered present: Alhlln, Carl Betker; Almond, C. F. Martin; Almond villnge, 0. A. Crowell ; Amherst., C. A. Smith; Amherst village, .T. 0. Foxen; Amherst Junction village, Geo. Starks; Belmont., F. B. Dent.; Buena Vista, Chas. Bra,dy; Carson, James Fogarty; Dewey, Jacob Cychosz; Eau Pleiue, Edw. S. 'l:borp; Gt'ant, Charles Steinke; J:Inll,. Anton Laszewski; Lan- ark, George Niven; Linwood, IDdmond Frost; Nelsonville village, Geo. S. Divet·; New Hope, Ben Halverson; Pine Grove, F . .T. Gruber; Plover, E. H. Rossier; Plover village, Eel. Zimmer; Rosholt village, C .• T. Gil- . i. hert; Sharou, Balrlas Baker; Stockton, F. A. Lnkasavitz; . Stevens ' Point, ward, J. E.· Hegg; Secoml ward, F. A. Norton; Third warrl. V. P. Atwell; Fourth ward, Pan! Lnknszewicz; Fifth ward, M. J. Mersch; Sixth warrl, G. D. Aldrich. , 'l'he vice-chairman annmlncecl that the first order of business was the election of chairman. . Moved by Suoervisot·· Rossier that J. 0. Foxen be elected chairman for the ensuing year. Motion was put by the clerk and carrier! unani- mously. 'l'he chnirman thanked thl". Bon rtl for the honor conferre<lnpon him nne! stated that he would enrleaYor to do his llnt.y as chairman to the best of his abilit)'. <' & Mover! by Snpenisor llossier that. M. J .. Mersh lie clect.cd vice- chairman for the ensuing year. 1\Iot.ion carried. Mover! by Supervisor Halverson that the Boarrl adjourn until 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Motion carried. · · · Stevens Point, '\Vis., April 15, 1!)24, 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Meeting called to order by Bon . .T. ,0. Foxen, chairman. · Clerk called the roll, nil meml>ers present. The chairman at this time· announced the standing committees of the Board 6f Supervisors for 1924, us follows: Eqnalizution-V. I'. Atwell, .T. E. Hegg, Edward· S. Thorp, Cnl'l Betker, Charles Steinke, Charles Brady, C. A. Smith, 0. A. Crowell, Anton Laszewski, 1\i. J. Mersch. Claims-F. A. Lukasavitz, C. F. 1\fartiu, George Stet-tz, Sr., F . .T. Grube!:, BalclaR Baker, Georg-e Diver, F. B. Dent, K R. Zinilner, 1<'. A. 'Nortt-.n.




FIRST DAY Stevr.ns Point, Wis., April lfi, 1924, 10 o'clock a. m.

l\feeting called to order hy Bon. J. 0. Foxen, vice chnirman. Clerk called the roll, nnd the following members answered present: Alhlln, Carl Betker; Almond, C. F. Martin; Almond villnge, 0. A.

Crowell ; Amherst., C. A. Smith; Amherst village, .T. 0. Foxen; Amherst Junction village, Geo. Starks; Belmont., F. B. Dent.; Buena Vista, Chas. Bra,dy; Carson, James Fogarty; Dewey, Jacob Cychosz; Eau Pleiue, Edw. S. 'l:borp; Gt'ant, Charles Steinke; J:Inll,. Anton Laszewski; Lan­ark, George Niven; Linwood, IDdmond Frost; Nelsonville village, Geo. S. Divet·; New Hope, Ben Halverson; Pine Grove, F . .T. Gruber; Plover, E. H. Rossier; Plover village, Eel. Zimmer; Rosholt village, C .• T. Gil- . i. hert; Sharou, Balrlas Baker; Stockton, F. A. Lnkasavitz; . Stevens ' Point, l!~irst ward, J. E.· Hegg; Secoml ward, F. A. Norton; Third warrl. V. P. Atwell; Fourth ward, Pan! Lnknszewicz; Fifth ward, M. J. Mersch; Sixth warrl, G. D. Aldrich. ,

'l'he vice-chairman annmlncecl that the first order of business was the election of a· chairman. .

Moved by Suoervisot·· Rossier that J. 0. Foxen be elected chairman for the ensuing year. Motion was put by the clerk and carrier! unani­mously.

'l'he chnirman thanked thl". Bon rtl for the honor conferre<lnpon him nne! stated that he would enrleaYor to do his llnt.y as chairman to the best of his abilit)'. <' & Mover! by Snpenisor llossier that. M. J .. Mersh lie clect.cd vice-chairman for the ensuing year. 1\Iot.ion carried.

Mover! by Supervisor Halverson that the Boarrl adjourn until 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Motion carried. ·

· · Stevens Point, '\Vis., April 15, 1!)24, 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Meeting called to order by Bon . .T. ,0. Foxen, chairman. · Clerk called the roll, nil meml>ers present. The chairman at this time· announced the standing committees of

the Board 6f Supervisors for 1924, us follows: Eqnalizution-V. I'. Atwell, .T. E. Hegg, Edward· S. Thorp, Cnl'l

Betker, Charles Steinke, Charles Brady, C. A. Smith, 0. A. Crowell, Anton Laszewski, 1\i. J. Mersch.

Claims-F. A. Lukasavitz, C. F. 1\fartiu, George Stet-tz, Sr., F . .T. Grube!:, BalclaR Baker, Georg-e Diver, F. B. Dent, K R. Zinilner, 1<'. A. 'Nortt-.n.



Illegal Assessments-George Starks, Hen Holverson, F. A. Norton, C. J. Gilbert, JD. I-I. flossier.

County Poor-C. J. Gilbert, Edmond FroRt, Geo. Niven, G. D. Ald­rich, 0. A. Crowell, F. A. Norton.

County Printing-F. A. Lul•asavit7., Geo. ·Niven, Baldns Baker, Charles Steinke, Edmond JJ'rost, Jacob Cychosz.

Town Organization-George S. Diver, E. R. Zimmer, C. F. l\'Iartin, Carl Betker, Baldus Baker, C. A. Smith. · . . , -

Sheriff and Constable Fees-George Starks, Geo. ~iven, G. D. Aldrich, James lli. Fogarty, M·. J. Mersch. ·

Settlement with County Officers-C. J. Gilbert, E. H. flossier, Ben Halverson, J. E. Hegg, Edmond l!,rost. · · .

Settlement With County Board of Education-C. F. Martin, F. B. Dent, Charles Brady, Jnmes l\1. Fogarty, E. R. Zimmer, .Jacob Cychosz.

County Buildings and Grounds-G. D. Aldrich, V. P. Atwell, E. H. Rossler. ·

Judiciary-Charles Brady, Paul Lnkaszewicz, F: A. Norton, Ed­ward S. ~'horp.

State Roads and Bridges-Ben Halverson, F. B. Dent, .Tames M. Fogarty, 0. A. Crowell, F. A. Lukasavitz, F .. T. Gruber, Geo. Starks,· Charles Brady. - ~

Ways and Means-'-M . .T. Mersch, Carl Betker, Jacob Cychosz, Paul Lukaszewicz, Charles Steinke, C. A. Smith.

Per Diem and Mileage-George Starks, V. P. Atwell, GeQrge S. Diver, George Stet-tz, Sr.,. Anton Laszewski.

The following road petitions wer.e rend nnd referred to the State Roads and Brirtges committee:


t-,To the Members of the County Board. · !.:.~-:. Gentlemen :-A resolution was mncle hy the Alban Town Board, and

adopted by the voters qf Town of Al.han at the annual meeting ·helcl April 1, 1924, to authorize the Town Board to borrow money this sum­mer for county highway work for certnin places on Highway No. 49.


Dated nt Alban this 3nl clay of April, 1924. GUST 0. HALVERSON, Town Clerk.


The Town of Lanark hereby 11etitions youi· honorable body for t.he sum of Three Hundred ($300) Dollars to be met by an equal amount by the-Town of Lanark, for tloe construction of a bridge between section line thirty-five (35) ancl thirty-six (36), township twenty-two (22), I·nnge ten (10).

GEO. NIVEN, Supervisor Town of Lanark.


To the Honorable County Bonl"Cl of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-At the annual town meeting of the Town of New

Hope, held on the 1st <lny ·of April, lfJ24, it was resolved to raise $2,000 for grading nncl surfacing the Polonia-New Hope road;, and hereby moke application for county nnd state aiel to meet same. ···

And it was further resoh·etl that the Town Board was authorized to borrow the county share and have the work clone ~his yenr if possible.

Dated New Hope, ·Wis., April 14, 1024. · Respectfully,


BEN HAI"VERSON, Chairman. l\L K. HANSON, ;eown Clerk.

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PETITION NO. 4 Be it resolveil that the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)

be appropriated for County 'l'runk D to commence at town line at northwest corner of section one (1), township twenty-one (21), range ten (10), Town of Belmont, to extend south and west as far as avail­able, the same to be met by count:~~ and by apportionment by state. E. D. STINSON, FRANK P. GUYANT. ·Resolution carril~d.


To the Qualified Electors in Town Meeting Assembleil on the First Day of April, 1924. · · We, the undersigned free-holders and residents of the Town of

Amherst, Portage county, Wisconsin, hereby risk that the sum of Two -Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), he raised by the Town of Amherst for the purpose of completing the rh·er roacl from Otto Myra's to A.• J. Ever­son's corner, and that the balance of said sum so· raised be worked out on the highway running enstei'ly fro_m Henimie Louison's to the range line between the Town of Amherst and the Town of Scandinavia.

That the Town of Amherst is hereby authorized to borrow said sum of ( $2,000.00) 'l'wo 1.'housand Dollars so the work on the high-. ways above mentioned may be completed as far as possible this coming summer.

Motion made and signers to the petition.

April 1, 1924.

carried that petitioi! be granted. Thirty-two

1\f. A. FLEMING, Town Clerk.


To· the State Highway Committee and the County Board of Supervisors. Be it resolved, that the balance in the Belmont road fund be trans­

ferred to Highway No. 22, to be used· as· town's share to meet $6,000.00. of the state highway. J. L. DOPP. Resolution carried without a dis­senting vote.


To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Portage County, Wisconsin.

. Gentlemen :-The undersigned petition your honorable body to designate the following road as a county trunk line:

The three miles of road between Garfield and Peru, thereby con­necting State Highway No. 49 with County Trunk A and the New Hope­Polonia road.

Signed by twenty-seven free-holders. \


To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Su-pervisors of Portage County, Wisconsin. · Gentlemen·:-At the mumal meeting of the electors of the· Town of

Buena Vista held April 1, 1924, it was voted to place One Thousand ( $1,000) Dollars on the road beginning on section seventeen ( 17) at the corner of what is !mown as the Buena Vista Creamery and ruimlng ( south through s·ectlons seventeen (17), twenty (20), twenty-nine (29) \ and thirty-two (32) to the town line of Almond and Buena Vista, thence west along the town line to the intersection of State Trunk Line No. 10 in section thirty-one (31), and to petition the county board for a like amount.






'file town board wns ~1utliori7.ed to bo!'row said sum if same can he worker! out the coming summer. Respectfully submitted.

• Dnterl April 15. HJ~4. 8i~nerl, CHAS. BHADY, Snpervisor Town of Buena Vista.

PE1'1TJON NO. 9 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board ·of Su-

pervisors of Portage Comit·.y, Wisconsin. . Gentlemeu :-At the annual' meeting of the Town of Linwood, held

April 1, 1D24, it was voted to rai~e One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars and to 11etit.ion the Connty ·non.rd for OnP. 'l'honsaild ($1,000) Dollars, and nlso :;tate aiel for the im)ll"Ovement by grading and snrfacing of the Rocky Run rond. Signed, ..

EDMOND FROST, Snpcrvisor To"·n of Linwood.

PETI1'10N NO. 10

. 'l~o the }!onorable 911flir~nan and M?mher~ of tlw County Board of Sn­pervlsOrs of Portage· County, 'V1sconsm. Ge'ntlemen :--'At the annual meeting of the Town of Linwood, held

April 1, 1924, it was 7oted to raise One Thousanrl ($1,000) Dollars and to petition the County Boarrl for One 'l:'honsand ($1,000) Dollars and also state aid for the improvement by grading and surfcaing of t.he SteYen;; Point-Rmlolph road. Signed,

EDMOND FROS'f, Supervisor Town ·of Linwoorl.

PETITION NO. ll To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Su-

pervisors of Portnge County, 'Visconsin. ' Gentlemen :-At the annnnl meeting of the Town of Stockton, held

Api·il l, 1924, it was voterl to raise Two 1.'housand ($2,000) Dollars fot· two connty projects in said town: One 'l'housand ($1,000) Dollars fo1· connty trunk highway ~Jesignnte<l ns I'IIC Amherst-Plovet· county high­way to be grnded nnd surfaced ; One 1.'housand ( $1,000') Dollars for county trunk highway known ns the Cnster-New Hope highway to be grade<l nncl Slll"fnced, nnd t:o petition the County Bo\(rd for n like nmoun~ ·

The town board was nuthori7.ell to borrow said snm if same can be worked out the coming snmmer. Restlectfully submitted. Dated April 15, 1!)24. Signed,

F. A. LTJKASAVI'rZ, Supel"\'isor '.l'own of Stockton.


·we petition the State Uonll · n.nrl Brirlge committee to plnce. the Almoncl-"'ild Hose st:nt·e ronrl on eonnty trunk line s.vstem. Signed,

C. 1!'. i\IAH~L'IN-F. B. DEN'l'. Whereas, section 30.14 (2) nr t11n revise<! stntntes provides that the Clerk read the following resolutiou:

connt:y board shall fix the snlnry or ench supervising teacher, nnd 'Vhereas, it becomes necessary fn1· the county board t:o fix the\

salary nt this session in order t.IIH t supervising teachers may he ap-' )Jointed for 1!)24-25;

Be i.t hereby resolvetl. that a committee of three be appointed to recommend the sal{lries of silCh supervising tenchers. ,Signed,

JAl\.rliJS M. FOGAR'J:'Y, Supervisor of '!'own of Carson. Moverl 1)~\· Snpenisor Smith that the resolution he-nrlopted. llfot:i~>ll

CfllTiCd. .


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'The chairman nppointell Supervisors Smith, nossier awl Atwell n::: such committee.. •

Clerl.c rend resolution re~nnlin~ tnu.J:>f<!r of IIH>ncy from general fund to county road maintenai1ce fiHid, as follows:

'Vhereas, it became necessary to pny out of the couut.y maintE•nniH:e fund $1,139.48 for COlllfiCHSation insurance, the Sallie having not been appropriated out of the general fnnrl as beJ'ore;

Be it resolved, that the county maintenance J'nml be rt!i'llll.ourserl out of the general fund for the snm of. $1.13n.48. Signed.

BEN I-IALVEH.SON, Snp~rvisor Tow11 of New Hope. Moved by Supervisor 1'horp tLmt tl1e resolution be n<loptetl. Motion

carriecl. • Cle1·k rend tlu~ following resolntion: . Be it resolved .by the County •Board that the ehairman of this.

board and the district:.attorney·he instructed to secure an OJJtinn on the Andrew Stoltenberg gi·avel pit nt Nelsonville nt nnce aml hold said· op­tion until the next meeting of the Cflllnl'.\' boar<l. Signed, · Ji'. B. DEN~L', Snpervh;or Town of Belmont.

Movetl by Supen·isor Hnh·erson that the resolution be arlopted. Motion calTiecl. '

Clerk read schedule of eluims, general file hills No,:. 1 t:o fi iHtlns­ive, also claims under the dog lnw; all of which were referred to the committee on' Clnims.

Clerk read scilech!le or :>heriff's nn.<l c:onst:ai>les' clni1ns, which 1\"!IS

referred to the committee pn Sheriff nnd Constable FeE's. Moved by Supervisor Atwell that the chnir nppnint two rnemben;

of the boarrl ·to meet with the clwirmnn to t1repare resc.olut.inus of cou­dolence on the death of former Chail"llllln G. L. Park nnd Supenisor "'· B. Cocldington. Motion cnrried. Tile cllnir nppoli1terl Snpl~r\·i::;(or::; Hegg and Smith as such committee,

1\:Ioved by Supervisor Atwell that the board adjourn until 4 :00 p. IlL Motion carried.

Board reconvened at 4:00 p. 111. vursnnnt to motion of a·djoummeut. Clerk rend resolution regarding hi~hway bond issue. Moved by Supervisor Starks that it he lni<l on the table uutil irfler

the hearing with the 'Visconsin Highway Commission. Moved in amendment by Supervisor Halverson tlint. it be laid o1·er

until tomoiTow moming. l\lotiou to amend cnrrie<l. Origiual motion us amended then passed.

J. 0. l!'oxen reporte<.l for the commi t:tee on re,;ol u t"ious of <:c:nulnlence as follows:

r\'hereas, arl' all-wise Providence has remoYe<l from his aeew;tornell vlace in out· midst onr esteemerl fellow titi7.en aml faithful co-worker in the Portage County Bonn!, Hon. Gilbert L .. Park, we, the member:; of the Board of Supervisors in spring session assemllled, deem it vroper 'to record om· sympnthy and esteem for our rle)mrtecl chairman. . Be it therefore resolved by the Board of Supeni.:;ors of Portage County, that these tokens be nu expression of our sense of loss, au ex­pression of o.ur upprer:iation 'of his ·faithfnl work uud loyal personal friendship, and a tol;en of our sympathy with the bere!li"Cll family.

Be it further. resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and tllat a copy of these re:;olutions be seut to the family .




J. 0. l!'OXEN, .J. K HfCGG, C. A. SJ\1l'l'H.

... f'!n1n1nittee.


'Vhereas, in. the wisdom of P1·ovidencc Hon. lV. B. Coddington, su­pervisor from the village of Plover, has been removed from om· midst, and

'Vheras, the members of the Portage County Board deem it proper to express their sympathy fo1· the bereaved family and their esteem for our fellow member; now therefore,

Be it resolved, that we, the members of the Board of Supervisors in spring session assembled, express our sympathy with the bereaved family and constitute this a token of our esteem for our departed mem­ber.

Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes and copies be sent to the bereaved family. ,

. J. 0. FOXEN...._ J. E.-HEGG,. C. A. SMITH,

Committee. i\foved by Superv-iso1· Starks that the. i·esolutious be adopted. Mo-

tion ·carried. · · Clerk read tltc report of the committee appointed to make recom­

mendations regarding the salaries -of the supervising teachers, as fol­lows:

To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Boa1·d of· Su­pervisors of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-,Ve, you1· committee to whom was referred the matter

of fixing the salaries of the two supervising teachers for the coming term, would recommend that the salary of the first supervising teacher be $135.00 and the second $100.00.

All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated April 15, 1024. (Signed) C. A. SMITH,


Committee." i\ioved by S_upcrvisor Thorp that the repo1·t be adopted. Motion

carried. Clerk read the following report which was placed on file:

To the Honorable Chairman and ·Members of the County Board. Gentlemen :-We, your committee to whom was referred road pe­

tions Nos. 1 to 12 inclusive, would recommend that petitions be allowed and placed on file. (Signet!) · ·


Committee .. Moved by Supervisor Betker that the board adjourn until 9 :00

o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Motion carried. · . RUTH McCALLUM, County Clerk.

SECOND DAY Stevens Point, Wis., April 16, 1924, 9 :00 o'clock a. m.

Meeting· called to order by Hon. J. 0. Foxen, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all1 members present except Supervisor Frost,


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Minutes ,;f vrevious session read nut! approved. Cle\k read tile following resolution:



Be it resolved, that ·the couuty treasurer be nucl.. he i;; hereby <li­rcctet! to trnusfer the sum of.l!'ivc Htindretl ·($500) Dollars from the general fund to "the district attomey's fund. Signed,

E. H. ROSSJEJU. Moved by. Supervisor. Paul Lukuszewic:~. <!dlltat the resolution be

adopted. Motion carried. · Clerk read r!f.~olution as follows:

· 'Vhereas, in view of the unjust criticism which has uecu uu:ale against A. R. Hirst, State Highway Engineer of lVisconsin, who has given the best years of his life and his untiring efforts in the laying out anti building of one of the best systems of highways in the United States, we deem it proper nne! litting that we should refute the attack made upon· Mr. Hirst, and express our utmost eonfidencc in his honesty and ability .

Therefore, be it r'esolvecl, that the P<lrtage County Board of Super- · visors go on record and hereby express theit· confidence nne! apprecia­tion for what Mr. A. R. Hirst and the State Highway Commission are doing for Portage county.

· . Be it further rc.solved, that a copy of these resolutions be for­warded to the gove1;nor of Wisconsin a·ncl the Yl'isconsin State High­way Commission.

Dated at Steve!JS Puint, ·wisconsin, this 16th day of April, A. D. 1924. Signee!,

F. B. DENT. li:Iovecl by Supervisor Atwell that the resolution be adopted. Mo­

tion caniecl. Clerk read resolution regarding gasoline tax, as-follows: The County Board for the County of P.ortnge and State of Wiscon­

sin, being lawfully assembled, do hereby resolve as follows: Whereas, a majority of the states of the United States have

adopted what is known as the, "Gasoline. Tax," being a tax on gasoline usee! to propel motor vehicles on the public highways of this state; and

Whereas, it is the opinion of this board that; such tax is the most equitable means of distributing the cost of maintenance nne! construc­tion of roads, a'nd

Whereas, we believe a large majority of the voti!rs and tax payers of Portage county are in favor of such tax, '

Be it l1ereby resolved; that this body is in favo1· of the passage of the so-called !'Gasoline Tax" providing for a tax of two cents per gal­Ion on all gasoline sold to be usee! in ·vehicles using the vublic highways of saiU state.

Be it fm·ther resolved, tlwt the clerk of this board is hereby authodzed and instructed to mail a copy of this resolution-to the gover­Iior of the state of 'Visconsin, to the representatives of Portage· county in the l'i'isconsin legislature, and to the representntiYe of this district in the state senate, nne! to the United Stutes senator, Robert ~L La-Follette. ·

Dated this 15th t!uy of April, A. D. 10::!4.

Introduced by V. P. AT\V:FJLL, Snpe1·visur 1'hirc! ward, city of Stevens Poiut, Wis.

Moved by Supervisor l!'. Lukusuvit;, thut the resolution .be ttdopted. l\:lotion carried.



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Clerk reatl resolution J)Hl;Se!.l hy hte comnWI\ comH.:il of the city of Steveus 'Poiut reganliug the establishing of :~· county almshouse, as follows:

Itesolution IJ.I' Altlennan J'us. 8cltoettel. Be it hereby resolved by the mayor am.l common council of the city

of Stevens Point:

That hte supen·i~rs of 'the t:itY of Stevens Point use tlteil· best . efforts to induce the connty boartl of Portage connty .to estahlish and maintain a county almshouse or poor house to care for the aged, in-. firm and neerly residents of Portage county.


Dated at Stevens Point, Wis., this 15th ·duy of April, A. D. 1!J24. ALDEUlllAN JOS. SCHOE'lvl'EL.

l\loverl hy Snpen·isot· J-Jal1·erson that the resolution he placed 011

Mm·etl in amendment by Supen•isor l\Iersch thut it be l'aid over un­til this afternoon .. Supervisor Halverson accepted the amentlmeut. 'l'be motion to lay .the matter over until this afternoon was then l)assed.

Clerk re·aa the following report uf the committee on Sllerill' and Constable Fees: · To the Honorable Chairman nnd llfembers nJ' the Gonnty Doanl.

Gentlemen :-"'c, yonr eommittee 011 Sheriff nml Constable Fees, respectfully revort as follows: 'l'hnt we have examined them and find them correct. Bill No. 1-Joltn F. Kubisiak Bill No. ::!-John F. Kubisiak


806.45 50[).18

'l'otnl ........................... , ................................................................... ,$1,311.63 (Signed) GEO. STARKS,

l\f. J. MERSCH, G.· D. ALDRICH, GEO. NI'\'EN, JAS. l\L I!'OGAR'l'Y.

Committee. Moved by Supen·isor Hossicr that tlle revort be accepted and

adopted. Motion ca fried.

Clerk read the· following reconunemlatiou of the Hond and Bridge committee: To the Honorable Chnirmun uml l\Ient!Jers of the Conuty Boat·tl.

Gentlemen :-'!~he· County Road illll.l Bridge committee, after due consideration and investigation, have decided to recommend to the boanl to ilny one ten (10) ton cuterpillnr tructot· for road work. \Vc • believe· that it would be a good investment .and it would be a great help to the county in regrading the· old roads and in new construction, and would ask this .·bom·cl to amn·oprin te the stun of $6,::!50.00 for· the snme.



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Moved hy Suvervisot· Mersch tluit the recommendation of the com­mittee l.1e adopted. Motion carriecl.

ll:fovetl 11.1' Snpervisor Dent thnt tile rules be susr)entlell and the llllfH'Olll'illtioH be muc.le.

llion,rl in amendment by Supervisot· Brady that the matter be laid over until this afternoon. Motion to amend carried. Original motion as a men dell then passed.

Clerk read the following: Stevens Point, \Vis., April 15, 102,!.

'l'o the Honorable Members of the County Board: The 1_\griculturul committee haviri'g supervision of county ageut

wot·k in Portage comtty do hereby extend an invitation to the llonorable members of this hoard to attend tlle annual farmers' tour in the county for the purpose of inspecting and. viewing the field tests and demoit­~trat.ioHS with such crops as alfalfa, clover, soy. beans and· potatoes. The members will h~ notified as to the date, etc., in due time. Signed,


·c. F. MAit'l'IN, J. 0. FOXEN,

'!'he Agricultural Committee.

the invitation be acce1~ted. l\fu· l\lovecl by Supervisor Rossier that tion carried.

Clerk read resolution providing for funds to assist in federal aid eoustruction which was laid over from yesterday, as follows: Hesolut.ion Providing fm· Funds to Assist in Fe.det·al Aill Construction

"'hercas, the county board of Portage county is desirous of having the Plover-Plainfield road improved w+th federal aid in 1924, and

\Vhereus, the state's share of the federal construction fund is not available for ·use. on this road in 1924 and perhaps not until some time later:

. Therefore, IJe it resolved, that the State Highway Commission is het·eby requested to place a federal aid pr(')ject on the Plover-Plainfield road from the end of the r:onct·ete pavement south of Plover to the Moore barn in Portage county, and

Be it further resolved, that there. is hereby appropriated the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) as the county's share of the cost of the improvement ,bY gdtding, draining and surfacing with cement concrete, the ubove described road in Portage county, wllich sum is to be paid into the state treasury as their state taxes dre paid, and to assist in the construction of said federal project provided the State Highway Conlli1ission grants the request for this improvement; that the county clerk is hereby directed to use money appropriated in the bond ·resolntion on condition that the State Higllway Commission grunts the request for .the improvement.


Be it resolved, by the county board of Portage county, ·\Visconsin, that the said county shall issue bonds under tlle provisions ot Sec. 67.1!3 aml 67.14, statutes for the original improvement of portions of the counb• system of prospective state llighways:

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Resolved, that Portage county, ·wisconsin, raise One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $150,000) for the original imvrovement of the following described portions of the county system of prospecth;e state highways in said county, to-wit:

For the improvement by grading and paving with cement conct~citc· the Amherst-Stevens Point road, State Trunk Highway No. 18, com­mencing at the end of the concrete pavement in the village of Amherst and extending thence in a northwesterly dlrection on said road 18, when same is permanently located, as far as the funds available will reach, the sum of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars.

For the improvement by grading and paving with cement conct·ete from end of concrete paving south of Plovet· as far as money available will construct, the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars.

And that the sum of One 'l.'housand ( $1,000) Dollars iler mile be charged against towns and municipalities tiH"ough which such lligh- ·-ways are constructed. ·

' That for,.the purpose of raising· said sums the. said county shall

Issue its series "C" non-taxable, semi-annual interest payment coupon. bonds, as provided in Sec. 67.13 and Sec. 67.14, statutes, in a form approved by the S.tafe Highway Commission, in the aggregate amount­Ing to One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $150,000), and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable sem-. annually on the first day of April ami tile first" day of October "of each year. 'l'lte principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable at the office of the county treasurer of the satd county.

Said bonds shall be Three Hundred (300) in number, numbered from One to '.rhree Hundred inclusive; they shall all be of the de­nomination of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) ; they sha_ll all bear date of ................................ and shall mature and become due and payable as follows, to-wit:

Bonds numbered 1 to 100 inclusive, April 1, 1926. · Bonds numbered 101 to 200 inclusive, April 1, 1927. Bonds numbered 201 to 300 inclusive, AJWil 1, 1028.

That said bonds shall be negotiated by the chairman .of county board, county clerk and county highway committee, after having been advertised in one Qr more newspapers published in said county once in each week for not less than three weeks, and sold to the bidder or bidders whose bids shall appear ··to be most advantageous to ·the said county, but in no case for less than the princi'pal ·and accrued interest.

It is further resolved, tltat there shall be raised, and there is hereby levied upon all property·, real and personal, within the said Portage county, 'Visconsin, a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the princiilal thereof, as such vriucipal falls due.

Resolution presented April 15, A. D. 1924.




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Moved by Snt1ervisor 'l'horp l:ktt tltc resolution be lnicl over until this afternoon. Motion canied.

Moved IJy Snpcni;;:or Atwell t:ltnt tlte motion to lny Ol'er matter ol' the road resolution uutil this afteruoon be reconsidered nml the resolu­tion he placed on its passage. lllotimi cnrriecl.

Moved by SupetTisor Atwell that the resolution he ·adopted and an aye aml nay vote he. tnlcen. H.oll of members callecl. 1\lotion to adopt the resolution lost, 17 voting aye and 12 nay. 'l.'he following voterl aye: Su11ervisors i\Inrtiu. CrowelL Iroxen, Dent, Brady, Fogarty, Steinke, Ste1tz, Halverson, Gruber, Zimmer., Gilbert, Hegg, Norton, At­well, Mersch and Aldrich. Nays: Supervisors Betket;, Smith, Starks, Cycl10sz, Thorp, Laszewski, Niv<:n, Diver, H.ossier, Baker, F. Lukasavitz and Paul Lukaszewicz, one aJ.1se11t.

Moved hy Supervisor Halverson tltilt "May 1, 102,!" be inserted ii1 the blank space in the bond resolution. l\Jotioi1 carried.

Moved by Supervisor Halverson that the board adjourn uutil 1 :00 · o'clock p. nt. Motion en rrierl.

Stevens Point, Wis., April lG, 192•!, 1 :00 o'clock p. m. Meeting called to order by Hon. J. 0. Foxen, chairman. Clfrk called the roll, all members present exr.e11t Snpervisor Frost,

excusetl. ca Clerk read the following report of the committee on Clai.ms:

'l'o the Honorable Chairman ancl Members of the County Board. Gentlemen :-\Ye, your committee to whom . was referred tile

schedule of general claims against Portage connt:y, \Visconsin, froln 1 to ·G inclusive, together with .cia imf! against tlte county for damage !lone by dogs, 1 to 2 inclusiYe, respectfully report as follows:.

1 • • Asked. Allowed

l. G. 1).· Aiel rich, Grontu.ls awl Buildings committee ........ $ 20.00 :j; 20.00 · 2. F. A. Nuucrger, taking testimony ................................ 108.08 118.68

::1. W. E. I!'isher, legal services ............................................ 115.00 115.00 · 4. Geo. Starkfl, committee work .......................................... 122.00 122.00 5. Chas. Brady, committee work ............................. .-.......... 104.4'1 104.44 6. Ben Halverson, committee worlr ............................. .-...... 128.48 128.48

Dog Claims l. \Vm. Onan, dog claim 2. Wlson Clark, clog claim

· 8.80 Disall'cl 20.00 $ 16.00

'l.'otal .................................................................................... $627.40 $624.60 All of wltich is respectfully submittc.d.


Committee ou Claims. Moved by Supervisor Paul Lukaszeniicz that the report be adopted.

Motion carried. 'l.'he resolution laid ovet· from tbis morning reganling the establish·

ing of an almsltonse was taken up at this time. · J. 0. Foxen gave a verhal report of the findings of the committee

uppointecl to im'estigate the matter of caring for tile poor :from, Portage county., stating that \Vaupaca county would care for the poor from

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Pnrtage county nt a cost of $5.00 per week, this price inelnding boartl and room and clothing hut not burial expenses. He further stated that the charges should have a good change of clothing when admitted and should be able to get to their meals unassisted.

llioYed by Supervisor Atwell that the verba 1 report of the com­mittee appointed to investigate the matter of cariug for . the poor from Portage county be made a part of the records. Motion carried.

Moved by Supervisor Betker and seconded that the resolution laid over from this morning regarrling the purchase of a tractor be adopted.

Moved in tuuendment ·by Supervisot· Atwell that money to pay fot· tractor be taken care of in the way of about one-h::tlf cash, same to be paid out of road m~;~intenance fund·, aml a note be given for the bal­auce of ainount to become (ltie on or before March 1, 1925. Motion to amend carried. Original motion as amended tllen passed unanimously.

'l'he chairman announced that the highway IJoml resolution had !.wen redrafted and the clerk would now read same.

Clerk rend resolution as follows: Resolution Providing fot· Funds to Assist .in· Fedeml Aid Consti'Uction

"'hereas, the county board of Portage county is desirous of !Javi.ng the Plover-Plainfield road improved with federal aid in 1024, and

\Vhereas, the state's sllare of the federal construction fund is not · an1ilable for use on this road in 1924 and perhaps not until some. time latet·: ·

Therefore, be it resolver!, ·that the State Highway Commission is het'eby requested to place a fed~ral itid project on the Plover-Plainfield road from the e·ntl of the concrete pavement south of Plover to the Moore barn in Portage county, and be it further ·

Resolved, 'that there is hereby appro11rinted the sum of Fifty '.rhousand Dollars ($50,000) as the county's share of the cost of the improvement by grading, draining and surfacing with cement conct·ete, the above descrlbde road in Portage county, which sum is to be paicl into the state treasury as their state taxes are paid, and to assist in the construction .of said federal project 11rovided the State High\\'lll' Com­mission grants the request for this improvement; that the county clerk

. is het·eby directed to use money appropriated in the bond resolution on ''condition that the State Highway Commission grants the request for

the improvement. UIDN HALV!!]RSON,

I!'. n. DENT. 0. A. CROWELL.

Be it resolved by the county l.JOard of Portage coi.mty, "'isconsin, that the said county shall issue bonds under the p~ovisiow; of Sec. 07.13 and Sec. (H.14, statutes for the originul improvement of 110rtrous of the county system of prOSJ1ecti ve state highways.

Resolved, that Portage. county, Wisconsin, rai::;e One Hun<lred Fifty 'l'housand Dollars ($150,000) for the original improvement of the following described portions of the county system of prospective state highways in said county, providing t11e state will appropriate .~50,000 towards the Plover-Pluinfield roatl, to-wit: ·

For the im1n·ovemeut by gmrling and paving with cement concrete the Amherst-Stevens Point road, State ~rrnpk Highway No. 18, com­mencing at the end of the conc:rete pavement in the village of 4,mherst and extending thence in a nort.hwe:>terly direction on said rmid iS when same is permanently located u:; far a>< the fnmls available will reach, the sum of One Hnndred '.rhou~illlll ($100,000) Dollars. · .....


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For the improvement by grading and paving with cement concrete ft·om end of concrete paving south of Plover as far as money available will construct, the sum of Fifti 'l'lwusand ( $50,000) Dollars.

And that the sum of 'One T!Jousnnd ($1,000) Dollars per mile be charged against towns and municipalities through which such, high­ways are cpnstructed.

That for the puq1ose of raising said snms' the said county shall issue Its series "C" non-taxable, semi-annual interest payment coupon bonds, as provided in Sec. 67.13 and Sec. 67.14, statutes, in a form appt·ovecLby the State Highway Commission, in the aggregate amount­ing to One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000), and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable semi­an·nually on the first day of April an.d the first day of October of each year .. :.rhe principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable at the office of the county treasurer of the said county.

Said bonds shall be Three Hundred . (300) in number, numbered from one to three hundred inclusive; they shall all be of the de­nomination of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) ; they shall all_ bear date of May 1, 1924, and shall mat.ure and become due and payable as fol-lows, to-wit: · ·

Bonds numbered 1 to 100 inclusive, April 1, 1926. Bonds nlnnhered 101 to 200 inclusive, April 1, ·1927. Bonds numbered 201 to 300 inclusive, April 1, 1928. '!'hat said bonds shall he negotiated by the chairman of county

board, county clerk and county highway committee, after !Javing been advertised ln one OL' more newspapers published in said county once in each week for .not less than three weeks, aiJ(J sold to the bidder or bidders whose bids shall appear to be most advantageous to the said county, but ·in no case for less than. the principal and accrued interest.

It. is further resolved, that tllere shall be raised, and th~re is hereby levied upon all property, real and personal, within the saicl Portage county, Wisconsin, a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the :principal thereof, as such principal falls due.

Resolution presented April 15, A. D. 1024 • BEN HALVERSON. ]'. J. GRUBER. CHAS. BRADY. F. B. DENT. .JAMES M. FOGARTY. E'. A. LUKASAVITZ. 0. A. CROWELL.

Moved by Supervisot· Halverson tllat the resolution be adopteu. Roll of members called. Motion passed by 20 ayes and 9 nays, one absent. The following voted aye: Supervisors Betket·, Martin, Crowell, Foxen, Dent, Brady, Fogarty, Steinke, Stertz, Halverson, Gruber, Zimmer, Gilbert, F. Lukasavitz, Hegg, Norton, At\Yell, P. 'Lukaszewicz, Mersch, Aldrich. NtlYS: Supervisors Smith, Starks, Cychosz, Thorp, Laszewsld, ~iven, Diver, Rossiet·, Baker.

Mov:ed by Supervisor Halverson that the special committee up­pointe.d at the fall session of the board to II ttentl to matters in regard to the grnvel pit located at Amherst Jui1etiou he continued. Motiou m~~. ,

Clerk rend report of committee on Per Diem and Mileage, as follows: . To t.he Hononthlr. Chnirman nnrl i\'femher;; of the Count.y Board.

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Gentlernen :-\Ve, y01ir committee on Per Diem and Mileage, would respectfully report as follows, and would recommend the adoption of the same and that the Cl1airmnn anfl county clerk he instructed to draw an order on the county treasurer for the snn1.e:

g~~- ~~;l~~i1;;, 22 c~~~~~.'lJ4n~~li:~.".".".·.·.·_:/".".·.·.·.·.·.·.-::::::::::::::::·.·.·.·.·_-_-::::::::::::::·.·.·.·_-_-:::::$ 0. A. Crowell, 2 days, 50 miles ............ , .......•............... : .................... . C. A. Smith, 2. days, 32 miles · J. 0. Foxen, 2 clays, 32 miles Geo. Starks, 2 clays, 28 miles 1!'. B. Dent, 2 days, 50 miles Chas. Brady, 2 clays, 32 miles James Fogarty, 2 dpys, 18 miles Jacob Cychosz, 2 clays, 20 miles Edward S. 'l'hon), 2 clays, 34 miles Chas. Steinke, 2 clays, 31 miles Anton Lnszewski, 2 days, 4 miles Ceo. Stertz, Sr., 2 days, 26 miles Geo. Niven, 2 clays, 40 miles Edmoml l!'rost, 2 days, 18 miles Ceo. S.- Diver, 2 days, 32 miles. Ben• Halverson, 2 days, 40 mjles lf. J. CruiJer, 2 days, 50 miles ill. H. Rossier, 2 clays, 12 ·miles JDcl. Zimmer, 2 days, 12 miles C. J. Gilbert, 2 days, 40 miles Baldus Baker, 2 .clays, 30 miles F. A. Lukasavitz, 2 clays, 16 miles

. J. E. Hegg, 2 clays F. A. Norton, 2 days V. P. Atwell, 2 days Paul Lnkaszewicz, 2 clays i\1. J. Mersch, 2 days G. D. AlclriclJ, 2 clays

12.40 12.64 13.00 11.02 11.92 11.68 13.00 11.92 11.08-11.20 12.04 11.86 10.24 11.56, 12.40" 11.08 11.92 12.40 13.00• 10.72 10.72 12.40 11.80 10.06 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Total ........................................................................... : ........................ $343.8G

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Moved hy Supervisor Hossier that the rc'tJOrt be nclopted. Motion earried.

Minutes of this day's session rend and >1pprover1.

MOI'ecl by Supervisor Rossier that· tile board ruljourn sine die. Motion carriecl. ·


County of Portage-ss. I, Unth McCallum, county clerk of snicl county nforesai~, ;mel Gladys

Gordon, duly sworn as assistant t::lerk, by the members of the co11nty boarcl of· said county, do hereby ce1·tify that the above is a true and conect 1·ecorcl nf the proceedings of eac:l1 meeting of the county board. of sn11en•isor;; of Portage county, \Visconsin, from clay to day in spring session for U1e yenr 1!)21, read hy the t::ounty clerk in the presence of

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of said county board of supervisors and by them ap-

ItUTH McCALLUM, County Clerk. GLADYS GORDON, Assistant Clerk.



BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Portage County, Wis.



Stevens Point, Wis., .June 0, 1924, 10 o'clock a. m. Special meeting called to order by Ron. M. J. Mersch, chairman . Clerk called the roll and the following members answered present:

Alban, Carl Betker; Almond, C. F. Martin ; Amherst, C. A. Smith; Am­herst village, Richard. ''Vilson; Amherst .Junction village, Geo. Starks; Belll}J)nt, Frank B. Dent; Buena Vista, Chas. Brady; Carson,- James Fogarty; Dewey, Jacob Cychosz; Ean Pleine, Edw. S. Thorp; Grant, Charles Steinke; Hull, Anton Laszewsld; Junction City vilage, George Stertz, Sr. ; Linwood, Edmond Frost; New Hope, Ben Halverson; Pine Grove, F. J. Gruber; Plover, E. H. Rossier; Rosholt, C. J. Gilbert; Sharon, Baldas Baker; Stockton, F .. A. Lukasavitz; Stevens Point city -First ward, J. E: Heg-g; Second ward, F. A. Norton; Third ward, V. P. Atwell; Fourth ward, Paul Lnkaszewicz; Fifth ward, M. J. 1\Iersch; Sixth ward, G. D. Aldrich.

Clerk rend the following:

To .County Clerk, Stevens Point, Wis.: Plover, Wis., June 3, 1924.

This is to advise that •. at a regular meeting of the village board, Mr. J. F. Maxfield was selected to attend the special session of the county boarrl in the abs(mce of Mr. Zimmer. J

W. F. MOORE, Village Clerk. State of Wisconsin, County of Portage-ss.

I hereby certify that on the 22nd of May, 1924, Odin Christenson was appointed by the village boanl to represent the village of Nelson­ville at the meeting of the county hoard of supervisors on June 0, 1924, in place of Geo. S. Diver, who on account of sickness was unable to attend the meeting.

0. T.J. GORDON, Village Clerk. Nelsonville, Wis., June 9, 1924.

State of Wisconsin, County of Portage-ss. I hereby certify that Chn rles Madson was appointed by the town

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board to represent the town of Lanark at the -meeting _of the county ·board of supervisors on June !), Hl24, in place of George Niven, who ·• on account of illness was unable to attend the meeting.

EARL LEA, Town. Clerk. Clerk read the call for a special meeting, as follows.:

To Ruth McCallum, County Clerk of the County of Portage, State of Wisconsin: ·we, the undersigned, being a majority· of the members of the

county boanl"of Portage county,. \Visconsin, hereby request you to call a special mee"ting of the county board of Portage ·county, Y\'isconsin, to ue held at the court house in the city of Stevens Point, \Visconsin, on l\Ionclay, June !), A. D. 1924, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur­pose of acting. on the change on State Trunk Highway No. 18, .Jnftde by the State 1-Iigh\vay Commission, and for the purpose of transacting such .­other busine~§ as may properly come before ,:;aiel county board nt such .meeting.

Dated this 29th day of l\Iay, A. D. 1924. Signed, BEN HALVERSON. CHAS. BRADY. F. A. -LUKASAYITZ. GEO. S. DIVIDR. CARL BE'.rKEU. C .. T. GILBERT.


Clerk read communication from the Wisconsin. Highwny c,n~mis­slon as follows :

Madison, May 23, 1924. Miss nuth McCallum, County Clerk, Portage Count.y, Stevens Point,

Wisconsin. · . . . · 1

Dear Madam :-Subject--Change in state trunk highway system. The proposal to change the state trunk highway sy:;;r.em in Portage

<:ounty, on which a hearing was held in ·stevens Point on May· 2, 1!)24, was considered by the State Highway Commission at its meeting heir! Wednesday, May 14, 1924, mid action taken to locate ·State 1.'runk Highway No. 18 from Amherst to Amherst Junction, thence in a northerly direction passing close to Nelsonville, and west along the route of State Trunk Highway No. 161.

This action is set out in detail in the attached instrument, which please present to your county board f_or its action the first time the said board shall convene. 1

· Yours very respectfully, WISCONSIN I-IJGHWAY COMMISSION:

By llf. \Y. T01·kelson, Engineer-Secretary.

DECISION OF THE STATE HIGHWAY C0!\1l\1ISSION Notice of Change in the State Trunk Highway System in Portage


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'l~o the Conr1ty Bour!l i>C Portage County: The Stat'e Highway Commission at its meeting held lllay H, 1924,

pursua1it to a rmblic hearing held in the court house in SteYens Point on Ma.y 2, 1024, after due 110tice to the localities concemcrl of the pro­posal', took action to change the state trunk highway system in Portage county, by removing from said system certain roads and substituting others in lieu thereof, as hcreinaUer described.

'l'he portion of State Trunk Highway No .. 161 so removed is de­scribed as follows: ·

"Beginning at a point in the State 'J:nmk Highway on the north line of section 5, town 23, range 10 east, at or near the uorth quarter section corner of said section 5, thence west along the section line to a point at or near the north quarter sc<:tion corner of section 6, said town and range, ;:wd. southwesterly a<:ross the said section 6 to a point at or near the west quarter section corner thereof."

The 1wrtinn of Stnte 'l'nmk Highway No. 18 removed ft·om the state trunk highway system is described as follows:

, "Beginning in the State Trunk Highway in Amherst Junction -in section 17, town 23, range 10 east, thence northwesterll' along the north side of the right of way of the llfinneat1olis, St. Panl and Sault Ste. Marie· Railwlll7 com11any, through sections 17, 18 and 7 of town 23, range 10 east, and sections 12, 1 and 2, town 23, range 9 east, to the cast and west quat'l:er section line of said section 2 at a point near the <:enter of said section 2." ·

'l'he new route of State Trunk Highway No. 18 added to the system iu lien of the portion so removed, is as follows: ·

"Beginning in the State 'l'runk Highway in Amherst .Tnnction at the 11oint of cliscontinnance in section 17, town 23, range 10 east, thence iu a northerly direction through sections 17 and 8 and into section 5 to a point opvosite the bridge o,ver the \Vanpaca river in said

. section 5, thence northwesterly along the laid out road to a point on the· cast anll west quarter section line through said section 5 and 6

westerly throngh section G of said town and range and continuing westerly through sections 1 aml 2 of town 23, range 9 east to the point of Lliscontiunance near the ccntet· of sa'id section 2."

'.rhe connection for State 'l'runk Highway No. 161 througl! Nelson­ville is described as follows:

"Beginning at a point ou the nort11 line of section 5, town 2..~. range 10 east, near the north quarter section corner of said section 5, thence southeasterly along the laid out road to the village of Nelsonville, thence ;;outhwesterly across the \Vaupaca river to a connection with the State Trunk Highway already laid out 'from Am­herst through Amherst Junction to the point .near the center or sec--tion 2 of town 23, range {) east." ·

Since the foregoing changes more than five miles of the state trunk highway system, the action of the State Highway Commission must be referred to the county board of Portage county in which such changes are situated, and approved, before such <:hanges can become effective.

Your honorable boLly ·is therefore requested to act iu the matter at the first convenient opportunity and cause a report of your action to be made to the State Highway Commission as 'soon as lli'acticable thereafter.

Yours very respectfully, 'YISCONSIN HIGHWAY COMMISSION.

By M. W. Torkelson, Secretary.

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Moved by Supervisor Halverson that the board proceed to elect ~ · ''ice-chairman. Motion carried. '

Moved by Supervisor Martin that 0. A. Cro\vell be. elected vice­chainnan for the ensuing year. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved by Supervisor 1~. Lukasavitz that Richard 'Vilsou be elected as a member of the County l!"'arm committee to succeed J. 0. E'oxen, de<.-eased. Motion carried.

Mr. F. l!"'. Mengel addressed the l.Joard in regard to the relocation of State ~'runk Highway No. 18.

1 . .

Moved by Supervisot· Halverson that the board accept and approve the decision of the 'Visconsin Highway Commission in regard to the relocation of State Trunk Highways No. 18 and 161. Roll" of members called. i\Iotion canied by 25 ayes and 4 nays. ~'he folloWing \'Oted aye: Supervisors Betker, Martin, 'Vilson, Dent, Brady, Fogarty, Cychosz, Thorp, Steinke, Stertz, E'rost, Christenson, Halverson, Gruber, Rossier, Maxfield, Gilbert, Baket·, F. Lukasavitz,. Hegg, Norton, Atwell, Paul Lukasze\\1cz, Mersch, Aldrich. Nays: Supervisors Smith, Starks Laszewski, Madson. '

Moved by Supervisor Halverson that the chail·man appoint a com­mittee to draft a resolution on the death of J. 0. Foxen. Motion carried.

. The chairman appointed Supervisors Smith, Hegg and Hossler as such committee. ·

Chairman announced that Paul Lukaszewicz wotilcl serve on the committee on Equalization, Hich:at·d "'ilson on committee on Shet·iff and Constaple l!'ees, and 0. A. Crowell on committee on Ways and · Means, to fill the vacancies on said committees.

Clerk read the follo,ving resolution: Whereas, in the wisdom of an all-wise Providence our esteemed

ciJairman, J. 0. Poxen, has been remo,•ed from our midst, we, the. m'embers of the Portage county board of supet·visors in special meeting

· assembled, by these tokens express our sense of loss and our hearty appreciation of the work and interest shoii•n by our departed member in all matters pertaining to the welfare of our county:

Resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the board ~nd that a copy be sent to membe1's of the family: •


Moved by Supervisor Atwell that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried by a rising vote. ·

Supervisor Maxfield read the following resolntiou:

Be it resolved, by the board 'of supervisors of Portage county, that we urge the Highway Commission and Governor to hasten the con­struction of the concrete roads i1i Portage county as planned and ap­proved by the county l.Joard, ancl a copy uf this resolution be sent to the Governor and State Highway Commission. .T. F. 1\IAXFIELD.

Moved by Supervisor l!"'rost tha't the resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. ' ·

Clerk read report of c~ommittee 011 f'er Diem a1ul Mileage us follows: To the Hon. Chairman and ll:lemhers of the County Board of Super-

Vi(lors of Portage County, Wisconsin.. · Gentlemen :-,Vc, your committee on Per Diem und Mileage, would

respectfully report as follows, and would recommend the adoption of the same and that the chairma11 aJHl eom1ty clerk be instructed to draw an order on· the county treasurer for the same.

- . . . - - - -~-_.:_......:..,:.,:;:..._-~...-::.;.,. g'-iiiS-'' ---~ & .. ._...,..,,. ,.,.




Carl Betker, 1 day, 40 miles ................ ~ .......................... : .... : ................... $

C. F. Martin, ,1. day, 44 miles C. A. Smith, 1 day, 32 miles

. Richard 'Vii son, l day, 32 miles Geo. Starl.;:s, l day, 28 miles ]!'rank B. Dept, 1 day, 50 niiles ChtlS. Brady, 1 day, 32 miles James Fogarty, 1. <lay, 18 miles Jacob Cychosz,.1 day, 20 miles Edw. S. 'J:horp, 1 day, 34 miles ·charles Steinlw, 1 day, 31 miles Anton J,nszewski, 1 day, 4 miles George Stertz, Sr., 1 day, 26 miles ............................................. .

Chas. Madson, 1 clay, 36 miles Edmond Frost, 1 day, 18 miles Odin Christenson, 1. day, 32 miles ............................... , .. Ben Halverson, 1 day, 40 miles ........................ : .................................. . F. J. Gruber, 1 day, 50 miles.......................................... . ....... ··'····

E. H. Rossier, l day, 12 miles J. F. Maxfield, 1 <lay, 12 miles C. J. Gilbert, 1 day, 40 miles· .. . Baldus Baker, 1 day, 30 miles .... .' ................................... .

F. A. Luknsavitz, 1. .day, 1.6 mi}es J. E. Hegg, 1 daY 'F. A. Norton, 1 day V. P. Atwell, 1 day Paul J,ukaszewicz, 1 day


7.40 7.64 6.02 (}.92 6.H8 .-, 8.00 6.92 6.08 6.20 7.04 6.86 5.24 6.56 7.16 6.08 6.92 7.40 8.00 5.72

. 5.72 7.40 6.80 5.96 5.00 5.00 5.00 5:00 5.00 5.00 M. J. Mersch, l day

G. D. Aldrich, 1 day Total ........ ············:··························· .................................................. $185.62·


that the r~port be adopted. Moved hy SupervlJ;?OI' P. Lukaszewicz

Motion carried. 1 Minutes of .this session read, corrected and approved. Moved by Supervisor Betker that the board adjourn sine die. Mo-

tion carried. . RUTH McCALLUM, County Clerk.

State of Wisconsin, County of Portage-ss. J, Ruth McCallum, county clerk of said county aforesaid, and

Gladys Gordon, duly sworn as assistant clerk, by the members of the county board of said cot)nty, do hereby certifY that the above is a true and correct record of the proceedings of tile special meeting o.f the county board of supervisors of Portage county, 'Visconsin, held June 9, 1024, read by the county clerk in the presenee of the members of said county board of supervisors, aud by them approved.

Attest: , · RU'J:H McCALLUM, County Clerk. GLADYS GORDON, Assistant Clerk.·

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BOARD'OF SUPERVISORS of Portage County, Wis.


Stevens Point, ·wis., November 11, 1924, :1.0 o'clock a. n1. Meeting called to ordet· by Hon. 1\f. J. i\:fersclt, cllllirmau. Clerk called the roll and the_following members answered present:

Alban, Carl Betker; Almond, C. F. 1\:fartin; Almond village, 0. A. Crowell; Amherst, C. A. Smith; Arhherst village Richard ·wilson· ·Aml~erst Junction vilhige, George Starks; Belmot;t, l!'rank B. Dent; Buena Vista, Chas. Brady; Car·son, James I!,ogarty; Dewey, .Jacob Cychosz; Ean Pleine, Edw. S. Thorp; Grunt, Charles Steinke; Hnil-, Anton Laszewski; Junction City village, George Ste1·tz, Sr.; Lanark, George Niven; Linwood, lDdmond Frost; Nelsonville village, George Diver· New Hope, Ben Halverson; Pine Grove, F. J. Grubet·; Plover, E. H. 'Rossler; Plover village, .Ed. Zimmer; Rosholt village, C. J. 'Gil­bert· Sharon Baldus Baker; Stockton, F. A. Lukasavitz; Stevens Point city_:_E'irst ~ard, J. E. Hegg; Second ward, F. A. No1·ton; 'l'hirrl ward, V. P. Atwell; l!,ourth ward, Paul Lukaszewicz; Fifth ward, IlL J. Mersch; Sixth ward, G. D. Aldrich.

·l\Ioved by Supervisor Halverson aud seconded that the board pro­ceed to elect a chairman. Motion carried.

The chairman appointed Supen•isors Brady and Zimmer as tellers: Supervisor Mersch was. nominated for chairman an~l the bot rei l)ro-.

eeeded to an informal· ballot for chairman. ·whole numl.Jer of votes cast was 29, of which IlL J. Mersch received 28 and V. P. Atwell 1.

J\Ioved by Supervisor HaiYcrson thnt the informal Jmllot IJe de­clared formal and Supervisor Mersch -he declared elected chairman of the board for the ensuing year. Motion was put by the elerk and carried unanimously. \ ·

The cbairrrutn thanked the l.JOarcl for the Jtonor conferred upon him and stated that he would conduct the meeting to the best of his ability.

Supervisor Crowell was nominaterl for vice-chairman. 1'he l.Joard proceeded to an informal ballot for vice-chaii'man. 'Whole number of votes cast was 30, of which 0_. A. Crowell received 27, V. P. Atwell 2, and Carl Betker 1.

Moved by Supe1·visor Dent tltnt the informnl ballot be declared formal and 0. A. Crowell he declaretl elected vice-chairman for the en­suing year. Motion earried.

Moved by SuperviHOl' Betker tlwt the board adjourn until 1:30 o,'clock p. m. Motion carr.iell. .

Stevens Point, Wis .. No,•e1111Jcr 11, 1924, 1:30 o'clock· p. m. Meeting called to order by l-Ion. IlL J. l\Iersch, chairman. · Clerk called the roll, all members present.· Prof. A. L. Stone, of the "'isconsin dCJ)artment of agl'icult:ure, ad­

dressed the board regarding the 1\'eed c·ontrol law; pointing out. the




~ .. ·. duties of the town chairmen ·and weed· commissioners in connection with this law.

Moved by Supervisor Frost that the rules governing the 1923 board govern the proceedings of the board for 1!)24. Motion carried .

Clerk read the following resolution: Resolution Providing fo1' the Issuance of $150,000 Sel'ies C Non-Tax·

able Highway Improvement County Bonds of Portage County, Wis­consin, and fo1· the Levy of Taxes to Pay Principal of. and Interest Thereon, aml Fixing Other Details in Respect Thereof.

Be it and it is hereby resolved by the county board of Portage county, Wisconsin, as follows:

Section 1: That for the purpose of i_!Pproving the county system of prospective state highways in the county, there be issued Series "C" non-taxable highway improvement county bonds of . Portage county, Wisconsin, in the amount of $150,000. That said bonds ~ dated May 1 1924 be of· the denomination of $500 each, numbered from 1 to 300, b~th n~nnbers included, and mature in numerical order as follows: $50,000 on April 1 of each of the years 1926 to 1928, both years in­cluded, and bear interest at the rate of five per cent (5o/'o) per annum, payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 of each year.

That said bonds· IJe payable, both principal and interest; at the office of the county treasurer at Stevens Point, 'Visconsin_., That said. bonds be signed by the chairman of the county board· and the county clerk in their oflicial 1 capacities and be sealed with the county seal and the coupons shall be signed by the facsimile signatures of said officials .

Section 2. That sale of said bonds heretofore made be and the same is hereby coiJfirmed, and that same be delivered to said pur­chaser upon receipt of the purchase price thereof.

Section 3. 1'hnt snid bonds and coupons- be in the form as ap­proved hy the state highway commission ns required by law.

Section 4. '!.'hat in order to provide for the collection of a direct lll;mual tax sufficient to par the interest \On said $150,000 bonds as it nccrues and also to pay and. dischat·ge the principal thereof at ma­

,turity, there be and there is hereby levied upon· all the taxable property iu said cot!nty a direct nnnual tax fot· ench of·the years while said bonds, or nny of them, are outr;tanding, in ·amounts sufficient for. such purpose, and that there l.Je and is hereiJy levied upon all the taxable property in said county, the following direct annual tax to-wit: ' ' . For the year 1024, a tax sufficient to raise the ·sum of $7 500 to pay interest maturing April 1 and October 1, 1!)25. '

For the year 1925, a tnx sufficient to rni'se the sum of $56,2.'>0 to pay interest and principnl due in 1D2G.

For the year 1!)26, a. tax sufficient to raise the sum of $53 750 to pay intet·est and principal cine in 1927. · '

~,or the year 1?27_. a tax sufficient to raise the sum of $51,250 to pay Jllterest and prmc1pal due in 1928.

That the proceeds of the taxes hereby provided to· be levied for sinkilig fund, when colleetecl, be deposited in a separate fund to be caller~. "Series 'C'. Non-Taxable Highway Improvement Sinking Fund, 1924, and be used solely for the purpose of paying the principal of sairl bonds as the some matures. ·

Section 5.. That- all· reso_l utions heretofore adopted by this county board on ~pnl 15 and Aprtl 16, 192'1, be and same are hereby. re­adopted wtth like effect ns though enid resoluti'ons were incorporated herein in ·full, and- all resolutions and orders heretofore adopted and entered in conflict herewith he and the same are hereby repealed .

' .. ,,


!\-loved by Supervisor Thorp and seconded that the resolution be adopted. !loll of members culled. Motion .carried unanimously.

The chairman at this time announced the standing committees of the board of. supervisors for the year Hl24, as follows:

Equalization-V. P. Atwell, J. E. Hegg, Edward S. 'l'horp, Carl Betker, Charles Steinke, Charles Brady, C. A. Smith, 0. 'A. Crowell, Anton J;,aszewski, Paul Lulmszewicz.

Claims-F. A. Lukasavitz, C. F. Martin,. George f;tertz, Sr., F . .T. Gruber, Baldas Baker, George Diver, F. H. Dent, E. R. Zimmer, F. A. Norton.

Illegal Assessments-George Starks, Ben' Halverson, F. A. Norton, C .. J. Gilbert; E. H. Rossler.

County Poor-Richard ·wilson, Edmond Frost, George Niven, G. D. Aldrich, 0. A. Crowell, F. A: Norton.

Cot1nty Printing-F. A. Lukasavitz, George Niven, Balclas Baker, Chas. Steinli:e, Edmond Frost, Jacob Cychosz, Richard 'Vilson.

Town Organization-George S. Diver, E. R. Zimmer, C. F. Martin, Cad Betker, Baldus Baker, C. A. Smith. •

Sheriff and Constable Fees-George Starks, Carl Betker, G. D. Aldrich, Jaines 1\f. Fogarty, Richard Wilson.

Settlement with County Officers-C. J. Gilbert, E. H. Rossler, George Niven, J. E. Hegg, Edmond Frost, C. A. Smith. · Settlement with County Board of Education-C. F. Maitin, F. B. •

Dent, Charles Brady, .James M. Fogarty, E. R. Zimmer, .Jacob Cychosz. County Buildings and Grounds-G. D. Aldrich, V. P. Atwell, E. H.

Rossi.er. . . . Judiciary-Charles Brady, Paul Lukaszewicz, F. A.· Norton, Ed-

ward S. Thorp. . State Roads and Bridges-Ben Halve~son, F. B. Dent, James M.

Fogarty, 0. A. Crowell, F. A. Lukasavitz, F: J. Gruber, George Starks, Charles Brady. .

Ways and Means-0. A. Crowell, Richard Wilson, Jacob Cychosz, Paul Lukaszewicz, Charles Steinke, C. A. Smith.

Per Diem .and Mileage-George Starks, V. P. 'Atwell, George S. Diver, George Stertz, Sr., Anton Laszewski.

Moved by Supervisor Starks that the board a'djourn until 0 :00 o'clock tomorrow ri10rning. Motion carried.

RUTH McCALLUJVI, County Clerk.

SECOND DAY Stevens Point, 'Vis., November 12, 1024, 0 :00 o'clock a. m.

Meeting culled to order by Hon. 1\1. J. Mersch, chai'rman. Clerk called the roll, all membe•·s present. Minutes of yesterday's session real! and a11provell .. Clerk read report of So_ldiers' Relief committee, which was re­

fen·ecl to the committee on Settlement with County Officers. Clerk read .annual report of Earl Newby, county. treasurer, which

was referred to the .committee on Settlement with County Officers. Moved by Supervisor Halverson that the board adjourn until 1 :30

o'clock p. m. Motion carried. Stevens Point, Wis., November 12, 1024, 1 :30 o'clock p. JU.

Meeting called to order by Bon. M. J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisor I-Iegg,

excused. · Clerk read the resolution of State Superintendent Callahan .in re­

gard to the amount of school money to be r~isecl, which was referred to the committee on Ways.and Means. 1 · ·

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Clerk read the annual report of P. E. Webster, clerk of the circult court of Portage county, which was referred to the committee on Settle- · ment with County Officers.

Clerk read the following : To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of

Supervisors of Portage County, 'Visconsln. Gentlemen :-I hereby make application for the reappointment as

janitor o.f the court house for the ens11ing year, at the same salary as the past year. Hoping you may act favorably upon my application.

Signed, DELL KING. Moved by Supervisor Betker that the board proceed to elect a

janitor for the court house for the following year. Motion carried. · Moved by Supervisor Halverson that the rules be suspended and Dell King be elected· as janitor of the court house for the ensuing year. Motion· curried.

Clerk read communication' from the 'Vuupaca Sand & Gravel Com-pany regarding the gravel pit located at Amherst Junction.

Moved by Supervisor Halverson that the same committee, con­sisting of Supervisors Crowell, Brady, Atwell and Smith, be reappointed, to confer with the 'Vaupaca Sand & Gravel Company in regard to·

· future operations, with power to act. · Motion curried_ Moved by Supervisor Wilson that the board adjourn until 9 :00

o'clock tomorrow moruing. Motion carried. RU'fH McCALLUM, County Clerk.

THIRD DAY . Stevens Point, Wis., November 13, 1924, 9 :00 o'clock a. m.

Meeting C(llled to order by Hon. 1\L J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisor Norton,

excused. Minutes of yesteruay's session read and approved. Attorney ,V. E. Atwell extended an Invitation to the members of

the. board to attend the Rotary club luncheon at Hotel Whiting next

Monday noon. Moved by Supervisor Martin and seconded that the board accept

the invitation. Motion carried. Clerk read the annual report of Byron J_ Carpenter, district at-torney of Portage county, which was referred to the committee on SettlemeHt with County Officers.

Clerk read schedule of claims, general file bills from 1 to 18 in-clusive, which was referred to the committee on Claims.

Clerk read the state tax levy for Portage county as submitted by the secretary of state, which was referred to the Ways and Means

committee. Moved by Supervisor Starks that the boai:d adjourn until 1 :30

o'cloek -p. m. Motion earried. ' Ste:vens Point, Wis., November 13, 1924, 1:30 o'clock P- m. Meeting called to order by Hon. M. J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisors Bet-

ker and Hegg, excused. Mrs. E. M. Sawyer addressed the board in regard to the rest room in the city of Stevens Point.

Mrs. Marion Tardiff, treasurer, reported on the financial. condition of the rest room organizatlmi. ·

Moved by Supervisor Atwell and seconded that the report be ac" cepted and· placed on file, and that $250 he appropriated from the general'fnncl for the rest room .

'l').Fr ... ··-·~ ' 'i



Moved by Supervisor Rossier and seconded that the rules pended itnd a vote be taken on the approprintion_at this time. carried. Motion to appropriate $250 to the rest room then unanimously. ·

be sus­Motion passed

Clerk read report of committee on 'Yays and Means as follows: 1.'o the Honorable Chairman and lliemiJ'ers of the County Board· of

Supervisors of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-Your committee on 'Vays and Means to whom was

referred the annexed county school tax under the provisions of section. 1074 of the statutes, would respectfully recommencl that the following resolution IJe adoptee!:

Be it resolved· by the county board of supervisors of Portage county, Wisconsin, in annual meeting assembled, that the followilig sums named in connection with the towns, villages nucl the city of Stevens Point in said county· of Portage, be placed in the tax rolls thereof for school purposes and collectecl as other taxes are collected: Alban ................................................................... .......... !l: l,S18.75

1,147.50 1,526.'25

847.50 1,593.75 3,018.75 1,320.00 1,665.00 1,072.50 2,546.25 1,215.00 1,068.75 1,335.00

881.25 2,088.75 4,042.50 3,240.00

521.25 555.00 353.50 258.7[) 198.75 693.75 371.25


1.'otal .................. ~ ............................................................................. $46,605.00 Dated November 13, 1rJ24.·


Committee on ·ways a11d Means. Moved by Supervisor Frost that the report be adopted ~ read. Mo-

tion carried. '

Clerk read the re1)0rt on burial of indigent soldiers and soldiers' widows, which was referred to the committee on Settlement with Connty Officers.

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Moved by Supervisor Stertz tliat the board adjourn until • 9 :00 o'clock tomorrow morning. Motion carried.

RUTH McCALLUM, ·County Clerk.

FOURTH DAY Stevens Point,· Wis., November 14, Hl24, 9 :00 o'clock a. m.

Meeting called to order by Hon. M. J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisors Bet-

ker and Hegg, excu.sed. . Minutes of yesterday's session rend and approved. Clerk read resolution as follows: " Resolved, that the ·clerk be instl'ucted to notify the 'banks of

Portage county and also the printers that bids for the county de­pository for county money and county PJ;:inting he filed hy Wed'nesday, November 19, 1924. Also the banks be required to furnish corporate surety bonds.

F. B. DENT, Supervisot· Town of Belmont. 1\Ioved by Supervisor Rossler and seconded that . resolution be

adopted. Motion carried. Clerk read report of committee on Settlement with County Of-

ficers, as follows: • To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of

Supervisors of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-We, your committee on Settlement with County Of­

ficers, to whom was referl'ed the report O'f indigent soldiers and. sol­diers' widows, will respectfully report as follows: That we have com­pared same with books in county clerk's office and find same correct in all details.

Dated this 13th day of November, 1924. · 'Sign,ed: C. J. GILBERT,


Committee on Settlement with County Offlcerf,l. To the Honornble

Wisconsin. County Board of Supervisors of Portage County,

Gentlemen :-The following amounts have been paid for the burial of indigent soldiers and soldiers' widows for the year as per section 1529-g, 1911, as amended : . February 28, 192~0rlczium Derozier .................... : ........................... $ 50.00 March 26, 1924-Hugh J. Brawley .................................................... 50.00 July 28, 1924-Sarah M: Howe .................... ~......................................... 50.00 September 9, 1924-Alma A. Bell ......................................................... 50.00 September 10, 1924-Walter D. Bellinger .......................................... 50.00 October 11; 1924-Adelia McKee ................. ......................................... 50.00

Total .................................................................................................... $300.00 Dated this 13th day o~ November, 1924. ·

Respectfully submitted, RUTH McCALLUM, County Clerk.

Moved by Supervisl)r Dent that the report be adopted. Motion carried. · ·

· Clerk read the following report of the committee on Settlement with County Officers: · · To the Honorable Chairman and Members cif the County Board of Su-



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pervisors of Portage County, \Visconsin. Gentlemen~:-We, your committee on Settlement with County Of­

ficers, to whom was referred the report of the soldiers' relief ,commis­sion, report that we have compared said orders and have ·cancelled the stubs ami find it correct and recommend its acloption. · Dated this 13th day of :November, 1D24.


Coi11mittee on Settlement wi~h County Officers. Stevens Point, Wis., October 27, 1924.

To the Honorable-County Board of Supervisors, Portage County, ~Wis.: ~'he so](]iers' relief commission beg to make their annual report for

the year ending October :n, 1!)24. We have aidecl the following persons during the year as follows: l'.Irs. A. Coats, city ........... , ...... .. Roy Robinson, World war veteran Mrs .. Jennie Blaisdale, Plbver Frank Maleth, Eau Pleine Mrs. H. H. Moore, Plover

Total disbursemt•nt Recapitulation

55.00 10.00 10.00 20.00' f>O.OO


Cash on hand November 1, 1923 .................................................. '. ..... $ 935.00 Received from county treasurer Atll'il '1, 1024 ................................ 1,000.00

'fotal receipts .................................................................................. $1,935.00 Paid out for soldiers' relief.. .............................................. $ 155.00 Transfened to general fnnd, A11ril 1, 1024................ 910.00

Total disbursements ................................. : ................ $1.,065.00 1,065.00

Cash on hand November 1, 1024 ........................................................ $ 870.00 Respectfully submitted.

Moved by Supervisor carried.

H. H. HOFFMAN, Cha:irman; SCHUYLER WHIT'fAKER, Secretary; G. H. ALTENBTJRG, Treasurer; .

· Soldiers' Relief Commission. Starks that the report be adopted. ·Motion

Clerk read the schedule of sheriff's bills from 1 to 75 Inclusive, also two bills under sheriff and constable fees, all of which was referred to the committee on Sheriff' and Constable Fees.

Moved by $upervisor Stert~ that the J)oard adjourn until 1:30 o'clock p. m. Motion carried.

Stevens Point, 'Vis .. November 14, 1924, 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Meeting called to order by l-Ion. 1\f. J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisors Bet­

ker and• Hegg, excusecl.. Clerk read petition asking- for an appi·opriution to help defray the

expenses of the 'Visconsin state convention of the American Legion, to be held in the city of Stevens Point during the inonth of August, 1925; also resolution providing for nn appropriation to the Romulus Carl Berens Post No. fl. ·


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The petition follows: To. the Bon. Chairman and .Members of the County Board of Super­

visors of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-During the month of August, 1925, there will be' held

in the city of Stevens Point, in the county of Portage, the Wisconsin state convention of the American Legion, the organization of veterans of the World war, at which .convention an attendance of about 4,000 patriotic young men from all over the state of Wisconsin will be present.

The convention of the American Legion for 1924 was held at Chip­pewa Falls, Chippewa county, 'Visconsin. In order to conduct said convention, it was necessary to raise in advance the sum of $3,000. Of this sum, the city of Chippewa Falls appropriated the sum of $1,000 nnd the board of supervisors of Chippewa county appropriated a further sum of $1,000. •

The Wisconsin state convention at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is to he held under the auspices of the Romulus Carl Berens Post No. 6 of the American Legion; Stevens Point, Wisconsin, which post is expected to handle all preparation, housing, entertainment and the_ distribution, collection and publication of war records.

At a recent meeting of the 'common council for the city of Stevens Point, the said common council appropriated to the Romulus Carl Berens Post No.6 of the American Legion the sum of $1,000 for the pur­poses hereinbefore set forth. , .

Romulus Carl Berens Post No. 6 of tbe American Legion therefore respectfully petitions your honorable body to appropriate a suitable sum to help defray the expenses of tbe Wisconsin state convention of the American ~eglon, and for the collection, publication and distribution of war records at and during said convention.


By, E. G. Bach, Ferdinand A. Hirzy, F. A. Love, Byron J. Carpenter, L. N. Jenkins.

Moved by Supervisor Stertz that the chairman. appoint a commit-tee of three to investigate the matter and report to the board next Tuesday afternoon. Motion carried. •

Chairman announced be would appoint said committee at a later date.

Clerk read report of committee on Settlement with Cotmty Officers as follows: To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Su-

pervisors of P<>rtage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-We, your committee on Settlement with County Of-

',ficers, respectfully report as follows: That we have compared the an­nexed _report of P. E. Webster,- Clerk of the circuit court, and find it c·orrect In all statements and items an<l recommend that it be adopted as a statement, with such officer for the year ending October ·31, 1924.

Dated this 14th day of November, Hl24. Signed: C. J. GILBERT,


. E. H. ROSSlER, i . J. E. HEGG,

Committee on Settlement with County Officers. Following is the report of P. E. Webster, clerk of the circuit court:

To the Honorable County Board of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-I hereby submit my report for the fiscal year ending

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October 31, 1924. Issued officers' aud court certificates ........................ \. ...................... $ 675.50

·Issued jury ·certificates .......................................... c • .' ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,639.44 Issued witness certificates ....................................................... :............ 15.48

Total amount of certificates drawn ............................................ $2,330.42 This is for the quarter ending December 31, 1923. 'After that date

all court expenses were paid by orders drawn by the county clerk. State tax paid county treasurer, on civil actions:·

January 2, 1924, for quarter ending Dec: 31, 11)23 ........................ $ April 2, 1924, for quarter en!ling March 31, .1V24 · July 1, 1924, for quarter ending June 30, 1924 ............................ 11 October 1, 1924, for quarter ending Sept .. 30, 11)24 ............... , ....... .

68.00 50.00 81.00 55.00

Total amount of state tax paid .................................................. $ 254.00 Fines and costs paid county treasurer:

December 8, 11)23, Stu te of \Visconsin vs. Frank Vicket·, ob­taining t:o:ansportation nnder false tJreteJ1ses, fine $25.00, costs $6.54 ...............................................•......... .-............................ $ 31.54·

December 8, 1923, State of Wisconsin vs. Hubert Kluck, abusive · language, fine $1.00, · costs $35.51................................................ 36.Gl

December 8, 11)23, State of Wisconsin vs.· Arne Dalsbo, driving an automobile without the consent of the owner, costs . $15.30 ........................................................... : .................... :............... Hi.30

December 8, 1923, State of Vi'isconsin vs. Charles \Verth, fourth degree manslaughter, fine $250.00, costs $51.12........ 301.12

December S, Ul23, State of Wisconsin vs. Walter Dineen, vio-lating prohibition law, fine $100.00, costs $45.08...................... 145.08

February 25, 1924, State of Wisconsin vs. H. J. Cordell, rape, fine $200.00, costs $7.60 ·······················<···························· 207.60

Mny 2, 1924, State of \Visconsin vs. H . . T. Cot~dell, driving an antomouile \Vhile intoxicated, fine $10, costs $47.31............ 57.31

October 4, 1924, State of Wisconsin vs. Mike Creczak, illegal voting, fine $1.00, co::;ts $35.31. ................................................... ,. 36.·31

October 16, 1924, State of \Visconsin YS. \Vatter Slack, violat-ing prohibition law, fine $200, costs $20.f.i8.............................. 220.58 Totnl amount of fines .. , ...... : ........................................ $787.00 'l'otnl amount of costs ................. 2G4.a5

---Total fines and C.Jsts .................................................................... $1,051.35 All of which is respectfully submitter!. Doted nt Stevens Point, \Vis., this 1st <lny of Novembet·, 1924.

1\Ioved by carried.

. P. El. WEBS'l'ER, Clerk of Circuit Conrt, Portage County, Wisconsin.

Supervisor Starks thnt the re11ort be adoptee!. 1\Iot,ion

Clerk read the following report of the committee on Settlement with County Officers: To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Super-

visbrs of Portage County, \Visconsin. . Gentlemen :-vVe, your committee on Settlement with County Of­

ficers, to whom was referred the report of Byron J. Carpenter, di:;trict attorney, respectfully report as follows: That we have ·examined snid report nnd find it correct in nll rletnils.

~ :..' .. ,.., -11.~.,~ .. ;

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Dated this 14th day of NoremiJer, 102-J.. Signed: C. J. GILBE1It'l',


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C. A. Sl\HTH, K H. ROSSlER, .J. E: HlDGG,

Committee on Settleuwnt with ·county Officers. To the Honorable

\Visconsin. County Board of Sutlervlsors for Portage County,

I, By_rou J. CariJeuter, district attorney for Portage county, do here· by report to the board of supervisors of saicl county, as follows:

I have recei,·ed no money or {lroverty of any kind belonging to the county of Portage by virtue of said office of district attorney. ·

I further report that I have clrawn and issued, from the 14th day of November, Hl23, the date of my last report, Ull to and including the present date, to-wit, November 12, 1024, orders against the district at­torney fund in the amount nnd for the Jlln·poses and to the persons· hereinafter set forth, to-wit:

March 1, lfl24, an order in ftlVOl' of n. 'IV. J:vforse, for copy of testi­mony in the case of the State of \Visconsin against Florian Lasecki, charged with murder, $!):00.

April 19, 1024, an order in favor of Byron .J. Carpenter for ex­penses to Chicago an(! Milwaukee in connection with the case of State of Wisconsin against Florian Lnsecki, charg·ed with murder, $51.18.

April Hl, 1924, an order in favor of. Byron .T. Carpent~r for tele­grams and long distance calls in· the case of State against Florian Lasecki, charged with murder, $0.73. ·

April 19, 1924, .an order to Byron .J. Carpenter for telephone lJill for February ll!Hl March, 1924, $8.05.

April 19, 1924, an order in favor of l!'ord Rental Company for taxi service in the case of the State against l!,lorian Lasecld, charged with murrler, $3.00.

May 12, 1024, an order in favor rjf Byron :r. Ca rventer for stampell envelopes for dog tux notices, $10. \G.

May 15, 1924, nn order in fnvo.- of Byron J. Carventer for stumped envelopes for dog tax notices, $10.86.

June 13, 1924, an order in favor of C. A. Sprague for ex11enses in the case of the State of Wisconsin against \Vatter Gabryzelc, $15.00.

June 13, 1924, an onler in favor of John Evans for expenses in connection with the case of the State· of 'Nisconsin ag-ainst \Yillter Gabryzek, $5.00. ·

July 19, 1924, an order in favor of Harold Adams for services in hte matter of the death of Leo Meyers, $10.00. ·

Aug. G, 1924, an order in. f1ivor of Dr. F. A.. Norton for services in investigations, $7 .31. ·

October 2, 1924, un order in favor of Byron J. Carpenter for long distance telephone account froni April 1 to _October 1, 1024, $28.49.

October 20, 1924; an orcler in favor of Cook's Studio for photo­graphs in the matter of the cleath of Leo Meyers aml Stanley Janowiak, $24.50. .

November 12, 1924, an order in favor of Byron J. Carpenter for taxi service, postage, and livery, $42.30. .... .

Dated at Stevens -Point, \Visconsin, this 12th day of November, 11)24. BYRON J. CARPENTEH,

Dj_strict Attorney in nnd for P.ortuge County, \Vil:lcom;in. State of Wisconsin, County. of Portage-ss.

I'" ·~,. ' . ,,



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Byron J. Carpenter, being first duly sworn on oath, says that he _is the district attorney fot· Portage county and that the facts set forth m the above statement are true and any matters therein' alleged on in­formation rind belief, are true to the best knowledge and belief· of this affiant. · ·

BYRON J. CARPENTER. Subscribed aud sworn to llefore me this 12th day of Nov., 1024.

RUTH McCALLUM, _ "' County Clerk, Portage County, Vl'is. Moved by Supervisor Paul Lukaszewicz that the report be adopted.

Motion carried. · · . . Clerk read annual report of Ruth McCallum,' C(nmty clerk, which

was referred to the committee on Settlement with County. Officers. Mr. Ira Danks addressed the board regarding the Children's Home

Society of Wisconsin. Moved by Supervisor ·Fogarty that the chairman appoint a com­

mittee of three to invesGf~ate the work of the Children's Home Society and of· the Portage CQunty Humane Society and report to the board next Tuesday afternoon. Motion carried.

Chairman appointed Supervisors Fogarty, Brady aud Baker as such committee.

Moved by Supervisot· Stertz that the board adjoum until 0:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. Motion carried.

RUTH McCALLUM, County Clerlt.

FIFTH DAY Stevens Point Wis., November.15, 1024, 0:00 o'clock a. m.

Meeting called to order by Hon. M. J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisors Bet·

ker, Martin, Crowell, Starks, Fogarty, Thorp, Stertz, Halverson, Gilbert and F. Lukasavitz, excused.

Minutes of yesterday's session read and approved. The chairman at tllis time appointed Supervisors Rossler, Gruber

and Stertz as a committee to investigate the matter of• an appropriation for the American Legion.

Clerk read bill No. 3, ft·om John Hofsoos, which was referred to the committee on Sheriff and Constable Fees.

Moved by Supervisor Brady that the boanl adjourn until 10 :00 o'clock Monday mornin.g. Motion carried.

RU'l'H McCALLUM, County Clerk.

SIXTH DAY Stevens Point, Wis., November 17, 1924, 10:00 o'clock a. m.

Meeting called to order by Hon. M. J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all. members present except Supervisors

Steinke, Gruber, F. Luknsavitz and Hegg, excused. Minutes of previous session read and approved. Clerk read the report of Ruth McCallum, county clerk, and V. P.

Atwell, supervisor, purchasing agents for the county, whlcli was re­ferred to the committee on Settlement with Cdunty Officers.

Clerk read report· of Portage County Humn'ne Society, which was referred to the committee on Settlement with County· Officers.

The report of Andrew P. Een, assessor of incomes, was presented to the board and referred to the committee on Equalization.

Moved by Supervisor Stertz that the board adjourn until 2 :00 o'clock p. m. Motion carried. · ·

Stevens Point, Wis., November 17, 1024, 2:00 o'clock p. m.

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Meeting called to order by Hon. 1\:f. J. Merscl1, chairman. Clet·k called the roll, all members present except Superdsot· Hegg,

excused·. , Clerk. rend the following resolution: Resolved, that a notice be placed in the Stevens Point Journal that

all bills against the county, to be audited at this session, must be filed by Wednesday, November 10, 1024.

CHAS. BRADY, Supervisor Town of Buena Vista. Moved by Supervisor .Atwell that the resolution be adopted. Motion

carried.· Clerk rend scl1edule of poot· claims, which was referred to the com­

. mittee on County ·Poor. Clerk read communication from the \Visconsin County Boards

Association. Moved by Supervisor Cro\Yell that communication be laid on the·

table. Motion cntTied. · ~ Moved ·by Supervisor Halverson that the boat'd adjourn u·ntil 0:00 \

o'clock tomorrow morning. Motion Citrried. . RUTH McCALLUZt£, County Clerk.

SEVENTH DAY Stevens Point, \V'is., November 18, 1924, 0:00 o'clock a. lll.

Meeting called to order by Hon. 1\:L J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisors I,as-

zewski and Hegg, excused. ' . 1 Minutes of yesterday's session read and approved. ~'he following road petitions wet·e read and referred to t!Je State

Roads and Bridges committee: . PE'.fi'l'ION NO. 13

'ro tile Honorable Members of the County Board of Supervisors, Portage County, \Vis. Gentlemen :-Tl1e town of Grant has at its annual town meeting

voted fl)ld raised $52G.78 for the Kellner-Stevens Point road for grading and surfacing, and petitions your honorable body' for a like amount, said road to run east from Kellner four ( 4) miles, thence north.

Respectfully submitted. ANDREJW TIJ\ili:I, Town Clerk of Grant.

PETITION NO. 14 To the Honorable Members of the County Boa;.cl.

Gentlemen :-\Ve hereby certify that at nn election held in the town of Pine Grove on tile 1st day of .Apl"il, 1924, the smn of $500.00 was voted to expend' on the road running south from the sw-ne, section twelve (12), work to commence where work stopped in 1924, to be met by the same amount from the county and amount from State.

And also $500.00 to be expended on road west from Bancroft three-fourths of a mile, thence north to town line, this amount to be met by same amount from com1ty aud amount ft'OIIl state.

F. J. GRUBER, Chairman Town of Pine Grove. NELSON H. BEGGS, '!'own Clerk Pine Grove.

PETITION NO. 15 Almond, Wis., Nov. 11, 192'!.

'l'o Ruth McCallum: , . The town of Almont!. voted to raise $500.00 on the Almonil-Heffron

road, ·east of village of ·Almond, und petitions the county board for a like amount.

WJ',f.-.. BASSLER, ~·own Clerk, 'l'owu of Almond.

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PJt;TITION NO. 16 Almond, Wis., Nov. 7, 19z.l.

Miss Ruth McCallum, County Clerk, Stevens Point, Wis. Dear Madam :-At the general election held Nov., 4, the village of

Almond voted to raise one thousand dollars by general tax for tile purpose of constructing a concrete street extending south from the pres­ent concrete on Main street to tile German churcil corner.

Very truly, GEO. G. CROWELL, Village Clcr:.t.

PETITION NO. 17 'l.'o the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board ·of Su­

pervisors of Portage County, 'Visconsin. Gentlemen :-The town of Linwood hereby petitions your honor­

able body for the sum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars, .to be met by an equal amount by ~the town of Linwood, for maintaining tile Stevens Point-Rudolph and Rocky"Run roads. · .

SELMER 0. HASSELL, Clerk Town of Linwood.

PETITION NO. 18 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Portage County, 'Viscon!Sin.

Gentlemen :-,Ve petition for the sum of One Thousaml Eight Hundred ( $1,800) Dollars, to be met by a like sum by the town of Lanark for ·road beginning at quarter line in sections twenty-five ( 2G) and twenty-six (20), town twenty-two (22), range ten (10), extending south, as far as funds available will construct, said road being County Trunk D connecting Higllways number 10 and 54. ·

GEO. NIVEN, Cilairman Town of Lanark.

PETITION NO. 19 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of County Board of Super·

visors of Portage County, 'Viscousin. · Gentlemen :-At the annual town meeting held in tlie. town of

Dewey on the 1st day of April, 1924, it was Yoted to raise One 'l.'hou­sand ($1,000) Dollars and to petition county for One 'l.'housand ($1,000) Dollars to be used for improving by grading and surfacing the Range Line road commencing on State Trunk ·Highway No. 10, run­ning north on Range Line number seven (7), and to construct as far as money will be available.

· Respectfully submitted. JACOB CYCHOSZ, Chairman Town of Dewey.

PETITION NO. 20 To the Honorable Chairman and Members' of County Board of Super­

visors of Portage County, Wisconsin .. Gentlemen :-·Whereas, the· County State llond anll Bridge com-·

mittee and the town board of Dewey decided to complete tile improve­ment on the Stevens Point-Bevent road in said town of Dewey while the road crew1 was there, and the funds available were not sufficient to do so, the town of Dewey deposited with the county treasurer the sum needed, amounting to Two Hundred Fifty ($250) Dollars, and the town of Dewey hereby makes petition for reimbursement of one-half of· said amount paid ill, which is One Hundred Twenty-five ($125) Dol-lars. · Respectfully submitted.

JACOB CYCHOSZ, Chairman Town of Dewey.

PETITION NO. 21 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of County Board of Super­

visors of Portage County, 'Visconsin. Gentlemen :-.AJ a special meeting held in· the town of Sharon on

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the 27th day of May, 1924, it was voted to raise Five Hundred ($500) Dollars and to petition the county for Five Hundred ($500) Dollars

·for the improvement by grading and ·surfacing of Polonia-New Hope road, commencing where the work left off in 1924 and continuing east

. as far ns money available will construct. llespectfnlly submitted .

BALDAS BAKEll, Chairman of Town of Sharon. HENRY 01\IERNIK, Clerk of Town of Shilron.

PETITION NO. 22 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the· County Board' of·

Supervisors of Portage County, 'Visconsin. Gentlemen :-At the annual town· meeting held in the town of

Sharon· on the 1st day of April, 1924, it was voted to raise One Thou­sand ($1,000) Dollars and to petition the county for One Thousand (~1,000) Dollars for the improvement by grading and surfacing of the North Star road; commencing where the work left off in 1924 and con­tinuing north to the county line as far as money available will COD• struct. Respectfully submitted. '

BALDAS BAKER, Chairman Town of Sharon. HENRY OMJ!}RNIK, Clerk ·of Town of Sharon .

PETITION NO. 23 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of County Board of Super­

visors of Portage County, "Visconsin. i Gentlemen :-At a special meeting held' in the town of Sharon· May

27, 1924, it was voted to raise Five Hundred ($500) Dollars and to Pe­tition the coimty board for Five Hundred ($500) Dollars for the im­provement by grading, and surfacing of Stevens Point-Bevent road, commencing where the work left off in 1924 and extending north to the county line as far as money will construct:

Respectfully submitted. BALDAS BAKER, Chairman of Town of Sharon. Hl!JNitY 01\UJUNIK, Clerk of Town of Sharon.

PETITION NO. 24 To the Honorable Cilairman and Members of the County Board of

Supervisors of Portage County, 'Visconsin. .. Gentlemen :-As it was necessary for the town of Eau Pleine to ·

construct an emergency bridge, ancl the consent of the County State Road and Bridge committee was given, a bridge was constructed be­tween sections tllirty-t\~·o (32) and thirty-three (33), township twenty­five (25), range seven (7)' east, at'a total cost of Two Hundred Nine­teen and Fifty Huhclrecltils ($219.50) Dollars, Therefore the town of Eau Pleine petitions your honorable board for one-half the cost of said. bridge, or One Hundred Nine nnd Seventy-five Hundredths ($101);75) Dollars.

EDW Ail.D S. THORP, Supervisor Town of. Eau Pleine,

PETITION NO. 25 To the Hon. Chairman and Members of the County Board of Super­

_visors of Portage County, ·wisconsin .. Gentl~men :-Whereas the County State Road and Bridge com­

mittee and tile town boarcl of Alban decided to improve the· Rosholt­lola road while tile crew was tilere, and the funds were not available to.do so, the town .of Alban deposited with the county treasurer the sum needed, amounting to Twenty-five. Hundred. ($2,500) Dollars, and the· town of Alban hereby petitions for reimbursement of said amount out of said town of Albnn roncl fum\ when the same is appropriated and

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paid to the county. treasurer. 1 CAitL BE~nc:mn, Supervisor '£own of Alban.

PETI1.'10N NO. 26 To the Hon. Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supet·­

visors of Portage County, 1Visconsin. · Gentlemen :.,.-As it was necessary· for the town of Alban to· rebuild

the John Paulson bridge located on section line between sections three (3) and four (4), town twenty-five (25), ·range ten (10) east, anrl the funds available were not sufficient to do so, the town, with the ·consent of the County· State Road and Bridge committee,· borrowed Fifty-seven and Seventy-eight Hundredths ($57.78) Dollai'S to complete same. 'l'herefore, the town of Alban petitions yom· honorable board for one­half the cost of said overdraft, or Twenty-eight and Eighty-nine Hun­drl:'dths ( $28.8!)) Dollars. All of ~vhich Is respectfully submitted.

CARL BJDTKER, Supervisor 'l'own of Alban. PETITION NO. 27

To the Hon. Chairman. and Men'li)ers of the County Board of Super­visors of Portage County, Wisconsin. ·Gentlemen :-Whereas the County State Road and B1·idge commit­

tee and the town board of Alban decided to complete the· improvement on the Harrison-Alban road while the crew was there and the fund~ available we1·e not sufficient to do so, the town of Alban deposited with the county treasurer the sum needed, amounting to Six Hundred Fifty ($G50) Dollars, and the town of Alban hereby petitions for reim­bursement of said amount out of said town of Alban road 'fund· when the same is appropriated and pairl to the county treasure'r.

CARL BETKEH, 1':!upervisor Tow!1 of Alban.

Pll~TITION NO. 28 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of

Supervisors of Portnge Comity, 'Visconsin. Gentlemen :-\Vhereas the County State Hood and Bridge commit­

tee and the town board of Amherst rlecicled to COinplete the improve­ment on the Amherst-Scandinavia and New Hope-Amherst roads while the crew was there and the funds aniilable were not sufficient to do so, the town of Amherst deposited with the county treasurer the sum needed, amounting to Four Thousand ($4,000) Dollars, and the town of Amherst hereby petitions for·reimlmn;emeut of said amount out of said town of Amherst road fund when the same is npproprin.ted and paid to the county treasurer.

C. A. SMI'l'If, Sut1ervisor '£own of Amherst. PETITION NO. 29

To the Hon, Chairman and Members i1f the County llon:rd of Supe1·· visol's of Portage County, 'Visci:msin. Gentlemen :-\Vhereas the County State Road anrl Bridge commit­

tee and the town board of Buena Vista decided to complete the im­provement on the Sherman-Creamery road while the crew was there and the funds available were not sufficient to do l?O, the town of Buena Vista deposited with the county treasure1· the sum needed, amounting to Two Thousand ($2,000) Dollars, :tnd the town of Buena Vista hereby petltions.for :reimbursement··of said amount out of said town of Buen,n Vista road fund when the some is OPI1ropriated and paid to the county

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CHAS. BHADY, Supervisor Town of Bi1ena Vista. _ PE1'1'l'ION NO. 30

the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of · .Supervisors of Portage Count.v, "'isconsin.



Gentlemen :-Whereas the County State Road and Bridge comlllit­tee and the town board of the town of Linwood decided to complete the improvement on the Rocky Run and Stevens Point-Rudolph roads, and as the funds available were not sufficient to complete the work, the town of Linwood deposited with the county treasurer the sum needed, amounting to Four Thousand ($4,000) Dollars, and the t~nYn of Lin­wood hereby. makes petition for reimbursement· of said amount out ot the town of Linwood road fund when the same is appropriated .and paid to the county treasurer.

EDMOND FROST, Supervisor Town of Linwood.

-, PETITION NO. 31 To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of

Supervisors of Portage County, 'Visconsin. . Gentlemen :-1Vhereas, the County State Road and Bridge commit­

tee and the town board of New Hope decided to complete the improve­ment on the Polonia-Garfleld road while the crew \vas there, and the funds available were. not sufficient to do so, the town of New Hope deposited with the county treasurer the sum needed, amounting to Four Thousand l$4,000) Dollars, and the town of New Hope hereby petitions. your honorable board for reimbursement of said amount out of said town of New Hope road fund when the same is appropriated and paid to the county treasurer.

BEN HALVERSON; Supervisor Town of New Hope.

PETITION NO. 32 To. the Hon. Chairman and Members of the County Board of Super·

visors o.f Portage County, ·wisconsin. Gentlemen :-As it wits necessary for the town of Plover to com­

plete the Plover-Whiting bridge which was being constructed in section twenty-three (23), town twenty-seven (27), range seven (7) east, and the funds available were not sufficient to do so, the town, with the con­sent of ·the County State Road and Bricfge committee, borrowed Two Thousand Thirty-four and Fifty-seven Hundredths ($2,034.57) Dollars to complete the same. 'l'herefore the town of Plover petitions your honorable bonrd for one-half the cost of said overdraft, or One Thou­sand Seventeen and Twenty-eight Hundredths ($1,017.28) Dollars. All of which is rr.spectfnlly submitted.

E. H. ROSSlER, Supervisor Town of Plover. PETITION NO. 33

To the Hon. Chairman and Members of the County BOard of Super-visors of Portage County, Wisconsin. · Gentlemen.:-1Vhereas, the County State Road' and Brid'ge com­

mittee and the town bonrd of Sharon decided to complete the improve­ment on the Polonia-Garfield road while the crew was there, and the funds available were not sufficient to do so, the town. of Sharon de­posited with the county treasurer the sum needed, amounting to Seven Hundred ( $700) Dollars, and the town of Sharon hereby petitions your ho·norable board for reimbursement of said amount out of said town of .Sharon road fund when the same is appropriated and paid to the county treasurer. , ··~, •

BALDAS BA:KER, Supervisor Town of Sharon. PETITION NO. 34

To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Super­visors of Portage County, Wisconsin.

· Gentlemen :-'Whereas, the County State Road and Bridge com­mittee and the town board of Stockton decided to complete the im­provement ··on the Cnster-Nelvonville and Plover-Amherst roads, while


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·'j'•· f{ the crews wct·e there, ai1d the funcls available were not sufficient to ·do so, the town of Stockton deposited with tlJe county treasurer the sum neecled, amounting to Fom· ~l:lwusand ($4,000) Dollars, and the town of Stockton hereby petitions your honorable body for reimlmrsement of said nmonut out of said town of Stockton road fund when the snme is appropriated nnd paid to the county treasurer.

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F. A. LUKASA VITZ, Supervisor Town of Stockton. Clerk read communication from the .,Visconsin Highway Commis­

sion, stating that the state aid money for Portnge county amounted to $5,652.71, which was-referred to the committee on Stnte Aid Roads and Bridges. · ·

Clerk rend the following certification, which was referred to. the committee on State Aid Roads and Briclges: , Certification of the State Highway Commission to the State T•·easm·et·;

the Sec•·eta•·y of State, and the County Cle•·lc of Po•·tage County. STEVENS POINT BRIDGE •

The State Highway Commission having filed with the city of Stevens Point findings favornble to the construction of a bridge over· the ·wisconsin river on Clark street in snid city, nuder the provisions· of section 87.02 of the statutes, nnd estimated the cost of the said bridge to be One Hundred Ninety-five Thousaml Dollars ($195,000), of • which the propot·tion of the said city of Stevens Point is one-third or Sixty-five 1-'housand Dollars ($65,000); ·

And the said. city of Stevens Point having provided for the pay­ment of its proportion of the cost thereof ami having so certified. to. this commission, ·

· We do hereby certify to the state treasm·er and the secretary of state that the amount to he paid by the· state is Sixty-five Thousand . Dollars ($65,000), and to the county ·clerk of Portage county that the amount to he paid by Portage county i;;;. Sixty-five Thousand Dollnrs ($65,000).

The county clerk of Portage county is therefore requested to present this certification to the county. board at its next annual or Spi)Cial meeting; in order that snid hoard mny appropriate the amount to be paicl h.v the county, as required ll.V law (subsection 8, section 87.02) . .,


Stevens Point, Wis., November J 8, 1!)24, 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Meeting called to order lly Hon. llf. J. Mersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, nil members present excer1t Supervisors Las-

zeTI·ski and Hegg, excused. . 1 Clerk read the following road petitions, which were referred to

t:he committee on State Aid HO!Hls and 'Bridge;:;:

PETI'.fiON NO. :~5 To the Honorable Members of the County Board.

Gentlemen :-,Ve petition for a count:\• trunk road in the town· and village of Almond, beginning at south line sections thirty-tht·ee (33) nnrl thirty-four (3'1) at Wanshnra county line, extending not·th through village of Almond, uortl\east to center of section twenty-one (21), north to quartet· lii1e sections sixteen ( 10) and nine (9), west three­fourths of a mile (3-4) to quarter line sections eight (8) and seven­teen (17), northwest through sections eight (8), five (5) and six ((l) to q'uarter line sections six (6) and thirty-one (31), town of Buena Vista, connecting County 1-'runk from 7::1 to 54 in· town of Bu,ena Vista.

0 A. CROWELL, Supervisot· Villnge of Almond. 0. F. MAR'riN, SnpeJTi;;or Town of Almond. ·

I i

I. ' '~


''! '




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. l'E'l'l'l'ION NO. :{fl. 'l'o the l-Ion: Chairman and MemiJet·s of the Couut,y Hoard of ~npet·-

visoi-s of Portage County, Wisconsin. . Gentlemen :-The yillage of Plovet· hereby )Jelitioi!S your honorable

bourd for. the sum of I!'our HUJHired ($400) Dollnrs, the village of Plover to nppwpriute 'l'wo Hunclrcc.l ($200) Dollars, for the improve­ment by gTading and surfacing of the Plover-Amherst road. for a dis­tance of about eighty (80) rods,_ in section twenty-seven (27), township twenty-three (2~). range :;even (7) east, in tlJC village of Plovet·.

. All of 1\•hich is respectfully submitted. · ED ZIMMER, Snpenisor Yillng-e of Plover.

I'ETITION NO. ::n 'l'o the l-Ion. Chairmau and Members of the County Bonnl of Supet·­

visors for Portage County, 'Viscousitt. Gentlemen :-At a regulnr meeting of the common council of the

city of Stevens Point, held on the lst Tuesday of October, 1924, a pe­tition war; passed asking that you make au allotment of :;tate aid and of county aid for the construction of portions of the county ;;ystem of prospective state highways within the limits of the city of f.lteveus · Point. Such allotments nre provided for by section 83.03 and 83.05 of the 'Visconsin statutes. ·

The portions of such connty system of Jlighways iu ueed of con­stt·nction ·and which receive the greatest wear nml tear from traffic, are as follows: On High\vny No. 18 commencing at the ea,~·t city limit1:l

·· and running to Michlgau a\'enue, about one-half mile distance; on Route No. GG running from the northeast city limits on the Jordan road mid on North E'remont street to li:Iaiu street, about nne-half mile; on Route No. 18, rum\ing from the northwest city limits to the Clark :;treet IJridge; on H.onte No. 10, runniug from the Suo Liue right of way to .Park :;treet, a distance of about 100 feet.

The city. of Stevens Point. is preJlUJ•ecl to fli1·ectly l>enr its propor­tion of costs of such coustruction of the eigltteen foot roadway as 1ixed by statutes and would make separate vrovisions to carry all of the costs of constn1ction in cases rnuning more than eighteen feet in width. 'i'he city of Stevens Point will· also provide for costs ami expense of euriJ and gutters where the same are necessary.

It is suggested that under the statutes, you make an allotment of one-third to come from the state aiel, one-third from county aid, and the balance of one-third from the city of Stevens Point.

It is ~stimated that the probable oost of constn1ction would be about $20,000 11er mile.

It is suggested tlJat the r•avem~nt be of concrete fill{} that not less than oue mile of such- construction be attenderl to this year.

It is also suggested that your honora!Jie ·body designate the portlonl:i and location of such highway to be improved and the form of improve- · ment thereon.

· Itespeetfully submitted, . THE Cl'l'Y OF STEVENS POINT, WISCONSIN.

· By J. N. Welsby, li:Iayor. · Alex Wallace, Clerk.

PE'fiTION NO. :~8 'l'o the County !toad and Bridg-e Committee and the County Board of

Supervisors, Portage County. , Gentlemen :-The common council of the city of Stevens Point here­

by represent: That the common. council of the city of Stevens Poiut has deter­

mined to improve the county· system of prospective state highways

.. ~J



within the city of Ste1•cns Point. It is desired that the state ontl county aitl, permitted under section

83.03, sub-section (2) of the Wisconsin statutes, be extended ·to assist. in the constructiou of permanent improvement of such highways.

'Vherefore, the common council of the city of Stevens .Point pe­titions your honorable body and requests that you take proper steps and pass a prope~- resolution at your annual meeting held in November, 1924, making such allotment of state and county funds to assist in the · improvement of such highways.


Dated October 7, 1924. Clerk read the following report : "'e, your committee appointed to investigate the. mattet· of lin. ap­

propriation to the American Legion, would report as follows: we· rec­ommend that the sum of $500 be appropriated for the American Legion convention, to be held in August, 1925. ·

1\Iovcd by Supervisor Atwell that the Thursday afternoon. Motion carried.


Committee. report be laid over unti~

. Clerk read the.. report of Alice 111. Gortlon, county superintentlent of schools of Portage county, which was referred to the committee on Settlement with County Board of Education. ·

Supervisor Fogarty stated that a member of the special conunitt;c. appointed to investigate the work of the Children's Horne Society of 'Yisconsin and Humane Society, was absent, and he asked that the committee be ·allowed to report on same tomorrow. 'l'his was granted.

Moved by Supervisor Stertz that the board adjourn until 9:00 o'clock, tomorrow morning. Motion carried.·

UU'l'H McCALLUM; County Clcdc

EIGHTH DAY Stevens Point, 'Vis., Nov. 10, 1024, 0 :00 o'clock u. w.

Meeting called to order by Hon. i\f. J.)\1ersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, nil members present except Supervisor Hegg,

excused. Minutes of yesterday's session read and approved. Clerk read report of committee on· Settlement with County Officers

as follows: To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Su­

pervisors of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-\Ve, your committee on Settlement with County Of­

ficers, to whom was referred the annexed report of Earl Newby, county treasurer, would· respectfully report that we have compared the same with the books, vouchers and other records in his office and in the of­flee Qf the county clerk, clerk of the circuit court, and tind it correct in every detail. 'Ve have counted the cash on hand and find it in amount to the total of within report.

'Ve submit herewith the caneeled county orders for destruction. Respectfully submitted this 19th day of November, 1024. Signed:


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l•:Dl\oiOND .FROS'1', C. A. SMI'l'H, .

Committee. 'l'o the Honorable Chairmunund l\lember~ of the County Board of Pot·t­

age County, 'Visconsin. Gentlemen :-1, the umlersigned treasurer of said county, hereby

respectfully. submit the ann nul report of receipts and disbursement of said office for the fiscal year beginniug November 1, 1023, and ending October 31, 1024.

. EARL NEWBY, County TreasUt·er. Total tax levied by county bonrd ............................ $106,327.73 Received from town, city. & village treasurers.... $160,506.1~{ Returned delinquent by towns, city & villages.... 35,82l.GO

STA'i'E 'l'AX ACCOUNT $!96,327.73 $106,327.73

State tax levy \ Paid state tax ........................................... \' ............. ..

Paid on charitable and penal institutions .......... .. Paid. school districts loans

73,370.53 40,837.53 24,706.20


$ 73,370.53 $ 73,370.53

GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS To balance iu fund Novembet· 1, 1023 ............................................ $ Received interest on rleposits ........................... , .......................... .. Rec. from R. F. Wlmle, lease on gravel pit.. .............................. .. Rec. from State 'l're!lS. S( Ry. htx Wis. Valley Electric Co ... .. nee. from State 'l'reas. aW for blind and deaf- .............. : .......... . Rec. from State 'l'reas. nid for dependent children H.ec. from :waushara county, change of venue Rec. from,,,Voocl county, change of venue Rec. ft·om Clark county, change of veuue H.ec. from P. E. "'ebster, clerk of Cir. court cost in state

cases .................... : ........................................................................ . Hec. from Hdwe. Mut. Cas. Co., div. ·on comp. insurance .... .. Rec. from State Treas., aid for supervising teachers ............ .. Rec. from. R;uth McCullum, Co. clerk, account of Harry Ko-

sewskt, 1nsane ......................................................... , .................. .. Rec. from W. F. Owen, Co. judge, for sheriff fees collected

and not paid to John Jl'. Kubisiak · H.ec. from W. F. Owen, Co. judge, for sheriff fees collected

and not paid to John A. Berry ............................................... . 'nee. from "'is. 'l'elephone Co. fot· refund deposited for· ser-

vice established ................................ ~ ...................... !. ................ . Rec. from County Supt. of Schools fund, error on bill.. ........ .. Rec. from emergency road fund for errot· on coal bill.. .......... .. nee. from various treasurers to apply on county tux .............. .. Rec. amount transferred from del. tax fund col. before sale Rec. amount transferred from del. income tax fund ................ .. Rec. amount tmnsferred from ·del. tax fee fund ....... ~ ........ .. nee. amount transferred from iueome tax fund ' llec. amount transferred from fine fund Hec. amount transferred frmi'l legacy tux fund H.ec. amount transferred from soWicrs' relief fund ................ .. Rec. amount transferred from county nurse fund .................. .. Rec. amount transfened from,tax certificate fund Uec. from tax certificates redeemed 1024 sale

34,588.06 2,283.26 1,218.00 2,459.97

400.00 177.35

22.00 24.00


264.35 257.80





7.00 12.00 0

2.00 60,694.11 0,864.89

11.33 87.72

9,238.92 89.27

1,146.04 010.00

2,106.47 20,957.37

. 78.37

----- iiiiiiiiiii--==- ··-·-·-- - --- -- --- ·--- - ---"····--· ·-··--

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Rec. from tax ccrtiLicates redeemed 1023 sale .................... :..... 628.5G Rec. from tax certificates redeemed 1922 sale .... ~ ................. :..... 928.53 Rec. from tax certificates redeemed 1021 sale .......................... 28.57 Rec. from tux certificates redeemed 1920 sale .......... ........... ..... 19.10 nee. from ,tax certificates redeemed 1919 sale ............................ 7.59 Rec. amount from tax certificates redeemed 1918 sale............ 16.34 ·nee. amount tax certificates redeemed 1917 sale .................... 21.20 nee. amount tax certificates redeemed 1916 sale........................ 10.59 nee. from interest on tax certificates redeemed ................... :.... 269.79 nee. from abstmct fees on tax certificates ................................ 28.29 Rec. from. Plover village advanced road money .................... ,. 500.00 ·nee. from Citizens National Bank, loan to county.................... 20,000.00 " Rec. from Second "'arc! Securities Co. of Milwaukee, for 300 ...

highway bonds .................................. ct.: ..................................... 150,000.00 Ree. from Second 'Vard Securities Co. of Milwaukee, prem-

ium on 300 highway bonds .... , ................................. ~ ............ . Ree. from Second Ward Securities Co., for 23 days interest

on 300 highway bonds ............................................................. . nee. from Ruth McCallum, county clerk, 'for registering doc-

tors' certificates ......................................................................... . Rec. from Ruth McCallum,· county clerk, tux deed fees ........ .. ·nee. from Ruth McCallum, county clerk, tax. red. fees ....... . Ree. from Ruth McCallum, county clerk, marriage lie. fees



1.50 18.85

146.M • 120.50


By amount transferred to Supt. of schools fund By ·amount transferred to soldiers' relief fund By amount transferred to county Agri. agent's fund .............. .. By amount transferred to mothers' pension fund .......... !_ ...... : ..

By amount transferred to distric~ attorney's fund .. , .............. . By ·amount transferred to maintenance _fund .. By amount transferred to various road funds By amount transferred to Dewey federal road fund No. 10 By amount t1·ansferred to Jordan bridge fund Paid county orders ..... Paid court certificates By amount transferred to Plover and Buena Vista federal

3,005.00 1,000.00 2,900.00 • 5,000.00

500.00 1,130.48

32,574.30 078.27

1,196.74 67,7:74.08 10,718.01

project No. 350 ............................................................................ 50,000.00 By amount transferred to Stevens Point and Amherst con-

crete road ................... , ............... , ................................................ 100,000:00 To balance in fund October 31, 1024 ............................. :............ 48,627.32


To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................... $ To cash from town, city and village treasurers To ·cash from state treas., unused port. of 15o/o

· Paid orders ................................................................ . To balance in fund October 31, 1924 .... · ............... .

1,322.47 2,152.05



$ 2,072.49 1,635.50.

$ 3,707.90 $ STATE _SCHOOL FUND


To cash ·from state treasurer ............... : ................ $ 47,383.08 By amount transf. to township library fund ...... .. ·By amount transf. to city. school library fund .. ..

$ 1,817~80 710.20

.:~i~:i !, •.

• : ·~·. t:'

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. ' ! . ., ... ' '

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Paid town, city aml village treasurers .............. .. 44,855.08

$ 47,383.08 $ 47,383.08 INCOME TAX FUND

To casl'l from town, city and village treasurers .... $ 13,021.6~ Paid state treasurer ...................... :........................... • $ Paid city treasurer .............. .. Transferred to general fund

4,(ilU.46 63.24


. $ 13,921.62 $ 13,921.62 SURTAX FUND

1-'o cash from town, city and village t1·easurers .... $ :1.2,150.43 To cash First "'isconsin Trust Co ...................... ~.. 4.70 · Paid orders 12,164.22


~ 12,164.22

To amount collected 0.11 To balance in fund October :31, 1024 ....................... . $ !J.11

$ . 0.11 $ 9.11 DELINQUEN'.r INCOME TAX FUND

'l'o balance in fund November 1, 1023 ................ $ 56.G5 1-'o amount collected in 1924 .................................. 114.32 ~·ransferred to _general fund .................................... :j; :tum Paid orders ................................................ :............... 45.32 'l'o 'balance in fUnd October 31, 1024 ... :............. · 114.32

$ 170.97 $ PAROLifl OFFICEit'S FUND

·To balance iu fum! November 1, 1923 .................... $ 1-'o balance in fund October 31, 1024

200.00 $


To amoi.wt collcetecl from certs. red. 1918 sale .. $ 38.68 To amount collected from certs. red. 1920 sale.. 15.84 To amount collected from certs. red. 1021 sale.. 27.37 · 'l'o amount collected from certs. red. 1022 sale.. 730.27

·1-'o amount collected from int. on certs. rerl..... 162.3G Paid 'Vm. Gaulke, treasurer·.................................. $


1-'o amount collected from certs. red. 1916 sale.:$ · To amount collected from certs. red. 1917 sale .. To amount. collected from certs. red. '1918 sale .. 'l'o amount collected from certs. red. 1919 sale .. To amount collected from certs. reel. 1920 sale .. To amount' .collected· from certs. reel. 1921 sale .. 'l'o amount collected from certs. red. 1922 sale .. 'l'o amount collected from certs. red. 1923 sale .. To amount collected from int. on certs. red ......... Paid '"· H. Reeves, treasurer


40.53 42.06

81.69' 77.37 35.22 37.55 31.85 46.41

161.21 $

553.89 $









f, " "----- " ,,1 ~-..


~~ .. ~fi ~===···=·· -=-· ~==---~--~~== if;p l.;,,i COUNTY HOARD PI~OCEEDINGS 43

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'l'o balance iu fund No\•emher l, :Hl23 ................ $ By U:moun t tra nsferr~::d from general fund ......... . Paid orders ................................................................ .. By amount overdrawn October 31, 1!J24 ............ ..

U4U.OO 5,000.00

520.00 $ 6,4.66.00

$ 6,4.66.00 $ 6,166.00 DELINQUEN'l' TAX FUND

· To amount collected before sale ...................... : ....... $ 12,004..6!) Paid orders .................................................................. $ 2,139.80 Transferred to J.:eneral fund .................................. 9,861.89

" $ 12,004..69 $ 12,004..69 umACY TAX FUND

'J.'o balance in fund November l, 1923 ................ $ 'l'o amount collected 011 inheritance ta:x: Paid orders By amou11t transferred to ge11eral fund ............ .. Paid First Wis .. Trust Co. refund on Martha G.

Week estate To i:Jalance in fund October 31, 1924. .................... ..


.'I'o balance in fuud November 1, 1!)23 .................... $ 1'o cash from Nov. 1, 1!)23, to Oct. 31, 1924 ...... .. Paid state treasurer ........ : ......................... c ...... . '.I'ransferreu to general fnnd Jan. 2, Hl24.. .. 'l'o balance in fum! October 31, 1924

11,886.00 4,971.46

$ 14,112.13 1,146.04

1,241.90 357.39

---16,857.4.6 $ 16,857.46

4,067.60 2,669.33

$ 4,374.33 89.27


$ 6,736.93 -$ 6,736.93 SUIT TAX FUND

'l'o-balan·ce in fund November l, Hl23 ................ ~ 173.00 'l'o cash from clerk of circuit court ................... : .. .. 254.00 Paid state treasurer .................... . $ 'l'o balance in fund Oct. 31, 1024

-$ 427.00 $


'l'o balance in fund November 1, Hl23 ................ $ !)35.00 'l'ransferred from general fund 1,000.00 Tr~·nsferred to general fund '\' ............................... .. Pmd orders ................................ : ................................ .


'l'o balance in fund October 31, 11)24 ...................... :. ·

$ 1,!)35.00 $ COUNTY: SUI'l'. OF SCHOOLS FUND

To balance in fund November 1, 1!)::!8 .................... $ 'l'ransferred from general fmHL ............................ ..

2,104.58 3,905.00

2'11.00 186.00


910.00 155.00 870.00


Paid orders .......................... .. $ 3,706.71 To balance in fund Octobet· 2,302.87

$ 6,090.58 $ 6,099.58

11~· i' . ~ ·-



'I ·-,


•I ~.

i I'


l -·! '

,,·1 :.JJ

OISTIUC'l' AT'l'ORNEY FUND 'l'o balance in fund November 1, J923 ................ $ Trar~sferred from general fund ........................ : .... . Paid orders ............................................................... . 'fo balance in fund October :u, 1924 .............. : ...... .

13.31 500.00

:ji 171.26 342.05

$ 513.31 $ 513.31 (;ITY: SCHOOL LIBRAltY: FUND

'l'o balance in fund Novembe1· 1, 1023 ................ $ 1,426.46 To amount transferred from state school fund.... 710.20 Paid orders ........................... ,.................................... $ 1,855.09 'l'o balance in fund October .... ""'·' · 281.57

$ 2,136.66 $ 2,136.66 'l'OWNSHIP SCHOOL LIBI~Al~Y lt'UND

'l'o balance in fnncl November 1, 1923 ................ $ To amount transferred from state school fund .. .. 'l'o cash from ·waushara county Paid orders ................................. .. To balance in fund October 31, 1924.. ................ ..


To balauce in fuud November 1, 1923 .............. · .. $ To cash fror\1 county 1:nrm commission Paid orders .......................................... .. 'fo balance in fund October 31, 1924

1,358.91 1,817.80

... 4.40


4,789.32 605.02

$ 2,070.37 1,110.74

$ 3,181.11.

$ 1,13!).40 1,254.94

$ 5,394.34 $ 5,394.34 TEACHERS' COUNTY INST. FUND

'l'o balance in fund November 1, 1923 ................ $ 197.56 'ro cash from state treasurer ................................ 243.70 To cash from county supt. of schools fund........ 10.80 Paid orders ................................................................ $ i\3.30 To balance in fund October 31, 1924 418.76

$ 452.06 $ 452.06


'l'o balance in fqpd November 1, 1923 .................... $ 'l'ransferred frcim general fund


2,900.00 $ 2,673.7~ 242.26 Paid orders .................................. ..

To balance in fund October 31, 192'!

$ 2,916.00 $ 2,916.00 COUNTY NURSE FUND

'l'o lJalauce in fund November 1, 1923 .' .................. $ 2,106.47 Transferred to general fund ..................... ~.............. $ 2,106.4 7

$ 2,106.47 $ 2,1o6.1i DANCE HALL lt'UND

To cash from dance hall license and permits .... $ 1,730.00 Paid orders ....................................................... :........ $ 1,4.92.45 To balance in fund - ~- •An• 237.55

$ 1,730.00 $ 1,730.00


AU~AN ROAD l<~UND 'l'o bal.aucc in fuml November 1, 1023 ................ $ 1'o cash from towu treasurer ............................... . •.rransfcrred from general fuml.. ..................... : ..... . 'l'o cash from town advanced money ................... . ,To cash from Sltat·on road fund Paid orders ···········-·-------················· To bal11nce in fund October 31, 1024

682.00 2,000.00 2,00000

3,150.00 38.10

$ G,760.0H 1,110.07

$ 7,870.10 $ 7,870.10 ALBAN FEDimAL IWAD FUND NO. 66

To balance in fund November 1, 1923 ................ $ 207.45 To balance iu fund October 31, 1924 .................... '$ 207.45


'l'o balance in fund Novembet· 1, 1923 ................ $ Paid orders

207.45 $ 207.45

300.00 $ 300.00


ALMOND UOAD FUND 'l'o balance iu fuud November 1, 1923 ................ $ To cash from town tt·easurer .. 'l'ransferred from general fund To caslt from Almond viii. road fund (a c. error) -Paid orders .......... · ' To balance in fund


To balance in fund November 1, 1023 ......... _ ........... $ To cash from town treasurer .. Transfen:ed from general fund To cash from town advanced Paid orders


300.00 $ 300.00'

20.38 500.00 500.00

0.00 $ 1,009.00


1,029.38 $ 1,029.38

1,539.91 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00_


$ 10,539.91 $ 10,530.91 AMHERST AND J,i\NARK FEDERAL ROAD FUND NO. 18

'l'o balance in fund Novembe~· 1, 1923 ................ $ 38.72 Paid orders ................................................... : ....... ,.... $ 29.75 To balance in fund Octobet· 31, lfl24 .................. ,..... 8.!l7


Transferred from general fund .............................. $100,000.00 Paid order ···········································.························· To balance in fund October 31, 1024 ..................... .

$100,000.00. BELMONT ROAD FUND

To balance in fum! November 1, 1023 ................ $ To cash from town treasurer ... Transferred from general fund To cash from state treasurer Paid orders · ......... : ..................... . To balance in fund October 31, 1924 ..................... .

171.03 800.00 800.00 800.45

$ 79,887.!)2 20,112.08


-:~ 2,107.88 463.60

$ 2,571.48 $ 2,571.48


j '::

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BUENA VISTA ROAD FUND To balance in fund November 1, _1!)23 ............ : ....... $ 1,263.05 '.ro cash from town treasurer ................................ 500.00 Transferred from general fund ·............................ 500.00 To cash from town advanced money .................... 2,000.00 Paid orders · .................... ~ ......................................... .. To balance in fund October 31, 1924 ................. : ..... .


To balance· in fund November 1, 1923 ................... c$ 280.79 To cash from trea~urer of Carson .................. .-..... 1,841.49 Tr11nsferred from general fund ............................ 2,762.~4 To cash from state treasurer ................................ 3,06!l.15 Paid orders ......................................... . To balance in fund October 31, 1924


$ 3,958.23 304.82

$ 4,263.05

$ 7,588.2!1 365.38


To balance in fund November 1, 1023 .................... $

7,953.67 $ 7,953.67

235.!)0 To balance in fund October 31, 1Q2L ................... . $ 235.90

$ 235.90 $ 235.!)0 DEWEY FEDERAL ROAD FUND NO. 10

By amount overdrawn Nov. l, 1!l23 Transferred from general fund ............................ $ 978.27

$ 978.27

. $ 978.27 $ !178.27 DEWEY BRIDGE FUND

To balance iu fund November l, 1!l23 .................... $ To balance in fnml October 31, 1!l2-L ................. .

8fl.70 $ 8fl.70 ---


To· cash ft·om town treasnret• . .-...... : ....................... $ Transferred from general fund To cash from town advanced money Paid orders ........................................ .. To halance in fnntl Octoher 31, 1924


8!l.70 $

1,000.00 1,000.00

250.00 $

2,250.00 $

To balance in fund November 1, lfl23 .................. $ 220.38 'l'o bnlance in furid October 31, 1fl24 ...... , ....... :..... $

$ 220.38 $ GRANT FEDERAL ROi\D FUND NO. 73

To balance in fund November 1, 1!l23 ................ $ Paid orders '--: ............ ................................................. .. To balance in fund October 31, 1924 .................... ..


'.Co balance in furid November 1; 1923 ................ $ •.ro cash from town treasurer Transferred from general fund Pnid orders




' 748.31'. 500.00 500.00





2,163.3.:1 86.67 --




170.25 403.71


84.70 .

--~-----------------·-·--·- ~

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To balance in fund October 31, 1924 1,663.61

$ 1,748.31 $ 1,748.31 GRANT BRIDGE FUND

Transferred from general fund ............................ $ 655.25 Paid orders ............................................................... . $ To balance in fund October 31, HJ24 ..................... .

$ 655.25 $ HULL ROAD FUND

To balance in fund November 1, 1923 ................ $ 137.4!) 1'o balance in fund October 31, 1924 .................. .. $


To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................... $ 76G.ll Paid orders ......................................... .. $ '.ro balance in fund October 31, 1924


705.11 $

342.75 312.50




447.90 317.21


By amount overdrawn Nov. 1, 1923 ....................... . $ 1,1!16.74 By amount. transferred from general fund ........ $


To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................... $ To balance in fund October 31, 1924


_1,196.74 $

397.22 $


To cash from town treasurer ................................ $ 3,000.00 '.rransferred from general fund ............................ !i,OOO.OO

$ Paid orders


To balance in fund November 1, 1923' ................ $ To cash from town treasurer .... Transferred from general fund '.ro cash from town advanced money ................... . To cash from state treasurer Paid orders ............................. . To balance in fund OctoiJct· 31,


To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................... $ Paid orders ................. .' ....................... .. To balance in fund October 31, 1924


To balance·in fund November 1, 1923 .................. $ To cash from town treasurer ... Transferred from general fund To cash from town treasurer adv. money ........ To cash trom stn te treasuret·


9,000.00 $

601.72 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00

526.08' / $

9,127.80 $

49.00 " $

49.00 $

202.66 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,067.78


397.22 --397.22



8,772.69 355.11


18.00 31.00


-~\~:~j 0/~ -~~ ~(::· .' :~~:.:· I ' .. ':"

. ::{1.~ '<:~ .. ;-

~ :. '·



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4 i

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Paid orders $ 7,729.63 To balance in fund October 31, 1924.. .................. .. 1,54.0.81

$ -9,270.44 $ 9,2-70.44 PINE GRO\'E ROAD FUND

To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .: .................. $ To cash from town treasurer Transferred from general fund To cash from state treasurer Paid orders

. To balance In


To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................... $ '.ro cash from town treasurer ... Transferred from general fund Paid orders ................................... . To balance in fund October 31, 1924


To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................. $ Paid .orders ........................................... · To balance in fnnd October 31, 1!)24


To cash from town treasurer .................................. $ Transferred from general fund Paid orders ................................................................. . 'l'o balance in fund October 31, 1!)24

1.50 2,000.00 2,000.00

674.84 $ 4,306.68


4,676.34 $

2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00


4,000.00 $ NO. 54

62!).33 $

629.33 $

1,300.00 1,300.00



3,962.01 37.99


500.35 128.98


610.80 1,989.20


PI·oject No. 350 Transferred from general fund ............................ $ 50,000.00 Paid ordet·


. To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................... $ To cash from town trensurer ...................... [ ...... . Transferred from general fnnd ............................ .. 'l'o cash from town advanced mouey .................... . Paid orders ................................................................. . By amount overdrawn October 31, 1924 ............... .


To balance in fund November 1; 1923 .................... $ To cash from town treasurer .. Transferred from general fund To cash from town treasurer adv. money ........ Paid orders .......................................... . To balance iu fund October 31, 1924


892.53 2,000.00 2,056.()0


893.07 ---6,542.50

31.75 2,000.00 ::!,000.00 4,000.00'

$ 50,000.00 --$ 50,000.00

$ 6,542.GO

$ 0.5'12.50

$ 8,012.23. 25.52

$ 8,037.75 $ 8,037,75

I '1 .. \ l f - •• :· '. ' ---·


STOCHTON FEDERAL ROAD FUND NO. 18 To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................... $ 254.50 Paid orders ................................ ~·-··················-··········· $


. •.ro balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................. $ 5,190.71 To cash from village treasurer .............................. 1,000.00 'l'runsferred f1·om general fund ......................... :.. 1,000.00 Paid orders $ To balance in fund October 31, 1.924


To balance in fund November 1, 1923 ................ $ 29.73 To balance in fund October :u, 1!l24


By amount overdrawn November 1, 1923 ........... . By nmonn~ overclrnwn October 31, 1924 .............. $


20.73 $

$ 328.7G




67.40 7,123.31






By amount overdrawn November 1, 1923 ............. . $ 18,618.03 To cash from !State treasurer ................................ $ 54,861.'11 To cash from maintenance fund ............................ 1.00 Paid orde1·s 56,118.27 By amount overdrawn Octohet· 31, J!)24.............. 10;873.80 ·

$ 74,736.30 $ 74,736.30 COUNTY GRAVEL l'l'f FUND

To balance in fund November 1, 1.92R ................ $ 715.00 To cash from state treasurer ................................ 2G5.00 'l'o balance in fund October 31, ~924 .................... . $


To.balance in fund November 1, 1023 ........... : ...... $ Paid orders ............................................................... . 'l'o balance in funrl October Rl, l!l24 ...................... .


To balance in .Innd November 1, 1923 .................. $ To cash from state treas. (motor vehicle license) 'l'o cash from town of Linwood Transferred from general fund To cash from Amherst road fund To cash from Amherst and Lanark federnl road

fund No. 18 ........................... . To cash from Belmont road fund 'l'o cash from Buena Vista road fund To cash from Dewey road fund .......... · To cash from Hull federal road fund No. 66 .... To cash from Linwood road fund To cash/ from Pine Grove road fnnd ................... . To cash from Plover road funrl

980.00 $

19!l.77 $

Hl9.77 $

1<3,922.53 14-,047.25

500.00 1,639.48


20.00 10.00 21.60 40.00

100.00 4.50

70.00 20.00



22.95 176.82


., .. ,n~~"' ~::1 ·.:/, :

. ··~ ~-· ; ·:,

. .):_,: .

7 .• '·,J

.. . ~.


. .r

; ",


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'I I::.

I -I· .}

f. .. I i ·t

·, ~H


'l'o cash from Plover federal road fund No. G6 .. 'l'o cash from Sharon road funcl To cash f1·om Stockton road fund ...................... .. 'l'o cash from . fe~leral maintenance funrl .......... .. Paid orders .......... .. To balance in fund

7.50 30.00 .71.10



$ 27,364.61 13,360.72

$ 40,72!'i.33 $ 40,725.33 EMERGENCY FUND

To balance in fund November 1, 1923 .................. $ Transferred from general. fnnrl ....... , ... , ............ .. 'l'o cash from !e(leral maintenance fnnrl ........... . 'l'o cash from Harry Grube for truck .................. . To cash from Harclwnre Mutual Casunlty Co .. . Paid orders ............ . To hnlnnce in fnnrl


To cash from Buena Vista road fund ................ $ To cash from Corson federal road fund No. 18 .. To cash f1·om Dewey roarl fund. •ro cash from Linwood rond fund To cash from Pine Grove toad funrl 'l'o cash from Plover road fund 'l'o cash from Sharon road fund To cash from Stockton road fund •ro cnsh from federal maintenance fund ............ .. To halnnce in fund October 31, l!l24

1,920.51 2,000.00 1,125.00

700.00 15.57

$ 4,357.34 1,403.74

5,7Gl.08 $ 5,7G1.08

250.00 612.75 200.00 150.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 225.00 682.00

. $ 2,619.75

2,619.75 $ 2,619.75. $ Total balance in all funds Nov. 1, 1D23 ................ $ 82,465.23 'l'otal receipts of all funrls for fiscal year .......... 578,187.96 Total disbursements for fiscnl yenr .: .................. .. Cash on hnnrl in all fnnds Oct. 31, 1024 ............. .

$562,085.72 98,567.47

C•·edited t.o the $660,653.19 $660,653.10

Dilfea·ent Funds as Follows: 48,627.32

1,635.50 9.11

114.32 200.00

357.39 2,273.33

186.00 870.00

2,392.87 342.05 281..57

1,110.74 4,254.94

418.76 242.26 237.55

1,110.07 207.4[i

$ 520.00


. I



Almond road fund Amherst and Lanark federal road fund No. IS Amherst-Stevens Point concrete road fund Belmont ro:11! fund ..... . Buena Vista road fund Carson federal roud fund Carson bridge fund Dewey bridge fnncl Dewey road fum! JDan Pleine roue! func! Grant federal road fund Grant road fund Grant bri<lge fund Hull road fimd Hull federal roac! fund Lanark road fnnc! Linwood road fund Linwood ·bridge funcl New Hope road fnncl Pine Grm·e rond fnnd Plover ron<!· fund Plover federal ron<l Plover bridge fnnd Sharon road funcl Stockton road fund Almond village road fund Amherst :Junction village road fuml.. .................. .. Federal emergency fnncl Feclernl maintenance fum! County gravel pit fnnil County hriclge fun<l 1\'fniutenunce fmul lDmergency fnnd Connty . trn<:tor ftllH.l

20.38 8.07

20,112.08 . 403.GO

304.82 aCi5.HS 235.()0

8!l.70 8ti.G7

220.38 403.71

l.Gti3.(il :112.50 137.4!} 317.21 :~D7.22 355.11

31.00 1,540.81

3G!l.GG 37.D!l

128.!}8 1,!18!1.20

25.52 7,12B.81


nso.oo 17fi.S2

J.:~,:~no.7~ 1,403.74 2,!ilfl.75

$ 8HC:.07

828.7U Jfl,87rl.8!)

Amount ovenlrawn $120,183.10 $ 21,GlG.72


Cash on hand all(! in bnnk .................................... $ 08,567.47 State of "'iseonsin, Connt.y !)f Portnge-ss.

I, Earl Newby, conuty trensnrer in flll(l for saicl county of rentage, state of .,Visconsin, (Jn solemHI.I' swen•· l:hnt the nnnexerl reports are l:•·ne ns l:o ench flllll nil it.ems ns sl•owH Oil the hooks of snicl office.

]<>ARL Nf.JWBY, Connt)7 Trensnt·er. Snbserihefl rtll(] sworn J·.n hef!ll'f! lite l:his l1 Ut (lay or Nov., 1!)24.

1'. R WEBS1.'l!JH, Clerk of Circnil: Cnn•·l: Jot· Portage County, 'Vis.

l\loYed by Supervisor Starks nnd secondecl that the report of the committee be acloptecl fill(] the orders he destroyed. l\Iotinn cnnie<l.

Clerk rend schedule or clnims Ctf. illegnl hlxes, wliich wns rel'enwl to the committee on 1 llegnl Assessme111·s.

Mr. Morse, of the trnek clepartment nf the lforcl l\fotor Com11auy, fl<l(lressell the hoard regarcling rond mnchiner.1'.

Supervisor Gilbert, chairman of the committee on Settlement with County Officers, reported that the county onlers lHHI IJeeH destroyed.

ll·fovcd by Supervisor Hnlverson that the gntvPI pit qne>;l'.ion Ill,. rn ken np nf:'xt ~l'ttP~day fnrf:'.nonH. MMion r·n JTi(•d.




I I .. -

I· I. I



11Io1·ed by Supervisor Lnszewski t.hnt the board adjourn until 1:30 o'clock p. m. Motion cnrried.

Stevens Point, "'is., Novembet· 10, 1024, 1 :3.0 o'clock p. m. Meeting called to order by Ho11. M .• J .. Mersch, chairman. Clerk cnllecl the roll, all members present except Supervisor Hegg,

. excuser!. . Clerk rend re110rt of committee on Sheriff and Constable Fees as

follows: 1.'o the Honorable Chairman ~ncl Members of the County Board.

Gentlemen :-"'e, your committee on Sheriff ancl Constable Fees, report. ns follows: That we have examined them and find them correct.

Schedule of Shel'ift''s Bills, of which 75 )Jet· cent has been paid:

l. John 2. John 3. John 4 . .John 5 .. John G. John 7. John 8. :John

.John John .John .Jolm .John .John John .Tohn .Tohn .Tolm John .John

n . 10: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Hi . 17. 18 . 1!). 20. 21. 2~. 2:3. 24. 25. 2fL 27. :28. 2!l . BO. :~1.

32. :~H. :~~4.

85 . 30 . •)~ .:d. ns. so . 40. 41. 42. .t•)

"'"'· 44 .

John John .John John .Tohn John .John .Tolin .Tohn .Toh11 John John

'l'otal Paid 75o/o Bal. Due F. Kul'Jisink ...................... $ 115.50 $ 86.61 $ 28.80 F. Kubisiak...................... 4D.G5 37.23 12.42 F. Kubisiak...................... 87.75 28.29 !1.46 F. Kubisiak...................... fi1.70 88.7(i 12.04 l!"'. Kubisiak.................. 37.75 28.20 !).4(> F. Kubisiak...................... 37.75 28.20 0.46 F. Kuhisink...................... 165.00 123.75 41.2fi F. Kubisiak...................... 4.8.75 36.54 12.21 F'. Kubisiak...................... 1:U.25 08.43 32.82 F. Kubisiak...................... 37.75 28.29 0.46 l!"'. Kubisiak...................... 48.G5 3G.48 12.17 F. Kubisiak...................... 4G.05 34.53 11.52 l!"'. Kubisiak...................... 117.75 88.2!) 20.46 F. Kubisiak...................... 08.25 73.68 24.57 F. Kubisiak .............. ,....... G6.00 40.50 16.50 l!"'. 1\:ubisink.:.................... 56.40 42.30 1.4.10 l!"'. Kul~isiak.................. :37.75 · 28.20 0.4G F. Knbisink...................... 37.7G 28.2!) 0.4G F, Kubi:;iak...................... :37.7fi 28.20 !1.46 1<'. Kubisiak...................... 53.70 40.20 18.44 F. Kubisiak...................... 53.70 40.26 13.44 l!"'. Kubisiak...................... :37.7G 28.2!1 9.46 l!"'. Kubisiak...................... 87.75 28.20 0.46 F. Kuhisink...................... 104.25 78.18 26.07 F. Kubisiak...................... 87.7G 28.20 0.46 1<'. Kubisiak...................... .:H.75 . 28.20 0.46 l!"'. Kubisiak...................... 37.75 28.29 0:46 1~. Knbisink...................... 44.G4 33.48 11.16 I!"'. Kubisink...................... :!7.75 28.20 0.4B F. Kubisiak...................... 37.75 28.20 0.4G F. Kubisiak...................... 1!13.50 14:).10 , 48.40 l!"'. Knhisiak...................... 37.75 28.2!) 9.4G F. KnlJisink...................... 37.7G 28.20 !1.46 F. Kubisink...................... 37.75 28.20 !1.4() 1<'. Kubisiak...................... GG.OG 40.50 16.50 F. Kubisiak ..................... : 37.7G 28.2!1 !J.46 1". Kubisiak...................... 52.G8 30.51 13.17 l!'. Kubisiak...................... 42.75 32.04 10.71 F. Kubisiak...................... 43.25 32.43 10.82 F. Kubisiak...................... 43.25 32.43 10.82 F. Kubisiak...................... Gl.75 38.70 12.06 l!"'. Kubisink...................... 51.15 38.34 12.81 I!"'. Kubisiak...................... 87.75 28.29 0.40 1•'. Kubisiak...................... 30.9H 20.07 9.00

·45 .

i. ' I J '__a . I . I

F. Knhisink...................... G8.25 fil.l8 17.07

John .Tohn . John .John :John .Joltn John .John .John .John .Tohn . John :roltn

.r '·



Total ............................................ ~2,(1} 1.0:'\ lDI-ror in claim No. 7, delltm· .. ..


Bal:1nce <lne

Schedule of Shel'ifl"s and Constables' Claims:

$ f.55.95 1.00

$ H!'i4.D5

l. .John F. Kubisiak 2. Mn rtin Sweeney

Amt. Asked. Amt. Allowerl .............................................. : .. $2,389.0H $2,892.4!'i

150.00 150.00 8 .. Tohu S. Hofsoos

:Moved by Supervisor carried.


9.50 9.50

$2,548.5~1 $2,fi51.fl5 GEO. S~l.'ARKS, lUCHARD WILSON, G. D. ALDRICH, .TA.S. M. FOGARTY, CAH.L BWl'KER,.

Committee on Sheriff llllll Constable Fr.es. J~ro;,;t that the report he n<lnpted. :Motion

Moved by Supervisor Betker that the honrcl prncccrl to elect n eonnty highway commissioner. ll:fot:ion carrietl.

'1'. JD. lllcCnnley was nominated ns llighwny commissioner. i\Iovecl by Supervisor Halverson t:llnt the ruies he suspended ancl

the clerk be instructed to cast a nnnnimons hallot of the b6arcl for '1'. lD. McCauley for highwa)' commissioner for Portage county. Motion carrierl.

Moved by Supervisor Betker that the board proceed to elect the County State Road and Bridg-e comrnit:tce. Motion carried

Moved by Supervisor l!'rost I: lint the board proceetl to nn informnl bnllot for the first member of t·IJe Con11ty State Honl1 anrl Bridge com­mittee. Motion cnrriecl.

Chnirman nppointed Supervisors l!,rost and F. Lukasavitz as tellers. Ben Halverson was nominated as 1irst member of the County State

Hoacl and Bridge committee. Boanl proceeded to iuformnl ballot for fin;t member of the County State Hoad nnd Britlge committee. Whole number of votes cast wm; 20, of which Ben Hnlversou received 2Ei, Chas. Brnrly 1, Geo. Starks 1, and F. B. Dent l.

Moved by Supervisor Dent that tile informal ballot be decla•·erl formal and Ben Hah;ersou !Je declared elected first member of the County State Rond nnd Bridge committee. Motion cnrried.

Supervisors Starks nnd Brady were nomina ted· as second member of the County State Hoad and Bridge committee.

Bonrd proceeded to informal hallot for the second memlJer of the County State Road and Bridge commit.l'ee. Whole nnmbe•· of votes cast wns 28, of which Cllils. Bmlly recei\'erl 15, Geo. Starks 11, Cnrl ·Betker 1, Geo. Stertz 1.

Moved by Supervisor G1:uiJer that: the infnrmnl ballot lle declared formal and Chas. Brady be declared elected second member of the County State Road and Bridge committee. Motion cnnied.

Supervisors Dent nnd Starks were nominated as third member of the County State Hoad nnrl Brirl;;e committee.

Board, proceedetl to an informal ballot for the tbi.nl member of the ·county State Road nnd Bridge committee. 'Vhole numl.Jer of votes cast was 28, of which Geo. Starks received 14, JP. B. Dent 13, and blank 1.

Board proceeded to first formnl ballot for the third member of the County State Road and Bridge committee. Whole number ot: votes cast was 2S, of whiel1 Gco. Stark,:; •·er:eil•l'tl JS nntl 1~.-B. nent 111.

''i'"'!'jJ!i''' ··~-~[; ,· . . • ! ~j!:j:.:

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i l. ' ~ '·• •I

·i· '


r -~· I: [,: 'j'· ·'


'l'he chairman HJJIJOIIJJCeLl tlwt as Supervisor Starks hull received the majority of vute:; l!Ul:it he IJe lleclarell elected n:; third member of the Cou11ty State Hoac.l nnrl Bri•lge eommittee.

l\Iovell lJy Supervi,:;or 1!'. Lnkasavitl'- tlmt the board adjourn until U :00 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. l\Iotion earrierl.

. ltU'l'I-I 1\IcCALLUi.\f, County' Clerk.

NINTH DAY · Stevens Point'. "'is., No,·emhcr 20, 1D24, !) :00 o'clock a. 111.

Meeting called t:o 'orcler hy Bon. iH. ;r. i.\lersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Supervisor He;;g,

excusetl. Minutes of. yesten]ay's session read uHcl ap[H'o'·et.I. Clerk rend scherlule of. claim;;. ;;eneral file hills Nos. 10 to 42, ·ill­

elusive, claims under the <log law ·rrom 1 to 2G iuclnsil•e, also claims against the county for dnmnges rlone by tiogR, all of which was referred to the committee on Claims .

Clerk rend unnuul report of '1'. K ~lcCanle.v, county lJighwny com-missioHer. as follows: 'l'o the Honorable Chnirmnn aull i\letuhers of tlte County Bo'ard of

Portage County, "'isconsiJJ. Gentlemen :-ln presenting my t.hirt:eenth auJJnal report: to your

l!onorniJie body, I wish to say that the rnatl work has been very satis­fnr:tory. 'Vo ltnve graded ntul snrl'ucetl 88Y2 miles of. road, 3 mles of. this is 24 feet wille and 2 miles 1G feet witle. "'e ltnve also graded D miles, not surfaced. 'Ye l!a,-e graded 14% miles for the towns.

I lterewi th submit my re[l<)rt, ·as fnllnws: TOWN 01<' ALBAN-f\lban-HatTison Road

Balance in fnnd 192:3 ........................................................ $ 63l.G1 County avproprintiou 10:!'1 ............................................ 2,000.00 '!'own nppropria tion 1D:24 ................................................ 2,000.00 Advanced hy towns 1!)24 ............ :..................................... G50.00 Orders drawn 1024 ............................... ............................ $5,::nLHi 'fo balance in fund 102-1 ....................................... ............. 70.15 ·

$5,281.()1 'l'O.WN OF ALllAN-Rosholt-l'cl'll J{oad

Bulauce in J'nnrl :LD2c: ..................... $ 2.\10 Balance in fund 1024


$ 2.9!)

$ 2.!)!) . $ 2.00 TOWN OF ALHAN-State 'l'runl1 Highwa.y No. -49

Advanced by town 1924 ................................................. $2,GOO.OO Orders, drawn 1024 Balnuce in fnml 1024

$2,iH:.!.4.1 127 .@

$2,500.00 $2,500.00 'fOWN OF ALBAN-ltosholt-G<tlloway No. 66 .

JJalance Balance

iu fuml 192<1 ........................................................ $ 207.45 iu full(] 1024 ........................................................ $ 207.45

., $ 207.45 s 207.45 . TOWN OF 1\.1\UIERST-Amhc•·st-Scamlinavht Road

! ,. ~r-




· II

_/ . Advauced by town 1924 .. _. ............. : ................................... $2,000.00 f, Transferred from New Hope-Amherst road................ 1GfJ.81 .

·l O•'"' ''""" 1024

····························· $2,16081 ::::::: .j

·.. II J 'I J. I . , I

. - ·, I

~~:, ' ;i i.,r·- - -~ . ,~ T :ii'' ii4 COUN'" BOAKD PROCEEIHNGS ££;; !~ i ' ·:,~ .r· .·.:

, ·I

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t· t :,1

!' 1: j: I

j :' I ! ' I'

I ' I ;


I I.

! .·

t ~i' . r

I, :i

'j I· 'I

,lli! I .

[: · ..

Balauce in J'uud 1()23 Orders drawn 1\l2'1


$ ::100.00 '1'0\VN OF i\1\UIIflRS'l'-Amhcrst-Ncw Ho11c Roarl

Balanec in fund ll)23 ...................................................... $ (;4 .fi8 County appropriation for 102-1 ....................... : ............... , 2,000.00

· 'l'own appropriation for lOU ................... : .................... 2,000.00 Advanced by town in 1()24 ... , ................................. {·: ........ : 2,000.00 Paill advanced money to town of Amlter:;t ................... . Orders drawn 1\)24 ........................................................... . Transferred to Amherst-Scamlitlfl Yia road ................... .

$ :::oo.oo $ 300.00

$~.,000.00 1.89'i.87


$G,OG4.08 $0,004.08 TOWN OF Al\'IHERST-Amhct·st-T,:marl( Fedet·al Road Fund No. 18

Balance in funll 102:3 .................. $ 8.!)7 Balance in fund 1024 :j; 8.!)7



Balance in funll 1023 ............. . .............................. $5,18G.21 County appropriation 1!)23 Village, appropriation 1923 Orders drawn 192'1 Balance in fund 1024

1,000.00 1,000.00

$7,18G.21 TOWN OF 1\.LMONH-i\lmond-Wautmt:a Roatl

County appropriation 1923 ............................... ; ............ $ 500.00 Town appropriation 1023 ............ :................................... 500.00 Paid treasurer town of Almoud, aLh·auced money.; ......

$1,000.00 TOWN OF BELMONT-Wihl Rose Roatl

Balance in fund 1923 .................... $ .75 Balance in fund 1!)24

:ji .75 '1~0\VN OF HELMON'J'-Aimonii-Amhcrst Road

in fund 1023 ...................... $ 119.85 Balauce Balance in fund 1924

'l'OWN OF HELi\ION'l'-WauJlaca-Wild County ar)propriation 1923 'l'own appropriation 1023 State appropriation 192:3 Paid town treasurer, advanced money Orders drawn 1024 .. Balance in funcl 1924

$ 119.85 Rose Road

800.00 800.00 800.45

:j; l.i7.40 ' 7,118.81




$ ,7;'j

:ji .7fi

$ 119.85

$ 119.85

$1,200.00 857.88 :H2.57

. $2,-100.45 $2,400.45


TOWN OF BUENA VISTA-Stevens Point-Waupaca Road Balance in fund 102:3 .................................................... $1,044.27 Orders lira wn 1D2J

$1,044.27 $1,044.27


. :

I j' I I· I

I ., I .\.

I t ·I'

' 1·1. ~\ \._,


TOWN Ol~ BUENA VIS'J'A_.:.Shcnnan Cre!Ullet'Y n.mul

Cuun t.y a ppropria tiou J.\)28 'J'owu nppro[ll'iation 1fl2::: · Ad1:anccc.l by town 1\J::!'~ Orders drawn 1fl2J

flOO.OO r.oo.on

2,000.0() :ji:l,UOO.OU

$::,ouo.uo $:~.uoouo

TOWN OF CARSON-Stevens l'oint-Jundion City l{oad Gunuty appropriation 1\!2:-.: ................................................ :$2,702.24 Town nprn·oprintion 1\J2:-: ............................................... 1,841.4!1 f;t:ute appropriation 1!)2::: ............... 3,0G9.1G

Onlers drawn 1024 Balance in fund 1U24

$7,5t.i:3.7\l 10!).0!)

$7 ,G72.88 $7 ,ti72.88

~~~OWN OF CARSON-Junction l!ity-1\'Iillatlorc Roatl L:aliutce in fund :tD::!c\ ... S 280.70 OrLlers drawn in 1n24 BaltLnCe in fund 1D24

$ 7-1.15 21JG.G4 --

$ 280.7!! $ 280.70

'I'OWN OF I)I~WEY-Han~;e Line l~oad County uptn·oprintiun 1U2::: ............................................ $ 500.00 '!'own appropriation 102:-; ................................................ 500.00 'l'ransJ'crrecl to St:eYens Point·Bevent road l>y town

board ............................................................................ $1,000.00

$1,000.00 $1,000.00

TOWN OF Dl~WEY-Stcvens Poiut-Bevcnt Road r.oo.oo :'•00.00

from Hauge Line road 1,000.00 250.00

$2,177.n 72.27

County appropriation 1!.l2H Town uppropriu tion 1!)23 'l'runsferrecl I.Jy town I.Joard Advanced by town 1024 Orders drawn 1024 Balance in fund 1\J-~4

$2,250.00 $2,250.00

TOWN OF EAU PLEINE-1\lillailore-Junction City Itoail 210.7(i

$ 210.7U Balance in fund 1023 Orders drawn in 1!)24

$ 210.7G $ 210.7G

TOWN OF GI~AN'l'-l\cllnet·-Plovcr Rmid Balance in fund 1923 ...................................................... $ 72G.31 County appropriation 1023 .................... .'......................... 500.00 Town appropriation 1023 ................................................ 500.00 · Orders drawn 1024 .......................................................... $ 84.70 Balance iu fund 1024 1..104l.G1

$1,72G.:n $1,72G.31

'l'OWN OF GRAN'J'-Hcllncr-Piainlieltl Roatl Baluncc·in fund 1023 ........................................................ $ 403.71 Balance in fund 1024 ........................................................ $ -100.71

$ ,103.71 $ 403.71


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TOWN OF HULL-Jonlltn Roati, Felleml No. 66 Balance iu full(} 1923 ...................................... .' ............... $ 704.!:J:I. Orders drawn 1924 .......................................................... $ 387.70 Balance in fund 1924 ........................................................ · 317.21

$ 704.91 $ 704.91 TOWN 01:<, Li\NARii-Plover·WaulJaca, l<,edet·al Road No. 54

County appropriation 1923 ......................... , .................. $6,000.00 ~'own appropriation 191!3 ................................................ 3,000.00 Orders drawn 1024 ............................................................ $9,000.00


Balance in fund 1923 .................................................... $ 332.5!) County appropriation 1923 ............................................ 1,000.00 '!'own appropriation 1923 ................................................ 1,000.00 State appropriation 1924 .............................................. 268.04 Advanced by town 1924 .................................................. 2,000.00 Paid town treasui·er, advanced Orders drawn 1924 .. Balance in fund 1924

$2,000.00 2,4!J1.95


$4,o!J5.G3 $4,595.u3 TOWN OF LINWOOD-Stevens I'oint-ltudolph ltoad

Balance in fund 1!J28 ......................... : .............................. $ 247.02 County appropriation 1!J23 ............................................ 1,000.00 Town appropriation 1923 .............................................. 1,000.00 State appropriation 1!l24 ................................................ 263.04 Advanced by town ID24 .................................................. 2,000.00 Orders drawn fot· road coustructiou HJ2L.................. $4,281.2± Balan.ce in fund 1!J24 ...................................................... 228.82

$4,510.06 $4,510.0(j TOWN OF PINE GIW\'E-Banc;t·oft-Coddington Uoad

County appropriu tion Hl23 .............................................. $1,000.00 'l'own appropriation 1923 ................................................ 1,000.00 State appropriation 1924 .................................................. 674.84 .Orders drawn 1924 ............................................................ $2,317.83 Balance in fund 1924 ............................................... :.... 357.01

$2,G74.84 $2,674.84 1'0\VN OF PINE GRO\'E-Plainlield-Banct·oft Road

County appropriation 1923 ............................................ $1,000.00 'l'owu appropriation 1923 ................................................ 1,000.00 Orders drawn 1924 ............................................................ $1,988.85 Balance in fuml 1924 ................ :.............. 11.15

$2,000.00 1'0\VN OF NB\V HOPE-Gal'field-Polonia Road

Balance iu fund 1!J23 .................................................... $ 200.24 County appropriation 1923 .............................................. 1,000.00 Town appropriation 1923 ................................................ 1,000.00 .state appropriation 1!l24 ................................................ 1,067.78 Advanced by town 1924 · ................................................ 4,000.00 Paid town treasurer, advanced Orders drawn 1!J24 ·


$2,000.00 4,695.76

,·-:-:r·j· r\ ";(.: i

. .. '

II_; . ~ '

~ t"~. • • j .


~:·· I l.

[ l j


l .,, 1,1

[ ~


Halauce in fund 1H2~! 572.2{i

$7,2GS.02 $7,2(18.02 TOWN Ol<' Nt<::;w HOI'J£-ltosholt-Peru Jtoad

'.!.'own appropriation 1!)~::.\ .............................................. $1,000.00 County aprn·ovriation lfl2C: ............................................ 1,000.00 Paid town of New Hvpc, tHlvanced money ................ .. $2,000.00

$2.000.00 $2,000.00 TOWN OJi' PLO\'EI~-Piovct··Wisconsin Ra11ids Road

Balance in fund 1923 ............... : ...................................... $ 5'16.08 Orders dmwn 1!J24 ...... :................................................... $ 417.10. Balance in 1!l24 ................................................................ 128.:J8

$ 54(>.08 TOWN OF l'LOVER-l'lovcr-Amhcrst Roacl

Cnnut:y ttpprO]lriation 1D22 .............................................. $1,000.00 '!.'own arnwoprin tiun 1D22 ................................................ 1,000.00 County appropriation 1D2:3 ............................................. 1,000.00 '!'own approprin tion 1D23 ................................. 1,000.00 Onlcrs clrtlwn 1\)2·1 Balance in 1924

$4,000.00 TOWN OF SI-IAIWN-North StlU' Roacl

Balaucc in funcl 1!.123 ............................................ , ......... $ 17G.82 County n pproprin.tion 1D2c: .............................................. 1,000.00 ~;own appropriation 102:~ .................................... 1,000.00 Onlers cl ra wn 1924 Balance in fuucl Hl24

'l~OWN OF SHAIWN-Steveus County appropriation lH23 Town appropriation 1028 Orders drawn 192'1 Balance in fund 10:!'1

$2,170.82 Poiut-Bevent Road

500.00 500.00

$1,000.00 'fOWN OF SHARON-Federal Road No. 66

By amount overclrawu l!J28 •rransferrecl from general fund Orders tlra wn 11)24 ............. .. By arnouut OI'Crclrawn 1924



$1,041.87 TOWN OF SHAlWN-Polonia.-Gadield Road

Balance in fuml 1H28 ........................................................ $ 800.3\l County appropriation Ul28 ............................................ 500.00 'l'own npproprintion ll)28 ................................................ r.oo.oo Advanced by town 11)24 ......... 700.00 Orders drawn 1924 Balance in J'und 1l)~'1

$2,000.30 'l'OWN OF S'l'OCI{TON-Custer-Nelsonville Roacl

Cou11ty appropriation 1!J23 ............................................ $1,000.00 'l'owu appropriation 1023 ............................... 1,000.00

$ 5'1H.08

$8,l)G7.8\) 82.11


$2,1liu.oo Hi.8:!


$ n:::::uJ2 G6.38


$ !J8,1.!J7



$l,tJl)7.(j(l 2.70



Ad I"U IH.:Cll l.Jy tull'li 1!)~-1

'l'ransfcrred frum Custer-l'•>lunin Onlers drawn 1!l::!'J ..... Balance in "l'lllul 1!1~-1

:!,000.00 3'7.7~,

$4,037.75 TOWN OF S'l'OCH'fON-Piovct·-Amherst Road

Uuunl·.r appropriation 1!)2::: ............................................ $1,000.00 '!.'own Uflfll'OJIL"iation 1!:12:3 .................................................. 1,000.00 Advanced by town 1!:124 ............................................... 2,000.00 Onlen; drawn 102-l .. Hulance in f:uml 1U:!4

~.,,o:.n.:~s 10.57


$::;l!J57.55 42.45

$4,000.00 $4,000.00 'l'OWN OF STOCH'l'ON-Stcven~ l'oint-Wau11aca Road

Balance in fund 102:~ ........................................................ $ 254.50 Orders drawn 1\.l24 ............ :............................................... $ 215.50 Balance in fnllll 10~4 ........................................................ !.1.00

$ 2u4.50 s 254.GO TOWN OF l'LO\'Ei{-I>tuvcr-Whitiug Bl'idge Fund

c •• uuty appropl'iatiou Hl23 ............................................ $1,300.00 Town nppl'Oflrin tion l 92i: .................................................. 1,300.00 Advnncetl hy. town 182~1 .................................................. 2,034.57 Pail! orders 1924 ............................................................... . Balance in fund 1924

'I'OWN OF (;1{1\.N'l'-Grant llt·idg-e Count,\' a[Jpropriation 192:: Paid town treasurer 1924 Balance in fu ml 1(12•1

$4,G34.57 Fund


'l'OWN Balauce iu fuud 1!.123 Orders drawn 1924 .. • Balance in f:uml 1!:124

$ G55.25 OF J.JINWOOD-Ul'idge Fund


$ 49.00 '!'OWN OF DEWEY-Bridge I~und .

.Balauce in fuwl 1023 ........................................................ $ 55.20 Balauce in fum! 1024

'.l'o IJidauce in fund Orders clmwn 1924 'l'o balance iu fund

BRIDGI~ l•'UND $ 55.20



To lJuluuce in fund 192c: .............................................. $14,744.'17 Hee. from stnte treas. (mntor vehicle license) ........ 1'1,947.25 Heceivecl l'rom tow11 of Linwood ................................ 500.00 'l'ransferl'ed from g-encrnl fli1Hl .................................. 1,63!.1.48 H.eceived fL"om Amhel'st road fum! ............................ 10.00 Hceeivetl from Belmont roatl l'uud ............................ 10.00 ·

$::!,600.00 2,034.57





::;.:.12.75 312.50 --G55.25

18.00 :u.oo

$ 49.00

$ (;5.20

$ G5.20

:.::.55 l71i.82

s 1so.:n


.' ~

I ... ·i:'

. ~F. r :·


I f I t I.



HeceiveLl fru111 Bueull \'i:>l:a ron1.l ltecci vcd J'L"(IIII Dewey road fund .llec:ch·e(l :l'rom Hull fe•.lera.L rom! fund No. 6<> ....... . Heeei1•ed tro111 Pine Gru1·e road .J'und Hecei ved J'rnn1 J.'Lover road ·fun;.! Heecive•l J'ro111 Sharon rom! l'uud Heceil'ecl tro111 St.ocklou road fuud ReeeiYed from.J'cderal wainteuance

2l..GO 40.00 80.00 70.00 20.00 80.00 71..10

6,311.37 l.G5.1G


rteceivecl from town of Pluver Paid orclcrs :tn24 Balauce iu l'uud 1924

$27,054.'19 11,605.!)3

$38,660.42 $38,G60.42

COUNTY EMERGI<~NC:\' FUND 'J'o balnuce iu J'uncl 1!)2:3 ................................................ $1.,101.28 County nppropriat.ion NoYemher, 1.928 ........................ :'!,000.00 Heccive<l from federal mnintcuaucc fund .................... 1,125.00 Hcc:eived from Henry GL"ul•c fM truck ., ........ ,............... 700.00 Heceive<] l'rom'Hnnlware l\tut.. Casnalty (;o. (Div.).. 15.57 Hecciverl from •r. R Canle.y, TTy. Com., ol!l iron sol•.! G.GO l'a ill <H:de1·~ J.!)2<J ............ . •ro balance iu fund 1924


·COUNTY 'fiMC'fOR I~UND .l.tecdve<l fro111 ~toch:tou road fund Hecei vee! from Dewey road fnnd Ueceivcll trom Sharon road fuutl Heceiv€ll J'rom Plover ro~Hl fund .. Iteceive•l frorn Pine Gro,·c road fund Heceivell from Buena ·Vista ron<l j'nncl neceived from Carson ferleral roncl fund No. 18 ..... . Hecei vecl from. Linwood rond fnncl Iteeeived from town of Plover Heceivetl from towu of Buena Vista Heceived from fcllernl maintenauce fund ..................... . To l.mlauce in fund 1924

225.00 200.00 100.00 100.00· 300.00 150.00 ()12.75 1f>O.OO 350.00 100.00 700.50

$•1,::158.49 {)49.86



$2,988.25 $2,988.25

COUN'l'Y GRAVEL J>I'f FUND 'l'o IJalauce in fuud 1923 ................................................ $ 715.00 Heceived from state treasurer ........................................ 2G5.00 To balance in fund 1924 $ 080.00

cS $ 980.00 $ 1)80.00

All of wllich is respectfully submittC)ll. '1'. JD. CAULEY, County Highway Commissioner,

Portage County, "'isconsiu. '.L'o tile Honornl.Jle Chairmau and Members of the County .Board of

Supervisors of I'orta;;e County, ·wisconsin. Gentlemen :-·we, the State noacl and Britlge committee, have met

from time to time aml inspected the roads nne! bridges uucl llvae checked tile County Highway Commis,;ioner's report several times nud



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1\I•well by Supenhor Deut nnd se<.:olllled that tlte report l.Je adopted. l\Iotiou carried.

Clet·k rend hid for Clltllll:y rn·iul'.iu;; from the Stevens Point .Journal Priuting Compauy, which was referred to the committee OH Couuty Printing.

Clerk rend !Ji<ls frulll the Nebonville State Bank aml Citizeus Na­tiounl Bauk for county depository for connty money.

Mo1•ed by Sur1en•isor Halversou that the chair appoiut a committee of three to cousider the matter ol' n county ·depository for county money and make reconune))(la tions to the l>Oard regarding same. 1\:lotiou <.:nrried.

Cltai rm:ut a11nounced thu t he woul(l appoint abo1•e mentioHell com­Htittee·at the afternoon session of the board.

Moved by Surtervisor Stettz that the board ndjoum until 1:30 o'clock p. m. Motion carrier!.

SteYens Point, \Vis., November 20, 1024, 1 :30 o'clock p. Ill.

i\Ieeti11g cnlletl to order l.<r l-Ion. l\I. .J. Mersch, chairmun. Clerk called tlte roll, all meml)ers present except Supervisor Hegg·,

excusecl. Clerk reatl. tlte :following· resolutit~u: Hesoll·etl, thnt the county board authorize the committee ou Settle­

nteut witll County Officers to cancel and destroy the .lliglm'ny bonds, :>eries "A." which were never sold by the county.

Also ·punch the coupous amounting to 'l'hree 'l'huusaud Seven Huu­Llrecl Fifty Dollars ($3,750.00), which were clipped from the highwn~· IJoncls, series "C."

l\loveLl by tion carried.

CHAS. BHADY, Supervisor Town of Buena Vista. Supervisor Halverson that the resolutiou be adopted. l\lo-

Clerk read tl1e followiug revott of the committee on Gettlenteut with County Officers: To the HonurniJie Chairman and Members of the County Board of

Su11ervisors ol' Portage Count .. v, "'isconsiu. Gentlemen :-\Ve, your committee to wlwm was referred .the nn-

11\litl report: M Hutlt McCallum, county clerk, would respectfully report that we lun·e compared the same with Iter books, vouchers nml recei11t.s and founcl it correct; ha1·e counted the cash 1vhich !Jalances .her ac· eounts, nncl recornmentl the at.loption of her report.

Datecl this 20th clay of NoYember, 1D24. Signed: C .. J. GILBER'l'.

:m. H. Rossmn, GI~O. NIVlijN, .T.fD. HlDGG, J<JDMOND F.ROS'l',

fl C. A. SMITH, CuHtmittee u11 Settlement with County Offi<.:ers.

'l'o the Hu11oru!Jie Chainnan aJHl Uemhers of the County Board of Supervisors of Portage c;,;nuty, \Viscousin. Gentlemen :-I lterewith submit to your houorahle bu<ly my report

covering receipts nnrl e:qu;11llitures or the retlemptions and fees received at tile office of the cuuuty derk from November 1, 1923, to Oetober 31, l\)24: 'J.'otal loalauce or I'Cl1ClllPtiOII lllt)lley in my l!uncls Nol·etn-

ber 1, 1923 .................................................................................... !ji 1,302.Vl Hc:ceivecl on redemptions to Nol'elltber l, 1!J2L .......................... 20,089.25

'l'utal amount uf redemvtion mo11cy on ham! and re-CE:ived during the yenr ................................................... $21,302.1G


,~ '


·, '•

\'t .. . i:




I. -1 .r

' ,, I, 'I


Paid on redemptions as 11er vouchers herewith snl.nnittell ...... 10,213.67

Balance of reclmnption money. on hand Nov. 1, 1924 .......... $ Received for redemption fees to Novembet· 1, 102'1.. .................. $ Heceivell for tax deed fees to November 1, 1024 ...................... .. Received for 241 marriage licenses to November 1, 1924 ........ ..

2,17S.4fl 147.00

18.85 120.50

Reeeived for registering 3 physician certificates to Novem-ber 1, 1!)24 .......................... : .... ; ........ , ......................................... ..

Received for dance hall licenses nncl permits .............................. .. 1.50


Total amount received for fees to Novemher 1, Pnid to Earl Newby, county treasurer, ns receipts

102-1... ..... $ 2,017.85 herewith

submitted to balance .............................. . 2,017.85

All of which is respeetfully submitted. RUTH McCALLUM,

County Clerk Portage Connt.y, Wis. Betker that the report he ndopterl. Motion Moved hy Supervisor

carried. Clerk read the following report:

'l~o the Honorable ·Chairman and l\Iemliers of tl.le Conutv Board of Supervisors of Portage County, \Visconsin. · Gentlemen :-\Ve, your committee to whom was referred the report

of Ruth 1\icCnllum, co·unt.y clerk, nml V. P. Atwell, supervisor, pnrchns­ing agents for the connty, would respectfully report that we have com­pared the same with their vouc)ters and r·ecei11t.s and :fonnd them cor­rect. and recommend the adoption of their report.

Dated this 20th dn.v of Novemher, 1024. Signed: C . .J. GILBERT.


Committee on Settlement with. Connty O~fieers. 'l'o the Honorable Chairman and Members of the Count.v Board of

Supervisors of Portage County, \Visconsin. Gentlemen :-"'e, yonr committee HJ1point.ed as purchnsing ngents

by the county bonrd, November, Hl2H, for the ensuing year, re:'<pecl'fnlly report as follows : Balnnce in fnml November l, 1023 ............................................... $1,H:':.40 A11propriatetl by- connt.y honrtl November, 10:2::1 ........................... 8,800.00

'l'otnl nmount in fnnd Novemher, 1923 .................................... $'1,D4i'l.40 Totnl amount of disbursements to No1·cmber 1, 1024 .................... 4,217.20

Balance in fund November 1, 1024 .................... : ........ : ............ $ 72G.~O Following is nn itemized stn tement M disbnrsement.s from the pur­

chase fnnd for the fisc>1l year beginning November l, 1028, and ending October :n, 1924 : Paid \Vis. Valley Electric Co., lights, gas, court ht;mse & ,jail.. .. $ Paid Co11J1S Co., coal, court house flllll jail.. ................................. . Paid Gross & Jncobs Co., coal, court house ancl jn il. .................... . Paid Stevens Point Water Co., water, com·t house and jnil.. ..... . Paicl H. C. Miller Co., supplies, books, etc. Pnid H. Niedecken Co., supplies, books, etc. Paid Americnn Express Co., express ......... .. Paid Green Bny & Western Hy. Co., freight.. ................................ .. Pnid Gross & Jacobs Co., sn]1plies

G40.22 181.11 !J3G.fll 140.77 946.12 250.<11

18.4G 5.30 4 .. 75

- -- . - ~ . - - - -·- ·- .

l"~f .li!; .~ ,~; \·

( ~;/ jij!' ~i:l· !' l:{: Yl ~.~r· ,., ~ l !,

!I i ~ i q. ~j H., J.j t••'

' ~ ~ ol ,,,,

(1': f~: ~::: t~·

1:·1~ i/, jt ,fil

f:i !.~~ <;· I ' '• I, ·, ·;'

:·:li !.

1 r:

1 •• '.)

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'' l;;:.'l "•(oo jl •.1 j '~ I '

:, I ~

'·~I ' ' j,:,

'I I .. \

'1'·. ~ ' ' '

'i 1 -/'·

j ' j·' ~I



Paid KremiJs Hardware Co., supplies Paic! Normington Bros., laundi'.\', jnil Paid Soo Line, freight .... , ................... .. Paid 'Vestern Union 'l'elegTat1h Co., telegrams Paid post otfice department, hox rent .............. . Paid post office department:, parcel post on llnllot;;;, tax rolls

and postage .................................. .. Paid 'l'he nexine Company, supplies Paic! J. \Vorzalla & Sons, SUJ1plies for county jail .................... .. Paid National Office Supply Co., supplie;; Paid Nationnl Sales.& Senice Co., SUJ1[llies Paid Hutter Bros. Printing Co., supplies

. Paid Linwood Stationery Co., typewriter pa11er Paid Copps Co., wrapping paper ................... . Paid Wisconsin Valley lDiectric Co., snpplies Paicl Alex Krembs Drug Co., supplies Paid Burroughs A<lclii1g ·llraehine Co., Pair! John Heinzkill Sonp Works, sonp Paid 'l'he A. J .. b'amham Co., ink Paid Associated Mfg. Co., SUJlJ1lies Paid Perfect 'l'ypewriter Key Co., supplies Paid French, Campbell & Co., supplies Pair! l\Iacklin-Wilson Floral Cn., flower::: for J'lo\\'et IHctl i11

conrt yard ..................................................... . Paid ':Vorzalla Publishing Cn., binchng books Pair! H. D. McCulloch Co:, supplies .... : ......... Paid "'· .J. Delaney, canvassing spi-ing election Paid ~V. l<'. Owen, canYassing SJ'll'ing an1l primn rr elcectinn ........ Pni<l A. J. Cunneen, canvassing primary elecl'ion Pai<l 'l'arlor';; Drug Co,, supplies Paid H. B. Ashbrook, nwps ....... Pair! 'l'hOI11J1Son Supply Co., supplies Pair! Miller-Bryant Pierce Co., supplies Paid Duluth Dist. Sales Cn., supplies Paid H.. ll. Yates, pencils .................... .. Paid Burnside Paper Co., _clasp em·elopes Paid ·wisconsin Telephone Co., toll hill;;;, court house .~ :iail. .....

'l'otnl All of which is respectfully snhmittecl

22.GO 28.28

l.O;; 2.82 0.00

120.00 85.fi!).

.l.!l5 4.8fi

38.40 7.20

2f>.OO 18.88 2!l.OO

2.40 11.12

l.fi:) n.oo 3.84 4.00


13.fi5 18.50 Hl.25

5.00 10.00

G.OO 2.45

15.00. 10.f>8 n.oo 12.00

G.OO 7.45


HTYrH McCALLUM, Connfy Clerk. Y. P. A'l',VELL, Snprorvisor.

Moved by Supervisor Starks thn t the rc•port he :lflopf:t:•cl as rna:l. llf otion carrietl.

Clerk rend the following- r0]1nrt. ll'hich 1\':H; i'f'ferrct.l 1·11 t·Ju; com­mittee on 'Vays ancl Jllenns: 'l'o the Honorable Chairman and Members nf. the Conllf'.v nonrd of

Supervisors nf Portage County, "'isconsiu. · Gentlemen :-'l'he following nmonnts oJ' personnl property ·for the

year of 1022 remain unpaid nnrl are to be charger! bncck U• t·he \'lll'ious towns, villnges and city ns follows: City of Stevens Point Village o.f Amherst Town of Eau Pleine Village of .Junction City ~rown of Sharon ........... .

fl2.3() 22.61 84 .. 18

Also the following real estate is to he chargee! hnck !'o the Ynrions towns, l'illnges nnrl city, ns .. follows:

. --.l~. :~#~,. ~}· ~

' .· ·: ~~;.' ·Ji ;:\ ·-·,:tl·


'- '-/(-' Town of A! han-Assessed as improvement on I." on l•~ased lalHl, ···:1 ::.;; " imperfect and indefinite description· .... , ....................................... $ 1.04 · 'i ,•,f · F,au Pleine-Commencing 55 rods w. of se. corner of nwl,q, of -·. !"\'1 section 5, township 25, range 7 east, ne% of se'\!,1., thence

•c.).· running· n. 16· rods, thence w. 10 rods, thence s. Hi rorls. ·: ·,·? thence- e. 10 rods to place of beginning, not assessnhle, he-

·,'.., ;~i:·· · longs to Portage county .................................................................. .{\7 , ·;:' Town of Grant-Assessed as e 1/2 of n'/2 of ne'IJ,, should he e·lh of

,: :.,:' nwlft of ne1,4 and e% of swlj~ of ne% of section 3fi, tn\\'n- . :'-•' ~::· ship 22. range 8 east ...................................................................... 11.4:1 .;J '·:''

/'• '.,, ... ,,' ·', "T'{ ..

~ ) . '

.,. '•'

·· .. _;.~ ; 1 ~: I

,-;.t i, I

.... I' ··:.1·



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I' ' ' '",J: ~ .. ,l' . -~·:!.,

City' of Stevens Point, Third ward-Donhle assessment, beg. at ne. corner of swlf1 of nel/.~:, section :33, township 24, range 8 east, then s. 31 rods, then w. 10 rocls and 8 links. then n . 31 rods, then e. to 11lace of heginning, containing. 2 a·c•·es.... 7.00 ' BARL NE"'BY, County 'l'reasurer.

l\foved by Supervisor Norton that tile report of the committee ap­pointed to im·estigute the matte•· of an nprn·opriation for the American Legion, which was laid over from last Tuesday afternoon, lle adoptee!. noll of members called. Motion carried by 1G nyes and 13 nays, nne absent. 'l'he following voter! aye: Supervisors Brady, l<~ognrty, Lns­zewski, Stertz, Frost, Halverson, Gruher, Bossier, Zimmer, Baker, F. Luknsavitz, Norton, Atwell, Paul Luknszewicz, Mersch, Ahlrich. Nnys: Supervisors Betker, Martin, Crowell, Smith, 'Vilson, Stnrks, Dent, Cy­chosz, Thorp, Steinke, Niven, Diver anrl Gilbert.

Attorney L. N. Jenkins addressed tl•e bonrcl regarding the worl' of the Amel'ican Legion, statiug that thiJ.; organization is chiefly in­teresterl in helping ex-service men who are clisauletl.

Mr. F. F. Mengel addressee! t.he hoarrl on the proposer! road worlr in Portage county in 1025.

'l'he chairman nppointed Sn11ervi>;ors Atwell, Dent nnd Fogarty as a committee to make recommenrla tinns to the boa rcl rega rfling the county depository for county funrls, ns per motion this morning.

Moved by Supervisor Stertz thnt the hoard -arljonm until !l :00 o'clor:k tomOLTOW. Motion carrier!.

TIU'l'H McCALLTJllr, Cnnnty Cleric

TENTH DAY SteYens Point, 'Vis., November 21, 1024, n :00 o'clocl' n. m.

Meeting called to order by Hon. M . .r: Mersch, chnirmnn. Clerk called the· roll, all memhers present· except ~upervisors Fo­

g·nrty nnrl Hegg, excused . Minntes of yesterday's session renfl nnd npprm·e.-1. Clerk reacl the following petition:

'l'o tile Hon. Chnirman and Members of the County Board of: SnpetTisor;; or Pot·tng·e Cr>Unty, "'isconsin. Gentlemen :-The Hosholt Communit·.y Fair hereby petitions your

honorable hoard fo•· the smn of $500 to aiel the Community l<'i1ir helcl in Rosholt:.

C . . i. GlLBlDTIT, Supervisor Village of Rosholt. l\Iove<l hy Supervisor Betker thn t tl)e petition he laic! on the table.

noll of meml.le•·s called. Motion carried hy 24 nye:> nnll 4 nays, 2 ah­::;ent. The following voted aye: Supervisors Betker, Martin, Crowell. Smith, Starks, Dent, Brady, Cychosz, Steinke, Laszewski, Stertz, Niven, I~rost, Divet·, Halverson, Gruber, Hossler, Zimmet·, Bnker, Jr. Lnknsa­vitz, No•·ton, Atwell, P. Lukasze\\'ic7., Aldrich. Nays: Supen·isors 'Vil­~=;on. 'l'hnrp, Gilbert nnd Mersch.

Clerl;- l'Ntcl rf'snlntion n;:; follows:


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Be it resolvell, ily the county bornct of' snpe1·visors of' Portnge county, that tl1ey authorize tl1e chnirmun of this lwnrrl, district at­torney-elect :mel county treasurer to attenc'l n conference nt Mnrsh­flclcl, of the chnirmen, rlistrict nttorneys nnd trensnrers of six coun­ties, on the mattet· of the rlrninnge rlisl:riet tax CCI'I'.iticnl'.es l1eltl .in trust hy the co1mtics.

1<'. B. DTCNT, Supcnisor Town of Belmont. .l\Iovccl by Supervisor l!'rost that the resolution he arloptecl ns

rend. Motion en rried. 'l'he chnirmnn informed the board that Dr .. J. "'· Coon hn<l con­

Rulted him regarrling the. mntter of purchasing the Fonl coupe ownerl ))y Portnge co(mty, which wns formerly nscrl hy the county nurse, fot· the use of the city nurse.

l\Iovecl ))y Supervisor Dent l:lmt the chairmnn or t11e county board be authorized to sell t.ho Ford coupe t·o the hesl: Mll·nntnge or the coun­ty. 11-Iotion carried.

Mr. H. R. Noble, ngricnlt.nral ngent for l'orl'.ng-t~ couuty, gave a verbal report of: his work during the past year.

l\Ioved by Supervisor Stertz. tiJflt the lconrrl nd.ionrn until 1:30 o'elock 11. m. Motion cnnied.

SteYens Point, \Vis .. November 21, J.fl24, 1 :30 o'clock p. Jn. Meeting culled to order by I-Ion. 1\I. :r. iHersch, chairinan. Clerk ealled the roll, nil memlie1·s 11resent except Supervisor Hegg-,

excused. Clerk rend the following report:

'l~o the l-Ion. Chnirman and l\femhcrs of the County Bonrd. ·Gentlemen :-iVe, your committee appointed to im·estigllte the

work clone by the Children's Home Society of IVisconsin during the pnst year nnd the advisability of nn nppropriat.ion to i.Je marle to suhl nbo,·e nlunerl soeiety, would recommeml t11:1t tl1ere i.le nptn·otwiated One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars t·o said Chilrlren';; Home Society oE Wisconsin.

As to the work of the county humane offi<.:er, headed by Dr. F. A. Norton, would 1·ecommend thnt tl1ere i.Je n[lpropriated Six Hundred ( $600.00) Dollars to be placed in the humane office fnn<l.

iVonlll furt.het· recommend that the hea•l of the County Humane Society of Portage county, mnke nnrl !ile nn annual report with the county hoard at its nnnunl meeting, showing to wl1om, few what pur­pose nnll amount p11id to the varions ncerly persons or this county. Re­:>pP.ct.fully submitted.


Committee. Moved by Supervisor Wilson thnt the repnrt he laid ovf~r 1111t:il next

Tuesday afternoon. Motion ca1oried. ·Clerk rend report of. committ.er. on Gronmls nn<l Buildings ns

follows: To tile Honorable Chairman nnd Members of !:he County Boar([ of Su­

pervisors of Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-iVe, your committee on Public Grounds and Build­

ings, most respectfully report the CXJ1Cmliture of. the ill)l)l'OlH'iation for inciclentals, repairs, etc., mac:le b,v your llonornlcle hocly for that pnr-pose: Appropriation mncle hy com1ty l:coanl in 1023 f.iOO.OO Appropriation mnde hy count.y ilonrd in Hl23 for rerlecorn ting

oflir,ef< · 175.00

·:·1" ~,,-:1'.' .•.

. ;.}:,.·

. ·l ·.:• . ,,

. t'· ' ·,-r~:


r·' 'i•

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'• '•,

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Balance in fuud Ncwember 1, 1023 .......... . 326.60

'J'otal nmonnt in funrl .................................................................. $1,001.60 'J'ot.al amonnt cxpencletl to NO\'Qillher 1, 1fl24 ................................ 088.10

l. 2. ~) •.1.

4 5. n. 7. 8. fl

10. 11. 12. 1:'!. H. 15. :l.ll. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. 2:3. 2'1. 25. 2n.

27. 28. 2D. :'10. :~I. :~J2.

38 . 34. ''"' .:-..~).

::1(;. :~7. 38. :::n. '10. ,n: 42.

Balance in fnnll November 1, .1D24 ............................................ $ 13.41 Following is an itemized statement of clislnusements from the fund:

36.25 1.00 1.45 .. 05 3.23

1(;.81 11.45


B. :m. Haertel, plumbing Ray ll'. ·wood, repniring lnwu H. K Haertel, plumlciug Skalski Co., cement .... VetJer 1\[f.g;. Co., repni1·s Vetter Mfg. Co., repaii·s for jail :r. B. Snllivnn Co., plumbing H. R Haertel, plmnbing ........ Krembs I-fnrdwnrc Co., supplies for jail.. ............................... . ll'ineh Bros., plumhing ............................ . Geo. \V. Dell, eleetric cord, switch, etc. l!'iHCll Bros., plnml'cing; B. K I-Tnertel, plumlling Green Hit.\' & 1\'est:eru H.\'. Co., freig;llt Bell's JDiec:l'ric Co., elpel'ric fixtures fiiHl repairs ................... . Chnpmnn & Smith, 'llecorat.ing offices, court house .......... .. JD. J. l'l'il'l'ner Co., lmnl1er ............. .. .Tournai Printing Co., nc:lvertising l:\:1·em1Js Harchvnre Co., supplies B. E. Hner.tel, plnmhiug .......... . IVayi1e "'ilt.kins, pninting windows, rl1f1iators, ete ............ . l\'frs. Cnrl Rnstntl, cleaning c:onrt house ................................... . "'nyne IVntkins, p:Ht pnyment dee. Co. judge's office ....... .

Pe:irl Kicklnntl, elenuin.~ c:nn'uty judge's office I.\:remiJs Hnnlwnre Co., supplies ......................... . "'ny11e ·watkins, decorating hnll, nnrl llnlnnce clne on worl' in :inrlge's · oflice ............................................................... .

Bell's JDieeiTic Shop, wiring nnrl fixtures ............................ : .. . B . .m. Hnet·tel, gas llent.er, :inil Finch Bros., plumbing ........ .. Krembs Harclwn re Co., supplies Geo. IV. Bell, repniring light~. eonrt ho11se .John Smart, l1anling rnbhish, court yard Green Bay & \\'estern 1':~·· Co., freight B. E. Haertel, plumbing ..................... . Kt·embs Harll\Yare Co., supfllies .............................................. .. Peter G orish, lmul i ng nshes from hasement, conrt honse .. .. :J. B. Snllivnn Co., plnlllbing ...... Jns. IV. Moxon, cement walk, jail B. Jil. Haertel, plurniling ................ .. Henry Meyers, hauling n::;hes from :r. B. Snllivnu Co., plnmlling J~. V. Martin, repitiring jnil hnrn

2.00 5.70 ::!.26 3.20 7.75 1.60

44.40 175.00

.DO 1.80 2.00 2.60

28.00 3.00.

50.00 :-!.15


241.00 50.00 2G.25

8.50 7.15 1.70 3.00 4.80 4.00 3.31 3.00 1.57

106.30 11.52

1.50 4.13


~l'otnl .......................... I ....................................................................... :JI 988.19 IVe further report on the repairs nnd replacements at the connty

jail: 375.00 350.40

Amount nppropriatcrl November l!l23 Amount expenrlecl

Balnnce in fnn<l 1.024 115.no


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'.rhe following orders were dr:l\Yn: l. H. D. i\IcCulloch Co .. window sil~rle;; 2. Kreml.ls I-Inrclwn re Cn., st:on~. prlinl·, 3. Guarantee Hnnlware Co .. linnlen1n 4. Delf King, painting nnrl ;.t'~pni1·;; !). Hoseno'" lrurnitu re Co., 1nn t·l:t·esse~

0.(\0 Hifi.GO 188.20

10.00 40.00

Total · ....................................................... : ........................................ $ 350.40 'Ve further wish to reporl·. 1·.1!at: we J)lll'C:ilasetl n >;nfe for the enunty

jnrlge's oftiee nt a cost of $:=::'\2.8.'\, lenYing n lmlnnc:e of $1G7.17 ont oJ' the $500 .wllic:h w:1s apprnprint·pcl l'rorn 1'1>1' g<'llCl'fll fnncl in Nm·emher, lfl2~~' t·o pnt·chr1se Sflt1\1'.

G. D. ALDRICH, K H. nossnm, V. P. A'J:WELL.

Connl'y Bnilclings anrl Grounds. Moved l.ly Supervisor Bet:l\Cl' that tl1e rc·pnrt IH~ nrlnr1ted. Mol"ion

carried. Clerk rend list of outlawed county orders for Cfll)Cdlntion, 1Yhie:l1

wns referred to the c:onllnil:t.ee on Settlement wit'l1 Connty Officers. 1\Iovcd l.>y Snpen·isor I-Jnl\·er.soH 1'11:11: Dr. C. \'On Neupe1·t, .Tr., he ..

npr)ointed connty pliysici:tn J'or the ens1ring; year. i\Jutinn cnrricrl. · Movecl by Sn[lcrvisor Hnlven;nn tlint Dr. G. H. Lnwrcnce ll0. np-, l)Ointccl ns county physicinn fnr the ex::minnl·ion of. the hlinc1 nnrl dc:rf' for the ensuing- year. i'l'fotion cnniccl. ' 1\'fcwecl hy Snpcrvif;Ol.' nrarly t.hnt the·~ hnnrcl :l<ljourn nnl'il !) :00

.o'c·lock tomorrow mornin~;. i\lotion enniecl. RlJ'l'H McCALLTJ!\f, County Clcerk.

ELEVENTH DAY Stevens Point. \Vis .. NnremiH·~r ~~. lfJ2~J, ·!) :00 o'clock :1. m .

Meeting catlecl' to <Wcler hy Hnn. M . .J. iHcrsch, chai,:nlflll. Clerk cnllecl the rnll, nil HIC~1nlu~rs presc·nt execpt Supervisors l\[nr-

tin, Crowell, Frost nnd Heg;g-, exenSL'<l. · Minnl·f~>< of' Y<·.•:':tenlay';; st•:<sinn n.•ncl lllHl iq>pro\'ecl. Clerk rciHl the t'nllow'in;; l'f>fl<l petil·ious, wl>kh were re1'r~ned l:n the

committee on State Ttoa,rls nnd Dridges: . PE1~1'l'lON NO. H!)

'l'o the Hon. Cllnirmnn anc:l l\IcJiillcrs of' tile Count.y P.onnl. Gentlemen :-'l'llC to\\'n of Grnnt pctil"ion::; yom· llonornhle l>oarcl for

a t·onu ty nml sl:nl:c rnn rl cou1menc:i n;; :11: U1e qnn rt>~r post. on the section line hetweeu sectious tll·enty-c·ig.lll:, (~8i :1iul twenty-nine Uf.l); thence rnnning; east on fJnnrl:er line tll'o 111iles 1·•• qnnrter post on section liue hetwccu scr:l:iow; twenty-six (:!G) lillll twcut.v-SCI'l'll 127); thence north CHI sectiou line hctll'ren sc'cl:ions t.wenty-:-;ix (2fi) :lll<'l twenty-seven (27) nml twenty-t.wo (22) nne! t.ll't;nty-thrPe (2cl) fo•· a tlbt:1nce or. one mile, to intersect l'.lw old c:onnt.r state-~ ro:lll.

CHAS. S'l'lDlNK1J:, C:Jwirn1nn Town of Grnnt. PEUTJON NO. 40

~l'o the Hon. Chairm1111 and lllemhers of. the Cnnnty Honrd oe Snper­- visors of Portage County, \Visconsin. •

Gentleme11 :-At .tl1e nmmnl mecl"i11g or. tlw electors of the town of Bnenn Vista, held in April, lfl24, it was n>ted f·o rnise the snm of $500 and to petitiou the county hoard for a like nmonnt, to IJe used on the roncl llcscri))erl :ts follow;;: C•:>n1menciug nt the center or. section fonr (,f) at the town liue or. Bneua Yi,;l::l· :lllcl Stockton nn(] i·nn,ning enst nR fn •· ns money will cnnstruct. .

· CHA8. DTNF:EN, Town Cl0.1·k ol' Bnc'nn Vi!;:la.

'""]""'• ' ~'' "i \ ':': -:~.:

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PETI'.riON NO. 41 To the HonorniJie County Boarcl of Portage County; "'is.

Gentlemen :-\Ve, the chainnen of the towns of Lanark, Amherst, Buena l'istn and Stockton, l1erehy petition yonr honorable board· to <lcsig;nntc a:; rt county trnnl• highway the fcollowing describcle road:

Commencing at. the· county trnnk line in the town of Buena Vista at the intersectio·n of the north comers of sections number five (5) and six· (G), township, nmnl.>er twenty-two (22) north, rnnge number nine (!)) cast; thence easterly along the roacl generally following the town line to a place w11ere it intersec:ts the north and south road along the cast sirle of section nmnl>er six (G), township number twenty-two (:22) north, r:111g;c umnher tc•n ( 10) en st.; thence in n northerly direc­tion across seel·inn numl>cr thirty-two ( 32), twenty-nine ( 29) nnd tweut.y: (20), all in township nuJllbcr twenty-three (23) not·th, range nnmher ·l·.en ( 10) east, to ;m iutc'rs<~ction with vresent county trunk higlnvny nnrl fornierly known ns State Highwny nnmber Eighteen (18) ..

GEO. NJV]ijN, Chnirman Town of Lanark. C. A. SMJTH, Chairman Town of Amherst. CHAS. BRADY, Chairman Town, of Buenn Vista.

1!'. A. LTJKASAVl'l'Z, Chnirman Town of Stockton. report. of cnmmittee on Settlement with County Officers,. Clerk reacl

ns follows: '.l'n l:l1e Honnrallle Chnirman anrl i\leml>ers of. the County Bonrrl of

Port.age Couut.r 'Viscnnsin. . Gentlemen :-"'e, ynnr committee on Settlement with Co\mty Of­

ficers, to whom was ref<~rreil the ontlnwed county orders, wonlrl\respect­fnlly report ns 1'ollim;;: rJ~Iia t we llnvc cnneelle<l the stnhs and destroyed t·.he nnler:'l.

Dntec:l l:liis 2lsl: clay ot November, 192'1. Bignecl : C. J. GILBERT,


Commi ttce. To the Honornhle Chairman ancl Members of the County Board of Super­

Yisors nE Portage Connt.y, \Viscon~in. Gentlemen :-Iu compliance with r:hfl])ter 30, section 098, statutes

of \Yisconsin, t.lie Enllowin:.;· cnnnty onlcrs nncnlled for hy pnyeees are p•·esentecl 'f. or ennl'el In tio11.

ItTJ'.ri-1 Mc.:CAI,LUM, Contity No. 5500-Hmnan K Blcslii, Der.. 8, 1021 No. 55:2G-i\lnbel Bnckhnli·, Dec. 8, J02l No. 5571-Brnno Burclmnn. Dec. 8. Hl2 No. 5G07-Gene Bentley. riec. 8, 1!)21.. .................................................. ..

Clerk. 2.60 G.SO 3.20 2.36 1.90 4.88 2.16 4.88 2.6() 5.68 1.40 2.66 1.40

No. 5GH-John Bernn, Dec .. <;, 1\)21 No. 57:27-Anna Brockcl't, Dec. 8, Hl No. 571!)-Lnnrn Bm·ton, Dec. 8, 1021 No. 572G-Artliur Brockett., Dec. 8, lf)21 No. 5480-0sear Christson, Dec.:. 8, 1921 No. 553!1-Den Clenesld. Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. 5603-Peter Check, Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. 5460-Della Derosier, Dec. 8, 1921 No. 5G40-Alven :Oombrowsld, Dec. 8, No. 5G58-l<'rnul\ Dayo, Dec. 8, 1021. .. No. 55!)1-lD. J. JD!rleridge, Dec. 8, 1021 No. 5G4f\-Mnr~; !DIIi>:, Dec. S, 1!121

. 1.08 2.16 2.16


' ',

::·;::: I/: 11 'i:· ~ ~; : i 1/:: i ~ f i i :..:J ::·;J i_:·.tl' 1'!·1


1-:.:p ·) l ~. ; ' '. h1J ~~ \ .: I

i·i t•


.·· ;. ~ .

It~-~ .. :J

t~: J I


:! :


No. 5GDO-J"anra Foster, Dec. S, 10~1 No. GCDG-JD!mer Fo;;ter. Dec. 8, J(l2J. No. 5G85-Annie Gloclowski, Dec. 8. 1021 No. 5G8fl-l\1ary Glodowski, Dec. 8. 1!)21 No. 5G87-Martin Glodowsld, Dec. 8, 1!)21 Nn. 568G-11"!ilw Gloclowsld, Dec. 8, 1!)~1 No. 5454--nichard Hoznocld, Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. 5738-Frank Hasse, Dec. 8, J.!)21 ...... . No. 573!J-Gh1!lys Hehblewhit.e, nee. 8, 1021 Ni). f\filfl-1.'om Berek. ]),;c. 8, 1021 ............ . No. 5740-"i!'rer1 Hehhlewliite, Dec. 8, lfl21 No. !iG7f.l-Wm. Hom, Dec. 8, .1!)21 ... No. 5•!45-L. R. J..:linger, Dec. 8, 1!)21 .No. 5528-Hattie Kulinski, TJ!,C. 8, 1!J21 No. 5500-Victor Knno))HCki, Dee. 8, Hl21 No. 5537-Augnst Kostna, Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. GG!J5-Tiieoc1ore Knl>isiak Dec. 8, 1!)21. No. GGOS-Wclix Knl>ok, Dec. 8, Hl21 .... No. 5GOD-'\Vnlter Kom11ssn, Dec. 8. 1021 No. GG22-H. J. 1\:orell, Dec. 8, :10i1 No. 5577-Itomnn Korleski, Dec. 8, .Hl21 No. 5574-G. 1·1'. Knlke, Dec. 8, 1D21. No. 2787-Lloy<l Lnrson, Dec. 4, 1fl20 No. 5681-:~~rnnk Lnlat::mvil'.z. Dec. 8, 1021 No. 5743-ArtlnH· Lnrson, D.ec. 8, 1921 No. 560Ci-l\Iike Liss, Dec. 8, Hl21 .~ .. No. 5627--'-Fioyd Lnrson, Dec. 8, 1021 No. 551G-At1eliua Lepper, Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. 550D-Lonis Lorhit:>ki, Dec. 8. 1!)21 No. 557!>-lP. B. J,nnh, Dec. 8. 1!)21 No. 5584-A. B. Lnabi:, Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. 5G4S-Frnnces 1\Jntkn, D0c. 8. 1D2l Nn. 5578-lGvclyn !\feronl,, Dec. S, 1n::n No. 5541-.Jncol.l l\lanndcrs, Dec. ~'3. No. 5GGG-Oehtlrl l\IniHe, DC1;. 8, Nn. 5728-Giad.rs l\Jntsnn, Dec. 8, J.fl21 No. 54fi4-Alex Nickolns, Dec. 8, 1!J21 No. 5470-J-Jelen Olski, Dec. 8, 1021 No. 545:3-CIIns. K PlisziHt, Dec. S, 1!J21 No. 5452-l\Inrt.llll Pliszkn, I>ec. 8, 1!J21 No. 5fi51-Frnnk Przkur:tt,. Dec. S .. 1!)21 No. 5508-Louis Peterson, Dec. 8, J!)21 No. 5470-.Te::-:sie PoliJmc:k, Dec. S, 1921 No. 5'1Ci:1-Rosn. I'nd~sowski, Dec. S, l!J21 No. 5547-0scar Pnslitilsen, ]),~(:. S, J!l21 No. 5722-\Ym. Ruff, Dec. 8, 1921 ...... No. 5505-flem.r Hepi11ski, Dec. 8, 1!121 No. 54G5--;.Eva Hiske, Dec. 8, J 021 No. 5467-SteYe Hiskc, Dec. 8, 1021 No. 5708-Agncs Snperg-nn, De<:. l:l, 1!)21. No. 5G5fi-.Tolm A. Shem, Dec. 8, 1!J21 No. 5707-Anthony Snmoski, Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. 5706-Joseph Snmoski, Dec. S, 1021 562'1-Claus Swenson, Dec. 8, 1D21 ..... No. 5671-Lawrencp S<::llulist, Dec. 8. 1921' No. 5527-Mnry Smmln, Dec. 8, 1()21 ........ No. 5720-Dnrothy Schultz, Dec. 8, 1021 No. B!i70-'\Vm. Simpson, DP(·. 8, ]!)21

2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2A(i 2.Hi 4.00 l.!lfi 4.00 1.08 1.58 5.84 1.08 5.32 2.20 2.Hfi 1.08 2.~8 3.20 2.16 2.28 1.08 2.1G 2.3G 2.28 i.o8 2.20 2.Hi 2.1G 1.08 3.20

. ~.lf) l.fl8 4.88 2.Gfi 2.G6 1.58 1.58 1.08 2Ji0 2:on 2.0() 2.DG 2.1(\ 2.20 2.fi(j 2.nn 1.82 1.08 l.i-12 1.32 2.28 2.12 2.1G 4.88 2.10


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No. 5t'ifiei-L:t11T0ll(:e Skalitzky. Dee. K. 1!121 No. flfi88-JDii>:nl.H;tlt Strlllka, Dee. 8. 1!)21 No. Ci'ii'i!l-A .. T. Sprn~;ue, Dt!('. 8, 1!121 Nn. 5:'51.4-Yif:l·oria Srlit7.a. Dec. 8. 1(121 No. fi70:)-Jnhn 't:nrqnnl. Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. fi704-.Hnsalie ~t:ot·qtl:tl, Dec. 8. Fl21 No. G5J5-Helen Vulasld, Dec. 8, 1!)21 No. 5477-Alex '\Vnchnwink, Dec. 8. 1!121 No. 2744-Stella Wuchnwiak, Dec. ·4. 1rJ20 No. 5G8S.......,AHnic Wnnscrski. Dec. 8. 1n21 · No. 5478-Agnes Wacltnwink, Dec. 8. 1021 No. 5HJ:"i-Jnke Wien:ha, Dee. 8. l!l21 No. 5572-ll't·ank Wnszynski, De;~. 8: 1!)21 No. 5Gfi!J-.Tohnnnn Zinda, Der.. S. 1!)2:1.

·No. 5457-Leo Znrnwsld. ·Dec. 8.\1021 No. 5fi74-l~rauk Zelinski. Dec. 8. 1!'121 No. 558G---Pnnlinn Zwnrn, Dec. 8. 1021 No. 5'14-D-l!~rer1 ZilliJHermn n. Dec. 8. 1!)21 1'\n. 546(;-]i'. H. Zinfla. Dl•<:: 8. ]!)21 . !'\n. 5fi70-Pelix Zindn, Dec. 8, 1!)21

]\[oved by Snperv.isor Laszew;;ki I:Jt:·tt l.'l'fH.>rt Joe :tdoj)ted. curried.

Clerk rcntl the :l'ollo11·iJt;; rep.-,rt:


1.08 :::.GO 2.(;(i 1.08 ] '·''' ......... 1..~~2 ;:.Go 2.GG l.ft8 2.20 2Ji(i l.9!'i :~.20 1.72 1.58 2.04 2.Hi Hl8 2.fili 1.72


To the Hon. Cltninnnn imfl l\Icml.>crs •.of tlte County Boan1 uf ~ll]lCI"· visors nf Porttlge_Connty, \Vis. ·

Gentlemen :-,-"'e .. \'OIIr committee to wJtorrt wu.~ referred the repnrl· of' tlle Portage County Hnrnnnc Soeiet.~·. would report as follows: '\Ve

Dated this 21st dny of ·November, 1!)24. ·

Sig-llefl: C . .J. GILBEHT. K H. ROSI';IER }]Dl\IOND lPH.OS'l'. J. E. HIDGG. GEO. NlYlDi\', C. A. SMI'l'B,

Untumittee ou Settletw;nt with County Officre~.

'l'o the Honorable CJta innn11 and l\Jcml>eri:! of the Count.v Boa rc1 ol' Portage County, '\,Visconsin. Gentlemen :-'l'he Portage Connty Hntllune SoCiety re)H.>rt~ as

follows: Helief .in sickness, nuntbcer of eases ................................ , ........................ 8:! Helie[ in wearing apparel, food and rcuts, HUIItber '?f cases ......... ; ...... :~:::c;

'l'oLal nnrnl.ter of people seneL1 Nnmber of calls im·estigated of' nniliJals

'l'otnl number of c:tses Pair1 out for relief wmk ......................................................................... $52H.25 Jnci,lentals ....... ........................... .................................................. 44.25

'l'oUtl 01'enlrawu

$173.10 OverdrawJt this yenr ................................................................................ ~27U.10 have examined snicl report and recommenc1 that it be acloptecl.

I .. -

b ·.1 •--~ ...... --.,-':"-':"·'"""''"'~~·"--'."'"":·J

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nesw·ctfully :mlnuill:ell. F. A. NORTON.

l\1oYed IJy Supervisor Stark;, that t.he report l:>e ndoptecl. Motion eunied.

'Supervisor Gilbert, chninuan of the cotnmittee on Settlement '"il:h County Officers, ret)Orl:etl that the coupons hntl been cancelled aucl the highwuy boml,:;, series "A," l1atl heL~n tlcstrnyer.l, as per resolution passed IJy the board.

Clerk read reJ)(Jrt of l>ills paW Jn1· -elccl:inn notices, prinf:in;;, etc., which was referred to the Committee on Set:l:lemt•Ht wit.lt County Of­ficers.

111oYed by Supervisor Tlwrp that t.lllc IJOIInl adjourn l.lllt·il :10:00 o'clock 1\Jouclay morning. llfotion c:urrierl.

HU'l'H 1\JcCALLlli\I, Counl:y Clei·k.

TWELFTH DAY Stevens Point, 'Yis .. Novemher .24, 1!)2-J, 10 :00 o'el(Jc:k ". 111.

Meeting callecl to orrler by Hon. i\f. J. i\fer;;ch, ch;Jirmllll. Clerk called the roll, a II lllemll•-~rs present except Supen•isors

Steinke, F. Luknsavitz and Heg-g, excused. llfinutes of previous .sessiou rear.l 1111(1 apfil't'll·e•:l. Clerk rend road petition ns follows, whiclt wns r1-;l'erred t:o t:l1e coul­

lllittee on State Roads anrl Brirlges: 'l'o the Honorable Clmirm:ln flnt'l i\Tenli:or;r~ nl' t:lie (.;(JtHJI.\' Board of

Supervisors. of Portage Connl.l', 'Vir;. . . .. Gentlemen :-As it was· nect>ss:H.I' for t.l1e to."·n of Carson to con­

!;tl'llct au emergeuc.v briclgc, kuown ns tile Pet;ei·id;-·. bridge,_ in tlu; town of Carson, we hereby petition j•our lwtwrnble · l.toard';Jor one-half of the cost, which is Four Hundred Ninety-nne anrl 'l'weHI/.\•-eigllt l-lnmlt·er.lthi!! ($4!l1.28) Dollars. Ti.ltnl cost. of hri1lge is Nine· t'lu!ldretl Eighty-two aud Fifty-seven Hundredths ($!)82.57) Dollnrs.

JAMES i\1. FOGAHTY, Snpervisrj·t: '.1.'01\'JI oE Cn.rsotL Clei·k read the following· coHtmnnicn.tion fi·om 'tl•c county clerk of

'Vaupaca county, ";hiclt was refcne<l to the State ]~;oatls anll Britlg·er; committee: ' ·

'V:qtp:11:a, Wis .. Sov. 22, 1!)24. i\Iiss illcCalltmi, County Cieri•,

Stevens Point, 'Vis. . Dear Miss i\IeCallmn :-Kim.p.1• i nJ'on11 ~·nm· 11 iglt ll'lt.V u,ln.mi l:l:t•l;

that the Highway committee (If 'Vnnpnca cunnty 1111::; reported J;n·oraiJiy on a vroposcd county trnnl;: ro111l beginning on 'tile we::;t line of sectiuu J!l, town of lola, near the 'l'hompsun resiclcnc<-:, awl running easterly to intersect State ~'runk. No. '!!.l.

~'his i·eport will come uv for nt.lopt:ion ou :i\lonclny i111ll will he adopted. Yours truly.

L. F'. SHOJGillA.KEJU, County Cieri;:. Clerk reacl i::ommtmicat:ion from Dr. C. von Neupert:, Jr., reg-arcling

the county jail barn. Moved by Snpervi;;or Hossier that the bonni visit the county jail

barn and inspect the l)l"emises, nfter tl1e morning session, n nd see wl1:t t reiJairs nre necessary. Motion cnrrierl.

:Moved by Slll)ervisor Starks thnt the bonnl fl(ljourn l.llltil 1:00 o'clock p. m. l\lotion carried. ·

SteYeus Poiut, Wis., .1\love!llber 2J, 10::!4, 1 :30 •/clock p. m. Meetiug called to or1ler l.ty Hon. 1\I. J. i\ferseh, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all meml.Jers present except Supervisor Hegg,

excusecl. Clerk reacl petitiou of Carr.•line Knnt:;;on fol' blind aid, whitlt was

:';•. ~· \~~ ' -·-~n- .. '1'

! l:;J ~-~;


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rel'ern~tl t:o the l:l.lllllllil'l'ee <)11 c:c-,lllli,l" Poor. Clerk rend report of' COIIlllliltet; 011 f:iel'l:lelueut with Cuunt..Y Officers

as follows: To tile J'Jr.,nnr:t hie Clwil:lll<lll· :lllll l\fentilers ot: the Conut:y Do a nl · ol'

Portage Ccmul-y, '\Yiseou!;itt. · Gl!utlcmcu :-"'e, ynnl' c:onnHitlt:·c Ill! SetJ.Ie1neut \Yith Comity Of­

ficers, to \\'h(llll WIIS re[(;I.'J'Ctl the report (J{' Hntll J\fcCallniii, COUIItY

clerk. nu elecl'ion Hut.ice;;, ballots :nul str(J[Jiies, nlso printing; bills, wiit ;;ay that we l1nn: cnref.i.11ly examined the S<lllle nwl lind same to he correct.

Dated. this 2-HII t.lny ur i\ovemln~r. J!:t:.!-1. Sigucd:


C. J. GlLBI~[tT. K H. ROSSlER, GEO. NI'VJ.o;N, .T. 8. Hl.DGG. lGJ)i\lOND JmOS'J.', C. A. Si\II'l'H,

, Conunittee. 'J.'•J tlw il.Jnuornille Cl!rlit'tnan :wd 1\'leuti.H'!l'S nt' the County Board ul'

Portage Cunut.r, 'Vi::;consiiL ' Gentlentcll :-1 hen~11·it:h pre:>c~nt !Jill~ pnill :l'or elett:ion notices, hal­

lots, publislting honrt.l proceet:liugs, t.lclinc]ltellt t::1x sale, tax 1lcetl no­t-ices, nlso printing hills. nosholt Heview, cireulnt.inp: t:otlllt.l' !Jonl'tl lll'tJC:eetlillgS ................ $ J:"i.OO Democ·rnt l'ri 11 ti 11g Co., priuti 11;; rnu 1l !Jomls ......... -..... _ ................ · 1:LG.50 Aml1erst At.lYoca tc·, t:let':t.i•HI Jlot.ic,~s and ci rcnla l'itJ;; buart.l 1Jrt.l-

eee!lings ...................... .' ................................ :.................................... ;-:20.Utt Wnn:alla Pulllisllin.:,; Co., pr.iutin:.; lt::;;nl blanks :.11111 stationery.. 101.7G Journal Print.ing- Co., •Jelinqnent. tax salf', tnx elect:! notict::s, vnb-

lishing connt.y .l.>(.larrl tn·oceediu;;s, L'lection notices, ami !>allot::; ............................................................................................. :~.:280.0,[.


Hespe<.:l:l'nll.l' sul>nd tl.l!ll. RL''J.'H UcC.\LLI.:~f. Cuunty Clerk.

MoVed IJY Supcr\'isor :Or! II I: !lint report ·i>e il(loptecl. i\1.otio11 carried. Clerk reatl report of spec:ittl' committee on depository of county

J'ntlllS, as follows : · 'l'l~ the Honoralde Ctwil"llll111 ':1nd i\feml>er;; of tile Connty Board of

SnperYisors of l'ol·taO'·e Coiwf·y, 'Viscon.~in. Gentlemen :-·\Ve, yout· :o;pecial comrnit.t:ee, lo wlH.Hn was ref.errell

the bills of. tile -i•nrion;; loanl;s to net ns clepositorr for the funtls of l'ortoge count-y, t·espcct.Iully report nncl recowmencl ns follows:

l. ''!'hat tile Citir.cns NatioHal B:lllk ot' St·evell~ Pui11t, Wisconsiu, lw nantetl a's count.y rlepnsitory.

~. Thn t a certifiutt·e of. deposit for $:"i0,000 is to I.Je issued due i u ~>ix months from .Jauuar.\' 1, JD:.!G, to tile trensm·et· llf l'ortilge county, hearing interest nt tile rat·e ol 0 {>er eent l)Cl' a!IUIIIll.

3. The l.>ulauce ol' Ute count.1' tuncls rcmnini11g in open rtt:count sub­jed to check, upon wl1it::il t11e con11ty depository is to Jlny the county interest nt the rate nE ::!Ve per cent on t.lH' a1·erage act.ual Llaily balnnee on deposit; tile sa1ne to he cnHtpnl'.t;<'l nnd crecliteil to the account of. Httid Poufng-e conul:y nt the eut:l of. each HIOntiL

'!. In at'lclition to the lli.>oYU the snio.l depositor.'· is to fur11islt a eor-porate snrety bond, (wit110ut charg-e), for·$ ....... _____ ...... -................ .

5. Also to ftn'HiSII tlrnf.l:s free of exchan.,~·e for u;;e in tmusf.errin;; funds llS clcsirecl by said Portug-e com1ty.

lilli...c l -· --- -== -~""0'''··---·":'""""""'.,.,...~'"-·---r·~·: ,.


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72 COUNTY llOi\I{D 1'1-tOVmWfNGS

All of which is respectl'ully suiJrnit:t:ed. Y. P. A'I.'IVELL, 1!" .. B. DJDN'.C,

.TAI\'lE:S TIL l!'OGA ll'l'Y, ~pecinl Conlltril:t'<~t! <!II l)r•po;;itory oi' County B'nnds.

l\fOI'ed !Jy Snpervi,;ot· l<~roo:t t.hn t ''"ll"rt:' l.1e n<.lo11t:ed. M<.Jtion cnniell. 111r. IV. IV. Clark nddressecl the l:>onnl. rcg-nnlin~· tl<e Ste\·ens Poiut

l<~air association. Moved by Supervisor Atwell a n<l S<~<!utH'Iell tlw t ·the sum of $700

be appro11riated out of the g;enernl fnnrl for tlte Stevens Point l<'nir as­sociation. According to rules tlli,; \\':IS laid. o:ver nn ti I tomorrow after­noon.

Moved by Superl'isor l'aul Luknszewio: thn t the llorinl nd.iourn uu-til 9 :00 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Motion carried. c).

H.U'l'H i\lcCALLUiH, County Clerk.

THIRTEENTH DAY Stevens Point, \Vis., No1·emher 2:), 1024, (I :00 n'cluck :1. HI.

llfeeting called to order by Don. !\I. J. Tlfersch, chninnan. Clerk callecl· the roll, all metttbers vrese11t except Snvervisor Hegg,

excused. Clerk read a resolutiou J'or nn n1rpropriation for the [Hll'Clla,;e

fund,- which under the rule,; wa;:; lnid o1·er until t:nm•wrow. Clerk read re!:>olution [ll'Ovitling for :111 "fll'H'fJ[ll'in tion :C•.>r tile: 11:-;e

of the committee om Grounds and Buil<.ling~ for tile ensuing year, wl.ticlt under the rules was laid m·er until tonwnow.

Clerk read the. follOII·ing- report <.>f the con11lli ttee nn Illegal As-:;essmeu ts : · 'l'o the I-Ion. Chairmau nml f.:lc•nthi;r::; 111' 1·11e Co1rul.y Hoanl ot Snrrer­

Yisors of Portag·e County, Wis. Gentlemen:-\Ve, yonr eommitt.t,e. nn Jllegal Assessment:;, would

report that we have compare<] tile l.ntnexeLl sche<:lnle of clnims with tile hooks nml vouchers nwl fonml t.llill: tlte smne slwnlr.l lJe cnncellell or disallowed nml charged back as recomntemled as 'follows. Sigued:

GJDO. S~l'AUK8, K H. uossrnm, F. A. NORTON, C . .T. GILBlTIR'J', BliJN HALVliJHSON.

Cornmittee on Illegnl Assessu1euts. SCHEDULE OF CL.'\fl\'IS FOR ILLEGAL TAX

No. 1-'.l'o cancel ·certilicnt0. No. SOD, sale HJ22. toll'n treasurer':; receipt No. 150, dated Feb. lG, Hl22, sl1011·s tax pairl,' cert. $44.00, a!Jst. $.03, int. $11..20, aclv. $.25, total $55.48. Cancel anrl charge to town ue Linwood.

No. 2-'l'o cancel certificate No. :.123 aml ::::23-n. s;tle 1918. double m;sessmcnt, should be sel,4 of swJ; ... , No. 32C1, ccrt. $4 .. 4.5,. aiJst. $:0:::, allv. $.25,' int: $3.01, total $7.74. Cancel uml charge to town of Eau Pleine.

No. 3-To cancel certificate No. !180. sfile 1023. tn\\'n treasurer'~ receipt No. 117 shows tnx· pnirl .Tan. 20,· 1D23. Cert. $8.05, nbst. $.03, int. $1.27, total $9.35. Cancel and charge l'.o town of Plover.

No. 4.-'l'o cancel certiticate No. 544, s;tle 1!)20, illegal description. . Cert. $5.31, abst. $.03, ·int. $2.G2, adv. $.25, tutitl1 $8.21. Cancel 11r.d charge to. Pine Grol'e. ·

·No. '5-'l'o cancel certificate No. GH, sale UHf.l. Cert. $3.DG, nbst. $.03, int .. $2.G2, udv. $.2~i, tntnl charge to Pine Grove. ·

J I legal description. $G.SG. Cancel and

No. G--'l'o cancel certiticatc No. 50<'i, sale 1D2l. Illegal assessment.

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Cerl:. $111.44, :d.t:;;l:. :j;.iM,' irli:. $8.7c\, nclv. $.2:), total $1A.45. Cancel and cllnrge tl.t tuwn ut Hull.

Nt.t. 7-Tu t:llttf'l ceri'.Hir::J/·.l· No. 'Ill, sale 1D18. Illegal asses;auent. Cerl:. $J..7!J, nl.>sl:. ~;.o:::. i 11 t. ~1.17, :1 d v. $.2G, total $:::.24. Cn nee! aucl t~l1nrge h' l:t'"''I c,f Sllnron:

No. 8-'.l'o Cil ncul c<:•rti lien te No. 78:J, sale 1.!)21. lllcg;a I llcseriptiou. N,., ''''U'l'lll.itiS'-' (tu :::aid sc,cj·.inll. Ccrt. $3::!,42; nl)st. $.03, int. $11.80, aclv. .:ji.2c:'l, toi·:~l !\At>.5ii. Cnn<:·.cl an(l clnng;e to Plover village.

No. fi-To cnncel ccrtilicnte No. 1287, sale 1fl2'1. lmper'fect descrip­tioll. CL"·t. ¥17.51, al.lst. :f,0:3, inl:. $.!1G, total $1.8.47. Cnncel nwl charge to f.ltCI'l!llS Point.

No. 10-Tn crtn<':t-,1 <':eri:iJ·icai·e No. 82G, 'sale· J.D17. Same disallowed, :1;.; tl.!rl'if'iCflte is OUiJ:'LWf)IJ.

No. Jl-To cnnc<3 certificate i\u. fi7G, sale l!J17. Same disallowed. n:; Ct~rt.iti<:ai:Ei is r•utlnll'etl.

1\'o. ]:2-To Cilneel certificate !'lo. f,:2~:. ~:<ide Hl18. Illq;;al description. Cert. $T.:W, nl>sl:. $.03, int. $'1.01, adv. :!i.25, totltl $11.'10. Cnncel nml cltar;;;e r.o town err: Hull. ·

No. 1:-~-To C'illlC< .. ~I C(•J·tifklll'<! No: G73, snle 1918. Donhlc assessment. Gert. !j;J.O::\, nl>st. !l>.0:3, int.. $.71, adv. %).25; total $2.02. Cancel and (:_]Jflrgc to PloYer tO\\'ll.

1\IoY<:·d l•r Sullen·is"r ·De11t thnt tile report I.>e adopted. Motiol) cnrriecl.

Clerk r0nd rt·port n/' t:Ctllllllitl:el.! o11 Connt.y Pn(>r, us follows: '.I.'o tile lionnral.ile Cll::lirnltln :tllll i\leml>ers ul' the County Board of

Snrlervisor:; of Portage Conuty, \Viscousiu. Gentlemen :-IVe, your committee on County Poor, to whom was

referrell tile several claims, lJeg; lt•itve to rCl)ort as follow:;;: Bill No. 1-Hacine county, aid to Ervin ·worden 838.70

Brune clisflllowecl. Dill No. 2_:_·\Vinnei.l[lg-O coimty, aid to Marie Horn l,o7 .l.O'!

Snme disallowed. ·Dill No. 8-Font'l du Lnc couuty, nill to i\Ir:;. Squire Ostrander 150.00

Sam(, disaliOIYccl. Dill No. 4-F. A. f.loutlliYick, 11rofessionnl service, Mike Hyan 7.00

Stunc~ allowed, ci)unl:y charge.

Dill ~.~;1; J:~~h~~~~~~~~n .. ().Oll.~~·:y .. ~c[·~·J·l·le ... t~.~~.c~ -~~~~pita!, aid ___ t~ .. l~~.~:.ll.: 592.22

Same disallowed. Bill No. G-\Vood cnnnt.v, nill to Edith Clark

flame clisallowetl. Hill No. 7-'l'owJi of Grout, nil! to David D. Bradley

Scpne allowed tiJl(L cltarged to town of Plover. Bill No. 8-'J:own of. Plover, nicl to Jos. Fron ............................. ..

Snme nllowecl and· cltargccl to Portnge county. Dill No. 0-City of Stevens Point, aid to Julia Naliborski.. ......

Sa.me allowed ancl cllnrg;ed back to Lincoln eounty. City oE Stevens Point, nicl to Lottie Craig

Same tllloll'ed and cllargeLl to '\Vnusbant county. City of Ste1·ens Point, aiel to Cecelia Ropelln .......... ..

f.;ante al1owl'd nnol charp;eil to town of Stockton. Dill No. 10-l:dntt Colby, nicl for bliml

· Sn.me cllsnllowecl.








51..00 Dill No. 11--'J'own of Buena Yistn, nill t.o Alex f.lauter Smue allowecl and cllargecl to Poi:tnge_ county. Total ~lmount asked ...................................................... -............... $3,353.50 Total amount allowed ., ........................ .' ............... -....................... 211.54 \Ye also rer•ort on the petitions for aid of. blinll, which were re-

I -../


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··::.!::t~ t.}~-COUNTY HOARU PltOCEIWlN{;S .·: ~~~,-, COliN'a'Y HOi\.RI) I'ROCEEDINGS 7(i.

J'(•t-red to onr ,;nu1mirhcc 11.\' yolll: ll(!lllll':tille l.>ottnl as follows: Cllarle;; E.. Cobb Margaret Bakens "'ilhelmina Glinton :rohn Colby 1\Intt Colby

·Julius Col!1y "'m. Koch ... Chas. Pieterzak l\Iary Pieterzt1 k .Joe Mosey .... , ...................................................................................... ..

3GO.OO 3fiO.OO 360.00 360.00 3fiO.OO 3no.oo 300.00 300.00 3GO.OO 360.00 300.00 Caroline Knutson

~eotal ................... : ............................................................................ $3,960.00 Respectfully submitted. · · Dated this 25th dny of November, 1D~4. Stevens Point, \Vis.


Committee on County Poor. i\.lo1·ed by Supervisor J!'ro::;t that report be ucloptecl. Movecl in

amendment l1y Supervisor Hnll•erson tlll1t the district uttoruey be in­~-;tructell to see that the bills due Portage county are collected. Motion to amend carrieLl. Origiual rnotiou as amt;nded then vassecl.

Clerk rend the following report or tile committee on Couuty l'rinting:

/""· 'l'o the Honorable Chairman and Members or the Couut.y Board. Gentlemen :-We, your committee on County. Printing, to whom

was referred the bids for county printing, do report as follows: '£hat the proceedings of the county board for 1925 lJe 11nblished in

the Stevens Point Journal nt the rate of 75c a folio, said paper to fumish 150 copies in pamphlet form ft·ee of charge, and thnt snicl paper print as many extra supplements of the proceedings o·f the county honrcl as the totnl o·f the Amherst Alhocnte subscription list is in Portnge county if so ordered by' the county clerk, at the price of two ($2.00) dollars per hmulrerl sheej'.::;, nnd that the Amherst Advocate )Je allowed five ($5.00) dollars 'per hundred for circulating same.

And the .iob printing he done by tlte .Joumal Printing Compnny as per their bid. .Job woi·k prices as follows: Letterhencls, $8.00 per thousnntl, OH good white bond pape~·; No. 0% envelotJes, $3.00 per thousand; No. 10 envelopes, $4.00 per thousand; full sheet blanl,s, two sides, $1:5.00 per 500; one side, $12.75 per 500; half sheet 'blanks, two sides, $10.75 per 500; one side, $7.75 per 500; quarter sheet blanks, two silles, $8.75 per 500; one side, $G.75 per 500. All of ahoYe work to be done in one color.

Tltn.t 110 bill fM job priuting be considered nnless onlered ~~~' the purcllnsing agent; that all printing for the office of county super­intemlent of schools nnrl all oth•~r county officers be iHclncletl in the county printi11g and the snme sh11ll he ordered by the county rmrchasing ngent. 'l'he publishing of elec·tion notices shall be left t.o the· county clerl~. •

Dated this 25th· clay ol' i\'•)Yentber, 19:!4. Signed: . I!'. A. LUKASAVI'l'Z.


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report be adopted. Motion Tllnncd I.J.\' Suw·n1i:>or :-ltnLz Uta t the

cnrl'ie1l. Clerk n~itd tl1e report of tile committee on Equalization as follows:

REPOK'l' OF !:!Oi\'IlVUT'fEE ON lt";QUALIZA'.riON . 192.:1 Session of the l'ortage County, Wis., Boanl or' Sulle.I'Viso•·s.

. Stevens Point, \Vis., Nov. 25, 1D2,J. 'J'o tile lchHinrnblc Cl1ilirmnn nml !llemiJe•·s of the County Board of.

!;, Porl·n.~·c Connf·_, .. •;;- · Geut.lewt·n :-1\'e vour c:oul!Hittee on ]iJrJualization, retlort that the

~~·.;::; niHJYe i.s a. st·n.tc,nH~llt' t;t tl1e eiJUalizccl vnlue of. all property,. both real : :;,;. nnd perSl•ll<tl. m I'ortng;<e comti·T, \Vli;consm, for the yenr 1024, :mel. I(.'·'·' n:co1nn•end tlte atlopt.inn of t11e report. Signed: . :~\ V. I'. A'l'Wli:LL. '', CARL BE~l'KER



,' ...


,II: w:1~ · IH•Wed h.\' ~~ll'l'rvh(•r Halv<.:r:;nu that the reading or f:hl! ': 11·11ole n·p.-.rt be dispeu~e<l 11'itl1 tltll.l the grand totnls ouly IJe react. ilio­

:i'· tion cnrriell. ·;· ilfoYcd IJy SuperYisor De1it tl1at the ruport of sai.tl committee be


·:·, aclopl:ed. ?lf<:•tion e1n:ied. :•::· l\loYetl by Snperv.isor Dent thnt tlte matter of repairing the county

jnil bnm ancl in1proYing the p-remises he leU to the committee on Pub-. lie G ronn1ls nml Dui l1lings. iULltion en rried. ·

,;: Supervisor lclnln:r:;ou nt 1-.ltis time presented a m;ip sl1owiug the .. '1:;

11 n_ew locntion Iff. old Higl111'ily No. 18 at the gravel 11it. at J\mherst .June-

. , ' t1on. :-:;upernsor Atwell stnteil that the specwl comm1ttee on the gnt,·eJ pit proposition ll'ils 11ot tnmiliar with the ma11 aud lte moved U1ilt the cornHtil·Jce in1·estignte the matter further ancl report to the l.H.larcl at tlle n.nernoon ses::cion. !\'lotion carriecl.

,. i\Ioveil l1y SnnprYisor A.twell that the chair appoint a committee • • ol' three to im·estignl:r: the cost nucl necessity ot making a new tax ab­

stracl: book aml rq1nrt to the hoarcl at this session. llfotion carried. Cl111i run111 stn.t.ed tlln t lte wonlcl appoint said committee tomorrow.

:1 <

lj:::~' ).


Moved l1y SuverYisor Brady that tl1e board ncljourn until 1 :30 o'dock p. m. !Uotinn carried.

Stevens Point, 'Vis., NoYember ~5, 192'1, 1 :30 o'clock p. m. l\Ieeting c>1llerl to order l1y Hou. 0. A. Crowell, vice-chairman. C.:lcrk called t11e roll, nil 1nembers 11resent except ,Chairman M. J.

l\ler;;ch, 1\'llO is atteuclill!; a weeting at illarshJielcl, '·and . Supervisor Hegg, excuSell. .

Clerk re:11l n·p9rt ns follows: ~'o tile Honor>1l11e Cll!lil'lnnn nnd l\Iembers of the County Board of

Supervisors of. Portage C.:ounl:y, \Visconsin. Gcntlelll(!ll :-Your special committee appointed in tile matter of

eunsiclering tl1e leasing of tile gravel pit wouW report nsking that the comnlitt:ee IJe ;;·i,·en more time to investigate ns to the advisability of leasing ancl the priee to be charged for i;rnvel to the lessee; aud that H ·inf.or.rnatiou desired ))y the committee cnnnot be oiJtained before the tul.icnn·mnent ol' the county bouril, we would ask you to give the com­Juittee po\ver to act in tlte making of a lease if suitable terms and

.r: ; J·; .. ----~ . ·-. .. -. . -........ .



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price Cllll hl~ :IL'I"HIIg'Ct.l.

Datccl this 2:3th dny of Novelnber, A. D. 1024. All oT wlli<:h is re­spectl'nlly submittc!l.

Cl!;t·k rend tl1e following:


Sp.ecin l Comn1ittee.

'.l'u the Special Con11nittee ol' the Conuty Boar<l 0'1' Portage Connty. 'Vis. In re: '!'he loca tiou of tlie iligliway formerly known as State '.l'nmk Higlnvny No. 18, through section 18-23-10. Gentlemen :-In ;,ccordnnce ·with the suggestion of your committee

tlwt we make n proposal in connecl'.ion with the re-location of the abm·e highwny, we Clesire to submit for your considerntipn the follow­lug pi·oposition:

Fonner Highway No. 18 to l.Je located substantially along the route tentath·ely agreed npon hy t11e members of your committee and tl1e representntives ot: the \VHUJ1aca Sand & Gravel Company, to l.Je later rletermiuec.l by a Slll'Yey.

'l'he work C!f the re-location ol' sairl highway to be done wholly by or uurler tlle snpei·visic:>n of Port:nge county ana the 'Vanpaca Sand & Gravel Compnny to j)ay to snid Portn;;e count.v t!Je sum of $1,000.00, 1vhich shall lie coHsiderccl their proportionate share of tile cost of the re-locntion of the highway. Said thousand rlollars to he payahle ns l'ollows: ~;500.00 on or before November 1, 1925, ancl $500.00 on ot'.before i\'ovember 1. lD::?G: it being· tinderstood that the actual work for the eonstruction. and re-locatibn of saicl roar! shall· be commenced ns soon as possible in tile spring of 1!)25. The Waupaca Sand & Gravel Com-

. pany further agrees thnt the strippings t.o be removed on the tract between the present higbwny and the prOJ)OSecl llighway shall be graded to the site of tile new highway for the use of Portage county. in making· its fills. . ·

As a further consiclen1tion tile said 'Vanpncu Sand & Gravel Com­pany will enter into· n contrnct with snid Portage county whereby it will agree to pny to said Portage county the sum o·f $1.00 per car for all. snnd nnd gravel remo,·ed from tbeir pit. Such contrnct or agree­ment to be drawn for a period of not less than twenty (20) years, or so long as the snid 'VtHll)aca Snml & Gravel Company shall contimw their operations in the removal oJ' sand nnt1 gmvel from the pit.

Respectfully suhmitted, 'I'AUP.AOA SAND & GRAVEL COi\:rPANY.

By Alfred Johnson, President. ]\[r. All'red Jolmson addressed the bonrd on the gra,·el pit propo­

sition. Moved by Sn11ervism: F'mst that l:lle report of the S[)ecinl com­

mittree on the gravel pit matter be nrlopted. Roll ot members called. Motion carried lly 17 ayes· nnd ll nays, two absent. The following voted aye: Supervisors Betker, l\inrtin, Crowell, Smith, "'ilson, Stnrks, Cycl.Josz, Steinke, Laszewski, Frost, Rossiet·, Zimmer, Baker, Norton, Atwell, P. Luknszewic;~, Aldrich. Nay,;: Supervisors Dent, Brady, l!'ognrty, '.l'horp, Stertz, i\iven, Dh·er, Halverson, Grnber, Gilbert, ]'. .Lukasnvitz. ,

Clerk rend report or couunit:tee nppointed to investigate the work of the Chilclren's Home Sr•eiety ancl l-JumnJie Society, which wns laid o)l'er from last J!~riday. l\Inve\] hy Snpei"Yisor Stertr. and secondeD that the repot:t be adopted. l\lnve<l in itmeml!nent by Sut)ervisor. Itos­sier that the sum of $300 he ~~pproprinted to the Children's Home

· '7'f.fJW1· . ·:r, •I :~·.:

) I



:·i ~~

' '



Society of \Visconsin. Motion, to amend lost. Holt of members called. Original motion then j)assecl · h~· 25 ayes and 3 nays, 2 abseut. '.rhe. following votecl aye: Supervisors Betker, Martin, CrQwell, Smith, 'Vii-" son, Starks, Dent, Bracly, J!~ogarty, .Cychosz, 'l'IHH'l), Steinke, Lnszewsl,i, Stertz, Prost, Halverson, Gruber, Hossler, Zimmer, Gilbert, Baker, 1!~. Lukasnvitz, Norton, Atwell, P. Lulmszelvicz. Nays: Supervisors Niven, Diver, Aldrich.

Moved by Supervisor Atwell that the mntter of the nppropriation for the Stevens Point Fnir AssoCiation be lni!l ·over nntil tomorrow morning. Motion carried.

l\:fovecl hy Supervisor Frost that the bonrcl ndjourn until !l :30 o'r.loel' tomorrow morning. Motion carried.


Stevens Point, 'Vis., November 2G, 1!>24, !) :30 o'clock a. m. Meeting called to order by Hon. l\i. .J. 1\:Iersch, chairman. Clerk called the roll, all members 1)1'esent excet)t Supervisor Hegg;' ·

excnsed . Minutes of yesterdny's session read, corrected and approved. Attorney \V. E. Atwell rel)Ortecl on the meeting helcl at 1\'farshfielc.l

on the matter of the drainage district tax certiticnt.cs helcl in t.rnst hy t.he counties.

Clerk read the following petition: To the Honornble Board of flupervisors for Portnge County, ·wisconsin,

Stevens Point, "'is. · · Gentlemeri :-,Ve understand yonr honoi·i:liJle board has in charge a

large nmnbe.t· of books formerly a l)tlrt or the county traveling library nnd not now in use. \Ve, the nnden;igne!l, being_ the liln:ary hoanl for the village of Amherst, herehy 11etition yonr hoard to 'lonn the n;;e of n.' qnantity of these hooks for 11se of the pntrnns of this lihrnry. Re­F<peet.Enlly submitted,

COHA R. TURNEH, President Library Board. MOLLIE WILSON, Secretnry Libr:ny Board. LO'l'TIE G. J'OHNSON, 'l'reasnrer Lihrnry Bonrrl. HICHARD WILSON, Snpervisor.

Moved by Supervisor l<'rost that the matter of lonning the library books be !aiel over until this afternoon. Motion cnnied.

Clerk rend resolution provil1ing for nn lll.ll)I'O[lrintion for the dis­trict attorney fnncl. Under the rules it was laitl O\'er until tomorrow.

Clerk read report of State Itoacls and Bridges committee on the petition from the town of Carson, as follows: 'l'o the Honornhle Chnirmnn a11tl Memhers of the Connh• Board.

Gentlemen :-,Ve recommend t:lwt the town of Carson be reim­lmrsed the snm of $873.:3<: and tl1e balance of $235.DO, now .Carson ronc:l nml hrirlge fuml, he turner! O\'CL' to the town of .Cnrson.


Moved' hy Supervisor Stertr. thnt tl1e report be arlopte1l. Motion cnrried.

Clerk read report of State Aid Roads and Bridges committee on the petitions for j)J'ospccth·e eonnty trnnk highwny~.

-·--.---~----·~----'---------------~- --

I '·





78 COUN'l'\' BOARD Pl~ommfHN(~S

:i\Ioved by Supel'l'isor Dent that t!te report be !:tiel over nnl:il this afternoon so that the memlicr:> ol' the h'Onrrl might !lft,·e nn nl1l)O.rt.nnit.y to consnll: the mnp wit·h reference to t·ft<! Joent"inn ot tlH"! rondf; meu­tionecl in the rC]10rt. Motion canic<l.

Clerk reac'l rcsolntioH laid over ft:om ye,<tenlny n·.c;:nr<ling nn np-11l'OJ1riation for the put·chnse J'unrl. ns follow~: To the Chninnitn nncl llfemliers of file Co111it.r Boarrl.

Geutlemen.:-Hesolverl, that: the county cl<:•rk of' Pnrtngc county and V. P. Atwell, supervisor, be ancl nre lterei.Jy np[ll.>int·_e<l :1s pur­chasing agents fol' snicl county for the Pnsning yertl', and thnt the sum of 'l.'hree 'J:honsnnrl Eigltt Hnnrlrerl Dnllnrs ($:::,SOO) .is ltereby nppropriated nnrl J1lncecl at their disposal to tlrnw npnn as pnt·chnsing . 1'nncl; aucl tltnt nll necess:ny fuel for the cort hnnse nml jail, as well ns nil books, statiouery nnrl supplies for usc lYf the <·omttv oUicers for the ensuing year be pm·cltiised l.ty snid a'gf'nts, also fnt: pnyment o1' electric lighh:;, gns nn<l water for 1·11e court ilo!IJSe nn•l :i;lil.

And tliut the chninnnn nnd eo1.rnt'v clei·k nrc :1l.ll:lwrizc<1 to rlr:lll' orders on the county treasurer in p:l}:mcnt l'.ltcrc'l'or. 8nid nge11ts ·to

, report their expenditures or siti<l J'un<l nt tli8 next f1Jtl11Jnl meel'.ilt~ ot tl1c connt:y bon rrl.

CAHL BE'J'E:JJ;H, Snperrisor 'J'nwn of AJ!Jnn. 1\:Ion~rl hy SUJ1Crvisor Hos[;icr t!Jnt rr:soln lion he :Hloptc<l. Jtoll of.

members callcr.l. Motion cnnicd unanimously. Clerk-..rerlll the resolution lnid m·er .f'rnm yc~;tenln)· rcgnrcling an

upproprintion for the Gronncls nnd Euil!lius-s committee ns follows: 'J'o the Honorable Chairu1an nncl 1\:Cemhers of. t:lw Connt·.v Bo:H·rl· ot

Snpervisors of Portage Connt)', \Visconsin. · · Gentlemen :-Be it resolved, that the Slllll'of Fi,·c .Hnnclrcrl Dollars

( $500) be Appropriated nn<l set nside for thL' nse nt the <:nrnmi t.t.I!C on Grounds and Bnilcling-s J'or t'tte ensuing ycnr, :lJI(l, tlie cli:1irmnn Mi<l C01111ty clerk o·f this board l.le 1111(] l:liey :ll'e l1ercl)y :Tntltnri~el:l to iSSl'll·~ orrlers on the connty t.l'cnsurer in pnymcnt of snell r<:pnirs nntl ittci­tlentnls ordered IJy sa ill cnmmi t.tee mnde rtllrl pt·c~enterl nga inst snirl connt.y and verified nnrl 0. K.'ll by snitl committee or cltllii'lliflll.

natl•d t.liis 24Ut dny ot' Novcml.Jcr, 1024,. G. D. ALDlliCH, Supervisor, Sixt:IJ \Vn nl, fHevcns l'oint.

1\iovecl by SllJ)en·isor Atwell that the rcsnlntinn IH; nmendetl to rend "verUied n nd 0. K.'d by n. mHjorit.r ot' sn ill c<>llllni tl'l'e" nnd till\' upproprintion be ciJnnged from $500 to :J;250. Motio11 ·ewni••<l.

Following is the resolution itS nnwn,ldl: To the Hon. Cllnirmnn nn(] 1\Iemi.Hors ol' tltc: Cmint·y nonnl of SnperviSI>'rs

of Portng·c Cnm1ty, \VisconsitL Gf>ntlemen :-Be it resolved, that tlte swn nf Twn Hun(lrerl l!,ifty

Dollars ($250) be npprol)rint.ed nn<l set nsirle J'nr !'lie use 1rl' Ute cu11;. lllit..tee on Groun1.l::; and Enil<liugs 1'1.11' tliC ensuing yenr :tnrl t.l"·' chnirnt:iJJ nn(] eonnty clerk of tltis bonn! be nn1.l tlir~y nre hereiJ)• nut·.ltori>~~;rl to issue orclers on the county treasurer in p:tyinenl: ot: StiCh repiiirs and incidentnls ordcrell by said commitl'ee mf1fle 1111cl presented n;;;ninst sai<l connt.y ancl Yeritied n1111 0. K.'1l by a mnjorir.y of sni<1 Co>mntittce.

G. D. ALDRICH, Snpervi:;;or, Sixth Wnrd. Stevens .Point. Moved I.Jl' Supervisor Dent that the resolntion as nmendt>cl b<o

:JCl011ted. Holl of Jt)elllbers ~.:nllecl. 1\Johon cnnie<l l.Jy 28 ayes nml 1 nny, 1 absent. ']~he follo\\;ing mernl.ters . vote.-1 nye: Super-. visors Iietker, 1\:fartin, Ct'owell, Smith, \Vilsou, Starks, Dent, Brady, Fogarty, Cychosz, '£horp, Steinke, J,aszcwsl,_i, ·su-.rt·:~., Niven, Frost. Diver, Hnlverson, Gruber, Bossier, Zimmer, Gilbert, Bnker, l!,_ Lnka­stwit:>:, Norton, Atwell, P. Lnlwszewicz, 1\fersch. Nnys: SuperYisor Aldrich.


·•.'· .


.. ...

,, .,_

I ')

' :.-;





1'he motion to npproprinte $700 to the Stevens Point Fair Associa­tion, which was laid over until this morning, wus taken Ul) nt this time. Holl of members cnllecl. Motion lost by 18 nays and 11 ayes, 1 · n bsent. '!.'he following voted aye: Su11ervisors Fogarty, Laszewski, Stertz, Frost, Rossier, Zimmer, Norton, 'Atwell, P. Lnknsnvitz, l\'ferseh nnd Aldrich. Nays: 'Supervisors Betker, Mnrtin, Crowell, Smith, 'Vii­son, Starks, Dent, Brady, Cychosz, 'J'Ilorp, Steinke, Niven, Diver, Halver­son,. Gruber, Gilbert, Buker, F. Lukasavitz.

The chairman at this time appointed Supervisors Atwell, Betker, mrd Thoq1 ns a committee to investigate the neeessit.y nnfl cost of. making a new tux nb:;;tract book.

1'he ch::tirmnn appointed Supervisors Stertz, Ho~siet· and Las­zewski as a committee to fix the salary of the county judge to be ·elected in 1925, said committee to re110rt to the board this afternoon or to­morrow morning.

Moved by Supervisor Stnrks that the bonn! adjourn until 1 :RO o'clock p. m. :Motion carried.

Stevens Point, Wis., Novemher 26, 10~4. 1 :30 o'clock p. m. Meeting- cnllec~ to order by Hon. 1\f. .T. Me1·sch, cbuirmnn. Clerk called the roll, all members present except Snpenisor Hcgg,

e:s:r:used .. Clerk ren1l report of committee on Claims, as follows:

To the Honorable CIJUim1an and Members of the County Boat·d of StJperYisors of Portnge·- County, 'Visconsin. Gentlemen :-We, your committee to whom was referred the

schedule of genentl claims against Portnge county, W'isconsin, from 1 to 42 inclusive, tog·ether with claims against the county :for dnmnges done by dogs, respectfnlly report ns J'ollows:

l. "r· F. Owen (consisting of) As keel.

...................................... ,$1,535.fi0 ]~or criminal work ............ .. 701.68

829.06 For jm·enilc court work -For investignting mothers' cases ............ 230.00

. For examinntion of insane l~or postnge and envelopes

2. F. A. Neuberger, stenogrnphic work 3. L: .J. N. 1\iurnt, justice conrt- fees

~ 4. H. b. Boston, coroner ............. .. 5. G. D. Aldrich, committee work G. George Stcrtz, committee work 7. E1l Larson, registration fees 8. G. L. Park Est., justice court fees fl. St.. l\:fiehnel's hospital, Pnnl Grny, $8.50; .Jns.

Butler, $lfl.H5 .... , ................................ : ............. : .......... . 10. Dr. Cnrl von Neupert, co1111ty physicinn .......... .. J.l. l{ulll Bros., clothing, etc., ordered by sheriff... .. 12. G. H. Altenburg, solcliers' relief commis::;ion ...... .. 13. H. H. Hoffman, soldiers' relief commission ...... ../ 14. S. \Vhittnker, soldiers' relief commission ........... . 15. Dr. F. A. Southwick-l\1. Neuman, investig·ntion .. lG. Mih:vaukee Co., School of Agriculture 17. G .. E. Culver, chemist-lir]l10r analysis 18. 'J'. E. Cauley, ex11ense account ...... : ..... 19. Ki1hl Bros., clothing for com1ty charge 20. Mike O'Keefe, ngriculturnl committee .......... .. 21. Ben Halverson, road nnd bridge committee ... .. 22. Geo. Starks, road nncl hriclg;c committee

. 23!l.:-1G :-14.50

120.00 180.5D

82.00 10.00 20.00

3D2.00 8.3!)

27.85 Hl3.00

71.18 20.00 27.G8 25.70

5.00 2.no

50.00 8.80

1G.25 11.92

20•1.55 ] 59.44

Allowed $:L,fi34.50

700.68 329.!)6 230.00 2C!!).3(j

:34.50 120.00 180.5() 82.00 10.00 20.00

:3!12.00 8.3!1

27.85 10:3.00

71.18 20.00 27.68 ?25.76

5.00 2.60

50.00 8.80

:Hi.25 11.02

'· 201.75 ] 5!).44


-~--------· :;:;--.r..:'~-"'7~·~: :-.;··


I '



. 23. Chas. Braciy, road aml lJridge committee ........... . 2'1. Chns. Brady, committee work, eqnnli~n tion com. 25. l!:rlw. Tht~rp, committee work, eqnnlizntion com ...

Ecl\v. 'l.,horp, conunittee \VOrk, 1~nken cnse vs. Portage CS!ti!JI:.Y .: ..................................................... .

2G. ll;nrl Newby, ntl:eniling county l:renstn·c,n;' con-vention nt \Vant)nca ............................................. .

27. Chas. Steinke, com. work, equali7.at:ion com ........ . 28. Richnrcl \Vilson, com. work, Co. J'nrm confmittee 29. I!'. A. Luknsnvitz, com. \Vorl•, Co. J'nrm cn~nmit.tee 30. P. lD. \Vebster, office work ...................................... .. :n. Racine Co .. examination 01: insnne ptltients ...... .. :32 .. Tos. Duda, ·damages to em· wt·ecl•e<l ·in town ol'

Linwood ................................... .. 33. '.r. A. Rogers, chemical analysis 34. Dr. Adin Sherman, witness in Lase\\'ski ense .... 3::i. Paul Lnkasze\\'icz, com.· work cqnnlization cout. c1G. Anton Lnszewski, com. \\'Ork, equalinl:ion com. :::7. lD. H. H.ossier, com. work gronntl;; aml lmilcling:' 38. lll. .T. l\fersch, emntnittee work ............................... . :~!.l. 1~. ·A. \Valters, 1\i. Neuman inYestign.t:inn ............. . 40. B. B. Pnrk, atlm. G. L. I'nrl' estate ...................... . 41. C. A. Smith, cmnmil:tee work, Lakin cn>;e Y:>.

Portage connty ...................................................... .. 42. G. \V. Andrae, claim a;;ain:st: Portnge connt,\' ..... .

J.SCi.84 :tSG.84 (;.!12 fUJ2 7.04 7.0;1

7.0'1 7.1H

G.OO (i.OO G.SG ll.Sfi

21.08 21.08 22.88 22.88 20.GO 20.50 (i(l.(j() GO.IiO

~~~1.n::: 31.0::: 10.00 10.00 55.12 55.12

5.00 5.00 5.2-:J- !)_:2-J

28.00 28.00 fi1.72 G1.72

!'i.OO r..oo ]0.00 10.00

H.OS 14.08 fi0:3.!'i0 Dis81l'il

DOG CLAIMS' ANI) ENU!\'IEI'tt\'l'ING DO(IS Asked. Allowed

1. Bert Liezen, enumerating clog;; .................................... ($2GJO $2Ci.10 2. Geo. Newl.Jy, enumerating dogs ........................................ 27.:::o 27.30

· :~. Nick Ignern, eunmero.ting clogs 4. Ole Leldem, enumerating dogs ............................. : ... .. .5. Freel Giese, enumerating tlogs ...... .. Ci. Joe \Veisbrocl, ennmerating 1logs 7. John D. Yetter, ennmernting dogs 8. 'l'.' W. Smith,enumerat.ing clog·;; D . • T. A. Berto, enumern tin~ clogs

10. l!:mil \\1loclnrski, enumern Ung dogs 11. Anton Chnrueski, emunernting- !.logs 1:Z. Fred B. Fox, enumerating dogs 13. 0. L. Gordon, ennmernl'.ing dogs 14. l!:cl Roe, enumernting dogs ......... 15. l\L P. Axtell, emmH>.rating clog·s ]11. Asa Moss, ennmernting dogs 17. Wm. Arians, enmnerating tiogs 18. Ralph J,ee, ennmernting clogs 10. Martin Poliwoda, enulllerating clogs 20. l!'rnnk Pawelski, ennmerating tlogs 21. iG. \V. 'Pratt, enmnerating clogs ...... 22. P . .T. · Rasmussou, enumerating (l()gs 23. A. J. Cunneen, ennmern ting dogs 24. Joe Peck, emunerating clogs ..... 25. M. H. Hanson, enni.neral:ing dogs 213. C. \V. Morgan, euumerati11g dogs

' 27. \Vm. Netzley, dog claim ... · 28. Gep. \Volf, Sr., <log claim 29. Leon Slagowski, dog claim 30. M>lX Ynch, rlog claim

:2:2.!15 :2~.fl5 3A·5 3.4ft

20.55 20.55 30.00 80.00 :!2.05 22.(Ei

5.10 f'i.lO 21l.70 20.7il 17.10 17.1() ~W.15 30.15 25.05 25.05

2.2!) 2.2:') 1!1.35 1H}t5

;::.GO :=:.nn :-:.oo :-:.oo :::.cw :t:1(1

:21.::~0 2LIIl ;[:3.!):) ·13.!)!", 30.15 :-:\0.15 1fJ.~t5 10.85 12.15 12.lf• 14.85 14.85 :31.05 :3l.Ga

:3.30 8.30 l5.fi0 15.00 24.00 24.00 18.00 14.'10

8.00 2.40 10.00 8.00

(~(ll!N'J'\: BOAIUl l'I{()()EJ~I)INGS lH

:::1. Fr:111k J.ciiln, d~>.~· r.:Jni!ll ..................................................... li.IIO '1.80 :1::!. Pcl:1.~1: Pinnb:(l\\'~-ki: dog clnitn ......................................... 4~.00 :::U.GO :-:::. ':\fn1:1·i" Gladll\l',.;l;i, d<•;; el.:tirn ................ . ............. 11.20 H.fJCi ;:,1-. Jr:1 :111dd, rl<•g clni111 ............................................................ 15.00 18.00

;~~: g:::::: ~~~;iit,',';~~~·. ':1';~ c~:~~i;::~ .. _._·_·· __ ·_-_'_·_·_·_·_·_·_·.·.·.·.·.·.·_,._._··.·.·.·.·.·.·_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-::::::::: ig:g~: l~:gg ::1. Cl~:1s. ::ac·i 11l;l,, do_::;· cl;li 111 .................................................... 10.00 t>.OO :::8. Hl·nr~· Sl:t·inke, (!.,_:;; c:lni111 ................................................ :35.00 28.00

'.l'll<:: J'o'l!lnwing i:; n. list nl' \\'itnesse:>. :inror;; nml interpreters and i·IH''i r l'cl':> in e:n:;<,.,: IJt'l'ure L. J. N. l\ttirnl:, justice of tile pr,aee:

Sl.:~k "'' ·whcr•n;;iil \'S. Mnrl·in l'Tolsld- Asked. Allowe<.l l•)111il Hozn<:•t·, \\'il:.llf:::;;;, 1 •l:w, S mile:; .................................... :j; 2.1i4 $ 2.G4 l<~rnuk T1t.·sezkn, \\'il·"'""~· l tl:l.\', 8 miles ................................ 2.0'1 2.64 'J.'eolil Hesl;zk:·l, 1 <1ay, S 111ile::: ................................................ 2.Ci-! 2.04 nnse })re\Yll) n·it·ne:)S_. 1 drt,\'~ ]_!) 1niles .................................. ;3.28 ::-L:28 .T~>Iin Drem1, \\"ii'.Hes.,;, 1 day, 1G miles .................................... c1.20 8.20 .'lt'liltl Drt'"'"· illl·c,rfll'el:er, 1 tlny ............................................ 2.00 2.00

81:.11:e ol' \Yisc••usin vs. Mnrl:in MurteHsou-OI:is 01::;,-,u, \\'il:ness, 1 lla_,-, ;;o miles •lAO

:-;Lite n']' 1\'i::;t::~>il:;in vs. J•;lln Suq)l'iSe-.l~~t~ f:i1nn~lik, \\'itness, 1 cla~\', 42 Jniles ................................... 5.~:0 l\fr::; . .A1ntn !:>I11f1g-lik, witnt'ss, 1 dny, 'U rniles i.\J:1ry LidHc, \\'itness, 1 tlny, +1· miles

Stnte oe \\'i::iC:(HISill vs. Lester Snlltl't-

5.3(i 5.52


5.:3G 5.3G 5.52

.Jiilin 'J.'<IIliCZnk. \\"it:nc:o:s, 1 t1:iy, 2 rrdles ............. .................. 2.111 2.l.G \\1it.ncsses, luJ·erprcters' Fees in Juvenile nnd Insane Cases in County

· :uul Juvenile Court Asked. Allowetl

;'\ .. ,._ :~0. J!)~:::-J II rc Clarence 1\:olinski, cleliJH]llelll:­glllil l:('ll\.t~ .. "·Hness, 1 t.li)Y, 2 1niJes 1-:nw:lll Kruger. ll'itness, 1 t111.\', 2 Hiiles i\Iike Zvll;n. witm•:o:s. l <1<1\'. 2 mile:>

Dec. H, 1n2;::-lt1 re ·J3en Hanvick, tlelinquent-Lilliilll Am<•l'l:, witness, 1 dii)'. 2 miles ...................... ..

'[J,,e. 7. :1.!):20-Tn rc .-\nua Gosh, et al, delinqneuts­

') (i(i

2:na :2.(if:.


Lillinn Arn.-.tt. wHne,;s, 1 <lay, :2 miles.................................... 2.GG .T:ln. :2:5. lD:2'J-Ju re Hnrry Pratt, delinquent­

.TfiiiieS iUeth1allgh, wil'ness. 1 flay, 40 miles 0.18 .Tnn. :25, 1D:24-Tn re Byron Dnlsl.to, delinquent-

S:IIlie Rile.Y. \l'il:ne:>s. l tlny. 2 miles ....................................... 2.6ti M:1y :28-~:ln Ar!lnl't, witness, l day, 2 miles .................... :2.GG

Delinquent l.1roug111·. in ngnin­Sadie Hiley, wil'ncss. 1 day, 2 Illites Lillia11 Arnotl', witness, 1 ch1y, 2 miles .............................. .. l~d. Handl'IL witness, l day, 2 miles

l~d>. 1:5. J 0:2-J-lll re Helen Gollon, delinc]twut-

2.GIJ 2.GG 2.GG

~Jn x i\'(•\Ynk, witnes>-!, 1 t1ny, :2 miles........................................ 2.GU Fel.o. :22.. 1!}24-·1 n re Yalarian J'erzalc, delinquent-

.-\.ntlncw Kn.tneeki. wil:uess, 1 l.lny, 4 miles ........................... . T•;<lwanl Kiug-, \Yitnc,s,;, 1 dny, .,!, miles \Villie Podr:Hn, .wit11ess, 1 clny, 4 miles J<'rnnces Kotuecl;i, wit.11ess, 1 day, 4 miles !\I ike Hnppn, i ntcrpreter, 1 tln y, 4 miles

2.8:2 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82

Feb. ~!), JU2-1-:tn re Hern11111 Pn:ynski, et al, Jnlm S. I-lol'soos, \\"ilTJe,;~. 1 day, 2 miles .........

lleliuqnents­............... 2.GG

delinquents­April "1, 1D~4-]u re l<'elix Bnnvik, et al, .Toe Buskey, \\'il:ness, 1. day, :2 tnile;; ·\\'111. ?\[oil, witness, 1 da)~, 2 mile;;

:2.GG 2.(j(j

2.GG 2.GG ~.GG




~) ()()

2:oc; 2.GG 2.(\G :2.(i(j


2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82


2.GG 2.GG

H:! COUN'l'l~ HOARH J>tWCEEDll\'f;S

BL:n i\1om11. wiiTI<~SS, 1 lla,1·, 2 miles ........................................ 2.GG_.~~ 2.GG .June 10, l!:l24-Tu re Alloi;,; Pinnke, delinquent- ·~

l<'t'Jillk Giltlts, ll'ituess, 1 tiny, .14 miles .................................... 3.G2 3.G2_ 'l'ilelma Gibbs, witness, 1 llny, 14 miles .................................... :Hi2 :3.G2

.1nne G. 1.!'12-J-Jn re Alex \Ve;;alnwsld, et ul, tlelinquents­.fohn 8. Ho:fsoos, wil'liL:SS, 1 dny, 2 miles................................ 2.Gn 8. J-T. 'l'rninor. witne:-;s, 1 day, 2 ,miles .................................... 2.0fi

Jnl.v 11, 102-1-Ju re Katie Kieli;;zewski, delinqueat~ Minnie Kiliszewicz, ll'it.uess, 1 t.lay, 2 miles .................... 2.GH J,}mil Kielis?.ell'icz, wi tll(~s:;, 1 tlny, 2 miles ............................ 2.6Ci Jnr:ob Steinkl•. witllt~s:;, 1. rlny, 2 miles ..................... ,.............. 2.GU

.fuly 11, 1!.124-Jn re .Joh;JllllH Ostrowski, r.leliuf]nent-.r. 1<'. Kul1isiak. witness, 1 tlay, 2 miles ................................ 2.(-i(i

Sept. 1!), 1!)24--In re Edmund \Yorzelln, et a!, clelinquents~ .Tolin S. H(lfsoos, witness, 1 t.Iny, :2 wiles ............................ 2.66

Sept. 1!), 1024-ln re Lillian Stnukey, et al, tlelillt]uents- · ::itelln Borski, wit-ness, 1 day, 2 miles .................................... 2.6G

Mnr 20, 1024.-Jn re Rhot.ln Carpenter, iusane- .

::!.(i(i 2.Gti

28.GG 2.nn 2.GG




L. P. 1\loen, ll'i tness, 1 dar, 2 miles............................................ 2.Gti 2.GG Alllll.t Howe. witness. 1 clay, 2 miles ........................................ 2.GG 2.Gn

'l'he .following is a statement of wituesses and their respective fees iu r:riuJinnl eases in anrl hcfore the county eourt of Portage couuty, Wisconsi11, fro111 t·he ht day of Noveniber, HJ23, to tile 31st day of October, 1!)2'1.

Asked. Allowed NoY. 21. 102:;-State YS. Herbert Kluc:k-

Jumes P.. Hnrant:, witut'ss, 1 clny, 20 miles L.\'lllllll l'reconrt, \\'il:ness, 1 dny, 30 miles Albert l\Iarchel, \\'itHess, 1 day, 2 miles ................................... . J!'runk i\fnger, witness, 1 day, <12 miles I-Ijnlmer Peterson, witness, 1 cia~·. 20 miles .......................... ..

Nov. 2G, 1D2:3-Stnte Ys. Jolm Somers-John 1~'. KHL>isink, IYitness, l day, 2 miles .......................... ..

Dec. 2!), 1!)24-Stn te YS. Steve Rychter-Harold Adams. witness, 1 day, Hi miles Art llliller, witnt>.c<S, 1 rlny, Hi miles Peter Zimlmner, witness, 1 clay, Hi wiles Ben 1-i:ronski, witness, 1 clay, 1(i miles

]\[arch 5, 1()2,1-Stnt.e vs. Verona Bnbnsinski­i\Iartlla \'nn Orcler, witness, 1 day, 2 miles 'l'heresa Peck, witness, 1 day, 2 llliles .................................... .

I<'eb. 28, 1!.l24.......:Stnte Y:>. Walter Gnbryszek-R R Lnce, wit11ess, 1 clay, 2 miles \Vnyne Luce, witness, 1 rluy, 2 miles .J. '1'. Fish, witness. 1 clltY, 2 mile~ ........................................... .

lllny G, 1024-St.nte YS. Peter Kar;zJHUrek-Jolm llltuchel, witness, 1 rlay, 2 miles .................................. .. .Toe Cagrzebski, witness, 1 flay, 4 miles ............................... . Mike I:Jomn1, witness, 1 day, 4 miles ...................................... .. Yalarinu Zwicki, witnes:>, 1 clay, 4 miles .............................. .. L-tosie ·zwicki, witness, 1 tiny, ,1 mile;.: .................................... .. l'eter ·wisue\\·;,;ki, ll'itue:l:S, 1 dny, 4 miles .............................. .. Ste1·e Petta, witnt~ss, 1 t.lay, -1 miles ........................... ~ .......... .. Geol'ge Adnmskj, ll'itness. 1 dny, 4 miles ............................... .

Mny 2, HI24-Stnte ""· l'llil'e Crecnk-John Mard.1el, witness, 1 cloy, ::.: miles .................................. .. P. R \Vebster, witness, 1 day, 2 mile;; .................................. ..

April 2fl, 1024-Stnte vs. Juhn Gollou-

3.00 $ :3.60 <!.40 <1.40 2.1G 2.16 4.50 4.5{i c:.Go 3.GO

2.1G 2.1G

~:.28 ~L28 ::!.28 8.28 a.28 ~t28 3.28 3.28

2.1G 2.16 2.1U 2.16

2.1G 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.1G 2.16

2.16 2.Hi 2.32 0) ~) r)


2.82 2.32 ~.82 2.32 :!.82 2.32 2.~~2 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.B2 2.32

2.1G 2.1G 2.Hi 2.Hi

~'1.' .,. ~-'

., !J :; '


~ I


.Jul111 ~l:ll't:ill.'l. ll'iJ·nc·s~. :1 day, ::! nli

.Julill Hnk:'l. H·itiJto'""· 1 tin 1', ::! miles Joe Zn.::,,.,.~L,ltsld, ll'iti1e:>:c<. 1' day. '1 Jlliles ................................... . ~like 1-Joppn. ll'it·IJCS~, 1 tiny, ·J nlile>' Cni:lil'l'ine llnlGI. 11·itnto's~. J. t.la.y, 2 llliles l't~rt.'l' G<"dl<tn, witness. J. duy . .f nliles ................................... . l!'l':tnk J(ultisink, \\'itnc•s;;, 1 tln.r, (i Jlliles ............................... .

April :!8, HI::!-1-Stat·e vs . .lolm Krntza-Jollll i.\Jnrcl1el, \\'it.ness. J. rlnr. 2 miles .Tne z,lgrzek;ki.. \\'iJ·m·ss, 1 d,;y, 4 111iles i.\.Jil;e Hoppa. wii'IIL'S:>, J. clu.r. 'l 111iles

;Jnl.v :::0. 1!12-I-Stn.le ""· Clnrence 1\lnthewson­Geo. Glt~nnon, witnL'Ss. 1 cln.r-.:! Nell Glennon. witncs::;, 1 dn.r, ~ miles .Tol1n Frylllfll'l;. 11·i J:m,:;;s. J. Llil.l', 2 mi Ies Dl'. C. 1·on l\eti[IL'rt·, ll'ii:Jil'Ss, 1 ilny. 2 nliles ....................... . D1·. \\'. J~. Coll'tHI. 1\'il:ness. 1 Lla~·. 2 mile:> ........................ . Jul111 S. 1-Lul';;ons. witne;;s, 1 tln~·. :! nliles .............................. ..

!\l.ny :~. 1!1:2-1-St:nte 1·:;. A1·a I\:owaselin­\'ull'nliue l'otlruzu, wil:m:ss, 4 miles, 1 day Celi:~ l'otlrozn. \\·iJ·ncss, '1 miiE,S, 1 cl::ty .................................. . Agnes 81·11~n.r. \\'ii·lltcss, 4 wiles, J. t.hly ................................. .. Jo!Jn Alll]zreii·;;I;i, witnes~. 4 111iles, 1

~.lf~~- 21. 1!'1:!-J-:'-;Uit·e Y·S. Guol'.:;;e Kont:n.l•-Gc.:~orge Sf)uik. \'.·itiJPSs1 :!0 rniles, 1 clny ................................... . Alex Gon·~t:il k<", wi J·11eS:>, :!0 miles, l day .............................. ..

Jnnt; :.!li. 1!12'l-St'ilte YS . .Tolm Literski-8upllie Guloni!Jc.:ski. \\'itnes~. 27 miles, 1 llay ...................... .. Hen Golollilte~ki,. witness. 27 miles, 1 Lltly Teofil ()olonil.><':;ki. witm:ss. 27 miles, 1 Llny Hn rn:.r i):;soll'~ki, ll'i tness, 80 miles, 1 clay ........................... . :Jol111 Lil:er:;ki, "·it.ne~;;, ::!7 miles, 1 day .................................. .. ~teve Lil:ersld. ll'itnL·:>S, 27 miles, 1 day ................................. . Carl Litersld. wirnesB, ~7 miles, 1 day Leu .Burant. inl:c•rpret:er, :! miles, 1 day

.Tune :25. ]!)2-l-State 1'!-i. ·.renfil GolombieiYSki-:Jolln Lil:erski_. ll'itnes.s, 27 miles, 1 day ............................ ..

Oct. !'l, 1!)24-State vs. St:nnislnus Chi!la-J.;d. i\Josloll'sl•i. jl!I'Or, 2 miles, 1 day .Tollu E. Nolnn, juror, 2 miles, 1 cln.v .E'rauk Kelly, juror, 2 miles, 1 dny Snn1 ~l'rninor, :inrc.a·, ~ ulil(~S . .1. dn~ Alex \Vnlince, ll'itu0B:;, 2 miles,·1 H:ury Hewel'l:, witness, 2 miles, 1 !\-fnrtin 811'eene.r, witness, 2 rnilt!S, 1 Del S. GnriJy, witness, 2 miles, 1 day ................................. ..

.Tuly :n, 1024-State vs. Joseph Bukowsld­C:en. ),t.,\·ell, juror, 2 mile:;;, 1 Etl. 11a'l.uer, juror~ ~ 1niles, 1 John R Nol:111, juror, :2 miles. P. C. Jollnsun, jnrol', :! milu:;, 1 Nels Strong, juror, :2 llliles, 1 Llay L . .T. Ei1ton, juror, :.! miles, 1 (lil,\' .............. : ........................... .. i\larl:in Dull, juror, US miles, 1 clay i\larion Broten, juror, 2 miles, 1 cloy .......................... . Otto Dl.ll.'mick, juror, 2 miles, 1 .Tolin Bull, juror, 08 miles, 1 clny Mary Bull, juror, CiS miles, l day


2.ifi 2.lG 2.1G 2.Hi 2.32 2.32 .. , O::lo") _,,_).:., 2.3~ :!.Hi 2.Hi ~.B2 2.X2 2.48 2.48

2.1G 2.l!i 2.82 2.32 2.;·:2 2.~:2

2.1() 2.1G 2.Hi 2.16 2.Hi 2.1H

. 2.Hi 2.Hi 2.1G- 2.Hi 2.1G 2.Hi

2.32 2.32 2.~12 2.32 2.::t2 2.0::! :!.32 2.32

X.GO :.:.ou 3.GO 3.GO

4.l(i <J.l(i .f.lG 4.1G 4.Hi 4.l(i '!.40 4.40 4.l(i 4.1U 4.1.U '1.113 4.Hi 4.J(i 2.Hi 2.1G

4.ll:i 4.Hi

2.1G 2.1G 2.Hi 2.lli 2.1.(; :!.Hi 2.Hi 2.1(i 2.1G 2.Hi 2.lli 2.1G 2.1G 2.lti 2.16 2.1(i

2.1G :!.]()

2.1G 2.1(i 2.1G 2.16 2.1G :!.Hi 2.1G 2.16 2.16 2.1G 7.44 7.'1-1 2.16 2.1G 2.16 2.16 7.44 7.41 7.-+4 7.4'1

. -------..,.---.--- I

'' \.t•· :i'i•i lllloL


lta.\' Nnrlaniler, l.ii:i 1nilc~, 1 dn,v .............................................. .. Lc,o Ge\\·itlt, juror, GS wile:;, 1 day .......... : ................................ . ./ollll 1!'. 1.\:niJi:;iak, int.erprctcl', 2 miles, 1 dny ............... .

Sept. 18, J024-Sta le YS. La wrente I~iten;ki-."Julnt J~enkfl, wit.JICS:>, 10 wiles, 1 cluy .. \VnlteJ· Ol;;ki, witne;;;;, JO lllilc:;, 1 clay Luke 13eukn; '"il:ncss, 10 miles, 1 tin~" J.:eH GahtmlJN;ki, witness, 10 miles, 1 .John Dnlnk, witness, JO miles, 1 dny

Sept. 1!1, lD24--Stnte Y:;. Chas. i\I. \\'nlcher ct ui­Cou L(Jl:kel'j' 1 n·itue~~~ ~~(j n1iles, J. dH y l.'anl Bn~llllller, witncs:;;, 3G miles, 1 tiny earl J. Hnslwlt, witnes:;, :w miles, 1 (lay ............................ .. lngwnld Hanson, \\".itness, 3t'i miles, 1 day .......................... .. ·walter JP. Gaulke. witness. 2 miles, 1 fluy .......................... .. .Tames Httll; witness, 2 mile:;, 1 dny · Allan Gill.>irt, wltnes:>, RG mile:>, 1 day .Lester Peterson. witness, HG Jlliles, 1 day Oscur Stenton, wiJ·Jw;;;;, ;~(\ miles, l day .... J•'. A. Ncuherger, iutcrpreter, 2 miles, 1 day

Oct. 20, 1D2'1-State vs. Steveu Spnugel-Homn n Nn In borski, jnror, 2 mile:>, 1 clay ........................... . l'anl l':t:>I:Cl'n:tcl>i, juror, 2 miles,· 1 <.lny Ueplies .Tucknho11·ski, jnror, ::! miles, 1 tluy ........................... . .-\tlnm Eulil, :inror, 2 miles, 1 day Henry Strong, jnror, 2 miles, 1 Artlinr Hess. wif'ness, 2 mlles, 1 D. S. GnriJy, 1\'itness, ::! miles, 1 J~d. Kubisiak~ ll'itlll\SS. :.! llliles, 1 .Jolin W. Knliisink, wituess, ::! miles, 1 clay ......................... ..

Oct. 2:5, 1D~4-Stah) vs. Ynlnrin Krutzn-:r. V. Berens. wi l.11ess, ::! miles, 1 Clar;l Cnnley, "·itJJeS:-:;, ~ Inilcs~ 1 Hose l\Jillcr, w.il:ness, 2 tlliles, 1 IDiizniJctll .DnsL•L 11·itue:;s, 2 miles, Alex Kreml.>s. 11·itncss, 2 miles, 1 tlay .....

Oct. :':0, l!12,l-Stnl'e vs. l~rnncPs Omemik-

7.'1.4 7.'14 7.44 7.'14, 2.H> :uo

!!.80 :!.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 :!.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80

4.88 '1.88 4.88 4.88 '1.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 2.1(i 2.1C> 2.1G 2.lli 4.88 4.88 '1.88 4.88 4.88 '!.88 2.1G 2.lli

2.1G 2.1U 2.Hi 2.1G 2.1U 2.Hi 2.10 2.l(;i 2.Hi 2.1G 2.1G 2.Hi 2.1G ~.1G 2.Hi 2.Hi 2.1G 2.1G

2.11j 2.Hi 2.Hi 2.10 2.10 2.Hi 2.lli 2.10 :UH 2.11i

Annn Gro<.:lwlski. witness, 1 day, ::!4 miles ............................ ::.!)::! . ;J.tJ2 . Dodot·s' Fees fo1· Examining Insane, 'l'uhet·culosis et a! Pel·sons

· Asked. Allowed C. VOII Neilj)CI't. l\[. ·n., ll CX:llll .. H:l !Hiles fl'ii\'CL ............ $71.40 $71.-1.0 D. S. llicP. l\1. D., 13 exa1n .. :J4 miles trnvel ........................ 57.40 57.-1.0 K H. Hnger~. llf. D .. !) ex:1111., lS miles trnvel.. ....... _._ .............. 87.80 R7.80 ]<'. A. Sonthwick, llf. D., :12 exnm., :2-1 miles trnvel... ......... G0.40 50.40 w. ]i'. (\111'>11'1, ?If. D., n CXHlll., 18 ndles travel .................... 37.80 cl7.80 W. IV. Gregory, ilL D .. JG cxan1 .. ::!G miles traveL ............... G::!.GO G2.GO n. B. Sutiley. :u. D., 2 eX:Jlll .. 2 milP:; traveL.................... 4.20 -!.20 .-\. K l\Jnci\Iillau. llf. D., ,f exnw .. S miles traveL ............. lG.SO Hi.80 Ji'. lD. Webster, l\L D., :1 exam., lfl mile>< traveL.................. T>.OO 5.00 J•'. A. :Un rrs, :U. n., 2 exarn., 4 nliiPs tm ,.l'l............................ SAO 8.40 .T. W. Conn, l\:f. D., 1 exn 111 .. 2 111ile~ travel ...... :................. 4.20 4.20 K I'. Cro:>by, l\1. Il., ~ exnnL 4 111ile:; tmveL ...................... S . .J.O SAO J<'. A. \\'niter::;, 1\I. D., 1 exam .. ~ miles tnl\'el........................ 4.:20 4.20 K D. IU,;I.ly, i\I. D., 1 exam .. 2 111iles travel ....... : ................ 4.:20 '1.20

'rile n/:Jove is n trne ancl Cc'lrrect. ,;J:ntenwut of all examinations of in:Sane per:>on:;, tuberculosis fll)(] i:rippletl children sent to stnte public









schools, comlucted by the above name<! physicians, beginning- Nov. 1, 1!)23, and ending October 31, 1!124, nml that the Ynrions nmonnts nrc eorrect nwl trm:.

IV: l! .... OWEN, Connty .Tud:.?;e . The Following Persons i\1·e Entitled t.o .Jm·01·'s· Fees aml \Vitness Fees

on Account of Inquests Attemle1l l.ly Them July 7, H124-In the matter of the death of Leo Meyers, which oc-

cnl'l'ed on Highway No. 18- Aslcecl. Allowecl .Tess Shortell, juror, 1 clny, 2 miles ........................................ $ 1.20 $ 1.20 W. G. Bnte, juror, 1 clay, 2 miles............................................ 1.20 1.20 A. G. Bergholte, jnror, 1 dny, 2 miles ............ ........................ 1.20 1.20 Nels Strong, juror, 1 cluy, 2 miles............................................ 1.20 1.20 .Toe Neuberger, jnrot·, 1 clny, 2 miles........................................ 1.20 1.20 '1'. N. lligalka, jtiror, 1 clay, 2 miles........................................ 1.20 1.20 .-\ng. 21 and Nov. 7, 1!)24-In the matter of the death of Stnnley Ja-

nowski, which occurred on Highway 54, Town of Plover-A . .T. Clements, juror, 2 clays, 4 miles .................................... $ 2.'10 $ 2.'10 F. A. Norton, juror, 2 days, 4 miles........................................ 2.40 2.40 1< .... E. Rosenow, juror, 2 days, 4 miles................................ 2.40 2.40 Theodore N. Jligalkc, juror, 2 days, 4 miles........................ 2.40 2.40 K. 1< .... Pmis, juror, 2 days, 4 miles........................................ 2.40 2.40 Henry Reading, jnror, 2 clays, 4 miles ............... : ............. :...... 2.40 2.40 E. H. Rogers, "itness, 1 day, 2 miles.................................... 2.H; 2.Hi Elenore Schutly, witness, 1 day, 44 miles................................ 5.52 5.52 Frank Malolepsa, witness, 1 clay, 'l4 miles............................ 5.52 5.52 rtorlerick; Billmeyer, witness, 1 day, 'H miles .. :..................... 5.52 5.52 L. L. Jenkins, witness, 1 day, 2 miles.................................... 2.1G 2.Hi .Tohri McCarthy, witness, 1 day, 5G miles ...... :......................... G.48 G.4S Nels .Tohnson, ''vitness, 1 day, 4'1 miles.................................... 5.52 5.5::!

Total amount asked ..................................................................... $5,80G.2a 'l'otal amount disallowed ............... :............................................ G47.8.f. '.rota! umouut allowed ................................... , ............................ 5,158.8!) \Ve, your committee on Claims, have cnrefnlly examined .the bills

presented to ns and have made corrections where nece;;sary. Respectfully submitted,

l\Io,·e•l by Supervisor I< .... Lnknsnvit:;.: l\fot.ion cnrriecl.

Cle1;k rene! the following report: ,

l! .... A. LUKASAV.l'l'Z. GEO. STKRTZ. GEO. S. DIVER. 1~. A. NORTON . 1< .... J. GHUBEH. J<'. H. DIDNT. ED. 'ZIMlliElR


t.hnt. the report lte ndnpred.

'ro the Honorable Chairman and Members of nu, County Board or: SnJ)ervisors of Portage County, \Visconsin . Gentlemen :-\Ye, your specinl committee appointed to recommeucl

the price nnd the need of a ·new nbstract tax hook fnt· Portnge connt.y, would rCJ)Ort that a tnx abstrad book must he mnde nt this time nml wonlrl recommend thnt the deputy trensurcr, Mrs. @izabel:h Newby, be g-i ,-en tile work at the price of $100. · Signer!: 'T· P. ATW.ELL,


Spec: in I Commit:f'ec.

. -·-------- -·----;···:::;·-~-:-:-.:;:-.;-;\' _-,:-'.



Movetl by Supervisor Hossier thnt report l.oe adopted. i\fot-inn earriPd. Clerk re,Hl the following report ol' the c:ommittee tt:• "·horn wns re­

fen·ecl the 111ntter oe Jixing the salary of tlw co1mt.1' jnrl;;e: ·· 'l'o the Honorable Cllllirman arid l\Iembers of the T~narcl of Snp<,rvisors.

Gentlemen :-\Ve, your committc•e to whorH wns r·el'erretl the mnt­ter of salary for the county jncll;e, do recomme111l that Ore salary for probate and guardianship proceerlings for the. ensuirr;; t.enn, com­mencing Jitnuary 1, 1!)::!6, be fixed at tire l:e•'s fnr cotoie~ [Ill(] IDighteen Hnnclred ($1,800) Dollnr!'l. Hesnectl'nlly submitted.

AN'l'ON L.\SZID\YSKf, GlGO. S'l'JDT{'!"Z! JG. H. ROSSIE;[{,

Committee. i\:fovecl by SnJ)ervisnr 'l'horp and ,;econrled t:lrnt llre rt.'p"rt nl' the

committee be adopted. l\Ioved in amenrlment lo.1' Snpr:nisor Grnher tlrnt tloe s;rl:Iry lot:

$1,200 insteacl of $1,800. noll 61' members cnllecl. ~lntion 1·,-, · nmeu<l carried by 23 ayes and Ci nnys, 1 absent. '!'he followin:; voted aye: Supervisors Betker, l\fnrtin, Crowell, Sinith. \\'ilsnn, Stnrks, Dent., Bracly, lrognrty, Cychosz, Steinke, Nin•n, Frost, Din:!r, llnlverson, Gru­i.Jer, Zimmer, Gilbert, Baker, F. LuknsaYit.z. Norton, At.wr~ll, l'anl Luk.ns­%l~\\·icz. Nays: Snpervi~nrs 'l'horp! Ln~zew;'.;l;;i, ~t·ertz~ l:oB:-dc:t·! ]\fl:~r::.:f":ll nn<l Aldrich.

The origim11 motion ns nmenclecl was thl'n canie(l by 22 a~·es :111(1 7 nays, l nl.>sent: Tile following yotwl a.1•e: SnpervisorR l\.fnrtin, Crowell, Snritl1, \Vilson, Starks, Dent, Br:Hly, Ft>;;-nrty, Cyeiinsz, Bteinl{t~, NiVL'n, Frost, Din~r. Halverson, Grnher, Zimmer, Gill>c·r·t. Bal•<!l", ]i'. Luknsavitz, Norton, Atwell, I'. Lnlwszewie:r.. Nays: Snpervisor:-; Bet­ker. 1.'horp, Laszewslti, Stertz, Hr.>~sier. i\Ierscii i1r1d Altlric:II.

ClPrk reatl report of commitJee on Scl"l".lt·nu~ut with Connty Board nf !Ddneation ns follows: '.l.'o the Honnrai>le Chairman and i\lelllhl•r,; r.f: tire Cilllnty Boanl 01'

Portage Connty, \Visconsin. fientlemen :-\Ve, your committee to wlwm IYns rr.>"l't.•rre<l U1e nri­

Jwxc·d report of. the eounty snperinten<Jeut ,-,1: sciio .. ols. wonlcl respect-. fully report ns follow;:;: \Ve have comp:ur.•cl snitl n•port with n~ceipt,; nncl vonchers of said snperinl:encleut nnd lind l"lu'~llr <:MT<.•ct.

Therefore, we recommend the atlnptinn o1' her repnrl: :mel reconr­meu<l that there lie plnccrl in tlre t.nx levy of l"llir; _,.,!:rr· tn ·l>e rnise<l un JWOJ'>f'rty outside of t:lrP. city ol' Sten'n:i p,-,iut, \\"i,; .. 1·111! :l'ollnwing; stuns: 8np<;rilll"emknt';:; sa lnry· 'retephoue TraYcling; expenses Printing flrlll o;upplir;s Postage ....................... . Commencement exercises ·Bon rrl oE exnrniners ..... . JDxpeuses of snperintendent t·o stilte ennvenl·iou ................ . Clerk snlnn' ...................................................... . l~or nnlking- report to stnte superintendent

,800.0(1 GO.Otl

;:itlll.On 4~10.1)11

150.01.1 :.!0.00 l'o0.(1(J

::!5.00 780.00


. $8,!)05.0(1 Linoleum for Mlice Hoor. nlso two liliug; cases, cost ol' whic:lr

to come out of general fnml ........................................................ $ 100.00 \\'P wnnlrl nlso rN·ommend tire snlnries for tire snperd~ing; t"t>a<::hers



for t.he coming year at :j\115.00 J)Pr month each. C. F. l\IAH'l'IN. JACOB CYCHOSZ. JAMES li:I. FOGAHTY. :F'. B. DlDN'l'. CHAS. BHADY. ED. ZIMMER.

Stevens Point, \Vis., November 1, 10::!4. To the Honorable Board o.f Supervisors of Portage County.


Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen :-I hereby heg; lea,·e to submit my fourth annual report of the work done in the interest ol' Portage county schools for last year. There were 153 teachers in Portage connty during 1023-24 teaching in 125 builclings. 1.'here was n tot·11l of 117 rural school buildings where 110 teachers were employed. High schools are maintained at Alm·oncl, Amherst antl Bancroft Cof1. 1. First class grncled schools are ri1aintained at Hosholt and .Junction City, nnrl second clt1ss graded schools at Amherst .Jnnction and Nelson­ville. Ten teachers taught in high schools, seven in grades l.>elow high school, and seventeen in graded schools. .Forty-Jive ver cent of the teacher!'l in the schools of Portnge county are serving their second term or more in the same school. Forty-three per ceut of the rnn11 teachers and 50 per cent of the other teachers in the county are em­ployed in the same school. '!'his is the greatest number of: teacher::: in the history of the county who are employed in the same position. '!'his is a distinct advantage to the district where the teacher is n successful teacher.

Cnster again mnintained a one room rural school, Plover a two­room ·rural sehool, aml "'hit:ing employed two teachers; Almond 7 transports to Almond. A '·practice" school for prospective tenchcrs in the rnral department of Stevens Point Normal was conclucteli in Hnll 4, and Stockton i'i is fortunate in having the demonstrnt.ion school, where rnra I stmlents spend n week of observation nnrl t.eac!1ing;.

No new builrlings were erecterl last yenr. Amlu;rst complete•l its new High school hnilding: A model rural school was erected on the

. Normal c:ampus, where an excellent teacher who is a graclua te nf I: he suvervising teachers' course ·at the Stevens Point Normal, and 11as hnd snccessfnl teaching experience in rurnl, state graded schools, and as a o;upervising tenciler, is employed. Students of tire rum! crmrlic take their observntion and J)rnctice teaching in this rnml school under the S1111ervision of this rural teacher.

Tenchers' examinations were conducted as usual. Diploma exnrninn­tions for rural pupils were conducted at Rosholt. Bancroft, Alnron<l, Arnherst, Junction City, Kellner nnrl Stevens Point. Graded sclrool examinntions were held at Nel~onville.' BaneroU.. Hosiiolt. . AmlH.~r~l·. .Junction and Junction City. · · ·

Diplomas were grunted to 1DO pupils from nun! ;:chools anti -ll JIU[)i!S from graded schools. Forty-three pupils fnilcd to pass. l~ailnres were largely clue to poot· attendance where pnpils fnile<l to enter nt the very beginning of the year. A marked impro\'ement in l·he work of the eighth grade pupils is noticeable. This is due to sc,Yern l rea,:;ons, the following being largely responsible: (a) SeYeHth grnrle pnpils are 11ol: nllowed to attempt seventh nncl eiglrth 1>!-·acle work in the se\'enth yenr. "'llile in the :>e,·enth r;mde they wriw fiual exnminntions in two sub­jects, which gives them more time to flevote to the remaining subjects of the year. (h) Short tests covering the work for six weeks or two months are prepared in thi;; office and given to ei;;IItii grntle PUl)ils. (c) Supervising teachers carefully observe the work O"f these Pl!lli Is 111111 giYe the teuchers assistance in presenting; rr.•mc<linl men~HrPS


1\'ltere pupi Is ",.,, not tloi ng sa tisfnctor.r 1\'0rk. . A lnrger and better school exhibit thnn ···,er \\':IS shown at tlu~

Stl\Yens Point l!'air tltis ycat·.· As rt'.IIHirl,ed l>y tn:lny, the qnniHy ol' the 1\'ork exhibited there \\'HS a t:f~ndaf:ion ot wlint tile rural schools nre doing." About sixl·y of till! schools in the conni·y 1\'Ct·e rept·•·~.ellt<!fi. enery to\\'n in the couni·.y 1\'il:h 1'11e exce)li·ion ol' l'ine Gt'<)l'e .c•tti·ering one or more exhibits.

'l.'he nnnnnl school bonrfl convention was hel<l nt Sten~ns Point Or:t. Hi, 1!)24. George S. Dick, SllfH!rvisnr ol' rnrnl r;chor>is, n•prc·senJ·.ed n1e staJe tlepnrtmeut of public instruction. '

·Teachers' instituf·e \\':lS hel(l nt 8tm·ens Point S••pf't~mhr•r n, JO :·ltHl 11, 1D24. The Portug<! Cnnuty ~reac11ers' :tsscH::illt'ion nlt:'t J)eCCllilll:~r [il 102a. October D ancl 10, 1D24, the Ceutral \\'isconsin 'i'enclJcrs' ;lsso­c:iation met nt ·Sterens Point. 'J'he reg-nlar 1:11'(> rlny ·insl'itnte in Porl'nge county wns omitted tllis yen r in .-,rrlcr I: lint tl11~ f:en<:lters migl1f: <'tl:f:entl the Central \Visconsin meeting. 'l'he tcnchers of' !'In: c:ounl·y met the el'f:Hing or Octollcr !) to receire iustrnr:tinns :!'or the ycnr.

Hy -l'\o1·ember 2;:; gronp mcetiugs in erc•.ry I:O\\'n in Portng;c county will hare been coududecl. 'l'he te>1chers of the 1:<>11'11 meet ill: ;;nm.:' school in the town 1\'ltere n successful tcncher tencl1c~s ri)gn·lar clnsses from D to 12. In the afternoon a (liscnssinn ol' the 11·ot·k ohserl'ed in the morning is led by the supervising teacher or the connty snperin­tendent. 1'hesc meeting·;; hare been rery succ~;ssf.ul nml 1 cuw;itler f·lwtll one of the strongest nids in the superrisi<HJ of' l:l1e scltuc.>b or. f:l1e counl'.,l'.

Retlot·t of Teachet·s' Institute Funtl Money on hand June 30, 1D23 ................................................................ $2!J!.J.01) Received from apportionment o!' stnte iustilute fLllH.I for year

ending .Tune 30, 1924 ........................................................................ 120.31

~'otnl receipts ExiJcnses for institntes Jreb. 14, 1923, Oct:. Ji·i, :w~:-:. :tntl Sept.

r., 7 nnd S, 1D28

l\foney on !land June 30, 19U Nov. 16 to 21 was ·Amel'icnn Edn<:ation \Vrek. ~l.'eltCii<:rs seut SliP·

cia! im·itntions to parel1ts to visit school to s<·e ac:tunl l:enching and <lis­cuss the problems in the particnlar schools. Sixtceu <':Oinmunif:y or­ganizations in connection 1\'ith schools nre in openltion ·in the count.y. Mothers' meet.ings were llei<J in nilont 1:1\'ent.v ol' f'IH·' schools iu tlu· connt.r. This movement shonld he eneonrng<!<L '!'or tiH·! dis.~af:istactioll <:rf' seltool pnl:rons is nsn:11ly <'lne ton l:tck. or lltHl<''''"l·illll.lin;~· on l·he p:ll'l: of. the vnreut. of whnt t11e tencher i;; :ttl:!·•ntpl'.ing· to d,.,. nnly tltr<',n;;·l, the cooperation ol' f·lle school :ttH.l the llt.llll<' ,•nn n su<·(:Q;:srnl :S(·Iwrd '·"·' r·otHlucte<l.

'l'II'C111'.,1'-0IIe per ceut oJ' the SI:Jin(Jl>: in the• t:OIHif·1· ""n·•·•l 1"'1· lunches. .

·school societies. pnrt of. the regular wo1·k in civics, "'"'~'" condnded in nil the scl10ols of the county lmt one. '.l'hc training o.C t11e cltilllr<>ll in conrlncting these meetings iu tl1e right Wfl~' is n y;tl11alde IT:tinin;; ·in the cif'izenship of the growing genernl:ion.

One of the most important J'unctious of tl1e school is f·o inculca l:t! the right habit O'E readit\g on tile part of' tile pnpil;;. Tile JlllllllJer <)I' teo<:hers earning rendiug circles or senls wns 11.7. '.f.'lie tot.nl nnntlwr of pupils cnruing seals or diplomas w:1s l,:::i:'il.

'l'he total mtmiJer ol' books adde<l to l'l1e school lilmnies was 1,05S. ,, t a cost nr. $1,S04.GO.

4,2(;0 pieces of mail were receive•! in f:l1e of.fice nnd S,2(i!) S<·~nt nni·. ~.lSS yi;:il';; 11'<'1'<'' millie ro t.lie ol'tir:e. On ~ntnr(lnys l:t'n(·ltPr;; come in 'l'nr



specinl ilt•lp from f:lte snperl'isi11g f·eac:hcrs, senL 1rork suggestions, IJooks, etc:.

1 tlllHle lSS scliool vi;;if·s an<l ntf:emle .. l 40 community meetings. Miss Springer, tile snpen·ising teacher, ntude 218 visits and nttended :!6 COIIIIIIUllif:y meetings.

B.l' No1·ember 21 every nn·nt nutl state graded school in the county will li:we receive<! Ht lenst. one visit from Qne of tile two supervising teacllers or the county snperiutenclent.

At tile 1D24 spring ses>::ion oE the county board, n salary of $135 ·a month was voted for tile Jirst Sll[Jel'l'ising teacher and $100 a month Jot· tlte second snrlet'l'ising f'eacher. Loretta Stn·inger is serving her third yenr ns snpervising te:tchet· at $1.:35 11 month.

1 ap[IOiuterl lDthe~ Bowers, 11 griHluate of the Oshkosh Normal, who lin::; !tad sel'!m yenrs of tene:lting e~pcl·ience in nHnl tl!Hl stntr~ graded schools, as tl1e second supet'l'isi ng teacher. · ·

In view of the fact that. it is f·JJe <luty of the county superintendent t.o nppoint supervising tenclters for 1.02:) nml 102G before the next ses­~ion of the r:ounty hoanl, l recontllteJHl that salaries for two supervising teac·hers be Yo ted n t I'! lis session. ln or<ler that supervising teachers with the rn·,-,per trnini11g un(] required umonnt of teaching experience in rnrul schools lliH.Y l.>e appoinl·e<.l, I re<;ommell(l the following:

(a) .Tf the present snpervising teaellers are re-appointed, Miss Springer t.o recei1·e a sni:H.I' of' $135 a mouth nnd 1\Iiss Bowers $125 n II lOll t.ll.

(l.J) Jf two new supervi::;ing tea<:hers :ne appointed, each one to t·ec<•ive IL Sill;11'y or $125 fl li10nt.h.

A study of nctua I ru ra I sc:hool con eli tions as found in 'Visconsin is being made in JiYe counties in \Yisconsin. Portage county was se­Jectet.l to represeut the central part of. the stnl:e.

The following is part of this survey: (n) The nnnnal report :from enclt district wns sent to the state

rlepnrf·ment ol' public in;;truction to he nsecl in studying the financial part.

(h)' In April I Jigurerl f·he compan1tive distribution of ta~es in the city, towns rmd villtlge;; in Portag·e enunt.y on the basis of one dollat· tnx, 1J11sed on taxes clue .January, 1!)24.

(c) Blanl's l1nve heen sent to the teachers to locate pupils more tltlln two y<:':ll'S over uge in 1'11e 1·nrions grndes.

(tl) 8ept.eml1er 2!) to OetohL•r :3 a lmilcling survey was made in the ;;e:hi.!Ol:; of 1'!1e eonnf',l·. l~ig'hteen people composed of Normal school i·eael~t·•rs, llll!llliJen; dl' l:lti:; of:lie:e. sf:tlflenl's with teaching experience wlio ill'<' enHrplt·~f·.ing f·.l'll~ sl·>ti·e gra<lcfl t)l'im:ipals' course, anrl teachers in t:lw C<)llnf·y, mtde1· l.lt•~ din~t:l'ion nl' J. 'J.'. Giles anfl H. \V. Selni1idt of 1'.111o st:lll:e <h:pnrl·lltenf·, S<;orerl eitCI.i lmilrling in the county. The results liai'C i>C'('n St>nt u, ~·li~<lbmt for Uil.mlnf:inn n11<l will he returned to this nl'licc wlterc l'!tC.I' will he 1·ery ntlnnble. in indicating improvements nrul t~quipmeut.

'l:he following sf:ntbtic:s ltll\'C been tnke11 from the annual report to tile stnf·e snperini·.endcnt for i·he year enrling :rune 30, 10:!4:

Bm·ollment Number of schools with enrollment of 5 children or less ........................ 0 Number of schools "'if:h enrollment of G to 10 chiltlren ......................... 4 Number or schools with enrollment of 11 to 15 c:hildrcn ............. c .......... !) Number of schools with enrollment of lG to 20 chilclren ........................ 15 Number of. schools with enrollment of 21 to 25 children ........................ 29 Number of schools with enrollment of 2Ei to 30 children ........................ 17 Number of scltools with t;nrollment of 31 to 35 children ........................ 17 Nmnh<'r nf s<':hools with enrollment of' 8H to 40 children ........................ 8




Numhe1· of: schools II'Hh em·<.dlruent ul' '11 to 45 chilclren ........................ G :\'muller uj' SCIJOOIS wil'h cnrol!ment of .j(i to 50 children ......... .' .............. G Number of schools 11·ith enrollment nl' !'il to :):) chilrlrr:n ........................ 4 Number nJ' schools with cHrulluJt:nt nf Gli l:o 5!l ehilclrPn ..... : .................. 2 :\'umber of :::chool" with enrollment rli' ·no children or over 0


Money on ha nri .J nne 80, J !)28 State school npportionment Taxes leYied l.1y county District taxes .... Special stnt.e aitl 'l'nition received Hent or srlle of text bonks Interest on school fnnds l\Ioney hono\ned ..... Sale of school hontls S:11e of school property Other receipts

~eota l 1·cceipts Tol'n I pa ymen l's


Children ineapncitatctl J'ul' scho•>l worl;-:1. Dcnf mntPs--'1. ,

Classifi1·at.ion of Teachers' Wag·cs

Number rece1nng $ iG fliHl less l:hnn $ Numl>er receirin;;$ SO and less t'lt:HI $ flO .. ..

H7,342.10 31,388.0!) il2,0G5.1i

] 20,1fJ:~.75 i,G65.:38 !l.S5i:i.71

I8fi.:3n 227.11

45,222.50 2,120.7fl

212.GO 10,512.43

........ $381,!)!)],!}!) :280.!lS:~.58


4,44:"iA4 1:~.Gii:3.2G

:1.14,:238.20 ;,,Hi3.45

041.(l!:l R.,007.2<i !),548.38

12,615.5ll !1,204.0:) 2,4!'lG.S~ 4,012.11

S54.2G 1,G32.7:)

51,!Hl.OG 4,129.87

83,170.0fi li,877.0(i 5,10i.3S


i\litlc. Femnle 1 2 1 34

NumlJer receirin;; $ !)0 tlrH.l less t.h:ln :j;lOO ............................. . 2 34 Number recei\·in;; $100 nnd less t:Iwn $110 ................................ :': 27

14 7 f)

NurniJ!'!r receiving- $ll0 and less t:ilnn !j::l~O ............................... . Number receiving $120 and less than ~a:~fL ..................... . NnmiiPI' J'<e('Piving: $1~:0 nnd It'~" J·llnll $1-10 ............................... .

-'".\'\~: :t:l7• . '" 't'



l 'I ~'

1( ~i ~. '• 'i

··~ I,

:\ " .~



Nnmber recerv1ng- $HO and less than $150 ................................ 1 2 :\'umber rec~iving $l!'i0 nntl less J:llnn $1GO ................................ 1 1 NnmiJer receiving- $Hi0 and less than $17fL .............................. 0 1 Numt>rer reel'ivin;; $.li0 and less tilnn $180 ................................ 0 0 C\Tu1nher receiving- $180 all(! less tllnn $100 ................................ 0 0 Nnmher recei\·ing $1!l0 and lN;s tllnn $200 ................................ 0 0 :\'t11nber receiving $200 or over .................................................... 3 0

In. conclusion pennit me to say we have found the people of Portage county int.erestetl in the \\'elfare of the schools and they llilve done much this la:;t year to make needetl improven1ents and purchase snpplitos and erJtlipment. By coot•eration and mutual helpfulness on the part of 11urents, school IJrmnl memilcrs, teachers ami members of this Mlicc we hope to increase the efficiency of the Portage county schools.

'l'hanking· tl1<e member:o; of the hoard of supenisors for past fn vors anti trusting- 1'11at I Illay ngain lln,·c your cooperation, I am

Vt;r·y truly yours, ALICE 1\:I.- GORDON,

County Superintendent of Schools. 'l'lue folloll'in;; hills of Alice !\I. Gonlon, county superintendent of

schools, of \Ylliell iG w·r cent. has be(•n 1111irl, urc herewith submitted.

Noven1her, 192:~t

Deriemher, 102:~ ·:ranunry, lD24 Febmnry, I!):!J March, 1fl2'1 April, 1024

·i\fay, 1fl24 Jnne, 1f.l24 .Tnly, 1924 Augn;:;f·, l!l24 8epl:eml>er, 102'1 nt:tollcr, J!l2-l

Claimed. Allowed. Bal. Due R8.85 $ 25.30 $ 8.4(i 5fl.10 48.86 10.24

2.23 1.67 .56 22.69 17.01 5.68 18.7(; 14.0(i 4.70 45.44 34.08 11.36

100.20 75.15 25.05 18.64 13.!18 4.66 17.80 13.15 4.65 35.ti!l 81.85 3.84 35.30 26.48 . 8.82 77.U5 58.4(i 19.49

$467.fl5 $360.14 $107.51 i\Jovetl by Snpervisfll' Stnrks that rerJOrt be adopted. Motion.carriecl. Tile report of the fltnte Air! Hoad;; and Bridges committee, which

1\'H!> Jnitl O\'er 11nf:il tlli;; al'ternonn, was tnlwn up at this time. Follo\\'ing is the report:

'l'o nw T·Tonornhlt• Cllnil'man and iHernbers of the Connty Board. Gentli!IIWn :-1\'p, l:l1e tOIIIIIlittec on State Aiel Hoads and Bridges,

do reeon1mencl the [H'O><tleef'ivc COI.Illty trunk road commencing in the c:enter ol' :>cct.ion 21.. to\\'u 24, 1'nng-e 10 east, on couut.y trunk line "A" rnuuiug- eac;t 1'.11rongJ1 :-:t·!Ction :!2, 28. and 24 to "'uupaca county line, couner:ting wit.il eonnty ITnnk line in thnt county running easterly to llighii'HY -No. 'I!), 11>; n••JliPStcd in communication from \Vuupacn by county elcrl;.

Petition from .Lnnark, Amherst, Buena Vista and Stockton for pro;;twctive county trnnk line commencing nt the county trunk line in the towu of Bneua Vista n t the intersection of the north corners of ;;ect.ion number 5 nr1tl G, township nnmber 22 north, range 9 east, thence Pnsterly along the rO>Hl generally following the town line to a place where it intersects the north nnrl sonth road nlong the east side of section number 0, to\\'nSilip number 22 north, range number 10 cast, thence in a uortherly tlirection across section No. 32-29 and 20, all in townsl1ip No. 2:~ north, range 10 cast, to an intersection with present r<'•nnt.y t-.rnnk hig-111\'H.\' nne! former!~' known ns St11te Highway No. 18.


Petition fur [lrOS[IC<:i:h·,, connty tn1nl< line from towll of. Almonrl :i!Hl l'illagc uJ' "\lJtroHtl J:n pi:F·e t·11u AIHiiJ!Itl nnrl \Vild Hose stnl:e road on ennnty ITnHI' :;yst.,;m.

Petition !'or pro:>pL'd'il·e comJI·y ITllnk line beg-inning nt J:hc county line bt•tween see:tinn ~:8 rnul ~t4, joiniug: prn::;pee:th·e 'Vans1JIH'iL county t.rnnk line connecting wil:ll BUJI·e Fliglll•·11y No. 7::1, extending Horth l:ht·l.mg-lt vill11ge ol' Aillllllld ou i\Iain :>J:t·uel.. nnrl:h11·u;,;t to (·enter <YI' section 21, nort11 on qnnrt:cr line to ;;ont!J line of. section !), west 'Y.t mile on sec,­t.ion line, them:e ill. northwe,;te1·l.l' dir1cel:inn to tile· A.lmond nnd Bnenn Vista toll'n line, nil in tnwnsllip 21 Dnri·JJ, ritllge !l east.

Petition t't·nni toll'ns nl' .-\lntnnd nHil i3<:·lull.-.rd: to ].ilnee the Almond :l!Hl Wild Hose stnte road ou pr11S[H~dirc conul·y t.rnnk line system.

Petition from town nf NL'\\' Uupe to ex1·e1111 tlte Polonin-Garlicld rnacl ft·om rJmHter line secl'ion !) anrl Hi rnnning enst on south line of section !), 10 nl!(l 11 1·o oHe·,~ightil li11e section lJ, t·l!cnc·e running one­llall' mile 11ortli. tl1e111'e easterly tiii'OHgll ;;ediou 11 nntl 12, conHecting with Stnl·c Hig-liwny 'J!), nil in 1·r11Yi1 2"1 nortl1, r\'ingc 10 easl· ..

Petition fnr prospccti1·e cOJIIII',I' n111l ;;l·nl·c· nid ronll by town of. Gra11t cnmmeiJL:ing· nt tlte tJU:n·l:er pn;;t ol! the sel:lion liue between sec­J·ion 28 null 2!), t.lrenee rnn11ing- en:;l: on qnn ri'er line J:wo tlli.les to qunrl:er po:;t on :;eet:ion line IH~tll·l'en SI!CI'.io!l ~(i and ~7, t·!Jeuce north on sectiou li11e !Jct.wee11 scctinn 2G atul 27 :11111 2~ nnrl ~::: to tl1e i11terseetion ol' the old r:otntJ·.y nml st.nte ,.,,ad, :til in li>ll'n~!Jip :!:.! JIOI'I:h, rnnt.~e 7 ens!:.

. JllDN HAL\'Ji;HSON. F'. B. DENT. 0. A. CROWELL. CHAS. BHADY. G IW. STAUKS. 1!'. J. GJWBEH. l!'. A. LlJKA8AVrL'Z. .l.Ai\UGS i\1. l<'OGAH.'l:Y.

i\lOI'Nl l.ly Snpenism· Uo::isier. J·!Jnl: til(' ri!J:II>I'I: ol' the U>mmil:l:ce be nrlnpl:ed. Motion cnrriwl.

iUOY<'cl by Snpen·i,:;,-,r D<,lt :i!HI ;;(•conrlell I:IJ:lt. tile smn n/' :jil'i,GOO he plnced i11 the tax lcq• ff>r t·ite !\fMI1ers' [',>n;;i"n IPuud.

i\lo1·e•l hy Snpenisnr Hns;;iet· l:l1:1t 1'11e rnles he suspended nnd fL ,-oJ·e he l·nken 011 t:lle nppropl·inl·i,)IJ nl: this time. noll ol' memher:> cnlled. i\'f(JI:ion lost by 1:) nay;; [illd J4 n.n·;;, J. aiJ:>cul·. Tlte following­l'lli:ed ll,l'e: Snperrisors net:ter. CrOII'ell, Smitll. \\'ilson, Starks, Crcl1o:>x. Steinke: Lns~1;11·ski. Sl<!rtz. Nirc•u. Hns;;ier. Gilbert. B:1ker. 1<': Lnl<asnvil·7.. Nay;;: Snpet'l'is<lrs :lfnrl·iu, 1),:111:, I:r:111_1;, l!'o;;-ill'l:y, ·'l.'ltorp: !i'1·nsl:, Dii'!"L J-[alver;;nn. Uruller, Zilllllll't', !'\,-,r1·nr1. :\l\1'1,11, I'nnl :Lnk:l-><~(·wic:x, i\fer.'a:!J nnd A lliric!J. · ·

Ac-cording· h1 l:l1e rnlcs l'llis tnnlter "''"" ·lnid orer nnl:il J·onwrT0\1'. Hovetl !Jy Snpcrvis•}~· Al·.well tl~;1t J·lJere '"'' :Jpra·opriatcd out or tile

g·e,wr;Jl J'nn(l M the conuf·y l:lw sn111 ol' $Hi to lH~ pnid to l:lte Amherst lil)l'ill'.\' hoard for rlii;trihuting the l1onks forn11~rl.v n part nf. tltc count .. \' !:raveling· lil.mtt·y, snicl lwol-:s to ::e lieU! ;,l t1:n;;t l>y tltu .-\.mlter;;t Jilln11'Y hoaJ·rl. Acum1ing to rnles lllis 1\'n;; inid c11·er nul:il tolllonow.

i\lon•d by Snpcrvisor Croll'ell 1·1Jnt a cornmittee ol' three, inclm1ing the cltni!:uwn, he nppoiuted to ;;ctl:lc ll'il:h nul·g-oing nl'liccrs nml plnce rnnnt.y ol'lie:ers hnnd;; nnd appru1·c Ute snnte. i\Jol'.ion cnnie1.1.

Cllainnnn appointed Bnpen·i$Ol'S Croll'ell nnd Gilbert fiS such com-mittee•. ·

!vfovetl hy Bntwrrisor P. Lnl<nsze11·ic·7. tl!:H. l:l1e linnnl nrljonrn nnl:il \'! :llO ,-,'etnr:k t·lllllfll'l'nll' mr11·nii1J;. i\Jnl·inn r.::11Tierl.

H 111'.1-1 !\fcC.-\ LT.Ui\f, Connt .. v CI<:J·k.

f i


FIFTEENTH DAY ~11:\·t.·ll::; J'ui11l:. 1\'is .. Nul·c111i>er ~~- J!.l~-1. ~~:flO o'clu1:k 11. 111.

.Ht:l!lill;_:· c:lll!;rl In order 1>.\• JluJJ. ~~- :1. Mi)l'>;l:ll, cllflirlll:IJI. Clt·rk ;;:Jiled 1·111: rcoll, all ·llll·.'llll>crs rn·e:::CIII: l'Xcepl: ~ll[ll:n·i:::ui'S

C1·owell :1111! 1-Je;::g·, exensed. Minutes ol' ~.:;~,;rerd:Jy';; ,,.~s:::iull rend n11rl <l[IJII'I)I'I:d. Clerk rend- resolntiuu ['l'ul·idi 11;; I' or ;;tn lL· :llul co111IIY 11 id cnllsiTil<::­

l·iun. as toll ow;;: . l{.fi'f<~SOLLJ'J'ION

l'roviiling for St.atte ami Count.1• .'\itl Cuust.t·uetiuu a nil i\la inl:enance in the (;aJerul:u· Year 1.!125.

'J.'IIr' coulll,l' '""'~~'" ol' snpcn·isnr;; ol' l'ortng-c l;fllllllY, ·wiscu11:-;i11. n·gularly HSSt·~nJide~l. clt1t~s ·IICI'l'I'.V o1·dnin n8 J:nlln\\·s:

Section l. 1\'ill,l'l'ilS, tile St:~te T-Jighivny Commh:::i'.lll IJ:t::: nol:itie<.l 1·111; cnn111·_y clet·k 1·11nt 1111.' Slllll nl' l•'il·e T.honsn11d Six Humlrc1l l~ift'y-t:wo 1111d SeveniT-onc HlltHireill:lls Dollnr:; ($:'i,GG:L71) 1~:1;; been nllott'ecl h1 t·Jtis cnunt.r nn<.lc·t· ;c;edinll ::U.02 nl' 1·11e :':h.ll:nt.c:;,;, (the sl:al:e aid law); nnil ;;ecl:iOII i)::LOi: n:quit'l'S J·ll>ll: nne-lull[ ill' 1:118 J'Ol'8g'Oillg' Slllll llllll.llllll:ing; 1:(1

Twn 'J'IInnsn1Hl l!~if.!:ltl: H1nu1red 'J.'wellr._r-;,;ix nn1l 'Jcilirty-tin~ Huu,lre,.ltll>:< Dnllnrs ($~.s~n.:::5), l·":,;el·ill!l' wil'il nt. ll'nst-. otll! and oHr,.!JalJ' ti11te:; tld~ tiii!OUIII: ol' couHt.V .l'llllil;; IIIIISI: !Je expend,~d ou 1·11e stnt:e trunk lligilway :;I'SI:elfl lvin~ Wil'llill l:l1c COIIlll'l':

.. Tile;·e is lu:rel•.r nppr''l"·i:il·ed, lltH.Ier tlte JH'fJI'i:;irlllS ol' sue:l·ioll .';:-:.u:::. tl1c c;lllll nf. 'Folll' '.l.'IIIIIISHtlll 'J'11·,., Hntll1rerl '.l'llirt .. l'-llillt' Hllll Jo'ifl:.r-l'our Bunc1n~dtil>:< Dollnr;; (:H .. ~:::!t.:::i,JJ, l'o lllCI.'I: rill! Jirst nHe-luilf. ol' tile stai:L· aid allotment. to '"' plncerl on 1·11e sUJI'u ITII!lk lJig·liiYny systen1. t:!Jn;; wnking· a,·nilftl•k for rlli;; pm·p•)se 1·1Je f;lllll ,-d' 8e1·eu Tilonsn11d Sixl· .. r-tive nm1 Ninel'y Hm1drer.lllls (~T,Oiifi.!lll), \YIJich ;;!Jnll be exvenr1erl n~ l'11li011·:::: --l.· 'J'ile snm l>f Tlm:·e T!JOl!Sflllll nollnr:; ($:-l,I.IOO.OII) tor I·!Je illl­

[ll'fll'l!ll1l!JJI· b_,. g-rntli11g nr:d sur.l'n~.:in;; Itn;;!Jolt.-SI:'~'·ens l'oint r(lad, Stnl:e 'l'rnnk Fli:~hwn.r Nn. li(i, l.leg;iHHing nt encl 1)(' 1!)2:2 constrne:Uo11 f!Jll'l ex­l'.etHiing· e:1sl·erl.r n;c; l'nr a;, llte Illnnc_,. iii':Jilnl.lie will e:onsl:rnct.

:.!. The sni11 f>l' l!'•:.1:n- 'J'ill•nsatul 8ixt.i•-Jil·e Ull(l Nind_v Hundrccltll:; Dullnt·f:: ($4,0G5.!'!0), J'or lile improYI!Ill(•llt b.r grndiug nml snrl'uc-iug­ol' St>:tte 'l'runk Hig!11rny £\:o. G-J, llegiunin;; at end or 1U~4 coustructiou fltH.l extending eitSI:eri,l' :1;; l'ar n;; t·11e InOite,l' anlilnhle will COIJSITuct:.

Sc•ction l.T. And in ncconlnnce with :;t>cliou S:':.o::: ol' the stnl:nl·e:; l:11e seconrl OllO-ll:lll' JHn·tinn nl' nt(• ;;J:n 1·e n id n tlntl'erl h) tlte county :llltOnnting- f·o ~l.'wo Tlwusn11d JDigl1t Hlltlllrel.i 'J.'11·enl:.\'-six antl 'l'hirty-six HurH1re(H!Js Dollnrs ($2,S~G.:Xi), ltcn~inhefore lllldi:>trilmted. is llf!JH'O­LH'inted f.or .lite impr,-,veml'nl:s !Jerc~ilt:tl'ter li:Jtned, Cfl!ltll·.l' npprnprintion:; nre llliide for encil ·ituprnvemenL nnd taxe,:; nre le,·ied ng·ain;;t tile rnnui­L:ipnlitie:; in whiclt :>11d1 int]ll'OI'I~IHeuts lie, i11 nccorclunce wil:lt the 1'<:1!­li.lwiu;; se:hednlc·:

iHunicipalit_,. i-Hnte Aid Apprn·l'in11e<l

'!'own nl' Linwood .. . .... ·~ -:t-:35.Ci:) Tf>wn or GrnHt ....... . 'l'owH or. New Hop'~ .. . 'rn\\·n o1: Pita! c~ro,·e ....... . 'J',>II'Il of. JJeilllOilt ........... .

f>2G.78 817.'1!1 -tn:~:.:t n fi:3:J.2S

l:ol1111·.1· .·\ itl Apport:ioue1l

~2.000.00 5:2().78

2.000.011 1.000.00 J .oon.oo

~rax Ag·aj u:::t J\luuicipalit.l'

$2,000.(111 520.78

2.000.00 1,000.00 ] .000.00

And 1·11e inlrll·orcnJel!l':,; ho !11; 111ndl' llllliL'l' 1·11e f•ll.'l.,goill;,; ,;cllellnlt, are JJereiJ.I' locntell 011 pnrf·i·ms ot' J·JJc co1111l·.~· :;)·:;IJ•nt or. prospective state hi;;-hwny;; not portions of till'' ::;tnl:t• h:11nk hig·l!ll·n~· s.rstc-IIJ, ntH! nu:ir ellnrncter rlcl:ern1ine(l ns l'ollow~:

1. '1'l11c impro,·em(•nt in J·he 1·o11·n ol' Linll'ood >;hall e:on~i:;l: 1)1' .:;T:i'd­i ug nud sur"faei ug I.Jt.•ginui 11g u t. (•Jill c",f. 1n~~~ \\"('rk n nd l'X h.·nt:liue;· u Jon.:;-


said system i 11 a \\'e~terl.r d i rectiou Oil Ste1·cns l'oi nt- n udul ph ron d. 2. 'l.'he ir11pro1·eruent ill the town of. Linwood shnll consist <:ot' grad­

ing and surfacing begin11ing at eml of lf.l2c.l work a11d extending along said system in a southwesterly direction on Ho<:l•y H.nn nond.

3. 'l.'he improveHH:'llt iu the town of. Grant shall cousist ol' gradiu;,;· nne! surfacing IJegilining at enrl ot' 1!)2:·:: \\'Ol'k nnd extendiug nlong snit! system toward Stevens Poinl:.

4. '.rhe imrn·uvenreut iu the town of. ·New Hope shall consist oJ' gradiug and !lnrfacing, begiuniug nt eml .uf. 102:3 work nrul extenrling along said system in nn easterly cliredion to 'l.'rn11k Liue A <tllll lJnl­ance to begin at Peru arnl exteutl westerly o11 :>aid ::;y:;;tenr.

5. 'l'he improi•ement in t:lre towu of. l:<ilmrnrt shnll eonsist pf ;;nrd­ing aud snrfaciug- beginning; nn Trnnk Line D l.>etwceu section 1 aud 2 and extending- along said ,:;,1;ptem in a R<Htth aml westerly tlireeti"on.

Section III. 'Vhereas; the nrrion::; towns :tlHl villages lrerein:rfter named have tiled petitions for couHl:y aid o11 iHJ[Jrol'l!IIH,nts to loe exe­cuted under the provisions of sedion 8~~.1.4 of the statutes, said pe­titions are hereby granted unci euuut:.r nppropriatiuus rutule iu ac:c:ord­auce with the following- schedule:

'!.'own, Village or Awonnt Hai!"erl County A itl City. by i\Iuuieipalit.r. Pel:itioued.

Towu of Albarr... ......... $:!,000.00 ~::.!,000.00 Town of Almond ........ 500.00 500.00 Yilll\ge of Almond ........ 1.000.00 :.!1,0000.00 Town of Amherst ........ 2,000.00 2,000.00 Town of Buena Vista ... 1,000.00 1,000.00 Town of Bue11a Vista.. 500.00 :~00.00 'l'own of Dewey ............ 1,000.0(1 1,0000.00 '.rown of Lanarl' .......... 1,800.00 1.800.00 Town of Linwood ........ 500.00 50o:oo Village of Plo,·er .......... 200.00 400.00 Town of Sharon .......... 2.000.00 2,000.00 Town of Stockto11 ........ 2.000.00 2,000.00

Countv Ai!l Gnr;;ted.

$2,000.00 500.00

1.000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00

500.00 1,000.00 1,800.00

500.00 •100.01)

:!,000.00 2,000.00

PETITIONS FOI~ Rl~fi\UWRSEJ\IENT ON BRIDGES 'l'owH of Carson .......... -~ :-~7:i.:3:-1 $ ::~7::L::t:.: 'l'own of Enu l 0leine .. JOrl.75 lOH.75 Town of Plover: ......... 1.017.28 1,017.28 Town of Alban .......... 28.8\J 28.8!)


'Ve recommencl that they he rciutlmrserJ ns 1'ullows nml. the conut.r clet·k be instructed to flll.l' u1·et· uroney wheu it lo(;•eomes available in the county road fund: 'l'owu of Dewey 'l'own of Alban 'l'own of Alban 'l'own of Amherst Town of Buena Vista Town of Linwood '.rown of New Hope Town of Sharou Town of Stockton

Section IV. 'l'he following stuns to be purposes set forth.

120.00 2,500.00

(;50.00 4,000.00 2.000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

700.00 4,000.00

snid county hoard floes llerehy nppropriate the provided l.>y a geneml C<.Hlllty tnx lev.v for tile·

• 1. For the couuty's ::;hare nt' the coRt of state aid irnprovemeuts on the state trunk higllwn.v systr.•.m provider! "fo1· in section 1 of Uri~

···:p,.. ,,

·' 1. \


l't'SOlllt:ion, j·JJc >;;llllf OJ' 'J'I\"0 'J.'JJIIJI:';Hlld ~;<:;1'!-'rJ i·ltllltlr<;IJ ],;ig·Jrf_I'-[UUI' Hlll.l l<'if'ty-t:wn Hullllredths D•tl lar;; (:j;2,T84.52).

:.!. l<'m· i·he r:onut.r':; :::hnn~ nl' tire r:ost r.-r' itllfJL'oYernuul·:> 011 P•ortiorrs ol' the eonnly ii)'::;tenr or pwspec:l:il'l-~ stai·e Jrig;lnY;ty:; not porr·i.,Hs of the state tr11nk ltighway system, a': set J'ortlt ii·l- ;;;ectiou U of this resolu­tion, the ;;tllll nl' ::lix 'l.'honsarHI Fi1·e 1-Inllr:lret.l 'l.'wenl·v-si:x a111.l Sel-ellt·l·-eight l'luudr·ecltll;; l.lnii:H;; (Fi,i'i2(i. TS). · ·

H. For the eonnt.r':s ~!rare of iHIJlrm·enJc'lll·,; ,_.u tlre cuunt,1• :sysl:eJII of' ]lt·ospectil·e st:lte ltiglnl':"tys (courtly nid) under seeU011 S:-Lu. us s<!t l'orl:lr in seetion II [ ol; 1·1tis resolutiort. i·lre :srun nl' Sixtee11 'l'hollsfl!HI Tltrr,e l:luudred Fif.l"y-l'oru· iuul 'l'\1-l'llt,l'-lil·e HunrlrcrHhs JJollur:; ( $1fi,::1iH.25J.

'1. l!'or tile gradi11g ol' t Itt! i-:iUII:e 'l'ru11k Highwn.r ""'-'· 18 the sum ol' 'l'l'll Tltou;;nml null nol100 Dollar;; qao.ooo.oo).

The c•:.tnrl:~· t.re>t ;;n n·r· j,; llcr·eloy <'I i r·cc:tetl 1·.-o pit~- hot· 1·11<' n1n i lllellnufe of the ;;t::rl·c, trn11k hig;ltll'il.l' :::ysi·r:Jn trolll :tll.l' lu11d;; iu the couuJ:y trensnr·y that are not required for file purpose :f.nr wlrich nppropriated priOI' 1:1) A nglr:>t 1. 1!)2:5. aut! to rei tlllmr:::e snclt J'nn1ls :l'ror11 I:IJJe :;lull:'i receiH!<l nnlle1· par;rg'l'nph Ill) ol' ;;uh~c·ct·iull ::\ ol' :>eL:I"iou :!O.tH when the ::;ame are recein;cl trom tile sl·atc trea:>ury.

G. ]i'nr tilt! [Hll'Clrase ol' lll>l<':hiner_r und for nr:relliHJ,l'.\' repairs 1:111' sulll or 'l'Itree 'l.'h(onsa rHl noll a rs 1 $c:.ooo.IHI).

And tire connty htwnl lrercby.direct tiHlt i·ax<!;:; Ill~ levied ngilillSI: tile sc•ventl nrunic:ip::rlities herciJJfll'tt•r· llitllJed for the vnrposes sd J'orl·il.

1. As ::;pec:inl IJeueJH tlrruug·lJ slate trnnk hi;;lnnty ;;ystem illllH'<JI'e­lltl'lll: llll(ler snl•Seetinn l ot seCI:inn 8:::.1JC\ of. tile ;;tatlll:e:'l, (a Jilli;t (olJl•-(n) ~l'he toll'u of Slwrnu tlre :;uru of .............................................. ~ 720.00 ( l:o) The tOIYI1 rof. Ln11:nk nw ::;nm of. ................................................ n:5.02

::!. A;; tire mmtieipn lily',-; share oJ' cos I: of. i rnproYement c•n portious 1.1f the county :>.rstem of prospecl"i 1·e .~;tn l:c lligltll'a~·s uot por·tio11s f.n tlre sl:nte tnmk ltighii'O:J,I' ;;~·stem under :;uiJsl·dion 2 ol' ;;ecl·ion 88.03 of the statutes. half ;;t:rt·e nicl iurprol·ernent). (n) 'l'he tnll'n of: .Lillll'l.>t:>d ·tire SHill ol' ...... . ···-----~2,000.111) (IJ) The r·oll'n oJ' Grnnt the sllnJ ol' (e) 'l'he town of Nt-~11· Htlpe tire snrn of ld) Tire town or: Pine Grore the snlll

(e) 'l'be towu M Behuont 1·111; SHill (f) 'l.'he tnwu of All:lnu the Slltll ot (g) 'l'lte town of AlnJOJHl tl1e sum of ( i1) The l'i lln;;e of Almoud the Slllll oJ' (i) The town nt' Anrllerst tlw sum crf ( .i) Tile town nf. Bne11n ViMn. the snm ol' (k) The town or Dnen:t Vista file Slllll Iff. ( l) 'l.'he tnwu of Dewe.1· the stun of ( 111) ':rtre town of Ln n:·rrk the sum of (11) 'l.'he toll'u of Liuwnod t11e snm of. (o) 'l'lte village nf l'l•wer the Hnrn or (p) 'l'he I:OII'n of ·SJHll'oll i·IJe Sllll1 of ( q) 'l'he town of. Stnekt.o11 the sulll of

'l'hc following nrHnullts nre eharg·e1l haek to i·.lJc vnrions rnnnicipnlil:ies ns i·heir shnre uf. COII(:rctc r:mrstrnctiou ou No. 10 :1ncl 18:

52G.T8 :!,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00

500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00

500.00 1,000.00 1.800.00 ·Goo,oo 200.00

2.ooo.oo· 2,000.00

towns and I·Iighway~

'.rite town of Amherst l:lre ~nm of .................................................... ~1,::~00.00 'l.'he village of Amherst the sum of .................................................... 400.00 'rhe village of. Amh~'rst .Tunc:tiou the sum of ................... :........ ....... 240.00 'J'he village of NelsonYillc nw stun of' ..................................... ........ 130.00


!16 ()0UN'l'Y BOMW I'JW()EJ~IHN()S

'J.'he I:0\1'11 or Hnena \"i,;l:a l'lle Slllll 'l'hc tow11 of Plover the sn111 nl'

s:w.uo ;::,ooo.oo

11·it:IJ balance n11 l1f11HI nntl used 1'<.11" '!'he above amnuHI:s to l1c plm:ell grading on Highll'll~' No. 18. ·

'l'hc amount of $1,:!00 tn IJC! charg<;d hac!;: to 1'11e h.1\\'11 r>f An1bcrsl: anr.l the umou11t of' $240 to l.Je clmrgcrl l:>nck to the villnge nr. An11Jcrsl: Junction in 1!)25.

And the county· clerk is l1erel.>y din:dell to pbce all taxes llereiil­l.>cfore le1·ied against the cou11ty in the co1.1nt.r tax levy and to certify to all town, village and eil"y (:lcrks tile am•mnl-s hC!l'ein levied ngninst their respective municipalities, and the connty llii;l11vny conllnil:l:ee :md the commis:;ioner are directed t:n e:ILT.I' out 1'.11e Jlighwny coHst.ruction an<l mnintenuuce for which prol'ision is hercl>y n1nde, in the Jll/llliWr )lr<.>­vicled l.Jy law, aJHl to employ such pntr•)ltuen, lal>urers aml Jorenten ns they may deem necessary therefor. ·

Sig111;l1: RGN HALVJi:HSON, W. D. DEN'!', F. J. CHTJD1Dfl, CHAHL]];S BHADY, 0. A. CHOWJi;r;r,,

County 1-lig-hwll.l' CuHIInittee. 1\Iovell· by SupelTi~or l!'ro~t: I:1111t t11e re::;olntinn be n(]opt<.:rl ns rend.

Holl of members calle1l. Mutiou c:nnicil ''·" :w nyc~ an<.l 2 nnys, 2 :tlJ­sent. 1.'lte followirig votcll n.n.:: Snpen-isor~ Hdh·r, ·J\lnrl.in, Sulit:h. "'ilson, Dent, Brucly, l<'ugarty, C.rchosz. 'l'ilorp, Steinl;e, Laszewsld, Stertz, Nil·en, l!'rost, Dil·er, Hn.IYersou, Grnl:>er, Hossler, :.';irnrner, Gil­hert, Baker, F. Luknsa1·itz, Norton, Atwell, I'. Lnknszewicz, aml ;\Lersch. Nays: Supervisors Starks fllHl Alrlrich.

!\loved by Supervisor Stertz tlinl: tile Cnnut.r l:lighwny eomnlith~e l>e uuthorized t.o buy two medium sized g;r;ncl crushE·rs. Motion caniccl.

.'l'he resolution providi11g l:M fill npprnpriation of. $500 to the lli.~­l:rict attorney funll, which wns lnill oYer J'rom .restercluy, was tuken up ut this time.

.l!'ollowing is the resolution: 'l'o the Honornble Chnirnu1n nud i\IemiJers ul' tl1e County Buarl.l ol' Su­

pervisors. of Port:ag·e Cunnt._v, \Vi~. Gl•ntlemen :-Be it resolved. l:ltnt tlw snn1 ul' l•'il'e Hundrerl Dol­

Jars ($500) be appropriated nnil set nsicle fur 1'111:: dhtrict :1l:tnrney's fuml of Portage county.

1D. H. ROSSIE.!.{, Snpen·isur 'l'o11·n of PIUI'e<'. l\:fuvetl l.ly Supervi:sor H<•ssier that the resulntion be nclor>tell. 1\In­

t.iou carried.

i\loved l.>y Supervisor Deut. that tl1e ('(JlUJty :iu<.l;;e report on the umonnts paid out of I he lUo!:lters' Pensil)n fnml, snicl re]wrt to lJe read IJy the clerk nt ench annunl meeting l1erenrter. l\Iotion carried.

lllotion to appropriate ~G,500 ·to the 'Mothers' Pen:;ion fnrnl, w1ticl1 wns laid over until this morning, was voted on uucl en tTietl unani--mously. -

Motion to a[lproprinte $7:) to Ute Amherst library I.ooanl for t·11c ltnnclling of the Portnge county library bonks, which wns luicl <n-cr from yesterd11y, wns Yoted on ;1ncl carrie1.l unnnimousl.r.

Movell IJy Supervisor Wilson tlH1t t·lle l.lonrtl mljourn lllltil 2:00 o'clock p. m. l\Int.ion carried.

Stevens Point, "'i::<., N•wenti>Cr 27, 102-J,_ 2 :00 o'clock p. m. Meeting cnlle<l to ordct· hy Hon. i\J . .T. l\fersch, chninnan. Clerk cnlled the roll, all me1ubers rn·esent excer>t S11petTisors l\ln r­

tin, Crowell, Stertz, Hegg, Norl~on nnd Alrlrieh, excused.

·:\ ,, ...

I' I



COlil\'1'\' BU.-llW l'IWCEii;OINGS ~''

(:1<-:rk ~'""<! 111., l'<.>ilu11·ing; n::;olul.i"u: IV lu:n:ni<, t·11u "'iscun:;i1~ loigltway C<Hnllli;;:;iou- 11:.1>:< li led wi lh I. lie

t"<>l.llil.y cle1·k of I'ort·n;;e <:OIIIIJ·_,., ·n'i::;c.:nn:>in, findings favnrnhle to t.lu~ <:<.111;;trur:l.u11 nl'" !.>ridge r11·er l:l1e ·wheou:;in river on Clark street in the cit:.r ol' Steven;; l'oint, l'ortage r:otHtl'y, \Visconsiu, UtHler the vrovisious of :>ed.inu 87-.0~ o.f. t:11e stntnre::: ol' ·wisconsiu, lltH.l estimated the cost ne ::;aid l.>rirlge to l:>c $l.D0,000.00, of wloich the proportion of Portag-e couuty i:; OJIC-tllinl, nr $(;;),000.00: .

~l.'l1e r:ommi 1:1:1::1.! rm ::ltn I e J.toads awl Brillgcs reeoH-.rncnds that the ::;um of $40,000.00 l>c placed in the 1024 tax levy and the county clerk :lllr.l <.:liairlllau ot' the county l!narcl he authorized aud are hereby in­strncte<l, if 111ore funds arc nee<lell, to borrow the necessary arnounts a:s needed, not to excee([ tile suu1 of $25,000.00, at the rate of 4 ver ceut 1't·om l:lte Citizens Natimia! hank of SteveHS Poiut, ·wiscon:;in, us per arnw;;·t·meHts mad<.: wil:lt saic.l bank.

'l'he county <.:lerk is nut11orizecl an<.l l1ercb~' instructed to notify t.l1e Wisconsiu ltigliiYHy commission, us soon ns tlle city of Stevens Point lltl.~. deposited their sl1are of tbe cost of: said bridge with the county treasurer of Portage county, that Portage county bas provided for theil· ::;hare of the funds ueccssary to construct the StCI'CllS Point bridge.

Signed: B]];N HALVERSON, 1!'. B. DEN'!', JAlHES M. Ji'OGAR'l'Y., 0. A. CftOWELL, F. A. LUKASA VITZ, l!' .. J. GRUBIDU, GEO. S'l'ARKS, CI-IAS. BRADY,

C<>llllltitl:ee on State Aill Roacls and Bridges. i\J~Jrcd l:>.r :'lutlervisur St.urks tlwt tlte rules be suspended and a

vote i>C taken on .tl1e resolution at this time. Holl of In embers calletl. i\JotiiJn curried IJy 22 nyc~ fll.lll 2 nays, 6 absent. 1.'1te following votecl :<.\'e: Snpenisors l3e~ker, Smitfl, \Vilson, Stnrks, Brady, l!'ogurty, Cy­chosz, 'l'horp, Steinke, Las~CII'Ski, Niven, Fl'ost, Diver, Halverson, H.o~sier, :.';itntner, Gilhert, :Uakc1·; I!'. Luknsnvitz, Atwell, P. Lukasze­wicz, 1\'lel'sCIJ. Nays: SIIJlervisors Dellt and Gruber.

J\foved by Supenisor Rossier that tlle resolution be adopted. Mo­tioH carried unanimously.

Clerk read retlort of County .l!'arm committee, as follows: To the HoJJorable Cllairm:.ut nni.l Members of tlte ()ounty Board.

Gentlemen :-\Ve, your committee on County Farm, do hereby re­t>o<t all receipts nnll disbursements fl'om Nov. 28, 1923, to Nov. 27, 102'1: H.eceived from Wm. Canley, for 1 sire ................................ $ 50.00 Hecei ved J'rom. l~elix Srorla, for potatoes ............................ 272.90 Iteceived from .J. Domaclt, [Ol' scales .............................. '12.00 Heccivetl for milk sold ............................................................ 2.80 Heceivell from .J. Domaelt, for 1 calf ............................ 17.50 Heceivecl from J. 0. Foxen estate .................................... 14.90 Received froin ,J. Domach, fot· oats .................................... 40.00

J.~(~eeivecl J'or creaw from Oct. 1:12::: to Se[>t. 1!)24 ........... . Heceivell for cottage rent ·r.or 102'!:

From George Starks l!'rom 0. A. Nelson JProm I-I. Pomeroy .... ll'rom A mhersl: .Athlelic

20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

~4,!0.10 284.f.l4


f!'rom E. JG. Sroahl l<'rom C. ;r. lver:;ou

10.00 10.00

$ 70.00

'l'otal receipts .............. ,...... ............ ........ ... .... ........ .... .. .~795.0-t Disbm·sed as Follows:

!\larch 21, 1924-Cl!eck to county treasurer .................................... ~1.54.54 April 1.4, 1024-'l'o J. Domach, for tux ·and feed............................ 1.4.08 April 1G, 1.924-Check to county treasurer .... ~ ................................... 272.VO June 1.0, 1.924-Pnicl F. Sroda, for grass seed .................................... 1!J.OO .Tune H, 1024-Paid J. DomHCh, for labot· ........................................ 42.00 September 29, 1924-Ch~k to county treasuret· ................................ 100.00 November 11, 192~1,-Check to county treasurer-............................ 100.00 Non::mber 2l'•, 1024-Check to county treasurer .............................. Ol.fi2

'l'otul disbut·sements ........................................................................ $7ll5.0•1 'J.'otltl recei\·ed to balance, $705.04.

Cottage Rt>nts Unpaid for 19:.!4: J. P. Davis, 1.; .Ruth Hamilton, 1; P. G. Bamberger, :! ; ;r. D. Lo­

berg, l; H. N. Nelson, 1; J. J. NormingtoL1, 1; H. JD. Sievwright, 1; Mary l~mnk, 1; 1\:li:;s J. C. Davis, 1.

'Ve have on hand- at the County Fnrm: One SJlllll of lwrses, 2 ·set. flouhle loorncsses, G cows, 2 calves und a half interest i11 1 ealf, 1 graiu drill, 1 Oliver plow, 1 spring tooth drug, 1 weeder, 1 lJuud cultivator, 1 hoy ruke, 1 platform i.:!Cale, 1 wagon, 1 manure StJrcader, 1 three-sec­tion drag;, 1 McCormick muwet·, 1 grain hinder, 1 hay fecLICJ·, 1 loa! f truck wagon, 1 set sleighs, same to be kept on farm.

There is yet to he sol<!: One Hoover potato digger, 1 ga;;oliue en­giue, 1 douhle tractor disk, 1 two-horse potato sprayer, 1 Deere hay loader, :3 hand cultivators, 1 four-horse drug, 1 two-horse drag, 1 two­horse potato planter, one-third interest in corn hinder, l steel land rolle1·, 1 manure spreader, 1 one-horse huggy.

Dated November 27, 1924. Ji'. A. LUKASAV.I.1'Z, RICHAilD Wif_,SON, M. J. MERSCH,

Committee. i\1o1·ed by Supervisor ~'rust that the report be adopted. :Motion

curried. Moved by Supenisor Dent that the board· vroceecl to elect the

County Farm committee b.v acclamation. Motion can:ie<1. Moved by Supervisor Dent that E'. A. Lukasuvitz lJe elected Jirst

memher of the County E'urm committee. 1\Iotiou carried. l\:loved by Supervisot· Dent that Hichard 'Vilson be cleetecl se:cond

member of the County_ Farm committee. Motion carried. Supervisors Niven and Paul Lnkaszewicz were nominated as third

me1nb<!l' of the County Farm committee. Moved by Supervisor Starks that the !JOtLrd lJrllceed by ballot t<J

elect the thir!l member of the Countv Farm committee. l\Iotion carried. Chairman appointed Supen·isors Betker and l!'ogarty as tellers. Doarcl proceeded to inforwal ballot for third member of tloe County

!~'ann committee. 'Vhole number of votes cast was 23, of which Paul Lnkaszewicz receil·ed 13, James·J!'ogarty 4, George Diver 4, and Geo. Ni~·e11 2.

l\foYed by Supervi;:;or At1Yell th11t t.be informal ballot be declared fonnal and Paul Luka~zewicz be lleclnred elected third member of the

·1 j



(:olttll..)' .W'an11 Cllll1tllil:l:ct~. M<>Ye<i l>y :':inpeo·,·isut' H<>::>:>ier thnt Ute Couul.y 1!'arno cu111noiLlee L11 :

:<ul.loorized "'"' l.·onp<•w<:,.·erl .to dispose of builtlillgt;, .no:t<:loiner.v :nod ut.IH''I: ]'ICI'S<!noJI 1'11'11)>1)1.'1',1" n:::ed f't.>l' CIJIIIII'..\' flll'lll ].llll'fii>SCS IVJoich f·.ht•y l:loiuk it. :11hh;~ltle i·u :,;I!IL l.o (·foe l.>e~t :11:1\onntio_:;c of tile co·unt~·. i\i:otio11 ciloTied.

llfc>l'ed by ~lUJ><'n·i;;ur Jl:.olYer:;t.lll t.ilat the IJoal'll ad:iuuru 111ol:il!) :UO •/<":lucl; l'.t>llltH'I't.>ll' ntontin.:!·. i\.lution cnrrietl.

. RUTH lHcCALLUM, Cuunl'.y Clerk.


:)ft.•I'<':IIS l'uint. \\iis., Nn1·etnlter ~8, :UJ~,I. !.J :(HJ o'duck :1. 111.

Mecl:in.:.:· c:lllerl ,.,_. nr.-ler by .Ho11. i\i . .J. 1\:fersch. l!ioairmnn. Clt:rk ;:.,(1<;(1 the rnll, :~li mentl•c•·s presr;ut · exr:ept: i':lnperl'i:;ur;;

l:row<:·ll :111<1 lit·.:.:·:.:·. (•XCII>;<''" · ~linnl:<'s ol' ~;c:»l.<,:r<l:oy'::; :-;essinn read and HJ'IJH't.>l't:d. C'lt.:rk re:11l rc:solnl il.1n 1111 C<>ltllty depu:-;il.ory :os follow~:

JtESOLli'I'ION DESlGNATING DEPOSI'l'OI~l: J:c:;uln:d. hy Uoe ·~onul.\' i.J11ao·d of tlte county of' Porl.ng<:, l.lo:ol. i.IJ<:

C:.ir.izeus Nllf'iun:ol H:11ok ,.,., :our! loerci.Jy is selected and llesignntc:d n;; <:onnf·y tl<.'[H'>Sitory "'"' tiJal: unl:il otlterwise ordered IJ.Y ;;aitl )J<J[JI.'fi, l.loe l'ot11<:ls of said cn11niy slonll hu <.lefHJ8it.erl in said lo::trok.

8nid l>:tnk ~lt:dl tnr11islo a ·~urel:y l.J<Jild fno· the soton of' $:1.1)1!,01.10 f<.>l' llo<.: ;-;nl'e lu~<·:piot;.;- ill«.l JW<'>[Jer lli:-;triJ)ut:inn of' sai<l J'uuds nnw on rlc:­pw-:if·. if' :11o.r,. nr;d wloiclt unt.l' loereal'ter l:>e deposited with it, :ts pro­,·irl<•<'l I'll' ln11·, 111111 f·o n"alcr ll ·just unc.l trU<) nceount nl' tile: fuotd~. de­po~i·f·•:tl ·,J,.,·n·in wlllcll<!l·~;t· ref)Ui;·cd tn do so h.V snicl board, nnrl 1:<; de­livro· ('.(> ~::oid <:Olllli:y nf' l'nrtnge 01.' i:P ally fll!I.'SOll, 1)1.' j)(:I'SOIIS, ]:oii'J'Uli.l' :olil:lot."•rized :o11d <:onpowr:n:d J,y 'Jaw tn receive, the same, nil IHOJit:,\'S, i)noks, p:~r><.:rs nntl ol'.ltr.:t· prop~;rl:y and things rcceivecl ami loelt.l i.Jy it, :ts S«<·lt d<:posi l:or,v helongitog- t·o :;aid tounty o:l' Porl:ilg<·:. Sa ill IJu;o rei slonll Jonve tiH' ri;:;·Jot t:o tlettJ:ou<l all!! it :>lonll he t:he duty or saitl l.l1Htk to l'tll'lliSIJ "'""' or :u.lditinnnl sr~cnril:y whenever in tlw jn<.lgme11t of said l>o>:Hd 1'1«: :-;<'<:lll'it.r l'nrnish<:d hy ;<ioid, hanl\. is inadc:qnnl:e, .;on(! I:IH: ~peci:!l <.:<'oonnoit:tc-e :qopnint:C<'l lly tile count.\' hoao:c.l to :opprovc ol' >;otelo l.>ollfl i;lonll. l.>t! g;i vcn ·a nttoori t..l' to iunense the IJoud as tlte oceasion :-.risec; as t·o t:loe su Uiciency of the n mount to be cove reel J,y the nmouut: on lie-posit. V. P. ATWELL, Supervi~ur.

111 <W<:cl by 811 pt.:n·isor A t11·ell tltn t the rcsolu tion be aclopt:erl. 1\Iotiou (;qrried.

Clerk l'<'""l l:loe J'ollowiug rc:;olution reganliu!,;' n:imburseuH:nl: ol' connty rnaint~;mtnec fund: · 'l'o rhe H11n. Cltail'lnnn nnd i\1cml.ocrf! ot' the Cr.~unty Board of Suveo·­

visors r.f. I'ortng-e County, 'Vis. G<~ntlemen :-At l:loe 'spring meeting in April yonr honorable board

in:;lruct<·d the Connty i':ltu.tc: Hond and Briclge committee to vurc!Jase a tr:tdpo· J'or tloe use of the couut.Y, one-hnlf of the purclmse Jtrice to be p:.tirl 1'n'lm the conul:.1' mnintenuuce fund aud the other half to IJe bor­n.~wed nntil LitO snnoe coulc.l be appropriated from the general J'uiiCl. The cornmittec paid the whole purchase: price of $0,250 from the nwin­tenu nee· fnn(l.

Now t:lterel'ore, l.1e it resolved, that the maintenance full(] be rc:im­L,nt·sed from the generlll fund ·eor $G,250, wllich was pai(l for said trnct:or. JDDW. S. 'l'HOHP, Supervisor 'l'oll'n o1' J~au Plcine.

1\:loH;cl IJy :':iupel'l'isor Smith that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried. ·

100 COUN'f~ llOAIW l'lt0Cim01NGS

Clerk reatl the folluwiug: 'l'u Ute Honorable Cllairmuu ttllll Uuanl ur Supcrl'i,;or,; of Porl.uge

Couuty, \Viscon:siu. Geut:lemen :-\Ve, your ::;vecial committee, apvoiuteLI u:s to tux

certificates held bJ' Portage county, do report as follows ILJI(l we would recommend that the district attorney be iustructecl to proceed according· to law on tax certificates held by Portage county uucler section 8!J87 of tlte \Viscousin statutes.

Dated this 28th day of November, 1!.12·1.

·clet·k rend resolution as follows:

V. 1:'. A'l'WliJLL, CHAS . .BRADY, IDDW ARD S. THOl:U'

Special Commilil:t.-e.

Be it resolved, by the county hoard of Portage county; that the report of the special committee upvointecl as t:o tux certificates held by the. county be adopted aud that the chairmau, county clerk and couuty treasurer have chat·ge of the matter.

Dated.this 28th·day of November, 1fl2'l. By F. J. GRUBER

l\Ioved by Supervisor Betker that the resolution be adopted. l\Io· · tiou carried.

Clerk reud the following report of the State Aid Roads and Bridges committee: To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of

SuperYisors of Portage County, \Visconsiu. Gentlemen:-\Vhereas, there i::; no state a.id a vu ilnble for Portuge

county for any highway construction for the l)reseut., \Ve recommeud that the petition of the city of Stevens Poiut for

concrete const1·uctiou be disallowed. BEN HALVERSON, F. B. DEN'l', JAMES l\L FOGA.R~IY, 0. A. CROWELl,, .1!~. A. LUKASAVITZ, 1!'. J. GRUBER, GEO. S'l'.A.RKS, CHAS. BRADY,

. Stn te Aiel Roads a tid Bridges Committee. illo1•ecl by Supervisot· Thorp that report be adopted. Motion carrier!. ]\[ovetl by Supervisor Halverson that the board adjourn until 11

u'dock a. m. Motion carried. · Boanl reconvened at 11:00 o'clock H. 111.

Clerk read the followiug resolution reg-ardiug Portage Cunuty Htt· lll!llle Society :

Resolved, by tlte c•muty board of supervisors, tlHit there be traus­l'ct'red from the general fund of. the county the sum of $GOO fot· the Portage Coquty Humane Society, to be paid from the general fund untfl same is collected. in the tax roll.

JAMES i\I. FOGAR'l'L Supervisor 'l'own of Carson. Moved by Supervisor Frost that the resolution be adopted. Motion

carried. Clerk read report uf committee on Per Diem uml Mileage, us

follows: 'l'o the Honorable Ch!lirmun and MeutheriJ of the County Board of

Supen·isors of Portage County, \Viscnusln." Geutlernen :-\Ve. your committee on Pei· Die111 and Milenge, would

i ~ /



f) ' I .


respectfully report 11s follows, nnd would recommend the ucloption of · the Slime, and that the chairman and county clerk be Jnstructed to draw an order on the county treasurer for the snme: Carl Betker,. 16 days, 40 miles C. F. Martin, 16 days, 44 miles ....................................... -................ .

82.40 82.64 83.00 81.!)2 81.1)2 81.68 83.00 81.92 81.08 81.20 82.04 81.SG 80.24 81.5(i 82.40 81.08 81.92 82.40 83.00 81.72 81.72 82.40 81.80 81.06

0. A. Crowell, 16 days, 50 n1iles ·· C. A. Smith, 16 days, 32 miles Richard Wilson, 16 days, 32 miles Geo. Starks, 16 clays, 28 miles F. B. Dent, 16 days, 50 miles ..... Chns. Bracly, 16 dnys, 32 miles .Tnmes l!~ogarty, 1G days, 18 miles .Jacob Cychos:r., 16 days, 20 miles Ectw. Thot·p, 16 days, 34 miles Chns. Steinke, 16 days, 31 miles Anton Laszewski, 16 days, 4 miles Geo. St:ertz, 16 clays, 26 miles Geo. Niven, 16 days, 40 miles Edmond Frost, 16 days, 18 miles Geo. S. Diver, .16 days, 1!2 miles Ben Halverson, 16 days, 40 miles F .• T. Gruber, 16 days, 50 miles .... E. H. Rossiet·, 16 days, 12 miles Ed Zimmer, 16 days, 12 miles C. J. Gilbert, 16 days, 40 ropes Baldas Baker, 16 <lays, 30 miles F. A. Lukasnvib:, 16 days, 16 miles .J. E .. Hcgg, 8 days ..... . F. A. Norton, 16 days V. P. Atwell, 16 days Pan! Lukaszewicz, 16 d11ys M. J. Mersch, 16 <lays G. D. Aldrich, 16 <lays

15.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00

.................................................................................................. $2,1!81.86 . GEORGE STARKS,


1\-fovcd hy Snpcnisor "IIITietJ.


Committee on Per Diem and Mileage. Rossler that the report he IHloptNl. i\fotiou

Clerk rcn<l the following report of the committee on \Vays an<l Mean>;: 'l'o the Honorable Chairman IIIHl Memhers of the County Board nf

Portage County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :-\Ye, yonr committee on \Vays anrl Means, would re­

port as follows : St11te tax State t.nx, special charges County tnx, .00375 ......... . County superintendent of schools County school tax

35,711.36 26,251.211

130,501!.02 8,905.00


~rota I ............................................ : ................................................. $252,065.61

School Distl"ict Loans, Pl"incipa.l and Jnt.et·est: Joint: No. 5. I<:nn Pleine·i\fill~tlOI'e. Wood eonnty ........................ $ 128.'18


.Joint No.2 nml C\, Cnrson-Siwrr~y, "'ood couuty No. 11, Stockton ...................................................... . .Joint No. 5, ,Enn-Pieinc-Milladore, "'oorl county ....................... . No. 11, Carsou No. G, E.1u Pleine Joint No. G, Albnn and village of HosJ.oll: Joint No. 5, Alban and village of Rosholt No. 12, Cnrson ··················-·······-···--···-·-····-······ Joint No. 2, Carson-Eau Pleine-Villnge Junction City ............... . No. 11, Stockton ." .Joint No. 7, Bnena No. 8. SIHHOil No. 1, Linwoorl No. 4, Carsou No. 7, Belmont Joint No. 2, Dewey-Gucnther-1\:nowlton, ilfnratiJOn Co. Joint No. 2, Amllet·st nnd Village ol' Amherst. .Joiut: No. H, Amherst :uH.l Yillnge nl' NelsonviJ No. S. Sharon ....... . Nn. 2, Bncnn i'i;:;l:n

'J:otnl 'l'he following nrc the ·ruutls for wJiicl1 l:l1e counl:.r tnx i:>

.'H.'IS J05.GO =~:2.1~ 71.:34

1(>2.'10 ·ISO.OO 171.48 231.4.'\ GS2.Gt"i 256.00 ·180.00 .J;~cJ.I)()

444.00 475.08 132.00 Gf5.5~

::!.!:IDS. no 2~5.011 ,104.00


County shnre on Jirst 50 per cent stnte aid .................................. $ ~,78·1-.52 'fi,52G.78

2G,:~:54.2:1 :J,OOO.OI)

. 40,000.011

County sllare on second 50 per ccut sl"ate County roads and bridges ............................ . Pnrchnse ol' mucliinery nnd mHeliinery repnirs f;teven;; Point bridge

'J'ot:il .for higllwny PUrJIOS<~f< ·:ruterest on highway honds ConnJ·y ng-rkultnrnl ngent C:ltilr!rr,n"s Houle Finding; Sr•eir!t.r Grou1Hl>< nml building-,:; Purcltnsing ng-eni: ...... . f;heriii's :1nd ennstal.>le's Con (-1: expenses Wecl:ion anti printing Count.1· JWOr Ulnims

'.l'otn I

78.f:fi:5.G!J 7,!)00.00 2,!100.00

:JOO.OO ::so.oo

:::,soo.oo ;1,850.00 8,000.011 ;':,000.(11 I 1,500.00 G,G8~l.OO

12,800.011 ] ,000.00 :2.(ir.Ci.Oi1 ::,!)liO.Oil (i,:JOII.iHI

i·iOO.Oil 250.00 500.00 500.00 100.011

n7,540.0il Amounts levied ng-ninst mnnicipnliti<·!S J·n .meet eonnty nppt·n]win­

tions: 8barou benefit to first 50 per cent Lnnnrk lleneJH: to first 50 per ce111: Linl\"nr".l ht'mdit: to m'"'t f!P.f!r>ml 50 J)('r r·Pnt

720.00 735.0~

2,000.011 t J

,\ . : I ")


Grant benefit to meet second 50 pet· cent New Hope benefit to meet second 50 per cent Pine Grove benefit to meet second 50 pet· .cent ........................... . .Belmont benefit to meet second 50 per cent -·-·---·----·---·-··-------····· Amherst, special benefit on Highway No. 18 (concrete) ......... .

. Amherst Vi!., special benefit on Highway No. 18 (concrete) Amherst Jet., special benefit on Highway No. 18 (concrete)---· Nelsonville Vi!., special benefit tm Highway No. 18 (concrete) Buena Vista, special-benefit oit Highway No. 10 (concrete) ... Plover 'l'own, special benefit on Highway No. 10 (concrete) Alban to meet connty aid .... Almond to meet county aid Almond Village to meet county aid Amherst Town to meet county aid Bneua Vista to meet connty aiel Dewey to meet county aid . Ln na l"!;: to meet eonnty aid Linwoorl to meet county aid Plover Village to meet county nid Shnmn to meet county aid Stockton t:o meet county aid


526.78 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,300.00

400.00 240.00 130.00 820.00

3,000.00 ~.ooo.oo

500.00 1,000.00

• 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,800.00

500.00 200.00

2,000.00 2,000.00

Total ··-·········-·-·········-···-·······--·-··-···------···--··----------·-·------·-····--········$ 28,371.80 Due from Plover Yilluge for speclnl benefit levied in 1920...... 500.00

'Ve recommend that the chairman and clerk of this board he em-. powered and authorized to make any loans of money that might hP. neerleil by Portnge county, at the best interest of the county.

All .of which is respectfully snbmitterl. Signed:


.Moved by Supervisor St.ert.z that the report bf! adopted. 1\fotion cnrried.

Clerk rend· resolution as follows: Be it resolverl, by the county board of supervisors, in session No­

vcmiJCt", 1924, annual meeting, that all claims nllowed, petitions, reso­lnl:ions and apr•roprlnt.ions mncle of money on the county tn~l)surct· at t.lte meei·iug he, nntl the same nrc hcrehy mtlfic(J p.nd confirmed lly t.bis hoard. •

Dat(!d NoremiJer ~s. 19~4-C .. T. GILBEU'l', Supervisor Village of Rosholt.

li-Ioved hy Supervisor Atwell that the resolution he a·dopted. Roll of members called. Motion carded unanimously.

Mover! by Supervisor Atwell that a vote of thanks be extended to the chnirman for his fair ruling in conducting the meeting, and to the clerk and assistant clerk for their assistance during the session. lifo­linn carried hy a rising vote.

The chairman thanked the memhet·s of the bonnl fot· the kin<lness ::;lwwn him during the session.

Minutes of this session read and approved. i\lovecl by Supervisor Atwell that this anuual meeting be adjournerl

to the Utinl Tuesday In April, A. D. 1!)25, at 10:00 o'clock a. ·m. 1\fo­J·ion cnrried.

lHJ'l'H 1\fcCALLTJIII, Connly Clet"k.


State of \Visconsin-Co11n1·.y of Portage-ss. I, Hut.ll lVfcCallum, county clerk of. said com1ty aforesaid, ~mel

Gladys Gordon, clnly sworn ns assistant clerk, lly tl1e memllers or: the county honrd of said county, clo hereby certify thn.t the nllove is n tnw and correct record of: the proceedings of each Hweting of the county board of supervisors of Portage county, \Visconsin, J'rom c:lny to clay in annunl session for the yenr Hl~H. read l)y the county clerk in the presence of the members of said connty llonrcl of sut1e1·visor:o; nncl hy t·l•em npproYed.

At.t.e'st: RUTH McCALLUM, County Clerk: G f.,ADYS GORDON, Assi:>l:nnt Clerk.





Rules AdOJlted hy the noat'll of Sutlet·visot·s of l"ot·tage County at. the November Session, 1920









1. The hour for daily meeting of this hoard shall be at D o'clock n. m. unless otherwise ordered.

2. 'J:he chairman shall tnke the chail· at tl)e time to which the bonrd stancls adjourned, and the board shall then he called to onlcr, and the roll of members called.

R. Upon the appcarnnce of n qnorum, the journal of. the pt·c­ceding !In)" shall be read by the elet·k, and any mistakes therein may he coneeterl by the board; provided that upon tbe last rlay of the session the jonmal for that clay shall he rend hv the clerk, nnrl hefore the final adjonmment cor-rcctecl i1y the board.

'!. 'l'he chair shall preserve order, and shall decide questions of order, .subject to an appenl.of the board.

G. '.rhe chnirmnn shnll vote on nil questions taken by yeas and nays, except on appenl from his own decisions.

(\. Every member, previous to his speaking, shall nrise and ad­.. dress himself to the chair.

7. "'hen twn or more members rise at once, the chair shall des­ignate the me1lil1er who is first to spenk. But in all cases. the memhet·s who shall first rsie and address the chnir, shall speak first.

8. No motion shn ll 11e debated or put unless the same be sec­onded. Jt sha·n he stated hy the chairman before debate; and nny such motion shnl!" be redncefl to writ.ing if nny mem·

, her desires it. Rnle n. Every written resolution or motion shall have prefixed there­

to the name of the person introducing it. And when ordererl by a committee the names of said committee shall be en-dorsed thereon. .- ·

Rule 10. A vote on any question shall be taken by the yens and nays when called for hy any member of the board.

Rule 11. No rule of the board shall he suspended, altered or amended without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present.

Hule 12. On the meeting of the l~oarcl afte1· the rending and the cor­recting of the journal of' the preceding clay, the order of busi­ness shall be ns follows: 1st. Reception of petitions, mem­orinls, etc. 2cl. Resolutions may be offered and considered. ~!cl. Reports of committee anrl consideration thereof. 4th. Con-sideration of miscellaneous business on the table.

Hnle lR. No account or claim against the county shall be audited un­less it he made ont in items, and duly verified, and be filed with the clerk of the board In the manner prescribed by law, except as l)rovicled hy Cha11ter 153, General Laws of 1868, 1111less by coi1sent of two-thirds of the members tH'esent.

Hnlc 14. As amenclecl November, 18!)8: All resolutions appropriating money shall he voted UllOn by yeas and nays, and shall not be uctecl upon until the next clay after presentation, without the consent qf the majority of the members elected.

Hnlc 15. It shall be the cluty of the chairman of nil committees to re· port work completed, or progress of work, upon the call of eommittecs nceor•ling to Rnlc 12.



,i " \i

i I• I


INDEX Pagel'

American Legion nppi'Oprin tipn ............................................ 2fl, 27, 30, ::18, fJi'l Annual ml?eting .................................................................................... 20 to"l04

30 Banks Bond issue for roads ........................................ !i, J 0, 1 J, 12, 13, 21, 22, GO, 70 Cancelled county ordcrs ....................................................... :Ro. fl7, 68, (lfl, 70 Chairmen elected ........................................................................................ 1, 20 Chilrlren's Home Society or Wisconsin .................................... 30, 38, G4, 7fl Claims ............. ." ........................................................................ 23. 30, 50, 53, 70

Committ"ce on equalization, rer10rt of Con1mitt.ee vacancies Committee on claims. County aid

27, 28 7fi 18 8:-i 70

County agent .................................................................................................. 0, M County alms house rcsolut.ion ............. : ........... , .................................... S, 11, 12 County farm committee, report of .......................................................... 07, DB County clerk, report County jail Co"unty highway commissioner County physician

County printing County superintendent County state road and hridge committee Com}ty t.rl'asurer, report of Court house janitor ............. . Dminage district tax certificates District attorne)•, report of District attorney fund Federal aid construction t·esoltll:ion Gilsoline tax· ..... . Humane Society Illegal assessments


701 75 52 (i(j

to 50 23 77 30 on 12


72 liHligent soldiers ancl soldiers' widows .............................................. 24, 25, 26

Mothers' pension fund ........................................................... , .................. 02, !)fl

Per cliem and mileage committee. report of.. ................... J3. 14, 18, 1fl, 100. Personal pro]1Crty charged hack ............................................................ 62, 68 Pnhlic grounds anrl buildings committee, report of .................... fl4, 72, 78 Purchasing agents ........................................................................ 80, 01, 112, 78 nesolut.ions of condolence ............................................................ . .... 5. ti," 18 Resolution of confidence. in Relocation of Road nest •·oom

7 76




:\ .'\ \


t )\ /. I II i

\' ' .,

( ,·

:·/ r'


Hoar! cou:-;t rm:t.io11 Pages

"" V•-'

Honrl u11d hl"iclge petitions .......... :!. ~1. ·1. U, ell to :::8, GU, ti7. 70, i7, ~)1, !I::! . !1-1, ~)i), ~)(i

Hmitl \\"UL"l' e<Jili[llltelll nosholt COllllllUnity fair

H.ules of board l:lnluries

12, 50, !l~l

( ... , ... ,

Sh,eriff's and constal)les' bill,; .................................................. 8, 2li, 30, f)~

Solcl iers' rei ie f committee, Spring meeting Special meeting-

Ste,·ens Point bridge Stevens l'oi11t fair Successor to J. 0. Foxeu 'l'ax ahstruct book Tux levy 'l'a x ce rti fi en t.es 'l'raveling library Vice chairman elected \Yays aml l\Ieuns committee, report of "'nupuca Sand a11d GnlYel Co.


14. 1!)

22 fl7 !)7


18 8G 2:J

77, 02, f.lli 18, 20


. TABULAR STATEMENT-Of the vot:JI given for P~esident, Governor Lieutenant Governor S€cretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General, Representative in Assembly, Conn~y Clerk, CountY: Tre~su~er, ~heriff, Coroner, Clerk of Cour( District Attorney, R~gister of Deeds, Cou1_1ty Surveyor, and vote ?n three Referendums, nt the

Congress, eighth district, Member of general election held in the several

------~~-~-----t_o_w_n_s_,_w_t_n_·d_s_,_v~~-Il_a_g~e_s_a_n_c_l_e_~cbodg~c~jnllieoonn~~P&~p,®iliefudTu•dQ~Nne~e~~n~2~bmngiliefumfudQ ~srudmo~~ ! President II Governor .; Lieut. Governor Secretary of State State Treasurer Attorney General Co. Clerk II Treasurer I Sheriff Coroner I cg~~~{r~f I I : I I ~ I~ i I ' ' I : I J : ' I ' I I I I ; I I ~ ,.: . ! I i ! l I II : : ! I I s Q) ' ::l ::l ::.. I ! i I i ' I : I

Dist. Atty.

Reg. of Deeds

Sur non (l) (2)- (8) v'or- 'res~ Assembly Ameml- Amend- Amend-

! g__ ment ment ment

I i I ~, --


Alban Almond Amherst


Belmont Bnena Vista Carson Dewey Eau Pleine Grant Hull Lanark Linwood



, ca ~ ~ g . "' a:s ~ "' ::l 'j ' i \ I

. . ~ JJ <:J ~ - a:l s .... "' .... - ... 0 '"I' I I ' I ! ~ "-' <:J :1! ·a ,Q z "' ~ ~ ~ s ' ·~ - a:l a; :§ ~ ~ J.l I "' ! I s l;7 I i rn II' .:::: I Q)

.0 ::::. >-< .:;:; ~ ~ ·- 0' 00 ~ 'Q) "' '!= ... 15 :::: s ~ ~ 'Ql ~ '8 Q) "' s >il ~ g) I I i .= ~ 13 I ·;; "' A I ~

I ~ ~ ~ g -g ~ ~ ~ "" ~ ~ ~ i.d ~ :§ ~ ~ ~ &! ~ I ~ 8 ~ ~ J.l lQ ~ ~ s ~ ~ Ui .-i ~ ! ~ 'II ~ 2 I 8 I ·~ I f to ~ ~ M ~ I ~ ...; ~

- "' - H >-< o .,. a:s 8 Ill ·- ·- I '" Z rn '""' jl:j I ""' ~ d "" - ~ 00 "' ~ , o ~ il< I ~ ::::0 ':':. '"". ~ 0 ,Q ...; 8 r2 '2 .~ II ~ ~ 0 Iii r;., ~ I ;:;i Pi . § 'E g) § M Q) rn .§ ; ~ I' .., I § ~ I ~ Q ~ ·2 0 ~ ·2 ':-' ~ a 0

I rn - '::= ,..... r.n ~ ·~ ~ • = ~ ~ I cd ~ ;.., <1l I ...._ ....., ~ cu c ,.... b.O ·- ........ ,... ~ . :... 1 d · • Q.l ·- • C1J ;iooj • o:: o .,_ rn ' ..... ~ E - ...-. -:-' - Q :.:::: Q.l ~ Q.) ":""' ·-:-t I ,.... QJ Q r;... ,.. C '0 <V .Q ~ 1-t r... '"" ~ :::::; h I a.J ~ 0 ..:::::1 ~ - :!3 ~ h'1 :::3 o Q ..... ~ ; I ·; I g ..; ~ ~ ~ ~ .g -; ? ~ ~ ~ ~a .§ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ '§ ~ :5 = .~ ~ -a ~ ~ ;:; ~ 1 ~ 1 .g 1 . ~· 1 ~ . ; ~ ; ; ~ ~ . = ~ I ~. r:. i Q ~ r:. ,_, :::: ~ ""' ,_, :::: ,_, r::.:. rtJ I ~ ~ t:r:l il< ,_, 00 Q I ,_, r:. 0 ~ jl:j 0 . 00 <q 0 :s I ...; 1!: I !;!:! i jl:j j C!J :::: jl:j ~ ~ Ul ;:;;: ~ 00 :::- II: ~ il<

I 691 ()!)1141 2 I 2 117 4 140 1\ 2\ ?.I 5 07 2 157 1 3 4 2 97 161 1 1 5 98 57 1 2 5 961 1611 II 1 51 80,1781 8511711• L 103 1601 I 1021 1571 !)611601

10 76 111 71 Q 121 I 49 r. 131 36 151 3 1 38 148 3 1 35 148 41 1 24 166 32 161 I 45 152 1 281 158 41 153\ 68<; GS 223 160 4 180 I 121 2 200 105 229 3 105 221 4 901 2211 ' 31 88 264 122 221 I 116 243 I D7j 234 105 237 32 5 50) 112 120 2 67 l I 2 83 2 88 1 58 117 3 1 4 58 118 2 1 4 55 110 3 1 41 47\ 139\ 51\ 135\ I GO 1351 l 56 119 59 125 70 1 128 1001 1 182 4 95 1 I 150 .'3 105 l 112 151 11 1 114 142 4 1 I 1071 1461 31 I 731 207 !)211871 I 149 150 '11!) 157 148 140 (l!) l 49 170 4 2 110 4 157 1 21 1 !17 4 149 1 1 107 156 3 3 7 95 157 5 1 61 951148 41 2 G 79 204 83 ISO I 172 188! . 119 145 107 145.

81 12 321 96 1 18 1 I I D5 1 D 1 1 D3 15 2 1 9D 8 1 1 l _96 91 11 3 87 30 85 23 111 10 107 10 95 10(

43 2 74 157 4 841 3 162 G\ I I G9 2 170 6 1 I 63 182 3 6 2 69 169 3 6 1 6411781 41 c 21 55 197 59 1911 I 77 186 651188 591 1861

8 s 157 52 101 1 1 1 32 120 2 1 zc 1281 2 2 28 124 31 2 27 122 1 4 :3 27 131 24 132/ I 78 !15 59 95 341123

i'!) 1 34 Ill 2 156 1 44 I I 148 1 44 142 48\ 1 138 47 1 I 138\ 44\ 2\ 130 861 130 68 I 167 GS 177 40 132 68 21 G 71 192 3 112 8 132 I I 1 so 4\ 147\ I I 68 181 2 2 66 165 4 21 64 164 21 2 39 214 63 203 1! 89 173 GG\ 175 89 161\

New Hope Pine Grove Plover .. Sharon Stockton

28 1 31 121 GS 1 88 3 41 4) 4 44 21. 93 2 Gl G\ 5 43 104 1 3 5 44 97 3 2 5 46 101 1 2 G 38 123 42 109 78 801 651 871 53 911 7:2 30 224 4. 114 4 194 I ! 11 3 93 1 210 I 1\ 1 83 228 1 87 216 . 1) 83 2271 I ' 1 89 227 !)1 223 110 214 1 97 207 89 219 20 1 no 9fi 51 5 !H 3/ / 1! !! 32 2 106 1 20 12:3 3 4 25 116 4 l 41 21 1221 41 4 12 140 17 133 · 1 40 1191 25 117 15 I3G

----1 27 2 145 2f'.J4 1 . 127 ,G 243 ' 4 1 104 :) 249 3 ( I 1 79 289 ? 3 1 59 277 5 3 2 81 2811 41 3 2 ~.d)l327 70 3Hl I 101 331 0:31 301/ 70. 202/ . 2SG ]:{ lOS 366 18 I I I 364 1G I I ! 364 16 :362 H 1 1 357 17 - :3;}~ :HI :34:)1 35/ I 37!) 32/ 398/ !)\' .3:):3 l!)j

2GO 1/ 74 14~ ] 1 413 I GO 1 I :~~)0 4 fi!) II I I :l94 G8 1 1 . 387 71 I 1379 72 21 3 I.::Ji:J 165 360 1181 I 41.3 911 1409\ 7:) 4021 ''I 81 ] I 1::\81 51 109 3 74 l 30 r; 126 I I I 11\ 163 2 1 13 158 3 1 8 159\ 2 I 1 4 18~1 7 Hi'/ I 10 177 12\ 1GOI 14 lGO Almond Village .................. .. Amherst Village .............. .. Amherst Jet. Village .......... .. .Junction City Village ......... . Nelsonville Village .......... .. Plover Village ...... : .............. . Rosholt Village ................... .

City of Stevens Point-First Ward ........................ .. 1st Precinct, Second Ward .. 2d Precinct, Second Ward 1st Precinct, Third Ward .. 2cl Precinct, Tl1ird Ward .... 1st Precinct, Fourth ·ward 2d Precinct, Fourth Ward ..

20 \ HO\ 1161 189 4 so ! .124 1 110 j \ 71 181 1 841 162 11 I 1 70 17GI I/ I 22 2:3u\ 1>71 197/ 1 3. 7 2<10 3. 21 2111 57\ 20:3\ :tl l7 GG . fil 30 I 44 1 35 I 38 42 1 37 38 1 I I 37 39/ 1/ I I (16 45 521 31\ I 53 34 I 47/ 34\ G1\ 31\

Col \ 18 74/ 2\ I 28 G6 24 \ 52 11 \ / 19 59 1 141 59 1 \ ) 171 57\ I 1 25 57 19 G41 \ G2 2!) \ 531 32\ 22/ 54/

1 21 20 611 1 1 24 n 48 1 fJ 31 68/ 1 1 74 ::; · 75 3 1 I 741 21 2 I 9 72 18/ 641 1 5 74 1 3/ 74\ 2\ 7lll HJ 1 ::l4 50\ 1 \ IH 2f) I 471 861 I 1 231 63/ 1/ 1 1/ 211 53 1 21 G3 1 11 26. no 27 en 31 0,1 ! 87/ 54 25 571

2!\1 I :1:3 80 11 I 81 311 5811 . 4 1 68i 31 64 4 11\ 0! 1 42 001 21 41 3 481 80 2 4 3 3:11 D41 11 4 ~:, 3411101 :>,GI ]():)1\ II 42 101 I 40i !Hi 371\ 06"

sr:: ~89 23il/ 11 1 C!Gl 7 210 . :>.J 1 1 1 2s1 7 2101 4\ 41 11 :221 3::!31 sl 21 21204 326 71 3 ~1 1DOI322I 'I :1 21 IHll 4871 sol 4401 1 246 3fli/ 1 2or. 402 108 362 56 1 2331 177 I 279 21 173 I I I ] 226 208 ] I 157 28G ] 1 144 288 J I 1 11 135 2871 II 53 4101 5:3, [l!)!)l I Jl9 X:l8! 104 357 120 332 3G 2 160 2611 I 204 3 232 1\ I ll HD 4 2:)2 2, I ] 1041313 I 1 1 92 309 1 1 21 74 310 ] I ]I :!\ 57,881 :iDI 3()0 ]4~ 3051 1115 315 90 317 r,1 2 236 10:', 1 :::.15 G 152 1 1 1 24::: 3 I8!l 11 1 1 187 26G 1j 1 2 159 275 6/ 1 11 1571 2841 ?.II 1 I 102 3871 no/ 341/ ! 187 :3o4j 104 295 IGG zso 40 2 li'5 212 11 I ]fill 4 218 1\ ) I 133 3 238 1 I I 9:~1 288 4 1 I 74 295 51 1 I 71 301 4 1 I 50 .35G 53 339 I .112 2!1:3 I 111 302 88 !310

239 1 GO :H!)j 1 J \ 1 374 1 136 i'c50 2 100 \ 1 350\ 125 \ 341 111 \ 3341 114\ J I \ 11 305 265 317/ 18GJ I 5.34/ 102/ \ 543j -78 3!)4\ 102\ lOG :,;1 54 1SGI 11 I 1941 1 103 1 I 176 1 75 1 I I 181119 11 1 178 84 1\ 1 2\ 1741 830 11 11 21 141 171/ H41 13GI I 2891 64 I 289 49 189 81 3~: 2 172 467 . 184 5 425 7 I I 145 6 435 . 5 '11 1 99 502 6 5 41 76 521 61 5 51 70 1518 81 13 51 68 577/ 051 5651 I 150 .'397 1110 524 108 503

.. ,, .................... I 4 53 321 52 1 291 . 1 ,2D 2 277 1 I I 22 297 11 1\ I 201 296 1\ 1 22 294\ 1/ 1/ I 28 330\ 23 3221 I 7!l\ 290 . 60 287 39 293 j-l-1-j-1-1-1--l----j-/--1-----1-1 --l-----~--~-1-l--1-l -l-1-1-1-l--1-1-1 ___________ _

Total .......................... , ....... 1:20111 3712854 534/j 271 5 4 50961 101\4242 411 6 14 22 ·!~271 81 4557 39 17 14 13 8514\5436 59\ 38 49\3413 5372 79 41 513261 54351 721 451 54I2695J6[)62 2892~11 __ 1 _4~82 G555j 2J4g.3SI5542\3560/5622

Fifth Ward Sixth Ward

Determination of County Canvassers of Persons Elected to the

Various Offices at Election Held November 4, 1924.

Board otl County Canvassers thereof, do hereby certify that on the 7th day ?f November, A. D. 1924, at Stevens Point, i!l said county, we canv~ssed the votes cast at the last general elecho:n. on the 4th

State of vVisconsin, County of Portage-ss. day of November for the several county officers of said county, at. vVe, Ruth McC<lllum, county clerk, vV. F. Owen, county judge, said election; that from said canvass so made we hereby determine

and A. J. Cunneen, a citizen, of the said county, constituting a and certify that the following persons were duly elected county

officers for the term commencing on the first Monday of January, 1925, to-wit: For County Clerk, Ruth McCallum; for County Treas­urer, Earl Newby; for Sheriff, D. H. Parks; for Coroner, H. D. Boston; for Clerk of the Circuit Court, Preston E. ·webster; for District Attorney, vV. E. Atwell; for Reg-ister of Deeds, Ed. Larson, and for Surveyor, Julian F. Maxfield.


.:: .... 2 .., ~ <:J


,!4' I I '0 i ~ I I a:l Qj ' f:: ·- <Q I o :a . ~ i .. § I ... . . ~

Qi I :: ~ 1 ill ?; .21 : "" ~ l'l ,;, . Q)\ gj ! _t;. tD o . to >iJ ·;.- 0 ' 1 ; "' . "' , "' - .... . I ; ~ ·- ~ ~ J-; •fOOt ";:! Cd ~ ...,;a; ..ul ..u 0@ d ~ ~ ~ t:!l . ~~ t£1' Ul

l'il ~ § H d ~ ~ Ill ·- I' ·= .:: 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,g, ~ 0 8 ~ 8 ~ ::; ~ ~ 00 "'1 r=l I ,_, 00 r=l ~· r=l r::.:. < r:. I "'1 I r., "'1

159 I 1011 162/ 159! 1 164!1591 94 8 22 111 23! 71 23 162 3 28 163 157 2 11)4 155 32 44 37 53 82 26/ 41 241 117 233 241 249 156 176 83 101 103 92 59 119 130 48 139 12!) 131,128/ 52 83 50 67 711 54 66 165 142 148 164 172 128 143 55 132 81 111 46 129 154 2 162 155 156j 158 152 97 63 110 6!) 110 48 116 18 104 11 20 10 10 91 20 ml 12 601 111 59

196 61 191 197 190 177 65 75 120 71 122 48 139 127 42 117 126 127 108 59 27 83 5Ei 89 25 113

77 167 72 51 55 50 142 54 08/ 40 98 31 10.'3 187 64 188 199 198 134 104 62 122 77 107 38 148 104 51 108 104 1 -106 96 51 42 25 48 26 2\)j 37

11 224 !)9 214 217 226 193 124 71 103 65 102 441 116 135 15 135 133 ' 130 121 25 56 38 63\ 32\ 39\ 42 310 91 30G 311 308 25.3 145 10.3 56 128 551 721 68 18 l .)88 23 20 22 :!0 .355 12 187 27 1 G7 16\ 175 9G '129 89 8!) 1001 59 406 .39 · 48 58 40 271 GO

1()8 4 171 168 163 166 9 81 53 84 51\ 711 52 2131 351224 205/ 202 1191 124 120 37 157 281 !lJ\ 46 361 3/ 47 38 371 42 7 71\ 44 171 ?.5 23 1G/ 39 58 21 291 53 58 47 39 84 361 i11 301 8\ 301 3 75 I 1 79 "' 79 90 9 34 l!'i 34 221 so 21 59 .32 GO 5!l 3 GG 31 68 35 1G 40J 12 28 Hi

f':. ~) (!': ':'•") !) . '". •) .- ;!:" • ... 0::) n9 1 43 n9 o" ro~1 10.., ..• ~ .Al .A/ 1q ,) 2t.j .• 1 438\ 11351 45514291 3741 305 25.'3 298 9) 40.'3/ 57/ 2i'!l\ iOG 380 I Gil 3!)3 373\ 3281 2Gil 184 249 72 267 !)f) 2181 OG 341 I 581 875 3461 841! 287 119 2221 5G 284 32 20!::1 GO 328 2 153 331/ 312\ l 3171 245 200 2()9 77 317 44 22t~l 92 327 08 .'3:38 3231 318 287 97 2251 711 2721 3.'31 1921 71 138 5 477 148 177 145\ 107 il50 1331 941 182 891 1191 .104

83 1 253 87 781 1071 661 197 114 631 1201 611 60\ 02 538 2 81 540 532/ 1 544 493/ 113/ 2931 1021 8661 721 262/ 78 302 31 814! 299/ I 316/ 283/ 451 119 51 . 139 37 ss1 58

-~---------- -- -I-1-I-1-I-I-1-I-II3osG\ 21/.'356.'316160/59171 8\6004\4DflOI4075/3199\2037/3817l2022/2558\2512

Dated this 7th day of November, A. D. 1924.

RUTH McCALLUM, County Clerk, vV. F. OWEN, County Judge, A. J. CUNNEEN, Citizen,

Board of County Canvassers. __

Assessment Districts

l Towns in Alpbahetical Order

2 Cities and Villages in Al­phabetical Order

Town of Alban Town of Almond .................... .. Town of Amherst.. ................... . Town of Belmont.. ................... . Town of Buena Vista ............ .. •.rown of Carson ....... c .............. .

'l'own of Dewey ....................... . Town of Eau Plein>e .............. .. Town of Grant.. ...................... .. Town of Hull.. ........................ . Town of Lanarl, .................... .. '.rown of Linwood ................... . Town of New Hope ................ .. Town of Pine Grove .............. .. Town of Plovei-.. ..................... . Town of Sharon ....................... . Town of Stockton .................. ..

Total of Towns ................... . Village of Almond .................. .. Village of Amherst ................. . Village of Amherst Junction . Village of Junction Cfty ........ .. Village of Nelsonville ............. . Village of Plover .................... .. Village of Rosholt .................... .



HORSES, E T CATTLE SHEEP SWINE . Wagons, Carriages ~ , AUTOMOBILES~ . - Total Real and 'iUL'~S AND ASSES N • A d SI 1gb -c .!<! .!<1 r.. ::~ ·'N'D l\·fOTOR TRUC S MOTORCYCLES "' Total Personal TOTAL REAL ESTATE p " ·"'' an e s c CJ • C) ., "' • ·""· • • • ;:: "' p t . . crsonal Property

'I'. ,,. l T ,. I e Tt'tle "altJC Trtle Valtle . True Value <d .3 "' o o "' .= i:: <ii ci True Ynlue i True l'alue ~ ., ::: rOJJer y Less Homestearl ExemptiOn I 1.1 l E -~~~1!:..____ rue •':1 u ' ___ ' "' r:n E · g"' ..... ~ E 0 ,.... -;;; o · ,... :;:; ?- _ . ..es;; - omesteac •xemption I ! .... "' C<S.E! ~.8-·«~· Q) 'V~OQ) ,O::Ql I"" . ~-~;::... .... .<:: ~ Q) ~ I !2 ~ iE ~ 2 ~ E rc ~ ~f! > .g~ a~~> 'g E @ .. :a.= gE .;i d ~-.92 .2! '5.3 ~~ ~ ~B !~~ BE Oo ~QJ

~ r.o ~ ~ ~ \ rn ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ fo ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 C1J 8 ~- ;g ~ ro!? ~ ~ 0 .~ ~ en > ~ 'fn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ fJ: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11>·~ l = ~ ;= ~ ~ ~ ~ .e a I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -g i t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g; ~ g; til a ~ ~ ~ ~ .s til 5 ~ ., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 'i e g1 -e : 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ 'E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -e 'E 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i! o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .s ~ E c: ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ E c= ,. ~ ~ ~I): .9 -~ -I ~- ~ ::: I I;J) ;::; ~ -- c; ~ -~ I ~ _;::; ~ :> «1 @ § ~ :::: d ~ «1 @ ? I;J) :::: "' -- "' :;; ::l .:Jl J~ «1 ~ ~ "' ~ ~ .... E-t 0 ::l g 2 ~ ..... .... :a ;: .t: ,;L'"' 7.::: :.f .t: ~ ~ ~ & z= !f t ~ ~ ~ ~ ::i e 0 ;,.i _;.D .t: ~ ~ -~ 0 ,.,Q) e ~ E ~ ~ .:: ~ <i := ~ e -:;; ~. .s @ gj z <ljEj;> -<!j;>p.. ;c., I "'1~> <rj;>O... z <!jE-t:> ~:>o... z <~jE-t:> -<!jl>!l< z "'<!-<l> ..,.;:..(;:;) - ..J..J~ w- ~ 0... C) «!r ..... t"' .. •r "",.... ',.... """' "o.~ .• "'""...... '""'""~ .......... -~---- ..... "t::...- 0.....:3 <!'- ~::t::B.8 c...t::

4351$ 36,115J$ 83.00 1,678,1$ 48,662 $ 29.00 18!$ 901$ 5.oo 305 $ 3,050 $ 10.00 422 $ 7,1741$ 17.00 !\i $ $ 800 ~ $ $ 1551$ 38,750 $250.00 I$ I$ $ 5,ooo $ 139,6411 1.87,67.47 $ 962,248 3.231183.09 $ 1.101,8891 2.9~ 81.11 441 36,603! 83.oo 8951 27,745 3Loo 27 1351 5.oo 190 1,9oo 10.00 425 7.~251 11.00 1371 36,990 27o.oo I 7,150 117,748 . 1.58 93.83 1,205,475 4.05 89.31 1.323,223 3.56 89.71 5911 49,053/ 83.00 2,4201 84,700 35.00 131 655 5.oo 231 2,310 10.00 610 10,370 17.00 550 18,086 174 46.~80! 27o.oo I 5,950 218,6541 2.931· 87.16 1.497,966 s.o3 87.16 1:716,620 4.61 87.15 346 28.718 83.00 919 28.489 31.00 2


101 5.00 141 1,410 10.00 348 5,706 17.01) 3.000 951 23,l50 250.00 I 2,500 93.5831 1.26 93.68 803,9361 2.70] 90.53 897.5191 2.41 90.86 617 51,2111 83.00 2.031 62,961 83.00 32 160 5 00 325 3,250 10.00 580 9,8601 17.00 1,850 183 47,5801 260.00 9,810 186,682 2.50 83.!)0 1.617,6001 5.43] 83.52 1804 2821 4 85 83 57 6911 56 ... 6621 82.00 4:155,128,8.051 31.00 301 1501 5:oo 723 7,230 10.00 6101 10,3701 17.00 275 3.487 1791 45.5451 25?..00 4,858 257, .. 3821 3.45 95.13 1.669,1501 5.601 77.95 1:926:5321 5:18 80:26 297 20.196 68.00 1,033 24.7921 24.00 441 220j 5 oo 250 2,250 9.00 3001 4,200 14.0u 150 8,000 731 17,1551 33::,.00 I 11,370 88.3331 1.19 65.22 495,933 1.67 77.55 584 266 157/ 75 70 5321 43:092 81.00 3,1741 92/)46. 29.00 136 680 5:oo 516 5).60 10.00 540) 9,180 17.00 250 1,900 15711 41,60511 265.00 6,000 199.913 2.68 82.43 1,435,7661 4.831 84.40 1.635:6791 4:45] 84:77 3891 28 0081 72.00 1,1901 30.9401' 26.00 92 4601 5.00 217 1,953 9.00 . 310 4,650 15.00 5,000 . 7,183 84 20,160 240.00 ' 2,700 101,054 1.36 73.12 752.9101 2.53 80.85 853:964 2.30/ 79.91 2861 19 .. 1621 67.00 8201 19,680 24.00 261 1301 5.00 1831 1.657 9.00 2801 3,920 14.00 2,200 75 1,700 45,980 991 23.7601 240.00 I 10,350 128,6141 1.731 87.80 651.7811 2.19 84.89 780 395 2 o8j 85 37 4801 39.8401 83.oo 1,6171 51,744 32.00 1o71 5351 5.oo 204 2,040 10 oo 4011 6.817j 17.0u 1,2oo · 3,663 154 40,0401

1 26o.oo I I 5,760 151,6391 2.031 92.08 1,036,9081 3.49 89.38 1.188:547 a:19 89:73

27GI 18.768 68.00 1,413 39,464 28.00 96 480 5.00 149 1.490 10.~0 275 3.650 14.00 26,620 71 16.685 235.00 I 2,000 109,357 1.47] 74.04 598.375 2.01 79.39 707,732 1.901 78.57 4541 37,6821 83.00 2,0541 67;,782 33.00 341 1701 5.00 2811 2,810 10.UU 450 7.6501 17.00 9,700 11,980 32 1921 48,00011 250.00 I I 5,483 191,257 2.57/100.23 1.134 .. 8.83 3.8! 89.92 1.326.140 3.561 91.41 355 23.7851 67.00 792 20 592 26.00 311 1551 5.00 197 1,773 9.00 3001 4,2001 14.0ll 10,406 150 14, 1 97 23,625 245.00 I 4.455 103,462 1.391 90.04 696.5111 2.34 87.13 799,973 2 1s/87 57 473 38.,113 8l.Oo' 1,2171 36,510 30.00 42 210 5.00 233 2,330 10.oo 470 7,9901 17.00 392.500 19,4271 2261 61,4201 270.0.0 I· I s,ooo 563,700 7.56t 92.0)3 2,381.563 · 8.01 86.08 2.945.263 7:92 87:32 5061 41.998] 83.00 1.3311 38.599 29.00 471 2351 5.00 262 2,6201 10.00 546 '),282 17.00 ;2,800 I 700 174 45.2401 260.00 I I 4.500 145,974 1.96 67.56 1.278,766 4.30 83.4f) 1,424 740 3 83 80 43

__.2:_~/ 59,7~~~ 2:22~~~~~ 31.0~ ~~~ 4201~ 296 2,96~1 lO.(lu 68~ ~~ 11.00 38,ooo __ 14


2521 68,04o1

27o.co _11

j____ ~~o 272,910/~1_2_~:~~ 2,041,1331~~~--84.8: 2,3 14: 0431~~~~--~3 : 81 7,889

1$628.9661$ 77.70 l$872,517l$ )$ 4,895


$ 5.oo 4,7031$ 46,1931$ 9.82 7,552 $124,089 $ 16.43 $ 467,881 $ 75 ~ 25.230 $ $ 124.446 $ ~~·~~~ 2502/$ 645.325!1~2~7.9~ I I $101,686 $3,069,9031 j $20,260,9041 I $23.33o .. 8071

r1 3,1 2.4821 73.oo n 3,1951 35.oo 1 • 6 6o1 1o.oo 38 6841 18.0:> 85,366 2,oo~ · , 1131 30.510 2 1o.oo I I 8,365 163,205 2.19 104.os 394,576! 1.331 75.60 557.781 1_50 83 _93

421 3,0661 73.00 561 1,9601 35.00 1 · 161 1601 10.00 38 384 18.00 8_2,900 9,08o i~·~~~ 104 30,680/ 295.00 11 201 20.00 14.00~ 166.7521 2.241 85.31 1123,1181 1.42181.20 589:870 1.581 82.57 181 1.3141 n.oo 811 3,fi45] 45.oo I I 11 10 10.00 25 450 18.oo ~8.ooo 3,400 14·9an 411 10.6601 260.oo 11 151 15.00 4.01.., 67,856 .91!100.5.t 94,3421 .32 95.5a 162 .. 1981 441 97 65 311 2.356 76.oo 1071 3,424 32.oo. 401 400 1o.oo 29 522 18.oo 40,ooo u5o • 451 11.7001 26o.oo I I 2,8oo 77,341 1.04] 79.15 167,140 .56 78.82 244.4811 :661 78 '90 2GI 2,0RO 80 .. ou 901 5.400 60.00 . ' I 51 50. 10.00 22 396 18.01) 30,960 4,87!J 4·249 61 15,~501 250.00 I I 620 63,8841 .861110.30 127.024. .43/106.71 190,9081 .511107:95 171 1,054 62.00 12 384 32.00 I I 201 3601 18.00 · 11,500 391 9,vg51 245.00 I j 2,580 25,4331 .34] 82.20 60,6001 .201 90.48 86,0331 23 88 03 231 1.840 80.00. 771 2.541 33.(\(j I . 91 90 10.00 221 396 18.00 125,081 600 2.80~ 24,986 901 _26.bDOI 295.00 I 11,815 196,699 2.64193.77 279,3481 .94,73.8!) 476.0471 1.26] 82.10

2041 16:'728 82.00 297 13,365 45.00 1 I 1~~--140 10.co 1901 . 4,560 24.00 1,450,000 ~ 66,000 916,58o 355,604 14991 o62,325l_ 375.00 ~I 2401 80.00 235,000 3,621,5481. 48.5: _:_::~ 7,941,1341 26.69 90.13 11,562,682 1 31:081 90:05

Total of· Villages and Cill'. 39511$ 30.920

11$ 77.70 79il$ 33,9-UII$ 42.8'i --~----,--- -g)_$ 9lo $ 10.00 3841$ 8.052 $ 20.96 $ 1,8!)3,807 $ 500 $ 66,600 . 500 $ 939,900 $470.915 19921$ 607,230\$350.00 1$ 275j $279,19~ $4.382.718 \ $ 9,487,282l~----l~---- $13.870,000II----I,----

Totnl of Towns .................. : ... __ 11 628,9~l--·l __

11 872.517 ___ J$ 4,89~I-_J --~~~~-- 7,552 124.089! . 467,881 ,--7~. 25,23C $ 500 124,446 28.600 _1~325] __ . _ -1 1-- 101,686 3,069,9031---~----- 20,260,904l·----~---- 23,330,807"---.l.---

Total of County ........................ 8,2841$659,8861$ 79.65 29,7561$906.4311$ 30.4€ I$ 4,8951$ s.oo! 4,794 $ 47,103 $ 9.82 7,93Gl$132.141i$ 16.65 $ 2,321,688 .$ 575 i 91,830 $ 50(1 $1.064,346 $499,515 44941$1.342.5551$298.74 5I$ 2751$ 55.00 $380,88~ $7.452.6211 I 89.40 $29.748.1861 .I 85.98 _jn200,807I I 86.67

City of Stevens Point. ........... ..

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WISCONSIN, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS· Stevens Point, ·wis., Nov. 25, 1924.

To the Honorable Chairman and Members 6f the Co'lmty Board of Portage County.

Gentlemon: \Ve, your Committee on Equalization, report that the ahove is a statement of the equalized valne of all property, ·both real and pers.ona], in Portage county, ·wiseonsin, fur the year 1924, :and recomme.nd the adoption of the report. Sig-ned: V.'P; Atwell, Carl Betker, Cllas. Steinke, Edward S. Thorp, 0. A. CrowPll, C. A. Smith, Chas. Brady.

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