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Getting off to a Good Start January 16, 2013
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Getting off to a Good Start

January 16, 2013

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How much do I know my self?

Do some

self scanning

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What is Grooming

Personal grooming is important for a positive self-image and every effort should be made to encourage and assist the person to maintain a pleasing and attractive appearance.

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Some of the perceptions people can form solely from your appearance are:

• Your professionalism. • Your level of sophistication. • Your intelligence. • Your credibility.

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Personal Grooming Habits

Grooming involves all the aspects of your body:• Overall Cleanliness• Hair• Nails• Teeth• Uniform• Make-up

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Personal Grooming Habits: HAIR• It is your crowning glory.• Keep it at a length and style at

which you can maintain it. • Wash your hair everyday.• Hair color should not be more

than one or two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair color. Unnatural colors (burgundy, green, etc.) must be avoided.

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Hair Styles (Males)

• Not fall over the ears, eyebrows or even touch the back of the collar

• Will always present a neat appearance.

• Facial hair should be neatly trimmed (moustache, sideburns), beards are not recommended

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Hairstyles (Females)

• Tie your hair in a neat hairstyle with hair pulled back from face.

• Hair if longer than jawline should be tied into a bun.

• Should be well groomed with a neat appearance at all times.

• Hair holding devices should be plain and of natural colors.

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• Clip nails short, along their shape.

• A healthy body ensures healthy nails.

• Brittle or discolored nails show up deficiencies or disease conditions.

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• Brush teeth every after meal and rinse well.

• For those who smoke, it is important you rinse your mouth after every smoke and use a mouth freshner.

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• Your uniform talks a lot about your organization.

• First impressions are made within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone

• A clean and well ironed uniform is acceptable and appreciated by one and all at all times.

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Examples of Appropriate Attire for Men

Business Casual Attire

Business Professional Attire

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Examples of Appropriate Attire for Women

Business Casual Attire

Business Professional Attire

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What is too casual?

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What is Inappropriate Attire for Work?

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Examples of Unprofessional and Inappropriate Attire

•Midriff baring clothing


•Excessively high heeled shoes

•Caps (headwear) indoors

•Very tight clothing

Clothing that reveals cleavage, your back, your chest, your stomach or your underwear is not appropriate for the workplace, even in a business casual setting.

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Which is appropriate?

A) B) C)

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Which is appropriate?A) B) C)

D) E)


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Make-up (Females)

• Makeup should be natural looking.

• Lip color should not be too trendy or bright.

• Use only mild fragrance.• Women: stay away from

extremely dark, bright reds and fluorescent colors.

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• Men should limit accessories/jewelry to 3 pieces

• Accessories include watch, ring, handkerchief

• A dress watch should be worn, avoid athletic styles.

• Avoid bracelets, necklaces, and visible piercing

Accessories (Males)

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Accessories (Women)• Jewelry should be keep minimal

and conservative • Remove all facial piercing except

earrings • The 5 Piece Rule: Wear only 5

accessories - earrings count as 2; watch counts as 3, allowing 2 additional accessories,

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• Jewelry, Makeup, Perfume, and Cologne:

Should be in good taste, with no visible body piercing other than pierced ears

Hats and Head Covering: Hats and caps are not appropriate in the

office. Head Covers that are required for religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are allowed.

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Shoes (Males)• Lace up conservative shoes are the

most appropriate. • Choose black, brown or burgundy

shoes. Shoe color should match your trousers or be of a darker color.

• Shoes should be in good condition and polished.

• Socks should match the color of your suit and cover your calves. (Should be washed daily)

• Belts should be in good condition and match the color of your shoes.

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Shoes (Females)• Shoes should be pumps or sling

backs, do not wear shoes with open toes, open heel, or ankle straps.

• Shoes should be of good quality leather.

• Shoe color should be darker than your trouser.

• Heels should be 1-2 inches; higher heels should be saved for after hours.

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Which is inappropriate?




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Which is appropriate?





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SNEAKERS: What is appropriate (for those authorized by duty/assignment to wear athletic shoes)

• Appropriate, conservative athletic shoe

• Inappropriate, flashy athletic shoe

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There is a time and a place for all attire. Clothing that works well for the beach, yard work, dance clubs, trips to the mall, exercise sessions, and sports contests may not be appropriate for a professional appearance at work.

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Getting off to a Good Start

January 16, 2013

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As you prepare to launch your search, it is important to start off on the right foot to make fewer mistakes and waste less time on the trail.

More than anywhere else, here is where, planning preparation and research are crucial.

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It is equally critical that you have a solid idea of where you want to go. To point you in the right direction, here are key questions you could ask yourself before you take the plunge.

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What career will suit my lifestyle?

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Your work is only an aspect of your life, so look for work that will fit your life, not the other way round. By envisioning the life you want, you narrow your choices to those careers that complement that vision.

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Would you prefer working in a big company and managing a large staff, or running your business with a couple of assistants?

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Which would make you happier? Being office-bound, or doing fieldwork all day? Do office colleagues surround you at your performing best, or do you learn for a flexible arrangement that allows you to work partly from home?

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What are my talents and

Skills?/ What do I like doing?

Look for a job that you feel can make full use of your skills and abilities.

It doesn’t seem like work when you enjoy what you are doing. So find out what really catches your interest, what stirs your passion.

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Think of the following? Do you have the gift of gab and

can sell just about anything? Or are you the creative type, with

a flair of words or an eye for design?

Are you good in a particular sport?

Can you cook like a pro? Do you have a green thumb? Do you consider research as your


Do you like the idea of teaching little children and molding their young minds?

Or are you more attracted to a life of public service?

Is creative work your cup of tea? Or are you more at home in the

realm of cold logic ad hard facts?

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What don’t I like about work?Conversely, asking yourself what you cannot stand doing – what bores you to death – will help you further focus.

Are you comfortable striking up a conversation with strangers?

Does anything technical make you yawn?

Do you abhor the limelight? Do you hate the unexpected?

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They should give you a mental picture of who you are?, what are your ideal life, your perceived skills, and your turn-ons and turn-offs?

After writing down your answers, go over them, and see how they fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

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Approach friends, professionals and acquaintances that hold jobs you find interesting.

Now look outward for your validation. Read up on or surf the Internet for careers that might suit your lifestyle.

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Request if you could do informational interviews (ask them about particulars of their work) or

“shadow” them (observe them in action at work). Your objective is to form a clearer image of what they really do – and more

importantly, to assess whether you would like to be in their place.

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From your findings, you can begin a more informed search

for your dream career. In the final analysis, your career

choice should depend on your perceived happiness on the job, the potential rewards, and your chances of

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Resumé Writing• Doing the Research• Figuring Out Your Job Opportunities• Highlights• Relevant Skills ad Experience• Work History• Education and Training• Putting it All Together

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The next step would be to prepare your resumé. Your career direction will find its name and shape in increments. In other words, everything you study and explore now will contribute to the resumé you send out during your senior year. Your resume will include academic achievements, extracurricular activities and work experiences. Aside from a summary of your abilities, work experience and education, a resumé should reveal your unique selling point to entice a potential employer to buy “you”.

(Santamaria, 1991)

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Parts of the ResuméParts of the ResuméThis includes the following:

HeadingObjectives/Career GoalJob Position Being Applied ForEducation Work ExperiencePersonal DetailsReferences

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Resumés are usually headed with your name, address, and telephone number. This information may either be centered at the top of the page or placed in the top left-hand corner.

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Objectives/ Career GoalObjectives/ Career Goal

Our career goal, which follows our personal identification, is one entry that every employer is interested in. We must be as specific as we can, listing our immediate goal and not just some vague future dream. If our ultimate goal is related to the job we are applying for, however, we can add it immediately underneath.

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Job Position Being Applied ForJob Position Being Applied For

We must specify the position we are applying for.


System Analyst, Account Executive, etc.

This position must be related to our career goal.

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This major section should state the most important qualifications we can offer for the job we are applying for. If it is work experience, that section should come next. If it is our educational background that is more important, place it first. In either case, we must tailor our qualifications to fit the job requirements. This does not mean, however that we are to falsify the information we provide. It simply means that we are to pick out those qualifications that have the most direct relationship to the job for which we are applying.

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The most common way to describe our education is to list any university, college or vocational school we have attended with dates of attendances and any diplomas or certificates we have obtained. We always pace our most recent educational experience at the top of the list and work back from there. If we want to stress our education, we may want to include our major field of study and names of significant courses, which we have completed.

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Work ExperienceWork Experience

There are two acceptable ways of presenting our work background. The most common is to list our jobs in chronological order, with the present or the most recent one heading the list.

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With such an arrangement, the prospective employer can readily detect our progress or promotions. If we use this format, we should show the following:

a. Position held

b. Name and Location of Company

c. Date the position was held

d. Achievement in the Position

e. Reason for Leaving

f. Duties (emphasize responsibilities)

g. Name of Immediate Supervisor (If the person is still there and might be a good reference)

h. Job title of supervisor (e.g. systems analyst, field sales manager. etc.)

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Personal DetailsPersonal Details

Personal data include sex, age, date and place of birth, race, religion, marital status (including number of children). Health, height, weight, interests, and hobbies.

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Applicants for a job are usually requested to give the names of at least three persons who can be asked or called to speak about us. The most appropriate persons include present or former employers, teachers, and other professionals. Also acceptable is a character reference whose name of occupation is respected.

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1. Avoid spelling boo-boos.

Errors, especially simple typo blunders, reflect poorly of the applicant. Proofread over and over until you resumé is perfect.

2. Streamline. Remove personal pronouns like “I” and articles like “a”, “an” and “the” to create punchy phrases and maximize space.

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3. Use power verbs. Action words add “oomph” to your writing and enable you to describe clearly what you did and how well you did it.

4. Use personal details sparingly. Leave out extraneous information to free up limited space. This includes names and occupations of parents, hobbies and interests, birthplace, etc. Reserve them for the interview proper.

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5. Be concise. Resumés are often read in 30 seconds or less so be brief and to the point. Use bullet points to underscore important information. Employ paragraph breaks, lines, and numbers. Keep to no more than two pages – three at most if you really have extensive professional experience.

6. Make it an easy read. Your resumé should be visually appealing: a carelessly printed, sloppily designed resumé is a challenge most recruiters would not bite. Use lots of white spaces, a font size of at least 10 , an at most conservative typestyles. Underline and bold text should be used sparingly and only to highlight significant data or indicate section breaks.

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Be honest.Put extra effort when preparing and writing your resume. Your application is your first contact with your potential employer.


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Use appropriate business language when composing your resume.Have brief, concise and complete information in your resume. Make sure that your resume says it all about yourself- your skills and personal qualities that qualify you for the job. Your resume should be a summary of your personal statement to date. It should highlight the particular information that the employer needs to know about you.


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Show continuous pattern of your accomplishments, progress and ambition related to the employer's needs.Consider appearance as a very important factor to the overall presentation of your resume. It should be visually pleasing and free of any grammatical and typographical errors.


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• Don't put any unnecessary information that will make you uncomfortable with the contents and presentation of your resume.

• Don't use words that you are not familiar with.

• Don't let your resume run too long.

• Don't use exotic fonts that are not readable.


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8 Tips on Getting Ready for the Interview

1. Know your strengths and weaknesses.2. Know the requirements of the job so that

you can relate how your qualifications compare with these requirements.

3. Know the company4. Know the difficult questions that are

typically asked and prepare your answer to these questions.

5. Write down your on questions.6. Rehearse the interview.7. Attend to your personal appearance.8. Check the details of the Interview

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1. Know your strengths and weaknesses

Be prepared with a solid presentation of your strong points so that your weaknesses seem light in comparison. The interviewer will be constantly probing for weaknesses and testing for strengths.

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2. Know the requirements of the job so that you can relate how your qualifications compare with these requirements

You must be able to show the fit between “what you can do” and “what must be done”. You must be prepared to show why you should be hired.

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3. Know the company.

Its products and/or services, its competitors, its history, size, location of plants and the likes. A brief description of the company usually accompanies an advertisement for vacant position.

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4. Know the difficult questions that are typically asked and prepare your

answer to these questions.If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then interview resource persons thru your network.

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5. Write down your on questions.Near the end of the interview you will usually be asked if you have your questions. This is the time to inquire about the nature of the work, the working conditions, working hours, training programs given to employees, how much the job pays, the benefits given to regular employees, chances for career growth and advancement, and any other points that may not have been discussed.

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6. Rehearse the interview.Know what the interviewer is going to look for which these includes:

* Your appearance, attitudes, mannerism, gestures.* Your time of arrival*How you react to stressful situations. For example, do you change the subject/ do you give irrelevant and disorganize answers?*Clues about your state of mind and personality. Are you alert and responsive to questions? Are you relaxed? Do you smile easily and use humor appropriately? Do you speak in a clear voice? Is your presentation well-organized? Do you speak favorably of other people? Do you give honest answers to questions?*Answers that reveal your drive and ambition, your ability to think and plan ahead, as well as your willingness to assume responsibilities.

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7. Attend to your personal appearance.

Your preparation will produce few results if you neglect your personal appearance. The people who will be deciding whether to hire you or not will be looking at you very closely.

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8. Check the details of the interview.

Find out the exact time and place for your appointment and program yourself to allow emergencies, such as traffic jam or flat tire. If you are unfamiliar with the location where the interview will take place, you should check it out beforehand. You should plan to arrive at the designated place at least 15 minutes ahead of schedule. While waiting, you can use the time to review the points to be covered in the interview or to observe the office environment

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Let’s have a QUICK RECAP


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Be physically and mentally prepared. Decide what to wear days before the interview. Being well-groomed and having a good appearance is essential. Have a good night's sleep, eat a healthy meal and allow plenty of travel time.

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Be on time. Before the day of the interview, make sure where the interview would be held. Take time to find out where the location of the interview is days before the actual interview. Keep in mind to leave enough time for your journey.

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Be proactive. Do research on the organization by reviewing its corporate profile and by reading some relevant information through websites and print materials. Find out the specifics of the job you are applying for and try to prepare some questions about the company - its culture, goals and mission.

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Be your best self. Spend time researching about yourself. Review your past experiences and accomplishments that may fit the needs of the company. Being able to have a grasp of your talents, skills and experiences would enable you to communicate the contributions you can make for the company.

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Be Positive. By being well-prepared, you eliminate nervousness. Just enjoy the interview and be enthusiastic when responding to the interviewer's questions. Confidence and a pleasant disposition brings out the positive energy in you.

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THE INTERVIEWRelax and be yourself.Remember to turn off your cell phone before the start of the interview.

Some first impression gestures are handshakes, eye contact, warm smiles, good posture and a confident introduction of self.

If there are two or more interviewers, be sure to address all the interviewers in the room when answering the questions.

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THE INTERVIEWTake time to think before you answer questions. A well-thought answer is always better than a rushed one. Try to give complete answers as much as possible and if you do not understand the question, ask for clarification.

Use concrete experiences to illustrate important information about yourself.would be. Know what to expect and when to hear from them.

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THE INTERVIEWAvoid using poor or slang language to impress the interviewer. Use familiar but concise words during the interview.

Show interest during an interview by striking a good balance between speaking and listening.

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Be honest. Answer the questions truthfully and be fair to yourself.

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THE INTERVIEWMake sure to highlight your good points.This would enable the interviewer to asses your performance at work and your potentials to be an effective employee.When being asked about your weaknesses and failures, mention how you were able to handle the difficult situation, share the lessons you learned and the improvements you would take to convert certain weaknesses to strengths.

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THE INTERVIEWDon't act desperate by telling the interviewer you are willing to take any job offered.If you have some points that you weren't able to discuss towards the end of the interview, take the initiative to mention a couple of things you want the interviewer to know about you.Before leaving an interview, ask the interviewer what the next steps would be. Know what to expect and when to hear from them.

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AFTER THE INTERVIEWThank the interviewer for the time spent with you.

Make some notes regarding the things you learned about the company. These may be helpful for your next sets of interviews.

Make a follow-up call to know your status and your succeeding interviews.

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Don’t forget

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To have

Take a deep breath. Sometimes theydon’t know, but they can smell irritation and fear.

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Otherwise you may sounddemanding and impatient.

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Because everyone likes to be thanked.

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Go the extra mileAlways

It helps to create the SMART IMPRESSIONSthat YOU want to come back.

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Be prepared for a long and winding road

(It might be tougher than you think.)

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… and one last thing …

again do NOT be NERVOUS !!!

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Have confidence in yourself

You’ll do better thanyou think.

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As long as its related to Careers…

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Thank You,

Enjoy your Ride to

the Corporate World.

