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OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Top –Japan Legal Information...

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OFFICIAL GAZETTE BOVERNMENT PRINTING AGENCY | ^NQUSH HMT/ON | m*d--h-*+~j!£+b %zmmm&m No. 1798 MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1952 Price 45.00 yen y X MINISTERIAL ORDINANCES Ministry of International Trad© and Industry Ordinance No. 20 March 24, 1952 Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amendment to the Regulations governing Qualification of Chief Technician of Electric Enterprise shall be establish- ed as follows: Minister of International* Trade and Industry TAKAHASBI Ryutaro Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- ment to the Regulations governing Qualifi- cation of Chief Technician of Electric Enterprise The Regulations governing Qualification of Chief Technician of Electric Enterprise (Ministry of Communication Ordinance No. 54 of 1932) shall be partially amended as follows : To Article 3 paragraph 2, the following proviso shall be added: but, this shall not apply to those having been exempt from baking the 1st examination in ac- cordance with the provisions of Article 7~(2) item (1) to item (3) inclusive. Article 6 shall be amended as follows: Article 6. The 2nd examination shall be made re- garding, following subjects, but at the 3rd ex- amination, electric physics, high electric pressure phenomenon, electric chemistry electric railway and electric facilities management shall be excepbed : (1) Electricity theory and electro-magnetic mea- surement (electric physics, electric circuit, high electric pressure phenomenon and electro-mag- netic measurement) ; (2) Transformer station (hydraulic, thermal power station design, equipment and operation and transformer station design, equipment and operation) ; (3) Transmission and distribution of power (transmission, distribution line design, equip- ment and operation and inside wiring design, equipment and operation) ; (4) Electric machinery and instruments and materials (direct current machine, alternate current machine, transformer, rectjfler, and other types of electric machinery and instru- ments and electric materials) ; (5) Electric application in general (electric lights, illumination, electric heating, electric motor application, electric chemistry and electric railway) ; (6) Laws and orders relating to electricity and electric facilities management. In Article 7 paragraph 1, "University Ordi- nance", in paragraph 3 of the same Article, "Uni- versity Ordinance " and " College Ordinance " and in paragraph 4 of the same Article, " University Ordi- nance" and " College Ordinance" shall be amended as " old University Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No. 388 of 1918)", "old University Ordinance", "old College Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No. 61 of 1903)", "old University Ordinance" and "old College Ordinance" respectively, and next to the same Article, the following one Article shall be added: Article 7-(2). Those having specialized in electric engineering at universities or schools equal or superior thereto as provided in the School Educa- tion Law (Law No. 26 of 1947) and as approved by the Minister of International Trade and In- dustry and having graduated there from shall be exempt from the 1st Kind, 2nd Kind or 3rd Kind 1st examination. Those having specialized in electrie engineering at short-term universities or schools equal or superior thereto as provided in the School Educa- tion Law and as approved by the Minister of International Trade and Industry and having graduated there from shall be exempt from the 2nd Kind or 3rd Kind 1st examination. Those having specialized in electric engineering at higher schools or schools equal or superior thereto as approved by the Minister of Inter- national Trade and Industry and having graduat- ed there from shall be exempt from the 3rd Kind 1st examination. When the Minister of International Trade and Industry is to approve as mentioned in the pre- ceding three paragraphs shall be pass the delib- eration of the council regarding curricula, degree, facilities and any other necessary matters. When regarding schools as approved the fact to make the approval in appropriate has been recognised to exist, the Minister of International 1
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No. 1798 MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1952 Price 45.00 yen




Ministry of International Trad© andIndustry Ordinance No. 20

March 24, 1952Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amendment to

the Regulations governing Qualification of ChiefTechnician of Electric Enterprise shall be establish-ed as follows:

Minister of International*Trade and Industry


Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend-ment to the Regulations governing Qualifi-cation of Chief Technician of Electric

EnterpriseThe Regulations governing Qualification of Chief

Technician of Electric Enterprise (Ministry ofCommunication Ordinance No. 54 of 1932) shall bepartially amended as follows :

To Article 3 paragraph 2, the following provisoshall be added:

but, this shall not apply to those having beenexempt from baking the 1st examination in ac-cordance with the provisions of Article 7~(2) item(1) to item (3) inclusive.Article 6 shall be amended as follows:

Article 6. The 2nd examination shall be made re-garding, following subjects, but at the 3rd ex-amination, electric physics, high electric pressurephenomenon, electric chemistry electric railwayand electric facilities management shall beexcepbed :(1) Electricity theory and electro-magnetic mea-

surement (electric physics, electric circuit, highelectric pressure phenomenon and electro-mag-netic measurement) ;

(2) Transformer station (hydraulic, thermalpower station design, equipment and operationand transformer station design, equipment andoperation) ;

(3) Transmission and distribution of power(transmission, distribution line design, equip-ment and operation and inside wiring design,equipment and operation) ;

(4) Electric machinery and instruments andmaterials (direct current machine, alternatecurrent machine, transformer, rectjfler, and

other types of electric machinery and instru-ments and electric materials) ;

(5) Electric application in general (electriclights, illumination, electric heating, electricmotor application, electric chemistry and electricrailway) ;

(6) Laws and orders relating to electricity andelectric facilities management.

In Article 7 paragraph 1, "University Ordi-nance", in paragraph 3 of the same Article, "Uni-versity Ordinance " and " College Ordinance " and inparagraph 4 of the same Article, " University Ordi-nance" and " College Ordinance" shall be amendedas " old University Ordinance (Imperial OrdinanceNo. 388 of 1918)", "old University Ordinance","old College Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No.61 of 1903)", "old University Ordinance" and"old College Ordinance" respectively, and next tothe same Article, the following one Article shallbe added:Article 7-(2). Those having specialized in electric

engineering at universities or schools equal orsuperior thereto as provided in the School Educa-tion Law (Law No. 26 of 1947) and as approvedby the Minister of International Trade and In-dustry and having graduated there from shall beexempt from the 1st Kind, 2nd Kind or 3rd Kind1st examination.

Those having specialized in electrie engineeringat short-term universities or schools equal orsuperior thereto as provided in the School Educa-tion Law and as approved by the Minister ofInternational Trade and Industry and havinggraduated there from shall be exempt from the2nd Kind or 3rd Kind 1st examination.

Those having specialized in electric engineeringat higher schools or schools equal or superiorthereto as approved by the Minister of Inter-national Trade and Industry and having graduat-ed there from shall be exempt from the 3rd Kind1st examination.

When the Minister of International Trade andIndustry is to approve as mentioned in the pre-ceding three paragraphs shall be pass the delib-eration of the council regarding curricula, degree,facilities and any other necessary matters.

When regarding schools as approved the factto make the approval in appropriate has beenrecognised to exist, the Minister of International


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Trade and Industry may passing deliberation of thecouncil countermand his approval for the future.

Schools as approved or countermanded underthe preceding 2 paragraphs and types thereofshall be announced.Next to Article 10 paragraph 1, the following

proviso shall be added :but, those having been exempt from the 1st ex-amination in accordance with the provisions ofArticle 7-(2) item (1) to item (3) inclusive shallsubmit a certificate* regarding the school fromwhich they graduated and curricula which theylearned, as attached.In Article 15 paragraph 1, "College Ordinance"

and in paragraph*2 of the same Article, "MiddleSchool Ordinance" shall be amended as "old Col-lege Ordinance " and " old Middle School Ordinance(Imperial Ordinance No. 36 of 1943) " respectively.

In Article 16 paragraph 1, " the preceding Article "shall be amended as " Article 7-(2) or the precedingArticle", "Formula No. 4" shall be deleted.

Formula No. 4 shall be deleted.

Supplementary Provisions :

1 This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into forceas from the day of its promulgation.

2 Regarding the application of the provisions ofArticle 7 paragraph 2 or paragraph 4 °& ^eRegulations governing Qualification of ChiefTechnician of Electric Enterprise (hereinafterreferred to as "Regulations"), by March 31,1955, the subjects as mentioned in Article 6 ofthe Regulations prior to amendment under thisMinisterial Ordinance may govern.

3 Approval made by the ^Minister of International

Trade and Industry in accordance with theprovisions of Article 15 paragraph 1 and para-graph 2 of the Regulations shall lose effect byApril 1, 1955.


National Public Safety Commission RuleNo.2

March 24, 1952The Rules and Regulations of the National Rural

Police (National Public Safety Commission Rule No.5 of 1948) shall be partially amended as follows:

National Public SafetyCommission

The Appendix shall be amended as follows:

Append ixTable of Rank and Authorized Strength of Personnel of National Rural Police

C la s s ifi c a -

t io nR a n k

A u th o r iz e d S t

o f N a tio n a l

r e n g t h


A u th o r iz e d S tr e n g t h

o f R eg io n a l H QA u th o r iz e dS tr e n g th

o f P r e f .P o lic eT r o o p s

T o t a lN a t io n a l

H QP olic eC o lle g e

S c ien tifi cC r im e

D e te c tio nL a b o r a t o r y

R e g io n a l R e g io n a l

H Q P ol ic es ch o o ls

P o l ic eO ffi c i a l


D ir e c to r -G e n e r a l 1 1

1A ss ist a n tD ir e c to r -G e n e r a l


C h ie fS u p er in t e n d en t ,

4 ' 1 6 l l

1 0 5

1 ,4

C h ie f & S e n io r ¥

S u p e r in te n d e n t1 9 2 2 4 5 0

S u p e r in ten d e n t 4 3 G O 3 3 1 ,2 61

I n s p e c t o r 9 5 3 1 3 7 6 8 2 ,0 3 7 2 ', 3 4 6

A s s is ta n tIn s p e ct o r

8 5 2 3 9 1 3 3 4 ,6 3 5 5 ,0 9 2

S e r g e a n t 9

2 5 7 1 8

7 6 8 8 ,3 0 1 8 ,3 8 5

P o lic e m a n 2 8 ,4 31 2 8 ,4 31

T o t a l 4 7 3 3 0 8 4 5 ,7 8 0

E m p lo y e e

.P o lic e S e c r e t a r y ,P o lic e T e c h n ic ia n& O th e rE m p lo y e e s

6 0 2 5 5 5 5 3 ,5 8 5 4 30 1 2 ,2 9 2 1 7 ,0 1 9

G r a n d T o t a l 8 5 9 7 3 6 4 4 ,0 5 8 7 3 8 5 7 ,0 0 7 6 2 ,7 9 9



Supplementary Provision :

This Rule shall apply as from January 1, 1952.


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National Public Safety Commission Rule No. 3March 24, 1952

The Rules and Regulations of the National Rural Police (National Public Safety CommissionRule No. 5 of 1948) shall be partially amended as follows:

National Public Safety Commission

The Appendix shall be amended as follows:

AppendixTable of Rank and Authorized Strength of Personnel

of National Rural Police

C la s s ific a -tio n

A u t h o r iz e d S tr e n g th

o f N a t io n a l H Q

R a n k N a tio n a l P ol ic e S c ien t ificc r im e

H Q C o lle g e D et e c tio nL a b o r a to r y

A u th o r iz e d S tr e n g t h

o f R e g io n a l II Q

R e g io n a l R e g io n a lH Q P olic es ch o o ls

A u th o r iz e dS t r e n g tho f P r e f . T o t a l

P o lic eT r o o p s

P o lic eO ffi c ia l

D ir e c t o r -G e n e r a l 1

A s s is ta n tD ir e c to r -G e n e r a l 1

C h ie fs u p e r in t e n d e n t l l

C h ie f & S e n io rs u p e r in te n d e n t 1 9 2 ~ 2 4 6 5 0 1 0 5

S u p e r in te n d e n t 4 3 6 0 3 3 1 ,2 6 1 1 ,4 0 8

In s p e ct o r 1 3 7 6 8 2 ,0 3 7 2 , 3 4 6

A s s ist a n tI n s p e ct o r 8 5 2 3 9 1 3 3 4 ,6 3 6 5 ,0 9 3

S e r g e a n t 8 ,3 0 4 8 ,3 8 8

P olic e m a n 2 8 ,4 3 8 2 8 ,4 3 8

T o ta l 2 5 7 1 8 4 7 3 4 4 ,7 2 6 4 5 ,7 9 1

E m p lo y e e

P o lic e S e c r e t a r y ,P o lic e T e c h n ic ia n& O t h erE m p lo y e e s

6 0 7 5 5 , 5 5 3 ,5 8 5 4 30 1 2 ,2 9 2 1 7 ,0 1 9

G r a n d T o ta l 8 5 9 7 3 6 4 4 ,0 5 8 7 3 8 5 7 ,0 1 8 6 2 ,8 1 0

Supplementary Provision :

^ This Rule shall be applicable as from February

ll, 1952.


Local Finance Commission Notification


/ March 24, 1952In accordance with the provision of Article 1

paragraph 1 of the Bicycle Race Law (Law ¥(o.

209 of 1948), the town and villages which are au-thorized to hold the bicycle race sljall be designatedas follows :

Chairman of LocalFinance Commission


Yamashiro Town, Nishi-matsuura County, SagaPreflcture

Tachibana Village, Kishima County, Saga Pre-

fectureAsahi Village, Kishima County, Saga Prefecture

Local Finance Commission Notification

No. 12March 24, 1952

In accordance with the provision of Article 1paragraph 1 of the Bicycle Race Law (Law No.

209 of 1948), the city which is authorized to holdthe bicycle race shall be designated as follows: "

Chairman of LocalFinance Commission


Ota City, Gumma Prefecture


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, Local Finance Commission NotificationNo. 13

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provision of Article 1,

paragraph 1 of the Bicycle Race Law (Law No.209 of 1948), the cities which are authorized tohold the bicycle race shall be designated as follows:

Chairman of LocalFinance Commission


Choshi City, Ichikawa City, Funabashi City,Tateyama City, Kisarazu City, Noda City andSawara City, Chiba Prefecture

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1184March 24, 1952

Me^hima Radio Direction-Finding Station havirg opened the service as from March 1, 1952, theRadio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 237 of 1950 (radio direction-finding station under theprovision of Article 108 of the Radio Station Operation Regulations) shall be partially amended asfollows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiIn item of Meshima, in column of Normal direction-finding sector, in Sector shall be added "48°

to 347°"; in column of Distance in daytime be added "185 km"; in column of Hour of watch-keepingbe added "ditto"; and in Remarks, "Not working yet" shall be deleted.

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1185

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Kitamizuma District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 307 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

"( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna


phase modulationKitamizuma F3 41.51 Me Crystal oscillation

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1186March 24, 1952

As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Miyako District Police Radio Station of National PublicSafety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 310 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

(9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Reactance tubephase modulationMiyako F3 41.51 Me Crystal oscillation 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1187

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Kaho District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 813 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission



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Item ( 9) shall be amended as followsi(9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenni.

power:Kaho F3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation JCfmodulation B0W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1188

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Asakura District T?olice Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No- 316 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antennapower:

•EAsakura FS 41.51Me ' Crystaloscillation g£"SSdttm 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1189

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Munakata District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 319 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem ( 9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Munakata F3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation JCiTodulaton 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1190

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Tagawa District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 322Tof 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMJSHIMA TsuyoshiItem ( 9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Tagawa F3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation fCi^Son 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1191

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Nishiyamato District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 325 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission



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Item ( 9) shall be amended as follows:( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:.,, ,. Reactance tube cn -vrr

Nishiyamato > F3 41.51 Me Crystal oscillation phase modulation ou

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1192March 24, 1952

As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Yame District Police Radio Station of National Public SafetyCommission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 328 of 1951 was changedon February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio Regulatory

CommissionAMISHIMA Tsuyoshi

Item ( 9) shall be amended as follows:( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power: . i. * Reactance tube FiO W *Yame F3 41.51 Me Crystal oscillation phase modulatiori DU

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1193March 24, 1952

As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Ukiha District Police Radio Station of National PublicSafety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 331 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA Tsuyoshi /

Item (9) shall be amended as follows: •E( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Ukiha F3 41.51 Me Crystaloscillation phas^modulation 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1194

March 24, 1952- As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Onga District Police Radio Station of National Public Safety

Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 334 of 1951 was changed

on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:Chairman of Radio Regulatory

CommissionAMISHIMA Tsuyoshi

Item (9) shall be amended as follows:( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:_ rt..M _.. - , ,.,, ,. Reactancetube khw

Onga F3 41.51 Me Crystal oscillation phage modulation 60 W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1195

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Kurate District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 337 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1951, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission



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Item ( §) stall be amended as followsi( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power :

Kurate P3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation ^t^Sooa BoW

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1196

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Chikushi District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 340 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Chikushi F3 41.51 Me Crystaloscillation ^ase^odulation 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1197

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Itoshima District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 343 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Itoshima F3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation ^TduMon Bt)W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1198

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Chikujo District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 346 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antennapower:

Chikujo F3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation JSTod^aton 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1199

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Mii District Police Radix) Station of National Public Safety

Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 349 of 1951 was changed ,on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission


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Item (9) shall be amended as follows:( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Mii F3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation g£Sffian 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1200

March 24, 1952i£s the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Wakiyama-mura Relay Station Radio Station of National

Public Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 352 of1951 was changed on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9)' Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Seburi F3 39.59Me Crystaloscillation ^"SSdfton 6°W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1201

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Kasuya District Police Radio Station of National Public

Safety Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 356 of 1951 waschanged on February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem (9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9) Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Kasuya F3 41.51Me Crystaloscillation ^seToduYato 50W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1202

March 24, 1952As the frequency of the Fukuoka-ken Headquarters Radio Station of National Public Safety

Commission mentioned in the Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 353 of 1951 was changedon February 1, 1952, the same Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiItem ( 9) shall be amended as follows:

( 9), Call name, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna

power:Fukuokahonbu F3 41.51 Me Crystal oscillation phas^modulafen 50 W

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1203

March 24, 1952

In accordance with the provision of Article 19 of the Radio Station Licensing Procedure Regulationsbased upon the provision of "Article 15 of the Radio Law, the Radio Regulatory Commission grantedthe radio station license as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission



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Date and number of license:Title of licensee:Classification of radio station :Purpose of radio station:

Person with whom to communicate :






Matters for communication :License expires on :Place of installation :

Kind of moving object:Extent of movable area:Place of custody:

February 1, 1952; No. 1258K.K. Hitachi SeisakujoExperimental stationTo conduct the experiment for the research of VHF/FM

mobile radiotelephoneExperimental stations having nationwide movable area

of the licenseeMatters necessary for the experiment 'February 1, 1954

PortableNationwide216, Totsuka-machi, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kana-

gawa-ken 139°32' E 35°24' NCall sign, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system.and antenna power :

-JJ2S F3 151.89Mc Crystaloscillation J^SSdfton 5°-W

Type and composition of antenna : SleevePermitted operating hours : Continuous

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1204March 24, 1952

In accordance with the provision of Article 19 of the Radio Station Licensing Procedure Reguli-tions based upon the provision of Article 15 of the Radio Law, the Radio Regulatory Commissiongranted the radio station license as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiFebruary 1, 1952; No. 1254K.K. Hitachi SeisakujoExperimental stationTo conduct the experiment for the research of VHF/PM

mobile radiotelephoneExperimental stations having nationwide movable area

o£ the licenseeMatters necessary for the experimentFebruary 1, 1954




Date and number of license:Title of licensee:Classification of radio station :Purpose of radio station :

( 5 ) Person with whom to communicate:



Matters for communication :License expires on :Place of installation :

Kind of moving object:Extent of movable area:Place of custody:



PortableNationwide216, Totsuka-machi, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kana-

gawa-ken 139°32' E 35°24' NCall sign, type of emission, frequency, oscillation system, modulation system and antenna power :

JJ2T F3 151.89Me Crystaloscillation Jhtse^ulation 25W

Type and composition of antenna : WhipPermitted operating hours : # Continuous

Radio Regulatory Commission Notification No. 1205March 24, 1952

As the frequency of Kisarazu Radiobeacon Station of the Civil Aeronautics Agency mentioned inRadip Regulatory Commission Notification No. 839 of 1951 was chan^d on February 19, 1952, thesame Notification shall be partially amended as follows:

Chairman of Radio RegulatoryCommission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiIn item (9), "363 kc shall be amended as "370 kc.


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Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 531

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provision of Article 1 item

(3) of the Customs Tariff Law Enforcement Order(Cabinet Order No. 113 of 1951), the Notificationconcerning Designation of Private Schools of VariousKinds, Museums, etc. (Ministry of Finance Notifica-tion No. 758 of June, 1951) shall be partially amendedas follows :

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

In item (2), the following item shall be addednext to " Kokubunji Research Institute of Zaidan-hojin Medicinal Resources Laboratory :Shadan-hojin Nippon Se- 216, 3-chome, March

ibutsu-Kagaku Ken- Ake*>ono-cho, 24,1952kyujo (Japan Byologi- Tachikawa-cal Laboratory, Corpo- shi,Tokyo-Torate Juridical Person)

Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 532

. 4. March 24, 1952In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savingswith Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details,etc. of the " Eighth Daido Time Deposit of the DaidoMutual Loans and Savings Bank" shall be deter-mined as follows:

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

1. Name: Eighth Daido Time Deposit of the DaidoMutual Loans and Savings Bank

2. Conditions: •E(1) Term of contract: 6 months(2) Amount of deposit: ¥1,000 per contract(3) Interest: None

8. Period for Handling: From March 25, 1952to May 24, 1952

4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall begiven to each contract and 30,000 rights ofdrawing make one set and the followingpremiums shall be given to per 10 sets; pro-vided that the Special A Prize is chosen fromamong the Special B Prize:

Grade Premiums Number ofwinnings

Special A Prize ¥300,000 / 1B 30,000 9

Fir-rfc Prize 2,000 30Second 500. 300Third 100 3,000Fourth •E 30 30,000Fifth 20 266,660

Total 300,0005. Date of Drawing: June 7, 19526. Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:

- June16,1952

7. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Deposit:Certificates of deposit shall be designated

under the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Savings withPremiums and be exempted from stampduties.

Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 533

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Sav-ings with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), thedetails, etc. of the "Third Boshin Time Depositwith Premiums of the Bofu Credit Kinko" shallbe determined as follows:

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

1. Name: Third Boshin Time Deposit with Pre-miums of the Bofu Credit Kinko

2. Conditions:(1) Term of contract: 6 months(2) Amount of deposit: ¥1,000 per contract(3) Interest: None

3. Period for Handling: From March 25, 1952toMay 24, 1952

4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall begiven to each contract and 10,000 rights ofdrawing make one set with the following pre-miums :

Grade Premiums Number ofwinnings

First Prize ¥10,000 1Second 5,000 2Third 1 ,000 10Fourth 100 100Fifth 30 500Sixth 20 9, 387

Total 10,0005. Date of Drawing: June 1, 19526. Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:

June 7, 19527. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Deposit:

Certificates of deposit shall be designatedunder the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Savings with Pre-miums and be exempted from stamp duties.

Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 534

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Sav-ings with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), thedetails, etc. of the "Peace Time Deposit withPremiums of the Hamada Credit Kinko" shall bedetermined as follows :

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato


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1. Name: PeaceTime Deposit with Premiums ofthe Hamada Credit Kinko

2. Conditions:(1) Term of contract: 6 months(2J Amount of deposit: ¥1,000 per contract(3) Interest: None

3. Period for Handling: From March 25, 1952toApril 30, 1952

4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be givento each contract and 5,000 rights of drawingmake one set with the following premiums:

Grade Premiums Nu.mber ofwinnings

Special Prize ¥10,000 1First 1,000 4Second 500 5Third 100 50Fourth 40 200Fifth 20 4,740

Total 5,0005. Date of Drawing: May 10, 19526. Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:

May 15, 19527. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Deposit:

Certificates of deposit shall be designatedunder the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Savings with Pre-miums and be exempted from stamp duties.


Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 535

March 24, 1952' In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savingswith Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details,etc. of the "Sixth Peace Time Deposit of the HagiCredit Kinko" shall be determined as follows:

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

1. Name: Sixth Peace Time Deposit of the HagiCredit Kinko

2. Conditions:(1) Term of contract: 6 months(2) Amount of deposit: ¥1,000 per contract(3) Interest: None

3. Period for Handling: From March25, 1952 toMay 24, 1952

4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall begiven to each contract and 20,000 rights ofdrawing make one set with the followingpremiums :

Grade Premiums N^Jg rfSpecial Prize ¥30,000 1First 5,000 4Second 1,000 10Third 500 20Fourth 100 100F ifth 55 400Sixth 30 600Seventh 20 18,865

Total 20,000

Date oi Drawing: June 1, 1952

Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:June 9, 1952

Stamp Duties on Certificates of Deposit :Certificates of deposit shall be designated

under the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Savings with Pre-miums and be exempted from stamp duties*

Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 536

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savingswith Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details,etc. of the " Second Otanoshimi Time Savings of theHachiraku Credit Association " shall be determinedas follows :

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

1. Name: Second Otanoshimi Time Savings of tfceHachiraku Credit Association

2. Conditions:(1) ,Term of contract: 6 months(2) Amount of savings: ¥1,000 per contract(8) Interest: None

3. Period for Handling: From March 25, 1952to April 30, 1952

4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be givento each contract and 1,500 rights of^drawingmake one set with the following premiums :

Grade Premiums Number ofwinnings

Special Prize ¥3,000 1First 1,000 2Second 100 15Third 50 30Fourth 20 1,452

Total 1 ,5005. Date of Drawing: May 10, 19526. Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:

May 13, 19527. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings:

Certificates of savings shall be designatedunder the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Sayings with Pre-miums and be exempted from stamp duties.

Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 537

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savingswith Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details,etc. of the "First Time Savings wifch Premiums ofthe Hanno Credit Association " shall be determinedas follows :

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato


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1. ISfame: tfirsi Time Savings with ftemiums ofthe Hanno Credit Association

2. Conditions:t(1) Term of contract: 6 months(2) Amount of savings: ¥500 per' contract(3) Interest: None

3. Period for Handling: From March 25, 1952 toMay 10, 1952

4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be givento each contract and 10,000 rights of drawingmake one set with the following premiums :

Grade Premium* ^.ofSpecial Prize ¥ 5,000 1First 1 ,000 2Second 300 5Third 100 10Fourth 50 100Fifth 20 1,000 •ESixth ft 10 8,882

Total 10 ,0005.* Date of Drawing: May 18, 19526. Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:

May 27, 19527. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings:

Certificates of savings shall be designatedunder the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Savings with Pre-miums and be exempted from stamp duties.

Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 538

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savingswith-Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details,etc. of the " Seventh Yashiro Shinko Time Savings "shall be determined as follows:

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

1. Name: Seventh Yashiro Shinko Time Savings2. Conditions:

(1) Term of contract: 6 months(2) Amount of savings: ¥1,000 per contract

(3) Interest: None3. Period for Handling: From March 25, 1952 to

May 13, 19524. Premiums:. One right of drawing shall be given

to each contract and 5,000 rights of drawingmake one set with the following premiums:

Grade Premiums^f^First Prize ¥10,000 1Second 3,000 1Third 500 5Fourth n 100 50Fifth 40 200Sixth 20 4, 743

Total 5,0005. Date of Drawing: May 15, 1952

Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:May 21, 1952

Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings:Certificates of savings shall be designated

under the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Savings with Pre-miums and be exempted from stamp duties.

Ministry of Finance NotificationNo. 539

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3

and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savingswith Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details,etc. of the " Second Peace Time Savings of the NakaCredit Association " shall be determined as follows :

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

1. Name* Second Peace Time Savings of theNakaCredit Association

2. Conditions:(1) Term of contract: 6 months(2) Amount of savings: ¥1,000 per contract(3) Interest: None

3. Period for Handling: From March 25, 1952to ^

May 20, 19524. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be given

to each contract and 4,000 rights of drawingmake one set with the following premiums.'

Grade Premiums ^umb^of

Special Prize ¥10,000 1First 1,000 4Second 100 40Third * 35 80Fourth ' 20 3,875

Total 4,0005. Date of Drawing: June 5, 19526. Starting Date of Payment of Premiums:

June 16, 19527. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings: J

Certificates of savings shall be designated ^under the provision of Article 5 of the Lawfor Establishment of the Savings with Pre-miums and be exempted from stamp duties.

Ministry of Education NotificationNo.9

March 24, 1952In accordance with the provision of Article 20

paragraph 2 of the Regulation for the Enforcementof the Law of Provisionary Measures concerningthe Publication of Textbooks (Ministry of Educa-tion Ordinance No. 15 of 1948), the prices of text-books for the use in 1952 are designated as follows:

Minister of EducationAMANO Teiyu

(The prices of textbooks omitted.)


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Ministry of Education and Radio Regula-

tory Commission Notification No. 1

March 24, 1952The Ministry of Education and Radio Regulatory

Commission Notification No. 1 of 1951 (procedurefor emitting the standard radio wave and fortransmitting the standard-seconds time signals andradio propagation warnings) shall be partiallyamended- as follows and shall come into force asfrom April 7, 1952:

Minister of EducationAMANO Teiyu

Chairman of RadioRegulatory Commission

AMISHIMA TsuyoshiParagraph 4 shall be amended as follows:

4. The radio propagation warnings shall be trans-mitted as follows :

In case abnormality in condition or radio pro-pagation is expected to arise within 12 hours orit is actually in existence, the radio propagationwarning signals "W" (Morsecode- )shall be transmitted; in case the expected ab-normality is less certain, the radio propagationwarning signals U (Morsecode - - ) shallbe transmitted; or in case there is no abnormali-ty and prevails the stable condition, the radiopropagation warning signals "N" (Morse code

-) shall be transmitted.In paragraph 5 item (2), sub-item 2) shall be

amended as follows and sub-item 3) shall be delet-ed:

2) 59m-00m09 m-10 m19 m--20m29 m-30 m39 m-40m49 m-50m

For each period of one minute above, merestandard frequency (carrier wave) shall be emit-ted in succession. In this case, the signals willbe formed, in the same manner as mentioned in1), by breaking this wave every second andminute; for each period of from 30 seconds to

51? seconds of every minute above, the followingidentification signals shall be transmitted on thestandard frequency modulated by the frequency1,000 c/s:

Identification signals :(Call sign) (Time signal) (Warning signal)JJY JJY 1640 WWWWW


The figures in the above time signal shall in-dicate the time expressed as Japanese standardtime, the first two figures denoting the hour andthe next two figures the minute; for example,"1640" means that the time of minute whichcomes next is 16h 40m.

Repatriation Relief Agency NotificationNo.1

March 24, 1952Repatriation Relief Agency Notification No. 1 of

1948 on the matters concerning the local branches,divisions and offices of the Repatriation ReliefAgency shall be partially amended as follows andthis amendment shall come into force as fromApril 1, 1952:

Director of RepatriationRelief Agency

KIMURA Chujiro

Article 1 paragraph 4 shall be amended as fol-lows and paragraph 5 shall be deleted:4 General Affairs Division and Operation Division

shall be established in the Repatriation ReceptionCenter. The General Affairs Division shall takecharge of office routine, accounts, provisions,materials, facilities, transportation and affairsnot belonging to Operation Division, the Opera-tion Division tak*ing charge of relief, reception,sending out, quarantine, medical care and affairsstated in paragraph 1 item (2) of the Notificationreferred to. The internal structure of each divi-sion shall be fixed by the Chief of the Repatria-tion Reception Center at the approval of theDirector of Repatriation Relief Agency.

Ministry of Postal Services Notification No. 78

March 24, 1952The following post office was removed and renamed on March 23, 1952, in accordance with the

provisions of Article X3 paragraph 4 of the Ministry of Postal Services Establishment Law (Law No.244of1948):

Minister of Postal ServicesSATO Eisaku

Former name New name Former location New locationMiyako-ekimae Miyako-tsukiji Miyako, Dai-5-chiwari, Miyako- Miyako, Dai~14-chiwari,

Post Office Post Office shi, Iwate-ken Miyako-shi, Iwate-ken


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Ministry ol Construction Motiiicatiori

No. 239

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows :

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverKamiya

Project site: In the area of Oaza Kamiya, Matsu-yama-mura, Ayauta-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 240

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverOtsuda

Project site: In the area of Oaza Kamitakase,Kamitakase-mura, Mitoyo-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 241

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverKato

Project site: In the areas of Aza Shimotai, Uchi-ba, Shirohara, Ara, Hinoki and Komukai, Ka-minishi-mura, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 242

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows :

Minister ol ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of itagawa-

kenKind of project: Improvement project of Ikedao-

kawaProject site: In the area of Oaza Ikeda, Ikeda-

machi, Shozu-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 243

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows :

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverKunita

Project site :t +h fAza Kamiide, Kunita-mura, Mito-

oa nf { y°-gun> Kagawa-ken

areas oi ^ Qaza j^mogo> Kii-mura, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 244

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverEjiri

Project site: In the area of Oaza Nio, Nio-machi,Mitoyo-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 245

March 24, 1952As I.have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows :

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverOsoku

Project site: In the area of Oaza Hotanji, Hokun-ji~mura, Ayauta-gun, Kagawa-ken


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Ministry of Construction Notification

No. 246March 24, 1952

As I have made recognition of a project in ac-cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows :

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverZaida

Project site: In the areas of Oaza Murakuro andNagareoka, Tokiwa-mura, Mifcayo-gun, Kaga-wa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 247

Marcjji 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows: *

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverOumi

Project site: In the area of Aza Arai, Oumimura,Okawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 24

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverKamobe

Project site :

In theareas of

Oaza Nagaonishi, Nagao-machi,Okawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Oaza Korehira, Yooda-mura, Oka-wa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Oaza Miyanishi, Yooda-mura, Oka-wagun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 249

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of the

Land Expropriation Law, 1 hereby make notifica-

tion as follows:Minister of Construction

NODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of River

Ban~yaProject site: In the areas of Oaza Matsuzaki and

Machida, Mibu-mura, Okawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 250

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverAyakawa

Project site :| Aza Matsuo, Kamo-machi, Sakaide-

Inthe J shi,Kagawa-kenareas of ) Aza Honsohshimodokoro, Fuchu-

mura, Ayauta-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 251

March 24, 1952

As I have made recognition of a project in ac-cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Sand preventing project of RiverDoki

Project site: In the areas of Oaza Nakadori andKawahigashi, Miai-mura, Ayauta-gun, Kaga-wa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 252

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi


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Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of NationalRoad No. 22

Project site: In the areas of Aza Okishiro andHatakata, Hikita-machi, Okawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 253

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of Taka-matsu-Wakimachi Line of Prefectural Road

Project site: In the area of Oaza Yasuhara-kami,Shioe-mura, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

. Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 254

March 24, 1952Ab I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of Construction•E NODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of Maru-kame-Sadamitsu Line of Prefectural Road

Project site: In the area of Oaza Kawahigashi,Miai-mura, Ayauta-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 255

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law> I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:*

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi '

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawaken

Kind of project : Replacement project of MotoyamaBridge of National Road No. 24

Project site: In the area of Oaza Hondai, Ichino-tani-mura, Mitoya-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 256

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator:- Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of Shimo-kasai-Takamatsu Line of Prefectural Road

Project site: * In the area of Aza Kisui, Shimo-kasai-mura, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 257

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-

tion as follows :Minister of Construction

NODA UichiName of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-

kenKind of project: Improvement project of Taka-

matsu-Kosai Line of Prefectural RoadProject site: In the area of Aza Kosai, Kosai-

machi, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 258

March 24, 1952As IJhave made recognition of a. project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of Kusa-kabe-Kamikakari Line of Prefectural Road

Project site: In the areas of Aza Arakami andNikorabi, Uchiumi-maehi, Shozu-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 259

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

.Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi


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Name of project initiator: Governor of Kagawa-ken

Kind of project: Improvement project of NationalRoad No. 22

Project site: In the area of Aza Kotobayashi,Tsuda-machi, Okawa-gun, Kagawa-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 260 ,

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Minister of Construc-tion

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverKokai

Project site :Aza Yogo, Yashikizuki, Nittensha-

ato, Handaka, Kami-yogo, Shimo-yogo, Oaza Hamada, Kuga-mura,Tsukuba-gun, Ibaragi-ken

Ka'wabe, Aza Shimo-kawabe, OazaAshitaka, Kuga-mura, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaragi-ken

Aza Daikanfuchi, Oaza Kami-ka-yaba, Kuga-mura, Tsukuba-gun,I baragi-ken

Aza Kurainuma, Tsutsumizuki,Oaza Tokuemon-shinden, Kuga-mura, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaragi-ken

Aza Kabuki, Oaza Shironaka, Ku-ga-mura, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaragi-ken *

Aza Kabanuma, Oaza Higashi-kuri-yama, Kuga-mura, Tsukuba-gun,Ibaragi-ken

Aza Nekochi, Naminaka, Oaza Ita-mi, Mishima-mura, Tsukuba-gun,Ibaragi-ken

In theareas of


Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 261

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-

tion as follows:Minister of Construction

NODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Minister of Construc-tion

Kind of project: Improvement project of the uprstream of River Tone

Project site :

In theareas of

Oaza Kukuu, Nite-mura, Kodama-gun, Saitama-ken

Oaza Honkawamata, Kawamata-mura, Kitasaitama-gun, Saitama-ken

Oaza Kamikawamata, Kawamata-?mura, Kitasaitama-gun, Saitama-ken

Oaza Kamishingo, Shingo-mura, Ki-tasaitama-gun, Saitama-ken

Oaza Sanno, Oshima-mura, Ora-gun, Gumma-ken

Oaza Nakajima, Goshi-mura, Sawa-gun, Gumma-ken

Funatsukawa, Sano-shi, Tochigi-ken


Oaza Noda, Kuno-mura, Ashikaga-s gun, Tochigi-ken

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 262

March 24, 1952As I haye made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision^ of Article- 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I toereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Minister of Construc-tion

Kind of Jprojeet: Improvement project of RiverIruma

Project site :Aza Hikawamae, Hashimukai, Hi-

gashikawara, Oaza Hiratslika-shinden, Naboso-mura, Iruma-gun, Saitama-ken

Aza Tenjimmae, Tenjinato, Naka-michi, Sbinkawazoe, Shindenato,Shindenwaki, Tsutsumisoto, OazaHiratsuka, Naboso-mura, Iruma-gun, Saitama-ken

Aza Nishijiri, Oaza Shimokosaka,Naboso-mura, Iruma-gun, Saita-ma-ken

Aza Yanagi-machi, Minamiyanagi-bara, Mujane, Oaza Fukuda,Yamada-mura, Iruma-gun, Saita-ma-ken

Aza Nakagawara-machi, Shimoka-wabukuro-machi, Shimokawabe,Oaza Terayama, Yamada-mura,Iruma-gun, Saitama-ken

In theareas of

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 263

March 24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNODA Uichi


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Name of project initiator: Minister of Construc-tion

Kind of project: Improvement project of RiverKuji

Project site :Aza Shimokawara, Nakaniizekika-

wara, Oaza Nukadatogo, Nukada-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaragi-ken

Aza Ouchibata, Oaza Hon-yonezaki,Kamizaki-mura, Naka-gun, Iba-ragi-ken

Aza Yokomichi, Minamifuchishita,Koshimaki, Miyaomote, Yama-mukai, Wadai, Okawara, Fuki-age, Yamaiwa, Oaza Awabara,Sakiku-mura, Kuji-g'un, Ibaragi-ken

Aza Nakaikari, Ogawabata, OazaShimokawai, Sakiku-mura, Kuji-gun, Ibaragi-ken

In theareas of

Ministry of Construction NotificationNo. 264

* ' March24, 1952As I have made recognition of a project in ac-

cordance with the provision of Article 20 of theLand Expropriation Law, I hereby make notifica-tion as follows:

Minister of ConstructionNQDA Uichi

Name of project initiator: Minister of Construc-tion

Kind of project: Improvement project of thedownstream of River Tone

Project site :Oaza Kitanakaya, Mitsuwa, Fuda,

Nishi, Fukama-mura, Imba-gun,Chiba-ken

Oaza Nakatoge, Kohoku-mura, Hi-gashikatsushika-gun, Chiba-ken

In theareas of


Oaza Sarushima-shinden, Miyabu-ehi-chobu, Heizaburo-chobu, Fu-kama-chobu, Genseida-mura, Ina-shiki-gun, Ibaragi-ken

Oaza Kadozaki-chobu, Namaita-mura, Inashiki-gun, Ibaragi-ken

Oaza Toride, Toride-machi, Kita-soma-gun, Ibaragi-ken

Yamagata Prefecture Notification(HoShi) No. 2

March 24, 1952The following forest is designated as protection

forest in accordance with Article 2 of the Enforce-ment Order of the Forest Law (Cabinet Order No.276 of 1951) under Article 25 paragraph 1 andArticle 40 paragraph 1 of the Forest Law (LawNo. 249 of 1951) :

Governor of YamagataPrefecture

MURAYAMA Michio443-85, Aza Hamaizumi, Oaza Yunohama, Kamo-

machi, Nishitagawa-gun, Yamagata-kenThe above forest applied by Yojibei Sato, Kamo-

machi, Nishitagawa-gun, Yamagata-ken is acknow-ledged to be necessary to control shifting sand.

* Toyama Prefecture Notification(Ho-Shi) No. 1

/March 24, 1952The following forests shall be designated as pro-

tection forests in accordance with Article 2 of theEnforcement Order of the Forest Law (CabinetOrder No. 276 of 1951) under Article 25 paragraph1 and Article 40 paragraph 1 of the Forest Law(Law No. 249 of 1951) :

Governor of ToyamaPrefecture


County V illage Sub-village AzaKaminiikawa Fukuzawa Hio Harahirawari

Umanose Koshisakadani-wari

Sunami Higashiyamawari

Kozaka KitadaniwariShimoniikawa Yamazaki Yamazaki Kawahirahara

Matsukura Kakuma SenkyuninOkuma Fudonakayama

Sakai Sakai NakanotaniKuchinotani

No.31 (6 tan 5 sebu out of registered

acreage 1 cho 2 tan 9 se 16 bu)94 (2 chobu out of registered acreage

12 cho 3 taw 3 se 20 fof)8-1 and 8-24 (3 tan 5 sefo* out of registered acre-

age 5 tan 9 se 14 bu)2-3 and 2-4

1-13 and 1-14 (5 sebu out of register-ed acreage 5 tan 2 se 2 bu)

136-893-2 (4 se 10 bu out of registered

acreage 6 se 10 bu)1-1 and 1-41-1


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^ei Onagatani Hanabusa Sasao

" Higashihara NumayokeHimi Busshoj i Hosogoe Yoshii keHigashitonami Toga Daikamppa Okudaikamppa

" " Kitaj ima Kawahigashi


Shimohara Uenomukaihira

Tochihara Shimoyama

Abetto NishiyamaNuma

Daikamppa- Senzoku



Oshiba Higashiyama


Shoj ikura



Kaminashi KomakiJagami

5> Kitahera

Urushidani Omine


Suganuma EchigodaniTanoshita Mizutsubo

KaminakadaFutomiyama Hiseto Mukaiyamajima


5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 and 71-1 (2 cho 8 tambu out of registered

acreage 5 cho 5 taw 9 se 28 6w)3 (3 taw 7 s06m out of registered acre-

age 1 cwo 1 taw)5 (8 sebu out of registered acreage 1

{an 3 56 ll bu)6 (1 taw 2 seto out of registered acre-

age 2 taw).7 (1 se 15 ^ out of registered acreage

7 s^m)615, 616, 617, 618, 630, 145, 146, 147,

148 and 150113 (5 tan 4 sebu out of registered

acreage 1 cho 6 tan 3 se 6 bu)32138 (7 sebu out of registered acreage 1

tan 8 se 12 bu)39 (3 sebu out of registered acreage 7

se 10 bu)24 (1 taw 6 sebu out of registered acre-

age 1 c/zo 6 taw 22 bu)58 (1 taw 3 sebu out of registered acre-

age 2 taw 5 se 20&m)63, 28 and 299 (3 se 9 £w out of registered acreage

6se18bu)10 (2 S6fo/ out of registered acreage


ll (2 taw 8 sebu out of registered acre-age 7 taw)

13-1-2 (1 tan 2 sebu out of registeredacreage 3 taw 4 se 18 bu)

1-1, 1-4 and 1-575 (4 sebu out of registered acreage 1

tan 2 se 20 bu)76-1 (5 sebu out of registered acreage

1 taw 55617 bu)77-2, 77-1, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84-1,

84-2, 84-3, 85-1, 85-2, 86-1, 86-2, 87,^88, 89-1, 89-2, 90-1

22-320 and 26201 and 225-159,65,QQ,67,68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,

758-1 and 8-5


1167-1, 1164,.1165, 1166, 1155, 1156,1157, 1158, 1150, 1151, 1143, 1144,1136-1, 1136-2, 1137, 1138


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" ** *•E ^ogenojima 40-1, 40-2, 40-3, 40-4, 40-5, 40-6, 40~

7, 40-8, 40-9, 39, 39-2, 39-3, 39-4,39-5, 39-6, 38-2, 38-3, 38-4, 38-5, 38-6, 38-7, 37-1, 37-2, 37-3, 37-4, 37-5,37-6, 36-6, 36-5, 36-4, 36-3, 36-2, 36-1

The above listed forests are deemed necessary for the prevention of snowslide..

Toyama Prefecture Notification (Ho-Kai) No. 1

March 24, 1952The following protection forests shall be released in accordance with Article 2 of the Enforce-

ment Order of the Forest Law (Cabinet Order No. 276 of 1951) under Article 26 paragraph 1 andArticle 40 of the Forest Law (Law No. 249 of 1951) :

Governor of Toyama PrefectureTAKATSUJI Takekuni

LocationC ity C ou n ty v illa g e S u b-v illa g e A za

T oy a m a - H ik ata e B iw aw a ri

sh iN a k a n iik a w a T a tey a m a A sh ik u ra ii

Iw a k u ra iiO iw a T an ia sau T ak a b a ta k e

S h im on iik a w a M ich ish ita S h a k ad o . K ita tobich i

K itaon ie Y a n a g ib a sh i

O k ak y od en H a m a d a

M a sa k a w a

T atew a riM otosh in O tsu b ow a ri

H otok ed a T a tew a ri

Sh itam ich i

T atew ar iN ish ik aw a -

h ar aA osh im a H iga sh iy a m a

H otok e- T a n n en d a

m a taK itaon ie M itan d a

S ug a ta

K a k u ch iA old M ek a w a G a nd a

S ak u rai Y am ata - D om a n

ten o

No.1595-211 and 1595-5

Outside permises of Omiya ShrineOutside permises of Oyama Shrine

38~otsu6992604-ko, 2605-ko, 2606-ko, 2607-1, 2608-

ko, 2609-ko, 2610-ko, 2611-ko, 2612-ko12431268, 1269, 1270, 12711321-1, 1321-2, 1324-21553, 1694, 16952191-ko and 2190269222213042, 3052, 3069-1, 3069-2, 3075

534, 535, 567, 568, 569, 558, 559462 and 460

922, 928-otsu, 929-1, 929-22011 and 20752146-2, 2147-2, 2148-24512, 4519, 4525349-2 (7 se 18 bu out of registered acre-

age 8se12bu), 349-3 (1tan 1 se 6bu out of registered acreage 1 tan 2se16bu), 349-4 (1 se4 bu out ofregistered acreage 2 se 20 bu), 351-1 (7 se 8 bu out of registered acreage1 tan 17bu), 351-2 (6 se 26bu out ofregistered acreage 1 tan 24 bu), 351-3 (6 se 28 bu out of registered acre-age Itan 24 bu), 352, 345-1, 345-2 (3se 26 bu out of registered acreage1 tan 4 se 14 bu), 342-1, 342-2 (4 se15 bu out of registered acreage 7 se10 bu), 342-3 (2 se 13 bu out of reg-istered acreage 3 se 25 bu), 342-4,342-5 (4 se 15 bu out of registered



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Kyofcateno Doman





Acreage 7 se 10 6m), 337, 338, 339, 340(12 bu out of registered acreage 4, 5627 #m), 333-1 (3 se out of registeredacreage 5 se), 333-2, 330 (9 se 26 toout of registered acreage 1 tan 3 5616 bu), 327-1 (8 se 13 6mout of reg-istered acreage 1 tan 1 se 13 6m),327-2 (8 se 13 6m out of registeredacreage 1 tan 1 sej.3 bu), 822 (5 se16 6m out of registered acreage 9 se1 bu), 317 (3 se 26 6mout of register-ed acreage 6 se 26 bu), 313-2, 310(6 se 3 6m out of registered acreage

1tan1se36m)382-1 (1 5e 29 6m out of registered

acreage 4 se ll 6m), 382-2 (1 se 296m out of registered acreage 4 56 12bu), 379-1 (2 S6 16 6m out of register-ed acreage 5 se 20 6m), 379-2 (13 buout of registered acreage 1 se 4 6m),379-3 (1 se 14 6m out of registeredacreage 3 se 12 6m), 379-4 (12 6moutof registered acreage 1 se 3 6m),376 (2 se 1 bu out of registeredacreage4£6 15bu), 372-2 (3 56 46m out of registered acreage 8 se 286m), 366 (6 56 27 bu out of register-ed acreage 1 ton 23 6m)

304 (6 56 ll bu out of registered acre-age 1 tan 1 se ll 6m), 301-2 (6 56 176m out of registered acreage 1 tan 156 4 bu), 288-2 (556 256m out ofregistered acreage 7 56 14 bu), 281,273 (1 tan 4 se 18 bu outof registeredacreage 1 tan 7 56 27 6m), 294-2 (5se 16 bu out of registered acreage 7S6 8 6m), 287-2 (5 56 27 6moutofregistered acreage 7 se 18 6m)

2155-1, 2155-2, 2154-2, 2152, 2151, 2149,2148-2, 2146-2, 2145-2, 2143-2, 2142-1,2142-3, 2140, 2139-2, 2139-3, 2139-4,2100-1, 2137, 2135, 2134, 2104-2, 2106-2, 2107-1, 2107-4, 2130-1, 2128-1,2127-1, 2127-2-2, 2127-2-1, 2127-5,2127-6, 2127-7, 2125, 2124-1-ko, 2124-2-1, 2124-2-2, 2124-5, 2122-1, 2122-2,2121-1, 2121-2, 2119-1, 2118-1, 2143-4, 2146-4

Hayashiwari 6532-3, 6535-3, 6547-3, 6550-2, 6596-2,6640-ko, 6643-2, 6659-2, 6660-ko,

f 66£l-ko, 6662-ko, 6663-2, 6644-2,-6664-2, 6701-2, 6702-ko, 6703-2, 6704-2, 6710-2, 6711, 6712, 6713-2, 6777,6778, 6779, 6780-2, 6781, 6787, 6833-2,6834



S h o k o i i- H a m a d a 4 6 2 - 1 , 4 7 2 - 1 , 4 7 2 - 2

s h i n

I s h id a S u n a i im a 4 9 a n d 5 0

O s h i m a 4 3 2 8 , 4 3 2 9 , 4 3 3 0 , 4 3 3 2

S b o k o j i - , O s h i m a 4 4 7

s h i n


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Ishida Oshima 433-1 (1 cho 1 tan 1 se out of registeredacreage 2 cho 8 tan 5 sebu)


12 (1 se 20 #^ out of registered acre-age 4 c/*0 8 tan 6 s# 20 bu)

43 (1 se 20 bu out of registered acre-age 7 taw 2 5^ 25 bu)

2-1 (1 56 20 bu out of registered acre-age 12 cho 3tan 5S6 17 &)

3113-2The above listed forests for protection of sand against wind, ornament, fish shelter, prevention

of snowslide and windbreak, are found to be no longer in existence.

Y a m a ta - D o m a n

t e n oH ig a s h ito n a m i K a m it a ir a O z e Iw a k o sh i

U r u s h id a n i M iz u b a y a s h i

S h im o jim a K a m ij im a

H im i K u b o K u b o A n a h a t a k e



Japanese National Railways NotificationNo. 90

March 24, 1952The following partial amendment shall be made

to the Names of the Japanese National RailwaysAutomotive Vehicle Lines (Japanese National Rail-ways Notification No. 81 of June, 1949) and shallcome into force as from March 25, 1952:

President of JapaneseNational Railways

NAGASAKI Sonosuke"Takasagobashi in the Sasson Line shall be

changed to " Sumiyoshijinja-mae ".

Japanese National Railways NotificationNo.91

' March 24, 1952Effective March 25, 1952, the following change

shall be made to the name of station:President of Japanese

National RailwaysNAGASAKI Sonosuke

Name of line


Present nameof station


New name

Sumiyoshij inja-


Japanese National Railways NotificationNo. 92

March 24, 1952Effective March 25, 1952, the operation of bus

service between Sumiyoshijinja-mae (via Minami-otaru) and Otaru shall be discontinued.

President of JapaneseNational Railways


Japanese National Railways NotificationNo. 93

March 24, 1952Effective March 25, 1952, only parcels and freight

shall be handled at Minami-otaru Station on theSasson Line.

President of JapaneseNational Railways


Japanese National Railways NotificationNo. 94

March 24, 1952Yubinkyoku-mae Station on the Sasson Line shall

be abolished on March 25, 1952.President of Japanese

National RailwaysNAGASAKI Sonosuke

Japanese National Railways NotificationNo. 95

March 24, 1952The following partial amendment shall be made

to the Regulations governing Transportation ofPassengers, Baggages and Parcels (JapaneseNational Railways Notification No. 110 of May,1950) and shall come into force as from March 25,1952:

President of JapaneseNational Railways

NAGASAKI Sonosuke(Text omitted. Refer to the Japanese National

Railways Official Gazette dated March 24, 1952.)

Japanese National Railways NotificationNo. 96

March 24, 1952Effective March 25, 1952, the following partial

amendments shall be made to the passenger fares(Japanese National Railways Notification No. 337of December, 1952) for the Sasson Line, Sorachi


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Line, Ishikari Line, Choko Line, Biei Line, Kita-.toeho Line, Minami-Tokachi Line and AtsukeshiLine, on account of the snow removal operationsduring the winter season :

President of JapaneseNational Railways

NAGASAKI Sonosuke(Text omitted. Refer to the Japanese National

Railways Official Gazette dated March 24, 1952.)



Factory Foundation

March 24, 1952Whereas K.K. Miyata Seisaku-sho, 19-2, 2-chome,

Higashi-rokugo, Ota-ku, Tokyo, has applied forregistration of alteration of the inventory of theestablished factory foundation with intent to makea new addition to the said foundation, the land,buildings, machinery and implements belonging toMatsumoto Factory of the said company at 88-2,Nomizojiri, Idegawa-cho, Matmmoto-shi, Nagano-

*ken and other twenty-six lots, any person who hasa claim over the movable property that is to beincluded in the aforesaid foundation or any creditorof seizure, provisional seizure or provisional disposi-tion of the abovementioned property, shall file hisclaim with this Office within thirty-two days fromthe day of publication of this notice.

The inventory of the said foundation is availableat this Office for the inspection of the interestedparties.

Sumida Branch Office,Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau

March 24, 1952

Whereas Ishikawa Textile Co., Ltd., 306, Kami-cho, Moroe-machi, Kanazawa-shi, has applied forregistration of preservation of ownership of theland, buildings, machinery, implements, etc. belong-ing to the factory of the said company at the saidplace and other five lots and building, for the pur-pose of creating a factory foundation, any personwho has a claim over the movable property that isto be included in the aforesaid foundation or anycreditor of seizure, provisional seizure or provision-al disposition of the abovementioned proverty, shallfile- his claim with this Bureau within thirty-twodays from the day of publication of this notice.

The inventory of the said foundation is availableat this Bureau for the inspection of the interestedparties.

Kanazawa District LegalAffairs Bureau

Mining Foundation

March 24, 1952Whereas Okutama Kogyo K. K., 6-1, 1-chome,

Marunouchi, Chiyoda.-ku, Tokyo, has applied forregistration of preservation of ownership of theland, -buildings, structures, mining rights, machine-ry, implements, etc. belonging to the said company ^at Hikawa and Hihara, Hik&wa-maehi, Nishitama-gun, for the purpose of creating a mining founda-tion, any person who has a claim over the movableproperty that is to be included in the aforesaidfoundation or any creditor of seizure, provisionalseizure or provisional disposition ot the abovem^n-tioned property, shall file his claim with this Officewithin thirty-two days from the day of publicationof this notice.

The inventory of the said foundation is availableat this Office for the inspection of the interestedparties.

Hikawa Branch Office,Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau


Approval of Report on Conclusion ofSpecial Liquidation of Company Whicnhas Head Office in the Areas Formerly

Occupied by JapanMarch 24, 1952

As the reports on conclusion of special liquidationof the following companies have been approved inaccordance with the provision of Article 31 para-graph 1 of the Cabinet Order concerning Liquida-tion of Property in Japan belonging to the Com-panies which have their Head Offices in the AreasFormerly Occupied by Japan (Cabinet Order No.291 of 1949),, notice shall be given under the pro-visions of Article 31 paragraph 3:

Minister for Foreign AffairsYOSHIDA Shigeru

Minister of FinanceIKEDA Hayato

Name of Companies Outside Japan( Manchuria)

Botanko Mokuzai Kogyo K.K.(Mutanchiang Lumbering Co., Ltd.)

(Nothern China)Sansei Sahgyo K.K.

(Shansi Industrial Co., Ltd.)K.K. Sainan Ginko

(The Tsinan Bank, Ltd.)(Central China)

K.K. Shanhai Ginko(The Shanghai Bank, Ltd.)

K.K. Hankao Ginko(The Hankow Bank, Ltd.)

( Formosa)K.K. Shoka Ginko

(The Shoka Bank Ltd.)


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Taiwan Un-yu K.K.(Formosa Transportation Co., Ltd.)

Taiwan Jukogyo K.K.(Formosa Heavy Industrial Co., Ltd.)

K.K. Taiwan Chochiku Ginko(The Taiwan Saving Bank, Ltd.) *

, (Korea)Chugai Kogyo K.K.

(International Industrial Development Co., Ltd.)K.K. Choko Ginko

(The Choko Bank, Ltd.)Chosen Kasai Kaijo Hoken K.K.

(Chosen Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.)K.K. Chosen Shogyo Ginko

(The Chosen Commercial Bank, Ltd.)K.K. Chosen Chochiku Ginko

(The Chosen Saving Bank, Ltd.)Chosen Mujin K.K.

(Chosen Mujin Co., Ltd.)Mikuni Sekitan Kogyo K.K.

(Mikuni Coal Co., Ltd.)(South Sea Mandatory Islands)

Kaiyo Shokusan K.K.(South Seas IndustriaPCo., Ltd.)

Nan-yo Sekiyu K.K.(South Seas Petroleum Co., Ltd.)


Notice re Amalgamation of Companies

March 18, 1952Notice is hereby given in accordance with the

provisions of the Commercial Code that at thestockholders' general meetings of A company andat the members' general meeting of B companyrespectively held on March 17, 1952, it was decidedthat A company should be merged with B companyand the former continue to exist succeeding to allthe rights and duties of the latter which is to bedissolved on the effectuation of the said amalgama-tion.

In this connection, any creditor who has objec-tion to the said decision h requested to report tothat effect to the company concerned within twomonths from the day following publication of thisnotice.

(A) Hirai Denkeiki K.K.28-10, Chudoji Kita-machi,

Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto(B) Yugen Kaisha Hirai Denki

SeisakushoAddress: ditto

Notice re Amalgamation of Companies

March 5, 1952Notice is hereby given in accordance with the

provisions of the Commercial Code that at thestockholders' general meetings of the undermentionedcompanies respectively held on January 25, 1952,

it was decided that A company should be mergedwith B company and the former continue to existsucceeding to all the rights and duties of the latterwhich is to be dissolved on the effectuation of thesaid amalgamation.

In this connection, any creditor who has objectionto the said decision is requested to report to thateffect to the company concerned within two monthsfrom the day following publication of this notice.

(A) Hongo Shuzo K,K.2243, Hongo, Shimonokata-mura, Shimo-niikawa-gun,

Toyama-ken(B) Taisho Shuzo K.K.

2108, Wakaguri, Sakurai-machi, Shimo-niikawa-gun,

T oyama-ken

Notice re DissolutionMarch 5, 1352

Notice is hereby given that the undermentionedcompany was dissolved on February 20, 1952, inaccordance with the decision made at the specialstockholders' general meeting held on the said day.Accordingly, the creditors to this company are re-quested to report their claims within two monthsfrom the day following publication of this notice.

Failing any claim to be submitted within theaforesaid period, it shall be excluded from theliquidation.

Nitto Kogyo K. K.Rep. Liquidator :

Tokushige Minakami175, Kamimuraki, Kazumi-mura,Shimo-niikawa-gun, Toyama-ken

Notice re Reorganization

March 24, 1952Notice is hereby given that with tne unanimous

consent of the entire members at the members'general meeting held on Feb. 28, 1952, it was decidedto reorganize its constitution of a limited liabilitycompany to be incorporated as a joint-stock com-pany under the name of Sanko Kutsushita K. K.,388, 2-chome, Nishi-ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.

Any creditor who has objection to the said decisionis requested to notify the company to that effectwithin two months from the day of publication ofthis notice.

Sanko Kutsushita Yugen Kaisha388, 2-chome, Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Notice re Amalgamation of Companies

March 10, 1952Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders'

general meetings of the undermentioned companies


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respectively held on March 9, 1952, it was decidedthat A company should be merged with B companyand the former continue to exist succeeding to allthe rights and duties of the latter which is to bedissolved on the effectuation of the said amalgama-

tion.In this connection, any creditor who has objection

to the said decision is requested to report to thateffect to the company concerned within two monthsfrom the day following publication of this notice.

(A) Kasuga Sangyo K.K.760-1, Hina, Yoshinaga-mura,

Fuji-gun, Shizuoka-ken(B) Fukutomi Seishi K.K.

403, Harada, Harada-mura,Fuji-gun, Shizuoka-ken

Notice re Reorganizationfc> March 24, 1952

Notice is hereby given that at the members'general meeting held on March 13, 1952, it wasdecided to reorganize its constitution of a limitedliability company to be incorporated as a joint-stock

company:Any creditor who has objection to the said decision

is requested to notify the company to that effectwithin two months from the day of publication of

"this notice.Hiramoto Nenshi K.. K>

201, Aoyama, Kushikawa-mura,Tsukui-gun, Kanagawa-ken

v Public NoticeMarch 24, 1952

Notice is hereby given in accordance with theprovision of Art. 2 par. 1 of the Law concerningSecurity *for Loan from U.S. Aid CounterpartFund, etc. for Electric Enterprise that the under-mentioned company has been in debt since March19, 1952 by the application of the U.S. counterpartfund to Japan as follows:

Shikoku Denryoku K. K.

1. Name of Electric Enterprise:Shikoku Denryoku K. K.

2. Location:56-1, Shichiban-cho, Takamatsu-shi

3. Loand from:

Minister of Finance4. Amount Loaned:

Out of ¥514,000,000, the company loaned ¥190,-000,000 on Dec. 25, 1951, ¥150,000,000 on Feb.23, 1952 and ¥174,000,000 (remainder) on March1Q, 1952.

5. Ratio of Interest: 7.5^ per year6. Method and Period of Redemption:

(A) Redemption of principal: ¥10,280,000 shallbe redeemed by instalments at the end ofMarch and Sept. every year, commencing Sept.30, 1957.

(B) Period of complete redemption: March 81,1983.

7. Method and Period of Payment of Interest:Interest shall be paid at the end of March,

June and Sept. and Dec. 20 every year.8. Other Matters for Reference:

The loan shall be assigned for the fund forequipments of generating, transmitting andtransforming to be newly commenced in thefiscal year 1951-52.

Public NoticeFebruary 26, 1952

Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders'general meeting of the undermentioned companyheld on September 29, 1951, it was decided that onDecember 15, 1951, Okayama Annex of the companyshould be separately operated by Jo Kasahara,Director and all the annexes of Kochi, Tokushimaand Awaji should be separately operated en blocbyshu Ueda, and on the date of February 15, 1952Mineyama Annex should be separated to FumikoOgino and separation and transfer of the precedingannexes were made succeeding to every right andduty of them in the lump.

Kiriki Shoko Hyakka K. K.Rep. Director: Yonezo Harada

464^ Hama, Maizuru-shi

