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Old School Is The New School - 3 Ideas To Grow Your Startup

Date post: 28-Jan-2018
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As marketers, we focus on numbers…





What really gets us going though is when we see some pretty inventive ways to grow startups that include

old-school techniques – ideas that some may think have passed their prime.


At SparkPage, we focus on helping companies get users activated and

onboarded quickly. What’s fun for us is to look outside of what we do to learn

for ourselves and help our client.


We asked what we could learn from companies that have taken the plunge of going outside of the norm and focus on the business of growth rather than the technology tools. In doing this, we

discovered three intriguing startups that have very interesting stories to tell.



Our first story begins with a gaming network…


Game Point has been around for 20 years so they know their stuff

But even they struggle with re-engaging users who have

dropped off the gaming network.


Email worked…

Up to a point. Their reactivation success rate was 6.5%. Okay, but the

team knew they could do better.


Analyzing their data, the team

found 1,000 high-paying customers who had stopped

playing. Great for a win-back campaign

but email just didn’t feel right.


So the team decided to go old-school and send these 1,000 customers a

card… A Valentines Day card.


When recipients opened the card, they discovered that Game Point missed and wanted them back. Game Point even included a monetary gift that had been added to recipients Game Point account.


ResultsOut of 1,000 players receiving the Valentine’s Day card, 289 were back on the site within the first day. By the end of the weekend campaign, there were 400 users of the original 1,000.

41% conversion rate



It’s always good to keep experimenting with new channels…

Here at SparkPage, we see mobile apps using our service who only leverage push and never email or the other way around.

Some of our clients use SMS in their onboarding activities



It’s always good to keep experimenting with new channels…

These companies are getting huge wins from experimenting (something super simple to do with our A/B testing feature, if you’re wondering). And sometimes, different

channels especially old school ones, can get you some pretty great results.



Story two disrupted a 400-year-old industry using a lifecycle

marketing approach…


Hailo is a smartphone ride-hailing app specific to taxis.

Since the app was specifically designed to focus on connecting

passengers with drivers, the Hailo folks knew they needed to

create instant demand.


The Hailo team looked at the most important piece of the Hailo pie; the

drivers themselves. Drivers received a unique “Cabbie Code” to get the

word out to passengers.


Using the “Cabbie Code”, customers

received credit toward their first

trip and drivers received a bonus.


ResultsBy the end of 2013, Hailo was London’s number one taxi app. Every six seconds, a passenger was using Hailo taxi which translated into the top rated taxi app on iTunes and Andriod stores.

#1 taxi app



Disrupting what’s always been done isn’t a bad thing…

Take lifecycle marketing, for instance. Even though studies show that lifecycle marketing campaigns generate as much as nine times greater results, few marketers are use it.

At SparkPage, we help clients take advantage of this customer-oriented

strategy based on the idea of delivering the right message at the right time.


Disrupting what’s always been done isn’t a bad thing…

It’s really about taking a step back and thinking about HOW your user is experiencing and interacting with your service.

In that way, you can see the opportunities for well-

timed interventions – like a behavior-triggered email.



The last story – is a love story of sorts…


We all know Tinder.

But would you believe that their initial success came from

what we would call “traditional” marketing



It’s true.

One of Tinder’s co-founders visited universities around the U.S. with the

goal of gaining traction and initial users through sororities and fraternities.


Visiting a dozen universities illustrating the location paring feature, Tinder had

moved from 5,000 initial users to 15,000 onboarded users in just one weekend.


ResultsWord spread like wildfire through the university ecosystem and eventually moved into the mainstream with nearly 24 million users in just two short years.

In just a few days of hard selling



In order to grow you must be able to take chances…

Otherwise, you will remain exactly where you’ve been.

Take user onboarding. A poor onboarding experience makes every part of a company

work harder while removing bottlenecks helps you flourish.


In order to grow you must be able to take chances…

That’s why we provide solutions that empower you to do what’s best for your users based on what they do.

First impressions are everything in the app game. Make sure you understand

your user base and then select solutions that will help

you achieve success.



Lessons learned…

Ingenuity thrives and we encourage you to take these three case studies as a source of inspiration

Of course, digital channels work amazingly well for companies, but thinking outside the box and venturing into something different could be just

the push to get you on the way to 1 million users.

