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OFFICERS DIRECTORS DISTRICT GOVERNORS LIONS INTERNATIONAL5-0-- _ Dudley L. Simms Clarence L. Sturm Clarence L. Sturm, Manawa, Wis., was elected President at the 1959 Convention in New York after service through the three Vice-Presidencies and as an International Direc- tor. A Charter Member of the Manawa club, he holds the Key, 100% Attendance, Extension and Ambassador of Good ''ViII Awards. He is a member of the firm of A. Sturm & Sons, food processors and packers. Mr. Sturm is a Vice- President of CARE, the international welfare agency, to which he has devoted much time and effort. He and his wife Norma have one daughter, (Mrs. Ross Bauer). Dudley L. Simms, Charleston, W. Va., is Immediate Past President of the Association. He became a Lion in 1937 and attained the Presidency after serving through club and district offices and as an International Director. He devel- oped the Association's Membership Development and Retention program and originated the club president's manual. Head of a chain of Piece Goods Shops in West Virginia, he and his wife Opal have four children: Mrs. Patricia Marie Harrison, Mrs. Betty Lee Sears, twin sons, John Lee and Dudley Lee III, and seven grandchildren. THE LION-OCTOBEH, 1959 15 WDK 2013
Page 1: OFFICERS DIRECTORS DISTRICT GOVERNORShistory.ohiolions.org/PIPLCI/bio/1959.pdfOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Finis E. Davis, First Vice-President, Louisville, Ky., is Superintendent of the






Dudley L. Simms

Clarence L. Sturm

Clarence L. Sturm, Manawa, Wis., was elected Presidentat the 1959 Convention in New York after service throughthe three Vice-Presidencies and as an International Direc-tor. A Charter Member of the Manawa club, he holds theKey, 100% Attendance, Extension and Ambassador ofGood ''ViII Awards. He is a member of the firm of A. Sturm& Sons, food processors and packers. Mr. Sturm is a Vice-President of CARE, the international welfare agency, towhich he has devoted much time and effort. He and hiswife Norma have one daughter, (Mrs. Ross Bauer).

Dudley L. Simms, Charleston, W. Va., is Immediate PastPresident of the Association. He became a Lion in 1937and attained the Presidency after serving through club anddistrict offices and as an International Director. He devel-oped the Association's Membership Development andRetention program and originated the club president'smanual. Head of a chain of Piece Goods Shops in WestVirginia, he and his wife Opal have four children: Mrs.Patricia Marie Harrison, Mrs. Betty Lee Sears, twin sons,John Lee and Dudley Lee III, and seven grandchildren.


Page 2: OFFICERS DIRECTORS DISTRICT GOVERNORShistory.ohiolions.org/PIPLCI/bio/1959.pdfOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Finis E. Davis, First Vice-President, Louisville, Ky., is Superintendent of the


Finis E. Davis, First Vice-President, Louisville, Ky., isSuperintendent of the American Printing House for theBlind. A Key Member, he served as District Governor andthen International Director. Mr. Davis is on the ExecutiveCouncil of the International Conference of Educators ofBlind Youth. He and his wife Ethlyn have three daugh-ters: !frs. Marybel Black, [uliann and Linda Sue.

Per Stahl, Second Vice-President, Eskilstuna, Sweden, isManaging Director of Adolph Stahlsaktiebolag, manufac-turers of tools and cutlery. Former club and district officer,he became an International Director in 1953. He holds thePresident's and Merit Awards and is an Ambassador ofGood Will. He and his wife Inger are the parents of threechildren: Torbjorn, Gunilla and Margareta.

Curtis D. Lovill, Gardiner, Maine. Third Vice President.A Past Int. Director, Lion Lovill is a charter member ofthe Gardiner club, an International Counsellor, a SeniorMaster Key member and holder of the Merit Award. He isPresident of the Eagle Publishing Company and editorand publisher of the Gardiner Adoertiser and the WinthropAdoertiser. He and his wife Mary are active in churchwork.

Miguel E. Abed, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Director. A formerDirector (1955-56), International Counsellor and PastPresident of the National Association of Lions Clubs ofIlexico, Lion Abed holds the valued International Mem-

bership Key. His many business interests include realestate and textiles. He was chairman of the Mexico Cityconvention, 1952. He and his wife Conchita have elevenchildren.

Thomas G. Basil, Annapolis, Md. Director. A Past Presi-dent of the Annapolis club, he is a Key Iember, an Inter-national Counsellor and holder of the 100% DistrictGovernor's Award. In the insurance and real estate busi-ness, Lion Basil was Police Commissioner of Annapolis, aCity Councilman and an active leader in many communityagencies. He and his wife Elsie have one child.

Luis Eduardo Giraldo Lopez, Sincelejo, Bolivar, Colom-bia. Director. A charter member of the Sincelejo club, heis a Key Member, International Counsellor and recipientof the Extension, Merit and President's Awards. Superin-tendent and Director of Transandina Construction Co.,Lion Giraldo has received many honors for civic activities.He and his wife Olga have two daughters.

Dr. Harry E. Goddard, Kennett, Mo. Director. SeniorMaster Key Member of tile Kennett club, he is an Inter-national Counsellor holding the Extension and 100%Dis-trict Governor's Awards. Dr. Goddard is a practicingdentist and Sec.-Treas. of the Southeast Missouri DentalAssociation. He is an active leader in the Boy Scoutmovement. He and his wife Jeanette have one child.

Gilvan Machado Guimaraes, Recife, Brazil. Director. Acharter member of the Recife club, Director Machado isa Key Member and an International Counsellor. He studiedlaw and is now an industrialist. His many interests includetile Presidency of the Regional Council of IndustrialTraining Service in Colombia. He and his wife Edina arethe parents of four children.

Kin-ichi Ishikawa, Tokyo, Japan. Director. The death ofDirector Ishikawa exactly one month after his election tothe International Board shocked tile World of Lionism. Hewas Charter President of tile Tokyo club and an Interna-tional Counsellor. He was internationally famed for hisscholarly translations of important literature into theJapanese. He is survived by his wife Eigh, five children.

Finis E. Davis

Curtis D. Lovill Miguel E. Abed

Thomas G. Basil

Luis Eduardo Giraldo Lopez Dr. Harry E. Goddard

Gilvan Machado Guimaraes

Kin-ichi Ishikawa

THE LION-OCTOBER, 1959 1"/WDK 2013

Page 3: OFFICERS DIRECTORS DISTRICT GOVERNORShistory.ohiolions.org/PIPLCI/bio/1959.pdfOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Finis E. Davis, First Vice-President, Louisville, Ky., is Superintendent of the


Javier De Izcue De La Fuente, Lima, Peru. Director.Lion Izoue was a charter member of the Lima and Mira-flores clubs, serving both as President. He is an Internation-al Counsellor, holding the Silver Key, dent and CharterChevron Awards. Manager of the Banco Popular of Peru,Director Izcue is a member of the City Council of Lima.He and his wife Armida are the parents of two children.Ivan H. Jackson, Cartersville, Ga. Director. A Master KeyMember, Lion Jackson is an International Counsellor andrecipient of the Extension and 100% District GovernorAwards. He is Commercial Sales Engineer of the GeorgiaPower Company. Director Jackson is a member of theBoard of Stewards of the Methodist Church and he andhis wife Irma are active in church and community affairs.A. C. Kidd, Wewoka, Okla. Director. He has held prac-tically every office jn his club and district, is a 3D-yearmember and holds the Senior Master Key. A practicingattorney, he is President of the County Bar Association,was Mayor of Wewoka and a state officer of the [aycees.He served as county chairman in Heart, Cancer and RedCross campaigns. Director Kidd and his wife eona haveone child.U. A. Lipscomb, Odessa, Texas. Director. He served asPresident of the Odessa club, District Governor andChairman of the Council of Governors, holding the Ex-tension Award and the Senior Master Key. An insuranceexecutive, Lion Lipscomb is a life member of the NationalEducation Association. He is a former Mayor of vVink,Texas. He and his wife Mary Irene have one son.Paul W. Mahady, Latrobe, Pa. Director. Lion Mahady i~an International Counsellor. A graduate of the HarvardLaw School, he is a member of the law firm of Mahady &Mahady, the Amvets, National Judge Advocate of theAmerican Legion and of his state Bar Association. A Lt.Colonel in World War II, he received the Legion ofMerit and the Commendation Medal with cluster. He andhis wife Janet have two sons.Maurice Perstein, San Francisco, Cal. Director. An Inter-national Counsellor, he was originator and chairman of"Operation Philippines." Director Perstein holds the Am-bassador of Good Will Award and is a Key and Lifemember. He is a partner in San Francisco's well-knownPioneer Flag Company and Pioneer Electric ConstructionCompany. He and his wife Yvette have two sons.James D. Richardson, Brunswick Heads, Australia. Direc-tor. Charter President of the Brunswick-Mullumbimbyclub, Lion Richardson is an International Counsellor andholder of many awards in Lionism. He is a hotel manager.He served as bomber pilot in the Royal Australian AirForce and was President of the Sailors, Soldiers and Air-mens Imperial League. He and his wife Pamela have oneson.Al A. Schock, Sioux Falls, S. D. Director. Chairman,Executive Council, Board of Governors, 1957-58. Inter-national Counsellor, Key Member, holder of several Lionawards. A U. S. Army officer in World \Var II, LionSchock received the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He isco-owner of a dairy processing plant in Sioux Falls. Heand his wife Phyllis have three children.

Ugo Sola, Rome, Italy. Director. An International Coun-sellor, Lion Sola has served the Italian Govenunent asAmbassador to Brazil, Roumania and Albania. He wasPresident of the Center for International Reconciliation,President of Honor of the Institute for Exploration of theMediterranean Sea, and holds the Grand Cross of theItalian Crown Order. He and his wife Matilde have threechildren.

Javier De Izcue De La Fuente

Ivan H. Jackson

A. C. Kidd R. A. (Lip) Lipscomb

Paul 'V. Mahady

Maurice Perstein James D. Richardson

AI A. Schock


Ugo Sola

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Page 4: OFFICERS DIRECTORS DISTRICT GOVERNORShistory.ohiolions.org/PIPLCI/bio/1959.pdfOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Finis E. Davis, First Vice-President, Louisville, Ky., is Superintendent of the


Frank A. Bartlett, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Director.A Key Member and International Counsellor, DirectorBartlett has been President of the International Associa-tion of Lions Clubs of Canada. Trained as an accountant,he is owner of an automotive and industrial brake andclutch service, member of the Hamilton Chamber ofCommerce and of the Executives Association. His wife'sname is Violet.

Dr. Walter H. Campbell, Miami Beach, Fla. Director. Aformer District Governor, Lion Campbell is a Key Mem-ber, Ambassador of Good Will and holds the Extension,Merit, District Governor and President's Awards. He is adentist, and in vVorld War II served as Captain in theArmy Dental Corps. Active in community and fraternalgroups, Dr. Campbell was born in Tennessee and attendedNorthwestern U.

Dr. Serafin Fernandez Lopez, Santa Clara, Cuba. A char-ter member of the Santa Clara club, Dr. Fernandez is anInternational Counsellor and holder of a 20-year CharterChevron, the Key of Nations and a 21-year perfect at-tendance record. A graduate of Havana University, Direc-tor Fernandez is a practicing ophthalmologist and founderof the Cuban Red Cross. He and his wife Maria Teresahave two children.

A..Garland Hardy, Muncie, Ind. Director. Director Hardyis a Past President of his club, an International Counsellorand a Key Member. He is a graduate of Ball State Teach-ers College, did his graduate work at Columbia Universityand then returned to his alma mater to be AdministrativeAssistant to the Director of Graduate Studies. He and hiswife Mildred are active in civic and church work.

Oren E. Long, Honolulu, Hawaii. Director. He has servedas president of the Honolulu club, of which he has beena member since 1926, and District Governor. A native ofKansas, he holds degrees from the University of Michi-gan, Columbia University and the University of Hawaii.He is a United States Senator representing Hawaii. Heand his wife are active in church work.

Sherman B. Lowe, Salt Lake City, Utah. Director. AMaster Key Member, he has served his club as secretaryand president. He was Zone Chairman, Deputy DistrictGovernor, District Governor and Vice-Chairman of theExecutive Council of Board of Governors. Father of sixchildren, he is Administrative Assistant to the StateGovernor and senior partner of Lowe Drug Co.

Alcee F. Maxfield, Lake Charles, La. Director. He hasbeen president of his club, Zone Chairman, Deputy Dis-trict Governor and District Governor. A Key Member, hehas received the Extension and District Governor Awards.He studied at the American Institute of Banking, was abanker before turning to sub-clivi ion development. Hiswife's name is Katherine,

William K. Richardson, Galesburg, Ill. Director. A MasterKey Member with a perfect attendance of 19 years, hehas been president of his club and held various Districtoffices, including that of District Governor. He receivedan A.B. from Knox College and his LL.B. from Michigan.A Presbyterian, he maintains a law practice in additionto being circuit court clerk and recorder.

Randell D. Watkins, Laramie, Wyo. Director. Chairmanof the Board of Governors last year, he has served aspresident of his club and District Governor. He hasreceived the Extension Award. A Texas native, he holdsdegrees from North Texas State and Southern California.He is chairman of the department of physical educationat the University of Wyoming.

Frank A. Bartlett

Dr. Serafin Fernandez Lopez

Dr. 'Wafter H. Campbell

A. Garland Hardy

A1cee F. Maxfiel d

'Villian) K. Richardson


Shennan B. Lowe

Oren E. Long

WDK 2013

Page 5: OFFICERS DIRECTORS DISTRICT GOVERNORShistory.ohiolions.org/PIPLCI/bio/1959.pdfOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Finis E. Davis, First Vice-President, Louisville, Ky., is Superintendent of the


Robert D. Wyatt, Detroit, Mich. Director. He has heldall oiRces in his club, served as Zone Chairman andDistrict Governor. He has been chairman of the StateWhite Cane Committee and adviser of Leader Dogs forthe Blind School. Holder of degrees from Alma Collegeand Wayne State University, he is assistant principal ofa Detroit high school. He and his wife have one son.

Enrique Porras, Managua, Iicaragua. Director. A formerofficer of his club, he has been a District Governor andwas General Chairman of the 17th District Convention.He is a physician and surgeon, studied at the Universityof Leon, San Carlos University and Institute of Urologyin London. He is past president of 1 icaragua MedicalAssociation.

Jim Sexton, Phoenix, Ariz. Chairman, Board of Gover-nors. He is a Charter and Key Member of CamelbackMountain Club, has served as its president in addition toZone Chairman and District Governor. Born and rearedin Kansas, he attended universities in three states. He ispresident of the Arizona Color Card Corp. Lion Sextonand his wife have two children.

Dr. Alexandre Theler, Sion, Switzerland. Chairman,Board of International Relations. An ex-officio member ofthe Board of Directors, he is a Charter Member of his'club and has been its president. He holds a Ifl-yearperf ct attendance record and the President's Medal.Director of the Institute of Commerce of Sion, he ismarried and has three children.

Melvin Jones, Chicago, Ill. Secretary-General and Found-er. He was elected Secretary of the Association at theorganizational convention in Dallas, Texas in 1917. In1950, the Board of Directors conferred upon him thelifetime title of Secretary-General. He received his presenttitle at last year's Convention. He and his wife, Lillian,reside in Flossmoor, Ill.

John H. Vogt, Chicago, Ill. Executive Administrator.Appointed to his present post in November, 1957, he isthe chief administrative officer of the Association andreports directly to the President. His background includesmany years of managerial experience in mercantile andindustrial organizations. A University of Iowa graduate,he and his wife Jeane have two children.

R. Roy Keaton, Chicago, Ill. Director-General. He be-came a Lion in 1929 and came to work for the Asso-ciation in 1934. Between that time and 1956, when hetook over his present duties, he served as Special Repre-sentative, State Secretary of Texas and Assistant Secre-tary-General. A graduate of Southern Methodist, heand his wife Elizabeth have two children.

Wilburn L. Wilson, Chicago, Ill, Treasurer. A MasterKey Member of the Central Lions club of Chicago, he hasbeen with the Association since 1932, serving as Treasurersince 1945. He is a Louisiana native and a graduate ofthe Chillicothe (Mo.) Business College. He is marriedto Anne, has two children and is a member of the Boardof Trustees of the Lutheran Church.

William R. Bird, Chicago, Ill. Secretary. He is a KeyMember and Director of the Englewood Lions club ofChicago. An Indiana native, he has been with the Asso-ciation since 1937 and Secretary since 1947. He eamedhis law degree from John 1Iarshall 'Law School, Chicago,and belongs to the American Bar Association. SecretaryBird is Chairman of the International Convention Com-mittee. His wife's name is Ann.

Robert D. Wyatt

Enrique Porras Garcia

Dr. Alexandre ThelerJim. Sexton



Melvin Jones

101m H. Vogt R. Roy Keaton

'Vilbum L. Wilson


William R. Bird

WDK 2013
