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Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13

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  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED( A Govt. of India Enterprise)




    NAME of the Contractor :


    Date of Issue :

    Tender Form Sl. No. :

    C.R. No. : ..

    Date : ..


    FOR Rs.


    Date ..

    Name of #an$ :

    #ranch :

    Signature of Issuing Officer


  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Govt. of India Enterprise)




    Se$tion %ARTIC"LARS %a&e No.

    I. Noti$e Invitin& Tender '

    II. Bid or* +

    III. Tenderer,s %rofi-e and Certifi$ates of Near Re-atives /

    I0. Instr1$tion to Bidders 234+

    0. Genera- (Co**er$ia-) Conditions of t5e Contra$t 4

    0I. Spe$ia- Conditions of t5e Contra$t ++6

    0II. O Ca7-e Constr1$tion Spe$ifi$ation +/6+

    0III. %rofor*a for Materia- Se$1rit8 Bond 6

    I9. %rofor*a for A&ree*ent 6:6/

    9. Letter of A1t5ori;ation for attendin& Bid Openin& /3

    9I. App-i$ation seeit5 Bid /4

    9III. Rate of e*pt8 $a7-e dr1*s /4

    9I0. E=perien$e Certifi$ate %rofor*a /'


    90. S$5ed1-e of rates

    /23+90I. inan$ia- Bid


  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13



    Offi$e of t5e Genera- Mana&er

    S1ri Te-e$o* Distri$t

    S1ri ?? Bir751*

    NIT NO. : - W-358-359/NOFN/2013-14/1 Date 4th

    November, 2013

    Properly Wax/PVC tape Sealed percentage tenders are invited ro! rep"ted inancially so"nd #idders

    #y t$e GMT@S1ri SSAon #e$al o t$e %&ARAT %R'A(%A)( )I*A+ LI+IT,( or La8in&

    %LB pipe and asso$iated >oro) nos. of B-o$< $overin& 26 (Ei&5teen) nos. ofGra* %an$58at. Bidders are re1ested to visit t5e >or< sites prior to parti$ipate in t5e tender.

    Bidders s5o1-d s17*it separate tender for* for ea$5 B-o$

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    In t$e event o date o opening o tender #eing o"nd to #e a declared $oliday #y Central *ovt3 or %and$called #y recognied political party9 t$e date o opening ill #e t$e next or8ing day at t$e sa!e ti!e and ven"e3

    E-i&i7i-it8 Criteria of t5e Bidder?

    One 7idder is e-i&i7-e to p1r$5ase 7id do$1*ent fro* S1ri SSA as per t5e t1rnover and

    e=perien$e of >or< detai-ed 7e-o>.

    S- No Ann1a-

    T1rnover in Rs

    No of 7-o$in&2 23 La$s 34 43 5o-e 7id do$1*ent in se$ond enve-ope a-on& >it5

    attested p5oto $op8 of t5e do$1*ents stated in t5e $-a1se no. : (Se$tion I0) of t5e 7iddo$1*ent to 1a-if8 t5e 7idder,s e-i&i7i-it8 and 1a-ifi$ation $riteria. EMD stated in

    $-a1se no. :(i) (Se$tion I0) is to 7e s17*itted in a separate enve-ope as stated a7ove.

    T5e Bidder 5as to f1-fi-- t5e e-i&i7i-it8 $onditions as -aid do>n in C-a1se No.

    : (Se$tion I0 of t5e 7id do$1*ent).T$e earnest !oney s$o"ld #e deposited in t$e or! o #an8 drat dran ro! sc$ed"led / nationalie #an8

    in avor o >ACCO"NTS OICER(CASH) BSNL O@o t5e GMT@S1ri? paya#le at S"ri and to #e attac$ed

    along it$ t$e tender paper3 T$e tenderers not attac$ing t$e #an8 drat along it$ t$e tender ill not #e entertained3

    S1$$essf1- 7idder 5as to *ait5 $on$ern SSA after &ettin& approva- fro*

    $o*petent a1t5orit8 and t5e a1t5ori;ed person of SSA >i-- iss1e >or< order a$$ordin&-8.

    Rig$t to accept or re-ect any tender9 in part or in "ll it$o"t assigning any reason $atsoever is reserved #y t$e*+T/S"ri3

    Asstt3 *eneral +anager .Trans0

    '/o t$e *eneral +anager

    S"ri Teleco! (istrictS"ri @@ %ir#$"!3

    Copy to@

    13 )otice %oard3

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13







    (ear Sir9

    &aving exa!ined t$e conditions o contract and speciications incl"ding addenda )os33 t$e receipt o $ic$ is $ere#y d"ly ac8noledged9 e9 "ndersigned9 oer to exec"te t$e

    or8 o PLB pipe laying and associated works as en"nciated in t$e )IT "nder reerence in

    conor!ity it$ said draings9 conditions o contract and speciications as !ay #e ascertained inaccordance it$ t$e sc$ed"le o prices attac$ed $ereit$ and !ade part o t$is %id3

    We "nderta8e9 i o"r %id is accepted9 e ill exec"te t$e or8 in accordance it$

    speciications9 ti!e li!its and ter!s and conditions stip"lated in t$e tender doc"!ent3I o"r %id is accepted9 e s$all s"#!it t$e sec"rities as per t$e conditions !entioned in

    t$e contract3

    We agree to a#ide #y t$is %id or a period o 2

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    Passport sie

    p$otograp$ o t$e#idder/a"t$oried

    signatory $olding

    Poer o Attorney3



    23 )a!e o t$e person s"#!itting t$e #id $ose p$otograp$ is aixed


    (In $ase of %roprietar8@%artners5ip fir*s t5e tender 5as to 7e si&ned 78 %roprietor@

    %artner on-8 as t5e $ase *a8 7e)

    63 Address o t$e %idder/;ir!@




    (An attested $op8 of t5e Address %roof Do$1*ent *a8 p-ease 7e en$-osed)

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    3 A0 TendererFs ,nlist!ent Certiicate (etails .i any0






    (An attested $op8 of t5e En-ist*ent Certifi$ate *a8 p-ease 7e en$-osed.)

    %0 TendererFs experience certiicate details .i any0@

    S/)o3 )a!e o t$e


    organiation $ic$$as iss"ed t$e


    )a!e :

    (esignation o

    certiicate iss"inga"t$ority


    n"!#er o

    certiicateiss"ing a"t$ority

    A!o"nt in Rs3

    as per certiicate


    G3 TendererFs %an89 its address and $is c"rrent acco"nt n"!#er@ 33333333333333333333

    H3 Per!anent Inco!e Tax n"!#er9 Inco!e Tax Circle 3

    .%-ease atta$5 a $op8 of -ast in$o*e ta= ret1rn)

    .Please give details in Sl3)o317 to 129 i applica#le0

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    173 Service Tax Registration )o3@ 33

    113 ,P; Registration )o3@ 333333333

    123 VAT/TI) Registration )o3@ 333

    163 Inrastr"ct"re Capa#ilities @

    a3 Capacity o trenc$ing per day .in !eters0@ #3 Capacity o pipe laying per day .in !eters0@ 3

    c3 Capacity o p"lling ca#le t$ro"g$ d"ct/pipe per day .in !eters0@ 3

    d3 Capacity o engaging !adoors per day@ e3 Partic"lars o ve$icles availa#le it$ t$e tenderer@

    Type o Ve$icle.s0 Registration )"!#er 3 33

    3 33

    3 333 33

    3 33

    3 Partic"lars o ot$er !ac$ines possessed #y t$e contractor $ic$ can $elp intrenc$ing9 pipe laying and ca#le p"lling@ 333

    143 (etails o Tec$nical and s"pervisory Sta @

    I@e 5ere78 de$-are t5at t5e infor*ation f1rnis5ed a7ove is tr1e and $orre$t.



    Signat"re o tenderer /A"t$oried Signatory@ 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    )a!e o t$e tenderer 3Seal o t$e %idder


    (See Se$tion I0 C-a1se 2.A.t)


    3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333resident o 3$ere#y certiy t$at none o !y near relative.s0 and none o near relative.s0 o proprietor/

    partner.s0/ director.s0 o co!pany is/ are e!ployed in %S)L "nit as deined in t$e tender

    doc"!ent at Cla"se 13A3t o Section IV3 In case at any stage9 it is o"nd t$at t$e inor!ation

    given #y !e is alse/ incorrect9 %S)L s$all $ave t$e a#sol"te rig$t to ta8e any action as dee!edit/it$o"t any prior inti!ation to !e3



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    I3.a"t$oried signatory0 $ere#y declare t$at t$e

    tender doc"!ent s"#!itted $as #een donloaded ro! t$e e#site $ttp@//3#tc3 #snl3co3in

    and no addition / deletion / correction $as #een !ade in t$e proor!a donloaded3 I also declaret$at I $ave enclosed a (( or Rs#earing )o3

    datedo .%an8 na!e : %ranc$0333 toards

    t$e cost o tender doc"!ent along it$ t$e ,+(3

    Place@ Signat"re o tenderer/A"t$oried Signatory3

    (ate@ )a!e o t$e tenderer@ 3

    Seal o t$e Tenderer

    D. DECLARATION (OR E% Mis$ provisions A$t 2/+4)

    I33.na!e o t$e contractor/agency0 $ere#y declare co!pliance toards conditions o t$e ,P; and +isc provisions Act 1H42

    and a"t$orie %S)L to recover any pay!ent t$at arises d"e to ail"re to co!ply it$ any o t$e

    La#o"r legislations and stat"tory conditions vi39 La#o"r9 ,P;9,SI etc39 or any ot$er acts dealing

    it$ t$e sa!e and all ot$er acts !entioned in t$e tender doc"!ent3

    Place@ Signat"re o tenderer/A"t$oried Signatory33

    (ate@ )a!e o t$e Tenderer3

    Seal o t$e Tenderer


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    a3 B5arat San$5ar Ni&a* Li*ited? T$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited !eans t$e

    %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited and its %oard o (irectors3 b BBNL: The BBNL means Bharat Broadband network limited (A Govt. of India

    Enterprises) a !ompan" in!orporated #nder the provisions of the $ompan"

    A!t %&' and havin reistered offi!e at *an!har Bhawan New +elhi.

    c3 BSNL@ T$e %S)L !eans t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited "nder t$e +inistryo Co!!"nications and Inor!ation Tec$nology9 $ic$ invites t$e %ids on

    #e$al o t$e %$arat %road#and )iga! Li!ited3

    Incl"ding ot$er oicers in t$e %S)L9 $atever designations assigned to t$e!ro! ti!e to ti!e9 $o !ay #e t$e Inc$arge o direction9 s"pervision9 testing9

    acceptance and !aintenance incl"ding t$eir s"ccessor.s0 in t$e oice appearing in

    vario"s cla"ses s$all #e ta8en to !ean t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited "ndert$e +inistry o Co!!"nications and Inor!ation Tec$nology9 *ovt3 o India3

    T$e A*+ !eans t$e Asstt3 *eneral +anagerr9 %S)L9 and $is s"ccessors3

    T$e *eneral +anager/ t$e (y3 *eneral +anager9 /Teleco! (istrict +anager oconcern SSA and $is s"ccessors3

    d Representative of t5e AGM @ Representative o t$e A*+ !eans 'icer and

    Sta or t$e ti!e #eing in t$e -"risdiction o >GMTD Of concern SSA.? dep"ted #yt$e A*+ or inspecting or s"pervising t$e or8 or testing etc3

    e Representative of t5e GM@DGM ? Representative o t$e concern SSA !eans

    'icer and Sta or t$e ti!e #eing in t$e -"risdiction *+T(9 S"ri dep"ted #y t$e(*+ or inspecting or s"pervising t$e or8 or testing etc3

    f En&ineerin$5ar&e@ T$e ,ngineerinc$arge !eans t$e ,ngineering 'icerno!inated #y t$e %S)L to s"pervise t$e or89 "nder t$e contract3

    g3 Site En&ineer@ Site ,ngineer s$all !ean an S(, or T' o t$e %S)L $o

    !ay #e placed #y t$e A*+9 as inc$arge o t$e or8 at site at any partic"larperiod o ti!e3

    $3 A@T "nit?A/T Unit s$all #e !ean Acceptance and Testing "nit o t$e

    %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3




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    A@T Offi$er?An oicer a"t$oried #y T:( Circle to cond"ct A/T3 T$e T:( Circle o %S)Lit$ itsF $ead ="arters at a#alp"r is no designated as Inspection Circle

    3B*NL,BBNL. BBNL has riht to !arr" o#t sample !he!ks.*hort!omins,defi!ien!ies noted shall be attended b" !ontra!tor within %'da"s and intimate to B*NL for onward s#bmission to BBNL for re verifi!ation

    i3 Contra$t? T$e ter! contract !eans9 t$e doc"!ents or!ing t$e tender andacceptance t$ereo and t$e or!al agree!ent exec"ted #eteen t$e co!petent

    a"t$ority or and on #e$al o t$e %S)L and t$e contractor9 toget$er it$ t$e

    doc"!ents reerred to t$erein incl"ding t$ese conditions9 t$e speciications9designs9 draings and instr"ctions iss"ed ro! ti!e to ti!e9 #y t$e engineerin

    c$arge and all t$ese doc"!ents ta8en toget$er s$all #e dee!ed to or! one

    contract and s$all #e co!ple!entary to one anot$er3 In t$e contract9 t$e olloingexpressions s$all9 "nless t$e context ot$erise re="ires9 $ave t$e !eanings9

    $ere#y respectively assigned to t$e!3 T$e expression or8s or or8 s$all "nless

    t$ere #e so!et$ing eit$er in t$e s"#-ect or context rep"gnant to s"c$ constr"ction9

    #e constr"ed and ta8en to !ean t$e or8s #y or #y virt"e o t$e contract

    contracted to #e exec"ted $et$er te!porary or per!anent9 and $et$er original9altered9 s"#stit"ted or additional3

    -3 Contra$tor? T$e Contractor s$all !ean t$e individ"al9 ir! or co!pany $avingexperience or enlisted it$ %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd in accordance it$

    proced"re or enlist!ent o contractor9 $et$er incorporated or not9 "nderta8ing

    t$e or8s and s$all incl"de t$e legal personal representative o s"c$ individ"al or

    t$e persons co!posing s"c$ ir! or co!pany9 or t$e s"ccessors o s"c$ ir! orco!pany and t$e per!itted assignees o s"c$ individ"al9 ir! or co!pany3 T$e

    contractor s$all also !ean t$e individ"al9 ir!9 or co!pany participating in t$e

    tender as per ter!s and conditions o t$e )IT and tender doc"!ents and s$allincl"de t$e legal personal representative o s"c$ individ"al or t$e persons

    co!posing s"c$ ir! or co!pany9 or t$e persons co!posing s"c$ ir! or

    co!pany9 or t$e s"ccessors o s"c$ ir! or co!pany and t$e per!itted assigneeso s"c$ individ"al9 ir! or co!pany3

    83 or

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    $ic$9 t$e or8 is to #e exec"ted "nder t$e contract or any ad-acent land9 pat$ orstreet $ic$ !ay #e allotted or "sed or t$e p"rpose o carrying o"t t$e contract3

    n3 Nor*a- ti*e or stip1-ated ti*e@ )or!al ti!e or stip"lated ti!e !eans ti!e

    speciied in t$e or8 order to co!plete t$e or83

    o3 E=tension of ti*e@ ,xtension o ti!e !eans t$e ti!e granted #y %S)L to

    co!plete t$e or8 #eyond t$e nor!al ti!e or stip"lated ti!e3

    p3 Date of Co**en$e*ent of oror

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    a!ily is e!ployed in t$at co!pany or ir! or "nder t$at person or i $e orany !e!#er o $is a!ily is interested in s"c$ !atter or contract in any ot$er

    !anner and t$e *ovt3 Servant s$all reer every s"c$ !atter or contract to $is

    oicial s"perior3 T$is cla"se is applica#le to all %S)L e!ployees and in vieo t$is as soon as any %S)L e!ployee #eco!es aare o t$e a#ove aspect9 $e

    !"st inti!ate t$is to t$e prescri#ed a"t$ority3 ;or nonexec"tive e!ployees

    t$is a"t$ority is SSA &ead / Circle &ead / C$ie ,ngineer / C$ie Arc$3/Corporate oice "nder $o! $e is posted3 ;or exec"tive e!ployees .at

    present so!e o t$e! are called as *aetted 'icers0 t$e prescri#ed a"t$ority

    or t$is p"rpose is Circle &ead / C$ie ,ngineer / C$ie Arc$t3 / Corporateoice "nder $o! $e is posted3

    iii0 T$e Co!pany or ir! or any ot$er person is not per!itted to tender or or8s

    in %S)L Unit in $ic$ $is near relative.s0 is .are0 posted3 T$e "nit is deinedas SSA/ Circle/ C$ie ,ngineer/ C$ie Arc$t3/ Corporate 'ice or non

    exec"tive e!ployees and all SSA in a circle incl"ding circle oice/ C$ie

    ,ng3/ C$ie Arc$t3/ Corporate oice or exec"tive e!ployees .incl"ding t$osecalled as *aetted oicers at present3 T$e tenderer s$o"ld give a certiicate

    t$at none o $is/ $er s"c$ near relative is or8ing in t$e "nits as deined a#ove$ere $e is going to apply or tender/ or83 Any #reac$ o t$ese conditions#y t$e co!pany or ir! or any ot$er person9 t$e tender/or8 ill #e cancelled

    and earnest !oney/sec"rity deposit ill #e oreited at any stage $enever it

    is so noticed3 T$e depart!ent ill not pay any da!ages to t$e co!pany or

    ir! or t$e concerned person3 T$e co!pany or ir! or t$e person ill also #ede#arred or "rt$er participation in t$e concerned "nit3

    "3 E=tra >or

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    inancial years in %S)L/any ot$er govern!ent / private organiation / operator $o $as#een given license #y (epart!ent o Teleco!!"nications9 *overn!ent o India3

    c0 ;or PL% pipe laying and '; ca#le laying tender t$e participating #idder s$o"ld $aveco!pleted in total at least 27 8!/67 8!/

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    1antities p-ans and spe$ifi$ation stip1-ated in t5is Bid Do$1*ent are

    a$$1rate or t5at t5e >or< is feasi7-e of perfor*an$e in t5e *anner set o1t in

    t5e invitation to Bid. +oreover9 or8 or !aterials incidental to exec"te t$is

    contract are not J,xtrasJ3

    iv0 T$e site data relating to type o soil in t$e section at vario"s stretc$es as assessed #y

    t$e %S)L is given in t$e )IT3 It *1st 7e noted t5at t5is is on-8 a ro1&5

    assess*ent 78 t5e BSNL and t5e BSNL does not -in< itse-f to its f1--

    $orre$tness and neit5er t5e BSNL $an 7e 5e-d a$$o1nta7-e for an8 variation if

    an8 fo1nd a$t1a--8. T$e contractors are re="ired to !a8e t$eir on detailed

    assess!ent and s$o"ld ="ote accordingly3

    v0 Any ail"re #y t$e Contractor to do so s$all not relieve $i! o responsi#ility or

    esti!ating properly t$e diic"lty or cost o co!pletely satisactorily peror!ing t$e

    contracted or83

    vi0 T$e %S)L ass"!es no responsi#ility $atever or any oral "nderstandings or

    representations !ade #y any o its oicers or agents or servants prior to t$eexec"tion o t$e contract and all previo"s negotiations and "nderstandings are

    $ere#y cancelled3

    vii0 Unexpected diic"lty or expenses is9 in general9 no exc"se or diic"lty inperor!ing t$e or83


    631 T$e constr"ction or8 to #e carried o"t9 goods re="ired9 #idding proced"res and

    contract ter!s are prescri#ed in t$e %id (oc"!ents3 T$e %id (oc"!ents incl"de@

    '.2.2 !1a-if8in& Bid?6313131 )otice Inviting Tender

    6313132 %id ;or!

    6313136 %idderFs proile and Certiicate o near relatives631313< Instr"ction to %idders

    6313134 *eneral .Co!!ercial0 Conditions o t$e Contract3

    6313135 Special Conditions o Contract3631313 Scope o Wor8 and "risdiction o t$e Contract3

    631313G PL% Pipe laying and ';C Constr"ction Speciications iss"ed #y

    %%)L3631313H ;or!at o +aterial sec"rity %ond ;or! .sa!ple0

    63131317 ;or!at o Agree!ent .sa!ple063131311 Letter o A"t$oriation or Attending %id 'pening3

    63131312 List o (oc"!ents to #e s"#!itted along it$ t$e D"aliying #id63131316 Rates o e!pty ca#le dr"!s

    '.2.4 inan$ia- Bid?

    6313231 Sc$ed"le o Wor8s or constr"ction

    6313232 ;inancial %id


  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    632 T$e %idder is expected to exa!ine all instr"ctions9 or!s9 ter!s and speciications

    in t$e #id doc"!ents3 ;ail"re to "rnis$ all inor!ation re="ired as per t$e %id

    (oc"!ents or s"#!ission o #ids not s"#stantially responsive to t$e %id (oc"!entsin every respect ill #e at t$e #idderFs ris8 and s$all res"lt in re-ection o t$e #id3

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13




    T$e #idder s$all #ear all costs associated it$ t$e preparation and s"#!ission o t$e

    #id3 T$e %S)L9 ill in no case9 #e responsi#le or lia#le or t$ese costs9 regardless o

    t$e cond"ct or o"tco!e o t$e #idding process3


    T$e #idder s$all "rnis$9 as part o $is #id doc"!ents esta#lis$ing t$e #idderFs eligi#ility t$e

    olloing doc"!ents3 All t$ese doc"!ents s$o"ld #e n"!#ered and s$o"ld #e signed #y #idder

    in eac$ page3-.%riinal ++,$ash re!eipt of their Bid *e!#rit" (E/+) of re0#isite amo#nt as per


    -.1Tender do!#ment(s) in oriinal d#l" filled in and sined b" bidder or hisA#thori2ed representative alon with seal on ea!h pae. All !orre!tions and

    overwritin m#st be initialed with date b" the bidder or his a#thori2ed

    representative.-.3 $op" of 4AN No. !ertifi!ate.-.5 The a#thenti!ated !op" of reistered partnership deed and reistration of the firm

    6rom reistrar of firm in !ases of partnership firm.-.' In !ase of proprietorship firm bidder will s#bmit an affidavit attested b" Notar"

    4#bli! that 7I am a sole proprietor of firm888888888...9 in !ase ofproprietorship firm on non #di!ial stamp paper of ;s. %s profile d#l" filled in as per *e!tion ?III of tender do!#ment.-.- 4ower of Attorne"9 (for Blood relation ;s.3

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    T$e invitation o #ids is open to all contractors as per t$eir eligi#ility !entioned in )IT ot$is #id doc"!ent3 If a 7idder fai-s to s1pp-8 t5e do$1*ents as *entioned in s-.no att5e ti*e of s17*ission of 5is@5er 7id t5e ne$essar8 do$1*ents are re1ired to 7e

    s17*itted 78 t5e s1$$essf1- 7idders on-8 >it5in seven da8s of iss1e of -etter of intent

    for si&nin& t5e a&ree*ent as per $-a1se no. 4 fai-1re in >5i$5 >i-- -ead to

    $an$e--ation of t5e offer and no a&ree*ent s5a-- 7e si&ned for a>ard of >or it5 t5e Distri$t La7o1r Offi$er

    of t5e $on$erned distri$t.

    6. BID SEC"RIT#?

    G31 T$e #idder s$all "rnis$9 as part o $is #id9 a #id sec"rity .,+(0 or an a!o"nt asspeciied in t$e )IT separately or eac$ section3 )o interest s$all #e paid #y t$e %S)L on

    t$e #id sec"rity or any period9 $at so ever3

    G32 T$e #id sec"rity is re="ired to protect t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 against t$e ris8 o

    #idders cond"ct9 $ic$ o"ld arrant t$e sec"rityFs oreit"re9 p"rs"ant to para G33

    G36 %id Sec"rity s$all #e paid in t$e or! o Crossed (e!and (rat iss"ed #y a

    sc$ed"led /nationalied #an89 dran in avo"r o A$$o1nts offi$er(Cas5) BSNL O@o t5e

    GMT@S1ripaya#le at S"ri3 T$e (( s$o"ld #e valid or at least H7 days ro! t$e date o)IT3

    G3< A 7id not se$1red in a$$ordan$e >it5 $-a1se 6.2 6.' a7ove s5a-- 7e ree$ted 78 t5eB5arat San$5ar Ni&a* Ltd. as nonresponsive3

    6.+ T5e 7id se$1rit8 of t5e 1ns1$$essf1- 7idder >i-- 7e ref1nded as pro*pt-8 as possi7-e.


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    6. T5e s1$$essf1- 7idder,s 7id se$1rit8 >i-- $o*p1-sori-8 7e $onverted to part

    perfor*an$e se$1rit8 deposit in a$$ordan$e >it5 $-a1se +(i) Se$tion 0.

    6.: T5e 7id se$1rit8 s5a-- 7e forfeited?

    G331 I a #idder it$dras $is #id d"ring t$e period o #id validity speciied in t$e #iddoc"!ent9 'R

    G332 I t$e #idder !a8es any !odiications in t$e ter!s and conditions o t$e tender #eore

    acceptance o t$e tender9 $ic$ are not accepta#le to t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd39


    G336 I t$e #idder is o"nd to $ave given alse / incorrect certiicates in Section III9 'R

    G336 In case o a s"ccess"l #idder9 i t$e #idder ails@

    a0 To sign t$e agree!ent in accordance it$ Cla"se )o3 24 Section IV9


    #0 To "rnis$ +aterial Sec"rity in accordance it$ cla"se 4.i09 Section V3

    /. BID %RICES?

    H31 T$e #idder s$all give t$e total co!posite price incl"sive o all levies and taxes9

    pac8ing9 orarding9 reig$t and ins"rance in case o !aterials to #e s"pplied andincl"sive o all taxes and levies in case o or8s to #e exec"ted3 T$e contractor

    s$all #e responsi#le or transporting t$e !aterials to #e s"pplied #y t$e %$arat

    Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 .ro! t$e SSA Store (epot0 to exec"te t$e or8 "nder t$econtract9 to site at $is/t$eir on cost "p to 177 K!3

    H32 Prices s$all #e ="oted #y t$e #idder as percentage 7e-o>@a7ove@at par t$esc$ed"le o rates given in Sc$ed"le o Rates .;inancial %id03 Prices ="oted at anyot$er place s$all not #e considered3

    H36 T$e price ="oted #y t$e #idder s$all re!ain ixed d"ring t$e entire period ocontract and s$all not #e s"#-ect to variation on any acco"nt3 A #id s"#!itted it$

    an ad-"sta#le price ="otation ill #e treated as nonresponsive and re-ected3

    H3< (isco"nt9 i any9 oered #y t$e #idders s$all not #e considered "nless t$ey are

    speciically indicated in t$e sc$ed"le o rates .;inancial %id03 %idders desiring to

    oer disco"nt s$all t$ereore !odiy t$eir oers s"ita#ly $ile ="oting and s$all

    ="ote clearly net price ta8ing all s"c$ actors li8e disco"nt9 ree s"pply9 etc3 intoacco"nt3

    H34 In t$e case o illiterate #idders9 a itness s$o"ld attest t$e ;inancial %id3 T$epercentages ="oted in ords ill $ave precedence over t$e percentages ="oted in

    ig"res3 I t$e percentages are not ="oted in ords9 t$e %id is lia#le to #e re-ected3


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    1731 %id s$all re!ain valid or 2DUALI;NI)* %I(? Containing doc"!ents as per Cla"se except #id


    T$ird >;I)A)CIAL %I(? Percentage Rates d"ly ="oted #y t$e %idder in t$e

    prescri#ed or!at3


  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    'n all t$ese o"r envelopes .t$ree inner and one o"ter0 t$e na!e o t$e ir! s$all #e clearly!entioned and s$o"ld #e properly sealed "sing sealing ax/pac8ing PVC tape3 T5e Bids t5atare not s17*itted in a7ove *entioned *anner s5a-- 7e s1**ari-8 ree$ted.

    1232 All envelopes .t$ree inner : one o"ter0 !"st #ear t$e olloing on t$e let $and top

    corner side@a0 )IT no3

    #0 )a!e o t$e ';C Ro"te/%loc8 or $ic$ tender is s"#!itted and category o or83c0 )a!e o section/Sl3 )o along it$ category o or83d0 )a!e o t$e %S)L SSA "nder $ic$ ro"te/section/or8 alls3

    e0 Tender or PL% Pipe laying and associated Wor8s /Ca#le Laying3

    >)'T T' 'P,) %,;'R, 737H32716 .(U, (AT, '; T,)(,R0? .Tender or or8@ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB0

    1236 T$e tender ill #e #o"nd #y all ter!s9 conditions and speciications as t$e tenderdoc"!ents3

    123< Any tender it$ conditions ot$er t$an t$ose speciied in t$e tender doc"!ent to #e

    s"!!arily re-ected3 )o !odiication #y t$e contractor in any o t$e conditions ill #e

    per!itted ater t$e tender is opened3


    1631 Tender s$o"ld #e dropped in person in t$e tender #ox placed in t$e oice o t$e

    *+T/S"ri #eore t$e closing .date : ti!e0 o tender as !entioned in )IT 'R 78 post soas to rea$5 t5e Offi$e one 5o1r 7efore t5e $-osin& of tender 7o= 3 %S)L ill not #e

    responsi#le or postal delay or loss on transit3 T$e %idder is to ens"re t$e delivery o t$e#ids at t$e correct address3 T$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 s$all not #e $eld responsi#le

    or delivery o #id to t$e rong address3 T$e slit o t$e tender #ox ill #e sealed

    i!!ediately ater t$e speciied ti!e or receipt o tender3 Any #id presented in personater t$e sealing o #ox ill not #e received #y t$e %S)L and ill not #e alloed to #e

    deposited in t$e tender #ox3

    1632 %ostpone*ent of Tender openin&@ W$enever it is considered necessary to postpone t$eopening date o tenders9 ="ic8 decision !"st #e ta8en and co!!"nicated to t$e tenderers

    $o $ave p"rc$ased t$e tender doc"!ents and s$all #e at least one day #eore t$e

    original date o opening3 T$e reasons or postponing t$e tender s$all #e recorded inriting3 S"c$ notice o extension o date o opening s$all also #e p"t"p on t$e notice

    #oard and also p"#lis$ed in t$e nespapers in $ic$ original )ITs $ave #een p"#lis$ed3

    I t$e date o opening o #ids is declared as $oliday9 t$e #ids ill #e opened on t$e nextor8ing date at t$e sa!e ti!e and ven"e3

    1636 T$e %S)L i s"#se="ently declares date ixed or opening o #ids as $oliday9 t$e revisedsc$ed"le ill #e notiied3 &oever9 in a#sence o s"c$ notiication9 t$e #ids ill #eopened on next or8ing day9 ti!e and ven"e re!aining "naltered3


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    deposit t$e tender ater d"e date and ti!e .!entioned in t$e )IT0 ill attract action as perla3


    1431 T5e 7idder *a8 *odif8 or >it5dra> 5is 7id after s17*ission and 7efore openin& of

    7ids provided t5at t5e inti*ation is deposited 78 t5e 7idder in a proper-8 sea-edenve-ope (>it5 a=@%a$DUALI;NI)* %I(? s$all #e opened and papers/doc"!ents s"#!itted #y #idder s$all#e exa!ined and recorded #y t$e T'C3 Ater opening t$e ="aliying #id9 all t$e

    doc"!ents contained t$erein s$all #e serially n"!#ered and signed #y t$e #id openingco!!ittee !e!#ers3

    1536353 Ater recording o t$e >D"aliying %id? t$e T'C ill place all t$e ;inancial %ids

    s"#!itted #y t$e #idders in an envelope and ill properly seal it it$ ax or pac8ing

    PVC tape or 8eeping in sae c"stody3

    153633 T$e ;inancial %id s$all #e opened in t$e olloing !anner@


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    15363G3 T$e envelope !ar8ed >;inancial %id?9 ill #e opened only or t$e ="aliied #ids in?D"aliying %id?3

    15363H3 Ater opening t$e >;inancial %id? t$e #idderFs na!e9 #id prices9 !odiications9 #idit$draals and s"c$ ot$er details as t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd39 at its discretion9

    !ay consider appropriate9 ill #e anno"nced at t$e opening3

    15363173In case t$ere is discrepancy in ig"res and ords in t$e ="ote9 t$e sa!e s$all #eanno"nced in t$e #id opening9 #"t t$e ="ote in ords s$all prevail3


    To assist in exa!ination9 eval"ation and co!parison o #ids9 t$e %S)L at its discretion

    !ay as8 t$e #idder or clariication o its #id3 T$e re="est or its clariication and t$e

    corresponding response s$all #e in riting3 &oever9 no post #id clariication at t$e

    initiative o t$e #idder s$all #e entertained3


    1G31 %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 s$all eval"ate t$e #ids to deter!ine $et$er t$ey areco!plete9 $et$er any co!p"tational errors $ave #een !ade9 $et$er re="ired s"reties

    $ave #een "rnis$ed9 $et$er t$e doc"!ents $ave #een properly signed and $et$er t$e

    #ids are generally in order3

    1G32 I t$ere is discrepancy #eteen ords and ig"res9 t$e a!o"nt in ords s$all prevail3 I t$e

    Contractor does not accept t$e correction o t$e errors9 $is #id s$all #e re-ected3

    1G36 Prior to t$e detailed eval"ation9 p"rs"ant to cla"se 219 t$e %S)L ill deter!ine t$es"#stantial responsiveness o eac$ #id to t$e #id doc"!ent3 ;or p"rpose o t$ese cla"ses a

    s"#stantially responsive #id is one $ic$ conor!s to all t$e ter!s and conditions o t$e

    #id doc"!ents it$o"t deviations3 T$e %S)L deter!ination o #idFs responsiveness is to#e #ased on t$e contents o t$e #id itsel it$o"t reco"rse to extrinsic evidence3

    1G3< A #id9 deter!ined as s"#stantially non responsive s$all #e re-ected #y t$e %S)L and

    s$all not s"#se="ent to t$e #id opening #e !ade responsive #y t$e #idder #y correction ot$e nonconor!ity3

    1G34 T$e %S)L !ay aive any !inor inir!ity or nonconor!ity or irreg"larity in a #id

    $ic$ does not constit"te a !aterial deviation9 provided s"c$ aiver does not pre-"diceor aect t$e relative ran8ing o t$e #idder3


    1H31 T$e %S)L s$all eval"ate in detail and co!pare t$e #ids previo"sly deter!ined to #es"#stantially responsive p"rs"ant to cla"se 1G3

    1H32 T$e eval"ation and co!parison o responsive #ids s$all #e on t$e percentage deviation.a#ove/#elo/at par0 oered and indicated in sc$ed"le o rates o t$e #id doc"!ents3

    1H36 Wor8 order or a partic"lar section s$all #e accorded to L1 #idder o t$at section3 I t$ere

    are !ore t$an one L1 #idder9 t$en t$e or8 !ay #e divided .in ter!s o lengt$0 e="ally

    #eteen t$e!3 In s"c$ case no clai! o Strata Variation in t$e Ro"te s$all #e accepted3T$e or8 !ay #e aarded in any portion o t$e Section or Ro"te to any o t$e #idder as

    decided #y ,ngineer In C$arge3 &oever i all t$e #idders except at least one ant to


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    it$dra t$eir #id and at least one #idder accepts t$e or8 t$an t$ey !ay #e alloed andt$eir ,+( s$all #e re"nded ater doing t$e agree!ent it$ one .or !ore #y e="ally

    distri#"ting t$e Section in ter!s o lengt$0 o t$e #idders or entire section3 ;ailing to

    sign t$e agree!ent #y one o t$e #idders9 t$e ot$ers s$all #e lia#le to accept t$e or83


    2731 S"#-ect to cla"se 1 no #idder s$all try to inl"ence t$e %S)L on any !atter relating to

    its #id9 ro! t$e ti!e o #id opening till t$e ti!e t$e contract is aarded3

    2732 Any eort #y t$e #idder to !odiy $is #id or inl"ence t$e %S)L in t$e %S)LFs #id

    eval"ation9 #id co!parison or t$e contract aard decisions s$all res"lt in t$e re-ection o

    t$e #id3

    213 AARD O CONTRACT?T$e %S)L s$all consider aard o contract only to t$ose eligi#le #idders $ose oers

    $ave #een o"nd tec$nically9 co!!ercially and inancially accepta#le3 T$e SSA $eadsreserves t$e rig$t to aard t$e or8 in any section to a single Contractor or split t$e or8

    a!ong to or !ore Contractors3 T$e decision o SSA $eads in t$is regard s$all #e inaland #inding3 T$e allot!ent o or8s a!ong contractors ill #e as ollos3

    Sl )o )o o s"ccess"l #idder Percentage o distri#"tion o or8

    L1 L2 L6

    1 'ne 177O

    2 To 7O 67O

    6 T$ree 47O 67O 27O

    223 BSNL,S RIGHT TO 0AR# !"ANT"M O OR?

    T$e %S)L9 at t$e ti!e o aard o or8 "nder t$e contract9 reserves t$e rig$t to decreaseor increase t$e or8 #y "p to 24O o t$e total ="ant"! o or8 speciied in t$e sc$ed"leor re="ire!ents it$o"t any c$ange in t$e rates or ot$er ter!s : conditions3 &oever t$e

    individ"al ite! o or8s !ay #e varied in any ="ant"! it$in t$e overall li!it o 24O o

    t$e contracted val"e in ter!s o r"pees3


    2631 T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to accept or re-ect any #id and to ann"l t$e #idding process

    and re-ect all #ids9 at any ti!e prior to aard o contract it$o"t assigning any reason

    $atsoever and it$o"t t$ere#y inc"rring any lia#ility to t$e aected #idder or #idders

    on t$e gro"nds or t$e %S)LFs action3

    2632 T$e tender approving a"t$ority is not #o"nd to accept t$e loest %id3


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    2. A%%LICATION

    T$e general conditions s$all apply in contracts !ade #y t$e %S)L or t$e exec"tion PL%

    Pipe Laying and 'ptical ;i#er Ca#le Constr"ction Wor8s3


    T$e or8s to #e exec"ted "nder t$e contract s$all conor! to t$e standards prescri#ed in

    t$e '; Ca#le constr"ction practices3

    '. %RICES

    631 Prices c$arged #y t$e Contractor or t$e or8s peror!ed "nder t$e Contract s$all

    not #e $ig$er ro! t$e prices ="oted #y t$e Contractor in $is %id3632 Price once ixed ill re!ain valid or t$e period o contract3 Increase and

    decrease o taxes/d"ties ill not aect t$e price d"ring t$is period except t$e

    service tax3

    636 Service Tax i any ill #e paid extra in "ll as applica#le3 &oever9 proo opay!ent to service tax a"t$ority s$all #e s"#!itted #y t$e contractor prior to t$e

    release o 1stinstall!ent .G7O0 o Peror!ance Sec"rity3


    T$e contractor s$all not assign9 s"# contract or s"#-ect t$e $ole or any part o t$e or8s

    covered #y t$e contract9 "nder any circ"!stances3

    +. SEC"RIT#

    (i) Materia- Se$1rit8?

    .a0 T$e s"ccess"l #idder or single section ill $ave to deposit !aterial sec"rity. 47O0

    toards !a-or !aterials. s"c$ as PL% ("ct Rs

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    #e "tilied or iss"ing stores against t$e pending or8 / any ot$er section "nder t$esaid contract3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e SSA &ead s$all #e inal and #inding3

    .c0 T$e proceeds o t$e !aterial sec"rity s$all #e paya#le to t$e depart!ent as aco!pensation or any loss res"lting ro! t$e contractorFs ail"re to $andle properly

    t$e !aterial iss"ed to $i! "nder t$e contract3

    .d0 T$e !aterial sec"rity ill #e released / re"nded it$in a ort nig$t ro! t$e date oco!!ission o t$e or8 "nder t$e contract or inal settle!ent o !aterial acco"nt

    $ic$ever is ear-ier s17e$t to 7idder >i-- &ive 1nder ta

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    or8s relevant as directed #y t$e ,ngineerinC$arge and s$all provide s"icient staor t$e p"rpose and s$all #e solely responsi#le or t$e acc"racy o s"c$ setting o"t3

    53G Trenc$ing and pipe laying s$all start ro! one direction as decided #y site inc$arge ot$e aarded section only3 Contractor s$all ta8e all preca"tions and steps not to leave

    any patc$es in #eteen3 Ater co!pletion o irst one K! only9 contractor s$all #e

    alloed to start or8 o trenc$ing and pipe laying to next K!3


    :.2 Genera-

    :.2.2 In eac$ or8 order9 t$e or8 order iss"ing a"t$ority s$all speciy t$e ti!e alloed or

    co!pletion o or8 consistent it$ t$e !agnit"de and "rgency o or83 T$e ti!e

    alloed or carrying o"t t$e or8 is to #e strictly o#served #y t$e contractor and s$all#e rec8oned ro! sevent5 da8ro! t$e date o iss"e o or8 order3

    3132 In as !"c$ as >t$e ti!e #eing dee!ed to #e t$e essence o contract?9 t$ro"g$o"t t$estip"lated period o contract9 t$e or8 is to #e proceeded it$ all d"e diligence on t$e

    part o t$e contractor3:.4 App-i$ation for E=tension of t5e Ti*e and San$tion of E=tension of Ti*e (EOT)?

    3231 T$ere !ay #e so!e $indrances9 ot$er t$an covered "nder force majere! $ile

    exec"tion o or8 and in s"c$ cases t$e contractor s$all apply in riting to t$e

    engineerinc$arge in t$e prescri#ed or! or extension o ti!e .,'T09 on acco"nt o$ic$ $e desires s"c$ extension it$in t$ree days o occ"rrence o $indrance3 T$e

    ,ngineerinc$arge s$all orard t$e re="est to t$e co!petent a"t$ority it$ $is

    detailed report3 T$e co!petent a"t$ority is e!poered to grant extension o ti!e orco!pletion o or8 on certain conditions3 &e s$all exercise s"c$ poers9 i t$e

    olloing conditions are satisied@

    T$e application contains t$e gro"nd.s09 $ic$ $indered t$e contractor inexec"tion o or89 and

    T$e ,ngineerinc$arge is o t$e opinion t$at t$e gro"nds s$on or extension

    o ti!e are reasona#le3

    3232 T$e co!petent a"t$ority s$all consider t$e re="est 8eeping all t$e acts and

    circ"!stances in vie and s$all grant extension o ti!e9 i in $is opinion9 t$ere are

    reasona#le and s"icient gro"nds or granting s"c$ extension and t$e reasons ordelay are not ascri#a#le to t$e contractor3

    3236 T$e co!petent a"t$ority !ay also grant extension o ti!e or co!pletion o or8 in

    cases $ere reasons or delay are ascri#a#le to t$e contractor9 #"t s"c$ extension o

    ti!e s$all #e it$ L( c$arges as per cla"se dealing it$ penalty or delays inexec"tion o or8s3


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    contractor cannot c$allenge t$e so"ndness o t$e opinion #y reerence to ar#itration3T$e decision o t$e co!petent a"t$ority on period o extension o ti!e or re"sal or

    extension o ti!e s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e contractor3

    36 Grant of E=tension of Ti*e >it5o1t App-i$ations?

    36313 T$ere are9 at ti!es9 practical diic"lties li8e nonavaila#ility o !aterials9 delay in

    providing per!issions/rig$t o ay etc3 reasons o $ic$ are ascri#a#le to t$e %S)L3

    In s"c$ cases9 t$e ,ngineerinc$arge it$ t$e approval o co!petent a"t$ority tosanction ,3'3T9 !ay iss"e extension o ti!eso motoit$o"t aiting or contractor

    to !a8e an application or ,3'3T3 ,ntry o $indrances s$all #e !ade in t$e &indrance

    Register3 T$e %S)L ill9 $oever9 not #e lia#le to t$e contractor or any losses oda!ages9 costs9 c$arges9 or expenses t$at t$e contractor !ay in any ay

    s"stain/s"er d"e to delay in !a8ing t$e a#ove availa#le3

    3632 T$e contractor s$all not #e -"stiied in a#andoning t$e contract #eca"se t$e %S)L $as

    delayed !a8ing pay!ents in respect o ot$er or8 #eing done or t$e %S)L #y t$e



    G31 Meas1re*ent?

    G3131 T$e !eas"re!ent #oo8s are to #e !aintained #y t$e oicerinc$arge o t$e or8 or$is i!!ediate engineering s"#ordinate not #elo t$e ran8 o "nior Teleco! 'icer3

    T$e entry s$all #e !ade in in83 )o entry s$all #e erased3 I a !ista8e is

    !ade9 it s$o"ld #e corrected #y crossing o"t t$e incorrect ords or ig"res andinserting t$e corrections9 t$e corrections t$"s !ade s$all #e initialed : dated #y t$e

    oicer concerned3

    G3132 Responsi7i-it8 of ta

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    responsi#le or cond"cting test c$ec8 o 47O o !eas"re!ents3 T$e (ivisional,ngineer s$all #e responsi#le or cond"cting test c$ec8 o 17O o !eas"re!ents3

    c3 I contractor exec"ting it$o"t or aay ro! !ar8ing and not olloing t$e

    instr"ctions o site engineer s"c$ or8 s$all not #e recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8and no pay!ent s$all #e !ade or s"c$ or83

    d3 T$e "nior Teleco! 'icer : Contractor/$is a"t$oried representative ill certiy

    "nder t$eir signat"re at t$e appropriate places in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 t$at t$e dept$o trenc$ : align!ent is as per speciication3 Ater t$is certiication9 t$e pipe laying is

    to start3 Ater PL% Pipe laying is over t$e "nior Teleco! 'icer $as to again certiy

    t$at t$e PL% Pipe/PL% %loing Type/preinstalled rope laying $as #een doneaccording to speciication3 T$e trenc$ ill t$en #e reinstated and inal recording o

    co!pletion o or8 in t$at portion is to #e certiied "nder t$e -oint signat"res o t$e

    "nior Teleco! oicer and t$e Contractor or $is a"t$oried representative3.Contractor $as to co!!"nicate in riting to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer t$e na!e and

    ot$er details o t$e s"pervisor a"t$oried #y $i! i Contractor $i!sel is not signing

    t$e !eas"re!ent #oo830 &oever9 t$e Contractor ill $ave to co"ntersign t$e

    !eas"re!ent and recordings relating to t$e period or $ic$ $e preers t$e #ill3

    G3136 Met5odof re$ordin& of no*en$-at1re of ite*s@

    Co!plete no!enclat"re o ite!s9 as given in t$e agree!ent need not #e reprod"ced in

    t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 or recording t$e !eas"re!ents #"t corresponding Ite! Code

    as provided9 s$all #e "sed3

    G313< Met5od of Meas1re*ents@

    T$e !eas"re!ents o t$e or8 s$all #e done or activity ise as and $en t$e ite! o

    or8 is ready or !eas"re!ent3 T$e !et$ods o !eas"re!ent o vario"s ite!s are

    en"!erated as "nder@

    a0 Meas1re*ent of dept5 of tren$5esT$e ca#le ro"tes o one or8 order s$all #e divided into a n"!#er o seg!ents eac$o !axi!"! 277 !eters lengt$ #o"nded #y identiia#le land!ar8s at #ot$ t$e ends

    o t$e seg!ents3 I land!ar8s are not availa#le9 lengt$ o seg!ent !ay #e

    !aintained at 277 !eters3 T$e !eas"re!ent o dept$ s$all #e recorded at eac$ point

    o !eas"re!ent .P'+0 in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 in !eters in t$e !"ltiples o 4c!s3 ;or exa!ple H c!s ill #e recorded as H4 c!s and 176 c!s as 174 c!s3 T$e

    points o !eas"re!ents s$all #e at a distance o 17 !eters starting ro! 7 .ero0

    !eter3 ;or exa!ple9 i t$e lengt$ o seg!ent is 4 !eters9 t$e P'+s s$all #e at 7+917+9 27+9 67+9

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    possi#le dept$ in t$e ace o site constraints9 t$e olloing scale o pay!ent s$all #eapplied or digging trenc$es o lesser dept$s in dierent categories o soil and

    terrain9 s"#-ect to condition t$at relaxation $as #een granted #y t$e co!petent

    a"t$ority or lesser dept$s3 &oever9 re="isite protection is to #e provided in eac$case as per stat"tory g"idelines o (oT/%S)L3


    or Nor*a- Hard Soi- for a-- areas in$-1din& Orissa and ordinar8 5ardro$< for a-- areas e=$-1din& Orissa?

    (ept$ #eteen Red"ction in rate

    Q 154 C!s to 147 C!s3 4 O o t$e approved rate

    Q 147 C!s to 167 C!s3 1234 O o approved rates

    Q 167 C!s to 174 C!s3 24 O o approved rates

    %elo 174 C!s

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    veriied it$ t$e !ar8ing o lengt$s on t$e ca#les3 T$e lengt$s s$all #e recorded in

    s$eet provided in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo83

    d) Meas1re*ent of ot5er ite*s

    T$e !eas"re!ent/n"!erical details o ot$er ite!s s$all #e recorded in t$e s$eets

    provided or respective ite!s vi3

    1 (igging o -oint pit and preparation o -oint c$a!#er along it$ its type i3e3

    %ric8 c$a!#er o Pre Cast RCC type3

    2 ;ixing9 Painting and sign riting o ro"te/-oint indicators36 Ter!ination o Ca#le in e="ip!ent roo! and no3 o -oints3

    G3134 T$e contractor s$all sign all t$e !eas"re!ent recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo83

    T$is ill #e considered as an acceptance #y t$e contractor9 o t$e !eas"re!entsrecorded in t$e +%3 In case contractor ails to attend at t$e !eas"re!ents or ails to

    co"ntersign or to record t$e dierence it$in a ee89 t$an in any s"c$ events t$e!eas"re!ents ta8en #y ,ngineerinc$arge or #y t$e s"#ordinate as t$e case !ay #e

    s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e contractor and t$e contractor s$all $ave no rig$t todisp"te t$e sa!e3

    G3135 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer #eore passing t$e #ill or sections covered #y eac$ set o!eas"re!ent !ay carry o"t test c$ec8 #y reopening trenc$ at as !any locations as

    necessary as speciied in doc"!ents proced"re or "ndergro"nd ca#le constr"ction

    and #ills ill #e passed only $en $e is personally satisied o t$e correctness o

    entries in t$e >+eas"re!ent %oo8? and also $en $e is satisied o ot$er aspects ot$e or8 as per t$e ter!s o t$e contract3 T$e contractor s$all provide t$e necessary

    assistance incl"ding t$at o la#o"r9 or test c$ec8 #y t$e (ivisional ,ngineer3 Separate

    pay!ent s$all not #e !ade to t$e contractor or excavation o s"c$ test c$ec8s3&oever s"c$ test pits s$all not #e !ore t$an 17O o t$e ca#le laying or83

    G313 +eas"re!ent o t$e or8 o ca#le p"lling/ #loing t$ro"g$ pipe/d"ct ill #e ta8en

    e="al to t$e lengt$ pipe/d"ct t$ro"g$ $ic$ t$e ca#le $as #een p"lled and not t$e totallengt$ o ca#le p"lled t$ro"g$ pipe/d"ct3 In case extra '; ca#le $as to #e 8ept in t$e

    or! o coils in t$e designated !an$oles in t$e ro"te9 t$e lengt$ o s"c$ extra ca#le

    s$all #e clearly indicated in t$e tec$nical speciication o t$e %id (oc"!ent and oeac$ Wor8 'rder3 )o extra pay!ent s$all #e !ade or s"c$ extra '; p"lling or


    G32 Inspe$tion and !1a-it8 Contro-?

    G3231 T5e !1a-it8 of or

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    -ointing o ca#les and ter!ination in e="ip!ent roo! and at last #"t not t$e least ondoc"!entation o ca#le netor83 In order to ens"re ="ality in Ca#le Constr"ction

    Wor89 eac$ co!ponent o or8 needs attention3 T$e or8s s$all #e carried o"t

    strictly in accordance it$ speciications laid don to ac$ieve t$e re="isite ="alityai!3

    G32363 It is i!perative t$at t$e contractor.s0 is/are "lly conversant it$ t$e constr"ctionpractices and s$all #e "lly e="ipped to carry o"t t$e or8 in accordance it$ t$e

    speciications3 T$e contractors are expected and #o"nd to ens"re ="ality in

    constr"ction or8s in accordance it$ speciications laid don3 T$e contractor s$allengage ade="ate and experienced s"pervisors to ens"re t$at or8s are carried o"t as

    per speciications and it$ d"e diligence and in a proessional !anner3 T$e

    contractors s$all satisy $i!sel/t$e!selves t$at t$e or8 conor!s to t$e ="ality

    speciications #eore oering t$e sa!e to A3T ing or Acceptance and Testing3


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    deects/deiciencies pointed o"t #y t$e A/T 'icer it$o"t any additional cost to t$e%S)L3

    G3636 Offerin& t5e >or< for a$$eptan$e and testin&? T$e S"# (ivisional ,ngineerresponsi#le or constr"ction9 ater $aving satisied $i!sel o co!pletion o or8 ready

    or A3T9 s$all oer t$e or8 to A3T3 'icer or cond"cting Acceptance and Testing3 T$e

    or8 s$all #e oered or A3T3 as soon as .it$in 14 day0 part o or8 .!ini!"! 6 8!0 isco!plete in all respects3 T$e or8 against any or8 order can #e oered or A3T in an"!#er o stages3 Re!aining part o t$e or8 can #e oered to A/T as soon as .it$in 14

    days0 it is co!pleted in all respect3

    G363< T$e contractor s$all provide la#o"rer9 i de!anded #y t$e A/T oicer or digging o testpits and ot$er necessary inrastr"ct"re or carrying o"t t$e A/T or83 )o extra pay!ent

    ill #e !ade or t$e digging o test pit3

    H3 ARRANT#?

    H31 T$e contractor s$all arrant t$at t$e or8 done or t$e !aterial s"pplied or t$e or8

    "nder t$e contract s$all #e ne and ree ro! all deects and a"lts in !aterial9or8!ans$ip and !an"act"re and s$all #e o t$e $ig$est grade and consistent it$ t$e

    esta#lis$ed and generally accepted standards or !aterials o t$e type ordered and s$all

    peror! in "ll conor!ity it$ t$e speciications and draings3 T$e contractor s$all #eresponsi#le or any deects t$at !ay develop "nder t$e conditions provided #y t$e

    contract and "nder proper "se9 arising ro! a"lty !aterials9 design or or8!ans$ip s"c$

    as corrosion o t$e e="ip!ent9 inade="ate ="antity o !aterials etc3 and s$all re!edy

    s"c$ deects at $is on cost $en called "pon to do so #y t$e %S)L $o s$all state inriting in $at respect t$e stores are a"lty3 T$is arranty s$all s"rvive inspection or

    pay!ent or9 and acceptance o goods9 #"t s$all expire except in respect o co!plaints

    notiied prior to s"c$ date9 t>e-ve *ont5s fro* t$e date o co!pletion o A$$eptan$e

    and Testin& of t5e >or

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    re"nd t$e a!o"nt o over pay!ent and it s$all #e la"l or t$e %S)L to recover t$esa!e ro! $i! in t$e !anner prescri#ed in cla"se it$ t$e $eading pay!ent o #ills

    .sa!e c$apter09 or in any ot$er !anner legally per!issi#le and i it is o"nd t$at t$e

    contractor as paid less t$an $at as d"e to $i! "nder t$e contract in respect o anyor8 exec"ted #y $i! "nder it9 t$e a!o"nt o s"c$ "nder pay!ent s$all #e d"ly paid #y

    t$e %S)L to t$e contractor3

    1732 Provided t$at t$e %S)L s$all #e entitled to recover any s"! overpaid9 nor t$e contractors$all #e entitled to pay!ent o any s"! paid s$ort $ere s"c$ pay!ent $ave #een agreed

    "pon #eteen t$e (ivisional ,ngineer or $is s"#ordinate oicer on one $and and t$e

    contractor on t$e ot$er "nder any ter! o t$e contract per!itting pay!ent or or8 aterassess!ent #y t$e SSA $ead or $is s"#ordinate oicer3

    1736 Any s"! o !oney d"e and paya#le to t$e contractor .incl"ding sec"rity deposit

    ret"rna#le to $i!0 "nder t$is contract !ay #e appropriated #y t$e %S)L or t$e pay!ento a s"! o !oney arising o"t or "nder any ot$er contract !ade #y t$e contractor it$

    t$e %S)L3

    113 %A#MENT TERMS?

    1131 %ro$ed1re for %reparation and sett-e*ent of 7i--s?113131 All ite!s o or8 involved in t$e or8 order s$all #e co!pleted in all respects #eore

    preerring t$e #ills or t$e or83 T$e provision o r"nning #ill $as #een !ade to !a8e it

    easy or t$e contractor to !anage $is cas$ lo and to co!plete t$e or8 syste!atically

    and !eaning"lly in a s$ortest possi#le ti!e3 All inter!ediate pay!ents s$all #e regardedas pay!ents #y ay o advance against t$e inal pay!ent only and not as pay!ent or

    or8 act"ally done and co!pleted and s$all not precl"de t$e re="iring o #ad9 "nso"nd9

    i!perect or "ns8illed or8 to #e re!oved and ta8en aay and reconstr"cted or #e

    considered as an ad!ission o d"e peror!ance o contract or any part t$ereo in anyrespect or accr"ing o any clai!9 nor s$all9 to concl"de9 deter!ine or aect in any ay

    t$e poers o t$e ,ngineerinc$arge "nder t$ese conditions or any o t$e! as to t$e inal

    settle!ent : ad-"st!ents o acco"nts or ot$erise or in any ot$er ay vary or aect t$econtract. T$e proced"re or preparation o r"nning and inal #ills is en"!erated as "nder@

    113132 %ro$ed1re for preparation pro$essin& and pa8*ent of 7i--s?

    'n co!pletion o or8 t$e contractor s$all prepare t$e #ills in triplicate ens"ringexec"tion o t$e or8 in its entirety as envisaged a#ove9 correctness o rates and ="ant"!

    o or8 and s"#!it t$e #ills to S3(3,3 inc$arge o or83 T$e #ills s$all #e prepared

    acc"rately and as per !eas"re!ent recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo83 T$is o"ld ena#let$e S3(3,3 to ens"re $et$er t$e deects pointed d"ring exec"tion $ave #een rectiied or

    not3 T$e S3(3, inc$arge o or8 s$all scr"tinie t$e #ills and accord necessary

    certiicates and s"#!it t$e #ills it$ t$e doc"!ents as !entioned #elo to t$e (ivisional,ngineer9 inc$arge o or83

    1 ;irst copy o #ill it$ irst copies o !eas"re!ent s$eets o !eas"re!ent #oo8

    .Paya#le Copy 0

    2 Second copy o #ill it$ second copies o !eas"re!ent s$eets o !eas"re!ent#oo83 .not or pay!ent0

    6 T$ird copy o t$e #ill it$ p$otocopies o !eas"re!ent s$eets .)ot or pay!ent0

    113136 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all exercise t$e prescri#ed c$ec8s on t$e #ills and accord

    necessary certiicates on t$e #ills3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all retain t$e t$ird copy in


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    record and record it in t$e esti!ate ile .along it$ p$otocopies o ot$er doc"!ents notavaila#le in $is esti!ate ile0 !aintained in $is oice and send irst and second copies

    it$ all doc"!ents to relevant $ig$er oice or processing o #ills and release o

    pay!ent311313< T$e oice section dealing it$ ';C #ills s$all process t$e #ill in t$e esti!ate ile o

    t$e concerned or8 and scr"tinie t$e #ills visvis or8 order iss"ed9 sanctioned

    provisions in t$e esti!ate etc3 T$e oicer co!petent to pass t$e #ill s$all pass t$e #ill9ater necessary scr"tiny #y concerned section3 Against t$e #ill9 pay!ent to t$e extent o

    only H7O s$all #e !ade9 s"#-ect to realiation o stat"tory taxes .Inco!e Tax etc30

    applica#le to contract3

    113134 T$e exceptional cases $ere or8 cannot #e co!pleted it$in reasona#le ti!e d"e to

    nonavaila#ility o stores or any ot$er reason and $ere t$e %S)L is responsi#le or

    delay9 t$e concerned SSA $ead !ay at $is discretion per!it pay!ent o r"nning #ill.prepared it$o"t co!pleting t$e or8 endtoend or t$at "nit o or80 to t$e extent o

    G7O so t$at t$e contractor does not ace reso"rce cr"nc$3 S"c$ pay!ent s$all #e treated

    as an advance pay!ent to t$e contractor li8e any ot$er R"nning %ills3

    113135 %ro$ed1re for preparation pro$essin& and pa8*ent of fina- 7i--? T$e contractor

    s$all prepare t$e inal #ill in triplicate ater acceptance and testing o all t$e or8s"nder t$e contract and s"#!it t$e sa!e to S3(3,3 inc$arge o or8 it$in 67 days o

    acceptance and testing3 Pay!ent s$all #e !ade it$in t$ree !ont$s/availa#ility o "nd3T$e inal #ill s$all #e prepared or all t$e !eas"re!ents o all ite!s involved in

    exec"tion o co!plete or8 order3 T$e contractor s$all prepare t$e inal #ill containing

    t$e olloing details@

    1 T$e #ill or all t$e ="antities as per +eas"re!ents at t$e approved rates3

    2 Ad-"st!ent o a!o"nt received against r"nning #ills36 Ad-"st!ent o peror!ance sec"rity deposit and stat"tory taxes already recovered3

    < Store reconciliation state!ent "rnis$ing acco"nt o stores received against t$e

    or8 order and ret"rned to t$e designated Store godon as s"rpl"s it$ re="isite

    veriications ro! storeinc$arge/S3(3,3 inc$arge o or834 Letters o grant o ,3'3T.s09 i or8 co"ld not #e co!pleted it$in stip"lated ti!e3

    5 Six sets o #o"nd doc"!entation3

    11313 T$e S3(3,3 inc$arge o or8 s$all scr"tinie t$e inal #ill against t$e or8s entr"stedand accord necessary certiicates stating t$at t$e or8 $as #een exec"ted satisactorily

    in accordance it$ speciications and ter!s and conditions o t$e contract3 T$e S3(3,3

    s$all veriy t$e ="antities o ite!s o or8 it$ reerence to !eas"re!ents recorded int$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 .and also A/T reports in case o any deviations noted #y A/T

    'icer03 T$e S3(3,3 inc$arge o or8 s$all s"#!it t$e inal #ills9 along it$ ot$er

    doc"!ents !entioned a#ove9 it$ t$e doc"!ents as !entioned $ere"nder to t$e

    (ivisional ,ngineer9 inc$arge o or83 %ill prepared #y t$e contractor3

    +aterial reconciliation state!ent3

    +eas"re!ent %oo83 A/T Certiicates3

    (etails o recoveries/penalties or delays9 da!ages to %S)L/t$ird party

    properties as per provisions o t$e contract3 In case no recovery is to #e !ade9)IL report needs to #e s"#!itted3


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    (etails o e!pty ca#le dr"!s cost9 $ic$ needs to #e recovered ro! t$e #ill3 T$e site order #oo83

    T$e $indrances register3

    ,xtension o ti!e granted i applica#le3

    11313G 3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all exercise t$e prescri#ed c$ec8s on t$e #ills and accord

    necessary certiicates on t$e #ills3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all retain t$e t$ird copyo t$e #ill along it$ p$otocopies o ot$er doc"!ents not availa#le in $is esti!ate ile

    and send irst and second copies o t$e #ill9 !eas"re!ent #oo8 and ot$er doc"!ents

    s"#!itted #y S3(3,3 along it$ t$e #ills as a#ove to t$e $ig$er oice or processingand inal pay!ent3

    11313H3 T$e oice cell dealing it$ ';C #ills s$all process t$e #ills in t$e esti!ate ile o t$e

    concerned or8 and scr"tinie t$e #ills visvis or8 order iss"ed9 sanctionedprovisions in t$e esti!ate etc3 T$e oice cell s$all also scr"tinie t$e #ill to recover all

    t$e lia#ilities o t$e Contractor and stat"tory taxes #esides 34O pay!ents against

    sec"rity deposit3 T$e #ill s$all #e passed9 ater necessary scr"tiny #y concerned

    Section9 #y t$e oicer co!petent to pass t$e inal #ill3

    1132 %ro$ed1re for %a8*ent for s17 standard >or

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    rectiy and in t$e opinion o t$e &ead o SSA t$e ite!s in ="estion ill not !ateriallydeteriorate t$e ="ality o service provided #y t$e constr"ction9 t$e $ead o SSA s$all

    appoint co!!ittee to or8 o"t t$e red"ced rates paya#le to t$e contractor or s"c$ s"#

    standard or83 T$e co!!ittee s$all constit"te one (ivisional ,ngineer ot$er t$an t$eone $o is directly inc$arge o Ca#le Constr"ction involving s"# standard ite!s o

    or89 as C$air!an and one S(, and an Acco"nts 'icer as !e!#ers3 T$e Co!!ittee

    s$all ta8e into acco"nt t$e approxi!ate cost o !aterial/or8 pointed o"t as s"#standard and reco!!end t$e rates paya#le or s"# standard or89 $ic$ s$all not

    exceed 57O o t$e approved rates o t$e ite! in ="estion3

    113234 Re$ord of s17 standard >or

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    contin"e it$ t$e or8 on t$e #asis o any ritten agree!ent reac$ed #eteen t$econtractor and t$e (ivisional ,ngineer3 'ne o t$e conditions o s"c$ agree!ent !ay #e

    a stip"lation or t$e contractor to agree or realiation o penalty or delay at a $ig$er rate

    as !ay #e agreed #eteen t$e (ivisional ,ngineer and contractor3

    163136 Penalty or delay in co!pletion o t$e or8 s$all #e recovera#le ro! t$e #ills o t$e

    contractor and/or #y ad-"st!ent ro! t$e sec"rity deposit or ro! t$e #ills o any ot$ercontract o t$is contractor it$ %S)L3 &oever9 ad-"st!ent ro! sec"rity deposit ill #e!ade only $en t$e contract $as #een ter!inated or at t$e ti!e o inal settle!ent o #ills

    on co!pletion o or83

    16313< In case o slo progress o t$e or8 in a section $ic$ $ave #een aarded to a partic"larcontractor9 and t$e p"#lic interest does not per!it extension o ti!e li!it or co!pletion

    o t$e or89 t$e (,T ill $ave t$e "ll rig$t to order t$at t$e scope o t$e contractor !ay

    #e restricted to s"c$ raction o t$e $ole o t$e or8 and get t$e #alance exec"ted at t$eris8 and cost o t$e contractor3 T$e details are given in Rescission o t$e contract cla"se

    o t$e #id doc"!ent3 All s"c$ pay!ents s$all #e recovered ro! t$e contractorFs pending

    #ills or sec"rity deposit3

    163134 T$e (,T reserves t$e rig$t o cancel t$e contract and oreit t$e sec"rity deposit i t$e

    contractor ails to co!!ence t$e or8 it$in days ater iss"e o t$e or8 order3


    163231 To ens"re progress d"ring t$e exec"tion o or8 and to ca"se !ini!"! inconvenience tot$e p"#lic9 t$e contractor s$o"ld ta8e d"e steps and preca"tions3 T$e (,T !ay give

    necessary instr"ctions to t$e contractor in t$is respect3

    163232 T$e contractor s$all not #e alloed to d"!p e!pty ca#le dr"!s/aste !aterials in*ovt3/P"#lic place9 $ic$ !ay ca"se inconvenience to *ovt3/P"#lic3 I t$e contractor

    does not dispose o e!pty ca#le dr"!s/aste !aterials it$in 6 days ater d"!ping or

    earlier as instr"cted #y t$e SiteinC$arge9 t$e %S)L is at li#erty to dispose o t$e aste!aterial in any !anner as dee!ed it and also recover t$e a!o"nt ro! t$e #ill/sec"rity

    deposit/along it$ t$e costs inc"rred #y t$e %S)L in disposing o s"c$ !aterials3 T$e

    %S)L !ay also levy a penalty "pto Rs3 one t$o"sand or eac$ s"c$ dea"lt3

    163236 I any s"c$ penalty is levied on a contractor or !ore t$an to occasions9 t$en $is/$er

    contract co"ld #e ter!inated3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e (,T inc$arge s$all #e

    inal and #inding3

    1636 %ena-t8 for $1ttin&@da*a&in& t5e e=istin&@o-d $a7-e@

    163631 ("ring excavation o trenc$ "t!ost care is to #e ta8en #y t$e contractor9 so t$at t$e

    existing "ndergro"nd ca#les are not da!aged or c"t3 In case any da!age/c"t is done tot$e existing ca#les9 a penalty as per t$e sc$ed"le given #elo ill #e c$arged ro! t$e

    contractor or t$e a!o"nt ill #e ded"cted ro! $is r"nning #illsM

    Si;e of e=istin& "G@O Ca7-es


    A*o1nt of pena-t8 per $1t@da*a&e

    Up to 177 pairs ca#le Rs3 477377 .;ive &"ndred0


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    A#ove 177 pairs : "p to

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    !aterial is o"nd da!aged/lost t$en t$e penalty s$all also #e recovered ro! t$econtractor as per conditions in tender doc"!ents! i"id3


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    1432 T$e contractor s$all at $is on cost at t$e %S)LFs re="est deend any s"it or ot$er

    proceeding asserting a clai! covered #y t$is inde!nity9 #"t s$all not settle9 co!po"nd or

    co!pro!ise any s"it or ot$er inding it$o"t irst cons"lting t$e %S)L3

    15 ORCE MAJE"RE?1531 I any ti!e9 d"ring t$e contin"ance o t$is contract9 t$e peror!ance in $ole or in part

    #y eit$er party or any o#ligation "nder t$is contract s$all #e prevented or delayed #yreason o any ar9 or $ostility9 civil co!!otion sa#otage9 explosions9 or act o *od

    .&erein ater reerred to as events0 provided notice o $appenings o any s"c$ event"ality

    is given #y eit$er party to t$e ot$er it$in 21 days ro! t$e date o occ"rrence t$ereo9neit$er party s$all #y reason o s"c$ event #e entitled to ter!inate t$is contract nor s$all

    eit$er party $ave any s"c$ clai! or da!ages against t$e ot$er in respect o s"c$ non

    peror!ance and or8 "nder t$e contract s$all #e res"!ed as soon as practica#le aters"c$ event !ay co!e to an end or cease to exist9 and t$e decision o t$e %S)L as to

    $et$er t$e or8 $ave #een so res"!ed or not s$all #e inal and concl"sive9 provided

    "rt$er t$at i t$e peror!ance9 in $ole or part o any o#ligation "nder t$is contract is

    prevented or delayed #y t$e reason o any s"c$ event or a period exceeding t$e n"!#er

    o days as ixed #y t$e %S)L eit$er party !ay9 at $is option ter!inate t$e contract31532 Provided also t$at i t$e contract is ter!inated "nder t$is cla"se9 t$e %S)L s$all #e at

    li#erty to ta8e over ro! t$e contractor at a price to #e ixed #y t$e %S)L9 $ic$ s$all #einal9 all "n"sed9 "nda!aged and accepta#le !aterials9 #o"g$t o"t co!ponents and stores

    in t$e co"rse o exec"tion o t$e contract9 in possession o t$e contractor at t$e ti!e o

    s"c$ ter!ination o s"c$ portions t$ereo as t$e %S)L !ay dee! it excepting s"c$!aterials #o"g$t o"t co!ponents and stores as t$e contracts !ay it$ t$e conc"rrence o

    t$e %S)L elect to retain3


    131 In t$e event o any ="estion9 disp"te or dierence arising "nder t$is agree!ent or in

    connection t$ereit$ except as to !atter t$e decision o $ic$ is speciically provided"nder t$is agree!ent9 t$e sa!e s$all #e reerred to sole ar#itration o t$e C$ie *eneral

    +anager9 West %engal Teleco! %S)L9 Kol8ata or in case $is designation is c$anged or

    $is oice is a#olis$ed t$en in s"c$ case to t$e sole ar#itration o t$e oicer or t$e ti!e

    #eing entr"sted $et$er in addition to t$e "nctions o t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9W%TC %S)L9 Kol8ata or #y $atever designation s"c$ oicers !ay #e called

    .$ereinater reerred to as t$e said oicer0 and i t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9 W%TC

    %S)L9 Kol8ata or t$e said oicer is "na#le or "nilling to act as s"c$ to t$e solear#itrator or so!e ot$er person appointed #y t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9 %S)L9 Kol8ata

    or t$e said oicer3 T$e agree!ent to appoint an ar#itrator ill #e in accordance it$ t$e

    Ar#itration and Conciliation Act9 1HH53 T$ere ill #e no o#-ection to any s"c$

    appoint!ent t$at t$e ar#itrator is *overn!ent Servant/e!ployee o t$e %S)L or t$at $e$as to deal it$ t$e !atter to $ic$ t$e agree!ent relates or t$at in t$e co"rse o $is

    d"ties as *overn!ent Servant/%S)L e!ployee $e $as expressed vies on all or any ot$e !atter "nder disp"te3 T$e aard o t$e ar#itrator s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e

    parties3 In t$e event o s"c$ ar#itrator to $o! t$e !atter is originally reerred9 #eing

    transerred or vacating $is oice or #eing "na#le to act or any reasons $atsoever s"c$

    C$ie *eneral +anager or t$e said oicer s$all appoint anot$er person to act as ar#itrator

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    in accordance it$ ter!s o t$e agree!ent and t$e person so appointed s$all #e entitledto proceed ro! t$e stage at $ic$ it as let o"t #y $is predecessors3

    132 T$e ar#itrator !ay ro! ti!e to ti!e it$ t$e consent o parties enlarge t$e ti!e or

    !a8ing and p"#lis$ing t$e aard9 s"#-ect to aoresaid Indian Ar#itration and Conciliation

    Act 1HH5 and t$e r"les !ade t$ere "nder9 any !odiication t$ereo or t$e ti!e #eing inorce s$all #e dee!ed to apply to t$e ar#itration proceeding "nder t$is cla"se3

    136 T$e ven"e o t$e ar#itration proceeding s$all #e t$e oice o t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9%S)L9 ,astern Teleco! Pro-ect9 Kol8ata or s"c$ ot$er places as t$e ar#itrator !ay

    decide3 T$e olloing proced"re s$all #e olloed@

    136313 In case parties are "na#le to reac$ a settle!ent #y t$e!selves9 t$e disp"te s$o"ld #es"#!itted or ar#itration in accordance it$ contract agree!ent3

    136323 T$ere s$o"ld not #e a -oint s"#!ission it$ t$e contractor to t$e sole Ar#itrator3

    136363 ,ac$ party s$o"ld s"#!it its on clai! severally and !ay oppose t$e clai! p"t orard

    #y t$e ot$er party3

    1363ard of t5e so-e Ar7itrator s5a-- 7e fina- and 7indin& on a-- t5e parties to t5edisp1te.

    1G3 SET O?Any s"! o !oney d"e and paya#le to t$e contractor .incl"ding sec"rity deposit

    re"nda#le to $i!0 "nder t$is contract !ay #e appropriated #y t$e %S)L or any ot$erperson or persons contracting t$ro"g$ t$e %S)L or s"c$ ot$er person or persons or

    pay!ent o a s"! o !oney arising o"t o t$is contract !ade #y t$e contractor it$

    %S)L or s"c$ person or persons contracting t$ro"g$ %S)L3


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    13 GENERAL ?

    131 T$e or8 s$all #e accepted only ater Acceptance Testing is #eing carried o"t #y t$e T :

    ( Circle tea!9 designated #y t$e %S)L9 as per prescri#ed sc$ed"le and or8/!aterial

    passing t$e test s"ccess"lly3

    132 T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to dis="aliy s"c$ #idders $o $ave a record o not !eeting

    contract"al o#ligations against earlier contracts entered into it$ t$e %S)L3136 T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to #lac8 list a #idder or a s"ita#le period in case $e ails to

    $ono"r $is #id it$o"t s"icient gro"nds3

    13< T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to co"nter oer price.s0 against price.s0 ="oted #y any#idder3

    134 Any clariication iss"ed #y %S)L9 in response to ="ery raised #y prospective #idders

    s$all or! an integral part o #id doc"!ents and it !ay a!o"nt to a!end!ent o relevantcla"ses o t$e #id doc"!ents3

    135 Tender ill #e eval"ated as a single pac8age o all t$e ite!s given in t$e price sc$ed"le3

    13 All or8 to #e exec"ted "nder t$e contract s$all #e exec"ted "nder t$e direction ands"#-ect to t$e approval in all respects o t$e (ivisional ,ngineer or Site ,ngineer in

    c$arge o or8 site $o s$all #e entitled to direct at $at point or points and $at

    !anner t$ey are to #e co!!enced9 and ro! t$e ti!e to ti!e carried on3

    13G T$e or8 in eac$ section !ay #e split "p #eteen to or !ore contractors or accept any

    tender in part and not entirely i considered expedient #y t$e *+ .Pro-ects003

    13H I t$e contractor s$all desire an extension o ti!e or co!pletion o t$e or8 on t$egro"nds o "navoida#le $indrance in exec"tion o or8 or on any ot$er gro"nd $e s$all

    apply in riting to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer it$in 6 days o t$e date o $indrance on

    acco"nt o $ic$ $e desires s"c$ extension as aoresaid3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e

    *+T/S"ri s$all #e inal31317 I any ti!e ater t$e co!!ence!ent o t$e or89 t$e %S)L !ay eel t$at exec"tion o

    $ole or part o or89 as speciied in t$e tender is not re="ired to #e carried o"t9 t$en t$e%S)L s$all give notice in riting o t$e act to t$e contractor $o s$all $ave no clai! to

    any pay!ent o co!pensation $atsoever on acco"nt o any proit or advantage $ic$ $e

    !ig$t $ave derived in conse="ence o t$e "ll a!o"nt o t$e or8 not $aving #eencarried o"t neit$er s$all $e $ad any clai! or co!pensation #y reason o any alternations

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    $aving #een !ade in t$e original speciications9 draings9 designs and instr"ctions $ic$s$all involve any c"rtail!ent o t$e or8 as originally conte!plated3

    1311 W$enever any clai!s against t$e contractor or t$e pay!ent o a s"! o !oney arises o"t

    o or "nder t$e contract9 t$e %S)L s$all #e entitled to recover s"c$ s"! #y appropriatingin part or $ole t$e sec"rity deposit o t$e contractor9 and to sell any govern!ent

    pro!issory notes etc39 or!ing t$e $ole or part o s"c$ sec"rity or r"nning/inal #ill

    pending against any contract it$ t$e %S)L3 In t$e event o t$e sec"rity #eingins"icient or i no sec"rity $as #een ta8en ro! t$e contractor9 t$en t$e #alance or t$e

    total s"! recovera#le as t$e case !ay #e s$all #e ded"cted ro! any s"! t$en d"e or

    $ic$ at any ti!e t$ere ater !ay #eco!e d"e to t$e contractor "nder t$is or any ot$ercontract it$ %S)L3 S$o"ld t$is s"! #e not s"icient to cover t$e "ll a!o"nt

    recovera#le t$e contractor s$all pay to %S)L on de!and t$e #alance re!aining d"e3

    1312 )o oicial o *aetted ran8 or ot$er t$an *aetted oicer e!ployed in ,ngineering orAd!inistrative d"ties in *overn!ent o India/%S)L is alloed to or8 as a contractor

    or a period o to years ater $is retire!ent ro! *overn!ent service/%S)L service

    it$o"t t$e previo"s per!ission o *overn!ent o India/%S)L as t$e case !ay #e3 T$iscontract is lia#le to #e cancelled i eit$er t$e contractor or any o $is e!ployees is o"nd

    at any ti!e to #e s"c$ a person $o $adnFt o#tained t$e per!ission o *overn!ent oIndia / %S)L as aoresaid #eore s"#!ission o t$e engage!ent in t$e contractorFs

    service as t$e case !ay #e3 Under t$e a#ove circ"!stances9 s"c$ contractor s$all notclai! any type o relie or re!edy o $atever nat"re ro! t$e %S)L or $is illegal act3

    1316 In t$e event o t$e contractor #eing9 ad-"sted insolvent or going vol"ntarily into

    li="idation o $aving received order or ot$er order "nder insolvency act !ade against $i!or in t$e case o co!pany9 o t$e passing o any resol"tion9 or !a8ing o any order or

    inding "p $et$er vol"ntarily or ot$erise9 or in t$e event o t$e contractor ailing to

    co!ply it$ any o t$e conditions $erein speciied t$e (3*3+39 ';C .P0 Kol8ata s$all$ave t$e poer to ter!inate t$e contract it$o"t any notice3

    131< Wit$o"t pre-"dice to any o t$e rig$ts or re!edies "nder t$is contract9 i t$e contractordies9 t$e SSA &eads on #e$al o t$e %S)L can ter!inate t$e contract it$o"tco!pensation to t$e contractor3 &oever9 t$e SSA &eads at $is discretion !ay per!it

    contractorFs $eirs to peror! t$e d"ties or engage!ents o t$e contractor "nder t$e

    contract9 in case o $is deat$3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e SSA &eads s$all #e t$einal3

    1314 In t$e event o t$e contractor9 inding "p $is co!pany on acco"nt o transer or !erger

    o $is co!pany it$ any ot$er9 t$e contractor s$all !a8e it one o t$e ter!s andstip"lations o t$e contract or t$e transer o $is properties and #"siness9 t$at s"c$ ot$er

    person or co!pany9 s$all contin"e to peror! t$e d"ties engage!ent o t$e contractor

    "nder t$is contract and #e s"#-ect to $is lia#ilities t$ere "nder3

    1315 Interpretation of t5e $ontra$t do$1*ent?

    T$e Contractor and t$e SiteinC$arge s$all in so ar as possi#le #y !"t"al cons"ltation9try to decide "pon t$e !eaning and intent o t$e contract doc"!ent3 Incase o

    disagree!ent t$e !atter s$all #e reerred to t$e SSA &ead $ose decision s$all #e inal

    and #inding on t$e!3 Any c$ange in t$e contract doc"!ents s$all #e set ort$ in riting

    #y t$e representative o t$e parties $ereto3 It s$all #e t$e contractorFs responsi#ility tot$oro"g$ly a!iliarie all o $is s"pervisory personnel it$ t$e contents o all t$e

    contract doc"!ents3

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    T$e contractor s$all give in riting to t$e proper person or a"t$ority it$ a copy to t$e(ivisional ,ngineer s"c$ notiication as !ay #e !andatory or necessary in connection

    it$ t$e co!!ence!ent9 s"spension9 res"!ption9 peror!ance and/or co!pletion o t$e

    contracted or83 All notice s$all #e given s"iciently in advance o t$e proposedoperation to per!it proper corelation o activities and t$e contractor s$all 8eep all proper

    persons or a"t$orities involved and advised o t$e progress o operations t$ro"g$o"t t$eperor!ance o t$e or8 and/or it$ s"c$ ot$er inor!ation and/or s"pporting ig"re and

    data as !ay ro! ti!e to ti!e as directed or re="ired3


    T$e contractor s$all not #e entitled to any co!pensation $atsoever #y reason o

    s"spension o t$e $ole or any part o t$e or8 !ade necessary #y t$e %S)L or dee!ed

    advisa#le on acco"nt o #ad eat$er conditions or ot$erforce majereconditions3

    as site? or t$is p"rpose3 Any s"c$

    !aterials re!aining "n"sed at t$e ti!e o t$e a#andon!ent9 co!pletion or deter!ination

    o t$e contract s$all #e ret"rned to t$e %S)L at a place inor!ed to $i! #y t$e %S)L9ailing $ic$ t$e cost o t$e "n"sed !aterials s$all #e ded"cted ro! t$e contractorFs

    !aterial sec"rity or any o $is pending #ills or ro! any ot$er sec"rity3

    %S)LFs calc"lation? .$ic$ s$all #e inal0 ill #e c$arged to t$e contractor or ded"cted

    ro! $is #ills at 134 ti!es o prevailing standard price incl"ding reig$t9 $andling c$arges9

    storage c$arges etc3

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    Rig$t o User?

    "nless it $as !ade ot$er arrange!ent it$ t$e partic"lar property oners and /or tenants

    s"c$ ot$er arrange!ents s$all #e entirely at t$e responsi#ility o t$e contractor as to costand arrange!ent as also #reac$ and clai! and s$all #e entitled it$ a copy to t$e

    (ivisional ,ngineer3

    43< T$e contractor ill not #e entitled to extra co!pensation or $ards$ip and increase in cost

    #y t$e ca#le trenc$ #eing ro"ted ad-acent to or across ot$er pipeline9 &ig$ays9

    Railays9 Telep$ones or pose poles and ires or g"y ires9 e!#an8!ents9 clis9 strea!s

    or ot$er o#stacles $ic$ !ay p$ysically or ot$erise in any !anner9 restrict or li!it t$e"se o t$e constr"ction >Rig$t o User?3 So!e constr"ction and s"c$ contingency s$all #e

    dee!ed to $ave #een providing or in t$e rates3434 At location $ere t$e '; Ca#le trenc$ is ro"ted across or along railays or roads t$e

    contractor s$all it$o"t extra cost provide and !aintain s"c$ deto"rs and road controls as

    are re="ired #y t$e railays or govern!ent or local agencies $aving -"risdiction3

    435 I t$e %S)L is not a#le to provide a#ove !entioned per!its etc3 as per cla"se 431 a#ove

    in ti!e t$en t$e extension o ti!e li!it s$all #e provided as per ,'T cla"se given in

    tender doc"!ent3

    53 !"ALIT# O OR ?

    T$e %S)L s$all #e t$e inal -"dge o t$e ="ality o t$e or8 .incl"ding ="ality o!aterial "sed0 and t$e satisaction o t$e %S)L in respect t$ereo set ort$ in t$e contract

    doc"!ents3 Laxity or ail"re to enorce co!pliance it$ t$e contract doc"!ents #y t$e

    %S)L and / or its representative s$all not !aniest a c$ange or intent o aiver9 t$eintention #eing t$at9 notit$standing t$e sa!e9 t$e contractor s$all #e and re!ain

    responsi#le or co!plete and proper co!pliance it$ t$e contract doc"!ents and t$e

    speciication t$ere in3 T$e representative o t$e SSA &eads i3e3 t$e (,T9 $as t$e rig$t topro$i#it t$e "se o !en and any tools9 !aterials and e="ip!ent $ic$ in $is opinion do

    not prod"ce or8 or peror!ance !eet t$e re="ire!ent o t$e contract doc"!ents3

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    3 TA9ES AND D"TIES ?

    Contractor s$all pay all rates9 levies9 ees9 royalties9 taxes .li8e Inco!e Tax9 Sales Tax9,xcise ("ty9 S"rc$arges9 etc 0 and d"ties paya#le or arising ro! o"t o9 #y virt"e o or

    in connection it$ and/or incidental to t$e contract or any o t$e o#ligations o t$e parties

    in ter!s o t$e contractor doc"!ents and/or in respect o t$e or8s or operations or any

    part t$ereo to #e peror!ed #y t$e contractor and t$e contractor s$all inde!niy and8eep inde!niied t$e %S)L ro! and against t$e sa!e or any dea"lt #y t$e contractor in

    t$e pay!ent t$ereo3 T$e contractor s$all allo t$e %S)L to recover s"c$ taxes and

    d"ties ro! $is #ills paya#le9 i t$e %S)L opines to recover s"c$ Taxes9 ("ties9 etc9 ro!$is #ills paya#le3


    G31 T$e contractor is "lly responsi#le or ta8ing all possi#le saety preca"tion d"ring preparation

    or and act"al peror!ance o t$e or8s and or 8eeping t$e constr"ction site in a reasona#le

    sae condition3 T$e contractor s$all protect all lie and property ro! da!age or lossesres"lting ro! $is constr"ction operations and s$all !ini!ie t$e dist"r#ance and

    inconvenience to t$e p"#lic3G32 I t$e excavation o trenc$ alters t$e conto"rs o t$e gro"nd aro"nd road and $ig$ay

    crossing in s"c$ locations dangero"s to traic9 t$e contractor s$all at $is on cost9 ta8e

    all necessary preca"tions to protect p"#lic and s$all co!ply it$ all t$e %S)L

    reg"lations as to placing o arning #oards .+ini!"! sie 6 t x 2 t09 traic signals9#arricades9 lags etc39 at s"c$ location3 I t$e contractor does not p"t t$e arning signal as

    per a#ove directions9 t$en a penalty o Rs3 477/ per day s$all #e levied on t$e contractor9

    till t$e directions are co!plied #y t$e contractor3 T$e contractor s$all ta8e d"epreca"tions to avoid da!ages to ot$er pipe lines9 ater !ains9 seers9 telep$ones9

    telegrap$s and poer cond"its9 laid ires poles and g"y ires9 railays9 $ig$ays9

    #ridges or ot$er "ndergro"nd or a#ove gro"nd str"ct"re and/or property crossing or

    ad-acent to t$e ca#le trenc$ #eing excavated3G32 Attention o t$e contractor is dran to t$e r"les regarding t$e or8s at road crossing9

    along Railays %ridges9 &ig$ays saety preca"tions $ile or8ing in p"#lic street3 T$econtractor in riting s$all o#tain t$e detailed engineering instr"ctions ro! t$e (ivisional

    ,ngineer o t$e area3

    G3< T$e contractor s$all #e solely responsi#le or location t$ro"g$ approved nondestr"ctive

    !eans and ens"ring t$e saety o all existing "ndergro"nd pipeline9 electrical ca#les9 and

    or ot$er str"ct"res3

    G34 T$e contractor s$all #e solely lia#le or all expense or and in respect o repairs and/or

    da!age occasioned #y in-"ry o or da!age to s"c$ "ndergro"nd and a#ove str"ct"res or

    ot$er properties and "nder ta8e to inde!niy t$e %S)L ro! and against all actions9ca"se o actions9 da!ages9 clai!s and de!ands $atsoever9 eit$er in la or in e="ity

    and all losses and da!ages and costs .incl"sive #eteen attorney and client09 c$arges and

    expenses in connection t$ereit$ and/or incidental t$ereto3 T$e contractor s$all ta8e all

    responsi#ilities and ris8 in crossing ot$er pipelines and ca#les and s$all #e responsi#le orprotecting all s"c$ existing pipelines9 poles9 electric lines9 seers9 ca#les or ot$er

    acilities ro! da!age #y t$e contractorFs operation in connection it$ t$e or83 T$e

    contractor it$o"t cost o t$e %S)L s$all pro!ptly repair any da!age inc"rred3

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    G35 T$e c"rrent !ar8et val"e o any co!!odities lost as a res"lt o any da!age to t$eaoresaid existing acilities s$all #e paid #y t$e contractor toget$er it$ s"c$ additional

    s"!s necessary to li="idate t$e personal or property da!ages9 res"lting t$ere ro!3

    H3 LABO"R ELARE MEAS"RES AND ORMAN COM%ENSATION?H313A O7tainin& Li$ense 7efore $o**en$e*ent of >or

  • 8/21/2019 Ofn Bid Document 2nd Ph. on 4.11.13


    day9 on one o t$e ive days9 i!!ediately #eore or ater t$e nor!al ee8ly $oliday9and pay ages to s"c$ or8er or t$e or8 peror!ed on t$e nor!al ee8ly $oliday

    at t$e overti!e rate3

    H3231353 T$e prospective #idders ill $ave to "rnis$ doc"!entary evidence t$at t$ey are

    registered it$ ,P; / RP; co!!issioner3 T$ey ill also "rnis$ an "nderta8ing t$at

    it$in seven days o close o every !ont$ t$ey ill s"#!it to %S)L a state!ent

    s$oing t$e recoveries o contri#"tions in respect o t$e e!ployees it$ certiicate t$att$e sa!e $ave #een deposited it$ RP; Co!!issioner3

    H32323 Disp-a8 of Noti$e Re&ardin& a&es Et$.

    T$e contractor s$all9 #eore $e co!!ences $is or8 on contract9 display and correctly

    !aintain and contin"e to display and correctly !aintain9 in a clear and legi#le conditionin conspic"o"s places on t$e or89 notices in ,nglis$ and in local Indian lang"ages

    spo8en #y t$e !a-ority o t$e or8ers9 giving t$e !ini!"! rates o t$e ages ixed

    "nder +ini!"! Wages Act9 t$e act"al ages #eing paid9 t$e $o"rs o or8 or $ic$

    s"c$ age are earned9 ages periods9 dates o pay!ents o ages and ot$er relevantinor!ation3

    H32363 %a8*ent of a&es

    H323631 T$e contractor s$all ix age periods in respect o $ic$ ages s$all #e paya#le3

    H323632 )o age period s$all exceed one !ont$3

    H323636 T$e ages o every person e!ployed as contract la#o"rer in an esta#lis$!ent or #y a

    contractor9 $ere less t$an one t$o"sand s"c$ persons are e!ployed9 s$all #e paid

    #eore t$e expiry o sevent$ day and in ot$er cases #eore t$e expiry o tent$ day ater

    t$e last day o t$e age period in respect o $ic$ t$e ages are paya#le3

    H32363< W$ere t$e e!ploy!ent o any or8er is ter!inated #y or on #e$al o t$e contractor9

    t$e ages earned #y $i! s$all #e paid #eore t$e expiry o t$e second or8ing day

    ro! t$e date on $ic$ $is e!ploy!ent is ter!inated3

    H323634 All pay!ent o ages s$all #e !ade on a or8ing day at t$e or8 pre!ises and d"ring

    t$e or8ing ti!e and on a date notiied in advance and in case t$e or8 is co!pleted#eore t$e expiry o t$e age period9 inal pay!ent s$all #e !ade it$in

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    ill #e re="ired to #e present at t$e place and ti!e o t$e dis#"rse!ent o ages #y t$econtractor to or8!en3

    H3236311 T$e contractor s$all o#tain ro! t$e site ,ngineer or any ot$er a"t$oriedrepresentative o t$e ,ngineerinc$arge9 as t$e case !ay #e9 a certiicate "nder $is

    signat"re at t$e end o t$e entries in t$e >Register o Wages? or t$e >Wagec"!+"ster

    Roll?9 as t$e case !ay #e9 in t$e olloing or!@>Certiied t$at t$e a!o"nt s$on in

    t$e col"!n )o33 $as #een paid to t$e or8!an concerned in !y presence on33at3 >

    H323< ines and ded1$tions >5i$5 *a8 7e *ade fro* >a&es?


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    .c0 Sex

    .d0 Age

    .e0 )at"re o accident and ca"se o accident

    .0 Ti!e and date o accident

    .g0 (ate and ti!e $en ad!itted in $ospital

    .$0 (ate o disc$arge ro! t$e $ospital

    .i0 Period o treat!ent and res"lt o treat!ent

    .-0 Percentage o loss o earning capacity and disa#ility as assessed #y +edical


    .80 Clai! re="ired to #e paid "nder Wor8!enFs Co!pensation Act3

    .l0 (ate o pay!ent o co!pensation3

    .!0 A!o"nt paid it$ details o t$e person to $o! t$e sa!e as paid3

    .n0 A"t$ority #y $o! t$e co!pensation as assessed

    .o0 Re!ar8s3

    H323434 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o ;ines in t$e ;or! EII o t$e CL .R:A0

    R"les 1H1 t$e contractor s$all display in a good condition and in a conspic"o"s placeo or8 t$e approved list o acts and o!ission or $ic$ ines can #e i!posed3

    H323435 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o ded"ctions or da!age or loss in ;or! EEo t$e CL .R:A0 R"les 1H13

    H32343 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o Advances in ;or! EEIII o t$e CL .R:A0

    R"les 1H13

    H32343G T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o 'verti!e in ;or! EEIII o t$e CL .R:A0

    R"les 1H13

    H3235 Attendan$e $ard$1* >a&e s-ip

    H323531 T$e contractor s$all iss"e an Attendance card c"! age slip to eac$ or8!an

    e!ployed #y $i!3

    H323532 T$e card s$all #e valid or eac$ age period3H323536 T$e contractor s$all !ar8 t$e attendance o eac$ or8!an on t$e card tice eac$ day9

    once at t$e co!!ence!ent o t$e day and again ater t$e rest interval9 #eore $e

    act"ally starts or83

    H32353< T$e card s$all re!ain in possession o t$e or8er d"ring t$e age period "nder


    H323534 T$e contractor s$all co!plete t$e age slip portion on t$e reverse o t$e card at least aday prior to t$e dis#"rse!ent o ages in respect o t$e age period "nder reerence3

    H323535 T$e contractor s$all o#tain t$e signat"re or t$"!# i!pression o t$e or8er on t$e

    age slip at t$e ti!e o dis#"rse!ent o ages and retain t$e card it$ $i!3

    H323 E*p-o8*ent $ard? T$e contractor s$all iss"e an e!ploy!ent Card in t$e ;or! EIV oCL .R:A0 Central R"les 1H1 to eac$ or8er it$in t$ree days o t$e e!ploy!ent ot$e or8er3

    H323G Servi$e $ertifi$ate

    'n ter!ination o e!ploy!ent or any reason $atsoever t$e contractor s$all iss"e to

    t$e or8!an $ose services $ave #een ter!inated9 a Service Certiicate in t$e ;or!

    EV o t$e CL .R:A0 Central R"les 1H13


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    H323H %reservation of
