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offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

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· .. offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially is ... 158
Page 1: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

· .. offering a well-rounded program

intellectually, physically, spiritually

and socially is ...


Page 2: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...



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Page 3: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

Perry S. Mason, M.A. Academy Superintendent

Wilbur Rainey, M.A. Elementary School Principal

Academy and

Elementary School

Harvey Arnold, B.A. Speech, Bible

Edward Baggett, B.A. Music, Chorus, Band

J. E. Berryhill, M.A. Social Sciences

V en ice Craddock Secretary

Il ern Dean, B.A. Art

!-lugh M. GJ'Ouver, B.A. P. E. and Coach

Eloise Johnson, B.A. Latin, English, Librarian

Ellen Knight, M.A. First Grade

J. B. Lasater, M.A. Science

Margaret Lasater, B.A. Science

Iris Martin Fifth and Sixth Grades

Bula J. Moudy, B.A. l-lome Economics

Tn ez Pickens, B.A. English

Mary Pitner, B.A. Business

Kathryn C. Ritchie, B.A. Mathematics

Alpha Lee Turman, B.S. Third and Fourth Grades

Page 4: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

MAKING RAPID STRIDES IN DEVELOP­MENT during the past several years, the Harding Academy received full accreditation by the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges on March g5, 1955. Education in the Academy is, above all, Christian education with the Bible being studied daily by every student. The 3g-unit curriculum includes home economics, shorthand, general business, typing, English, Latin, speech, art, music, physical education, American government, American history, world history, civ­ics, general science, biology, chemistry, physics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and Bible. Acad­emy students enjoy using the most modern facili­ties available including well equipped laboratories and the latest visual aids.

Debating required long hours of research.

Library was site of study. research, and relaxation.


Under Mrs. Pickens many developed an interest in literature.

The adage "Practice makes perfect" proves itself true in typing.

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Various Activities Provided an 0

Key Club - ROW ONE: Richard Stackhouse, Perry Mason, Roy Vanderpool, Freddy Massey, Bobby House, Sonny Todd. ROW TWO; John Gibbons, Alan Highers, Guy McHand, James Oram, Mavis Baldwin, Harold Haskell, Angelo Padilla, Eulice Currington, Alvin Cashion. ROW THREE: Sam Kitching, Kenneth Dram, Jim McLeod, Jimmy Williams, Wayne Rice, Jack Rhodes.

The KEY CLUB, our service club at the Academy, is affiliated with the Kiwanis club. This club is only four years old yet it has made many additions to our life in the Academy. For example, this year the math room needed some way to dis­play its work so the Key Club chipped in to give the needed display case to the school. They worked

Citizenship Club - ROW ONE: Loreta Huffard, Peggy Robert­son, J. E. Berryhill, Mary Turman. ROW TWO: Freddy Massey, Alan Highers.

hard in order to be able to give the athletes a ban­quet. At the football and basketball games, Key club members were always behind the concession stand selling pop corn and candy, and when ever there was an Academy activity they helped to sell tickets. Mr. Mason is the sponsor of this group with Freddy Massey as president, Roy Vanderpool as secretary, and Bobby House as treasurer.

Five seniors chosen for their ability of leadership make up the CITIZENSHIP CLUB. The objective of this club is to aid in the improvement of student­faculty relations and to make the Academy a more enjoyable place in which to live and work. During the year the club was in charge of several chapels where problems were brought up and discussed by the students. Mr. Berryhill, the sponsor, worked with the club in writing a constitution that will go into effect next year.

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toG row T h r 0 ugh W 0 r k, P I a Y, and S e r vic e

Beta Club - ROW ONE: Jamie Stanford, Charlotte Singleton, Mrs. Inez Pickens, Ann Bowman, Charlene Harris, Mary Turman, Bettye Ritchie, Peggy Robertson. ROW TWO: Don Berryhill, Dwight Smith, Perry Mason, Lou Alice Martin, Bunny Norris, Claudette DuBois, Janet Lawson. ROW THREE: Sam Kitching , Roy Vanderpool, John VanWinkle, Freddy Massey, Jack Rhodes, Gerald Casey, Edward Ritchie.

After the six weeks tests were over, th ere \1\'a 5

always a sm all knot of studen ts gathered around a sheet of paper on th e bulletin boa rd . Why all the attention ? Tha t sheet of 'paper conta ined the names of the m ember s of th e BETA CLU B, a na tional honorary club . Mrs. Pickens is th e sponsor of this club w ith F reddy M assey as pres ident, Roy

Honor Students

Bettye Ritchie

Gerald Casey


Va nderpool as v ice-president, and Cha rlene Harris as secretary-treasurer . It is a rea l hon or to becom e a m ember and a fi ght to stay in thi s club. A ninety average must be maintain ed for two consecutive six week periods to become a member; to remain a m ember the sam e average is required. An annual event for this group is a breakfast on Baccalaurea te ITIOrnln g.

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Band - ROW ONE: Us Townsdin, Finis Caldwell, Pat Baker, Sam Haynes, Claudette DuBois. ROW TWO: J'Nevlyne Tunnic1iff, Rheba Berryhill, Jane Lewis, Gail Shoptaw, Owen Olbricht, Ann Revel, Will Parker, Marilyn Fields, Neale Pryor, Bob Claunch, Joan West­brook, Lynn Rhodes. Pat Street. ROW THREE: Mr. Eddie Baggett, Wiley Parker, Edward Ritchie, Jack Rhodes, Don SauteT, Tom Brown, Joe Lewis.

Musical Organizations Gave Pleasure The thirly-five college and high school stu­

denls of the HARDING BAND in their maroon and gray uniforms are pleasanl both to behold and to hear. The Band played at all home football games and two out of town games. This active organization performed in the Band-Academy Chorus Concert and their own Band Concert.

This is the first year for a LARGE CHORUS in the Academy. This group was formed with the purpose of improving congregational singing as well as of giving a musical background to students. Their primary activity of the year was the Band­Chorus Concert, December 17.

Large Chorus - ROW ONE: D. O'Connor, M. Jefferson, N. Kissire. N. Glass. G. Bush, J. Waller, B. Ritchie, P. Street, D. Roten, J. Osburn, S. Go\\;'er, A. Bowman. ROW TWO: L. Huffard, C. Harris, R. Coburn, I. V. Crews, C. King, J. Lewis, B. Fogerty, R. Berryhill. ROW THREE: J. Tunnic1iff, R. King, L. A. Martin, F. Berry, D. Deering, C. Singleton, M. Turman, M. Van Sandt, D. McGinnis, C. Lappo, B. Norris, M. Torres. ROW FOUR: G. Martin, G. Stapleton, L. Robertson, C. DuBois, M. Miller, P. Robertson, R. Hutchison, A. Revel, B. French, A. Padilla, D. Smith. ROW FIVE: D. Stackhouse, E. Ritchie, G. McHand, B. Cope, E. Currington, D. Berryhill, R. Kersh, C. VanWinkle, G. VanHooser, B. Tyler, J. Smith, B. Wallace. G. Casey, C. Martin. ROW SIX: C. Penny, S. Todd, J. VanWinkle, J . Wil­liams" S. Kitching, J . Joyner, M. Rhodes, F. Massey, P. Williams, J. McLeod, J . Gibbons, J. Rhodes, R. Brown, R. Vanderpool, C. Conn.

Page 8: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

Small Chorus - ROW ONE: Loreta Huffard, Janet Lawson, Betty Fogarty, Charlotte King, Claudette DuBois, Lois Robertson, Faye Berry, Rosalind King. ROW TWO: Bettye Ritchie. Jane Lewis, I1a Verne Crews, Ann Bowman, Pat Street, Mary Turman, Charlotte Singleton, Clarajane Lappo, Dot McGinnis. ROW THREE: Charlene Harris, Nona Glass, Garth Martin, Bill Tyler, Don Berryhill, Charles Martin, Dwight Smith, Peggy Robertson, Ruthie Hutchison. ROW FOUR: Edward Ritchie, Mickey Allen, Guy McHand, Mike Rhodes, Freddy Massey, Ernest Williams, Gerald Casey, Calvin Conn, Jack Rhodes.

To Bot h Par tic i pan t sand li s ten e r s The thirty-five members of the SMALL

CHORUS make several trips each year. This year our trips to Brinkley, Memphis, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico have given us many memories. Remember how we almost laughed out loud during a program when Bro. Baggett made a terrible

Sextet - Jane Lewis, lIa Verne Crews, Charlene Harris, Peggy Robertson and Claudette DuBois.


grimace to "liven us up?" Or how about the time we heard the rumbling voice of Bro. Mason singing, "Down in the Valley" or "On Top of Old Smokey?" But there are even better memories such as the feeling of closeness to God and to each other which we had as we sang "My God and I" and "The Lord Bless You and Keep You."

Quartet: Fred Massey, Mike Rhodes, Edward Ritchie and Dwight Smith.

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Dramatic Club - ROW ONE: Charlene Harris, Glenda Bush, Peggy Robertson, Bettye Ritchie, Beth French, Mary Turman, Diane O'Connor, Janet Lawson. ROW TWO: Alvin Cashion, Dwight Smith, Don Berryhill, Joe Rockett, Mike Rhodes, Dick Stackhouse, Edward Ritchie. ROW THREE: Loreta Huffard, Jane Lewis, lis Verne Crews, Bunny Norris, Mary Torres. ROW FOUR: Harvey Arnold, Charles Penny, Roy Vanderpool, Freddy Massey, Jimmy Williams, Jack Rhodes, Sam Kitching.

And Drama Entertained Us • • •

Ed and Sam portray a tense moment in "Seeds of Suspicion."

A typical rehearsal for "Meet Me in St. Louis."

Who has never felt a shiver of excitement when the word "stage" is mentioned? Who has never felt a desire to be on the stage with its maze of lights glaring down on him? Few would answer "yes," and the Harding Academy DRAMATIC CLUB is no exception. Eighty-two students make up the Dramatic Club with Harvey Arnold as sponsor and Jim Hayes as assistant director. Club members assisted in the production of two plays­"Seeds of Suspicion," which was taken to the Speech Festival, and our senior play, "Meet Me in St. Louis." Even though it was hard work at times , all of us participating will remember these experiences as belonging among the happiest mo­m ents of our lives.

Backstage work keep Joe, Fred, and Jim well occupied.

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Vespers in Patti Cobb brought the day to a perfect close.

This must have been a sad song!

Band music in the afternoon added to the excitement of Homecoming Day.

• • •

The corner booth - site of campusology courses.

Mother's home cooking was never like Alan's.

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Pep Club - ROW ONE: Nona Glass, lIa Verne Crews. Rosalind King, Mary Torres, Jane Lewis, Lois Robertson, Faye Berry, Bunny Norris, Marcia Van Sandt. ROW TWO: Charlotte Singleton, Mary Turman, Claudette DuBois, Peggy Robertson, Ann Revel, Charlene Harris, Bettyc Ritchie, Beth French. ROW THREE: Clarajane Lappo, Deanna Roten.

Enth Filled the Cheering Section • uSlasm "VVe've got a t-e-a-m that's on the b-e-a-m."

We also had four cheerleaders that were on the beam. They were out in front at every ball game leading the pep squad in yells. Yelling at ball games was not the only activity the Pep Club

engaged in. These girl s arranged for a homecoming parade - the first at Harding Academy. Also they decorated the field for every home game and helped to raise our school sp irit by placing posters in the hall before each game.

~heerleadcrs: Faye Berry, Claudette DuBois, Peggy Robertson, and Lois Robertson.


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Assistant Coach Stan Schwartz and Coach Hugh Grover.

Football Squad Small But Determined

The return of four All-District men from last year's championship squad gave the Wildcats a big lift this year. They opened the autumn season by conced ing a bitterly contested fight to a power­ful Barton squad. The "Cats" were quick to re­taliate with a victory over Marvell followed by a crushing stab given to De Valls Bluff. Although small in stature the "scrappy cats" proved to bp tough on the gridiron as they bucked their larger opponents with fire and zeal. The season came to a close with a four-five record.

1954-55 Season Record

Harding 13 Harding 13 Harding 28 I-larding 20 Harding 19 Harding 14 Harding 6 Harding 6 Harding 7

Barton 26 Marvell 0

De Valls Bluffs 0 Cotton Plant 27 Deaf School 13

Heber Springs 0 Des Arc 15 Augusta 7 Corning 20


Two Wildcats Bring Iowa Des Arc Eagle.

Captain Freddy Massey escorts Queen Peggy Robertson from the field.

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Reggie Hamill

Sonny Todd

These Are The Football Players

Freddy Massey All-District

John Gibbons

Tommy Dwyer

Mike Rhodes All-District

Johnny Berryhill

Richard Beeson

Bob House All-District

Chuck Dean

Roy Vanderpool


Joe Rocket

James Cram

Page 14: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

Faye Berry

... And The Royalty They Selected

Ila Verne Crews


Peggy Robertson

Football Q..ueen

Marcia Van Sandt

Charlene Harris

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Senior Team: Johnny Berryhill, Mickey Allen, Gerald Casey, John VanWinkle. Roy Vanderpool, Freddy Massey, John Gibbons, Edward Ritchie, Dwight Smith. NOT PICTURED: Mike Rhodes.

Wi Ide a t s Rea c h S e mi· Fin a I sin Dis t ric t Bas k e t b a II

The Wildcats po~ted a brilliant 20-5 record, despite sickness and injuries which plagued them throughout the season. They reached the finals of the county tournament but were defeated by Grif­fithville . In this game the Wildcats were weakened

greatly by sickness. In the district tournament the "ca ts" reached the semi-finals before being de­feated by Southside in a real thriller 57-59. Freddy Massey placed on the all-district squad.

1954-55 Season Record

Harding 53 Southside 48 Harding 75 Judsonia 52 Harding 58 Beebe 35 Harding 55 Griffithville 56 Harding 60 Beebe 55 Harding 52 McRae 50 Harding 62 Swifton 51 Harding 58 Swifton 61 Harding 70 McRae 40 Harding 56 Vilonia 40 Harding 54 Plummerville 40 "Harding 70 Central 36 Harding 49 Mt. Vernon 54 "Harding 84 Rosebud 44 Harding 42 Vilonia 40 "Harding 50 Kensett 43 Hard ing 48 Bald Knob 32 " Harding 38 Griffithville 64 Harding 54 Deaf School 43 "Harding 53 Swifton 52 Harding 56 Collon Plant 40 "Harding 63 McRae 52 Harding 46 Dea f School 26 "Harding 57 Southside 59 Harding 65 Heber Springs 24

"Tournament Play


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FREDDY MASSEY shoots for two against Beebe.

JOE ROCKET goes high to get his shot oIl, and just barely succeeds.

ROY VANDERPOOL goes high into the air to snare a rebound.

EDWARD RITCHIE toes the free throw line against Beebe.


Page 17: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

Junior Team! Jimmy Lawson, Carlton Burke, Roy Shinley, Don Berryhill, Bill Cannon, Timmy Rhodes, William Simp­son, Robert Kissire. Lynn Rhodes.

Junior Basketball ...

1954-55 Season Record

Harrlin g 22 Pleasant Plains Barding 37 Beebe lIm-ding 24 Beebe Harding 22 McRae lTarrling 34 Bald Knob H at-ding 25 Deaf School I lard ing 31 Collol1 Plant I Tar'ding 21 Deaf School [-Tardin g 35 H eber Spr ings ITarding 38 .ludsonia Il a rdin g 54 Cen tral Harding 24 McRae Harding 40 Rosebud


45 45 30 20 23 22 27 18 22 28 22 52 56

Timmy Rhodes fires one up as Robert Kissire gets in position to rebound.

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Track Squad: Jimmie Smith, Perry Mason, Dwight Smith, Edward Ritchie, John Gibbons, Don Berryhill, Jimmie Atkins, Roy Vander­]>001, Gerald Casey, Joe Rockett, Sonny Todd, Mike Rhodes, Charles Martin, Ken Cram, Fred Massey, Roger Brown, Sam Kitching.

Wildcats Win Track Crown The VVildcat's scream was heard throughout

the state last season as they cased past all district rivals [or the cinders' crown. The cal's went wild in the District B meet by racking up some 80 points. Later on in the s('ason their spikes dug deep in pay dirt when these mighty marathons marched on the state meet taking possession of a firm third place. Tn the 880 yard nm Freddy Massey came through with a new slate record.

Gerald Casey and Dwight Smith are trying to get their hand-off perfected.

State record holder. Freddy Massey, shows his form in the 880.

Edward Ritchie carries the mail home.


Page 19: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

First row: Bettie West, Abigale Lucena, Modena Harwell, Deanna Roten, Loreta Huffard, Aileen Wilbur. Pat Street. Second row: Betty Fogarty. Marcia Van Sandt, lia Verne Crews, Miss Bula Moudy, sponsor, Mary Torres, Lou Alice Martin . Not pictured: Sue Akers, Janice Osburn, Shirleene Gower. Velma DeMedina, Elizabeth Smith, Shirley Abrams.

Fall IIa Verne Crews Mary Torres Deanna Roten . Loreta Huffard Betty Fogarty Modena Harwell Bula Moudy

SUB -DEB President

Vice President Secretary-Treasurer

Reporter Deb-at-Arms


Spring IIa Verne Crews

Sue Akers Deanna Roten Mary Torres

Janice Osburn Modena Harwell


Time out from club meeting for picture taking.


Each Sub-Deb member was truly a "Sophisti­ca ted Lady"' escorted by a handsome gent to the banquet in the Terrace Room of the Mayfair Hotel on Feb.-uary 26. Decorations were in pink and black with the centerpiece being of pink carnations and programs and place cards of black imprinted with gold. Earlier in the year these same girls were seen informally attired for the preliminary initia­tion of pledges' at the h om e of Deanna Roten -"guests" were served Hadacol and blue cheese. Later the semi-formal , candlelight initiation cere­mony was h eld at Loreta Huffard's home. A spring outing on May 2 climaxed the year's activities.

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First row: John Vanwinkle, Alan Highers, Wayne Rice, Richard Beeson, Jim Hall, Ronald Kersh. Second row: Jim Smith, Pete Williams, Jim Andrews, Al Martin Dieturt, Gary VanHooser, James Oram. Third row: Alvin Cashon, Chuck Day, Harold Haskell , J. E. Berryhill , Jack Reid, Bobby Lacy. Not pictured: Reggie Hamill, Nicky Hovas, Jimmy Joyner. Jeep Martin , Paul Berry, Charles Penny.

ZKT Alan Highers Jack Reid Chuck Day Richard Beeson J. E. Berryhill

The ZKT pledges underwent a strict initiation which climaxed pledge week. After everyone had had a lot of fun - well, pledgemasters anyway -they discussed plans for the year. Those plans in ­cluded "Camp VVyldewood Work Day" which is an annual event for this club. Adding zest to the ZKT year were the new club pins and blue and yellow jackets. The Terrace Room of the Mayfair Hotel became a "Showboat" on March 5 for the banquet. May 9 found the ZKTs at Petit Jean en­joying the food and hiking of an outing.


President V ice President

Secretary-Treasurer Sargent-at-Arms


Pledges get that chained down feeling.

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Mary Turman quips at banquet.

Mary Turman Charlene Harris . Bunny Norris Faye Berry Claudette DuBois Peggy Robertson Alpha Lee Turman

You can always spot a KAT pledge because at the mention of "Air Haid" they drop to the ground and cover their heads with their hands. There were two initiations for these ten pledges to enjoy this year. The banquet on March 10 was a high spot in the yea r [or the KATs when they had as a theme "Song of the South ." The theme was carried out in music with Stephen Foster's songs and Bro. Ritchie's rendition o[ "Old Man River. " Camp Tahkodah was the site chosen for their out­ing on April 3.

K.A.T. President

Vice President Secretary-Treasurer

Reporter Kitten-at-Arms . Histor;an

Peggy Robertson Charlotte Singleton

Bettye Ritchie Faye Berry

Claudette DuBois Jane Lewis


Seated: Peggy Robertson , Alpha Lee Turman. Standing: Rosaline King , Charlene Harris, Lois Robertson , Claudette DuBois, Bunnie Norris, Mary Turman, Nita Kissire, Glenda Bush, Bettye Ritchie, Janet Lawson, Jane Lowis, Charlotte Singleton, Clarajane Lappa, Faye Berry, Dot McGinnis. Not pictured: Ruthie Hutchison.

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During pledge week the K-9 pledgemastcrs went around with spotless shoes. Also that week there was always a K-9 pledge ready to politely open the door for any who might wish to enter . They held their informal initiation in the football dressing room on November 1. On February 15, the K-9s and their dates turned western for a Cow­boy banquet. The atmosphere wa's made very realistic with saddles and old bones. May 16 was the date of the annual spring outing.

Edward Ritchie Mike Rhodes Mavis Baldwin Roy Vanderpool


Hugh Gro,?ver and Eddie Baggett

What western party would be complete without a hanging? ? ?

President V ice President

Secretary-Treasurer Parliamentarian


First row: Eddie Baggett, Ed Ritchie, Dwight Smith, Jim Adkins, Don Berryhill, Angelo Padilla, Mavis Baldwin, Coach Hugh Grover. Second row: John Gibbons, Charles Martin, Steve Sands, Glenn Stapleton, Bob Wallace, Bob Cope. Third row: Sam Kitching, Mike Rhodes, Jim McLeod, Ken Oram, Bob Hou.se, Otis Falls, Eulice Currington. Fourth row: Jack Rhodes, Roy Vanderpool, Calvin Cosn, Jimmy Williams. Fred Massey, Tommy Dwyer. Not pictured: Johnny Berryhill, Joe Rockett, Mickey Allen, Gerald Casey, Guy McHan, Perry Mason.

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First row: Mabel Jc{(cl'son, Mary Jo Stanford, Nancy Ross, Jamie Stanford, Mrs. Andy Ritchie, sponsor, Marian Jones, Carol Wicker, Ann Revel. Second row: Jane Waller, Diane O'Conner, Martha French, Ruth Coburn, Carrie Montgomery. Reba Jo Berryhill, Beth French, Nona Glass. Not pictured: Ann Bowman, Denise Deering, Gloria Durham, Emile Burke.

Jamie Stanford Carol Wicker Martha French Ann Bowman Mary Jo Stanford Mrs. Andy T . Ritchie

Ann. Marion and Carol relax in the inn.



President Vice President

Secretary T reasurer

Reporter Sponsor

The Sigma Theta Alpha Roe Clu b is exactly two years old. It was formed last year because of the large enrollment in high sc hoo l. Their fifteen pledges wore blue and white caps and spent their time telling oth er people the time in the Inn. On April 9 they donned their best for their banquet, "Easter Parade." The year's fun culminated in a journey to Petit Jean Mountain on May 9. The hik ing, food. and laughter of this day wi ll not soon be forgottC'n.

Page 24: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

Miss Charlene Harris KAT

May Queen Attendant


ROW ONE: Nita Kissire. Marian Jones, Sue Ackers. ROW TWO: Charles Penny, John VanWinkle, Micky Allen.

Miss Ann Revel STAR

May Queen Attendant

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Alan Highers

CVorothy McGinnis


Freddy Massey

Peggy Robertson

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Charlene Harris

Roy Vanderpool


Faye Berry

Micl{ey Allen

Page 27: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

\'# ..

The Freshmen. • •

Freshman Class OUicers: Pete Williams, reporter; Bettye Ritchie, secretary; Robert Kissire, vice­president; Don Berryhill, president.

Stephen Berry

The Sophomores. • •

Sophomore Class O(£icers: Gerald Casey. president, ( Jimmy Joyner, secretary; Modena Howell, reporter; Charles Martin, vice-president.

Emilie Burke Gerald ' 'layne Casey Ruth Carolyn Coburn


/ }

Don O'neal Berryhill Rheba Jo Berryhill Robert H. Cope Charles Lawrence Dean Velma Violet DeMedina

Roy Alfred Efferson May Beth French Jim Hall Ronald Wayne Kersh Rosalind King

Robert L. Kissire Bcttye May Ritchie Patricia Ann Street Aileen Louise Wilbur Alvin Clyde Williams

Page 28: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...


AI Martin Dietert Gloria Jean Durham Modena Harwell Mabel Florence Jefferson Jimmy Joyner

Bobby Allen Lacy Charles Jerome Martin Lou Alice Martin Jim Oliphint McLeod Carrie Lou Montgomery

Diane Jeannette O'Conner James Richa rd Oram Jack Wayne Rhodes David \ '\Iayne Rice Nancy Marie Ross

Maryjo Carolyn Stanford Kate Florence Ulrich Charles Ray Van Winkle Bettie Gale West Ernest Earl vViliiams

I =*

' / -

The Juniors.

Junior Class Officers : Roy Vanderpool, president; Charlene Harris, secretary; Sam Kitching, vice­president.

Shirley Annette Abrams James Robert Adkins Mavis S. Baldwin



• •

Page 29: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

, ,.'


~- .


Richard Beeson Faye Berry John Elvin Berryhill Ann Bowlnan Frank Austin Brooks

Alvin Willard Cashon Ca lvin Edward Conn James II. Crews Chuck Day Claudette DuBois

David Thomas Dwyer David Feider Elizabelh Jo Fogarty Martha French John Rex Gibbons

Nona Glass Shirlene Gower Glenna Charlene Harris Bobby Mack House RUlhie Adelinn Hulchison

Marian Jones Charlotte Rulh King Nila Dean Kissire Samuel F. Kilching Clarajanc Lappo

Marilyn Jane Lewis Bunny, on'is Kennelh Oram Lois Jeanette Robertson Wilton Richard"Stackhouse

l'Nevlyne Tunnicliff Roy Eldon Vanderpool Marcia Lee Van Sandt Robert A. Wallace James Raymond Williams

Page 30: offering a well-rounded program intellectually, physically ...

Senior Class Officers: Edward Ritchie, reporter; Mike Rhodes, vice-president; Peggy Robertson, secretary; Freddy Massey. president.

MICKEY ALLEN Memphis, Tenn. T.ransf. Hay Long Jr. High; K-9 1, 2, 3, 4; Small Chorus 3, 4; Large Chorus 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Bas­ketball 2, 3, ·4; Dramatic Club 4, Reprter 4; May Court 4; Track ; All District Football 3; County Bas­ketban 3, 4.

ROGER BROWN Estancia, N. Mex. Small Chorus 4; Large Chorus 4; Dramatic Club 4.

GLENDA ANN BUSH North Little Rock, Ark.

Trans!. North Little Rock High School; KAT 4; Small Chorus 4; Dramatic Club 4; Pep Club 4, Large Chorus 4.

ILA VERNE CREWS Keiser, Ark. Trans!' All Saints Academy; Sub-Deb 3, 4, Deb-at­Arms 3, Pres. 4; Pep Club 3, 4, Pres. 4; Dramatic club 3, 4, Vice-Pres. 4; Senior Play 3; Sign Language Club 3; May Queen Attendant 3; Small Chorus 3, 4; Large Chorus 4; Sextet 3, 4; Homecoming Attendant 3, 4; Health Council 4.

EULICE CURINGTON Van Nuys, Calif. Trans(. Arcadia High School; K-9 4; Large Chorus 4; Debate Team 3, 4.

DENISE DEERING Camden, Ark. Transf. Camden High School; STAR 4; Large Chorus 4; Pep Club 4; Dramatics Club 4.

OTIS FALLS Medford, Ore. K·9 1, 2, 3, 4; Footban 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketban 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 4; All District Football 3.

ALAN HIGHERS Clovis, N. Mex. Trans!. Fort Smith High School; ZKT 3, 4, Pres. 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4, Pres. 3, 4; Student Council 4; Citizenship Club 4, Chairman 4; Boys' State 3; Wittiest 3; Debate Team 3, 4; Key Club 4; Sennt.:lr Play 3; Sign Language Club 3; Home Room Pres. 4; Health Council 4.

LORETA HUFFARD Chicago, III. Sub-Deb 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-Pres. 2, reporter 4: Small Chorus 2, 3, 4; Large Chorus 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4;

The Seniors ...

SUE AKERS Kennett, Mo. Trans!. Kennett High School; Sub Deb 4, Vice-Pres. 4; Pep Club 4; May Court 4.

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Baton Rouge, La.

JANET LAWSON Memphis, Tenn. Trans(, Treadwell High School; KAT 4; Small 4; Large Chorus 4; Dramatic Club 4, Sec.-Treas. Beta Club 4; Pep Club 4; Home Room Vice-Pres. 4.

GARTH MARTIN St. Louis, Mo. Transf. Southwest High School; ZKT 4; Small ChoMll 4 ; Large Chorus 3.

PERRY MASON Searcy, Ark. K-9 1, 2, 3, Vice-Pres. 3; Track I , 3 ; Beta Club 1, 2, 3; Large Chorus 3.

FREDDY MASSEY Pontotoc, K-9 1, 2. 3, 4; Small Chorus 1. 2, 3, 4, Vice-Pres. Large Chorus 4; Citizenship Club 4 ; Beta Club 1, 3, 4, Vice-Pres. 2, Pres. 3, 4; Key Club 2, 3, 4, Sec. Pres. 4 ; Class Vice-Pres. 2, Pres. 3, 4; Dramatic 3, 4; Senior Play 3; Best All Around 3; Sign La"gu .... Club 3; May Court 3; Foot ball 2, 3, 4, All District 3, 4-An State 4, Co-Captain 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4, All DiI­trict 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Outstanding Athlete Award 2; Quartet 4 .

DOROTHY McGINNIS Osceola, Transf. Keiser High School; KAT 3, 4; Pep Club 3, Treas. 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Small Chorus 4; Chorus 4; Class Reporter 3; Wittiest 3; Sign L.rlgu'~1 3.

GUY McHAND Memphis, T Transf. Southside High School ; K-9 3, 4; Key Small Chorus 3, 4; Large Chorus 4, Track of; Dra"",'4 Club 4.



JANICE OSBURN Ripley, Transf. Palo Verde High School; Sub-Deb 4, Arms 4; Large Chorus 4; Pep Club 4.

CHARLES PENNY Memphis, T Trans!. Messick High School; ZKT 4; Small Chorus


MARY PIERCE Memphis, Trans!. Central High School.

JACK REID Houston, Transf. Allen Military Academy; ZKT 3, 4.

ANN REVEL Augusta, Transf. Augusta High School; STAR 4; Dramatic 4; Large Chorus 4; Band 4; May Queen Attendant Home Room Sec. 4.

MIKE RHODES Searcy, K-9 I, 2, 3, 4, Vice-Pres. 3, 4; Small Chorus I , 2, 4; Football I, 2, 3, 4, Most Valuable Player 4, District 4; Track I, 3, 4; Beta Club 1, 2, 3, 4;

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EDWARD HlTCHIE Searcy, Ark. K-9 I, 2, 3, 4, Pres. 4; Large Chorus 4; Small Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4, Pres. 3, 4; Band 3, 4; Basketball I , 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 3, 4; Beta Club 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club I, 2, 3, 4, Vice-Pres. I, Pres. 2; Sign Language Club 3; Quartet 2, 3, 4; Class Sec.-Treas. 1, 2, 3, Reporter 4; Senior Play 2.

PEGGY ROBERTSON orth Little Rock, Ark.

KAT 2, 3, 4, Pres. 3, 4, Sec.-Treas. 2, Historian 4; Small Chorus 2, 3, 4, Sec.-Tress. 3, Reporter 4; Sex­tet 4; Large Chorus 4; Beta Club 2, 3, 4; Sign Language Club 3; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4, Sec.-Tress. 2; Senior Play 2, 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4, Captain 3, 4; Home­coming Queen 4; May Court 2; Citizenship Club 4; Best All Around 3; Class Reporter 2, 3, Sec.-Tress. 4; Homemaker of Tomorrow 4.

JOE ROCKETT Memphis, Tenn. Trans£. Treadwell High School; K-9 3, 4; Sign Language Club 3; Football 4; Track 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4.

DEA NA ROTEN Searcy, Ark. Transf. Melbourne High School; Sub-Deb 3, 4, Sec. 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4; Large Chorus 4; Pep Club 2, 4, Deb-at-Arms 3.


Transf. Muskegon High School; KAT 4, Vice-Pres. 4; Small Chorus 4; Large Chorus 4; Pep Club 4; Dramatic Club 4; Beta Club 4; Homeroom Pres. 4.

DWIGHT SMITH Sweetwater, Tex. Transf. Newman High School; K-9 1, 2, 3, 4; Small Chorus 1, 3, 4; Large Chorus 4; Quartet 3, 4; Basketball 1, 4; Football 4; Track 1, 4; All County Basketball 4; Class Vice-Pres. 3; Chorus Librarian 3; Senior Play 3; Dramatic Club 1, 3, 4; Sign Language Club 3; Beta Club 4.

JIM SMITH Quincy, Fla. Transf. Dasher Bible School; ZKT 4; Large Chorus 4.

·JAMIE STANFORD Searcy, Ark. Transf. Abilene High School; STAR 3, 4, Sec. 3, Pres. 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Large Chorus 4; Band 3, 4; Beta Club 3, 4; Sign Language Club 3; Health Council 4.

GLEN STAPLETON Searcy, Ark. K-9 I, 2, 3, 4.

EDWIN TODD Searcy, Ark. K-9 1, 2,; Key Club 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Football 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Large Chorus 4.

MARY TORRES New York City, N. Y. Trans(. Washington Irving High; Sub-Deb 2, 3, 4, His­torian, Vice-Pres., Reporter; Small Chorus 3, 4; Large Chorus 4; Sign Language Club 2, 3; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 4.

MARY TURMAN Searcy, Ark. KAT 1, 2, 3, 4, Pres. 2, 4, Sec.-Treas. 2, Reporter 3; Beta Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec.-Treas. 2; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Reporter 3, Senior Play I , 2, 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Reporter 4; Small Chorus 2, 3, 4; Large Chorus 4; May Court 3; Citizenship Club 4; Student Council 4; H. S. Petit Jean Editor 4.

JOHN VANWINKLE Bay, Ark. Transf. Bay High School; ZKT 3, 4· Beta Club 3, 4; Basketball 4; Track 4.

JANE WALLER Searcy, Ark. TransC. Searcy High School; STAR 4; Large Chorus Dramatic Club 4; Pep Club 4.

CAROL WICKER Corpus Christi, Tex. Transf. Roy Miller High School; STAR 3, 4, Vice.Pres. 4; Large Chorus 4; Texas Club 3; Pep Club 3; Sign

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FIRST GRADE - SEATED: Mary Katherine Hall, Jimmy Berryhill. Linda Sue Huddleston, Roger Pate, Carol Ann Brown, Mollie Marie Mason. STANDING: Bobbie Kellams, Philip Hughes, Barbara Bales, Micheal Hedrick, Kathy Murray, Jenene Hart, Linda Jane Cannon, Miss Ellen Knight.

SECOND GRADE - SEATED: Nena Hays, Joan Burks, Jackie Roberson, Pattie Sears, Angela Bowman, Cathy Slaughter, Linda Wilson. STANDING: Terry Evans, James Lee Word, Marty Beckman, Kenny Cope, Joe Sims, Mrs. Clariece Kellams, Dickie Berryhill, Martha Pitner, Kay Field, John Lewis, Alan Garner. NOT PICTURED: Tim Norris.

THIRD GRADE - ROW ONE: Harve Rhodes, James E. Street, Excell Berryhill, James D. Bales. Martin Rhodes, Richard Hall. ROW TWO: Evelyn Roten, Jan Atteberry, Judy Rhodes, Jimmy Spaulding, James D. 8-ears, Larry Lawson, Jerry Evans. ROW THREE: Mary Hannah Sewell , Barbara Thompson, Martha Hall, Mary Ruth Gibbons. Kenna Baines, Claudia Harris, Synette Hubbard, Charles Abernathy,

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FOURTH GRADE - ROW ONE: Lisa Schrade, Nancy Glover, Ann Hedrick, Joan Ritchie, Ruth Anne Brown. ROW TWO: Larry Rainey, Glenn Smith, Wayne Arnold, Miss Alpha Turman, Larry Hillis, Steve Hays, Mike Beckman.

FlFT ... AND SIXTH GRADES - ROW ONE: Donnie Thompson, Dickie Dean, Doug Faith, Edward Hays, Clifton Ganus, Eddie Bennett. ROW TOW: Rosemary Speak, Helen Beth Powell, Lanny Casey, Mike Sims, Jimmy Arnold, Larry French, Phillip Rhodes, Louellen West. ROW THREE: Sue Rainey, Eddy Jo Hughes, Mrs. Iris Martin, Pat Glass, Mary Ethel Bales, Nancy Cope, Millie Jo Cannon, Omagene Cowan, Rethadell English.

SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADES - ROW ONE: Lynn Rhodes, Tommy Bryant, William Simpson, Eugene Page, Butch Short, Warren Johnson. ROW TWO: Chris Dean, Richard Jenkins, Carlton Burke, Larry Daugherty, Latina Dykes, Timmy Rhodes, Jimmy Lawson, Woodrow Nit:holson, Benjie Norris. ROW THREE: William Cannon, Naita Jean Berryhill, Carolyn Houser, Blenda Roberts, Myra Cope, Mary Allen, Shirley Bryant, Mr. WilbUrn Rainey, Lola Margaret Speak, Linda Baitey, Dennis Reed.

