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Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 18/Troy NY Times... · 2012-10-27 · Tracey, Mr. Tracey...

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%i«§ Business Group Have June Outing Troy Business and Professional Women had their annual June pic- nic at the Willow Tea Room last night followed by the first meet- ing conducted by Miss Katherine E. Gray, newly elected president. Echoes of the recent state con- vention at Albany were heard in reports by the Misses Gray, Elsie Diefendorf, Maude Towne, Louise Miskey and Janet Smyth, tive of the 26 representatives from Troy who attended. Miss Florence E. Buswell's election to the office of state corresponding secretary was announced and the winning of the State prize for the best scrap-book, prepared by Miss Nellie M. Rey- nolds, was reported. Miss Towne presented the speak- er, Mrs. Miriam Albee Schmdler, state president and member of the Albany club. Mrs. Schindler told the members to analyze then- jobs from a personal angle to deter- mine what they were putting into them, and suggested several books to improve their vocational back- grounds. She also announced the national convention in Kansas City and said that -New York State is tied for' fhird place in the organi- sation of new clubs. O'Brien-Karn Wed In Watervliet Miss Catherine Karn, daughter of C. K. Karn of Moline, III., for- merly of Watervliet, and Frank W. O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. WU- Tracey-Van Der Voort Wedding Party Miss Alice A. Van Der Voort and Augustine J. Tracey are shown with their attend- ants after the wedding Saturday. Left to right are L. LeRoy Lewis, the best man; Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Tracey and Miss A. Ellen Bain bridge, bridesmaid. Taborton Couple Renew Vows for Golden Wedding Observance of a golden wedding anniversary became a community affair- Sunday w/.ien Mr. and Mrs. liam P. O'Brien of 1429 Broadway, j Chorles Dobert of Taborton cele- Watervliet, were married in St. orated their jubilee. Bridget's Church, Watervliet, yes- j The bride and bridegroom of fifty terday at 11 a.m. Pink and white yeara agQ renewed their marriage peonies formed the decorations. '_.,,, i„, i A vows Sunday afternoon by Rev. The bride wore a blue lace dress J J and carried red rosebuds and lilies j Oscar Egli, pastor of Zion's Evan of the valley. She was attended | gelical and Reformed Church of Taborton, in the presence of four generations of the family. Nine sons and daughters, 38 grandchil- dren and three great-grandchildren witnessed the anniversary cere- mony The wedding, first performed June 10, 1889, by Rev. Mr. Beach- by Miss Mary T. O'Brien, who wore brown marquisette embroidered in pastel shades. Gerald A. Halpin was best man. After a reception at the bride- groom's home at which the parents of the couple received with them, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien left for a wedding trip to the World's Fair at New York. The bride traveled ! ert, pastor of the Taborton parish, in navy blue and chartreuse. They was solemnized again in a color- will make their home at 1429 [ ful setting on the lawn of the Do- Broadway, bert home. M^s. Dobert was for- Mr. O'Brien is a graduate of La merly Mis^ Katherine Erbe of Sand Salle Institute and Albany Busi- Lake About own ATTENDS REUNION Miss iwabelle R. Mann has re- turned from Poughkeepsie, where she attended the reunion of her class at Vassar College. BACK FROM WEST POINT Miss Mary Buckley of 12 Gris- wold Avenue has returned from West Point where she was the guest of her brother, Cadet James E. Buckley, during June Week festivities. Marie Canfield Bride of Mr. Styles, Jr. ness College and is supervisor of the Second Ward. Surprise Mis* Pcllay At Shower Party The Misses Ida Ong and Rose Conor were hostesses last evening at the Ong residence, 336 Ninth Street, at a surprise miscellaneous Shower in honor of Miss Helena Polley of Pleasentdale, who will be married to Louis Mitchell of Rens- selaer on July 9. With her gifts the bride received a corsage of roses. The evening's entertainment was furnished by a three piece orches- tra with vocal selections by Stuart Wright. Attending were Mrs. Charles Pol- lay, mother of the bride-jjP-be, Mrs. Harold Shaver, Mrs. Leo Friedel, Mrs. Stuart Wright, Mrs. Alice Fu- see, Mrs. Adelaide Allison, Mrs. Leonard Major, Mrs. Betty Drozd, Mrs. Nora Murray, Mrs. Agnesc al.Jidry nd the Misses Margaret Sheehan, Mary Farrell, Gladys Hill, Mary Morris, Mary Greschak, Win- ifred McCarthy, Florence Bernei, Vera Pendall, Florence Perry, Mar The attendants of fifty years ago, Mrs. Albert Momrow and John Do- bert, were present when the double ring ceremony was repeated Sun- day. Ada Mae Dobert and Edward Dobert, grandchildren of the cele- brants, served as ring bearers and carried the original rings on a white taffeta pillow. Immediately after the wedding ceremony, the couples youngest grandchild, Elton Fred Dooert, son fo Mr. and Mrs. George Dobert of Taborton, was christened. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teal acted as spon- sors. Congratulations were extended the couple at the morning wor- ship at the Taborton church. Mr. and Mrs. Dobert have been con- tinually active members of the par- ish and for many years Mr. Dobert served as president of the church council. A wedding dinner was served at the Dobert home at 5:30 p.m. for about 75 guests. Three wedding cakes featured the refreshment table at which Mr. Egli presided as master of ceremonies. Short ad- dresses were given by Norman Do- bert of Glens Falls, Bernle Jeager of Troy, Mrs. Eleanor Engwer Car- vill of Watervliet, Milton Dobert of garet Klley and Bessie Van Orden. | Albany, George Herman of Tabor- ton and Mr. and Mrs. George Do- C U U P E R SuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaH MOTHERS " WHO ARE INTERESTED Q IN THEm BABY'S FEET 1= bert of Taborton. Miss Betty Ann McGrath Wed to G. Paul Heffron Miss Betty Ann McOrath, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mc- Grath of 95 Eagle Street, and G Paul Heffron, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John F. Heffron, were married Sunday at 5 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John J. Dignan. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Maloney were the attend- ants. The bride wore a mauve lace and crepe street length dress with white accessories and a corsage of white roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Maloney, the matron of honor and sister of the bride, wore an aqua crepe dress with white accessories and a corsage of Johanna Hill roses and baby's breath. After a reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heffron left on a motor trip through the New England States. League To Hold Sale Trinity League of Trinity Epis- copal Church of Watervliet will hold a rummage sale Friday, June 16, at River and Federal Streets. Mrs. William G. Donovan, the gen- eral chairman, has asked any mem- ber with rummage to donate to | leave It at the rectory. Mias Marie Frances Canfield, daughter of James T. Canfield and the late Margaret Walsh Canfield, became the bride of Thomas Styles, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Styles of 507 Fourth Street, at 9:30 a.m. yesterday In St. Peter's Church. Rev. James J. Minehan, a friend of the bridegroom's fam- ily, officiated and celebrated the nuptial mass. Prof. W. Leo Mc- Carthy played the organ and Miss Anna Harrington sang. The church was decorated with palms and Eas- ter lilies. The bride wore a white mar- quisette and lace gown with a Short train and a cap of orange blossoms. She carried a prayer book with streamers of lilies of the valley. She was attended by Mrs. Fred- erick Beiermeister, 2nd, who wore a tea rose gown of mouaseline de soie and a cap of delphiniums with rohin's-egg blue accessories. She carried delphiniums and talisman roses. Edward G. Btyles was best man for his brother. Ushers were Wil- liam J. Styles, another brother, and H. Walter Condon. A wedding breakfast for the bridal party was served at The Hendrick Hudson and a reception for relatives and friends followed at the home of Mrs. H. Walter Condon, 1312 Fourth Avenue, Wa- teivliet. The house was decorated with peonies and garden flowers. Mrs. Styles and Mr. Canfield re- ceived with the wedding party and AM r-" . Miss McGrath Bride Of Thomas F. Law Miss Mary T. McGrath, daughter of Mr. ami JUrs. Edward McGrath of 431 Tenth Street, and Thomas F. Law, son of Mrs. John J. Law and the late Mr. Law of Watervliet, were married at 3:30 p.m. Sunday in St. Patrick's Church by Rev. Theodore D. Black. The organist, Walter B. Chippendale played wed- ding music and Miss Catherine Reardon sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother," Miss Margaret Law was the maid of honor and Harold Mc- Grath acted as best man. The bride wore a light brown dress with chartreuse flowers and a natural straw hat and carried yellow tea roses. Her attendant wore a light green chiffon print dress and carried pink roses. A reception followed at the home of the bride. The bride's mother wore a navy and white ensemble and Mrs. Law wore blue and white. After a trip to New York to see the World's Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Law will live at 90 Ninth Street. The bride traveled in an orchid and white shantung dress and white accessories. She is a gradu- ate of Catholic Central High School and Mr. Law was graduated from Watervliet High School. Area Women to Attend Party Meeting A number of vicinity women have been chosen as delegates to the regional conference of North- eastern States to be sponsored by the Woman's Division of the Dem- ocratic National Committee at Washington. D. C, Thursday and Friday in New York City. The purpose of the conference is to "encourage women to know their government, to consider the economic, social and political prob- lems and to discuss the six-point program for Democratic women in relation to the 1940 campaaign." Thursday will be devoted to farms and government with Mrs. Charles E. Poletti, Mrs. Henry Goddard Leach, Mrs. Dorothy Dun- bar Bromley and Mrs. Caroline P. O'Day on the program. Friday will be filled with round table dis- cussions on party organization with Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, jr., and Miss Marion Dlckerman as speakers. Mrs. Thomas F. McAl- lister and Mrs. May Thompson Evans will conduct the discussion. A tour of the World's Fair will complete the day. Delegates from Troy will be Mrs. Charles E. McCarthy, presi- dent of the Rensselaer County Democratic Woman's Club; Mrs. George C. Reardon, Mrs. Robert J. Millichap, Mrs. Fritz Beiermeister and Miss Gertrude Moore; and from Rensselaer, Miss Florence Reilly, Mrs. William Guilfoile and Mrs. Olivet L. Johnson. Cum Laude Entertains Sister Mrs. John S. Mabin of White- view gave a miscellaneous shower last evening in honor of her sister, Miss Marion T. Kendall of Dela- ware Avenue, who is to be the bride of Arthur J. Teal. The table was decorated in multicolored flowers and balloons. Winners at games were the Misses Mary Swinnerton, Mary Tashjian and Muriel Dray- ton. The guest of honor received gifts from an umbrella. Bethesda Board MeUs at Home The Board of Managers of Bethesda Home met at the home, 504 Second Avenue, Saturday after- noon. Mrs. Henry C. Martin pre- sided. Opening devotions were in charge of Miss Helen Hergert. Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, superin- tendent, reported many socials with refreshments; the usual Friendship Circle meeting supper; the Philosophian Society of Memo- rial Methodist Chuhch, supper and program and ninety-five callers, many of whom inspected the home. One death was reported, Mrs. An- gela Palmer, who had been a resi- dent for sixteen years. Miss Effie A. Link, secretary, and Mrs. Lowell H. Bryce, assistant treasurer, reported for the month. Final plans were made for Wednesday's card party at the parish house of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fourth Avenue. Refresh- ments will be in charge of Mrs. Walter W. Wilson and Mrs. Fred Bunce with the members of their social committee serving. Mrs. Martin, general chairman, has charge of table reservations. Mrs. Donald Dean and Mrs. C. V. Kling of tables and chairs; Mrs. Walter Dorr, tallies and pencils, and Mrs. Bryce, awards. Miss Marie Faith Daley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Daley of Ninth Street, above, was graduated from the College of St. Rose last week with a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude. She had majors in English and history. She was a mem- ber of Alicians, the English honor society; of El Salon Madrileno, the Spanish club; the Athletic club, Mission unit, the Student Peace Con- federation and Kappa Tau Phi Sorority, and the riding club. Mission Society Re-elects AH Officers The Missionary Society of the} Fifth Avenue-State Street Metho- dist Church reelected all officers at the annual meeting last night. The elate, presented by Mrs. James A. Perry, nominating chairman; Mrs. Merton 1. Roy and Mrs. Dennie B. Riggs, was elected as follows: President, Mrs. William Herbert; first vice president, Mrs. Archie R. Joy; second vice president, Miss Mildred Farnam; third vice presi- dent, Miss Florence E. Buswell; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Arthur E. Xander; assistant recording secre- tary, Miss Edna B. Beiermeister; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. Franklin Fellows; treasurer for the foreign mission society, Mrs. Wil- liam J. Armstrong, and treasurer for home missions, Mrs. William Meissner. Mrs. Joy reviewed the study book, "The City." The officers were in charge of the social hour. Engaged Mrs. Styles wore a dusty pink en- semble and a shoulder corsage of gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Styles will be at home at 4 Parmenter Avenue after July 1 on their return from a trip to Lake Champlaln and Canada. The bride traveled in a royal blue ensemble with eggshell accessories and a shoulder corsage of garden- ias. Mrs. Styles Is a graduate of Catholic Central High School and is in the production control office of Cluett, Peabody A Co., Inc Styles is assistant manager Morse Shoes, Inc To Attend Communion The Ladies' Auxiliary of LaSalle Institute will attend a corporate communion service Sunday, June 18, at 8:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Church. At 9:30 a.m. breakfast will be served at The Hendrick Hudson. Brother Raymund, direct- or of the Institute, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. George B. Warnock is the general chairman. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Ben Katz of 300 Pawling Avenue held a reception, dinner and dance in the Blue Room of Jack's Restaurant in Albany Sunday evening in honor of the en- gagement of t'leir daughter, Mias Clara Dorothy Latz, to David Wax- man of Albany. Approximately 150 guests at- tended, many of whom came from distant points. Music was furnished by David Stulmaker. Miss Bayly Honored The Misses Mary and Elizabeth Hanrahan of 1822 Sixth Avenue, Watervliet, entertained at a bridge shower in their home last night in honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Marie S. Bayly to Dr. Fred T. Cavanaugh. Miss Bayly received a corsage of red roses and individ- ual favors were given to each guest at the refreshment table. A wed- ding cake with a miniature bride and bridegroom under a bridal arch was the centerpiece. Guests were Mrs. Frank McKeon of Watervliet and the Misses Kath- leen Bayly, Catherine F. Cum- mings, Elizabeth R. Sheehan, Fran- ces D. Daley, Gertrude A. Rogers, Mary T. McCarthy and Rose and Loretta McKeon. Miss Bayly received a set of cut glass tumblers. Mr. for at Albany. Sunday School Sale Has Successful Party The Parent-Teacher Association \ of School 2 held a dessert bridge party in the garden of Mrs. Har- old French on Oakwood Avenue Friday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Bibb, Mrs. French, Mrs. Fayette Qua and Mrs. Howard Dnhl made up the committee in charge. Past Presidents Elect Past district deputy presidents of the Friendship Club of Rensselaer Rebekah District, 3, and their hus- bands met at the home of Mrs. John H. Moon at Poestenkill Sat- urday afternoon and evening. Miss Nellie Baldry, president of the club, presided at the business meet- ing at which officers were elected. Miss Henrietta M. Egan was chos- en president; Mrs. Phebe Bartlett, vice president; Mrs. Martha M. Cipperly, secretary; Mrs. Lena Mc- Millen, treasurer; Mrs. Susan Her- bert, chaplain and Mrs. Delia Clark, press correspondent. After the session the 11 past presidents played games and had refreshments. Mrs. Bartlett will be hostess at the September meeting in her home in Mechanicville. Service League To Have Garden Party The annual summer festival of the Catholic Women's Service League this year will be a garden bridge party on Saturday after- noon, July 8, at Kozy Nook, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward T. Nehill at Glass Lake. Mrs. William F. Bradley is chairman of the event and will announce her committees at a later date. The final meeting of the Service League Book Club will be held this evening with Miss Jane A. Cleary presiding. Miss Betty Cummings Bride in Waterford The wedding of Miss Betty Cum- mings, daughter of Mrs. Cora Cummings of Waterford, to Rob- ert Van Steenburg, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Steenburg of Waterford, was solemnized in Grace Episcopal Church, Water- ford, Sunday at 4 p.m. by the rector, Rev. James T. Kerr. The bridegroom's father played the organ recital and Harold E. Britton sang "O Promise Me." The bride was attired in a dusky rose chiffon dress. She wore a white hat trimmed with dusky rose, and a shoulder bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. She was attended by Mrs. Albert Polazzi, sister of the bridegroom, who wore a powdered blue chiffon dress and white hat trimmed with powdered blue, and a shoulder bouquet of pink roses. Edward Dunwoody of Troy was the best man. The bride was given In marriage by her brother-in-law, John H. Palmer of Scarsdale. The bride's traveling costume was a navy blue ensemble with white accessories. The bride is a graduate of the Waterford High School and is an employee of the Charles Freihofer Baking Co., Inc. The bridegroom is also a graduate of the Waterford High School, and is employed by the F. W. Woolworth Co. of Troy. They left immediately after the ceremony for a trip to Boston and the New England Coast, and will be at home at 17 Sixth Street, Waterford, after June 18. Miss O'Brien Guest At Personal Shower Miss Helen F. O'Brien was guest of honor Saturday evening at a personal shower given in honor of her approaching marriage by MIES Ann Callahan. During the eve- ning games were played and prizes went to Mrs. Milo Hayner, Miss Eleanor Lundy and Miss Mildred Hayner. Refreshments were served from a table decorated in pink and w*iite and cent red with a Lndal cake. Other guests attending were Mrs. Allan Hayner, Mrs. John Hayner, Mrs. Aubry Stannard, Mrs. John Lundy, Mrs. Sanford Bonesteel, Mrs. Harlan Button, Mrs. John Callahan, Mrs. P. J. O'Brien and the Misses Eleanor Lundy, Mary Painton, Helen and Ester Harring- ton. Miss Callahan, a cousin ef Miss O'Brien, will be one of her brides- maids. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lynd of 550 Fifth Avenue have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Merion Lynd, to George T. Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks of President Street. They will be mar- ried at St. Augustine's Church July 22 at 9 a.m. Both Miss Lynd and Mr. Hicks attended Catholic Cen- tral High School. ED To Assist Guild In Sending Flowers Women of the Third Street Tem- ple will assist at the Fruit and Flower Guild's distribution Thurs- day from the Troy Woman's Club house. Mrs. S. A. Barr will be chairman of the day, and has ask- ed members to contribute as many flowers as possible to be given to institutions as well as Individuals. Mrs. Charles E. Smart, general chairman of the guild, and Mrs. Charles S. Aldrich will arrange to collect the gifts of flowers. Gives Grocery Shower Mrs. William E. Toohey of 322 Second Street entertained last week at a grocery shower in honor of her cousin, Miss Jane G Zill- gitt, whose marriage to Kenneth La Chapelle of Albany will take place Saturday. During the eve- ning games were played and re- freshments served from a table decorated with a centerpiece of white syrlnga and tall green can- dles. The guests were Mrs. Edward Zillgitt, Mrs. Edward La Chapelle, Mrs. Adam F. Herbig, Mrs. Wil- liam Zillgitt, Mrs. Thomas Dillon, Mrs. Thomas J. Delaney, Mrs. Thomas J. Delaney, 2nd, Mrs. John Carey, Mrs. Edward Hartley, Mrs. Charles McCarthy, Mrs. Carl Do- bler and the Mimes Kathleen De- laney .Elizabeth Thau, Mary and Margaret Dillon. PERMIT FOR RAEHQ Gorham Cluett Sought Writ Compelling City to Grand Him License for Police! Signal Equipment. j (Continued from Page 1.) construed permissive to such an extent that they may be termed mandatory and that it was the legislative intent that the govern- ing body of a city should pass an ordinance designating a person with authority to issue permits for the purpose such as Mr. Cluett's. The jurist also stated that "pub- lic policy, convenience and the wel- fare of government have much to do in reaching a conclusion as to the intention." William K. Shyne, Troy attorney, appeared for the petitioner and Frank S. "Parmentor, corporation counsel, appeared for the respond- ents, who were Mayor Frank J. Hogan, James A. Madden, president of the Common Council; Dr. Walter D. McKenna, commissioner of pub- lic safety, and members of the Com- mon Council. DeMolay Has Sale 21 JEWEL SPECIAL FEATURE USE YOUR CREDIT RrteR'5 OPTOflKTRlSTS TROY Nit Troy Chapter, Order of DeMolay, is conducting a rummage sale to- day and tomorrow at 379 River Street, corner of Federal. Mrs. -n,. a.. . _ . 1 John W. Frazier and Mrs Frank A^ = nd ! y Sch °° 1 of tne S '**h ! n ° ut,icl " • 'n charge Avenue Baptist Church will hold a rummage , a i e tomorrow and Thursday at llg Congress Street. Mrs. Michael Hafensteiner and Mrs. Frank Snyder will be In charge. Miss Slater Guest ... T , .. _, . . . . . „ | nual family picnic July 29 at Ford Miss Katharine Slater, bride-to- | „_„,, .••«„„!» j . ,__ mi.- Burns' Women Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Troy Burns Club was held Saturday eve- ning at Odd Fellows' Hall. Mrs. Robert Pettigrew presided. An in- vitation from the Burns Club to at- tend the annual Thistle Day ob- servance at Yaddo Park, Saratoga, June 25 was accepted. The Auxiliary planned their an- Guests in Poughkeepsie Mrs. Oeorge W. Holberg and Miss H. Grace Holberg of 69 Fifth Avenue were week-end guests of Miss Jean F. Holberg of 141 Mont- gomery Street, Poughkeepsie. Commencement Guest Miss Janet Curtis of Cleminahaw Avenue attended commencement activities and dances at Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute as the guest of Richard P. Ferry of West Hartford, Conn., class of 1939. Mr. Murnaghan Home John Murnaghan of Utica has re- turned home after spending two weeks with his mother. Mrs. Mary Group To Have Party Group five of the Women's Guild at the Second Presbyterian Church will give a dessert bridge party on the lawn of Mrs. Gordon K. Green- hill's home at West Sand Lake Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Green- hill and Mrs. James Armistead, the group leaders, are In charge of reservations. On .Western Tour Police Sergt. Timothy J. Mahoney and Mrs. Mahoney, 1612 Seventh Avenue, have left on six weeW trip through the United States. They will visit the New Yc/rk World's Fair, the San Franc isW Fair and the national parks. Reception Guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultz of 834 River Street were guests of honor at a reception at their home Sunday in honor of their fifth wed- he of John Callaureso, was honored at a personal shower Saturday afternoon which was given by Miss Vivian McClure at the home of her parents on State Street. The color scheme was carried out in pink and white. Dainty refreshments were served. The guests were the Misses Blanche Clum, Evelyn and Vera Brownell of Johnsonville, Alice Steele of Schaghticoke, Dora Mas- terson, Kathleene and Marguerite Barrett, Alice Allen and Doris Mc- Clure and Mrs. Rose Jensen. Miss Slater's marriage will take place in the near future. Dinner Party Guest Miss Jean Peak was guest of honor at a dinner party Saturday from S to 8 pin. at Callahan's res j taurant. The party was given by her coworkers where she is em- ployed. The table was decorated with a centerpiece of pink roses and a bridal cake. Miss Peak was presented with a console set and an autograph book signed by the guests, the Misses Rosanna Kuhn, Helen Ryan, Ma- rie AstrutO, Grace Bradt and Doris Bowen, Mrs. John Morlarty, Mrs. Benjamin Stevenson, Mrs. Nelson Costello, Mrs. Leonard Messlck, Mr«. Kathryn Turak, Mrs. Charles Mark. Mrs. Robert Ryan and Mrs. Park, afternoon and evening. The next regular meeting will be held September 9. Reports from the secretary, Mrs. Neal Laird, and the treasurer. Miss Mary Campbell, were read. Williamsons' Guests Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wentz, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wentz of Elyria, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan of Hempstead, L. I., A. K. Lind- quist, P. J. MaoLaren and Russell Scofleld of New York were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Williamson of Goodman Ave- nue. They all attended the Rens- selaer Polytechnic Institute activi- ties and the dance given by the Rensselaer Society of Engineers Saturday evening. Also recent guests of the Wil- liamsons were Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth B. Foster of Augusta, Me., who visited here this past week on their way to New York to sail on the S. S. Iroquois for a three-year stay in Puerto Rico. Mr. Foster, now with the U. S. Bureau of Pub- lic Roads, Is a graduate of R. P. I. In the class of 1928. ARTS ALUMNI GJ*OUP TO CONDUCT DINNER ON THURSDAY NIGHT The Industrial Arts Alumni Association will conduct its annual dinner Thursday at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Hudson Valley Fuel Corp. In the South End. Those planning the affair are Ralph Geiser, president; Elwood Miller, vice president, and Fred Reiner, secretary-treasurer. After the dinner a movie relative to the gas and coke industry will be shown and the group will tour the plant. United Church Events The Women's Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian Church meet at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at the home of Miss Margaret Maxwell, 261 Fifth Avenue. Mrs. Henry C. Martin will preside. Plans have been made for the an- nual church school picnic Satur- day at 1:30 p.m. at Lake Lorraine, Hooaick Road. The King's Daugh- ters, Mrs. Robert L. Trotter, presi- dent, will furnish refreshments and Howard Mclsaac's class the pro- gram of games and sports. A pic- nic supper will be served. Mrs. Hawley Visits Mrs. Ella Hawley of Syracuse Is the guest of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Herring of Northern Drive. FUR STORAGE Our Cold Storage Vaults On Premises Offer Every Modern Defense Against MOTHS, HEAT, FIRE, THEFT AT 2 % OF VALUATION PHONE TRO Y 884S Repairing and Remodelling By F.xpprt Furriers A t LOW Summer Bates nASSO'S FUR SHOP U Fourth St.. Troy, N. Y. I USE OUR 10c DEUVERY WF. RESERVE THE MOST I Miss Hannagan Feted The Misses Mary and Helen Mc- Dermott of. 573 First Street enter- tained at their home at a shower in honor of Miss Matilda Hanna- gan, whose marriage to Oeorge Varrlale of Brooklyn will take place in the near future. The color scheme was pink and white. During the evening games were played and prizes went to Miss Lil- lian Finlan and Mrs. Jamas Bnrke. •COMBINATION SAIiE CARNATION MILK WITH EVERT S VBB. OP COFFEE VAN DYK*S DUCHESS COFFEE VAN DATS SAN BO COFFEE at' 1 Q C | 2 lbs. 49c 2lbs.41c PUFFED RICE SAUERKRAUT I DOLE'S PINEAPPLE JUICE [TOMATOES 4 Oi. Pk|. Nt. V/i Can Ni. 2 Gin CONE Nt. 2 Oil Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 18/Troy NY Times... · 2012-10-27 · Tracey, Mr. Tracey and Miss A. Ellen Bain bridge, bridesmaid. Taborton Couple Renew Vows for Golden

%iǤ Business Group Have June Outing

Troy Business and Professional Women had their annual June pic­nic at the Willow Tea Room last night followed by the first meet­ing conducted by Miss Katherine E. Gray, newly elected president.

Echoes of the recent state con­vention at Albany were heard in reports by the Misses Gray, Elsie Diefendorf, Maude Towne, Louise Miskey and Janet Smyth, tive of the 26 representatives from Troy who attended. Miss Florence E. Buswell's election to the office of state corresponding secretary was announced and the winning of the State prize for the best scrap-book, prepared by Miss Nellie M. Rey­nolds, was reported.

Miss Towne presented the speak­er, Mrs. Miriam Albee Schmdler, state president and member of the Albany club. Mrs. Schindler told the members to analyze then- jobs from a personal angle to deter­mine what they were putting into them, and suggested several books to improve their vocational back­grounds. She also announced the national convention in Kansas City and said that -New York State is tied for' fhird place in the organi­sation of new clubs.

O'Brien-Karn Wed

In Watervliet Miss Catherine Karn, daughter

of C. K. Karn of Moline, III., for­merly of Watervliet, and Frank W. O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. WU-

Tracey-Van Der Voort Wedding Party

Miss Alice A. Van Der Voort and Augustine J. Tracey are shown with their attend­ants after the wedding Saturday. Left to right are L. LeRoy Lewis, the best man; Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Tracey and Miss A. Ellen Bain bridge, bridesmaid.

Taborton Couple Renew

V o w s for Golden Wedding Observance of a golden wedding

anniversary became a community affair- Sunday w/.ien Mr. and Mrs.

liam P. O'Brien of 1429 Broadway, j Chorles Dobert of Taborton cele-Watervliet, were married in St. orated their jubilee. Bridget's Church, Watervliet, yes- j The bride and bridegroom of fifty terday at 11 a.m. Pink and white y e a r a a g Q r e n e w e d t h e i r marriage peonies formed the decorations. ' _ . , , , i„, i A vows Sunday afternoon by Rev. The bride wore a blue lace dress J J

and carried red rosebuds and lilies j Oscar Egli, pastor of Zion's Evan of the valley. She was attended | gelical and Reformed Church of

Taborton, in the presence of four generat ions of the family. N ine sons and daughters, 38 grandchil­dren and three great-grandchildren witnessed the anniversary cere­mony

The wedding, first performed June 10, 1889, by Rev. Mr. Beach-

by Miss Mary T. O'Brien, who wore brown marquisette embroidered in pastel shades.

Gerald A. Halpin was best man. After a reception at the bride­

groom's home at which the parents of the couple received with them, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien left for a wedding trip to the World's Fair at New York. The bride traveled ! ert, pastor of the Taborton parish, in navy blue and chartreuse. They was solemnized again in a color-will make their home at 1429 [ ful se t t ing on the lawn of the Do-Broadway, bert home. M^s. Dobert was for-

Mr. O'Brien is a graduate of La merly Mis^ Katherine Erbe of Sand Salle Institute and Albany Busi- Lake

A b o u t o w n A T T E N D S R E U N I O N

Miss iwabelle R. Mann has re­turned from Poughkeepsie, where she attended the reunion of her class at Vassar College.


Miss Mary Buckley of 12 Gris-wold Avenue has returned from West Point where she w a s the guest of her brother, Cadet J a m e s E . Buckley, during June Week festivit ies.

Marie Canfield Bride of Mr. Styles, Jr.

ness College and is supervisor of the Second Ward.

Surprise Mis* Pcllay

At Shower Party The Misses Ida Ong and Rose

Conor were hostesses last evening at the Ong residence, 336 Ninth Street, at a surprise miscellaneous Shower in honor of Miss Helena Polley of Pleasentdale, who will be married to Louis Mitchell of Rens­selaer on July 9.

With her gifts the bride received a corsage of roses.

The evening's entertainment was furnished by a three piece orches­tra with vocal selections by Stuart Wright.

Attending were Mrs. Charles Pol-lay, mother of the bride-jjP-be, Mrs. Harold Shaver, Mrs. Leo Friedel, Mrs. Stuart Wright, Mrs. Alice Fu­see, Mrs. Adelaide Allison, Mrs. Leonard Major, Mrs. Betty Drozd, Mrs. Nora Murray, Mrs. Agnesc al.Jidry nd the Misses Margaret Sheehan, Mary Farrell, Gladys Hill, Mary Morris, Mary Greschak, Win­ifred McCarthy, Florence Bernei, Vera Pendall, Florence Perry, Mar

The attendants of fifty years ago, Mrs. Albert Momrow and John Do­bert, were present when the double ring ceremony was repeated Sun­day. Ada Mae Dobert and Edward Dobert, grandchildren of the cele­brants, served as ring bearers and carried the original rings on a white taffeta pillow.

Immediately after the wedding ceremony, the couples youngest grandchild, Elton Fred Dooert, son fo Mr. and Mrs. George Dobert of Taborton, was christened. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teal acted as spon­sors.

Congratulations were extended the couple at the morning wor­ship at the Taborton church. Mr. and Mrs. Dobert have been con­tinually active members of the par­ish and for many years Mr. Dobert served as president of the church council.

A wedding dinner was served at the Dobert home at 5:30 p.m. for about 75 guests. Three wedding cakes featured the refreshment table at which Mr. Egli presided as master of ceremonies. Short ad­dresses were given by Norman Do­bert of Glens Falls, Bernle Jeager of Troy, Mrs. Eleanor Engwer Car-vill of Watervliet, Milton Dobert of

garet Klley and Bessie Van Orden. | Albany, George Herman of Tabor­ton and Mr. and Mrs. George Do-

C U U P E R SuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaH


bert of Taborton.

Miss Betty Ann McGrath

W e d to G. Paul Heffron Miss Betty Ann McOrath, daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mc­Grath of 95 Eagle Street, and G Paul Heffron, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John F. Heffron, were married Sunday at 5 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. John J. Dignan. Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s A. Maloney were the attend­ants .

The bride wore a mauve lace and crepe street length dress with white accessor ies and a corsage of white roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Maloney, the matron of honor and sister of the bride, wore an aqua crepe dress with white accessories and a corsage of Johanna Hill roses and baby's breath.

After a reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heffron left on a motor trip through the New England States.

League To Hold Sale Trinity League of Trinity Epis­

copal Church of Watervliet will hold a rummage sale Friday, June 16, at River and Federal Streets. Mrs. William G. Donovan, the gen­eral chairman, has asked any mem­ber with rummage to donate to

| leave It at the rectory.

Mias Marie Frances Canfield, daughter of James T. Canfield and the late Margaret Walsh Canfield, became the bride of Thomas Styles, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Styles of 507 Fourth Street, a t 9:30 a.m. yesterday In St. Peter's Church. Rev. James J. Minehan, a friend of the bridegroom's fam­ily, officiated and celebrated the nuptial mass. Prof. W. Leo Mc­Carthy played the organ and Miss Anna Harrington sang. The church was decorated with palms and Eas ­ter lilies.

The bride wore a white mar­quisette and lace gown with a Short train and a cap of orange blossoms. She carried a prayer book with streamers of lilies of the valley.

She was attended by Mrs. Fred­erick Beiermeister, 2nd, who wore a tea rose gown of mouaseline de soie and a cap of delphiniums with rohin's-egg blue accessories. She carried delphiniums and ta l i sman roses.

Edward G. Btyles was best man for his brother. Ushers were Wil­liam J. Styles, another brother, and H. Walter Condon.

A wedding breakfast for the bridal party was served at The Hendrick Hudson and a reception for relatives and friends followed at the home of Mrs. H. Walter Condon, 1312 Fourth Avenue, Wa-teivliet. The house was decorated with peonies and garden flowers. Mrs. Styles and Mr. Canfield re­ceived with the wedding party and AM r - " .

Miss McGrath Bride

Of Thomas F. Law Miss Mary T. McGrath, daughter

of Mr. ami JUrs. Edward McGrath of 431 Tenth Street, and Thomas F. Law, son of Mrs. John J. Law and the late Mr. Law of Watervliet, were married at 3:30 p.m. Sunday in St. Patrick's Church by Rev. Theodore D. Black. The organist, Walter B. Chippendale played wed­ding music and Miss Catherine Reardon sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother,"

Miss Margaret Law was the maid of honor and Harold Mc­Grath acted as best man.

The bride wore a l ight brown dress with chartreuse flowers and a natural straw hat and carried yellow tea roses. Her attendant wore a light green chiffon print dress and carried pink roses.

A reception followed at the home of the bride. The bride's mother wore a navy and white ensemble and Mrs. Law wore blue and white.

After a trip to N e w York to see the World's Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Law will live at 90 Ninth Street. The bride traveled in an orchid and white shantung dress and white accessories. She is a gradu­ate of Catholic Central High School and Mr. Law was graduated from Watervliet High School.

Area Women to Attend Party Meeting

A number of vicinity women have been chosen as delegates to the regional conference of North­eastern States to be sponsored by the Woman's Division of the Dem­ocratic National Committee at Washington. D. C , Thursday and Friday in New York City.

The purpose of the conference is to "encourage women to know their government, to consider the economic, social and political prob­lems and to discuss the six-point program for Democratic women in relation to the 1940 campaaign."

Thursday will be devoted to farms and government with Mrs. Charles E. Poletti, Mrs. Henry Goddard Leach, Mrs. Dorothy Dun­bar Bromley and Mrs. Caroline P. O'Day on the program. Friday will be filled with round table dis­cussions on party organization with Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, jr., and Miss Marion Dlckerman as speakers. Mrs. Thomas F. McAl­lister and Mrs. May Thompson Evans will conduct the discussion. A tour of the World's Fair will complete the day.

Delegates from Troy will be Mrs. Charles E. McCarthy, presi­dent of the Rensselaer County Democratic Woman's Club; Mrs. George C. Reardon, Mrs. Robert J. Millichap, Mrs. Fritz Beiermeister and Miss Gertrude Moore; and from Rensselaer, Miss Florence Reilly, Mrs. William Guilfoile and Mrs. Olivet L. Johnson.

Cum Laude

Entertains Sister Mrs. John S. Mabin of White-

view gave a miscel laneous shower last evening in honor of her sister, Miss Marion T. Kendall of Dela­ware Avenue, who is to be the bride of Arthur J. Teal. The table was decorated in multicolored flowers and balloons. Winners at games were the Misses Mary Swinnerton, Mary Tashjian and Muriel Dray­ton. The guest of honor received gifts from an umbrella.

Bethesda Board

MeUs at Home The Board of Managers of

Bethesda H o m e met a t the home, 504 Second Avenue, Saturday after­noon. Mrs. Henry C. Martin pre­sided. Opening devotions were in charge of Miss Helen Hergert .

Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, superin­tendent, reported m a n y socials with refreshments; the usual Friendship Circle meet ing supper; the Philosophian Society of Memo­rial Methodist Chuhch, supper and program and ninety-five callers, many of w h o m inspected the home. One death was reported, Mrs. An­gela Palmer, who had been a resi­dent for s ixteen years.

Miss Effie A. Link, secretary, and Mrs. Lowell H. Bryce, assistant treasurer, reported for the month.

Final plans were m a d e for Wednesday's card party at the parish house of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fourth Avenue. Refresh­ments will be in charge of Mrs. Walter W. Wilson and Mrs. Fred Bunce with the members of their social committee serving.

Mrs. Martin, general chairman, has charge of table reservations. Mrs. Donald Dean and Mrs. C. V. Kling of tables and chairs ; Mrs. Walter Dorr, tallies and pencils, and Mrs. Bryce, awards.

Miss Marie Faith Daley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Daley of Ninth Street, above, was graduated from the College of St. Rose last week with a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude. She had majors in English and history. She was a mem­ber of Alicians, the English honor society; of El Salon Madrileno, the Spanish club; the Athletic club, Mission unit, the Student Peace Con­federation and Kappa Tau Phi Sorority, and the riding club.

Mission Society Re-elects AH Officers

The Missionary Society of t h e } F i f th Avenue-State Street Metho­dist Church reelected all officers a t the annual meet ing last night. The elate, presented by Mrs. James A. Perry , nominat ing chairman; Mrs. Merton 1. Roy and Mrs. Dennie B. Riggs , was elected as fol lows:

Pres ident , Mrs. Wil l iam Herbert; first vice president, Mrs. Archie R. Joy; second vice president, Miss Mildred Farnam; third vice presi­dent, Miss Florence E . Buswel l ; re­cording secretary, Mrs. Arthur E . X a n d e r ; ass i s tant recording secre­tary, Miss Edna B. Beiermeister; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. Frankl in Fel lows; treasurer for the foreign mission society, Mrs. Wil­l iam J. Armstrong, and treasurer for home missions, Mrs. William Meissner.

Mrs. Joy reviewed the study book, "The City." The officers were in charge of the social hour.


Mrs. Styles wore a dusty pink en­semble and a shoulder corsage of gardenias.

Mr. and Mrs. Styles will be at home at 4 Parmenter Avenue after July 1 on their return from a trip to Lake Champlaln and Canada. The bride traveled in a royal blue ensemble with eggshell accessories and a shoulder corsage of garden­ias.

Mrs. Styles Is a graduate of Catholic Central High School and is in the production control office of Cluett, Peabody A Co., Inc Styles is assistant manager Morse Shoes, Inc

To Attend Communion The Ladies' Auxil iary of LaSalle

Institute will attend a corporate communion service Sunday, June 18, at 8:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Church. At 9:30 a.m. breakfast will be served at The Hendrick Hudson. Brother Raymund, direct­or of the Institute, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. George B. Warnock is the general chairman.

Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Ben Katz of 300

Pawl ing Avenue held a reception, dinner and dance in the Blue Room of Jack's Res taurant in Albany Sunday evening in honor of the en­gagement of t'leir daughter, Mias Clara Dorothy Latz, to David Wax-m a n of Albany.

Approximately 150 guests at­tended, many of whom came from distant points. Music was furnished by David Stulmaker.

Miss Bayly Honored The Misses Mary and Elizabeth

Hanrahan of 1822 Sixth Avenue, Watervliet, entertained a t a bridge shower in their home last n ight in honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Marie S. Bayly to Dr. Fred T. Cavanaugh. Miss Bayly received a corsage of red roses and individ­ual favors were given to each guest at the refreshment table. A wed­ding cake with a miniature bride and bridegroom under a bridal arch was the centerpiece.

Guests were Mrs. Frank McKeon of Watervliet and the Misses Kath­leen Bayly, Catherine F . Cum-mings, Elizabeth R. Sheehan, Fran­ces D. Daley, Gertrude A. Rogers, Mary T. McCarthy and R o s e and Loretta McKeon.

Miss Bayly received a set of cut glass tumblers.

Mr. for

at Albany.

Sunday School Sale

Has Successful Party The Parent-Teacher Association \

of School 2 held a dessert bridge party in the garden of Mrs. Har­old French on Oakwood Avenue Friday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Bibb, Mrs. French, Mrs. Fayette Qua and Mrs. Howard Dnhl made up the committee in charge.

Past Presidents Elect Past district deputy presidents of

the Friendship Club of Rensse laer Rebekah District, 3, and their hus­bands met at the home of Mrs. John H. Moon at Poestenki l l Sat­urday afternoon and evening. Miss Nellie Baldry, president of the club, presided at the business meet­ing at which officers were elected. Miss Henrietta M. E g a n w a s chos­en president; Mrs. Phebe Bartlett , vice president; Mrs. Martha M. Cipperly, secretary; Mrs. Lena Mc-Millen, treasurer; Mrs. Susan Her­bert, chaplain and Mrs. Delia Clark, press correspondent.

After the session the 11 past presidents played games and had refreshments. Mrs. Bartlett will be hostess at the September meeting in her home in Mechanicvil le.

Service League To Have Garden Party

The annual summer festival of the Catholic Women's Service League this year will be a garden bridge party o n Saturday after­noon, July 8, a t Kozy Nook, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ward T. Nehil l a t Glass Lake. Mrs. Will iam F. Bradley is chairman of the event and will announce her commit tees at a later date.

T h e final mee t ing of the Service League Book Club will be held this evening wi th Miss Jane A. Cleary presiding.

Miss Betty Cummings

Bride in Waterford T h e wedding of Miss Bet ty Cum­

mings , daughter of Mrs. Cora Cummings of Waterford, to Rob­ert Van Steenburg, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Steenburg of Waterford, was solemnized in Grace Episcopal Church, Water­ford, Sunday at 4 p.m. by the rector, Rev. J a m e s T. Kerr. The bridegroom's father played the organ recital and Harold E. Britton sang "O Promise Me."

The bride was attired in a dusky rose chiffon dress. She wore a white hat trimmed with dusky rose, and a shoulder bouquet of whi te roses and lilies of the valley.

She was attended by Mrs. Albert Polazzi, s ister of the bridegroom, who wore a powdered blue chiffon dress and whi te hat trimmed with powdered blue, and a shoulder bouquet of pink roses.

Edward Dunwoody of Troy was the best man.

The bride was given In marriage by her brother-in-law, John H. Pa lmer of Scarsdale.

T h e bride's traveling costume w a s a navy blue ensemble with white accessories .

T h e bride is a graduate of the Waterford H i g h School and is an employee of the Charles Freihofer B a k i n g Co., Inc. The bridegroom is a l so a graduate of the Waterford H i g h School, and is employed by the F. W. Woolworth Co. of Troy.

T h e y left immediately after the ceremony for a trip to Boston and the N e w England Coast, and will be at home at 17 Sixth Street, Waterford, after June 18.

Miss O'Brien Guest

At Personal Shower Miss Helen F. O'Brien was guest

of honor Saturday evening at a personal shower given in honor of her approaching marriage by MIES Ann Callahan. During the eve­ning games were played and prizes went to Mrs. Milo Hayner, Miss Eleanor Lundy and Miss Mildred Hayner. Refreshments were served from a table decorated in pink and w*iite and cent red wi th a Lndal cake.

Other guests at tending were Mrs. Allan Hayner, Mrs. John Hayner, Mrs. Aubry Stannard, Mrs. John Lundy, Mrs. Sanford Bonesteel, Mrs. Harlan Button, Mrs. John Callahan, Mrs. P . J. O'Brien and the Misses Eleanor Lundy, Mary Painton, Helen and Ester Harring­ton.

Miss Callahan, a cousin ef Miss O'Brien, will be one of her brides­maids.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lynd of 550 Fifth Avenue have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Merion Lynd, to George T. Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks of President Street. They will be mar­ried at St. Augustine's Church July 22 at 9 a.m. Both Miss Lynd and Mr. Hicks attended Catholic Cen­tral High School.


To Assist Guild

In Sending Flowers W o m e n of the Third Street Tem­

ple will ass ist at the Fruit and Flower Guild's distribution Thurs­day from the Troy Woman's Club house. Mrs. S. A. Barr will be chairman of the day, and has ask­ed members to contribute as many flowers as possible to be given to institutions as well a s Individuals. Mrs. Charles E. Smart, general chairman of the guild, and Mrs. Charles S. Aldrich will arrange to collect the gifts of flowers.

Gives Grocery Shower Mrs. Will iam E. Toohey of 322

Second Street entertained last week a t a grocery shower in honor of her cousin, Miss Jane G Zill-gitt, whose marriage to Kenneth L a Chapelle of Albany will take place Saturday. During the eve­ning games were played and re­freshments served from a table decorated with a centerpiece of white syrlnga and tall green can­dles.

T h e guests were Mrs. Edward Zillgitt, Mrs. Edward La Chapelle, Mrs. Adam F. Herbig, Mrs. Wil­l iam Zillgitt, Mrs. Thomas Dillon, Mrs. Thomas J. Delaney, Mrs. Thomas J. Delaney, 2nd, Mrs. John Carey, Mrs. Edward Hartley, Mrs. Charles McCarthy, Mrs. Carl Do-bler and the Mimes Kathleen De­laney .Elizabeth Thau, Mary and Margaret Dillon.

PERMIT FOR RAEHQ Gorham Cluett Sought Writ

Compelling City to Grand

Him License for Police!

Signal Equipment. j

(Continued from P a g e 1.)

construed permissive to such a n extent t h a t they may be termed mandatory and that i t w a s the legislative intent that the govern­ing body of a city should pass a n ordinance designating a person with authority to issue permits for the purpose such as Mr. Cluett's.

The jurist also stated that "pub­lic policy, convenience and the wel­fare of government have much to do in reaching a conclusion as to the intention."

Will iam K. Shyne, Troy attorney, appeared for the petit ioner and Frank S. "Parmentor, corporation counsel, appeared for the respond­ents, who were Mayor Frank J. Hogan, James A. Madden, president of the Common Council; Dr. Walter D. McKenna, commissioner of pub­lic safety, and members of the Com­mon Council.

DeMolay Has Sale




TROY N i t

Troy Chapter, Order of DeMolay, is conducting a rummage sale to­day and tomorrow at 379 River Street, corner of Federal. Mrs.

- n , . a.. . _ . 1 John W. Frazier and Mrs Frank A ^ = n d ! y S c h ° ° 1 o f t n e S ' * * h ! n ° u t , i c l " • 'n charge Avenue Baptist Church will hold a rummage , a i e tomorrow a n d

Thursday at l l g Congress Street. Mrs. Michael Hafensteiner and Mrs. Frank Snyder will be In charge.

Miss Slater Guest . . . T, .. _, . . . . .„ | nual family picnic July 29 at Ford Miss Katharine Slater, bride-to- | „_„ , , .••«„„!» j . ,__ mi.-

Burns' W o m e n Meet The regular monthly meet ing of

the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Troy Burns Club was held Saturday eve­ning at Odd Fellows' Hall. Mrs. Robert Pe t t igrew presided. An in­vi tat ion from the Burns Club to at­tend the annual Thistle Day ob­servance at Yaddo Park, Saratoga, June 25 was accepted.

T h e Auxil iary planned their an-

Guests in Poughkeepsie Mrs. Oeorge W. Holberg and

Miss H. Grace Holberg of 69 Fifth Avenue were week-end guests of Miss Jean F. Holberg of 141 Mont­gomery Street, Poughkeepsie.

Commencement Guest Miss Janet Curtis of Cleminahaw

Avenue attended commencement act ivit ies and dances at Rensse­laer Polytechnic Institute as the guest of Richard P. Ferry of West Hartford, Conn., class of 1939.

Mr. Murnaghan Home John Murnaghan of Utica has re­

turned home after spending two weeks with his mother. Mrs. Mary

Group To Have Party Group five of the Women's Guild

at the Second Presbyterian Church will give a dessert bridge party on the lawn of Mrs. Gordon K. Green-hill's home at West Sand Lake Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Green-hill and Mrs. James Armistead, the group leaders, are In charge of reservations.

On .Western Tour Police Sergt. Timothy J. Mahoney

and Mrs. Mahoney, 1612 Seventh Avenue, have left on six w e e W trip through the United States. They will visit the N e w Yc/rk World's Fair, the San Franc isW Fair and the national parks.

Reception Guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultz of

834 River Street were guests of honor at a reception at their home Sunday in honor of their fifth wed-

he of John Callaureso, was honored at a personal shower Saturday afternoon which was given by Miss Vivian McClure at the home of her parents on State Street. The color scheme was carried out in pink and white. Dainty refreshments were served. The guests were the Misses Blanche Clum, Evelyn and Vera Brownell of Johnsonvil le , Alice Steele of Schaghticoke, Dora Mas-terson, Kathleene and Marguerite Barrett, Alice Allen and Doris Mc­Clure and Mrs. Rose Jensen. Miss Slater's marriage will take place in the near future.

Dinner Party Guest Miss Jean Peak w a s guest of

honor at a dinner party Saturday from S to 8 p in . at Callahan's re s j

taurant. The party was given by her coworkers where she is em­ployed.

The table was decorated with a centerpiece of pink roses and a bridal cake.

Miss P e a k was presented with a console set and an autograph book signed b y t h e guests, the Misses Rosanna Kuhn, Helen Ryan , Ma­rie AstrutO, Grace Bradt and Doris Bowen, Mrs. John Morlarty, Mrs. Benjamin Stevenson, Mrs. Nelson Costello, Mrs. Leonard Messlck, Mr«. Kathryn Turak, Mrs. Charles Mark. Mrs. Robert Ryan and Mrs.

Park, afternoon and evening. The next regular meet ing will be held September 9. Reports from the secretary, Mrs. Neal Laird, and the treasurer. Miss Mary Campbell, were read.

Williamsons' Guests Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wentz, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Wentz of Elyria, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan of Hempstead, L. I., A. K. Lind-quist, P . J. MaoLaren and Russell Scofleld of N e w York were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wil l iamson of Goodman Ave­nue. They all attended the Rens­selaer Polytechnic Institute activi­ties and the dance given by the Rensselaer Society of Engineers Saturday evening.

Also recent guests of the Wil­l iamsons were Mr. and Mrs. Ken­neth B. Foster of Augusta, Me., who visited here this past week on their w a y to N e w York to sail on the S. S. Iroquois for a three-year s tay in Puerto Rico. Mr. Foster, now wi th the U. S. Bureau of Pub­lic Roads , Is a graduate of R. P . I. In the c lass of 1928.



ON THURSDAY NIGHT The Industrial Arts Alumni

Association will conduct i ts annual dinner Thursday at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Hudson Valley Fuel Corp. In the South End.

Those planning the affair are Ralph Geiser, president; Elwood Miller, v ice president, and Fred Reiner, secretary-treasurer. After the dinner a movie relative to the gas and coke industry will be shown and the group will tour the plant.

United Church Events T h e Women's Missionary Society

of the United Presbyterian Church meet at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at the home of Miss Margaret Maxwell , 261 Fifth Avenue. Mrs. Henry C. Martin will preside.

P lans have been made for the an­nual church school picnic Satur­day at 1:30 p.m. at Lake Lorraine, Hooaick Road. The King's Daugh­ters, Mrs. Robert L. Trotter, presi­dent, will furnish refreshments and Howard Mclsaac's class the pro­gram of g a m e s and sports. A pic­nic supper will be served.

Mrs. Hawley Visits Mrs. El la H a w l e y of Syracuse Is

the guest of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Herring of Northern Drive.

FUR STORAGE Our Cold Storage Vaults On

Premises Offer Every Modern Defense Against



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Miss Hannagan Feted T h e Misses Mary and Helen Mc-

Dermott of . 573 First Street enter­tained at their home a t a shower in honor of Miss Matilda Hanna­gan , whose marriage to Oeorge Varrlale of Brooklyn will take place in the near future. The color scheme w a s pink and white . Dur ing the evening games were played and prizes went to Miss Lil­lian Finlan and Mrs. Jamas Bnrke.




at' 1 QC| 2 lbs. 49c 2lbs.41c




4 Oi. Pk|.

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