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Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski · i "demagogue and a tricister. ... Dr. Andrew Jackson...

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3- uuijuua mjm\ji\ T?2DS£SDAY 2T£7T7!3, APRIL 30, 2SS7. VSiXBAGES. WltH A'BULLET. SiadUik of Lieutenant John W.* ' \ Danenhower. tifovm4L DJead Jn His Qaartera at tie AiniAp- | oUs 3&*al Academy—Fear of Cpurt/'Xar- - tial 8Md to Hare Prompted! the Aet. The Record of the >"aTi«ator of the last AretiejExpeditioa. ' ' - " i ! AjrsArous, Md4, April 2a lieutenant JoSa W. Danenbo-wer, of Arctic lfune> irfta dtscotisred a: 10 o'clock ?h Is morning dead la Wa quarters at the Naval Academy, wfca hole ia hlsi right temple, lie was found lyl: his rug la front of his areplace, with a| tag tied to hla bnttojjaole, saying: u Sond to my; brother at •Waaalagtcin.** Deeeas** was 37" y e a r s of ago and entered the BATS! senfice ia 1866, from Illinois, la which State he- wa» hoes. The lieutenant was on duty on board tha Cnite4 States steamer Vandalla when that ves- »ei eonwybd General Grant K> Egypt, a a i la this way madefthe- acquaintance aad gained the high MSoam arid admiration of the general. So favor* *Wy was? General Grant impressed [that, when James Gordon Bennett proposed the Jeanaets* Arc- Uc expedition, Grant strongly urged Lleaten- in; Daaetihower as A fearless and capable of- Bceir fotf »nch service. Lieutenant Daaenhow- -jr /volunteered and was appointed as navi- gating oE«r of that expedition sailing In 1S7» and passing with credit through . the terrible hardships of that voyage and the loss of the Jean- patte. Nival officers have conceded to Danenhower tt» credit for saving his party. Upon his return h i 1S82. with Melville as tho only Other jurvivingf. officer, Lieutenant Danenhower was '"an' scats} sufferer from eye trouble, the re- sult of Arctic privations and exposure. J VShen mfflcteatlSv recovered Danenhower was detailed to the Xaval Academy, at Annapolis, aa Instructor and subsequently as assistant commandant, la which posjtions he was very popular with thecadeis. ' Some d*y# ago he went to Norfolk, to superintend the Ktlngl out of the practice ship Constellation, and. during this service manifested such depression Of spirits ihal several of his fellow oCicers believed hia mlad *as unsettled- Yesterday ho returned to the NavaliAcademy. j * Before^ his Arctic expedition he was at one time confined, in the asylum near this city. It Is generally? admitted that he must have been temporarily insane when he committed sufclde. Ha had been very Intimate with; young Robert W. Gatewoodj who recently com mitted suicide on :be Carolina, iand whom ho saw !a death. It Is sup- posed »that this death 3agjested the mode to him. !?he lieutenant's personal and domestic affairs are Of the most happy character. A few years ago he married a daughter of State Senator Sloan, of Oswego, $ . Y- Hla' widow is left with two call- dren. ^ Ia (T oougnt up ana ciosca ap by ~ comotsos." bullet // eleTa:oc3 gained ajproflt under the poojl-'just :ig oa/ raaaln £» and the' peopto paid for It./ fthe r Brooklyn. Special to the Eagle.] AUA.N'7, sr. Y!; Ai>rn 2a Senator John Smith, of Madison, t&lMsd an hour to she Senate to-day In the interestjjof the bill which Is to give.$150,000 of the Staters memey toward-., building two Stato elevators at Brooiiyn, two at New York and two at Buffalo, Ho said tho bill was * Necessity, because the. elevator mo 3 jwere In a contains, and were robbtug the comrtorco of the Stale. The rats In., Sew ; York - foe j handling 1,000 bushels was 9.50 cents more than Is Chi- cag^ Tho cost 1 »r trimming 1,000 jfciishels ia Xew York was J3 against 78 cents la; Chicago, audi 95 for "elevating tho same amount where •3 wouid payi ij' any whore else. Sherman S. Rogers, of Buffalo, grain magnate, sat en the floor with Senator Slffla, and his presence Iriritated Mr. Smith, along witfa th* notse mado by Senators who wero. not interested. |So in' asking for ordpr he said': '• Wo have a. rule 4o keep people froxa this floor save by unanimous consent, yet a geBUoraan sits here who has constaatl^annoyed me By his con- versaston with the Senator from tho Tw©aty»fir86, ,, Mr. Sloan said 5he geutlemau hadnt talked to him about eleyators. Mr. Rogers slipped ikto a side room. He Is Cosoxoisslo&er of tho Jilagari Bark aad had a right oa iho floor. if Mr. Smith wsnt ou to show that alata elevators could be bail! for- S23,CC0 a piece and :ouIdn't bo ibought up and closed up by u combines." Idle as if State had been engage^ la a practically private enter- prise on the canals for seventy 'years and'didn't need to stop. ' The Lav An Appeal GRANT'S TR^P. How a Bioo&lyn Into It Girl Pell •i 0, |. P«R RAILROAD COMHISSIOSF.ES ThsXamesof William E. Rozcris Isar.c ' . X . 3 a l c c r a u d . t w i n XyAtlxrop S e a t In. i * \ [Special to the Eagle.] I AX.BA.sT, X. Y-, April 2a Senator;:Pierce tbis moraiiij made a square test of the Republican maiority's nerve In moving thai the Senate go 1 into open executive session for action on the nomination of Messrs. Armstrong and Bocibee. He charged that the majority had taken no action In caucus, and thai it was high time that tne Senate gave sorrfie consideration to the excellent name* that had heenj sent la by the Governor daring the week past. Tie minority, he said, were playing peanut politics, j Mr. Pitts said that resolution was an emanation from the Executive Chamber, »nd Mr. Kellogg attacked the Governor bitterly, styling him i "demagogue and a tricister. It Is be wno Is play- ing peaiat politics, sakl !>e. T h e Lieutenant Gov- ernor cajlled, him to order. Mr. Hits wanted u> know by what rigbt tie did It. •*Yoa are only tbe presiding officer,'' he cried. u lha^ebeen romlnJed of that tjefore," said .Mr. ta&es. I "I hold that common courtesy toward the Gov- ernor deserves at least respectful mention." 3tr.; Kellogg said he'd Cnlsh«jd- Mr. Passett abased She Governor and said ho had sent private word to Senators [that hedid not want Mr. Kicfcard confirmed rhejj2id withdraw Arkell's name for like reasons^ The RcpuSiicaaa foug'S»5,*he resolutloa oa points ot order, »n<l then by at party vote refused to consider the resolutions. "• It wasja rare exhibition of political gymaastlca. The Governor a: i >'clock this afternoon withdrew the names of Bucibse aad Armstrong, for Railroad Coromle»ioner3, and named instead W. S. Roger, the present Incumbent, la place of John G'Ooanell, and Isaac St. Baker in place of Rogers. Bak>?r Is at present! suye'.-iniendant of State prison*.. He added to the H*t Austin latbrop, of Corniiy?, ia Baiter's place. He ia a Democrat. The others-are both Beaabiicana \ 4 SEXCISE CASE OF LEPROSY ' TChtcXi' \* Jr»tere»tlnsr the Pby*1cJan» ot l.ouioviiic, Ky. The Boston [Doctor Called it a Basratell», Bat it BroTed to Be a Costly Ex- perience. ! 'j » ' ' [Special to ihe Eagle.] 1 < BOSTOX, Mass., £pril 20. Miss Annie M. Bulger, of 80 Poplar street, Brook- lyn, and Miss jMary Scuigls, of West Twenty-third street, New York-.City, are both acquainted with Dr. Andrew Jackson Grant: About two yeara ago, according to the detectives, Dr. Grant wais living at 1 Commerce street, New York, under Uteaame'pf Dr. Prince. ^ '• :' The doctor pat an advertisement in* the New York papers stating that a gentleman, j of refine- ment was anxioas to meet a young lady mthca view to matrimony.' He; had no ulterior ohJ*:t, but he was lonesome, j Both Miss Sturgis and. MJss Bulger replied to thof advertisement and tho fljlly doctor at ouce began to pay attention to. both of them, showing ho aigruj of favoritism. One day In March, 1886, the doctor prdposod to Mise Buiger, waa accopted and she agreed? to marry on the 27:h of tho •month. He then went to New York, offered bis hind to;' Miss Sturgis and engaged to marry her on tho same day, but with tiie last of March caino stormy weather and the doctor, olaim- Ingbe was superstitious about being married on a raiay day, asked the uususpoctlng women to post- pone tho respective eeromouiear until: Aprli 1 Mlsa"Sturgis agreed, but Miss Bulger seemed more anxious to be married and urged that tho ceremony be performed March 31, to which the docjor finally agreed, lie then Induced Mlsa Burger to idraw alt herj money, f680. from the; bank and placo It in his'hands, ho making' tho usual promise that ho j would at once start with* h}s bride on { a wedding tr;p to Australia, j He also asXCxJ her to pacX up ber goods and send them to his apartments on Commerce street, which she did. On the day of the wedding aud before Miss Bulger had bad time to start for New York to become Dr. iPrlnco's wife, sho was astounded to hear the ratijle of wheels at the dpor of her house in Brook- lyn) aad to see all her trunks returned! to her, .mottt of thorn einpty;- She wont as quletry as possible to Dr. : Frisco's lodgings, but he had. flown, taking with him' the money. Hpw Miss Stuigis came out of the difficulty la -nof known. When Miss Bulger saw Dr. Grant at tho Camorldge Jaila few days ago sh« asked him if ho would not gWe her a not© that sho might have some of her property returned. " You have very little to com- plain of," returned Grant '- What you have been through f u n is a mere baghtelle." An EAOI^ reporter called at No. 80 Bopl&r street this afternoon. The lady who, responded fo the re- porter's questions was not at all IncHned to be com- A»ainst Enforced. ItVi;o;'' : l>e 4- munlcatire. AS EX-POLICE JUSTICE Who Want* M i s S o n to Contribute to !lade tp the Major by Orer Vorked C crks—His Honor Bir icts the Police C01 amlssioner {to Stop th e Busi- ness. Mayor "Whi aaey is engaged in an efiort to enforce the law in rogard to public traffl 5 on Sun^, days. Complaints havo been made to hli» person ally and by lefctor that certain storekeei*ra.as a rale keep thoir placo* of business open ot Sunday, and that In •so doing they work Injustice to other storekeepers and are also gdllty of a vi)latloaof the law. AnvW these oomplalnta haw been a large number if clerks in clothing: and hat stores. Some of them} have called upon the Mayor and stated their grievances and joined with ."others In the following appeal: ; . •-' j • . •> DKAB Sra—Ve, the writejre, clerks and sales- mea la the clothing and hat stores on Sands street. Bridgeistreet, Flatbush avonne, eto., work from 7 A.M. UH9and 10P.M.,and on Saturdays from 7 A. Ml till 12 P. M., and Sundays from 7 A. M. till 1 E M., making nine and one-hfaif days' work a week At ten hours a day. There Are about fifty or sixtj* of us, all Chrtotian yonng men, who wish to spend our Sundays la a Christian manner and not In selling goods. As Mayor of twe City of Brooklyn, we beseech yoa (a ^Christian gentlQman and bolonglngtoa promioent church la this city) to do something to better our position. Yours respectfully, SCFBKKEKS. " P. S.—We would gladly give you our names, only we would most certainly be discharged had our- selves aad families would suffer. This lotterwas recelTed by the Mayor a few days since, aad after conferring with the Corporation Counsol his Honor this afternoon sent tho ;f olio wing to the Police Commissioner: .1 MAYOR'S OFFICE, BROOKLYN, April 20,4887. Honorable 'Thomas Carroll, CommUrioner of Police ana JZxciatz DKAX SiR^-I have received complaints 0 f various serious lofractions of the so called "Sunday Law," which oa tho facts stated amount to regular and uninterrupted public selling and offering for sale of commodities forbidden by law. Section ?67, of tho the Penal Code regulates public traffic on Sunday. While this law stands, meetiog such uniform and consistent obedience from onr morchantsfand trad- ers, a persistent violation thereof by Individuals, here and there, must nolther be winked at nor aUowed. RespectfuUy, D.tD. WnXTKBYL Mayor. The section of the Code referred to*by the Mayor reads.as follows: •• ** ••'.'•, All maaaer of public fleHtng or offertag for salo of any property npoa Suaday la prohibited, except that articles of food may bo sold and supptled at any time beforo 10 o'clock io the morning, and BX- cepr also tbat meals may be sold to be eaten on the premises where sold, or served elsewhere by fca- terors; and prepared tobacco In places other thpn whoro spirituous or malt liquors or wines are kept or offered for sale, and fruit, confectionery, news- papers, drugs, medicines anjd surgical appliances may be sold la a quiet aad ordecly manner at any time of the day. f ' j SATURATED Wl|fH BLOOD, j ^ A Snnjarian Tailor!\Vl»o is, Supposed to H a v e ZTlurdered Mis Wife. Aclolpb Eeiche, 56 years old,wbotwa8 ar- -rested last nljjht for the murder of his wife, Lena, 41 years old. by cutting her throat, on the second floor of-the toueraent, 144 Norfolk street. New York, was takon to Essex'Market Court to-day by Captain Allaire and Officer Reap, Samuel Grass,!bl3 wife's cousin, who '..was taken'into custody at ithe same tlmo, was also arraigned; Relohe ia a Hungarian tailor. Ho preserved an unbroken silence. Grass jnade an informal statement to the effect that "trouble prevailed betweon Relcho and has wifeJor soma time past, and owing to her distrust of him she sent her bunk book to a friend for safe keeping. Grass came homo at 7 o'clock and wont o^t again to peddle. Ho returned at 11:30 o'clock aud wentiato a saloon next door to get a glass of bee'r. While there he heard a noiso like a scuffio lit Relcbo's rooms. Some porsono suggosted that he go up and ascertain tno cause. On' doing so Grass heard the moaning of the unfortunato woman. He ran. to the Bldridge street. Station iiouso and askeil to. have > an ambulance sent for. Captain Allaire promptly ca mo around to 144 Norfolk street himsolf. but when they went upstairs the tjody of Mrs. R'eisch waa- cold and life was extinct. Captain Allaire also made an informal statement of. the circumstances under which he arrestedjiRelche and Grass, aftor finding that the woman was dead. Reldhe was out at tho time, but when ho returned to' the house he was immediately placed in custody. He professed Ignorance of the crlmo. Captain Al latrje found his underclothing saturated with blood. The prisoners werb remanded to enable: Captain Allaire to pro- duce evidence. ., Or . j • FINED FIFTY ^DOLLARS. I « 1 i The Clifford Family; A{rrtla EcJorc tho Courts. \• Bjrn 5»By«iclans» ; The Beeoiher Mejmorial Pondlis rapidly iii- creastng.' Aj humbee' pf," city phys 1 clans have sub- scribed thrdogh. DrlSTf:.Bt Raynwind^fttRlatt^ot! which wa<«hondod ln'to the treasurer this morning. In addition w> .I'thVia'poyip^^amo^t.-Ma^^iy^^^ peaded. This $800 snlfscrlbea by temple'Israel ot St Loulslaon its wcy and vrill bo acknowledged Ih a few days. f. '".:•.,! -Tlf •"• : " : '-h-^ : ' "^ '•?•"•—' The donations received by Mr. Ritfley Hopes to dateareasfpUows: ' •• •;';• .''•.•••'• '•;'•[•./'••: ••' :: '^'Y ProvioaaVy n f l i n o w l e d g e d ; ................ I ........ 09i3w.60 w/.» r> v\ , wi)itney...*.ji .............. 4 ........ Hon. i). J>. :, vi&itn«y. ;~5.ji ....... ;..;...j....... iv-' v w.po Oharlos Plerejj.; ....... !.. i , ..... ;...{ ......... '"10.00 Collected jfrom. ph: -slclons through ex-Health. Commlas!on<|r Dr. J. H. Raymond: Dr. A. J. O. Sltono" .'...J.', i .... '..., ...j.l! Dr. C, N. Boailand ....... t .......... 4... Dr. A. W. She5ard, .... j.j.V Dr. Hugh M.pmlth.:.;|. '.'.-. Dr. Honry LnKonsteia.;.. .. Dr. Thoma» H Smith.:,. k ..... V Dr. John Harrisan.... ;... ..'..(. Dr. F. R-FMhch ...;..}..J ..... ;.;..;...iL, Dr. Wrj. Criilfcshank.i .................. L Dr.J.iH. Wand ...4.,:...,; ..... ,...I Dr.Oharieaqprer..t>.«5«.'.".. .:.}•. Dr..B.C. Wadsvrortll...'.... „A A Lady Pbyafcim. .;...!. Dr. J. G. AtktB»on, .... L ........... ,.i...i. Dr. William aiiailaa ....................... Dr. W, JJLIJ. Ki»ke ..... l.,;..,.; ..... ;'..«.L Dr.T.H. Ha%5rd ..... ll ............. i..ii.. Dr. K. De La VBrgoo. Dr. O.K.Gucfcher.... Dr.O.Diokoi ........ Dr. R. O. Mdffatt ......... Dr.H. T. Halleok t ..... ,..., ....... ,'. A PhyslclaDJ..... J..J........... V...J., A Pby«lolan!., i, .... .;..,}. A Phy»ioian.... ... ».'.; ........ .]. A Phy»iciaa...- ....... ^, .... ;..;.l. ^"V 10.00. 10.00 10.00 26.00 25.00 20.00, 10.1)0 loop 10.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 -6.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00. too 60 .60 60 60 Total., .... ; ............. i,li'..v .... Acknowledged by tho K&OLE •••« ......... S0.518.5O 1,808,83. Grand total...\ ....... 4;.:.,; ...... l .... i.\: ..... «U.862J9;: Dr. Raymond saysim' his note: f i n ' addltk>n..to-: the abovo, $30 has been subscribed but not yet paid in. Those who hav^ not yet reapoi dedare requeaS ed to do so this weeki"."!. : .,..•.'•:'. \\: : '-. ... : Z'?/ ;.. ^::<*' '•% Mayor Whitney's|aote. is as fol ows:'/'Herewith , please find xny check <br $50—my contribution- to Beecher-Memorial fund.". ,,i''. j D.)D.fWHtrNRY." Mr. Pierce writes|to. Mr. Ropes! the: foUowlng:; "Please place Inclosed bheck for $10, to credit of the Beecher statue fuhdj and much oblige* ., ' '••:[••• > Youra truly, CHfBXBS PEBBCTR" FAIR FIGHTERS Wlm 13«« Nnpport* :' ' CHICAGO, IH-i April 20. : •••• A special from Louismllle. Ky., says: '•Physicians are macli interested over the discovery of a genuine ease of ieproey In '.his city. Theipatlent 13 John Hastjnga, wno lives with bis parents on WUson Street. He contracted the terrible disease in Ilono- : Inlu aboat three years ago, and his entire body is covered with sictteniog e.-uptioas* peculiar to l«pers. Hastings (is 30 years ot age and was corn la this city. Being: of a roving disposition, he left, home about Ave! years ago aad went West. Piading him- self in Saa ifrancisco and without money, he accept- {i ed a berth on the steamer City of Pekia, a trading vesael botind for thej Sandwich Islands. When iho jrteamer landed there Hastings waa taken ill ana grew so much worse that the oStcers had him moved to •» boost* ila Honolula and a^ran^e< , . with an old -•man to care for him until his ship could return. It was then that the youag man became affected with the-awful disease. The City of Pekin returned, took aboard thes Jic^ sailor, aad, when they were again In yort,Ha8tiijgs was sent home to his relatives. He succeeded ia Xeeping from his parent* the knowl- ' edge of th* terrible disease, and it was not until last Sunday that they knew of their son's ailmeat. Duriog the last two years he has beea treatiag him- sett Two of tho best physiciaas la the city now have his case in hand." . , THE CITY A.SD SUBURBAN TV'oa n y | M e r r y X>uciievv, C a r l t o n S e c o n d i i ' and Cantor Third. } [ Loxsof, April 20. The City and Suburban Handicap at Bpsom to- day was won by Mr. T. L. Wardle's h. m. Merry Duchess. Mr. Somers' Caritoa came in second.with Mr-W. I*An3on's Castor third. Summary—The City aad Suburban Handicap of ,000 sov., added to a sweepstakes of 15 sov. u*^b, 10 ."brfeit, for 3 year olds aad upward; the owner of :fce second-horse to receive &J30V. oat of the stakes; fee winner, of any race after the publication of the '-•eights to carry 5 pounds of two races, or one yaiue jOOaov., 10pounds extra; entrance tob. gs. thoon- iy liability, if forfeit be declared; ono mile, and * qfcarter; |C7 subscribers. Mr. T. L. 'W'ardle's b. at. Merry Dachess, 5 vrs. eld. by Spec a Iain, oat of Grand Dnehess , 1 Mr. yomer'»ib. o. Oarls.^0, I yr*. oid. by Poil Mot!, oat of Bon»yS>oc , 2 S i r . "W l. Aown's b. c. Caalor, * yr.<. old. by Zealot, pal T^fLady Yardiey ^...3 ,—^ BBS. HOLl, I38PSOYI56. ' . SXWAKX, M. J., April 20. v JArs. >«oli.' tho wife of Wauesaiag milk dealer,who yesterday took a dose of muriatic acid in mistake for eoogh mixture, was reported to be Improving this morning. j 1—•. J H I CALH0C.X SOSCHEsT^. •/< i WASISINOTON, D. C, AptU 2a •'It is understood that W. W." Cor^oraa loatem- plates accompanying Secretary Lamar to Charleston to attend the ceremony of uavalUng the Calhoun monument on lhe 26th Inst. KILLED BY PALLLTG DOW5 SfAIBS. JiffW OKI-XA-VS, La., April 2a - H;jB. Mayes, Jr., a young attorney of this city wasaccidentally killed last atght by falling down a Bight of stairs ieadiug from hlj* office. HelSjBup- " posed to have raissed hfas footing ia the dark]' He., fell a distance of twenty feet, fracturing his skulL A BOT PATALLI5C1LDXD. A case somewhat Tjousmsl in character came up before the Charities Department this morning. James Maxwell, formerly n (Quaker city police Jus- tice and a gray haired man of 80, asks that his son, William Maxwell, of l l i Woodbine street,! be com- pelled to contribute to his support. William is. by his brothers described as Doing the financial man- ager of Dana & Co., of 20 Nassau stroot, Nbw York. and Is credited with receiving a salary of 42,500 ai year. TJhe father has. lived with one of hta soils, FranK Maxwell, fox the past .••Ix years. This son] receives a salary of $1,000 a yt*ar a s a salesman of cigars and liquors. He Is very bitter against his brother Will- lam for bis harshness to the father and declares he-i will.push the case In the courts, if .necessary, to bring him lo term^. He Is willing to pay his own share and that of another brother who Io not able to contribute. Wllllsm Maiwell agreed to appear before the Commissioners this morning, but left the Office be- fore his case came up, wua the remark tiiuMj If h o were proeecated he would fight, ! j u \ "We 11 give that follow alii the fight be "(rants," said President Ray. I , j] One of the brothers stated that when has father applied to William for assistance on one ; joccasion he wa» told to "hire a bed or take a traia out of town. 1 i THE APOLLO CLUB C0SC£BT. A successful Affair at tne I Academy of nuklcXatl Ilvenia;-. !] The" Apolio Club gavp its tiiird priyato con- cert of the season last eTening la the Academy of Music before a large audlenj^i Tho programme commenced by the entire dus£?pgf«g w Sjinday on the Ocean," by Boinzo, whi^was followed 4p: »!lss Jesslo Primer, who gave p. faataale oa: "themes from Uounod's "Faust," arraaged hy Liszt, on the piano. The ; balance of the programme Included a "Molodle," by Rabenstein, ren- dered by the orchostra; M Scena and Aria," from "Der Preischutz,'' VWeber, by :Mrs. B. Humphrey-Allen; "Nigwt Song in the!Woods," Schubert, Apollo Club; ••Tfco Fasewell of Hiawatha," Arthur Poote, Apoilo Club and orchestra^with in- cidental solos, by Mr. ueary^ S. Brown J! soprano solo, threesongst A, "Sylvia," Sihubort; b,;"Thdu'rt like unto a aowor." Schumann: c, Widmuhg," Schu- mann, by Mrs. E. Humphrey-Allen; "Serenade," y. W- Chad wick, Apolio Club; piano solo :'• A, "Im- promptu," op. 36, Chopin: b, "Hungarian Dance," Brahms, Miss Jessie Primer;.War song ct£ the an- cient Saxons, J. Reltz, Apolio Club and orchestra. All ot the numbers were weH rendered^.in every Instance eliciting heartyiapplause and frequent re- coBs. Dudley Buck acted as accompanist; assisted by John Hyatt Brewer; accompanist, and Harry Rowe Shelley, organist. ' ' (| .—, » i TBAXSACTIXC CODXTt BUSINESS At tl*e SXeetinz o f t h e Cnarities Cpm« miiwionezw Tnin UXorniag*', At the meeting of tho Board of* Charities Commissioners this morninlng. Dr. J. J. Shanks, of the Insane Anyium, was granted two weeks'leave of absence. The Board formally approved the biH now before the Legbiature'providlng for the selec- tion and purchase of farm lands'and tho erection of proper buildings for the accommodation of the 450 insane criminals In the Several State institutions, Including the 200 at Auburn. There are ntfw twenty J such convicts In tho Kings' Couaty Penitentiary. The Brooklyn Assemblymen a^Albaay will be fur- nished with copies ot the Board's approval of the bill. Senator George B. Sloan sont a letter saying be would have the Item of board for State'paupers, which had been omitted from the Sdpp2y bill, ia- serted therein. George Sohns, Jr., pealtentiary druggist, petitioned to have his salary raised. The Clifford family appeared in Justice Massey's Court this morning in the trial of tho six- teenth case In which its members have figured. This time Mrs. Clifford was charged with having as- saulted Constable Puillips with a bar of iron or-a ple.ee of iron pipe, when he was la the act of remov- ing some goods from her stable, April 12, under the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage. Mr. ^hlUlps and his.witnesses said that Mrs. Clifford struck the con- stablo on the head, face, hands and arms with the pipo.theuthrewstonesand sticks into the stable aad finally drew a revpl vor, with which she threatened to shoot any man who dared lay a hand on any of the goods. Mrs Clifford swore to substantially the same- facts,except that she put tho boot upon the other foot and charged the constable with assaulting her'" In exactly tho manner he described, winding up with drawing a revolver. The case was tried before a Jury aad occupied almost the entire morning ses- sion of the court. A verdict of guilty wis rendered aad Mrs. Clifford was fined $50. Wer&jjNpt Governed -Prize!King Rules.- by THE U S E S ' ACCUSATIONS, t? A D e m a n d for the Proof of theParnell Charge?. i , :NXWAX3^ K. J., April 20. Adolph Patler, a small boy employed in Seisz's aat factory, fell into a^ ketUo of ho: shellac yester- !ayi. He was removed to the German Hospital, (There he subsequently died from too results of his njuxfos. • ' . --" if THE WEATHER. wisBKwrosi ire, ApHi 20. i yor Hastens 5ew York, fair w ^ t i r , followed by ocai showers In Nortnora Now YorEWjrlig'Thurs- lay, Tariable winds shifting to nonfcweet. BEC0R& 0y TO2 TuTtEMOJESTKa. i ; > ThefoUowtagis the record of the thermometer as kajrt at the UxooaXYji DAXJUY K A O L S O B I C O : rA.K... xi-v> A. M .... , SA.M.... : S3 2r.ll.J. J i . M-. 4*1 ii-.M,.. Avsrnjt* 5»rope»i«t«»>» io-day..... Aver»ito tempera;.!re ;~i»p dat« iadt jm XKZZOXOUXZCAX. OCSKRYATOXT. * litehfletd Mansion ^Prospect r>rk) record of tho weadler for the twenty-four boura eadlus 7 A. M^, '•ApsilZTr 1SST: '" ./J :. 47 .. so .. 68 .. 53 44M mliiiiiiniiimi B.-wuia^t^r fc^rrec-todatioa-levBi)! Therin«»et«T. -.«---• j PmvaiUrae wiatJ.'..— .1 i H ighgHt'i Loweatj Moaa. 3o.i3r,~25>.?as? co.»i3 -jijo uijur 40.M : : y.w. ',- Velootty of v»3n.J (total Dtnnbor of milm). 243; average, K> i-£J aiilw per ihow; hiBhess v«looity, IS auie». : ... m i EIGH WATER. : The follosrCao; ia tho <j»iScial aflnouncement *0f tlto time and-duratioa of high water at X«r« York and:Sandy ilook tor to-morrow, April 211 ^^_A. W> .i], -V. M. .n^Dnra'nof-, * ITinw.: H«<*h6. ?Ti>no..:ao«afc;; tti*»«. v*n. J n.y*. i JfeJt. ii s . •*.} gu^t. !i u. jsT'ta.:* LOKDOX, April 20 Several-Gladstone Liberals desire to have Parlia- ment issue a summbns to tho editor of the Time* calling him before the bar of the House of Commons to answer for breach of priviiego in accusing Mr. Parnell and other members of the Housaot com- plicity la crime, or that Mr. Gladstone propose the appointment ot a committee to examine: Into the Time's charges. The Parnelfites have been coa- aulted and their loaders oppose both propositions. If neither the Paraellltes nor the Gladstoniana take the initiative In moving for investigation, it Is prob- able that an independent motion will be made which both the Government and Liberal union members will support KLXAL OBDEBS TO BE ISSUED TO-MOBBOW. f Special to the'Eagle/} %' ALBANY, April °0. It la understood that final orders will be Issued from the Adjutant General's headduarter* to-mor- row, on theftndlogsof the court martial In-thocases of Major Ackerman and Second Lieutenant Smith. Nothlag has yet been decided in the Benedict case, as tho ramms are aot yet at hand. . TUB WXSTXB.T TSlDXiKCfiKASWQ ITS STOCK. [Special to tho Eagle.] . _ j|. AX.SAHY, N. Y., April 20. The Western ITnton Telegraph Company Hied a certificate at the Capitol, this morning, se'fting forth the Increase In the amount of its capital stock from iS0,C00,C00 to $8hj200,W)0- • f C31TOL-CBED 8AYIXGS BASK 1C€0JJXTS. j| [Special to ttte Eagle.] i , . AliAKY,-JS. Y.,'AprU20.- The Senate to-day passed. Senator Culltin's bill to compel savings banks, throdgb. tho State Superin- tendent, to Issue a catalogue of dopo^itor* and ac- cuunvt for twenty years $n£ cases where-the sums eXceedUO;;. •''.!•,'.•.'-,'.'.•> "•;'• •:•'•."• '" : .i! DID HE CEL0R0F0RM OEK? JOirn, Jlunro's Allegation In Mcjr S5,000 Baniase Suit. I . . This morning, in the Connty Conrt, before Judge Van Wyck aad a Juryj'-the cas^ of Eliza- beth Munro as adrninlatratrix lagainat ^Ienry Em- mons was called for trial Mrs: Munro t eeks to re- cover tS.OOO damages from Mr. Emmons, because, as she alleges,"her husband's death WHS caused by Emmons pulling him Out of a sink bed in October, .1884, In order that he might sign some-jpapers by which Mrs. Munro was deprived of her proper share in her husband's estate. Mrs. jUunro alleges that on the evening preceding her husband's death Em- mons visited the house as a pretended watcher, and, -after persuading her to lie down, chlorofonmed her. When she recovered consciousness she found Km- mons talking augrlly to her husband'while he held him standing on the floor.' Her husband died the following morning. The .story has already been told in detailln theEAGLET The de7oflsels a gen- oral denial. K , *• -• i . AS SOBER AS A JUD6B. I It "Was a Well] Contested Combat and! Judge Massey Will Hare to be the Um- pire at tho Sequel, j The friends of Miss Ellon Roach and Miss Teresa O'Connor, may rest easy. Jn the conviction that each of those charming young ladies in the event of the demise of the .other 1 , will take partic- ular care to have the grave kept gr ion, and wiII sit oa it. If necessary, In order to gui ,rd against any unexpected return from It. This state of affairs has been precipitated by a mutual t encounter..' be- tweon tho youug ladies last evening;, in the hallway of the. tenement, B State street, wherein they both reside. A blne'eyjed, rosy che »ked'young man is described-as being at the bottom of the trouble. When two truthtnjj and good loo: ting girls have a serious difference lt?ls a matter of e ctrerae difficulty to get a detailed accouut of the Qght, by rounds, and in this c^e posterity m ust dep »nd. for its rec- ord, on the statements made "by th > participants to Justice Massey, before; whom coui iter warrants for assault have beeo obtained. Tore: a says It was ' a rough aad tumble, catch as catch < an, bang wher- ever you can, - sort ofi'a scramble, ii which each got; la her fine work about aa equal number of times. In other words, Torosa claims that it was a draw. Ellon, on the other hand, says it w. is to a finish and that Teresa won the belt. She say» Miss O'Connor draggod'her up arid'{down stairs ' >y'hdr hair and almost eradicated it in large spots, abusing her in every possible manner. The warrants will . be served this afternoon, and Teresa and Ellon will ventilate their grievances in courti to-morrow morn- Jng - •'•' I j \ m " ' f TO BE. JiELD OK J p E 7. Tno Annnal Communication off the . Grand Lodore, F. a n d A. Iff* i —J—] r l^otices Have boeni sent oat of the holding oa June7 of the annual' communication of tho Grand Lodge or ifreb and Accepted Masons of the 8tote of New York, In Masonlo Hall, corner of Twenty-third street and Sixth pvenue, New York City. The different committees, will meet In tho ball on the Thurday preceding, to consider all propositions, questions or matters prosehted by the Grand Master for their consideration, or on file with the Grand Secretary.'. Lodges', which have any propositions to miiko^ must Bio them with tho Grand Secretary within 'ton days after receiv- ing tholr notices' of the assembling of tho an- nual communication. . Three arhondments to the constltutiph and.statutes have boon proposed. The first is to amend section 53, article 11, of tho consti- tution by adding a^ter the wo^d member iu the tvpenty-second line, the words, "tip »o the close ot the presontyear." The second Is to amend section 16, article 7 of the statutes, by providing that any lodge may enact a.by law to exempt any member., from the payment of dues, other than to the Grand Lodge, on condition that he pay into the treasury of such lodge a sum to J be specified [by tbe by law, but in no case is it to; be ;lbss than the amount of the i aanual.dues forflfiojoniyears. Thb third proposition is to add "And been,; elected," afijcr the word mem- bership in the fourth line of soctlon 45, article 28. Each member of the] Grand Lodge appears therein la his proper Jewel and clothing, f. iffect^d by tie Sudden Death of Hl3 Son, bnt^Not Bancreroiisly III—Recalliaff the Trial of Ithe Tabernarlo Pastor. ;';|; ||^| J^^'i^oTO^me^^^tp^^^^p^^^ Shear is lying at death's door Is utterly without f< undatlon. The Rov. Br. Spoor, who Is ono of the oi dest members of the Brooklyu Presbytery, and who gained fame as the counsel for tho Rev. T. BsWitt Talrnage during the notable ecclesiastical ti ial, has, of course, been affected by tho sudden d :ath of' his last 'surviving oon, but Uls condition not serious and no danger is feared. His son,' Vj 'illiam H. t expired from pnenmonla early yester. day morning. Be had been chief clerk in the Park B apartmont for the past twenty years, hut resigned li st Summer. Within two. years every member ot Rev. Mr. Spear's family'has passed away. His wife, to whom he had been married fitty-two years, d ed two years ago and his daughter, Mrs. John P. 8 ihrymser, died in last Noyember. His sohja wjto it sertottsly prostrated by her husband's death. T tie funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon, at 9 9'olock, atlthe residence of -the famUyVl86.Luioola place,;nearBlithavenue. •;::••'• %:••',' : ;'v^"'-' : - Next to th]e distinguished dofondanvtnd not much «rorshadowod bven by tho j Tabernaolerjjastor/ hint-. jyjtt;'J)r. Hpear was the moat chaivcteiSU^cifigOTe it tl ie" trtaL'. In perfect auUtnesis toi^Y^Byke/the- c: iampion Of the foes of Dr. •Taj'ihagei the4wb-jxpejbi-. ifc! ipresehted extremes of, a most -decided, oharacler:.- y an Dyke, short, etout,souoi;ous and deliberate, ,"* as cautious, polished and conciliating; Spear,taBv; s] ender, excitable and: netVoiis^was alert, defiant,. a jgresalro and'exasperating. Ho reveled; to''jthe : it ilrlcaoies of ecclejiiastical law, cared for no doboto «tat was not colprejl wlth, : perhaps, a little venom a (well ias, teinpet, .and was never so thoroughly a •oueed as wljen the tide of battle seenied to be go- 1 ii gagainst him and nothing but a brilliant charge o >uld save the day. When the .leaders In this long a id interesting fight measured their sacred sabers, n otaphorlcal blood was certain to flow; with rree- d >m, and the large audiences, taking aides accord- li g tothelr eympaithles,could never, be prevented ft om indulging in demonstrations much more con- g mial tea theatro Shan^a^church. : -H--^V.'v •'• V';''.-' There were times when Dr. 8pear was aatrlking' a; nectacle; When all bis energies were aroused, and w hen In tho heat and fury of discussion his clerical- ii;stlnct8 wore subordinated'altogether; when t|he forensic tendencies of the man took comploto' pps-': s isslon of him. •- It was jwitti difflculty that he r (strained himself from indulging la personalities; £ ejnade the^ause of the accused eo thoroughly his. o ;vn, that an uniformed spectator would -have been i istlfled in supposing that (the counsel himself was o 1trial, and that lie wasBghtiog horoicaUy against orerwhelming numbers! !A';.shower, of cold ! and g littering shafts would precede the generalougage-. 11 tent They were usually aimed at the-" other de'- a s a whole. | They fprmedi however^ merely t i e basl&of a sort of preliminary ekirmlsh, with a' f>w stray, sarcastic shots; Just to make matters Ively.. Then tee' heavy artillery would come, into play, with 'scathing. denunciation asths am- munition. The' doctorjs j Indignant thunderirigs D tust still ; be echoing, in the ears' J>t some r those who listened to the canhonadtog. When tie smoke of the 'heavy ordnance.had floated! fit, - aud the dauntless artilleryman had taken reatb, a thirst for single combat Invartablyassert- 0 1 Itself. At this JunctareiDr. Van Dyke's turn i d- y orlabiy came. »A fierce challenge, a somewhat re^ lictantand dignifiod acceptance, a swift and,'ugly Iassage at arms, aad thej* the waterspr thetrlal v oold subside, leaving- a juttle foa'm to tell where 110 waves had beeu surging with a giant sweep and vfhitened crests..' '-.' - : l ' •' 'h,/ -;•!•"',•.-.-j Siuce figuring in^hls .memorable, episode In the Tabernacle pastor's history littlo has been seen of 1 ijr. Spear, and for several years he has been almost entirely withdrawn from, public observation.' His r ilnd. ho we vor, Is vigorous land he finds hearty con- 8>latIoo' In his solitude by his communion with oots. : i\ •- - -:.-.- : .'" ••'. ' : .'>-"\. ' roJco WnSdotj ASwoltatoly-: WecoBJaarjr. •^ AFFAIRS AT THE NAVY YAUD. Secretary Whitney B.suwes an Order to ( h r B u r e a u Chicln. THROWN DOWN STAIRS And Tbten Kicked Elevated Thomas J. B e a t e n b y an Acent. I One Hundred and Thirtieth street and| Third^onUe, New York, ap- peared in tho YorkvBlo Court Hnis morning'with a terribly bruised and. odt head. He was both pris- oner and complainant.' He purchased a ticket at the Seventy-sixth street station of the Third avenue Klevated Railroad early this morning. The ticket agent, Frank Whitman, saw that Hughes bad been drinking and refused.'to ;let him ride uptown. Haghos persisted and- Whitman threw him down tho station steps and kicked him about the head when he reached ithe bottom. Whitman denied that he had assaulted Hughes, but ho was held by Justice White to answer. Hughes pas fined $10 for being intoxicated. t I , General orders,to' the chiefs of bureaus have boen issued by^ the Secretary <at the Navy, mong the more important of which is the follow- 1 « : .. ' '••[•• •'• '."I.."'.'-. I" [ ':'•••:••: •':•• '-: '.; The chiefs of bureaus wltl have prepared for my olpproval. by the 30th of-April, schedules of such materials aad supplies as'thet think will be re- quired In their respecti ve departments for the forth- comingyoar. . :- ,.. .'. :. The Navy Yard pay office, whioh used to be on State street. New York, has been removed, to rooms .1)9.and 111 In the Stewart building, New York.. John Stevenson, pay, director and Navy Yard storekeeper, is at present in Washington, D..C. j A court martial Is being held ,to-dsy On board tho Atlantic as to Fireman Mills, who deserted the ship s'ome timelago to avoid ihe.trouble. of the trisjl.trlp. j Master: boat, bujlder Samuel H. Tompkins went some time ago clam fishing up on the Harlem River. * Soon after he noticed a' painful swelling ou his right foot. He consulted a ;Bnrgepn, who, oponlug -tho swolllng found a small clam in the foot '.:/.: Lieutenant Commander .P. Fahronhold arrived this morning -byr the- So'ujtid steamer from Boston with 147 ihen! from -the receiving ship Wabash, who are to form part of thWrewbf the Trenton. The alteration's of the Dispatch, which is lyiog at the Yard, are^to bo' ; pushed forward as quickly as possible at a.cost not:excoediug$441; : : ' . ; . ; . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' RAPIDLY PUSHING ITS WOKE. The Fire Departmon I authorities bavin{: nntlbunced it asfthelr mteniloa to r'oplac the tele > Phone polos which wore roc loved from Cli ssoa ave hue| byorder w.^'.iiO^XtoB^'.'witfcf-.fib' es'lotihb 8an|e size and height, to bo n»od. solely to r.tne.'pttit pos >a ot ; the. ttrp,;-and pol ice telegraph systema, Mayor Whlme* ito^y'l^ad:»:''taifc.wlth Commw- sloner EnnU, wipt the View) f ascertaining whether or hot it was absolutely nee »ssary tha,p' this shoulk be done.: The ;¥ayor.',-«a<4'.' Uiat'nhleasli could be demonstrated to him that h«requirements' of tbq service necessitated the ere rtloa of polesi there, ha should oppose it: HedWn* ^«aref6rth«ihnseanll nu^representatlin;to which he, had been irabJeoteU by. ito. Havliaid; ;bat he ;^: : dea^^';i^p6M thai sehtlmentsJ ,bt proper ty". .own'ers-''sa^iar:,'aa practicable, anil he ; dfd IJ tot:;sW -whyj'lf'othitj arrangements bould be made,.the^poli>8 should Itles shaU: show: ttia^.ttw> f irectton^-of- --poles "•. add, wires in the pan.'of the aven to iu question was hep- _easary for tho protection of 1 Ife and property int^e maintenance ofitho Are alat Da-system, .hi did. not see how he conlfl :proper|y nterfero.; 0M$\ he op peolaUy^ wished)was.to aVola any : apparent resent- meAtof the action.jtaksts:;by, the property .Ownebi whichhad, resUVed la^ ; 'tho removal' of jthe polbs erected by tho fclophone co hpahy.under la: permit issued to the ^lre Depart! lout ia accordance with an agreement« several yei ,ra' standing.% ;.i Aft} ^ Commissioner Ennla a'ttoi ded at; the; jMayor'S «ir- flce^.with.J&c.jb.; ; L,,'j Watson, the ,8upertotendoatjof : .tho;^.tolegiaph.. M .'.<So : rpon itlon Couneol Jouka was ,«W.iw«ft Conimisaloae r : Bnnts,to;d. the •Mayor that it was necessary tohavs tho polos^ on .Claasbn avetoue, .[This rf the'posftJc a which Bnhls has held' fromtheitart.^Major.Wh]tneysald he .deslreu|to _visl!t tho location and inaki an examination of before arriving at a doclslo; i-.inv the matter.;/So :wai arranged that in com pi ay with.: Mr. Jenks ahd the.Commiailoaer, ho shoul i go out there this uftpr- noan. V : -' . .' •-. ..'; .= ,. -., , y ,.,;.• .. lit iP ipgipiiiliiiii ^hy Bernard . : | ; . " * ::•:•"• '•-.:':•', : -.::-. •/•f:••••••'••• Hot be Mooney ;^U 1^' • Maa '|gf^|||^^^^^laj^ Broods Orer His Trjoubles and Becomes Insane. ••_•'•••- ..' •"••••• ^ .',•;' j-, •• J)n the 9fi of Jaanary la^tBe^ a Hamilton avehiie > saioon keeper, quarreled vtlth. hls;barkeeper, William. Quintan. .During a scmne* that followed Mooney Bred at Quihlau.. Ho said be dldl'^not shoot ;to h i t him, but. merely..'-wanted; to. frighten hlm^; Untortunat< iy the ball burled itieif in Qulnlan's left breast, j ui t over his heart. Ho was takjsri to the Long Ismndlc^Uege; Hospital» wijore he still lies, but yet far from out Of danger. There' hatjo been many adjournments of the ease since thehi It was to come up. in ; Justice' MassnyTs Court to-day, ..hot'.'.from.,'word/received, byjh'is, Ho&or, this mprnmg/it la scarcely, possible tbdt.lt"will ever bo^^. trisi/.Tbe.counVphyslcians. sent a certificate.iu this .morning to the eCfoct that Moimey had so brooded..'• >ver the unfortunate affair that his reason had become entirely, dethroned jand' h e jtvas a raving maniac i Mr. Moouey. was a well to db'buslaoss man, of peaceable character and diapo- sltfon. He never was in trouble before and was! not ; thought by his friends to be capable of deliberately. .shJjotlhg a man. ' If he flred.th'e shot as he says.'aad as all hlsfrlouds beliovo, with no iatontion of]hit-. (Jululan, he has paid dearly for the net. jThe. slclans doubt iwhether his reason can ever he, red. He wilt bo commuted to the asylum to- or to-morrow.' v ':•.••-"'•; : .---.*' : - ; -'^;' ; - • r e --• '/OBITUARY. - Colonel Edward K. ILansin??. 1. jColonel Edward B. Lansing died last night; at his r'oaidence, 16« Washington Park. Hoi had) bCtju a i l i n g for several days, but was not thought to/ bo seriously ill until within tho last few hours.. Ipj laTundorstood that- heart-disease was the cause of/ dlath. ' He wo3 53 years old. Colonel Lansing, was] tne son of Rev. Dr: D, C. Lansing,who was for many . years'tho pastor of the Clinton avonuo Coagroga- ' tUonal 6hurch, preceding thore the late Ro^. Dr. Huddingtoii. Subsequently he removed to] JuburUj N:' Y; When the civil war broke | ojat young Lansing was appointed first ltoutouant ]ud adjatant in the Seveniy-flfth New [Jfork olunteors, and served for somo tlmo. He studied iw, and In 1809 returned to Brooklyn and entered !pon the practice of his profession in this i city. Shortly after locating here he was elected Dopau^r moht Commander of the Grand Army. He took an sjotlve Interest la political matters, and. in 1878 was prominent in the Liberal Republican movement. l b 1,874 ho was appointed Chief Clerk in the Police Department, and held the position for several years, lp the Presidential campaign of 1876 he was yory jctlve, speaking frequently and to large audiences every part of the city. Asa e tump speaker. Colo- jel Lansing was forcible and eloquent: jpt lato rs ho has devoted himself to his profession, and built u p a large and lucrative practice. Colonel using was twice married, his second wife surviv- him. He leaves a son, who is ono of the pro- roprlotora of tbe Clarendon Hotel. I >mothing hap- alls about the 1 side& CAP- produced o y a of the opinion wall of water came pouring' cpbid reborer oyer the stern tain and all on cling to the verboardV Im- lielxig&i^y^ia of Honnjfaia Heicrht, .:/'Henr^'-..B^^>g;.;:Mira^ Story ytnifr ; Mejm^'Like/aHantical Eo- -.- manco. '''I//'"|../'-: ;;• : Captath Sayles]o^Thomastoni.Md,commanding the ship SL John of that port, arflveil In the harbor to-day with his vessel .and elghteonj men all safe, after the mjst rematjkable experiance they ever passed through in aH:thelr" , 3iye& i i 7 o'clock on miles from Bwldyh^uijd lh f rbin Liverpool, driv- ing along on the port tackunder mllzeh lower top- sAllSj^attker, main jtopsail, malhlupper topsail, xorotopsaa-^ a d'jih:{;^' r hoi^'''9ae; fcus blowing at the time and tie 'gijifc^;^, the inmtovroyal yard were loosened.! H^enry. Brown, one cTthe sailors was sent aloft to secure the sail, and 4ad worked .his way lh well towards' tHe'HjJSst when . pened that hea^cosihl^ his life. v. Bour.;. great •wavesyrosi.'up like ship and came down/ou ^fer from tdln Sayles thinks the effect w tidal :wave.- ©Hiors on tho ship i that a rwhlte squall caught her. .tharre'ached as high is the forey. oyer.'ttiiii bow, and before the shi another, wave ibquAllyhigh swep and tore ralohg her djsck. The deck had to broco themselves at] rigging or -they would have gone medlatelyafterward a great waveSstruck tho star- board side and carried tho vessel on her beam enda.-^'-The cargo of salt ta bags tras-well stowed fifl,^b^:':^^^^i<fij^^^t^n^im .last, of tha St. John. As the vessel lay oh tx61 beam ends the last great wave struck her on ti > port' side aud righted her with a force that n ode her timbers jfK^l^vii^^^lf^^^'ft^W^^ i«ht and dived down headforemost again with a J rk that snapped the main topmast off at the 1 " can - As that fell it broke the.mlzzen royal mast, whii h was oonhected with! ItI'by braces ahdetays, offahoi t ajbd the weight of;-tbe : Wreck'also carried, away tup fere royal and top gallant yards, whlbh fell one: Iant forecastle. The vessel also Bpanker'bobni' : ": /.'/i: ..;/ : .-*' ., By what''seems almost a miracle Brown, who was on-tbie'main roy feet above the deck, was pitched cl|ar oyer the yard, but seized the maia royal stay, wtth .a death grip. As~the wreck feU he swung far |ut oyer the port side and into the waves, but tho Vessel righted on her keel Just at that tjlme-ahd h| swung lo board again and alighted just aft of the deck houses. The deckwas full of waterj up to the rail and the water brokeBrown's fall.;. B-e was almost unhurt and was able to be at'Work again the next c jay. ';. -, : -i ;LuckUy.the wreck .from aloft XoH oa tho dock, in- stead of dragging alongside, j Tr. jo crew spent the reot of tho day In clearing away, |he ship proceed- ing under staysajls..: ;" //'/;/': J''•///'.'•''-.'•'; < . THE. COURT CALeisiASS., on thefopgal- rriod away hor o one waa hurt •• yard; sixty-five Cases t o l>e C a l l e d r » r T r i a l i u t b e Courts To-morrow.! CrnctnwCk»rrET---Bartlett, J. J.; .PartfE^rNos, 749^ Crulkshan Hayes vs. DenslbwManufActurln ve; Electric Light': CoJ: 860,'McCi third: street R. R>, 800, OsbOri Insurance'Co.; 874; Carter vs. B. C. Schaunlug vsi ScDleslugor; 878, JVan Parti: ;Ctdleo v vi Gorddh: 24, Co.; .TOTsOSayer 'rey vaTwenty- :e.-'va' New Tork R. R.'•:'• .863, Winkle vs. B. C. ft. R'; 901.T.Lynch'va'B. C:|S. R.: 894. «off vs. Lymanr ? 896, Fraum vs. Guraerinoimer; 884, Boy- Jan Vs. Sa'mmls; 465, Roberts ts. Town, of New Utrecht: 918; Qillott vs. Redlich3 899. Heinemaan vs. Wine Exchange; 871,. Crane jrs. Hermaas; 815, King vs. Forgo Co.; 612, Samuels|vs. Brewing: Co. Highest number reached. 919.• ':: . i . v COOET OP SESSIONS—Moore. ,.T.-|William. Hender- son alias Patsey Carroll, burglarysand grand larce- ny; Peter J. Euglishaila-» Peter Jllnglts^ grand lar- ceny and assault 8 Crrr CODRT—Part L. Chief Judte Clement Part TLv/'Judge Van , Wyck—Nos. E05,'. Russell vs. JlaUbews, N. D. May'2; 655 Blown, admrx., vs. Smith; 456, Perry vs. Gibbons; 65S, McLeer vs. Joel, N.;D-May4; 566, Murphy vs. H4sau; 592, Tucker vs. Baxter; 672, Corcoran vs. Terrenco, N. D. -May 2; 674, Brainard vs. Luckenbax t ; 680. Traoy vs. Dobbins, N. D. May 2;.631,.-Conn iy vs. Hyde; 565, Rogers va. Schtnk; 631. .Stewart vt Kntckenlng; 651, Brooklyn Bank vs.Lamou; Kelget hauer vs. 687,City, of Brooklyn; 688. Schoenfelder vsj Peuser,N. D. May 2; 691, Hoimesi vs., Atlaniio avenue Railroad Com- pany. N. D. .May 2; 695, Gibson vi Macy, N. D. May 2: 607. Andrews vs. McCaun; 653 Goes vs. Kiefer; 638, Ulrlch vs. Splra; 700, Jacot s vs. Effrass; 701, Bloch vs. Galloway: 702, Smith rsl Halstead; 703. Dixou vs. Wurglea: 704, Lovell M). LItchdeld; 705, Hughes vs. McCullougn; 706j K ighes vs. McCul- lougbt 708, Frederick vs. Wi(tgi*>; 708, Smith vs. New Williamsburgh and FlatbasH KaUroad Co,; 709 Mon'ahan vs. Robbins' 710,' Waljtot -w. Co.i 711, Burns va.Osboru; 112,Tralicb vs.! node A;'tiZ Schoea va'Brod. "•'•'-.'. • r ; .". : ."'• • SPECiAh Tgnsf—Judge Osborn^-Nos. M0, Boujj- ards va Hermans. . : "i \\'•-. •': • • - : » ' 1 ".-• ••'"'' C03PLAEXTS OF THREB pATKlAHCBS..' •' Tltoy Pour Tbelr «rlevi&»ces Into the Cbarities Commissioners' Ears* ' tva l!t Doesn't P a y to Say So to a JFadffe. . .—; - :. •' j A few days ago Policeman v Prieli of the Ninth Precinct, while patroltng his post in the neighborhood.of. DoKalb and Tompkins|avenues, heard the rap of a club in the hands of j^some one evidently calling for assistance. He discovered James Johnston, a night watchmth, injtheactof again tapping the sidewalk.. John ston w as intoxi- cated and Friel u took him in." The former de- nied the charge before Justice Kenn i next day, and the trial was set down for this morning. When Friel had told his story, the def >ndan; toot the stand in his own behalf. . u Were you drunk when arrested,", askel Justice Kor.ua. '• No, air. I was as sober as a»Judge," replied John- ston. Then finding that his answer wa \ not.as it should have been, he added, " I was sn sober as anyone." . He was fined tsL . 4 r— .-'/••: TBS STBBKTClKAMSOQUSSTIDSf. The Board of Estimate -will meet on Friday r i m i n g for the purpose of fixing anamou)nt* to be taken from the Revenue fund for u-e regular street cleaning appropriation forj rent year. This appropriation is $160,000, j supposed that the Board will sot aside- Revenue' fund an amount sufficient to j the total of the lowest bid for 1887, namely, Messrs. Cranford & Valentine are the loWest bid- ders. Tho contract wUi run for three y JOTS and ample provision will bo made for it from year to y$ar by the Board of Estimate. The removal ot ashes is Included. : : v.. .. -— i ;— * .-'..-.. c : ' : -' An'ABBIKO A WATKB C05TBACT, with the the cur- .nd It is from Its make up $280,000. DOES tint WANT TO ^IE. AW'ogid be Suicide DiscbATffed by Sun* ..*.;' l i c e E c n n a . ; /-" . •ie- «". :- ' J. i' i . • I , . When the case pgainst Henry Nold, of 253 Floyd street, who was arrested on the 1st instant by j Detective:Brady for attempting to take his own Uto by swallowing a dose of Rough on iRata, was called ' by Justice Henna to-day, tho prisoojer walked moek- ly to the bar. The officer stated that ho had- no proof, against the accused and that the prisoner's wife would not appear against her husband. Justice Henna was reluctant to discharge Hold, and asked: " Have you any injclitfatlon now to'take your life ?" M Was Is dot ?•" sa|d the prisoner. |; '/ " Do you want to Idle ?" remarked' Justice Henna, trying to make Noljil understand. 1 .'.: . UNot so long liko 1 liye,"came tho answor quickly. He was discharged, j f i —i.- * ..• '.-; > VAN DOLES!PLEADS OCILTY. '^ ; The Evidence ;iAc*ainst tbe Former Real Estate A<?ont Conclusive. . Thomas Rhind and John 0^ Oswald, who pleaded not guilty!to a charge of grand larceny in the second degree, wltb^drow their pleas 'this morn- ing In the Court of Sessions and pleaded guilty to grand larceny in the'third degree. Frank Lynch, Indicted on a slmllhr Charge, also pleaded guilty to grand larceny laJ the third" degree. GarrehtW: Van Dolen, formerly a.Jprosperous real estiite agent, tho story of whose downfall has been published in the EAGLE, pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery In the third degree. .[".' '/"":•::.'-. : ':'. :,' : ./'/-iv The prisoners were then romanded for sentenced' : The Trustees of thejTiUage of Jamiaca met last evening and awarded woha Lockwood a contract for supplying the vUlagje with wa.ter for fire and domestic purposes. The village is to be provided with 100 Are hydrants at an annual expense Of $2,000. The company Is to lay elxmues pf water mains and establish a pumping station and reservoir. The cost to private consumers is to bo the samo as the rate of tho City of Brooklyn. BUBXZD TO DKATH. Thomas Byan, 33 years of age, was burned to death at his residence, 201 Ninth stre< it, at 10 o'clock this morning. -Ryan was Intoxicate land sat down by a hot stove. : He wept to sleep and : feU on', the stove. There he was found almost dead by a member of the family. An ambulance wu sent for but the man was dead before it arrived. The Coro- oner was notified. ...... ^ WIFE .10. 1 BAILED. Mrs. Mary McFadden, nee Larkin, t he first and original wife of the young bigamist, Mo Madden, who was 1 committed yesterday' by Justice Naoher with his second wifo on a ohargo of bigamy, was this morning admitted to bail on a charge of as- sault made by the second wife. I' . PISTOL PBACTICR OS GRAND STBEM. Henry Haffner walked along Grandj street this mornlDg with an unsteady gait'and discharged indiscriminately the contents of' several chimbe rs of a revolver. Offloer Lynch arrested him and ho was flued $3 by Justice Naeher. The revolver, was loaded with blank cartridges only* ;;/iVi'' '. "•— •— — ; / - ' : ./ j -.'-,.-/'• FSLLOrPA UOBSE. '"'/; Andrew Bedell, 18. years of age, [of 111 Hall street, foil off a horse on the bridge carriage- way yesterday afternoon, and received can ugly lacerated wound. Ho was takon to his home In' ah ambulance.-. ":"'- ''-"••:• /.'•:•*.'• "'.••'''•''."•..'• -''-.I- / ' »/. -,:: » . ,-';- ; ..'•- f. .•'•-.;•/,-. A DISBOXKST CLKBK SKKTEXCBD.i •"•/-/' A DUEL WITH BUTCHEUS' KMIVES. Frank Eello and Oassar Mararo h^d a quar- rel in the house, 47i Crosby street, New/York, lost evening, which ended in a duol with butcher knives, ThQ>police arrived; in tlmo to, prevent mnrder., They found Kollo bleeding from ai'gosh la his;left shoulder and a debp incised wound In'the right thigh.-' Ho was- taken ' to the hospital. Justice Duffy held Marazo to await tho result of injuries Inflicted on RoUo.' | '•'•..••../•',: //-j/':: '•:/.,'/ -•/,:-.'. ti.*—p—•» / :•• iti :.v-/-'- v ': ... AH PMHS.OW5- HAK PYIKO. Lost evening an nnlmown man* was found in an unconscious condition on the: South Central Pier, Atlantic Dock. B e Was- taken to St, Peter's Hospital, where tho docter said he was suffering from a congestive chill. At 8 o'clock' this -morning he was still nhcons^loua.' .He WUl probably die. AH .that is known of him is that ho worked oa a coal bhatmAtmn^cBasin. " ; V.':A./^' v .'•;•'>/•••'; : v/ SOME 1S1NOB ACCIDENTS. Michael JX Cailtillon, of 779 ; 'iBQcks street, j had his foot cruahod by apiece of iron, at Board's Stores yesterday.' "1 :...'•.'. '/.•/•;.:' ; ' : /•'.'.•'.: ' / - ; ' '• William Blrchell,*of 49 Douglass street, a painter. by occupation. felK from a scaffold in Rapelyea! street yesterday, and fractured the, drum of his right ear. - , f • / > / : . ' .*'. "* | '*> Apanof hot ashes set llre'toPiggo& Bros.'stablo floor, In Pacific street, last night. The flames Were extinguished promptly.: /•;-../•.'. . ." .-.'•'. ••:.• • : ..•.;, '.'..• . ' I - ' '"-•' THE STltlKISG CABPENTEUS. A The Jkeontivei''.Committee'.of triei"carpenterB on strike/state thai they aro losing no ground. There are flfty-one ^eh .out.'-. The'master' carpeh-' tors aro still active in tholr endeavors to Induce tho bossesvjho are outsido tholr organization to join them and Inaugurate a general lockout of the men to whom they are. paying the. price. It is ram.o.rau.; that tho bo ssoa' organization will dlseolvo to-night - V.-'- .' Jf— . m . ''"'•': . '! N: -..::<liOSTilK'THBWO0D8.H/''': : Bobert Follmefy a clerk, stole $3 ontj of the money drawer of his employers, Jacobs & J.ompko, J . . Yesterday: v afteirhodn ai ; 3. year, old pon 6f WUHtfm Barthei; of "Vviest Deer Park,, was allowed to gf>Into the wood'Sfto'play. '.That'was tno lost seon of hlm r ' Mr..B^h : S^^d:-'.h^';.hfli'gh'bp'rR searched- all nls-h't for the boy^ and/this morning the. hews of bisdlsappoaranco^as telegraphed io neighboring villages./'. : -.-':',.•,///')/:''•"' A/:''/'-.'\ ; '.'{'.;.,,*j• '>;;,••'//:'. / TH«i ^OMPLAJ/KAHT D l B \ K 0 T APPBAB; v ; T h e t U n i o u E l e v a t e d S & a i l r o a d C o m p a n y •'••' LoslnirXittleXinie. ' ,.•' Work on Hudson 4tvenue, between Fulton street and Park .avenue, has been commenced by the Union Elevated Railroad Company. There are aboutslxty men at work on that section. All of the toundatiotis have been placod on Flatbush avenue and the iron "work will bo put up there as fast as possible. The road will be probably in operation next Fall. It is evidontly the intention of tho Union Elevated Hallroad Company to have their line in. operation as far as tho Long Island Kailroad depot some tlmo during the "Summer.'to take in-as much as possible of the Summer traffic and to get ahead of the Kings County Elevated Railroad Company, which to all appearances will find their jway com-' pletejy barred by the: Union Elevated Railroad crossings. '-• / • / ' ' ••./•/' / . . *•• / ' - : WANTS TO BE FAIR. C o l o n e l C n l y e r W l t b d r a t v s fi£is D e m a n d - for 1 Dr. X.cicrlaton's Resignation* Colonel Cnlyer, a member of the committee^ of the.Central Grammar School, sent a letter to-day, to Postmaster Hendrix, the chairman of the com- mittee, withdrawing, his. consent to the resolution: requestingtho resignation of Dr. Leighton, prlnol-, pal of theschool.. ' / / ':•:•. '',;'}.?•"'/! - : Mr. Hendrix refused to make the lottor public, i Colonel Culyer said that his motive was to obviate any Inconsiderate action dn/hls part He doesn't; know.enough about the case to pronounce Judge- ment, and he took this :step to place himself in a fair..-.-'attitude--both toward the committee and Dr. Leighton.',. .... - . : . ;/'•' -:• '< •,/;-. • .;-v. : •••'' •/' . "•'.' '•• '.; ' ' . ' ' m . : . . ' . - " SCHOLAItS LOYAL TO DB. LEIGHTON. , | •. •, > .. - - T - J*. , To the Editor of. the-Brooklyn Ragle:'.'••.••/.' .] From the EAGLE of the 19th inst., I see that only-seventy of the'pupils of tho: Central School are represented as being loyal t9 Dr. Leighton. I am sorry that this mistake has boen made. It Is prob- ably due to my omitting to hand you tho names of a ilthepnpilB who signed the petition. Tho time as so limited: that only one fourth of the school c >uld be canvassed, of this two hundred, a large n ajorlty, signed. W1U you -kindly rectify the mis- U .keas'sobn as possible, and oblige, A.CBNTBAL SCHOOL GIE>, l,lfJ4 Paclflcjstreet, BKOOKLYN, AprU.20,1887. . Emily 'Hedyeni a middle aged married woman, ot 49 VarOt street, was"arraigned for. the second ^imo.; In - a year before. Justlce'Naeher this n orning for eating morphine in large quahtitfes. 0 a the |flrst : occasion she vjas committed fjor six n onths, ;but hor imprisonment did not seora to euro hpr of the habit. Sho was again committed to-day. husband was a rich Dresden merchant.' She well educated. ::i ." ;: : :\,--: : /--: /.•:'••••'.- ".--•> ij'-':-'"'.- '-.";}'.•- ;:.. ' . " . ': 'm —. '. ',:•.••-;.- -..' '. V: '•':"• TB.K MASTEBTOH WILL CASE. ,v Ber 3 is TWO HOURS OF BITTER SPEaKlMG, ten T n r o . G . A . B , Conaniauders Set- it Jed Their Differences on tno Floor. I '.- '••- " r '•• A week ago the drum and cadet corps of Mansfield Post, G. A. R., gave ah entertainment and reception. The name of- Commander Henry B. Davis had been omitted entirely from the. pro- gramme and he folt sliphtod. He accused Past Com- mander Martin Short of having purposely made the omission In order to insult him. Hot words ensued aud the two parted In anger. Last night there was a crowded meeting of the Post, as it had be- come known that the two commanders would argue their differences. They were not disappointed,, ai|d for over two hours opeechos-tlnged moire or leis with bitterness, were Indulged In. Finally they advanced toward each other. When thoy reached the center of the room thoy—shook hands. A LEAKING GAS 8UIN. I d C a u s e s G r a v e Dangrcr in Two Great :..i.:/.••".--..: Teneipeiits.' I.NVETEBATE HOBPHlHE EATEB. ^eheajringintne.contest over the'will of jihn H. Masterton was continued in the Surrogate's C >urt to-day. 'The evidence for the proponent, iMns. Augusta' Masterton, 'was continued. ..Edward G. V illiams, of 141 St. .Marks avenue, was examined; 1 he drift of his evidence showed that,Masterton ,w w a moral man andobserved all the amenities'of a reputable mode of Ufe. .'•-•/•/ -...-. '•••••:•. ' / v / • ! / KJilGHT AflAWST KNIGHT. No settlement has; yet /been arrived at be;- t*een District ttb. i36,/Bi o5t^^ £ , represehting 1 - the ei aployea In Higgihs' carpet factory, on Forty'ijhird stfreet, New York, and District No. 49,nor does there' any prospect; of, ah amlcable.airangement. men who still cling to No/49 reniam out] and places are being slowly.filled by the; firm. ''/. ' T ie) tlelri / : /8TBI0KeS';WITB. PARALYSIS.;'/ .;:'^/.'-: fiev; T. T. : .-B^-Eeid',-;,colored,:v'pf--; JaniaicaV- whsfltrlcken with paralysis oh Tuesday evening;! The! stroke wassligbt, and to-day:';he Was.'abie to sit up fl|o has had a. hard timo of it In his prosent obarge, fforlng at times, for the necessaries - of life, but laltterly he : has received reUef from' his: white brethren/'.. ' . . ' / . . ' .:•'•-• '.;. ; ; i-'"- . ' ' - .•>.-'•'... '.'' '/•.!>;• •'••Tv'.-.',.-'-- ! '.*'.':• TOCABBZON BDSINE8SIX KISG8 COUNTY, A. oertificate/xjf incorporation ..of the New Ybrk Isolated Accumulator; Company;.to. cairri.bh busioess oporatioue in tho counties of Kings and ^estcheatoivahd the City and County of ^New York, filed at Albauy.onTues'da'y.//./;::/.'!'::/v:7/- ; /'! wtai THE SMALLPOX BECORD. Leonard Kloss, iyears-old, of 206 Meserole BtreetV Louts Goet?, 14 years; old, of 35 Moore street, &«&G«^^ suffering ^ro : ^0^^^^peK^^^^-^t^o^^-i Wsh Hospital yesterday. - "j-., !''••:.'•'.':—-.• •* . r~ •.! ' _ ' -'•'!•"• ?f!e$$ STEAMBOAT 0FP1CE8SBLKCTED. JThe'Htmtingt6ift7 -Nbrwatt/aiQdyBndgepoJrit' SfcambpatiC^mp'ahy: .eleoted!th;e '•'•foHO'WJnVbillc'erBj'' Charlei.P.'Holmes,^ president;^^ : !JoMph;,LrWta,! vtep; .nJoRldent: iDbuKlaa'CohM The gas main buret between the two tall ten- ements, 1,621 and 1,634 Second avonuo, New York, and the gasleaked into both tbe houses while mos ; of tjtfe tenants wore all ia bed last night. Mrs. Griffin^the wife of Broundsman Griffin o: •the" Eighty-eighth street police squad seutlherttwelve year old son William intb-the cellar with a pail of asUos. He ignited a. match and a great explosion. •' followed. The boy was badly burned about the face and hands. Most of the tenants were stilled into iu'sbnslbllify and had to be carried out Of the house by neighbors. ~ All escaped with their lives. V , I'/' ; MRS. MCRPHY WAS LATE J - And the Court Gave Her a Lecture on •!'•//;. Punctuality. ',-/ |drs. Mary Mnrphy of 24 Heyward street, was to have appeared in Justice Naohor's' Court this morning to answer a charge ot assault made by ;MrsV Mwry Hughes who resides in the same tene- ment Mrs. Murphy,'Offlcer Sullivan stated, pulled Mrs. Hughes' hair out. and pummeled her face. Thb defendant did notput In an appearance until 'nearly 10 o'clock,and when asked for an explana- tion she replied, "Musha, me clock Is snlow.« "You must be always punctual in this life, Mary," said the Court. "I havea mind to lock you up for not having been here earlier. You can go but bo here at 9 o'clook sharp, Saturday morning." - " " ' : . ' ! J / ; . , / TBE WET DAI TIME TABLE. • On; Monday last the so called "wet day tlmo taJJlef" was put mto operation by the Brook-, lyn; ! City Railroad Company, The new/ arrange- ment, which had been recently agreed upoii he- fweien the Executive', Board of District Assembly 75. and President Lewis, of the Brooklyn City Railroad Company, means simply that a number of cars will, be taken off on Inclement days during hours when, •travel Is Ught. The drivers "and conductors are-to receive full pay—\hat is, for straight runs $2 and n.66 for trippers. : .••'-•""'•••.-'. •:/ :.'/'t/-' W$ CUABGED WITH A SSBIOBS OPFENSEV A man^ named^ W^lstead was arrested in ;Far Eockaway this mornihg on .the charge of ,* brutally assaulting Bridget Kane, 15 years old.. Welatead hadan'acfeoinpHceWhO'has not been apprehended. Miss E ^ e says she was proceeding along the high- way at 8 'o'clock last evening when the two\ men seized "her and dragged her Into ah old bara At the time the glrl'a sister was looking, for her, and hearing cries she hastened to the.barn in tlmo to resc'ue'Brldgefc' ;''../"*.'<'/:/ •"' ///.'":'-. : . : < - ; . . . . - , * ; ; * ' . ; . - , TO LOOK OUT FOB BOB TEAL.' / The Charities Oommissiofcers had their hands full to-day in disposing o numerous oases which came before them for Judj menun J. Perelra, a man of 70 years, wanted eupi ort from his four jsons. He is a crank and Issepat ited from his wife. Two of the^sons live a t 131 Nortl Portland avenue jaacVtwo in Jersey City. They lecided to pay 00 jcentis each per Week for their fat: or'a board. John Stoddard, 61 years of age, stated ie had three eons, jehe. a pointer on Fulton avonuo, near the car 8 tables, one! in the Fire Depart mi utjEiudpne on the 'police force. He does not live with his wife and the sons refuse him support on account of his alleged disgraceful conduct toward tho another. His case lffreferred,td the counsel of the I oard. i James Quigley, a man of 60 'ears, complained agalabt his son, James: Qulgley, Jr., a sterekeepe^ in the employ of the Government, because of his dissatisfaction with ttie son's couiluct In supporting his aged blind mother in law at lis house, 11 Boli- var street, where he has also ket t his father tor a long time. ItisaUeged that the >ld man, failing la his attempt to have tho mother ,i! I - law ejected,.last Sunday had notices defamatory <f bis son's charac- ter posted around' tho nolgh bortjpod. ,. He now asks thatthe son be compelled to support him. Counsel will tako charge of the cose. ' ; ' "' '•••.'•' , A GASTROXOMIC JPEAT: Set Avide a P7I m Jadge Gullen has rendered a decision an- nulling the deeds of conveyance from Josephine Hnsson to Thomas T. Busson. They were husband and wifo and.reslded at East Jamaica. Years ago, When Mr. Hussou was la 'financial trouble, he con- veyed all his real estate la this city and. Jamaica to bis wife and the' title remained in her name for a long time. -'- In 1884 M rs. Hussoa reconreyed the property to her husband, who then proceeded to make his will. Ho died soon after, , The will gave very groat dissatisfaction. to the heirs. The widow was left barely enough to live.On. A clause in the testament disinherited any child who should con- test St. To got around this the dissatisfied children's counsol bit: "upon the novel*plan .of attacking the conveyances from Mrs. Husson to Mr. Husson, and W t was brought to annul the deeds on the ground that at tho timo of - their execution and prior there- to and ever after Mrs. Husson was of unsound mind. When this suit came on for trial first Mrs. Hussou was exhibited in court a speechless, foolish para- lytic. She has since,died. The effect of Judge Oullen's decision is to nullify Mr. Husson'* will en- tirely. The: deeds of the property which ho be- queathed being. nuU and void he was literally a pauper.- After Mr. Hussou* acquired the property ho Sold soveral parcels and donated a site for a Re- formed church at UoIUee. . A BULL FIGHT Which Edified a Very > Crowd. ' Large "There ^Were ITo Toreadors on Haad, bat the Animals Hade Hatters Lively Enottsrh | Without Them. ^/; - Pedestrians passing through Herkimer street, near. Schenectady avenue, last evening imagined for a time -that they, had been silently lifted up by some fairy and set down In sunny Lis- bon, the capital of Spain, while a bull fight was in progress. It Is true there were no toreadors' with their gleaming blades and gay, fluttering ribbons but there was a bull fight aU the same, and It was as desperate a fight as ever sprinkle 1 hot blood over the arenas in the ancient city of the Moors, The' cifowd, too, embraced, everybody In the neighbor- hood, including men, women, children and babies, and it took as much interest in the combat as though It had paid a high price of admission to see the show. / v The two animals belonged to H- Bloch, a cat? tie dealer,'of 150 Maujer street, and they were onj their way from Flatbush to the slaughter house in Johnson avenue. One buU was big, with long, rakish boras, tito other was small, with very, short horns. Bloch.and his men tried to separate the animals but could not succeed in their efforts, and the .roaring of the Infuriated beasts, the Shouts of the, drivers of the herd aud the loud crl^s of the excited multitude, combined to make as big a hub- bub as that locality has experienced for years- : The people formed a big ring round the beasts. The lajtter attacked each other viciously and locked andi Interlocked their horns and probed them through each-other's tough hidea Finally, the larger bull drove his horn deep In the smaller bull aud the latter, with a rear Of pain and rage, as.uk exhausted aud was left in a dying cohdltlou by Bloch aud his men, who continued their way to the slaughter house, driving tho victorious »bull ahead of them. Bloch was arrested this morning and taken beforo Justice Kenna ou two complaints, one charging htm with not having a permit to drlvocattio through the streets and tho other with cruelty to animals. Bloch pleaded-guity to the first charge and was fined $5. He will be tried On the other charge a week hence. . v - HONEY HAKKST. Exchange F i r m — R a i l r o a d Earaiaga. S t o c k * G e n e r a l l y Strong-. WAIX STBBST, April 20 -3 P; TL sales of bonds' this afternooa the Among were: AtchCol iPac 1st Al&Pacioo 34a S4}» Piitl 4 Ohio 5s .... 11» ChtStl^&KO 6s 117 OSn S J Isa .107 Cne«&Oaio Ptir fand.113 Donv iKio&4» 79« Dot M & iliir L G.53Xa. !;3 'A KMtTona 6J.'. ..... -.-.:. 10:»k Erio 2d oon 101% ilOljJ Orsnd UUndlgt KM .108«iN T Obi 4 St X. l»t.. Northwest ext ..... NorPacitio div Nor Paoino 2nd SflMttWM, New Jar So 1st ....... North Carolina 6s ... .. Orseon Short Line laU.Hlo % Orunoa Imp 1st... U6 Oregon Nav &* .......... lUiJi Orrfgon Trans 6S-. I'M SI* 100 U3 Creep Bay ino *5>ii -46S Pennies IQHii Gait Ool & S F 2nd 10-J4 Pooria & Pek Un 1st... . 112J$ UuifCol ASan Kol-*l..l21J4lPeorialstKvdiv 110 Hous & T lit W..102^alU iShenandoah 1st lifti SookinK Valley con. .. i'J% tjh«nindoaii g ra..51!< i &2>i Tntomatioml 1st 12) 'Kansas Pao Don 117 Kan Pao'lat..'...^' .113 Lou X A i f l oon... .95a 9(1 Lpnz Island Ga 113 >4 St Paul term mat 104Jial04% StPOhiAPac 5s 10rf>4 ToxPao ino. (S2% Tex Pao Rio 75# l'ol Ann A r i N M t e . 9.) Dec t&TOO Seven StcakM, Some . P i EgK« and a Cup tatoes, < Ei^ht t Coffee. Amotog the -bootbhicks wh< the pedal coveringa of local i>oi uatedcolored youth whose'pro excelled by his abilities as a g« day ho mado a wager with a <*oo restaurant that he could eat Small measure of potatoes a t a s shed luster on ticians Is an attea- asa shiner Is a tronome. Yester- ln a neighboring seven steaks and a I ting. ; • .• •* Not If I select and cook thty steaks," said the coot';:. :/'}l -'.•/';..- ;••: : -. i^Yes, you can choose -'o grull and cook it, too; and by golly I can eat urn," said the darkey. Thb cook, thinking he had a j are thing, selected several of the toughest steaks thLt over were served anil subjected them to. a proccj a of trying which was calculated to add to their tb lgbness. The dar- key sat down to too spread, surrounded by his backers and the friends of; tho j »ok. Be finished the meal In fifteen minutes and took as his dessert „oight oggs and a cup of coffee, wl ich tbe discomfited cook made "him'-pay for out of ti e money he won. n A DISCREET AJJD JUS1 VERDICT. j. i j ' Judgre BarUett'W Tribdt > to a Circuit 'i';•' '•'-•' Cojtrt Jury •l«.:v- : -'-—:—-—— . The'suit of Kndolph Sch:oidt against.ithe Broadway Kailroad Company wi s concluded In the Circuit wart this mornihg, the Jury returning a verdict for the plain tiff for *3,0(X . The' action- was t9 recover damages for Injurie: recelred. On the night of August 10,1884, a ear < n the dsfendantls road, at Von Sindoron avenue a id Broadway, was struck by a train oa the Long Ial md Railroad. The car *as•smashed, one man; klUt 1, the driver hurt and the plaintiff, Schmidt, who i as one of the pas- sengers, had two ribs broken. I was claimed that some subsequent physical troi hie resulted from the injuries' received. When- c >unsel for the de- fonse moved for a stay, ponding au appeal, Judge Bartlett said he would grant ttie stay for thirty days! but he' thought the verdidt was very discreet and Just. Counsel took the stayj however, In spite of ttiiacold comfort. For tho pie Inttff, JSlmmerraan & Jacobs; for the defense, Moo e, Low & Wallace. F10R THE WESTERN S0L*IERS» HOME. Pleasant Entertaiuui out Given I:: Plymouth CUurcb Sun day School. Mr. Le wis Balch, Secretary of the State Board of Health, has notified health officers through- out tne State to bo on tho lookout for bob veal,which is being 'shipped from the' oountry to tiie larger cities to he used as ."sausage meat," "canned chicken,"'etc.""-The order directs,the Immediate solzuieof aU,suohjcohtrabandmeat. - ' ..'v':^. JflSS:BAtt- WANTS HKtt TBTJSK. ''-'; WiSB Annie Ball applied to Clerk Jonas 11. Farrington, of JustlcoKhlnehart's court, tbia morn- ing, jfor: advice, .'as: to' hbw'she should ^proceed'"•to Obtain possession of hor trunk,whicli In dotalnod by her ejt-boardlbg mistress, '»ra> .p8bbrn-,\'of 99 South Fourth street, to whom sho admitted being indebted for a^fow/weekstbaard..: Aa her good clothes are; In tho trunk ebe is anxlouo to got it She was told the proper step to take. _ j r, ; ^^' : ; : '^/^''•H6WABD ; WAS>OT:^llEB«i'v';^•: : '.-^. / .. 'Charles N. Howard; a merehahtj living at 13 South: Portlaud.' a,vonue,, caused' the ; artest^of Bertha. Hall, a colored woman, who had beeu om- ployed by bim as a domestic. Ho alleged that ahe hadsWlenvaiSi silk handkerohlef, but .When the: The prisoner : was .discharged and was advised to euo Howard for false Imprisonment, *' v.." •-'•-'-v5' ••'::!-:"•-:"•": .... •' :: ^ •' \ •' :.^' : : ..-'C- •••:-, ^''. : ^ ;•:', : :4ti- T0.BKVR0 v KiI>-'0LOyE-'APE*lB::-'; : Th^eicase"oflj^0^6t^^^^^ta^ff^:jj0^f^; presented to the..authorities of;the Stato at a moot- ing lb Masonic Hall, Now York, at 10 o'clock vo- morrpw;' m orn I ng. •-\M ravSophrbhla' .;.. ^^frwlchbll, :;«rho, >haslbst-none of '• her aggression'and defiaucb,.says: •'th'isils'.to; be no-ftd'glove'affair, -.AVV-pron'.bso.:t6:':' preseht hard-facts." •'_• ' ' .. : -•- 4 ;•'• ..'-'i.MAY.-'EPRECT.A'.StTTIiEMEST,' An entertainment tinder th ; auspices of the Plymouth Young People's A*so nation was given last evening in "the Sunday BChoo room of Plymouth Churehforthe benefit of. the \ Western Branch of the Soldiors' Ilomo at Leavenwc :th, Kan. Misi E. King, 1 made hor debut as a voce 1st and acquitted herself creditably. She sang 'In Autumn" and " Kockaby Lullaby," a song writtsn by her father. Mr. Qjjorge Werrearath sang '•'*' The Two Grena- diers,]' "The Song of the Cam >» and ••The'-Star Spangled Banner."' Others whe took part In jthe progrimme wereMr. T. : L. Doye,.AIx. Ai J. B|ou- Wick, Miss Kitty Cavacagh and |Mr. J. M. PearsaU. '•." f. •'•V •'.-'• ; . ' ••"'- •'''." . : . '•*• SANGU1.NAUV MH. ;0HE.V. Adfaiph Cohen, of:; 141 Not Ji.Fourth street, charged Simon Cohen, ot 191 Bed ord avonuo, before Justice NaoUor this morning w th threatening to Btrikehlm with, a bottle and ust: g the words, .^I'll WpS<*i;^ ; Adolph^s better feellc j gained the mas- tery a i d he withdrew the oomph lot, but Simon was sent td tho Inebriates' Homo on a charge of habitual drunkenness. ":• .•,."•:".'.'",.;'• HELD IN $10,000 Faul.Walter, who is charge i by ; Anna; Seif : farthVpf.345 Fifth street, l?ew Yo k, with carelessly > cruh'^^a:.bJoy..'n^'me4-.'vytillah . Grluheir,7,years old, between his truck and a telegraph' post in Fifth stroot, on April 16, causl ig lutornal hotnor- rtrngo and consequont deatb, wat hold for examina- tion ib $10,000. bail by Justice. Mi :rray to-day at Es- sex Market Court ' Ho claiins fiiat Itwasauacci- .de'ut: \-'-:'yi. ; : r . ; '';'v , ':'.:-.-:vift-'' ; TBElBEPtrBLlOAB EXECUrr E COUH1TTEE. i'^^.^^eWi^^fi^^a^^m >t.the ^^pft'Wii can General Committee organized last evening by tho olaMlon of B. H. Hobbs. au chairman and John Arnold as secretary. DBOWSED IU WOLl : LJ'-v": : -t>'> :1 ; . : : "'- : . r : ; Cnicj .o.'April 20^:188^ 'Thebody.ofCUarlesnaMiayollug man:Wcentiy from ifow. Jersey, was taken froj fi.Wblf ; l^ke this ihbrnlng;: About-- two wecJts ago] lialt;went.outaali* lihj obithb laie ; ^ MexicanCeu '.% 03a C2}i Tol ScLA KO 1st : .... WA MotKlovatedM ..113 lUnion Paclat...ll6J«»llCJi Mil4«ortberal8t ..... l(rH4 CniotrP&oSF llfta MRnliattunB'li Imp7B. ai>i|U S«)4S ..... 110>i Moui & Ohas'n 6s 104>i U S (U oou ...12aj< M« Kan 4 T g in...lO&»lU2*| West Shore ia Iu3>i * It is stated that Mr. Brexel, of Philadelphia,<will vote the proxies of foreign holders of Now York Central, amounting to Over 200,000 snares, at the annual mooting at Albany to-day. Exchange is firm at $4.86X for long and $4.88^ for short, mainly in consequence of a scarcity of commercial bills and the Canadian banks have ad- vanced ;thoir rate tor sixty days half a cent per pound sterling. '-.•" Railroad .earnings: Norfolk and Western, 2nd week, April. 'Bait., N. Y..and Piiila, 2nd week, April. IVnnsyl.'aaU.-.'Viarc.i eat., net; Waueliug snd K lin«, 2nd week, April, Wheehntf and It Krie, since January 1.. Siocks were quiet early this afternoon, and about the only feature was a rise in Richmond Termlnn! and in Erie. Alter 1 o'clock the movement wc' chiefly in th*e cOal stocks, but gradually'tho whol market Improged and the tone was strong between this hour and 2. •!'• *". Stocks were generally strong In the late trade and at.the close. '. Mouey loaned at 5 per cent, and at -<U and closed about i. .-,;' . .' '. •-•>? j - The following table shows the course of the stock market for thl* day: Opsnlax. Higbjjat. Lowost-Oiosmr ... 61X ... 8W Inc. $6,000 60o,"b66 2,934 39,871 65« ««. 8->*f van 13/>» 31 66» 34^ ,31* 135 . 97 MX 17 161 Brooklyn Elevated. Canad<an Paoiflo. C*OttU» Soaiaern Uentral Kew Jersey- .... Civoi.rai.Pa.cmo........^.. Cbau^nooca.... ClieoaDe&Xu iOUio ...... CUuu. * O a i o 1st ota .... cnoa. * Omo 2nd otd .... Cbioaro & Alton...,.- .... Cilio. liur. *Qaiacy. ... ciev. Col. 0. * ma.. Colorado Ooal ............ Ooauuiidatcd (j«„„ ... Ooiawarw Jj U a a s o n ..... Del. l*ok. * Western... Denver &,VUo iit-.tn0 e... f> JI QUI..-. 'Ji i'W-'r- •'.:'. .'('•• . . En-1 Tunnu.-4soe lai ptd.. Kast Tennossse 2ndpfd. m i u »• •>••••>*•••«•• •••••*• Erie pfd .................. Hooktog Valley Illinois Crural .......... lad. Bloom. X Western.. Lake JCfie^A W e s t e r n .... Lake Shore ............... Loiur Island. LOUIS»IIIO<£ Nashville... Mam.oba ................. ManUiittan HH.IUII. Mandattan£^a. Con ..... Mem'uais & Cnarleuten Micmgan Central Minn. * St. h.'........... -Mind. &St.U ofd. Mo; Kaa-^ Texas ...... -..'., Missour Pac Ho ...... ... hew York UeucrAt ........ N. y. Cmo. 4 St. Louis. N. ?. Ohio. <S St. L. ota.. K. y & Naw . .neiauo-. N.'y.Sos.* W........... H. y.Sus.* W ntd.... . honnwostem........ ... Northwestern ofdi ....... Wonnern Paoitte;.i ..... Morthern Pauiho om.. \j.)i ....... ............... C.ma a ...... ...; ...... ••. Omaha nfd .... , Ont A We.itern..., ..... , Orecou Nav ., .... , ...^., Oreeon Trans ...... Pacirio Mait .... i..' ...... i eons ................... i, Pullman .,.. Reading Richmond A Danville..; Rloamond Terminal..., Rook:ZHIand.-. Pl.L. & Saa Fran ........ Bt.L. ASan Fran.pfd... M I.. AiSan Kranlstpfd. 8t.PauI ........ M ....... StPaulpfd ....... :.„„ TeiasA Paolfib .... ; ..... Onion Pacino... Wabash ................... Wabash ofd. WesterotJmon....... ... 67 64J, 83 57 64 61« 67 /B4% 61J4 ml mm 5 ;mm DfPANTirj^ Aim BJSTH HnMOBS; EPElSDIKr ' V,; .'. '- .:<• 11 •>'>.•.]" ••'..' •:•,".:,:• OTXRED BY CPTICURA.' .'•'" •:'• ' ' ';'* •' \i] ' ' <'.•'.{ For Cleansing the Skin> and Scale- of Eirtu B tun ITS, for allayToe Itching, Burning aad InHammattoiw for otnritfg the first symptoms ot Eoieema, Puoriasia, Milk Oros , Soald Head, Scrofala and other inherited eldn an* blfod dis- oaeoa, CUTICUBA, the great Sldn CCRE, and CUTf- CURASOAP, as exquisite Skin Beautifier, '. externally, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, the now Blood parilior, tnternail"-, are mfallible. Ahsolntely pure. Now six years of a c e when an Infant six months cM. waa attacked with a virulent,' msJlgaanit skia disease. All or- dinar?remedies failing.wo called Our family pli rsieiaa, who attempted to cure It: bat It spread wttbj air tost in- credible r-.pidlty, nn til tho lower portion of the little fel- low's person, from the middle .of his back down to hta knees, was one solid rash, ntfiy, ps-infal, blotched and miilieioas. "We had no rest at njaThCa*:'feWP?',^^day. The physician did not know jthea, and does no; know now, what it was. Finally, we jwere advised to wpDT*-] CUBA RLMEDIES., Without the knowledge of onr physician, Z procured a box of CUTIC DRA and «• fake of OUTICDRASOAP. Theeffec* ! ' : ; •!- 1 >\ ' •V. ••• •:.:';•.' • ' . ' - I : 1 •':;- ( WAS SIMPLY MARVELOOS, o _ ' 'i ' •'' - Usia? the two louothor, first .vrasi':Ins hitn '.thonooKhlf with CTJTZOTJRA SOAP, thenanolntlnar. him ijrrtfc CUTX- CUR A. From fin first. application a change for t ie bet- ter appeared. Tao d .ctf-r slid we ha i no further i.oed of him and ceased his ria'.tt. In throe or four weeks a com- plete euro was wrought leaving the little fellow's person as white and healthy as though be had nov*r b len at- tackod. fumy opinion^ your valuable remedies sai ed hit life, and to-day he lafa strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no ror otition of/the disexse havinc evejr-oc< nrrod. You are welcome to Stoke anyuseiof this you may deem best. J ! QEOfcGLE B.-^MITE. i Attorney at Law and ex-Prosecuting Attorney Ash. land, O.. -••' • • K j ; I ; | .Reference: J. G. Weist, druggist, Ashland, O. CUTIOOBA. EKMEDIES | Are sold everywhere. Prices: CUTICURA, 60 SOLVENT, $1.00; SOAP, 2S'eentsl TER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. : SEND FOR "HOW TO CURE BKIN'DlSJEAStS.* ] BABY use CUTICURA SOAP, aa exqcisitely per tuned SKIN BEAUTIFIER \ "'...] conti Prepared py POl- Bostarw-Masj. TJHRUMATIO PAHSTS, kETJfc^&.dlCi £\j sciatic, sudden, sharp and norroas-pains and atrali ia relieved in one minute by tho CUTICURA ANTI PAIN PLASTER: warranted: At all <lraJarist«•, 25c.; tire for $1.00. POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO- Boston, s w ALTHAM WATOHBS : IN ALT.: THEIR GRADES.| IN THE COURSE OF THE PAST THIRTY YI 'J&fa ti I i ; '. ; i a«v-r WE HAVE SOLD MORE OF THESE" CEJJEBRATK 3 WATOHES THAN OF ALL OTHER -'jikMBR] OA! ? •WATCHESCOMBINED. * j ; THB SPECIAL GUARANTEEj GIVEN BY jJTHk lAMEElCAieWALTHAM-WATOk dOMpji: lENABLED UB^.IN EVERY INSTANGEi TO ASSJUR^ ^ENTIRE SATISFACTION TO OUR GUSTO: WE THEREFORE *t,OW. AB IN jTHJEiPA^T, FCfu,|f GUARANTEE AND RECOMMEND j ' WALTHAM WATCHES, THE VARIOUS GRADES, IOF ^WHIOli IS - OPINION, ARE NOT EXCELLED BV ANY OTHEE WATCHES MANUFACTURED. \ :[ BENEDICT BROTHERS, 169 A 171 BROADWAY, NEW COR CORTLANDT ST., IBBNEDICT " SPECIALTIES: ; j AMERICAN WATCHES AND DIAMONDS. ESTABLISHED 1821 I - ' : - . YORE: BUTLrJJIN^. til TfZ"INGS CpTJNTY TKEASURER'S ViOO, Brooldj-n, April 19,1887. OF PROPOSALS Will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon ON SATURDAY, 30TH DAF OF APRIL, 18S7 I : ti ' For $174,000 REGISTERED BONDS of th^ COUNTY, Issued under Resolution Board of; Supervisors adopted April 14,1887, pursuant to chapter 375, Laws of IS 79, act relating to tho bonded indebtedness of this ei mi ty, OUR said loan will be issued payable ae follows: in earns to suit purchasers int $87,000 ON 1ST DAY MAY. JWO*, $87,000 ON 1ST DAY MAY. 19CKt With interest at the rate of 4 per cent.' payable half yearly, on the first days of May ber. Each proposition should be sealed and indorsed per annum, andNovi«n< posals for Loan," and addressed to the County Trei surxur The right is reserved to reject any or all of the n di, i deemed necessary to protect the interests of the o ><u ity HENRY H. | ADAMS, A. Ot.tt«ty Treasurer. J SILK DEPARTMENT. ,J lox ibx IOK ioji 66X 43>4 85>j 104>i 137 31 6C« 85 % 1i% 130X 95« 97 69Jf 161« '.' 93JZ j 9*3'ii 34W 7-'V 31^ 134« 94 ^ 96M 6S'< IUX 93»i 32 108J< U3 19 33>i. 6'i 13V 37* 110% 148 29K. 01)4 m m 3SV 35* 108S 113H 19 83>i. 63 13V 37V 1192 143 30K 31^4 62>4. 112«* 192 57^ 35>4 *5.*i 40* . I26r2 3SX 78« *>S Ult. LASS. Chlcagro Ittarkofac To-day. .:''-..:--''•' ODomntc, 8:30 A.M. WIIEAT— ' ",'.'.'.'•."-'' -.; ..''.'.,* Aprll',\.., ................. *...'. ;.- ...-.•• ,' May...;., ...... #3}* ,-.'..-.-.-| June.' .......... ;.' .... -.., ....... 813< July ...... L. 81V Cons— "..'.'-••.fllAy.ee *-••• a- •• 4* • • • • • • • • « • « . • s> ' **3JQ ., Jano.^.A,, .... 395i v **iy. «,••••••• *•** ••••>•>• •••«•*** ' **P»V OATS—V -;.;,$? ;«*. .•;-•_ .. A.pru .......................... ...... ^.ay ............................ **5py Juno., 29 July .... .'.,. 29>» POKE- -••'- - .-, . -•: April... .... ; ..... , .... , *.'•:• May^ 20.75 •',• •'.• June ........................ LAUD— ,;-.-.. 'Apni,,,,,,,••••«*••••••(**•%.«# . ••••*«. May,. ^. 7.10 _ June ....... .... J. 7.20 ^* July ..... I . 7.30 RIBS— Apni,,,,,,;,,,.,^,^,,,,,,,,, .»•»»•! Mfty.»•*••,..,»..,»,. B.•••'•*•<••. .. i.iO June..* 7.90 July 7.93 65V 43.3 80.H 104;i 13S.',' S6X 32 -i l&'/i 95V %i» 69V 1HV 17 100« 33 V 32V 108V x ir« 13V 3TV 119V 148 30V 62r t 31S 62* U'lX " 34&: ': W$il 85« 46V 41?^ 12r.»i 38.V 7S*J 120X1 28« civ 21V SOii 70Ji Closin-j 1P.M. -VJi'/i 84V 83V 82V 37V S8v»?i 3^v«v; 41V 27V 285, 29V •29V 2065 20.73 20.75 7.16. 7.17V 7.25a27V 7.35 7.70 7.76 -', 7.85 7.95 L^MESS o—— RS. JAMES -McOREERY A CO. HAVE SELECTED SEVERAL LARGE LOIS OF biOB SILK AND "VELVET NOVELTIES, INiJFIGUKSD, STRZPKD AND PLAID EKFEOTS. WHIOH IBEY 1 WILLrfOFFKRTHIS DAY AND DJURING THE M TB Eg. FROM $1.00 TO $2-00 PER Y A R D : ; T H E Y ICaV BEEN ORIGINALLY SOLD Af Fltoijl $ao|) $5.00. j WE RESPECTFULLY RECOMMEND 'AN EARL' EXAMINATION. . SAYS THKT ABE ABSOLUTELY FALSE, JL.;Piddian still Talking: About UI« Austrian Bonds. To (he Editor of the Brooklyn Bogle: Referring to your article in to-day'8 issue, entitled "A Bed Bargain," I can say nothing more about Mrs. Schneider's allegations, than that they are absolutely false.. But the bare assertion of Mr. Anthony Comstock that "the transaction repre- sented by tho Austrian - bond was, ou its laco, an 'infamous swiadlo' as It called for about twlcolts faoo'value," shows mallcloisiiess on his part. I s i t an^nfamous swindle" to seli New York Chemical Bank stock for thirty times (its face value? Or. Is it an "Infamous swindle" to soli any of; bur local bonds and^itbeks Tor nioro than their face value ? Had Mr. Anthoney Comstock havo said Hint wo «ell Austrian bonds for double tholr "marketable value," his assertion would not hsve been, an:"Infamous awihJlo," Dui would havo been an "infamous lie." •A L PTODUN, of Kd. Sanders & Co, BROOlKCYN,-April 19,1870. / "'•:. i ''•;'•'" •*'".' J ' * > " ' . .'.;'.'•'.'•• - . * ' • •;• ; A FIGHT WITH 1SDIAKS. •'".'.'•:' - ST. LOCK, MO., April 80. A specIalXrom OlarksvlHs,--Tox., says: "A fatal siiootlng-ojiiay occurred yesterday at Wilson's Mill, about tli lrt7 miles north of here, between two half I brood* uamed Wilson ,aud ; two Indians from, the Choctaw Nation. Both. Indians wore killed and one of tno SVliadns waa seriously wounded ia the. thigh." CU'itrircn Ory tor Pitcher*** Ctw*toria. XJi'^i^iH''pr«»»^ttoa'fo*dntt4^^'«oB»U^ JAMES MoCREERYjl* ;CO. BROADWAY AND ELEVESTH jSflBEET, NEW YORK, -4 H 1GH CLASS FUB^ITITRE; 1 WE RESPECTFULLY REQUEST: A VISIT TO C' JBl SPACIOUS WAREROOMS, iFITTiab UP WlTHAtT "Pro JPARLORS. 'COJSTVEYING A CCiiaECT'.'IDEA- OF, HOW TO FURNISH.! WE DO NOT SELL FURNITUI^ EXCLUSlVEtY,: AS OTHERS . j ADVERTISE, BJT EVERYTHISQ NECESSARY BOR HOME DECORATIONS. SU.JEC L r LIT - '•*" •' AS OHOIOBBRfO ABRAC, EURO PEAN ART NO^ n ia> TIES AND FURNITURE IN ALL ITS BRANCH]5S.| ESTIMATES AND DESIGNS WRN^HEDUR FRESCO DECORATING AND P.4 R^UjiT^t^ FLC C R- iNG..,: •>;•• I •: - ' N A U S MAKERS AND FULTGN ST. CORNER HELM. IMPORTERSi OPEN EVENINGS. B OYS 1 'NORFpLK : i SUITS, SIZES 16 to 18] YEARS, FINE ALL ^ 0 0 1 . FABRIC S, 1 AT $5.00, $6.00JAND! S7.00-.WOBTH; FROM$8.00-••^O ] i ! " . 3 $14.00.. •" -. !, ,.j 500 SUITS IN STOCK; |MUS+ B^K-CLOSED ONCE. I 'ji .'"j , 1 :j YOUR BOYSJ4 TO 15 VEARS OiV AJSE,: OAN1BI SUITED WITHj A FJCNE AM. WOOL jsUITiFOR $4.«0 THIS LOT WORTHS FROM $6.C0 Tk) 83.00': GOqD VALUE. {ti V j McKEON A TODD, OIOTH1ERS, 1 ! < ' 1 '' L S. W. COR. BROADWAY AND BteDFORD AV. T OBIX.LARD RTOE^GBXAjTOR 1.16S BROADWAYj i Between TVottty«,Venth s.od T.TfiTiJr.cicht Streets. BEST | IN THE WJRC.D. C OUoSTY fboURT, UOUJS TY) Of KIlf<3*h Jennie ViWilWur ajrainst JimosMillsM'sdminis- trator. otc , ot al.—In; pursuiuoe of a. (udcioent. of tils court made ia tho sbovo onlitlnd aetioni »na beanac di» the sizteuntb day of April, 1887, tbo failovting deecribi d 1 tods and premises will bo sold nt public auction at the Commercial Excb.in«e, No. 389 Fult<>n street, in th« Or 7 of Brooklyn, on 14th day of May,' 1JSS7, kt twelve o'elodk noon, by or unasr tbo direction "of tho xndersi^ned. wl o waa by said jud4rkn«nti»ppoint«d re'"ere« tor'that'purpos si viz.: Alt that clsrtsiu lot, piece of parcel^of"land, with tho building tayreottj situate, lyi' tg (tod .bstojt, in'tl)9 f Brob~lyn. C<mnty <f *nd dasenbed, as i'olloivs, tojwit.j Bo«iimi'i« at ,1a V^ a }„^i™P northerly aids tof Kosciusko MX*<S di»sa,nt two. fttuj ditfd and ssventy fuet westerly- from] th* nortnwws wly oorner >,t Gitos < 1pw c.-Uted b«4 n, *l*5*£jf&2£U ciuslcostroet arid ru,it»in«- tHonce-iiort»erl«.«*p«««M w.th sa>d Suinowr avoo«e and l ' ^ 5 ' , ' , ^S T f *5 , ^gf* a « c.mtiT of a party wall ono ?iuudr.-d (ju«,i) feet; toen toot-.-tticncesoutherly;and »arallel| with bo;mn»«rTW«nliib, on« linndr«<l (IW) foot'to tho porthorly ^i.lo^»f Ko*jnoaUo; strovt,. and th»n*« e a s i l y tlonRsud torch«rlv/ Bl< i6 At KoiiCin«> strootitwen^y (20) feet to 'tluMpo'ittt -yfplacftof iH-ginning: ti^ethor with all and stiitular lUu-toncuionta horoditatnents «M ailpurtonsnoos thorbanlo belottjrlnb or in »nyw:s^ apiwrtaiRlti*. • — • .A A-;.' j .'. s.J FRI-TDiatlCKyAN'WYCKfReferoe.l Jous Z. LOTrJPla nittf's AUornor, N*: -iVi MontMU street. Brooklyn, 1 - |[ : 'T'.yJ i»3rt;3wW4S .vs. 1 a ? CLINTOli i ti:-ti •I wi D BPARTJtBKT QF iTMAiNdB, iCO^- "trollor's pffioojCity UaU. Brioklin. ApnTi>,18 —iu pursuance jof a ruaolutlon of tin;]Coaiaou Coot cil, 1 tun direojtod tg soil I at public i\oct.on to th highest blddc-r, by Tbrfnai A. K«rrv»n. *TtctiOrioor,•: tho o -rp ration »i'p*ir lyxrd, c->rner f-Myrtte Vxinae«of Nort.i Elliott place, m the City of Uro ^'\ n. WfltWa, day of April. l v 37. r at!12 o'clock, naon-ijof vhat-day, i followitut' d«s.r«hod 'property^ vi*.::,.T|ir»«t hox-.«;s, tw broken hook *iAi lwmer tcaoka, t 1 ra broken Jour whe hose tenders, twjj bto(cwa en«in«er 8 wH.^oif9,;o»Jo lot * sewp iron aud" 'Jrs-M, line lot K.t, *n>tity KarT«l8,'ohe lot( old rubber and cj.ut..njha,e, etc. :)•_^ i _tti..iJ'-vi- , s ... AL'1]|:RL: LIVINGSTON, pontroUcr. 'A-JrUUlRATES. 887—VrAfEKttATlSS-^llsS! I I I DEPARTMENT '6.F- OITF WO; IK* ' BURE^At/'Oi WATER RATiCS. R/ilstnw'S otfico Robins B K-rt«> 9, firsl floor. M.'niciptl. D«<>ajrtraeall. Builc tor flrcolJlyTJ; April .1. IW-The wator* *at«s ftir XS8 T :-Mni bos' due and -payable on the 1st of May, 18S7.. Intetos: at tiie raM of 9 per cent, h w n aonuot; «aleulitt»l by! th« dsyv ltoru 1st of May, it-'87, ; wiU;p> char«»''l(r1oo !all bills fol regular r >t--e ro*aini:t« unpaid on: tho 1st day o( Junq next, »nd.for.- each;flay.tuer»«ft<r. A.1I ^jrar*\w«e»ii' «»t«s «ro. payable - betweeal tho.t 1st. land' jlOthrdaji^ «f May. Sad if not s> paid lh" law. jiifocts U10 de^ . ©artmont to diA^outiUtteth« snp:.!;rto\«ae fidU»pre»»+-" we, wilholit «nyiwtb«r uoUoJe^.^rs ft]ri^lv^p W {. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

3- uuijuua mjmji T2DSpoundSDAY 2Tpound7T73 APRIL 30 2SS7

V S i X B A G E S


SiadUik of Lieutenant John W Danenhower

tifovm4L DJead Jn His Qaartera at t i e AiniAp-| oUs 3ampal AcademymdashFear of CpurtXar-- tial 8Md to Hare Prompted the Aet

The Record of the gtaTilaquoator of the l a s t AretiejExpeditioa

- i AjrsArous Md4 April 2a

l i eu tenant JoSa W Danenbo-wer of Arctic lfunegt irfta dtscotisred a 10 oclock h Is morning dead la Wa quarters at the Naval Academy wfca hole ia hlsi right temple l i e was found lyl h i s rug la front of his areplace with a| tag tied to hla bnttojjaole saying uSond to my brother at bullWaaalagtcin

Deeeas was 37 years of ago and entered the B A T S senfice i a 1866 from Illinois la which State he- waraquo hoes The lieutenant was on duty on board tha Cnite4 States s teamer Vandalla when that ves-raquoei eonwybd General Grant Kgt Egypt a a i la this way madefthe- acquaintance aad gained the high MSoam arid admiration of the general So favor Wy was General Grant impressed [that when James Gordon Bennett proposed the Jeanaets Arc-Uc expedition Grant strongly urged Lleaten-i n Daaetihower as A fearless and capable of-Bceir fotf raquonch service Lieutenant Daaenhow-

-jr volunteered and was appointed as navishygating o E laquo r of that expedition sailing In 1S7raquo and passing with credit through the terrible hardships of that voyage and the loss of the Jean-patte N i v a l officers have conceded to Danenhower ttraquo credit for saving his party Upon his return hi 1S82 with Melville as tho only Other jurvivingf officer Lieutenant Danenhower was

an scats sufferer from eye trouble the reshysult of Arctic privations and exposure JVShen mfflcteatlSv recovered Danenhower was detailed to the Xaval Academy at Annapolis aa Instructor and subsequently as assistant commandant la which posjtions he was very popular with thecadeis

Some dy ago h e went to Norfolk to superintend the Ktlngl out of the practice ship Constellation and during this service manifested such depression Of spirits i h a l several of his fellow oCicers believed hia mlad a s unsettled- Yesterday ho returned to the NavaliAcademy j Before^ his Arctic expedition he was at one t ime confined i n the asylum near this city It Is generally admitted that he must have been temporarily insane when he committed sufclde Ha had been very Intimate with young Robert W Gatewoodj who recently com mitted suicide on be Carolina iand whom ho saw a death It Is supshyposed raquothat this death 3agjested the mode to him he lieutenants personal and domestic affairs are Of the most happy character A few years ago he married a daughter of State Senator Sloan of Oswego $ Y- Hla widow is left with two call-dren

^ I a (Toougnt up ana ciosca a p by ~ comotsos bullet e l e T a o c 3 gained ajproflt under the poojl-just ig o a r a a a l n pound raquo and the peopto paid for It fthe

r B r o o k l y n

S p e c i a l to the Eagle] AUAN7 sr Y Aigtrn 2a

Senator John Smith of Madison tamplMsd an hour to she Senate to-day In the interestjjof the bill which Is to give$150000 of the Staters memey toward- building two Stato elevators at Brooiiyn two at New York and two at Buffalo Ho said tho bill was Necessity because the elevator mo 3 jwere In a contains and were robbtug the comrtorco of the Stale The rats In S e w York - foe j handling 1000 bushels was 950 cents more than Is Chi-c a g ^ Tho cost1 raquo r trimming 1000 jfciishels ia Xew York w a s J3 against 78 cents la Chicago audi 95 for elevating tho same amount where bull3 wouid payi ij any whore else Sherman S Rogers of Buffalo grain magnate sat en the floor with Senator Slffla and his presence Iriritated Mr Smith along witfa th notse mado by Senators who wero not interested | S o in asking for ordpr he said bull Wo have a rule 4o keep people froxa this floor save by unanimous consent yet a geBUoraan sits here who has constaatl^annoyed me By his con-versaston with the Senator from tho Twcopyatyraquofir86

Mr Sloan said 5he geutlemau h a d n t talked to him about eleyators Mr Rogers s l ipped ikto a side room He Is Cosoxoissloamper of tho Ji lagari Bark a a d had a right oa iho floor if

Mr Smith wsnt ou to show that alata elevators could be bail for- S23CC0 a piece and ouIdnt bo ibought up and closed up by u combines Idle

as if State

had been engage^ la a practically private entershyprise on the canals for seventy years anddidnt need to stop

The Lav

An Appeal


How a Biooamplyn Into I t

Girl Pell


0 |


T h s X a m e s o f W i l l i a m E R o z c r i s I s a r c X 3 a l c c r a u d t w i n XyAtlxrop S e a t I n

i [Spec ia l t o the E a g l e ] I AXBAsT X Y- April 2a

SenatorPierce tbis moraii i j made a square test of the Republican maioritys nerve In moving thai the Senate go1 into open executive session for action on the nomination of Messrs Armstrong and Boc ibee He charged that the majority had taken no action In caucus and thai it was high time that tne Senate gave sorrfie consideration to the excellent name that had heenj sent la by the Governor daring the week past T i e minority he said were playing peanut politics j Mr Pitts said that U raquo resolution was an emanation from the Executive Chamber raquond Mr Kellogg attacked the Governor bitterly styling him i demagogue and a tricister It Is be wno Is playshying p e a i a t politics sakl gte The Lieutenant Govshyernor cajlled him to order

Mr H i t s wanted ugt know by what rigbt tie did It bullYoa are only tbe presiding officer he cried

u l h a ^ e b e e n romlnJed of that tjefore said Mr taampes I

I hold that common courtesy toward the Govshyernor deserves at least respectful mention

3tr Kellogg said hed Cnlshlaquojd- Mr Passett abased She Governor and said ho had sent private word to Senators [that h e d i d not want Mr Kicfcard confirmed rhejj2id withdraw Arkells name for like reasons^ The RcpuSiicaaa fougSraquo5he resolutloa oa points ot order raquonltl then by at party vote refused to consider the resolutions bull

It wasja rare exhibition of political gymaastlca The Governor a i gtclock this afternoon withdrew

the names of B u c i b s e aad Armstrong for Railroad Coromleraquoioner3 and named instead W S Roger t h e present Incumbent la place of John GOoanell and Isaac St Baker in place of Rogers Bakgtr Is at present suye-iniendant of State prison He added to the Ht Austin latbrop of Corniiy i a Baiters place He ia a Democrat The others-are both Beaabi icana


TChtcXi Jrraquotereraquotlnsr the Pby1cJanraquo ot l o u i o v i i i c K y

The Boston [Doctor Called it a Basratellraquo Bat it BroTed to Be a Costly Exshyperience j

raquo bull bull bull bull bull

[Special to ihe Eagle] 1 lt BOSTOX Mass poundpr i l 20

Miss Annie M Bulger of 80 Poplar street Brookshylyn and Miss jMary Scuigls of West Twenty-third street New York-City are both acquainted with Dr Andrew Jackson Grant About two yeara ago according to the detectives Dr Grant wais living at 1 Commerce street New York under Uteaamepf Dr Prince ^ bull

The doctor pat an advertisement in the New York papers stating that a gentleman j of refineshyment was anxioas to meet a young lady mthca view to matrimony He had no ulterior ohJt but he was lonesome j Both Miss Sturgis a n d MJss Bulger replied to thof advertisement and tho fljlly doctor at ouce began to pay attention to both of them showing ho aigruj of favoritism One day In March 1886 the doctor prdposod to Mise Buiger waa accopted and she agreed to marry on the 27h of tho bullmonth He then went to New York offered bis h i n d to Miss Sturgis and engaged to marry her on tho same day but with tiie last of March caino stormy weather and the doctor olaim-Ingbe was superstitious about being married on a raiay day asked the uususpoctlng women to postshypone tho respective eeromouiear until Aprli 1 MlsaSturgis agreed but Miss Bulger seemed bull more anxious to be married and urged that tho ceremony be performed March 31 to which the docjor finally agreed l i e then Induced Mlsa Burger to idraw alt herj money f680 from the bank and placo It in h i s h a n d s ho making tho usual promise that ho j would at once start with hs bride on a wedding trp to Australia j He also asXCxJ her to pacX u p ber goods and send them to his apartments on Commerce street which she did On the day of the wedding aud before Miss Bulger had bad time to start for New York to become Dr iPrlncos wife sho was astounded to hear the ratijle of wheels at the dpor of her house in Brookshylyn) aad to see all her trunks returned to her mottt of thorn einpty- She wont as quletry as possible to Dr Friscos lodgings but he had flown taking with him the money Hpw Miss Stuigis came out of the difficulty la -nof known When Miss Bulger saw Dr Grant at tho Camorldge Jai la few days ago shlaquo asked him if ho would not gWe her a notcopy that sho might have some of her property returned You have very little to comshyplain of returned Grant - What you have been through f u n is a mere baghtelle

An E A O I ^ reporter called at No 80 Boplampr street this afternoon The lady who responded fo the reshyporters questions was not at all IncHned to be com-

Araquoainst Enforced





W h o W a n t M i s S o n to C o n t r i b u t e to

lade tp the Major by Orer Vorked C crksmdashHis Honor Bir icts the Police C01 amlssioner to Stop th e Busishyness

M a y o r Whi aaey i s e n g a g e d i n a n efiort t o enforce the law in rogard to public traffl 5 on Sun^ days Complaints havo been made to hliraquo person ally and by lefctor that certain s torekee ira as a rale keep thoir placo of business open ot Sunday and that In bullso doing they work Injustice to other storekeepers and are also gdllty of a vi ) lat loaof the law A n v W these oomplalnta haw been a large number i f clerks in clothing and hat stores Some of them have called upon the Mayor and stated their grievances and joined with others In the following appeal bull- j bull bullgt

D K A B SramdashVe the writejre clerks and sales-m e a la the clothing and hat stores on Sands street Bridgeistreet Flatbush avonne eto work from 7 AM UH9and 1 0 P M a n d on Saturdays from 7 A Ml till 12 P M and Sundays from 7 A M till 1 E M making nine and one-hfaif days work a week At ten hours a day There Are about fifty or sixtj of us all Chrtotian yonng men who wish to spend our Sundays la a Christian manner and not In sell ing goods As Mayor of twe City of Brooklyn we beseech yoa (a ^Christian gentlQman and bo longlngtoa promioent church la this city) to do something to better our position

Yours respectfully SCFBKKEKS P SmdashWe would gladly give you our names only bull we would most certainly be discharged had ourshyselves aad families would suffer

This lot terwas recelTed by the Mayor a few days since aad after conferring with the Corporation Counsol his Honor this afternoon sent tho f olio wing to the Police Commissioner 1

bull MAYORS OFFICE BROOKLYN April 204887 Honorable Thomas Carroll CommUrioner of Police

ana JZxciatz DKAX SiR^-I have received complaints 0 f various

serious lofractions of the so called Sunday Law which oa tho facts stated amount to regular and uninterrupted public sell ing and offering for sale of commodities forbidden by law Section 67 of tho the Penal Code regulates public traffic on Sunday

While this law stands meetiog such uniform and consistent obedience from onr morchantsfand tradshyers a persistent violation thereof by Individuals here and there must nolther be winked at nor aUowed RespectfuUy DtD WnXTKBYL Mayor

The section of the Code referred toby the Mayor readsas follows bullbull bullbullbull

All maaaer of public fleHtng or offertag for salo of any property npoa Suaday la prohibited except that articles of food may bo sold and supptled at any time beforo 10 oclock io the morning and BX-cepr also tbat mea l s may be sold to be eaten on the premises where sold or served elsewhere by fca-terors and prepared tobacco In places other thpn whoro spirituous or malt l iquors or wines are kept or offered for sale and fruit confectionery newsshypapers drugs medicines anjd bull surgical appliances may be sold la a quiet aad ordecly manner at any time of the day f j


A S n n j a r i a n T a i l o r V l raquo o i s S u p p o s e d t o H a v e ZTlurdered M i s W i f e

Aclo lpb E e i c h e 5 6 y e a r s o l d w b o t w a 8 ar--rested last nljjht for the murder of his wife Lena 41 years old by cutting her throat on the second floor of-the toueraent 144 Norfolk street New York was takon to EssexMarket Court to-day by Captain Allaire and Officer Reap Samuel Grassbl3 wifes cousin who was taken into custody at ithe same t lmo was also arraigned Relohe ia a Hungarian tailor Ho preserved an unbroken silence Grass

jnade an informal statement to the effect that trouble prevailed betweon Relcho and has wifeJor soma time past and owing to her distrust of him she sent her bunk book to a friend for safe keeping Grass came homo at 7 oclock and wont o^t again to peddle Ho returned at 1130 oclock aud went iato a saloon next door to get a g lass of beer While there he heard a noiso like a scuffio lit Relcbos rooms Some porsono suggosted that he go up and ascertain tno cause On doing so Grass heard the moaning of the unfortunato woman He ran to the Bldridge street Station iiouso and askeil to have gt an ambulance sent for Captain Allaire promptly bull ca mo around to 144 Norfolk street himsolf but when they went upstairs the tjody of Mrs Reisch waa-cold and life was extinct Captain Allaire also made an informal statement of the circumstances under which h e arrestedjiRelche and Grass aftor finding that the woman was dead Reldhe was out at tho time but when ho returned to the house he was immediately placed in custody He professed Ignorance of the crlmo Captain Al latrje found his underclothing saturated with blood The prisoners werb remanded to enable Captain Allaire to proshyduce evidence bull

Or j bull


T h e C l i f f o r d F a m i l y Arrtla E c J o r c t h o C o u r t s

bull Bjrn 5raquoBylaquoiclansraquo The Beeoiher Mejmorial Pondlis rapidly iii-

creastng Aj humbee pf city phys1 clans have sub-scribed thrdogh DrlSTfBt Raynwind^fttRlatt^ot which waltlaquohondod lnto the treasurer this morning

In addition wgt I thViapoyip^^amo^t-Ma^^iy^^^

peaded This $800 snlfscrlbea by temple I srae l ot S t Louls laon its wcy and vrill bo acknowledged Ih

a few days f bull -Tlf bullbull -h-^ bullbullbullmdash bull The donations received b y Mr Ritfley Hopes to d a t e a r e a s f p U o w s bullbull bullbull bullbullbullbullbull bullbull[bullbullbull bullbull^Y ProvioaaVy nflinowledged I 09i3w60 wraquo rgt v wi)itney j i 4 Hon i) Jgtviampitnlaquoy ~5jijiv-vwpo Oharlos Plerejj i 1000

Collected jfrom ph -slclons through ex-Health Commlasonlt|r Dr J H Raymond Dr A J O Sltono J i jl Dr C N Boailand t 4 Dr A W She5ard jjV Dr Hugh Mpmlth| - Dr Honry LnKonsteia Dr Thomaraquo H Smithk V Dr John Harrisan ( Dr F R-FMhch J iL Dr Wr j Criilfcshanki L DrJiH Wand 4 I DrOharieaqprertgtlaquo5laquo bull DrBC Wadsvrortll bdquoA A Lady Pbyafcim Dr J G AtktBraquoon L i i Dr William a i ia i laa Dr W JJLIJ KiraquokellaquoL DrTH Ha5rd l l i i i Dr K De La VBrgoo bull Dr OKGucfcher Dr ODioko i Dr R O Mdffatt DrH T Halleok t A PhyslclaDJ JJVJ A Pbylaquololan i A Phyraquoioian raquo ] A Phyraquoiciaa - ^ bdquo l

^ V

1000 1000 1000 2600 2500 2000 101)0

loop 1000 1000

600 600 600 600

-600 600 300 200 200 200 100 too

60 6 0

60 60

Total i l i v Acknowledged by tho KampOLE bull bull bull laquo

S05185O 180883

Grand total 4 l i laquoU862J9 Dr Raymond saysim his note f i n addltkgtnto-

the abovo $30 has been subscribed but not yet paid in Those who hav^ not yet reapoi dedare requeaS ed to do so this weeki bullbull - Z lt bull

Mayor Whitneys|aote is as fol owsHerewith please find xny check ltbr $50mdashmy contribution- to Beecher-Memorial fundi j D)DfWHtrNRY

Mr Pierce writes|to Mr Ropes the foUowlng Please place Inclosed bheck for $10 to credit of the Beecher statue fuhdj and much oblige bullbull[bullbullbull

gt Youra truly CHfBXBS PEBBCTR



13laquolaquo N n p p o r t

CHICAGO IH-i April 20 bullbullbullbull A special from Louismllle Ky says bullPhysicians

are macli interested over the discovery of a genuine ease of ieproey In his city Theipatlent 13 John Hastjnga wno lives with bis parents on WUson Street He contracted the terrible disease in Ilono-

Inlu aboat three years ago and his entire body is covered with sictteniog e-uptioas peculiar to llaquopers Hastings (is 30 years ot age and was corn la this city Being of a roving disposition he left home about Ave years ago aad went West Piading himshyself in Saa ifrancisco and without money he accept-

i ed a berth on the steamer City of Pekia a trading vesael botind for thej Sandwich Islands When iho jrteamer landed there Hastings waa taken ill ana grew so much worse that the oStcers had him moved to bullraquo boost ila Honolula and a^ran^elt with an old

-bullman to care for him until his ship could return It bull was then that the youag man became affected with

the-awful disease The City of Pekin returned took aboard thes Jic^ sailor aad when they were again In yortHa8tiijgs was sent home to his relatives He succeeded ia Xeeping from his parent the knowl-

edge of th terrible disease and it was not until las t Sunday that they knew of their sons ailmeat Duriog the last two years he has beea treatiag him-

bull s e t t Two of tho best physiciaas la the city now have his case in hand


TVoa n y | M e r r y Xgtuciievv C a r l t o n S e c o n d i i a n d Cantor T h i r d

bull [ Loxsof April 20

T h e City and Suburban Handicap at Bpsom toshyday w a s won by Mr T L Wardles h m Merry Duchess Mr Somers Caritoa came in secondwith Mr-W IAn3ons Castor third

SummarymdashThe City aad Suburban Handicap of 000 sov added to a sweepstakes of 15 sov u^b 10

brfeit for 3 year olds aad upward the owner of fce second-horse to receive ampJ30V oat of the stakes fee winner of any race after the publication of the

-bulleights to carry 5 pounds of two races or one yaiue jOOaov 10pounds extra entrance tob gs thoon-iy liability if forfeit be declared ono mile and qfcarter |C7 subscribers Mr T L Wardles b at Merry Dachess 5 vrs e l d

by Spec a Iain oat of Grand Dnehess 1 Mr yomerraquoib o Oarls^0 I yr oid by Poil Mot o a t of

BonraquoySgtoc 2 Sir W l A o w n s b c Caalor yrlt old by Zealot pal T ^ f L a d y Yardiey ^ 3

mdash^ BBS HOLl I38PSOYI56

S X W A K X M J April 20 v JArs gtlaquooli tho wife of Wauesaiag milk dealerwho yesterday took a dose of muriatic acid in mistake for eoogh mixture was reported to be Improving this morning

j 1mdashbull J H I CALH0CX S O S C H E s T ^

bulllt i WASISINOTON D C AptU 2a bull I t i s understood that W W Cor^oraa loatem-bull plates accompanying Secretary Lamar to Charleston t o attend the ceremony of uavalUng the Calhoun monument on lhe 26th Inst


JiffW OKI-XA-VS La April 2a - HjB Mayes Jr a young attorney of this city

wasaccidental ly killed last atght by fal l ing down a Bight of stairs ieadiug from hlj office HelSjBup-

posed to have raissed hfas footing ia the dark] H e fell a distance of twenty feet fracturing h i s skulL


A case s o m e w h a t Tjousmsl i n character c a m e up before the Charities Department this morning James Maxwell formerly n (Quaker city police Jusshytice and a gray haired m a n of 80 asks that his son William Maxwell of l l i Woodbine street be comshypelled to contribute to his support William is by his brothers described as Doing the financial manshyager of Dana amp Co of 20 Nassau stroot Nbw York and Is credited with receiving a salary of 42500 ai year

TJhe father has lived with one of hta soils FranK Maxwell fox the past bullbullIx years This son] receives a salary of $1000 a ytar as a salesman of cigars and liquors He Is very bitter against his brother Will-lam for bis harshness to the father and declares he-i wi l l push the case In the courts if necessary to bring him lo term^ He Is willing to pay his own share and that of another brother who Io not able to contribute

Wllllsm Maiwell agreed to appear before the Commissioners this morning but left the Office beshyfore his case came up wua the remark tiiuMj If ho were proeecated he would fight j u

We 11 give that follow alii the fight be (rants said President Ray I j]

One of the brothers stated that when has father applied to William for assistance on one joccasion he waraquo told to hire a bed or take a traia out of

town 1 i THE APOLLO CLUB C0SCpoundBT

A s u c c e s s f u l A f f a i r a t t n e I A c a d e m y of n u k l c X a t l I l v e n i a - ]

The A p o l i o Club gavp i t s t i i ird pr iya to c o n shycert of the season last eTening la the Academy of Music before a large audlenj^i Tho programme commenced by the entire duspoundpgflaquog w Sjinday on the Ocean by Boinzo w h i ^ w a s followed 4p raquolss Jesslo Primer who gave p faataale oa themes from Uounods Faust arraaged hy Liszt on the piano The balance of the programme Included a Molodle by Rabenstein renshydered by the orchostra M Scena and Aria from D e r Preischutz VWeber by Mrs B Humphrey-Allen Nigwt Song in theWoods Schubert Apollo Club bullbullTfco Fasewell of Hiawatha Arthur Poote Apoilo Club and orchestra^with inshycidental solos by Mr ueary^ S Brown J soprano solo threesongst A Sylvia Sihubort bThdurt like unto a aowor Schumann c Widmuhg Schushymann by Mrs E Humphrey-Allen Serenade y W- Chad wick Apolio Club piano solo bull A Imshypromptu op 36 Chopin b Hungarian Dance Brahms Miss Jessie PrimerWar song ctpound the anshycient Saxons J Reltz Apolio Club and orchestra

All ot the numbers were weH rendered^in every Instance eliciting heartyiapplause and frequent re-coBs Dudley Buck acted as accompanist assisted by John Hyatt Brewer accompanist and Harry Rowe Shelley organist (|


A t tle S X e e t i n z o f t h e C n a r i t i e s C p m laquo m i i w i o n e z w T n i n UXorniag

At the meeting of tho Board of Charities Commissioners this morninlng Dr J J Shanks of the Insane Anyium was granted two weeks leave of absence The Board formally approved the biH now before the Legbiatureprovidlng for the selecshytion and purchase of farm landsand tho erection of proper buildings for the accommodation of the 450 insane criminals In the Several State institutions Including the 200 at Auburn There are ntfw twenty

J such convicts In tho Kings Couaty Penitentiary The Brooklyn Assemblymen a^Albaay will be furshynished with copies ot the Boards approval of the bill Senator George B Sloan sont a letter saying b e would have the Item of board for Statepaupers which had been omitted from the Sdpp2y bill ia-serted therein George Sohns Jr pealtentiary druggist petitioned to have his salary raised

The Clifford family appeared in Justice Masseys Court this morning in the trial of tho sixshyteenth case In which its members have figured This time Mrs Clifford was charged with having asshysaulted Constable Puill ips with a bar of iron or-a pleee of iron pipe when h e was la the act of removshying some goods from her stable April 12 under the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage Mr ^hlUlps and hiswitnesses said that Mrs Clifford struck the con-stablo on the head face hands and arms with the pipotheuthrewstonesand sticks into the stable a a d finally drew a revpl vor with which she threatened to shoot any man who dared lay a hand on any of the goods Mrs Clifford swore to substantially the same-factsexcept that she put tho boot upon the other foot and charged the constable with assaulting her In exactly tho manner he described winding up with drawing a revolver The case was tried before a Jury aad occupied almost the entire morning sesshysion of the court A verdict of guilty w i s rendered aad Mrs Clifford was fined $50

WerampjjNpt Governed -PrizeKing Rules-



A D e m a n d for t h e P r o o f o f t h e P a r n e l l

C h a r g e

i NXWAX3^ K J April 20 Adolph Patler a small boy employed in Seiszs

aat factory fell into a^ ketUo of ho shel lac yester-ayi He was removed to the German Hospital (There h e subsequently died from too results of his njuxfos bull --


wisBKwrosi i r e ApHi 20 i yor Hastens 5 e w York fair w ^ t i r followed by ocai showers In Nortnora Now YorEWjrl igThurs-

l a y Tariable winds shifting to nonfcweet BEC0Ramp 0y TO2 TuTtEMOJESTKa i

gt ThefoUowtagis the record of the thermometer as kajrt at the UxooaXYji DAXJUY KAOLSOBICO rAK xi-vgt A M

SAM S3 2rllJ J i M- 41 i i - M

Avsrnjt 5raquoroperaquoilaquotlaquoraquogtraquo io-day Averraquoito temperare ~iraquop datlaquo iadt jm

XKZZOXOUXZCAX OCSKRYATOXT litehfletd Mansion ^Prospect rgtrk) record of tho weadler for the twenty-four boura ead lus 7 A M

bullApsilZTr 1SST J

47 so 68 53


mliiiiiiniiimi B-wuia^t^r fc^rrec-todatioa-levBi) TherinlaquoraquoetlaquoT - laquo---bull j PmvaiUrae wiatJmdash 1

i H ighgHti Loweatj Moaa 3oi3r~25gtas coraquoi3 -jijo uijur 40M

y w

- Velootty of vraquo3nJ (total Dtnnbor of milm) 243 average Kgt i-poundJ aiilw per ihow hiBhess vlaquolooity IS auieraquo



The follosrCao ia tho ltjraquoiScial aflnouncement 0f tlto t ime and-duratioa of high water a t Xlaquorlaquo York andSandy ilook tor to-morrow April 211

^ ^ _ A Wgt i] -V M n^Dnranof- ITinw Hlaquolth6 Tigtnoaolaquoafc ttiraquolaquo vn

J ny i JfeJt ii s bull gu^t i u jsTta

LOKDOX April 20 Several-Gladstone Liberals desire to have Parliashy

ment issue a summbns to tho editor of the Time calling him before the bar of the House of Commons to answer for breach of priviiego in accusing Mr Parnell and other members of the Housaot comshyplicity la crime or that Mr Gladstone propose the appointment ot a committee to examine Into the Times charges The Parnelfites have been coa-aulted and their loaders oppose both propositions If neither the Paraellltes nor the Gladstoniana take the initiative In moving for investigation it Is probshyable that an independent motion will be made which both the Government and Liberal union members will support


f Special to theEagle ALBANY April deg0

It la understood that final orders will be Issued from the Adjutant Generals headduarter to-morshyrow on theftndlogsof the court martial In-thocases of Major Ackerman and Second Lieutenant Smith Nothlag has yet been decided in the Benedict case as tho ramms are aot yet at hand


[ S p e c i a l t o t h o E a g l e ] _ j | AXSAHY N Y April 20

The Western ITnton Telegraph Company Hied a certificate at the Capitol this morning sefting forth the Increase In the amount of its capital stock from iS0C00C00 to $8hj200W)0- bull f


j | [Special to ttte Eagle] i AliAKY-JS YAprU20-

The Senate to-day passed Senator Culltins bill to compel savings banks throdgb tho State Superin- bull tendent to Issue a catalogue of dopo^itor and ac-cuunvt for twenty years $npound cases where-the sums eXceedUO bullbullbull-bullgt bullbull bullbullbullbull i


JOirn J l u n r o s A l l e g a t i o n In Mcjr S5000 B a n i a s e Su i t I

This morning in the Connty Conrt before Judge Van Wyck aad a Juryj-the cas^ of Elizashybeth Munro as adrninlatratrix lagainat ^Ienry Emshymons was called for trial Mrs Munro t eeks to reshycover tSOOO damages from Mr Emmons because as she allegesher husbands death WHS caused by Emmons pull ing him Out of a sink bed in October

1884 In order that he might sign some-jpapers by which Mrs Munro was deprived of her proper share in her husbands estate Mrs jUunro alleges that on the evening preceding her husbands death Emshymons visited the house as a pretended watcher and -after persuading her to lie down chlorofonmed her When she recovered consciousness she found Km-mons talking augrlly to her husbandwhile he held him standing on the floor Her husband died the following morning The story has already been told in deta i l ln theEAGLET The de7oflsels a gen-oral denial

K bull - bull


I t Was a Well] Contested Combat and Judge Massey Will Hare to be the Umshypire at tho Sequel j

T h e f r i ends o f Mis s E l l o n R o a c h a n d M i s s Teresa OConnor may rest easy Jn the conviction that each of those charming young ladies in the event of the demise of the other1 will take particshyular care to have the grave kept gr ion and wiII sit oa it If necessary In order to gui rd against any unexpected return from It This state of affairs has been precipitated by a mutual t encounter beshytweon tho youug ladies last evening in the ha l lway of the tenement B State street wherein they both reside A blneeyjed rosy che raquokedyoung man is described-as being at the bottom of the trouble

When two truthtnjj and good loo ting girls have a serious difference ltls a matter of e ctrerae difficulty to get a detailed accouut of the Qght by rounds and in this c ^ e posterity m ust dep raquond for its recshyord on the statements made by th gt participants to Justice Massey before whom coui iter warrants for assault have beeo obtained Tore a says It was a rough aad tumble catch as catch lt an bang whershyever you can- sort ofia scramble ii which each got la her fine work about aa equal number of times In other words Torosa claims that it was a draw Ellon on the other hand says it w is to a finish and that Teresa won the belt She sayraquo Miss OConnor draggodher up ariddown stairs gtyhdr hair a n d almost eradicated it in large spots abusing her i n every possible manner The warrants will be served this afternoon and Teresa and Ellon will ventilate their grievances in courti to-morrow morn-Jng- bull bullbull I j m f


T n o A n n n a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n off t h e G r a n d Lodore F a n d A Iff

i mdashJmdash] r l^ot ices Have boeni s e n t o a t o f t h e h o l d i n g

oa J u n e 7 of the annual communication of tho Grand Lodge or ifreb and Accepted Masons of the 8tote of New York In Masonlo Hall corner of Twenty-third street and Sixth pvenue New York City The different committees will meet In tho ball on the Thurday preceding to consider all propositions questions or matters prosehted b y the Grand Master for their consideration or on file with the Grand Secretary Lodges which have any propositions to miiko^ must Bio them with tho Grand Secretary within ton days after receivshying tholr notices of bull the assembling of tho anshynual communication Three arhondments to the constltutiph andstatutes have boon proposed The first is to amend section 53 article 11 of tho constishytution by adding a^ter the wo^d member iu the tvpenty-second line the words t i p raquoo the close ot the presontyear The second Is to amend section 16 article 7 of the statutes by providing that any lodge may enact aby law to exempt any member from the payment of dues other than to the Grand Lodge on condition that h e pay into the treasury of such lodge a sum to J be specified [by tbe by law but in no case is it to be lbss than the amount of the

i aanualdues for flfiojoni years Thb third proposition is to add And been elected afijcr the word memshybership in the fourth l ine of soctlon 45 article 28 Each member of the] Grand Lodge appears therein la his proper Jewel and clothing f

iffect^d by t i e Sudden Death of Hl3 Son bnt^Not Bancreroiisly IIImdashRecalliaff the Trial of Ithe Tabernarlo Pastor | | | ^ |

J ^ ^ i ^ o T O ^ m e ^ ^ ^ t p ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ Shear i s lying at deaths door Is utterly without flt undatlon The Rov Br Spoor who Is ono of the oi dest members of the Brooklyu Presbytery and who gained fame a s the counsel for tho Rev T BsWitt Talrnage during the notable ecclesiastical ti ial has of course been affected by tho sudden d ath of his last surviving oon but Uls condition

not serious and no danger is feared His son Vj illiam H t expired from pnenmonla early yester day morning B e had been chief clerk in the Park B apartmont for the past twenty years hut resigned li st Summer Within two years every member ot Rev Mr Spears family has passed away His wife to whom h e had been married fitty-two years d ed two years ago and his daughter Mrs John P

8 ihrymser died in last Noyember His sohja wjto it sertottsly prostrated by her husbands death T tie funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at 9 9olock atlthe residence of -the famUyVl86Luioola place nearBli thavenue bullbullbullbull bullbull v^- - Next to th]e distinguished dofondanvtnd not much laquororshadowod bven by tho j Tabernaolerjjastor hint- jyjttJ)r Hpear was the moat chaivcteiSU^cifigOTe i t tl ie trtaL I n perfect auUtnesis toi^Y^Bykethe-c iampion Of the foes of Dr bullTajihagei the4wb-jxpejbi- ifc ipresehted extremes of a most -decided oharacler-bull y an Dyke short etoutsouoious and deliberate as cautious polished and conciliating SpeartaBv s] ender excitable and netVoiis^was alert defiant a jgresalro andexasperating Ho reveled tojthe

it ilrlcaoies of ecclejiiastical law cared for no doboto laquotat was not colprejl wlth perhaps a l ittle venom a (well ias teinpet and was never s o thoroughly a bulloueed a s wljen the tide of battle seenied to be go-1

ii gagainst him and nothing but a brilliant charge o gtuld save the day When the leaders In this long a id interesting fight measured their sacred sabers n otaphorlcal blood was certain to flow with rree-d gtm and the large audiences taking aides accord-li g tothelr eympaithlescould never be prevented ft om indulging in demonstrations much more con-g mial tea theatro Shan^a^church-H -- Vv bullbull V-

There were times when Dr 8pear w a s aatrlking a nectacle When all bis energies were aroused and w hen In tho heat and fury of discussion his clerical-iistlnct8 wore subordinatedaltogether when t|he forensic tendencies of the man took comploto pps- s isslon of him bull- It was jwitti difflculty that h e r (strained himself from indulging la personalities pound e j n a d e the^ause of the accused eo thoroughly his o vn that an uniformed spectator would -have been i istlfled in supposing that (the counsel himself was o 1trial and that lie wasBghtiog horoicaUy against orerwhelming numbers Ashower of cold and g littering shafts would precede the generalougage- 11 tent They were usually aimed a t the- other

de- as a whole | They fprmedi however^ mere ly t i e baslampof a sort of preliminary ekirmlsh with a fgtw stray sarcastic shots Just to make matters Ive ly Then tee heavy artillery would come into play with scathing denunciation a s t h s a m shymunition The doctorjs j Indignant thunderirigs D tust still be echoing i n the ears Jgtt some

r those who listened to the canhonadtog When t i e smoke of the heavy ordnance had floated

fit - aud the dauntless artilleryman had taken reatb a thirst for single combat Invartablyassert-

0 1 Itself At this JunctareiDr Van Dykes turn id-y orlabiy came raquoA fierce challenge a somewhat re^ l i c t a n t a n d dignifiod acceptance a swift andugly Ias sage a t arms aad thej the waterspr thetr la l v oold subside leaving- a juttle foam to tell where 110 waves had beeu surging with a giant sweep and vfhitened crests - -l bull h -bullbullbull--j

Siuce figuring in^hls memorable episode In the Tabernacle pastors history littlo has been seen of 1 ijr Spear and for several years he has been almost entirely withdrawn from public observation His r ilnd ho we vor Is vigorous land he finds hearty con-8gtlatIoo In his solitude by his communion with

oots i bull- - --- bullbull gt-

r o J c o WnSdotj ASwol tato ly - WecoBJaarjr



S e c r e t a r y W h i t n e y Bsuwes a n O r d e r to

( h r B u r e a u C h i c l n


A n d T b t e n K i c k e d

E l e v a t e d

Thomas J

B e a t e n b y a n A c e n t

I One H u n d r e d a n d Thirtieth street and| T h i r d ^ o n U e New York apshypeared in tho YorkvBlo Court Hnis morningwith a terribly bruised and odt head He was both prisshyoner and complainant He purchased a ticket at the Seventy-sixth street station of the Third avenue Klevated Railroad early this morning The ticket agent Frank Whitman saw that Hughes bad been drinking and refusedto let him ride uptown Haghos persisted and- Whitman threw h im down tho station steps and kicked him about the head when he reached ithe bottom Whitman denied that he had assaulted Hughes but ho was he ld by Justice White to answer Hughes p a s fined $10 for being intoxicated bull t I

General ordersto the chiefs of bureaus have boen issued by the bull Secretary ltat the Navy

mong the more important of which is the follow-1laquo bull bull [ bull bull bullbull I - I [ bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull -

The chiefs of bureaus wltl have prepared for my olpproval by the 30th of-April schedules of such materials aad supplies a s t h e t think will be reshyquired In their respecti ve departments for the forth-comingyoar -

The Navy Yard pay office whioh used to be on State street New York has been removed to rooms 1)9and 111 In the Stewart building New York

John Stevenson pay director and Navy Yard storekeeper is at present in Washington DC

j A court martial Is being held to-dsy On board tho Atlantic as to Fireman Mills who deserted the ship some timelago to avoid ihetrouble of the trisjltrlp

j Master boat bujlder Samuel H Tompkins went some time ago clam fishing up on the Harlem River Soon after he noticed a painful swelling ou his right foot He consulted a Bnrgepn who oponlug -tho swolllng found a small clam in the foo t

Lieutenant Commander P Fahronhold arrived this morning -byr the- Soujtid steamer from Boston with 147 ihen from -the receiving ship Wabash who are to form part of thWrewbf the Trenton

The alterations o f the Dispatch which is ly iog at the Yard are^to bo pushed forward as quickly as possible at acost notexcoediug$441

bull bull bull r bull -


The Fire Departmon I authorities bavin nntlbunced it asfthelr mteniloa to roplac the tele gt Phone polos which wore roc loved from Cli ssoa ave bull hue| byorder w^iiO^XtoB^witfcf-fib eslotihb 8an|e size and height to bo nraquood solely to rtnepttit pos gta ot the ttrp-and pol ice telegraph systema Mayor Whlme ito^yl^adraquotaifcwlth Commw-sloner EnnU wipt the View) f ascertaining whether or hot it was absolutely nee raquossary thap this shoulk be done The yenayor-laquoalt4 Uiatnhleasli could be demonstrated to him that hlaquorequirements of tbq service necessitated the ere rtloa of polesi there ha should oppose i t HedWn ^laquoaref6rthlaquoihnseanll nu^representatlinto which he had been irabJeoteU by ito Havliaid bat he ^ d e a ^ ^ i ^ p 6 M thai sehtlmentsJ bt bull proper ty owners-sa^iaraa practicable anil he dfd IJ totsW -whyjlfothitj arrangements bould be madethe^poligt8 should

Itles shaU show ttia^ ttwgtf irectton^-of - --polesbull add wires in the panof the aven to iu question was hep-

_easary for tho protection of 1 Ife and property int^e maintenance ofitho Are alat Da-system hi did not see how he conlfl proper|y nterfero 0M$ he op peolaUy^ wished)wasto aVola anyapparent resent-meAtof the actionjtakstsby the property Ownebi whichhad resUVed la tho removal o f jthe polbs erected by tho fclophone co hpahyunder la permit issued to the ^lre Depart lout ia accordance with an agreementlaquo several yei ra standing i Aft ^ Commissioner Ennla attoi ded at the jMayorS laquoir-flce^withJampcjbLj Watson the 8upertotendoatjof

tho^tolegiaphMltSorpon itlon Couneol Jouka was laquo W i w laquo f t Conimisaloae rBnntstod the bullMayor that it was necessary tohavs tho polos on Claasbn avetoue [This rf theposftJc a which Bnhls has held fromtheitart^MajorWh]tneysald he deslreu|to _vislt tho location and inaki an examination of before arriving at a doclslo i-inv the matterSo wai arranged that in com pi ay with Mr Jenks ahd theCommiailoaer ho shoul i go out there this uftpr-noan V- bull bull- = - y bull lit


ipgipiiiliiiii ^ h y Bernard

| bull bull bull bull - bull - -

bullbullfbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull H o t b e

Mooney ^ U

1^ bull Maa | g f ^ | | | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l a j ^ Broods Orer His Trjoubles and Becomes I n s a n e bullbull_bullbullbullbull- bullbullbullbullbullbull bull j -

bullbull J)n the 9f i of Jaanary l a ^ t B e ^ a Hamilton avehiiegt saioon keeper quarreled vtlth hlsbarkeeper William Quintan During a scmne that followed Mooney Bred at Quihlau Ho said be dldl^not shoot to h i t him but merely-wanted to frighten hlm^ Untortunatlt iy the ball burled it ieif in Qulnlans left breast j ui t over his heart Ho was takjsri to the Long Ismndlc^Uege Hospitalraquo wijore he still lies but yet far from out Of danger There hatjo been many adjournments of the ease since thehi It was to come up in Justice MassnyTs Court to-day hotfromwordreceived byjhis Hoampor this m p r n m g i t l a scarcely possible tbdtltwill ever bo t r i s i Tbe counVphys l c ians sent a certificateiu this morning to the eCfoct that Moimey had so broodedbull gtver the unfortunate affair that his reason had become entirely dethroned jand he jtvas a raving maniac i Mr Moouey was a well to dbbuslaoss man of peaceable character and diapo-sltfon He never was in trouble before and was not

thought by his friends to be capable of deliberately shJjotlhg a man If he flredthe shot as he saysaad as all hlsfrlouds beliovo with no iatontion of]hit-

(Jululan he has paid dearly for the net jThe slclans doubt iwhether his reason can ever he

red He wilt bo commuted to the asylum to-or to-morrow v bullbullbull-bull----- - bull r e --bull


C o l o n e l E d w a r d K ILansin 1

jColonel Edward B Lansing died last night at his roaidence 16laquo Washington Park Hoi had) bCtju ailing for several days but was not thought t o bo seriously ill until within tho last few hours Ipj laTundorstood that- heart-disease was the cause of dlath He wo3 53 years old Colonel Lansing was] tne son of Rev Dr D C Lansingwho was for many yearstho pastor of the Clinton avonuo Coagroga- tUonal 6hurch preceding thore the late Ro^ Dr Huddingtoii Subsequently he removed to] JuburUj N Y When the civil war broke | ojat young Lansing was appointed first ltoutouant ]ud adjatant in the Seveniy-flfth New [Jfork olunteors and served for somo tlmo He studied iw and In 1809 returned to Brooklyn and entered pon the practice of his profession in this i city

Shortly after locating here he was elected Dopau^r moht Commander of the Grand Army He took an sjotlve Interest la political matters and in 1878 was prominent in the Liberal Republican movement l b 1874 ho was appointed Chief Clerk in the Police Department and held the position for several years l p the Presidential campaign of 1876 he was yory

jctlve speaking frequently and to large audiences every part of the city A s a e tump speaker Colo-

jel Lansing was forcible and eloquent jpt lato rs ho has devoted himself to his profession and

built u p a large and lucrative practice Colonel using was twice married his second wife surviv-

him He leaves a son who is ono of the pro-roprlotora of tbe Clarendon Hotel


gtmothing hap-

alls about the 1 sideamp CAP-produced oy a of the opinion wall of water came pouring cpbid reborer oyer the stern tain and al l on

cling to the verboardV I m -

lielxigampi^y^ia of Honnjfaia Heicrht Henr -B^^gtgMira^

Story ytnifr Mejm^Likea Hantical Eo--- manco I|- bull

bull Captath Sayles]o^Thomastoni Mdcommanding the ship S L John of that port arflveil I n the harbor to-day with his vessel and elghteonj men all safe after the mjs t rematjkable experiance they ever passed through in aHthelr3iyeamp i i 7 oclock on

miles from B w l d y h ^ u i j d lh f rbin Liverpool drivshying along on the port tackunder ml l zeh bull lower top-sAllSj^attker main jtopsail malhlupper topsail xorotopsaa-^adjih^rhoi^9ae fcus blowing at the t ime and t i e g i j i f c ^ ^ the inmtovroyal yard were loosened H^enry Brown one cTthe sailors was sent aloft to secure the sail and 4ad worked his way lh well towards tHeHjJSst when

pened that h e a ^ c o s i h l ^ his life v Bour great bullwavesyrosiup like ship and came downou ^fer from tdln Sayles thinks the effect w tidal wave- copyHiors on tho ship

i that a rwhlte squall caught her tharreached as high i s the forey oyerttiiii bow and before the shi another wave ibquAllyhigh swep and tore ralohg her djsck The deck had to broco themselves at] r igging or -they would h a v e gone medlatelyafterward a great waveSstruck tho starshyboard side and carried tho vessel on her beam enda-^-The cargo of salt ta bags tras-well stowed fifl^b^^^^^iltfij^^^t^n^im last of tha St John As the vessel lay oh tx61 beam ends the last great wave struck her on t i gt port side aud righted her with a force that n ode her timbers

j f K ^ l ^ v i i ^ ^ ^ l f ^ ^ ^ f t ^ W ^ ^ ilaquoht a n d dived down headforemost again with a J rk that snapped the main topmast off at the1 can - A s that fell it broke themlzzen royal mast whii h was oonhected with ItIby braces ahdetays offahoi t ajbd the weight of-tbeWreckalso carried a w a y tup fere royal and top gal lant yards whlbh fell one Iant forecastle The vessel also Bpankerbobni i - By whatseems almost a miracle Brown who was on-tbiemain r o y feet above the deck was pitched c l | a r oyer the yard but seized the maia royal stay wtth a death grip As~the wreck feU he swung far | u t oyer the port side and into the waves but tho Vessel righted on her keel Just at that tjlme-ahd h | swung l o board again and alighted just aft of the deck houses The deckwas full of waterj up to the rail and the water brokeBrowns fall B-e was almost unhurt and was able to be atWork again the next c jay - -i

LuckUythe wreck from aloft XoH oa tho dock inshystead of dragging alongside j Tr jo crew spent the reot of tho day In clearing away |he ship proceedshying under staysajls Jbullbull-bull bull

lt THE COURT C A L e i s i A S S

on the fop gal-rriod away hor

o one waa h u r t bullbull yard sixty-five

C a s e s t o lgte C a l l e d r raquo r T r i a l i u t b e C o u r t s

T o - m o r r o w

CrnctnwCkraquorrET---Bartlett J J PartfE^rNos 749^ Crulkshan Hayes vs DenslbwManufActurln ve Electric Light CoJ 860McCi third street R Rgt 800 OsbOri InsuranceCo 874 Carter vs B C Schaunlug vsi ScDleslugor 878 JVan

Parti Ctdleov v i Gorddh 24 Co TOTsOSayer rey v a T w e n t y -

e-va New Tork R Rbullbull 863 Winkle vs

B C ft R 901TLynchvaB C|S R 894 laquooff vs Lymanr896 Fraum vs Guraerinoimer 884 Boy-Jan Vs Sammls 465 Roberts t s Town of New Utrecht 918 Qillott vs Redlich3 899 Heinemaan vs Wine Exchange 871 Crane jrs Hermaas 815 King vs Forgo Co 612 Samuels |vs Brewing Co Highest number reached 919bull i v

COOET OP SESSIONSmdashMoore T-|William Hendershyson alias Patsey Carroll burglarysand grand larceshyny Peter J Euglishaila-raquo Peter Jllnglts^ grand larshyceny and assaul t bull 8

Crrr CODRTmdashPart L Chief J u d t e Clement Part TLvJudge Van WyckmdashNos E05 Russell vs JlaUbews N D May2 655 Blown admrx vs Smith 456 Perry vs Gibbons 65S McLeer vs Joel N D-May4 566 Murphy vs H4sau 592 Tucker vs Baxter 672 Corcoran vs Terrenco N D -May 2 674 Brainard vs Luckenbax t 680 Traoy vs Dobbins N D May 2631-Conn iy vs Hyde 565 Rogers va Schtnk 631 Stewart vt Kntckenlng 651 Brooklyn Bank vsLamou Kelget hauer vs 687City of Brooklyn 688 Schoenfelder vsj PeuserN D May 2 691 Hoimesi vs Atlaniio avenue Railroad Comshypany N D May 2 695 Gibson vi Macy N D May 2 607 Andrews vs McCaun 653 Goes vs Kiefer 638 Ulrlch vs Splra 700 Jacot s vs Effrass 701 Bloch vs Galloway 702 Smith rsl Halstead 703 Dixou vs Wurglea 704 Lovell M) LItchdeld 705 Hughes vs McCullougn 706j K ighes vs McCul-lougbt 708 Frederick vs Wi(tgigt 708 Smith vs New Williamsburgh and FlatbasH KaUroad Co 709 Monahan vs Robbins 710 Waljtot -w Coi 711 Burns vaOsboru 112Tralicb vs node AtiZ Schoea vaBrod bullbull- bull bull r bull bull

SPECiAh TgnsfmdashJudge Osborn^-Nos M0 Boujj-ards va Hermans i bull bull- bull bull bull bull mdash - mdash mdash raquo bull bull bull 1 mdash -bull bull bull


T l toy P o u r T b e l r laquor lev iampraquoces I n t o t h e

C b a r i t i e s C o m m i s s i o n e r s Ears


lt D o e s n t P a y t o S a y So to a JFadffe mdash - bull j

A few days ago Policeman v Prieli of the Ninth Precinct while patroltng his post in the neighborhoodof DoKalb and Tompkins|avenues heard the rap of a club in the hands of j some one evidently calling for assistance He discovered James bull Johnston a night watchmth injtheactof again tapping the sidewalk John ston w as intoxi-cated and Friel u took h im in The former deshynied the charge before Justice Kenn i next day and the trial was set down for this morning When Friel had told his story the def gtndan too t the stand in his own behalf

u Were you drunk when arrested askel Justice Korua

bull No air I was as sober as araquoJudge replied Johnshyston Then finding that his answer wa notas it should have been he added I was sn sober as anyone

He was fined tsL 4 bull rmdash - bull bull


The Board of Estimate -will meet on Friday r i m i n g for the purpose of fixing anamou)nt to be taken from the Revenue fund for u-e regular street cleaning appropriation forj rent year This appropriation is $160000 j supposed that the Board will sot aside-Revenue fund an amount sufficient to j the total of the lowest bid for 1887 namely Messrs Cranford amp Valentine are the loWest bidshyders Tho contract wUi run for three y JOTS and ample provision will bo made for it from year to y$ar by the Board of Estimate The removal ot ashes is Included

v -mdashi mdash -- c- AnABBIKO A WATKB C05TBACT

with the the cur-nd It is from Its make up $280000


A W o g i d be S u i c i d e DiscbATffed b y Sun

l i c e E c n n a - bullie- laquo - J i i bull I

When the case pgainst Henry Nold of 253 Floyd street who was arrested on the 1st instant by

j DetectiveBrady for attempting to take his own Uto by swallowing a dose of Rough on iRata was called

by Justice Henna to-day tho prisoojer walked moek-ly to the bar The officer stated that ho had- no proof against the accused and that the prisoners wife would not appear against her husband Justice Henna was reluctant to discharge Hold and asked

Have you any injclitfatlon now totake your life M Was Is dot bull sa|d the prisoner |

Do you want to Idle remarked Justice Henna trying to make Noljil understand 1

UNot so long liko 1 liyecame tho answor quickly He was discharged j f

mdash i mdash i - bull - gt VAN DOLESPLEADS OCILTY ^

T h e E v i d e n c e iAcainst t b e F o r m e r R e a l

E s t a t e Altont C o n c l u s i v e

Thomas Rhind and John 0^ Oswald who pleaded not guiltyto a charge of grand larceny in the second degree wltb^drow their pleas this mornshying In the Court of Sessions and pleaded guilty to grand larceny in thethird degree Frank Lynch Indicted on a slmllhr Charge also pleaded guilty to grand larceny la J the third degree GarrehtW Van Dolen formerly aJprosperous real estiite agent tho story of whose downfall has been published in the EAGLE pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery In the third degree [ bull- -iv bull The prisoners were then romanded for sentenced

The Trustees of thejTiUage of Jamiaca met last evening and awarded woha Lockwood a contract for supplying the vUlagje with water for fire and domestic purposes The village is to be provided with 100 Are hydrants at an annual expense Of $2000 The company Is to lay elxmues pf water mains and establish a pumping station and reservoir The cost to private consumers is to bo the samo as the rate of tho City of Brooklyn


Thomas Byan 33 years of age was burned to death at his residence 201 Ninth strelt it at 10 oclock this morning -Ryan was Intoxicate land sat down by a hot stove He wept to sleep and feU on the stove There he was found almost dead by a member of the family bull An ambulance wu sent for but the man was dead before it arrived The Coro-oner was notified


Mrs Mary McFadden nee Larkin t he first and original wife of the young bigamist Mo Madden who was 1 committed yesterday by Justice Naoher with his second wifo on a ohargo of bigamy was this morning admitted to bail on a charge of asshysault made by the second wife


Henry Haffner walked along Grandj street this mornlDg with an unsteady gaitand discharged indiscriminately the contents of several c h i m b e rs of a revolver Offloer Lynch arrested h im and ho was flued $3 by Justice Naeher The revolver w a s loaded with blank cartridges only

i V i bull mdash bull mdash mdash - j - - - bull


Andrew Bedell 18 years of age [of 111 Hall street foil off a horse on the bridge carriageshyway yesterday afternoon and received can ug ly lacerated wound Ho was takon to his h o m e In a h ambulance- - -bullbullbull bullbullbull bullbullbullbullbull --I- raquo - raquo bull -- bull- f bullbull-bull-



Frank Eel lo and Oassar Mararo h^d a quarshyrel in the house 47i Crosby street NewYork lost evening which ended in a duol with butcher knives ThQgtpolice arrived in tlmo to prevent mnrder They found Kollo bleeding from aigosh la hisleft shoulder and a debp incised wound Inthe right thigh- Ho was- taken to the hospital Justice Duffy held Marazo to await tho result of injuries Inflicted on RoUo | bullbullbullbullbull - j bull bull -bull- timdashpmdashbullraquo bullbull iti v- - - v


Lost evening an nnlmown man was found in an unconscious condition on the South Central Pier Atlantic Dock B e Was- taken to St Peters Hospital where tho docter said h e was suffering from a congestive chill At 8 oclock this -morning he was still nhcons^loua He WUl probably die AH that is known of h im is that ho worked oa a coal b h a t m A t m n ^ c B a s i n VA^vbullbullgtbullbullbull v


M i c h a e l JX Cai l t i l lon of 779 iBQcks s tree t j had his foot cruahod by a p i e c e of iron at Boards Stores yesterday 1 bull bullbullbullbull - bull

William Blrchellof 49 Douglass street a painter by occupation felK from a scaffold in Rapelyea street yesterday and fractured the drum of his right ear - f bull gt | gt

Apanof hot ashes set llretoPiggoamp Brosstablo floor In Pacific street last night The flames Were extinguished promptly bull - bull

- bull bull bull bull bull bull bull mdash mdash I - - bull


The JkeontiveiCommitteeof trieicarpenterB on strikestate thai they aro losing no ground There are flfty-one ^ e h out- Themaster carpeh- tors aro still active in tholr endeavors to Induce tho bossesvjho are outsido tholr organization to join them and Inaugurate a general lockout of the men to w h o m they are paying the price It is ramorau that tho bo ssoa organization will dlseolvo to-night

- V-- Jfmdash m bull N-ltliOSTilKTHBWO0D8H

Bobert Follmefy a clerk stole $ 3 ontj of the money drawer of his employers Jacobs amp Jompko J

Yesterdayvafteirhodn ai 3 year old pon 6f WUHtfm Barthei of Vviest Deer Park was allowed to gfgtInto the woodSftoplay Thatwas tno lost seon of hlmr MrB^hS^^d-h^hflighbprR searched-all nls-ht for the boy^ andthis morning the hews of bisdlsappoaranco^as telegraphed io neighboring

villages--bull)bull A - jbull gtbullbull


T h e t U n i o u E l e v a t e d S amp a i l r o a d C o m p a n y

bullbullbull L o s l n i r X i t t l e X i n i e bull

W o r k o n H u d s o n 4tvenue b e t w e e n F u l t o n street and Park avenue has been commenced by the Union Elevated Railroad Company There are abouts lxty men at work on that section All of the toundatiotis have been placod on Flatbush avenue and the iron work will bo put up there as fast as possible The road will be probably in operation next Fall It is evidontly the intention of tho Union Elevated Hallroad Company to have their l ine in operation as far as tho Long Island Kailroad depot some tlmo during the Summerto take in-as much as possible of the Summer traffic and to get ahead of the Kings County Elevated Railroad Company which to all appearances will find their jway com- pletejy barred by the Union Elevated Railroad crossings -bull bull bullbullbull bullbull -


C o l o n e l C n l y e r W l t b d r a t v s fipoundis D e m a n d -

f o r 1 D r X c icr la ton s R e s i g n a t i o n

Colonel Cnlyer a member of the committee^ of theCentral Grammar School sent a letter to-day to Postmaster Hendrix the chairman of the comshymittee withdrawing his consent to the resolution requestingtho resignation of Dr Leighton prlnol- pal of theschool bullbull bull

- Mr Hendrix refused to make the lottor public i Colonel Culyer said that his motive was to obviate any Inconsiderate action d n h l s p a r t He doesnt knowenough about the case to pronounce Judgeshyment and he took this step to place himself in a fair--attitude--both toward the committee and Dr Leighton - bull -bull lt bull - bull -v bullbullbull bull bull bullbull

bull bull bull bull m mdash - bull

SCHOLAItS LOYAL TO DB LEIGHTON | bull bull gt bull - - T - J To the Editor of the-Brooklyn Raglebullbullbullbull ] From the EAGLE of the 19th inst I see that

only-seventy of thepupils of tho Central School are represented as being loyal t9 Dr Leighton I am sorry that this mistake has boen made It Is probshyably due to my omitting to hand you tho names of a ilthepnpilB who signed the petition Tho time

as so limited that only one fourth of the school c gtuld be canvassed of this two hundred a large n ajorlty signed W1U you -kindly rectify the mis-U keassobn as possible and oblige

ACBNTBAL SCHOOL GIEgt llfJ4 Paclflcjstreet BKOOKLYN AprU201887

Emily Hedyeni a middle aged married woman ot 49 VarOt street wasarraigned for the second ^imo In - a year before JustlceNaeher this n orning for eating morphine in large quahtitfes 0 a the |flrst occasion she vjas committed fjor s ix n onths but hor imprisonment did not seora to euro hpr of the habit Sho was again committed to-day

husband was a rich Dresden merchant She well educated i ---- bullbullbullbullbull- --bullgt ij---

- bull- m mdash bullbullbull-- -


Ber 3 is


t e n T n r o G A B Conaniauders Set -

i t Jed T h e i r D i f f e r e n c e s o n tno F l o o r I - bullbull- r bullbull

A w e e k a g o t h e d r u m a n d c a d e t c o r p s o f Mansfield Post G A R gave ah entertainment and reception The name of- Commander Henry B Davis had been omitted entirely from the proshygramme a n d he folt sliphtod He accused Past Comshymander Martin Short of having purposely made the omission In order to insult him Hot words ensued aud the two parted In anger Last night there was a crowded meeting of the Post as it had beshycome known that the two commanders would argue their differences They were not disappointed ai|d for over two hours opeechos-tlnged moire or l e i s with bitterness were Indulged In Finally they advanced toward each other When thoy reached the center of the room thoymdashshook hands


I d C a u s e s G r a v e D a n g r c r in T w o G r e a t

ibullbull-- T e n e i p e i i t s


^eheajringintnecontest over thewill of j ihn H Masterton was continued in the Surrogates C gturt to-day The evidence for the proponent iMns Augusta Masterton was continued Edward G V illiams of 141 St Marks avenue was examined 1 he drift of his evidence showed thatMasterton w w a moral man andobserved all the amenitiesof a reputable mode of Ufe bull-bullbull -- bullbullbullbullbullbull v bull


N o settlement has yet b e e n arrived at be-teen District ttb i36Bi o5t^ pound represehting1- the ei aployea In Higgihs carpet factory on Fortyijhird stfreet New York and District No 49nor does there

any prospect of ah amlcableairangement men who still cling to No49 reniam out] and places are being slowlyfilled by the firm

T i e ) t l e l r i


fiev T T-B^-Eeid-coloredvpf-- JaniaicaV-whsfltrlcken with paralysis oh Tuesday evening The stroke wass l igbt and to-dayhe Wasabie to s i t u p fl|o has had a hard timo of i t In his prosent obarge

fforlng at times for the necessaries - of life but laltterly h e has received reUef f rom his white b r e t h r e n

bull bull - bull i - - bull mdash - bull gt - bull bull gt bull bull bullbullTv - - -- bull


A oertificatexjf incorporation of the New Ybrk Isolated Accumulator Companyto cairribh

busioess oporatioue in tho counties of Kings and ^estcheato ivahd the City and County of New York

filed a t AlbauyonTuesday v7- wtai


Leonard Kloss iyears-old of 206 Meserole BtreetV Louts Goet 14 years old of 35 Moore street

amplaquoampGlaquo^^ suffering ^ro^0^^^^peK^^^^-^t^o^^-i W s h Hospital yesterday -

j - bull bull bull mdash - bull bull bull r ~ bull _ - bull bull bull


JTheHtmtingt6ift7 -NbrwattaiQdyBndgepoJrit SfcambpatiC^mpahy eleotedthe bullbullfoHOWJnVbillcerBj CharleiPHolmes president ^JoMphLrWta vtep nJoRldent iDbuKlaaCohM

The gas main buret between the two tall tenshyements 1621 and 1634 Second avonuo New York and the gasleaked into both tbe houses while mos of tjtfe tenants wore all ia bed last night bull Mrs Griffin^the wife of Broundsman Griffin o

bullthe Eighty-eighth street police squad seutlherttwelve year old son William intb-the cellar with a pail of asUos He ignited a match and a great explosion

bull followed The boy was badly burned about the face and hands Most of the tenants were stilled into iusbnslbllify and had to be carried out Of the house by neighbors ~ All escaped with their lives V


A n d t h e C o u r t G a v e H e r a L e c t u r e o n

bull bull P u n c t u a l i t y -

|drs Mary Mnrphy of 24 Heyward street was to have appeared in Justice Naohors Court this morning to answer a charge ot assault made by MrsV Mwry Hughes who resides in the same teneshyment Mrs MurphyOfflcer Sullivan stated pulled Mrs Hughes hair out and pummeled her face Thb defendant did notput In an appearance until nearly 10 oclockand when asked for an explanashytion she replied Musha me clock Is snlowlaquo You must be always punctual in this life Mary said the Court I havea mind to lock you up for not having been here earlier You can go but bo here at 9 oclook sharp Saturday morning

- bull bull bull mdash mdash mdash l mdash mdash bull


On Monday last the so called wet day tlmo taJJlef was put mto operation by the Brook- lyn City Railroad Company The new arrangeshyment which had been recently agreed upoii he-fweien the Executive Board of District Assembly 75 and President Lewis of the Brooklyn City Railroad Company means simply that a number of cars will be taken off on Inclement days during hours when bulltravel Is Ught The drivers and conductors are-to receive full paymdashhat is for straight runs $2 and n66 for trippers bullbull-bullbullbullbull- bull t- W$


A man named^ W^lstead was arrested in Far Eockaway this mornihg on the charge of brutally assaulting Bridget Kane 15 years old Welatead hadanacfeoinpHceWhOhas not been apprehended Miss E ^ e says she was proceeding along the highshyway at 8 oclock last evening when the two men seized her and dragged her Into ah bull old bara At the time the glrla sister was looking for her and hearing cries she hastened to thebarn in tlmo to rescueBrldgefc lt bull -

bull bull lt - - bull bull bull -


The Charities Oommissiofcers had their hands full to-day in disposing o numerous oases which came before them for Judj menun J Perelra a man of 70 years wanted eupi ort from his four

jsons He is a crank and Issepat ited from his wife Two of the^sons live at 131 Nortl Portland avenue

jaacVtwo i n Jersey City They lecided to pay 00 jcentis each per Week for their fat ora board John Stoddard 61 years of age stated ie had three eons

jehe a pointer on Fulton avonuo near the car 8 tables one in the Fire Depart mi utjEiudpne on the police force He does not live with his wife and the sons refuse him support on account of his alleged disgraceful conduct toward tho another His case lffreferredtd the counsel of the I oard i James Quigley a man of 60 ears complained agalabt his son James Qulgley Jr a sterekeepe^ in the employ of the Government because of his dissatisfaction with ttie sons couiluct In supporting h i s aged blind mother in law at l i s house 11 Bolishyvar street where he has also ket t h i s father tor a long time I t i s a U e g e d that the gtld man failing la his attempt to have tho mother i I - law ejectedlast Sunday had notices defamatory ltf bis sons characshyter posted around tho nolgh bortjpod He now asks that the son be compelled to support him Counsel will tako charge of the cose

bullbullbullbull A GASTROXOMIC JPEAT

S e t A v i d e a P7I m J a d g e Gul l en h a s r e n d e r e d a d e c i s i o n a n shy

nulling the deeds of conveyance from Josephine Hnsson to Thomas T Busson They were husband and wifo andreslded at East Jamaica Years ago When Mr Hussou was l a financial trouble h e conshyveyed al l h i s real estate la this city and Jamaica to bis wife and the title remained in her name for a long time -- In 1884 M rs Hussoa reconreyed the property to her husband who then proceeded to make his will Ho died soon after The wi l l gave very groat dissatisfaction to the heirs The widow was left barely enough to liveOn A clause in the testament disinherited any child who should conshytest St To got around this the dissatisfied childrens counsol bit upon the novelplan of attacking the conveyances from Mrs Husson to Mr Husson and W t was brought to annul the deeds on the ground that at tho timo of - their execution and prior thereshyto and ever after Mrs Husson was of unsound mind When this suit came on for trial first Mrs Hussou was exhibited in court a speechless foolish parashylytic She has s incedied The effect of Judge Oullens decision is to nullify Mr Husson will enshytirely The deeds of the property which ho beshyqueathed being nuU and void he was literally a pauper- After Mr Hussou acquired the property ho Sold soveral parcels and donated a site for a Reshyformed church at UoIUee


Which Edified a Very gt Crowd


There ^Were ITo Toreadors on Haad bat the Animals Hade Hatters Lively Enottsrh

| Without Them ^ -

Pedestrians passing through Herkimer street near Schenectady avenue last evening imagined for a time -that they had been silently lifted up by some fairy and set down In sunny Lisshybon the capital of Spain while a bull fight was in progress It Is true there were no toreadors with their gleaming blades and gay fluttering ribbons but there was a bull fight aU the same and It was as desperate a fight as ever sprinkle 1 hot blood over the arenas in the ancient city of the Moors T h e cifowd too embraced everybody In the neighborshyhood including men women children and babies and it took as much interest in the combat as though It had paid a high price of admission to see the s h o w bull v

The two animals belonged to H- Bloch a cat tie dealerof 150 Maujer street and they were onj their way from Flatbush to the slaughter house in Johnson avenue One buU was big with long rakish boras tito other was small with very short horns Blochand his men tried to separate the animals but could not succeed in their efforts and the roaring of the Infuriated beasts the Shouts of the drivers of the herd aud the loud crl^s of the excited multitude combined to make as big a hubshybub as that locality has experienced for years-

The people formed a big ring round the beasts The lajtter attacked each other viciously and locked andi Interlocked their horns and probed them through each-others tough hidea Finally the larger bull drove his horn deep In the smaller bull aud the latter with a rear Of pain and rage asuk exhausted aud was left in a dying cohdltlou by Bloch aud his men who continued their way to the slaughter house driving tho victorious raquobull ahead of them Bloch was arrested this morning and taken beforo Justice Kenna ou two complaints one charging htm with not having a permit to drlvocattio through the streets and tho other with cruelty to animals Bloch pleaded-guity to the first charge and was fined $5 He will be tried On the other charge a week hence


E x c h a n g e F i r m mdash R a i l r o a d E a r a i a g a S t o c k G e n e r a l l y S t r o n g -

W A I X STBBST April 20 - 3 P TL

sales of bonds this afternooa the Among w e r e A t c h C o l i P a c 1st A l amp P a c i o o 34a S4raquo P i i t l 4 Ohio 5s 1 1 raquo C h t S t l ^ amp K O 6s 117 OSn S J I s a 107 C n e laquo amp O a i o Ptir fand113 Donv i K i o amp 4 raquo 7 9 laquo Dot M amp iliir L G53Xa 3 A K M t T o n a 6 J -- 10raquok Erio 2d oon 101 ilOljJ Orsnd U U n d l g t KM

1 0 8 laquo i N T Obi 4 S t X lraquot Northwest e x t 4raquo NorPacit io d iv Nor Paoino 2nd S f l M t t W M

bull New Jar So 1 s t North Carolina 6 s Orseon Short Line laUHlo Orunoa Imp 1st U6 Oregon Nav amp lU iJ i Orrfgon Trans 6S- IM


100 U 3

Creep Bay ino 5gtii -46S P e n n i e s IQHii Gait Ool amp S F 2nd 10-J4 Pooria amp Pek Un 1st 112J$ UuifCol ASan Kol-ll21J4lPeorialstKvdiv 110 Hous amp T l i t W102^alU iShenandoah 1st lifti SookinK Valley con iJ tjhlaquonindoaii g ra51lt i amp2gti Tntomatioml 1st 12) Kansas Pao Don 117 Kan Paolat^ 113 Lou X A i f l oon 95a 9(1 Lpnz Island Ga 113 gt4

St Paul term mat 104 Jial04 StPOhiAPac 5s 10rfgt4 ToxPao ino (S2 Tex Pao Rio 75 lol Ann A r i N M t e 9)

D e c


S e v e n S t c a k M S o m e P i

EgKlaquo and a Cup t a t o e s lt E i ^ h t

t Coffee

Amotog the -bootbhicks whlt the pedal coveringa of local igtoi uatedcolored youth whosepro excelled by his abilities as a glaquo day ho mado a wager with a ltoo restaurant that he could eat Small measure of potatoes at a s

shed luster on ticians Is an attea-

asa shiner Is a tronome Yester-ln a neighboring

seven steaks and a I ting bull bull

bull Not If I select and cook thty steaks said the c o o t l -bull- bullbull -

i^Yes you can choose -o grull and cook it too and by golly I can eat urn said the darkey

Thb cook thinking he had a j are thing selected several of the toughest steaks thLt over were served anil subjected them to a proccj a of trying which was calculated to add to their tb lgbness The darshykey sat down to too spread surrounded b y his backers and the friends of tho j raquook B e finished the meal In fifteen minutes and took a s his dessert

bdquooight oggs and a cup of coffee wl ich tbe discomfited cook made him-pay for out of ti e money h e won


Judgre BarUettW T r i b d t gt t o a C i r c u i t ibull bull-bull Cojtrt J u r y

bull l laquo v - bull - - mdash mdash - mdash mdash Thesuit of Kndolph Schoidt againstithe

Broadway Kailroad Company wi s concluded In the Circuit war t this mornihg the Jury returning a verdict for the plain tiff for 30(X The action- was t9 recover damages for Injurie recelred On the night of August 101884 a ear lt n the dsfendantls road at Von Sindoron avenue a id Broadway was struck by a train oa the Long Ial md Railroad The car asbullsmashed one man klUt 1 the driver hurt and the plaintiff Schmidt who i as one of the passhysengers had two ribs broken I was claimed that some subsequent physical troi hie resulted from the injuries received When- c gtunsel for the de-fonse moved for a stay ponding au appeal Judge Bartlett said he would grant ttie stay for thirty days but he thought the verdidt was very discreet and Just Counsel took the stayj however In spite of ttiiacold comfort For tho pie Inttff JSlmmerraan amp Jacobs for the defense Moo e Low amp Wallace


P l e a s a n t E n t e r t a i u u i out G i v e n I P l y m o u t h CUurcb Sun d a y S c h o o l

Mr Le wis Balch Secretary of the State Board of Health has notified health officers throughshyout tne State to bo on tho lookout for bob vealwhich is being shipped from the oountry to tiie larger cities to he used as sausage meat canned chickenetc-The order directsthe Immediate solzuieof aUsuohjcohtrabandmeat -


WiSB Annie Ball applied to Clerk Jonas 11 Farrington of JustlcoKhlneharts court tbia mornshying jfor advice as to hbwshe bull should ^proceedbullto Obtain possession of hor trunkwhicli In dotalnod by her ejt-boardlbg mistress raquoragt p8bbrn-of 99 South Fourth street to whom sho admitted being indebted for a^fowweekstbaard Aa her good clothes are In tho trunk ebe is anxlouo to got i t She was told the proper step to take _ j r


C h a r l e s N Howard a merehahtj l i v i n g at 13 South Portlaud avonue caused the artest^of Bertha Hall a colored woman who had beeu om-ployed by bim as a domestic Ho alleged that ahe hadsWlenvaiSi silk handkerohlef but When the

The prisoner was discharged and was advised to euo Howard for false Imprisonment v bull - bull - - v 5 bull bull - bull - bull bull ^ bull bull ^ - C - bullbullbull- ^ ^

bull 4ti- T0BKVR0vKiIgt-0LOyE-APElB-

Th^eicaseoflj^0^6t^^^^^ta^ff^jj0^f^ presented to theauthorities ofthe Stato at a mootshying lb Masonic Hall Now York at 10 oclock vo-morrpw m orn I ng bull bull-M ravSophrbhla frwlchbll laquorho gthaslbst-none ofbull her aggressionand defiaucbsays bullthisilsto be no-ftdgloveaffair -AVV-pronbsot6 preseht hard-facts bull_bull bull

-bull- 4 bullbull -iMAY-EPRECTAStTTIiEMEST bull

An entertainment tinder th auspices of the Plymouth Young Peoples Aso nation was given last evening in the Sunday BChoo room of Plymouth Churehforthe benefit of the Western Branch of the Soldiors Ilomo at Leavenwc th Kan Misi E King1 made hor debut as a voce 1st and acquitted herself creditably She sang In Autumn and Kockaby Lullaby a song writtsn by her father Mr Qjjorge Werrearath sang bull The Two Grenashydiers] The Song of the Cam gtraquo and bullbullThe-Star Spangled Banner Others whe took part In jthe progrimme wereMr T L DoyeAIx Ai J B|ou-Wick Miss Kitty Cavacagh and |Mr J M PearsaU

bull f bullbullV bull bull-bull bullbull- bull bull bull


Adfaiph Cohen of 141 Not JiFourth street charged Simon Cohen ot 191 Bed ord avonuo before Justice NaoUor this morning w th threatening to Btrikehlm with a bottle and ust g the words ^Ill WpSlti^ Adolph^s better feellc j gained the masshytery a i d he withdrew the oomph lot but Simon was sent td tho Inebriates Homo on a charge of habitual drunkenness bull bullbullbull

HELD IN $10000

FaulWalter who is charge i by Anna Seif

farthVpf345 Fifth street lew Yo k with carelessly gtcruh^^abJoyn^me4-vytillah Grluheir7years old between his truck and a telegraph post in Fifth stroot on April 16 causl ig lutornal hotnor-rtrngo and consequont deatb wat hold for examinashytion ib $10000 bail by Justice Mi rray to-day at Esshysex Market Court Ho claiins fiiat Itwasauacci-deut --yi rv --vift-


i^^^^eWi^^fi^^a^^m gttthe ^^pftWii can General Committee organized last evening by tho olaMlon of B H Hobbs au chairman and John Arnold as secretary

DBOWSED IU WOLl LJ-v - tgtgt 1 -r Cnicj oApril 20^188^

bull Thebody o fCUar lesnaMiayo l lug manWcentiy from ifow Jersey was taken froj fiWblf l ^ k e this ihbrnlng About-- two wecJts ago] lialtwentoutaali lihj obithb l a i e ^

MexicanCeu 03a C2i Tol ScLA KO 1st WA MotKlovatedM 113 lUnion Paclatll6JlaquoraquollCJi Mil4laquoortberal8t l(rH4 CniotrPampoSF llfta MRnliattunBli Imp7B aigti|U Slaquo)4S 110gti Moui amp Ohasn 6s 104gti U S (U oou 12ajlt Mlaquo Kan 4 T g inlOampraquolU2| West Shore ia Iu3gti It is stated that Mr Brexel of Philadelphialtwill vote the proxies of foreign holders of Now York Central amounting to Over 200000 snares at the annual mooting at Albany to-day

Exchange is firm at $486X for long and $488^ for short mainly in consequence of a scarcity of commercial bills and the Canadian banks have adshyvanced thoir rate tor s ixty days half a cent per pound sterling -bull

Railroad earnings Norfolk and Western 2nd week April Bait N Yand Piiila 2nd week April IVnnsylaaU-Viarci eat net Waueliug snd K linlaquo 2nd week April Wheehntf and It Krie since January 1

Siocks were quiet early this afternoon and about the only feature was a rise in Richmond Termlnn and in Erie Alter 1 oclock the movement wc chiefly in the cOal stocks but graduallytho whol market Improged and the tone was strong between this hour and 2 bullbull

Stocks were generally strong In the late trade and atthe close bull Mouey loaned at 5 per cent and at -ltU and closed

a b o u t i - bull-bullgt j -The following table shows the course of the stock

market for thl day Opsnlax Higbjjat Lowost-Oiosmr


8 W

Inc $6000

60ob66 2934


6 5 laquo laquo laquo 8-gtf van

13gtraquo 31 6 6 raquo


31 135


MX 17


Brooklyn Elevated Canadltan Paoiflo COttUraquo Soaiaern Uentral Kew Jersey- CivoiraiPacmo^ Cbau^nooca ClieoaDeampXu i O U i o CUuu Oaio 1st ota cnoa Omo 2nd otd Cbioaro amp Alton- Cilio liur Qaiacy ciev Col 0 ma Colorado O o a l Ooauuiidatcd ( j laquo bdquo bdquo Ooiawarw Jj U a a s o n Del l o k Western Denver ampVUo iit-tn0 e fgt JI QUI- Ji iW-r- bull (bullbull En-1 Tunnu-4soe l a i ptd Kast Tennossse 2ndpfd m i u raquobull bullgtbull bull bull bullgtbull bull bulllaquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull Erie p f d Hooktog Valley Illinois C r u r a l lad Bloom X Western Lake JCfie^A W e s t e r n Lake S h o r e Loiur Island LOUISraquoIIIOltpound Nashvi l le M a m o b a ManUiittan HHIUII Mandattanpound^a C o n Memuais amp Cnarleuten Micmgan Central Minn St h

-Mind amp S t U ofd Mo Kaa-^ Texas- Missour Pac H o hew York UeucrAt N y Cmo 4 St Louis N Ohio ltS St L ota K y amp Naw neiauo- N y Sos W H y S u s W ntd honnwostem Northwestern ofdi Wonnern Paoittei Morthern Pauiho o m j ) i Cma a bullbull Omaha nfd Ont A Weitern Orecou Nav ^ Oreeon Trans Pacirio Maiti i eons i Pullman Reading Richmond A Danville Rloamond Terminal RookZHIand- PlL amp Saa Fran BtL ASan Franpfd M I AiSan Kranlstpfd 8t PauI M bdquo StPaulpfd bdquo bdquo TeiasA Paolfib Onion Pacino Wabash Wabash ofd WesterotJmon

67 64J


57 64 6 1 laquo

67 B4



mm 5 mm DfPANTirj^ A i m BJSTH HnMOBS EPElSDIKr

V - ltbull 1 1 bullgtgtbull] bullbullbullbullbull OTXRED BY CPTICURA

bull bullbull bull i ] lt bull For Cleansing the Skingt and Scale- of Eirtu B tun ITS for

allayToe Itching Burning aad InHammattoiw for otnritfg the first symptoms ot Eoieema Puoriasia Milk Oros Soald Head Scrofala and other inherited eldn an blfod dis-oaeoa CUTICUBA the great Sldn CCRE and CUTf-CURASOAP as exquisite Skin Beautifier externally and CUTICURA RESOLVENT the now Blood parilior tnternail- are mfallible Ahsolntely pure

Now six years of ace when an Infant six months cM waa attacked with a virulent msJlgaanit skia disease All or-dinarremedies failingwo called Our family pli rsieiaa who attempted to cure It bat It spread wttbj air tost inshycredible r-pidlty nn til tho lower portion of the little felshylows person from the middle of his back down to hta knees was one solid rash ntfiy ps-infal blotched and miilieioas We had no rest at njaThCa feWP ^day The physician did not know jthea and does no know now what it was Finally we jwere advised to w p D T - ] CUBA RLMEDIES Without the knowledge of onr physician Z procured a box of CUTIC DRA and laquobull fake of OUTICDRASOAP Theeffec bull- 1 gt

bullV bullbullbull bullbull bull - I 1 bull - (

W A S SIMPLY MARVELOOS o _ bull i bull bull -

Usia the two louothor first vrasiIns hitn thonooKhlf with CTJTZOTJRA SOAP thenanolntlnar him ijrrtfc CUTX-CUR A From fin first application a change for t ie betshyter appeared Tao d ctf-r slid we ha i no further ioed of him and ceased his riatt In throe or four weeks a comshyplete euro was wrought leaving the little fellows person as white and healthy as though be had novr b len at-tackod fumy opinion^ your valuable remedies sai ed hit life and to-day he lafa strong healthy child perfectly well no ror otition ofthe disexse havinc evejr-oclt nrrod You are welcome to Stoke anyuseiof this you may deem best bdquo bull J QEOfcGLE B-^MITE i Attorney at Law and ex-Prosecuting Attorney Ash land O -bullbull bull bull K j I |

Reference J G Weist druggist Ashland O



] BABY use CUTICURA SOAP aa exqcisitely per tuned SKIN BEAUTIFIER ]

conti Prepared py POl-Bostarw-Masj

TJHRUMATIO PAHSTS kETJfc^ampdlCi poundj sciatic sudden sharp and norroas-pains and atrali ia relieved in one minute by tho CUTICURA ANTI PAIN PLASTER warranted At all ltlraJaristlaquobull 25c tire for $100 POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO- Boston






I i i





















E S T A B L I S H E D 1 8 2 1

bull bull I - - Y O R E



TfZINGS CpTJNTY TKEASURERS ViOO Brooldj-n April 191887



Will be received at this office until 12 oclock noon



Issued under Resolution Board of Supervisors adopted

April 141887 pursuant to chapter 375 Laws of IS 79

act relating to tho bonded indebtedness of this ei mi ty


said loan will be issued

payable ae follows

in earns to suit purchasers int


$87000 ON 1ST DAY MAY 19CKt

With interest at the rate of 4 per cent

payable half yearly on the first days of May


Each proposition should be sealed and indorsed

per annum


posals for Loan and addressed to the County Trei surxur

The right is reserved to reject any or all of the n di i

deemed necessary to protect the interests of the o gtltu ity


A Otttlaquoty Treasurer




lox ibx IOK ioji

66X 43gt4 85gtj

104gti 137

31 6Claquo

85 1i


95laquo 97 69Jf


93JZ j 93ii

34W 7-V 3 1 ^


94 ^ 96M 6Slt



32 108Jlt U3 19 33gti 6i 13V 37

110 148 29K 01)4

m m 3SV 3 5

108S 113H 19 83gti 63 13V 37V

1192 143 30K

31 4 62gt4

1 1 2 laquo 192

57^ 35gt4

5i 4 0

I26r2 3SX 7 8 laquo


U l t


Chlcagro Ittarkofac T o - d a y ---bull ODomntc

830 AM WIIEATmdash bull- - Aprll - -bullbull

May bull 3 ----| June - 813lt

bull July L 81V Consmdash

-bullbullfllAyee - bull bull bull a- bullbull 4 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull laquo bull laquo bull sgt 3 J Q

Jano ^ A 395i v iy laquobullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullgtbullgtbull bullbullbulllaquobull PraquoV

O A T S mdash V -$ laquo bull-bull_ A p r u

^ a y 5py Juno 29 J u l y 29gtraquo

P O K E - -bullbull- - - -bull Apri l

bullbull May^ 2075 bullbull bullbull J u n e L A U D mdash --

Apnibullbullbullbulllaquobullbullbullbullbullbull(bulllaquo bullbullbullbulllaquo May 710

_ June J 720 ^ July I 730 RIBSmdash

A p n i ^ ^ raquobullraquoraquobull MftyraquobullbullbullraquoraquoBbullbullbullbullbullltbullbull iiO June 790 July 793

65V 433 80H

104i 13S


32 -i lampi

95V iraquo 69V

1 H V 17


33 V

32V 108V xirlaquo 13V 3TV

119V 148 30V 62rt 31S 6 2


34amp W$il

8 5 laquo


41^ 12rraquoi 38V 7SJ

120X1 2 8 laquo

civ 21V SOii 70Ji

Closin-j 1PM

-VJii 84V 83V 82V

37V S8vraquoi 3 ^ v laquo v

41V 27V 285 29V

bull29V 2065 2073

2075 716 717V

725a27V 735

770 776

- 785 795


omdashmdash bull




FROM $100 TO $2-00 PER YARDTHEY ICaV BEEN ORIGINALLY SOLD A f Fltoijl $ao|) $500 j



JL P iddian s t i l l T a l k i n g A b o u t U I laquo A u s t r i a n B o n d s

To (he Editor of the Brooklyn Bogle Referring to your article in to-day8 issue

entitled A Bed Bargain I can say nothing more about Mrs Schneiders allegations than that they are absolutely false But the bare assertion of Mr Anthony Comstock that t h e transaction represhysented by tho Austrian - bond was ou its laco an infamous swiadlo a s It called for about twlcolts faoovalue shows mallcloisi iess on his part Is i t a n ^ n f a m o u s swindle to sel i New York Chemical Bank stock for thirty times (its face va lue Or Is it an Infamous swindle to soli any of bur local bonds and^itbeks Tor nioro than their face value Had Mr Anthoney Comstock havo said Hint wo laquoell Austrian bonds for double tholr marketable value his assertion would not hsve been anInfamous awihJlo Dui would havo been an infamous lie

bull A L P T O D U N of Kd Sanders amp Co

BROOlKCYN-April 191870 bull i bull bull bull bull J gt bullbullbull - bull

bullbull A FIGHT WITH 1SDIAKS bullbull

bull - ST LOCK MO April 80 A specIalXrom OlarksvlHs--Tox s a y s A fatal

siiootlng-ojiiay occurred yesterday at Wilsons Mill about tli lrt7 miles north of here between two half I brood uamed Wilson aud two Indians from the Choctaw Nation Both Indians wore killed and one of tno SVliadns waa seriously wounded ia the thigh

CUitrircn Ory t o r Pitcher Ctwtoria XJi^i^iHprlaquoraquoraquo^ttoafodntt4^^laquooBraquoU^














L r L I T - bull bull AS OHOIOBBRfO ABRAC EURO PEAN ART NO^ n iagt



FRESCO DECORATING AND P4 R^UjiT^t^ FLC C R-i N G bull gt bull bull I

bull - N A U










SIZES 16 to 18] YEARS FINE ALL ^ 0 0 1 FABRIC S1

AT $500 $600JAND S700-WOBTH FROM$800-bullbull^O ] i 3

$1400 bull - j 500 SUITS IN STOCK |MUS+ B^K-CLOSED Alaquo




VALUE ti V j




Between TVotttylaquoVenth sod TTfiTiJrcicht Streets BEST | IN THE WJRCD

COUoSTY fboURT UOUJS TY) O f KIlflt3h Jennie ViWilWur ajrainst JimosMillsMsdminis-

trator otc ot almdashIn pursuiuoe of a (udcioent of t i l s court made ia tho sbovo onlitlnd aetioni raquona beanac d i raquo the sizteuntb day of April 1887 tbo failovting deecribi d 1 tods and premises will bo sold nt public auction at the Commercial Excbinlaquoe No 389 Fultltgtn street in thlaquo Or 7 of Brooklyn on 14th day of May 1JSS7 kt twelve oelodk noon by or unasr tbo direction of tho xndersi^ned wl o waa by said jud4rknlaquontiraquoppointlaquod reerelaquo torthatpurpos si viz Alt that clsrtsiu lot piece of parcel^ofland with tho building tayreottj situate lyi tg (tod bstojt intl)9

f Brob~lyn Cltmnty ltf nd dasenbed

as iolloivs tojwit j Bolaquoiimiilaquo at 1a V^abdquo^itradeP northerly aids tof Kosciusko MXltS diraquosant two fttuj ditfd and ssventy fuet westerly- from] th nortnwws wly oorner gtt Gitos lt 1pw c-Uted blaquo4nl5poundjfamp2poundU ciuslcostroet arid ruitraquoinlaquo- tHonce-iiortraquoerllaquolaquoplaquolaquolaquoM wth sagtd Suinowr avoolaquoe and l ^ 5 ^ S T

f 5 ^ g f a laquo cmtiT of a party wall ono iuudr-d (julaquoi) feet toen

toot--tticncesoutherlyand raquoarallel| with bomnraquolaquorTWlaquonliib onlaquo linndrlaquoltl (IW) footto tho porthorly ilo^raquof KojnoaUo strovt and thraquonlaquo e a s i l y t lonRsud torchlaquorlvBllti6 At KoiiCinlaquogt strootitwen^y (20) feet to tluMpoittt -yfplacftof iH-ginning ti^ethor with all and stiitular lUu-toncuionta horoditatnents laquoM ailpurtonsnoos thorbanlo belottjrlnb or in raquonyws^ apiwrtaiRlti bull mdash bull A A- j sJ

FRI-TDiatlCKyANWYCKfReferoel Jous Z LOTrJPla nittfs AUornor N -iVi MontMU

street Brooklyn1 - |[ TyJ iraquo3rt3wW4S







w i

DBPARTJtBKT QF iTMAiNdB iCO^-trollors pffioojCity UaU Brioklin ApnTigt18

mdashiu pursuance jof a ruaolutlon of tin]Coaiaou Coot cil 1 tun direojtod tg soil I at public iocton to th highest blddc-r by Tbrfnai A Klaquorrvraquon TtctiOrioorbull tho o -rp ration raquoipir lyxrd c-gtrner bull f-Myrtte Vxinaelaquoof Norti Elliott place m the City of Uro ^ n WfltWa day of April lv37rat12 oclock naon-ijof vhat-day i followitut dlaquosrlaquohod property^ viT|irraquolaquot hox-laquos tw broken hook iAi lwmer tcaoka t1 ra broken Jour whe hose tenders twjj bto(cwa enlaquoinlaquoer 8 wH oif9oraquoJo lot sewp iron aud Jrs-M line lot Kt ngttity KarTlaquol8ohe lot( old rubber and cjutnjhae etc )bull_^ i_ttiiJ-vi- s

AL1] | RL LIVINGSTON pontroUcr

A-JrUUlRATES 887mdashVrAfEKttATlSS-^llsS


I DEPARTMENT 6F- OITF WO I K BURE^AtOi WATER RATiCS RilstnwS otfico Robins B K-rtlaquogt 9 firsl floor Mniciptl Dlaquoltgtajrtraeall Builc tor flrcolJlyTJ April 1 I W - T h e wator atlaquos ftir XS8 T -Mni bos due and -payable on the 1st of May 18S7 Intetos at tiie raM of 9 per cent h w n aonuot laquoaleulittraquol by thlaquo dsyv ltoru 1st of May it-87 wiUpgt charlaquoraquol(r1oo all bills fol regular r gtt--e roainitlaquo unpaid on tho 1st day o( Junq next raquondfor- each flay bull tuerraquolaquoftltr bull bull A1I ^jrarwlaquoeraquoii laquoraquotlaquos laquoro payable - betweeal thot 1st land jlOthrdaji^ laquof May Sad if not sgt paid lh law jiifocts U10 de^ copyartmont to diA^outiUttethlaquo snprtolaquoae fidUraquopreraquoraquo+- we wilholit laquonyiwtblaquor uoUoJe^^rs ft]ri^lv^pW

Untitled Document

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Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

