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Office of School Performance Healthful Living Kickoff Meeting

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Office of School Performance Healthful Living Kickoff Meeting. Elementary Teachers Lufkin Middle School July 2 nd , 2014. Michelle Gray – American Heart Association. Greg Moore – Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less. Steve Crute – WCPSS Adapted Physical Education. Sign in…. Site for QR Codes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Response to School Health Advisory Council Recommendations

Elementary TeachersLufkin Middle SchoolJuly 2nd, 2014Office of School Performance Healthful Living Kickoff MeetingMichelle Gray American Heart Association

Michelle Gray is Youth Market Director for the American Heart Association. She has been our contact for JRFH for many years.2Greg Moore Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less

Greg Moore is Lead Instructor with ESMMWL. The ESMM program has served countless numbers of schools and been a great resource for teacher wellness and morale.3Steve Crute WCPSS Adapted Physical Education

Steve Crute is the East/Central Adapted Physical Education specialist for the district. Hes here to discuss your opportunity to work with the APE department to meet the needs of all students.4Sign in

The first QR code that we will take a look at today is for signing in. If you dont have the capability, no worries, there is a hard copy sign in going around as well. Well take a minute for those who have phones to get the free QR app if they wish.5Site for QR Codes

QR codes can be a great resource for directing parents to resources on the web. Qrstuff.com is a free site where you can copy and paste an address to create a QR code. Once you create a code you can put it into newsletters or other correspondences to get people to where you want them to go.6District-Wide Healthful Living CommunicationWCPSS Healthful Living Wiki https://wcpsshealthfulliving.pbworks.com

The 3rd QR code for today takes you to the HL Wiki site. This is where all information will be housed from now on. Please make this site a favorite on your computer so that you can pull it up easily. You can find todays agenda and documents by clicking the elementary button, elementary professional development, OSP documents.7

Sometimes being a teacher feels like8

This Years FocusWe will focus on 4 big ideas this year as a department.9

This Years WCPSS Healthful Living Areas of Focus1 Flipping Your Classroom4 Analysis of Student Work (Teacher Evaluation Standard 6)3 Student Assessment2 Data-Based Goal Setting

Seldom (1)Student does not demonstrate recognizable forms of at least 2 of the essential elements of dribbling.Sometimes (2)Student demonstrates recognizable form of 2 of the essential elements of dribbling.Consistently (3) Student demonstrates recognizable forms of 3 of the essential elements of dribbling.Exceeds (4)Student demonstrates recognizable forms of more than 3 of the essential elements of dribbling.

101 Flipping Your Classroom

111 Purpose of the Flipped ClassroomReduce lecture timeIncrease student understanding of important skills/topicsIncrease parent understanding of Essential Standard objectives and age-appropriate skill buildingThe flipped videos give you an opportunity to show parents the structure of PE and age-appropriate skills for their children. It can also cut sown on your lecture time. You may have the capability to project videos to classes or have the classroom teacher show the videos prior to students arrival at the beginning of each unit.122 Data-Based Goal Setting

132 Purpose of Data-Based Goal SettingUse of information to educate students, parents and public about Healthful Living in WCPSS.Allows for measurable yearly district-wide initiatives to inform progress.Allows for comparison between growth in Fitness and growth in other academic areas.Gives students opportunity to individualize performance and assign personal meaning to data. Individual goal setting improves the overall performance of our kids.More often then not, what gets measured gets done. Welnet gives you a great opportunity to set school-wide goals for student improvement. Goals like this can serve as motivators to your students. Follow QR code 6 to see our District goal based on last years Welnet Data.14How can I find my schools average mile time?

3 Student AssessmentSeldom (1)Student does not demonstrate recognizable forms of at least 2 of the essential elements of dribbling.Sometimes (2)Student demonstrates recognizable form of 2 of the essential elements of dribbling.Consistently (3) Student demonstrates recognizable forms of 3 of the essential elements of dribbling.Exceeds (4)Student demonstrates recognizable forms of more than 3 of the essential elements of dribbling.

163 Purpose of Student AssessmentIdentify standards being taught and individual student proficiency for the purpose of informing instruction.Pre-Post artifacts for your growth portfolio (ASW)Identify what classes get vs. what you may want to work on more extensivelyCMAPP assessments & lessons are resources for teachers to use at their own discretion. Assessments may be modified or alternative assessments may be used by any teacher at any time.

QR Code 8 will take you to CMAPP. 4th Grade Throwing and Catching Students could complete pre and post testing, you could, or it could be a combination of the two. Remember, assessment can be formal or informal and does not need to be formally recorded every day. Feedback is essential to student improvement in all things, and assessment should be used to provide feedback to students and inform your instruction.174 Analysis of Student Work

184 Process/Purpose of the ASWMeasure student growth to contribute to NC Teacher Evaluation Standard VI score.

19In a nutshell

TA = Timelapse Artifact20

In the full implementation next year, teachers who provide instruction in Healthful Living, a combination of Health and Physical Education, should choose four clarifying objective representing an identified combination of the 9 strands of Healthful Living, plus one additional objective representing any of the 9 individual strands of Health and Physical Education. These objectives should be used to compile 5 timelapse artifacts.

One clarifying objective should be chosen from the combination of:Mental and Emotional Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity or Alcohol Tobacco and other drugs. These strands are highlighted in peach.

One clarifying objective should be chosen from the combination of:Personal and Consumer Health or Interpersonal Communication & Relationship strands. They are highlighted in orange.

One clarifying objective should be chosen from the combination of:Motor Skills or Movement Concepts strands. They are highlighted in green.

One clarifying objective should be chosen from the combination of:Health-Related Fitness or Personal & Social Responsibility strands. They are highlighted in blue.

One additional objective should be chosen representing any of the 9 strands of Health and Physical Education


Timelapse Artifacts will be uploaded to the online platform.

Module 10 will provide training in accessing and navigating the online platform

Complete and Upload an Evidence Collection TA 3StudentTA 4StudentTA 5Whole ClassTA 1 StudentTA 2 Whole Class

All 5 Timelapse Artifacts will be uploaded to the online platform to form the Evidence Collection.

Teachers will receive a predetermined amount of space per Evidence Collection. Teachers will receive progress updates during the submission process and a final notification from the online platform when all components of each Timelapse Artifact have been successfully submitted and are ready for review.

Remember: For the purposes of the 2013-2014 pilot, participants will compile only 3 Timelapse Artifacts, instead of 5. This is due to the compacted schedule for the Spring 2014 pilot. Click

Option 1 Student Work SamplesCollect and keep 2 work samples:for each class memberfor the objective at 2 separate points in time

Work Sample Options

There are two options for each Timelapse Artifact. Option 1, Student Work Samples, involves a teacher collecting and keeping 2 work samples:for each class member, for the objective, at 2 separate points in time.


1 Timelapse ArtifactTimelapse Artifact Option 1 Student Work SamplesOnline platform will select3 students

The TA will be compiled using the Student Work Samples from these selected students.

Work Sample OptionsWhen it is time to upload Option 1 Timelapse Artifacts, teachers will receive a random sample of students for whom they must upload Timelapse Artifacts to the online platform.

The online platform will randomly identify or select 3 students for each objective chosen by the teacher. The Timelapse Artifact will be compiled using the Student Work Samples from these selected students.


Timelapse Artifact Option 2 Whole Class Work Samples2 work samples that represent the entire classfor the objective at 2 separate points in time

Work Sample Options

Option 2 involves a teacher collecting and keeping 2 work samples that represent the entire class:for the objective, at 2 separate points in time.


In a nutshell

MS Example Throwing and Catching pre & postMC Example Rhythm peer assessmentHF Example Welnet individual and group summary reportsHealth Simple Pre-test (exit tickets or entry survey), Post tests which come back to original topics from simple pre-tests.PR Example Group or individual performance on behavior rubrics26

This Years WCPSS Healthful Living Areas of Focus1 Flipping Your Classroom4 Analysis of Student Work (Teacher Evaluation Standard 6)3 Student Assessment2 Data-Based Goal Setting

Seldom (1)Student does not demonstrate recognizable forms of at least 2 of the essential elements of dribbling.Sometimes (2)Student demonstrates recognizable form of 2 of the essential elements of dribbling.Consistently (3) Student demonstrates recognizable forms of 3 of the essential elements of dribbling.Exceeds (4)Student demonstrates recognizable forms of more than 3 of the essential elements of dribbling.
