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Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom...

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jsgws^se :; '?*";'' m M ~».v...*-.v.'m.ye - . : . - . . i _: . - - ''••- !i* i._," ' • "."'-•' '••".• -'••* ' * . •> •-• :••?-"• -*J/ , > :• :;_-,• t* .--.-. v. -' - —————**-—• '<-••• "" • - . - • ''.*.• : 1_ INSTRUCTION. A—r— Tho Eagle ilnreav; ~ Full partlcut.ti a. lujwUier uay taialo»-ue», cir- culars, etc.. of universities, college* and private schools advertised in these columns can be bad .tree of charge by calling at the EAQLE FRBK INS-ORMATION BUREAU, fourth floor. Eagle Building. For Both Sexes. BROWNE'S (4!st Yt.) k CALL, WRITE OR TELEPHONE. 134*. Individual Instruction keynote of succeasi. ?46 KULTON ST. CORNER CLARK. -OreatOvrnjftoirUoitdmy.-betow Junction Clinton st. BVEMNO LESSOR'S A L L T H E VBAH. bxpert Writing. ?J; Telegraphy. Shorthand (Pitt- man's & Munson'F), Bookkeeping, Arithmetic. Grammar. fiO per term. Composition, Civil Serv- ice. Mathematics, teachers for students who have not been advanced. Registered by Regents. Rare Chance to Public School Graduates. Cost of shorthand, etc.. position? assured. $60. •"'-•— LEGAL N6*i(5!S, HEFFLEY SCHOOL. REGENTS' EXAMINATIONS. New term begins April 1. Summer sessions. Individual Instruction. Host successful school In Brooklyn. One fee until successful. NORMAN P. HEFFLEY, Pre*., it3 Ryerson st. near Pratt Institute. New York Preparatory School. Oldest, largest, bent. Prepares exclusively for REGENTS' EXAMINATIONS. Private tutors. Co-educational. S.oOO aluxnnl. Day or evening. Catalogues. Telephone 107T Main. 200 JOKALEMON ST. In WEST FORTY-THIRD ST. NEW YORK. NEW TERM BEGINS \PRIL I. K»01. LANGUAGES.*^ J3 Court Street, THE BEHLITZ SCHOOL OK LANGUAGES. Branches all over Europe and America. Terms BEGIN NOW. Fee reasonable. Trial lesson free. iA\cariltil two goM ana lico silver virdaU rC iHiris Xrvo*i!ion for hf*i and inott pra<tical method*.) WHAT 1.3 SUCCESS?— ACCURACY AND SPEED to sienoKTauhers. Mercantile Shorthand School, 35 Nassau-JS Liberty st. N. Y.. gives thorough, practicu!. Individual Instruction: day. evening; un- exeell°<l *p--»l frtoJlitl»s under exoert. DANCING. ?X~^(%Z&&to** DANO iNa Knapp Mansion. Bedford av.'ccr. Ross st. Branch sohroi«. si New York a v. 657 Ocean av. Flatbuih. LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. GILBERT ELLIOTT, 215 MONTAGUE ST. HORSES, CARRIAGES, ETC. SHADBOLTMAWUF S TUR i mo i co. Desires to estimate on Truck ar.d WiRon work of all kinds., and offers facilities of th^ largest and best equipped factory In this line and a con- tinuation of methods and standards which have Identified with "BEST" the name of SHADBOLT FOB FIFTY YEARS I FAST CHESTNUT ROAD .MARE. 15 HANDS high: sound, kind, true in a!l harness; 7 years old; has been driven by lady; also side bar road wagon, harness, blankets, etc.. for reasonable fig- ure. RUDD'S stable. Putnam av, corner Ormond ylacc. 2S-3* SPECIAL NOTICES. KNEIPP WATER CUBE.. Thousands of testimonials for successful treat- ment cf all kinds of diseases. NO MEDICINES! Pa6tor Knelpp has cured millions of people, lu- ..tormatlan. by Liu.!ir_iladlii_Kiyea, ; _ KNEIPP SANITARIUM, Corner Vcndcrbll: and Greene avs, Brooklyn. —SUPREME—-COURTT—HINOS-OOUN-TY—THE- Co-operative Building Bank, plain11ft. iagainst Charles B. Dix and others, defendants-^ln pur- suance of a judgment of foreclosure ana sole made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the ISth day of March,. 1W1, I w i n j e l l at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms.: No. J Wllloughby street, in the Borough of Brook- lyn. County of Kings, on the 14th day.of April, 1W1. at twelve o'clock, noon, the lands lit said judgment mentioned and therein described as fol- lows: All that certain lot, plec*. or parcel ot land, with the building's and improvements thera- on erected, situate, lying and being In the Twen- ty-second Ward of the City (now Borough) of Brooklyn. State of New York, bounded and de-, .scrihiul. as. Xollows:. Beginning at -a. point -on -the southwesterly side of Nineteenth street distant thre« hundred and thirty (530) feet northwesterly from the' westerly, corner 'ot Nineteenth street and Seventh avenue; and running, thence "south- westerly parallel with Seventh avenue and part of the distance through the center" of a party wall one hundred (100) feet; thepce northwesterly parallel with Nineteenth street fifteen \( 15) feet; thence northeasterly parallel with Seventh ave- nue and part of the distance through the center of another party wall one hundred' (100) feet to Nineteenth street,; and thence sodtheasterly along Nineteenth street fifteen (IS) 'feet to the point or place of beginning.—Dated Starch 25, 1901. WILLIAM WALTON; Sheriff of Kings County. F. T. Johnson, Plaintiffs Attorney. Court street. Brooklyn, N.'T- The following Is" a diagram of the property to be sold as above described: No. 330 19th street: W S3 15 lath Street. \ POST OFFICE NOTICE. POST OFFICE NOTICE. (Should hi read DAltA" by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending March. 3ft, 1C01. will close (promptly In all cases) at the General Post Oll'.ce as follows: Parcels Post.Malls closu one hour earlier tl'.an closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 3:50 P. M. on March 1M, per steamship Lahn.. via Bremen, and March 27, per steamship Koenigln Luise, via Bremen. TRANS-ATLANTIC MAILS. TUESDAY—At 6 A. M. for Europa, per steamship —•—ton a. \ la Southampton aridUreTneir rmatt-ior Ireland must be directed "per steamship :-' Lahn"). WEDNESDAY—At 6 A. M. for Europe-, per steam- ship Vaderland. via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "j>2r steamship Va- derland"); at 8 A. M. for Europe, per steam- ship Oceanic, via Queenstown; at 9:20 A. M. for Belgium direct, per steamship Noordland (mall must be directed "per steamship Noord- - land"). THURSDAY—At 6:30 A. M. for France, Switzer- land, Italy, Spain. Portugal, Turkey. Egypt, Greece. British indls. and Lorenzo Marquez, per steamship La Gasoogne. via Havre (ntalls for other parts of Eu:ope must be* directed "per steamship Ui Gascosnc"). SATURDAY—At 7 A. M. for .Netherlands direct, per steamship Maa.-dam (mall must be di- rected "per steamship Maasdnm"); at 8 A. M. for Europe, per. steamship Etrurla, via Queens- town; at -J:M A. M. for Italy, per steamship \Verra, via Naples (malls must be directed "per steamship Werra"); at 8:30 A. M. for Scotland direct, per steamship Furnecsia. (mall must be directed "per steamship Furnessla"). •PRINTED MATTER. ETC.—This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers and Sam- ples for Germany only. The fame class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not ... be sent by this *hlp unless specially uirecteU by her. After ihe closing of the Supplementary Trans- Atlantic Mal'r. named above, additional supple- mentary mails are opened on the piers of the 1 •'•• American. English. Krtnch an'l Herman steam- ers, and remain open .intli within Teh Min- utes of the hour of sailing of steimer. •tAILS FOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA. WEST INDIES. ETC. T U E S D A T - A t 3:30 A. M. for Northern Brazil, per steamship Koratlo; at 9 A.M. for Central Amer- . lea lextept Losta Rica) and South Pacific ports, pes- steamship Alliance, via Colon (matl for Uuatemala must be directed "per steamship Al- lianca"): at r.-.io x. M. for Yucatan, per steamship Prima, via Progreso (mall must be directed 'per steamship Prima"); at 6 P. M. for Jamaica, per .iteamship Admiral DeWey. from Boston, at (10:30 p. M. for Nassau, per steamer from Miami. Fli. WED.\E3DAY-.\t S:30 A M. for Newfoundland- per stvamshlp illvia; at 9 A. M. for InaRua •and Haiti, per steamship Mount Vernon; at 11:30 A. M for <uba. Yucatan. Campecrre, Ta- basco an-i rhiapas, por rteamshlp Seguranra. via Havana ani Prr.sr^so imall for other parti of Mexico rr,u.<: lir'.cted "per steamthlp Seguranca"). «t 12 M for Nassau, per steam- ship Antllia (n-.all must be directed "per S'.r-arr.shlp Antllia"); at 10:30 P. M. for Ja- maica, per Fteamshlp Admiral Sampson, from Phlladeiphln. a! ;2:!0 P. M. for Brazil, via Perns mbuco. rim Janeiro nnd Santos, per steamship p.omnn Prince im>,il for Northern Braill. Arg?n:ln* Republic. i'rUguay and Psra- must bo rtlrectc-d p.r «te»msrilp Roman The approximate amount of liens or charees to satisfy which the above described property is to be sold is $1,821.55. With Interest thereon from March 16. 1901. together with costs. and allow- ance, amounting to $lf>9.7S, with Interest thereon from March 18. 1901. and the expenses of the sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other Hens which are to be allowed to the pur- chaser out of the purchase money; or paid by the Sheriff Is $92.45 and Interest.—Dated March 25. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County. mh2J 3w m&th •' ' IN PARTITION-NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY—Ellen Nevlns. plain- tiff, against William H. Sullivan and others, defendants—In pursuance of an Interlocutory' Judg- ment of partition and sale, made and entered in the above entitled action, dated the" 23d day of March. 1801. and duly entered In the office of the Clerk of the County, of. Kings on said day, I, the undersigned, the referee for that purpose duly appointed, will sell at public auction, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 153 Montague street, lri the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 17th day of April. 1901, at 12 o'clock, noon, the premises In said interlocutory judgment men- tioned, and therein described as follows; to wit: 'All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being In tho Tenth Ward of the Borough (late Cltv) of Brooklyn, being parts of the" lots desig- nated by the numbers 2(9, 2J0 and 2il,.-on a cer- tain map on file in the office of the Register of the County of Kings, entitled "Map of 450 lots in the Tenth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, belong- ing to Orsamus Bushnell, Esq., made by L. N- Vibhard. City Surveyor, and dated September, 1S53," and which Is bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the westerly .corner of Bond and Carroll streets, arid running thence southerly along Bond street sixty-four (61) feet three and one-half (JH) inches; thence westerly at right angles, to Bond street and along lot number 252 on said map twenty-two (22)\ feet two and one-half (2tt) Inches; thence northerly parallel with Bond street about sixty-two (62) feet six (6) Inches,'more or less, to Carroll street, and thence easterly *a]ong Carroll street twenty- two (22) feet three and one-half (3M) Inches to the point or place . ot beginning.—Dated March WILLIAM H. GREENE,- Referee. - - Slmle ^ Royr—Attorney* fo»^-the—Elaiotlffc—No. 26 Court street. Borough of Brooklyn. New York City ''**-- I Joseph H. Breaznell, Esq.. guardian ad litem, etc No. 26 Court street. Borough of Brooklyn, New York City. The following Is a diagram of the property above described and known by the street No. 368 Carroll street: Prlnc 'I Carroll Street. i s 88.3H Said premises are to'be sold free and clear of all encumbrances. ; • _ WILLIAM H. GREENE. Referee. mh2.i 6t m&th . • - ... ...,'.- tm&AIjNOTICES. 3te LEGXiy NOTICES LEetAJC#0TICfe8r ^•.«OPR YORK Plaintiff, defend; merit o In the the 23d „-,, „, »....,..-, •• ,- „. referee In said Interlocutory judgment named, will sell at public auction at the Real Estate Ex- change Salesroom, No. ISS Montague street, in the BorOugh ot Brooklyn. County of Kings, on We/lnesday., the third day of .April. I90L - »t twelve o'clock noon on that day, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, the premises described In said Interlocutory judgment as follows: All those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situ- ate, lying snd being 1.. the Borough (formerly , ..... ...., CltyO -of Brooklyn." tn the County-of-KlnCT-ahd, , -««na-»ituater 7 lytn5^ T .,, _„.„_,, ..... „„..,,.. ,„„.. State of New York, bounded and containing as J 1 ?"* City) ".jotVBrOoSftJsS butted anil Iwlnded as i a c '* y ,°' *'";;"/;V««rt»r»h« lArvlee of this surri- follows. vli.:_ Beginning at^ the southwest oortier follows.-"•to.'>»lt^',^^^^»!?S^thi™b«h?™i!iririv I within twenty da>.s after, the service or Jhl^ sur»- .in S ; tt ! ,lr ' ll,!|l wyi»'J»ilgmtiit named.vwlli ; <•'•'-J-fj . r r~u' n"vn0W.a-to DlUnUffi *nd any aniTan ^L^wPa^^felWaiAV^ ^eal. m ^ ^ ' 1 5K?"person a ? * W W W , W^t^ijMS be an belr at;law. and next of kin of Fran- llllam Schrle.fer; deceased, and the execu- Borough t-pt Brooklyn,}/County ot'^Hiimi'- on, ,voU ?• c^c'c^k^n^S AU tho*e two certM; plaintiff defendants. 1^^^5P» r : fcTy of your/newer on the pUlntW. attorne; Summons—To the' abt>v« to, serve attorneys of-Nas-sauand bridge streels. and running Uience -/SinmM^i^-i^S^mi^^^^!^. I ^TeVcfufTw.^M^^uf^^Uf^S^fiS)! westerly along the southerly side of Nassau.street running theitce'rio r ^ - fifty feet; thence southerly parallel to. Bridge' feventy-Jjjree, feet street soventy-flvo feet; thence easterly'parallel to Nassau street fifty feet to Bridge street,, and thence northerly along the westerly side of Bridge street seventy-five feet to Nassau street at the point 'or plade of beginning.—Dated New York. March 11. 1 9 » ' * U> . " JOHN B SHANAHAN,,Retere*, Thomas J. ' Farrell. Attorney for Plaintiff." 261 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan, New York City. 1 late of Samuel . para lol wit^i Brldg*,«.t««V;il«enty-three feet and vi « ,n .? h '.* l *i ^y^X»R^Vv^e0ce- westerly *long Nassau street flftyMetAo3&e-place;"of beginning All those" certain »tiC/l*e^«-'6r parcels of land BlaTntlff's Attorneys. omce and Post Office address. KW Broadway, N-ew York, N. Y„ Manhattan. ;-•' ' Tv the defendants, Catherine Jolinaon and ••John'' Johnton, her husband, If any, If living, "John'''being, fictitious, and the e*ecu- sold "as described above, the Mreet numbers being lows: •— —• " Brunt nortl stree •T>TfoUowmgi,"a diagram oUhe propertf t^be | ' ^ i a ^ % m S S ! S ^ ^ . ^ i ^ S ^ ^ ^ . I »«'" 8t la - w .: ana ??*! of - *("' JL •>*« ot sald J90-to 196 Bridge street' Nassau street. N i with easterly parallel with-King, street ninety feet to Van Brunt street: thence northeasterly along Van Brunt street-nftyrfeet-totheSpUcc of beglrinJhg.— Dated New York. March ll," 1901, ^ - \ fl ^L" "- ' v "V -JOHN B.'SHANAHAN, Biferee. Thomas J, Farrell, Attorney for Plaintiff, 261 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New, York City. The following are; diagrams of the properties to be sold as described above: " The approximate amount of the liens.to be paid % by the referee'cut of the'purchase morieyV lsftf- | £ teen hundred ($1,600) dollars with interest- from j E October 16. 1897.—Dated New York, March 11, 1901. musw-mftth JOHN B. 8HANAHAN. Referee. SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY—EAST Brooklyn Co-operative Building Association,*.plain- tiff, against Mary Davis ana ano., defendants— in pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered In the abpvo.entlted ac- tion on the Uth day of March. 1901. I,'the under- signed, referee In said judgment named, will .sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, by James IA Brumley. auctioneer, at the Real .Estate Ex- change. salesrooms, 1 N o . 1S9 Montague street, Brooklyn. New York City, on the 17th day of-Aprll. 1901. at 12 o'clock, noon, the lands and premises In said judgment described as follows; All that cer- tain lot. piece or parcel of land, with." the build- ings and .Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Twenty-sixth Ward of the Rorough. of Brooklyn.. County of Kings, and State of New York, bounded and described Ws follows: Beginning on the easterly side of Shepard avenue at a point distant seventy-five (76) feet southerly from the southeasterly corner of Shepard avenue and Sutter (formerly Unloh) avenue; .running thence easterly and parallel with '-'Sutter - (for- merly Unloh) avenue one hundred- (lOO)'-' feet; thence southerly and parallel with Shepard ave- nue twenty-five (25) feet; thence "westerly and again parallel with Sutter- (formerlysllnlony are- nueone-hundred (100) feet to the^ eaatejrly side of Shepard avenue; thence northerly"alorig the east- erly side of Shepard avenue twenty-five (25) feet to the point or place" of beginning,—Dated March 21. 1901. JAMES P. COLLINS,. Referee. Judge & Durack, Attorneys for 'Plaintiff. 189 Montague, street, Brooklyn, N. Y. City. The following Is a diagram of the property to be sold: * Sutter (formerly Union) Avenue.. 12 b lfld - 100 « '.-• fe;. ITheiapj?ioxirn-kte. amouat. of. llfriB._ojc..ch9Cge.s M satTsfy which the above described property is. to bo sold Is $1,701.67, with, -.Interest, from- March 8. 1901. together with costs and allowance amount- ing to f229:59, and tho expenses of sale.»" The ap- proximate amount of taxes, assessments or other Hens which are to be allowed, to thfr. purchaser out of the. purchase money or paid by the referee Is $67.92 and Interest.—Dated March-21. 1901. JAMES P. COLL-INS,-Referee. Judge & Durack, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 2 . mh2S 6t m&th SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY-CATH- arine tf. Banning, plaintiff, against Fredcrlck Buchar and others, defendants-rln pursuance of a mdgment of foreclosure and Bale niade and en- tered In the above entitled action, dated the 19th day of March. 1901. I will" sell at public auction to the highest bidder,'by Thomas A". Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesroom?. No. 9, Wllloughby street, in the Borough' of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 16th day of April, 1901. at twelve o'clock noon, the lands .In sold Judgment men- tioned, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel Of land, . with the buildlngn and Improvements thereon erected, sit- uate, lying and being In the Twenty-fourth Ward of the norough of Brooklyn. County of Kings and State of New York. and'boutHed and described a* follows-. Beginning at a pplnt oh the southerly side of Bergen street distant one hundred and elKtftv feet easterly from the southeasterly cor- ner of Beruen street and HoWard avenue and running thence southerly parallel with said How- ard avenue and part cf the distance through a party wall one hundred (1001 feel"; nf6n'Ce"easl- erly parallel with Bergen street twenty (20) feet: thence northerly and again parallel with How- ard avenue and nart of the distance through a party wall one hundred (100) feet, to the southerly •>tde of Bergen street, and thence we«e'rly along tho said southerly f«lde of Bergen street twenty (20) feet to the point or place of beginning.— Dated March 25. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. Herbert S. Ogden. Plaintiff's Attorney, 31 Pine Street. New York City. The following is a diagram of the property to be Bold as above described: No. 1.890 Bergen Street. . . . Bergen St. rar SUPREME COURT. KINGS ' COUNTY—GRACE Vlckerman against John Birmingham. Junior—In pursuance of a Judgment ot foreclosure.and sale, du"j- made and entered In the above entitled action, bearing date the 15th day of December 1 ,' 1900. I, tho undersigned, the retoree in said Jndgrheht named, will sell at public, auction at the Real Estate Ex- change Building, Numbers 1SS-191 Montague street. In the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York. Kings County r onthe-16th day of -Ajpt®f-tt01r-it*-« o'clock neon of that-day,' by JameS'-t. 'Brumtoy. auctioneer, the premisea dlreoted by.-said Judg- ment to be sold and therein, described .aB.follows: All that certain piece or plot of land, with the building thereon ereotcd, situate, lying and being ln> the-' Thktyiflrsf''Ward of the "Borough of Brooklyn, in tho City of New. York, formerly know'n as Coney Island, bounded and described as follows": Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Neptune avenue, distant four hundred and fltty-throa and 28r 100 feet east of th.o southeaster- ly corner of Ocean parkway and said Neptune ave- nue, running thb'ncc southwesterly fifty-five feet to a point distant, at right angles from Shoops- head Bay road, sixty-seven and 50-100 feet; thence running southerly from said roint ;at riffht an- gles to said Sheepshead Bay road, slxty-soveh'and 60-lflO f e e t to the northerly side of Sheerishead Bay road: thence easterly along the northerly side of .Sheepshead Bay road two hundred and forty and-31-100 ,feet; thence northerly at right-angles to said Sheepshead Bay road ope hundred.and six feet to tho said southerly side of Neptune ave- nue t and thence westerly alcng the southerly'side of Neotunc avenue one hundred and ninety-four 34-100 feet to the point or place of beginning;' be the said several dimensions more or less.—Dated Brooklyn, Mhrch 25, 1901. PETER W. OSTRANDER, Referee. J. PhlllpBorg. Plnlntifrs Attorney. 140 Nassau -street,- NT—Y;- City. The following is a diagram of the properly to be sold as above described. The property has no street number as far as known: Neptune avenue. ~*50E3o7T J ilH.o+-ICo~ "ISO- 'S 3 /toosrVn And 173 Nassau 8* „. , *nd. ; : No.- 175; Brldgprjt;-Y; .-; I Nassau street. N o s 838 and 840 Van Brunt St 1 it ...,|l.'U. -, . v * n ^fVri'. street. '•..<. The foregoing properties are to be sold free and clear of all Incumbrances.—Dated New York, March.'II. 1901.; '•:,';.--?'" X*" mhltSw m&th JOHNS. iBHANAHAN, Referee. SUPREME COURT,.KINOSiCOUNTYT-aESSIE Thompson, plaintiff.'-'against Frank Barclay- and other*,, defendants—In"pursuance of a judgment ot foreclosure and sale niade'and entered In tho abovo entitled action, -dated the sixth' day of March.: 1901, I will sell' at public auction v to the highest bidder, by TnbniaaA;. Kerrigan,, auction- eer,: at the salesrooms,--No:-9 : Wllloughby' street. In-the'Borough of Brooklyn.-County of Kings, on the second day,of April, 190L at twelve o'clook, nooli, the lands in said judgment mentioned and therein described as. follows; All the undivided onc-thlrd interest of said, parties of tho first part In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the Twenty-sio- ond Ward of the said City, of Brooklyn, and bound- ed and described as follows., to wit: Beginning at a- point on the southerly, side of Eighth street distant two hundred .*hd eighty-seven -feet ten and one-half Inches (287,10%) westerly, from the corner-formed by the Intersection of the westerly side or line of Seventh..avertue,'.with Uio southerly line •ui.,-Bide of Eighth 'street; running thencs southerly "and parallel with \ Seventh avenue, and part of' the distance through a certain party wall one hundred ' feet: thence westerly and parallel with Eighth street twenty feet; thence .northerly aj»d,agalr^BraHel-w4to--Severrtfecvenue-«^a.nga1ln- partly through another certain party wall ohe >un- dred feet to Eighth' street; itheneo easterly and along Eighth street", twenty feet to the" point or place of beginning.—Dated March a, 1901. WILLIAM W ALTON. .Sheriff of Kings County, G. O. & L. S. Hulse. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 203 Broadway, .New YoHc\Clt>p:y(jMartatun). The. following Is-a. diagram, of tho property to be sold'as above described: Ho. 3S2 Eighth street: 60 5S ?0 Sth St. -'. &7''h.l0xln'. •" : ' "• .1 " ' . ;.; i ,. ' -,i. ' •'•;.;';• •• - ;', 1 •"••••• •-• ;'•, < ::•) :;'•>.-1 >! : O < 7th it: N I 8 240.84-100 The approximate amount of liens or charges to satlsfv which the above described property Is to be sold Is J3.632.71. with Interest thereon from March 4. 1901. together with costs and allowance, amounting to 1157.41. w i t h interest thereon from March U. 1901. and the exoensca of thn sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other liens whloh are to be allowed to the pur- chaser out of the purchase money or paid by the 8herlff Ir *«.*3 and Interest-Dated March 25. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. mh25 6t m&th THLRSDAY-A: 11:1) A M for Nassau. Cuant- anirno and Santiago. i>i>i jtoarrmhlp ?arato|ca. FRIDAY-Al l'.:S0 A M fo: Mexico, per slcam- »hlr> M a u n i n s . via T-in-.[,!(o (mail must be dl- r?ctrsl -por «:?AmRM,> Ma'anzai'i; at }:0?,9 «»2V " A '"' N" n "»T». Per ••.••amer Miami. Fin IATl.RDAV-.il T:M \ M (,., iu.rn-,u,1a per] sfamfhlp TYIni.la.l at f:.;n v M for r>nrto 1 SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTT-ELIZA- Rloo. prx ai^amshlp San .i:nn \ la =an Juan I bPth Wagner plaintiff, against Edward S. RMlfl at 5:30 A M fo; i'nh:i |,r Mcamnhlp Morro i ftn d others, defendants—In pursuance of's Judg- Castle. v|« Havann, at t:So \. M fr,r Fortune i mPn t of foreclosure and sale mflde and entered Island Jamsk.i. An vanilla "urtharrnn and In 'he above entitled action, dated the '.5th day Oreytown. per «tean«:il;. u*nr mail '.n-r rosta of October. I9O0. 1 will sell at public auction to Rica rrxi»t h- 11-<-(terl -;„r steamship Men*") ' the highest bidder, by Thomns A. Kerrigan, auc- at 11:34 A M fo- N.irthf-rn Rruil per «:eatn I tloneer.n! the salrrrooms. No. 9 Wllloughby street, ship Hilary, a: 11 %t> \ M f,-. r Argentine He. ' In the Borough of Brooklyn. Counly of Kings, on public. rrugua> r.nd Parsgna) ;-er •team I lh " *<h day of November, 1900. at twelve o'clock, ship Ore<-ia:i Prin-» nwn the lands In said Judgment mentioned snd Malls for ,\v«l undlano hy ran •.-. \nrth Fyon/y. | 'herein dercrlhed as follows: All that certain lot. snd thence :,> nenmer n.-r. .,- this '••fTice dsliy piece or parrel of land sliuate. lying and being ail 6 V >\ irt niertine rln'e here ,\,rv Monda) ln 'he City ff Brooklyn. County of Kings and Wednesday and «nturd»yi Main f'nr Mlone- ! Stale of New York, bounded and described as Ion. by rati t,. I'.^.Mnn and th-nce h. jteamer ' follow* t.-i w i t : Beginning at a point on the Close at Ihlx .nin- laUv at • )• M Mails for northerly aide of MoDonough street distant one Cuba, by rail to Port Tamia, Kia.. and th'neo hundred and twenty-flvs feet Westerly from the I b\- steamer, i lo«e at thu ofTlee dally, ereept Monday, at |S:*o A M. (the eonnerting ri,-,!.e« are on Sunday Wednesday »nd Frldav) Mall« for Cuba, hy rail to Miami. Fla nnd lhenc« by stesmer elose at ,v ofr.re evsrr Monday and Friday at |io:30 P M. Mails for Menlro City hverlnnd unle»» upeclally addressed for dispatch bv steamer, close at this of|W dally at I P. M nnd Invito p M Mali* for "o-tA Rlra. Itellse. Puerto Corte7 And Ouatrmnta. by rail to New Orleans and there* hv niram- er, clo«e at tht« ofW- dAlly ai j | P M (eon- n n ctlng cloeea here \tondav'a for Belize. rner*o Cortei and Ouatemala and Tuetday* for f'o»ta Rica) |Regl«I»r?d mall oioaoo at 5:30 p M prevlou* day TRANS-PACIFIC MAILS. ..jstfl* for Ifawall. China. ,'apan and rhilif.plne Ir'and". via San Pranclaro. e|e«e here dally «t 6 P. M. up to March |t}. ine]u«lve, for dis- patch |>er pleam«hlp 'Jaelio Mslls for (-hlna. Japan and Philippine I«l«nda. via Sort tie. rlo«e here dally at & P M up ty March |?< Inelunlve. for dlspslrh per «te»m- shlp Klnshiti Maru freflttered mail must he directed via Seattle) Mail* for Australia (orient Weat Vuat.-alla. wh'rh goea vis Enropfl. anl New Zealand, which goea via San Fvanouooi. »nd Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally M ( P. M. af!»r .Maroh }C5 and up to Mnr-h (M inelualve for dlar.atoh per steariehli' M|.-.wera 'supplemen- tary mail", via Seattle rloee at t! P M Maroh III Malta for Hawaii. > la San FfsnoUoo, Mo»e her« dall)- at s P V.. up to April [1 for dispatch per steamship M.aMjx-pa Mails tor Hawaii, .lapan. Thlna and Philippine Islands. via San F>»ftel»cn, oloae here dally at ( P. M up to April |i Inclusive, fo r di». patch per steamship Hor.g Kong Mini Malta for Chins anl Japan, via Vancouver. e|on» j here dally at s P M. up to April W, ino't). j /|ve. for dl«-xi;ch p«r ai-amship F.mpr»»a cf | .tapan (registered mall muat be direct*.! "v)» | Vancouver") Mslls for Tahlll and Marquesas tsliinda, via ^«n Francisco, eloto here dally at R V .M up to April |lft. Inclusive, for dispatch per steamship Australia. Trans-Pacific malls ar« fortvarded <o port of sail ing dalli and the schedule of cl.slng la arrang- ! ed on the presumption of thflr untnterfupled 6V«t1arld transit. IReglsteret mall J P. M. precious day. P. II. \VIU«oN. PegtmMtrr P«»t Offlc*. Rrooklyn. N. v., March it. W. oorner formed hy the intersection of the northerly side of MeDonough street with the westerly side of Hopkinson avenue; running thence nhrtherly parall»i with Hopkinson avenue nnd part of the distance through a party wall cne hundred feel; thence westerly parallel with MeDonough street t-ver.tvflv- feet: th-no southerly again parallel with Hopktnson avenue and part of the distance, through a r>art\ ^r.ll cne hundred fejpt to the northerly «ide .,f MeDonough street, and thence ea«'.rrly alone the northerly side of MoDonoUgJi 'treet twenlv-flve feet to the point or place of be- ginning Dated October 17 1900 WILLIAM WVLTON. Sheriff of King* County. Dalley Boil A frane. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 16 fourt «tr-t Borough of Brooklyn. N. Y. The following Is a dlagrAm of the property to be sold as above deporlhed: No 775 MeDonough Street. Sheepshead Bay Road. The approximate amount of liens, or charges to satisfy!-which the above' described properly is to be sold 19*2,026 67-100,.,Wlth loterpfct thereon from •February 26, 1901, together with costs and allow- ance, .amounting to S2S1 SS-lOO^ltS'lriterest theru- on. from Marcli- 6, 1901, and . the .expenses of-the sale.—Dated March 11. 1901. •' * WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings Couhty. nihil 6t m&th . . t . . SUPREME COURT. KINGS f. COUNTY-WAL- ter L. Wellington and George P. Slade, as sole surviving trustees under the" last' will and testa- ment of John B". Hutchinson, - deceased; plaintiffs, against James D. Sajman ot a),, defendants—In pursuance of a judgment of'foreclosure and sale, mode and entered-In the above--entitled action, Jatedjhe Jith day of February( : 1901, I will sell at public auction-to-the highest -blddeV; by Thomas A. Kerrigan, Auctioneer, at the-salesrooms. No. 9. Wllloughby streets ln the Borough of Brooklyn, Codnty of Kings, on the 26th day'df March, }901, at twelve o'clock noon, the lands In said Judg- ment mentioned an.d therein-destyribed'as follows: All that certain lot, piece or pwael ,ot land sit- uate, lying and being Ifi the -"Seventh Ward of the City (now BorOUgh) Of- Brooklyn. County of Kings and State of New-. York, :boundod and de- scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on tho southerly side of Jefferson avenue (for- merly Jefferson street), distant two hundred and twenty feet westerly from the .southwesterly cor- - 3AII.B0ADS. ;ior Cars Netr/Y. Wot of Fulton Street, aftSjffiB ' MAlL-LlmltedtQ'two Buffet S5&s\£^Wirt5ft«nt "AjaJpUw, andObservatlon- Cars. * ~Kor ' fSlJv 1 * :«nflah«tT.'j6Bianap50^ Smqkini i'X^^W^fi'la 1 Sleeping;! pblfli 1 .. . f«J«4ov Cjnclnn«tT",Jftaianap5us;^iel»v|U*, St. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ULIllIIM.yns s, s. Cf.?«: Haiti at^rner* , from : N«w,,Yprk'.'Apr)L: »r«'9d'-.,ij..^ Eight :and s< lJ-dajr trlipir, M> and ITS. ..«?-'-' ^ Cf finin»i A \8p«Qlal Excursioo-" forvEaster f LUntUH. Hollday»,Mauh 29. U days, »I7.S0. ^W^^^mm^S fDlsQIPOINTV niin:? --. .- . all of such perron or persons, if any. It'any be deceased, whose "nirjae^"'areT unknown to plaintiff: The foregoing summons Is served upon you.- by publication, pursuant'th an order of Hon, Joslah T Marean, a Justice ^f.the Supreme Court of the State of New York: dated the Hi day of March, 1901, and filed with the complaint In the office of the Clerk of the -Cotlnty of Kings, in the Hall of Records. In the' City of New•: York, Borough of Brooklvn. In said state. -•-- Th<- object of this'action is to make partition according to the respective rlghta ot the parties, and if it appear that partition cannot be mado without great prejudice to tho owners, then for a sale of the following described property: > That plot or parcel of land, situate In the City of New York, Borough .of Brooklyn. County of Kings. N. Y., on-the southerly side of. Degraw street, distant two.oundrod and fifty feet .'.easterly from Nostrand avenue; Tunning thence southerly 100 feet; thence easterly 160 feet: thence'northerly 100 feet to Degraw-Street,-and' thence westerly along Degraw street 150 feet .to place of •.begin- ning, containing within said boundaries lot 7,.irt block 1. on map iU. filed In Kings County Reg- ister's Office.—Dated -March S3, 1901. . ."•- SANDERS & GRAY. Plaintiffs Attorney. - M6 Broadway. New York. N . -Y., Manhattan- , , . mh!5 6w -tn j n MiTX^ r %^- ' L *>»*«vUls-, (via Cincinnati}. K y^K a r^i«^>Chic«go, St, Louis. ' - ; £^ - *QM&&m ^T. LxablTiBXPftESSr-For, PHl». -.gjg^; wlvimbu*, inaianapoHs,• L^ijUnT»l^ | |L ir5« r 5Vtfs'«'. "ceptTBatbrday. : - •?- ; • " .......... - 5 f, Car' nna ".*»*-.• "...eundtos, J.IV ».^;w.«5 (Dining Car) A. M,, IMS. lt«JDlnlrgt,Car). (t,U>VCon- sresslon8.lLrft.Cy sjl -Parlor^and Dlnlng^Caw). 8.15. 4.15 IDlnlng Car). «.4VUDlftlngC«r)J«a0.and 11.SA.PVM. - '• -;•-. -,.-.>••'''. v *>v"- -*-*- •'•".*»,•;•• "'v;.-'" ,- SOUTHEflN RAlLWAYr~!'?lorlda fclmlted." lt"W P. M.week days; -Esoret»r"J.lS, *,» and U.sj P, M. dallyr -;>"•-;.!••:-•.:<M.-, V -J:..^.-VXIV . ATLANTIC COAST blNE^-t'Fiorida Special,". P. M...week days. Express, 8<45: A. 'M.alld 9.10 P . M. dally. •."•".. w A . H ; 1 . ^ . : . , I . SEABOARD AIR LINE- RAILWAY—"Florida and Metropolitan Limited.'' 1J.45 P. M. dally.' Ex- press, 11.85 P. M. dally. -• "" - &?':•>-•' -*•--: v '-V NORFOLK AND W E S T E R N •'• R A I L W A Y - F o r . Memphis and New Orleans, S. UP. M. dally." v. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAlLWAY-~8.*5 A". M., and 4,45 P, M; dMly.'l ,-..",.'-- ' ' " " i ATLANTIC ClTY-toPrcss. ».4S *..,'i«. and'».«5 P. M. week days. Through -VeBtlbuled Trains, , Buffet Parlor Cars and Standard; Coaches. >. •; CAPE MAY-Bspress. 12.45 P.. M.,^ week days,V'. Ticket otncc»! No. 4 Court SUeeU 93 Broadwajf. tt9 -Fulton :St; and Pennsylvania. -Annex Station. Brooklyn.. The N e w . Y o r k . Transrtr.Company , will call for and check baggage from hotelgand -residences through" to destination.' ^^^i-'"": ; J: B. HUTCHINSON,, ..; •.•J.' K^ w O<?l>;:>r General Manager. . General pass r Ag^nt.. ^Mttv-fc.U!.: y.6idfty: ' holiday ?S , 'trips,March JO. '.t . Inclndtnir H o t e l * A l n d All Bxpensea. Tickets, for Individual v ,Travelers'- everywhere mt- ,^-'; - v;|w«t ; R«t«i. -'• .'. .-..-."* ^^THOS. COOK A' SON, 201 «»d"'-1.188. BrpaaTraJrJNow York. NOTICE-TO THE HEIRS AND^-CRBDITORS OF JOHN SHATWELL BROOKS. DECEASEDS- SUPREME COURT, KING3 COUNTY-Frederlck \Y. Thompson and Mary E, Dibble, plaintiffs;, against the People of the State of New .-York and the heirs, creditors, etc., of John Shatwell Brooks, deceased, defendants—In pursuance of an order; of reference tn surplus proceedings, duly, made and entered herein on the petition pf Caroline O'Brien, a lienor, on the 23d day bf March, 1901; wherein and whereby John B. Lord."Esd... was-'ftppolntSd referee to ascertain and- report "rwhat-wnount v -is due said Carolina O'Brlep- o»- any^mother-^person, which Is a Hen on said surplus moples, you.are hereby notified and directed to appear'before said referee, at his Office,- No. -189 Montague . street. Borough of Brooklyn, New.York-City, on the'25th day of April. 1901, at Z o'olock P.rM.,ithe d*y fixed by said order of reference for the first hear- ing therein and on such subsequent days as the referee or court may direct, to protect your in- terests tn said proceedings and 'to present and, prove your claims in and to said surplus;—Dated March 25. 1901. . . . .. . " - ,.„• DAVID B. SIMPSON. Attorney for Petitioner, 99 Nassau street. Manhattan Borough. New York City. mM5.4t m IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER O F , T H E Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, ^according" "to law, fo all persons having claims against EDWIN A. CLARK. late of the-Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, deceased, that thoy are required to exhibit the same, with ths' vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her place of-' transacting-' busi- ness, at the office of Wray & Pllabury, No. -149 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, on or be- fore the 1st day of October next.—Dated Brooklyn. March 23. 1901. .-- ,"-..-;.' r ray—ft—PltBWry • Attorneys for - ExecUtrixr W Broadway. N"w York city. trihSS 6m nt IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of--the-County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against HELE.- fiENTfiALRiR-PFIEWlllSIY. - < Anthracite, coal used exclusivsiy. &; .,. t Four Tracks. !.'El«etro-Pneumatlc'V Signals, 6tatlons tn New York. Liberty 6t and SoutTi Ferry. Trains leave Liberty St as below, ttlme from South • N Ferry nvo;mlnut«* »atH«r.-except as noted). Mauch ChtthkiLocai; ...... N,Y> & LontJfjraneh R.R. 8.cra"n"t6n & Reading..' ..... "Lakewood & ; J3arnesat .... .NiY. firLong Branch RR. Mauch Chunk & Reading. " Wlkeibarre * Scra'nton.. La ktwood. Barnegat & . AtiahtloCtty Lakewood fr ATLANTIC CITY Slieclal.. Lakewood &-Barnegat,... N.T. '&Longi)rahch R.R -Mauch Chunk & Reading. Lakewood Special Boston Lccal .... ......... N.Y, eyr^inc Branch' R. R Week l>r^y^ . 1:15 a. m-- .S:30 a, m- JtlO a. m; .l5.Wa.in. UtSO a . m . I t « 1130 p. -m- 11:45 p. m. 3:10 p. m. 14110 p. hi. 4:S0 p.-.m. 4:40,p.-m. . 5tOO,p.-m f5t4S"p.'.ni. S6t23 p. "m." Sundays. • ..;,.;.,.,,-J ..,t:00,av--m. . * . . , , , . , . ' 110:15 a. fri. - ..--.,.-.*•«.-« IrOO p, m. * y-* i ;...-i.,..'.*i 9*4:00 p. m. 115:30 p. W. "••- ........... 1 ......... :.. NBW,Y^RfcSOlJTHAMPTONHbNDO**' Vaderland.Mch.«,:o A.Mi Vaderland.ApMT. 10 A.li. i^i St. XgUtS.iApr.S.lO A'.M. St. LbulB..Apr.t4.10 A. M.' New York.Apr.10,10 A.M|NewYork.May 1,10 JU*.?M .RED S^TAR LINE. NEW YORk^ANTWSRP-ipXRlS. Noordltjnd.Mar.' *l; noonlSouthwark.Apr. 10, nooa :.. Friesland,.,Apr. S.- n,oonf\\"este.'rhland.Apr. 17,noon-•"•:"'•". INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Plera 14 and 15. N. Rlve^Offce. Y» Brbftdway.N.Y.ir? J. LTSHRENKRAUSS & SONS. S7» Fulton I «tt m . DAVTD P, WATKTNS.••; «4 Fulton - st: f.> H* SCHKlDTi 380 Graham av, or H. F. KOCH, U"••-<• Broadway. Brooklyn .••-•••- >Wi A^iArtCTRA^SPOKT IINIJ. ,; , < N E W YORK—"LONDON. MARQUIOTE..,.,..,., .... ,^ MI.S'NEHAHA; ....... ,.„...'..,;,... ApruIT X.^M.. MANITOU :.;;..i;...;:;„^ ^^.Aprili»79^M..;> MESABA ,,.,;,; ............. „>..April 80. 9A.'ll.S Ml^NEAP0I4S:,.. ,;. ,- iV;,.. y,, A prl i w , 6:30 >Ai Mif ^.AWf-^SP^RN STEAMFRSivLUXURlOUSiiY J^ITTED WITH J EVERY CONVENIENCE. •-'ALU- ^ 8TATEROOMS LOGATEDvAMlDSHlPS ON U P . " Er^Y,.-d£ C £&U JJIRSY CABIN . PAS3EN.GSR8 : CARRIED FROMJ4EW YORK TO ST, PANCRA8 . S? A JI ONi LONDON. FOR «0, EACH AHO.XrP'-^ WARP.. APPliT 1 BROADWAY. :'-i -: ^UlSARO LINE. v : *>.; ; NEW YORK TO .LIVERPOOli ' r'---'^$ .- . , - » Via. Queenstown. - ; . . ; : # i ", •' From Pier. 61, North River. •= ' ' : -:-5lS Etrurla.,..Mch. 30, nooniumbrla,. V AP5. J7. nooafif Lucanta,.Apl. 6, T A. M,|Lucanla.,'May..4, 4 P.M. " Servla v „.Apl. IS, nooniEtrurla..May 11, U A.M. t Campanla:Ap.:o,6i30A.M|Servla.,;...May 14, n**a '. For Passage and further Information apply to'"*••••&• VERNON H, BROWN & CO..) General Agents, iTilsS -iifeiii" -'- 29'jBrdadway,--New York...- - .."v .--<?,-> THOS. Ji, HENDRICKSON, »J Fultori St.. Bkly*. tS? , .HjrF.KOCH; 43 Broadway, B'klyh, & D. :• T>AVID P. WATKINS, S44- Fulton St.. B'klyili:. SB •J. LEHRENKRAUSS Sr SONS. 379 Fulton;»t..f ROYAL BLUE LINE .- A •>„ POR PHILADKLPHlA. .yS :39 'J^ ; Ki0 °- ,9:00 ' »10:M, »1H30 a . m . ; tliOO. !i ! K' .1*^9:3'^' <:00 ' l«!00..'M:S0. •5:00. ^iOO. t7:80 *.l 9 i 0 2s,At?i 2J £i >I>j *12US mdt. JaXLTJMORfc AND WASHINGTON. - 1 <%:$•«>. U0:00. 'lliSO a. ra.. ti:00, M;30, •S:«. •5:00, «T;00 p. m;, •12:15 mdu •* Offices: Liberty St. Ferry. South Ferry. 113, 17*. 151, «4, 843, 3,300. .1,334 Broadway. 173 5th av.; 137 Sth a v.; 85 Union Sq. West. 153 East 125th St.. 2?3 West 125th st. ,J45.Columbus ay.i> New York: 4 Court st.-.'344,'S60 Fulton St.. Brooklyn; 98 Broad- way, Wllllamsburgh. Ne.w York Transfer Co. calls for and checks baggage to destination. —fFrotu Lllifiiy st, only:—•Dally.—tDallyr except Sunday. (Sundays only. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. . Trains leave-Flatbush av sttttlon'.-for Greenpo'rt _ _,„. , week cays.8:2$ A...M,.' 3:53. .P.. M„ Sundays.- 0:03 NA P. BULKLEY. late of tho Borough ot Brook- I A - M - Montaukand Amagansett, the Hamptbbs, lyn, deceased, that "they arc required to exhibit K °" v " lrhnr «••»•*-•»* « • « •• " the same, with the vouchsrSi thereof,-to the sub- scriber, at his place of transacting business, No. 75 Duane street, Borough of' Manhattan, city of New York," on or before the first-day of October next.—Dated March- 23, • :901. mh25 6m JONATHAN BTTLKLEY, Admln'r. . CQASTWISS STBAM8HIPS. 1 riAINE STEAH^HIP CO; ' DiRECT-LINE TO PORTLAND, MAINS, ./Con^ectmgl'Wipi^ll^allroaU'-alVd^teamshTp'llnes to' all' SUrrmJet 1 Tssorts. -Steamships Horatio "Hall (newr anil;Manhattan,-leave Pier 46, N. R „ ^oot of west Tenth street (Troy Line Pier) evorV Tuesday, - Thursday- and Saturday ' at' ^ "P.' 11,' SUamgrs fitted- witb every modern Improvement for* the comfort and convenience of passengers. Ticket office at 330.. Broadway, corner Reads street (Dun Building), at Pier. 48, N. R., and General OfHca at'222 South street Tickets can bo bought aboard the steamer, ... HORATTO HALIU O, T, M„ 222 South st. N. Y. 8:37. 8:54, 11:04 A.-M.. 4i27. 5-^9^1:; ~aa"yr"S:63r9:53"XrM.Tir:35"r6S4~ CLYDE: LINK—Charleston, S.C.. &JaoU- HOnvlllc, Kla. NASSAU AND CUBA Leaving Pier 43. North'River, 3' P.'M. For Information apply to - THEO. G. EGER. . G. M.: WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen. Agt., Chcsebrough Bldg.. 19 State st, N.-Y.: J, Lehrenlrrauss. & -8ons. 879 Ful- ton st; p. p. Watklns.,344 Fulto" st.. BrCoklyn. . . M.- Sunday; 9:93 A. M.i 1:25 P. M; Babylon. 7i07, 7% 8:18. 10:61 A, M., 1:54, 3:51,-3:23. "8:53/.4:37; 4:62. 5:21, 5:C3,'•'«:«. 6:65, 8:07, 10:07 P. iC (ISM night). Sunday. 8:23. .9:03 A. M.. 1:33. t-Mp. a . Wading HWtr and Port Jefferson, ,8:54. <H:04 Port Jefferson) AiM... 4:27-(5:59 Port Jefferson) P. M Sunday. .8j5S- .A... M. <9:53 A.- M.. Port? Jefi ftrsort), SmlthtdWh, Kings Park, Northport (East Station), : Huntington and Cold Spring P^JJt^aun-.. - - Oyster Bay. Glen Cove, Sea. - Cliff. R o s l y n , 6:3TJ. 8:54, 10:32 A. M. (12:55 Wed. and Sat.), 1:54,.3:22,.Ml. 6;21. 6:33. 8:07, 10:07 P.sM. (12:06 nlglit WedTa'nd Sat.). Sun- day, 8:63. 9:53 A. : M.. 1:34. 4:13. 6:?4. l6:63"l>., V K Far Rockaway,..Arverne, Ar.v^rne. (Stralton av). 1:51. 4:13. 6:2.4. 10:03 P./M. ne, Ar.v^rne. (Straltoh av), g:00. 7:07. 8:«r"10:00. 11104 A.VM.:,1:25,,.«1;54.'. 3:32, 4:27, «4i52,'5:21, T5:24, H5Sv t«^fe*««B J .-'6rS5. 8-OT I0:0t-P. M..- 11:05 night. Sundayfl 8:23;.-9:63. ;*lim A. IS.. 1:54. 6:28. .7:55, •10:05Tp..M. garden City and Hempstead. 4:87. 7:56,-9:25.' W;32 A. M., 12:24 (12:55 Garden Clt/-Wed. and S a V b h l y ) , ' 1:S4. 3:2t 4:21, ,4:53, 6:21.; 5:53," 6^1. 6:55.'?:07. 10r07-P.-MT, 11:08 night. Sunday. 9:03. 8:53,. 11 ;23 A.M.-, 1:54, 4118. 5:25. 6:24. 10:05 P. M. Garden City (Hemp- stead Crossing) and West Hempstead, 6:00 A, MV, 4:27 -P.'.M. Sunday*. West Hempstead .and'Nor- wood, 0:03 A. M. and 1:54 P. M.. ,»Far Rocltaway only. tFrom Brooklyn Bfldeo,' only. »., -f:. ";• iUnlted States- Mall Steamships to"-.* .-"• GUASUpW ^ N p trjNDONDER^y, Fr^m. Pie?; 54.'North River.' ropt W.'. «th: «tf N,'T.", . F u r n e s s l a . . M a r . SO; h 6 o n | A s t b r i a . - , " . ; : ; A p r . » , n o o a •£& Ethiopia,.V.A'pr.-J; nooniAnchoria.:;Apr.- 27v noon." -" -^ .-; Cabin Passage, $50 and up. -^. : .." ; Second Cabin. 332.60 and up. Steerage. 128 and up. -•- . For further Information apply to ' HENDERSON BROTHERS, :• .• ;/ v ' ' •. General Agents^l? and 19 Broadway, New Yprtfc Or. S. W. TAYLOR. 69 Court st. ' : Or H. F. KOCR. 48 Broadway. Brooklyn. - ••;,-;-' :•'•&• '..'•;' m > . Iforty^lrtt hours from N«vrYorfc. Cllnjate, ?.-. » qnexcellea. For Illustrated pamphlet* ana ••< ratee of passage address *•;.- - : -^ A.E.OUTKRBRlDRK<SiCO..ABenrs, 89 Broadway,"' N. Y., orTH08.«GOK &SON. Ml Broadway, N;YK>- •'• -4% - . : ' -•••,>•••••.•-"•:-;• v. . ' . T : - ^ . * : - r t ^ OLD DOMINION LINE. f--•-'•-••"• DAILY SERVICE. - -, ""; 5 w mi '- For*^Old- Point -CtAnfort, Norfolk; Portsmouth. ' 3§| Pinner's-Point and .Newport'News. Va„ .connect" ;<* Ing for Petersburg, Richmond, Virginia Beach. -M:$. Washington, p . C . and"entire South and W e s t " :-5?>; - -PrelRlit and ; pnascnger'. stenwiers- sail $m from Pier 26,.-North River,-foot, of Beach,-"*b : ~&& •vory.Tveels d a y a t 3 . P . M . i . , . '-'ft .: '.'".:•• ',' H. B, WALKER. Traffls, Manager.;.: r,-^ BAIXEClAi>S. e Trains arrive and depart from Grand Central Station, 42d Street, New York, as follows: Steave New York. . - -Arrive Nes/York. •3:1S a. m ..... Mall & Paper Train,...,J7*0 a. rn. •S:C0 a. m..., ,..v ; yracusf Local ;..t6:!5 p. tt\. 11:30 a. :o .... Empire State Express .... tl0:0fl p,-tn. •8:45 a. in .... Fast" Mall. »10:00 a. nl. i,.,,., l m ...,..,,, ,..„.. .,.. .,.™.,„, -.,.,, .„,- t:0:SO a. m Day Express KM p. m. ner of Jefferson avenue (formerly Jefferson street) I tll:30 a. m .Rutland **MW\-- ; •>•&'$ *•' 5S" nrf H^MrH av.nii.r- XlnnlnB thmra so.ithorlv I ' •« P- m •••;• .bputbwest Limited.. .. ..*6:00 p. m. •2:00 p. m..N. Y. & Chicago Special..»1:30 p. m. N 1 8 c » its The approximate amount of the Hen or charge, to satisfy which the above described real prop- t?, y «J? '^ be 90ld , B o n « hundred end fifty-four JO-lOOths dollars -<|154 80-100) with Interest thereon from December 4. 1900, beside »80 67-100 costs and ?«l? w ?i lce .J ,nd lnt «re«t thereon from December 16, 1800. together with the costs and expenses of the HIS'.- * approximate amount of taxes, asseas- ?™ ." I w *«" rates and sales for same which ?KS to, 1 ^. al'owed or paid, by the retoree. out of l?1« P w rC ^" e . m0 ?^ y n P" car8 of record to be lt,14o 34-100. or thereabouts, with the Interest Li? i,r mt o f t h i ltoms «aklng up said sum belny, however, understood to have been paid. The premise, will be sold subject to a mortgage originally made to secure the sum of 11.700 or '/".S^ 0 "," 1 ' ? n Mch th "'« '» now due the sum of |9*> of principal with Interest on W M uSt N 8 ™.'! S i ^ n T mT An - »«-»«*«0 Brooklyn! PETER W. OftTRANDKR. Referee. mh2T> Sw m&s SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY- Charles A. ..Murphey. plaintiff, against Mary J i U |55ri«i 0t 5"£ J , efenda "'«~t" pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled notion dated the 1st day of March. '.901 I will sell at public: auc- tion to the highest bidder, by Thomas A Kerri- gan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms, No 9 Wlll- oughby street. In the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on tho 16th day of April, 1901, at twelve n clock, neon, the lands In rold Judgment men- tioned snd therein described as follow*! All iho'e certain lot£ pieces or parcels of land, with the build ngs thereon erected, situate, lying and be- ing in th* Twenty-first Ward of the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings nnd State of New lork. which taken together are bounded and described as 'ollow;: Bnalnnlng at a point on the northerly side of Hopkins glreot distant thrci. hundred And twenty-five f*J5> feet etstcrly from tht corner formed by th* Intersection of thf. eftsLeriy side or line of Marcy avenue with thfl nrrtherly side or lino of Hopkins strtst; runnlnn thenee northerly parallel or nearly no with Maroy Bvrr.uc on« hundred COO) tm\ thence easterly parallel or nearly so with Hopkins street one hun- dred feet (,00); thsnee southerly again par- 5" °r^'? rl f ,*° V th Mnrc >" nv«nu» one hon- drcl (ICO) feet to (he northerly side or line of Hrpkins street; and tliencs westerly along the northerly side or line of Hopkins street one hundred (100) feet to the point or place of be- ginning. Together with all the right, title or In- terest of the parties to this action. In and to teld street to the center line thereof —Dated March 56, l » l . WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff or Kings County Murphey A Metcair. Plaintiff's Attorney IS Wall street. N. Y. City. N V. y ' The followln.t Is s din cram of ths property to b* sold as above dfscrll:»,l Noe. 161 to If.; Hopkins Rlrest. and Bedford avenue; running thence southerly parallel With Bedford'avenue one hundred (100) feet; thence Westerly pa: ' "" " nue (formerly Jefferson feet; thence northerly parallel with'.Bedford ave-| nue and part of the distance IfirOugb the center of a party wall one hundred (100) feet to Jeffer- son nvenue (formerly Jefferson street),;and thence easterly along Jefferson- avenue (formerly Jeffer- son street) twenty-one (21) feet to the point or place of beginning.—Dated Ms'rch Hh.'lvOl. WILLIAM WALTON,'Sheriff of Kings County. -Richard B. Kelly. Plaintiff's Attorney, No. 237 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. The- following Is a diagram of the property to be sold as above described: No. 70-Jefforson ave- nue. Jeflerson Avenue , Lacka>yanna Railroad;!; Stations In New" York, foot of 'jiarWay. and .Chrls- . ....... ji- :-.i topher8ts.-. Leavi •' •'Arrive; Klmlrar Mall .-.•.»:.: .... ;.; t»:0» A; M. -tt :00 P.'fa. Lackawanna Limited .,...•10:00 A^M.- •S-.OO.P. M. New Ybrk ft Chlcagp.Ejc. n:00.g,"M. . *i:i$ P. M Scranton Express ......... '74:00 P: M;; 412:20 P.M. Chicago ft'Buffalo Limited. 'fclO-R'U. .^7:J0A. 1*. Utlcai Oswego. Ithaca ft'.-"..-- Buflalo > ..... »S:4SP. M. *6:50 A. M, Buffalo & Chicago Express *fM A. M. *10:40 A. M; Sleepers open at"8:S0 P. M. • ' Tickets at 9$ Fifth A v e . , 654 Columbus Ave., U3 and 428. Broadway, 14 Park PI.. 133 W. UStfc St., and 838 Fulton 8t, 'Brooklyn. Westcott'k Express Company will call for anl check baggage to destination. tExcept Sunday. 'Dally. nartllsi wTfh'Jifforion n«' « : » P- ro..Albany, and Tro> Flyer..tll:10 a. rn. 5S . tiiTv i » . n » v ^ ,X?C I '3:35 p. m Albany Special. «:00 p. ni. 4 ".rnnfrtt^r?K;°?® JZ1 } ' * <:C0 P- m Detroit Speolal .«ie:oo a. m. „„,„»,.. «,.«H B.,»,H „„.. . . 5 ,5o p , m ...The.Lake Shore Limited...'ajso p. m. •5:30-p. m .St. Louis Limited '2:55 p. m. •6:00 p. m Western Express •3:46 p. m. •C;25 pr. m .".Northern Express,..,...S7:!0 a. in. •7:» p. m.Adirondack-& Montreal Ex.'*8:5S a. m. •8:00 p. m.... Pan-Amerlcab Express .... 17:27 a. m. •9:20 p. m..Buffalo and S. W. Special..«3;oe a. m. •9:S0 p. m ..Pacific Express •.1:30 a. m. ••12:10 a. m Midnight Express 'jao a. m. •Dally. tDally. except Sunday. ••Daily, except •Monday. HARLEM DIVISION. 9:12 A. M. and.SiJJ P. M. -Dally, except Sunday, to Plttsfleld; Sundays only at 9:20 A. M. Pullman Cars on all through trains. Trains illuminated with Plntsch Light. Tickot offices nt 113, 261. 416 a n d 1,216 Broadwsy, Vi Union square W., 275 Columbus av . 133 West l?5th st, :26th and 138th stations, New York: 333 and 726 Fulton at and 106 Broadway, E. D., Brook- ci a < B fe u e ti. I (formerly Jefferson Street). j "3 b 1 I •M li PI tUu . STEAMBOATS. lyn. Tclephono "800 fe'th Street" for New York Cen- tral Cab Service, Baggage checked from boiel or residence by V/estcrttt Express Comhnny. EDOAR VAN ETTF.N, GEORGE H. DANIELS. <-.'n*rnJ Puperlnt^nilent. r?..nernl pass. Ag^nt. I EKI.5 RAILROADT I Through train* leave ,New iorn, foot o( Chambers , *t, as follows, and t minute* earlier from W.'22d *t: .•-.,.„•„ s _^ i 0>"0 «• rn. Dally—Solid train for Buffalo orr. i The apptoxlmgto amount of the Hens or charges . p . m . )j| n ghamton, Waverly, Elmlra and Bradford. lo satisfy which the above described property Is coaches, parlor car and cafe dining car to Buffalo, to be sold Is (6,925.20, with interest thereon from . 2t!jo p. m. Dally—Chicago Limited—Vast Mall February ilst. .:'ui. t"ip;i)Cr with costs ••" - .. . . .,,,.,. . . ,. ance, amounting to {297.SS, w Boston and New England Points. VIA SQUND-'riINE3t•"'"- '" PALL RIVER LINE,, vra Newport and Fall River—Leave-Pier .10. N, R., foot-of Warren st, week days only at. 6:00 P. M. Steamers PLYM- OUTH and PILGRIM. Orchestra on each. STOMNGTON LINE, via Stohlngt.on-Leav* Pier 36, N. R., foot Spring st. Week days only, at 6:00 P M. Sirs. Mftlno and-New Hampshire. NORWICH LINE, via New London—Leave Pier 86, N R., foot of Spring-st. week days only, at 5:30 P. M. Strs. CITY OF WORCESTER and RHODE ISLAND. NEW HAVEN LINE-Leave* Pier ss, E. R.. toot of Peck. Slip, week days only, at 3:00 P . M. Pteamer RICHARD PECK. $2-00 TO BOSTON. VIA THE JOY LlNfi ft N. Y„ N*. H. ft H. R. R. 11.00 TO PROVIDENCE. ROUND . TRIP, 11.(0. • Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 5 P M,, from Pier 15," Ea«t River, foot of Catharine si. Rooms resen-ed. in advance. Telephone JS27 Franklin r& CATSKILL, HUDSON AND C0X- SACKIE BOATS Leave foot of Christopher st. New York, every week day at 6 P. M. from r-Vbi'iiaiy .'to. IStil, and the exp.n-s of ih sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assess- ments or other lier.s which nro to be allowed tt the purchaser out of the purchase money or paid by the Sheriff is 1328.66 and Interest. —Dated March i t h . 1801. WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. mh4 "t m&th HRIDG10PORT'BOATS DA1LT (SUNDAYS /lilt .-usts iin.l f.,,u,, < -solid train to Chicago, arriving 6:30 p: rri: "Arf." I £?, c «»\ t6<, >' ,? ,,r i n P w i }}' '?. fl9t , " ,vcr ' P e » r „PH<« ,1th interest thereon , Cleveland 7:40 n. in. Sleepers to Chicago, Cleve- Slln ' n .. A - M - *_ n< ? . s "• •? • ; ''f? st 8 '. s t B <- »=A S P.M.. MeDonough Strest. The approximate amount of. liens or ehsrges to satisfy rvhlf.h thf sbovs deserlhed propsrty Is to be »A|d is |tL(»; Jo. with lnt*test therein from October t Iff. togethsr with costs and sllew- ancs. amouniiiig to liftt.OJ. *lth Interest thereon from October is. :900. and the expense* of th» sMe. The »nproxlm«te »mount of luxe*. »**sss- ment* or olfier Men* which »re (o b* «tlo»ed to ths tiurchftser cut of th> purchase moriSyOr paid hy the fherlff Is I M « snd Interest.-Dated Octo- ber 17. 1*«. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County Ol< 3w »As The ab,%ve sal* hereby adjourned to December «ih. lisJO. flt s*me hour end pl*CA.--D»ted Novem- ber «. 1KA WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kln«* County n? M fA-tu The Above sdle is hereby fnrther adjourned to loses st ! April 1*. 1&V,, at s«rr|« hour »nd place —Dsted M»rch 2J. If-M. WtLt.lAM WALTON. PherlfT of Kings County. mhM .tw mAth 8M N i Hopkins Street. The shove des.-rlbed premises will he sold in four sensrsle psr.-rH. es.-h subject to a f i m mort- gate o( t7.wo.i\> and eccrued Interest and a sec- ond mortgage of li.foo.w »nd aceraed Interesi. The approximate amount of lien* or cherites to sstle.'y i-hlcli the nWive described property is (0 be sold is $:.M1 r.. <\lth Interest thereon from M.trch I. le"). together with cost* and Allowance. amouMIn*; to tl.'.T.rt. with Interest thereoft from Mfcrch 51, IMI, an! the expense* of the »ale>'. Th^» AppfoxlmAte Amount of laxe*. tesersment* or olhcr lien* which »re to be allowed to th» nurch*i«cr out of the pnrehAoe money or paid hy the Sheriff I* tl.S8o.Sl And Interest.-Dated March tt, :»1. WILLIAM WALTON, sheriff of King* County. rnhtsiw wAth SUPREME COURT-DANIEL- 15. MOTT. plnlntlff. HK-tlnst ilhnrlclta Moll, defendant (tiliil desired In the County of kings). Summons Ac- tion for a divorce—To the nb\>Vt> nRmcrl defend- ant: You are hereby summoned (0 Answer the complaint In thlR action nnd to serve n ropy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service bf this summons. exclusive of the day of service, nnd in esse of your failure to Appear or answer Judsment win be tAken against you by default fCr the relief demanded In the complaint. —Dated* Jftnunry 24. 100J. JOHN P. McNAMARA. Attorney for I'lMnr.rr. Ofllee and Post ( lllce address, 815 Union street, Moroup-h of Brooklyn. City of Net* Y>.rk. To Ohnrietln Mr.tt. th" Above named defend- ant: The foreirolsu: summon* Is Served upon y.ju by publication, pursunht to nn order of the Hon- ornf.te loslnh T. Marean, ft JU»tlco of the Su- preme Ccurt nf ttie .State of N*w York, dnted the 23d day of Mkrch, (Ml, And filed with the complaint and the other uaperA herein In ihe of- f ec of the (Merit of the Counly of Klnits. At the lull of Records. Pcr,-,))((h of Rhocklyn. Cltv ()f New York. 011 Murch 25, 19)1,—Dated City of New York. March 2',, l!>>1 JOHN P. McNAMARA, Attorney for Plaintiff Offlre and Post ("Wire Address. ttTt Union street, Eovoimh of Brooklyn. City of New York rfihlS.SW m land. Cincinnati. Dining car, Ti.'lO p. m. PAlty—Buffalo and Cleveland Ex- press— Arr. Buffalo 7:05, Bradford 7:20, Jamestown ',;00. and Youngatown 10:27 a, m.i Cleveland, 12:20 p. in. Sleeper* to Buffalo and Cleveland. Cafe car. OtlS p. m. Dally—Solid train for Rlnfhamton. Waverly, E'.mlra, Chicago. Sleeper* to Buffalj, Chicago, Cincinnati Dining c*r. TICKET OFPICKS AT IU.. 111. ML (01 AND 4;7 BroAdway. Chamber* and West 23d si. ferries. N. Y.: JS3 nnd Sfll F u l t o n *t., »9 BroadwAy, Brook- lyn. New Vork Transfer Co. calls for and check* bAca-ag" tn desttnathsn. - - - I . ini '. i , M To Atlantic Clly via Lakewood Central R. R. of New Jersey SPECIAL EXPRESS 3 HOURS AND 8 MINUTES it now in operation on week days only. Thl* epien- didiy equlpi>cd trAln, composed of pAtlor And new vtntlbuled coaches, and dr**n by hard coal burn- ing, ftlant compound engines, lenves N.*>w York foot Liberty si, e.t 2:10 P. M. nnd South KV>rry J:SS P. M., arflvlng Atlantic City t:i% p. M. leaves Atlantic City 1:20 A. M.. arriving New Yor'.< r.:40 \ . M, * LEHIGH~VALLEY. Tr»ln« A»t|' c snd depart fmm »t*Mon fool of Foltofi 8t. 1 Dtlly i-irept eunday. Other trtlot duty. I*«T»_tN»M)-i>. , Atrtri B-»Vly». NiCW YORK .-IL'l'ltllMK COLiBT, COUNTY (IP KlM>M-He,uty '1 run, plalntlft,- against l.n. Un\ Hfivles, Oeoige N. Ciosby, There** 1. Cro»by, hi* wife: Albro J. Newton, John V, Pearson, Alex- ander rcars^n. Edwin C. Hweety, Busseii w \( f . Kei, Philander It. JeunlnRS, ttpeneer A Jennlnits frank C Jennlni,'* Rleer C, ('uS;k and A Oardnei Otoper, coni|--,sltiK ihe firm of BrUce A (\v,k de- {cndnnts. Trt.il dnired in the CoUfity nf King*— T(, Ihe above n»me.l def^fidaftt*:'-Tou ure hereby t tummoned to aniwef tht compUInt In this uclion ' .. ...„., ,, and to serve a copy of your f«l«wer upi.n ihs i p.inoi 8t,,*Court8t ,9S Ilro»dw*y,*ad toot plaintiff* nttcrne>« within twenty tl*y* sfier ths , u ---•-•- service of this summons, exclusive Of the ,|rty. „( j *«rvlce. and in rase of your failure l.> ap)» nr „t > connecting at Bridgeport with trains for New Ha- ven and points on N. Y.. N. H. and H. R. R. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. FRENCH LINE. Conipatfnlo Qencrale Trnnsatlantlque. DIRECT LINK TO HAVRE-PARIS France). . i?alllng evcVy Thur*day at 10 A.M. From l'ler No. 42. North River, foot Morton Ft. I^i OAscoitno...March 2S|La Lorraine April 11 l.ti HretuRnc April 4lL>'AqUltalna April 15 1/n Champagne...Apl. llll^a UmK-ogne April 1? Ueneral Acency, 32 Broadway. New Vork. " 1. LKimErlKRAUSa A ROMS, JtTJ Fulton Bt A. nRRNHBIM, slA BroadwAy, WHITE STAR LINE. .VIEW YOBK, QUEBKSTOWN. LIVKRPOOU Cymric..Mar.2(>,lo A. >1. Tcutonlo .... Api-li 2, neon Oceanic .... Mar. 17, n6on|acrninn!c.April 10, noon For ras'Htte tick*U and draft* puyabi* on de- mand everywhere In England, Ir«tand, Hweden, Bcotland and Norway. Apply to V. At,DRIDOE. (A, Court st, Brooklyn:."» R, BANKS, »S Bro«<l> answer, judgment will taken ag«i.-.«t y,,,, \,t \ ^• : , t ... ^. A _ default tot te.tlisr.kntnM Inithe compiamt.I WkSttT bHOftlS RAILROAD. noted New ^ol)<. September t*. isot. B OfTica BorOU; To Th* publication, . WIlllAm D, Dickey, a Justice Of the Court Of the Flste of Nctf York, dat of January, 1W1. and filed with WAy; N. Ph. HARTMAN. ««» DtKrtlb »v. And II. P, KOCH, 4*. H-vidway. Brooklyn. R. D. WHITE! 8TAH LINK. Bier 4V Nnrtly lBvrr.,, Ofnre, l> Broadway. N. 1" HAMhURO-AMERICAN LINa Vl.YMOUTH^HI^BQURO--l!AMfii;RO. A. VICTOftlA., APnil. llj-10 A. M. UElT8cYlliANn .... v .... AVhlL 1ft. .1 g , M. ^.Tn'.'.'': Ration i^*i,, *rwm %W$Uciim*i?A%l^&%mv?& * 4a J 2 SLACK DIAMOVS' l^V^' nl i V 3 TA piAMOUTIl-CHERn^LM^^ 1! 45 AM ...pitAOX »IAMO>U BXPB.KS8 . ttft.W f M P , nn , Jr t vlln | ft ,,jf 4N *, J3,Preto)flA April 13 'Bui*»fia ...t .... A p r i l . «J«Phoieniclft .... April 5* •Salia to Hnmnurg AfreAt. I!* 1 ritl'nrff-Arnt'r. l.tn^. B7 n'yvnr. N'.. V, Canadian Pacific Railway. Intended *\*»m*hlp sAlUnft* from vJnconver. JAPAN, CHINA AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, KMFBESft OK JAPAN..April IU. Jun* 17, Aug. 11 KMPRrtSfl OK CHINA*... MAy A. July V Sept i BMPR.Ff* OK INDIA ...... MAy 17, July ti. Oct. ? HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND AUSTRALIA. MtOtVKRA April liAORANOI MAy t 1'e.r rates i't nlv ?vt 1irc,*dw*y. Kreit-bt. I B'WAy. ALLAN AN1> STXTE LIMJH. Xi.-w Yurk to oinsuiiu', Par<Vn!An..\iAr.f7,io A.M.is. ot N<iifA*K*...April t cabin, |4o and upward, fiecohd cAbtn, f" ro. Third il*s* ttcke.tA at vefy low rat** AU8TIN' BALDWIN Jt CO., II B'way, N. t, fit •A •• 5; !T6 tub Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: v :u<? >if§ ;* Surely, It! la desirable that, as so'oiras ii%^.^ be, "evolution may. become- t»nadipiiB,''';^^i]i^^ the. departinent-of civlo organization, "so4h'at"^|r 4"tf.\jnfuTBegrahinB may De made of Ihe-ijpeai.--:^ "democratization'' of tlvilized society, jfritet- nationally no less tfaan, •y^ihin;'',th«i'"i\at'loifil, 1 '*;'.Sj!;. groups'; a -beginning "of^'the ; : r devjeiopfeonif;bit y 5^ a,,"w6rld rt ^emp<^'a,cy^!;i-buiJi iup .of-group> "> within-gfpups "ot"{ow?i meetings.".... vr .-3- ''Sack to the Howii meeting'!" must beotjr m cry—a modern, "Qentiie" version, as it .were, ,U of tho, ancient Jewish, summons, "To ybu>•'••; m tents, oh Israel!" The local group of neigh- r;>3 bor;s' who know each' other! personally, and '•',?£$ so can "size each other up"; the;.'HjU« 'tpw.a ;'f: meeting,' in the. sittings' of, which, .fjre? v& quent and convenient, any member .may" ex-- ; Vr^ : ercise individual ihltifit,lve,.. submit Jn'i|tfii^ VmptioBS" and his notions, make y his. pro- ^, tes|s, meet face to; face <and, compWe y/ith •' 1 one anothefj' the rival would-bd hojdors of •<- his "proxy" in, politiosr-this, I say, must 1)6 . the unit "cell" of all. our social UssueB; thf» •. % brick of all our civic building, the root bed j|g of all governmental authority, the cradle of ffii all rulers, the primary school from which, is all must "graduate" who are to be promoted * into higher grades of political "functioning. 1 * s;> And then?, Why, then, "federate"--all ( tha •£% way up! Federate."town""group8, into bdrr^.i& oughs, boroughs into counties, counties into states.v states into nations, and—yes! and nations into "the federation of the world," : : the qommonwealth of civilized mankind, ''.the y|fj world's democracy.'.'. To stOR .short of that | is to leave the keystone out of the arc$,' to # build, on the quicksands, to dwell., by.^the fm orator of .Vesuvius.' If, Internationally, lynch law and anarchy are to run riot, unexorolsed :;>^ by "law," sense, morality, or religion, then; our local, intra-natlonal weaving of indtistfjr and order and progress, must ever, from time to time, be torn Into shreds by scythes of the war chariots: our delicate, ("provincial"?) shoots and seedlings of love:and freedom and civilization be "scalded dead" by the ' overbolllngs of the noisome "witches' caul- vS dron" of^'pollcy," "diplomacy" and wart 3 Commerce and literature, the locomotive and ;::; the tolegraph have wiped out once, for nil ' ^ \Vhat-. little reality there ever WM in', the V lines which divided "nations." The "com-V^| mon people" hayo a "common" . interest IB /4fl peace, and liberty,'and co-operation.' . Iti '4 . ft Carlylo's words: "Have theso men any• quelN. '.'.:£ rel'f Busy as the devil is—none!" They can; Vi organize, if thoy choose, and, organized,. :-;^ they can have popular self-government IB >J every sphere. The "Parliament of Man," the crowning capstone of the glorious pyramid A of organized society, can be put and kopt in m place. If only all is "broad-based upon the people's will," and the great mass is not a ' 3 mero heap, but a structure, of orderly, layer "; upon layer—"town meetings" at the base; ~;5 then "borough" organizations (each co-or* 'Im dinatlng a number of the primary groups), then "counties," then "states," then. "na* tlons" and then—tho cosmopolitan "govern- ment," the flower and climax of alj. A "voluntary," unofficial "qrdor," or YM brotherhood, can and should be founded to/ i develop experimentally a truly "democratic"/ 1 polity, and to marshal and discipline men for '•; the coming ofllclal "World's Do'mo6i > Aoyi ,, ^? Incidentally this unofficial Rospublica IB W Imperta might carry on a system of "mutual ' assurance" agAlnst destitution, Such an order, Indeed, was born with the % twentieth century, a "resolution" to found .'; m tho same having-been formally adopted OB' s - the very atrolto of the clock which ushered ?s In the first Instant of the present year. It $m Is proposed to proceed with the organization of neighborhood groups as rapidly as prac- ?j tlcable.. . If any reador Is Interested, I beg him or. her m to write to me (P. 0. Box 2,6«9, Ntfw York) f^ and to cut this out for future reference, as the subject may be further developed. CHARLES FREDERIC ADAMS. ifi 866 HAlsey Atrrct, Brooklyn, March .14, l&Ot 11.15 r ii.Maueii C-'btm^ And irttleton l.octl.tu.fli A H t*.4% t> M WIlltet-IHnj Mid Scranton Kxrrn* t .^0 FH fltJrv KAMoa Lf At..,-,.." 4»)i'V .... .Oen«<V*n'l tt«AeAT/OCsl. •>. T».» TH 3.H t> M C h i e s » n s « ( | t « o r t o VeMlhrtl' K*f>. ' » ' " >' X ;.nrM ..-..RxrontTioN KXTBICM... . j-S A> ' R.4) 1- it Iti.aee, Buffalo A TTcMiern Exrir«»« » 30 J. M Tle'<«u »nt rnllm»n #rfomm'><lftt'oh« *» «"*W «AilJJ'o niton St., Court 8t.,Wlrre»<lw*)r,*9<l foot t niton St, Vess'v'oVls Tr*B«f«r Co. wilt'cMl for aed fher* b»»e*W. of the Ku|>r«rti« tins P.M. It) Vot ll«<I«oti Blver iwlnt* to AUiany. »Ale<l the n.\ <\ny >ti\i VM,~Vof BOt-b.. BuffAlu. v !«>«. A Cbieag.,. the rftrnflnint in »i:oa r-M.-For Booh.,. Buffal^lVtrott * St.Lout* DR. MYB1VS IN MANHATTAN. The Rev. Dr. Cortland Myers, pastor of the . Baptist Teaple, Third avonuo and BchormAr* horn street, praaehed morning and evening yesterday. In tho Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, ManhAtian. HI* subject In , the morning was "Conscience tho King of trie Soul." Ho said In the course of a strong seif* \ '& mon: "Every sin has Its avenging angel, and it never deserts its duty. Men nUciu.nl bury crime, hut no grave, t* de*p enough. Conscience nevsr die's. Loyally to conieltnce u the only foundation upon which character or mahood can bo erected. If the other Avid upper stories are beAUtlfut, sham in the hidden foundation will, work ultimate ruin. To bo a mRn"lA to despise all efforts to,si- lence the voice of Cod by failure to obey, AU happiness comes through one .channel snd thftt t». the freaco which flows through the deepest part of life, thr. peace of oon*cl<noe. Peiye with. myself, with my record, wltn my Cod." . ; L ^^_ k ^ t ^. ^vr.^fc. C-::<.:i -~*-—' i^ljUUfmm ...... a...^;^.,,^.,^^..:,..^. '••• -'- -'•'—• ' ' - J - - J ^ ^ - M J ^ ^ » A ;-, •• , .-±-:t:*ii.*,lkL-t£j*^; tmmtmtlmm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskimryglot.com/Auburn_NewsPapers/Pages/Sullivan-Flushing/01-0325 William_H...—SUPREME—-COURTT—HINOS-OOUN-TY—THE-Co-operative Building Bank,

jsgws se :; '?*";''

m M ~».v...*-.v.'m.ye - .

: . - . . i _ : . - - ' ' • • - ! i * i . _ , " ' • " . " ' - • ' ' • • " . • - ' • • * ' * . •> • - • : • • ? - " • - * J / , > :• : ; _ - , • t * . - - . - . v . - ' - — — — — — * * - — • ' < - • • • • • " " • - . • - • ''.*.• : 1 _


A—r— T h o E a g l e i l n r e a v ; ~ Full partlcut.ti a. lujwUier u a y taialo»-ue», cir­

culars, etc.. of universities, college* and private schools advertised in these columns can be bad

.tree of charge by call ing at the EAQLE FRBK INS-ORMATION BUREAU, fourth floor. Eagle Building.

For Both Sexes.

BROWNE'S (4!st Yt.)


CALL, WRITE OR TELEPHONE. 134*. Individual Instruction keynote of succeasi.

?46 KULTON ST. CORNER CLARK. -OreatOvrnjftoirUoitdmy.-betow Junction Clinton st.

B V E M N O LESSOR'S A L L T H E V B A H . bxpert Writing. ?J; Telegraphy. Shorthand (Pitt-

man's & Munson'F), Bookkeeping, Arithmetic. Grammar. fiO per term. Composition, Civil Serv­ice. Mathematics, teachers for students who have not been advanced. Registered by Regents.

Rare Chance to Public School Graduates. Cost of shorthand, etc.. position? assured. $60.

• " ' - • —

LEGAL N6*i(5!S,


New term begins April 1. Summer sessions. Individual Instruction. Host successful school In Brooklyn. One fee until successful. NORMAN P. H E F F L E Y , Pre*., it3 Ryerson st. near Pratt Institute.

New York Preparatory School. Oldest, largest, bent. Prepares exclusively for

R E G E N T S ' E X A M I N A T I O N S . Private tutors. Co-educational. S.oOO aluxnnl. D a y

or evening. Catalogues. Telephone 107T Main. 2 0 0 J O K A L E M O N S T .


LANGUAGES.*^ J3 Court Street,

T H E B E H L I T Z S C H O O L OK L A N G U A G E S . Branches all over Europe and America. Terms

BEGIN NOW. Fee reasonable. Trial lesson free. iA\cariltil two goM ana lico silver virdaU rC iHiris

Xrvo*i!ion for hf*i and inott pra<tical method*.)

WHAT 1.3 SUCCESS?— ACCURACY A N D S P E E D to sienoKTauhers. Mercantile Shorthand School, 35 Nassau-JS Liberty st. N. Y.. gives thorough, practicu!. Individual Instruction: day. evening; un-exeell°<l *p--»l frtoJlitl»s under exoert.


?X~^(%Z&&to** D A N O

i N a Knapp Mansion. Bedford av. 'ccr. Ross st . Branch sohroi«. si New York a v. 657 Ocean av. Flatbuih.





SHADBOLTMAWUFSTUR imo ico. Desires to est imate on Truck ar.d WiRon work of all kinds., and offers facilities of th^ largest and best equipped factory In this line and a con­tinuation of methods and standards which have Identified with "BEST" the name of


high: sound, kind, true in a!l harness; 7 years old; has been driven by lady; also side bar road wagon, harness, blankets, etc.. for reasonable fig­ure. RUDD'S stable. Putnam av, corner Ormond ylacc. 2S-3*


KNEIPP WATER CUBE.. Thousands of testimonials for successful treat­

ment cf all kinds of diseases. NO MEDICINES! Pa6tor Knelpp has cured millions of people, lu -

. . tormatlan. by Liu.!ir_iladlii_Kiyea, _ £ ; _ K N E I P P SANITARIUM,

Corner Vcndcrbll: and Greene avs, Brooklyn.

—SUPREME—-COURTT—HINOS-OOUN-TY—THE-Co-operative Building Bank, plain11ft. i a g a i n s t Charles B. Dix and others, defendants-^ln pur­suance of a judgment of foreclosure ana sole made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the ISth day of March,. 1W1, I w i n j e l l a t public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms.: No. J Wllloughby street, in the Borough of Brook­lyn. County of Kings, on the 14th d a y . o f April, 1W1. at twelve o'clock, noon, the lands lit said judgment mentioned and therein described a s fol­lows: All that certain lot, plec*. or parcel o t land, with the building's and improvements thera-on erected, situate, lying and being In the Twen­ty-second Ward of the City (now Borough) of Brooklyn. State of New York, bounded and de-,

.scrihiul. as. Xollows:. Beginning at -a . point -on -the southwesterly side of Nineteenth street distant thre« hundred and thirty (530) feet northwesterly from the' westerly, corner 'ot Nineteenth street and Seventh avenue; and running, thence "south­westerly parallel with Seventh avenue and part of the distance through the center" of a party wall one hundred (100) feet; thepce northwesterly parallel with Nineteenth street fifteen \( 15) feet; thence northeasterly parallel wi th Seventh ave­nue and part of the distance through the center of another party wal l one hundred' (100) feet to Nineteenth street,; and thence sodtheasterly along Nineteenth street fifteen (IS) ' f ee t to the point or place of beginning.—Dated Starch 25, 1901.

WILLIAM WALTON; Sheriff o f Kings County. F. T. Johnson, P l a i n t i f f s Attorney. 1« Court

street. Brooklyn, N . ' T -The following Is" a diagram of the property to

be sold as above described: No. 330 19th street:




lath Street.



POST OFFICE NOTICE. (Should hi read DAltA" by all Interested, as

changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending March. 3ft,

1C01. will close (promptly In all cases) a t the General Post Oll'.ce as fol lows: Parcels Pos t .Mal l s closu one hour earlier tl'.an closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 3:50 P. M. on March 1M, per steamship Lahn.. v ia Bremen, and March 27, per steamship Koenigln Luise, via Bremen.

TRANS-ATLANTIC MAILS. TUESDAY—At 6 A. M. for Europa, per steamship

—•—ton a. • \ l a Southampton aridUreTneir rmatt- ior Ireland must be directed "per steamship

:-' Lahn"). WEDNESDAY—At 6 A. M. for Europe-, per steam­

ship Vaderland. via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "j>2r steamship Va­derland"); at 8 A. M. for Europe, per steam­ship Oceanic, via Queenstown; at 9:20 A. M. for Belgium direct, per steamship Noordland (mall must be directed "per steamship Noord-

- land"). THURSDAY—At 6:30 A. M. for France, Switzer­

land, Italy, Spain. Portugal, Turkey. Egypt, Greece. British indls. and Lorenzo Marquez, per steamship La Gasoogne. via Havre (ntalls for other parts of Eu:ope must be* directed "per steamship U i Gascosnc").

SATURDAY—At 7 A. M. for .Netherlands direct, per steamship Maa.-dam (mall must be di­rected "per steamship Maasdnm"); at 8 A. M. for Europe, per. steamship Etrurla, via Queens-town; at -J:M A. M. for Italy, per steamship \Verra, via Naples (malls must be directed "per steamship Werra"); at 8:30 A. M. for Scotland direct, per steamship Furnecsia. (mall must be directed "per steamship Furnessla").

• P R I N T E D MATTER. ETC.—This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers and Sam­ples for Germany only. The fame class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not

. . . be sent by this *hlp unless specially uirecteU by her.

After ihe closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mal'r. named above, additional supple­mentary mails are opened on the piers of the

1 •'•• American. English. Krtnch an'l Herman steam­ers, and remain open .intli within Teh Min­utes of the hour of sailing of s te imer .


T U E S D A T - A t 3:30 A. M. for Northern Brazil, per steamship Koratlo; at 9 A.M. for Central Amer-

. lea lextept Losta Rica) and South Pacific ports, pes- steamship Alliance, via Colon (matl for Uuatemala must be directed "per steamship Al-lianca"): at r.-.io x. M. for Yucatan, per steamship Prima, via Progreso (mall must be directed 'per steamship Prima"); at 6 P. M. for Jamaica, per .iteamship Admiral DeWey. from Boston, at (10:30 p. M. for Nassau, per steamer from Miami. F l i .

W E D . \ E 3 D A Y - . \ t S:30 A M. for Newfoundland-per stvamshlp i l lv ia ; at 9 A. M. for InaRua

•and Haiti, per steamship Mount Vernon; at 11:30 A. M for <uba. Yucatan. Campecrre, Ta­basco an-i rhiapas, por rteamshlp Seguranra. via Havana an i Prr.sr^so imall for other parti of Mexico rr,u.<: h» lir'.cted "per steamthlp Seguranca"). «t 12 M for Nassau, per steam­ship Antllia (n-.all must be directed "per S'.r-arr.shlp Antllia"); at 10:30 P. M. for Ja­maica, per Fteamshlp Admiral Sampson, from Phlladeiphln. a! ;2:!0 P. M. for Brazil, via Perns mbuco. rim Janeiro nnd Santos, per steamship p.omnn Prince im>,il for Northern Braill . Arg?n:ln* Republic. i'rUguay and Psra-

must bo rtlrectc-d p.r «te»msrilp Roman

The approximate amount of liens or charees to satisfy which the above described property is to be sold is $1,821.55. With Interest thereon from March 16. 1901. together with costs . and allow­ance, amounting to $lf>9.7S, with Interest thereon from March 18. 1901. and the expenses of the sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other Hens which are to be allowed to the pur­chaser out of the purchase money; or paid by the Sheriff Is $92.45 and Interest.—Dated March 25. 1901.

WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County. mh2J 3w m&th •' '

IN P A R T I T I O N - N E W YORK S U P R E M E COURT. KINGS COUNTY—Ellen Nevlns. plain­tiff, against William H. Sullivan and others, defendants—In pursuance of an Interlocutory' Judg­ment of partition and sale, made and entered in the above entitled action, dated the" 23d day of March. 1801. and duly entered In the office of the Clerk of the County, of. Kings on said day, I, the undersigned, the referee for that purpose duly appointed, will sell at public auction, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 153 Montague street, lri the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 17th day of April. 1901, at 12 o'clock, noon, the premises In said interlocutory judgment men­tioned, and therein described as follows; to wit : 'All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being In tho Tenth Ward of the Borough (late Cltv) of Brooklyn, being parts of the" lots desig­nated by the numbers 2(9, 2J0 and 2il,.-on a cer­tain map on file in the office of the Register of the County of Kings, entit led "Map of 450 lots in the Tenth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, belong­ing to Orsamus Bushnell, Esq., made by L. N-Vibhard. City Surveyor, and dated September, 1S53," and which Is bounded and described as follows, to wi t : Beginning a t the westerly .corner of Bond and Carroll streets, arid running thence southerly along Bond street sixty-four (61) feet three and one-half (JH) inches; thence westerly at right angles, to Bond street and along lot number 252 on said map twenty-two (22)\ feet two and one-half (2tt) Inches; thence northerly parallel with Bond street about s ixty-two (62) feet six (6) Inches,'more or less, to Carroll street, and thence easterly *a]ong Carroll street twenty-two (22) feet three and one-half (3M) • Inches to the point or place . ot beginning.—Dated March

WILLIAM H. GREENE,- Referee. - - Slmle ^ Royr—Attorney* fo»^-the—Elaiotlffc—No. 26 Court street. Borough of Brooklyn. New York City ' ' * * - -

I Joseph H. Breaznell, Esq. . guardian ad litem, etc No. 26 Court street. Borough of Brooklyn, New York City.

The following Is a diagram of the property above described and known by the street No. 368 Carroll street:

Prlnc 'I

Carroll Street.

i s 88.3H

Said premises are to 'be sold free and clear of all encumbrances. ; • _

WILLIAM H. GREENE. Referee. mh2.i 6t m & t h . • - ... . . . , ' . -


^•.«OPR Y O R K Plaintiff, defend; merit o In the the 23d „-,, „, »....,..-, • •• , - „. referee In said Interlocutory judgment named, will sell a t public auction at the Real Estate Ex­change Salesroom, No. ISS Montague street, in the BorOugh ot Brooklyn. County of Kings, on We/lnesday., the third day of .April. I90L - »t twelve o'clock noon on that day, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, the premises described In said Interlocutory judgment as follows: All those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land s i tu­ate, lying snd being 1.. the Borough (formerly , . . . . . ...., CltyO -of Brooklyn." tn the County-of-KlnCT-ahd, , -««na-»ituater 7 lytn5^T . , , _ „ . „ _ , , . . . . . „ „ . . , , . . ,„„. . State of New York, bounded and containing as J 1 ? " * City) ".jot VBrOoSftJsS butted anil I w l n d e d as i a c ' * y ,°' *'";;"/;V««rt»r»h« lArvlee of this surri-follows. v l i . :_ Beginning at^ the southwest oortier fo l lows.-"•to . '>»lt^' ,^^^^»!?S^thi™b«h?™i!ir ir iv I within twenty da>.s after, the service or J h l ^ sur»-

. i n S ; W » t t ! , l r ' l l , ! | l w y i » ' J » i l g m t i i t named.vwll i ; <•'•'-J-fj .rr~u'n"vn0W.a-to DlUnUffi *nd any a n i T a n ^ L ^ w P a ^ ^ f e l W a i A V ^ ^ e a l . m ^ ^ ' 1 5K?"person a ? * W W W , W^t^ijMS

be an belr at;law. and next of kin of Fran-llllam Schrle.fer; deceased, and the execu-Borough t -p t Brooklyn,}/County ot'^Hiimi'- on, , v o U ?•

c ^ c ' c ^ k ^ n ^ S

AU tho*e two certM; plaintiff defendants.

1 ^ ^ ^ 5 P » r : f c T y of your/newer on the pUlntW. attorne;

Summons—To the' abt>v« to,

serve attorneys

of-Nas-sauand b r i d g e streels. and running Uience - / S i n m M ^ i ^ - i ^ S ^ m i ^ ^ ^ ^ ! ^ . I ^ T e V c f u f T w . ^ M ^ ^ u f ^ ^ U f ^ S ^ f i S ) ! westerly along the southerly side of Nassau .s treet running theitce'rio r^ - • fifty feet; thence southerly parallel to. B r i d g e ' feventy-Jjjree, feet street soventy-flvo feet; thence easter ly 'paral le l to Nassau street fifty feet to Bridge street, , and thence northerly along the westerly side of Bridge street seventy-five feet to Nassau street a t the point 'or plade of beginning.—Dated N e w York. March 11. 1 9 » ' * U > . "

JOHN B S H A N A H A N , , R e t e r e * , Thomas J. ' Farrell. Attorney for Plaintiff." 261

Broadway. Borough of Manhattan, N e w York City. 1

late of Samuel .

para lol wit^i Brldg*,«.t««V;il«enty-three feet and v i « , n . ? h ' .* l *i ^ y ^ X » R ^ V v ^ e 0 c e - westerly * long Nassau street flftyMetAo3&e-place;"of beginning

All those" certain »t iC/ l*e^«- '6r parcels of land

BlaTntlff's Attorneys. omce and Post Office address. KW Broadway,

N-ew York, N. Y„ Manhattan. ;-•' ' Tv the defendants, Catherine Jolinaon and ••John'' Johnton, her husband, If any, If l iving,

"John'''being, fictitious, and the e*ecu-

sold "as described above, the Mreet numbers being lows: • — • —• " Brunt

nortl stree

•T>TfoUowmgi,"a diagram o U h e propertf t ^ b e | ' ^ i a ^ % m S S ! S ^ ^ . ^ i ^ S ^ ^ ^ . I »« '" 8 t l a - w . : a n a ? ? * ! o f- *("' JL •>*« ot s a l d

J90-to 196 Bridge street '

Nassau street.


i with e a s t e r l y parallel w i t h - K i n g , street ninety feet to Van Brunt street: thence northeasterly along Van Brunt s treet -nftyrfeet - totheSpUcc of beglrinJhg.— Dated New York. March l l , " 1901, ^ - \ fl

^L" "- ' v " V - J O H N B. 'SHANAHAN, B i f e r e e . T h o m a s J , Farrell , Attorney for Plaintiff, 261

Broadway, Borough o f Manhattan, New, York City. The following are; d iagrams of the properties

to be sold as described above: "

The approximate amount of the l iens . to be paid % by the referee'cut of the'purchase morieyV l s f t f - | £ teen hundred ($1,600) dollars with interest- from j E October 16. 1897.—Dated New York, March 11, 1901. m u s w - m f t t h JOHN B. 8 H A N A H A N . Referee.

S U P R E M E COURT. KINGS COUNTY—EAST Brooklyn Co-operative Building Association,*.plain­tiff, aga inst Mary Davis ana ano., defendants— in pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered In the abpvo.ent l ted ac­tion on the Uth day of March. 1901. I , ' t h e under­signed, referee In said judgment named, wil l .sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, by James IA Brumley. auctioneer, at the Real .Estate Ex­change. salesrooms,1 No. 1S9 Montague street, Brooklyn. New York City, on the 17th day of-Aprll. 1901. at 12 o'clock, noon, the lands and premises In said judgment described as fol lows; All that cer­tain lot. piece or parcel of land, with." the build­ings and .Improvements thereon erected, s ituate, lying and being In the Twenty-s ixth Ward of the Rorough. of Brooklyn.. County of Kings , and State of New York, bounded and described Ws fol lows: Beginning on the easterly side of Shepard avenue at a point distant seventy-five (76) feet southerly from the southeasterly corner of Shepard avenue and Sutter (formerly Unloh) avenue; .running thence easterly and parallel w i th '-'Sutter - (for­merly Unloh) avenue one hundred- (lOO)'-' feet; thence southerly and parallel w i th Shepard ave­nue twenty-five (25) feet; thence "westerly and again parallel wi th Sutter- ( formerlys l lnlony are-n u e o n e - h u n d r e d (100) feet to the^ eaatejrly side of Shepard avenue; thence northerly"alorig the eas t ­erly side of Shepard avenue twenty-five (25) feet to the point or place" of beginning,—Dated March 21. 1901.

JAMES P. COLLINS,. Referee. Judge & Durack, Attorneys for 'Pla int i f f . 189

Montague, street, Brooklyn, N. Y. City. The following Is a diagram o f t h e property to

be sold: *

Sutter (formerly Union) Avenue. .


b lfld -100 «

'.-• fe;. ITheiapj?ioxirn-kte. amouat . of. llfriB._ojc..ch9Cge.s M

satTsfy which the above described property i s . to bo sold Is $1,701.67, with, -.Interest, from- March 8. 1901. together with costs and al lowance amount­ing to f229:59, and tho expenses of sale.»" The ap­proximate amount of taxes, assessments or other Hens which are to be allowed, to thfr. purchaser out of the. purchase money or paid by the referee Is $67.92 and Interest.—Dated March-21. 1901.

JAMES P. COLL-INS,-Referee. Judge & Durack, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

2 . mh2S 6t m&th

SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY-CATH-arine tf. Banning, plaintiff, against Fredcrlck Buchar and others, defendants-rln pursuance of a mdgment of foreclosure and Bale niade and en­tered In the above entitled action, dated the 19th day of March. 1901. I will" sell a t public auction to the highest bidder, 'by Thomas A". Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesroom?. No. 9, Wllloughby street, in the Borough' of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 16th day of April, 1901. at twelve o'clock noon, the lands .In sold Judgment men­tioned, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel Of land, . with the buildlngn and Improvements thereon erected, sit­uate, lying and being In the Twenty-fourth Ward of the norough of Brooklyn. County of Kings and State of New York. and'boutHed and described a* follows-. Beginning at a pplnt oh the southerly side of Bergen street distant one hundred and elKtftv feet easterly from the southeasterly cor­ner of Beruen street and HoWard avenue and running thence southerly parallel with said How­ard avenue and part cf the distance through a party wall one hundred (1001 feel"; nf6n'Ce"easl-erly parallel with Bergen street twenty (20) feet: thence northerly and again parallel with How­ard avenue and nart of the distance through a party wall one hundred (100) feet, to the southerly •>tde of Bergen street, and thence we«e'rly along tho said southerly f«lde of Bergen street twenty (20) feet to the point or place of beginning.— Dated March 25. 1901.

WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. Herbert S. Ogden. Plaintiff's Attorney, 31 Pine

Street. New York City. The following is a diagram of the property to

be Bold as above described: No. 1.890 Bergen Street. . . .

Bergen St.


S U P R E M E COURT. KINGS ' COUNTY—GRACE Vlckerman against John Birmingham. Junior—In pursuance of a Judgment ot foreclosure.and sale, du"j- made and entered In the above entitled action, bearing date the 15th day of December1,' 1900. I, tho undersigned, the retoree in said Jndgrheht named, will sell a t public, auction at the Real Estate Ex­change Building, Numbers 1SS-191 Montague street. In the Borough of Brooklyn. City of N e w York. Kings C o u n t y r o n t h e - 1 6 t h day of -Ajpt®f-tt01r-it*-« o'clock neon of that-day,' b y JameS'-t . 'Brumtoy. auctioneer, the premisea dlreoted by.-said Judg­ment to be sold and therein, described .aB.follows: All that certain piece or plot of land, with the building thereon ereotcd, situate, lying and being ln> the-' Thktyi f lrs f ' 'Ward of the "Borough of Brooklyn, in tho City of N e w . York, formerly know'n as Coney Island, bounded and described as follows": Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Neptune avenue, distant four hundred and fltty-throa and 28r 100 feet east of th.o southeaster­ly corner of Ocean parkway and said Neptune ave­nue, running thb'ncc southwesterly fifty-five feet to a point distant, at right angles from Shoops-head Bay road, s ixty-seven and 50-100 feet; thence running southerly from said roint ;at riffht an­gles to said Sheepshead Bay road, s lxty-soveh'and 60-lflO feet to the northerly side of Sheerishead Bay road: thence easterly along the northerly side of .Sheepshead Bay road two hundred and forty and-31-100 ,feet; thence northerly at r ight -ang les to said Sheepshead Bay road ope hundred.and s ix feet to tho said southerly side of Neptune ave-nue t and thence westerly alcng the southerly's ide of Neotunc avenue one hundred and ninety-four 34-100 feet to the point or place of beginning;' be the said several dimensions more or less.—Dated Brooklyn, Mhrch 25, 1901.

P E T E R W. OSTRANDER, Referee. J. P h l l l p B o r g . Plnlntifrs Attorney. 140 Nassau

-street,- NT—Y;- City. The following is a diagram of the properly to

be sold as above described. The property has no street number as far as known:

Neptune avenue. ~*50E3o7T J ilH.o+-ICo~


'S 3

/ t o o s r V n And 173 N a s s a u 8* „.

, *nd . ; : No. - 175; Brldgprjt;-Y; .-;

I Nassau street.

N o s 838 and 840 V a n Brunt S t

1 it ...,|l.'U. - , . v * n ^fVri'. street. '•..<. The foregoing properties are to be sold free and

clear of all Incumbrances.—Dated New York, March.'II. 1901.; ' • : , ' ; . - -?'" X*" m h l t S w m&th J O H N S . iBHANAHAN, Referee.

SUPREME COURT,.KINOSiCOUNTYT-aESSIE Thompson, plaintiff.'-'against Frank Barclay- and other*,, defendants—In"pursuance of a judgment ot foreclosure and sale niade'and entered In tho abovo entitled action, -dated the sixth' day of March.: 1901, I will sel l ' a t public auction vto the highest bidder, by TnbniaaA;. Kerrigan,, auct ion­eer,: at the salesrooms,--No:-9 : Wllloughby' street. In-the'Borough of Brooklyn.-County of Kings, on the second d a y , o f April, 190L at twelve o'clook, nooli, the lands in said judgment mentioned and therein described as. fol lows; All the undivided onc-thlrd interest of said, parties of tho first part In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the Twenty-s io-ond Ward of the said City, of Brooklyn, and bound­ed and described a s follows., to wit: Beginning at a- point on the southerly, side of Eighth street distant two hundred .*hd eighty-seven -feet ten and one-half Inches (287,10%) westerly, from the corner-formed by the Intersection of the westerly side or line of Seventh..avertue,'.with Uio southerly line •ui.,-Bide of Eighth 'street; running thencs southerly "and parallel wi th \ Seventh avenue, and part of' the distance through a certain party wall one hundred ' feet: thence westerly and parallel wi th Eighth street twenty feet; thence .northerly aj»d,agalr^BraHel-w4to--Severrtfecvenue-«^a.nga1ln-partly through another certain party wall ohe > u n -dred feet to Eighth' street; itheneo easterly and along Eighth street", twenty feet to the" point or place of beginning.—Dated March a, 1901.

WILLIAM W ALTON. .Sheriff of Kings County, G. O. & L. S. Hulse. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 203

Broadway, .New YoHc\Clt>p:y(jMartatun). The. following I s - a . diagram, of tho property to

be sold'as above described: Ho. 3S2 Eighth street:




Sth St. -'. &7''h.l0xln'. •" :' "•

. 1

" ' . ; . ; i

, . • ' - , i . '

• ' • ; . ; ' ; • • •

- ;',

1 • " • • • • •

• - • ; ' • , < : : • ) : ; ' • > . - 1

• • >!

: O





I 8


The approximate amount of liens or charges to satlsfv which the above described property Is to be sold Is J3.632.71. with Interest thereon from March 4. 1901. together with costs and allowance, amounting to 1157.41. with interest thereon from March U. 1901. and the exoensca of thn sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other liens whloh are to be allowed to the pur­chaser out of the purchase money or paid by the 8herlff Ir *«.*3 and I n t e r e s t - D a t e d March 25. 1901.

WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. mh25 6t m&th

T H L R S D A Y - A : 11:1) A M for Nassau. Cuant-anirno and Santiago. i>i>i jtoarrmhlp ?arato|ca.

F R I D A Y - A l l'.:S0 A M fo: Mexico, per slcam-»hlr> Maunins . via T-in-.[,!(o (mail must be dl-r?ctrsl -por «:?AmRM,> M a ' a n z a i ' i ; at }:0?,9

«»2V "A '"' N"n"»T». Per ••.••amer Miami. Fin I A T l . R D A V - . i l T:M \ M (,., iu.rn-,u,1a per]

s f a m f h l p TYIni.la.l at f:.;n v M f o r r>nrto 1 SUPREME COURT. KINGS C O U N T T - E L I Z A -Rloo. prx ai^amshlp San .i:nn \ la =an Juan I b P t h Wagner plaintiff, against Edward S. RMlfl at 5:30 A M fo; i'nh:i | , r Mcamnhlp Morro i ftnd others, defendants—In pursuance o f ' s Judg-Castle. v|« Havann, at t:So \ . M fr,r Fortune i m P n t of foreclosure and sale mflde and entered Island Jamsk. i . An vanilla "urtharrnn and In 'he above entitled action, dated the '.5th day Oreytown. per «tean«:il;. u*nr mail '.n-r rosta o f October. I9O0. 1 will sell at public auction to Rica rrxi»t h- 11-<-(terl -;„r steamship Men*") ' the highest bidder, by Thomns A. Kerrigan, auc-at 11:34 A M fo- N.irthf-rn Rrui l per «:eatn I tloneer.n! the salrrrooms. No. 9 Wllloughby street, ship Hilary, a: 11 %t> \ M f,-.r Argentine He. ' In the Borough of Brooklyn. Counly of Kings, on public. rrugua> r.nd Parsgna) ;-er •team I l h " *<h day of November, 1900. at twelve o'clock, ship Ore<-ia:i Prin-» n w n the lands In said Judgment mentioned snd

Malls for , \ v « l undlano hy ran •.-. \nrth Fyon/y. | 'herein dercrlhed as follows: All that certain lot. snd thence :,> nenmer n.-r. .,- this '••fTice dsliy piece or parrel of land sliuate. lying and being ail 6 V >\ irt n iert ine rln'e here , \ , r v Monda) l n 'he City ff Brooklyn. County of Kings and Wednesday and «nturd»yi Main f'nr Mlone- ! Stale of New York, bounded and described as Ion. by rati t,. I'. .Mnn and th-nce h. jteamer ' follow* t.-i wit: Beginning at a point on the Close at Ihlx .nin- laUv at • )• M Mails for northerly aide of MoDonough street distant one Cuba, by rail to Port Tamia , Kia.. and th'neo hundred and twenty-flvs feet Westerly from the


b\- steamer, i lo«e at thu ofTlee dally, ereept Monday, at |S:*o A M. (the eonnerting ri,-,!.e« are on Sunday Wednesday »nd Frldav) Mall« for Cuba, hy rail to Miami. Fla nnd lhenc« by stesmer elose at , v l» ofr.re evsrr Monday and Friday at |io:30 P M. Mails for Menlro City hverlnnd unle»» upeclally addressed for dispatch bv steamer, close at this o f |W dally at I P. M nnd Invito p M Mali* for "o-tA Rlra. Itellse. Puerto Corte7 And Ouatrmnta. by rail to New Orleans and there* hv niram-er, clo«e at tht« ofW- dAlly ai j | P M (eon-nnctlng cloeea here \tondav'a for Belize. rner*o Cortei and Ouatemala and Tuetday* for f'o»ta Rica) |Regl«I»r?d mall oioaoo at 5:30 p M prevlou* day

TRANS-PACIFIC MAILS. ..jstfl* for Ifawall. China. ,'apan and rhilif.plne

Ir'and". via San Pranclaro. e|e«e here dally «t 6 P. M. up to March | t } . ine]u«lve, for dis­patch |>er pleam«hlp 'Jaelio

Msl ls for (-hlna. Japan and Philippine I«l«nda. via Sort tie. rlo«e here dally at & P M up ty March |?< Inelunlve. for dlspslrh per «te»m-shlp Klnshiti Maru freflttered mail must he directed via Seattle)

Mail* for Australia (orient Weat Vuat.-alla. wh'rh goea vis Enropfl. a n l New Zealand, which goea via San Fvanouooi. »nd Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally M ( P. M. af!»r .Maroh }C5 and up to Mnr-h (M inelualve for dlar.atoh per steariehli' M|.-.wera 'supplemen­tary mail", via Seattle rloee at t! P M Maroh III

Malta for Hawaii. > la San FfsnoUoo, Mo»e her« dall)- at s P V.. up to April [1 for dispatch per steamship M.aMjx-pa

Mails tor Hawaii, .lapan. Thlna and Philippine Islands. via San F>»ftel»cn, oloae here dally at ( P. M up to April | i Inclusive, for di». patch per steamship Hor.g Kong Mini

Malta for Chins a n l Japan, via Vancouver. e|on» j here dally at s P M. up to April W, ino't). j / |ve . for dl«-xi;ch p«r ai-amship F.mpr»»a cf | .tapan (registered mall muat be direct*.! "v)» | Vancouver")

Mslls for Tahlll and Marquesas tsliinda, via ^«n Francisco, eloto here dally at R V .M up to April |lft. Inclusive, for dispatch per steamship Australia.

Trans-Pacific malls ar« fortvarded <o port of sail ing dalli and the schedule of c l .s lng la arrang- ! ed on the presumption of thflr untnterfupled 6V«t1arld transit. IReglsteret mall J P. M. precious day.

P. II. \VIU«oN. PegtmMtrr P«»t Offlc*. Rrooklyn. N. v., March it. W .

oorner formed hy the intersection of the northerly side of MeDonough street with the westerly side of Hopkinson avenue; running thence nhrtherly parall»i with Hopkinson avenue nnd part of the distance through a party wall cne hundred feel; thence westerly parallel with MeDonough street t-ver.tvflv- feet: t h - n o southerly again parallel with Hopktnson avenue and part of the distance, through a r>art\ ^r.ll cne hundred fejpt to the northerly «ide .,f MeDonough street, and thence ea«'.rrly alone the northerly side of MoDonoUgJi 'treet twenlv-flve feet to the point or place of be­ginning Dated October 17 1900

WILLIAM WVLTON. Sheriff of King* County. Dalley Boil A frane. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 16

fourt «tr-t Borough of Brooklyn. N. Y. The following Is a dlagrAm of the property to be

sold as above deporlhed:

No 775 MeDonough Street.

Sheepshead Bay Road.

The approximate amount of liens, or charges to satisfy!-which the above' described properly is to be sold 19*2,026 67-100,.,Wlth loterpfct thereon from •February 26, 1901, together with costs and allow­ance, .amounting to S2S1 SS-lOO^ltS'lriterest theru-on. from Marcli- 6, 1901, and . the .expenses o f - the sale.—Dated March 11. 1901. •' *

WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings Couhty. nihil 6t m&th . . t . .

S U P R E M E COURT. KINGS f. C O U N T Y - W A L -ter L. Wellington and George P. Slade, as sole surviving trustees under the" l a s t ' will and testa­ment of John B". Hutchinson, - deceased; plaintiffs, against James D. Sajman ot a),, defendants—In pursuance of a judgment of'foreclosure and sale, mode and entered-In the above--entitled action, J a t e d j h e Jith day of February(: 1901, I will sell at public auction-to-the highest -blddeV; b y T h o m a s A. Kerrigan, Auctioneer, at the-salesrooms. No. 9. Wllloughby streets ln the Borough of Brooklyn, Codnty of Kings, on the 26th day'df March, }901, at twelve o'clock noon, the lands In said Judg­ment mentioned an.d therein-destyribed'as follows: All that certain lot, piece or pwael ,ot land sit­uate, lying and being Ifi the -"Seventh Ward of the City (now BorOUgh) Of- Brooklyn. County of Kings and State of New-. York, :boundod and de­scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on tho southerly side of Jefferson avenue (for­merly Jefferson street), distant two hundred and twenty feet westerly from the .southwesterly cor-

- • •


;ior Cars Netr/Y.

Wot of Fulton Street, aftSjffiB ' M A l L - L l m l t e d t Q ' t w o Buffet

S5&s\£^Wirt5f t«nt "AjaJpUw, andObservat lon- Cars. * ~Kor ' fSlJv1* :«nflah«tT.'j6Bianap50^

Smqkini i ' X ^ ^ W ^ f i ' l a 1 Sleeping;! pblfli1.. . f«J«4ov Cjnclnn«tT",Jftaianap5us;^iel»v|U*, St.


U L I l l I I M . y n s s , s. Cf.?«: Haiti at^rner* , from :N«w,,Yprk'.'Apr)L: »r«'9d'-.,ij..^ Eight :and s< lJ-dajr trlipir, M> and ITS. ..«?-'-' ^ Cf finin»i A\8p«Qlal Excursioo-" forvEaster f L U n t U H . Hol lday»,Mauh 29. U days, »I7.S0.

^W^^^mm^S fDlsQIPOINTV

niin:? - - . .- . all of such perron or persons, if any. I t ' a n y be deceased, whose "nirjae^"'areT unknown to plaintiff: The foregoing summons Is served upon you.- by publication, pursuant' th an order of Hon, Joslah T Marean, a Justice ^ f . t h e Supreme Court of the State of New York: dated the Hi day of March, 1901, and filed with the complaint In the office of the Clerk of the -Cotlnty of Kings , i n the Hall of Records. In the' City o f New•: York, Borough of Brooklvn. In said state. -•--

Th<- object of th i s 'ac t ion is to make partition according to the respective rlghta o t the parties, and if it appear that partition cannot be mado without great prejudice to tho owners, then for a sale of the following described property: >

That plot or parcel of land, situate In the City of New York, Borough .of Brooklyn. County of Kings. N. Y., o n - t h e southerly side of. Degraw street, distant two.oundrod and fifty feet .'.easterly from Nostrand avenue; Tunning thence southerly 100 feet; thence easterly 160 fee t : thence'northerly 100 feet to Degraw-Stree t , -and ' thence westerly along Degraw street 150 feet .to place of •.begin­ning, containing within said boundaries lot 7,.irt block 1. on map iU. filed In Kings County Reg­ister's Office.—Dated -March S3, 1901. ?± . ."•-

SANDERS & GRAY. P la in t i f f s Attorney. -M6 Broadway. New York. N. -Y., Manhattan- ,

, . mh!5 6w -tn

j n M i T X ^ r % ^ - 'L*>»*«vUls-, (via Cincinnati}. Ky^Kar^i«^>Chic«go, St, Louis. ' -;£^ -*QM&&m ^ T . LxablTiBXPftESSr-For, PHl».

-.gjg^; wlvimbu*, inaianapoHs,• L^ijUnT»l^ | | L

ir5«r5Vtfs'«'. "ceptTBatbrday. : - •?- ; • "

. . . . . . . . . . -5f, Car'

nna " .*»*- . • " . . . e u n d t o s , J.IV » . ^ ; w . « 5 (Dining Car) A. M,, IMS. l t « J D l n l r g t , C a r ) . (t,U>VCon-sress lon8. lLrft .Cy s j l -Parlor^and Dlnlng^Caw). 8.15. 4.15 IDlnlng Car). «.4VUDlftlngC«r)J«a0.and 1 1 . S A . P V M . - '• -;•-. -,.-.>••'''. v *>v"- -*-*- •'•".*»,•;•• "'v;.-'" ,-

SOUTHEflN RAlLWAYr~!'?lorlda fclmlted." lt"W P. M . w e e k days; -Esoret»r"J.lS, * , » and U.sj P , M. dal lyr -;>"•-;.!••:-•.:<M.-, V - J : . . ^ . - V X I V .

ATLANTIC COAST blNE^-t'Fiorida Special,". l « P. M...week days. Express, 8<45: A. ' M . a l l d 9.10

• P . M. dally. •."•".. w A . H ; 1 . ^ . : . , I . SEABOARD AIR LINE- RAILWAY—"Florida and

Metropolitan Limited.' ' 1J.45 P . M. dally.' E x ­press, 11.85 P. M. dally. -• "" - &?':•>-•' -*•--:v'-V

NORFOLK AND W E S T E R N •'• R A I L W A Y - F o r . Memphis and New Orleans, S. U P . M. dally." v.

C H E S A P E A K E & OHIO RAlLWAY-~8.*5 A". M., and 4,45 P, M; d M l y . ' l , - . . " , . ' - - ' ' " " i

ATLANTIC C l T Y - t o P r c s s . ».4S *.. , ' i«. and'».«5 P. M. week days. Through -VeBtlbuled Trains,

, Buffet Parlor Cars and Standard; Coaches. > . •; CAPE M A Y - B s p r e s s . 12.45 P. . M.,^ week d a y s , V ' . Ticket otncc»! No. 4 Court S U e e U 93 Broadwajf.

tt9 -Fulton :St ; and Pennsylvania. -Annex Station. Brooklyn.. The New . Y o r k . Transrtr .Company

, w i l l call f o r and check baggage from h o t e l g a n d - r e s i d e n c e s through" to des t inat ion . ' ^ ^ ^ i - ' " " : ;

J: B. HUTCHINSON,, ..; •.•J.' K^ w O<?l>;:>r General Manager. . General p a s s r Ag^nt..

^ M t t v - f c . U ! . : y.6idfty: ' holiday ?S

, 'trips,March JO. '.t .

I n c l n d t n i r H o t e l * A l n d A l l B x p e n s e a . Tickets , for Individualv ,Travelers'- everywhere mt-,^- ' ; - v ; | w « t ; R « t « i . -'• .'. . - . . - . " *

^^THOS. COOK A' SON, 201 «»d"'-1.188. BrpaaTraJrJNow York.

NOTICE-TO THE HEIRS AND^-CRBDITORS OF JOHN SHATWELL BROOKS. DECEASEDS-SUPREME COURT, KING3 COUNTY-Frederlck \Y. Thompson and Mary E, Dibble, plaintiffs;, against the People of the State of New .-York and the heirs, creditors, etc., of John Shatwell Brooks, deceased, defendants—In pursuance of an order; of reference tn surplus proceedings, duly, made and entered herein on the petition pf Caroline O'Brien, a lienor, on the 23d day bf March, 1901; wherein and whereby John B. Lord."Esd... was-'ftppolntSd referee to ascertain and- report "rwhat-wnountv-is due said Carolina O'Brlep- o»- any^mother-^person, which Is a Hen on said surplus moples, y o u . a r e hereby notified and directed to appear'before said referee, at his Office,- No. -189 Montague . street. Borough of Brooklyn, New.York-City , on the'25th day of April. 1901, at Z o'olock P . r M . , i t h e d*y fixed by said order of reference for the first hear­ing therein and on such subsequent days a s the referee or court may direct, to protect your i n ­terests tn said proceedings and ' to present and, prove your claims in and to said surplus;—Dated March 25. 1901. . . . . . ." - ,.„•

DAVID B. SIMPSON. Attorney for Petitioner, 99 Nassau street. Manhattan Borough. New York

City. mM5.4t m

IN PURSUANCE OF A N ORDER O F , T H E Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, ^according" "to law, fo all persons having claims against E D W I N A. CLARK. late of the-Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, deceased, that thoy are required to exhibit the same, with ths ' vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her place of-' transacting-' busi­ness, at the office of Wray & Pllabury, No. -149 Broadway, Manhattan, N e w York City, on or be­fore the 1st day of October next.—Dated Brooklyn. March 23. 1901. .-- , " - . . - ; . '

rray—ft—PltBWry • Attorneys for - ExecUtrixr W Broadway. N"w York c i ty . trihSS 6m nt

IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF T H E Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of--the-County of Kings, notice i s hereby given, according to law, to all persons having c la ims against HELE.-

fiENTfiALRiR-PFIEWlllSIY. - • < Anthracite, coal used exclusivsiy . &; . , . t

Four Tracks. !.'El«etro-Pneumatlc'V Signals, 6tatlons tn New York. Liberty 6t and SoutTi Ferry. Trains leave Liberty St a s below, ttlme from South • N Ferry nvo;mlnut«* »atH«r.-except as noted).

Mauch ChtthkiLocai; . . . . . . N,Y> & LontJfjraneh R.R. 8.cra"n"t6n & Reading. . ' . . . . .

"Lakewood & ;J3arnesat. . . . .NiY. firLong Branch R R . Mauch Chunk & Reading. " W l k e i b a r r e * Scra'nton.. La kt wood. Barnegat &

. At iaht loCtty Lakewood fr ATLANTIC

CITY Slieclal. . Lakewood &-Barnegat , . . .

• N .T . '&Longi)rahch R.R -Mauch Chunk & Reading. Lakewood Special Boston L c c a l . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . N .Y , eyr^inc Branch' R. R

Week l>r y . 1:15 a. m--

.S:30 a, m-JtlO a. m;

. l5 .Wa.in. UtSO a.m.

I t «

1130 p. -m-

11:45 p. m.

3:10 p. m. 14110 p. hi.

4:S0 p.-.m. 4:40,p.-m.

. 5tOO,p.-m f5t4S"p.'.ni. S6t23 p. "m."

Sundays. • . . ; , . ; . , . , , -J

..,t:00,av--m. • . * . . , , , . , . '

110:15 a. fri. - . . - - . , . - . * • « . - «

IrOO p, m. * y-*

i ;...-i.,..'.*i

9*4:00 p. m. 115:30 p. W. "••-...........

1 .........:..

N B W , Y ^ R f c S O l J T H A M P T O N H b N D O * * ' Vaderland.Mch.«,:o A.Mi Vaderland.ApMT. 10 A . l i . i ^ i St. XgUtS.iApr.S.lO A'.M. St. LbulB..Apr.t4.10 A. M. ' New York.Apr.10,10 A.M|NewYork.May 1,10 JU*.?M

.RED S TAR LINE. N E W Y O R k ^ A N T W S R P - i p X R l S .

Noordltjnd.Mar.' *l; noonlSouthwark.Apr. 10, nooa : . . Fries land, . ,Apr. S.- n,oonf\\"este.'rhland.Apr. 17,noon-•"•:"'•".

I N T E R N A T I O N A L NAVIGATION COMPANY. Plera 14 and 15. N. R l v e ^ O f f c e . Y» Brbftdway.N.Y.ir?

J. LTSHRENKRAUSS & SONS. S7» Fulton I «tt m . DAVTD P , WATKTNS.••; « 4 Fulton - s t : f.> H* SCHKlDTi 380 Graham av, o r H. F. KOCH, U"••-<• Broadway. Brooklyn .••-•••-


MARQUIOTE..,.,..,.,....,^ MI.S'NEHAHA; . . . . . . . , .„ . . . ' . . , ; , . . . ApruIT X.^M.. MANITOU :.;;..i;...;:;„^ ^^ .Apr i l i»79^M. . ;> MESABA , , . , ; , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ > . . A p r i l 80. 9 A . ' l l . S M l ^ N E A P 0 I 4 S : , . . , ; . ,- iV;,. . y , , A p r l i w , 6:30 >Ai M i f ^ . A W f - ^ S P ^ R N STEAMFRSivLUXURlOUSi iY J^ITTED W I T H J E V E R Y CONVENIENCE. •-'ALU- ^ 8TATEROOMS LOGATEDvAMlDSHlPS ON U P . " E r ^ Y , . - d £ C £ & U JJIRSY CABIN . PAS3EN.GSR8 : CARRIED FROMJ4EW YORK TO ST, PANCRA8 . S ? A J I O N i LONDON. F O R « 0 , EACH AHO.XrP'-^ WARP. . A P P l i T 1 BROADWAY. :'-i

- : ^UlSARO LINE. v: *>.; ; N E W Y O R K TO .LIVERPOOli ' r'---'^$ .- . , - » Via. Queenstown. - ; . . ; : # i

", • ' From Pier. 61, North River. •= ' ' :-:-5lS Etrur la . , . .Mch. 30, n o o n i u m b r l a , . V A P 5 . J7. n o o a f i f Lucanta, .Apl. 6, T A. M,|Lucanla.,'May..4, 4 P . M . " Servla v „ . A p l . IS, nooniEtrurla. .May 11, U A.M. t Campanla:Ap.:o,6i30A.M|Servla. ,; . . .May 14, n**a '. • For Passage and further Information apply to'"*••••&•

VERNON H, BROWN & CO..) General Agents, iTilsS -iifeiii" -'- 29'jBrdadway,--New York...- - .."v .--<?,-> THOS. J i , HENDRICKSON, » J Fultori St.. Bkly* . tS? , . H j r F . K O C H ; 43 Broadway, B'klyh, & D. :•

T>AVID P. WATKINS, S44- Fulton St.. B'klyili:. S B • J . L E H R E N K R A U S S Sr SONS. 379 Fulton;»t..f

ROYAL BLUE LINE .- „A •>„ P O R P H I L A D K L P H l A .

.yS:39'J^; Ki0°- , 9 : 0 0 ' »10:M, »1H30 a . m . ; tliOO. ! i ! K ' .1*^9:3'^' • < : 0 0 ' l«!00..'M:S0. •5:00. iOO. t 7 : 8 0*.l9 i02s,At?i2 J £i >I>j *12US mdt.

J a X L T J M O R f c A N D W A S H I N G T O N . - 1 < % : $ • « > . U0:00. 'lliSO a. ra.. ti:00, M;30, •S:«. •5:00, «T;00 p. m;, •12:15 m d u •*

Offices: Liberty St. Ferry. South Ferry. 113, 17*. 151, « 4 , 843, 3,300. .1,334 Broadway. 173 5th av.; 137 Sth a v.; 85 Union Sq. West . 153 Eas t 125th St.. 2?3 West 125th st. , J 4 5 . C o l u m b u s ay.i> New York: 4 Court st.-.'344,'S60 Fulton St.. Brooklyn; 98 Broad­way, Wllllamsburgh. Ne.w York Transfer Co. calls for and checks baggage to destination.

—fFrotu Lll if i iy st, only:—•Dally.—tDallyr except Sunday. (Sundays only.

LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. . Trains leave-Flatbush av sttttlon'.-for Greenpo'rt

_ _,„. , week cays .8:2$ A.. .M,.' 3:53. .P.. M„ Sundays.- 0:03 NA P. BULKLEY. late of tho Borough ot Brook- I A - M - M o n t a u k a n d Amagansett , t h e Hamptbbs, lyn, deceased, that "they arc required to exhibit K ° " v"lrhnr «••»•*-•»* « • « •• " • the same, with the vouchsrSi thereof ,-to the sub­scriber, at his place of transacting business, No. 75 Duane street, Borough of' Manhattan, c i t y of New York," on or before the first-day of October next.—Dated March- 23, • :901. mh25 6m J O N A T H A N BTTLKLEY, Admln'r.


' D i R E C T - L I N E TO PORTLAND, MAINS, ./Con^ectmgl'Wipi^ll^allroaU'-alVd^teamshTp'llnes to' all' SUrrmJet1 Tssorts . -Steamships Horatio "Hall (newr ani l ;Manhattan, - leave Pier 46, N. R „ ^oot of w e s t Tenth street (Troy Line Pier) evorV Tuesday, - Thursday- and Saturday ' a t ' "P.' 11,' SUamgrs fitted- w i tb every modern Improvement for* the comfort and convenience of passengers. Ticket office at 330.. Broadway, corner Reads street (Dun Building), at Pier. 48, N. R., and General OfHca at'222 South s tree t Tickets can bo bought aboard the steamer, . . .

HORATTO HALIU O, T, M„ 222 South st. N. Y.

8:37. 8:54, 11:04 A. -M. . 4i27. 5-^9^1:; ~aa"yr"S:63r9:53"XrM.Tir:35"r6S4~

C L Y D E : L I N K — C h a r l e s t o n , S . C . . &JaoU-H O n v l l l c , K l a . NASSAU A N D CUBA Leaving P i e r 43. North'River, 3' P . ' M . For • Information apply to - THEO. G. EGER. . G. M.: WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen. Agt. , Chcsebrough Bldg.. 19 State st, N . -Y . : J, Lehrenlrrauss. & -8ons. 879 Ful-ton st; p . p . Watklns.,344 Fulto" st.. BrCoklyn. . .

M.- Sunday; 9:93 A. M.i 1:25 P. M; Babylon. 7i07, 7 % 8:18. 10:61 A, M., 1:54, 3:51,-3:23. "8:53/.4:37; 4:62. 5:21, 5:C3,'•'«:«. 6:65, 8:07, 10:07 P. iC (ISM night). Sunday. 8:23. .9:03 A. M.. 1:33. t-Mp. a . Wading HWtr and Port Jefferson, ,8:54. <H:04 Port Jefferson) A i M . . . 4:27-(5:59 Port Jefferson) P. M Sunday. .8j5S- .A... M. <9:53 A.- M.. Port? Jefi ftrsort), SmlthtdWh, Kings Park, Northport (East Station), : Huntington and Cold Spring

P^JJt^aun-.. - - Oyster Bay.

Glen Cove, Sea. - Cliff. Roslyn, 6:3TJ. 8:54, 10:32 A. M. (12:55 Wed. and Sat.) , 1:54,.3:22,.Ml. 6;21. 6:33. 8:07, 10:07 P.sM. (12:06 nlglit WedTa'nd Sat . ) . Sun­day, 8:63. 9:53 A.: M.. 1:34. 4:13. 6:?4. l6:63"l>.,VK Far Rockaway, . .Arverne, Ar.v^rne. (Stralton av).

1:51. 4:13. 6:2.4. 10:03 P . / M . ne, Ar.v^rne. (Straltoh av),

g:00. 7:07. 8:«r"10:00. 11104 A.VM.:,1:25,,.«1;54.'. 3:32, 4:27, «4i52,'5:21, T5:24, H5Sv t«^fe*««BJ.-'6rS5. 8-OT I0:0t-P. M..- 11:05 night. Sundayfl8:23;.-9:63. ;*lim A. IS.. 1:54. 6:28. .7:55, •10:05Tp..M. garden City and Hempstead. 4:87. 7:56,-9:25.' W;32 A. M., 12:24 (12:55 Garden Cl t / -Wed. and SaVbhly ) , ' 1:S4. 3:2t 4:21, ,4:53, 6:21.; 5:53," 6^1. 6:55.'?:07. 10r07-P. -MT, 11:08 night. Sunday. 9:03. 8:53,. 11 ;23 A.M.- , 1:54, 4118. 5:25. 6:24. 10:05 P. M. Garden City (Hemp­stead Crossing) and West Hempstead, 6:00 A, MV, 4:27 -P.'.M. Sunday*. West Hempstead .and 'Nor­wood, 0:03 A. M. and 1:54 P. M.. ,»Far Rocltaway only. tFrom Brooklyn Bfldeo,' only. » . ,

-f:. ";• iUnlted States- Mall Steamships to"-.* .-"• GUASUpW ^ N p trjNDONDER^y, Fr^m. Pie?; 54.'North River.' ropt W.'. « th : « t f N,'T.", . Furness la . .Mar. SO; h6on|Astbria.- ,". ; : ;Apr.»,nooa •£& Ethiopia,.V.A'pr.-J; nooniAnchoria.:;Apr.- 27v noon." -" • -^ . - ; Cabin Passage, $50 and up. -^.:..";

Second Cabin. 332.60 and up. Steerage. 128 and up. -•- . For further Information apply to '

HENDERSON BROTHERS, :• .• ; / v ' ' •. General Agent s^ l? and 19 Broadway, New Yprtfc

Or. S. W. TAYLOR. 69 Court st . ' :

Or H. F . KOCR. 48 Broadway. Brooklyn.

- • • ; , - ; - '

: • ' • & •

' . . ' • ; '

m • > .

I forty^lrt t hours from N«vrYorfc. Cllnjate, ?.-. » qnexcellea. For Illustrated pamphlet* ana ••< ratee of passage address *•;.- - : - • A.E.OUTKRBRlDRK<SiCO..ABenrs, 89 Broadway,"' N. Y., orTH08.«GOK &SON. Ml Broadway, N ; Y K > - •'• -4%

- . • • : • ' • - • • • , > • • • • • . • - " • : - ; • v . . ' . T : - ^ — — • • . • • • • * : - r t ^

OLD DOMINION LINE. f--•-'•-••"• D A I L Y S E R V I C E . - -, ""; 5w mi '- For*^Old- Point -CtAnfort, Norfolk; Portsmouth. ' 3§ | P inner 's -Point a n d .Newport 'News. Va„ .connect" ;<* Ing for Petersburg, Richmond, Virginia Beach.-M:$. Washington, p . C . and"entire South and W e s t " :-5?>;

- - P r e l R l i t a n d ; p n a s c n g e r ' . s t e n w i e r s - s a i l $m from Pier 26,.-North River , - foot , of Beach,-"*b:~&& • v o r y . T v e e l s d a y a t 3 . P . M. i . , . — '-'ft .:'.'".:•• ',' H. B, WALKER. Traffls, Manager.;.: r,-


e Trains arrive and depart from Grand Central

Station, 42d Street, New York, as follows: Steave New York. • . - -Arrive Nes /York .

•3:1S a. m. . . . .Mal l & Paper Train , . . . ,J7*0 a. rn. •S:C0 a. m . . . , , . .v ;yracusf Local ;..t6:!5 p. tt\. 11:30 a. :o . . . .Empire State Express... .tl0:0fl p,-tn. •8:45 a. in . . . . F a s t " Mall. »10:00 a. nl.

i , . , , . , l m . . . , . . , , , , . . „ . . . , . . . , .™. ,„ , - . , . , , . „ , - t:0:SO a. m Day Express KM p. m. ner of Jefferson avenue (formerly Jefferson street) I tll:30 a. m .Rutland **MW\--;•>•&'$ *•' 5S" • nrf H^MrH av.ni i . r - XlnnlnB thmra so.ithorlv I ' • « P- m • • • ; • .bputbwest Limited.. . . ..*6:00 p. m.

•2:00 p. m . . N . Y. & Chicago Special..»1:30 p. m.

N 1

8 c

» its

The approximate amount of the Hen or charge, to satisfy which the above described real prop-t?,y«J? '^ b e 9 0 l d , B o n « hundred end fifty-four JO-lOOths dollars -<|154 80-100) with Interest thereon from December 4. 1900, beside »80 67-100 costs and ? « l ? w ? i l c e . J , n d l n t «re«t thereon from December 16, 1800. together with the costs and expenses of the HIS'.- * approximate amount of taxes, asseas-?™ ." I w * « " rates and sales for same which ?KS t o , 1 ^ . al'owed or paid, by the retoree. out of l ? 1 « P w r C ^ " e . m 0 ? ^ y n P " c a r 8 of record to be lt,14o 34-100. or thereabouts, with the Interest L i ? i , r m t o f t h i l t o m s « a k l n g up said sum belny, however, understood to have been paid. The premise, will be sold subject to a mortgage originally made to secure the sum of 11.700 or ' / " . S ^ 0 " , " 1 ' ? n ™Mch t h "'« '» now due the sum of |9*> of principal with Interest on W M u S t

N8™.'! S i ^ n T mTAn- » « - » « * « 0 Brooklyn! PETER W. OftTRANDKR. Referee.

• mh2T> Sw m&s

S U P R E M E COURT. KINGS C O U N T Y -Charles A. ..Murphey. plaintiff, against Mary J i U | 5 5 r i « i 0 t 5 " £ J , e f e n d a " ' « ~ t " pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled notion dated the 1st day of March. '.901 I will sell at public: auc­

tion to the highest bidder, by Thomas A Kerri­gan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms, No 9 Wlll­oughby street. In the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on tho 16th day of April, 1901, at twelve n clock, neon, the lands In rold Judgment men­tioned snd therein described as follow*! All iho'e certain lot£ pieces or parcels of land, with the build ngs thereon erected, s ituate, lying and be­ing in th* Twenty-first Ward of the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings nnd State of New lork . which taken together are bounded and described as 'ol low;: Bnalnnlng at a point on the northerly side of Hopkins glreot distant thrci. hundred And twenty-five f*J5> feet etstcrly from tht corner formed by th* Intersection of thf. eftsLeriy side or line of Marcy avenue with thfl nrrtherly side or lino of Hopkins s tr t s t ; runnlnn thenee northerly parallel or nearly no with Maroy Bvrr.uc on« hundred COO) tm\ thence easterly parallel or nearly so with Hopkins street one hun­dred feet (,00); thsnee southerly again par-

5 " ° r ^ ' ? r l f ,*° Vth M n r c>" nv«nu» one hon-drcl (ICO) feet to (he northerly side or line of Hrpkins street; and tliencs westerly along the northerly side or line of Hopkins street one hundred (100) feet to the point or place of be­ginning. Together with all the right, title or In­terest of the parties to this action. In and to teld street to the center line thereof —Dated March 56, l » l .

WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff or Kings County Murphey A Metcair. Plaintiff's Attorney IS

Wall street. N. Y. City. N V. y ' The followln.t Is s din cram of ths property to

b* sold as above dfscrll:»,l Noe. 161 to If.; Hopkins Rlrest.

and Bedford avenue; running thence southerly parallel With Bedford'avenue one hundred (100) feet; thence Westerly pa: ' "" " nue (formerly Jefferson feet; thence northerly parallel with'.Bedford a v e - | nue and part of the distance IfirOugb the center of a party wall one hundred (100) feet t o Jeffer­son nvenue (formerly Jefferson street),;and thence easterly along Jefferson- avenue (formerly Jeffer­son street) twenty-one (21) feet to the point or place of beginning.—Dated Ms'rch Hh.'lvOl.

WILLIAM WALTON,'Sheriff of Kings County. -Richard B. Kelly. Plaintiff's Attorney, No. 237

Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. New York City.

The- following Is a diagram of the property to be sold as above described: No. 70-Jefforson ave­nue.

Jeflerson Avenue ,

Lacka>yanna Railroad;!; Stations In New" York, foot of 'jiarWay. and .Chrls-

. ....... j i- :-.i topher8ts . - . L e a v i •' •'Arrive; Klmlrar Mall .- .• .»:.: . . . . ; .; t»:0» A; M. -tt :00 P.'fa. Lackawanna Limited .,...•10:00 A^M.- •S-.OO.P. M. New Ybrk ft Chlcagp.Ejc. n:00.g,"M. . *i:i$ P. M Scranton Express . . . . . . . . . '74:00 P : M;; 412:20 P . M . Chicago ft'Buffalo Limited. 'fclO-R'U. .^7:J0A. 1*. Utlcai Oswego. Ithaca ft'.-"..--

Buflalo > . . . . . »S:4SP. M. *6:50 A. M, Buffalo & Chicago Express *fM A. M. *10:40 A. M;

Sleepers open at"8:S0 P . M. • ' T icket s at 9$ Fifth Ave. , 654 Columbus Ave., U3

and 428. Broadway, 14 Park PI.. 133 W. UStfc St., and 838 Fulton 8 t , 'Brooklyn.

Westcott'k Express Company will call for a n l check baggage to destination. tExcept Sunday. 'Dally.

nartllsi wTfh'Jifforion n « ' « : » P- ro. .Albany, and Tro> Flyer. . t l l :10 a. rn. 5S . t i i T v i » . n » v ^ ,X?C I '3:35 p. m Albany Special. «:00 p. ni. 4 " . r n n f r t t ^ r ? K ; ° ? ® JZ1} ' *<:C0 P- m Detroit Speolal .«ie:oo a. m. „„,„», . . «,.«H B . , » , H „ „ . . . . 5 , 5 o p , m . . . T h e . L a k e Shore Limited.. . 'ajso p. m.

•5:30-p. m .St. Louis Limited '2:55 p. m. •6:00 p. m Western Express •3:46 p. m. •C;25 pr. m .".Northern Express , . . , . . .S7:!0 a. in. •7:» p. m.Adirondack-& Montreal Ex.'*8:5S a. m. •8:00 p. m. . . .Pan-Amerlcab Express....17:27 a. m. •9:20 p. m..Buffalo and S. W. Special..«3;oe a. m. •9:S0 p. m ..Pacific Express •.1:30 a. m.

••12:10 a. m Midnight Express ' j a o a. m. •Dally. tDally. except Sunday. ••Daily, except

•Monday. H A R L E M D I V I S I O N .

9:12 A. M. and.SiJJ P. M. -Dal ly , except Sunday, to Plttsfleld; Sundays only at 9:20 A. M.

Pullman Cars on all through trains. Trains illuminated with Plntsch Light.

Tickot offices nt 113, 261. 416 and 1,216 Broadwsy, Vi Union square W., 275 Columbus av . 133 West l?5th st, :26th and 138th stations, New York: 333 and 726 Fulton at and 106 Broadway, E. D., Brook-ci a

< B

fe u e ti.


(formerly Jefferson Street).

j "3


1 I


l i


tUu .


lyn. Tclephono "800 fe'th Street" for New York Cen­

tral Cab Service, Baggage checked from boiel or residence by V/estcrttt Express Comhnny. EDOAR VAN ETTF.N, GEORGE H. DANIELS.

<-.'n*rnJ Puperlnt^nilent. r?..nernl pass . Ag^nt.

I EKI.5 R A I L R O A D T I Through train* leave ,New iorn, foot o( Chambers , *t, as follows, and t minute* earlier from W.'22d *t:

. • - . , . „ • „ s _^ i 0>"0 «• rn. Dally—Solid train for Buffalo orr. i The apptoxlmgto amount of the Hens or charges . p . m . ) j |nghamton, Waverly, Elmlra and Bradford.

lo satisfy which the above described property Is coaches, parlor car and cafe dining car to Buffalo, to be sold Is (6,925.20, with interest thereon from . 2 t ! jo p. m. Dally—Chicago Limited—Vast Mall February i l s t . .:'ui. t"ip;i)Cr with costs ••" - .. . . . , , , . , . . . , . ance, amounting to {297.SS, w

Boston and New England Points. VIA SQUND-'riINE3t•"'"- '"

P A L L R I V E R L I N E , , vra Newport and Fall River—Leave-Pier .10. N, R., foot-of Warren st , week days only at . 6:00 P . M. Steamers PLYM­OUTH and PILGRIM. Orchestra on each.

S T O M N G T O N L I N E , via Stohlngt.on-Leav* Pier 36, N. R., foot Spring st . Week days only, at 6:00 P M. Sirs. Mftlno a n d - N e w Hampshire.

N O R W I C H L I N E , via New London—Leave Pier 86, N R., foot of Spring-st . week days only, at 5:30 P. M. Strs. CITY OF WORCESTER and RHODE ISLAND.

N E W H A V E N L I N E - L e a v e * Pier ss, E. R.. toot of Peck. Slip, week days only, at 3:00 P. M. Pteamer RICHARD PECK.

$2-00 TO BOSTON. VIA THE JOY L l N f i ft N. Y„ N*. H. ft H. R. R. 11.00 TO PROVIDENCE. ROUND . TRIP, 11.(0. • Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 5 P M,, from Pier 15," Ea«t River, foot of Catharine s i . Rooms resen-ed. in advance. Telephone JS27 Franklin



Leave foot of Christopher st. New York, every week day at 6 P. M.

from r-Vbi'iiaiy . ' to . IStil, and the e x p . n - s of ih sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assess­ments or other lier.s which nro to be allowed tt the purchaser out of the purchase money or paid by the Sheriff is 1328.66 and Interest. —Dated March ith. 1801.

WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. mh4 "t m&th

H R I D G 1 0 P O R T ' B O A T S DA1LT (SUNDAYS /lilt .-usts iin.l f.,,u,, < - s o l i d train to Chicago, arriving 6:30 p: rri: "Arf." I £?,c«»\t6<,>' , ? , , r i n P w i }}' ' ? . f l 9 t , " , v c r ' Pe»r„PH<« ,1th interest thereon , Cleveland 7:40 n. in. Sleepers to Chicago, Cleve- S l l n ' n . . A - M - *_n<? . s "• •? • ; ' ' f? s t 8 ' . s t B<- »=AS P . M . .

MeDonough Strest.

The approximate amount of. liens or ehsrges to satisfy rvhlf.h thf sbovs deserlhed propsrty Is to be »A|d is |tL(»; Jo. with lnt*test therein from October t Iff . togethsr with costs and sl lew-ancs. amouniiiig to liftt.OJ. * l t h Interest thereon from October is. :900. and the expense* of th» sMe. The »nproxlm«te »mount of luxe*. »**sss-ment* or olfier Men* which »re (o b* «t lo»ed to ths tiurchftser cut of th> purchase moriSyOr paid hy the fherlff Is I M « snd Interest . -Dated Octo­ber 17. 1*«.

WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County Ol< 3w »As The ab,%ve sal* l« hereby adjourned to December

«ih. lisJO. flt s*me hour end pl*CA.--D»ted Novem­ber «. 1KA

WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kln«* County n? M fA-tu The Above sdle is hereby fnrther adjourned to

loses st ! April 1*. 1&V,, at s«rr|« hour »nd place —Dsted M»rch 2J. If-M.

WtLt . lAM WALTON. PherlfT of Kings County. mhM .tw mAth



i Hopkins Street.

The shove des.-rlbed premises will he sold in four sensrs le psr.-rH. es.-h subject to a f i m mort-gate o( t7.wo.i\> and eccrued Interest and a sec­ond mortgage of li.foo.w »nd aceraed Interesi.

The approximate amount of lien* or cherites to sstle.'y i-hlcli the nWive described property is (0 be sold is $:.M1 r.. <\lth Interest thereon from M.trch I. le"). together with cost* and Allowance. amouMIn*; to tl.'.T.rt. with Interest thereoft from Mfcrch 51, IMI, a n ! the expense* of the »ale>'. Th » AppfoxlmAte Amount of laxe*. tesersment* or olhcr lien* which »re to be allowed to th» nurch*i«cr out of the pnrehAoe money or paid hy the Sheriff I* tl.S8o.Sl And Interest . -Dated March tt, : » 1 .

WILLIAM WALTON, sheriff of King* County. rnhtsiw wAth

S U P R E M E COURT-DANIEL- 15. MOTT. plnlntlff. HK-tlnst ilhnrlclta Moll, defendant (tiliil desired In the County of k ings) . Summons Ac­tion for a divorce—To the nb\>Vt> nRmcrl defend­ant: You are hereby summoned (0 Answer the complaint In thlR action nnd to serve n ropy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service bf this summons. exclusive of the day of service, nnd in esse of your failure to Appear or answer Judsment win be tAken against you by default fCr the relief demanded In the complaint. —Dated* Jftnunry 24. 100J.

JOHN P. McNAMARA. Attorney for I'lMnr.rr. Ofllee and Post ( lllce address, 815 Union street,

Moroup-h of Brooklyn. City of Net* Y>.rk. To Ohnrietln Mr.tt. th" Above named defend­

ant: The foreirolsu: summon* Is Served upon y.ju by publication, pursunht to nn order of the Hon-ornf.te loslnh T. Marean, ft JU»tlco of the Su­preme Ccurt nf ttie .State of N*w • York, dnted the 23d day of Mkrch, (Ml, And filed with the complaint and the other uaperA herein In ihe of-

f ec of the (Merit of the Counly of Klnits. At the lull of Records. Pcr,-,))((h of Rhocklyn. Cltv ()f

New York. 011 Murch 25, 19)1,—Dated City of New York. March 2',, l!>>1

JOHN P. McNAMARA, Attorney for Plaintiff Offlre and Post ("Wire Address. ttTt Union street,

Eovoimh of Brooklyn. City of New York rfihlS.SW m

land. Cincinnati. Dining car, Ti.'lO p. m. PAlty—Buffalo and Cleveland Ex­

press— Arr. Buffalo 7:05, Bradford 7:20, Jamestown ',;00. and Youngatown 10:27 a, m.i Cleveland, 12:20 p. in. Sleeper* to Buffalo and Cleveland. Cafe car.

O t l S p. m. Dally—Solid train for Rlnfhamton. Waverly, E'.mlra, Chicago. Sleeper* to Buffalj , Chicago, Cincinnati Dining c*r.

TICKET OFPICKS AT IU.. 111. ML (01 AND 4;7 BroAdway. Chamber* and West 23d si. ferries. N. Y.: JS3 nnd Sfll Fulton *t., »9 BroadwAy, Brook­lyn. New Vork Transfer Co. calls for and check* bAca-ag" tn desttnathsn. - - - • I . i n i • '. i , M

To Atlantic Clly via Lakewood

Central R. R. of New Jersey SPECIAL EXPRESS

3 HOURS AND 8 MINUTES it now in operation on week days only. Thl* epien-didiy equlpi>cd trAln, composed of pAtlor And new vtntlbuled coaches, and dr**n by hard coal burn­ing, ftlant compound engines, lenves N.*>w York foot Liberty si, e.t 2:10 P. M. nnd South KV>rry J:SS P. M., arflvlng Atlantic City t:i% p. M. l e a v e s Atlantic City 1:20 A. M.. arriving New Yor'.< r.:40 \ . M, *

LEHIGH~VALLEY. Tr»ln« A»t|' c snd depart fmm »t*Mon fool of Foltofi 8t.

1 Dtlly i-irept eunday. Other trtlot duty. I*«T»_tN»M)-i>. , Atrtri B-»Vly». NiCW YORK .-IL'l'ltllMK COLiBT, COUNTY (IP

KlM>M-He,uty '1 run, plalntlft,- against l.n.Un\ Hfivles, Oeoige N. Ciosby, There** 1. Cro»by, hi* wife: Albro J. Newton, John V, Pearson, Alex­ander rcars^n. Edwin C. Hweety, Busseii w \ ( f . Kei, Philander It. JeunlnRS, ttpeneer A Jennlnits f r a n k C Jennlni,'* Rleer C, ('uS;k and A Oardnei Otoper, coni|--,sltiK ihe firm of BrUce A (\v,k de-{cndnnts. Trt.il dnired in the CoUfity nf King*— T(, Ihe above n»me.l def^fidaftt*:'-Tou ure hereby t tummoned to aniwef tht compUInt In this uclion ' . . . . . „ . , ,, and to serve a copy of your f«l«wer upi.n ihs i p.inoi 8t , ,*Court8t ,9S Ilro»dw*y,*ad toot plaintiff* nttcrne>« within twenty tl*y* sfier ths , u---•-•-service of this summons, exclusive Of the ,|rty. „( j *«rvlce. and in rase of your failure l.> ap)» n r „t >

connecting at Bridgeport with trains for New Ha­ven and points on N. Y.. N. H. and H. R. R.


FRENCH LINE. Conipatfnlo Qencrale Trnnsatlantlque.

DIRECT LINK TO H A V R E - P A R I S F r a n c e ) . . i?alllng evcVy Thur*day at 10 A . M .

From l'ler No. 42. North River, foot Morton Ft. I^i OAscoitno...March 2S|La Lorraine April 11 l.ti HretuRnc April 4lL>'AqUltalna April 15 1/n Champagne. . .Apl . llll^a UmK-ogne April 1?

Ueneral Acency, 32 Broadway. New Vork. " 1. L K i m E r l K R A U S a A ROMS, JtTJ Fulton Bt

A. n R R N H B I M , slA BroadwAy,


Cymric..Mar.2(>,lo A. >1. Tcutonlo.. . .Api-li 2, neon Oceanic. . . .Mar. 17, n6on |acrninn!c .Apri l 10, noon

For ras'Htte t ick*U and draft* puyabi* on de­mand everywhere In England, Ir«tand, Hweden, Bcotland and Norway. Apply to V. At ,DRIDOE. (A, Court st, Brooklyn:."» R, BANKS, »S Bro«<l>

answer, judgment will b« taken ag«i.-.«t y,,,, \,t \ ^• : , t ... . A _ default tot t e . t l i s r . k n t n M Inithe compiamt . I W k S t t T b H O f t l S R A I L R O A D . noted New ^ol)<. September t*. isot.

B OfTica

BorOU; To

Th* publication, . WIlllAm D, Dickey, a Justice Of the Court Of the Flste of Nctf York, dat of January, 1W1. and filed with

WAy; N. Ph. HARTMAN. ««» DtKrtlb »v. And II. P, KOCH, 4*. H-v idway. Brooklyn. R. D.

W H I T E ! 8 T A H L I N K . Bier 4V Nnrtly l B v r r . , , Ofnre, l> Broadway. N. 1"

HAMhURO-AMERICAN LINa V l . Y M O U T H ^ H I ^ B Q U R O - - l ! A M f i i ; R O .

A . V I C T O f t l A . , A P n i l . l l j - 1 0 A . M. U E l T 8 c Y l l i A N n . . . . v . . . . A V h l L 1ft. .1 g , M.

^.Tn'.'.'': Ration i^*i,, *rwm %W$Uciim*i?A%l^&%mv?& * 4a J 2 SLACK DIAMOVS' l^V^' nl i V 3 T ApiAMOUTIl-CHERn^LM^^ 1! 45 AM ...pitAOX »IAMO>U BXPB.KS8 . ttft.W f M P , n n , J r t v l l n | f t , , j f 4 N * , J3,Preto)flA April 13

'Bui*»f ia . . . t . . . . A p r i l . «J«Phoieniclft . . . . April 5* •Salia to Hnmnurg AfreAt.

I!*1 r i t l ' n r f f - A r n t ' r . l . t n ^ . B 7 n ' y v n r . N'.. V ,

Canadian Pacific Railway. Intended *\*»m*hlp sAlUnft* from vJnconver.

JAPAN, CHINA AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, KMFBESft OK JAPAN. .Apr i l IU. Jun* 17, Aug. 11 KMPRrtSfl OK CHINA*. . . MAy A. July V Sept i BMPR.Ff* OK INDIA. . . . . .MAy 17, July ti. Oct. ?


1'e.r rates i't nlv ?vt 1irc,*dw*y. Kreit-bt. I B'WAy. ALLAN AN1> S T X T E LIMJH.

Xi.-w Yurk to oinsuiiu', Par<Vn!An..\iAr.f7,io A.M.is. ot N<iifA*K*...April t

cabin, |4o and upward, fiecohd cAbtn, f" ro. Third il*s* ttcke.tA at vefy low rat**

AU8TIN' BALDWIN Jt CO., II B'way, N. t, fit


•• 5 ;

!T6 tub Editor of the Brooklyn E a g l e : v :u<? >if§ ;* Surely, It! la desirable that, as so'oiras i i % ^ . ^ be, "evolution may. become- t»nadipiiB,''';^^i]i^^ the. departinent-of civlo organization, "so4h'at"^|r 4"tf.\jnfuTBegrahinB may De made of Ihe-ijpeai.--:^ "democratization'' of tlvilized society, jfritet- • nationally no less tfaan, •y ihin;'',th«i'"i\at'loifil,1'*;'.Sj!;. groups'; a -beginning "of^'the;:

rdevjeiopfeonif;bity5^ a,,"w6rldrt^emp<^'a,cy^!;i-buiJi iup .of-group> "> within-gfpups "ot"{ow?i meetings.".... vr.-3- ;®

''Sack to the Howii meeting'!" must beotjr m cry—a modern, "Qentiie" version, as it .were, ,U of tho, ancient Jewish, summons, "To ybu>•'••;m tents, oh Israel!" The local group of neigh- r;>3 bor;s' who know each' other! personally, and'•',?£$ so can "size each other up"; the;.'HjU« 'tpw.a ;'f: meeting,' in the. sittings' of, which, .fjre? v & quent and convenient, any member .may" ex-- ;Vr : ercise individual ihltifit,lve,.. submit Jn'i|tfii^ VmptioBS" and his notions, make yhis. pro- ^ , tes|s, meet face to; face <and, compWe y/ith •' 1 one anothefj' the rival would-bd hojdors of •<-his "proxy" in, politiosr-this, I say, must 1)6 . the unit "cell" of all. our social UssueB; thf» •. % brick of all our civic building, the root bed j|g of all governmental authority, the cradle of ffii all rulers, the primary school from which, is all must "graduate" who are to be promoted * into higher grades of political "functioning.1* s;>

And then?, Why, then, "federate"--all(tha •£% way up! Federate."town""group8, into bdrr^.i& oughs, boroughs into counties, counties into states.v states into nations, and—yes! and nations into "the federation of the world," :: the qommonwealth of civilized mankind, ''.the y|fj world's democracy.'.'. To stOR .short of that | is to leave the keystone out of the arc$,' to # build, on the quicksands, to dwell., by.^the fm orator of .Vesuvius.' If, Internationally, lynch law and anarchy are to run riot, unexorolsed :;> by "law," sense, morality, or religion, then; our local, intra-natlonal weaving of indtistfjr and order and progress, must ever, from time to time, be torn Into shreds by scythes of the war chariots: our delicate, ("provincial"?) shoots and seedlings of love:and freedom and civilization be "scalded dead" by the ' overbolllngs of the noisome "witches' caul- v S dron" of^'pollcy," "diplomacy" and wart 3 Commerce and literature, the locomotive and ;::; the tolegraph have wiped out once, for nil ' ^ \Vhat-. little reality there ever WM in', the V lines which divided "nations." The "com-V^| mon people" hayo a "common" . interest IB /4fl peace, and liberty,'and co-operation.' . Iti'4 .ft Carlylo's words: "Have theso men any• quelN.'.'.:£ rel'f Busy as the devil is—none!" They can; V i organize, if thoy choose, and, organized,. :-;^ they can have popular self-government IB >J every sphere. The "Parliament of Man," the crowning capstone of the glorious pyramid A of organized society, can be put and kopt in m place. If only all is "broad-based upon the people's will," and the great mass is not a ' 3 mero heap, but a structure, of orderly, layer "; upon layer—"town meetings" at the base; ~;5 then "borough" organizations (each co-or* 'Im dinatlng a number of the primary groups), then "counties," then "states," then. "na* tlons" and then—tho cosmopolitan "govern­ment," the flower and climax of alj.

A "voluntary," unofficial "qrdor," or YM brotherhood, can and should be founded to/ i develop experimentally a truly "democratic"/ 1 polity, and to marshal and discipline men for '•; the coming ofllclal "World's Do'mo6i>Aoyi,, ^? Incidentally this unofficial Rospublica IB W£ Imperta might carry on a system of "mutual ' assurance" agAlnst destitution,

Such an order, Indeed, was born with the %? twentieth century, a "resolution" to found .';m tho same having-been formally adopted OB' s-the very atrolto of the clock which ushered ? s In the first Instant of the present year. It $m Is proposed to proceed with the organization of neighborhood groups as rapidly as prac- ?j tlcable.. .

If any reador Is Interested, I beg him or. her m to write to me (P. 0. Box 2,6«9, Ntfw York) f^ and to cut this out for future reference, as the subject may be further developed.

CHARLES FREDERIC ADAMS. ifi 866 HAlsey Atrrct, Brooklyn, March .14, l&Ot

11.15 r ii.Maueii C-'btm^ And irttleton l.octl.tu.fli A H t*.4% t> M WIlltet-IHnj Mid Scranton Kxrrn* t . 0 FH f l t J r v KAMoa L f At..,-,.." 4 » ) i ' V

. . . . .Oen«<V*n'l tt«AeAT/OCsl. •>. T».» TH 3.H t> MChies»ns«( | t«orto VeMlhrtl' K*f>. ' » ' " >' X ; . n r M ..-..RxrontTioN KXTBICM.. . . j - S A > ' R.4) 1- it Iti.aee, Buffalo A TTcMiern Exrir«»« » 30 J. M Tle'<«u »nt rnllm»n #rfomm'><lftt'oh« *» «"*W «AilJJ'o niton St., • Court 8t.,Wlrre»<lw*)r,*9<l foot t niton S t , Vess'v'oVls Tr*B«f«r Co. wilt'cMl for aed f her* b»»e*W.

of the Ku|>r«rti« t i n s P.M. It) Vot ll«<I«oti Blver iwlnt* to AUiany. »Ale<l the n.\ <\ny >ti\i V M , ~ V o f BOt-b.. BuffAlu. v !«>«. A Cbieag.,. the rftrnflnint in »i:oa r - M . - F o r Booh., . Buffal^lVtrott * St.Lout*

DR. MYB1VS I N MANHATTAN. The Rev. Dr. Cortland Myers, pastor of the .

Baptist Teaple, Third avonuo and BchormAr* horn street, praaehed morning and evening yesterday. In tho Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, ManhAtian. HI* subject In , the morning was "Conscience tho King of trie Soul." Ho said In the course of a strong seif* \ '& mon: "Every sin has Its avenging angel, and i t n e v e r d e s e r t s i t s duty . Men nUciu.nl t » bury crime, hut no grave, t* de*p enough. Conscience nevsr die's. Loyally to conieltnce u the only foundation upon which character or mahood can bo erected. If the other Avid upper stories are beAUtlfut, sham in the hidden foundation will, work ultimate ruin. To bo a mRn"lA to despise all efforts to,si­lence the voice of Cod by failure to obey, AU happiness comes through one .channel snd thftt t». the freaco which flows through the deepest part of life, thr. peace of oon*cl<noe. Peiye with. myself, with my record, wltn my Cod."

. ;

L^^_k^t^. ^ v r . ^ f c . C-::<.:i -~*-—' • i^ljUUfmm . . . . . .a . . .^;^. , ,^ . ,^^. . : , . .^ . '••• - ' - - ' • ' — • • • • • — • • ' — ' - J - - J ^ ^ - M J ^ ^ » A ;-, •• , .-±-:t:*ii.*,lkL-t£j*^;


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