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HAURAKI NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE 6 BATTALION (HAURAKI) REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION POBOX 2217JAURANGA NEWSLETTER NO-19 EDITORS LYNN ARCHER PHONE (07)5766186 FAX 07-5766029 [email protected].ri2 TREVOR ARCHER (025)928794 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday JULY...9th...2000 Tauranga R.S.A. 1100 Hours Light Luncheon Provided v V/ 0''/ v N// "Dear s/r, please send us some more United Nations observers—the last lot were delicious!" May 2000
Page 1: OFFICIAL NEWSLETTE OF R POBOX 2217JAURANGA …tauranga.kete.net.nz/documents/0000/0000/0473/No_19... · 2016-09-06 · poem story or a song, We all want to hea r it, and we can't





FAX 07-5766029 [email protected]

TREVOR ARCHER (025)928794





Tauranga R.S.A.

1100 Hours

Light Luncheon Provided

v V / 0''/ v N / /

"Dear s/r, please send us some more United Nations observers—the last lot were delicious!"

May 2000

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Page 3: OFFICIAL NEWSLETTE OF R POBOX 2217JAURANGA …tauranga.kete.net.nz/documents/0000/0000/0473/No_19... · 2016-09-06 · poem story or a song, We all want to hea r it, and we can't


C6l(rtH.)A.Ba^} President: Des Anderson, tel: 07:5754286 : Vice President Gordon Eagleson tel 07-8846675

Secretary/Treasurer '[."'•• Trevor Archer, tel: 07:5766186 ;

fex: 07-5766029 Welfare NCO Vacant

Committee: Bob Mankelow Kei Merito Peter Agnew ;

Bob Mack


Shirley Keno Tony Fraser Ted Dean

Auckland: Bob Mack telephone: p9:4453^42

Thames: •''•' 'V^'^'Tt Russell Skeet 07:8687955

Rotorua: Kei Merito telephone:




Hamilton: Stu Foster

telephone: 07:8436121

Te Aroha: Gordon Eagleson telephone: 07: 8846675

Te Awamutu: :-. Temporary Vacant


With the change of role for the Hauraki Regiment it has become more important for the involvement of the Hauraki Association to support the Regiment in whatever way we can. As you will be aware from the media reports, the Territorial units have become more of a "feeder" of trained manpower to the Regular Force Army. Territorial soldiers are now being deployed directly to the Infantry Battalion as individual soldiers, not as a unit from the Hauraki Regiment, and then being deployed into combat zones, such as East Timor.

To achieve this changed role the Regiment has changed its organization to suit. Thus now the Regiment has the Waikato Squadron, based in Hamilton area, the Bradford Squadron, based in Tauranga. There is the Support Element and the Civil Affairs Group also based in Tauranga.

The concept of Annual Camps has gone, now days the soldiers train individually with the regular force units, and meeting the same standards or, as small groups, the largest being a Squadron. Thus the Regiment will only infrequently have the opportunity to train or parade together as a full unit. This of course makes it difficult to retain the esprit de corps that the Hauraki's are renown for.

How can you help as an Association member.? Some suggestions: join in the Garrison club activities, which are held at both Tauranga and at Knox Street in Hamilton. When the Regiment or elements of the Regiment has training in your area, go down and introduce your self. They will only be too pleased to meet you. Support the local Army Cadet unit based in your area. The Regiment supports 10 units, those being at Paeroa, Tauranga, Hamilton (2), Te Awamutu, Te Kuiti, Taupo, Rotorua, Whakatane and Opotiki.

Kia Kaha Des Anderson / President

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Pleased to announce we have nothing to report.


Our deepest sympathy goes to our past Committee Member Hugh Harrison who lost his wife. Ven on the 23rd February 2000. Venn lost her battle after a long illness and was dearly loved by her family and everyone that knew her.


Col. Bob (Burt) is now partway through his treatment at the Waikato Hospital, and feels well within himself. Bob is very appreciative of all the cards and phone calls from well -wishers.


Colonel. John Allen QC, (our Hauraki Regiment Honorary Colonel,) has been elected Chairperson of the Commonwealth Armed Forces Lawyers' Association.

This election took place during the Commonwealth Law Conference in Malaysia last year, which Col. Allen could not attend. Col. Allen succeeds Honourable Justice Goodfellow of Halifax Nova Scotia.

The organization has its headquarters and secretariat in the United Kingdom.

Col. Allen is a judge of the Courts Martial Appeal Court and of course an Honorary Colonel of our own Hauraki Regiment. This has added more lustre to an already illustrious family.

Hauraki News is now on e-mail j;U Address is trevbfilvhnffiwav

Do not be afraid to use it to send in your stories news or complaints. The fax-phone and mailing address still work if you prefer to use them.


ALL OVERSEAS TROOPS TO VOTE (Wellington March 3 ) The Chief Election Officer announced that all members of NZ Forces over­seas, irrespective of age, will be eligible to vote at the general election. This does not apply to personnel under 21 serving inNZ.


Mussolini has announced that the Italian 8th Army, consisting of 10 divisions, is being withdrawn from the Russian front in order to rest and refill its ranks.

Wellington Feb 27 The Leader of the Opposition, Mr. S Holland, has announced that, in view of the general election this year, he will not accept the Empire Parliamentary Association's invitation to visit Britain and Canada as one of the NZ delegation.


This telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communications, and has no value to us. Internal Memo Western Union 1876

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sill At lUus subs for the current Tear are ̂ spl outstanding. Try and keep up to -date so as to avoid losing your newsletters.


I met up with Trevor not so very long ago, And this was his sad story, of worry and woe, It's like pushing mud up hill To find something fit to print, but I always live in hope.

Now being good Hauraki's we are never beat, And when someone like Trevor ,turns on all the heat, We just say yes sir, and pick up the nearest pen, It's not a case of can we, but of you want it when.

So all of you Haurakis, be young old or quite new, Line up just over there, in a column of two, Write out something he can print, he needs it oh so bad, And it starts to spoil his beauty, when he looks so sad.

Now come on all you chaps, be it a poem story or a song, We all want to hear it, and we can't all be wrong, And Trevor will start to smile, it goes from ear to ear, He will say thanks to all of you, it's what I want to hear.

Sent in by Mick Parker.


The three chaps had been at the office Xmas party, and on the way home a tree 'jumped out' in front of them and they were all killed. '

They arrived up at the Pearly Gates, and St. Peter was checking their papers. He did the first one, and said, " yes these are all right. Now as it was Xmas I want you to produce something to do with Xmas." The first chap felt in his pockets and produced a sprig of holly. "Very good," said St. Peter, "you may enter."

He then checked the second one's papers and asked, "and what are you going to produce?" He found a sprig of mistletoe. "Very good," said St. Peter, "in you go." He then checked the third one's papers and said, "and what have you got?"

The third chap checked his pockets and brought out a pair of very flimsy brief French knickers. "Goodness me" said St.Peter, "what have you there," "Oh" was the reply "these are Carols."

Sent in by Mick Parker.

"Your transport's outside. Sergeant!"

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Almost 60 years ago the United States Marines were over-paid, over-fed, over-sexed and over here in preparation for their war in the Pacific along side our N.Z. 3 r d Division in WW2. Today they're retired and in their late 70* s, but happy to be here.

Fifteen WW2 veterans from the Second Marine Division Association recently visited Wellington, renewing old ties with the city where they were stationed in the early 1940's and embarked overseas.

Tour leader, Bill Crumpacker and other veterans, including Past President and Treasurer Carl Wiegel 2 n d Marine Association, Wellington Mayor Blumsky, U.S Embassy-Defence and, Naval Attache Captain US Navy John J. Langer, and the Wellington City Council who finally authorised and actioned the relocation of the beautiful Bronze Remembrance Plaque from Aotea Quay to Frank Kitts Park; where they hope many more people will see it.

The Plaque carries the message "To the people of New Zealand, if you ever need a friend, you have one. It also commemorates key battles in the Pacific including Tarawa, Bougainville, Iwo- Jima, Okinawa and Saipan.

At the start of the ceremony Captain John J. Langer approached Sgt Redding and asked him if he would do the honours and lead the inarch of the other members of the 2 n d Marine Division into the Rooms of Remembrance where the Official function took place.

At 76, Mr.Crumpacker expects this could be his last visit to New Zealand.

The Association organises trips here every five years, but numbers have been gradually dropping from 100 to 15. This was Alan Redding's 4 t h and last. Alan received the Purple Heart. Asian Star. USA WW2.



On Saturday April 1 s t a surprise birthday party was held for Des Anderson at his residence at Mt. Maunganui. It was a reasonably well-kept secret, and went off extremely well. Secrecy stops me from giving his age, but it was somewhere between 59 and 61. The food that was available, presented, cooked and organised by all his family was amazing, both in quantity and quality. I would imagine there would be left overs for weeks. Happy birthday Des!!


Brigadier Ted Dean ONZM ED has now retired as Territorial Force Advisor and is now finding where he lives, and that grass grows.

When interviewed he said.

The most fun was the Recon platoon. The most spectacular was the Anti Armour platoon. The biggest learning phase was as Company commander. The hardest job but biggest privilege was as Battalion commander. The greatest opportunity was as Deputy Commander of the Land Force Group. The biggest challenge was as Territorial Advisor.

(Welcome back Ted, you did well.)

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3 most asked questions about the TF

Hair cuts Over the past 2 or 3 years the more desperate we get the more the rules have been relaxed to the point where your ears no longer stick out like sore thumbs. However you can forget any idea of shoulder length hair unless you are a women soldier.

How tough is basic training. Again very tough, especially the first six weeks. In winter we close down and clean the heating units so you freeze in the barracks at night, and in summer because the heaters work so beautifully at top speed the troops have to fight off the driving urges to throw their naked bodies about the parade ground in futile efforts to cool off. At least no one is shooting at you. I f you can't take it, or you're not good enough, you can always run away.

What is Waiouru like. Tough, tiring and often dangerous, and that's just for civilians. Teamwork of course, is vital. One can get satisfaction of knowing that all the hours of hard work could someday get you a worthwhile job as a professional. The usual tour is 3 months with 10 days home leave in the middle to help you regain your sanity.

Taken from newsletter dated Jan/78 (Author's name not known as yet)

Te Awamutu Area Rep on leave

Peter Croucher and his good lady Maureen have taken off on their big OE again, and will be away for some time. Peter and Maureen will spend a few weeks in Singapore before heading up to the cooler weather of the Northern

Hemisphere. From there, they will play it by ear - so to speak. (The things people do to dodge mowing the lawns.

* * * * * * * * *


New Zealand Reserves (Territorials) have received an invitation from the Reserve Forces Day Council Inc Australia to attend the following.

Reserve Forces Day 2000, Sunday 2 July 2000.

In order to celebrate 200 years of part time service to the Nation. (Australia) An extensive program has been planned, commencing 24 June with a welcome and briefing at the Defence Plaza in Sydney.

On 25 June: a visit to the Lancer Museum at the Paramatta Barracks.

On 26 June: reception at Government House with the Governor of N.S.W.

On 28 June: travel to Canberra.

On 29 June: visit Australian War Museum and Federal Parliament.

On 30 June rehearsal

On 1 July: R.F.D. celebrations and return to Sydney.

On 2 July: R.F.D. parade and flypast.

On 3 July: Official farewell.

Interested persons to contact the Secretary for further information.

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